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Finding The Right Bank Partner In The FinTech or Bitcoin Industry

"There are many parallels to be drawn between the worlds of Bitcoin and FinTech.  In fact, Bitcoin is its own form of FinTech and there are quite a few things both industries can learn from one another.  Finding the perfect bank partner, for example, is a struggle experts in either industry are all too familiar with.  There is a silver lining, however, as there are some steps companies can take to smooth the process.

A Bank Partner Is A Means of LearningDigitalMoneyTimes_Bank Partner

From an onlooker point of view, forging a partnership with financial institutions may seem like an end-goal for companies active in either FinTechor Bitcoin.  Nothing..."


Lire la suite : http://digitalmoneytimes.com/finding-the-right-bank-partner-in-the-fintech-or-bitcoin-industry/

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