+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | README File for TIAM V13.2A | | | | December 2007 | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ This README file contains the additions in TIAM Version 13.2A. A detailed discription of user-commands and macros could be gotten in BS2000 user guides. These additions refer to the following manual: TIAM V11.2 (BS2000/OSD, TRANSDATA) User Guide Order number: U988-J-Z135-8-7600 Contents -------- 1. Introduction ....................................... Page 2 2. System administrator commands ...................... Page 3 2.1. TIAM as DSSM subsystem ............................. Page 3 2.2. Using the $DIALOG application ...................... Page 3 2.3. HIPLEX usage model ................................. Page 4 2.4. START-DIALOG-APPLICATION command ................... Page 5 2.4.1. Definition ......................................... Page 5 2.4.2. Command syntax ..................................... Page 5 2.4.3. Description of operands ............................ Page 5 2.4.4. Examples ........................................... Page 6 2.4.5. Privileges/SDF domains ............................. Page 6 2.4.6. Command return code ................................ Page 6 2.5. STOP-DIALOG-APPLICATION command .................... Page 7 2.5.1. Definition ......................................... Page 7 2.5.2. Command syntax ..................................... Page 7 2.5.3. Description of operands ............................ Page 7 2.5.4. Examples ........................................... Page 8 2.5.5. Privileges/SDF domains ............................. Page 8 2.5.6. Command return code ................................ Page 8 3. User commands ...................................... Page 9 4. Macros ............................................. Page 10 5. Extensions ......................................... Page 10 A - Page 2 - 1. Introduction ============ TIAM V12.0 adds the following features to TIAM V11.2: * TIAM is now a separate DSSM subsystem. * The new commands START-DIALOG-APPLICATION and STOP-DIALOG-APPLICATION activate and deactivate the $DIALOG application (HIPLEX context). * A new return code has been defined for the RDATA/WROUT/WRTRD interfaces (for cancellation event). TIAM V13.0 adds the following features to TIAM V12.0: * New SYSTEM-PROMPT, PROGRAM-PROMPT and ROLL-UP operands for the MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS command. * New SHOW-TERMINAL-ATTRIBUTES command for displaying the terminal attributes (and information to host). TIAM V13.1A adds the following features to TIAM V13.0: * adaption to BS2000/OSD-BC V5.0 TIAM V13.1C adds the following features to TIAM V13.1A: * adaption to BS2000/OSD-BC V7.0 commands and macros * adaption caused by unicode topic in BS2000 TIAM V13.2A adds the following features to TIAM V13.1: * adaption to BS2000/OSD-BC V8.0 A - Page 3 - 2. System administrator commands ============================= 2.1. TIAM as DSSM subsystem ----------------------- Up to version 11.2A, TIAM was included and loaded with the control program via a corresponding UGEN declaration. As of version 12.0A, TIAM is a decoupled DSSM subsystem with the following main characteristics (excerpted from the main catalog): - CREATION-TIME = *BEFORE-SYSTEM-READY: DSSM installs the TIAM subsystem automatically prior to system ready, parallel to the startup. - VERSION-EXCHANGE = *FORBIDDEN: Only a single TIAM subsystem version can be active at a time, not several simultaneously. - VERSION-COEXISTENCE = *FORBIDDEN: Multiple versions are not supported. - STATE-CHANGE-CMDS = *FORBIDDEN: The commands /START, /STOP, /RESUME, and /HOLD-SUBSYSTEM TIAM cannot be used. 2.2. Using the $DIALOG application ----------------------------- TIAM services are made available via a BCAM application called $DIALOG to BS2000 end users who work interactively. Up to TIAM V11.2A (BS2000/OSD V2.0), the $DIALOG application was started automatically while the communication was initialized (by processing the BCAM DCSTART command). This application is closed when the communication is closed (by processing the BCAM BCEND command). With TIAM V12.0A (BS2000/OSD V3.0), some modifications have been implemented as part of the Hiplex project. For activating and deactivating the $DIALOG application, special commands have been added that can be used to start/stop the application on an indicated host (virtual or standard host). They can be used in RUN command files or directly, at the console or at the terminal. The following chart shows the global HIPLEX system structure: +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ! ! ! +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ ! ! ! Standard ! ! Virtual ! ! Virtual ! ! ! ! Host ! ! Host-1 ! ! Host-2 ! ! ! ! (active) ! ! (active) ! ! (inactive) ! ! ! +------+-------+ +------+-------+ +--------------+ ! ! ! ! ! ! +------+-------+ +------+-------+ ! ! ! APPs ! ! APPs ! ! ! +--------------+ +--------------+ ! ! ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ BS2000 System A - Page 4 - In a BS2000 system, the following rules apply: * One STANDARD host (also called REAL or NORMAL host) and 0 through N VIRTUAL hosts can be activated. * A VIRTUAL host can be active or inactive (defined only). * The $DIALOG application can be started at any active host of the BS2000 system. 2.3. HIPLEX usage model ------------------ The system administrator starts the $DIALOG application on a different host (real or virtual). Keep in mind that the $DIALOG is automatically started on the standard host during the TIAM subsystem initialization. An end user who works interactively sets up a link to the $DIALOG application by indicating a host (0 $DIALOG,. This host name can be for a real or a virtual host. The end user is then linked to the respective BS2000 system (the host of the HIPLEX cluster) and can work interactively on this system. The real application location remains transparent for the end user. In case of a crash ('hard' exit), all dialog tasks are aborted. The end user must re-establish the link with the same start command (after the HIPLEX hardware reconfiguration that includes activating the virtual host on another real host). The system administrator can also stop the $DIALOG application for maintenance purposes ('soft' exit). In such a case, the end user can receive a warning to give him time to shut down the connection in an orderly fashion. A - Page 5 - 2.4. START-DIALOG-APPLICATION command -------------------------------- 2.4.1. Definition ---------- The START-DIALOG-APPLICATION command can be used to start a $DIALOG on an indicated host (standard or virtual host) of the local BS2000 system. The prevent synchronization problems, the $DIALOG application can be started even when the indicated host has been defined, but not yet activated. The application is only available while the host is active. 2.4.2. Command syntax -------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! START-DIALog-application ! +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! ! ! HOST-NAME = *STD / ! ! ---- ! +------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2.4.3. Description of operands ----------------------- HOST-NAME = *STD / ---- Host on which the $DIALOG application is to be started *STD: The $DIALOG application should be started on the STANDARD host. : Host name A - Page 6 - 2.4.4. Examples -------- /START-DIALOG-APPLICATION HOST-NAME = MYVHOST Starts the $DIALOG application at the MYVHOST host of a BS2000 system /START-DIAL HOST-NAME = *STD Starts the $DIALOG application at the STANDARD host of a BS2000 system 2.4.5. Privileges/SDF domains ---------------------- OPERATING, NET-ADMINISTRATION 2.4.6. Command return code ------------------- The /START-DIALOG-APPLICATION command has the following command return codes: (1) SUBCODE 1 (2) SUBCODE 2 +----+----+-------------+--------------------------------------------+ !(2) !(1) ! MESSAGE ID ! EXPLANATION ! +----+----+-------------+--------------------------------------------+ ! ! ! ! ! ! 00 ! 00 ! cmd0001 ! Command processes successfully ! ! 00 ! 01 ! cmd0202 ! Syntax error ! ! 00 ! 40 ! cmd0216 ! Required privilege missing ! ! ! ! ! ! +----+----+-------------+--------------------------------------------+ A - Page 7 - 2.5. STOP-DIALOG-APPLICATION command ------------------------------- 2.5.1. Definition ---------- The STOP-DIALOG-APPLICATION command can be used to stop the $DIALOG application that is running on the indicated host of the local BS2000 system. Two types of stop can be initiated: Normal stop: No further connection requests will be accepted. Existing connections are stopped after an indicated time limit. With this method, the DIALOG end user can still close his current job and shut down the connection himself. Immediate stop: No additional connection requests are accepted. Any existing connections are aborted. 2.5.2. Command syntax -------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! STOP-DIALog-application ! +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! ! ! HOST-NAME = *STD / ! ! ---- ! ! TERM = *LATEST (TIME = 5 / ) / *IMMEDIATELY ! ! ------- - ! +------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2.5.3. Description of operands -------------------------- HOST-NAME = *STD / ---- Name of host on whom the $DIALOG application is to be stopped. *STD: The $DIALOG application running on the STANDARD host should be stopped. : Host name A - Page 8 - TERM = *LATEST (TIME = 5 / ) / *IMMEDIATELY ------- - Indication how the $DIALOG application is to be stopped *IMMEDIATELY: The $DIALOG application is to be stopped immediately. *LATEST : The $DIALOG application is to be stopped after the indicated time limit. TIME: Indicates the maximum waiting period in minutes until the connection is explicitly terminated. The default value is 5 minutes. As with the BCAM commands, the alias *QUICK is defined for *IMMEDIATELY, and the alias *NORMAL for *LATEST. 2.5.4. Examples -------- /STOP-DIALOG-APPLICATION HOST-NAME = MYVHOST Stops the $DIALOG application that runs on host MYVHOST of a BS2000 system immediately. /STOP-DIAL HOST-NAME = *STD Stops the $DIALOG application that runs on the STANDARD host of a BS2000 system. /STOP-DIAL HOST-NAME = MYVHOST, TERM=*LATEST(TIME=10) Stops the $DIALOG application running on host MYVHOST within 10 minutes 2.5.5. Privileges/SDF domains ---------------------- OPERATING, NET-ADMINISTRATION 2.5.6. Command return code ------------------- The /STOP-DIALOG-APPLICATION command has the following command return codes: (1) SUBCODE 1 (2) SUBCODE2 +----+----+-------------+--------------------------------------------+ !(2) !(1) ! MESSAGE ID ! EXPLANATION ! +----+----+-------------+--------------------------------------------+ ! ! ! ! ! ! 00 ! 00 ! cmd0001 ! Command processes successfully ! ! 00 ! 01 ! cmd0202 ! Syntax error ! ! 00 ! 40 ! cmd0216 ! Required privilege missing ! ! ! ! ! ! +----+----+-------------+--------------------------------------------+ A - Page 9 - 3. User commands ============= You will find information on the following macros in user guide commands Volume 3 MOD-JV - R order number U41070-J-Z125-7-76 commands Volume 5 SH-PUB - Z order number U23164-J-Z125-6-76 commands Volume 6 S-Variables order number U23165-J-Z125-6-76 - /MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS - /SHOW-TERMINAL-ATTRIBUTES (support of S-Variables) - /SHOW-TERMINAL-OPTIONS (support of S-Variables) A - Page 10 - 4. Macros ====== You will find information on the following macros in user guide Executive Macros order number U3291-J-Z125-11-76 - RDATA - WROUT - WRTRD 5. Extensions ========== PM A0563655 2007-12-06 Hint to command MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS, operand CODED-CHARACTER-SET A real change of a coded-character-set leads to clear the screen, for example change 7-bit C-C-S to UTFE C-C-S. Since a screen will be displayed with the specified C-C-S, the coexistence of both C-C-S on one screen is not possible and it is neccessary to clear the screen.