A - Page 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- | README file for JV V15.1A (BS2000/OSD) | | Month of issue: January 2012 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file includes the already known changes to the manual [1] JV V15.0A Job variables Month of issue, December 2010 Order number, U3616-J-Z125-10 This manual is also valid for JV V15.1A. List of contents ================== 1 New functions ....................................... Page 2 1.1 New commands ....................................... Page 2 2 Modified functions ............................... Page 5 2.1 Modifications / extensions in the commands........ Page 5 2.2 Modifications / extensions in the macros ........... Page 7 A - Page 2 - 1 New functions 1.1 New commands * New EDIT commands for job variables. ======================================== Requirement: Create EDIT commands analog to MODIFY commands. To ensure improved handling, the currently installed values are specified in managed dialog, which the user would otherwise have to determine for himself using the SHOW command. * EDIT-JV command(SDF) ======================= Modify job variable content Activate managed dialog for MODIFY-JV Application area: JOB-VARIABLES Privilege: STD-PROCESSING HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE OPERATING SAT-FILE-EVALUATION SAT-FILE-MANAGEMENT SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION Function description: The command activates the managed dialog for the command MODIFY-JV. If technically possible and feasible, the predefined values of the individual operands are replaced by the values that are currently valid for the job variable specified. Format |--------------------------------------------------------------| | EDIT-JV Short name: EDJV | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | | JV-NAME = | | , OUTPUT-FORMAT = *CHARACTER / *HEXADECIMAL | | ---------- | | , PASSWORD = *NONE / / / | | ----- | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| Operand description JV-NAME = Name of the job variable for which a managed dialog is to be initiated. The operands are supplied with the values that are specially required for the job variable. OUTPUT-FORMAT = Defines the output format. OUTPUT-FORMAT = *CHARACTER Output in character format. OUTPUT-FORMAT = *HEXADECIMAL Output in hexadecimal format. A - Page 3 - PASSWORD = *NONE / / / Read and write password of the JV to be modified. The operand PASSWORD has the following peculiarities: - In managed dialog, the input field is automatically deactivated/blended out. . - The entered password is not protocolled. Command return code (SC2) SC1 Maincode meaning 0 CMD0001 Command executed without an error If errors occur when S variables are being processed, the respective SDF-P command return codes are returned. A - Page 4 - * EDIT-JV-ATTRIBUTES command(SDF) ================================== Modify JV feature Activate managed dialog for MODIFY-JV-ATTRIBUTES Application area: JOB-VARIABLES Privilege: STD-PROCESSING HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE SAT-FILE-EVALUATION SAT-FILE-MANAGEMENT SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION Function description The command activates the managed dialog for the command MODIFY-JV-ATTRIBUTES. If technically possible and feasible, the predefined default values of the individual operands are replaced by the values that are currently valid for the specified job variable. Format |--------------------------------------------------------------| | EDIT-JV-ATTRIBUTES Short name: EDJVA | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | JV-NAME = | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| Operand description JV-NAME = Name of the job variables for which a managed dialog is to be set. The operands are supplied with the values which are especially valid for this job. Command return code (SC2) SC1 Maincode meaning 0 CMD0001 Command executed without an error Additionally, all command return codes can be returned for the commands MODIFY-JV-ATTRIBUTES and SHOW-JV-ATTRIBUTES. If errors occur when S-variables are being processed, the respective SDF-P-command-return-codes are returned. A - Page 5 - 2 Modified functions 2.1 Modifications / Extensions in the commands * DELETE-JV ============ The command DELETE-JV is used to delete job variables. Job variables were hitherto only selected via the path names (catalog ID, user ID and JV-name), fully or partially qualified, with or without wildcards. With effect from JV Version 15.1A, the required selection can be additionally restricted via the path names. Only those JVs are selected which have the features that are described in the Selection operands. If a selection operand is not specified or if it has the value ANY, then the selection will be made independent of the respective feature. Note! To ensure that the correct job variables with the specified selection are deleted, it is urgently recommended to issue a SHOW-JV-ATTRIBUTES command with the respective selection. Job variable deletion cannot be reversed! |--------------------------------------------------------------| | DELETE-JV | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | | | . | | . | | . | | | | [,SELECT = *ALL | *BY-ATTRIBUTES ( | | ---- | | [,ACCESS = *ANY | *READ | *WRITE ] | | ---- | | [,USER-ACCESS = *ANY | *ALL-USERS | *OWNER-ONLY ] | | ---- | | [,PASSWORD = *ANY | *NONE | *READ-PASSWORD | | | ---- *WRITE-PASSWORD ] | | [,CREATION-DATE = *ANY | date | (date,date) | | | ---- | | date (TIME= *ANY | (time,time) | | | ---- | | (time[,]) | ([,]time)) || | | | (date(time),date(time)) ] | | | | [,EXPIRATION-DATE = *ANY | date | (date,date) | | | ---- | | date(TIME= *ANY | (time,time) | | | ---- | | (time[,]) | ([,]time)) || | | | (date(time),date(time)) ] | A - Page 6 - | | | [,BASIC-ACL = *ANY | *YES | *NONE | | | ---- | | (OWNER = *ANY | *NO-ACCESS | | | ---- | | (READ = *ANY | *YES | *NO | | ---- | | ,WRITE = *ANY | *YES | *NO) ) | | ---- | | (,GROUP = *ANY | *NO-ACCESS | | | ---- | | (READ = *ANY | *YES | *NO | | ---- | | ,WRITE = *ANY | *YES | *NO) ) | | ---- | | (,OTHERS = *ANY | *NO-ACCESS | | | ---- | | (READ = *ANY | *YES | *NO | | ---- | | ,WRITE = *ANY | *YES | *NO) ) ] | | ---- | | [,GUARDS = *ANY | *YES | *NONE | | | ---- | | (READ = *ANY | *NONE | filename | | ---- | | ,WRITE = *ANY | *NONE | filename ) ] | | ---- | | [,MANAGEMENT-CLASS = *ANY | *NONE | manclass ] | | ---- | | [,PROTECTION-ACTIVE = *ANY | *LEVEL-0 | *LEVEL-1 | | | ---- *LEVEL-2 ] | | [,SIZE = *ANY | int | (int,int) | (int[,]) | ([,]int)]| | ---- | | )] | |--------------------------------------------------------------| OPERAND DESCRIPTION: See SHOW-JV-ATTRIBUTES command A - Page 7 - 2.2 Modifications / Extensions in the macros * ERAJV ======== The macro ERAJV is used to delete job variables. Job variables were hitherto only selected via the path name (catalog ID, user ID and JV-name), fully or partially-qualified, with or without wildcards. With effect from JV Version 15.1A, the selection made via the path name can be further restricted using the selection operand. Only those JVs are selected which show the features that are described in the selection operands. If a selection operand is not specified or if it has the value ANY, then the selection is performed independent of the respective feature. At macro-level, the selection operand is then specified using the macro JVSEL. The linking with the "normal" ERAJV parameter list is made by linking the address of the JVSEL parameter list in the field IDJEJVS of the ERAJV parameter list. If the field IDJEJVS is set to zero, no selection is made via the selection operands. The macro ERAJV has been extended by a new parameter: (Note: Only possible with SVC190 and Version = 1!) SELADDR = If the parameter is not specified, the field IDJEJVS will be set to zero. This means that no selection is required via Selection. Function, see STAJV macro.