TSB Release Notes

Release Notes

Test Script Builder Software

Version: KTS-850J05

Keithley Instruments

May 2020


Table of content

1. Introduction.. 1

2. New Features. 1

2.1.                New Features in KTS-850J05

2.2.                New Features in KTS-850J04

2.3.                New Features in KTS-850J03

2.4.                New Features in KTS-850J02

2.5.                New Features in KTS-850J01

2.6.                New Features in KTS-850H01

2.7.                New Features in KTS-850G03

2.8.                New Features in KTS-850G02

2.9.                New Features in KTS-850G01

2.10.            New Features in KTS-850F02

2.11.            New Features in KTS-850F01

2.12.            New Features in KTS-850E02

2.13.            New Features in KTS-850E01

2.14.            New Features in KTS-850D01

3. System Requirements. 3

4. Supported Operating Systems. 4

5. Supported Communication Interfaces. 4

6. Supported Instruments. 4

7. Known Problems and Issues. 5

8. Copyright Notice. 5 


1.  Introduction

Test Script Builder is a tool for creating scripts. It includes built-in color coding, debugging tools, and error handling. This document provides information which is new to this release as well as a list of known issues. For complete software installation and upgrade details, please refer to the Test Script Builder Installation Guide.


2.  New Features


2.1        New Features in KTS-850J05

Added help content and sample project for Model 2601B-PULSE.

2.2        New Features in KTS-850J04

Added new help content for Models 2450, 2460, 2461, 2470, DMM 7510, DMM 6500 and DAQ 6510.


2.3        New Features in KTS-850J03



2.4        New Features in KTS-850J02


-          Fixed TSB sometimes lockup when sending TSP script to the instrument via USB

-          Fixed Cannot upgrade/downgrade firmware through Test Script Builder(PR-61365)


2.5        New Features in KTS-850J01



2.6        New Features in KTS-850H01

·         Support for new instruments: Model 2606B, Model DMM7512


2.7        New Features in KTS-850G03

·         Support for new instruments: Model 2461


·         Support for Microsoft Windows 10 Operating Systems



2.8        New Features in KTS-850G02

·         Updated version of Keithley Configuration Panel and Keithley Communicator (AR #42795) to send :syst:rem command only when using RS-232 communication interface.


·         Help contents updated for Models 2450, 2460, DMM7510 command references.


·         TSB Bug Fixes

-          Test Script Builder double TSP > prompts (NCM07068)

-          Script quits printing back to console or drops a line

-          Minor change to SolarPanel_Sweep demo to correct error 1703


2.9        New Features in KTS-850G01


·         Support for new instruments: DMM7510


·         Help contents updated for Model 2460 command reference.


2.10    New Features in KTS-850F02


·         Support for new instruments: 2460


·         Help contents updated for Model 2450 command reference.


2.11    New Features in KTS-850F01


·         Support for new instruments: 2450


·         Support for Microsoft Windows 8


·         Updated versions of NI VISA, KESCPI Instrument driver, Keithley Configuration Panel and Keithley Communicator, and the IVI Compliance Package (ICP) software, all of which are used in conjunction with the Test Script Builder software





2.12    New Features in KTS-850E02


·         Support for new instruments: 2601B, 2602B, 2611B, 2612B, 2635B, 2636B, 2604B, 2614B, 2634B




2.13    New Features in KTS-850E01

·         Added new Debug feature (see Help Contents for Keithley TSB Documentation)


·         Added Script outline (in the Outline View), Instrument Scripts View, Tips and Tricks Help Page


·         TSP Editor changes

-          Unified TSP editor preferences with standard text editor preferences

-          Show vertical ruler (left margin) with its features of breakpoints, tasks, warnings, errors, etc.

-          Show outline ruler (right margin) with its features of tasks, warnings, errors, etc.


·         Language warnings and errors

-          Added warnings for unused local variables and parameters

-          Added warning for assignment to loop control variable, which invokes undefined behavior

-          Added error for lines that are too long to transfer to the instrument


·         Support for new instruments: 3706A, 2651A


·         Updated Test Script Builder Help Contents


·         Updated Eclipse Platform


·         Unbundled the Add-In for 3706. (The driver still supports the 3706 series and, the TSB Add-In can be installed separately).


2.14    New Features in KTS-850D01

·         Support for Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Vista Operating Systems


·         Updated versions of NI VISA, KESCPI Instrument driver, Keithley Configuration Panel and Keithley Communicator, and the IVI Compliance Package (ICP) software, all of which are used in conjunction with the Test Script Builder software


3.  System Requirements

Pentium III, 800 MHz class PC or better

500 MByte free disk space

A supported communication interface (see section 5)

A supported instrument (see section 6)


NOTE: It is strongly recommended that your computer and instrument be powered by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) when running a critical application.


4.  Supported Operating Systems

§  Microsoft Windows 10 Pro & Enterprise (32-bit & 64-bit)

§  Microsoft Windows 8 Pro & Enterprise (32-bit & 64-bit) service pack 1 or later

§  Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32-bit & 64-bit) service pack 1 or later

§  Microsoft Windows Vista Business & Enterprise & Ultimate (32-bit & 64-bit) service pack 2 or later


NOTE: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP operating systems are not supported.


Test Script Builder requires Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later


5.  Supported Communication Interfaces

The following interfaces are supported:

§  Keithley Instruments PCI GPIB cards

o   KPCI-488A with driver version 9.2 or higher

o   KPCI-488LPA with driver version 3.13.2 or higher

§  Keithley Instruments USB-to-GPIB adaptors

o   KUSB-488A with driver version 9.2 or higher

o   KUSB-488B with driver version 3.13.2 or higher

§  NI VISA compatible GPIB controllers

§  Ethernet

§  USB (TMC Protocol)

§  RS-232


NOTE: Other than the Keithley Instruments or National Instruments USB-to-GPIB adaptors all other interfaces must be direct interfaces.  Test Script Builder was not tested with USB-RS-232 adaptors or Ethernet-to-GPIB adaptors.


6.  Supported Instruments

The following Keithley Instrument Models are supported by this release of Test Script Builder:




Model Number

Minimum Firmware Version Recommended to Run Scripts(1)

Minimum Firmware Version Required to Debug Scripts

























2601, 2602, 2611, 2612, 2635, 2636


<not supported>

2601A, 2602A, 2611A, 2612A, 2635A, 2636A



2601B, 2602B, 2604B, 2611B, 2612B, 2614B, 2634B, 2635B, 2636B















3706, 3706-S, 3706-NFP, 3706-SNFP


<not supported>

3706A, 3706A-S, 3706A-NFP, 3706A-SNFP



707B, 708B



    (1) Test Script Builder will work with instruments having older versions of firmware.  The noted versions are recommended because they include numerous improvements made over time, and will generally offer more optimum performance

7.  Known Problems and Issues


8.  Copyright Notice

Portions of the Test Script Builder software © Copyright 2020 Keithley Instruments, LLC. All rights reserved.

Portions of the Test Script Builder software © Copyright IBM Corp. and others 2020. All rights reserved.  Visit www.eclipse.org/platform

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation http://www.apache.org/

The VISA software supplied with Test Script Builder is © Copyright 2005-2020 National Instrument Corporation. All rights reserved.