XML Schema Object Documentation for root_objects, version 1. 0.
XML Schema Object Documentation for root_objects, version 1. 0.
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <Configuration>
Description: Root object for admin-plane operational data
Task IDs required: admin
Child objects:
<AlphaDisplay> - Alpha Display Operational data space
<EnvironmentalMonitoring> - Environmental Monitoring Operational data space
<Install> - Information of software packages and install operations
<Inventory> - Inventory operational data
<License> - Information of license list and operations
<NTP> - NTP admin operational data
<PlatformInventory> - Inventory operational data
<SystemProcess> - Admin process information
Available Paths:
Description: Root object for admin-plane action data
Task IDs required: admin
Child objects:
<License> - Information of license operations
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
4. Objects <MPLS_LCAC>
Description: MPLS-LCAC action data
Task IDs required: mpls-te
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Clear> - MPLS-LCAC counters clearing action.
<FloodAllLocalLinks> - Causes an immediate flooding of all the local links.
Available Paths:
Description: MPLS-LCAC counters clearing action.
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Statistics> - Clears all the statistics in MPLS-LCAC.
Available Paths:
Description: Clears all the statistics in MPLS-LCAC.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True only
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Causes an immediate flooding of all the local links.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True only
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
1. Objects <RouterStatic>
Description: This class represents router static configuration
Task IDs required: static
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DefaultVRF> - Default VRF configuration
<MaximumRoutes> - The maximum number of static routes that can be configured.
<VRFTable> - VRF static configuration container
Available Paths:
Description: The maximum number of static routes that can be configured.
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<IPV4Routes> - The maximum number of static routes that can be configured for IPv4 AFI.
<IPV6Routes> - The maximum number of static routes that can be configured for IPv6 AFI.
Available Paths:
Description: The maximum number of static routes that can be configured for IPv4 AFI.
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 140000
Description:The maximum number of static routes that can be configured for this AFI
Default value:
IPV4Routes => 4000
Available Paths:
Description: The maximum number of static routes that can be configured for IPv6 AFI.
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 140000
Description:The maximum number of static routes that can be configured for this AFI
Default value:
IPV6Routes => 4000
Available Paths:
Description: Default VRF configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AddressFamily> - Address family configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Address family configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFIPV4> - IPv4 static configuration
<VRFIPV6> - IPv6 static configuration
Available Paths:
Description: A static route
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Destination prefix
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:Destination prefix length
Child objects:
<VRFRecurseRouteTable> - A recursive next VRF static route
<VRFRoute> - A connected or recursive static route
Available Paths:
Description: A recursive next vrf static route
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Fallback or recusive VRF name
Child objects:
<VRFRecursiveNextHopTable> - The set of nexthop information configured for this route
Available Paths:
Description: The set of nexthop information configured for this route
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFNextHop> - A forwarding interface and/or the address of a nexthop router for this route (one of these must be specified)
Available Paths:
Description: A forwarding interface and/or the address of a nexthop router for this route (one of these must be specified)
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Forwarding interface
Type: IPAddress
Description:Next hop address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:If set, bfd is enabled
Type: Range. Value lies between 10 and 10000
Description:BFD Hello interval in milliseconds
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 10
Description:BFD Detect Multiplier
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 254
Description:Distance metric for this path
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Tag for this path
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:If set, path is permanent
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and -1
Description:VRF LABEL
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 65535
Description:Tunnel ID for this path
Type: xsd:string
Description:Short Description of Static Route
Default value:
BFDFastDetect => false
MinimumInterval => 100
DetectMultiplier => 3
Metric => 1
Tag => null
Permanent => false
VRFLablel => 0
TunneID => 0
Description =>
Available Paths:
Description: The set of nexthop information configured for this route
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFNextHop> - A forwarding interface and/or the address of a nexthop router for this route (one of these must be specified)
Available Paths:
Description: A static route
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Destination prefix
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:Destination prefix length
Child objects:
<VRFRecurseRouteTable> - A recursive next VRF static route
<VRFRoute> - A connected or recursive static route
Available Paths:
Description: Topology static configuration
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Topology name
Child objects:
<VRFPrefixTopologyTable> - The set of all Static Topologies for this AFI.
Available Paths:
Description: VRF static configuration container
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - VRF static configuration
Available Paths:
Description: VRF static configuration
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Child objects:
<AddressFamily> - Address family configuration
Available Paths:
Datatypes StaticRoutingSubAddressFamilyType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Unicast' - Unicast
'Multicast' - Multicast
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <CryptoIpsec>
Description: Container class for crypto IPSec action data
Task IDs required: crypto
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Clear> - Container class for clear actions
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all IPSec SAs
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear all SAs
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: IPSec Interface Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - Interface Entry
Available Paths:
Description: SA Entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:SA ID
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear SA countes
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all IPSEC SA Counters
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear all SAs
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: IPSec VRF statistics
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - IVRF name
Available Paths:
Description: IVRF name
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:IVRF name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear SA countes
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all IPSec VRF statistics
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear all SAs
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
0. Objects <PerfMgmt>
Description: Performance Management configuration & operations
Task IDs required: monitor
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Enable> - Start data collection and/or threshold monitoring
<Resources> - Resources configuration
<Statistics> - Templates for collection of statistics
<Threshold> - Container for threshold templates
Available Paths:
Description: Resources configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<MemoryResources> - Configure the memory usage limits of performance management
<TFTPResources> - Configure the TFTP server IP address and directory name
Available Paths:
Description: Configure the TFTP server IP address and directory name
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IP address of the TFTP server
Type: xsd:string
Description:Directory name on TFTP server
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure the memory usage limits of performance management
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Maximum limit for memory usage (Kbytes) for data buffers
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Specify a minimum free memory (Kbytes) to be ensured before allowing a collection request
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Start data collection and/or threshold monitoring
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<MonitorEnable> - Start data collection for a monitored instance
<Statistics> - Start periodic collection using a defined a template
<Threshold> - Start threshold monitoring using a defined template
Available Paths:
Datatypes PIDRange Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and -1
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Objects <SystemProcess>
Description: Admin process information
Task IDs required: root-system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - List of all nodes
Available Paths:
Description: List of all nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - Process information per node
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
3. Objects <License>
Description: Active license information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureTable> - Feature ID information of license
<LocationTable> - Location information of license
<SDRTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license
Available Paths:
Description: License information for specific feature
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Value: license_request_feature
Available Paths:
Description: License information for specific Secure Domain Router
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name
Value: license_request_sdr
Available Paths:
Description: Allocated license information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureTable> - Feature ID information of license
<LocationTable> - Location information of license
<SDRTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license
Available Paths:
Description: Available license information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureTable> - Feature ID information of license
<LocationTable> - Location information of license
<SDRTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license
Available Paths:
Description: Evaluation license information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureTable> - Feature ID information of license
<LocationTable> - Location information of license
<SDRTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license
Available Paths:
Description: Expired license information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureTable> - Feature ID information of license
<LocationTable> - Location information of license
<SDRTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license
Available Paths:
Description: License operation log
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Administration> - Administration log information
<Operational> - License operational log information
Available Paths:
Description: License operational log information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureIDTable> - Feature ID information of license operation log
<LocationNumberTable> - Location information of license operation log
<RequestIDTable> - ID information of license operation log
<SDRNameTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license operation log
Available Paths:
Description: License log information for specific ID
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 9999
Description:Request ID
Value: license_log_req
Available Paths:
Description: License log information for specific feature
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Value: license_log_feature
Available Paths:
Description: Secure Domain Router information of license operation log
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SDRName> - License log information for specific SecureDomain Router
Available Paths:
Description: License log information for specific SecureDomain Router
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name
Value: license_log_sdr
Available Paths:
Description: Administration log information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureIDTable> - Feature ID information of license operation log
<LocationNumberTable> - Location information of license operation log
<RequestIDTable> - ID information of license operation log
<SDRNameTable> - Secure Domain Router information of license operation log
Available Paths:
Description: Unique Device Identifier information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<UDIInformation> - UDI information on system
Available Paths:
Description: UDI information on system
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 128
Description:Unique Device Identifier
Value: license_request_udi
Available Paths:
Description: License backup file information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Backup> - License backup file information on system
Available Paths:
Description: License backup file information on system
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 1024
Description:License backup file name
Value: license_backup_info
Available Paths:
Description: License Pools configuration information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Pool> - Pools of configuration information on system
Available Paths:
Description: Pools of configuration information on system
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Pool Name
Value: license_pools_info
Available Paths:
Description: Rehost Tickets information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureNameTable> - Rehost Tickets of featureID information
<RackIDTable> - Rehost Tickets of RackID information
Available Paths:
Description: Rehost Tickets of featureID information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FeatureName> - Rehost Tickets of the featureID information on system
Available Paths:
Description: Rehost Tickets of the featureID information on system
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Value: rehost_feature_info
Available Paths:
Description: Rehost Tickets of RackID information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RackID> - Rehost Tickets of the rackID information on system
Available Paths:
Description: Rehost Tickets of the rackID information on system
Parent objects:
Type: RackID
Description:Rack ID
Value: rehost_rack_info
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
0. Objects <IGMP>
Description: IGMP action data
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFTable> - VRF table
Available Paths:
Description: VRF table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - VRF name
Available Paths:
Description: VRF name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Child objects:
<Clear> - Clears IGMP related information
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <InfraPacketManager>
Description: Packet manager infrastructure
Task IDs required: interface
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - List of packet manager nodes
Available Paths:
Description: List of packet manager nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - Packet manager node ID
Available Paths:
Description: Packet manager node ID
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Node ID
Child objects:
<Statistics> - Packet statistics
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
1. Objects <T1E1>
Description: Enable/Disable FDL ANSI
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1CfgFDL
Description:T1/E1 FDL
Default value:
FDL => Disable
Available Paths:
Description: Enable/Disable FDL
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1CfgFDL
Description:T1/E1 FDL
Default value:
FDL => Disable
Available Paths:
Description: Configure T1E1 BERT
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Error> - Insert errors into BERT bit stream
<Interval> - Duration of BERT in minutes
<Pattern> - BERT pattern
Available Paths:
Description: Insert errors into BERT bit stream
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 255
Description:Number of errors to generate (default is 1)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Duration of BERT in minutes
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1440
Description:Duration of BERT in minutes
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: BERT pattern
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1BertPattern
Description:BERT Pattern
Default value:
Pattern => None
Available Paths:
Description: Configure channel group on T1E1
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ChannelGroup> - Channel group number
Available Paths:
Description: Channel group number
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 31
Description:Channel group number
Child objects:
<ChannelGroupBERT> - BERT for the channel-group
<Speed> - Speed of the DS0 channel
<Timeslots> - List of timeslots in the channel group
Available Paths:
Description: BERT for the channel-group
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interval> - Duration of BERT in minutes
<Pattern> - BERT pattern
Available Paths:
Description: Duration of BERT in minutes
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1440
Description:Duration of BERT in minutes
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: BERT pattern
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1BertPattern
Description:BERT Pattern
Default value:
Pattern => None
Available Paths:
Description: Speed of the DS0 channel
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1ChSpeed
Description:DS0 channel speed
Default value:
Speed => 64
Available Paths:
Description: List of timeslots in the channel group
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Timeslot string separated by (:) or (-) from 1 to 31. (:) indicates individual timeslot and (-) represent range
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure T1/E1 Tx clock source
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1ClockSource
Description:Clock Source
Default value:
ClockSource => Internal
Available Paths:
Description: Configure T1E1 framing
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1Framing
Description:Framing mode
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure T1E1 linecoding
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1Linecode
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure T1E1 loopback mode
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Loopback mode:local,remote_line_inband,remote_line_fdl_ansi, remote_line_fdl_bellcore,remote_payload_fdl_ansi,remote_payload_fdl_bellcore,network_linenetwork_payload
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure T1E1 Cable Length
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:cablelength:long_gain26_15db,long_gain26_22db,long_gain26_75db,long_gain26_0db, long_gain36_15db,long_gain36_22db,long_gain36_75db,long_gain36_0db,short_133ft, short_266ft,short_399ft,short_533ft,short_655ft
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify the National Reserved bits for an E1
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 31
Description:pattern: 0-0x1f
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Yellow Alarm detection
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Yellow Alarm detection:enable,disable
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Yellow Alarm generation
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Yellow Alarm generation:enable,disable
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure mode for the port
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1ServiceType
Description:Configure mode for port
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure t1e1 controller into down-when-looped mode
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: T1E1DownWhenLoopedAct
Description:enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Value of Time in milliseconds
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
DelayTrigger => 2500
Available Paths:
Description: Value of Time in milliseconds
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
DelayClear => 10000
Available Paths:
Description: Disable T1/E1 controller processing
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes T1E1CfgFDL Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Disable' - Disabled
'Enable' - Enabled T1E1BertPattern Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'0s' - All 0's
'1s' - All 1's
'2e15' - 2^15-1 O.151
'2e20' - 2^20-1 O.153
'2e23' - 2^23-1 O.151
'Alternating0And1' - Alternating 0's and 1's
'2e20QRSS' - 2^20-1 QRSS O.151
'1in8' - 1 in 8 pattern
'3in24' - 3 in 24 pattern
'55Daly' - 55 Daly Pattern
'55Octet' - 55 Octet Pattern
'2e11' - 2^11 Pattern
'2e9' - 2^9 Pattern
'DS0-1' - DS0-1 Pattern
'DS0-2' - DS0-2 Pattern
'DS0-3' - DS0-3 Pattern
'DS0-4' - DS0-4 Pattern
'None' - No pattern T1E1ChSpeed Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'64' - 64 Kbits
'56' - 56 Kbits T1E1ClockSource Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Line' - clock recovered from line
'Internal' - internal clock T1E1Framing Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'SF' - sf framing mode
'ESF' - esf framing mode(T1 default)
'NoCRC4' - E1
'CRC4' - E1 with CRC(E1 default)
'Unframed' - unframed T1E1Linecode Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'B8ZS' - B8ZS encoding(T1 default)
'AMI' - AMI encoding(E1 default)
'HDB3' - HDB3 encoding T1E1ServiceType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'ATM' - clear channel carrying atm T1E1DownWhenLoopedAct Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Activate' - Activate
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 6.
0. Objects <FIB_MPLS>
Description: FIB MPLS operational data
Task IDs required: mpls-te or mpls-ldp or mpls-static
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Table of Nodes
Available Paths:
Description: Table of Nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - Operational data for a specific Node
Available Paths:
Description: Operational data for a specific Node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Node name
Child objects:
<ForwardingSummary> - FIB MPLS forwarding summary
<LabelFIB> - Labels For FIB
<Tunnel> - Tunnels Operations
Available Paths:
Description: MPLS Forwarding Detail table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ForwardingDetail> - FIB MPLS forwarding details
Available Paths:
Datatypes EOSType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'EOS0' - EOS Disable
'EOS1' - EOS Enable Filters <ForwardingInterfaceFilter>
Display Interfaces routes only
Type: Interface
Description:Interface Name
Display VRF routes only
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF Name
Display labels routes only
Display both EOS0, EOS1 entries
Display EOS0 entries only
Display P2MP routes
Display P2MP local routes only
Display P2MP unresolved routes only
Display P2MP unresolved leaf routes only
Display P2MP routes
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <RS232>
Description: Configuration specific to Console,Use this class if TTYLine class has a naming 'console'
Task IDs required: tty-access
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Databits> - The number of databits.
<FlowControl> - TTY Line Flow control.
<Parity> - The parity to be used on the line.
<StopBits> - The number of stopbits to be used.
Available Paths:
Description: The number of databits.
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 5 and 8
Description:Number of databits the serial connection should use.
Default value:
Databits => 8
Available Paths:
Description: TTY Line Flow control.
Parent objects:
Type: TTY_RS232FlowControlDirection
Description:Direction of the flow control
Default value:
Direction => Default
Available Paths:
Description: The parity to be used on the line.
Parent objects:
Type: TTY_RS232Parity
Description:Type of parity
Default value:
Type => None
Available Paths:
Description: The number of stopbits to be used.
Parent objects:
Type: TTY_RS232StopBits
Description:Number of stop bits to be used
Default value:
Stopbits => Two
Available Paths:
Datatypes TTY_RS232FlowControlDirection Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'In' - Inbound flow control
'None' - No flow control
'Out' - Outbound flow control
'Default' - Default flow control TTY_RS232Parity Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Even' - Even parity
'Mark' - Mark parity
'None' - No parity
'Odd' - Odd parity
'Space' - Space parity TTY_RS232StopBits Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'One' - One stopbit
'Two' - Two stopbits
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <MetroPolicer>
Description: Policer Protocol
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Protocol> - Policer Protocol
Available Paths:
Description: Policer Protocol
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Protocol to be policed. Protocol value is 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'
Child objects:
<PolicerTable> - Policer Table
Available Paths:
Description: Policer Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Policer> - Policer Name
Available Paths:
Description: Policer Name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Policer Name. ttlexpiry is the only policer supported
Child objects:
<Rate> - Policer Rate
Available Paths:
Description: Policer Rate
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Policer rate in packets per second
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 9.
5. Objects <MPLS_PCE>
Description: The set of PCE neighbors
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Neighbor> - The set of PCE neighbors
Available Paths:
Description: The topology information in PCE
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<GlobalInfo> - The global information of the overall topology
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
2. Objects <Latest>
Description: Statistics collected during the last sampling cycle of the operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<HopTable> - Latest statistics for hops in a path-enabled operation
<LPDPathTable> - List of latest LPD paths
<Target> - Latest statistics for the target node
Available Paths:
Description: Latest statistics for hops in a path-enabled operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Hop> - Latest stats for a hop in a path-enabled operation
Available Paths:
Description: List of latest LPD paths
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<LPDPath> - Latest path statistics of MPLS LSP group operation
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
11. Objects <UnitTestTmpl1>
Description: A test template string entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:String Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: A test template integer entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Integ Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Another test template integer entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Another Integ Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: An MTU entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:MTU Integ Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: A test template packed entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:IntegOne Param
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:IntegTwo Param
Type: xsd:string
Description:StrThree Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: A test template packed entry using simple encode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:The keepalive protocol
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:The interval
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Example of a range that will be converted to an integer
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 64 and 9600
Description:A range example
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container for variable naming attribute for UT1
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TestVarNamingString> - String attribute with integer var name
Available Paths:
Description: String attribute with integer var name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Integer variable naming
Type: xsd:string
Description:String for testing
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable IP processing without an explicit address
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:The interface whose IPv4 addresses are adopted
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Attribute that uses Simple Failure encode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:String Simple Fail Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 8.
0. Objects <SNMP>
Description: SNMP TOS bit for outgoing packets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DSCP> - DSCP value
<Precedence> - Precedence value
Available Paths:
Description: DSCP value
Parent objects:
Description:SNMP TOS type DSCP
Type: SNMP_DSCP_Value
Description:SNMP DSCP value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Precedence value
Parent objects:
Type: SNMP_Precedence
Description:SNMP TOS type Precedence
Type: SNMP_Precedence_Value
Description:SNMP Precedence value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: The heirarchy point for SNMP Agent configurations
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<EngineID> - SNMPv3 engineID
Available Paths:
Description: SNMPv3 engineID
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Local> - engineID of the local agent
Available Paths:
Description: engineID of the local agent
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:engine ID octet string
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container class to hold unencrpted communities
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DefaultCommunity> - Unencrpted SNMP community string and access priviledges
Available Paths:
Description: Unencrpted SNMP community string and access priviledges
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 128
Description:SNMP community string
Type: SNMPAccessLevel
Description:Read/Write Access
Type: xsd:string
Description:MIB view to which the community has access
Type: xsd:string
Description:Access-list name
Type: SNMPOwnerAccess
Description:Logical Router or System owner access
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container class to hold clear/encrypted communities
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<EncryptedCommunity> - Clear/encrypted SNMP community string and access priviledges
Available Paths:
Description: Clear/encrypted SNMP community string and access priviledges
Parent objects:
Type: EncryptedString
Description:SNMP community string
Type: SNMPAccessLevel
Description:Read/Write Access
Type: xsd:string
Description:MIB view to which the community has access
Type: xsd:string
Description:Access-list name
Type: SNMPOwnerAccess
Description:Logical Router or System owner access
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Disable authentication traps for packets on a vrf
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:disabled to be set as TRUE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container class to hold unencrpted community map
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DefaultCommunityMap> - Unencrpted SNMP community map name
Available Paths:
Description: Unencrpted SNMP community map name
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 128
Description:SNMP community map
Type: xsd:string
Description:SNMP Context Name
Type: xsd:string
Description:SNMP Security Name
Type: xsd:string
Description:target list name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container class to hold clear/encrypted communitie maps
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<EncryptedCommunityMap> - Clear/encrypted SNMP community map
Available Paths:
Description: Clear/encrypted SNMP community map
Parent objects:
Type: EncryptedString
Description:SNMP community map
Type: xsd:string
Description:SNMP Context Name
Type: xsd:string
Description:SNMP Security Name
Type: xsd:string
Description:target list name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: container to hold system information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ChassisID> - String to uniquely identify this chassis
<Contact> - Text for mib Object sysContact
<Location> - Text for mib Object sysLocation
Available Paths:
Description: String to uniquely identify this chassis
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 255
Description:Chassis ID
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Text for mib Object sysContact
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 255
Description:identification of the contact person for this managed node
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Text for mib Object sysLocation
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 255
Description:The physical location of this node
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Define a User Security Model group
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Group> - Name of the group
Available Paths:
Description: Name of the group
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 128
Description:Name of the group
Type: GroupSNMPVersion
Description:snmp version
Type: SNMPSecurityModel
Description:security model like auth/noAuth/Priv applicable for v3
Type: xsd:string
Description:notify view name
Type: xsd:string
Description:read view name
Type: xsd:string
Description:write view name
Type: xsd:string
Description:Access-list name
Type: xsd:string
Description:Context name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TrapHost> - Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
Available Paths:
Description: Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IP address of SNMP notification host
Child objects:
<DefaultUserCommunityTable> - Container class for defining communities for a trap host
<EncryptedUserCommunityTable> - Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a trap host
Available Paths:
Description: Container class for defining communities for a trap host
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DefaultUserCommunity> - Unencrpted Community name associated with a trap host
Available Paths:
Description: Unencrpted Community name associated with a trap host
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 128
Description:SNMPv1/v2c community string or SNMPv3 user
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:udp port number
Type: xsd:string
Description:SNMP Version to be used v1/v2c/v3
Type: SNMPSecurityModel
Description:Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072,SNMP_TRAP 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always to set as 0
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a trap host
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<EncryptedUserCommunity> - Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a trap host
Available Paths:
Description: Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a trap host
Parent objects:
Type: EncryptedString
Description:SNMPv1/v2c community string or SNMPv3 user
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:udp port number
Type: xsd:string
Description:SNMP Version to be used v1/v2c/v3
Type: SNMPSecurityModel
Description:Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072,SNMP_TRAP 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always to set as 0
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Largest SNMP packet size
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 484 and 65500
Description:Packet size
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Assign an interface for the source address of all traps
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Interface name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Define a user who can access the SNMP engine
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<User> - Name of the user
Available Paths:
Description: Name of the user
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the user
Type: xsd:string
Description:Group to which the user belongs
Type: UserSNMPVersion
Description:SNMP version to be used. v1,v2c or v3
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Flag to indicate that authentication password is configred for version 3
Type: SNMPHashAlgorithm
Description:The algorithm used md5 or sha
Type: ProprietaryPassword
Description:The authentication password
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Flag to indicate that the privacy password is configured for version 3
Type: ProprietaryPassword
Description:The privacy password
Type: xsd:string
Description:Access-list name
Type: SNMPOwnerAccess
Description:The system access either SDROwner or SystemOwner
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Class to configure a SNMPv2 MIB view
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<View> - Name of the view
Available Paths:
Description: Name of the view
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the view
Type: xsd:string
Description:MIB view family name
Type: SNMP_MIBViewInclusion
Description:MIB view to be included or excluded
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: SNMP target configurations
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TargetListTable> - List of targets
Available Paths:
Description: List of targets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TargetList> - Name of the target list
Available Paths:
Description: SNMP Target address configurations
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TargetAddress> - IP Address to be configured for the Target
Available Paths:
Description: IP Address to be configured for the Target
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IPv4 address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable to be set as TRUE to configure an address
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: List of VRF Name for a target list
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFName> - VRF name of the target
Available Paths:
Description: VRF name of the target
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF Name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable to be set as TRUE to configure a VRF
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: SNMP VRF configuration commands
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - VRF name
Available Paths:
Description: VRF name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Child objects:
<ContextTable> - List of Context Names
<TrapHostTable> - Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
Available Paths:
Description: List of Context Names
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Context> - Context Name
Available Paths:
Description: Context Name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Context Name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable to be set as TRUE to create the context
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: SNMP timeouts
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Subagent> - Sub-Agent Request timeout
Available Paths:
Description: Sub-Agent Request timeout
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 20
Description:timeout in secs
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Class to hold trap configurations
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<QueueLength> - Message queue length for each TRAP host
<ThrottleTime> - Set throttle time for handling traps
<Timeout> - Timeout for TRAP message retransmissions
Available Paths:
Description: Message queue length for each TRAP host
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 5000
Description:Queue length
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Timeout for TRAP message retransmissions
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1000
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set throttle time for handling traps
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 10 and 500
Description:Time in msec (default 250 msecs)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set throttle time for handling incoming messages
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 50 and 1000
Description:Throttle time for incoming queue (default 0 msec)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable SNMP notifications
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SNMP> - SNMP notification configuration
Available Paths:
Description: The heirarchy point for all the MIB configurations
Task IDs required: snmp
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceMIB> - Interface MIB configuration
Available Paths:
Datatypes SNMP_MIBViewInclusion Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Included' - MIB View to be included
'Excluded' - MIB View to be excluded SNMP_DSCP Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'DSCP' - SNMP TOS type DSCP SNMP_Precedence Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Precedence' - SNMP TOS type Precedence SNMP_DSCP_Value Definition: Range with Enumeration. Values must lie between 0 and 63 with well-known values being:
'Default' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 000000
'AF11' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 001010
'AF12' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 001100
'AF13' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 001110
'AF21' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 010010
'AF22' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 010100
'AF23' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 010110
'AF31' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 011010
'AF32' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 011100
'AF33' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 011110
'AF41' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 100010
'AF42' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 100100
'AF43' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 100110
'EF' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 101110
'CS1' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 001000
'CS2' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 010000
'CS3' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 011000
'CS4' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 100000
'CS5' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 101000
'CS6' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 110000
'CS7' - Applicable to DSCP: bits 111000 SNMP_Precedence_Value Definition: Range with Enumeration. Values must lie between 0 and 7 with well-known values being:
'Routine' - Applicable to Precedence: value 0
'Priority' - Applicable to Precedence: value 1
'Immediate' - Applicable to Precedence: value 2
'Flash' - Applicable to Precedence: value 3
'Flash-override' - Applicable to Precedence: value 4
'Critical' - Applicable to Precedence: value 5
'Internet' - Applicable to Precedence: value 6
'Network' - Applicable to Precedence: value 7 SNMPAccessLevel Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'ReadOnly' - Read Only Access for a community string
'ReadWrite' - Read Write Access for a community string SNMPOwnerAccess Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'SDROwner' - Secure Domain Router Owner permissions
'SystemOwner' - System owner permissions UserSNMPVersion Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'V1' - SNMP version 1
'V2C' - SNMP version 2
'V3' - SNMP version 3 GroupSNMPVersion Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'V1' - SNMP version 1
'V2C' - SNMP version 2
'V3' - SNMP version 3 SNMPSecurityModel Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'NoAuthentication' - No Authentication required
'Authentication' - Authentication password alone required for access
'Privacy' - Authentication and privacy password required for access SNMPHashAlgorithm Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - No authentication required
'MD5' - Standard Message Digest algorithm
'SHA' - SHA algorithm
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <ATM_ILMI>
Description: ATM ILMI operational data
Task IDs required: atm
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Contains all the nodes
Available Paths:
Description: Contains all the nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - The node on which ATM Interfaces are located
Available Paths:
Description: The node on which ATM Interfaces are located
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The node id
Child objects:
<InterfaceTable> - Contains ATM Interface ILMI information for node
Available Paths:
Description: Contains ATM Interface ILMI information for node
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceName> - ATM Interface name
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <SONET>
Description: SONET operational data
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ControllerTable> - All SONET controller operational data
Available Paths:
Description: All SONET controller operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Controller> - SONET controller operational data
Available Paths:
Description: SONET controller operational data
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Interface name
Child objects:
<AIS_PWFault> - SONET controller operational data
<Framers> - SONET controller operational data
<Info> - SONET controller operational data
<State> - SONET controller operational data
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
0. Objects <KeychainTable>
Description: Configure a Key Chain
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Keychain> - Name of the key chain
Available Paths:
Description: Name of the key chain
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the key chain
Child objects:
<AcceptTolerance> - Accept Tolerance in seconds or infinite
<KeyTable> - Configure a Key
Available Paths:
Description: Accept Tolerance in seconds or infinite
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 8640000
Description:Value in seconds
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Infinite tolerance
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure a Key
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Key> - Key Identifier
Available Paths:
Description: Configure the cryptographic algorithm
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Type: CryptoAlgType
Description:Cryptographic Algorithm
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure a key Acceptance Lifetime
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 23
Description:Start Hour
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:Start Minutes
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:Start Seconds
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 31
Description:Start Date
Type: KeyChainMonthType
Description:Start Month
Type: Range. Value lies between 1993 and 2035
Description:Start Year
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 2147483647
Description:Lifetime duration in seconds
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Infinite Lifetime flag
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 23
Description:End Hour
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:End Minutes
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:End Seconds
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 31
Description:End Date
Type: KeyChainMonthType
Description:End Month
Type: Range. Value lies between 1993 and 2035
Description:End Year
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure a clear text/encrypted Key string
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Type: ProprietaryPassword
Description:Key String
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure a Send Lifetime
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 23
Description:Start Hour
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:Start Minutes
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:Start Seconds
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 31
Description:Start Date
Type: KeyChainMonthType
Description:Start Month
Type: Range. Value lies between 1993 and 2035
Description:Start Year
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 2147483647
Description:Lifetime duration in seconds
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Infinite Lifetime flag
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 23
Description:End Hour
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:End Minutes
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:End Seconds
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 31
Description:End Date
Type: KeyChainMonthType
Description:End Month
Type: Range. Value lies between 1993 and 2035
Description:End Year
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes KeyChainMonthType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'JAN' - January
'FEB' - February
'MAR' - March
'APR' - April
'MAY' - May
'JUN' - June
'JUL' - July
'AUG' - August
'SEP' - September
'OCT' - October
'NOV' - November
'DEC' - December CryptoAlgType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'ALG_HMAC_SHA1_12' - HMAC-SHA-1-12
'ALG_MD5_16' - MD5-16
'ALG_SHA1_20' - SHA-1-20
'ALG_HMAC_MD5_16' - HMAC-MD5-16
'ALG_HMAC_SHA1_20' - HMAC-SHA-1-20
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
6. Objects <License>
Description: Information of license operations
Task IDs required: sysmgr
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AddTable> - Execute license add information
<BackupTable> - Execute license backup information
<Clear> - Clear all the installed license
<Move> - Execute license move information
<Pool> - License pool action information
<Remove> - License remove action information
<RestoreTable> - Execute license restore information
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license add information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Add> - Execute license add
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license add
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of adding licenses
Type: xsd:string
Description:Add license file path
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license add
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SDRTable> - Execute license move for SDR information
<Slot> - Execute license move slot information
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move for SDR information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SDR> - Execute license move for SDR
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move for SDR
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1024
Description:Number of licenses to move (1024 is equivalent to the 'all' option)
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of moving licenses
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of putting licenses
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license move
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move slot information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<LocationTable> - Location information of license remove
<StatusTable> - Execute license move the status from allocated to available
Available Paths:
Description: Location information of license remove
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Location> - Execute license move slot for location
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move slot for location
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1024
Description:Number of licenses to move
Type: NodeID
Description:NodeID of moving licenses
Type: NodeID
Description:NodeID of putting licenses
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license move slot for location
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move the status from allocated to available
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Status> - Execute license move slot from allocated to available
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license move slot from allocated to available
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license move slot for the status
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: License remove action information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<LicenseIDTable> - Execute license remove information
<TicketTable> - Execute license remove information
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license remove information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<LicenseID> - Execute license remove with licenseID
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license remove with licenseID
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 256
Description:License ID
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of removing licenses
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license remove with license ID
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license remove information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Ticket> - Execute license remove with the permission tickets
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license remove with the permission tickets
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Feature ID
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 1024
Description:Permission file path
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 1024
Description:Rehost file path
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of removing licenses
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license remove with ticket
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license backup information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Backup> - Execute license backup
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license backup
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Backup license file path
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license backup
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license restore information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Restore> - Execute license restore
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license restore
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Restore license file path
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license restore
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: License pool action information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<CreateSDRTable> - Execute license pool create information
<RemoveSDRTable> - Execute license pool remove information
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license pool create information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<CreateSDR> - Execute license pool create
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license pool create
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of creating a pool
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license pool create
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license pool remove information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RemoveSDR> - Execute license remove
Available Paths:
Description: Execute license remove
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:SDR Name of removing a pool
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute license pool remove
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all the installed license
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear all the installed license
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
3. Objects <PrefixFiltering>
Description: Configure prefix filtering parameters
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ACL> - Configure an ACL to perform prefix filtering of RSVP Router Alert messages
<DefaultDenyAction> - Configure RSVP behaviour for scenarios where ACL match yields a default (implicit) deny
Available Paths:
Description: Configure an ACL to perform prefix filtering of RSVP Router Alert messages
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 33
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure RSVP behaviour for scenarios where ACL match yields a default (implicit) deny
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Drop> - Drop packets when ACL match yields a default (implicit) deny
Available Paths:
Description: Drop packets when ACL match yields a default (implicit) deny
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Configure RSVP to drop packets when ACL match yields a default (implicit) deny
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <MPLS>
Description: MPLS configuration under an interface
Task IDs required: mpls-te or mpls-ldp or mpls-static
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<MTU> - Set the MPLS MTU for the interface
Available Paths:
Description: Set the MPLS MTU for the interface
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 68 and 65535
Description:MTU size in bytes
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <IP_TCP>
Description: TCP initial maximum segment size
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 68 and 10000
Description:TCP initial maximum segment size
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Aging time (in minutes)
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Aging time; 0 for infinite, and range be (10,30)
Default value:
AgingTime => 10
Available Paths:
Description: TCP selective-ACK
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable TCP selective-ACK
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Time to wait on new TCP connections in seconds
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 5 and 30
Description:Wait time
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: TCP timestamp option
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable TCP timestamp option
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: TCP receive window size (bytes)
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 2048 and 65535
Description:Window size
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
1. Objects <ActiveNodeTable>
Description: Per-node configuration for active nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ActiveNode> - The configuration for an active node
Available Paths:
Description: The configuration for an active node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The identifier for this node
Available Paths:
Description: Per-node configuration for non-active nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PreconfiguredNode> - The configuration for a non-active node
Available Paths:
Description: The configuration for a non-active node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The identifier for this node
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <UDPEcho>
Description: Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Request> - Payload size in request probe packet
Available Paths:
Description: Payload size in request probe packet
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 4 and 1500
Description:Request data size in bytes
Default value:
RequestDataSize => 16
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <Connection>
Description: ACL to filter ingoing connections
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:IP access list name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: ACL to filter outgoing connections
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:IP access list name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: The line disconnect character
Parent objects:
Type: CharNum
Description:Disconnect character's decimal equivalent value or Character
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Line template's escape character
Parent objects:
Type: TTYEscapeCharNum
Description:Escape character or ASCII decimal equivalent value orspecial strings NONE,DEFAULT,BREAK
Default value:
TTYEscape => 30
Available Paths:
Description: Command completion on whitespace
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True to enable
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: The number of outgoing connections
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 20
Description:Number of outgoing connections
Default value:
Connections => 6
Available Paths:
Description: Interval for closing connection when there is no input traffic
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 35791
Description:Session timeout interval in minutes
Type: TTYSessionTimeoutDirection
Description:Include output traffic as well as input traffic
Default value:
Timeout => 10
Direction => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Protocols to use when connecting to the terminal server
Parent objects:
Type: TTYTransportProtocolSelect
Description:Choose transport protocols
Type: TTYTransportProtocol
Description:Transport protocol1
Type: TTYTransportProtocol
Description:Transport protocol2
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Not used
Default value:
Select => 1
Protocol1 => null
Protocol2 => null
None => null
Available Paths:
Description: Protocols to use for outgoing connections
Parent objects:
Type: TTYTransportProtocolSelect
Description:Choose transport protocols
Type: TTYTransportProtocol
Description:Transport protocol1
Type: TTYTransportProtocol
Description:Transport protocol2
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Not used
Default value:
Select => 1
Protocol1 => null
Protocol2 => null
None => null
Available Paths:
Description: The preferred protocol to use
Parent objects:
Type: TTYTransportProtocol
Description:Preferred transport protocol
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Objects <Parser>
Description: Parser configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Alias> - Alias for command mapping
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Objects <MPLS_OAM>
Description: MPLS LSP verification configuration
Task IDs required: mpls-te or mpls-ldp or mpls-static
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DefaultRevision> - Echo request default revision
<DisableVendorExtension> - Disable vendor extension
<EnableOAM> - Enable/Disable MPLS OAM globally.Without creating this object the MPLS OAM feature will not be enabled. Deleting this object will stop the MPLS OAM feature.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable/Disable MPLS OAM globally.Without creating this object the MPLS OAM feature will not be enabled. Deleting this object will stop the MPLS OAM feature.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to TRUE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Disable vendor extension
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to TRUE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Echo request default revision
Parent objects:
Type: MPLS_OAMRevisionType
Description:Echo request default revision
Default value:
Revision => Draft09Initial
Available Paths:
Datatypes MPLS_OAMRevisionType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Draft03Initial' - draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-03 (initial)
'Draft03Revision1' - draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-03 (revision 1)
'Draft03Revision2' - draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-03 (revision 2)
'Draft09Initial' - draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-09 (initial)
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <PerformanceManagement>
Description: Configure pm parameters of 24 hour interval
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Hour24FEC> - Configure fec g709 performance monitoring
<Hour24OTN> - configure otn g709 performance monitoring
<Hour24Optics> - Configure optics performance monitoring
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: FecReportType
Description:Fec Report type
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled Fec Report
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: FecThresholdType
Description:Fec Threshold Type
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Fec threshold value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OpticsReportType
Description:Optics Report Type
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled Optics Report
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OpticsThresholdType
Description:Optics Threshold Type
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Optics Thresh Value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OtnReportType
Description:Otn Report Type
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled Otn Report
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OtnThresholdType
Description:Otn Threshold Type
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Otn Threshold Value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: FecReportType
Description:Fec Report Type
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled Fec Report
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: FecThresholdType
Description:Fec Threshold Type
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Fec Threshold Value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OpticsReportType
Description:Optics Report Type
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled Optics Report
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OpticsThresholdType
Description:Optics Threshold Type
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Optics Threshold Value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OtnReportType
Description:Otn Report Type
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled Otn Report
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Task IDs required: dwdm
Parent objects:
Type: OtnThresholdType
Description:Otn Threshold Type
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Otn Threshold Value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes FecReportType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'REPORT_EC_BITS' - PM Fec ec bits report
'REPORT_UC_WORDS' - PM Fec uc words report FecThresholdType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'THRESH_EC_BITS' - PM Fec ec bits threshold
'THRESH_UC_WORDS' - PM Fec uc words threshold OtnThresholdType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'THRESH_ES_SM_NE' - PM Otn es sm ne threshold
'THRESH_SES_SM_NE' - PM Otn ses sm ne threshold
'THRESH_UAS_SM_NE' - PM Otn uas sm ne threshold
'THRESH_BBE_SM_NE' - PM Otn bbe sm ne threshold
'THRESH_FC_SM_NE' - PM Otn fc sm ne threshold
'THRESH_ESR_SM_NE' - PM Otn esr sm ne threshold
'THRESH_SESR_SM_NE' - PM Otn sesr sm ne threshold
'THRESH_BBER_SM_NE' - PM Otn bber sm ne threshold
'THRESH_ES_PM_NE' - PM Otn es pm ne threshold
'THRESH_SES_PM_NE' - PM Otn ses pm ne threshold
'THRESH_UAS_PM_NE' - PM Otn uas pm ne threshold
'THRESH_BBE_PM_NE' - PM Otn bbe pm ne threshold
'THRESH_FC_PM_NE' - PM Otn fc pm ne threshold
'THRESH_ESR_PM_NE' - PM Otn esr pm ne threshold
'THRESH_SESR_PM_NE' - PM Otn sesr pm ne threshold
'THRESH_BBER_PM_NE' - PM Otn bber pm ne threshold
'THRESH_ES_SM_FE' - PM Otn es sm fe threshold
'THRESH_SES_SM_FE' - PM Otn ses sm fe threshold
'THRESH_UAS_SM_FE' - PM Otn uas sm fe threshold
'THRESH_BBE_SM_FE' - PM Otn bbe sm fe threshold
'THRESH_FC_SM_FE' - PM Otn fc sm fe threshold
'THRESH_ESR_SM_FE' - PM Otn esr sm fe threshold
'THRESH_SESR_SM_FE' - PM Otn sesr sm fe threshold
'THRESH_BBER_SM_FE' - PM Otn bber sm fe threshold
'THRESH_ES_PM_FE' - PM Otn es pm fe threshold
'THRESH_SES_PM_FE' - PM Otn ses pm fe threshold
'THRESH_UAS_PM_FE' - PM Otn uas pm fe threshold
'THRESH_BBE_PM_FE' - PM Otn bbe pm fe threshold
'THRESH_FC_PM_FE' - PM Otn fc pm fe threshold
'THRESH_ESR_PM_FE' - PM Otn esr pm fe threshold
'THRESH_SESR_PM_FE' - PM Otn sesr pm fe threshold
'THRESH_BBER_PM_FE' - PM Otn bber pm fe threshold OtnReportType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'REPORT_ES_SM_NE' - PM Otn es sm ne report
'REPORT_SES_SM_NE' - PM Otn ses sm ne report
'REPORT_UAS_SM_NE' - PM Otn uas sm ne report
'REPORT_BBE_SM_NE' - PM Otn bbe sm ne report
'REPORT_FC_SM_NE' - PM Otn fc sm ne report
'REPORT_ESR_SM_NE' - PM Otn esr sm ne report
'REPORT_SESR_SM_NE' - PM Otn sesr sm ne report
'REPORT_BBER_SM_NE' - PM Otn bber sm ne report
'REPORT_ES_PM_NE' - PM Otn es pm ne report
'REPORT_SES_PM_NE' - PM Otn ses pm ne report
'REPORT_UAS_PM_NE' - PM Otn uas pm ne report
'REPORT_BBE_PM_NE' - PM Otn bbe pm ne report
'REPORT_FC_PM_NE' - PM Otn fc pm ne report
'REPORT_ESR_PM_NE' - PM Otn esr pm ne report
'REPORT_SESR_PM_NE' - PM Otn sesr pm ne report
'REPORT_BBER_PM_NE' - PM Otn bber pm ne report
'REPORT_ES_SM_FE' - PM Otn es sm fe report
'REPORT_SES_SM_FE' - PM Otn ses sm fe report
'REPORT_UAS_SM_FE' - PM Otn uas sm fe report
'REPORT_BBE_SM_FE' - PM Otn bbe sm fe report
'REPORT_FC_SM_FE' - PM Otn fc sm fe report
'REPORT_ESR_SM_FE' - PM Otn esr sm fe report
'REPORT_SESR_SM_FE' - PM Otn sesr sm fe report
'REPORT_BBER_SM_FE' - PM Otn bber sm fe report
'REPORT_ES_PM_FE' - PM Otn es pm fe report
'REPORT_SES_PM_FE' - PM Otn ses pm fe report
'REPORT_UAS_PM_FE' - PM Otn uas pm fe report
'REPORT_BBE_PM_FE' - PM Otn bbe pm fe report
'REPORT_FC_PM_FE' - PM Otn fc pm fe report
'REPORT_ESR_PM_FE' - PM Otn esr pm fe report
'REPORT_SESR_PM_FE' - PM Otn sesr pm fe report
'REPORT_BBER_PM_FE' - PM Otn bber pm fe report OpticsThresholdType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'THRESH_LBC_MIN' - PM Optics lbc min threshold
'THRESH_LBC_MAX' - PM Optics lbc max threshold
'THRESH_OPT_MIN' - PM Optics opt min threshold
'THRESH_OPT_MAX' - PM Optics opt max threshold
'THRESH_OPR_MIN' - PM Optics opr min threshold
'THRESH_OPR_MAX' - PM Optics opr max threshold OpticsReportType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'REPORT_LBC_MIN' - PM Optics lbc min report
'REPORT_LBC_MAX' - PM Optics lbc max report
'REPORT_OPT_MIN' - PM Optics opt min report
'REPORT_OPT_MAX' - PM Optics opt max report
'REPORT_OPR_MIN' - PM Optics opr min report
'REPORT_OPR_MAX' - PM Optics opr max report
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 12.
7. Objects <LCAC>
Description: Bandwidth hold timer
Parent objects:
Type: MPLS_LCACBandwidthHoldTimerRange
Description:Bandwidth hold timer value (seconds)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Periodic flooding timer
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 30 and 3600
Description:Periodic flooding value (seconds)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Reoptimize delay install timer
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 3600
Description:Reoptimization Delay Install Value (seconds)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Reoptimization delay cleanup timer
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 300
Description:Reoptimization Delay Cleanup Value (seconds)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Reoptimization delay after FRR timer
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 120
Description:Reoptimization Delay After FRR Value (seconds)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: BFD configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DetectionMultiplier> - Detection multiplier for BFD sessions created by TE
<Interval> - Hello interval for BFD sessions created by TE
Available Paths:
Description: Hello interval for BFD sessions created by TE
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 15 and 200
Description:BFD hello interval in milliseconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Detection multiplier for BFD sessions created by TE
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 2 and 10
Description:BFD multiplier
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes MPLS_LCACBandwidthHoldTimerRange Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 300
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <EthernetFeatures>
Description: Ethernet Features Configuration
Task IDs required: ethernet-services
Parent objects:
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <SAP>
Description: SAP Session Entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description: Session Name
Type: xsd:string
Description: Session Owner
Value: sap_bag
Available Paths:
Filters <SAPGroupFilter>
Filter based on Announcement Group
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Group Address
Filter based on Session Name
Type: xsd:string
Description:Session Name
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <POS>
Description: POS operational data
Task IDs required: interface
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ControllerTable> - List of POS interfaces
Available Paths:
Description: List of POS interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Controller> - A POS interface
Available Paths:
Description: A POS interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:POS interface name
Child objects:
<FramerStatistics> - POS framer statistics
<Info> - POS interface information
Available Paths:
Description: POS interface information
Parent objects:
Value: pos_info
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
2. Objects <NetFlow>
Description: Configure a flow exporter map
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FlowExporterMap> - Exporter map name
Available Paths:
Description: Enable the flow exporter map
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True to enable the flow exporter map
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure export destination (collector)
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Destination IPv4 address
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify DSCP value for export packets
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 63
Description:DSCP value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure source interface for collector
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Source interface name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Destination UDP port
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1024 and 65535
Description:Port number
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify export version parameters
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Version> - Configure export version options
Available Paths:
Description: Enable the export version
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True to enable the export version
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify timeout for exporting interface table
Parent objects:
Type: NFExportTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify timeout for exporting sampler table
Parent objects:
Type: NFExportTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify custom timeout for the template
Parent objects:
Type: NFTemplateTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 1800
Available Paths:
Description: Data template configuration options
Parent objects:
Type: NFTemplateTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 1800
Available Paths:
Description: Option template configuration options
Parent objects:
Type: NFTemplateTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 1800
Available Paths:
Description: Flow monitor map configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FlowMonitorMap> - Monitor map name
Available Paths:
Description: Enable the flow monitor map
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True to enable the flow monitor map
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure exporters to be used by the monitor-map
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Exporter> - Configure exporter to be used by the monitor-map
Available Paths:
Description: Configure exporter to be used by the monitor-map
Parent objects:
Type: NFMapNameType
Description:Exporter name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True to enable the exporter
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify the number of entries in the flow cache
Parent objects:
Type: NFCacheEntryType
Description:Number of flow cache entries
Default value:
Entries => 65535
Available Paths:
Description: Specify the active flow cache aging timeout
Parent objects:
Type: NFActiveCacheAgingTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 1800
Available Paths:
Description: Specify the inactive flow cache aging timeout
Parent objects:
Type: NFInactiveCacheAgingTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 15
Available Paths:
Description: Specify the update flow cache aging timeout
Parent objects:
Type: NFUpdateCacheAgingTimeoutType
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 1800
Available Paths:
Description: Specify the flow cache aging mode
Parent objects:
Type: NFCacheAgingModeType
Description:Cache aging mode
Default value:
Mode => Normal
Available Paths:
Description: Specify a flow record format
Parent objects:
Type: NFMapNameType
Description:Flow record format (Either 'ipv4-raw', 'ipv4-peer-as', 'ipv6', 'mpls', 'mpls-ipv4, 'mpls-ipv6', 'mpls-ipv4-ipv6')
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 6
Description:Enter label value for MPLS record type
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Flow sampler map configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FlowSamplerMap> - Sampler map name
Available Paths:
Description: Enable the sampler map
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True to enable the sampler map
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure sampling mode
Parent objects:
Type: NFSamplingModeType
Description:Sampling mode
Type: NFSampleNumberType
Description:Number of packets to be sampled in the sampling interval
Type: NFSampleIntervalType
Description:Sampling interval in units of packets
Default value:
SampleNumber => 1
Interval => 10000
Available Paths:
Datatypes NFConfDummyType Definition: xsd:boolean NFSamplingModeType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Random' - Random sampling NFTemplateTimeoutType Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800 NFExportTimeoutType Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and 604800 NFMapNameType Definition: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32 NFSampleNumberType Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1 NFSampleIntervalType Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535 NFCacheEntryType Definition: Range. Value lies between 4096 and 1000000 NFExportVersionType Definition: Range. Value lies between 9 and 9 NFCacheAgingModeType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Normal' - Normal, caches age
'Permanent' - Permanent, caches never age NFActiveCacheAgingTimeoutType Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800 NFInactiveCacheAgingTimeoutType Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and 604800 NFUpdateCacheAgingTimeoutType Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <MgmtMultilink>
Description: Configure a multilink controller
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BundleTable> - Configure a multilink bundle interface
Available Paths:
Description: Configure a multilink bundle interface
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Bundle> - Bundle ID
Available Paths:
Description: Bundle ID
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1023
Description:Bundle ID
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable the bundle ID
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
1. Objects <PPP>
Description: Interface PPP configuration data
Task IDs required: ppp
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Authentication> - PPP authentication parameters
<CHAP> - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) configuration data
<FSM> - PPP FSM configuration data
<MS-CHAP> - Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP) configuration data
<Multilink> - Multilink configuration
<PAP> - Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) configuration data
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <RIB>
Description: RIB configuration.
Task IDs required: rib
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AF> - RIB address family configuration
<MaxRecursionDepth> - Set maximum depth for route recursion check
Available Paths:
Description: Set maximum depth for route recursion check
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 5 and 16
Description:Maximum depth for route recursion check.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: RIB address family configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<IPv4> - IPv4 configuration
<IPv6> - IPv6 configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Redistribution history related configs
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BCDLClient> - BCDL clients only
<Keep> - Retain redistribution history after disconnect.
<ProtocolClient> - Protocol clients only
Available Paths:
Description: Retain redistribution history after disconnect.
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BCDL> - Retain BCDL history.
Available Paths:
Description: Retain BCDL history.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable retain BCDL history
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: BCDL clients only
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 10 and 2000000
Description:Maximum BCDL redistribution history size.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Protocol clients only
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 10 and 250000
Description:Maximum protocol redistribution history size.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Disable next-hop dampening
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable next-hop dampening
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set maximum prefix limits
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 32 and 2000000
Description:Set table's maximum prefix limit
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Mid-threshold (% of maximum)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Objects <QOS>
Description: QOS operational data
Task IDs required: qos
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Node-specific QOS operational data
Available Paths:
Description: Node-specific QOS operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - QOS operational data for a particular node
Available Paths:
Description: QOS operational data for a particular node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The node
Child objects:
<PolicyMap> - Empty class
Available Paths:
Description: Empty class
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceTable> - Container class for operational data of all interfaces
Available Paths:
Description: Container class for operational data of all interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - QOS policy-map operational data for a particular interface
Available Paths:
Description: QOS policy-map operational data for a particular interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Name of the interface
Child objects:
<Input> - QOS policy-map operational data in the input direction
<InputPostDecap> - QOS policy-map operational data in the inbound post decryption direction (C12000 platform only)
<InputPreDecap> - QOS policy-map operational data in the inbound pre decryption direction (C12000 platform only)
<Output> - QOS policy-map operational data in the output direction
<OutputPreEncap> - QOS policy-map operational data in the outbound pre encryption direction (C12000 platform only)
Available Paths:
Description: QOS policy-map operational data in the input direction
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Statistics> - A piece of QOS policy-map operational data for an interface
Available Paths:
Description: QOS policy-map operational data in the output direction
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Statistics> - A piece of QOS policy-map operational data for an interface
Available Paths:
Description: QOS policy-map operational data in the inbound pre decryption direction (C12000 platform only)
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Statistics> - A piece of QOS policy-map operational data for an interface
Available Paths:
Description: QOS policy-map operational data in the inbound post decryption direction (C12000 platform only)
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Statistics> - A piece of QOS policy-map operational data for an interface
Available Paths:
Description: QOS policy-map operational data in the outbound pre encryption direction (C12000 platform only)
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Statistics> - A piece of QOS policy-map operational data for an interface
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Objects <SlotTable>
Description: Slot table contains all slots in the rack
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Slot> - Slot number
Available Paths:
Description: Card table contains all cards in the slot
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Card> - Card number
Available Paths:
Description: SubSlotTable contains all subslots in a Slot
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SubSlot> - SubSlot number
Available Paths:
Description: PortSlotTable contains all optics ports in a SPA/PLIM.
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PortSlot> - PortSlot number in the SPA/PLIM
Available Paths:
Description: ModuleSensorTable contains all sensors in a Module.
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Sensor> - Sensor number in the Module
Available Paths:
Description: HWComponent table contains all HW modules within the card
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<HWComponent> - HWComponent number
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 12.
7. Objects <LCAC>
Description: LCAC specific MPLS interface configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AdminWeight> - Set administrative weight for the interface
<AttributeFlags> - Set user defined interface attribute flags
<AttributeNames> - Set the interface attribute names
<BFD> - Enable use of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
<DownThresholds> - Set thresholds for decreased resource availability in %
<Enable> - Enable MPLS-TE on the link
<SRLGTable> - Configure SRLG membership for the interface
<UpThresholds> - Set thresholds for increased resource availability in %
Available Paths:
Description: Set administrative weight for the interface
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Administrative weight for the interface
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set user defined interface attribute flags
Parent objects:
Type: HexInteger
Description:User defined interface attribute flags
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set the interface attribute names
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string [32]
Description:Array of Attribute Names
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set thresholds for decreased resource availability in %
Parent objects:
Type: MPLS_LCACFloodingThresholdPercentRange [14]
Description:Array of down threshold percentage
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set thresholds for increased resource availability in %
Parent objects:
Type: MPLS_LCACFloodingThresholdPercentRange [14]
Description:Array of up threshold percentage
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable MPLS-TE on the link
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable MPLS-TE on the link
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable use of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable BFD
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SRLG membership for the interface
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SRLG> - SRLG membership number
Available Paths:
Description: SRLG membership number
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and -1
Description:SRLG membership number
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes MPLS_LCACFloodingThresholdPercentRange Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and 100
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 5.
0. Objects <MSDP>
Description: All of MSDP SA Cache ignoring source flags
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AllSACache> - MSDP All SA Cache Entries ignoring source flags
Available Paths:
Description: MSDP All SA Cache Entries ignoring source flags
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Source Address
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Group Address
Value: msdp_src_bag
Available Paths:
Description: MSDP SA Cache Entry - Sources with Local & External flags set
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Previous Source Address
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Previous Group Address
Value: msdp_src_bag
Available Paths:
Description: RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RPSourceGroupSACache> - RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries
Available Paths:
Description: AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ASSourceGroupSACache> - AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries
Available Paths:
Description: AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:AS Number
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Source Address
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Group Address
Value: msdp_src_bag
Available Paths:
Description: MSDP Peers
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Peer> - MSDP Peer Info
Available Paths:
Description: Cache Summary AS
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:AS Number
Value: msdp_summary_as_bag
Available Paths:
Description: MSDP Peers summary
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PeerSummary> - MSDP Peer Summary Info
Available Paths:
Description: MSDP Reverse Path Forwaring Info
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RPF> - MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding entries
Available Paths:
Description: MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding entries
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:RP Address
Value: msdp_rpf_bag
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics for MSDP Peers
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<StatPeer> - MSDP Peer Statistics Info
Available Paths:
Filters <MSDPSourceFilter>
<Filter based on Source Address>
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Source Address
<Filter based on Group Address>
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Group Address
<Filter based on RP Address>
Type: IPV4Address
Description:RP Address
<RP Address specific filter based on Source Address>
Type: IPV4Address
Description:RP Address
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Source Address
<RP Address specific filter based on Group Address>
Type: IPV4Address
Description:RP Address
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Group Address
<Filter based on advertising Peer Address>
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Peer Address
<Filter based on AS Number>
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:AS Number
<AS Number specific Filter based on Source Address>
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:AS Number
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Source Address
<AS Number specific Filter based on Group Address>
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:AS Number
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Group Address
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <ICMPEcho>
Description: ICMPEcho Operation type
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Create> - Create operation with specified type
<DataSize> - Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
<DestAddress> - IPv4 address of the target device
<EnhancedStatsTable> - Table of statistics collection intervals
<Frequency> - Frequency of the probing
<History> - Configure the history parameters for this operation
<SourceAddress> - IPv4 address of the source device
<Statistics> - Statistics collection aggregated over an hour
<Tag> - Add a tag for this operation
<Timeout> - Probe/Control timeout interval
<Tos> - Type of service setting in probe packet
<VRF> - Configure IPSLA for a VPN Routing/Forwarding instance)
Available Paths:
Description: Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Request> - Payload size in request probe packet
Available Paths:
Description: Payload size in request probe packet
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 16384
Description:Request data size in bytes
Default value:
RequestDataSize => 36
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 8.
3. Objects <NodeTable>
Description: All Nodes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - Multicast Forwarding operational data for this particular node
Available Paths:
Description: Multicast Forwarding operational data for this particular node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Node name
Child objects:
<DatabaseTable> - MFWD Databases
<Process> - MFWD NSF Databases
Available Paths:
Description: MFWD NSF Databases
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NSF> - MFWD NSF Information
<TableIDTable> - Traversal using Table ID DB
<VRFTable> - Traversal in VRF Name/ID DB
Available Paths:
Description: MFWD Databases
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Database> - Database Name
Available Paths:
Description: MFWD Route Entry Information
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Source Address
Type: IPAddress
Description:Group Address
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:Prefix Length
Value: ipv4_mfwd_route_bag
Available Paths:
Description: MFWD Route Entry and route statistics Information
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Source Address
Type: IPAddress
Description:Group Address
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:Prefix Length
Value: ipv4_mfwd_route_bag
Available Paths:
Description: Information about MFWD Interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - MFWD Interface information
Available Paths:
Description: Detailed information about MFWD Interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DetailInterface> - Detailed MFWD Interface info
Available Paths:
Description: Encapsulation InformationTable
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<EncapsulationInfo> - Encapsulation Information
Available Paths:
Description: Encapsulation Information
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:prev source CTID type
Type: IPAddress
Description:prev source CTID ID 1
Type: xsd:string
Description:prev group CTID type
Type: IPAddress
Description:prev group CTID ID 2
Value: ipv4_mfwd_encap_bag
Available Paths:
Description: Display MFIB interface specific information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceRoute> - Interface Table
Available Paths:
Description: List the routes associated with an Interface
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Source Address
Type: IPAddress
Description:Group Address
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:Prefix Length
Value: ipv4_mfwd_route_bag
Available Paths:
Filters <MFWDInterfaceFilter>
Filter based on Interface name
Type: Interface
Description:Interface Name
Filter based on Source Address
Type: IPAddress
Description:Source Address
Filter based on Group Address
Type: IPAddress
Description:Group Address
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:Prefix Length
Filter for local tables only
Filter for remote tables only
Filter based on Source Address only
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <SystemTime>
Description: System time information
Task IDs required: basic-services
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Clock> - System clock information
<Uptime> - System uptime information
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
5. Objects <IPSecStaticSessionInfo>
Description: IPSec Manager Profile table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Profile> - IPSec profile name - maximum 32 characters
Available Paths:
Description: Table of SAs per Peer by FVRF
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PeerFVRFEntry> - SAs per Peer per FVRF
Available Paths:
Description: Table of SAs per Peer by Port
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PeerPortEntry> - SAs per Peer per Port
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <POS>
Description: POS interface configuration
Task IDs required: pos-dpt
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<CRC> - Configure POS interface CRC
<TransmitDelay> - Configure POS interface transmit delay
Available Paths:
Description: Configure POS interface CRC
Parent objects:
Type: POS_CRCType
Description:POS Interface CRC type
Default value:
CRC => CRC32
Available Paths:
Description: Configure POS interface transmit delay
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 1023
Description:Transmit Delay
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes POS_CRCType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'CRC16' - 16-bit
'CRC32' - 32-bit
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <DefinitionTable>
Description: MPLS LSP Monitor definition table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Definition> - MPLS LSP Monitor definition
Available Paths:
Description: MPLS LSP Monitor definition
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 2048
Description:Monitor identifier
Child objects:
<OperationType> - Operation type specification
Available Paths:
Description: Perform MPLS LSP Ping operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Accesslist> - Apply access list to filter PE addresses
<Create> - Create MPLSLM instance with specified type
<DataSize> - Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
<EXPBits> - EXP in MPLS LSP echo request header
<ForceExplicitNull> - Forced option for the MPLS LSP operation
<LSPSelector> - Attributes used for path selection during LSP load balancing
<OutputInterface> - Echo request output interface
<OutputNexthop> - Echo request output nexthop
<PathDiscover> - Path discover configuration
<Reply> - Echo reply options for the MPLS LSP operation
<Scan> - Scanning parameters configuration
<Statistics> - Statistics collection aggregated over an hour
<TTL> - Time to live
<Tag> - Add a tag for this MPLSLM instance
<Timeout> - Probe/Control timeout interval
<VRF> - Specify a VRF instance to be monitored
Available Paths:
Description: Create MPLSLM instance with specified type
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Create MPLSLM instance with specified type
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify a VRF instance to be monitored
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:VRF instance name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Apply access list to filter PE addresses
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Access list name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Time interval for automatic discovery
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 70560
Description:Scan interval in minutes
Default value:
IntervalValue => 240
Available Paths:
Description: Number of times for automatic deletion
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 2147483647
Description:Scan delete factor value
Default value:
FactorValue => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Request> - Payload size in request probe packet
Available Paths:
Description: Payload size in request probe packet
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 100 and 17986
Description:Request data size in bytes
Default value:
RequestDataSize => 100
Available Paths:
Description: Add a tag for this MPLSLM instance
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 100
Description:Tag string
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Probe/Control timeout interval
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800000
Description:Probe/Control timeout in milliseconds
Default value:
TimeoutValue => 5000
Available Paths:
Description: Attributes used for path selection during LSP load balancing
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Local host address to use in the echo request
Default value:
Address => 2130706433
Available Paths:
Description: Forced option for the MPLS LSP operation
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Add Explicit Null label to the stack
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Echo reply options for the MPLS LSP operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DSCPBits> - DSCP bits in the reply IP header
<Mode> - Configures reply mode parameters
Available Paths:
Description: DSCP bits in the reply IP header
Parent objects:
Description:DSCP bits value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configures reply mode parameters
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLA_LSPMonitorReplyMode
Description:Enables use of router alert in echo reply packets
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Time to live
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 255
Description:Time to live value
Default value:
TTLValue => 255
Available Paths:
Description: EXP in MPLS LSP echo request header
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7
Description:EXP bits in MPLS LSP echo request header
Default value:
EXPBitValue => 0
Available Paths:
Description: Echo request output interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Specify the interface
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Echo request output nexthop
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Specify the nexthop
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics collection aggregated over an hour
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Hours> - Number of hours for which hourly statistics are kept
Available Paths:
Description: Number of hours for which hourly statistics are kept
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 2
Description:Specify number of hours
Default value:
HoursCount => 2
Available Paths:
Description: Path discover configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Create> - Create LPD instance
<Echo> - Echo parameters configuration
<Path> - Path parameters configuration
<ScanPeriod> - Time period for finishing path discovery
<Session> - Session parameters configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Create LPD instance
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Create LPD instance
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Session parameters configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Limit> - Number of concurrent active path discovery requests at one time
<Timeout> - Timeout value for path discovery request
Available Paths:
Description: Number of concurrent active path discovery requests at one time
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 15
Description:Number of requests
Default value:
SessionCount => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Timeout value for path discovery request
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 900
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
TimeoutValue => 120
Available Paths:
Description: Time period for finishing path discovery
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7200
Description:Time period value in minutes
Default value:
PeriodValue => 0
Available Paths:
Description: Path parameters configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Retry> - Number of attempts before declaring the path as down
<SecondaryFrequency> - Frequency to be used if path failure condition is detected
Available Paths:
Description: Number of attempts before declaring the path as down
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 16
Description:Retry count
Default value:
RetryCount => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Frequency to be used if path failure condition is detected
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLASecondaryFrequencyType
Description:Condition type of path failure
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800
Description:Frequency value in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Echo parameters configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interval> - Send interval between echo requests during path discovery
<MaximumLSPSelector> - Maximum IPv4 address used as destination in echo request
<Multipath> - Downstream map multipath settings
<Retry> - Number of timeout retry attempts during path discovery
<Timeout> - Timeout value for echo requests during path discovery
Available Paths:
Description: Send interval between echo requests during path discovery
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 3600000
Description:Interval time in milliseconds
Default value:
IntervalValue => 0
Available Paths:
Description: Timeout value for echo requests during path discovery
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 3600
Description:Timeout value in seconds
Default value:
TimeoutValue => 5
Available Paths:
Description: Number of timeout retry attempts during path discovery
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 10
Description:Retry count
Default value:
RetryCount => 3
Available Paths:
Description: Downstream map multipath settings
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BitmapSize> - Multipath bit size
Available Paths:
Description: Multipath bit size
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 256
Description:Bitmap size
Default value:
BitmapSizeValue => 32
Available Paths:
Description: Maximum IPv4 address used as destination in echo request
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Local host address to use as maximum value
Default value:
Address => 2147483647
Available Paths:
Description: Perform MPLS LSP Trace operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Accesslist> - Apply access list to filter PE addresses
<Create> - Create MPLSLM instance with specified type
<EXPBits> - EXP in MPLS LSP echo request header
<ForceExplicitNull> - Forced option for the MPLS LSP operation
<LSPSelector> - Attributes used for path selection during LSP load balancing
<OutputInterface> - Echo request output interface
<OutputNexthop> - Echo request output nexthop
<Reply> - Echo reply options for the MPLS LSP operation
<Scan> - Scanning parameters configuration
<Statistics> - Statistics collection aggregated over an hour
<TTL> - Time to live
<Tag> - Add a tag for this MPLSLM instance
<Timeout> - Probe/Control timeout interval
<VRF> - Specify a VRF instance to be monitored
Available Paths:
Description: Time to live
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 255
Description:Time to live value
Default value:
TTLValue => 30
Available Paths:
Datatypes IPSLA_LSPMonitorReplyMode Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'IPV4_UDPRouterAlert' - Send replies via IPv4 UDP packets with Router Alert option IPSLASecondaryFrequencyType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'ConnectionLoss' - Enable secondary frequency for connection loss
'Timeout' - Enable secondary frequency for timeout
'Both' - Enable secondary frequency for timeout and connection loss
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <LACPBundleMembers>
Description: LACP action commands
Task IDs required: bundle
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<MemberTable> - Table of LACP bundle member interfaces
Available Paths:
Description: Table of LACP bundle member interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Member> - Member interface
Available Paths:
Description: Member interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Member interface
Child objects:
<ClearCounters> - Clear LACP counters for a member interface
Available Paths:
Description: Clear LACP counters for a member interface
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear the LACP counters
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 6.
0. Objects <ISIS>
Description: IS-IS action data
Task IDs required: isis
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InstanceTable> - IS-IS instance action data
Available Paths:
Description: IS-IS instance action data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Instance> - Action data for a single IS-IS instance
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all information from an IS-IS instance (soft reset)
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear IS-IS statistics data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Trigger> - Clear all statistics data from all interfaces.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all statistics data from all interfaces.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear statistics data for one IS-IS interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Interface name
Child objects:
<Trigger> - Clear all statistics data from an interface.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all statistics data from an interface.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear IS-IS route data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Trigger> - Clear all routes from all toplogies.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all routes from all toplogies.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear IS-IS topology route data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ClearTopologyRoutes> - Clear routes relating to a single IS-IS topology
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all routes from IPv4 toplogy.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all routes from IPv6 toplogy.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 5.
0. Objects <NTP>
Description: NTP operational data
Task IDs required: ip-services
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Node-specific NTP operational data
Available Paths:
Description: Node-specific NTP operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - NTP operational data for a particular node
Available Paths:
Description: NTP operational data for a particular node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The node identifier
Child objects:
<Associations> - NTP Associations information
<AssociationsDetail> - NTP Associations Detail information
<Status> - Status of NTP peer(s)
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 6.
0. Objects <L2VPN>
Description: XConnect information
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:XConnect Group
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:XConnect Name
Value: l2vpn_xc
Available Paths:
Description: List of pseudowire classes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PseudowireClass> - Pseudowire class information
Available Paths:
Description: Pseudowire class information
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Pseudowire Class Name
Value: l2vpn_pw_class
Available Paths:
Description: Bridge Domain information
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2vpn_bridge
Available Paths:
Description: Bridge Domain Attachment Circuit Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BridgeAC> - Bridge Domain Attachment Circuit
<Filter> (Optional Filter Tag):
Available Paths:
Description: Bridge Domain Attachment Circuit
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Value: l2vpn_bd_ac
Available Paths:
Description: Bridge Domain Pseudowire information
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor IP address
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Pseudowire ID
Value: l2vpn_bd_pw
Available Paths:
Description: Bridge Domain Access Pseudowire
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor IP address
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Pseudowire ID
Value: l2vpn_bd_pw
Available Paths:
Description: Bridge Domain Hardware information
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2vpn_bridge_hw
Available Paths:
Description: MSTP Port information
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 4097
Description:vlan id
Value: l2vpn_mstp_vlan
Available Paths:
Description: Show L2VPN forwarding
Task IDs required: l2vpn
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Per node L2VPN forwarding Operational data
Available Paths:
Description: Per node L2VPN forwarding Operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - The L2VPN forwarding Operational data for a particular node
Available Paths:
Description: Specify Bridge Domain Name
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Name of the Bridge group
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_summary_info
Available Paths:
Description: Specify Bridge Domain Name
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Name of the Bridge group
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_info
Available Paths:
Description: Specify Bridge Domain Name and XC ID
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Type: HexInteger
Description:XC ID
Value: l2fib_bridge_port_detail_info
Available Paths:
Description: Specify Bridge Domain Name and XC ID
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Type: HexInteger
Description:XC ID
Value: l2fib_bridge_port_detail_info
Available Paths:
Description: Specify Bridge Domain Name and XC ID
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Type: HexInteger
Description:XC ID
Value: l2fib_bridge_port_detail_info
Available Paths:
Description: MAC Detail information
Parent objects:
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_mac_info
Available Paths:
Description: MAC Hardware Ingress information
Parent objects:
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_mac_info
Available Paths:
Description: MAC Hardware Egress information
Parent objects:
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_mac_info
Available Paths:
Description: MAC Detail information
Parent objects:
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Type: HexInteger
Description:XC ID
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_mac_info
Available Paths:
Description: MAC Hardware Ingress information
Parent objects:
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Type: HexInteger
Description:XC ID
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_mac_info
Available Paths:
Description: MAC Hardware Egress information
Parent objects:
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Type: HexInteger
Description:XC ID
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Bridge Domain Name
Value: l2fib_bridge_mac_info
Available Paths:
Datatypes XConnectTypeType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'LocallySwitched' - Locally switched
'AttachmentCircuit2Pseudowire' - Attachment circuit to pseudowire XConnectStateType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Unresolved' - XConnect state is unresolved
'Down' - XConnect state is down
'Up' - XConnect state is up EncapsulationType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'MPLS' - MPLS encapsulation
'L2TPv3' - L2TPv3 encapsulation Filters <L2VPNInterfaceFilter>
Interface match
Type: Interface
Match locally switched or attachment circuit to pseudowire
Type: XConnectTypeType
Neighbor and Pseudowire ID match
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor IP address
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Pseudowire ID
XConnect state match
Type: XConnectStateType
Description:XConnect state
Encapsulation type match
Type: EncapsulationType
Pseudowire class match
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Pseudowire class
Interface match
Type: Interface
Neighbor and Pseudowire ID match
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor IP address
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Pseudowire ID
Bridge Name match
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Name of the bridge domain
MAC Address match
Type: MACAddress
Description:Static MAC address
Bridge Name match
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 27
Description:Name of the bridge domain
Neighbor and Pseudowire ID match
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor IP address
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1
Description:Pseudowire ID
Peer ID match
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor IP address
Virtual Forwarding Interface match
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Name of the Virtual Forwarding Interface
Bridge Group Name match
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Bridge Group Name
MSTI ID match
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 64
Description:MSTI ID
Interface match
Type: Interface
Type: Interface
Description:Parent interface
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
2. Objects <IPV4DHCPD>
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 configuration
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:dhcp ipv4 is enabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 Interface Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - Dhcp Ipv4 Interface
Available Paths:
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 Interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Interface Name
Child objects:
<None> - Disable Dhcp Ipv4
<Profile> - Profile name and mode
Available Paths:
Description: Profile name and mode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Profile name
Type: IPV4DHCPDModeType
Description:Dhcp mode
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Disable Dhcp Ipv4
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Dhcp Ipv4 disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Vrf Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Vrf> - VRF table
Available Paths:
Description: VRF table
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF Name
Child objects:
<Profile> - Profile name and mode
Available Paths:
Description: Profile name and mode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Profile name
Type: IPV4DHCPDModeType
Description:Dhcp mode
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 Profile Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Profile> - Dhcp Ipv4 Profile
Available Paths:
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 Profile
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Profile Name
Child objects:
<ProfileMode> - Dhcp Ipv4 Profile mode
Available Paths:
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 Profile mode
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4DHCPDModeType
Description:Dhcp Ipv4 Profile mode
Child objects:
<Mode> - Dhcp Ipv4 Profile mode
<Proxy> - Dhcp Proxy profile
<Relay> - Dhcp Relay profile
<Snoop> - Dhcp Snoop profile
Available Paths:
Description: Dhcp Ipv4 Profile mode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Dhcp Ipv4 profile
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Datatypes CryptoIPSecDFBitType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'DFBitCopy' - Copy (default for global config)
'DFBitClear' - Clear
'DFBitSet' - Set CryptoIPSecWindowSize Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'WinSize64' - Window size of 64 (default)
'WinSize128' - Window size of 128
'WinSize256' - Window size of 256
'WinSize512' - Window size of 512
'WinSize1024' - Window size of 1024 CryptoIPSecPFSType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'PFS1' - Diffie-Hellman Group 1
'PFS2' - Diffie-Hellman Group 2
'PFS5' - Diffie-Hellman Group 5 CryptoIPSecProfileType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Static' - IPSec Static Profile
'Dynamic' - IPSec Dynamic Profile CryptoNameString Definition: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32 CryptoIdleTimeRange Definition: Range. Value lies between 600 and 86400 CryptoLifetymeKilobytes Definition: Range. Value lies between 2560 and 4194303 CryptoLifetimeSeconds Definition: Range. Value lies between 120 and 86400 CryptoSPI Definition: Range. Value lies between 256 and -1 CryptoDistance Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 255 CryptoTag Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 497777 MIBIPSecFlowMonFailTableSize Definition: Range. Value lies between 2 and 16000
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <MPLS_LSD>
Description: Table of MPLS applications using LSD
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Application> - Data for MPLS application using LSD
Available Paths:
Description: Data for MPLS application using LSD
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Application Instance name in the form of '<app_type_name>:<instance>'
Value: mpls_lsd_app
Available Paths:
Description: Table of MPLS clients using LSD
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Client> - Data for MPLS client using LSD
Available Paths:
Description: Data for MPLS client using LSD
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Client Instance name in the form of 'Application-<client_name>' or 'BCDL_Agent-<index:parent_index>'
Value: mpls_lsd_client
Available Paths:
Description: Table of MPLS interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - Data for MPLS interface
Available Paths:
Description: Table of Rewrites
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RewriteIPv4> - FPI rewrite for label
Available Paths:
Description: FPI rewrite for label
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:RSI table name
Type: HexInteger
Description:RSI table ID
Type: HexInteger
Description:IPv4 Prefix
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Prefix length
Value: mpls_lsd_rw
Available Paths:
Datatypes MPLS_LSDApplicationType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - None
'Internal' - LSD
'Test' - Test
'Static' - Static
'TE' - TE-Control
'TE Internal' - TE Internal
'BGPv4' - BGPv4
'BGPSpeaker' - BGP Speaker Filters <MPLS_LSDFilterLabelOwner>
Filter entries by MPLS application owner
Filter entries by label range
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <QOS>
Description: Global fabric service policy.
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 63
Description:Name of the fabric service policy
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes QOSDummyType1 Definition: xsd:boolean
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
1. Objects <TCP_NSR>
Description: TCP NSR operational data
Task IDs required: transport
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Table of information about all nodes present on the system
Available Paths:
Description: Table of information about all nodes present on the system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - Information about a single node
Available Paths:
Description: Information about a single node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Describing a location
Child objects:
<Client> - Information about TCP NSR Client
<Session> - Information about TCP NSR Sessions
<SessionSet> - Information about TCP NSR Session Sets
<Statistics> - Statis Information about TCP NSR connections
Available Paths:
Description: Information about TCP NSR Client
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BriefClient> - Brief information about NSR Client
Available Paths:
Description: Table about TCP NSR Client details
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DetailClient> - showing detailed information of NSR Clients
Available Paths:
Description: Information about TCP NSR Session Sets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BriefSetTable> - Information about TCP NSR Session Sets
<DetailSetTable> - Table about TCP NSR Session Sets details
Available Paths:
Description: Information about TCP NSR Session Sets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BriefSet> - Brief information about NSR Session Sets
Available Paths:
Description: Table about TCP NSR Session Sets details
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DetailSet> - showing detailed information of NSR Session Sets
Available Paths:
Description: Information about TCP NSR Sessions
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BriefSession> - Brief information about NSR Sessions
Available Paths:
Description: Table about TCP NSR Sessions details
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DetailSession> - showing detailed information of NSR Sessions
Available Paths:
Description: Statis Information about TCP NSR connections
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<StatisticClientTable> - Table listing NSR connections for which statistic information is provided
<StatisticSessionTable> - Table listing NSR connections for which statistic information is provided
<StatisticSetTable> - Table listing NSR connections for which statistic information is provided
<Summary> - Summary statistics across all NSR connections
Available Paths:
Description: Table listing NSR connections for which statistic information is provided
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<StatisticSession> - showing statistic information of TCP connections
Available Paths:
Description: Table listing NSR connections for which statistic information is provided
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<StatisticClient> - showing statistic information of NSR Clients
Available Paths:
Description: Table listing NSR connections for which statistic information is provided
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<StatisticSet> - showing statistic information of NSR Session Set
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <ARP_GMP>
Description: ARP-GMP global operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFInfoTable> - Table of VRF related ARP-GMP operational data
<VRFTable> - Table of per VRF ARP-GMP operational data
Available Paths:
Description: Table of VRF related ARP-GMP operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFInfo> - VRF related ARP-GMP operational data
Available Paths:
Description: VRF related ARP-GMP operational data
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name for the default VRF use 'default'
Value: arp_gmp_vrf_entry
Available Paths:
Description: Table of per VRF ARP-GMP operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - Per VRF ARP-GMP operational data
Available Paths:
Description: Per VRF ARP-GMP operational data
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name for the default VRF use 'default'
Child objects:
<ConfiguredIPAddressTable> - Table of ARP-GMP configured IP addresses information
<InterfaceConfiguredIPTable> - Table of ARP GMP interface and associated configured IP data
<RouteTable> - Table of ARP GMP route information
Available Paths:
Description: Table of ARP-GMP configured IP addresses information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ConfiguredIPAddress> - ARP-GMP configured IP address information
Available Paths:
Description: Table of ARP GMP route information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Route> - ARP GMP route information
Available Paths:
Description: ARP GMP route information
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IP address
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 32
Description:Prefix length
Value: arp_gmp_route_entry
Available Paths:
Description: Table of ARP GMP interface and associated configured IP data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceConfiguredIP> - ARP GMP interface and associated configured IP data
<Filter> (Optional Filter Tag):
Available Paths:
Filters <ARPGMPInterfaceFilter>
Display ARP GMP interface data for a particular interface
Type: Interface
Description:Interface name
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <RADIUS>
Description: RADIUS operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Global> - RADIUS Client Information
<ServerTable> - List of RADIUS servers configured
Available Paths:
Description: List of RADIUS servers configured
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Server> - RADIUS Server
Available Paths:
Description: RADIUS Server
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IP address of RADIUS server
Type: AAAPortRange
Description:Authentication Port number (standard port 1645)
Type: AAAPortRange
Description:Accounting Port number (standard port 1646)
Value: radius_serverbag
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
2. Objects <IPSLA>
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 8.
0. Objects <BGP>
Description: Container class for BGP action data
Task IDs required: bgp
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ClearMode> - Switch BGP into the currently configured mode (standalone or distributed)
<DefaultVRF> - Default VRF related BGP action
<VRFTable> - VRF related BGP action
Available Paths:
Description: Default VRF related BGP action
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AFTable> - Container class for the address families supported by BGP
<ClearDrops> - Clear peer drops
<ClearPerformanceStats> - Clear BGP performance stats information
Available Paths:
Description: Container class for the address families supported by BGP
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AF> - A particular address family
Available Paths:
Description: Clear dampening statistics
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<All> - Clear the dampening statistics for all neighbors
<NetworkTable> - Clear dampening statistics for a network table
Available Paths:
Description: Clear the dampening statistics for all neighbors
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear dampening statistics for a network table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Network> - Clear dampening statistics for a network
Available Paths:
Description: Clear dampening statistics for a network
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddressPrefix
Description:The network in prefix/length format
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear redistributed, network and aggregate routes originated by the local system
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear flap stats for an address family
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear flap stats for a network
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddressPrefix
Description:The network in prefix/length format
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear route policy flap stats table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RoutePolicy> - Table entry to clear flap stats info via route policy
Available Paths:
Description: Table entry to clear flap stats info via route policy
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Route policy name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear AS paths flap stats regular expression table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RegExp> - Clear AS path flap stats via regular expression
Available Paths:
Description: Clear AS path flap stats via regular expression
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:An encoded regular expression to match the BGP AS paths
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear the flap statistics for a neighbor table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NeighborFlaps> - Clear a neighbor flap statistics
Available Paths:
Description: Clear a neighbor flap statistics
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear neighbors
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ASTable> - Clear a group of neighbors with a given AS table
<All> - Clear all neighbors. CLI note: 'Graceful' is only available if 'PrefixFilter' is FALSE and 'Direction' is 'Hard' and afi/safi is 'all/all'. 'Graceful' and 'PrefixFilter' values of FALSE mean not to apply them.
<External> - Clear all external neighbors
<NeighborTable> - Clear a neighbor table
<OutOfMemoryShutdown> - Clear all neighbors which were shut down due to low memory
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all neighbors. CLI note: 'Graceful' is only available if 'PrefixFilter' is FALSE and 'Direction' is 'Hard' and afi/safi is 'all/all'. 'Graceful' and 'PrefixFilter' values of FALSE mean not to apply them.
Parent objects:
Type: BGPClearDirectionType
Description:Clear direction
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE to apply an outbound prefix filter
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear gracefully
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear a neighbor table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Neighbor> - Clear a neighbor
Available Paths:
Description: Clear a neighbor
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Type: BGPClearDirectionType
Description:Clear direction
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE to apply an outbound prefix filter
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear gracefully
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear a group of neighbors with a given AS table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AS> - Clear a group of neighbors with a given AS
Available Paths:
Description: Clear a group of neighbors with a given AS
Parent objects:
Type: BGP_ASRange
Description:xx of AS number xx.yy
Type: BGP_ASRange
Description:yy of AS number xx.yy
Type: BGPClearDirectionType
Description:Clear direction
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE to apply an outbound prefix filter
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear gracefully
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all external neighbors
Parent objects:
Type: BGPClearDirectionType
Description:Clear direction
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE to apply an outbound prefix filter
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear gracefully
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all neighbors which were shut down due to low memory
Parent objects:
Type: BGPClearDirectionType
Description:Clear direction
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE to apply an outbound prefix filter
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear gracefully
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Performance statistics information related to processing
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Registration with RIB and reregister
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NextHop> - Next hop to be re-reregistered
Available Paths:
Description: Next hop to be re-reregistered
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Next hop address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the registration
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear BGP performance stats information
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear peer drop info for all neighbors
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear neighbor peer drops table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NeighborDrops> - Clear the peer drop info for a neighbor
Available Paths:
Description: Clear the peer drop info for a neighbor
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: VRF related BGP action
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - Actions for a particular VRF
Available Paths:
Description: Actions for a particular VRF
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the VRF
Child objects:
<AFTable> - Container class for the address families supported by BGP
<ClearDrops> - Clear peer drops
<ClearPerformanceStats> - Clear BGP performance stats information
Available Paths:
Description: Switch BGP into the currently configured mode (standalone or distributed)
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes BGPClearDirectionType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Hard' - Hard Reset
'SoftInbound' - Soft inbound
'SoftOutbound' - Soft outbound
'Both' - Soft inbound and outbound
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <Statistics>
Description: Statistics collection aggregated over an hour
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DistCount> - Count of distribution intervals maintained
<DistInterval> - Distribution interval length
<Hops> - Maximum hops per path for which statistics are kept
<Hours> - Number of hours for which hourly statistics are kept
<Paths> - Maximum number of paths for which statistics are kept
Available Paths:
Description: Count of distribution intervals maintained
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 20
Description:Specify number of distribution intervals
Default value:
DistIntervalCount => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Distribution interval length
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Specify distribution interval in milliseconds
Default value:
DistInterval => 20
Available Paths:
Description: Number of hours for which hourly statistics are kept
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 25
Description:Specify number of hours
Default value:
HoursCount => 2
Available Paths:
Description: Maximum hops per path for which statistics are kept
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 30
Description:Specify number of hops
Default value:
HopsCount => 16
Available Paths:
Description: Maximum number of paths for which statistics are kept
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 128
Description:Specify number of paths
Default value:
PathCount => 5
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 10.
1. Objects <PIM>
Description: PIM operational data
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Process> - process
<VRFTable> - VRF table
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <Ipv4Pool>
Description: Low utilization mark
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Specify numerical value as percentage
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: High utilization mark
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Specify numerical value as percentage
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify VRF of pool
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Vrf> - none
Available Paths:
Description: Create or enter pool configuration mode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify address range for allocation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AddressRange> - Specify address range
Available Paths:
Description: Specify address range
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Specify first address in range
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Specify last address in range
Type: xsd:boolean
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Exclude addresses from pool
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Exclude> - Specify excluded address range
Available Paths:
Description: Specify excluded address range
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:First address in range
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Last address in range
Type: xsd:boolean
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify network for allocation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Network> - IP prefix <network/length>
Available Paths:
Description: IP prefix <network/length>
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IPv4 prefix
Type: IPV4Mask
Description:Ipv4 mask
Type: xsd:boolean
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Low utilization mark
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Specify numerical value as percentage
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: High utilization mark
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Specify numerical value as percentage
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <CryptoCertificateAuthority>
Description: Public Key Infrastructure Related Information
Task IDs required: crypto
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TrustpointTable> - CA Trustpoint Table Information
Available Paths:
Description: Certificate CRLDistributionPoint Instance
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:CDP Entry Index
Type: xsd:string
Description:CRLDistributionPoint Content
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <Sbc>
Description: SBC operational Data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SbcProcess> - Operational data for a particular SBC instance
Available Paths:
Description: Operational data for a particular SBC instance
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:SBC Instance
Child objects:
<SbcNotifications> - Notification and Alarm data
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
2. Objects <History>
Description: Historical data for an operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Path> - Historical data with multiple hops along the path
<Target> - Historical data for the destination node
Available Paths:
Description: Historical data for the destination node
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<LifeTable> - Tables of lives for an operation
Available Paths:
Description: Tables of lives for an operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Life> - Operational data for a particular life of the operation
Available Paths:
Description: Operational data for a particular life of the operation
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLALifeIndex
Description:Life Index
Child objects:
<BucketTable> - Table of history buckets (samples) for a particular operation
Available Paths:
Description: Table of history buckets (samples) for a particular operation
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Bucket> - History bucket for an operation
Available Paths:
Datatypes IPSLABucketIndex Definition: xsd:unsignedInt IPSLALifeIndex Definition: xsd:unsignedInt
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
2. Objects <IPV4DHCPD>
Description: IPv4 DHCPD operational data
Task IDs required: ip-services
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - IPv4 DHCPD operational data for a particular location
Available Paths:
Description: IPv4 DHCPD operational data for a particular location
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - Location. For eg., 0/1/CPU0
Available Paths:
Description: Location. For eg., 0/1/CPU0
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The node id to filter on. For eg., 0/1/CPU0
Child objects:
<Proxy> - DHCP proxy operational data
<Relay> - IPv4 DHCPD Relay operational data
<Snoop> - The DHCPD Snoop operational data
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <AlphaDisplay>
Description: Alpha Display Operational data space
Task IDs required: root-system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Table of nodes
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 5.
0. Objects <SONET>
Description: All SONET Path configurations for a SONET port
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Path> - SONET Path configuration
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Only ever set to TRUE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Defects hold OFF delay (in msec)
Default value:
Delay => 0
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 0
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1000 and 180000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 10000
Available Paths:
Description: Configure sending PAIS when shutdown
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Send PAIS when shutdown
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure sending 'Unequipped' (UNEQ) when shutdown
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Send UNEQ when shutdown
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SPE scrambling
Parent objects:
Type: SONETScramblingType
Description:SONET SPE scrambling
Default value:
Scrambling => Enabled
Available Paths:
Description: Configure STS SPE content (C2) byte
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Transmit C2 byte value
Default value:
C2 => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET path trace (J1) buffer
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:ASCII text (max 62 characters)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Loss of Pointer reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable PLOP reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Alarm Indication Signal reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PAIS reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Remote Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PRDI reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Unequipped Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PUNEQ reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B3 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable B3 BER TCA reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B3 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 6
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 0
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1000 and 180000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 10000
Available Paths:
Description: All SONET Path configurations for a SONET port
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<StsPath> - SONET STS Path configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Configure STS SPE content (C2) byte
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Transmit C2 byte value
Default value:
C2 => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET path trace (J1) buffer
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:ASCII text (max 62 characters)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Loss of Pointer reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable PLOP reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Alarm Indication Signal reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PAIS reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Remote Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PRDI reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Unequipped Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PUNEQ reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B3 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable B3 BER TCA reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B3 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 6
Available Paths:
Description: Configure width on sts Path
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 768
Description:Valid width(1,3,12,48..), natural sts boundaries(1,4,7,10,13..)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure service on sts Path
Parent objects:
Type: STSServiceType
Description:STS path service type
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 0
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1000 and 180000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 10000
Available Paths:
Description: All SDH AU Path configurations for a SONET port
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AuPath> - SDH AU Path configuration
Available Paths:
Description: All tug3 Path configurations for a SONET port
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Tug3Path> - SDH tug3 Path configuration
Available Paths:
Description: SDH tug3 Path configuration
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Valid range for path is 1-3
Child objects:
<Service> - Configure service on tug3 Path
Available Paths:
Description: Configure service on tug3 Path
Parent objects:
Type: TUG3ServiceType
Description:TUG3 path service type
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure STS SPE content (C2) byte
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Transmit C2 byte value
Default value:
C2 => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET path trace (J1) buffer
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:ASCII text (max 62 characters)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Loss of Pointer reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable PLOP reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Alarm Indication Signal reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PAIS reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Remote Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PRDI reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Path Unequipped Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable PUNEQ reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B3 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable B3 BER TCA reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B3 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 6
Available Paths:
Description: Configure width on sts Path
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 768
Description:Valid width(1,3,12,48..), natural au boundaries(1,4,7,10,13..)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure service on au Path
Parent objects:
Type: AUServiceType
Description:AU path service type
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 0
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1000 and 180000
Description:Value of Time in milliseconds
Default value:
Delay => 10000
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Only ever set to TRUE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 60000
Description:Line defects hold OFF delay (in msec)
Default value:
Delay => 0
Available Paths:
Description: Configure sending LAIS when shutdown
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Send LAIS when shutdown
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure sending LAIS for L2Port when Pseudo-Wire fails
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Send LAIS for L2Port when Pseudo-Wire fails
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET port Transmit clock source
Parent objects:
Type: SONETClockSourceType
Description:SONET Transmit Clock Source
Default value:
ClockSource => Line
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET port framing
Parent objects:
Type: SONETFramingType
Description:SONET port framing
Default value:
Framing => SONET
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET port loopback mode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:SONET port loopback mode:internal,line
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: S1Byte to be set to Ignore
Parent objects:
Type: SONETS1ByteType
Description:Ignore S1 byte
Default value:
S1Byte => Ignore
Available Paths:
Description: Specify STS identifier (J0/C1) byte
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Transmit J0/C1 byte value
Default value:
J0 => 1
Available Paths:
Description: Specify bits s1 and s0 of H1 byte
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 3
Description:Transmit s1 & s0 bits value
Default value:
S1S0 => 0
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Section Loss of Signal reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable SLOS reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Section Loss of Frame reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable SLOF reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Line Alarm Indication Signal reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable LAIS reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Line Remote Defect Indication reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable LRDI reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B1 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable B1 BER TCA reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B2 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable B2 BER TCA reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B2 BER in excess of SF threshold reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable SF BER reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B2 BER in excess of SD threshold reporting
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enable SD BER reporting
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B1 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) threshold
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 6
Available Paths:
Description: Configure B2 BER Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) threshold
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 6
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Signal Fail BER threshold
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 3
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Signal Degrade BER threshold
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 3 and 9
Description:Bit error rate (10 to the minus n)
Default value:
Threshold => 6
Available Paths:
Description: Configure SONET Controller into down-when-looped mode
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Type: SONETDownWhenLoopedAct
Description:enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Disable SONET controller processing
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Shutdown the SONET port
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes SONETClockSourceType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Internal' - Internal
'Line' - Line SONETFramingType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'SDH' - SDH SONETLoopbackType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - None
'Internal' - Internal(Equipment)
'Line' - Line(Facility) SONETS1ByteType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - None
'Ignore' - Ignore SONETScramblingType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - Disabled
'Enabled' - Enabled STSServiceType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'VT15' - mode vt15
'VT15T1' - mode vt15-t1
'VT2' - mode vt2
'POSScramble' - mode pos scramble
'POSUnscramble' - mode pos unscramble
'ATM' - mode atm
'T3' - mode t3 AUServiceType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'C11' - mode c11
'C11T1' - mode c11-T1
'POSScramble' - mode pos scramble
'POSUnscramble' - mode pos unscramble
'ATM' - mode atm
'T3' - mode t3
'TUG3' - TUG3 TUG3ServiceType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'C12' - mode c12
'C12E1' - mode c12-E1
'T3' - mode t3
'E3' - mode e3 SONETDownWhenLoopedAct Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Activate' - Activate down-when-looped mode
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <IPV6_PIM>
Description: PIM action data for ipv6
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFTable> - VRF table
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <InterfaceAttributes>
Description: Hardware and software attributes for interfaces
Task IDs required: interface
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceTable> - Table of hardware and software attributes for interfaces
Available Paths:
Description: Table of hardware and software attributes for interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - The attributes for a particular interface
Available Paths:
Description: The attributes for a particular interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:The name of the interface
Child objects:
<Hardware> - The hardware attributes for a particular interface
<Software> - The software attributes for a particular interface
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <ServiceRedundancy>
Description: Service Redundancy Actions
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Failover> - Failover a service-type from the specified location
<Revert> - Revert a service-type back to the specified location
Available Paths:
Description: Failover a service-type from the specified location
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Service Type to Fail Over
Type: NodeID
Description:Location to fail over services from
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Revert a service-type back to the specified location
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Service Type to Revert
Type: NodeID
Description:Location to revert services to
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <ICMPPathJitter>
Description: ICMPPathJitter Operation type
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Create> - Create operation with specified type
<DataSize> - Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
<DestAddress> - IPv4 address of the target device
<Frequency> - Frequency of the probing
<LSRPath> - Loose source routing path (up to 8 intermediate nodes)
<Packet> - Probe packet stream configuration parameters
<SourceAddress> - IPv4 address of the source device
<Tag> - Add a tag for this operation
<Timeout> - Probe/Control timeout interval
<Tos> - Type of service setting in probe packet
<VRF> - Configure IPSLA for a VPN Routing/Forwarding instance)
Available Paths:
Description: Protocol data size in payload of probe packets
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Request> - Payload size in request probe packet
Available Paths:
Description: Payload size in request probe packet
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 16384
Description:Request data size in bytes
Default value:
RequestDataSize => 36
Available Paths:
Description: Probe packet stream configuration parameters
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Count> - Number of packets to be transmitted during a probe
<Interval> - Inter packet interval
Available Paths:
Description: Number of packets to be transmitted during a probe
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Packet count
Default value:
PacketCount => 10
Available Paths:
Description: Inter packet interval
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 60000
Description:Packet interval in milliseconds
Default value:
PacketInterval => 20
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 5.
1. Objects <AlarmLogger>
Description: Alarm Logger operational data
Task IDs required: logging
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AlarmTable> - Table that contains the database of logged alarms
<BufferStatus> - Describes buffer utilization and parameters configured
Available Paths:
Filters <AlarmLoggerEventFilter>
Selects alarms from buffer matching filter attributes
Type: NodeID
Description:Node ID
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Less-than/Equal EventID
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Greater-than/Equal EventID
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Less-than/Equal Timestamp. Timestamp must be specified in calendar format (number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970)
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Greater-than/Equal Timestamp. Timestamp must be specified in calendar format (number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970)
Type: xsd:string
Type: xsd:string
Description:Message Group
Type: AlarmLoggerSeverityLevel
Description:Less-than/Equal Severity. Selects events with equal or lower severity (higher/equal level)
Type: AlarmLoggerSeverityLevel
Description:Greater-than/Equal Severity. Selects events with equal or higher severity (lower/equal level)
Type: xsd:string
Description:Context Name
Type: xsd:string
Description:Message Code
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:BiState Set Alarms Only
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Select a number of events at the head of the buffer
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Select a number of events at the tail of the buffer
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Admin Level Alarms Only
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <TTY>
Description: List of Nodes for console
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ConsoleNode> - Console line configuration on a node
Available Paths:
Description: Console line configuration on a node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Node ID
Child objects:
<ConsoleLine> - Console line
Available Paths:
Description: General information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<GeneralState> - State
<Operation> - application running of on the tty line
Available Paths:
Description: State
Parent objects:
Type: LineState
Description:State of the line
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: application running of on the tty line
Parent objects:
Type: SessionOperation
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Information related to template applied to the line
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Name> - Name of the template
Available Paths:
Description: Name of the template
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Template name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics of the console line
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AAA> - AAA related statistics
<Exec> - Exec related statistics
<GeneralStatistics> - General statistics of line
<RS232> - RS232 statistics of console line
Available Paths:
Description: Conection configuration information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ACLIn> - ACL for inbound traffic
<ACLOut> - ACL for outbound traffic
<TransportInput> - Protocols to use when connecting to the terminal server
Available Paths:
Description: ACL for inbound traffic
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the ACL
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: ACL for outbound traffic
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the ACL
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: List of Nodes attached with an auxiliary line
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AuxiliaryNode> - Line configuration on a node
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics of the auxiliary line
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AAA> - AAA related statistics
<Exec> - Exec related statistics
<GeneralStatistics> - General statistics of line
<RS232> - RS232 statistics of console line
Available Paths:
Description: List of VTY lines
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VTYLine> - VTY Line
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics of the VTY line
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AAA> - AAA related statistics
<Connection> - Connection related statistics
<Exec> - Exec related statistics
<GeneralStatistics> - General statistics of line
Available Paths:
Datatypes SessionOperation Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - No sessions on the line
'Setup' - Session getting set up
'Shell' - Session active with a shell
'Transitioning' - Session in transitioning phase
'Packet' - Session ready to receive packets LineState Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - Line not connected
'Registered' - Line registered
'InUse' - Line active and in use
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <ScheduleTable>
Description: MPLSLM schedule configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Schedule> - Schedule an MPLSLM instance
Available Paths:
Description: Schedule an MPLSLM instance
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 2048
Description:Monitor indentifier
Child objects:
<Frequency> - Group schedule frequency of the probing
<Period> - Group schedule period range
<StartTime> - Start time of MPLSLM instance
Available Paths:
Description: Group schedule period range
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800
Description:Period in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Group schedule frequency of the probing
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 604800
Description:Probe interval in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Start time of MPLSLM instance
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLASchedType
Description:Type of schedule
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 23
Description:Hour value(hh) in hh:mm:ss specification
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:Minute value(mm) in hh:mm:ss specification
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 59
Description:Second value(ss) in hh:mm:ss specification
Type: IPSLAMonthType
Description:Month of the year (optional. Default current month)
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 31
Description:Day of the month(optional. Default today)
Type: Range. Value lies between 1993 and 2035
Description:Year (optional. Default current year)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 5.
2. Objects <IPV4NetworkGlobal>
Description: IPv4 network global configuration data
Task IDs required: network
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ICMP> - ICMP options
<ReassembleMaxPackets> - Maximum packets allowed in reassembly queues
<ReassembleTimeOut> - Number of seconds a reassembly queue will hold
<SourceRoute> - The flag for enabling whether to process packets with source routing header options
Available Paths:
Description: Rate limit generation of ICMP messages
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Unreachable> - Destination Unreachable rate limiting
Available Paths:
Description: Destination Unreachable rate limiting
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DF> - Destination Unreachable rate limiting for DF packets requiring fragmentation (code4)
<Rate> - Destination Unreachable (type 3)
Available Paths:
Description: Destination Unreachable rate limiting for DF packets requiring fragmentation (code4)
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4NetworkRateType
Description:Destination Unreachable DF packets requiring fragmentation response rate limit value in milliseconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Destination Unreachable (type 3)
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4NetworkRateType
Description:Destination Unreachable packet response rate limit value in milliseconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: The flag for enabling whether to process packets with source routing header options
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE if enabled, FALSE if disabled
Default value:
Enable => true
Available Paths:
Description: Number of seconds a reassembly queue will hold
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 120
Description:Number of seconds a reassembly queue will hold before timeout
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Maximum packets allowed in reassembly queues
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 50
Description:Percentage of total packets available in the system
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: QPPB
Task IDs required: network
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4_QPPBType
Description:QPPB configuration on source
Type: IPV4_QPPBType
Description:QPPB configuration on destination
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes IPV4NetworkRateType Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and -1 IPV4_QPPBType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'None' - No QPPB configuration
'IP_PREC' - Enable ip-precedence based QPPB
'QOS_GRP' - Enable qos-group based QPPB
'Both' - Enable both ip-precedence and qos-group based QPPB
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 12.
7. Objects <MPLS_TE>
Description: Configure MPLS TE interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - Configure an MPLS TE interface
Available Paths:
Description: Configure an MPLS TE interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Interface name
Child objects:
<GlobalAttributes> - MPLS TE global interface configuration
<LCAC> - LCAC specific MPLS interface configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Secondary Router ID
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Secondary TE Router ID
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Specify a maximum number of tunnel heads
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65536
Description:The maximum number of tunnel heads that will be allowed.
Default value:
Value => 2048
Available Paths:
Description: Reoptimize timers period in seconds
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 604800
Description:Reoptimize timers frequency
Default value:
Value => 3600
Available Paths:
Description: Retry period for tunnels after receiving path errors
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 30 and 600
Description:Signalling retry for tunnels terminating outside the headend area
Default value:
Value => 120
Available Paths:
Description: Holddown time for links which had Path Errors in seconds
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 300
Description:Link holddown time in seconds
Default value:
Value => 10
Available Paths:
Description: Enable explicit-null advertising to PHOP
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Path selection to ignore overload node during CSPF
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Path selection Loose ERO Metric configuration
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7
Description:Path Selection class Type
Type: MPLS_TEPathSelectionMetricType
Description:Metric to use for ERO Expansion
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Path selection Loose ERO Affinity configuration
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7
Description:Path Selection class Type
Type: HexInteger
Description:Affinity flags
Type: HexInteger
Description:Affinity mask
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Affinity Mapping configuration
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 32
Description:Affinity Name
Type: MPLS_TEAffinityValueType
Description:Affinity value type
Type: HexInteger
Description:Affinity Value in Hex number or by Bit position
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure fast reroute attributes
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Timers> - Configure fast reroute timers
Available Paths:
Description: Configure fast reroute timers
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Promotion> - Promotion timer period in seconds
Available Paths:
Description: Promotion timer period in seconds
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 604800
Description:The value of the promotion timer in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable unequal load-balancing over tunnels to the same destination
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Address of the PCE
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Address of this PCE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: PCE deadtimer
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Deadtimer interval in seconds
Default value:
Time => 120
Available Paths:
Description: PCE keepalive
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Keepalive interval in seconds
Default value:
Time => 30
Available Paths:
Description: PCE keepalive tolerance
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 255
Description:Keepalive interval tolerance in seconds
Default value:
Time => 10
Available Paths:
Description: PCE peer
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Address of PCE Peer
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Source address (default uses local)
Default value:
Address =>
Available Paths:
Description: PCE reoptimization period for PCE-based paths
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 60 and 604800
Description:Reoptimization period in seconds
Default value:
Period => 60
Available Paths:
Description: PCE request timeout
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 5 and 100
Description:Request timeout value in seconds
Default value:
Timeout => 10
Available Paths:
Description: Auto-bandwidth global collection frequency
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 10080
Description:Auto-bandwidth global collection frequency in minutes
Default value:
Frequency => 5
Available Paths:
Description: Log FRR Protection messages
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Enable MPLS Traffic Engineering
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Always set to true
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure Diff-Serv Traffic-Engineering
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<BandwidthConstraintModel> - Diff-Serv Traffic-Engineering Bandwidth Constraint Model
<ClassTable> - Configure Diff-Serv Traffic-Engineering Classes
<ModeIETF> - Diff-Serv Traffic-Engineering IETF mode
Available Paths:
Description: Diff-Serv Traffic-Engineering IETF mode
Parent objects:
Type: IETFModeType
Description:The IETF mode
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: DSTE class number
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7
Description:DS-TE class number
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 1
Description:Class type number
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7
Description:Class-type priority
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE to skip classtype and class priority provisioning FALSE to provision them
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes IETFModeType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Standard' - IETF Standard BandwidthConstraintType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'BandwidthConstraintMaximumAllocationModel' - Maximum Allocation Bandwidth Constaints Model
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 8.
3. Objects <MFWD>
Description: MFWD operational data
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - All Nodes
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
1. Objects <T3E3>
Description: T3E3 action data
Task IDs required: sonet-sdh
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ControllerTable> - All T3E3 controller action data
Available Paths:
Description: All T3E3 controller action data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Controller> - T3E3 controller action data
Available Paths:
Description: Clears T3E3 controller statistics
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear controller stats
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Start BERT on T3E3 controller
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:BERT start
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Stop BERT on T3E3 controller
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:BERT stop
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: BERT insert single bit error
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:BERT insert error
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <MPLSDiscovery>
Description: Provider Edge(PE) discovery configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VPN> - Layer 3 VPN PE discovery configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Layer 3 VPN PE discovery configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interval> - Specify a discovery refresh interval
Available Paths:
Description: Specify a discovery refresh interval
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 30 and 70560
Description:Refresh interval in minutes
Default value:
IntervalValue => 60
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Datatypes IPV4ARMPrefixLength Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and 32
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
2. Objects <Distributed>
Description: Statistics aggregated on distribution value intervals for in 1-hour intervals
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PathTable> - Table of paths identified in the 1-hour interval
<Target> - Distribution statistics for the target node
Available Paths:
Description: Table of paths identified in the 1-hour interval
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Path> - Paths identified in a 1-hour interval
Available Paths:
Description: Paths identified in a 1-hour interval
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLAPathIndex
Description:Path Index
Child objects:
<HopTable> - Table of hops for a particular path
Available Paths:
Description: Table of hops for a particular path
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Hop> - 1-hour aggregated statistics for a hop in a path-enabled operation
Available Paths:
Description: 1-hour aggregated statistics for a hop in a path-enabled operation
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLAHopIndex
Description:Hop Index
Child objects:
<DistributionIntervalTable> - Table of distribution intervals for a particular hop
Available Paths:
Description: Table of distribution intervals for a particular hop
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DistributionInterval> - 1-hour aggregated statistics for a hop in a path-enabled operation
Available Paths:
Description: Distribution statistics for the target node
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DistributionIntervalTable> - Table of distribution intervals for a particular hop
Available Paths:
Datatypes IPSLADistributionIndex Definition: xsd:unsignedInt
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <ATM>
Description: ATM operational data
Task IDs required: atm
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceTable> - Contains all Interface information for ATM Interface
Available Paths:
Description: Contains all Interface information for ATM Interface
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Interface> - ATM Interface data
Available Paths:
Description: Interface Driver operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InterfaceTCSublayer> - Interface TC sublayer information
Available Paths:
Description: Traffic information for ATM
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<F4OAM> - Enter traffic to display f4oam details
Available Paths:
Description: Traffic VC information for ATM
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TrafficVC> - Traffic VC information for ATM
Available Paths:
Description: Traffic VP information for ATM
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TrafficVP> - Traffic VP information for ATM
Available Paths:
Datatypes ATM_PVC_VPIRange Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and 4095 ATM_PVC_VCIRange Definition: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
1. Objects <CryptoIKE>
Description: Container class for crypto IKE action data
Task IDs required: crypto
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Clear> - Container class for clear actions
Available Paths:
Description: Call Admission Control Statistics
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear CAC
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear Errors
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear All Errors
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes SecurityAssociationIDRange Definition: Range with Enumeration. Values must lie between 0 and 64001 with well-known values being:
'All' - To Clear all SAs
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
0. Datatypes AlarmLoggerSeverityLevel Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Emergency' - Emergency
'Alert' - Alert
'Critical' - Critical
'Error' - Error
'Warning' - Warning
'Notice' - Notice
'Informational' - Informational
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <ZDbe>
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Virtual Data Border Element configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Vdbe> - none
Available Paths:
Description: Enable the resource
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VdbeEnableMgal> - none
Available Paths:
Description: Local port number on the DBE
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 9999
Description:Local port number
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Control address
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VdbeHMgal> - none
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<MgcsTable> - none
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Mgcs> - Index of the media controller.
Available Paths:
Description: Index of the media controller.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Index of the media controller.
Child objects:
<MgcsEnable> - Enable the resource
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Remote address of the SBE
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Remote port number on the SBE
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Remote port number
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Transport method to use for connection to H.248 controller.
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:H.248 transport
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Media source alert enable
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Ensure gates with no media are preserved and not deleted
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Preserve No Media Flow Gates
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Percentage level at which DBE signals a congestion cleared event to the SBE (default: 60).
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 100
Description:Percentage level at which DBE signals a congestion event to the SBE (default: 80).
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 1000
Description:The default time duration for an injected DTMF event in milliseconds. Default: 200ms
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Controller attached status
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 2000000000
Description:The threshold time in milliseconds.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure media addresses and media address pools
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<MediaAddress> - Media address
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure port ranges for a media address
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PortRange> - The starting port of the range
Available Paths:
Description: The starting port of the range
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 10000 and 65535
Description:The starting port of the range
Type: Range. Value lies between 10000 and 65535
Description:The final port of the range
Child objects:
<PortRangeClass> - Configure port ranges for a media address
Available Paths:
Description: Configure port ranges for a media address
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Configure a media address pool
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AddressPool> - Start of media address range
Available Paths:
Description: Start of media address range
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Start of media address range
Type: IPV4Address
Description:End of media address range
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name for the media address
Child objects:
<AddressPoolB> - none
<AddressPoolH> - none
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Enabled or disabled
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: The starting port of the range
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 10000 and 65535
Description:The starting port of the range
Type: Range. Value lies between 10000 and 65535
Description:The final port of the range
Child objects:
<AddressPoolHPortRangeTablePortRangeClass> - Configure port ranges for a pool of media addresses
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: DBE Location ID
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Location ID for this DBE identifing the location in the network.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: DBE no media timeout
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Time to wait, in seconds, between receiving the last media packet on a call and determining the call has ended. Default: 30s
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <PIM>
Description: PIM action data
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRFTable> - VRF table
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <IPV6_ACLAndPrefixList>
Description: ACL entry table; contains list of access list entries
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AccessListEntry> - An ACL entry; either a description (remark) or anAccess List Entry to match against
Available Paths:
Description: An ACL entry; either a description (remark) or anAccess List Entry to match against
Parent objects:
Type: ACLSequenceNumberRange
Description:Sequence number of access list entry
Value: IPv6AclAce
Available XML formats:
Available Paths:
Description: Control access lists log updates
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Rate> - Set access list logging rate
<Threshold> - Set access list logging threshold
Available Paths:
Description: Set access list logging threshold
Parent objects:
Type: IPV6_ACLLogThresholdRange
Description:Log update threshold (number of hits)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Set access list logging rate
Parent objects:
Type: IPV6_ACLLogRateRange
Description:Log update rate (log messages per second)
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Sequence of entries forming a prefix list
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PrefixListEntry> - A prefix list entry; either a description (remark) or a prefix to match against
Available Paths:
Description: A prefix list entry; either a description (remark) or a prefix to match against
Parent objects:
Type: ACLSequenceNumberRange
Description:Sequence number of prefix list
Type: IPV6_ACLGrantEnum
Description:Whether to forward or drop packets matching the prefix list
Type: xsd:string
Description:The IPv6 address if entered with the ZoneMutually exclusive with Prefix and PrefixMask
Type: xsd:string
Description:IPv6 Zone if entered with the IPV6AddressMutually exclusive with Prefix and PrefixMask
Type: IPV6Address
Description:IPv6 address prefix to match
Type: IPV6PrefixLength
Description:MaskLength of IPv6 address prefix
Type: IPV6PrefixMatchExactLength
Description:Set to perform an exact prefix length match. Item is mutually exclusive with minimum and maximum length match items
Type: IPV6PrefixLength
Description:If exact prefix length matching specified, set the length of prefix to be matched
Type: IPV6PrefixMatchMaxLength
Description:Set to perform a maximum length prefix match. Item is mutually exclusive with exact length match item
Type: IPV6PrefixLength
Description:If maximum length prefix matching specified, set the maximum length of prefix to be matched
Type: IPV6PrefixMatchMinLength
Description:Set to perform a minimum length prefix match. Item is mutually exclusive with exact length match item
Type: IPV6PrefixLength
Description:If minimum length prefix matching specified, set the minimum length of prefix to be matched
Type: xsd:string
Description:Comments or a description for the prefix list. Item is mutually exclusive with all others in the object
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Out Of Resources configration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ACE> - Container class for maximum number of ACEs that can be configured
<ACL> - Container class for maximum number of ACLs that can be configured
Available Paths:
Description: Container class for maximum number of ACEs that can be configured
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Threshold> - Set ACE OOR Threshold
Available Paths:
Description: Set ACE OOR Threshold
Parent objects:
Type: IPV6_ACL_MaxConfigurableSequenceNumbers
Description:Maximum number of ACEs that can be configured
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container class for maximum number of ACLs that can be configured
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Threshold> - Set ACL OOR threshold
Available Paths:
Description: Set ACL OOR threshold
Parent objects:
Type: IPV6_ACL_MaxConfigurableACL
Description:Maximum number of ACLs that can be configured
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
1. Objects <EIGRP>
Description: EIGRP action data
Task IDs required: eigrp
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ProcessTable> - EIGRP processes
Available Paths:
Description: EIGRP processes
Task IDs required: eigrp
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Process> - Action data for an EIGRP process
Available Paths:
Description: Action data for an EIGRP process
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:AS number of the EIGRP process
Child objects:
<ClearNeighborTable> - Action on EIGRP Neighbors
<ClearTopologyTable> - Action on EIGRP Topology
Available Paths:
Description: Action on EIGRP Neighbors
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ClearNeighbor> - Clear Neighbor
Available Paths:
Description: Clear Neighbor
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF Name
Description:Address Family
Type: xsd:string
Description:Neighbor Address
Type: Interface
Description:Interface name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Soft clear
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Action on EIGRP Topology
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ClearTopology> - Clear one route in an AS
Available Paths:
Description: Clear one route in an AS
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF Name
Description:Address Family
Type: xsd:string
Description:IP Prefix
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 128
Description:IP Prefix length
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Execute the clear command
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 23.
1. Objects <BGP>
Description: BGP address family table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AF> - A particular address family
Available Paths:
Description: A BGP path table entry
Parent objects:
Type: BGPRouteDistinguisher
Description:Route Distinguisher value
Type: IPAddressPrefix
Description:Network in prefix/length format
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor adddress
Type: BGPRouteType
Description:Route Type
Type: BGPRouteDistinguisher
Description:Source Route Distinguisher value
Value: bgp_path_bag
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Network Lookup table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NetworkPrefix> - A BGP Network Lookup prefix entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Network Lookup table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NetworkLookup> - A BGP Network Lookup table entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Dampening table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Dampening> - A BGP Dampening table entry
<Filter> (Optional Filter Tag):
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Process address family table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AFProcessInfo> - A BGP Process address family table entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP VRF AF table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NextHopVRF_AF> - A BGP Next-hop VRF AF table entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Next-hop table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NextHop> - A BGP Next hop entry
<Filter> (Optional Filter Tag):
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Prefix Filter table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<PrefixFilter> - A BGP prefix filter table entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Update group table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<UpdateGroup> - A BGP Update group table entry
<Filter> (Optional Filter Tag):
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Convergence table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Convergence> - A BGP Convergence table entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Convergence table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SourcedNetwork> - A BGP network command table entry
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Process instance table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ProcessInfo> - A Process instance table entry
Available Paths:
Description: A BGP Neighbor table entry
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Value: bgp_nbr_bag
Available Paths:
Description: The BGP Neighbor table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Postit> - A BGP Postit table entry
Available Paths:
Description: VRF related operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - Operational data for a particular VRF
Available Paths:
Description: BGP process instance ID table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Process> - A particular process instance
Available Paths:
Description: A particular process instance
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Process instance ID
Child objects:
<ProcessVRFTable> - VRF related operational data
Available Paths:
Description: VRF related operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ProcessVRF> - Operational data for a particular VRF
Available Paths:
Description: Operational data for a particular VRF
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Name of the VRF
Child objects:
<ProcessAFTable> - BGP address family table
Available Paths:
Description: BGP address family table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ProcessAF> - A particular address family
Available Paths:
Description: A BGP Attribute table entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Process instance ID
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Attribute IID
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Attribute cache bucket
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Attribute cache ID
Value: bgp_attr_bag
Available Paths:
Description: VRF related configuration data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ConfigVRF> - Configuration data for a particular VRF
Available Paths:
Datatypes BGPEntityType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'AFGroup' - Address family group
'SessionGroup' - Session group
'NeighborGroup' - Neighbor group
'Neighbor' - Neighbor BGPRouteType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Used' - Used path from neighbor
'ReceivedOnly' - Received only path from neighbor
'RIB' - Redistributed from the RIB
'Aggregate' - Locally generated aggregate BGPRouteDistinguisher Definition: xsd:string Filters <BGPRegExpFilter>
Generic regular expression filter
Type: xsd:string
Description:Encoded regexp
Generic neighbor filter
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Display route and more specific routes
Type: IPAddressPrefix
Description:Network in prefix/length format
Display routes matching the communities using partial match criteria. Up to seven communities may be specified seperated by '-'. Well knowns are COMMUNITY_NOEXPORT=0xFFFFFF01, COMMUNITY_NOADV=0xFFFFFF02 and COMMUNITY_LOCALAS=0xFFFFFF03. To specify community 0xB62A0FCC and COMMUNITY_NOEXPORT, thecommunity string should be: 0xB62A0FCC-0xFFFFFF01. Additional communities may be added (up to seven) seperated by a '-'.
Type: xsd:string
Description:Community name
Display routes matching the communities using exact match criteria. Up to seven communities may be specified seperated by '-'. Well knowns are COMMUNITY_NOEXPORT=0xFFFFFF01, COMMUNITY_NOADV=0xFFFFFF02 and COMMUNITY_LOCALAS=0xFFFFFF03. To specify community 0xB62A0FCC and COMMUNITY_NOEXPORT, thecommunity string should be: 0xB62A0FCC-0xFFFFFF01. Additional communities may be added (up to seven) seperated by a '-'.
Type: xsd:string
Description:Community name
Display the routes learned from a particular neighbor.
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Display only routes which match this route policy.
Type: xsd:string
Description:Route policy name
Display only routes with non-natural netmasks
Display flap statistics of the routes learned from neighbor.
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Display networks with community lists truncated by policy.
Display received routes before applying inbound policy for a particular neighbor.
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Display used paths (ie, except received only paths).
Display routes and the associated received and local labels
Display all routes imported into specified VRF.
Type: xsd:string
Description:Source VRF name
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Display all routes for a specified VRF
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Display all routes for a specified RD
Logical AND combination of all filters that can be applied to the Path table.
Type: IPAddressPrefix
Description:Network in prefix/length format
Type: xsd:string
Description:Community name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for exact match communities
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Type: xsd:string
Description:Encoded regexp
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for CIDR routes only
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for flapped routes only
Type: xsd:string
Description:Route policy name
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for used paths only, ie, no received-only paths
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for received only and received used paths
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE only for paths with labels
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for imported only paths
Type: xsd:string
Description:Source VRF name
Type: IPAddress
Description:Source neighbor address
Logical AND combination of BGPPathVRFFilter, BGPPathCIDROnlyFilter, and BGPPathLabeledFilter.
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for CIDR routes only
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE only for paths with labels
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Logical AND combination of all filters that can be applied to this table.
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Display policy for net/neighbor pairs to whom we advertise.
Logical AND combination of all filters that can be applied to this table.
Type: IPAddress
Description:Neighbor address
Type: xsd:string
Description:TRUE for advertisement sent view
Type: xsd:string
Description:Route policy name
Display networks with inconsistent origin AS.
Display route flap statistics.
Logical AND combination of all filters that can be applied to this table.
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for inconsistent origin AS nets
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:TRUE for flapped nets
Display neighbors beloning to an address family filter
Display neighbors belonging to a given AS
Type: BGP_ASRange
Description:Autonomous System
Display neighbors within the given update group
Logical AND combination of all possible filters on the Neighbor table
Display sessions not established
Display sessions not NSR ready
The filter to be applied to this table.
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Speaker instance ID
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
0. Objects <OUNI>
Description: Interface configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ConnectionInterface> - Single interface configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Single interface configuration
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Interface Name
Child objects:
<ConnectionTable> - Connection types table
<OLM> - OLM specific OUNI interface configuration
Available Paths:
Description: Single Connection configuration
Parent objects:
Type: OUNIConnectionType
Description:Connection type
Type: IPV4Address
Description:TNA address of the destination router
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes OUNIConnectionType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Passive' - Passive Connection
'Active' - Active Connection
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <L2ProtocolTable>
Description: Interface specific Layer 2 protocol handling
Task IDs required: l2vpn
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<L2Protocol> - Handling of a specific Layer 2 protocol
Available Paths:
Description: Handling of a specific Layer 2 protocol
Parent objects:
Type: L2ProtocolNameType
Description:Protocol name
Type: L2ProtocolModeType
Description:How to handle the protocol's packets
Type: L2ProtocolMPLSExpBitsValueType
Description:The value to set the MPLS Exp bits to within the PW.This value may be specified if the mode is forward or tunnel and must not be specified if the mode is drop
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Datatypes L2ProtocolNameType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'LLDP' - LLDP L2ProtocolMPLSExpBitsValueType Definition: Range. Value lies between 0 and 7 L2ProtocolModeType Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'Forward' - Forward packets transparently
'Drop' - Drop the protocol's packets
'Tunnel' - Forward after rewriting the destination MAC address
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
2. Objects <AAA>
Description: AAA operational data
Task IDs required: aaa
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AllTasks> - All tasks supported by system
<RADIUS> - RADIUS operational data
<TaskgroupTable> - Individual taskgroups container
<UserTable> - Container for individual local user information
<UsergroupTable> - Container for individual usergroup Information
Available Paths:
Description: Individual taskgroups container
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Taskgroup> - Specific Taskgroup Information
Available Paths:
Description: Container for individual usergroup Information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Usergroup> - Specific Usergroup Information
Available Paths:
Description: Container for individual local user information
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<User> - Specific local user information
Available Paths:
Description: Specific local user information
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Value: user_det
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <IPV6PacketFilter>
Description: IPv6 Packet Filtering configuration for the interface
Task IDs required: acl
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Inbound> - Name of filter to be applied to inbound packets
<Outbound> - Name of filter to be applied to outbound packets
Available Paths:
Description: Name of filter to be applied to inbound packets
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 33
Description:Name of the packet filter (ACL)
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True if packets hitting the ACL should be counted in hardware per interface.The default is not to count them.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Name of filter to be applied to outbound packets
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 33
Description:Name of the packet filter (ACL)
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:True if packets hitting the ACL should be counted in hardware per interface.The default is not to count them.
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <Statistics>
Description: Per-interface statistics configuration
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<LoadInterval> - Specify interval for load calculation for an interface
Available Paths:
Description: Specify interval for load calculation for an interface
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 600
Description:Load Calculation Interval
Default value:
LoadInterval => 300
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
11. Objects <UnitTestTmpl3>
Description: A test template packed entry with IPv4 address
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:The IP address part
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:The netmask part
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: A third test template integer entry
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:A third Integ Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: A test template packed entry with timeouts
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Inactive timeout Param
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Timeout Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Container for variable naming attribute for UT3
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TestVarNamingString> - String attribute with integer var name
Available Paths:
Description: String attribute with integer var name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Integer variable naming
Type: xsd:string
Description:String for testing
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Attribute that uses Simple Failure encode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:String Simple Fail Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Attribute that uses Complex Failure encode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Integ Complex Fail Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Attribute that uses no (default: Simple Pass) encode
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:String Simple Pass Param
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 6.
0. Objects <MFWD>
Description: Multicast Forwarding action data
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - All Nodes
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <SRP>
Description: SRP operational data
Task IDs required: pos-dpt
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Per node SRP operational data
Available Paths:
Description: Per node SRP operational data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Node> - The SRP operational data for a particular node
Available Paths:
Description: The SRP operational data for a particular node
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:The identifier for the node
Child objects:
<FailureStatisticsTable> - The table of failure statistic information for SRP interfaces
<IPSTable> - The table of IPS information for SRP interfaces
<RateLimitTable> - The table of rate limit information for SRP interfaces
<SRRTable> - The table of SRR information for SRP interfaces
<TopologyTable> - The table of Topology information for SRP interfaces
Available Paths:
Description: The table of IPS information for SRP interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<IPS> - IPS operational data for a SRP interface
Available Paths:
Description: IPS operational data for a SRP interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:The SRP interface name
Value: srp_ips_info
Available Paths:
Description: The table of rate limit information for SRP interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RateLimit> - Rate limit operational data for an SRP interface
Available Paths:
Description: Rate limit operational data for an SRP interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:The SRP interface name
Value: srp_rate_limit_info
Available Paths:
Description: The table of SRR information for SRP interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<SRR> - SRR operational data for a SRP interface
Available Paths:
Description: SRR operational data for a SRP interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:The SRP interface name
Value: srp_srr_info
Available Paths:
Description: The table of Topology information for SRP interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Topology> - Topology operational data for a SRP interface
Available Paths:
Description: Topology operational data for a SRP interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:The SRP interface name
Value: srp_topology_info
Available Paths:
Description: The table of failure statistic information for SRP interfaces
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<FailureStatistics> - Failure statistic operational data for an SRP interface
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <SystemMonitoring>
Description: Processes operational data
Task IDs required: eem
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<CPUUtilization> - Processes CPU utilization information
Available Paths:
Description: Processes CPU utilization information
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Node name
Value: node_cpu_util
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <SBCService>
Description: Location of the SBC
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Preferred Active Location Node ID
Type: NodeID
Description:Preferred Standby Location Node ID
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Sbe> - Signaling Border Element configuration
<ZDbe> - Configure the mode in which the DBE instance deactivates
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 6.
1. Objects <MRIB>
Description: MRIB operational data
Task IDs required: multicast
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<DatabaseTable> - MRIB Database Tables
<Process> - MRIB NSF Tables
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <ILMI>
Description: Disable ILMI configuration on the Interface
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Disable ILMI
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: none
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:Active Poll Frequency in seconds
Type: xsd:unsignedInt
Description:Keep-alive Retry Count
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 65535
Description:Inactive Poll Frequency in seconds
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Disable ILMI Address Registration
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:ILMI Address Registration
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 0.
1. Objects <PlatformInventory>
Description: Inventory operational data
Task IDs required: root-system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<RackTable> - Table of racks
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <TunnelInterface>
Description: Destination IP address of the tunnel
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IP address
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Source IP address or interface name of the tunnel
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:IP address
Type: Interface
Description:Interface Name
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Type of service byte value
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 0 and 15
Description:ToS byte value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Time to live
Parent objects:
Type: Range. Value lies between 1 and 255
Description:TTL value
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
0. Objects <Statistics>
Description: Data collection for OSPF v2 Protocol
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TemplateName> - Template name
Available Paths:
Description: Data collection for OSPF v3 Protocol
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TemplateName> - Template name
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics collection for generic-counters
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TemplateName> - Template name
Available Paths:
Description: Statistics collection for generic-counters
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TemplateName> - Template name
Available Paths:
Description: Collection for labels distribution protocol
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TemplateName> - Template name
Available Paths:
Description: Node instance
Parent objects:
Type: NodeID
Description:Node ID
Child objects:
<TemplateName> - Template name
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
0. Objects <EtherLinkOAM>
Description: Table of interfaces with Ethernet Link OAM enabled
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ClearInterface> - Ethernet Link OAM interface
Available Paths:
Description: Ethernet Link OAM interface
Parent objects:
Type: Interface
Description:Member interface
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear Ethernet Link OAM stats for this interface
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
1. Objects <NTP>
Description: NTP action data
Task IDs required: ip-services
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Clear> - NTP Clear data
<Reset> - NTP Reset data
Available Paths:
Description: NTP Clear data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AllPeers> - Clear all Peer data
<PeerTable> - NTP clear peer
Available Paths:
Description: Clear all Peer data
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear data for all NTP peers
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: NTP clear peer
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Peer> - Clear data for a specific NTP peer
Available Paths:
Description: Clear data for a specific NTP peer
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:Peer VRF
Type: IPAddress
Description:Peer IP address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear peer data
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: NTP Reset data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Drift> - Clear drift
Available Paths:
Description: Clear drift
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Reset drift
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 4.
2. Objects <OperationData>
Description: Operations data
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<OperationTable> - Configured operations
Available Paths:
Description: Configured operations
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Operation> - Operational data for an operation
Available Paths:
Description: Operational data for an operation
Parent objects:
Type: IPSLAOperationID
Description:Operation ID
Child objects:
<Common> - Common data for all operation types
<History> - Historical data for an operation
<LPD> - LPD operational data of MPLS LSP group operation
<Statistics> - Statistics collected for an operation
Available Paths:
Description: Common data for all operation types
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<OperationalState> - Operational state for an operation
Available Paths:
Datatypes IPSLAOperationID Definition: xsd:unsignedInt
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <L3VPN>
Description: L3VPN operational data
Task IDs required: ipv4
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InvalidVRFTable> - Invalid VRF Table (VRFs that are forward referenced)
<VRFTable> - VRF Table
Available Paths:
Description: VRF Table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
Available Paths:
Description: VRF
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:The Name for a VRF
Value: mpls_vpn_vrf
Available Paths:
Description: Invalid VRF Table (VRFs that are forward referenced)
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<InvalidVRF> - Invalid VRF (VRF that is forward referenced)
Available Paths:
Description: Invalid VRF (VRF that is forward referenced)
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:The Name for an invalid VRF
Value: mpls_vpn_vrf
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 7.
2. Objects <QOS>
Description: Ingress service policy
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ServicePolicy> - Service policy details
Available Paths:
Description: Service policy details
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 64
Description:Name of policy-map
Type: QOSFieldNotSupported
Description:Not supported (Leave unspecified).
Type: QOSFieldNotSupported
Description:Not supported (Leave unspecified).
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Egress service policy
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<ServicePolicy> - Service policy details
Available Paths:
Datatypes QOSDummyType Definition: xsd:boolean QOSFieldNotSupported Definition: Enumeration. Valid values are:
'NotSupported' - Dummy data type leave unspecified
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 2.
0. Objects <AlphaDisplay>
Description: Alpha Display Operational data space
Task IDs required: system
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<NodeTable> - Table of nodes
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 3.
0. Objects <VRFTable>
Description: VRF table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<VRF> - VRF name
Available Paths:
Description: VRF name
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:string
Description:VRF name
Child objects:
<Clear> - Clear PIM information
Available Paths:
Description: Clear the PIM topology table
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TopologyGroup> - Clear the PIM topology table for a particular group
Available Paths:
Description: Clear the PIM topology table for a particular group
Parent objects:
Type: IPAddress
Description:Group address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear topology for this group
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Reset connection with the MRIB
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Reset MRIB connection
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear PIM counters
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear PIM counters
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear AutoRP mappings
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<AutoRPMappings> - Clear AutoRP mappings for a particular Rendezvous Point
Available Paths:
Description: Clear AutoRP mappings for a particular Rendezvous Point
Parent objects:
Type: IPV4Address
Description:Rendezvous Point address
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear AutoRP mappings for this Rendezvous Point
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
Description: Clear PIM BSR group mappings
Parent objects:
Type: xsd:boolean
Description:Clear PIM BSR group mappings
Default value: none.
Available Paths:
XML Schema Object Documentation for
version 1.
4. Objects <Tunnel>
Description: Tunnel template used for L3 VPNs
Task IDs required: tunnel
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<TemplateTable> - List of tunnel templates
Available Paths:
Description: List of tunnel templates
Parent objects:
Child objects:
<Template> - The tunnel template name
Available Paths:
Description: The tunnel template name
Parent objects:
Type: BoundedString. Length less than or equal to 31
Description:Tunnel template name
Child objects:
<Configure> - Configurations of tunnel template
Available Paths: