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Could Co-Working Help Improve The Rural Banking Experience?

"My mother and father like the internet as much as the next person and enjoy surfing around, looking things up, reading the news, watching old music videos on Youtube as well as researching their next holiday.

However, they have never and won’t do any of their banking online. Moreover, they seldom buy anything online as they are worried about the security of it all.

Despite the extra effort involved, they prefer to do their banking in their local branch, which is a few miles away in a local town as they live in a semi-rural area.

Now, my parents..."

En savoir plus : http://www.forbes.com/sites/adrianswinscoe/2016/01/03/could-co-working-help-improve-the-rural-banking-experience/?utm_content=buffer57778&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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