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Sun Fire™ V60x Compute Grid
Rack System Installation Guide
Part No. 817-3072-10
October 2003, Revision APlease
Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
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1. Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 1
Installation Quick Path 1
Hardware Components Overview 3
Sun Rack 900 4
Network Switches 4
Terminal Server 5
Cluster Grid Manager Node 5
Grid Master Node 6
Compute Nodes 6
Keyboard, Video, Mouse Unit 6
Cabling Information 7
Single-Rack System 8
Multiple-Rack System 9
Installing the System Hardware 10
Powering On the System 12
Adding or Replacing Hardware Components 13
Tools Required 13
Replacing Sun Rack Parts 13
Adding or Replacing a Sun Fire V60x Node 14
Replacing a CGM Node 14
Replacing a Grid Master Node or Compute Node 14
Adding or Replacing a Network Switch 14iv Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • September 2003
2. Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 15
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Software Components Overview 16
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System 17
Cluster Grid Manager Software 17
Sun Control Station Software 17
AllStart Module 19
Grid Engine Module 19
Setting Up the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Software 21
Information Required For Software Setup 21
Logging In and Setting Up the System Identity 23
Using the AllStart Module to Deploy Software 27
Creating AllStart Distributions 28
Creating AllStart Payloads 30
Creating AllStart Profiles 33
Creating and Enabling Clients 41
Defining Network Service Settings 47
Deploying Software Payloads to Compute Nodes 49
Adding Compute Nodes as SCS Managed Hosts 50
Configuring the Grid Engine Module 53
Deploying the Sun ONE Grid Engine Software 53
Monitoring Compute Grid Tasks 57
Uninstalling Sun ONE Grid Engine Software 58
A. Product Specifications 61
Power Specifications 61
Physical Dimensions 62
Environmental Requirements 63v
This guide contains instructions for installing the Sun Fire™ V60x Compute Grid
rack system hardware and for setting up and deploying the system software. This
guide also provides overview information about the system and references to more
detailed documentation for the system hardware and software components.
How This Book Is Organized
The information in this guide is organized into the following chapters and
Chapter 1 provides hardware overview and installation instructions, including
diagrams of the system cabling and components.
Chapter 2 provides software overview information, and instructions for
deploying and setting up software.
Appendix A provides product specifications, including environmental
requirements, for Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Typographic Conventions
Related Documentation
The following table lists the documentation set that is shipped with your Sun Fire
V60x Compute Grid rack system. Documentation that contains detailed information
about using and servicing the system hardware and software components after
installation are included with the system as a supplement to this installation guide.
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
Edit your.login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
AaBbCc123 What you type, when contrasted
with on-screen computer output
% su
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Component Title Part Number
Sun Fire V60x Compute
Grid rack system
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System
Installation Guide
Sun Fire V60x Compute
Grid rack system
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System
Release Notes
Sun Rack 900 Sun Rack Unpacking Instructions 816-6385
Sun Rack 900 Sun Rack Installation Guide 816-6386
Sun Rack 900 Sun Rack Service Manual 816-6387
Sun Rack 900 Sun Rack safety and Regulatory
Compliance Information
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Operating System Installation Guide
817-1956Preface vii
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Release Notes
Sun Fire V60x Important Safety Information for Sun
Hardware Systems
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Warranty Card
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Registration Card
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Binary Code License
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Safety and Compliance Guide
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Documentation CD, includes the
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
User Guide
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Troubleshooting Guide
Sun Fire V60x Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Server Management Guide
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0 Software CD,
includes the following documentation:
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0 Administration
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, Software
Management Module
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, Health
Monitoring Module
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, Performance
Monitoring Module
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, Inventory Module 817-3608
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, Lights-Out
Management Module
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, AllStart Module 817-3605
Sun Control Station
Sun Control Station 2.0, Grid Engine
Component Title Part Numberviii Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Sun ONE Grid Engine,
Enterprise Edition software
Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition 5.3
Administration and User’s Guide
Sun ONE Grid Engine,
Enterprise Edition software
Sun Grid Engine 5.3 and Sun Grid
Engine, Enterprise Edition 5.3 Reference
Sun ONE Grid Engine,
Enterprise Edition software
Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition 5.3
Release Notes
Sun ONE Grid Engine,
Enterprise Edition software
Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition 5.3
Basics of Administration
Third-party network
Documents supplied from network
switch vendor
Third-party terminal server Documents supplied from terminal
server vendor
Third party keyboard,
video, mouse (KVM) unit
Documents supplied from KVM unit
Component Title Part NumberPreface ix
Accessing Sun Documentation
In addition to the hard-copies and CDs that are shipped with your system, you can
view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation, including localized
versions, at:
You can search for the documentation by the titles or part numbers listed in “Related
Documentation” on page vi.
Contacting Sun Technical Support
If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this
document, go to:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide, part number 817-3072-10x Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 20031
C H A P T E R 1
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack
System Hardware Overview and
The Sun Fire™ V60x Compute Grid rack system is shipped to your site fully
assembled and cabled. This chapter is intended to familiarize you with the hardware
in your Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid, and to provide installation and power-on
instructions for the hardware.
The information in this chapter is organized into the following sections.
“Installation Quick Path” on page 1
“Hardware Components Overview” on page 3
“Cabling Information” on page 7
“Installing the System Hardware” on page 10
“Powering On the System” on page 12
“Adding or Replacing Hardware Components” on page 13
Installation Quick Path
This guide provides important overview and reference information, as well as
procedures for an initial installation. The following diagram indicates the high-level
steps for installing the system and provides pointers to that information in this guide.2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 1-1 Installation Quick Path Flowchart
Verify site-planning
requirements are met.
Unpack and position
the system.
Check preinstalled
cable connections.
Connect the system to
power and Ethernet.
Power on the system.
Configure an identity
for the terminal server
and Cluster Grid
Manager node.
Deploy software to the
compute nodes.
Deploy Sun Grid
Engine software, and
define master and
execution hosts.
See “Environmental Requirements” on page 63.
See “Installing the System Hardware” on page 10.
See “Cabling Information” on page 7.
See “Installing the System Hardware” on page 10.
See “Powering On the System” on page 12.
See “Logging In and Setting Up the System Identity”
on page 23.
See “Using the AllStart Module to Deploy Software”
on page 27.
See “Configuring the Grid Engine Module” on
page 53.
Add client nodes as
Sun Control Station
managed hosts.
See “Adding Compute Nodes as SCS Managed
Hosts” on page 50.Chapter 1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 3
Hardware Components Overview
FIGURE 1-2 shows the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid front and rear views. The front and
rear doors are not shown. Components of the system are described in the sections that
follow. For a cabling diagram, see “Cabling Information” on page 7.
FIGURE 1-2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Front and Rear Views
Sun Rack 900
Network switches (2)
Terminal server
Cluster Grid
Manager node
Keyboard, video,
mouse unit
(default position 23)
Front filler panel
Power switches
(4 switches in 2
power sequencers)
Front view Rear view
Power inlets (4)
with front label,
“Sun Fire CGM”4 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Sun Rack 900
All of the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid components and cabling are preinstalled in a
Sun™ Rack 900. This rack is equipped with front and rear doors, and side covers.
All Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid cables are precut, routed, and terminated in
locations that provide minimal excess cable without impeding component access or
The Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid is equipped with a full configuration of power
distribution units and power sequencer units, which provide sufficient power outlets
to cable all installed nodes. Each node has a separate 110/220 VAC power cord. The
power cords are routed from the rear, with side-mounted outlet strips to minimize
the impact on rear access to the components in the rack. There is minimal increase in
load during rack power-on because all nodes are sequenced on in turn, minimizing
the amplitude of power-on current spikes.
Note – The four power cords that connect each rack to the AC outlets at your site
must be ordered separately so that the correct connectors for your location are
For more detailed information about the Sun Rack 900, refer to the Sun Rack
documentation set that is shipped with your Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid.
Network Switches
The Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid uses two 24-port Gigabit Ethernet switches to
communicate with the network. Each of the Sun Fire V60x nodes is connected from
its Eth1 port to a switch port using a Cat 5 Ethernet cable. You can optionally
dedicate up to four of each switch’s ports to fiber-optic gigabit interface converters
The two network switches in each rack are interconnected with preinstalled, 1.8-feet
(.5-meter), 32-Gbps stacking cables connected to their stacking ports. Each network
switch has two stacking ports on its rear panel (the rear panel of the network switch
faces the front of the system rack). When you order a system with multiple racks, the
network switches must be interconnected across the racks. You can order 9.8-feet
(3-meter) stacking cables for this purpose. See “Multiple-Rack System” on page 9 for
more information.
For more detailed information about the network switches, refer to the third-party
switch documentation that is shipped with your Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid.Chapter 1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 5
Terminal Server
All nodes in the rack and the network switches are connected via their serial console
ports to a 48-port terminal server. The terminal server ports use consistent RJ-45
serial port wiring standards.
The terminal server can then be used to perform individual configuration functions
remotely, if this is necessary. The terminal server provides normal Telnet access to a
serial port using the telnet IP-address port-number protocol.
For more detailed information about the terminal server, refer to the third-party
terminal server documentation that is shipped with your Sun Fire V60x Compute
The terminal server ports are assigned Telnet port numbers at the factory. TABLE 1-1
describes the port allocations.
Cluster Grid Manager Node
One node in the system, called the Cluster Grid Manager (CGM) node, acts as a
deployment and management host. After it is configured and given an identity by
your system administrator, the CGM node deploys software and monitors system
activities for the entire compute grid. In addition, it monitors the status of the grid
jobs by communicating with the grid master node.
The CGM node is pre-installed with the operating system and Cluster Grid Manager
software modules that enable the CGM node to act as the management host. For
more detailed information about the system software components, see “Sun Fire
V60x Compute Grid Software Components Overview” on page 16.
Note – The CGM node is identifiable by a label on the front bezel that is marked,
“Sun Fire CGM.”
TABLE 1-1 Terminal Server Port Allocations
Port Number Device Telnet Port Number
34 Network switch console 7034
33 Cluster Grid Manager node 7033
32 to 1 Compute nodes 7032 to 70016 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Grid Master Node
Your system administrator designates one node in the system to be the grid master
node. This can be any node in the system other than the CGM node, because it is a
dedicated management node rather than a managed host. All grid processes interact
through this node, which typically acts as the queue master responsible for
distributing jobs to the grid compute nodes.
If you install multiple rack configurations, no additional grid master nodes are
needed; the grid master node of the first rack manages all subsequent racks.
Compute Nodes
The grid compute nodes act as slave nodes to the grid master node. The compute
nodes accept tasks from the grid master node, process them to completion, then pass
the results back to the grid master node for accumulation.
The number of compute nodes in the rack can be configured when the system is
ordered. A fully configured rack can contain 32 compute nodes, including the grid
master node. The minimum number of grid compute nodes that are supported is 2
and the maximum number is 128 (in 4 racks).
Keyboard, Video, Mouse Unit
A keyboard, video monitor, and mouse (KVM) unit is included in the rack system
and is precabled to the CGM node. This KVM is used for the initial configuration
process by which the CGM node is configured with an IP address. After the initial
configuration, the CGM node can be accessed through a remote serial connection to
the terminal server.Chapter 1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 7
Cabling Information
The Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid is shipped with all required cables already
installed, routed, and connected in a cable harness assembly.
The cables are labelled to make it easy to reconnect them if any come loose during
shipping, or if components are subsequently replaced. Each cable-end is labeled with
the device and port that it should connect to. For example, an Ethernet cable that
connects Sun Fire V60x node #1 to network switch number one would have one end
labeled, “V60x_1 eth0,” and the other end labeled, “Switch1 1.”
Serial cables used for terminal server connections are RJ-45 to RJ-45 rollover cables
(8-core, Cat 5 type Ethernet). Network cables used for network switch connections
are RJ-45 to RJ-45 straight cables (8-core, Cat 5/5e type Ethernet). See TABLE 1-2 for
the wiring specifications for the two types of cables.
TABLE 1-2 Cable Wiring Specifications
Serial Cable Pins (Rollover) Network Cable Pins (Straight)
End A Pin End B Pin End A Pin End B Pin
1 8 1 1
2 7 2 2
3 6 3 3
4 5 4 4
5 4 5 5
6 3 6 6
7 2 7 7
8 1 8 88 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Single-Rack System
The diagram in FIGURE 1-3 shows how the components of a system are interconnected.
FIGURE 1-3 Single-Rack Cabling Diagram, Rear View
To Telnet connection
from terminal server
To Ethernet connection
from interconnected
KVM unit
connected to
CGM node
connection from
nodes to
from nodes to
AC power inputs (4)
network switches
KVM unit
CGM nodeChapter 1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 9
Multiple-Rack System
The two network switches in each rack are interconnected with preinstalled, 1.8-feet
(.5-meter), 32-Gbps stacking cables connected to their stacking ports. Each network
switch has two stacking ports on its rear panel (the rear panel of the network switch
faces the front of the system rack). Refer to the network switch documentation that is
shipped with your system for more information about switch stacking.
When you order a system with multiple racks, the network switches must be
interconnected across the racks. You can order 9.8-feet (3-meter) stacking cables for
this purpose.
The diagram in FIGURE 1-4 represents a system with four fully-populated racks and a
suggested stacking-cable configuration. The network switches and their stacking
ports are represented. This configuration would enable interconnection of the data in
all racks and enable an aggregated uplink to the network from the base rack.
FIGURE 1-4 Multiple-Rack Cabling Diagram
Aggregated uplink
to network
Rack 1
(base rack)
Rack 2
(expansion rack)
Rack 3
(expansion rack)
Rack 4
(expansion rack)
CGM node
KVM unit
Switch-stacking interconnects
with 32-Gbps bandwidth10 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Installing the System Hardware
The installation site must meet specified requirements, which are described during
the sales process with your organization. For reference, the environmental
requirements are described in Appendix A.
1. Verify that your installation site complies with the environmental specifications as
described in Appendix A.
Site-planning specifications are discussed as a part of the sales process, but are
included in this guide for reference and verification.
2. Unpack each system rack from its shipping carton and position it at the
installation location.
Refer to the “Sun Rack Unpacking Instructions” (816-6385), which is shipped with
your system.
3. Mount each system rack, level the rack feet, and install the anti-tilt bar to the rack
as desired.
Refer to the “Sun Rack Installation Guide” (816-6386), which is shipped with your
4. Check that all preinstalled cable connections between system components are
firmly connected.
The cables are labelled to make it easy to reconnect them if any come loose during
shipping, or if components are subsequently replaced. Each cable-end is labeled with
the device and port that it should connect to. For example, an Ethernet cable that
connects Sun Fire V60x node #1 to network switch number one would have one end
labeled, “V60x_1 eth0,” and the other end labeled, “Switch1 1.”
5. Connect each system rack to four power outlets at your installation site, as
The system rack’s power distribution system consists of four inputs (two sets of two:
AC_Grid_0 and AC_Grid_1), two power sequencers (A and B), two power strips,
and connecting cables. See FIGURE 1-5 for a diagram.
Each power input to the rack should be connected to a dedicated 20 Amp (North
America) or 16 Amp (International) branch circuit. Individual outlets are grouped
into sets of four.
Each individual rack outlet has a maximum current rating of 10 Amps. However,
each outlet group has a maximum current rating of 10 Amps also. In other words,
the total current for a group of four outlets cannot exceed 10 Amps.Chapter 1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 11
FIGURE 1-5 Sun Rack 900 Power Distribution System Diagram
a. Turn off the power to the branch circuits that will supply power to the system.
b. Make sure both power sequencers in the rack are switched off.
c. Connect one end of each of the provided power cables to a branch circuit.
d. Connect the other end of each power cable to the rack’s power input panel.
6. Connect the system to the network by connecting an Ethernet cable at your site to
the system’s network switch.
Note – If you are installing expansion racks in addition to the base system rack,
connect the base system (the rack with the CGM node) to the network and connect
the expansion racks to the base system rack as shown in FIGURE 1-4.
INPUT_B012 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Powering On the System
1. Power on the system rack as follows.
a. Turn on power to the rack by switching on your site’s branch circuits.
b. Turn on the four power sequencer switches on the front-right side of the rack.
The Power On indicator lights on both power sequencers should light.
The Power On indicator lights on both power strips should light.
Power is automatically applied to the terminal server, network switch, and KVM
2. Verify that the power is on in the network switches, terminal server, and KVM
It can take about a minute for the power indicator LEDs on the components to light.
3. Power on the CGM node, which is identifiable by its “Sun Fire CGM” label.
a. If the front bezel is attached to the node, remove it by grasping the finger-hole
at the left side of the bezel and swinging it open to the right until it
b. Press and release the power button on the right-front of the node. See
FIGURE 1-6 for the location of the power button.
Note – If you are performing an initial installation, do not power on the other nodes
of the system at this time.
FIGURE 1-6 Sun Fire V60x Server Power and Reset Button Locations
Power/Sleep button
Reset buttonChapter 1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Hardware Overview and Installation 13
4. Power on any expansion racks by repeating Step 1 and Step 3 for each expansion
Note – If you are performing an initial installation, do not power on the other nodes
in the expansion racks at this time.
5. To continue with installation, go to “Setting Up the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid
Software” on page 21.
Adding or Replacing Hardware
You can order the following hardware component options and add them to the
system after the initial installation:
Sun Fire V60x node
Network switches
Tools Required
The tools that are needed to add or replace Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid
components in the rack are listed here:
Phillips-head screwdriver #1, used for attaching rack-mount kits
Phillips-head screwdriver #2, used for slide-rail securing screws
Replacing Sun Rack Parts
The Sun Rack Service Manual (816-6387) contains troubleshooting procedures, and
removal and replacement procedures for the following rack parts:
Power sequencers
Power strips
Cable harnesses
Top panel
The Sun Rack Service Manual is shipped with your system and is also available online
at the following URL:
http:\\docs.sun.com14 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Adding or Replacing a Sun Fire V60x Node
The software configuration tasks required when adding or replacing a node differ,
depending on how the node will be used in the system. Use the procedure listed
here that is appropriate.
“Replacing a CGM Node” on page 14
“Replacing a Grid Master Node or Compute Node” on page 14
Replacing a CGM Node
If you replace a CGM node, you must reload all of the software that was preloaded
on the original node at the factory.
If you need to replace a Sun Fire V60x node or a component inside the Sun Fire V60x
node that acts as your CGM node, refer to the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server
Troubleshooting Guide and the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server User Guide,
which are included on the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Documentation CD
(shipped with your system). These guides include instructions for removing and
replacing Sun Fire V60x nodes in a Sun Rack 900, and for replacing internal node
After you have replaced the node or node component, reload the operating system
and Cluster Grid Manager software using the procedures in the Sun Fire V60x
Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes (817-3074).
Replacing a Grid Master Node or Compute Node
If you need to replace a Sun Fire V60x node or a component inside the Sun Fire V60x
node that acts as your grid master node, refer to the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x
Server Troubleshooting Guide and the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server User
Guide, which are included on the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Documentation
CD (shipped with your system).
After you have replaced the node or node component, you must use the Sun Control
Station software on the CGM node to redefine the replacement node as a managed
host, and as either the grid engine master host or as an execution host. Refer to the
Sun Control Station 2.0 Administration Manual, which is included on the Sun Control
Station 2.0 Software CD (shipped with your system), and “Configuring the Grid
Engine Module” on page 53.
Adding or Replacing a Network Switch
If you need to replace a network switch, refer to the instructions that are shipped
with the replacement switch for installation and configuration instructions.15
C H A P T E R 2
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack
System Software Overview and
The Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid rack system is shipped with operating system and
grid management software preinstalled to the Cluster Grid Manager (CGM) node.
The grid master node and compute nodes are not shipped with preinstalled
This chapter contains overview information and procedures for performing an initial
setup and basic configuration of the system software components. The procedure for
deploying the operating system to the grid master node and grid compute nodes is
also included.
The information in this chapter is organized into the following sections.
“Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Software Components Overview” on page 16
“Setting Up the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Software” on page 21
“Information Required For Software Setup” on page 21
“Logging In and Setting Up the System Identity” on page 23
“Using the AllStart Module to Deploy Software” on page 27
“Adding Compute Nodes as SCS Managed Hosts” on page 50
“Configuring the Grid Engine Module” on page 5316 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Software
Components Overview
The following diagram represents the software components that are preinstalled on
the CGM node and how they are related. The sections that follow give brief
descriptions of the components that are labeled in the diagram.
FIGURE 2-1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Software Components
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (Enterprise Server Edition)
Sun Control Station
Cluster Grid Manager
Installation and Setup Tools
Sun Control Station AllStart module
Sun Fire V60x Ethernet and SCSI Drivers
Sun Control Station standard modules:
Software Management, Health Monitoring,
Performance Monitoring, Inventory,
Lights-Out Management
Sun ONE Grid Engine,
Monitoring/Deployment Tools
Sun Control Station Grid Engine module
Sun Control Station
Enterprise EditionChapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 17
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Enterprise Server Edition) is the Linux operating system
that is preinstalled on the CGM node of the system.
For detailed information about administering and customizing Linux operating
system software, refer to the manual that was shipped with your Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 2.1 media kit.
Cluster Grid Manager Software
As shown in FIGURE 2-1, the Cluster Grid Manager software is comprised of several
components that supplement each other to enable you to install, set up, and monitor
activities on your Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid.
Sun Control Station and its standard control modules, plus the AllStart module and
the Grid Engine module, comprise the Cluster Grid Manager interface that you use
to administer your Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid. See FIGURE 2-2 for a sample Cluster
Grid Manager main window.
You access the Cluster Grid manager main window by using a browser to go to the
IP address of your CGM node (for example, http:\\n.n.n.n, where n.n.n.n is the IP
address of your CGM node). Instructions for setting up the CGM node so that it can
be correctly accessed are described in “Logging In and Setting Up the System
Identity” on page 23.
Documentation for the Cluster Grid manager software components can be accessed
with the Help button, which is the button with the question mark (?), in the upperright corner (see FIGURE 2-2).
Sun Control Station Software
Sun Control Station (SCS) is a server management and monitoring tool. Software
control modules that are included with your system are easily accessed and controlled
through the Cluster Grid Manager main window.
There is both a server-side component and a client-side component for SCS.
The server-side component consists of two parts: A core framework that is the
engine for executing control modules, and the built-in control modules
themselves. This server-side component can be installed on any x86-based server
running a qualified Linux operating system.
The client-side component, known as an agent, can run on both Linux and Solaris
platforms.18 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
The standard control modules that are shipped with Sun Control Station are listed
and described briefly here. All modules are accessed from the left-side panel in the
Cluster Grid Manager main window (see an example in FIGURE 2-2).
For detailed information about SCS software and the standard control modules that
are integrated with it, refer to the Sun Control Station Administration Manual, (817-
3603). This manual and those for the control modules are accessed by clicking the
Help button on the Cluster Grid Manager main window.
Software Management module
This module enables you to manage software package files on your system. For
example, you can view, download, and upload package files, view lists of
required package files, and install and publish package files. See Sun Control
Station Software Management Module (817-3611), which you can access with the
Cluster Grid Manager Help button.
Health Monitoring module
This module enables you to monitor the health status of your managed hosts
according to parameters that you define. You can retrieve and view health-status
data, verify network communication, and configure the parameters for health
monitoring, including email alerts for critical system events. See Sun Control
Station Health Monitoring Module (817-3607), which you can access with the
Cluster Grid Manager Help button.
Performance Monitoring module
This module enables you to view the performance of your managed hosts
according to various parameters. You can view and update performance data for
a host or group of hosts. See Sun Control Station Performance Monitoring Module
(817-3610), which you can access with the Cluster Grid Manager Help button.
Inventory Module
This module enables you to keep track of the hardware components in your
system. You can view and update a summary inventory of the hardware
components in a host or group of hosts. See Sun Control Station Inventory Module
(817-3608), which you can access with the Cluster Grid Manager Help button.
Lights-Out Management module
This module enables you to remotely perform certain management functions. For
example, this module enables you to remotely power on and power off a host,
perform a hardware reset, illuminate an LED for host identification, and view
sensor data and the system event log. See Sun Control Station Lights-Out
Management Module (817-3609), which you can access with the Cluster Grid
Manager Help button.
Note – Refer to the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes for a list of
supported browsers and Java™ plug-ins for viewing SCS software.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 19
AllStart Module
The AllStart module facilitates the installation of operating system software to the
system nodes. This module integrates the KickStart utility of Linux. You can access
the AllStart module through the Cluster Grid Manager main window.
See Sun Control Station AllStart Module (817-3605), which you can access with the
Cluster Grid Manager Help button.
The AllStart control module provides a common user interface for creating operating
system software payloads, defining client profiles, and deploying the software
payloads to the clients.
This module enables you to:
Select the distributions of operating systems to load onto a host
Select driver files to load onto a host
Create customized payloads made up of files and OS distributions
Create profiles containing client configuration information
Add client hosts on which the payloads and profiles are loaded, by using the
Media Access Layer (MAC) address of the host
Note – You can determine the MAC address for any node in the system by referring
to the file, /usr/mgmt/diag/check.out, which is installed on your CGM node.
The MAC addresses are listed by the node numbers that are assigned at the factory.
The node numbers can be determined by the labels that are affixed to each node.
Grid Engine Module
The Grid Engine module is integrated with Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise
Edition (S1GEEE) software. The Grid Engine module deploys the S1GEEE software
to the grid master node, which you can designate as the S1GEEE master host, and to
the grid compute nodes, which you can designate as S1GEEE execution hosts.
You can access the Grid Engine module and its functions through the Cluster Grid
Manager main window. For basic instructions on using the Grid Engine module,
refer to “Configuring the Grid Engine Module” on page 53. For more detailed
information about the Grid Engine module, you can access the document, Sun
Control Station Grid Engine Module (817-3606) with the Cluster Grid Manager Help
S1GEEE documentation can also be accessed with the Cluster Grid Manager Help
button.20 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-2 Sample Cluster Grid Manager Main WindowChapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 21
Setting Up the Sun Fire V60x Compute
Grid Software
The procedures in this section describe how to get the system software up and
running during initial installation and login. For detailed information about
customizing and administering your system after your installation, references to
software documentation are provided.
Information Required For Software Setup
TABLE 2-1 shows the information that you will need to obtain from your site’s system
administrator to complete the software setup for your system. Default settings are
listed if they exist. The right-hand column is supplied for you to write down the
settings that you will use for your site.
Note – You can determine the MAC address for any node in the system by referring
to the file, /usr/mgmt/diag/check.out, which is installed on your CGM node.
The MAC addresses are listed by the node numbers that are assigned at the factory.
The node numbers can be determined by the labels that are affixed to each node.22 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
TABLE 2-1 Software Setup Required Information
System Setting Name Default Setting Setting For Your Site
Terminal server IP address
Gateway n/a
CGM node IP address
Compute node 32 IP address n/a
Compute node 31 IP address n/a
Compute node 30 IP address n/a
Compute node 29 IP address n/a
Compute node 28 IP address n/a
Compute node 27 IP address n/a
Compute node 26 IP address n/a
Compute node 25 IP address n/a
Compute node 24 IP address n/a
Compute node 23 IP address n/a
Compute node 22 IP address n/a
Compute node 21 IP address n/a
Compute node 20 IP address n/a
Compute node 19 IP address n/a
Compute node 18 IP address n/a
Compute node 17 IP address n/a
Compute node 16 IP address n/a
Compute node 15 IP address n/a
Compute node 14 IP address n/a
Compute node 13 IP address n/a
Compute node 12 IP address n/a
Compute node 11 IP address n/a
Compute node 10 IP address n/a
Compute node 9 IP address n/a
Compute node 8 IP address n/a
Compute node 7 IP address n/a
Compute node 6 IP address n/a
Compute node 5 IP address n/a
Compute node 4 IP address n/a
Compute node 3 IP address n/a
Compute node 2 IP address n/a
Compute node 1 IP address n/aChapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 23
Logging In and Setting Up the System Identity
Note – Begin this procedure after you have powered on the system as described in
“Powering On the System” on page 12.
1. Slide the KVM unit out from the rack until the video screen can be opened.
The KVM is precabled directly to the CGM node. You should see the Red Hat Linux
login display on the video screen.
2. Log in as root user at the Red Hat Linux login screen, using the default entries
shown below.
user: root
password: admin
3. Open a terminal window and change the default Linux root password to a
password of your choosing.
Use the passwd command to change the root password on the system.
4. Configure an IP address for the system’s terminal server as follows:
Note – No changes to routing tables are required if you leave the terminal server on
the same subnet as the rest of the system components. If you put the terminal server
on another subnet, you will have to update routing tables.
a. Make a Telnet connection to the default IP address of the terminal server in
your first rack.
The default IP address of the terminal server is The system has
been preconfigured so that no changes to routing tables are required.
Login: InReach
Password: access
b. At the InReach prompt, enter the enable command.
InReach:0> enable
c. Enter the following password when you are prompted.
Password: system
d. When the InReach prompt appears again, enter the config command.
InReach:0>> config24 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
e. At the prompts, enter the following commands to configure the terminal server
IP address.
Config:0>> interface 1
Intf1-1:0>> address n.n.n.n
Where n.n.n.n is an IP address compatible with your local network.
You can safely ignore the message, Warning, interface active, which
appears because you are about to change the interface.
f. At the prompts, enter the following commands to configure the terminal server
netmask setting.
Intf1-1:0>> mask n.n.n.n
Intf1-1:0>> exit
Where n.n.n.n represents a netmask setting that is compatible with your local
g. At the prompts, enter the following commands to configure the terminal server
gateway setting.
Config:0>> gateway n.n.n.n
Config:0>> exit
Where n.n.n.n represents a gateway setting that is compatible with your local
network. It might take several seconds for the gateway setting to take effect.
h. When the InReach prompt appears, save the changes with the following
InReach:0>> save configuration flash
i. At the InReach prompts, enter the exit command twice to return to the system’s
root prompt.
InReach:0>> exit
InReach:0> exit
5. Configure an IP address for the CGM node as follows.
a. Change to the network-scripts directory.
# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
b. Delete the ifcfg-eth0 file.
# rm ifcfg-eth0
You can confirm the deletion by typing Y when prompted.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 25
c. Edit the ifcfg-eth1 file to read as follows, substituting your IP address,
netmask, and gateway information.
Where n.n.n.n represents the respective settings that are compatible with your
local network. Use vi or another file-editing tool, such as Gedit, which is supplied
with your Gnome desktop (start Gedit by typing gedit at a command line).
d. At the command line, use the following command to apply your changes.
# service network restart
6. Verify that the IP addresses for the terminal server and CGM node are set
correctly by pinging the address of the terminal server from the CGM node:
ping n.n.n.n
Where n.n.n.n represents the IP address of the terminal server.
7. After you have verified that the CGM node is visible on your network, start a
browser and type the following URL.
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address that you assigned to the CGM node.
Refer to The Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes for a list of
supported browsers and Java plug-ins for viewing SCS software.
8. Read the Sun Control Station license agreement that appears and accept the
license agreement if you agree with the terms.
A Sun Control Station Welcome page appears.
9. Go to the Sun Control Station login page for your CGM node by entering the URL
in the format that is shown on the Welcome page:
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address that you assigned to the CGM node.
Note – The URL uses the https format.26 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
10. At the Sun Control Station login page (see FIGURE 2-3), log in as the SCS
administrator using the default entries shown below, then click the Login button.
User Name: admin
Password: admin
FIGURE 2-3 Sample Cluster Grid Manager Login Page
11. After the SCS main window opens (see FIGURE 2-2), change the default SCS admin
password to a password of your choosing, as follows:
a. In the left-side panel, click on Station Settings > Password.
b. Enter the new password in the supplied fields, then click the Save button.
The message, “Password changed successfully,” appears when the change is
complete.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 27
Using the AllStart Module to Deploy Software
The AllStart module deploys the software to the Sun Fire V60x clients. The following
procedure provides a quick path through AllStart to accomplish this specific
software deployment. For a complete description of the module, and instructions for
using AllStart, refer to Sun Control Station 2.0 AllStart Module (817-3605)
documentation provided with the AllStart module.
Using the AllStart module to load software to system nodes consists of the following
1. Creating the AllStart distributions. See “Creating AllStart Distributions” on
page 28.
2. Creating a payload(s) from files and distributions. See “Creating AllStart
Payloads” on page 30.
3. Creating a profile(s) containing configuration information. See “Creating AllStart
Profiles” on page 33.
4. Creating and enabling clients to which you will load the payload. See “Creating
and Enabling Clients” on page 41.
5. Defining network service settings for the network that your system is on. See
“Defining Network Service Settings” on page 47.
6. Powering on or rebooting client nodes so that they network-boot and pull the
payload from the Sun Control Station. See “Deploying Software Payloads to
Compute Nodes” on page 49.
The following sections walk you through each of these steps.28 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Creating AllStart Distributions
You must first define the software distributions that you will later load to the
compute nodes.
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, select AllStart > Distributions from
the left-side panel.
The AllStart Distributions window appears on the right side of the screen.
2. Click on Add at the bottom of the AllStart Distributions window.
The Upload Distribution From CDROM window appears on the right side of the
3. In the Upload Distribution From CDROM window, fill in the fields to create a
unique description for the distribution. See FIGURE 2-4 for an example.
The CDROM Device field should contain /dev/cdrom as the default entry.
FIGURE 2-4 Upload Distribution From CDROM Window
4. Insert the Linux CD 1 into the CGM node, then click Upload Now.
A progress bar indicates the progress of the upload. If a file manager window opens
when you insert the CD, you can close the file manager.
5. After the progress bar indicates that progress is 100%, click Done and remove the
Linux CD 1 from the CGM node.
You are prompted to insert the next CD.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 29
6. Insert the next CD in your Linux distribution, then click Continue.
7. Continue loading CDs when prompted until you have loaded the last CD in your
Linux distribution, then click Done.
When uploading is complete, the distribution that you created appears in the list in
the AllStart Distributions window. See FIGURE 2-5 for an example.
FIGURE 2-5 AllStart Distributions Window
8. Continue with “Creating AllStart Payloads” on page 30.30 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Creating AllStart Payloads
After the required distributions are available, use AllStart to create payloads that
will be deployed to the compute nodes.
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, select AllStart > Payloads in the leftside panel.
The AllStart Payloads window appears on the right side of the screen.
2. In the AllStart Payloads window, click Add.
The Create AllStart Payload window appears on the right side of the screen. See
FIGURE 2-6 for an example.
FIGURE 2-6 Create AllStart Payload Window
3. In the Create AllStart Payload window, create the payload by filling in the fields
and selecting the Linux distribution that you created.
4. When you are finished, click Next.
The AllStart Payload Distribution Specific Options window appears on the right side
of the screen. See FIGURE 2-7 for an example.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 31
FIGURE 2-7 AllStart Payload Distribution Specific Options Window
5. In the Distribution Groups To Include list, select the groups that you require for
the applications that you will use and move them to the Groups Loaded column.
You can select all groups by selecting the “Everything” option and moving it to the
Groups Loaded column.
6. In the Files to Include list, verify that the Files Loaded selection list includes the
base-mgmt-agent RPM file.
If this file is not included, select it from the Files Not Loaded column and move it to
the Files Loaded column.
7. Verify that the check-box for Sun Fire V60x/V65x server installation is selected.
This selection ensures that the required drivers for the Sun Fire V60x server are
8. When you are finished, click Save.
The payload is created, with the name you gave it.
9. Wait until the progress bar indicates 100%, then click Done.
When payload creation is complete, the payload that you created appears in the list
in the AllStart Payloads window. See FIGURE 2-8 for an example.32 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-8 AllStart Payloads Window
10. Continue with “Creating AllStart Profiles” on page 33.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 33
Creating AllStart Profiles
After the payloads have been defined, use AllStart to create installation profiles for
the compute nodes.
1. From the left-hand menu click on AllStart > Profiles.
The AllStart Profiles window appears.
2. Click on Add at the bottom of the AllStart Profiles window.
The Add AllStart Profile window appears on the right side of the screen.
3. Create the AllStart profile by defining the options in the series of windows that
Note – As you work through the series of windows to create the profile, you can
accept the defaults or customize your system except for any required entries and
selections listed in the following steps.
a. In the Add AllStart Profile window, select the settings that are appropriate for
your site (see FIGURE 2-9 for an example). Click Next when you are finished.
Note – If you use the KVM unit that is provided with the system, you must select
“U.S. English” as the Keyboard type.
FIGURE 2-9 Add AllStart Profile Window34 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
b. In the Edit Boot Loader Options window, verify that the following required
entries are selected (see FIGURE 2-10 for an example). Click Next when you are
Install Boot Loader: Select
Choose Boot Loader: LILO
LILO Option, Use Linear Mode: Do not select
LILO Option, Force Use of lba32 Mode: Select
FIGURE 2-10 Edit Boot Loader Options Window (AllStart Profiles)Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 35
c. In the Partition Options window, verify that the following required options are
selected (see FIGURE 2-11 for an example). Click Next when you are finished.
Master Boot Record: Clear Master Boot Record
What Do You Want Done With Existing Partitions?: Remove All Existing
What Do You Want Done With Disk Label?: Initialize the Disk Label
FIGURE 2-11 Partition Options Window (AllStart Profiles)
d. Use the Disk Partition Information window to create the partitions you require
on the client node that you are installing to, as follows:
i. In the Disk Partition Information window, click Add.
The Partition Options window appears, where you define the parameters for
one disk partition.
ii. Create your first disk partition by defining the partition parameters, then
click Save when you are done. See FIGURE 2-12 for an example.
After you click save, you are returned to the Disk partition Information
window, where the partition you created appears in the list (see FIGURE 2-13).
iii. To create another partition, click Add again in the Disk Partition
Information window and define another partition as in Step ii.36 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-12 Partition Options Definition Window (AllStart Profiles)
Three different example partition configurations are listed as follows:
Partition example 1:
Mount Point: /
File System Type: ext3
Size MB: 5000
Fixed Size: Select
Make Partition On Specific Drive: sda
Partition example 2:
Mount point: /boot
File System type: ext3
SizeMB: 100
Fixed Size: Select
Make Partition On Specific Drive: sda
Partition example 3:
Mount point: swap
File System type: swap
Size MB: 2048
Fixed Size: Select
Make Partition On Specific Drive: sdaChapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 37
FIGURE 2-13 Disk Partition Information Window (AllStart Profiles)
iv. After you have created all your partitions, click Next on the Disk Partition
Information window.
e. In the Edit Authentication Information window, verify that the following
required options are selected (see FIGURE 2-14 for an example). Click Next when
you are finished.
Enable shadow passwords: Y
Enable MD5: Select38 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-14 Edit Authentification Information Window (AllStart Profiles)
f. In the X Config Options window, make the selection that you require (see
FIGURE 2-15 for an example). Click Next when you are finished.
FIGURE 2-15 X Config Options Window (AllStart Profiles)Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 39
g. In the Edit Custom Script Options window, verify that the following required
options are selected (see FIGURE 2-16 for an example). Click Save when you are
These scripts enable serial redirection. Select Select
The profile is created.
FIGURE 2-16 Edit Custom Script Options Window (AllStart Profiles)
4. Wait until the progress bar indicates 100%, then click Done.
When profile creation is complete, the profile that you created appears in the list in
the AllStart Profiles window. See FIGURE 2-17 for an example.40 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-17 AllStart Profiles Window
5. Continue with “Creating and Enabling Clients” on page 41.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 41
Creating and Enabling Clients
After the installation profiles have been defined, use AllStart to create and enable
clients to which the payload will be deployed.
1. From the left-hand menu click AllStart > Clients.
The AllStart Clients window opens.
2. Click on Add at the bottom of the window.
The Create AllStart Client window appears in the right side of the screen.
3. In the Create AllStart Client window, create the client by defining the information
for the node to which you will be loading the payload (see FIGURE 2-18 for an
example). Verify that the following required options are selected:
Install Type: http
Console: ttyS1
Serial Console Baud: 9600
Install Network Device: eth1
Payload: Select the payload you created for this installation
Profile: Select the profile you created for this installation
Note – You can get the MAC address for any node in the system by referring to the
file, /usr/mgmt/diag/check.out, which is installed on your CGM node. The
MAC addresses are listed by the node numbers that are assigned at the factory. The
node numbers can be determined by the labels that are affixed to each node.
Note – The Install IP Address field allows you to define an IP address for the client
node that is temporary and that can be used for the AllStart installation only. To give
you flexibility, this address can be the same or different than the permanent IP
address that the node receives for normal use.42 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-18 Create AllStart Client Window
4. When you are finished defining the Client options, click Next.
The Network Interfaces window appears.
5. In the Network Interfaces window, click Add.
The Enter Network Interface Information window appears.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 43
6. In the Enter Network Interface Information window, create the network interface
by defining the information for the node to which you will be loading the payload
(see FIGURE 2-19 for an example).
Verify that the following required options are selected:
Network device: eth1
Network Type: Static IP
Note – When you enter a host name, use the short host name format, not the full
host name format that would include the domain name.
FIGURE 2-19 Enter Network Interface Information Window (AllStart Clients)
7. When you are finished defining the network interface, click Save.
You are returned to the Network Interfaces window. The network interface that you
created is listed (see FIGURE 2-20 for an example).44 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-20 Network Interfaces Window (AllStart Clients)
8. In the Network Interfaces window, click Save.
A progress bar indicates the progress of the network interface creation.
9. When the progress bar indicates 100%, click Done.
You are returned to the AllStart Clients page. The client that you created is listed
(see FIGURE 2-21 for an example).Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 45
FIGURE 2-21 AllStart Clients Window
10. In the AllStart Clients window, select the clients that you want to enable, then
click Enable.
A progress bar indicates the progress of the client enabling.
11. When the progress bar indicates 100%, click Done.
The client entry is enabled so that it is visible to that node in the system. Enabled
clients are indicated by a Y character under the Enabled heading on the AllStart
Clients window. See FIGURE 2-22 for an example.46 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-22 AllStart Clients Window With Enabled Client
12. Repeat Step 3 through Step 11 for all nodes in your system.
13. Continue with “Defining Network Service Settings” on page 47.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 47
Defining Network Service Settings
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, select AllStart > Service from the leftside panel.
The AllStart Current Service Settings window appears on the right side of the screen.
2. Click Modify.
The Modify Service Settings window appears.
3. In the Modify Service Settings window, make the following required settings (see
FIGURE 2-23 for an example):
DHCP Enabled: Select
DHCP Interface: eth1
FIGURE 2-23 Modify Service Settings Window
4. When you are finished with the settings, click Save.
A progress bar indicates the progress of the service setting.
5. When the progress bar indicates 100%, click Done.
The settings that you made are shown in the AllStart Current Service Settings
window (see for an example).48 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-24 AllStart Current Service Settings Window
6. Continue with “Deploying Software Payloads to Compute Nodes” on page 49.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 49
Deploying Software Payloads to Compute Nodes
After you have created clients to which you will deploy payloads, you start the
deployment by powering on or resetting the client nodes.
1. In a terminal window, telnet to the terminal server IP address and port that
corresponds to the node to which you are deploying software.
# telnet n.n.n.n 70xx
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address of the terminal server and xx is the two-digit number
that corresponds to the number of the node to which you are deploying software
(see the following note).
Note – The nodes of the system are assigned a number in the factory and this
number is indicated by a label on each node. The ports of the terminal server are
assigned a four-digit number that always starts with 70 and ends with the two-digit
number that corresponds to the node the port is attached to at the factory. For
example, node #2 is attached to port 7002 and node #30 is attached to port 7030.
2. Power on or reset the client node to start the deployment of the payload that was
selected in the client profile.
If the node contains no OS yet, power on the node by pressing the Power button.
The node automatically boots from the network and pulls the payload from the
CGM node.
If an OS was previously installed on the node, perform the following steps:
a. Press the Reset button on the node (see FIGURE 2-25).
b. When a prompt appears with the option to press F2 to enter setup, press Escape
to initiate a network boot.
c. When you are prompted to select the boot device, select
IBA 1.1.08 slot 0338 and press Return.
The client node pulls the payload from the CGM node.
FIGURE 2-25 Sun Fire V60x Server Power and Reset Button Locations
Reset button
Power/Sleep button50 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
3. Wait until the deployment progress indicator messages are finished and the
terminal window returns to a login prompt.
4. When you are finished downloading the payload to the client node, reboot the
client node (if it does not reboot automatically).
Repeat this procedure for each client node to which you are deploying software.
Adding Compute Nodes as SCS Managed Hosts
Use the following procedure to define the compute nodes of your system as SCS
managed hosts.
Note – Before you can deploy the Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition
software to the system compute nodes so that they can be managed as a grid, you
must first add the nodes as Sun Control Station managed hosts.
Note – You cannot add the CGM node as an SCS managed host because it is the
dedicated management node of the system, from which SCS managed hosts are
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, select Administration > Hosts from
the left-side panel.
The Managed Hosts window appears on the right side of the screen.
2. In the Managed Hosts window, click Add.
The Add Host window appears.
3. In the Add Host window, define the settings for the node that you are defining as
an SCS managed host. See FIGURE 2-26 for an example.
4. Verify that the Install All Possible Modules box is selected.
This ensures that all of the SCS agents are installed on the newly managed host.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 51
FIGURE 2-26 Add Host Window
5. When you are finished with the settings, click Add Host.
A progress bar indicates the progress of the managed host addition.
6. When the progress bar indicates 100%, click Done.
You are returned to the Managed Hosts window. The managed host you added is
listed (see FIGURE 2-27 for an example).52 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-27 Managed Hosts Window
7. Repeat this procedure for all compute nodes in your system.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 53
Configuring the Grid Engine Module
The Compute Grid software module provides the following main functions.
Deployment of the Sun™ ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition (S1GEEE)
High-level monitoring of system tasks
Uninstall of the S1GEEE software
Note – Before you can manage the compute nodes of your system with S1GEEE
software, you must add the nodes as SCS managed hosts. See “Adding Compute
Nodes as SCS Managed Hosts” on page 50.
Deploying the Sun ONE Grid Engine Software
The Grid Engine module automatically deploys S1GEEE to any number of selected
nodes on the compute grid. It deploys the S1GEEE master host onto a grid master
node of your choosing (see “Grid Master Node” on page 6), and then deploys
S1GEEE execution hosts onto specified compute nodes (see “Compute Nodes” on
page 6). You can also choose to uninstall an execution host at a later time, or
uninstall all hosts, including the master host. You can then later reinstall a host on
any systems.
Note – The Grid Engine module deploys only a dedicated S1GEEE master host
system. Unless you plan to have relatively low job throughput on your grid, it is not
recommended to use the S1GEEE master host system also as an execution host.
However, if you would like to make use of the CPUs on the grid master node to
perform compute tasks, you can manually deploy S1GEEE execution host software
onto the grid master node.
If you wish to remove this functionality at a later point, this must also be done
manually. (However, if you choose to uninstall all systems, it is not necessary to
remove the execution host functionality from the grid master node before
uninstalling all systems.) These procedures are recommend only for experienced
S1GEEE users. For more information, S1GEEE documentation can be accessed with
the Cluster Grid Manager help button.54 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Defining the Sun ONE Grid Engine Master Host
To use the Grid Engine module to deploy a S1GEEE master host (grid master node),
perform the following steps.
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, click on the Grid Engine menu item in
the left-hand menu.
A drop-down menu of choices for the Grid Engine module appears.
2. Click on Install Master.
If this is an initial installation, a license agreement appears.
3. Read any license agreement that appears and accept it if you agree with the terms.
Note – You are instructed on-screen to click on Install Master again after accepting
the license agreement.
The Install Sun ONE Grid Engine Master window appears.
4. In the Install Sun ONE Grid Engine Master window, select one node from the list
of managed hosts to act as the S1GEEE master host (grid master node). See
FIGURE 2-28 for an example.
FIGURE 2-28 Install Sun ONE Grid Engine Master WindowChapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 55
5. Click on Install.
A progress bar indicates the progress of the S1GEEE software deployment to the
Note – You can define only one grid master node for each system (including
expansion racks with up to 128 nodes). If you try to install a second grid master
node, the system instructs you to first uninstall the current grid master node.
6. When the progress bar indicates 100%, click Done.
The browser is directed to the Install Sun ONE Grid Engine Compute Hosts window.
Defining the Sun ONE Grid Engine Compute Hosts
To use the Grid Engine module to define S1GEEE compute hosts (compute nodes),
perform the following steps.
Note – You can only install execution hosts after installing a master host. If you try
to install execution hosts without first defining a master host, the system instructs
you to first install the master host.
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, click on the Grid Engine menu item in
the left-hand menu.
A drop-down menu of choices for the Grid Engine module appears.
2. Click on Install Host.
The Install Sun ONE Grid Engine Compute Hosts window appears.
3. Select the nodes that you want to include in the S1GEEE grid.
Unless you want to dedicate a system for non-grid tasks, select all systems by
clicking Select All. See FIGURE 2-29 for an example.56 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
FIGURE 2-29 Install Sun ONE Grid Engine Compute Hosts Window
4. Click on Install.
The S1GEEE software is deployed to each selected node in sequence and a progress
bar indicates the progress of the software deployment.
5. When the progress bar indicates 100%, click Done.
When you are finished with installing, your browser is redirected to the Grid Engine
Monitor page (see “Monitoring Compute Grid Tasks” on page 57).
If, at a later point, you wish to add more nodes to the S1GEEE grid, you can return
to the Install Compute Hosts page by clicking on the Grid Engine > Install Compute
Hosts menu item in the left-side panel.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 57
Monitoring Compute Grid Tasks
When you are finished with installation procedure, your browser is redirected to the
Monitor page. From this page, you can view various S1GEEE statistics on your Sun
Fire V60x Compute Grid. These include:
The number of pending, running, and suspended jobs
The load on each execution host
The current statistics for each queue that has been configured
The average load across all compute nodes in the grid, and the used and total
memory across all nodes in the grid
The Monitor page is automatically refreshed every two minutes. The information on
the page is drawn from a database that is updated every two minutes. For every
statistic, a time stamp is given to indicate when the statistic was last updated.
You can always return to the Monitor page by clicking the Grid Engine > Monitor
menu item in the left-side panel. See FIGURE 2-2 for a sample Monitor window.
FIGURE 2-30 Grid Engine Monitor Window58 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Uninstalling Sun ONE Grid Engine Software
You can uninstall Sun ONE Grid Engine software, either from individual S1GEEE
execution hosts, or from all hosts in the S1GEEE grid, including the S1GEEE master
Note – You cannot uninstall only the S1GEEE master host, since it is not possible to
operate S1GEEE execution hosts without an S1GEEE master host.
After you have uninstalled an S1GEEE execution host, Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid
tasks are no longer sent to that node for execution. However, the other installed
modules, such as Inventory, Health, and Performance, continue to operate as before.
Any other software that has been installed on that system should also continue to
operate normally.
Uninstalling One or More Sun ONE Grid Engine Execution Hosts
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, click on the Grid Engine module
menu item in the left-hand menu.
A drop-down menu of choices for the Grid Engine module appears.
2. Click on Uninstall Nodes.
3. Select one or more nodes from which to uninstall S1GEEE software.
4. Ensure that no jobs are running on the systems to be uninstalled.
Refer to Sun Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition 5.3 Administration and User’s Guide (816-
4739) for instructions on managing queues.
Note – Any jobs that are currently running on the nodes that you have selected for
uninstall are terminated. If the jobs are marked as “re-runnable”, they are
automatically resubmitted to the S1GEEE grid for execution elsewhere. However, if
they are marked as “not re-runnable,” then they are not rescheduled and are not
automatically run elsewhere. For more information, S1GEEE documentation can be
accessed with the Cluster Grid Manager help button.
5. Click on Uninstall.
The S1GEEE software is shutdown and removed from the selected systems, and the
S1GEEE master host is instructed to remove those execution hosts from the S1GEEE
system.Chapter 2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Software Overview and Installation 59
Uninstalling the Entire Sun ONE Grid Engine
1. In the Cluster Grid Manager main window, click on the Grid Engine module
menu item in the left-hand menu.
A drop-down menu of choices for the Grid Engine module appears.
2. Click on Uninstall Everything.
Note – Do not go to the next step until you are certain that you want to terminate
all running jobs and remove all record of previous jobs.
3. Click on Uninstall.
This immediately terminates all running jobs, removes all S1GEEE software from all
nodes in the S1GEEE, and removes all record of previously run jobs and all record of
S1GEEE utilization.60 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 200361
Product Specifications
This appendix contains product specifications, organized into the following sections:
“Power Specifications” on page 61
“Physical Dimensions” on page 62
“Environmental Requirements” on page 63
Power Specifications
The following table lists the system power specifications.
TABLE A-1 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Power Specifications
Parameter Value
Nominal voltage 200, 208, 220, 230, or 240 VAC
Operating voltage Single-phase 180 to 240 VAC
Frequency 47 to 63 Hz
Current Maximum 64Amps (4 x 16Amps)
Nominal 40Amps(4 x 10Amps), fully populated rack
AC plug NEMA L6-20P Domestic U.S.A.
IEC 309 16A 3-position International
AC plugs required Four AC plugs required per rack62 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Physical Dimensions
The following table lists the physical dimensions of the system.
TABLE A-2 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Physical Dimensions
Parameter value
Dimensions 74 inches height x 23.5 in. width x 35.4 in. depth
(188 centimeters height x 60 cm width x 90 cm depth)
Weight (fully
populated rack)
1600 pounds
(727 kilograms)
Rack units 38
Single rack unit
1.75 inches height x 19 in. width x 23.6 in. depth
(4.45 centimeters height x 48.26 cm width x 60 cm depth)Appendix A Product Specifications 63
Environmental Requirements
This section contains the environmental requirements for a fully-populated, singlerack Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid rack system. The requirements are described in
two separate tables for the 2.8-GHz CPU Compute Grid rack system and the
3.06-GHz CPU Compute Grid rack system. Refer to either of the following two
TABLE A-3, 2.8-GHz CPU Compute Grid Environmental Specifications
TABLE A-4, 3.06-GHz CPU Compute Grid Environmental Specifications
TABLE A-3 2.8 GHz CPU Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Environmental Specifications
Parameter Operating Non-Operating
Temperature 86°F maximum ambient temperature at 0 feet
(30°C maximum ambient temperature at 0
meters elevation)
-40°F to 158°F
(-40°C to 65°C)
Altitude Up to 9000 feet, maximum ambient
temperature derated by 1.8°F per 1500 feet
rise in elevation above 0 feet.
(Up to 3000 meters, maximum ambient
temperature derated by 1°C per 500 meter
rise in elevation above 0 meters.)
Up to 35000 feet
(Up to 12000 meters)
Humidity 10% to 90% relative humidity at 80°F
maximum wet bulb, non-condensing.
(10% to 90% relative humidity at 27°C
maximum wet bulb, non-condensing.)
10% to 90% relative
Vibration .25 g’s 5Hz to 500Hz to 5Hz,
1.0 octaves per minute,
swept-sine 5 sweeps in X, Y, and Z.
n/a64 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
TABLE A-4 3.06 GHz CPU Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Environmental Specifications
Parameter Operating Non-Operating
Temperature 77°F maximum ambient temperature at 0 feet
(25°C maximum ambient temperature at 0
meters elevation)
-40°F to 158°F
(-40°C to 65°C)
Altitude Up to 4500 feet, maximum ambient
temperature derated by 1.8°F per 1000 feet
rise in elevation above 0 feet.
(Up to 1500 meters, maximum ambient
temperature derated by 1°C per 300 meter
rise in elevation above 0 meters.)
Up to 35000 feet
(Up to 12000 meters)
Humidity 10% to 90% relative humidity at 80°F
maximum wet bulb, non-condensing.
(10% to 90% relative humidity at 27°C
maximum wet bulb, non-condensing.)
10% to 90% relative
Vibration .25 g’s 5Hz to 500Hz to 5Hz,
1.0 octaves per minute,
swept-sine 5 sweeps in X, Y, and Z.
2.8 GHz CPU system environmental
requirements 63
3.06 GHz CPU system environmental
requirements 64
adding hardware components 13
adding managed hosts to Sun Control Station 50
AllStart module
Clients, creating 41
deploying payloads procedure 49
deploying software to nodes 27
Distributions, creating 28
overview 19
Payloads, creating 30
Profiles, creating 33
Service Settings, defining 47
button, Help 17
button, power 12
button, reset 49
diagram, multiple-rack 9
diagram, single-rack 8
labeling 7
network cable pins 7
overview information 7
serial cable pins 7
cabling diagram, multiple-rack 9
cabling diagram, single rack 8
CGM node, see Cluster Grid Manager node
Clients, creating in AllStart module 41
Cluster Grid Manager node
configuring IP address 24
default IP address 22
overview information 5
Cluster Grid Manager software
Help button 17
overview of components 17
Sun Control Station 17
compute hosts, defining in Grid Engine 55
compute nodes overview information 6
compute nodes, see also Grid Engine compute
connecting power source 1166 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
deploying software with AllStart module 27
Distributions, creating in AllStart module 28
online URL ix
references for replacement procedures 13
related vi
electrical specifications 61
environmental requirements, 2.8 GHz system 63
environmental requirements, 3.06 GHz system
Ethernet cable pins 7
flowchart of installation tasks 2
gateway, configuring 24
Grid Engine compute hosts, see also compute
Grid Engine master host, see also grid master
Grid Engine module
compute hosts, defining 55
configuring 53
master host, defining 54
monitoring grid tasks 57
overview 19
uninstalling entire grid engine 59
uninstalling execution hosts 58
grid master node overview information 6
grid master node, see also Grid Engine master
adding or replacing 13
installation procedure 10
overview diagram 3
tools required 13
Health Monitoring module 18
Help button location 17
information required for software setup 22
initial login procedure 23
installation tasks flowchart 2
installing system hardware 10
Inventory module 18
IP address configuration for Cluster Grid Manager node 24
IP address configuration for terminal server 23
keyboard, video, mouse unit
cabling 8
overview information 6
position 3
KVM unit, see keyboard, video, mouse unit 6
labels on cabling 7
Lights-Out Management module 18
Linux operating system overview 17
logging in the first time 23
managed hosts, adding 50
master host, defining in Grid Engine 54
modules, see Sun Control Station software
monitoring Grid Engine tasks 57
multiple-rack cabling diagram 9Index 67
netmask, configuring 24
network cable pins 7
network service settings, defining in AllStart
module 47
network switches overview 4
nodes 49
adding or replacing 13
Cluster Grid Manager IP address 22
Cluster Grid Manager node 5
compute nodes 6
defining compute nodes 55
defining grid master host 54
grid master node 6
power button 12
supported number 6
online documentation URL ix
password, changing for Sun Control Station 26
Payloads, creating in AllStart module 30
Performance Monitoring module 18
physical dimensions 62
port number allocations on terminal server 5
connecting power source 11
inputs location 8
node power button 12
node reset button 49
powering on sequence 12
rack distribution system diagram 11
rack distribution system overview 10
specifications 61
preinstalled software, see software
product specifications 61
Profiles, creating in AllStart module 33
overview information 4
power distribution system overview 10
power inputs location 8
replacing components 13
Red Hat Linux overview 17
related documentation vi
relation of software components, diagram 16
replacing hardware components 13
reset button on node 49
RJ-45 cable specifications 7
S1GEEE, see Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise
SCS, see Sun Control Station software
serial cable pins 7
Service Settings, defining in AllStart module 47
single-rack cabling diagram 8
site-planning requirements, 2.8 GHz system 63
site-planning requirements, 3.06 GHz system 64
Cluster Grid Manager overview 17
diagram of components 16
information required for setup 21
initial login procedure 23
overview of preinstalled software 16
Red Hat Linux overview 17
setting up procedures 21
Sun Control Station 17
Sun ONE Grid Engine Enterprise Edition
software Help 17
Software Management module 18
specifications 61
environmental requirements, 2.8 GHz system
environmental requirements, 3.06 GHz system 64
physical dimensions 62
power 61
stacking switches 968 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide • October 2003
Sun Control Station software
adding managed hosts 50
AllStart module 19
AllStart module, using to deploy software 27
changing password 26
Grid Engine module configuration 53
Grid Engine module overview 19
Health Monitoring module 18
Inventory module 18
Lights-Out Management module 18
Performance Monitoring module 18
Software Management module 18
standard modules overview 17
Sun Fire V60x node, see nodes
Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition
overview 53
Sun Rack 900, see rack
interconnects 9
overview information 4
position 8
replacing 13
stacking 9
system hardware diagram 3
table of setup information requirements 22
Telnet port allocations 5
terminal server
configuring gateway 24
configuring IP address 23
configuring netmask 24
default IP address 22
default netmask 22
overview information 5
port numbers 5
position 8
tools required for component replacement 13
uninstalling entire grid engine 59
uninstalling Grid Engine execution hosts 58
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
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Sun Fire™
V60x Compute Grid
Rack System Release Notes
Part No. 817-3074-11
October 2003, Revision APlease
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Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Documentation Set Summary 2
Software Recovery Procedures 3
Recovering Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 3
Reinstalling the Operating System Software 3
Reconfiguring the Operating System Software 10
Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery 11
Reinstalling Sun Control Station 2.0 Software 11
Reconfiguring the Java Plug-In Version For Mozilla 12
Installing the SCS Grid Engine Module 14
Installing Custom Scripts For Advanced Users 15
Using Scripts to Automate Installation Tasks 16
Using Scripts to Recreate a Lost check.out File 16
Using Scripts to Auto-Populate the AllStart Clients List 17
Using Scripts to Force All Nodes to Network Boot 18
Using Scripts to Add All Nodes as SCS Managed Hosts 19
Sun ONE Grid Engine Notes 20
AllStart Client Host Name Limitations 20
Grid Engine Settings 20
Grid Engine Configuration 21iv Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Important Notes 22
Location of Kickstart Files For AllStart Clients 22
PXE Network Booting Conflict With LAN Management 22
Supported Browsers and Plug-Ins 231
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid
Rack System Release Notes
These release notes supplement the information in the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack
System Installation Guide (817-3072). The information is organized into the following
“Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Documentation Set Summary” on
page 2
“Software Recovery Procedures” on page 3
“Using Scripts to Automate Installation Tasks” on page 16
“Sun ONE Grid Engine Notes” on page 20
“Important Notes” on page 22
“Supported Browsers and Plug-Ins” on page 232 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack
System Documentation Set Summary
In addition to the documents created for the installation of the Sun Fire V60x
Compute Grid system, many other documents are provided to supplement the
information and to provide detailed information about system components after
installation. This section provides a summary of the document set.
For a full list of the documents shipped with the system, see “Related
Documentation” in the Preface of the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System
Installation Guide (817-3072).
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System documents:
Use these documents for initial system installation, power-on, and software setup.
These two documents are shipped in hard copy with your system.
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide (817-3072)
Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes (817-3074)
Sun Rack 900 documents:
Use these documents for more detailed information about the system rack. Tasks
covered include unpacking, installation, and service of replaceable parts.
The Sun Rack documents are shipped in hard-copy with the system.
Sun Fire V60x documents:
Use these documents for more detailed information about the Sun Fire V60x
servers that are used as the system nodes. Tasks covered include removal and
installation from the slide-rails in the rack, and detailed diagnostics and service of
replaceable parts.
The Sun Fire V60x documents are shipped in a set that is a combination of hardcopy documents and PDF documents that are on the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire
V65x Servers Documentation CD.
Sun Control Station and Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition documents:
Use these documents for detailed information about setting up and using the
software after the initial installation. Tasks covered include advanced settings for
using the software to monitor and run the system as a grid.
The Sun Control Station and Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition
documents are include as PDF documents that are integrated into the Help
system of the Sun Control Station software. They are also shipped as PDF files on
their respective CDs.
The documents for the third-party hardware components are also included and
vary, based on the supplier that is used.
Documents for replacing and using the network switches, terminal server, and
keyboard unit are shipped in hard-copy and as PDF files on included CDs.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 3
Software Recovery Procedures
Your Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid is shipped with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
operating system and the Cluster Grid Manager software suite preinstalled on the
Cluster Grid Manager (CGM) node. This section contains the procedures for
recovering or reinstalling the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 operating system
software and the Cluster Grid Manager software suite to the CGM node in the case
that you have to replace a CGM node or reinstall the software for any reason.
“Recovering Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1” on page 3
“Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery” on page 11
Recovering Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
Use this procedure if you need to reinstall the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
distribution that was preinstalled on your CGM node. This section is divided into
two procedures:
“Reinstalling the Operating System Software” on page 3
“Reconfiguring the Operating System Software” on page 10
Reinstalling the Operating System Software
Use this procedure to reinstall the Linux operating system software.
CDs Required For This procedure:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 distribution CDs
Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Servers Resource CD (705-0601)
1. Insert the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 CD 1 into the CGM node and wait for the
first Red Hat installation screen to appear, then press Enter.
2. At the Language Selection screen, select the language for your location, then click
The default setting is English.4 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
3. At the Keyboard Configuration screen, accept the default settings shown below,
then click Next.
The default settings are:
Model: Generic 105-key international PC
Layout: US English
Dead keys: Enable dead keys
4. At the Mouse Configuration screen, select Generic 3-button mouse (PS/2), then
click Next.
The default setting is generic 3-button mouse (PS/2).
5. At the Welcome to Red Hat Linux screen, click Next.
6. At the Installation Type screen, choose Custom Installation Type, then click Next.
The Disk Partitioning Setup screen appears.
7. Create five RAID 1 partitions on each of the two hard drives, as follows:
a. At the Disk Partitioning Setup screen, select Manually Partition With Disk
Druid, then click Next.
The Disk Setup screen appears.
b. At the Disk Setup screen, click New to begin creating a new partition.
A New Partition dialog box appears.
c. In the New Partition dialog box, select hard drive sda from the list of
Allowable Drives to create partitions on that drive first.
d. In the New Partition dialog box, select Software RAID from the Filesystem
Type pull-down menu.
e. In the New Partition dialog box, define one of the five Software RAID
partitions listed in TABLE 1.
Note – Make the /boot partition your primary partition by selecting the box
labeled, “Force to be primary partition.”
Note – You cannot enter the mount point for a partition until after you create the
RAID 1 device in a later step.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 5
f. After you have defined the partition, click OK.
You are returned to the Disk Setup screen, where your new partition is listed.
g. Repeat Step b through Step f until you have created all five partitions in
TABLE 1 on hard drive sda, then continue with Step h.
h. Create the same five partitions on hard drive sdb so that it will mirror hard
drive sda.
Repeat Step b through Step f until you have defined the five partitions in TABLE 1
on hard drive sdb, then continue with Step i.
You are returned to the Disk Setup screen, where the 10 partitions you created are
listed (5 partitions on hard drive sda and 5 partitions on hard drive sdb).
i. At the Disk Setup screen, click Make RAID.
A dialog box appears where you can select available partitions to make RAID.
j. In the dialog box, select a partition and edit the settings for the selected
partition as follows, then click OK:
Define the mount point for the partition. Refer to TABLE 1 and ensure that the
mount point corresponds to the partition size that you defined earlier.
Note – There is no mount point for the swap partition.
Select RAID 1 for the RAID Level.
Select the Format Partition box.
k. Repeat Step j until you have defined the mount point and RAID Level for all 10
of the partitions.
TABLE 1 RAID 1 Partition Settings For System Recovery
Mount Point File System Type RAID level Partition Size (Mb)
/ ext3 RAID 1 10000
swap swap RAID 1 2000
/boot ext3 RAID 1 64
/var ext3 RAID 1 2000
/scs ext3 RAID 1 200006 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
8. After you have defined all of your partition settings, click Next to close the Disk
Druid Disk Setup screen.
The Bootloader Configuration screen appears.
9. At the Bootloader Configuration screen, select LILO as the bootloader, then click
10. At the Firewall Configuration screen, select No Firewall, then click Next.
11. At the Additional Language Support Selection screen, click Next.
12. At the Time Zone Selection screen, select the correct time zone for your locale,
then click Next.
13. At the Account Configuration screen, type the root password, then click Next.
14. At the Authentification Configuration screen, click Next.
15. At the Package Group Selection screen, select the following group options, then
click Next:
Printing Support
X Window System
Network Support
Messaging and Web Tools
NFS File Server
SQL Database Server
Web Server
Network Managed Workstation
Software Development
Kernel Development
The Video Card Configuration screen appears.
16. At the Graphical Interface (X) Configuration screen, make the following
selections, then click Next.
ATI Mach64
Video Card RAM: 16 Mb
17. When the prompt that says About to Install appears, click Next.
The installation takes several minutes as the packages are installed and the
partitions are formatted.
18. When you are prompted for the next CD in the Linux distribution, remove the
current CD and replace it with the next CD.
When the installation is complete, the Boot Disk Creation screen appears.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 7
19. At the Boot Disk Creation screen, select Skip Boot Disk Creation, then click Next.
20. At the Monitor Configuration screen, accept the default, then click Next.
If you are using a different monitor than the one in the KVM unit, select your
monitor type rather than accepting the default.
21. At the Custom Graphics Configuration screen, make the following selections, then
click Next.
Color depth: High-color 16-bit
Screen resolution: 1024x768
Desktop environment: Gnome
Login type: Graphical
22. At the screen that says, “Congratulations, Your installation is now complete,” click
The node reboots automatically.
23. After the system returns to a Red Hat login screen, log in as the root user.
24. Install the required E1000 network drivers and configure the Ethernet device as
a. Insert the Sun Fire V60x and Sun Fire V65x Server Resource CD (shipped with
your system) into the CGM node and mount the CD by typing the following
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
b. Copy the required network drivers from the Resource CD and install them to
the CGM node by typing the following commands:
# cd /mnt/cdrom/drivers/src
# cp e1000-4.4.19.tar.gz /root
# cd /root
# tar -zxf e1000-4.4.19.tar
# cd e1000-4.4.19/src
# make install
# insmod e1000
c. Remove the Resource CD from the system after you type the following
# umount /dev/cdrom
d. Reboot the system by typing the following command:
# reboot
e. After the system returns to a Red Hat login screen, log in as the root user.8 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
f. Verify that the e1000 network drivers were installed by typing the following
commands and looking for the e1000 entry for eth1 in the /etc/modules.conf
# cd /etc
# more /etc/modules.conf
Sample file contents are shown here:
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
alias scsi_hostadapter aic79xx
alias eth0 e1000_4412k1
alias usb-controller usb-uhci
alias eth1 e1000
h. From the Gnome desktop menu bar, select Program > System > Internet
Configuration Wizard.
i. In the Add New Device Type dialog box, select your Ethernet connection, then
use the wizard to configure the Ethernet device and to activate it.
Consult with your system administrator to select settings that are compatible with
your network. The factory-default IP address of the CGM node is
j. Restart the network service by typing the following the command:
# service network restart
k. Verify that the system sees the Ethernet device by typing the following
# ifconfig -a
25. Download and install the required Adaptec SCSI driver as follows:
a. On the CGM node, use a browser to go to the Sun Fire V60x download site:
b. Navigate to the Device Drivers download links for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
c. Download the following tar file to a /tmp directory on the CGM node:
Adaptec SCSI Driver RPMs 1.3.10 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1
d. Extract the contents of the tar file into the /tmp directory by typing the following
# cd /tmp
# tar -zxf /tmp/as-aic79xx.tar.gzSun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 9
e. Determine which kernel version is running on your system by typing the
following commands:
# uname -a | awk ‘{print $3}’
The kernel version on your system is displayed similar to the following example:
f. Locate the correct drivers for your kernel version in the as-aic79xx folder by
typing the following commands:
# cd as-aic79xx/
# ls *kernel-version*
Where kernel-version is the kernel version you determined in Step e. Using the
example in the previous step, the command and response would look as follows:
# ls *e.12*
g. Install the required SCSI drivers by typing the following commands:
# rpm -ivh driver-version
Where driver-version is the driver that you determined in Step f. Using the example
in the previous step, the commands would look as follows:
# rpm -ivh aic79xx-1.3.10_2.4.9_e.12-rh21as_1.i686.rpm
# rpm -ivh aic79xx-smp-1.3.10_2.4.9_e.12-rh21as_1.i686.rpm
Note – The two required SCSI drivers are the smp/i686 driver and the uniprocessor
i686 driver (non-enterprise), as shown in the previous example.
h. Inform the boot loader where to find the new initial ramdisk (initrd) image by
typing the following commands:
# lilo
# reboot
26. Continue with “Reconfiguring the Operating System Software” on page 10.10 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Reconfiguring the Operating System Software
Use this procedure to reconfigure the Linux operating system after you reinstall it.
1. Enable serial redirection on the CGM node as follows:
a. Modify the CGM nodes’s /etc/lilo.conf file to add the following line after
the lines that read, read-only:
append="console=tty0 console=ttyS1,9600"
This change enables serial redirection of the output from the LILO boot loader
and the early boot process.
b. Modify the CGM nodes’s /etc/inittab file to add the following line after the
line that reads, 6:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty6:
7:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty ttyS1
c. Modify the CGM nodes’s /etc/securetty file to add the following line at the
end of the file:
d. Reboot the server to enable the serial redirection settings.
2. Configure the X windows environment on the CGM node as follows:
a. At a Linux command line, log in as the root user.
b. Start the Red Hat Linux configuration utility by typing the following command:
# setup
c. Select X Configuration from the menu of setup selections.
d. Accept all default X configuration options, except for the following changes you
must make:
Video card memory = 8MB
Color resolution = 24-bit, 1024x768
After you make these configuration changes, you can start the X windows
environment by typing the startx command at a Linux command line.
Note – You might not be able to resize the X windows because of a Red Hat bug.
You can work around this bug by performing the following steps:
i) Click on MainMenu on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
ii) Select Programs > Setting > Sawfish Window Manager > Moving and Resizing
iii) Deselect the box labeled, “Show current dimensions of window while resizing.”
iv) Click Apply.
v) Click OK.
3. Continue with “Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery” on page 11.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 11
Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery
Use this procedure to reinstall the Cluster Grid Manager software suite that was
preinstalled on your CGM node. This section is organized into the following
procedures that should be performed in the order they are listed here:
“Reinstalling Sun Control Station 2.0 Software” on page 11
“Reconfiguring the Java Plug-In Version For Mozilla” on page 12
“Installing the SCS Grid Engine Module” on page 14
“Installing Custom Scripts For Advanced Users” on page 15
CD Required For These Procedures
Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery CD (798-4973)
Note – You must install the operating system before performing this procedure, as
described in “Recovering Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1” on page 3.
Reinstalling Sun Control Station 2.0 Software
Use this procedure to reinstall the Sun Control Station (SCS) software.
1. Insert the Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery CD into your CGM node.
If the CD does not mount automatically, mount it by typing the following
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom
2. Copy the SCS tar file from the CD to the /scs directory on your CGM node by
typing the following command:
# cp scs-2.0-release.tgz /scs
This file is approximately 370 Mb, so the copying might take several minutes.
3. After the copy operation has finished, type the following commands to install the
new SCS software:
# cd /scs
# tar -zxvf scs-2.0-release.tgz
# cd scs-2.0/install
# ./install -factoryinstall
The installation might take several minutes.12 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
4. Install the SCS patch as follows:
a. Copy the SCS patch from the CD to the root directory on the CGM node by
typing the following command:
# cp scs-2.0p1.tgz /root
b. After copy operation finishes, extract the tar file by typing the following
# cd /root
# tar -zxvf scs-2.0p1.tgz
c. Install the SCS patch by typing the following commands:
# cd scs-2.0p1
# ./install/install
d. Delete the patch tar file after the installation finishes by typing the following
# cd ..
# cd /root
# rm scs-2.0p1.tgz
e. Reboot the CGM node to initialize the SCS database by typing the following
# reboot
5. Continue with “Reconfiguring the Java Plug-In Version For Mozilla” on page 12.
Reconfiguring the Java Plug-In Version For Mozilla
The Java™ plug-in for the Mozilla™ browser that is supplied with the RedHat Linux
software is not compatible and it must be replaced by the Java plug-in supplied with
the SCS software. Use the following procedure to reconfigure the Java plug-in
1. Configure the Java plug-in version by typing the following commands:
# cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
# rm
# ln -s \
2. Verify that the new Java plug-in version was configured as follows:
a. Close all Mozilla applications.
b. Start a Mozilla browser.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 13
c. At the top of the Mozilla window, click on Help > About Plug-ins.
d. Verify that the following version of the Java plug-in is listed:
Java™ Plug-in1.4.1_02-b06
3. Continue with “Installing the SCS Grid Engine Module” on page 14.14 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Installing the SCS Grid Engine Module
After you install the SCS software, you must install the Grid Engine module
1. Start a browser and type the following URL.
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address that you assigned to the CGM node.
2. Read the Sun Control Station license agreement that appears and accept the
license agreement if you agree with the terms.
A Sun Control Station Welcome page appears.
3. Go to the Sun Control Station login page for your CGM node by entering the URL
in the format that is shown on the Welcome page:
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address that you assigned to the CGM node.
Note – The URL uses the https format.
4. At the Sun Control Station login page, log in as the SCS administrator using the
default entries shown below, then click the Login button.
User Name: admin
Password: admin
5. On the Cluster Grid Manager main page, click on Administration > Modules in
the left-side panel.
The Control Modules window appears.
6. On the Control Modules window, click on Add Module.
The Add Module window appears.
7. Select Location as File and browse to the Grid Engine module file on the Cluster
Grid Manager Software Recovery CD:
8. Click on Install Now.
Accept any security certificates or warnings that appear.
Note – You might have to log in to SCS again after you install the Grid Engine
module to see the Grid Engine module selection in the menu.
9. Continue with “Installing Custom Scripts For Advanced Users” on page 15.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 15
Installing Custom Scripts For Advanced Users
Several useful scripts are included on the Cluster Grid manager Software Recovery
CD. Use the following procedure to install the scripts to your CGM node.
1. Create a /usr/mgmt/diag directory on your CGM node by typing the following
# mkdir /usr/mgmt/diag
2. Copy and extract the scripts tar file from the Cluster Grid manager Software
Recovery CD to your CGM node by typing the following commands:
# cp /mnt/cdrom/customerdiag1.2.tar /usr/mgmt/diag
# cd /usr/mgmt/diag
# tar -xvf customerdiag1.2.tar
3. Remove the Cluster Grid manager Software Recovery CD from your CGM node
after you type the following command:
# umount /dev/cdrom
Note – After you install the custom scripts, you can use them to automate several of
the more redundant SCS AllStart software deployment activities. The procedures in
the following sections describe how to use the scripts, but they are optional and
recommended for advanced users.16 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Using Scripts to Automate Installation
This section contains procedures that describe how to use scripts that are included
on the Cluster Grid Manager Software Recovery CD. These scripts can be used to
automate some of the redundant tasks that are required when using the SCS AllStart
module to deploy software to the compute nodes.
You should first review the basic AllStart module procedures in the Sun Fire V60x
Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide (817-3072) before you use these procedures.
Note – You must first install the scripts, as described in “Installing Custom Scripts
For Advanced Users” on page 15.
Using Scripts to Recreate a Lost check.out File
When your system is manufactured, a file named check.out is created on the CGM
node that lists the MAC addresses for all the nodes in your system. If this file is lost
for any reason, you can use one of the custom scripts as described in this procedure
to recreate the check.out file.
1. Type the following commands to run the script:
# cd /usr/mgmt/diag
# ./config -c n.n.n.n check TS-port-numbers
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address of the system’s terminal server and TS-port-numbers
is a range or list of terminal server ports to which compute nodes are connected. For
example, 1-32 would denote the range for a fully configured, 32-node system. If your
system is not fully configured, your TS-port-numbers value might look like 1,2,4,6-16.
2. Reset each compute node by pressing the Reset button on each node’s front panel.
As each node resets, it will provide output of MAC addresses to a file named
/usr/mgmt/diag/customer_check.out.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 17
Using Scripts to Auto-Populate the AllStart
Clients List
Perform the following procedure to use the MAC addresses from your
customer_check.out file to auto-populate the AllStart Clients list.
Note – Use this procedure after you have already used AllStart to create your
Distribution, Payload, and Profile, as described in the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid
Rack System Installation Guide (817-3072).
1. Type the following commands to run the script:
# cd /usr/mgmt/diag
# ./ -i NODE_BASE_IP -f customer_check.out
Where NODE_BASE_IP is the base, or starting IP address for your node range. All
nodes have their IP addresses incremented by one, following this lowest IP address.
The script uses the MAC addresses in the customer_check.out file to populate
the AllStart Clients list. Allstart adds clients, starting with NODE_BASE_IP, for each
MAC address in the customer_check.out file, up to, but not including, the CGM
2. Verify that the clients were added by looking at the AllStart Clients list. At the
Cluster Grid Manager main window, click on AllStart > Clients.
All of the new clients should be listed, although they have no payload or profile
associated with them yet.
3. Modify the clients that you just created to associate them with the AllStart
deployment you are creating, as follows:
a. On the AllStart Clients window, click Select All.
b. Click Modify.
c. Modify the settings for the clients as described in the Sun Fire V60x Compute
Grid Rack System Installation Guide.
When you finish making the settings, you are returned to the AllStart Clients
Note – Be sure to set up the clients settings so that they are associated with the
settings for the distribution, payload, and profiles that you have already created for
this AllStart deployment.
d. In the AllStart Clients window, click Select All.18 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
e. Click Enable.
All client entries are enabled so that they are visible to the system. Enabled clients
are indicated by a Y character under the Enabled heading on the AllStart Clients
4. Modify the DHCP configurations for the clients as follows:
a. On the Cluster Grid Manager main window, click AllStart > Service.
The AllStart Current Service Settings window appears.
b. Click Modify.
The Modify Service Settings window appears.
c. Verify that the DHCP Enabled box is selected.
d. Click Modify DHCP Info.
e. Select the DHCP subnet and click Edit.
f. Enter the router and DNS server IP addresses for your servers. Do not add
anything to the Network/netmask or IP Range fields.
Using Scripts to Force All Nodes to Network Boot
Use the following procedure to force all nodes to network boot, as required when
you are deploying software to compute nodes.
1. Type the following commands to run the script:
# cd /usr/mgmt/diag
# ./config -c n.n.n.n pxe TS-port-numbers
Note – You must ensure that none of the ports given in the TS-port-numbers node
range are currently in use when you use the command to run this script. The script
must have access to the serial ports of each node to take control of the nodes.
Where n.n.n.n is the IP address of the system’s terminal server and TS-port-numbers
is a range or list of terminal server ports to which compute nodes are connected. For
example, 1-32 would denote the range for a fully configured, 32-node system. If your
system is not fully configured, your TS-port-numbers value might look like 1,2,4,6-16.
2. Reset or power on the nodes by pressing the Reset or Power buttons on the front
panel of each node.
The script causes each node to network boot and pull the software deployment from
the CGM node.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 19
Using Scripts to Add All Nodes as SCS Managed
Before you can deploy the Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise Edition software to the
system compute nodes so that they can be managed as a grid, you must first add the
nodes as Sun Control Station managed hosts. Perform this procedure to use a script
to add all nodes as SCS managed hosts.
1. Type the following command to create a file named nodelist, which contains the
list of Allstart clients that will be added as SCS managed hosts:
# cd /usr/mgmt/diag
# ./ > nodelist
2. Type the following command to run the script that adds the clients as SCS
managed hosts and installs the SCS client daemons on them:
Note – Do not run this script in the background. Monitor the progress of the activity
by watching the SCS Administration > Hosts window. Refresh the window until all
the added hosts appear in the list.
# ./ add file nodelist20 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Sun ONE Grid Engine Notes
This section contains information about the Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise
Edition (S1GEEE) v 5.3p4 software that is preinstalled on your system’s CGM node.
AllStart Client Host Name Limitations
When you use the SCS AllStart module to create the client nodes to which you will
deploy the software payloads, you are required to enter network interface
information for those clients. In the AllStart Clients > Enter Network Interface
Information window, you must enter the host name for the client node that you are
creating. (See the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Installation Guide for the
full procedure.)
When entering the host name, you cannot use the full host name format, which
would include the domain name. Instead, you must use a short host name format.
For example:
Use this host name format: host1
Do not use this format:
If you use the full host name format, the S1GEEE software cannot resolve the host
name properly and the host (client node) is not able to join the grid or act as the grid
master host.
Grid Engine Settings
When the grid engine is deployed, the following settings are automatically used:
SGE admin user name: sgeadmin
SGE admin user ID: 268
SGE commd TCP port: 536
SGE root directory: /gridware/sge
SGE cell name: default
NFS sharing: the /gridware/sge/default/common directory is NFS-shared
from the designated master host to all other hosts. All other files and directories,
such as binaries and spool directories, are installed locally on all grid hosts.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 21
Grid Engine Configuration
When you configure a compute host, one default queue is created for it. The queue
settings are the same as that for a regular (standalone) S1GEEE deployment, with the
exception of the following:
In the Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid environment, the rerunnable parameter is set
to "y". In other words, jobs running in the queue can be restarted on other compute
hosts of the system in certain circumstances; for example, when a compute host is
being removed from the grid.
After you have deployed the grid engine, you can modify the configuration
parameters on the queues that were automatically set up to anything you want, or
even delete the queues entirely.
For details on grid engine settings, refer to the Sun ONE Grid Engine, Enterprise
Edition 5.3 Administration and User’s Guide. This document is accessible through the
Help interface of the SCS software, or at the following URL:
hardware/docs/Software/S1GEEE/index.html22 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
Important Notes
This section contains information about known issues and considerations regarding
the system and its operation.
Location of Kickstart Files For AllStart Clients
You can verify that your AllStart clients have been correctly configured by checking
for their listing in the /scs/allstart/ksconfig/ directory on your CGM node.
Each compute node that has been configured as an AllStart client is identifiable by
its MAC address, as listed in the following Kickstart file format:
PXE Network Booting Conflict With LAN
When you use the Sun Control Station AllStart module to deploy software from the
CGM node to the compute nodes, you force the target compute node to network
(PXE) boot and pull the software from the CGM node.
The PXE boot process involves UDP network transactions. If the DHCP/PXE server
tries to assign an IP address that already belongs to another locally networked node
that has LAN management enabled, the PXE boot process might fail. Note that even
if the bootloader appears successful, the LAN-managed node might still have
corrupted the transaction.
If you encounter this problem, there are several solutions:
Deactivate LAN management software on the local network before you perform
the PXE booting process.
Assign different IP addresses to the LAN-managed nodes that are in conflict with
the DHCP/PXE server’s assignments.
Do not use the client node’s LAN-managed Ethernet interface; use the other
Ethernet interface. Note that this would require you to reconfigure any Kickstart
information to use the new interface.Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes 23
Supported Browsers and Plug-Ins
For viewing Sun Control Station 2.0 software, the following browsers and plug-ins
have been tested and are officially supported on the indicated operating system
platforms at this time.
Linux software (tested on Red hat Linux 7.3 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1):
Browser: Mozilla 1.2.1
Java™ Plug-in: Java Plug-in 1.4.1
Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 operating system software:
Browser: Netscape 7.0
Java Plug-in: Java Plug-in 1.4.1
Windows NT 4.0:
Browser: Internet Explorer 6
Java Plug-in: Java Plug-in 1.4.124 Sun Fire V60x Compute Grid Rack System Release Notes • October 2003
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The name and logo TurboLinux are trademarks or registered trademarks of
TurboLinux, Inc.
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Red Hat and any trademarks or logos based on Red Hat are the trademark or
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Address : 250 East Caribbean Drive, Sunnyvale,CA94089
Telephone number : (408) 745-4900
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation Is subject to the
following two conditions : (1) this device may not cause harmful Interference,
and (2) this device must accept any Interference received, Including
Interference that may cause undesired operation.
This Product is designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for
general use, including without limitation, general office use, personal use,
household use, and ordinary industrial use, but is not designed, developed and
manufactured as contemplated for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers
that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could lead directly to death,
personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (hereinafter "High Safety
Required Use"), including without limitation, reaction core control in nuclear
power facilities, aircraft autopilot flight control, air traffic control, operation
control in mass transport control systems, medical instruments for life support
systems, missile launching control in weapon systems. You shall not use this
Product without securing the sufficient safety required for the High Safety
Required Use. If you wish to use this Product for High Safety Required Use,
please consult with our sales person representatives in charge before such
PREFACE .....................................................................................................................1
Conventions .............................................................................................................1
Packing List ..............................................................................................................1
IMPORTANT NOTICES ................................................................................................3
Safety .......................................................................................................................3
Moving Console Drawer ...........................................................................................4
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................5
Installing Guide Rails................................................................................................5
Installing Console Drawer ........................................................................................7
Installing the 4-port KVM Switch (CRT/KB Switcher) ...............................................8
CONNECTING AND REMOVING CABLES ...............................................................12
Connecting Cables .................................................................................................12
Removing Cables ...................................................................................................12
Connecting to Ports ................................................................................................13
OPERATION ...............................................................................................................14
Operating the Console Drawer ...............................................................................14
Adjusting the Monitor..............................................................................................17
Basic Adjustment Procedure .............................................................................18
Menu Screen Display Example .........................................................................18
Menu Description...............................................................................................19
Resolution and Refresh Rate ............................................................................20
Using a Linux Operating System............................................................................21
Keyboard Operation ...............................................................................................22
Pointing Device Operation......................................................................................22
The Hot-key and Reset Buttons .............................................................................23
Using CRT/KB Switcher .........................................................................................23
Storing Console Drawer .........................................................................................24
Cleaning Console Drawer ......................................................................................26
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................27
i i
Congratulations on your purchase of the server rack mountable Console Drawer.
Using this product will greatly improve the efficiency and functionality of the
workspace around your racks. Space that was used in previous layouts can now be
used more freely due to our compact sliding module design.
The 15-inch TFT monitor has a resolution of 1024 to 768 dots with 16,770,000 colors.
Also, it is equipped with a keyboard and 2-button pointing device.
Symbols and terminology that are used in this manual are described below.
This symbol indicates the possibility of physical damage (such as
damage to the Console Drawer) or physical injury, which may
result if by ignoring this symbol the Console Drawer is operated
This logo indicates supplemental information, comments or hints.
? Text that is preceded by a number (such as 1.) indicates that the operation must
be done in the order indicated.
? Reference to important chapter titles and terminology are in brackets [ ].
Packing List
Make sure that the items in the following list were included in the shipping package.
? Console Drawer 1 ea.
? Power Cable (2 m) 1 ea.
(Not included in European configuration [FD-1000AT/E])
? Operation Manual (this manual) 1 ea.
? Warranty 1 ea.
(Make sure that the warranty includes all the required information.)
We recommend keeping the box and packing material in which the Console Drawer
was purchased. They may be required when moving it to another location.
If something is missing from the package, contact your place of purchase or a Fujitsu
maintenance person.
Please note the safety information in [Important Notices].
1. Check the package delivered and whether the Console Drawer has been damaged
when unpacking.
2. Remove the rubber stabilizer from the front left side of the Console Drawer.
The rubber stabilizer is inserted to prevent the Console Drawer
from sliding when installing or moving it. Be sure to keep it after
finishing the installation for when it needs to be used again.
Rubber stabilizer removal diagram
Important Notices
This chapter contains cautions that must be taken when operating the Console
Drawer and information related to safety. Carefully read this chapter to use the
Console Drawer correctly.
This device adheres to the safety regulations related to information processing
equipment such as electronic office machines that are used in an office environment.
If you have any questions please contact your place of purchase or a Fujitsu
maintenance person.
? To prevent extreme bumping or shaking when moving the Console Drawer use
the original shipping container or a box similar to it.
? During installation and before using the Console Drawer, carefully read
[Installation] and the section about environmental conditions in [Technical
Specifications] to use the Console Drawer correctly.
? Moving the Console Drawer from a cold environment to the installation location
may cause condensation to occur. Before using the Console Drawer allow it to
dry out completely and to reach the ambient temperature of the installation
? Make sure that the local power supply voltage is within the acceptable range of
the Console Drawer. Make sure that the rated voltage meets the specifications of
this device (Refer to [Technical Specifications] and the model plate on this
? The power cable for the Console Drawer is specially certified. Do not connect it
to anyplace other than a grounded wall outlet.
? Arrange the immediate area around the Console Drawer's power socket and the
rack's power outlet so that the plug can be quickly pulled.
? Lay all the cables so that they will not be damaged. Refer to the relevant
sections in [Installation] when connecting and removing cables.
? Do not connect or remove the data transmission cables during thunderstorms.
? Do not allow foreign substances (such as necklaces or paperclips) or liquids
inside the Console Drawer.
? In an emergency (such as: damage to the housing, parts or cables; or liquid or a
foreign object has fallen into the Console Drawer) remove the power cable as
soon as possible and contact your place of purchase or a Fujitsu maintenance
? Only licensed engineers can repair the Console Drawer. An unlicensed user that
opens the Console Drawer and makes incorrect repairs may cause electric
shock or fire.
? Avoid using the keyboard when in poor health or for extended periods of time.
? Always hold the connector portion and do not jerk the cables when removing
? Avoid operating the Console Drawer with wet hands.
? Do not unplug connectors with wet hands.
? Do not place such unnecessary items as cups on the top of the Console Drawer.
? Do not modify or repair the Console Drawer.
? Only licensed personal can uncouple, remove or switch parts (such as
electromagnetic wave devices) which bear a warning mark (such as a lightening
? Only the resolution and refresh rate specified in the monitor explanation in
[Technical Specifications] can be set. Doing settings other than those noted may
damage the monitor. Contact your place of purchase or a Fujitsu maintenance
person if you have any questions.
? To prevent interference it is necessary to adequately isolate the data cables
connected to peripheral equipment.
? Unplug the power plug from the grounded power outlet if there is a power
? Follow the instructions in the appropriate section in [Operation] when cleaning
the server.
? Keep this manual with the Console Drawer. If you give the Console Drawer to a
third party give them this manual also.
? Do not use the Console Drawer as a foot rest or lean against it with it drawn out.
Doing so may unbalance the rack, causing it to fall over.
This device is manufactured with metal and plastic parts. Dispose of it according the
relevant government regulations.
Moving Console Drawer
When moving the Console Drawer to a different location, use the
box in which it was purchased or a box that protects the product
from bumping and shaking. Do not unpack the Console Drawer
until the move has been completed.
Please note the safety information in [Important Notices].
Maintain the area around the equipment when using the Console
Drawer (See [Technical Specifications] for more information).
Avoid dust, humidity and extreme temperatures. Installation may
require more than two people in some situations. Be careful not to
pinch your fingers or hands between the guide rails and the
Console Drawer.
Installing Guide Rails
Install the guide rails with the guides toward the front so that the
Console Drawer can be mounted on them. (Rear Spacers will be
at the back)
See the installing the guide rail diagram on page 6.
1. Insert the rear spacer studs of the guide rails into the holes in the rear rack pillars.
Fasten each guide rail with two screws inserted from the outside of the pillar, one
into each of the top and bottom holes of the rear spacer.
2. Extend the guide rails to reach the inside of the front rack pillar.
Fasten each guide rail in place with two screws, one into each of the top and bottom
holes of the front spacer. (Attach the guide rails inside the front/rear rack pillar so
that the guides face inwards.)
3. Install the left and right guide rails at the same height.
z Refer to the enclosed manual for details on how to install additional guide rails.
Installing the Guide Rails diagram
Installing Console Drawer
Be careful that the latch lever (see page 15) does not come loose.
If the latch lever comes loose the Console Drawer may slip. If the
Console Drawer does not slide easily into the guide rail or is
heavy, lift and insert it with two or more people.
1. After installing the guide rails, insert the Console Drawer into the front end of the
guide rails.
2. Push the Console Drawer in until it stops, then fasten with two screws, one on each
side of the front of the Console Drawer.
Installing the Console Drawer diagram
Installing the 4-port KVM Switch (CRT/KB Switcher)
Three methods are used for installing the 4-port KVM switch (Installation Methods 1 - 3).
After removing the rubber feet from this device 4-port KVM switch, use the appropriate
installation method for this device configuration.
Refer to [Connecting to Ports] on page 13 for details on connecting the 4-port KVM
The 4-port KVM switch will not fit inside of this device unless the
rubber feet have been removed.
To avoid electric shocks and/or short circuits, make certain that
the power cable of this device is not plugged in.
Since this device can cause injury if it falls or tips over, be certain
to only work on a stable surface.
This device contains the components that store and release high
voltage electric charges. Only work on this device after checking
that it has been electrically discharged.
Some metal edges may be sharp. Be careful to not cut yourself.
To avoid damaging this device, do not place foreign objects
(including metal objects, water, and/or liquids) inside it. Also, do
not touch except as necessary.
To avoid damage, only licensed engineers should install the
4-port KVM switch.
Philips screwdrivers (large, small) are required to install the
Console Drawer. Have these ready before proceeding.
The screws for installation method 2 are not included with the
4-port KVM switch. These four 3 x 6 mm flathead screws must be
separately obtained.
Installation Method 1
No extra screws are needed.
It is not necessary to remove the Console Drawer from the guide
rails if there is sufficient workspace above the unit after it has
been attached to the rack.
If the Console Drawer needs to be removed, reverse the
[Installing Console Drawer] operation on page 7.
1. Remove the four screws that secure the KVM holder in place.
2. Insert the 4-port switch into the open space in the rear top panel, making sure that
the 4-port KVM switch's connectors face out from the rear of the Console Drawer.
3. Reattach the KVM holder to the rear top panel with the four screws removed in step
Installation Method 1: 4-port KVM switch Assembly Diagram
(viewed from the left rear)
1 0
Installation Method 2
An extra four 3 x 6 mm flathead screws (not provided) are
required to fasten the 4-port KVM switch in place.
It is not necessary to remove the Console Drawer from the guide
rails if there is sufficient workspace above and below the unit after
it has been attached to the rack. If the Console Drawer needs to
be removed, reverse the [Installing Console Drawer] operation on
page 7.
1. Remove the four screws that secure the KVM holder in place.
2 Insert the 4-port switch into the open space in the rear top panel, making sure that
the 4-port KVM switch's connectors face out from the rear of the Console Drawer.
3. Fasten the 4-port KVM switch in place with the four new screws inserted from
underneath the rear panel.
4. Reattach the KVM holder to the rear top panel with the four screws removed in step
Installation Method 2: 4-port KVM switch Assembly Diagram
(viewed from the left rear)
1 1
Installation Method 3
Rear top panel must be removed, but no extra screws are
Remove the Console Drawer from the rack guide rails by
reversing the [Installing Console Drawer] operation on page 7.
1. Remove the ten screws that secure the rear top panel in place.
2. Remove the four screws from the left and right sides of the 4-port KVM switch.
Insert the 4-port KVM switch under the KVM holder between the two bent down flaps
of the rear top panel, making sure that the 4-port KVM switch's will face out from the
rear of the Console Drawer. Fasten it in place with the four screws removed in step 2.
3. Reattach the rear top panel with 4-port KVM switch attached to the rear plate Comp
using the ten screws removed in step 1.
Installation Method 3: 4-port KVM switch Assembly Diagram
(viewed from the left rear)
1 2
Connecting and Removing Cables
Read the Console Drawer manual before connecting the cables.
Do not connect or remove the cables during a thunderstorm.
When unplugging cables hold them by the plug, not the cable.
Connect and remove cables in the following order.
Connecting Cables
1. Unplug the power cords, from the power outlets, of all the equipment that is
2. Connect the keyboard cable, mouse cable and the monitor cable to their respective
pieces of equipment.
3. Plug the power cable into the Console Drawer.
4. Plug the power cable into a grounded power outlet.
Connecting cables to Console Drawer diagram
Removing Cables
Unplug the power cords, from the power outlets, of all the equipment that are effected,
then remove each cable.
1 3
Connecting to Ports
(When CRT/KB Switcher is attached to the back of the Console Drawer.)
Adhere to the cautions in [Connecting and Removing Cables]
when connecting and disconnecting ports. Also, cut the power of
the effected equipment while you are working.
You can connect as many servers as there are ports.
1. Connect the keyboard cable to the KB port, the mouse cable to the Mouse port and
the monitor cable to the COMMON DISP port.
2. Use the dedicated cable to connect the server keyboard port (PS/2) and the mouse
port (PS/2) to the KB/Mouse port (6-pin mini DIN).
3. Connect the terminal monitor cable to the 1 DISP port (15-pin mini D-SUB).
Connecting ports diagram
If you are using a separate CRT/KB switcher, rather than the back
of the Console Drawer, refer to the operation manual for the
CRT/KB switcher.
1 4
Pull the Console Drawer toward slowly until the slide rails lock.
If they do not lock, the weight of the Console Drawer may cause it
to move.
Be careful not to pinch your hand when doing such activities as
pulling or pushing the slide module and opening and closing the
Operating the Console Drawer
1. If the rubber stabilizer has not been removed yet, remove it now.
2. Push down on the latch lever on the front left side of the Console Drawer. Pull out
the Console Drawer until it clicks.
Before pulling it out, make sure that the two screws on the front of
the Console Drawer are tightly fixed to the rack.
1 5
Pulling out the slide module diagram
3. Push up on the LCD lock on the left side of the handle, and then grasp the handle
and open the top of the monitor.
4. Turn on the power by pushing the POWER button.
Open the monitor completely.
1 6
Opening the LCD diagram
1 7
Adjusting the Monitor
The five buttons and two LEDs on the monitor are explained in order from left to right.
Power button: Power button: Push this button to turn on the power to the monitor. Also,
pushing this button while the monitor is on cuts the power to the
Power lamp (green): This lamp lights when the power to the monitor is on and goes
out when the power to the monitor is off.
Indicator lamp (orange): This lamp lights when the monitor is in energy-saving mode.
Menu button: Push this button to adjust the monitor.
?Button: Push this button when selecting downward and to change values in a
decreasing direction.
?Button: Push this button when selecting upward and to change values an
increasing direction.
Button: Push this button to select or enter things.
You can eliminate screen noise by adjusting the PHASE
on the setting menu.
Be careful when applying a strong force to the equipment when
the Console Drawer is pulled out and the monitor is opened and
being used, as there is a risk that the rack may fall over.
Do not strongly press on the monitor's screen, scratch it with
sharp objects or place magnetic objects near it. Doing so may
damage the monitor.
1 8
Basic Adjustment Procedure
1. Push the menu button to open the menu.
2. Select the item to be adjusted with the?button and the?button.
3. Switch to the various adjustment screens with the button.
4. Change setting values with the?button and the?button.
5. Apply setting values and return to the menu screen with the button.
6. Push the menu button to close the menu. (The menu button automatically closes if
no button operations are done for a set time.)
*. and are automatically set after the button is pressed.
Menu Screen Display Example
1 9
Menu Description
Symbol Displayed term Adjustment details
Brightness Adjust the brightness.
Contrast Adjust the contrast.
H.Position Adjust the horizontal position of the image.
V.Position Adjust the vertical position of the image.
Phase Adjust the phase (eliminate screen noise).
Clock Adjust the width of the display.
Auto Setup Adjusts automatically.
Language Select the language used for the menu.
Color Adjusts the color.
Special Press to change the settings shown below.
Factory Setting Return to factory default status.
DOS Mode
Switch between 640 and 720 of the horizontal
resolution in DOS mode.
Video Level
Adjust the level of the input signal.
Zoom Sharpness Adjust the focus.
2 0
Resolution and Refresh Rate
Resolution Horizontal frequency (KHz) Vertical frequency (Hz) Mode
31.47 60.0
37.86 72.0
600 × 480
37.5 75.0
37.9 60.0
48.1 72.0
800 × 600
46.9 75.0
48.4 60.0
56.5 70.0
1024 × 768
60.0 75.0
2 1
Using a Linux Operating System
Carefully read the cautions on page 16 to correctly set and use
the Console Drawer with a Linux operating system.
Precautions when using the Caldera OpenLinux Server 3.1.1
Installation Precautions
When using Caldera OpenLinux Server 3.1.1 with this unit, immediately after
installation X Windows may fail at startup with the following message:
INIT : rc.gui : /opt/kde2/bin/kdm or X11 startup problem !
For X11, try running 'kxconfig' as root …
INIT : Switching to runlevel:3
INIT : Sending processes the TERM signal press to continue.
Follow the procedure listed below to reinstall X Windows so that it will start normally.
? Startup the system using the installation CD, then select the installation mode
listed below to begin the installation.
- Standard install mode
? Select " Programmable up to (MHz):" as the mode clock on the " Select Video
Card " screen.
? The values that should be set for the " Select Video Card " screen are as follows:
Resolution Refresh Depth Horiz. Sync Mode Clock
1024 x 768 70 Hz 8-32 bpp 56.5 KHz 75 MHz
(When all items except the resolution show " Not available ", set the resolution to
"1024 x 768")
2 2
Keyboard Operation
Full keyboard operation is possible by working with the Fn key.
Pointing Device Operation
Lightly touch or tap the operation surface to operate the pointing device.
Moving the pointer: Just lightly touch the operation surface in the direction you want to
move the cursor.
Single click: Lightly tap the operation surface once, or click the left button once.
Double click: Lightly tap the operation surface twice, or click the left button twice.
1.The pointing device has been designed to be operated with one
finger, do not use it in the following ways:
1) while wearing gloves;
2) with a pen, ballpoint pen or pencil etc;
3) with two or more fingers;
4) operating while something is placed on the operation
2. Normal operation may become impossible if the operation
surface gets wet such as when there is high humidity or the
operator's hands are damp or sweaty. Thoroughly dry or wipe
the operation surface before use.
3. Do not do operations with pointed metal objects such as pens
as it may damage the pointing device.
2 3
The Hot-key and Reset Buttons
Hot-key Button
Outputs the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] key Make/Break code. This will also be the Hot-key
mode (OSD display) when connected to a KVM switch.
Reset Button
Resets the keyboard and mouse.
KVM switch, keyboard and mouse will be reset if connected to a FS-10XX Series
KVM switch.
KVM Switch Reset is only valid with the following series: FS-1004,
1008, and 1016.
Using CRT/KB Switcher
Even if the settings are the same, the image position may be different when using
various types of CRT controllers when setting up multiple servers. Generally
resolution and refresh rate (vertical frequency) are the same for all servers, therefore
just a set of one type of parameters supports these settings, which are stored for the
screen. Displays on other servers are effected by correcting an on-screen image that
has shifted.
To correct shifted displays, change the following settings.
1. Set the refresh rate of servers that have displays with incorrect images to a different
2. Select the best screen display and the save it.
As multiple refresh rates for resolution can generally be set, you can use multiple
options for the screens.
2 4
Storing Console Drawer
The Console Drawer can be stored in the rack when a monitor and keyboard are not
Slide the Console Drawer in and out of the rack slowly.
1. Push the monitor power button to turn off the power to the monitor.
2. Hold the handle and slowly close the monitor. Be sure that the LCD lock catches.
3. Push the locking springs on both sides of the slide rail and slide the Console
Drawer into the rack. Be sure the latch lever catches.
Be careful not to pinch your fingers or hands in the guide rails,
slide rails, or the Console Drawer itself when storing the Console
Drawer. If the latch lever is not set the Console Drawer may slide
out if the rack is moved.
We recommend turning off the monitor's power when it is not in
use, to conserve electricity.
2 5
Inserting the slide module diagram
2 6
Cleaning Console Drawer
Turn off the power and unplug the power cable from the power
socket. Do not use cleansers that contain abrasives; or such
organic solvents as benzene or thinner; or disinfectant alcohol.
Do not apply water and cleanser or spray type cleaners directly to
the Console Drawer. If liquids enter the interior of the Console
Drawer it may result in malfunctions or damage.
Wipe the Console Drawer and monitor with a dry cloth. If the dirt is excessive, wipe it
off with a soft cloth that has been thoroughly wrung out after being dipped in
household cleanser diluted with water.
Remove dust with a soft brush.
Clean the keyboard and pointing device with a sterile cloth.
Lightly wipe the monitor screen with a soft dry cloth such as gauze. Remove dust with
a soft brush.
2 7
Technical Specifications
Model: FD-1000AT/J (Japanese configuration)
FD-1000AT/U (US configuration)
FD-1000AT/E (European configuration)
• Power Specifications
Rated voltage range: 100 - 240V AC
Frequency: 50/60Hz
Rated current: 100V/0.4 A, 200V/0.2 A
• Size
Main part: (W) x (D) x (H)
(1) Slide rail contracted 485 mm x 642 mm x 42 mm
(2) Slide rail extended 485 mm x 1117 mm x 42 mm
(3) (2)+the LCD are fully opened 485 mm x 1077 mm x 345 mm
• Weight: 12.0 Kg
• Required Environment
Operating Temperature: 15 - 35 °C
(Avoid condensation during use.)
According to the server environment.
• Monitor
Panel monitor: 15” TFT color LCD
Resolution: Max. horizontal 1024 (dots) x vertical 768 (line)
Pitch: 0.297 x 0.297mm
Refresh rate: Max. 75Hz
Colors: Max. 16,777,216 (dithering)
Brightness: 250 cd/m²
Connector: mini D-SUB 15-pin (analog RGB)
Power consumption: Max. 22 W or less
During standby: 3.6 W or less
During back right OFF: 7.2 W or less
During LCD power switch OFF: 3.6 W or less
2 8
• Keyboard
Layout: Japanese layout, US layout, European layout
Number of keys: Japanese layout (87), US layout (83),
European layout (84)
Connector: mini DIN 6-pin
• Pointing Device
Model: Static Touch Pad
Resolution: 240 cpi (counts/inch)
Connector: mini DIN 6-pin
• Button
Number of buttons: 3
Console Drawer
User’s Manual
Published August 2003
Printed in Japan
? The contents of this manual may be modified for improvements without prior
? Fujitsu bears no responsibility for infringement of patent or other rights of third
parties ascribable to the use of data in this manual.
? Reprinting of this manual without permission is prohibited.
This manual is made of recycled paper.
Getting Started with the LX Series
Corporate Headquarters
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20415 Nordhoff Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Tel: 818-773-0900
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Sales and Customer Support
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Tel: 800-338-5316 (U.S.)
Tel: +011 978-952-4888 (Outside
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MRV International
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P.O. Box 614
Yokneam, Israel 20682
Tel: 972-4-993-6200 (email) (Internet)2 451-0308
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without
the prior written consent of MRV Communications, Inc. The information in
this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by MRV Communications, Inc. MRV
Communications, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication, and to
make changes in content from time to time, without obligation to provide
notification of such revision or changes. MRV Communications, Inc.
assumes no responsibility for errors that may appear in this document.
Copyright © 2003 by MRV Communications, Inc.
Should you experience trouble with this equipment, please contact one of
the following support locations:
• If you purchased your equipment in the Americas, contact MRV
Americas Service and Support in the U.S. at 978-952-4888. (If you are
calling from outside the U.S., call +011 978-952-4888.)
• If you purchased your equipment outside the Americas
(Europe, EU, Middle-East, Africa, Asia), contact MRV
International Service and Support at 972-4-993-6200. 451-0308 3
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, can cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the power cord of the equipment into an outlet on a circuit that
is different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by MRV Communications,
Inc. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.4 451-0308451-0308 5
Table of Contents
Preface................................................................................................................ 11
Customer Support ........................................................................................................11
Other Documentation ..................................................................................................11
Overview of the LX Series ................................................................................ 13
Conventions ..................................................................................................................13
System Specifications ..................................................................................................15
Installing the LX Series ..................................................................................... 17
Hardware Installation .................................................................................................17
Unpack and Inspect the Unit ................................................................................ 17
Package Contents................................................................................................... 17
LX Indicators and Interfaces.......................................................................................18
Front Panel LEDs .................................................................................................. 18
Rear Panel LEDs ................................................................................................... 19
Environmental and Installation Considerations........................................................23
Mounting the Unit into a 19-inch or 23-inch Rack ....................................................24
Cable Connections........................................................................................................25
Connect the Power Cable....................................................................................... 25
Connecting the Ethernet Interface ....................................................................... 25
Connect Serial Device Cables................................................................................ 25
Connecting Your Management Station................................................................. 25
Connecting DC Power............................................................................................ 26
Modem Port (Optional) ................................................................................................27
Powering On .................................................................................................................27
System Login and Passwords ......................................................................................28
Resetting the Unit........................................................................................................29
Configuring the LX Unit for the First Time ...............................................................30
First Time Quick Configuration............................................................................ 30
Assigning an IP Address via the Network............................................................ 33
Accessing and Configuring the Graphical User Interface (GUI)...............................33
Software Upgrades.......................................................................................................38
IP Configuration Menu ................................................................................................38
Booting from Defaults..................................................................................................38
Accessing and Configuring Additional Features ........................................................39
Connecting to the LX Series via Telnet or SSH ................................................... 39
Accessing from a Terminal Attached to an LX Series Serial Port ...................... 40
Additional Considerations ...........................................................................................406 451-0308
Sensor (Temperature/Humidity) Ports .......................................................................40
Connecting the Temperature/Humidity Sensor ................................................... 40
Command Line Interface (CLI) Tree Structure..........................................................42
ppciboot Factory Default Settings...............................................................................43
Additional Considerations for an Internet Environment ..........................................44
Autobauding Feature ...................................................................................................44
Reinitializing/Powering Off the Unit ..........................................................................44
Appendix A - Technical Specifications ........................................................... 45
Appendix B - POST Test Error Codes ............................................................. 49
Error Code Definitions.................................................................................................49
POST Test Error Code Sample....................................................................................51
Appendix C - Cabling the LX Series ................................................................ 55
Cabling Considerations................................................................................................55
Serial Device Connectors ....................................................................................... 55
Diagnostic Port Connector (Port 0) ....................................................................... 55
10/100 Connector.................................................................................................... 56
Ordering Cables ..................................................................................................... 56
Modular Adapters ........................................................................................................56
Pin Assignments .................................................................................................... 57
Ordering and Installing the Inlet Connector Lock.....................................................59
Connecting to the Diagnostic Port (Port 0) .................................................................59
Modem Control/Hardware Flow Control ....................................................................60
RJ-45 Wiring Considerations ......................................................................................60
Modular Adapters (RJ-45 to DB-25) ...........................................................................61
MRV Communications 8-Wire Cabling.......................................................................64451-0308 7
LX Series 4008 Front Panel.............................................................................. 18
LX Series 4016 Front Panel.............................................................................. 18
LX Series 4032 Front Panel.............................................................................. 18
LX Series 4048 Front Panel.............................................................................. 18
LX Series 4008 Rear Panel ............................................................................... 19
LX Series 4008M with Modem Rear Panel ...................................................... 20
LX Series 4016M with Modem Rear Panel ...................................................... 20
LX Series 4016 DC Version Rear Panel ........................................................... 21
LX Series 4032M with Modem Rear Panel ...................................................... 21
LX Series 4032M DC Version Rear Panel ....................................................... 22
LX Series 4048 AC Rear Panel ......................................................................... 22
Mounting an LX Series in Rack ....................................................................... 24
Connecting DC Power ....................................................................................... 26
LX Series RESET Switch Location .................................................................. 29
Connecting the Temperature/Humidity Sensor .............................................. 41
Basic Menu Structure ....................................................................................... 42
POST Test Error Code Sample......................................................................... 53
Serial Device Connector (RJ-45) Signal Assignments .................................... 55
10/100 Connector Assignments ........................................................................ 56
DB-25 Pins......................................................................................................... 58
Installing the Inlet Connector Lock ................................................................. 59
Adapter Wiring, LX Series to DTE .................................................................. 61
Adapter Wiring, RJ-45 to DB-9, LX Series to DTE......................................... 62
Adapter Wiring, LX Series to DCE .................................................................. 63
Modular Cables for RTS/CTS Flow Control (Eight-Wire), Concurrent with Modem Control Signalling ..................................................................................... 658 451-0308451-0308 9
LX Series Specifications ....................................................................................45
POST Test Error Codes ....................................................................................4910 451-0308451-0308 11
This guide describes how to install the software, describes the hardware
and cabling, as well as how to rack-mount the LX Series.
This guide is organized as follows:
• Preface - Describes the manual’s organization and how to contact
customer support.
• Chapter 1 – Provides an overview of the LX Series, including
supported communication speeds, software requirements, and
• Chapter 2 – Describes how to install and connect the LX Series, as
well as the unit’s LEDs and connectors. Also explains how to connect to
the unit, access the Graphical User Interface, install Java Runtime
Environment (JRE), and connect to the LX Series via telnet and SSH.
• Appendix A – Provides the electrical, environmental, and physical
requirements for the LX Series installation.
• Appendix B – Provides the error code definitions for the POST test
error codes.
• Appendix C - Describes how to cable the LX Series unit.
Customer Support
Should you experience trouble with this equipment, please contact your
MRV Americas Service and Support customer representative in the USA
at 978-952-4888. International customers call +011 978-952-4888.
Other Documentation
Other manuals in the LX documentation set are:
• LX-Series Commands Reference Guide - Describes each individual
command in the LX CLI tree.Preface
12 451-0308
• Getting Started with MRV Communications LX Series MIBs - Provides
basic information regarding the Network Management System (NMS),
and procedures on how to use the Management Information Base
(MIB) structure (as pointers to objects in the devices) to manage these
• LX-Series Configuration Guide - Provides information on network
configuration, initial setup, how to set up for remote console functions,
RADIUS, and system administration.
• Software Release Notes - Cites supported features as well as any notes
and restrictions for the current software version.451-0308 13
Chapter 1
Overview of the LX Series
The LX Series is a secure standalone communication server that is
designed for applications requiring secure console or serial port
management. The LX Series provides the most secure and robust feature
set to meet your remote console management and terminal server needs.
The LX Series includes the most comprehensive security features, such as
per port access protection, RADIUS, Secure Shell v2.0, PPP PAP/CHAP,
PPP dial-back, on-board database, menus, and others.
The LX Series console management solution enables centrally located or
remote personnel to connect to the console or craft ports of any network
element or server. This serial connection allows administrators to manage
and configure the remote network devices and servers, as well as perform
software upgrades as if attached locally.
The LX Series also provides various port densities of RS-232 DTE RJ45
Serial ports, as well as V.90/K56 flex Internal Modem options. Currently,
the LX hardware provides port densities of 8, 16, 32, and 48 ports, plus
port 0 for local management.
The following conventions are used throughout this guide:
• User prompt – The user prompt is (for example) InReach:0> for
Non-superusers or InReach:0>> for superusers. The prompt will
change based on a login user profile, as configured by the Superuser.
The 0 represents the session number.Overview of the LX Series
14 451-0308
• Configure Mode prompt – A sample configure mode prompt is
Async 1-6:0 >>, where Async is a reminder that tells you which part
of the configuration you are in, 1-6 is the range of ports any operation
will affect, 0 is a session number, and >> indicates superuser mode. To
get to the Async 1-6:0 >> prompt, you must first type port async
1 6 at the Config:0 >> prompt. Note that you do not add a dash
between the range numbers in port async 1 6.
• Command execution – Unless otherwise specified, commands are
executed when you press .
• Keyboard characters (keys) – Keyboard characters are represented
using left and right angle brackets (< and >). For example, the notation
refers to the CTRL key; refers to the letter A; and
refers to the RETURN key.
• Typographical conventions – The following typographical
conventions are used:
Monospace Typeface – indicates text that can be displayed or typed
at a terminal (i.e., displays, user input, messages, prompts, etc.).
italics – are used to indicate variables in command syntax
• Help Key (?) - At any prompt level, you can press ? to display the
available commands at that level. The only time this is not true is if
you are in the midst of entering a command. If ? is at the end of a
partial command, the LX displays a list of valid arguments to assist
you in adding to the current command line.
• Tab - Press the Tab button to complete a partially entered command.
You must enter the first three characters of a command for
autocomplete to work. If the command is already complete, the Tab
button displays available commands.
• Command Recall - The up arrow recalls previously used commands.
• Ctrl-F – Moves forward to the next session.451-0308 15
Overview of the LX Series
• Ctrl-B – Moves back to the previous session.
• Ctrl-L – Returns you to the Local Command Mode.
NOTE: You must press the Enter key after you type Ctrl-F, Ctrl-B,
or Ctrl-L.
System Specifications
The following table lists important system specifications:
Item Description
Interface DTE RS-232 - RJ-45
Serial Line Speed 134 bps to 230 Kbps
Ethernet Interface 10/100 Auto Sensing
Default Serial Line Speed 9600 bps
DIAG Port/local management port
(default settings)
The DIAG port (port 0) is the console
management port.
Autobaud is disabled.
Quick Start is enabled.
Access is Local.
APD is disabled.
Flow Control is Xon/Xoff.
All Ports Except Management and
Modem Ports (default settings)
Autobaud is disabled.
Access is Remote.
APD is disabled.
Flow Control is Xon/Xoff.
Modem Port (default settings) Autobaud is disabled.
Speed is 57600.
Access is Local.
APD is enabled.
Flow Control is CTS.Overview of the LX Series
16 451-0308451-0308 17
Chapter 2
Installing the LX Series
Hardware Installation
This section explains how to install an LX Series Communications server
and place it into operation.
Unpack and Inspect the Unit
Place all packing materials back into the shipping carton and save the
carton. (If you need to return the unit to MRV Communications or your
distributor, you should return it in the original carton.)
Package Contents
The LX unit shipping carton contains the following items:
• One rack mounting kit. MRV provides the following mounting screws:
Eight 6-32 x 5/16” flathead screws for attaching the ears to the unit,
and four 10-32 screws to attach to the rack.
• One power cord appropriate to your particular LX model.
• One 8-wire RJ-45 serial crossover cable.
• One female DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter.
• One software/documentation CD.Installing the LX Series
18 451-0308
LX Indicators and Interfaces
This section explains the LX unit’s indicators and interfaces.
Front Panel LEDs
This section explains the front panel LEDs (see Figures 1 through 4).
Figure 1 - LX Series 4008 Front Panel
Figure 2 - LX Series 4016 Front Panel
Figure 3 - LX Series 4032 Front Panel
Figure 4 - LX Series 4048 Front Panel
100 Mbps LED
DIAG Port (Port 0)
Modem Port451-0308 19
Installing the LX Series
Solid red indicates a fault condition exists or maintenance is required. This
LED remains on until the initial Power On Self Test (POST) completes
Solid green indicates the system’s voltages are normal and the unit has
passed the POST test.
Port Status LEDs
Each of the eight (or 16, or 32, or 48) green LEDs flash when receive,
transmit, or status activity is detected on its corresponding serial port. The
port status LEDs are used in several ways. During the initialization process,
the LEDs indicate self-tests are being performed, and if any self-test fails,
they indicate an error code. After a POST test and a system software boot, the
lights indicate when a port is actively being used.
Rear Panel LEDs
This section explains the rear panel LEDs and shows you a rear view of the
various LX models (see Figures 5 through 11).
Figure 5 - LX Series 4008 Rear Panel
1.0A 50/60Hz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
100 Mbps
DIAG Port (Port 0)Installing the LX Series
20 451-0308
Figure 6 - LX Series 4008M with Modem Rear Panel
Figure 7 - LX Series 4016M with Modem Rear Panel
1.0A 50/60Hz
10/100 ETH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Modem Port
DIAG Port (Port 0)
1.0A 50/60Hz
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RCV LINK
Modem Port
DIAG Port (Port 0)451-0308 21
Installing the LX Series
Figure 8 - LX Series 4016 DC Version Rear Panel
Figure 9 - LX Series 4032M with Modem Rear Panel
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
100 Mbps
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-24/-48/-60 VDC
1.2 MAX
+ -
+ -
DIAG Port (Port 0)
1.0A 50/60Hz
DIAG 1 0/1 0 0 E THN T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Modem Port
DIAG Port (Port 0)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32Installing the LX Series
22 451-0308
Figure 10 - LX Series 4032M DC Version Rear Panel
Figure 11 - LX Series 4048 AC Rear Panel
The RCV LED is one of two integral LEDs on the 10/100 jack. This yellow
LED flashes to indicate receive activity on the link.
This green LED defaults to a link good indicator. If the link is present and
operating, the LED comes ON.
100 Mbps
This green LED indicates speed. If the link is 100 Mbps, the LED comes ON.
On LX-4048 units, this LED is on the front of the unit.
10/100 ETHNT
100 Mbps
-24/-48/-60 VDC
1.2 MAX
+ -
+ -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
DIAG Port (Port 0)
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1.0A 50/60Hz
10/100 ETH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48451-0308 23
Installing the LX Series
Environmental and Installation Considerations
• Unit must be installed in an environment with 20% to 80% humidity,
noncondensing, 0° - 40° C (32°-113° F).
• Do not choose a location where the unit will be exposed to direct
sunlight or subjected to vibration.
• Do not place an object on the side(s) of the unit that might block airflow
through the unit.
• The unit may be front, rear, or center mounted.
• There is no mounting difference between the 19” and 23” rack mount ears. Installing the LX Series
24 451-0308
Mounting the Unit into a 19-inch or 23-inch Rack
Attach the brackets to the unit, and then mount the unit in the rack. Refer
to Figure 12 for further information.
Figure 12 - Mounting an LX Series in Rack
The three bottom side screws hold
the cover on the unit. To front-mount
the unit, you must
attaching the rack-mount brackets.
Then insert the supplied screws through
the brackets and into the same holes.
remove the front
and center top and bottom screws before
If you reverse-mount
the unit, remove the rear
and center top and bottom
screws, and insert the
supplied screws through
the rack-mount ears.451-0308 25
Installing the LX Series
Cable Connections
This section explains the cable connections for the LX unit.
Connect the Power Cable
Connect the supplied power cable to the rear of the LX unit and plug the
other end into a 3-prong wall outlet.
Connecting the Ethernet Interface
NOTE: This port is set to auto negotiation by default. You can manually
configure the port speed and duplex if you want. Refer to the LXSeries Commands Reference Guide for further details.
Connect a cable (category 3 for 10 Mbps operation, category 5 for 10/100
Mbps operation) to the 10/100 connector on the rear of the LX Series (see
Figure 5) and the other end to your network. The LINK LED comes on
steady green if the cable is properly connected.
Connect Serial Device Cables
Connect the serial device cables to the 8-pin RJ-45 jacks on the rear of the
NOTE: LX Series serial ports provide concurrent support for RTS/CTS
flow control and modem control. Refer to Appendix A and Appendix
C for further information.
Connecting Your Management Station
Connect the management station to the DIAG port (port 0) using the
connector and cable you received with the LX unit. Refer to “Connecting to the
Diagnostic Port (Port 0)” in Appendix C for more information on DIAG port
connections. Installing the LX Series
26 451-0308
Connecting DC Power
This section describes how to connect power to the DC version of the LX
Series 4008, 4016, and 4032. The LX-4048 model is made in an AC version
Figure 13 - Connecting DC Power
After you have installed the LX unit, you can connect the DC power as
described in the following procedure (refer to Figure 13):
1. Connect the LX to the facility's bonding network, using the points on
the rear panel of the LX. The connection to the facility's bonding
network should be made per local practices, using wire with a
minimum conductor size of 18 AWG.
2. Using a ¼-inch nut driver, remove the terminal block nuts.
3. Attach the facility’s “A” feed to the terminal block labeled “A”.
NOTE: Be sure that the -48VDC is connected to the minus side, and the
48VDC return is connected to the plus side.
4. Attach the facility’s “B” feed to the terminal block labeled “B”.
5. Replace the nuts and tighten them securely.
The DC leads should be 22 AWG or larger. They should be terminated
with a #5 ring terminal or larger depending on the wire size used.
-24/-48/-60 VDC
1.2 MAX
+ -
+ -
B451-0308 27
Installing the LX Series
NOTE: The LX will run with only one DC power feed connected. The
second input is provided for redundant system power, which is
used in high reliability installations.
6. Attach the clear plastic safety guard to the terminal blocks. (The clear
plastic safety guard is provided with the LX kit.)
Modem Port (Optional)
The modem port is a V.90/K56flex Kbps optional factory installed modem on
the LX Series. The modem port allows you to dial in to or out of the LX. If the
modem is present, connect your phone line to the modem’s RJ11 connector. If
the modem is not installed, the RJ11 connector will not be present on the rear
of the unit. In LX-4048M models, the modem port is on the front of the unit.
The Modem port number is as follows for LX models:
• LX-4008M - port number 9
• LX-4016M - port number 17
• LX-4032M - port number 33
• LX-4048M - port number 49
At the InReach:0>> prompt, enter the show port async 33 modem
command to display a screen containing the LX-4032M modem port fields.
Powering On
The Power On Self Test (POST) starts when you apply power to the LX Series
unit. The port status LEDs flicker and the FLT LED remains on while the test
is running (this may take only a few seconds). If the unit passes the POST
test, the FLT LED extinguishes, and the OK LED turns green. If there is a
failure, the FLT LED stays on, and the port status LEDs begin flashing an
error code. Refer to Appendix B for an explanation of the codes.Installing the LX Series
28 451-0308
When the POST test is completed, the Main menu appears. The system loads
the IROS operating system from flash and then loads the system
configuration file. The Main menu reappears. If you are booting from defaults,
the Quick Configuration menu appears. Refer to the “System Maintenance”
chapter in the LX-Series Configuration Guide for further information on the
Main menu. Refer to “First Time Quick Configuration” on page 30 for further
details on the Quick Configuration menu.
Once the unit finishes loading the operating system, you can access the unit.
At your management station, access the unit with any terminal emulation
software. The terminal settings are 9600 baud, eight data bits, no parity, one
stop bit, Xon/Xoff flow control, and terminal type ANSI. The Login: screen
System Login and Passwords
The following username and passwords are the defaults the first time you use
the LX Series.
• The default login username is InReach (be sure to use a capital I and R).
The default login password is access.
• To enter the superuser mode at the InReach> prompt, enter enable.
The default password is system.451-0308 29
Installing the LX Series
These passwords prevent persons who do not know them from accessing the
server. Change the default passwords to other values as part of your basic
server setup. You can use any character or number in a password. However,
backspace, tab, and escape are not supported. Refer to the “Password Enable”
section in the Subscriber chapter of the LX-Series Commands Reference Guide
for information on changing passwords.
Resetting the Unit
To reset the LX Series, use a paper clip to momentarily press the reset
button, which is behind the small hole labeled R on the front panel. Refer
to Figure 14 for the exact location.
Figure 14 - LX Series RESET Switch Location
When the LX Series enters the RESET state, all front panel LEDs
illuminate. When you release the reset button, the unit begins to execute
the Power On Self Test (POST).
If the LX Series detects an error, the front panel LEDs illuminate to show
an error code. This error sequence is repeated continually until the error is
corrected or you power off the unit. During this time, no data is exchanged
over the Ethernet cable or serial ports.
If you change the default password for the superuser, make sure that the
new password is written down in a safe location. If you forget the password,
the server will need to be reset to factory default settings. See “ppciboot
Factory Default Settings” on page 43.
Reset SwitchInstalling the LX Series
30 451-0308
If the LX Series does not detect an error, the unit begins loading software
from the internal flash. Once loaded, the LX Series resumes normal
Configuring the LX Unit for the First Time
You can choose from four options to configure the unit for the first time:
• First Time Configuration Utility - The first time an LX unit boots
up at default parameters, you are presented with the option to run the
Initial Connectivity setup. Enter y and press . Refer to “First
Time Quick Configuration” on page 30 for further details.
• Assign the IP Address via the Network - Refer to “Assigning an IP
Address via the Network” on page 33 for further details. Use this
option if your network is using DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP.
• Creating and Loading a Default Configuration File - Refer to
“Applying Default Configurations to Other Units” in the LX-Series
Configuration Guide.
• Configuring the LX Manually via the CLI - Refer to “Upgrading
Software with the ppciboot Main Menu” in the LX-Series Configuration
First Time Quick Configuration
NOTE: The first time quick configuration runs only on the DIAG port (port 0)
on all models when booting from default parameters. The DIAG port
(port 0) of the LX-4008, LX-4016, and LX-4032 is on the rear of the
unit. The LX-4048 DIAG port (port 0) is on the front of the unit.
NOTE: Display problems may occur during bootup when you attach a
VT420 terminal to the DIAG port (port 0) and the VT420 display
setup is configured to Smooth-2 Scroll. To avoid this, change
the VT420 scroll setting to Jump Scroll.451-0308 31
Installing the LX Series
Use the following procedure to configure your LX unit for the first time.
1. Plug in the terminal at the DIAG port (port 0 - port values are 9600
bps, eight data bits, one stop bit, no parity, and Xon/Xoff flow control).
The Main Menu appears.
2. Press b to boot the LX unit. The setup takes a minute or two. The The
unit has loaded to factory defaults, would you like to
run Initial Connectivity Setup? y/n message appears.
3. Press y (yes) and press . The Superuser Password prompt
4. Enter password system. The Quick Configuration menu appears:
5. Press the number corresponding to the parameter you want to set.
6. Enter the appropriate information and press to return to the
Quick Configuration menu. Once you enter a parameter value, a data
entry line specific to that parameter appears on the Quick Configuration
7. Continue in this way through the menu, configuring as many parameters
as you want. You are not required to configure all parameters.
Quick Configuration menu
1 Unit IP address
2 Subnet mask
3 Default Gateway
4 Domain Name Server
5 Domain Name Suffix
6 Superuser Password
7 Exit and Save
Enter your choice: Installing the LX Series
32 451-0308
NOTE: You should change the Superuser Password, since this is the first
time you are configuring the LX unit (the default password is
8. Press 7 (Exit and Save) to save your changes. The Is this
information correct? message appears.
9. Press y (yes) and press . The Save this information to
flash? message appears.
10. Press y (yes) and press . The information is saved to flash.
11. Press several times to display the Login: prompt.
12. Enter your login name. The default is InReach.
13. Enter your password. The default is access. You can now use the LX
NOTE: The login username and password are case-sensitive.
Completing the First Time Configuration
Once configured, the system stores the configuration in a file called
Config.prm by default. From here you can continue configuring the unit
via the CLI, Telnet, SSH, or by using the web browser.
1 Unit IP address
2 Subnet mask
3 Default Gateway
4 Domain Name Server
5 Domain Name Suffix
6 Superuser Password Not Changed
7 Exit and Save
Is this information correct? (y/n) : 451-0308 33
Installing the LX Series
• To use the CLI, refer to Figure 16 for the CLI tree structure and to the
LX-Series Commands Reference Guide for information on specific
• To use Telnet, refer to “Connecting to the LX Series via Telnet or SSH”
on page 39.
• To use the web browser, refer to “Accessing and Configuring the
Graphical User Interface (GUI)” on page 33.
Assigning an IP Address via the Network
The LX is an intelligent unit; if you are running DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP the
LX obtains its own IP information automatically while it boots.
Once the unit has been assigned an IP address from your network, you can
configure the unit.
• To use the CLI, refer to Figure 16 for the CLI tree structure and to the
LX-Series Commands Reference Guide for information on specific
• To use Telnet, refer to “Connecting to the LX Series via Telnet or SSH” on
page 39.
• To use the web browser, refer to “Accessing and Configuring the
Graphical User Interface (GUI)” on page 33.
Accessing and Configuring the Graphical User Interface
This section describes how to access and configure the LX GUI. To perform
this procedure, you need a PC with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or
later installed.
NOTE: For optimum GUI performance, MRV Communications recommends
that your PC run at 500 Mhz or better. The minimum requirement for
desktop color settings is 256.
To access the GUI, do the following:Installing the LX Series
34 451-0308
1. At your browser, type the IP address or hostname of your LX unit. The
LX Series Configuration Console page appears.
NOTE: Make sure that your PC has access to the World Wide Web. You may
need to download the latest release of the Java plug in to your PC.
This download is performed automatically if the GUI sees that the
plugin version is out of date, or not available at all. If for some
reason your PC does not download the Java plug-in automatically,
click on the Download JRE 1.4: link and install the software
manually from the web site.451-0308 35
Installing the LX Series
2. When you select Encrypted Console or Not Encrypted Console at the
LX Series Configuration Console page, and the system detects that you
do not have the proper version of JRE installed, a Security Warning
window appears, asking if you want to install and run JRE plug-in
version 1.4 or later. Choosing Encrypted Console means the GUI will
run slower, but with security. Encrypted Console also requires Java
Runtime Environment 1.4 or later. Choosing Not Encrypted Console
means the GUI will run faster, but without security. Not Encrypted
Console requires Java Runtime Environment 1.3 or later.
3. Click Yes. The plugin is downloaded and then the installation begins. A
Java Runtime Environment window appears after about two minutes.
NOTE: It may take longer for your PC to download JRE 1.4 (about 10 MB)
depending on the speed of your connection.
4. Follow the defaults to the end of the install. The LX Series Configuration
Console page reappears, now with the MRV icon visible.Installing the LX Series
36 451-0308
NOTE: The java cache in JRE 1.4 is set ON by default. There is a known
problem within JRE 1.4 regarding cache functionality, which requires
you to disable the cache. On your Windows machine, select Start:
Programs: Settings: Control Panel, open the Java Plug-in 1.4.0 icon,
and click the Cache tab. At the Cache window, click the Clear Cache
button and uncheck the Enable Caching checkbox. Click OK.
5. Double-click on the larger MRV icon to open the GUI. A login window
appears.451-0308 37
Installing the LX Series
6. Enter your Username and Password, and click Login.
NOTE: By default, authentication is done against the LX local user database.
To start, use the known username InReach and password access.
7. Click the Admin button on the tool bar and log in with the default
Superuser password system. You can now configure the unit via the GUI.
8. Click on the menus on the left side of the window. For example, selecting
Ports: Async opens the Async ports window:Installing the LX Series
38 451-0308
Software Upgrades
To upgrade software using the ppciboot menu, refer to “Upgrading
Software with the ppciboot Main Menu” in the LX-Series Configuration
Guide. To upgrade software using the CLI, refer to “Upgrading Software
and ppciboot with the Command Line Interface” in the same manual.
IP Configuration Menu
For details on using the IP Configuration Menu, refer to “Using the IP
Configuration Menu” in the LX-Series Configuration Guide.
Booting from Defaults
For information on how to boot your unit from defaults, refer to “Booting
from Defaults” in the LX-Series Configuration Guide.451-0308 39
Installing the LX Series
Accessing and Configuring Additional Features
The following sections describe additional LX features you can access and
Connecting to the LX Series via Telnet or SSH
Telnet Directly into the Communication Server
NOTE: The default telnet port is 23. The default SSH port is 22.
1. Telnet to the unit from your machine.
2. Enter your subscriber login name, then your password.
3. If you entered the password correctly, the user> prompt is displayed.
Connecting to a Serial Port
NOTE: For example, devices connected to serial ports 1-32 on the LX-4032
are assigned telnet port numbers 2100-5200 by default. The
corresponding SSH port numbers are 2122-5222.
You can gain telnet/ssh access to a serial device by using the LX IP address
and default port number of that serial port.
Changing the Telnet Port
To change the interface telnet port number, use the following commands:
InReach> enable
Password> system
InReach>> config
Config:0>> interface 1
Intf 1-1:0>> telnet port #
NOTE: If you change the port number, be sure not to use a socket number
assigned to another application or daemon.Installing the LX Series
40 451-0308
Accessing from a Terminal Attached to an LX Series Serial Port
Use the following procedure to access the command line interface port from
a dumb terminal attached to an LX Series serial port, which is set for
access local, or dynamic:
1. Hit the return key several times to autobaud (if autobaud is enabled)
the port and get the Login: prompt.
2. Enter your login name. The default is InReach.
3. Enter your password. The default is access.
Additional Considerations
Other considerations include the following:
• Setting up users
• Authentication/Security
• Configuring modem settings
For further information on these issues, refer to the LX-Series Commands
Reference Guide, and to the Support area of the MRV website at
Sensor (Temperature/Humidity) Ports
You can configure ports to act as temperature and humidity monitors when
connected to an In-Reach Temperature/Humidity Sensor. The Temperature/
Humidity Sensor provides an accurate measurement of the temperature/
humidity in the area in which your LX Series unit is placed.
The following section explains how to connect and install the sensor.
Connecting the Temperature/Humidity Sensor
A 10’ Male RJ-45 to Male RJ-45 straight-through cable (P/N MX-151-3027)
connects the temperature/humidity sensor to an LX async port. The LX
unit can be configured to support the sensor on any async port other than
the DIAG port (port 0).451-0308 41
Installing the LX Series
To connect the sensor:
1. Connect one end of the RJ-45 double-ended straight through cable to
the temperature/humidity sensor. The maximum length of this cable is
500 feet.
2. Connect the other end to any port you have configured as a sensor port.
Figure 15 - Connecting the Temperature/Humidity Sensor
You must change the port’s “access” to “sensor” before performing any
monitoring. Use the following command, in the Async Port Configure
Mode, to configure asynchronous port 4 as a Sensor Port:
Async 4-4:0>>access sensor
Once the sensor is enabled, you can check the temperature with the
following command:
InReach:0>> show port async 4 status
1.0A 50/60Hz
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
DIAG 1 0/1 0 0 E THN T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
33 34
RJ45 Double-Ended
Straight-Through CableInstalling the LX Series
42 451-0308
3. You can also monitor the temperature/humidity remotely through the LX
CLI. Refer to the LX-Series Commands Reference Guide for a detailed
explanation of the commands used to configure and view your
temperature/humidity sensor through the CLI interface.
Command Line Interface (CLI) Tree Structure
The command line interface structure is designed to be as intuitive as
possible. Refer to “Navigating the LX Command Line Interface (CLI)” in
the LX-Series Commands Reference Guide for detailed information on the
menu tree modes. See Figure 16 for the CLI menu structure.
Figure 16 - Basic Menu Structure
Broadcast Group
Enter “enable” command and
login to Superuser command mode
Ibroadcast group
PPP Modem
Pppp Mmodem
Pport ethernet
Pport async
Menu Editing451-0308 43
Installing the LX Series
ppciboot Factory Default Settings
The following table lists the factory default settings.
NOTE: For defaults on specific commands, refer to the LX-Series Commands
Reference Guide.
Each LX Series unit is configured at the factory to use a default set of
initialization parameters that sets all ports to operate with asynchronous
ASCII terminal devices.
Main Menu Configuration Factory Default Setting
Boot from Network yes
Save boot image to flash no
Boot from flash yes
Time Out, in seconds 8
IP Configuration Menu Configuration
Factory Default Setting
IP Assignment method #1 DHCP
IP Assignment method #2 BOOTP
IP Assignment method #3 RARP
IP Assignment method #4 User DefinedInstalling the LX Series
44 451-0308
Additional Considerations for an Internet Environment
If you plan to use the unit in an Internet environment, you must define
addressing and identification characteristics to enable Internet hosts to
recognize the unit as a member of the network. Using ppciboot, an LX-Series
unit can be configured to obtain an IP address and other parameter values
from the network when the unit boots.
Autobauding Feature
Autobaud is disabled on all ports. The administrator can enable autobaud on a
per-port basis, except for the DIAG port (port 0). Default settings for the DIAG
port (port 0) are 9600/8/N/1.
Reinitializing/Powering Off the Unit
To reinitialize the unit, enter the following command from the superuser
To power off the unit, disconnect the power cord.451-0308 45
Appendix A
Technical Specifications
The following table provides the specifications for the LX Series.
Table 1 - LX Series Specifications
Item Description
Terminal Signals Transmit Data, Receive Data, Signal Ground, Data Set
Ready/Data Carrier Detect (DSR/DCD), Data Terminal
Ready (DTR), Clear-to-Send (CTS), and Request-to-Send
(RTS). Supports concurrent modem control.
Terminal Cabling Modular RJ-45 DTE
Serial Line Speed LX Series - 134 bps to 230 Kbps
Number of Serial Ports LX 4008 - 8 ports
LX 4016 - 16 ports
LX-4032 - 32 ports
LX-4048 - 48 ports
Modem (optional) V.90/K56flex 56 Kbps
LEDs FLT, OK, Port Status LEDs 1-8 (1-16 on 16 port, 1-32 on
32 port, 1-48 on 48 port), 10/100 Ethernet RCV, 10/100
Ethernet Link, 100Mbps speed
Controls Reset push button switchTechnical Specifications
46 451-0308
LX Series
4.1 cm (1.62 in), LX-4048 - 4.34 cm (1.71 in)
21.5 cm (8.5 in)
48.2 cm (19 in)
Weight LX 4008 - 2.7 kg (6.0 lbs.)
LX-4016 - 3.06 kg (6.75 lbs.)
LX-4032 - 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs)
LX-4048 - 3.47 kg (7.65 lbs)
Processor/Speeds 66 (100 for 32-port) Mhz RISC processor with integral
communications co-processor.
LX-4008 - 2 RISC asynchronous communication coprocessors @ 60 Mhz.
LX-4016 - 4 RISC asynchronous communication coprocessors @ 60 Mhz.
LX-4032 - 8 RISC asynchronous communication coprocessors @ 60 Mhz
LX-4048 - 12 RISC asynchronous communication coprocessors @ 60 Mhz
Memory 8 MB Flash, 64MB SDRAM (128MB for LX-4032 and LX-
Environment 5% to 90% humidity, noncondensing
Operating Temperature: 0 - 40°C (32° - 113° F)
Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185° F)
Input Voltage 100 - 240 VAC 50 - 60 Hz (All LX Series)451-0308 47
Technical Specifications
Power Requirements LX-4008 AC - 11W, (38BTU/hr) 0.09A at 120V (typ), 11W
0.05A at 220V (typ)
LX-4008 DC - -48VDC Nominal, -20VDC to -72VDC
Operating Range, 1A @ -48VDC, Dual Feed, 165 BTU/hr
LX-4016 AC - 14W, (47.8 BTU/hr) 0.11A at 120V (typ),
14W 0.06A at 220V (typ)
LX-4016 DC - -48VDC Nominal, -20VDC to -72VDC
Operating Range, 1.2A @ -20VDC, Dual Feed, 165 BTU/
LX-4032AC - 23W, (79 BTU/hr) 0.19A @ 120V (typ),
0.105A @ 220V
LX-4032DC - -48VDC Nominal, -20VDC to -72VDC
Operating Range, 0.6A @ 48VDC, Dual Feed, (99 BTU/hr)
LX-4048AC - 41W, (140 BTU/hr) 0.24A @ 120V (typ),
0.13A @ 220V
Minimum Software
LX-4008S requires V2.0.0 or greater, LX-4016S requires
V2.0.1 or greater, LX-4032 requires V2.2.0 or greater, LX-
4048 requires V3.0.0 or greater.
Ethernet Interface 10/100 TX, Auto/10/100 Mbps duplex half full auto
Real Time Clock
32.768KHz crystal
Lithium coin cell battery CR2032 or equivalent. Capacity
is 200mAH. Power down shelf-life 1 year at 20
C.Technical Specifications
48 451-0308451-0308 49
Appendix B
POST Test Error Codes
Error Code Definitions
The following table provides the definitions for the LX Series POST test
error codes.
Table 2 - POST Test Error Codes
Error Definition Error Code (in
Real Time Clock does not work properly 1010
Reading Invalid Default Value from CPLD Diagnostic
Reading Invalid Default Value from Expansion CPLD
Diagnostic Register
Reading Invalid Pattern Value from CPLD Diagnostic
Reading Invalid Pattern Value from Expansion CPLD
Diagnostic Register
Reading Invalid Value from CPLD System Fail Status
AC FAIL bit is set in the CPLD System Fail Status
+12VFAIL bit is set in the CPLD System Fail Status
-12VFAIL bit is set in the CPLD System Fail Status
2034POST Test Error Codes
50 451-0308
CPLD FAIL bit is set in the CPLD System Fail Status
DC_A bit is set in the CPLD System Fail Status
DC_B bit is set in the CPLD System Fail Status
Watchdog Timer Failed 2040
Invalid HW Type 2050
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) Reset Delay Timeout 3010
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) Transmission Failed
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) Reception Failed
Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) Invalid Data
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 1 4110
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 2 4120
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 3 4130
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 4 4140
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 5 4150
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 6 4160
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 7 4170
CD1400 Reset delay timeout for Quadart 8 4180
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 1 4210
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 2 4220
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 3 4230451-0308 51
POST Test Error Codes
POST Test Error Code Sample
NOTE: This example applies to 8, 16, 32, and 48 port LX units. The 16, 32,
and 48 port LX units use only the first eight LEDs when generating
error codes.
The following sample illustrates the Port Status LED sequence for Error
2030 (Reading Invalid Value from PLD System Fail Status Register) on
the LX-4008. In this example:
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 4 4240
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 5 4250
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 6 4260
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 7 4270
CD1400 Loopback operation timeout for Quadart 8 4280
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 1 4310
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 2 4320
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 3 4330
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 4 4340
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 5 4350
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 6 4360
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 7 4370
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 8 4380
Memory Error at (printing address) 5010
Memory Data Bus Failed 5020
Memory Address Bus Failed High 5030
Memory Address Bus Failed Low 5040POST Test Error Codes
52 451-0308
1. A POST test failure occurs on an 8-port unit. All LEDs flash eight
times, very quickly, then the error code is displayed.
2. You record that LED 3 turns on. Again, all LEDs flash eight times very
quickly, then the rest of the error code is displayed.
3. You record that LEDs 3 and 4 turn on. Figure 17 explains how to
interpret the sample error code.
NOTE: In hexadecimal, 0 indicates the LED is OFF. 1 indicates the LED is
Each group of four LEDs is converted to a hexadecimal value as follows:
• 0 = 0000
• 1 = 0001
• 2 = 0010
• 3 = 0011
• 4 = 0100
• 5 = 0101
• 6 = 0110
• 7 = 0111
• 8 = 1000
• 9 = 1001
• A = 1010
• B = 1011
• C = 1100
• D = 1101
• E = 1110
• F = 1111451-0308 53
POST Test Error Codes
Figure 17 - POST Test Error Code Sample
1 - All flash for 2 seconds
2 - High error code (20 Hex)
3 - Cycle 1 through 8
4 - Low error code (30 Hex)
5 - All extinguished
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8POST Test Error Codes
54 451-0308451-0308 55
Appendix C
Cabling the LX Series
Cabling Considerations
Standard cabling items available from MRV Communications allow you to
connect to any serial device that uses male or female DB-25 or DB-9
connectors. All you need is the appropriate modular cable (crossover cable
for connecting to a DTE device, straight-through cable for connecting to a
DCE device), and the correct modular adapter (male or female DB-25
connector), which is essentially an RJ-45-to-DB25 adapter.
Serial Device Connectors
The signal assignments of the 8-pin jacks are shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18 - Serial Device Connector (RJ-45) Signal Assignments
Diagnostic Port Connector (Port 0)
The pinout for the Diagnostic Port connector is the same as that of the
serial connector.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Rj-45 Jack
Rj-45 Plug
Pin Signal
8 RTSCabling the LX Series
56 451-0308
10/100 Connector
Figure 19 shows the standard 10/100 (RJ-45 jack) connector signal
Figure 19 - 10/100 Connector Assignments
Ordering Cables
MRV Communications also supplies crossover cables and modular
adapters for use with all LX Series units. To order cables, adapters or
other cabling accessories from MRV Communications, contact your Sales
representative or distributor.
Modular Adapters
MRV Communications provides the following modular adapters for use
with LX-series units:
• Female DB-9 (PN MX-350-0308)
• Female DB-25 (PN MX-350-0181)
• Male DB-25 (PN MX-350-0179) – supports RING
• Male DB-25 (PN MX-350-0180) – supports RTS/CTS
This section describes the pinouts and wiring of the MRV-supplied DB-25
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Pin Signal
1 TX+
2 TX-
3 RX+
4 No Connect
5 No Connect
6 RX-
7 No Connect
8 No Connect451-0308 57
Cabling the LX Series
Pin Assignments
The following table shows the pinouts for the DB-25 cable.
Pin Signal
1 Cable Shield
2 Transmit Data
3 Receive Data to DCE
4 RTS (Request to Send)
5 CTS (Clear to Send)
6 DSR (Data Set Ready)
7 Signal Ground
8 Data Carrier Detect
9 Unused
10 Unused
11 Unused
12 Unused
13 Unused
14 Unused
15 Unused
16 Unused
17 Unused
18 Unused
19 Unused
20 Data Terminal Ready
21 UnusedCabling the LX Series
58 451-0308
Figure 20 shows serial DB-25 pin assignments.
Figure 20 - DB-25 Pins
22 Ring Indicate
23 Unused
24 Unused
25 Unused
1451-0308 59
Cabling the LX Series
Ordering and Installing the Inlet Connector Lock
You can use an inlet connector lock to lock the AC power cord to the LX
Series unit. MRV Communications does not supply this lock. You can order
the connector lock (part number 85910020) from Panel Components
Corporation. The web address at which you can order the connector lock is: See Figure 21 for installation
Figure 21 - Installing the Inlet Connector Lock
Connecting to the Diagnostic Port (Port 0)
NOTE: Display problems may occur during bootup when you attach a
VT420 terminal to the DIAG port (port 0) and the VT420 display
setup is configured to Smooth-2 Scroll. To avoid this, change
the VT420 scroll setting to Jump Scroll.
Connect the provided serial port cable to the DIAG connector (port 0), and
the other end to your terminal. You can use this direct connect serial link
to send commands to the boot loader and diagnostics. This port is used to
log system messages during bootup. You can also use port 0 to manage and
configure the LX once the unit completes the bootstrap process.
1.0A 50/60Hz
Insert two 4-40 x
1/4” Philips screws
here. Do not
Slide the connector
lock ears under the
screw heads.
Tighten the screws.
Plug in the power cord
(not shown).
Tighten the screw
beneath the connector
4Cabling the LX Series
60 451-0308
Modem Control/Hardware Flow Control
LX Series serial ports can be set up to support RTS/CTS flow control. The
adapters shown in Figure 22 and Figure 23 illustrate RTS/CTS flow
control for DTE devices using DB25 and DB9 connectors. Figure 24
illustrates RTS/CTS flow control for a DB-25 connector on a DCE device
like a modem. LX Series serial ports can also be set up to support modem
control (except for the DIAG port (port 0)). Figures 22, 23, and 24 support
modem control as needed. Only Figures 23 and 24 support concurrent
modem control and RTS/CTS flow control between the LX Serial Port and
the attached device.
The adapter shown in Figure 24 supports modem control.
NOTE: You would use a "null-modem" cable when making a direct
connection between the serial ports of two communication servers
(i.e., no modems involved) or other DTE device. For that
application, use a DTE-to-DTE cable.
RJ-45 Wiring Considerations
You should give special consideration to the wiring scheme when
connecting a device such as a terminal to a LX Series serial port. The LX
Series is considered a DTE device. To connect to another DTE device such
as a terminal, you will need crossover wiring, as shown in Figure 22 and
Figure 23. When a DCE device is connected to an LX Series serial port,
straight-through wiring is required, as shown in Figure 24.
NOTE: In general, an ethernet CAT3/CAT5 may introduce noise due to the
crossing of pins 3 and 6 (transmit and receive). Flat eight wire
cables are recommended. 451-0308 61
Cabling the LX Series
Modular Adapters (RJ-45 to DB-25)
You can obtain adapters with male and female DB-25 connectors from
MRV Communications. These adapters direct signals from the RJ-45
connector on the cable to the correct pin on the DB-25 connector. Figure 22,
Figure 23, and Figure 24 show how devices are cabled when you use these
Figure 22 - Adapter Wiring, LX Series to DTE
Female RJ-45
Female DB-25
DTE Device
Pin Signal
Adaptor Wiring - MX-350-0181
(Female RJ-45 to female DB-25)
Male RJ-45
Male RJ-45
Crossover Cable
Crossover Cable
Modular Adaptor
DTE Cable
* (See Note, Page 5.)
LX Series
LX Series
CTSCabling the LX Series
62 451-0308
Figure 23 - Adapter Wiring, RJ-45 to DB-9, LX Series to DTE
Female RJ-45
Female DB-25
DTE Device
Pin Signal
Adaptor Wiring - MX-350-0181
(Female RJ-45 to female DB-25)
M ale RJ-45
M ale RJ-45
Crossover Cable
M AXse rve r
RJ -45
RJ -45
RJ -45
RJ -45
Crossover Cable
M AXse rve r
M odula r Adap tor
DTE Cable
* (See Note, Page 5.)
LX Series
LX Series
DB-9 Cable
Male DB-9)
6 DSR451-0308 63
Cabling the LX Series
Figure 24 - Adapter Wiring, LX Series to DCE
LX Series
Straight Through
To Modem
Female RJ-45
Male DB-25
DCE Device
Pin Signal
Adaptor Wiring MX-350-0180
(Female RJ-45 to male DB-25)
Male RJ-45
Straight Through Cable
Male RJ-45
LX Series
Supports RTS/CTS
MX-151-3027Cabling the LX Series
64 451-0308
NOTE: In order to expand the functionality of the serial interface, the LX
Series modular cabling allows you to connect different signals to
pin 7 of the LX Series. (This pin is an input to the LX Series.) When
a DCE device is connected to an LX Series serial port, the device's
DCD output is connected to pin 7. In this case, the signal at pin 7 is
referred to as DCD. DCD is used here for session control only, not
for flow control.
When a DTE device is connected to an LX Series serial port, the
device's DTR output is connected to pin 7 of the LX Series. In this
case, the signal at pin 7 is referred to as DSR. (This cabling scheme
also provides DECconnect compatibility, since DECconnect does
not support the DCD signal.)
MRV Communications 8-Wire Cabling
This cabling scheme provides XMT, RCV, DCD/DSR, DTR, RTS, CTS, and
two signal ground wires. This cabling is provided through RJ-45
connectors. Using this cabling scheme you can concurrently use modem
control and RTS/CTS hardware flow control, since there are four control
signals. This scheme is useful with relatively high speed devices, complex
modem control applications.
In Figure 25, one signal is referred to as CTS. The CTS signal designation
refers to the signal observed at pin 1 of each serial port. Pin 1 is
multiplexed to these signals.
This scheme is useful with the following applications:
• Terminal emulation and file transfer applications, such as Kermit,
Xmodem, Microphone, etc.
• Applications such as PPP using low speed modems.
• Applications such as PPP using high speed modems.
• Applications using CCITT V.42-compliant modems, or other devices
operating at high port speeds.451-0308 65
Cabling the LX Series
Figure 25 - Modular Cables for RTS/CTS Flow Control (Eight-Wire), Concurrent with Modem Control Signalling
Ser ver Connec tor
Modular Adapt or
To Modem
St raight T hrough Cable
Female RJ-45
Male DB-25
Male RJ-45
Male RJ-45
St raight T hrough Cable
Adaptor Wiring - MX-350- 0180
( F emale RJ -45 t o male DB-25)
Modem connec tor
Pin Signal
Female RJ-45
RTS/CTS Modem Connection
Ser ver Connec tor
Modular Adapt or
To Modem
St raight T hrough Cable
Female RJ-45
Male DB-25
Male RJ-45
Male RJ-45
St raight T hrough Cable
Adaptor Wiring - MX-350- 0180
( F emale RJ -45 t o male DB-25)
Modem connec tor
Pin Signal
Female RJ-45
RTS/CTS Modem Connection
LX Series
CTSCabling the LX Series
66 451-0308451-0308 67
10/100 connectors 56
8-wire cabling 64
adapter wiring 61
adapters 61
autobauding feature 44
ordering 56
cabling 25, 45
signals 64
command recall 14
configured 43
configuring the LX unit for the first time
connecting DC power 26
connecting the power cable 25
connecting to a serial port 39
controls 45
conventions 13
crossover cables 55
DB-25 connectors 61
DB-25 pin assignments 64
DC power
connecting 26
diagnostic port connector 55
dimensions 46
DTE devices
connecting to LX Series 64
DTE wiring 61
environment 23, 46
environmental considerations 23
error code definitions 49
ethernet connection 25, 47
first time quick configuration 31
flow control 60
FLT - fault LED 19
front panel LEDs 18
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
accessing 33
hardware installation 17
help key 14
iBoot factory default settings 43
inlet connector lock
installing 59
ordering 59
hardware 17
installing Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) 34
Installing the LX Series
site requirements 45
internet access
IP addresses 44
internet environment 44
IP address
assigning via the network 33
IP information
obtaining 33
installing 34
java cache
turning off 36
fault 19INDEX
68 451-0308
link 22
OK 19
receive 22
speed 22
LEDs 19, 29, 45
port status 19
login username 28
default 28
LX Indicators 18
LX series
4008 rear panel 19
4008 w/modem rear panel 20
4016 DC rear panel 21
4016 w/modem rear panel 20
4032 DC rear panel 22
4032 w/modem rear panel 21
4048 AC rear panel 22
about 13
LX Series ports
accessing from a terminal 40
LX Unit
configuring for the first time 30
LX-4008S front panel 18
LX-4016 front panel 18
LX-4032 front panel 18
LX-4048 front panel 18
management station
connecting to 25
memory 46
menu tree structure 42
minimum software requirements 47
modem 45
modem port 27
modular adapters 56
organization of user guide 11
package contents 17
Passwords 28
passwords 28
defaults 28
DB-25 57, 64
RJ-45 64
RJ-45 jacks 55
port status LEDs 19
ports 40
POST test error code sample 51
power cable 25
power on self test (POST) 27
power requirements 47
powering on 27
ppciboot factory default settings 43
processor 46
prompts 13
quick configuration
first time 31
rack-mounting the unit 24
real time
clock 47
clock battery 47
rear panel
connections 19
LEDs 19
reinitializing/powering off the unit 44
RESET switch 29
resetting the unit 29
jacks 25
wiring 60451-0308 69
sensor ports 40
serial device cables
connecting to RJ-45 jacks 25
serial ports
number of 45
signals 45
speed LED 22
speeds 45
system login 28
system specifications 15
tab button 14
technical specifications 45
telnet directly to the communication
server 39
telnet port
changing 39
temperature/humidity sensor
connecting the 40
turning off java cache 36
typographical conventions 14
Unpacking and inspecting the unit 17
voltage 46
weight 46
wiring schemes
for RJ-45 60
LX-Series Commands
Reference Guide
Corporate Headquarters
MRV Communications, Inc. Corporate Center
20415 Nordhoff Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Tel: 818-773-0900
Fax: 818-773-0906 (Internet)
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Tel: 800-338-5316 (U.S.)
Tel: +011 978-952-4888 (Outside U.S.) (email) (Internet)
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P.O. Box 614
Yokneam, Israel 20682
Tel: 972-4-993-6200 (email) (Internet)2 451-0310E
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
without the prior written consent of MRV Communications, Inc. The
information in this document is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by MRV Communications, Inc.
MRV Communications, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication
and to make changes in content from time to time, without obligation to
provide notification of such revision or changes. MRV Communications,
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Copyright © 2003 by MRV Communications, Inc.
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use
in the OpenSSL Toolkit (
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
This product includes software written by Tim Hudson
Service Information
Should you experience trouble with this equipment, please contact one of
the following support locations:
• If you purchased your equipment in the Americas, contact MRV
Americas Service and Support in the U.S. at 978-952-4888. (If you are
calling from outside the U.S., call +011 978-952-4888.)
• If you purchased your equipment outside the Americas
(Europe, EU, Middle-East, Africa, Asia), contact MRV
International Service and Support at 972-4-993-6200.451-0310E 3
Secure Shell Disclaimer
Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................ 21
Conventions ................................................................................................................................. 22
Using the Function Keys ............................................................................................................. 22
Navigating the LX Command Line Interface (CLI) .................................................................... 23
User Command Mode ............................................................................................................ 24
Superuser Command Mode ...................................................................................................25
Configuration Command Mode .............................................................................................25
Asynchronous Command Mode ............................................................................................ 26
Ethernet Command Mode ...................................................................................................... 26
PPP Command Mode ............................................................................................................. 27
Modem Command Mode ....................................................................................................... 27
Subscriber Command Mode .................................................................................................. 27
SNMP Command Mode ........................................................................................................ 28
Interface Command Mode ..................................................................................................... 28
Menu Command Mode .......................................................................................................... 28
Menu Editing Command Mode .............................................................................................29
Notification Command Mode ................................................................................................ 29
Broadcast Group Command Mode ........................................................................................29
Online Help ................................................................................................................................. 30
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 1 - User Commands ............................................................................ 33
clear ........................................................................................................................................ 34
disconnect .............................................................................................................................. 35
enable ..................................................................................................................................... 36
exit .........................................................................................................................................37
no ........................................................................................................................................... 38
pause enable ........................................................................................................................... 39
ping ........................................................................................................................................ 40
show clock ............................................................................................................................. 41
show port ................................................................................................................................ 42
show service ........................................................................................................................... 53
show session .......................................................................................................................... 54
show subscriber ...................................................................................................................... 55
show version .......................................................................................................................... 61
ssh .......................................................................................................................................... 62
telnet ....................................................................................................................................... 63
terminal .................................................................................................................................. 646 451-0310E
Chapter 2 - Superuser Commands .................................................................. 65
clear ........................................................................................................................................ 66
configuration .......................................................................................................................... 67
debug port async ppp ............................................................................................................. 68
debug snmp ............................................................................................................................ 69
debug subscriber ....................................................................................................................70
disconnect .............................................................................................................................. 71
exit .........................................................................................................................................72
logout ..................................................................................................................................... 73
no ........................................................................................................................................... 74
outlet ...................................................................................................................................... 75
outlet group ............................................................................................................................ 76
pause enable ........................................................................................................................... 77
ping ........................................................................................................................................ 78
reload ..................................................................................................................................... 79
save configuration .................................................................................................................. 80
setup ....................................................................................................................................... 81
shell ........................................................................................................................................ 82
show audit log ........................................................................................................................ 83
show broadcast group characteristics .................................................................................... 84
show broadcast group summary ............................................................................................ 85
show clock ............................................................................................................................. 86
show command log ................................................................................................................ 87
show configuration ................................................................................................................ 88
show configuration log .......................................................................................................... 89
show debug port async ppp .................................................................................................... 90
show debug subscriber ........................................................................................................... 91
show device status ................................................................................................................. 92
show device summary ............................................................................................................ 94
show interface characteristics ................................................................................................ 95
show interface port mapping .................................................................................................. 97
show interface rotary ............................................................................................................. 99
show interface status ............................................................................................................100
show interface summary ...................................................................................................... 101
show kernel log .................................................................................................................... 102
show log ............................................................................................................................... 103
show notification message ................................................................................................... 104
show notification serviceprofile ...........................................................................................105
show notification userprofile ............................................................................................... 106
show outlet group status ...................................................................................................... 107451-0310E 7
show port async apd ............................................................................................................. 108
show port async characteristics ............................................................................................ 109
show port async modem ...................................................................................................... 110
show port async pattern match characteristics .....................................................................111
show port async ppp ............................................................................................................ 112
show port async ppp status .................................................................................................. 113
show port async status ......................................................................................................... 114
show port async summary .................................................................................................... 115
show port ethernet characteristics ........................................................................................ 116
show port ethernet status ...................................................................................................... 117
show port ethernet summary ................................................................................................ 119
show radius characteristics .................................................................................................. 120
show radius status ................................................................................................................ 122
show radius summary .......................................................................................................... 124
show route ............................................................................................................................ 125
show securid characteristics .................................................................................................126
show securid status .............................................................................................................. 128
show securid summary ......................................................................................................... 129
show service ......................................................................................................................... 130
show session ........................................................................................................................ 131
show snmp characteristics ................................................................................................... 132
show snmp client ................................................................................................................. 133
show snmp v3 ...................................................................................................................... 134
show subscriber .................................................................................................................... 137
show subscriber summary .................................................................................................... 138
show system characteristics .................................................................................................139
show system ppciboot .......................................................................................................... 141
show system status ............................................................................................................... 142
show tacacs+ characteristics ................................................................................................ 144
show tacacs+ status .............................................................................................................. 146
show tacacs+ summary ........................................................................................................ 148
show users ............................................................................................................................ 149
show version ........................................................................................................................ 150
ssh ........................................................................................................................................ 151
telnet ..................................................................................................................................... 152
terminal ................................................................................................................................ 153
update ................................................................................................................................... 154
zero all .................................................................................................................................. 155
zero log ................................................................................................................................ 156
zero securid secret ................................................................................................................ 1578 451-0310E
Chapter 3 - Configuration Commands ........................................................... 159
boot configuration from flash .............................................................................................. 160
boot configuration from name ............................................................................................. 161
boot configuration from network ......................................................................................... 162
broadcast group .................................................................................................................... 163
broadcast group enable ........................................................................................................ 164
clock ..................................................................................................................................... 165
copy port .............................................................................................................................. 166
copy subscriber .................................................................................................................... 167
date .......................................................................................................................................168
default boot .......................................................................................................................... 169
default configuration ............................................................................................................170
default log size ..................................................................................................................... 171
default outlet group off time ................................................................................................ 172
default tftp ............................................................................................................................ 173
domain name ........................................................................................................................ 174
end ........................................................................................................................................ 175
exit .......................................................................................................................................176
fingerd enable ...................................................................................................................... 177
gateway ................................................................................................................................ 178
hostname .............................................................................................................................. 179
interface ............................................................................................................................... 180
iptables .................................................................................................................................181
location .................................................................................................................................182
log size .................................................................................................................................183
menu ..................................................................................................................................... 184
no ......................................................................................................................................... 185
notification ........................................................................................................................... 186
ntp enable .............................................................................................................................187
ntp server address ................................................................................................................. 188
outlet group .......................................................................................................................... 189
outlet group name ................................................................................................................ 190
outlet group off time ............................................................................................................191
password .............................................................................................................................. 192
password enable ................................................................................................................... 193
port async .............................................................................................................................194
port ethernet ......................................................................................................................... 195
ppciboot address ..................................................................................................................196
ppciboot address assignment option .................................................................................... 197
ppciboot ethernet network link ............................................................................................ 198451-0310E 9
ppciboot gateway ................................................................................................................. 199
ppciboot image filename ...................................................................................................... 200
ppciboot image load from .................................................................................................... 201
ppciboot mask ...................................................................................................................... 202
ppciboot tftp server .............................................................................................................. 203
primary dns .......................................................................................................................... 204
radius period ........................................................................................................................ 205
radius primary accounting server address ............................................................................ 206
radius primary accounting server port ................................................................................. 207
radius primary accounting server retransmit ....................................................................... 208
radius primary accounting server secret .............................................................................. 209
radius primary accounting server timeout ........................................................................... 210
radius primary authentication server address ....................................................................... 211
radius primary authentication server port ............................................................................ 212
radius primary authentication server retransmit .................................................................. 213
radius primary authentication server secret ......................................................................... 214
radius primary authentication server timeout ...................................................................... 215
radius secondary accounting server address ........................................................................ 216
radius secondary accounting server port .............................................................................. 217
radius secondary accounting server retransmit .................................................................... 218
radius secondary accounting server secret ........................................................................... 219
radius secondary accounting server timeout ........................................................................ 220
radius secondary authentication server address ................................................................... 221
radius secondary authentication server port ......................................................................... 222
radius secondary authentication server retransmit ...............................................................223
radius secondary authentication server secret ...................................................................... 224
radius secondary authentication server timeout ................................................................... 225
route address ........................................................................................................................ 226
route gateway ....................................................................................................................... 227
route mask ............................................................................................................................ 228
secondary dns ....................................................................................................................... 229
securid authentication encryption ........................................................................................ 230
securid authentication port ................................................................................................... 231
securid authentication retransmit ......................................................................................... 232
securid authentication timeout ............................................................................................. 233
securid authentication version ............................................................................................. 234
securid master authentication server address ....................................................................... 235
securid master authentication server name .......................................................................... 236
securid primary authentication server address .....................................................................237
securid primary authentication server name ........................................................................ 23810 451-0310E
securid slave authentication server address ......................................................................... 239
securid slave authentication server name ............................................................................. 240
service .................................................................................................................................. 241
snmp ..................................................................................................................................... 242
snmp enable ......................................................................................................................... 243
ssh enable .............................................................................................................................244
ssh v1 ................................................................................................................................... 245
ssh v2 ................................................................................................................................... 246
subscriber .............................................................................................................................247
tacacs+ period ...................................................................................................................... 248
tacacs+ primary accounting server address ......................................................................... 249
tacacs+ primary accounting server port ............................................................................... 250
tacacs+ primary accounting server retransmit .....................................................................251
tacacs+ primary accounting server secret ............................................................................ 252
tacacs+ primary accounting server timeout ......................................................................... 253
tacacs+ primary authentication server address .................................................................... 254
tacacs+ primary authentication server port .......................................................................... 255
tacacs+ primary authentication server retransmit ................................................................ 256
tacacs+ primary authentication server secret ....................................................................... 257
tacacs+ primary authentication server timeout .................................................................... 258
tacacs+ secondary accounting server address ...................................................................... 259
tacacs+ secondary accounting server port ........................................................................... 260
tacacs+ secondary accounting server retransmit .................................................................. 261
tacacs+ secondary accounting server secret ........................................................................ 262
tacacs+ secondary accounting server timeout ...................................................................... 263
tacacs+ secondary authentication server address ................................................................. 264
tacacs+ secondary authentication server port ...................................................................... 265
tacacs+ secondary authentication server retransmit ............................................................ 266
tacacs+ secondary authentication server secret ................................................................... 267
tacacs+ secondary authentication server timeout ................................................................ 268
tacacs+ superuser password request enable ......................................................................... 269
telnet enable ......................................................................................................................... 270
tftp ........................................................................................................................................ 271
timed enable ......................................................................................................................... 272
timezone ............................................................................................................................... 273
web_server enable ................................................................................................................ 274
Chapter 4 - Interface Commands ................................................................... 275
address .................................................................................................................................276
authentication fallback enable ............................................................................................. 277451-0310E 11
authentication local enable ................................................................................................... 278
authentication none .............................................................................................................. 279
authentication radius enable .................................................................................................280
authentication securid enable ............................................................................................... 281
authentication tacacs+ enable ............................................................................................. 282
broadcast .............................................................................................................................. 283
default mtu ........................................................................................................................... 284
default rotary ........................................................................................................................ 285
default ssh keepalive ............................................................................................................286
default ssh port ..................................................................................................................... 287
default telnet port ................................................................................................................. 288
end ........................................................................................................................................ 289
exit .......................................................................................................................................290
mask ..................................................................................................................................... 291
mtu .......................................................................................................................................292
no ......................................................................................................................................... 293
radius accounting enable ...................................................................................................... 294
rotary enable ........................................................................................................................ 295
rotary port ............................................................................................................................ 296
rotary ssh port ...................................................................................................................... 297
rotary tcp port ....................................................................................................................... 298
rotary type ............................................................................................................................ 299
serial ..................................................................................................................................... 300
ssh keepalive count .............................................................................................................. 301
ssh keepalive interval ........................................................................................................... 302
ssh port .................................................................................................................................303
tacacs+ accounting enable ................................................................................................... 304
telnet port .............................................................................................................................305
Chapter 5 - Asynchronous Commands ......................................................... 307
access ................................................................................................................................... 308
access power model ............................................................................................................. 309
apd enable ............................................................................................................................ 310
apd retry ............................................................................................................................... 311
apd signature ........................................................................................................................ 312
apd timeout .......................................................................................................................... 313
authentication enable ........................................................................................................... 314
authentication fallback enable ............................................................................................. 316
autobaud enable ................................................................................................................... 317
autobaud retry ...................................................................................................................... 31812 451-0310E
autodial enable ..................................................................................................................... 319
autohangup enable ............................................................................................................... 320
banner ................................................................................................................................... 321
bits ........................................................................................................................................ 322
break enable ......................................................................................................................... 323
break special ........................................................................................................................ 324
connect command ................................................................................................................ 325
databuffer display ................................................................................................................ 326
databuffer size ...................................................................................................................... 327
databuffer syslog enable ...................................................................................................... 328
databuffer timestamp enable ................................................................................................ 329
default apd ............................................................................................................................ 330
default databuffer size .......................................................................................................... 331
default port ........................................................................................................................... 332
default power off time .......................................................................................................... 333
default speed ........................................................................................................................ 334
end ........................................................................................................................................ 335
exit .......................................................................................................................................336
flowcontrol ........................................................................................................................... 337
modem .................................................................................................................................338
modem enable ...................................................................................................................... 339
name ..................................................................................................................................... 340
no ......................................................................................................................................... 341
outlet name ........................................................................................................................... 342
parity .................................................................................................................................... 343
pattern match enable ............................................................................................................ 344
pattern string ........................................................................................................................ 345
power off time ...................................................................................................................... 347
ppp .......................................................................................................................................348
ppp enable ............................................................................................................................ 349
prompt .................................................................................................................................. 350
radius accounting enable ...................................................................................................... 351
signals syslog enable ............................................................................................................352
special break enable ............................................................................................................. 353
special break string .............................................................................................................. 354
speed .................................................................................................................................... 355
stopbits .................................................................................................................................356
tacacs+ accounting enable ................................................................................................... 357
telnet break string ................................................................................................................. 358
telnet negotiation enable ...................................................................................................... 359451-0310E 13
transparency enable .............................................................................................................. 360
Chapter 6 - Ethernet Commands .................................................................... 361
description ............................................................................................................................ 362
end ........................................................................................................................................ 363
exit .......................................................................................................................................364
no description ....................................................................................................................... 365
speed .................................................................................................................................... 366
Chapter 7 - Subscriber Commands ............................................................... 367
access console enable ........................................................................................................... 368
access port ............................................................................................................................ 369
access ssh enable ..................................................................................................................370
access telnet enable .............................................................................................................. 371
access web enable ................................................................................................................ 372
audit log enable .................................................................................................................... 373
backward_switch ................................................................................................................. 374
command log enable ............................................................................................................375
dedicated service ..................................................................................................................376
default access port ................................................................................................................ 377
default access remote ........................................................................................................... 378
default backward_switch ..................................................................................................... 379
default dialback retry ........................................................................................................... 380
default forward_switch ........................................................................................................ 381
default idletime .................................................................................................................... 382
default local_switch ............................................................................................................. 383
default ssh log level ............................................................................................................. 384
dialback enable .................................................................................................................... 385
dialback number ................................................................................................................... 386
dialback retry ....................................................................................................................... 387
end ........................................................................................................................................ 388
exit .......................................................................................................................................389
forward_switch .................................................................................................................... 390
idletime ................................................................................................................................ 391
local_switch ......................................................................................................................... 392
maxsubscriber ...................................................................................................................... 393
menu enable ......................................................................................................................... 394
no ......................................................................................................................................... 395
password .............................................................................................................................. 396
password enable ................................................................................................................... 39714 451-0310E
pause enable ......................................................................................................................... 398
preferred service ..................................................................................................................399
prompt .................................................................................................................................. 400
security level superuser ........................................................................................................ 401
session .................................................................................................................................. 402
shell enable .......................................................................................................................... 403
ssh cipher .............................................................................................................................404
ssh key .................................................................................................................................. 405
ssh log level ......................................................................................................................... 406
telnet mode ........................................................................................................................... 407
terminal ................................................................................................................................ 408
Chapter 8 - SNMP Commands ........................................................................ 409
contact .................................................................................................................................. 410
default v3 client ................................................................................................................... 411
end ........................................................................................................................................ 412
exit .......................................................................................................................................413
get client ............................................................................................................................... 414
get client community ........................................................................................................... 415
get client version ..................................................................................................................416
location .................................................................................................................................417
log enable .............................................................................................................................418
no ......................................................................................................................................... 419
set client ............................................................................................................................... 420
set client community ............................................................................................................ 421
set client version ..................................................................................................................422
trap client .............................................................................................................................423
trap client community .......................................................................................................... 424
trap client version ................................................................................................................. 425
v3 client access context match ............................................................................................. 426
v3 client access context prefix ............................................................................................. 427
v3 client access read view .................................................................................................... 428
v3 client access security ....................................................................................................... 429
v3 client access write view .................................................................................................. 430
v3 client group security model ............................................................................................. 431
v3 client name ...................................................................................................................... 432
v3 client security community ............................................................................................... 433
v3 client security source ...................................................................................................... 434
v3 client view ....................................................................................................................... 435
v3 engine .............................................................................................................................. 436451-0310E 15
Chapter 9 - Modem Commands ...................................................................... 437
default initstring ................................................................................................................... 438
dialout number ..................................................................................................................... 439
end ........................................................................................................................................ 440
exit .......................................................................................................................................441
initstring ............................................................................................................................... 442
no ......................................................................................................................................... 443
retry ...................................................................................................................................... 444
timeout .................................................................................................................................445
type .......................................................................................................................................446
Chapter 10 - PPP Commands ......................................................................... 447
accounting enable ................................................................................................................ 448
authentication ....................................................................................................................... 449
ccp enable ............................................................................................................................ 450
default authentication ........................................................................................................... 451
default ipcp .......................................................................................................................... 452
default lcp compression .......................................................................................................453
default lcp echo failure ........................................................................................................ 454
default lcp failure limit ........................................................................................................ 455
default lcp timeout ............................................................................................................... 456
default mode client username .............................................................................................. 457
default mtu ........................................................................................................................... 458
default remote address ......................................................................................................... 459
end ........................................................................................................................................ 460
exit .......................................................................................................................................461
ipcp accept address enable ................................................................................................... 462
ipcp compression enable ...................................................................................................... 463
ipcp failure limit ................................................................................................................... 464
ipcp timeout ......................................................................................................................... 465
lcp compression enable ........................................................................................................ 466
lcp echo failure ..................................................................................................................... 467
lcp echo interval ................................................................................................................... 468
lcp failure limit ..................................................................................................................... 469
lcp timeout ........................................................................................................................... 470
local address ......................................................................................................................... 471
mode client ........................................................................................................................... 472
mode client username .......................................................................................................... 473
mode server .......................................................................................................................... 474
mtu .......................................................................................................................................47516 451-0310E
no ......................................................................................................................................... 476
remote address ..................................................................................................................... 477
Chapter 11 - Menu Commands ....................................................................... 479
delete .................................................................................................................................... 480
end ........................................................................................................................................ 481
exit .......................................................................................................................................482
import ................................................................................................................................... 483
list ......................................................................................................................................... 484
no ......................................................................................................................................... 485
open ...................................................................................................................................... 486
Chapter 12 - Menu Editing Commands .......................................................... 487
control key ........................................................................................................................... 488
display .................................................................................................................................. 489
end ........................................................................................................................................ 490
entry ..................................................................................................................................... 491
entry command .................................................................................................................... 492
entry label ............................................................................................................................ 493
entry menu ........................................................................................................................... 494
exit .......................................................................................................................................495
header ................................................................................................................................... 496
list ......................................................................................................................................... 497
menu ..................................................................................................................................... 498
menu continue string ............................................................................................................ 499
menu prompt ........................................................................................................................ 500
no control key ...................................................................................................................... 501
no entry ................................................................................................................................ 502
no header .............................................................................................................................. 503
no menu continue string .......................................................................................................504
no menu prompt ................................................................................................................... 505
open ...................................................................................................................................... 506
save ...................................................................................................................................... 507
Chapter 13 - Notification Commands ............................................................ 509
end ........................................................................................................................................ 510
exit .......................................................................................................................................511
message facility .................................................................................................................... 512
message priority ................................................................................................................... 513
message string ...................................................................................................................... 514451-0310E 17
no ......................................................................................................................................... 515
serviceprofile async port ...................................................................................................... 516
serviceprofile bits ................................................................................................................. 517
serviceprofile driver ............................................................................................................. 518
serviceprofile file ................................................................................................................. 519
serviceprofile host ................................................................................................................ 520
serviceprofile modem port ................................................................................................... 521
serviceprofile parity ............................................................................................................. 522
serviceprofile port ................................................................................................................ 523
serviceprofile protocol ......................................................................................................... 524
serviceprofile server ............................................................................................................. 527
serviceprofile smsc .............................................................................................................. 528
serviceprofile stopbits .......................................................................................................... 530
userprofile contact ................................................................................................................ 531
userprofile facility ................................................................................................................ 532
userprofile priority ............................................................................................................... 533
userprofile serviceprofile ..................................................................................................... 534
Chapter 14 - Broadcast Group Commands ................................................... 535
end ........................................................................................................................................ 536
exit .......................................................................................................................................537
master port ........................................................................................................................... 538
mode ..................................................................................................................................... 539
no master port ...................................................................................................................... 540
no slave port ......................................................................................................................... 541
no slave port discard ............................................................................................................542
no slave port localecho ........................................................................................................ 543
slave port .............................................................................................................................. 544
Index ................................................................................................................. 547451-0310E 19
Figure 1 - LX Command Modes ........................................................................23
Figure 2 - Clock Display ...................................................................................41
Figure 3 - Port Characteristics Screen .............................................................43
Figure 4 - Port APD Settings Screen ...............................................................46
Figure 5 - Port Modem Settings .......................................................................47
Figure 6 - Port PPP Settings Screen ................................................................48
Figure 7 - Port Status Screen (non-outlet) .......................................................50
Figure 8 - Port Status Screen (Outlet) .............................................................52
Figure 9 - Service Screen ..................................................................................53
Figure 10 - Session Screen ................................................................................54
Figure 11 - Subscriber Characteristics Screen ................................................56
Figure 12 - Subscriber Status Screen ..............................................................59
Figure 13 - TCP Settings Screen ......................................................................60
Figure 14 - Version Screen ...............................................................................61
Figure 15 - Audit Log Display ..........................................................................83
Figure 16 - Broadcast Group Characteristics Display ....................................84
Figure 17 - Broadcast Group Summary Display .............................................85
Figure 18 - Clock Display .................................................................................86
Figure 19 - Command Log Display ...................................................................87
Figure 20 - Configuration Data Display ..........................................................88
Figure 21 - Configuration Log Display ............................................................89
Figure 22 - Subscriber Debug Data ..................................................................91
Figure 23 - Device Display for An OUTLET Port ............................................92
Figure 24 - Device Display for A SENSOR Port ..............................................93
Figure 25 - Device Summary Display ..............................................................94
Figure 26 - Interface Characteristics Display .................................................95
Figure 27 - Port Mapping Display ....................................................................98
Figure 28 - Rotary Characteristics Display .....................................................99
Figure 29 - Interface Status Display ..............................................................100
Figure 30 - Interfaces Summary Display .......................................................101
Figure 31 - Kernel Log Display ......................................................................102
Figure 32 - Log Display ...................................................................................103
Figure 33 - Message Display ..........................................................................104
Figure 34 - Service Profile Display .................................................................105
Figure 35 - User Profile Display .....................................................................106
Figure 36 - Outlet Group Status Display .......................................................107
Figure 37 - Pattern Match Characteristics Display ......................................111
Figure 38 - PPP Status Display ......................................................................113
Figure 39 - Asynchronous Port Summary Data ............................................115
Figure 40 - Ethernet Port Characteristics .....................................................116
Figure 41 - Ethernet Port Statistical Information ........................................117
Figure 42 - Ethernet Summary Information .................................................119
Figure 43 - RADIUS Display ..........................................................................120
Figure 44 - RADIUS Status Display ..............................................................122
Figure 45 - RADIUS Summary Display .........................................................12420 451-0310E
Figure 46 - Route Display ...............................................................................125
Figure 47 - SecurID Characteristics Display .................................................126
Figure 48 - SecurID Status Display ...............................................................128
Figure 49 - SecurID Summary Display ..........................................................129
Figure 50 - Service Screen ..............................................................................130
Figure 51 - SNMP Characteristics Display ...................................................132
Figure 52 - SNMP Client Display ..................................................................133
Figure 53 - V3 Display ....................................................................................134
Figure 54 - Subscriber Summary Display .....................................................138
Figure 55 - System Display ............................................................................139
Figure 56 - ppciboot Configured Load Settings Display ...............................141
Figure 57 - System Status Display .................................................................142
Figure 58 - TACACS+ Display .......................................................................144
Figure 59 - TACACS+ Status Display ............................................................146
Figure 60 - TACACS+ Summary Display ......................................................148
Figure 61 - Users Screen .................................................................................149
Figure 62 - Version Screen .............................................................................150451-0310E 21
This guide describes the purpose, syntax, and options of each of the LX
This guide is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1 – Describes the User commands.
• Chapter 2 – Describes the Superuser commands.
• Chapter 3 – Describes the Configuration commands.
• Chapter 4 – Describes the Interface commands.
• Chapter 5 – Describes the Asynchronous commands.
• Chapter 6 – Describes the Ethernet commands.
• Chapter 7 – Describes the Subscriber commands.
• Chapter 8 – Describes the SNMP commands.
• Chapter 9 – Describes the Modem commands.
• Chapter 10 – Describes the PPP commands.
• Chapter 11 – Describes the Menu commands.
• Chapter 12 – Describes the Menu Editing commands.
• Chapter 13 – Describes the Notification commands.
• Chapter 14 – Describes the Broadcast Group commands.Preface
22 451-0310E
The following conventions are used throughout this guide:
• Command execution – Unless otherwise specified, commands are
executed when you press .
• Command syntax – Where command options or command syntax are
shown, keywords and commands are shown in lowercase letters.
• Keyboard characters (keys) – Keyboard characters are represented
using left and right angle brackets (< and >). For example, the notation
refers to the CTRL key; refers to the letter A; and
refers to the RETURN key.
• Typographical conventions – The following typographical
conventions are used:
Monospace Typeface – indicates text that can be displayed or typed
at a terminal (i.e., displays, user input, messages, prompts, etc.).
italics – are used to indicate variables in command syntax descriptions.
Using the Function Keys
The LX Command Line Interface (CLI) supports the following function
• Tab key – Completes a partially typed command. For example, if you
type the tab key after you type show ve at the Superuser command
prompt, the show version command will be executed.
• Up arrow – Recalls the last command.
• Ctrl-F – Moves forward to the next session.
• Ctrl-B – Moves back to the previous session.
• Ctrl-L – Returns you to the Local Command Mode.
NOTE: You must press the Enter key after you type Ctrl-F, Ctrl-B,
or Ctrl-L.451-0310E 23
Navigating the LX Command Line Interface (CLI)
The LX CLI is structured as a set of nested command modes. Each command
mode is used to implement a group of related features or functions. Figure 1
(below) lists the command modes in the LX CLI.
Figure 1 - LX Command Modes
Each command mode has its own command prompt (e.g., Config:0 >>)
and its own set of commands.
Type a question mark (?) (or press the Tab key) at any of the LX CLI
command prompts to display the commands that can be executed in the
current command mode. For example, type a question mark at the
Menu :0 >> prompt to display the commands that can be executed in
the Menu command mode.
Broadcast Group
Enter “enable” command and
login to Superuser command mode
Ibroadcast group
PPP Modem
Pppp Mmodem
Pport ethernet
Pport async
Menu EditingPreface
24 451-0310E
Except for the User command mode, each command mode is nested in a
previous command mode. (The User command mode is the basic command
mode of the LX CLI; you are in the User command mode when you log in to
the LX unit.) For example, the Superuser command mode is nested in
User command mode; the Configuration command mode is nested in the
Superuser command mode, and so on.
To enter a nested command mode, you must enter the appropriate
command from the previous command mode. For example, to enter the
Configuration command mode you must enter the configuration
command from the Superuser command mode.
You can use the exit command to return to the previous command mode.
For example, you would enter the exit command in the Configuration
command mode to return to the Superuser command mode.
The rest of this section describes the LX command modes and the
commands that are used to access each of them.
User Command Mode
When you log on to the LX unit, you are in the User command mode. This is
indicated by the User command prompt (e.g., InReach:0 >). The User
command mode includes commands for doing the following:
• Managing your LX session and terminal.
• Pinging remote hosts.
• Connecting to remote hosts via SSH and Telnet.
• Displaying your subscriber-specific information.
• Accessing the Superuser command mode.
Refer to “User Commands” on page 33 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the User Command Mode.451-0310E 25
Superuser Command Mode
The Superuser command prompt (e.g., InReach:0 >>) is displayed when
you are in the Superuser command mode. You can access the Superuser
command mode by executing the enable command in the User command
mode (see “enable” on page 36).
In the Superuser command mode, you can perform all of the tasks that you
can perform in User command mode, as well as the following:
• Manage the LX unit.
• Display global information for the LX unit.
• Access the Linux shell.
• Access the Configuration command mode.
Refer to “Superuser Commands” on page 65 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the Superuser Command Mode.
Configuration Command Mode
The Configuration command prompt (e.g., Config:0 >>) is displayed
when you are in the Configuration command mode. You can access the
Configuration command mode by executing the configuration
command in the Superuser command mode (see “configuration” on
page 67).
In the Configuration command mode, you can perform such tasks as the
• Specify the server-level configuration of the LX unit. The server-level
configuration includes the Superuser password and settings for ppciboot,
RADIUS, the Network Time Protocol (NTP), and all other server-level
• Access the Asynchronous command mode.
• Access the Ethernet command mode.
• Access the Interface command mode.Preface
26 451-0310E
• Access the Menu command mode.
• Access the Notification command mode.
• Access the SNMP command mode.
• Access the Subscriber command mode.
Refer to “Configuration Commands” on page 159 for detailed information on
the commands that you can execute in the Configuration Command Mode.
Asynchronous Command Mode
The Asynchronous command prompt (e.g., Async 4-4:0 >>) is displayed
when you are in the Asynchronous command mode. You can access the
Asynchronous command mode by executing the port async command in
the Configuration command mode (see “port async” on page 194).
In the Asynchronous command mode, you can do the following:
• Configure asynchronous port settings such as access methods, APD
settings, autobaud, autodial, flow control, and inbound and outbound
• Access the PPP command mode.
• Access the Modem command mode.
Refer to “Asynchronous Commands” on page 307 for detailed information on
the commands that you can execute in the Asynchronous Command Mode.
Ethernet Command Mode
The Ethernet command prompt (e.g., Ether 1-1:0 >>) is displayed when
you are in the Ethernet command mode. You can access the Ethernet
command mode by executing the port ethernet command in the
Configuration command mode (see “port ethernet” on page 195).
In the Ethernet command mode, you can configure Ethernet port
descriptions and the duplex mode and speed of Ethernet ports.
Refer to “Ethernet Commands” on page 361 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the Ethernet Command Mode.451-0310E 27
PPP Command Mode
The PPP command prompt (e.g., PPP 4-4:0 >>) is displayed when you
are in the PPP command mode. You can access the PPP command mode by
executing the ppp command in the Asynchronous command mode (see
“ppp” on page 348).
In the PPP command mode, you can configure the Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPP) for asynchronous ports. Some of the settings that you can configure
include accounting, authentication, IPCP parameters, and LCP parameters.
Refer to “PPP Commands” on page 447 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the PPP Command Mode.
Modem Command Mode
The Modem command prompt (e.g., Modem 4-4:0 >>) is displayed when
you are in the Modem command mode. You can access the Modem
command mode by executing the modem command in the Asynchronous
command mode (see “modem” on page 338).
In the Modem command mode, you can configure external modems for
asynchronous ports. Some of the settings that you can configure include
DTRWAIT, dialout, and the modem initialization string.
Refer to “Modem Commands” on page 437 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the Modem Command Mode.
Subscriber Command Mode
The Subscriber command prompt (e.g., Subs_mark >>) is displayed when
you are in the Subscriber command mode. You can access the Subscriber
command mode by executing the subscriber command in the
Configuration command mode (see “subscriber” on page 247).
In the Subscriber command mode, you can provision subscribers of the LX
unit. Some of the subscriber settings include function keys, Telnet
settings, and security settings.
Refer to “Subscriber Commands” on page 367 for detailed information on
the commands that you can execute in the Subscriber Command Mode.Preface
28 451-0310E
SNMP Command Mode
The SNMP command prompt (e.g., Snmp:0 >>) is displayed when you are
in the SNMP command mode. You can access the SNMP command mode
by executing the snmp command in the Configuration command mode
(see “snmp” on page 242).
In the SNMP command mode, you can configure the SNMP settings for an
LX unit.
Refer to “SNMP Commands” on page 409 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the SNMP Command Mode.
Interface Command Mode
The Interface command prompt (e.g., Intf 1-1:0 >>) is displayed when
you are in the Interface command mode. You can access the Interface
command mode by executing the interface command in the
Configuration command mode (see “interface” on page 180).
In the Interface command mode, you can configure interfaces for the LX
unit. Some of the settings that you can configure include the IP settings,
MTU, and IP Rotaries for the interface, as well as SSH and Telnet
Refer to “Interface Commands” on page 275 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the Interface Command Mode.
Menu Command Mode
The Menu command prompt (e.g., Menu :0 >>) is displayed when you are
in the Menu command mode. You can access the Menu command mode by
executing the menu command in the Configuration command mode (see
“menu” on page 184).
In the Menu command mode, you can delete, import, and display menus
and access the Menu Editing command mode.
Refer to “Menu Commands” on page 479 for detailed information on the
commands that you can execute in the Menu Command Mode.451-0310E 29
Menu Editing Command Mode
The Menu Editing command prompt (e.g., mark-1:0 >>) is displayed
when you are in the Menu Editing command mode. You can access the
Menu Editing command mode by executing the open command in the
Menu command mode (see “open” on page 486).
In the Menu Editing command mode, you can create and modify menus.
Refer to “Menu Editing Commands” on page 487 for detailed information on
the commands that you can execute in the Menu Editing Command Mode.
Notification Command Mode
The Notification command prompt (e.g., Notification:0 >>) is displayed
when you are in the Notification command mode. You can access the
Notification command mode by executing the notification command in
the Configuration command mode (see “notification” on page 186).
In the Notification command mode, you can configure the sending of
accounting log messages to pagers, email addresses, SNMP trap clients,
local files, remote hosts, syslogd, and asynchronous ports.
Refer to “Notification Commands” on page 509 for detailed information on
the commands that you can execute in the Notification Command Mode.
Broadcast Group Command Mode
The Broadcast Group command prompt (e.g., BrGroups 6:0 >>) is displayed
when you are in the Broadcast Group command mode. You can access the
Broadcast Group command mode by executing the broadcast group
command in the Configuration command mode (see “broadcast group” on
page 163).
In the Broadcast Group command mode, you can configure a Broadcast
Group. A Broadcast Group consists of Slave Ports and Master Ports. The
Slave Ports receive data broadcasts from the Master Ports, or vice versa.
Refer to “Broadcast Group Commands” on page 535 for detailed
information on the commands that you can execute in the Broadcast Group
Command Mode.Preface
30 451-0310E
Online Help
The question mark character (?), and the Tab key, are used to display
online help in the LX Command Line Interface (CLI). The following
guidelines will help you to navigate the online help system:
• Type the ? character (or press the Tab key) at the command prompt in
any command mode to display the first keyword of each command that
can be executed in that command mode. For example, the following is
displayed when you type the ? character at the User mode command
User Commands:
clear Clear screen and reset terminal line
disconnect Disconnect session
enable Turn on privileged commands
exit Exits and disconnects user
no Negate
pause Pause enable
ping Send echo messages
show Show running system information
ssh Secured Shell (Triple-DES/Blowfish)
telnet Open a telnet connection
terminal Set the terminal type
• Type the ? character (or press the Tab key) after the displayed keyword
to list the options for that keyword. For example, type show? to list
the options of the show keyword. You could then type show port? to
list the next item in the syntax of the show port command.451-0310E 31
Related Documents
For detailed information on the LX commands, refer to the LX-Series
Configuration Guide (P/N 451-0311B).
For more information on the LX hardware, refer to Getting Started with
the LX Series (P/N 451-0308E).
The LX Quick Start Instructions (P/N 451-0312F) describes how to get the
LX unit up and running.Preface
32 451-0310E451-0310E 33
Chapter 1
User Commands
The User commands are executed in the User command mode. The User
command mode is in effect immediately upon logging in to the LX unit.
The User Command prompt indicates that the LX unit is in the User
command mode. The format of the User command prompt is as follows:
: >
where is the username that was entered at the
Login: prompt.
is the session number of the current
For example, in the InReach:0 > prompt, the username is InReach and
the session number is 0.
The rest of this chapter describes the commands that you can enter in the
User command mode.34 451-0310E
Clear the screen and removes any user input from the command buffer.
clear451-0310E 35
Disconnects a session to the LX unit.
NOTE: You can not use this command to disconnect the current session. For
example, you can not use this command to disconnect session 0 when you
are logged in to session 0.
disconnect NUMBER|all
Where Means
disconnect 3
disconnect all
NUMBER The session number of the session that is to be disconnected.
all Disconnect all sessions other than the session from which this command is
executed.36 451-0310E
Displays a password prompt for logging into Superuser mode. When you are logged into
Superuser mode, you can execute the Superuser commands. Refer to “Superuser Commands”
on page 65 for more information on the Superuser commands.
Usage Guidelines
When you execute the enable command, the Password: prompt is displayed:
To enter Superuser mode, you must enter a Superuser password at the Password: prompt.
The default Superuser password is system.
The Superuser prompt is displayed when you are in Superuser mode. The Superuser prompt is
in the following format:
: >>
where is the username that was entered at the Login:
is the session number of the current connection.
For example, in the InReach:0 >> prompt, the username is InReach and the session
number is 0.
enable451-0310E 37
When the exit command is executed in User Mode, it exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in User Mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
Issuing the exit command in any mode other than User returns the user to the previous
command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in Superuser Mode returns the user
to User Mode; issuing the exit command in Configuration Mode returns the user to Superuser
Mode, and so on.
exit38 451-0310E
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the User mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the User command mode and are currently enabled. To view the
features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command followed by
a question mark (?).
no pause
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.451-0310E 39
Configures the screen to pause after displaying the number of lines specified in the
“lines/screen” value for the terminal.
pause enable
pause enable
pause enable40 451-0310E
Sends a series of 4 echo messages to a destination host.
ping [A.B.C.D|NAME]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
If a destination host is not specified, the echo message is sent to the default destination host
which is your Preferred Service. Refer to the preferred service command on page 399 for
information on configuring a Preferred Service.
If the ping command is executed without a destination host, and you do not have a Preferred
Service configured, the following error message is displayed:
No Preferred Service Configured
ping FinanceServer
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the destination host. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below)
for the default value of this field.)
NAME The domain name of the destination host. (See “Usage Guidelines”
(below) for the default value of this field.)451-0310E 41
Displays the day, date, time, and timezone for the LX unit.
show clock
show clock
Figure 2 shows an example of the clock display.
Figure 2 - Clock Display
show clock
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 14:39:16 UTC42 451-0310E
Displays the user-level port information for the LX port where you are connected.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on a virtual port or on the DIAG port
(port 0).
NOTE: You must be in Superuser Mode to display port information for ports other
than the one where you are connected. Refer to Chapter 2 for more
information on the Superuser show port commands.
show port characteristics|apd|modem|ppp|status
Where Means
show port characteristics
show port apd
show port modem
show port ppp
show port status
show port
characteristics Displays general port characteristics.
Refer to “Port Characteristics” on page 43 for descriptions of the general
port characteristics.
apd Displays the port APD settings.
Refer to “Port APD Settings” on page 46 for descriptions of the port APD
modem Displays the port Modem settings.
Refer to “Port Modem Settings” on page 47 for descriptions of the port
Modem settings.
ppp Displays the port PPP settings.
Refer to “Port PPP Settings” on page 48 for descriptions of the port PPP
status Displays the port status information.
Refer to “Port Status Display” on page 50 for descriptions of the port
status information.451-0310E 43
Port Characteristics
Figure 3 shows an example of the Port Characteristics screen.
Figure 3 - Port Characteristics Screen
show port (continued)
Time: Mon 24 Mar 2003 19:10:43
Banner: Welcome to MRV Communications, In-Reach Product Division.
Port Number: 5 Transparent Mode: Enabled
Access: Databuffer Flow Control: Xon
Port Name: N/A Stop Bits: 1
Port Type: Physical Parity: None
Device Name: /dev/pts/4 Bits per Character: 8
Port Prompt String: login Autobaud: Disabled
Break: Enabled Auto Dial: Disabled
Special Break String: 1234 Autobaud Retry: 5
Telnet Negotiations: Disabled Autohangup: Disabled
Telnet Cr filter: N/A Radius Accounting: Disabled
Inbound Authentication: Disabled Tacacs+ Accounting: Disabled
Outbound Authentication: Disabled Data Buffer Size: 1024
Authentication FallBack: Disabled Data Buffer Display: Disabled
Data Buffer Time Stamp: Enabled Data Buffer Syslog: Enabled
Connect Command: export MYPALMDIR=/root/palm
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show port characteristics command was
Banner The version of LX software that is running on the LX unit.
Port Number The port at which you are logged in.
Access The type of access the port can have to a service node, and/or the type
of access other interactive users and service nodes can have to the
port. The possible values are: Dynamic, Local, Remote, Databuffer,
Power, or Sensor.
Port Name An ASCII string that is typically used to identify the port that is
displayed in this screen.
Port Type The port Type. The possible values are Serial, Ethernet, and Virtual.
Device Name The device name of the port.
Port Prompt String The prompt that is displayed when a user logs in to this port. If this
is a custom prompt, this field will contain the custom prompt. If this
is the default login prompt, this field will contain “login”.
Break The action the port will take when the user presses the BREAK key.
The possible values are Enabled or Disabled.
Special Break String The unique break string for the port.44 451-0310E
show port (continued)
Telnet Negotiations Indicates whether Telnet Negotiations are Enabled or Disabled.
Telnet CR Filter Indicates the filtering for carriage returns in Telnet sessions.
Indicates whether inbound authentication is Enabled or Disabled on
the port.
Indicates whether outbound authentication is Enabled or Disabled on
the port.
Indicates whether users can log in by Fallback if the authentication
server (RADIUS or TACACS+) is unreachable. The possible settings
of this field are Enabled and Disabled.
Data Buffer Time
Indicates whether the Data Buffer Timestamp feature is Enabled or
Connect Command The command, or commands, that are executed when a connection to
the port is made.
Transparent Mode Indicates whether Transparent Mode is Enabled or Disabled on the
Flow Control The flow control ("handshaking") method used by the serial interface
to control data transfer between the LX port and the device connected
to the port. The possible values are XON, CTS, and NONE (disabled).
The default value is XON.
Stop Bits The number of stop bits used to maintain synchronization of data.
The possible values are 1 or 2.
Parity The method by which the LX unit and the device connected to the port
check for single-bit errors in characters transmitted or received by the
port. (This is called a parity check because the device provides an
extra bit, called a parity bit, for error checking.) The possible values
are EVEN, NONE, and ODD, and the default value is NONE.
Bits per Character The number of bits per character for data characters that are
transmitted or received over the serial connection between the LX
port and the device connected to the port. The possible values are 7 or
8 bits. The default value is 8.
Autobaud Indicates whether Autobaud is enabled or disabled on the port. If
Autobaud is enabled, the port will attempt to determine the speed of
incoming connections.
Auto Dial Indicates whether Auto Dial is Enabled or Disabled for the port. Auto
Dial consists of the Dialback and Dialout features.
Autobaud Retry The number of times that the LX port will attempt to determine the
speed of an incoming connection.451-0310E 45
show port (continued)
Autohangup Indicates whether the port will log out when the last session is
terminated. The allowable values are Enabled and Disabled.
RADIUS Accounting Shows the current status of RADIUS accounting. The valid values are
Enabled or Disabled.
Shows the current status of TACACS+ accounting. The valid values
are Enabled or Disabled.
Data Buffer Size The size, in bytes, of the port data buffer.
Data Buffer Display Indicates whether the contents of the databuffer will be displayed
when the user logs into the port. The allowable values are Enabled
and Disabled.
Data Buffer Syslog Indicates whether the Data Buffer syslog feature is Enabled or
Disabled.46 451-0310E
Port APD Settings
Figure 4 shows an example of the Port APD Settings screen.
Figure 4 - Port APD Settings Screen
show port (continued)
Time: Mon 24 Mar 2003 12:50:42 UTC
Banner: MRV Communication Linux Rel 0.0.34
Device Name: /dev/pts/0 Port Number: 5
Apd Feature: Enabled Apd Timeout: 0
Apd Signature: 414141 Port Name: Port_1
Apd Retry: 0
Port Type: Physical
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show port characteristics command was
Banner The field identifies the release of Linux and the version of the LX
software that is running on the LX unit.
Device Name The port name.
Apd Feature Shows whether Automatic Protocol Detection (APD) is Enabled or
Disabled on this port.
Apd Signature The signature of the expected protocol.
Apd Retry The number of retries that remote hosts can have after they fail to
make an APD connection on the first try.
Apd Timeout The length of time, in seconds, that the port can spend in an attempt
to determine which protocol is being used to make a connection.
Port Type The port Type. The possible values are Serial, Ethernet, and Virtual.
Port Number The port at which you are logged in.
Port Name The name of the LX port.451-0310E 47
Port Modem Settings
Figure 5 shows an example of the Port Modem Settings screen.
Figure 5 - Port Modem Settings
show port (continued)
Time: Mon 24 Mar 2003 12:50:42 UTC
Banner: MRV Communication Linux Rel 0.0.34
Device Name: /dev/pts/0 Port Number: 7
Port Type: Virtual Port Name: N/A
Modem Control: Disabled Modem Timeout: 40
Modem Retry: 6 Modem Dial Type: N/A
Modem Dialout Num.: 19785558371
Modem Init String: AT S7=45 S0=1 L1 V1 X4 &C1 &1 Q0 &S1
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show port characteristics command was
Banner The field identifies the release of Linux and the version of the LX
software that is running on the LX unit.
Device Name The port name.
Port Type The port Type. The possible values are Serial, Ethernet, and Virtual.
Modem Control Shows whether the PPP modem feature is Enabled or Disabled on
this port.
Modem Retry The number of times the LX unit attempts to connect to the remote
Modem Dialout
The telephone number that the modem will dial for a dialout
Modem Init String A configuration string that is sent to the remote modem.
Port Number The Port Number.
Port Name A text string that typically identifies the modem port.
Modem Timeout The length of time that the remote modem has to respond to the LX
Modem Dial Type Indicates whether the Modem Type for the port is Dial In or Dial Out.48 451-0310E
Port PPP Settings
Figure 6 shows an example of the PPP Settings screen.
Figure 6 - Port PPP Settings Screen
show port (continued)
Time: Mon 24 Mar 2003 19:08:19 UTC
Port Device: /dev/pts/2 Port Number: N/A
PPP Feature: Disabled PPP Debug: Disabled
PPP Mode: Server Passive PPP MTU: 1400
PPP Authent: None PPP Authent. Retry: 3
PPP Port Type: Physical PPP Authent. Timeout: 60
PPP Local IP Address:
PPP Remote IP Address:
PPP LCP Compress.: Enabled PPP IPCP Compress.(VJ): Enabled
PPP LCP Failure Limit: 10 PPP IPCP Failure Limit: 10
PPP LCP Echo Failure Limit: 0 PPP IPCP Timeout: 4
PPP LCP Echo Interval: 0 PPP IPCP Accept Remote: Disabled
PPP LCP Timeout: 4 PPP IPCP Accept Local: Disabled
PPP CCP: Enabled PPP Accounting: Disabled
Port Name: N/A
Client Mode Username: N/A
Client Mode PAP Secret: N/A
Client Mode CHAP Secret: N/A
Field Description
Port Device The port name.
PPP Feature Indicates whether the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is Enabled or
Disabled on the port.
PPP Mode Indicates the PPP Mode for the port. The possible values are Client,
Server Active, or Server Passive.
PPP Authent The PPP Authentication method for the port. The allowable values
are PAP, CHAP, and None.
PPP Port Type The PPP port type.
PPP Local IP
The IP Address assigned to the port.
PPP Remote IP
The IP address of the remote device that the port will attempt to
negotiate when the remote device does not specify an Internet
address on its own.
PPP LCP Compress Indicates whether the use of LCP compression is Enabled or Disabled
over the PPP link.
PPP LCP Failure
The number of attempts at LCP option negotiation that can be made
by the port.451-0310E 49
show port (continued)
Failure Limit
The interval between the sending of LCP echo requests.
PPP LCP Timeout The length of time that the port has for LCP option negotiation.
PPP CCP Indicates whether the PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP) is
Enabled or Disabled for the port.
Port Name The name of the PPP port.
Client Mode
The username for the PAP client.
Client Mode PAP
The PAP authentication secret for the PPP client.
Client Mode CHAP
The CHAP authentication secret for the PPP client.
Port Number The port at which you are currently logged in.
PPP Debug Indicates whether PPP debugging is Enabled or Disabled on the port.
PPP MTU The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for PPP links on the port.
PPP Authent. Retry The number of times that the port can attempt to authenticate a PPP
PPP Authent.
The length of time that the port has to authenticate a PPP link.
Indicates whether the use of Van Jacobson (VJ) compression is
Enabled or Disabled over the PPP link.
PPP IPCP Failure
The number of attempts at IPCP option negotiation that can be made
by the port.
PPP IPCP Timeout The length of time that the port has for IPCP option negotiation.
Indicates whether the port is configured to accept or reject the
negotiation of remote addresses. If the value is Enabled, the port is
configured to accept the negotiation of remote addresses. If the value
is Disabled, the port is configured to reject the negotiation of remote
Indicates whether the port is configured to accept or reject the
negotiation of local addresses. If the value is Enabled, the port is
configured to accept the negotiation of local addresses. If the value is
Disabled, the port is configured to reject the negotiation of local
PPP Accounting Indicates whether PPP accounting is Enabled or Disabled on the port.50 451-0310E
Port Status Display
Figure 7 shows an example of the port status screen for non-outlet ports.
Figure 7 - Port Status Screen (non-outlet)
show port (continued)
Time: Mon 24 Mar 2003 13:19:01 UTC
Port Device: /dev/ttyGN8 Port Number: 8
Remote Partner Host IP Address:
Locally Connected by IP Address:
Autobaud: Enabled Speed: 9600
Port Lock Status: In Use Port Name: Port_8
Transmit Bytes: 137260 Receive Bytes: 8728
Frame Errors: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
Parity Errors: 0 Break Signals: 2
Buffer Overruns: 0 IRQ Number: 4
Last Transmit Char: 0x0 Last Receive Char: 0x0
Input Signals: Output Signals:
Field Description
Port Device The name of the port.
Remote Partner Host
IP Address
If the port is connected to a remote host, the IP Address of the
remote host appears in this field.
Locally Connected
by IP Address
If the port is locally connected to a host, the IP Address of the LX
unit, or the rotary address for the port, appears in this field.
Autobaud Indicates whether Autobaud is enabled or disabled on the port. If
Autobaud is enabled, the port will attempt to determine the speed
of incoming connections.
Port Lock Status Indicates whether or not the port is locked.
Transmit Bytes The number of bytes transmitted on the port since the counters
were last reset to zero.
Frame Errors The number of bytes received at the port with illegally formatted
frames, since the counter was reset to zero. Frequent framing
errors (more than 20 per day for a terminal; 200 per day for a
modem) may indicate a problem with the port or the device
attached to the port, or mismatched settings between the port and
the data received from the attached serial device.451-0310E 51
show port (continued)
Parity Errors The number of bytes received at the port with parity errors, since
the counters were reset to zero. Frequent parity errors (more than
20 per day for a terminal; 200 per day for a modem, due to line
noise) may indicate a problem with the port or the device attached
to the port, or mismatched settings between the port and the device
connected to the port.
Buffer Overruns The number of times characters were lost because the LX unit input
buffers were full, since the counters were reset to zero. Buffer
overruns indicate that there may be a flow control problem, such as
mismatched flow control methods, between the port and the device
connected to the port.
Last Transmit Char The last character transmitted on the port.
Input Signals The status of the port CTS and DSR signals.
Port Number The port number of the asynchronous port.
Time The day, date, and time of the LX system clock.
Speed The port speed.
Port Name The name of the asynchronous port.
Receive Bytes The number of bytes received on the port since the counters were
last reset to zero.
Overrun Errors The number of port overrun errors since the counters were last
reset to zero.
Break Signals The number of break signals since the counters were last reset to
IRQ Number The IRQ Number for the port.
Last Receive Char The last character received on the port.
Output Signals The status of the port RTS and DTR signals.52 451-0310E
Figure 8 shows an example of the port status screen for outlet ports.
Figure 8 - Port Status Screen (Outlet)
show port (continued)
Time: Mon 24 Mar 2003 20:05:47 Device Number: 4
Device Type: IR5150
Model Name: N/A
Total Outlet Strip Load: 0.25
Outlet Minimum Off Time: 15
Outlet Name State Load Assigned Groups
1 plug1 On N/A 1 4 13
2 plug2 On N/A 1 6 10
3 plug3 On N/A 1 7
4 plug4 On N/A 1
5 plug5 On N/A 2 4
6 plug6 On N/A 2
7 plug7 On N/A 2
8 plug8 On N/A 2
9 plug9 On N/A 3 4
10 plug10 On N/A 3
11 plug11 On N/A 3
12 plug12 On N/A 3
13 plug13 On N/A 4 5
14 plug14 On N/A 4 5
15 plug15 On N/A 4 5
16 plug16 On N/A 5
Field Description
Device Identifies the type of Power Control unit.
Model Name The Model Name of the Power Control unit.
Total Outlet Strip
The total load for the Power Control unit.
Outlet Minimum
Off Time
The minimum time that outlets in this Power Control unit must
remain off after they are turned off with the outlet or outlet
group command.
Outlet The Outlet Number of an outlet.
Name The descriptive name of an outlet.
State The ON or OFF state of the outlet.
Load The load on the outlet.
Assigned Groups The outlet groups to which the outlet is assigned.451-0310E 53
Displays the names and addresses of the available services.
show service
show service
Figure 9 shows an example of the Service screen.
Figure 9 - Service Screen
show service
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 13:14:40 UTC
Service Name IP Address
Field Description
Service The name of an available service or server/host.
IP Address The IP Address of the available service54 451-0310E
Displays information about your opened connections, including opened sessions to services or
hosts on the network, as well as CLI sessions opened on the port.
show session
Where Means
show session 3
Figure 10 shows an example of the Session screen.
Figure 10 - Session Screen
show session
session_number The session number of an opened connection.
Number Device Program Pid Time Status
3 /dev/pts/1 cli 8384 2589 *
Field Description
Number The Session Number. The possible values are 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Device The Linux port name.
Program The program running on the LX unit.
Pid The Process ID for the session.
Time The time elapsed since the start of the session.
Status Indicates whether the displayed session is the active session. An
asterisk (*) means that the displayed session is the active session.
An hyphen (-) means that the displayed session is not the active
session.451-0310E 55
Displays your subscriber information.
show subscriber characteristics|status|tcp
Where Means
show subscriber characteristics
show subscriber status
show subscriber tcp
show subscriber
characteristics Displays your subscriber characteristics.
Refer to “Subscriber Characteristics” on page 56 for descriptions of the
subscriber characteristics.
status Displays your subscriber status information.
Refer to “Subscriber Status” on page 59 for descriptions of the status
information for subscribers.
tcp Displays your subscriber TCP settings.
Refer to “Subscriber TCP Settings” on page 60 for descriptions of your
subscriber TCP settings.56 451-0310E
Subscriber Characteristics
Figure 11 shows an example of the Subscriber Characteristics screen.
Figure 11 - Subscriber Characteristics Screen
show subscriber (continued)
Subscriber Name: demo
Security: Superuser User Prompt: Demo
Preferred Service: Dedicated Service:
Command Logging: Disabled User Password: Disabled
Maximum Connections: 50 Maximum Sessions: 4
Shell : Disabled Screen Pause: Enabled
Debug Feature: Disabled Debug File: /tmp/D_demo
Idle Timeout: 0 Session Timeout: 0
Menu Feature: Disabled Menu Name: /config/M_demo
Forward Switch: ^F Local Switch: ^L
Backward Switch: ^B Dialback Feature: Disabled
Dialback Retry: 4 Dialback Number:
Dialback Timeout: 45 Audit Feature: Disabled
Port Access list: 1-8
Remote Access list: Telnet Ssh Web_Server
Field Description
Subscriber Name The name under which the subscriber is logged in.
Security The level of security that the subscriber has. The possible values are
None and Superuser.
Preferred Service The service to which the subscriber will be connected when the
subscriber makes a connect request without specifying a service.
Command Logging Indicates whether the Command Logging Feature is Enabled or
Disabled for the subscriber.
The maximum number of concurrent connections that the subscriber
can have to the LX unit.
Shell Indicates whether the Shell mode is Enabled or Disabled for this
Debug Feature Shows whether the Debug feature is enabled for this user. The
allowable values are Enabled and Disabled.
Idle Timeout The length of time that the subscriber can go without entering
keyboard data before she is logged out.
Menu Feature Indicates whether a menu will be displayed when the subscriber
successfully logs in to the LX unit. The allowable values are Enabled
and Disabled.
Note: If this feature is Enabled, a Menu Name must be specified for
the user. For more information, refer to the Menu Name field (below).451-0310E 57
show subscriber (continued)
Forward Switch The keyboard character that the subscriber types to switch to the next
Backward Switch The keyboard character that the subscriber types to switch to the
previous session.
Dialback Retry The number of times that the modem on the LX unit can attempt to
answer a dialback call.
Dialback Timeout The length of time that the modem can spend attempting to make a
modem connection.
Port Access
The LX ports that the user can access.
Remote Access
The methods that the user can use to make remote connections.
User Prompt The subscriber-specific field of the subscriber User prompt. For
example, for a subscriber prompt of InReach:0 >, the subscriberspecific field is InReach.
Dedicated Service The service to which the subscriber is permanently assigned.
User Password Indicates whether or not the subscriber must enter a password when
he logs in to the account. If the value of this field is Enabled, the
subscriber must enter a password when logging in to this account. If
the value of this field is Disabled, the subscriber does not enter a
password when logging in to this account.
The maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed for the
Screen Pause Indicates whether or not the screen is enabled to pause after 26 lines of
output are displayed.
Debug File Shows the location and filename of the Debug file for this subscriber on
the LX unit.
Session Timeout Indicates the maximum length of time for a subscriber session. The
allowable values are 0 through 65535. A value of 0 means that there is
no limit to the length of a subscriber session.
Menu Name Shows the location and filename of the subscriber menu on the LX
Local Switch The keyboard character that the subscriber types to return to the local
command mode.
Audit Feature Indicates whether the Audit feature is Enabled or Disabled.58 451-0310E
show subscriber (continued)
Dialback Feature Indicates whether or not the subscriber requires a dialback script in
order to be logged in. (The dialback script contains commands that
cause a modem to dial a designated telephone number.) The allowable
values are Enabled and Disabled.
Dialback Number The telephone number that the LX modem will dial when the
subscriber makes a Dialback call to the LX unit.451-0310E 59
Subscriber Status
Figure 12 shows an example of the Subscriber Status screen.
Figure 12 - Subscriber Status Screen
show subscriber (continued)
Time: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 14:39:16 UTC
Subs. Name: InReach Number of Connections: 1
Configured TermType: ANSI Session Mode: Normal
Field Description
Subs. Name The name under which the subscriber is logged in.
The terminal type that is configured for the subscriber.
Session Mode The Telnet binary option for the subscriber session.
Number of
The number of connections that the subscriber currently has to the
LX unit.60 451-0310E
Subscriber TCP Settings
Figure 13 shows an example of the TCP Settings screen.
Figure 13 - TCP Settings Screen
show subscriber (continued)
Time: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 14:39:16 UTC
Subscriber Name: InReach Telnet Line Mode: Character Mode
SSH Name: InReach SSH Encryption: Triple-DES
SSH Port: 22 SSH Log Level: 23
Field Description
Subscriber Name The name under which the subscriber is logged in.
Telnet Line Mode Indicates the Telnet Line Mode. The possible values are Character
and Block.
SSH Name The SSH Name for the subscriber.
SSH Port The ports that are enabled as SSH ports for this subscriber.
SSH Encryption The form of SSH encryption used by the subscriber.
SSH Log Level The Revision Level of the SSH Log for this subscriber.451-0310E 61
Displays the Linux OS version, Linux In-Reach version, LX software version, and ppciboot
version for the LX unit.
show version
show version
Figure 14 shows an example of the Version screen.
Figure 14 - Version Screen
show version
Linux Kernel Version: 2.4.9
Linux In-Reach Version: 15
Software Version: 2.2.0
Ppciboot Version:
Field Description
Linux Kernel
Ve rsi on
The version of the Linux Operating System that is running on the LX
Linux In-Reach
Ve rsi on
The version of the In-Reach implementation of Linux.
Software Version The version of the LX software that is running on the LX unit.
Ppciboot Version The version of ppciboot that the LX unit is using.62 451-0310E
Opens a Secure Shell (Triple-DES/BLOWFISH) connection.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The default SSH server is your Preferred Service. Refer to the preferred service command
on page 399 for information on configuring a Preferred Service.
If the ssh command is executed without an SSH server, and you do not have a Preferred Service
configured, the following error message is displayed:
No Preferred Service Configured
ssh 2322
ssh 2322 henryh
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the SSH server to which the connection is being made.
(See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for the default value of this field.)
NAME The Domain Name of the SSH server to which the connection is being
made. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for the default value of this field.)
NUMBER The socket number to which the connection is being made.
LOGIN NAME The name that you are using to log in to the SSH server.451-0310E 63
Opens a Telnet connection to a host.
telnet [A.B.C.D [NUMBER]]|[NAME [NUMBER]]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The default Telnet host is your Preferred Service. Refer to the preferred service command
on page 399 for information on configuring a Preferred Service.
If the telnet command is executed without a Telnet host, and you do not have a Preferred
Service configured, the following error message is displayed:
No Preferred Service Configured
telnet 2500
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the Telnet host. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for
the default value of this field.)
NAME The Domain Name of the Telnet host. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for
the default value of this field.)
NUMBER The socket number to which the connection is being made. 64 451-0310E
Sets the terminal type for the LX user.
Where Means
terminal vt100
terminal ansi
terminal_type The terminal type for the LX user. The allowable terminal types are
VT100 and ANSI. 451-0310E 65
Chapter 2
Superuser Commands
The Superuser commands are executed in the Superuser command mode.
When the LX unit is in the Superuser command mode, the Superuser
command prompt (e.g., InReach:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the Superuser command prompt is as follows:
: >>
where is the username that was entered at the
Login: prompt.
is the session number of the current
For example, in the InReach:0 >> prompt, the username is InReach and
the session number is 0.
To enter the Superuser command mode, do one of the following:
• If you are in the User command mode, execute the enable command.
This displays the Password: prompt. Enter a Superuser password at
the Password: prompt.
Refer to page 36 for more information on the enable command.
• If you are in a command mode other than User, execute the end
command or the exit command until the Superuser command prompt
is displayed.66 451-0310E
Clear the screen and removes any user input from the command buffer.
clear451-0310E 67
Enters the Configuration command mode. When this command is executed, the configuration
prompt (e.g., Config >>) is displayed. Only the Configuration commands can be executed
from the configuration prompt. For more information on the Configuration commands, refer to
“Configuration Commands” on page 159.
configuration68 451-0310E
Generates debug information for PPP sessions on an asynchronous port. The debug information
can be displayed by executing the show debug port async ppp command (see page 90).
debug port async NUMBER ppp
Where Means
debug port async 5 ppp
debug port async ppp
NUMBER An asynchronous port number.451-0310E 69
Generates debug information for SNMP.
debug snmp
debug snmp
debug snmp70 451-0310E
Generates debug information for a subscriber. The debug information can be displayed by
executing the show debug subscriber command (see page 91).
debug subscriber
Where Means
debug subscriber bill
debug subscriber
subscriber_name The subscriber for which debug information is to be generated.451-0310E 71
Disconnects a session to the LX unit.
NOTE: You can not use this command to disconnect the current session. For
example, you can not use this command to disconnect session 0 when you
are logged in to session 0.
disconnect NUMBER|all
Where Means
disconnect 3
disconnect all
NUMBER The session number of the session that is to be disconnected.
all Disconnect all sessions other than the session from which this command is
executed.72 451-0310E
Returns you to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
Superuser, issuing this command will return you to the User command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the command mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Superuser command mode returns the user to
the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any command
mode other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in the
Configuration command mode returns the user to the Superuser command mode; issuing the
exit command in the Subscriber command mode returns the user to the Configuration
command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit451-0310E 73
Logs out a device, an LX port, or an LX subscriber.
logout |port |
Where Means
logout /dev/ttyGN3
logout port 3
logout mark
device_name The name of the device that is to be logged out. For example, the
command logout /dev/ttyGN3 logs out the Linux device /dev/ttyGN3
(port 4).
port_number The LX port that is to be logged out. For example, the command logout
port 3 logs out port 3.
subscriber_name The name of the subscriber to be logged out. For example, the command
logout mark logs out the subscriber mark.74 451-0310E
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the Superuser
command mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Superuser command mode and are currently enabled.
To view the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command
followed by a question mark (?).
no pause
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.451-0310E 75
Reboots a Power Control Relay or turns a Power Control Relay on or off.
outlet : on|off|reboot
Where Means
outlet 3:5 on
outlet 5:2 off
outlet 6:1 reboot
power_master Specifies the Power Master from which the Power Control Relay is
Note: Refer to “access power model” on page 309 for information on
configuring a port as a Power Master.
control_relay Specifies a Power Control Relay on the IR-5100 or IR-5150 that is managed
from the Power Master.
The Power Master number, combined with the Power Control Relay number,
uniquely identifies each Power Control Relay. For example, 2:5 identifies
Power Control Relay 5 on the device that is managed from port 2.
on Turn the Power Control Relay on.
off Turn the Power Control Relay off.
reboot Reboot the Power Control Relay.76 451-0310E
Reboots, or turns on or off, all of the outlets in an outlet group.
outlet group | on|off|reboot
Where Means
outlet group 5 reboot
outlet group Laboutlets off
outlet group 6 on
outlet group
group_number An integer number that specifies an existing outlet group.
group_name The descriptive name of an existing outlet group.
on Turn the outlets in the group on.
off Turn the outlets in the group off.
reboot Reboot the outlets in the group.451-0310E 77
Configures the screen to pause after displaying the number of lines specified in the
“lines/screen” value for the terminal.
pause enable
pause enable
pause enable78 451-0310E
Sends a series of 4 echo messages to a destination host.
ping [A.B.C.D|NAME]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
If a destination host is not specified, the echo message is sent to the default destination host
which is your Preferred Service. Refer to the preferred service command on page 399 for
information on configuring a Preferred Service.
If the ping command is executed without a destination host, and you do not have a Preferred
Service configured, the following error message is displayed:
No Preferred Service Configured
ping FinanceServer
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the destination host. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below)
for the default value of this field.)
NAME The domain name of the destination host. (See “Usage Guidelines”
(below) for the default value of this field.)451-0310E 79
Re-starts the LX unit.
Usage Guidelines
If the LX parameter set has been saved since the last time the LX unit was re-started, or since
the last configuration change was made, the LX unit will be re-started immediately. If the LX
parameters have not been saved, you will be prompted to save them before the LX is re-started.
Configuration is not saved!!! Proceed anyway? (y/n) :
Enter y to re-start the LX unit without saving the changes.
Enter n to abort the command.
Refer to “save configuration” on page 80 for more information on saving the LX parameters.
reload80 451-0310E
Saves the configuration of the LX unit to the local flash or to a network parameter server.
save configuration flash|[network |]
Where Means
save configuration flash
save config network unit1
save configuration
flash Save the LX-unit configuration to the local flash.
network Save the LX-unit configuration to a network parameter server.
filename Identifies the network file to which the LX-unit configuration is to be
saved. The filename must not include a .zip suffix. For example,
unit1 is a valid filename, but is not a valid filename.
domain_name Specifies the domain name of the TFTP server to which the LX-unit
configuration is to be saved.
ip_address Specifies the IP Address of the TFTP server to which the LX-unit
configuration is to be saved.451-0310E 81
Runs the setup utility (Quick Start Configurator). For more information on the Quick Start
Configurator, refer to the LX Quick Start Instructions.
setup82 451-0310E
Enters the Built-in Linux shell on the LX unit.
Usage Guidelines
When this command is executed, the following is displayed on the Linux monitor:
BusyBox v0.60.1 (2002.04.16-12:27+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands
You can enter any command in the Built-in Linux shell from the command prompt (InReach:/#
in the above example). Enter help at the command prompt for a list of the built-in commands.
The format of the command prompt is :/#, where is the username of
the subscriber.
Enter exit at the command prompt to return to Superuser Mode.
shell451-0310E 83
Displays the audit log for a port or a subscriber.
show audit log []|[]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
If you execute show audit log for a subscriber, the display will only contain audit log data for
the subscriber in question.
If you execute show audit log for a port, the display will contain audit log data for all of the
subscribers that are logged in at the port.
show audit
show audit log 5
show audit log mark
Figure 15 shows an example of the audit log display.
Figure 15 - Audit Log Display
show audit log
port_number Specifies an asynchronous port number on the LX unit.
subscriber_name Specifies an LX subscriber name.
Nov 18 16:08:32 yves ttyGN0 0 Subs_yves >>end
Nov 18 16:08:50 yves ttyGN0 1 Yves:0 >>
Nov 18 16:08:50 yves ttyGN0 2 Yves:1 >
Nov 18 16:08:50 yves ttyGN0 3 Yves:2 >
Nov 18 16:08:55 yves ttyGN0 3 Yves:3 >sho session
Nov 18 16:08:55 yves ttyGN0 3 Number Device Program Pid Time Status
Nov 18 16:08:55 yves ttyGN0 3 0 /dev/pts/0 Superuser 477 98 -
Nov 18 16:08:55 yves ttyGN0 3 1 /dev/pts/3 User 481 5 -
Nov 18 16:08:55 yves ttyGN0 3 2 /dev/pts/4 User 482 5 -
Nov 18 16:08:55 yves ttyGN0 3 3 /dev/pts/5 User 483 5 *84 451-0310E
Displays the characteristics of Broadcast Groups.
show broadcast group all| characteristics
Where Means
show broadcast group 1 characteristics
show broadcast group all characteristics
Figure 16 shows an example of the Broadcast Group Characteristics Display.
Figure 16 - Broadcast Group Characteristics Display
show broadcast group characteristics
all Display information for all Broadcast Groups.
group_number The group number of a Broadcast Group.
Time: 08 Nov 2002 16:29:26 US/EASTERN
Broadcast Group Number: 1 Mode: Line Mode
State: Disabled
Async Master port(s) with Timestamp:
Async Master port(s) without Timestamp:
TCP Master port(s) with Timestamp:
TCP Master port(s) without Timestamp:
Async Slave port(s) with Discard:
Async Slave port(s) without Discard:
Async Slave port(s) with Local Echo:
Async Slave port(s) without Local Echo:
TCP Slave port(s) with Discard:
TCP Slave port(s) without Discard:
TCP Slave port(s) with Local Echo:
TCP Slave port(s) without Local Echo:451-0310E 85
Displays summary information on all of the Broadcast Groups that are configured on the LX unit.
show broadcast group summary
show broadcast group summary
Figure 17 shows an example of the Broadcast Group summary display.
Figure 17 - Broadcast Group Summary Display
show broadcast group summary
Broadcast group number: State:
1 Enabled
2 Disabled
3 Disabled
4 Disabled
5 Disabled86 451-0310E
Displays the day, date, time, and timezone for the LX unit.
show clock
show clock
Figure 18 shows an example of the clock display.
Figure 18 - Clock Display
show clock
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 14:39:16 UTC451-0310E 87
Displays the command log for a port or for a subscriber.
show command log []|[]
show command log
show command log 4
show command log mark
Figure 19 shows an example of the command log display.
Figure 19 - Command Log Display
show command log
Nov 11 12:47:30 demo 0 end
Nov 11 12:47:33 demo 0 sho command log
Nov 11 12:49:21 demo 23 modem
Nov 11 12:49:29 demo 23 end
Nov 11 12:49:39 demo 23 show command log demo88 451-0310E
Displays the contents of the LX System configuration table or the configuration data from the
Non-Volatile memory of the LX unit.
show configuration
show configuration
Figure 20 shows an example of the Configuration Data display.
Figure 20 - Configuration Data Display
show configuration
Signature is :a1326c7cf50dd779086e0a90843fdke94398kj9
In-Reach Configuration version 0.0.34, Linux kernel version 2.4.10
System.SystemName.0 TYPE STRING VALUE "InReach LX-1"
System.SystemLocation.0 TYPE STRING VALUE "Middle of NoWhere"
System.UseNtp.0 TYPE BOOL VALUE "Disabled"
System.UseLpd.0 TYPE BOOL VALUE "Disabled"
System.SnmpLocation.0 TYPE STRING VALUE ""
System.SnmpPort.0 TYPE SHORT VALUE "161"
System.SnmpLog.0 TYPE BOOL VALUE "Disabled"
System.SnmpTransport.0 TYPE OCTET VALUE "0"
System.SysLogAddr.0 TYPE IPADDR VALUE ""
System.UseSsh.0 TYPE BOOL VALUE "Disabled"
System.UseRad.0 TYPE BOOL VALUE "Disabled"
System.UseRadAcct.0 TYPE BOOL VALUE "Disabled"
System.RadPort.0 TYPE SHORT VALUE "1812"
System.RadAcctPort.0 TYPE SHORT VALUE "1813"
System.RadPrimAuth.0 TYPE IPADDR VALUE ""
System.RadPrimSecret.0 TYPE STRING VALUE ""
System.RadSecAuth.0 TYPE IPADDR VALUE ""
System.RadSecSecret.0 TYPE STRING VALUE ""
System.RadPrimAcct.0 TYPE IPADDR VALUE ""
Type a key to continue, q to quit451-0310E 89
Displays the commands that have been executed in the Configuration Command Mode and in
any of the Command Modes nested in the Configuration Command Mode. (The Command
Modes nested in the Configuration Command Mode include Broadcast Group, Interface, Menu,
Menu Editing, Subscriber, Asynchronous, PPP, Modem, Ethernet, SNMP, and Notification.)
show configuration log
show configuration log
Figure 21 shows an example of the configuration log display.
Figure 21 - Configuration Log Display
show configuration log
Nov 20 20:59:03 InReach /ttyGN0 0 save config to flash
Nov 20 20:59:12 InReach /ttyGN0 0 boot config file from flash
Nov 20 20:59:46 InReach /ttyGN0 0 subscriber 4 no password
Nov 20 21:00:17 InReach /ttyGN0 0 subscriber 4 access telnet enable
Nov 20 21:00:24 InReach /ttyGN0 0 subscriber 4 access ssh enable
Nov 20 21:00:29 InReach /ttyGN0 0 subscriber 4 access guiserver enable
Nov 20 21:00:34 InReach /ttyGN0 0 subscriber 4 access console enable
Nov 20 21:00:47 InReach /ttyGN0 0 subscriber 4 security level super
Nov 20 21:01:01 InReach /ttyGN0 0 save config to flash90 451-0310E
Displays the debug data for PPP sessions on an asynchronous port of the LX unit.
show debug port async NUMBER ppp
Where Means
show debug port async 5 ppp
show debug port async ppp
NUMBER The number of the port for which debug data is to be displayed.451-0310E 91
Displays the subscriber debug data for the LX unit.
show debug subscriber NAME
Where Means
show debug subscribers bill
Figure 22 shows an example of the Subscriber Debug data display.
Figure 22 - Subscriber Debug Data
show debug subscriber
NAME The name of the subscriber for which debug data is to be displayed.
Bill_M:0 >>show debug subscriber billStamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 3f 32 35 6c .[?25l
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 39 30 30 3b 39 30 30 48 .[900;900H
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 36 6e .[6n
Stamp : 1020858407 From Line
1b 5b 32 34 3b 38 30 52 6e e6 .[24;80Rn.
Stamp : 1020858407 From Line
75 81 1b 5b 32 34 3b 38 30 52 u..[24;80R
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 3f 32 35 68 .[?25h
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 48 1b 5b 4a .[H.[J
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 30 3b 30 48 .[0;0H
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
42 69 6c 6c 5f 4d 3a 30 20 3e Bill_M:0.>
Stamp : 1020858407 To Line
1b 5b 36 6e .[6n92 451-0310E
Displays information on devices connected to asynchronous ports configured as OUTLET or
SENSOR on the LX unit.
show device all| status
Where Means
show device 5 status
Figure 23 shows an example of the Device Display for an OUTLET port.
Figure 23 - Device Display for An OUTLET Port
show device status
all Display information for all asynchronous ports configured as OUTLET or
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port that is configured as OUTLET
Time: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 20:05:47 Device Number: 4
Device Type: IR5100
Model Name: IR-5100-126
Total Outlet Strip Load: 0.0
Outlet Minimum Off Time: 15
Outlet Name State Load Assigned Groups
1 plug1 Off 0.0 1 4 13
2 plug2 Off 0.0 1 6 10
3 plug3 Off 0.0 1 7
4 plug4 Off 0.0 1
5 plug5 Off 0.0 2 4
6 plug6 Off 0.0 2
7 plug7 Off 0.0 2
8 plug8 Off 0.0 2
9 plug9 Off 0.0 3 4
10 plug10 Off 0.0 3
11 plug11 Off 0.0 3
12 plug12 Off 0.0 3
13 plug13 Off 0.0 4 5
14 plug14 Off 0.0 4 5
15 plug15 Off 0.0 4 5
16 plug16 Off 0.0 5451-0310E 93
Figure 24 shows an example of the Device Display for a SENSOR port.
Figure 24 - Device Display for A SENSOR Port
show device status (continued)
Time: 29 Aug 2002 17:35:17 US/EASTERN Device Number: 4
Device Type: Sensor
Humidity Level(%): 39.00
Temperature (Celsius): 26.00
Temperature (Fahrenheit): 78.8094 451-0310E
Displays summary information on the sensors, and power management devices, that are attached
to asynchronous ports of the LX unit.
show device summary
show device summary
Figure 25 shows an example of the Device summary display.
Figure 25 - Device Summary Display
show device summary
Device Number Device Type Model Name
4 IR5100 IR-5100-126
5 IR5100 IR-5100-255451-0310E 95
Displays the characteristics of an IP interface.
show interface NUMBER|all characteristics
Where Means
show interface 1 characteristics
show interface all characteristics
Figure 26 shows an example of the Interface Characteristics display.
Figure 26 - Interface Characteristics Display
show interface characteristics
NUMBER Specifies the IP interface for which information is to be displayed.
all Display information for all the IP interfaces on the LX unit.
Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:14:27
Interface Name: Interface_1 Bound to : eth0
IP MTU Size: 1500
IP Address : Learned IP Address :
IP Mask : Learned IP Mask :
IP Broadcast : Learned IP Broadcast:
Interface Status: In Use Learned IP Gateway :
Rotary Feature: Disabled Learned IP DNS :
Authentication: Local Radius Accounting: Disabled
Authentication FallBack: Disabled Tacacs+ Accounting: Disabled
SSH port: 22 Telnet port: 23
SSH Keepalive Interval: 0 SSH Keepalive Count: 3
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show interface characteristics
command was executed.
Interface Name The name of the IP interface for which data is being displayed.
IP MTU Size The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for an IP interface. The
MTU size is the largest-size frame that can be transmitted on the IP
IP Address The IP Address of the IP interface.
IP Mask The subnet mask of the IP interface.
IP Broadcast The IP Broadcast Address of the IP interface.96 451-0310E
show interface characteristics (continued)
Interface Status The status of the IP interface. The possible values are In Use and
Rotary Feature Indicates whether IP Rotary is Enabled or Disabled on this IP
interface. If it is Enabled, you will be able to configure the rotary
settings on this IP interface. If it is Disabled, you will not be able to
configure the rotary settings on this IP interface.
Authentication Indicates the type of authentication that is in effect for the IP
Indicates whether the Fallback Login Feature is Enabled or Disabled
for the IP interface.
SSH port The SSH port for the IP interface.
SSH Keepalive
The length of time, in seconds, between attempts at making an SSH
connection to the IP interface.
Bound to The Ethernet port to which the interface is bound.
Learned IP Address The IP Address learned from ppciboot.
Learned IP Mask The subnet mask learned from ppciboot.
Learned IP
The IP Broadcast Address learned from ppciboot.
Learned IP Gateway The IP Gateway learned from ppciboot.
Learned IP DNS The Domain Name Server (DNS) learned from ppciboot.
RADIUS Accounting Indicates whether RADIUS Accounting is enabled or disabled for the
IP interface.
Tacacs+ Accounting Indicates whether Tacacs+ Accounting is enabled or disabled for the
IP interface.
Telnet port The Telnet port for the IP interface.
SSH Keepalive
The number of times that an SSH client will attempt to make an SSH
connection to the IP interface.451-0310E 97
Displays the Telnet port number, and the SSH port number, associated with each serial port on an
IP interface.
show interface NUMBER|all port mapping
Where Means
show interface all port mapping
show interface port mapping
NUMBER Specifies the IP interface for which information is to be displayed.
all Display information for all the IP interfaces on the LX unit.98 451-0310E
Figure 27 on page 98 shows an example of the port mapping display.
Figure 27 - Port Mapping Display
show interface port mapping (continued)
Serial Port Telnet Port SSH Port
0 0 0
1 2100 2122
2 2200 2222
3 2300 2322
4 2400 2422
5 2500 2522
6 2600 2622
7 2700 2722
8 2800 2822
9 2900 2922
10 3000 3022
11 3100 3122
12 3200 3222
13 3300 3322
14 3400 3422
15 3500 3522
16 3600 3622
17 3700 3722
18 3800 3822
19 3900 3922
20 4000 4022
21 4100 4122
22 4200 4222
23 4300 4322
24 4400 4422
25 4500 4522
26 4600 4622
27 4700 4722
28 4800 4822
29 4900 4922
30 5000 5022
31 5100 5122
32 5200 5222
33 5300 5322451-0310E 99
Displays the characteristics of a rotary.
show interface NUMBER|all rotary
Where Means
show interface 3 rotary
show interface all rotary
Figure 28 shows an example of the Rotary Characteristics display.
Figure 28 - Rotary Characteristics Display
show interface rotary
NUMBER Specifies the rotary for which information is to be displayed. The
allowable rotary numbers are 1 through 5.
all Display information for all the rotaries on the LX unit.
Rotary IP Address TCP SSH Rotary Type Rotary State Serial Ports 1500 1522 First Available Disabled
Field Description
Rotary IP Address The IP Address of the rotary. (This is also the IP Address of the
TCP The TCP socket number assigned to the rotary.
SSH The SSH socket number assigned to the rotary.
Rotary Type The rotary type (First Available or Round Robin).
Rotary State Indicates whether the rotary is Enabled or Disabled.
Serial Ports The serial ports included in the rotary.100 451-0310E
Displays status information for an IP interface.
show interface NUMBER|all status
Where Means
show interface 1 status
show interface all status
Figure 29 shows an example of the Interface status display.
Figure 29 - Interface Status Display
show interface status
NUMBER Specifies the IP interface for which information is to be displayed. The
allowable IP interface numbers are 1 through 5.
all Display information for all the IP interfaces on the LX unit.
Time: Mon 24 Apr 2003 16:19:34
Interface Name: Interface_1 Bound to : eth0
IP Address: IP Mask:
IP Broadcast Addr:
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show interface status command
was executed.
Interface Name The name of the IP interface.
IP Address The IP Address of the IP interface.
IP Broadcast Addr The IP Broadcast Address of the IP interface.
Bound to The Ethernet port to which the IP interface is bound.
IP Mask The Subnet Mask of the IP interface.451-0310E 101
Displays summary information on all of the IP interfaces that are configured on the LX unit.
show interface summary
show interface summary
Figure 30 shows an example of the Interfaces summary display.
NOTE: Interface addresses that are learned are not displayed on the following
Figure 30 - Interfaces Summary Display
show interface summary
Name Address Broadcast Addr. Mask Bound to
Interface_1 eth0
Interface_2 eth0:1
Interface_3 eth0:2
Interface_4 eth0:3
Interface_5 eth0:4
Field Description
Name The name of the IP interface.
Address The IP Address configured for the IP interface.
Broadcast The Broadcast Address configured for the IP interface.
Addr. Mask The subnet mask configured for the IP interface.
Bound to The Ethernet port to which the IP interface is bound.102 451-0310E
Displays a log of Linux kernel activity for the LX unit.
show kernel log
show kernel log
Figure 31 shows an example of the Kernel Log display.
Figure 31 - Kernel Log Display
show kernel log
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Cannot find map file.
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Linux version 2.4.19 (build@GenBuild) (gcc version
2.95.3 20010315 (release)) #1 Wed Feb 26 08:16:45 EST 2003
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: On node 0 totalpages: 16384
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: zone(0): 16384 pages.
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: zone(1): 0 pages.
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: zone(2): 0 pages.
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Kernel command line: root=/dev/ram CONSOLE=/dev
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Decrementer Frequency = 247500000/60
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Calibrating delay loop... 65.53 BogoMIPS
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Memory: 57500k available (1440k kernel code, 49
2k data, 56k init, 0k highmem)
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4
, 65536 bytes)
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Inode cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3,
32768 bytes)
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1,
8192 bytes)
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Buffer-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2
, 16384 bytes)
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Page-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4,
65536 bytes)
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Based upon Swansea University Computer Society
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Initializing RT netlink socket
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: Starting kswapd
Jan 3 15:42:50 In-Reach kernel: i2c-core.o: i2c core module version 2.6.1 (2001
Type a key to continue, q to quit451-0310E 103
Displays the contents of syslogd for the LX unit.
show log
show log
Figure 32 shows an example of the Log display.
Figure 32 - Log Display
show log
Dec 31 21:10:20 In-Reach syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
Dec 31 21:10:20 In-Reach kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Cannot find map file.
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Linux version 2.4.19 (build@GenBuild) (gcc vers
ion 2.95.3 20010315 (release)) #1 Mon Feb 3 07:52:36 EST 2003
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: On node 0 totalpages: 16384
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: zone(0): 16384 pages.
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: zone(1): 0 pages.
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: zone(2): 0 pages.
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Kernel command line: root=/dev/ram CONSOLE=/dev
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Decrementer Frequency = 247500000/60
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Calibrating delay loop... 65.53 BogoMIPS
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Memory: 58432k available (1292k kernel code, 43
2k data, 52k init, 0k highmem)
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4
, 65536 bytes)
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Inode cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3,
32768 bytes)
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1,
8192 bytes)
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Buffer-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2
, 16384 bytes)
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Page-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4,
65536 bytes)
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Based upon Swansea University Computer Society
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Initializing RT netlink socket
Dec 31 21:10:21 In-Reach kernel: Starting kswapd
Type a key to continue, q to quit 104 451-0310E
Displays the ID number, string portion (message), facility, and priority of configurable syslogd
show notification message NUMBER|all
Where Means
show notification message 4
Figure 33 shows an example of the Message display.
Figure 33 - Message Display
show notification message
NUMBER The ID number of a configurable syslogd message.
all Display all of the configurable syslogd messages on the LX unit.
Message record 4:
Message: The Shell has been exited by
Facility: user Priority: notice
451-0310E 105
Displays information on Service Profiles configured for the Notification Feature.
show notification serviceprofile |all
Where Means
show notification serviceprofile all
Figure 34 shows an example of the Service Profile display.
Figure 34 - Service Profile Display
show notification serviceprofile
name The Service Profile for which data is to be displayed.
all Display the specified data for all Service Profiles on the LX unit.
ServiceProfile: syslog Protocol: localsyslog
File: syslog
ServiceProfile: messages Protocol: localsyslog
File: messages
ServiceProfile: debug Protocol: localsyslog
File: debug
ServiceProfile: mark1 Protocol: localsyslog
ServiceProfile: jacklocal Protocol: localsyslog
File: jacksyslog
ServiceProfile: jackremote Protocol: remotesyslog
Remote Host:
ServiceProfile: jackasync Protocol: async
Async Port: 5
ServiceProfile: jack Protocol: tap
SMSC: 18668230501 Bits/Parity/StopBits:8N1
Modem Port(s): 33
ServiceProfile: webjack Protocol: web
Driver: verizon_web106 451-0310E
Displays information on User Profiles of the Notification Feature.
show notification userprofile |all
Where Means
show notification userprofile all
Figure 35 shows an example of the User Profile display.
Figure 35 - User Profile Display
show notification userprofile
name The User Profile for which data is to be displayed.
all Display the specified data for all User Profiles on the LX unit.
UserProfile: syslog ServiceProfile: syslog
Facility: all Priority: err
UserProfile: messages ServiceProfile: messages
Facility: all Priority: notice
UserProfile: debug ServiceProfile: debug
Facility: all Priority: debug
UserProfile: grogers@mrv ServiceProfile: N/A
Facility: kern Priority: emerg
UserProfile: mark ServiceProfile: N/A
Facility: kern Priority: emerg
UserProfile: jacklocal ServiceProfile: jacklocal
Facility: user Priority: warning
451-0310E 107
Displays status information for outlet groups.
show outlet group ||all status
Where Means
show outlet group all status
Figure 36 shows an example of the Outlet Group Status display.
Figure 36 - Outlet Group Status Display
show outlet group status
group_number An integer number that specifies an existing outlet group.
group_name The descriptive name of an existing outlet group.
all Display the specified data for all outlet groups on the LX unit.
Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 17:55:19 Group Number: 2
Group Name: mypc Group Off Time: 4
Port Outlet State
2 1 Not configured
2 2 Not configured
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show outlet group status command
was executed.
Group Name The descriptive name of the outlet group.
Port The LX Port from which the outlet is managed.
Outlet The outlet number.
State The state of the individual outlet.
Group Number The group number of the outlet group.
Group Off Time The length of time that outlets in the group must remain off after
they have been turned off.108 451-0310E
Displays the APD settings of an asynchronous port.
show port async all| apd
Where Means
show port async 5 apd
show port async all apd
The port APD Settings screen contains the same fields as the port APD Settings screen that can
be displayed in the User command mode. For more information refer to Figure 4 on page 46.
show port async apd
all Display information for all asynchronous ports.
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.451-0310E 109
Displays the characteristics of an asynchronous port.
show port async all| characteristics
Where Means
show port async 5 characteristics
show port async all characteristics
The display contains the same fields as the port characteristics screen that can be displayed in
the User command mode. For more information refer to Figure 3 on page 43.
show port async characteristics
all Display information for all asynchronous ports.
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.110 451-0310E
Displays the modem settings for an asynchronous port.
show port async all| modem
Where Means
show port async 5 modem
show port async all modem
The display contains the same fields as the port modem screen that can be displayed in the User
command mode. For more information refer to Figure 5 on page 47.
show port async modem
all Display information for all asynchronous ports.
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.451-0310E 111
Displays the match patterns and pattern-matching characteristics for an asynchronous port.
show port async |all pattern match characteristics
Where Means
show port async 5 pattern match characteristics
Figure 37 shows an example of the Pattern Match Characteristics display.
Figure 37 - Pattern Match Characteristics Display
show port async pattern match characteristics
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.
Note: The port must be configured for databuffer access.
all Display the pattern-matching characteristics for all asynchronous ports
on the LX unit.
Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 07:05:52
Banner: Welcome to MRV Communications, In-Reach Product Division.
Port Number: 5
Pattern Match: Enabled
Pattern 1: SuperUser
Pattern 2: tes.t
Pattern 3: Unix Reboot
Pattern 8: abc* 112 451-0310E
Displays the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) settings of an asynchronous port.
show port async all| ppp
Where Means
show port async 5 ppp
show port async all ppp
The display contains the same fields as the port PPP screen that can be displayed in the User
command mode. For more information refer to Figure 6 on page 48.
show port async ppp
all Display information for all asynchronous ports.
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.451-0310E 113
Displays the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) status of an asynchronous port.
show port async all| ppp status
Where Means
show port async 4 ppp status
Figure 38 shows an example of the PPP status display.
Figure 38 - PPP Status Display
show port async ppp status
all Display information for all asynchronous ports.
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.
Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:21:58 UTC
Port Device: /dev/ttyGN4 Port Number: 4
Learned Remote Addr.:
Lcp Link Status: Closed Ipcp Link Status: Closed
PPP Transmit Bytes: N/A PPP Recieve Bytes: N/A
PPP Transmit Frames: N/A PPP Recieve Frames: N/A
PPP Transmit Errors: N/A PPP Recieve Errors: N/A114 451-0310E
Displays status information for asynchronous ports.
show port async all| status
Where Means
show port async 5 status
show port async all status
This display contains the same fields as the port Status screen that can be displayed in the User
command mode. For more information refer to Figure 7 on page 50.
show port async status
all Display information for all asynchronous ports.
port_number The port number of an asynchronous port.451-0310E 115
Displays summary information for all of the asynchronous ports on the LX unit.
show port async summary
show port async summary
Figure 39 shows an example of the summary information for LX asynchronous ports.
Figure 39 - Asynchronous Port Summary Data
show port async summary
Port Port Name Access Speed TCP Port SSH port Device
0 Port_0 Local 9600 0 0 /dev/ttyGN0
1 Port_1 Remote 9600 2100 2122 /dev/ttyGN1
2 Port_2 Remote 9600 2200 2222 /dev/ttyGN2
3 Port_3 Local 9600 2300 2322 /dev/ttyGN3
4 Port_4 Dynamic 9600 2400 2422 /dev/ttyGN4
5 Port_5 Sensor 9600 2500 2522 /dev/ttyGN5
6 Port_6 Databuffer 9600 2600 2622 /dev/ttyGN6
7 Port_7 IR5100 9600 2700 2722 /dev/ttyGN7
8 Port_8 IR5150 9600 2800 2822 /dev/ttyGN8
Field Description
Port The Port Number
Port Name The Port Name
Access The access method for the port
Speed The port speed
TCP Port The Telnet port number for the port
SSH Port The SSH port number for the port
Device The Linux Device Name for the port116 451-0310E
Displays the characteristics of an Ethernet port.
show port ethernet all| characteristics
Where Means
show port ethernet 1 characteristics
Figure 40 shows an example of Ethernet Port Characteristics.
Figure 40 - Ethernet Port Characteristics
show port ethernet characteristics
all Display information for all Ethernet ports.
port_number The port number of an Ethernet port.
Time: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 22:30:19
Name: eth0 MAC Address: 00:a0:87:9c:00:50:e3
Link Speed: Auto Duplex Mode: Auto
Field Description
Name The name of the port.
Description The description of the Ethernet port.
MAC Address The Ethernet MAC Address for the port.
Link Speed The Ethernet port speed. The possible values are auto, 10mb and
Duplex Mode The duplex mode of the Ethernet port. The possible values are auto,
full, and half.451-0310E 117
Displays the statistical information for an ethernet port.
show port ethernet all| status
Where Means
show port ethernet 1 status
Figure 41 shows an example of the statistical information for an Ethernet port.
Figure 41 - Ethernet Port Statistical Information
show port ethernet status
all Display information for all ethernet ports.
port_number The port number of an ethernet port.
Name: eth0 MAC Address: 00:a0:87:9c:00:50:e3
Link State: Up Duplex Mode: Half
Link Speed: 100 Auto Negotiation: Auto
Receive Bytes: 240061 Transmit Bytes: 40115
Receive Packets: 2890 Transmit Packets: 659
Receive Errors: 0 Transmit Errors: 0
Receive Drop Packet: 0 Transmit Drop Packet: 0
Receive Overruns: 0 Transmit Overruns: 0
Receive Compressed: 0 Transmit Compressed: 0
Receive Frame Error: 0 Transmit Collisions: 0
Receive Multicast: 0 Transmit Carrier: 0
Field Description
Name The Ethernet port name.
Link State The state (Up or Down) of the Ethernet link.
Link Speed The speed of the Ethernet link (in Megabytes per second).
Receive Bytes The number of Bytes Received on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Receive Packets The number of Packets Received on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Receive Errors The number of Receive Errors on the Ethernet port since the counters
were last reset to zero.
Receive Drop Packet The number of Receive Packets that have been dropped by the
Ethernet port since the counters were last reset to zero. 118 451-0310E
show port ethernet status (continued)
Receive Overruns The number of Receive Overruns on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Receive Compressed The number of compressed packets received since the counters were
last reset to zero.
Receive Frame Error The number of Receive Frame Errors on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Receive Multicast The number of Multicasts received on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
MAC Address The MAC Address of the LX unit.
Duplex Mode The duplex mode (half or full) of the Ethernet link.
Auto Negotiation Indicates whether or not auto negotiation is in effect on the Ethernet
Transmit Bytes The number of bytes transmitted on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Transmit Packets The number of packets transmitted on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Transmit Errors The number of Transmit Errors on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Transmit Drop
The number of Transmit Packets dropped on the Ethernet port since
the counters were last reset to zero.
Transmit Overruns The number of Transmit Overruns on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
The number of compressed packets transmitted since the counters
were last reset to zero.
Transmit Collisions The number of Transmit Collisions on the Ethernet port since the
counters were last reset to zero.
Transmit Carrier451-0310E 119
Displays summary information for the Ethernet ports on the LX unit.
show port ethernet summary
show port ethernet summary
Figure 42 shows an example of the summary information for the LX Ethernet port.
Figure 42 - Ethernet Summary Information
show port ethernet summary
Name MAC-Address
eth0 00:a0:87:9c:00:50:e3
Field Description
Name The name of the Ethernet port.
MAC Address The MAC (physical) Address of the Ethernet port.120 451-0310E
Displays information about the RADIUS authentication and accounting servers for the LX unit.
show radius characteristics
show radius characteristics
Figure 43 shows an example of the RADIUS Display.
Figure 43 - RADIUS Display
show radius characteristics
Time: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 00:44:48 UTC
Primary RADIUS Authentication Server:
IP Address: RADIUS Auth. UDP Port: 1812
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
Secondary RADIUS Authentication Server:
IP Address: RADIUS Auth. UDP Port: 1812
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
Primary RADIUS Accounting Server:
IP Address: RADIUS Acct. UDP Port: 1813
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
Secondary RADIUS Accounting Server:
IP Address: RADIUS Acct. UDP Port: 1813
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
RADIUS Accounting Server Period: 5
Inbound RADIUS Enabled Serial Ports:
Outbound RADIUS Enabled Serial Ports:
RADIUS Enabled Interfaces:
Field Description
IP Address The IP Address for the applicable Authentication or Accounting
Secret The Radius secret shared between the LX unit and the Radius server
used for encrypting communications between them.
Retry The number of times the LX unit will attempt to connect to the
Radius server.451-0310E 121
show radius characteristics (continued)
UDP Port
The UDP port that the LX unit and the applicable RADIUS
authentication server will use for communication.
UDP Port
The UDP port that the LX unit and the applicable RADIUS
accounting server will use for communication.
Timeout The time to wait for a RADIUS server to respond before
retransmitting packets to the server.
RADIUS Accounting
Server Period
The length of time, in seconds, that the RADIUS server waits for a
reply from the RADIUS Accounting server.
Inbound RADIUS
Enabled Serial Ports
The Inbound serial ports that are enabled for RADIUS.
Outbound RADIUS
Enabled Serial Ports
The Outbound serial ports that are enabled for RADIUS.
RADIUS Enabled
The LX interfaces that are enabled for RADIUS.122 451-0310E
Displays statistical information on RADIUS authentication attempts.
show radius status
show radius status
Figure 44 shows an example of the RADIUS Status Display.
Figure 44 - RADIUS Status Display
show radius status
Time: Wed, 08 May 2002 13:32:34 UTC
Total RADIUS Authentication Message Exchange: Primary Secondary
Successful attempts: 2 0
Failed attempts: 0 0
Total RADIUS Accounting Message Exchange: Primary Secondary
Successful attempts: 0 0
Failed attempts: 6 6
RADIUS Authentication Counter Summary: Primary Secondary
Successful Logins: 2 0
Authentication Failures: 0 0
Configuration Failures: 0 0
Policy Failures: 0 0
RADIUS Accounting Counter Summary: Primary Secondary
Successful Acct Entries: 0 0
Failed Acct Entries: 0 0
Requests Waiting: 0 0
RADIUS Fallback Counter Summary:
Total Fallback Logins: 0
Field Description
Message Exchange
Successful Attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary RADIUS authentication
servers successfully exchanged
messages with the LX unit.
Failed attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary RADIUS authentication
servers failed to exchange messages
with the LX unit.451-0310E 123
show radius status (continued)
Accounting Message
Successful Attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary RADIUS accounting
servers successfully exchanged
messages with the LX unit.
Failed attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary RADIUS accounting
servers failed to exchange messages
with the LX unit.
Counter Summary
Successful Logins The number of successful logins using
The number of unsuccessful logins
using RADIUS.
The number of login failures that
occurred due to configuration failures.
Policy Failures The number of login failures that
occurred due to policy failures.
RADIUS Accounting
Counter Summary
Successful Acct
The number of successful RADIUS
accounting entries.
Failed Acct Entries The number of failed RADIUS
accounting entries.
Requests Waiting The number of RADIUS Accounting
requests that have not been processed
RADIUS Fallback
Counter Summary
Total Fallback Logins The number of logins that have been
done through the RADIUS Fallback
Login feature.124 451-0310E
Displays summary data for the RADIUS authentication and accounting servers.
show radius summary
show radius summary
Figure 45 shows an example of the RADIUS Summary Display.
Figure 45 - RADIUS Summary Display
show radius summary
Radius Server Summary Thu, 12 Sep 2002 20:47:18
Primary Auth. Server: Primary Auth. UDP Port: 1812
Secondary Auth. Server: Secondary Auth. UDP Port: 1812
Primary Acct. Server: Primary Acct. UDP Port: 1813
Secondary Acct. Server: Secondary Acct. UDP Port: 1813
Field Description
Primary Auth.
The IP Address of the Primary RADIUS Authentication server.
Secondary Auth.
The IP Address of the Secondary RADIUS Authentication server.
Primary Acct.
The IP Address of the Primary RADIUS Accounting server.
Secondary Acct.
The IP Address of the Secondary RADIUS Accounting server.
Primary Auth.
UDP Port
The UDP port for the Primary RADIUS Authentication server.
Secondary Auth.
UDP Port
The UDP port for the Secondary RADIUS Authentication server.
Primary Acct. UDP
The UDP port for the Primary RADIUS Accounting server.
Secondary Acct.
UDP Port
The UDP port for the Secondary RADIUS Accounting server.451-0310E 125
Displays the IP addresses of the default route, subnet mask, and gateway of the LX unit.
show route
show route
Figure 46 shows an example of the Route Display.
Figure 46 - Route Display
show route
Route Mask Gateway 451-0310E
Displays information about the SecurID authentication server for the LX unit.
show securid characteristics
show securid characteristics
Figure 43 shows an example of the SecurID Characteristics Display.
Figure 47 - SecurID Characteristics Display
show securid characteristics
Time: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:09:34 UTC
SecurID Configuration Settings
Authentication Version: Version_5 Authentication Encryption: DES
Authentication Timeout: 5 Authentication Retransmit: 3
Authentication Port: 5500
V5 Primary Server: Primary Name:
Legacy Master Server: Master Name:
Legacy Slave Server: Slave Name:
Inbound SecurID Enabled Serial Ports:
Outbound SecurID Enabled Serial Ports:
SecurID Enabled Interfaces:
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show securid characteristics
command was executed.
Ve rsi on
The version of SecurID that is running on the SecurID authentication
server. The possible values are Legacy and Version_5.
The time to wait for the SecurID authentication server to respond
before retransmitting packets to the server.
Authentication Port The UDP port that the LX unit and the SecurID authentication
server will use for communication.
V5 Primary Server The IP Address of the authentication server used for Version 5 of
Legacy Master
The IP address of the Master server for the Legacy version of
Legacy Slave Server The IP address of the Slave server for the Legacy version of SecurID.
Inbound SecurID
Enabled Serial Ports
The Inbound serial ports that use SecurID authentication.451-0310E 127
show securid characteristics (continued)
Outbound SecurID
Enabled Serial Ports
The Outbound serial ports that use SecurID authentication.
SecurID Enabled
The IP interfaces that use SecurID authentication.
The encryption method used by SecurID. The possible values are
DES and SDI.
The maximum number of times the LX unit will retransmit packets to
the SecurID authentication server after the expiration of an
Authentication Timeout.
Primary Name The name of the Version 5 authentication server.
Master Name The name of the Master server for the Legacy version of SecurID.
Slave Name The name of the Slave server for the Legacy version of SecurID.128 451-0310E
Displays statistical information on SecurID authentication attempts.
show securid status
show securid status
Figure 44 shows an example of the SecurID Status Display.
Figure 48 - SecurID Status Display
show securid status
Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:55:59
SecurID Status & Counters:
Successful Logins: 0
Failed Logins: 0
Fallback Logins: 0
Learned SecurID Node Secret: False
Learned SecurID Servers:
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show securid status command was
Successful Logins The number of successful logins using SecurID.
Failed Logins The number of unsuccessful logins using SecurID.
Fallback Logins The number of logins that have been accomplished using SecurID
Learned SecurID
Node Secret
Indicates whether or not the LX unit has received the SecurID Secret
from the SecurID Server. The possible values are True and False. A
value of True means that the LX unit has received the SecurID Secret
from the SecurID Server. A value of True means that the LX unit has
not received the SecurID Secret from the SecurID Server.
Learned SecurID
The IP addresses, or host names, of the Primary and Replica SecurID
servers that the LX unit can use for authentication.451-0310E 129
Displays summary data for the SecurID authentication and accounting servers.
show securid summary
show securid summary
Figure 45 shows an example of the SecurID Summary Display.
Figure 49 - SecurID Summary Display
show securid summary
Time: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:17:27 UTC
V5 Primary Server: Primary Name:
Legacy Master Server: Master Name:
Authentication Version: Version_5 Authentication Port: 5500
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show securid summary command was
V5 Primary Server The IP Address of the authentication server used for Version 5 of
Legacy Master
The IP address of the Master server for the Legacy version of
Ve rsi on
The version of SecurID that is running on the SecurID authentication
server. The possible values are Legacy and Version_5.
Primary Name The name of the Version 5 Primary authentication server.
Master Name The name of the Master server for the Legacy version of SecurID.
Authentication Port The UDP port that the LX unit and the SecurID authentication
server will use for communication.130 451-0310E
Displays the name and IP Address of every service that is configured for the LX unit.
show service
show service
Figure 50 shows an example of the Service screen.
Figure 50 - Service Screen
show service
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:45:08 UTC
Service Name IP Address
451-0310E 131
Displays information about opened sessions on the LX unit.
show session []
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
If this command is executed without the argument (i.e., show session), it
displays information for all opened sessions on the LX unit.
show session 3
This display contains the same fields as the Session screen that can be displayed in the User
command mode. For more information refer to Figure 10 on page 54.
show session
session_number The session number of an opened connection.132 451-0310E
Displays the system-level SNMP characteristics for the LX unit.
show snmp characteristics
show snmp characteristics
Figure 52 shows an example of SNMP characteristics Display.
Figure 51 - SNMP Characteristics Display
show snmp characteristics
Time: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:45:08 UTC Name: InReach
Logging: Disabled Port: 161
Contact: Henry Smith Location: Upstairs Lab
V3 Engine Boots: 14
V3 Engine ID: 6537303330336565616365323932336100000000
Field Description
Time The date and time that the show snmp characteristics
command was executed.
Logging Indicates whether the SNMP Logging feature is Enabled or Disabled
on the LX unit.
Contact The contact for the LX unit.
V3 Engine Boots The number of times the V3 engine has been rebooted.
V3 Engine ID The V3 Engine ID for the LX unit.
Name The system name for the LX unit.
Port The SNMP UDP port for the LX unit.
Location The location of the LX unit.451-0310E 133
Displays information on SNMP clients.
show snmp client all|
Where Means
show snmp client 1
Figure 52 shows an example of SNMP Client Display.
Figure 52 - SNMP Client Display
show snmp client
all Display information for all SNMP clients on this LX unit.
client_number The client number for an SNMP client
Get Client: 1 Address:
Community: public Version: 1
Set Client: 1 Address:
Community: public Version: 1
Trap Client: 1 Address:
Community: private Version: 1
Field Description
Get Client The SNMP client (e.g., a Network Operations Center, or NOC) which
is permitted to perform an SNMP get on the LX unit.
Set Client The SNMP client (e.g., a Network Operations Center, or NOC) which
is permitted to perform an SNMP set on the LX unit.
Trap Client The SNMP client (e.g., a Network Operations Center, or NOC) which
is permitted to trap SNMP characteristics from the LX unit.
Community The name of the applicable SNMP Community to which the LX unit
belongs. When an SNMP Community Name has been specified for
the unit, only SNMP clients which belong to the same community are
permitted to perform the applicable SNMP operation (Get, Set, or
Trap) on the unit.
Address The IP Address of the SNMP Get, Set, or Trap client.
Version The SNMP Get, Set, or Trap Version for the client. The possible
values are 1, 2, or 3.134 451-0310E
Displays V3 information for SNMP clients.
show snmp v3 all|
Where Means
show snmp v3 3
Figure 53 shows an example of the V3 display for an SNMP client.
Figure 53 - V3 Display
show snmp v3
all Display information for all SNMP clients on this LX unit.
client_number The client number for an SNMP client
Client: 4
Engine Boots: 8
Engine ID: e70303eeace2923a000000000000000000000000
V3 View OID Subtree: 0
V3 View OID Subtree Mask: 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000
V3 View Name:
V3 View Type: Allow
V3 Access Group Name: V3 Access Context Prefix:
V3 Access Security Model: 3 V3 Access Security Level: 1
V3 Access Read View: view V3 Access Write View: view
V3 Access Notify View: view
V3 Access Cont. Match: none
V3 Security Name: V3 Source IP:
V3 Secur. Community: public V3 Source Mask:
V3 Group Secur. Model: V3 Group Secur. Name:
V3 Group Name:
Field Description
Client The SNMP client number.
Engine Boots The number of times the SNMP v3 daemon has booted (i.e., used its
shared secret).
Engine ID The ID of the SNMP v3 daemon.
V3 View OID
The OID range that is accessible by this view.
V3 View OID
Subtree Mask
The valid numbers in the subtree, specified as the individual bits of
the digits.451-0310E 135
show snmp v3 (continued)
V3 View Name The name of the view entry.
V3 View Type Indicates whether the v3 view type is allowed or denied. If the value
of this field is Enabled, the view type is allowed. If the value of this
field is Disabled, the view type is denied.
V3 Access Group
The name of a group to map to a view.
V3 Access Security
The version number of the group entry.
V3 Access Read View The view to use for read requests.
V3 Access Notify
The view to use for Notify requests.
V3 Access Cont.
Indicates whether the context prefix is a prefix of an exact value.
V3 Security Name The user name to be used for the IP Address specified by the Source
IP, Source Mask, and Community.
V3 Secur.
The Community Name used in a request to map to a Security Name.
V3 Group Secur.
The Version Number of a request to map to a Group Name.
V3 Group Name The Name of the v3 Group.
V3 Access Context
The Access Context Prefix.
V3 Access Security
Indicates the v3 Access Security Level for the LX unit. The possible
values are as follows:
1 - No authorization
2 - Authorization with no privileges
3 - Authorization with privileges
4 - The LX unit is non-v3
V3 Access Write
The view to use with write requests.
V3 Source IP The IP range that is mapped to the Security Name for non-v3
V3 Source Mask The incoming IP Address is ANDed with this mask before it is
compared with the Source IP Address.136 451-0310E
show snmp v3 (continued)
V3 Group Secur.
The name of the user to map to a group.451-0310E 137
Displays the status or characteristics for selected subscribers.
show subscriber |all characteristics|status|tcp
Where Means
show subscriber tim characteristics
show subscriber tim status
show subscriber all tcp
show subscriber
subscriber_name The subscriber for which data is to be displayed.
all Display the specified data for all subscribers on the LX unit.
characteristics Displays the characteristics for the specified subscribers.
This option displays a screen that contains the same fields as the
subscriber characteristics that are displayed in User Mode. For more
information, refer to Figure 11 on page 56.
status Displays the status information for the specified subscribers.
This option displays a screen that contains the same fields as the
subscriber status screen that is displayed in User Mode. For more
information, refer to Figure 12 on page 59.
tcp Displays the TCP information for the selected subscribers.
This option displays a screen that contains the same fields as the
subscriber TCP screen that is displayed in User Mode. For more
information, refer to Figure 13 on page 60.138 451-0310E
Displays summary information for all of the subscribers configured on the LX unit.
show subscriber summary
show subscriber summary
Figure 54 shows an example of the Subscriber Summary Display.
Figure 54 - Subscriber Summary Display
show subscriber summary
Name Connections Terminal Type
InReach 0 Ansi
demo 1 Ansi
jack 0 Ansi451-0310E 139
Displays the global system configuration for the LX unit.
show system characteristics
show system characteristics
Figure 55 shows an example of the system display for an LX unit.
Figure 55 - System Display
show system characteristics
Name: InReach Time: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 02:13:18 UTC
Serial Number: 00:a0:9c:00:01:43
Location: UpstairsLab
Domain Name suffix:
Maximum Number of Async Ports: 8 Internal Modem on Port: 0
Maximum Number of Subscribers: 16 Maximum Number of Virtual Ports: 32
Maximum Number of Interfaces: 4 Maximum Number of Ethernet Ports: 1
Primary Domain : Secondary Domain :
Gateway : Default TFTP Server :
Timed Daemon: Disabled TFTP Retries: 3
NTP Daemon: Disabled TFTP Timeout: 3
NTP Server: SNMP Feature: Disabled
Finger Daemon: Disabled Logging Size : 64000
Telnet Daemon: Enabled SSH Daemon: Enabled
Web Server: Enabled
Field Description
Name The host name of the LX unit.
Location A text string that specifies the physical location of the LX unit.
Serial Number The Serial Number of the LX unit.
Domain Name Suffix The suffix for the LX-unit Domain Name.
Maximum Number
of Async Ports
The maximum allowable number of asynchronous ports on the LX
Maximum Number
of Subscribers
The maximum number of subscribers on the LX unit.
Maximum Number
of Interfaces
The maximum allowable number of IP interfaces on the LX unit.
Primary Domain The IP Address of the Primary Domain Name Server (DNS) for the
LX unit.140 451-0310E
show system characteristics (continued)
Gateway The IP Address for the gateway (default route) of the LX unit.
Timed Daemon Indicates whether the Timed Daemon is Enabled or Disabled.
NTP Daemon Indicates whether the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Daemon is
Enabled or Disabled on the LX unit.
NTP Server The IP Address of the NTP server for the LX unit.
Finger Daemon Indicates whether the Finger Daemon (fingerd) is Enabled or
Disabled on the LX unit.
Telnet Daemon Indicates whether the Telnet Daemon is Enabled or Disabled on the
LX unit.
Web Server Indicates whether the WebServer feature (Browser Management) is
Enabled or Disabled on the LX unit.
Time The date and time that the show system characteristics
command was executed.
Internal Modem
on Port
Indicates whether or not the LX port has an internal modem.
Maximum Number
of Virtual Ports
The maximum allowable number of virtual ports on the LX unit.
Maximum Number
of Ethernet Ports
The maximum allowable number of Ethernet ports on the LX unit.
Secondary Domain The IP Address of the Secondary Domain Name Server (DNS) for the
LX unit.
Default TFTP server The default network server for updating the software image, the
iBoot file, and parameter files.
TFTP Retries The number of times the TFTP server will attempt to communicate
with the LX unit.
TFTP Timeout If the LX unit can not load from the TFTP Server before the
expiration of this timeout, the TFTP Server is considered dead.
SNMP Feature Indicates whether SNMP is Enabled or Disabled for the LX unit.
Logging Size Indicates the size of logging files on the unit.
SSH Daemon Indicates whether the SSH Daemon is Enabled or Disabled on the LX
unit.451-0310E 141
Displays the ppciboot configured load settings for the LX unit.
show system ppciboot
show system ppciboot
Figure 56 shows an example of the ppciboot Configured Load Settings Display for an LX unit.
Figure 56 - ppciboot Configured Load Settings Display
show system ppciboot
Ppciboot Configured Load Settings
Ppciboot Software Version :
Ppciboot Ethernet Network Link : auto
Software Load From Flash : no
Software Load From Network : yes
Software Filename : linuxito.img
Configured IP Address :
Configured Network Mask :
Configured Gateway Address :
Configured TFTP Server Address :
IP Assignment Method #1 : User Defined
IP Assignment Method #2 : BOOTP
IP Assignment Method #3 : RARP
IP Assignment Method #4 : DHCP142 451-0310E
Displays system status information for the LX unit.
show system status
show system status
Figure 57 shows an example of the System Status Display for an LX unit.
Figure 57 - System Status Display
show system status
Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 20:17:20 UTC System Uptime: 0 8:7:50
Software Load From : Local Flash Memory
Active System Gateway :
Configuration Load From : Local Flash Memory
Network file Name :
Configuration File to Boot From : /config/Config.prm
Configuration Settings to Boot From : Flash
Configuration Status : Configuration Saved
Configuration Version : 4
CPU usage (0.10 = 10%): Memory usage (in KB):
1 min. Avg usage : 0.00 Total Memory : 62760
5 min. Avg usage : 0.00 Cached Memory : 6320
15 min. Avg usage : 0.00 Free Memory : 28488
Temperature Status (degrees Celsius):
Critical Temp. : 60.0 Hysteresis Temp. : 5.0
Low Temperature : 0.0 Threshold Temp. : 55.0
Current Temp. : 38.5
PowerFail Log: Feb 24 21:54:33 2003
Field Description
Software Load From The IP Address of the Load Server for the LX software image.
Active System
The IP Address of the gateway that is currently being used by the LX
Configuration Load
The parameter server for the LX unit.
Network File Name The filename of the network file from which the LX configuration is
Configuration File
to Boot From
The filename of the file from which the LX unit is booted.451-0310E 143
show system status (continued)
Configuration Settings to
Boot From
Indicates whether the configuration of the LX unit is booted
from the local flash or from the network.
Configuration Status Indicates whether the current configuration of the LX unit has
been saved with the save configuration command.
Configuration Version The version number of the LX configuration. This number is
incremented by 1 each time a modified version of the LX
configuration is saved.
CPU usage (0.10 = 10%)
1 min. Avg usage Average CPU usage over the last minute.
5 min. Avg usage Average CPU usage over the last 5 minutes.
15 min. Avg usage Average CPU usage over the last 15 minutes.
Memory usage (in KB)
Total Memory The total memory on the LX unit (in KB).
Cached Memory The total cached memory in use (in KB).
Free Memory The total free memory (in KB).
Temperature Status
(degrees Celsius)
Critical Temp. The temperature level (in Celsius degrees) that is considered
critical for the LX unit.
Low Temperature The lowest supported operating temperature for the LX unit.
Current Temp. The current temperature of the LX unit.
Hysteresis Temp. The Hysteresis for temperature measurements on the LX unit.
Threshold Temp. The highest supported operating temperature for the LX unit.
PowerFail Log The dates and times when power failures have occurred on the
LX unit.
Note: This field also displays the date and time when the LX
unit is unplugged.144 451-0310E
Displays information about the TACACS+ authentication and accounting servers for the LX
show tacacs+ characteristics
show tacacs+ characteristics
Figure 58 shows an example of the TACACS+ Display.
Figure 58 - TACACS+ Display
show tacacs+ characteristics
Time: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 00:44:48 UTC
Primary TACACS+ Authentication Server:
IP Address: TACACS+ Auth. TCP Port: 49
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
Secondary TACACS+ Authentication Server:
IP Address: TACACS+ Auth. TCP Port: 49
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
Primary TACACS+ Accounting Server:
IP Address: TACACS+ Acct. TCP Port: 49
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
Secondary TACACS+ Accounting Server:
IP Address: TACACS+ Acct. TCP Port: 49
Secret: Not Configured Timeout: 4
Retry: 4
TACACS+ Superuser Request: Disabled TACACS+ Accounting Server Period: 5
Inbound TACACS+ Enabled Serial Ports:
Outbound TACACS+ Enabled Serial Ports:
TACACS+ Enabled Interfaces:
Field Description
IP Address The IP Address for the applicable Authentication or Accounting
Secret The TACACS+ secret shared between the LX unit and the TACACS+
server used for encrypting communications between them.
Retry The number of times the LX unit will attempt to connect to the
TACACS+ server.451-0310E 145
show tacacs+ characteristics (continued)
TCP Port
The TCP port that the LX unit and the applicable TACACS+
authentication server will use for communication.
TCP Port
The TCP port that the LX unit and the applicable TACACS+
accounting server will use for communication.
Timeout The time to wait for a TACACS+ server to respond before
retransmitting packets to the server.
Superuser Request
Indicates whether or not the TACACS+ Superuser password is used
to enter the Superuser Command Mode. The possible values of this
field are Enabled and Disabled. If this field is Enabled, the TACACS+
Superuser password will be used to enter the Superuser Command
Mode. If this field is Disabled, the Local Password will be used to
enter the Superuser Command Mode.
Note: Even if this field is Disabled, the logon authentication to the
LX unit will be through TACACS+.
Inbound TACACS+
Enabled Serial Ports
The Inbound serial ports that are enabled for TACACS+.
Outbound TACACS+
Enabled Serial Ports
The Outbound serial ports that are enabled for TACACS+.
TACACS+ Enabled
The LX IP interfaces that are enabled for TACACS+.
Accounting Server
The length of time, in seconds, that the TACACS+ server waits for a
reply from the TACACS+ Accounting server.146 451-0310E
Displays statistical information on TACACS+ authentication attempts.
show tacacs+ status
show tacacs+ status
Figure 59 shows an example of the TACACS+ Status Display.
Figure 59 - TACACS+ Status Display
show tacacs+ status
Time: Wed, 08 May 2002 13:32:34 UTC
Total TACACS+ Authentication Message Exchange: Primary Secondary
Successful attempts: 2 0
Failed attempts: 0 0
Total TACACS+ Accounting Message Exchange: Primary Secondary
Successful attempts: 0 0
Failed attempts: 6 6
TACACS+ Authentication Counter Summary: Primary Secondary
Successful Logins: 2 0
Authentication Failures: 0 0
TACACS+ Accounting Counter Summary: Primary Secondary
Successful Acct Entries: 0 0
Failed Acct Entries: 0 0
TACACS+ Superuser Enable Summary: Primary Secondary
Successful Enable Requests: 0 0
Failed Enable Requests: 0 0
TACACS+ Fallback Counter Summary:
Total Fallback Logins: 0
Field Description
Message Exchange
Successful Attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary TACACS+ authentication
servers successfully exchanged
messages with the LX unit.
Failed attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary TACACS+ authentication
servers failed to exchange messages
with the LX unit.451-0310E 147
show tacacs+ status (continued)
Accounting Message
Successful Attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary TACACS+ accounting
servers successfully exchanged
messages with the LX unit.
Failed attempts The number of times the primary and
secondary TACACS+ accounting
servers failed to exchange messages
with the LX unit.
Counter Summary
Successful Logins The number of successful logins using
The number of unsuccessful logins
using TACACS+.
Accounting Counter
Successful Acct
The number of successful TACACS+
accounting entries.
Failed Acct Entries The number of failed TACACS+
accounting entries.
Superuser Enable
Successful Enable
This field only contains a value if
TACACS+ Superuser Request is
enabled. If TACACS+ Superuser
Request is enabled, this field indicates
the number of successful logins to
Superuser Mode.
Failed Enable
This field only contains a value if
TACACS+ Superuser Request is
enabled. If TACACS+ Superuser
Request is enabled, this field indicates
the number of unsuccessful attempts
at logging in to Superuser Mode.
TACACS+ Fallback
Counter Summary
Total Fallback Logins The number of logins that have been
done through the TACACS+ Fallback
Login feature.148 451-0310E
Displays summary data for the TACACS+ authentication and accounting servers.
show tacacs+ summary
show tacacs+ summary
Figure 60 shows an example of the TACACS+ Summary Display.
Figure 60 - TACACS+ Summary Display
show tacacs+ summary
TACACS+ Server Summary Thu, 12 Sep 2002 20:47:18
Primary Auth. Server: Primary Auth. TCP Port: 49
Secondary Auth. Server: Secondary Auth. TCP Port: 49
Primary Acct. Server: Primary Acct. TCP Port: 49
Secondary Acct. Server: Secondary Acct. TCP Port: 49
Field Description
Primary Auth.
The IP Address of the Primary TACACS+ Authentication server.
Secondary Auth.
The IP Address of the Secondary TACACS+ Authentication server.
Primary Acct.
The IP Address of the Primary TACACS+ Accounting server.
Secondary Acct.
The IP Address of the Secondary TACACS+ Accounting server.
Primary Auth.
TCP Port
The TCP port for the Primary TACACS+ Authentication server.
Secondary Auth.
TCP Port
The TCP port for the Secondary TACACS+ Authentication server.
Primary Acct. TCP
The TCP port for the Primary TACACS+ Accounting server.
Secondary Acct. TCP
The TCP port for the Secondary TACACS+ Accounting server.451-0310E 149
Displays information about each user that is currently logged in to the LX unit.
show users
show users
Figure 61 shows an example of the Users screen.
Figure 61 - Users Screen
show users
Name Remote IP Address Local Port Protocol Device
InReach 0 0 /dev/pts/3
demo 0 0 /dev/ttyGN1
demo 0 0 /dev/pts/1
Field Description
Name The user name
Remote IP Address If the user is logged in from a remote IP Address, the address is
displayed in this field.
Local Port If the user is logged on to a local port of the LX unit, the port number
is displayed in this field.
Protocol The protocol under which the user is connected to the LX unit.
Device The Linux Device Number under which the user is logged in.150 451-0310E
Displays the Linux OS version, Linux In-Reach version, LX software version, and ppciboot
version for the LX unit.
show version
show version
Figure 62 shows an example of the Version screen.
Figure 62 - Version Screen
show version
Linux Kernel Version: 2.4.9
Linux In-Reach Version: 15
Software Version: 2.2.0
Ppciboot Version:
Field Description
Linux Kernel
Ve rsi on
The version of the Linux Operating System that is running on the LX
Linux In-Reach
Ve rsi on
The version of the In-Reach implementation of Linux.
Software Version The version of the LX software that is running on the LX unit.
Ppciboot Version The version of ppciboot that the LX unit is using.451-0310E 151
Opens a Secure Shell (Triple-DES/BLOWFISH) connection.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The default SSH server is your Preferred Service. Refer to the preferred service command
on page 399 for information on configuring a Preferred Service.
If the ssh command is executed without an SSH server, and you do not have a Preferred Service
configured, the following error message is displayed:
No Preferred Service Configured
ssh 2322
ssh 2322 henryh
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the SSH server to which the connection is being made.
(See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for the default value of this field.)
NAME The Domain Name of the SSH server to which the connection is being
made. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for the default value of this field.)
NUMBER The socket number to which the connection is being made.
LOGIN NAME The name that you are using to log in to the SSH server.152 451-0310E
Opens a Telnet connection to a host.
telnet [A.B.C.D [NUMBER]]|[NAME [NUMBER]]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The default Telnet host is your Preferred Service. Refer to the preferred service command
on page 399 for information on configuring a Preferred Service.
If the telnet command is executed without a Telnet host, and you do not have a Preferred
Service configured, the following error message is displayed:
No Preferred Service Configured
telnet 2500
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the Telnet host. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for
the default value of this field.)
NAME The Domain Name of the Telnet host. (See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for
the default value of this field.)
NUMBER The socket number to which the connection is being made.451-0310E 153
Sets the terminal type for the LX user.
Where Means
terminal vt100
terminal ansi
terminal_type The terminal type for the LX unit. The allowable terminal types are
VT100 and ANSI. 154 451-0310E
Updates the LX software or ppciboot file from a TFTP server on the network.
update software|ppciboot []
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
In order for this command to take effect, you must restart the LX unit by executing the reload
command. The reload command is described on page 79.
If this command is executed without a TFTP server specified, and there is no default TFTP
server configured, the following error message is displayed:
No TFTP Host
Download Failed
update ppciboot
update software
update ppciboot
update software
software Update the LX software from the specified TFTP server.
ppciboot Update the LX ppciboot file from the specified TFTP server.
tftp_server The IP Address or the Domain Name of the TFTP server from which the
LX software or ppciboot file is to be copied. If this field is not specified, the
default TFTP server is used. To display the default TFTP server, refer to
“show system characteristics” on page 139.451-0310E 155
Erases the statistics data for the LX unit.
zero all
zero all
zero all156 451-0310E
Resets the log files for the LX unit.
zero log
zero log
zero log451-0310E 157
Deletes from the LX unit the SecurID Secret that was sent from the SecurID server.
zero securid secret
zero securid secret
zero securid secret451-0310E 159
Chapter 3
Configuration Commands
The Configuration commands are executed in the Configuration command
mode. When the LX unit is in the Configuration command mode, the
Configuration command prompt (i.e., Config:0 >>) is displayed on the
terminal screen.
The format of the Configuration command prompt is as follows:
Config: >>
where is the session number of the current
To enter the Configuration command mode, do one of the following:
• If you are in the Superuser command mode, execute the
configuration command. This displays the configuration prompt.
Refer to page 67 for more information on the configuration
• If you are in the Interface, Ethernet, Subscriber, Asynchronous, Menu,
Menu Editing, Notification, or Broadcast Groups command mode,
execute the exit command until the Configuration command prompt
is displayed.160 451-0310E
Configures the LX unit to boot the configuration from the local flash.
boot configuration from flash
boot configuration from flash
boot configuration from flash451-0310E 161
Configures the LX unit to boot from a local file on the LX unit.
boot configuration from name
Where Means
NOTE: You can use the show system status command to display the name of
the boot file. The show system status command is described on
page 142.
boot configuration from name local.prm
boot configuration from name
filename The name of the local (LX-based) from which the LX unit will be booted.
The filename may include a suffix. For example, the default filename is
config.prm.162 451-0310E
Configures the LX unit to boot from a TFTP server.
boot configuration from network
Where Means
boot configuration from network new_image
boot configuration from network
ip_address Specifies the IP Address of the TFTP server from which the LX unit is to
be booted.
filename The file on the LX unit, or on the TFTP server, from which the LX unit will
be booted. The filename must not include a suffix. For example, local is
a valid filename, but local.img is not a valid filename.451-0310E 163
Creates a Broadcast Group or accesses a Broadcast Group that already exists.
broadcast group
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
A Broadcast Group consists of Slave Ports and Master Ports. The Slave Ports receive data
broadcasts from the Master Ports. The Slave Ports can be asynchronous ports or a TCP port.
Users can receive data broadcasts by Telneting to a port that is configured as a Slave Port.
A Master Port and its Slave Ports constitute a Broadcast Group, and a Slave Port can only
receive data from its Master Port. Any console port or virtual port can be configured as a
Master Port.
broadcast group 4
broadcast group
group_number The group number of the Broadcast Group. This can be
any integer number between 1 and 5.164 451-0310E
Enables a Broadcast Group.
NOTE: In order to enable a Broadcast Group, the Broadcast Group must contain at
least one Master Port and one Slave Port.
broadcast group enable
Where Means
broadcast group 4 enable
broadcast group enable
group_number The group number of the Broadcast Group. 451-0310E 165
Sets the time for the LX system clock.
NOTE: Use the date command to set the date for the system calendar. For more
information, refer to “date” on page 168.
clock HH:MM[:SS]
Where Means
clock 14:47
clock 04:29:11
HH The hour in 24-hour format; for example, 23.
MM The minute; for example, 09.
SS The second; for example, 02.166 451-0310E
Copies the configuration of one LX port to another LX port, or to a range of LX ports.
copy port to []
Where Means
copy port 3 to 6
copy port 2 to 5 7
copy port
origin_port The LX port from which the configuration is to be copied.
destination_port1 The first port in a range of LX ports to which the configuration is to be
copied. (Note: If destination_portn is not specified, the configuration is
copied only to destination_port1.)
destination_portn The last port in a range of LX ports to which the configuration is to be
copied.451-0310E 167
Copies the configuration of one LX subscriber to one, or several, LX subscribers. If the
destination subscriber is not in the database, a new subscriber is created.
copy subscriber to
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The maximum number of subscribers on an LX unit is equal to double the number of ports on
the unit. For example, the maximum number of subscribers is 16 on an 8-port unit, 32 on a 16-
port unit, 64 on a 32-port unit, and 96 on a 48-port unit.
copy subscriber benw to jimk billj edw susano emilyc
copy subscriber mark to bill
copy subscriber
origin_subscriber The LX subscriber from which the configuration is to be copied.
destination_subscriber The subscribers to which the configuration of origin_subscriber is to
be copied.
Note: If you specify an existing subscriber in this field, the
origin_subscriber configuration overwrites the
destination_subscriber. 168 451-0310E
Sets the date for the LX system calendar.
NOTE: Use the clock command to set the system clock for the LX unit. For more
information, refer to “clock” on page 165.
date MM/DD[/YYYY]
Where Means
date 03/17/2002
NOTE: In the above example, the date is set to March 17, 2002.
MM/DD[/YYYY] The date for the LX system calendar, where
MM = The month; for example, 03 for March.
DD = The date; for example, 17 for the 17
YYYY = The 4-digit year; for example, 2002. 451-0310E 169
Resets the boot file for the LX unit to the default boot file.
When this command is entered the following message is displayed:
File Saved
default boot
default boot
default boot170 451-0310E
Resets the configuration of the LX unit to default values and then shuts down and re-starts the
LX unit.
default configuration
Usage Guidelines
When this command is entered, the following confirmation prompt is displayed:
Do You Really want to default the unit? [y|n] :
Entering "y" will reset the configuration. Entering "n" will abort the command.
If you enter “y” to default the configuration, you must re-start the LX unit with the reload
command to make the default configuration take effect. The reload command is described
on page 79.
default configuration
default configuration451-0310E 171
Resets the sizes of log files on the LX unit to the default value.
default log size
default log size
default log size172 451-0310E
Resets the off time for an outlet group to the default value of 10 seconds.
default outlet group | off time
Where Means
default outlet group 2 off time
default outlet group rmlights off time
default outlet group off time
group_number An integer number that identifies the group whose off time is being reset
to the default value.
group_name The name assigned to the outlet group.451-0310E 173
Resets the timeout or retry value for the TFTP server to its default value.
default tftp timeout|retry
Where Means
default tftp timeout
default tftp retry
default tftp
timeout Reset the TFTP server timeout to its default value.
retry Reset the TFTP server retries to its default value.174 451-0310E
Specifies the domain name of the LX unit.
domain name NAME
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The portion of the domain name that follows the period is the domain name suffix. For
example, com is the suffix in the domain name
domain name
domain name
NAME The domain name for the LX unit. The domain name should include a
period (.) and a suffix.451-0310E 175
When the end command is issued in the Configuration Command Mode, it returns the user to
the Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX command modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end176 451-0310E
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
Configuration, issuing this command will return the user to the Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the command mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Configuration command mode returns the
user to the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any
command mode other than User. For example, issuing the exit command in the Interface
command mode returns the user to the Configuration command mode; issuing the exit
command in the Menu Editing command mode returns the user to the Menu command mode,
and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit451-0310E 177
Enables the finger daemon (fingerd) for exchanging information between hosts about users who
are logged on to the LX unit.
fingerd enable
fingerd enable
fingerd enable178 451-0310E
Configures the network gateway IP address for the LX unit.
gateway A.B.C.D
Where Means
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the router/gateway that is to be used as the default
route for the LX unit.451-0310E 179
Configures a network name for the LX unit.
hostname NAME
Where Means
hostname boston_office
hostname a123456
NAME A text string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters that specifies the
network name for the LX unit.180 451-0310E
Enters the Interface command mode. In the Interface command mode, the user can create or
change an interface record. For more information on the Interface command mode, refer to
“Interface Commands” on page 275.
interface NUMBER
Where Means
interface 1
NUMBER Specifies an interface number. In the Interface command mode, you can
configure the characteristics of the IP interface that is associated with this
interface number. The maximum number of IP interfaces is 4.
If the IP interface does not exist, it is created when this command is
executed.451-0310E 181
Displays information that describes how to set up IP filtering with the iptables command.
Usage Guidelines
When you execute this command, the following text is displayed:
You must navigate to the Linux shell and use the iptables
commands that are available in the kernel. You can run a shell
from the Superuser Command Mode by launching the command
"shell". For further details, please refer to the LX-Series
Commands Reference Guide.
Iptables are used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables
of IP packet filter rules in the Linux kernel. Iptables help
manage IP traffic by creating filters known as chains. Each
chain is a list of rules which can match a set of packets. Each
rule specifies what to do with a packet that matches. The
options are ACCEPT, DENY, or DROP. The INPUT chain filters
packets coming from the LAN to the LX-Series and the OUTPUT
chain filters packets leaving the LX-Series destined for the
After making any changes, you should always run the command
"/sbin/iptables-save -f /config/iptables.conf" to save the
changes. To make the change permanent through reboots you must
save the configuration change by running the command "save
configuration" from the superuser command mode.
iptables182 451-0310E
Specifies the physical location of the LX unit.
NOTE: To display this information, execute the show system characteristics
command in the Superuser Command Mode. For more information, refer to
“show system characteristics” on page 139.
location STRING
Where Means
location UpstairsLab
STRING A text string that describes the physical location of the LX unit.451-0310E 183
Specifies the size of log files on the LX unit.
log size NUMBER
Where Means
log size 100000
log size
NUMBER A whole number that specifies the size, in bytes, for the LX-unit log files.
The number must be greater than 1023 and less than 128001.184 451-0310E
Enters the Menu command mode. In the Menu command mode, you can create, delete, or
merge menus and enter the Menu Editing command mode. For more information on the Menu
command mode, refer to “Menu Commands” on page 479.
menu451-0310E 185
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the Configuration
command mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Configuration command mode and are currently enabled.
To view the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command
followed by a question mark (?).
no location
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.186 451-0310E
Enters the Notification command mode. In the Notification command mode, you can configure
the sending of log messages to email addresses, pagers, remote syslogd, asynchronous ports, or
local files.
For more information on the Notification command mode, refer to “Notification Commands” on
page 509.
notification451-0310E 187
Enables the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
ntp enable
Usage Guidelines
Before you can enable NTP, you must specify the IP Address of the NTP server. Refer to “ntp
server address” on page 188 for more information on specifying the IP Address of the NTP
ntp enable
ntp enable188 451-0310E
Specifies the IP address of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server for the LX unit.
ntp server address
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
After you have specified the NTP server, you can enable NTP. Refer to “ntp enable” on page 187
for more information on enabling NTP.
ntp server address
ntp server address
ip_address Specifies the IP Address of the NTP server on the network.451-0310E 189
Assigns outlets to an outlet group.
outlet group |
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
When outlets are assigned to an outlet group, they can be configured and managed as a group.
This can be more efficient than configuring and managing outlet individually. Refer to the
following commands for more information about configuring and managing outlet groups:
• “outlet group name” on page 190
• “outlet group off time” on page 191
• “show outlet group status” on page 107
outlet group 2 2:5 3:7 4:2 4:3 4:5
outlet group Testoutlets 3:4 5:1 5:2 5:3 5:4 5:5 5:6 6:2 6:3
outlet group
group_number An integer number that identifies the group to which outlets are being
assigned. The allowable values are 1 - 16.
group_name The descriptive name of the group to which outlets are being assigned.
(Refer to “outlet group name” on page 190 for information on assigning a
descriptive name to an outlet group.)
outlet_list Specifies the outlets that are being added to the outlet group. The Power
Master number, combined with the outlet number, identifies each outlet.
For example, 2:5 identifies outlet 5 on the device that is managed from
port 2.
If you specify more than one outlet in the outlet_list, the outlets must be
separated by blank spaces; for example, 2:5 3:7 4:2 4:3 4:5. Up to
16 outlets can be included in an outlet group.190 451-0310E
Specifies a descriptive name for an outlet group.
NOTE: Before you can specify a descriptive name for an outlet group, you must
create the outlet group with the outlet group command (see page 189).
outlet group name
Where Means
outlet group 5 name Testoutlets
outlet group name
group_number An integer number that specifies an existing outlet group.
group_name Specifies a descriptive name for the outlet group. This can be a text string
of up to 15 characters.451-0310E 191
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that outlets must remain off before they can be turned
back on.
outlet group | off time NUMBER
Where Means
outlet group Testoutlets off time 10
outlet group 14 off time 20
outlet group off time
group_number An integer number that specifies an existing outlet group.
group_name The descriptive name of an existing outlet group.
NUMBER An integer number that specifies the off time, in seconds, for the outlet
group. After the outlets in the group have been turned off with the outlet
command (see page 75), they must remain off for at least this length of time.
The allowable values are 0 - 255. The default value is 10.192 451-0310E
Allows you to set, or change, the Superuser password for the LX unit. (The default Superuser
password for the LX unit is system.)
Usage Guidelines
When you execute the password command, the following prompt is displayed:
Enter your NEW password :
Type the new Superuser password at the above prompt and press the Enter key. After you press
the Enter key, the following prompt is displayed:
Re-Enter your NEW password:
Re-type the new Superuser password at the above prompt and press the Enter key. The
Superuser password for the LX unit is now changed.
password451-0310E 193
Sets the Superuser password for the LX unit to the default value. (The default Superuser
password for the LX unit is system.)
password enable
Usage Guidelines
When you execute the password enable command, the following informational message is
Password was set to its default value
password enable
password enable194 451-0310E
Configures an LX asynchronous port, or a range of LX asynchronous ports. When this
command is executed in the Configuration Command Mode, the LX CLI goes into the
Asynchronous command mode for the port number, or range of ports. The Asynchronous
command mode includes commands for configuring asynchronous ports. Refer to
“Asynchronous Commands” on page 307 for more information on the Asynchronous command
port async []
Where Means
port async 2
port async 3 7
port async
first_port The first port in a range of ports that are to be configured as
last_port The last port in a range of ports that are to be configured as asynchronous.
Note: If this argument is left out of the command, only the port specified
in is configured as asynchronous.451-0310E 195
Enters the Ethernet Command Mode for an Ethernet port. Refer to “Ethernet Commands” on
page 361 for more information on the Ethernet Command Mode.
port ethernet NUMBER
Where Means
port ethernet 1
port ethernet
NUMBER Specifies the Ethernet port to be configured. The only port that can be
configured as an Ethernet port is port 1. 196 451-0310E
Specifies the ppciboot address for the LX unit. The ppciboot address is used as the IP Address
of the LX unit when any of the ppciboot assignment options is selected as “User Defined”. Refer
to “ppciboot address assignment option” on page 197 for more information on the ppciboot
assignment options.
ppciboot address
Where Means
ppciboot address
ppciboot address
ip_address The ppciboot address451-0310E 197
Specifies the ppciboot assignment option for the LX unit. The ppciboot assignment option
defines how the LX unit will obtain its IP information.
ppciboot address assignment NUMBER option user|dhcp|rarp|bootp|none
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You can use this command to specify up to 4 ppciboot assignment options for the LX unit.
You must specify a priority for each ppciboot assignment option that you specify with this
command. The allowable values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. For example, if 1 is specified as the priority
for DHCP, it means that the first attempt at loading an IP Address will be via DHCP; if 2 is
specified as the priority for RARP, it means that the second attempt at loading an IP Address
will be via RARP, and so on.
ppciboot address assignment 1 option dhcp
ppciboot address assignment 2 option rarp
ppciboot address assignment 3 option bootp
ppciboot address assignment 4 option user
ppciboot address assignment 3 option none
ppciboot address assignment option
NUMBER The priority for the ppciboot assignment options. The allowable values
are 1, 2, 3, and 4. For more information, refer to “Usage Guidelines”
user Specifies that the ppciboot assignment option is user-defined. This means
that the user must manually assign all of the IP information.
dhcp The IP information will be assigned via a DHCP server.
rarp The IP information will be assigned via a RARP server.
bootp The IP information will be assigned via a BOOTP server.
none Disables the ppciboot assignment option associated with the specified
priority. For example, the command ppciboot ip assignment 2
option none disables the ppciboot assignment option associated with
priority 2.198 451-0310E
Specifies the speed and duplex mode of the ppciboot Ethernet network link.
ppciboot ethernet network link auto|10half|100half|10full|100full
Where Means
ppciboot ethernet network link auto
ppciboot ethernet network link 10half
ppciboot ethernet network link 100half
ppciboot ethernet network link 10full
ppciboot ethernet network link 100full
ppciboot ethernet network link
auto The ppciboot Ethernet network link will auto-negotiate its port speed and
duplex mode. This is the default setting.
10half Sets a speed of 10 Megabytes per second, and a duplex mode of half
duplex, for the Ethernet network link.
100half Sets a speed of 100 Megabytes per second, and a duplex mode of half
duplex, for the Ethernet network link.
10full Sets a speed of 10 Megabytes per second, and a duplex mode of full duplex,
for the Ethernet network link.
100full Sets a speed of 100 Megabytes per second, and a duplex mode of full
duplex, for the Ethernet network link.451-0310E 199
Specifies the ppciboot gateway. This gateway is used when any of the ppciboot assignment
options is selected as “User Defined”. Refer to “ppciboot address assignment option” on
page 197 for more information on ppciboot assignment options.
ppciboot gateway
Where Means
ppciboot gateway
ppciboot gateway
ip_address The IP address of the ppciboot gateway.200 451-0310E
Specifies the filename of the LX software image.
ppciboot image filename
Where Means
ppciboot image filename new_linuxito.img
ppciboot image filename
filename The filename of the LX software image.451-0310E 201
Specifies the source from which the LX software image will be loaded.
NOTE: The ppciboot image file is specified using the ppciboot image filename
command (see page 200).
ppciboot image load from flash|network
Where Means
ppciboot image load from flash
ppciboot image load from network
ppciboot image load from
flash Load the LX software image from the local flash.
network Load the LX software image from the network TFTP server. (The TFTP
server for loading the LX software image is defined using the ppciboot
tftp command (see page 203).)202 451-0310E
Specifies the ppciboot subnet mask for the LX unit. This is used as the subnet mask for the LX
unit when any of the ppciboot assignment options is selected as “User Defined”. Refer to
“ppciboot address assignment option” on page 197 for more information on ppciboot assignment
ppciboot mask
Where Means
ppciboot mask
ppciboot mask
subnet_mask The IP address that will be used as the ppciboot subnet mask.451-0310E 203
Specifies the TFTP server for the LX unit. This TFTP server is used when any of the ppciboot
assignment options is selected as “User Defined”. Refer to “ppciboot address assignment
option” on page 197 for more information on ppciboot assignment options.
ppciboot tftp server
Where Means
ppciboot tftp server
ppciboot tftp server
ip_address The IP address of the TFTP server from which the LX software image will
be loaded.204 451-0310E
Specifies the Primary Domain Name Server (DNS) for the LX unit.
primary dns A.B.C.D
Where Means
primary dns
primary dns
A.B.C.D The Primary DNS for the LX unit.451-0310E 205
Specifies the interval at which the LX unit will update the RADIUS accounting server with the
status of each RADIUS user.
radius period NUMBER
Where Means
radius period 10
radius period
NUMBER The interval, in minutes, at which the LX unit will update the RADIUS
accounting server with the status of each RADIUS user. The default value
is 5. The allowable values are 0 - 255. 206 451-0310E
Specifies the IP Address of the RADIUS primary accounting server for the LX unit.
radius primary accounting server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
radius primary accounting server address
radius primary accounting server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the RADIUS primary accounting server for the LX unit.451-0310E 207
Specifies the RADIUS primary accounting server UDP port for the LX unit. (This is the UDP
port to which the LX unit performs RADIUS accounting.)
radius primary accounting server port NUMBER
Where Means
radius primary accounting server port 1646
radius primary accounting server port
NUMBER The UDP port, on the RADIUS primary accounting server, to which the LX
unit performs RADIUS accounting. The allowable values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a RADIUS primary accounting port with this
command, the LX unit will use the default RADIUS primary accounting
port of 1813.208 451-0310E
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Accounting Request to the RADIUS primary accounting server when the LX unit receives
no Accounting Response from the RADIUS primary accounting server.
radius primary accounting server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
radius primary accounting server retransmit 3
radius primary accounting server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
RADIUS primary accounting server. The allowable values are 0 - 255. The
default value is 3.451-0310E 209
Specifies the RADIUS secret shared between the LX unit and the RADIUS primary accounting
server used for encrypting communications between them.
radius primary accounting server secret WORD
Where Means
radius primary accounting server secret AaBbCc
radius primary accounting server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.210 451-0310E
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the RADIUS primary accounting
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the RADIUS primary accounting server.
radius primary accounting server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
radius primary accounting server timeout 3
radius primary accounting server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a RADIUS
primary accounting server to respond before retransmitting Accounting
Requests to the RADIUS primary accounting server. The default value is 5.
The allowable values are 1 - 255.451-0310E 211
Specifies the RADIUS primary authentication server address for the LX unit.
radius primary authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
radius primary authentication server address
radius primary authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the RADIUS primary authentication server for the LX
unit.212 451-0310E
Specifies UDP port for the RADIUS primary authentication server.
radius primary authentication server port NUMBER
Where Means
radius primary authentication server port 1645
radius primary authentication server port
NUMBER The RADIUS primary authentication server UDP port for the LX unit.
This value must match the primary accounting UDP port that is being
used on the RADIUS primary authentication server. The allowable values
are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a RADIUS primary authentication port with
this command, the LX unit will use the default RADIUS primary
authentication port of 1812.451-0310E 213
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Access Request to the RADIUS primary authentication server when the LX unit receives no
Access Accept or Reject messages from the RADIUS primary authentication server.
radius primary authentication server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
radius primary authentication server retransmit 3
radius primary authentication server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
RADIUS primary authentication server. The allowable values are 0 - 255.
The default value is 3.214 451-0310E
Specifies the RADIUS secret shared between the LX unit and the RADIUS primary
authentication server used for encrypting communications between them.
radius primary authentication server secret WORD
Where Means
radius primary authentication server secret AaBbCc
radius primary authentication server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.451-0310E 215
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the RADIUS primary authentication
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the RADIUS primary authentication server.
radius primary authentication server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
radius primary authentication server timeout 3
radius primary authentication server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a RADIUS
primary authentication server to respond before retransmitting Access-Request
messages to the RADIUS primary authentication server. The default value is
5. The allowable values are 1 - 255.216 451-0310E
Specifies the IP Address of the RADIUS secondary accounting server for the LX unit.
radius secondary accounting server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
radius secondary accounting server address
radius secondary accounting server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the RADIUS secondary accounting server for the LX
unit.451-0310E 217
Specifies the RADIUS secondary accounting server UDP port for the LX unit. (This is the UDP
port to which the LX unit performs RADIUS accounting.)
radius secondary accounting server port NUMBER
Where Means
radius secondary accounting server port 1813
radius secondary accounting server port
NUMBER The UDP port, on the RADIUS secondary accounting server, to which the
LX unit performs RADIUS accounting. The allowable values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a RADIUS secondary accounting port with this
command, the LX unit will use the default RADIUS secondary accounting
port of 1813.218 451-0310E
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Accounting Request to the RADIUS secondary accounting server when the LX unit receives
no Accounting Response from the RADIUS secondary accounting server.
radius secondary accounting server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
radius secondary accounting server retransmit 3
radius secondary accounting server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
RADIUS secondary accounting server. The allowable values are 0 - 255.
The default value is 3.451-0310E 219
Specifies the RADIUS secret shared between the LX unit and the RADIUS secondary
accounting server used for encrypting communications between them.
radius secondary accounting server secret WORD
Where Means
radius secondary accounting server secret AaBbCc
radius secondary accounting server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.220 451-0310E
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the RADIUS secondary accounting
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the RADIUS secondary accounting server.
radius secondary accounting server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
radius secondary accounting server timeout 3
radius secondary accounting server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a RADIUS
secondary accounting server to respond before retransmitting Accounting
Requests to the RADIUS secondary accounting server. The default value
is 5. The allowable values are 1 - 255.451-0310E 221
Specifies the RADIUS secondary authentication server address for the LX unit.
radius secondary authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
radius secondary authentication server address
radius secondary authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the RADIUS secondary authentication server for the LX
unit.222 451-0310E
Specifies the UDP port for the RADIUS secondary authentication server.
radius secondary authentication server port NUMBER
Where Means
radius secondary authentication server port 1812
radius secondary authentication server port
NUMBER The RADIUS secondary authentication server UDP port for the LX unit.
This value must match the secondary accounting UDP port that is being
used on the RADIUS secondary authentication server. The allowable
values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a RADIUS secondary authentication port with
this command, the LX unit will use the default RADIUS secondary
authentication port of 1812.451-0310E 223
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Access Request to the RADIUS secondary authentication server when the LX unit does not
receive Access Accept or Reject messages from the RADIUS secondary authentication
radius secondary authentication server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
radius secondary authentication server retransmit 3
radius secondary authentication server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
RADIUS secondary authentication server. The allowable values are 0 - 255.
The default value is 3.224 451-0310E
Specifies the RADIUS secret shared between the LX unit and the RADIUS secondary
authentication server used for encrypting communications between them.
radius secondary authentication server secret WORD
Where Means
radius secondary authentication server secret AaBbCc
radius secondary authentication server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.451-0310E 225
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the RADIUS secondary authentication
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the RADIUS secondary authentication
radius secondary authentication server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
radius secondary authentication server timeout 3
radius secondary authentication server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a
RADIUS secondary authentication server to respond before retransmitting
Access-Request messages to the RADIUS secondary authentication server.
The default value is 5. The allowable values are 1 - 255.226 451-0310E
Creates a static route for the LX unit.
route address
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
To delete a route, use the no route command. For example, the command no route 3
deletes Route 3.
route 3 address
route address
route_number Specifies a route number for the static route.
destination_ip Specifies the destination IP Address of the route.451-0310E 227
Creates a gateway that a static route will use to reach its destination.
route gateway
Where Means
route 3 gateway
route gateway
route_number Specifies the route number of a static route.
gateway_ip Specifies the IP Address of the gateway by which the destination will be
reached.228 451-0310E
Creates a subnet mask for a static route.
route mask
Where Means
route 3 mask
route mask
route_number Specifies the route number of a static route.
subnet_mask Specifies the subnet mask that will be used by the static route.451-0310E 229
Specifies the Secondary Domain Name Server (DNS) for the LX unit.
secondary dns A.B.C.D
Where Means
secondary dns
secondary dns
A.B.C.D The Secondary DNS for the LX unit.230 451-0310E
Specifies the encryption method for SecurID authentication on the LX unit.
securid authentication encryption des|sdi
Where Means
securid authentication encryption des
securid authentication encryption sdi
securid authentication encryption
des Specifies DES as the SecurID encryption method.
sdi Specifies SDI as the SecurID encryption method.451-0310E 231
Specifies the LX UDP port that the that the LX unit and the SecurID authentication server will
use for communication.
securid authentication port
Where Means
securid authentication port 5500
securid authentication port
port_number The port number of a UDP port on the LX unit. This can be any UDP port
number that is not currently in use. The allowable values are 0 - 65535.232 451-0310E
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Access Request to the SecurID authentication server when the LX unit receives no Access
Accept or Reject messages from the SecurID primary authentication server.
securid authentication retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
securid authentication retransmit 7
securid authentication retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
SecurID authentication server. This can be any integer number from 0
through 255. The default value is 3.451-0310E 233
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the SecurID authentication server to
respond before retransmitting packets to the SecurID authentication server.
securid authentication timeout NUMBER
Where Means
securid authentication timeout 3
securid authentication timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for the SecurID
authentication server to respond before retransmitting Access-Request
messages to the SecurID authentication server. This can be any integer
number from 0 through 255. The default value is 3.234 451-0310E
Specifies the SecurID authentication version that will be used on the LX unit.
securid authentication version legacy|version_5
Where Means
securid authentication version legacy
securid authentication version version_5
securid authentication version
legacy The version of SecurID that will be used is older than Version 5.
version_5 Version 5 SecurID authentication will be used.451-0310E 235
Specifies the SecurID master authentication server address for the LX unit.
NOTE: You can not specify a SecurID master authentication server for Version 5, or
higher, or SecurID.
securid master authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
securid master authentication server address
securid master authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the SecurID master authentication server for the LX
unit.236 451-0310E
Specifies the host name of the SecurID master authentication server for the LX unit.
securid master authentication server name HOSTNAME
Where Means
securid master authentication server name bigsky22
securid master authentication server name
HOSTNAME The host name of the SecurID master authentication server for the LX
unit.451-0310E 237
Specifies the SecurID primary authentication server address for the LX unit.
securid primary authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
securid primary authentication server address
securid primary authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the SecurID primary authentication server for the LX
unit.238 451-0310E
Specifies the host name of the SecurID primary authentication server for the LX unit.
securid primary authentication server name HOSTNAME
Where Means
securid primary authentication server name bigsky1
securid primary authentication server name
HOSTNAME The host name of the SecurID primary authentication server for the LX
unit.451-0310E 239
Specifies the SecurID slave authentication server address for the LX unit.
NOTE: You can not specify a SecurID slave authentication server for Version 5, or
higher, or SecurID.
securid slave authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
securid slave authentication server address
securid slave authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the SecurID slave authentication server for the LX unit.240 451-0310E
Specifies the host name of the SecurID slave authentication server for the LX unit.
securid slave authentication server name HOSTNAME
Where Means
securid slave authentication server name bigsky37
securid slave authentication server name
HOSTNAME The host name of the SecurID slave authentication server for the LX unit.451-0310E 241
Adds a host name and its address to a Service Table to provide the CLI user with a means for
address resolution.
service NAME A.B.C.D
Where Means
service Finance_Server
NAME A text string that specifies the name of the IP device.
A.B.C.D The address of the IP device.242 451-0310E
Enters the SNMP command mode. The SNMP command prompt (e.g., Snmp:0 >>) is displayed
while you are in the SNMP command mode. For more information, refer to “SNMP Commands”
on page 409.
snmp451-0310E 243
Enables the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for use in managing the LX unit.
snmp enable
snmp enable
snmp enable244 451-0310E
Enables the LX unit to function as an SSH server. This makes it possible for SSH clients to
make connections to the LX unit.
ssh enable
ssh enable
ssh enable451-0310E 245
Specifies that the LX unit will use Version 1 (V1) of SSH.
ssh v1
ssh v1
ssh v1246 451-0310E
Specifies that the LX unit will use Version 2 (V2) of SSH.
ssh v2
ssh v2
ssh v2451-0310E 247
Enters the Subscriber Command Mode. For more information on the Subscriber Command
Mode, refer to “Subscriber Commands” on page 367.
subscriber NAME
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The maximum number of subscribers on an LX unit is equal to double the number of ports on
the unit. For example, the maximum number of subscribers is 16 on an 8-port unit, 32 on a 16-
port unit, 64 on a 32-port unit, and 96 on a 48-port unit.
subscriber mark
NAME The name of the subscriber that is to be configured. If the subscriber does
not exist, a new subscriber record is created.248 451-0310E
Specifies the interval at which the LX unit will update the TACACS+ accounting server with
the status of each TACACS+ user.
tacacs+ period NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ period 10
tacacs+ period
NUMBER The interval, in minutes, at which the LX unit will update the TACACS+
accounting server with the status of each TACACS+ user. The default
value is 5. The allowable values are 0 - 255. 451-0310E 249
Specifies the IP Address of the TACACS+ primary accounting server for the LX unit.
tacacs+ primary accounting server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
tacacs+ primary accounting server address
tacacs+ primary accounting server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the TACACS+ primary accounting server for the LX
unit.250 451-0310E
Specifies the TACACS+ primary accounting server UDP port for the LX unit. (This is the UDP
port to which the LX unit performs TACACS+ accounting.)
tacacs+ primary accounting server port NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ primary accounting server port 1646
tacacs+ primary accounting server port
NUMBER The UDP port, on the TACACS+ primary accounting server, to which the LX
unit performs TACACS+ accounting. The allowable values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a TACACS+ primary accounting port with this
command, the LX unit will use the default TACACS+ primary accounting
port of 1813.451-0310E 251
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Accounting Request to the TACACS+ primary accounting server when the LX unit does not
receive an Accounting Response from the TACACS+ primary accounting server.
tacacs+ primary accounting server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ primary accounting server retransmit 3
tacacs+ primary accounting server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
TACACS+ primary accounting server. The allowable values are 0 - 255.
The default value is 3.252 451-0310E
Specifies the TACACS+ secret shared between the LX unit and the TACACS+ primary
accounting server used for encrypting communications between them.
tacacs+ primary accounting server secret WORD
Where Means
tacacs+ primary accounting server secret AaBbCc
tacacs+ primary accounting server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.451-0310E 253
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the TACACS+ primary accounting
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the TACACS+ primary accounting server.
tacacs+ primary accounting server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ primary accounting server timeout 3
tacacs+ primary accounting server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a TACACS+
primary accounting server to respond before retransmitting Accounting
Requests to the TACACS+ primary accounting server. The default value
is 5. The allowable values are 1 - 255.254 451-0310E
Specifies the TACACS+ primary authentication server address for the LX unit.
tacacs+ primary authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
tacacs+ primary authentication server address
tacacs+ primary authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the TACACS+ primary authentication server for the LX
unit.451-0310E 255
Specifies UDP port for the TACACS+ primary authentication server.
tacacs+ primary authentication server port NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ primary authentication server port 1645
tacacs+ primary authentication server port
NUMBER The TACACS+ primary authentication server UDP port for the LX unit.
This value must match the primary accounting UDP port that is being
used on the TACACS+ primary authentication server. The allowable
values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a TACACS+ primary authentication port with
this command, the LX unit will use the default TACACS+ primary
authentication port of 1812.256 451-0310E
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Access Request to the TACACS+ primary authentication server when the LX unit does not
receive an Access Accept or Reject messages from the TACACS+ primary authentication
tacacs+ primary authentication server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ primary authentication server retransmit 3
tacacs+ primary authentication server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
TACACS+ primary authentication server. The allowable values are 0 - 255.
The default value is 3.451-0310E 257
Specifies the TACACS+ secret shared between the LX unit and the TACACS+ primary
authentication server used for encrypting communications between them.
tacacs+ primary authentication server secret WORD
Where Means
tacacs+ primary authentication server secret AaBbCc
tacacs+ primary authentication server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.258 451-0310E
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the TACACS+ primary authentication
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the TACACS+ primary authentication
tacacs+ primary authentication server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ primary authentication server timeout 3
tacacs+ primary authentication server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a TACACS+
primary authentication server to respond before retransmitting Access-Request
messages to the TACACS+ primary authentication server. The allowable values
are 0 - 255. The default value is 5. 451-0310E 259
Specifies the IP Address of the TACACS+ secondary accounting server for the LX unit.
tacacs+ secondary accounting server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary accounting server address
tacacs+ secondary accounting server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the TACACS+ secondary accounting server for the LX
unit.260 451-0310E
Specifies the TACACS+ secondary accounting server UDP port for the LX unit. (This is the
UDP port to which the LX unit performs TACACS+ accounting.)
tacacs+ secondary accounting server port NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary accounting server port 1646
tacacs+ secondary accounting server port
NUMBER The UDP port, on the TACACS+ secondary accounting server, to which the
LX unit performs TACACS+ accounting. The allowable values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a TACACS+ secondary accounting port with this
command, the LX unit will use the default TACACS+ secondary accounting
port of 1813.451-0310E 261
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Accounting Request to the TACACS+ secondary accounting server when the LX unit does
not receive an Accounting Response from the TACACS+ secondary accounting server.
tacacs+ secondary accounting server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary accounting server retransmit 3
tacacs+ secondary accounting server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
TACACS+ secondary accounting server. The allowable values are 0 - 255.
The default value is 3.262 451-0310E
Specifies the TACACS+ secret shared between the LX unit and the TACACS+ secondary
accounting server used for encrypting communications between them.
tacacs+ secondary accounting server secret WORD
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary accounting server secret AaBbCc
tacacs+ secondary accounting server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.451-0310E 263
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the TACACS+ secondary accounting
server to respond before retransmitting packets to the TACACS+ secondary accounting server.
tacacs+ secondary accounting server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary accounting server timeout 3
tacacs+ secondary accounting server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a TACACS+
secondary accounting server to respond before retransmitting Accounting
Requests to the TACACS+ secondary accounting server. The allowable
values are 0 - 255. The default value is 5. 264 451-0310E
Specifies the TACACS+ secondary authentication server address for the LX unit.
tacacs+ secondary authentication server address A.B.C.D
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary authentication server address
tacacs+ secondary authentication server address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the TACACS+ secondary authentication server for the
LX unit.451-0310E 265
Specifies the UDP port for the TACACS+ secondary authentication server.
tacacs+ secondary authentication server port NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary authentication server port 1645
tacacs+ secondary authentication server port
NUMBER The TACACS+ secondary authentication server UDP port for the LX unit.
This value must match the secondary accounting UDP port that is being
used on the TACACS+ secondary authentication server. The allowable
values are 0 - 65535.
Note: If you do not specify a TACACS+ secondary authentication port
with this command, the LX unit will use the default TACACS+ secondary
authentication port of 1812.266 451-0310E
Specifies the maximum number of retries that the LX unit will have for transmitting an
Access Request to the TACACS+ secondary authentication server when the LX unit does not
receive an Access Accept or Reject message from the TACACS+ secondary authentication
tacacs+ secondary authentication server retransmit NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary authentication server retransmit 3
tacacs+ secondary authentication server retransmit
NUMBER The maximum number of times that the LX unit will attempt to contact the
TACACS+ secondary authentication server. The allowable values are 0 -
255. The default value is 3.451-0310E 267
Specifies the TACACS+ secret shared between the LX unit and the TACACS+ secondary
authentication server used for encrypting communications between them.
tacacs+ secondary authentication server secret WORD
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary authentication server secret AaBbCc
tacacs+ secondary authentication server secret
WORD A text string of up to 16 characters. The string is case sensitive.268 451-0310E
Specifies the length of time that the LX unit will wait for the TACACS+ secondary
authentication server to respond before retransmitting packets to the TACACS+ secondary
authentication server.
tacacs+ secondary authentication server timeout NUMBER
Where Means
tacacs+ secondary authentication server timeout 3
tacacs+ secondary authentication server timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the LX unit will wait for a TACACS+
secondary authentication server to respond before retransmitting
Access-Request messages to the TACACS+ secondary authentication
server. The allowable values are 0 - 255. The default value is 5. 451-0310E 269
Specifies that a Superuser password request will be sent to TACACS+.
tacacs+ superuser password request enable
Usage Guidelines
When this setting is disabled, the local Superuser password (system) will be used to enter
the Superuser Command Mode. Use the no tacacs+ superuser password request
command to disable this setting.
When this setting is enabled, the superuser password that resides on the TACACS+
authentication server will be used to enter the Superuser Command Mode.
tacacs+ superuser password request enable
tacacs+ superuser password request enable270 451-0310E
Configures the LX unit to support inbound Telnet connections from remote clients.
telnet enable
telnet enable
telnet enable451-0310E 271
Specifies the timeout and retries for the TFTP server.
tftp timeout |retry
Where Means
tftp timeout 60
tftp retry 6
timeout Set the TFTP server timeout value.
retry Set the TFTP server retries value.
timeout_num The TFTP server timeout value.
retries_num The TFTP server retries value.272 451-0310E
Configures the LX unit to use the Time Daemon (timed).
timed enable
timed enable
timed enable451-0310E 273
Sets the timezone for the LX system clock.
timezone GMT + |GMT - |UTC|US
Where Means
timezone GMT + 3
timezone GMT - 7
timezone UTC
timezone US Alaska
timezone US East-Indiana
timezone US Samoa
timezone US Mountain
GMT + Greenwich Mean Time, plus n hours. The value of n can be any integer
from 1 to 12, inclusive. For example, the timezone for Paris is Greenwich
Mean time, plus 1 hour (GMT+1).
The default value of n is 0. GMT+0 is Greenwich Mean Time itself.
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time, minus n hours. The value of n can be any integer
from 1 to 12, inclusive. For example, the timezone for New York is
Greenwich Mean time, minus 6 hours (GMT-6).
The default value of n is 0. GMT-0 is Greenwich Mean Time itself.
UTC Specifies that the LX unit will use Coordinated Universal Time.
US Specifies that the LX unit will use the United States (US) timezone that is
specified in the us_timezone field.
us_timezone A US timezone. The allowable values are Alaska, Aleutian, Arizona,
Central, Eastern, East-Indiana, Hawaii, Indiana-Starke, Michigan,
Mountain, Pacific, and Samoa 274 451-0310E
Configures the LX unit to support Web Browser connections from remote clients.
web_server enable
web_server enable
web_server enable451-0310E 275
Chapter 4
Interface Commands
The Interface commands are executed in the Interface command mode. When
the LX unit is in the Interface command mode, the Interface command prompt
(e.g., Intf 1-1:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the Interface command prompt is as follows:
Intf <1st_interface_num>-: >>
where <1st_interface_num> identifies the first IP interface in
the range of interfaces under configuration.
identifies the last IP interface in
the range of interfaces under configuration.
identifies the current session
For example, in the Interface command prompt Intf 1-1:0 >> the first IP
interface is the IP interface under configuration, and the session number is 0.
To enter the Interface command mode, execute the interface command in
the Configuration command mode. The interface command is described on
page 180.276 451-0310E
Specifies the IP Address and subnet mask for the IP interface.
address [mask ]
Where Means
address mask
ip_address The IP Address for the IP interface.
subnet_mask The subnet mask for the IP interface.451-0310E 277
Enables the Local Authentication feature on the IP interface under configuration.
authentication fallback enable
Usage Guidelines
Fallback Login is a mechanism for logging in users when RADIUS authentication, or TACACS+
authentication, fails because the authentication server is unreachable. When you log in via
Fallback, you are logged in to the IP interface as a nonprivileged user. The authentication
challenge will be against the local subscriber database.
When both RADIUS and TACACS+ are disabled on the IP interface, Fallback is also disabled.
authentication fallback enable
authentication fallback enable278 451-0310E
Enables the Local Authentication feature on the IP interface under configuration.
authentication local enable
authentication local enable
authentication local enable451-0310E 279
Disables the Authentication feature on the IP interface under configuration.
authentication none
authentication none
authentication none280 451-0310E
Enables the RADIUS authentication feature on the IP interface under configuration.
authentication radius enable
authentication radius enable
authentication radius enable451-0310E 281
Enables the SecurID authentication feature on the IP interface under configuration.
authentication securid enable
authentication securid enable
authentication securid enable282 451-0310E
Enables the TACACS+ authentication feature on the IP interface under configuration.
authentication tacacs+ enable
authentication tacacs+ enable
authentication tacacs+ enable451-0310E 283
Sets the Broadcast Address for the IP interface.
broadcast A.B.C.D
Where Means
A.B.C.D The Broadcast Address for the IP interface.284 451-0310E
Resets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for the IP interface to the factory default
(1500). Frames that are larger than the designated MTU size are fragmented before
transmission. (Note that the software fragments frames on the transmit side only.)
default mtu
default mtu
default mtu451-0310E 285
Resets any of three rotary parameters to their default values.
default rotary [ssh port|tcp port|type]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The modifiers (i.e., ssh port, tcp port, and type) are optional in this command. If this
command is executed without a modifier (i.e., default rotary), it will reset the three rotary
parameters (SSH port, TCP port, and type) to their default values.
default rotary ssh port
default rotary tcp port
default rotary type
default rotary
default rotary
ssh port Resets the SSH UDP port for the rotary to its default value. The default
SSH UDP port for a rotary is 1522.
tcp port Resets the TCP UDP port for the rotary to its default value. The default
SSH TCP port for a rotary is 1500.
type Resets the rotary type to the default value of First Available. 286 451-0310E
Resets the SSH Keepalive Count, or the SSH Keepalive Interval, to its default value.
default ssh keepalive count|interval
Where Means
default ssh keepalive count
default ssh keepalive interval
default ssh keepalive
count Reset the SSH Keepalive Count to its default value.
interval Reset the SSH Keepalive Interval to its default value.451-0310E 287
Resets the SSH UDP port for the IP interface to its default value of 22.
default ssh port
default ssh port
default ssh port288 451-0310E
Resets the Telnet UDP port for the IP interface to its default value of 23.
default telnet port
default telnet port
default telnet port451-0310E 289
When the end command is issued in Interface command mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX command codes except for User and Superuser.
Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command mode.
end290 451-0310E
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
Interface, issuing this command will return the user to the Configuration command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Interface command mode returns the user
to the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any
command mode other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit
command in the Menu command mode returns the user to the Configuration command mode;
issuing the exit command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to the
Superuser command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit451-0310E 291
Sets the subnet mask for the IP interface.
Where Means
subnet_mask The subnet mask for the IP interface.292 451-0310E
Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for an interface. Frames that are larger than
the designated MTU size are fragmented before transmission. (Note that the software
fragments frames on the transmit side only.)
Where Means
mtu 1000
mtu 1200
mtu 1500
NUMBER The MTU size for the interface. This can be any numerical value between
1000 and 1500. (It is recommended that you use a value of 1500 for
Ethernet connections.) The default MTU size is 1500.451-0310E 293
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the Interface
command mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Interface command mode and are currently enabled.
To view the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command
followed by a question mark (?).
no ssh keepalive interval
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.294 451-0310E
Enables the RADIUS accounting feature on the IP interface under configuration.
radius accounting enable
radius accounting enable
radius accounting enable451-0310E 295
Enables you to create rotaries on the IP interface. The term "rotary" refers to the ability to
assign the same Internet address or domain name to multiple ports that offer the same type of
rotary enable
Usage Guidelines
In order for this command to take effect, the Telnet protocol must be enabled.
rotary enable
rotary enable296 451-0310E
Assigns ports on the LX unit to a rotary. The term "rotary" refers to the ability to assign the
same Internet address or domain name to multiple ports that offer the same type of service.
rotary port NUMBER|PORT LIST|all
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
When this command is used to assign ports to a rotary, the IP Address of the IP interface serves
as the IP Address of the rotary.
To create a rotary, do the following:
1. Create an IP interface (see the “interface” command on page 180).
2. Assign ports to the rotary using the “rotary port” command.
3. Configure the IP Address for the IP interface (see the “address” command on page 276).
4. Configure the Rotary SSH port for the IP interface (see the “rotary ssh port” command on page 297).
5. Configure the Rotary TCP port for the IP interface (see the “rotary tcp port” command on page 298).
For example, you could create a rotary on interface 1 with a TCP port of 3500 and an SSH port
of 3522. Then you could assign ports 2, 3, and 4 to it. You could connect (assuming all ports
have dynamic or remote access) to ports 2, 3, or 4 via TCP port 3500 for telnet, and 3522 for
SSH. You could connect to port 2 via TCP port 2200 for telnet or 2222 for SSH, or port 5 via
TCP port 2500 for telnet or 2522 for SSH. A telnet connection to the IP address of the LX on
TCP port 23 would get you to a virtual port, and an SSH connection to port 22 would also get
you to a virtual port via SSH.
NOTE: You cannot add the DIAG port (port 0) to a rotary.
rotary port 4
rotary port 2 3 5 8
rotary port all
rotary port
NUMBER The port number of an LX port that is to be assigned to the rotary.
PORT LIST A list of ports on the LX unit that are to be assigned to the rotary. The
port numbers must be separated by blank spaces (e.g., 2 3 5 8).
all Assigns all ports on the LX unit to the rotary.451-0310E 297
Assigns an SSH socket number to the rotary that was created with the rotary port
command. (The rotary port command is described on page 296.)
rotary ssh port NUMBER
Where Means
rotary ssh port 988
rotary ssh port
NUMBER The SSH socket number that will be used to make SSH connections to the
rotary that was created with the rotary port command. SSH will
attempt to connect to the ports in the rotary on a First Available basis.
The default SSH socket number is 1522.298 451-0310E
Assigns a TCP socket number to the rotary that was created with the rotary port command.
(The rotary port command is described on page 296.)
rotary tcp port NUMBER
Where Means
rotary tcp port 1497
rotary tcp port
NUMBER The TCP socket number that will be used to make TCP connections to the
rotary that was created with the rotary port command. The default
TCP socket number is 1500.451-0310E 299
Specifies the rotary type according to the port search method (Round Robin or First Available).
rotary type round robin|first available
Where Means
rotary type round robin
rotary type first available
rotary type
round robin The LX unit will search the rotary for an available port, starting with the
lowest-numbered port in the rotary. Unlike “First Available”, Round
Robin will always go the next available port. For example, if all ports on
the rotary are available and a connection to port 3 goes away, the next
connection is to port 4.
first available An incoming call is connected to the First Available (non-busy) port in the
rotary. For example, if ports 1 - 5 are connected in a rotary of ports 1 - 7,
and the connection to port 3 went away (so that port 3 was now available),
the next connection would be to port 3.300 451-0310E
Assigns user-defined Telnet, or SSH, socket numbers to an LX serial port. This is typically done
to prevent hackers from accessing LX serial ports via default SSH socket numbers, or default
Telnet socket numbers.
serial ssh|telnet
Where Means
serial 4 ssh 983
serial 6 telnet 1297
serial_port The port number of an LX serial port. The valid values are 1 through 8.
ssh Set the SSH socket number for the LX serial port specified in serial_port.
telnet Set the Telnet socket number for the LX serial port specified in serial_port.
ssh/telnet_port Specifies the Telnet socket number, or the SSH socket number, for the LX
port specified in serial_port.
Note: The default SSH and Telnet port numbers are as follows:
LX Serial Port Default Telnet Port Default SSH Port
0 0 0
1 2100 2122
2 2200 2222
3 2300 2322
4 2400 2422
5 2500 2522
6 2600 2622
7 2700 2722
8 2800 2822451-0310E 301
Specifies the SSH Keepalive Count for the IP interface. The SSH Keepalive Count is the
number of times that an SSH client will attempt to make an SSH connection to the IP interface.
ssh keepalive count NUMBER
Where Means
ssh keepalive count 8
ssh keepalive count
NUMBER The SSH Keepalive Count for the IP interface. This can be any integer
value.302 451-0310E
Specifies the SSH Keepalive Interval for the IP interface. The SSH Keepalive Interval is the
length of time, in seconds, between attempts at making an SSH connection to the IP interface.
ssh keepalive interval NUMBER
Where Means
ssh keepalive interval 30
ssh keepalive interval
NUMBER The SSH Keepalive Interval for the IP interface. This can be any integer
value.451-0310E 303
Specifies the Virtual Port socket number for making an SSH connection to the IP interface.
ssh port NUMBER
Where Means
ssh port 988
ssh port
NUMBER The SSH Virtual Port socket number for the IP interface. The default
value is 22. 304 451-0310E
Enables the TACACS+ accounting feature on the IP interface under configuration.
tacacs+ accounting enable
tacacs+ accounting enable
tacacs+ accounting enable451-0310E 305
Specifies the Virtual Port socket number for making a Telnet connection to the IP interface.
telnet port NUMBER
Where Means
telnet port 1743
telnet port
NUMBER The Telnet Virtual Port socket number for the IP interface. The default
value is 23. 451-0310E 307
Chapter 5
Asynchronous Commands
The Asynchronous port commands are executed in the Asynchronous
command mode. When the LX unit is in the Asynchronous command mode,
the Asynchronous command prompt (e.g., Async 4-4:0 >>) is displayed on
the terminal screen.
The format of the Asynchronous command prompt is as follows:
Async <1st_port_number>-: >>
where <1st_port_number> identifies the first port in the range
of ports under configuration.
identifies the last port in the range
of ports under configuration.
identifies the current session
To enter the Asynchronous command mode, execute the port async
command in the Configuration command mode. The port async command is
described on page 194. 308 451-0310E
Specifies any access method, other than power management, for the asynchronous port(s) under
configuration. (Refer to “access power model” on page 309 for information on specifying port(s)
for power management.)
The default access method is LOCAL on modem ports and on port 0. On all other non-modem
ports, the default access method is REMOTE.
access local|dynamic|remote|sensor|databuffer
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
PPP can not be enabled on a port that has autobaud enabled.
access local
access dynamic
access remote
local Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will use the LOCAL access
method. The LOCAL access method is used to support inbound connections
(i.e., when the user logs in to the port via a terminal or via a dialin connection).
dynamic Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will use the DYNAMIC access
Note: You cannot specify DYNAMIC as the access method for port 0.
remote Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will use the REMOTE access
method. The REMOTE access method is used to support outbound connections
(i.e., connections from the LAN).
Note: You cannot specify REMOTE as the access method for port 0.
sensor Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will be used as a Temperature/
Humidity Sensor port(s). Refer to Getting Started with the LX Series for
information on connecting a Temperature/Humidity Sensor to an LX port. Refer
to “show device status” on page 92 to display the temperature and humidity
recorded on a Temperature/Humidity Sensor attached to a SENSOR port.
Note: You cannot configure port 0 as a SENSOR port.
databuffer Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will be used for data buffering.
Note: You cannot configure port 0 as a DATABUFFER port.451-0310E 309
Specifies that the asynchronous port(s) under configuration will be used as Power Master(s) for
an IR-5100 or IR-5150.
access power model ir5100|ir5150
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
Refer to the applicable Getting Started Guide for information on connecting an IR-5100 or an
IR-5150 unit to an LX asynchronous port.
NOTE: You cannot configure port 0 as a Power Master port.
access power model ir5100
access power model ir5150
access power model
ir5100 Specifies that the asynchronous port(s) under configuration will be Power
Master(s) for an IR-5100.
ir5150 Specifies that the asynchronous port(s) under configuration will be Power
Master(s) for an IR-5150.310 451-0310E
Enables Automatic Protocol Detection (APD) on the port(s) under configuration. When APD is
enabled, the port will automatically determine the protocol being used to make a connection and
adjust port settings appropriately.
On all ports except modem ports, APD is disabled by default.
apd enable
Usage Guidelines
To use APD, the LX port must be configured with PORT ACCESS set to LOCAL or DYNAMIC.
Refer to “access” on page 308 for information on setting PORT ACCESS to LOCAL or
If you do not enable APD, ports can be dedicated for use by a single access serving protocol. An
individual port can be configured to accept any connections made via PPP, SLIP (which includes
CSLIP), and interactive protocols, as well as both, or neither of these.
You cannot enable APD on port 0. If you execute the apd enable command on port 0, the
following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
apd enable
apd enable451-0310E 311
Specifies the number of times an APD-enabled port will attempt to determine the protocol of an
incoming connection.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
apd retry NUMBER
Where Means
apd retry 6
apd retry
NUMBER The number of times that the port will attempt to determine the protocol
of an incoming connection. The allowable values are 0 - 255.312 451-0310E
Specifies the APD signature for the port(s) under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
apd signature WORD
Where Means
apd signature FinancePort
apd signature
WORD A text string.451-0310E 313
Specifies the APD timeout for the port(s) under configuration. The APD timeout is the length of
time an APD port can spend attempting to determine which protocol is being used to make a
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
apd timeout NUMBER
Where Means
apd timeout 30
apd timeout
NUMBER Specifies how much time the port can spend in an attempt to determine
which protocol is being used to make a connection. Valid timeout values
are from 1 to 255 seconds.314 451-0310E
Enables an authentication method (Local, RADIUS, SecurID, or TACACS+) as the inbound, or
outbound, authentication method for the asynchronous port(s) under configuration.
authentication inbound|outbound local|radius|securid|tacacs+ enable
Where Means
authentication inbound radius enable
authentication outbound radius enable
authentication inbound local enable
authentication outbound local enable
authentication inbound securid enable
authentication enable
inbound The specified authentication method (Local, RADIUS, SecurID, or TACACS+)
will be enabled as the method of inbound authentication for the asynchronous
port(s) under configuration. (Inbound authentication is used on ports that have
an access method of LOCAL. For more information on LOCAL access, refer to
“access” on page 308.)
outbound The specified authentication method (Local, RADIUS, SecurID, or TACACS+)
will be enabled as the method of outbound authentication for the asynchronous
port(s) under configuration. (Outbound authentication is used on ports that
have an access method of REMOTE. For more information on REMOTE access,
refer to “access” on page 308.)
Note: You cannot configure outbound authentication for the DIAG port (port 0).
local Enables Local authentication for inbound (or outbound) connections on the
asynchronous port(s) under configuration. Under local authentication, the
subscriber’s username and password are checked against the subscriber
database that resides on the LX.
radius Enables RADIUS authentication for inbound (or outbound) connections on the
asynchronous port(s) under configuration. Under RADIUS authentication, the
authentication is validated by a network-based RADIUS server.
securid Enables SecurID authentication for inbound (or outbound) connections on the
asynchronous port(s) under configuration. Under SecurID authentication, the
authentication is validated by a network-based SecurID server.
tacacs+ Enables TACACS+ authentication for inbound (or outbound) connections on the
asynchronous port(s) under configuration. Under TACACS+ authentication, the
authentication is validated by a network-based TACACS+ server.451-0310E 315
authentication outbound securid enable
authentication inbound tacacs+ enable
authentication outbound tacacs+ enable
authentication enable (continued)316 451-0310E
Enables the Fallback Login feature on the asynchronous port(s) under configuration.
authentication fallback enable
Usage Guidelines
Fallback Login is a mechanism for logging in users when RADIUS, SecurID, or TACACS+, fails
because the authentication server is unreachable. When you log in via Fallback, you are logged
in to the asynchronous port as a nonprivileged user. The authentication challenge will be
against the local subscriber database.
When RADIUS, SecurID, and TACACS+ are disabled on the asynchronous port, Fallback is
effectively disabled on the port.
authentication fallback enable
authentication fallback enable451-0310E 317
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will determine the input port speed, parity, and
character size for the device connected to the port, and automatically set the matching LX port
Autobaud is disabled by default, except on the last physical port.
autobaud enable
Usage Guidelines
The LX unit uses the ASCII RETURN character to determine the port speed, parity, and
character size. Normally, the user must press the RETURN key a few times until the LX unit
determines the port speed, parity, and character size, and begins a logon sequence. When APD
is enabled, the port will automatically determine the protocol being used to make a connection
and adjust port settings appropriately.
You can only enable AUTOBAUD where the attached device is configured with the following
settings at a port set to LOCAL ACCESS and:
• CHARACTER SIZE 8, (7 if EVEN parity)
• PARITY NONE (EVEN if character size is set to 7)
• SPEED is set to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400.
PPP can not be enabled on a port that uses Remote for an access method.
autobaud enable
autobaud enable318 451-0310E
Specifies the number of times an autobaud-enabled port will attempt to determine the input
port speed, parity, and character size for the device connected to the port.
autobaud retry NUMBER
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You cannot enable the Autobaud feature on port 0. If you execute the autobaud enable
command on port 0, the following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
autobaud retry 6
autobaud retry
NUMBER The number of times that the port will attempt to determine the input
port speed, parity, and character size for the device connected to the port.451-0310E 319
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will be automatically dialed.
autodial enable
Usage Guidelines
You cannot enable the Autodial feature on port 0. If you execute the autodial enable
command on port 0, the following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
autodial enable
autodial enable320 451-0310E
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will automatically log out when the last
connection closes.
NOTE: The port will also be logged out when the attached equipment drops its
NOTE: Autohangup cannot be enabled on port 0.
autohangup enable
autohangup enable
autohangup enable451-0310E 321
Specifies the banner that is displayed when the user logs in to the port.
banner STRING
Where Means
banner Welcome to Finance
STRING A text string.322 451-0310E
Specifies the number of data bits per character for the port(s) under configuration.
Where Means
bits 6
NUMBER The number of data bits per character for the port(s) under configuration.
The allowable values are 5, 6, 7, or 8.451-0310E 323
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will send a break signal to the serial line when a
break or a Telnet break signal is received, via Telnet or SSH, from a remote host.
break enable
break enable
break enable324 451-0310E
Defines a unique break sequence for the port(s) under configuration. When a unique break
sequence is defined, it is sent in an out-of-band mode in place of the standard break sequence
when the user presses the Break key.
break special
Where Means
break special 1234
break special
break_sequence Specifies the break sequence. This can be any combination of up to six
characters.451-0310E 325
Specifies the connect command(s) for the asynchronous port(s) under configuration. The
connect command(s) are executed when a connection to the port is made, or when the port
detects assertion of DSR. This feature is also known as the “Dedicated Async Port Service”.
connect command
Where Means
connect command telnet
connect command mew_startup.exe
connect command ssh -p 2022
connect command
command_sequence Specifies the connect command(s) for the port. The connect
command(s) can be any of the Built-in Linux shell commands. If you
specify more than one command, you must separate the commands
with semi-colons (;). You can also specify an executable file or a batch
file in this field.326 451-0310E
Specifies the display option for a databuffer port.
databuffer display enable|prompt
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You can disable the databuffer display by executing the following command in the
Asynchronous command mode:
no databuffer display
When you execute the no databuffer display command, the contents of the databuffer
will not be displayed when you log in to the port.
databuffer display enable
databuffer display prompt
databuffer display
enable The contents of the data buffer will be displayed for the user as soon as the
user logs in to the port; the user will not be prompted for whether or not he
wants to display the contents of the data buffer.
prompt When the user logs in to the port, he will be prompted for whether or not
he wants to display the contents of the data buffer. If the user enters a y
response, the contents of the data buffer will be displayed at the user’s
terminal. If the user enters an n response, the contents of the data
buffer will not be displayed at the user’s terminal.451-0310E 327
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data buffer on the port(s) under configuration.
databuffer size NUMBER
Where Means
databuffer size 62000
databuffer size
NUMBER A whole number that specifies the size, in bytes, for the data buffer on the
port(s) under configuration. This can be any number from 28 to 65535.
The default databuffer size is 1024 bytes.328 451-0310E
Specifies that the data received on the port(s) under configuration will be logged to the local
NOTE: This feature can only be enabled on asynchronous ports that are configured
for data buffering. Refer to the access command on page 308 for
information on configuring ports for data buffering.
databuffer syslog enable
databuffer syslog enable
databuffer syslog enable451-0310E 329
Specifies that there will be a timestamp added to every entry of the data buffer for the port(s)
under configuration.
databuffer timestamp enable
databuffer timestamp enable
databuffer timestamp enable330 451-0310E
Resets the APD retries, APD signature, or APD timeout to the default value.
default apd retry|signature|timeout
Where Means
default apd retry
default apd signature
default apd timeout
default apd
retry Resets the apd retry value of the port(s) under configuration to the factory
signature Resets the apd signature of the port(s) under configuration to the factory
timeout Resets the apd timeout value of the port(s) under configuration to the
factory default.451-0310E 331
Resets the data buffer size on the port(s) under configuration to the factory-default value of
1024 bytes.
default databuffer size
default databuffer size
default databuffer size332 451-0310E
Resets all of the parameters of the port(s) under configuration to their factory-default values.
default port
default port
default port451-0310E 333
Resets the off time for the power outlets on the asynchronous port(s) to the default value of 10
default power off time
default power off time
default power off time334 451-0310E
Resets the speed of the port(s) under configuration to their factory-default values. The default
port speed is 9600.
default speed
default speed
default speed451-0310E 335
When the end command is issued in the Asynchronous command mode, it returns the user to
the Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX command modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end336 451-0310E
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
the Asynchronous command mode, issuing this command will return the user to the
Configuration command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Asynchronous command mode returns the
user to the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any
mode other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in the
Menu Editing command mode returns the user to the Menu command mode; issuing the
exit command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to the Superuser
command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit451-0310E 337
Specifies the type of flow control ("handshaking") that is used by the serial interface(s) of the
port(s) under configuration.
On all ports except modem ports, the default flow control is XON/XOFF; on modem ports, the
default flow control is CTS.
flowcontrol cts|xon
Where Means
flowcontrol cts
flowcontrol xon
cts The LX unit will use CTS flow control for the specified port(s).
xon The LX unit will use XON/XOFF flow control for the specified port(s).338 451-0310E
Enters the Modem command mode. For more information on the Modem command mode, refer
to “Modem Commands” on page 437.
modem 451-0310E 339
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will have Modem Control enabled.
modem enable
Usage Guidelines
You cannot enable Modem Control on port 0. If you execute the modem enable command on
port 0, the following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
modem enable
modem enable340 451-0310E
Specifies a description of the port(s) under configuration.
Where Means
name FieldOffice3
STRING A text string that describes the port(s) under configuration. The text
string can contain up to 60 characters.451-0310E 341
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the Asynchronous
command mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Asynchronous command mode and are currently enabled.
To view the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command
followed by a question mark (?).
no modem
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.342 451-0310E
Specifies a descriptive name for a Power Outlet that is connected to a Power Master port on the
LX unit. Refer to “access power model” on page 309 for information on configuring an LX port
as a Power Master.
outlet name
Where Means
outlet 2 name Build5NTserver
outlet name
outlet_number An integer number that specifies an outlet on the Power Control unit that
is being managed via the asynchronous port under configuration.
Note: This number consists of the Power Control Relay Number without
the Power Master port number.
outlet_name Specifies a descriptive name for the Power Control Relay. This can be a
text string of up to 15 characters.451-0310E 343
Specifies whether or not the port(s) under configuration will provide a bit (parity bit) with each
character for error checking. The value you set for this characteristic must match the value set
at the device attached to the port.
parity even|odd|none
Where Means
parity even
parity odd
parity none
even The port will ensure that each byte (character) that is transmitted or
received contains an even number of 1's, including the parity bit. If the
port receives a byte that contains an odd number of 1 bits, it indicates to
the LX unit that an error occurred.
odd The port will ensure that each byte (character) that is transmitted or
received contains an odd number of 1's, including the parity bit. If the
port receives a byte that contains an even number of 1 bits, it indicates to
the LX unit that an error occurred.
none A parity bit will not be provided. This is the default setting.344 451-0310E
Specifies that the ports under configuration will use the Pattern Matching feature.
pattern match enable
Usage Guidelines
The Pattern Matching feature can only be used on ports that are configured for databuffer
access. Refer to the “access” command on page 308 to configure a port for databuffer access.
You must create a match pattern before you can execute this command. To create a match
pattern, refer to “pattern string” on page 345.
pattern match enable
pattern match enable451-0310E 345
Specifies a match pattern for the databuffer port(s) under configuration. When data matching
this pattern is received at the port, the data is put into a syslogd message. The syslogd message
that contains the matching data can be forwarded to users of the Notification feature. Refer to
“Usage Guidelines” (below) for more information.
NOTE: Pattern matching must be disabled on the port(s) where this command is
executed. To disable pattern matching, execute the no pattern match
command in the Asynchronous command mode:
pattern string
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
When incoming data matching a specified pattern is received at the port, a syslogd message is
generated at the facility LOG_USER, with the priority LOG_NOTICE:
Pattern match found::Msg39
where is the incoming data that matches the specified pattern.
For example, the following syslogd messages could be generated for incoming data that matched
the pattern no *:
Pattern match found:no broadcast group 4:Msg39
NOTE: The text Pattern match found is the default content of Message 39.
This text can be changed. If it is changed, the text that precedes the colon
(:) will be different from Pattern match found. Refer to “message
string” on page 514 to change the text content of a configurable message.
pattern string
pattern_number A number that identifies the match pattern. This can be any integer
number from 1 through 8.
match_pattern A case-sensitive text string that is used as a match pattern for incoming
data. This string can contain up to 15 characters, including wildcards.
The allowable wildcards are the period (“.”) and the asterisk (“*”). The
period represents a single character. For example, the pattern a.c.ef
matches the strings abc3ef, azcxef, and a2cgef. The asterisk
represents up to 16 iterations of the last character before the asterisk. For
example, the pattern abc* matches the strings abccccccc and abccc.
Note: The asterisk cannot be specified as the first character in a match
Note: The string help is reserved and can not be specified in a match
pattern.346 451-0310E
The messages will be forwarded to Notification clients that have a facility of user and a
priority of notice configured in their User Profiles. Refer to the LX-Series Configuration
Guide for information on configuring User Profiles for the Notification feature.
pattern string 1 no *
pattern string 2 number .
pattern string 3 OK>
pattern string 4 stuck*
pattern string 5 1234B
pattern string (continued)451-0310E 347
Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that outlets must remain off before they can be turned
back on.
power off time NUMBER
Where Means
power off time 15
power off time
NUMBER An integer number that specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the
outlets must remain off before they can be turned back on. After the outlets
in the group have been turned off with the outlet command (see page 75),
they must remain off for at least this length of time. The allowable values
are 0 - 255. The default value is 10.348 451-0310E
Enters the PPP command mode. For more information on the PPP command mode, refer to
“PPP Commands” on page 447.
ppp451-0310E 349
Specifies that the ports under configuration can be used for PPP links.
ppp enable
Usage Guidelines
You cannot use port 0 for PPP links. If you execute the ppp enable command on port 0, the
following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
ppp enable
ppp enable350 451-0310E
Specifies the port prompt for remote connections.
Where Means
prompt Finance-Group
prompt_string The text string that will be used as the port prompt. The text string can
contain up to 60 characters.451-0310E 351
Enables the RADIUS accounting feature on the port(s) under configuration.
radius accounting enable
radius accounting enable
radius accounting enable352 451-0310E
Specifies that a syslogd message will be sent when there is a state transition of the serial input
signals CTS and DCD/DSR.
signals syslog enable
signals syslog enable
signals syslog enable451-0310E 353
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will send the special break string out the serial
line of the port(s) when a break (or Telnet break string) is received, via Telnet or SSH, from a
remote host. Refer to “special break string” on page 354 to specify the special break string.
special break enable
special break enable
special break enable354 451-0310E
Specifies a unique break sequence that is sent out the serial line of the ports under
configuration when a break is received, via Telnet or SSH, from a remote host.
special break string
Where Means
special break string gfeij
special break string
break_sequence Specifies the unique break sequence. This can be any string of up to six
characters.451-0310E 355
Specifies the speed of the port(s) under configuration.
speed NUMBER
Where Means
speed 57600
NUMBER The port speed, in bits per second, to which the port(s) under configuration
will be set. The valid speeds are 134, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 or 230400. The default port speed is
9600.356 451-0310E
Specifies the number of stop bits to be used to maintain synchronization of data on the port(s)
under configuration.
stopbits NUMBER
Where Means
stopbits 1
stopbits 2
NUMBER A whole number that maps to the number of stop bits to be used to
maintain synchronization of data. The allowable values are 1 or 2.451-0310E 357
Enables the TACACS+ accounting feature on the port(s) under configuration.
tacacs+ accounting enable
tacacs+ accounting enable
tacacs+ accounting enable358 451-0310E
Specifies the Telnet break string for the ports under configuration. When it is received from a
remote host in a Telnet or SSH session, the LX unit will send the enabled break feature (break
signal or special break string) out the serial line. Refer to “break enable” on page 323 to enable
the break signal. Refer to “special break enable” on page 353 to enable the special break string.
telnet break string
Where Means
telnet break string sfg
telnet break string
break_sequence Specifies the Telnet break sequence. This can be any string of up to four
characters.451-0310E 359
Enables Telnet negotiation on the port(s) under configuration. When Telnet negotiation is
enabled, the LX unit will begin negotiating Telnet parameters as soon as the session is started.
NOTE: Telnet negotiation is enabled by default. This command is typically used to
re-enable Telnet negotiation after it has been disabled. (To disable Telnet
negotiation, execute the no telnet negotiation command in the
Asynchronous Command Mode.)
telnet negotiation enable
Usage Guidelines
Telnet Negotiation is used with transparency enabled when full transparency is needed within
the telnet connection. Refer to the transparency enable command on page 360 to enable
You can disable Telnet Negotiation on the LX to ensure operation with NT servers.
Disabling Telnet negotiation on the LX effectively disables the negotiation of all telnet options
in the TCP three-way handshaking process.
telnet negotiation enable
telnet negotiation enable360 451-0310E
Sets the port(s) under configuration to transparent mode.
transparency enable
Usage Guidelines
The use of transparent mode ensures that the LX can support applications that were designed
for a point-to-point serial connection over an IP network. Examples of such applications include
(but are not limited to) legacy serial applications and the downloading of an operating system to
a switch or router via the serial port.
Transparent mode is applicable to the serial-port side only. When transparent mode is enabled,
common control characters are not interpreted. For example, some characters that would not
be interpreted (and their Hex equivalents) are ^Q (11), ^S (13), and NULL (00).
To disable transparent mode, execute the following command in the Asynchronous Command
no transparency
transparency enable
transparency enable451-0310E 361
Chapter 6
Ethernet Commands
The Ethernet commands are executed in the Ethernet command mode. When
the LX unit is in the Ethernet command mode, the Ethernet command prompt
(e.g., Ether 1-1:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the Ethernet command prompt is as follows:
Ether <1st_port_number>-: >>
where <1st_port_number> identifies the first port in the range
of ports under configuration.
identifies the last port in the range
of ports under configuration.
identifies the current session
To enter the Ethernet command mode, execute the port ethernet command
in the Configuration command mode. The port ethernet command is
described on page 195. 362 451-0310E
Specifies the description for the Ethernet port.
description STRING
Where Means
description Port 0 on the Lab Unit
STRING A text string that describes the Ethernet port. The text string can contain
up to 60 characters.451-0310E 363
When the end command is issued in Ethernet Command Mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end364 451-0310E
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
the Ethernet command mode, issuing this command will return the user to the Configuration
command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Ethernet command mode returns the user
to the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any mode
other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in the Menu
Editing command mode returns the user to the Menu command mode; issuing the exit
command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to the Superuser command
mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit451-0310E 365
Removes (deletes) the description field for the Ethernet port(s) under configuration. Refer to
“description” on page 362 for more information on the description field.
no description
no description
no description366 451-0310E
Specifies the speed and duplex mode of the Ethernet port under configuration.
speed auto|10mb|100mb duplex full|half
Where Means
speed auto
speed 10mb duplex full
speed 100mb duplex full
speed 10mb duplex half
speed 100mb duplex half
auto The Ethernet port under configuration will auto-negotiate its port speed
and duplex mode. This is the default setting.
Note: If the auto option is specified, you will not be able to specify
full or half as the duplex mode for the port; the duplex mode will be
10mb Sets a speed of 10 Megabytes per second for the Ethernet port under
100mb Sets a speed of 100 Megabytes per second for the Ethernet port under
full The Ethernet port under configuration will use full duplex.
half The Ethernet port under configuration will use half duplex.451-0310E 367
Chapter 7
Subscriber Commands
The Subscriber commands are executed in the Subscriber command mode.
When the LX unit is in the Subscriber command mode, the Subscriber
command prompt (e.g., Subs_mark >>) is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the Subscriber command prompt is as follows:
Subs_ >>
where is the name of the subscriber under
To enter the Subscriber command mode, execute the subscriber command
in the Configuration command mode. The subscriber command is described
on page 247.368 451-0310E
Enables the subscriber to access the LX unit via a direct connection to the LX console port.
access console enable
access console enable
access console enable451-0310E 369
Specifies the LX asynchronous ports that the subscriber can access.
access port
Where Means
access port 2
access port 0 2 3 5 6
access port 3-7
access port
port_list Specifies the asynchronous port(s) that the user can access on the LX unit.
If more than one asynchronous port is specified, they should be separated
by blank spaces; for example, 2 3 5 6. In order to specify a range of
ports, put a hyphen between the first port and the last port; for example:
3-7.370 451-0310E
Enables the subscriber to access the LX unit by an SSH connection.
access ssh enable
access ssh enable
access ssh enable451-0310E 371
Enables the subscriber to access the LX unit by a Telnet connection.
access telnet enable
access telnet enable
access telnet enable372 451-0310E
Enables the subscriber to access the LX unit from a web browser via an Internet connection.
access web enable
access web enable
access web enable451-0310E 373
Enables the auditing of port activity for the subscriber. The auditing begins as soon as this
command is executed.
audit log enable
audit log enable
audit log enable374 451-0310E
Specifies the Backward Switch character for the subscriber; when the subscriber enters the
Backward Switch character, he is returned to the previous (lower-numbered) session without
returning to the local command mode.
backward_switch CHARACTER
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
To specify that the Backward Switch character is a CTRL character, the character must be
preceded by the caret symbol (^) in the backward_switch command. For example, the
following command specifies that the Backward Switch character is CTRL/I:
backward_switch ^I
Be sure that there are no conflicting uses for the character you select (particularly with control
characters that are used by applications programs, or with the character you set for the
FORWARD SWITCH, the LOCAL SWITCH, or any Telnet command characters). If you specify
a CTRL character, when the user types the character, it will be displayed as ^ (i.e., if the
user types CTRL/I, the terminal will echo the characters: ^I).
backward_switch ^I
CHARACTER A capital letter (A - Z) that the user will type to return to the previous
session. It is recommended that you specify an unused CTRL character. 451-0310E 375
Enables command logging for the subscriber.
command log enable
Usage Guidelines
Command logging creates an audit trail of subscriber input in a subscriber session. The audit
trail is sent to the accounting log and to syslogd. Use the show command log command to
display the command log. The show command log command is described on page 87.
command log enable
command log enable376 451-0310E
Permanently assigns the subscriber to a dedicated service; whenever the subscriber logs into
the LX unit, he will begin running the service that is specified in this command.
dedicated service NAME
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
In order to use this command, the Telnet protocol must be enabled.
dedicated service finance_server
dedicated service
NAME The name of the service to which the subscriber is permanently assigned.451-0310E 377
Resets the access ports for the subscriber to the factory default of all physical ports on the LX
unit, including port 0.
default access port
default access port
default access port378 451-0310E
Resets the subscriber’s remote access to the default value, which is no remote access.
default access remote
default access remote
default access remote451-0310E 379
Resets the Backward Switch character for the subscriber back to the factory default.
NOTE: The factory-default Backward Switch character is Control-B (^B).
default backward_switch
default backward_switch
default backward_switch380 451-0310E
Resets the Dialback retries for the subscriber back to the factory default of 4.
default dialback retry
default dialback retry
default dialback retry451-0310E 381
Resets the Forward Switch character for the subscriber back to the factory default.
NOTE: The factory-default Forward Switch character is Control-F (^F).
default forward_switch
default forward_switch
default forward_switch382 451-0310E
Resets the Inactivity timeout for the subscriber to the factory default of 0. A value of 0 means
that the Inactivity Timer is effectively disabled.
default idletime
default idletime
default idletime451-0310E 383
Resets the Local Switch character for the subscriber back to the factory default.
NOTE: The factory-default Forward Switch character is Control-L (^L).
default local_switch
default local_switch
default local_switch384 451-0310E
Resets the SSH log level to the factory-default level, which is INFO.
default ssh log level
default ssh log level
default ssh log level451-0310E 385
Enables the Dialback feature for the subscriber.
dialback enable
dialback enable
dialback enable386 451-0310E
Specifies the telephone number that the LX modem will dial when the subscriber makes a
Dialback call to the LX unit.
dialback number
Where Means
dialback number 19785551978
dialback number
telephone_number The telephone number that the LX modem will dial when the subscriber
makes a Dialback call to the LX unit. 451-0310E 387
Specifies the number of times that the modem on the LX unit can attempt to answer a dialback
dialback retry NUMBER
Where Means
dialback retry 7
dialback retry
NUMBER The number of times that the modem on the LX unit can attempt to
answer a dialback call. The default value is 3. The allowable values are 1
through 255.388 451-0310E
When the end command is issued in the Subscriber command mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end451-0310E 389
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
the Subscriber command mode, issuing this command will return the user to the Configuration
command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Subscriber command mode returns the user
to the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any mode
other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in the Menu
command mode returns the user to the Configuration command mode; issuing the exit
command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to Superuser command mode,
and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit390 451-0310E
Specifies the Forward Switch character for the subscriber; when the subscriber enters the
Forward Switch character, he is switched to the next (higher-numbered) session without
returning to the local command mode.
forward_switch CHARACTER
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
To specify that the Forward Switch character is a CTRL character, the character must be
preceded by the caret symbol (^) in the forward_switch command. For example, the
following command specifies that the Forward Switch character is CTRL/M:
forward_switch ^M
Be sure that there are no conflicting uses for the character you select (particularly with control
characters that are used by applications programs, or with the character you set for the
BACKWARD SWITCH, the LOCAL SWITCH, or any Telnet command characters). If you do
specify a CTRL character, when the user types the character, it will be displayed as ^
(i.e., if the user types CTRL/M, the terminal will echo the characters: ^M).
forward_switch ^M
CHARACTER A capital letter (A - Z) that the user will type to switch to the next session.
It is recommended that you specify an unused CTRL character.451-0310E 391
Sets the Inactivity Timeout for the subscriber. The subscriber is logged out if he does not enter
keyboard data before the expiration of the Inactivity Timeout.
Where Means
idletime 1200
timeout_value The length of the Inactivity Timeout, in seconds. The allowable values
are 0 through 65535. The default value is 0. A value of 0 means that the
Inactivity Timer is effectively disabled. 392 451-0310E
Specifies the Local Switch character for the subscriber; when the subscriber enters the Local
Switch character, he is returned to the local command mode.
local_switch CHARACTER
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
To specify that the Local Switch character is a CTRL character, the character must be preceded
by the caret symbol (^) in the local_switch command. For example, the following command
specifies that the Local Switch character is CTRL/K:
local_switch ^K
Be sure that there are no conflicting uses for the character you select (particularly with control
characters that are used by applications programs, or with the character you set for the
BACKWARD SWITCH, the FORWARD SWITCH, or any Telnet command characters). If you do
specify a CTRL character, when the user types the character, it will be displayed as ^
(i.e., if the user types CTRL/K, the terminal will echo the characters: ^K).
local_switch ^K
CHARACTER A capital letter (A - Z) that the user will type to return to the local
command mode. It is recommended that you specify an unused CTRL
character. 451-0310E 393
Sets the maximum simultaneous connections for the subscriber.
maxsubscriber NUMBER
Where Means
maxsubscriber 10
NUMBER The maximum simultaneous connections for the subscriber. The
allowable values are 1 through 255. The default value is 5.394 451-0310E
Assigns a log-in menu to the subscriber and enables the Menu feature for the subscriber. If the
Menu feature is enabled, and a menu exists for the subscriber, a menu is displayed when the
subscriber logs in to the LX unit. Refer to “Menu Commands” on page 479 for more information
on creating menus.
menu NAME enable
Where Means
menu tom enable
menu enable
NAME The name of the menu that is to be displayed when the subscriber logs in
to the LX unit. Refer to “Menu Commands” on page 479 for more
information on creating menus.451-0310E 395
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters for the subscriber under
configuration. Refer to “Usage Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no
command in the Subscriber mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Subscriber command mode and are currently enabled for this
subscriber. To view the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the
no command followed by a question mark (?).
no pause
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.396 451-0310E
Assigns a new login password to the subscriber’s account.
Usage Guidelines
When this command is executed, the following prompts are displayed:
Enter your NEW password :
Re-enter your NEW password:
Enter the new password at the Enter prompt, and re-enter it at the Re-enter prompt. The
password string can be up to 16 characters in length, and it will be masked when you enter it at
the above prompts.
password451-0310E 397
Enables password login protection on the subscriber account and enables the subscriber to reset
his password the next time he logs in. (The subscriber will be prompted to enter, and confirm,
his new password the next time he logs in.)
password enable
password enable
password enable398 451-0310E
Configures the screen pause feature for this subscriber. When this feature is enabled, the
screen will pause after displaying the number of lines specified in the “lines/screen” value for
the terminal.
pause enable
pause enable
pause enable451-0310E 399
Assigns a service to which the port will connect whenever a user makes a connect request
without specifying a service.
preferred service NAME
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
After assigning a Preferred Service to a subscriber, you must log out the subscriber in order for
the Preferred Service to take effect.
preferred service finance_server
preferred service
NAME The name of the preferred service.400 451-0310E
Sets the portion of the subscriber’s user prompt. Refer to page 33 for more
information on the format of the user prompt.
prompt STRING
Where Means
prompt BILL
STRING A text string of up to 8 ASCII characters. 451-0310E 401
Allows the subscriber to log into the Superuser command mode with the Superuser password.
The subscriber logs in to the Superuser command mode by executing the enable command
(see page page 36).
security level superuser
security level superuser
security level superuser402 451-0310E
Sets the maximum number of sessions for a subscriber.
session NUMBER
Where Means
session 3
NUMBER The maximum number of sessions for the subscriber. The allowable
values are 0 through 4, where a value of 0 disables the subscriber’s access
to the LX unit. 451-0310E 403
Configures the Subscriber Session Mode as Shell. When the Subscriber Session Mode is
Shell, the subscriber is logged into the Linux shell when he accesses the LX unit.
shell enable
Usage Guidelines
You can reset the Subscriber Session Mode to CLI by executing the no shell command in
the Subscriber Command Mode. When the Subscriber Session Mode is CLI, the subscriber will
be logged into the LX CLI (or his specified Login Menu) when he accesses the LX unit.
shell enable
shell enable404 451-0310E
Specifies the SSH encryption type(s) that are supported for this subscriber.
ssh cipher triple-des|any|blowfish
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
Blowfish is a variable-length key block cipher. It is only suitable for applications where the key
does not change often, like a communications link or an automatic file encryptor. It is
significantly faster than DES when implemented on 32-bit microprocessors with large data
caches, such as the Pentium and the PowerPC. It takes a variable-length key, from 32 bits to
448 bits, making it ideal for both domestic and exportable use. Blowfish is unpatented and
license-free, and is available free for all uses at the following website:
ssh cipher triple-des
ssh cipher any
ssh cipher blowfish
ssh cipher
triple-des Specifies that the Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple-DES) is the
only SSH encryption type supported for this subscriber.
any Specifies that any SSH encryption type is supported for this subscriber.
blowfish Specifies that BLOWFISH is the only SSH encryption type supported for
this subscriber. See “Usage Guidelines” (below) for more information on
the BLOWFISH encryption type.451-0310E 405
Specifies a unique SSH key for this subscriber. When a subscriber has a unique SSH key, he
can log on to the LX unit via SSH without entering a password. (The only requirement is that
the user must log on from the host on which his SSH key was generated.)
ssh key
Usage Guidelines
When this command is executed, the following prompt is displayed:
Please enter your key:
Type an SSH key at the above prompt. The SSH key can be any random string of characters.
As an alternative to typing the SSH key, you can paste a generated SSH key at the above
prompt. (The SSH key must be generated on the host from which the subscriber will make SSH
connections to the LX unit. Refer to your Linux documentation for more information on
generating an SSH key.)
ssh key
ssh key406 451-0310E
Specifies the class of SSH messages that will be logged to syslogd.
ssh log level debug|error|fatal|info|quiet|verbose
Where Means
ssh log level debug
ssh log level error
ssh log level fatal
ssh log level info
ssh log level quiet
ssh log level verbose
ssh log level
debug Only debug messages will be sent to the SSH log.
error Only error messages will be sent to the SSH log.
fatal Only fatal error messages will be sent to the SSH log.
info Only informational messages will be sent to the SSH log. This is the
quiet Default account log information will be logged for SSH.
verbose Verbose account log information will be logged for SSH.451-0310E 407
Specifies the Telnet mode for the subscriber.
telnet mode line|character
Where Means
telnet mode line
telnet mode character
telnet mode
line The subscriber will use Telnet line mode.
character The subscriber will use Telnet character mode.408 451-0310E
Sets the terminal type for the subscriber.
Where Means
terminal vt100
terminal ansi
terminal_type The terminal type for the subscriber. The allowable terminal types are
VT100 and ANSI. 451-0310E 409
Chapter 8
SNMP Commands
The SNMP commands are executed in the SNMP command mode. When the
LX unit is in the SNMP command mode, the SNMP command prompt (e.g.,
Snmp:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the SNMP command prompt is as follows:
Snmp: >>
where is the session number of the current
To enter the SNMP command mode, execute the snmp command in the
Configuration command mode. The snmp command is described on page 242.410 451-0310E
Specifies the name of a system contact for the LX unit.
contact STRING
Where Means
contact Henry Smith
STRING The name of a system contact for the LX unit. This information is
available via an SNMP query (get) but is provided for administrative
or informational purposes only. The MIB object is sysContact. The text
string can contain up to 60 characters.451-0310E 411
Specify the default SNMP V3 client for the LX unit
default v3 client NUMBER
Where Means
default v3 client 5
default v3 client
NUMBER The number of the default SNMP V3 client. Valid values are 3 - 7. 412 451-0310E
When the end command is issued in SNMP Mode, it returns the user to the Superuser
command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end451-0310E 413
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
the SNMP command mode, issuing this command will return the user to the Configuration
command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the SNMP command mode returns the user to
the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any mode
other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in the Menu
Editing command mode returns the user to the Menu command mode; issuing the exit
command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to the Superuser command
mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit414 451-0310E
Add, or change, an SNMP client (e.g., a Network Operations Center, or NOC) that has
permission to view information about the LX unit (i.e., perform an SNMP get).
get client NUMBER A.B.C.D
Where Means
get client 4
get client
NUMBER The number of the SNMP client that has permission to perform an SNMP
get on the LX unit. Valid values are 0 - 16.
A.B.C.D The Internet address of an SNMP client that has permission to perform
an SNMP get on the LX unit. The default value is Specify the
default value ( to remove a client.451-0310E 415
Specifies an SNMP Get client community for an SNMP get client of the LX unit. When an
SNMP Get community has been specified with this command, any SNMP get clients must
belong to the same SNMP Get community in order to perform an SNMP get on the unit.
get client NUMBER community
Where Means
get client 3 community labunits
get client community
NUMBER The number of the SNMP client that has permission to perform an SNMP
get on the LX unit.
community_name The name of the SNMP Get community. The name can be up to 32
characters long.416 451-0310E
Specifies the SNMP get client version for an SNMP get client of the LX unit.
get client NUMBER version
Where Means
get client 3 version 2
get client version
NUMBER The number of the SNMP get client for which the SNMP get client version
is to be set.
version_number An SNMP get client version number. The allowable values are 1, 2, or 3.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.451-0310E 417
Specifies the physical location of the LX unit.
location STRING
Where Means
location Engineering Lab
STRING The physical location of the LX unit. This information is available via
an SNMP query (get) but is provided for administrative or informational
purposes only. The MIB object is sysLocation. The text string can contain
up to 60 characters.418 451-0310E
Enables the logging of all incoming SNMP packets to syslogd.
log enable
log enable
log enable451-0310E 419
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the SNMP mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean parameters
that can be set in the SNMP command mode and are currently enabled. To view the features and
boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command followed by a question
mark (?).
no pause
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.420 451-0310E
Add, or change, an SNMP client (e.g., a Network Operations Center, or NOC) that has
permission to set characteristics (i.e., perform an SNMP set) on the LX unit.
set client NUMBER A.B.C.D
Where Means
set client 4
set client
NUMBER The number of the SNMP client that has permission to perform an SNMP
set on the LX unit. Valid values are 0 - 16.
A.B.C.D The Internet address of an SNMP client that has permission to perform
an SNMP set on the LX unit. The default value is Specify the
default ( value to remove a client.451-0310E 421
Specifies an SNMP Set client community for an SNMP set client of the LX unit. When an
SNMP Set community has been specified with this command, any SNMP set clients must
belong to the same SNMP Set community in order to perform an SNMP set on the unit.
set client NUMBER community
Where Means
set client 3 community labunits
set client community
NUMBER The number of the SNMP client that has permission to perform an SNMP
set on the LX unit.
community_name The name of the SNMP Set community. The name can be up to 32
characters long.422 451-0310E
Specifies the SNMP set client version for an SNMP set client of the LX unit.
set client NUMBER version
Where Means
set client 3 version 2
set client version
NUMBER The number of the SNMP set client for which the SNMP set client version
is to be set.
version_number An SNMP set client version number. The allowable values are 1, 2, or 3.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.451-0310E 423
Add, or change, an SNMP client (e.g., a Network Operations Center, or NOC) that will receive
SNMP traps generated by the LX unit.
The LX unit sends an Enterprise-specific SNMP trap before a reboot and a Cold Start SNMP
trap when the LX unit has rebooted. During normal operation of the LX unit, SNMP traps can
be sent to trap clients via the Notification feature.
trap client NUMBER A.B.C.D
Where Means
trap client 4
trap client
NUMBER The number of the SNMP client that has permission to receive SNMP
traps generated by the LX unit. Valid values are 0 - 16.
A.B.C.D The Internet address of an SNMP client that has permission to receive
SNMP traps from the LX unit. The default value is Specify the
default value ( to remove a client.424 451-0310E
Specifies an SNMP Trap community for an SNMP trap client of the LX unit. When an SNMP
Trap community has been specified with this command, any SNMP trap clients must belong to
the same SNMP Trap community in order to receive SNMP traps that are generated by the
The LX unit sends an Enterprise-specific SNMP trap before a reboot and a Cold Start SNMP
trap when the LX unit has rebooted. During normal operation of the LX unit, SNMP traps can
be sent to trap clients via the Notification feature.
trap client NUMBER community
Where Means
trap client 3 community labunits
trap client community
NUMBER The number of the SNMP client that has permission to receive SNMP
traps that are generated by the LX unit.
community_name The name of the SNMP Trap community. The name can be up to 32
characters long.451-0310E 425
Specifies the SNMP trap client version for an SNMP set client of the LX unit.
The LX unit sends an Enterprise-specific SNMP trap before a reboot and a Cold Start SNMP
trap when the LX unit has rebooted. During normal operation of the LX unit, SNMP traps can
be sent to trap clients via the Notification feature.
trap client NUMBER version
Where Means
trap client 5 version 2
trap client version
NUMBER The number of the SNMP trap client for which the SNMP trap client
version is to be set.
version_number An SNMP trap client version number. The allowable values are 1, 2 or 3.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.426 451-0310E
Specifies the access context match criteria for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client access context match exact|prefix
Where Means
v3 client 3 access context match exact
v3 client 3 access context match prefix
v3 client access context match
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the access context match
criteria are being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
exact The access context field of an incoming SNMP packet must be an exact
match for the access context field that is specified for the group on the LX
prefix The prefix of an access context field of an incoming SNMP packet must
match the prefix of the access context field that is specified for the group
on the LX unit.451-0310E 427
Specifies the access context prefix for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client access context prefix
Where Means
v3 client 3 access context prefix lab
v3 client access context prefix
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the access context prefix is
being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
string The access context prefix for the SNMP V3 client.428 451-0310E
Specifies the access read view for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client access read view
Where Means
v3 client 3 access read view second_view
v3 client access read view
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the access read view is being
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
word The view that will be used as the read view for the SNMP V3 client. The
read view is used for incoming SNMP Get Requests.451-0310E 429
Specifies the access security settings for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client access security level
Where Means
v3 client 3 access security level 1
v3 client 3 access security level 2
v3 client 3 access security level 3
v3 client 3 access security model 1
v3 client 3 access security model 2
v3 client access security
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the access context settings
are being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
level Specify the access security level.
security_level The access security level in an incoming SNMP packet must match this
value in order for the packet to be allowed. The allowable values are 1, 2,
or 3.
model Specify the access security model.
model_number The access security model in an incoming SNMP packet must match
this value in order for the packet to be allowed. The allowable values are
1, 2, or 3.430 451-0310E
Specifies the access write view for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client access write view
Where Means
v3 client 3 access write view third_view
v3 client access write view
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the access write view is
being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
word The view that will be used as the write view for the SNMP V3 client. The
write view is used for incoming SNMP Set Requests.451-0310E 431
Specifies the group security model for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client group security model
Where Means
v3 client 3 group security model 1
v3 client 3 group security model 2
v3 client group security model
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the security community
setting is being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
model_number The group security model in an incoming SNMP packet must match
this value in order for the packet to be allowed. The allowable values are
1 or 2.432 451-0310E
Specifies the name for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client name
Where Means
v3 client 3 name lab_unit
v3 client name
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the client engine settings
are being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
string The name of the SNMP V3 client. This can be any text string.451-0310E 433
Specifies the security community for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client security community
Where Means
v3 client 3 security community lab_group
v3 client security community
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the security community
setting is being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
word The security community name for the SNMP V3 client. The LX unit
will only accept SNMP Requests from this SNMP V3 client if the Request
packet includes this community name. This is a text string of up to 60
characters.434 451-0310E
Specifies the security source settings for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client security source
Where Means
v3 client 4 security source
v3 client 4 security source mask
v3 client security source
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the security source settings
are being configured.
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
ip_address The IP Address that will be used as the security source for the SNMP V3
client. The LX unit will only accept SNMP Requests from this SNMP V3
client if they have this IP Address specified as the security source.
mask Requires both the IP Address, and subnet mask, of the security source to
subnet_mask The subnet mask that will be used as the security source mask for the
SNMP V3 client. If this mask is specified, both IP address and the subnet
mask for the security source must match for the LX unit to accept SNMP
Requests from the V3 client.451-0310E 435
Specifies the view settings for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 client view subtree
Where Means
v3 client 4 view subtree
v3 client 4 view mask F
v3 client 4 view type allow
v3 client 4 view type deny
v3 client view
client_number The number of the SNMP V3 client for which the view settings are being
Note: Clients 0-2 are reserved for SNMP V1 clients and SNMP V2
clients. You cannot specify clients 0-2 as SNMP V3 clients.
subtree Specify the subtree for the V3 client.
object_id An Object ID that will be used as a filter for incoming SNMP packets, as
specified by the mask for the V3 client.
mask Specify the view mask for the V3 client.
octet_string A hexadecimal number that specifies the octets that must match those in
the subtree. For example, hexadecimal F (which has a binary value of
1111) indicates that the first four octets in an incoming Object ID must
match the first four octets in the subtree. If the subtree is,
the Object IDs of incoming SNMP packets must have as their first
four octets.
type Specify the type for the V3 view.
word The type of the V3 view. The allowable values are:
allow – Packets that match the mask and subtree in this view will be
allowed to make requests on the LX unit.
deny – Packets that match the mask and subtree in this view will not
be allowed to make requests on the LX unit.436 451-0310E
Specifies the engine settings for an SNMP V3 client.
v3 engine id
boots NUMBER
Where Means
v3 engine id 346248687
v3 engine boots 11
v3 engine
id Specify the Engine ID for the LX unit.
octet_string An hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the LX unit.
boots Specify the Engine boots for the LX unit.
NUMBER An integer number that represents the number of times that the SNMP
daemon running on the LX unit has rebooted. You can set this to any
integer value. This is a counter that will be incremented each time the
SNMP daemon is rebooted. This value is also a shared secret between the
LX unit and the SNMP V3 client.451-0310E 437
Chapter 9
Modem Commands
The Modem commands, which are used to configure modems for asynchronous
ports, are executed in the Modem command mode. When the LX unit is in the
Modem command mode, the Modem command prompt (e.g., Modem 4-4:0 >>)
is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the Modem command prompt is as follows:
Modem <1st_port_number>-: >>
where <1st_port_number> identifies the first port in the range
of ports under configuration. (This value is inherited from
the Asynchronous command mode.)
identifies the last port in the range
of ports under configuration. (This value is inherited from
the Asynchronous command mode.)
identifies the current session
To enter the Modem command mode, execute the modem command in the
Asynchronous command mode. The modem command is described on
page 338.438 451-0310E
Resets the modem initialization string to its default value.
default initstring
default initstring
default initstring451-0310E 439
Specifies the telephone number that the LX modem will dial for a dialout connection.
dialout number
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You cannot specify a dialout number for port 0. If you execute the dialout number command
on port 0, the following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
dialout number 19785558371
dialout number
telephone_number The telephone number that the LX modem will dial for a dialout
connection. 440 451-0310E
When the end command is issued in the Modem command mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end451-0310E 441
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
the Modem command mode, issuing this command will return the user to the Asynchronous
command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the command mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the Modem command mode returns the user to
the previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any command
mode other than the User command mode. For example, issuing the exit command in the
Menu Editing command mode returns the user to the Menu command mode; issuing the
exit command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to the Superuser
command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit442 451-0310E
Specifies the Modem Initialization string that the port(s) under configuration will pass to the
initstring STRING
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You cannot specify a Modem Initialization string for port 0. If you execute the initstring
command on port 0, the following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
initstring AT S7=45 S0=1 L1 V1 X4 &C1 &1 Q0 &S1
STRING The Modem Initialization string451-0310E 443
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the Modem
command mode.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Modem command mode and are currently enabled. To vi ew
the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command
followed by a question mark (?).
no dialout number
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.444 451-0310E
Specifies the number of times that the port(s) under configuration will attempt to make a
dialout connection via a modem, after the initial attempt.
retry NUMBER
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You cannot specify a retry value for port 0. If you execute the retry command on port 0, the
following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
retry 6
NUMBER The number of times that the port(s) under configuration will attempt to
make a dialout connection via a modem. The valid values are 0 - 255.451-0310E 445
Specifies the length of time that the port(s) under configuration can spend attempting to make a
modem connection.
timeout NUMBER
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You cannot specify a modem timeout for port 0. If you execute the timeout command on port
0, the following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
timeout 30
NUMBER Specifies how much time the port(s) under configuration can spend
attempting to make a modem connection. Valid timeout values are from 1
to 255 seconds.446 451-0310E
Specifies the Modem type.
type dialin|dialout
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
You cannot specify a modem type for port 0. If you execute the type command on port 0, the
following message will be displayed:
Operation not permitted on diagnostic/management port
type dialin
type dialout
dialin The modem on the asynchronous port(s) under configuration can only be
used for dialin connections.
dialout The modem on the asynchronous port(s) under configuration can only be
used for dialout connections.451-0310E 447
Chapter 10
PPP Commands
The PPP commands, which are used to configure the Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPP) for asynchronous ports, are executed in the PPP command mode. When
the LX unit is in the PPP command mode, the PPP command prompt (e.g.,
PPP 4-4:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the PPP command prompt is as follows:
PPP <1st_port_number>-: >>
where <1st_port_number> identifies the first port in the range
of ports under configuration. (This value is inherited from
the Asynchronous command mode.)
identifies the last port in the range
of ports under configuration. (This value is inherited from
the Asynchronous command mode.)
identifies the current session
To enter the PPP command mode, execute the PPP command in the
Asynchronous command mode. The PPP command is described on page 348.448 451-0310E
Enables the logging of PPP data for the asynchronous port(s) under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
accounting enable
accounting enable
accounting enable451-0310E 449
Sets the PPP link authentication parameters for the port(s) under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
authentication chap|pap|retry |timeout
Where Means
authentication chap
authentication pap
authentication retry 5
authentication timeout 30
chap Enables CHAP authentication on the PPP link.
pap Enables PAP authentication on the PPP link.
retry Set the retry value for CHAP or PAP authentication.
retry_limit The number of times that the LX unit will attempt to authenticate a PPP
timeout Set the timeout value for CHAP or PAP authentication.
timeout_limit The length of time that the LX unit has to perform CHAP or PAP
authentication for a PPP link. If the link can not be authenticated within
this time, the link is refused.450 451-0310E
Enables PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP) negotiation on the asynchronous port(s)
under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
ccp enable
ccp enable
ccp enable451-0310E 451
Resets the retry and timeout values for PPP authentication to the factory-default settings.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
default authentication retry|timeout
Where Means
default authentication retry
default authentication timeout
default authentication
retry Resets the retry value for PPP authentication to the factory-default
Refer to “authentication” on page 449 for more information on the retry
value for PPP authentication.
timeout Resets the timeout value for PPP authentication to the factory-default
Refer to “authentication” on page 449 for more information on the timeout
value for PPP authentication.452 451-0310E
Resets the negotiation options for the Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) to their factorydefault values.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
default ipcp compression|failure|timeout
Where Means
default ipcp compression
default ipcp failure
default ipcp timeout
default ipcp
compression Resets the compression option for IPCP to the factory-default value.
Refer to “ipcp accept address enable” on page 462 for more information on
the compression option for IPCP.
failure Resets the failure option for IPCP to the factory-default value.
Refer to “ipcp accept address enable” on page 462 for more information on
the failure option for IPCP.
timeout Resets the timeout option for IPCP to the factory-default value.
Refer to “ipcp accept address enable” on page 462 for more information on
the timeout option for IPCP.451-0310E 453
Resets the compression option for the Link Control Protocol (LCP) to the factory-default value.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
Refer to “lcp compression enable” on page 466 for more information on the compression option
for LCP.
default lcp compression
default lcp compression
default lcp compression454 451-0310E
Resets the echo failure parameter for the Link Control Protocol (LCP) to the factory-default
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
Refer to “lcp echo failure” on page 467 for more information on the echo failure parameter
for LCP.
default lcp echo failure
default lcp echo failure
default lcp echo failure451-0310E 455
Resets the failure limit parameter for the Link Control Protocol (LCP) to the factory-default
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
Refer to “lcp failure limit” on page 469 for more information on the failure limit parameter
for LCP.
default lcp failure limit
default lcp failure limit
default lcp failure limit456 451-0310E
Resets the Link Control Protocol (LCP) timeout for the port(s) under configuration to the
factory-default value.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
Refer to “lcp timeout” on page 470 for more information on the LCP timeout.
default lcp timeout
default lcp timeout
default lcp timeout451-0310E 457
Resets the client-mode username to the factory-default value, which is InReach.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
default mode client username
default mode client username
default mode client username458 451-0310E
Resets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the PPP link to the factory-default setting.
The MTU is the maximum-sized packet that can be transmitted on the PPP link.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
default mtu
default mtu
default mtu451-0310E 459
Resets the IP address of the remote system in the PPP link to the default value.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
default remote address
default remote address
default remote address460 451-0310E
When the end command is issued in the PPP command mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX command modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end451-0310E 461
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
the PPP command mode, issuing this command will return the user to the Asynchronous
command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the mode from which it is issued.
As noted above, issuing the exit command in the PPP command mode returns the user to the
previous command mode. The same goes for issuing the exit command in any command
mode other than User. For example, issuing the exit command in the Menu Editing
command mode command mode returns the user to the Menu command mode; issuing the
exit command in the Configuration command mode returns the user to the Superuser
command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit462 451-0310E
Configures the PPP link to accept negotiation of local addresses or remote addresses.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
ipcp accept local|remote address enable
Where Means
ipcp accept local address enable
ipcp accept remote address enable
ipcp accept address enable
local Specifies that the PPP link will only accept negotiation of local addresses.
remote Specifies that the PPP link will only accept negotiation of remote
addresses.451-0310E 463
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will try to negotiate the use of Van Jacobson (VJ)
compression over a PPP link.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
ipcp compression enable
Usage Guidelines
Data compression allows more data to be transferred over the link. The use of the VJ
compression method can result in significant bandwidth savings, which can be important when
PPP connections are made over telephone lines or when a PPP link is very heavily used. VJ
compression is very memory intensive, however. The use of VJ compression is negotiated
during PPP options negotiation. Compression can be used in one direction only.
ipcp compression enable
ipcp compression enable464 451-0310E
Specifies the number of attempts at IPCP option negotiation that can be made by the port(s)
under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
ipcp failure limit NUMBER
Where Means
ipcp failure limit 6
ipcp failure limit
NUMBER A whole number that specifies the number of attempts at IPCP option
negotiation that can be made by the port(s) under configuration. The
attempt at making a PPP link will be aborted if the options are not
successfully negotiated within this number of tries.451-0310E 465
Specifies the length of time that the port(s) under configuration have for ipcp option
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
ipcp timeout NUMBER
Where Means
ipcp timeout 30
ipcp timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the port(s) under configuration have
for IPCP option negotiation. The attempt at making a PPP link will be
aborted if the options are not successfully negotiated within this time
limit.466 451-0310E
Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will try to negotiate the use of LCP compression
over a PPP link.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
lcp compression enable
lcp compression enable
lcp compression enable451-0310E 467
Specifies the number of times that the port(s) under configuration can send an LCP echo
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
lcp echo failure NUMBER
Where Means
lcp echo failure 6
lcp echo failure
NUMBER A whole number that specifies the number of times that the port(s) under
configuration can send an LCP echo request. The attempt at making a
PPP link will be aborted if the port does not receive an LCP echo after the
last echo request is sent.468 451-0310E
Specifies the interval between the sending of LCP echo requests.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
lcp echo interval NUMBER
Where Means
lcp echo interval 10
lcp echo interval
NUMBER A whole number that specifies the interval, in seconds, between the
sending of LCP echo requests.451-0310E 469
Specifies the number of attempts at LCP option negotiation that can be made by the port(s)
under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
lcp failure limit NUMBER
Where Means
lcp failure limit 6
lcp failure limit
NUMBER A whole number that specifies the number of attempts at LCP option
negotiation that can be made by the port(s) under configuration. The
attempt at making a PPP link will be aborted if the options are not
successfully negotiated within this number of tries.470 451-0310E
Specifies the length of time that the port(s) under configuration have for LCP option
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
lcp timeout NUMBER
Where Means
lcp timeout 30
lcp timeout
NUMBER The length of time, in seconds, that the port(s) under configuration have
for LCP option negotiation. The attempt at making a PPP link will be
aborted if the options are not successfully negotiated within this time
limit.451-0310E 471
Specifies the PPP IP Local Address for the port(s) under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
local address A.B.C.D
Where Means
local address
local address
A.B.C.D The PPP IP Local Address for the port(s) under configuration.472 451-0310E
Specifies “client” as the PPP mode, and optionally specifies the CHAP or PAP secret, for the
port(s) under configuration.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
mode client [chap|pap ]
Where Means
mode client
mode client pap wtrrrgbbba
mode client pap irtntobaalmwmtg
mode client
chap Specify the CHAP secret for the port(s) under configuration.
pap Specify the PAP secret for the port(s) under configuration.
secret The CHAP or PAP secret for the port(s) under configuration. 451-0310E 473
Specifies the username for the PPP client.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
mode client username
Where Means
mode client username jackc
mode client username
name The username for the PPP client. This can be any text string.474 451-0310E
Specifies the PPP mode for the port(s) under configuration as Server Active or Server Passive.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
mode server active|passive
Where Means
mode server active
mode server passive
mode server
active Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will use PPP server active
passive Specifies that the port(s) under configuration will use PPP server passive
mode.451-0310E 475
Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for the PPP link. Frames that are larger
than the designated MTU size are fragmented before transmission. (Note that the software
fragments frames on the transmit side only.)
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
Where Means
mtu 1300
NUMBER The MTU size for the PPP link. The allowable values are 1000 - 1500.
The default value is 1400.476 451-0310E
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the PPP command
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the PPP command mode and are currently enabled. To view the
features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command followed by
a question mark (?).
no authentication
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.451-0310E 477
Identifies the remote system in the PPP link.
NOTE: You cannot execute this command on port 0.
remote address A.B.C.D
Where Means
remote address
remote address
A.B.C.D The IP Address of the remote unit in the PPP link.451-0310E 479
Chapter 11
Menu Commands
The Menu commands are executed in the Menu command mode. When the LX
unit is in the Menu command mode, the Menu command prompt (e.g., Menu :0 >>)
is displayed on the terminal screen.
The format of the Menu command prompt is as follows:
Menu : >>
where identifies the current session
To enter the Menu command mode, execute the menu command in the
Configuration command mode, or execute the exit command in the Menu
Editing command mode. The menu command is described on page 184.480 451-0310E
Deletes a menu from the LX unit.
delete NAME
Where Means
delete finance_menu
NAME The name of the menu that is to be deleted from the database of menus on
the LX unit.451-0310E 481
When the end command is issued in the Menu command mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX command modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end482 451-0310E
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
Menu, issuing this command will return the user to the Configuration command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the command mode from which it is issued. For example,
issuing the exit command in the Menu command mode returns the user to the Configuration
command mode; issuing the exit command in Configuration command mode returns the user
to the Superuser command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit451-0310E 483
Merges existing menus into one menu.
import to
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
If the destination menu already exists, the following prompt will be displayed when you execute
the import command:
The destination file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (yes/no)
Answering “yes” will overwrite the destination file.
Answering “no” will abort the command.
import menu_1 menu_2 menu_3 menu_4 menu_5 to finance_menu
import susans_menu jacks_menu henrys_menu_3 to group_menu
menu_list Specifies the menu files that are to be merged into the destination menu.
Each menu filename must be separated by a blank space. The menu files
in the menu_list are appended to the destination menu.
Note: A maximum of 16 menu pages can be merged into a destination
menu. Each menu or submenu counts as a separate menu page.
destination_menu Specifies the filename of the menu to which the files in menu_list are to be
merged.484 451-0310E
Displays a list of the menus on the LX unit.
NOTE: If this command is executed while a menu file is open, a list of the submenus
in the menu will be displayed.
list451-0310E 485
Disables (negates) specific features and boolean parameters on the LX unit. Refer to “Usage
Guidelines” (below) for more information about using the no command in the Menu command
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The allowable arguments for this command consist of only those features and boolean
parameters that can be set in the Menu Editing command mode and are currently enabled.
To view the features and boolean parameters that are currently enabled, type the no command
followed by a question mark (?).
no entry 2
feature_name The name of the feature or boolean parameter that is to be disabled.486 451-0310E
Opens a new or existing menu in the Menu Editing command mode. For more information on
the Menu Editing command mode, refer to “Menu Editing Commands” on page 487.
open NAME
Where Means
open finance_menu
NAME The name of the menu that is to be opened for editing.451-0310E 487
Chapter 12
Menu Editing Commands
The Menu Editing commands are executed in the Menu Editing command
mode. When the LX unit is in the Menu Editing command mode, the Menu
Editing command prompt (e.g., mark-1:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal
The format of the Menu Editing command prompt is as follows:
-: >>
where identifies the Menu name.
identifies the submenu number of the
menu. The top-level menu always has a submenu number
of 1.
identifies the current session
To enter the Menu Editing command mode, execute the open command in the
Menu command mode. The open command is described on page 486.488 451-0310E
Assigns control keys for the menu.
control key logout|repaint|top|up
Where Means
control key logout W Log out of LX
control key repaint Z Refresh screen
control key top H Go to top level
control key up G Go back menu level
control key
logout Assigns a function key that will log out the subscriber account.
repaint Assigns a function key that will redisplay the menu.
top Assigns a function key that will move to the top-level menu for the
up Assigns a function key that will move up to the next-higher menu level.
character The keyboard character that performs the assigned function.
text Message text that is displayed at the bottom of the menu. This text
typically describes what happens when the specified control key is
pressed. This message has a limit of 18 characters.451-0310E 489
Displays the current menu, or a submenu associated with the current menu. The menu is
displayed in the same form as it would be seen by an end user.
display [menu ]
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
When this command is executed without a submenu number, the current menu or submenu is
display menu 11
menu_number An integer number, from 1 through 16, that identifies an existing menu.
Menu 1 is the top-level menu. The default value is the current menu. 490 451-0310E
When the end command is issued in the Menu Editing command mode, it returns the user to
the Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX Command Modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end451-0310E 491
Display a menu entry as it appears in the menu file.
NOTE: This command displays an entry as it appears in the menu file rather than
as the end user will see it. The label and the associated command are listed.
Where Means
entry 12
entry_number An integer number, from 1 through 40, that identifies the menu entry that
is to be displayed.492 451-0310E
Creates or modifies a command entry. A Command entry executes a Linux command when the
user selects it from the menu.
entry command
Where Means
entry 3 command telnet
entry command
entry_number An integer number, from 1 through 40, that identifies the menu entry that
is to be created or modified.
command_text The shell-level command that is to be executed when this menu entry is
selected by the user. This field can contain any syntactically correct Linux
command.451-0310E 493
Creates or modifies a label for a command entry or a menu entry. The label is displayed to the
user in the menu.
entry label
Where Means
entry 3 label List the log entries
entry label
entry_number An integer number, from 1 through 40, that identifies the menu entry for
which the label is to be created or modified.
label_text A text string that describes the entry. The text string can contain any text
characters, including spaces. If the menu or submenu has less than 21
entries, the text string can contain up to 52 characters. If the menu or
submenu has 21 or more entries, the text string is limited to 36 characters.494 451-0310E
Creates or modifies a menu entry. When a menu entry is selected from a menu, it switches to a
NOTE: This command will create an entry with a label. The default label is the
same as the command string itself. You can change the label with the
entry label command. The entry label command is described on
page 493.
entry menu
Where Means
entry 11 menu 6
entry menu
entry_number An integer number, from 1 through 40, that identifies the menu entry that
is to be created or modified.
menu_number An integer number, from 1 through 16, that identifies the submenu that is
to be displayed when the user selects this menu entry.451-0310E 495
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode
is Menu Editing, issuing this command will return the user to the Menu command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the command mode from which it is issued. For example,
issuing the exit command in the Menu Editing command mode returns the user to the Menu
command mode; issuing the exit command in the Menu command mode returns the user to the
Configuration command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit496 451-0310E
Creates a header for the current submenu.
NOTE: The list command is used to display the headers for all submenus. The
list command is described on page 497.
header []
Where Means
header Finance Department
header_text The text string that will be used as the Menu header. The text string can
contain up to 60 characters, including spaces.451-0310E 497
Displays all of the configured submenus for the current menu, and their configured headers. An
asterisk (*) indicates the menu that is currently under configuration.
list498 451-0310E
Opens a new or existing submenu for editing.
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
After this command is executed, the field of the Menu Editing prompt changes to
the Submenu number that is being edited. For example, the prompt mark-12:0 >> indicates
that Submenu 12 is currently being edited.
menu 12
submenu_number The menu number of the submenu that is to be opened for editing. This
can be any integer number from 1 through 16.451-0310E 499
Specifies the continue string for the current menu. If a continue string is specified, the screen
will pause after a command entry is executed; the user must press the ENTER key to re-display
the menu from which the command entry was selected. If a continue string is not specified, the
screen will pause after a command entry is executed, but no prompt string will be displayed.
The continue string typically describes how to re-display the menu (e.g., Press ENTER to
The continue string appears at the bottom of the screen when you display the menu using the
display command. The display command is described on page 489.
menu continue string
Where Means
menu continue string Press ENTER to return
menu continue string
continue_string The continue string for the current menu or submenu. This is a text
string of up to 60 characters.500 451-0310E
Specifies the prompt string for the current menu. The prompt string is displayed at the bottom
of the menu, and it typically describes how to select a menu option.
The prompt string appears at the bottom of the screen when you display the menu using the
display command. The display command is described on page 489.
menu prompt
Where Means
menu prompt Highlight options with Arrow Keys and press RETURN
menu prompt
prompt_string The prompt string for the current menu or submenu. This is limited to 53
characters.451-0310E 501
Removes control keys from the current menu.
no control key logout|repaint|top|up
Where Means
no control key logout
no control key repaint
no control key top
no control key up
no control key
logout Removes the logout control key from the current menu.
repaint Removes the repaint control key from the current menu.
top Removes the top control key from the current menu.
up Removes the up control key from the current menu.502 451-0310E
Resets (negates) an entry in the current menu. When this command is executed, the menu
entry no longer has a command, or a menu entry, associated with it.
no entry
Where Means
no entry 11
no entry
entry_number An integer number, from 1 through 40, that identifies the menu entry that
is to reset.451-0310E 503
Removes the configured header from the current menu or submenu. (The configured header is
specified with the header command, which is described on page 496.)
no header
Usage Guidelines
After the no header command is executed, the default menu header will be used in the menu.
The format of the default menu header is as follows:
Menu LX Menu
where identifies the submenu number of the menu. The
top-level menu always has a submenu number of 1.
For example, the default menu header for the top-level menu is Menu 1 LX Menu.
no header
no header504 451-0310E
Removes (deletes) the continue string from the current menu or submenu.
no menu continue string
no menu continue string
no menu continue string451-0310E 505
Removes (deletes) the prompt from the current menu or submenu.
no menu prompt
no menu prompt
no menu prompt506 451-0310E
Opens a new or existing menu file, and closes the current menu file.
open NAME
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
If you have made any changes to the current menu, the following prompt will be displayed when
you execute the open command:
The Menu has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes? (y/n) :
Enter y to save your changes to the current menu.
Enter n to abandon your changes to the current menu.
open finance_menu
NAME The name of the menu that is to be opened for editing.451-0310E 507
Saves the current menu file.
save []
Where Means
save finance_menu
filename The filename under which the current menu file is to be saved. If no
filename is specified, it will be saved to the filename of the current menu
file.451-0310E 509
Chapter 13
Notification Commands
The Notification commands are executed in the Notification command mode.
When the LX unit is in the Notification command mode, the Notification
command prompt (e.g., Notification:0 >>) is displayed on the terminal
The format of the Notification command prompt is as follows:
Notification: >>
where identifies the current session
To enter the Notification command mode, execute the notification
command in the Configuration command mode. The notification
command is described on page 186.510 451-0310E
When the end command is issued in the Notification command mode, it returns the user to the
Superuser command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The end command can be issued in all of the LX command modes except for User and
Superuser. Executing the end command always returns the user to the Superuser command
end451-0310E 511
Returns the user to the previous command mode. For example, if the current command mode is
Notification, issuing this command will return the user to the Configuration command mode.
Usage Guidelines
The exit command can be issued in all of the LX command modes. However, the effect of the
exit command varies, depending on the command mode from which it is issued. For example,
issuing the exit command in the Notification command mode returns the user to the
Configuration command mode; issuing the exit command in the Configuration command mode
returns the user to the Superuser command mode, and so on.
Issuing the exit command in the User command mode exits the LX CLI and closes the
connection to the LX unit.
exit512 451-0310E
Specifies the facility of a configurable syslogd messages. To display the configurable messages, refer
to “show notification message” on page 104.
message NUMBER facility user|syslog|kern|daemon|authpriv
Where Means
message 1 facility user
message 2 facility syslog
message 3 facility kern
message 4 facility daemon
message 5 facility authpriv
message facility
NUMBER The ID number of a configurable syslogd message. This can be any
integer number from 1 through 40.
user The message applies to the User processes.
syslog The message applies to the syslog daemon (syslogd).
kern The message applies to the Linux kernel.
daemon The message applies to a system daemon, such as in.ftpd.
authpriv The message applies to the Superuser authentication process.451-0310E 513
Specifies the priority of a configurable syslogd messages. To display the configurable messages, refer
to “show notification message” on page 104.
message NUMBER priority emerg|alert|critical|error|notice|sigsnotice|info
Where Means
message 1 priority emerg
message 2 priority alert
message 3 priority critical
message 4 priority error
message 5 priority notice
message 6 priority info
message priority
NUMBER The ID number of a configurable syslogd message. This can be any
integer number from 1 through 40.
emerg The message indicates a severe condition. This is the kind of condition
that can immediately affect the users’ ability to work on the LX.
alert The message indicates a condition that the system administrator needs to
correct immediately, such as a corrupted system database.
critical The message indicates a critical condition, such as a hard device error.
error The message indicates a software error condition.
notice The message indicates a condition which is not an error, but which might
require specific procedures to adjust it.
warning This message indicates a warning condition.
info The message is a normal, informational message.514 451-0310E
Specifies the string portion of a configurable syslogd messages. To display the configurable messages,
refer to “show notification message” on page 104.
message NUMBER string
Where Means
message 1 string New CLI mode entered by
message string
NUMBER The ID number of a configurable syslogd message. This can be any
integer number from 1 through 40.
text The string portion of the configurable syslogd message. This string can
contain up to 48 characters. 451-0310E 515
Deletes Service Profiles and User Profiles. (Service Profiles and User Profiles are used in the
Notification Feature.)
no serviceprofile|userprofile |all
Where Means
no serviceprofile FinanceServerprof2
no serviceprofile all
no userprofile Philpager
no userprofile all
serviceprofile Delete the Service Profile specified in this command.
userprofile Delete the User Profile specified in this command.
name The name of the Service Profile, or User Profile, that is to be deleted.
all Delete all Service Profiles, or all User Profiles.516 451-0310E
Specifies the asynchronous port(s) for a Service Profile of the ASYNC type.
serviceprofile async port |all|none
Where Means
serviceprofile Lab3port2 async port 2
serviceprofile Lab3port2-5 async port 2 3 4 5
serviceprofile Lab3port2 async port all
serviceprofile Lab3port2 async port none
serviceprofile async port
name The name of a Service Profile of the ASYNC type. Refer to the
serviceprofile protocol command on page 524 for more
information on configuring a Service Profile as ASYNC.
async_list Specifies the LX asynchronous port(s) to which syslogd will send the log
messages. In order to specify asynchronous port(s) in this field, the
Service Profile in the name field must be configured as ASYNC. Refer to
the serviceprofile protocol command on page 524 for more
information on configuring a Service Profile as ASYNC. If more than one
asynchronous port is specified, they should be separated by blank spaces;
for example, 2 3 5 6.
Note: You cannot specify port 0 in this command.
all Log messages will be sent to all asynchronous ports on the LX unit.
none Log messages will not be sent to any asynchronous ports on the LX unit.451-0310E 517
Specifies the bits-per-byte setting for a Service Profile of the TAP type.
serviceprofile bits NUMBER
Where Means
serviceprofile Center10 bits 6
serviceprofile bits
name A Service Profile of the TAP type. Refer to the serviceprofile
protocol command on page 524 for more information on configuring a
Service Profile as TAP.
NUMBER Specifies the number of bits per byte that must be supported on any
modem port that is included in this Service Profile. The allowable values
are 5 - 8. The default value is 8.518 451-0310E
Specifies the web driver for a Service Profile of the WEB type.
serviceprofile driver
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
The date and time should be set for the LX unit. (If the date and the time are not set, some
wireless providers will reject the message.) The date and time are set with the date and
clock commands in the Configuration Command Mode. For more information, see the date
command on page 168 and the clock command on page 165.
serviceprofile InternetATT driver ATT_WEB
serviceprofile InternetORANGE driver ORANGE_WEB
serviceprofile driver
name A Service Profile of the WEB type. Refer to the serviceprofile
protocol command on page 524 for more information on configuring a
Service Profile of the WEB type.
drivername Specifies the web driver that will be used to send a log message through
a web interface. The allowable values are ATT_WEB, CELLNET_WEB,
and VERIZON_WEB.451-0310E 519
Specifies the file to which log messages are to be sent for a Service Profile of the Localsyslog
serviceprofile file
Where Means
serviceprofile LabUnit3 file ricklog.txt
serviceprofile file
name A Service Profile of the Localsyslog type. Refer to the serviceprofile
protocol command on page 524 for more information on configuring a
Service Profile as Localsyslog.
filename Specifies the name of the file to which the log messages are to be sent.
This file resides in the /var/log directory of the LX unit. 520 451-0310E
Specifies the destination host for a Service Protocol of the Remotesyslog type.
serviceprofile host
Where Means
Usage Guidelines
After you have specified the remote host with the serviceprofile host command, you
must configure the remote host to serve as a destination host for log messages. Do the
1. Add the following entry to the /etc/syslog.conf file on the remote host:
user.warning /tftpboot/test/user.warning.log
2. Create an empty log file on the remote host:
#touch /tftpboot/test/user.warning.log
#chmod 777 /tftpboot/test/user.warning.log
3. Restart the syslog daemon on the remote host:
# ps –ef|grep syslog
# kill –HUP pid#
serviceprofile Mapleprof host
serviceprofile host
name A Service Profile of the Remotesyslog type. Refer to the
serviceprofile protocol command on page 524 for more
information on configuring a Service Profile as Remotesyslog.
hostname Specifies the host to which the log messages are to be forwarded. The host
can be specified as an IP Address or as any symbolic name that can be
resolved by DNS. 451-0310E 521
Specifies the modem ports for a Service Profile of the TAP type.
serviceprofile modem port |all|none
Where Means
serviceprofile Center10 modem port 4
serviceprofile Centers11and12 modem port 2 3 5 6
serviceprofile modem port
name A Service Profile of the TAP type. Refer to the serviceprofile protocol
command on page 524 for more information on configuring a Service Profile as
port_list Specifies the modem port(s) that syslogd can dial out to send a log message via
TAP. If more than one asynchronous port is specified, they should be
separated by blank spaces; for example, 2 3 5 6.
The modem ports that are specified in this field must support the bits-per-byte
setting of the Service Profile. Refer to serviceprofile bits on page 517
for information on specifying the bits-per-byte setting for a Service Profile.
Refer to the serviceprofile bits command on page 517 for information on
setting the bits-per-byte setting for a modem port.
all All modem ports on the LX unit can be dialed to send a message via TAP.
none None of the modem ports on the LX unit can be dialed to send a message via
TAP.522 451-0310E
Specifies the bit parity characteristic for a Service Profile of the TAP type.
serviceprofile |