- Page 1 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | README file for ELSA V1.7A | | Edition: October 2000 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This document describes the changes in ELSA version ELSA V1.7A compared with version V1.6A. The changes described in this document refer to the manual ELSA V1.6A December 1999 Edition Order number: U22344-J-Z125-3-76 References to the English edition of the "ELSA V1.6A" manual are "section ... of the manual" or "page ... of the manual". Contents -------- 1 General changes ........................................ Page 2 1.1 Installation of ELSA V1.7A ............................. Page 2 2 HEL - Changes and new functions ........................ Page 2 2.1 Changes in the "SCHR" function ......................... Page 2 2.2 Extension of the special selection masks ............... Page 3 3 SVP - Changes and new functions ........................ Page 7 3.1 Adjustment of SVP-SEQ-NUM format to FRAME .............. Page 7 3.2 Display of a 2nd FLAGCODE in the detail functions ...... Page 8 3.3 EBCDIC text for HEX codes in detail dump evaluation .... Page 10 3.4 Support of the systems "S170" and "S140" ............... Page 11 3.5 New ELSA messages in the case of an incorrectly generated SVP-HD ....................................... Page 11 A - Page 2 - 1 General changes --------------- 1.1 Installation of ELSA V1.7A -------------------------- Section 4 of the manual, "Installation", applies by analogy also to ELSA V1.7A. The table (on page 23 of the manual) with all of the files required for operating ELSA should be replaced with the following table: Standard File Name | LOGICAL ID | File ---------------------+-------------+--------------------------- SYSPRG.ELSA.017 | SYSPRG | ELSA program (phase) | | SYSFHS.ELSA.017 | SYSFHS | FHS mask library | | SYSLNK.ELSA.017.SVP | SYSLNK.SVP | Library for SVP file | | analysis | | SYSDAT.ELSA.017.HELP | SYSDAT.HELP | Help texts | | (multilingual) | | SYSMES.ELSA.017 | SYSMES | Message file | | (multilingual) | | SYSMSV.ELSA.017 | | Message file (old | | format for OSD-BC V1.0) | | SYSSDF.ELSA.017 | SYSSDF | ELSA SDF system syntax file | | for ELSA commands | | in command mode and the | | /START-ELSA command | | SYSSII.ELSA.017 | SYSSII | Structure and installation | | information file | | for IMON | | (Installation Monitor) ---------------------+-------------+--------------------------- 2 HEL - Changes and new functions ------------------------------- 2.1 Changes in the "SCHR" function ------------------------------ In section 10 of the manual, "Field names" (page 259 ff.), the description of the meaning of VM is to be changed as follows: +------+----------------------------------------------------+ | VM | When VM-global HEL files are evaluated, the "VM" | | | has the default entry "00" for a monitor system, | | | and for the number of the guest system. | | | | | | In all other cases, the field has the entry "00". | +------+----------------------------------------------------+ A - Page 3 - 2.2 Extension of the special selection masks ---------------------------------------- The option of specifying selection masks for HEL file records of record class D (Device Error) has been extended so that the specified filter criteria can also be used for log bytes, i.e. also for HEL file records of record class L (Controller Log Data). In section 5.7 of the manual, "Main menu", on page 33, the last point, "Request selection masks ...", is to be replaced with the following text - Request selection masks (Press F2) with which the HEL records are selected according to the contents of the sense bytes or log bytes. In section 5.9 of the manual, "Mask input screen", the text on page 52 is to be replaced with the following one: This screen allows the input of special selection masks for HEL records of record classes D (DEVICE ERROR) and L (CONTROLLER LOG DATA). With the selection masks, these records are selected according to the contents of specific sense bytes and log bytes respectively. A maximum of 12 selection masks can be input. A selection mask consists of a byte number (beginning with 0) and a bit mask. The program analyzes only those records in which the bits of the sense bytes or log bytes match those of the bit mask. The mask input screen is called if you press the F2 function key in the main menu or enter NEXT: /F2. When the mask input screen is called and at least one selection mask defined, analysis is restricted to records of the record classes D and L; all other HEL records and the SVP records are excluded from analysis. When the mask input screen is called for the first time, all input fields except NEXT are blank; On every subsequent call, the content of each field is carried over from the previous session. A - Page 4 - Replace the mask input screen M100 shown on page 52 with the following one: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- M100 SPECIAL SELECTION MASKS for DEVICE ERROR and CONTROLLER LOG DATA ELSA V1.7A10 00-10-01 13:55 ======================================================================= BYTE BITS OF SENSEBYTE/LOGBYTE NUMBER 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 000 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 x 013 x x x 1 x x x x 255 1 1 1 0 x x x x ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . Possible Values: 0, 1, other - don't care NEXT: .... F1=help F3=main menu K1=main menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The description of the "SENSEBYTE NUMBER" and "BITS OF SENSEBYTE" fields, which then follows on page 54 of the manual, is to be replaced as follows: BYTE NUMBER Number of the byte whose bits are to be compared with those of of the bit mask. The number must be specified in decimal form; numbering of the bytes begins with 0. If a number is missing, the number of the preceding line is used; If the first number is also missing, number 0 is assumed. The postulated numbers appear the next time the screen is called. BITS OF SENSEBYTE/LOGBYTE Bit mask for the bit comparison with the respective byte Possible values are: 0 = Bit comparison 0 1 = Bit comparison 1 Other character = No bit comparison A - Page 5 - In section 6.1 of the manual, "List of statements," replace the description of "SET-MASK" command on page 68 f. with the following text: Function The SET-MASK statement enables you to define special selection masks for HEL records of record class D (DEVICE ERROR) and L (CONTROLLER LOG DATA) or delete selection masks defined before. As long as selection masks are defined, analysis is restricted to HEL records of record class D (DEVICE ERROR) and L (CONTROLLER LOG DATA). These records are selected with the selection masks according to the contents of specific sense bytes or log bytes. All other HEL records and SVP records are automatically excluded from analysis. The statement remains valid until the next SET-MASK statement is entered, or until the program is terminated. The SET-MASK statement corresponds exactly to the mask input screen of the menu system (see page 52) Format +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | SET-MASK | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | BYTE-NUMBER = *NONE / list-poss(12):(...) | | (...) | | | BITMASK = | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Operands BYTE-NUMBER = Defines or deletes the selection masks BYTE-NUMBER = *NONE The previously defined selection masks are deleted; analysis is no longer restricted to records of record classes D and L. BYTE-NUMBER = list-poss(12): (...) One or more numbers of sense bytes or log bytes; the bits of these will be compared with those of a bit mask. Enter the numbers of the sense bytes or log bytes in decimal form; numbering of the bytes begins with 0. BITMASK = Used to input the bit mask for comparison of the corresponding sense byte or log byte. The operand is mandatory. A bit mask contains a maximum of 8 positions (i.e. positions can be omitted on the right). The individual positions can contain the following values: 0 = Bit comparison to 0 1 = Bit comparison to 1 If a position contains a different alphanumeric character, bit comparison does not take place. A - Page 6 - Example //SET-MASK BYTE=(0(BIT=1XXX0),5(BIT=XXXXXXX1)) Analysis is restricted to HEL records of the record classes D and L, the sense bytes or log bytes contain the following bit values: BYTE0: Bit0=1 and bit4=0 BYTE5: Bit7=1 In section 8 of the manual, "Messages", the following messages are to be replaced with new message texts: ELS2350 BYTE NUMBER '(&00)' SPECIFIED TWICE ELS2351 BYTE NUMBER '(&00)' IS ILLEGAL - VALID: 000,001,...,255 ELS2352 BIT MASK NOT SPECIFIED FOR BYTE '(&00)' ELS2353 OUT OF VALUE RANGE (000,001,...,255) FOR BYTE NUMBER A - Page 7 - 3 SVP - Changes and new functions ------------------------------- 3.1 Adjustment of SVP-SEQ-NUM format to FRAME ----------------------------------------- Expand the "SVP-SEQ-NUM" field from 4 to 5 characters at the following points: - In section 5.7 of the manual, in the main menu layout - In section 7.9 of the manual, in the 'SHOW-SELECTION-PARAMETERS' layout Expand the "SEQ#" field from 4 to 5 characters at the following points: - On the "L620" screen on page 117 of the manual - On the "DE620" screen on page 141 of the manual - On the "DD620" screen on page 148 of the manual - On the "DD630" screen on page 150 of the manual - On the "DD640" screen on page 151 of the manual - On the "DD650" screen on page 152 of the manual In section 5.8.2 of the manual, the first paragraph under 'SVP-SEQ-NUM' is to be changed as follows: Specification of a sequence number interval for SVP records. Depending on their use in the SVP, the sequence numbers are to be specified in decimal or hexadecimal form. Leading zeros may be omitted. The decimal or hexadecimal use of the sequence numbers is as follows: DECIMAL with the following system types: 7590/C40/H120/H121/H130/S110/S115/S130/S135/S140/S150/S160/S170 HEXADECIMAL with the following system types: H60/H90/H100/C50/C70/C80/SR2000/DS2000 In section 6.2 of the manual, the following operands of the 'SET-SELECTION' command are to be changed as follows: SVP-SEQ-NUM-FROM = *NOT-SELECTED / SVP-SEQ-NUM-TO = *NOT-SELECTED / In section 10 of the manual, "Field names" (page 259ff), the text for the meaning of field name "#SEQ" is to be replaced as follows: +------+----------------------------------------------------+ | SEQ# |Sequence number of the HEL or SVP file record. | | |HEL: Hexadecimal output. | | |SVP: Decimal or hexadecimal output | | | depending on the use in SVP. | | | (only C40: a leading asterisk ('*') indicates | | | the existence of a detailed logout) | +------+----------------------------------------------------+ A - Page 8 - 3.2 Display of a 2nd FLAGCODE in the detail functions ------------------------------------------------- Change section 7.5.2 of the manual, "Function DE: DETAIL-PROCESSING-EDIT" as follows: - On page 141 of the manual, insert the following paragraph before the "DE620" screen: In addition, a second FLAGCODE with the corresponding UNIT is indicated for each record if the SVP record contains such a value. - Replace the "DE620" screen on page 141 of the manual with the following one: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DE620 DETAIL-PROCESSING - SVP-FILE RECORDS ELSA V1.7A10 CPU: 70020001 89000000 S170 00-10-01 16:13 ======================================================================= FIRST: 00-03-29 15:47:37 LAST: 00-03-30 14:11:42 TOTAL CNT: 75 SEQ# UNIT FLAGCODE DATE/TIME ERCNT LAST DATE/TIME 04847 CHP 52 A204 31 00A22K30 000330 131219 1 CHP 5W 04A2 01 00A20K00 04848 CHP 52 2204 31 00222K30 000330 131219 1 CHP 5W 0422 01 00220K00 04849 CHP 52 A205 31 00A22K30 000330 131227 1 CHP 5W 05A2 01 00A20K00 04850 CHP 52 2205 31 00222K30 000330 131235 1 CHP 5W 0522 01 00220K00 04784 WTCSL D9 0050 1 00000K00 000329 160556 1 04785 WTCSL D9 ETMR K1 00000K00 000329 160623 1 04786 WTCSL D9 0557 1 00000K00 000329 161101 1 04787 WTCSL D9 NSI1 11 00000K00 000329 161139 1 04804 WTCSL D9 LAS T1 00000K00 000329 173259 1 04805 WTCSL D9 T502 1 00000K00 000329 173639 1 NEXT: .... (+/-) F1=help F2=show sel-par F3=main menu K1=return ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Change section 7.5.3 of the manual, "Function DD: DETAIL-PROCESSING-DUMP", as follows: - On page 151 of the manual, insert the following paragraph before the "DD640" screen: In addition, a second FLAGCODE including the corresponding UNIT is indicated for each record if such a value exists in the SVP record. - Replace the "DD640" screen on page 151 of the manual with the following one: A - Page 9 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DD640 DETAIL-PROCESSING DUMP - SVP-FILE RECORDS ELSA V1.7A10 CPU: 84020002 17800000 H120-S 00-10-01 15:33 ======================================================================= SEQ# UNIT FLAGCODE DATE/TIME ERCNT LAST DATE/TIME ADDR HEX RECORD 05768 CPU0 23 5010 41 00000000 94-04-25 07:33:59 2 94-04-25 07:33:59 CPU0 23 5010 41 00000000 0000 8000C000 16888000 01000002 23501041 00000000 23501041 00000000 0020 33599404 25073359 00020000 40F70000 00000000 00000000 00012000 0040 00000000 00000001 20620000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0060 00000000 00000000 000094C0 02B00000 00000000 00000000 00000000 NEXT: .... F1=help F2=show sel-par F3=main menu K1=return ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - On page 152 of the manual, insert the following paragraph before the "DD650" screen: In addition, a second FLAGCODE including the corresponding UNIT is indicated for each record if such a value exists in the SVP record. - Replace the "DD650" screen on page 152 with the following one: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DD650 DETAIL-PROCESSING DUMP - SVP-FILE RECORDS ELSA V1.7A10 CPU: 61420001 18000000 H130-J 00-10-01 12:54 ======================================================================= SEQ# UNIT FLAGCODE DATE/TIME ERCNT LAST DATE/TIME 04660 UNANAL 00 7004 33 B4C10111 940321 100907 0 000000 000001 UNANAL 00 7004 33 B4C10111 ADDR HEX RECORD 0000 400020C0 12344000 00000002 F0F0F7F0 F0F4F3F3 C2F4C3F1 F0F1F1F1 0020 F0F4F3F3 C2F4C3F1 F0F1F1F1 19940321 10090700 00000000 00000100 0040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00802045 36304C32 310000E0 2B303033 0060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0160 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 NEXT: .... F1=help F2=show sel-par F3=main menu K1=return ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A - Page 10 - 3.3 EBCDIC text for HEX codes in detail dump evaluation --------------------------------------------------- Change section 7.5.3 of the manual, "Function DD: DETAIL-PROCESSING-DUMP" as follows: - On page 152, remove the systems "S110/S115/S135/S150/S160" from the title. - Insert the following at the end of page 152: Systems "S110/S115/S135/S140/S150/S160/S170 With these system types a screen contains an SVP record (=Flagcode Record). The most important data of the SVP record (sequence number, unit, flagcode etc.) is edited. This is followed by the complete contents of the record in dump format (hexadecimal and printable). In addition, a second FLAGCODE including the corresponding UNIT is indicated for each record if such a value exists in the SVP record. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DD655 DETAIL-PROCESSING DUMP - SVP-FILE RECORDS ELSA V1.7A10 CPU: 24021010 88000000 S160 00-10-01 08:38 ======================================================================= SEQ# UNIT FLAGCODE or MSG# DATE/TIME ERCNT LAST DATE/TIME 00217 WTCSL D9 0000 0 00001T00 000229 012228 1 ADDR HEX RECORD EBCDIC 0000 08000000 00D90800 00E00001 C4F9F0F0 .....R......D900 0010 F0F040F0 F0F0F0F0 F1E3F0F0 00000000 00 000001T00.... 0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 20000229 ................ 0030 01222800 00000000 00000000 00010000 ................ 0040 0000C000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0050 00000000 000080B0 C5F3F0D3 F0F1C7F0 ........E30L01G0 0060 F2C54EF0 F0F1F340 00010000 00000000 2E+0013 ........ 0070 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0080 C7E2F8F8 F0F04040 00000000 00000000 GS8800 ........ 0090 61F3F0C2 40404040 40404040 FE9F0000 /30B .... 00A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 00B0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ NEXT: +... (+) F1=help F2=show sel-par F3=main menu K1=return K3=previous mask ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A - Page 11 - 3.4 Support of the systems "S170" and "S140" ---------------------------------------- All those sections in the manual that refer to the system "S150" are also valid for the systems "S170" and "S140". This affects pages 13, 14, 103, 117, 141, 142, 148, and 152. This does not affect the UNIT table in section 5.8.2 of the manual, "Special selection criteria for SVP records" on page 51: This table for the systems "S170" and "S140" is to be expanded as follows: +----------+------------------------+---------------------------+ | System | Unit group | UNITs | +----------+------------------------+---------------------------+ | S170 / | Central processor | CPU0 ..... CPUF | | S140 | | CPU | | | | MSU01 | | | Peripheral processor | CHE | | | | CHP | | | | IOPA0 ..... IOPAF | | | Other processor | FW | | | | IPL | | | | SSU0 SSU1 | | | | SVP | | | | SVPOS | | | | SYSBD | | | | WTCSL | | | ARMSS | ARMSS | | | Power supply | POW | | | Undefined unit | UNDEF | +----------+------------------------+---------------------------+ In section 6 of the manual "Control by program statements", in the SET-SVP-REFERENCE statement (page 74), the system "S170" can also be specified as an SVP reference type. For this purpose, the REFERENCE-TYPE operand is extended to include a new operand value: REFERENCE-TYPE = ... / *S170 3.5 New ELSA messages in the case of an incorrectly generated SVP-HD ---------------------------------------------------------------- In section 8 of the manual, "Messages", the message texts for the following messages are to be replaced: ELS4010 SVP-HD HAS NOT BEEN GENERATED WITH DEVICE NAME 'C0' ELS4011 SVP-HD HAS NOT BEEN GENERATED WITH DEVICE TYP 'DSVP1'