Rooming'it - Room management software
Nouveau : le logiciel de Gestion de Salles Rooming'it existe maintenant également en anglais.
Pour en savoir plus : http://www.audentia-gestion.fr/index_fichiers/roomingiten...
Rooming’it is a room management software suitable for any company dealing with scheduling: events, meetings, conferences, performances, receptions or working/training sessions...
· Rooming’it helps you manage and set up your room scheduling and layout (furniture, resources, facilities, etc.)
· Rooming’it offers draggable graphical elements for facilities or people placement in a room.
· Rooming’it includes networking fonctionalities for an easy sharing of plannings and information within the office and over Internet.
· Rooming’it offers security levels so you can control for each user who has access to view, edit, add and delete schedule information.
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