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GUIDE D’UTILISATION « MECA PRO » Etude de l’équilibre d’un solide soumis à trois forces
GUIDE D’UTILISATION « MECA PRO » Etude de l’équilibre d’un solide soumis à trois forces
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Au format "texte" :
Etude de l’équilibre d’un solide soumis à trois forces
Etude de l’équilibre d’un solide soumis à trois forces non parallèles
Si un solide soumis à l'action de 3 forces A
, B
est en équilibre, la somme vectorielle des forces
est nulle.
+ B
= 0
Cette somme nulle se traduit graphiquement pour un dynamique fermé (en choisissant une échelle
appropriée pour les intensités)
Une force est caractérisée par trois paramètres :
- sa direction
- son sens
- son intensité
On voit sur le dessin du dynamique que les angles α, β et γ caractérisent les directions des forces
les unes par rapport aux autres.
Le dynamique est un triangle déterminé dés que l'on connaît trois éléments :
- trois côtés
- deux angles et un côté
- deux cotés et un angle
La longueur d'un côté correspond moyennant la connaissance de l'échelle à l'intensité de la force.
Un angle fournit une indication sur la direction de la force.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 1
Tout problème de mécanique traitant de l'équilibre d'un solide soumis à trois forces non parallèles
se résume à la connaissance de 3 caractéristiques des forces et à la détermination des 3 autres
- trois intensités : on détermine trois directions
- deux directions et une intensité : on détermine une direction et deux intensités
- deux intensités et une direction : on détermine une intensité et deux directions
Dans les exercices de mécanique la résolution se fait par différentes méthodes ou graphiques. Le
plus souvent on ne propose que des situations particulières faisant appel à des relations
trigonométriques dans un triangle rectangle.
A l'aide d'une calculatrice il est possible de systématiser la résolution de ces problèmes.
Comme on l’a mis en évidence plus haut le dynamique des forces, fermé, traduit graphiquement la
relation vectorielle :
0 r r r r CBA =++
Le triangle du dynamique a trois côtés dont les longueurs sont A, B, C et trois angles α, β, γ.
Il est entièrement déterminé si on connaît trois de ces éléments.
Nous allons nous placer dans un cas général où le triangle est quelconque ce qui inclura les cas
On démontre en mathématiques que dans un triangle quelconque :
α+ β + γ = 180°
sin sin sin γβα
BA C = =
cos2 α 222 −+= BCCBA
cos2 β 222 −+= ACCAB
cos2 γ 222 −+= ABBAC
A l’aide de ces relations il est possible de calculer trois des caractéristiques des forces en
connaissant les trois autres.
Les programmes pour l’étude de l’équilibre d’un solide soumis à trois forces
La théorie
L’outil de résolution
Mise en œuvre
Les élèves et les programmes évoluent sur deux niveaux.
Toutes les résolutions effectuées par les élèves seront faites graphiquement et les programmes
prendront en charge ces résolutions numériquement.
Les équilibres à 3 forces, en LP peuvent se traiter entièrement sous une forme graphique. En effet
tous les exercices posés en LP peuvent se résumer à 3 cas :
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 2
On connaît les intensités des 3 forces --> on cherche les 3 directions
On connaît 2 intensités et 1 direction--> on cherche l'intensité de la 3ème force et les 2 autres
On connaît 1 intensité et 2 directions--> on cherche les intensités des 2 autres forces et la 3ème
Pourquoi une méthode graphique ?
Elle permet de résoudre tous les cas quels que soient les intensités et les angles. La méthode
numérique (basée sur la trigonométrie) n'est applicable en LP que si on a des angles particuliers
(90°, 45°...)
Elle est en rapport direct avec le schéma du montage et donc plus concrète pour les élèves.
La théorie
Ce programme explique aux élèves le principe de la résolution graphique d’un problème
d’équilibre à trois forces.
1°) On connaît les 3 intensités des forces
On trace F1 à l’échelle.
En pointant un compas sur l’extrémité de F1 avec une ouverture égale à l’intensité de F2 on trace
un arc de cercle.
En pointant un compas sur l’origine de F1 avec une ouverture égale à l’intensité de F3 on trace un
arc de cercle.
On relie le point de concourance des 2 arcs à l’origine et à l’extrémité de F1.
On obtient le dynamique des forces.
Il suffit ensuite de mesurer les 3 angles manquants.
2°) On connaît 1 intensité et 2 directions
On trace F1 à l’échelle.
A l’extrémité on trace la direction de F2.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 3
A l’origine on trace la direction de F3.
On mesure les intensités de F2 et F3.
3°) On connaît 2 intensités et 1 direction
On trace F1 à l’échelle.
A l’extrémité on trace la force F2.
On relie l’origine de la force F1 et l’extrémité de la force F2.
On mesure l’intensité de F3 et les angles manquants.
L’outil de résolution
Ce programme aide les élèves à résoudre graphiquement un problème d’équilibre soumis à trois
Ce programme propose aux élèves des exercices types d’équilibre soumis à trois forces.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 4
Etude de l’équilibre d’un solide soumis à trois forces parallèles
Pour qu’un solide soumis à N forces soit en équilibre il faut que la somme vectorielle des forces
soit nulle :
0...321r r r r FFF =+++
que la somme algébrique des moments par rapport à un point de référence soit nulle :
A A A FMFMFM =+++ 0...321r r r
Dans le cas particulier des forces parallèles on oriente arbitrairement les forces.
Ce qui permet de transformer la somme vectorielle en somme algébrique :
F1 – F2 +F3 = 0
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 5
Puis on oriente les moments.
Pour donner un signe à un moment on considère chaque force séparément. Si la force était seule et
si un axe passait par le point de référence et si la force faisait tourner le solide dans le sens positif
choisi alors on lui attribue le signe +, dans le cas contraire on lui attribue le signe -.
Dans l’exemple choisi :
- BA * F1+ CA * F2 – DA *F3 = 0
La théorie
Ce programme explique aux élèves le principe de la résolution graphique d’un problème
d’équilibre à trois forces parallèles.
Il reprend les deux conditions :
• la somme vectorielle des forces doit être nulle (vectoriellement) :
0...321r r r r FFF =+++
• la somme algébrique des moments par rapport à un point de référence doit être nulle
(algébriquement) :
A A A FMFMFM =+++ 0...321r r r
L’outil de résolution
Ce programme aide les élèves à résoudre graphiquement un problème d’équilibre soumis à trois
forces parallèles.
Ce programme propose aux élèves des exercices types d’équilibre soumis à trois forces parallèles.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 6
Les exercices
Exercice 1
Etude de l’équilibre d’une sphère sur un plan incliné
Dans cet exercice on connaît une intensité et deux directions.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 7
Une construction graphique permet de déterminer les angles des directions de T et R par rapport à
P. On remarque que les côtés des angles du plan incliné et (CGD) sont perpendiculaires deux à
deux donc ils sont égaux. Il en résulte que direction de RÆ30°, direction de TÆ60°.
On obtient :
On fait varier l’angle du plan incliné.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 8
Exercice 2
Etude de l’équilibre de 3 masses accrochées sur des fils coulissant sur 2 poulies
1ère partie de l’exercice
Dans cet exercice on connaît une intensité et deux directions.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 9
2ème partie de l’exercice
Dans cet exercice on connaît 3 intensités.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 10
Exercice 3
Etude d’une barre en équilibre sous l’action de 3 forces parallèles
L’exercice comporte 3 situations
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 11
1ère situation
2ème situation
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 12
3ème situation
Exemples d’exercices classiques traités avec le programme d’aide à la résolution
Exercice 1
Quelles sont les masses des objets marqués d’un
point d’interrogation ?
M2 ?
M1 ?
45 ° 30 ° A
Conseils :
1. bilan des forces sur le noeud A
2. tracé du dynamique des forces (échelle
conseillée : 2cm pour 1 N). Ce tracé se
construit à l’aide du vecteur représentant
la force exercée par le dynamomètre, et
des directions des deux autres vecteurs
données par les angles
3. lecture graphique du poids des objets M1
et M2
4. calcul des masses correspondantes
On prendra g = 10 N/kg
Attention à l’échelle du dynamomètre !
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 13
M1 =4 kg M2= 3,6 kg
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 14
Exercice 2
Sciences BEP 2004
Exercice n ° 4 (7 pts)
O 60 ° A
Echelle des forces :
1 cm représente 200 N
Mécanique « Stabilité d’une échelle »
Un peintre effectue le ravalement d’une façade de
maison. On note m1 la masse du peintre et du bidon de
peinture. m1 = 80 kg. Il appuie contre le mur son
échelle de longueur AB = 4 m, de masse m2 = 20 kg et
monte sur celle-ci pour travailler. Le centre de gravité
de l’ensemble est le point G (voir dessin ci-contre)
L’angle aigu que fait le plan de l’échelle (AB) avec le
sol, a pour mesure 60°,
1. Calculer la valeur du poids total P de
l’ensemble (peintre et échelle).
2. Représenter le poids P sur le dessin en
respectant l’échelle indiquée.
(la position de G ne pouvant se mesurer que sur le document distribué aux candidats nous indiquons pour ce document
que AG=2,768m)
Le mur est lisse et la réaction, RB, du mur en B est une force ayant sa droite d’action horizontale. B
La réaction du sol en A sur l’échelle, est une force notée RA.
3. L’échelle étant en équilibre, déterminer le point de concours des droites d’action des trois forces sur le dessin.
Ce point est nommé C.
4. Construire le dynamique des forces sur le dessin.
5. Compléter le tableau des forces ci-après
Force Point d’application Droite d’action Sens Intensité (N)
α = ..........
Dans la réalité, la nature du contact entre l’échelle et le sol en A fait que l’échelle ne glisse pas tant que l’angle entre
RA et l’horizontale est au moins égal à 75°.
6. Cette condition est-elle réalisée? Justifier. Comment peut-on augmenter la stabilité de l’échelle ?
Donnée g = 10 N/kg
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 15
Exercice n ° 4 (7 pts)
Mécanique « Stabilité d’une échelle »
Un peintre effectue le ravalement d’une façade de
maison. On note m1 la masse du peintre et du bidon de
peinture. m1 = 80 kg. Il appuie contre le mur son
échelle de longueur AB = 4 m, de masse m2 = 20 kg et
monte sur celle-ci pour travailler. Le centre de gravité
de l’ensemble est le point G (voir dessin ci-contre)
L’angle aigu que fait le plan de l’échelle (AB) avec le
sol, a pour mesure 60°,
7. Poids total P : P = (m1 + m2) x g = (80 + 20) x
10 = 1000 N
8. Représenter le poids P (le vecteur est vertical,
dirigé vers le bas, et mesure 5 cm)
9. Le point C se situe à l’intersection de la
verticale passant par G et de l’horizontale
passant par B.
10. Dynamique des forces : on le construit à partir
du vecteur à l’aide de parallèles aux deux droites d’action (BC) et (AC). La mesure des vecteurs donne 5,5 cm
et 2 cm, ce qui, traduit de l’échelle du dessin, nous donne RA = 5,5 x 200 = 1 100 N et RB = 2 x 200 = 400 N
O 60 ° A
11. Compléter le tableau des forces ci-après
Force Point d’application Droite d’action Sens Intensité (N)
1 000 ⎯⎯→
α = 65 °
α 1 100
RB B 400
12. Cette condition est-elle réalisée ? Non, l’angle est de 65° < 75° Pour augmenter la stabilité de l’échelle il suffit
de la rapprocher du mur.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 16
Résolution générale de ce type d’exercice
1°) Dans le cas d’une échelle appuyée sur un mur le centre de gravité G est au milieu de AB
D’après la figure on peut écrire les relations suivantes :
tan β =KB/KC=(L/2)/H
β = arc tang((L/2)/H)
P=R2 cos β R2=P/ cos β
R1= P tan β =P * (L/2)/H
2°) Dans le cas où une personne monte sur l’échelle le centre de gravité est déplacé et dépend de la
position de cette personne sur l’échelle et G n’est pas, en général, au milieu de AB.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 17
Les relations du premier cas sont modifiées comme suit :
tan β =KB/KC=KB/H
β = arc tang(KB/H)
P=R2 cos β R2=P/ cos β
R1= P tan β =P * (L/2)/H
Retour à l’exercice de BEP
Dans cet exercice on est dans le cas où l’on connaît une force et deux directions.
R1=RB et R2=RA G n’est pas au milieu de AB AG=2,768m.
Il faut déterminer l’angle β pour ensuite déterminer RA et RB.
Il est possible de faire toutes ces opérations graphiquement. Pour des raisons évidentes nous
procèderons numériquement.
L’angle α de notre figure n’est pas celui demandé dans le tableau de l’exercice ici α=60°
Calcul de KB
KB =AG cos 60° = 2,768 * cos 60°=1,384m
Calcul de H
H=AB sin 60° = 4*sin 60° = 3,46m
tan β = KB/H= 1,384/3,46=0,4
β = 21,8°
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 18
Calcul de l’angle α de l’exercice
x=180 – (90+ α)- β=90-60-21,8= 8,2°
L’angle cherché est 68,2°
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 19
Un autre problème classique : étude de l’équilibre d’une console
1er cas : la console est de poids négligeable.
Les directions des 3 forces sont concourantes à l’extrémité de la console.
On connaît une force P et 2 directions.
2ème cas : la console n’est pas de poids négligeable.
Les directions des 3 forces sont concourantes au centre de gravité de la barre.
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 20
Un exemple d’une erreur dans un sujet d’examen (académie de Rennes)
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 21
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 22
Tel qu’il est l’énoncé est faux car les directions des 3 forces ne sont pas concourantes !
Il faudrait que F2 ait la position suivante :
©2005 Texas Instruments - Jean Winther 23
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System
Administrator Guide
Last Modified: 2017-11-30
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CHAPTER 1 Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap 1
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines 65
CHAPTER 2 Cisco Unified CME Overview 67
Important Information about Cisco IOS XE 16 Denali 67
Introduction 67
Licenses 69
Cisco Unified CME Permanent License 69
Collaboration Professional Suite License 70
Cisco Smart License 70
Licensing Modes 72
Restrictions 72
PBX or Keyswitch 73
PBX Model 73
Keyswitch Model 74
Hybrid Model 75
Call Detail Records 75
Additional References 76
Management Information Base 77
CHAPTER 3 Before You Begin 79
Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco Unified CME 79
Restrictions for Configuring Cisco Unified CME 80
Information About Planning Your Configuration 81
System Design 81
Toll Fraud Prevention 82
Cisco Unified CME Workflow 83
Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware 87
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install Cisco IOS Software 89
Configure VLANs on a Cisco Switch 90
Network Assistant 90
Cisco IOS Commands 91
Internal Cisco Ethernet Switching Module 94
Using Cisco IOS Commands 95
Voice Bundles 97
Cisco Unified CME GUI 98
CHAPTER 4 Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software 101
Prerequisites for Installing Cisco Unified CME Software 101
Cisco Unified CME Software 101
Basic Files 102
GUI Files 102
Phone Firmware Files 102
XML Template 104
Music-on-Hold (MOH) File 104
Script Files 104
Bundled TSP Archive 104
File Naming Conventions 105
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software 105
Install Cisco Unified CME Software 105
Upgrade or Downgrade SCCP Phone Firmware 107
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware 108
Phone Firmware Conversion from SCCP to SIP 112
Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP 115
Remove SIP Configuration Profile 116
Generate SCCP XML Configuration File to Upgrade from SIP to SCCP 117
Example 119
What to Do Next 119
Verify SCCP Phone Firmware Version 119
Troubleshooting Tips for Cisco Phone Firmware 120
CHAPTER 5 Network Parameters 121
Prerequisites for Defining Network Parameters 121
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Defining Network Parameters 122
Information About Defining Network Parameters 122
DHCP Service 122
Network Time Protocol for the Cisco Unified CME Router 122
Olson Timezones 122
DTMF Relay 123
SIP Register Support 124
Define Network Parameters 125
Enable Calls in Your VoIP Network 125
Configure DHCP 127
Configure Single DHCP IP Address Pool 127
Configure Separate DHCP IP Address Pool for Each DHCP Client 129
Configure DHCP Relay 131
Enable Network Time Protocol 133
Set Olson Timezone for SCCP Phones 134
Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones 137
Configure DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks in Multisite Installations 141
Configure SIP Trunk Support 142
Verify SIP Trunk Support Configuration 144
Change the TFTP Address on a DHCP Server 144
Configuration Examples for Network Parameters 146
NTP Server 146
DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks 146
Where to Go Next 146
Feature Information for Network Parameters 146
CHAPTER 6 System-Level Parameters 149
Prerequisites for System-Level Parameters 149
Information About Configuring System-Level Parameters 149
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones 149
Register Transaction 151
Phone Status Update Transaction 153
DSCP 155
Maximum Ephones in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and Later Versions 155
Network Time Protocol for SIP Phones 156
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Per-Phone Configuration Files 156
HFS Download Support for IP Phone Firmware and Configuration Files 157
Enable HFS Service 158
File Binding and Fetching 159
Locale Installer 159
Security Recommendations 159
Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SCCP Phones 160
Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SIP Phones 161
Timeouts 162
IPv6 Support for Cisco Unified CME SCCP Endpoints 162
Support for IPv4-IPv6 (Dual-Stack) 163
Media Flow Through and Flow Around 163
Media Flow Around Support for SIP-SIP Trunk Calls 163
Overlap Dialing Support for SIP and SCCP IP Phones 164
Unsolicited Notify for Shared Line and Presence Events for Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones 165
Interface Support for Unified CME and Unified SRST 166
Configure System-Level Parameters 167
Configure IP Phones in IPv4, IPv6, or Dual Stack Mode 167
Example 168
Configure IPv6 Source Address for SCCP IP Phones 169
Verify IPv6 and Dual-Stack Configuration 170
Configure Bulk Registration 172
Configure Bulk Registration for SIP IP Phones 174
Verify Phone Registration Type and Status 175
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones 175
Set Date and Time Parameters for SCCP Phones 178
Block Automatic Registration for SCCP Phones 180
Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones 181
Modify Defaults for Timeouts for SCCP Phones 182
Configure Redundant Router for SCCP Phones 184
Configure Redundant Router for SIP Phones 186
Configure Version Stamp Synchronization on the Primary Router 188
Configure the XML Interface for the Secondary Backup Router 189
Configure Overlap Dialing on SCCP IP Phones 190
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones 192
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones 195
Set Date and Time Parameters for SIP Phones 197
Set Network Time Protocol for SIP Phones 199
Enable HFS Download Service for SIP Phones 200
Troubleshooting HFS Download Service 202
Configure HFS Home Path for SIP Phone Firmware Files 202
Change Session-Level Application for SIP Phones 204
Enable Media Flow Mode on SIP Trunks 205
Configure Overlap Dialing on SIP Phones 207
Configuration Examples for System-Level Parameters 209
Example for Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones 209
Example for IPv6 Support on Cisco Unified CME 209
Example for System-Level Parameters 212
Example for Blocking Automatic Registration 213
Example for Enabling the HFS Download Service for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone 214
Example for Configuring an HFS Home Path for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone Firmware
Files 214
Example for Verifying the HFS File Bindings of Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone Configuration
and Firmware Files 214
Example for Redundant Router for SCCP Phones 215
Example for Redundant Router for SIP Phones 215
Example for Media Flow Around Mode for SIP Trunks 216
Example for Configuring Overlap Dialing for SCCP IP Phones 217
Example for Configuring Overlap Dialing for SIP IP Phones 218
Where to Go Next 219
Feature Information for System-Level Parameters 219
CHAPTER 7 Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls 223
Prerequisites for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls 223
Restrictions for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls 224
Information About Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls 224
Phones in Cisco Unified CME 224
Directory Numbers 224
Single-Line 225
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dual-Line 225
Octo-Line 226
Feature Comparison by Directory Number Line-Mode on SCCP Phones 227
SIP Shared-Line (Nonexclusive) 228
Two Directory Numbers with One Telephone Number 228
Dual-Number 230
Shared Line (Exclusive) 231
Mixed Shared Lines 231
Incoming and Outgoing Calls 232
Hold and Resume 232
Privacy on Hold 232
Call Transfer and Forwarding 232
Call Pickup 233
Call Park 233
Message Waiting Indication 233
Software Conferencing 233
Dial Plan 234
Busy Lamp Field Speed-Dial Monitoring 234
Restrictions For Mixed Shared Lines 234
Overlaid Directory Numbers 234
Auto Registration of SIP Phones on Cisco Unified CME 235
Syslog Messages 237
Monitor Mode for Shared Lines 237
Watch Mode for Phones 238
PSTN FXO Trunk Lines 239
Codecs for Cisco Unified CME Phones 239
Analog Phones 241
Cisco ATAs in SCCP Mode 241
FXS Ports in SCCP Mode 241
FXS Ports in H.323 Mode 241
Fax Support 241
Cisco ATA-187 242
Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224 Auto Configuration 242
Internet Protocol - Secure Telephone Equipment Support 242
Secure Communications Between STU, STE, and IP-STE 243
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SCCP Media Control for Secure Mode 243
Secure Communication Between STE, STU, and IP-STE Across SIP Trunk 244
Remote Teleworker Phones 244
Media Termination Point for Remote Phones 245
G.729r8 Codec on Remote Phones 245
Busy Trigger and Channel Huntstop for SIP Phones 246
Multiple Calls Per Line 246
Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP Phones 246
Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP IP Phones 247
Digit Collection on SIP Phones 247
Key Press Markup Language Digit Collection 247
SIP Dial Plans 247
Session Transport Protocol for SIP Phones 248
Real-Time Transport Protocol Call Information Display Enhancement 248
Ephone-Type Configuration 249
7926G Wireless SCCP IP Phone Support 249
KEM Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 250
Key Mapping 250
Call Control 250
XML Updates 251
Restrictions for KEM Support 251
Fast-Track Configuration Approach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 251
Configure Phones for a PBX System 253
Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones 253
Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones 256
Ephone-Type Parameters for Supported Phone Types 258
Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones 260
Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones 263
Assign Directory Numbers to SIP Phones 266
Configure Dial Plans for SIP Phones 269
Troubleshooting Tips for Configuring Dial Plans for SIP 272
Verify SIP Dial Plan Configuration 272
Enable KPML on a SIP Phone 273
Select Session-Transport Protocol for a SIP Phone 275
Disable SIP Proxy Registration for a Directory Number 276
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify the Global Codec 278
Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones 280
Configure Phones for a Key System 282
Creating Directory Numbers for a Simple Key System on SCCP Phone 282
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone 284
Configure a Simple Key System Phone Trunk Line Configuration on SCCP Phone 285
Configure an Advanced Key System Phone Trunk Line Configuration on SCCP
Phone 289
Configure Individual IP Phones for Key System on SCCP Phone 293
Configure Cisco ATA, Analog Phone Support, Remote Phones, Cisco IP Communicator, and
Secure IP Phone (IP-STE) 295
Configure Cisco ATA Support 295
Verify Cisco ATA Support 297
Troubleshooting Cisco ATA Support 297
Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup with Cisco ATA 297
Configure Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187 298
Auto-Configuration for Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224 302
Configure Phones on SCCP Controlled Analog (FXS) Ports 305
Verify Analog Phone Support 307
Enable Remote Phone 307
Verify Remote Phones 310
Configure Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone 310
Verify Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone 311
Troubleshooting Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone 311
Configure Secure IP Phone (IP-STE) on SCCP Phone 311
Configure Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless Phone 7926G 313
Configure Phones to Make Basic Call 315
Configure Auto Registration for SIP Phones 315
Configure a Mixed Shared Line 317
Troubleshooting Tips for Mixed Shared Line 319
Configure the Maximum Number of Calls on SCCP Phone 319
Configure the Busy Trigger Limit on SIP Phone 322
Configure KEMs on SIP Phones 324
Provision SIP Phones to Use the Fast-Track Configuration Approach 325
SIP Phone Models Validated for CME using Fast-track Configuration 328
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Making Basic Calls 328
Example for Configuring SCCP Phones for Making Basic Calls 328
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Making Basic Calls 332
Example for Disabling a Bulk Registration for a SIP Phone 334
Example for Configuring a Mixed Shared Line on a Second Common Directory Number 334
Example for Cisco ATA 335
Example for SCCP Analog Phone 335
Example for Remote Teleworker Phones 336
Example for Secure IP Phone (IP-STE) 336
Example for Configuring Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless Phone
7926G 336
Example for Monitoring the Status of Key Expansion Modules 337
Cisco IOS Commands for Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco Unified CME 339
Example for Fast-Track Configuration Approach 340
Where To Go Next 341
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls 341
CHAPTER 8 Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner 347
Prerequisites for Extension Assigner 347
Restrictions for Extension Assigner 348
Information About Extension Assigner 348
Extension Assigner Overview 348
Procedure for System Administrators 348
Extension Assigner in Mixed Deployment 352
Procedures for Installation Technicians 353
Files Included in this Release 353
Extension Assigner Synchronization 354
Configure Extension Assigner 354
Determine Extension Numbers to Assign to the New Phones and Plan Your Configuration 355
Download the Tcl Script and Audio Prompt Files 355
Configure the Tcl Script 356
Specify the Extension for Accessing Extension Assigner Application 358
Configure Provision-Tags for the Extension Assigner Feature 360
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SCCP Phones That Use Extension Assigner 361
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SIP Phones That Use Extension Assigner 363
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SCCP
Phones 364
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SIP Phones 366
Configure Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses 368
Configure Voice Register Pools with Temporary MAC Addresses 370
Configure the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration 372
Provide the Installation Technician with the Required Information 374
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization 375
Configure the XML Interface for the Secondary Backup Router 375
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization on the Primary Router 376
Assign Extension Numbers Onsite by Using Extension Assigner 378
Assign New Extension Numbers 378
Unassign an Extension Number 378
Reassign the Current Extension Number 379
Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SCCP Phones 380
Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SIP Phones 380
Configuration Examples for Extension Assigner 380
Example for Extension Assigner on SCCP Phone 380
Example for Extension Assigner on SIP Phone 383
Example for Extension Assigner Synchronization 384
Feature Information for Extension Assigner 384
CHAPTER 9 Configuration Files for Phones 387
Information About Configuration Files 387
Configuration Files for Phones 387
Per-Phone Configuration Files 388
Generate Configuration Files for Phones 388
Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones 388
Verify Configuration Files for SCCP Phones 390
Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones 391
Verify Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones 392
Where To Go Next 395
CHAPTER 10 Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones 397
Information About Resetting and Restarting Phones 397
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Differences between Resetting and Restarting IP Phones 397
Cisco Unified CME TAPI Enhancement 398
Reset and Restart Phones 399
Use the reset Command on SCCP Phones 399
Use the restart Command on SCCP Phones 400
Reset a Session Between a TAPI Application and an SCCP Phone 401
Use the reset Command on SIP Phones 402
Use the restart Command on SIP Phones 403
Verify Basic Call 405
Feature Information for Reset and Restart Phones 405
CHAPTER 11 Localization Support 407
Information About Localization 407
Localization Enhancements in Cisco Unified CME 407
System-Defined Locales 408
Localization Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 409
User-Defined Locales 409
Localization Support for Phone Displays 409
Multiple Locales 410
Locale Installer for Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones 410
Locale Installer for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 411
Configure Localization Support on SCCP Phones 411
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921,
7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971, and Cisco IP Communicator 411
Install User-Defined Locales 415
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions 419
Verify User-Defined Locales 422
Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones 422
Verify Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones 426
Configure Localization Support on SIP Phones 427
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 427
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and Later Versions 431
Configure Multiple Locales on SIP Phones 434
Verify Multiple Locales on SIP Phones 437
Configuration Examples for Localization 437
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring Multiple User and Network Locales 437
Example for Configuring User-Defined Locales 438
Example for Configuring Chinese as the User-Defined Locale 439
Example for Configuring Swedish as the System-Defined Locale 439
Configuration Examples for Locale Installer on SCCP Phones 440
System-Defined Locale is the Default Applied to All Phones 440
User-Defined Locale is Default Language to be Applied to All Phones 440
Locale on a Non-default Locale Index 441
Examples for Configuring Multiple User and Network Locales on SIP Phones 442
Example for Configuring Locale Installer on SIP Phones 443
Where to Go Next 443
Feature Information for Localization Support 443
CHAPTER 12 Dial Plans 445
Information About Dial Plans 445
Phone Number Plan 445
Dial Plan Patterns 446
Direct Inward Dialing Trunk Lines 447
Voice Translation Rules and Profiles 448
Secondary Dial Tone 448
E .164 Enhancements 448
Phone Registration with Leading + E164 Number 449
Example 1 449
Example 2 450
Example 3 450
Callback and Calling Number Display 451
Configure Dial Plans 451
Configure SCCP Dial Plan Patterns 451
Configure SIP Dial Plan Patterns 452
Verify Dial Plan Patterns 454
Define Voice Translation Rules in Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions 454
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SCCP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 3.2 and Later
Versions 457
Apply Translation Rules on SCCP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 3.2 458
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later 459
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1 460
Verify Voice Translation Rules and Profiles 462
Activate Secondary Dial Tone For SCCP Phones 463
Activate Secondary Dial Tone for SIP Phones 464
Define Translation Rules for Callback-Number on SIP Phones 466
Configuration Examples for Dial Plan Features 469
Example for Configuring Secondary Dial Tone on SCCP Phones 469
Example for Configuring Secondary Dial Tone on SIP Phones 469
Example for Configuring Voice Translation Rules 469
Feature Information for Dial Plan Features 471
CHAPTER 13 Transcoding Resources 473
Prerequisites for Configuring Transcoding Resources 473
Restrictions for Configuring Transcoding Resources 474
Information About Transcoding Resources 474
Transcoding Support 474
Local Transcoding Interface (LTI) Based Transcoding 477
Transcoding When a Remote Phone Uses G.729r8 478
Secure DSP Farm Transcoding 479
Configure Transcoding Resources 479
Determine DSP Resource Requirements for Transcoding 479
Provision Network Modules or PVDMs for Transcoding 479
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s 481
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDVs 485
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Act as the DSP Farm Host 487
Determine the Maximum Number of Transcoder Sessions 487
Set the Cisco Unified CME Router to Receive IP Phone Messages 487
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Host a Secure DSP Farm 489
Modify DSP Farms for NM-HDVs After Upgrading Cisco IOS Software 490
Modify the Number of Transcoding Sessions for NM-HDVs 491
Tune DSP-Farm Performance on an NM-HDV 492
Verify DSP Farm Operation 493
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode 496
Obtain Digital Certificate from a CA Server 496
Configure a CA Server 496
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create a Trustpoint 499
Authenticate and Enroll a Certificate with the CA Server 501
Copy the CA Root Certificate of the DSP Farm Router to the Cisco Unified CME
Router 502
Copy CA Root Certificate of the Cisco Unified CME Router to the DSP Farm
Router 503
Configure Cisco Unified CME to Allow the DSP Farm to Register 503
Verify DSP Farm Registration with Cisco Unified CME 504
Configure LTI-based Transcoding 506
Configuration Examples for Transcoding Resources 508
Example for Setting up DSP Farms for NM-HDVs 508
Example for Setting Up DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s 508
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME Router as the DSP Farm Host 509
Example for Configuring LTI-based Transcoding 509
Example for Configuring Voice Class Codec 509
Where to go Next 510
Feature Information for Transcoding Resources 510
CHAPTER 14 Toll Fraud Prevention 511
Prerequisites for Configuring Toll Fraud Prevention 511
Information About Toll Fraud Prevention 511
IP Address Trusted Authentication 511
Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls 512
Disconnect ISDN Calls With No Matching Dial-peer 513
Block Two-stage Dialing Service on Analog and Digital FXO Ports 513
Configure Toll Fraud Prevention 513
Configure IP Address Trusted Authentication for Incoming VoIP Calls 513
Add Valid IP Addresses For Incoming VoIP Calls 515
Configure Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls 517
Block Secondary Dial tone on Analog and Digital FXO Ports 518
Troubleshooting Tips for Toll Fraud Prevention 520
Feature Information for Toll Fraud Prevention 521
CHAPTER 15 Graphical User Interface 523
Prerequisites for Enabling the GUI 523
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Enabling the GUI 523
Information About Enabling the GUI 524
Cisco Unified CME GUI Support 524
AAA Authentication 525
Enable the GUI 525
Enable the HTTP Server 525
Enable GUI Access for the System Administrator 526
Access the Cisco Unified CME GUI 528
Create a Customized XML File for Customer Administrator GUI 529
GUI Access for Customer Administrators 530
Prerequisites for Enabling GUI Access to Customer Administrators 530
Define a Customer Administrator Account Using GUI 531
Define a Customer Administrator Account Using Cisco IOS Software Commands 531
GUI Access for Phone Users 532
Prerequisites for Enabling GUI Access for Phone Users 532
Define a Phone User Account Using GUI 532
Define a Phone User Account Using Cisco IOS Software Commands 533
Troubleshooting the GUI 534
Configuration Examples for Enabling the GUI 534
Example for Configuring HTTP Server and System Administrator Account 534
Example for Configuring XML Configuration File Template 534
Example for Configuring XML Configuration File 535
Feature Information for Enabling the GUI 536
CHAPTER 16 Voice Mail Integration 539
Prerequisites for Voice Mail Integration 539
Information About Voice-Mail Integration 540
Cisco Unity Connection Integration 540
Cisco Unity Express Integration 541
Cisco Unity Integration 541
DTMF Integration for Legacy Voice-Mail Applications 541
Mailbox Selection Policy 541
RFC 2833 DTMF MTP Pass through 542
MWI Line Selection 542
AMWI 543
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SIP MWI Prefix Specification 543
SIP MWI - QSIG Translation 543
VMWI 544
Transfer to Voice Mail 545
Live Record 545
Cisco Unity Express AXL Enhancement 546
Configure Voice-Mail Integration 546
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SCCP Phone 546
Configure a Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone 547
Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity Express or a PBX Voice-Mail
Number 548
Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity 549
Transfer to Voice Mail 551
Configure Live Record on SCCP Phones 554
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SIP Phone 557
Enable DTMF Integration 560
Enable DTMF Integration for Analog Voice-Mail Applications 560
Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833 562
Enable DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY 565
Configure a SCCP Phone for MWI Outcall 567
Enable MWI at the System-Level on SIP Phones 568
Configure a Directory Number for MWI on SIP Phones 570
Define Pilot Call Back Number for MWI Outcall 570
Configure a Directory Number for MWI NOTIFY 571
Enable SIP MWI Prefix Specification 573
Configure VMWI on SIP Phones 574
Verify Voice-Mail Integration 576
Configuration Examples for Voice-Mail Integration 576
Example for Setting up a Mailbox Selection Policy for SCCP Phones 576
Example for Configuring Voice Mailbox for SIP Phones 576
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833 577
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration Using SIP Notify 577
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration for Legacy Voice-Mail Applications 577
Example for Enabling SCCP Phone Line for MWI 577
Example for Configuring SIP MWI Prefix Specification 578
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Outcall 578
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Unsolicited Notify 579
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Subscribe/NOTIFY 579
Feature Information for Voice-Mail Integration 579
CHAPTER 17 Security 581
Prerequisites for Security 581
Restrictions for Security 582
Information About Security 582
Phone Authentication Overview 582
Phone Authentication 583
File Authentication 583
Signaling Authentication 583
Public Key Infrastructure 584
Phone Authentication Components 584
Phone Authentication Process 588
Startup Messages 589
Configuration File Maintenance 590
CTL File Maintenance 590
CTL Client and Provider 590
Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate 591
Feature Design of Media Encryption 591
Secure Cisco Unified CME 591
Secure Supplementary Services 593
Secure SIP Trunk Support on Cisco Unified CME 593
Secure Cisco Unified CME in an H.450 Environment 594
Secure Cisco Unified CME in a Non H.450 Environment 594
Secure Transcoding for Remote Phones with DSP Farm Transcoding Configured 595
Secure Cisco Unified CME with Cisco Unity Express 596
Secure Cisco Unified CME with Cisco Unity 596
HTTPS Provisioning For Cisco Unified IP Phones 596
HTTPS support for an External Server 597
HTTPS Support in Cisco Unified CME 597
Configure Security 597
Configure the Cisco IOS Certification Authority 597
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Obtain Certificates for Server Functions 601
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters 604
Verify Telephony-Service Security Parameters 606
Configure the CTL Client 607
Configure the CTL Client on a Cisco Unified CME Router 607
Configure the CTL Client on a Router That is Not a Cisco Unified CME Router 610
Configure the CAPF Server 612
Verify the CAPF Server 615
Configure Ephone Security Parameters 615
Verify Ephone Security Parameters 618
Configure the CTL Provider 619
Verify the CTL Provider 620
Configure the Registration Authority 621
Enter the Authentication String on the Phone 625
Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate 626
Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME 629
Configure Cisco Unified CME SRTP Fallback for H.323 Dial Peers 631
Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation 633
Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME
Operation 633
Configure Integration Between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity 634
Import the Cisco Unity Root Certificate to Cisco Unified CME 634
Configure Cisco Unity Ports for Secure Registration 636
Verify that Cisco Unity are Registering Securely 636
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones 637
Configuration Examples for Security 643
Example for Configuring Cisco IOS CA 643
Example for Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate on the Cisco Unified CME
Router 643
Example for Configuring Telephony-Service Security Parameters 646
Example for Configuring CTL Client Running on Cisco Unified CME Router 646
Example for Secure Unified CME 648
Example for Configuring HTTPS Support for Cisco Unified CME 655
Where to Go Next 656
Feature Information for Security 656
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CHAPTER 18 Directory Services 659
Information About Directory Services 659
Local Directory 659
External Directory 660
Called-Name Display 660
Directory Search 661
Configure Directory Services 661
Configure Local Directory Service 661
Define a Name for a Directory Number on SCCP Phone 662
Add an Entry to a Local Directory on SCCP Phone 663
Configure External Directory Service on SCCP Phone 665
Called-Name Display 666
Verify Called-Name Display 668
Define a Name for a Directory Number on SIP Phone 669
Configure External Directory Service on SIP Service 670
Verify Directory Services 671
Configuration Examples for Directory Services 672
Example for Configuring Local Directory 672
Example for Configuring Called-Name Display 672
Example for Called-Name Display for Voice Hunt Group 672
Example for Configuring First Ephone-dn in the Overlay Set 673
Example for Configuring Directory Name for an Overlaid Ephone-dn Set 673
Example for Configuring Directory Name for a Hunt Group with Overlaid Ephone-dns 674
Example for Configuring Directory Name for Non-Overlaid Ephone-dns 675
Example for Configuring Ephone-dn Name for Overlaid Ephone-dns 675
Feature Information for Directory Services 676
CHAPTER 19 Do Not Disturb 679
Information About Do Not Disturb 679
Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phone 679
Do Not Disturb on SIP Phone 680
Configure Do Not Disturb 681
Blocking Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phone 681
Verify Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phones 682
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Do Not Disturb on SIP Phones 683
Where to Go Next 685
Feature Information for Do Not Disturb 686
CHAPTER 20 Enhanced 911 Services 687
Prerequisites for Enhanced 911 Services 687
Restrictions for Enhanced 911 Services 688
Information About Enhanced 911 Services 688
Overview of Enhanced 911 Services 688
Call Processing for E911 Services 691
Precautions for Mobile Phones 693
Plan Your Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services 693
Interactions with Existing Cisco Unified CME Features 695
Multiple Usages of an ELIN 696
Number Translation 696
Call Transfer 697
Call Forward 697
Call Blocking Features 697
Call Waiting 697
Three-Way Conference 697
Dial-Peer Rotary 697
Dial Plan Patterns 698
Caller ID Blocking 698
Shared Line 698
Configure Enhanced 911 Services 698
Configure the Emergency Response Location 698
Configure Locations under Emergency Response Zones 700
Configure Outgoing Dial Peers for Enhanced 911 Services 701
Configure Dial Peers for Emergency Calls 701
Configure Dial Peers for Emergency Response Zones 703
Configure a Dial Peer for Callbacks from the PSAP 704
Assign ERLs to Phones 706
Prerequisites for Assigning ERLs to Phones 706
Assign an ERL to a Phone’s IP Subnet 706
Assign an ERL to a SIP Phone 707
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Assign an ERL to a SCCP Phone 708
Assign an ERL to a Dial Peer 709
Customize E911 Settings 710
Using the Address Command for Two ELINS 712
Enable Call Detail Records 713
Output from a RADIUS Accounting Server 713
Output from a Syslog Server 714
Output from the show call history voice Command 714
Verify E911 Configuration 714
Troubleshooting Enhanced 911 Services 715
Error Messages 716
Configuration Examples for Enhanced 911 Services 716
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 716
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1 in SRST
Fallback Mode 718
Feature Information for Enhanced 911 Services 723
CHAPTER 21 Extension Mobility 725
Prerequisites for Configuring Extension Mobility 725
Restrictions for Configuring Extension Mobility 725
Information About Configuring Extension Mobility 726
Extension Mobility 726
Personal Speed Dials on an Extension Mobility Phone 726
Cisco Unified CME Extension Mobility Enhancements 727
Privacy on an Extension Mobility Phone 728
Extension Mobility for SIP Phones Enhancement 728
MIB Support for Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones 729
Enable Extension Mobility 730
Configure Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility 730
Configure a Logout Profile for an IP Phone 733
Enable an IP Phone for Extension Mobility 736
Configure Extension Mobility for SIP Phones 738
Enable SIP Phones for Extension Mobility 740
Configure a User Profile 741
Configuration Examples for Extension Mobility 744
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring Extension Mobility for Use with SIP Phones 744
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Use with Extension Mobility 745
Example for Configuring Logout Profile 745
Example for Enabling an IP Phone for Extension Mobility 745
Example for Configuring User Profile 746
Where to Go Next 746
Feature Information for Extension Mobility 746
CHAPTER 22 Fax Relay 749
Prerequisites for Fax Relay 749
Restrictions for Fax Relay 750
Information About Fax Relay 750
Fax Relay and Equipment 750
Feature Design of Cisco Fax Relay 750
Supported Gateways, Modules, and Voice Interface Cards for Fax Relay 751
Configure Fax Relay 753
Configure Fax Relay on SCCP Phones 753
Verify and Troubleshoot Fax Relay Configuration 754
Configuration Examples for Fax Relay 754
Example for Configuring Fax Relay 754
Feature Information for Fax Relay 755
CHAPTER 23 Feature Access Codes 757
Information About Feature Access Codes 757
Feature Access Codes 757
Configure Feature Access Codes 759
Verify Feature Access Codes 760
Configuration Examples for Feature Access Codes 761
Example for Enabling Standard FACs for All Phones 761
Feature Information for Feature Access Codes 761
CHAPTER 24 Forced Authorization Code 763
Information About Forced Authorization Code 763
Forced Authorization Code Overview 763
FAC Call Flow 764
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code Specification 765
FAC Requirement for Different Types of Calls 765
Configure Forced Authorization Code 770
Enable Forced Authorization Code (FAC) on LPCOR Groups 770
Define Parameters for Authorization Package 772
Configuration Example for Forced Authorization Code 774
Example for Configuring Forced Authorization Code 774
Feature Information for Forced Authorization Code 775
CHAPTER 25 Headset Auto Answer 777
Information About Headset Auto Answer 777
Auto Answering Calls Using a Headset 777
Difference Between a Line and a Button 777
Configure Headset Auto Answer 779
Enable Headset Auto Answer 779
Verify Headset Auto Answer 780
Configuration Example for Headset Auto Answer 780
Example for Enabling Headset Auto Answer 780
Feature Information for Headset Auto Answer 781
CHAPTER 26 Intercom Lines 783
Information About Intercom Lines 783
Intercom Auto-Answer Lines 783
Whisper Intercom 784
SIP Intercom 785
Extension Number 786
Configure Intercom Lines 786
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SCCP Phones 786
Configure Whisper Intercom on SCCP Phones 788
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SIP Phones 790
Configure Intercom Call Option on SIP Phones 792
Configuration Examples for Intercom Lines 795
Example for Configuring Intercom Lines 795
Example for Configuring SIP Intercom Support 795
Where to Go Next 795
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Intercom Lines 796
CHAPTER 27 Loopback Call Routing 797
Information About Loopback Call Routing 797
Loopback Call Routing 797
Configure Loopback Call Routing 798
Enable Loopback Call Routing 798
Verify Loopback Call Routing 801
Configuration Example for Loopback Call Routing 801
Example for Enabling Loopback Call Routing 801
Feature Information for Loopback Call Routing 802
CHAPTER 28 Multilevel Precedence and Preemption 803
Prerequisites for MLPP 803
Information About MLPP 803
Precedence 804
Basic Precedence Call Setup 805
Preemption 805
Basic Preemption Call 806
DSN Dialing Format 807
Service Digit 807
Route Code 808
Example for Dialing 808
MLPP Service Domains 809
MLPP Indication 810
MLPP Announcements 810
Automatic Call Diversion (Attendant Console) 812
Configure MLPP 813
Enable MLPP Service Globally in Cisco Unified CME 813
Enable MLPP Service on SCCP Phones 815
Enable MLPP Service on Analog FXS Phone Ports 819
Configure an MLPP Service Domain for Outbound Dial Peers 821
Configure MLPP Options 823
Troubleshooting MLPP Service 826
Feature Information for MLPP 827
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CHAPTER 29 Music on Hold 829
Prerequisites for Music on Hold 829
Restrictions for Music on Hold 829
Information About Music on Hold 830
Music on Hold Summary 830
Music on Hold 831
Music on Hold from a Live Feed 831
Multicast MOH 832
Music on Hold for SIP Phones 832
Music On Hold Enhancement 832
Caching MOH Files for Enhanced System Performance 833
Configure G.711 and G.729 Files for Music on Hold 833
Configure Music on Hold 834
Configure Music on Hold from an Audio File to Supply Audio Stream 834
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed 837
Configure Music on Hold Groups to Support Different Media Sources 842
Assign a MOH Group to a Directory Number 845
Assign a MOH Group to all Internal Calls Only to SCCP Phones 847
Configure Buffer Size for MOH Files 849
Verify MOH File Caching 850
Verify Music on Hold Group Configuration 851
Feature Information for Music on Hold 854
CHAPTER 30 Paging 857
Restrictions for Paging 857
Information About Paging 857
Audio Paging 857
Paging Group Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 859
Configure Paging 860
Configure a Simple Paging Group on SCCP Phones 860
Configure a Combined Paging Group for SCCP Phones 861
Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones 864
Troubleshooting Tips 868
Verify Paging 868
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Paging 869
Example for Configuring Simple Paging Group 869
Example for Configuring Combined Paging Groups 869
Example for Configuring a Combined Paging Group of Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones and
Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones 871
Where to Go Next 873
Feature Information for Paging 873
CHAPTER 31 Presence Service 875
Prerequisites for Presence Service 875
Restrictions for Presence Service 875
Information About Presence Service 875
Presence Service 875
BLF Monitoring of Ephone-DNs with DnD, Call Park, Paging, and Conferencing 877
Device-Based BLF Monitoring 878
Phone User Interface for BLF-Speed-Dial 879
Configure Presence Service 879
Enable Presence for Internal Lines 879
Enable a Directory Number to be Watched 881
Enable BLF Monitor for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones 883
Enable BLF Monitoring for Speed-Dials and Call Lists on SIP Phones 886
Enable BLF-Speed-Dial Menu 888
Configure Presence to Watch External Lines 889
Verify Presence Configuration 891
Troubleshooting Presence Service 893
Configuration Examples for Presence Service 893
Example for Configuring Presence in Cisco Unified CME 893
Feature Information for Presence Service 896
CHAPTER 32 Ringtones 899
Information About Ringtones 899
Distinctive Ringing 899
Customized Ringtones 900
On-Hold Indicator 900
Configure Ringtones 900
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Distinctive Ringing 900
Configure Customized Ringtones 901
Configure On-Hold Indicator 903
Enable Distinctive Ringing on SIP Phones 904
Configuration Examples for Ringtones 905
Example for Configuring Distinctive Ringing for Internal Calls 905
Example for Configuring On-Hold Indicator 905
Feature Information for Ringtones 906
CHAPTER 33 Single Number Reach 907
Information About Single Number Reach 907
Overview of Single Number Reach 907
SNR Enhancements 908
Hardware Conference 908
Call Park, Call Pickup, and Call Retrieval 908
Answer Too Soon Timer 908
SNR Phone Stops Ringing After Mobile Phone Answers 908
Single Number Reach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 909
Virtual SNR DN for Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones 910
Configure Single Number Reach 911
Configure Single Number Reach on SCCP Phones 911
Configure Single Number Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones 915
Configure Single Number Reach on SIP Phones 917
Configure a Virtual SNR DN on SCCP Phones 921
Feature Information for Single Number Reach 923
CHAPTER 34 Customize Softkeys 925
Information About Softkeys 925
Softkeys on IP Phones 925
Account Code Entry 927
Hookflash Softkey 928
Feature Blocking 928
Feature Policy Softkey Control 928
Immediate Divert for SIP IP Phones 929
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK) 929
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Softkeys 938
Modify Softkey Display on SCCP Phone 938
Modify Softkey Display on SIP Phone 942
Verify Softkey Configuration 944
Enable Flash Softkey 945
Verify Flash Softkey Configuration 946
Configure Feature Blocking 947
Verify Block Softkey Configuration 949
Configure Immediate Divert (iDivert) Softkey on SIP Phone 949
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SCCP Phone 951
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SIP Phone 953
Configure Feature Buttons on SCCP Phone Line Key 955
Configure Feature Buttons on SIP Phone Line Key 957
Configuration Example for Softkeys 958
Example for Modifying Softkey Display 958
Example for Modifying HLog Softkey for SCCP Phones 959
Example for Modifying HLog Softkey for SIP Phones 959
Example for Enabling Flash Softkey for PSTN Calls 959
Example for Park and Transfer Blocking 960
Example for Conference Blocking 960
Example for Immediate Divert (iDivert) Configuration 960
Example for Configuring URL Buttons on a SCCP Phone Line Key 960
Example for Configuring URL Buttons on a SIP Phone Line Key 961
Example for Configuring Feature Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key 961
Example for Configuring Feature Button on a SIP Phone Line Key 961
Feature Information for Softkeys 962
CHAPTER 35 Speed Dial 965
Information About Speed Dial 965
Speed Dial Summary 965
Speed Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing 967
Bulk-Loading Speed Dial Numbers 967
Monitor-Line Button for Speed Dial 968
DSS (Direct Station Select) Service 969
Phone User-Interface for Speed Dial and Fast Dial 969
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Speed Dial 970
Enable a Local Speed Dial Menu 970
Enable DSS Service 971
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SCCP Phones 972
Define Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing on SCCP Phones 974
Enable Bulk-Loading Speed-Dial 976
Verify Bulk Speed-Dial Parameters on SCCP Phones 977
Enable Phone User Interface for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial 978
Define Speed-Dial Buttons on SIP Phones 979
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SIP Phones 980
Configuration Examples for Speed Dial 982
Example for Enabling a Local Speed Dial Menu 982
Example for Configuring Personal Speed Dial Menu on SIP Phone 982
Example for Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing 982
Example for Configuring Bulk-Loading Speed Dial 983
Example for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial User Interface 983
Where to Go Next 983
Feature Information for Speed Dial 984
CHAPTER 36 Video Support 987
Prerequisites for Video Support 987
Restrictions for Video Support 988
Information About Video Support 989
Video Support Overview 989
SIP Trunk Video Support 989
Matching Endpoint Capabilities 990
Retrieving Video Codec Information 990
Call Fallback to Audio-Only 991
Call Setup for Video Endpoints 991
Call Setup Between Two Local SCCP Endpoints 991
Call Setup Between SCCP and H.323 Endpoints 991
Call Setup Between Two SCCP Endpoints Across an H.323 Network 992
SIP Endpoint Video and Camera Support for Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9951, and
9971 992
Video and Camera Configuration for Cisco Unified IP Phones 992
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Bandwidth Control for SIP Video Calls 993
Flow of the RTP Video Stream 993
Configure Video Support 994
Enable Video and Camera Support on Cisco Unified SIP Phones 994
Apply Video and Camera Configuration to Cisco Unified SIP Phones 997
Configure Video Bandwidth Control for SIP to SIP Video Calls 999
Enable Support for Video Streams Across H.323 Networks 1000
Enable System-Level Video Capabilities 1002
Enable Video Capabilities on a Phone 1003
Verify Video Support 1005
Troubleshooting Video Support 1005
Where to Go Next 1006
Feature Information for Video Support 1006
CHAPTER 37 SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones 1009
Information About SSL VPN Client 1009
SSL VPN Support on Cisco Unified CME with DTLS 1009
Phone or Client Authentication 1010
SSL VPN Client Support on SCCP IP Phones 1011
Configure SSL VPN Client 1012
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend 1012
Prerequisites 1012
Basic Configuration on Cisco Unified CME 1013
Configure Cisco Unified CME as CA Server 1018
Verify Phone Registration and Phone Load 1020
Configure ASA (Gateway) as VPN Headend 1021
Configure VPN Group and Profile on Cisco Unified CME 1024
Associate VPN Group and Profile to SCCP IP Phone 1026
Configure Alternate TFTP Address on Phone 1030
Register Phone from a Remote Location 1031
Configure SSL VPN Client with DTLS on Cisco Unified CME as VPN Headend 1031
Set Up the Clock, Hostname, and Domain Name 1032
Configure Trustpoint and Enroll with the Certificates 1033
Configure VPN Gateway 1033
Configure User Database 1033
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Virtual Context 1034
Configure Group Policy 1034
Verify the IOS SSL VPN Connection 1035
Configure Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones for SSL VPN 1035
Configuration on Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 1036
Configure SSL VPN on Cisco Unified CME 1036
VPN Phone Redundancy Support for Cisco Unified CME with DTLS 1037
Configuration Examples for SSL VPN Client 1037
Example for Configuring SSL VPN with ASA as VPN Headend 1037
Example for Configuring SSL VPN with DTLS on CME as VPN Headend 1038
Feature Information for SSL VPN Client 1040
CHAPTER 38 Automatic Line Selection 1041
Information About Automatic Line Selection 1041
Automatic Line Selection for Incoming and Outgoing Calls 1041
Configure Automatic Line Selection 1042
Enable Automatic Line Selection 1042
Verify Automatic Line Selection 1043
Configuration Examples for Automatic Line Selection 1044
Example for Automatic Line Selection 1044
Feature Information for Automatic Line Selection 1045
CHAPTER 39 Barge and Privacy 1047
Information About Barge and Privacy 1047
Barge and cBarge 1047
Barge (SIP) 1048
cBarge (SCCP and SIP) 1048
Privacy and Privacy on Hold 1049
Configure Barge and Privacy 1050
Configure the cBarge Soft Key on SCCP Phones 1050
Enable Barge and cBarge Soft Keys on SIP Phones 1052
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP Phones 1054
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP Phones 1057
Feature Information for Barge and Privacy 1060
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CHAPTER 40 Call Blocking 1061
Information About Call Blocking 1061
Call Blocking Based on Date and Time (After-Hours Toll Bar) 1061
After-Hours Pattern-Blocking Support for Regular Expressions 1062
Call Blocking Override 1063
Class of Restriction 1063
Configure Call Blocking 1064
Configure Call Blocking 1064
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for a Dial Peer 1066
Configure Call Blocking Override for All SCCP Phones 1067
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for an Individual SCCP Phone 1069
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for an Individual SIP Phone or Directory Number 1070
Verify Call Blocking Configuration 1071
Apply Class of Restriction to a Directory Number on SCCP Phone 1072
Apply Class of Restriction to Directory Number on SIP Phones 1073
Verify Class of Restriction 1075
Configuration Examples for Call Blocking 1076
Example for Configuring Call Blocking 1076
Example for Configuring Class of Restriction 1077
Example for Configuring After-Hours Block Patterns of Regular Expressions 1078
Where to Go Next 1078
Feature Information for Call Blocking 1078
CHAPTER 41 Call Park 1081
Information About Call Park 1081
Call Park Enhancements in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 1081
Basic Call Park 1082
View Active Parked Calls 1083
Configure User Interface to View Active List of Parked Calls 1084
Directed Call Park 1085
Park Reservation Groups 1085
Dedicated Call-Park Slots 1086
Call-Park Blocking 1087
Call-Park Redirect 1088
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park Recall Enhancement 1088
Park Monitor 1088
Configure Call Park 1089
Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park 1089
Verify Call Park 1094
Configure Timeout Duration for Recalled Calls 1095
Troubleshooting Call Park 1096
Configuration Examples for Call Park 1097
Example for Configuring Basic Call Park 1097
Example for Blocking Phone From Using Call Park 1097
Example for Configuring Call-Park Redirect 1098
Example for Configuring Call Park Recall 1098
Where to Go Next 1098
Feature Information for Call Park 1099
CHAPTER 42 Call Restriction Regulations 1101
Prerequisites for LPCOR 1101
Information About LPCOR 1101
LPCOR Overview 1101
LPCOR Policy and Resource Groups 1103
Default LPCOR Policy 1103
How LPCOR Policies are Associated with Resource Groups 1104
Analog Phones 1104
IP Phones 1104
PSTN Trunks 1104
VoIP Trunks 1105
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services 1105
Phone Display and Warning Tone for LPCOR 1110
Configure LPCOR 1111
Define a LPCOR Policy 1111
Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls 1114
Associate a LPCOR Policy with VoIP Trunk Calls 1117
Associate a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls 1120
Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls 1124
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Verify LPCOR Configuration 1128
Configuration Examples for LPCOR 1128
Example for Configuring LPCOR for Cisco Unified CME 1128
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router 1132
Feature Information for LPCOR 1145
CHAPTER 43 Call Transfer and Forward 1147
Information About Call Transfer and Forward 1147
Call Forward 1147
Selective Call Forward 1148
Call Forward Unregistered 1148
B2BUA Call Forward for SIP Devices 1149
Call Forward All Synchronization for SIP Phones 1150
Call Transfer 1150
Call Transfer Blocking 1151
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones 1151
Transfer Pattern 1152
Backward Compatibility 1153
Dial Plans 1153
Transfer Max-Length 1153
Conference Max-Length 1153
Conference-Pattern Blocked 1154
Configure the Maximum Number of Digits for a Conference Call 1155
Configure Conference Blocking Options for Phones 1156
Transfer-Pattern Blocked 1158
Conference Transfer-Pattern 1159
Call Transfer Recall on SCCP Phones 1159
Call Transfer Recall on SIP Phones 1159
Consultative-Transfer Enhancements in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and Later
Versions 1160
Consultative Transfer With Direct Station Select 1161
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support 1161
Tips for Using H.450 Standards 1164
Transfer Method Recommendations by Cisco Unified CME Version 1164
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
H.450.12 Support 1166
Hairpin Call Routing 1167
Tips for Using Hairpin Call Routing 1170
Calling Number Local 1170
H.450 Tandem Gateways 1170
Tips for Using H.450 Tandem Gateways 1172
Dial Peers 1173
Q Signaling Supplementary Services 1173
Disable SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer 1174
Typical Network Scenarios for Call Transfer and Call Forwarding 1174
Cisco CME 3.1 or Later and Cisco IOS Gateways 1175
Cisco CME 3.0 or an Earlier Version and Cisco IOS Gateways 1175
Cisco CME 3.1 or Later, Non-H.450 Gateways, and Cisco IOS Gateways 1175
Cisco Unified CME, Non-H.450 Gateways, and Cisco IOS Gateways 1176
Cisco CME 3.1 or Later, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco IOS
Gateways 1177
Cisco CME 3.0 or an Earlier Version, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and
Cisco IOS Gateways 1177
Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding 1178
Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level 1178
Enable Call-Transfer Recall on SIP Phones at System-Level 1183
Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number 1185
Call Transfer for a Directory Number 1188
Configure Call Transfer Options for SCCP Phones 1189
Verify Call Transfer for SCCP Phones 1191
Specify Transfer Patterns for Trunk-to-Trunk Calls and Conferences for SIP 1192
Conference Max-Length 1195
Block Trunk-to-Trunk Call Transfers for SIP 1195
Enable H.450.12 Capabilities 1196
Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities 1198
Forward Calls Using Local Hairpin Routing 1200
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services at System-Level 1202
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services on a Dial Peer 1204
Disable SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer 1206
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager 1207
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco CME 3.1 or Later to Interwork with Cisco Unified Communications
Manager 1208
Enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Interwork with
Cisco Unified CME 1212
Troubleshooting Call Transfer and Forward Configuration 1212
Configure SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding 1213
Configure Call Forward Unregistered for SIP IP Phones 1216
Troubleshooting Tips for Call Forward Unregistered 1217
Configure Keepalive Timer Expiration in SIP Phones 1217
Configure Call-Forwarding-All Softkey URI on SIP Phones 1218
Specify Number of 3XX Responses To be Handled on SIP Phones 1220
Configure Call Transfer on SIP Phones 1221
Configuration Examples for Call Transfer and Forwarding 1223
Example for Configuring H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support 1223
Example for Configuring Basic Call Forwarding 1223
Example for Configuring Call Forwarding Blocked for Local Calls 1223
Example for Configuring Transfer Patterns 1224
Example for Configuring Maximum Length of Transfer Number 1224
Example for Configuring Conference Transfer Patterns 1224
Example for Blocking All Call Transfers 1224
Example for Configuring Selective Call Forwarding 1225
Example for Configuring Call Transfer 1225
Example for Configuring Call Transfer Recall for SCCP Phones 1226
Example for Configuring Call-Transfer Recall for SIP Phones 1226
Example for Enabling H.450.12 Capabilities 1227
Example for Enabling H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services 1227
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager
in Same Network 1228
Example for Configuring H.450 Tandem Gateway Working with Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 1230
Example for Configuring Call Forward to Cisco Unity Express 1231
Example for Configuring Call Forward Unregistered for SIP IP Phones 1232
Example for Configuring Keepalive Timer Expiration in SIP Phones 1232
Where to Go Next 1232
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding 1233
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CHAPTER 44 Call Coverage Features 1239
Information About Call Coverage Features 1239
Call Coverage Summary 1239
Out-of- Dialog REFER 1242
Call Hunt 1243
Call Pickup 1243
Call Waiting 1246
Call-Waiting Beep for SCCP Phones 1246
Call-Waiting Ring for SCCP Phones 1247
Cancel Call Waiting 1247
Callback Busy Subscriber 1248
Hunt Groups 1248
Ephone-Hunt Groups and Voice Hunt-Groups Comparison 1249
Sequential Hunt Groups 1250
Peer Hunt Groups 1251
Longest-Idle Hunt Groups 1251
Parallel Hunt Groups (Call Blast) 1252
View and Join for Voice Hunt Groups 1253
Enable User Interface to View, Join, and Unjoin Voice Hunt Groups on SCCP Phone 1254
Configure Service URL Button On SCCP Phone Line Key 1255
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key 1257
Display Support for the Name of a Called Voice Hunt-Group 1259
Support for Voice Hunt Group Descriptions 1260
Prevent Local Call Forwarding to the Final Agent in a Voice Hunt-Groups 1260
Enhancement of Support for Voice Hunt Group Agent Statistics 1261
Enhancement of Support for Ephone-Hunt Group Agent Statistics 1261
Hunt Group Agent Availability Options 1262
Dynamic Ephone Hunt Group Membership 1264
Dynamically Join or Unjoin Multiple Voice Hunt Groups 1265
Agent Status Control for Ephone Hunt Group 1266
Agent Status Control for Voice Hunt Group 1267
Members Logout for Ephone Hunt Group 1268
Members Logout for Voice Hunt Group 1269
Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready for Ephone Hunt Group 1269
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready for Voice Hunt Group 1269
Presentation of Calls for Ephone Hunt Group 1270
Presentation of Calls for Voice Hunt Group 1270
Night Service 1271
Overlaid Ephone-dns 1274
Shared- Line Overlays 1275
Call Waiting for Overlaid Ephone-dns 1276
Extend Calls for Overlaid Ephone-dns to Other Buttons on the Same Phone 1278
Configure Call Coverage Features 1278
Configure Call Hunt on SCCP Phones 1278
Verify Call Hunt Configuration on SCCP Phones 1280
Configure Call Hunt on SIP Phones 1281
Enable Call Pickup 1282
Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone 1285
Verify Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone 1287
Configure Cancel Call Waiting on SCCP Phone 1288
Enable Call Waiting on SIP Phones 1290
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones 1291
Verify Ephone Hunt Groups Configuration 1298
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups 1301
Verify Voice Hunt Groups Configuration 1306
Enable Audible Tone for Successful Login and Logout of a Hunt Group on SCCP
Phone 1309
Enable the Collection of Call Statistics for Voice Hunt-Groups 1310
Associate a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group 1312
Prevent Local Call Forwarding to Final Agent in Voice Hunt-Groups 1314
Configure Night Service on SCCP Phones 1315
Configure Night Service on SIP Phones 1318
Verify Night Service Configuration on SCCP Phones 1322
Verify Night Service Configuration on SIP Phones 1325
Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones 1326
Verify Overlaid Ephone-dns Configuration on SCCP Phone 1330
Enable Out-Of-Dialog REFER 1330
Verify OOD-R Configuration 1332
Troubleshooting OOD-R 1333
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Call Coverage Features 1333
Call Hunt: Examples 1333
Example for Setting Ephone-dn Dial-Peer Preference 1333
Example for Disabling Huntstop 1334
Example for Channel Huntstop 1334
Example for SIP Call Hunt 1335
Example for Call Pickup 1335
Example for Call-Waiting Beep 1335
Example for Call-Waiting Ring 1335
Examples for Hunt Group 1336
Example for Sequential Ephone-Hunt Group 1336
Example for Peer Ephone-Hunt Group 1336
Example for Longest-idle Ephone-Hunt Group 1336
Example for Longest-idle Ephone-Hunt Group Using From-Ring Option 1336
Example for Sequential Hunt Group 1337
Example for Preventing Local Call Forwarding in Parallel Voice Hunt-Groups 1338
Example for Associating a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group 1338
Example for Specifying a Description for a Voice Hunt-Group 1339
Example for Logout Display 1339
Example for Displaying Total Logged-In Time and Total Logged-Out Time for Each
Hunt-Group Agent 1339
Example for Dynamic Membership To Ephone-Hunt 1341
Example for Dynamic Membership To Voice Hunt-Group 1341
Example for Agent Status Control using SCCP Phones 1341
Example for Agent Status Control using SIP Phones 1342
Example for Automatic Agent Not-Ready for Ephone Hunt Group 1342
Example for Automatic Agent Not-Ready for Voice Hunt Group 1343
Example for Call Statistics From a Voice Hunt Group 1343
Example for Night Service on SCCP Phones 1345
Example for Night Service on SIP Phones 1345
Examples for Overlaid Ephone-dns 1346
Example for Overlaid Ephone-dn 1346
Example for Overlaid Dual-Line Ephone-dn 1347
Example for Shared-line Overlaid Ephone-dns 1347
Example for Overlaid Ephone-dn with Call Waiting 1348
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Overlaid Ephone-dns with Rollover Buttons 1349
Example for Called-Name Display for Voice Hunt Group 1350
Example for Called Directory Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns 1350
Example for Called Ephone-dn Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns 1352
Example for OOD-R 1352
Where to Go Next 1352
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features 1354
CHAPTER 45 Caller ID Blocking 1363
Restrictions for Caller ID Blocking 1363
Information About Caller ID Blocking 1363
Caller ID Blocking on Outbound Calls 1363
Configure Caller ID Blocking 1364
Block Caller ID For All Outbound Calls on SCCP Phones 1364
Block Caller ID From a Directory Number on SCCP Phones 1365
Verify Caller ID Blocking 1366
Configuration Examples for Caller ID Blocking 1368
Example for Configuring Caller ID Blocking Code 1368
Example for Configuring Caller ID Blocking for Outbound Calls from a Directory Number
on SCCP Phones 1368
Feature Information for Caller ID Blocking 1368
CHAPTER 46 Conferencing 1369
Restrictions for Conferencing 1369
Information About Conferencing 1369
Conferencing Overview 1369
Conferencing with Octo-Lines 1370
Secure Conferencing Limitation 1370
Ad-hoc Conferencing 1370
Multi-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing for More Than Three Parties 1371
Connected Conference 1372
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later versions 1373
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 11.7 and Later Versions 1374
Soft Keys for Conference Functions 1374
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 1375
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plan 1376
Configure Conferencing 1377
Modify the Default Configuration for Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing 1377
Configure Conferencing Options on SCCP Phones 1379
Configure Conferencing Options on SIP Phones 1380
Verify Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing 1382
Troubleshooting Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing 1383
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and
Later Versions on SCCP Phones 1383
Enable DSP Farm Services for a Voice Card 1384
Configure Join and Leave Tones on SCCP Phones 1384
Configure SCCP for Cisco Unified CME 1386
Configure the DSP Farm Profile on SCCP Phones 1387
Associate Cisco Unified CME with a DSP Farm Profile on SCCP Phones 1389
Enable Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing 1390
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing and Meet-Me Numbers on SCCP Phones 1392
Configure Conferencing Options for SCCP Phones 1394
Verify Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing on SCCP Phones 1398
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP
Phones 1398
Examples 1400
What to Do Next 1405
Configuration Examples for Conferencing 1406
Example for Configuring Basic Conferencing 1406
Example for Configuring End of Conference Options 1406
Example for Keep-Conference on SIP Phones 1407
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router 1408
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers 1417
Example of Cisco Unified CME Router Configuration 1417
Example of DSP Farm Router Configuration 1423
Where to Go Next 1425
Feature Information for Conferencing 1425
CHAPTER 47 Templates 1427
Information About Templates 1427
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Phone Templates 1427
Ephone-dn Templates 1428
Configure Templates 1428
Create an Ephone Template 1428
Create an Ephone-dn Template 1430
Verify Templates on SCCP Phones 1431
Create and Apply Templates for SIP Phones 1432
Configuration Examples for Creating Templates 1434
Example to Block The Use of Park and Transfer Soft Keys Using Ephone Template 1434
Example to Set Call Forwarding Using Ephone-dn Template 1435
Where to Go Next 1435
Feature Information for Creating Templates 1435
CHAPTER 48 Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options 1437
Information About Cisco Unified IP Phone Options 1437
Clear Directory Entries 1437
Enable Customized Background Images for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 1437
Customized Button Layout 1438
Customized Phone User Interface Services 1439
Fixed Line-Feature Buttons for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G 1440
Header Bar Display 1440
Phone Labels 1440
Programmable Vendor Parameters for Phones 1441
Push-to-Talk 1441
Support for Cisco Jabber 1442
Cisco Jabber Client Support on CME 1443
System Message Display 1444
URL Provisioning for Feature Buttons 1444
My Phone Apps for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 1445
Configure Cisco Unified IP Phone Options 1446
Enable Edit User Settings 1446
Configure Cisco Jabber 1447
Clear Call-History Details from a SCCP Phone 1449
Troubleshooting Tips for Clearing Call-History Details from a SCCP Phone 1450
Configure Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client 1451
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Select Button Layout for a Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G 1453
Configure Button Layout on SCCP Phones 1454
Configure Button Layout on SIP Phones 1456
Configure Service URL Button on a SIP IP Phone Line Key 1459
Configure Service URL Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key 1460
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SIP Phone Line Key 1462
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SCCP Line Key 1464
Block Local Services on Phone User Interface 1466
Modify Header Bar Display on SCCP Phones 1468
Modify Header Bar Display Supported SIP Phones 1469
Verify Header Bar Display 1470
Troubleshooting Header Bar Display 1470
Create Labels for Directory Numbers on SCCP Phones 1471
Create Labels for Directory Numbers on a SIP Phone 1472
Verify Labels 1473
Modify System Message Display on SCCP Phone Screen 1474
Verify System Message Display 1475
Troubleshooting System Message Display 1476
Provision URLs for Feature Buttons for SCCP Phones 1476
Provision URLs for Feature Buttons on SIP Phones 1478
Troubleshooting URL Provisioning for Feature Buttons 1479
Modify Vendor Parameters for All SCCP Phones 1479
Modify Vendor Parameters for a Specific SCCP Phone 1481
Troubleshooting Vendor Parameter Configuration 1483
Configure One-Way Push-to-Talk on Cisco Unified SCCP Wireless IP Phones 1483
Configure Cisco Jabber for CSF Client in Cisco Unified CME 1485
Configuration Examples for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options 1487
Example for Configuring Cisco Jabber 1487
Example for Configuring Cisco Jabber CSF Client 1488
Example for Configuring Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client 1489
Example for Excluding Local Services from Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 1489
Example to Create Text Labels for Ephone-dns 1490
Example for Phone Header Bar Display 1490
Example for System Text Message Display 1490
Example for System File Display 1490
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for URL Provisioning for Directories, Services, and Messages Buttons 1490
Example for Programmable VendorConfig Parameters 1491
Example for Push-to-Talk (PTT) on Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phones in Cisco Unified
CME 1491
Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options 1492
CHAPTER 49 Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX 1495
Information About Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX 1495
Configure Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX 1498
Enable Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX 1498
Identify Agent Directory Numbers in Cisco Unified CME for Session Manager on SCCP
Phones 1501
Verify Registrations and Subscriptions in Cisco Unified CME 1503
Re-create a Session Manager in Cisco Unified CME 1503
Reconfigure a Cisco CRS Route Point as a SIP Endpoint 1505
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX 1508
Where to Go Next 1516
Feature Information for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX 1516
CHAPTER 50 CTI CSTA Protocol Suite 1519
Information About CTI CSTA Protocol Suite 1519
CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME 1519
CTI Session 1520
Supported Services and Events 1520
Configure CTI CSTA Protocol Suite 1521
Enable CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME 1522
Create a Session Manager 1525
Configure a Number or Device for CTI CSTA Operations 1527
Clear a Session Between a CSTA Client Application and Cisco Unified CME 1531
Configuration Examples for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite 1532
Example for Configuring MOC Client 1532
Example for Configuring CSTA Client Application Requiring a Session Manager 1534
Feature Information for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite 1537
CHAPTER 51 SRST Fallback Mode 1539
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Prerequisites for SRST Fallback Mode 1539
Restrictions for SRST Fallback Mode 1539
Information About SRST Fallback Mode 1540
SRST Fallback Mode Using Cisco Unified CME 1540
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME Phone Configurations 1543
Auto provision Directory Numbers in SRST Fallback Mode 1544
Configure SRST Fallback Mode 1544
Enable SRST Fallback Mode 1544
Verify SRST Fallback Mode 1546
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME Phone Configurations 1547
Modify Call Pickup for Fallback Support 1548
Configuration Examples for SRST Fallback Mode 1549
Example for Enabling SRST Mode 1549
Example for Provisioning Directory Numbers for Fallback Support 1550
Example for Configuring Templates for Fallback Support: Example 1551
Example for Enabling Hunt Groups for Fallback Support 1551
Example for Modifying Call Pickup for Fallback Support 1552
Example for Prebuilding DNs 1552
Feature Information for SRST Fallback Mode 1552
CHAPTER 52 VRF Support 1553
Prerequisites for Configuring VRF Support 1553
Restrictions for Configuring VRF Support 1555
Information About VRF Support 1556
VRF-Aware Cisco Unified CME 1556
VRF-Aware Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones 1556
Multi-VRF Support on Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones 1556
Configure VRF Support 1556
Create VRF Groups for SCCP Phones 1556
Create VRF Groups for SIP Phones 1558
Add Cisco Unified CME SCCP Phones to a VRF Group 1560
Add Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones to a VRF Group 1563
Configuration Examples for Configuring VRF Support 1565
Example for Mapping IP Address Ranges to VRF Using DHCP 1565
Example for Configuring VRF-Aware Hardware Conferencing 1565
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring Cisco Unity Express on Global Voice VRF 1566
Example for Configuring Multi- VRF Support for Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones 1568
Feature Information for VRF Support 1571
CHAPTER 53 Configure the XML API 1573
Information About XML API 1573
XML API Definition 1573
XML API Provision Using IXI 1573
XML API for Cisco Unified CME 1574
Target Audience 1574
Prerequisites 1574
Information on XML API for Cisco Unified CME 1574
Examples for XML API Methods 1577
ISexecCLI 1578
ISSaveConfig 1579
ISgetGlobal 1579
ISgetDevice 1591
ISgetDeviceTemplate 1594
ISgetExtension 1597
ISgetExtensionTemplate 1601
ISgetUser 1602
ISgetUserProfile 1603
ISgetUtilityDirectory 1604
ISgetVoiceRegGlobal 1605
ISgetSipDevice 1605
ISgetSipExtension 1606
ISgetSessionServer 1607
ISgetVoiceHuntGroup 1607
ISgetPresenceGlobal 1608
Configure XML API 1609
Define XML Transport Parameters 1609
Define XML Application Parameters 1610
Define Authentication for XML Access 1612
Define XML Event Table Parameters 1613
Troubleshooting the XML Interface 1614
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for XML API 1614
Example for XML Transport Parameters 1614
Example for XML Application Parameters 1614
Example for XML Authentication 1615
Example for XML Event Table 1615
Where to Go Next 1615
Feature Information for XML API 1615
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
This roadmap lists the features documented in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System
Administrator Guide and maps them to the modules in which they appear.
Feature and Release Support
Table 1: Supported Cisco Unified CME Features, on page 1 lists the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME) version that introduced support for a given feature. Unless noted
otherwise, subsequent versions of Cisco Unified CME software also support that feature. Only features that
were introduced or modified in Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version appear in the table. Not all features
may be supported in your Cisco Unified CME software version.
To determine the correct Cisco IOS release to support a specific Cisco Unified CME version, see
Cisco Unified CME and Cisco IOS Software Version Compatibility Matrix.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco IOS software image
support. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 1: Supported Cisco Unified CME Features
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Unified CME 12.1
No New features added
in the Unified CME 12.1
Unified CME 12.0
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
As part of Unified CME
Release 12.0, new phone
support for Cisco IP
Phones 8821, 8845, 8865
was introduced for Cisco
Integrated Services
Router Generation 2. The
support is introduced for
T-Train Release Version,
15.7(3)M and later.
New Phone Support
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Information About Cisco
Unified IP Phone
Options, on page 1437
Support for Idle URL
feature was introduced
forSIPPhones, as part of
Unified CME Release
Idle URL for SIP Phones
Calling Number Local,
on page 1170
Support to configure
Calling Number Local
under voice register
global configuration
mode was introduced as
part of Unified CME
Release 12.0.
Calling Number Local
Called-Name Display, on
page 660
Support to configure
Dialed Number
IdentificationService for
phones configured under
voice hunt group was
introduced as part of
Unified CME Release
Called-Name Display
(Dialed Number
Identification Service)
Barge and Privacy, on
page 1047
Support for cBarge
functionality in a mixed
deploymentscenario was
introduced as part of
Unified CME Release
cBarge on Mixed Shared
Unified CME 11.7
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
As part of Unified CME
Release 11.7, new phone
support for Cisco IP
Phones 8821, 8845, 8865
wasintroduced. With this
addition, Unified CME
supports all phone
modelsin Cisco IPPhone
7800 Series and Cisco IP
Phone 8800 Series.
11.7 New Phone Support
Music on Hold, on page
Transcoding for MOH is
supported on Cisco 4000
Router from Cisco
Unified CME Release
11.7 onwards.
Transcoding support for
Music on Hold
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Conferencing, on page
Provides support for
conferencing on Cisco
4000 Series Integrated
Services Router from
Cisco Unified CME
Release 11.7 onwards.
Support for Conferencing
on Unified CME
Cisco Unified CME
Overview, on page 67
Provides support for
Smart Licensing apart
from the existing CSL
licensing model from
Cisco Unified CME
Release 11.7 onwards.
Support for Cisco Smart
Unified CME 11.6
Create Phone
Configurations Using
Extension Assigner, on
page 347
Provides support for
configuration changes to
backup systems for SIP
Extension Assigner for
SIP Phones
Call Transfer Recall on
SIPPhones, on page 1159
Support for call transfer
recall functionality on
SIP phones.
Call Transfer Recall for
SIP Phones
Redundant Cisco Unified
CME Router for SIP
Phones, on page 161
Failover to Redundant
Router—Sites can be set
up with a primary and
Cisco Unified CME
router to provide
Cisco Unified CME
capability. SIP Phones
automatically register at
the secondary router if
the primary router fails
and later rehome to the
primary router when it is
operational again.
Secondary Unified CME
for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Customize Softkeys, on
page 925
Support for voice hunt
group features such as
Hlog support on SIP
phone, DND Softkey as
Hlog, Members Logout,
Auto Logout,
Presentation of calls, and
Dynamic Agent Join or
Unjoin Status message
display on SIP phones.
VHG Enhancements
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Support for night service
functionality in a mixed
deployment scenario.
Night Service (Mixed
Configure DialPlans, on
page 451
Support for Secondary
Dial Tone onSIPPhones.
Secondary Dial Tone for
SIP Phones
Support to invoke
B-ACD services when
calling from a local SIP,
SCCP or FXS phone.
BACD with Loopback
call flows
TranscodingSupport, on
page 474
Support for LTI-based
Transcoding on Cisco
4000 Series Integrated
Services Router.
Transcoding Support on
Unified CME
Cisco Unified CME 11.5
Auto Registration of SIP
Phones on Cisco Unified
CME, on page 235
Support for auto
registration ofSIPphones
on Unified CME.
Introduced the CLI
command auto-register in
voice register global
mode to enable automatic
registration ofSIPphones
on Unified CME.
11.5 Auto Registration
Night Service, on page
Support for night service
functionality on SIP
Night Service
Cisco Unified CME
B-ACD and Tcl
Support for B-ACD
functionality on SIP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified CME 11.0
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
Lists the new phones that
have been provided with
support on Unified CME:
• Support for Cisco
IP Phone 7811
• Support for Cisco
IP Phones 8811,
8831, 8841, 8851,
8851NR, 8861
• Support for Cisco
ATA-190 Phones
11.0 New Phone Support
Cisco Unified CME 10.5
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
Lists the new phones that
have been provided with
support on Unified CME:
• Support for Cisco
Unified 78xxSeries
SIP IP Phones
• Support for Cisco
10.5 New Phone Support
Example for Monitoring
the Status of Key
Expansion Modules, on
page 337
Monitoring the Status of
Key Expansion Modules:
Example section has been
updated to include
support the show
summary commands.
Example for Monitoring
the Status of Key
Expansion Modules
Cisco IOS Commandsfor
Monitoring and
Maintaining Cisco
Unified CME, on page
Monitoring and
Maintaining Cisco
Unified CME table has
been updated to include
the new show commands
introduced in thisrelease.
Monitoring and
Maintaining Cisco
Unified CME
Enhancements in Cisco
Unified CME, on page
Enhancement feature
User-Defines locales.
Enhancements in Cisco
Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Enable a Personal Speed
Dial Menu on SCCP
Phones, on page 972
Fast Dial range has been
increased to 100.
Fast Dial
View Active Parked
Calls, on page 1083
Viewing Active Parked
Calls feature enables the
user to view the list of
active parked calls onSIP
and SCCP phones.
Viewing Active Parked
Call Park Recall
Enhancement, on page
Distinctive Ring feature
enables the user to
distinctly identify the
type of call.
Distinctive Ring
View and Join for Voice
Hunt Groups, on page
Viewing and Joining
Voice Hunt Groups
feature enables the user
to view voice hunt group
related information on
SIP and SCCP phones.
Viewing and Joining
Voice Hunt Groups
Dynamically Join or
Unjoin Multiple Voice
Hunt Groups, on page
Dynamically Joining or
Unjoining Multiple Voice
Hunt Groups feature
provides support for
phones to dynamically
join the voice hunt groups
is added.
Dynamically Joining or
Unjoining Multiple Voice
Hunt Groups
Enable Audible Tone for
Successful Login and
Logout of a Hunt Group
onSCCPPhone, on page
The Audible Tone feature
has been introduced on
SCCP phones to enable
the user to receive a
confirmation on
successful log in or log
out from an ephone hunt
group and voice hunt
Audible Tone
Cisco Jabber Client
Support on CME, on
page 1443
A new phone type,
'Jabber-CSF-Client' has
been added to configure
the Cisco Jabber client
under voice register pool.
Cisco Jabber Client
Support on CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Example for Configuring
Multi- VRF Support for
Cisco Unified CME SIP
Phones, on page 1568
Multi VRF Support
feature has been
enhanced to provide
support for SIP phones.
Multi VRF Support
Cisco Unified CME 10.0
Fast-Track Configuration
Approach for Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones,
on page 251
Fast-Track Configuration
feature provides a new
configuration utility using
which you can input the
phone characteristics of
a new SIP phone model.
Fast-Track Configuration
Approach for Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Jabber Client
Support on CME, on
page 1443
Cisco Jabber for
Windows client is
supported from Cisco
Unified CME Release 10
Cisco Jabber for
Microsoft Windows
Cisco Unified Licenses, on page 69
CME-SRST permanent
license has been
introduced along with
new license package
called Collaboration
Professional Suite.
Cisco Unified
CME-SRST License
Secure SIP Trunk
Support on Cisco Unified
CME, on page 593
Supports supplementary
services in secure SRTP
andSRTPfallback modes
onSIPtrunk of theSCCP
Cisco Unified CME.
Secure SIP Trunk
Support on Cisco Unified
Cisco Unified CME 9.5
for Regular Expressions,
on page 1062
Support for afterhours
pattern blocking is
extended to regular
expression patterns for
dial plans on Cisco
Unified SIP and Cisco
Afterhours Pattern
Blocking Support for
Regular Expressions
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call Park Recall
Enhancement, on page
The recall force keyword
is added to the call-park
system command in
configuration mode to
allow a user to force the
recall or transfer of a
parked call to the phone
that put the call in park.
Call Park Recall
Display Support for the
Name of a Called Voice
Hunt-Group, on page
The display of the name
of the called
voice-hunt-group pilot is
supported by configuring
the following command
in voice hunt-group or
configuration mode: [no]
name primary pilot name
[secondary secondary
pilot name]
Display Support for
Name of Called Voice
Hunt Groups
Enhancement of Support
for Ephone-Hunt Group
AgentStatistics, on page
Support for hunt group
agent statistics of Cisco
Unified SCCP IP phones
is enhanced to include the
following information:
• Total logged in
time—On an hourly
basis, displays the
duration (in sec)
since a specific
agent logged into a
hunt group.
• Total logged out
time—On an hourly
basis, displays the
duration (in sec)
since a specific
agent logged out of
a hunt group.
Enhancement of Support
for Hunt Group Agent
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified IPPhones,
on page 596
With Hypertext Transfer
ProtocolSecure (HTTPS)
support in Cisco Unified
CME 9.5 and later
versions, these services
can be invoked using an
HTTPS connection from
the phones to Cisco
Unified CME.
HTTPS Support in Cisco
Unified CME
Enhancements in Cisco
Unified CME, on page
Canadian French is
supported as a
user-defined locale on
Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones and Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phones when
the correct locale package
is installed.
Enhancements in Cisco
Unified CME
Prevent Local Call
Forwarding to the Final
Agent in a Voice
Hunt-Groups, on page
Local calls are prevented
from being forwarded to
the final destination using
the no forward
local-calls to-final
command in parallel or
sequential voice
hunt-group configuration
Preventing Local-Call
Forwarding to Final
Agent in Voice Hunt
Support for Voice Hunt
Group Descriptions, on
page 1260
A description can be
specified for a voice hunt
group using the
description command in
voice hunt-group
configuration mode.
Support for Voice Hunt
Group Descriptions
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer
Blocking for Toll Fraud
Prevention on Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones,
on page 1151
Trunk to trunk transfer
blocking for toll bypass
fraud prevention is
supported on Cisco
UnifiedSession Initiation
Protocol (SIP) IP phones
Trunk to Trunk Transfer
Blocking for Toll Fraud
Prevention on Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 9.0
Cisco Unified CME 9.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Increases line key and
feature key appearances,
speed dials, or
programmable buttons on
Cisco Unified SIP IP
KEM Support for Cisco
Unified 8961, 9951, and
9971 SIP IP Phones
Configure Cisco ATA
Support, on page 295
Supports T.38 fax relay
and fax pass-through on
Cisco ATA-187.
9.0 Cisco ATA-187
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
Adds SIP support for the
following phone types:
• Cisco Unified 6901
and 6911 IPPhones
• Cisco Unified 6921,
6941, 6945, and
6961 IP Phones
• Cisco Unified 8941
and 8945 IPPhones
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Localization Support for
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones, on page 409
Provides the following
enhanced localization
support for Cisco Unified
SIP IP phones:
• Localization
support for Cisco
Unified 6941 and
6945 SIP IP
• Locale installer that
supports a single
procedure for all
Cisco Unified SIP
IP phones.
Enhancements for Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
MIB Support for
Extension Mobility in
Cisco Unified SCCP IP
Phones, on page 729
Adds new MIB objectsto
monitor Cisco Unified
SCCP IP Extension
Mobility (EM) phones.
MIB Support for
Extension Mobility in
Cisco Unified SCCP IP
Mixed Shared Lines, on
page 231
Allows Cisco UnifiedSIP
and SCCP IP phones to
share a common directory
Mixed Shared Lines
Multiple Calls Per Line,
on page 246
Overcomesthe limitation
on the maximum number
of calls per line.
Multiple Calls Per Line
MyPhone Appsfor Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones,
on page 1445
Adds support for My
Phone Apps feature on
Cisco Unified SIP IP
MyPhone Appsfor Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
Olson Timezones, on
page 122
Olson Timezone
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Eliminates the need to
update time zone
commands or phone
loads to accommodate a
new country with a new
time zone or an existing
country whose city or
state wants to change
their time zone, using the
olsontimezone command
in either
telephony-service or
voice register global
configuration mode.
Paging GroupSupport for
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones, on page 859
Allows you to specify a
paging-dn tag and dial the
paging extension number
to page the Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone associated
with the paging-dn tag or
paging group using the
paging-dn command in
voice register pool or
voice register template
configuration mode.
Paging GroupSupport for
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Programmable Line Keys
( PLK), on page 929
Addssupport forsoftkeys
as programmable line
keys on Cisco Unified
6911, 6921, 6941, 6945,
6961, 8941, and 8945SIP
IP Phones.
Programmable Line Keys
for Cisco Unified SIP IP
Single Number Reach for
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones, on page 909
Single Number Reach for
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Supports the following
SNR features for Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones:
• Enable and disable
the EM feature.
• Manual pull back of
a call on a mobile
• Send a call to a
mobile PSTN
• Send a call to a
mobile phone
regardless of
whether the SNR
phone is the
originating or the
terminating side.
Unsolicited Notify for
Shared Line andPresence
Events for Cisco Unified
SIP IP Phones, on page
Allows the Unsolicited
Notify mechanism to
reduce network traffic
during Cisco UnifiedSIP
IP phone registration
using the bulk
registration method.
Unsolicited Notify for
Shared Line andPresence
Events for Cisco Unified
SIP IP Phones
Virtual SNR DN for
Cisco Unified SCCP IP
Phones, on page 910
Allows a call to be made
to a virtual SNR DN and
allowstheSNR feature to
be launched even when
the SNR DN is not
associated with any
Virtual SNR DN for
Cisco Unified SCCP IP
Hunt Groups, on page
Allows all ephone and
voice hunt group call
statistics to be written to
a file using the
hunt-group statistics
write-all command.
Voice Hunt Group
Cisco Unified CME 8.8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified CME, on
page 1519
Enables the
functionality from
computer-based CSTA
client applications and
adds support to CSTA
services and events.
CTI CSTA ProtocolSuite
HFS Download Support
for IP Phone Firmware
and Configuration Files,
on page 157
Provides download
support for SIP and
SCCPIPphone firmware,
scripts, midlets, and
configuration files using
the HTTP File-Fetch
Server (HFS)
HFS Download Support
for IP Phone Firmware
and Configuration Files
HTTPS support for an
ExternalServer, on page
Allows you to import an
IP phone's trusted
certificate to an IP
phone's CTL file using
the import certificate
HTTPS Provisioning for
Cisco Unified IP Phones
System-Defined Locales,
on page 408
Addslocalization support
for Cisco Unified 3905
SIP and Cisco Unified
6945, 8941, and 8945
SCCP IP Phones.
Programmable Line Keys
( PLK), on page 929
Addssupport forsoftkeys
as programmable line
keys on Cisco Unified
6945, 8941, and 8945
SCCP IP Phones.
Programmable Line Keys
Real-Time Transport
Protocol Call Information
Display Enhancement,
on page 248
Allows you to display
information on active
RTPcalls using the show
ephone rtp connections
command. The output
from this command
provides an overview of
all the connections in the
system, narrowing the
criteria for debugging
pulse code modulation
and Cisco Unified CME
packets without a sniffer.
Real-Time Transport
Protocol Call Information
Display Enhancement
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
SIP Intercom, on page
Addsintercom support to
Cisco UnifiedSIPphones
connected to a Cisco
Unified CME system.
SIP Intercom
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
Adds support for SIP
phones connected to a
Cisco Unified CME
Support for Cisco Unified
3905 SIP IP Phones
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
Adds support for SCCP
phones connected to a
Cisco Unified CME
Support for Cisco Unified
6945, 8941, and 8945
SCCP IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 8.6
Bulk Registration
Support for SIP Phones,
on page 149
Adds support for SIP
phone bulk registration.
Bulk Registration
Support for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Clear Directory Entries,
on page 1437
Support for Cisco
Jabber, on page 1442
Adds ability to clear
phone call logs. Adds
support for SIP client
software for iPhone and
iPod Touch.
Clear Directory Entries
Calls List
Support for iPhone and
iPod Touch Softphone
Call Forward
Unregistered, on page
Addssupport for the CFU
feature on SIP IP phones
using the call-forward
b2bua unregistered
command under voice
register dn tag.
Enhancement for
Extension Mobility for
SIP Phones
Enhancement, on page
Adds SIP phone support
to extension mobility.
Extension Mobility
Support for SIP phone
Define Translation Rules
for Callback-Number on
SIPPhones, on page 466
Increases the number of
translation rules from 15
to 100 rules per
translation rule table.
Increase in the Number
of Translation Rules
Localization Support for
Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones, on page 409
Multiple Locales, on
page 410
Configure Localization
Support on SCCP
Phones, on page 411
Configure Multiple
Locales on SIP Phones,
on page 434
Addslocalization support
for SIP IP phones.
Localization Support for
SIP IP Phones
SSL VPN Support on
Cisco Unified CME with
DTLS, on page 1009
Configure SSL VPN
Client with DTLS on
Cisco Unified CME as
VPN Headend, on page
Adds enhancedSSL VPN
support. Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phones such as
7945, 7965, and 7975
located outside of the
corporate network are
able to register to Cisco
Unified CME through an
SSL VPN connection.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Support for 7926G
Wireless SCCP IP Phone
Phone Feature Support
Guide for Unified CME,
Unified SRST, Unified
E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST
Adds support for 7926G
Transcoding Resources,
on page 473
Allows you to use
on-board Digital Signal
Processor resources
(PVDM3) to facilitate
adhoc or meetme video
conference calls.
Video Conferencing and
SIP Endpoint Video and
Camera Support for
Cisco Unified IP Phones
8961, 9951, and 9971, on
page 992
Adds video support for IP
phones 8961, 9951, and
Video and Camera
Support for Cisco Unified
IP Phones 8961, 9951,
and 9971
Cisco Unified CME 8.5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Configure Button Layout
on SCCP Phones, on
page 1454
Configure Button Layout
on SIP Phones, on page
Allows you to customize
the display order of
various button types on a
phone using the button
layout feature. The button
layout feature allows you
to customize the display
of the following button
• Line buttons
• Speed Dial buttons
• BLF Speed Dial
• Feature Buttons
• ServiceURL
Customized Button
Customized Phone User
Interface Services, on
page 1439
Allows to customize the
availability of individual
service items such as
Extension Mobility, My
Phone Apps, and Single
Number Reach (SNR) on
a phone’s user interface
by assigning an
individualservice item to
a button using the
Programmable Line Key
(PLK) url-button
Customized Phone User
Interface Services
E .164 Enhancements, on
page 448
Allowsto present a phone
number in + E.164
telephone numbering
format. E.164 is an
Union (ITU-T)
recommendation that
defines the international
public telecommunication
numbering plan used in
the PSTN and other data
E.164 Enhancements
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Enhancement to Voice
Hunt Group Restriction
Configure Call Coverage
Features, on page 1278
Allows you to ignore the
timeout value for voice
hunt group member and
the call forward no
answer timer when call
is configured in a voice
hunt group.
Feature Policy Softkey
Control, on page 928
Allows you to control
softkeys on the Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
8961, 9951, and 9971
using the feature policy
template. The feature
policy template allows
you to enable and disable
a list of feature softkeys
on Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones 8961, 9951, and
Feature Policy Softkey
Forced Authorization
Code, on page 763
Allows you to manage
call access and call
accounting through the
Forced Authorization
Code (FAC) feature. The
FAC feature regulatesthe
type of call a certain
caller may place and
forces the caller to enter
a valid authorization code
on the phone before the
call is placed. FAC
allows you to track
callers dialing
non-toll-free numbers,
long distance numbers,
and also for accounting
and billing purposes.
Forced Authorization
Configure Immediate
Divert (iDivert) Softkey
on SIP Phone, on page
Immediate Divert forSIP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Allows you to
immediately divert a call
to a voice messaging
system. You can divert a
call to a voice messaging
system by pressing the
iDivert softkey on Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones,
such as 7940, 7040G,
7960 G, 7945, 7965,
7975, 8961, 9951, and
9971, with voice
messaging systems
(Cisco Unity Express or
Cisco Unity).
Enable Media Flow
Mode on SIP Trunks, on
page 205
Eliminates the need to
terminate RTP and
re-originate on
Cisco Unified CME
through the media flow
around feature, reducing
media switching latency
and increasing the call
handling capacity for
Cisco Unified CME SIP
Media Flow Around
Support for SIP-SIP
Trunk Calls
Example for Configuring
Overlap Dialing for
SCCP IP Phones, on
page 217
Enables overlap dialing
on SCCP and SIP IP
phones such as, 7942,
7945, 7962, 7965, 7970,
7971, and 7975.
Overlap Dialing Support
for SIP and SCCP IP
Park Monitor, on page
Allows you to park a call
and monitor the status of
the parked call until the
parked call is retrieved or
abandoned. When aCisco
Unified SIP IP Phone
8961, 9951, or 9971
parks a call using the
park softkey, the park
monitoring feature
monitors the status of the
parked call.
Park Monitor
Enable BLF-Speed-Dial
Menu, on page 888
Phone User Interface for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Allows extension
mobility (EM) users to
configure dn-based Busy
Lamp Field
directly on the phone
through the Services
feature button.
BLF-speed-dial settings
are added or modified
(changed or deleted) on
the phone using a menu
available with the
Services button.
Programmable Line Keys
( PLK), on page 929
Allows you to program
feature buttons or URL
services button on
phone’s line keys. You
can configure line keys
as line buttons, speed
dials, BLF speed dials,
feature buttons, and URL
Programmable Line Keys
ConfigureSingle Number
Reach Enhancements on
SCCP Phones, on page
Adds enhanced Single
Number Reach feature
for Cisco Unified CME:
• Hardware
• Call Park, Call
Pickup, and Call
• Answer Too Soon
• SNR Phone Stops
Ringing After
Mobile Phone
SNR Enhancements
SSL VPN Client for
SCCP IP Phones, on
page 1009
Enables Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) Virtual
Private Network (VPN)
on SCCP IP phones such
as 7945, 7965, and 7975.
SSL VPN ClientSupport
on SCCP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified CME, on
page 1574
Adds support for
eXtensible Markup
Language (XML)
Programming Interface
XML API for Cisco
Unified CME
Cisco Unified CME 8.1
Toll Fraud Prevention,
on page 511
Enables Toll Fraud
Prevention on
Cisco Unified CME to
secure the Cisco Unified
CME system against
potential toll fraud
exploitation by
unauthorized users.
8.1 Toll Fraud Prevention
Cisco Unified CME
Commands: show
presence global through
Allows you to verify SIP
phone registration
process, remove global
registration parameters,
and display details on
phones that attempted to
register with
Cisco Unified CME and
Enhancements to SIP
Phone Configuration
for Supported Phone
Types, on page 258
Adds support for new
SCCP IP phones 6901
and 6911.
Support for Cisco Unified
6901 and 6911 SCCP IP
Cisco Unified CME 8.0(1)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Enables an SCCP phone
user to disable Call
Waiting for a call they
8.0 Cancel Call Waiting
CTI CSTA Protocol
Suite, on page 1519
Allows computer-based
CSTA client applications,
such as a Microsoft
Office Communicator
(MOC) client, to monitor
and control the
Cisco Unified CME
system to enable
programmatic control of
SCCP telephony devices
registered in
Cisco Unified CME.
CTI CSTA ProtocolSuite
Configure IP Phones in
IPv4, IPv6, or DualStack
Mode, on page 167
Adds IPv6 support for
SCCP phones. SCCP
Phones can interact with
and support any SCCP
devicesthatsupport IPv4
only or both IPv4 and
IPv6 (dual-stack).
IPv6 Support for SCCP
Call Restriction
Regulations, on page 1101
Enables a single directory
number on an IP or
analog phone that is
registered to
Cisco Unified CME to
connect to both PSTN
and VoIP calls according
to restrictions specified
by Telecom Regulatory
Authority of India
(TRAI) regulations.
LogicalPartitioning Class
of Restriction (LPCOR)
Configure MLPP, on
page 813
MLPP enhancements
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Adds enhanced
Multilevel Priority and
Preemption (MLPP)
featuresfor Cisco Unified
CME including:
• Additional MLPP
announcements for
isolated code
(ICA), unauthorized
precedence level
(UPA), loss of C2
features (LOC2),
and vacant code
• Multiple service
domains for the
Defense Switched
Network (DSN) and
Defense Red
Switched Network
• Route codes and
service digits in
dialing formats
• Support for
services, such as
Conferencing, Call
Pickup, and Cancel
Call Waiting on
Analog FXS ports
Configure Music on Hold
Groups to Support
Different MediaSources,
on page 842
Adds support for Music
on Hold from different
media sources.
Music On Hold
InternetProtocol -Secure
Telephone Equipment
Support, on page 242
Adds support for secure
IP Phone, IP-STE.
Secure IP Phone
(IP-STE) Support
Cisco Unified CME 7.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Allows you to
automatically configure
the Cisco VG202,
VG204, and VG224
Analog Phone Gateway
from Cisco UnifiedCME.
Autoconfiguration of
Cisco VG202, VG204,
and VG224
Barge and Privacy, on
page 1047
Enables phone users to
join a call on a SIP
shared-line directory
Barge and cBarge forSIP
Presence Service, on
page 875
Provides Busy Lamp
Field (BLF) indicatorsfor
directory numbers that
become DND-enabled or
are configured as
call-park slots, paging
numbers, or conference
BLF Monitoring of
Ephone-DNs with DND,
Call Park, Paging, and
Presence Service, on
page 875
Supports device-based
BLF monitoring,
allowing a watcher to
monitor the status of a
phone, not only a line on
the phone.
BLF Monitoring of
Provides a busy trigger
and channel huntstop for
directory numbers onSIP
phones to prevent
incoming calls from
overloading the phone.
Busy Trigger and
Channel Huntstop forSIP
Adds Call Park features
for SIP phones and
enhances the Directed
Call Park feature.
Call Park Enhancements
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Adds Call Pickup
features for SIP phones
and enables users to
perform Directed Call
Pickup using the
GPickUp softkey.
Call Pickup
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Do Not Disturb, on page
Modifies DND behavior
so that the SIP phone
flashes an alert to visually
indicate an incoming call
instead of ringing and the
call can be answered if
DND Enhancement for
SIP phones
Supports Differentiated
Services Code Point
(DSCP) packet marking
for Cisco Unified IP
Barge and Privacy, on
page 1047
Enables phone users to
block other users from
seeing call information or
barging into a call on a
SIP shared-line directory
Privacy for SIP phones
Adds shared-line
directory numbersforSIP
Shared-Line Directory
ConfigureSingle Number
Reach, on page 911
Enables users to answer
incoming calls on their
desktop IP phone or at a
remote destination, such
as a mobile phone.
Single Number Reach
Video Support, on page
Supports video calls
across different
Cisco Unified CME
routers connected through
a SIP trunk. Supports
H.264 codec for video
SIP Trunk VideoSupport
for SCCP Endpoints
Intercom Lines, on page
Provides a one-way voice
path from the caller to the
called party, regardless of
whether the called party
is busy or idle. The called
phone automatically
answers in speakerphone
Whisper Intercom
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Configure System-Level
Parameters, on page 167
Upgrade or Downgrade
SCCP Phone Firmware,
on page 107
Cisco Unified CME 7.0 includes the same
features as Cisco Unified CME 4.3, which
is renumbered to align with
Cisco Unified Communications versions.
7.0(1) Note
Automatically creates
TFTP bindings using the
enhanced loadcommand
if cnf location is router
flash memory or router
slot 0 memory.
Cisco Unified CME
Usability Enhancement
• Introduces locale
installer that
supports a single
procedure for all
SCCP IP phones.
• Automatically
creates the required
TFTP aliases for
• Provides backward
compatibility with
the configuration
method in
Cisco Unified CME
7.0 and earlier
Reset and Restart Cisco
Unified IP Phones, on
page 397
Introduces a Cisco IOS
command that
disassociates and
reestablishes a TAPI
session that is in frozen
state or out of
Cisco Unified CME
TAPI Enhancement
Voice Mail Integration,
on page 539
Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unity Express
Cisco Unity Express
AXL Enhancement
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified
Manager Express 7.0/4.3
Supported Firmware,
Platforms, Memory, and
Voice Products
Adds SCCP support for
the following phone type:
Cisco Unified
Manager Express 7.0/4.3
Supported Firmware,
Platforms, Memory, and
Voice Products
• CiscoUnifiedWireless
IP Phone 7925
Configure VRFSupport,
on page 1556
Adds support for
transcoding, a RSVP
components in
Cisco Unified CME
through a VRF; also
allows soft phones and
TAPI clients in data VRF
resourcesto communicate
with phones in a VRF
voice gateway.
VRF Support on
Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
SRST Fallback Mode, on
page 1539
Allows you to specify
Cisco Unified CME in
SRST Fallback mode
creates octo-line or
dual-line directory
numbers for ephone-dns
that are “learned”
automatically from the
ephone configuration.
Directory Numbers in
SRST Fallback Mode
Configure Barge and
Privacy, on page 1050
Enables phone users to
join a call on a shared
octo-line directory
number by pressing the
Cbarge softkey and
converting the call to an
ad hoc conference.
Enables a transferred call
to return to the phone that
initiated the transfer if the
destination does not
Call Transfer Recall
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Support for
Cisco Unified CME on
the Cisco 3200 Series
Mobile Access Router
was added.
Cisco 3200Series Mobile
Access Router
Cisco Unified
Manager Express 7.0/4.3
Supported Firmware,
Platforms, Memory, and
Voice Products
Adds SCCP support for
the following phone
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7915
Expansion Module
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7916
Expansion Module
• Cisco Unified IP
Conference Station
• Nokia E61
Adds SIP support for the
following phone types:
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7942G and
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7962G and
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7975G
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Consultative Transfer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Modifies the
digit-collection process
for consultative call
transfers. After a phone
user presses the Transfer
softkey for a consultative
transfer, a new
consultative call leg is
created and the Transfer
softkey is not displayed
again until the dialed
digits of the transfer-to
number are matched to a
transfer pattern and
consultative call leg is in
alerting state.
Directory Services, on
page 659
Increases the number of
entries supported in a
search resultslist from 32
to 240 when using the
directory search feature.
Directory Search
Extension Mobility, on
page 725
Adds support for the
• Automatic Logout,
timers for
logging out
all EM users.
timer for
logging out a
single user
from an idle
EM phone.
Clear Call
History when
a user logs
out from EM.
Extension Mobility
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Allows you to
dynamically add a new
phone type to your
configuration without
upgrading your
Cisco IOS software.
Voice Mail Integration,
on page 539
EnablesIPphone usersto
record a phone
conversation when
Cisco Unity Express is
the voice mail system.
Live Record
Sets the maximum
number of SCCP phones
that can register to
Cisco Unified CME using
the max-ephones
command, without
limiting the number that
can be configured. This
enhancement also
expands the maximum
number of phones that
can be configured to
Maximum Ephones
Adds octo-line directory
numbers that support up
to eight active calls, both
incoming and outgoing,
on a single phone button.
Unlike a dual-line
directory number, an
octo-line directory
number can split its
channels among other
phones that share the
directory number.
Octo-Line Directory
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Configure Barge and
Privacy, on page 1050
Enables phone users to
block other users from
seeing call information or
barging into a call on a
shared octo-line directory
Configure One-Way
Push-to-Talk on Cisco
Unified SCCP Wireless
IPPhones, on page 1483
Adds support for
one-way Push-to-Talk
(PTT) in
Cisco Unified CME
without requiring an
externalserver to support
the functionality. PTT is
supported in firmware
version 1.0.4 and later
versions on Cisco Unified
wireless IP phones with
a thumb button.
Allows IP phone users to Speed Dial, on page 965
configure their own
speed-dial and fast-dial
settings directly from the
phone. Extension
Mobility users can add or
modify speed-dial
settings in their user
profile after logging in.
Speed Dial/Fast Dial
Phone User Interface
Voice Mail Integration,
on page 539
Allows a phone user to
transfer a call directly to
a voice-mail extension by
pressing the TrnsfVM
Transfer to Voice Mail
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Voice Hunt-Group
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Supports the following
Voice Hunt Group
• Call Forwarding to
a Parallel Voice
Hunt-Group (Blast
Hunt Group).
• Call Transfer to a
Voice Hunt-Group.
• Member of Voice
Hunt-Group can be
a SCCP phone,
FXS analog phone,
PRI-group, SIP
phone, orSIPtrunk.
Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1)
Call Blocking, on page
Adds support for
selective call blocking on
IP phones and PSTN
trunk lines.
Call Blocking
Create Phone
Configurations Using
Extension Assigner, on
page 347
Provides support for
configuration changes to
backup systems.
Extension Assigner
Access the
Cisco Unified CME
GUI, on page 528
Allows a phone user to
use a name and password
from an EM profile to log
into the
Cisco Unified CME GUI
for configuring personal
speed dials on an EM
phone. EM options in the
GUI cannot be accessed
from the System
Administrator or
Customer Administrator
login screens.
Extension Mobility
Phone User support in
Cisco Unified CME GUI
Cisco Unified CME 4.2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Enhanced 911 Services,
on page 687 • Enables routing to
thePSAPclosest to
the caller by
assigning ERLs to
• Allows you to
customize E911
services by defining
a default ELIN,
designated number
for callback, expiry
time for Last Caller
table, and syslog
messages for
emergency calls.
• Expands the E911
information to
include name and
• Uses templates to
assign ERLs to a
group of phones.
• Adds permanent
call detail records.
4.2 Enhanced 911 Services
Extension Mobility, on
page 725
Provides the benefit of
phone mobility for end
users by enabling the user
to log into any local
Cisco Unified IP phone
that is enabled for
extension mobility.
Extension Mobility
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Interoperability with
Cisco Unified CCX, on
page 1495
Enables interoperability
Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Customer
Response Solutions
(CRS) 5.0 and later
versions with
Cisco Unified Contact
Center Express
(Unified CCX), including
Cisco Unified IP IVR,
enhanced call processing,
device and call
monitoring, and
unattended call transfers
to multiple call center
agents and basic
extension mobility.
Interoperability with
Cisco Unified Contact
Center Express
(Cisco UCCX)
Provides the following Security, on page 581
secure voice call
• Secure call control
signaling and media
streams in
Cisco Unified CME
networks using
Secure Real-Time
Transport Protocol
(SRTP) and H.323
• Secure
services for
Cisco Unified CME
networks using
H.323 trunks.
• Secure Cisco
VG224 Analog
Phone Gateway
Media Encryption
(SRTP) on Cisco Unified
Manager Express
Cisco Unified CME 4.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
When a user enables Call
Forward All on a SIP
phone using the CfwdAll
softkey, the uniform
resource identifier (URI)
for the service is sent to
Cisco Unified CME.
When Call Forward All
is configured in
Cisco Unified CME, the
configuration is sent to
the SIP phone which
updates the CfwdAll
softkey to indicate that
Call forward All is
Call Forward All
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified CME 4.1
Supported Firmware,
Platforms, Memory, and
Voice Products
Adds SCCP support for
the following phones:
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7921G
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7942G and
• Cisco
Unified IP Phone
7962G and 7965G
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7975G
Adds SIP support for the
following phones:
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 3911
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 3951
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7911G
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7941G and
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7961G and
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7970G and
No additional
configuration is required
for these phones. They
are supported in the
appropriate Cisco IOS
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Directory Services, on
page 659
Supports local directory
and local speed dial
features for SIP phones.
Directory Services
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Disabling SIP
Supplementary Services
for CallForward and Call
Allows you to prevent
REFER messagesfor call
transfers and redirect
responses for call
forwarding from being
sent by
Cisco Unified CME if a
destination gateway does
not support
supplementary services.
Supports disabling of
supplementary servicesif
all endpoints use SCCP
or all endpoints use SIP.
Enhanced 911 Services,
on page 687
Routes callers dialing 911
to the correct location.
Enhanced 911 Services
for Cisco Unified CME
in SRST Fallback Mode
Allows Key Press
Markup Language
(KPML) to report SIP
phone users’ input digit
by digit to
Cisco Unified CME,
which performs pattern
recognition by matching
a destination pattern to a
dial peer as it collects the
dialed digits.
Conferencing, on page
Provides the following
• Enhanced ad-hoc
conferences are
hardware-based and
allow more than
three parties.
• Meet-me
conferences consist
of at least three
parties dialing a
conference number.
Network Parameters, on
page 121
Network Time Protocol
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Allows SIP phones
registered to a
Cisco Unified CME
router to synchronize to
a Network TimeProtocol
(NTP) server, known as
the clock master.
Network Parameters, on
page 121
Allows remote
applications to establish
calls by sending an
out-of-dialog REFER
(OOD-R) message to
Cisco Unified CME
without an initial
INVITE. After the
REFER message is sent,
the remainder of the call
setup is independent of
the application and the
media stream does not
flow through the
Out-of-Dialog REFER
Presence Service, on
page 875
Allows presence to
support BLF notification
features for speed dial
buttons and directory call
lists for missed calls,
placed calls, and received
calls. SIP and SCCP
phones that support BLF
speed-dial and BLF
call-list features can
subscribe to status
notification for internal
and external directory
Presence with BLFStatus
Reset and Restart Cisco
Unified IP Phones, on
page 397
Allows SIP phones to
quickly reset using the
restart command.
Phones contact the TFTP
server for updated
configuration information
and re-register without
contacting the DHCP
Restarting Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Session Transport Allows TCPto be used as
the transport protocol for
supported SIP phones
connected to
Cisco Unified CME.
Previously, only UDP
was supported.
Enables SIP phones to
perform local digit
collection and recognize
dial patterns as user input
is collected using dial
plans. After a pattern is
recognized, the SIP
phone sends an INVITE
message to
Cisco Unified CME to
initiate the call.
SIP Dial Plans
Customize Softkeys, on
page 925
Allows you to customize
the display and order of
softkeys that appear on
individual SIP phones
during the connected,
hold, idle, and seized call
Allows SIP phones in a Dial Plans, on page 445
Cisco Unified CME
system to support
translation rules with
functionality similar to
phones running SCCP.
Translation rules can be
applied to incoming calls
for directory numbers on
a SIP phone.
Translation Rules
Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Voice Mail Integration,
on page 539
Allows Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7911 and
Cisco Unified IP Phone
7931G to be configured
to receive AMWI
(Audible Message Line
Indicator) and visual
MWI notification from an
external voice-messaging
4.0(3) AMWI
Cisco Unified CME
4.0(3) Supported
Firmware, Platforms,
Memory, and Voice
Adds support for the
following phones:
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7906G
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7931G
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Introduces the DSS Speed Dial, on page 965
(Direct Station Select)
feature that allows the
phone user to press a
single speed-dial line
button to transfer an
incoming call when the
call is in the connected
state. This feature is
supported on all phones
on which monitor line
buttons for speed dial or
speed-dial line buttons
are configured.
Create Phone
Configurations Using
Extension Assigner, on
page 347
Allows installation
technicians to assign
extension numbers to
phones without
administrative access to
Cisco Unified CME,
typically during the
installation of new
phones or the
replacement of broken
Extension Assigner
ConfigureFax Relay, on
page 753
Fax Relay
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Introduces a
SCCP-enhanced feature
that adds support for
Cisco Fax Relay and
Super Group 3 (SG3) to
G3 fax relay. The feature
allows the fax stream
between two SG3 fax
machines to negotiate
down to G3 speeds (less
than 14.4 kbps) allowing
SG3 fax machines to
interoperate over fax
relay with G3 fax
Cisco Unified CME 4.0(1)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Automatic call
(extensions) can be
designated to
automatically forward
their calls to a specified
number during the time
that night service is in
Blocking call
forwarding of local
calls—Forwarding of
local (internal) calls from
other Cisco Unified CME
ephones can be blocked.
External calls will
continue to be forwarded
as specified by the
configuration for the
Selective call
forwarding for busy and
no-answer ephone-dns
can be applied selectively
based on the number that
a caller dials for a
particular ephone-dn: the
primary number, the
secondary number, or
either of those numbers
expanded through the use
of a dial-plan pattern.
4.0(1) Call Forwarding
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call park blocked per
ephones can be blocked
from parking calls at
call-park slots.
can specify that calls use
the H.450 or SIP Refer
method of call
forwarding or transfer to
park calls and to pick up
calls from park.
Dedicated call-park
slots—A private call-park
slot can be configured for
each ephone.
call on monitored park
slot —A call that is
parked on a monitored
call-park slot can be
picked up by pressing the
assigned monitor button.
Call Park
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Directed call pickup
disable—Theno service
command globally
disables directed call
pickup and changes the
action of the PickUp
softkey to invoke local
group pickup rather than
directed call pickup.
Call Pickup
Call Transfer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call transfer
blocking—When call
transfers to phones
outside the
Cisco Unified CME
system have been
globally enabled, you can
block them for individual
Call transferdestination
digits limited—When
call transfers to phones
outside the
Cisco Unified CME
system have been
globally enabled, you can
limit the number of digits
that can be dialed when
transferring a call.
command default has
been changed from the
blind keyword to the
full-consult keyword,
making H.450.2
consultative transfer the
default method.
QSIG supplementary
supplementary services
features allow
Cisco Unified CME
phones to use QSIG to
interwork with PBX
phones. IP phones can
use a PBX message
center with proper MWI
Cisco Unified CME 4.0
Supported Firmware,
Platforms, Memory, And
Voice Products
Cisco Unified IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Adds support for the
following phones:
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7911G
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7941G and
• Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7961G and
No additional
configuration is required
for these phones. They
are supported in the
appropriate Cisco IOS
Conferencing, on page
Drop last party or keep
parties connected—New
options specify whether
the last party that joined
a conference can be
dropped from the
conference and whether
the remaining two parties
should be allowed to
continue their connection
after the conference
initiator has left the
Improved conference
Cisco Unified IP phone
that is connected to a
three-way conference
displays “Conference.”
No special configuration
is required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Feature Access Codes,
on page 757
Feature Access Code
(FAC) support—The
same FACs that are used
by analog phones can be
enabled for IP phones. In
addition, standard FACs
can be customized and
aliases can be created to
simplify the dialing of a
FAC and any additional
digits that are required to
activate the feature.
Feature Access Codes
Headset Auto Answer,
on page 777
auto-answer—When the
headset key on a phone is
activated, lines on the
phone that are specified
for headset auto-answer
will automatically
connect to incoming calls
after playing an alerting
tone to notify the phone
user of the incoming call.
This feature is available
on Cisco Unified IP
Phones 7940G, 7960G,
7970G, and 7971G-GE.
Headset Auto-Answer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Hunt Groups
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Agent status
control—Hunt group
agents can put their
phones in a not-ready
state to temporarily
suspend the receiving of
hunt group calls by using
the HLog softkey. A new
FAC can toggle ready
and not-ready state.
Automatic agent
not-ready status—The
criterion for placing a
hunt group agent into
not-ready status
(previously called
automatic logout) was
changed. If an agent does
not answer the number of
consecutive hunt-group
calls that you specify in
the auto logout
command, the agent’s
ephone-dn is put into
not-ready status (logged
out) and will not receive
further hunt group calls.
Call hold
statistics—New fields
describing the length of
time that calls spend in
the hold state are in the
statistical reports for
Cisco Unified CME
B-ACD applications.See
the show ephone-hunt
statistics command and
the hunt-group report
url command in
Cisco Unified CME
B-ACD and Tcl
Dynamic hunt group
can join or leave a hunt
group using standard or
custom FACs when
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
wildcard slots are
configured for hunt
groups and the agents’
ephone-dns are
authorized to join hunt
Change in hops
maximum number of
hops allowed by a hunt
group is automatically
adjusted to reflect the
dynamically changing
number of members.
Enhanced display of
ephone hunt-group
information—A text
string can be added to
provide information in
configuration output and
to display on IP phones
when a hunt-group call is
ringing or answered or
when all hunt-group
members are logged out.
Local call forwarding
ephonehunt groups—In
sequential ephone-hunt
groups, local (internal)
calls to the hunt group
can be prevented from
being forwarded beyond
the first ephone-dn in the
hunt group.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
Hunt Groups
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Longest-idlehunt group
from-ring command
specifies that on-hook
time stamps should be
updated when a call rings
an agent and when a call
is answered by an agent.
Maximum number of
agents—The maximum
number of agents per
hunt group has increased
from 10 to 20. No special
configuration isrequired.
Maximum number of
hunt groups—The
maximum number of
hunt groups per
Cisco Unified CME
system has increased
from 10 to 100. No
special configuration is
No-answer timeout
timeouts in ephone hunt
groups can be set
individually for each
ephone-dn in the list. A
maximum cumulative
no-answer timeout can be
also be set.
of calls to idle or
on-hook phones—The
presentation of hunt
group calls can be
restricted to hunt-group
members on phones that
are idle or on-hook. This
enhancement considers
all lines on the phone,
both members of the hunt
group and nonmembers,
when restricting
presentation of hunt
group calls.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Return to a secondary
hunt group after call
park—Calls parked by
hunt group agents can be
returned to a different
entry point in the hunt
Return to transferring
party on no answer in
an ephone hunt
group—A call that was
transferred into a hunt
group and was not
answered can be returned
to the party that
transferred it to the hunt
group instead of being
sent to voice mail or
another final destination.
Multiple user locales
and network
locales—Up to five user
and network locales are
User-defined user
locales and network
locales— User-defined
locales can be added for
supported phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Music on Hold, on page
Music on hold (MOH)
for internal
calls—Internal callers
(those making calls
between extensionsin the
same Cisco Unified CME
system) hear music when
they are on hold or are
being transferred. The
mulitcast mohcommand
must be used to enable
the flow of packets to the
subnet on which the
phones are located.
Internal extensions that
are connected through an
analog voice gateway or
through a WAN (remote
extensions) do not hear
MOH on internal calls.
The ability to disable
multicast MOH per
phone was introduced,
using the no
in ephone or
configuration mode.
Music on Hold
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Call Coverage Features,
on page 1239
maximum number of
overlaid ephone-dns per
ephone button has
increased from 10 to 25.
No special configuration
is required.
Overlaid ephone-dn
display—The number of
waiting calls that can be
displayed for overlaid
ephone-dnsthat have call
waiting configured has
been increased to six for
the Cisco IP Phone
7940G, 7941G,
7941G-GE, 7960G,
7961G, 7961G-GE,
7970G, and 7971G-GE.
The overlaid ephone-dns
must be configured on the
phone using the button
command and the c
overflow to other
buttons—One or more
buttons can be dedicated
to serve as expansion or
overflow buttons for
another button on the
same Cisco Unified IP
phone that has overlaid
ephone-dns. A call to an
overlay button that is
busy with an active call
will roll over to the next
available expansion
Overlaid Ephone-dns
Phone Support
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco IP Communicator
is a software-based
application that appears
on a user’s computer
monitor as a graphical,
display-based IP phone
with a color screen, a key
pad, feature buttons, and
Cisco Unified CME
supports Cisco IP
Communicator 2.0 and
later versions.
Remote teleworker
phone—Teleworkers can
connect remote phones
over a WAN and be
directly supported by
Cisco Unified CME.
Distinctive ringing—An Ringtones, on page 899
extension’s ring patterns
can be set to distinguish
among internal, external,
and feature calls.
Ring Tones
Cisco Unified CME Security, on page 581
phone authentication is
a security infrastructure
for providing secure
Skinny Client Control
Protocol (SCCP)
signaling between
Cisco Unified CME and
IP phones.
Customize Softkeys, on
page 925
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Feature blocking—The
features associated with
the following softkeys
can be individually
blocked per ephone:
CFwdAll, Confrn,
GpickUp, Park, PickUp,
and Trnsfer. The softkey
is not removed, but it
does not function.
Softkey control forhold
state—The softkeys that
are available while a call
is on hold can be
modified. The NewCall
and Resume softkeys are
normally available when
a phone has a call on
hold, but a template can
be applied to the phone
to remove these softkeys.
Bulk-loading of Speed Dial, on page 965
numbers—Text files
with lists of speed-dial
numbers can be loaded
into system flash or a
URL. The files can hold
up to 10,000 numbers and
can be applied to all
ephones or to specific
Speed Dial
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Disabling automatic
Cisco Unified CME
allocates an ephone slot
to any ephone that
connects to the system.
To prevent unauthorized
registrations, the no
command prevents any
ephone from registering
with Cisco Unified CME
if its MAC address is not
explicitly listed in the
External storage of
configuration files and
per-phone configuration
configuration files can be
stored on an external
TFTP server to offload
the TFTPserver function
of the
Cisco Unified CME
router. This additional
storage space permits the
use of per-phone
configuration files, which
can be used to specify
different user locales and
network locales for
Failover to Redundant
Router—Sites can be set
up with a primary and
Cisco Unified CME
router to provide
Cisco Unified CME
capability. Phones
automatically register at
the secondary router if
the primary router fails
and later rehome to the
primary router when it is
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
operational again.
Maximum number of Templates, on page 1427
ephone templates—The
maximum number of
ephone templatesthat can
be defined has increased
from 5 to 20. No special
configuration isrequired.
New commands
available for ephone
templates were
previously introduced to
allow system
administrators to control
the display of softkeys in
various call states on
individual ephones. Their
role has been expanded
to allow you to define a
set of ephone parameter
values that can be
assigned to one or more
phones in a single step.
templates are introduced
to allow administratorsto
easily apply sets of
configured parameters to
individual ephone-dns.
Up to 15 ephone-dn
templates can be defined.
Video Support, on page
Video Support
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
Video support for
endpoints—This feature
adds video support to
allow you to pass a video
stream with a voice call
between video-capable
SCCP endpoints and
betweenSCCPand H.323
endpoints. Through the
Cisco Unified CME
router, the video-capable
endpoints can
communicate with each
other locally to a remote
H.323 endpoint through
a gateway or through an
H.323 network.
Voice Mail Integration,
on page 539
Voice Mail
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
MWI—Previously, the
indication (MWI) lamp
on a phone could only
indicate when messages
were waiting for the
primary number on a
phone. Now, any phone
line can be designated
during configuration.
Mailbox selectionpolicy
for voice-mail
servers—A policy can be
set for selecting the
mailbox to use for calls
that are diverted one or
more times within a
Cisco Unified CME
system before being sent
to a Cisco Unity Express,
Cisco Unity, or PBX
voice-mail pilot number.
Prefix option for SIP
unsolicited MWI Notify
voice-message servers
that provide mailboxes
for multiple
Cisco Unified CME sites
may use site codes or
prefixes to distinguish
among similarly
numbered ranges of
extensions at different
You can specify the
prefix for yoursite so that
central mailbox numbers
are correctly converted to
your extension numbers.
Configure XML API, on
page 1609
XML Interface
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Version Feature Name Feature Description Where Documented
XML interface
eXtensible Markup
Language (XML)
application program
interface (API) is
provided to supply data
from Cisco Unified CME
to managementsoftware.
Cisco Unified CME 4.0
and later versions, all
Cisco Unified CME
features have XML
• Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines, page 65
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security
For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security
guidelines, and also recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What’s New in
Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
DISCLAIMER: The use of monitoring, recording, or listening devices to eavesdrop, monitor, retrieve, or
record phone conversations or othersound activities, whether or not contemporaneous with transmission, may
be illegal in certain circumstances under federal, state and/or local laws. Legal advice should be sought prior
to implementing any practice that monitors or records any phone conversation. Some laws require some form
of notification to all parties to a phone conversation, such as by using a beep tone or other notification method
or requiring the consent of all parties to the phone conversation, prior to monitoring or recording the phone
conversation. Some of these laws incorporate strict penalties. In cases where local laws require a periodic
beep while a conversation is being recorded, the Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system provides a user with
the option of activating “the beep.” Prior to activating the Cisco Unity Express live record function, check the
laws of all applicable jurisdictions. This is not legal advice and should not take the place of obtaining legal
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and
other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply
a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company (1110R).
Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual
addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and
other figuresincluded in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IPaddresses
or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide (All Versions)
© 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Features Roadmap
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
Cisco Unified CME Overview
• Important Information about Cisco IOS XE 16 Denali, page 67
• Introduction, page 67
• Licenses, page 69
• PBX or Keyswitch, page 73
• Call Detail Records, page 75
• Additional References, page 76
Important Information about Cisco IOS XE 16 Denali
Effective Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7.0E (for CatalystSwitching) and Cisco IOS XE Release 3.17S(for Access
and Edge Routing) the two releases evolve (merge) into a single version of converged release—the Cisco IOS
XE 16 Denali—providing one release covering the extensive range of access and edge productsin theSwitching
and Routing portfolio.
For migration information related to the Cisco IOS XE 16, see Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.2 Migration Guide
for Access and Edge Routers.
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager ExpressSystem Administrator Guide refers to a phone with
SIP firmware as SIP Phone, SIP IP Phone, or Cisco Unified SIP IP phone. A phone with SCCP firmware
is referred as SCCP Phone, SCCP IP Phone, or Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (formerly known as Cisco Unified CallManager Express)
is a call-processing application in Cisco IOS software that enables Cisco routers to deliver key-system or
hybrid PBX functionality for enterprise branch offices or small businesses.
Cisco Unified CME is a feature-rich entry-level IPtelephony solution that is integrated directly into Cisco IOS
software. Cisco Unified CME allowssmall business customers and autonomoussmall enterprise branch offices
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
to deploy voice, data, and IP telephony on a single platform for small offices, thereby streamlining operations
and lowering network costs.
Cisco Unified CME is ideal for customers who have data connectivity requirements and also have a need for
a telephony solution in the same office. Whether offered through a service provider’s managed services offering
or purchased directly by a corporation, Cisco Unified CME offers most of the core telephony featuresrequired
in the small office, and also many advanced features not available with traditional telephony solutions. The
ability to deliver IP telephony and data routing by using a single converged solution allows customers to
optimize their operations and maintenance costs, resulting in a very cost-effective solution that meets office
A Cisco Unified CME system is extremely flexible because it is modular. A Cisco Unified CME system
consists of a router thatserves as a gateway and one or more VLANsthat connect IPphones and phone devices
to the router.
Figure 1: Cisco Unified CME for theSmall- and Medium-Size Office, on page 68 shows a typical deployment
of Cisco Unified CME with several phones and devices connected to it. The Cisco Unified CME router is
connected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The router can also connect to a gatekeeper and
a RADIUS billing server in the same network.
Figure 1: Cisco Unified CME for the Small- and Medium-Size Office
Figure 2: Cisco Unified CME for Service Providers, on page 69 shows a branch office with several
Cisco Unified IP phones connected to a Cisco IAD2430 series router with Cisco Unified CME. The
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Cisco IAD2430 router is connected to a multiservice router at a service provider office, which provides
connection to the WAN and PSTN.
Figure 2: Cisco Unified CME for Service Providers
A Cisco Unified CME system uses the following basic building blocks:
• Ephone or voice register pool—A software concept that usually represents a physical telephone, although
it is also used to represent a port that connectsto a voice-mailsystem, and providesthe ability to configure
a physical phone using Cisco IOS software. Each phone can have multiple extensions associated with
it and a single extension can be assigned to multiple phones. Maximum number of ephones and voice
register pools supported in a Cisco Unified CME system is equal to the maximum number of physical
phones that can be connected to the system.
• Directory number—A software concept that represents the line that connects a voice channel to a phone.
A directory number represents a virtual voice port in the Cisco Unified CME system, so the maximum
number of directory numbers supported in Cisco Unified CME is the maximum number of simultaneous
call connections that can occur. This concept is different from the maximum number of physical lines
in a traditional telephony system.
You must purchase a base Cisco Unified CME feature license and phone user licenses that entitle you to use
Cisco Unified CME. In Cisco Unified CME Release 11, you should purchase:
Cisco Unified CME Permanent License
When you purchase a Cisco Unified CME permanent license, the permanent license is installed on the device
when the product is shipped to you. A permanent license never expires and you will gain access to that
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
particular feature set for the lifetime of the device across all IOS release. If you purchase a permanent license
for Cisco Unified CME , you do not have to go through the Evaluation Right to Use and Right To Use (RTU)
licensing processes for using the features. If you want to purchase a CME-SRST license for your existing
device, you have to go through the RTU licensing process for using the features. There is no change in the
existing process for purchasing the license.
The Cisco Unified CME permanent license is available in the form of an XML cme-locked3 file. You should
get the XML file and load it in the flash memory of the device. To install the permanent license from the
command prompt, use the license install flash0:cme-locked3 command. The cme-locked3 is the xml file of
the license.
Collaboration Professional Suite License
Collaboration Professional is a new suite of licenses. The Collaboration Professional Suite can be purchased
either as a permanent license or an RTU license.
Collaboration Professional Suite Permanent License —When you purchase the Collaboration Professional
Suite license, by default, the Cisco Unified CME licenses are delivered as part of the CollaborationProfessional
Suite. You do not have to separately install and activate the Cisco Unified CME license. The Collaboration
Professional Suite permanent license is available in the form of an XML file. You should get the XML file
and load it in the flash memory of the device. To install the permanent license from the command prompt,
use the license install flash:lic_name command.
Collaboration Professional Suite RTU License—When you purchase the Collaboration Professional Suite
RTU license, you do not have to go through the Evaluation Right to Use process. However, you have to go
through the RTU licensing process for using the Cisco Unified CME features. To install the Collaboration
ProfessionalSuite RTU license from the command prompt, use the license install flash0:colla_pro command.
To activate the license, use the licenseboot module c2951 technology-package collabProSuitek9 command.
Cisco Smart License
From Release 11.7 onwards, Cisco Unified CME supports Smart Licensing, apart from the existing CSL
licensing model.Smart Licensing issupported only on Cisco 4000SeriesIntegratedServices Router. Depending
on the technology package available on the router, licenses such as UCK9 and Security are supported using
Smart Licensing.
Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite which is a component of Cisco Smart Licensing is not supported
for Unified CME.
TheSmart Licensing feature is a software based licensing model that gives you visibility into license ownership
and consumption. The Smart Licensing model consists of a web interface named Cisco Smart Software
Manager (CSSM). CSSM is a central license repository that manages licenses across all Cisco products that
you own, including Unified CME. Your access to the CSSM account is authenticated using valid Cisco
You can use the CSSM Smart Account to generate valid tokens IDs. The token IDs are used to register the
Unified CME device with your CSSM Smart Account. Once the token is generated, it can be used to register
many other product instances in your network.
On the Unified CME router, you need to ensure that the call home feature is not disabled. Also,Smart Licensing
feature should be enabled at the router using the CLI command license smart enable. Use the no form of the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Collaboration Professional Suite License
command to disable smart licensing. For more information on configuring Smart Licensing in your router,
see Software Activation Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T. Once the smart license is enabled
and the router is not yet registered with CSSM, the device enters an evaluation period of 90 days.
You can register the router to CSSM with the token ID. To register the device (Unified CME router) with
CSSM, use the CLI command license smart register idtoken. For information on registering the device with
CSSM, see Software Activation Configuration Guide.
Upon successful registration, Unified CME isin Registered status. Then, Unified CME sends an authorization
request for all the phones configured. Based on the licenses in the Smart Account, CSSM responds with one
of the defined statuses such as Authorized (using less than it has licenses for) or Out-of-Compliance (using
more than it has licenses for).
The CSSM assigns licenses that are available in your CSSM account to the phones configured across the
routers. Unified CME supports only one license entitlement to validate phones configured on Unified CME.
• CME_EP—This license type supports all phones configured on Unified CME.
The CME_EPlicense count reflectsthe total phone count of both the ephones and poolsthat are configured
in the Unified CME irrespective of whether the phones are registered or not.
Unified CME sends an authorization request when a license consumption changes or every 30 days to let
CSSM know it's still available and communicating. The ID certificate issued to identify Unified CME at time
of registration is valid for one year, and is automatically renewed every six months.
Note If the router does not communicate with CSSM for a period of 90 days, the license authorization expires.
The license count is evaluated for the number of phones configured across the routers. The CSSM Licenses
page reflectsthe total license count usage. The total number of licenses available for a type of license (Quantity),
number of licenses currently use (In Use), and the number of unused or over-used licenses(Surplus/Shortage).
For example, consider a smart account in CSSM with 50 CME_EP licenses. If the user has a single registered
Unified CME with 20 analog phones configured, the CSSM licenses page will reflect Quantity as 50, In Use
as 20, andSurplus as 30.For more information onSmartSoftware manager,see CiscoSmartSoftware Manager
User Guide.
Once a new phone is configured on a Unified CME registered with CSSM, a timer is initiated to report the
phone configuration to CSSM. A new phone configuration is reported only at the end of the time set in the
timer (3 minutes). Hence, the Smart Agent reports all the new configurations created within the time period
defined using the preset timer. The CSSM increments the license usage count based on the report sent by
Smart Agent. If the number of phones configured exceeds the license limit, then CSSM generates an alert in
the user account. When a phone configuration is removed, the license usage count is decremented.
The license entitlement for Unified CME smart license is displayed on the router as follows:
Router# show license summary
Smart Licensing is ENABLED
Smart Account: Call-Manager-Express
Virtual Account: CME Application
Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
Last Renewal Attempt: None
Next Renewal Attempt: Oct 07 12:08:10 2016 UTC
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Cisco Smart License
License Authorization:
Last Communication Attempt: SUCCESS
Next Communication Attempt: May 13 07:11:48 2016 UTC
License Usage:
License Entitlement tag Count Status
regid.2014-12.com.ci... (ISR_4351_UnifiedCommun..) 1 AUTHORIZED
regid.2016-10.com.ci... (CME_EP) 4 AUTHORIZED
Licensing Modes
From Unified CME 11.7 onwards, both CSL and Smart Licensing modes are supported. That is, customers
can continue with CSL by not enabling Smart Licensing. Alternatively, they can enable Smart Licensing and
decide later to go back to CSL by disabling Smart Licensing with the no license smart enable command.
When you switch to CSL from the Smart Licensing mode, you need to ensure that the End User License
Agreement (EULA) issigned. CSL is notsupported unlessthe EULA issigned. Use the CLI command license
accept end user agreement in global configuration mode to configure EULA.
To verify the status of the license issued to phones registered on Unified CME, you can use the show license
Router#show license ?
all Show license all information
status Show license status information
suites Show license suite information
summary Show license summary
tech Show license tech support information
udi Show license udi information
usage Show license usage information
• For the Cisco Unified CME license, the UCK9 technology package must be available if the Collaboration
Professional Suite package is not installed.
• UCK9 is a prerequisite for Cisco Unified CME Release 11.
As compared to Unified CME Release 10.5 and prior, all the future releases of Unified CME displays the
CME-SRST license state as Active, Not in Use. This is applicable when Unified CME is removed from
the router (configure no telephony-service and no voice register global to remove Unified CME from
the router).
To activate the Cisco Unified CME feature license, see Activating CME-SRST Feature License.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
To support H.323 call transfers and forwards to network devices that do not support the H.450 standard,
such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager, a tandem gateway isrequired in the network. The tandem
gateway must be running Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T or a later release and requires the Integrated Voice
and Video Services feature license (FL-GK-NEW-xxx), which includes the H.323 gatekeeper, IP-to-IP
gateway, and H.450 tandem functionality.
PBX or Keyswitch
When setting up a Cisco Unified CME system, you need to decide if call handling should be similar to that
of aPBX,similar to that of a keyswitch, or a hybrid of both. Cisco Unified CME providessignificant flexibility
in this area, but you must have a clear understanding of the model that you choose.
PBX Model
The simplest model is the PBX model, in which most of the IP phones in your system have a single unique
extension number. IncomingPSTN calls are routed to a receptionist at an attendant console or to an automated
attendant. Phone users may be in separate offices or be geographically separated and therefore often use the
telephone to contact each other.
For this model, we recommend that you configure directory numbers as dual-lines so that each button that
appears on an IP phone can handle two concurrent calls. The phone user toggles between calls using the blue
navigation button on the phone. Dual-line directory numbers enable your configuration to support call waiting,
call transfer with consultation, and three-party conferencing (G.711 only).
Figure 3: Incoming Call Using PBX Model, on page 73 shows a PSTN call that is received at the
Cisco Unified CME router, which sends it to the designated receptionist or automated attendant (1), which
then routes it to the requested extension (2).
Figure 3: Incoming Call Using PBX Model
For configuration information, see Configure Phones for a PBX System, on page 253.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
PBX or Keyswitch
Keyswitch Model
In a keyswitch system, you can set up most of your phones to have a nearly identical configuration, in which
each phone is able to answer any incoming PSTN call on any line. Phone users are generally close to each
other and seldom need to use the telephone to contact each other.
For example, a 3x3 keyswitch system has three PSTN lines shared across three telephones, such that all three
PSTN lines appear on each of the three telephones. This permits an incoming call on any PSTN line to be
directly answered by any telephone—without the aid of a receptionist, an auto-attendant service, or the use
of (expensive) DID lines. Also, the lines act as shared lines—a call can be put on hold on one phone and
resumed on another phone without invoking call transfer.
In the keyswitch model, the same directory numbers are assigned to all IP phones. When an incoming call
arrives, it rings all available IP phones. When multiple calls are present within the system at the same time,
each individual call (ringing or waiting on hold) is visible and can be directly selected by pressing the
corresponding line button on an IPphone. In this model, calls can be moved between phonessimply by putting
the call on hold at one phone and selecting the call using the line button on another phone. In a keyswitch
model, the dual-line option is rarely appropriate because the PSTN lines to which the directory numbers
correspond do not themselves support dual-line configuration. Using the dual-line option also makes
configuration of call-coverage (hunting) behaviors more complex.
You configure the keyswitch model by creating a set of directory numbers that correspond one-to-one with
your PSTN lines. Then you configure your PSTN ports to route incoming calls to those ephone-dns. The
maximum number of PSTN lines that you can assign in this model can be limited by the number of available
buttons on your IP phones. If so, the overlay option may be useful for extending the number of lines that can
be accessed by a phone.
Figure 4: Incoming PSTN Call Using Keyswitch Model, on page 74 shows an incoming call from the PSTN
(1), which is routed to extension 1001 on all three phones (2).
Figure 4: Incoming PSTN Call Using Keyswitch Model
For configuration information, see Configure Phones for a Key System, on page 282.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Keyswitch Model
Hybrid Model
PBX and keyswitch configurations can be mixed on the same IPphone and can include both unique per-phone
extensions forPBX-style calling and shared lines for keyswitch-style call operations.Single-line and dual-line
directory numbers can be combined on the same phone.
In the simplest keyswitch deployments, individual telephones do not have private extension numbers. Where
key system telephones do have individual lines, the lines are sometimes referred to as intercoms rather than
as extensions. The term “Intercom” is derived from “internal communication;” there is no assumption of the
common “intercom press-to-talk” behavior of auto dial or auto answer in this context, although those options
may exist.
For key systems that have individual intercom (extension) lines, PSTN calls can usually be transferred from
one key system phone to another using the intercom (extension) line. When Call Transfer is invoked in the
context of a connected PSTN line, the outbound consultation call is usually placed from the transferrer phone
to the transfer-to phone using one of the phone’s intercom (extension) line buttons. When the transferred call
is connected to the transfer-to phone and the transfer is committed (the transferrer hangs up), the intercom
lines on both phones are normally released and the transfer-to call continues in the context of the original
PSTN line button (all PSTN lines are directly available on all phones). The transferred call can be put on hold
(on the PSTN line button) and then subsequently resumed from another phone that shares that PSTN line.
For example, you can design a 3x3 keyswitch system as shown in Figure 4: Incoming PSTN Call Using
Keyswitch Model, on page 74 and then add another, unique extension on each phone (Figure 5: Incoming
PSTN Call Using Hybrid PBX-Keyswitch Model, on page 75). This setup will allow each phone to have a
“private” line to use to call the other phones or to make outgoing calls.
Figure 5: Incoming PSTN Call Using Hybrid PBX-Keyswitch Model
Call Detail Records
The accounting process collects accounting data for each call leg created on the Cisco voice gateway. You
can use thisinformation for post-processing activitiessuch as generating billing records and network analysis.
Voice gateways capture accounting data in the form of call detail records(CDRs) containing attributes defined
by Cisco. The gateway can send CDRsto a RADIUSserver,syslog server, or to a file in .csv format forstoring
to flash or an FTP server. For information about generating CDRs, see CDR Accounting for Cisco IOS Voice
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Hybrid Model
Additional References
The following section provides references related to Cisco Unified CME.
Table 2: Related Documents for Unified CME
Related Topic Document Title
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference
Cisco Unified CME Documentation Roadmap
Cisco Unified CME configuration
Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference
Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4T Command
Cisco IOS commands
Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library
Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4T Configuration
Cisco IOS configuration
Cisco IOS Voice Troubleshooting and Monitoring
Cisco IOS voice troubleshooting
Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers
Understanding One Stage and Two Stage Dialing
(technical note)
Understanding How Inbound and Outbound Dial
Peers Are Matched on Cisco IOSPlatforms(technical
Using IOS Translation Rules- CreatingScalable Dial
Plans for VoIP Networks (sample configuration)
Dial peers, DID, and other dialing issues
“DHCP” section of the Cisco IOS IP Addressing
Services Configuration Guide
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Fax and modem configurations Cisco Fax Services over IP Application Guide
FXS PortsinSCCP Mode on Cisco VG 224 Analog
Phone Gateway
“Configuring Analog VoicePorts”section of the Cisco
IOS Voice Port Configuration Guide
FXS PortsinSCCP Mode on Cisco VG 224 Analog
Phone Gateway
SCCP Controlled Analog (FXS) Ports with
Supplementary Features in Cisco IOS Gateways
Cisco VG 224 Analog Phone Gateway data sheet
FXS ports
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Additional References
Related Topic Document Title
H.323 Cisco IOS H.323 Configuration Guide
“Performing Basic System Management” chapter of
Cisco IOS Network ManagementConfiguration Guide
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME User Documentation for Cisco Unified IP Phones
“Part 5: Implementing and Managing a PKI” in the
Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide
Public key infrastructure (PKI)
SIP Cisco IOS SIP Configuration Guide
TAPI and TSP documentation Cisco Unified CME programming Guides
Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide
- 12.3(14)T and later
Cisco Voice XML Programmer’s Guide
Tcl IVR and VoiceXML
Enterprise QoS Solution Reference Network Design
VLAN class-of-service (COS) marking
Cisco Unified CallManager Express 3.0 Integration
Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0
Integrating Cisco CallManager Express with Cisco
Unity Express
Voice-mail integration
Call detail records (CDRs) CDR Accounting for Cisco IOS Voice Gateways
XML Provisioning Guide for Cisco CME/SRST
Cisco IP Phone Services Application Development
Management Information Base
MIBs MIBs Link
To locate and download MIBsforselected platforms,
Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB
Locator found at the following URL:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Management Information Base
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Cisco Unified CME Overview
Management Information Base
Before You Begin
• Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco Unified CME, page 79
• Restrictions for Configuring Cisco Unified CME, page 80
• Information About Planning Your Configuration, page 81
• Cisco Unified CME Workflow, page 83
• Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware, page 87
• Install Cisco IOS Software, page 89
• Configure VLANs on a Cisco Switch, page 90
• Using Cisco IOS Commands, page 95
• Voice Bundles, page 97
• Cisco Unified CME GUI, page 98
Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco Unified CME
• Base Cisco Unified CME feature license and phone user licensesthat entitle you to use Cisco Unified CME
are purchased.
To support H.323 call transfers and forwards to network devices that do not support the H.450 standard,
such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager, a tandem gateway isrequired in the network. The tandem
gateway must be running Cisco IOS release 12.3(7)T or a later release and requires the Integrated Voice
and VideoServicesfeature license (FL-GK-NEW-xxx), which includes H.323 gatekeeper, IP-to-IPgateway,
and H.450 tandem functionality.
• Your IP network is operational and you can access Cisco web.
• You have a valid Cisco.com account.
• You have access to a TFTP server for downloading files.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
• Cisco router with all recommended services hardware for Cisco Unified CME isinstalled.For installation
information, see Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware, on page 87.
• Recommended Cisco IOS IP Voice or higher image is downloaded to flash memory in the router.
◦To determine which Cisco IOS software release supports the recommended Cisco Unified CME
version, see Cisco Unified CME and Cisco IOS Software Compatibility Matrix.
◦For a list of features for each Cisco IOS Software release, see Feature Navigator.
◦For installation information, see Install Cisco IOS Software, on page 89.
• VoIPnetworking must be operational.For quality and security purposes, we recommend separate virtual
LANs (VLANs) for data and voice. The IP network assigned to each VLAN should be large enough to
support addresses for all nodes on that VLAN. Cisco Unified CME phones receive their IP addresses
from the voice network, whereas all other nodes such as PCs, servers, and printers receive their IP
addresses from the data network. For configuration information, see Configure VLANs on a Cisco
Switch, on page 90.
Restrictions for Configuring Cisco Unified CME
• Cisco Unified CME cannot register as a member of a Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.
• For conferencing and music on hold (MOH) support with G.729, hardware digital signal processors
(DSPs) are required for transcoding G.729 between G.711.
• After a three-way conference is established, a participant cannot use call transfer to join the remaining
conference participants to a different number.
• Cisco Unified CME does not support the following:
◦CiscoWorks IP Telephony Environment Monitor (ITEM)
◦Element Management System (EMS) integration
◦Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) on-net calls
◦Java Telephony Application Programming Interface (JTAPI) applications, such as the Cisco IP
Softphone, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Auto Attendant, or Cisco Personal Assistant
◦Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI)
Cisco Unified CME implements only a small subset of TAPI functionality. It supports operation
of multiple independent clients (for example, one client per phone line), but not full support for
multiple-user or multiple-call handling, which is required for complex features such as automatic
call distribution (ACD) and Cisco Unified Contact Center (formerly Cisco IPCC). Also, this TAPI
version does not have direct media- and voice-handling capabilities.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Restrictions for Configuring Cisco Unified CME
Information About Planning Your Configuration
System Design
Traditional telephony systems are based on physical connections and are therefore limited in the types of
phone servicesthat they can offer. Because phone configurations and directory numbersin a Cisco Unified CME
system are software entities and because the audio stream is packet-based, an almost limitless number of
combinations of phone numbers, lines, and phones can be planned and implemented.
Cisco Unified CME systems can be designed in many ways. The key is to determine the total number of
simultaneous calls you want to handle at your site and at each phone at your site, and how many different
directory numbers and phones you want to have. Even a Cisco Unified CME system has its limits, however.
Consider the following factors in your system design:
• Maximum number of phones—This number corresponds to the maximum number of devices that can
be attached. The maximum is platform- and version-dependent. To find the maximum for your platform
and version, see Cisco CME Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products.
• Maximum number of directory numbers—This number corresponds to the maximum number of
simultaneous call connections that can occur. The maximum is platform- and version-dependent. To
find the maximum for your platform and version, see Cisco CME Supported Firmware, Platforms,
Memory, and Voice Products.
• Telephone number scheme—Your numbering plan may restrict the range of telephone numbers or
extension numbers that you can use. For example, if you have DID, the PSTN may assign you a certain
series of numbers.
• Maximum number of buttons per phone—You may be limited by the number of buttons and phones
that your site can use. For example, you may have two people with six-button phones to answer 20
different telephone numbers.
The flexibility of a Cisco Unified CME system is due largely to the different types of directory numbers(DNs)
that you can assign to phones in your system. By understanding types of DNs and considering how they can
be combined, you can create the complete call coverage that your business requires. For more information
about DNs, see Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls, on page 223.
After setting up the DNs and phones that you need, you can add optional Cisco Unified CME features to
create a telephony environment that enhances your business objectives. Cisco Unified CME systems are able
to integrate with the PSTN and with your business requirements to allow you to continue using your existing
number plans, dialing schemes, and call coverage patterns.
When creating number plans, dialing schemes, and call coverage patterns in Cisco Unified CME, there are
several factors that you must consider:
• Is there an existing PBX or Key System that you are replacing and want to emulate?
• Number of phones and phone users to be supported?
• Do you want to use single-line or dual-line DNs?
• What protocols does your voice network support?
• Which call transfer and forwarding methods must be supported?
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Information About Planning Your Configuration
• What existing or preferred billing method do you want to use for transferred and forwarded calls?
• Do you need to optimize network bandwidth or minimize voice delay?
Because these factors can limit your choices for some of the configuration decisions that you will make when
you create of a dialing plan, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Solution Reference
Network Design Guide to help you understand the effect these factors have on your Cisco Unified CME
Toll Fraud Prevention
When a Cisco router platform is installed with a voice-capable Cisco IOSsoftware image, appropriate features
must be enabled on the platform to prevent potential toll fraud exploitation by unauthorized users. Deploy
these features on all Cisco router Unified Communications applications that process voice calls, such as Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME), Cisco Survivable Remote Site Telephony
(Cisco Unified SRST), Cisco Unified Border Element, Cisco IOS-based router and standalone analog and
digital PBX and public-switched telephone network (PSTN) gateways, and Cisco contact-center VoiceXML
gateways. These features include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Disable secondary dial tone on voice ports—By default, secondary dial tone is presented on voice ports
on Cisco router gateways. Use private line automatic ringdown (PLAR) for foreign exchange office (FXO)
ports and direct-inward-dial (DID) for T1/E1 ports to prevent secondary dial tone from being presented
to inbound callers.
• Cisco router access control lists (ACLs)—Define ACLs to allow only explicitly valid sources of calls
to the router or gateway, and therefore to prevent unauthorizedSession InitiationProtocol (SIP) or H.323
calls from unknown parties to be processed and connected by the router or gateway.
• Close unused SIP and H.323 ports—If either the SIP or H.323 protocol is not used in your deployment,
close the associated protocol ports. If a Cisco voice gateway has dial peers configured to route calls
outbound to the PSTN using either time division multiplex (TDM) trunks or IP, close the unused H.323
or SIP ports so that calls from unauthorized endpoints cannot connect calls. If the protocols are used
and the ports must remain open, use ACLs to limit access to legitimate sources.
• Change SIP port 5060—If SIP is actively used, consider changing the port to something other than
well-known port 5060.
• SIP registration—If SIP registration is available on SIP trunks, turn on this feature because it provides
an extra level of authentication and validation that only legitimate sources can connect calls. If it is not
available, ensure that the appropriate ACLs are in place.
• SIP Digest Authentication—If the SIP Digest Authentication feature is available for either registrations
or invites, turn this feature on because it provides an extra level of authentication and validation that
only legitimate sources can connect calls.
• Explicit incoming and outgoing dial peers—Use explicit dial peers to control the types and parameters
of calls allowed by the router, especially in IP-to-IP connections used on Cisco Unified CME,
Cisco Unified SRST, and Cisco Unified Border Element. Incoming dial peers offer additional control
on the sources of calls, and outgoing dial peers on the destinations. Incoming dial peers are always used
for calls. If a dial peer is not explicitly defined, the implicit dial peer 0 is used to allow all calls.
• Explicit destination patterns—Use dial peers with more granularity than .T for destination patterns to
block disallowed off-net call destinations. Use class of restriction (COR) on dial peers with specific
destination patterns to allow even more granular control of calls to different destinations on the PSTN.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Toll Fraud Prevention
• Translation rules—Use translation rules to manipulate dialed digits before calls connect to the PSTN to
provide better control over who may dial PSTN destinations. Legitimate users dial an access code and
an augmented number for PSTN for certain PSTN (for example, international) locations.
• Tcl and VoiceXML scripts—Attach a Tcl/VoiceXML script to dial peers to do database lookups or
additional off-router authorization checks to allow or deny call flows based on origination or destination
numbers. Tcl/VoiceXML scripts can also be used to add a prefix to inbound DID calls. If the prefix plus
DID matches internal extensions, then the call is completed. Otherwise, a prompt can be played to the
caller that an invalid number has been dialed.
• Host name validation—Use the “permit hostname” feature to validate initial SIP Invites that contain a
fully qualified domain name (FQDN) host name in the Request Uniform Resource identifier (Request
URI) against a configured list of legitimate source hostnames.
• Dynamic Domain Name Service (DNS)—If you are using DNS as the “session target” on dial peers, the
actual IP address destination of call connections can vary from one call to the next. Use voice source
groups and ACLs to restrict the valid address ranges expected in DNS responses (which are used
subsequently for call setup destinations).
For more configuration guidance,see Cisco IOS Unified Communications TollFraudPrevention and Configure
Toll Fraud Prevention, on page 513.
Cisco Unified CME Workflow
Table 3: Workflow for Creating or Modifying Basic Telephony Configuration, on page 83 lists the tasks for
installing and configuring Cisco Unified CME and for modifying the configuration, in the order in which the
tasks are to be performed and including links to modules in this guide that support each task.
Not all tasks are required for all Cisco Unified CME systems, depending on software version and on
whether it is a new Cisco Unified CME, an existing Cisco router that is being upgraded to support
Cisco Unified CME, or an existing Cisco Unified CME that is being upgraded or modified for new features
or to add or remove phones.
Table 3: Workflow for Creating or Modifying Basic Telephony Configuration
Task Cisco Unified CME Configuration
New Modify Documentation
Install Cisco Voice Services
Hardware, on page 87
Install Cisco router and all Required Optional
recommended services
hardware for
Cisco Unified CME.
Install Cisco IOS Software, on
page 89
Download recommended Optional Optional
Cisco IOS IP Voice or higher
image to flash memory in the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME Workflow
Task Cisco Unified CME Configuration
New Modify Documentation
Install and Upgrade Cisco
Unified CME Software, on page
Download recommended Optional Optional
Cisco Unified CME software
including phone firmware and
GUI files.
Network Assistant, on page 90
or Cisco IOS Commands, on
page 91 or Internal Cisco
Ethernet Switching Module, on
page 94
Configure separate virtual Required —
LANs (VLANS) for data and
voice on the port switch.
Network Parameters, on page
Required Optional
• Enable calls in your
VoIP network.
• Define DHCP.
• Set Network Time
Protocol (NTP).
• Configure DTMF Relay
for H.323 networks in
multisite installations.
• Configure SIP trunk
• Change the TFTP
address on a DHCP
• Enable OOD-R.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME Workflow
Task Cisco Unified CME Configuration
New Modify Documentation
System-Level Parameters, on
page 149
Required Optional
• Configure Bulk
• Set up Cisco Unified
• Set date and time
• Block Automatic
• Define alternate location
and type of
configuration files.
• Change defaults for
Time Outs.
• Configure a redundant
ConfigurePhonesto Make Basic
Call, on page 315
Required Optional
• Create directory
numbers and assigning
directory numbers to
• Create phone
configurations using
Extension Assigner.
• Generate configuration
files for phones.
• Reset or restart phones.
Connect to PSTN. Required — Dial Plans, on page 445
Localization Support, on page
Install system- and Optional Optional
user-defined files for
localization of phones.
Table 4: Workflow for Adding Features in Cisco Unified CME, on page 86 contains a list of tasks for adding
commonly configured features in Cisco Unified CME and the module in which they appear in this guide. For
a detailed list of features, with links to corresponding information in this guide, see Cisco Unified CME
Features Roadmap, on page 1.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME Workflow
Table 4: Workflow for Adding Features in Cisco Unified CME
Task Documentation
Configure transcoding to support conferencing, call Transcoding Resources, on page 473
transferring and forwarding, MOH, and Cisco Unity
Enable the graphical user interface in Cisco Unified Graphical User Interface, on page 523
Configure support for voice mail. Voice Mail Integration, on page 539
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, on page
Configure interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX.
Configure authentication support. Security, on page 581
• Automatic Line Selection, on page 1041
• Call Blocking, on page 1061
• Call Coverage Features, on page 1239
• Call Park, on page 1081
• Call Transfer and Forward, on page 1147
• Caller ID Blocking, on page 1363
• Conferencing, on page 1369
• Directory Services, on page 659
• Do Not Disturb, on page 679
• Extension Mobility, on page 725
• Feature Access Codes, on page 757
• Headset Auto Answer, on page 777
• Intercom Lines, on page 783
• Loopback Call Routing, on page 797
• Music on Hold, on page 829
• Paging, on page 857
• Presence Service, on page 875
• Ringtones, on page 899
• Customize Softkeys, on page 925
• Speed Dial, on page 965
Add features.
• Call Blocking
• Call-Coverage Features, including:
◦Call Hunt
◦Call Pickup
◦Call Waiting
◦Callback Busy Subscriber
◦Hunt Groups
◦Night Service
◦Overlaid Ephone-dns
• Call Park
• Call Transfer and Forwarding
• Caller ID Blocking
• Conferencing
• Intercom Lines
• Music on Hold (MOH)
• Paging
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME Workflow
Task Documentation
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options, on page
Configure phone options, including:
• Customized Background Images for Cisco
Unified IP Phone 7970
• Fixed Line/Feature Buttons for Cisco Unified
IP Phone 7931G
• Header Bar Display
• PC Port Disable
• Phone Labels
• Programmable vendorConfig Parameters
• System Message Display
• URL Provisioning for Feature Buttons
Configure video support. Video Support, on page 987
Configure Cisco Unified CME as SRST Fallback. SRST Fallback Mode, on page 1539
Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware
Cisco routers are normally shipped with Cisco voice services hardware and other optional equipment that
you ordered already installed. In the event that the hardware is not installed or you are upgrading your
existing Cisco router to support Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unity Express, you will be required to install
hardware components.
Voice bundles do not include all the necessary components for Cisco Unity Express. Contact the Cisco IP
Communications Express partner in your area for more information about including Cisco Unity Express
in your configuration.
Before You Begin
• Cisco router and all recommended hardware for Cisco Unified CME, and if required, Cisco Unity Express,
is ordered and delivered, or is already onsite.
Step 1 Install the Cisco router on your network. To find installation instructions for the Cisco router, access documents located
at www.cisco.com>Technical Support & Documentation>Product Support>Routers>router you are using>Install
and Upgrade Guides.
Step 2 Install Cisco voice services hardware.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware
a) To find installation instructionsfor any Cisco interface card, access documentslocated at www.cisco.com>Technical
Support & Documentation>Product Support>Cisco Interfaces and Modules>interface you are using>Install
and Upgrade Guides or Documentation Roadmap.
b) To install and configure your Catalyst switch, see Cisco Network Assistant.
c) To find installation instructions for any Cisco EtherSwitch module, access documents located at
www.cisco.com>Technical Support & Documentation>Product Support>Cisco Switches>switch you are
using>Install and Upgrade Guides.
Step 3 Connect to the Cisco router using a terminal or PC with terminal emulation. Attach a terminal or PC running terminal
emulation to the console port of the router.
Use the following terminal settings:
• 9600 baud rate
• No parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• No flow control
Memory recommendations and maximum numbers of Cisco IPphonesidentified in the nextstep are for common
Cisco Unified CME configurations only. Systems with large numbers of phones and complex configurations
may not work on all platforms and can require additional memory or a higher performance platform.
Step 4 Log in to the router and use the show version EXEC command or the show flash privileged EXEC command to check
the amount of memory installed in the router. Look for the following lines after issuing the show version command.
Router> show version...
Cisco 2691 (R7000) processor (revision 0.1) with 177152K/19456K bytes of memory
31360K bytes of ATA System Compactflash (Read/Write)
The first line indicates how much Dynamic RAM (DRAM) andPacket memory isinstalled in your router.Some platforms
use a fraction of their DRAM as Packet memory. The memory requirements take this into account, so you have to add
both numbers to find the amount of DRAM available on your router (from a memory requirement point of view).
The second line identifies the amount of flash memory installed in your router.
Look for the following line after issuing the show flash command. Add the number available to the number used to
determine the total flash memory installed in the Cisco router.
Router# show flash
2252800 bytes available, (29679616 bytes used]
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware
Step 5 Identify DRAM and flash memory requirements for the Cisco Unified CME version and Cisco router model you are
using. To find Cisco Unified CME specifications,see the appropriate Cisco Unified CME SupportedFirmware,Platforms,
Memory, and Voice Products.
Step 6 Compare the amount of memory required to the amount of memory installed in the router. To install or upgrade the
system memory in the router, access documents located at www.cisco.com>Technical Support &
Documentation>Product Support>Routers>router you are using>Install and Upgrade Guides.
Step 7 Use the memory-size iomem i/o memory-percentage privileged EXEC command to disable Smartinit and allocate ten
percent of the total memory to Input/Output (I/O) memory.
Router# memory-size iomem 10
Install Cisco IOS Software
The Cisco router in a voice bundle is preloaded with the recommended Cisco IOS software release and
feature set plus the necessary Cisco Unified CME phone firmware and GUI files to support
Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity Express. If the recommended software is not installed or if you are
upgrading an existing Cisco router to support Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity Express, you will be
required to download and extract the required image and files.
To verify that the recommended software is installed on the Cisco router and if required, download and install
a Cisco IOS Voice or higher image, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• The Cisco router is installed including sufficient memory, all Cisco voice services hardware, and other
optional hardware.
Step 1 Identify which Cisco IOS software release is installed on router. Log in to the router and use the show version EXEC
Router> show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 12.3 T Software (C2600-I-MZ), Version 12.3(11)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Step 2 Compare the Cisco IOS release installed on the Cisco router to the information in the Cisco Unified CME and Cisco
IOS Software Version Compatibility Matrix to determine whether the Cisco IOS release supports the recommended
Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 If required, download and extract the recommended Cisco IOS IP Voice or higher image to flash memory in the router.
To find software installation information, access information located at www.cisco.com>Technical Support &
Documentation>Product Support> Cisco IOS Software>Cisco IOS Software Mainline release you are using>
Configuration Guides> Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Configuration
Guide>Part 2: File Management>Locating and Maintaining System Images.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Install Cisco IOS Software
Step 4 To reload the Cisco Unified CME router with the new software after replacing or upgrading the Cisco IOS release, use
the reload privileged EXEC command.
Router# reload
System configuration has been modified. Save [yes/no]:
Building configuration...
Proceed with reload? Confirm.
11w2d: %Sys-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload reason: reload command . System bootstrap,
System Version 12.2(8r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Press RETURN to get started.
What to Do Next
• If you installed a new Cisco IOSsoftware release on the Cisco router, download and extract the compatible
Cisco Unified CME version. See Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 101.
• If you are installing a new stand-alone Cisco Unified CME system, see Configure VLANs on a Cisco
Switch, on page 90.
Configure VLANs on a Cisco Switch
To configure two Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), one for voice and one for data, on a Cisco Catalyst
switch or an internal Cisco NM, HWIC, orFast Ethernet switching module, perform only one of the following
• Network Assistant, on page 90
• Cisco IOS Commands, on page 91
• Internal Cisco Ethernet Switching Module, on page 94
Network Assistant
To configure two Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), one for voice and one for data, on an external
Cisco Catalyst switch and to implement Cisco Quality-of-Service (QoS) policies on your network, perform
the following steps.
Before You Begin
• The Cisco router is installed including sufficient memory, all Cisco voice services hardware and other
optional hardware.
• The recommended Cisco IOS release and feature set plus the necessary Cisco Unified CME phone
firmware and GUI files are installed.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Configure VLANs on a Cisco Switch
• Determine if you can use the Cisco Network Assistant to configure VLANs on the switch for your
Cisco Unified CME router, see Devices Supported in the appropriate Release Notes for Cisco Network
A PC connected to the Cisco Unified CME router over the LAN is required to download, install, and run
Cisco Network Assistant.
• If you want to use Cisco Network Assistant to configure VLANs on the Cisco Catalyst switch, verify
that the PC on which you want to install and run Cisco Network Assistant meets the minimum hardware
and operating system requirements. See Installing, Launching, and Connecting Network Assistant in
Getting Started with Cisco Network Assistant.
• An RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable and the appropriate adapter (both supplied with the switch) connecting
the RJ-45 console port of the switch to a management station or modem is required to manage a
Cisco Catalyst switch through the management console.
Step 1 Install, launch, and connect Cisco Network Assistant.For instructions,see Installing,Launching, and Connecting Network
Assistant in Getting Started with Cisco Network Assistant.
Step 2 Use Cisco Network Assistant to perform the following tasks. See online Help for additional information and procedures.
• Enable two VLANs on the switch port.
• Configure a trunk between the Cisco Unified CME router and the switch.
• Configure Cisco IOS Quality-of-Service (QoS).
Cisco IOS Commands
To configure two Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), one for voice and one for data, a trunk between the
Cisco Unified CME router and the switch, and Cisco IOS Quality-of-Service (QoS) on an external
Cisco Catalyst switch, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• The Cisco router is installed including sufficient memory, all Cisco voice services hardware and other
optional hardware.
• The recommended Cisco IOS release and feature set plus the necessary Cisco Unified CME phone
firmware and GUI file are installed.
• An RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable and the appropriate adapter (both supplied with the switch) connecting
the RJ-45 console port of the switch to a management station or modem is required to manage a
Cisco Catalyst switch through the management console.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco IOS Commands
1. enable
2. vlan database
3. vlan vlan-number name vlan-name
4. vlan vlan-number name vlan-name
5. exit
6. wr
7. configure terminal
8. macro global apply cisco-global
9. interface slot-number / port-number
10. macro apply cisco-phone $AVID number $VVID number
11. interface slot-number / port-number
12. macro apply cisco-router $NVID number
13. end
14. wr
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Switch> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
vlan database Enters VLAN configuration mode.
Switch# vlan database
Step 2
Step 3 vlan vlan-number name vlan-name Specifies the number and name of the VLAN being configured.
Switch(vlan)# vlan 10 name data
VLAN 10 modified
Name: DATA
• vlan-number—Unique value that you assign to the dial-peer
being configured. Range: 2 to 1004.
• name—Name of the VLAN to associate to the vlan-number
being configured.
vlan vlan-number name vlan-name Specifies the number and name of the VLAN being configured.
Switch(vlan)# vlan 100 name voice
VLAN 100 modified
Step 4
exit Exits this configuration mode.
Switch(vlan)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco IOS Commands
Command or Action Purpose
wr Writes the modifications to the configuration file.
Switch# wr
Step 6
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Switch# configure terminal
Step 7
macro global apply cisco-global Applies the Smartports global configuration macro for QoS.
Switch (config)# macro global apply
Step 8
Specifies interface to be configured while in the interface
configuration mode.
interface slot-number / port-number
Switch (config)# interface fastEthernet
Step 9
• slot-number/port-number—Slot and port of interface to
which Cisco IP phones or PCs are connected.
The slash must be entered between the slot and port
Applies VLAN and QoS settings in Smartports macro to the port
being configured.
macro apply cisco-phone $AVID number $VVID
Step 10
Switch (config-if)# macro apply
cisco-phone $AVID 10 $VVID 100
• $AVID number—Data VLAN configured in earlier step.
• $VVID number—Voice VLAN configured in earlier step.
Specifies interface to be configured while in the interface
configuration mode.
interface slot-number / port-number
Switch (config-if)# interface fastEthernet
Step 11
• slot-number/port-number—Slot and port of interface to
which the Cisco router is connected.
The slash must be entered between the slot and port
Applies the VLAN and QoS settings in Smartports macro to the
port being configured.
macro apply cisco-router $NVID number
Switch (config-if)# macro apply
cisco-router $NVID 10
Step 12
• $NVID number—Data VLAN configured in earlier step.
end Exits to privileged EXEC configuration mode.
Switch(config-if)# end
Step 13
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco IOS Commands
Command or Action Purpose
wr Writes the modifications to the configuration file.
Switch# wr
Step 14
What to Do Next
See Using Cisco IOS Commands, on page 95.
Internal Cisco Ethernet Switching Module
To configure two Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), one for voice and one for data, on an internal Cisco
Ethernet switching module, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• The Cisco router is installed including sufficient memory, all Cisco voice services hardware and other
optional hardware.
• The recommended Cisco IOS release and feature set plus the necessary Cisco Unified CME phone
firmware and GUI files are installed.
• The switch is in privileged EXEC mode.
1. enable
2. vlan database
3. vlan vlan-number name vlan-name
4. vlan vlan-number name vlan-name
5. exit
6. wr
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Switch> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Internal Cisco Ethernet Switching Module
Command or Action Purpose
vlan database Enters VLAN configuration mode.
Switch# vlan database
Step 2
Step 3 vlan vlan-number name vlan-name Specifiesthe number and name of the VLAN being configured.
Switch(vlan)# vlan 10 name data
VLAN 10 modified Name: DATA
• vlan-number—Unique value that you assign to dial-peer
being configured. Range: 2 to 1004.
• name—Name of the VLAN to associate to the
vlan-number being configured.
vlan vlan-number name vlan-name Specifiesthe number and name of the VLAN being configured.
Switch(vlan)# vlan 100 name voice
VLAN 100 modified
Step 4
exit Exits this configuration mode.
Switch(vlan)# exit
Step 5
wr Writes the modifications to the configuration file.
Switch# wr
Step 6
What to Do Next
See Using Cisco IOS Commands, on page 95.
Using Cisco IOS Commands
• Hardware and software to establish a physical or virtual console connection to the Cisco router using a
terminal or PC running terminal emulation is available and operational.
• Connect to the Cisco router using a terminal or PC with terminal emulation. Attach a terminal or PC
running terminal emulation to the console port of the router.
For connecting to the router to be configured, use the following terminal settings:
◦9600 baud rate
◦No parity
◦8 data bits
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Using Cisco IOS Commands
◦1 stop bit
◦No flow control
Your choice of configuration method depends on whether you want to create an initial configuration for your
IP telephony system or you want to perform ongoing maintenance, such as routinely making additions and
changes associated with employee turnover. Table 5: Comparison of Configuration Methodsfor Cisco Unified
CME, on page 96 compares the different methods for configuring Cisco Unified CME.
Table 5: Comparison of Configuration Methods for Cisco Unified CME
Configuration Method Benefits Restrictions
Requires knowledge of Cisco IOS
commands and
Cisco Unified CME.
• Generates commands for
running configuration which
can be saved on Cisco router
to be configured.
• Use for setting up or
modifying all parameters and
features during initial
configuration and ongoing
Cisco IOS command line interface
• Cannot provision voice
features such as digit
translation, call routing, and
class of restriction.
• Cannot provision data
features such as DHCP, IP
addressing, and VLANs.
• Can only provision IPphones
that are registered to
Cisco Unified CME. Cannot
use bulk administration to
import multiple phones at the
same time. Cannot manage
IP phone firmware.
• Requires manual upgrade of
files in flash if
Cisco Unified CME version
is upgraded.
• Graphical user interface
• Use for ongoing system
• Modifies, adds, and deletes
phones and extensions;
configures voice-mail; IP
phone URLs; secondary dial
tone pattern; timeouts;
transfer patterns; and the
music-on-hold file.
• Three configurable levels of
Cisco Unified CME GUI, on page
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Using Cisco IOS Commands
Voice Bundles
Voice bundlesinclude a Cisco IntegratedServices Router forsecure data routing, Cisco Unified CME software
and licenses to support IP telephony, Cisco IOS SP Services or Advanced IP Services software for voice
gateway features, and the flexibility to add Cisco Unity Express for voice mail and auto attendant capabilities.
Voice bundles are designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses worldwide. To complete the solution, add
digital or analog trunk interfacesto interface to thePSTN or the hostPBX, Cisco IPphones, and Cisco Catalyst
data switches supporting Power-over Ethernet (PoE).
Table 6: Cisco Tools for Deploying Cisco IPC Express, on page 97 contains a list of the Cisco tools for
deploying Cisco IPC Express.
Table 6: Cisco Tools for Deploying Cisco IPC Express
Tool Name Description
Cisco CP Express is a basic router configuration tool
that residesin routerFlash memory. It isshipped with
every device ordered with Cisco CP. Cisco CP
Express allows the user to give the device a basic
configuration, and allows the user to install Cisco CP
for advanced configuration and monitoring
Cisco CP is the next generation advanced
configuration and monitoring tool. It enables you to
configure such things as router LAN and WAN
interfaces, a firewall, IPSec VPN, dynamic routing,
and wireless communication. Cisco CP is installed
on a PC. It is available on a CD, and can also be
downloaded from www.cisco.com.
Cisco Configuration Professional Express (Cisco CP
Express) and Cisco ConfigurationProfessional (Cisco
Cisco Unified CME GUI enablesthe user to configure
a subset of optional system and phone features.
Cisco Unified CME GUI, on page 98
Cisco Network Assistant is a PC-based network
management application optimized for networks of
small and medium-sized businesses. Through a
user-friendly GUI, the user can apply common
servicessuch as configuration management, inventory
reports, password synchronization and Drag and Drop
IOS Upgrade across Cisco SMB-Class switches,
routers and access points.
Cisco Network Assistant
Initialization Wizard in the Cisco Unity Express GUI
promptsthe user for required information to configure
users, voice mailboxes, and other features of voice
mail and auto attendant. The wizard starts
automatically the first time you log in to the
Cisco Unity Express GUI.
Initialization Wizard for Cisco Unity Express
See Configuring the System for the First Time, in the
appropriate Cisco Unity Express GUI Administrator
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Voice Bundles
Tool Name Description
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager
(Cisco SDM) is an intuitive, Web-based
device-management tool for Cisco routers.
Cisco SDM simplifies router and security
configuration through smart wizards, which help
customers and Cisco partners quickly and easily
deploy, and configure a Cisco router without requiring
knowledge of the command-line interface (CLI).
Supported on Cisco 830Seriesto Cisco 7301 routers,
Cisco SDM is shipping on Cisco 1800 Series,
Cisco 2800 Series, and Cisco 3800 Series routers
pre-installed by the factory.
Router and Security Device Manager (SDM)
Cisco Unified CME GUI
The Cisco Unified CME GUI provides a web-based interface to manage most system-level and phone-level
features. In particular, the GUI facilitatesthe routine additions and changes associated with employee turnover,
allowing these changes to be performed by nontechnical staff.
The GUI provides three levels of access to support the following user classes:
• System administrator—Able to configure all systemwide and phone-based features. This person is
familiar with Cisco IOS software and VoIP network configuration.
• Customer administrator—Able to perform routine phone additions and changes without having access
to systemwide features. This person does not have to be familiar with Cisco IOS software.
• Phone user—Able to program a small set of features on his or her own phone and search the
Cisco Unified CME directory.
The Cisco Unified CME GUI uses HTTP to transfer information between the Cisco Unified CME router and
the PC of an administrator or phone user. The router must be configured as an HTTP server, and an initial
system administrator username and password must be defined. Additional customer administrators and phone
users can be added by using Cisco IOS command line interface or by using GUI screens.
Cisco Unified CME provides support for eXtensible Markup Language (XML) cascading style sheets (files
with a .css suffix) that can be used to customize the browser GUI display.
The GUIsupports authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authentication forsystem administrators
through a remote server capability. If authentication through the server fails, the local router is searched.
Cisco Unified CME GUI must be installed and set up before it can be used. Instructions for using the
Cisco Unified GUI are in online help for the GUI.
To use the Cisco Unified CME GUI to modify the configuration, see online help.
• Cisco CME 3.2 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME GUI
• Files required for the operation of the GUI must be copied into flash memory on the router. For
information about files, see Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 101.
• Cisco Unified CME GUI must be enabled. For information, see Enable the GUI, on page 525.
• The web browser that you use to access the GUI must be Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or a later
version. No other type of browser can be used to access the GUI.
• Cannot provision voice features such as digit translation, call routing, and class of restriction.
• Cannot provision data features such as DHCP, IP addressing, and VLANs.
• Can only provision IP phones that are registered to Cisco Unified CME. Cannot use bulk administration
to import multiple phones at the same time. Cannot manage IP phone firmware.
• Requires manual upgrade of files in flash memory of router if Cisco Unified CME is upgraded to later
• Other minor limitations, such as:
◦If you use an XML configuration file to create a customer administrator login, the size of that XML
file must be 4000 bytes or smaller.
◦The password of the system administrator cannot be changed through the GUI. Only the password
of a customer administrator or a phone user can be changed through the GUI.
◦If more than 100 phones are configured, choosing to display all phones will result in a long delay
before results are shown.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME GUI
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME GUI
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
• Prerequisites for Installing Cisco Unified CME Software, page 101
• Cisco Unified CME Software, page 101
• Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software, page 105
Prerequisites for Installing Cisco Unified CME Software
• Your IP network is operational and you can access Cisco web.
• You have a valid Cisco.com account.
• You have access to a TFTP server for downloading files.
• Cisco router and all recommended services hardware for Cisco Unified CME isinstalled.For installation
information, see Install Cisco Voice Services Hardware, on page 87.
Cisco IOS Software
• Recommended Cisco IOS IP Voice or higher image is downloaded to flash memory in the router. To
determine which Cisco IOS software release supports the recommended Cisco Unified CME version,
see Cisco Unified CME and Cisco IOSSoftware Compatibility Matrix.For installation information, see
Install Cisco IOS Software, on page 89.
Cisco Unified CME Software
This section contains a list of the types of files that must be downloaded and installed in the router flash
memory to use with Cisco Unified CME. The files listed in this section are included in zipped or tar archives
that are downloaded from the Cisco Unified CME software download website at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Basic Files
A tar archive containsthe basic files you need for Cisco Unified CME. Be sure to download the correct version
for the Cisco IOS software release that is running on your router. The basic tar archive generally also contains
the phone firmware files that you require, although you may occasionally need to download individual phone
firmware files.For information about installing Cisco Unified CME,see Install Cisco Unified CME Software,
on page 105.
GUI Files
A tar archive contains the files that you need to use the Cisco Unified CME graphical user interface (GUI),
which provides a mouse-driven interface for provisioning phones after basic installation is complete. For
installation information, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
Cisco Unified CME GUI files are version-specific; GUI files for one version of Cisco Unified CME are
not compatible with any other version of Cisco Unified CME. When downgrading or upgrading
Cisco Unified CME, the GUI files for the old version must be overwritten with GUI files that match the
Cisco Unified CME version that is being installed.
Phone Firmware Files
Phone firmware files provide code to enable phone displays and operations. These files are specialized for
each phone type and protocol, SIP or SCCP, and are periodically revised. You must be sure to have the
appropriate phone firmware filesfor the types of phones, protocol being used, and Cisco Unified CME version
at your site.
New IPphones are shipped from Cisco with a default manufacturingSCCPimage. When a IPphone downloads
its configuration profile, the phone compares the phone firmware mentioned in the configuration profile with
the firmware already installed on the phone. If the firmware version differs from the one that is currently
loaded on the phone, the phone contactsthe TFTPserver to upgrade to the new phone firmware and downloads
the new firmware before registering with Cisco Unified CME.
Generally, phone firmware files are included in the Cisco Unified CME software archive that you download.
They can also be posted on the software download website as individual files or archives.
Early versions of Cisco phone firmware for SCCP and SIP IP phones had filenames as follows:
• SCCP firmware—P003xxyy.bin
• SIP firmware—P0S3xxyy.bin
In both bases, x representsthe major version, and y represented the minor version. The third character represents
the protocol, “0” for SCCP or “S” for SIP.
In later versions, the following conventions are used:
• SCCP firmware—P003xxyyzzww, where x represents the major version, y represents the major
subversion, z represents the maintenance version, and w represents the maintenance subversion.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Basic Files
• SIPfirmware—P0S3-xx-y-zz, where x represents the major version, y represents the minor version, and
z represents the subversions.
• The third character in a filename—Represents the protocol, “0” for SCCP or “S” for SIP.
There are exceptions to the general guidelines.For Cisco ATA, the filename begins with AT.For Cisco Unified
IP Phone 7002, 7905, and 7912, the filename can begin with CP.
Signed and unsigned versions of phone firmware are available for certain phone types. Signed binary files
support image authentication, which increasessystem security. We recommend signed versionsif your version
of Cisco Unified CME supports them. Signed binary files have .sbn file extensions, and unsigned files have
.bin file extensions.
For Java-based IP phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7941, 7941GE, 7961, 7961GE, 7970,
and 7971, the firmware consists of multiple files including JAR and tone files. All of the firmware files for
each phone type must be downloaded the TFTP server before they can be downloaded to the phone.
The following example shows a list of phone firmware files that are installed in flash memory for the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911:
tftp-server flash:SCCP11.7-2-1-0S.loads
tftp-server flash:term06.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term11.default.loads
tftp-server flash:cvm11.7-2-0-66.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar11.7-2-0-66.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp11.1-0-0-73.sbn
tftp-server flash:apps11.1-0-0-72.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu11.3-0-0-81.sbn
However, you only specify the filename for the image file when configuring Cisco Unified CME.ForJava-based
IP phones, the following naming conventions are used for image files:
• SCCP firmware—TERMnn.xx-y-z-ww or SCCPnn.xx-y-zz-ww, where n represents the phone type, x
represents the major version, y represents the major subversion, z represents the maintenance version,
and w represents the maintenance subversion.
The following example shows how to configure Cisco Unified CME so that the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911
can download the appropriate SCCP firmware from flash memory:
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)#load 7911 SCCP11.7-2-1-0S
Table 7: Firmware-Naming Conventions, on page 103 contains firmware-naming convention examples, in
alphabetical order:
Table 7: Firmware-Naming Conventions
SCCP Phones SIP Phones
Image Version Image Version
P00303030300 3.3(3) P0S3-04-4-00 4.4
P00305000200 5.0(2) P0S3-05-2-00 5.2
P00306000100 6.0(1) P0S3-06-0-00 6.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Files
SCCP Phones SIP Phones
SCCP41.8-0-4ES4-0-1S 8.0(4) SIP70.8-0-3S 8.0(3)
TERM41.7-0-3-0S 7.0(3) — —
The phone firmware filenamesfor each phone type and Cisco Unified CME version are listed in the appropriate
document available at Cisco CME Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products.
For information about installing firmware files, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
For information about configuring Cisco Unified CME for upgrading between versions or converting between
SCCP and SIP, see Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 101.
XML Template
The file called xml.template can be copied and modified to allow or restrictspecific GUI functionsto customer
administrators, a class of administrative users with limited capabilities in a Cisco Unified CME system. This
file is included in both tar archives (cme-basic-... and cme-gui-...). To install the file, see Install Cisco Unified
CME Software, on page 105.
Music-on-Hold (MOH) File
An audio file named music-on-hold.au provides music for external callers on hold when a live feed is not
used. This file is included in the tar archive with basic files (cme-basic-...). To install the file, see Install Cisco
Unified CME Software, on page 105.
Script Files
Archives containing Tcl script files are listed individually on the Cisco Unified CME software download
website.For example, the file named app-h450-transfer. contains a script that adds H.450 transfer
and forwarding support for analog FXS ports.
The Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution and Auto Attendant Service (B-ACD) requires a
number of script files and audio files, which are contained in a tar archive with the name cme-b-acd-.... For
a list of files in the archive and for more information about the files, see Cisco CME B-ACD and TCL
Call-Handling Applications.
For information about installing Tcl script file or an archive, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on
page 105.
Bundled TSP Archive
An archive is available at the Cisco Unified CME software download website that contains several Telephony
Application Programming Interface (TAPI) Telephony Service Provider (TSP) files. These files are needed
to set up individual PCs for Cisco Unified IP phone users who wish to make use of Cisco Unified CME-TAPI
integration with TAPI-capablePC software. To install the filesfrom the archive,see the installation instructions
in TAPI Developer Guide for Cisco CME/SRST.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
XML Template
File Naming Conventions
Most of the files available at the Cisco Unified CME software download website are archives that must be
uncompressed before individual files can be copied to the router. In general, the following naming conventions
apply to files on the Cisco Unified CME software download website:
Table 8: File Naming Conventions
Basic Cisco Unified CME files, including phone
firmware files for a particular Cisco Unified CME
version or versions.
Files required for the Cisco Unified CME GUI. cme-gui-...
Phone firmware files.
Not all firmware files to be downloaded to
a phone are specified in the load command.
For a list of file namesto be installed in flash
memory, and which file names are to be
specified by using the load command, see
Cisco Unified CME Supported Firmware,
Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products.
cmterm..., P00..., 7970..
Filesrequired for Cisco Unified CME B-ACD service. cme-b-acd...
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Customers who purchase a router bundle enabled with Cisco Unified CME will have the necessary Cisco
Unified CME files installed at time of manufacture.
Install Cisco Unified CME Software
Step 1 Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-key.
Step 2 Select the file to download.
Step 3 Download zip file to tftp server.
Step 4 Use the zip program to extract the file to be installed, then:
a) If the file is an individual file, use the copy command to copy the files to router flash:
Router# copy tftp://x.x.x.x/P00307020300.sbn flash:
b) If the file is a tar file, use the archive tarcommand to extract the files to flash memory.
Router# archive tar /xtract source-urlflash:/file-url
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
File Naming Conventions
Step 5 Verify the installation. Use the show flash: command to list the files installed in in flash memory.
Router# show flash:
31 128996 Sep 19 2005 12:19:02 -07:00 P00307020300.bin
32 461 Sep 19 2005 12:19:02 -07:00 P00307020300.loads
33 681290 Sep 19 2005 12:19:04 -07:00 P00307020300.sb2
34 129400 Sep 19 2005 12:19:04 -07:00 P00307020300.sbn
Step 6 Use the archive tar /create command to create a backup tar file of all the files stored in flash. You can create a tar file
that includes all files in a directory or a list of up to four files from a directory.
For example, the following command creates a tar file of the three files listed:
archive tar /create flash:abctestlist.tar flash:orig1 sample1.txt sample2.txt sample3.txt
The following command creates a tar file of all the files in the directory:
archive tar /create flash:abctest1.tar flash:orig1
The following command creates a tar file to backup the flash files to a USB card, on supported platforms:
archive tar /create usbflash1:abctest1.tar flash:orig1
What to Do Next
• If you installed Cisco Unified CME software and Cisco Unified CME is not configured on your router,
see Network Parameters, on page 121.
• If Cisco Unified IP phones presently connected to Cisco Unified CME are using the SCCP protocol to
receive and place calls and the firmware version must be upgraded to a recommended version, or if the
phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME are brand new, out-of-the-box, the phone firmware
preloaded at the factory must be upgraded to the recommended version before your phones can complete
registration, see Upgrade or Downgrade SCCP Phone Firmware, on page 107.
• If Cisco Unified IP phones presently connected to Cisco Unified CME are using the SIP protocol to
receive and place calls and the firmware version must be upgraded to a recommended version, see
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware, on page 108.
• If Cisco Unified IP phones presently connected to Cisco Unified CME are using the SCCP protocol to
receive and place calls and you now want some or all of these phones to use the SIP protocol, the phone
firmware for each phone type must be upgraded from SCCP to the recommended SIP version before
the phones can register. See Phone Firmware Conversion from SCCP to SIP, on page 112.
• If Cisco Unified IP phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME are using the SIP protocol and are
brand new, out-of-the-box, the phone firmware preloaded at the factory must be upgraded to the
recommended SIP version before your SIP phones can complete registration. See Phone Firmware
Conversion from SCCP to SIP, on page 112.
• If Cisco Unified IP phones presently connected to Cisco Unified CME are using the SIP protocol to
receive and place calls and you now want some or all of these phones to use the SCCP protocol, the
phone firmware for each phone type must be upgraded from SIP to the recommended SCCP version
before the phones can register. See Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP, on page 115.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Install Cisco Unified CME Software
Upgrade or Downgrade SCCP Phone Firmware
For certain IPphones,such asthe Cisco Unified IPPhone 7911, 7941, 7961, 7970, and 7971, the firmware
consists of multiple files including JAR and tone files. All of the firmware files must be downloaded to
the TFTP server before they can be downloaded to the phone. For a list of files in each firmware version,
see the appropriate Cisco Unified CME Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products.
Before You Begin
• Phone firmware for Cisco Unified IP phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME, including all
versions required during an upgrade or downgrade sequence, must be loaded in the flash memory of the
TFTP server from which the phones download their configuration profiles. For information about
installing firmware files in flash memory, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. tftp-server device:firmware-file
4. telephony-service
5. load phone-type firmware-file
6. create cnf-files
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
(Optional) Creates TFTP bindings to permit IP phones served by the
Cisco Unified CME router to access the specified file.
tftp-server device:firmware-file
Router(config)# tftp-server
Step 3
• A separate tftp-server command is required for each phone type.
• Required for Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and earlier versions. Router(config)# tftp-server
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Required only if
the location for cnf files is not flash or slot 0. Use the complete
Router(config)# tftp-server
Router(config)# tftp-server
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Upgrade or Downgrade SCCP Phone Firmware
Command or Action Purpose
filename, including the file suffix, for phone firmware versions
later than version 8-2-2 for all phone types.
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony service
Step 4
Step 5 load phone-type firmware-file Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-telephony)# load 7960-7940
• A separate load command is required for each IP phone type.
• firmware-file—Filenames are case-sensitive.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and earlier versions, do not use the
file suffix (.bin, .sbin, .loads) for any phone type except the
Cisco ATA and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905 and 7912.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions, you must use the
complete filename, including the file suffix, for phone firmware
versions later than version 8-2-2 for all phone types.
create cnf-files Builds XML configuration files required for SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# create
Step 6
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 7
What to Do Next
• If the Cisco Unified IP phone to be upgraded is not configured in Cisco Unified CME, see Configure
Phones for a PBX System, on page 253.
• If the Cisco Unified IP phone is already configured in Cisco Unified CME and can make and receive
calls, you are ready to reboot the Cisco Unified IPphones to download the phone firmware to the phone.
See Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 397.
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware
The upgrade and downgrade sequences for SIP phones differ per phone type as follows:
• Upgrading/downgrading the phone firmware for Cisco Unified IPPhone 7905G, Cisco Unified IPPhone
7912G, and Cisco ATA Analog Telephone Adapter is straightforward; modify the load command to
upgrade directly to the target load.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware
• The phone firmware version upgrade sequence for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940Gs and 7960Gs is from
version [234].x to 4.4, to 5.3, to 6.x, to 7.x. You cannot go directly from version [234].x to version 7.x.
• To downgrade phone firmware for Cisco Unified IPPhone 7940Gs and 7960Gs, first upgrade to version
7.x, then modify the load command to downgrade directly to the target phone firmware.
Restriction • Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G, and Cisco ATA—Signed load starts
from SIPv1.1. After you upgrade the firmware to a signed load, you cannot downgrade the firmware
to an unsigned load.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G—Signed load starts from SIP
v5.x. Once you upgrade the firmware to a signed load, you cannot downgrade the firmware to an
unsigned load.
• The proceduresfor upgrading phone firmware filesforSIPphonesisthe same for all Cisco Unified IP
phones.For other limits on firmware upgrade between versions, see Cisco 7940 and 7960 IPPhones
Firmware Upgrade Matrix.
Before You Begin
Phone firmware for Cisco Unified IP phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME, including all versions
required during an upgrade or downgrade sequence, must be loaded in the flash memory of the TFTP server
from which the phones will download their configuration profiles. For information about installing firmware
files in flash memory, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mode cme
5. load phone-type firmware-file
6. upgrade
7. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6.
8. file text
9. create profile
10. exit
11. voice register pool pool-tag
12. reset
13. exit
14. voice register global
15. no upgrade
16. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parametersfor
all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
mode cme Enables mode for provisioning SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-register-global)# mode
Step 4
Step 5 load phone-type firmware-file Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-register-global)# load
7960-7940 P0S3-06-0-00
• A separate load command is required for each IP phone type.
• firmware-file—Filename to be associated with the specified
Cisco Unified IP phone type.
• Do not use the .sbin or .loads file extension except for
Cisco ATA and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905 and 7912
Generates a file with the universal application loader image for
upgrading phone firmware and performs the TFTP server alias
Router(config-register-global)# upgrade
Step 6
(Optional) Repeat for each version required in multistep upgrade
sequences only.
Repeat Step 5 and Step 6.
Router(config-register-global)# load
7960-7940 P0S3-07-4-00
Router(config-register-global)# upgrade
Step 7
(Optional) Generates ASCII text files for Cisco Unified IP Phone
7905s and 7905Gs, Cisco Unified IPPhone 7912s and 7912Gs, Cisco
ATA-186, or Cisco ATA-188.
file text
Router(config-register-global)# file
Step 8
• Default—System generates binary files to save disk space.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware
Command or Action Purpose
Generates provisioning files required for SIP phones and writes the
file to the location specified with the tftp-path command.
create profile
Router(config-register-global;)# create
Step 9
Exits from the current command mode to the next highest mode in
the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 10
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for SIP phones.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Step 11
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number of the SIP phone to be
configured. Range is 1 to 100 or the upper limit as defined by
max-pool command.
Performs a complete reboot of the single SIP phone specified with
the voice registerpool command and contacts the DHCPserver and
the TFTP server for updated information.
Router(config-register-pool)# reset
Step 12
Exits from the current command mode to the next highest mode in
the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 13
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parametersfor
all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 14
no upgrade Return to the default for the upgrade command.
Router(config-register-global)# no
Step 15
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 16
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware
The following example shows the configuration steps for upgrading firmware for a Cisco Unified IP Phone
7960G or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G from SIP 5.3 to SIP 6.0, then from SIP 6.0 to SIP 7.4:
Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Router(config-register-global)# load 7960 P0S3-06-0-00
Router(config-register-global)# upgrade
Router(config-register-global)# load 7960 P0S3-07-4-00
Router(config-register-global)# create profile
The following example showsthe configuration stepsfor downgrading firmware for a Cisco Unified IPPhone
7960/40 from SIP 7.4 to SIP 6.0:
Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Router(config-register-global)# load 7960 P0S3-06-0-00
Router(config-register-global)# upgrade
Router(config-register-global)# create profile
What to Do Next
• If the Cisco Unified IP phone to be upgraded is not configured in Cisco Unified CME, see Configure
Phones for a PBX System, on page 253.
• If the Cisco Unified IP phone is already configured in Cisco Unified CME and can make and receive
calls, you are ready to reboot the Cisco Unified IPphones to download the phone firmware to the phone.
See Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 397.
Phone Firmware Conversion from SCCP to SIP
If Cisco Unified IPphones presently connected to Cisco Unified CME are using theSCCPprotocol to receive
and place calls and you now want some or all of these phones to use the SIP protocol, the phone firmware for
each phone type must be upgraded from SCCPto the recommendedSIPversion before the phones can register.
If Cisco Unified IP phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME are brand new, out-of-the-box, the SCCP
phone firmware preloaded at the factory must be upgraded to the recommended SIP version before your SIP
phones can complete registration.
If codec values for the dial peers of a connection do not match, the call fails. The default codec for the
POTS dial peer for an SCCP phone is G.711 and the default codec for a VoIP dial peer for a SIP phone
is G.729. If neither the SCCP phone nor the SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME has been specifically
configured to change the codec, calls between the two IP phones on the same router will produce a busy
signal caused by the mismatched default codecs. To avoid codec mismatch,specify the codec for IPphones
in Cisco Unified CME.For configuration information,see Configure Individual IPPhonesfor KeySystem
on SCCP Phone, on page 293.
Before You Begin
• Phone firmware for Cisco Unified IP phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME, including all
versions required during an upgrade or downgrade sequence, must be loaded in the flash memory of the
TFTP server from which the phones download their configuration profiles. For information about
installing firmware files in flash memory, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SCCP to SIP
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940Gs and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960Gs—If these IP phones are already
configured in Cisco Unified CME to use the SCCP protocol, the SCCP phone firmware on the phone
must be version 5.x. If required, upgrade the SCCP phone firmware to 5.x before upgrading to SIP.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. no ephone ephone-tag
4. exit
5. no ephone-dn dn-tag
6. exit
7. voice register global
8. mode cme
9. load phone-type firmware-file
10. upgrade
11. Repeat Step 9 and Step 10.
12. create profile
13. file text
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 no ephone ephone-tag (Optional) Disables the ephone and removes the ephone configuration.
Router (config)# no ephone 23
• Required only if the Cisco Unified IP phone to be configured is
already connected to Cisco Unified CME and is using SCCP
• ephone-tag—Particular IP phone to which this configuration
change will apply.
(Optional) Exits from the current command mode to the next highest
mode in the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 4
• Required only if you performed the previous step.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SCCP to SIP
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Disables the ephone-dn and removes the ephone-dn
Step 5 no ephone-dn dn-tag
• Required only if this directory number is not now nor will be
associated to any SCCP phone line, intercom line, paging line,
voice-mail port, or message-waiting indicator (MWI) connected
to Cisco Unified CME.
• dn-tag—Particular configuration to which this change will apply.
(Optional) Exits from the current command mode to the next highest
mode in the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 6
• Required only if you performed the previous step.
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters for
all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 7
mode cme Enables mode for provisioning SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-register-global)# mode
Step 8
Step 9 load phone-type firmware-file Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-register-global)# load
7960-7940 P0S3-06-3-00
• A separate load command is required for each IP phone type.
Generates a file with the universal application loader image for upgrading
phone firmware and performs the TFTP server alias binding.
Step 10
(Optional) Repeat for each version required in multistep upgrade
sequences only.
Repeat Step 9 and Step 10.
Router(config-register-global)# load
7960-7940 P0S3-07-4-00
Step 11
Generates provisioning files required for SIP phones and writes the file
to the location specified with the tftp-path command.
create profile
Router(config-register-global)# create
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SCCP to SIP
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Generates ASCII text filesfor Cisco Unified IPPhones 7905
and 7905G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912 and Cisco Unified IP Phone
7912G, Cisco ATA-186, or Cisco ATA-188.
file text
Router(config-register-global)# file
Step 13
• Default—System generates binary files to save disk space.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 14
The following example shows the configuration steps for converting firmware on an Cisco Unified IP phone
already connected in Cisco Unified CME and using the SCCP protocol, from SCCP 5.x to SIP 7.4:
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# no create cnf
CNF files deleted
Router(config-telephony)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Router(config-register-global)# load 7960 P0S3-07-4-00
Router(config-register-global)# upgrade
Router(config-register-global)# create profile
What to Do Next
After you configure the upgrade command, refer to the following statements to determine which task to
perform next.
• If the Cisco Unified IP phone to be upgraded is already connected in Cisco Unified CME and you
removed the SCCP configuration file for the phone but have not configured this phone for SIP in
Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Phones for a PBX System, on page 253.
• If the Cisco Unified IP phones to be upgraded are already configured in Cisco Unified CME, see Reset
and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 397.
Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP
If Cisco Unified IP phones presently connected to Cisco Unified CME are using the SIP protocol to receive
and place calls and you now want some or all of these phones to use the SCCP protocol, the phone firmware
for each phone type must be upgraded from SIP to SCCP before the phones can register.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP
If codec values for the dial peers of a connection do not match, the call fails. The default codec for the
POTS dial peer for an SCCP phone is G.711 and the default codec for a VoIP dial peer for a SIP phone
is G.729. If neither the SCCP phone nor the SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME has been specifically
configured to change the codec, calls between the two IP phones on the same router will produce a busy
signal caused by the mismatched default codecs. To avoid codec mismatch, specify the codec for SIP and
SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME. For more information, see Configure Phones for a PBX System,
on page 253.
Before You Begin
• Phone firmware for Cisco Unified IP phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME, including all
versions required during an upgrade or downgrade sequence, must be loaded in the flash memory of the
TFTP server from which the phones will download their configuration profiles. For information about
installing firmware files in flash memory, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940Gs and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960Gs—If these IP phones are already
configured in Cisco Unified CME to use the SIP protocol, the SIP phone firmware must be version 7.x.
See Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware, on page 108.
Remove SIP Configuration Profile
To remove the SIP configuration profile before downloading the SCCP phone firmware to convert a phone
from SIP to SCCP, perform the steps in this task.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. no voice register pool pool-tag
4. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Disables voice register pool and removes the voice pool
no voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# no voice register pool 1
Step 3
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number for a particular SIP
phone to which this configuration applies.
Exits from the current command mode to the next highest mode
in the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 4
Generate SCCP XML Configuration File to Upgrade from SIP to SCCP
To create an ephone entry and generate a new SCCP XML configuration file for upgrading a particular
Cisco Unified IP phone in Cisco Unified CME from SIP to SCCP, perform the steps in this task.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. exit
5. tftp-server device:firmware-file
6. telephony-service
7. load phone-type firmware-file
8. create cnf-files
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and
optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone dn 1
Step 3
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone-dn
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephone-dns
in Cisco Unified CME is version and platform specific. Type ? to
display range.
Exits from the current command mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 4
(Optional) Creates TFTP bindings to permit IP phones served by the
Cisco Unified CME router to access the specified file.
tftp-server device:firmware-file
Router(config)# tftp-server
Step 5
• A separate tftp-server command is required for each phone type.
• Required for Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and earlier versions. Router(config)# tftp-server
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Required only if the
location for cnf files is not flash or slot 0. Use the complete
Router(config)# tftp-server
Router(config)# tftp-server
flash:P00307020300.bin filename, including the file suffix, for phone firmware versions
later than version 8-2-2 for all phone types.
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony service
Step 6
Step 7 load phone-type firmware-file Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-telephony)# load
7960-7940 P00307020300
• A separate load command is required for each IP phone type.
• firmware-file—Filename is case-sensitive.
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and earlier versions: Do not use the
.sbin or .loads file extension except for the Cisco ATA and
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905 and 7912.
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Use the complete
filename, including the file suffix, for phone firmware versions
later than version 8-2-2 for all phone types.
create cnf-files Builds XML configuration files required for SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# create
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Phone Firmware Conversion from SIP to SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 9
The following example shows the configuration steps for upgrading firmware for a Cisco Unified IP Phone
7960G from SIP to SCCP. First the SIP firmware is upgraded to SIP 6.3 and from SIP 6.3 to SIP 7.4; then,
the phone firmware is upgraded from SIP 7.4 to SCCP 7.2(3). The SIP configuration profile is deleted and a
new ephone configuration profile is created for the Cisco Unified IP phone.
Router(config)# v oice register global
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Router(config-register-global)# load 7960 P0S3-06-0-00
Router(config-register-global)# upgrade
Router(config-register-global)# load 7960 P0S3-07-4-00
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Router(config)# no voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Router(config)# v oice register global
Router(config-register-global)# no upgrade
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:P00307020300.loads
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:P00307020300.sb2
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:P00307020300.sbn
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:P00307020300.bin
Router(config)# telephony service
Router(config-telephony)# load 7960-7940 P00307000100
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
What to Do Next
After you configure the upgrade command:
• If the Cisco Unified IP phone to be upgraded is already connected in Cisco Unified CME and you
removed the SIP configuration file for the phone and have not configured the SCCP phone in
Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Phones for a PBX System, on page 253.
• If the Cisco Unified IP phones to be upgraded are already configured in Cisco Unified CME, see Reset
and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 397.
Verify SCCP Phone Firmware Version
Step 1 show flash:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Verify SCCP Phone Firmware Version
Use this command to learn the filenames associated with that phone firmware
Router# show flash:
31 128996 Sep 19 2005 12:19:02 -07:00 P00307020300.bin
32 461 Sep 19 2005 12:19:02 -07:00 P00307020300.loads
33 681290 Sep 19 2005 12:19:04 -07:00 P00307020300.sb2
34 129400 Sep 19 2005 12:19:04 -07:00 P00307020300.sbn
Step 2 show ephone phone-load
Use this command to verify which phone firmware is installed on a particular ephone. The DeviceName includes the
MAC address for the IP phone.
Router# show ephone phone-load
DeviceName CurrentPhoneload PreviousPhoneload LastReset
SEP000A8A2C8C6E 7.3(3.02) Initialized
Troubleshooting Tips for Cisco Phone Firmware
Use the debug tftp event command to troubleshoot an attempt to upgrade or convert Cisco phone firmware
files for SIP phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software
Troubleshooting Tips for Cisco Phone Firmware
Network Parameters
• Prerequisites for Defining Network Parameters, page 121
• Restrictions for Defining Network Parameters, page 122
• Information About Defining Network Parameters, page 122
• Define Network Parameters, page 125
• Configuration Examples for Network Parameters, page 146
• Where to Go Next, page 146
• Feature Information for Network Parameters, page 146
Prerequisites for Defining Network Parameters
• IP routing must be enabled.
• VoIP networking must be operational. For quality and security purposes, we recommend you have
separate virtual LANs (VLANs) for data and voice. The IP network assigned to each VLAN should be
large enough to support addresses for all nodes on that VLAN. Cisco Unified CME phones receive their
IP addresses from the voice network, whereas all other nodes such as PCs, servers, and printers receive
their IP addresses from the data network. For configuration information, see Configure VLANs on a
Cisco Switch, on page 90.
• If applicable, PSTN lines are configured and operational.
• If applicable, the WAN links are configured and operational.
• Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) must be enabled on the router to allow IP phones to download
phone firmware files.
• To support IP phones that are running SIP to be directly connected to the Cisco Unified CME router,
Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or later must be installed on the router.
• To provide voice-mail support for phones connected to the Cisco Unified CME router, install and
configure voice mail on your network.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Defining Network Parameters
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, Layer-3-to-Layer-2 VLAN Class of Service (CoS) priority
marking is not automatically processed. Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions will continue to mark Layer
3, but Layer 2 marking is now only handled in the Cisco IOS software. Any Quality of Service (QoS) design
that requires Layer 2 marking will have to be explicitly configured, either on a Catalyst switch that supports
this capability or on the Cisco Unified CME router under the Ethernet interface configuration.For configuration
information, see Enterprise QoS Solution Reference Network Design Guide.
Information About Defining Network Parameters
DHCP Service
When a Cisco Unified IP phone is connected to the Cisco Unified CME system, it automatically queries for
a Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol (DHCP)server. The DHCPserver responds by assigning an IPaddress
to the Cisco Unified IP phone and providing the IP address of the TFTP server through DHCP option 150.
Then the phone registers with the Cisco Unified CME server and attempts to get configuration and phone
firmware files from the TFTP server.
For configuration information, perform only one of the following procedures to set up DHCPservice for your
IP phones:
• If your Cisco Unified CME router is the DHCP server and you can use a single shared address pool for
all your DHCP clients, see Configure Single DHCP IP Address Pool, on page 127.
• If your Cisco Unified CME router is the DHCP server and you need separate pools for non-IP-phone
DHCP clients, see Configure Separate DHCP IP Address Pool for Each DHCP Client, on page 129.
• If the Cisco Unified CME router is not the DHCP server and you want to relay DHCP requests from IP
phones to a DHCP server on a different router, see Configure DHCP Relay, on page 131.
Network Time Protocol for the Cisco Unified CME Router
Network Time Protocol (NTP) allows you to synchronize your Cisco Unified CME router to a single clock
on the network, known as the clock master. NTP is disabled on all interfaces by default, but it is essential for
Cisco Unified CME so you must ensure that it is enabled. For information about configuring NTP for the
Cisco Unified CME router, see Enable Network Time Protocol, on page 133.
Olson Timezones
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, some Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones and Cisco Unified SIP IP phones
displayed exactly the same time as that of the Cisco Unified CME. For these phones, the correct time was
displayed whenever the Cisco Unified CME time wasset correctly. The clocktimezone, clocksummer-time,
and clock set commands were the only commands used to set the Cisco Unified CME time correctly.
Other phones used only the time-zone command in telephony-service configuration mode and the timezone
command in voice register global configuration mode to specify which time zone they were in so that the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Restrictions for Defining Network Parameters
correct local time was displayed on Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones and Cisco Unified SIP IP phones,
respectively. The phones calculated and displayed the time based on the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
provided by the Cisco Unified CME or the Network Time Protocol server. The problem with this method is
that every time a new country or new time zone was available or an old time zone was changed, the Cisco
Unified CME time-zone and timezone commands and the phone loads had to be updated.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, the Olson Timezone feature eliminates the need to update time
zone commands or phone loads to accommodate a new country with a new time zone or an existing country
whose city or state wants to change their time zone. Oracle’s Olson Timezone updater tool, tzupdater.jar, only
needsto be current for you to set the correct time using the olsontimezone command in either telephony-service
or voice register global configuration mode.
For Cisco Unified 3911 and 3951 SIP IP phones and Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961 SCCP and
SIP IP phones, the correct Olson Timezone updater file is TzDataCSV.csv. The TzDataCSV.csv file is created
based on the tzupdater.jar file.
To set the correct time zone, you must determine the Olson Timezone area/location where the Cisco Unified
CME is located and download the latest tzupdater.jar or TzDataCSV.csv to a TFTP server that is accessible
to the Cisco Unified CME, such as flash or slot 0.
After a complete reboot, the phone checks if the version of its configuration file is earlier or later than 2010o.
If it is earlier, the phone loads the latest tzupdater.jar and uses that updater file to calculate the Olson Timezone.
To make the Olson Timezone feature backward compatible, both the time-zone and timezone commands are
retained as legacy time zones. Because the olsontimezone command covers approximately 500 time zones
(Version 2010o of the tzupdater.jar file supports approximately 453 Olson Timezone IDs.), this command
takes precedence when either the time-zone or the timezone command (that covers a total of 90 to 100 time
zones only) is present at the same time as the olsontimezone command.
For more information on setting the time zone so that the correct local time is displayed on an IP phone, see
Set Olson Timezone for SCCP Phones, on page 134 or Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones, on page 137.
DTMF Relay
IP phones connected to Cisco Unified CME systems require the use of out-of-band DTMF relay to transport
DTMF(keypad) digits across VoIPconnections. The reason for thisisthat the codecs used for in-band transport
may distort DTMF tones and make them unrecognizable. DTMF relay solves the problem of DTMF tone
distortion by transporting DTMF tones out-of-band, or separate, from the encoded voice stream.
For IP phones on H.323 networks, DTMF is relayed using the H.245 alphanumeric method, which is defined
by the ITU H.245 standard. This method separates DTMF digits from the voice stream and sends them as
ASCII characters in H.245 user input indication messages through the H.245 signaling channel instead of the
RTP channel. For information about configuring a DTMF relay in a multisite installation, see Configure
DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks in Multisite Installations, on page 141.
To use remote voice-mail or IVR applications on SIP networks from Cisco Unified CME phones, the DTMF
digits used by the Cisco Unified CME phones must be converted to the RFC 2833 in-band DTMF relay
mechanism used by SIP phones. The SIP DTMF relay method is needed in the following situations:
• When SIP is used to connect a Cisco Unified CME system to a remote SIP-based IVR or voice-mail
• When SIP is used to connect a Cisco Unified CME system to a remote SIP-PSTN voice gateway that
goes through the PSTN to a voice-mail or IVR application.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
DTMF Relay
The requirement for out-of-band DTMF relay conversion is limited to SCCP phones. SIP phones natively
support in-band DTMF relay as specified in RFC 2833.
To use voice mail on a SIP network that connects to a Cisco Unity Express system, which uses a nonstandard
SIP Notify format, the DTMF digits used by the Cisco Unified CME phones must be converted to the Notify
format. Additional configuration may be required for backward compatibility with Cisco CME 3.0 and 3.1.
For configuration information about enabling DTMFrelay forSIPnetworks,see ConfigureSIP TrunkSupport,
on page 142.
SIP Register Support
SIPregistersupport enables aSIPgateway to register E.164 numbers with aSIPproxy orSIPregistrar,similar
to the way that H.323 gateways can register E.164 numbers with a gatekeeper.SIPgateways allow registration
of E.164 numbers to a SIP proxy or registrar on behalf of analog telephone voice ports (FXS) and IP phone
virtual voice ports (EFXS) for local SCCP phones.
When registering E.164 numbers in dial peers with an external registrar, you can also register them with a
secondarySIPproxy or registrar to provide redundancy. The secondary registration can be used if the primary
registrar fails.
Note No commands allow registration between the H.323 and SIP protocols.
By default,SIPgateways do not generateSIP Register messages,so the gateway must be configured to register
the gateway’s E.164 telephone numbers with an external SIP registrar. For information about configuring the
SIP gateway to register phone numbers with Cisco Unified CME, see Configure SIP Trunk Support, on page
When you configure SIP on a router, the ports on all its interfaces are open by default. This makes the
router vulnerable to malicious attackers who can execute toll fraud across the gateway if the router has a
public IP address and a public switched telephone network (PSTN) connection. To eliminate the threat,
you should bind an interface to private IP address that is not accessible by untrusted hosts. In addition,
you should protect any public or untrusted interface by configuring a firewall or an access control list
(ACL) to prevent unwanted traffic from traversing the router.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
SIP Register Support
Define Network Parameters
Enable Calls in Your VoIP Network
Restriction • SIP endpoints are not supported on H.323 trunks. SIP endpoints are supported on SIP trunks only.
• Cisco Unified CME 3.4 and later versions support Media Flow-through mode only; enabling
SIP-to-SIP calls is required before you can successfully make SIP-to-SIP calls.
• Media Flow-around configured with the media flow-around command is not supported by
Cisco Unified CME with SIP phones.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. allow-connections from-type to to-type
5. sip
6. registrar server [expires [max sec] [min sec]]
7. exit
8. sip-ua
9. notify telephone-event max-duration time
10. registrar {dns:host-name | ipv4:ip-address} expires seconds [tcp] [secondary]
11. retry register number
12. timers register time
13. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Define Network Parameters
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice service configuration mode and specifies Voice over IP
(VoIP) encapsulation.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Step 4 allow-connections from-type to to-type Enables calls between specific types of endpoints in a VoIP network.
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to SIP
allow-connections SIP to SIP
• A separate allow-connections command is required for each
type of endpoint to be supported.
Step 5 sip (Optional) Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-srv)# sip
• Required if you are connecting IP phones running SIP directly
in Cisco CME 3.4 and later.
Step 6 registrar server [expires[max sec] [min sec]] (Optional) EnablesSIPregistrar functionality in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-voi-sip)# registrar server
expires max 600 min 60
• Required if you are connecting IP phones running SIP directly
in Cisco CME 3.4 and later.
Cisco Unified CME does not maintain a persistent database
of registration entries acrossreloads. BecauseSIPphones do
not use a keepalive functionality, theSIPphones must register
again. To decrease the amount of time after which the SIP
phones register again, we recommend that you change the
• max sec—(Optional) Range: 600 to 86400. Default: 3600.
Recommended value: 600.
Ensure that the registration expiration timeout isset to a value
smaller than the TCP connection aging timeout to avoid
disconnection from the TCP.
• min sec—(Optional) Range: 60 to 3600. Default: 60.
exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-sip)# exit
Step 7
sip-ua Enters SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Enable Calls in Your VoIP Network
Command or Action Purpose
Configures the maximum time interval allowed between two
consecutive NOTIFY messages for a single DTMF event.
notify telephone-event max-duration time
Router(config-sip-ua)# notify
telephone-event max-duration 2000
Step 9
• max-duration time—Range: 500 to 3000. Default: 2000.
Registers E.164 numbers on behalf of analog telephone voice ports
(FXS) and IP phone virtual voice ports (EFXS) with an external SIP
proxy or SIP registrar server.
registrar {dns:host-name | ipv4:ip-address}
expires seconds [tcp] [secondary]
Router(config-sip-ua)# registrar
ipv4: expires 3600 secondary
Step 10
Setsthe total number ofSIP Register messagesthat the gateway should
retry register number
Router(config-sip-ua)# retry register
Step 11
• number—Number of Register message retries. Range: 1 to 10.
Default: 10.
Sets how long the SIP user agent (UA) waits before sending Register
timers register time
Router(config-sip-ua)# timers register
Step 12
• time—Waiting time, in milliseconds. Range: 100 to 1000.
Default: 500.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# end
Step 13
Configure DHCP
To set up DHCP service for your DHCP clients, perform only one of the following procedures:
• If your Cisco Unified CME router is the DHCP server and you can use a single shared address pool for
all your DHCP clients, see Configure Single DHCP IP Address Pool, on page 127.
• If your Cisco Unified CME router is the DHCP server and you need separate pools for each IP phone
and each non-IP-phone DHCP client, see Configure Separate DHCP IP Address Pool for Each DHCP
Client, on page 129.
• If the Cisco Unified CME router is not the DHCP server and you want to relay DHCP requests from IP
phones to a DHCP server on a different router, see Configure DHCP Relay, on page 131.
Configure Single DHCP IP Address Pool
To create a shared pool of IP addresses for all DHCP clients, perform the following step.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DHCP
Do not perform this task if you already have a DHCP server on the LAN that can be used to provide
addresses to the Cisco Unified CME phones. See Enable Network Time Protocol, on page 133.
A single DHCP IP address pool cannot be used if non-IP-phone clients, such as PCs, must use a different
TFTP server address.
Before You Begin
Your Cisco Unified CME router is a DHCP server.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip dhcp pool pool-name
4. network ip-address [mask | / prefix-length]
5. option 150 ip ip-address
6. default-router ip-address
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Creates a name for the DHCPserver address pool and enters DHCPpool
configuration mode.
ip dhcp pool pool-name
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool mypool
Step 3
network ip-address [mask | / prefix-length] Specifies the IP address of the DHCP address pool to be configured.
Router(config-dhcp)# network
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DHCP
Command or Action Purpose
Specifiesthe TFTPserver addressfrom which the Cisco Unified IPphone
downloads the image configuration file.
option 150 ip ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# option 150 ip
Step 5
• This is your Cisco Unified CME router’s address.
(Optional) Specifies the router that the IP phones will use to send or
receive IP traffic that is external to their local subnet.
default-router ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# default-router
Step 6
• If the Cisco Unified CME router is the only router on the network,
this address should be the Cisco Unified CME IP source address.
This command can be omitted if IPphones need to send or receive
IP traffic only to or from devices on their local subnet.
• The IP address that you specify for default router will be used by
the IP phones for fallback purposes. If the Cisco Unified CME IP
source address becomes unreachable, IP phones will attempt to
register to the address specified in this command.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dhcp)# end
Step 7
What to Do Next
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router, you are ready to configure
NTP for the Cisco Unified CME router. For more information, see Enable Network Time Protocol, on
page 133.
• If you are finished modifying network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router,
see Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Configure Separate DHCP IP Address Pool for Each DHCP Client
To create a DHCPIPaddress pool for each DHCPclient, including non-IP-phone clientssuch asPCs, perform
the following steps.
Do not perform this task if you already have a DHCP server on the LAN that can be used to provide
addresses to the Cisco Unified CME phones. See Enable Network Time Protocol, on page 133.
Restriction To use a separate DHCP IP address pool for each DHCP client, make an entry for each IP phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DHCP
Before You Begin
Your Cisco Unified CME router is a DHCP server.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip dhcp pool pool-name
4. host ip-address subnet-mask
5. client-identifier mac-address
6. option 150 ip ip-address
7. default-router ip-address
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Creates a name for the DHCPserver address pool and enters DHCPpool
configuration mode.
ip dhcp pool pool-name
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool pool2
Step 3
host ip-address subnet-mask Specifies the IP address that you want the phone to get.
Router(config-dhcp)# host
Step 4
Specifies the MAC address of the phone, which is printed on a label on
each Cisco Unified IP phone.
client-identifier mac-address
Router(config-dhcp)# client-identifier
Step 5
• A separate client-identifier command is required for each DHCP
• Add “01” prefix number before the MAC address.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DHCP
Command or Action Purpose
Specifiesthe TFTPserver addressfrom which the Cisco Unified IPphone
downloads the image configuration file.
option 150 ip ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# option 150 ip
Step 6
• This is your Cisco Unified CME router’s address.
(Optional) Specifies the router that the IP phones will use to send or
receive IP traffic that is external to their local subnet.
default-router ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# default-router
Step 7
• If the Cisco Unified CME router is the only router on the network,
this address should be the Cisco Unified CME IP source address.
This command can be omitted if IP phones need to send or receive
IP traffic only to or from devices on their local subnet.
• The IP address that you specify for default router will be used by
the IP phones for fallback purposes. If the Cisco Unified CME IP
source address becomes unreachable, IP phones will attempt to
register to the address specified in this command.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dhcp)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router, you are ready to configure
NTP for the Cisco Unified CME router. See Enable Network Time Protocol, on page 133.
• If you are finished modifying network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router,
see Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Configure DHCP Relay
To set up DHCP relay on the LAN interface where the Cisco Unified IP phones are connected and enable the
DHCP relay to relay requests from the phones to the DHCP server, perform the following steps.
Restriction The Cisco Unified CME router cannot be the DHCP server.
Before You Begin
There is a DHCP server that is not on this Cisco Unified CME router on the LAN that can provide addresses
to the Cisco Unified CME phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DHCP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. service dhcp
4. interface type number
5. ip helper-address ip -address
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
service dhcp Enables the Cisco IOS DHCP server feature on the router.
Router(config)# service dhcp
Step 3
interface type number Enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface.
Router(config)# interface vlan 10
Step 4
Specifies the helper address for any unrecognized broadcast for
TFTP server and DNS server requests.
ip helper-address ip -address
Router(config-if)# ip helper-address
Step 5
• A separate ip helper-address command is required for each
server if the servers are on different hosts.
• You can also configure multiple TFTPserver targets by using
the ip helper-address commands for multiple servers.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-if)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DHCP
What to Do Next
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router, you are ready to configure
NTP for the Cisco Unified CME router. See Enable Network Time Protocol, on page 133.
• If you are finished modifying network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router,
see Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Enable Network Time Protocol
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. clock timezone zone hours-offset [minutes-offset]
4. clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month hh:mm week day month hh:mm [offset]]
5. ntp server ip-address
6. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
clock timezone zone hours-offset [minutes-offset] Sets the local time zone.
Router(config)# clock timezone pst -8
Step 3
clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month (Optional) Specifies daylight savings time.
hh:mm week day month hh:mm [offset]]
Step 4
• Default: summer time is disabled. If the clock
summer-time zone recurring command is specified
Router(config)# clock summer-time pdt recurring without parameters, the summer time rules default to
United States rules. Default of the offset argument is
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Enable Network Time Protocol
Command or Action Purpose
Synchronizes software clock of router with the specified
NTP server.
ntp server ip-address
Router(config)# ntp server
Step 5
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
What to Do Next
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router and if you have a multisite
installation, you are ready to configure a DTMF relay. See Configure DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks
in Multisite Installations, on page 141.
• If Cisco Unified CME will interact with a SIP Gateway, you must set up support for the gateway. See
Configure SIP Trunk Support, on page 142.
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router and you are ready to configure
system parameters. See System-Level Parameters, on page 149.
• If you are finished modifying network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router,
see Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Set Olson Timezone for SCCP Phones
To set the Olson Timezone so that the correct local time is displayed on a Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone,
perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• TzDataCSV.csv file is added to the configuration files of Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961
SCCP IP phones.
• tzupdater.jar file is added to the configuration files of Cisco Unified 7961 SCCP IP phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. tftp-server device: tzupdater.jar
4. tftp-server device: TZDataCSV.csv
5. telephony-service
6. olsontimezone timezone version number
7. create cnf-files
8. time-zone number
9. exit
10. clock timezone zone hours-offset
11. clock summer-time zone date date month year hh:mm date month year hh:mm
12. exit
13. clock set hh:mm:ss day month year
14. configure terminal
15. telephony-service
16. reset
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 tftp-server device: tzupdater.jar Enables access to the tzupdater.jar file on the TFTP server.
Router(config)# tftp-server
• device—TFTPserver that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME,
such as flash or slot 0.
Step 4 tftp-server device: TZDataCSV.csv Enables access to the TZDataCSV.csv file on the TFTP server.
Router(config)# tftp-server
• device—TFTPserver that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME,
such as flash or slot 0.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 5
Sets the Olson Timezone so that the correct local time is displayed on
Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones or Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
olsontimezone timezone version number
Router(config-telephony)# olsontimezone
America/Argentina/Buenos Aires version
Step 6
• timezone—Olson Timezone names, which include the area (name
of continent or ocean) and location (name of a specific location
within that region, usually cities or small islands).
• versionnumber—Version of the tzupdater.jar or TzDataCSV.csv
file. The version indicates whether the file needs to be updated
or not.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the latest version is
Builds the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) configuration files
that are required for Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones in Cisco Unified
create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# create
Step 7
Sets the time zone so that the correct local time is displayed on Cisco
Unified SCCP IP phones.
time-zone number
Router(config-telephony)# time-zone 21
Step 8
• number—Numeric code for a named time zone.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 9
Step 10 clock timezone zone hours-offset Sets the time zone for display purposes.
Router(config)# clock timezone CST -6
• zone—Name of the time zone to be displayed when standard time
is in effect. The length of the zone argument is limited to 7
• hours-offset—Hours difference from UTC.
(Optional) Configuresthe Cisco Unified CME system to automatically
switch to summer time (daylight saving time).
clock summer-time zone date date month
year hh:mm date month year hh:mm
Step 11
Router(config)# clock summer-time CST
date 12 October 2010 2:00 26 April
2011 2:00
• zone—Name of the time zone (for example, “PDT” for Pacific
Daylight Time) to be displayed when summer time is in effect.
The length of the zone argument is limited to 7 characters.
• date—Indicatesthatsummer time should start on the firstspecific
date listed in the command and end on the second specific date
in the command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• date—Date of the month (1 to 31).
• month—Month (January, February, and so on).
• year—Year (1993 to 2035).
• hh:mm—Time (24-hour format) in hours and minutes.
exit Exits global configuration mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 12
Step 13 clock set hh:mm:ss day month year Manually sets the system software clock.
Router# clock set 19:29:00 13 May 2011
• hh:mm:ss—Current time in hours(24-hour format), minutes, and
• day—Current day (by date) in the month.
• month—Current month (by name).
• year—Current year (no abbreviation).
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 14
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 15
Performs a complete reboot of Cisco Unfiied SCCP IP phones
associated with a Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config-telephony)# reset
Step 16
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 17
Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones
To set the Olson Timezone so that the correct local time is displayed on a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone, perform
the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones
Before You Begin
• TzDataCSV.csv file is added to the configuration files of Cisco Unified 3911, 3951, 6921, 6941, 6945,
and 6961 SIP IP phones.
• tzupdater.jar file is added to the configuration files of Cisco Unified 7961 SIP IP phones.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. tftp-server device: tzupdater.jar
4. tftp-server device: TZDataCSV.csv
5. voice register global
6. olsontimezone timezone version number
7. create profile
8. timezone number
9. exit
10. clock timezone zone hours-offset
11. clock summer-time zone date date month year hh:mm date month year hh:mm
12. exit
13. clock set hh:mm:ss day month year
14. configure terminal
15. voice register global
16. reset
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 tftp-server device: tzupdater.jar Enables access to the tzupdater.jar file on the TFTP server.
Router(config)# tftp-server
• device—TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified
CME, such as flash or slot 0.
Step 4 tftp-server device: TZDataCSV.csv Enables access to the TZDataCSV.csv file on the TFTP server.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# tftp-server
• device—TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified
CME, such as flash or slot 0.
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 5
Sets the Olson Timezone so that the correct local time is displayed on
Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones or Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
olsontimezone timezone version number
olsontimezone America/Argentina/Buenos
Aires version 2010o
Step 6
• timezone—Olson Timezone names, which include the area (name
of continent or ocean) and location (name of a specific location
within that region, usually cities or small islands).
• version number—Version of the tzupdater.jar or tzdatacsv.csv
file. The version indicates whether the file needs to be updated
or not.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the latest version is
Generates the configuration profile files required for Cisco Unified
SIP IP phones.
create profile
Router(config-register-global)# create
Step 7
Step 8 timezone number Sets the time zone used for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
Router(config-register-global)# timezone
• number—Range is 1 to 53. Default is 5, Pacific
Standard/Daylight Time.
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 9
Step 10 clock timezone zone hours-offset Sets the time zone for display purposes.
Router(config)# clock timezone CST -6
• zone—Name of the time zone to be displayed when standard
time is in effect. The length of the zone argument is limited to 7
• hours-offset—Hours difference from UTC.
(Optional) Configuresthe Cisco Unified CME system to automatically
switch to summer time (daylight saving time).
clock summer-time zone date date month
year hh:mm date month year hh:mm
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# clock summer-time CST
date 12 October 2010 2:00 26 April 2011
• zone—Name of the time zone (for example, “PDT” for Pacific
Daylight Time) to be displayed when summer time is in effect.
The length of the zone argument is limited to 7 characters.
• date—Indicates that summer time should start on the first
specific date listed in the command and end on the second
specific date in the command.
• date—Date of the month (1 to 31).
• month—Month (January, February, and so on).
• year—Year (1993 to 2035).
• hh:mm—Time (24-hour format) in hours and minutes.
exit Exits global configuration mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 12
Step 13 clock set hh:mm:ss day month year Manually sets the system software clock.
Router# clock set 15:25:00 17 November
• hh:mm:ss—Current time in hours (24-hour format), minutes,
and seconds.
• day—Current day (by date) in the month.
• month—Current month (by name).
• year—Current year (no abbreviation).
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 14
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 15
Performs a complete reboot of Cisco Unified SIP phones associated
with a Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config-register-global)# reset
Step 16
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 17
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Set Olson Timezone for SIP Phones
Configure DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks in Multisite Installations
To configure DTMF relay for H.323 networks in a multisite installation only, perform the following steps.
Note To configure DTMF relay on SIP networks, see Configure SIP Trunk Support, on page 142.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip
4. dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
dial-peer voice tag voip Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2 voip
Step 3
Specifiesthe H.245 alphanumeric method for relaying dual
tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones between telephony
interfaces and an H.323 network.
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
• To set up support for a SIP trunk, see Configure SIP Trunk Support, on page 142.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks in Multisite Installations
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router and you are ready to configure
system parameters. For more information, see System-Level Parameters, on page 149.
• If you are finished modifying network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router,
see Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Configure SIP Trunk Support
To enable DTMF relay on a dial-peer for a SIP gateway and set up the gateway to register phone numbers
with Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip
4. dtmf-relay rtp-nte
5. dtmf-relay sip-notify
6. exit
7. sip-ua
8. notify telephone-event max-duration msec
9. registrar {dns: host-name | ipv4: ip-address} expires seconds [tcp] [secondary]
10. retry register number
11. timers register msec
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
dial-peer voice tag voip Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2 voip
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure SIP Trunk Support
Command or Action Purpose
Forwards DTMFtones by using Real-Time TransportProtocol
(RTP) with the Named Telephone Event (NTE) payload type
and enables DTMFrelay using the RFC 2833 standard method.
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay rtp-nte
Step 4
dtmf-relay sip-notify Forwards DTMF tones using SIP NOTIFY messages.
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay
Step 5
exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 6
sip-ua Enters SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 7
Sets the maximum milliseconds allowed between two
consecutive NOTIFY messages for a single DTMF event.
notify telephone-event max-duration msec
Router(config-sip-ua)# notify
telephone-event max-duration 2000
Step 8
• max-durationtime—Range: 500 to 3000. Default: 2000.
Registers E.164 numbers on behalf of analog telephone voice
ports (FXS) and IP phone virtual voice ports (EFXS) with an
external SIP proxy or SIP registrar server.
registrar {dns: host-name | ipv4: ip-address}
expires seconds [tcp] [secondary]
Router(config-sip-ua)# registrar
ipv4: expires 3600 secondary
Step 9
Setsthe total number ofSIP Register messagesthat the gateway
should send.
retry register number
Router(config-sip-ua)# retry register 10
Step 10
• number—Number of Register message retries.
Range: 1 to 10. Default: 10.
Sets how long the SIP user agent (UA) waits before sending
Register requests.
timers register msec
Router(config-sip-ua)# timers register 500
Step 11
• time—Waiting time, in milliseconds. Range: 100 to 1000.
Default: 500.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# end
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configure SIP Trunk Support
Verify SIP Trunk Support Configuration
To verify SIP trunk configuration, perform the following steps in any order.
Step 1 show sip-ua status
Use this command to display the time interval between consecutive NOTIFY messages for a telephone event. In the
following example, the time interval is 2000 ms:
Router# show sip-ua status
SIP User Agent Status
SIP User Agent for UDP :ENABLED
SIP User Agent for TCP :ENABLED
SIP User Agent bind status(signaling):DISABLED
SIP User Agent bind status(media):DISABLED
SIP early-media for 180 responses with SDP:ENABLED
SIP max-forwards :6
SIP DNS SRV version:2 (rfc 2782)
NAT Settings for the SIP-UA
Role in SDP:NONE
Check media source packets:DISABLED
Maximum duration for a telephone-event in NOTIFYs:2000 ms
Redirection (3xx) message handling:ENABLED
SDP application configuration:
Version line (v=) required
Owner line (o=) required
Timespec line (t=) required
Media supported:audio image
Network types supported:IN
Address types supported:IP4
Transport types supported:RTP/AVP udptl
Step 2 show sip-ua timers
This command displays the waiting time before Register requests are sent; that is, the value that has been set with the
timers register command.
Step 3 show sip-ua register status
This command displays the status of local E.164 registrations.
Step 4 show sip-ua statistics
This command displays the Register messages that have been sent.
Change the TFTP Address on a DHCP Server
To change the TFTP IP address after it has already been configured, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Verify SIP Trunk Support Configuration
If the DHCPserver is on a different router than Cisco Unified CME, reconfigure the external DHCPserver
with the new IP address of the TFTP server.
Before You Begin
Your Cisco Unified CME router is a DHCP server.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip dhcp pool pool-name
4. option 150 ip ip-address
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters DHCP pool configuration mode to create or modify a
DHCP pool.
ip dhcp pool pool-name
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool pool2
Step 3
• pool-name—Previously configured unique identifier for
the pool to be configured.
Specifies the TFTP server IP address from which the
Cisco Unified IP phone downloads the image configuration file,
option 150 ip ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# option 150 ip
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dhcp)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Change the TFTP Address on a DHCP Server
Configuration Examples for Network Parameters
NTP Server
The following example definesthe pst timezone as 8 hours offset from UTC, using a recurring daylightsavings
time called pdt, and synchronizes the clock with the NTP server at
clock timezone pst -8
clock summer-time pdt recurring
ntp server
DTMF Relay for H.323 Networks
The following excerpt from the show running-config command output shows a dial peer configured to use
H.245 alphanumeric DTMF relay:
dial-peer voice 4000 voip
destination-pattern 4000
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
Where to Go Next
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router, you are ready to configure
system-level parameters. See System-Level Parameters, on page 149.
• If you modified network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router, you are ready
to generate the configuration file to save the modifications.See ConfigurationFiles forPhones, on page
Feature Information for Network Parameters
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Configuration Examples for Network Parameters
Table 9: Feature Information for Network Parameters
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Eliminates the need to update time
zone commands or phone loads to
accommodate a new country with
a new time zone or an existing
country whose city or state wants
to change their time zone, using the
olsontimezone command in either
telephony-service or voice register
global configuration mode.
Olson Timezone 9.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Feature Information for Network Parameters
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Network Parameters
Feature Information for Network Parameters
System-Level Parameters
• Prerequisites for System-Level Parameters, page 149
• Information About Configuring System-Level Parameters, page 149
• Configure System-Level Parameters, page 167
• Configuration Examples for System-Level Parameters, page 209
• Where to Go Next, page 219
• Feature Information for System-Level Parameters, page 219
Prerequisites for System-Level Parameters
• To directly connect Cisco Unified IP phones that are running Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in
Cisco Unified CME, Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version must be installed on the router. For installation
information, see Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 101.
• Cisco Unified CME must be configured to work with your IP network. For configuration information,
see Network Parameters, on page 121.
Information About Configuring System-Level Parameters
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 enhances the bulk registration feature for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones by optimizing
the two main transactions involved in bulk registration process and minimizing the number of required
messagesto be sent to the phones. The bulk registration processinvolvesthe following two main transactions:
• Register—Register transaction handles per line REGISTER messages coming to Cisco Unified CME
and provisions phone DNs by creating dialpeers and various phone data structures.
• Phone Status Update—Phone status update transaction sends back device information using REFER
and NOTIFY messages.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
In Cisco Unified CME 8.6, the bulk registration process consists of only one REGISTER message per phone
instead of one REGISTER message per phone per line, thus reducing any negative impact on your router’s
performance. For information on configuring bulk registration, see Configure Bulk Registration for SIP IP
Phones, on page 174.
The show voice register pool command displays the registration method a phone uses: per line, bulk-in
progress, or bulk-completed. The per line option indicates that the phone is using the per line registration
process. The bulk-in progress option indicates that the phone is using the bulk registration process but the
registration process is not complete yet. The bulk-completed option indicates that the phone is registered using
the bulk registration process and the registration process is complete. For information on verifying the phone
registration process, see Verify Phone Registration Type and Status, on page 175.
The bulk registration feature in Cisco Unified CME 8.6 optimizes line registration on SIP phones and is
a phone interop feature. The bulk registration feature is not related to the bulk command under voice
register global configuration mode.
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME, the registration process was very lengthy and severalSIP messages
were exchanged between the end points and Cisco Unified CME to properly provision the phone.
Table 10: Number of Messages Required for an Eight-Button IP Phone, on page 150 lists the number of
messages required to register an eight-button Cisco Unified SIP IP phone, where all of the eight buttons can
be configurd as a shared line with message waiting indicator (MWI) notification enabled, to Cisco Unified CME.
Table 10: Number of Messages Required for an Eight-Button IP Phone
Total number of
messages (bulk)
Total number of
messages (per
Number of
Messages Per
Transactions Method
Register REGISTER 2 8 24 3
6 2
NOTIFY (mwi,
Phone Status
SUBSCRIBE 4 8 32 32
Total 78 37
You can see from the preceding table that more than 70 messages are required to register one 8-button IP
phone. If there is a simultaneous registration of more phones, the amount of messages can be overwhelming
and can have a negative impact on the performance of the router.
With the enhanced bulk registration process, the two main transactions (Register and Phone Status Update)
are optimized to minimize the number of messages required to complete the phone registration process. Table
10: Number of Messages Required for an Eight-Button IP Phone, on page 150 shows that the total number of
messages required for bulk registration is only 37.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
Register Transaction
The following is an example of the REGISTER message:
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK53f227fc
From: ;tag=001b2a893698027db8ea0454-26b9fb0c
Call-ID: 001b2a89-3698011e-280209a4-567e339c@
Max-Forwards: 70
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:18:34 GMT
User-Agent: Cisco-CP7970G/8.4.0
Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="cisco-alarm:23 Name=SEP001B2A893698 Load=SIP70.8-4-2-30S
Expires: 3600
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=uniqueBoundary
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Length: 982
Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml
Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional
< x-cisco-remotecc-request >
< contact all="true" >
< register > < /register >
< /contact >
< /bulkregisterreq >
< /x-cisco-remotecc-request >
Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml
Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
< x-cisco-remotecc-request >
< optionsind >
< combine max="6" >
< remotecc >
< status > < /status >
< /remotecc >
< service-control > < /service-control >
< /combine >
< dialog usage="hook status" >
< unot > < /unot >
< sub > < /sub >
< /dialog >
< dialog usage="shared line" >
< unot > < /unot >
< sub > < /sub >
< /dialog >
< presence usage="blf speed dial" >
< unot > < /unot >
< sub > < /sub >
< /presence >
< joinreq > < /joinreq >
< /optionsind >
< /x-cisco-remotecc-request >
The following is an example of a response to the preceding REGISTER message:
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:18:41 GMT
From: < sip:6010@ > ;tag=001b2a893698027db8ea0454-26b9fb0c
Content-Length: 603
To: < sip:6010@ > ;tag=E2556C-6C1
Contact: < sip:6010@;transport=tcp > ;expires=3600;x-cisco-newreg
Expires: 3600
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=uniqueBoundary
Call-ID: 001b2a89-3698011e-280209a4-567e339c@
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK53f227fc
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
Server: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x
Mime-Version: 1.0
> < x-cisco-remotecc-response > < response > < code > 200 < /code > < optionsind >
< combine max="6" > < remotecc >
< status/ > < /remotecc > < service-control/ > < /combine > < dialog usage="shared
line" > < sub/ > < /dialog >
< presence usage="blf speed dial" > < sub/ > < /presence > < /optionsind > < /response
> < /x-cisco-remotecc-response >
Phone Status Update Transaction
Cisco Unified IP phones use the option indication to negotiate supported options with Cisco Unified CME
via remotecc request. Cisco Unified CME selects an option or options that it wishes to support and return it
in the response. Cisco Unified CME ignores items (elements, attributes, and values) that it fails to understand.
A new phone option, combine, is defined to optimize phone status update. This option combines remotecc
status information (cfwdall, privacy, dnd, bulk mwi) and service-control. The following is an example of a
combined status update:
The following is another example of a combined status update:
To minimize the data size, Cisco Unified CME and the phone agree ahead of time on a default value to apply
updates. Therefore, during initial registration, Cisco Unified CME will not send the value if it matches the
agreed upon default. Table 11: Status Information and Default, on page 153 captures the existing status
information and applicable default value.
Table 11: Status Information and Default
Status Default Initialization
Always send regardless of the
CallForwardAll Update No default
Only send if the value is not equal
to the default
Privacyrequest Disabled
Only send if value is not equal to
the default
DnDupdate Disabled
Bulkupdate (MWI) No default Always send regardless of value
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
During bulk registration, Cisco Unified CME uses a single REFER message to send combined phone status
update message for phone status updates such as cfwdallupdate, privacyrequet, DnDupdate, and Bulkupdate
(MWI) instead ofsending phone statusin individual NOTIFY or REFER message to the phone. The following
is an example of the single REFER message sent by Cisco Unified CME to the phone:
REFER sip:6010@ SIP/2.0
Content-Id: <1483336>
From: ;tag=E256D4-2316
Timestamp: 1267579121
Content-Length: 934
User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x
Require: norefersub
Refer-To: cid:1483336
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=uniqueBoundary
Call-ID: 89CBE590-259911DF-80589501-4E753388@
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKA22639
CSeq: 101 REFER
Max-Forwards: 70
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml
Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml
Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml
Content-Type: text/plain
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified IP phones use the TCP for registration refresh. TCP socket has a default keepalive time out
session of 60 minutes. If registration refresh to Cisco Unified CME does not takes place within an hour
(60 minutes), the TCP connection will be removed. This will make the phones restart instead of refresh.
To stop the phones from restarting, adjust the registrar expire timer under voice service voip or set the
timer connection aging under sip-ua to a value greater than what the phone uses for registration refreshes.
For example, if the phone does a registration refresh every 60 minutes, then setting up a timer connection
aging to 100 minutes will guarantee that the TCP keeps the connection open. Or you can set the registrar
expire maximum value to less than 3600.
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) packet marking is used to specify the class of service for each
packet. Cisco Unified IP Phones get their DSCP information from the configuration file that is downloaded
to the device.
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME, the DSCP value is predefined. In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
versions, you can configure the DSCP value for different types of network traffic. Cisco Unified CME
downloads the configured DSCP value to SCCP and SIP phones in their configuration files and all control
messages and flow-through RTP streams are marked with the configured DSCP value. This allows you to set
different DSCP values, for example, for video streams and audio streams.
For configuration information, see Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones , on page 175 or Set Up
Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones, on page 192.
Maximum Ephones in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and Later Versions
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, the max-ephones command is enhanced to set the maximum
number of SCCP phones that can register to Cisco Unified CME, without limiting the number that can be
configured. In previous versions of Cisco Unified CME, the max-ephones command defined the maximum
number of phones that could be both configured and registered.
This enhancement expands the maximum number of phones that can be configured to 1000. The maximum
number of phones that can register to Cisco Unified CME has not changed; it is dependent on the number of
phones supported by the hardware platform and is limited by the max-ephones command.
This enhancement supports features, such as Extension Assigner, that require you to configure more phones
than can register. For example, if you set the max-ephones command to 50 and configure 100 ephones, only
50 phones can register to Cisco Unified CME, one at a time in random order. The remaining 50 phones cannot
register and an error message displays for each rejected phone. This enhancement also allows you to assign
ephone tags that match the extension number of the phone, for extensions up to 1000.
If you reduce the value of the max-ephones command, currently registered phones are not forced to unregister
until a reboot. If the number of registered phones, however, is already equal to or more than the max-ephones
value, no additional phones can register to Cisco Unified CME. If you increase the value of the max-ephones
command, the previously rejected ephones are able to register immediately until the new limit is reached.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
For Cisco IntegratedServices Router 4351, you can set the max-ephones value to 3925.For Cisco Integrated
Services Router 4331, you can set the max-ephones value to 2921. For Cisco Integrated Services Router
4321, you can set the max-ephones value to 2901. For Cisco Integrated Services Router 4400 series, you
can set the max-ephones value to 4451.
Network Time Protocol for SIP Phones
Although SIP phones can synchronize to a Cisco Unified CME router, the router can lose its clock after a
reboot causing phones to display the wrong time. SIP phones registered to a Cisco Unified CME router can
synchronize to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. Synchronizing to an NTP server ensures that SIP
phones maintain the correct time. For configuration information, see Set Network Time Protocol for SIP
Phones, on page 199.
Per-Phone Configuration Files
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can use an external TFTPserver to off load the TFTPserver
function on the Cisco Unified CME router. Using flash memory or slot 0 memory on the Cisco Unified CME
router allows you to use different configuration files for each phone type or for each phone, permitting you
to specify different user locales and network locales for different phones. Before Cisco Unified CME 4.0, you
could specify only a single default user and network locale for a Cisco Unified CME system.
You can specify one of the following four locations to store configuration files:
• System—This is the default. When system:/its is the storage location, there is only one default
configuration file for all phonesin the system. All phones, therefore, use the same user locale and network
locale. User-defined locales are not supported.
• Flash or slot 0—When flash memory or slot 0 memory on the router is the storage location, you can
create additional configuration files to apply per phone type or per individual phone. Up to five user and
network locales can be used in these configuration files.
When the storage location you selected is flash memory and the file system type on this device is Class
B (LEFS), you must check the free space on the device periodically and use the squeeze command to free
the space used up by deleted files. Unless you use the squeeze command, the space used by the moved
or deleted configuration files cannot be used by other files. Rewriting flash memory space during the
squeeze operation may take several minutes. We recommend that you use this command during scheduled
maintenance periods or off-peak hours.
• TFTP—When an external TFTP server is the storage location, you can create additional configuration
files that can be applied per phone type or per individual phone. Up to five user and network locales can
be used in these configuration files.
You can then specify one of the following ways to create configuration files:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Network Time Protocol for SIP Phones
• Per system—This is the default. All phones use a single configuration file. The default user and network
locale in a single configuration file are applied to all phones in the Cisco Unified CME system. Multiple
locales and user-defined locales are not supported.
• Per phone type—This setting creates separate configuration files for each phone type. For example, all
Cisco Unified IPPhone 7960s use XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml, and all Cisco Unified IPPhone 7905s use
XMLDefault7905.cnf.xml. All phones of the same type use the same configuration file, which is generated
using the default user and network locale. This option is not supported if you store the configuration
files in the system:/its location.
• Per phone—This setting creates a separate configuration file for each phone by MAC address. For
example, a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 with the MAC address 123.456.789 creates the per-phone
configuration file SEP123456789.cnf.xml. The configuration file for a phone is generated with the
default user and network locale unless a different user and network locale is applied to the phone using
an ephone template. This option is not supported if you store the configuration files in the system:/its
For configuration information, see Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP
Phones, on page 181.
HFS Download Support for IP Phone Firmware and Configuration Files
Legacy IP phones access the TFTP server to download firmware and configuration files but Cisco Unified
CME 8.8 enhances download support for SIP phone firmware, scripts, midlets, and configuration files using
the HTTP File-Fetch Server (HFS) infrastructure.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.8 and later versions,SIPphones use an HTTPserver asthe primary download service
when it is configured and access a TFTP server as a secondary or fallback option when the HTTP server fails.
Note When the HFS download service is not configured, SIP phones automatically access the TFTP server.
The following scenario shows a successful download sequence using an HTTP server:
An IP phone initiates TCP connection to port 6970. A connection is established and an internal request for a
file is sent to the HTTP server. The phone receives the HTTP response status code of 200, signifying that the
download is successful.
The following scenario shows a download sequence that begins with an IP phone using an HTTP server to
download files and ends with a TFTP server as a fallback option when the initial download attempt fails:
An IPphone initiates TCPconnection to port 6970 but is unable to establish a connection. The phone contacts
the TFTP server and sends an internal request for a file. The file is successfully downloaded from the TFTP
The following scenario shows how a download sequence that starts with an HTTP server does not always fall
back to the TFTP server when the initial download attempt fails:
An IP phone initiates TCP connection to port 6970. A connection is established and an internal request for a
file is sent to the HTTP server. The phone receives the HTTP response status code of 404, signifying that the
file requested could not be found. Because the file cannot be found, the request is not sent to the TFTP server.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Per-Phone Configuration Files
The configuration files are shared by the HTTPand TFTPservers. However, the firmware files are different
for each server.
For more information on Phone Firmware Files, see Install and Upgrade Cisco Unified CME Software, on
page 101.
For more information on Per-Phone Configuration Files, see Per-Phone Configuration Files, on page 156.
For more information on Configuration Files for Phones in Cisco Unified CME, see Generate Configuration
Files for Phones, on page 388.
Enable HFS Service
To enable the HFS download service, the underlying HTTP server must be enabled first because the HFS
infrastructure is built on top of an existing IOS HTTP server.
Router(config)# ip http server
This HFS infrastructure enables multiple HTTP services to co-exist. The HFS download service runs on
custom port 6970 but can also share default port 80 with other services. Other HTTP services run on other
non-standard ports like 1234.
Router(config)# ip http server
Router(config)# ip http port1234
The HFS download service starts when the following is configured in telephony-service configuration mode.
For the default port:
Router(config-telephony)# hfs enable
For the custom port:
Router(config-telephony)# hfs enable port 6970
If the entered custom HFS port clashes with the underlying IP HTTP port, an error message is displayed
and the command is disallowed.
In the following example, port 6970 is configured as the IP HTTPport. When the HFSport is configured with
the same value, an error message is displayed to show that the port is already in use.
Router (config)# ip http port 6970
Router (config)# telephony-service
Router (config-telephony)# hfs enable port 6970
Error Message Invalid port number or port in use by other application
Explanation The HFS port number is already in use by the underlying IP HTTP server.
Recommended Action Use an HFS port that is different from the underlying IP HTTP port.
Because IP phones are hardcoded to use port 6970 to connect to Cisco Unified CME, you must search for
other applicationsrunning on port 6970 and assign them with ports different from 6970 to prevent a failure
in connecting to Cisco Unified CME.
For configuration information, see Enable HFS Download Service for SIP Phones, on page 200.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Per-Phone Configuration Files
File Binding and Fetching
File binding and fetching using the HTTP server can be classified into two:
• Explicit binding – The create profile command triggers the system to generate the configuration and
firmware files and store them in RAM or a flash memory. The system asks the new internal application
programming interfaces (APIs) implemented by the HFS download service to bind the filename and
alias that an IP phone wants to access to their corresponding URL.
• Loose binding – The HFSdownload service enablesthe Cisco Unified CME system to configure a home
path from where any requested firmware file that has no explicit binding can be searched and fetched.
The files can be stored on any device (such as flash memory or NVRAM) under a root directory or a
suitable subdirectory.
No matter how the system is configured, if there is no explicit binding, the files will go to the home
An advantage of the HFSservice over the TFTPservice isthat only the absolute path where the firmware
files are located needs to be configured in telephony-service configuration mode.
For example:
Router(config-telephony)# hfs home-path flash:/cme/loads/
In contrast, the TFTP service requires that each file be explicitly bound to its URL using the following
tftp-server command:
tftp-server flash: SCCP70.8-3-3-14S.loads
The method is inefficient because this step must be repeated for each file that needs to be fetched using
the TFTP server.
For information on verifying HFS file bindings, see Example for Verifying the HFS File Bindings of Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phone Configuration and Firmware Files, on page 214.
For information on how to configure the home path, see Configure HFS Home Path for SIP Phone Firmware
Files, on page 202.
Locale Installer
Installing and configuring locale files in Cisco Unified CME when using an HTTP server is the same as when
using a TFTP server.
For configuration information, see Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions,
on page 419.
Security Recommendations
Like any access interface, the HFS download service can open router files that should only be accessed by
authorized persons. Security issues are made more severe by the fact that the HFS download service is HTTP
based, enabling anyone with a simple web browser to access sensitive files, such as configuration or image
files, by entering a random string of words.
However, the HFS security problem is restricted to the loose binding operation, where the administrator
provides an HFS home path in which the phone firmware and other related files are stored.
In the case where a unique directory path (where only the phone firmware files are stored) is used as the HFS
home path
(config-telephony)# hfs home-path flash:/cme/loads/
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Per-Phone Configuration Files
only those files that are in flash:/cme/loads/ can be accessed.
But when it is the root directory path that is used as the HFS home path
(config-telephony)# hfs home-path flash:/
there is a risk of making configuration files and system images, which are stored in the root directory shared
with the phone firmware files, accessible to unauthorized persons.
The following are two recommendations on how to make firmware files inaccessible to unauthorized persons:
• Create a unique directory, which is not shared by any other application or used for any other purpose,
fpr IP phone firmware files. Using a root directory as the HFS home path is not recommended.
• Use the ip http access-class command to specify the access list that should be used to restrict access to
the HTTP server. Before the HTTP server accepts a connection, it checks the access list. If the check
fails, the HTTP server does not accept the request for a connection.
Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SCCP Phones
A second Cisco Unified CME router can be configured to provide call-control services if the primary
Cisco Unified CME router fails. The secondary Cisco Unified CME router provides uninterrupted services
until the primary router becomes operational again.
When a phone registers to the primary router, it receives a configuration file from the primary router. Along
with other information, the configuration file contains the IP addresses of the primary and secondary
Cisco Unified CME routers. The phone uses these addresses to initiate a keepalive (KA) message to each
router. The phone sends a KA message after every KA interval (30 seconds by default) to the router with
which it is registered and after every two KA intervals (60 seconds by default) to the other router. The KA
interval can be adjusted.
If the primary router fails, a phone will not receive an acknowledgment (ACK) to its KA message to the
primary router. If the phone does not get an ACK from the primary router for three consecutive KAs, it registers
with the secondary Cisco Unified CME router.
During the time that the phone isregistered to the secondary router, it keepssending a KA probe to the primary
router to see if it has come back up, now every 60 seconds by default or two times the normal KA interval.
After the primary Cisco Unified CME router returns to normal operation, the phone starts receiving ACKs
for its probes. After the phone receives ACKs from the primary router for three consecutive probes, it switches
back to the primary router and re-registers with it. The re-registration of phones with the primary router is
also called rehoming.
The physical setup for redundant Cisco Unified CME routers is as follows. The FXO line from the PSTN is
split using a splitter. From the splitter, one line goes to the primary Cisco Unified CME router and the other
line goes to the secondary Cisco Unified CME router. When a call comes in on the FXO line, it is presented
to both the primary and secondary Cisco Unified CME routers. The primary router is configured by default
to answer the call immediately. The secondary Cisco Unified CME router is configured to answer the call
after three rings. If the primary router is operational, it answers the call immediately and changes the call state
so that the secondary router does not try to answer it. If the primary router is unavailable and does not answer
the call, the secondary router sees the new call coming in and answers after three rings.
The secondary Cisco Unified CME router should be connected in some way on the LAN, either through the
same switch or through another switch that may or may not be connected to the primary Cisco Unified CME
router directly. As long as both routers and the phones are connected on the LAN with the appropriate
configurations in place, the phones can register to whichever router is active.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SCCP Phones
Configure primary and secondary Cisco Unified CME routers identically, with the exception that the FXO
voice port from the PSTN on the secondary router should be configured to answer after more rings than the
primary router, as previously explained. The same command is used on both routersto specify the IPaddresses
of the primary and secondary routers.
For configuration information, see Configure Redundant Router for SCCP Phones, on page 184.
Restriction • Due to lack of High Availability support, Stateful Swtichover or preservation of active calls is not
supported in the redundancy feature offered by Unified CME.
• The physical setup for redundant Cisco Unified CME routers only support Loop start signaling. The
Ground start signaling is not supported.
Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SIP Phones
A secondary Cisco Unified CME router can be configured to provide call-controlservicesif the primary Cisco
Unified CME router fails. The secondary Cisco Unified CME router provides uninterrupted services until the
primary router becomes operational again.
When a SIP phone registers to the primary router, it receives a configuration file from the primary router.
Along with other information, the configuration file contains the IP addresses of the primary and secondary
Cisco Unified CME routers. The phone uses these addresses to initiate a keepalive (KA) message to the
secondary CME router. The phone sends a REGISTER message to the primary router for registration and a
keepalive REGISTER message with Expires=0, to the secondary router during the keepalive interval (every
120 seconds by default). The keepalive interval can be configured (Range is 120 to 65535).
If primary router fails, a SIP phone (on registration refresh) will not receive a successful response for its
REGISTER message. On unsuccessful response from primary router, phone registers with the secondary
router. When the phone is registered to the secondary router, phone sends keepalive REGISTER (Expires=0)
messages to the primary router.
After the primary Cisco Unified CME router returnsto normal operation, the phone sends a "token-registration"
to the primary router seeking permission to move registration of the phone from the standby secondary router
to the primary router. To obtain a token, theSIPphonessends a Out-of-Dialog REFER message to the primary
router for registration. The primary router accepts the token by responding with a 202 Accepted response.
When the SIP phones receive the token (202 Accepted response) from the primary router, the phones will
immediately de-register from the secondary router by sending a REGISTER message with Expires=0 for each
line and registers back to the primary router. The re-registration of phones with the primary router is called
No signaling or media preservation is done for any active calls on Unified CME. Hence during failover on
primary CME, calls would remain in active state. But media would not be present for those calls. The SIP
phones will not register to the secondary router until the active call is disconnected.
The secondary Cisco Unified CME router is connected directly to the same SIP trunk as the primary Cisco
Unified CME router. As long as both routers and the phones are connected on the LAN with the appropriate
configurationsin place, the phones can register to whichever router is active. You should configure the primary
and secondary Cisco Unified CME routers identically. The same command is used on both routers to specify
the IP addresses of the primary and secondary routers.
For configuration information, see Configure Redundant Router for SIP Phones, on page 186.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SIP Phones
Restriction • Due to lack of High Availability support, Stateful Swtichover or preservation of active calls is not
supported in the redundancy feature offered by Unified CME.
The following system-level timeout parameters have default values that are generally adequate:
• Busy Timeout—Length of time that can elapse after a transferred call reaches a busy signal before the
call is disconnected.
• Interdigit Timeout—Length of time that can elapse between the receipt of individual dialed digits before
the dialing process times out and is terminated. If the timeout ends before the destination is identified,
a tone sounds and the call ends. This value is important when using variable-length dial-peer destination
patterns (dial plans).
• Ringing Timeout—Length of time a phone can ring with no answer before returning a disconnect code
to the caller. Thistimeout is used only for extensionsthat do not have no-answer call forwarding enabled.
The ringing timeout prevents hung calls received over interfaces, such as FXO, that do not have
forward-disconnect supervision.
• Keepalive—Interval determines how often a message is sent between the router and Cisco Unified IP
phones, over the session, to ensure that the keepalive timeout is not exceeded. If no other traffic is sent
over the session during the interval, a keepalive message is sent.
For configuration information, see Modify Defaults for Timeouts for SCCP Phones, on page 182.
IPv6 Support for Cisco Unified CME SCCP Endpoints
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), which is the latest version of the Internet Protocol (IP) that uses packets
to exchange data, voice, and video traffic over digital networks, increases the number of network address bits
from 32 bitsin IPv4 to 128 bits. IPv6 support in Cisco Unified CME allowsthe network to behave transparently
in a dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) environment and provides additional IP address space to SCCP phones and
devices that are connected to the network. For information on configuring DHCP for IPv6, see Network
Parameters, on page 121.
Before Cisco Unified CME 8.0, SCCP supported IPv4 addresses (4 bytes) only. With Cisco Unified CME
8.0, the SCCP version is upgraded to store IPv6 address (16 bytes) also.
The followingSCCPphones and devices are supported on IPv6: 7911, 7931, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE,
7970G, 7971G, 7971G-GE, 7942, 7962, 7945, 7965, 7975, SCCP analogue gateway, Xcoder, and Hardware
Conference devices. For more information on configuring SCCP IP phones for IPv6 source address, see
Configure IPv6 Source Address for SCCP IP Phones, on page 169.
You must disable Alternative Network Address Transport (ANAT) globally for SIP lines if you have a
Cisco Unified CME with a dual-stack SIP trunk and enable ANAT at dial-peer level for the SIP trunk.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Support for IPv4-IPv6 (Dual-Stack)
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 can interact with and support any SCCP devices that support IPv4 only or both IPv4
and IPv6 (dual-stack). In dual-stack mode, two IPaddresses are assigned to an interface, one is an IPv4 address
and the other is an IPv6 address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 stacks are enabled on the voice gateways so that
applications can interact with both versions of IP addresses. To support devices that use IPv4 only, IPv6 only,
or both IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack) addresses, you must ensure that the Cisco Unified CME has both IPv4
address and IPv6 address enabled. For more information, see Configure IP Phones in IPv4, IPv6, or Dual
Stack Mode, on page 167.
Media Flow Through and Flow Around
Media transport modes, such as flow around and flow through, are used to transport media packets across
endpoints. Media flow around enables media packets to pass directly between the endpoints, without the
intervention of the IP-IP Gateway (IPIPGW). Media flow through enables media packets to pass through the
endpoints, without the intervention of the IPIPGW.
Table 12: Call Flow Scenarios Between IPv4 only, IPv6 only, and Dual-Stack, on page 163 lists media
flow-through and flow-around scenarios between endpoints that support IPv4, IPv6, and dual- stack. When
both endpoints are IPv4 only or IPv6 only, the call flows around. When one endpoint is IPv4 and the other is
IPv6, calls flow through. When one endpoint is dual-stack and the other IPv4 or IPv6 the calls flow around.
When both endpoints are dual-stack calls flow around or follows the preference (preferred IPaddress version)
selected by protocol mode in dual-stack.
Table 12: Call Flow Scenarios Between IPv4 only, IPv6 only, and Dual-Stack
IP Versions IPv4 Only IPv6 Only Dual-Stack
Flow Around Flow Through Flow Around 1
IPv4 Only
IPv6 Only Flow Through Flow Around Flow Around/IPv6
Dual-Stack Flow Around/IPv4 Flow Around/IPv6 Flow Around/Preference
1 When MTP is configured under ephones all the call flow-around scenarios change to flow-through. This is also applicable to cross-VRF endpoints.
Media Flow Around Support for SIP-SIP Trunk Calls
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions support the media flow around functionality for SIP to SIP trunk
calls on Cisco Unified CME, allowing less consumption of resources on Cisco Unified CME.
The media flow around feature eliminates the need to terminate RTP and re-originate on Cisco Unified CME.
This reduces media switching latency and increases the call handling capacity for a Cisco Unified CME SIP
Media flow around is supported in the following scenarios:
• Single Number Reach (SNR) Push—If an SNR call on a SIP trunk is pushed over to a mobile user over
another SIP trunk, the resulting connection is a SIP-SIP trunk call connection. If both SIP trunks are
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Support for IPv4-IPv6 (Dual-Stack)
configured for media flow around, the media is allowed to flow around Cisco Unified CME for the
resulting call.
• Call Forward—If a SIP trunk call is forwarded over another SIP trunk and both the SIP trunks are
configured for media flow around, media flows around Cisco Unified CME for the resulting SIP-SIP
trunk call. Media flow around is supported for all types of call forwarding, such as call forward
night-service, call forward all, call forward busy, and call forward no-answer.
• Call Transfer—If aSIPtrunk call istransferred over anotherSIPtrunk and bothSIPtrunks are configured
for media flow around, media flows around Cisco Unified CME for the resulting SIP-SIP trunk call.
Media flow around is supported on both SIP-line-initiated call transfer and SCCP-line-initiated call
transfers. It is supported for all types of call transfers, such as blind transfer, consult transfer, and full
consult transfer.
Media is forced to flow through on different types of call flows including the SIP to SIP trunk call with
asymmetric flow mode configurations or symmetric flow through configuration. In asymmetric flow mode
configurations, one SIP leg is configured in the media flow around mode and another SIP leg is configured
in the media flow through mode. In such cases, media is forced to flow through Cisco Unified CME.
Media is forced to flow through Cisco Unified CME for the following types of call flows:
• Any calls involving a SIP endpoint, a SCCP endpoint, PSTN trunks (BRI/PRI/FXO), or FXO circuits.
• SIP to SIP trunk call with either asymmetric flow mode configurations or symmetric flow through
• SIP to SIP trunk call that requires transcoding services on Cisco Unified CME.
• SIP to SIP trunk calls that require DTMF interworking with RFC2833 on one side, and SIP-Notify on
the other side.
• SNR pullback to SCCP— When an SNR call is pulled back from a mobile phone to the local SCCP
SNR extension, the call is connected to the SCCP SNR extension. Media is required to flow through
Cisco Unified CME because one of the calls is from a SCCP SNR extension, which is local to Cisco
Unified CME.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5, the media flow around feature isturned on or turned off using the media command
in voice service voip, dial-peer voip, and voice class media configuration modes. The configuration specified
under voice class media configuration mode takes precedence over the configuration in dial-peer configuration
mode. If the media configuration is not specified under voice class media or dial-peer configuration mode,
then the global configuration specified under voice service voip takes precedence. For more information, see
Enable Media Flow Mode on SIP Trunks, on page 205.
Overlap Dialing Support for SIP and SCCP IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions support overlap dialing on SCCP and SIP IP phones such as 7942,
7945, 7962, 7965, 7970, 7971, and 7975.
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME, overlap dialing was not supported over PRI/BRI trunks for calls
originating from SCCP or SIP IP phones. Dialing was always converted into enbloc dialing based on the
dial-peer configuration and the dial-peer mapping application. Once dialpeer matching took place, no further
dialing was possible and no overlap digit were sent over ISDN trunk, even though overlap dialing wassupported
over ISDN trunks.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Overlap Dialing Support for SIP and SCCP IP Phones
SCCP IP phones currently support overlap dialing, but digits are converted to enbloc digits when it reaches
Cisco Unified CME. Overlap dialing is supported on SIP IP phones using the KeyPad Markup Language
(KPML) method.
With overlap dialing support, the dialed digits from the SIP or SCCP IP phones are passed across to the
PRI/BRI trunks as overlap digits and not as enbloc digits, enabling overlap dialing on the PRI/BRI trunks as
For information on how to configure SCCP and SIP IP phones for overlap dialing, see Configure Overlap
Dialing on SCCP IP Phones, on page 190 and Configure Overlap Dialing on SIP Phones, on page 207.
Unsolicited Notify for Shared Line and Presence Events for Cisco Unified SIP
IP Phones
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone receives NOTIFY messages that convey shared
line and presence events from the Cisco Unified CME only by subscribing to such events. To subscribe, the
IP phone sends a SUBSCRIBE message to the Cisco Unified CME with the type of event for which it wants
to be notified. The Cisco Unified CME sends a NOTIFY message to alert the subscribed IPphone orsubscriber
of event updates.
In Unsolicited Notify, the Cisco Unified CME acquires the required information from the router configuration
to create the implicit subscription and adds subscribers without a subscription request from Cisco UnifiedSIP
IP phones. The Cisco Unified CME sends out NOTIFY messages to the IP phones for shared line or presence
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, the Unsolicited Notify mechanism reduces network traffic
particularly during Cisco Unified SIP IP phone registration using the bulk registration method. Through this
registration method, the preferred notification method of the IPphone is embedded in the registration message.
Configuring TCP as the transport layer protocol under voice register pool configuration mode enables
bulk registration with negotiation for the Unsolicited Notify mechanism.
The Unsolicited Notify mechanism supports backward compatibility with all existing Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone features. This mechanism is also the defacto notify mechanism in newer IP phone and Cisco Unified
CME features, such as SNR Mobility.
From the end-user perspective, the following are the only two discernible differences between the
SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY and the Unsolicited Notify mechanisms:
• show presence subscription and show shared-line commands display different subscription IDs for
each mechanism.
• With the SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY mechanism, a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone needs to refresh the Cisco
Unified CME subscription. In Unsolicited Notify mode, the subscription is permanent and does not need
a refresh as long as the IP phone remains registered.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Unsolicited Notify for Shared Line and Presence Events for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Restriction • Because Unsolicited Notify is negotiated during bulk registration, the mechanism is not available
on Cisco Unified SIP IP phones that do not have bulk registration turned on or have firmware that
do not support bulk registration.
• Cisco Unified CME cannot disable the Unsolicited Notify mechanism. The system complies with
and cannot override the requests of Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• In the absence of Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone subscription information to distinguish if a notification
event is for line or device monitoring, local device monitoring is not supported in the Unsolicited
Notify mode.
Interface Support for Unified CME and Unified SRST
Unified CME and Unified SRST routers have multiple interfaces that are used for signaling and data packet
transfers. The two types of interfaces available on a Cisco router include the physical interface and the virtual
interface. The types of physical interfaces available on a router depends on its interface processors or port
adapters. Virtual interfaces are software-based interfaces that you create in the memory of the networking
device using Cisco IOS commands. When you need to configure a virtual interface for connectivity, you can
use the Loopback Interface for Unified CME and Unified SRST.
The following interfaces are supported on Unified CME and Unified SRST:
• Gigabit Ethernet Interface (IEEE 802.3z) (interface gigabitethernet)
• Loopback Interface (interface loopback)
• Fast Ethernet Interface (interface fastethernet)
The remaining Cisco IOS interfaces are not validated on Unified CME and Unified SRST. Hence, Unified
CME and Unified SRST do not claim support for these interfaces. For more information on the Cisco IOS
Interface commands, see Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference.
For physical interfaces such as interface gigabitethernet and interface fastethernet, subinterfaces are
supported. In a subinterface, virtual interfaces are created by dividing a physical interface into multiple logical
interfaces. For Cisco routers, a subinterface uses the parent physical interface for sending and receiving data.
Virtual interfaces (For example, interface loopback) do not support subinterfaces.
A subinterface for interface gigabitethernet is configured as follows:
Router(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/0.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Interface Support for Unified CME and Unified SRST
Configure System-Level Parameters
Configure IP Phones in IPv4, IPv6, or Dual Stack Mode
Restriction • Legacy IP phones are not supported.
• Multicast MOH and multicast paging features are not supported on IPv6 only phones. If you want
to receive paging calls on IPv6 enabled phones, use the default multicast paging.
• Primary and secondary CME need to be provisioned with the same network type.
• MWI relay server must be in IPv4 network.
• Presence server must be IPv4 only.
• Video endpoints, such as CUVA and 7985, are not supported in IPv6
• TAPI client is not supported in IPv6.
• All HTTP based IPv6 services are not supported.
• IOS TFTP server is not supported in IPv6.
• If protocol mode is IPv4, you can only configure IPv4 as the source IP-address, if protocol mode is
IPv6 you can only configure IPv6 as the source IP address and if the protocol mode is dual-stack,
you can configure both IPv4 and IPv6 source addresses.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or later version.
• IPv6 CEF must be enabled for dual-stack configuration.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. protocol mode {ipv4 | ipv6 | dual-stack [preference {ipv4 | ipv6}]}
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure System-Level Parameters
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
AllowsSCCPphonesto interact with phones on IPv6 voice gateways.
You can configure phones for IPv4 addresses, IPv6 address es, or
for a dual-stack mode
protocol mode {ipv4 | ipv6 | dual-stack
[preference {ipv4 | ipv6}]}
Router(config-telephony)# protocol mode
dual-stack preference ipv6
Step 4
• ipv4—Allows you to set the protocol mode as an IPv4 address.
• ipv6—Allows you to set the protocol mode as an IPv6 address.
• dual-stack—Allows you to set the protocol mode for both IPv4
and IPv6 addresses.
• preference—Allows you to choose a preferred IP address
family if protocol mode is dual-stack.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
protocol mode dual-stack preference ipv6
ip source-address port 2000
ip source-address 2000:A0A:201:0:F:35FF:FF2C:697D
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure IP Phones in IPv4, IPv6, or Dual Stack Mode
Configure IPv6 Source Address for SCCP IP Phones
Restriction • IPv6 option only appears if protocol mode is in dual-stack or IPv6.
• Do not change the default port number (2000) in the ip source-address configuration command. If
you change the port number, IPv6 CEF packet switching engine may not be able to handle the IPv6
SCCP phones and various packet handling problems may occur.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. ip source-address {ipv4 address | ipv6 address} port port [secondary {ipv4 address | ipv6 address }
[rehome seconds]] [strict-match]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters the telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Allows to configure an IPv4 or IPv6 address as an IP source-address for phones
to communicate with a Cisco Unified CME router.
ipsource-address {ipv4 address | ipv6
address} port port [secondary {ipv4
Step 4
address | ipv6 address } [rehome
seconds]] [strict-match]
• ipv4 address—Allows phones to communicate with phones or voice
gateways in an IPv4 network. ipv4 address can only be configured with an
IPv4 address or a dual-stack mode.
Router(config-telephony)# ip
source-address port
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure IPv6 Source Address for SCCP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• ipv6 address—Allows phones to communicate with phones or voice
gateways in an IPv6 network. ipv6 address can only be configured with an
IPv6 address or a dual-stack mode.
2000 ip source-address
• (Optional)port port—TCP/IPport number to use forSCCP. Range is from
2000 to 9999. Default is 2000. For dual-stack, port is only configured with
an IPv4 address.
• (Optional) secondary—Cisco Unified CME router with which phones can
register if the primary Cisco Unified CME router fails.
• (Optional) rehome seconds—Used only by Cisco Unified IP phones that
have registered with a Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony
(SRST) router. This keyword defines a delay that is used by phonesto verify
the stability of their primarySCCPcontroller (Cisco Unified Communication
Manager or Cisco Unified CME) before the phones re-register with it. This
parameter is ignored by phones unless they are registered to a secondary
Cisco Unified SRST router. The range is from 0 to 65535 seconds. The
default is 120 seconds.
The use of this parameter is a phone behavior and is subject to change, based on
the phone type and phone firmware version.
• (Optional) strict-match— Requires strict IP address checking for
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
outer(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Verify IPv6 and Dual-Stack Configuration
Step 1 The following example shows a list of success messages that are printed during Cisco IOS boot up. These messages
confirm whether IPv6 has been enabled on interfaces (for example, EDSP0.1 to EDSP0.5) specific to exchanging RTP
packets with SCCP endpoints.
00:00:33: %EDSP-6-IPV6_ENABLED: IPv6 on interface EDSP0 added.
00:00:34: %EDSP-6-IPV6_ENABLED: IPv6 on interface EDSP0.1 added.
00:00:34: %EDSP-6-IPV6_ENABLED: IPv6 on interface EDSP0.2 added.
00:00:34: %EDSP-6-IPV6_ENABLED: IPv6 on interface EDSP0.3 added.
00:00:34: %EDSP-6-IPV6_ENABLED: IPv6 on interface EDSP0.4 added.
00:00:34: %EDSP-6-IPV6_ENABLED: IPv6 on interface EDSP0.5 added.
00:00:34: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to down
00:00:34: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ephone_dsp DN 1.1, changed state to up
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Verify IPv6 and Dual-Stack Configuration
00:00:34: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface ephone_dsp DN 1.2, changed state to up
Step 2 Use the show ephone socket command to verify if IPv4 only, IPv6 only, or dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) is configured in
Cisco Unified CME. In the following example, SCCP TCP listening socket (skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd) values 0 and
1 verify dual-stack configuration. When IPv6 only is configured, the show ephone socket command displays SCCP
TCPlistening socket values as(-1) and (0). The listening socket is closed if the value is(-1). When IPv4 only is configured,
the show ephone socket command displays SCCP TCP listening socket values as (0) and (-1).
Router# show ephone socket
skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = 0
skinny_tcp_listen_socket (ipv6) fd = 1
skinny_secure_tcp_listen_socket fd = -1
skinny_secure_tcp_listen_socket (ipv6) fd = -1
Phone 7,
skinny_sockets[15] fd = 16 [ipv6]
read_buffer 0x483C0BC4, read_offset 0, read_header N, read_length 0
resend_queue 0x47EC69EC, resend_offset 0, resend_flag N, resend_Q_depth 0
MTP 1,
skinny_sockets[16] fd = 17
read_buffer 0x483C1400, read_offset 0, read_header N, read_length 0
resend_queue 0x47EC6978, resend_offset 0, resend_flag N, resend_Q_depth 0
Phone 8,
skinny_sockets[17] fd = 18 [ipv6]
read_buffer 0x483C1C3C, read_offset 0, read_header N, read_length 0
resend_queue 0x47EC6904, resend_offset 0, resend_flag N, resend_Q_depth 0
Step 3 Use the show ephone summary command to verify the IPv6 or IPv4 addresses configured for ephones. The following
example displays IPv6 and IPv4 addresses for different ephones:
Router# show ephone summary
ephone-2[1] Mac:0016.46E0.796A TCP socket:[7] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 debug:0
privacy:1 primary_dn: 1*
IPv6:2000:A0A:201:0:216:46FF:FEE0:796A* IP: 7970 keepalive 599 music 0 1:1
ephone-7[6] Mac:0013.19D1.F8A2 TCP socket:[6] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 debug:0
privacy:0 primary_dn: 13*
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Verify IPv6 and Dual-Stack Configuration
IP: * Telecaster 7940 keepalive 2817 music 0 1:13 2:28
Configure Bulk Registration
To configure bulk registration for registering a block of phone numbers with an external registrar so that calls
can be routed to Cisco Unified CME from a SIP network, perform the following steps.
Numbers that match the number pattern defined by using the bulk command can register with the external
registrar. The block of numbers that is registered can include any phone that is attached to Cisco Unified CME
or any analog phone that is directly attached to an FXS port on a Cisco Unified CME router.
Use the no reg command to specify that an individual directory number should not register with the
external registrar. For configuration information, see Disable SIP Proxy Registration for a Directory
Number, on page 276.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mode cme
5. bulk number
6. exit
7. sip-ua
8. registrar {dns: address | ipv4: destination-address} expires seconds [tcp] [secondary] no registrar
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Bulk Registration
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Enables mode for provisioning SIP phones in Cisco Unified
mode cme
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Step 4
Sets bulk registration for E.164 numbers that will register with
a SIP proxy server.
bulk number
Router(config-register-global)# bulk
Step 5
• number—Unique sequence of up to 32 characters,
including wild cards and patterns that represents E.164
numbers that will register with a SIP proxy server.
Exits configuration mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 6
EntersSIPuser agent (UA) configuration mode for configuring
the user agent.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 7
Enables SIP gateways to register E.164 numbers with a SIP
proxy server.
registrar {dns: address| ipv4: destination-address}
expires seconds [tcp] [secondary] no registrar
Step 8
Router(config-sip-ua)# registrar server
Exits SIP UA configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-sip-ua)# end
Step 9
The following example shows that all phone numbers that match the pattern “408555...” can register with a
SIP proxy server (IP address
voice register global
mode cme
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Bulk Registration
bulk 408555….
registrar ipv4:
Configure Bulk Registration for SIP IP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
• Phone firmware 8.3 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool tag
4. session-transport {tcp | udp}
5. number tag dn tag
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a
directory number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port,
or an MWI.
voice register pool tag
Router(config)#voice register pool 20
Step 3
Specifies the transport layer protocol that a SIP phone uses
to connect to Cisco Unified CME.
session-transport {tcp | udp}
Step 4
• tcp—TCP is used for bulk registration.
• udp—UDP is used for line registration.
Associates a directory number with the SIP phone being
number tag dn tag
Router(config-register-pool)#number 1 dn 2
Step 5
• dndn-tag—Identifiesthe directory number for thisSIP
phone as defined by the voice register dn command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Bulk Registration for SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 6
Verify Phone Registration Type and Status
You can verify phone registration type and status using the show voice registerpool command. The following
example shows that the Cisco Unified IP phone 7970 used the bulk registration method and completed the
registration process:
Router#sh voice register pool 20
Pool Tag 20
Mac address is 001B.2A89.3698
Type is 7970
Number list 1 : DN 20
Number list 2 : DN 2
Number list 3 : DN 24
Number list 4 : DN 4
Number list 5 : DN 6
Number list 6 : DN 7
Number list 7 : DN 17
Number list 8 : DN 23
Proxy Ip address is
Current Phone load version is Cisco-CP7970G/9.0.1
DTMF Relay is enabled, rtp-nte, sip-notify
Call Waiting is enabled
DnD is disabled
Video is disabled
Camera is disabled
Busy trigger per button value is 0
speed-dial blf 1 6779 label 6779_device
speed-dial blf 2 3555 label 3555_remote
speed-dial blf 3 6130 label 6130
speed-dial blf 4 3222 label 3222_remote_dev
fastdial 1 1234
keep-conference is enabled
username johndoe password cisco
template is 1
kpml signal is enabled
Lpcor Type is none
Transport type is tcp
service-control mechanism is supported
Registration method: bulk - completed
registration Call ID is 001b2a89-3698017e-68646967-126b902e@
Privacy is configured: init status: ON, current status: ON
Privacy button is enabled
active primary line is: 6010
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones
To identify filenames and the location of phone firmware for phone types to be connected, specify the port
for phone registration, and specify the number of phones and directory numbers to be supported, perform the
following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones
DSCP requires Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version. If DSCP is configured for the gateway interface
using the service-policy command or for the dial peer using the ip qos dscp command, the value set with
those commands takes precedence over the DSCP value configured in this procedure.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. tftp-server device:filename
4. telephony-service
5. load phone-type firmware-file
6. max-ephones max-phones
7. max-dn max-directory-numbers [preference preference-order] [no-reg primary | both]
8. ip source-address ip-address [port port] [any-match | strict-match]
9. ip qos dscp {{number | af | cs | default | ef} {media | service | signaling | video}}
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
(Optional) Creates TFTP bindings to permit IP phones served by the Cisco
Unified CME router to access the specified file.
tftp-server device:filename
Router(config)# tftp-server
Step 3
• A separate tftp-server command is required for each phone type.
• Required for Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and earlier versions.
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Required only if the
location for cnf files is not flash or slot 0, such as system memory or a
TFTP server url. Use the complete filename, including the file suffix,
for phone firmware versionslater than version 8.2(2) for all phone types.
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Identifies a Cisco Unified IPphone firmware file to be used by phones of the
specified type when they register.
load phone-type firmware-file
Router(config-telephony)# load
7960-7940 P00307020300
Step 5
• A separate load command is required for each IP phone type.
• firmware-file—Filename is case-sensitive.
◦Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and earlier versions: Do not use the
.sbin or .loads file extension except for the Cisco ATA and Cisco
Unified IP Phone 7905 and 7912.
◦Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Use the complete
filename, including the file suffix, for phone firmware versions
later than version 8.2(2) for all phone types.
If you are loading a firmware file larger than 384 KB, you must first
load a file for that phone type that is smaller than 384 KB and then
load the larger file.
max-ephones max-phones Setsthe maximum number of phonesthat can register to Cisco Unified CME.
max-ephones 24
Step 6
• Maximum number is platform and version-specific. Type ? for range.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and later versions, the maximum number
of phones that can register is different from the maximum number of
phones that can be configured. The maximum number of phones that
can be configured is 1000.
• In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3, this command
restricted the number of phones that could be configured on the router.
max-dn max-directory-numbers Limits number of directory numbers to be supported by this router.
[preference preference-order] [no-reg
primary | both]
Step 7
• Maximum number is platform and version-specific. Type ? for value.
Router(config-telephony)# max-dn 200
no-reg primary
Identifies the IP address and port number that the Cisco Unified CME router
uses for IP phone registration.
ip source-address ip-address [port port]
[any-match | strict-match]
Router(config-telephony)# ip
Step 8
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port number to use for SCCP. Range is
2000 to 9999. Default is 2000.
• any-match—(Optional) Disables strict IP address checking for
registration. This is the default.
• strict-match—(Optional) Instructs the router to reject IP phone
registration attempts if the IP server address used by the phone does
not exactly match the source address.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
ip qos dscp {{number | af | cs | default | Sets the DSCP priority levels for different types of traffic.
ef} {media | service | signaling | video}}
Step 9
Router(config-telephony)# ip qos
dscp af43 video
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 10
The following example shows different DSCP settings for media, signaling, video, and services enabled with
the ip qos dscp command:
load 7960-7940 P00308000500
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
ip source-address port 2000
ip qos dscp af11 media
ip qos dscp cs2 signal
ip qos dscp af43 video
ip qos dscp 25 service
cnf-file location flash:
Set Date and Time Parameters for SCCP Phones
To specify the format of the date and time that appears on all SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME, perform
the following steps.
For certain phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7906, 7911, 7931, 7941, 7942, 7945, 7961, 7962,
7965, 7970, 7971, and 7975, you must configure the time-zone command to ensure that the correct time
stamp appears on the phone display. This command is not required for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902G,
7905G, 7912G, 7920, 7921, 7935, 7936, 7940, 7960, or 7985G.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Date and Time Parameters for SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. date-format {dd-mm-yy | mm-dd-yy |yy-dd-mm | yy-mm-dd}
5. time-format {12 | 24}
6. time-zone number
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
date-format {dd-mm-yy | mm-dd-yy |yy-dd-mm | (Optional) Sets the date format for phone display.
Step 4
• Default: mm-dd-yy.
Router(config-telephony)# date-format
(Optional) Selects a 12-hour or 24-hour clock for the time
display format on phone display.
time-format {12 | 24}
Router(config-telephony)# time-format 24
Step 5
• Default: 12.
Step 6 time-zone number Sets time zone for SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# time-zone 2
• Not required for Cisco Unified IPPhone 7902G, 7905G,
7912G, 7920, 7921, 7935, 7936, 7940, 7960, or 7985G.
• Default: 5, Pacific Standard/Daylight Time (-480).
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Date and Time Parameters for SCCP Phones
Block Automatic Registration for SCCP Phones
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. no auto-reg-ephone
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Disables automatic registration of Cisco Unified IP phones
that are running SCCP but are not explicitly configured in
Cisco Unified CME.
no auto-reg-ephone
Router(config-telephony)# no auto-reg-ephone
Step 4
• Default: Enabled.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Block Automatic Registration for SCCP Phones
Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones
Restriction • TFTPdoes notsupport file deletion. When configuration files are updated, they overwrite any existing
configuration files with the same name. If you change the configuration file location, files are not
deleted from the TFTP server.
• Generating configuration files on flash memory orslot 0 memory can take up to a minute, depending
on the number of files being generated.
• For smaller routers such as the Cisco 2600 series routers, you must manually enter the squeeze
command to erase files after changing the configuration file location or entering any commands that
trigger the deletion of configuration files. Unless you use the squeeze command, the space used by
the moved or deleted configuration files is not usable by other files.
• If VRFSupport on Cisco Unified CME is configured and the cnf-file locationcommand is configured
for system:, the per phone or per phone type file for an ephone in a VRF group is created in
system:/its/vrf/. The vrf directory is automatically created and appended to the TFTP
path. No action is required on your part. Locale files are still created in system:/its/.
• If VRFSupport on Cisco Unified CME is configured and the cnf-file locationcommand is configured
as flash: or slot0:, the per phone or per phone type file for an ephone in a VRF group is named
flash:/its/vrf_ or slot0:/its/vrf_filename>. The vrf directory
is automatically created and appended to the TFTP path. No action is required on your part. The
location of the locale files is not changed.
To define a location other than system:/its for storing configuration files for per-phone and per-phone type
configuration files, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. cnf-file location {flash: | slot0: | tftp tftp-url}
5. cnf-file {perphonetype | perphone}
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Specifies a location other than system:/its for storing phone
configuration files.
cnf-file location {flash: | slot0: | tftp tftp-url}
Router(config-telephony)# cnf-file location
Step 4
• Required for per-phone or per-phone type configuration
Specifies whether to use a separate file for each type of phone
or for each individual phone.
cnf-file {perphonetype | perphone}
Router(config-telephony)# cnf-file perphone
Step 5
• Required if you configured the cnf-file location
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
The following example selects flash memory as the configuration file storage location and per-phone as the
type of configuration files that the system generates:
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
What to Do Next
If you changed the configuration file storage location, use the option 150 ip command to update the address.
See Change the TFTP Address on a DHCP Server, on page 144.
Modify Defaults for Timeouts for SCCP Phones
To configure values for system-level intervals for which default values are typically adequate, perform the
following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Modify Defaults for Timeouts for SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. timeouts busy seconds
5. timeouts interdigit seconds
6. timeouts ringing seconds
7. keepalive seconds
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
(Optional)Sets the length of time after which calls that are transferred
to busy destinations are disconnected.
timeouts busy seconds
Router(config-telephony)# timeouts busy
Step 4
• seconds—Number of seconds. Range is 0 to 30. Default is 10.
(Optional) Configures the interdigit timeout value for all
Cisco Unified IP phones attached to the router.
timeouts interdigit seconds
Router(config-telephony)# timeouts
interdigit 30
Step 5
• seconds—Number ofseconds before the interdigit timer expires.
Range is 2 to 120. Default is 10.
(Optional) Sets the duration, in seconds, for which the
Cisco Unified CME system allows ringing to continue if a call is not
answered. Range is 5 to 60000. Default is 180.
timeouts ringing seconds
Router(config-telephony)# timeouts
ringing 30
Step 6
(Optional) Sets the time interval, in seconds, between keepalive
messages that are sent to the router by Cisco Unified IP phones.
keepalive seconds
Router(config-telephony)# keepalive 45
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Modify Defaults for Timeouts for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• The default is usually adequate. If the interval is set too large,
it is possible for notification to be delayed when a system goes
• Range: 10 to 65535. Default: 0.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 8
Configure Redundant Router for SCCP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• The secondary router‘s running configuration must be identical to that of the primary router.
• The physical configuration of the secondary router must be as described in Redundant Cisco Unified
CME Router for SCCP Phones, on page 160.
• Phones that use this feature must be configured with the type command, which guarantees that the
appropriate phone configuration file will be present.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. ip source-address ip-address [port port] [secondary ip-address [rehome seconds]] [any-match |
5. exit
6. voice-port slot-number / port
7. signal ground-start
8. incoming alerting ring-only
9. ring number number
10. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Redundant Router for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Identifiesthe IPaddress and port number that the primary Unified CME
router uses for IP phone registration.
ip source-address ip-address [port port]
[secondary ip-address [rehome seconds]]
[any-match | strict-match]
Step 4
• ip-address—Address of the primary Unified CME router.
Router(config-telephony)# ip
source-address port 2000
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port number to use for SCCP.
Range is 2000 to 9999. Default is 2000.
• secondary ip-address—Indicates a backup Unified CME router.
• rehome seconds—Not used by Unified CME. Used only by
phones registered to Cisco Unified SRST.
• any-match—(Optional) Disables strict IP address checking for
registration. This is the default.
• strict-match—(Optional) Router rejects IP phone registration
attempts if the IP server address used by the phone does not
exactly match the source address.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice-port configuration mode for the FXO voice port for DID
calls from the PSTN.
voice-port slot-number / port
Router(config)# voice-port 2/0
Step 6
signal ground-start Specifies ground-start signaling for a voice port.
Router(config-voiceport)# signal
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Redundant Router for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Instructs the FXO ground-start voice port to detect incoming calls by
detecting incoming ring signals.
incoming alerting ring-only
Router(config-voiceport)# incoming
alerting ring-only
Step 8
(Required only for the secondary router) Sets the maximum number of
rings to be detected before answering an incoming call over an FXO
voice port.
ring number number
Router(config-voiceport)# ring number
Step 9
• number—Number of rings detected before answering the call.
Range is 1 to 10. Default is 1.
For an incoming FXO voice port on a secondary
Cisco Unified CME router, set this value higher than is set on
the primary router. We recommend setting this value to 3 on
the secondary router.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voiceport)# end
Step 10
Configure Redundant Router for SIP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or a later version.
• Auto-register configuration is recommended only on the primary router.
• XML interface for secondary backup router is configured. See Configure the XML Interface for the
Secondary Backup Router, on page 189.
It is recommended to configure the XML interface for a seamless failover from primary
to secondary Cisco Unified CME. Else, there is delay in the phones getting registered
to secondary Cisco Unified CME due to mismatch in the configuration version timestamp.
• Ensure that you configure version stamp synchronization on the primary router. See Configure Version
Stamp Synchronization on the Primary Router, on page 188.
It is recommended to configure version stamp synchronization for a seamless failover
from primary to secondary Cisco Unified CME. Else, there is delay in the phones getting
registered to secondary Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Redundant Router for SIP Phones
Restriction • Active calls are notsupported when switchover happensfrom primary router to the secondary router.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. source-address ip-address [port port] [secondary ip-address]
5. keepalive seconds
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Identifies the IP address and port number that the
Cisco Unified CME router uses for IP phone registration.
source-addressip-address[port port] [secondary
Step 4
source-address port 6000
• ip-address—Address of the primary Cisco Unified CME
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port number to use for SIP.
Range is 2000 to 9999. Default is 5060 for SIP.
• secondary ip-address—Indicates a backup
Cisco Unified CME router.
Sets the length of the time interval between successive keepalive
messages from the SIP phones to Cisco Unified CME router.
Default is 120 seconds.
keepalive seconds
Router(config-register-global)# keepalive
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Redundant Router for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 6
Configure Version Stamp Synchronization on the Primary Router
To configure the primary router to enable automatic synchronization of 'version stamp' with secondary backup
router, perform the following steps.
All phone-related configurations are tagged with a 'version stamp' that indicates when the last configuration
change was made.
Before You Begin
• XML interface for secondary backup router is configured. See Configure the XML Interface for the
Secondary Backup Router, on page 189.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. standby username username password password
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Version Stamp Synchronization on the Primary Router
Command or Action Purpose
telephony-service Enters telephony service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 standby username username password password Defines an authorized user.
Router(config-telephony)# standby username
user23 password 3Rs92uzQ
• Same username and password that is defined in
Configure the XML Interface for the Secondary
Backup Router, on page 189.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Configure the XML Interface for the Secondary Backup Router
To configure the secondary backup router to activate the XML interface required to receive "version stamp"
configuration change information from the primary router, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Automatic synchronization for new or replacement routers is not supported.
Before You Begin
• The XML interface, provided through the Cisco IOS XML Infrastructure (IXI), must be configured.See
Configuring the XML API.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. xml user user-name password password privilege-level
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure the XML Interface for the Secondary Backup Router
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
xml user user-name password password Defines an authorized user.
Step 4
• user-name—Username of the authorized user.
Router(config-telephony)# xml user user23
password 3Rs92uzQ 15
• password—Password to use for access.
• privilege-level—Level of access to Cisco IOS commands
to be granted to this user. Only the commands with the
same or a lower level can be executed via XML. Range is
0 to 15.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Configure Overlap Dialing on SCCP IP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. overlap-signal
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. overlap-signal
8. exit
9. ephone-template template-tag
10. overlap-signal
11. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Overlap Dialing on SCCP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 3
Allows to configure overlap signaling support for
SCCP IP phones.
Step 4
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 5
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)ephone 10
Step 6
overlap-signal Applies overlap signaling support for ephone.
Step 7
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Step 8
ephone-template template-tag Enters ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config)ephone-template 10
Step 9
overlap-signal Applies overlap signaling support to ephone template.
Step 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Overlap Dialing on SCCP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# end
Step 11
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
To identify filenames and location of phone firmware for phone types to be connected, to specify the port for
phone registration, and to specify the number of phones and directory numbers to be supported, perform the
following steps.
If your Cisco Unified CME system supports SCCP and SIP phones, do not connect your SIP phones to
your network until after you have verified the configuration profile for the SIP phone.
Restriction • SIP endpoints are not supported on H.323 trunks. SIP endpoints are supported on SIP trunks only.
• Certain Cisco Unified IP phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE,
7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE, are supported only in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later
• DSCP requires Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version. If DSCP is configured for the gateway
interface using the service-policy command or for the dial peer using the ip qos dscp command,
the value set with those commandstakes precedence over the DSCPvalue configured in this procedure.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mode cme
5. source-address ip-address [port port]
6. load phone-type firmware-file
7. tftp-path {flash: | slot0: | tftp://url}
8. max-pool max-phones
9. max-dn max-directory-numbers
10. authenticate [all][realm string]
11. ip qos dscp {{number | af | cs | default | ef} {media | service | signaling | video}}
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
mode cme Enables mode for provisioning SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Step 4
Enables the Cisco Unified CME router to receive messages from
SIP phones through the specified IP address and port.
source-address ip-address [port port]
Step 5
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port number. Range: 2000 to
9999. Default: 2000.
load phone-type firmware-file Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-register-global)# load
7960-7940 P0S3-07-3-00
Step 6
• A separate load command is required for each phone type.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Defines a location, other than system memory, from which
the SIP phones will download configuration profile files.
tftp-path {flash: | slot0: | tftp://url}
Router(config-register-global)# tftp-path
Step 7
• Default: system memory (system:/cme/sipphone/).
Sets maximum number of SIP phones to be supported by the Cisco
Unified CME router.
max-pool max-phones
Router(config-register-global)# max-pool
Step 8
• Version- and platform-dependent; type ? for range.
• In Cisco CME 3.4 to Cisco Unified CME 7.0: Default is
maximum number supported by platform.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Default is 0.
(Optional) Sets maximum number of directory numbers for SIP
phones to be supported by the Cisco Unified CME router.
max-dn max-directory-numbers
Router(config-register-global)# max-dn
Step 9
• Required for Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Default is 0.
Range is 1 to maximum number supported by platform. Type
? for range.
• In Cisco CME 3.4 to Cisco Unified CME 7.0: Default is 150
or maximum allowed on platform. Type ? for value.
(Optional) Enables authentication for registration requests in which
the MAC address of the SIP phone cannot be identified by using
other methods.
authenticate [all][realm string]
authenticate all realm company.com
Step 10
ip qos dscp {{number | af | cs | default | ef} Sets the DSCP priority levels for different types of traffic.
{media | service | signaling | video}}
Step 11
Router(config-register-global)# ip qos
dscp af43 video
Exits voice register global configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
To identify filenames and location of phone firmware for phone types to be connected, to specify the port for
phone registration, and to specify the number of phones and directory numbers to be supported, perform the
following steps.
If your Cisco Unified CME system supports SCCP and SIP phones, do not connect your SIP phones to
your network until after you have verified the configuration profile for the SIP phone.
Restriction • SIP endpoints are not supported on H.323 trunks. SIP endpoints are supported on SIP trunks only.
• Certain Cisco Unified IP phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE,
7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE, are supported only in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later
• DSCP requires Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version. If DSCP is configured for the gateway
interface using the service-policy command or for the dial peer using the ip qos dscp command,
the value set with those commandstakes precedence over the DSCPvalue configured in this procedure.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mode cme
5. source-address ip-address [port port]
6. load phone-type firmware-file
7. tftp-path {flash: | slot0: | tftp://url}
8. max-pool max-phones
9. max-dn max-directory-numbers
10. authenticate [all][realm string]
11. ip qos dscp {{number | af | cs | default | ef} {media | service | signaling | video}}
12. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
mode cme Enables mode for provisioning SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Step 4
Enables the Cisco Unified CME router to receive messages from
SIP phones through the specified IP address and port.
source-address ip-address [port port]
Step 5
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port number. Range: 2000 to
9999. Default: 2000.
load phone-type firmware-file Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-register-global)# load
7960-7940 P0S3-07-3-00
Step 6
• A separate load command is required for each phone type.
(Optional) Defines a location, other than system memory, from which
the SIP phones will download configuration profile files.
tftp-path {flash: | slot0: | tftp://url}
Router(config-register-global)# tftp-path
Step 7
• Default: system memory (system:/cme/sipphone/).
Sets maximum number of SIP phones to be supported by the Cisco
Unified CME router.
max-pool max-phones
Router(config-register-global)# max-pool
Step 8
• Version- and platform-dependent; type ? for range.
• In Cisco CME 3.4 to Cisco Unified CME 7.0: Default is
maximum number supported by platform.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Default is 0.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Sets maximum number of directory numbers for SIP
phones to be supported by the Cisco Unified CME router.
max-dn max-directory-numbers
Router(config-register-global)# max-dn
Step 9
• Required for Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions: Default is 0.
Range is 1 to maximum number supported by platform. Type
? for range.
• In Cisco CME 3.4 to Cisco Unified CME 7.0: Default is 150
or maximum allowed on platform. Type ? for value.
(Optional) Enables authentication for registration requests in which
the MAC address of the SIP phone cannot be identified by using
other methods.
authenticate [all][realm string]
authenticate all realm company.com
Step 10
ip qos dscp {{number | af | cs | default | ef} Sets the DSCP priority levels for different types of traffic.
{media | service | signaling | video}}
Step 11
Router(config-register-global)# ip qos
dscp af43 video
Exits voice register global configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 12
Set Date and Time Parameters for SIP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• mode cme command is enabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Date and Time Parameters for SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. timezone number
5. date-format [d/m/y | m/d/y | y-d-m |y/d/m | y/m/d | yy-m-d]
6. time-format {12 | 24}
7. dst auto-adjust
8. dst {start | stop} month [day day-of-month | week week-number | day day-of-week] time hour:minutes
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Step 4 timezone number Selectsthe time zone used forSIPphonesin Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-register-global)# timezone 8
• Default: 5, Pacific Standard/Daylight Time. Type ? to
display a list of time zones.
(Optional) Selects the date display format on SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
date-format [d/m/y | m/d/y | y-d-m |y/d/m | y/m/d
| yy-m-d]
Step 5
Router(config-register-global)# date-format
• Default: m/d/y.
(Optional) Selects the time display format on SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
time-format {12 | 24}
Router(config-register-global)# time-format
Step 6
• Default: 12.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Date and Time Parameters for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enables automatic adjustment of Daylight Saving
Time on SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
dst auto-adjust
Router(config-register-global)# dst
Step 7
• To modify start and stop times for daylight savings time,
use the dst command.
(Optional)Sets the time period for DaylightSaving Time onSIP
phones in Cisco Unified CME.
dst {start | stop} month [day day-of-month | week
week-number |day day-of-week] time hour:minutes
Step 8
Router(config-register-global)# dst start
jan day 1 time 00:00
Router(config-register-global)# dst stop mar
day 31 time 23:59
• Required if automatic adjustment of DaylightSaving Time
is enabled by using the dst auto-adjust command.
• Default is Start: First week of April, Sunday, 2:00 a.m.
Stop: Last week of October, Sunday 2:00 a.m.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 9
Set Network Time Protocol for SIP Phones
To enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) for certain phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G,
7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE, connected to Cisco Unified CME running SIP,
perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• The firmware load 8.2(1) or a later version is installed for SIP phones to download. For upgrade
information, see Upgrade or Downgrade SIP Phone Firmware, on page 108.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. ntp-server ip-address [mode {anycast | directedbroadcast | multicast | unicast}]
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Set Network Time Protocol for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
global parameters for all supported SIP phones in a
Cisco Unified CME environment.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Synchronizes clock on this router with the specified NTP
ntp-server ip-address [mode {anycast |
directedbroadcast | multicast | unicast}]
Router(config-register-global)# ntp-server
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Enable HFS Download Service for SIP Phones
Restriction • Only Cisco Unified 8951, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP Phones are supported.
• No IPv6 support for the HFS download service.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.8 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Enable HFS Download Service for SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. ip http port number
5. voice register global
6. mode cme
7. load phone-type firmware-file
8. create profile
9. exit
10. telephony-service
11. hfs enable [port port-number]
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the underlying IOS HTTP server of the HFS
ip http server
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
ip http port number (Optional) Specifies the port where the HTTP service is run.
Router(config)# ip http port 60
Step 4
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set global
parameters for all supported Cisco SIP IP phones in a Cisco
Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 5
Enables the mode for configuring SIP IP phones in a Cisco
Unified CME system.
mode cme
Router(config-register-global)# mode cme
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Enable HFS Download Service for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
load phone-type firmware-file Associates a type of SIP IP phone with a phone firmware file.
Router(config-register-global)# load 3951
Step 7
Generates the configuration profile files required for SIP IP
create profile
Router(config-register-global)# create
Step 8
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 9
Enters telephony-service configuration mode for configuring
Cisco Unified CME.
Router (config)# telephony-service
Step 10
hfs enable [port port-number] Enables the HFS download service on a specified port.
Router(config-telephony)# hfs enable port
Step 11
• port port-number—(Optional) Specifies the port where
the HFS download service is enabled. Range is from 1024
to 65535. Port 80 is the default port. Port 6970 is the
custom port.
If the entered custom HFS port clashes with the
underlying IP HTTPport, an error message is displayed
and the command is disallowed.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephonyl)# end
Step 12
Troubleshooting HFS Download Service
Thedebug cme-hfs command can be used to troubleshoot an attempt to download Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone
configuration and firmware files using the HFS service.
Configure HFS Home Path for SIP Phone Firmware Files
To configure a home path where any requested Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone firmware file that has no explicit
binding can be searched and fetched using the HFS download service, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure HFS Home Path for SIP Phone Firmware Files
Restriction • Only Cisco 8951, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP Phones are supported.
• No IPv6 support for the HFS download service.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.8 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. ip http port number
5. telephony-service
6. hfs enable [port port-number]
7. hfs home-path path
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the underlying IOS HTTP server of the HFS
ip http server
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
ip http port number Specifies the port where the HTTP service is run.
Router(config)# ip http port 1234
Step 4
Enters telephony-service configuration mode for configuring
Cisco Unified CME.
Router (config)# telephony-service
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure HFS Home Path for SIP Phone Firmware Files
Command or Action Purpose
hfs enable [port port-number] Enables the HFS download service on a specified port.
Router(config-telephony)# hfs enable port
Step 6
Sets a home path directory for Cisco Unified SIP IP phone
firmware filesthat can be searched and fetched using the HFS
download service.
The administrator muststore the phone firmware files
at the location set as the home path directory.
hfs home-path path
Router(config-telephony)# hfs home-path
Step 7
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 8
Change Session-Level Application for SIP Phones
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. application application-name
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Change Session-Level Application for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters for
all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
(Optional) Changesthe default application for all dial peers associated
with theSIPphonesin Cisco Unified CME to the specified application.
application application-name
application sipapp2
Step 4
This command can also be configured in voice register pool
configuration mode. The value set in voice register pool
configuration mode has priority over the value set in voice
register global mode.
Exits voice register global configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Enable Media Flow Mode on SIP Trunks
Restriction • If any media service (like transcoding and conferencing) is needed for SIP to SIP trunk call, at least
one of the SIP trunks must be placed in flow through mode.
• If media needs to flow through Cisco Unified CME for voicemail calls, the SIP trunk going towards
the voicemail must be in flow through mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. media [flow around | flow through]
5. exit
6. dial-peer voice tag voip
7. media {[flow-around | flow-through] forking}
8. exit
9. voice class media tag
10. media {[flow-around | flow-through] forking}
11. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Enable Media Flow Mode on SIP Trunks
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice service voip Enters voice service voip configuration mode.
Router(config)#voice service voip
Step 3
Step 4 media [flow around | flow through] Enables global media setting for VoIP calls.
Router(conf-voi-serv)#media flow-around
• flow around—Allowsthe media to flow around the gateway.
• flow through—Allows the media to flow through the
exit Exits voice service voip configuration mode.
Step 5
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define a VoIPdial peer for
the voice-mail system.
dial-peer voice tag voip
Router(config)#dial-peer voice 222 voip
Step 6
• tag—Defines the dial peer being configured. Range is 1 to
Step 7 media {[flow-around | flow-through] forking} Enables media settings for voice dial-peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)#media flow-around
• flow-around—Allowsthe media to flow around the gateway.
• flow-through—Allows the media to flow through the
• forking—Enables media forking.
exit Exits voip dial-peer configuration mode.
Step 8
Step 9 voice class media tag Enters voice class media configuration mode.
Router(config)#voice class media 10
• tag— Defines the voice class media tag being configured.
Range is from 1 to 10000.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Enable Media Flow Mode on SIP Trunks
Command or Action Purpose
Step 10 media {[flow-around | flow-through] forking} Enables media settings for voice dial-peer.
Router(config-class)#media flow-around
• flow-around—Allowsthe media to flow around the gateway.
• flow-through—Allows the media to flow through the
• forking—Enables media forking.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-class)# end
Step 11
Configure Overlap Dialing on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. overlap-signal
5. exit
6. voice register pool pool-tag
7. overlap-signal
8. exit
9. voice register template template tag
10. overlap-signal
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Step 1
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Overlap Dialing on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified
voice register global
Router(config)voice register global
Step 3
Allows to configure overlap signaling support for SIP IP
Step 4
exit Exits voice register pool configuration mode.
Step 5
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)voice register pool 10
Step 6
overlap-signal Enables overlap signaling support for voice register global.
Step 7
exit Exits voice register-template configuration mode.
Step 8
Enters voice register-template configuration mode to create
an ephone template.
voice register template template tag
Router(config)voice register template 5
Step 9
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
overlap-signal Applies overlap signaling support for voice register-template.
Router(config-register-temp) overlap-signal
Step 10
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configure Overlap Dialing on SIP Phones
Configuration Examples for System-Level Parameters
Example for Bulk Registration Support for SIP Phones
The following example shows TCP and UDP configured for various phones. Notice that in Bulk Registration
(TCP), only the primary directory number is displayed, while in Line Registration (UDP), all directory numbers
are displayed.
Router# show sip-ua status registrar
Line destination expires(sec) contact
transport call-id
1001 112
TCP 239665429027943@
1009 118
UDP 239671730027945@
1010 118
UDP 239671745127945@
Example for IPv6 Support on Cisco Unified CME
ip source-route
!ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ipv6 unicast-routing
ipv6 cef
ntp server
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
fax protocol cisco
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Configuration Examples for System-Level Parameters
registrar server expires max 1200 min 300
voice register dn 1
number 2016
allow watch
name SIP-7961GE
label SIP2016
voice register dn 2
number 2017
voice logout-profile 1
voice logout-profile 2
number 2001 type normal
speed-dial 1 2004 label "7960-1"
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ipv6 address 2000:A0A:201:0:F:35FF:FF2C:697D/64
ipv6 enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ipv6 address 2000::1/64
ipv6 address 2000::2/64
ipv6 address 2000::A/64
ipv6 address 3000::1/64
ipv6 address 4000::1/64
ipv6 address 9000::1/64
ipv6 address F000::1/64
ipv6 enable
ip http server
ipv6 route 2001:20:20:20::/64 2000:A0A:201:0:F:35FF:FF2C:5
ipv6 route 2001:50:50:50::/64 2000:A0A:201:0:F:35FF:FF2C:5
tftp-server flash:P00308000500.bin
tftp-server flash:P00308000500.loads
p-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-5-2FT1-18.sbn
voice-port 0/0/0:23
mgcp fax t38 ecm
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0
sccp ccm 2000:A0A:201:0:F:35FF:FF2C:697D identifier 2 version 7.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for IPv6 Support on Cisco Unified CME
timer receive-rtp 1200
protocol mode dual-stack preference ipv6
protocol mode dual-stack preference ipv6
sdspfarm conference mute-on 111 mute-off 222
sdspfarm units 2
sdspfarm transcode sessions 20
sdspfarm tag 1 xcoder
sdspfarm tag 2 conference
conference hardware
no auto-reg-ephone
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 52
max-dn 192
ip source-address port 2000
ip source-address 2000:A0A:201:0:F:35FF:FF2C:697D
service phone settingsAccess 1
service phone spanTOPCPort 0
timeouts transfer-recall 15
system message MOTO-CME1
url directories
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
load 7914 S00103020003
load 7911 SCCP11.8-5-2FT1-18S
load 7970 SCCP70.8-5-2FT1-18S
time-zone 5
max-conferences 4 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
web admin system name cisco password cisco
web admin customer name admin password admin
transfer-system full-consult
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for IPv6 Support on Cisco Unified CME
Example for System-Level Parameters
The following example shows the system-level configuration for a Cisco Unified CME that can support up
to 500 directory numbers on 100 phones. It sets up TFTP file sharing for phone firmware files for
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905, 7912, 7914, 7920, 7940, and 7960 and it loads those files.
tftp-server flash:ATA030100SCCP040211A.zup
! ATA 186/188 firmware
tftp-server flash:CP7902080001SCCP051117A.sbin
! 7902 firmware
tftp-server flash:CP7905080001SCCP051117A.sbin
! 7905 firmware
tftp-server flash:CP7912080001SCCP051117A.sbin
! 7912 firmware
tftp-server flash:cmterm_7920.4.0-02-00.bin
! 7914 firmware
tftp-server flash:P00503010100.bin
! 7920 firmware
tftp-server flash:S00104000100.sbn
! 7935 firmware
tftp-server flash:cmterm_7936.3-3-5-0.bin
! 7936 firmware
tftp-server flash:P0030702T023.bin
tftp-server flash:P0030702T023.loads
tftp-server flash:P0030702T023.sb2
! 7960/40 firmware
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
load ata ATA030100SCCP040211A
load 7902 CP7902080001SCCP051117A
load 7905 CP7905080001SCCP051117A
load 7912 CP7912080001SCCP051117A
load 7914 S00104000100
load 7920 cmterm_7920.4.0-02-00
load 7935 P00503010100
load 7936 cmterm_7936.3-3-5-0
load 7960-7940 P0030702T023
ip source-address port 2000
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
transfer-system full-consult
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7941, 7941-GE, 7961, 7961-GE, 7970, and 7971 require multiple
files to be shared using TFTP. The following configuration example adds support for these
tftp-server flash:SCCP11.7-2-1-0S.loads
tftp-server flash:term11.default.loads
tftp-server flash:apps11.1-0-0-72.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu11.3-0-0-81.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm11.7-2-0-66.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp11.1-0-0-73.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar11.7-2-0-66.sbn
! 7911 firmware
tftp-server flash:TERM41.7-0-3-0S.loads
tftp-server flash:TERM41.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:TERM61.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:CVM41.2-0-2-26.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu41.2-7-6-26.sbn
tftp-server flash:Jar41.2-9-2-26.sbn
! 7941/41-GE, 7961/61-GE firmware
tftp-server flash:TERM70.7-0-1-0s.LOADS
tftp-server flash:TERM70.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:TERM71.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:CVM70.2-0-2-26.sbn
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for System-Level Parameters
tftp-server flash:cnu70.2-7-6-26.sbn
tftp-server flash:Jar70.2-9-2-26.sbn
! 7970/71 firmware
load 7911 SCCP11.7-2-1-0S
load 7941 TERM41.7-0-3-0S
load 7961 TERM41.7-0-3-0S
load 7941GE TERM41.7-0-3-0S
load 7961GE TERM41.7-0-3-0S
load 7970 TERM70.7-0-1-0s
load 7971 TERM70.7-0-1-0s
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
Example for Blocking Automatic Registration
The following example shows how to disable automatic ephone registration, display a log of attempted
registrations, and then clear the log:
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# no auto-reg-ephone
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Router(config)# exit
Router# show ephone attempted-registrations
Attempting Mac address:
Num Mac Address DateTime DeviceType
1 C863.8475.5417 22:52:05 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 SCCP Gateway (AN)
2 C863.8475.5408 22:52:05 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 SCCP Gateway (AN)
25 000D.28D7.7222 22:26:32 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 Telecaster 7960
26 000D.BDB7.A9EA 22:25:59 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 Telecaster 7960
47 C863.94A8.D40F 22:52:17 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 SCCP Gateway (AN)
48 C863.94A8.D411 22:52:18 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 SCCP Gateway (AN)
49 C863.94A8.D400 22:52:15 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005 SCCP Gateway (AN)
Router# clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for Blocking Automatic Registration
Example for Enabling the HFS Download Service for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone
The following example shows how to enable the HFS download service:
Router(config)# ip http server
Router(config)# ip http port 1234
Router (config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# hfs enable port 65500
Example for Configuring an HFS Home Path for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone
Firmware Files
The following example shows how a new directory called phone-load can be created under the root directory
of the flash memory and set as the hfs home-path:
cassini-c2801#mkdir flash:phone-loads
Create directory filename [phone-loads]?
Created dir flash:phone-loads
cassini-c2801#sh flash:
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
1 13932728 Mar 22 2007 15:57:38 +00:00 c2801-ipbase-mz.124-1c.bin
2 33510140 Sep 18 2010 01:21:56 +00:00 rootfs9951.9-0-3.sebn
3 143604 Sep 18 2010 01:22:20 +00:00 sboot9951.111909R1-9-0-3.sebn
4 1249 Sep 18 2010 01:22:40 +00:00 sip9951.9-0-3.loads
5 66996 Sep 18 2010 01:23:00 +00:00 skern9951.022809R2-9-0-3.sebn
6 10724 Sep 18 2010 00:59:48 +00:00 dkern9951.100609R2-9-0-3.sebn
7 1507064 Sep 18 2010 01:00:24 +00:00 kern9951.9-0-3.sebn
8 0 Jan 5 2011 02:03:46 +00:00 phone-loads
14819328 bytes available (49192960 bytes used)
cassini-c2801#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
cassini-c2801(config-telephony)#hfs hom
cassini-c2801(config-telephony)#hfs home-path flash:?
cassini-c2801(config-telephony)#hfs home-path flash:phone-loads
Example for Verifying the HFS File Bindings of Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone
Configuration and Firmware Files
The following is a sample output from the show voice register hfs command:
Router(config)#show voice register hfs
Fetch Service Enabled = Y
App enabled port = 6970
Use default port = N
Registered session-id = 19
Default home path = flash:/
Ongoing fetches from home = 0
HTTP File Server Bindings
No. of bindings = 11
No. of url table entries = 9
No. of alias table entries = 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for Enabling the HFS Download Service for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phone
Example for Redundant Router for SCCP Phones
The following example is configured on the primary Cisco Unified CME router. It establishes the router at as a secondary router. The voice port 3/0/0 is the FXO port for incoming calls from the PSTN. It is
set to use ground-start signaling and to detect incoming calls by counting incoming ring signals.
ip source-address port 2000 secondary
voice-port 3/0/0
signal ground-start
incoming alerting ring-only
The secondary Cisco Unified CME router is configured with the same commands, except that the ring number
command is set to 3 instead of using the default of 1.
ip source-address port 2000 secondary
voice-port 3/0/0
signal ground-start
incoming alerting ring-only
ring number 3
Example for Redundant Router for SIP Phones
The following example is configured on the primary Cisco Unified CME router. It establishes the router at as a secondary router with keepalive value set to 200 seconds.
For the synchronization to happen, additional configurations are needed. These configurations such as
IXI, HTTP, and telephony-service are provided in the output.
voice register global
source-address port 6000 secondary
keepalive 200
ip http server
ixi transport http
response size 8
no shutdown
request outstanding 2
request timeout 30
ixi application cme
no shutdown
response timeout -1
ip source-address secondary
standby user cisco password cisco123
The secondary Cisco Unified CME router is configured with the same commands:
voice register global
source-address port 6000 secondary
keepalive 200
ip http server
ixi transport http
response size 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for Redundant Router for SCCP Phones
no shutdown
request outstanding 2
request timeout 30
ixi application cme
no shutdown
response timeout -1
ip source-address
xml user cisco password cisco123 15
Example for Media Flow Around Mode for SIP Trunks
The following example shows media flow-around enabled in voice service voip, voice class media, and dial
peer configuration modes:
Router# show running config
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
media flow-around
allow-connections sip to sip
vpn-group 1
vpn-gateway 1
vpn-trustpoint 1 trustpoint cme_cert root
vpn-hash-algorithm sha-1
vpn-profile 1
keepalive 50
auto-network-detect enable
host-id-check disable
vpn-profile 2
mtu 1300
authen-method both
password-persistent enable
host-id-check enable
vpn-profile 4
fail-connect-time 50
voice class media 10
media flow-around
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for Media Flow Around Mode for SIP Trunks
dspfarm profile 1 conference
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 222 voip
media flow-around
dial-peer voice 10 voip
media flow-around
dial-peer voice 101 voip
Example for Configuring Overlap Dialing for SCCP IP Phones
The following example shows the overlap-signal command configured in telephony-service configuration
mode, ephone template 10, and ephone 10:
The following example shows the overlap-signal command configured in telephony-service
configuration mode, ephone template 10, and ephone 10:
Router# show running config
max-ephones 25
max-dn 15
load 7906 SCCP11.8-5-3S.loads
load 7911 SCCP11.8-5-3S.loads
load 7921 CP7921G-1.3.3.LOADS
load 7941 SCCP41.8-5-3S.loads
load 7942 SCCP42.8-5-3S.loads
load 7961 SCCP41.8-5-3S.loads
load 7962 SCCP42.8-5-3S.loads
max-conferences 12 gain -6
web admin system name cisco password cisco
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for Configuring Overlap Dialing for SCCP IP Phones
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-template 1
button-layout 1 line
button-layout 3-6 blf-speed-dial
ephone-template 9
feature-button 1 Endcall
feature-button 3 Mobility
ephone-template 10
feature-button 1 Park
feature-button 2 MeetMe
feature-button 3 CallBack
button-layout 1 line
button-layout 2-4 speed-dial
button-layout 5-6 blf-speed-dial
ephone 10
device-security-mode none
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0010
Example for Configuring Overlap Dialing for SIP IP Phones
The following example shows the overlap-signal configured in voice register global configuration mode and
voice register pool 10:
Router# show running config
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Example for Configuring Overlap Dialing for SIP IP Phones
media flow-around
allow-connections sip to sip
voice class media 10
media flow-around
voice register global
max-pool 10
voice register pool 5
Where to Go Next
After configuring system-level parameters, you are ready to configure phones for making basic calls in Cisco
Unified CME.
• To use Extension Assigner to assign extension numbers to the phones in your Cisco Unified CME, see
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner, on page 347.
• Otherwise, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page 315.
Feature Information for System-Level Parameters
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 13: Feature Information for System-Level Parameters
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Versions Feature Information
Introducesredundant routersupport
for SIP phones.
Redundant Router for SIP Phones 11.6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Where to Go Next
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Versions Feature Information
Allows the Unsolicited Notify
mechanism to reduce network
traffic during Cisco UnifiedSIPIP
phone registration using the bulk
registration method.
Unsolicited Notify forShared Line 9.0
and Presence Events for Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
Provides download support forSIP
and SCCP IP phone firmware,
scripts, midlets, and configuration
files using the HTTP File-Fetch
Server (HFS) infrastructure.
HFS Download Support for IP 8.8
PhoneFirmware and Configuration
Introduces bulk registration support
for SIP phones. Introduces bulk
registration for registering a block
of phone numbers with an external
Bulk Registration 8.6/3.4
Introduces the media flow around
feature, which eliminates the need
to terminate RTP and re-originate
on Cisco Unified CME, reducing
media switching latency and
increasing the call handling
capacity for Cisco Unified CME
SIP trunk.
Media Flow Around for SIP-SIP 8.5
Allows the dialed digits from the
SIP or SCCP IP phones to pass
across the PRI/BRI trunks as
overlap digits and not as enbloc
digits, enabling overlap dialing on
the PRI/BRI trunks.
Overlap Dialing forSCCPandSIP 8.5
Supports DSCPpacket marking for
Cisco Unified IPPhonesto specify
the class ofservice for each packet.
DSCP 7.1
The max-ephones command sets
the maximum number of SCCP
phones that can register to
Cisco Unified CME, without
limiting the number that can be
configured. Maximum number of
phones that can be configured is
Maximum Ephones 7.0/4.3
Allows SIP phones to synchronize
to an NTP server.
Network Time Protocol for SIP 4.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Feature Information for System-Level Parameters
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Versions Feature Information
Blocks IP phones that are not
explicitly configured in
Cisco Unified CME from
Blocking Automatic Registration 4.0
Defines a location other than
system for storing configuration
files and specifies the type of
configuration files to generate.
Per-Phone ConfigurationFiles and 4.0
Alternate Location
Introduces redundant router
Redundant Router for SCCP 4.0
Introduces support for SIP
endpoints directly connected to
Cisco Unified CME.
SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME 3.4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Feature Information for System-Level Parameters
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
System-Level Parameters
Feature Information for System-Level Parameters
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
This chapter describes how to configure Cisco Unified IPphonesin Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Express (Cisco Unified CME) so that you can make and receive basic calls.
The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) media prompts feature is only available on the IAD2435 when
running IOS version 15.0(1)M or later.
• Prerequisites for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls, page 223
• Restrictions for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls, page 224
• Information About Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls, page 224
• Configure Phones for a PBX System, page 253
• Configure Phones for a Key System, page 282
• Configure Cisco ATA, Analog Phone Support, Remote Phones, Cisco IP Communicator, and Secure
IP Phone (IP-STE), page 295
• Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, page 315
• SIP Phone Models Validated for CME using Fast-track Configuration, page 328
• Configuration Examples for Making Basic Calls, page 328
• Where To Go Next, page 341
• Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls, page 341
Prerequisites for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
• Cisco IOSsoftware and Cisco Unified CME software, including phone firmware filesfor Cisco Unified IP
phones to be connected to Cisco Unified CME, must be installed in router flash memory. See Install
Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
• For Cisco Unified IP phones that are running SIP and are connected directly to Cisco Unified CME,
Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version must be installed on the router.See Install Cisco Unified CME
Software, on page 105.
• Procedures in NetworkParameters, on page 121 and ConfigureSystem-LevelParameters, on page 167
must be completed before you start the procedures in this section.
Restrictions for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
When you are configuring dial peers or ephone-dns, including park slots and conferencing extensions, on
Cisco Integrated Services Router Voice Bundles, the following message may appear to warn you that free
memory is not available:
%DIALPEER_DB-3-ADDPEER_MEM_THRESHOLD: Addition of dial-peerslimited by available memory
To configure more dial peers or ephone-dns, increase the DRAM in the system. A moderately complex
configuration may exceed the default 256 MB DRAM and require 512 MB DRAM. Note that many factors
contribute to memory usage, in addition to the number of dial peers and ephone-dns configured.
Information About Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Phones in Cisco Unified CME
An ephone, or “Ethernet phone,” for SCCP or a voice-register pool for SIP is the software configuration for
a phone in Cisco Unified CME. This phone can be either a Cisco Unified IP phone or an analog phone. Each
physical phone in your system must be configured as an ephone or voice-register pool on the Cisco Unified
CME router to receive support in the LAN environment. Each phone has a unique tag, or sequence number,
to identify it during configuration.
For information on the phones supported in Cisco Unified CME Release 8.8 and later versions, see Phone
Feature Support Guide for Unified CME, Unified SRST, Unified E-SRST, and Unified Secure SRST.
Directory Numbers
A directory number, also known as an ephone-dn for SCCP or a voice-register dn for SIP, is the software
configuration in Cisco Unified CME that representsthe line connecting a voice channel to a phone. A directory
number has one or more extension or telephone numbers associated with it to allow call connections to be
made. Generally, a directory number is equivalent to a phone line, but not always. There are several types of
directory numbers, which have different characteristics.
Each directory number has a unique dn-tag, or sequence number, to identify it during configuration. Directory
numbers are assigned to line buttons on phones during configuration.
One virtual voice port and one or more dial peers are automatically created for each directory number, depending
on the configuration for SCCP phones, or for SIP phones, when the phone registers in Cisco Unified CME.
Because each directory number represents a virtual voice port in the router, the number of directory numbers
that you create corresponds to the number of simultaneous calls that you can have. This means that if you
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Restrictions for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
want more than one call to the same number to be answered simultaneously, you need multiple directory
numbers with the same destination number pattern.
The directory number is the basic building block of a Cisco Unified CME system. Six different types of
directory numbers can be combined in different ways for different call coverage situations. Each type will
help with a particular type of limitation or call-coverage need. For example, if you want to keep the number
of directory numbers low and provide service to a large number of people, you might use shared directory
numbers. Or if you have a limited quantity of extension numbers that you can use and you need to have a
large quantity of simultaneous calls, you might create two or more directory numbers with the same number.
The key is knowing how each type of directory number works and its advantages.
Not all types of directory numbers can be configured for all phones or for all protocols. In the remaining
information about directory numbers, we have used SCCP in the examples presented but that does not imply
exclusivity. The following sections describe the types of directory numbers in a Cisco Unified CME system:
A single-line directory number has the following characteristics:
• Makes one call connection at a time using one phone line button. A single-line directory number has
one telephone number associated with it.
• Should be used when phone buttons have a one-to-one correspondence to the PSTN lines that come into
a Cisco Unified CME system.
• Should be used for lines that are dedicated to intercom, paging, message-waiting indicator (MWI),
loopback, and music-on-hold (MOH) feed sources.
• Must have more than one single-line directory number on a phone when used with multiple-line features
like call waiting, call transfer, and conferencing.
• Can be combined with dual-line directory numbers on the same phone.
You must make the choice to configure each directory number in your system as either dual-line or
single-line when you initially create configuration entries. If you need to change from single-line to
dual-line later, you must delete the configuration for the directory number, then recreate it.
Figure 6: Single-Line Directory Number, on page 225 shows a single-line directory number for an SCCP
phone in Cisco Unified CME.
Figure 6: Single-Line Directory Number
A dual-line directory number has the following characteristics:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
• Has one voice port with two channels.
• Supported on IP phones that are running SCCP; not supported on IP phones that are running SIP.
• Can make two call connections at the same time using one phone line button. A dual-line directory
number has two channels for separate call connections.
• Can have one number or two numbers (primary and secondary) associated with it.
• Should be used for a directory number that needs to use one line button for features like call waiting,
call transfer, or conferencing.
• Cannot be used for lines that are dedicated to intercom, paging, message-waiting indicator (MWI),
loopback, and music-on-hold (MOH) feed sources.
• Can be combined with single-line directory numbers on the same phone.
You must make the choice to configure each directory number in your system as either dual-line or
single-line when you initially create configuration entries. If you need to change from single-line to
dual-line later, you must delete the configuration for the directory number, then recreate it.
Figure 7: Dual-Line Directory Number, on page 226 shows a dual-line directory number for an SCCP phone
in Cisco Unified CME.
Figure 7: Dual-Line Directory Number
An octo-line directory number supports up to eight active calls, both incoming and outgoing, on a single
button of a SCCP phone. Unlike a dual-line directory number, which is shared exclusively among phones
(after a call is answered, that phone owns both channels of the dual-line directory number), an octo-line
directory number can split its channels among other phones that share the directory number. All phones are
allowed to initiate or receive calls on the idle channels of the shared octo-line directory number.
Because octo-line directory numbers do not require a different ephone-dn for each active call, one octo-line
directory number can handle multiple calls. Multiple incoming calls to an octo-line directory number ring
simultaneously. After a phone answers a call, the ringing stops on that phone and the call-waiting tone plays
for the other incoming calls. When phones share an octo-line directory number, incoming calls ring on phones
without active calls and these phones can answer any of the ringing calls. Phones with an active call hear the
call-waiting tone.
After a phone answers an incoming call, the answering phone is in the connected state. Other phones that
share the octo-line directory number are in the remote-in-use state.
After a connected call on an octo-line directory number is put on-hold, any phone that shares this directory
number can pick up the held call. If a phone user is in the process of initiating a call transfer or creating a
conference, the call is locked and other phones that share the octo-line directory number cannot steal the call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
Figure 8: Octo-Line Directory Number, on page 227 shows an octo-line directory number for SCCP phones
in Cisco Unified CME.
Figure 8: Octo-Line Directory Number
The Barge and Privacy features control whether other phones are allowed to view call information or join
calls on the shared octo-line directory number.
Feature Comparison by Directory Number Line-Mode on SCCP Phones
Table 14: Feature Comparison by Line Mode on SCCP Phones , on page 227 lists some common directory
number features and their support based on the type of line mode defined with the ephone-dn command.
Table 14: Feature Comparison by Line Mode on SCCP Phones
Feature Single-Line Dual-Line Octo-Line
Barge — — Yes
Busy Trigger — — Yes
Conferencing (8-party) — 4 directory numbers 1 directory number
FXO Trunk Optimization Yes Yes —
Huntstop Channel — Yes Yes
Intercom Yes — —
Key System (one call per Yes — —
Maximum Calls — — Yes
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
Feature Single-Line Dual-Line Octo-Line
MWI Yes — —
Overlay directory Yes Yes —
numbers (c, o, x)
Paging Yes — —
Park Yes — —
Privacy — — Yes
SIP Shared-Line (Nonexclusive)
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versionssupportSIPshared linesto allow multiple phonesto share a common
directory number. All phones sharing the directory number can initiate and receive calls at the same time.
Calls to the shared line ring simultaneously on all phones without active calls and any of these phones can
answer the incoming calls. After a phone answers a call, the ringing stops on all phones and the call-waiting
tone plays for other incoming calls to the connected phone.
The phone that answers an incoming call is in the connected state. Other phones that share the directory
number are in the remote-in-use state. The first user that answers the call on the shared line is connected to
the caller and the remaining users see the call information and status of the shared line.
Calls on a shared line can be put on hold like calls on a non-shared line. When a call is placed on hold, other
phones with the shared-line directory number receive a hold notification so all phones sharing the line are
aware of the held call. Any shared-line phone user can resume the held call. If the call is placed on hold as
part of a conference or call transfer operation, the call cannot be resumed by other shared-line phone users.
The ID of the held call is used by other shared-line members to resume the call. Notifications are sent to all
associated phones when a held call is resumed on a shared line.
Shared lines support up to 16 calls, depending on the configuration in Cisco Unified CME, which rejects any
new call that exceeds the configured limit. For configuration information, see Create Directory Numbers for
SIP Phones, on page 263.
The Barge and Privacy features control whether other phones are allowed to view call information or join
calls on the shared-line directory number. See Barge and Privacy, on page 1047.
When theno supplementary-service siphandle-replaces command is configured,SIPshared-line is not
supported on CME.
Two Directory Numbers with One Telephone Number
Two directory numbers with one telephone or extension number have the following characteristics:
• Have the same telephone number but two separate virtual voice ports, and therefore can have two separate
call connections.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
• Can be dual-line (SCCP only) or single-line directory numbers.
• Can appear on the same phone on different buttons or on different phones.
• Should be used when you want the ability to make more call connections while using fewer numbers.
Figure 9: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on One Phone, on page 230 shows a phone with two
buttons that have the same number, extension 1003. Each button has a different directory number (button 1
is directory number 13 and button 2 is directory number 14), so each button can make one independent call
connection if the directory numbers are single-line and two call connections(for a total of four) if the directory
numbers are dual-line.
Figure 10: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on Two Phones, on page 230 shows two phones that
each have a button with the same number. Because the buttons have different directory numbers, the calls
that are connected on these buttons are independent of one another. The phone user at phone 4 can make a
call on extension 1003, and the phone user on phone 5 can receive a different call on extension 1003 at the
same time.
The two directory numbers-with-one-number situation is different than a shared line, which also has two
buttons with one number but has only one directory number for both of them. A shared directory number will
have the same call connection at all the buttons on which the shared directory number appears. If a call on a
shared directory number is answered on one phone and then placed on hold, the call can be retrieved from
the second phone on which the shared directory number appears. But when there are two directory numbers
with one number, a call connection appears only on the phone and button at which the call is made or received.
In the example in Figure 10: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on Two Phones, on page 230, if the
user at phone 4 makes a call on button 1 and puts it on hold, the call can be retrieved only from phone 4. For
more information about shared lines, see Shared Line (Exclusive), on page 231 section.
The examples inFigure 9: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on OnePhone, on page 230 andFigure
10: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on TwoPhones, on page 230 show how two directory numbers
with one number are used to provide a small hunt group capability. In Figure 9: Two Directory Numbers with
One Number on One Phone, on page 230, if the directory number on button 1 is busy or does not answer, an
incoming call to extension 1003 rolls over to the directory number associated with button 2 because the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
appropriate related commands are configured. Similarly, if button 1 on phone 4 is busy, an incoming call to
1003 rolls over to button 1 on phone 5.
Figure 9: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on One Phone
Figure 10: Two Directory Numbers with One Number on Two Phones
A dual-number directory number has the following characteristics:
• Has two telephone numbers, a primary number and a secondary number.
• Can make one call connection if it is a single-line directory number.
• Can make two call connections at a time if it is a dual-line directory number (SCCP only).
• Should be used when you want to have two different numbers for the same button without using more
than one directory number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
Figure 11: Dual-Number Directory, on page 231 shows a directory number that has two numbers, extension
1006 and extension 1007.
Figure 11: Dual-Number Directory
Shared Line (Exclusive)
An exclusively shared directory number has the following characteristics:
• Has a line that appears on two different phones but uses the same directory number, and extension or
phone number.
• Can make one call at a time and that call appears on both phones.
• Should be used when you want the capability to answer or pick up a call at more than one phone.
Because this directory number is shared exclusively among phones, if the directory number is connected to
a call on one phone, that directory number is unavailable for calls on any other phone. If a call is placed on
hold on one phone, it can be retrieved on the second phone. This is like having a single-line phone in your
house with multiple extensions. You can answer the call from any phone on which the number appears, and
you can pick it up from hold on any phone on which the number appears.
Note Transcoding is not supported for Shared Lines.
Figure 12: Shared Directory Number (Exclusive), on page 231 shows a shared directory number on phones
that are running SCCP. Extension 1008 appears on both phone 7 and phone 8.
Figure 12: Shared Directory Number (Exclusive)
Mixed Shared Lines
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versionssupport the mixed Cisco UnifiedSIP/SCCPshared line. Thisfeature
allows Cisco Unified SIP and SCCP IP phones to share a common directory number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
The mixed shared line supports up to 16 calls, depending on the configuration in Cisco Unified CME, which
rejects any new call that exceeds the configured limit.
For configuration information, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253 and Create
Directory Numbers for SIP Phones, on page 263.
Incoming and Outgoing Calls
All phones sharing the common directory number can initiate and receive calls at the same time. Calls to the
mixed shared line ring simultaneously on all phones without active calls and any of these phones can answer
the incoming calls. After a phone answers a call, the ringing stops on all phones and the call-waiting tone
plays for other incoming calls to the connected phone.
The phone that answers an incoming call is in the connected state. Other phones that share the common
directory number are in the remote-in-use state. The first user who answers the call on the mixed shared line
is connected to the caller and the remaining users see the call information and status of the mixed shared line.
When a mixed shared-line user makes an outgoing call on the shared line, all the other shared-line users are
notified of the outgoing call. When the called party answers, the caller is connected while the remaining
shared-line users see the call information and the status of the call on the mixed shared line.
Hold and Resume
Calls on a mixed shared line can be put on hold like calls on a non-shared line. When a call is placed on hold,
other phones with the shared-line directory number receive a hold notification so all phones sharing the line
are aware of the call on hold. Any shared-line phone user can resume the call on hold. The ID of the call on
hold is used by other shared-line members to resume the call. Notifications are sent to all associated phones
when a call on hold is resumed on a mixed shared line. If the call is placed on hold as part of a conference or
call transfer operation, the resume feature is not allowed.
Privacy on Hold
The Privacy on Hold feature prevents other phone users from viewing call information or retrieving a call put
on hold by another phone sharing a common directory number. Only the caller who put the call on hold can
see the status of the held call.
By default, Privacy on Hold feature is disabled for all phones on a shared line. Use the privacy-on-hold
command in telephony-service configuration mode to enable the Privacy feature for calls that are on hold on
Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones on a mixed shared line. Use the privacy-on-hold command in voice register
global configuration mode to enable the Privacy feature for calls that are on hold on Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones on a mixed shared line.
The no privacy and privacy off commands override the privacy-on-hold command.
Call Transfer and Forwarding
Both blind transfer and consult transfer are supported on a mixed shared line. A mixed shared line can be the
one transferring the call, the one receiving the transferred call, or the call being transferred.
There are four types of call forwarding: all calls, no answer, busy, and night service. Any of these can be
configured under a shared SCCP ephone-dn or a shared SIP voice register dn. However, the user must keep
the call forwarding parameters for the SCCP and SIP lines synchronized with each other. A mixed shared line
can be the one forwarding the call, the one receiving the forwarded call, or the call being forwarded.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
For more information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178.
Call Pickup
The CallPickup feature issupported on a mixed shared line when the call-parksystem applicationcommand
is configured in telephony-service configuration mode.
A user can answer a call that:
• Originates from a shared line
• Rings on a shared line
• Originates from one shared line and rings on another shared line
For more information, see Call Pickup, on page 1243.
Call Park
The Call Park feature is supported on a mixed shared line when the call-park system application command
is configured in telephony-service configuration mode.
For more information, see Call Park, on page 1081.
Message Waiting Indication
SCCP and SIP message-waiting indication (MWI) services are supported on Cisco Unity and Cisco Unity
voice mails on mixed shared lines:
The following are two ways of registering a mixed shared line for an MWI service from a SIP-based MWI
server with the shared-line option:
• Configure the mwi sip command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode.
• Configure the mwi command in voice register dn configuration mode.
For SCCP MWI service on a mixed shared line, use the mwi {off |on | on-off} command in ephone-dn
configuration mode to enable a specific Cisco Unified IP phone extension to receive MWI notification from
an external voice-messaging system.
Software Conferencing
A local software conference can be created on a mixed shared line, with the mixed shared line acting as a
conference creator and a conference participant.
For software conferencing on a mixed shared line, other shared-line users remain in remote-in-use state and
do not see the calls on hold when the conference call is put on hold by a mixed-shared-line user acting as the
conference creator.
Note Only the conference creator, who put a conference call on hold, can resume the conference call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
Dial Plan
A dial plan pattern enables abbreviated extensions to be expanded into fully qualified E.164 numbers and
builds additional dial peers for the expanded numbers it creates.
Features are effectively supported on a mixed shared line when dial-plan patterns have matching configurations
in telephony-service and voice register global configuration modes using the dialplan pattern command.
Busy Lamp Field Speed-Dial Monitoring
A mixed shared line only supports directory number-based Busy-Lamp-Field (BLF) Speed-Dial monitoring
and not device-based monitoring.
Restrictions For Mixed Shared Lines
The following features are not supported on mixed Cisco Unified SIP/SCCP shared lines:
• Privacy
• Barge
• cBarge
• Single Number Reach
• Hardware Conferencing
• Remote-resume on a local software conference call
• Video calls
• Overlay DNs on Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones
• Features in the CTI CSTA protocol suite
Overlaid Directory Numbers
An overlaid directory number has the following characteristics:
• Is a member of an overlay set, which includes all the directory numbers that have been assigned together
to a particular phone button.
• Can have the same telephone or extension number as other members of the overlay set or different
• Can be single-line or dual-line, but cannot be mixed single-line and dual-line in the same overlay set.
• Can be shared on more than one phone.
Overlaid directory numbers provide call coverage similar to shared directory numbers because the same
number can appear on more than one phone. The advantage of using two directory numbers in an overlay
arrangement rather than as a simple shared line is that a call to the number on one phone does not block the
use of the same number on the other phone, as would happen if it were a shared directory number.
For information about configuring call coverage using overlaid ephone-dns, see Configure Call Coverage
Features, on page 1278.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Directory Numbers
You can overlay up to 25 lines on a single button. A typical use of overlaid directory numbers would be to
create a “10x10” shared line, with 10 lines in an overlay set shared by 10 phones, resulting in the possibility
of 10 simultaneous calls to the same number. For configuration information, see Creating Directory Numbers
for a Simple Key System on SCCP Phone, on page 282.
Auto Registration of SIP Phones on Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified CME supports auto registration of both SIP and SCCP phones. When the auto registration
feature is enabled, the voice register pool and voice register dn commands do not need to be manually
configured for the phones. The configuration is automatically created when the phone registers.
The auto registration feature for SIP phones is enabled with the auto-register command under voice register
global configuration mode.For more information on auto-register command,see Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express Command Reference.
The auto registration ofSCCPphonesis enabled with the auto-reg-ephone command under telephony-service
configuration mode. For more information on auto-register command, see Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express Command Reference.
As part of the auto-register command, certain CLI sub-mode configuration options are available to the
administrator to successfully register phones using auto-registration on Unified CME.
Router(config-voice-auto-register)# ?
VOICE auto register configuration commands:
auto-assign Define DN range for auto assignment
default Set a command to its defaults
exit Exit from voice register group configuration mode
no Negate a command or set its defaults
password Default password for auto-register phones
service-enable Enable SIP phone Auto-Registration
template Default template for auto-register phones
For details on the configuration steps for auto registration of SIP phones, see Configure Auto Registration for
SIP Phones, on page 315.
Service Enable —If the administrator needs to temporarily disable or enable auto registration without losing
configurations such as DN range, and password, the no form of the CLI option service-enable is used (no
service-enable). Once auto-register command is entered, the service is enabled by default. To re-enable the
auto registration feature, use the command service-enable. It is a sub-mode option in the CLI command
auto-register. To disable auto registration including removal of configurations such as password and DN
range, the no form of the CLI command auto-register (under voice register global) is used.
Router(config)#voice register global
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#no service-enable ?
Password —As part of the auto registration feature, authentication of phones registering on Unified CME is
enabled. When the phone registers with Unified CME, it is mandatory for the administrator to configure the
password credentials; username is assigned by default. However, the administrator can modify the username
and password credentials under the corresponding voice register pool that gets created after auto registration.
Router(config)#voice register global
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#password ?
WORD Password string
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Auto Registration of SIP Phones on Cisco Unified CME
It is mandatory thatpasswordis configured before DN range (auto-assign) while registering phones using
auto registration.
Auto Assign —It is mandatory to define a directory number (DN) range for auto-registration feature to work.
The DN range that can be assigned to phones registering on Unified CME is configured using auto-assign
to , which is a submode option of the CLI command auto-register (under voice register
global). The DN numbers assigned to the phones through auto registration are always within the DN range
that is defined. However, ensure that the defined DN range is within the maximum DNs recommended for
the supported platform.
Router(config)#voice register global
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#auto-assign ?
<1-4294967295> First DN number
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#auto-assign 1001 ?
<1-4294967295> Last DN number
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#auto-assign 1001 to 1010
The automatic registration feature also provides the administrators with the option to enhance a predefined
DN range. The enhancement of an existing DN range is supported such that the new first-dn is not greater
that the existing first-dn and the new last-dn is not less than the existing last-dn.
For example, the DN range 8001-8006 can be enhanced as 7999-8006, 8000-8007, but not as 8002-8006 or
8001 to 8005.
Router# show running-config | section voice register global
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
password xxxx
auto-assign 8001 to 8006
max-dn 50
max-pool 40
Router(config-register-global)#auto-assign 8002 to 8006
Start DN should not be greater than existing First DN
Router(config-register-global)#auto-assign 8001 to 8005
Stop DN should not be less than existing Last DN
The DN assigned to phone using the auto registration feature does not duplicate a manually configured DN.
When the defined DN range includes a previously registered DN, that DN is skipped as part of the auto
registration process. However, when a previously registered DN deregisters and the corresponding configuration
for the DN and pool are removed, it can be assigned to a phone registering on Unified CME using auto
registration. The assignment of DN range is done in round robin fashion and the first available free DN is
assigned to the phone that is auto registering with Unified CME.
We recommend that administrators choose different DN rangesfor manually configured and auto configured
Template —Administrators are provided the option to create a basic configuration template that can be applied
to all phones registering automatically on Unified CME. This basic configuration template supports all the
configurations currently supported by the voice register template. It is mandatory that voice register template
is configured with the same template tag.
Router(config)#voice register global
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#template ?
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Auto Registration of SIP Phones on Cisco Unified CME
<1-10> template tag>
Router(config-voice-auto-register)#template 10
All phone configurations such as voice-register-pool and voice-register-dn that are generated as part of the
auto registration process are persistent configurations. These configurations will be available on the Unified
CME even after an event of router reload.
The CLI commands show voice register pool all and show voice register pool all brief distinctly mention
the registration process for phones as registered or unregistered for manual registration, and registered* or
unregistered* for automatic registration. However, the registration status for auto-registered phones are reset
in the event of a router reload. Then, phone registration status displays only as registered or unregistered.
Syslog Messages
Unified CME generatesSyslog messages as part of the auto registration feature, when the phone registers and
unregisters with the Cisco Unified CME. Also, based on the DN range configured, the administrator gets
syslog message providing updates on the registration status of assigned DNs. The syslog messagesthat provide
updates are generated at two instances; at 80% utilization of available DNs, and at 100% utilization of DNs.
The Unified CME system generates the following syslog messages as part of auto registration.
• Syslog message when phone registers with Unified CME:
*Mar 28 21:44:08.795 IST: %SIPPHONE-6-REGISTER: VOICE REGISTER POOL-8 has registered.
Name:SEP2834A2823843 IP: DeviceType:Phone
• Syslog message at 80% utilization of DN range:
*Mar 28 21:42:25.732 IST: %SIPPHONE-6-AUTOREGISTER80: AUTO-REGISTER: 80% of DN range
is consumed
• Syslog message at 100% utilization of DN range:
*Mar 28 21:44:03.328 IST: %SIPPHONE-6-AUTOREGISTER100: AUTO-REGISTER: 100% of DN range
is consumed
• Syslog message when phone unregisters with Unified CME:
*Mar 28 18:03:41.748 IST: %SIPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER: VOICE REGISTER POOL-6 has unregistered.
Name:SEPB000B4BAF3DA IP: DeviceType:Phone
Monitor Mode for Shared Lines
In Cisco CME 3.0 and later versions, monitor mode for shared lines provides a visible line status indicating
whether the line is in-use or not. A monitor-line lamp is off or unlit only when its line is in the idle call state.
The idle state occurs before a call is made and after a call is completed. For all other call states, the monitor
line lamp islit. A receptionist who monitorsthe line can see that it isin use and can decide not to send additional
calls to that extension, assuming that other transfer and forwarding options are available, or to report the
information to the caller; for example, “Sorry, that extension is busy, can I take a message?”
In Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, consultative transfers can occur during Direct Station Select (DSS) for
transferring calls to idle monitored lines. The receptionist who transfers a call from a normal line can press
the Transfer button and then press the line button of the monitored line, causing the call to be transferred to
the phone number of the monitored line. For information about consultative transfer with DSS, see Configure
Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(1) and later versions, the line button for a monitored line can be used as a DSS for
a call transfer when the monitored line isidle or in-use, provided that the call transfer can succeed; for example,
when the monitored line is configured for Call Forward Busy or Call Forward No Answer.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Monitor Mode for Shared Lines
Typically, Cisco Unified CME does not attempt a transfer that causes the caller (transferee) to hear a busy
tone. However, the system does not check the state of subsequent target numbers in the call-forward path
when the transferred call is transferred more than once. Multiple transfers can occur because a
call-forward-busy target is also busy and configured for Call Forward Busy.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, a receptionist can use the Transfer to Voicemail feature to
transfer a caller directly to a voice-mail extension for a monitored line. For configuration information, see
Transfer to Voice Mail, on page 551.
For configuration information for monitor mode, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page
Monitor mode is intended for use only in the context of shared lines so that a receptionist can visually monitor
the in-use status of several users’ phone extensions; for example, for Busy Lamp Field (BLF) notification. To
monitor all lines on an individual phone so that a receptionist can visually monitor the in-use status of that
phone, see Watch Mode for Phones, on page 238.
For BLF monitoring of speed-dial buttons and directory call-lists, see Configure Presence Service, on page
Watch Mode for Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, a line button that is configured for watch mode on one phone
provides BLFnotification for all lines on another phone (watched phone) for which watched directory number
is the primary line. Watch mode allows a phone user, such as a receptionist, to visually monitor the in-use
status of an individual phone. A user can use the line button that has been set in watch mode as a speed-dial
to call the first extension of the watched phone. The watching phone button displays a red light when the
watched phone is unregistered in a DND state or in an offhook state. Pressing the button when it is not
displaying a red light will dial the number in the same manner it would for a monitor button or the speed-dial
button. Incoming calls on a line button that is in watch mode do not ring and do not display caller ID or
call-waiting caller ID.
The line button for a watched phone can also be used as a DSS for a call transfer when the watched phone is
idle. In this case, the phone user who transfers a call from a normal line can press the Transfer button and
then press the line button of the watched directory number, causing the call to be transferred to the phone
number associated with the watched directory number.
For configuration information, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
If the watched directory number is a shared line and the shared line is not idle on any phone with which it is
associated, then in the context of watch mode, the status of the line button indicates that the watched phone
is in use.
For best results when monitoring the status of an individual phone based on a watched directory number, the
directory number configured for watch mode should not be a shared line. To monitor a shared line so that a
receptionist can visually monitor the in-use status of several users’ phone extensions, see Monitor Mode for
Shared Lines, on page 237.
For BLF monitoring of speed-dial buttons and directory call-lists, see Presence Service, on page 875.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Watch Mode for Phones
PSTN FXO Trunk Lines
In Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, IPphonesrunningSCCPcan be configured to have buttonsfor dedicated
PSTN FXO trunk lines, also known as FXO lines. FXO lines may be used by companies whose employees
require private PSTN numbers. For example, a salesperson may need a special number that customers can
call without having to go through a main number. When a call comes in to the direct number, the salesperson
knows that the caller is a customer. In the salesperson’s absence, the customer can leave a voice mail. FXO
lines can use PSTN service provider voice mail: when the line button is pressed, the line is seized, allowing
the user to hear the stutter dial tone provided by the PSTN to indicate that voice messages are available.
BecauseFXO lines behave as private lines, users do not have to dial a prefix,such as 9 or 8, to reach an outside
line. To reach phone users within the company, FXO-line users must dial numbers that use the company's
PSTN number. For calls to non-PSTN destinations, such as local IP phones, a second directory number must
be provisioned.
Calls placed to or received on anFXO line have restricted Cisco Unified CME services and cannot be transferred
by Cisco Unified CME. However, phone users are able to access hookflash-controlled PSTN services using
the Flash softkey.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(1), the followingFXO trunk enhancements were introduced to improve the keyswitch
emulation behavior of PSTN lines on phones running SCCP in a Cisco Unified CME system:
• FXO port monitoring—Allows the line button on IP phones to reliably show the status of an FXO port
when the port is in use. The status indicator, either a lamp or an icon, depending on the phone model,
accurately displays the status of the FXO port during the duration of the call, even after the call is
forwarded or transferred. The sameFXO port can be monitored by multiple phones using multiple trunk
• Transfer recall—If a transfer-to phone does not answer after a specified timeout, the call is returned to
the phone that initiated the transfer and it resumes ringing on theFXO line button. The directory number
must be dual-lined.
• Transfer-to button optimization—When an FXO call is transferred to a private extension button on
another phone, and that phone has a shared line button for the FXO port, after the transfer is committed
and the call is answered, the connected call displays on the FXO line button of the transfer-to phone.
Thisfrees up the private extension line on the transfer-to phone. The directory number n must be dual-line.
• Dual-line ephone-dns— Directory numbersforFXO lines can now be configured for dual-line to support
the FXO monitoring, transfer recall, and transfer-to button optimization features.
For configuration information, see Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone, on page 284.
Codecs for Cisco Unified CME Phones
In Cisco CME 3.4, support for connecting and provisioning SIP phones was added. The default codec of the
POTS dial peer for an SCCP phone is G.711 and the default codec of a VoIP dial peer for a SIP phone is
G.729. If neither the SCCP phone nor the SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME is specifically configured to
change the codec, calls between the two phones on the same router will produce a busy signal caused by the
mismatched default codecs. To avoid codec mismatch, specify the codec for individual IP phones in
Cisco Unified CME. Modify the configuration for either SIP or SCCP phones to ensure that the codec for all
phones match. Do not modify the configuration for bothSIPandSCCPphones.For configuration information,
see Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
PSTN FXO Trunk Lines
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3, support for G.722-64K and the Internet Low Bit Rate Codec (iLBC) was added.
This enables Cisco Unified CME to support the same codecs that are used in newer Cisco Unified IP phones,
mobile wireless networks, and internet telephony without transcoding. This feature provides support for the
• iLBC and G.722-capable SIP and SCCP IP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
• iLBC-capable SCCP analog endpoints and remote phones in Cisco Unified CME.
• Conferencing support for G.722 and ILBC.
• Supplementary services, such as transfer, call forward, MOH, support for G.722 and iLBC, including
any supplementary services that require transcoding between G.722 and any other codec.
• Transcoding for G.722 and iLBC, including G.722 to G.711 and G.722 to any other codec.
With the introduction of G.722 and iLBC codecs, there can be a disparity between codec capabilities of
different phones and different firmware versions on same phone type. For example, when a H.323 call is
established, the codec is negotiated based on the dial-peer codec and the assumption isthat the codecssupported
on H.323 side are supported by the phones. This assumption is not valid after G.722 and ILBC codec are
introduced in your network. If the phones do not support the codecs on the H.323 side, a transcoder is required.
To avoid transcoding in this situation, configure incoming dial-peers so that G.722 and iLBC codecs are not
used for calls to phones that are not capable of supporting these codecs. Instead, configure these phones for
G.729 or G.711. Also, when configuring shared directory numbers, ensure that phones with the same codec
capabilities are connected to the shared directory number.
TraditionalPSTN telephony codecs, including G.711 and G.729, are classified as narrowband codecs because
they encode audio signals in a narrow audio bandwidth, giving telephone calls a characteristic “tinny” sound.
Wideband codecs, such as G.722, provide a superior voice experience because wideband frequency response
is 200 Hz to 7 kHz compared to narrowband frequency response of 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz. At 64 kbps, the G.722
codec offers conferencing performance and good music quality.
A wideband handset for certain Cisco Unified IP phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7906G, 7911G,
7941G-GE, 7942G, 7945G, 7961G-GE, 7962G, 7965G, and 7975G, take advantage of the higher voice quality
provided by wideband codecs to enhance end-user experience with high-fidelity wideband audio. When users
use a headset that supports wideband, they experience improved audio sensitivity when the wideband setting
on their phones is enabled. You can configure phone-user access to the wideband headset setting on IPphones
by setting the appropriate VendorConfig parameters in the phone’s configuration file. For configuration
information, see Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options, on page 1437.
If the system is not configured for a wideband codec, phone users may not detect any additional audio
sensitivity, even when they are using a wideband headset.
You can configure the G.722-64K codec at a system-level for all calls through Cisco Unified CME. For
configuration information, see Modify the Global Codec, on page 278. To configure individual phones and
avoid codec mismatch for calls between local phones, see Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls
Between Local Phones, on page 280.
iLBC codec
Internet Low Bit Rate Codec (iLBC) enables graceful speech quality degradation in a network where frames
get lost. Consider iLBC suitable for real-time communications, such as telephony and video conferencing,
streaming audio, archival, and messaging. This codec is widely used by internet telephony softphones.The
SIP, SCCP, and MGCP call protocols support use of the iLBC as an audio codec. iLBC provides better voice
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Codecs for Cisco Unified CME Phones
quality than G.729 but less than G.711. Supporting codecs that have standardized use in other networks, such
as iLBC, enables end-to-end IP calls without the need for transcoding.
To configure individual SIP or SCCP phones, including analog endpoints in Cisco Unified CME, and avoid
codec mismatch for calls between local phones,see Configure Codecs of IndividualPhonesfor Calls Between
Local Phones, on page 280.
Analog Phones
Cisco Unified CME supports analog phones and fax machines using Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptors(ATAs)
or FXS ports in SCCP, H.323 mode, and fax pass-through mode. The FXS ports used for analog phones or
fax can be on a Cisco Unified CME router, Cisco VG224 voice gateway, or integrated services router (ISR).
This section provides information on the following topics:
Cisco ATAs in SCCP Mode
You can configure the Cisco ATA 186 or Cisco ATA 188 to cost-effectively support analog phones using
SCCP in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T and later versions. Each Cisco ATA enables two analog phones to
function as IP phones. For configuration information, see Configure Cisco ATA Support, on page 295.
FXS Ports in SCCP Mode
FXS ports on Cisco VG224 Voice Gateways and Cisco 2800 Series and Cisco 3800 Series ISRs can be
configured for SCCP supplementary features. For information about using SCCP supplementary features on
analogFXSports on a Cisco IOSgateway under the control of a Cisco Unified CME router,seeSupplementary
Services Features for FXS Ports on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Configuration Guide.
FXS Ports in H.323 Mode
FXS ports on platforms that cannot enable SCCP supplementary features can use H.323 mode to support call
waiting, caller ID, hookflash transfer, modem pass-through, fax (T.38, Cisco fax relay, and pass-through),
andPLAR. These features are provisioned as Cisco IOSvoice features and not as Cisco Unified CME features.
When using Cisco Unified CME, you can configureFXSportsin H.323 mode for call waiting or hookflash
transfer, but not both at the same time.
Fax Support
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 introduced the use of G.711 fax pass-through for SCCP on the Cisco VG224 voice
gateway and Cisco ATA. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3) and later versions, fax relay using the Cisco-proprietary
fax protocol isthe only supported fax option forSCCP-controlledFXSports on the Cisco VG224 and integrated
service routers. For more information on fax relay, see Fax Relay, on page 749.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Analog Phones
Cisco ATA-187
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions provide voice and fax support on Cisco ATA-187.
Cisco ATA-187 is aSIP-based analog telephone adaptor that turnstraditional telephone devicesinto IPdevices.
Cisco ATA-187 can connect with a regular analog FXS phone or fax machine on one end, while the other
end is an IP side that uses SIP for signaling and registers to Cisco Unified CME as a Cisco Unified SIP IP
Cisco ATA-187 functions as a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone that supports T.38 fax relay and fax pass-through,
enabling the real-time transmission of fax over IP networks. The fax rate is from 7.2 to 14.4 kbps.
For information on how to configure voice and fax support on Cisco ATA-187, see Configure Voice and T.38
Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187, on page 298.
For information on the features supported in Cisco ATA-187, see Phone Feature Support Guide for Unified
CME, Unified SRST, Unified E-SRST, and Unified Secure SRST.
For more information on Cisco ATA-187, see Cisco ATA 187 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administration
Guide for SIP.
Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224 Auto Configuration
The Auto Configuration feature in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions allows you to automatically
configure the Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224 Analog Phone Gateway. You can configure basic voice
gateway information in Cisco Unified CME, which then generates XML configuration files for the gateway
and saves the files to either the default location in system:/its/ or to a location you define in system memory,
flash memory, or an external TFTPserver. When the voice gateway powers up, it downloadsthe configuration
files from Cisco Unified CME and based on the information in the files, the voice gateway provisions its
analog voice ports and creates the corresponding dial peers.
Using this Auto Configuration feature with the existing Auto Assign feature allows you to quickly set up
analog phones to make basic calls. After the voice gateway is properly configured and it downloads its XML
configuration files from Cisco Unified CME, the SCCP telephony control (STC) application registers each
configured voice port to Cisco Unified CME.
If you enable the Auto Assign feature, the gateway automatically assigns the next available directory number
from the pool set by the auto assign command, binds that number to the requesting voice port, and creates
an ephone entry associated with the voice port. The MAC address for the ephone entry is calculated based on
the MAC address of the gateway and the port number. You can manually assign a directory number to each
of the voice ports by creating the ephone-dn and corresponding ephone entry.
You can initiate a reset or restart of the analog endpoints from Cisco Unified CME, which triggers the
autoconfiguration process. The voice gateway downloads its configuration files from Cisco Unified CME and
applies the new changes.
For configuration information, see Auto-Configuration for Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224, on page 302.
Internet Protocol - Secure Telephone Equipment Support
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 addssupport for a new secure endpoint, InternetProtocol -Secure Telephone Equipment
(IP-STE). IP-STE is a standalone, V.150.1 capable device which functions like a 7960 phone with secure
communication capability. IP-STE has native state signaling events (SSE /SPRT) support and supportsSCCP
protocol. IP-STE usesthe device ID 30035 when registering to aSCCPserver. However, only V.150.1 modem
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Internet Protocol - Secure Telephone Equipment Support
relay is implemented in an IP-STE stack and V150.1 modem passthrough is not supported. Therefore, the
response to capability query from Cisco Unified CME only includes media_payload_XV150_MR_711U and
For configuration information, see Configure Secure IP Phone (IP-STE) on SCCP Phone, on page 311.
The following support is added for IP-STE endpoints:
• The IP-STE endpoint allowssecure communication between gateway-connected legacy analogSTE/STU
devices and IP STE devices using existing STE devices in voice networks.
• Secure voice and secure data modes from STE/STU devices connected to Cisco IOS gateway foreign
exchange station (FXS) and BRI ports to an IP-STE.
• Support for the state signaling events (SSE) protocol, allowing for modem signaling end-to-end and
VoIP to modem over IP (MoIP) transition and operation.
• Interoperation between line-side and trunk-side gateways and Cisco Unified CME to determine codec
support and V.150.1 negotiation. You can configure gateway-attached devices to support either modem
relay, modem pass-through, both modem transport methods, or neither method.
Secure Communications Between STU, STE, and IP-STE
Secure Telephone Equipment (STE) and Secure Telephone Units (STUs) encrypt voice and data streams with
government proprietary algorithms (Type-1 encryption). To provide support for the legacy STEs and STUs
and next generation IP Secure Telephone Equipment (IP-STE), voice gateways must be able to support voice
and data in secure mode within the IPnetwork and be able to pass calls within and also to and from government
voice networks.
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME, Cisco IOSgatewayssupported secure voice and data communication
between legacy STE and STU devices using modem pass-through method. Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
versions control the secure endpoints by implementing a subset of v.150.1 modem relay protocol and ensures
secure communications between IP-STE endpoints andSTE/STU endpoints. This allows Cisco Unified CME
SCCP controlled secure endpoints to communicate with the IP-STE or legacy endpoints in secure mode.
SCCP Media Control for Secure Mode
IP-STE endpoints use the V.150.1 modem relay transport method usingFuture Narrow Band Digital Terminal
(FNBDT)signaling over a V.32 or V.34 data pump forsecure communication with other legacySTE endpoints.
However, IP-STE endpoints cannot communicate withSTU endpoints becauseSTU endpoints use the modem
pass-through method using a proprietary data pump and do not support the FNBDT signaling.
Secure communication between IP-STE endpoints and legacy STE endpoints support the following
encryption-capable endpoints:
• STE—Specialized encryption-capable analog or BRI phonesthat can communicate over V.150.1 modem
relay or over modem pass-through, also known as Voice Band Data (VBD).
• IP-STE—Specialized encryption-capable IP phones that communicate only over V.150.1 modem relay.
• STU—Specialized encryption-capable analog phones that operate only over NSE-based modem
pass-through connections.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Internet Protocol - Secure Telephone Equipment Support
Table 15: Supported Secure Call Scenarios and Modem Transport Methods , on page 244 lists call scenarios
between devices along with modem transport methods that the IP-STE endpoints use to communicate with
STE endpoints.
Table 15: Supported Secure Call Scenarios and Modem Transport Methods
Device Type STU STE IP-STE
STU Pass-through Pass-through None
STE Pass-through Pass-through Relay
IP-STE None Relay Relay
Secure Communication Between STE, STU, and IP-STE Across SIP Trunk
The Secure Device Provisioning (SDP) for SIP end-to end negotiation includes four proprietary media types
for secure communication between Cisco Unified CME and SIP trunk. These proprietary VBD or Modem
Relay (MR) media types can be encoded into media attributes of SDP media lines. VBD capabilities are
signaled using theSDPextension mechanism and Cisco proprietary nomenclature. MR capabilities are signaled
through V.150.1. The following example shows VBD capabilities. The SDP syntax are based on RFC 2327
and V.150.1 Appendix E.
a=rtpmap:100 X-NSE/8000
a=rtpmap:118 v150fw/8000
a=cdsc:1 audio RTP/AVP 118 0 18
a=cdsc: 4 audio udsprt 120
a=cpar: a=sprtmap: 120 v150mr/8000
Remote Teleworker Phones
IP phones or a Cisco IP Communicator can be connected to a Cisco Unified CME system over a WAN to
support teleworkers who have offices that are remote from the Cisco Unified CME router. The maximum
number of remote phones that can be supported is determined by the available bandwidth.
IP addressing is a determining factor in the most critical aspect of remote teleworker phone design. The
following two scenarios represent the most common designs, the second one is the most common for small
and medium businesses:
• Remote site IP phones and the hub Cisco Unified CME router use globally routable IP addresses.
• Remote site IP phones use NAT with unroutable private IP addresses and the hub Cisco Unified CME
router uses a globally routable address (see Figure 13: Remote Site IP Phones Using NAT, on page
245). This scenario results in one-way audio unless you use one of the following workarounds:
◦Configure static NAT mapping on the remote site router (for example, a Cisco 831 Ethernet
Broadband Router) to convert between a private address and a globally routable address. This
solution uses fewer Cisco Unified CME resources, but voice is unencryped across the WAN.
◦Configure an IPsec VPN tunnel between the remote site router (For example, a Cisco 831 Ethernet
Broadband Router) and the Cisco Unified CME router. Thissolution requires Advanced IPServices
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Remote Teleworker Phones
or higher image on the Cisco Unified CME router if thisrouter is used to terminate the VPN tunnel.
Voice will be encrypted across the WAN. This method will also work with the Cisco VPN client
on a PC to support a Cisco IP Communicator.
Figure 13: Remote Site IP Phones Using NAT
Media Termination Point for Remote Phones
Media termination point (MTP) configuration is used to ensure that Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
media packets from remote phones always transit through the Cisco Unified CME router. Without the MTP
feature, a phone that is connected in a call with another phone in the same Cisco Unified CME system sends
its media packets directly to the other phone, without the packets going through the Cisco Unified CME router.
MTP forces the packets to be sourced from the Cisco Unified CME router.
When this configuration is used to instruct a phone to alwayssend its media packetsto the Cisco Unified CME
router, the router acts as an MTP or proxy and forwards the packets to the destination phone. If a firewall is
present, it can be configured to pass the RTP packets because the router uses a specified UDP port for media
packets. In this way, RTP packets from remote IP phones can be delivered to IP phones on the same system
though they must pass through a firewall.
You must use the mtp command to explicitly enable MTP for each remote phone that sends media packets
to Cisco Unified CME.
One factor to consider is whether you are using multicast music on hold (MOH) in your system. Multicast
packets generally cannot be forwarded to phones that are reached over a WAN. The multicast MOH feature
checks to see if MTP is enabled for a phone and if it is, MOH is not sent to that phone. If you have a WAN
configuration that can forward multicast packets and you can allow RTP packets through your firewall, you
can decide not to use MTP.
For configuration information, see Enable Remote Phone, on page 307.
G.729r8 Codec on Remote Phones
You can select the G.729r8 codec on a remote IP phone to help save network bandwidth. The default codec
is G.711 mu-law. If you use the codec g729r8 command without the dspfarm-assist keyword, the use of the
G.729 codec is preserved only for calls between two phones on the Cisco Unified CME router (such as between
an IP phone and another IP phone or between an IP phone and an FXS analog phone). The codec g729r8
command has no effect on a call directed through a VoIP dial peer unless the dspfarm-assist keyword is also
For configuration information, see Enable Remote Phone, on page 307.
For information about transcoding behavior when using the G.729r8 codec, see Transcoding When a Remote
Phone Uses G.729r8, on page 478.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Remote Teleworker Phones
Busy Trigger and Channel Huntstop for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 introduced busy trigger and huntstop channel support for SIP phones, such as the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7941G, 7941GE, 7942G, 7945G, 7961G, 7961GE, 7962G, 7965G, 7970G, 7971GE,
7975G, and 7985.For theseSIPphones, the number of channelssupported islimited by the amount of memory
on the phone. To prevent incoming calls from overloading the phone, you can configure a busy trigger and a
channel huntstop for the directory numbers on the phone.
The Channel Huntstop feature limitsthe number of channels available for incoming callsto a directory number.
If the number of incoming calls reaches the configured limit, Cisco Unified CME does not present the next
incoming call to the directory number. This reserves the remaining channels for outgoing calls or for features,
such as call transfer and conferencing.
The Busy Trigger feature limits the calls to a directory number by triggering a busy response. After the number
of active calls, both incoming and outgoing, reaches the configured limit, Cisco Unified CME forwards the
next incoming call to the Call Forward Busy destination or rejects the call with a busy tone if Call Forward
Busy is not configured.
The busy-trigger limit applies to all directory numbers on a phone. If a directory number is shared among
multiple SIP phones, Cisco Unified CME presents incoming calls to those phones that have not reached their
busy-trigger limit. Cisco Unified CME initiates the busy trigger for an incoming call only if all the phones
sharing the directory number exceed their limit.
For configuration information,see Create Directory NumbersforSIPPhones, on page 263 and Assign Directory
Numbers to SIP Phones, on page 266.
Multiple Calls Per Line
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 provides support for the Multiple Calls Per Line (MCPL) feature on Cisco Unified
6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961 SIP IP phones and Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP and SIP IP phones.
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the maximum number of calls supported for every directory number (DN)
on Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP phones was restricted to two.
With Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the MCPL feature overcomes the limitation on the maximum number of calls
per line.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the MCPL feature is not supported on Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961
SCCP IP phones.
Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP Phones
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP phones only supported two incoming
calls per line and a third channel was reserved for call transfers or conference calls. These phones were also
hardcoded with ephone-dn octo-line, huntstop-channel 2,max-calls -per-button 3, and
busy-trigger-per-button 2.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0, you can configure the ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line] in global
configuration mode and the max-calls-per-button and busy-trigger-per-button commands in ephone or
ephone-template configuration mode for Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SCCP IP phones to configure a DN
and enable the number of calls per DN, set the maximum number of calls allowed on an octo-line DN, and
set the maximum number of calls allowed on an octo-line DN before activating a busy tone.
For configuration information, see Configure the Maximum Number of Calls on SCCP Phone, on page 319.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Busy Trigger and Channel Huntstop for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP IP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the default values for the busy-trigger-per-button command is 1 for the Cisco
Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961 SIP IP phones and 2 for the Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SIP IP phones.
You can configure the maximum number of calls before a phone receives a busy tone. For example, if you
configure busy-trigger-per-button 2 in voice register pool configuration mode for a Cisco Unified 6921,
6941, 6945, or 6961 SIP IP phone, the third incoming call to the phone receives a busy tone.
For information on the Busy Trigger feature on Cisco Unified SIP IP phones, see Busy Trigger and Channel
Huntstop for SIP Phones, on page 246.
For configuration information, see Configure the Busy Trigger Limit on SIP Phone, on page 322.
Digit Collection on SIP Phones
Digit strings dialed by phone users must be collected and matched against predefined patterns to place calls
to the destination corresponding to the user's input. Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1, SIP phone users had to
press the DIAL softkey or # key or wait for the interdigit-timeout to trigger call processing. In
Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, two methods of collecting and matching digits are supported for
SIP phones, depending on the model of phone:
Key Press Markup Language Digit Collection
KeyPress Markup Language (KPML) usesSIPSUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY methods to report user input digit
by digit. Each digit dialed by the phone user generates its own signaling message to Cisco Unified CME,
which performs pattern recognition by matching a destination pattern to a dial peer as it collects the dialed
digits. This process of relaying each digit immediately is similar to the process used by SCCP phones. It
eliminates the need for the user to press the Dial softkey or wait for the interdigit timeout before the digits
are sent to Cisco Unified CME for processing.
KPML is supported on Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and
7971GE. For configuration information, see Enable KPML on a SIP Phone, on page 273.
SIP Dial Plans
A dial plan is a set of dial patterns that SIP phones use to determine when digit collection is complete after a
user goes off-hook and dials a destination number. Dial plans allow SIPphonesto perform local digit collection
and recognize dial patterns as user input is collected. After a pattern is recognized, the SIP phone sends an
INVITE message to Cisco Unified CME to initiate the call to the number matching the user's input. All of the
digits entered by the user are presented as a block to Cisco Unified CME for processing. Because digit collection
is done by the phone, dial plans reduce signaling messages overhead compared to KPML digit collection.
SIP dial plans eliminate the need for a user to press the Dial softkey or # key or to wait for the interdigit
timeout to trigger an outgoing INVITE. You configure a SIP dial plan and associate the dial plan with a SIP
phone. The dial plan is downloaded to the phone in the configuration file.
You can configure SIP dial plans and associate them with the following SIP phones:
• Cisco Unified IPPhones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE—These phones
use dial plans and support KPML. If both a dial plan and KPML are enabled, the dial plan has priority.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Digit Collection on SIP Phones
If a matching dial plan is not found and KPML is disabled, the user must wait for the interdigit timeout
before the SIP NOTIFY message is sent to Cisco Unified CME. Unlike other SIP phones, these phones
do not have a Dial softkey to indicate the end of dialing, except when on-hook dialing is used. In this
case, the user can press the Dial softkey at any time to send all the dialed digits to Cisco Unified CME.
• Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960—These phones use dial plans and do not support
KPML. If you do not configure a SIP dial plan for these phones, or if the dialed digits do not match a
dial plan, the user must press the Dial softkey or wait for the interdigit timeout before digits are sent to
Cisco Unified CME.
When you reset a phone, the phone requests its configuration files from the TFTP server, which builds the
appropriate configuration files depending on the type of phone.
• Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905 and 7912—The dial plan is a field in their configuration files.
• Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G, 7940, 7941G, 7941GE, 7960, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and
7971GE—The dial plan is a separate XML file that is pointed to from the normal configuration file.
For configuration information for Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Dial Plans for SIP Phones, on page
Session Transport Protocol for SIP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, you can select TCP as the transport protocol for connecting
supported SIP phones to Cisco Unified CME. Previously only UDP was supported. TCP is selected for
individualSIPphones by using the session-transport command in voice register pool or voice register template
configuration mode. For configuration information, see Select Session-Transport Protocol for a SIP Phone,
on page 275.
Real-Time Transport Protocol Call Information Display Enhancement
Before Cisco Unified CME 8.8, active RTP call information on ephone call legs were determined only by
parsing the show ephone registered or show ephone offhook command output. The show voip rtp
connections command showed active call information in the system but it did not apply to ephone call legs.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.8 and later versions, you can display information on active RTP calls, including the
ephone tag number of the phone with an active call, the channel of the ephone-dn, and the caller and called
party’s numbersfor the connection for both local and remote endpoints, using the show ephone rtpconnections
command. The output from this command provides an overview of all the connectionsin the system, narrowing
the criteria for debugging pulse code modulation and Cisco Unified CME packets without a sniffer.
When an ephone to non-ephone call is made, information on the non-ephone does not appear in a show
ephone rtpconnections command output. To display the non-ephone call information, use the show voip
rtp connections command.
The following sample output shows all the connected ephones in the Cisco Unified CME system. The sample
output shows five active ephone connections with one of the phones having the dspfarm-assist keyword
configured to transcode the code on the local leg to the indicated codec. The output also shows four
ephone-to-ephone calls, represented in the CallID columns of both the RTP connection source and RTP
connection destination by zero values.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Session Transport Protocol for SIP Phones
Normally, a phone can have only one active connection but in the presence of a whisper intercom call, a phone
can have two. In the sample output, ephone-40 has two active calls: it is receiving both a normal call and a
whisper intercom call. The whisper intercom call is being sent by ephone-6, which has an invalid LocalIP of The invalid LocalIP indicates that it does not receive RTP audio because it only has a one-way voice
connection to the whisper intercom call recipient.
Router# show ephone rtp connections
Ephone RTP active connections :
Ephone Line DN Chan SrcCallID DstCallID Codec (xcoded?)
SrcNum DstNum LocalIP RemoteIP
ephone-5 1 5 1 15 14 G729 (Y)
1005 1102 []:23192 []:2000
ephone-6 2 35 1 0 0 G711Ulaw64k (N)
1035 1036 []:0 []:21256
ephone-40 1 140 1 0 0 G711Ulaw64k (N)
1140 1141 []:21244 []:20664
ephone-40 2 36 1 0 0 G711Ulaw64k (N)
1035 1036 []:21256 []:2000
ephone-41 1 141 1 0 0 G711Ulaw64k (N)
1140 1141 []:20664 []:21244
Found 5 active ephone RTP connections
Ephone-Type Configuration
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, you can dynamically add a new phone type to your configuration
without upgrading your Cisco IOS software. New phone models that do not introduce new features can easily
be added to your configuration without requiring a software upgrade.
The ephone-type configuration template is a set of commands that describe the features supported by a type
of phone, such as the particular phone type's device ID, number of buttons, and security support. Other
phone-related settings under telephony-service, ephone-template, and ephone configuration mode can override
the features set within the ephone-type template. For example, an ephone-type template can specify that a
particular phone type supports security and another configuration setting can disable this feature. However,
if an ephone-type template specifies that this phone does not support security, the other configuration cannot
enable support for the security feature.
Cisco Unified CME uses the ephone-type template to generate XML files to provision the phone.
System-defined phone types continue to be supported without using the ephone-type configuration.
Cisco Unified CME checks the ephone-type against the system-defined phone types. If there is conflict with
the phone type or the device ID, the configuration is rejected.
For configuration information, see Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones, on page 256.
7926G Wireless SCCP IP Phone Support
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 adds support for the Cisco Unified 7926G Wireless SCCP IP phone. The 7926G
wireless phone is phone similar to the 7925 wireless phone with a 2D barcode and EA15 module attached.
The 7926G wireless phone is capable of scanning functionality. For more details on phone features and
functionality, see Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series User Guide.
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 supports the scanning function on the 7926G SCCP wireless phone using the ephone
built-in device type. Table 16: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Command , on page 250 shows supported
values for the ephone-type for 7926G wireless phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Ephone-Type Configuration
Table 16: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Command
Supported Device device-id device-type num-buttons max-presentation
Cisco Unified 577 7926 6 2
Wireless IP Phone
To support service provisioning, an XML file is constructed externally and applied to the ephone-template
of the phone. To allow the phone to read the external XML file, you are required to create-cnf and download
the XML file to the ephone. For more information on configuring PhoneServices XML file, see Configure
Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless Phone 7926G, on page 313.
The following is an example of the XML file:
Missed Calls
Store Ops
Store Ops
KEM Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
For information on the KEM support for Cisco Unified 8851/51NR, 8861, 8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP
Phones, see Phone Feature Support Guide for Unified CME, Unified SRST, Unified E-SRST, and Unified
Secure SRST.
Key Mapping
The mapping of configured keys on a phone depends on the number of KEMs attached to the phone.
If only one KEM is attached to a phone and the number of keys configured is 114, only 36 keys on the KEM
are mapped to the configured keys on the phone. The rest of the keys are not visible on the phone or the KEM.
Call Control
All call control features are supported by KEMs on Cisco Unified 8961 SIP IP phones. Any feature that can
be configured on the phone keys can also be configured on the KEM.
Because the Transfer, Hold, and Conference keys are built-in keys on Cisco Unified 8851/51NR, 8861, 8961,
9951 and 9971 SIP IP Phones, these features cannot be mapped to the keys on the KEMs.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
KEM Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
XML Updates
• There is no separate firmware for KEMs, instead they are built in as part of the phones.
• The number of XML entries in the configuration file increases with the number of keys configured.
• The device type for KEMs is CKEM and the maximum number of supported keys on each KEM device
is 36.
Restrictions for KEM Support
• KEMs are not supported for Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones and Cisco Unified SIP IP phones other than
the Cisco Unified 8851/51NR, 8861, 8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP phones.
• Features configured on keys are disabled when supported Cisco Unified SIP IP phones are in Cisco
Unified SIP SRST.
• All Cisco Unified 8851/51NR, 8861, 8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP phone restrictions and limitations
apply to KEMs.
• All Cisco Unified CME and Cisco UnifiedSIPSRST feature restrictions and limitations apply to KEMs.
For more information on how the blf-speed-dial, number, and speed-dial commands, in voice register pool
configuration mode, have been modified, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command
For information on installing KEMs on Cisco Unified IP Phone, see “Installing a Key Expansion Module on
the Cisco Unified IP Phone” section of Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 Administration Guide
for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 10.0 .
For information on installing KEMs on Cisco Unified 8811, 8841, 8851, 8851NR, and 8861Phones,see Cisco
IP Phone Key Expansion Module section of Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Administration Guide for Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.
Fast-Track Configuration Approach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME Release 10.0, theFast-Track Configuration feature provides a new configuration utility
using which you can input the phone characteristics of a new SIP phone model. This utility allows you to
configure the existingSIPline featuresto the new SIPphone models. In the fast-track configuration, an option
is provided to input an existing SIP phone as a reference phone. This feature is supported only on new SIP
phone models that do not need any changes in the software protocols and the Cisco Unified CME application.
To deploy Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones on Cisco Unified CME using the fast-track configuration approach,
you require Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M or a later release.
Forward Compatibility
When a new SIPphone model is configured using the fast-track configuration approach. and the Cisco Unified
CME is upgraded to a later version that supports the new SIP phone model, the fast-track configuration
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Fast-Track Configuration Approach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
pertaining to that SIP phone model is removed automatically. If the Cisco Unified CME is downgraded to a
version that does not have the built-in support, the fast-track configuration should be applied again.
To support Fast-Track Configuration feature, the voice register pool-type command has been introduced in
the global configuration mode. The properties of the new SIPphone can be configured under the voice register
pool-type submode. In addition to the explicit configuration of the phone’s properties, the reference-pooltype
option can be used to inherit the properties of an existing SIP phone.
Localization support
CME supportslocalization for phonesin fast-track mode through locale installer. However, the locale package
should have .jar files for a specific phone model to make the feature work.
To use the locale installer, see Locale Installer for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones, on page 411 .
For new SIPphone models validated usingFast-track configuration and the supported locale package version,
see Phone Feature Support Guide for Unified CME, Unified SRST, Unified E-SRST, and Unified Secure
Restrictions for Fast-Track Support
• The fast-track configuration does not allow you to use the following phone models as reference phone:
◦ATA—Cisco ATA-186 and Cisco ATA-188
◦7905—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905 and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G
◦7912—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912 and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G
◦7940—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940 and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G
◦7960—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G
◦P100—PingTel Xpressa 100
◦P600—Polycom SoundPoint IP 600
◦Existing Cisco Unified SIP IP phones are not allowed to be configured as new Cisco Unified SIP
IP phones using the fast-track configuration approach.
◦The reference-pooltype functionality is allowed only on existing SIP phone models. New SIP
phone models configured using the fast-track configuration approach cannot be used as a reference
◦The fast-track configuration approach supports only the XML format and not support the text
format for phone configuration.
◦The fast-track approach does not support the new SIP phone models that have a new call flow,
new message flow, or a new configuration file format that are not supported by the Cisco Unified
For configuration information, see Provision SIP Phones to Use the Fast-Track Configuration Approach, on
page 325.
For configuration examples, see Example for Fast-Track Configuration Approach, on page 340.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Fast-Track Configuration Approach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Configure Phones for a PBX System
This section contains the following tasks:
Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones
To create a directory number in Cisco Unified CME for a SCCP phone, intercom line, voice port, or a
message-waiting indicator (MWI), perform the following steps for each directory number to be created. Each
ephone-dn becomes a virtual line, or extension, on which call connections can be made. Each ephone-dn
configuration automatically creates one or more virtual dial peers and virtual voice ports to make those call
To create and assign directory numbersto be included in an overlay set,see Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns
on SCCP Phones, on page 1326.
Restriction • The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G is a SCCP keyset phone and, when configured for a key system,
does not support the dual-line option for a directory number. To configure a Cisco Unified IP Phone
7931G, see Configure Phones for a Key System, on page 282.
• Octo-line directory numbers are not supported by the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902, 7920, or 7931,
or by analog phones connected to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA.
• Octo-line directory numbers are not supported in button overlay sets.
• Octo-line directory numbers do not support the trunk command.
Before You Begin
• Maximum number of directory numbers must be changed from the default of 0 by using the max-dn
• Octo-line directory numbers are supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. huntstop [channel number]
6. name name
7. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phones for a PBX System
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create a directory number for a
SCCP phone.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 7
Step 3
• dual-line—(Optional) Enablestwo calls per directory number.Supports
features such as call waiting, call transfer, and conferencing with a
single ephone-dn.
• octo-line—(Optional) Enables eight calls per directory number.
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• To change the line mode of a directory number, for example from
dual-line to octo-line or the reverse, you must first delete the ephone-dn
and then recreate it.
number number [secondary number] Configures an extension number for this directory number.
[no-reg [both | primary]]
Step 4
• Configuring a secondary numbersupportsfeaturessuch as call waiting,
call transfer, and conferencing with a single ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
(Optional) Enables Channel Huntstop, which keeps a call from hunting to
the next channel of a directory number if the first channel is busy or does
not answer.
huntstop [channel number]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
channel 4
Step 5
• channel number—Number of channels available to accept incoming
calls. Remaining channels are reserved for outgoing calls and features
such as call transfer, call waiting, and conferencing. Range: 1 to 8.
Default: 8.
• number argument is supported for octo-line directory numbers only.
Step 6 name name (Optional) Associates a name with this directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name
Smith, John
• Name is used for caller-ID displays and in the local directory listings.
• Must follow the name order that is specified with the directory
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 7
Example for Nonshared Octo-Line Directory Number
In the following example, ephone-dn 7 is assigned to phone 10 and not shared by any other phone. There are
two active calls on ephone-dn 7. Because the busy-trigger-per-button command is set to 2, a third incoming
call to extension 2001 is either rejected with a busy tone or forwarded to another destination if Call Forward
Busy is configured. The phone user can still make an outgoing call or transfer or conference a call on ephone-dn
7 because the max-calls-per-button command is set to 3, which allows a total of three calls on ephone-dn 7.
ephone-dn 7 octo-line
number 2001
name Smith, John
huntstop channel 4
ephone 10
max-calls-per-button 3
busy-trigger-per-button 2
mac-address 00E1.CB13.0395
type 7960
button 1:7
Example for Shared Octo-Line Directory Number
In the following example, ephone-dn 7 is shared between phone 10 and phone 11. There are two active calls
on ephone-dn 7. A third incoming call to ephone-dn 7 rings only phone 11 because itsbusy-trigger-per-button
command is set to 3. Phone 10 allows a total of three calls, but it rejects the third incoming call because its
busy-trigger-per-button command is set to 2. A fourth incoming call to ephone-dn 7 on ephone 11 is either
rejected with a busy tone or forwarded to another destination if Call Forward Busy is configured. The phone
user can still make an outgoing call or transfer or conference a call on ephone-dn 7 on phone 11 because the
max-calls-per-button command is set to 4, which allows a total of four calls on ephone-dn 7 on phone 11.
ephone-dn 7 octo-line
number 2001
name Smith, John
huntstop channel 4
ephone 10
max-calls-per-button 3
busy-trigger-per-button 2
mac-address 00E1.CB13.0395>
type 7960
button 1:7
ephone 11
max-calls-per-button 4
busy-trigger-per-button 3
mac-address 0016.9DEF.1A70
type 7960
button 1:7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones
What to Do Next
After creating directory numbers, you can assign one or more directory numbers to a Cisco Unified IP Phone.
See Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones, on page 260.
Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones
Ephone-type templates are not supported for system-defined phone types. For a list of system-defined
phone types, see the type command in Cisco Unified CME Command Reference.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-type phone-type [addon]
4. device-id number
5. device-name name
6. device-type phone-type
7. num-buttons number
8. max-presentation number
9. addon
10. security
11. phoneload
12. utf8
13. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enters ephone-type configuration mode to create an ephone-type
ephone-type phone-type [addon]
Router(config)# ephone-type E61
Step 3
• phone-type—Unique label that identifies the type of IP phone for
which the phone-type template is being defined.
• addon—(Optional) Phone type is an add-on module, such as the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7915 Expansion Module.
Step 4 device-id number Specifies the device ID for the phone type.
Router(config-ephone-type)# device-id
• This device ID must match the predefined device ID for the
specific phone model.
• If this command is set to the default value of 0, the ephone-type
is invalid.
• See Table 17: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Commands ,
on page 258 for a list of supported device IDs.
Step 5 device-name name Assigns a name to the phone type.
device-name E61 Mobile Phone
• See Table 17: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Commands ,
on page 258 for a list of supported device types.
device-type phone-type Specifies the device type for the phone.
device-type E61
Step 6
Step 7 num-buttons number Number of line buttons supported by the phone type.
num-buttons 1
• number—Range: 1 to 100. Default: 0.
• See Table 17: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Commands ,
on page 258 for the number of buttons supported by each phone
Step 8 max-presentation number Number of call presentation lines supported by the phone type.
max-presentation 1
• number—Range: 1 to 100. Default: 0.
• See Table 17: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Commands ,
on page 258 for the number of presentation linessupported by each
phone type.
(Optional) Specifies that this phone type supports an add-on module,
such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7915 Expansion Module.
Router(config-ephone-type)# addon
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 10 security (Optional) Specifies that this phone type supports security features.
Router(config-ephone-type)# security
• This command is enabled by default.
(Optional)Specifiesthat this phone type requiresthat the loadcommand
be configured.
Router(config-ephone-type)# phoneload
Step 11
• This command is enabled by default.
Step 12 utf8 (Optional) Specifies that this phone type supports UTF8.
Router(config-ephone-type)# utf8
• This command is enabled by default.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-type)# end
Step 13
Ephone-Type Parameters for Supported Phone Types
Table 17: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Commands , on page 258 lists the required device ID, device
type, and the maximum number of buttons and call presentation lines that are supported for each phone type
that can be added with ephone-type templates.
Table 17: Supported Values for Ephone-Type Commands
Supported Device device-id device-type num-buttons max-presentation
Cisco Unified IP 547 6901 1 1
Phoone 6901
Cisco Unified IP 548 6911 10 1
Phone 6911
Cisco Unified IP 564 6945 4 2
Phone 6945
Cisco Unified IP 227 7915 12 0 (default)
Phone 7915
Expansion Module
with 12 buttons
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones
Supported Device device-id device-type num-buttons max-presentation
Cisco Unified IP 228 7915 24 0
Phone 7915
Expansion Module
with 24 buttons
Cisco Unified IP 229 7916 12 0
Phone 7916
Expansion Module
with 12 buttons
Cisco Unified IP 230 7916 24 0
Phone 7916
Expansion Module
with 24 buttons
Cisco Unified 484 7925 6 4
Wireless IP Phone
Cisco Unified IP 431 7937 1 6
Station 7937G
Cisco Unified IP 586 8941 4 3
Phone 8941
Cisco Unified IP 585 8945 4 3
Phone 8945
Cisco Unified IP 586 8941 4 3
Phone 8941 with
Cisco Unified IP 586 8945 4 3
Phone 8945 with
Nokia E61 376 E61 1 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones
The following example shows the Nokia E61 added with an ephone-type template, which is then assigned to
ephone 2:
ephone-type E61
device-id 376
device-name E61 Mobile Phone
num-buttons 1
max-presentation 1
no utf8
no phoneload
ephone 2
mac-address 001C.821C.ED23
type E61
button 1:2
Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones
This task sets up the initial ephone-dn-to-ephone relationships: how and which extensions appear on each
phone. To create and modify phone-specific parameters for individual SCCP phones, perform the following
steps for each SCCP phone to be connected in Cisco Unified CME. While using the GUI to administer
ephone-dns on CME, ensure ephone-dns value is lower than the max-dns value.
To create and assign directory numbersto be included in an overlay set,see Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns
on SCCP Phones, on page 1326.
Restriction • For Watch mode. If the watched directory number is associated with several phones, then the watched
phone is the one on which the watched directory number is on button 1 or the one on which the
watched directory number is on the button that is configured by using theauto-line command, with
auto-line having priority.For configuration information,see Automatic LineSelection, on page 1041.
• Octo-line directory numbers are not supported by the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902, 7920, or 7931,
or by analog phones connected to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA.
• Octo-line directory numbers are not supported in button overlay sets.
Before You Begin
• To configure a phone line for Watch (w) mode by using the button command, Cisco Unified CME 4.1
or a later version.
• To configure a phone line for Monitor (m) mode by using the button command, Cisco CME 3.0 or a
later version.
• To assign a user-defined phone type in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version, you must first create
an ephone-type template. See Configure Ephone-Type Templates for SCCP Phones, on page 256.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mac-address [mac-address]
5. type phone-type [addon 1 module-type [2 module-type]]
6. button button-number {separator}dn-tag [, dn-tag...] [button-number {x} overlay-button-number]
7. max-calls-per-button number
8. busy-trigger-per-button number
9. keypad-normalize
10. nte-end-digit-delay [milliseconds]
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)#ephone 6
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone during
configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones is version and
platform-specific. Type ? to display range.
Step 4 mac-address [mac-address] Specifies the MAC address of the IP phone that is being configured.
• mac-address—(Optional) For CiscoUnifiedCME 3.0 and later versions, it
is not required to register phones before configuring the phone because
CiscoUnifiedCME can detect MAC addresses and automatically populate
phone configurations with the MAC addresses and phone types for
individual phones. Not supported for voice-mail ports.
type phone-type [addon 1 module-type Specifies the type of phone.
[2 module-type]]
Step 5
• CiscoUnifiedCME 4.0 and later versionsThe only types to which you can
apply an add-on module are 7960, 7961,7961GE, and 7970.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone)# type 7960
addon 1 7914
• CiscoCME 3.4 and earlier versionsThe only type to which you can apply
an add-on module is 7960.
Associates a button number and line characteristics with an extension (ephone-dn).
Maximum number of buttons is determined by phone type.
button button-number
{separator}dn-tag [, dn-tag...]
Step 6
[button-number {x}
The CiscoUnified IPPhone7910 has only one line button but can be
given two ephone-dn tags.
Router(config-ephone)# button
1:10 2:11 3b12 4o13,14,15
(Optional) Sets the maximum number of calls, incoming and outgoing, allowed
on an octo-line directory number on this phone.
max-calls-per-button number
max-calls-per-button 3
Step 7
• number—Range: 1 to 8. Default: 8.
• This command is supported in CiscoUnifiedCME4.3 and later versions.
• This command must be set to a value that is more than or equal to the value
set with the busy-trigger-per-button command.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode and applied to one or more phones. The ephone configuration has
priority over the ephone-template configuration.
(Optional) Sets the maximum number of calls allowed on this phones octo-line
directory numbers before triggering Call Forward Busy or a busy tone.
busy-trigger-per-button number
busy-trigger-per-button 2
Step 8
• number—Range: 1 to 8. Default: 0 (disabled).
• This command is supported in CiscoUnifiedCME4.3 and later versions.
• After the number of existing calls, incoming and outgoing, on an octo-line
directory number exceeds the number of calls set with this command, the
next incoming call to the directory number isforwarded to the CallForward
Busy destination if configured, or the call is rejected with a busy tone.
• This command must be set to a value that is less than or equal to the value
set with the max-calls-per-button command.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode and applied to one or more phones. The ephone configuration has
priority over the ephone-template configuration.
(Optional) Imposes a 200-millisecond delay before each keypad message from
an IP phone.
Step 9
• When used with thente-end-digit-delay command, this command ensures
that the delay configured for a dtmf-end event is always honored.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional)Specifiesthe amount of time that each digit in the RTP NTE end event
in an RFC2833 packet is delayed before being sent.
nte-end-digit-delay [milliseconds]
nte-end-digit-delay 150
Step 10
• This command is supported in CiscoUnifiedCME 4.3 and later versions.
• milliseconds—length of delay. Range: 10 to 200. Default: 200.
• To enable the delay, you must also configure thedtmf-interworking rtp-nte
command in voice-service or dial-peer configuration mode.For information,
see Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833, on page 562.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode. The value set in ephone configuration mode has priority over the
value set in ephone-template mode.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 11
Example for assigning directory number to SCCP Phone
The following example assigns extension 2225 in the Accounting Department to button 1 on ephone 2:
ephone-dn 25
number 2225
name Accounting
ephone 2
mac-address 00E1.CB13.0395
type 7960
button 1:25
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• After configuring phones in Cisco Unified CME to make basic calls, you are ready to generate
configuration files for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones,
on page 388.
Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones
To create a directory number in Cisco Unified CME for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or a
message-waiting indicator (MWI), perform the following steps for each directory number to be created.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones
Restriction • Valid characters in voice register dn include 0-9, '.', '+', '*', and '#'.
• To allow insertion of '#' at any place in voice register dn, the CLI "allow-hash-in-dn" is configured
in voice register global mode.
• When the CLI "allow-hash-in-dn" is configured, the user isrequired to change the dial-peer terminator
from '#' (default terminator) to another valid terminator in configuration mode. The other terminators
that are supported include '0'-'9', 'A'-'F', and '*'.
• Maximum number of directory numbers supported by a router is version and platform dependent.
• CallForward All,Presence, and message-waiting indication (MWI) featuresin Cisco Unified CME 4.1
and later versions require that SIP phones be configured with a directory number using the dn
keyword with the number command; direct line numbers are not supported.
• SIP endpoints are not supported on H.323 trunks. SIP endpoints are supported on SIP trunks only.
• The MediaFlow-around feature configured with the media flow-aroundcommand is not supported
by Cisco Unified CME with SIP phones.
• SIP shared-line directory numbers are not supported by the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902, 7920,
7931, 7940, or 7960, or by analog phones connected to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA.
• For Unified CME 12.1 and prior releases, SIP shared-line directory numbers cannot be members of
hunt groups.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• SIP shared-line directory numbers are supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
• registrar server command must be configured.For configuration information, see Enable Calls in Your
VoIP Network, on page 125.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions, the maximum number of directory numbers must be
changed from the default of 0 by using the max-dn (voice register global) command. For configuration
information, see Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones, on page 192.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. shared-line [max-calls number-of-calls]
6. huntstop channel number-of-channels
7. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory number
for aSIPphone, intercom line, voice port, or a message-waiting indicator
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 17
Step 3
number number Defines a valid number for a directory number.
Router(config-register-dn)# number
Step 4
Step 5 shared-line [max-calls number-of-calls] (Optional) Creates a shared-line directory number.
shared-line max-calls 6
• max-calls number-of-calls(Optional)—Maximum number of calls,
both incoming and outgoing. Range: 2 to 16. Default: 2.
• Must be set to a value that is more than or equal to the value set
with the busy-trigger-per-button command.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
(Optional) Enables Channel Huntstop, which keeps a call from hunting
to the next channel of a directory number if the first channel is busy or
does not answer.
huntstop channel number-of-channels
Router(config-register-dn)# huntstop
channel 3
Step 6
• number-of-channels—Number of channels available to accept
incoming calls on the directory number. Remaining channels are
reserved for outgoing calls and features, such as Call Transfer, Call
Waiting, and Conferencing. Range: 1 to 50. Default: 0 (disabled).
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones
Example for assigning directory numbers to SIP Phones
The following example shows directory number 24 configured as a shared line and assigned to phone 124
and phone 125:
voice register dn 24
number 8124
shared-line max-calls 6
voice register pool 124
id mac 0017.E033.0284
type 7965
number 1 dn 24
voice register pool 125
id mac 00E1.CB13.0395
type 7965
number 1 dn 24
Assign Directory Numbers to SIP Phones
This task sets up which extensions appear on each phone. To create and modify phone-specific parameters
for individual SIP phones, perform the following steps for each SIP phone to be connected in
Cisco Unified CME.
If your Cisco Unified CME system supports SCCP and SIP phones, do not connect your SIP phones to
your network until after you have verified the configuration profile for the SIP phone.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. id {network address mask mask | ip address mask mask | mac address}
5. type phone-type
6. number tag dn dn-tag
7. busy-trigger-per-button number-of-calls
8. username username password password
9. dtmf-relay {[cisco-rtp] [rtp-nte] [sip-notify]}
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Assign Directory Numbers to SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 3
Explicitly identifies a locally available individual SIP phone to
support a degree of authentication.
id {network address mask mask | ip address
mask mask | mac address}
id mac 0009.A3D4.1234
Step 4
type phone-type Defines a phone type for the SIP phone being configured.
type 7960-7940
Step 5
Step 6 number tag dn dn-tag Associates a directory number with theSIPphone being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn
• dn dn-tag—identifies the directory number for this SIP phone
as defined by the voice register dn command.
(Optional)Sets the maximum number of calls allowed on any of this
phones directory numbers before triggering Call Forward Busy or
a busy tone.
busy-trigger-per-button number-of-calls
busy-trigger-per-button 2
Step 7
• number-of-calls—Maximum number of calls allowed before
Cisco Unified CME forwardsthe next incoming call to the Call
Forward Busy destination, if configured, or rejects the call with
a busy tone. Range: 1 to 50.
• This command issupported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Assign Directory Numbers to SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Required only if authentication is enabled with the
authenticate command. Creates an authentication credential.
username username password password
Router(config-register-pool)# username
smith password 123zyx
Step 8
This command is not for SIP proxy registration. The
password will not be encrypted. All lines in a phone will
share the same credential.
• username—identifies a local Cisco Unified IP phone user.
Default: Admin.
(Optional) Specifies a list of DTMF relay methods that can be used
by the SIP phone to relay DTMF tones.
dtmf-relay {[cisco-rtp] [rtp-nte] [sip-notify]}
Router(config-register-pool)# dtmf-relay
Step 9
SIP phones natively support in-band DTMF relay as
specified in RFC 2833.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 10
Example for configuring SIP Nonshared Line
In the following example, voice register dn 23 is assigned to phone 123. The fourth incoming call to extension
8123 is not presented to the phone because the huntstop channel command is set to 3. Because the
busy-trigger-per-button command is set to 2 on phone 123 and Call Forward Busy is configured, the third
incoming call to extension 8123 is forwarded to extension 8200.
voice register dn 23
number 8123
call-forward b2bua busy 8200
huntstop channel 3
voice register pool 123
busy-trigger-per-button 2
id mac 0009.A3D4.1234
type 7965
number 1 dn 23
Example for configuring SIP Shared Line
In the following example, voice register dn 24 is shared by phones 124 and 125. The first two incoming calls
to extension 8124 ring both phones. A third incoming call rings only phone 125 because its
busy-trigger-per-button command is set to 3. The fourth incoming call to extension 8124 triggers Call
Forward Busy because the busy trigger limit on all phones is exceeded.
voice register dn 24
number 8124
call-forward b2bua busy 8200
shared-line max-calls 6
huntstop channel 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Assign Directory Numbers to SIP Phones
voice register pool 124
busy-trigger-per-button 2
id mac 0017.E033.0284
type 7965
number 1 dn 24
voice register pool 125
busy-trigger-per-button 3
id mac 00E1.CB13.0395
type 7965
number 1 dn 24
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• If you want to select the session-transport protocol for aSIPphone,seeSelectSession-TransportProtocol
for a SIP Phone, on page 275.
• If you are finished configuring phones to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration files
for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Configure Dial Plans for SIP Phones
Dial plans enable SIP phones to recognize digit strings dialed by users. After the phone recognizes a dial
pattern, it automatically sends a SIP INVITE message to the Cisco Unified CME to initiate the call and does
not require the user to press the Dial key or wait for the interdigit timeout. To define a dial plan for a SIP
phone, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dialplan dialplan-tag
4. type phone-type
5. pattern tag string [button button-number] [timeout seconds] [user {ip | phone}] or filename filename
6. exit
7. voice register pool pool-tag
8. dialplan dialplan-tag
9. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Dial Plans for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dialplan configuration mode to define a dial plan for SIP
voice register dialplan dialplan-tag
Router(config)# voice register
dialplan 1
Step 3
Step 4 type phone-type Defines a phone type for the SIP dial plan.
type 7905-7912
• 7905-7912—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7905G, 7912, or 7912G.
• 7940-7960-others—Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7940, 7940G, 7941,
7941GE, 7960, 7960G, 7961, 7961GE, 7970, or 7971.
• The phone type specified with this command must match the type of phone
for which the dial plan is used. If this phone type does not match the type
assigned to the phone with the type command in voice register pool mode,
the dial-plan configuration file is not generated.
• You must enter this command before using the pattern or filename
command in the next step.
pattern tag string [button Defines a dial pattern for a SIP dial plan.
button-number] [timeoutseconds] [user
{ip | phone}] or filename filename
Step 5
• tag—Number that identifies the dial pattern. Range: 1 to 24.
pattern 1 52...
• string—Dial pattern, such as the area code, prefix, and first one or two
digits of the telephone number, plus wildcard characters or dots (.) for the
remainder of the dialed digits.
• buttonbutton-number—(Optional) Button to which the dial pattern applies. or
filename dialsip
• timeout seconds— (Optional) Time, in seconds, that the system waits
before dialing the number entered by the user. Range: 0 to 30. To have
the number dialed immediately, specify 0. If you do not use this parameter,
the phone's default interdigit timeout value is used (10 seconds).
• user—(Optional) Tag that automatically gets added to the dialed number.
Do not use this keyword if Cisco Unified CME is the only SIP call agent.
• ip—Uses the IP address of the user.
• phone—Uses the phone number of the user.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Dial Plans for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• Repeat this command for each pattern that you want to include in this dial
Specifies a custom XML file that contains the dial patterns to use for the SIP
dial plan.
• You must load the custom XML file must into flash and the filename
cannot include the .xml extension.
• The filename command is not supported for the Cisco Unified IP Phone
7905 or 7912.
exit Exits dialplan configuration mode.
Step 6
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters
for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register
pool 4
Step 7
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number of the SIP phone to be configured.
Range is version and platform-dependent; type ? to display range. You
can modify the upper limit for this argument by using the the max-pool
Step 8 dialplan dialplan-tag Assigns a dial plan to a SIP phone.
dialplan 1
• dialplan-tag—Number that identifies the dial plan to use for this SIP
phone. This is the number that was used with the voice register dialplan
command in Step 3. Range: 1 to 24.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 9
The following example shows the configuration for dial plan 1, which is assigned to SIP phone 1:
voice register dialplan 1
type 7940-7960-others
pattern 1 2... timeout 10 user ip
pattern 2 1234 user ip button 4
pattern 3 65...
pattern 4 1...!
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Dial Plans for SIP Phones
voice register pool 1
id mac 0016.9DEF.1A70
type 7961GE
number 1 dn 1
number 2 dn 2
dialplan 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
Troubleshooting Tips for Configuring Dial Plans for SIP
If you create a dial plan by downloading a custom XML dial pattern file to flash and using the filename
command, and the XML file contains an error, the dial plan might not work properly on a phone. We recommend
creating a dial pattern file using the pattern command.
To remove a dial plan that was created using a custom XML file with the filename command, you must
remove the dial plan from the phone, create a new configuration profile, and then use the reset command to
reboot the phone. You can use the restart command after removing a dial plan from a phone only if the dial
plan was created using the pattern command.
To use KPML if a matching dial plan is not found, when both a dial plan and KPML are enabled on a phone,
you must configure a dial pattern with a single wildcard character (.) as the last pattern in the dial plan. For
voice register dialplan 10
type 7940-7960-others
pattern 1 66...
pattern 2 91.......
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for SIP phones, you must generate a new configuration profile and
restart the phones. See Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Verify SIP Dial Plan Configuration
Step 1 show voice register dialplan tag
This command displays the configuration information for a specific SIP dial plan.
Router# show voice register dialplan 1
Dialplan Tag 1
Type is 7940-7960-others
Pattern 1 is 2..., timeout is 10, user option is ip, button is default
Pattern 2 is 1234, timeout is 0, user option is ip, button is 4
Pattern 3 is 65..., timeout is 0, user option is phone, button is default
Pattern 4 is 1..., timeout is 0, user option is phone, button is default
Step 2 show voice register pool tag
This command displays the dial plan assigned to a specific SIP phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Verify SIP Dial Plan Configuration
Router# show voice register pool 29
Pool Tag 29
Mac address is 0012.7F54.EDC6
Number list 1 : DN 29
Proxy Ip address is
DTMF Relay is disabled
Call Waiting is enabled
DnD is disabled
keep-conference is enabled
dialplan tag is 1
kpml signal is enabled
service-control mechanism is not supported
Step 3 show voice register template tag
This command displays the dial plan assigned to a specific template.
Router# show voice register template 3
Temp Tag 3
Attended Transfer is disabled
Blind Transfer is enabled
Semi-attended Transfer is enabled
Conference is enabled
Caller-ID block is disabled
DnD control is enabled
Anonymous call block is disabled
Voicemail is 62000, timeout 15
Dialplan Tag is 1
Transport type is tcp
Enable KPML on a SIP Phone
To enable KPML digit collection on a SIP phone, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Thisfeature issupported only on Cisco Unified IPPhones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE,
7970G, and 7971GE.
• A dial plan assigned to a phone has priority over KPML.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Enable KPML on a SIP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. digit collect kpml
5. end
6. show voice register dial-peers
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Step 3
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number of the SIP phone to be
configured. Range is version and platform-dependent; type ?
to display range. You can modify the upper limit for this
argument by using the max-pool command.
Step 4 digit collect kpml Enables KPML digit collection for the SIP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# digit
collect kpml
This command is enabled by default for supported phones
in Cisco Unified CME.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
Displays details of all dynamically created VoIPdial peers associated
with the Cisco Unified CME SIP register, including the defined digit
collection method.
show voice register dial-peers
Router# show voice register dial-peers
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Enable KPML on a SIP Phone
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for SIP phones, you must generate a new configuration profile and
restart the phones. See Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Select Session-Transport Protocol for a SIP Phone
To change the session-transport protocol for a SIP phone from the default of UDP to TCP, perform the
following steps.
Restriction • TCP is not supported as a session-transport protocol for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912,
7940, or 7960. If TCP is assigned to an unsupported phone, calls to that phone will not complete
successfully. However, the phone can originate calls using UDP, although TCP has been assigned.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• Directory number must be assigned toSIPphone to which configuration isto be applied.For configuration
information, see Assign Directory Numbers to SIP Phones, on page 266.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. session-transport {tcp | udp}
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Select Session-Transport Protocol for a SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Specifies the transport layer protocol that a SIP phone
uses to connect to Cisco Unified CME.
session-transport {tcp | udp}
session-transport tcp
Step 4
• This command can also be configured in voice register template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The
voice register pool configuration has priority over the voice
register template configuration.
Exits voice register pool configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
When TCP is used as session-transport for the SIP phones, and if the TCP Connection aging timer is less
than the SIP Register expire timer; then after every TCP connection aging timer expires, the phone will
be reset and will re-register to CME. If this is not desired, then modify the TCP Connection aging timer
and/orSIP Register expire timerso thatSIP Register expire timer islessthan TCP Connection aging timer.
• If you want to disable SIP Proxy registration for an individual directory number, see Disable SIP Proxy
Registration for a Directory Number, on page 276.
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• If you are finished configuring phones to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration files
for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Disable SIP Proxy Registration for a Directory Number
To prevent a particular directory number from registering with an external SIP proxy server, perform the
following steps.
Phone numbers that are registered under a voice register dn must belong to a SIP phone that is registered
in Cisco Unified CME.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Bulk registration is configured at system level. For configuration information, see Configure Bulk
Registration, on page 172.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Disable SIP Proxy Registration for a Directory Number
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. no-reg
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory
number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-global)# voice
register dn 1
Step 3
Defines a valid number for a directory number to be assigned
to a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
number number
Router(config-register-dn)# number
Step 4
Prevents directory number being configured from registering
with an external proxy server.
Router(config-register-dn)# no-reg
Step 5
Exits voice register dn configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Disable SIP Proxy Registration for a Directory Number
What to Do Next
• If you want to configure the G.722-64K codec for all calls through your Cisco Unified CME system,
see Modify the Global Codec, on page 278.
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• If you want to configure individual phones to support some codec other than the system-level codec or
some codec other than the phone s native codec, see Codecs for Cisco Unified CME Phones, on page
• If you are finished configuring phones to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration files
for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Modify the Global Codec
To change the global codec from the default (G.711ulaw) to G.722-64K for all calls through
Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
If G.722-64K codec is configured globally and a phone does not support the codec, the fallback codec is
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. codec {g711-ulaw | g722-64k}
5. service phone g722CodecSupport {0 | 1 | 2}
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Modify the Global Codec
Command or Action Purpose
Enters telephony service configuration mode to set parameters for SCCP
and SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 codec {g711-ulaw | g722-64k} Specifies the preferred codec for phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-telephony)# codec
• Required only if you want to modify codec from the default
(G.711ulaw) to G.722-64K.
service phone g722CodecSupport {0 | 1 Causes all phonesto advertise the G.722-64K codec to Cisco Unified CME.
| 2}
Step 5
• Required only if you configured the codec g722-64k command in
telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# service phone
g722CodecSupport 2
• g722CodecSupport—Default: 0, phone default set by manufacturer
and equal to enabled or disabled.
• Cisco phone firmware 8.2.1 or a later version is required to support
the G.722-64K codec on G.722-capable SCCP phones.
• Cisco phone firmware 8.3.1 or a later version is required to support
the G.722-64K codec on G.722-capable SIP phones.
• For SCCP only: This command can also be configured in ephonetemplate configuration mode and applied to one or more SCCP
Exitsthe telephony service configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• If you want to configure individual phones to support some codec other than the system-level codec or
some codec other than the phone s native codec, see Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls
Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• If you are finished configuringSCCPphonesto make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration
files for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones, on page 388.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Modify the Global Codec
Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones
To designate a codec for individual phones to ensure connectivity between a variety of phones connected to
the same Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following steps for each SCCP or SIP phone.
If codec values for the dial peers of an internal connection do not match, the call fails.For calls to external
phones, that is, phones that are not in the same Cisco Unified CME, such as VoIP calls, the codec is
negotiated based on the protocol that is used for the call, such as H.323. Cisco Unified CME plays no part
in the negotiation.
Restriction • Not all phones support all codecs. To verify whether your phone supports a particular codec, see
your phone documentation.
• For SIP and SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME: Modify the configuration for either SIP or SCCP
phones to ensure that the codec for all phones match. Do not modify the configuration for both SIP
and SCCP phones.
• If G.729 is the desired codec for Cisco ATA-186 and Cisco ATA-188, then only one port of the
Cisco ATA device should be configured in Cisco Unified CME. If a call is placed to the second port
of the Cisco ATA device, it will be disconnected gracefully. If you want to use both Cisco ATA
ports simultaneously, then configure G.711 in Cisco Unified CME.
• If G.722-64K or iLBC codecs are configured in ephone configuration mode and the phone does not
support the codec, the fallback is the global codec or G.711ulaw if the global codec is not supported.
To configure a global codec, see Modify the Global Codec, on page 278.
Before You Begin
• For SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME: Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
• For G.722-64K and iLBC codecs: Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
• To support G.722-64K on an individual phone: Cisco phone firmware 8.2.1 or a later version for SCCP
phones and 8.3.1 or a later version for SIP phones. For information about upgrading Cisco phone
firmware, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105 .
• To support iLBC on an individual phone: Cisco phone firmware 8.3.1 or a later version for SCCP and
SIP phones. For information about upgrading Cisco phone firmware, see Install Cisco Unified CME
Software, on page 105.
• Cisco Unified IPphone to which the codec isto be applied must be already configured.For configuration
information forSIPphones,see Assign Directory NumberstoSIPPhones, on page 266.For configuration
information for SCCP phones, see Assign Directory Numbers to SCCP Phones, on page 260.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone ephone-tag or voice register pool pool-tag
4. codec codec-type
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters for
a SCCP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
ephone ephone-tag or voice register pool
Step 3
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
Step 4 codec codec-type Specifies the codec for the dial peer for the IP phone being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# codec g729r8
• codec-type—Type? for a list of codecs.
• This command overrides any previously configured codec selection
set with the voice-class codec command. or
Router(config-register-pool)# codec
• This command overrides any previously configured codec selection
set with the codec command in telephony-service configuration
• SCCP only—This command can also be configured in
ephone-template configuration mode and applied to one or more
end Exits the configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Codecs of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones
What to Do Next
• If you want to select the session-transport protocol for aSIPphone,seeSelectSession-TransportProtocol
for a SIP Phone, on page 275.
• If you are finished configuring SIP phones to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration
files for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
• If you are finished configuringSCCPphonesto make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration
files for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones, on page 388.
Configure Phones for a Key System
Creating Directory Numbers for a Simple Key System on SCCP Phone
To create a set of directory numbers with the same number to be associated with multiple line buttons on an
IP phone and provide support for call waiting and call transfer on a key system phone, perform the following
Restriction • Do not configure directory numbers for a key system for dual-line mode because this does not
conform to the key system one-call-per-line button usage model for which the phone is designed.
• Provisioning support for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931 is available only in Cisco Unified CME
4.0(2) and later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. preference preference-order
6. no huntstop or huntstop
7. mwi-type {visual | audio | both}
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phones for a Key System
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create a directory number.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 11
Step 3
number number [secondary number] Configures a valid phone or extension number for this directory number.
[no-reg [both | primary]]
Step 4
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
Sets dial-peer preference order for a directory number associated with a Cisco
Unified IP phone.
preference preference-order
preference 1
Step 5
• Default: 0.
• Increments the preference order for all subsequent instances within a
set of ephone dns with the same number to be associated with a key
system phone. That is, the first instance of the directory number is
preference 0 by default and you must specify 1 for the second instance
of the same number, 2 for the next, and so on. This allows you to create
multiple buttons with the same number on an IP phone.
• Required to support call waiting and call transfer on a key system phone.
Step 6 no huntstop or huntstop Explicitly enables call hunting behavior for a directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no
• Configurenohuntstopfor all instances, except the final instance, within
a set of ephone dns with the same number to be associated with a key
system phone.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
• Required to allow call hunting across multiple line buttons with the
same number on an IP phone.
Disables call hunting behavior for a directory number.
• Configure the huntstop command for the final instance within a set of
ephone dns with the same number to be associated with a key system
• Required to limit the call hunting to a set of multiple line buttons with
the same number on an IP phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Creating Directory Numbers for a Simple Key System on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 7 mwi-type {visual | audio | both} Specifies the type of MWI notification to be received.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mwi-type
• This command is supported only by Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931s and
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911s.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode. The value set in ephone-dn configuration mode
has priority over the value set in ephone-dn-template mode.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
The following example shows the configuration for six instances of directory number 101, assigned to the
first six buttons of an IP phone:
ephone-dn 10
number 101
no huntstop
ephone-dn 11
number 101
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 12
number 101
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 13
number 101
preference 3
no huntstop
ephone-dn 14
number 101
preference 4
no huntstop
ephone-dn 15
number 101
preference 5
ephone 1
mac-address 0001.2345.6789>
type 7931
button 1:10 2:11 3:12 4:13 5:14 6:15
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
To set up trunk lines for your key system, perform only one of the following procedures:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
• To only enable directstatus monitoring of theFXO port on the line button of the IPphone,see Configure
a Simple Key System Phone Trunk Line Configuration on SCCP Phone, on page 285.
• To enable directstatus monitoring and allow transferredPSTN FXO line callsto be automatically recalled
if the transfer target does not answer, see Configure an Advanced Key System Phone Trunk Line
Configuration on SCCP Phone, on page 289.
Configure a Simple Key System Phone Trunk Line Configuration on SCCP Phone
Perform the steps in this section to:
• Create directory numbers corresponding to each FXO line that allows phones to have shared or private
lines connected directly to the PSTN.
• Enable direct status monitoring of the FXO port on the line button of the IP phone. The line button
indicator, either a lamp or an icon depending on the phone, shows the in-use status of the FXO port
during the duration of the call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
Restriction • Directory number with a trunk line cannot be configured for call forward, busy, or no answer.
• Numbers entered after a trunk line is seized will not be displayed. Only the trunk tag is displayed
on IP phones.
• Numbers entered after trunk line isseized will not appear in call history or call detail records(CDRs)
of a Cisco Unified CME router. Only the trunk tag is logged for calls made from trunk lines.
• FXO trunk lines do not support the CFwdALL, Transfer, Pickup, GPickUp, Park, CallBack, and
NewCall softkeys.
• FXO trunk lines do not support conference initiator dropoff.
• FXO trunk lines do not support on-hook redial. The phone user must explicitly select the FXO trunk
line before pressing the Redial button.
• FXO trunk lines do not support call transfer to IP phones. However, the call initiator can conference
an FXO line with an IP phone by pressing the Hold button, which leaves the FXO trunk line and IP
phone connected. The conference initiator is unable to participate in the conference, but can place
calls on other lines.
• FXO trunk lines do not support bulk speed dial.
• FXO port monitoring has the following restrictions:
◦Not supported before Cisco Unified CME 4.0.
◦Supported only for analog FXO loop-start and ground-start ports and T1/E1 FXO CAS ports.
FXS loop-start and ground-start ports and PRI/BRI PSTN trunks are not supported.
◦Not supported for analog ports on the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA 180 Series.
◦T1 CAS DS0 group must be configured per time slot (cannot bundle more than one time slot
into a ds0-group).
• Transfer recall and transfer-to button optimization are supported on dual-line directory numbers only
in Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions.
• Transfer-to button optimization is not supported for call forwarding, call-park recall, call pickup on
hold, or call pickup at alert.
Before You Begin
• FXO port for a private line automatic ringdown (PLAR) off-premises extension (OPX) connection must
be configured; for example:
voice-port 1/0/0
connection p lar-opx 801 <<----Private number
• Dial peers for FXO port must be configured; for example:
dial-peer voice 111 pots
destination-pattern 811 <<----Trunk-tag
port 1/0/0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. trunk trunk-tag [timeout seconds] monitor-port port
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create a directory number.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 51
• Configure this command in the default single line mode,
without the dual-line keyword, when configuring a simple
key system trunk line.
Configures a valid phone or extension number for this directory
number number [secondary number] [no-reg
[both | primary]]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 801
Step 4
trunk trunk-tag [timeout seconds] monitor-port Associates a directory number with an FXO port.
Step 5
• The monitor-port keyword is not supported before Cisco
Unified CME 4.0.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# trunk 811
monitor-port 1/0/0
• The monitor-port keyword is not supported on directory
numbersfor analog ports on the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA
180 Series.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
The following example shows the configuration for six instances of directory number 101, assigned to the
first six buttons of an IP phone, plus four PSTN line appearances that are assigned to buttons 7 to 10:
ephone-dn 10
number 101
no huntstop
ephone-dn 11
number 101
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 12
number 101
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 13
number 101
preference 3
no huntstop
ephone-dn 14
number 101
preference 4
no huntstop
ephone-dn 15
number 101
preference 5
ephone-dn 51
number 801
trunk 811 monitor-port 1/0/0>
ephone-dn 52
number 802
trunk 812 monitor-port 1/0/1
ephone-dn 53
number 803
trunk 813 monitor-port 1/0/2
ephone-dn 54
number 804
trunk 814 monitor-port 1/0/3
ephone 1
mac-address 0001.2345.6789
type 7931
button 1:11 2:12 3:13 4:14 5:15 6:16 7:51 8:52 9:53 10:54
voice-port 1/0/0
connection plar opx 801
voice-port 1/0/1
connection plar opx 802
voice-port 1/0/2
connection plar opx 803
voice-port 1/0/3
connection plar opx 804
dial-peer voice 811 pots
destination-pattern 811
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 812 pots
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
destination-pattern 812
port 1/0/1
dial-peer voice 813 pots
destination-pattern 813
port 1/0/2
dial-peer voice 814 pots
destination-pattern 814
port 1/0/3
What to Do Next
You are ready to configure each individual phone and assign button numbers, line characteristics, and directory
numbers to buttons on the phone. See Configure Individual IP Phones for Key System on SCCP Phone, on
page 293.
Configure an Advanced Key System Phone Trunk Line Configuration on SCCP Phone
Perform the steps in this section to:
• Create directory numbers corresponding to each FXO line that allows phones to have shared or private
lines connected directly to the PSTN.
• Enable direct status monitoring of the FXO port on the line button of the IP phone. The line button
indicator, either a lamp or an icon depending on the phone, shows the in-use status of the FXO port
during the duration of the call.
• Allow transferredPSTN FXO line callsto be automatically recalled if the transfer target does not answer
after the specified number of seconds. The call is withdrawn from the transfer-to phone and the call
resumes ringing on the phone that initiated the transfer.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
Restriction • Ephone-dn with a trunk line cannot be configured for call forward, busy, or no answer.
• Numbers entered after a trunk line is seized will not be displayed. Only the trunk tag is displayed
on IP phones.
• Numbers entered after a trunk line is seized will not appear in call history or call detail records
(CDRs) of a Cisco Unified CME router. Only the trunk tag is logged for calls made from trunk lines.
• FXO trunk lines do not support the CFwdALL, Transfer, Pickup, GPickUp, Park, CallBack, and
NewCall softkeys.
• FXO trunk lines do not support conference initiator dropoff.
• FXO trunk lines do not support on-hook redial. The phone user must explicitly select the FXO trunk
line before pressing the Redial button.
• FXO trunk lines do not support call transfer to IP phones. However, the call initiator can conference
an FXO line with an IP phone by pressing the Hold button, which leaves the FXO trunk line and IP
phone connected. The conference initiator is unable to participate in the conference, but can place
calls on other lines.
• FXO trunk lines do not support bulk speed dial.
• FXO port monitoring has the following restrictions:
◦Not supported before Cisco Unified CME 4.0.
◦Supported only for analog FXO loop-start and ground-start ports and T1/E1 FXO CAS ports.
FXS loop-start and ground-start ports and PRI/BRI PSTN trunks are not supported.
◦Not supported for analog ports on the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA 180 Series.
◦T1 CAS DS0 group must be configured per time slot (cannot bundle more than one time slot
into a ds0-group).
• Transfer recall and transfer-to button optimization is supported on dual-line directory numbers only
in Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later.
• Transfer-to button optimization is not supported for call forwarding, call-park recall, call pickup on
hold, or call pickup at alert.
• Transfer recall is not supported for analog ports on the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA 180 Series.
Before You Begin
• FXO port for a private line automatic ringdown (PLAR) off-premises extension (OPX) connection must
be configured; for example:
voice-port 1/0/0
connection plar-opx 801 <<----Private number
• Dial peers for FXO port must be configured; for example:
dial-peer voice 111 pots
destination-pattern 811 <<----Trunk-tag
port 1/0/0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag dual-line
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. trunk digit-string [timeout seconds] [transfer-timeout seconds] [monitor-port port]
6. huntstop [channel]
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode for the purpose of creating and
configuring a telephone or extension number.
ephone-dn dn-tag dual-line
Router(config)# ephone-dn 51
Step 3
• dual-line—Required when configuring an advanced key system phone
trunk line. Dual-line mode provides a second call channel for the
directory number on which to place an outbound consultation call
during the call transfer attempt. This also allows the phone to remain
part of the call to monitor the progress of the transfer attempt and if
the transfer is not answered, to pull the call back to the phone on the
original PSTN line button.
Configures a valid telephone number or extension number for this directory
number number [secondary number]
[no-reg [both | primary]]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 801
Step 4
trunk digit-string [timeout seconds] Associates this directory number with an FXO port.
[transfer-timeout seconds] [monitor-port
Step 5
• transfer-timeout seconds—For dual-line ephone-dns only. Range:
5 to 60000. Default: Disabled.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# trunk 811
transfer-timeout 30 monitor-port
• The monitor-port keyword is not supported before Cisco Unified
CME 4.0.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
• The monitor-port and transfer-timeout keywords are notsupported
on directory numbers for analog ports on the Cisco VG224 or Cisco
ATA 180 Series.
Disables call hunting to the second channel of this directory number if the
first channel is busy or does not answer.
huntstop [channel]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
Step 6
• channel—Required when configuring an advanced key system phone
trunk line. Reserves the second channel created by configuring
dual-line mode for the ephone-dn command so that an outbound
consultation call can be placed during a call transfer attempt.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 7
The following example shows the configuration for six instances of directory number 101, assigned to the
first six buttons of an IP phone, plus four PSTN line appearances that are assigned to buttons 7 to 10. These
four PSTN line appearances are configured as dual lines to provide a second call channel on which to place
an outbound consultation call during a call transfer attempt. This configuration allows the phone to remain
part of the call to monitor the progress of the transfer attempt, and if the transfer is not answered, to pull the
call back to the phone on the original PSTN line button.
ephone-dn 10
number 101
no huntstop
ephone-dn 11
number 101
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 12
number 101
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 13
number 101
preference 3
no huntstop
ephone-dn 14
number 101
preference 4
no huntstop
ephone-dn 15
number 101
preference 5
ephone-dn 51 dual-line
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Trunk Lines for a Key System on SCCP Phone
number 801
trunk 811 transfer-timeout 30 monitor-port 1/0/0
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 52 dual-line
number 802
trunk 812 transfer-timeout 30 monitor-port 1/0/1
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 53 dual-line
number 803
trunk 813 transfer-timeout 30 monitor-port 1/0/2
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 54 dual-line
number 804>
trunk 814 transfer-timeout 30 monitor-port 1/0/3
huntstop channel
ephone 1
mac-address 0001.2345.6789
type 7931
button 1:11 2:12 3:13 4:14 5:15 6:16 7:51 8:52 9:53 10:54
voice-port 1/0/0
connection plar opx 801
voice-port 1/0/1
connection plar opx 802
voice-port 1/0/2
connection plar opx 803
voice-port 1/0/3
connection plar opx 804
dial-peer voice 811 pots
destination-pattern 811
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 812 pots
destination-pattern 812
port 1/0/1
dial-peer voice 813 pots
destination-pattern 813
port 1/0/2
dial-peer voice 814 pots
destination-pattern 814
port 1/0/3
Configure Individual IP Phones for Key System on SCCP Phone
To assign button numbers, line characteristics, and directory numbers to buttons on an individual phone that
will operate as a key system phone, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Individual IP Phones for Key System on SCCP Phone
Restriction • Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G is available only in Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) and
later versions.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G can support only one call waiting overlaid per directory number.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G cannot support overlays that contain directory numbers configured
for dual-line mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mac-address [mac-address]
5. type phone-type
6. button button-number {separator} dn-tag [,dn-tag...] [button-number{x}overlay-button-number]
7. mwi-line line-number
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 3
Specifies the MAC address of the IP phone that is being
mac-address [mac-address]
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Individual IP Phones for Key System on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
type phone-type Specifies the type of phone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# type 7931
Step 5
Associates a button number and line characteristics with an
ephone-dn. Maximum number of buttons is determined by
phone type.
buttonbutton-number {separator} dn-tag [,dn-tag...]
Step 6
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:11 2:12 3:13
4:14 5:15 6:16 7:51 8:52 9:53 10:54
The line button layout for the Cisco Unified IP Phone
7931G is a bottom-up array. Button 1 is at the bottom
right of the array and button 24 is at the top left of the
Selects a phone line to receive MWI treatment; when a message
is waiting for the selected line, the message waiting indicator
is activated.
mwi-line line-number
Router(config-ephone)# mwi-line 3
Step 7
• line-number—Range: 1 to 34. Default: 1.
Exits ephone configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• To select a fixed-button layout for a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G, see Select Button Layout for a
Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G, on page 1453.
• If you are finished configuring phones to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration files
for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones, on page 388.
Configure Cisco ATA, Analog Phone Support, Remote Phones,
Cisco IP Communicator, and Secure IP Phone (IP-STE)
Configure Cisco ATA Support
To enable an analog phone that uses a Cisco ATA to register with Cisco Unified CME, perform the following
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Cisco ATA, Analog Phone Support, Remote Phones, Cisco IP Communicator, and Secure IP Phone (IP-STE)
For a Cisco ATA that is registered to a Cisco Unified CME system to participate in fax calls, it must have
its ConnectMode parameter set to use the same RTP payload type as the Cisco voice gateway that is
performing the fax pass-through. Cisco voice gateways use standard payload type 0/8, which is selected
on Cisco ATAs by setting bit 2 of the ConnectMode parameter to 1. For more information, see the
Parameters and Defaults chapter in Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor
Administrator's Guide for SCCP (version 3.0).
Step 1 Install the Cisco ATA.
See the Installing the Cisco ATA chapter in Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator's
Guide for SCCP (version 3.0).
Step 2 Configure the Cisco ATA.
See the Configuring the Cisco ATA for SCCP chapter in Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor
Administrator's Guide for SCCP (version 3.0).
Step 3 Upgrade the firmware to the latest Cisco ATA image.
If you are using either the v2.14 or v2.14ms Cisco ATA 186 image based on the 2.14 020315a build for H.323/SIP or
the 2.14 020415a build for MGCP or SCCP, you must upgrade to the latest version to install a security patch. This patch
fixes a security hole in the Cisco ATA Web server that allows users to bypass the user interface password.
For information about upgrading firmware, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 105. Alternatively, you
can use a manual method, as described in the Upgrading the Cisco ATA Signaling Image chapter of Cisco ATA 186 and
Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator's Guide for SCCP (version 3.0).
Step 4 Set the following network parameters on the Cisco ATA:
• DHCP parameter to 1 (enabled).
• TFTP parameter to 1 (enabled).
• TFTPURL parameter to the IP address of the router running Cisco Unified CME.
• SID0 parameter to a period (.) or the MAC address of the Cisco ATA (to enable the first port).
• SID1 parameter to a period (.) or a modified version the Cisco ATA’s MAC address, with the first two hexadecimal
numbers removed and 01 appended to the end, if you want to use the second port.For example, if the MAC address
of the Cisco ATA is 00012D01073D, set SID1 to 012D01073D01.
• Nprintf parameter to the IP address and port number of the host to which all Cisco ATA debug messages are sent.
The port number is usually set to 9001.
• To prevent tampering and unauthorized access to the Cisco ATA 186, you can disable the web-based configuration.
However, if you disable the web configuration page, you must use either a TFTP server or the voice configuration
menu to configure the Cisco ATA 186.
Step 5 In Cisco Unified CME, configure analog phones that use a Cisco ATA in the same way as a Cisco Unified IP phone. In
the type command, use the ata keyword. For information on how to provision phones, see Create Directory Numbers
for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Cisco ATA Support
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• To select a fixed-button layout for a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G, see Select Button Layout for a
Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G, on page 1453.
• If you are finished configuring phones to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration files
for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones, on page 388 and
Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Verify Cisco ATA Support
Use the show ephone ata command to display SCCP phone configurations with the type ata command.
The following is sample output for a Cisco Unified CME configured for two analog phones using a Cisco
ATA with MAC address 000F.F758.E70E:
ephone-30 Mac:000F.F758.E70E TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 1 and
Server in ver 1
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7
IP: 15325 ATA Phone keepalive 7 max_line 2 dual-line
button 1: dn 80 number 8080 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
ephone-31 Mac:0FF7.58E7.0E01 TCP socket:[3] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 1 and
Server in ver 1
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:3
IP: 15400 ATA Phone keepalive 7 max_line 2 dual-line
button 1: dn 81 number 8081 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
Troubleshooting Cisco ATA Support
Use the debug ephone detail command to diagnose problems with analog phones that use Cisco ATAs.
Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup with Cisco ATA
Most of the procedures for using Cisco ATAs with Cisco Unified CME are the same as those for using
Cisco ATAs with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, as described in the How to Use Pre-Call and
Mid-Call Services chapter of Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s
Guide for SCCP (version 3.0). However, the call pickup and group call pickup procedures are different when
using Cisco ATAs with Cisco Unified CME, as described below:
Call Pickup
When using Cisco ATAs with Cisco Unified CME:
• To pickup the last parked call, press **3*.
• To pickup a call on a specific extension, press **3 and enter the extension number.
• To pickup a call from a park slot, press **3 and enter the park slot number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Verify Cisco ATA Support
Group Call Pickup
When using Cisco ATAs with Cisco Unified CME:
• To answer a phone within your call pickup group, press **4*.
• To answer a phone outside of your call pickup group, press **4 and the group ID number.
Note If there is only one pickup group, you do not need to enter the group ID after the **4 to pickup a call.
Configure Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187
Restriction • H.323 trunk calls are not supported.
• Hardware conferencing with DSPFarm resource is notsupported on Cisco ATA-187 in Cisco Unified
CME 9.0. With the correct firmware (9.2(3) or a later version), local three-way conferencing is
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. authenticate realm string
5. exit
6. voice service {voip | voatm}
7. allow-connections from-type to to-type
8. fax protocol t38 [ls_redundancy value [hs_redundancy value]] [fallback {cisco | none | pass-through
{g711ulaw | g711alaw}}]
9. exit
10. voice register pool pool-tag
11. id mac address
12. type phone-type
13. ata-ivr-pwd password
14. session-transport {tcp | udp}
15. number tag dn dn-tag
16. username username [password password]
17. codec codec-type [bytes]
18. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Step 4 authenticate realm string • realm string—Realm parameter for challenge and response as
specified in RFC 2617 is authenticated.
authenticate realm xxxxx
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice-service configuration mode to specify a voice encapsulation
voice service {voip | voatm}
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 6
• voip—Specifies Voice over IP (VoIP) parameters.
• voatm—Specifies Voice over ATM (VoATM) parameters.
Step 7 allow-connections from-type to to-type Allows connections between specific types of endpointsin a VoIPnetwork.
allow-connections sip to sip
• from-type—Originating endpoint type. The following choices are
◦sip—Session Interface Protocol.
• to—Indicates that the argument that follows is the connection target.
• to-type—Terminating endpoint type. The following choices are valid:
◦sip—Session Interface Protocol.
Specifies the global default ITU-T T.38 standard fax protocol to be used
for all VoIP dial peers.
fax protocol t38 [ls_redundancy value
[hs_redundancy value]] [fallback {cisco |
Step 8
none | pass-through {g711ulaw |
g711alaw}}] • ls_redundancy value—(Optional) (T.38 fax relay only) Specifies
the number of redundant T.38 fax packetsto be sent for the low-speed
Router(config-voi-serv)# fax protocol
t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0
fallback pass-through g711ulaw
V.21-based T.30 fax machine protocol. Range varies by platform
from 0 (no redundancy) to 5 or 7. Default is 0.
• hs_redundancy value—(Optional) (T.38 fax relay only) Specifies
the number of redundant T.38 fax packets to be sent for high-speed
V.17, V.27, and V.29 T.4 or T.6 fax machine image data. Range
varies by platform from 0 (no redundancy) to 2 or 3. Default is 0.
• fallback—(Optional) A fallback mode is used to transfer a fax across
a VoIPnetwork if T.38 fax relay could not be successfully negotiated
at the time of the fax transfer.
• pass-through—(Optional) The fax stream uses one of the following
high-bandwidth codecs:
◦g711ulaw—Uses the G.711 u-law codec.
◦g711alaw—Uses the G.711 a-law codec.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# exit
Step 9
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a Cisco Unified SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool
Step 10
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range: 1 to 100.
Step 11 id mac address identifies a locally available Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# id mac
• mac address—Identifies the MAC address of a particular Cisco
Unified SIP IP phone.
type phone-type Defines a phone type for the SIP phone being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# type
Step 12
(Optional) Defines a password to access interactive voice response (IVR)
and change the default phone settings on Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptors.
ata-ivr-pwd password
ata-ivr-pwd 1234
Step 13
• password—Four-digit or five-digit string to be used as password to
access IVR. Password string must contain numbers 0 to 9.
(Optional) Specifies the transport layer protocol that a Cisco Unified SIP
IP phone uses to connect to Cisco Unified CME.
session-transport {tcp | udp}
session-transport tcp
Step 14
• tcp—Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used.
• udp—User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used. This is the default.
Indicates the E.164 phone numbers that the registrar permits to handle the
Register message from the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
number tag dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# number
1 dn 33
Step 15
• tag—Identifiesthe telephone number when there are multiple number
commands. Range: 1 to 10.
• dndn-tag—Identifiesthe directory number tag for this phone number
as defined by the voice register dn command. Range: 1 to 150.
Assigns an authentication credential to a phone user so that the SIP phone
can register in Cisco Unified CME.
username username [password password]
username ata112 password cisco
Step 16
• username—Username of the local Cisco IP phone user. Default:
• password—Enables password for the Cisco IP phone user.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187
Command or Action Purpose
• password—Password string.
Specifies the codec to be used when setting up a call for a SIP phone or
group of SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
codec codec-type [bytes]
Router(config-register-pool)# codec
Step 17
• codec-type—Preferred codec; values are as follows:
◦g711alaw—G.711 A law 64K bps.
◦g711ulaw—G.711 micro law 64K bps.
◦g722r64—G.722-64K at 64K bps.
◦g729r8—G.729 8K bps (default).
◦ilbc— internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC) at 13,330 bps or
15,200 bps.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 18
Auto-Configuration for Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224
Restriction Supported only for the Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224 voice gateways.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version. The Cisco Unified CME router must be configured and running
before you boot the analog voice gateway. See Set Up Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones , on page
• Default location of configuration files is system:/its/. To define an alternate location at which to save
the gateway configuration files, see Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for
SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• To automatically assign the next available directory number to the voice port as it registers to
Cisco Unified CME, and create an ephone entry associated with each voice port, enable the auto assign
command in Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Auto-Configuration for Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-gateway system tag
4. mac-address mac-address
5. type {vg202 | vg204 | vg224}
6. voice-port port-range
7. network-locale locale-code
8. create cnf-files
9. reset or restart
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice gateway configuration mode and creates a voice
gateway configuration.
voice-gateway system tag
Router(config)# voice-gateway system 1
Step 3
mac-address mac-address Defines the MAC address of the voice gateway to autoconfigure.
Router(config-voice-gateway)# mac-address
Step 4
type {vg202 | vg204 | vg224} Defines the type of voice gateway to autoconfigure.
Router(config-voice-gateway)# type vg224
Step 5
Identifies the ports on the voice gateway that register to Cisco
Unified CME.
voice-port port-range
Router(config-voice-gateway)# voice-port
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Auto-Configuration for Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224
Command or Action Purpose
Selects a geographically specific set of tones and cadences for the
voice gateway s analog endpoints that register to Cisco Unified
network-locale locale-code
network-locale FR
Step 7
Generates the XML configuration files that are required for the
voice gateway to autoconfigure its analog ports that register to
Cisco Unified CME.
create cnf-files
Router(config-voice-gateway)# create
Step 8
(Optional) Performs a complete reboot of all analog phones
associated with the voice gateway and registered to Cisco Unified
reset or restart
Router(config-voice-gateway)# reset
Step 9
Router(config-voice-gateway)# restart (Optional) Performs a fast restart of all analog phones associated
with the voice gateway after simple changes to buttons, lines, or
speed-dial numbers.
• Use these commands to download new configuration files
to the analog phones after making configuration changes to
the phones in Cisco Unified CME.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-gateway)# end
Step 10
The following example shows the voice gateway configuration in Cisco Unified CME:
voice-gateway system 1
network-locale FR
type VG224
mac-address 001F.A30F.8331
voice-port 0-23
create cnf-files
What to Do Next
• Cisco VG202 or VG204 voice gateway Enable the gateway for autoconfiguration. See the
Auto-Configuration on the Cisco VG202 and Cisco VG204 Voice Gateways section in Cisco VG202
and Cisco VG204 Voice Gateways Software Configuration Guide.
• Cisco VG224 analog phone gateway Enable SCCP and the STC application on the gateway. See the
Configuring FXS Ports for Basic Calls chapter in Supplementary Services Features for FXS Ports on
Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Configuration Guide.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Auto-Configuration for Cisco VG202, VG204, and VG224
Configure Phones on SCCP Controlled Analog (FXS) Ports
Configuring Cisco Unified CME to support calls and features on analog endpoints connected toSCCPcontrolled
analog (FXS) ports is basically the same as configuring any SCCP phone in Cisco Unified CME. This section
describes only the steps that have special meaning for phones connected to a Cisco VG224 Analog Phone
Restriction FXS ports on Cisco VG248 analog phone gateways are not supported by Cisco Unified CME.
Before You Begin
• For phones connected to analogFXSports on the Cisco VG224 AnalogPhone Gateway: Cisco CME 3.2.2
or a later version.
• For phones connected to analogFXSports on the Cisco IntegratedServices Routers(ISR) voice gateway:
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• Cisco ISR voice gateway or Cisco VG224 analog phone gateway isinstalled and configured for operation.
For information, see the appropriate Cisco configuration documentation.
• Prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T, set the timeouts ringing command to infinity for all
SCCP-controlled analog ports. In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T and later, the default for this command
is infinity.
• SCCP is enabled on the Cisco IOS voice gateway. For configuration information, see Supplementary
Services Features for FXS Ports on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Configuration Guide.
Step 1 Set up ephone-dns for up to 24 endpoints on the Cisco IOS gateway.
Use the ephone-dn command:
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 1000
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 1024
Step 2 Set the maximum number of ephones.
Use the max ephones command to set a number equal to or greater than the total number of endpoints that you intend
to register on the Cisco Unified CME router, including both IP and analog endpoints. For example, if you have 6 IP
phones and 12 analog phones, set the max ephones command to 18 or greater.
Step 3 Assign ephone-dns to ephones.
Use the auto assign command to enable the automatic assignment of an available ephone-dn to each phone as the phone
contacts the Cisco Unified CME router to register.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phones on SCCP Controlled Analog (FXS) Ports
The order of ephone-dn assignment is not guaranteed. For example, if you have analog endpoints on ports 2/0
through 2/23 on the Cisco IOSgateway, port 2/0 does not necessarily become ephone 1. Use one of the following
commands to enable automatic ephone-dn assignment.
• auto assign 1 to 24—You do not need to use the type keyword if you have only analog endpoints to be assigned
or if you want all endpoints to be automatically assigned.
• auto assign 1 to 24 type anl—Use the type keyword if you have other phone types in the system and you want
only the analog endpoints to be assigned to ephone-dns automatically.
An alternative to using the auto assign command is to manually assign ephone-dns to ephones (analog phones on FXS
ports). This method is more complicated, but you might need to use it if you want to assign a specific extension number
(ephone-dn) to a particular ephone. The reason that manual assignment is more complicated is because a unique device
ID is required for each registering ephone and analog phones do not have unique MAC addresses like IP phones do. To
create unique device IDs for analog phones, the auto assign process uses a particular algorithm. When you make manual
ephone assignments, you have to use the same algorithm for each phone that receives a manual assignment.
The algorithm uses the single 12-digitSCCPlocal interface MAC address on the Cisco IOSgateway as the base to create
unique 12-digit device IDs for all the FXS ports on the Cisco IOS gateway. The rightmost 9 digits of the SCCP local
interface MAC address are shifted left three places and are used as the leftmost 9 digits for all 24 individual device IDs.
The remaining 3 digits are the hexadecimal translation of the binary representation of the port’s slot number (3 digits),
subunit number (2 digits), and port number (7 digits). The following example shows the use of the algorithm to create
a unique device ID for one port:
1 The MAC address for the Cisco VG224 SCCP local interface is 000C.8638.5EA6.
2 TheFXSport has a slot number of 2 (010), a subunit number of 0 (00), and a port number of 1 (0000001). The binary
digits are strung together to become 0100 0000 0001, which is then translated to 401 in hexadecimal to create the
final device ID for the port and ephone.
3 The resulting unique device ID for this port is C863.85EA.6401.
When manually setting up an ephone configuration for an analog port, assign it just one button because the port represents
a single-line device. Thebuttoncommand can use the “:” (colon, for normal), “o” (overlay) and “c” (call-waiting overlay)
Once you have assigned ephone-dns to all the ephones that you want to assign manually, you can use the auto
assign command to automatically assign the remaining ports.
Step 4 Set up feature parameters as desired.
The following list includes commonly configured features.For information aboutsupported features,seeSupplementary
Services Features for FXS Ports on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Configuration Guide.
• Call transfer—To use call transfer from analog endpoints, the transfer-system command must be configured for
the full-blind orfull-consult keyword in telephony-service configuration mode on the Cisco Unified CME router.
This is the recommended setting for Cisco CME 3.0 and later versions, but it is not the default.
• Call forwarding—Call forwarding destinations are specified for all, busy, and no-answer conditions for each
ephone-dn using the call-forward all, call-forward busy, and call-forward noan commands in ephone-dn
configuration mode.
• Call park—Call-park slots are created using thepark-slot command in ephone-dn configuration mode.Phone users
must be instructed how to transfer calls to the call-park slots and use directed pickup to retrieve the calls.
• Call pickup groups—Extensions are added to pickup groups using the pickup-group command in ephone-dn
configuration mode. Phone users must be told which phones are in which groups.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phones on SCCP Controlled Analog (FXS) Ports
• Caller ID—Caller names are defined using the name command in ephone-dn configuration mode. Caller numbers
are defined using the number command in ephone-dn configuration mode.
• Speed dial—Numbers to be speed-dialed are stored with their associated speed-dial codes using the speed-dial
command in ephone configuration mode.
• Speed dial to voice mail—The voice-mail number is defined using the voicemail command in telephony-service
configuration mode.
Step 5 Set up feature restrictions as desired.
Featuressuch astransfer, conference, park, pickup, group pickup (gpickup), and call forward all (cfwdall) can be restricted
from individual ephones using the appropriate Cisco Unified CME softkey template command, even though analog
phones do not have softkeys. Simply create a template that leaves out the softkey that represents the feature you want
to restrict and apply the template to the ephone for which you want the feature restricted. For more information about
softkey template customization, see Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• To select a fixed-button layout for a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G, see Select Button Layout for a
Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G, on page 1453.
• After configuring phones in Cisco Unified CME to make basic calls, you are ready to generate
configuration files for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones,
on page 388.
Verify Analog Phone Support
Use the following show commands to display information about analog endpoints.
• show ephone anl—Displays MAC address, registration status, ephone-dn, and speed-dial numbers for
analog ephones.
• show telephony-service ephone-dn—Displays call forward, call waiting, pickup group, and more
information about ephone-dns.
• show running-config—Displays running configuration nondefault values.
Enable Remote Phone
To enable IP phones or instances of Cisco IP Communicator to connect to a Cisco Unified CME system over
a WAN, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Verify Analog Phone Support
Restriction • Because Cisco Unified CME is not designed for centralized call processing, remote phones are
supported only for fixed teleworker applications, such as working from a home office.
• Cisco Unified CME does not support CAC for remote SCCP phones, so voice quality can degrade
if a WAN link is oversubscribed. High-bandwidth data applications used over a WAN can cause
degradation of voice quality for remote IP phones.
• Cisco Unified CME does notsupport Emergency 911 (E911) callsfrom remote IPphones. Teleworkers
using remote phones connected to Cisco Unified CME over a WAN should be advised not to use
these phones for E911 emergency services because the local public safety answering point (PSAP)
will not be able to obtain valid calling-party information from them.
We recommend that you make all remote phone users aware of this issue. One way is to place a label
on all remote teleworker phones that reminds users not to place 911 emergency calls on remote IP
phones. Remote workers should place any emergency calls through locally configured hotel, office,
or home phones (normal land-line phones) whenever possible. Inform remote workers that if they
must use remote IP phones for emergency calls, they should be prepared to provide specific location
information to the answering PSAP personnel, including street address, city, state, and country.
Before You Begin
• The WAN link supporting remote teleworker phonesshould be configured with a Call Admission Control
(CAC) or Resource ReservationProtocol (RSVP)solution to prevent the oversubscription of bandwidth,
which can degrade the quality of all voice calls.
• If DSPfarms will be used for transcoding, you must configure them separately.See Configure Transcoding
Resources, on page 479.
• A SCCP phone to be enabled as a remote phone is configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration
information, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mtp
5. codec {g711ulaw | g722r64 | g729r8 [dspfarm-assist]}
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Enable Remote Phone
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthis ephone
during configuration tasks.
mtp Sends media packets to the Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config-ephone)# mtp
Step 4
codec {g711ulaw | g722r64 | g729r8 (Optional) Selects a preferred codec for setting up calls.
Step 5
• Default: G.711 mu-law codec.
Router(config-ephone)# codec g729r8
• The g722r64 keyword requires Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
• dspfarm-assist—Attempts to use DSP-farm resources for
transcoding the segment between the phone and the Cisco Unified
CME router if G.711 is negotiated for the call.
Thedspfarm-assist keyword isignored if theSCCPendpoint
type is ATA, VG224, or VG248.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 6
What to Do Next
• If you have SIP and SCCP phones connected to the same Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Codecs
of Individual Phones for Calls Between Local Phones, on page 280.
• To select a fixed-button layout for a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G, see Select Button Layout for a
Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G, on page 1453.
• After configuring phones in Cisco Unified CME to make basic calls, you are ready to generate
configuration files for the phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones,
on page 388.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Enable Remote Phone
Verify Remote Phones
Use the show running-config command or the show telephony-service ephone command to verify parameter settings
for remote ephones.
Configure Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone
To enable support for Cisco IP Communicator, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• IP address of the Cisco Unified CME TFTP server.
• PC for Cisco IP Communicator isinstalled.For hardware and platform requirements,see the appropriate
Cisco IP Communicator User Guide.
• Audio devices, such as headsets and handsets for users, are installed. You can install audio devices any
time, but the ideal time to do this is before you install and launch Cisco IP Communicator.
• Directory numbers and ephone configuration for Cisco IP Communicator are configured in
Cisco Unified CME. For information, see Configure Phones for a PBX System, on page 253.
Step 1 Download Cisco IP Communicator 2.0 or a later version software from the software download site at http://www.cisco.com/
Step 2 Install the software on your PC, then launch the Cisco IP Communicator application.
For information, see the Installing and Launching Cisco IP Communicator section in the appropriate Cisco IP
Communicator User Guide.
Step 3 Complete the configuration and registration tasks on the Cisco IP Communicator as required, including the following:
a) Configure the IP address of the Cisco Unified CME TFTP server.
• Right-click on the Cisco IP Communicator interface, then choose Preferences > Network > Use these TFTP
• Enter the IP address of the Cisco Unified CME TFTP server in the field.
b) Disable the Optimize for low bandwidth parameter to ensure that Cisco IP Communicator sends voice packets for
all calls.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Verify Remote Phones
The following steps are required to enable Cisco IP Communicator to support the G.711 codec, which is the
fallback codec for Cisco Unified CME. You can compensate for disabling the optimization parameter by
using the codec command in ephone configuration mode to configure G.729 or another advanced codec as
the preferred codec for Cisco IP Communicator. This helps to ensure that the codec for a VoIP(For example,
SIP or H.323) dial-peer is supported by Cisco IP Communicator and can prevent audio problems caused by
insufficient bandwidth.
• Right-click on the Cisco IP Communicator interface and choose Preferences > Audio.
• Uncheck the checkbox next to Optimize for low bandwidth.
Step 4 Wait for the Cisco IP Communicator application to connect and register to Cisco Unified CME.
Step 5 Test Cisco IP Communicator.
For more information, see Verify Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone, on page 311.
Verify Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to display ephone-dn and ephone information associated with this phone.
Step 2 After Cisco IP Communicator registers with Cisco Unified CME, it displays the phone extensions and softkeys in its
configuration. Verify that these are correct.
Step 3 Make a local call from the phone and have someone call you. Verify that you have a two-way voice path.
Troubleshooting Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone
Use the debug ephone detail command to diagnose problems with calls. For more information, see Cisco Unified CME
Command Reference.
Configure Secure IP Phone (IP-STE) on SCCP Phone
To configure an IP-STE phone on Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Verify Cisco IP Communicator Support on SCCP Phone
Restriction • Detection or conversion between Network Transmission Equipment (NTE) and Session Signaling
Event (SSE) is not supported.
• Transcoding or trans-compress rate support for different Voice Band Data (VBD) and Modem Relay
(MR) media type is not supported.
• IP-STE supports only single-line calls, dual-line and octo-line calls are not supported.
• Speed-dial can only be configured manually on the IP-STE.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mac-address [mac-address]
5. type ip-ste
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 6
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthis
ephone during configuration tasks. The maximum number
of ephones is version and platform-specific. Type ? to
display range.
Specifies the MAC address of the IP phone that is being
mac-address [mac-address]
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Secure IP Phone (IP-STE) on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
type ip-ste Specifies the type of phone.
Router(config-ephone)# type ip-ste
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 6
Configure Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless Phone 7926G
To configure the phone services XML file for Cisco Unified Wireless phone 7926G, perform the following
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mac-address [mac-address]
5. type phone-type
6. button button-number
7. ephone-template template tag
8. service [phone parameter name parameter value] | [xml-config append phone_service xml filename]
9. telephony-service
10. cnf-file perphone
11. create cnf-files
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless Phone 7926G
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 3
Specifies the MAC address of the IP phone that is being
mac-address [mac-address]
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 4
type phone-type Specifies the type of phone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# type 7926
Step 5
button button-number Creates a set of ephone-dns overlaid on a single button.
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1
Step 6
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an
ephone template.
ephone-template template tag
Router(config)#ephone-template 5
Step 7
Sets parametersfor all IPphonesthatsupport the configured
functionality and to which this template is applied.
service [phone parameter name parameter value] |
[xml-config append phone_service xml filename]
Step 8
xml-config append
• parameter name—The parameter name is word and
case-sensitive. See Cisco Unified CME Command
• phone_service xml filename—Allows the addition of
a phone services xml file.
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 9
Specifies that the system generates a separate configuration
XML file for each IP phone.
cnf-file perphone
(config-telephony)# cnf-file perphone
Step 10
• Separate configuration files for each endpoint are
required for security.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless Phone 7926G
Command or Action Purpose
create cnf-files Builds XML configuration files required for SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Step 11
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 12
Configure Phones to Make Basic Call
Configure Auto Registration for SIP Phones
To configure automatic registration ofSIPphones with the Cisco Unified CME system, perform the following
Restriction • The DNs assigned to auto registered phones cannot be configured as shared line DNs.
• Only Cisco Unified 7800 and 8800 series phones are supported with auto registration.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 11.5 or a later version.
• It is recommended that administrators choose different DN ranges for manually configured and auto
configured phones.
• It is mandatory thatpasswordis configured before DN range (auto-assign) while registeringSIPphones
using auto registration.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Phones to Make Basic Call
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. auto-register
5. password string
6. auto-assign First DN number to Last DN number
7. service-enable
8. template tag
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Enters auto registration mode forSIPphonesregistering with Unified
Step 4
Step 5 password string Configures the default password for SIP phones that auto register.
password cisco
• string—Configures the mandatory word string that
administrator provides for auto registration of phones on
Unified CME.
Configures the range of directory numbers for phones that auto
register on Unified CME.
auto-assign First DN numbertoLast DN number
auto-assign 1 to 10
Step 6
• First DN number to Last DN number—Range is 1 to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure Auto Registration for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enables the auto registration of SIP phones on Unified CME. Once
auto-register command is entered, the service is enabled by default.
Step 7
To temporarily disable auto registration feature without losing DN
and password configurations, use the no form of this command.
Configures a basic configuration template that supports all the
configurations available on the voice register template.
template tag
template 10
Step 8
• It is mandatory that voice register template is configured with
the same template tag.
• tag—Range is 1 to 10.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-auto-register)# end
Step 9
Configure a Mixed Shared Line
To configure a mixed shared line between Cisco Unified SIP IP and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, perform
the following steps.
Restriction • Cisco Unified SCCP trunk-dn is not supported.
• Mixed shared lines can only be configured on one of several common directory numbers.
• Mixed shared lines are not supported in Cisco Unified SRST.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure a Mixed Shared Line
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. shared-line [max-calls number-of-calls]
6. exit
7. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]
8. number number
9. shared-line sip
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice register dn dn-tag Enters voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies a particular directory
number during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 150 or the maximum
defined by the max-dn command.
Associates a telephone or extension number with a Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone in a Cisco Unified CME system.
number number
Router(config-register-dn)# number
Step 4
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. Normally, the string is composed of digits, but the
string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is dialed
only by the router, as with an intercom number.
Creates a directory number to be shared by multiple Cisco Unified SIP IP
shared-line [max-calls number-of-calls]
shared-line max-calls 4
Step 5
• max-calls number-of-calls—(Optional) Maximum number of active
calls allowed on the shared line. Range: 2 to 16. Default: 2.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure a Mixed Shared Line
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# exit
Step 6
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to configure a directory number for
an IP phone line.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 7
• dn-tag—Unique number that identifies an ephone-dn during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the number set by the max-dn
• dual-line—(Optional) Enables two calls per directory number.
• octo-line—(Optional) Enables eight calls per directory number.
Step 8 number number Associates a telephone or extension number with this ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. Normally, the string is composed of digits, but the
string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is dialed
only by the router, as with an intercom number.
Adds an ephone-dn as a member of a shared directory number in the
database of theShared-LineService Module for a mixed shared line between
Cisco Unified SIP and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones.
shared-line sip
shared-line sip
Step 9
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 10
Troubleshooting Tips for Mixed Shared Line
Use the debug ephone shared-line-mixed command to display debugging information about mixed shared
Configure the Maximum Number of Calls on SCCP Phone
To configure the maximum number of calls on a Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME 9.0,
perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure the Maximum Number of Calls on SCCP Phone
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions.
• Correct firmware, 9.2(1) or a later version, is installed.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]
4. number number
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. mac-address mac-address
8. type phone-type
9. busy-trigger-per-button number-of-calls
10. max-calls-per-button number-of-calls
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to configure a directory number
for an IP phone line.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 6 octo-line
Step 3
• dn-tag—Unique number that identifies an ephone-dn during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the number set by the max-dn
• dual-line—(Optional) Enables two calls per directory number.
• octo-line—(Optional) Enables eight calls per directory number.
Associates a telephone or extension number with an ephone-dn in a Cisco
Unified CME.
number number
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1007
Step 4
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. Normally the string is composed of digits, but
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure the Maximum Number of Calls on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
the string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is
dialed only by the router, as with an intercom number. One or more
periods (.) can be used as wildcard characters.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 98
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones is
version and platform-specific. Type ? to display range.
Associates the MAC address of a Cisco IP phone with an ephone
configuration in a Cisco Unified CME.
mac-address mac-address
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 7
• mac-address—Identifying MAC address of an IP phone.
type phone-type Assigns a phone type to an SCCP phone.
Router(config-ephone)# type 8941
Step 8
Sets the maximum number of calls allowed on an octo-line directory
number before activating Call Forward Busy or a busy tone.
busy-trigger-per-button number-of-calls
busy-trigger-per-button 6
Step 9
• number-of-calls—Maximum number of calls. Range: 1 to 8.
Default: 0 (disabled).
Sets the maximum number of calls allowed on an octo-line directory
number on an SCCP phone.
max-calls-per-button number-of-calls
max-calls-per-button 4
Step 10
• number-of-calls—Maximum number of calls. Range: 1 to 8.
Default: 8.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure the Maximum Number of Calls on SCCP Phone
Configure the Busy Trigger Limit on SIP Phone
To configure the busy trigger limit on a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME 9.0, perform the
following steps.
You cannot configure the maximum number of calls per line. The phone controls the maximum number
of outgoing calls.
Table 18: Maximum Number of Incoming and Outgoing Calls , on page 322 shows the maximum number
of outgoing calls allowed by a phone and the maximum number of incoming calls that can be configured
using the busy-trigger-per-button command for Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945
SIP IP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 9.0.
Table 18: Maximum Number of Incoming and Outgoing Calls
Maximum Number of Incoming
Before Busy Tone (Configurable)
Maximum Number of Outgoing
Calls (Controlled by Phones)
Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
6921 12 12
6941 24 24
6945 24 24
6961 72 72
8941 24 24
8945 24 24
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions.
• Correct firmware is installed:
◦9.2(1) or a later version for Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945 and 6961 SIP IP phones.
◦9.2(2) or a later version for Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SIP IP phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure the Busy Trigger Limit on SIP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. type phone-type
5. busy-trigger-per-button number
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool
configuration for a SIP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 20
Step 3
pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to 100.
For Cisco Unified CME systems, the upper limit for this
argument is defined by the max-pool command.
type phone-type Defines a phone type for a SIP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# type
Step 4
Sets the maximum number of calls allowed on a SIP directory number
before activating Call Forward Busy or a busy tone.
busy-trigger-per-button number
busy-trigger-per-button 25
Step 5
• number—Maximum number of calls. Range: 1 to the maximum
number of incoming calls listed in Step 6. The default values are
1 for the Cisco Unified 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961SIPIPphones
and 2 for the Cisco Unified 8941 and 8945 SIP IP phones.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure the Busy Trigger Limit on SIP Phone
Configure KEMs on SIP Phones
To configure KEMs for Cisco Unified 8961, 9951, or 9971 SIP IP phones, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.1 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. type phone-type [addon 1 CKEM [2 CKEM [3 CKEM]]]
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool configuration for
a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register
pool 29
Step 3
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to 100.
For Cisco Unified CME systems, the upper limit for this argument is
defined by the max-pool command.
type phone-type [addon 1 CKEM [2 Defines a phone type for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
Step 4
The following keywords increase the number of speed-dial, busy-lamp-field, and
directory number keys that can be configured:
type 9971 addon 1 CKEM 2 CKEM 3
• addon 1 CKEM—(Optional) Tells the router that a Cisco SIP IP Phone
CKEM 36-Button Line Expansion Module is being added to this Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phone.
This option is available to Cisco Unified 8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP
phones only.
• 2 CKEM (Optional)—Tells the router that a second Cisco SIP IP Phone
CKEM 36-Button Line Expansion Module is being added to this Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Configure KEMs on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
This option is available to Cisco Unified 9951 and 9971 SIP IP phones
• 3 CKEM—(Optional) Tellsthe router that a third CiscoSIPIPPhone CKEM
36-Button Line Expansion Module is being added to this Cisco Unified SIP
IP Phone.
This option is available to Cisco Unified 9971 SIP IP phones
Provision SIP Phones to Use the Fast-Track Configuration Approach
To provision the Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones using the fast-track configuration approach, perform the following
When a new Cisco Unified SIP IP phone is configured on Cisco Unified CME using the fast-track
configuration approach, and the Cisco Unified CME is upgraded to a later version that supports the new
phone type, the fast-track configuration pertaining to that SIP IP phone is removed automatically.
Before You Begin
You require Cisco Unified CME Release 10 or a later release.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool-type pool-type
4. addons max-addons
5. description string
6. gsm-support
7. num-lines max-lines
8. Phoneload-support
9. reference-pooltype phone-type
10. telnet-support
11. transport {udp | TCP}
12. Xml-config {maxNumCalls | busyTrigger | custom}
13. exit
14. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Provision SIP Phones to Use the Fast-Track Configuration Approach
Command or Action Purpose
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if
Router> enable
Step 1
configure terminal Enters the global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters the voice register pool configuration mode and creates a
pool configuration for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco
Unified CME.
voice register pool-type pool-type
Router(config)# voice register pool-type
Step 3
If the new phone type is an existing phone that is supported on
Cisco Unified CME release, you get the following error message:
ERROR: 8945 is built-in phonemodel, cannot be changed
Defines the maximum number of add-on modules supported in
Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
addons max-addons
Router(config-register-pooltype)# addons 3
Step 4
• max-addons—The maximum allowed value is 3. The
configured add-on modules can be used while defining the
pool for the new SIP phone model using the existing type
command as shown below:
type [addon 1 module-type [2
description string Defines the description string for the new phone type.
description TEST PHON
Step 5
Defines phone support for Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) support.
Step 6
Step 7 num-lines max-lines Definesthe maximum number of linessupported by the new phone.
Router(config-register-pooltype)# num-lines
• max-lines—If this parameter is not configured, the default
value 1 is used.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Provision SIP Phones to Use the Fast-Track Configuration Approach
Command or Action Purpose
Defines phone support for firmware download from Cisco Unified
CME. You can use the load command in the voice register global
Step 8
mode to configure the corresponding phone load for the new phone
type if it supports phone load.
Defines the nearest phone family from which the SIP IP phone in
fast-track mode will inherit the properties.
reference-pooltype phone-type
voice register pool-type 7821?
Step 9
• phone-type—Unique number that representsthe phone model.
description Cisco IP Phone 7821 Default There is no reference point to inherit the properties.
reference-pooltype 6921
telnet-support Defines phone support for Telnet access.
Step 10
Step 11 transport {udp | TCP} Defines the default transport type supported by the new phone.
Router(config-register-pooltype)# transport
If this parameter is not configured, UDPis used asthe default value.
The session-transport command configured at the voice register
pool takes priority over this configuration.
Definesthe phone-specific XML tagsto be used in the configuration
Xml-config {maxNumCalls | busyTrigger |
Step 12
• maxNumCalls—Defines the maximum number of calls
allowed per line.
• busyTrigger—Defines the number of calls that triggers Call
Forward Busy per line on the SIP phone.
busyTrigger 2
maxNumCalls 4
• custom—Defines custom XML tags which can be appended
at the end of the phone specific CNF file.
custom 1
These parameters are used while generating the configuration
profile file. CUCME does not use these configuration values for
any other purpose.
exit Exits the voice register-pooltype configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pooltype)# exit
Step 13
end Exits the privileged EXEC configuration mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 14
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Provision SIP Phones to Use the Fast-Track Configuration Approach
SIP Phone Models Validated for CME using Fast-track
For information on the SIP phone models validated for Cisco Unified CME using fast-track configuration,
see Phone Feature Support Guide for Unified CME, Unified SRST, Unified E-SRST, and Unified Secure
Configuration Examples for Making Basic Calls
This section contains the following examples of the required Cisco Unified CME configurations with some
of the additional options that are discussed in other modules.
Example for Configuring SCCP Phones for Making Basic Calls
The following is a sample output of the show running-config command, showing how an SCCP phone is
configured to make basic calls:
Router# show running-config
version 12.4
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname CME40
logging buffered 2000000 debugging
no aaa new-model
resource policy
clock timezone PST -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
no network-clock-participate slot 2
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
dsp services dspfarm
voice-card 2
no ip source-route
ip cef
ip domain name cisco.com
ip multicast-routing
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
SIP Phone Models Validated for CME using Fast-track Configuration
ftp-server enable
ftp-server topdir flash:
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
no supplementary-service h450.2
no supplementary-service h450.3
call start slow
controller T1 2/0/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/0/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface Serial2/0/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn map address ^.* plan unknown type international
no cdp enable
ip route
ip route Service-Engine1/0
ip route
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
no ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:
tftp-server flash:P00307020300.loads
tftp-server flash:P00307020300.sb2
tftp-server flash:P00307020300.sbn
voice-port 2/0/0:23
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Configuring SCCP Phones for Making Basic Calls
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0
sccp ccm identifier 1
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register MTP0013c49a0cd0
keepalive retries 5
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec gsmfr
codec g729r8
maximum sessions 90
associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 9000 voip
mailbox-selection last-redirect-num
destination-pattern 78..
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 2 pots
incoming called-number .
port 2/0/0:23
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 1 pots
destination-pattern 9[2-9]......
port 2/0/0:23
forward-digits 8
dial-peer voice 3 pots
destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]......
port 2/0/0:23
forward-digits 12!
timer receive-rtp 1200
load 7960-7940 P00307020300
max-ephones 100
max-dn 300
ip source-address port 2000
system message CCME 4.0
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 128
sdspfarm tag 1 MTP0013c49a0cd0
voicemail 7800
max-conferences 24 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
moh music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 2000
web admin system name admin password sjdfg
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Configuring SCCP Phones for Making Basic Calls
ephone-dn-template 1
ephone-template 1
keep-conference endcall local-only
codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist
ephone-template 2
ephone-dn 1
number 6001
call-forward busy 7800
call-forward noan 7800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 2
number 6002
call-forward busy 7800
call-forward noan 7800 timeout 10
ephone-dn 10
number 6013
paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn 20
number 8000....
mwi on
ephone-dn 21
number 8001....
mwi off
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
username "user1"
mac-address 002D.264E.54FA
codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist
type 7970
button 1:1
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
username "user2"
mac-address 001C.821C.ED23
type 7960
button 1:2
line con 0
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line 66
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output all
line 258
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Configuring SCCP Phones for Making Basic Calls
transport input all
transport output all
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
privilege level 15
password sgpxw
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp server
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Making Basic Calls
The following is a configuration example for SIP phones running on Cisco Unified CME:
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
registrar server expires max 600 min 60
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
voice hunt-group 1 parallel
final 8000
list 2000,1000,2101
timeout 20
pilot 9000
voice hunt-group 2 sequential
final 1000
list 2000,2300
timeout 25
pilot 9100 secondary 9200
voice hunt-group 3 peer
final 2300
list 2100,2200,2101,2201
timeout 15
hops 3
pilot 9300
preference 5
voice hunt-group 4 longest-idle
final 2000
list 2300,2100,2201,2101,2200
timeout 15
hops 5
pilot 9400 secondary 9444
preference 5 secondary 9
voice register global
mode cme
external-ring bellcore-dr3
voice register dn 1
number 2300
voice register dn 2
number 2200
call-forward b2bua all 1000
call-forward b2bua mailbox 2200
voice register dn 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Making Basic Calls
number 2201
after-hour exempt
voice register dn 4
number 2100
call-forward b2bua busy 2000
voice register dn 5
number 2101
voice register dn 76
number 2525
call-forward b2bua unreachable 2300
voice register template 1
voice register template 2
no conference enable
voicemail 7788 timeout 5
voice register pool 1
id mac 000D.ED22.EDFE
type 7960
number 1 dn 1
template 1
preference 1
no call-waiting
codec g711alaw
voice register pool 2
id mac 000D.ED23.CBA0
type 7960
number 1 dn 2
number 2 dn 2
template 1
preference 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
speed-dial 3 2001
speed-dial 4 2201
voice register pool 3
id mac 0030.94C3.053E
type 7960
number 1 dn 3
number 3 dn 3
template 2
voice register pool 5
id mac 0012.019B.3FD8
type ATA
number 1 dn 5
preference 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711alaw
voice register pool 6
id mac 0012.019B.3E88
type ATA
number 1 dn 6
number 2 dn 7
template 2
call-forward b2bua all 7778
voice register pool 7
voice register pool 8
id mac 0006.D737.CC42
type 7940
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Making Basic Calls
number 1 dn 8
template 2
preference 1
codec g711alaw
voice-port 1/0/0
voice-port 1/0/1
dial-peer voice 100 pots
destination-pattern 2000
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 101 pots
destination-pattern 2010
port 1/0/1
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
preference 1
destination-pattern 1...
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp
load 7960-7940 P0S3-07-2-00
max-ephones 24
max-dn 96
ip source-address port 2000
create cnf-files version-stamp Aug 24 2004 00:00:00
max-conferences 8
after-hours block pattern 1 1...
after-hours day Mon 17:00 07:00
Example for Disabling a Bulk Registration for a SIP Phone
The following example shows that all phone numbers that match the pattern “408555..” can register with the
SIP proxy server (IP address except directory number 1, number “4085550101,” for which bulk
registration is disabled:
voice register global
mode cme
bulk 408555….
voice register dn 1
number 4085550101
registrar ipv4:
Example for Configuring a Mixed Shared Line on a Second Common Directory
The following example shows how configuring a mixed shared line on a second common directory number
is rejected:
Router(config)#ephone-dn 14 octo-line
Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 2502
Router(config-ephone-dn)#shared-line sip
Router(config)#ephone-dn 20 octo-line
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Disabling a Bulk Registration for a SIP Phone
Router(config-ephone-dn)#number 2502
Router(config-ephone-dn)#shared-line sip
DN number already exists in the shared line database
Example for Cisco ATA
The following example shows the configuration for two analog phones using a single Cisco ATA with MAC
address 000F.F758.E70E. The analog phone attached to the first port uses the MAC address of the Cisco ATA.
The analog phone attached to the second port uses a modified version of the Cisco ATA’s MAC address; the
first two hexadecimal numbers are removed and 01 is appended to the end.
conference hardware
load ATA ATA030203SCCP051201A.zup
ephone-dn 80 dual-line
number 8080
ephone-dn 81 dual-line
number 8081
ephone 30
mac-address 000F.F758.E70E
type ata
button 1:80
ephone 31
mac-address 0FF7.58E7.0E01
type ata
button 1:81
Example for SCCP Analog Phone
The following partial sample output from a Cisco Unified CME configuration sets transfer type to full-blind
and sets the voice-mail extension to 5200. Ephone-dn 10 has the extension 4443 and is assigned to Tommy;
that number and name will be used for caller-ID displays. The description field under ephone-dn is used to
indicate that this ephone-dn is on the Cisco VG224 voice gateway at port 1/3. Extension 4443 is assigned to
ephone 7, which is an analog phone type with 10 speed-dial numbers.
CME_Router# show running-config
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P00305000301
load 7905 CP79050101SCCP030530B31
max-ephones 60
max-dn 60
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 60
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Sep 28 2004 17:23:02
voicemail 5200
mwi relay
mwi expires 99999
max-conferences 8 gain -6
web admin system name cisco password lab
web admin customer name ac2 password cisco
transfer-system full-blind
transfer-pattern 6...
transfer-pattern 5...
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Cisco ATA
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 4443 secondary 9191114443
pickup-group 5
description vg224-1/3
name tommy
ephone 7
mac-address C863.9018.0402
speed-dial 1 4445
speed-dial 2 4445
speed-dial 3 4442
speed-dial 4 4441
speed-dial 5 6666
speed-dial 6 1111
speed-dial 7 1112
speed-dial 8 9191114441
speed-dial 9 9191114442
speed-dial 10 9191114442
type anl
button 1:10
Example for Remote Teleworker Phones
The following example shows the configuration for ephone 270, a remote teleworker phone with its codec
set to G.729r8. Thedspfarm-assist keyword is used to ensure that callsfrom this phone will use DSPresources
to maintain the G.729r8 codec when calls would normally be switched to a G.711 codec.
ephone 270
button 1:36
codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist
description teleworker remote phone
Example for Secure IP Phone (IP-STE)
The following example showsthe configuration forSecure IPPhone IP-STE. IP-STE isthe phone type required
to configure a secure phone.
ephone-dn 1
number 3001
ephone 9
mac-address 0004.E2B9.1AD1
max-calls-per-button 1
type IP-STE
button 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4
Example for Configuring Phone Services XML File for Cisco Unified Wireless
Phone 7926G
The following example shows phone type 7926 configured in ephone 1 and service xml-config file configured
in ephone template 1:
max-ephones 58
max-dn 192
ip source-address port 2000
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Remote Teleworker Phones
cnf-file perphone
create cnf-files
ephone-template 1
service xml-config append flash:7926_phone_services.xml
ephone-dn 1 octo-line
number 1001
ephone 1
mac-address AAAA.BBBB.CCCC
ephone-template 1
type 7926
button 1:1
Example for Monitoring the Status of Key Expansion Modules
Show commands are used to monitor the status and other details of Key Expansion Modules (KEMs).
The following example demonstrates how the show voice register all command displays KEM details with
all the Cisco Unified CME configurations and registration information:
show voice register all
CONFIG [Version=9.1]
Pool Tag 5
Mac address is B4A4.E328.4698
Type is 9971 addon 1 CKEM
Number list 1 : DN 2
Number list 2 : DN 3
Proxy Ip address is
DTMF Relay is disabled
Call Waiting is enabled
DnD is disabled
Video is enabled
Camera is enabled
Busy trigger per button value is 0
keep-conference is enabled
registration expires timer max is 200 and min is 60
kpml signal is enabled
Lpcor Type is none
The following example demonstrates how the show voice registerpool type command displays all the phones
configured with add-on KEMs in Cisco Unified CME:
Router# show voice register pool type CKEM
Pool ID IP Address Ln DN Number State
==== =============== =============== == === ==================== ============
4 B4A4.E328.4698 1 4 5589$ REGISTERED
The following example demonstrates how the show voice register pool type summary command displays all
the SIP phones (both registered and unregistered) configured with add-on KEMs in Cisco Unified CME:
Router# show voice register pool type summary
Phone Type Configured Registered Unregistered
========== ========== ========== ============
Unknown type 2 0 2
7821 1 0 1
9951 1 1 0
DX650 1 0 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Monitoring the Status of Key Expansion Modules
Total Phones 5 1 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Monitoring the Status of Key Expansion Modules
Cisco IOS Commands for Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco Unified CME
To monitor and maintain Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express(CME), use the following commands
in privileged EXEC mode.
Command Purpose
Displays the detailed configuration of all the
Cisco Unified IP phones, voice ports, and dial peers
of the Cisco Unified CME Router.
Router# show call-manager-fallback all
Displays the output of the dial peers of the Cisco
Unified CME Router.
Router# show call-manager-fallback dial-peer
Displays Cisco Unified IPPhone destination numbers
when in call manager fallback mode.
Router# show call-manager-fallback ephone-dn
Router# show call-manager-fallback voice-port Displays output for the voice ports.
Router# show dial-peer voice summary Displays a summary of all voice dial peers.
Router# show ephone phone Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status.
Displays Cisco Unified IPPhone statusfor all phones
that are off hook.
Router# show ephone offhook
Displays Cisco Unified IPPhone statusfor all phones
that are currently registered.
Router# show ephone registered
Displays Cisco Unified IP Phone status for all
nonlocal phones (phones that have no Address
Resolution Protocol [ARP] entry).
Router# show ephone remote
Displays Cisco Unified IPPhone statusfor all phones
that are ringing.
Router# show ephone ringing
Router# show ephone summary Displays a summary of all Cisco Unified IP Phones.
Displays a brief summary of all Cisco Unified SCCP
Router# show ephone summary brief
Displays a summary of all types of Cisco Unified
SCCP phones.
Router# show ephone summary types
Displays a summary of all registered Cisco Unified
SCCP phones.
Router# show ephone registered summary
Displays a summary of all unregistered Cisco Unified
SCCP phones.
Router# show ephone unregistered summary
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Cisco IOS Commands for Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco Unified CME
Command Purpose
Router# show ephone telephone-number
Displays Unified IPPhone statusfor a specific phone
Displays Unified IP Phone status for all unregistered
Router# show ephone unregistered
Router# show ephone-dn tag Displays Unified IP Phone destination numbers.
Displays a summary of all Cisco Unified IP Phone
destination numbers.
Router# show ephone-dn summary
Displays Cisco Unified IPPhone destination numbers
in loopback mode.
Router# show ephone-dn loopback
Router# show running-config Displays the configuration.
Router # show sip-ua status registrar Display SIP registrar clients.
Router# show voice port summary Displays a summary of all voice ports.
Displays all SIP SRST configurations , SIP phone
registrations and dial peer info.
Router # show voice register all
Router # show voice register global Displays voice register global config.
Displays all config SIP phone voice register pool
detail info.
Router # show voice register pool all
Displays a summary of all registered and unregistered
Cisco SIP Phones.
Router # show voice register pool type summary
DisplaysspecificSIPphone voice register pool detail
Router # show voice register pool
Router # show voice register dial-peers Displays SIP-CME created dial peer.
Router # show voice register dn all Displays all config voice register dn detail info.
Router # show voice register dn Displays specific voice register dn detail info.
Example for Fast-Track Configuration Approach
The following example shows how to enable the new Cisco Unified 9900SIPIPphone to inherit the properties
of the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone 9951 and overwrite some of the phone’s properties:
voice register pool-type 9900
reference-pooltype 9951
description SIP Phone 9900 addon module
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Example for Fast-Track Configuration Approach
num-lines 24
addons 3
no phoneload-support
xml-config custom "custom-sftp"1"/custom-sftp"
voice register pool 1
type 9900 addon 1 CKEM 2 CKEM 3 CKEM
id mac 1234.4567.7891
voice register global
mode cme
load 9900 P0S3-06-0-00
The following example shows how to inherit the existing properties of a reference phone type (Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone 6921) using the fast-track configuration approach.
voice register pooltype 6922
reference-pooltype 6921
device-name “SIP Phone 6922”
voice register pool 11
type 6922
id mac 1234.4567.7890
Where To Go Next
To select a fixed-button layout for a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G, see Select Button Layout for a
Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G, on page 1453.
After configuring phones in Cisco Unified CME to make basic calls, you are ready to generate configuration
files for the phones to be connected to your router. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) media prompts feature is only available on the IAD2435 when
running IOS version 15.0(1)M or later.
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 19: Feature Information for Basic Call Features
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Increasesline key and feature
key appearances, speed dials,
or programmable buttons on
Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
KEM Support for Cisco 9.1
Unified 8961, 9951, and 9971
SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Where To Go Next
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Supports T.38 fax relay and
fax pass-through on Cisco
Cisco ATA-187 9.0
Adds SIP support for the
following phone types:
• Cisco Unified 6901 and
6911 IP Phones
• Cisco Unified 6921,
6941, 6945, and 6961 IP
• Cisco Unified 8941 and
8945 IP Phones
Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Allows Cisco UnifiedSIPand
SCCP IP phones to share a
common directory number.
Mixed Shared Lines
Overcomes the limitation on
the maximum number of calls
per line.
Multiple Calls Per Line
Allows you to display
information on active RTP
calls using the show ephone
rtp connections command.
The output from this
command provides an
overview of all the
connections in the system,
narrowing the criteria for
debugging pulse code
modulation and Cisco Unified
CME packets without a
Real-Time TransportProtocol 8.8
Call Information Display
Adds support for SIP phones
connected to a Cisco Unified
CME system.
Support for Cisco Unified
3905 SIP IP Phones
Adds support for SCCP
phones connected to a Cisco
Unified CME system.
Support for Cisco Unified
6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP
IP Phones
Added support for 7926G
Wireless SCCP IP Phone.
Support for 7926G Wireless 8.6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Adds support for Secure IP
Phone (IP-STE).
Secure IP Phones 8.0
Adds support for
nonexclusive shared lines on
SIP phones.
SIP Shared Lines 7.1
Adds autoconfiguration for
the Cisco VG202, VG204,
and VG224 Analog Phone
Autoconfiguration for
Cisco VG202, VG204, and
Addssupport for dynamically
adding new phone types
without upgrading
Cisco IOS software.
Ephone-Type Templates 7.0/4.3
Adds octo-line directory
numbers that support up to
eight active calls.
Octo-Line Directory Numbers
Adds support for the
G.722-64K and iLBC codecs.
G.722 and iLBC Transcoding
and Conferencing Support in
Cisco Unified CME
Adds support for dial plans
for SIP phones.
Dial Plans for SIP Phones 4.1
Adds support for KPML for
SIP phones.
Adds selection for
session-transport protocol for
SIP phones.
Session Transport Protocol
Provides Busy Lamp Field
(BLF) notification on a line
button that is configured for
watch mode on one phone for
all lines on another phone
(watched phone) for which
the watched directory number
is the primary line.
Watch Mode
Introduces support for
teleworker remote phones.
Remote Teleworker Phones 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Introducessupport for analog
phones with SCCP
supplementary features using
FXS ports on
Analog Phones 4.0
Introducessupport for analog
phones with SCCP
supplementary features using
FXS ports on a Cisco VG224
voice gateway.
Introduces support for
Cisco ATA 186 and
Cisco ATA 188.
Introducessupport for analog
phones in H.323 mode using
FXS ports.
Introduces support for
Cisco IP Communicator.
Cisco IP Communicator 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Adds enhancements to
improve the keyswitch
emulation behavior of PSTN
lines in a Cisco Unified CME
system, including the
• Status monitoring of the
FXO port on the line
button of an IP phone.
• Transfer recall if a
transfer-to phone does
not answer after a
specified timeout.
• Transfer-to button
optimization to free up
the private extension
line on the transfer-to
• Directory numbers for
FXO lines can be
configured for dual-line
to support the FXO
monitoring, transfer
recall, and transfer-to
button optimization
Direct FXO Trunk Lines 4.0
Introduces direct FXO trunk
line capability.
Adds support for SIP phones
connected to Cisco CME
SIP Phones 3.4
Provides a visible line status
indicating whether the line is
in-use or not.
Monitor Mode for Shared 3.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Feature Information for Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension
• Prerequisites for Extension Assigner, page 347
• Restrictions for Extension Assigner, page 348
• Information About Extension Assigner, page 348
• Configure Extension Assigner, page 354
• Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization, page 375
• Assign Extension Numbers Onsite by Using Extension Assigner, page 378
• Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SCCP Phones, page 380
• Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SIP Phones, page 380
• Configuration Examples for Extension Assigner, page 380
Prerequisites for Extension Assigner
• Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or a later version for SIP phones.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3) or a later version for SCCP phones.
• For Extension Assigner Synchronization, Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) or a later version.
• The auto-register-phone command must be enabled (default) forSCCPphones, and auto-register must
be enabled for SIP phones.
• DHCP must be configured. For configuration information, see Network Parameters.
• You have a valid Cisco.com account.
• You have access to a TFTP server for downloading files.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Extension Assigner
• The number of phones that you install cannot exceed the maximum number of phones supported by the
router chassis. To find the maximum number of phones for a particular router and Cisco Unified CME
version, see the appropriate Cisco Uniified CME Supported Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice
Products for your Cisco IOS release.
• For Extension AssignerSynchronization, automatic synchronization only appliesto configuration changes
made by Cisco Unified CME Extension Assigner.
Information About Extension Assigner
Extension Assigner Overview
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, Extension Assigner feature is supported for both SIP and
SCCPphones. Thisfeature enablesinstallation techniciansto assign extension numbersto Cisco Unified CME
phones without administrative access to the server, typically during the installation of new phones or the
replacement of broken phones. However, before an installation technician can use this feature, the system
administrator must first configure Cisco Unified CME to allow specific extensions to be assigned. The system
administrator must also provide the installation technician with the information necessary for assigning
extension numbers to phones. The installation technician can then assign extension numbers to phones with
access to only the phones themselves and with no further intervention from the administrator.
To configure this feature, tasks must be performed on the Cisco router by an administrator and onsite by
installation technicians.
Procedure for System Administrators
Before an installation technician can assign new extension numbersto phones, you must complete the following
1 Determine which extension numbers will be assigned to the new phones and plan your configuration.
2 Download the appropriate Tcl script and associated audio prompt files and place them in the correct
3 Configure the Cisco Unified CME router to:
• Configure and load the appropriate Tcl script.
• Specify the extension that the installation technician calls to assign extension numbers.
• Optionally specify whether the extension used to assign extension numbers is dialed automatically.
• Specify the password that the installation technician enters to assign extension numbers.
• Configure the extension assigner feature.
• Configure ephone-dns with temporary extension numbers (applicable only for SCCP phones).
• Configure ephone-dns and voice register dns with the extension numbersthat the installation technician
can assign to phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Restrictions for Extension Assigner
• Configure ephones and voice register pools with temporary MAC addresses for each phone that will
be assigned an extension number by the installation technician.
• Optionally configure the router to automatically save your configuration.
All phone configurations such as dn and pool that are generated as part of the auto
registration process are persistent configurations(If the command background save
interval is configured under telephony-service). These phone configurations are available
on Unified CME even after an event of router reload.
4 Provide the installation technician with the information needed to assign extension numbers to the new
Before you can configure this feature, you must understand how the extension assigner application works and
what information the installation technician needs to assign extension numbers to phones.
Other information you must provide to the installation technician involves the tasks that the installation
technician must perform. These tasks include:
• Dialing a configurable extension number to access the extension assigner application.
• Entering a configurable password.
• Entering a tag (provision-tag for SIP phones, and ephone-tag or provision-tag for SCCP phones) that
identifies the extension number that will be assigned to the phone.
Therefore, you must make the following decisions:
• Which extension number must be dialed to access the extension assigner application.
• Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook.
• What password the installation technician must enter to access the extension assigner application.
• What type of tag (provision-tag for SIP phones, and ephone-tag or provision-tag for SCCP phones)
numbers to use to identify the extension number to assign to the phone.
• What specific tag numbers to use to identify the extension number to assign to the phone.
The first three decisions are straightforward, but the last two tag number decisions require some knowledge
of how the extension assigner feature works.
This feature is implemented using a Tcl script and audio files. To run this script, the installation technician
plugs in the phone, waits for a random extension number to be automatically assigned, and dials a specified
extension assigner number to invoke the extension assigner service.
After the phones have registered and received their temporary extension numbers, the installation technician
can access extension assigner and enter a tag number. Thistag number is used to identify the extension number
and must match either an ephone tag (only for SCCP phones) or a similar new tag called the provision-tag
(applicable to both SIP and SCCP phones).
For SCCP phones, you must decide on which tag you want to use before you configure your ephone and
ephone-dn entries.
The advantage of using the provision-tag is that you can make it easier for the installation technician to assign
extension numbers because you can configure the tag to match the primary extension number or some other
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Extension Assigner Overview
unique identifier for the phone, such as a jack number. We recommend you to configure provision-tag same
as the primary extension number.
The disadvantage isthat you configure an additional keyword for each ephone entry, asshown in the following
ephone 1
provision-tag 9001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
voice register pool 1
provision-tag 1001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
number 1 dn 101
ForSCCPphones, if you decide to use the ephone tag, it requires less configuration. However, the installation
technician enters an arbitrary tag number instead of the actual extension number when configuring a phone.
This restriction is because the number of ephone tags that you can configure is limited by your license. For
example, if you use the ephone tag and you have a 100-user license, the installation technician cannot enter
9001 for the tag because you can configure only ephone 1 to ephone 100.
Note that each ephone entry that you configure must also include a temporary MAC address. As shown in
the above example, this address should begin with 02EA.EAEA and can end with any unique number. We
strongly recommend that you can configure this unique number to match the ephone tag for SCCP phones.
ForSCCPphones, you do not have to configure any ephone entriesfor the extension number that are randomly
assigned. The auto assign feature automatically creates an ephone entry for each new phone when it registers.
The auto assign feature then automatically assigns an ephone-dn entry if there is an available ephone-dn that
has one of the tag numbers specified by the auto assign command. The resulting ephone pool configurations
have the actual MAC address of the phone and a button with the first available ephone-dn designated for the
auto assign feature. For more information, see Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SCCP Phones
That Use Extension Assigner, on page 361.
For SIP phones, you do not have to configure voice register pool or voice register dn. You need to configure
auto-register command for automatic registration ofSIPphones on Cisco Unified CME.For more information,
see Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SCCP Phones That Use Extension Assigner, on page 361.
For manually registered phones, ephone (or voice register pool) and ephone-dn (or voice register dn) are
manually created.
As shown in the following example, you configure at least one ephone-dn for a temporary extension and
specify which ephone-dns the autoassign feature will assign to the temporary ephone entries:
auto assign 101 to 105
ephone-dn 101
number 0001
When the installation technician assigns an extension number to a phone, the temporary MAC address is
replaced by the actual MAC address and the ephone entry created by the auto register feature is deleted. The
number of ephone-dns that you configure for the auto assign feature determines how many phones you can
plug in at one time and get an automatically assigned extension. If you define four ephone-dns for auto assign
and you plug in five phones, one phone will not get a temporary extension number until you assign an extension
to one of the other four phones and reset the fifth phone. You are permitted to set the max-ephone value higher
than the number of users and phones supported by your Cisco Unified CME phone licenses for the purpose
of enrolling licensed phones using Extension Assigner.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Extension Assigner Overview
In addition to configuring one ephone-dn for each temporary extension number that is assigned automatically,
you also must configure an ephone-dn entry for each extension number that is assigned by the installation
technician. For more details on configuring extension numbers that technicians can assign to SCCP phones,
see Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SCCP Phones, on page 364.
For SIP Phones, the temporary MAC address is replaced by the actual MAC address and voice register pool
entry created by the auto-register feature is deleted when the installation technician assigns an extension
number to a phone. The number of voice register dns that you configure for the auto assign feature determines
how many phones you can plug in at one time and get an automatically assigned extension. If you define four
voice register dns for auto assign and you plug in five phones, one phone will not get a temporary extension
number until you assign an extension to one of the other four phones and reset the fifth phone. You are
permitted to set the max-pool value higher than the number of users and phones supported by your Cisco
Unified CME phone licenses for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using Extension Assigner.For more
details on configuring extension numbers that technicians can assign to SIP phones, see Configure Extension
Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SIP Phones, on page 366.
Note For SIP Phones, you need not create temporary dn if auto registration is used.
To complete the configuration, as shown in the following example, you must:
• Specify whether to use the ephone or the provision-tag number to identify the extension number to assign
to the phone. Set this when the feature is enabled with the new extension-assigner tag-type command
provided with this feature.
• Configure an ephone-dn for each temporary extension number that is assigned automatically.
• Configure an ephone-dn or voice register dn for each extension number that you want the installation
technician to assign to a phone.
• Configure an ephone or voice register pool with a temporary MAC addressfor each phone that is assigned
an extension number by the installation technician. Optionally, this ephone definition can include the
new provision-tag.ForSIPphones, it is necessary to have provision-tag information under voice register
pool. For more information, see Configure Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses, on page 368.
extension-assigner tag-type provision-tag
auto assign 101 to 105
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 6001
ephone-dn 101
number 0001
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone 1
provision-tag 6001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
voice register pool 1
provision-tag 1001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
number 1 dn 101
Because you must configure two ephone-dns or voice register dns for each extension number that you want
to assign, you may exceed your max-dn setting. You are permitted to set the max-dn value higher than the
number allowed by your license for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using extension assigner.
Assuming that your max-dn setting is set high enough, your max-ephone or max-pool setting determines how
many phones you can plug in at one time. For example, if your max-ephone or max-pool setting is ten more
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Extension Assigner Overview
than the number of phones to which you want to assign extension numbers, then you can plug in ten phones
at a time. If you plug in eleven phones, one phone will not register or get a temporary extension number until
you assign an extension to one of the first ten phones and reset the eleventh phone.
After you have configured your ephone or voice register pool, and ephone-dn or voice register dn entries, you
can complete your router configuration by optionally configuring the router to automatically save your
configuration. If the router configuration is not saved, any extension assignments made by the installation
technician will be lost when the router is restarted. The alternative to this optional procedure is to have the
installation technician connect to the router and enter the write memory command to save the router
The final task of the system administrator is to document the information that the installation technician needs
to assign extension numbers to the new phones. You can also use this documentation as a guide when you
configure Cisco Unified CME to implement this feature. This information includes:
• How many phones the installation technician can plug in at one time
• Which extension number to dial to access the extension assigner application
• Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook
• What password to enter to access the application
• Which tag numbers to enter to assign an extension to each phone
Because this feature is implemented using a Tcl script and audio files, you must place the script and
associated audio prompt files in the correct directory. Do not edit this script; just configure
Cisco Unified CME to load the appropriate script.
Extension Assigner in Mixed Deployment
From Cisco Unified CME release 11.6 onwards, extension assigner feature supports mixed deployment of
SCCP and SIP phones. In a mixed deployment scenario, you sometimes have to migrate or replace an SCCP
phone with a SIP phone or vice versa. The extension assigner functionality ensures a seamless migration
experience in this scenario by letting you assign extension numbers to the new phone (irrespective of SIP or
In mixed mode deployment, you can reassign any current extension number to a new phone. When you dial
in to the extension assigner system to perform this task, you are redirected to the unassign menu. You need
to unassign the current extension number so that it is no more assigned to any phone. After successfully
unassigning the extension number, the call is disconnected. When you dial in to the extension assigner again,
you can reassign the extension number to your new phone. For more information, see Reassign the Current
Extension Number, on page 379.
You cannot unassign the extension number of a phone if it is in use. The phone has to be in idle or
unregistered state.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Extension Assigner Overview
Procedures for Installation Technicians
This feature is implemented using a Tcl script and audio prompt files that enable the installation technician
to assign an extension number to a new Cisco Unified CME phone by performing the following procedure
The system administrator provides the installation technician with all of the information required to perform
this procedure.
Step 1 Plug in a specified number of new phones.
Step 2 Wait for the phones to be assigned temporary, random extension numbers.
Step 3 Dial a specified number to access the extension assigner application.
Step 4 Enter a specified password.
Step 5 Enter a tag that identifies an extension number and enables the installation technician to perform one of the following
• Assign a new extension number to a phone.
• Unassign the current extension number.
• Reassign an extension number.
Files Included in this Release
The app-cme-ea- or later archive file provided for the extension assigner feature includes a readme
file, a Tcl script, and several audio prompt files. If you want to replace the audio files with files that use a
language other than English, do not change the name of the files. The Tcl script is written to use only the
following list of the filenames:
• app-cme-ea- (script)
• en_cme_tag_assign_phone.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone_idle.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone_inuse.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_assigned_to_phone_unreg.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_available.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_extension.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_invalid.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_unassign_phone.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_action_cancelled.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_assign_failed.au (audio file)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Files Included in this Release
• en_cme_tag_assign_success.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_contact_admin.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_disconnect.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_ephone_tagid.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_invalid_password.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_invalidoption.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_noentry.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_password.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_unassign_failed.au (audio file)
• en_cme_tag_unassign_success.au (audio file)
• en_eight.au (audio file)
• en_five.au (audio file)
• en_four.au (audio file)
• en_nine.au (audio file)
• en_one.au (audio file)
• en_seven.au (audio file)
• en_six.au (audio file)
• en_three.au (audio file)
• en_two.au (audio file)
• en_zero.au (audio file)
• readme.txt
Extension Assigner Synchronization
Extension AssignerSynchronization enablesthe secondary backup router to automatically receive any changes
made by Extension Assigner to ephone or voice register pool mac-addresses in the primary router. The
synchronization is performed using the Cisco Unified CME XML interface. The Cisco Unified CME XML
client encapsulates the configuration changes into an ISexecCLI request and sends it to the secondary backup
router using HTTP. The server on the secondary backup side processes the incoming XML request and calls
the Cisco IOS CLI parser to perform the updates.
For configuration information, see Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization.
Configure Extension Assigner
The following tasks are performed by an administrator or other personnel who is responsible for configuring
Extension Assigner:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Extension Assigner Synchronization
Determine Extension Numbers to Assign to the New Phones and Plan Your
After you determine which extension number to assign to each phone, you must make the following decisions:
• Which extension number must be dialed to access the extension assigner application.
• Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook.
• What password the installation technician must enter to access the extension assigner application.
• Whether to use ephone-tag (applicable only for SCCP phones) or the provision-tag number to identify
the extension number to assign to the phone.
• How many temporary extension numbers to configure. This will determine how many temporary
ephone-dns or voice register dns, and temporary MAC addresses to configure.
• What specific tag numbers to use to identify the extension number to assign to the phone.
Download the Tcl Script and Audio Prompt Files
To download the Tcl script and audio prompt files for the extension assigner feature, perform the following
For more information about how to use Tcl scripts, see the Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and Voice XML Application
Guide for your Cisco IOS release.
Note Do not edit the Tcl script
1. Go to the Cisco Unified CME software download website at http://software.cisco.com/download/
2. Download the Cisco Unified CME extension assigner tar archive to a TFTP server that is accessible to
the Cisco Unified CME router.
3. enable
4. archive tar /xtract source-url destination-url
Command or Action Purpose
Go to the Cisco Unified CME software download Gives you access to Cisco Unified CME software downloads.
website at http://software.cisco.com/download/
Step 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Determine Extension Numbers to Assign to the New Phones and Plan Your Configuration
Command or Action Purpose
Download the Cisco Unified CME extension assigner
tar archive to a TFTP server that is accessible to the
Cisco Unified CME router.
Step 2 • This tar archive contains the extension assigner Tcl script
and the default audio files that you need for the extension
assigner service.
enable Enters global configuration mode.
Router> enable
Step 3
Uncompresses the files in the archive file and copies them to a
location that is accessible by the Cisco Unified CME router.
archive tar /xtract source-url destination-url
Router# archive tar /xtract
Step 4
• source-url—URL of the source of the extension assigner
TAR file. Valid URLs can refer to TFTP or HTTP servers
or to flash memory.
• location—URL of the destination of the extension assigner
TAR file, including its Tcl script and audio files. Valid URLs
can refer to TFTP or HTTP servers or to flash memory.
Configure the Tcl Script
To configure and load the Tcl script for the extension assigner feature and create the password that installation
technicians enter to access the extension assigner application, perform the following steps.
For more information about how to use Tcl scripts, see the Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and Voice XML Application
Guide for your Cisco IOS release.
To change the password, you must remove the existing extension assignerservice and create a new service
that defines a new password.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure the Tcl Script
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. application
4. service service-name location
5. param ea-password password
6. paramspace english index number
7. paramspace english language en
8. paramspace english location location
9. paramspace english prefix en
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters application configuration mode to configure packages and
Router(config)# application
Step 3
Enters service parameter configuration mode to configure parameters
for the call-queue service.
service service-name location
Router(config-app)# service EA
Step 4
• service-name—Name of the extension assigner service. This
arbitrary name is used to identify the service during configuration
• location—URL of the Tclscript for the extension assignerservice.
Valid URLs can refer to TFTP or HTTP servers or to flash
Sets the password that installation technicians enter to access the
extension assigner application.
param ea-password password
Router(config-app-param)# param
ea-password 1234
Step 5
• password—Numerical password that installation technicians enter
to accessthe extension assigner application. Length: 2 to 10 digits.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure the Tcl Script
Command or Action Purpose
Defines the language of audio files that are used for dynamic prompts
by an IVR application.
paramspace english index number
Router(config-app-param)# paramspace
english index 0
Step 6
• For the Extension Assigner, language must be English and prefix
is en.
Defines the language of audio files that are used for dynamic prompts
by an IVR application.
paramspace english language en
Router(config-app-param)# paramspace
english language en
Step 7
• For the Extension Assigner, language must be English and prefix
is en.
Defines the location of audio files that are used for dynamic prompts
by an IVR application.
paramspace english location location
Router(config-app-param)# paramspace
english location flash:/EA/
Step 8
• For the Extension Assigner, language must be English.
• location—URL of the Tclscript for the extension assignerservice.
Valid URLs can refer to TFTP or HTTP servers or to flash
Defines the prefix of audio files that are used for dynamic prompts by
an IVR application.
paramspace english prefix en
Router(config-app-param)# paramspace
english prefix en
Step 9
• For the Extension Assigner, language must be English and prefix
is en.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-app-param)# end
Step 10
Specify the Extension for Accessing Extension Assigner Application
To specify the extension number that installation technicians must dial to access the extension assigner
application during onsite installation, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Specify the Extension for Accessing Extension Assigner Application
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip
4. service service-name out-bound
5. destination-pattern string
6. session protocol sipv2
7. session target ipv4: destination-address
8. dtmf-relay rtp-nte
9. codec g711ulaw
10. no vad
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
dial-peer voice tag voip Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 5999 voip
Step 3
• tag—Number used during configuration tasks to identify this
dial peer.
Loads and configures the extension assigner application on a dial
service service-name out-bound
Router(config-dial-peer)# service
extensionassigner out-bound
Step 4
• service-name—Name must match the name that you used to
load the extension assigner Tcl script in the Configuring the
Tcl Script section.
• outbound—Required for Extension Assigner.
Specifies either the prefix or the full E.164 telephone number
(depending on the dial plan) for a dial peer.
destination-pattern string
Router(config-dial-peer)# destination
pattern 1010
Step 5
• string—Number that the installation technician calls when
assigning an extension number to a phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Specify the Extension for Accessing Extension Assigner Application
Command or Action Purpose
session protocol sipv2 Designates aSIPloopback trunk for Extension Assigner application.
Router(config-dial-peer)# session
protocol sipv2
Step 6
Designates a network-specific address to receive calls from a VoIP
dial peer.
session target ipv4: destination-address
Router(config-dial-peer)# session target
Step 7
• destination-IP address for the Cisco Unified CME interface
on this router.
Specifiesthe method for relaying dual tone multifrequency (DTMF)
tones between two devices as per RFC2833.
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
Router(config-dial-peer)# dtmf-relay
Step 8
Step 9 codec g711ulaw Specifies the voice coder rate of speech for a dial peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)# codec g711ulaw
• g711ulaw-Option that represents the correct voice decoder
rate. g711ulaw is the only codec supported with Extension
Assigner application.
Disables voice activity detection (VAD) for the calls using a
particular dial peer.
no vad
Router(config-dial-peer)# no vad
Step 10
• Required for Extension Assigner.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 11
Configure Provision-Tags for the Extension Assigner Feature
To modify Extension Assigner to use provision-tags, perform the following steps. By default, the extension
assigner is enabled and uses ephone tags.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. extension-assigner tag-type { ephone-tag | provision-tag }
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Provision-Tags for the Extension Assigner Feature
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Specifies tag type to use to identify extension numbers for Extension
extension-assigner tag-type { ephone-tag |
provision-tag }
Step 4
extension-assigner tag-type
• ephone-tag -Specifies that extension assigner use the ephone
tag to identify the extension number that is assigned to a phone.
The installation technician enters this number to assign an
extension number to a phone.
• provision-tag-Specifies that extension assigner use the
provision-tag to identify the extension number that is assigned
to a phone. The installation technician enters this number to
assign an extension number to a phone.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SCCP Phones That Use Extension
To create ephone-dn that is used as temporary extension numbers for phones to which an extension number
will be assigned by Extension Assigner, perform the following steps for each temporary number to be created.
The readme file that is included with the script contains some sample entries for this procedure that you
can edit to fit your needs.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SCCP Phones That Use Extension Assigner
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. trunk digit-string [timeout seconds]
6. name name
7. exit
8. telephony-service
9. auto assign dn-tag to dn-tag
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and
optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 90
Step 3
We recommend that you use single-line mode for your
temporary extension numbers.
number number [secondary number] [no-reg Configures a valid extension number for this ephone-dn instance.
[both | primary]]
Step 4
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 9000
(Optional) Configures extension number to be automatically dialed
for accessing the extension assigner application.
trunk digit-string [timeout seconds]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# trunk 5999
Step 5
• digit-string - Must match the number that you configured in
the Specify the Extension for Accessing Extension Assigner
Application section.
(Optional) Associates a name with this ephone-dn instance. This
name is used for caller-ID displays and in the local directory listings.
name name
RRouter(config-ephone-dn)# name hardware
Step 6
• Must follow the name order that is specified with the
directory command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SCCP Phones That Use Extension Assigner
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 7
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 8
Automatically assigns ephone-dn tags to Cisco Unified IP phones
as they register for service with a Cisco Unified CME router.
auto assign dn-tag to dn-tag
Router(config-telephony)# auto assign 90
to 99
Step 9
• Must match the tags that you configured in earlier step.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 10
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SIP Phones That Use Extension
To create voice register dns to use as temporary extension numbers for phones in which an extension number
is assigned by Extension Assigner, perform the following steps for each temporary number to be created.
The readme file that is included with the script contains some sample entries for this procedure that you
can edit to fit your needs.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. auto-register
5. password string
6. auto-assign first dn to last dn
7. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Temporary Extension Numbers for SIP Phones That Use Extension Assigner
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
auto-register Enters auto-register configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# auto-register
Step 4
password string Specifies default password for auto registered phones.
Router(config-voice-auto-register)# password
Step 5
Automatically assigns voice register dn with these
extensionsto Cisco Unified IPphones asthey register for
service with a Cisco Unified CME router.
auto-assign first dn to last dn
Router(config-voice-auto-register)# auto-assign
90 to 99
Step 6
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-auto-register)# end
Step 7
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to
SCCP Phones
To create ephone-dns for an extension numbers that the installation technicians can assign to phones, perform
the following steps for each directory number to be created.
Tip The readme file provided with this feature contains sample entries that you can edit to fit your needs.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. number number [ secondary number] [ no-reg [ both | primary ]]
5. trunk digit-string [ timeout seconds ]
6. name name
7. exit
8. telephony-service
9. auto assign dn-tag to dn-tag
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and
optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20
Step 3
To change an ephone-dn from dual-line to single-line mode
or the reverse, first delete the ephone-dn and then recreate
number number [ secondary number] [ no-reg Configures a valid extension number for this ephone-dn instance.
[ both | primary ]]
Step 4
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 9000
(Optional) Configures extension number to be automatically dialed
for accessing the extension assigner application.
trunk digit-string [ timeout seconds ]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# trunk 5999
Step 5
• digit-string - Must match the number that you configured in
the Specify the Extension for Accessing Extension Assigner
Application section.
(Optional) Associates a name with this ephone-dn instance. This
name is used for caller-ID displays and in the local directory listings.
name name
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name hardware
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• Must follow the name order that isspecified with thedirectory
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 7
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 8
Automatically assigns ephone-dn tags to Cisco Unified IP phones
as they register for service with a Cisco Unified CME router.
auto assign dn-tag to dn-tag
Router(config-telephony)# auto assign 90
to 99
Step 9
• Must match the tags that you configured in earlier step.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 10
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SIP
To create voice register dns for an extension numbers that the installation technicians can assign to phones,
perform the following steps for each directory number to be created.
Tip The readme file provided with this feature contains sample entries that you can edit to fit your needs.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn tag
4. number number
5. name name
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode, and creates a voice
register dn.
voice register dn tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 20
Step 3
Configures a valid extension number for this voice register dn
number number
Router(config-register-dn)# number 20
Step 4
(Optional) Associates a name with this voice register dn instance.
This name is used for caller-ID displays and in the local directory
name name
Router(config-register-dn)# name hardware
Step 5
• Must follow the name order that is specified with the
directory command.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Numbers That Installation Technicians Can Assign to SIP Phones
Configure Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses
To create an ephone configuration with temporary MAC address for a Cisco Unified CME phone to which
you want the installation technician to assign extension numbers, perform the following steps for each
• Max-ephone setting determines how many phones you can plug in at one time. For example, if your
max-ephone setting is ten more than the number of phones to which you want to assign extension
numbers, the you can plug in ten phones at a time. If you plug in eleven phones, one phone will not
register or get a temporary extension number until you assign an extension to one of the first ten
phones and reset the eleventh phone.
• For Cisco VG224 analog voice gateways with extension assigner, a minimum of 24 temporary
ephones is required.
The readme file provided with this feature contains some sample entries for this procedure that you can
edit to fit your needs.
Before You Begin
The max-ephone command must be configured for a value equal to at least one greater than the number of
phonesto which you want to assign extension numbersto allow the autoregister feature to automatically create
at least one ephone for your temporary extension numbers.
You are permitted to set the max-ephone value higher than the number of users supported by your
Cisco Unified CME licenses for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using Extension Assigner.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. enable phone-tag
4. provision-tag number
5. mac-address 02EA.EAEA. number
6. type phone-type [ addon 1 module-type [2 module-type]]
7. button button-number{separator}dn-tag
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
enable phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 20
Step 3
• phone-tag-Maximum number is version and platform- specific.
Type ? to display range.
• Number that the installation technician enters when assigning
an extension to a phone if Extension Assigner uses ephone-tags
(Optional) Creates a unique sequence number to be used by Extension
Assigner to identify extension numbers to be assigned.
provision-tag number
Router(config-ephone)# provision-tag 20
Step 4
• required only if you configured theprovision-tag keyword with
the extension-assigner tag-type command.
Step 5 mac-address 02EA.EAEA. number Specifies a temporary MAC address number for this ephone.
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address 02EA.
EAEA. 0020
• For Extension Assigner, MAC address must begin with
• number - we strongly recommend that you make this number
the same as the ephone number.
type phone-type [ addon 1 module-type [2 Specifies the type of phone.
Step 6
Router(config-ephone)# type 7960 addon
1 7914
Associates a button number and line characteristics with an extension
button button-number{separator}dn-tag
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1
Step 7
• Maximum number of buttons is determined by phone type.
The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910 has only one line button,
but can be given two ephone-dn tags.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Ephones with Temporary MAC Addresses
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
Configure Voice Register Pools with Temporary MAC Addresses
Restriction • Max-pool setting determines how many phones you can plug in at one time. For example, if your
max-pool setting is ten more than the number of phones to which you want to assign extension
numbers, the you can plug in ten phones at a time. If you plug in eleven phones, one phone will not
register or get a temporary extension number until you assign an extension to one of the first ten
phones and reset the eleventh phone.
The readme file provided with this feature contains some sample entries for this procedure that you can
edit to fit your needs.
Before You Begin
The max-pool command must be configured for a value equal to at least one greater than the number of phones
to which you want to assign extension numbers to allow the autoregister feature to automatically create at
least one ephone for your temporary extension numbers.
Note • You are permitted to set the max-pool value higher than the number of userssupported by your Cisco
Unified CME licenses for the purpose of enrolling licensed phones using Extension Assigner.
• For a phone that needs to invoke Extension Assigner application for assign or unassign operations,
g711ulaw codec and dtmf-relay as rtp-nte needs to be configured in voice register pool.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Voice Register Pools with Temporary MAC Addresses
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. provision-tag number
5. mac-address 02EA.EAEA. number
6. type phone-type [ addon 1 module-type [2 module-type]]
7. number number dn dn-tag
8. dtmf-relay rtp-nte
9. codec g711ulaw
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 20
Step 3
• phone-tag-Maximum number is version and platform- specific.
Type ? to display range.
• Number that the installation technician enters when assigning
an extension to a phone.
Creates a unique sequence number to be used by Extension Assigner
to identify extension numbers to be assigned.
provision-tag number
provision-tag 20
Step 4
• required only if you configured theprovision-tag keyword with
the extension-assigner tag-type command.
Step 5 mac-address 02EA.EAEA. number Specifies a temporary MAC address number for this phone.
mac-address 02EA. EAEA. 0020
• For Extension Assigner, MAC address must begin with
• number - we strongly recommend that you make this number
same as the voice register pool number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Voice Register Pools with Temporary MAC Addresses
Command or Action Purpose
type phone-type [ addon 1 module-type [2 Specifies the type of phone.
Step 6
Router(config-register-pool)# type 8860
addon 1 CKEM 2
Associates number and line characteristics with an extension (voice
register dn).
number number dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1
dn 1
Step 7
(Optional)Specifiesthe method for relaying dual tone multifrequency
(DTMF) tones between two devices as per RFC2833.
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
Router(config-register-pool)# dtmf-relay
Step 8
This configuration is required only to perform assign or unassign
operation using Extension Assigner application.
(Optional) Specifies the voice coder rate of speech for a dial peer.
This configuration is required only to perform assign or unassign
operation using Extension Assigner application.
codec g711ulaw
Router(config-register-pool)# codec
Step 9
• g711ulaw-Option that represents the correct voice decoder rate.
g711ulaw is the only codec supported with Extension Assigner
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 10
Configure the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration
To automatically save your router configuration when the router is restarted, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. kron policy-list list-name
4. cli write
5. exit
6. kron occurrence occurrence-name [ user username] [[ in numdays: ]numhours: ]nummin { oneshot |
recurring }
7. policy-list list-name
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Specifies a name for a new or existing Command Scheduler policy list and
enters kron-policy configuration mode.
kron policy-list list-name
Router(config)# kron policy-list
Step 3
• If the value of the list-name argument is new, a new policy list structure
is created.
• If the value of the list-name argument exists, the existing policy list
structure is accessed. No editor function is available, and the policy list
is run in the order in which it was configured.
You can also use the CLI command background save interval
configured under telephony-service to automatically save
configurations on Unified CME. This is as an alternative for thekron
Specifiesthe fully-qualified EXEC command and associated syntax to be added
as an entry in the Command Scheduler policy list.
cli write
Router(config-kron-policy)# cli
Step 4
exit Returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-kron-policy)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure the Router to Automatically Save Your Configuration
Command or Action Purpose
Specifiesschedule parametersfor a CommandScheduler occurrence and enters
kron-occurrence configuration mode.
kron occurrence occurrence-name [
user username] [[ in numdays:
Step 6
]numhours: ]nummin { oneshot |
recurring }
• We recommend that you configure your router to save your configuration
every 30 minutes.
Router(config)# kron occurrence
backup in 30 recurring
• occurrence-name-Specifies the name of the occurrence. Length of
occurrence-name is from 1 to 31 characters. If the occurrence-name is
new, an occurrence structure is created. If the occurrence-name is not
new, the existing occurrence is edited.
• user-(Optional) Used to identify a particular user.
• username-Name of user.
• in-Identifies that the occurrence is to run after a specified time interval.
The timer starts when the occurrence is configured.
• numdays:- (Optional) Number of days. If used, add a colon after the
• numhours:- (Optional) Number of hours. If used, add a colon after the
• nummin:- (Optional) Number of minutes.
• oneshot-Identifies that the occurrence is to run only one time. After the
occurrence has run, the configuration is removed.
• recurring-Identifies that the occurrence is to run on a recurring basis.
policy-list list-name Specifies a Command Scheduler policy list.
policy-list save-config
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8
Provide the Installation Technician with the Required Information
Before the installation technician can assign extension numbers to the new phones, you must provide the
following information:
• How many phones the installation technician can plug in at one time. This is determined by the number
of temporary MAC addresses that you configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Provide the Installation Technician with the Required Information
• Which extension number to dial to access the extension assigner application.
• Whether the number is dialed automatically when a phone goes off hook (applicable only to SCCP
• What password to enter to access the application.
• Which tag numbers to enter to assign an extension to each phone.
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization
Configure the XML Interface for the Secondary Backup Router
To configure the secondary backup router to activate the XML interface required to receive configuration
change information from the primary router, perform the following steps.
If there are HTTP connection issues between the primary router and the secondary backup router during
automatic synchronization, the extension assigner synchronization changes are lost.
Restriction • Automatic synchronization for new or replacement routers is not supported.
• Extension assigner preconfiguration must be manually performed on the secondary backup router.
Before You Begin
• The XML interface, provided through the Cisco IOS XML Infrastructure (IXI), must be configured.See
Information About XML API.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service | voice register global
4. xml user user-name password password privilege-level
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enterstelephony service configuration mode or voice register
global mode.
telephony-service | voice register global
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Step 4 xmluser user-namepasswordpassword privilege-level Defines an authorized user.
Router(config-telephony)# xml user user23
• user-name—Username of the authorized user.
• password—Password to use for access.
password 3Rs92uzQ 15 • privilege-level—Level of access to Cisco IOS
commands to be granted to this user. Only the
Router(config-register-global)# xml user user23
password 3Rs92uzQ 15
commands with the same or a lower level can be
executed via XML. Range is 0 to 15.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization on the Primary Router
To configure the primary router to enable automatic synchronization to the secondary backup router, perform
the following steps.
Before You Begin
• XML interface for secondary backup router is configured. See Configure the XML Interface for the
Secondary Backup Router.
• The secondary backup router’s IP address must already be configured using the ip source-address
command in telephony-service configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization on the Primary Router
Phone configurations such as MAC address, pool-tag, and phone type are saved as part
of synchronization for Extension Assigner feature.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service | voice register global
4. standby username username password password
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters telephony service configuration mode or voice
register global mode.
telephony-service | voice register global
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Step 4 standby username username password password Defines an authorized user.
Router(config-telephony)# standby username user23
• Same username and password that was previously
defined for the XML interface on the secondary
backup router.
password 3Rs92uzQ
Router(config-register-global)# standby username
user23 password 3Rs92uzQ
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Configure Extension Assigner Synchronization on the Primary Router
Assign Extension Numbers Onsite by Using Extension Assigner
The following tasks are performed by the installation technician at the customer’s site:
Assign New Extension Numbers
Initially, when you install a phone, it is assigned a temporary, random extension number. To access Extension
Assigner and assign the appropriate extension number to this phone, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Get the information you need to use extension assigner from your system administrator. For a list of this information,
see Provide the Installation Technician with the Required Information.
Step 2 Dial the appropriate extension number to access the extension assigner system.
Step 3 Enter the password for the extension assigner and press #.
Step 4 Enter the ID number that represents this phone’s extension and press #.
Step 5 If the extension is not assigned to another phone, press 1 to confirm that you want to assign the extension to your phone,
then hang up. After the phone resets, the assignment is complete.
Step 6 If the extension is assigned to another phone that is idle:
a) Press 2 to confirm that you want to unassign the extension from the other phone.
b) Hang up.
c) Repeat this procedure beginning at Step 2, on page 378.
Step 7 If the extension is assigned to another phone that is in use, either:
• Return to Step 5, on page 378 to enter another extension number.
• Perform the procedures in the Unassign an Extension Number section and then repeat this procedure beginning at
Step 2, on page 378.
Unassign an Extension Number
After the new extension number is assigned, you may find that you assigned the wrong number or that your
original dial plan has changed. To unassign the wrong numberso that it can be used by another phone, perform
the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Assign Extension Numbers Onsite by Using Extension Assigner
You can unassign the extension number of the phone that is used to dial in to the Extension Assigner or
the extension number of another phone that has a provision-tag configured.
Step 1 Get the information you need to use extension assigner from your system administrator. For a list of this information,
see Provide the Installation Technician with the Required Information.
Step 2 Dial the appropriate extension number to access the extension assigner system.
Step 3 Enter the password for the extension assigner and press #.
Step 4 Enter the provision-tag of the phone that needs to be unassigned, and press #.
Step 5 When you enter the provision-tag for the phone extension that needs to be unassigned, you are prompted to press 2
followed by # to confirm that you want to unassign the extension from the phone.
Step 6 Hang up.
Reassign the Current Extension Number
• If you must replace a broken phone or you want to reassign an extension number, perform the following
Note You can reassign a number to a phone only if that number:
• Is not assigned to another phone
• Is assigned to another phone and that phone is idle
• Is assigned to another phone and you first unassign the extension
Step 1 Get the information you need to use extension assigner from your system administrator. For a list of this information,
see Provide the Installation Technician with the Required Information.
Step 2 Dial the appropriate extension number to access the extension assigner system.
Step 3 Enter the password for the extension assigner and press #.
Step 4 Enter the ID number that represents this phone’s extension and press #.
Step 5 If the extension is not assigned to another phone, press 1 to confirm that you want to assign the extension to your phone,
then hang up. After the phone resets, the reassignment is complete.
Step 6 If the extension is assigned to another phone that is idle:
• Press 2 to confirm that you want to unassign the extension from the other phone.
• Hang up.
• Perform the procedure in the Assign New Extension Numbers section.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Reassign the Current Extension Number
Step 7 If the extension is assigned to another phone that is in use, either:
• Return to Step 5, on page 379 to enter another extension number.
• Perform the procedures in the Unassign an Extension Number section and the Assign New Extension Numbers
Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SCCP Phones
Step 1 Use the debug ephone extension-assigner command to display status messages produced by the extension assigner
Step 2 Use thedebug voipapplicationscript command to display status messages produced by the server asit runsthe assigner
application Tcl script.
Step 3 Use the debug ephone state command as described in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.
Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SIP Phones
Step 1 Use the debug voice register events and debug voice register error commands to display status messages produced
by the extension assigner application.
Step 2 Use thedebug voipapplicationscript command to display status messages produced by the server asit runsthe assigner
application Tcl script.
Step 3 Use thedebug ccsip messages anddebug ccsiperror commandsto display status messagesfor unregistration of phones.
Configuration Examples for Extension Assigner
Example for Extension Assigner on SCCP Phone
This example shows a router configuration with the following characteristics:
• The extension that the installation technician dials to access the extension assigner application is 0999.
• The password that the installation technician enters to access the extension assigner application is 1234.
• The auto assign command is configured to assign extensions 0001 to 0005.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Verify Extension Assigner Configuration for SCCP Phones
• The installation technician can use extension assigner to assign extension numbers 6001 to 6005.
• The extension assigner uses the provision-tag to identify which ephone configuration and extension
numbers to assign to the phone.
• The auto-reg-ephone command is shown but required, since it is enabled by default.
• The kron command is used to automatically save the router configuration.
• The max-ephone and max-dn settings of 51 are high enough to allow the installation technician to assign
extensions to 50 phones, plugging them in one at a time. If the installation technician is assigning
extensions to 40 phones, 11 can be plugged in one at a time. The exception is if you use
Cisco VG224 Analog Voice Gateways. Extension assigner creates 24 ephones for each
Cisco VG224 Analog Voice Gateway, one for each port.
Router# show running-config
version 12.4
no service password-encryption
hostname Test-Router
boot system flash:c2800nm-ipvoice-mz.2006-05-31.GOPED_DEV
enable password ww
no aaa new-model
resource policy
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool pool21
option 150 ip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Example for Extension Assigner on SCCP Phone
no ip domain lookup
service EA flash:ea/app-cme-ea-
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
param ea-password 1234
paramspace english location flash:ea/
paramspace english prefix en
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed 100
no keepalive
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.21
encapsulation dot1Q 21
ip address
ip http server
dial-peer voice 999 voip
service EA out-bound
destination-pattern 0999
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
extension-assigner tag-type provision-tag
max-ephones 51
max-dn 51
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 101 to 105
system message Test-CME
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jun 14 2006 05:37:34
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 6001
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 6002
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 6003
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 6004
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 6005
ephone-dn 101
number 0101
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 102
number 0102
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 103
number 0103
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone-dn 104
number 0104
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Example for Extension Assigner on SCCP Phone
ephone-dn 105
number 0105
label Temp-Line-not assigned yet
ephone 1
provision-tag 101
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
ephone 2
provision-tag 102
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0002
button 1:2
ephone 3
provision-tag 103
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0003
button 1:3
ephone 4
provision-tag 104
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0004
button 1:4
ephone 5
provision-tag 105
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0005
button 1:5
kron occurrence backup in 30 recurring
policy-list writeconfig
kron policy-list writeconfig
cli write
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
logging synchronous
no scheduler max-task-time
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Example for Extension Assigner on SIP Phone
The following example shows that provision tag 1001 is configured for voice register pool 1 and provision
tag 1002 is configured for voice register pool 2:
voice register global
password cisco1234
auto assign 101-102
voice register dn 1001
number 1001
voice register dn 1002
number 1002
voice register pool 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Example for Extension Assigner on SIP Phone
provision-tag 1001
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
number 1 dn 1001
voice register pool 2
provision-tag 1002
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0002
number 2 dn 1002
Example for Extension Assigner Synchronization
Primary Router: Example
The extension assigner is authorized to send configuration change information from the primary router to the
secondary backup router.
standby username user555 password purplehat
Secondary Backup Router: Example
System components are enabled and the XML interface isreadied to receive configuration change information.
ip http server
ixi transport http
no shutdown
ixi application cme
no shutdown
xml user user555 password purplehat 15
Feature Information for Extension Assigner
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 20: Feature Information for Extension Assigner
Feature Name Cisco Unfiied CME Version Feature Information
Enablesthe installation technicians
to assign extension numberstoSIP
Phones configured on Cisco
Unified CME.
Extension Assigner forSIPPhones 11.6
Enables the secondary backup
router to automatically receive any
changes made to ephone
mac-addresess in the primary
Extension Assigner 4.2(1)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Example for Extension Assigner Synchronization
Feature Name Cisco Unfiied CME Version Feature Information
Enables installation technicians to
assign extension numbers to Cisco
Unified CME SCCP phones
without accessing the server.
Extension Assigner 4.0(3)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Feature Information for Extension Assigner
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create Phone Configurations Using Extension Assigner
Feature Information for Extension Assigner
Configuration Files for Phones
• Information About Configuration Files, page 387
• Generate Configuration Files for Phones, page 388
• Where To Go Next, page 395
Information About Configuration Files
Configuration Files for Phones
When a phone requests service from Cisco Unified CME, the registrar confirms the username, i.e. the phone
number for the phone. The phone accesses its configuration profile on the TFTP server, typically the
Cisco Unified CME router, and processes the information contained in the file, registers itself, and puts the
phone number on the phone console display.
Minimally, a configuration profile containsthe MAC address, the type, and the phone number that is permitted
by the registrar to handle the Register message for a particular Cisco Unified IP phone.
Any time you create or modify parameters for either an individual phone or a directory number, generate a
new phone configuration to properly propagate the parameters.
By default, there is one shared XML configuration file located in system:/its/ for all Cisco Unified IP phones
that are running SCCP. For SIP phones directly connected to Cisco Unified CME, an individual configuration
profile is created for each phone and stored in system:/cme/sipphone/.
When an IP phone comes online or is rebooted, it automatically gets information about itself from the
appropriate configuration file.
The Cisco universal application loader for phone firmware files allows you to add additional phone features
across all protocols. To do this, a hunt algorithm searches for multiple configuration files. After a phone is
reset or restarted, the phone automatically selects protocol depending on which matching configuration file
is found first. To ensure that Cisco Unified IP phones download the appropriate configuration for the desired
protocol,SCCPorSIP, you must properly configure the IPphones before connecting or rebooting the phones.
The hunt algorithm searches for files in the following order:
1 CTLSEP file for a SCCP phone—For example, CTLSEP003094C25D2E.tlv
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
2 SEP file for a SCCP phone—For example, SEP003094C25D2E.cnf.xml
3 SIP file for a SIP phone—For example, SIP003094C25D2E.cnf or gk003069C25D2E
4 XML default file for SCCP phones—For example, SEPDefault.cnf.xmls
5 XML default file for SIP phones—For example, SIPDefault.cnf
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later for SCCP and in Cisco CME 3.4 and later for SIP, you can designate one
of the following locations in which to store configuration files:
• System (Default)—For SCCP phones, one configuration file is created, stored, and used for all phones
in the system. For SIP phones, an individual configuration profile is created for each phone.
• Flash or slot 0—When flash or slot 0 memory on the router is the storage location, you can create
additional configuration files to be applied per phone type or per individual phone, such as user or
network locales.
• TFTP—When an external TFTP server is the storage location, you can create additional configuration
files to be applied per phone type or per individual phone, which are required for multiple user and
network locales.
Per-Phone Configuration Files
If configurations files for SCCP phones are to be stored somewhere other than in the default location, the
following individual configuration files can be created for SCCP phones:
• Per phone type—Creates separate configuration files for each phone type and all phones of the same
type use the same configuration file. This method is not supported if the configuration files are to be
stored in the system location.
• Per phone—Creates a separate configuration file for each phone, by MAC address. This method is not
supported if the configuration files are to be stored in the system location.
For configuration information, see Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP
Phones, on page 181.
Generate Configuration Files for Phones
Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones
To generate the configuration profile files that are required by the SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME and
write them to either system memory or to the location specified by the cnf-file location command, follow the
steps in this section.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Per-Phone Configuration Files
Restriction • Externally stored and per-phone configuration files are not supported on the Cisco Unified IPPhone
7902G, 7910, 7910G, or 7920, or the Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7935 and 7936.
• TFTPdoes notsupport file deletion. When configuration files are updated, they overwrite any existing
configuration files with the same name. If you change the configuration file location, files are not
deleted from the TFTP server.
• Generating configuration files on flash or slot 0 can take up to a minute, depending on the number
of files being generated.
• Forsmaller routerssuch as Cisco 2600 seriesrouters, you must manually enter the squeeze command
to erase files after changing the configuration file location or entering any commands that trigger
the deletion of configuration files. Unless you use the squeeze command, the space used by the
moved or deleted configuration files is not usable by other files.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. create cnf-files
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Builds the XML configuration files required for IP
create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Verify Configuration Files for SCCP Phones
To verify the Cisco Unified CME phone configuration, perform the following steps.
Step 1 show telephony-service all
Use this command to verify the configuration for phones, directory numbers, voice ports, and dial peers in
Cisco Unified CME.
Router# show telephony-service all
CONFIG (Version=4.0(0))
Version 4.0(0)
Cisco Unified CallManager Express
For on-line documentation please see:
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 24
max-dn 24
dialplan-pattern 1 408734....
voicemail 11111
transfer-pattern 510734....
keepalive 30
ephone-dn 1
number 5001
ephone-dn 2
number 5002
call-forward noan 5001 timeout 8
Step 2 show telephony-service tftp-bindings
Use this command to display the current configuration files accessible to IP phones.
Router# show telephony-service tftp-bindings
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf alias SEPDefault.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault.cnf.xml alias XMLDefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/ATADefault.cnf.xml
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Verify Configuration Files for SCCP Phones
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEP00036B54BB15.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-font.xml alias German_Germany/7960-font.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-dictionary.xml alias German_Germany/7960-dictionary.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-kate.xml alias German_Germany/7960-kate.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/SCCP-dictionary.xml alias German_Germany/SCCP-dictionary.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-tones.xml alias Germany/7960-tones.xml
Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones
To generate the configuration profile files that are required by the SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME and
write them to the location specified by the tftp-path (voice register global) command, follow the steps in
this section.
Any time you create or modify parameters under the voice register dn or voice register pool configuration
modes, generate a new configuration profile and properly propagate the parameters.
If your Cisco Unified CME system supports SCCP and also SIP phones, do not connect your SIP phones
to the network until after you have verified the phone configuration profiles.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
• The mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. file text
5. create profile
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
(Optional) Generates ASCII text files of the configuration profiles
generated for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905s and 7905Gs,
file text
Router(config-register-global)# file
Step 4
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912s and 7912Gs, Cisco ATA-186, or
Cisco ATA-188.
• Default—System generates binary files to save disk space.
Generates configuration profile files required for SIP phones and
writes the files to the location specified with tftp-path command.
create profile
Router(config-register-global;)# create
Step 5
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 6
Verify Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones
To verify the configuration profiles, perform the following steps. SIP phones to be connected to
Cisco Unified CME can register and minimally, have an assigned phone number, only if the configuration is
Step 1 show voice register tftp-bind
Use this command to display a list of configuration profiles that are accessible to SIP phones using TFTP. The file name
includes the MAC address for each SIP phone, such as SIP .cnf. Verify that a configuration profile is
available for each SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
The following is sample output from this command:
Router(config)# show voice register tftp-bind
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Verify Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones
tftp-server SIPDefault.cnf url system:/cme/sipphone/SIPDefault.cnf>
tftp-server syncinfo.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/syncinfo.xml
tftp-server SIP0009B7F7532E.cnf url system:/cme/sipphone/SIP0009B7F7532E.cnf
tftp-server SIP000ED7DF7932.cnf url system:/cme/sipphone/SIP000ED7DF7932.cnf
tftp-server SIP0012D9EDE0AA.cnf url system:/cme/sipphone/SIP0012D9EDE0AA.cnf
tftp-server gk123456789012 url system:/cme/sipphone/gk123456789012
tftp-server gk123456789012.txt url system:/cme/sipphone/gk123456789012.txt
Step 2 show voice register profile
Use this command to display the contents of the ASCII format configuration profile for a particular voice register pool.
To generate ASCII text files of the configuration profiles for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905s and 7905Gs, Cisco
Unified IP Phone 7912s and 7912Gs, Cisco ATA-186s, and Cisco ATA-188s, use the file text command.
The following is sample output from this command displaying information in the configuration profile for voice register
pool 4.
Router# show voice register profile text 4
Pool Tag: 4
# txt
Step 3 more system
Use this command to display the contents of the configuration profile for a particular Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940,
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960, or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G.
The following is sample output from this command displaying information in two SIP configuration profile files. The
SIPDefault.cnf configuration profile is a shared file and SIP < MAC address > .cnf is the SIP configuration profile for
the SIP phone with the designated MAC address.
Router# more system:/cme/sipphone/SIPDefault.cnf
image_version: "P0S3-07-4-00";
proxy1_address: "";
proxy2_address: "";
proxy3_address: "";
proxy4_address: "";
proxy5_address: "";
proxy6_address: "";
proxy1_port: "5060";
proxy2_port: "";
proxy3_port: "";
proxy4_port: "";
proxy5_port: "";
proxy6_port: "";
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Verify Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones
proxy_register: "1";
time_zone: "EST";
dst_auto_adjust: "1";
dst_start_month: "April";
dst_start_day: "";
dst_start_day_of_week: "Sun";
dst_start_week_of_month: "1";
dst_start_time: "02:00";
dst_stop_month: "October";
dst_stop_day: "";
dst_stop_day_of_week: "Sun";
dst_stop_week_of_month: "8";
dst_stop_time: "02:00";
date_format: "M/D/Y";
time_format_24hr: "0";
local_cfwd_enable: "1";
directory_url: "";
messages_uri: "2000";
services_url: "";
logo_url: "";
stutter_msg_waiting: "0";
sync: "0000200155330856";
telnet_level: "1";
autocomplete: "1";
call_stats: "0";
Domain_Name: "";
dtmf_avt_payload: "101";
dtmf_db_level: "3";
dtmf_inband: "1";
dtmf_outofband: "avt";
dyn_dns_addr_1: "";
dyn_dns_addr_2: "";
dyn_tftp_addr: "";
end_media_port: "32766";
http_proxy_addr: "";
http_proxy_port: "80";
nat_address: "";
nat_enable: "0";
nat_received_processing: "0";
network_media_type: "Auto";
network_port2_type: "Hub/Switch";
outbound_proxy: "";
outbound_proxy_port: "5060";
proxy_backup: "";
proxy_backup_port: "5060";
proxy_emergency: "";
proxy_emergency_port: "5060";
remote_party_id: "0";
sip_invite_retx: "6";
sip_retx: "10";
sntp_mode: "directedbroadcast";
sntp_server: "";
start_media_port: "16384";
tftp_cfg_dir: "";
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Verify Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones
timer_invite_expires: "180";
timer_register_delta: "5";
timer_register_expires: "3600";
timer_t1: "500";
timer_t2: "4000";
tos_media: "5";
voip_control_port: "5060";
Router# more system:/cme/sipphone/SIP000CCE62BCED.cnf
image_version: "P0S3-07-4-00";
user_info: "phone";
line1_name: "1051";
line1_displayname: "";
line1_shortname: "";
line1_authname: "1051";
line1_password: "ww";
line2_name: "";
line2_displayname: "";
line2_shortname: "";
line2_authname: "";
line2_password: "";
auto_answer: "0";
speed_line1: "";
speed_label1: "";
speed_line2: "";
speed_label2: "";
speed_line3: "";
speed_label3: "";
speed_line4: "";
speed_label4: "";
speed_line5: "";
speed_label5: "";
call_hold_ringback: "0";
dnd_control: "0";
anonymous_call_block: "0";
callerid_blocking: "0";
enable_vad: "0";
semi_attended_transfer: "1";
call_waiting: "1";
cfwd_url: "";
cnf_join_enable: "1";
phone_label: "";
preferred_codec: "g711ulaw";
Where To Go Next
After you generate a configuration file for a Cisco Unified IP phone connected to the Cisco Unified CME
router, you are ready to download the file to the phone. See Reset and Restart Phones, on page 399.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Where To Go Next
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Files for Phones
Where To Go Next
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
• Information About Resetting and Restarting Phones, page 397
• Reset and Restart Phones, page 399
• Feature Information for Reset and Restart Phones, page 405
Information About Resetting and Restarting Phones
Differences between Resetting and Restarting IP Phones
Cisco Unified IPphones must be rebooted after configuration changes in order for the changes to be effective.
Configurations for phones in Cisco Unified CME are downloaded when a phone is rebooted or reset. You
can reboot a single phone or you can reboot all phones in a Cisco Unified CME system. The differences
between reboot types are summarized in Table 21: reset and restart Command Differences, on page 397.
When rebooting multiple IP phones, it is possible for a conflict to occur if too many phones attempt to
access changed Cisco Unified CME configuration information via TFTP simultaneously.
Table 21: reset and restart Command Differences
reset Command restart Command
Similar to power-off, power-on Quick restart.
Type of Reboot
Downloads configurations for IP
Downloads configurations for IP
Phone Configurations
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
reset Command restart Command
Phones contact the TFTPserver for
updated configuration information
and reregister without contacting
the DHCP server.
This command was
introduced forSIPphones
in Cisco Unified CME
Contacts DHCP and TFTP servers
for updated configuration
This command was
introduced forSIPphones
in Cisco CME 3.4.
Faster processing for multiple
Takes longer to process when
updating multiple phones.
Processing Time
• Directory numbers
• Phone buttons
• Speed-dial numbers
• Date and time settings
• Network locale
• Phone firmware
• Source address
• TFTP path
• URL parameters
• User locale
• Voicemail access number
Can be used when updating the
• Directory numbers
• Phone buttons
• Speed-dial numbers
When Required
Cisco Unified CME TAPI Enhancement
Before Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1), the only method to clear a session between a Microsoft Windows
Workstation and an SCCP phone that was out-of-sync was to reboot the router. In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1)
and later versions, you can clear a Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) session that is in a
frozen state or out ofsynchronization by using a Cisco IOSsoftware command.For configuration information,
see Reset a Session Between a TAPI Application and an SCCP Phone, on page 401.
This enhancement also automatically handles ephone-TAPI registration error conditions. No additional
configuration is required for this new feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME TAPI Enhancement
Reset and Restart Phones
If phones are not yet plugged in, resetting or restarting phones is not necessary. Instead, connect your IP
phones to your network to boot the phone and download the required configuration files.
Use the reset Command on SCCP Phones
To reboot and reregister one or more SCCP phones, including contacting the DHCP server for updated
information, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Phones to be rebooted are connected to the Cisco Unified CME router.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service or ephone ephone-tag
4. reset {all [time-interval] | cancel | mac-address mac-address | sequence-all} or reset
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 telephony-service or ephone ephone-tag Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Reset and Restart Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Performs a complete reboot of the specified or all phones
running SCCP, including contacting the DHCP and TFTP
servers for the latest configuration information.
reset {all [time-interval] | cancel | mac-address
mac-address | sequence-all} or reset
Router(config-telephony)# reset all
Step 4
Performs a complete reboot of the individual SCCP phone
being configured. or
Router(config-ephone)# reset
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Router(config-ephone)# end
Use the restart Command on SCCP Phones
To fast reboot and reregister one or more SCCP phones, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Phones to be rebooted are connected to the Cisco Unified CME router.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service or ephone ephone-tag
4. restart {all [time-interval] | mac-address} or restart
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Use the restart Command on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 3 telephony-service or ephone ephone-tag Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Performs a fast reboot of the specified phone or all phones
runningSCCPassociated with this Cisco Unified CME router.
Does not contact the DHCP server for updated information.
restart {all [time-interval] | mac-address} or restart
Router(config-telephony)# restart all
Step 4
Performs a fast reboot of the individual SCCP phone being
Router(config-ephone)# restart
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Reset a Session Between a TAPI Application and an SCCP Phone
To clear a TAPI session that is in a frozen state or out of synchronization, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) or a later version
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. reset tapi
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Reset a Session Between a TAPI Application and an SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
Resets the connection between a Telephony Application
Programmer'sInterface (TAPI) application and theSCCPphone.
reset tapi
Router(config-ephone)# reset tapi
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Use the reset Command on SIP Phones
To reboot and reregister one or moreSIPphones, including contacting the DHCPserver for updated information,
perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or later.
• The mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
• Phones to be rebooted are connected to the Cisco Unified CME router.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global or voice register pool pool-tag
4. reset
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Use the reset Command on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global or voice register pool
Step 3
Router(config)# voice register global
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for SIP phones
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Performs a complete reboot of all phones connected to thisrouter
that are running SIP, including contacting the DHCP and TFTP
servers for the latest configuration information.
Router(config-register-global)# reset
Step 4
Performs a complete reboot of the individual SIP phone being
Router(config-register-pool)# reset
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Use the restart Command on SIP Phones
To fast reboot and reregister one or more SIP phones, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or later.
• The mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
• Phones to be rebooted are connected to the Cisco Unified CME router.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Use the restart Command on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global or voice register pool pool-tag
4. restart
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global or voice registerpool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for SIP phones. or
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Performs a fast reboot all SIP phones associated with this
Cisco Unified CME router. Does not contact the DHCP server
for updated information.
Router(config-register-global)# restart
Step 4
Performs a fast reboot of the individual SIP phone being
Router(config-register-pool)# restart
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Use the restart Command on SIP Phones
Verify Basic Call
To verify that Cisco IP phones in Cisco Unified CME can place and receive calls through the voice ports,
perform the following steps.
Step 1 Test local phone operation. Make calls between phones on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Step 2 Place a call from a phone in Cisco Unified CME to a number in the local calling area.
Step 3 Place a call to a phone in Cisco Unified CME from a phone outside this Cisco Unified CME system.
Feature Information for Reset and Restart Phones
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 22: Feature Information for Reset and Restart Phones
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Disassociates and reestablishes a
TAPI session that is in a frozen
state or out of synchronization by
using a Cisco IOS command. This
enhancement also automatically
handles ephone-TAPI registration
error conditions.
Cisco Unified CME TAPI 7.0(1)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Verify Basic Call
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones
Feature Information for Reset and Restart Phones
Localization Support
This chapter describes the localization support in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME) for languages other than English and network tones and cadences not specific to the
United States.
• Information About Localization, page 407
• Configure Localization Support on SCCP Phones, page 411
• Configure Localization Support on SIP Phones, page 427
• Configuration Examples for Localization, page 437
• Configuration Examples for Locale Installer on SCCP Phones, page 440
• Where to Go Next, page 443
• Feature Information for Localization Support, page 443
Information About Localization
Localization Enhancements in Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified CME supportstheFrench locale butsome phrasesinFranceFrench and CanadianFrench differ.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, Canadian French is supported as a user-defined locale on Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones when the correct locale package is installed.
Note Some abbreviations such as BLF, SNR, and CME are not localized.
• Cisco Unified CME 9.5 or later version
• Locale package version is required
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
All the localization enhancements are supported in Cisco Unified CME only. They are not supported in
Cisco UnifiedSRST. Table 23: Language Codesfor User-Defined Locales, on page 408 showsthe language
codes used in the filenames of locale files.
Table 23: Language Codes for User-Defined Locales
Language Language Code
Canadian French fr_CA
For configuration information, see Install User-Defined Locales, on page 415.
System-Defined Locales
Cisco Unified CME provides built-in,system-defined localization support for 12 languagesincluding English
and 16 countries including the United States. Network locales specify country-specific tones and cadences;
user locales specify the language to use for text displays.
Configuring system-defined locales depends on the type of IP phone:
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960—System-defined network locales and user locales
are preloaded into Cisco IOS software. No external files are required. Use the network-locale and
user-locale commands to set the locales for these phones.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971, 8941, 8945, and
Cisco IP Communicator—You must download locale files to support the system-defined locales and
store the filesin flash memory,slot 0, or on an external TFTPserver.See InstallSystem-Defined Locales
for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971, and Cisco IP
Communicator, on page 411.
• Cisco Unified 3905, 6941, 6945, 8961, 9951, and 9971 SIP IP Phones—You must download locale files
to support the system-defined locales and store the files in flash memory, slot 0, or on an external TFTP
TFTP aliases for localization are not automatically created for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones in a Cisco
Unified CME system. For more information on how to manually create TFTP aliases, see Install
System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971, on page 427.
Cisco Unified CME 10.5 Release onwards, the System defined locales are deprecated and User-defined
locales are recommended.
Cisco Unified 3905 SIP IP Phones and Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones have support
for all locales up to Cisco Unified CME 8.8.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
System-Defined Locales
Localization Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 provides localization support for 12 languages including English and 16 countries
including the UnitedStates. Network localesspecify country-specific tones and cadences; user localesspecify
the language to use for text displays. Create additional localization support with user-defined locales. For
more information about user-defined locales, see User-Defined Locales, on page 409.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, localization is enhanced to support Cisco Unified 6941 and
6945 SIP IP Phones.
The load command supports both user-defined and system-defined locales.
Note The locale files must be stored in the same location as the configuration files.
User-Defined Locales
The user-defined locale feature allows you to support network and user locales other than the system-defined
locales that are predefined in Cisco IOS software. For example, if your site has phones that must use the
language and tones for Traditional Chinese, which is not one of the system-defined choices, you must install
the locale files for Traditional Chinese.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can download files to support a particular user and network
locale and store the files in flash memory, slot 0, or an external TFTP server. These files cannot be stored in
the system location. User-defined locales can be assigned to all phones or to individual phones.
User-defined language codes for user locales are based on ISO 639 codes, which are available at the Library
of Congress website at http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/. User-defined country codes for network
locales are based on ISO 3166 codes.
For configuration information, see Install User-Defined Locales, on page 415.
Localization Support for Phone Displays
On the Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971, menus and prompts that are managed by the locale file
for the IPphone type (.jar) or the Cisco Unified CME dictionary file are localized. Display options configured
through Cisco IOS commands are not localized.
The following display items are localized by the IP phone (.jar file):
• System menus accessed with feature buttons (for example, messages, directories, services, settings, and
• Call processing messages
• Softkeys (for example, Redial and CFwdALL)
The following display items are localized by the dictionary file for Cisco Unified CME:
• Directory Service (Local Directory, Local Speed Dial, and Personal Speed Dial)
• Status Line
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Localization Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Display options configured through Cisco IOS commands are not localized and can only be displayed in
English. For example, this includes features such as:
• Caller ID
• Header Bar
• Phone Labels
• System Message
Multiple Locales
In Cisco Unified CME 8.6 and later versions, you can specify up to five user and network locales and apply
different locales to individual ephones or groups of ephones using ephone templates. For example, you can
specify French for phones A, B, and C; German for phones D, E, and F; and English for phones G, H, and I.
Only one user and network locale can be applied to each phone.
Each of the five user and network locales that you can define in a multilocale system is identified by a locale
tag. The locale identified by tag 0 is always the default locale, although you can define this default to be any
supported locale. For example, if you define user locale 0 to be JP (Japanese), the default user locale for all
phones is JP. If you do not specify a locale for tag 0, the default is US (United States).
To apply alternative localesto different phones, you must use per-phone configuration filesto build individual
configuration files for each phone. The configuration files automatically use the default user-locale 0 and
network-locale 0. You can override these defaults for individual phones by configuring alternative locale
codes and then creating ephone-templates to assign the locales to individual ephones.
For configuration information, see Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones, on page 422.
Locale Installer for Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
Before Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1), configuring localization required up to 16 steps, most of which were manual
and some of which required filename changes. In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions, the following
enhancements for installing locales are supported:
• Locale installer that supports a single procedure for all SCCP IP phones.
• Cisco Unified CME parses new firmware-load text files and automatically creates the TFTP aliases for
localization, eliminating the requirement for you to manually create up to five aliases for files in the
TAR file. To use thisfeature in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1), you must use the complete filename, including
the file suffix, when you configure the load command for phone firmware versions later than version
8-2-2 for all phone types. For example:
Router(config-telephony)# load 7941 SCCP41.8-3-3S.loads
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and earlier versions, you do not include the file suffix for any phone type except
Cisco ATA and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905 and 7912. For example:
Router(config-telephony)# load 7941 SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S
• Backward compatibility with the configuration method in Cisco Unified CME 7.0 and earlier versions.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Multiple Locales
For configuration information, see Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions,
on page 419.
Locale Installer for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions support the following enhancements for installing locales for Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones:
• Locale installer that supports a single procedure for all Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• New load keyword that requires you to use the complete filename, including the file suffix (.tar), when
you configure the user-locale command for all Cisco Unified SIP IP phone types. The command syntax
isuser-locale [user-locale-tag] {[user-defined-code] country-code} [loadTAR-filename].For example,
Router(config-register-global)#user-locale 2 DE load CME-locale-de_DE-German-
With the locale installer, you do not need to perform manual configuration. Instead, you copy the locale file
using the copy command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.
You must copy the locale file into the /its directory (flash:/its or slot0:/its) when you store the locale files
on the Cisco Unified CME router.
For example,
Router# copy tftp:// flash:/its
For configuration information, see Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and Later Versions,
on page 431.
Configure Localization Support on SCCP Phones
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906,
7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971, and Cisco IP Communicator
Network locale files allow an IP phone to play the proper network tone for the specified country. You must
download and install a tone file for the country you want to support.
User locale files allow an IP phone to display the menus and prompts in the specified language. You must
download and install JAR files and dictionary files for each language you want to support.
To download and install locale files for system-defined locales, perform the following steps.
The locale installer simplifies the installation and configuration of system- and user-defined locales in
Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions. To use the locale installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and
later versions, see Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions, on page 419.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Locale Installer for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Restriction • Localization is not supported for SIP phones.
• Phone firmware, configuration files, and locale files must be in the same directory, except the directory
file for Japanese and Russian, which must be in flash memory.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) or a later version.
• You must create per-phone configuration files as described in Define Per-Phone Configuration Files
and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• You must have an account on Cisco.com to download locale files.
Step 1 Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/CME-Locale.
You must have an account on Cisco.com to access the Software Download Center. If you do not have an account or if
you have forgotten your username or password, click the appropriate button at the login dialog box and follow the
instructions that appear.
Step 2 Navigate to Downloads Home > Products > Unified Communications > Call Control > Mid-Market Call Control
> Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express > Unified Communications Manager Express Individual File
Set and select your version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Select the TAR file for the locale you want to install. Each TAR file contains locale files for a specific language and
country and uses the following naming convention: CME-locale-language_country-CMEversion
For example, CME-locale-de_DE-4.0.2-2.0 is German for Germany for Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2).
Step 4 Download the TAR file to a TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME router. Each file contains all the
firmware required for all phone types supported by that version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 5 Use the archive tar command to extract the files to flash memory, slot 0, or an external TFTP server.
Router# archive tar /xtract source-urlflash:/file-url
For example, to extract the contents of CME-locale-de_DE-4.0.2-2.0.tar from TFTP server to router flash
memory, use this command:
Router# archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash:
Step 6 See Table 24: Phone-Type Codes for Locale JAR Files, on page 413 and Table 25: System-Defined User and Network
Locales, on page 413 for a description of the codes used in the filenames and the list of supported directory names.
Each phone type has a JAR file that uses the following naming convention:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971,
and Cisco IP Communicator
For example, de-td-sccp.jar is for German on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970.
Each TAR file also includes the file g3-tones.xml for country-specific network tones and cadences.
Table 24: Phone-Type Codes for Locale JAR Files
Phone Type Phone Code
6921 rtl
6945 rtl
7906/7911 tc
7931 gp
7941/7961 mk
7970/7971 td
8941/8945 gh
CIPC ipc
Table 25: System-Defined User and Network Locales
Directory Name
User-Locale Country Code
Directory Name
Language Language Code
English_United_States US United_States 2 English en
English_United_Kingdom UK United_Kingdom
CA Canada
Danish dk Danish_Denmark DK Denmark
Dutch nl Dutch_Netherlands NL Netherlands
French fr French_France FR France
CA Canada
German de German_Germany DE Germany
AT Austria
CH Switzerland
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971,
and Cisco IP Communicator
Directory Name
User-Locale Country Code
Directory Name
Language Language Code
Italian it Italian_Italy IT Italy
Japanese jp Japanese_Japan JP Japan 3
Norwegian no Norwegian_Norway NO Norway
Portuguese pt Portuguese_Portugal PT Portugal
Russian ru Russian_Russia RU Russian_Federation
Spanish es Spanish_Spain ES Spain
Swedish se Swedish_Sweden SE Sweden
English for the United States is the default language. You do not need to install the JAR file for U.S. English unless you assign a different language to a phone
and then want to reassign English.
3 Katakana is supported by Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960. Kanji is supported by Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7941, 7961, 7970, and
Step 7 If you store the locale files in flash memory or slot 0 on the Cisco Unified CME router, create a TFTP alias for the user
locale (text displays) and network locale (tones) using this format:
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/jar_filealias directory_name/td-sccp.jar
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/g3-tones.xml aliasdirectory_name/g3-tones.xml
Use the appropriate directory name shown in Table 25: System-Defined User and Network Locales, on page 413 and
remove the two-letter language code from the JAR file name. For example, the TFTP aliases for German and Germany
for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 are:
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/de-td-sccp.jar alias German_Germany/td-sccp.jar
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/g3-tones.xml alias Germany/g3-tones.xml
On Cisco 3800 series routers, you must include /its in the directory name (flash:/its or slot0:/its). For example,
the TFTPaliasfor German for the Cisco Unified IPPhone 7970 is: Router# tftp-server flash:/its/de-td-sccp.jar
alias German_Germany/td-sccp.jar
Step 8 If you store the locale files on an external TFTP server, create a directory under the TFTP root directory for each user
and network locale.
Use the appropriate directory name shown in Table 25: System-Defined User and Network Locales, on page 413 and
remove the two-letter language code from the JAR file name.
For example, the user-locale directory for German and the network-locale directory for Germany for the Cisco Unified
IP Phone 7970 are:
TFTP-Root/German_Germany/td-sccp.jar TFTP-Root/Germany/g3-tones.xml
Step 9 For Russian and Japanese, you must copy the UTF8 dictionary file into flash memory to use special phrases.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971,
and Cisco IP Communicator
Only flash memory can be used for these locales. Copy russian_tags_utf8_phrases for Russian;
Japanese_tags_utf8_phrases for Japanese.
• Use the user-locale jp and user-locale ru command to load the UTF8 phrases into Cisco Unified CME.
Step 10 Assign the locales to phones. To set a default locale for all phones, use the user-locale and network-locale commands
in telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 11 To support more than one user or network locale, see Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones, on page 422.
Step 12 Use the create cnf-files command to rebuild the configuration files.
Step 13 Use the reset command to reset the phones and see the localized displays.
Install User-Defined Locales
You must download XML files for locales that are not predefined in the system. To install up to five
user-defined locale files to use with phones, perform the following steps.
From Cisco Unified CME 10.5 Release onwards, theSystem defined locales are deprecated and User-defined
locales are recommended. However, the older locale packages can be still used but some phrases may be
displayed in English.
Restriction • User-defined locales are not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7920 or 7936.
• User-defined locales are not supported if the configuration file location is “system:”.
• When you use the setup tool from the telephony-service setup command to provision phones, you
can only choose a default user locale and network locale and you are limited to selecting a locale
code that is supported in the system. You cannot use multiple locales or user-defined locales with
the setup tool.
• When using a user-defined locale, the phone normally displays text using the user-defined fonts,
except for any strings that are interpreted by Cisco Unified CME, such as “Cisco/Personal Directory,”
“Speed Dial/Fast Dial,” and so forth.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3) or a later version.
• You must create per-phone configuration files as described in Define Per-Phone Configuration Files
and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• You must have an account on Cisco.com to download locale files.
Step 1 Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/CME-Locale.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install User-Defined Locales
You must have an account on Cisco.com to access the Software Download Center. If you do not have an account or if
you have forgotten your username or password, click the appropriate button at the login dialog box and follow the
instructions that appear.
Step 2 Navigate to Downloads Home > Products > Unified Communications > Call Control > Mid-Market Call Control
> Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express > Unified Communications Manager Express Individual File
Set and select your version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Select the TAR file for the locale that you want to install. Each TAR file contains locale files for a specific language and
country and uses the following naming convention: CME-locale-language_country-CMEversion-fileversion.
For example, CME-locale-zh_CN-4.0.3-2.0 is Traditional Chinese for China for Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3).
Step 4 Download the TAR file to a TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME router. Each file contains all the
firmware required for all phone types supported by that version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 5 Use the archive tar command to extract the files to slot 0, flash memory, or an external TFTP server.
Router# archive tar /xtract source-urlflash:/file-url
For example, to extract the contents of CME-locale-zh_CN-4.0.3-2.0.tar from TFTP server to router flash
memory, use this command:
Router# archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash:
Step 6 For Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, 7940, or 7960, go to Step 11, on page 418. For Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911,
7941, 7961, 7970, or 7971, go to Step 7, on page 416.
Step 7 Each phone type has a JAR file that uses the following naming convention: language-type-sccp.jar
For example, zh-td-sccp.jar is Traditional Chinese for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970.
See Table 26:Phone-Type Codesfor LocaleFiles, on page 416 and Table 27: Language Codesfor User-Defined Locales,
on page 417 for a description of the codes used in the filenames.
Table 26: Phone-Type Codes for Locale Files
Phone Type Code
6921 rtl
6945 rtl
7906/7911 tc
7931 gp
7941/7961 mk
7970/7971 td
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install User-Defined Locales
Phone Type Code
8941/8945 gh
CIPC ipc
Table 27: Language Codes for User-Defined Locales
Language Language Code
Bulgarian bg
zh4 Chinese
Croation hr
Czech Republic cs
Finnish fi
Greek el
Hungarian hu
Korean ko
Polish pl
Portugese (Brazil) pt
Romanian ro
Serbian sr
Slovakian sk
Slovenian sl
Turkish tr
For Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931, code for Chinese Simplified is chs; Chinese Traditional is cht.
Step 8 If you store the locale files in flash memory or slot 0 on the Cisco Unified CME router, create a TFTP alias using this
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/jar_filealias directory_name/td-sccp.jar
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install User-Defined Locales
Remove the two-letter language code from the JAR filename and use one of five supported directory names with the
following convention:
user_define_number, where number is 1 to 5
For example, the alias for Chinese on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 is:
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/zh-td-sccp.jar alias user_define_1/td-sccp.jar
On Cisco 3800 series routers, you must include /its in the directory name (flash:/its or slot0:/its). For example,
the TFTP alias for Chinese for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 is:
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/its/zh-td-sccp.jar alias user_define_1/td-sccp.jar
Step 9 If you store the locale files on an external TFTP server, create a directory under the TFTP root directory for each locale.
Remove the two-letter language code from the JAR filename and use one of five supported directory names with the
following convention:
user_define_number, where number is 1 to 5
For example, for Chinese on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970, remove “zh” from the JAR filename and create the
“user_define_1” directory under TFTP-Root on the TFTP server:
Step 10 Go to Step 13, on page 419.
Step 11 Download one or more of the following XML files depending on your selected locale and phone type. All required files
are included in the JAR file.
Step 12 Rename these files and copy them to flash memory, slot 0, or an external TFTP server. Rename the files using the format
user_define_number_filename where number is 1 to 5.
For example, use the following names if you are setting up the first user-locale:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install User-Defined Locales
Step 13 Copy the language_tags_file and language_utf8_tags_file to the location of the other locale files (flash memory, slot 0,
or TFTPserver). Rename the filesto user_define_number_tags_file and user_define_number_utf8_tags_file respectively,
wherenumber is 1 to 5 and matches the user-defined directory.
Step 14 Assign the locales to phones. See Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones, on page 422.
Step 15 Use the create cnf-files command to rebuild the configuration files.
Step 16 Use the reset command to reset the phones and see the localized displays.
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions
To install and configure locale files to use with SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following
Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) provides backward compatibility with the configuration method in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3/7.0 and earlier versions. To use the same procedures as you used with earlier
versions of Cisco Unified CME, see Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921,
6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971, and Cisco IP Communicator, on page 411.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions
Restriction • When using an external TFTP server, you must manually create the user locale folders in the root
directory. This is a limitation of the TFTP server.
• Locale support is limited to phone firmware versions that are supported by Cisco Unified CME.
• User-defined locales are not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7920 or 7936.
• User-defined locales are not supported if the configuration file location is system.
• When you use the setup tool from the telephony-service setup command to provision phones, you
can only choose a default user locale and network locale, and you are limited to selecting a locale
code that is supported in the system. You cannot use multiple locales or user-defined locales with
the setup tool.
• When using a user-defined locale, the phone normally displays text using the user-defined fonts,
except for any strings that are interpreted by Cisco Unified CME, such as “Cisco/Personal Directory,”
and “Speed Dial/Fast Dial.”
• If you install and configure a user-defined locale using country codes U1-U5 and then you install a
new locale using the same label, the phone retains the original language locale even after the phone
is reset. This is a limitation of the IP phone. To work around this limitation, you must configure the
new package using a different country code.
• Each user-defined country code (U1-U5) can be used for only one user-locale-tag at a time. For
Router(config-telephony)# user-locale 2 U2 load Finnish.pkg
Router(config-telephony)# user-locale 1 U2 load Chinese.pkg
LOCALE ERROR: User Defined Locale U2 already exists on locale index 2.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) or a later version.
• You must configure Cisco Unified CME for per-phone configuration files. See Define Per-Phone
Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• When the storage location specified by the cnf-file location command is flash memory, sufficient space
must be on the flash file system for extracting the contents of the locale TAR file.
• You must have an account on Cisco.com to download locale files.
Step 1 Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/CME-Locale.
You must have an account on Cisco.com to access the Software Download Center. If you do not have an account or have
forgotten your username or password, click the appropriate button at the login dialog box and follow the instructions
that appear.
Step 2 Navigate to Downloads Home > Products > Unified Communications > Call Control > Mid-Market Call Control
> Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express > Unified Communications Manager Express Individual File
Set and select your version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Select the TAR file for the locale you want to install. Each TAR file contains locale files for a specific language and
country and uses the following naming convention: CME-locale-language_country-CMEversion
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions
For example, CME-locale-de_DE- is German for Germany for Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1).
Step 4 Download the TAR file to the location previously specified by the cnf-file location command. Each file contains all the
firmware required for all phone types supported by that version of Cisco Unified CME.
a) If the cnf-file location is flash memory: Copy the TAR file to the flash:/its directory.
b) If the cnf-file location is slot0: Copy the TAR file to the slot0:/its directory.
c) If the cnf-file location istftp: Create a folder in the root directory of the TFTPserver for each locale using the following
format and then copy the TAR file to the TFTP-Root folder. TFTP-Root/TAR-filename
For system-defined locales, use the locale folder name as shown in Table 28: System-Defined and User-Defined
Locales, on page 421. For example, create the folder for system-defined German as follows:
For up to five user-defined locales, use the User_Define_n folder name as shown in Table 28: System-Defined and
User-Defined Locales, on page 421. A user-defined locale is a language other than the system-defined locales that
are predefined in Cisco IOSsoftware.For example, create the folder for user-defined locale Chinese (User_Define_1)
as follows:
For a list of user-defined languages supported in Cisco Unified CME, see Cisco Unified CME Localization
Table 28: System-Defined and User-Defined Locales
Language Locale Folder Name Country Code
English English_United_States US
English_United_Kingdom UK
Danish Danish_Denmark DK
Dutch Dutch_Netherlands NL
French French_France FR
German German_Germany DE
Italian Italian_Italy IT
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and Later Versions
Language Locale Folder Name Country Code
Japanese Japanese_Japan JP 5
Norwegian Norwegian_Norway NO
Portuguese Portuguese_Portugal PT
Russian Russian_Russia RU
Spanish Spanish_Spain ES
Swedish Swedish_Sweden SE
Un2 User_Define_n2 Un6
5 Katakana is supported by Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960. Kanji is supported by Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7941, 7961, 7970, and
6 Where “n” is a number from 1 to 5.
Step 5 Use the user-locale [user-locale-tag] country-codeload TAR-filename command in telephony-service configuration
mode to extract the contents of the TAR file.For country codes,see Table 28:System-Defined and User-Defined Locales,
on page 421.
For example, to extract the contents of the CME-locale-zh_CN- file when U1 isthe country code for user-defined
locale Chinese (User_Define_1), use this command:
Router (telephony-service)# user-locale U1 load CME-locale-zh_CN-
Step 6 Assign the locales to phones. See Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones, on page 422.
Step 7 Use the create cnf-files command to rebuild the configuration files.
Step 8 Use the reset command to reset the phones and see the localized displays.
Verify User-Defined Locales
See Verify Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones, on page 426.
Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones
To define one or more alternativesto the default user and network locales and apply them to individual phones,
perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Verify User-Defined Locales
Restriction • Multiple user and network locales are not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902G, 7910,
7910G, or 7920, or the Cisco Unified IP Conference Stations 7935 and 7936.
• When you use the setup tool from the telephony-service setup command to provision phones, you
can only choose a default user locale and network locale and you must select a locale code that is
predefined in the system. You cannot use multiple or user-defined locales with the setup tool.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• To specify alternative user and network locales for individual phones in a Cisco Unified CME system,
you must use per-phone configuration files. For more information, see Define Per-Phone Configuration
Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• You can also use user-defined locale codes as alternative locales after you download the appropriate
XML files. See Install User-Defined Locales, on page 415.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. user-locale [user-locale-tag] {[user-defined-code] country-code}
5. network-locale network-locale-tag [user-defined-code] country-code
6. create cnf-files
7. exit
8. ephone-template template-tag
9. user-locale user-locale-tag
10. network-locale network-locale-tag
11. exit
12. ephone phone-tag
13. ephone-template template-tag
14. exit
15. telephony-service
16. reset {all [time-interval]| cancel | mac-address mac-address | sequence-all}
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
user-locale [user-locale-tag] Specifies a language for phone displays.
{[user-defined-code] country-code}
Step 4
• user-locale-tag—Assigns a locale identifier to the locale. Range
is 0 to 4. Default: 0. This argument isrequired when defining some
locale other than the default (0). Example:
Router(config-telephony)# user-locale
1 U1 ZH
• user-defined-code—(Optional) Assigns one of the user-defined
codes to the specified country code. Valid codes are U1, U2,U3,
U4, and U5.
• country-code—Type ? to display a list of system-defined codes.
Default: US (United States). You can assign any valid ISO 639
code to a user-defined code (U1 to U5).
network-locale network-locale-tag Specifies a country for tones and cadences.
[user-defined-code] country-code
Step 5
• network-locale-tag—Assigns a locale identifier to the country
code. Range is 0 to 4. Default: 0. This argument is required when
defining some locale other than the default (0). Example:
network-locale 1 FR
• user-defined-code—(Optional) Assigns one of the user-defined
codes to the specified country code. Valid codes are U1, U2,U3,
U4, and U5.
• country-code—Type ? to display a list of system-defined codes.
Default: US (United States). You can assign any valid ISO 3166
code to a user-defined code (U1 to U5).
Builds the required XML configuration files for IP phones. Use this
command after you update configuration file parameters such as the
user locale or network locale.
create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# create
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 7
Step 8 ephone-template template-tag Enters ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone template 1
• template-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
template during configuration tasks.
Step 9 user-locale user-locale-tag Assigns a user locale to this ephone template.
user-locale 2
• user-locale-tag—A locale tag that was created in Step 4, on page
424. Range is 0 to 4.
Step 10 network-locale network-locale-tag Assigns a network locale to this ephone template.
network-locale 2
• network-locale-tag—A locale tag that was created in Step 5, on
page 424. Range is 0 to 4.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 11
Step 12 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Step 13 ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to an ephone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template
• template-tag—Number of the template to apply to this ephone.
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 14
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 15
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Performs a complete reboot of all phones or the specified phone,
including contacting the DHCP and TFTP servers for the latest
configuration information.
reset {all [time-interval]| cancel |
mac-address mac-address | sequence-all}
Router(config-telephony)# reset all
Step 16
• all—All phones in the Cisco Unified CME system.
• time-interval—(Optional) Time interval, in seconds, between each
phone reset. Range is 0 to 60. Default is 15.
• cancel—Interrupts a sequential reset cycle that was started with a
reset sequence-all command.
• mac-address mac-address—A specific phone.
• sequence-all—Resets all phones in strict one-at-a-time order by
waiting for one phone to reregister before starting the reset for the
next phone.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 17
Verify Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones
Step 1 Use the show telephony-service tftp-bindings command to display a list of configuration files that are accessible to IP
phones using TFTP, including the dictionary, language, and tone configuration files.
Router(config)# show telephony-service tftp-bindings
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf alias SEPDefault.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault.cnf.xml alias XMLDefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/ATADefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEP00036B54BB15.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-font.xml alias German_Germany/7960-font.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-dictionary.xml alias German_Germany/7960-dictionary.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-kate.xml alias German_Germany/7960-kate.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/SCCP-dictionary.xml alias German_Germany/SCCP-dictionary.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-tones.xml alias Germany/7960-tones.xml
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Verify Multiple Locales on SCCP Phones
Step 2 Ensure that per-phone configuration files are defined with the cnf-file perphone command.
Step 3 Use the show telephony-service ephone-template command to check the user locale and network locale settings in
each ephone template.
Step 4 Use the show telephony-service ephone command to check that the correct templates are applied to phones.
Step 5 If the configuration file location is not TFTP, use the debug tftp events command to see which files Cisco Unified CME
is looking for and whether the files are found and opened correctly. There are usually three states (“looking for x file,”
“opened x file,” and “finished x file”). The file is found when all three states are displayed. For an external TFTP server
you can use the logs from the TFTP server.
Configure Localization Support on SIP Phones
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971
Network locale files allow an IP phone to play the proper network tone for the specified country. You must
download and install a tone file for the country you want to support.
User locale files allow an IP phone to display the menus and prompts in the specified language. You must
download and install JAR files and dictionary files for each language you want to support.
To download and install locale files for system-defined locales, perform the following steps.
Restriction Phone firmware, configuration files, and locale files must be in the same directory.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version. For Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971, Cisco Unified CME 8.8
or a later version.
• You must have an account on Cisco.com to download locale files.
Step 1 Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/CME-Locale.
You must have an account on Cisco.com to access the Software Download Center. If you do not have an account or if
you have forgotten your username or password, click the appropriate button at the login dialog box and follow the
instructions that appear.
Step 2 Navigate to Downloads Home > Products > Unified Communications > Call Control > Mid-Market Call Control
> Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express > Unified Communications Manager Express Individual File
Set and select your version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Select the TAR file for the locale you want to install. Each TAR file contains locale files for a specific language and
country and uses the following naming convention: CME-locale-language_country-CMEversion
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Localization Support on SIP Phones
For example, CME-locale-de_DE-8.6 is German for Germany for Cisco Unified CME 8.6.
Step 4 Download the TAR file to a TFTP server that is accessible to the Cisco Unified CME router. Each file contains all the
firmware required for all phone types supported by that version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 5 Use the archive tar command to extract the files to flash memory, slot 0, or an external TFTP server.
Router# archive tar /xtract source-urlflash:/file-url
For example, to extract the contents of CME-locale-de_DE-8.6.tar from TFTPserver to router flash memory,
use this command:
Router# archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash:
Step 6 See Table 29: Phone-Type Codes for Locale JAR Files, on page 428 and Table 30: System-Defined User and Network
Locales , on page 429 for a description of the codes used in the filenames and the list of supported directory names.
Each phone type has a JAR file that uses the following naming convention:
For example, de-gh-sip.jar is for German on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961.
Each TAR file also includes the file g4-tones.xml for country-specific network tones and cadences.
Table 29: Phone-Type Codes for Locale JAR Files
Phone Type Phone Code
3905 cin
6941 rtl
6945 rtl
8961 gh
9951 gd
9971 gd
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971
Table 30: System-Defined User and Network Locales
Directory Name
User-Locale Country Code
Directory Name
Language Language Code
English_United_States US United_States 7 English en
English_United_Kingdom UK United_Kingdom
GB United_Kingdom
CA Canada
AU Australia
Danish dk Danish_Denmark DK Denmark
Dutch nl Dutch_Netherlands NL Netherlands
French fr French_France FR France
CA Canada
German de German_Germany DE Germany
AT Austria
CH Switzerland
Italian it Italian_Italy IT Italy
Japanese jp Japanese_Japan JP Japan
Norwegian no Norwegian_Norway NO Norway
Portuguese pt Portuguese_Portugal PT Portugal
Russian ru Russian_Russia RU Russian_Federation
Spanish es Spanish_Spain ES Spain
Swedish se Swedish_Sweden SE Sweden
English for the United States is the default language. You do not need to install the JAR file for U.S. English unless you assign a different language to a phone
and then want to reassign English.
Step 7 If you store the locale files in flash memory or slot 0 on the Cisco Unified CME router, create a TFTP alias for the user
locale (text displays) and network locale (tones) using this format:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/jar_filealias directory_name/gh-sip.jar
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/g4-tones.xml aliasdirectory_name/g4-tones.xml
Use the appropriate directory name shown in Table 29:Phone-Type Codesfor Locale JAR Files, on page 428 and remove
the two-letter language code from the JAR file name.
For example, the TFTP aliases for German and Germany for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961 are:
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/de-gh-sip.jar alias German_Germany/
Router(config)# tftp-server flash:/g4-tones.xml alias Germany/g4-tones.xml
Step 8 If you store the locale files on an external TFTP server, create a directory under the TFTP root directory for each user
and network locale.
Use the appropriate directory name shown in Table 29:Phone-Type Codesfor Locale JAR Files, on page 428 and remove
the two-letter language code from the JAR file name.
For example, the user-locale directory for German and the network-locale directory for Germany for the Cisco Unified
IP Phone 8961 are:
TFTP-Root/German_Germany/gh-sip.jar TFTP-Root/Germany/g4-tones.xml
Step 9 Assign the localesto the phones. To set a default locale for all phones, use theuser-locale andnetwork-locale commands
in voice register global configuration mode.
Step 10 To support more than one user or network locale, see Verify Multiple Locales on SIP Phones, on page 437.
Step 11 Use the create profile command to rebuild the configuration files.
Step 12 Use the reset command to reset the phones and see the localized displays.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Install System-Defined Locales for Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and Later Versions
Restriction • When using an external TFTP server, you must manually create the user locale folders in the root
directory. This is a limitation of the TFTP server.
• Locale support is limited to phone firmware versions that are supported by Cisco Unified CME.
• User-defined locales are not supported if the configuration file location is “system:”.
• If you install and configure a user-defined locale using country codes U1-U5 and then you install a
new locale using the same label, the phone retains the original language locale even after the phone
is reset. This is a limitation of the IP phone. To work around this limitation, you must configure the
new package using a different country code.
• Each user-defined country code (U1-U5) can be used for only one user-locale-tag at a time. For
Router(config-register-global)# user-locale 2 U2 load Finnish.pkg
Router(config-register-global)# user-locale 1 U2 load Chinese.pkg
LOCALE ERROR: User Defined Locale U2 already exists on locale index 2.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 9.0(1) or a later version.
• When the storage location specified by the cnf-file location command is flash memory, sufficient space
must be on the flash file system for extracting the contents of the locale TAR file.
• You must have an account on Cisco.com to download locale files.
Step 1 Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/CME-Locale
You must have an account on Cisco.com to access the Software Download Center. If you do not have an account or have
forgotten your username or password, click the appropriate button at the login dialog box and follow the instructions
that appear.
Step 2 Navigate to Downloads Home > Products > Unified Communications > Call Control > Mid-Market Call Control
> Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express > Unified Communications Manager Express Individual File
Set and select your version of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Select the TAR file for the locale you want to install. Each TAR file contains locale files for a specific language and
country and uses the following naming convention: CME-locale-language_country-CMEversion.tar
For example, CME-locale-de_DE-German- is German for Germany for Cisco Unified CME 9.0.
Step 4 Download the TAR file to the location previously specified by the cnf-file location command. Each file contains all the
firmware required for all phone types supported by that version of Cisco Unified CME.
With the locale installer, you do not need to perform manual configuration. Instead, you copy the locale file using the
copy command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and Later Versions
You must copy the locale file into the /its directory (flash:/its or slot0:/its) when you store the locale files on
the Cisco Unified CME router.
a) If the cnf-file location is flash memory: Copy the TAR file to the flash:/its directory.
For example,
Router# copy tftp:// flash:/its
b) If the cnf-file location is slot0: Copy the TAR file to the slot0:/its directory.
c) If the cnf-file location istftp: Create a folder in the root directory of the TFTPserver for each locale using the following
format and then copy the TAR file to the TFTP-Root folder.
For system-defined locales, use the locale folder name as shown in Table 31: System-Defined and User-Defined
Locales , on page 432. For example, create the folder for system-defined German as follows:
For up to five user-defined locales, use the User_Define_n folder name as shown in Table 31: System-Defined and
User-Defined Locales , on page 432. A user-defined locale is a language other than the system-defined locales that
are predefined in Cisco IOSsoftware.For example, create the folder for user-defined locale Chinese (User_Define_1)
as follows:
For a list of user-defined languages supported in Cisco Unified CME, see Cisco Unified CME Localization
Table 31: System-Defined and User-Defined Locales
Language Locale Folder Name Country Code
English English_United_States US
English_United_Kingdom UK
Danish Danish_Denmark DK
Dutch Dutch_Netherlands NL
French French_France FR
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and Later Versions
Language Locale Folder Name Country Code
German German_Germany DE
Italian Italian_Italy IT
Japanese Japanese_Japan JP
Norwegian Norwegian_Norway NO
Portuguese Portuguese_Portugal PT
Russian Russian_Russia RU
Spanish Spanish_Spain ES
Swedish Swedish_Sweden SE
Un1 User_Define_n1 Un8
8 Where “n” is a number from 1 to 5.
Step 5 Use theuser-locale [user-locale-tag] {[user-defined-code]country-code} [loadTAR-filename] command in voice register
global configuration mode to extract the contents of the TAR file. For country codes, see Table 31: System-Defined and
User-Defined Locales , on page 432.
Use the complete filename, including the file suffix (.tar), when you configure the user-locale command for all
Cisco Unified SIP IP phone types.
For example, to extract the contents of the CME-locale-zh_CN-Chinese- file when U1 is the country code for
user-defined locale Chinese (User_Define_1), use this command:
Router(config-register-global)# user-locale U1 load CME-locale-zh_CN-Chinese-
Step 6 Assign the locales to the phones. See Configure Multiple Locales on SIP Phones, on page 434.
Step 7 Use the create profile command in voice register global configuration mode to generate the configuration profile files
required for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
Step 8 Use the reset command to reset the phones and see the localized displays.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Use the Locale Installer in Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and Later Versions
Configure Multiple Locales on SIP Phones
To define one or more alternativesto the default user and network locales and apply them to individual phones,
perform the following steps.
Restriction • Multiple user and network locales are supported only on Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version. For Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971, Cisco Unified CME 8.8
or a later version.
• To specify alternative user and network locales for individual phones in a Cisco Unified CME system,
you must use per-phone configuration files. For more information, see Install System-Defined Locales
for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6945, 7906, 7911, 7921, 7931, 7941, 7961, 7970, 7971, and Cisco IP
Communicator, on page 411.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. user-locale [user-locale-tag] {[user-defined-code] country-code}
5. network-locale network-locale-tag [user-defined-code] country-code
6. create profile
7. exit
8. voice register template template-tag
9. user-locale user-locale-tag
10. network-locale network-locale-tag
11. exit
12. voice register pool pool-tag
13. voice register template template-tag
14. exit
15. voice register global
16. reset
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Multiple Locales on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)#voice register global
Step 3
user-locale [user-locale-tag] Specifies a language for phone displays.
{[user-defined-code] country-code}
Step 4
• user-locale-tag—Assigns a locale identifier to the locale.
Range is 0 to 4. Default: 0. This argument is required when
defining some locale other than the default (0). Example:
user-locale 1 DE
• country-code—Type ? to display a list of system-defined
codes. Default: US (United States).
network-locale network-locale-tag Specifies a country for tones and cadences.
[user-defined-code] country-code
Step 5
• network-locale-tag—Assigns a locale identifier to the country
code. Range is 0 to 4. Default: 0. This argument is required
when defining some locale other than the default (0). Example:
network-locale 1 FR
• country-code—Type ? to display a list of system-defined
codes. Default: US (United States). You can assign any valid
ISO 3166 code to a user-defined code (U1 to U5).
Generates provisioning files required forSIPphones and writes the
file to the location specified with the tftp-path command.
create profile
Router(config-register-global)# create
Step 6
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 7
Enters voice register template configuration mode to define a
template of common parameters for SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)voice register template 10
Step 8
• Range— 1 to 10.
Step 9 user-locale user-locale-tag Assigns a user locale to this ephone template.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Multiple Locales on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
user-locale 2
• user-locale-tag—A locale tag that was created in Step 4, on
page 435. Range is 0 to 4.
Step 10 network-locale network-locale-tag Assigns a network locale to this ephone template.
network-locale 2
• network-locale-tag—A locale tag that was created in Step 5,
on page 435. Range is 0 to 4.
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 11
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)#voice register pool 5
Step 12
Enters voice register template configuration mode to define a
template of common parameters for SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)voice register template 10
Step 13
• Range— 1 to 10.
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 14
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)#voice register global
Step 15
Performs a complete reboot of all phones or the specified phone,
including contacting the DHCP and TFTP servers for the latest
configuration information.
Router(config-register-global)# reset
Step 16
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 17
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configure Multiple Locales on SIP Phones
Verify Multiple Locales on SIP Phones
Step 1 Use the show voice register tftp-bind command to display a list of configuration files that are accessible to IP phones
using TFTP, including the dictionary, language, and tone configuration files.
Router#sh voice register tftp-bind
tftp-server syncinfo.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/syncinfo.xml
tftp-server SIPDefault.cnf url system:/cme/sipphone/SIPDefault.cnf
tftp-server softkeyDefault_kpml.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/softkeyDefault_kpml
tftp-server softkeyDefault.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/softkeyDefault.xml
tftp-server softkey2_kpml.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/softkey2_kpml.xml
tftp-server softkey2.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/softkey2.xml
tftp-server featurePolicyDefault.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/featurePolicyDefau
tftp-server featurePolicy2.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/featurePolicy2.xml
tftp-server SEPACA016FDC1BD.cnf.xml url system:/cme/sipphone/SEPACA016FDC1BD.cnf
Step 2 Use the show voice register template all command to check the user locale and network locale settings in each ephone
Step 3 Use the show voice register pool all command to check that the correct templates are applied to phones.
Step 4 If the configuration file location is not TFTP, use the debug tftp events command to see which files Cisco Unified CME
is looking for and whether the files are found and opened correctly. There are usually three states (“looking for x file,”
“opened x file,” and “finished x file”). The file is found when all three states are displayed. For an external TFTP server,
you can use the logs from the TFTP server.
Configuration Examples for Localization
Example for Configuring Multiple User and Network Locales
The following example sets the default locale of 0 to Germany, which defines Germany as the default user
and network locale. Germany is used for all phones unless you apply a different locale to individual phones
using ephone templates.
telephony service
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
user-locale 0 DE
network-locale 0 DE
After using the previous commandsto define Germany asthe default user and network locale, use the following
commands to return the default value of 0 to US:
telephony service
no user-locale 0 DE
no network-locale 0 DE
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Verify Multiple Locales on SIP Phones
Another way to define Germany as the default user and network locale is to use the following commands:
telephony service
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
user-locale DE
network-locale DE
After using the previous commands, use the following commands to return the default to US:
telephony service
no user-locale DE
no network-locale DE
The following example defines three alternative locales: JP(Japan),FR (France), and ES(Spain). The default
is US for all phones that do not have an alternative applied using ephone templates. In this example, ephone
11 uses JP for its locales, ephone 12 uses FR, ephone 13 uses ES, and ephone 14 uses the default, US.
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
create cnf-files
user-locale 1 JP
user-locale 2 FR
user-locale 3 ES
network-locale 1 JP
network-locale 2 FR
network-locale 3 ES
create cnf-files
ephone-template 1
user-locale 1
network-locale 1
ephone-template 2
user-locale 2
network-locale 2
ephone-template 3
user-locale 3
network-locale 3
ephone 11
button 1:25
ephone-template 1
ephone 12
button 1:26
ephone-template 2
ephone 13
button 1:27
ephone-template 3
ephone 14
button 1:28
Example for Configuring User-Defined Locales
The following example shows user-locale tag 1 assigned to code U1, which is defined as ZH for Traditional
Chinese. Traditional Chinese is not predefined in the system so you must download the appropriate XML
files to support this language.
In this example, ephone 11 uses Traditional Chinese (ZH) and ephone 12 uses the default, US English. The
default is US English for all phones that do not have an alternative applied using ephone templates.
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Example for Configuring User-Defined Locales
user-locale 1 U1 ZH
network-locale 1 U1 CN
ephone-template 2
user-locale 1
network-locale 1
ephone 11
button 1:25
ephone-template 2
ephone 12
button 1:26
Example for Configuring Chinese as the User-Defined Locale
The following is a sample output from the user-locale command when you configure the Chinese language
as the user-defined locale in Cisco Unified CME:
Router(config-register-global)# user-locale U1 load chinese.pkg
Updating CNF files
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-font.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-kate.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: mk-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: td-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: tc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7921-font.dat
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7921-kate.utf-8.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7921-kate.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary.utf-8.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary-ext.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7921-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g3-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: utf8_tags_file
Processing file:flash:/its/user_define_1_tags_file
Processing file:flash:/its/user_define_1_utf8_tags_file
CNF-FILES: Clock is not set or synchronized, retaining old versionStamps
CNF files updating complete
Example for Configuring Swedish as the System-Defined Locale
The following is a sample output from the user-locale command when you configure the Swedish language
as the system-defined locale in Cisco Unified CME:
Router(config-register-global)# user-locale SE load swedish.pkg
Updating CNF files
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g3-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: gp-sccp.jar
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Example for Configuring Chinese as the User-Defined Locale
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: ipc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: mk-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: tc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: td-sccp.jar
CNF-FILES: Clock is not set or synchronized, retaining old versionStamps
CNF files updating complete
Configuration Examples for Locale Installer on SCCP Phones
System-Defined Locale is the Default Applied to All Phones
The following example is the output from the user-locale command when you configure a system-defined
locale for Cisco Unified CME and the locale is on the default locale index (user-locale-tag 0). The
user-locale-tag argument is required only when using multiple locales; otherwise, the specified language is
the default applied to all SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# user-locale SE load CME-locale-sv_SV-
Updating CNF files
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g3-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: gp-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: ipc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: mk-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: tc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: td-sccp.jar
CNF-FILES: Clock is not set or synchronized, retaining old versionStamps
CNF files updating complete
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# ephone 3
Router(config-ephone)# reset
User-Defined Locale is Default Language to be Applied to All Phones
The following example isthe output from theuser-locale command when you configure a user-defined locale
for Cisco Unified CME and the locale is on the default locale index (user-locale-tag 0). The user-locale-tag
argument is required when using multiple locales, otherwise the specified language is the default applied to
all SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephone)# user-locale U1 load CME-locale-xh_CN-
Updating CNF files
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-kate.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7920-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-font.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-kate.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: mk-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: tc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: td-sccp.jar
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Configuration Examples for Locale Installer on SCCP Phones
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: utf8_tags_file
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g3-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary.utf-8.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: ipc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: gp-sccp.jar
Processing file:flash:/its/user_define_2_tags_file
Processing file:flash:/its/user_define_2_utf8_tags_file
CNF-FILES: Clock is not set or synchronized, retaining old versionStamps
CNF files updating complete
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# ephone 3
Router(config-ephone)# reset
Locale on a Non-default Locale Index
The following example is the output from the user-locale command if you configure a user-defined locale as
an alternate locale for a particularSCCPphone (ephone 1) in Cisco Unified CME. The user-locale-tag argument
is required only when using multiple locales. In this configuration, the locale is user-defined Finnish (U2) on
user-locale index 2.
Router(config-telephony)# user-locale 2 U2 load CME-locale-fi_FI-
Updating CNF files
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7905-kate.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7920-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-font.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-kate.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: 7960-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: mk-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: tc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: td-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: utf8_tags_file
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g3-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary.utf-8.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: SCCP-dictionary.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: ipc-sccp.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: gp-sccp.jar
Processing file:flash:/its/user_define_2_tags_file
Processing file:flash:/its/user_define_2_utf8_tags_file
CNF-FILES: Clock is not set or synchronized, retaining old versionStamps
CNF files updating complete
Router(config-telephony)# ephone-template 1
Router(config-ephone-template)# user-locale 2
Router(config-ephone-template)# ephone 1
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 1
The ephone template tag has been changed under this ephone, please restart or reset ephone
to take effect.
Router(config-ephone)# telephony-service
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Locale on a Non-default Locale Index
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Router(config-telephony)# ephone 1
Router(config-ephone)# reset
Examples for Configuring Multiple User and Network Locales on SIP Phones
The following example sets the default locale of 0 to Germany, which defines Germany as the default user
and network locale. Germany is used for all phones unless you apply a different locale to individual phones
using ephone templates.
voice register global
user-locale 0 DE
network-locale 0 DE
After using the previous commandsto define Germany asthe default user and network locale, use the following
commands to return the default value of 0 to US:
voice register global
no user-locale 0 DE
no network-locale 0 DE
Another way to define Germany as the default user and network locale is to use the following commands:
voice register global
user-locale DE
network-locale DE
After using the previous commands, use the following commands to return the default to US:
voice register global
no user-locale DE
no network-locale DE
SIP: Alternative Locales
The following example defines three alternative locales: JP(Japan),FR (France), and ES(Spain). The default
is US for all phones that do not have an alternative applied using ephone templates. In this example, ephone
11 uses JP for its locales, ephone 12 uses FR, ephone 13 uses ES, and ephone 14 uses the default, US.
voice register global
create profile
user-locale 1 JP
user-locale 2 FR
user-locale 3 ES
network-locale 1 JP
network-locale 2 FR
network-locale 3 ES
create profile
voice register template 1
user-locale 1
network-locale 1
voice register template 2
user-locale 2
network-locale 2
voice register pool 1
number 1 dn 1
template 1
user-locale 3
network-locale 3
voice register pool 2
number 2 dn 2
template 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Examples for Configuring Multiple User and Network Locales on SIP Phones
voice register pool 6
number 3 dn 3
template 3
Example for Configuring Locale Installer on SIP Phones
The following example shows how the locale installer only requires you to copy the locale file using the copy
command in privileged EXEC configuration mode to configure a locale on a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
The example also shows that the locale file has been copied in the /its directory.
Router# copy tftp:// flash:/its
Destination filename [/its/CME-locale-de_DE-German-]?
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# user-locale DE load CME-locale-de_DE-German-
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE (SIP):Loading Locale Package...
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g3-tones.xml
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: utf8_tags_file
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: gd-sip.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: gh-sip.jar
LOCALE INSTALLER MESSAGE: Filename: g4-tones.xml
Where to Go Next
Ephone Templates
For more information about ephone templates, see Templates, on page 1427.
Feature Information for Localization Support
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 32: Feature Information for Localization Support
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Cisco Unified CME 10.5 provides
support for additional languages.
Localization Enhancements for 10.5
Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Example for Configuring Locale Installer on SIP Phones
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Provides the following enhanced
localization support for Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones:
• Localization support for
Cisco Unified 6941 and 6945
SIP IP Phones.
• Locale installer that supports
a single procedure for all
Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones.
Localization Enhancements for 9.0
Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Addslocalization support for Cisco
Unified 3905 SIP and Cisco
Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945
SCCP IP Phones.
Localization Enhancement 8.8
Adds localization support for SIP
IP Phones.
Usability Enhancement 8.6
• Locale installer that supports
a single procedure for all
SCCP IP phones.
• Parses firmware-load text
files and automatically
creates the required TFTP
aliases for localization.
• Backward compatibility with
the configuration method in
Cisco Unified CME 7.0 and
earlier versions.
Cisco Unified CME Usability 7.0(1)
Multiple user and network locales
were introduced.
Multiple Locales 4.0
User-defined locales were
User-Defined Locales 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Localization Support
Feature Information for Localization Support
Dial Plans
This chapter describes features that enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME) to expand or manipulate internal extension numbersso that they conform to numbering
plans used by external systems.
• Information About Dial Plans, page 445
• Configure Dial Plans, page 451
• Configuration Examples for Dial Plan Features, page 469
• Feature Information for Dial Plan Features, page 471
Information About Dial Plans
Phone Number Plan
If you install a Cisco Unified CME system to replace an older telephony system that had an established
telephone number plan, you can retain the old number plan. Cisco Unified CME supports flexible extension
number lengths and can provide automatic conversion between extension dialing and E.164 public telephone
number dialing.
When a router receives a voice call, it selects an outbound dial peer by comparing the called number (the full
E.164 telephone number) in the call information with the number configured as the destination pattern for the
POTS dial peer. The router then strips out the left-justified numbers corresponding to the destination pattern
matching the called number. If you have configured a prefix, the prefix will be put in front of the remaining
numbers, creating a dial string, which the router will then dial. If all numbers in the destination pattern are
stripped-out, the user will receive (depending on the attached equipment) a dial tone.
A successful Cisco Unified CME system requires a telephone numbering plan that supports future expansion.
The numbering plan also must not overlap or conflict with other numbers that are on the same VoIP network
or are part of a centralized voice mail system.
Cisco Unified CME supports shared lines and multiple lines configured with the same extension number. This
means that you can set up several phones to share an extension number to provide coverage for that number.
You can also assign several line buttons on a single phone to the same extension number to create a small
hunt group.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
If you are configuring more than one Cisco Unified CME site, you need to decide how calls between the sites
will be handled. Calls between Cisco Unified CME phones can be routed either through the PSTN or over
VoIP. If you are routing calls over VoIP, you must decide among the following three choices:
• You can route calls using a global pool of fixed-length extension numbers. For example, all sites have
unique extension numbers in the range 5000 to 5999, and routing is managed by a gatekeeper. If you
select this method, assign a subrange of extension numbers to each site so that duplicate number
assignment does not result. You will have to keep careful records of which Cisco Unified CME system
is assigned which number range.
• You can route calls using a local extension number plus a special prefix for each Cisco Unified CME
site. This choice allows you to use the same extension numbers at more than one site.
• You can use an E.164 PSTN phone number to route calls over VoIP between Cisco Unified CME sites.
In this case, intersite callers use the PSTN area code and local prefix to route calls between
Cisco Unified CME systems.
If you choose to have a gatekeeper route calls among multiple Cisco Unified CME systems, you may face
additional restrictions on the extension number formatsthat you use.For example, you might be able to register
onlyPSTN-formatted numbers with the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper might not allow the registration of duplicate
telephone numbersin different Cisco Unified CME systems, but you might be able to overcome thislimitation.
Cisco Unified CME allows the selective registration of either 2- to 5-digit extension numbers or 7- to 10-digit
PSTN numbers, so registering only PSTN numbers might prevent the gatekeeper from sensing duplicate
Mapping of public telephone numbers to internal extension numbers is not restricted to simple truncation of
the digit string. Digit substitutions can be made by defining dial plan patterns to be matched. For information
about dial plans,see DialPlanPatterns, on page 446. More sophisticated number manipulations can be managed
with voice translation rules and voice translation profiles, which are described in the Voice Translation Rules
and Profiles section.
In addition, your selection of a numbering scheme for phones that can be directly dialed from the PSTN is
limited by your need to use the range of extensions that are assigned to you by the telephone company that
provides your connection to the PSTN. For example, if your telephone company assigns you a range from
408 555-0100 to 408 555-0199, you may assign extension numbers only in the range 100 to 199 if those
extensions are going to have Direct Inward Dialing (DID) access.For more information about DID,see Direct
Inward Dialing Trunk Lines, on page 447.
Dial Plan Patterns
A dial plan pattern enables abbreviated extensions to be expanded into fully qualified E.164 numbers. Use
dial plan patterns when configuring a network with multiple Cisco Unified CMEsto ensure that the appropriate
calling number, extension or E.164 number, is provided to the target Cisco Unified CME, and appears on the
phone display of the called phone. In networks that have a single router, you do not need to use dial plan
When you define a directory number for anSCCPphone, the Cisco Unified CME system automatically creates
a POTS dial peer with the ephone-dn endpoint as a destination. For SIP phones connected directly into
Cisco Unified CME, the dial peer is automatically created when the phone registers. By default,
Cisco Unified CME creates a single POTS dial peer for each directory number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Dial Plan Patterns
For example, when the ephone-dn with the number 1001 was defined, the following POTS dial peer was
automatically created for it:
dial-peer voice 20001 pots
destination-pattern 1001
voice-port 50/0/2
A dial plan pattern builds additional dial peers for the expanded numbers it creates. If a dialplan pattern is
configured and it matches against a directory number, twoPOTSdial peers are created, one for the abbreviated
number and one for the complete E.164 direct-dial telephone number.
For example, if you then define a dial plan pattern that 1001 will match, such as 40855500.., a second dial
peer is created so that calls to both the 0001 and 4085550001 numbers are completed. In this example, the
additional dial peer that is automatically created looks like the following:
dial-peer voice 20002 pots
destination-pattern 40855510001
voice-port 50/0/2
In networks with multiple routers, you may need to use dial plan patterns to expand extensions to E.164
numbers because local extension numbering schemes can overlap each other. Networks with multiple routers
have authorities such as gatekeepers that route calls through the network. These authorities require E.164
numbers so that all numbers in the network are unique. Define dial plan patterns to expand extension numbers
into unique E.164 numbers for registering with a gatekeeper. For more information on E.164 numbers, see E
.164 Enhancements, on page 448.
If multiple dial plan patterns are defined, the system matches extension numbers against the patterns in
sequential order, starting with the lowest numbered dial plan pattern tag first. Once a pattern matches an
extension number, the pattern is used to generate an expanded number. If additional patterns subsequently
match the extension number, they are not used.
Direct Inward Dialing Trunk Lines
Direct Inward Dialing (DID), is a one-way incoming trunking mechanism, that allows an external caller to
directly reach a specific extension without the call being served by an attendant or other intervention.
It is a service offered in which the last few (typically three or four) digits dialed by the caller are forwarded
to the called party on a special DID trunk. For example, all the phone numbers from 555-0000 to 555-0999
could be assigned to a company with 20 DID trunks. When a caller dials any number in this range, the call is
forwarded on any available trunk. If the caller dialed 555-0234, then the digits 2, 3, and 4 are forwarded.
These DID trunks could be terminated on a PBX, so that the extension 234 gets the call without operator
assistance. This makes it look as though 555-0234 and the other 999 lines all have direct outside lines, while
only requiring 20 trunks to service the 1,000 telephone extensions. Using DID, a company can offer its
customers individual phone numbers for each person or workstation within the company without requiring a
physical line into the PBX for each possible connection. Compared to regular PBX service, DID saves the
cost of a switchboard operator. Calls go through faster, and callers feel they are calling a person rather than
a company.
Dial plan patterns are required to enable calls to DID numbers. When the PSTN connects a DID call for
“4085550234” to the Cisco Unified CME system, it also forwardsthe extension digits“234” to allow the system
to route the call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Direct Inward Dialing Trunk Lines
Voice Translation Rules and Profiles
Translation rules manipulate dialed numbers to conform to internal or external numbering schemes. Voice
translation profiles allow you to group translation rules together and apply them to the following types of
• Called numbers (DNIS)
• Calling numbers (ANI)
• Redirected called numbers
• Redirected target numbers—These are transfer-to numbers and call-forwarding final destination numbers.
Supported by SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions.
After you define a set of translation rules and assign them to a translation profile, you can apply the rules to
incoming and outgoing call legs to and from the Cisco Unified CME router based on the directory number.
Translation rules can perform regular expression matches and replace substrings. A translation rule replaces
a substring of the input number if the number matches the match pattern, number plan, and type present in
the rule.
For configuration information, see Define Voice Translation Rules in Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions,
on page 454.
For examples of voice translation rules and profiles, see the Voice Translation Rules technical note and the
Number Translation using Voice Translation Profiles technical note.
Secondary Dial Tone
A secondary dial tone is available for Cisco Unified IP phones connected to Cisco Unified CME. From Cisco
Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, secondary dial tone is supported on both SIP phones and SCCP phones.
The secondary dial tone is generated when a phone user dials a predefinedPSTN access prefix and terminates
when additional digits are dialed. An example is when a secondary dial tone is heard after a PSTN access
prefix, such as the number 9, is dialed to reach an outside line. For SIP phones, a dialplan file is downloaded
when the phone restarts. This dialplan file will have the dialplan pattern configured. Based on this dialplan
pattern, phone would collect the digits or play secondary dial tone if there is a comma (,) in the pattern. The
call is placed from the phone, when there is matching pattern in the dialplan file. Also note that when this
feature is enabled, KPML digit collection is disabled on SIP phones.
For configuration information,see ActivateSecondary Dial ToneForSCCPPhones, on page 463 and Activate
Secondary Dial Tone for SIP Phones, on page 464.
E .164 Enhancements
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 allows you to present a phone number in + E.164 telephone numbering format. E.164
is an International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) recommendation that defines the international public
telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and other data networks. E.164 defines the format of
telephone numbers. A leading + E.164 telephone number can have a maximum of 15 digits and is usually
written with a ‘+’ prefix defining the international access code. To dial such numbers from a normal fixed line
phone, the appropriate international call prefix must be used.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Voice Translation Rules and Profiles
The leading +E.164 number is unique number specified to a phone or a device. Callers from around the world
dial the leading + E.164 phone number to reach a phone or a device without the need to know local or
international prefix. The leading + E.164 feature also reduces the overall telephony configuration process by
eliminating the need to further translate the telephone numbers.
Phone Registration with Leading + E164 Number
In Cisco Unified CME, phones register using the leading ‘+’ dialing plan in two ways. Phones can either
register with the extension number or with leading + E.164 number.
When phones are registered with extension number, the phones will have a dial peer association with the
extension number. The dialplan-pattern command is enhanced to allow you to configure leading + phone
numbers on the dialplan pattern. Once dialplan-pattern is configured, there could be an E.164 number dialpeer
associated with the same phone.
For example, phones registered with extension number 1111 can also be reached by dialing +13332221111.
This phone registration method is beneficial in two ways, that is, locally, phones are able to reach each other
by just dialing the extension numbers and, remotely, phones can dial abbreviated numbers which are translated
as an E.164 number at the outgoing dial-peer. See Example 1, on page 449 for more information.
There are instances where phone is registered with Unified CME using the extension number. If the user
hasto reach the phone using the full +E.164 number, a dial peer needsto be configured for the full number.
Thisis applicable only when the extension-length isspecified to have the same length as extension number.
When phones are registered with a leading + E.164 number, there is only one leading + E.164 number associated
with the phone. Thedemote option in thedialplan-patterncommand allows the phone to have two dialpeers
associated with the same phone. For more information on configuring the dialplan-patterns, see Configure
Dial Plans, on page 451.
For example, a phone registered with + E.164 phone number +12223331111 will have two dialpeers associated
with the same phone that is, +122233331111 and 1111. See Example 2 , on page 450.
Example 1
In the following example, phones are registered with extension number 1111 but they can be reached by either
dialing the 4-digit extension number, or a leading + E.164 number (+122233331111). When the dial-peer
pattern is configured, phones can also be reached by dialing its + E.164 number. The phone can be reached
by dialing either the 4-digit extension number or the + E.164 number.
ephone-dn 1
number 1111
ephone 1
button 1:1
dialplan-pattern 1 +1222333.... extension-length 4
voice register dn 1
number 1235
voice register pool 1
number 1 dn 1
voice register global
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
E .164 Enhancements
dialplan-pattern 1 +1222333.... extension-length 4
Example 2
In the following example, phones are registered with leading + E.164 number (+122233331111) and the
phones can be reached by dialing either the 4-digit extension number or the + E.164 number. In this example,
phone can be reached by dialing 1111 or the +E.164 number.
ephone-dn 1
number +12223331111
ephone 1
button 1:1
dialplan-pattern 1 +1222333.... extension-length 4 demote
voice register dn 1
number +12223331235
voice register pool 1
number 1 dn 1
voice register global
dialplan-pattern 1 +1222333.... extension-length 4 demote
Because the legacy phone does not have a ‘+’ button, you can configure dialplan-pattern or translation
Example 3
In the following example, phones are registered with leading + E.164 number (+12223331111) for SCCP
phone and +12223331235 for SIP phone) and the phones can be reached by dialing either the 6-digit number
or the + E.164 number. The phone number +12223331234 can be reached by dialing either the 6-digit demoted
number or the + E.164 number.
ephone-dn 1
number +12223331111
ephone 1
button 1:1
dialplan-pattern 1 +1222333.... extension-length 6 demote
voice register dn 1
number +12223331235
voice register pool 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
E .164 Enhancements
number 1 dn 1
voice register global
dialplan-pattern 1 +1222333.... extension-length 6 demote
After the CLI for demote is configured to extension-length 6, you can dial 331235 for SIP phone, and 331111
for SCCP phone.
Callback and Calling Number Display
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST, the calling number (number from an
incoming call ringing on your phone) was used for both callback (number displayed under Missed Calls in
your local phone directory number) and calling numbers. The + E.164 feature in Cisco Unified CME 8.5,
allows you to display both calling number and callback numbers in appropriate format so that you are not
required to edit the phone numbers before placing a call. The calling number is displayed on the phone when
you configure the translation-profile outgoing command in ephone-dn or voice register dn mode.
The translate callback-number configuration in voice translation-profile allows you to translate the callback
number and display it in E.164 format. The translate callback number configuration is only applicable for
outgoing calls onSIPandSCCPIPphones. When translate callbacknumber is configured, the extra callback
field is displayed and if the number matches the translation rule, it is translated. For more information see
Define Translation Rules for Callback-Number on SIP Phones, on page 466.
Similarly, in Cisco Unified SRST 8.5, you can configure translate calling under voice translation-profile
mode to display the calling number. You can configure translation-profile outgoing in call-manager-fallback
mode or voice register pool to display the callback number. You can use translate called command in
translation-profile and call-manager-fallback orvoice register pool will try to match the called number to
do the translation. See Enabling Translation Profiles for more information.
The leading ‘+’ in the E.164 number is stripped from the called and calling numbers if the called endpoint or
gateway,such as H323 or QSIG gateway, does notsupport the leading ‘+’sign in the E.164 number translation.
You can strip the leading ‘+’ sign from the number you are calling or a called number using the
translation-profile incoming or translation-profile outgoing commands.
Configure Dial Plans
Configure SCCP Dial Plan Patterns
Tip In networks that have a single router, you do not need to define dial plan patterns.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. dialplan-pattern tag pattern extension-length length [extension-pattern epattern] [no-reg]
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Configure Dial Plans
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Maps a digit pattern for an abbreviated
extension-number prefix to the full E.164 telephone
number pattern.
dialplan-pattern tag pattern extension-length length
[extension-pattern epattern] [no-reg]
Router(config-telephony)# dialplan-pattern 1 4085550100
extension-length 3 extension-pattern 4..
Step 4
This example maps all extension numbers 4xx to the
PSTN number 40855501xx, so that extension 412
corresponds to 4085550112.
Exits configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Configure SIP Dial Plan Patterns
To create and apply a pattern for expanding individual abbreviated SIP extensions into fully qualified E.164
numbers, follow the steps in this section. dial plan pattern expansion affects calling numbers and for call
forward using B2BUA, redirecting, including originating and last reroute, numbers for SIP extensions in
Cisco Unified CME.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Configure SIP Dial Plan Patterns
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. dialplan-pattern tag pattern extension-length extension-length [extension-pattern extension-pattern |
5. call-forward system redirecting-expanded
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Defines pattern that is used to expand abbreviated extension
numbers of SIP calling numbers in Cisco Unified CME into
fully qualified E.164 numbers.
dialplan-pattern tag pattern extension-length
extension-length [extension-patternextension-pattern
| no-reg]
dialplan-pattern 1 4085550... extension-length
Step 4
Applies dial plan pattern expansion globally to redirecting,
including originating and last reroute, numbers for SIP
call-forward system redirecting-expanded
Router(config-register-global)# call-forward
system redirecting-expanded
Step 5
extensions in Cisco Unified CME for call forward using
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Configure SIP Dial Plan Patterns
Verify Dial Plan Patterns
1. show telephony-service
2. SCCP: show telephony-service dial-peer or SIP: show dial-peer summary
Step 1 show telephony-service
Use this command to verify dial plan patterns in the configuration.
The following example maps the extension pattern 4.. to the last three digits of the dial plan pattern 4085550155:
dialplan-pattern 1 4085550155 extension-length 3 extension-pattern 4..
Step 2 SCCP: show telephony-service dial-peer or SIP: show dial-peer summary
Use the command to display dial peers that are automatically created by the dialplan-pattern command.
Use this command display the configuration for all VoIP and POTS dial peers configured for a router, including dial
peers created by using the dialplan-expansion (voice register) command.
The following example is output from the show dial-peer summary command displaying information for four dial
peers, one each for extensions 60001 and 60002 and because the dialplan-expansion command is configured to expand
6.... to 4085555...., one each for 4085550001 and 4085550002. The latter two dial peers will not appear in the running
Router# show dial-peer summary
20010 pots up up 60002$ 0 0
20011 pots up up 60001$ 0 9
20012 pots up up 5105555001$ 0 9
20013 pots up up 5105555002$ 0 0
Define Voice Translation Rules in Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions
To configure translation rules for voice calls in Cisco CME 3.1 and earlier versions, see Cisco IOS Voice,
Video, and FAX Configuration Guide.
Before You Begin
• SCCP support—Cisco CME 3.2 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Verify Dial Plan Patterns
• SIP support—Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• To define up to 100 translation rules per translation rule table—Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice translation-rule number
4. rule precedence /match-pattern/ /replace-pattern/
5. exit
6. voice translation-profile name
7. translate {called | calling| redirect-called | redirect-target} translation-rule-number
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Defines a translation rule for voice calls and enters voice translation-rule
configuration mode.
voice translation-rule number
Router(config)# voice translation-rule
Step 3
• number—Number that identifies the translation rule. Range: 1 to
rule precedence /match-pattern/ Defines a translation rule.
Step 4
• precedence—Priority of the translation rule. Range: 1 to 100.
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# rule 1
/^9/ //
Range limited to 15 maximum rules in CME 8.5 and earlier
• match-pattern—Stream Editor (SED) expression used to match
incoming call information. The slash (/) is a delimiter in the pattern.
• replace-pattern—SED expression used to replace the match pattern
in the call information. The slash (/) is a delimiter in the pattern.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Define Voice Translation Rules in Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice translation-rule configuration mode.
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice translation-profile name Defines a translation profile for voice calls.
Router(config)# voice
translation-profile name1
• name—Name of the translation profile. Maximum length of the voice
translation profile name is 31 alphanumeric characters.
translate {called | calling| redirect-called Associates a translation rule with a voice translation profile.
| redirect-target} translation-rule-number
Step 7
• called—Associates the translation rule with called numbers.
translate called 1
• calling—Associates the translation rule with calling numbers.
• redirect-called—Associates the translation rule with redirected
called numbers.
• redirect-target—Associates the translation rule with transfer-to
numbers and call-forwarding final destination numbers. This keyword
is supported by SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later
• translation-rule-number—Reference number of the translation rule
configured in Step 3, on page 455. Range: 1 to 2147483647.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(cfg-translation-profile)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
• To apply voice translation profiles to SCCP phones connected to Cisco Unified CME 3.2 or a later
version, see Apply Voice Translation Rules on SCCP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 3.2 and Later
Versions, on page 457.
• To apply voice translation profiles toSIPphones connected to Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version,
see Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later, on page 459.
• To apply voice translation profiles to SIP phones connected to Cisco CME 3.4 or Cisco Unified
CME 4.0(x), see Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1, on
page 460.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Define Voice Translation Rules in Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SCCP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 3.2 and
Later Versions
To apply a voice translation profile to incoming or outgoing calls to or from a directory number on a SCCP
phone, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.2 or a later version.
• Voice translation profile containing voice translation rules to be applied must be already configured.
For configuration information,see Define Voice Translation Rulesin Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions,
on page 454.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn tag
4. translation-profile {incoming | outgoing} name
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create an extension (ephone-dn)
for a Cisco Unified IPphone line, an intercom line, a paging line, a voice-mail
port, or a message-waiting indicator (MWI).
ephone-dn tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 3
• tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone-dn during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the maximum number of ephone-dns
allowed on the router platform. See the CLI help for the maximum
value for this argument.
Assigns a translation profile for incoming or outgoing call legs to or from
Cisco Unified IP phones.
translation-profile {incoming |
outgoing} name
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SCCP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 3.2 and Later Versions
Command or Action Purpose
translation-profile outgoing name1
• You can also use an ephone-dn template to apply this command to one
or more directory numbers. If you use an ephone-dn template to apply
a command and you use the same command in ephone-dn configuration
mode for the same directory number, the value that you set in ephone-dn
configuration mode has priority.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Apply Translation Rules on SCCP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 3.2
To apply a translation rule to an individual directory number in Cisco CME 3.1 and earlier versions, perform
the following steps.
Before You Begin
Translation rule to be applied must be already configured by using the translation-rule and rule commands.
For configuration information, see Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and FAX Configuration Guide.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn tag
4. translate {called | calling} translation-rule-tag
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Apply Translation Rules on SCCP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 3.2
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create directory number for a
Cisco Unified IP phone line, an intercom line, a paging line, a voice-mail
port, or a message-waiting indicator (MWI).
ephone-dn tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 3
translate {called | calling} Specifies rule to be applied to the directory number being configured.
Step 4
• translation-rule-tag—Reference number of previously configured
translation rule. Range: 1 to 2147483647.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# translate
called 1
• You can use an ephone-dn template to apply this command to one or
more directory numbers. If you use an ephone-dn template to apply
a command to a directory number and you also use the same command
in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same directory number, the
value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(cfg-translation-profile)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and
To apply a voice translation profile to incoming calls to a directory number on a SIP phone, perform the
following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• Voice translation profile containing voice translation rules to be applied must be already configured.
For configuration information,see Define Voice Translation Rulesin Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions,
on page 454.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. translation-profile incoming name
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a
directory number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port,
or a message-waiting indicator (MWI).
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 3
Assigns a translation profile for incoming call legs to this
directory number.
translation-profile incoming name
translation-profile incoming name1
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1
To apply an already-configured voice translation rule to modify the number dialed by extensions on a SIP
phone, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Voice translation rule to be applied must be already configured. For configuration information, see
Define Voice Translation Rules in Cisco CME 3.2 and Later Versions, on page 454.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. translate-outgoing {called | calling} rule-tag
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for SIP phones.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 3
Specifies an already configured voice translation rule to be
applied to SIP phone being configured.
translate-outgoing {called | calling} rule-tag
translate-outgoing called 1
Step 4
Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Verify Voice Translation Rules and Profiles
To verify voice translation profiles, and rules, perform the following steps.
1. show voice translation-profile [name]
2. show voice translation-rule [number]
3. test voice translation-rule number
Step 1 show voice translation-profile [name]
This command displays the configuration of one or all translation profiles.
Router# show voice translation-profile profile-8415
Translation Profile: profile-8415
Rule for Calling number: 4
Rule for Called number: 1
Rule for Redirect number: 5
Rule for Redirect-target number: 2
Step 2 show voice translation-rule [number]
This command displays the configuration of one or all translation rules.
Router# show voice translation-rule 6
Translation-rule tag: 6
Rule 1:
Match pattern: 65088801..
Replace pattern: 6508880101
Match type: none Replace type: none
Match plan: none Replace plan: none
Step 3 test voice translation-rule number
This command enables you to test your translation rules.
Router(config)# voice translation-rule 5
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# rule 1 /201/ /102/
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# exit
Router(config)# exit
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Verify Voice Translation Rules and Profiles
Router# test voice translation-rule 5 2015550101
Matched with rule 5
Original number:2015550101 Translated number:1025550101
Original number type: none Translated number type: none
Original number plan: none Translated number plan: none
Activate Secondary Dial Tone For SCCP Phones
To activate a secondary dial tone after a phone user dials the specified number, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.0 or a later version.
• PSTN access prefix must be configured for outbound dial peer.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. secondary-dialtone digit-string
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 secondary-dialtone digit-string Activates a secondary dial tone when digit-string is dialed.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Activate Secondary Dial Tone For SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-telephony)# secondary-dialtone
• digit-string—String of up to 32 digits that, when dialed,
activates a secondary dial tone. Typically, the digit-string
is a predefined PSTN access prefix.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Activate Secondary Dial Tone for SIP Phones
To activate a secondary dial tone after a phone user dials the specified number, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or later for SIP phones.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dialplan tag
4. type 7940-7960-others
5. pattern tag string
6. voice register pool tag
7. dialplan tag
8. voice register global
9. create profile
10. voice register pool tag
11. reset
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Activate Secondary Dial Tone for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice register dialplan tag Enters voice register dialplan configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register dialplan 1
• tag—Range for dialplan tag is 1 to 24.
type 7940-7960-others Specifies the phone type assigned.
Router(config-register-dialplan)# type
Step 4
Specifiesthe pattern to be matched while dialing from phone.
Range is 1 to 24.
pattern tag string
Router(config-register-dialplan)# pattern 1
Step 5
• tag—Range for pattern tag is 1 to 24.
• string—It is the pattern to be matched while dialing
from phone. This string is represented as WORD and
the value of this string can be a combination of
Defines the voice register pool tag, and enters the voice
register pool configuration mode.
voice register pool tag
Router(config-register-dialplan)# voice
register pool 1
Step 6
dialplan tag Specifies the dialplan to be attached to the pool.
Router(config-register-pool)# dialplan 1
Step 7
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# voice register
Step 8
create profile Creates the XML configuration files for the phone.
Router(config-register-global)# create profile
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Activate Secondary Dial Tone for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Defines the voice register pool tag, and enters the voice
register pool configuration mode.
voice register pool tag
Router(config-register-global)# voice register
pool 1
Step 10
reset Resets the phone for the phone configurations to be applied.
Router(config-register-pool)# reset
Step 11
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 12
Define Translation Rules for Callback-Number on SIP Phones
Before You Begin
• To define up to 100 translation rules per translation rule table—Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice translation-rule number
4. rule precedence | match-pattern | replace-pattern|
5. exit
6. voice translation-profile name
7. translate {callback-number | called| calling | redirect-called| redirect-target} translation-rule-number
8. exit
9. voice register pool phone-tag
10. number tag dn dn-tag
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Define Translation Rules for Callback-Number on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Defines a translation rule for voice calls and enters voice translation-rule
configuration mode.
voice translation-rule number
Router(config)# voice translation-rule
Step 3
• number—Number that identifies the translation rule. Range: 1 to
rule precedence | match-pattern | Defines a translation rule.
Step 4
• precedence—Priority of the translation rule. Range: 1 to 100.
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# rule 1
/^9/ //
Range limited to 15 maximum rules in CME 8.5 and earlier
• match-pattern—Stream Editor (SED) expression used to match
incoming call information. The slash (/) is a delimiter in the pattern.
• replace-pattern—SED expression used to replace the match pattern
in the call information. The slash (/) is a delimiter in the pattern.
exit Exits voice translation-rule configuration mode.
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice translation-profile name Defines a translation profile for voice calls.
Router(config)# voice
translation-profile eastern
• name—Name of the translation profile. Maximum length of the
voice translation profile name is 31 alphanumeric characters.
translate {callback-number | called| calling Associates a translation rule with a voice translation profile.
| redirect-called | redirect-target}
Step 7
• callback-number—Associates the translation rule with the
translate callback-number 10
• called—Associates the translation rule with called numbers.
• calling—Associates the translation rule with calling numbers.
• redirect-called—Associates the translation rule with redirected
called numbers.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Define Translation Rules for Callback-Number on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• redirect-target—Associates the translation rule with transfer-to
numbers and call-forwarding final destination numbers. This
keyword is supported by SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1
and later versions.
• translation-rule-number—Reference number of the translation rule
configured in Step 3, on page 467. Range: 1 to 2147483647
exit Exits voice translation-profile configuration mode.
Router(cfg-translation-profile))# exit
Step 8
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool phone-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 9
Step 10 number tag dn dn-tag Associates a directory number with the SIP phone being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# number
1 dn 17
• dn dn-tag—identifies the directory number for this SIP phone as
defined by the voice register dn command.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 11
The following examples show translation rules defined for callback-number:
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
media flow-around
allow-connections sip to sip
voice translation-rule 10
voice translation-profile eastcoast
voice translation-profile eastern
translate callback-number 10
What to Do Next
• To apply voice translation profiles toSIPphones connected to Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version,
see Apply Voice Translation Rules on SIP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later, on page 459.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Define Translation Rules for Callback-Number on SIP Phones
Configuration Examples for Dial Plan Features
Example for Configuring Secondary Dial Tone on SCCP Phones
fxo hook-flash
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
load 7905 CP7905040000SCCP040701A
load 7912 CP7912040000SCCP040701A
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
no service directed-pickup
timeouts ringing 10
system message XYZ Company
voicemail 7189
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh music-on-hold.au
web admin system name admin1 password admin1
secondary-dialtone 9
Example for Configuring Secondary Dial Tone on SIP Phones
A secondary dial tone is played on the phone when comma (',') is found in the pattern. In this example,
secondary dial tone is played after the digit 50.
voice register dialplan 1
type 7940-7960-others
pattern 1 50,
voice register pool 1
busy-trigger-per-button 2
id mac 0C11.6780.52A3
type 7841
number 1 dn 1
dialplan 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username cisco1 password cisco
codec g711ulaw
no vad
provision-tag 1
Example for Configuring Voice Translation Rules
In the following configuration examples, if a user on Cisco Unified CME 1 dials 94155550100, the call
matches on dial peer 9415 and uses translation profile profile-9415. The called number is translated from
94155550100 to 4155550100, as specified by the translate called command using translation rule 1.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Configuration Examples for Dial Plan Features
If a user on Cisco Unified CME 1 calls a phone on Cisco Unified CME 2 by dialing 5105550120, and the call
forward number is 94155550100, Cisco Unified CME 1 attempts to forward the call to 94155550100. A 302
message is then sent to Cisco Unified CME 1 with the “Contact:” field translated to 4155550100. When the
302 reaches Cisco Unified CME 1, it matches the To: field in the 302 message (5105550120) with dial peer
510. It does incoming translation from 4155550100 to 84155550100, and an INVITE with 84155550100 is
sent, which matches dial-peer 8415.
Figure 14: Translation Rules in SIP Call Transfer
Cisco Unified CME 1 with 408555.... dialplan-pattern Cisco Unified CME 2 with 510555.... dialplan-pattern
dial-peer voice 8415 voip
translation-profile outgoing profile-8415
destination-pattern 8415555....
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 510 voip
translation-profile incoming profile-510
destination-pattern 510555....
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
voice translation-profile profile-8415
translate called 1
translate redirect-target 2
voice translation-profile profile-510
translate called 3
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^9415/ /415/
voice translation-rule 2
rule 2 /^415/ /9415/
voice translation-rule 3
rule 1 /^8415/ /415/
dial-peer voice 9415 voip
translation-profile outgoing profile-9415
destination-pattern 9415555....
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
voice translation-profile profile-9415
translate called 1
translate redirect-target 1
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^9415/ /415/
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Example for Configuring Voice Translation Rules
Feature Information for Dial Plan Features
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 33: Feature Information for Dialing Plan Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Versions Feature Information
Added support for dial plan pattern
expansion for call forward and call
transfer when the forward or
transfer-to target is an individual
abbreviated SIP extension or an
extension that appear on a SIP
Dial Plan Pattern 4.0
Strips leading digit pattern from
extension number when expanding
an extension to an E.164 telephone
number. The length of the
extension pattern must equal the
value configured for the
extension-length argument.
Adds a prefix to extensions to
transform them into E.164
Added support for E.164
E.164 Enhancements 8.5
Support for Secondary Dial Tone
on SIP phones.
Secondary Dial Tone 11.6
Support for secondary dial tone
after dialing specified number
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Feature Information for Dial Plan Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Versions Feature Information
Added support for an increased
number of translation rules per
translaiton table. Old value is 15
maximum, new value is 100
Voice Translation Rules 8.6
Added support for voice translation
profiles for incoming call legs to a
directory number on a SIP phone.
Added support for voice translation
rules to modify the number dialed
by extensions on a SIP phone.
Adds, removes, or transforms digits
for calls going to or originating
from specified ephone-dns.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Dial Plans
Feature Information for Dial Plan Features
Transcoding Resources
This chapter describesthe transcoding support available in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME).
Note • To configure a DSP farm profile for multi-party ad hoc and meet-me conferencing in
Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, see Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1
and Later versions, on page 1373 and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 11.7 and Later
Versions, on page 1374.
• To configure DSP farms for meet-me conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0.
see Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0, on page 1375.
• Prerequisites for Configuring Transcoding Resources, page 473
• Restrictions for Configuring Transcoding Resources, page 474
• Information About Transcoding Resources, page 474
• Configure Transcoding Resources, page 479
• Configuration Examples for Transcoding Resources, page 508
• Where to go Next, page 510
• Feature Information for Transcoding Resources, page 510
Prerequisites for Configuring Transcoding Resources
• Cisco Unified CME 3.2 or a later version.
• Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or later versions for LTI-based transcoding, supported on Cisco 4000 Series
Integrated Services Router (ISR).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Configuring Transcoding Resources
• Before Cisco CME 3.2, only G.729 is supported for two-party voice calls.
• In Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0, transcoding between G.711 and G.729 does not support
the following:
◦Meet-me conferencing
◦Multiple-party ad-hoc conferencing
◦Transcoding security
• For Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6, hardware conferencing is notsupported with LTI-based transcoding
on Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Router (ISR).
• In Unified CME 11.6, SCCP based transcoding is not supported.
Information About Transcoding Resources
Transcoding Support
Transcoding compresses and decompresses voice streams to match endpoint-device capabilities. Transcoding
is required when an incoming voice stream is digitized and compressed (by means of a codec) to save
bandwidth, and the local device does not support that type of compression.
Cisco Unified CME 3.2 and later versions support transcoding between G.711 and G.729 codecs for the
following features:
• Ad hoc conferencing—One or more remote conferencing parties uses G.729.
• Call transfer and forward—One leg of a Voice over IP (VoIP)-to-VoIP hairpin call uses G.711 and the
other leg uses G.729. A hairpin call is an incoming call that is transferred or forwarded over the same
interface from which it arrived.
• Cisco Unity Express or Cisco Unity Express Virtual—An H.323 or SIP call using G.729 is forwarded
to Cisco Unity Express or Cisco Unity Express Virtual. Cisco Unity Express or Cisco Unity Express
Virtual supports only G.711, so G.729 must be transcoded.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, SIP calls coming to Cisco Unity Express or Cisco
Unity Express Virtual is supported on Cisco 4000 Series ISR routers using the LTI transcoding
infrastructure.For more information on configuring LTI transcoding on Cisco Unified CME,see Configure
LTI-based Transcoding, on page 506.
• Music on hold (MOH)—The phone receiving MOH is part of a system that uses G.729, G.722, or internet
Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC). When the G.711 MOH is transcoded into G.729, it results in a poorer quality
sound due to the lower compression of G.729. From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7 onwards, Music
on Hold is supported on Cisco 4000 Series ISR routers using the LTI transcoding infrastructure. For
more information on configuring LTI transcoding on Cisco Unified CME, see Configure LTI-based
Transcoding, on page 506.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Restrictions for Configuring Transcoding Resources
Each of the preceding call situations is illustrated in Figure 15: Three-Way Conferencing, Call Transfer and
Forward, Cisco Unity Express, and MOH Between G.711 and G.729, on page 475.
Figure 15: Three-Way Conferencing, Call Transfer and Forward, Cisco Unity Express, and MOH Between G.711 and G.729
Transcoding is facilitated through DSPs, which are located in network modules. All network modules have
single in-line memory module (SIMM) sockets or packet voice/data modules (PVDM) slots that each hold a
Packet Voice DSP Module (PVDM). Each PVDM holds DSPs. A router can have multiple network modules.
Cisco Unified CME routers and external voice routers on the same LAN must be configured with digitalsignal
processors (DSPs) that support transcoding. DSPs reside either directly on a voice network module, such as
the NM-HD-2VE, on PVDM2s that are installed in a voice network module, such as the NM-HDV2, or on
PVDM2s that are installed directly onto the motherboard, such as on the Cisco 2800 and 3800 series voice
gateway routers.
• DSPs on the NM-HDV, NM-HDV2, NM-HD-1V, NM-HD-2V, and NM-HD-2VE can be configured
for transcoding.
• PVDM2-xx on the Cisco 2800 series and the Cisco 3800 series motherboards can also be configured
for transcoding.
Transcoding of G.729 calls to G.711 allows G.729 calls to participate in existing G.711 software-based,
three-party conferencing, thus eliminating the need to divide DSPs between transcoding and conferencing.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Transcoding Support
Figure 16: NM-HDV Supports up toFivePVDMs, on page 476 shows an NM-HDV with fiveSIMM sockets
or PVDM slots that each hold a 12-Channel PVDM (PVDM-12). Each PVDM-12 holds three TI 549 DSPs.
Each DSP supports four channels.
Figure 16: NM-HDV Supports up to Five PVDMs
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Transcoding Support
Use DSP resources to provide voice termination of the digital voice trunk group or resources for a DSP farm.
DSP resources available for transcoding and not used for voice termination are referred to as a DSP farm.
Figure 17: DSP Farm, on page 477 shows a DSP farm managed by Cisco Unified CME.
Figure 17: DSP Farm
Local Transcoding Interface (LTI) Based Transcoding
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, Local Transcoding Interface (LTI) based transcoding is
supported on Cisco 4000 series ISR. LTI includes an internal API that accesses digital signal processor (DSP)
resources. This API does not require the use of Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) based configuration
for transcoding to work.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Transcoding Support
LTI-based transcoding is an alternative to SCCP-based transcoding. The LTI-based transcoding configures
transcoding functionality only on the specific Unified CME router. Unlike theSCCP-based transcoding, other
Unified CME routers cannot leverage the transcoding capabilities configured on a specific Unified CME
router. That is, transcoding resources (DSPFARM) are required to be co-located with Unified CME router
for LTI-based configuration to work. When both LTI-based and SCCP-based transcoding are configured, LTI
takes precedence.
With LTI-based transcoding, internal APIs are used to access DSPresourcesfor transcoding. The TCPsockets
are not opened and no registration is used. Also, you need to configure only the DSPFARM profile
Voice Class Codec (VCC) is supported with LTI-based Transcoding on Cisco 4000 Series ISR, and is an
optional configuration. A VCC defines the codec preference order. When a voice class codec is applied to a
dial peer, the preference order defined in the voice class codec is followed.
LTI infrastructure supports the features SIP-to-SIP line to trunk transcoding, DTMF Interworking (with
in-band on the trunk and rtp-nte on the line), and mid-call transcoder invocation and deletion with call transfer.
Features such as Shared Line, Call Park, Call Pickup, iDivert, and so on are not supported with LTI-based
Transcoding When a Remote Phone Uses G.729r8
A situation in which transcoding resources may be used is when you use the codec command to select the
G.729r8 codec to help save network bandwidth for a remote IP phone. If a conference is initiated, all phones
in the conference switch to G.711 mu-law. To allow the phone to retain its G.729r8 codec setting when joined
to a conference, you can use the codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist command to specify that this phone’s calls
should use the resources of a DSP farm for transcoding. For example, there are two remote phones (A and B)
and a local phone (C) that initiates a conference with them. Both A and B are configured to use the G.729r8
codec with the assistance of the DSP-farm transcoder. In the conference, the call leg from C to the conference
usesthe G.711 mu-law codec, and the call legsfrom A and B to the Cisco Unified CME router use the G.729r8
Consider your options carefully when deciding to use the codec g729r8dspfarm-assist command. The benefit
isthat it allows callsto use the G.729r8 codec on the call leg between the IPphone and the Cisco Unified CME
router, which saves network bandwidth. The disadvantage is that for situations requiring G.711 codecs, such
as conferencing and Cisco Unity Express, DSP resources that are possibly scarce are used to transcode the
call, and delay is introduced while voice is shuttled to and from the DSP. In addition, the overuse of this
feature can mask configuration errors in the codec selection mechanisms involving dial peers and codec lists.
Therefore, we recommend using the codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist command sparingly and only when
absolutely required for bandwidth savings or when you know the phone will be participating very little, if at
all, in calls that require a G.711 codec.
Because of how Cisco Unified CME uses voice channels withSkinny Client ControlProtocol (SCCP) endpoints,
you must configure at least two available transcoding sessions when establishing a call that requirestranscoding
configured with the codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist command. Only one session is used after the voice path is
established with transcoding. However, during theSCCP manipulations, a temporary session may be allocated.
If this temporary session cannot be allocated, the transcoding request is not honored, and the call continues
with the G.711 codec.
If the codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist command is configured for a phone and a DSP resource is not available
when needed for transcoding, a phone registered to the local Cisco Unified CME router will use G.711 instead
of G.729r8. This is not true for nonSCCP call legs; if DSP resources are not available for the transcoding
required for a conference, for example, the conference is not created.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Transcoding When a Remote Phone Uses G.729r8
Secure DSP Farm Transcoding
Cisco Unified CME usesthe secure transcoding DSPfarm capability only in the case described in Transcoding
When a RemotePhone Uses G.729r8, on page 478. If a call using the codec g729r8dspfarm-assist command
is secure, Cisco Unified CME looks for a secure transcoding resource. If it cannot find one, transcoding is
not done. If the call is not secure, Cisco Unified CME looks for a nonsecure transcoding resource. If it cannot
find one, Cisco Unified CME looks for a secure transcoding resource. Even if Cisco Unified CME uses a
secure transcoding resource, the call is not secure, and a more expensive secure DSP Farm resource is not
needed for a nonsecure call because Cisco Unified CME cannot find a less expensive nonsecure transcoder.
Configure Transcoding Resources
This section contains the following tasks:
Determine DSP Resource Requirements for Transcoding
To determine if that there are enough DSPs available on your router for transcoding services, perform the
following steps.
Step 1 Use the show voice dsp command to display current status of digital signal processor (DSP) voice channels.
Step 2 Use the show sdspfarm sessions command to display the number of transcoder sessions that are active.
Step 3 Use the show sdspfarm units command to display the number of DSP farms that are configured.
Provision Network Modules or PVDMs for Transcoding
DSPs can reside directly on any one of the following:
• A voice network module, such as the NM-HD-2VE,
• PVDM2sthat are installed in a voice network module,such asthe NM-HDV2. A single network module
can hold up to five PVDMs.
• PVDM2s that are installed directly onto the motherboard, such as on the Cisco 2800 and 3800 series
voice gateway routers.
You must determine the number ofPVDM2s or network modulesthat are required to support your conferencing
and transcoding services and install the modules on your router.
1 Determine performance requirements.
2 Determine the number of DSPs that are required.
3 Determine the number of DSPs that are supportable
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Secure DSP Farm Transcoding
4 Verify your solution.
5 Install hardware.
Step 1 Determine the number of transcoding sessions that your router must support.
Step 2 Determine the number of DSPsthat are required to support transcoding sessions.See Table 5 and Table 6 in the “Allocation
of DSP Resources” section of the “Configuring Enhanced Conferencing and Transcoding for Voice Gateway Routers”
chapter of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco IOS Interoperability Guide.
If voice termination is also required, determine the additional number of DSPs required.
For example: 16 transcoding sessions (30-ms packetization) and 4 G.711 voice calls require two DSPs.
Step 3 Determine the maximum number of NMs or NM farms that your router can support by using Table 4 in the “Allocation
of DSP Resources” section of the “Configuring Enhanced Conferencing and Transcoding for Voice Gateway Routers”
chapter of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco IOS Interoperability Guide.
Step 4 Ensure that your requirements fall within router capabilities, taking into account whether your router supports multiple
NMs or NM farms. If necessary, reassess performance requirement.
Step 5 Install PVDMs, NMs, and NM farms as needed. See the Connecting Voice Network Modules chapter in the Cisco
Network Modules Hardware Installation Guide.
What to Do Next
Perform one of the following options, depending on the type of network module to be configured:
• To set up DSP farms on NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s, see Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and
NM-HDV2s, on page 481.
• To set up DSP farms for NM-HDVs, see Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDVs, on page 485.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Provision Network Modules or PVDMs for Transcoding
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-card slot
4. dsp services dspfarm
5. exit
6. sccp local interface-type interface-number
7. sccp ccm ip-address identifier identifier-number
8. sccp
9. sccp ccm group group-number
10. bind interface interface-type interface-number
11. associate ccm identifier-number priority priority-number
12. associate profile profile identifier register device-name
13. keepalive retries number
14. switchover method [graceful | immediate]
15. switchback method{graceful | guardtimeout-guard-value | immediate |uptime uptime-timeout-value}
16. switchback interval seconds
17. exit
18. dspfarm profile profile-identifier transcode [security]
19. trustpoint trustpoint-label
20. codec codec-type
21. maximum sessions number
22. associate application sccp
23. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice-card configuration mode for the network module on
which you want to enable DSP-farm services.
voice-card slot
Router(config)# voice-card 1
Step 3
dsp services dspfarm Enables DSP-farm services for the voice card.
Router(config-voicecard)# dsp services
Step 4
exit Exits voice-card configuration mode.
Router(config-voicecard)# exit
Step 5
Selects the local interface that the SCCP applications (transcoding
and conferencing) should use to register with Cisco Unified CME.
sccp local interface-type interface-number
Router(config)# sccp local FastEthernet
Step 6
• interface-type—Interface type that the SCCP application uses
to register with Cisco Unified CME. The type can be an interface
address or a virtual-interface address such as Ethernet.
• interface-number—Interface number that theSCCPapplication
uses to register with Cisco Unified CME.
Step 7 sccpccm ip-addressidentifier identifier-number Specifies the Cisco Unified CME address.
Router(config)# sccp ccm
identifier 1
• ip-address—IP address of the Cisco Unified CME router.
• identifier identifier-number—Number that identifies the
Cisco Unified CME router.
• Repeat this step to specify the address of a secondary
Cisco Unified CME router.
Enables SCCP and its associated transcoding and conferencing
Router(config)# sccp
Step 8
Creates a Cisco Unified CME group and enters SCCP configuration
mode for Cisco Unified CME.
sccp ccm group group-number
Router(config)# sccp ccm group 1
Step 9
• group-number—Number that identifies the Cisco Unified CME
A Cisco Unified CME group is a naming device under which
data for the DSP farms is declared. Only one group is
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Binds an interface to a Cisco Unified CME group so that
the selected interface is used for all calls that belong to the profiles
that are associated to this Cisco Unified CME group.
bind interface interface-type interface-number
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# bind interface
FastEthernet 0/0
Step 10
• This command is optional, but we recommend it if you have
more than one profile or if you are on differentsubnets, to ensure
that the correct interface is selected.
Associates a Cisco Unified CME router with a group and establishes
its priority within the group.
associate ccm identifier-number priority
Step 11
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# associate ccm 1
priority 1
• identifier-number—Number that identifies the
Cisco Unified CME router. See the sccp ccm command in
Step 7, on page 482.
• priority—The priority of the Cisco Unified CME router in the
Cisco Unified CME group. Only one Cisco Unified CME group
is possible. Default: 1.
associate profile profile identifier register Associates a DSP farm profile with a Cisco Unified CME group.
Step 12
• profile-identifier—Number that identifies the DSPfarm profile.
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# associate profile
1 register mtp000a8eaca80
• device-name—MAC address with the “mtp” prefix added, where
the MAC addressisthe burnt-in address of the physical interface
that is used to register as the SCCP device.
Sets the number of keepalive retries from SCCP to
Cisco Unified CME.
keepalive retries number
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# keepalive retries
Step 13
• number—Number of keepalive attempts. Range: 1 to 32. Default:
Sets the switchover method that the SCCP client uses when its
communication link to the active Cisco Unified CME system goes
switchover method [graceful | immediate]
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# switchover method
Step 14
• graceful—Switchover happens only after all the active sessions
have been terminated gracefully.
• immediate—Switches over to any one of the secondary
Cisco Unified CME systems immediately.
Sets the switch back method that the SCCP client uses when the
primary or higher priority Cisco Unified CME becomes available
switch back method {graceful | guard
timeout-guard-value | immediate | uptime
Step 15
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# switchback method
• graceful—Switchback happens only after all the active sessions
have been terminated gracefully.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s
Command or Action Purpose
• guard timeout-guard-value—Switchback happens either when
the active sessions have been terminated gracefully or when the
guard timer expires, whichever happens first. Timeout value is
in seconds. Range: 60 to 172800. Default: 7200.
• immediate—Switches back to the higher order
Cisco Unified CME immediately when the timer expires, whether
there is an active connection or not.
• uptime uptime-timeout-value—Initiates the uptime timer when
the higher-order Cisco Unified CME system comes alive.
Timeout value isin seconds. Range: 60 to 172800. Default: 7200.
Sets the amount of time that the DSP farm waits before polling the
primary Cisco Unified CME system when the current
Cisco Unified CME switchback connection fails.
switchback interval seconds
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# switchback
interval 5
Step 16
• seconds—Timer value, in seconds. Range: 1 to 3600. Default:
exit Exits SCCP configuration mode.
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# exit
Step 17
Enters DSP farm profile configuration mode and defines a profile for
DSP farm services.
dspfarm profile profile-identifier transcode
Step 18
Router(config)# dspfarm profile 1
transcode security
• profile-identifier—Number that uniquely identifies a profile.
Range: 1 to 65535.
• transcode—Enables profile for transcoding.
• security—Enables secure DSP farm services. This keyword is
supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions.
trustpoint trustpoint-label (Optional) Associates a trustpoint with a DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# trustpoint
Step 19
Step 20 codec codec-type Specifies the codecs supported by a DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# codec
• codec-type—Specifies the preferred codec. Type ? for a list of
supported codecs.
• Repeat this step for each supported codec.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies the maximum number of sessions that are supported by the
maximum sessions number
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# maximum
sessions 5
Step 21
• number—Number of sessions supported by the profile. Range:
0 to X. Default: 0.
• The X value is determined at run time depending on the number
of resources available with the resource provider.
associate application sccp Associates SCCP with the DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# associate
application sccp
Step 22
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# end
Step 23
What to Do Next
• To register the DSP Farm to Cisco Unified CME in secure mode, see Register the DSP Farm with
Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode, on page 496.
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDVs
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-card slot
4. dsp services dspfarm
5. exit
6. sccp local interface-type interface-number
7. sccp ccm ip-address priority priority-number
8. sccp
9. dsp farm transcoder maximum sessions number
10. dspfarm
11. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDVs
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-card configuration mode and identifies the slot in the
chassis in which the NM-HDV or NM-HDV farm is located.
voice-card slot
Router(config)# voice-card 1
Step 3
dsp services dspfarm Enables DSP-farm services on the NM-HDV or NM-HDV farm.
Router(config-voicecard)# dsp services
Step 4
exit Returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-voicecard)# exit
Step 5
Selects the local interface that the SCCP applications (transcoding
and conferencing) should use to register with Cisco Unified CME.
sccp local interface-type interface-number
Router(config)# sccp local FastEthernet
Step 6
• interface-type—Interface type that the SCCP application uses
to register with Cisco Unified CME. The type can be an
interface address or a virtual-interface addresssuch as Ethernet.
• interface-number—Interface number that theSCCPapplication
uses to register with Cisco Unified CME.
Step 7 sccp ccm ip-address priority priority-number Specifies the Cisco Unified CME address.
Router(config)# sccp ccm
priority 1
• ip-address—IP address of the Cisco Unified CME router.
• priority priority—Priority of the Cisco Unified CME router
relative to other connected routers. Range: 1 (highest) to 4
Enables SCCP and its associated transcoding and conferencing
Router(config)# sccp
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDVs
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies the maximum number of transcoding sessions to be
supported by the DSPfarm. A DSPcan support up to four transcoding
dsp farm transcoder maximum sessions
Router(config)# dspfarm transcoder
maximum sessions 12
Step 9
When you assign this value, take into account the number
of DSPs allocated for conferencing services.
dspfarm Enables the DSP farm.
Router(config)# dspfarm
Step 10
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 11
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Act as the DSP Farm Host
Determine the Maximum Number of Transcoder Sessions
To determine the maximum number of transcoder sessions that can occur at one time perform the following
Step 1 Use the dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions command to set the maximum number of transcoder sessions you
have configured.
Step 2 Use the show sdspfarm sessions command to display the number of transcoder sessions that are active.
Step 3 Use the show sdspfarm units command to display the number of DSP farms that are configured.
Step 4 Obtain the maximum number of transcoder sessions by multiplying the number of transcoder sessions from Step 2
(configured in Step 1 using the dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions command) by the number of DSP farms from
Step 3.
Set the Cisco Unified CME Router to Receive IP Phone Messages
Note You can unregister all active calls’ transcoding streams with the sdspfarm unregister force command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Act as the DSP Farm Host
Before You Begin
Identify the MAC address of theSCCPclient interface.For example, if you have the following configuration:
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
sccp local FastEthernet 0/0
The show interface FastEthernet 0/0 command will yield a MAC address. In the following example, the
MAC address of the Fast Ethernet interface is 000a.8aea.ca80:
Router# show interface FastEthernet 0/0
FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is AmdFE, address is 000a.8aea.ca80 (bia 000a.8aea.ca80)
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. ip source-address ip-address [port port] [any-match | strict-match]
5. sdspfarm units number
6. sdspfarm transcode sessions number
7. sdspfarm tag number device-name
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Enables a router to receive messages from Cisco Unified IP phones
through the router's IP addresses and ports.
ip source-address ip-address [port port]
[any-match | strict-match]
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Act as the DSP Farm Host
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-telephony)# ip source
address port 3000
• address—Range: 0 to 5. Default: 0.
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port used for SCCP. Default: 2000.
• any-match—(Optional) Disables strict IP address checking for
registration. This is the default.
• strict-match—(Optional) Requires strict IP address checking for
Specifies the maximum number of DSP farms that are allowed to be
registered to the SCCP router.
sdspfarm units number
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm
units 4
Step 5
• number—Range: 0 to 5. Default: 0.
Specifiesthe maximum number of transcodersessionsfor G.729 allowed
by the Cisco Unified CME router.
sdspfarm transcode sessions number
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm
transcode sessions 40
Step 6
• One transcodersession consists of two transcoding streams between
callers using transcode. Use the maximum number of transcoding
sessions and conference calls that you want your router to support
at one time.
• number—See Determine the Maximum Number of Transcoder
Sessions, on page 487. Range: 0 to 128. Default: 0.
Permits a DSP farm unit to be registered to Cisco Unified CME and
associates it with an SCCP client interface's MAC address.
sdspfarm tag number device-name
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm tag
1 mtp000a8eaca80
Step 7
• Required only if you blocked automatic registration by using the
auto-reg-ephone command.
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm tag
1 MTP000a8eaca80
• number—The tag number. Range: 1 to 5.
• device-name—MAC address of theSCCPclient interface with the
"MTP" prefix added.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 8
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Host a Secure DSP Farm
You must configure the Media Encryption Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) feature in the
Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions, making it a secure Cisco Unified CME, before it can host a secure
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure the Cisco Unified CME Router to Act as the DSP Farm Host
DSP farm. For information on configuring a secure Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Security, on page
Modify DSP Farms for NM-HDVs After Upgrading Cisco IOS Software
To ensure continued support for existing DSP farms for NM-HDVs configured after upgrading the Cisco IOS
software on your Cisco router, perform the following steps.
Perform thistask if previously-configured DSPfarmsfor NM-HDVsfail to register to Cisco Unified CME
after you upgrade the Cisco IOS software release.
Before You Begin
Confirm that device name for a dspfarm tag in telephony-service configuration is lower case by using the
show-running configuration command.
Router#show-running configuration
Building configuration...
max-ephones 2
max-dn 20
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 2
system message Your current options
sdspfarm units 2
sdspfarm transcode sessions 16
sdspfarm tag 1 mtp00164767cc20 !<===Device name is MAC address with lower-case “mtp” prefix
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. no sdspfarm tag number
4. sdspfarm tag number device-name
5. dspfarm
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Modify DSP Farms for NM-HDVs After Upgrading Cisco IOS Software
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
no sdspfarm tag number Disables the DSP farm.
Router(config)# no sdspfarm tag 1
Step 3
Permits a digital-signal-processor (DSP) farm to be to registered
to Cisco Unified CME and associates it with a SCCP client
interface's MAC address.
sdspfarm tag number device-name
Router(config)# sdspfarm tag 1
Step 4
• Required only if you blocked automatic registration by
using the auto-reg-ephone command.
• device-name—MAC address of the SCCP client interface
with the "MTP" prefix added.
dspfarm Enables the DSP farm.
Router(config)# dspfarm
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 6
Modify the Number of Transcoding Sessions for NM-HDVs
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. no dspfarm
4. dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions number
5. dspfarm
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Modify the Number of Transcoding Sessions for NM-HDVs
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
no dspfarm Disables the DSP farm.
Router(config)# no dspfarm
Step 3
Specifiesthe maximum number of transcoding sessions
to be supported by the DSP farm.
dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions number
Router(config)# dspfarm transcoder maximum
sessions 12
Step 4
dspfarm Enables the DSP farm.
Router(config)# dspfarm
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 6
Tune DSP-Farm Performance on an NM-HDV
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sccp ip precedence value
4. dspfarm rtp timeout seconds
5. dspfarm connection interval seconds
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Tune DSP-Farm Performance on an NM-HDV
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
(Optional)Setsthe IPprecedence value to increase the priority
of voice packets over connections controlled by SCCP.
sccp ip precedence value
Router(config)# sccp ip precedence 5
Step 3
(Optional) Configuresthe Real-Time TransportProtocol (RTP)
timeout interval if the error condition "RTPport unreachable"
dspfarm rtp timeout seconds
Router(config)# dspfarm rtp timeout 60
Step 4
(Optional)Specifies how long to monitor RTPinactivity before
deleting an RTP stream.
dspfarm connection interval seconds
Router(config)# dspfarm connection interval
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 6
Verify DSP Farm Operation
To verify that the DSP farm is registered and running, perform the following steps in any order.
Step 1 Use the show sccp[statistics| connections] command to display theSCCPconfiguration information and currentstatus.
Router# show sccp statistics
SCCP Application Service(s) Statistics:
Profile ID:1, Service Type:Transcoding
TCP packets rx 7, tx 7
Unsupported pkts rx 1, Unrecognized pkts rx 0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Verify DSP Farm Operation
Register tx 1, successful 1, rejected 0, failed 0
KeepAlive tx 0, successful 0, failed 0
OpenReceiveChannel rx 2, successful 2, failed 0
CloseReceiveChannel rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
StartMediaTransmission rx 2, successful 2, failed 0
StopMediaTransmission rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
Reset rx 0, successful 0, failed 0
MediaStreamingFailure rx 0
Switchover 0, Switchback 0
Use the show sccp connections command to display information about the connections controlled by the SCCP
transcoding and conferencing applications. In the following example, the secure value of the stype field indicates that
the connection is encrypted:
Router# show sccp connections
sess_id conn_id stype mode codec ripaddr rport sport
16777222 16777409 secure-xcode sendrecv g729b 16772 19534
16777222 16777393 secure-xcode sendrecv g711u 17030 18464
Total number of active session(s) 1, and connection(s) 2
Step 2 Use the show sdspfarm units command to display the configured and registered DSP farms.
Router# show sdspfarm units
mtp-1 Device:MTP003080218a31 TCP socket:[2] REGISTERED
actual_stream:8 max_stream 8 IP: 11470 MTP YOKO keepalive 1
Supported codec:G711Ulaw
max-mtps:1, max-streams:40, alloc-streams:8, act-streams:2
Step 3 Use the show sdspfarm sessions command to display the transcoding streams.
Router# show sdspfarm sessions
Stream-ID:1 mtp:1 18404 Local:2000 START
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:2
Stream-ID:2 mtp:1 17502 Local:2000 START
codec:G729AnnexA duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:1
Stream-ID:3 mtp:1 0 Local:0 IDLE
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:0
Stream-ID:4 mtp:1 0 Local:0 IDLE
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:0
Stream-ID:5 mtp:1 0 Local:0 IDLE
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:0
Stream-ID:6 mtp:1 0 Local:0 IDLE
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:0
Stream-ID:7 mtp:1 0 Local:0 IDLE
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Verify DSP Farm Operation
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:0
Stream-ID:8 mtp:1 0 Local:0 IDLE
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:0
Step 4 Use the show sdspfarm sessions summary command to display a summary view the transcoding streams.
Router# show sdspfarm sessions summary
max-mtps:2, max-streams:240, alloc-streams:40, act-streams:2
ID MTP State CallID confID Usage Codec/Duration
==== ===== ====== =========== ====== ============================= ==============
1 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
2 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
3 2 START -1 3 MoH (DN=3 , CH=1) FE=TRUE G729 /20ms
4 2 START -1 3 MoH (DN=3 , CH=1) FE=FALSE G711Ulaw64k /20ms
5 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
6 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
7 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
8 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
9 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
10 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
11 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
12 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
13 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
14 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
15 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
16 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
17 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
18 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
19 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
20 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
21 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
22 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
23 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
24 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
25 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
26 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
27 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
28 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
29 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
30 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
31 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
32 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
33 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
34 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
35 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
36 2 IDLE -1 0 G711Ulaw64k /20ms
Step 5 Use the show sdspfarm sessions active command to display the transcoding streams for all active sessions.
Router# show sdspfarm sessions active
Stream-ID:1 mtp:1 18404 Local:2000 START
codec:G711Ulaw64k duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:2
Stream-ID:2 mtp:1 17502 Local:2000 START
codec:G729AnnexA duration:20 vad:0 peer Stream-ID:1
Step 6 Use the show sccp connections details command to display the SCCP connections details such as call-leg details.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Verify DSP Farm Operation
Router# show sccp connections details
bridge-info(bid, cid) - Normal bridge information(Bridge id, Calleg id)
mmbridge-info(bid, cid) - Mixed mode bridge information(Bridge id, Calleg id)
sess_id conn_id call-id codec pkt-period type bridge-info(bid, cid)
mmbridge-info(bid, cid)
1 - 14 N/A N/A transmsp All RTPSPI Callegs N/A
1 2 15 g729a 20 rtpspi (4,14) N/A
1 1 13 g711u 20 rtpspi (3,14) N/A
Total number of active session(s) 1, connection(s) 2, and callegs 3
Step 7 Use the debug sccp {all | errors | events | packets | parser} command to set debugging levels for SCCP and its
Step 8 Use the debug dspfarm {all | errors | events | packets} command to set debugging levels for DSP-farm service.
Step 9 Use the debug ephone mtp command to enable Message Transfer Part (MTP) debugging. Use this debug command
with the debug ephone mtp, debug ephone register, debug ephone state, and debug ephone pak commands.
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure
The DSP farm can reside on the same router with the Cisco Unified CME or on a different router. Some of
the steps in the following tasks are optional depending the location of the DSP farm.
Obtain Digital Certificate from a CA Server
The CA server can be the same router as the DSP farm. The DSP farm router can be configured as a CA
server. The configuration steps below show how to configure a CA server on the DSP farm router. Additional
configurations are required for configuring CA server on an external Cisco router or using a different CA
server by itself.
Configure a CA Server
Skip this procedure if the DSP farm resides on the same router as the Cisco Unified CME. Proceed to the
Create a Trustpoint, on page 499 section.
The CA server automatically creates a trustpoint where the certificates are stored. The automatically created
trustpoint stores the CA root certificate.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki server label
4. database level complete
5. grant auto
6. database url root-url
7. no shutdown
8. exit
9. crypto pki trustpoint label
10. revocation-check crl
11. rsakeypair key-label
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Defines a label for the certificate server and enters certificate-server configuration
crypto pki server label
Router(config)# crypto pki
server dspcert
Step 3
• label—Name for CA certificate server.
(Optional) Controls the type of data stored in the certificate enrollment database.
The default if this command is not used is minimal.
database level complete
Router(cs-server)# database
level complete
Step 4
• complete—In addition to the information given in the minimal and names
levels, each issued certificate is written to the database.
The complete keyword produces a large amount of information; so
specify an external TFTP server in which to store the data using of the
database url command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Allows an automatic certificate to be issued to any requester. The
recommended method and default if this command is not used is manual
grant auto
Router(cs-server)# grant auto
Step 5
Use this command only during enrollment when testing and building simple
networks. A security best practice is to disable this functionality using the
no grant auto command after configuration so that certificates cannot be
continually granted.
(Optional) Specifies the location where all database entries for the certificate
server are to be written out. If this command is not specified, all database entries
are written to NVRAM.
database url root-url
Router(cs-server)# database url
Step 6
• root-url—Location where database entries will be written out. The URL can
be any URL that is supported by the Cisco IOS file system.
If the CA is going to issue a large number of certificates, select an
appropriate storage location like flash or other storage device to store the
When the storage location chosen is flash and the file system type on this
device is Class B (LEFS), make sure to check free space on the device
periodically and use the squeeze command to free the space used up by
deleted files. This process may take several minutes and should be done
during scheduled maintenance periods or off-peak hours.
Step 7 no shutdown (Optional) Enables the CA.
Router(cs-server)# no shutdown
You should use this command only after you have completely configured
the CA.
exit Exits certificate-server configuration mode.
Router(cs-server)# exit
Step 8
Step 9 crypto pki trustpoint label (Optional) Declares a trustpoint and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(config)# crypto pki
trustpoint dspcert
• label—Name for the trustpoint.
Use this command and the enrollment url command if this CA is local
to the Cisco Unified CME router. These commands are not needed for a
CA running on an external router. The label has to be the same as the
label in Step 3.
(Optional) Checks the revocation status of a certificate and specifies one or more
methods to check the status. If a second and third method are specified, each
revocation-check crl
revocation-check crl
Step 10
method is used only if the previous method returns an error,such as a server being
• crl—Certificate checking is performed by a certificate revocation list (CRL).
This is the default behavior.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Command or Action Purpose
Step 11 rsakeypair key-label (Optional) Specifies an RSA key pair to use with a certificate.
rsakeypair caserver
• key-label—Name of the key pair, which is generated during enrollment if
it does not already exist or if the auto-enroll regenerate command is used.
Multiple trustpoints can share the same
Create a Trustpoint
The trustpoint stores the digital certificate for the DSP farm. To create a trustpoint, perform the following
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki trustpoint label
4. enrollment url ca-url
5. serial-number none
6. fqdn none
7. ip-address none
8. subject-name [x.500-name]
9. revocation-check none
10. rsakeypair key-label
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Command or Action Purpose
Declares the trustpoint that your RA mode certificate server should use
and enters CA-trustpoint configuration mode.
crypto pki trustpoint label
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
Step 3
• label—Name for the trustpoint and RA.
Specifies the enrollment URL of the issuing CA certificate server (root
certificate server).
enrollment url ca-url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Step 4
• ca-url—URL of the router on which the root CA is installed.
Specifies whether the router serial number should be included in the
certificate request.
serial-number none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# serial-number
Step 5
• none—Specifies that a serial number will not be included in the
certificate request.
Specifies a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that will be included
as "unstructuredName" in the certificate request.
fqdn none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# fqdn none
Step 6
• none—RouterFQDN will not be included in the certificate request.
Specifies a dotted IP address or an interface that will be included as
"unstructuredAddress" in the certificate request.
ip-address none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# ip-address none
Step 7
• none—Specifies that an IP address is not to be included in the
certificate request.
Step 8 subject-name [x.500-name] Specifies the subject name in the certificate request.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# subject-name
cn=vg224, ou=ABU, o=Cisco Systems Inc.
The example shows how to format the certificate subject name
to be similar to that of an IP phones.
(Optional) Checks the revocation status of a certificate and specifies one
or more methods to check the status. If a second and third method are
revocation-check none
revocation-check none
Step 9
specified, each method is used only if the previous method returns an
error, such as a server being down.
• none—Certificate checking is not required.
Step 10 rsakeypair key-label (Optional) Specifies an RSA key pair to use with a certificate.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair
• key-label—Name of the key pair, which is generated during
enrollment if it does not already exist or if the auto-enroll
regenerate command is used.
Multiple trustpoints can share the same key. The key-label is
the same as the label in Step 3.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Command or Action Purpose
Authenticate and Enroll a Certificate with the CA Server
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
4. crypto pki enroll trustpoint-label
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Retrievesthe CA certificate and authenticatesit. Checksthe certificate
fingerprint if prompted.
crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate
Step 3
• trustpoint-label—Trustpoint label.
The trustpoint-label is the trustpoint label specified in the
Create a Trustpoint, on page 499 section.
Step 4 crypto pki enroll trustpoint-label Enrolls with the CA and obtains the certificate for this trustpoint.
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll
• trustpoint-label—Trustpoint label.
The trustpoint-label is the trustpoint label specified in the
Create a Trustpoint, on page 499 section.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Copy the CA Root Certificate of the DSP Farm Router to the Cisco Unified CME Router
The DSP farm router and Cisco Unified CME router exchanges certificates during the registration process.
These certificates are digitally signed by the CA server of the respective router. For the routers to accept each
others digital certificate, they should have the CA root certificate of each other. Manually copy the CA root
certificate of the DSP farm and Cisco Unified CME router to each other.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki trustpoint label
4. enrollment terminal
5. crypto pki export trustpoint pem terminal
6. crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
7. You will be prompted to enter the CA certificate. Cut and paste the base 64 encoded certificate at the
command line, then press Enter, and type "quit". The router prompts you to accept the certificate. Enter
"yes" to accept the certificate.
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Declares the trustpoint that your RA mode certificate server
should use and enters CA-trustpoint configuration mode.
crypto pki trustpoint label
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint dspcert
Step 3
• label—Name for the trustpoint and RA.
The label isthe trustpoint labelspecified in the Create
a Trustpoint, on page 499 section.
enrollment terminal Specifies manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Command or Action Purpose
Exports certificates and RSA keys that are associated with a
trustpoint in a privacy-enhanced mail (PEM)-formatted file.
crypto pki export trustpoint pem terminal
Router(ca-trustpoint)# crypto pki export
dspcert pem terminal
Step 5
Retrieves the CA certificate and authenticates it. Checks the
certificate fingerprint if prompted.
crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate vg224
Step 6
• trustpoint-label—Trustpoint label.
This command is optional if the CA certificate is
already loaded into the configuration.
Completes the copying of the CA root certificate of the DSP
farm router to the Cisco Unified CME router.
You will be prompted to enter the CA certificate. Cut
and paste the base 64 encoded certificate at the
command line, then press Enter, and type "quit". The
Step 7
router prompts you to accept the certificate. Enter "yes"
to accept the certificate.
Copy CA Root Certificate of the Cisco Unified CME Router to the DSP Farm Router
Repeat the steps in the Copy the CA Root Certificate of the DSP Farm Router to the Cisco Unified CME
Router, on page 502 section in the opposite direction, that is, from Cisco Unified CME router to the DSPfarm
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
Configure Cisco Unified CME to Allow the DSP Farm to Register
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. sdspfarm units number
5. sdspfarm transcode sessions number
6. sdspfarm tag number device-name
7. exit
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Specifies the maximum number of digital-signal-processor (DSP)
farms that are allowed to be registered to the Skinny Client Control
Protocol (SCCP) server.
sdspfarm units number
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm units
Step 4
Specifiesthe maximum number of transcoding sessions allowed per
Cisco Unified CME router.
sdspfarm transcode sessions number
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm
transcode sessions 30
Step 5
• number—Declares the number of DSP farm sessions. Valid
values are numbers from 1 to 128.
Permits a DSPfarm to register to Cisco Unified CME and associates
it with a SCCP client interfaces MAC address.
sdspfarm tag number device-name
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm tag 1
Step 6
The device-name in this step must be the same as the
device-name in the associate profile command in Step 17
of the Configure DSP Farms for NM-HDs and
NM-HDV2s, on page 481 section.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 7
Verify DSP Farm Registration with Cisco Unified CME
Use the show sdspfarm units command to verify that the DSP farm is registering with Cisco Unified CME.
Use the show voice dsp group slot command to show the status of secure conferencing.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
show sdspfarm units
Router# show sdspfarm units
mtp-2 Device:choc2851SecCFB1 TCP socket:[1] REGISTERED
actual_stream:8 max_stream 8 IP: 37043 MTP YOKO keepalive 17391
Supported codec: G711Ulaw
max-mtps:2, max-streams:60, alloc-streams:18, act-streams:0
show voice dsp
Router# show voice dsp group slot 1
dsp 13:
State: UP, firmware: 4.4.706
Max signal/voice channel: 16/16
Max credits: 240
Group: FLEX_GROUP_VOICE, complexity: FLEX
Shared credits: 180, reserved credits: 0
Signaling channels allocated: 2
Voice channels allocated: 0
Credits used: 0
Shared credits: 0, reserved credits: 60
Transcoding channels allocated: 0
Credits used: 0
dsp 14:
State: UP, firmware: 1.0.6
Max signal/voice channel: 16/16
Max credits: 240
Shared credits: 0, reserved credits: 240
Conference session: 1
Credits used: 0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version in Secure Mode
Configure LTI-based Transcoding
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-card slot
4. dsp services dspfarm
5. exit
6. dspfarm profile profile-identifier transcode [universal]
7. codec codec-type
8. maximum sessions number
9. associate application CUBE
10. no shutdown
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-card configuration mode for the network module on
which you want to enable DSP-farm services.
voice-card slot
Router(config)# voice-card 1
Step 3
dsp services dspfarm Enables DSP-farm services for the voice card.
Router(config-voicecard)# dsp services
Step 4
exit Exits voice-card configuration mode.
Router(config-voicecard)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure LTI-based Transcoding
Command or Action Purpose
Enters DSP farm profile configuration mode and defines a profile
for DSP farm services.
dspfarm profile profile-identifier transcode
Step 6
Router(config)# dspfarm profile 1
transcode universal
• profile-identifier—Number that uniquely identifies a profile.
Range: 1 to 65535.
• transcode—Enables profile for transcoding.
• universal—Enables transcoding support between all codecs
for DSP farm services. Without universal, transcoding is
always from g711ulaw to any other codec. This keyword is
supported in Cisco Unified CME 11.6 and later versions for
Cisco 4000 Series ISR.
Step 7 codec codec-type Specifies the codecs supported by a DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# codec
• codec-type—Specifies the preferred codec. Type ? for a list
of supported codecs.
• Repeat this step for each supported codec.
Specifies the maximum number of sessions that are supported by
the profile.
maximum sessions number
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# maximum
sessions 5
Step 8
• number—Number of sessions supported by the profile. If the
variable is not configured or if the DSP resources are not
available, the value is set to 0.
• The X value is determined at run time depending on the
number of resources available with the resource provider.
associate application CUBE Associates CUBE with the DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# associate
application CUBE
Step 9
no shutdown Enables the DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# no
Step 10
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configure LTI-based Transcoding
What to Do Next
You can use the command show dspfarm profile profile-number to verify the configured DSP farm
profiles. Use the command to verify if the profile statusis UP, and the application statusis ASSOCIATED.
Configuration Examples for Transcoding Resources
Example for Setting up DSP Farms for NM-HDVs
The following example sets up a DSP farm of 4 DSPs to handle up to 16 sessions (4 sessions per DSP) on a
router with an IP address of and a priority of 1 among other servers.
voice-card 1
dsp services dspfarm
sccp local FastEthernet 0/0
sccp ccm priority 1
dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions 16
ip source-address port 2000
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 40
sdspfarm tag 1 mtp000a8eaca80
sdspfarm tag 2 mtp123445672012
Example for Setting Up DSP Farms for NM-HDs and NM-HDV2s
The following example sets up six transcoding sessions on a router with one DSP farm, an IP address of, and a priority of 1 among servers.
voice-card 1
dsp services dspfarm
sccp local FastEthernet 0/1
sccp ccm identifier 1
sccp ccm group 123
associate ccm 1 priority
associate profile 1 register mtp123456792012
keepalive retries 5
switchover method immediate
switchback method immediate
switchback interval 5
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
maximum sessions 6
associate application sccp
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Configuration Examples for Transcoding Resources
ip source-address port 2000
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 40
sdspfarm tag 1 mtp000a8eaca80
sdspfarm tag 2 mtp123445672012
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME Router as the DSP Farm Host
The following example configures Cisco Unified CME router address port 2000 to be the farm
host using the DSPfarm at mtp000a8eaca80 to allow for a maximum of 1 DSPfarm and 16 transcodersessions.
ip source address port 2000
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 16
sdspfarm tag 1 mtp000a8eaca80
Example for Configuring LTI-based Transcoding
The following example configures Cisco Unified CME router for LTI-based transcoding.
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
!--- Dspfarm profile configuration with associate
!--- application CUBE for LTI transcoding.
dspfarm profile 1 transcode universal
codec g729ar8
codec g729br8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
codec g729r8
maximum sessions 12
associate application CUBE
!--- Only dspfarm profile configurations are needed for
!--- LTI-based transcoding. All the SCCP-based transcoding
!--- features will be supported with LTI-based transcoding.
Example for Configuring Voice Class Codec
The following example configures voice class codec under a dial peer on Unified CME.
voice class codec 10
codec preference 1 g711alaw
codec preference 2 g711ulaw bytes 80
codec preference 3 g723ar53
codec preference 4 g723ar63 bytes 144
codec preference 5 g723r53
codec preference 6 g723r63 bytes 120
codec preference 7 g726r16
codec preference 8 g726r24
codec preference 9 g726r32 bytes 80
codec preference 10 g728
codec preference 11 g729br8
codec preference 12 g729r8 bytes 50
dial-peer voice 100 voip
voice-class codec 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME Router as the DSP Farm Host
You can also configure voice class codec under a voice register pool on Unified CME.
voice register pool 1
id mac 0030.94C2.A22A
preference 5
cor incoming call91 1 91011
translate-outgoing called 1
proxy preference 1 monitor probe icmp-ping
alias 1 94... to 91011 preference 8
voice-class codec 10
Where to go Next
Music on Hold
Music on hold can require transcoding resources. See Music on Hold, on page 829.
Teleworker Remote Phones
Transcoding has benefits and disadvantages for remote teleworker phones. See the discussion in Configuring
Phones to Make Basic Calls, on page 223.
Feature Information for Transcoding Resources
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 34: Feature Information for Transcoding Resources
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Support for LTI-based Transcoding
on Cisco 4000 Series ISR.
LTI-based Transcoding 11.6
Secure transcoding for calls using
the codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist
command was introduced.
Secure Transcoding 4.2
Transcoding between G.711 and
G.729 was introduced.
Transcoding Support 3.2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Transcoding Resources
Where to go Next
Toll Fraud Prevention
• Prerequisites for Configuring Toll Fraud Prevention, page 511
• Information About Toll Fraud Prevention, page 511
• Configure Toll Fraud Prevention, page 513
• Feature Information for Toll Fraud Prevention, page 521
Prerequisites for Configuring Toll Fraud Prevention
• Cisco Unified CME 8.1 or a later version.
• Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)T.
Information About Toll Fraud Prevention
Cisco Unified CME 8.1 enhances the Toll Fraud Prevention feature to secure the Cisco Unified CME system
against potential toll fraud exploitation by unauthorized users. The following are the enhancements to Toll
Fraud Prevention in Cisco Unified CME:
IP Address Trusted Authentication
IP address trusted authentication process blocks unauthorized calls and helps secure the Cisco Unified CME
system against potential toll fraud exploitation by unauthorized users. In Cisco Unified CME, IP address
trusted authentication is enabled by default. When IP address trusted authenticate is enabled,
Cisco Unified CME accepts incoming VoIP (SIP/H.323) calls only if the remote IP address of an incoming
VoIP call is successfully validated from the system IP address trusted list. If the IP address trusted
authentication fails, an incoming VoIP call is then disconnected by the application with a user- defined cause
code and a new application internal error code 31 message (TOLL_FRAUD_CALL_BLOCK) is logged. For
configuration information, see Configure IP Address Trusted Authentication for Incoming VoIP Calls, on
page 513.
Cisco Unified CME maintains an IP address trusted list to validate the remote IP addresses of incoming
VOIP calls. Cisco Unified CME saves an IPv4 session target of VoIP dial-peer to add the trusted IP addresses
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
to IP address trusted list automatically.The IPv4 session target is identified as a trusted IP address only if
the status of VoIP dial-peer in operation is “UP”. Up to 10050 IPv4 addresses can be defined in the trusted IP
address list. No duplicate IP addresses are allowed in the trusted IP address list. You can manually add up to
100 trusted IP addresses for incoming VOIP calls. For more information on manually adding trusted IP
addresses, see Add Valid IP Addresses For Incoming VoIP Calls, on page 515.
A call detail record (CDR) history record is generated when the call is blocked as a result of IPaddress trusted
authentication failure. A new voice Internal Error Code (IEC) is saved to the CDR history record. The voice
IEC error messages are logged to syslog if “voice iec syslog” option is enabled. The following is an IEC toll
fraud call rejected syslog display:
*Aug 14 19:54:32.507: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: Application Framework Core: Internal Error (Toll
fraud call rejected): IEC= on callID 3 GUID=AE5066C5883E11DE8026A96657501A09
The IP address trusted list authentication must be suspended when Cisco Unified CME is defined with
“gateway” and a VoIP dial-peer with “session-target ras” is in operational UP status. The incoming VOIP call
routing is then controlled by the gatekeeper. Table 35: Administration and Operation States of IP Address
Trusted Authentication, on page 512 shows administration state and operational state in different trigger
Table 35: Administration and Operation States of IP Address Trusted Authentication
Trigger Condition Administration State Operation State
When ip address trusted Down Down
authenticate is enabled.
When “gateway” is defined and a Up Down
VoIP dial-peer with “ras” as a
session target isin “UP” operational
When ip address trusted Up Up
authenticate is enabled and either
“gateway” is not defined or no voip
dial-peer with “ras” as session
target is in “UP” operational state
We recommend enabling SIP authentication before enabling Out-of-dialog REFER (OOD-R) to avoid
any potential toll fraud threats.
Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls
In Cisco Unified CME 8.1 and later versions the direct-inward-dial isdn feature in enabled to prevent the
toll fraud for incoming ISDN calls. The called number of an incoming ISDN enbloc dialing call is used to
match the outbound dial-peers even if thedirect-inward-dial option is disabled from a selected inbound plain
old telephone service (POTS) dial-peer. If no outbound dial-peer is selected for the outgoing call set up, the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls
incoming ISDN call is disconnected with cause-code “unassigned-number (1)”.For configuration information,
see Configure Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls, on page 517.
Disconnect ISDN Calls With No Matching Dial-peer
Cisco Unified CME 8.1 and later versions disconnect unauthorized ISDN calls when no matching inbound
voice dial-peer is selected. Cisco Unified CME and voice gateways use the dial-peer no-match
disconnect-cause command to disconnect an incoming ISDN call when no inbound dial-peer is selected to
avoid default POTS dial-peer behavior including two-stage dialing service to handle the incoming ISDN call.
Block Two-stage Dialing Service on Analog and Digital FXO Ports
Cisco Unified CME 8.1 and later versions block the two-stage dialing service which is initiated when an
Analog or Digital FXO port goes offhook and the private line automatic ringdown (PLAR) connection is not
setup from the voice-port. As a result, no outbound dial-peer is selected for an incoming analog or digital
FXO call and no dialed digits are collected from an FXO call. Cisco Unified CME and voice gateways
disconnect theFXO call with cause-code “unassigned-number (1)”. Cisco Unified CME usestheno secondary
dialtone command by default from FXO voice-port to block the two-stage dialing service on Analog or digital
FXO ports. For more information on blocking two-stage dialing service on Analog and Digital FXO port, see
Block Secondary Dial tone on Analog and Digital FXO Ports, on page 518.
Configure Toll Fraud Prevention
Configure IP Address Trusted Authentication for Incoming VoIP Calls
Restriction • IP address trusted authentication is skipped if an incoming SIP call is originated from a SIP phone.
• IP address trusted authentication is skipped if an incoming call is an IPv6 call.
• For an incoming VoIP call, IP trusted authentication must be invoked when the IP address trusted
authentication is in “UP” operational state.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.1 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Disconnect ISDN Calls With No Matching Dial-peer
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. ip address trusted authenticate
5. ip-address trusted call-block cause code
6. end
7. show ip address trusted list
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice service voip Enters voice service voip configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Enables IP address authentication on incoming H.323 or SIP
trunk calls for toll fraud prevention support.
ip address trusted authenticate
Router(conf-voi-serv)# ip address trusted
Step 4
IP address trusted list authenticate is enabled by default. Use
the “no ip address trusted list authenticate” command to
disable the IP address trusted list authentication.
Issues a cause-code when the incoming call is rejected to the
IP address trusted authentication.
ip-address trusted call-block cause code
Router(conf-voi-serv)#ip address trusted
call-block cause call-reject
Step 5
If the IP address trusted authentication fails, a
call-reject (21) cause-code is issued to disconnect the
incoming VoIP call.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router()# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Configure IP Address Trusted Authentication for Incoming VoIP Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Verifies a list of valid IP addresses for incoming H.323 or SIP
trunk calls, Call Block cause for rejected incoming calls.
show ip address trusted list
Router# #show ip address trusted list
IP Address Trusted Authentication
Step 7
Administration State: UP
Operation State: UP
IP Address Trusted Call Block Cause:
call-reject (21)
Router #show ip address trusted list
IP Address Trusted Authentication
Administration State: UP
Operation State: UP
IP Address Trusted Call Block Cause: call-reject (21)
VoIP Dial-peer IPv4 Session Targets:
Peer Tag Oper State Session Target
-------- ---------- --------------
11 DOWN ipv4:
1 UP ipv4:
IP Address Trusted List:
Add Valid IP Addresses For Incoming VoIP Calls
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.1 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. ip address trusted list
5. ipv4 { []}
6. end
7. show ip address trusted list
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Add Valid IP Addresses For Incoming VoIP Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice service voip Enters voice service voip configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Enters ip address trusted list mode and allows to manually
add additional valid IP addresses.
ip address trusted list
Router(conf-voi-serv)# ip address trusted list
Step 4
Allows you to add up to 100 IPv4 addresses in ip address
trusted list. Duplicate IP addresses are not allowed in the
ip address trusted list.
ipv4 { []}
Router(config)#voice service voip
Step 5
• (Optional) network mask— allowsto define a subnet
IP address. Router(conf-voi-serv)#ip taddress trusted list
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 6
Displays a list of valid IP addresses for incoming H.323
or SIP trunk calls.
show ip address trusted list
Router# show shared-line
Step 7
The following example shows 4 IP addresses configured as trusted IP addresses:
Router#show ip address trusted list
IP Address Trusted Authentication
Administration State: UP
Operation State: UP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Add Valid IP Addresses For Incoming VoIP Calls
IP Address Trusted Call Block Cause: call-reject (21)
VoIP Dial-peer IPv4 Session Targets:
Peer Tag Oper State Session Target
-------- ---------- --------------
11 DOWN ipv4:
1 UP ipv4:
IP Address Trusted List:
Configure Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls
Before You Begin
• Direct-inward-dial isdn is not supported for incoming ISDN overlap dialing call.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service pots
4. direct-inward-dial isdn
5. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice service configuration mode with voice
telephone-service encapsulation type (pots).
voice service pots
Router(config)# voice service pots
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Configure Direct Inward Dial for Incoming ISDN Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Enables direct-inward-dial (DID) for incoming ISDN number.
The incoming ISDN (enbloc dialing) call is treated as if the digits
direct-inward-dial isdn
Step 4
were received from the DID trunk. The called number is used to
select the outgoing dial peer. No dial tone is presented to the caller.
exit Exits voice service pots configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# exit
Step 5
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
supplementary-service media-renegotiate
registrar server expires max 120 min 120
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 5511...
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 5522...
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 100 pots
destination-pattern 91...
incoming called-number 2...
forward-digits 4
Block Secondary Dial tone on Analog and Digital FXO Ports
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-port
4. no secondary dialtone
5. end
6. show run
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Block Secondary Dial tone on Analog and Digital FXO Ports
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice-port Enters voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config)#voice-p 2/0/0
• Type your Analog or Digital FXO port number.
Blocks the secondary dialtone on Analog and Digital FXO
no secondary dialtone
Router((config-voiceport)# no secondary
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(conf-voiceport)# exit
Step 5
Verifies that the secondary dial tone is disabled on the
specific voice-port.
show run
Router# show run | sec voice-port 2/0/0
Step 6
Router# conf t
Router(config)#voice-p 2/0/0
Router(config-voiceport)# no secondary dialtone
Router# show run | sec voice-port 2/0/0
Foreign Exchange Office 2/0/0 Slot is 2, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 0
Type of VoicePort is FXO
Operation State is DORMANT
Administrative State is UP
Secondary dialtone is disabled
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Block Secondary Dial tone on Analog and Digital FXO Ports
Troubleshooting Tips for Toll Fraud Prevention
When incoming VOIPcall is rejected by IPaddress trusted authentication, a specific internal error code (IEC) is saved to the call history record. You can monitor the failed or rejected calls using the IEC
support. Follow these steps to monitor any rejected calls:
Step 1 Use the show voice iec description command to find the text description of an IEC code.
Router# show voice iec description
IEC Version: 1
Entity: 1 (Gateway)
Category: 228 (User is denied access to this service)
Subsystem: 3 (Application Framework Core)
Error: 31 (Toll fraud call rejected)
Diagnostic Code: 0
Step 2 View the IEC statistics information using the Enable iec statistics command. The example below shows that 2 calls
were rejected due to toll fraud call reject error code.
Router# Enable iec statistics
Router(config)#voice statistics type iec
Router#show voice statistics iec since-reboot
Internal Error Code counters
Counters since reboot:
SUBSYSTEM Application Framework Core [subsystem code 3]
[errcode 31] Toll fraud call rejected
Step 3 Use the enable IEC syslog command to verify the syslog message logged when a call with IEC error is released.
Router# Enable iec syslog
Router (config)#voice iec syslog
Feb 11 01:42:57.371: %VOICE_IEC-3-GW: Application Framework Core:
Internal Error (Toll fraud call rejected): IEC= on
callID 288 GUID=DB3F10AC619711DCA7618593A790099E
Step 4 Verify the source address of an incoming VOIP call using the show call history voice last command.
Router# show call history voice last 1
SetupTime=3306550 ms
Step 5 IEC is saved to VSA of Radius Accounting Stop records. Monitor the rejected calls using the external RADIUS server.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Troubleshooting Tips for Toll Fraud Prevention
Feb 11 01:44:06.527: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 36
Step 6 Retrieve the IEC details from cCallHistoryIec MIB object. More information on IEC is available at: Cisco IOS Voice
Troubleshooting and Monitoring Guide
getmany cCallHistoryIec
cCallHistoryIec.6.1 =
>getmany cCallHistory
cCallHistorySetupTime.6 = 815385
cCallHistoryPeerAddress.6 = 1300
cCallHistoryPeerSubAddress.6 =
cCallHistoryPeerId.6 = 8000
cCallHistoryPeerIfIndex.6 = 76
cCallHistoryLogicalIfIndex.6 = 0
cCallHistoryDisconnectCause.6 = 15
cCallHistoryDisconnectText.6 = call rejected (21)
cCallHistoryConnectTime.6 = 0
cCallHistoryDisconnectTime.6 = 815387
cCallHistoryCallOrigin.6 = answer(2)
cCallHistoryChargedUnits.6 = 0
cCallHistoryInfoType.6 = speech(2)
cCallHistoryTransmitPackets.6 = 0
cCallHistoryTransmitBytes.6 = 0
cCallHistoryReceivePackets.6 = 0
cCallHistoryReceiveBytes.6 = 0
cCallHistoryReleaseSrc.6 = internalCallControlApp(7)
cCallHistoryIec.6.1 =
>getone cvVoIPCallHistoryRemMediaIPAddr.6
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemMediaIPAddr.6 =
Feature Information for Toll Fraud Prevention
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 36: Feature Information for Toll Fraud Prevention
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Introduced support for Toll Fraud
Prevention feature.
Toll Fraud Prevention in 8.1
Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Feature Information for Toll Fraud Prevention
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Toll Fraud Prevention
Feature Information for Toll Fraud Prevention
Graphical User Interface
This chapter describesthe Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express(Cisco Unified CME) graphical
user interface (GUI) and explains how to set it up accountsforsystem administrators, customer administrators,
and phone users.
• Prerequisites for Enabling the GUI, page 523
• Restrictions for Enabling the GUI, page 523
• Information About Enabling the GUI, page 524
• Enable the GUI, page 525
• Configuration Examples for Enabling the GUI, page 534
• Feature Information for Enabling the GUI, page 536
Prerequisites for Enabling the GUI
• GUI files must be copied into flash memory on the router.For more information,see Install and Upgrade
Cisco Unified CME Software, on page 101.
• To use a phone user account in the Cisco Unified CME GUI to configure speed dials on a phone that is
enabled for Extension Mobility, Cisco Unified CME GUI 4.2.1 or a later version must be installed on
the Cisco router.
Restrictions for Enabling the GUI
• Unified CME GUI does not support configuration, administration, or customer facing features for SIP
Unified CME GUI files are version-specific; GUI filesfor one version of Unified CME are not compatible
with any other version of Unified CME. If you are downgrading or upgrading your Unified CME version,
you must downgrade or upgrade your GUI files.
• The user name parameter of any authentication credential must be unique. Do not use the same value
for a user name when you configure any two or more authentication credentials in Unified CME, such
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
as the username for any Unified CME GUI account and the user name in a logout or user profile for
Extension Mobility.
• Extension Mobility optionsin Cisco Unified CME GUI 4.2.1 and later versions cannot be accessed from
the System Administrator or Customer Administrator login screens.
• To access the GUI, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or a later version. Other browsers are
not supported.
• If you use an XML configuration file to create a customer administrator login, the XML file can have
a maximum size of 4000 bytes.
• The password of the system administrator cannot be changed through the GUI. Only the password of a
customer administrator or a phone user can be changed through the GUI.
• If more than 100 phones are configured, choosing to display all phones results in a long delay before
results appear.
Information About Enabling the GUI
Cisco Unified CME GUI Support
The Cisco Unified CME GUI provides a web-based interface to manage most system-level and phone-based
features. In particular, the GUI facilitatesthe routine additions and changes associated with employee turnover,
allowing these changes to be performed by nontechnical staff. The GUI provides three levels of access to
support the following user classes:
• System administrator—Able to configure all system-level and phone-based features. This person is
familiar with Cisco IOS software and VoIP network configuration.
• Customer administrator—Able to perform routine phone additions and changes without having access
to system-level features. This person does not have to be familiar with Cisco IOS software.
• Phone user—Able to program a small set of features on his or her own phone and search the
Cisco Unified CME directory. In Cisco Unified CME GUI 4.2.1 and later versions, phone users can use
the GUI to set up personal speed dials for an Extension Mobility phone. The same credential for logging
into an Extension Mobility phone can be used to log into the Cisco Unified CME GUI.
The user name parameter of any authentication credential must be unique. Do not use the same value for a
user name when you configure any two or more authentication credentials in Cisco Unified CME, such as the
username for any Cisco United CME GUI account and the user name in a logout or user profile for Extension
The Cisco Unified CME GUI uses HTTPto transfer information from the router to thePC of an administrator
or phone user. The router must be configured as an HTTPserver, and an initial system administrator username
and password must be defined from the router command-line interface (CLI). Additional accountsfor customer
administrators and phone users can be added from the Cisco Unified CME router using Cisco IOS software
commands or from a PC using GUI screens.
Cisco Unified CME provides support for eXtensible Markup Language (XML) cascading style sheets (files
with a .css suffix) that can be used to customize the browser GUI display.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Information About Enabling the GUI
AAA Authentication
The GUIsupports authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authentication forsystem administrators
through a remote server when this capability is enabled with the ip http authentication command. If
authentication through the server fails, the local router is searched.
Using the iphttpauthenticationcommand prevents unauthorized usersfrom accessing the Cisco Unified CME
router. If this command is not used, the enable password for the router is the only requirement to authenticate
user accessto the GUI. Instead, we recommend you use the local or TACACSauthentication options, configured
as part of a global AAA framework. By explicitly using the ip http authentication command, you designate
alternative authentication methods, such as by a local login account or by the method that is specified in the
AAA configuration on the Cisco Unified CME router. If you select the AAA authentication method, you must
also define an authentication method in your AAA configuration.
For information on configuring AAA authentication, see "Configuring Authentication” chapter of Cisco IOS
Security Configuration Guide.
Enable the GUI
Enable the HTTP Server
To enable the HTTP server, and specify the path to files for the GUI and a method of user authentication for
security, perform the following steps. The HTTP server on a router is disabled by default.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. ip http path flash:
5. ip http authentication {aaa | enable | local | tacacs}
6. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
AAA Authentication
Command or Action Purpose
ip http server Enables the HTTP server on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
Sets the location of the HTML files used by the HTTP web server to
flash memory on the router.
ip http path flash:
Step 4
Router(config)# ip http path flash:
Specifies the method of authentication for the HTTP server. Default is
the enable keyword.
ip http authentication {aaa | enable | local
| tacacs}
Step 5
• aaa—Indicates that the authentication method used for the AAA
login service should be used for authentication. The AAA login
Router(config)# ip http authentication aaa service method is specified by the aaa authentication login
• enable—Uses the enable password. This is the default if this
command is not used.
• local—Uses login username, password, and privilege level access
combination specified in the local system configuration (by the
username command).
• tacacs—Uses TACACS (or XTACACS) server.
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 6
Enable GUI Access for the System Administrator
To define an initial username and password for a system administrator to access the GUI and enable the GUI
to be used to set the time and to add directory listings, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Enable GUI Access for the System Administrator
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. web admin system name username {password string | secret {0 | 5} string}
5. dn-webedit
6. time-webedit
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
web admin system name username Defines username and password for a system administrator.
{password string | secret {0 | 5} string}
Step 4
• name username—Unique alphanumeric string to identify a user for
this authentication credential only. Default is Admin.
Router(config-telephony)# web admin
system name pwa3 secret 0 wp78pw
• password string—String to verify system administrator’s identity.
Default is empty string.
• secret {0 | 5} string—Digitspecifiesstate of encryption of the string
that follows:
◦0—Password that follows is not encrypted.
◦5—Password that follows is encrypted using Message Digest
5 (MD5).
The secret 5 keyword pair is used in the output of show
commands when encrypted passwords are displayed. It indicates
that the password that follows is encrypted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Enable GUI Access for the System Administrator
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enables the ability to add directory numbers through the web
Router(config-telephony)# dn-webedit
Step 5
The no form of this command disables the ability to create IP phone
extension telephone numbers. That ability could disrupt the network wide
management of telephone numbers.
If this command is not used, the ability to create directory numbers is
disabled by default.
(Optional) Enables the ability to set the phone time for the
Cisco Unified CME system through the web interface.
Router(config-telephony)# time-webedit
Step 6
We do not recommend this method for setting network time. The
router should be set up to automatically synchronize its router
clock from a network-based clock source using Network Time
Protocol (NTP). In the rare case that a network NTPclock source
is not available, use the time-webedit command to allow manual
setting and resetting of the router clock through the GUI.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 7
Access the Cisco Unified CME GUI
To accessthe Cisco Unified CME router through the GUI to make configuration changes, perform the following
In Cisco Unified CME GUI 4.2.1 and later versions, phone users can use the GUI to set up personal speed
dialsfor an Extension Mobility phone. The same credential for logging on to an Extension Mobility phone
can be used to log into the Cisco Unified CME GUI.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Access the Cisco Unified CME GUI
Restriction • The Cisco Unified CME GUI requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or a later version. Other
browsers are not supported.
• Extension Mobility options in Cisco Unified CME GUI 4.2.1 and later versions cannot be accessed
from the System Administrator or Customer Administrator login screens.
Step 1 Go to the following URL:
where router_ipaddress is the IP address of your Cisco Unified CME router. For example, if the IP address of your
Cisco Unified CME router is, enter the following:
Enter your username and password at the login screen.
The Cisco Unified CME system evaluates your privilege level and presents the appropriate window. Note that users with
Cisco IOS software privilege level 15 also have system-administrator-level privileges in the Cisco Unified CME GUI
after being authenticated locally or remotely through AAA. The ip http authentication command that is configured on
the Cisco Unified CME router determines where authentication occurs.
Step 2 After you login and are authenticated, the system displays one of the following home pages, based on your user level:
• System administrator home page.
• Customer administratorsees a reduced version of the options available on the system administrator page, according
to the XML configuration file that the system administrator created.
• Phone user home page.
After you log in successfully, access online help from the Help menu.
Create a Customized XML File for Customer Administrator GUI
The XML configuration file specifies the parameters and features that are available to customer administrators
and the parameters and features that are restricted. The file follows a template named xml.template, which
conformsto the Cisco XML Document Type Definition (DTD), as documented in the Cisco IPPhoneServices
Application Development Notes. This template is one of the first Cisco Unified CME files that is downloaded
during installation.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Create a Customized XML File for Customer Administrator GUI
To edit and load the XML configuration file, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Copy the XML template and open it in any text editor (see Example for Configuring XML ConfigurationFile Template,
on page 534 ). Name the file something that is meaningful to you and use “xml” as its suffix. For example, you could
name the file "custadm.xml".
Step 2 Edit the XML template. Within the template, each line that starts with a title enclosed in angle brackets describes an
XML object and matches an entity name in the Cisco CME GUI. For example, “” refers to the Add
Extension capability, and “” refersto the Type field on the Add Extension window.For each object in the template,
you have a choice of actions. Your choices appear within brackets; for example, “[Hide | Show]” indicates that you have
a choice between whether this object is hidden or visible when a customer administrator logs in to the GUI. Delete the
action that you do not want and the vertical bar and brackets around the actions.
For example, to hide the Sequence Number field, change the following text in the template file:
[Hide | Show]
to the following text in your configuration file:
Edit every line in the template until you have changed each choice in brackets to a single action and you have removed
the vertical bars and brackets. A sample XML file is shown in the Example for Configuring XML Configuration File,
on page 535.
Step 3 Copy the file to a TFTP or FTP server that can be accessed by the Cisco Unified CME router.
Step 4 Copy your file to flash memory on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Router# copy tftp flash
Step 5 Load the XML file from router flash memory.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# web customize load filename
Router(config-telephony)# exit
GUI Access for Customer Administrators
Prerequisites for Enabling GUI Access to Customer Administrators
• Enable a system administrator account for GUI access. See Enable GUI Access for the System
Administrator, on page 526.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
GUI Access for Customer Administrators
• Create the XML configuration file for the customer administrator GUI. See Create a Customized XML
File for Customer Administrator GUI, on page 529.
• Reload the XML file using the webcustomize loadcommand if you have made changesto the customer
administrator GUI.
Define a Customer Administrator Account Using GUI
Step 1 From the Configure System Parameters menu, choose Administrator’s Login Account.
Step 2 Complete the Admin User Name (username) and Admin User Type (Customer) fields. The username must be a unique
alphanumeric string to identify a user for this authentication credential only.
Step 3 Complete the New Password field for the user that you are defining as a customer administrator. Type the password
again to confirm it.
Step 4 Click Change for your changes to become effective.
Define a Customer Administrator Account Using Cisco IOS Software Commands
To allow the system administrator to create a customer administrator account by using the Cisco IOSsoftware
command line interface, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. web admin customer name username password string
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
GUI Access for Customer Administrators
Command or Action Purpose
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
web admin customer name username password Defines a username and password for a customer administrator.
Step 4
• name username—Unique alphanumeric string to identify
a user for this authentication credential only. Default is
Router(config-telephony)# web admin customer
name user44 password pw10293847
• passwordstring—String to verify customer administrator
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
GUI Access for Phone Users
Prerequisites for Enabling GUI Access for Phone Users
• Enable a system administrator account for GUI access. See Enable GUI Access for the System
Administrator, on page 526.
Define a Phone User Account Using GUI
To create a phone user account by using the Cisco Unified CME GUI, perform the following steps.
Step 1 From the Configure Phones menu, choose Add Phone to add GUI access for a user with a new phone or Change Phone
to add GUI access for a user with an existing phone. The Add Phone screen or the Change Phone screen appears.
Step 2 Enter a username and password in the Login Account area of the screen. The username must be a unique alphanumeric
string to identify a user for this authentication credential only. If you are adding a new phone, complete the other fields
as appropriate.
Step 3 Click Change for your edits to become effective.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
GUI Access for Phone Users
Define a Phone User Account Using Cisco IOS Software Commands
To use commands in the ephone configuration mode to create credentials for phone users to log into the
Cisco Unified CME GUI, perform the following steps for each phone user/phone combination.
You can also create phone user credentials for accessing the Cisco Unified CME GUI by using the user
command in the voice user-profile configuration mode and the voice logout-profile mode.For configuration
information, see Extension Mobility, on page 725.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. username username password password
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 2
Step 3
Step 4 username username password password Assigns a phone user login account name and password.
Router(config-ephone)# username prx
password pk59wq
• This allows the phone user to log in to the
Cisco Unified CME GUI to change a limited number of
personal settings.
• username—Unique alphanumeric string to identify a user
for this authentication credential only.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
GUI Access for Phone Users
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Troubleshooting the GUI
If you are having trouble starting the Cisco Unified CME GUI, try the following actions:
Step 1 Verify you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or a later version. No other browser is supported.
Step 2 Clear your browser cache or history.
Step 3 Verify that the GUI files in router flash memory are the correct version for the version of Cisco Unified CME that you
have. Compare the filenames in flash memory with the list in the Cisco Unified CME software archive that you
downloaded. Compare the sizes of files in flash memory with the sizes of the files in the tar archive for the Cisco Unified
CME GUI to ensure that you have the most recent files installed in flash memory. If necessary, download the latest
version from the Software Download website at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-iostsp.
Configuration Examples for Enabling the GUI
Example for Configuring HTTP Server and System Administrator Account
The following example sets up the HTTP server and creates a system administrator account for pwa3, a
customer administrator account for user44, and a user account for prx.
ip http server
ip http path flash:
ip http authentication aaa
web admin system name pwa3 secret 0 wp78pw
web admin customer name user44 password pw10293847
ephone 25
username prx password pswd
Example for Configuring XML Configuration File Template
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Troubleshooting the GUI
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Example for Configuring XML Configuration File
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Example for Configuring XML Configuration File
Feature Information for Enabling the GUI
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Feature Information for Enabling the GUI
Table 37: Feature Information for Enabling the GUI
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Allows a phone user to use a name
and password from an Extension
Mobility profile to log into the
Cisco Unified CME GUI for
configuring personal speed dials
on an Extension Mobility phone.
Support for Extension Mobility 4.2(1)
Phone Usersin Cisco Unified CME
The Cisco Unified CME GUI was
Cisco Unified CME GUI 2.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Feature Information for Enabling the GUI
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Graphical User Interface
Feature Information for Enabling the GUI
Voice Mail Integration
This chapter describes how to integrate your voice-mailsystem with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Express (Cisco Unified CME).
• Prerequisites for Voice Mail Integration, page 539
• Information About Voice-Mail Integration, page 540
• Configure Voice-Mail Integration, page 546
• Configuration Examples for Voice-Mail Integration, page 576
• Feature Information for Voice-Mail Integration, page 579
Prerequisites for Voice Mail Integration
• Calls can be successfully completed between phones on the same Cisco Unified CME router.
• If your voice-mail system is something other than Cisco Unity Express, such as Cisco Unity, voice mail
must be installed and configured on your network.
• If your voice-mail system is Cisco Unity Express:
When you order Cisco Unity Express, Cisco Unity Express software and the purchased
license are installed on the module at the factory. Spare modules also ship with the
software and license installed. If you are adding Cisco Unity Express to an existing
Cisco router, you will be required to install hardware and software components.
◦Interface module for Cisco Unity Express is installed. For information about the AIM-CUE or
NM-CUE, access documentslocated at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/modules/ps2797/
◦The recommended Cisco IOSrelease and feature set plus the necessary Cisco Unified CME phone
firmware and GUI files to support Cisco Unity Express are installed on the Cisco Unified CME
If the GUI files are not installed, see Install Cisco Unified CME Software.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
To determine whether the Cisco IOS software release and Cisco Unified CME software version
are compatible with the Cisco Unity Express version, Cisco router model, and Cisco Unity Express
hardware that you are using, see Cisco Unity Express Compatibility Matrix.
To verify installed Cisco Unity Express software version, enter the Cisco Unity Express command
environment and use the show software version user EXEC command. For information about the
command environment,see the appropriate Cisco Unity Express CLI Administrator Guide at http:/
◦The proper license for Cisco Unified CME, not Cisco Unified Communications Manager, is
installed. To verify installed license, enter the Cisco Unity Express command environment and
use the show software license user EXEC command. For information about the command
environment, see the appropriate Cisco Unity Express CLI Administrator Guide at http://
This is an example of the Cisco Unified CME license:
se-10-0-0-0> show software licenses
- application mode: CCME
- total usable system ports: 8
Voicemail/Auto Attendant:
- max system mailbox capacity time: 6000
- max general delivery mailboxes: 15
- max personal mailboxes: 50
- max installed languages: 1
- max enabled languages: 1
◦Voicemail and Auto Attendant (AA) applications are configured. For configuration information,
see “Configuring the System Using the Initialization Wizard” in the appropriate Cisco Unity Express
GUI Administrator Guide at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/unity_exp/roadmap/
Information About Voice-Mail Integration
Cisco Unity Connection Integration
Cisco Unity Connection transparently integrates messaging and voice recognition components with your data
network to provide continuous global access to calls and messages. These advanced, convergence-based
communication services help you use voice commands to place calls or listen to messages in “hands-free”
mode and check voice messages from your desktop, either integrated into an e-mail inbox or from a Web
browser. Cisco Unity Connection also features robust automated-attendant functions that include intelligent
routing and easily customizable call-screening and message-notification options.
For instructions on how to integrate Cisco Unified CME with Cisco Unity Connection,see Cisco CallManager
Express 3.x Integration Guide for Cisco Unity Connection 1.1.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Information About Voice-Mail Integration
Cisco Unity Express Integration
Cisco Unity Express offers easy, one-touch access to messages and commonly used voice-mail features that
enable usersto reply, forward, and save messages. To improve message management, users can create alternate
greetings, access envelope information, and mark or play messages based on privacy or urgency.For instructions
on how to configure Cisco Unity Express, see the administrator guides for Cisco Unity Express.
For configuration information, see Enable DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY.
Note Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity Express must both be configured before they can be integrated.
Cisco Unity Integration
Cisco Unity is a Microsoft Windows-based communications solution that brings you voice mail and unified
messaging and integrates them with the desktop applications you use daily. Cisco Unity gives you the ability
to access all of your messages, voice, fax, and e-mail, by using your desktop PC, a touchtone phone, or the
Internet. The Cisco Unity voice mail system supports voice-mail integration with Cisco Unified CME. This
integration requiresthat you configure the Cisco Unified CME router and Cisco Unity software to get voice-mail
For configuration instructions, see Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833.
DTMF Integration for Legacy Voice-Mail Applications
For dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) integrations, information on how to route incoming or forwarded calls
is sent by a telephone system in the form of DTMF digits. The DTMF digits are sent in a pattern that is based
on the integration file in the voice-mail system connected to the Cisco Unified CME router. These patterns
are required for DTMF integration of Cisco Unified CME with most voice-mail systems. Voice-mail systems
are designed to respond to DTMF after the system answers the incoming calls.
After configuring the DTMF integration patterns on the Cisco Unified CME router, you set up the integration
files on the third-party legacy voice-mailsystem by following the instructionsin the documentsthat accompany
the voice-mail system. You must design the DTMF integration patterns appropriately so that the voice-mail
system and the Cisco Unified CME router work with each other.
For configuration information, see Enable DTMF Integration for Analog Voice-Mail Applications.
Mailbox Selection Policy
Typically a voice-mail system uses the number that a caller has dialed to determine the mailbox to which a
call should be sent. However, if a call has been diverted several times before reaching the voice-mail system,
the mailbox that is selected might vary for different types of voice-mail systems. For example,
Cisco Unity Express uses the last number to which the call was diverted before it was sent to voice mail as
the mailbox number. Cisco Unity and some legacy PBX systems use the originally called number as the
mailbox number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Cisco Unity Express Integration
The MailboxSelectionPolicy feature allows you to provision the following optionsfrom the Cisco Unified CME
• For Cisco Unity Express, you can select the originally dialed number.
• For PBX voice-mail systems, you can select the last number to which the call was diverted before it was
sent to voice mail. This option is configured on the outgoing dial peer for the voice-mail system's pilot
• For Cisco Unity voice mail, you can select the last number to which the call was diverted before it was
sent to voice mail. This option is configured on the ephone-dn that is associated with the voice-mail
pilot number.
To enable Mailbox Selection Policy, see Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity Express or a PBX
Voice-Mail Number or Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity.
RFC 2833 DTMF MTP Pass through
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1, the RFC 2833 Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) Media Termination Point
(MTP) Passthrough feature provides the capability to pass DTMF tones transparently between SIP endpoints
that require transcoding or Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) agents.
This feature supports DTMF Relay across SIP WAN devices that support RFC 2833, such as Cisco Unity and
SIP trunks. Devices registered to a Cisco Unified CME SIP back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) can exchange
RFC 2833 DTMF MTP with other devices that are not registered with the Cisco Unified CME SIP B2BUA,
or with devices that are registered in one of the following:
• Local or remote Cisco Unified CME
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• Third party proxy
By default, the RFC 2833 DTMF MTP Passthrough feature uses payload type 101 on MTP, and MTP accepts
all the other dynamic payload types if it is indicated by Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information,
see Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833.
MWI Line Selection
Message waiting indicator (MWI) line selection allows you to choose the phone line that is monitored for
voice-mail messages and that lights an indicator when messages are present.
Before Cisco Unified CME 4.0, the MWI lamp on a phone running SCCP could be associated only with the
primary line of the phone.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can designate a phone line other than the primary line to
be associated with the MWI lamp. Lines other than the one associated with the MWI lamp display an envelope
icon when a message is waiting. A logical phone “line” is not the same as a phone button. A button with one
or more directory numbers is considered one line. A button with no directory number assigned does not count
as a line.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, aSIPdirectory number that is used for call forward all, presence
BLF status, and MWI features must be configured by using the dn keyword in the number command; direct
line numbers are not supported.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
RFC 2833 DTMF MTP Pass through
For configuration information, see Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SCCP Phone or Configure
a Directory Number for MWI NOTIFY.
The AMWI (Audible Message Line Indicator) feature provides a special stutter dial tone to indicate message
waiting. This is an accessibility feature for vision-impaired phone users. The stutter dial tone is defined as 10
ms ON, 100 ms OFF, repeat 10 times, then steady on.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3), you can configure the AMWI feature on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911 and
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G to receive audible, visual, or audible and visual MWI notification from an
external voice-messaging system. AMWI cannot be enabled unlessthenumber command is already configured
for the IP phone to be configured.
Cisco Unified CME applies the following logic based on the capabilities of the IP phone and how MWI is
• If the phone supports (visual) MWI and MWI is configured for the phone, activate the Message Waiting
• If the phone supports (visual) MWI only, activate the Message Waiting light regardless of the
• If the phone supports AMWI and AMWI is configured for the phone, send the stutter dial tone to the
phone when it goes off-hook.
• If the phone supports AMWI only and AMWI is configured, send the stutter dial tone to the phone when
it goes off-hook regardless of the configuration.
If a phone supports (visual) MWI and AMWI and both options are configured for the phone, activate the
Message Waiting light and send the stutter dial tone to the phone when it goes off-hook.
For configuration information, see Configure a SCCP Phone for MWI Outcall.
SIP MWI Prefix Specification
Central voice-messaging servers that provide mailboxes for several Cisco Unified CME sites may use site
codes or prefixes to distinguish among similarly numbered ranges of extensions at different sites. In
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can specify that your Cisco Unified CME system should accept
unsolicited SIP Notify messages for MWI that include a prefix string as a site identifier.
For example, an MWI message might indicate that the central mailbox number 555-0123 has a voice message.
In this example, the digits 555 are set as the prefix string or site identifier using the mwi prefix command.
The local Cisco Unified CME system is able to convert 555-0123 to 0123 and deliver the MWI to the correct
phone. Without this prefix string manipulation, the system would reject an MWI for 555-0123 as not matching
the local Cisco Unified CME extension 0123.
To enable SIP MWI Prefix Specification, see Enable SIP MWI Prefix Specification.
SIP MWI - QSIG Translation
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later, the SIP MWI - QSIG Translation feature extends MWI functionality for
SIP MWI and QSIG MWI interoperation to enable sending and receiving MWI over QSIG to a PBX.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
When the SIP Unsolicited NOTIFY is received from voice mail, the Cisco router translates this event to
activate QSIG MWI to thePBX, viaPSTN. ThePBX willswitch on, or off, the MWI lamp on the corresponding
IPphone. Thisfeature supports only Unsolicited NOTIFY.Subscribe NOTIFY is notsupported by thisfeature.
In Figure 18: SIP MWI to ISDN QSIG When Voice Mail and Cisco Router are On the Same LAN, on page
544, the Cisco router receives the SIP Unsolicited NOTIFY, performs the protocol translation, and initiates
the QSIG MWI call to the PBX, where it is routed to the appropriate phone.
Figure 18: SIP MWI to ISDN QSIG When Voice Mail and Cisco Router are On the Same LAN
It makes no difference if the SIP Unsolicited NOTIFY is received via LAN or WAN if the PBX is connected
to the Cisco router, and not to the remote voice-mail server.
In Figure 19: SIP MWI to ISDN QSIG When PBX is Connected to a Remote Cisco Router, on page 544, a
voice mail server and Cisco Unified CME are connected to the same LAN and a remote Cisco Unified CME
is connected across the WAN. In this scenario, the protocol translation is performed at the remote Cisco router
and the QSIG MWI message is sent to the PBX.
Figure 19: SIP MWI to ISDN QSIG When PBX is Connected to a Remote Cisco Router
There are two types of visual message waiting indicator (VMWI) features: Frequency-shift Keying (FSK)
and DC voltage. The message-waiting lamp can be enabled to flash on an analog phone that requires an FSK
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
message to activate a visual indicator. The DC Voltage VMWI feature is used to flash the message-waiting
lamp on an analog phone which requires DC voltage instead of an FSK message. For all other applications,
such as MGCP, FSK VMWI is used even if the voice gateway is configured for DC voltage VMWI. The
configuration for DC voltage VMWI issupported only forForeign ExchangeStation (FXS) ports on the Cisco
VG224 analog voice gateway with analog device version V1.3 and V2.1.
The Cisco VG224 can only support 12 Ringer Equivalency Number (REN) for ringing 24 onboard analog
FXS voice ports. To support ringing and DC Voltage VMWI for 24 analog voice ports, stagger-ringing logic
is used to maximize the limited REN resource. When a system runs out of REN because too many voice ports
are being rung, the MWI lamp temporarily turns off to free up REN to ring the voice ports.
DC voltage VMWI is also temporarily turned off any time the port's operational state is no longer idle and
onhook, such as when one of the following events occur:
• Incoming call on voice port
• Phone goes off hook
• The voice port is shut down or busied out
Once the operational state of the port changes to idle and onhook again, the MWI lamp resumes flashing until
the application receives a requests to clear it; for example, if there are no more waiting messages.
For configuration information, see Transfer to Voice Mail.
Transfer to Voice Mail
The Transfer to Voice Mail feature allows a phone user to transfer a caller directly to a voice-mail extension.
The user pressesthe TrnsfVM softkey to place the call on hold, entersthe extension number, and then commits
the transfer by pressing the TrnsfVM softkey again. The caller hears the complete voice mail greeting. This
feature is supported using the TrnsfVM softkey or feature access code (FAC).
For example, a receptionist might screen calls for five managers. If a call comes in for a manager who is not
available, the receptionist can transfer the caller to the manager's voice-mail extension by using the TrnsfVM
softkey and the caller hears the personal greeting of the individual manager.
For configuration information, see Transfer to Voice Mail.
Live Record
The Live Record feature enablesIPphone usersin a Cisco Unified CME system to record a phone conversation
if Cisco Unity Expressisthe voice mailsystem. An audible notification, either by announcement or by periodic
beep, alerts participants that the conversation is being recorded. The playing of the announcement or beep is
under the control of Cisco Unity Express.
Live Record is supported for two-party calls and ad hoc conferences. In normal record mode, the conversation
is recorded after the LiveRcd softkey is pressed. This puts the other party on-hold and initiates a call to
Cisco Unity Express at the configured live-record number. To stop the recording session, the phone user
presses the LiveRcd softkey again, which toggles between on and off.
The Live-Record number is configured globally and must match the number configured in Cisco Unity Express.
You can control the availability of the feature on individual phones by modifying the display of the LiveRcd
softkey using an ephone template. This feature must be enabled on both Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unity Express.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Transfer to Voice Mail
To enable Live Record in Cisco Unified CME, see Configure Live Record on SCCP Phones.
Cisco Unity Express AXL Enhancement
In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions, the Cisco Unity Express AXL enhancement in
Cisco Unified CME provides better administrative integration between Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unity Express by automatically synchronizing passwords.
No configuration is required to enable this feature.
Configure Voice-Mail Integration
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SCCP Phone
To configure the telephone number that isspeed-dialed when the Message button on aSCCPphone is pressed,
perform the following steps.
Note The same telephone number is configured for voice messaging for allSCCPphonesin Cisco Unified CME.
Before You Begin
• Voicemail phone number must be a valid number; directory number and number for voicemail phone
number must be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. voicemail phone-number
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Cisco Unity Express AXL Enhancement
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Defines the telephone number that is speed-dialed when the
Messages button on a Cisco Unified IP phone is pressed.
voicemail phone-number
Router(config-telephony)# voice mail 0123
Step 4
• phone-number—Same phone number is configured for voice
messaging for all SCCP phones in a Cisco Unified CME.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
• (Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version only) To set up a mailbox selection policy, see Configure a
Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone.
• To set up DTMFintegration patternsfor connecting to analog voice-mail applications,see Enable DTMF
Integration for Analog Voice-Mail Applications.
• To connect to a remote SIP-based IVR or Cisco Unity, or to connect to a remote SIP-PSTN that goes
through the PSTN to a voice-mail or IVR application, see Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833.
• To connect to a Cisco Unity Express system, configure a nonstandard SIP NOTIFY format. See Enable
DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY.
Configure a Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone
Perform one of the following tasks, depending on which voice-mail application is used:
• Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity Express or a PBX Voice-Mail Number
• Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone
Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity Express or a PBX Voice-Mail Number
To set a policy for selecting a mailbox for calls from a Cisco Unified CME system that are diverted before
being sent to a Cisco Unity Express or PBX voice-mail pilot number, perform the following steps.
Restriction In the following scenarios, the mailbox selection policy can fail to work properly:
• The last redirecting endpoint is not hosted on Cisco Unified CME. This may rarely occur with a
• A call is forwarded across several SIP trunks. Multiple SIP Diversion Headers (stacking hierarchy)
are not supported in Cisco IOS software.
• A call is forwarded across non-Cisco voice gateways that do not support the optional H450.3
originalCalledNr field.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip or dial-peer voice tag pots
4. mailbox-selection [last-redirect-num | orig-called-num]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
dial-peer voice tag voip or dial-peer voice Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
tag pots
Step 3
• tag—identifies the dial peer. Valid entries are 1 to 2147483647.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 7000
Use this command on the outbound dial peer associated with
the pilot number of the voice-mail system. For systems using
Cisco Unity Express, this is a VoIPdial peer.For systems using
PBX-based voice mail, this is a POTS dial peer.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 35 pots
Sets a policy for selecting a mailbox for calls that are diverted before
being sent to a voice-mail line.
mailbox-selection [last-redirect-num |
Step 4
mailbox-selection orig-called-num
• last-redirect-num—(PBX voice mail only) The mailbox number
to which the call will be sent is the last number to divert the call
(the number that sends the call to the voice-mail pilot number).
• orig-called-num—(Cisco Unity Express only) The mailbox number
to which the call will be sent is the number that was originally
dialed before the call was diverted.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
• To use voice mail on a SIP network that connects to a Cisco Unity Express system, configure a
nonstandard SIP NOTIFY format. See Enable DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY.
Set a Mailbox Selection Policy for Cisco Unity
To set a policy for selecting a mailbox for calls that are diverted before being sent to a Cisco Unity voice-mail
pilot number, perform the following steps.
Restriction This feature might not work properly in certain network topologies, including when:
• The last redirecting endpoint is not hosted on Cisco Unified CME. This may rarely occur with a
• A call is forwarded across several SIP trunks. Multiple SIP Diversion Headers (stacking hierarchy)
are not supported in Cisco IOS software.
• A call is forwarded across other voice gateways that do not support the optional H450.3
originalCalledNr field.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• Directory number to be configured is associated with a voice mailbox.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. exit
4. ephone-dn dn-tag
5. mailbox-selection [last-redirect-num]
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 3
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 752
Step 4
Sets a policy for selecting a mailbox for calls that are
diverted before being sent to a Cisco Unity voice-mail
pilot number.
mailbox-selection [last-redirect-num]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mailbox-selection
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Mailbox Selection Policy on SCCP Phone
What to Do Next
• To use a remoteSIP-based IVR or Cisco Unity, or to connect Cisco Unified CME to a remoteSIP-PSTN
that goes through the PSTN to a voice-mail or IVR application, see Enable DTMF Integration Using
RFC 2833.
Transfer to Voice Mail
To enable a phone user to transfer a call to voice mail by using the TrnsfVM softkey or a FAC, perform the
following steps.
The TrnsfVM softkey is not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, or 7921, or analog
phones connected to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA. These phones support the trnsfvm FAC.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
• Cisco Unity Express 3.0 or a later version, installed and configured.
• For information about standard and custom FACs, see Feature Access Codes.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. softkeys connected {[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn] [Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. exit
9. telephony-service
10. voicemail phone-number
11. fac {standard | custom trnsfvm custom-fac}
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Transfer to Voice Mail
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template.
Range: 1 to 20.
(Optional) Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on
an IP phone during the connected call state.
softkeys connected{[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn]
[Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join]
Step 4
[LiveRcd] [Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM]
[Trnsfer]} • You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
connected TrnsfVM Park Acct ConfList
Confrn Endcall Trnsfer Hold
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifiesthis ephone during
configuration tasks.
Step 7 ephone-template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the ephone template that
you created in Step 3, on page 552.
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 8
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Transfer to Voice Mail
Command or Action Purpose
Defines the telephone number that is speed-dialed when the
Messages button on a Cisco Unified IP phone is pressed.
voicemail phone-number
Router(config-telephony)# voicemail 8900
Step 10
• phone-number—Same phone number is configured for voice
messaging for all SCCP phones in a Cisco Unified CME.
Step 11 fac {standard | custom trnsfvm custom-fac} Enables standard FACs or creates a custom FAC or alias.
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom
trnsfvm #22
• standard—Enables standard FACs for all phones. Standard
FAC for transfer to voice mail is *6.
• custom—Creates a custom FAC for a FAC type.
• custom-fac—User-defined code to be dialed using the keypad
on an IP or analog phone. Custom FAC can be up to 256
characters long and contain numbers 0 to 9 and * and #.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 12
The following example shows a configuration where the display order of the TrnsfVM softkey is modified
for the connected call state in ephone template 5 and assigned to ephone 12. A custom FAC for transfer to
voice mail is set to #22.
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
timeouts transfer-recall 60
voicemail 8900
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
fac custom trnsfvm #22
ephone-template 5
softkeys connected TrnsfVM Park Acct ConfList Confrn Endcall Trnsfer Hold
max-calls-per-button 3
busy-trigger-per-button 2
ephone 12
ephone-template 5
mac-address 000F.9054.31BD
type 7960
button 1:10 2:7
What to Do Next
• If you are finished modifying parametersfor phonesin Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones.
• For information on how phone users transfer a call to voice mail, see Cisco Unified IP Phone
documentation for Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Transfer to Voice Mail
Configure Live Record on SCCP Phones
To configure the Live Record feature so that a phone user can record a conversation by pressing the LiveRcd
softkey, perform the followings steps.
Restriction • Only one live record session is allowed for each conference.
• Only the conference creator can initiate a live record session. In an ad hoc conference, participants
who are not the conference creator cannot start a live record session. In a two-party call, the party
who starts the live record session is the conference creator.
Note For legal disclaimer information about this feature, see copyright information section.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
• Cisco Unity Express 3.0 or a later version, installed and configured. For information on configuring
Live Record in Cisco Unity Express, see Configure Live Record in the Cisco Unity Express Voice-Mail
and Auto-Attendant CLI Administrator Guide for 3.0 and Later Versions.
• Ad hoc hardware conference resource is configured and ready to use. See Configure Conferencing.
• If phone user wantsto view the live record session, include ConfListsoftkey using the softkeys connected
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure Live Record on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. live record number
5. voicemail number
6. exit
7. ephone-dn dn-tag
8. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
9. call-forward all target-number
10. exit
11. ephone-template template-tag
12. softkeys connected {[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn] [Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
13. exit
14. ephone phone-tag
15. ephone-template template-tag
16. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Defines the extension number that is dialed when the LiveRcd
softkey is pressed on an SCCP IP phone.
live record number
Router(config-telephony)# live record 8900
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure Live Record on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Defines the extension number that is speed-dialed when the
Messages button is pressed on an IP phone.
voicemail number
Router(config-telephony)# voicemail 8000
Step 5
• Number—Cisco Unity Express voice-mail pilot number.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 6
Creates a directory number that forwards all calls to the
Cisco Unity Express voice-mail pilot number.
ephone-dn dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Step 7
number number[secondary number] [no-reg [both Assigns an extension number to this directory number.
| primary]]
Step 8
• Number—Must match the Live Record pilot-number
configured in Step 4, on page 555.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 8900
Forwards all calls to this extension to the specified voice-mail
call-forward all target-number
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward all
Step 9
• target-number—Phone number to which calls are
forwarded. Must match the voice-mail pilot number
configured in Step 5, on page 556.
Phone users can activate and cancel the call-forward-all
state from the phone using the CFwdAll softkey or a
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 10
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 5
Step 11
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template.
Range: 1 to 20.
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on an IP
phone during the connected call state.
softkeys connected {[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn]
[Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
Step 12
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
connected LiveRcd Confrn Hold Park Trnsfer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure Live Record on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 13
Step 14 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Step 15 ephone-template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the ephone template
that you created in Step 11, on page 556.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 16
The following example shows Live Record is enabled at the system-level for extension 8900. All incoming
calls to extension 8900 are forwarded to the voice-mail pilot number 8000 when the LiveRcd softkey is
pressed, as configured under ephone-dn 10. Ephone template 5 modifies the display order of the LiveRcd
softkey on IP phones.
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
timeouts transfer-recall 60
live-record 8900
voicemail 8000
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
fac standard
ephone-template 5
softkeys remote-in-use CBarge Newcall
softkeys hold Resume Newcall Join
softkeys connected LiveRcd Confrn Hold Park Trnsfer TrnsfVM
max-calls-per-button 3
busy-trigger-per-button 2
ephone-dn 10
number 8900
call-forward all 8000
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SIP Phone
To configure the telephone number that is speed-dialed when the Message button on a SIP phone is pressed,
follow the steps in this section.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SIP Phone
The same telephone number is configured for voice messaging for all SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
The call forward b2bua command enables call forwarding and designates that calls that are forwarded
to a busy or no-answer extension be sent to a voicemail box.
Before You Begin
• Directory number and number for voicemail phone number must be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. voicemail phone-number
5. exit
6. voice register dn dn-tag
7. call-forward b2bua busy directory-number
8. call-forward b2bua mailbox directory-number
9. call-forward b2bua noan directory-number timeout seconds
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Defines the telephone number that is speed-dialed when the
Messages button on a Cisco Unified IP phone is pressed.
voicemail phone-number
Router(config-register-global)# voice mail
Step 4
• phone-number—Same phone number is configured for voice
messaging for all SIP phones in a Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register dn mode to define a directory number for a
SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 2
Step 6
Enables call forwarding for a SIP back-to-back user agent so that
incoming calls to an extension that is busy will be forwarded to the
designated directory number.
call-forward b2bua busy directory-number
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua busy 1000
Step 7
Designates the voice mailbox to use at the end of a chain of call
call-forward b2bua mailbox directory-number
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua mailbox 2200
Step 8
• Incoming calls have been forwarded to a busy or no-answer
extension will be forwarded to the directory-numberspecified.
Enables call forwarding for a SIP back-to-back user agent so that
incoming calls to an extension that does not answer will be
forwarded to the designated directory number.
call-forward b2bua noan directory-number
timeout seconds
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua noan 2201 timeout 15
Step 9
• seconds—Number of seconds that a call can ring with no
answer before the call is forwarded to another extension.
Range: 3 to 60000. Default: 20.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 10
What to Do Next
• To set up DTMFintegration patternsfor connecting to analog voice-mail applications,see Enable DTMF
Integration for Analog Voice-Mail Applications.
• To use a remote SIP-based IVR or Cisco Unity, or to connect to a remote SIP-PSTN that goes through
the PSTN to a voice-mail or IVR application, see Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833.
• To connect to a Cisco Unity Express system, configure a nonstandard SIP NOTIFY format, see Enable
DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Voice Mailbox Pilot Number on a SIP Phone
Enable DTMF Integration
Perform one of the following tasks, depending on which DTMF-relay method is required:
• Enable DTMF Integration for Analog Voice-Mail Applications—To set up DTMF integration patterns
for connecting to analog voice-mail applications.
• Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833—To connect to a remote SIP-based IVR or voice-mail
application such as Cisco Unity or whenSIPis used to connect Cisco Unified CME to a remoteSIP-PSTN
voice gateway that goes through the PSTN to a voice-mail or IVR application.
• Enable DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY—To configure a SIP dial peer to point to Cisco Unity
Enable DTMF Integration for Analog Voice-Mail Applications
To set up DTMF integration patterns for analog voice-mail applications, perform the following steps.
You can configure multiple tags and tokens for each pattern, depending on the voice-mail system and type
of access.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. vm-integration
4. pattern direct tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN | FDN}] [tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
5. pattern ext-to-ext busy tag1 {CGN |CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN |FDN}] [tag3 {CGN | CDN |
FDN}] [last-tag]
6. pattern ext-to-ext no-answer tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN |CDN | FDN}] [tag3 {CGN |
CDN |FDN}] [last-tag]
7. pattern trunk-to-ext busy tag1 {CGN |CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN |FDN}] [tag3 {CGN | CDN |
FDN}] [last-tag]
8. pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2 {CGN |CDN | FDN}] [tag3 {CGN
|CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-mail integration configuration mode and enables
voice-mail integration with DTMFand an analog voice-mailsystem.
Router(config) vm-integration
Step 3
Configuresthe DTMFdigit pattern forwarding necessary to activate
the voice-mail system when the user presses the messages button
on the phone.
pattern direct tag1 {CGN | CDN | FDN} [tag2
{CGN | CDN | FDN}] [tag3 {CGN | CDN | FDN}]
Step 4
Router(config-vm-integration) pattern direct
2 CGN *
• The tag attribute is an alphanumeric string fewer than four
DTMF digits in length. The alphanumeric string consists of
a combination of four letters (A, B, C, and D), two symbols
(* and #), and ten digits (0 to 9). The tag numbers match the
numbers defined in the voice-mail system’s integration file,
immediately preceding either the number of the calling party,
the number of the called party, or a forwarding number.
• The keywords, CGN, CDN, and FDN, configure the type of
call information sent to the voice-mailsystem,such as calling
number (CGN), called number (CDN), or forwarding number
Configuresthe DTMFdigit pattern forwarding necessary to activate
the voice-mail system when an internal extension attempts to
connect to a busy extension and the call is forwarded to voice mail.
pattern ext-to-ext busy tag1 {CGN |CDN | FDN}
[tag2 {CGN | CDN |FDN}] [tag3 {CGN | CDN |
FDN}] [last-tag]
Router(config-vm-integration) pattern
ext-to-ext busy 7 FDN * CGN *
Step 5
Configuresthe DTMFdigit pattern forwarding necessary to activate
the voice-mail system when an internal extension fails to connect
to an extension and the call is forwarded to voice mail.
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer tag1 {CGN | CDN |
FDN} [tag2 {CGN |CDN | FDN}] [tag3 {CGN |
CDN |FDN}] [last-tag]
Router(config-vm-integration) pattern
ext-to-ext no-answer 5 FDN * CGN *
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
Command or Action Purpose
Configuresthe DTMFdigit pattern forwarding necessary to activate
the voice-mail system when an external trunk call reaches a busy
extension and the call is forwarded to voice mail.
pattern trunk-to-ext busy tag1 {CGN |CDN |
FDN} [tag2 {CGN | CDN |FDN}] [tag3 {CGN |
CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
Router(config-vm-integration) pattern
trunk-to-ext busy 6 FDN * CGN *
Step 7
Configuresthe DTMFdigit pattern forwarding necessary to activate
the voice-mail system when an external trunk call reaches an
unanswered extension and the call is forwarded to voice mail.
patterntrunk-to-extno-answer tag1 {CGN | CDN
| FDN} [tag2 {CGN |CDN | FDN}] [tag3 {CGN
|CDN | FDN}] [last-tag]
Router(config-vm-integration)# pattern
trunk-to-ext no-answer 4 FDN * CGN *
Step 8
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-vm-integration)# exit
Step 9
What to Do Next
After configuring DTMF relay, you are ready to configure Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) notification for
either the MWI outcall, unsolicited notify, or subscribe/notify mechanism. See Configure a SCCP Phone for
MWI Outcall.
Enable DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833
To configure a SIP dial peer to point to Cisco Unity and enable SIP dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) relay
using RFC 2833, use the commands in this section on both the originating and terminating gateways.
This DTMF relay method is required in the following situations:
• When SIP is used to connect Cisco Unified CME to a remote SIP-based IVR or voice-mail application
such as Cisco Unity.
• WhenSIPis used to connect Cisco Unified CME to a remoteSIP-PSTN voice gateway that goesthrough
the PSTN to a voice-mail or IVR application.
If the T.38Fax Relay feature is also configured on thisIPnetwork, we recommend that you either configure
the voice gateways to use a payload type other than PT96 or PT97 for fax relay negotiation, or depending
on whether the SIP endpoints support different payload types, configure Cisco Unified CME to use a
payload type other than PT96 or PT97 for DTMF.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
Before You Begin
• Configure the codec or voice-class codec command for transcoding between G.711 and G.729.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip
4. description string
5. destination-pattern string
6. session protocol sipv2
7. session target {dns:address | ipv4:destination-address}
8. dtmf-relay rtp-nte
9. dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define a VoIP dial peer for the
voice-mail system.
dial-peer voice tag voip
Router (config)# dial-peer voice 123
Step 3
• tag—Defines the dial peer being configured. Range is 1 to
(Optional) Associates a description with the dial peer being configured.
Enter a string of up to 64 characters.
description string
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
description CU pilot
Step 4
Step 5 destination-pattern string Specifiesthe pattern of the numbersthat the user must dial to place a call.
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
destination-pattern 20
• string—Prefix or full E.164 number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies that Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) is protocol to be used for calls between local and remote
routers using the packet network.
session protocol sipv2
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
session protocol sipv2
Step 6
Designates a network-specific address to receive calls from the dial peer
being configured.
session target {dns:address |
Step 7
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
session target ipv4:
• dns:address—Specifies the DNSaddress of the voice-mail system.
• ipv4:destination- address—Specifies the IP address of the
voice-mail system.
Step 8 dtmf-relay rtp-nte Sets DTMF relay method for the voice dial peer being configured.
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
• rtp-nte— Provides conversion from the out-of-band SCCP
indication to the SIP standard for DTMF relay (RFC 2833).
Forwards DTMF tones by using Real-Time Transport Protocol
(RTP) with the Named Telephone Event (NTE) payload type.
• This command can also be configured in voice-register-pool
configuration mode. For individual phones, the phone-level
configuration for this command overrides the system-level
configuration for this command.
The need to use out-of-band conversion is limited to SCCP
phones. SIP phones natively support in-band.
(Optional) Enables a delay between the dtmf-digit begin and dtmf-digit
end events in the RFC 2833 packets.
dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
dtmf-interworking rtp-nte
Step 9
• This command is supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)XZ and
later releases and in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• This command can also be configured in voice-service configuration
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-dial-peer)# end
Step 10
What to Do Next
After configuring DTMF relay, you are ready to configure Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) notification for
either the MWI outcall, unsolicited notify, or subscribe/notify mechanism. See Configure a SCCP Phone for
MWI Outcall.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
Enable DTMF Integration Using SIP NOTIFY
To configure aSIPdial peer to point to Cisco Unity Express and enableSIPdual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF)
relay using SIP NOTIFY format, follow the steps in this task.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag voip
4. description string
5. destination-pattern string
6. b2bua
7. session protocol sipv2
8. session target {dns:address | ipv4:destination-address}
9. dtmf-relay sip-notify
10. codec g711ulaw
11. no vad
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal#
Step 2
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define a VoIP dial peer for
the voice-mail system.
dial-peer voice tag voip
Router (config)# dial-peer voice 2 voip
Step 3
• tag—Defines the dial peer being configured. Range is 1 to
(Optional) Associates a description with the dial peer being
configured. Enter a string of up to 64 characters.
description string
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
description cue pilot
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies the pattern of the numbers that the user must dial to place
a call.
destination-pattern string
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
destination-pattern 20
Step 5
• string—Prefix or full E.164 number.
(Optional) Includesthe Cisco Unified CME address as part of contact
in 3XX response to point to Cisco Unity Express and enables
SIP-to-SCCP call forward.
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)# b2bua
Step 6
Specifies that Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Session
InitiationProtocol (SIP) is protocol to be used for calls between local
and remote routers using the packet network.
session protocol sipv2
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)# session
protocol sipv2
Step 7
Designates a network-specific address to receive calls from the dial
peer being configured.
session target {dns:address |
Step 8
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)# session
target ipv4:
• dns:address—Specifies the DNS address of the voice-mail
• ipv4:destination- address—Specifies the IP address of the
voice-mail system.
Step 9 dtmf-relay sip-notify Setsthe DTMFrelay method for the voice dial peer being configured.
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)#
dtmf-relay sip-notify
• sip-notify— Forwards DTMF tones using SIP NOTIFY
• This command can also be configured in voice-register-pool
configuration mode. For individual phones, the phone-level
configuration for this command overrides the system-level
configuration for this command.
Specifies the voice coder rate of speech for a dial peer being
codec g711ulaw
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)# codec
Step 10
Disables voice activity detection (VAD) for the calls using the dial
peer being configured.
no vad
Router (config-voice-dial-peer)# no vad
Step 11
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-dial-peer)# end
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable DTMF Integration
What to Do Next
After configuring DTMF relay, you are ready to configure Message Waiting Indicator (MWI). See Configure
a SCCP Phone for MWI Outcall.
Configure a SCCP Phone for MWI Outcall
To designate a phone line or directory number on an individual SCCP phone to be monitored for voice-mail
messages, or to enable audible MWI, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Audible MWI is supported only in Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) and later versions.
• Audible MWI issupported only on Cisco Unified IPPhone 7931G and Cisco Unified IPPhone 7911.
Before You Begin
• Directory number and number for MWI line must be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mwi-line line-number
5. exit
6. ephone-dn dn-tag
7. mwi {off | on | on-off}
8. mwi-type {visual | audio | both}
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a SCCP Phone for MWI Outcall
Command or Action Purpose
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
Step 3
Step 4 mwi-line line-number (Optional) Selects a phone line to receive MWI treatment.
Router(config-ephone)# mwi-line 3
• line-number—Number of phone line to receive MWI notification.
Range: 1 to 34. Default: 1.
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 5
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 11
Step 6
(Optional) Enables a specific directory number to receive MWI
notification from an external voice-messaging system.
mwi {off | on | on-off}
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mwi on-off
Step 7
This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode. The value that you set in ephone-dn
configuration mode has priority over the value set in
ephone-dn-template mode.
Step 8 mwi-type {visual | audio | both} (Optional) Specifies which type of MWI notification to be received.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mwi-type
This command is supported only on the Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7931G and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911.
This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode. The value that you set in ephone-dn
configuration mode has priority over the value set in
ephone-dn-template mode.For configuration information,see
Create an Ephone-dn Template.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 9
Enable MWI at the System-Level on SIP Phones
To enable a message waiting indicator (MWI) at a system-level, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable MWI at the System-Level on SIP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mwi reg-e164
5. mwi stutter
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Registers full E.164 number to the MWI server in
Cisco Unified CME and enables MWI.
mwi reg-e164
Router(config-register-global)# mwi reg-e164
Step 4
Enables Cisco Unified CME router at the central site to relay
MWI notification to remote SIP phones.
mwi stutter
Router(config-register-global)# mwi stutter
Step 5
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable MWI at the System-Level on SIP Phones
Configure a Directory Number for MWI on SIP Phones
Perform one of the following tasks, depending on whether you want to configure MWI outcall or MWI notify
(unsolicited notify or subscribe/notify) for SIP endpoints in Cisco Unified CME.
• Define Pilot Call Back Number for MWI Outcall
• Configure a Directory Number for MWI NOTIFY
Define Pilot Call Back Number for MWI Outcall
To designate a phone line on an individual SIP directory number to be monitored for voice-mail messages,
perform the following steps.
Restriction • For Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, the Call Forward All, Presence, and MWI features
require thatSIPphones must be configured with a directory number by using thenumber command
with the dn keyword; direct line numbers are not supported.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Directory number and number for receiving MWI must be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. mwi
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Directory Number for MWI on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a
directory number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port,
or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 3
Enables a specific directory number to receive MWI
Router(config-register-dn)# mwi
Step 4
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 5
Configure a Directory Number for MWI NOTIFY
To identify the MWI server and specify a directory number for receiving MWI Subscribe/NOTIFY or MWI
Unsolicited NOTIFY, follow the steps in this section.
Note We recommend using the Subscribe/NOTIFY method instead of an Unsolicited NOTIFY when possible.
Restriction • For Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, the Call Forward All, Presence, and MWI features
require thatSIPphones must be configured with a directory number by using thenumber command
with the dn keyword; direct line numbers are not supported.
• The SIP MWI - QSIG Translation feature in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 does not support Subscribe
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960, 7940, 7905, and 7911 support only Unsolicited NOTIFY for MWI.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• For Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later, QSIQ supplementary services must be configured on the Cisco
router. For information, see Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services at System-Level, on
page 1202 or Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services on a Dial Peer, on page 1204.
• Directory number and number for receiving MWI must be configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Directory Number for MWI on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sip-ua
4. mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address |dns:host-name} [unsolicited]
5. exit
6. voice register dn dn-tag
7. mwi
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) user agent (ua)
configuration mode for configuring the user agent.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 3
mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address Specifies voice-mail server settings on a voice gateway or UA.
|dns:host-name} [unsolicited]
Step 4
The sip-server and mwi expires commands under
the telephony-service configuration mode have been
migrated to mwi-server to support DNSformat of the
SIP server.
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server
dns:server.yourcompany.com unsolicited
Exits to the next highest mode in the configuration mode
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory
number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure a Directory Number for MWI on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enables a specific directory number to receive MWI
Router(config-register-dn)# mwi
Step 7
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 8
Enable SIP MWI Prefix Specification
To accept unsolicited SIP Notify messages for MWI that include a prefix string as a site identifier, perform
the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• Directory number for receiving MWI Unsolicited NOTIFY must be configured. For information, see
Configure a Directory Number for MWI NOTIFY.
1. enable
2. telephony-service
3. mwi prefix prefix-string
4. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Enable SIP MWI Prefix Specification
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies a string of digits that, if present before a known
Cisco Unified CME extension number, are recognized as a prefix.
mwi prefix prefix-string
Router(config-telephony)# mwi prefix 555
Step 3
• prefix-string—Digit string. The maximum prefix length is
32 digits.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 4
Configure VMWI on SIP Phones
To enable a VMWI, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T or a later version
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-port port
4. mwi
5. vmwi dc-voltage or vmwi fsk
6. exit
7. sip-ua
8. mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address | dns:host-name} [unsolicited]
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure VMWI on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice-port port Enters voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice-port 2/0
• port—Syntax is platform-dependent. Type ? to determine.
mwi Enables MWI for a specified voice port.
Router(config-voiceport)# mwi
Step 4
(Optional) Enables DC voltage or FSK VMWI on a Cisco VG224
onboard analog FXS voice port.
vmwi dc-voltage or vmwi fsk
Router(config-voiceport)# vmwi
Step 5
You do not need to perform this step for the Cisco VG202 and
Cisco VG204. They support FSK only. VMWI is configured
automatically when MWI is configured on the voice port.
This step is required for the VG224. If an FSK phone is connected to
the voice port, use the fskkeyword. If a DC voltage phone is connected
to the voice port, use the dc-voltage keyword.
exit Exits to the next highest mode in the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Step 6
Enters Session Initiation Protocol user agent configuration mode for
configuring the user agent.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 7
Specifies voice-mail server settings on a voice gateway or user agent
mwi-server {ipv4:destination-address |
dns:host-name} [unsolicited]
Step 8
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server
The sip-server and mwi expires commands under the
telephony-service configuration mode have been migrated
to mwi-server to support DNS format of the Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) server.
Router(config-sip-ua)# mwi-server
dns:server.yourcompany.com unsolicited
Exits voice-port configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC
Router(config-voiceport)# end
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Configure VMWI on SIP Phones
Verify Voice-Mail Integration
• Press the Messages button on a local phone in Cisco Unified CME and listen for the voice mail greeting.
• Dial an unattended local phone and listen for the voice mail greeting.
• Leave a test message.
• Go to the phone that you called. Verify that the [Message] indicator is lit.
• Press the Messages button on this phone and retrieve the voice mail message.
Configuration Examples for Voice-Mail Integration
Example for Setting up a Mailbox Selection Policy for SCCP Phones
The following example sets a policy to select the mailbox of the originally called number when a call is
diverted to a Cisco Unity Express or PBX voice-mail system with the pilot number 7000.
dial-peer voice 7000 voip
destination-pattern 7000
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
no vad
mailbox-selection orig-called-num
The following example sets a policy to select the mailbox of the last number that the call was diverted to
before being diverted to a Cisco Unity voice-mail system with the pilot number 8000.
ephone-dn 825
number 8000
mailbox-selection last-redirect-num
Example for Configuring Voice Mailbox for SIP Phones
The following example shows how to configure the call forward b2bua mailbox for SIP endpoints:
voice register global
voicemail 1234
voice register dn 2
number 2200
call-forward b2bua all 1000
call-forward b2bua mailbox 2200
call-forward b2bua noan 2201 timeout 15
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Verify Voice-Mail Integration
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833
The following example shows the configuration for DTMF Relay using RFC 2833:
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 4…
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
dtmf-relay sip-notify rtp-nte
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration Using SIP Notify
The following example shows the configuration for DTMF using SIP Notify:
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 4…
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
dtmf-relay sip-notify
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration for Legacy Voice-Mail Applications
The following example sets up DTMF integration for an analog voice-mail system.
pattern direct 2 CGN *
pattern ext-to-ext busy 7 FDN * CGN *
pattern ext-to-ext no-answer 5 FDN * CGN *
pattern trunk-to-ext busy 6 FDN * CGN *
pattern trunk-to-ext no-answer 4 FDN * CGN *
Example for Enabling SCCP Phone Line for MWI
The following example enables MWI on ephone 18 for line 2 (button 2), which has overlaid ephone-dns. Only
a message waiting for the first ephone-dn (2021) on this line will activate the MWI lamp. Button 4 is unused.
The line numbers in this example are as follows:
• Line 1—Button 1—Extension 2020
• Line 2—Button 2—Extension 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
• Line 3—Button 3—Extension 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (rollover line)
• Button 4—Unused
• Line 4—Button 5—Extension 2025
ephone-dn 20
number 2020
ephone-dn 21
number 2021
ephone-dn 22
number 2022
ephone-dn 23
number 2023
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Example for Configuring DTMF Integration Using RFC 2833
ephone-dn 24
number 2024
ephone-dn 25
number 2025
ephone 18
button 1:20 2o21,22,23,24,25 3x2 5:26
mwi-line 2
The following example enables MWI on ephone 17 for line 3 (extension 609). In this example, the button
numbers do not match the line numbers because buttons 2 and 4 are not used. The line numbersin this example
are as follows:
• Line 1—Button 1—Extension 607
• Button 2—Unused
• Line 2—Button 3—Extension 608
• Button 4—Unused
• Line 3—Button 5—Extension 609
ephone-dn 17
number 607
ephone-dn 18
number 608
ephone-dn 19
number 609
ephone 25
button 1:17 3:18 5:19
mwi-line 3
Example for Configuring SIP MWI Prefix Specification
The following example identifies the SIP server for MWI notification at the IP address It states
that the Cisco Unified CME system will accept unsolicited SIP Notify messages for known mailbox numbers
using the prefix 555.
mwi-server unsolicited
mwi prefix 555
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Outcall
The following example shows an MWI callback pilot number:
voice register dn
number 9000….
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Example for Configuring SIP MWI Prefix Specification
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Unsolicited Notify
The following example shows how to specify voice-mail server settings on a UA. The example includes the
unsolicited keyword, enabling the voice-mailserver to send aSIPnotification message to the UA if the mailbox
status changes and specifiesthat voice dn 1, number 1234 on theSIPphone in Cisco Unified CME will receive
the MWI notification:
mwi-server dns:server.yourcompany.com expires 60 port 5060 transport udp unsolicited
voice register dn 1
number 1234
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Subscribe/NOTIFY
The following example shows how to define an MWIserver and specify that directory number 1, number 1234
on a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME is to receive the MWI notification:
mwi-server ipv4:
voice register dn 1
number 1234
Feature Information for Voice-Mail Integration
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required
Table 38: Feature Information for Voice-Mail Integration
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Provides support for selecting
audible, visual, or audible and
visual Message Waiting Indicator
(MWI) on supported
Cisco Unified IP phones.
Audible MWI 4.0(2)
Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unity Express passwords are
automatically synchronized. No
configuration is required for this
Cisco Unity Express AXL 7.0(1)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Example for Configuring SIP Directory Number for MWI Unsolicited Notify
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Added support for voice messaging
systems connected via a SIP trunk
or SIP user agent.
The standard Subscribe/NOTIFY
method is preferred over an
Unsolicited NOTIFY.
DTMF Integration 3.4
DTMF integration patterns were
Enables IP phone users in a
Cisco Unified CME system to
record a phone conversation if
Cisco Unity Express is the voice
mail system.
Live Record 4.3
Mailbox selection policy was
Mailbox Selection Policy 4.0
MWI line selection of a phone line
other than the primary line on a
SCCP phone was introduced.
MWI 4.0
Voice messaging systems
(including Cisco Unity) connected
via a SIP trunk or SIP user agent
can pass a Message Waiting
Indicator (MWI) that will be
received and understood by a SIP
phone directly connected to
Cisco Unified CME.
SIP MWI prefix specification was
SIP MWI Prefix Specification 4.0
Extends message waiting indicator
(MWI) functionality for SIP MWI
and QSIG MWI interoperation to
enable sending and receiving of
MWI over QSIG to PBX.
SIP MWI - QSIG Translation 4.1
Enables a phone user to transfer a
caller directly to a voice-mail
Transfer to Voice Mail 4.3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Voice Mail Integration
Feature Information for Voice-Mail Integration
This chapter describesthe phone authentication support in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME), Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) provisioning for Cisco Unified IP
Phones, and the Media Encryption (SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME feature that provides the following secure
voice call capabilities:
• Secure call controlsignaling and media streamsin Cisco Unified CME networks usingSecure Real-Time
Transport Protocol (SRTP) and H.323 protocols.
• Secure supplementary services for Cisco Unified CME networks using H.323 trunks.
• Secure Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway endpoints.
• Prerequisites for Security, page 581
• Restrictions for Security, page 582
• Information About Security, page 582
• Configure Security, page 597
• Configuration Examples for Security, page 643
• Where to Go Next, page 656
• Feature Information for Security, page 656
Prerequisites for Security
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version for Phone Authentication.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version for Media Encryption (SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME.
• Cisco IOS feature set Advanced Enterprise Services (adventerprisek9) or Advanced IP Services
(advipservicesk9) on supported platforms.
• Firmware 9.0(4) or a later version must be installed on the IP phone for HTTPS provisioning.
• System clock must be set by using one of the following methods:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
◦Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP). For configuration information, see Enable Network
Time Protocol, on page 133.
◦Manually set the software clock using the clockset command.For information about this command,
see Cisco IOS Network Management Command Reference.
Restrictions for Security
Phone Authentication
• Cisco Unified CME phone authentication is notsupported on the Cisco IAD 2400 series or the Cisco 1700
Media Encryption
• Secure three-way software conferencing is notsupported. A secure call beginning withSRTP will always
fall back to nonsecure Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) when it is joined to a conference.
• If a party drops from a three-party conference, the call between the remaining two parties returns to
secure if the two parties are SRTP-capable local Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) endpoints to a
single Cisco Unified CME and the conference creator is one of the remaining parties. If either of the
two remaining parties are only RTP-capable, the call remains nonsecure. If the two remaining parties
are connected through FXS, PSTN, or VoIP, the call remains nonsecure.
• Calls to Cisco Unity Express are not secure.
• Music on Hold (MOH) is not secure.
• Video calls are not secure.
• Modem relay and T.3 fax relay calls are not secure.
• Media flow-around is not supported for call transfer and call forward.
• Conversion between inband tone and RFC 2833 DTMF is not supported. RFC 2833 DTMF handling is
supported when encryption keys are sent to secure DSP Farm devices but is not supported for codec
• Secure Cisco Unified CME supports SIP trunks and H.323 trunks.
• Secure calls are supported in the default session application only.
Information About Security
Phone Authentication Overview
Phone authentication is a security infrastructure for providing secure SCCP signaling between
Cisco Unified CME and IP phones. The goal of Cisco Unified CME phone authentication is to create a secure
environment for a Cisco Unified CME IP telephony system.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Security
Phone authentication addresses the following security needs:
• Establishing the identity of each endpoint in the system
• Authenticating devices
• Providing signaling-session privacy
• Providing protection for configuration files
Cisco Unified CME phone authentication implements authentication and encryption to prevent identity theft
of the phone or Cisco Unified CME system, data tampering, call-signaling tampering, or media-stream
tampering. To prevent these threats, the Cisco Unified IP telephony network establishes and maintains
authenticated communication streams, digitally signs files before they are transferred to phones, and encrypts
call signaling between Cisco Unified IP phones.
Cisco Unified CME phone authentication depends on the following processes:
• Phone Authentication, on page 583
• File Authentication, on page 583
• Signaling Authentication, on page 583
Phone Authentication
The phone authentication process occurs between the Cisco Unified CME router and a supported device when
each entity accepts the certificate of the other entity; only then does a secure connection between the entities
occur. Phone authentication relies on the creation of a Certificate Trust List (CTL) file, which is a list of
known, trusted certificates and tokens.Phones communicate with Cisco Unified CME using a Transport Layer
Security (TLS) session connection, which requires that the following criteria be met:
• A certificate must exist on the phone.
• A phone configuration file must exist on the phone, and the Cisco Unified CME entry and certificate
must exist in the file.
File Authentication
The file authentication process validates digitally signed files that a phone downloads from a Trivial File
Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server—for example, configuration files, ring list files, locale files, and CTL files.
When the phone receives these types of files from the TFTP server, the phone validates the file signatures to
verify that file tampering did not occur after the files were created.
Signaling Authentication
The signaling authentication process, also known as signaling integrity, uses the TLS protocol to validate that
signaling packets have not been tampered with during transmission. Signaling authentication relies on the
creation of the CTL file.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Phone Authentication Overview
Public Key Infrastructure
Cisco Unified CME phone authentication uses the public-key-infrastructure (PKI) capabilities in Cisco IOS
software for certificate-based authentication of IP phones. PKI provides customers with a scalable, secure
mechanism for distributing, managing, and revoking encryption and identity information in a secure data
network. Every entity (a person or a device) participating in the secure communication is enrolled in the PKI
using a process in which the entity generates a Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) key pair (one private key and
one public key) and has its identity validated by a trusted entity (also known as a certification authority [CA]
or trustpoint).
After each entity enrollsin aPKI, every peer (also known as an end host) in aPKI is granted a digital certificate
that has been issued by a CA.
When peers must negotiate a secure communication session, they exchange digital certificates. Based on the
information in the certificate, a peer can validate the identity of another peer and establish an encrypted session
with the public keys contained in the certificate.
Phone Authentication Components
A variety of components work together to ensure secure communications in a Cisco Unified CME system.
Table 39: Cisco Unified CME Phone Authentication Components , on page 584 describes the
Cisco Unified CME phone authentication components.
Table 39: Cisco Unified CME Phone Authentication Components
Component Definition
An electronic document that binds a user's or device's
name to its public key. Certificates are commonly
used to validate digital signatures. Certificates are
needed for authentication during secure
communication. An entity obtains a certificate by
enrolling with the CA.
An assurance from an entity that the transaction it
accompanies is authentic. The entity’s private key is
used to sign transactions and the corresponding public
key is used for decryption.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Public Key Infrastructure
Component Definition
RSA is a public key cryptographic system developed
by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman.
An RSA key pair consists of a public key and a
private key. The public key is included in a certificate
so that peers can use it to encrypt data that is sent to
the router. The private key is kept on the router and
used both to decrypt the data sent by peers and to
digitally sign transactions when negotiating with
You can configure multiple RSA key pairs to match
policy requirements, such as key length, key lifetime,
and type of keys, for different certificate authorities
or for different certificates.
RSA key pair
A certificate server generates and issues certificates
on receipt of legitimate requests. A trustpoint with
the same name as the certificate server stores the
certificates. Each trustpoint has one certificate plus a
copy of the CA certificate.
certificate server
The root certificate server. It is responsible for
managing certificate requests and issuing certificates
to participating network devices. Thisservice provides
centralized key management for participating devices
and is explicitly trusted by the receiver to validate
identities and to create digital certificates. The CA
can be a Cisco IOS CA on the Cisco Unified CME
router, a Cisco IOS CA on another router, or a
third-party CA.
certification authority (CA)
Records or verifies some or all of the data required
for the CA to issue certificates. It is required when
the CA is a third-party CA or Cisco IOS CA is not
on the Cisco Unified CME router.
registration authority (RA)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Phone Authentication Components
Component Definition
A mandatory structure that contains the public key
information (server identities) of all the servers with
which the IP phone needs to interact (for example,
the Cisco Unified CME server, TFTP server, and
CAPFserver). The CTL file is digitally signed by the
After you configure the CTL client, it createsthe CTL
file and makesit available in the TFTPdirectory. The
CTL file is signed using the SAST certificate’s
corresponding private key. An IP phone is then able
to download this CTL file from the TFTP directory.
The filename format for each phone’s CTL file is
When the CTL client isrun on a router in the network
that is not a Cisco Unified CME router, you must
configure a CTL provider on each Cisco Unified CME
router in the network. Similarly, if a CTL client is
running on one of two Cisco Unified CME routers in
a network, a CTL provider must be configured on the
other Cisco Unified CME router. The CTL protocol
transfers information to and from the CTL provider
that allows the second Cisco Unified CME router to
be trusted by phones and vice versa.
certificate trust list (CTL) file
CTL client
CTL provider
File that contains certificate expiration dates and used
to determine whether a certificate that is presented is
valid or revoked.
certificate revocation list (CRL)
Part of the CTL client that is responsible for signing
the CTL file. The Cisco Unified CME certificate and
its associated key pair are used for theSAST function.
There are actually two SAST records pertaining to
two different certificates in the CTL file for security
reasons. They are known as SAST1 and SAST2. If
one of the certificates is lost or compromised, then
the CTL client regenerates the CTL file using the
other certificate. When a phone downloads the new
CTL file, it verifies with only one of the two original
public keysthat wasinstalled earlier. This mechanism
isto prevent IPphonesfrom accepting CTL filesfrom
unknown sources.
system administrator security token (SAST)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Phone Authentication Components
Component Definition
Entity that issues certificates (LSCs) to phones that
request them. The CAPF is a proxy for the phones,
which are unable to directly communicate with the
CA. The CAPF can also perform the following
certificate-management tasks:
• Upgrade existing locally significant certificates
on the phones.
• Retrieve phone certificates for viewing and
• Delete LSCs on the phone.
certificate authority proxy function (CAPF)
Phones need certificates to engage in secure
communications. Many phones come from the factory
with MICs, but MICs may expire or become lost or
compromised.Some phones do not come with MICs.
LSCs are certificates that are issued locally to the
phones using the CAPF server.
manufacture-installed certificate (MIC)
locally significant certificate (LSC)
IETF standard (RFC 2246) protocol, based on
Netscape Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. TLS
sessions are established using a handshake protocol
to provide privacy and data integrity.
The TLS record layer fragments and defragments,
compresses and decompresses, and performs
encryption and decryption of application data and
other TLS information, including handshake
transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Phone Authentication Components
Figure 20: Cisco Unified CME Phone Authentication, on page 588 shows the components in a
Cisco Unified CME phone authentication environment.
Figure 20: Cisco Unified CME Phone Authentication
Phone Authentication Process
The following is a high-level summary of the phone-authentication process.
To enable Cisco Unified CME phone authentication:
1 Certificates are issued.
The CA issues certificates to Cisco Unified CME, SAST, CAPF, and TFTP functions.
2 The CTL file is created, signed and published.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Phone Authentication Process
a The CTL file is created by the CTL client, which is configuration driven. Its goal is to create a
CTLfile.tlv for each phone and deposit it in the TFTP directory. To complete its task, the CTL client
needsthe certificates and public key information of the CAPFserver, Cisco Unified CME server, TFTP
server, and SASTs.
b The CTL file issigned by theSAST credentials. There are twoSAST records pertaining to two different
certificates in the CTL file for security reasons. If one of the certificates is lost or compromised, then
the CTL client regenerates the CTL file using the other certificate. When a phone downloads the new
CTL file, it verifies the download with only one of the two original public keys that was installed
earlier. This mechanism prevents IP phones from accepting CTL files from unknown sources.
c The CTL file is published on the TFTP server. Because an external TFTP server is not supported in
secure mode, the configuration files are generated by the Cisco Unified CME system itself and are
digitally signed by the TFTP server’s credentials. The TFTP server credentials can be the same as the
Cisco Unified CME credentials. If desired, a separate certificate can be generated for the TFTPfunction
if the appropriate trustpoint is configured under the CTL-client interface.
3 The telephony service module signs phone configuration files and each phone requests its file.
4 When an IP phone boots up, it requests the CTL file (CTLfile.tlv) from the TFTP server and downloads
its digitally signed configuration file, which has the filename format of SEP.cnf.xml.sgn.
5 The phone then reads the CAPF configuration status from the configuration file. If a certificate operation
is needed, the phone initiates a TLSsession with the CAPFserver on TCPport 3804 and begins the CAPF
protocol dialogue. The certificate operation can be an upgrade, delete, or fetch operation. If an upgrade
operation is needed, the CAPF server makes a request on behalf of the phone for a certificate from the
CA. The CAPF server uses the CAPF protocol to obtain the information it needs from the phone, such as
the public key and phone ID. After the phone successfully receives a certificate from the server, the phone
stores it in its flash memory.
6 With the certificate in its flash, the phone initiates a TLS connection with the secure Cisco Unified CME
server on a well-known TCP port (2443) if the device security mode settings in the .cnf.xml file are set to
authenticated or encrypted. This TLS session is mutually authenticated by both parties. The IP phone
knows the Cisco Unified CME server’s certificate from the CTL file, which it initially downloaded from
the TFTPserver. The phone’s LSC is a trusted party for the Cisco Unified CME server because the issuing
CA certificate is present in the router.
Startup Messages
If the certificate server is part of your startup configuration, you may see the following messages during the
boot procedure:
% Failed to find Certificate Server's trustpoint at startup
% Failed to find Certificate Server's cert.
These messages are informational messages that show a temporary inability to configure the certificate server
because the startup configuration has not been fully parsed yet. The messages are useful for debugging if the
startup configuration has been corrupted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Startup Messages
Configuration File Maintenance
In a secure environment,several types of configuration files must be digitally signed before they can be hosted
and used. The filenames of all signed files have a .sgn suffix.
The Cisco Unified CME telephony service module creates phone configuration files (.cnf.xml suffix) and
hosts them on a Cisco IOS TFTP server. These files are signed by the TFTP server’s credentials.
In addition to the phone configuration files, other Cisco Unified CME configuration files such as the network
and user-locale files must be signed. These files are internally generated by Cisco Unified CME, and the
signed versions are automatically created in the current code path whenever the unsigned versions are updated
or created.
Other configuration files that are not generated by Cisco Unified CME, such as ringlist.xml,
distinctiveringlist.xml, audio files, and so forth, are often used for Cisco Unified CME features.Signed versions
of these configuration files are not automatically created. Whenever a new configuration file that has not been
generated by Cisco Unified CME is imported into Cisco Unified CME, use the load-cfg-file command, which
does all of the following:
• Hosts the unsigned version of the file on the TFTP server.
• Creates a signed version of the file.
• Hosts the signed version of the file on the TFTP server.
You can also use the load-cfg-file command instead of the tftp-server command when only the unsigned
version of a file needs to be hosted on the TFTP server.
CTL File Maintenance
The CTL file contains the SAST records and other records. (A maximum of two SAST records may exist.)
The CTL file is digitally signed by one of the SAST credentials that are listed in the CTL file before the CTL
file is downloaded by the phone and saved in its flash. After receiving the CTL file, a phone trusts a newer
or changed CTL file only if it is signed by one of the SAST credentials that is present in the original CTL file.
For this reason, you should take care to regenerate the CTL file only with one of the originalSAST credentials.
If both SAST credentials are compromised and a CTL file must be generated with a new credential, you must
reset the phone to its factory defaults.
CTL Client and Provider
The CTL client generates the CTL file. The CTL client must be provided with the names of the trustpoints it
needs for the CTL file. It can run on the same router as Cisco Unified CME or on another, standalone router.
When the CTL client runs on a standalone router (not a Cisco Unified CME router), you must configure a
CTL provider on each Cisco Unified CME router. The CTL provider securely communicates the credentials
of the Cisco Unified CME server functions to the CTL client that is running on another router.
When the CTL client is running on either a primary or secondary Cisco Unified CME router, you must
configure a CTL provider on each Cisco Unified CME router on which the CTL client is not running.
The CTL protocol is used to communicate between the CTL client and a CTL provider. Using the CTL protocol
ensures that the credentials of all Cisco Unified CME routers are present in the CTL file and that all
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration File Maintenance
Cisco Unified CME routers have access to the phone certificates that were issued by the CA. Both elements
are prerequisites to secure communications.
To enable CTL clients and providers, see Configure the CTL Client, on page 607 and Configure the CTL
Provider, on page 619.
Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate
When a phone uses a MIC for authentication during the TLS handshake with the CAPF server, the CAPF
server must have a copy of the MIC to verify it. Different certificates are used for different types of IPphones.
A phone uses a MIC for authentication when it has a MIC but no LSC.For example, you have a Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7970 that has a MIC by default but no LSC. When you schedule a certificate upgrade with the
authentication mode set to MIC for this phone, the phone presents its MIC to the Cisco Unified CME CAPF
server for authentication. The CAPFserver must have a copy of the MIC'sroot certificate to verify the phone's
MIC. Without this copy, the CAPF upgrade operation fails.
To ensure that the CAPF server has copies of the MICs it needs, you must manually import certificates to the
CAPFserver. The number of certificatesthat you must import depends on your network configuration. Manual
enrollment refers to copy-and-paste or TFTP transfer methods.
To manually import the MIC root certificate, see Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate, on page 626.
Feature Design of Media Encryption
Companion voice security Cisco IOSfeatures provide an overall architecture forsecure end-to-end IPtelephony
calls on supported network devices that enable the following:
• SRTP-capable Cisco Unified CME networks with secure interoperability
• Secure Cisco IP phone calls
• Secure Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway endpoints
• Secure supplementary services
These features are implemented using media and signaling authentication and encryption in Cisco IOS H.323
networks. H.323, the ITU-T standard that describes packet-based video, audio, and data conferencing, refers
to a set of other standards, including H.450, to describe its actual protocols. H.323 allows dissimilar
communication devices to communicate with each other by using a standard communication protocol and
defines a common set of codecs, call setup and negotiating procedures, and basic data transport methods.
H.450, a component of the H.323 standard, defines signaling and procedures that are used to provide
telephony-like supplementary services. H.450 messages are used in H.323 networks to implement secure
supplementary service support and also empty capability set (ECS) messaging for media capability negotiation.
Secure Cisco Unified CME
The secure Cisco Unified CME solution includes secure-capable voice ports, SCCP endpoints, and a secure
H.323 trunk between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager for audio media. SIP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate
trunks are not supported. Figure 21: Secure Cisco Unified CME System, on page 592 shows the components
of a secure Cisco Unified CME system.
Figure 21: Secure Cisco Unified CME System
Secure Cisco Unified CME implements call control signaling using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or IPsec
(IPSecurity) for the secure channel and usesSRTPfor media encryption.Secure Cisco Unified CME manages
the SRTP keys to endpoints and gateways.
The Media Encryption (SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME feature supports the following features:
• SCCP endpoints.
• Secure voice callsin a mixed shared line environment that allows both RTP- andSRTP-capable endpoints;
shared line media security depends on the endpoint configuration.
• Secure supplementary services using H.450 including:
◦Call forward
◦Call transfer
◦Call hold and resume
◦Call park and call pickup
◦Nonsecure software conference
SRTP conference calls over H.323 may experience a zero- to two-second noise interval
when the call is joined to the conference.
• Secure calls in a non-H.450 environment.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Secure Cisco Unified CME
• Secure Cisco Unified CME interaction with secure Cisco Unity.
• Secure Cisco Unified CME interaction with Cisco Unity Express (interaction is supported and calls are
downgraded to nonsecure mode).
• Secure transcoding for remote phones with DSP Farm transcoding configured.
These features are discussed in the following sections.
Secure Supplementary Services
The Media Encryption (SRTP) feature supports secure supplementary services in both H.450 and non-H.450
Cisco Unified CME networks. A secure Cisco Unified CME network should be either H.450 or non-H.450,
not a hybrid.
Secure SIP Trunk Support on Cisco Unified CME
Prior to Cisco Unified CME Relese 10 release, supplementary services were not supported on the secure SIP
trunk of the secure SCCP Cisco Unified CME. This feature supports the following supplementary services in
the secure SRTP and SRTP fallback modes on the SIP trunk of the SCCP Cisco Unified CME:
• Basic secure calls
• Call hold and resume
• Call transfer (blind and consult)
• Call forward (CFA,CFB,CFNA)
• DTMF support
• Call park and pickup
• Voice mail systems using CUE (works only with SRTP fallback mode)
To enable the supplementary services, use the existing “supplementary-service media-renegotiate” command
as shown in the following example:
(config)# voice service voip
(conf-voi-serv)# no ip address trusted authenticate
(conf-voi-serv)# srtp
(conf-voi-serv)# allow-connections sip to sip
(conf-voi-serv)# no supplementary-service sip refer
(conf-voi-serv)# supplementary-service media-renegotiate
In the SRTP mode, nonsecure media (RTP) format is not allowed across the secure SIP trunk. For Music
On Hold, Tone On Hold, and Ring Back Tone, the tone is not played acrosstheSIPtrunk. InSRTPfallback
mode, media across the secure SIP trunk is switched over to RTP if the remote end is nonsecure or while
playing the MMusic On Hold, Tone On Hold, and Ring Back Tone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Secure Supplementary Services
Restriction • Secure SIP trunk is supported only on SCCP Cisco Unified CME and not on SIP Cisco Unified
CME. Secure SIP lines are not supported on the Cisco Unified CME mode.
• Xcoder support is not available for playing secure tones (Music On Hold, Tone On Hold, and Ring
Back Tone).
• Tones are not played in the SRTP mode because these tones are available only in non-secure (RTP)
• We recommend that you configure no supplementary-service sip refer command for SCCP Cisco
Unfied CME for the supplementary services.
Secure Cisco Unified CME in an H.450 Environment
Signaling and media encryption among secure endpoints is supported, enabling supplementary services such
as call transfer (H.450.2) and call forward (H.450.3) between secure endpoints. Call park and pick up use
H.450 messages. Secure Cisco Unified CME is H.450-enabled by default; however, secure music on hold
(MOH) and secure conferences (three-way calling) are not supported. For example, when supplementary
services are initiated as shown in Figure 22: Music on Hold in an H.450 Environment, on page 594, ECS and
Terminal Capabilities Set (TCS) are used to negotiate the initially secure call between A and B down to RTP
so A can hear MOH. When B resumes the call to A, the call goes back to SRTP. Similarly, when a transfer
is initiated, the party being transferred is put on hold and the call is negotiated down to RTP. When the call
is transferred, it goes back to SRTP if the other end is SRTP capable.
Figure 22: Music on Hold in an H.450 Environment
Secure Cisco Unified CME in a Non H.450 Environment
Security for supplementary services requires midcall key negotiation or midcall media renegotiation. In an
H.323 network where there are no H.450 messages, media renegotiation is implemented using ECS for
scenarios such as mismatched codecs and secure calls. If you disable H.450 on the router globally, the
configuration is applied to RTPandSRTPcalls. The signaling path is hairpin on XOR for Cisco Unified CME
and Cisco Unified Communications Manager. For example, in Figure 23: Transfer in a Non-H.450
Environment, on page 595, the signaling path goes from A through B (the supplementary services initiator)
to C. When deploying voice security in this scenario, consider that the media security keys will pass through
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Secure SIP Trunk Support on Cisco Unified CME
XOR, that is, through B, the endpoint that issued the transfer request. To avoid the man-in-the-middle attack,
the XOR must be a trusted entity.
Figure 23: Transfer in a Non-H.450 Environment
The media path is optional. The default media path for Cisco Unified CME is hairpin. However, whenever
possible media flow around can be configured on Cisco Unified CME. When configuring media flow through,
which is the default, remember that chaining multiple XOR gateways in the media path introduces more delay
and thus reduces voice quality. Router resources and voice quality limit the number of XOR gateways that
can be chained. The requirement is platform dependent and may vary between signaling and media. The
practical chaining level is three.
A transcoder is inserted when there is a codec mismatch and ECS and TCS negotiation fails. For example, if
Phone A and Phone B are SRTP capable, but Phone A uses the G.711 codec and Phone B uses the G.729
codec, a transcoder is inserted if Phone B has one. However, the call is negotiated down to RTP to fulfill the
codec requirement so the call is not secure.
Secure Transcoding for Remote Phones with DSP Farm Transcoding Configured
Transcoding is supported for remote phones that have the dspfarm-assist keyword of the codec command
configured. A remote phone is a phone that is registered to a Cisco Unified CME and is residing on a remote
location across the WAN. To save bandwidth across the WAN connection, calls to such a phone can be made
to use the G.729r8 codec by configuring the codec g729r8 dspfarm assist command for the ephone. The
g729r8 keyword forces calls to such a phone to use the G.729 codec. The dspfarm-assist keyword enables
using available DSP resources if an H.323 call to the phone needs to be transcoded.
Transcoding is enabled only if an H.323 call with a different codec from the remote phone tries to make
a call to the remote phone. If a local phone on the same Cisco Unified CME as the remote phone makes
a call to the remote phone, the local phone is forced to change its codec to G.729 instead of using
Secure transcoding for point-to-point SRTP calls can only occur when both the SCCP phone that is to be
serviced by Cisco Unified CME transcoding and its peer in the call are SRTP capable and have successfully
negotiated the SRTP keys. Secure transcoding for point-to-point SRTP calls cannot occur when only one of
the peers in the call is SRTP capable.
If Cisco Unified CME transcoding is to be performed on a secure call, the Media Encryption (SRTP) on
Cisco Unified CME feature allows Cisco Unified CME to provide the DSP Farm with the encryption keys
for the secure call as additional parameters so that Cisco Unified CME transcoding can be performed
successfully. Without the encryption keys, the DSP Farm would not be able to read the encrypted voice data
to transcode it.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Secure Transcoding for Remote Phones with DSP Farm Transcoding Configured
Note The secure transcoding described here does not apply to IP-IP gateway transcoding.
Cisco Unified CME transcoding is different from IP-to-IP gateway transcoding because it is invoked for an
SCCP endpoint only, instead of for bridging VoIP call legs. Cisco Unified CME transcoding and IP-to-IP
gateway transcoding are mutually exclusive, that is, only one type of transcoding can be invoked for a call.
If no DSP Farm capable of SRTP transcoding is available, Cisco Unified CME secure transcoding is not
performed and the call goes through using G.711.
For configuration information, see Register the DSP Farm with Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a Later Version
in Secure Mode, on page 496.
Secure Cisco Unified CME with Cisco Unity Express
Cisco Unity Express does not support secure signaling and media encryption. Secure Cisco Unified CME
interoperates with Cisco Unity Express but calls between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity Express are
not secure.
In a typical Cisco Unity Express deployment with Cisco Unified CME in a secure H.323 network, Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used for signaling and the media path is G.711 with RTP. For Call Forward No
Answer (CFNA) and Call Forward All (CFA), before the media path is established, signaling messages are
sent to negotiate an RTP media path. If codec negotiation fails, a transcoder is inserted. The Media Encryption
(SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME feature’s H.323 service provider interface (SPI) supports fast start calls. In
general, callstransferred or forwarded back to Cisco Unified CME from Cisco Unity Expressfall into existing
call flows and are treated as regular SIP and RTP calls.
The Media Encryption (SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME feature supports blind transfer back to
Cisco Unified CME only. When midcall media renegotiation is configured, the secure capability for the
endpoint is renegotiated regardless of which transfer mechanism, H.450.2 or Empty Capability Set (ECS), is
Secure Cisco Unified CME with Cisco Unity
The Media Encryption (SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME feature supports Cisco Unity 4.2 or a later version and
Cisco Unity Connection 1.1 or a later version using SCCP. Secure Cisco Unity for Cisco Unified CME acts
like a secure SCCP phone. Some provisioning is required before secure signaling can be established. Cisco
Unity receives Cisco Unified CME device certificates from the Certificate Trust List (CTL) and Cisco Unity
certificates are inserted into Cisco Unified CME manually. Cisco Unity with SIP is not supported.
The certificate for the Cisco Unity Connection is in the Cisco Unity administration web application under the
“port group settings.”
HTTPS Provisioning For Cisco Unified IP Phones
This section contains the following topics:
• HTTPS support for an External Server, on page 597
• HTTPS Support in Cisco Unified CME, on page 597
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Secure Cisco Unified CME with Cisco Unity Express
HTTPS support for an External Server
There is an increasing need to securely access web content on Cisco Unified IP phones using HTTPS. The
X.509 certificate of a third-party web server must be stored in the IP phone’s CTL file to authenticate the web
server but the server command used to enter trustpoint information cannot be used to import the certificate
to the CTL file. Because the server command requires the private key from the third-party web server for
certificate chain validation and you cannot obtain that private key from the web server, the import certificate
command is added to save the trusted certificate in the CTL file.
For information on how to import a trusted certificate to an IP phone’s CTL file for HTTPS provisioning, see
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 637.
For information on phone authentication support in Cisco Unified CME,seePhone Authentication Overview,
on page 582.
HTTPS Support in Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified IP phones use HTTP for some of the services offered by Cisco Unified CME. These services,
which include local-directory lookup on Cisco Unified CME, My Phone Apps, and Extension Mobility, are
invoked by pressing the “Services” button on the phones.
With Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) support in Cisco Unified CME 9.5 and later versions,
these services can be invoked using an HTTPS connection from the phones to Cisco Unified CME.
Ensure that the configured phone is provisioned for HTTPS-based servicesthat run on Cisco Unified CME
before configuring HTTPS globally or locally. Please refer to the appropriate phone administrator guide
to know if your Cisco Unified IP phone supports HTTPS access. HTTP services continue to run for other
phones that do not support HTTPS.
For information on provisioning Cisco Unified IP phones for secure access to web content using HTTPS, see
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 637.
For configuration examples, see Example for Configuring HTTPS Support for Cisco Unified CME, on page
Configure Security
Configure the Cisco IOS Certification Authority
To configure a Cisco IOS Certification Authority (CA) on a local or external router, perform the following
Note If you use a third-party CA, follow the provider’s instructions instead of performing these steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Security
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. crypto pki server label
5. database level {minimal | names | complete}
6. database url root-url
7. lifetime certificate time
8. issuer-name CN=label
9. exit
10. crypto pki trustpoint label
11. enrollment url ca-url
12. exit
13. crypto pki server label
14. grant auto
15. no shutdown
16. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enablesthe Cisco web-browser user interface on the local Cisco Unified CME
ip http server
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
Defines a label for the Cisco IOS CA and enters certificate-server configuration
crypto pki server label
Router(config)# crypto pki server
Step 4
(Optional) Controls the type of data stored in the certificate enrollment
database level {minimal | names |
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Cisco IOS Certification Authority
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-cs-server)# database
level complete
• minimal—Enough information is stored only to continue issuing new
certificates without conflict. This is the default value.
• names—In addition to the minimal information given, the serial number
and subject name of each certificate are also provided.
• complete—In addition to the information given in the minimal and
names levels, each issued certificate is written to the database. If you
use this keyword, you must also specify an external TFTP server in
which to store the data by using the database url command.
(Optional) Specifies the location, other than NVRAM, where all database
entries for the certificate server are to be written out.
database url root-url
Router(config-cs-server)# database
url nvram:
Step 6
• Required if you configured the complete keyword with the database
level command in the previous step.
• root-url—URL that issupported by the Cisco IOSfile system and where
database entries are to be written out. If the CA is going to issue a large
number of certificates, select an appropriate storage location like flash
or other storage device to store the certificates.
• When the storage location chosen is flash and the file system type on
this device is Class B (LEFS), make sure to check free space on the
device periodically and use the squeeze command to free the space used
up by deleted files. This process may take several minutes and should
be done during scheduled maintenance periods or off-peak hours.
(Optional) Specifies the lifetime, in days, of certificates issued by this Cisco
lifetime certificate time
Router(config-cs-server) lifetime
certificate 888
Step 7
• time—Number of days until a certificate expires. Range is 1 to 1825
days. Default is 365. The maximum certificate lifetime is 1 month less
than the lifetime of the CA certificate.
• Configure this command before the Cisco IOS CA is enabled by using
the no shutdown command.
(Optional) Specifies a distinguished name (DN) as issuer name for the Cisco
issuer-name CN=label
issuer-name CN=sanjose1
Step 8
• Default is already-configured label for the Cisco IOS CA. See Step 4,
on page 598.
exit Exits certificate-server configuration mode.
Router(config-cs-server)# exit
Step 9
Step 10 crypto pki trustpoint label (Optional) Declares a trustpoint and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Cisco IOS Certification Authority
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# crypto pki
trustpoint sanjose1
• For local CA only. This command is not required for Cisco IOS CA on
an external router.
• If you must use a specific RSA key for the Cisco IOS CA, use this
command to create your own trustpoint by using the same label to be
used with the cryptopkiserver command. If the routersees a configured
trustpoint with the same label as the crypto pki server, it uses this
trustpoint and does not automatically create a trustpoint.
Step 11 enrollment url ca-url Specifies the enrollment URL of the issuing Cisco IOS CA.
enrollment url
• For local Cisco IOS CA only. This command is not required for Cisco
IOS CA on an external router.
• ca-url—URL of the router on which the Cisco IOS CA is installed.
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(config-ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 12
Step 13 crypto pki server label Enters certificate-server configuration mode.
Router(config)# crypto pki server
• label—Name of the Cisco IOS CA being configured.
Step 14 grant auto (Optional) Allows certificates to be issued automatically to any requester.
Router(config-cs-server)# grant
• Default and recommended method is manual enrollment.
• Use this command only when testing and building simple networks. Use
the no grant auto command after configuration is complete to prevent
certificates from being automatically granted.
Step 15 no shutdown (Optional) Enables the Cisco IOS CA.
Router(config-cs-server)# no
• Use this command only after you are finished configuring the Cisco IOS
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-cs-server)# end
Step 16
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Cisco IOS Certification Authority
The following partial output from the show running-config command shows the configuration for a Cisco
IOS CA named sanjose1 running on the local Cisco Unified CME router:
ip http server
crypto pki server sanjose1
database level complete
database url nvram:
crypto pki trustpoint sanjose1
enrollment url http://ca-server.company.com
crypto pki server authority1
no grant auto
no shutdown
Obtain Certificates for Server Functions
The CA issues certificates for the following server functions:
• Cisco Unified CME—Requires a certificate for TLS sessions with phones.
• TFTP—Requires a key pair and certificate for signing configuration files.
• HTTPS—Requires a key pair and certificate for signing configuration files.
• CAPF—Requires a certificate for TLS sessions with phones.
• SAST—Required for signing the CTL file. We recommend creating two SAST certificates, one for
primary use and one for backup.
To obtain a certificate for a server function, perform the following steps for each server function.
You can configure a different trustpoint for each server function or you can configure the same trustpoint
for more than one server function as shown in Configuration Examples for Security, on page 643 at the
end of this module.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint-label
4. enrollment url url
5. revocation-check method1 [method2 [method3]]
6. rsakeypair key-label [key-size [encryption-key-size]]
7. exit
8. crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
9. crypto pki enroll trustpoint-label
10. exit
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Obtain Certificates for Server Functions
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Declares the trustpoint that the CA should use and enters ca-trustpoint
configuration mode.
crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint-label
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
Step 3
• trustpoint-label—Label for server function being configured.
Step 4 enrollment url url Specifies the enrollment URL of the issuing CA.
enrollment url
• url—URL of the router on which the issuing CA is installed.
(Optional)Specifiesthe method to be used to check the revocation status
of a certificate.
revocation-check method1 [method2
Step 5
revocation-check none
• method—If a second and third method are specified, each
subsequent method is used only if the previous method returns an
error, such as a server being down.
• crl—Certificate checking is performed by a certificate revocation
list (CRL). This is the default behavior.
• none—Certificate checking is not required.
• ocsp—Certificate checking is performed by an Online Certificate
Status Protocol (OCSP) server.
rsakeypair key-label [key-size (Optional) Specifies a key pair to use with a certificate.
Step 6
• key-label—Name of the key pair, which is generated during
enrollment if it does not already exist or if the auto-enroll
regenerate command is configured. Example:
rsakeypair capf 1024 1024
• key-size—Size of the desired RSA key. If notspecified, the existing
key size is used.
• encryption-key-size—Size of the second key, which is used to
request separate encryption, signature keys, and certificates.
• Multiple trustpoints can share the same key.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Obtain Certificates for Server Functions
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(config-ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 7
Retrieves the CA certificate, authenticates it, and checks the certificate
fingerprint if prompted.
crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate
Step 8
• This command is optional if the CA certificate is already loaded
into the configuration
• trustpoint-label—Already-configured label for server function
being configured.
Step 9 crypto pki enroll trustpoint-label Enrolls with the CA and obtains the certificate for this trustpoint.
crypto pki enroll trustpoint-label
• trustpoint-label—Already-configured label for server function
being configured.
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll capf
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 10
The following partial output from the show running-config command show how to obtain certificates for a
variety of server functions:
Obtaining a certificate for the CAPF server function
!configuring a trust point
crypto pki trustpoint capf-server
enrollment url
revocation-check none
!authenticate w/ the CA and download its certificate
crypto pki authenticate capf-server
! enroll with the CA and obtain this trustpoint's certificate
crypto pki enroll capf-server
Obtaining a certificate for the Cisco Unified CME server function
crypto pki trustpoint cme-server
enrollment url
revocation-check none
crypto pki authenticate cme-server
crypto pki enroll cme-server
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Obtain Certificates for Server Functions
Obtaining a certificate for the TFTP server function
crypto pki trustpoint tftp-server
enrollment url
revocation-check none
crypto pki authenticate tftp-server
crypto pki enroll tftp-server
Obtaining a certificate for the first SAST server function (sast1)
crypto pki trustpoint sast1
enrollment url
revocation-check none
crypto pki authenticate sast1
crypto pki enroll sast1
Obtaining a certificate for the second SAST server function (sast2)
crypto pki trustpoint sast2
enrollment url
revocation-check none
crypto pki authenticate sast2
crypto pki enroll sast2
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters
To configure security parameters for telephony service, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. secure-signaling trustpoint label
5. tftp-server-credentials trustpoint label
6. device-security-mode {authenticated | none | encrypted}
7. cnf-file perphone
8. load-cfg-file file-url alias file-alias [sign] [create]
9. server-security-mode {erase | non-secure | secure}
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 secure-signaling trustpoint label Configures trustpoint to be used for secure signalling.
secure-signaling trustpoint cme-sccp
• label—Name of a configured PKI trustpoint with a valid certificate to
be used for TLS handshakes with IP phones on TCP port 2443.
Configures the TFTP server credentials (trustpoint) to be used for signing
the configuration files.
tftp-server-credentials trustpoint label
tftp-server-credentials trustpoint
Step 5
• label—Name of a configured PKI trustpoint with a valid certificate to
be used to sign the phone configuration files. This can be the CAPF
trustpoint that was used in the previous step or any trustpoint with a
valid certificate
device-security-mode {authenticated | Enables security mode for endpoints.
none | encrypted}
Step 6
• authenticated—Instructs device to establish a TLS connection with
no encryption. There is no Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol
(SRTP) in the media path. Example:
device-security-mode authenticated
• none—SCCP signaling is not secure. This is the default.
• encrypted—Instructs device to establish an encrypted TLSconnection
to secure media path using SRTP.
• This command can also be configured in ephone configuration mode.
The value set in ephone configuration mode has priority over the value
set in telephony-service configuration mode.
Specifies that the system generate a separate XML configuration file for
each IP phone.
cnf-file perphone
Router(config-telephony)# cnf-file
Step 7
• Separate configuration files for each endpoint are required for security.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Signs configuration files that are not created by Cisco Unified
CME. Also loads the signed and unsigned versions of a file on the TFTP
load-cfg-file file-url alias file-alias [sign]
load-cfg-file slot0:Ringlist.xml
alias Ringlist.xml sign create
Step 8
• file-url—Complete path of a configuration file in a local directory.
• aliasfile-alias—Alias name of the file to be served on the TFTPserver.
• sign—(Optional) The file needs to be digitally signed and served on
the TFTP server.
• create—(Optional) Creates the signed file in the local directory.
• The first time that you use this command for each file, use the create
and sign keywords. The create keyword is not maintained in the
running configuration to prevent signed files from being recreated
during every reload.
• To serve an already-signed file on the TFTP server, use this command
without the create and sign keywords.
server-security-mode {erase |non-secure (Optional) Changes the security mode of the server.
| secure}
Step 9
• erase—Deletes the CTL file.
server-security-mode non-secure
• non-secure—Nonsecure mode.
• secure—Secure mode.
• This command has no impact until the CTL file is initially generated
by the CTL client. When the CTL file is generated, the CTL client
automatically sets server security mode to secure.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 10
Verify Telephony-Service Security Parameters
Step 1 show telephony-service security-info
Use this command to display the security-related information that is configured in telephony-service configuration mode.
Router# show telephony-service security-info
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters
Skinny Server Trustpoint for TLS: cme-sccp
TFTP Credentials Trustpoint: cme-tftp
Server Security Mode: Secure
Global Device Security Mode: Authenticated
Step 2 show running-config
Use this command to display the running configuration to verify telephony and per-phone security configuration.
Router# show running-config
secure-signaling trustpoint cme-sccp
server-security-mode secure
device-security-mode authenticated
tftp-server-credentials trustpoint cme-tftp
Configure the CTL Client
Perform one of the following tasks, depending upon your network configuration:
• Configure the CTL Client on a Cisco Unified CME Router, on page 607
• Configure the CTL Client on a Router That is Not a Cisco Unified CME Router, on page 610
Configure the CTL Client on a Cisco Unified CME Router
To configure a CTL client for creating a list of known, trusted certificates and tokens on a local
Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following steps.
If you have primary and secondary Cisco Unified CME routers, you can configure the CTL client on either
one of them.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Client
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ctl-client
4. sast1 trustpoint label
5. sast2 trustpoint label
6. server {capf | cme| cme-tftp | tftp} ip-address trustpoint trustpoint-label
7. server cme ip-address username name-string password {0 | 1} password-string
8. regenerate
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ctl-client Enters CTL-client configuration mode.
Router(config)# ctl-client
Step 3
Step 4 sast1 trustpoint label Configures credentials for the primary SAST.
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast1
trustpoint sast1tp
• label- Name of SAST1 trustpoint.
SAST1 and SAST2 certificates must be different from each other.
The CTL file is always signed by SAST1. The SAST2 credentials
are included in the CTL file so that if the SAST1 certificate is
compromised, the file can be signed by SAST2 to prevent phones
from being reset to the factory default.
Step 5 sast2 trustpoint label Configures credentials for the secondary SAST.
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast2
• label - name of SAST2 trustpoint.
SAST1 and SAST2 certificates must be different from each other.
The CTL file is always signed by SAST1. The SAST2 credentials
are included in the CTL file so that if the SAST1 certificate is
compromised, the file can be signed by SAST2 to prevent phones
from being reset to the factory default.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Client
Command or Action Purpose
Configures a trustpoint for each server function that is running locally on
the Cisco Unified CME router.
server {capf | cme| cme-tftp | tftp}
ip-address trustpoint trustpoint-label
Step 6
Router(config-ctl-client)# server
capf trustpoint capftp
• ip-address - IP address of the Cisco Unified CME router. If there are
multiple network interfaces, use the interface addressin the local LAN
to which the phones are connected.
• trustpoint trustpoint-label- Name of the PKI trustpoint for the server
function being configured.
• Repeat this command for server each function that is running locally
on the Cisco Unified CME router.
(Optional) Provides information for another Cisco Unified CME router
(primary or secondary) in the network.
server cme ip-address username
name-string password {0 | 1}
Step 7
• ip-address- IP address of the othe Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config-ctl-client)# server
cme username user3 password
0 38h2KL
• username name-string- Username that is configured on the CTL
• password- Defines the way that you want the password to appear in
show command output and not to the way that you enter the password.
◦0- Not encrypted.
◦1- Encrypted using Message Digest 5 (MD5).
• password-string- Administrative password of the CTL provider running
on the remote Cisco Unified CME router.
Creates a new CTLFile.tlv after you make changes to the CTL client
Step 8
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ctl-client)# end
Step 9
The following sample output from the show ctl-client command displays the trustpoints in the system:
Router# show ctl-client
CTL Client Information
SAST 1 Certificate Trustpoint: cmeserver
SAST 1 Certificate Trustpoint: sast2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Client
List of Trusted Servers in the CTL
CME cmeserver
TFTP cmeserver
CAPF cmeserver
What to Do Next
You are finished configuring the CTL client. See Configure the CAPF Server, on page 612.
Configure the CTL Client on a Router That is Not a Cisco Unified CME Router
To configure a CTL client on a stand-alone router that is not a Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ctl-client
4. sast1 trustpoint label
5. sast2 trustpoint label
6. server cme ip-address username name-string password {0 | 1} password-string
7. regenerate
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ctl-client Enters ctl-client configuration mode.
Router(config)# ctl-client
Step 3
Step 4 sast1 trustpoint label Configures credentials for the primary SAST.
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast1
trustpoint sast1tp
• label—Name of SAST1 trustpoint.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Client
Command or Action Purpose
SAST1 andSAST2 certificates must be different from each other but
either of them may use the same certificate asthe Cisco Unified CME
router to conserve memory. The CTL file is alwayssigned bySAST1.
The SAST2 credentials are included in the CTL file so that if the
SAST1 certificate is compromised, the file can be signed by SAST2
to prevent phones from being reset to the factory default.
Step 5 sast2 trustpoint label Configures credentials for the secondary SAST.
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast2
• label—name of SAST2 trustpoint.
SAST1 andSAST2 certificates must be different from each other but
either of them may use the same certificate asthe Cisco Unified CME
router to conserve memory. The CTL file is alwayssigned bySAST1.
The SAST2 credentials are included in the CTL file so that if the
SAST1 certificate is compromised, the file can be signed by SAST2
to prevent phones from being reset to the factory default.
(Optional) Provides information about another Cisco Unified CME router
(primary or secondary) in the network, if one exists.
server cme ip-address username
name-string password {0 | 1}
Step 6
• ip-address—IP address of the other Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config-ctl-client)# server
cme username user3
password 0 38h2KL
• username name-string—Username that is configured on the CTL
• password—Encryption status of the password string.
◦0—Not encrypted.
◦1—Encrypted using Message Digest 5 (MD5).
This option refers to the way that you want the password to appear
in show command output and not to the way that you enter the
password in this command.
• password-string—Administrative password of the CTL provider running
on the remote Cisco Unified CME router.
Creates a new CTLFile.tlv after you make changes to the CTL client
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ctl-client)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Client
The following sample output from the show ctl-client command displays the trustpoints in the system:
Router# show ctl-client
CTL Client Information
SAST 1 Certificate Trustpoint: cmeserver
SAST 1 Certificate Trustpoint: sast2
List of Trusted Servers in the CTL
CME cmeserver
TFTP cmeserver
CAPF cmeserver
Configure the CAPF Server
A certificate must be obtained for the CAPFserverso that it can establish a TLSsession with the phone during
certificate operation. The CAPF server can install, fetch, or delete locally significant certificates (LSCs) on
security-enabled phones. To enable the CAPFserver on the Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following
When you use the CAPF server to install phone certificates, arrange to do so during a scheduled period
of maintenance. Generating many certificates at the same time may cause call-processing interruptions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. capf-server
4. trustpoint-label label
5. cert-enroll-trustpoint label password {0 |1} password-string
6. source-addr ip-address
7. auth-mode {auth-string | LSC | MIC | none | null-string}
8. auth-string {delete | generate} {all | ephone-tag} [digit-string]
9. phone-key-size {512 | 1024 | 2048}
10. port tcp-port
11. keygen-retry number
12. keygen-timeout minutes
13. cert-oper {delete all | fetch all | upgrade all}
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CAPF Server
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
capf-server Enters capf-server configuration mode.
Router(config)# capf-server
Step 3
Step 4 trustpoint-label label Specifies the label for the trustpoint.
trustpoint-label tp1
• label—Name of trustpoint whose certificate is to be used for TLS
connection between the CAPF server and the phone.
Enrolls the CAPF with the CA (or RA, if the CA is not local to the Cisco
Unified CME router).
cert-enroll-trustpoint labelpassword{0
|1} password-string
Step 5
cert-enroll-trustpoint ra1 password
0 x8oWiet
• label—PKI trustpoint label for CA and RA that was previously
configured by using the crypto pki trustpoint command in global
configuration mode.
• password—Encryption status of the password string.
• password-string—Password to use for certificate enrollment. This
password isthe revocation password that issent along with the certificate
request to the CA.
source-addr ip-address Defines the IP address of the CAPF server on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config-capf-server)# source
Step 6
Specifies the type of authentication mode for CAPF sessions to verify
endpoints that request certificates.
auth-mode {auth-string | LSC | MIC |
none | null-string}
Step 7
auth-mode auth-string
• auth-string—The phone user enters a special authentication string at
the phone. The string is provided to the user by the system administrator
and is configured using the auth-string generate command.
• LSC—The phone provides its LSC for authentication, if one exists.
• MIC—The phone provides its MIC for authentication, if one exists. If
this option is chosen, the MIC s issuer certificate must be imported into
a PKI trustpoint.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CAPF Server
Command or Action Purpose
• none—No certificate upgrade is initiated. This is the default.
• null-string—No authentication.
(Optional) Creates or removes authentication strings for one or all secure
auth-string {delete | generate} {all |
ephone-tag} [digit-string]
Step 8
auth-string generate all
• Use this command if the auth-string keyword is specified in the
previous step. Strings become part of the ephone configuration.
• delete—Remove authentication stringsfor the specified secure devices.
• generate—Create authentication stringsfor the specified secure devices.
• all—All phones.
• ephone-tag—identifier for the ephone to receive the authentication
• digit-string—Digits that phone user must dial for CAPFauthentication.
Length of string is 4 to 10 digits that can be pressed on the keypad. If
this value is not specified, a random string is generated for each phone.
• You can also define an authentication string for an individual SCCP IP
phone by using the capf-auth-str command in ephone configuration
(Optional) Specifies the size of the RSA key pair that is generated on the
phone for the phone s certificate, in bits.
phone-key-size {512 | 1024 | 2048}
phone-key-size 2048
Step 9
• 512—512.
• 1024—1024. This is the default.
• 2048—2048.
(Optional) Defines the TCP port number on which the CAPF server listens
for socket connections from the phones.
port tcp-port
Router(config-capf-server)# port
Step 10
• tcp-port—TCP port number. Range is 2000 to 9999. Default is 3804.
(Optional)Specifiesthe number of timesthat the serversends a key generation
keygen-retry number
keygen-retry 5
Step 11
• number—Number of retries. Range is 0 to 100. Default is 3.
(Optional) Specifies the amount of time that the server waits for a key
generation response from the phone.
keygen-timeout minutes
keygen-timeout 45
Step 12
• minutes—Number of minutes before the generation process times out.
Range is 1 to 120. Default is 30.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CAPF Server
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Initiates the indicated certificate operation on all configured
endpoints in the system.
cert-oper {delete all | fetchall |upgrade
Step 13
cert-oper upgrade all
• delete all—Remove all phone certificates.
• fetch all—Retrieve all phone certificates for troubleshooting.
• upgrade all—Upgrade all phone certificates.
• This command can also be configured in ephone configuration mode
to initiate certificate operations on individual phones. This command
in ephone configuration mode has priority over this command in
CAPF-server configuration mode.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-capf-server)# end
Step 14
Verify the CAPF Server
Use the show capf-server summary command to display CAPF-server configuration information.
Router# show capf-server summary
CAPF Server Configuration Details
Trustpoint for TLS With Phone: tp1
Trustpoint for CA operation: ra1
Source Address:
Listening Port: 3804
Phone Key Size: 1024
Phone KeyGen Retries: 3
Phone KeyGen Timeout: 30 minutes
Configure Ephone Security Parameters
To configure security parameters for individual phones, perform the following steps for each phone.
Before You Begin
• Phones to be configured for security must be configured for basic calling in Cisco Unified CME. For
configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page 315.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Ephone Security Parameters
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. capf-ip-in-cnf
5. device-security-mode {authenticated | none | encrypted }
6. codec {g711ulaw | g722r64 | g729r8 [dspfarm-assist]}
7. capf-auth-str digit-string
8. cert-oper {delete | fetch | upgrade} auth-mode {auth-string | LSC | MIC | null-string}
9. reset
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 24
• phone-tag—Unique identifier of phone to be configured.
(Optional) Enables the CAPF Server IP Address to be added to the CNF file for an
SCCP phone. Upon successful registration, the SCCP phone downloads the LSC
Step 4
from the CAPFserver. This CLI command is optional and required only if the phone
has to register, download, and authenticate with the LSC.
device-security-mode (Optional) Enables security mode for an individual SCCP IP phone.
{authenticated | none | encrypted
Step 5
• authenticated—Instructs device to establish a TLS connection with no
encryption. There is no Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) in the
media path.
• none—SCCP signaling is not secure. This is the default.
• encrypted—Instructs device to establish an encrypted TLS connection to
secure media path using SRTP.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Ephone Security Parameters
Command or Action Purpose
• This command can also be configured in telephony-service configuration
mode. The value set in ephone configuration mode has priority over the value
set in telephony-service configuration mode.
(Optional) Sets the security mode for SCCP signaling for a phone communicating
with the Cisco Unified CME router.
codec {g711ulaw | g722r64 |
g729r8 [dspfarm-assist]}
Step 6
Router(config-ephone)# codec
g711ulaw dspfarm-assist
• dspfarm-assist—Required for secure transcoding with Cisco Unified CME.
Causes the system to attempt to use DSP Farm resources for transcoding the
segment between the phone and the Cisco Unified CME router if G.711 is
negotiated for the call. This keyword is ignored if the SCCP endpoint type is
ATA, VG224, or VG248.
(Optional) Defines a string to use as a personal identification number (PIN) for
CAPF authentication.
capf-auth-str digit-string
capf-auth-str 2734
Step 7
For instructions on how to enter the string on a phone, see Enter the
Authentication String on the Phone, on page 625.
• digit-string—Digits that the phone user must dial for CAPF authentication.
The length of string is 4 to 10 digits.
• This command can also be configured in telephony-service configuration
mode. The value set in ephone configuration mode has priority over the value
set in telephony-service configuration mode.
• You can also define a PIN for CAPF authentication by using theauth-string
command in CAPF-server configuration mode.
(Optional) Initiates the indicated certificate operation on the ephone being
cert-oper {delete | fetch|upgrade}
auth-mode {auth-string | LSC |
MIC | null-string}
Step 8
• delete—Removes the phone certificate.
cert-oper upgrade auth-mode
• fetch—Retrieves the phone certificate for troubleshooting.
• upgrade—Upgrades the phone certificate.
• auth-mode—Type of authentication to use during CAPF sessions to verify
endpoints that request certificates.
• auth-string—Authentication string to be entered on the phone by the phone
user. Use the capf-auth-str command to configure the auth-string. For
configuration information, see Enter the Authentication String on the Phone,
on page 625.
• LSC—Phone provides its phone certificate for authentication. Precedence is
given to an LSC if one exists.
• MIC—Phone provides its phone certificate for authentication. Precedence is
given to an MIC if one exists. MIC s issuer certificate must be imported into
a PKI trustpoint. For information, see Manually Import the MIC Root
Certificate, on page 626.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Ephone Security Parameters
Command or Action Purpose
• null-string—No authentication.
• This command can also be configured in CAPF-server configuration mode
to initiate certificate operations at a global level. This command in ephone
configuration mode has priority over this command in CAPF-server
configuration mode.
• You can also use the auth-mode command in CAPF-server configuration
mode to configure authentication at a global level.
reset Performs a complete reboot of the phone.
Router(config-ephone)# reset
Step 9
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 10
Verify Ephone Security Parameters
Use the show capf-server auth-string command to display configured authentication strings (PINs) that users enter at
the phone to establish CAPF authentication.
Router# show capf-server auth-string
Authentication Strings for configured Ephones
Mac-Addr Auth-String
-------- -----------
000CCE3A817C 2734
001121116BDD 922
000D299D50DF 9182
000ED7B10DAC 3114
000F90485077 3328>
0013C352E7F1 0678
What to Do Next
• When you have more than one Cisco Unified CME router in your network, you must configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router that is not running the CTL client. To configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router on which the CTL client is not running, see Configure the
CTL Provider, on page 619.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Ephone Security Parameters
• If the CA is a third-party CA or if the Cisco IOS CA is on a Cisco IOS router external to the
Cisco Unified CME router, you must configure an RA to issue certificates to phones. For information,
see Configure the Registration Authority, on page 621.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is authentication-string, you must enter an
authentication string on each phone that is receiving an updated LSC. For information, see Enter the
Authentication String on the Phone, on page 625.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is MIC, the MIC’s issuer certificate must be
imported into aPKI trustpoint.For information,see Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate, on page
• To configure Media Encryption, see Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME, on
page 629.
Configure the CTL Provider
When you have more than one Cisco Unified CME router in your network, you must configure a CTL provider
on each Cisco Unified CME router that is not running the CTL client. To configure a CTL provider on each
Cisco Unified CME router on which the CTL client is not running, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. credentials
4. ip source-address [ip-address [port [port-number]]]
5. trustpoint trustpoint-label
6. ctl-service admin username secret {0 | 1 } password- string
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
credentials Enters credentials-interface mode to configure a CTL provider.
Router(config)# credentials
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Provider
Command or Action Purpose
identifies the local router on which this CTL provider is being
ip source-address [ip-address [port
Step 4
Router(config-credentials)# ip
source-address port 2444
• ip-address—Typically one of the addresses of the Ethernet port
of the router.
• port port-number—TCP port for credentials service
communication. Default is 2444 and we recommend that you
use the default value.
Step 5 trustpoint trustpoint-label Configures the trustpoint.
Router(config-credentials)# trustpoint
• trustpoint-label—Name of CTL provider trustpoint to be used
for TLS sessions with the CTL client.
Specifies a username and password to authenticate the CTL client
when it connects to retrieve the credentials during the CTL protocol.
ctl-service admin username secret {0 | 1 }
password- string
Step 6
Router(config-credentials)# ctl-service
admin user4 secret 0 c89L8o
• username—Name that will be used to authenticate the client.
• secret—Character string for login authentication and whether
the string should be encrypted when it is stored in the running
◦0—Not encrypted.
◦1—Encrypted using Message Digest 5 (MD5).
• password-string—Character string for login authentication.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-credentials)# end
Step 7
Verify the CTL Provider
Use the show credentials command to display credentials settings.
Router# show credentials
Credentials IP:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the CTL Provider
Credentials PORT: 2444
Trustpoint: ctlpv
What to Do Next
• If the CA is a third-party CA or if the Cisco IOS CA is on a Cisco IOS router external to the
Cisco Unified CME router, you must configure an RA to issue certificates to phones. For information,
see Configure the Registration Authority, on page 621.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is authentication-string, you must enter an
authentication string on each phone that is receiving an updated LSC. For information, see Enter the
Authentication String on the Phone, on page 625.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is MIC, the MIC’s issuer certificate must be
imported into aPKI trustpoint.For information,see Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate, on page
• To configure Media Encryption, see Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME, on
page 629.
Configure the Registration Authority
A registration authority (RA) is the authority charged with recording or verifying some or all of the data
required for the CA to issue certificates. In many cases the CA undertakes all of the RA functions itself, but
where a CA operates over a wide geographical area or when there is security concern over exposing the CA
at the edge of the network, it may be advisable to delegate some of the tasksto an RA and let the CA concentrate
on its primary tasks of signing certificates.
You can configure a CA to run in RA mode. When the RA receives a manual orSimple Certificate Enrollment
Protocol (SCEP) enrollment request, the administrator can either reject or grant it on the basis of local policy.
If the request is granted, it is forwarded to the issuing CA, and the CA automatically generates the certificate
and returns it to the RA. The client can later retrieve the granted certificate from the RA.
To configure an RA, perform the following steps on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Registration Authority
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki trustpoint label
4. enrollment url ca-url
5. revocation-check method1 [method2 [method3]]
6. serial-number [none]
7. rsakeypair key-label [key-size [encryption-key-size]]
8. exit
9. crypto pki server label
10. mode ra
11. lifetime certificate time
12. grant auto
13. no shutdown
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Declares the trustpoint that your RA mode certificate server should use and
enters CA-trustpoint configuration mode.
crypto pki trustpoint label
Router(config)# crypto pki
trustpoint ra12
Step 3
• label—Name for the trustpoint and RA.
This label is also required for the cert-enroll-trustpoint command
when you set up the CA proxy. See Configure the CAPF Server, on
page 612.
Step 4 enrollment url ca-url Specifies the enrollment URL of the issuing CA (root CA).
enrollment url
• ca-url—URL of the router on which the root CA has been installed.
(Optional) Checks the revocation status of a certificate and specifies one or
more methods to check the status. If a second and third method are specified,
revocation-check method1 [method2
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Registration Authority
Command or Action Purpose
each method is used only if the previous method returns an error, such as a
server being down. Example:
revocation-check none
Valid values for methodn are as follows:
• crl—Certificate checking is performed by a certificate revocation list
(CRL). This is the default behavior.
• none—Certificate checking is not required.
• ocsp—Certificate checking is performed by an Online CertificateStatus
Protocol (OCSP) server.
(Optional) Specifies whether the router serial number should be included in
the certificate request. When this command is not used, you are prompted
for the serial number during certificate enrollment.
serial-number [none]
Step 6
• none—(Optional) A serial number is not included in the certificate
rsakeypair key-label [key-size (Optional) Specifies an RSA key pair to use with a certificate.
Step 7
• key-label—Name of the key pair, which is generated during enrollment
if it does not already exist or if the auto-enroll regenerate command
is used. Example:
rsakeypair exampleCAkeys 1024 1024
• key-size—(Optional) Size of the desired RSA key. If not specified, the
existing key size is used.
• encryption-key-size—(Optional) Size of the second key, which is used
to request separate encryption, signature keys, and certificates.
• Multiple trustpoints can share the same key.
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(config-ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 8
Defines a label for the certificate server and enters certificate-server
configuration mode.
crypto pki server label
Router(config)# crypto pki server
Step 9
• label—Name for the trustpoint and RA. Use the same label that you
previously created as a trustpoint and RA in Step 3, on page 622.
mode ra Places the PKI server into certificate-server mode for the RA.
Router(config-cs-server)# mode ra
Step 10
Step 11 lifetime certificate time (Optional) Specifies the lifetime, in days, of a certificate.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Registration Authority
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-cs-server)# lifetime
certificate 1800
• time—Number of days until the certificate expires. Range is 1 to 1825.
Default is 365. The maximum certificate lifetime is 1 month less than
the lifetime of the CA certificate.
• This command must be used before the server is enabled with the no
shutdown command.
Step 12 grant auto Allows a certificate to be issued automatically to any requester.
Router(config-cs-server)# grant
• Configure this command only during enrollment when testing and
building simple networks.
• As a security best practice, use the no grant auto command to disable
this functionality after configuration so that certificates are not
continually granted.
Step 13 no shutdown (Optional) Enables the certificate server.
Router(config-cs-server)# no
• When prompted, provide input regarding acceptance of the CA
certificate, the router certificate, the challenge password, and a password
for protecting the private key.
• Use this command only after you have completely configured your
certificate server.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-cs-server)# end
Step 14
What to Do Next
• When you have more than one Cisco Unified CME router in your network, you must configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router that is not running the CTL client. To configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router on which the CTL client is not running, see Configure the
CTL Provider, on page 619.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is authentication-string, you must enter an
authentication string on each phone that is receiving an updated LSC. For information, see Enter the
Authentication String on the Phone, on page 625.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is MIC, the MIC s issuer certificate must be
imported into aPKI trustpoint.For information,see Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate, on page
• To configure Media Encryption, see Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME, on
page 629.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the Registration Authority
Enter the Authentication String on the Phone
This procedure is required only for the one-time installation of an LSC on a phone and only if you configured
the authentication mode for the CAPF session as authentication-string. The authentication string must be
communicated to the phone user so that it can be entered on the phone before the LSC is installed.
Note You can list authentication strings for phones by using the show capf-server auth-string command.
Restriction • Authentication string applies for one-time use only.
Before You Begin
• Signed image exists on the IP phone; see the Cisco Unified IP phone administration documentation that
supports your phone model.
• IP phone is registered in Cisco Unified CME.
• CAPF certificate exists in the CTL file. For information, see Configure the CTL Client, on page 607.
• Authentication string to be entered is configured using auth-string command in CAPF-server
configuration mode or the capf-auth-str command in ephone configuration mode. For information, see
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters, on page 604.
• The device-security-mode command is configured using the none keyword. For information, see
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters, on page 604.
Step 1 Press the Settings button. On the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7921, press Down Arrow to access the Settings menu.
Step 2 If the configuration is locked, press **# (asterisk, asterisk, pound sign) to unlock it.
Step 3 Scroll down the Settings menu. Highlight Security Configuration and press the Select softkey.
Step 4 Scroll down the Security Configuration menu. Highlight LSC and press the Update softkey. On the Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7921, press **# to unlock the Security Configuration menu.
Step 5 When prompted for the authentication string, enter the string provided by the system administrator and press theSubmit
The phone installs, updates, deletes, or fetches the certificate, depending on the CAPF configuration.
You can monitor the progress of the certificate operation by viewing the messages that display on the phone. After you
press Submit, the message “Pending” appears under the LSC option. The phone generates the public and private key
pair and displays the information on the phone. When the phone successfully completes the process, the phone displays
a successful message. If the phone displays a failure message, you entered the wrong authentication string or did not
enable the phone for upgrade.
You can stop the process by choosing Stop at any time.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enter the Authentication String on the Phone
Step 6 Verify that the certificate was installed on the phone. From the Settings menu on the phone screen, choose Model
Information and then press the Select softkey to display the Model Information.
Step 7 Press the navigation button to scroll to LSC. The value for this item indicates whether LSC is Installed or Not Installed.
What to Do Next
• When you have more than one Cisco Unified CME router in your network, you must configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router that is not running the CTL client. To configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router on which the CTL client is not running, see Configure the
CTL Provider, on page 619.
• If the CA is a third-party CA or if the Cisco IOS CA is on a Cisco IOS router external to the
Cisco Unified CME router, you must configure an RA to issue certificates to phones. For information,
see Configure the Registration Authority, on page 621 .
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is MIC, the MIC’s issuer certificate must be
imported into aPKI trustpoint.For information,see Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate, on page
• To configure Media Encryption, see Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME, on
page 629.
Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate
The MIC root certificate must be present in the Cisco Unified CME router to allow Cisco Unified CME to
authenticate the MIC that is presented to it. To manually import the MIC root certificate on the
Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following steps for each type of phone that requires a MIC for
Before You Begin
One of the following must be true before you perform this task:
• The device-security-mode command is configured using the none keyword. For information, see
Configure Telephony-Service Security Parameters, on page 604.
• MIC is the specified authentication mode for phone authentication during a CAPF session.
• A phone’s MIC, rather than an LSC, is used to establish the TLS session for SCCP signaling.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki trustpoint name
4. revocation-check none
5. enrollment terminal
6. exit
7. crypto pki authenticate name
8. Download the four MIC root certificate files. Cut and paste the appropriate text for each certificate. Accept
the certificates.
9. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Declares the CA that your router should use and enters ca-trustpoint
configuration mode.
crypto pki trustpoint name
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
Step 3
• name—Already-configured label for the CA.
Specifiesthat revocation check is not performed and the certificate is always
revocation-check none
revocation-check none
Step 4
enrollment terminal Specifies manual (copy-and-paste) certificate enrollment.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment
Step 5
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate
Command or Action Purpose
Step 7 crypto pki authenticate name Authenticates the CA by getting the certificate from the CA.
Router(config)# crypto pki
authenticate sanjose1
• name- Already-configured label for the CA.
Download the four MIC root certificate
files. Cut and paste the appropriate text for
each certificate. Accept the certificates.
Step 8 1 Click on the link to the certificate:
The certificates are available at the following links:
• CAP-RTP-001: http://www.cisco.com/security/pki/certs/
• CAP-RTP-002: http://www.cisco.com/security/pki/certs/
• CMCA: http://www.cisco.com/security/pki/certs/cmca.cer
• CiscoRootCA2048: http://www.cisco.com/security/pki/certs/
2 When the Downloading Certificate dialog window opens, select the
option to view the certificate. Do not install the certificate.
3 Select the Detail tab on top.
4 Click Export on the bottom and save the certificate into a file.
5 Open the file with WordPad.
6 Cut and paste the text between -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and
-----END CERTIFICATE----- into the IOS console.
7 When prompted, press Enter and type quit.
After pasting the certificate, press Enter and type quit on a line by
8 Enter y to accept the certificate.
The system respondsto the pasted certificate text by providing the MD5
and SHA1 fingerprints, and asks whether you accept the certificate.
Enter y to accept the certificate or n to reject it.
9 Repeat steps a. through h. for each certificate.
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Manually Import the MIC Root Certificate
What to Do Next
• When you have more than one Cisco Unified CME router in your network, you must configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router that is not running the CTL client. To configure a CTL
provider on each Cisco Unified CME router on which the CTL client is not running, see Configure the
CTL Provider, on page 619.
• If the CA is a third-party CA or if the Cisco IOS CA is on a Cisco IOS router external to the Cisco
Unified CME router, you must configure an RA to issue certificates to phones. For information, see
Configure the Registration Authority, on page 621.
• If the specified authentication mode for the CAPF session is authentication-string, you must enter an
authentication string on each phone that is receiving an updated LSC. For information, see Enter the
Authentication String on the Phone, on page 625.
• To configure Media Encryption, see Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME, on
page 629.
Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME
To configure the network forsecure calls between Cisco Unified CME systems across an H.323 trunk, perform
the following steps on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Restriction • Secure three-way software conferencing is notsupported. A secure call beginning withSRTPalways
falls back to nonsecure Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) when it is joined to a conference.
• If a party drops from a three-party conference, the call between the remaining two parties returns to
secure if the two parties are SRTP-capable local Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) endpoints
to a single Cisco Unified CME and the conference creator is one of the remaining parties. If either
of the two remaining parties are only RTP-capable, the call remains nonsecure. If the two remaining
parties are connected through FXS, PSTN, or VoIP, the call remains nonsecure.
• Calls to Cisco Unity Express are not secure.
• Music on Hold (MOH) is not secure.
• Video calls are not secure.
• Modem relay and T.3 fax relay calls are not secure.
• Media flow-around is not supported for call transfer and call forward.
• Conversion between inband tone and RFC 2833 DTMFis notsupported. RFC 2833 DTMFhandling
is supported when encryption keys are sent to secure DSP Farm devices but is not supported for
codec passthrough.
• Secure Cisco Unified CME does not support SIP trunks; only H.323 trunks are supported.
• Media Encryption (SRTP) supports secure supplementary services in both H.450 and non-H.450
Cisco Unified CME networks. A secure Cisco Unified CME network should be either H.450 or
non-H.450, not a hybrid.
• Secure calls are supported in the default session application only.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
• To make secure H.323 calls, telephony-service security parameters must be configured. See Configure
Telephony-Service Security Parameters, on page 604.
• Compatible Cisco IOS Release on the Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway. For information, see
Cisco Unified CME and Cisco IOS Release Compatibility Matrix.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. supplementary-service media-renegotiate
5. srtp fallback
6. h323
7. emptycapability
8. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
• The voip keyword specifies VoIP encapsulation.
supplementary-service media-renegotiate Enables midcall renegotiation of SRTP cryptographic keys.
supplementary-service media-renegotiate
Step 4
Globally enables secure calls using SRTP for media encryption and
authentication and enables SRTP-to-RTP fallback to support
supplementary services such as ringback tone and MOH.
srtp fallback
Router(conf-voi-serv)# srtp fallback
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Media Encryption (SRTP) in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
• Skip this step if you are going to configure fallback on
individual dial peers.
• This command can also be configured in dial-peer
configuration mode. This command in dial-peer configuration
command takes precedence over this command in voice service
voip configuration mode.
h323 Enters H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# h323
Step 6
Eliminates the need for identical codec capabilities for all dial peers
in the rotary group.
Router(conf-serv-h323)# emptycapability
Step 7
exit Exits H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-serv-h323)# exit
Step 8
What to Do Next
You have completed the required task for configuring Media Encryption (SRTP) on Cisco Unified CME.
Configuring Cisco Unified CME SRTP Fallback for H.323 Dial Peers. You can now perform the following
optional tasks:
• Configure Cisco Unified CME SRTP Fallback for H.323 Dial Peers, on page 631(Optional)
• Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation, on page 633(Optional)
Configure Cisco Unified CME SRTP Fallback for H.323 Dial Peers
To configure SRTP fallback for an individual dial peer, perform the following steps on the Cisco Unified
CME router.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco Unified CME SRTP Fallback for H.323 Dial Peers
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice class codec tag
4. codec preference value codec-type
5. exit
6. dial-peer voice tag voip
7. srtp fallback
8. voice-class codec tag
9. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-class configuration mode and assigns an identification tag
number for a codec voice class.
voice class codec tag
Router(config)# voice class codec 1
Step 3
Step 4 codec preference value codec-type Specifies a list of preferred codecs to use on a dial peer.
Router(config-voice-class)# codec
preference 1 g711alaw
• Repeat this step to build a list of preferred codecs.
• Use the same preference order for the codec list on both Cisco
Unified CMEs on either side of the H.323 trunk.
exit Exits voice-class configuration mode.
Router(config-voice-class)# exit
Step 5
dial-peer voice tag voip Enters dial peer voice configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 101
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco Unified CME SRTP Fallback for H.323 Dial Peers
Command or Action Purpose
Enables secure calls that use SRTP for media encryption and
authentication and specifies fallback capability.
srtp fallback
Router(config-dial-peer)# srtp
Step 7
• Using the no srtp command disables SRTP and causes the dial
peer to fall back to RTP mode.
• fallback—Enables fallback to nonsecure mode (RTP) on an
individual dial peer. The no srtp fallback command disables
fallback and SRTP.
• This command can also be configured in voice service voip
configuration mode. This command in dial-peer configuration
command takes precedence over this command in voice service
voip configuration mode.
Assigns a previously configured codec selection preference list (codec
voice class) to a Voice over IP (VoIP) dial peer.
voice-class codec tag
Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class
codec 1
Step 8
• The tag argument in this step is the same as the tag in Step 3.
exit Exits dial-peer voice configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 9
Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation
This section contains the following tasks:
• Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation, on page 633
• Configure Integration Between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity, on page 634
• Import the Cisco Unity Root Certificate to Cisco Unified CME, on page 634
• Configure Cisco Unity Ports for Secure Registration, on page 636
• Verify that Cisco Unity are Registering Securely, on page 636
Prerequisites for Configuring Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation
• Cisco Unity 4.2 or later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation
Configure Integration Between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity
To change the settingsfor the integration between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity, perform the following
steps on the Cisco Unity server:
Step 1 If Cisco Unity Telephony Integration Manager (UTIM) is not yet open on the Cisco Unity server, choosePrograms >
Cisco Unity > Manage Integrations from the Windows Start menu. The UTIM window appears.
Step 2 In the left pane, double-click Cisco Unity Server. The existing integrations appear.
Step 3 Click Cisco Unified Communications Manager integration.
Step 4 In the right pane, click the cluster for the integration.
Step 5 Click the Servers tab.
Step 6 In the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster Security Mode field, click the applicable setting.
Step 7 If you clicked Non-secure, click Save and skip the remaining steps in this procedure.
If you clicked Authenticated or Encrypted, the Security tab and the Add TFTP Server dialog box appear. In the IP
Address or Host Name field of the Add TFTP Server dialog box, enter the IP address (or DNS name) of the primary
TFTP server for the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster and click OK.
Step 8 If there are more TFTP servers that Cisco Unity will use to download the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
certificates, click Add. The Add TFTP Server dialog box appears.
Step 9 In the IP Address or Host Name field, enter the IP address (or DNS name) of the secondary TFTP server for the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster and click OK.
Step 10 Click Save.
Cisco Unity creates the voice messaging port device certificates, exports the Cisco Unity server root certificate, and
displays the Export Cisco Unity Root Certificate dialog box.
Step 11 Note the filename of the exported Cisco Unity server root certificate and click OK.
Step 12 On the Cisco Unity server, navigate to the CommServer\SkinnyCerts directory.
Step 13 Locate the Cisco Unity server root certificate file that you exported in Step 11.
Step 14 Right-click the file and click Rename.
Step 15 Change the file extension from .0 to .pem. For example, change the filename “12345.0” to “12345.pem” for the exported
Cisco Unity server root certificate file.
Step 16 Copy this file to a PC from which you can access the Cisco Unified CME router.
Import the Cisco Unity Root Certificate to Cisco Unified CME
To import the Cisco Unity root certificate to Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps on the
Cisco Unified CME router:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. crypto pki trustpoint name
4. revocation-check none
5. enrollment terminal
6. exit
7. crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
8. Open the root certificate file that you copied from the Cisco Unity Server in Step 16, on page 634.
9. You will be prompted to enter the CA certificate. Cut and paste the entire contents of the base 64 encoded
certificate between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE at the command line. Press Enter
and type quit. The router prompts you to accept the certificate. Enter yes to accept the certificate.
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Declares the trustpoint that your RA mode certificate
servershould use and enters ca-trustpoint configuration
crypto pki trustpoint name
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint PEM
Step 3
• label—Name for the trustpoint and RA.
(Optional) Specifies that certificate checking is not
revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Step 4
enrollment terminal Specifies manual cut-and-paste certificate enrollment.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Step 5
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation
Command or Action Purpose
Retrievesthe CA certificate and authenticatesit. Checks
the certificate fingerprint when prompted.
crypto pki authenticate trustpoint-label
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate pem
Step 7
• trustpoint-label—Already-configured name for
the trustpoint and RA. See Step 3, on page 635.
Open the root certificate file that you copied from the Cisco
Unity Server in Step 16, on page 634.
Step 8
Completesthe copying of the Cisco Unity root certificate
to the Cisco Unified CME router.
You will be prompted to enter the CA certificate. Cut and
paste the entire contents of the base 64 encoded certificate
Step 9
at the command line. Press Enter and type quit. The router
prompts you to accept the certificate. Enter yes to accept the
Configure Cisco Unity Ports for Secure Registration
To configure Cisco Unity ports for registration in secure mode, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Choose the Cisco voice-mail port that you want to update.
Step 2 From the Device Security Mode drop-down list, choose Encrypted.
Step 3 Click Update.
Verify that Cisco Unity are Registering Securely
Use the show sccp connections command to verify that Cisco Unity ports are registered securely with
Cisco Unified CME.
In the following example, the secure value of the type field shows that the connections are secure.
Router# show sccp connections
sess_id conn_id stype mode codec ripaddr rport sport
16777222 16777409 secure-xcode sendrecv g729b 16772 19534
16777222 16777393 secure-xcode sendrecv g711u 17030 18464
Total number of active session(s) 1, and connection(s) 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Cisco Unity for Secure Cisco Unified CME Operation
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
To provision a Cisco Unified IP phone for secure access to web content using HTTPS, perform the following
Before You Begin
• Firmware 9.0 (4) or a later version must be installed on the IP phone to prevent an infinite registration
• Certificate file to be imported from flash memory to the IP phone must be in privacy-enhanced mail
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. crypto pki server cs-label
5. database level {minimum | names |complete}
6. database url root url
7. grant auto
8. exit
9. crypto pki trustpoint name
10. enrollment url url
11. exit
12. crypto pki server cs-label
13. no shutdown
14. exit
15. crypto pki trustpoint name
16. enrollment url url
17. revocation-check method1 [method2[method3]]
18. rsakeypair key-label
19. exit
20. crypto pki authenticate name
21. crypto pki enroll name
22. crypto pki trustpoint name
23. enrollment url url
24. revocation-check method1 [method2[method3]]
25. rsakeypair key-label
26. exit
27. crypto pki authenticate name
28. crypto pki enroll name
29. ctl-client
30. sastl trustpoint label
31. sast2 trustpoint label
32. import certificate tag description flash: cert_name
33. server application server address trustpoint label
34. regenerate
35. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ip http server Enables the HTTP server on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
Enables a Cisco IOS certificate server and enters certificate server
configuration mode.
crypto pki server cs-label
Router(config)# crypto pki server IOS-CA
Step 4
• cs-label—Name of the certificate server.
The certificate server name should not exceed 13
Controls what type of data is stored in the certificate enrollment
database level {minimum |names|complete}
Router(cs-server)# database level
Step 5
• complete—Each issued certificate is written to the database.
If this keyword is used, you should enable the database url
Specifiesthe location where database entriesfor the certificate server
will be stored or published.
database url root url
Router(cs-server)# database url flash:
Step 6
• root url—Location where database entries will be written.
(Optional) Allows an automatic certificate to be issued to any
requester. The recommended method and default if this command
is not used is manual enrollment.
grant auto
Router(cs-server)# grant auto
Step 7
exit Exits certificate server configuration mode.
Router(cs-server)# exit
Step 8
Step 9 crypto pki trustpoint name Declares a trustpoint and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
• name—Name for the trustpoint.
Step 10 enrollment url url Specifies the enrollment parameters of a certification authority.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
• url—Specifies the URL of the file system where your router
should send certificate requests.
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 11
Enables a Cisco IOS certificate server and enters certificate server
configuration mode.
crypto pki server cs-label
Router(config)# crypto pki server IOS-CA
Step 12
• cs-label—Name of the certificate server.
The certificate server name should not exceed 13
no shutdown Enables the Cisco IOS Certification Authority.
Router(cs-server)# no shutdown
Step 13
exit Exits certificate server configuration mode.
Router(cs-server)# exit
Step 14
Step 15 crypto pki trustpoint name Declares a trustpoint and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
• name—Name for the trustpoint.
Step 16 enrollment url url Specifies the enrollment parameters of the certification authority.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
• url—Specifies the URL of the file system where your router
should send certificate requests.
Step 17 revocation-check method1 [method2[method3]] Checks the revocation status of a certificate.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check
• none—Certificate checking is not required.
Step 18 rsakeypair key-label Specifies which RSA key pair to associate with the certificate.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair
• key-label—Name of the key pair, which is generated during
enrollment if it does not already exist or if the auto-enroll
regenerate command is configured.
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 19
Authenticates the certification authority by getting the authority's
crypto pki authenticate name
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate
Step 20
• name—Name of the certification authority.
Step 21 crypto pki enroll name Obtains the certificates for the router from the certificate authority.
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll
• name—Name of the certification authority. Use the same name
as when you declared the certification authority using the
crypto pki trustpoint command.
Step 22 crypto pki trustpoint name Declares a trustpoint and enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint
• name—Name for the trustpoint.
Step 23 enrollment url url Specifies the enrollment parameters of a certification authority.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
• url—Specifies the URL of the file system where your router
should send certificate requests.
Step 24 revocation-check method1 [method2[method3]] Checks the revocation status of a certificate.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check
• none—Certificate checking is not required.
Step 25 rsakeypair key-label Specifies which RSA key pair to associate with the certificate.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair
• key-label—Name of the key pair, which is generated during
enrollment if it does not already exist or if the auto-enroll
regenerate command is configured.
exit Exits ca-trustpoint configuration mode.
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Step 26
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Authenticates the certification authority by getting the authority's
crypto pki authenticate name
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate
Step 27
• name—Name of the certification authority.
Step 28 crypto pki enroll name Obtains the certificates for the router from the certificate authority.
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll
• name—Name of the certification authority. Use the same name
as when you declared the certification authority using the
crypto pki trustpoint command.
Enters CTL-client configuration mode to set parametersfor the CTL
Router(config)# ctl-client
Step 29
Step 30 sastl trustpoint label Configures the credentials for the primary SAST.
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast1
trustpoint first-sast
• label—Name of SAST1 trustpoint.
SAST1 andSAST2 certificates must be different from each
other. The CTL file is alwayssigned bySAST1. TheSAST2
credentials are included in the CTL file so that if theSAST1
certificate is compromised, the file can be signed bySAST2
to prevent phones from being reset to the factory default.
Step 31 sast2 trustpoint label Configures the credentials for the secondary SAST.
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast2
trustpoint second-sast
• label—Name of SAST2 trustpoint.
SAST1 andSAST2 certificates must be different from each
other. The CTL file is alwayssigned bySAST1. TheSAST2
credentials are included in the CTL file so that if theSAST1
certificate is compromised, the file can be signed bySAST2
to prevent phones from being reset to the factory default.
Imports a trusted certificate in PEM format from flash memory to
the CTL file of an IP phone.
import certificate tag description flash:
Step 32
Router(config-ctl-client)# import
certificate 5 FlashCert
This step is required to provision HTTPS service running
on external server.
• tag—identifier for the trusted certificate.
• description—Descriptive name of the trusted certificate.
• flash:cert_cert—Specifiesthe filename of the trusted certificate
stored in flash memory.
server application server address trustpoint Configures the server application and the credentials for the SAST.
Step 33
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco Unified IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ctl-client)# server
application trustpoint
Creates a new CTLFile.tlv after you make changes to the CTL client
Router(config-ctl-client)# regenerate
Step 34
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ctl-client)# end
Step 35
Configuration Examples for Security
Example for Configuring Cisco IOS CA
crypto pki server iosca
grant auto
database url flash:
crypto pki trustpoint iosca
revocation-check none
rsakeypair iosca
crypto pki certificate chain iosca
certificate ca 01
308201F9 30820162 ...
Example for Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate on the Cisco Unified CME
The following example shows three certificates imported to the router (7970, 7960, PEM):
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint 7970
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate 7970
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.
End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Security
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: F7E150EA 5E6E3AC5 615FC696 66415C9F
Fingerprint SHA1: 1BE2B503 DC72EE28 0C0F6B18 798236D8 D3B18BE6
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: y
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
% Certificate successfully imported
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint 7960
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate 7960
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.
End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: 4B9636DF 0F3BA6B7 5F54BE72 24762DBC
Fingerprint SHA1: A9917775 F86BB37A 5C130ED2 3E528BB8 286E8C2D
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: y
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
% Certificate successfully imported
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint PEM
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment terminal
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate PEM
Enter the base 64 encoded CA certificate.
End with a blank line or the word "quit" on a line by itself
Rj2lFlSij0ddkDtfEEo9VKmBOJsvx6xJlWJiuBwUMDhTRbsuJz+npkaGBXPOXJmN >
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate on the Cisco Unified CME Router
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: 233C8E33 8632EA4E 76D79FEB FFB061C6
Fingerprint SHA1: F7B40B94 5831D2AB 447AB8F2 25990732 227631BE
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: y
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
% Certificate successfully imported
Use the show crypto pki trustpoint status command to show that enrollment has succeeded and that five
CA certificates have been granted. The five certificates include the three certificates just entered, the CA
server certificate, and the router certificate.
Router# show crypto pki trustpoint status
Trustpoint 7970:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
cn=CAP-RTP-002,o=Cisco Systems
Fingerprint MD5: F7E150EA 5E6E3AC5 615FC696 66415C9F
Fingerprint SHA1: 1BE2B503 DC72EE28 0C0F6B18 798236D8 D3B18BE6
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint 7960:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
cn=CAPF-508A3754,o=Cisco Systems Inc,c=US
Fingerprint MD5: 6BAE18C2 0BCE391E DAE2FE4C 5810F576
Fingerprint SHA1: B7735A2E 3A5C274F C311D7F1 3BE89942 355102DE
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint PEM:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
cn=CAP-RTP-001,o=Cisco Systems
Fingerprint MD5: 233C8E33 8632EA4E 76D79FEB FFB061C6
Fingerprint SHA1: F7B40B94 5831D2AB 447AB8F2 25990732 227631BE
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint srstcaserver:
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint MD5: 6AF5B084 79C93F2B 76CC8FE6 8781AF5E
Fingerprint SHA1: 47D30503 38FF1524 711448B4 9763FAF6 3A8E7DCF
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... None
Trustpoint srstca:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Manually Importing MIC Root Certificate on the Cisco Unified CME Router
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint MD5: 6AF5B084 79C93F2B 76CC8FE6 8781AF5E
Fingerprint SHA1: 47D30503 38FF1524 711448B4 9763FAF6 3A8E7DCF
Router General Purpose certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint: 35471295 1C907EC1 45B347BC 7A9C4B86
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... Yes
Example for Configuring Telephony-Service Security Parameters
The following example shows Cisco Unified CME security parameters:
device-security-mode authenticated
secure-signaling trustpoint cme-sccp
tftp-server-credentials trustpoint cme-tftp
load-cfg-file slot0:Ringlist.xml alias Ringlist.xml sign create
ephone 24
device-security-mode authenticated
capf-auth-str 2734
cert-oper upgrade auth-mode auth-string
Example for Configuring CTL Client Running on Cisco Unified CME Router
server capf trustpoint cmeserver
server cme trustpoint cmeserver
server tftp trustpoint cmeserver
sast1 trustpoint cmeserver
sast2 trustpoint sast2 CTL Client Running on Another Router: Example
server cme trustpoint cmeserver
server cme username cisco password 1 0822455D0A16544541
sast1 trustpoint cmeserver
sast2 trustpoint sast1 CAPF Server: Example
ip dhcp pool cme-pool
option 150 ip
port 3804
auth-mode null-string
cert-enroll-trustpoint iosra password 1 00071A1507545A545C
trustpoint-label cmeserver
crypto pki server iosra
grant auto
mode ra
database url slot0:
crypto pki trustpoint cmeserver
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair cmeserver
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring Telephony-Service Security Parameters
crypto pki trustpoint sast2
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair sast2
crypto pki trustpoint iosra
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair iosra
crypto pki certificate chain cmeserver
certificate 1B
30820207 30820170 A0030201 0202011B 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
certificate ca 01
3082026B 308201D4 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
crypto pki certificate chain sast2
certificate 1C
30820207 30820170 A0030201 0202011C 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
certificate ca 01
3082026B 308201D4 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
crypto pki certificate chain capf-tp
crypto pki certificate chain iosra
certificate 04
30820201 3082016A A0030201 02020104 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
certificate ca 01
308201F9 30820162 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
ctl-service admin cisco secret 1 094F471A1A0A464058
ip source-address port 2444
trustpoint cmeserver
no auto-reg-ephone
load 7960-7940 P00307010200
load 7914 S00104000100
load 7941GE TERM41.7-0-0-129DEV
load 7970 TERM70.7-0-0-77DEV
max-ephones 20
max-dn 10
ip source-address port 2000 secondary
secure-signaling trustpoint cmeserver
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
dialplan-pattern 1 2... extension-length 4
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-pattern ....
tftp-server-credentials trustpoint cmeserver
server-security-mode secure
device-security-mode encrypted
load-cfg-file slot0:Ringlist.xml alias Ringlist.xml sign
load-cfg-file slot0:P00307010200.bin alias P00307010200.bin
load-cfg-file slot0:P00307010200.loads alias P00307010200.loads
load-cfg-file slot0:P00307010200.sb2 alias P00307010200.sb2
load-cfg-file slot0:P00307010200.sbn alias P00307010200.sbn
load-cfg-file slot0:cnu41.2-7-4-116dev.sbn alias cnu41.2-7-4-116dev.sbn
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring CTL Client Running on Cisco Unified CME Router
load-cfg-file slot0:Jar41.2-9-0-101dev.sbn alias Jar41.2-9-0-101dev.sbn
load-cfg-file slot0:CVM41.2-0-0-96dev.sbn alias CVM41.2-0-0-96dev.sbn
load-cfg-file slot0:TERM41.DEFAULT.loads alias TERM41.DEFAULT.loads
load-cfg-file slot0:TERM70.DEFAULT.loads alias TERM70.DEFAULT.loads
load-cfg-file slot0:Jar70.2-9-0-54dev.sbn alias Jar70.2-9-0-54dev.sbn
load-cfg-file slot0:cnu70.2-7-4-58dev.sbn alias cnu70.2-7-4-58dev.sbn
load-cfg-file slot0:CVM70.2-0-0-49dev.sbn alias CVM70.2-0-0-49dev.sbn
load-cfg-file slot0:DistinctiveRingList.xml alias DistinctiveRingList.xml sign
load-cfg-file slot0:Piano1.raw alias Piano1.raw sign
load-cfg-file slot0:S00104000100.sbn alias S00104000100.sbn
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Aug 13 2005 12:39:24
ephone 1
device-security-mode encrypted
cert-oper upgrade auth-mode null-string
mac-address 000C.CE3A.817C
type 7960 addon 1 7914
button 1:2 8:8
ephone 2
device-security-mode encrypted
capf-auth-str 2476
cert-oper upgrade auth-mode null-string
mac-address 0011.2111.6BDD
type 7970
button 1:1
ephone 3
device-security-mode encrypted
capf-auth-str 5425
cert-oper upgrade auth-mode null-string
mac-address 000D.299D.50DF
type 7970
button 1:3
ephone 4
device-security-mode encrypted
capf-auth-str 7176
cert-oper upgrade auth-mode null-string
mac-address 000E.D7B1.0DAC
type 7960
button 1:4
ephone 5
device-security-mode encrypted
mac-address 000F.9048.5077
type 7960
button 1:5
ephone 6
device-security-mode encrypted
mac-address 0013.C352.E7F1
type 7941GE
button 1:6
Example for Secure Unified CME
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 12735 bytes
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
! No configuration change since last restart
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
service internal
hostname Router
card type e1 1 1
logging queue-limit 1000
logging buffered 9999999 debugging
logging rate-limit 10000
no logging console
aaa new-model
aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius
aaa session-id common
resource policy
clock timezone IST 5
no network-clock-participate slot 1
ip cef
isdn switch-type primary-net5
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
voice-card 1
no dspfarm
server capf trustpoint mytrustpoint1
server tftp trustpoint mytrustpoint1
server cme trustpoint mytrustpoint1
sast1 trustpoint mytrustpoint1>
sast2 trustpoint sast2
port 3804
auth-mode null-string
cert-enroll-trustpoint iosra password 1 mypassword
trustpoint-label mytrustpoint1
phone-key-size 512
voice call debug full-guid
voice service voip
srtp fallback
allow-connections h323 to h323
no supplementary-service h450.2
no supplementary-service h450.3
no supplementary-service h450.7
supplementary-service media-renegotiate
ras rrq ttl 4000
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
voice class codec 2
codec preference 1 g711alaw
codec preference 2 g711ulaw
voice class codec 3
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 8 g711alaw
codec preference 9 g711ulaw
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 2 g728
codec preference 3 g723ar63
codec preference 4 g711ulaw
voice iec syslog
voice statistics type iec
voice statistics time-range since-reset
crypto pki server myra
database level complete
grant auto
lifetime certificate 1800
crypto pki trustpoint myra
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair iosra
crypto pki trustpoint mytrustpoint1
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair mytrustpoint1
crypto pki trustpoint sast2
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair sast2
crypto pki certificate chain myra
certificate ca 01
308201F9 30820162 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
10310E30 0C060355 04031305 696F7372 61301E17 0D303630 37303730 35343031
375A170D 30393037 30363035 34303137 5A301031 0E300C06 03550403 1305696F
73726130 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100
D8CE29F9 C9FDB1DD 0E1517E3 6CB4AAF7 52B83DE2 1C017ACA DFC4AF42 F9D10D08
E74BF95B 29378902 B49E32C4 85907384 84CAE4B2 7759BB84 8AB1F578 580793C4
B11A2DBE B2ED02CC DA0C3824 A5FCC377 18CE87EA C0C297BA BE54530F E62247D8
1483CD14 9FD89EFE 05DFBB37 E03FD3F8 B2B1C0B8 A1931BCC B1174A9E 6566F8F5
02030100 01A36330 61300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF300E 0603551D
0F0101FF 04040302 0186301F 0603551D 23041830 168014B7 16F6FD67 29666C90
D0C62515 E14265A9 EB256230 1D060355 1D0E0416 0414B716 F6FD6729 666C90D0
C62515E1 4265A9EB 2562300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181 002B7F41
64535A66 D20D888E 661B9584 5E3A28DF 4E5A95B9 97E57CAE B07A7C38 7F3B60EE
75C7E5DE 6DF19B06 5F755FB5 190BABFC EF272CEF 865FE01B 1CE80F98 F320A569
CAFFA5D9 3DB3E7D8 8A86C66C F227FF81 6C4449F2 AF8015D9 8129C909 81AFDC01
180B61E8 85E19873 96DB3AE3 E6B70726 9BF93521 CA2FA906 99194ECA 8F
crypto pki certificate chain mytrustpoint1
certificate 02
308201AB 30820114 A0030201 02020102 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
10310E30 0C060355 04031305 696F7372 61301E17 0D303630 37303730 35343233
385A170D 30393037 30363035 34303137 5A301A31 18301606 092A8648 86F70D01
09021609 32383531 2D434D45 32305C30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 0500034B
00304802 4100B3ED A902646C 3851B7F6 CF94887F 0EC437E3 3B6FEDB2 2B4B45A6
3611C243 5A0759EA 1E8D96D1 60ABE028 ED6A3F2A E95DCE45 BE0921AF 82E53E57
17CC12F0 C1270203 010001A3 4F304D30 0B060355 1D0F0404 030205A0 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 14B716F6 FD672966 6C90D0C6 2515E142 65A9EB25 62301D06
03551D0E 04160414 4EE1943C EA817A9E 7010D5B8 0467E9B0 6BA76746 300D0609
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
2A864886 F70D0101 04050003 81810003 564A6DA1 868B2669 7C096F9A 41173CFC
E49246EE C645E30B A0753E3B E1A265D1 6EA5A829 F10CD0E8 3F2E3AD4 39D8DFE8
83525F2B D19F5E15 F27D6262 62852D1F 43629B68 86D91B5F 7B2E2C25 3BD2CCC3
00EF4028 714339B2 6A7E0B2F 131D2D9E 0BE08853 5CCAE47C 4F74953C 19305A20
B2C97808 D6E01351 48366421 A1D407
certificate ca 01
308201F9 30820162 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
10310E30 0C060355 04031305 696F7372 61301E17 0D303630 37303730 35343031
375A170D 30393037 30363035 34303137 5A301031 0E300C06 03550403 1305696F
73726130 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100
D8CE29F9 C9FDB1DD 0E1517E3 6CB4AAF7 52B83DE2 1C017ACA DFC4AF42 F9D10D08
E74BF95B 29378902 B49E32C4 85907384 84CAE4B2 7759BB84 8AB1F578 580793C4
B11A2DBE B2ED02CC DA0C3824 A5FCC377 18CE87EA C0C297BA BE54530F E62247D8
1483CD14 9FD89EFE 05DFBB37 E03FD3F8 B2B1C0B8 A1931BCC B1174A9E 6566F8F5
02030100 01A36330 61300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF300E 0603551D
0F0101FF 04040302 0186301F 0603551D 23041830 168014B7 16F6FD67 29666C90
D0C62515 E14265A9 EB256230 1D060355 1D0E0416 0414B716 F6FD6729 666C90D0
C62515E1 4265A9EB 2562300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181 002B7F41
64535A66 D20D888E 661B9584 5E3A28DF 4E5A95B9 97E57CAE B07A7C38 7F3B60EE
75C7E5DE 6DF19B06 5F755FB5 190BABFC EF272CEF 865FE01B 1CE80F98 F320A569
CAFFA5D9 3DB3E7D8 8A86C66C F227FF81 6C4449F2 AF8015D9 8129C909 81AFDC01
180B61E8 85E19873 96DB3AE3 E6B70726 9BF93521 CA2FA906 99194ECA 8F
crypto pki certificate chain sast2
certificate 03
308201AB 30820114 A0030201 02020103 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
10310E30 0C060355 04031305 696F7372 61301E17 0D303630 37303730 35343331
375A170D 30393037 30363035 34303137 5A301A31 18301606 092A8648 86F70D01
09021609 32383531 2D434D45 32305C30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 0500034B
00304802 4100C703 840B11A7 81FCE5AE A14FE593 5114D3C2 5473F488 B8FB4CC5
41EAFA3A D99381D8 21AE6AA9 BA83A84E 9DF3E8C6 54978787 5EF6CC35 C334D55E
A3051372 17D30203 010001A3 4F304D30 0B060355 1D0F0404 030205A0 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 14B716F6 FD672966 6C90D0C6 2515E142 65A9EB25 62301D06
03551D0E 04160414 EB2146B4 EE24AA61 8B5D2F8D 2AD3B786 CBADC8F2 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 04050003 81810057 BA0053E9 8FD54B25 72D85A4C CAB47F26
8316F494 E94DFFB9 8E9D065C 9748465C F54719CA C7724F50 67FBCAFF BC332109
DC2FB93D 5AD86583 EDC3E648 39274CE8 D4A5F002 5F21ED3C 6D524AB7 7F5B1876
51867027 9BD2FFED 06984558 C903064E 5552015F 289BA9BB 308D327A DFE0A3B9
78CF2B02 2DD4C208 80CDC0A8 43A26A
certificate ca 01
308201F9 30820162 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
10310E30 0C060355 04031305 696F7372 61301E17 0D303630 37303730 35343031
375A170D 30393037 30363035 34303137 5A301031 0E300C06 03550403 1305696F
73726130 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100
D8CE29F9 C9FDB1DD 0E1517E3 6CB4AAF7 52B83DE2 1C017ACA DFC4AF42 F9D10D08
E74BF95B 29378902 B49E32C4 85907384 84CAE4B2 7759BB84 8AB1F578 580793C4
B11A2DBE B2ED02CC DA0C3824 A5FCC377 18CE87EA C0C297BA BE54530F E62247D8
1483CD14 9FD89EFE 05DFBB37 E03FD3F8 B2B1C0B8 A1931BCC B1174A9E 6566F8F5
02030100 01A36330 61300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF300E 0603551D
0F0101FF 04040302 0186301F 0603551D 23041830 168014B7 16F6FD67 29666C90
D0C62515 E14265A9 EB256230 1D060355 1D0E0416 0414B716 F6FD6729 666C90D0
C62515E1 4265A9EB 2562300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010405 00038181 002B7F41
64535A66 D20D888E 661B9584 5E3A28DF 4E5A95B9 97E57CAE B07A7C38 7F3B60EE
75C7E5DE 6DF19B06 5F755FB5 190BABFC EF272CEF 865FE01B 1CE80F98 F320A569
CAFFA5D9 3DB3E7D8 8A86C66C F227FF81 6C4449F2 AF8015D9 8129C909 81AFDC01
180B61E8 85E19873 96DB3AE3 E6B70726 9BF93521 CA2FA906 99194ECA 8F
username admin password 0 mypassword2
username cisco password 0 mypassword2
controller E1 1/0
pri-group timeslots 1-31
controller E1 1/1
pri-group timeslots 1-31
gw-accounting aaa
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
fair-queue 64 256 32
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id GK1 ipaddr 1719
h323-gateway voip id GK2 ipaddr 1719
h323-gateway voip h323-id 2851-CiscoUnifiedCME
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
ip rsvp bandwidth 1000 100
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial1/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn protocol-emulate network
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface Serial1/1:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn protocol-emulate network
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
no ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:
tftp-server flash:music-on-hold.au
tftp-server flash:TERM70.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:TERM71.DEFAULT.loads
tftp-server flash:P00308000300.bin
tftp-server flash:P00308000300.loads
tftp-server flash:P00308000300.sb2
tftp-server flash:P00308000300.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-0-3S.loads
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-0-2-25.sbn
tftp-server flash:apps70.1-1-2-26.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.1-1-2-26.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu70.3-1-2-26.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-0-2-25.sbn
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
radius-server timeout 40
radius-server deadtime 2
radius-server key cisco
radius-server vsa send accounting
no call rsvp-sync
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
voice-port 1/0/0
voice-port 1/0/1
voice-port 1/0:15
voice-port 1/1:15
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern ........
voice-class codec 2
session target ras
incoming called-number 9362....
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
req-qos controlled-load audio
dial-peer voice 2 pots
destination-pattern 93621101
dial-peer voice 3 pots
destination-pattern 93621102
dial-peer voice 10 voip
destination-pattern 2668....
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 101 voip
destination-pattern 5694....
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 9362....
dial-peer voice 102 voip
destination-pattern 2558....
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 9362....
dial-peer voice 103 voip
destination-pattern 9845....
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 9362....
dial-peer voice 104 voip
destination-pattern 9844....
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 9362....
dial-peer voice 201 pots
destination-pattern 93625...
no digit-strip
port 1/0:15
dial-peer voice 202 pots
destination-pattern 93625...
no digit-strip
port 1/1:15
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
timer receive-rtp 1200
load 7960-7940 P00308000300
max-ephones 4
max-dn 4
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 4
secure-signaling trustpoint mytrustpoint1
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
voicemail 25589000
max-conferences 4 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
moh flash:music-on-hold.au
web admin system name admin password mypassword2
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern ........
tftp-server-credentials trustpoint mytrustpoint1
server-security-mode secure
device-security-mode encrypted
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Oct 25 2006 07:19:39
ephone-dn 1
number 93621000
name 2851-PH1
call-forward noan 25581101 timeout 10
ephone-dn 2
number 93621001
name 2851-PH2
call-forward noan 98441000 timeout 10
ephone-dn 3
number 93621002
name 2851-PH3
ephone-dn 4
number 93621003
name 2851-PH4
ephone 1
no multicast-moh
device-security-mode encrypted
mac-address 0012.4302.A7CC
type 7970
button 1:1
ephone 2
no multicast-moh
device-security-mode encrypted
mac-address 0017.94CA.9CCD
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Secure Unified CME
no multicast-moh
device-security-mode encrypted
mac-address 0017.94CA.9833
type 7960
button 1:3
ephone 4
no multicast-moh
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0017.94CA.A141
type 7960
button 1:4
line con 0
logging synchronous level all limit 20480000
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp clock-period 17179791
ntp server
webvpn context Default_context
ssl authenticate verify all
no inservice
Example for Configuring HTTPS Support for Cisco Unified CME
Configurations similar to the following example are required before HTTPS support for services like
local-directory lookup, My Phone Apps, and Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified CME can be configured at
four different levels:
Router(config)# ip http server
Router(config)# crypto pki server IOS-CA
Router(cs-server)# database level complete
Router(cs-server)# database url flash:
Router(cs-server)# grant auto
Router(cs-server)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint IOS-CA
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki server IOS-CA
Router(cs-server)# no shutdown
Router(cs-server)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint primary-cme
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair primary-cme
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate primary-cme
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll primary-cme
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint sast-secondary
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair sast-secondary
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate sast-secondary
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll sast-secondary
Router(config)# ctl-client
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast1 trustpoint first-sast
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring HTTPS Support for Cisco Unified CME
Router(config-ctl-client)# sast2 trustpoint second-sast
Router(config-ctl-client)# server application trustpoint first-sast
Router(config-ctl-client)# regenerate
Router(config-ctl-client)# end
For Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones at the global level:
configure terminal
cnf-file perphone
service https
For Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones at the ephone-template level:
configure terminal
ephone-template 1
service https
For Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones at the global level:
configure terminal
voice register global
service https
For Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones at the voice register template level:
configure terminal
voice register template 1
service https
Where to Go Next
PKI Management
Cisco IOSpublic key infrastructure (PKI) provides certificate management to support security protocols such
as IP Security (IPsec), secure shell (SSH), and secure socket layer (SSL).
Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway
• To configure secure endpoints on the Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway, see the Configuring Secure
Signalling and Media Encryption on the Cisco VG224 section of Supplementary Services Features for
FXS Ports on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Configuration Guide.
Feature Information for Security
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Where to Go Next
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 40: Feature Information for Security
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Introduces HTTPS support on
Cisco Unified CME.
HTTPS Support in Cisco Unified 9.5
Allows you to import an IPphone's
trusted certificate to an IP phone's
CTL file using the import
certificate command.
HTTPS Provisioning for Cisco 8.8
Unified IP Phones
Introduces media encryption on
Cisco Unified CME.
Media Encryption (SRTP) on 4.2
Cisco Unified CME
Introduces phone authentication for
Cisco Unified CME phones.
Phone Authentication 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Security
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Security
Directory Services
• Information About Directory Services, page 659
• Configure Directory Services, page 661
• Configuration Examples for Directory Services, page 672
• Feature Information for Directory Services, page 676
Information About Directory Services
Local Directory
Cisco Unified CME automatically creates a local phone directory containing the telephone numbers that are
assigned in the directory number configuration of the phone. You can make additional entries to the local
directory in telephony services configuration mode. Additional entries can be nonlocal numbers such as
telephone numbers on other Cisco Unified CME systems used by your company.
When a phone user selects the Directories > Local Directory menu, the phone displays a search page from
Unified CME. After a user enters the search information, the phone sends the information to
Cisco Unified CME, which searches for the requested number or name pattern in the directory number
configuration and sends the response back to the phone, which displays the matched results. The phone can
display up to 32 directory entries. If a search results in more than 32 entries, the phone displays an error
message and the user must refine the search criteria to narrow the results.
The order of the names in the directory entries is first-name-first or last-name-first. Character strings for
directory names can contain a spaces and a comma (,) and cannot contain an ampersand (&).
The local directory that is displayed on an IP phone is an XML page that is accessed through HTTP without
password protection. The directory HTTP service can be disabled to suppress the availability of the local
For configuration information, see Configure Local Directory Service, on page 661.
From CME 12.0 onwards, an optional username and password can be configured for authenticating the local
directory services.
For more information on the CLI command service local-directoryauthenticateusername password, see
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
External Directory
Cisco Unified IP Phones can support URLs in association with the four programmable feature buttons on IP
phones, including the Directories button. Operation of these services is determined by the Cisco Unified IP
phone capabilities and the content of the referenced URL.Provisioning the directory URL to select an external
directory resource disables the Cisco Unified CME local directory service.
Called-Name Display
When phone agents answer calls for different departments or people, it is often helpful for them to see a
display of the name, rather than the number of the called party. The Dialed Number Identification Service (or
Called-Name Display) feature supports the display of the name associated with a called number for incoming
calls to IP phones configured on a Unified CME. The display name is obtained from the list of Unified CME
directory names using directory lookup.
You need to configure the CLI command service dnis dir-lookup under telephony-service configuration
mode to use this directory lookup service.For more information on the CLI command servicednisdir-lookup,
see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference Guide.
If the display name for a called number is not available in Unified CME directory names, the display name
can be added using the CLI commanddirectory entry.For more information on the CLI commanddirectory
entry, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference Guide.
When a phone receives two simultaneous calls, there is a slight time difference between the calls being
acknowledged by the phone. Called-name Display is only for the first call acknowledged by the phone.
Even when the first call is disconnected and the second call is in ringing state, Called-name Display feature
does not work for the second call.
For an example of Called-Name Display , see Example for Called-Name Display for Voice Hunt Group, on
page 672
The called-name display feature for ephone-dns can display either of the following types of name:
• Name for a directory number in a local directory
• Name associated with an overlay directory number. Calls to the first directory number in a set of overlay
numbers will display a caller ID. Calls to the remaining directory numbers in the overlay set will display
the name associated with the directory number.
This is an example of Called-Name Display for ephone-dns. If order-entry agents are servicing three catalogs
with individual 800 numbers configured in one overlay ephone-dn set, they need to know which catalog is
being called to give the correct greeting, such as “Thank you for calling catalog N. May I take your order?”
From Unified CME Release 12.0 onwards, the Dialed Number Identification Service feature is supported for
phones configured under voice hunt group. For information on configuring Called-Name Display feature, see
Called-Name Display, on page 666.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
External Directory
Directory Search
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 increases the number of entries supported in a search results list from 32 to up to 240
when using the directory search feature. For example, if a user enters smith as the last name, all 240 matches
are displayed on eight different pages, with 30 entries per page. If multiple pages are required, the phone
displays two new softkeys, “Next” and “Prev” that the phone user can press to move back and forth between
the previous and next pages. Text such as “Page 2 of 3" displays to indicate the current and total pages on the
search results.
Configure Directory Services
Configure Local Directory Service
To define the format for local directory names or block the local directory display on all phones, perform the
following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. directory {first-name-first |last-name-first}
5. no service local-directory
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 directory {first-name-first |last-name-first} Defines the format for entries in the local directory.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Directory Search
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-telephony)# directory
• Default is first-name-first.
no service local-directory Disables local directory service on IP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# no service
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
Define a Name for a Directory Number on SCCP Phone
To define a name to be used for caller-ID displays and as a local directory entry, perform the following steps.
Restriction • The name to be associated with a directory number cannot contain special characters, such as an
ampersand (&). The only special characters allowed in the name are the comma (,) and the percent
sign (%).
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.0 or a later version.
• Directory number for which you are defining a directory entry must already have a number assigned by
using thenumber (ephone-dn) command.For configuration information,see Create Directory Numbers
for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. name name
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Define a Name for a Directory Number on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 55
Step 3
Step 4 name name Associates a name with this directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name Smith,
• Must follow the name order that is specified with the directory
command: first-name-first or last-name-first.
• name—Alphanumeric string to be displayed.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name
Shipping and Handling
◦You must separate the two parts, first last or last first, of the
name string with a space.
◦The second part of the name string can contain spaces, such
as "and Shipping". The first part of the name string cannot
contain spaces.
◦You can include a comma (,) in the name string for display
purposes, for example, when you use the last-name-first
pattern (last, first).
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Add an Entry to a Local Directory on SCCP Phone
To add an entry to the local directory, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Add an Entry to a Local Directory on SCCP Phone
Restriction • If the directory entry being configured is to be used for called-name display, the number being
configured must contain at least one wildcard character.
• Entry for local directory cannot include opening or closing quotation marks (‘, ‘, “, or ”).
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. directory entry {directory-tag number name name | clear}
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Creates a telephone directory entry that is displayed on an IP phone.
Entries appear in the order in which they are entered.
directory entry {directory-tag number name
name | clear}
Step 4
Router(config-telephony)# directory entry
1 5550111 name Sales
• directory-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
directory entry during all configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 250.
• If this name is to be used for called-name display, the number
associated with the names must contain at least one wildcard
• name—1 to 24 alphanumeric characters, including spaces. Name
cannot include opening or closing quotation marks ( , , , or ).
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Add an Entry to a Local Directory on SCCP Phone
Configure External Directory Service on SCCP Phone
To enable an external directory resource on supported Cisco Unified IP phones and disable local directory
services on those same phones, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Provisioning of the directory URL to select an external directory resource disables the
Cisco Unified CME local directory service.
• Configuring external directory service only works with non-Java based phones. Any Java based
phone will display duplicate directories for the following:
Before You Begin
To use a Cisco Unified Communications Manager directory as an external directory source for Cisco Unified
CME phones, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager must be made aware of the phones. You must list
the MAC addresses of the Cisco Unified CME phones in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and
reset the phones from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. It is not necessary for you to assign
ephone-dns to the phones or for the phones to register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. url directories url
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Configure External Directory Service on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Associates a URL with the programmable Directories feature button
on supported Cisco Unified IP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
url directories url
Router(config-telephony)# url
Step 4
• Provisioning the directories URL to select an external directory
resource disables the Cisco Unified CME local directory
• Operation of these services is determined by the Cisco Unified
IP phone capabilities and the content of the specified URL.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Called-Name Display
To enable called-name display, perform the following steps.
Restriction • The service dnis overlay command can only be used to configure overlaid ephone-dns.
Before You Begin
• For directory numbers other than overlaid directory numbers—To display a name in the called-name
display, the name to be displayed must be defined in the local directory. See Add an Entry to a Local
Directory on SCCP Phone, on page 663.
• For overlaid directory numbers—To display a name in the called-name display for a directory number
that is in a set of overlaid directory numbers, the name to be displayed must be defined. See Define a
Name for a Directory Number on SCCP Phone, on page 662.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Called-Name Display
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. service dnis dir-lookup
5. service dnis overlay
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 3
Specifiesthat incoming callsto a called numbershould display the name
that was defined for this directory number with the directory entry
service dnis dir-lookup
Router(config-telephony)# service dnis
Step 4
• If the servicednisdir-lookupand servicednis overlay commands
are both used in one configuration, the service dnis dir-lookup
command takes precedence.
(For overlaid directory numbers only.) Specifies that incoming calls to
a called number should display the name that was defined for this
directory number with the name command.
service dnis overlay
Router(config-telephony)# service dnis
Step 5
If the service dnis dir-lookup and service dnis overlay
commands are both used in one configuration, the servicednis
dir-lookup command takes precedence.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Called-Name Display
Verify Called-Name Display
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Called-name display is shown in the
telephony-service part of the output.
Router# show running-config
service dnis overlay
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service directory-entry command to display current directory entries.
Router# show telephony-service directory-entry
directory entry 1 5550341 name doctor1
directory entry 2 5550772 name doctor1
directory entry 3 5550263 name doctor3
Step 3 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn command to verify that you have used at least one wildcard (period or .)
in the ephone-dn primary or secondary number or to verify that you have entered a name for the number.
Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn
ephone-dn 2
number 5002 secondary 200.
name catalogN
call-forward noan 5001 timeout 8
Step 4 Use the show ephone overlay command to verify the contents of overlaid ephone-dn sets.
Router# show ephone overlay
ephone-1 Mac:0007.0EA6.353A TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 52486 Telecaster 7960 keepalive 2771 max_line 6
button 1: dn 11 number 60011 CH1 IDLE overlay
button 2: dn 17 number 60017 CH1 IDLE overlay
button 3: dn 24 number 60024 CH1 IDLE overlay
button 4: dn 30 number 60030 CH1 IDLE overlay
button 5: dn 36 number 60036 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE overlay
button 6: dn 39 number 60039 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE overlay
overlay 1: 11(60011) 12(60012) 13(60013) 14(60014) 15(60015) 16(60016)
overlay 2: 17(60017) 18(60018) 19(60019) 20(60020) 21(60021) 22(60022)
overlay 3: 23(60023) 24(60024) 25(60025) 26(60026) 27(60027) 28(60028)
overlay 4: 29(60029) 30(60030) 31(60031) 32(60032) 33(60033) 34(60034)
overlay 5: 35(60035) 36(60036) 37(60037)
overlay 6: 38(60038) 39(60039) 40(60040
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Verify Called-Name Display
Define a Name for a Directory Number on SIP Phone
To define name for a directory number on a SIP phone, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Directory number for which you are defining a name must already have a number assigned by using the
number (voice register dn) command. For configuration information, see Create Directory Numbers
for SIP Phones, on page 263.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. name name
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory
number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or a
message-waiting indicator (MWI).
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-global)# voice
register dn 17
Step 3
Associates a name with a directory number in Cisco Unified CME
and provides caller ID for calls originating from a SIP phone.
name name
Router(config-register-dn)# name Smith,
Step 4
• Name must follow the orderspecified by using thedirectory
(telephony-service) command.
Router(config-register-dn)# name John Smith
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Define a Name for a Directory Number on SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 5
Configure External Directory Service on SIP Service
To enable an external directory resource on supported Cisco Unified IP phones and disable local directory
services on those same phones, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Provisioning of the directory URL to select an external directory resource disables the
Cisco Unified CME local directory service.
• Supported only on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960s and 7960Gs and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940s
and 7940Gs.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. url directory url
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Configure External Directory Service on SIP Service
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters for
all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Associates a URL with the programmable Directories feature button
on supported Cisco Unified IP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
url directory url
Router(config-register-global)# url
Step 4
• Provisioning the directory URL to select an external directory
resource disablesthe Cisco Unified CME local directory service.
• Operation of these services is determined by the Cisco Unified
IP phone capabilities and the content of the specified URL.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Verify Directory Services
To verify the configuration for local directory services, perform the following steps.
Step 1 show running-config
This command displays the running configuration. Directory configuration commands are listed in the telephony-service
portion of the output.
Router# show running-config
timeout busy 10
timeout ringing 100
caller-id name-only: enable
system message XYZ Company
web admin system name admin1 password admin1
web admin customer name Customer
edit DN through Web: enabled.
edit TIME through web: enabled.
Log (table parameters):
max-size: 150
retain-timer: 15
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
transfer-system full-consult
multicast moh port 2000
fxo hook-flash
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Verify Directory Services
local directory service: enabled.
Step 2 show telephony-service
This command displays only the telephony-service configuration information.
Step 3 Use the show telephony-service directory-entry command to display the entries made using the directory entry
Configuration Examples for Directory Services
Example for Configuring Local Directory
The following example defines the naming order for the local directory on IP phones served by the
Cisco Unified CME router:
directory last-name-first
The following example creates a directory of three telephone listings:
directory entry 1 14045550111 name Sales
directory entry 2 13125550122 name Marketing
directory entry 3 12135550144 name Support Center
The following example disables the local directory on IP phones served by the Cisco Unified CME router:
no service local-directory
Example for Configuring Called-Name Display
This section contains the following examples:
Example for Called-Name Display for Voice Hunt Group
The following is an example of a voice hunt group configuration, where the CLI command service dnis
dir-lookupallowsthe directory entry namesto be displayed on the IPphones when a call is placed to a number
declared using the CLI command directory entry. In this example, the pilot umber is configured as 11…
This means that the user can dial the numbers 1100 to 1199. When the user dials 1111, the directory name
dept1 is displayed for the directory numbers 2001, 2002, and 2003. If user dials 1155, then the directory name
dept2 is displayed and if user dials 5500, then the directory name dept3 is displayed for the directory numbers
2001, 2002, and 2003.
service dnis dir-lookup
directory entry 1 1111 name dept1
directory entry 2 1155 name dept2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Configuration Examples for Directory Services
directory entry 3 5500 name dept3
voice hunt-group 1 sequential
pilot 11..
list 2001, 2002, 2003
final 8888
timeout 10
Example for Configuring First Ephone-dn in the Overlay Set
The following example shows a configuration for three phones that use the same set of overlaid ephone-dns
for each phone’s button 1.
service dnis overlay
ephone-dn 1
number 18005550100
ephone-dn 2
name department1
number 18005550101
ephone-dn 3
name department2
number 18005550102
ephone 1
button 1o1,2,3
ephone 2
button 1o1,2,3
ephone 3
button 1o1,2,3
The default display for all three phones is the number of the first ephone-dn listed in the overlay set
(18005550100). A call is made to the first ephone-dn (18005550100), and the caller ID (for example,
4085550123) is displayed on all three phones. The user for phone 1 answersthe call. The caller ID (4085550123)
remains displayed on phone 1, and the displays on phone 2 and phone 3 return to the default display
(18005550100). A call to the next ephone-dn is made. The default display on phone 2 and phone 3 is replaced
with the called ephone-dn’s name (18005550101).
Example for Configuring Directory Name for an Overlaid Ephone-dn Set
The following is an example of a configuration of overlaid ephone-dns that uses wildcards in the secondary
numbers for the ephone-dns. The wildcards allow you to control the display according to the number that was
dialed. The example is for a medical answering service with three IP phones that accept calls for nine doctors
on one button. When a call to 5550001 rings on button 1 on ephone 1 through ephone 3, “doctor1” is displayed
on all three ephones.
service dnis dir-lookup
directory entry 1 5550001 name doctor1
directory entry 2 5550002 name doctor2
directory entry 3 5550003 name doctor3
directory entry 4 5550010 name doctor4
directory entry 5 5550011 name doctor5
directory entry 6 5550012 name doctor6
directory entry 7 5550020 name doctor7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Example for Configuring Called-Name Display
directory entry 8 5550021 name doctor8
directory entry 9 5550022 name doctor9
ephone-dn 1
number 5500 secondary 555000.
ephone-dn 2
number 5501 secondary 555001.
ephone-dn 3
number 5502 secondary 555002.
ephone 1
button 1o1,2,3
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
ephone 2
button 1o1,2,3
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
ephone 3
button 1o1,2,3
mac-address 3333.3333.3333
For more information about making directory entries,see Local Directory, on page 659 .For more information
about overlaid ephone-dns, see Call Coverage Features, on page 1239.
Example for Configuring Directory Name for a Hunt Group with Overlaid Ephone-dns
The following example shows a hunt-group configuration for a medical answering service with two phones
and four doctors. Each phone has two buttons, and each button is assigned two doctors’ numbers. When a
patient calls 5550341, Cisco Unified CME matches the hunt-group pilot secondary number (555....), rings
button 1 on one of the two phones, and displays “doctor1.”
service dnis dir-lookup
max-redirect 20
directory entry 1 5550341 name doctor1
directory entry 2 5550772 name doctor1
directory entry 3 5550263 name doctor3
directory entry 4 5550150 name doctor4
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
ephone-dn 2
number 1002
ephone-dn 3
number 1003
ephone-dn 4
number 104
ephone 1
button 1o1,2
button 2o3,4
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
ephone 2
button 1o1,2
button 2o3,4
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
ephone-hunt 1 peer
pilot 5100 secondary 555....
list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Example for Configuring Called-Name Display
final number 5556000
hops 5
preference 1
timeout 20
For more information about hunt-group behavior,see Call CoverageFeatures, on page 1239. Note that wildcards
are used only in secondary numbers and cannot be used with primary numbers. For more information about
making directory entries, see Call Coverage Features, on page 1239. For more information about overlaid
ephone-dns, see Call Coverage Features, on page 1239.
Example for Configuring Directory Name for Non-Overlaid Ephone-dns
The following is a configuration for three IP phones, each with two buttons. Button 1 receives calls from
doctor1, doctor2, and doctor3, and button 2 receives calls from doctor4, doctor5, and doctor6.
service dnis dir-lookup
directory entry 1 5550001 name doctor1
directory entry 2 5550002 name doctor2
directory entry 3 5550003 name doctor3
directory entry 4 5550010 name doctor4
directory entry 5 5550011 name doctor5 directory entry 6 5550012 name doctor6
ephone-dn 1
number 1001 secondary 555000.
ephone-dn 2
number 1002 secondary 555001.
ephone 1
button 1:1
button 2:2
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
ephone 2
button 1:1
button 2:2
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
ephone 3
button 1:1
button 2:2
mac-address 3333.3333.3333
For more information about making directory entries, see Local Directory, on page 659.
Example for Configuring Ephone-dn Name for Overlaid Ephone-dns
The following example shows three phones that have button 1 assigned to pick up three 800 numbers for three
different catalogs.
The default display for all four phones is the number of the first ephone-dn listed in the overlay set
(18005550000). A call is made to the first ephone-dn (18005550000), and the caller ID (for example,
4085550123) is displayed on all phones. The user for phone 1 answers the call. The caller ID (4085550123)
remains displayed on phone 1, and the displays on phone 2 and phone 3 return to the default display
(18005550000). A call to the second ephone-dn (18005550001) is made. The default display on phone 2 and
phone 3 is replaced with the called ephone-dn's name (catalog1) and number (18005550001).
service dnis overlay
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Example for Configuring Called-Name Display
ephone-dn 1
number 18005550000
ephone-dn 2
name catalog1
number 18005550001
ephone-dn 3
name catalog2
number 18005550002
ephone-dn 4
name catalog3
number 18005550003
ephone 1
button 1o1,2,3,4
ephone 2
button 1o1,2,3,4
ephone 3
button 1o1,2,3,4
For more information about overlaid ephone-dns, see Call Coverage Features, on page 1239.
Feature Information for Directory Services
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 41: Feature Information for Directory Services
Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
The CLI command for
accessing local directory
service was enhanced to
configure username and
password, as service
local-directory authenticate
username password .
Service Local Directory 12.0
Number of entries supported
in a search results list was
increased from 32 to 240
when using directory search.
Directory Search 7.0/4.3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Feature Information for Directory Services
Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Support for Called-Name
Display on phones configured
under voice hunt group.
Called-Name Display 12.0
Called-Name Display was
Added support for
transferring a call directly to
a selected number listed in the
directory. If directory transfer
is not supported, the user
must press Transfer and then
use the keypad to manually
enter the number of the
monitored line to transfer the
incoming call.
Local Directory Service 4.0(2)
External Directory Service
Added support of directory
services for SIP phones
directly connected in
Cisco Unified CME.
The ability to add local
directory entries in addition
to those that are automatically
added from phone
configurations was
introduced. Authentication for
local directory display was
The ability to block the
display of the local directory
on phones was introduced.
The specification of name
format in the local directory
was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Feature Information for Directory Services
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Directory Services
Feature Information for Directory Services
Do Not Disturb
• Information About Do Not Disturb, page 679
• Configure Do Not Disturb, page 681
• Where to Go Next, page 685
• Feature Information for Do Not Disturb, page 686
Information About Do Not Disturb
Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phone
The Do Not Disturb (DND) feature allows phone users to disable audible ringing for incoming calls. When
DND is enabled, incoming calls do not ring on the phone, however there is visual alerting and the call
information displays, and a call can be answered if desired. When a local IPphone calls another local IPphone
that is in the DND state, the message “Ring out DND” displays on the calling phone indicating that the target
phone is in the DND state.
Phone users can toggle DND on and off by using the DND softkey in the idle or ringing call states. A SSCP
phone user can toggle DND on or off in the ringing state only if DND in not already active on the phone. If
DND is already active when a new call comes in, the SCCP phone user cannot change the DND state by
pressing the DND softkey.
If an SSCP phone user toggles DND on during an incoming call, the DND state remains active for the current
call only. If a SIP phone user toggles DND on during an incoming call, the DND state remains active during
the current call and for all future calls until the user explicitly toggles DND off.
Pressing the DND softkey during an incoming call forwards the call to the call-forward no answer destination
if Call Forward No Answer is enabled. If Call Forward is not enabled, pressing the DND softkey disables
audible ringing and visual alerting, but the call information is visible on the phone display.
In Cisco CME 3.2.1 and later versions, DND can be blocked from phones with the feature-ring function. A
feature ring is a triple-pulse ring, a type of ring cadence in addition to internal call and external call ring
cadences. For example, an internal call in the United States rings for 2 seconds on and 4 seconds off
(single-pulse ring), and an external call rings for 0.4 seconds on, 0.2 seconds off, 0.4 seconds on, and 0.2
seconds off (double-pulse ring).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
The triple-pulse ring is used as an audio identifier for phone users. For example, each salesperson in a sales
department could have an IP phone with a button sharing the same set of ephone-dns with the sales staff and
another button for their private line for preferred customers. To help a salesperson identify an incoming call
to his or her private line, the private line can be configured with the feature-ring function. You can disable
the DND function on feature-ring lines. In the preceding example, salespeople could activate DND on their
phones and still hear calls to their private lines.
Do Not Disturb on SIP Phone
In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions, the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature for SIP phones prevents
incoming calls from audibly ringing a phone. When DND is enabled, the phone flashes an alert to visually
indicate an incoming call instead of ringing and the call can be answered if desired. The message “Do Not
Disturb is active” displays on the phone and calls are logged to the Missed Calls directory.
In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.1, the DND feature blocks incoming calls to a SIP phone with
a busy tone. Cisco Unified CME rejects calls to all lines on the phone and plays a busy tone to the caller.
Received calls are not logged to the Missed Calls directory on the phone.
DND appliesto all lines on the phone. If DND and CallForward All are both enabled on a phone, CallForward
All takes precedence on incoming calls.
You must enable DND for a SIP phone through Cisco Unified CME. The DND softkey displays by default
on supported SIP phones in both the Ringing and idle states. You can remove or change the order of this
softkey using a voice register template.
A phone user can toggle DND on and off at the phone by using the DND softkey. If aSIPphone user activates
DND during an incoming call, the DND state remains active during the current call and for all future calls
until the user explicitly toggles DND off.
If a phone user toggles DND on or off at the phone, Cisco Unified CME restores the DND state after the
phone resets or restarts, if you save the running configuration before Cisco Unified CME reboots.
For configuration information, see Configure Do Not Disturb on SIP Phones, on page 683.
Table 42: DND Feature Comparison for SIP Phones, on page 680 compares the DND configuration for SIP
phones with different phone load versions:
Table 42: DND Feature Comparison for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7941,
7961, 7970, or 7971 with 8.2 Phone
Load or Cisco Unified IP Phone
7940 or 7960
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911, 7941,
7961, 7970, or 7971 with 8.3 Phone
dnd command in voice register
pool mode
dnd command in voice register
pool mode
DND support
dnd-control command in voice
register template mode
softkey idle and softkey ringIn
command in voice register template
DND softkey display
Call is rejected and busy tone is
played to the caller.
Ringer is turned off for incoming
calls. Visual alerting is provided.
Behavior when configured
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Do Not Disturb on SIP Phone
Configure Do Not Disturb
Blocking Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phone
To block DND on phones that have buttons configured for feature ringing, perform the following steps. DND
is enabled by using the DND softkey on Cisco Unified IP phones that support softkeys.
Restriction • Phone users cannot enable DND for a shared line in a hunt group. The softkey displays in the idle
and ringing states but does not enable DND for shared lines in hunt groups.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified 3.2.1 or a later version.
• Phone line must be configured for feature ring with the button f command.
• Call-forwarding no-answer must be set for a phone to use DND to forward calls. For configuration
information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178. No other configuration is
necessary for basic DND.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. no dnd feature-ring
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Configure Do Not Disturb
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# ephone 10
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthe
ephone to be configured.
Enables ringing on phone buttons configured for feature ring
when the phone is in DND mode.
no dnd feature-ring
Router(config-ephone)# no dnd feature-ring
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
In the following configuration example, when DND is activated on ephone 1 and ephone 2, button 1 will ring,
but button 2 will not.
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
ephone-dn 2
number 1002
ephone-dn 10
number 1110
preference 0
no huntstop
ephone-dn 11
number 1111
preference 1
ephone 1
button 1f1
button 2o10,11
no dnd feature-ring
ephone 2
button 1f2
button 2o10,11
no dnd feature-ring
Verify Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phones
show ephone dnd
Use this command to display a list of SCCP phones that have DND enabled.
Router# show ephone dnd
ephone-1 Mac:0007.0EA6.353A TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 52486 Telecaster 7960 keepalive 2729 max_line 6 DnD
button 1: dn 11 number 60011 CH1 IDLE
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Verify Do Not Disturb on SCCP Phones
Configure Do Not Disturb on SIP Phones
To enable the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature on a SIP phone, perform the following steps.
Restriction • In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.1, you enable the DND softkey onSIPphones by using
the dnd-control command.
• If you enable DND on the phone and remove the DND softkey, the user cannot toggle DND off at
the phone.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE
• For SIP phones using firmware 8.3 or a later version, the DND feature prevents calls from ringing;
it does not block calls or play a busy tone to the caller.
• If DND is disabled by a phone user, it is not enabled after the phone resets or restarts. DND must
be enabled both in Cisco Unified CMEand by using the DND softkey on the phone.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version to use the DND softkey.
• Call-forwarding busy must be set for a SIP IP phone to use DND to forward calls. For configuration
information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [DND] [Gpickup] [Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial]}
5. softkeys ringIn [Answer] [DND]
6. exit
7. voice register pool phone-tag
8. dnd
9. template template-tag
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Configure Do Not Disturb on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on a SIP
phone during the idle call state.
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [DND] [Gpickup]
[Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial]}
Router(config-register-temp)# softkeys idle
Step 4
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on a SIP
phone during the ringing call state.
softkeys ringIn [Answer] [DND]
Router(config-register-temp)# softkeys
ringin dnd answer
Step 5
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 6
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set parameters
for the SIP phone.
voice register pool phone-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Step 7
Step 8 dnd Enables DND on the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# dnd
• If Call Forward No Answer is not configured for the
extension, pressing the DND softkey mutes the ringer
for incoming calls.
Step 9 template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that you
created in Step 3, on page 684.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Configure Do Not Disturb on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 10
The following example shows DND is enabled on phone 130, and the DND softkey is modified in template
6, which is assigned to the phone:
voice register template 6
softkeys idle Gpickup Pickup DND Redial
softkeys ringIn DND Answer
voice register pool 130
id mac 001A.A11B.500E
type 7941
number 1 dn 30
template 6
Where to Go Next
Agent Status Control for Ephone Hunt Groups and Cisco Unified CME B-ACD
Ephone hunt group agents can control their ready/not-ready status (their ability to receive calls) using the
DND function or the HLog function of their phones. When they use the DND softkey, they do not receive
calls on any extension on their phones. When they use the HLog softkey, they do not receive calls on hunt
group extensions, but they do receive calls on other extensions. For more information on agent status control
and the HLog function, see Call Coverage Features, on page 1239.
Call Forwarding
To use the DND softkey to forward calls, enable call-forwarding no-answer for SCCP phones or call-forward
busy for SIP IP phones. See Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178.
Feature Access Codes (FACs)
DND can be activated and deactivated using a feature access code (FAC) instead of the DND softkey when
standard or custom FACs are enabled. The following is the standard FAC for DND:
• DND **7
See Feature Access Codes, on page 757.
Softkey Display
You can remove or change the position of the DND softkey. See Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Where to Go Next
Feature Information for Do Not Disturb
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 43: Feature Information for Do Not Disturb
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Enhanced DND support on SIP
phones to allow incoming calls to
visually flash an alert.
Do Not Disturb 7.1
Added support for Do-not-disturb
(DND) softkey on SIP phones.
DND bypass for feature-ring
phones was introduced.
3.2 DND was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Do Not Disturb
Feature Information for Do Not Disturb
Enhanced 911 Services
• Prerequisites for Enhanced 911 Services, page 687
• Restrictions for Enhanced 911 Services, page 688
• Information About Enhanced 911 Services, page 688
• Configure Enhanced 911 Services, page 698
• Configuration Examples for Enhanced 911 Services, page 716
• Feature Information for Enhanced 911 Services, page 723
Prerequisites for Enhanced 911 Services
• SCCP or SIP phones must be registered to Cisco Unified CME.
• At least one CAMA or ISDN trunk must be configured from Cisco Unified CME to each of the 911
service provider’s public safety answering point (PSAP).
• An Enhanced 911 network must be designed for each customer’s voice network.
• Cisco Unified CME has an FXS, FXO, SIP, or H.323 trunk interface configured.
Cisco Unified CME
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
Cisco Unified CME in SRST Fallback Mode
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version, configured in SRST fallback mode. See SRST Fallback
Mode, on page 1539.
For information about configuring ephones, ephone-dns, voice register pools, and voice register dns, see
Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page 315.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Enhanced 911 Services
• Enhanced 911Servicesfor Cisco Unified CME does not interface with the Cisco Emergency Responder.
• The information about the most recent phone that called 911 is not preserved after a reboot of
Cisco Unified CME.
• Cisco Emergency Responder does not have access to any updates made to the emergency call history
table when remote Cisco Unified IP phones are in SRST fallback mode. Therefore, if the PSAP calls
back after the IP phones register back to Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco Emergency Responder has no history of those calls. As a result, those calls are not routed to the
original 911 caller. Instead, the calls are routed to the default destination that is configured on
Cisco Emergency Responder for the corresponding ELIN.
• For Cisco Unified Wireless 7920 and 7921 IP phones, a caller’s location can only be determined by the
static information configured by the system administrator. For more information, see Precautions for
Mobile Phones, on page 693.
• The extension numbers of 911 callers can be translated to only two emergency location identification
numbers (ELINs) for each emergency response location (ERL). For more information, see Overview of
Enhanced 911 Services, on page 688.
• Using ELINsfor multiple purposes can result in unexpected interactions with existing Cisco Unified CME
features. These multiple uses of an ELIN can include configuring an ELIN for use as an actual phone
number (ephone-dn, voice register dn, or FXS destination-pattern), a Call Pickup number, or an alias
rerouting number. For more information, see Multiple Usages of an ELIN, on page 696.
• Your configuration of Enhanced 911 Services can interact with existing Cisco Unified CME features
and cause unexpected behavior. For a complete description of interactions between Enhanced 911
Services and existing Cisco Unified CME features, see Interactions with Existing Cisco Unified CME
Features, on page 695.
Information About Enhanced 911 Services
Overview of Enhanced 911 Services
Enhanced 911 Services enable 911 operators to:
• Immediately pinpoint the location of the 911 caller based on the calling number
• Callback the 911 caller if a disconnect occurs
Before this feature was introduced, Cisco Unified CME supported only outbound calls to 911. With basic 911
functionality, calls were simply routed to a public safety answering point (PSAP). The 911 operator at the
PSAP then had to verbally gather the emergency information and location from the caller, before dispatching
a response team from the ambulance service, fire department, or police department. Calls could not be routed
to different PSAPs, based on the specific geographic areas that they cover.
With Enhanced 911Services, 911 calls are selectively routed to the closestPSAPbased on the caller’slocation.
In addition, the caller’s phone number and address automatically display on a terminal at thePSAP. Therefore,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Restrictions for Enhanced 911 Services
thePSAPcan quickly dispatch emergency help, even if the caller is unable to communicate the location. Also,
if the caller disconnects prematurely, the PSAP has the information it needs to contact the 911 caller.
To use Enhanced 911 Services, you must define an emergency response location (ERL) for each of the
geographic areas needed to cover all of the phones supported by Cisco Unified CME. The geographic
specifications for ERLs are determined by local law. For example, you might have to define an ERL for each
floor of a building because an ERL must be less than 7000 square feet in area. Because the ERL defines a
known,specific location, thisinformation is uploaded to thePSAP’s database and is used by the 911 dispatcher
to help the emergency response team to quickly locate a caller.
To determine which ERL is assigned to a 911 caller, the PSAP uses the caller’s unique phone number, which
is also known as the emergency location identification number (ELIN). Before you can use Enhanced 911
Services you must supply the PSAP with a list of your ELINs and street addresses for each ERL. This
information is saved in the PSAP’s automatic location identification (ALI) database. Typically, you give this
information to the PSAP when your phone system is installed.
With the address information in the ALI database, the PSAP can find the caller’s location and can also use
the ELIN to callback the 911 caller within a specified time limit. This limit applies to the Last Caller table,
which provides the PSAP with the 911 caller’s ELIN. If no time limit is specified for the Last Caller table,
the default expiry time is three hours.
In addition to saving call formation in the temporary Last Caller table, you can configure permanent call detail
records. You can view the attributesin these recordsfrom RADIUSaccounting, the syslog service, or Cisco IOS
show commands.
You have the option of configuring zero, one, or two ELINs for each ERL. If you configure two ELINs, the
system uses a round-robin algorithm to select which ELIN is sent to the PSAP. If you do not define an ELIN
for an ERL, the PSAP sees the original calling number. You may not want to define an ELIN if
Cisco Unified CME is using direct-inward-dial numbers or the call is from another Cisco voice gateway that
has already translated the extension to an ELIN.
Optionally define a default ELIN that the PSAP can use if a 911 caller's IP phone's address does not match
the IP subnet of any location in any zone. This default ELIN can be an existing ELIN that is already defined
for one of the ERLs or it can be a unique ELIN. If no default ELIN is defined and the 911 caller’s IP Address
does not match any of the ERLs’ IPsubnets, a syslog message isissued stating that no default ELIN is defined,
and the original ANI remains intact.
You can also define a designated callback number that is used when the callback information is lost in the
Last Caller table because of an expiry timeout or system restart. You can use this designated callback number
if the PSAP cannot reach the 911 caller at the caller’s ELIN or the default ELIN for any other reason. You
can further customize your system by specifying the expiry time for data in the Last Caller table and by
enabling syslog messages that announce all emergency calls.
For large installations, you can optionally specify that calls from specific ERLs are routed to specific PSAPs.
This is done by configuring emergency response zones, which lists the ERLs within each zone. This list of
ERLs also includes a ranking of the locations which controlsthe order of ERL searches when there are multiple
PSAPs. You do not need to configure emergency response zones if all 911 calls on your system are routed to
a single PSAP.
One or more ERLs can be grouped into a zone which could be equivalent to the area serviced by a PSAP.
When an outbound emergency call is placed, configured emergency response zones allow the searching of a
subset of the ERLs in any order. The ERLs can be ranked in the order of desired usage.
Zones are also used to selectively route 911 calls to different PSAPs.You can configure selective routing by
creating a zone with a list of unique locations and assigning each zone to a different outbound dial peer. In
this case, zones route the call based on the caller’s ERL. When an emergency call is made, each dial peer
matching the called number uses the zone’s list of locations to find a matching IPsubnet to the calling phone’s
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Overview of Enhanced 911 Services
IP address. If an ERL and ELIN are found, the dial peer’s interface is used to route the call. If no ERL or
ELIN is found, the next matched dial peer checks its zone.
Note • If a caller’s IP address does not match any location in its dial-peers zone, the last dial peer that
matched is used for routing and the default ELIN is used.
• If you want 911 calls from any particular phone to always use the same dial peer when you have
multiple dial peers going to the same destination-pattern (911) and the zones are different, you must
configure the preferred dial peer to be the highest priority by setting the preference field.
Duplicate location tags are not allowed in the same zone. However, the same location tag can be defined in
multiple zones. You are allowed to enter duplicate location priorities in the same zone, however, the existing
location’s priority is then increased to the next number. For example, if you configure “location 36 priority 5”
followed by “location 19 priority 5,” location 19 has priority 5 and location 36 becomes priority 6. Also, if
two locations are assigned priority 100, rather than bump the first location to priority 101, the first location
becomes the first nonprioritized location.
Figure 24: Implementation of Enhanced 911 for Cisco Unified CME, on page 690 shows an example
configuration for 911 services. In this example, the phone system handles callsfrom multiple floorsin multiple
buildings. Five ERLs are defined, with one ELIN defined for each ERL. At the PSAP, the ELIN is used to
find the caller’s physical address from the ALI database. Building 2 is closer to the PSAP in San Francisco
and Building 40 is closer to the PSAP in San Jose. Therefore, in this case, we recommend that you configure
two emergency response zones to ensure that 911 calls are routed to the PSAP closest to the caller. In this
example, you can configure an emergency response zone that includes all of the ERLS in building 2 and
another zone that includes the ERLs in building 40. If you choose to not configure emergency response zones,
911 calls are routed based on matching the destination number configured for the outgoing dial peers.
Figure 24: Implementation of Enhanced 911 for Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Overview of Enhanced 911 Services
Call Processing for E911 Services
When a 911 call is received by Cisco Unified CME, the initial call processing is the same as for any other
call. Cisco Unified CME takes the called-number and searches for dial peers that can be used to route the call
to that called-number.
The Enhanced 911 feature also analyzes the outgoing dial peer to see if it is going to a PSAP. If the outgoing
dial peer is configured with the emergency response zone command, the system is notified that the call needs
Enhanced 911 handling. If the outgoing dial peer is not configured with the emergency response zone
command, the Enhanced 911 functionality is not activated and the caller’s number is not translated to an ELIN.
When the Enhanced 911 functionality is activated, the first step in Enhanced 911 handling is to determine
which ERL is assigned to the caller. There are two ways to determine the caller’s ERL.
• Explicit Assignment—If a 911 call arrives on an inbound dial peer that has an ERL assignment, this
ERL is automatically used as the caller’s location.
• Implicit Assignment—If a 911 call arrives from an IP phone, its IP address is determined and Enhanced
911 searches for the IP address of the caller’s phone in one of the IP subnets configured in the ERLs.
The ERLs are stored as an ordered list according to their tag numbers, and each subnet is compared to
the caller’s IP address in the order listed.
After the caller’s ERL is determined, the caller’s number is translated to that ERL’s ELIN. If no ERLs are
implicitly or explicitly assigned to a call, you can define a default ERL for IP phones. This default ERL does
not apply to nonIP-phone endpoints, such as phones on VoIP trunks or FXS/FXO trunks.
After an ELIN is determined for the call, the following information is saved to the Last Caller table:
• Caller’s ELIN
• Caller’s original extension
• Time the call originated
The Last Caller table containsthisinformation for the most recent emergency callersfrom each ERL. A caller’s
information is purged from the table when the specified expiry time has passed after the call was originated.
If no time limit is specified, the default expiry time is three hours.
After the 911 call information is saved to the Last Caller table, the system determines whether an emergency
response zone is configured that contains the caller’s ERL. If no emergency response zone is configured with
the ERL, all ERLs are searched sequentially to match the caller’s IP address and then route the 911 call to the
appropriate PSAP. If an ERL is included in a zone, the 911 call is routed to the PSAP associated with that
After the 911 call is routed to appropriate PSAP, Enhanced 911 processing is complete. Call processing then
proceeds as it does for basic calls, except that the ELIN replaces the original calling number for the outbound
setup request.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Call Processing for E911 Services
Figure 25: Processing a 911 Call, on page 692 summarizes the procedure for processing a 911 call.
Figure 25: Processing a 911 Call
The 911 operator is unable to find information about a call in the Last Caller table if the router was rebooted
or specified expiry time (three hours by default) has passed after the call was originated. If this is the case,
the 911 operator hears the reorder tone. To prevent the 911 operator from getting this tone, you can configure
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Call Processing for E911 Services
the default callback as described in Customize E911 Settings, on page 710. Alternately, you can configure a
call forward number on the dial peer that goes to an operator or primary contact at the business.
Because the 911 callback feature tracks the last caller by its extension number, if you change the configuration
of your ephone-dns in-between a 911 call and a 911 callback and within the expiry time, the PSAP might not
be able to successfully contact the last 911 caller.
If two 911 calls are made from different phones in the same ERL within a short period of time, the first caller’s
information is overwritten in the Last Caller table with the information for the second caller. Because the table
can contain information about only one caller from each ERL, the 911 operator does not have the information
needed to contact the first caller.
In most cases, if Cisco Emergency Responder is configured, you should configure Enhanced 911 Services
with the same data for the ELIN and ERL as used by Cisco Emergency Responder.
Precautions for Mobile Phones
Emergency calls placed from phones that have been removed from their primary site might not be answered
by local safety authorities. IP phones should not be used to place emergency calls if removed from the site
where it wasinitially configured. Therefore, we recommend that you require your mobile phone usersto agree
to a policy similar to the one stated below.
Telecommuters, remote office, and traveling personnel must place emergency calls on a locally configured
hotel, office, or home phone (in other words, their landline). If they must use a remote IPphone for emergency
calls while away from their configured site, they must be prepared to provide specific information regarding
their location (their country, city, state, street address, and so on) to the answering safety authority or security
operations center personnel.
By accepting this policy your mobile phone users are confirming that they:
• Understand this advisory
• Agree to take reasonable precautions to prevent use of any remote IP phone device for emergency calls
when it is removed from its configured site
By not responding to or declining to accept this policy, your mobile phone users are confirming that they
understand that all remote IPphone devices associated with them will be disconnected, and no future requests
for these services will be fulfilled.
Plan Your Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services
Before you configure Enhanced 911 Services for Cisco Unified CME:
Step 1 Make a list of your sites that are serviced by Cisco Unified CME, and the PSAPs serving each site.
Be aware that you must use a CAMA/PRI interface to connect to each PSAP. Table 44: List of Sites and PSAPs, on
page 694 shows an example of the information that you need to gather.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Precautions for Mobile Phones
Table 44: List of Sites and PSAPs
Building Name and Address Responsible PSAP Interface to which Calls Are Routed
Building 2, 201 Maple Street, San San Francisco, CA Port 1/0:D
Building 40, 801 MainStreet,San Jose San Jose, CA Port 1/1:D
Step 2 Use local laws to determine the number of ERLs you need to configure.
According to the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) model legislation, make the location specific enough
to provide a reasonable opportunity for the emergency response team to quickly locate a caller anywhere within it. Table
45: ERL Calculation, on page 694 shows an example.
Table 45: ERL Calculation
Building Size in Square Feet Number of Floors Number of ERLs Required
Building 2 200,000 3 3
Building 40 7000 2 1
Step 3 (Optional) Assign one or two ELINs to each ERL.
You must contact your phone service provider to request phone numbers that are designated as ELINs.
Step 4 (Optional) Assign each of your ERLs to an emergency response zone to enable 911 calls to be routed to the PSAP that
is closest to the caller. Use the voice emergency response zone command.
Step 5 Configure one or more dial peers for your 911 callers with the emergency response zone command.
You might need to configure multiple dial peers for different destination-patterns.
Step 6 Configure one or more dial peers for the PSAP’s 911 callbacks with the emergency response callback command.
Step 7 Decide what method to use to assign ERLs to phones.
You have the following choices:
• For a group of phonesthat are on the same subnet, you can create an IPsubnet in the ERL that includes each phone’s
IP address. Each ERL can have one or two unique IP subnets. This is the easiest option to configure. Table 46:
Definitions of ERL, Description, IP Subnets, and ELIN, on page 694 shows an example.
Table 46: Definitions of ERL, Description, IP Subnets, and ELIN
ERL Number Description IP Address Assignment ELIN
1 Building 2, 1st floor 10.5.124.xxx 408 555-0142
2 Building 2, 2nd floor 10.7.xxx.xxx 408 555-0143
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Plan Your Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services
ERL Number Description IP Address Assignment ELIN
408 555-0144 and 408
10.8.xxx.xxx and
3 & 4 Building 2, 3rd floor
• You can assign an ERL explicitly to a group of phones by using the ephone-template or voice register template
configurations. Instead of assigning an ERL to phones individually, you can use these templates to save time if
you want to apply the same set of features to several SCCP phones or SIP phones.
• You can assign an ERL to a phone individually. Depending on which type of phone you have, you can use one of
three methods. You can assign an ERL to a phone’s:
◦Dial-peer configuration
◦Ephone configuration (SCCP phones)
◦Voice register pool configuration (SIP phones)
Table 47: Explicit ERL Assignment Per Phone, on page 695 shows examples of each of these options.
Table 47: Explicit ERL Assignment Per Phone
Phone Configuration ERL
Dial-peer voice 213 pots 3
Dial-peer voice 214 voip 4
Ephone 100 3
Voice register pool 1 2
Step 8 (Optional) Define a default ELIN to be sent to the PSAP for use if a 911 caller's IP phone's address does not match the
IP subnet of any location in any zone.
Step 9 (Optional) Define a designated callback number that is used if the callback information is removed from the Last Caller
table because of an expiry timeout or system restart.
Step 10 (Optional) Change the expiry time for data in the Last Caller table from the default time of three hours.
Step 11 (Optional) Enable RADIUS accounting or the syslog service to permanently record call detail records.
Interactions with Existing Cisco Unified CME Features
Enhanced 911 Services interacts with several Cisco Unified CME features. The interactions with each of the
following features are described in separate sections below:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Interactions with Existing Cisco Unified CME Features
Note Your version of Cisco Unified CME may not support all of these features.
Multiple Usages of an ELIN
We recommend that you do not use ELINsfor any other purpose because of possible unexpected interactions
with existing Cisco Unified CME features.
Examples of using ELINs for other purposes include configuring an ELIN for use as an actual phone number
(ephone-dn, voice register dn, FXS destination-pattern), a Call Pickup number, or an alias rerouting number.
Using ELINs as an actual phone number causes problems when calls are made to that number. If a 911 call
occurs and the last caller information has not expired from the Last Caller table, any outside callers will reach
the last 911 caller instead of the actual phone. We recommend that you do not share the phone numbers used
for ELINs with real phones.
There is no impact on outbound 911 calls if you use the same number for an ELIN and a real phone number.
Number Translation
The Enhanced 911 feature translatesthe calling number to an ELIN during an outbound 911 call, and translates
the called-number to the last caller’s extension during a 911 callback (when the PSAP makes a callback to
the 911 caller). Alternative methods of number translation can conflict with the translation done by the
Enhanced 911 software, such as:
• Dialplan-pattern—Prefixes a pattern to an extension configured under telephony-service
• Num-expansion—Expands extensions to full E.164 numbers
• Voice-port translation of called and calling numbers
• Outgoing number translation for dial peers
• Translate-profile for dial peers
• Voice translation profiles done for the dial peer, voice-port, POTS voice service, trunk group, trunk
group member, voice source-group, call-manager-fallback, and ephone-dn
• Ephone-dn translation
• Voice register dn’s outgoing translation
Configuring these translation features impacts the Enhanced 911 feature if they translate patterns that are part
of your ELINs’ patterns. For an outgoing 911 call, these features might translate an Enhanced 911 ELIN to a
different number, giving the PSAP a number they cannot look-up in their ALI databases. If the 911 callback
number (ELIN) is translated before Enhanced 911 callback processing, the Enhanced 911 feature is unable
to find the last caller’s history.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Interactions with Existing Cisco Unified CME Features
Call Transfer
If a phone in a Cisco Unified CME environment performs a semi attended or consultative transfer to thePSAP
that involves another phone that is in a different ERL, the PSAP will use the wrong ELIN. The PSAP will
see the ELIN of the transferor party, not the transferred party.
There is no impact on 911 callbacks (calls made by the PSAP back to a 911 caller) or transfers that are made
by the PSAP.
A 911 caller can transfer thePSAPto another party if there is a valid reason to do so. Otherwise, we recommend
that the 911 caller remain connected to the PSAP at all times.
Call Forward
There is no impact if an IP phone user calls another phone that is configured to forward calls to the PSAP.
If the PSAP makes a callback to a 911 caller that is using a phone that has Call Forward enabled, the PSAP
is redirected to a party that is not the original 911 caller.
Call Blocking Features
Outbound 911 calls can be blocked by features such as After-Hours Call Blocking if the system administrator
does not create an exception to 911 calls.
911 callbacks will not reach the 911 caller if the phone is configured with a blocking feature (for example,
Do Not Disturb).
Call Waiting
After a 911 call is established with a PSAP, call waiting can interrupt the call. The 911 caller has the choice
of putting the operator on hold. Although holding is not prohibited, we recommend that the 911 caller remain
connected to the PSAP until the call is over.
Three-Way Conference
Although the 911 caller is allowed to activate three-way conferencing when talking to thePSAP, we recommend
that the 911 caller remain connected privately to the PSAP until the call is over.
Dial-Peer Rotary
If a 911 caller uses a rotary phone, you must configure each dial peer with the emergency response zone
command for the call to be processed as an Enhanced 911 call. Otherwise, calls received on dial peers that
are not configured for Enhanced 911 functionality are treated as regular calls and there is no ELIN translation.
Do not configure two dial peers with the same destination-pattern to route to different PSAPs. The caller’s
number will not be translated to two different ELINs and the two dial peers will not route to different PSAPs.
However, you can route calls to different PSAPs if you configure the dial peers with different
destination-patterns (for example, 9911 and 95105558911). You might need to use the number translation
feature or add prefix/forward-digits to change the 95105558911 to 9911 for the second dial peer if a specific
called-number is required by the service provider.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Interactions with Existing Cisco Unified CME Features
We recommend that you do not configure the same dial peer using both the emergency response zone
and emergency response callback commands.
Dial Plan Patterns
Dial plan patterns expand the caller’s original extension number into a fully qualified E.164 number. If an
ERL is found for a 911 caller, the expanded number is translated to an ELIN.
For 911 callbacks, the called-number is translated to the 911 caller’s expanded number.
Caller ID Blocking
When you set Caller ID Blocking for an ephone or voice-port configuration, the far-end gateway device blocks
the display of the calling party information. This feature is overridden when an Enhanced 911 call is placed
because the PSAP must receive the ELIN (the calling party information).
The Caller ID Blocking feature does not impact callbacks.
Shared Line
The Shared Line feature allows multiple phones to share a common directory number. When a shared line
receives an incoming call, each phone rings. Only the first user that answers the call is connected to the caller.
The Shared Line feature does not affect outbound 911 calls.
For 911 callbacks, all phonessharing the directory number will ring. Therefore,someone who did not originate
the 911 call might answer the phone and get connected to the PSAP. This could cause confusion if the PSAP
needs to talk only with the 911 caller.
Configure Enhanced 911 Services
Configure the Emergency Response Location
Perform this procedure to create the ERL. The ERL defines an area that allows emergency teams to quickly
locate a caller.
The ERL can define zero, one, or two ELINs. If one ELIN is defined, this ELIN is always used for phones
calling from this ERL. If you define two ELINs, the system alternates using each ELIN for phones calling
from this ERL. If you define no ELINs and phones use this ERL, the outbound calls do not have their calling
numbers translated. The PSAP sees the original calling numbers for these 911 calls.
If multiple ERLs are created, the Enhanced 911 software uses the ERL tag number to determine which ELIN
to use. The Enhanced 911 software searches the ERLs sequentially from tag 1 to 2147483647. The first ERL
that has a subnet mask encompassing the caller's IP address is used for ELIN translation.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure Enhanced 911 Services
• The address and name commands are supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions.
• Plan your 911 configuration as described in Plan Your Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services, on
page 693
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice emergency response location tag
4. elin [1 | 2] E.164-number
5. address address
6. name name
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters emergency response location configuration mode to define
parameters for an ERL.
voice emergency response location tag
Router(config)# voice emergency
response location 4
Step 3
(Optional) Specifies the ELIN, an E.164 PSTN number that replaces the
caller's extension.
elin [1 | 2] E.164-number
elin 14085550100
Step 4
• This number is displayed on the PSAP’s terminal and is used by the
PSAP to query the ALI database to locate the caller. It is also used
by the PSAP for callbacks. You can define a second ELIN using the
optional elin 2 command. If an ELIN is not defined for the ERL, the
PSAP sees the original calling number.
(Optional) Defines a comma-separated string used for the automatic
location identification (ALI) database upload of the caller’s address.
address address
address I,604,5550100, ,184 ,Main
St,Kansas City,KS,1,
Step 5
• String must conform to the record format that is required by the
service provider. The string maximum is 247 characters.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure the Emergency Response Location
Command or Action Purpose
• Address is saved as part of the E911 ERL configuration. When used
with the show voice emergency addresses command, the address
information can be saved to a text file.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later
(Optional) Defines a 30-character string used internally to identify or
describe the emergency response location.
name name
name Bldg C, Floor 2
Step 6
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7
Configure Locations under Emergency Response Zones
In the configuration of emergency response zones, a list of locations within a zone is created using location
tags. The zone configuration allows a ranking of the locations which controls the order of ERL searches when
there are multiple PSAPs. The zone command is not used if all 911 calls on the system are routed to a single
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version
• Define your ERLs as described in Configure the Emergency Response Location, on page 698.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice emergency response zone tag
4. location location-tag [priority number]
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure Locations under Emergency Response Zones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice emergency response zone configuration mode to
define parameters for an emergency response zone.
voice emergency response zone tag
Router(config)# voice emergency response
zone 10
Step 3
• tag—Range is 1-100.
Each location tag must correspond to a location tag created using
the voice emergency response location command.
location location-tag [priority number]
Router(cfg-emrgncy-resp-zone)# location 8
priority 2
Step 4
• number—(optional) Ranksthe location in the zone list. Range
is 1-100, with 1 being the highest priority.
• Repeat this command for each location included in the zone.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(cfg-emrgncy-resp-zone)# end
Step 5
Configure Outgoing Dial Peers for Enhanced 911 Services
Depending on whether you decided to configure emergency response zones while you planned your 911
configuration as described in Plan Your Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services, on page 693, use one of
the following procedures:
• If you decided to not use zones, see Configure Dial Peers for Emergency Calls, on page 701.
• If you decided to use zones, see Configure Dial Peers for Emergency Response Zones, on page 703.
Configure Dial Peers for Emergency Calls
Perform this procedure to create a dial peer for emergency calls to the PSAP. The destination-pattern of this
dial peer is usually some variation of 911, such as 9911. This dial peer uses the port number of the CAMA
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure Outgoing Dial Peers for Enhanced 911 Services
or PRI network interface card. The new command emergency response zone specifies that this dial peer
translates the calling number of any outgoing call’s to an ELIN.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice number pots
4. destination-pattern n 911
5. prefix number
6. emergency response zone
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define parameters for an
individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice number pots
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 911 pots
Step 3
Matches dialed digits to a telephony device. The digits included
in this command specify the E.164 or private dialing plan
destination-pattern n 911
destination-pattern 9911
Step 4
telephone number. For Enhanced 911 Services, the digits are
usually some variation of 911.
(Optional) Includes a prefix that the system adds automatically to
the front of the dial string before passing it to the telephony
prefix number
Router(config-dial-peer)# prefix 911
Step 5
interface. For Enhanced 911 Services, the dial string is some
variation of 911.
Defines this dial peer as the one to use to route all ERLs defined
in the system to the PSAP.
emergency response zone
Router(config-dial-peer)# emergency
response zone
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure Outgoing Dial Peers for Enhanced 911 Services
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 7
Configure Dial Peers for Emergency Response Zones
You can selectively route a 911 call based on the ERL by assigning different zonesto dial peers. The emergency
response zone command identifies the dial peer that routes the 911 call and the voice interface to use. Only
ERLs that are defined in the zone can be routed on the dial peer. Callers dialing the same emergency number
are routed to different voice interfaces based on the zone of the ERL.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version
• Define your ERLs and emergency response zones as described in:
◦Configure the Emergency Response Location, on page 698
◦Configure Locations under Emergency Response Zones, on page 700
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice number pots
4. destination-pattern n911
5. prefix number
6. emergency response zone tag
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure Outgoing Dial Peers for Enhanced 911 Services
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define parameters for an
individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice number pots
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 911 pots
Step 3
Matches dialed digits to a telephony device. The digits included
in this command specify the E.164 or private dialing plan telephone
destination-pattern n911
destination-pattern 9911
Step 4
number. For E911 services, the digits are usually some variation
of 911.
(Optional) Includes a prefix that the system adds automatically to
the front of the dial string before passing it to the telephony
prefix number
Router(config-dial-peer)# prefix 911
Step 5
interface. For E911 services, the dial string is some variation of
Defines this dial peer as the one that is used to route ERLs defined
for that zone.
emergency response zone tag
Router(config-dial-peer)# emergency
response zone 10
Step 6
• tag—Points to an existing configured zone. Range is 1-100.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 7
Configure a Dial Peer for Callbacks from the PSAP
Perform this procedure to create a dial peer for 911 callbacks from the PSAP. This dial peer enables the PSAP
to use the ELIN to make callbacks. When a call arrives that matches this dial peer, the emergency response
callback command instructs the system to find the last caller that used the ELIN and translate the destination
number of the incoming call to the extension of the last caller.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure a Dial Peer for Callbacks from the PSAP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice number pots
4. incoming called-number number
5. direct-inward-dial
6. emergency response callback
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define parameters for
an individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice number pots
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 100 pots
Step 3
(Optional) Selects the inbound dial peer based on the called
number to identify the last caller. This number is the ELIN.
incoming called-number number
Router(config-dial-peer)# incoming
called-number 4085550100
Step 4
(Optional) Enables the Direct Inward Dialing (DID) call
treatment for the incoming called number. For more
Router(config-dial-peer)# direct-inward-dial
Step 5
information, see the chapter Configuring Voice Ports in the
Cisco Voice, Video, and Fax Configuration Guide.
emergency response callback Identifies a dial peer as an ELIN dial peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)# emergency response
Step 6
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Configure a Dial Peer for Callbacks from the PSAP
Assign ERLs to Phones
You mustspecify an ERL for each phone. The type of phonesthat you have determines which of the following
tasks you use to associate an ERL with your phones, as explained in Step 7 in Plan Your Implementation of
Enhanced 911 Services, on page 693.
• To create an IP subnet in the ERL that includes each phone’s IP address, you must also configure each
ERL to specify which phones are part of the ERL. See Assign an ERL to a Phone’s IP Subnet, on page
706. You can optionally specify up to two different subnets.
• To assign an ERL to a SIP phone, you must specify the ERL in the voice register pool configuration.
See Assign an ERL to a SIP Phone, on page 707.
• To assign an ERL to a SCCP phone, you must specify the ERL in the ephone configuration. See Assign
an ERL to a SCCP Phone, on page 708.
• To assign an ERL to a phone’s dial peer, you must specify the ERL in the dial-peer configuration. See
Assign an ERL to a Dial Peer, on page 709.
Prerequisites for Assigning ERLs to Phones
Define your ERLs and emergency response zones as described in the Configure the Emergency Response
Location, on page 698.
Assign an ERL to a Phone’s IP Subnet
Use this procedure when you have a group of phones that are on the same subnet. You can configure an ERL
to be associated with one or two unique IP subnets. This indicates that all IP phones in a specific subnet use
the ELIN defined in this ERL.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice emergency response location tag
4. subnet [1 | 2] IPaddress-mask
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Assign ERLs to Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters emergency response location configuration mode to define
parameters for an ERL.
voice emergency response location tag
Router(config)# voice emergency response
location 4
Step 3
Defines the groups of IPphones that are part of this location. You
can create up to 2 different subnets.
subnet [1 | 2] IPaddress-mask
Router(cfg-emrgncy-resp-location)# subnet
Step 4
• To include all IP phones on a single ERL, use the command
subnet 1 to configure a default subnet. This
subnet does not apply to nonIP-phone endpoints, such as
phones on VoIP trunks or FXS/FXO trunks.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(cfg-emrgncy-resp-location)# end
Step 5
Assign an ERL to a SIP Phone
Perform this procedure if you chose to assign a specific ERL to a SIP phone instead of using the phone’s IP
address to match a subnet defined for an ERL. For more information about this decision, see Step 7 in Plan
Your Implementation of Enhanced 911 Services, on page 693.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool tag
4. emergency response location tag
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Assign ERLs to Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool mode to define parameters for an individual
voice register pool.
voice register pool tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 8
Step 3
Step 4 emergency response location tag Assigns an ERL to a phone s voice register pool using an ERL s tag.
Router(config-register-pool)# emergency
response location 12
• tag—Range is 1 to 2147483647.
• If the ERL'stag is not a configured tag, the phone is not associated
to an ERL and the phone defaults to its IP address to find the
inclusive ERL subnet.
• This command can also be configured in voice register template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The voice
register pool configuration has priority over the voice register
template configuration.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
Assign an ERL to a SCCP Phone
Perform this procedure if you chose to assign an ERL to a SCCP phone instead of configuring an ERL to be
associated with IP subnets. For more information about this decision, see Step 7 in Plan Your Implementation
of Enhanced 911 Services, on page 693.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Assign ERLs to Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone tag
4. emergency response location tag
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone configuration mode to define parametersfor an individual
ephone tag
Router(config)# ephone 224
Step 3
Step 4 emergency response location tag Assigns an ERL to a phone s ephone configuration using an ERL s tag.
Router(config-ephone)# emergency
response location 12
• tag—Range is 1 to 2147483647.
• If the ERL's tag is not a configured tag, the phone is not associated
to an ERL and the phone defaults to its IP address to find the
inclusive ERL subnet.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The ephone
configuration has priority over the ephone-template configuration.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Assign an ERL to a Dial Peer
Perform this procedure to assign an ERL to a FXS/FXO or VoIP dial peer. Because these interfaces do not
have IP addresses associated with them, you must use this procedure instead of configuring an ERL to be
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Assign ERLs to Phones
associated with IPsubnets.For more information about this decision, see Step 7 inPlan Your Implementation
of Enhanced 911 Services, on page 693.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag type
4. emergency response location tag
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters dial peer configuration mode to define parameters for an
individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice tag type
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 100 pots
Step 3
Assigns an ERL to a phone s dial peer configuration using an
ERL's tag. The tag is an integer from 1 to 2147483647. If the
emergency response location tag
Router(config-dial-peer)# emergency
response location 12
Step 4
ERL's tag is not a configured tag, no translation occurs and no
Enhanced 911 information is saved to the last emergency caller
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 5
Customize E911 Settings
The E911 settings you can customize are:
• Elin: The default ELIN. If a 911 caller’s IP phone address does not match the subnet of any location in
any zone, the default ELIN is used to replace the original automatic number identification (ANI). The
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Customize E911 Settings
default ELIN can be already defined in one of the ERLs or can be unique. If a default ELIN is not defined
and there is no match for the 911 caller’s IP address, the PSAP sees the ANI for callback purposes. A
syslog message is sent requesting the default ELIN, and no caller location information is available to
the PSAP.
• Expiry: The number of minutes a 911 call is associated to an ELIN in case of a callback from the 911
operator. The callback expiry can be changed from a default of 3 hours to any time between 2 minutes
and 48 hours. The timer is started the moment the 911 call goes to the PSAP. The PSAP can call back
the ELIN and reach the last caller within this expiry time.
• Callback: The default phone number to contact if a 911 callback cannot find the last 911 caller from
the Last Caller table. This can happen if the callback occurs after a router has rebooted or if the expiration
has elapsed.
• Logging: A syslog informational message is printed to the console every time an emergency call is
made. Such a message is required for third party applications to send an e-mail or page to an in-house
emergency administrator. This is a default feature that can be disabled using the no logging command.
The following is an example of a syslog notification message:
%E911-5-EMERGENCY_CALL_PLACED: calling #[4085550100] called
#[911] ELIN [4085550199]
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice emergency response settings
4. expiry time
5. callback number
6. logging
7. elin number
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Customize E911 Settings
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice emergency response settings mode to define settings you
can customize for E911 calls.
voice emergency response settings
Router(config)# voice emergency response
Step 3
(Optional) Defines the time period (in minutes) that the emergency
caller history information for each ELIN is stored in the Last Caller
expiry time
expiry 300
Step 4
table. The time can be an integer in the range of 2 minutes to 2880
minutes. The default value is 180 minutes.
(Optional) Defines the E.164 callback number (for example, a
company operator or main help desk) if a 911 callback cannot find
the last caller associated to the ELIN.
callback number
callback 7500
Step 5
(Optional) Enables syslog messages that announce every emergency
call. The syslog messages can be tracked to send pager or e-mail
Router(cfg-emrgncy-resp-settings)# no
Step 6
notifications to an in-house support number. By default, logging is
enabled. Use the no form of this command to disable logging.
Specifies the E.164 number to be used as the default ELIN if no ERL
has a subnet mask that matches the current 911 caller s IP phone
elin number
Router(cfg-emrgncy-resp-settings)# elin
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router (cfg-emrgncy-resp-settings)# end
Step 8
Using the Address Command for Two ELINS
For ERLs that have two ELINs defined, you cannot use just one address field to have two address entries for
each ELIN in the ALI database. Instead of entering the specific phone number, a key phrase is entered to
represent each ELIN. The show voice emergency address command produces output that replaces the key
phrase with the ELIN information and generates two lines of addresses.
To define the expression, use the keyword elin (context-insensitive), followed by a period, the starting position
of the ELIN to use, followed by another period, and finally the ending position of the ELIN. For example:
address I,ELIN.1.3,ELIN.4.7,678 ,Alder Drive ,Milpitas ,CA,95035
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Using the Address Command for Two ELINS
In the example, the second parameter of address following I are digits 1-3 of each ELIN. The third parameter
are digits 4-7 of each ELIN. When you enter the show voice emergency address command, the output will
replace the key phrase as seen in the following:
I,408,5550101,678,Alder Drive ,Milpitas ,CA,95035
I,408,5550190,678,Alder Drive ,Milpitas ,CA,95035
Enable Call Detail Records
To conform to internal policy or external regulations, you may be required to save 911 call history data
including the following information:
• Original caller’s extension
• ELIN information
• ERL information (the integer tag and the text name)
• Original caller’s phone IP address
These attributes are visible from the RADIUS accounting server and syslog server output, or by using the
show call history voice command.
You must enable the RADIUS server or the syslog server to display these details. See your RADIUS or
syslog server documentation.
Output from a RADIUS Accounting Server
For RADIUS accounting, the emergency call information is under a feature-vsa record. The fields are:
• EMR: Emergency call
• CGN: Original calling number
• ELIN: Emergency line identification number; the translated number
• CDN: Called number
• ERL: Emergency response location tag number
• ERLN: Emergency response location name; the name entered for the ERL, if one exists
• CIP: Caller’s IP address; nonzero for implicit ERL assignments
• ETAG: ERL tag; nonzero for explicit ERL assignments
The following shows an output example from a RADIUS server:
*Jul 18 15:37:43.691: RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 202 "feature-vsa=fn:EMR
,ft:07/18/2007 15:37:32.227,frs:0,fid:6,fcid:A2444CAF347B11DC8822F63A1B4078DE,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Enable Call Detail Records
Output from a Syslog Server
If gateway accounting is directed to the syslog server, a VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY system message appears.
The feature-vsa parameters are the same ones described for RADIUS accounting.
The following shows an output example from a syslog server:
*Jul 18 15:37:43.675: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_FEAT_HISTORY: FEAT_VSA=fn:EMR,ft:07/18/2007
Output from the show call history voice Command
View emergency call information on the gateway using show call active voice and show call history voice.
Some emergency call information is already in existing fields. The original caller’s number is under
OriginalCallingNumber. The ELIN is at TranslatedCallingNumber. The four new fields are the ERL, ERL
name, the calling phone’s IP address, and any explicit ERL assignments. These fields only appear if an ELIN
translation occurs. For example, any 911 calls from an ERL with no ELIN defined do not print the four
emergency fields in the show call commands. If no ERLs match the calling phone and the default ELIN is
used, the ERL field displays No Match.
The following shows an output example using the show call history voice command:
EmergencyResponseLocation=3 (Cisco Systems 3)
Verify E911 Configuration
New show commands are introduced to display E911 configuration or usage.
• Use the show voice emergency callers command to see the translations made by outbound 911 calls.
This command lists the originating number, the ELIN used, and the time for each 911 call. This history
is active for only three hours after the call is placed. Expired calls are not shown in this output.
router# show voice emergency callers
6045550100 | 6045550150 | Oct 12 2006 03:59:43
6045550110 | 8155550124 | Oct 12 2006 04:05:21
• Use the show voice emergency command to display IP addresses, subnet masks, and ELINs for each
Router# show voice emergency
1 | 6045550101 | | |
2 | 6045550102 | 6045550106 | |
3 | | 6045550107 | |
4 | 6045550103 | | |
5 | 6045550105 | | |
6 6045550198 | | 6045550109 | |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Verify E911 Configuration
• Use the show voice emergency addresses command to display address information for each ERL.
Router# show voice emergency addresses
3850 Zanker Rd, San Jose,604,5550101
225 W Tasman Dr, San Jose,604,5550102
275 W Tasman Dr, San Jose,604,5550103
518 Bellew Dr,Milpitas,604,5550104
400 Tasman Dr,San Jose,604,5550105
3675 Cisco Way,San Jose,604,5550106
• Use the show voice emergency all command to display all ERL information.
Router# show voice emergency all
Callback Number: 6045550103
Emergency Line ID Number: 6045550155
Expiry: 2 minutes
Logging Enabled
Name: Cisco Systems 1
Address: 3850 Zanker Rd, San Jose,elin.1.3,elin.4.10
IP Address 1: IP mask 1:
IP Address 2: IP mask 2:
Emergency Line ID 1: 6045550180
Emergency Line ID 2:
Last Caller: 6045550188 [Jan 30 2007 16:05.52 PM]
Next ELIN For Emergency Call: 6045550166
Name: Cisco Systems 3
Address: 225 W Tasman Dr, San Jose,elin.1.3,elin.4.10
IP Address 1: IP mask 1:
IP Address 2: IP mask 2:
Emergency Line ID 1:
Emergency Line ID 2: 6045550150
Last Caller:
Next ELIN For Emergency Call: 6045550151
• Use the show voice emergency zone command to display each zone’slist of locationsin order of priority.
Router# show voice emergency zone
zone 90
location 4
location 5
location 6
location 7
location 2147483647
zone 100
location 1 priority 1
location 2 priority 2
location 3 priority 3
Troubleshooting Enhanced 911 Services
Use the debug voice application error and the debug voice application callsetup command. These are existing
commands for calls made using the default session or TCL applications.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Troubleshooting Enhanced 911 Services
This example shows the debug output when a call to 911 is made:
Router# debug voice application error
Router# debug voice application callsetup
Nov 10 23:49:05.855: //emrgncy_resp_xlate_callingNum: InDialPeer[20001], OutDialPeer[911]
Nov 10 23:49:05.855: //ER_HistTbl_Find_CallHistory: 6046699100
Nov 10 23:49:05.855: //59//Dest:/DestProcessEmergencyCall: Emergency Call detected: Using ELIN
This example shows the debug output when a PSAP calls back an emergency caller:
Router# debug voice application error
Router# debug voice application callsetup
Nov 10 23:49:37.279: //emrgncy_resp_xlate_calledNum: calledNum[6046699100], dpeerTag[6046699]
Nov 10 23:49:37.279: //ER_HistTbl_Find_CallHistory: 6046699100
Nov 10 23:49:37.279: //HasERHistoryExpired: elapsedTime[10 minutes]
Nov 10 23:49:37.279: //67//Dest:/DestProcessEmergencyCallback: Emergency Response Callback:
Forward to 6046692003.
Nov 10 23:49:37.279: //67//Dest:/DestCaptureCallForward: forwarded to 6046692003 reason 1
Error Messages
The Enhanced 911 feature introduces a new system error message. The following error message displays if
a 911 callback cannot route to the last 911 caller because the saved history was lost because of a reboot, an
expiration of an entry, or a software error:
%E911_NO_CALLER: Unable to contact last 911 caller.
Configuration Examples for Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.2
Emergency response settings are:
• default elin if no elin match is found: 604 555-0120
• expiry time for information in the Last Caller table: 180 minutes
• callback number if thePSAPoperator must call back the 911 caller and the call back history has expired:
604 555-0199
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Error Messages
Zone 1 has four locations, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and a name, address, and elin are defined for each location. Each of
the four locations is assigned a priority. In this example, because location 4 has been assigned the highest
priority, it is the first that is searched for IP subnet matches to identify the ELIN assigned to the 911 caller’s
phone. A dial peer is configured to route 911 calls to the PSAP (voice port 1/0/0). Callback dial peers are also
voice emergency response settings
elin 6045550120
expiry 180
callback 6045550199
voice emergency response location 1
name Bldg C, Floor 1
address I,604,5550135, ,184 ,Main St,Kansas City,KS,1,
elin 1 6045550125
subnet 1
voice emergency response location 2
name Bldg C, Floor 2
address I,elin.1.3,elin.4.7, ,184 ,Main St,Kansas City,KS,2,
elin 1 6045550126
elin 2 6045550127
subnet 1
voice emergency response location 3
name Bldg C, Floor 3
address I,604,5550138, ,184 ,Main St,Kansas City,KS,3,
elin 2 6045550128
subnet 1
subnet 2
voice emergency response location 4
name Bldg D
address I,604,5550139, ,192 ,Main St,Kansas City,KS,
elin 1 6045550129
subnet 1
voice emergency response zone 1
location 4 priority 1
location 3 priority 2
location 2 priority 3
location 1 priority 4
dial-peer voice 911 pots
description Public Safety Answering Point
emergency response zone 1
destination-pattern 911
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 6045550 voip
emergency response callback
destination-pattern 6045550...
session target loopback:rtp
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 1222 pots
emergency response location 4
destination-pattern 6045550130
port 1/0/1
dial-peer voice 5550144 voip
emergency response callback
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 604555....
codec g711ulaw
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.2
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1
in SRST Fallback Mode
In this example, Enhanced 911 Services is configured to assign an ERL to the following:
• The IP subnet
• Two dial peers
• An ephone
• A SI P phone
Router#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 7557 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname rm-uut3-2821
no logging console
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate wic 1
network-clock-participate wic 2
no network-clock-participate wic 3
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool sccp-7912-phone1
client-identifier 0100.1200.3482.cd
option 150 ip
ip dhcp pool sccp-7960-phone2
client-identifier 0100.131a.a67d.cf
option 150 ip
ip dhcp pool sip-phone1
client-identifier 0100.15f9.b38b.a6
option 150 ip
ip dhcp pool sccp-7960-phone1
client-identifier 0100.14f2.37e0.00
option 150 ip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1 in SRST Fallback Mode
no ip domain lookup
ip host rm-uut3-c2821
ip host RescuMe01
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type basic-net3
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
supplementary-service h450.12
registrar server
voice register global
system message RM-SIP-SRST
max-dn 192
max-pool 48
voice register dn 1
number 32101
voice register dn 185
number 38301
voice register dn 190
number 38201
voice register dn 191
number 38202
voice register dn 192
number 38204
voice register pool 1
id mac DCC0.2222.0001
number 1 dn 1
emergency response location 2100
voice register pool 45
id mac 0015.F9B3.8BA6
number 1 dn 185
voice emergency response location 1
elin 1 22222
subnet 1
voice emergency response location 2
elin 1 21111
elin 2 21112
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
log config
controller T1 0/1/0
framing esf
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1 in SRST Fallback Mode
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 8,24
controller T1 0/1/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 2,24
controller T1 0/2/0
framing esf
clock source internal
linecode b8zs
ds0-group 1 timeslots 2 type e&m-immediate-start
controller T1 0/2/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 2,24
translation-rule 5
Rule 0 ^37103 1
translation-rule 6
Rule 6 ^2 911
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/1/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface Serial0/1/1:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface Serial0/2/1:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface BRI0/3/0
no ip address
isdn switch-type basic-5ess
isdn twait-disable
isdn point-to-point-setup
isdn autodetect
isdn incoming-voice voice
no keepalive
interface BRI0/3/1
no ip address
isdn switch-type basic-5ess
isdn point-to-point-setup
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1 in SRST Fallback Mode
ip http server
voice-port 0/0/0
voice-port 0/0/1
voice-port 0/1/0:23
voice-port 0/2/0:1
voice-port 0/1/1:23
voice-port 0/2/1:23
voice-port 0/3/0
voice-port 0/3/1
dial-peer voice 2002 pots
destination-pattern 2....
port 0/2/0:1
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 2005 pots
description for-cme2-408-pri
emergency response location 2000
incoming called-number 911
port 0/2/1:23
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 2004 voip
description for-cme2-408-thru-ip
emergency response location 2000
session target loopback:rtp
incoming called-number 911
dial-peer voice 1052 pots
description 911callbackto-cme2-3
incoming called-number .....
port 0/1/1:23
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 1013 pots
description for-analog
destination-pattern 39101
port 0/0/0
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 1014 pots
description for-analog-2
destination-pattern 39201
port 0/0/1
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 3111 pots
emergency response Zone
destination-pattern 9....
port 0/1/0:23
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 3121 pots
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1 in SRST Fallback Mode
emergency response callback
incoming called-number 2....
port 0/1/0:23
forward-digits all
srst mode auto-provision none
load 7960-7940 P00307020200
load 7970 TERM70.7-0-1-0s
load 7912 CP7912060101SCCP050429B.sbin
max-ephones 50
max-dn 190
ip source-address port 2000
system message RM-SCCP-CME-SRST
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh flash:music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 3000
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .....
transfer-pattern 911
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 31101
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 31201
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 31301
ephone-dn 100 dual-line
number 37101 secondary 37111
name 7960-sccp-1
ephone-dn 101 dual-line
number 37102
ephone-dn 102 dual-line
number 37103
ephone-dn 105
number 37201
ephone-dn 106 dual-line
number 37101
ephone-dn 107 dual-line
number 37302
ephone-dn 108 dual-line
number 37303
ephone-dn 110 dual-line
number 37401
ephone-dn 111 dual-line
number 37402
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Example for Configuring Enhanced E911 Services with Cisco Unified CME 4.1 in SRST Fallback Mode
ephone 1
mac-address DCC0.1111.0001
type 7960
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address DCC0.1111.0002
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address DCC0.1111.0003
type 7970
button 1:3
ephone 40
mac-address 0013.1AA6.7DCF
type 7960
button 1:100 2:101 3:102
ephone 41
mac-address 0012.0034.82CD
type 7912
button 1:105
ephone 42
mac-address 0014.F237.E000
emergency response location 2
type 7940
button 1:107 2:108
ephone 43
mac-address 000F.90B0.BE0B
type 7960
button 1:110 2:111
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Feature Information for Enhanced 911 Services
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Feature Information for Enhanced 911 Services
Table 48: Feature Information for Enhanced 911 Services
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
• Assigns ERLs to zones to
enable routing to the PSAP
that is closest to the caller
• Customizes E911 by defining
a default ELIN, identifying a
designated number if the 911
caller cannot be reached on
callback, specifying the
expiry time for data in the
Last Caller table, and
enabling syslog messagesthat
announce all emergency calls
• Expands the E911 location
information to include name
and address
• Uses templates to assign
ERLs to a group of phones
• Adds new permanent call
detail records
Enhanced 911 Services for 4.2
Cisco Unified CME
Enhanced 911 Services was
introduced for Cisco Unified CME
in SRST Fallback Mode.
Enhanced 911 Services 4.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enhanced 911 Services
Feature Information for Enhanced 911 Services
Extension Mobility
This chapter describes features in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME)
that provide support for phone mobility for end users.
• Prerequisites for Configuring Extension Mobility, page 725
• Restrictions for Configuring Extension Mobility, page 725
• Information About Configuring Extension Mobility, page 726
• Enable Extension Mobility, page 730
• Configuration Examples for Extension Mobility, page 744
• Where to Go Next, page 746
• Feature Information for Extension Mobility, page 746
Prerequisites for Configuring Extension Mobility
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version.
• To use the web-based Cisco Unified CME GUI to configure personal speed dials on an Extension
Mobility phone, Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) or a later version must be installed.
• To use the phone user interface to configure personal speed dials directly on an Extension Mobility
phone, Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version must be installed.
• SIP phone support is available with Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
Restrictions for Configuring Extension Mobility
• Extension Mobility on remote Cisco Unified CME routers is not supported; a phone user can log into
any local Cisco Unified IP phone only.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Information About Configuring Extension Mobility
Extension Mobility
Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions provides the benefit of phone mobility for
end users.
A user login service allows phone users to temporarily access a physical phone other than their own phone
and utilize their personal settings, such as directory number, speed-dial lists, and services, as if the phone is
their own desk phone. The phone user can make and receive calls on that phone using the same personal
directory number as is on their own desk phone.
Each Cisco Unified IP phone that is enabled for Extension Mobility is configured with a logout profile. This
profile determines the default appearance of a phone that is enabled for Extension Mobility when there is no
phone user logged into that phone. Minimally, the logout profile allows calls to emergency services such as
911. A single logout profile can be applied to multiple phones.
After a Cisco Unified IP phone that is enabled for Extension Mobility boots up, the Services feature button
on the phone is configured with a login service URL hosted by Cisco Unified CME that pointsto the Extension
Mobility Login page. No feature-button-specifc configuration is required to add Extension Assigner to the
Services feature button. The option for Extension Mobility appears last in the list of options displayed when
the phone user presses the Services feature button
A phone user logs in to a Cisco Unified IP phone that is enabled for Extension Mobility by pressing the
Services button or a Unified CCX agent can log in using a Unified CCX Cisco Agent Desktop. User
authentication and authorization is performed by Cisco Unified CME. If the login is successful,
Cisco Unified CME retrieves the appropriate user profile, based on user name and password match, and
replaces the phone’s logout profile with the user profile.
After the phone user is logged in, the service URL points to a logout URL hosted by Cisco Unified CME to
provide a logout prompt on the phone. Logging into a different device automatically closes the first session
and start a new session on the new device. When a phone user is not logged in to any phone, incoming calls
to the phone user’s directory number are sent to the phone user’s voice mailbox.
For button appearance, Extension Mobility associates directory numbersthen speed-dial numbersin the logout
profile or user profile to phone buttons. The sequence in which directory numbers are associated is based on
line type and ring behavior as follows: first normal, then silent ring, beep ring, feature ring, monitor ring, and
overlay, followed by speed dials. If the profile contains more numbers than there are buttons on the physical
phone to which the profile is downloaded, the remaining numbers in the profile are ignored.
For configuration information, see Enable Extension Mobility, on page 730.
Personal Speed Dials on an Extension Mobility Phone
In Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) and later versions, phone users can use the web-based GUI to set up personal
speed dials on an Extension Mobility phone. Previously, the speed-dial configuration for a phone could only
be done in Cisco Unified CME using Cisco IOS commands.
The same credential for logging on to an Extension Mobility phone is used to log into the Cisco Unified CME
GUI. Any modifications made by using the phone user options in the GUI are applied to the phone user’s user
profile in Extension Mobility. Speed dial options in Cisco Unified CME GUI cannot be accessed from the
System Administrator or Customer Administrator login screens.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Information About Configuring Extension Mobility
For information about using the Cisco Unified CME GUI, see Cisco Unified CME Graphical User Interface
User Guide.
The user name parameter of any authentication credential must be unique and cannot be the same as the user
name for any other credential. Do not use the same value for a user name when you configure any two or
more authentication credentials in Cisco Unified CME, such as the username for any Cisco United CME GUI
account and the user name in a logout or user profile for Extension Mobility. For configuration information,
see Enable the GUI, on page 525.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, Extension Mobility users can configure their own speed-dial
settings directly on the phone.Speed-dialsettings are added or modified on the phone by using a menu available
with theServicesfeature button. Any changesto the speed-dialsettings made through the phone user interface
are applied to the user’s profile in Extension Mobility. For information about using the phone user interface
on a Cisco Unified IP phone, see Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series End-User Guides.
The phone user-interface is enabled by default on all phones with displays. You can disable the capability for
an individual phone to prevent a phone user from accessing the interface. For configuration information, see
Enable Phone User Interface for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial, on page 978.
Cisco Unified CME Extension Mobility Enhancements
Enhancements to Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 include the following:
• Configurable Automatic Logout
• Automatic Clear Call History
Automatic Logout
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions includes an Automatic Timeout feature for Extension Mobility.
After an automatic logout is executed, Cisco Unified CME sends the logout profile to the phone and restarts
the phone. After an automatic logout, Extension Mobility users can log in again.
You can configure up to three different times on a 24-hour clock for automatically logging out Extension
Mobility users based on time-of-day. The system clock triggers an alarm at the specified time and the EM
Manager in Cisco Unified CME logs outs every logged in Extension Mobility user in the system. If an Extension
Mobility user is using the phone when automatic logout occurs, the user is logged out after the active call is
For configuration information, see Configure Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility, on page 730.
Users log out from Extension Mobility by pressing the Services button and choosing Logout. If a user does
not manually log out before leaving the phone, the phone is idle and the individual’s user profile remains
loaded on that phone. To automatically log out individual usersfrom idle Extension Mobility phones, configure
an idle-duration timer for Extension Mobility. The timer monitors the phone and if the specified maximum
idle time is exceeded, the EM Manager logs out the user. The idle-duration timer is reset whenever the phone
goes offhook.
For configuration information, see Configure a User Profile, on page 741.
Automatic Clear Call History
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, the EM manager in Cisco Unified CME issues commands to
phones to clear call history whenever a user logs out of Extension Mobility. An HTTP GET/POST is sent
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Cisco Unified CME Extension Mobility Enhancements
between the Extension Mobility phone and the authentication server in Cisco Unified CME. The authentication
server authorizes the request and the call history is cleared based on the result.
You can configure Cisco Unified CME to disable Automatic Clear Call History.For configuration information,
see Configure Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility, on page 730.
Privacy on an Extension Mobility Phone
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, the Privacy feature enables phone users to block other users
from seeing call information or barging into a call on a shared octo-line directory number. When a phone
receives an incoming call on a shared octo-line, the user can make the call private by pressing the Privacy
feature button, which toggles between on and off to allow the user to alter the privacy setting on their phone.
The privacy state is applied to all new calls and current calls owned by the phone user.
For Extension Mobility phones, you can enable the privacy button in the user profile and logout profile. To
enable the privacy button, see Configure a Logout Profile for an IP Phone, on page 733 and Configure a User
Profile, on page 741.
For more information about Privacy, see Barge and Privacy, on page 1047.
Extension Mobility for SIP Phones Enhancement
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 enhances the Extension Mobility feature to allow support for SIP phones.
Extension Mobility allows you to access any EM enabled physical phone and utilize your own personal
settings, such as directory numbers, speed-dials, after-hour personal identification number (PIN), and feature
button layout, as if the phone is your own desk phone.
A user login service allows you to temporarily access a physical phone other than your own phone and utilize
your personal settings, such as directory number, speed-dial lists, and services, as if the phone is your own
desk phone.
The features of Extension Mobility for SIP phones is identical to SCCP phones, only the configuration
procedure is different. For information on configuring Extension Mobility for SIP phones, see Configure
Extension Mobility for SIP Phones, on page 738.
Note You can login to either an SCCP phone or a SIP phone with the same user profile.
Only the normal lines configured in your user profile are applied when you login to a SIP phone. Other
lines such as overlay, monitor, and feature-ring lines are ignored.
Only Cfwdall, Confrn, DnD, Endcall, Hold, NewcallGroup Pickup, Park, Privacy, Redial, and Trnsfer
feature buttons configured in your user profile will be applied when you login to aSIPphone. Other feature
buttons will be ignored.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Privacy on an Extension Mobility Phone
MIB Support for Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, new MIB objects are added to monitor Cisco Unified SCCP IP
Extension Mobility (EM) phones. These enhancements allow the retrieval of the following information:
• user-profile tag for a Cisco Unified SCCP IP EM phone, when it is logged in
• logout-profile tag for a Cisco Unified SCCP IP EM phone
• DN and its type, and the overlay or call waiting numbers if applicable, for each user-profile
• DN and its type, and the overlay or call waiting numbers if applicable, for each logout-profile
• number of Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones configured as EM phones
• number of registered Cisco Unified SCCP IP EM phones
Table 49: MIB Variables and Object Identifiers for EM in Cisco Unfied SCCP IP Phones , on page 729 lists
the MIB variables and object identifiers for retrieving the new MIB database.
Table 49: MIB Variables and Object Identifiers for EM in Cisco Unfied SCCP IP Phones
MIB Variables Object identifiers
Table 50: Descriptions of MIB Variables for EM in Cisco Unfied SCCP IP Phones, on page 730 provides a
description of each of the MIB variables for EM in Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
MIB Support for Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
Table 50: Descriptions of MIB Variables for EM in Cisco Unfied SCCP IP Phones
MIB Variables Descriptions
ccmeEMUserProfileTag User-profile tag for the EM phone
ccmeEMLogOutProfileTag Logout-profile tag for the EM phone
ccmeEMUserDirNumConfTable Table of entries for the EM phone’s user profile
ccmeEMUserDirNumConfEntry A user-profile entry for the EM phone
ccmeEMUserDirNum A directory number for the user profile
Number type for the user profile, including the
overlay identifier
ccmeEMLogoutDirNumConfTable Table of entries for the EM phone’s logout profile
ccmeEMLogoutDirNumConfEntry A logout entry for the EM phone
ccmeEMLogoutDirNum A directory number for the logout profile
Number type for the logout profile, including the
overlay identifer
ccmeEMphoneTot Total number of EM phones
ccmeEMphoneTotRegistered Total number of registered EM phones
Extension mobility is supported in Cisco Unified CME but not in Cisco Unified SRST.
Enable Extension Mobility
Configure Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility
To configure Extension Mobility in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• For authentication server in Cisco Unified CME, Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
• For Automatic Logout, Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Enable Extension Mobility
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. telephony-service
5. url authentication url-address application-name password
6. service phone webAccess 0
7. authentication credential application-name password
8. em keep-history
9. em logout time1 [time2 ] [time3 ]
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the HTTP server on the Cisco Unified CME
router that hosts the service URL for the Extension
Mobility Login and Logout pages.
ip http server
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 4
Instructs phones to send HTTP requests to the
authentication server and specifies which credential to
use in the requests.
url authentication url-address application-name password
Router(config-telephony)# url authentication secretname psswrd
Step 5
• This command is supported in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
Required to support Automatic Clear Call history.
To support Extension Mobility and VoiceView Express 3.2 or
earlier versions
Router(config-telephony)# url authentication
secretname psswrd
• URL for internal authentication server in
Cisco Unified CME is http://CME IP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility
Command or Action Purpose
• To support Extension Mobility and
Cisco VoiceView Express 3.2 or an earlier version
◦In Cisco Unified CME: Configure the url
authentication command using the URL for
Cisco Unity Express. The URL for
Cisco Unity Express is http://CUE
◦In Cisco Unity Express: Configure the
fallback-url command using the URL for the
authentication server in Cisco Unified CME.
◦See Examples, on page 733.
Enables webAccess for IP phones. This is required for
9.x firmware because the web server is disabled by
service phone webAccess 0
Router(config-telephony)# service phone webAccess 0
Step 6
default. 8.x firmware and lower had the web server
enabled by default.
(Optional) Creates an entry for an application's credential
in the database used by the Cisco Unified CME
authentication server.
authentication credential application-name password
Router(config-telephony)#authentication credential
secretname psswrd
Step 7
• This command is supported in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• Required to support requests requests from
applications other than Extension Mobility, such
as Cisco VoiceView Express.
(Optional) Specifies that Extension Mobility will keep,
and not automatically clear, call histories when userslog
out from Extension Mobility phones.
em keep-history
Router(config-telephony)# em keep-history
Step 8
• This command is supported in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• Default: Automatic Clear Call History is enabled.
(Optional) Defines up to three time-of-day timers for
automatically logging out all Extension Mobility users.
em logout time1 [time2 ] [time3 ]
Router(config-telephony)# em logout 19:00 24:00
Step 9
• This command is supported in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• time—Time of day after which logged-in users are
automatically logged out from Extension Mobility.
Range: 00:00 to 24:00 on a 24-hour clock.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility
Command or Action Purpose
• To configure a idle-duration timer for automatically
logging out an individual user, see Configure a
User Profile, on page 741.
Exits configuration mode and returnsto privileged EXEC
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 10
The following example shows how to configure Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version and
Cisco Unity Express 3.2 or an earlier version to support Extension Mobility and Cisco VoiceView Express.
When running Extension Mobility and Cisco VoiceView Express 3.2 or an earlier version, you must also
configure the fallback-url command in Cisco Unity Express. For configuration information, see the
appropriate Cisco Unity Express Administrator Guide.
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version
url authentication secretname
authentication credentials secretname psswrd
Cisco Unity Express 3.2 or an earlier version
service phone-authentication
Configure a Logout Profile for an IP Phone
To create a logout profile to define the default appearance for a Cisco Unified IP phone that is enabled for
Extension Mobility, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure a Logout Profile for an IP Phone
Restriction • For button appearance, Extension Mobility associates directory numbers, then speed-dial definitions
in the logout profile or user profile to phone buttons. The sequence in which directory numbers are
associated is based on line type and ring behavior as follows: first normal, then silent ring, beep ring,
feature ring, monitor ring, and overlay, followed by speed dials. If the profile contains more directory
numbers and speed-dial numbers than there are buttons on the physical phone to which the profile
is downloaded, not all numbers are downloaded to buttons.
• The first number to be configured for line appearance cannot be a monitored directory number.
• The user name parameter of any authentication credential must be unique. Do not use the same value
for a user name when you configure any two or more authentication credentialsin Cisco Unified CME,
such as the user name for any Cisco Unified CME GUI account and the user name in a logout or
user profile for Extension Mobility.
Before You Begin
• All directory numbers to be included in a logout profile or a user profile must be already configured in
Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page
• For Privacy on extension mobility phones, Cisco Unified 4.3 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice logout-profile profile-tag
4. user name password password
5. number number type type
6. speed-dial speed-tag number [ label label ] [blf]
7. pin number
8. privacy-button
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure a Logout Profile for an IP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice logout-profile configuration mode for creating a logout
profile to define the default appearance for a Cisco Unified IP phone
enabled for Extension Mobility.
voice logout-profile profile-tag
Router(config)# voice logout-profile 1
Step 3
• profile-tag—Unique number that identifies this profile during
configuration tasks. Range: 1 to maximum number of phones
supported by the Cisco Unified CME router. Type ? to display
the maximum number.
Creates credential to be used by a TAPI phone device to log into
Cisco Unified CME.
user name password password
Router(config-logout-profile)# user 23C2-8
password 43214
Step 4
• name—Unique alphanumeric string to identify a user for this
authentication credential only.
• password—Alphanumeric string.
Step 5 number number type type Creates line definition.
Router(config-logout-profile)# number 3001
type silent-ring
• number—Directory number to be associated with and displayed
next to a button on a Cisco Unified IP phone that is configured
with this profile.
Router(config-logout-profile)# number 3002
• [, ...number]—(Optional) For overlay lines only, with or without
call waiting. The directory number that is the far left in command
type beep-ring
Router(config-logout-profile)# number 3003
type feature-ring
list is the highest priority. Can contain up to 25 numbers.
Individual numbers must be separated by commas (,).
Router(config-logout-profile)# number 3004
type monitor-ring
Router(config-logout-profile)# number
3005,3006 type overlay
• type type—Denotes characteristicsto be associated with thisline.
Type ? for list of options.
Router(config-logout-profile)# number
3007,3008 type cw-overly
Step 6 speed-dial speed-tag number [ label label ] [blf] Creates speed-dial definition.
Router(config-logout-profile)# speed-dial
1 2001
• speed-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies a speed-dial
definition during configuration tasks. Range: 1 to 36.
• number—Digitsto be dialed when the speed-dial button is pressed. Router(config-logout-profile)# speed-dial
2 2002 blf
• label label—(Optional)String that containsidentifying text to be
displayed next to the speed-dial button. Enclose the string in
quotation marks if the string contains a space.
• blf—(Optional) Enables Busy Lamp Field (BLF) monitoring for
a speed-dial number.
Sets a personal identification number (PIN) to be used by a phone user
to disable the call blocking configuration for a Cisco Unified IP phone
on which this profile is downloaded.
pin number
Router(config-logout-profile)# pin 1234
Step 7
• number—Numeric string containing four to eight digits.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure a Logout Profile for an IP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 8 privacy-button (Optional) Enables the privacy feature button on the IP phone.
• Enable this command only on phones that share an octo-line
directory number.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-logout-profile)# end
Step 9
Enable an IP Phone for Extension Mobility
To enable the Extension Mobility feature on an individual Cisco Unified IP phone in Cisco Unified CME,
perform the following steps.
All SCCP Cisco Unified IP phones with displays that support URL provisioning for Feature buttons are
supported by Extension Mobility, including the Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7920, Cisco Unified
Wireless IP Phone 7921, and Cisco IP Communicator.
Restriction • Extension Mobility is not supported on Cisco Unified IP phones without phone screens.
• Extension Mobility is not supported for analog devices.
Before You Begin
• HTTPserver is enabled on the Cisco Unified CME router.For configuration information, see Configure
Cisco Unified CME for Extension Mobility, on page 730.
• Logout profile to be assigned to a phone must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
• Cisco IP Communicator to be enabled for Extension Mobility must be already registered in
Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Enable an IP Phone for Extension Mobility
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. mac-address mac-address
5. type phone-type
6. logout-profile profile-tag
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enables phone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this phone during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to maximum number supported
phones, where maximum is platform and version dependent and
defined by using the max-ephone command.
mac-address mac-address Associates a physical phone with this ephone configuration.
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 4
type phone-type Defines a phone type for the phone being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# type 7960
Step 5
Enables Cisco Unified IP phone for Extension Mobility and assigns
a logout profile to this phone.
logout-profile profile-tag
Router(config-ephone)# logout-profile
Step 6
• tag—Unique identifier of logout profile to be used when no
phone user is logged in to this phone. This tag number
corresponds to a tag number created when this logout profile
was configured by using the voice logout-profile command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Enable an IP Phone for Extension Mobility
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 7
Configure Extension Mobility for SIP Phones
To prepare Extension Mobility for use with SIP phones, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco IOS Release 15.1(4)M.
• Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http server
4. voice register global
5. url authentication url-address application-name password
6. exit
7. telephony-service
8. authentication credential application-name password
9. em keep-history
10. em logout time1 [time2] [time3]
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Enter your password if
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure Extension Mobility for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enables the HTTP server on the Cisco Unified CME router which
hosts the service URL for the Extension Mobility login and logout
ip http server
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 3
voice register global Defines global voice register commands.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 4
Instructs phones to send HTTPrequests to the authentication server
and specifies which credential to use in the requests.
url authenticationurl-address application-name
Step 5
Router(config-register-global)# url
• Required to support Automatic Clear Call history.
• application-name—user name you choose and define in this
psswrd • password—password you define using this command.
• URL—URL address for the authentication server in
Cisco Unified CME is http://CMEIP
exit Exits voice register global confiuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 6
telephony-service Enters telephony service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 7
authentication credential application-name Specifies authorized credentials. Use credentials from Step 5.
Step 8
This step is needed only when you set the CME internal
authentication server as your phone authentication server
in Step 5.
Router(config-telephony)# authentication
credential application-name password
(Optional) Specifies that Extension Mobility will keep, and not
automatically clear, call histories when userslog out from Extension
Mobility phones.
em keep-history
Router(config-telephony)# em keep-history
Step 9
Default: Automatic Clear Call History is
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure Extension Mobility for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Defines up to three time-of-day timers for automatically
logging out all Extension Mobility users.
em logout time1 [time2] [time3]
Router(config-telephony)# em logout 19:00
Step 10
• time—Time of day after which logged-in users are
automatically logged out from Extension Mobility. Range:
00:00 to 24:00 on a 24-hour clock.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 11
Enable SIP Phones for Extension Mobility
To enable the Extension Mobility feature on a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
All Cisco Unified SIP phones with displays that support URL provisioning are supported by Extension
Before You Begin
• HTTP server is enabled on the Cisco Unified CME router.
• Default logout and user profiles to be assigned to a phone must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
• The voice register directory numbers in default logout and user profiles must be configured in Cisco
Unified CME. To configureSIPdirectory numbers,see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Command Reference Guide.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. id mac mac-address
5. type phone-type
6. logout-profile profile-tag
7. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Enable SIP Phones for Extension Mobility
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice register pool pool-tag Enables phone configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 22
• pool-tag—Unique number that identifies this register pool
during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 42.
Step 4 id mac mac-address Associates a physical phone with this ephone configuration.
Router(config-register-pool)# id mac
• mac-address—mac address of the physical phone
type phone-type Defines a phone type for the phone being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# type 7970
Step 5
Enables Cisco UnifiedSIPphone for Extension Mobility and assigns
a logout profile to this phone.
logout-profile profile-tag
logout-profile 22
Step 6
• profile tag—Unique identifier of a logout profile to be used
when no phone user is logged in to this phone. This tag
number correspondsto a tag number created when thislogout
profile was configured by using the voice logout-profile
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 7
Configure a User Profile
To configure a user profile for a phone user who logsinto a Cisco Unified IPphone that is enabled for Extension
Mobility, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure a User Profile
Templates created using the ephone-template and ephone-dn-template commands can be applied to a
user profile for Extension Mobility.
Restriction • For button appearance, Extension Mobility associates directory numbers, then speed-dial definitions
in the logout profile or user profile to phone buttons. The sequence in which directory numbers are
associated is based on line type and ring behavior as follows: first normal, then silent ring, beep ring,
feature ring, monitor ring, and overlay, followed by speed dials. If the profile contains more directory
numbers and speed-dial numbers than there are buttons on the physical phone to which the profile
is downloaded, not all numbers are downloaded to buttons.
• The first number to be configured for line appearance cannot be a monitored directory number.
• The user name parameter of any authentication credential must be unique. Do not use the same value
for a user name when you configure any two or more authentication credentialsin Cisco Unified CME,
such as the user name for any Cisco Unified CME GUI account and the user name in a logout or
user profile for Extension Mobility.
Before You Begin
• All directory numbers to be included in a logout profile or user profile must be already configured in
Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page
• For Automatic Logout, Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
• For Privacy on extension mobility phones, Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice user-profile profile-tag
4. user name password password
5. number number type type
6. speed-dial speed-tag number [ label label ] [blf]
7. pin number
8. max-idle-time minutes
9. privacy-button
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure a User Profile
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice user-profile configuration mode for configuring a user profile
for Extension Mobility.
voice user-profile profile-tag
Router(config)# voice user-profile 1
Step 3
• profile-tag—Unique number that identifies this profile during
configuration tasks. Range: 1 to three times the maximum number
supported phones, where maximum is platform dependent. Type ?
to display value.
Creates credential to be authenticated by Cisco Unified CME before
allowing the phone user to log into a Cisco Unified IP phone phone
enabled for Extension Mobility.
user name password password
Router(config-user-profile)# user me
password pass123
Step 4
• name—Unique alphanumeric string to identify a user for this
authentication credential only.
• password—Password for authorized user.
Step 5 number number type type Creates line definition.
Router(config-user-profile)# number 2001
type silent-ring
• number—Directory number to be associated with and displayed
next to a button on a phone that is configured with this profile.
• [, ...number]—(Optional) For overlay lines only, with or without
call waiting. The directory number that is far left in the command
Router(config-user-profile)# number
2002 type beep-ring
Router(config-user-profile)# number list is given the highest priority. Can contain up to 25 numbers.
Individual numbers must be separated by commas (,)
2003 type feature-ring
Router(config-user-profile)# number
2004 type monitor-ring
• type type—Denotes characteristics to be associated with this line.
Type ? for list of options.
Router(config-user-profile)# number
2005,2006 type overlay
Router(config-user-profile)# number
2007,2008 type cw-overly
speed-dial speed-tag number [ label label ] Creates speed-dial definition.
Step 6
• speed-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies a speed-dial
definition during configuration tasks. Range: 1 to 36.
Router(config-user-profile)# speed-dial
1 3001
• number—Digits to be dialed when the speed-dial button is pressed.
• label label—(Optional) String that contains identifying text to be
displayed next to the speed-dial button. Enclose the string in
quotation marks if the string contains a space.
Router(config-user-profile)# speed-dial
2 3002 blf
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configure a User Profile
Command or Action Purpose
• blf—(Optional) Enables Busy Lamp Field (BLF) monitoring for a
speed-dial number.
Sets a personal identification number (PIN) to be used by a phone user
to disable the call blocking configuration for a Cisco Unified IP phone
on which this profile is downloaded.
pin number
Router(config-user-profile)# pin 12341
Step 7
• number—Numeric string containing four to eight digits.
(Optional) Creates an idle-duration timer for automatically logging out
an Extension Mobility user.
max-idle-time minutes
max-idle-time 30
Step 8
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
• minutes—Maximum number of minutes after which a user islogged
out from an idle Extension Mobility phone. Range:1 to 9999.
Step 9 privacy-button (Optional) Enables the privacy feature button on the IP phone.
• Enable this command only on phones that share an octo-line
directory number.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-user-profile)# end
Step 10
Configuration Examples for Extension Mobility
Example for Configuring Extension Mobility for Use with SIP Phones
The following example shows a sample configuration for enabling Extension Mobility for use withSIPphones:
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#ip http server
Router(config)#voice register global
Router(config-register-global)#$.2.0/CCMCIP/authenticate.asp admin password
Router(config-telephony)#authentication credential admin password
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Configuration Examples for Extension Mobility
Router(config-telephony)#em keep-history
Router(config-telephony)#em logout 19:00
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Use with Extension Mobility
The following example shows a sample configuration for enabling a SIP phone to use Extension Mobility:
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)#id mac 12.34.56
Router(config-register-pool)#type 7960
Router(config-register-pool)#logout-profile 22
Enabling extension mobility will replace current phone configuration with logout
profile, continue?? [yes]: y
Example for Configuring Logout Profile
The following example shows the configuration for a logout profile that defines the default appearance for a
Cisco Unified IP phone that is enabled for Extension Mobility. Which lines and speed-dial buttons in this
profile are configured on a phone depends on the phone type. For example, for a Cisco Unified IP Phone
7970, all buttons are configured according to logout profile1. However, if the phone is a Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7960, all six lines are mapped to phone buttons and the speed dial is ignored because there is no button
available for speed dial.
voice logout-profile 1
pin 9999
user 23C2-8 password 43214
number 3001 type silent-ring
number 3002 type beep-ring
number 3003 type feature-ring
number 3004 type monitor-ring
number 3005,3006 type overlay
number 3007,3008 type cw-overly
speed-dial 1 2000
speed-dial 2 2001 blf
Example for Enabling an IP Phone for Extension Mobility
The following example shows the ephone configurations for three IP phones. All three phones are enabled
for Extension Mobility and share the same logout profile number 1, to be downloaded when these phones
boot and when no phone user is logged into the phone.
ephone 1
mac-address 000D.EDAB.3566
type 7960
logout-profile 1
ephone 2
mac-address 0012.DA8A.C43D
type 7970
logout-profile 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Example for Configuring SIP Phones for Use with Extension Mobility
ephone 3
mac-address 1200.80FC.9B01
type 7911
logout-profile 1
Example for Configuring User Profile
The following example shows the configuration for a user profile to be downloaded when a phone user logs
into a Cisco Unified IP phone that is enabled for Extension Mobility. Which lines and speed-dial buttons in
this profile are configured on a phone after the user logs in depends on the phone type. For example, if the
user logs into a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970, all buttons are configured according to voice-user profile1.
However, if the phone user logs into a Cisco Unified IPPhone 7960, all six lines are mapped to phone buttons
and the speed dial is ignored because there is no button available for speed dial.
voice user-profile 1
pin 12345
user me password pass123
number 2001 type silent-ring
number 2002 type beep-ring
number 2003 type feature-ring
number 2004 type monitor-ring
number 2005,2006 type overlay
number 2007,2008 type cw-overly
speed-dial 1 3001
speed-dial 2 3002 blf
Where to Go Next
• If you created a new or modified an existing logout or user profile, you must restart the phones to
propagate the changes. See Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IP Phones, on page 397.
• If you enabled one or more Cisco Unified IPphonesfor Extension Mobility, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Configuration Files for Phones, on page 387.
Feature Information for Extension Mobility
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 51: Feature Information for Extension Mobility
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Adds new MIB objects to monitor
Cisco Unified SCCP IP EM
MIB Support for Extension 9.0
Mobility in Cisco Unified SCCP
IP Phones
Support for SIP phones 8.6 Adds support for SIP phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Example for Configuring User Profile
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Adds support for the following:
• Automatic Logout, including:
• Configurable time-of-day
timers for automatically
logging out all Extension
Mobility users.
• Configurable idle-duration
timer for logging out an
individual user from an idle
Extension Mobility phone.
• Automatic Clear Call History
when a user logs out from
Extension Mobility.
Extension Mobility Enhancement 7.0/4.3
Adds a phone user interface
allowing Extension Mobility users
to configure their own speed-dial
settings directly on the phone.
Phone User-Interface for Speed 7.0/4.3
Provides the benefit of phone
mobility for end users by enabling
the user to log into any local
Cisco Unified IP Phone that is
enabled for Extension Mobility.
Extension Mobility 4.2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Feature Information for Extension Mobility
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Extension Mobility
Feature Information for Extension Mobility
Fax Relay
This chapter describes how to enable Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) Fax Relay for analog foreign
exchange service (FXS) ports under the control of Cisco Unified CME.
• Prerequisites for Fax Relay, page 749
• Restrictions for Fax Relay, page 750
• Information About Fax Relay, page 750
• Configure Fax Relay, page 753
• Configuration Examples for Fax Relay, page 754
• Feature Information for Fax Relay, page 755
Prerequisites for Fax Relay
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3) or a later version.
• If your voice gateway is a separate router than the Cisco Unified CME router, an IP voice image of
Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T or later is required.
• SCCP Telephony Control (STC) application is enabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Note • For Cisco Unified CME versions before Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3), there are two manually-controlled
options for setting up facsimiles:
◦Fax Gateway Protocol
Configure the Cisco VG224, FXS port, or analog telephone adaptor (ATA) to use H.323 or
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) with a specific fax relay protocol. See Fax, Modem, and Text
Support over IP Configuration Guide.
◦G.711 Fax Pass-Through with SCCP
This is the default setup for facsimile on the Cisco VG224 and FXS ports before
Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3). See Fax, Modem, and Text Support over IP Configuration Guide.
Restrictions for Fax Relay
• RFC2833 dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) digit relay under Cisco Unified CME for SCCP FXS ports
is not supported.
• SCCP FXS ports under Cisco Unified CME control do not natively support RFC2833 DTMF-relay.
However, Cisco Unified CME can support conversion of DTMFdigitsto and from RFC2833 DTMF-relay
on its H323 and SIP interfaces when used with SCCP-controlled FXS ports.
• Cisco Fax Relay is only supported on those Cisco IOS gateways and network modules listed in Table
52: Supported Gateways, Modules, and VICs for Fax Relay , on page 752.
Information About Fax Relay
Fax Relay and Equipment
• The fax relay feature supports the use of existing customer premises equipment (CPE) in voice networks
by allowing legacy analog phones attached to a Cisco IOS gateway to be controlled by
Cisco Unified CME, and by providing feature interoperability between analog and IP endpoints.
• The voice gateway can be the same router that is being used for Cisco Unified CME or it may be a
separate router (for example, the Cisco VG224).
• The fax relay feature facilitatesreplacement of thePSTN time-division multiplexing (TDM) infrastructure
with VoIP.
Feature Design of Cisco Fax Relay
Cisco Fax Relay is a proprietary fax relay implementation that uses Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) to
transport fax data. It is the default fax relay type on Cisco voice gateways and the only supported fax option
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Restrictions for Fax Relay
for Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3) and later versions. The fax relay feature provides enhanced supplementary
feature capability on analog ports connected to a Cisco integrated servicesrouter (ISR) or Cisco VG224 analog
gateway. Calls through the analog FXS ports are controlled by the Cisco Unified CME system.
Before the introduction of SCCP-enhanced features, SCCP gateways supported fax pass-through only.
SCCP-enhanced features add support for Cisco Fax Relay and Super Group 3 (SG3) to G3 fax relay. This
feature allows the fax stream between two SG3 fax machines to negotiate down to G3 speeds (less than 14.4
kbps) allowing SG3 fax machines to interoperate over fax relay with G3 fax machines.
The SCCP telephony control (STC) application on the Cisco voice gateway presents the locally attached
analog telephones as individual endpoints to the call-control system, which allows the analog phones to be
controlled in the same way as IP phones. With this capability, gateway-attached endpoints share the same
telephony features that are available on IPphones directly connected to Cisco Unified CME.SCCP-enhanced
features provide analog endpoint to analog endpoint interoperability within the IP telephony network.
Figure 26: Cisco Unified CME Fax Relay Deployment, on page 751 shows a multisite deployment of the fax
relay feature in a Cisco Unified CME topology.
Figure 26: Cisco Unified CME Fax Relay Deployment
For information on configuring gateway-controlled fax relay features, see ConfigureFax Relay, on page 753.
Supported Gateways, Modules, and Voice Interface Cards for Fax Relay
Table 52: Supported Gateways, Modules, and VICs for Fax Relay , on page 752 lists supported gateways,
modules, and voice interface cards (VICs).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Feature Design of Cisco Fax Relay
Table 52: Supported Gateways, Modules, and VICs for Fax Relay
Network Modules and VICs
Expansion Modules
Gateways Extension Modules
• NM-HD-1V
• NM-HD-2V
— • Cisco 2801
• Cisco 2811
• Cisco 2821
• Cisco 2851
• Cisco 3825
• Cisco 3845
• Cisco 2801 • EVM-HD
• Cisco 2821
• Cisco 2851
• Cisco 3825
• Cisco 3845
• NM-HDV2-1T1/E1
• NM-HDV2-2T1/E1
— • Cisco 2801
• Cisco 2811
• Cisco 2821
• Cisco 2851
• Cisco 3825
• Cisco 3845
— — — • Cisco VG 224
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Feature Design of Cisco Fax Relay
Configure Fax Relay
Configure Fax Relay on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. fax protocol cisco
5. fax-relay sg3-to-g3
6. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice service configuration mode and specifies VoIP
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Specifies the Cisco-proprietary fax protocol as the fax protocol
for SCCP analog endpoints.
fax protocol cisco
Router(config-voi-serv)# fax protocol cisco
Step 4
• This command is enabled by default.
• This is the only supported option for Cisco Unified
CME 4.0(3) and later versions.
(Optional) Enablesthe fax stream between twoSG3 fax machines
to negotiate down to G3 speeds.
fax-relay sg3-to-g3
Router(config-voi-serv)# fax relay
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Configure Fax Relay
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits the current configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# exit
Step 6
Verify and Troubleshoot Fax Relay Configuration
To verify the CiscoFax Relay configuration, use the show-running config command.Sample output islocated
in the Example for Configuring Fax Relay, on page 754.
Use the following commands to verify and troubleshoot SCCP gateway-controlled Fax Relay:
• show voice call summary—Displays fax relay voice port settings.
• show voice dsp—Displays fax relay digital signal processor (DSP) channel status.
• debug voip application stcapp all— Displays SCCP telephony control (STC) application fax relay
• debug voip dsm all—Displays fax relay DSP stream manager (DSM) messages.
• debug voip dsmp all—Displays fax relay distributed stream media processor (DSMP) messages.
• debug voip hpi all—Displays gateway DSP fax relay information on RTP packet events.
• debug voipvtspall—Displays gateway voice telephony service provider (VTSP) debugging information
for fax calls.
For more information on these and other commands, see Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference, Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference, and Cisco IOS Configuration
Fundamentals Command Reference.
Configuration Examples for Fax Relay
Example for Configuring Fax Relay
voice service voip
fax-relay sg3-to-g3
ephone-dn 44
number 1234
name fax machine
ephone 33
mac-address 1111.2222.3333
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Verify and Troubleshoot Fax Relay Configuration
button 1:44
type anl
Feature Information for Fax Relay
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 53: Feature Information for Cisco Fax Relay
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Enables Fax Relay on analog FXS
ports on Cisco IOSvoice gateways
under the control of
Cisco Unified CME.
Fax Relay 4.0(3)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Feature Information for Fax Relay
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Fax Relay
Feature Information for Fax Relay
Feature Access Codes
• Information About Feature Access Codes, page 757
• Configure Feature Access Codes, page 759
• Verify Feature Access Codes, page 760
• Configuration Examples for Feature Access Codes, page 761
• Feature Information for Feature Access Codes, page 761
Information About Feature Access Codes
Feature Access Codes
Feature Access Codes (FACs) are special patterns of characters that are dialed from a telephone keypad to
invoke particular features.For example, a phone user might press **1, then press 2345 to forward all incoming
calls to extension 2345.
Typically, FACs are invoked using a short sequences of digits that are dialed using the keypad on an analog
phone, while IP phone users select softkeys to invoke the same features. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later,
the same FACs that are available for analog phones can be enabled on IP phones. This allows phone users to
select a particular feature or activate/deactivate a function in the same manner regardless of phone type.
FACs are disabled on IP phones until they are explicitly enabled. You can enable all standard FACs for all
SCCP phones registered in Cisco Unified CME or you can define a custom FAC or alias to enable one or
more individual FACs.
All FACs except the call-park FAC are valid only immediately after a phone is taken off hook. The call-park
FAC is considered a transfer to a call-park slot and therefore is only valid after the Transfer softkey (IPphones)
or hookflash (analog phones) is used to initiate a transfer.
Directory Numbers configured on the Unified CME routershould not overlap with the numbers you assign
for FAC Standard or FAC Custom in a FAC configuration. Also, ensure that the FAC code always starts
with an asterisk, followed by digits.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Table 54: Standard Feature Access Codes, on page 758 contains a list of the standard predefined FACs.
Table 54: Standard Feature Access Codes
Standard FAC Description
**1 plus optional extension number Call forward all.
**2 Call forward all cancel.
**3 Pick up local group.
Pick up a ringing call in the specified pickup group.
Specified pickup group must already configured in
Cisco Unified CME.
**4 plus group number
**5 plus extension number Pick up direct extension.
Call park, if the phone user has an active call and if
the phone user pressesthe Transfersoftkey (IPphone)
or hookflash (analog phone) before dialing thisFAC.
Target park slot must be already configured in
Cisco Unified CME.
**6 plus optional park-slot number
**7 Do not disturb.
**8 Redial.
**9 Dial voice-mail number.
Join ephone-hunt group. If multiple hunt groups have
been created that allow dynamic membership, the
hunt group to be joined is identified by its pilot
*3 plus hunt group pilot number
Activate or deactivate hunt group logout functionality
to toggle between ready/not-ready status of an
extension when the hunt group agent is off-hook.
Activate or deactivate phone-level hunt group logout
to toggle between ready/not-ready status of all
extensions on a individual phone that is a member of
an ephone hunt group when the phone is idle.
*6 Dials the voice-mail number.
Leave ephone-hunt group. Telephone or extension
number must already be configured as a dynamic
member of a hunt group.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Access Codes
Feature Access Codes
Configure Feature Access Codes
To enable standard FACs or create custom FACs, perform the following steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. fac {standard | custom {alias alias-tag custom-fac to existing-fac [extra-digits]} | feature custom-fac}}
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
fac {standard | custom {alias alias-tag Enables standard FACs or creates a custom FAC or alias.
custom-fac to existing-fac [extra-digits]}
| feature custom-fac}}
Step 4
• standard—Enables standard FACs for all phones.
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom
callfwd *#5
• custom—Creates a custom FAC for a FAC type.
• alias—Creates a custom FAC for an existing FAC or a existing FAC
plus extra digits.
• alias-tag—Unique identifying number for this alias. Range: 0 to 9.
• custom-fac—User-defined code to be dialed using the keypad on an
IP or analog phone. Custom FAC can be up to 256 characters long and
contain numbers 0 to 9 and * and #.
• to—Maps custom FAC to specified target.
• existing-fac—Already configured custom FAC that is automatically
dialed when the phone user dials the custom FAC being configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Access Codes
Configure Feature Access Codes
Command or Action Purpose
• extra-digits—(Optional) Additional digitsthat are automatically dialed
when the phone user dials the custom FAC being configured.
• feature—Predefined alphabetic string that identifies a particular feature
or function. Type ? for a list.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Verify Feature Access Codes
To verify the FAC configuration, perform the following step.
show telephony-service fac
This command displays a list of FACs that are configured on the Cisco Unified CME router. The following example
shows the output when standard FACs are enabled:
Router# show telephony-service fac
telephony-service fac standard
callfwd all **1
callfwd cancel **2
pickup local **3
pickup group **4
pickup direct **5
park **6
dnd **7
redial **8
voicemail **9
ephone-hunt join *3
ephone-hunt cancel #3
ephone-hunt hlog *4
ephone-hunt hlog-phone *5
trnsfvm *6
The following example shows the output when custom FACs are configured:
Router# show telephony-service fac
telephony-service fac custom
callfwd all #45
alias 0 #1 to **4121
alias 1 #2 to **4122
alias 4 #4 to **4124
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Access Codes
Verify Feature Access Codes
Configuration Examples for Feature Access Codes
Example for Enabling Standard FACs for All Phones
The following example shows how to enable standard FACs for all phones:
Router# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# fac standard
fac standard is set!
The following example shows how the standard FAC for the Call Forward All feature is changed to a custom
FAC (#45). Then an alias is created to map a second custom fac to #45 plus an extension (1111). The custom
FAC (#44) allows the phone user to press #44 to forward all calls to extension 1111, without requiring the
phone user to dial the extra digits that are the extension number.
Router# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom callfwd all #45
fac callfwd all code has been configured to #45
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom alias 0 #44 to #451111
fac alias0 code has been configurated to #44!
alias0 map code has been configurated to #451111!
The following example shows how to define an alias for the group pickup of group 123. The alias substitutes
the digits #4 for the standard FAC for group pickup (**4) and adds the group number (123) to the dial pattern.
Using this custom FAC, a phone user can dial #4 to pick up a ringing call in group 123, instead of dialing the
standard FAC **4 plus the group number 123.
Router# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom alias 5 #4 to **4123
Feature Information for Feature Access Codes
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 55: Feature Information for Feature Access Codes
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
FAC for Transfer to Voice Mail
was added.
Transfer to Voice Mail. 7.0/4.3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Access Codes
Configuration Examples for Feature Access Codes
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Feature Access Codes (FACs) 4.0 FACs were introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Access Codes
Feature Information for Feature Access Codes
Forced Authorization Code
• Information About Forced Authorization Code, page 763
• Configure Forced Authorization Code, page 770
• Configuration Example for Forced Authorization Code, page 774
• Feature Information for Forced Authorization Code, page 775
Information About Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 allows you to manage call access and call accounting through theForced Authorization
Code (FAC) feature. The FAC feature regulates the type of call a certain caller may place and forces the caller
to enter a valid authorization code on the phone before the call is placed. FAC allows you to track callers
dialing non-toll-free numbers, long distance numbers, and also for accounting and billing purposes.
In Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Voice Gateways, devices and endpoints are logically partitioned into different
logical partitioning class of restriction (LPCOR) groups. For example, IP phones, Analog phones, PSTN
trunks, and IP (h323/SIP) trunks as shown in Figure 27: Forced Authorization Code Network Overview, on
page 764, are partitioned into five LPCOR groups under the voice lpcor custom mode, such as:
• voice lpcor custom
• group 10 Manager
• group 11 LocalUser
• group 12 RemoteUser
• group 13 PSTNTrunk
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
• group 14 IPTrunk
Figure 27: Forced Authorization Code Network Overview
For each group, the LPCOR group policy of a routing endpoint is enhanced to define incoming calls from
individual LPCOR groups that are restricted by FAC. A LPCOR group call to a destination is accepted only
when a valid FAC is entered. FAC service for a routing endpoint is enabled through the service fac defined
in a LPCOR group policy. For more information, see Enable Forced Authorization Code (FAC) on LPCOR
Groups, on page 770.
The following are the group policy rules applicable to the PSTNTrunk LPCOR group:
• FAC is required by PSTNTrunk if a call is initiated from either LocalUser or RemoteUser group.
• Any calls from Manager group are allowed to terminate to PSTNTrunk without restriction.
• Any incoming callsfrom either IPTrunk orPSTNTrunk group are rejected and terminated toPSTNTrunk
For information on configuring LPCOR groups and associating LPCOR group with different device types,
see Call Restriction Regulations, on page 1101.
FAC Call Flow
FAC is required for an incoming call based on the LPCOR policy defined for the call destination. Once the
authentication is finished, the success or failure status and the collected FAC digits are saved to the call detail
records (CDRs).
Calls are handled by a new built-in application authorization package which first plays a user-prompt for the
caller to enter a username (in digits), then the application plays a passwd-prompt for the caller to collect the
password (in digits). The collected username and password digits are then used forFAC,see DefineParameters
for Authorization Package, on page 772.
When FAC authentication is successful, the outgoing call setup is continued to the same destination. If FAC
authentication fails, the call is then forwarded to the next destination. FAC operations are invoked to the call
if FAC service is enabled in the next destination and no valid FAC status is saved for the call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Any calls failing because of FAC blocking are disconnected with a LPCOR Q.850 disconnect cause code.
Once theFAC is invoked for a call, the collected authorization digits and the authentication status information
is collected by call active or call history records. You can retrieve the FAC information through the show call
active voice and show call history voice commands.
Forced Authorization Code Specification
The authorization code used for call authentication must follow these specifications:
• The authorization code must be in numeric (0 – 9) format.
• A digit collection operation must be completed if either one of the following conditions occur:
• maximum number of digits are collected
• digit input times out
• a terminating digit is entered
Once digit collection is completed, the authentication is done by either the external Radius server or Cisco
Unified CME or Cisco Voice Gateways by using AAA Login Authentication setup. For more information on
AAA login authentication methods, see Configuring Authentication.
When authentication is done by local Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Voice Gateways, the username ac-code
password 0 password command is required to authenticate the collected authorization code digits.
FAC data is stored through the CDR and new AAA fac-digits and fac-status attributes and are supported in
a CDR STOPrecord. This CDR STOPrecord is formatted for file accounting, RADIUSorSyslog accounting
FAC Requirement for Different Types of Calls
Table 56: FAC Support for Different Types of Calls, on page 765 shows FAC support for different types of
Table 56: FAC Support for Different Types of Calls
Types of Calls FAC Behavior for Different Calls
A calls B. B requires A to enter a FAC. A is routed
to B only when A enters a valid FAC.
Basic Call
When A (with no FAC) calls B, A is call forwarded
to C:
• No FAC is required when B enables Call
Forward All or Call Forward Busy to C.
• FAC is required on A when A is call forwarded
to C.
Call Forward All Call Forward Busy
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Types of Calls FAC Behavior for Different Calls
When A (with no FAC) calls B and A (with FAC)
calls C:
A calls B:
• No FAC is required when A calls B.
A is Call Forward No Answer (CFNA) to C.
• FAC is required on A when A is call forward
to C.
Call Forward No Answer
FAC is required, if B calls C and A, and A calls C.
A calls B. B answers the call. B initiates a blind
transfer call to C. A is prompted to enter FAC. A is
routed to C only if a valid FAC is entered by A.
Call Transfer (Blind)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Types of Calls FAC Behavior for Different Calls
1 FAC is required if B calls C. FAC is not required
when A calls C,
a A calls B. B answers the call and initiates a
consultation transfer to C.
b B is prompted to enter a FAC and B is not
allowed to complete the call transfer when
FAC is not completed.
c B (the transfer call) is forwarded to C after a
validFAC is entered. B completesthe transfer
while the transfer call is still ringing on C. A
is then transferred to C.
2 FAC is required if B calls C and A calls C.
a A calls B. B answers the call and initiates a
consultation transfer to C.
b B is prompted to enter a FAC and B is not
allowed to complete the call transfer when
FAC is not completed.
c NoFAC is required to A, A is then transferred
to C.
3 FAC is not required if B calls C but FAC is
required if A calls C.
a A calls B, B answers the call.
b B initiates a consultation transfer to C and
completes the transfer.
c No FAC required to A, A is then transferred
to C.
Call Transfer (Consultation)
Transfer Complete at Alerting State
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Types of Calls FAC Behavior for Different Calls
1 FAC is required when A calls C.
a A calls B, B answers the call and initiates a
consultation transfer to C.
b C answers the transfer call and B completes
the transfer.
c No FAC required to connect to A (including
local hairpin calls because the call transfer is
complete) and A is connected to C.
Transfer Complete at Connected State
1 FAC is not invoked when a call is joined to a
conference connection.
2 FAC is required between A and C, B and C.
a A calls B, B answers the call and initiates a
conference call to C.
b B enters a valid authorization code and is
routed to C.
c C answers the conference call and the
conference is complete.
d No FAC is required to connect to A and A is
joined to a conference connection.
Conference Call (Software/Adhoc)
1 FAC is not invoked for a caller to join the meetme
2 FAC is required between A and C, B and C.
a C joins the meetme conference first.
b No FAC is required if B joins the same
meetme conference.
c No FAC is required if C also joins the same
meetme conference.
Meetme Conference
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Types of Calls FAC Behavior for Different Calls
1 FAC is not invoked for the parked call.
2 FAC is required if C calls A.
a A calls B, B answers the call and parks the
caller on A.
b C retrieves the parked call (A), no FAC is
required to reach C, and C is connected to A.
Call Park and Retrieval
1 FAC is required if A calls D.
a A calls B, B answers the call and parks the
caller on A.
b Parked call (A) is timed out from a call-park
slot and is forwarded to D.
c No FAC is required for D and the parked call
(A) will ring on D.
Call Park Restore
1 FAC is not provided if a caller picks up a group
2 FAC is required if C calls A.
a A calls B, A is ringing on B, and C attempts
to pickup call A.
b No FAC is required for C and C is connected
to A.
Group Pickup
Single Number Redirection (SNR) FAC is not supported for an SNR call.
FAC is not supported for a three-party call control
(3pcc) outgoing call.
Third Party Call Control (3pcc)
Parallel Hunt Groups FAC is not supported on parallel hunt groups.
Whisper intercom FAC is not supported for whisper intercom calls.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Forced Authorization Code Overview
Configure Forced Authorization Code
Enable Forced Authorization Code (FAC) on LPCOR Groups
Authenticated FAC data is saved to a call-log from which the authorization code is collected. When a
call-forward or blind transfer call scenario triggers a new call due to theSIPnotify feature, the same caller
is required to enter the authorization code again for FAC authentication.
A FAC pin code must be unique and not the same as an extension number. Cisco Unified CME, Cisco
Unified SRST, and Cisco Voice Gateways will not validate whether a collected FAC pin code matches
an extension number.
Before You Begin
• You must enable the voice lpcor enable command before configuring FAC.
• Trunks (IP and PSTN) must be associated with phones into different LPCOR groups. See Associate a
LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls, on page 1114 for more information.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice lpcor enable
4. voice lpcor custom
5. group number lpcor-group
6. exit
7. voice lpcor policy lpcor-group
8. accept lpcor-group fac
9. service fac
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Configure Forced Authorization Code
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables LPCOR functionality on the Cisco Unified CME
voice lpcor enable
Router(config)# voice lpcor enable
Step 3
Defines the name and number of LPCOR resource groups on
the Cisco Unified CME router.
voice lpcor custom
Router(config)# voice lpcor custom
Step 4
Step 5 group number lpcor-group Adds a LPCOR resource group to the custom resource list.
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 10 Manager
• number—Group number of the LPCOR entry. Range: 1
to 64.
• lpcor-group—String that identifies the LPCOR resource
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 11 LocalUser
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 12 RemoteUser
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 13 PSTNTrunk
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 14 IPTrunk
exit Exits voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# exit
Step 6
Step 7 voice lpcor policy lpcor-group Creates a LPCOR policy for a resource group.
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 10 Manager
• lpcor-group—Name of the resource group that you
defined in Step 5.
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 11 LocalUser
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 12 RemoteUser
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 13 PSTNTrunk
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)#group 14 IPTrunk
Allows a LPCOR policy to accept calls associated with the
specified resource group.
accept lpcor-group fac
Router(cfg-lpcor-policy)# accept PSTNTrunk
Step 8
• Default: Calls from other groups are rejected; calls from
the same resource group are accepted.
Router(cfg-lpcor-policy)# accept Manager fac • fac—Valid forced authorization code that the caller needs
to enter before the call is routed to its destination.
• Repeat this command for each resource group whose calls
you want this policy to accept.
Step 9 service fac Enables force authorization code service for a LPCOR group.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Enable Forced Authorization Code (FAC) on LPCOR Groups
Command or Action Purpose
Router(cfg-lpcor-policy)#service fac
• Default: No form of the service fac command is the
default setting of a LPCOR group policy.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 10
Router# show voice lpcor policy
voice lpcor policy PSTNTrunk (group 13):
service fac is enabled
( accept ) Manager (group 10)
( reject ) LocalUser (group 11)
( reject ) RemoteUser (group 12)
( accept ) PSTNTrunk (group 13)
( reject ) IPTrunk (group 14)
Define Parameters for Authorization Package
To define required parameters for user name and password, follow these steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. application
4. package auth
5. param passwd
6. param user-prompt filename
7. param passwd-prompt filename
8. param max-retries
9. param term-digit
10. param abort-digit
11. param max-digits
12. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Define Parameters for Authorization Package
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
application Enters the application configuration mode.
Step 3
package auth Enters package authorization configuration mode.
Router(config-app)#package auth
Step 4
Character string that defines a predefined password for
param passwd
Router(config-app)#package param passwd
Step 5
Password digits collection is optional if password digits
are predefined in the param passwd command.
Allows you to enter the user name parameters required for
package authorization for FAC authentication.
param user-prompt filename
Router(config-app-param)#param user-prompt
Step 6
• user-prompt filename — Plays an audio prompt requesting
the caller to enter a valid username (in digits) for
Allows you to enter the password parametersrequired for package
authorization for FAC authentication.
param passwd-prompt filename
passwd-prompt flash:en_welcome.au
Step 7
• passwd-prompt filename— Plays an audio prompt
requesting the caller to enter a valid password (in digits)
for authorization.
Step 8 param max-retries Specifies number of attemptsto re-enter an account or a password.
Router(config-app-param)#param max-retries
• max-entries—Value ranges from 0-10, default value is 0.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Define Parameters for Authorization Package
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies digit for terminating an account or a password digit
param term-digit
Router(config-app-param)#param term-digit
Step 9
Specifiesthe digit for aborting username or password digit input.
Default value is *.
param abort-digit
Router(config-app-param)#param abort-digit
Step 10
Maximum number of digits in a username or password. Range
of valid value: 1 - 32. Default value is 32.
param max-digits
Router(config-app-param)#param max-digits
Step 11
exit Exits package authorization parameter configuration mode.
Router(conf-app-param)# exit
Step 12
Configuration Example for Forced Authorization Code
Example for Configuring Forced Authorization Code
This section provides configuration example for Forced Authorization Code.
gw-accounting aaa
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login h323 local
aaa authorization exec h323 local
aaa authorization network h323 local
aaa session-id common
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor custom
group 11 LocalUser
group 12 AnalogPhone
voice lpcor policy LocalUser
service fac
accept LocalUser fac
accept AnalogPhone fac
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Configuration Example for Forced Authorization Code
voice lpcor policy AnalogPhone
service fac
accept LocalUser fac
accept AnalogPhone fac
package auth
param passwd-prompt flash:en_bacd_welcome.au
param passwd 54321
param user-prompt flash:en_bacd_enter_dest.au
param term-digit #
param abort-digit *
param max-digits 32
username 786 password 0 54321
voice-port 0/1/0
station-id name Phone1
station-id number 1235
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/1
lpcor incoming AnalogPhone
lpcor outgoing AnalogPhone
dial-peer voice 11 pots
destination-pattern 99329
port 0/1/1
ephone-dn 102 dual-line
number 786786
label HussainFAC
ephone 102
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming LocalUser
lpcor outgoing LocalUser
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0005.9A3C.7A00
type CIPC
button 1:102
Feature Information for Forced Authorization Code
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 57: Feature Information for Forced Authorization Code
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Forced Authorization Code 8.5 Introduced the FAC feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Feature Information for Forced Authorization Code
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Forced Authorization Code
Feature Information for Forced Authorization Code
Headset Auto Answer
• Information About Headset Auto Answer, page 777
• Configure Headset Auto Answer, page 779
• Configuration Example for Headset Auto Answer, page 780
• Feature Information for Headset Auto Answer, page 781
Information About Headset Auto Answer
Auto Answering Calls Using a Headset
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions you can configure lines on specific phones to automatically
connect to incoming calls when the headset key is activated. The phone cannot be busy with an active call
and the headset key must be engaged to automatically answer calls. Incoming calls are automatically answered
one by one on the phone as long as the headset light remains lit. For each ephone, you can specify one or
more lines for headset auto answer.
After a phone is configured for headset auto answer, the phone user must press the headset key to start auto
answer. The headset light is lit to indicate that auto answer is active for the lines that are designated in the
configuration. When the phone auto answers a call, a zip tone is played to alert the phone user that a call is
present. To stop auto answer, the phone user presses the headset key again and the headset light goes out. At
this time, the phone user can answer calls in a normal manner using the handset.
Difference Between a Line and a Button
Note that a line is similar to, but not exactly the same as, a button on the phone. A line represents a phone’s
capability to make a call connection, so each button that can make a call connection becomes a line. (For
example, unoccupied buttons or speed-dial buttons are not lines.) Note also that a line is not the same as an
ephone-dn. A button with overlaid ephone-dnsis only one line, regardless of whether it hasseveral ephone-dns
(extension numbers) associated with it. In most cases an ephone’s line numbers do match its button numbers,
but in a few cases they do not.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Figure 28: When is a Line the Same as a Button?, on page 778 illustrates a comparison of line numbers and
button numbers for different types of ephone configurations.
Figure 28: When is a Line the Same as a Button?
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Headset Auto Answer
Difference Between a Line and a Button
Configure Headset Auto Answer
Enable Headset Auto Answer
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. headset auto-answer line line-number
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 25
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones
for a particular Cisco Unified CME system is version- and
platform-specific. For the range of values, see the CLI help.
Specifies a line on an ephone that will be answered automatically when
the headset button is depressed.
headset auto-answer line line-number
Router(config-ephone)# headset
auto-answer line 1
Step 4
• line-number—Number of the phone line that should be
automatically answered.
Repeat this command to add additional
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Headset Auto Answer
Configure Headset Auto Answer
Verify Headset Auto Answer
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Headset auto answer islisted in the ephone portion
of the output.
Router# show running-config
ephone 1
headset auto-answer line 1
headset auto-answer line 2
headset auto-answer line 3
headset auto-answer line 4
username "Front Desk"
mac-address 011F.92B0.BE03
speed-dial 1 330 label “Billing”
type 7960 addon 1 7914
no dnd feature-ring
button 1f40 2f41 3f42 4:30
button 5:405 7m20 8m21 9m22
button 10m23 11m24 12m25 13m26
button 14m499 15:1 16m31 17f498
button 18s500
night-service bell
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone command to display only the ephone configuration portion of the running
Configuration Example for Headset Auto Answer
Example for Enabling Headset Auto Answer
The following example enables headset auto answer on ephone 3 for line 1 (button 1) and line 4 (button 4).
ephone 3
button 1:2 2:4 3:6 4o21,22,23,24,25
headset auto-answer line 1
headset auto-answer line 4
The following example enables headset auto answer on ephone 17 for line 2 (button 2), which has overlaid
ephone-dns, and line 3 (button 3), which is an overlay rollover line.
ephone 17
button 1:2 2o21,22,23,24,25 3x2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Headset Auto Answer
Verify Headset Auto Answer
headset auto-answer line 2
headset auto-answer line 3
The following example enables headset auto answer on ephone 25 for line 2 (button 3) and line 3 (button 5).
In this case, the button numbers do not match the line numbers because buttons 2 and 4 are not used.
ephone 25
button 1:2 3:4 5:6
headset auto-answer line 2
headset auto-answer line 3
Feature Information for Headset Auto Answer
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 58: Feature Information for Headset Auto Answer
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Headset auto answer was
Headset Auto Answer 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Headset Auto Answer
Feature Information for Headset Auto Answer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Headset Auto Answer
Feature Information for Headset Auto Answer
Intercom Lines
• Information About Intercom Lines, page 783
• Configure Intercom Lines, page 786
• Configuration Examples for Intercom Lines, page 795
• Where to Go Next, page 795
• Feature Information for Intercom Lines, page 796
Information About Intercom Lines
Intercom Auto-Answer Lines
An intercom line is a dedicated two-way audio path between two phones. Cisco Unified CME supports
intercom functionality for one-way and press-to-answer voice connections using a dedicated pair of intercom
directory numbers on two phones that speed-dial each other.
When an intercom speed dial button is pressed, a call is speed-dialed to the directory that is the other half of
the dedicated pair. The called phone automatically answersthe call in speaker-phone mode with mute activated,
providing a one-way voice path from the initiator to the recipient. A beep is sounded when the call is
auto-answered to alert the recipient to the incoming call. To respond to the intercom call and open a two-way
voice path, the recipient deactivates the mute function by pressing the Mute button or, on phones such as the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910, lifting the handset.
In Cisco CME 3.2.1 and later versions, you can deactivate the speaker-mute function on intercom calls. For
example, if phone user 1 makes an intercom call to phone user 2, both users hear each other on connection
when no-mute is configured. The benefit is that people who receive intercom calls can be heard without them
having to disable the mute function. The disadvantage is that nearby background sounds and conversations
can be heard the moment a person receives an intercom call, regardless of whether they are ready to take a
call or not.
Intercom lines cannot be used in shared-line configurations. If a directory number is configured for intercom
operation, it must be associated with one IP phone only. The intercom attribute causes an IP phone line to
operate as an autodial line for outbound calls and as an autoanswer-with-mute line for inbound calls. Figure
29: Intercom Lines, on page 784 shows an intercom between a receptionist and a manager.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
To prevent an unauthorized phone from dialing an intercom line (and creating a situation in which a phone
automatically answers a nonintercom call), you can assign the intercom a directory number that includes an
alphabetic character. No one can dial the alphabetic character from a normal phone, but the phone at the other
end of the intercom can be configured to dial the number that contains the alphabetic character through the
Cisco Unified CME router. For example, the intercom ephone-dns in Figure 29: Intercom Lines, on page 784
are assigned numbers with alphabetic characters so that only the receptionist can call the manager on his or
her intercom line, and no one except the manager can call the receptionist on his or her intercom line.
Note An intercom requires the configuration of two ephone-dns, one each on a separate phone.
Figure 29: Intercom Lines
Whisper Intercom
When a phone user dials a whisper intercom line, the called phone automatically answers using speaker-phone
mode, providing a one-way voice path from the caller to the called party, regardless of whether the called
party is busy or idle.
Unlike the standard intercom feature, this feature allows an intercom call to a busy extension. The calling
party can only be heard by the recipient. The original caller on the receiving phone does not hear the whisper
page. The phone receiving a whisper page displays the extension and name of the party initiating the whisper
page and Cisco Unified CME plays a zipzip tone before the called party hears the caller's voice. If the called
party wants to speak to the caller, the called party selects the intercom line button on their phone. The lamp
for intercom buttons are colored amber to indicate one-way audio for whisper intercom and green to indicate
two-way audio for standard intercom.
You must configure a whisper intercom directory number for each phone that requires the Whisper Intercom
feature. A whisper intercom directory number can place calls only to another whisper intercom directory
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Whisper Intercom
number. Calls between a whisper intercom directory number and a standard directory number or intercom
directory number are rejected with a busy tone.
This feature is supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions. For configuration information, see
Configure Whisper Intercom on SCCP Phones, on page 788.
SIP Intercom
In Cisco Unified CME 8.8, the SIP Intercom feature is released as part of the 8.3(1) IP Phone firmware.
The SIP intercom line provides a one-way voice path from the caller to the called phone. When a phone user
dials the intercom line, the called phone automatically answers the call in speaker-phone mode with Mute
activated. If the called SIP phone is busy with a connected call or with an outgoing call that has not been
connected, the call is whispered into the called phone.
As soon as the called phone auto-answers, the intercom call recipient has three options:
• Listen to the one-way audio of the intercom caller without answering.
• End the call by pressing the speaker-phone button or the EndCall softkey.
• Press the intercom button to create a two-way voice path and respond to the intercom caller.
If the called phone is busy when the intercom call arrives and a response is requested, the active call is put
on hold and the outgoing call that is not connected yet is canceled before the intercom call is connected for a
two-way voice path.
The lamp for the intercom line button displays an amber light for one-way intercom and green for a
two-way voice path.
You should configure an intercom directory number to begin and end an intercom call for each phone that
requires the Intercom feature. For configuration information, see Configure Intercom Call Option on SIP
Phones, on page 792.
However, a standard directory number without the intercom option configured can also place an intercom
call. The called phone also has the option of responding to the call by pressing the intercom line button to
establish a two-way voice path with the originator without the intercom option configured.
Table 59: SIP-SCCP Interactions for the SIP Intercom Feature, on page 785 shows the supported SIP-SCCP
interactions for the SIP Intercom feature.
Table 59: SIP-SCCP Interactions for the SIP Intercom Feature
Originator Terminator Intercom
SIP normal line SIP intercom line Supported
SIP intercom line SIP intercom line Supported
SIP normal line SCCP whisper intercom line Not Supported
SIP intercom line SCCP whisper intercom line Not Supported
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
SIP Intercom
Originator Terminator Intercom
SCCP normal line SIP intercom line Supported
SCCP normal line SCCP whisper intercom line Not Supported
SCCP whisper intercom line SIP intercom line Not Supported
SCCP whisper intercom line SCCP whisper intercom line Supported
SIP normal line SIP normal line Not Supported
SIP intercom line SIP normal line Not Supported
SCCP normal line SIP normal line Not Supported
SCCP intercom line SIP normal line Not Supported
SIP normal line SCCP normal line Not Supported
SIP intercom line SCCP normal line Not Supported
SCCP normal line SCCP normal line Not Supported
SCCP intercom line SCCP normal line Not Supported
Extension Number
The extension number of an intercom line can be included in an extension mobility user-profile or extension
mobility logout-profile.
The BLF feature can define the extension number of an intercom line as a speed dial on a Cisco Unified CME
phone, allowing the line status of the intercom line to be monitored.
For configuration information, see Configure Extension Mobility for SIP Phones, on page 738.
Configure Intercom Lines
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SCCP Phones
To enable a two-way audio path between two phones, perform the following steps for each Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phone at both ends of the two-way voice path.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure Intercom Lines
Restriction • Intercom lines cannot be dual-line.
• If a directory number is configured for intercom operation, it can be associated with only one
Cisco Unified IP phone.
• Each phone, at both ends of the two-way voice path, requires a separate configuration.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. name name
6. intercom extension-number [[barge-in [no-mute] | no-auto-answer | no-mute] [label label]] | label
7. exit
8. ephone phone-tag
9. button button-number: dn-tag [[button-number: dn-tag] ...]
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 11
• Do not use the dual-line keyword with this command.
Intercom ephone-dns cannot be dual-line.
Step 4 number number Assigns a valid intercom number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number A2345
• Using one or more alphabetic characters in an intercom
number ensures that the number can only be dialed from the
one other intercom number that is programmed to dial this
number. The number cannot be dialed from a normal phone
if it contains an alphabetic character.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 5 name name Sets a name to be associated with the ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name intercom
• This name is used for caller-ID displays and also shows up
in the local directory associated with the ephone-dn.
Defines the directory number that is speed-dialed for the intercom
feature when this line is used.
intercom extension-number[[barge-in[no-mute]
|no-auto-answer |no-mute] [label label]] | label
Step 6
Router(config-ephone-dn)# intercom A2346
label Security
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 7
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 24
Step 8
Assigns a button number to the intercom ephone-dn being
button button-number: dn-tag [[button-number:
dn-tag] ...]
Step 9
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1 2:4 3:14
• Use the colon separator (:) between the button number and
the intercom ephone-dn tag to indicate a normal ring for the
intercom line.
Exits ephone configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config)# exit
Step 10
Configure Whisper Intercom on SCCP Phones
To enable the Whisper Intercom feature on a directory number, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure Whisper Intercom on SCCP Phones
Restriction • Single-line phone models, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7906 or 7911, are not supported.
• Whisper intercom directory numbers can place calls only to other whisper intercom numbers.
• A directory number can be configured as either a regular intercom or a whisper intercom, not both.
• Dual-line and octo-line directory numbers are not supported as intercom lines.
• Only one intercom call, either incoming or outgoing, is allowed on the phone at one time.
• Call features are not supported on intercom calls.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version.
• IP phones require SCCP 12.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. whisper-intercom [label string | speed-dial number [label string]]
5. end
6. show ephone-dn whisper
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone configuration mode to create a directory number
for a SCCP phone.
ephone-dn dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 3
whisper-intercom [label string | speed-dial Enables whisper intercom on a directory number.
number [label string]]
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure Whisper Intercom on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• labelstring—(Optional) Alphanumeric label that identifies
the whisper intercom button. String can contain a
maximum of 30 characters.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# whisper intercom
• speed-dial number—(Optional) Telephone number to
speed dial.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 5
Displays information about whisper intercom ephone-dns that
have been created.
show ephone-dn whisper
Router# show ephone-dn whisper
Step 6
The following example shows Whisper Intercom configured on extension 2004:
ephone-dn 24
number 2004
whisper-intercom label "sales"!
ephone 24
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:24
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SIP Phones
To enable the Intercom Auto-Answer feature for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones, perform the following steps
for each IP phone at both ends of the two-way voice path.
Restriction • If a directory number is configured for intercom operation, it can be associated with only one
Cisco Unified IP phone.
• Each phone, at each end of the two-way voice path, requires a separate configuration.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. auto-answer
6. exit
7. voice register pool pool-tag
8. id {mac address}
9. type phone-type
10. number tag dn dn-tag
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory
number for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone, intercom line, voice
port, or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-global)# voice
register dn 1
Step 3
Step 4 number number Defines a valid number for the directory number being configured.
Router(config-register-dn)# number A5001
• To prevent non-intercom originators from manually dialing
an intercom destination, the number string can contain
alphabetic characters enabling the number to be dialed only
by the Cisco Unified CME router and not from telephone
Enablesthe Intercom Auto-Answer feature on the directory number
being configured.
Router(config-register-dn)# auto-answer
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure an Intercom Auto-Answer Line on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# exit
Step 6
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 7
Explicitly identifies a locally available individual Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone to support a degree of authentication.
id {mac address}
Router(config-register-pool)# id mac
Step 8
Defines a phone type for the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone being
type phone-type
type 7960-7940
Step 9
Associates a directory number with the Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone
being configured.
number tag dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn
Step 10
Exits voice register pool configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 11
Configure Intercom Call Option on SIP Phones
Restriction • The Intercom feature is not supported on single-line phones because the intercom line cannot be the
primary line of a Cisco Unified CME SIP IP phone.
• The intercom line cannot be shared among SIP phones.
• FAC is not supported on a SIP intercom call because the keys are disabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure Intercom Call Option on SIP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.8 or a later version.
• 8.3(1) phone firmware or a later version is installed on the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. intercom [speed-dial digit-string] [label label-text]
6. exit
7. voice register pool pool-tag
8. id {network address mask mask | ip address mask mask | mac address}
9. type phone-type
10. number tag dn dn-tag
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define an extension
for a SIP intercom line.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 4
Step 3
Associates a telephone or extension number with a Cisco Unified
SIP phone in a Cisco Unified CME system.
number number
Router(config-register-dn)# number 4001
Step 4
intercom [speed-dial digit-string] [label Enables the intercom call option on a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone.
Step 5
• (Optional) speed-dial—Enables the intercom line user to
place a call to a pre-configured destination. If the speed dial
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure Intercom Call Option on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-register-dn)# intercom
[speed-dial 4002] [label intercom4001]
is not configured, it simply initiates a new call on the
intercom line and waits for the user to dial the destination
• (Optional) label label-text—String that contains identifying
text to be displayed next to the speed dial button. Enclose
the string in quotation marks if the string contains a space.
Exits configuration mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-dn)# exit
Step 6
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a Cisco Unified SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 7
Explicitly identifies a locally available individual Cisco Unified
SIP phone to support a degree of authentication.
id {network address mask mask | ip address
mask mask | mac address}
Router(config-register-pool)# id mac
Step 8
Defines a phone type for the Cisco Unified SIP phone being
type phone-type
Router(config-register-pool)# type 7940
Step 9
Associates a directory number tag with the Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone being configured.
number tag dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn
Step 10
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configure Intercom Call Option on SIP Phones
Configuration Examples for Intercom Lines
Example for Configuring Intercom Lines
The following example shows an intercom between two Cisco Unified IPphones. In this example, ephone-dn 2
and ephone-dn 4 are normal extensions, while ephone-dn 18 and ephone-dn 19 are set as an intercom pair.
Ephone-dn 18 is associated with line button 2 on Cisco Unified IP phone 4. ephone-dn 19 is associated with
line button 2 on Cisco Unified IP phone 5. The two ephone-dns provide a two-way intercom between the two
Cisco Unified IP phones.
ephone-dn 2
number 5333
ephone-dn 4
number 5222
ephone-dn 18
number 5001
name “intercom”
intercom 5002 barge-in
ephone-dn 19
name “intercom”
number 5002
intercom 5001 barge-in
ephone 4
button 1:2 2:18
ephone 5
button 1:4 2:19
Example for Configuring SIP Intercom Support
The following example shows SIP Intercom configured on extension 1001:
voice register dn 1
number 1001
intercom [speed-dial 1002] [label intercom1001]
voice register pool 1
id mac 001D.452D.580C
type 7962
number 1 dn 2
number 2 dn 1
Where to Go Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Configuration Examples for Intercom Lines
The paging feature sets up a one-way audio path to deliver information to a group of phones at one time. For
more information, see Paging, on page 857.
Feature Information for Intercom Lines
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 60: Feature Information for Intercom Lines
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Adds intercom support to Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones connected
to a Cisco Unified CME system.
SIP Intercom 8.8
Introduces whisper intercom
Whisper Intercom 7.1
Adds intercom feature, with
no-mute function, for supported
Cisco Unified IP phones that are
connected to a Cisco Unified CME
router and running SIP.
Intercom Lines 3.4
3.2.1 Introduces the no-mute function.
2.0 Introduces the Intercom feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Intercom Lines
Feature Information for Intercom Lines
Loopback Call Routing
• Information About Loopback Call Routing, page 797
• Configure Loopback Call Routing, page 798
• Configuration Example for Loopback Call Routing, page 801
• Feature Information for Loopback Call Routing, page 802
Information About Loopback Call Routing
Loopback Call Routing
Loopback call routing in a Cisco Unified CME system is provided through a mechanism called loopback-dn,
which provides a software-based limited emulation of back-to-back physical voice ports connected together
to provide a loopback call-routing path for voice calls.
Loopback call routing and loopback-dn restrictsthe passage of call-transfer and call-forwarding supplementary
service requests through the loopback. Instead of passing these requests through, the loopback-dn mechanism
attempts to service the requests locally. This allows loopback-dn configurations to be used in call paths where
one of the external devices does notsupport call transfer or call forwarding (Cisco-proprietary or H.450-based).
Control messages that request call transfer or call forwarding are intercepted at the loopback virtual port and
serviced on the local voice gateway. If needed, this mechanism creates VoIP-to-VoIP call-routing paths.
Loopback call routing may be used for routing H.323 calls to Cisco Unity Express. For information on
configuring Cisco Unity Express, see the Cisco Unity Express documentation.
A preferred alternative to loopback call routing was introduced in Cisco CME 3.1. This alternative blocks
H.450-based supplementary service requests by using the following Cisco IOS commands:
no supplementary-service h450.2, no supplementary-service h450.3, and supplementary-service
h450.12. For more information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178.
Use of loopback-dn configurations within a VoIP network should be restricted to resolving critical network
interoperability service problems that cannot otherwise be solved. Loopback-dn configurations are intended
for use in VoIP network interworking where the alternative would be to make use of back-to-back-connected
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
physical voice ports. Loopback-dn configurations emulate the effect of a back-to-back physical voice-port
arrangement without the expense of the physical voice-port hardware. Because digitalsignal processors(DSPs)
are not involved in loopback-dn arrangements, the configuration does notsupport interworking or transcoding
between calls that use different voice codecs. In many cases, use of back-to-back physical voice ports that do
involve DSPsto resolve VoIPnetwork interworking issuesis preferred, because it introducesfewer restrictions
in terms of supported codecs and call flows.
Loopback call routing requires two extensions (ephone-dns) to be separately configured, each as half of a
loopback-dn pair. Ephone-dnsthat are defined as a loopback-dn pair can only be used for loopback call routing.
In addition to defining the loopback-dn pair, you must specify preference, huntstop, class of restriction (COR),
and translation rules.
Configure Loopback Call Routing
Enable Loopback Call Routing
To enable loopback call-routing, perform the following stepsfor each ephone-dn that is part of the loopback-dn
Restriction Loopback-dns do not support T.38 fax relay.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary ]]
5. caller-id {local | passthrough}
6. no huntstop
7. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]
8. cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name
9. translate {called | calling} translation-rule-tag
10. loopback-dn dn-tag [forward number-of-digits | strip number-of-digits ] [ prefix prefix-digit-string ] [
suffix suffix-digit-string ] [retry seconds] [auto-con ] [codec {g711alaw | g711ulaw}]
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Loopback Call Routing
Configure Loopback Call Routing
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and optionally
assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 15
Step 3
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone-dn during
configuration tasks. Range is platform- and version-dependent.
Ephone-dns used for loopback cannot be dual-line
number number [secondary number] Associates a number with this extension (ephone-dn).
[no-reg [both | primary ]]
Step 4
• number—String of up to 16 digitsthat represents a telephone or extension
number to be associated with this ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2001 • secondary—(Optional) Allows you to associate a second telephone
number with an ephone-dn.
• no-reg—(Optional) Specifies that this number should not register with
the H.323 gatekeeper. The no-reg keyword indicates that only the
secondary numbershould not register. Theno-regbothkeywordsindicate
that both numbersshould not register, and theno-regprimary keywords
indicate that only the primary number should not register.
Specifies caller-ID treatment for outbound calls originated from the ephone-dn.
The default if this command is not used is as follows. For transferred calls,
caller-id {local | passthrough}
Router(config-ephone-dn)# caller-id
Step 5
caller ID is provided by the number and name fields from the outbound side
of the loopback-dn. For forwarded calls, caller ID is provided by the original
caller ID of the incoming call. Settings for the caller-id block command and
translation rules on the outbound side are executed.
• local—Passesthe local caller ID on redirected calls. Thisisthe preferred
• passthrough—Passes the original caller ID on redirected calls.
Disables huntstop and allows call hunting behavior for an extension
no huntstop
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop
Step 6
preference preference-order [secondary Sets dial-peer preference for an extension (ephone-dn).
Step 7
• preference-order—Preference order for the primary number associated
with an extension (ephone-dn). Range is 0 to 10, where 0 is the highest
preference and 10 is the lowest preference. Default is 0. Example:
Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Loopback Call Routing
Enable Loopback Call Routing
Command or Action Purpose
• secondary secondary-order—(Optional) Preference order for the
secondary number associated with the ephone-dn. Range is 0 to 10, where
0 is the highest preference and 10 is the lowest preference. Default is 9.
Applies a class of restriction (COR) to the dial peers associated with an
extension. COR specifies which incoming dial peer can use which outgoing
cor {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name
Router(config-ephone-dn)# cor
incoming corlist1
Step 8
dial peer to make a call. Each dial peer can be provisioned with an incoming
and an outgoing COR list.
For information about COR, see Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway
Selects an existing translation rule and applies it to a calling number or a
number that has been called. This command enables the manipulation of
translate {called | calling}
Step 9
numbers as part of a dial plan to manage overlapping or nonconsecutive
numbering schemes. Example:
Router(config-ephone-dn)# translate
called 1 • called—Translates the called number.
• calling—Translates the calling number.
• translation-rule-tag—Unique sequence number of the previously defined
translation rule. Range is 1 to 2147483647.
This command requires that you have previously defined appropriate
translation rules using the voice translation-rule and rule commands.
Enables H.323 call transfer and call forwarding by using hairpin call routing
for VoIP endpoints that do not support Cisco-proprietary or H.450-based
call-transfer and call-forwarding.
loopback-dn dn-tag [forward
number-of-digits | strip number-of-digits ]
[ prefix prefix-digit-string ] [ suffix
Step 10
suffix-digit-string ] [retry seconds]
[auto-con] [codec {g711alaw | g711ulaw}] • dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the ephone-dn that is
being paired for loopback with the ephone-dn that is being configured.
The paired ephone-dn must be one that is already defined in the system.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# loopback-dn
24 forward 15 prefix 415353....
• forward number-of-digits—(Optional) Number of digits in the original
called number to forward to the other ephone-dn in the loopback-dn pair.
Range is 1 to 32. Default is to forward all digits.
• strip number-of-digits—(Optional) Number of leading digits to be
stripped from the original called number before forwarding to the other
ephone-dn in the loopback-dn pair. Range is 1 to 32. Default is to not
strip any digits.
• prefix prefix-digit-string—(Optional) Defines a string of digits to add
in front of the forwarded called number. Maximum number of digits in
the string is 32. Default is that no prefix is defined.
• suffix suffix-digit-string—(Optional) Defines a string of digits to add to
the end of the forwarded called number. Maximum number of digits in
the string is 32. Default is that no suffix is defined. If you add a suffix
that starts with the pound character (#), the string must be enclosed in
quotation marks.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Loopback Call Routing
Enable Loopback Call Routing
Command or Action Purpose
• retry seconds—(Optional) Number of seconds to wait before retrying
the loopback target when it is busy or unavailable. Range is 0 to 32767.
Default is that retry is disabled and appropriate call-progress tones are
passed to the call originator.
• auto-con—(Optional) Immediately connectsthe call and providesin-band
alerting while waiting for the far-end destination to answer. Default is
that automatic connection is disabled.
• codec—(Optional) Explicitly forces the G.711 A-law or G.711 mu-law
voice coding type to be used for calls that pass through the loopback-dn.
This overrides the G.711 coding type that is negotiated for the call and
provides conversion from mu-law to A-law, if needed. Default is that
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) voice packets are passed through
the loopback-dn without considering the G.711 coding type negotiated
for the calls.
• g711alaw—G.711 A-law, 64000 bits per second, for T1.
• g711ulaw—G.711 mu-law, 64000 bits per second, for E1.
end Exits to privileged exec mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 11
Verify Loopback Call Routing
Use the show running-config or show telephony-service ephone-dn command to display ephone-dn configurations.
Configuration Example for Loopback Call Routing
Example for Enabling Loopback Call Routing
The following example uses ephone-dns 15 and 16 as a loopback-dn pair. Calls are routed through thisloopback
ephone-dn pair in the following way:
• An incoming call to 4085552xxx enters the loopback pair through ephone-dn 16 and exits the loopback
via ephone-dn 15 as an outgoing call to 2xxx (based on the forward 4 digits setting).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Loopback Call Routing
Verify Loopback Call Routing
• An incoming call to 6xxx enters the loopback pair through ephone-dn 15 and exits the loopback via
ephone-dn 16 as an outgoing call to 4157676xxx (based on the prefix 415767 setting).
ephone-dn 15
number 6...
loopback-dn 16 forward 4 prefix 415767
caller-id local
no huntstop
ephone-dn 16
number 4085552...
loopback-dn 15 forward 4
caller-id local
no huntstop
Feature Information for Loopback Call Routing
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 61: Feature Information for Loopback Call Routing
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Loopback call routing was
Loopback Call Routing 2.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Loopback Call Routing
Feature Information for Loopback Call Routing
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
This document describes the Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (MLPP) service introduced in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express 7.1 (Cisco Unified CME).
• Prerequisites for MLPP, page 803
• Information About MLPP, page 803
• Configure MLPP, page 813
• Feature Information for MLPP, page 827
Prerequisites for MLPP
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1
• Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T
• To use Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) and auto-attendant (AA) service
as the MLPP attendant-console application, you must download and install the B-ACD scripts. These
scripts are available from the Cisco Unified CME Software Download site at http://www.cisco.com/
• You can use your own audio filesfor the blocked precedence announcement and busy station not equipped
for preemption announcement or you can use the audio files available from the Cisco Unified CME
Software Download site at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-iostsp.
Information About MLPP
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (MLPP) service allows validated users to place priority calls, and if
necessary, to preempt lower-priority calls. Precedence indicates the priority level of a call. Preemption is the
process of terminating a lower-precedence call so a call of higher precedence can proceed. This capability
assures high-ranking personnel can communicate with critical organizations and personnel during network
stress situations, such as a national emergency or degraded network situation.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Precedence indicates the priority level associated with an MLPP call. Phone users can apply a precedence
level when making a call.
You define an MLPPaccess digit in Cisco Unified CME and assign a maximum precedence level to individual
phones. Phone users request a precedence call by dialing the access code NP, where N specifies the
pre-configured access digit and P specifies the requested precedence level, followed by the phone number.
Table 62: DSN Precedence Levels lists the precedence levels that can be associated with an MLPP call in the
Defense Switched Network (DSN) domain.
Table 62: DSN Precedence Levels
Level Precedence
0 (high) Flash Override
1 Flash
2 Immediate
3 Priority
4 (low) Routine
Table 63: DRSN Precedence Levels lists the precedence levels that can be associated with an MLPP call in
the Defense Red Switched Network (DRSN) domain.
Table 63: DRSN Precedence Levels
Level Precedence
0 (high) Flash Override Override
1 Flash Override
2 Flash
3 Immediate
4 Priority
5 (low) Routine
A precedence call is any call with a precedence level higher than Routine. If precedence is not specifically
invoked, the system processes a call using normal call processing and call forwarding.
Emergency 911 calls are automatically assigned precedence level 0.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Cisco Unified CME provides precedence indications to the source and destination of a precedence call,
respectively, if either has MLPP indication enabled. For the source, this indication includes a precedence
ringback tone and display of the precedence level of the call, if the device supports display.For the destination,
the indication includes a precedence ringer tone and display of the precedence level of the call, if the device
supports display.
Basic Precedence Call Setup
The following sequence of events occurs during the setup of a precedence call:
1 Phone user goes off hook and dials a precedence call. The call pattern is NP-xxxx, where N isthe precedence
access digit, P is the precedence level for the call, and xxx is the extension or phone number of the called
2 The calling party receives the precedence ringback tone and the precedence display while the call is
3 The called party receivesthe precedence ringer tone and the precedence display that indicatesthe precedence
Party 1000 makes a precedence call to party 1001. To do so, party 1000 dials the precedence call pattern, such
as 80-1001.
While the call processes, the calling party (1000) receivesthe precedence ringback tone and precedence display
on their Cisco Unified IP Phone. After acknowledging the precedence call, the called party (1001) receives
a precedence ringer tone and a precedence display on their Cisco Unified IP Phone.
Preemption is the process of terminating an active call of lower precedence so a call of higher precedence can
proceed. Preemption includes the notification and acknowledgment of preempted users and the reservation
of shared resources immediately after preemption and before call termination. Preemption can take one of the
following two forms:
• User Access Preemption—This type of preemption applies to phones and other end-user devices. If a
called party is busy with a lower precedence call, both the called party and the party to which it is
connected, receive preemption notification and the existing call is cleared immediately.
For calls to Cisco Unified IP phones, the called party can hang up immediately to connect to the new
higher precedence call, or if the called party does not hang up, Cisco Unified CME forces the phone
on-hook after the configured preemption tone timer expires and connects the call.
For FXS ports, the called party must acknowledge the preemption by going on-hook, before being
connected to the new higher precedence call.
• Common Network Facility Preemption—This type of preemption applies to trunks. If all channels of a
PRI trunk are busy with calls of lower precedence, a call of lower precedence is preempted to complete
the higher precedence call.
Cisco Unified CME selects a trunk by first searching for an idle channel on all corresponding trunks
(based on matching the called number in the dial peer).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
If an idle channel is not found, Cisco Unified CME performs a preemptive-search by searching one
trunk at a time for an idle channel. If no idle-channel is available on a trunk, preemption is performed
on the lowest of lower-precedence calls corresponding to the trunk. If none of the calls corresponding
to the trunk is of lower precedence, the next trunk is searched and so on.
SCCP phones support up to eight calls per directory number. When all lines are busy and a higher precedence
MLPP call comes in, Cisco Unified CME preempts a lower precedence call on one of the channels of the
directory number.
The maximum precedence level that a user can assign to an MLPP call originating from a specific phone is
set using ephone templates and applied to individual phones. Calls from directory numbers that are shared by
SCCP phones can have different maximum precedence levels, based on the precedence level of the phone.
Basic Preemption Call
Figure 30: User Access Preemption Example shows an example of user access preemption.
Figure 30: User Access Preemption Example
In this example, the following sequence of events occurs:
1 User 1000 places a call with precedence level 1 (flash) to user 1001, and preemption is enabled for user
1001. In this example, user 1000 dials 81-1001 to place the precedence call.
2 User 1002 places a precedence call to user 1001 by dialing 80-1001. This call, which is of precedence
level 0 (flash override), is a higher precedence call than the active precedence call.
3 Phone 1002 receives precedence display (flash override display), and the phones that are involved in the
existing lower precedence call both play preemption tones (users 1000 and 1001).
4 To complete preemption, the parties who are involved in the lower precedence call hang up (users 1000
and 1001).
5 The higher level precedence call is offered to user 1001, who receives a precedence ringer tone (if MLPP
indication is enabled). The calling party, user 1002, receives precedence ringback.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
DSN Dialing Format
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later releases provide complete support of the DSN dialing format, as outlined
in Table 64: DSN Dialing Format.
Table 64: DSN Dialing Format
[Access-digit {Precedence-level [Route-code] [Area-code] Switch-code Line-number
[N {P | S}] [1X] [KXX] KXX XXXX
N is 2 - 9 P is 0 - 4 S is 5 - 9 X is 0 - 9 K is 2 - 8
Service Digit
The service digit provides information to the switch for connecting calls to government or public telephone
services or networks. The services are reached through the trunk or route that is selected based on the dialed
digits. Phone users request a service by dialing the access code NS, where N specifies the pre-configured
access digit and S specifies the requested service, followed by the phone number.
Table 65: Service Digit lists the service digits supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions.
Table 65: Service Digit
Service Digit Precedence
5 Off-net 700 services
6 Not assigned
8 Not assigned
9 Local PSTN
In Cisco Unified CME, the route pattern is configured to supply secondary dial-tone and the remainder of the
digits are collected and passed to the PSTN trunk as the called number. The digits that follow the access digit
and service digit must be NANP compliant (E.164 number).
Cisco Unified CME provides secondary dial tone after the two digits and then routes the call based on the
remaining collected digits(using the dial plan configuration). These services are assumed to be reached through
the trunk (or route) selected based on the dialed digits (dialed after the route digits).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
DSN Dialing Format
Route Code
The route code allows a phone user to inform the switch of special routing or termination requirements. The
route code determines whether a call uses circuit-switched data or voice-grade trunking and can be used to
disable echo suppressors and cancellers, and override satellite link control.
The first digit of the route code is 1. It is a required part of the dialing plan to inform the switch that the next
digit, the route digit, provides network instructions for specialized routing. Phone users dial route codes in
the form 1X, where X is the route digit. The supported route digits that a user can dial are 0 and 1.
Table 66: Route Codes lists the route codes supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions:
Table 66: Route Codes
Route Code Use Description
Any codec that carries voice or
voice band data, such as G.711,
G.729, or fax or modem
10 Voice call (default)
Any codec that carries unaltered
DS0 traffic over IP (circuit
emulation). For
Cisco Unified CME, this is the
audio/clearmode codec
11 Circuit-switched data
Example for Dialing
If the first digit that the user dials is the configured access digit, this indicates an access code where the next
digit is either a precedence digit or a service digit. If the next digit dialed is:
• 0-4—Thisis a precedence call. Cisco Unified CME setsthe precedence indication,storesthe precedence
value, and discards the digits.
• 5-9—This is a call to a particular service. Cisco Unified CME passes the call to the designated trunk,
discards the digits, and plays secondary dial tone.
If the first digit that the user dials or the next digit dialed after the access code is:
• 1—This is a route code and the next digit is a route digit. The supported route digits that a user can dial
are 0 and 1. Cisco Unified CME stores the route code for use later in route selection, sets a trunk-type
indication, and discards the route code digits.
If the first digit that the user dials or the next digit dialed after the access code or route code is:
• 2-8—This is the first digit of the area code or switch code. Area codes and switch codes in the DSN are
allocated so there is no overlap. The area code and/or switch code are used for route selection.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
DSN Dialing Format
MLPP Service Domains
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions support MLPP service domains. A service domain consists of a
group of MLPPsubscribers and network resources. Calls and resources can only be preempted by higher-priority
calls from MLPP subscribers within the same domain.
You can configure each device with a domain type, such as DSN or DRSN, and a domain identifier. You can
assign a global MLPPdomain type and identifier to the Cisco Unified CME router and assign differentservice
domains to the individual phones registered to Cisco Unified CME through an ephone template. Calls from
any phone that is not configured with a specific service domain use the global domain type and identifier.
The MLPP precedence and preemption applies only within the same domain. Only calls within the same
domain can be preempted. If a call is placed between two subscribers with different MLPP service domains,
Cisco Unified CME assigns the service domain of the originator to the call.
Figure 31: Service Domains with Different identifiers shows an example of preemption attempted across
domains with different identifier numbers.
Figure 31: Service Domains with Different identifiers
In the example shown in Figure 31: Service Domains with Different identifiers, the following sequence of
events occurs:
1 User 1000, from service domain 0100, places a call with precedence level 1 (flash) to user 1001 in service
domain 0200. The call is assigned domain number 0100 because that is the service domain of the call
2 User 1002, from domain number 0200, places a precedence call to user 1001. This call, which is of
precedence level 0 (flash override), is a higher precedence call than the active precedence call.
3 The active call is not preempted because the incoming call is from a different service domain than the
active call; a call from domain 0200 cannot preempt a call from domain 0100.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
MLPP Service Domains
In the example shown in Figure 32: Service Domains with Different Domain Types, the active call is not
preempted because the incoming call is from a different domain type than the active call; a call from the DSN
cannot preempt a call from the DRSN.
Figure 32: Service Domains with Different Domain Types
In the example shown in Figure 33: Service Domains with Same Type and identifier, the active call is
successfully preempted because the incoming call has the same domain type and identifier as the active call.
Figure 33: Service Domains with Same Type and identifier
MLPP Indication
For basic MLPP calls with MLPP indication enabled, Cisco Unified CME instructs SCCP phones to play the
precedence ringer tone and display the precedence level.
For basic MLPP calls with preemption involved and MLPP indication enabled, Cisco Unified CME instructs
both parties to play the preemption tone and display the precedence level of the MLPP call on the phone.
For an MLPPcall with call waiting, if MLPPindication is enabled, Cisco Unified CME instructsSCCPphones
to play priority the call waiting tone instead of the regular call waiting tone.
Users receive an error tone if they attempt to make a call with a higher level of precedence than the highest
precedence level that is authorized for their phone.
For example, user 1002 dials 80 to start a precedence call. Eight (8) represents the precedence access digit,
and zero (0) specifies the precedence level that the user attempts to use. If this user is not authorized to make
level 0 (flash override) precedence calls, the user receives an error tone.
MLPP Announcements
Users who are unable to place MLPP calls receive announcements that detail the reasons why a call was
unsuccessful. Table 67: MLPP Announcements lists the supported MLPP announcements.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
MLPP Indication
Table 67: MLPP Announcements
Announcement Condition
Blocked Precedence Announcement (BPA)
(Switch name and Location). Equal or higher An equal or higher precedence call is in progress.
precedence calls have prevented completion of your
call.Please hang up and try again. Thisis a recording.
(Switch name and Location).
Users receive the BPA if the destination party for the
precedence call is off hook or if the destination party
is busy with a precedence call of an equal or higher
BPA is not played if the destination party is
configured for Call Waiting or Call Forwarding, or
uses automatic call diversion to an attendant-console
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
Busy Not Equipped Announcement (BNEA)
(Switch name and Location). A service disruption has Busy station not equipped for preemption.
prevented the completion of your call.Please wait 30
minutes and try again. In case of emergency call your
operator. This is a recording. (Switch name and
Users receive the BNEA if the dialed number is busy
and non-preemptable.
BNEA is not played if the dialed number is configured
for Call Waiting or Call Forwarding, or has alternate
party designations.
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
Isolated Code Announcement (ICA)
(Switch name and Location). A service disruption has Operating or equipment problems encountered.
prevented the completion of your call.Please wait 30
minutes and try again. In case of emergency call your
operator. This is a recording. (Switch name and
The complete trunk group including all routes is
busied manually at either end of the circuit or the
complete trunk group including all routes is in a
carrier group alarm state (for example, Loss ofSignal,
Remote Alarm Indication, or Alarm Indication
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Loss of C2 Features Announcement (LOC2)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
MLPP Announcements
Announcement Condition
- Call leaves DSN.
Usersreceive the LOC2 announcement when the call
leaves the Cisco Unified CME router on the trunk or
when the user places a call to a different domain.
For example, DSN callers who place callsto locations
that permit off-net terminations may receive an
announcement informing them that they have left the
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Unauthorized Precedence Level Announcement (UPA)
(Switch name and Location). The precedence used is Unauthorized precedence level is attempted.
not authorized for your line.Please use an authorized
precedence or ask your attendant for assistance. This
is a recording. (Switch name and Location).
Users receive the UPA when they attempt to make a
precedence call by using a higher level of precedence
than the highest precedence level that is authorized
for their line.
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Vacant Code Announcement (VCA)
(Switch name and Location). Your call cannot be No such service or invalid code.
completed as dialed. Please consult your directory
and call again or ask your operator for assistance.
This is a recording. (Switch name and Location).
Users receive the VCA when they dial an invalid or
unassigned number.
Supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Automatic Call Diversion (Attendant Console)
Cisco Unified CME supports automatic diversion of all unanswered precedence calls above Routine to a
designated directory number or attendant console after a selected period of time.
If automatic call diversion of MLPP calls is configured in Cisco Unified CME, it overrides the Call Forward
settings on the phone for all incoming precedence calls above Routine and forwards these calls to the
attendant-console application specified in the MLPP configuration. Cisco Unified CME treats MLPP calls
with a precedence level of Routine as normal calls and honors the Call Forward setting configured on the
How Cisco Unified CME handles forwarded MLPP calls depends on the following Call Forward options:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Automatic Call Diversion (Attendant Console)
• Call Forward All (CFA)—Precedence calls are routed to the target number of the attendant console
immediately. The CFA target is not used for MLPP calls.
• Call Forward Busy (CFB)—Precedence calls are forwarded to the configured CFB destination. If the
CFB destination is Voice Mail or an off-net endpoint, the call is forwarded to the target number of the
attendant-console service.
• CallForward No Answer (CFNA)—Precedence calls are forwarded to the configured CFNA destination.
If the CFNA destination does not answer before the CFNA timer expires, or it is voice mail or an off-net
endpoint, the call is forwarded to the target number of the attendant-console service.
Calls diverted to the attendant console are indicated by a visual signal and placed in the queue for attendant
service by precedence and time interval. The call with the highest precedence and longest holding time is
answered first. Attendant Queue Announcement is played to calls waiting in the queue for attendant service.
Call distribution is performed to reduce excessive waiting time and each attendant position operates from a
common queue. Cisco Unified CME supports attendant console service for MLPP using Basic Automatic
Call Distribution (B-ACD) and auto-attendant (AA) service.
Configure MLPP
Enable MLPP Service Globally in Cisco Unified CME
This task covers the basic steps necessary to enable MLPP on the router.
Restriction • SIP phones are not supported.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 6900 Series phones are not supported.
• Cisco Unified CME in SRST Fallback mode is not supported.
• Supports only ISDN PRI E1 and T1interfaces.
• Supports MLPP service within the local Cisco Unified CME router only.
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 supports only Basic Calls, CallForward, Call Hold and Resume, Consultative
Call-Transfer, and Call Waiting. Blind Transfer is not supported.
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versionssupport Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing and CallPickup.
• Call Park Retrieval based on precedence level is not supported; Cisco Unified CME must be
configured to accept only one call per park slot.
Before You Begin
Trunks must belong to a trunk group and have preemption enabled.For configuration information,see Enabling
Preemption on the Trunk Group in Integrating Data and Voice ServicesforISDN PRI Interfaces on Multiservice
Access Routers.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Configure MLPP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice mlpp
4. access-digit digit
5. bnea audio-url
6. bpa audio-url
7. upa audio-url
8. service-domain { drsn | dsn}identifier domain-number
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice mlpp Enters voice MLPP configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice mlpp
Step 3
Step 4 access-digit digit Defines the access digit that phone users dial to make an MLPP call.
access-digit 8
• digit—Single-digit number that users dial. Range: 0 to 9. Default:
Your domain type must support the access digit that you select.
For example, the valid range for the DSN is 2 to 9.
Specifies the audio file to play for the busy station not equipped for
preemption announcement.
bnea audio-url
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# bnea
Step 5
• audio-url—Location of the announcement audio file in URL format.
Valid storage locations are TFTP, FTP, HTTP, and flash memory.
bpa audio-url Specifiesthe audio file to play for the blocked precedence announcement.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# bpa
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service Globally in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies the audio file to play for the unauthorized precedence
upa audio-url
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# upa
Step 7
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
service-domain { drsn | dsn}identifier (Optional) Sets the global MLPP domain type and number.
Step 8
• drsn—Defense Red Switched Network (DRSN).
service-domain dsn 0010
• dsn—DefenseSwitched Network (DSN). Thisisthe default value.
• domain-number—Number to identify the global domain, in
three-octet format. Range: 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF. Default: 0.
• A phone uses this global domain for MLPP calls if it is not
configured with the mlpp service-domain command.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# end
Step 9
The following example shows MLPP enabled on the Cisco Unified CME router.
voice mlpp
access-digit 8
bpa flash:bpa.au
bnea flash:bnea.au
upa flash:upa.au
service-domain dsn identifier 000010
Enable MLPP Service on SCCP Phones
The mlpp max-precedence command is not supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions; it
is replaced by the mlpp service-domain command.
Before You Begin
MLPP must be enabled globally on the Cisco Unified CME router. See Enable MLPP Service Globally in
Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. mlpp service-domain{drsn | dsn} identifier domain-number max-precedence level
5. mlpp preemption
6. mlpp indication
7. exit
8. ephone phone-tag
9. ephone-template template-tag
10. restart
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-template template-tag Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone template.
Router(config)# ephone-template 15
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template that is
being created. Range: 1 to 20.
Sets the service domain and maximum precedence (priority) level for
MLPP calls from this phone.
mlpp service-domain{drsn | dsn}
identifier domain-number max-precedence
Step 4
• drsn—Phone belongs to the Defense Red Switched Network
Router(config-ephone-template)# mlpp
service-domain dsn identifier 0010
max-precedence 0
• dsn—Phone belongs to the Defense Switched Network (DSN).
This is the default value.
• domain-number—Number to identify the global domain, in
three-octet format. Range: 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF.
• level—Maximum precedence level. Phone user can specify a
precedence level that is less than or equal to this value.
◦DSN—Range: 0 to 4, where 0 is the highest priority.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
◦DRSN—Range: 0 to 5, where 0 is the highest priority.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Step 5 mlpp preemption (Optional) Enables calls on the phone to be preempted.
Router(config-ephone-template)# no
mlpp preemption
• Preemption is enabled by default. Skip this step unless you want
to disable preemption with the no mlpp preemption command.
(Optional) Enables the phone to play precedence and preemption tones,
and display the preemption level of calls.
mlpp indication
Router(config-ephone-template)# no
mlpp indication
Step 6
• MLPP indication is enabled by default. Skip this step unless you
want to disable MLPP indication with the no mlpp indication
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 7
Step 8 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template
Step 9
Performs a fast reboot of this ephone. Does not contact the DHCP or
TFTP server for updated information.
Router(config-ephone)# restart
Step 10
Restart all ephones using the restart all command in
telephony-service configuration mode.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service on SCCP Phones
The following example shows a basic configuration for three phones, all using template 1 with MLPPdefined.
Figure 34: Preemption Call Example shows an example of a precedence call using this configuration.
voice mlpp
access-digit 8
bpa flash:BPA.au
bnea flash:BNEA.au
upa flash:UPA.au
ephone-template 1
mlpp service-domain dsn identifier 000000 max-precedence 0
!Configures MLPP domain as DSN, identifier as 000000, and max-precedence set to 0
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
ephone-dn 2
number 1002
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 1003
huntstop channel
ephone 1
description Phone-A
mac-address 1111.2222.0001
button 1:1
ephone-template 1
! MLPP configuration inherited from ephone-template 1
ephone 2
description Phone-B
mac-address 1111.2222.0002
button 1:2
ephone-template 1
description Phone-C
mac-address 1111.2222.0003
button 1:3
ephone-template 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service on SCCP Phones
The huntstop channel command must be configured on dual-line and octo-line directory numbers to
preempt a call on those types of lines. Otherwise the dual-line or octo-line receives Call Waiting indication
and the call is not preempted.
Figure 34: Preemption Call Example
In this example, the following sequence of events occurs:
1 Phone A places a precedence call to Phone C by dialing 831003 (access digit 8 + precedence level 3 +
destination number 1003).
Phone C answers the call.
2 Phone C hears the precedence ringer tone and Phone A hears the precedence ringback.
3 Phone B places a higher precedence call to Phone C by dialing 821003. Phone A and Phone C both hear
the preemption tone for the duration of the preemption tone timer command (default value is three
4 Phone A is preempted after three seconds.
5 Phone C starts ringing (precedence ringer) and Phone B hears the precedence ringback.
6 Phone C answers the call.
Enable MLPP Service on Analog FXS Phone Ports
Before You Begin
MLPP must be enabled globally on the Cisco Unified CME router. See Enable MLPP Service Globally in
Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service on Analog FXS Phone Ports
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-port port
4. mlpp service-domain{drsn | dsn} identifier domain-number max-precedence level
5. mlpp preemption
6. mlpp indication
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice-port port Enters voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice-port 0/1/0
• Port argument is platform-dependent; type ? to display syntax.
Sets the service domain and maximum precedence (priority) level for
MLPP calls from this port.
mlpp service-domain{drsn | dsn}
identifier domain-number max-precedence
Step 4
• drsn—Port belongsto the Defense RedSwitched Network (DRSN).
Router(config-voiceport)# mlpp
service-domain dsn identifier 0020
max-precedence 0
• dsn—Port belongs to the Defense Switched Network (DSN).
• domain-number—Number to identify the global domain, in
three-octet format. Range: 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF.
• level—Maximum precedence level. Phone user can specify a
precedence level that is less than or equal to this value.
◦DSN—Range: 0 to 4, where 0 is the highest priority.
◦DRSN—Range: 0 to 5, where 0 is the highest priority.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Step 5 mlpp preemption (Optional) Enables calls on the port to be preempted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Enable MLPP Service on Analog FXS Phone Ports
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-voiceport)# no mlpp
• Preemption is enabled by default. Skip this step unless you want to
disable preemption with the no mlpp preemption command.
(Optional) Enables the phone to play precedence and preemption tones,
and display the preemption level of calls.
mlpp indication
Router(config-voiceport)# no mlpp
Step 6
• MLPP indication is enabled by default. Skip this step unless you
want to disable MLPP indication with the no mlpp indication
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voiceport)# end
Step 7
The following example shows that the analog FXS phone connected to voice port 0/1/0 can make MLPP calls
with the highest precedence and its calls cannot be preempted.
voice-port 0/1/0
mlpp service-domain dsn identifier 000020 max-precedence 0
no mlpp preemption
station-id name uut1-fxs1
caller-id enable
Configure an MLPP Service Domain for Outbound Dial Peers
To assign a service domain to MLPP calls that must leave the Cisco Unified CME router through the trunk,
perform the following steps for the corresponding dial peer.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice class mlpp tag
4. service-domain {drsn | dsn}
5. exit
6. dial-peer voice tag {pots | voip}
7. voice-class mlpp tag
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Configure an MLPP Service Domain for Outbound Dial Peers
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice class mlpp tag Creates a voice class for the MLPP service.
Router(config)# voice class mlpp 1
• tag—Unique number to identify the voice class.
Range: 1 to 10000.
Step 4 service-domain {drsn | dsn} Sets the network domain in the MLPP voice class.
Router(config-voice-class)# service-domain
• drsn—Defense Red Switched Network (DRSN).
• dsn—Defense Switched Network (DSN).
exit Exits voice-class configuration mode.
Router(config-voice-class)# exit
Step 5
dial-peer voice tag {pots | voip} Enters dial peer voice configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 101 voip
Step 6
Assigns a previously configured MLPPvoice classto aPOTS
or VoIP dial peer.
voice-class mlpp tag
Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class mlpp
Step 7
• tag—Unique number of the voice class that you created
in Step 3.
end Exits dial-peer voice configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Configure an MLPP Service Domain for Outbound Dial Peers
The following example shows an MLPP voice class defined for the DSN service domain. This voice class is
assigned to a POTS dial peer so that calls leaving port 0/1/0 use the DSN protocol.
voice class mlpp 1
service-domain dsn
dial-peer voice 1011 pots
destination-pattern 19101
voice-class mlpp 1
port 0/1/0
Configure MLPP Options
To configure optional MLPP features or modify default settings, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice mlpp
4. preemption trunkgroup
5. preemption user
6. preemption tone timer seconds
7. preemption reserve timer seconds
8. service-domain midcall-mismatch{method1 | method2 | method3 | method4}
9. service-digit
10. route-code
11. attendant-console number redirect-timer seconds
12. ica audio-url
13. loc2 audio-url
14. vca audio-url voice-class cause-code tag
15. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Configure MLPP Options
Command or Action Purpose
voice mlpp Enters voice MLPP configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice mlpp
Step 3
preemption trunkgroup Enables preemption capabilities on a trunk group.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# preemption
Step 4
preemption user Enables all supported phones to preempt calls.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# preemption
Step 5
Sets the amount of time that the preemption tone plays on the called
phone when a lower precedence call is being preempted.
preemption tone timer seconds
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# preemption
tone timer 15
Step 6
• seconds—Expiry time, in seconds. Range: 3 to 30. Default: 0
Step 7 preemption reserve timer seconds Sets the amount of time to reserve a channel for a preemption call.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# preemption
reserve timer 10
• seconds—Range: 3 to 30. Default: 0 (disabled).
Definesthe behavior when there is a domain mismatch between the two
legs of a call.
service-domain midcall-mismatch{method1
| method2 | method3 | method4}
Step 8
service-domain midcall-mismatch method2
• method1—Domain remains unchanged for each of the connections
and the precedence level of the lower priority call changes to that
of the higher priority call. This is the default value.
• method2—Domain and precedence level of the lower priority
call changes to that of the higher priority call.
• method3—Domain remains unchanged for each of the connections
and the precedence levels change to Routine for both calls.
• method4—Domains change to that of the connection for which
supplementary service was invoked (for example, transferee in
case of transfer). Precedence levels change to Routine for both
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Configure MLPP Options
Command or Action Purpose
Enables phone users to request off-net services by dialing a service
Step 9
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Enables phone users to specify special routing for a call by dialing a
route code.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# route-code
Step 10
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
Specifies the telephone number of the MLPP attendant-console service
where calls are redirected if the phone does not answer.
attendant-console number redirect-timer
Step 11
attendant-console 8100 redirect-timer
• number—Extension or E.164 telephone number of the
Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD)
and auto-attendant (AA) service.
• seconds—Number of seconds to wait for the phone to answer
before redirecting the call.
(Optional) Specifies the audio file to play for the isolated code
ica audio-url
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# ica
Step 12
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
(Optional) Specifies the audio file to play for the loss of C2 features
loc2 audio-url
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# loc2
Step 13
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
(Optional) Specifies the audio file to play for the vacant code
vca audio-url voice-class cause-code tag
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# vca
flash:vca.au voice-class cause-code 29
Step 14
• tag—Number of the voice class that defines the cause codes for
which the VCA is played. Range: 1 to 64.
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-mlpp)# end
Step 15
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Configure MLPP Options
The following example shows an MLPP configuration with optional parameters.
voice mlpp
preemption trunkgroup
preemption user
preemption tone timer 15
preemption reserve timer 10
access-digit 8
attendant-console 8100 redirect-timer 10
bpa flash:bpa.au
bnea flash:bnea.au
upa flash:upa.au
ica flash:ica.au
loc2 flash:loc2.au
vca flash:vca.au voice-class cause-code 29
service-domain midcall-mismatch method2
service-domain dsn identifier 000010
Troubleshooting MLPP Service
1. enable
2. debug ephone mlpp
3. debug voice mlpp
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Displays debugging information for MLPP calls to phones in
a Cisco Unified CME system.
debug ephone mlpp
Router# debug ephone mlpp
Step 2
debug voice mlpp Displays debugging information for the MLPP service.
Router# debug voice mlpp
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Troubleshooting MLPP Service
Feature Information for MLPP
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 68: Feature Information for MLPP
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Adds support for the following:
• Additional MLPP
• Multiple service domains
• Route codes and service
• Interaction with
supplementary services,such
as Three-Way Conference,
Call Pickup, and Cancel Call
Waiting on AnalogFXSports
MLPP Enhancements 8.0
Allows validated users to place
priority calls, and if necessary, to
preempt lower-priority calls.
MLPP for Cisco Unified CME 7.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Feature Information for MLPP
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Multilevel Precedence and Preemption
Feature Information for MLPP
Music on Hold
• Prerequisites for Music on Hold, page 829
• Restrictions for Music on Hold, page 829
• Information About Music on Hold, page 830
• Configure Music on Hold, page 834
• Feature Information for Music on Hold, page 854
Prerequisites for Music on Hold
• For Unified CME Release 11.6 and previous releases, phones receiving Music on Hold (MOH) in a
system using G.729 require transcoding between G.711 and G.729. From Unified CME Release 11.7
onwards, transcoding is not required if G.729 codec format MOH file is configured on Unfiied CME.
For information about transcoding, see Configure Transcoding Resources, on page 479.
• Transcoding for MOH is supported on Cisco 4000Series IntegratedServices Router from Unified CME
Release 11.7 onwards.
Restrictions for Music on Hold
• IP phones do not support multicast at 224.x.x.x addresses.
• Cisco Unified CME 3.3 and earlier versions do not support MOH for local Cisco Unified CME phones
that are on hold with other Cisco Unified CME phones; these parties hear a periodic repeating tone
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions support MOH for internal calls on SCCP Phones only if the
multicast moh command is used to enable the flow of packets to the subnet on which the phones are
• Internal extensions that are connected through a Cisco VG224 Analog Voice Gateway or through a
WAN (remote extensions) do not hear MOH on internal calls.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
• Multicast MOH is not supported on a phone if the phone is configured with the mtp command or the
paging-dn command with the unicast keyword.
• For calls from SCCP to SCCP phones, Unicast MoH is not supported. Multicast MoH is supported if it
is enabled. If Multicast MoH is not enabled, Tone on Hold is supported.
• Multicast MOH is not supported on SIP Phones.
Information About Music on Hold
Music on Hold Summary
MOH is an audio stream that is played to PSTN and VoIP G.711 or G.729 callers who are placed on hold by
phones in a Cisco Unified CME system. This audio stream is intended to reassure callers that they are still
connected to their calls.
Table 69: Music on Hold (MOH) provides a summary of options for MOH for PSTN and multicast MOH
for local IP phones.
Table 69: Music on Hold (MOH)
Audio Source Description How to Configure
Configure Music on Hold from an
AudioFile toSupply AudioStream
Flash memory No external audio input isrequired.
Configure Music on Hold from a
Live Feed
The multicast audio stream has
minimal delay for local IP phones.
The MOH stream forPSTN callers
is delayed by a few seconds. If the
live feed audio input fails, callers
on hold hear silence.
Live feed
Configure Music on Hold from an
AudioFile toSupply AudioStream
Configure Music on Hold from a
Live Feed
The live feed stream has a few
seconds of delay for both PSTN
and local IP phone callers. The
flash MOH acts as backup for the
live-feed MoH.
If MOH from a live feed is not
found or fails, Unified CME
swtichesto playback of MOH from
the flash memory.
Live feed and flash memory
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Information About Music on Hold
Music on Hold
MOH is an audio stream that is played to PSTN and VoIP G.711 or G.729 callers who are placed on hold by
phones in a Cisco Unified CME system. This audio stream is intended to reassure callers that they are still
connected to their calls.
For Unified CME Release 11.6 and previous releases, when the phone receiving MOH is part of a system that
uses a G.729 codec, transcoding is required between G.711 and G.729. The G.711 MOH must be translated
to G.729. Note that because of compression, MOH using G.729 is of significantly lower fidelity than MOH
using G.711.From Unified CME Release 11.7 onwards, transcoding is not required if G.711 and G.729 codec
format MOH files are configured on Unified CME. For information about transcoding, see Configure
Transcoding Resources.
The audio stream that is used for MOH can derive from one of two sources:
• Audio file—A MOH audio stream from an audio file is supplied from a .au or .wav file held in router
flash memory.For configuration information,see Configure Music on Hold from an AudioFile toSupply
Audio Stream.
• Live feed—A MOH audio stream from a live feed issupplied from a standard line-level audio connection
that is directly connected to the router through an FXO or “ear and mouth” (E&M) analog voice port.
For configuration information, see Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed.
Music on Hold from a Live Feed
The live-feed feature is typically used to connect to a CD jukebox player. To configure MOH from a live
feed, you establish a voice port and dial peer for the call and also create a “dummy” ephone-dn. The ephone-dn
must have a phone or extension number assigned to it so that it can make and receive calls, but the number
is never assigned to a physical phone. Only one live MOH feed is supported per system.
Using an analog E&M port as the live-feed MOH interface requires the minimum number of external
components. You connect a line-level audio feed (standard audio jack) directly to pins 3 and 6 of an E&M
RJ-45 connector. The E&M voice interface card (VIC) has a built-in audio transformer that provides appropriate
electrical isolation for the external audio source. An audio connection on an E&M port does not require
loop-current. The signal immediate and auto-cut-through commands disable E&M signaling on this voice
port. A G.711 audio packet stream is generated by a digital signal processor (DSP) on the E&M port.
If you use an FXO port as the live-feed MOH interface, connect the MOH source to the FXO port using a
MOD-SC cable if the MOH source has a different connector than the FXO RJ-11 connector. MOH from a
live feed is supported on the VIC2-2FXO, VIC2-4FXO, EM-HDA-3FXS/4FXO, EM-HDA-6FXO, and
You can directly connect a live-feed source to an FXO port if the signal loop-start live-feed command is
configured on the voice port; otherwise, the port must connect through an external third-party adapter to
provide a battery feed. An external adapter must supply normal telephone company (telco) battery voltage
with the correct polarity to the tip and ring leads of the FXO port and it must provide transformer-based
isolation between the external audio source and the tip and ring leads of the FXO port.
Music from a live feed is continuously fed into the MOH playout buffer instead of being read from a flash
file, so there is typically a 2-second delay. An outbound call to a MOH live-feed source is attempted (or
reattempted) every 30 seconds until the connection is made by the directory number that has been configured
for MOH. If the live-feed source is shut down for any reason, the flash memory source will be automatically
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Music on Hold
A live-feed MOH connection is established as an automatically connected voice call that is made by the
Unified CME MOH system or by an external source directly calling in to the live-feed MOH port. An MOH
call can be from or to the PSTN or can proceed via VoIP with voice activity detection (VAD) disabled. The
call is assumed to be an incoming call unless the optional out-call keyword is used with the moh command
during configuration.
The Unified CME router uses the audio stream from the call as the source for the MOH stream, displacing
any audio stream that is available from a flash file. An example of an MOH stream received over an incoming
call is an external H.323-based server device that calls the ephone-dn to deliver an audio stream to the
Cisco Unified CME router.
For configuration information, see Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed.
For configuration example, see Examples.
Multicast MOH
In Cisco CME 3.0 and later versions, you can configure the MOH audio stream as a multicast source. A
Cisco Unified CME router that is configured for multicast MOH also transmitsthe audio stream on the physical
IP interfaces of the specified router to permit access to the stream by external devices.
Certain IP phones do not support multicast MOH because they do not support IP multicast. In Cisco Unified
CME 4.0 and later versions, you can disable multicast MOH to individual phonesthat do notsupport multicast.
Callers hear a repeating tone when they are placed on hold.
Music on Hold for SIP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, the MOH feature is supported when a call is put on hold from
a SIP phone and when the user of a SIP phone is put on hold by a SIP, SCCP, or POTS endpoint. The holder
(party that pressed the hold key) or holdee (party who is put on hold) can be on the same Cisco Unified CME
or a different Cisco Unified CME connected through a SIP trunk. MOH is also supported for call transfers
and conferencing, with or without a transcoding device.
Configuring MOH for SIP phones is the same as configuring MOH for SCCP phones. For configuration
information, see Configure Music on Hold.
Music On Hold Enhancement
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions enhance the MOH feature by playing different media streams to
PSTN and VoIP callers who are placed on hold. The MOH enhancement allows you to configure up to five
additional media streams supplied from multiple media files stored in a router’s flash memory and eliminates
the need for separate routers for streaming MOH media files.
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 MOH enhancement allows you to create MOH groups and assign ephone extension
numbersto these MOH groupsto receive different media streams. Callersto the extension numbers configured
under the MOH groups can listen to different MOH media streams when they are placed on hold.
You can configure up to five MOH groups. The size of each media source file can range between 64KB to
10MB long on the Cisco Unified CME router for ephones in different departments in a branch. A MOH group
islinked to an ephone using the extension number of that ephone.For configuration information,see Configure
Music on Hold Groups to Support Different Media Sources.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Multicast MOH
You can also configure individual directory numbers to select any MOH group as a MOH source on the
Cisco Unified CME router. The extension number of a directory associates an ephone to a specific MOH
group and callers to these extension numbers can listen to different media streams when placed on hold. For
configuration information, see Assign a MOH Group to a Directory Number.
Similarly, callers from internal directory numbers can listen to different media streams when a MOH group
is assigned for an internal call. For configuration information, see Assign a MOH Group to all Internal Calls
Only to SCCP Phones.
Following precedence rules are applicable when an ephone caller is placed on hold:
• MOH group defined for internal calls takes highest precedence.
• MOH group defined in ephone-dn takes the second highest precedence.
• MOH groupdefined in ephone-dn-template takes precedence if MOH group is not defined in ephone-dn
or internal call.
• Extension numbers defined in a MOH-group has the least precedence.
• Phones not associated with any MOH groups default to the MOH parameters defined in the mohcommand
under telephony-service configuration mode.
Note If a selected MOH group does not exist, the caller will hear tone on hold.
We recommend that departmentsin a branch must have mutually exclusive extension numbers and multicast
destinations for configuring MOH groups.
Caching MOH Files for Enhanced System Performance
Caching MOH files helps enhance the system performance by reducing the CPU usage. However, caching
requires memory buffer to store a large MOH file. You can set up a buffer file size for caching MOH files
that you might use in the future. The default MOH file buffer size is 64 KB (8 seconds). The maximum buffer
size (per file) can be configured anywhere between 64 KB (8 minutes) to 10000 KB (approximately 20
minutes), You can use the moh-file-buffer command to allocate MOH file buffer for future MOH files, see
Configure Buffer Size for MOH Files. To verify if a file is being cached and to update a cached moh-file, see
Verify MOH File Caching.
Note If the file size is too large, buffer size falls back to 64 KB.
Configure G.711 and G.729 Files for Music on Hold
From Cisco Unified CME 11.7 Release onwards, G.711 and G.729 codec format MOH files can be configured
on Unified CME. For calls (line or trunk calls) that need to be placed on hold and MOH needs to be played,
transcode insertion is not required if the codec used is G.729 or G.711. The new feature dynamically selects
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Caching MOH Files for Enhanced System Performance
the matching codec (either G.729 or G.711) based on the codec used on phones or trunk. Transcode insertion
is required only if the codec on the phone playing Music on Hold is neither G.729 nor G.711. For more
information on configuration of MOH, see Configure Music on Hold, on page 834.
If G.711 and G.729 codec format MOH files are configured on Unified CME, you will need transcoding only
to support other codec format MOH files, such as iLBC. You need the G.711 codec format MOH file to be
configured under telephony-service for MOH to be supported on Unified CME.
You have to configure the primary G.711 codec format MOH file before configuring the G.729 or G.729A
codec format MOH file.
We recommend that G.711 and G.729 codec format MOH files are available on the flash memory of
Unified CME router.
In a scenario where a call between an SCCP line and SIP trunk has a codec other than G.729 or G.711,
then MOH is not played when the SCCP line places the SIP phone on hold.
In a scenario where a call is placed between an SCCP line and a SIP line, and the call is placed on hold
from the SIP end, MOH is played only from the G.711 codec format MOH file.
Configure Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from an Audio File to Supply Audio Stream
If you configure MOH from an audio file and from a live feed, the router seeks the live feed first. If a live
feed is found, it displaces an audio file source. If the live feed is not found or fails at any time, the router
falls back to the audio file source.
Note The MOH file packaged with the CME software is completely royalty free.
Restriction • To change the audio file to a different file, you must remove the first file using theno mohcommand
before specifying a second file. If you configure a second file without removing the first file, the
MOH mechanism stops working and may require a router reboot to clear the problem.
• The volume level of a MOH file cannot be adjusted through Cisco IOS software, so it cannot be
changed when the file is loaded into the flash memory of the router. To adjust the volume level of
a MOH file, edit the file in an audio editor before downloading the file to router flash memory.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold
Before You Begin
• SIP phones require Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• A music file must be in stored in the router’s flash memory. This file should be in G.711 format. The
file can be in .au or .wav file format, but the file format must contain 8-bit 8-kHz data; for example,
ITU-T A-law or mu-law data format.
• From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7 onwards, you can configure and store an MOH file in G.729
codec format in the router's flash memory. The G.729 file can be used as MOH source.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. moh filename
5. multicast moh ip-address port port-number [route ip-address-list]
6. exit
7. ephone phone-tag
8. multicast-moh
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 moh filename Enables music on hold using the specified file.
Router(config-telephony)# moh
• If you specify a file with this command and later want to use a different
file, you must disable use of the first file with the no moh command
before configuring the second file.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from an Audio File to Supply Audio Stream
Command or Action Purpose
• G.729 MOH file can be configured along with the G.711 MOH file.
Unified CME would pick the MOH file to be played based on the
negotiated codec on line or trunk.
Router(config-telephony)# moh
Router(config-telephony)# moh g729
multicast moh ip-address port Specifies that this audio stream is to be used for multicast and also for MOH.
port-number [route ip-address-list]
Step 5
This command is required to use MOH for internal calls and it must
be configured after MOH is enabled with the moh command.
Router(config-telephony)# multicast
moh port 16384 route
• ip-address—Destination IP address for multicast.
• port port-number—Media port for multicast. Range is 2000 to 65535.
We recommend port 2000 because it is already used for normal RTP
media transmissions between IP phones and the router.
Valid port numbers for multicast include even numbers that range
from 16384 to 32767. (The system reserves odd values.)
• route—(Optional) List of explicit router interfaces for the IP multicast
• ip-address-list—(Optional) List of up to four explicit routesfor multicast
MOH. The default is that the MOH multicast stream is automatically
output on the interfaces that correspond to the address that was
configured with the ip source-address command.
For MOH on internal calls, packet flow must be enabled to the subnet
on which the phones are located.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 6
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 28
Step 7
Step 8 multicast-moh (Optional) Enables multicast MOH on a phone. This is the default.
Router(config-ephone)# no
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later
• The no form of this command disables MOH for phones that do not
support multicast. Callers hear a repeating tone when they are placed
on hold.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode. The value set in ephone configuration mode has priority over
the value set in ephone-template mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from an Audio File to Supply Audio Stream
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 9
The following example enables music on hold and specifies the music file to use:
moh minuet.wav
The following example enables MOH and specifies a multicast address for the audio stream:
moh minuet.wav
multicast moh port 2000
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed
To configure music on hold from a live feed, perform the following steps.
If you configure MOH from an audio file and from a live feed, the router seeks the live feed first. If a live
feed is found, it displaces an audio file source. If the live feed is not found or fails at any time, the router
falls back to the audio file source.
Restriction • A foreign exchange station (FXS) port cannot be used for a live feed.
Before You Begin
• SIP phones require Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• For a live feed from VoIP, VAD must be disabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-port port
4. input gain decibels
5. auto-cut-through
6. operation 4-wire
7. signal immediate
8. signal loop-start live-feed
9. no shutdown
10. exit
11. dial peer voice tag pots
12. destination-pattern string
13. port port
14. exit
15. ephone-dn dn-tag
16. number number
17. moh[out-call outcall-number] [ip ip-address port port-number [route ip-address-list]]
18. exit
19. ephone phone-tag
20. multicast-moh
21. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice-port port Enters voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice-port 1/1/0
• Port argument is platform-dependent; type ? to display syntax.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies, in decibels, the amount of gain to be inserted at the receiver side
of the interface.
input gain decibels
Router(config-voice-port)# input
gain 0
Step 4
• decibels—Acceptable values are integers –6 to 14.
(E&M ports only) Enables call completion when a PBX does not provide
an M-lead response.
Step 5
• MOH requires that you use this command with E&M ports.
Step 6 operation 4-wire (E&M ports only) Selects the 4-wire cabling scheme.
Router(config-voice-port)# operation
• MOH requires that you specify 4-wire operation with this command
for E&M ports.
(E&M ports only) For E&M tie trunk interfaces, directs the calling side to
seize a line by going off-hook on its E-lead and to send address information
as dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits.
signal immediate
Router(config-voice-port)# signal
Step 7
(FXO ports only) Enables an MOH audio stream from a live feed to be
directly connected to the router through an FXO port.
signal loop-start live-feed
Router(config-voice-port)# signal
loop-start live-feed
Step 8
• This command issupported in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T and later
Step 9 no shutdown Activates the voice port.
Router(config-voice-port)# no
• To shut the voice port down and disable MOH from a live feed, use
the shutdown command.
exit Exits voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config-voice-port)# exit
Step 10
dial peer voice tag pots Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial peer voice 7777
Step 11
Specifies either the prefix or the full E.164 telephone number to be used
for a dial peer.
destination-pattern string
destination-pattern 7777
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed
Command or Action Purpose
port port Associates the dial peer with the voice port that was specified in Step 3.
Router(config-dial-peer)# port 1/1/0
Step 13
exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 14
Step 15 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 55
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone-dn
during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 288.
Step 16 number number Configures a valid extension number for this ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
• This number is not assigned to any phone; it is only used to make and
receive calls that contain an audio stream to be used for MOH.
• number—String of up to 16 digits that represents a telephone or
extension number to be associated with this ephone-dn.
Specifies that this ephone-dn is to be used for an incoming or outgoing call
that is the source for an MOH stream.
moh[out-call outcall-number] [ip
ip-address port port-number [route
Step 17
• (Optional) out-call outcall-number—Indicatesthat the router is calling
out for a live feed for MOH and specifies the number to be called.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# moh
out-call 7777 ip port
2311 route
Forces a connection to the local voice port that wasspecified inStep 3.
If this command is used without this keyword, the MOH stream is
received from an incoming call.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# moh
out-call 7777
• (Optional) ip ip-address—Destination IP address for multicast.
If you are configuring MOH from a live feed and from an audio file
for backup, do not configure a multicast IPaddressfor this command.
If the live feed fails or is not found, MOH will fall back to the ip
address that you configured using the multicast moh command in
telephony-service configuration mode.See Configure Music on Hold
from an Audio File to Supply Audio Stream.
If you specify an address for multicast with this command and a
different address with the multicast moh command in
telephony-service configuration mode, you can send the MOH audio
stream to two multicast addresses.
• (Optional) port port-number—Media port for multicast. Range is
2000 to 65535. We recommend port 2000 because it is already used
for RTP media transmissions between IP phones and the router.
• (Optional) route ip-address-list—Indicates specific router interfaces
on which to transmit the IP multicast packets. Up to four IPaddresses
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed
Command or Action Purpose
can be listed. Default: The MOH multicast stream is automatically
output on the interfaces that correspond to the address that was
configured with the ip source-address command.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 18
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 28
Step 19
Step 20 multicast-moh (Optional) Enables multicast MOH on a phone. This is the default.
Router(config-ephone)# no
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later
• The no form of this command disables MOH for phones that do not
support multicast. Callers hear a repeating tone when they are placed
on hold.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template
configuration mode. The value set in ephone configuration mode has
priority over the value set in ephone-template mode.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 21
The following example enables MOH from an outgoing call on voice port 1/1/0 and dial peer 7777:
voice-port 1/1/0
operation 4-wire
signal immediate
dial-peer voice 7777 pots
destination-pattern 7777
port 1/1/0
ephone-dn 55
number 5555
moh out-call 7777
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold from a Live Feed
The following example enables MOH from a live feed and if the live feed is not found or fails at any time,
the router falls back to the music file (music-on-hold.au) and multicast address for the audio stream specified
in the telephony-service configuration:
voice-port 0/1/0
operation 4-wire
signal immediate
timeouts call-disconnect 1
description MOH Live Feed
dial-peer voice 7777 pots
destination-pattern 7777
port 0/1/0
max-ephones 24
max-dn 192
ip source-address port 2000
moh music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 2000
ephone-dn 52
number 1
moh out-call 7777
Configure Music on Hold Groups to Support Different Media Sources
Restriction • Media files from live-feed source are not supported.
• Each MOH group must contain a unique flash media file name, extension numbers, and multicast
destination. If you enter any extension ranges, MOH filenames, and multicast IP addresses that
already exist in another MOH-group, an error message is issued and the new input in the current
voice MOH-group is discarded.
• Media file CODEC format is limited to G.711 and G.729.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice moh-group moh-group-tag
4. description string
5. moh filename
6. multicast moh ip-address port port-number route ip-address-list
7. extension-range starting-extension to ending-extension
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold Groups to Support Different Media Sources
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters the voice moh-group configuration mode. You can create
up to five voice moh-groups for ephones receiving music on hold
voice moh-group moh-group-tag
Router(config-telephony)# voice moh-group 1
Step 3
audio files when placed on hold. Range for the voice moh-groups
is 1 to 5.
(Optional) Allows you to add a brief description specific to a voice
MOH group. You can use up to 80 characters to describe the voice
MOH group.
description string
Router(config-voice-moh-group)# description
moh group for sales
Step 4
Enables music on hold using the specified MOH source file. The
MOH file must be in .au and .wav format. MOH filename length
moh filename
Router(config-voice-moh-group)# moh
Step 5
should not exceed 128 characters. You must provide the directory
and filename of the MOH file in URL format. For example: moh
• If you specify a file with this command and later want to use
a different file, you must disable use of the first file with the
no moh command before configuring the second file.
Specifies that this audio stream is to be used for multicast and also
for MOH.
multicast moh ip-address port port-number route
Step 6
Router((config-voice-moh-group)# multicast moh port 16384 route
This command is required to use MOH for internal calls
and it must be configured after MOH is enabled with the
moh command.
• ip-address—Destination IP address for multicast.
• port port-number—Media port for multicast. Range is 2000
to 65535. We recommend port 2000 because it is already used
for normal RTP media transmissions between IP phones and
the router.
Valid port numbers for multicast include even numbers
that range from 16384 to 32767. (The system reserves odd
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold Groups to Support Different Media Sources
Command or Action Purpose
• route—(Optional) List of explicit router interfaces for the IP
multicast packets.
• ip-address-list—(Optional) List of up to four explicit routes
for multicast MOH. The default is that the MOH multicast
stream is automatically output on the interfacesthat correspond
to the address that was configured with the ipsource-address
For MOH on internal calls, packet flow must be enabled
to the subnet on which the phones are located.
(Optional) identifies MOH callers calling the extension numbers
specified in a MOH group. Extension number must be in
extension-range starting-extension to ending-extension
1000 to 1999
Step 7
hexadecimal digits(0-9) or (A-F). Both extension numbers(starting
extension and ending extension) must contain equal number of
digits. Repeat this command to add additional extension ranges.
• starting-extension—(Optional) Lists the starting extension
number for a moh-group.
2000 to 2999
• ending-extension—(Optional) Lists the ending extension
number for a moh-group.
The ending extension number must be greater than or equal
to the starting extension number. Extension-ranges must
not overlap with any other extension-range configured in
any other MOH group.
If extension range is defined and a moh-group is also
defined in an ephone-dn, the ephone-dnparameterstakes
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-moh-group)# end
Step 8
In the following example, totalsix MOH groups are configured. MOH group 1 through 5 are configured under
voice-moh-group configuration mode and MOH group 0 is the MOH source file configured under
router# show voice moh-group
moh alaska.wav
Moh multicast port 16384 route
voice moh-group 1
description this moh group is for sales
moh flash:/hello.au
multicast moh port 16386 route
extension-range 1000 to 1999
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Music on Hold Groups to Support Different Media Sources
extension-range 2000 to 2999
extension-range 3000 to 3999
extension-range A1000 to A1999
voice moh-group 2
description (not configured)
moh flash1:/minuet.au
multicast moh port 2000
extension-range 7000 to 7999
extension-range 8000 to 8999
voice moh-group 3
description This is for marketing
moh flash2:/happy.au
multicast moh port 3000
extension-range 9000 to 9999
voice moh-group 4
description (not configured)
moh flash:/audio/sun.au
multicast moh port 4000
extension-range 10000 to 19999
voice moh-group 5
description (not configured)
moh flash:/flower.wav
multicast moh port 5000
extension-range 0012 to 0024
extension-range 0934 to 0964
=== Total of 6 voice moh-groups ===
Assign a MOH Group to a Directory Number
Restriction • Do not use same extension number for different MOH groups.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
• MOH groups must be configured under global configuration mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn tag
4. number
5. moh-group tag
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Assign a MOH Group to a Directory Number
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
In ephone-dn configuration mode, you assign an extension number using
the number command.
You can also configure a MOH group to an ephone-dn- template for use
across a range of ephone-dns. If two different MOH groups are configured
as a result of this command, the MOH group configured under the
ephone-dn configuration takes precedence.
MOH group configuration for ephone-template-dn configuration
command is temporarily prohibited when any directory number
using that template is on hold.
Allows you to define an extension number and associate this number to
a telephone.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1001
Step 4
Step 5 moh-group tag Allows you to assign a MOH group to a directory number.
moh-group 1
• MOH group tag— identifiesthe unique number assigned to a MOH
group for configuration tasks.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Assign a MOH Group to a Directory Number
In the following example different moh groups are assigned to different directory numbers (ephone-dn) moh
group1 is assigned to ephone-dn 1, moh-group 4 is assigned to ephone-dn 4, and moh-group 5 is assigned to
ephone-dn 5.
ephone-dn 1 octo-line
number 7001
name DN7001
moh-group 1
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 7002
name DN7002
call-forward noan 6001 timeout 4
ephone-dn 3
number 7003
name DN7003
snr 7005 delay 3 timeout 10
allow watch
call-forward noan 8000 timeout 30
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 7004
allow watch
call-forward noan 7001 timeout 10
moh-group 4
ephone-dn 5
number 7005
name DN7005
moh-group 5
Assign a MOH Group to all Internal Calls Only to SCCP Phones
Restriction • Do not use same extension number for different MOH groups.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
• MOH groups must be configured under global configuration mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. internal-call moh-group tag
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Assign a MOH Group to all Internal Calls Only to SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# ephone-dn 1
In ephone-dn configuration mode, you assign an extension number
using the number command.
Step 4 internal-call moh-group tag Allows to assign a MOH-group for all internal directory numbers.
• Moh group tag— identifies the unique number assigned to a
MOH group for configuration tasks, Range for the tag isfrom
0 to 5, where 0 represents MOH configuration in telephony
service. Router(config-telephony)# internal call
moh-group 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
The following examples shows moh-group 4 configured for internal directory calls.
sdspfarm conference mute-on *6 mute-off *8
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 2
sdspfarm tag 1 moto-HW-Conf
moh flash1:/minuet.au
Moh multicast port 16384 route
internal-call moh-group 4
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 110
max-dn 288
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 1
caller-id block code *9999
service phone settingsAccess 1
service phone spanTOPCPort 0
service dss
timeouts transfer-recall 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Assign a MOH Group to all Internal Calls Only to SCCP Phones
Configure Buffer Size for MOH Files
Restriction • MOH file caching is prohibited if live-feed is enabled for MOH-group 0.
• MOH file buffer size must be larger than the MOH file (size) that needs to be cached.
• Sufficient system memory must be available for MOH file caching.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. moh-file-buffer file size
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# ephone-dn 1
In ephone-dn configuration mode, you assign an extension number
using the number command.
(Optional) Allows to set a buffer for the MOH file size. You can
configure a max file buffer size (per file) anywhere between 64 KB
moh-file-buffer file size
moh-file-buffer 2000
Step 4
(8 seconds) to 10000 KB (approximately 20 minutes), Default
moh-file-buffer size is 64 KB (8 seconds).
A large buffer size is desirable to cache the largest MOH file
and a better system performance.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Configure Buffer Size for MOH Files
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
The following examples shows 90 KB as the configured moh-file-buffer size.
sdspfarm conference mute-on *6 mute-off *8
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 2
sdspfarm tag 1 moto-HW-Conf
moh flash1:/minuet.au
Moh multicast port 16384 route
moh-file-buffer 90
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 110
max-dn 288
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 1
caller-id block code *9999
service phone settingsAccess 1
service phone spanTOPCPort 0
service dss
timeouts transfer-recall 12
Verify MOH File Caching
Use the show ephone moh command to verify if the MOH file is being cached.
The following examples shows that the minuet.au music file in MOH group 1 is not cached. Follow steps a through d
to verify the MOH file is being cached.
Router #show ephone moh
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 1)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/minuet.au (not cached) type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast port 2000
a) If the file is not cached as in MOH group 1 in the above example, then check file size in the flash.
Router#dir flash:/minuet.au
Directory of flash:/minuet.au 32 -rw- 1865696 Apr 25 2009 00:47:12 +00:00 moh1.au
b) Under telephony-service, configure “moh-file-buffer ”. Default file size is 64 KB (8 seconds). Make sure
you enter a larger file size to cache large MOH files that you may use in future.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Verify MOH File Caching
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# moh-file-buffer 2000
c) Under voice moh-group , configure “no moh”, and immediately configure “moh ”. This allows
the MOH server to read the file immediately from flash again.
Router(config-telephony)#voice moh-group 1
Router(config-voice-moh-group)#no moh
Router(config-voice-moh-group)#moh flash:/minuet.au
d) Depending on the size of the file, you should see the MOH file caching after a few minutes(approximately, 2 minutes).
Router #show ephone moh
Skinny Music On Hold Status - group 1
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/moh1.au (cached) type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast port 2000
MOH file caching is prohibited under the following conditions: if live feed is configured in moh-group 0,
If file buffer size smaller than file size, or insufficient system memory.
Verify Music on Hold Group Configuration
Step 1 Use the show voice moh-group command to display one or the entire moh-group configuration.
The following example shows allsix MOH groups with extension ranges, MOH files, and multicast destination addresses.
router# show voice moh-group
moh alaska.wav
Moh multicast port 16384 route
voice moh-group 1
description this moh group is for sales
moh flash:/audio?minuet.au
multicast moh port 16386 route
extension-range 1000 to 1999
extension-range 2000 to 2999
extension-range 3000 to 3999
extension-range 20000 to 22000
extension-range A1000 to A1999
voice moh-group 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Verify Music on Hold Group Configuration
description (not configured)
moh flash:/audio/hello.au
multicast moh port 2000
extension-range 7000 to 7999
extension-range 8000 to 8999
voice moh-group 3
description This is for marketing
moh flash:/happy.au
multicast moh port 3000
extension-range 9000 to 9999
voice moh-group 4
description (not configured)
moh flash:/audio/sun.au
multicast moh port 4000
extension-range 10000 to 19999
voice moh-group 5
description (not configured)
moh flash:/flower.wav
multicast moh port 5000
extension-range 0012 to 0024
extension-range 0934 to 0964
=== Total of 6 voice moh-groups ===
Step 2 Use the show ephone moh to display information about the different MOH group configured.
The following example displays information about five different MOH groups.
Router # show ephone moh
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 1)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/minuet.au (not cached) type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast port 2000
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 2)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/audio/hello.au type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 3)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/bells.au type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 4)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/3003.au type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 5)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Verify Music on Hold Group Configuration
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/4004.au type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Step 3 Use the show voice moh-group statistics command to display the MOH subsystem statistics information.
In the following example, the MOH Group Streaming Interval Timing Statistics shows the media packet counts during
streaming intervals. Each packet counter is of 32 bit size and holds a count limit of 4294967296. This means that with
20 milliseconds packet interval (for G.711), the counters will restart from 0 any time after 2.72 years (2 years 8 months).
Use the clear voice moh-group statistics once in every two years to reset the packet counters.
MOH GroupPacket Transmission TimingStatisticsshowsthe maximum and minimum amount of time (in microseconds)
taken by the MOH groups to send out media packets. The MOH Group Loopback Interval Timing Statistics is available
when loopback interface is configured as part of the multicast MOH routes as in the case of SRST. These counts are
loopback packet counts within certain streaming timing intervals.
router# show voice moh-group statistics
MOH Group Streaming Interval Timing Statistics:
Grp# ~19 msec 20~39 40~59 60~99 100~199 200+ msec
==== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
0: 25835 17559966 45148 0 0 1
1: 19766 17572103 39079 0 0 1
2: 32374 17546886 51687 0 0 1
3: 27976 17555681 47289 0 0 1
4: 34346 17542940 53659 0 0 1
5: 14971 17581689 34284 0 0 1
MOH Group Packet Transmission Timing Statistics:
Grp# max(usec) min(usec)
==== ========== ==========
0: 97 7.
1: 95 7.
2: 97 7.
3: 96 7.
4: 94 7.
5: 67 7.
MOH Group Loopback Interval Timing Statistics:
loopback event array: svc_index=1542, free_index=1549, max_q_depth=31
Grp# ~19 msec 20~39 40~59 60~99 100~199 200+ msec
==== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
0: 8918821 8721527 10023 0 1 1
1: 9007373 8635813 7184 0 1 1
2: 8864760 8772851 12758 0 1 1
3: 8924447 8715457 10464 0 1 1
4: 8858393 8778957 13017 0 1 1
5: 9005511 8639936 4919 0 1 1
Statistics collect time: 4 days 2 hours 5 minutes 39 seconds.
Step 4 Use the clear voice moh-group statistics command to clear the display of MOH subsystem statistics information.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Verify Music on Hold Group Configuration
For Example:
router# clear voice moh-group statistics
All moh group stats are cleared
Feature Information for Music on Hold
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 70: Feature Information for Music on Hold
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Music on Hold
Support for configuration of G.711
and G.729 codec format MOH file
on Unified CME is added.
Music on hold from different media
sources is added.
Music on hold for SIP phones is
• Music on hold is introduced
for internal calls.
• The ability to disable
multicast MOH per phone is
The ability to use a live audio feed
as a multicastsource isintroduced.
Music on hold from a live audio
feed is introduced for external
Music on hold from an audio file
is introduced for external calls.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Feature Information for Music on Hold
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Feature Information for Music on Hold
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Music on Hold
Feature Information for Music on Hold
• Restrictions for Paging, page 857
• Information About Paging, page 857
• Configure Paging, page 860
• Configuration Examples for Paging, page 869
• Where to Go Next, page 873
• Feature Information for Paging, page 873
Restrictions for Paging
• Paging is not supported on IP phones without speaker phones.
• Paging is not supported on Cisco Unified 3905 SIP IP phones.
• Paging is only supported on G711ulaw codec.
Information About Paging
Audio Paging
A paging number can be defined to relay audio pages to a group of designated phones. When a caller dials
the paging number (ephone-dn), each idle IP phone that has been configured with the paging number
automatically answers using its speaker-phone mode. Displays on the phones that answer the page show the
caller ID that has been set using the name command under the paging ephone-dn. When the caller finishes
speaking the message and hangs up, the phones are returned to their idle states.
Audio paging provides a one-way voice path to the phones that have been designated to receive paging. It
does not have a press-to-answer option like the intercom feature. A paging group is created using a dummy
ephone-dn, known as the paging ephone-dn, that can be associated with any number of local IP phones. The
paging ephone-dn can be dialed from anywhere, including on-net.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
After you have created two or more simple paging groups, you can unite them into combined paging groups.
By creating combined paging groups, you provide phone users with the flexibility to page a small local paging
group (for example, paging four phones in a store’s jewelry department) or to page a combined set of several
paging groups(for example, by paging a group that consists of both the jewelry department and the accessories
The paging mechanism supports audio distribution using IP multicast, replicated unicast, and a mixture of
both (so that multicast is used where possible, and unicast is used for specific phones that cannot be reached
using multicast).
Figure 35: Paging Group, on page 858 shows a paging group with two phones.
Figure 35: Paging Group
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Audio Paging
Paging Group Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Paging provides a one-way voice path from the paging phone to the paged phone. The paged phone
automatically answers the page in speaker-phone mode with Mute activated.
The paged phone receives a page when it is idle or busy. When it is busy with a connected call, the user of
the paged phone can hear both the active conversation and whisper paging.
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, you can specify a paging-dn tag and dial the paging extension number to page
the Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone associated with the paging-dn tag or paging group using the paging-dn
command in ephone or ephone-template configuration mode. You can also page a combined paging group
composed of two or more previously established paging groups of Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone directory
numbers using the paging group command in ephone-dn configuration mode.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, support is extended so that you can specify a paging-dn tag and
dial the paging extension number to page the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone associated with the paging-dn tag
or paging group using the paging-dn command in voice register pool or voice register template configuration
mode. Paging on Cisco Unified SIP IP phones support both unicast and multicast paging in the same way that
these features are supported on Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, support is also extended so that you can create a combined
paging group composed of two or more previously established paging groups of ephone and voice register
directory numbers using the same paging group command used for paging groups of Cisco Unified SCCP
IP phone directory numbers.
The paging port for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones is an even number from 20480 to 32768. If you enter a
wrong port number, a SIP REFER message request is sent to the IP phone but the Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone is not paged.
With a paging-dn, there is only one paging endpoint and there is only one paging number for both Cisco
Unified SCCP and Cisco Unified SIP IP phones. However, when paging to a Cisco Unified SIP shared line,
each phone on the shared line is treated separately.
A phone that can be paged by two paging-dns receives the page from the first paging-dn and ignores the page
from the second paging-dn. When the first paging-dn is disconnected, the phone can receive the page from
the second paging-dn.
The paging group support for Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones uses an ephone paging-dn to dial the paging number
before branching out to each Cisco Unified SCCP and Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
The show ephone-dn paging command displays which paging-dn is specified and which phone is being
Because paging is not considered a call, a paging phone that is in a connected state can press another line to
make a call using the phone’s softkeys.
The Cisco Unified SIP IP phone Paging feature also supports:
• multicast paging (default)
• unicast paging
For more information, see Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones, on page 864.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Paging Group Support for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Configure Paging
Configure a Simple Paging Group on SCCP Phones
To set up a paging number that relays incoming pages to a group of phones, perform the following steps.
Restriction IP phones do not support multicast at 224.x.x.x addresses.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn paging-dn-tag
4. number number
5. name name
6. paging [ip multicast-address port udp-port-number]
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn paging-dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 42
• paging-dn-tag—A unique sequence number that identifies this paging
ephone-dn during all configuration tasks. This is the ephone-dn that is
dialed to initiate a page. This ephone-dn is not associated with a physical
phone. Range is 1 to 288.
Do not use the dual-line keyword with this command. Paging
ephone-dns cannot be dual-line.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Paging
Command or Action Purpose
Defines an extension number associated with the paging ephone-dn. This is the
number that people call to initiate a page.
number number
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
Step 4
Assigns to the paging number a name to appear in caller-ID displays and
name name
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name
Step 5
Specifies that this ephone-dn is to be used to broadcast paging messages to the
idle IPphonesthat are associated with the paging dn-tag. If the optional keywords
paging [ip multicast-address port
Step 6
and arguments are not used, IP phones are paged individually using IP unicast
Router(config-ephone-dn)# paging
ip port 2000
transmission (to a maximum of ten IP phones). The optional keywords and
arguments are as follows:
• ip multicast-addressport udp-port-number—Specifies multicast broadcast
using the specified IP address and UDP port. When multiple paging
numbers are configured, each paging number must use a unique IP multicast
address. We recommend port 2000 because it is already used for normal
non-multicast RTP media streams between phones and the
Cisco Unified CME router.
IP phones do not support multicast at 224.x.x.x
The correct paging port for the paging-dn of Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones is an even number from 20480 to 32768. If you enter a wrong
port number, a SIP REFER message request is sent to the IP phone but
the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone is not paged.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 7
Configure a Combined Paging Group for SCCP Phones
To set up a combined paging group consisting of two or more simple paging groups, perform the following
Before You Begin
Simple paging groups must be configured. See Configure a Simple Paging Group on SCCP Phones, on page
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure a Combined Paging Group for SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn paging-dn-tag
4. number number
5. name name
6. paging group paging-dn-tag, paging-dn-tag [[,paging-dn-tag]...]
7. exit
8. ephone phone-tag
9. paging-dn paging-dn-tag {multicast | unicast}
10. exit
11. Repeat Step 8 to Step 10 to add additional IP phones to a paging group.
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create a paging number for a combined
paging group.
ephone-dn paging-dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 42
Step 3
• paging-dn-tag—A unique sequence number that identifies this paging
ephone-dn during all configuration tasks. This is the ephone-dn that is
dialed to initiate a page. This ephone-dn is not associated with a physical
phone. Range is 1 to 288.
Do not use the dual-line keyword with this command. Paging
ephone-dns cannot be dual-line.
Defines an extension number associated with the combined group paging
ephone-dn. Thisisthe number that people call to initiate a page to the combined
number number
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure a Combined Paging Group for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Assigns to the combined group paging number a name to appear in
caller-ID displays and directories.
name name
Router(config-ephone-dn)# name
Step 5
Sets the paging directory number for a combined group. This command
combines the individual paging group ephone-dns that you specify into a
paging group paging-dn-tag,
paging-dn-tag [[,paging-dn-tag]...]
Step 6
combined group so that a page can be sent to more than one paging group at a
time. Example:
Router(config-ephone-dn)# paging
group 20,21 • paging-dn-tag—Unique sequence number associated with the paging
number for an individual paging group. Lists the paging-dn-tags of all
the individual groups that you want to include in this combined group,
separated by commas. You can include up to ten paging ephone-dn tags
in this command.
Configure the paging command for all ephone-dns in a paging group
before configuring the paging group command for that group.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 7
Step 8 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode to add IP phones to the paging group.
Router(config)# ephone 2
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number of a phone to receive audio pages
when the paging ephone-dn is called.
Associates this ephone with an ephone-dn tag that is used for a paging
ephone-dn (the number that people call to deliver a page). Note that the paging
ephone-dn tag is not associated with a line button on this ephone.
paging-dn paging-dn-tag {multicast |
Router(config-ephone)# paging-dn
42 multicast
Step 9
The paging mechanism supports audio distribution using IP multicast, replicated
unicast, and a mixture of both (so that multicast is used where possible and
unicast is allowed to specific phones that cannot be reached through multicast).
• paging-dn-tag—Unique sequence number for a paging ephone-dn.
• multicast—(Optional) Multicast paging for groups. By default, paging
is transmitted to the Cisco Unified IP phone using multicast.
• unicast—(Optional) Unicast paging for a single Cisco Unified IPphone.
This keyword indicates that the Cisco Unified IP phone is not capable of
receiving paging through multicast and requests that the phone receive
paging through a unicast transmission directed to the individual phone.
The number of phones supported through unicast is limited to a
maximum of ten phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure a Combined Paging Group for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 10
Repeat Step 8 to Step 10 to add —
additional IPphones to a paging group.
Step 11
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 12
Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones
Note • Paging Group is supported in Cisco Unified CME but not in Cisco Unified SRST.
• Paging is not supported on Cisco Unified 3905 SIP IP phones.
• Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones do not support whisper paging. Only idle IP phones can receive
paging requests.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. paging [ip multicast-address port udp-port-number]
6. Repeat Step 3 to Step 5 to add more Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones to the paging group. Skip Step 7 for
each IP phone except for the last one.
7. paging group paging-dn-tag, paging-dn-tag
8. exit
9. voice register dn dn-tag
10. number number
11. exit
12. Repeat Step 9 to Step 11 to associate more telephone or extension numbers with Cisco Unified SIP IP
13. voice register pool pool-tag
14. id mac address
15. type phone-type
16. number tag dn dn-tag
17. paging-dn paging-dn-tag
18. RepeatStep 13 toStep 17 to register additional Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones to ephone-dn paging directory
numbers. Exit from voice register pool configuration mode after each additional phone is registered. After
the last phone is added, go directly to Step 19.
19. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20
• dn-tag—Unique number that identifies an ephone-dn during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the number set by the max-dn
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 4 number number Associates a telephone or extension number with this ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2000
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. Normally, the string is composed of digits, but
the string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is
dialed only by the router, as with an intercom number. One or more
periods (.) can be used as wildcard characters.
Defines an extension (ephone-dn) as a paging extension that can be called
to broadcast an audio page to a set of Cisco Unified IP phones.
paging [ip multicast-address port
Step 5
Router(config-ephone-dn)# paging ip port 20480
• ip multicast-address—(Optional) Uses an IP multicast address to
multicast voice packets for audio paging; for example,
IP phones do not support multicast at 224.x.x.x addresses.
Default is that multicast is not used and IP phones are paged
individually using IP unicast transmission (up to ten phones).
• port udp-port-number—(Optional) Uses this UDP port for the
multicast. Range: 2000 to 65535.
If any of the paged phones is a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone, the
correct paging port for the paging-dn is an even number from
20480 to 32768. If you enter a wrong port number, aSIP REFER
message request is sent to the IP phone but the Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone is not paged.
Repeat Step 3 to Step 5 to add more Cisco —
UnifiedSCCPIPphonesto the paging group.
Step 6
Skip Step 7 for each IP phone except for the
last one.
Creates a combined paging group from two or more previously
established paging sets.
paging group paging-dn-tag, paging-dn-tag
Router(config-ephone-dn)# paging group
Step 7
• paging-dn-tag—Comma-separated list of paging-dn-tagsthat have
previously been associated with the paging extension of a paging
set using the paging-dn command. You can include up to ten
paging-dn-tags separated by commas; for example, 4, 6, 7, 8.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 8
Step 9 voice register dn dn-tag Enters voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies a particular
directory number during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 150 or
the maximum defined by the max-dn command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Associates a telephone or extension number with a Cisco Unified SIP
IP phone in a Cisco Unified CME system.
number number
Router(config-register-dn)# number 1201
Step 10
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. Normally, the string is composed of digits, but
the string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is
dialed only by the router, as with an intercom number.
exit Exits voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# exit
Step 11
Repeat Step 9 to Step 11 to associate more —
telephone or extension numbers with Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones.
Step 12
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool
configuration for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Step 13
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range: 1 to 100.
For Cisco Unified CME systems, the upper limit for this
argument is defined by the max-pool command.
Step 14 id mac address identifies a locally available Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# id mac
• mac address—identifies the MAC address of a particular Cisco
Unified SIP IP phone.
Step 15 type phone-type Defines a phone type for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# type 7961
• phone-type—Type of Cisco Unified SIP IP phone that is being
Indicates the E.164 phone numbers that the registrar permits to handle
the Register message from the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
number tag dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# number
1 dn 1
Step 16
• tag—identifies the telephone number when there are multiple
number commands. Range: 1 to 10.
• dn dn-tag—identifies the directory number tag for this phone
number as defined by the voice register dn command. Range: 1
to 150.
Registers a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone to an ephone-dn paging directory
paging-dn paging-dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# paging-dn
Step 17
• paging-dn-tag—Ephone-dn tag designated asthe paging ephone-dn
to which a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone is registered.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Paging Group Support for SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Repeat Step 13 to Step 17 to register —
additional Cisco Unified SIP IP phones to
Step 18
ephone-dn paging directory numbers. Exit
from voice register pool configuration mode
after each additional phone isregistered. After
the last phone is added, go directly toStep 19.
Exits voice register pool configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 19
Troubleshooting Tips
Use the debug ephone paging command to collect debugging information on paging for both Cisco Unified
SIP IP and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones.
Verify Paging
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to display the running configuration. Paging ephone-dns are listed in the
ephone-dn portion of the output. Phones that belong to paging groups are listed in the ephone part of the output.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 48
number 136
name PagingCashiers
paging ip port 2000
ephone 2
headset auto-answer line 1
headset auto-answer line 4
ephone-template 1
username "FrontCashier"
mac-address 011F.2A0.A490
paging-dn 48
type 7960
no dnd feature-ring
no auto-line
button 1f43 2f44 3f45 4:31
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn and show telephony-service ephone commands to display only the
configuration information for ephone-dns and ephones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Verify Paging
Configuration Examples for Paging
Example for Configuring Simple Paging Group
The following example sets up an ephone-dn for multicast paging. This example creates a paging number for
5001 on ephone-dn 22 and adds ephone 4 as a member of the paging set. Multicast is set for the paging-dn.
ephone-dn 22
name Paging Shipping
number 5001
paging ip port 2000
ephone 4
mac-address 0030.94c3.8724
button 1:1 2:2
paging-dn 22 multicast
In this example, paging calls to 2000 are multicast to Cisco Unified IP phones 1 and 2, and paging calls to
2001 go to Cisco Unified IP phones 3 and 4. Note that the paging ephone-dns (20 and 21) are not assigned to
any phone buttons.
ephone-dn 20
number 2000
paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn 21
number 2001
paging ip port 2000
ephone 1
mac-address 3662.024.6ae2
button 1:1
paging-dn 20
ephone 2
mac-address 9387.678.2873
button 1:2
paging-dn 20
ephone 3
mac-address 0478.2a78.8640
button 1:3
paging-dn 21
ephone 4
mac-address 4398.b694.456
button 1:4
paging-dn 21
Example for Configuring Combined Paging Groups
This example sets the following paging behavior:
• When extension 2000 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 1 and 2 (single paging group).
• When extension 2001 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 3 and 4 (single paging group).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Paging
• When extension 2002 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (combined paging group).
Ephones 1 and 2 are included in paging ephone-dn 22 through the membership of ephone-dn 20 in the combined
paging group. Ephones 3 and 4 are included in paging ephone-dn 22 through membership of ephone-dn 21
in the combined paging group. Ephone 5 is directly subscribed to paging-dn 22.
ephone-dn 20
number 2000
paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn 21
number 2001
paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn 22
number 2002
paging ip port 2000
paging group 20,21
ephone-dn 6
number 1103
name user3
ephone-dn 7
number 1104
name user4
ephone-dn 8
number 1105
name user5
ephone-dn 9
number 1199
ephone-dn 10
number 1198
ephone 1
mac-address 1234.8903.2941
button 1:6
paging-dn 20
ephone 2
mac-address CFBA.321B.96FA
button 1:7
paging-dn 20
ephone 3
mac-address CFBB.3232.9611
button 1:8
paging-dn 21
ephone 4
mac-address 3928.3012.EE89
button 1:9
paging-dn 21
ephone 5
mac-address BB93.9345.0031
button 1:10
paging-dn 22
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring Combined Paging Groups
Example for Configuring a Combined Paging Group of Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
The following example shows how to configure a combined paging group composed of Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones.
In the following configuration tasks, paging sets 20 and 21 are defined and then combined into paging group
22. Paging set 20 has a paging extension of 2000. When someone dials extension 2000 to deliver a page, the
page is sent to Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones (ephones) 1 and 2. Paging set 21 has a paging extension of
2001. When someone dials extension 2001 to deliver a page, the page is sent to ephones 3 and 4.Paging group
22 combines sets 20 and 21, and when someone dials its paging extension, 2002, the page is sent to all the
phones in both sets and to ephone 5, which is directly subscribed to the combined paging group.
ephone-dn 20
number 2000
paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn 21
number 2001
paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn 22
number 2002
paging ip port 2000
paging group 20,21
ephone 1
button 1:1
paging-dn 20
ephone 2
button 1:2
paging-dn 20
ephone 3
button 1:3
paging-dn 21
ephone 4
button 1:4
paging-dn 21
ephone 5
button 1:5
paging-dn 22
The following configuration tasksshow how to configure a combined paging group composed of Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phone directory numbers only.
When extension 2000 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 1 and 2 (first single paging group). When extension
2001 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 3 and 4 (second single paging group). Finally, when extension 2002
is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, producing the combined paging group (composed of the
first single paging group, the second single paging group, and ephone 5).
Ephones 1 and 2 are included in paging ephone-dn 22 through the membership of ephone-dn 20 as paging
group 20 in the combined paging group. Ephones 3 and 4 are included in paging ephone-dn 22 through
membership of ephone-dn 21 as paging group 21 in the combined paging group. Ephone 5 is directly subscribed
to paging-dn 22.
ephone-dn 20
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring a Combined Paging Group of Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
number 2000
paging ip port 20480
ephone-dn 21
number 2001
paging ip port 20480
ephone-dn 22
number 2002
paging ip port 20480
paging group 20,21
ephone-dn 6
number 1103
ephone-dn 7
number 1104
ephone-dn 8
number 1105
ephone-dn 9
number 1199
ephone-dn 10
number 1198
ephone 1
mac-address 1234.8903.2941
button 1:6
paging-dn 20
ephone 2
mac-address CFBA.321B.96FA
button 1:7
paging-dn 20
ephone 3
mac-address CFBB.3232.9611
button 1:8
paging-dn 21
ephone 4
mac-address 3928.3012.EE89
button 1:9
paging-dn 21
ephone 5
mac-address BB93.9345.0031
button 1:10
paging-dn 22
In the following configuration tasks, thepaging groupcommand is used to configure combined paging groups
composed of ephone and voice register directory numbers.
When extension 2000 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 1 and 2 and voice register pools 1 and 2 (new first
single paging group). When extension 2001 is dialed, a page is sent to ephones 3 and 4 and voice register
pools 3 and 4 (new second single paging group). Finally, when extension 2002 is dialed, a page is sent to
ephones 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and voice register pools 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (new combined paging group).
Ephones 1 and 2 and voice register pools 1 and 2 are included in paging ephone-dn 22 through the membership
of ephone-dn 20 as paging group 20 in the combined paging group. Ephones 3 and 4 and voice register pools
3 and 4 are included in paging ephone-dn 22 through membership of ephone-dn 21 as paging group 21 in the
combined paging group. Ephone 5 and voice register pool 5 are directly subscribed to paging-dn 22.
voice register dn 1
number 1201
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Configuring a Combined Paging Group of Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
voice register dn 2
number 1202
voice register dn 3
number 1203
voice register dn 4
number 1204
voice register dn 5
number 1205
voice register pool 1
id mac 0019.305D.82B8
type 7961
number 1 dn 1
paging-dn 20
voice register pool 2
id mac 0019.305D.2153
type 7961
number 1 dn 2
paging-dn 20
voice register pool 3
id mac 1C17.D336.58DB
type 7961
number 1 dn 3
paging-dn 21
voice register pool 4
id mac 0017.9437.8A60
type 7961
number 1 dn 4
paging-dn 21
voice register pool 5
id mac 0016.460D.E469
type 7961
number 1 dn 5
paging-dn 22
Where to Go Next
The intercom feature is similar to paging because it allows a phone user to deliver an audio message to a
phone without the called party having to answer. The intercom feature is different than paging because the
audio path between the caller and the called party is a dedicated audio path and because the called party can
respond to the caller. See Intercom Lines, on page 783.
Speed Dial
Phone users who make frequent pages may want to include the paging ephone-dn numbers in their list of
speed-dial numbers. See Speed Dial, on page 965.
Feature Information for Paging
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Where to Go Next
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 71: Feature Information for Paging
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Paging 2.0 Paging was introduced.
Allows you to specify a paging-dn
tag and dial the paging extension
number to page the Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone associated with the
paging-dn tag or paging group
using the paging-dn command in
voice register pool or voice register
template configuration mode.
Paging Group Support for Cisco 9.0
Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Paging
Presence Service
• Prerequisites for Presence Service, page 875
• Restrictions for Presence Service, page 875
• Information About Presence Service, page 875
• Configure Presence Service, page 879
• Configuration Examples for Presence Service, page 893
• Feature Information for Presence Service, page 896
Prerequisites for Presence Service
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
Restrictions for Presence Service
• Presence features such as Busy Lamp Field (BLF) notification are supported for SIP trunks only; these
features are not supported on H.323 trunks.
• Presence requiresthatSIPphones are configured with a directory number (usingdnkeyword innumber
command); direct line numbers are not supported.
Information About Presence Service
Presence Service
A presence service, as defined in RFC 2778 and RFC 2779, is a system for finding, retrieving, and distributing
presence information from a source, called a presence entity (presentity), to an interested party called a watcher.
When you configure presence in a Cisco Unified CME system with a SIP WAN connection, a phone user, or
watcher, can monitor the real-time status of another user at a directory number, the presentity.Presence enables
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
the calling party to know before dialing whether the called party is available. For example, a directory
application may show that a user is busy, saving the caller the time and inconvenience of not being able to
reach someone.
Presence usesSIPSUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY methodsto allow users and applicationsto subscribe to changes
in the line status of phonesin a Cisco Unified CME system.Phones act as watchers and a presentity isidentified
by a directory number on a phone. Watchers initiate presence requests (SUBSCRIBE messages) to obtain the
line status of a presentity. Cisco Unified CME responds with the presentity’sstatus. Each time a status changes
for a presentity, all watchers of this presentity are sent a notification message. SIP phones and trunks use SIP
messages; SCCP phones use presence primitives in SCCP messages.
Presence supports Busy Lamp Field (BLF) notification features for speed-dial buttons and directory call lists
for missed calls, placed calls, and received calls. SIP and SCCP phones that support the BLF speed-dial and
BLF call-list features can subscribe to status change notification for internal and external directory numbers.
Figure 36: BLF Notification UsingPresence shows a Cisco Unified CME system supporting BLFnotification
for internal and external directory numbers. If the watcher and the presentity are not both internal to the
Cisco Unified CME router, the subscribe message is handled by a presence proxy server.
Figure 36: BLF Notification Using Presence
The following line states display through BLF indicators on the phone:
• Line is idle—Displays when this line is not being used.
• Line is in-use—Displays when the line is in the ringing state and when a user is on the line, whether or
not this line can accept a new call.
• BLF indicator unknown—Phone is unregistered or this line is not allowed to be watched.
Cisco Unified CME acts as a presence agent for internal lines (both SIP and SCCP) and as a presence server
for external watchers connected through a SIP trunk, providing the following functionality:
• Processes SUBSCRIBE requests from internal lines to internal lines. Notifies internal subscribers of
any status change.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Presence Service
• Processes incoming SUBSCRIBE requests from a SIP trunk for internal SCCP and SIP lines. Notifies
external subscribers of any status change.
• Sends SUBSCRIBE requests to external presentities on behalf of internal lines. Relays status responses
to internal lines.
Presence subscription requests from SIP trunks can be authenticated and authorized. Local subscription
requests cannot be authenticated.
For configuration information, see Configure Presence Service.
BLF Monitoring of Ephone-DNs with DnD, Call Park, Paging, and Conferencing
In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.1, BLF monitoring does not provide notification ofstatus changes
when a monitored directory number becomes DND-enabled, and the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) indicators for
directory numbers configured as call-park slots, paging numbers, or ad hoc or meet-me conference numbers
display only the unknown line-status.
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versionssupport idle, in-use, and unknown BLFstatusindicatorsfor monitored
ephone-dns configured as call-park slots, paging numbers, and ad hoc or meet-me conference numbers. This
allows an administrator (watcher) to monitor a call-park slot to see if calls are parked and not yet retrieved,
which paging number is available for paging, or which conference number is available for a conference.
An ephone-dn configured as a park-slot is not registered with any phone. In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
versions, if a monitored park-slot is idle, the BLF status shows idle on the watcher. If there is a call parked
on the monitored park-slot, the BLF status indicates in-use. If the monitored park-slot is not enabled for BLF
monitoring with the allow watch command, the BLF indicator for unknown status displays on the watcher.
An ephone-dn configured for paging or conferencing is also not registered with any phone. The indicators for
the idle, in-use, and unknown BLFstatus are displayed for the monitored paging number and ad hoc or meet-me
conference numbers, as with the call-park slots.
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions support the Do Not Disturb (DnD) BLF status indicator for
ephone-dns in the DnD state. When a user presses the DnD softkey on an SCCP phone, all directory numbers
assigned to the phone become DnD-enabled and a silent-ring is played for all calls to any directory number
on the phone. If a monitored ephone-dn becomes DnD-enabled, the corresponding BLF speed-dial lamp (if
available) on the watcher displays solid red with the DnD icon for both the idle and in-use BLF status.
The BLF status notification occurs if the monitored ephone-dn is:
• The primary directory number on only one SCCP phone
• A directory number that is not shared
• A shared directory number and all associated phones are DnD-enabled
No new configuration is required to support these enhancements. For information on configuring BLF
monitoring of directory numbers,see Enable BLF Monitor forSpeed-Dials and Call Lists UsingSCCPPhones.
Table 72: Feature Comparison of Directory Number BLF Monitoring compares the different BLF monitoring
features that can be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
BLF Monitoring of Ephone-DNs with DnD, Call Park, Paging, and Conferencing
Table 72: Feature Comparison of Directory Number BLF Monitoring
Monitor Mode (Button “m”) Watch Mode (Button “w”) BLF Monitoring
Basic Operation
SCCP and SIP phones.
Watches all ephone-dn instances
with the same (primary) extension
number. The BLFlamp is on if any
instance of the monitored extension
is in use.
Indicates DND state of the phone.
SCCP phones only.
Watches all activity on the phone
for which the designated ephone-dn
is the primary extension.
(The ephone-dn is “primary” for a
phone if the extension appears on
button 1 or on the button indicated
by the auto-line command.)
Ephone-dn can be shared but
cannot be the primary extension on
any other phone.
Indicates DND state of the phone.
SCCP phones only.
Watches a single ephone-dn
If there are multiple ephone-dns
with the same extension (such as
in an overlay), this mode watches
only a single ephone-dn (specified
with thebuttoncommand using m
Does not indicate DND state of the
Shared Lines
Cannot distinguish which phone is
using the ephone-dn, if the DN is
shared across multiple phones.
Designed for cases where
ephone-dns are shared across
multiple phones.
Each phone must have a unique
primary ephone-dn.
Used to indicate that a specific
phone is in use as opposed (button
m) to indicating that a specific
ephone-dn is in use.
Can not distinguish which phone
is using the ephone-dn if the DN is
shared across multiple phones.
Local vs. Remote
Can monitor extension numbers on
a remote Cisco Unified CME using
SIP Subscribe and Notify. Cannot
monitor local and remote at the
same time.
Can only monitor DNs that are on
the local Cisco Unified CME
Monitors only DNs on the local
Cisco Unified CME system.
Device-Based BLF Monitoring
Device-based BLF monitoring provides a phone user or administrator (watcher) information about the status
of a monitored phone (presentity). Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions support BLF monitoring of
directory numbers associated with speed-dial buttons, call logs, and directory listings. Cisco Unified CME 7.1
and later versions support device-based BLF monitoring, allowing a watcher to monitor the status of a phone,
not only a line on the phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Device-Based BLF Monitoring
To identify the phone being monitored for BLFstatus, Cisco Unified CME selectsthe phone with the monitored
directory number assigned to the first button, or the directory number whose button isselected by the auto-line
command (SCCP only). If more than one phone uses the same number as its primary directory number, the
phone with the lowest phone tag is monitored for BLF status.
For Extension Mobility phones, the first number configured in the user profile indicates the primary directory
number of the Extension Mobility phone. If the Extension Mobility phone is being monitored, the BLF status
of the corresponding phone is sent to the watcher when an extension-mobility user logs in or out, is idle, or
If a shared directory number is busy on a monitored SCCP phone, and the monitored device is on-hook, the
monitored phone is considered idle.
When a monitored phone receives a page, if the paging directory number is also monitored, the BLF status
of the paging directory number shows busy on the watcher.
If device-based monitoring is enabled on a directory number configured as a call-park slot, and there is a call
parked on this park-slot, the device-based BLF status indicates busy.
All directory numbers associated with a phone are in the DnD state when the DnD softkey is pressed. If a
monitored phone becomes DnD-enabled, watchers are notified of the DnD status change.
For configuration information, see Enable BLF Monitor for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones
or Enable BLF Monitoring for Speed-Dials and Call Lists on SIP Phones.
Phone User Interface for BLF-Speed-Dial
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions allows the extension mobility (EM) users to configure dn-based
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)-speed-dial settings directly on the phone through the services feature button.
BLF-speed-dial settings are added or modified (changed or deleted) on the phone using a menu available with
the Services button. Any changes to the BLF-speed-dial settings made through the phone user interface are
applied to the user's profile in extension mobility. You can configure the BLF-speed-dial menu for SCCP
phones using the blf-speed-dial command in ephone or ephone-template mode. For more information, see
Enable BLF-Speed-Dial Menu.
For information on how phone users configure BLF-speed-dial using the phone user-interface, see the Cisco
Unified IP Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME .
For phones that do not have EM feature, the BLF-speed-dial service is available in service url page. You can
disable the BLF-speed- dial feature using the no phone-ui blf-speed-dial command on phones that do not
have Extension Mobility.
Configure Presence Service
Enable Presence for Internal Lines
Perform the following steps to enable the router to accept incoming presence requests from internal watchers
and SIP trunks.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Phone User Interface for BLF-Speed-Dial
Restriction • A presentity can be identified by a directory number only.
• BLF monitoring indicates the line status only.
• Instant Messaging is not supported.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sip-ua
4. presence enable
5. exit
6. presence
7. max-subscription number
8. presence call-list
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
sip-ua EntersSIPuser-agent configuration mode to configure the user agent.
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 3
presence enable Allows the router to accept incoming presence requests.
Router(config-sip-ua)# presence enable
Step 4
exit Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable Presence for Internal Lines
Command or Action Purpose
presence Enables presence service and enters presence configuration mode.
Router(config)# presence
Step 6
(Optional) Sets the maximum number of concurrent watch sessions
that are allowed.
max-subscription number
max-subscription 128
Step 7
• number—Maximum watch sessions. Range: 100 to the maximum
number of directory numbers supported on the router platform.
Type ? to display range. Default: 100.
Globally enables BLF monitoring for directory numbers in call lists
and directories on all locally registered phones.
presence call-list
Router(config-presence)# presence
Step 8
• Only directory numbers that you enable for watching with the
allow watch command display BLF status indicators.
• This command enables the BLF call-list feature globally. To
enable the feature for a specific phone, see Enable BLF Monitor
for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-presence)# end
Step 9
Enable a Directory Number to be Watched
To enable a line associated with a directory number to be monitored by a phone registered to a
Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following steps. The line is enabled as a presentity and phones can
subscribe to its line status through the BLF call-list and BLF speed-dial features. There is no restriction on
the type of phone that can have its lines monitored; any line on any IP phone or on an analog phone on
supported voice gateways can be a presentity.
Restriction • A presentity is identified by a directory number only.
• BLF monitoring indicates the line status only.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable a Directory Number to be Watched
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line] or voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. allow watch
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters the configuration mode to define a directory number for an IP
phone, intercom line, voice port, or a message-waiting indicator (MWI).
ephone-dndn-tag [dual-line] or voice register
dn dn-tag
Step 3
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
• dn-tag—identifies a particular directory number during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the maximum number of
directory numbers allowed on the router platform, or the or
Router(config)# voice register dn 1 maximum defined by the max-dn command. Type ? to display
Associates a phone number with a directory number to be assigned to
an IP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
number number
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 3001
Step 4
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. or
Router(config-register-dn)# number 3001
Allows the phone line associated with this directory number to be
monitored by a watcher in a presence service.
allow watch
Router(config-ephone-dn)# allow watch
Step 5
• This command can also be configured in ephone-dn template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The or
Router(config-register-dn)# allow watch ephone-dn configuration has priority over the ephone-dn template
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable a Directory Number to be Watched
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Enable BLF Monitor for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones
A watcher can monitor the status of lines associated with internal and external directory numbers (presentities)
through the BLF speed-dial and BLF call-list presence features. To enable the BLF notification features on
an IP phone using SCCP, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Device-based BLF monitoring for call lists is not supported.
• Device-based BLF-speed-dial monitoring is not supported for a remote watcher or presentity.
BLF Call-List
• Not supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7906, 7911, 7912, 7931, 7940, 7960, or 7985,
Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Modules, or Cisco Unified IP Conference Stations.
BLF Speed-Dial
• Not supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7906, 7911, 7912, or 7985, or Cisco Unified IP
Conference Stations.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931
• BLF status is displayed through monitor lamp only; BLF status icons are not displayed.
Before You Begin
• Presence must be enabled on the Cisco Unified CME router. See Enable Presence for Internal Lines.
• A directory number must be enabled as a presentity with the allow watch command to provide BLF
status notification. See Enable a Directory Number to be Watched.
• Device-based monitoring requires Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version. All directory numbers
associated with the monitored phone must be configured with the allow watch command. Otherwise,
if any of the directory numbers is missing this configuration, an incorrect status could be reported to the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable BLF Monitor for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. button button-number {separator} dn-tag [,dn-tag...] [button-number{x}overlay-button-number]
5. blf-speed-dial tag number label string [device]
6. presence call-list
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters for aSIP
ephone phone-tag
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 3
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number of the phone to be configured.
Range is version and platform-dependent; type ? to display range. You
can modify the upper limit for this argument with the max-ephones
Associates a button number and line characteristics with a directory number
on the phone.
button button-number {separator} dn-tag
Step 4
• button-number—Number of a line button on an IP phone.
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:10
2:11 3b12 4o13,14,15
• separator—Single character that denotes the type of characteristics to
be associated with the button.
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number of the ephone-dn that you want to
appear on this button. For overlay lines (separator is o orc), this
argument can contain up to 25 ephone-dn tags, separated by commas.
• x—Separator that creates an overlay rollover button.
• overlay-button-number—Number of the overlay button that should
overflow to this button.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable BLF Monitor for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enables BLF monitoring of a directory number associated with a speed-dial
number on the phone.
blf-speed-dial tag number label string
Step 5
Router(config-ephone)# blf-speed-dial
3 3001 label sales device
• tag—Number that identifies the speed-dial index. Range: 1 to 33.
• number—Telephone number to speed dial.
• string—Alphanumeric label that identifiesthe speed-dial button.String
can contain a maximum of 30 characters.
• device—(Optional) Enables phone-based monitoring. This keyword is
supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
Enables BLF monitoring of directory numbers that appear in call lists and
directories on this phone.
presence call-list
Router(config-ephone)# presence
Step 6
• For a directory number to be monitored, it must have the allow watch
command enabled.
• To enable BLF monitoring for call lists on all phones in this
Cisco Unified CME system, use this command in presence mode. See
Enable Presence for Internal Lines, on page 879.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 7
The following example shows that the directory numbers for extensions 2001 and 2003 are allowed to be
watched and the BLF status of these numbers display on phone 1.
ephone-dn 201
number 2001
allow watch
ephone-dn 203
number 2003
allow watch
ephone 1
mac-address 0012.7F54.EDC6
blf-speed-dial 2 201 label "sales" device
blf-speed-dial 3 203 label "service" device
button 1:100 2:101 3b102
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
profile by using the create cnf-files command and then restart the phones with the restart command. See
Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones and Use the restart Command on SCCP Phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable BLF Monitor for Speed-Dials and Call Lists Using SCCP Phones
Enable BLF Monitoring for Speed-Dials and Call Lists on SIP Phones
A watcher can monitor the status of lines associated with internal and external directory numbers (presentities)
through the BLF speed-dial and BLF call-list presence features. To enable the BLF notification features on a
SIP phone, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Device-based BLF-speed-dial monitoring is not supported for a remote watcher or presentity.
• TCP based, device-based BLF-speed-dial monitoring is not supported on Unified CME.
BLF Call-List
• Not supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7906, 7911, 7912, 7931, 7940, 7960, or 7985,
Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Modules, or Cisco Unified IP Conference Stations.
BLF Speed-Dial
• Not supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7906, 7911, 7912, or 7985, or Cisco Unified IP
Conference Stations.
Before You Begin
• Presence must be enabled on the Cisco Unified CME router. See Enable Presence for Internal Lines.
• A directory number must be enabled as a presentity with the allow watch command to provide BLF
status notification. See Enable a Directory Number to be Watched.
• SIP phones must be configured with a directory number under voice register pool configuration mode
(use dn keyword in number command); direct line numbers are not supported.
• Device-based monitoring requires Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version. All directory numbers
associated with the monitored phone must be configured with the allow watch command. Otherwise,
if any of the directory numbers is missing this configuration, an incorrect status could be reported to the
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. number tag dn dn-tag
5. blf-speed-dial tag number label string [device]
6. presence call-list
7. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable BLF Monitoring for Speed-Dials and Call Lists on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool
Step 3
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number of theSIPphone to be configured.
Range is version and platform-dependent; type ? to display range. You
can modify the upper limit for this argument with the max-pool
Step 4 number tag dn dn-tag Assigns a directory number to the SIP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# number
1 dn 2
• tag—identifier when there are multiple number commands. Range: 1
to 10.
• dn-tag—Directory number tag that was defined using the voice register
dn command.
Enables BLF monitoring of a directory number associated with a speed-dial
number on the phone.
blf-speed-dial tag number label string
Step 5
blf-speed-dial 3 3001 label sales
• tag—Number that identifies the speed-dial index. Range: 1 to 7.
• number—Telephone number to speed dial.
• string—Alphanumeric label that identifies the speed-dial button. The
string can contain a maximum of 30 characters.
• device—(Optional) Enables phone-based monitoring. This keyword
is supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
Enables BLF monitoring of directory numbers that appear in call lists and
directories on this phone.
presence call-list
presence call-list
Step 6
• For a directory number to be monitored, it must have the allow watch
command enabled.
• To enable BLF monitoring for call lists on all phones in this
Cisco Unified CME system, use this command in presence mode. See
Enable Presence for Internal Lines.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable BLF Monitoring for Speed-Dials and Call Lists on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 7
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
profile by using the create profile command and then restart the phones with the restart command. See
Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones and Use the restart Command on SIP Phones.
Enable BLF-Speed-Dial Menu
Restriction • EM user cannot modify the logout profile from phone user interface (UI).
• Extension Mobility (EM) users must log into EM profile to update BLF-speed-dial number.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. blf-speed-dial [index index number] [phone-number number] [label label text]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Enable BLF-Speed-Dial Menu
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 10
• phone-tag—Unique number of the phone for which you
want to configure BLF-speed-dial numbers.
blf-speed-dial [index index number] Creates an entry for a BLF-speed-dial number on this phone.
[phone-number number] [label label text]
Step 4
• BLF-speed-dial index—Unique identifier to identify this
entry during configuration. Range is 1 to 75.
Router(config-ephone)#blf-speed-dial 1 2001
label "customer support"
• phone number—Telephone number or extension to be
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Configure Presence to Watch External Lines
To enable internal watchers to monitor external directory numbers on a remote Cisco Unified CME router,
perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Presence service must be enabled for internal lines. See Enable Presence for Internal Lines.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Configure Presence to Watch External Lines
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. presence
4. server ip-address
5. allow subscribe
6. watcher all
7. sccp blf-speed-dial retry-interval seconds limit number
8. exit
9. voice register global
10. authenticate presence
11. authenticate credential tag location
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
presence Enables presence service and enters presence configuration mode.
Router(config)# presence
Step 3
Specifies the IPaddress of a presence server for sending presence
requests from internal watchers to external presentities.
server ip-address
Router(config-presence)# server
Step 4
allow subscribe Allows internal watchers to monitor external directory numbers.
Router(config-presence)# allow subscribe
Step 5
watcher all Allows external watchers to monitor internal directory numbers.
Router(config-presence)# watcher all
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Configure Presence to Watch External Lines
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional)Setsthe retry timeout for BLF monitoring ofspeed-dial
numbers on phones running SCCP.
sccp blf-speed-dial retry-interval seconds limit
Step 7
Router(config-presence)# sccp
blf-speed-dial retry-interval 90 limit
number 15
• seconds—Retry timeout in seconds. Range: 60 to 3600.
Default: 60.
• number—Maximum number of retries. Range: 10 to 100.
Default: 10.
exit Exits presence configuration mode.
Router(config-presence)# exit
Step 8
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set global
parameters for all supportedSIPphones in a Cisco Unified CME
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 9
(Optional) Enables authentication of incoming presence requests
from a remote presence server.
authenticate presence
authenticate presence
Step 10
(Optional) Specifies the credential file to use for authenticating
presence subscription requests.
authenticate credential tag location
authenticate credential 1 flash:cred1.csv
Step 11
• tag—Number that identifies the credential file to use for
presence authentication. Range: 1 to 5.
• location—Name and location of the credential file in URL
format. Valid storage locations are TFTP, HTTP, and flash
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 12
Verify Presence Configuration
Step 1 show running-config
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Verify Presence Configuration
Use this command to verify your configuration.
Router# show running-config
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
load 7971 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7970 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7961GE SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7961 SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
authenticate presence
authenticate credential 1 tftp://
create profile sync 0004550081249644
sccp blf-speed-dial retry-interval 70 limit 20
presence call-list
max-subscription 128
watcher all
allow subscribe
presence enable
Step 2 show presence global
Use this command to display presence configuration settings.
Router# show presence global
Presence Global Configuration Information:
Presence feature enable : TRUE
Presence allow external watchers : FALSE
Presence max subscription allowed : 100
Presence number of subscriptions : 0
Presence allow external subscribe : FALSE
Presence call list enable : TRUE
Presence server IP address :
Presence sccp blfsd retry interval : 60
Presence sccp blfsd retry limit : 10
Presence router mode : CME mode
Step 3 show presence subscription [details |presentity telephone-number | subid subscription-id summary]
Use this command to display information about active presence subscriptions.
Router# show presence subscription summary
Presence Active Subscription Records Summary: 15 subscription
Watcher Presentity SubID Expires SibID Status
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Verify Presence Configuration
======================== ======================== ====== ======= ====== ======
6002@ 6005@ 1 3600 0 idle
6005@ 6002@ 6 3600 0 idle
6005@ 6003@ 8 3600 0 idle
6005@ 6002@ 9 3600 0 idle
6005@ 6003@ 10 3600 0 idle
6005@ 6001@ 12 3600 0 idle
6001@ 6003@ 15 3600 0 idle
6001@ 6002@ 17 3600 0 idle
6003@ 6003@ 19 3600 0 idle
6003@ 6002@ 21 3600 0 idle
6003@ 5001@ 23 3600 24 idle
6002@ 6003@ 121 3600 0 idle
6002@ 5002@ 128 3600 129 idle
6005@ 1001@ 130 3600 131 busy
6005@ 7005@ 132 3600 133 idle
Troubleshooting Presence Service
You can use the following commands to troubleshoot presence service:
• debug presence {all | asnl |errors | event | info | timer | trace | xml}
• debug ephone blf [mac-address mac-address]
Configuration Examples for Presence Service
Example for Configuring Presence in Cisco Unified CME
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 5465 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname CME-3825
logging buffered 2000000 debugging
enable password lab
no aaa new-model
resource policy
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Troubleshooting Presence Service
no network-clock-participate slot 1
no network-clock-participate slot 2
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
voice-card 1
no dspfarm
voice-card 2
no dspfarm
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
registrar server expires max 240 min 60
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
load 7971 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7970 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7961GE SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7961 SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
authenticate presence
authenticate credential 1 tftp://
create profile sync 0004550081249644
voice register dn 1
number 2101
allow watch
voice register dn 2
number 2102
allow watch
voice register pool 1
id mac 0015.6247.EF90
type 7971
number 1 dn 1
blf-speed-dial 1 1001 label "1001"
voice register pool 2
id mac 0012.0007.8D82
type 7912
number 1 dn 2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description $ETH-LAN$$ETH-SW-LAUNCH$$INTF-INFO-GE 0/0$
ip address
duplex full
speed 100
media-type rj45
no negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
ip route
ip http server
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Example for Configuring Presence in Cisco Unified CME
tftp-server flash:Jar41sccp.8-0-0-103dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm41sccp.8-0-0-102dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP41.8-0-1-0DEV.loads
tftp-server flash:P00303010102.bin
tftp-server flash:P00308000100.bin
tftp-server flash:P00308000100.loads
tftp-server flash:P00308000100.sb2
tftp-server flash:P00308000100.sbn
tftp-server flash:SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV.loads
tftp-server flash:apps41.1-1-0-82dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu41.3-0-1-82dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm41sip.8-0-0-103dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp41.1-1-0-82dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar41sip.8-0-0-103dev.sbn
tftp-server flash:P003-08-1-00.bin
tftp-server flash:P003-08-1-00.sbn
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-1-00.loads
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-1-00.sb2
tftp-server flash:CP7912080000SIP060111A.sbin
tftp-server flash:CP7912080001SCCP051117A.sbin
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-0-1-11S.loads
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-0-1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-0-1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:SIP70.8-0-1-11S.loads
tftp-server flash:apps70.1-1-1-11.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu70.3-1-1-11.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm70sip.8-0-1-13.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.1-1-1-11.sbn
tftp-server flash:jar70sip.8-0-1-13.sbn
dial-peer voice 2001 voip
preference 2
destination-pattern 1...
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
sccp blf-speed-dial retry-interval 70 limit 20
presence call-list
max-subscription 128
watcher all
allow subscribe
authentication username jack password 021201481F
presence enable
load 7960-7940 P00308000100
load 7941GE SCCP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7941 SCCP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7961GE SCCP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7961 SCCP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7971 SCCP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7970 SCCP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7912 CP7912080000SIP060111A.sbin
max-ephones 100
max-dn 300
ip source-address port 2000
url directories
max-conferences 6 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Example for Configuring Presence in Cisco Unified CME
number 2001
allow watch
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 2009
allow watch
application default
ephone-dn 3
number 2005
allow watch
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 2002
ephone 1
mac-address 0012.7F57.62A5
fastdial 1 1002
blf-speed-dial 1 2101 label "2101"
blf-speed-dial 2 1003 label "1003"
blf-speed-dial 3 2002 label "2002"
type 7960
button 1:1 2:2
ephone 3
mac-address 0015.6247.EF91
blf-speed-dial 2 1003 label "1003"
type 7971
button 1:3 2:4
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
password lab
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
password lab
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Feature Information for Presence Service
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Feature Information for Presence Service
Table 73: Feature Information for Presence Service
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Added support for BLFSpeed Dial
through Phone User Interface.
Phone User Interface for 8.5
• Added support for
device-based BLF
• Added support for BLF
Monitoring of ephone-DNs
with DnD, CallPark,Paging,
and Conferencing
BLF Monitoring 7.1
Presence Service 4.1 Presence with BLF wasintroduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Feature Information for Presence Service
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Presence Service
Feature Information for Presence Service
• Information About Ringtones, page 899
• Configure Ringtones, page 900
• Configuration Examples for Ringtones, page 905
• Feature Information for Ringtones, page 906
Information About Ringtones
Distinctive Ringing
Distinctive ring is used to identify internal and external incoming calls. An internal call is defined as a call
originating from any Cisco Unified IP phone that is registered in Cisco Unified CME or is routed through
the local FXS port.
In Cisco CME 3.4 and earlier versions, the standard ring pattern is generated for all calls to local SCCP
endpoints. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0, the following distinctive ring features are supported forSCCPendpoints:
• Specify one of three ring patterns to be used for all types of incoming calls to a particular directory
number, on all phones on which the directory number appears. If a phone is already in use, an incoming
call is presented as a call-waiting call and uses a distinctive call-waiting beep.
• Specify whether the distinctive ring is used only if the incoming called number matches the primary or
secondary number defined for the ephone-dn. If no secondary number is defined for the ephone-dn, the
secondary ring option has no effect.
• Associate a feature ring pattern with a specific button on a phone so that different phones that share the
same directory number can use a different ring style.
For local SIP endpoints, the type of ring sound requested is signaled to the phone using an alert-info signal.
If distinctive ringing is enabled, Cisco Unified CME generates the alert-info for incoming calls from any
phone that is not registered in Cisco Unified CME, to the local endpoint. Alert-info from an incoming leg can
be relayed to an outgoing leg with the internally generated alert-info taking precedence.
Cisco Unified IP phones use the standard Telcordia Technologies distinctive ring types.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customized Ringtones
Cisco Unified IP Phones have two default ring types: Chirp1 and Chirp2. Cisco Unified CME also supports
customized ringtones using pulse code modulation (PCM) files.
An XML file called RingList.xml specifies the ringtone options available for the default ring on an IP phone
registered to Cisco Unified CME. An XML file called DistinctiveRingList.xmlspecifiesthe ringtones available
on each individual line appearance on an IP phone registered to Cisco Unified CME.
On-Hold Indicator
On-hold indicator is an optional feature that generates a ring burst on idle IP phones that have placed a call
on hold. An option is available to generate call-waiting beeps for occupied phones that have placed calls on
hold. This feature is disabled by default. For configuration information, see Configure On-Hold Indicator,
on page 903.
LED color display for hold state, also known as I-Hold, is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) and later
versions. The I-Hold feature provides a visual indicator for distinguishing a local hold from a remote hold on
shared lines on supported phones,such asthe Cisco Unified IPPhone 7931G. Thisfeature requires no additional
Configure Ringtones
Configure Distinctive Ringing
To set the ring pattern for all incoming calls to a directory number, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. ring {external | internal | feature} [primary | secondary]
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customized Ringtones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an
ephone-dn, and optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 29
Step 3
number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | Configures a valid extension number for this ephone-dn.
Step 4
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2333
Designates which ring pattern to be used for all types of
incoming calls to this directory number, on all phones on
which the directory number appears.
ring {external | internal | feature} [primary |
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ring internal
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Configure Customized Ringtones
To create a customized ringtone, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
Step 1 Create aPCM file for each customized ringtone (one ring per file). ThePCM files must comply with the following format
• Raw PCM (no header)
• 8000 samples per second
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Customized Ringtones
• 8 bits per sample
• mLaw compression
• Maximum ring size—16080 samples
• Minimum ring size—240 samples
• Number of samples in the ring must be evenly divisible by 240
• Ring should start and end at the zero crossing
Use an audio editing package that supports these file format requirements to create PCM files for customized phone
Sample ring files are in the ringtone.tar file at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-iostsp
Step 2 Edit the RingList.xml and DistinctiveRingList.xml files using a text editor.
The RingList.xml and DistinctiveRingList.xml files contain a list of phone ring types. Each file shows thePCM file used
for each ring type and the text that is displayed on the Ring Type menu on a Cisco Unified IP Phone for each ring.
Sample XML files are in the ringtone.tar file at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/ip-iostsp
The RingList.xml and DistinctiveRingList.xml files use the following format to specify customized rings:
The XML ring files use the following tag definitions:
• Ring files contain two fields, DisplayName and FileName, which are required for each phone ring type. Up to 50
rings can be listed.
• DisplayName defines the name of the customized ring for the associated PCM file that will be displayed on the
Ring Type menu of the Cisco Unified IP Phone.
• FileName specifies the name of the PCM file for the customized ring to associate with DisplayName.
• The DisplayName and FileName fields can not exceed 25 characters.
The following sample RingList.xml file defines two phone ring types:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Customized Ringtones
Step 3 Copy the PCM and XML files to system Flash on the Cisco Unified CME router. For example:
copy tftp:// flash:
copy tftp:// flash:
copy tftp:// flash:
copy tftp:// flash:
Step 4 Use the tftp-server command to enable access to the files. For example:
tftp-server flash:RingList.xml
tftp-server flash:DistinctiveRingList.xml
tftp-server flash:Piano1.raw
tftp-server flash:Chime.raw
Step 5 Reboot the IP phones. After reboot, the IP phones download the XML and ringtone files. Select the customized ring by
pressing the Settings button followed by the Ring Type menu option on a phone.
Configure On-Hold Indicator
The Call Hold feature is available by default. To define an audible indicator as a reminder that a call is waiting
on hold, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. hold-alert timeout {idle | originator | shared | shared-idle} [recurrence recurrence-timeout]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure On-Hold Indicator
Command or Action Purpose
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn,
and optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20
Step 3
Sets audible alert notification on the Cisco Unified IP phone
for alerting the user about on-hold calls.
hold-alert timeout {idle | originator | shared |
shared-idle} [recurrence recurrence-timeout]
Step 4
From the perspective of the originator of the call on
hold, the originator and shared keywords provide
the same functionality.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# hold-alert 15 idle
recurrence 3
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 5
Enable Distinctive Ringing on SIP Phones
To set the ring pattern for distinguishing between external and internal incoming calls, perform the following
Restriction bellcore-dr1 to bellcore-dr5 are the only Telcordia options that are supported for SIP phones.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. external-ring {bellcore-dr1 | bellcore-dr2 |bellcore-dr3 | bellcore-dr4 | bellcore-dr5}
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enable Distinctive Ringing on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Specifies the type of audible ring sound to be used for
external calls
external-ring {bellcore-dr1 | bellcore-dr2
|bellcore-dr3 | bellcore-dr4 | bellcore-dr5}
Step 4
Router(config-register-global)# external-ring
• Default—Internal ring sound is used for all incoming
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Configuration Examples for Ringtones
Example for Configuring Distinctive Ringing for Internal Calls
The following example sets distinctive ringing for internal calls on extension 2333.
ephone-dn 34
number 2333
ring internal
Example for Configuring On-Hold Indicator
In the following example, extension 2555 is configured to not forward local calls that are internal to the
Cisco Unified CME system. Extension 2222 dials extension 2555. If 2555 is busy, the caller hears a busy
tone. If 2555 does not answer, the caller hears ringback. The internal call is not forwarded.
ephone-dn 25
number 2555
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Ringtones
no forward local-calls
call-forward busy 2244
call-forward noan 2244 timeout 45
Feature Information for Ringtones
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 74: Feature Information for Ringtones
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Supports ringtone choices for all
incoming calls to an individual
directory number, for all SCCP
phones on which the directory
number appears.
Distinctive Ringing 4.0
Generate the alert-info for
incoming callsfrom any phone that
is not registered in
Cisco Unified CME, to local SIP
Customized Ringtonesfeature was
Customized Ringtones 4.0
Controls LED color display for
hold state to provide visual
indicator for distinguishing a local
hold from a remote hold on shared
lines on supported phones, such as
the Cisco Unified IPPhone 7931G.
On-Hold Indictor 4.0(2)
Audible on-hold indicator was
1.0 Call Hold was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Ringtones
Single Number Reach
• Information About Single Number Reach, page 907
• Configure Single Number Reach, page 911
• Feature Information for Single Number Reach, page 923
Information About Single Number Reach
Overview of Single Number Reach
The Single Number Reach (SNR) feature allows users to answer incoming calls to their extension on either
their desktop IP phone or at a remote destination, such as a mobile phone. Users can pick up active calls on
the desktop phone or the remote phone without losing the connection. This enables callers to dial a single
number to reach the phone user. Calls that are not answered can be forwarded to voice mail.
Remote destinations may include the following devices:
• Mobile (cellular) phones.
• Smart phones.
• IP phones not belonging to the same Cisco Unified CME router as the desktop phone.
• Home phone numbers in the PSTN. Supported PSTN interfaces include PRI, BRI, SIP, and FXO.
For incoming calls to theSNR extension, Cisco Unified CME rings the desktop IPphone first. If the IPphone
does not answer within the configured amount of time, it ringsthe configured remote number while continuing
to ring the IP phone. Unanswered calls are sent to a configured voice-mail number.
The IP phone user has these options for handling calls to the SNR extension:
• Pull back the call from the remote phone—Phone user can manually pull back the call to the SNR
extension by pressing the Resume softkey, which disconnects the call from the remote phone.
• Send the call to remote phone—Phone user can send the call to the remote phone by using the Mobility
softkey. While connected to the call, the phone user can press the Mobility softkey and select Send call
to mobile. The call is forwarded to the remote phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
• Enable or disable Single Number Reach—While the IP phone is in the idle state, the user can toggle the
SNR feature on and off by using the Mobility softkey. If the user disables SNR, Cisco Unified CME
does not ring the remote number.
IP phone users can modify their own SNR settings directly from the phone by using the menu available with
the Services feature button. You must enable the feature on the phone to allow a phone user to access the user
Thisfeature issupported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions onSCCPIPphonesthatsupportsoftkeys.
SNR Enhancements
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 supports the following enhancements in the Single Number Reach (SNR) feature:
Hardware Conference
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5, you can send a call to a mobile phone after joining a hardware conference. After
joining the hardware conference, all conference callers are blind-transferred to hardware DN. The call character
of the ephone changes from incoming call to outgoing call and you are able to send a call to the mobile.
Call Park, Call Pickup, and Call Retrieval
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME, CallPark, CallPickup, and Call Retrieval features were notsupported
for SNR. Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions allows you to park, pickup, or retrieve an SNR call,
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 enhances the SNR feature to allow you to see the local number on your cell phone
instead of the calling party number. You can configure the snr calling number local command under ephone-dn
configuration mode to view the caller ID of the SNR phone. For information on configuring SNR calling
number local, see Configure Single Number Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones, on page 915.
Answer Too Soon Timer
On non-FXO ports, you can set an snr answer too soon timer to prevent the calls from rolling to the voice
mailbox of your cell phone. When the cell phone rolls to the voice mail within the answer too soon timer
range (1 to 5 seconds), the mobile phone call leg is immediately disconnected. You can configure the snr
answer too soon command under ephone-dn mode. For more information, see Configure Single Number
Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones, on page 915. The answer-too soon timer is not applicable when
sending the call to a mobile.
SNR Phone Stops Ringing After Mobile Phone Answers
When SNR is deployed on non-FXO ports, if cell phone picks up an SNR call, you are connected to the call.
The ephone stops ringing further and is placed on hold. You can configure the snr ring-stop command under
ephone-dn configuration mode to stop the ephone from ringing and to place the phone on hold. For more
information, see Configure Single Number Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones, on page 915.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
SNR Enhancements
Single Number Reach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the Single Number Reach (SNR) feature enabled the user to be reached on
two numbers: a regular directory number (DN) on the ephone and a public switched telephone network (PSTN)
connection (either aPRI/BRI/FXO port or aSIPinterface).For incoming callsto the ephone, the Cisco Unified
CME called the ephone DN first. When the ephone DN did not answer within a configured time, the Cisco
Unified CME called a preconfigured PSTN number while continually calling the ephone DN.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, the following SNR features are supported for Cisco Unified
SIP IP phones:
• Enable and disable the Extension Mobility (EM) feature on a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone—Use the
Mobility softkey orPLK as a toggle or use the mobility andno mobility commands to enable or disable
the Mobility feature on a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
• Manual pull back of a call on a mobile phone—Use the Resume softkey to manually bring a call back
to the SNR DN.
• Send a call to a mobile PSTN phone—Send a call to the mobile PSTN phone using the Mobility softkey
while the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone is on a call. Select “Send call to mobile” and the call is handed
off to the mobile phone.
• Send a call to a mobile phone regardless of whether the SNR phone is the originating or the terminating
side—Ensure that the SNR feature is configured in voice register dn or ephone-dn configuration mode
to send a call to a mobile phone regardless of whether the SNR phone is the originating or terminating
side. Use the Mobility softkey, select “Send call to mobile,” and the call is handed off to the mobile
For calls from a PSTN, local, or VoIP phone to a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone configured as an SNR phone,
the Cisco Unified CME calls the SIP SNR or the mobile phone DN.
When you answer the call on the SIP SNR phone, you can send the call to the PSTN/BRI/PRI/SIP phone.
When you answer the call on the mobile phone, the Resume softkey is displayed on the SIP SNR phone and
allows the call to be pulled back to the SIP SNR phone. You can repeatedly pull the call back from the PSTN
phone to the SIP SNR phone or from the SIP SNR phone to the PSTN phone.
If the cfwd-noan keyword is configured and both the mobile and SIP SNR phones do not answer, the call is
redirected to a preconfigured extension number when the end of a preconfigured time delay is reached.
The following shows how SNR phones configured with Cisco Unified SIP IP phones behave differently from
those configured with Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones when sending a call to a mobile:
• For Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, the Resume softkey is displayed on the SCCP SNR phone as soon
as the call is sent to the mobile phone.
• For Cisco Unified SIP IP phones, the Resume softkey is displayed on the SIP SNR phone as soon as the
mobile phone answers the call.
Note When the Resume softkey is pressed, the call is returned to the SNR phone.
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 supports the SNR feature in Cisco Unified SIP 7906, 7911, 7941, 7942, 7945, 7961,
7962, 7965, 7970, 7971, 7975, 8961, 9951, and 9971 IP Phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Single Number Reach for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Virtual SNR DN for Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
A virtual SNR DN is a DN not associated with any registered phone. It can be called, forwarded to a
preconfigured mobile phone, or put on an Auto Hold state when the mobile phone answers the call or the time
delay is reached. In the Auto Hold state, the DN can either be floating or unregistered. A floating DN is a DN
not configured for any phone while an unregistered DN is one associated with phones not registered to a Cisco
Unified CME system.
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, an SNR DN feature did not launch when the SNR DN was not associated
with any registered phone. Although a call could be forwarded to the mobile phone using the call-forward
busy command, the SNR DN had to be configured under a phone. Users who were assigned floating DNs
could not forward calls unless they had a phone assigned to them.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, an SNR DN is not required to be associated with a registered
phone to have the SNR DN feature launched. A call can be made to a virtual SNR DN and the SNR feature
can be launched even when the SNR DN is not associated with any phone. A call to a virtual SNR DN can
be forwarded to an auto-attendantservice when the preconfigured mobile phone is out ofservice and the voice
mail can be retrieved using the telephone or extension number assigned to the voice mailbox.
Although the virtualSNR DN feature is designed forSNR DNs that are not associated with registered phones,
this feature also supports virtual SNR DNs that complete phone registration or login and registered DNs that
become virtual when all associated registered phones become unregistered.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Virtual SNR DN for Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones
Configure Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SCCP Phones
Restriction • Each IP phone supports only one SNR directory number.
• SNR feature is not supported for the following:
• SCCP-controlled analog FXS phones
• MLPP calls
• Secure calls
• Video calls
• Hunt group directory numbers (voice or ephone)
• MWI directory numbers
• Trunk directory numbers
• An overlay set can support only one SNR directory number and that directory number must be the
primary directory number.
• Call forward no answer (CFNA), configured with the call-forward noan command, is disabled if
SNR is configured on the directory number. To forward unanswered calls to voice mail, use the
cfwd-noan keyword in the snr command.
• Call forwarding of unanswered calls, configured with the cfwd-noan keyword in the snr command,
is not supported for PSTN calls from FXO trunks because the calls connect immediately.
• Calls from an internal extension to an extension which is busy, is forwarded to the SNR destination
even if no forward local-calls is configured under the Directory Number.
• Calls always remain private. If a call is answered on a remote phone, the desktop IP phone can not
listen to the call unless it resumes the call.
• U.S. English is the only locale supported for SNR calls.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version
• Cisco IP Communicator requires version 2.1.4 or later
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. mobility
6. snr e164-number delay seconds timeout seconds [cfwd-noan extension-number]
7. snr calling-number local
8. exit
9. ephone-template template-tag
10. softkeys connected {[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn] [Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Mobility] [Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
11. softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [ConfList] [Dnd] [Gpickup] [HLog] [Join] [Login] [Mobility] [Newcall]
[Pickup] [Redial] [RmLstC]}
12. exit
13. ephone phone-tag
14. ephone-template template-tag
15. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters directory number configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Step 3
Step 4 number number Associates an extension number with this directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1001
• number—String of up to 16 digits that represents an extension
or E.164 telephone number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
mobility Enables the Mobility feature on the directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mobility
Step 5
snr e164-numberdelay secondstimeoutseconds Enables SNR on the extension.
[cfwd-noan extension-number]
Step 6
• e164-number—E.164 telephone number to ring if IP phone
extension does not answer.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# snr 4085550133
delay 5 timeout 15 cfwd-noan 2001
• delay seconds—Sets the number of seconds that the call rings
the IP phone before ringing the remote phone. Range is from
0 to 10. Default: disabled.
• timeout seconds—Sets the number of seconds that the call
rings after the configured delay. Call continues to ring for this
length of time on the IP phone even if the remote phone
answers the call. Range is from 5 to 60. Default: disabled.
• cfwd-noan extension-number—(Optional) Forwards the call
to this target number if the phone does not answer after both
the delay and timeout seconds have expired. This is typically
the voice-mail number.
The cfwd-noanoption is not supported for calls from FXO
trunks because the calls connect immediately.
(Optional) Replaces the original calling party number with the SNR
extension number in the caller ID display of the remote phone.
snr calling-number local
Router(config-ephone-dn)# snr
calling-number local
Step 7
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and
later versions.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 8
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 1
Step 9
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template that
is being created. Range is from 1 to 20.
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on an IP phone
during the connected call state.
softkeys connected{[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn]
[Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join]
Step 10
[LiveRcd] [Mobility] [Park] [RmLstC] [Select]
[TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
• Pressing the Mobility softkey during the connected call state
forwards the call to the PSTN number defined in Step 6.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
connected endcall hold livercd mobility
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on an IP phone
during the idle call state.
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [ConfList] [Dnd]
[Gpickup] [HLog] [Join] [Login] [Mobility]
[Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial] [RmLstC]}
Step 11
• Pressing the Mobility softkey during the idle call state enables
theSNR feature. This key is a toggle; pressing it a second time
disables SNR. Example:
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
idle dnd gpickup pickup mobility
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 12
Step 13 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 21
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone during
configuration tasks.
Step 14 ephone-template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 1
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the ephone template that
you created in Step 12.
end Exits configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# end
Step 15
The following example shows extension 1001 is enabled for SNR on IP phone 21. After a call rings at this
number for 5 seconds, the call also rings at the remote number 4085550133. The call continues ringing on
both phones for 15 seconds. If the call is not answered after a total of 20 seconds, the call no longer rings and
it is forwarded to the voice-mail number 2001.
ephone-template 1
softkeys idle Dnd Gpickup Pickup Mobility
softkeys connected Endcall Hold LiveRcd Mobility
ephone-dn 10
number 1001
snr 4085550133 delay 5 timeout 15 cfwd-noan 2001
snr calling-number local
ephone 21
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SCCP Phones
ephone-template 1
button 1:10
Configure Single Number Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones
Restriction • Software Conference— After a software conference is initiated and committed on an ephone, you
cannot send the call to a mobile phone. You can only enable or disable mobility after software
conference is committed.
• SNR CallPickup onFXO port— For a call routed throughFXO port to thePSTN, the call issignaled
as “connected” as soon as FXO port is seized outbound. The mobile phone is on FXO interface and
the call (session) is in active state as soon as FXO is in connect state. The ephone will be in ringing
state but you can not pick up the ephone call.
• Music on hold (MOH) is notsupported if theSNR call originatesfrom the line side. MOH issupported
on an SNR call if the call originates from the trunk side.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. mobility
6. snr calling number local
7. snr answer too soon time
8. snr ring-stop
9. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters directory number configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Step 3
number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both Associates an extension number with this directory number.
| primary]]
Step 4
• number—String of up to 16 digits that represents an
extension or E.164 telephone number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1001
mobility Enables the Mobility feature on the directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mobility
Step 5
Displays local number as calling number on your SNR
mobile phone.
snr calling number local
Router(config-ephone-dn)#snr calling-number
Step 6
Step 7 snr answer too soon time Enables a timer for answering the call onSNR mobile phone.
Router(config-ephone-dn)#snr answer-too-soon
• time—Time, in seconds. Range is from 1 to 5.
Allows you to stop the IP phone from ringing after the SNR
call is answered on a mobile phone.
snr ring-stop
Router(config-ephone-dn)#snr ring-stop
Step 8
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 9
The following example shows SNR enhancements configured for ephone-dn 10:
Router#show running config
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm tag 1 confprof1
conference hardware
max-ephones 262
max-dn 720
ip source-address port 2000
service phone thumbButton PTTH6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach Enhancements on SCCP Phones
load 7906 SCCP11.8-5-3S.loads
load 7911 SCCP11.8-5-3S.loads
ephone-template 6
feature-button 1 Hold
ephone-dn 10
snr calling-number local
snr ring-stop
snr answer-too-soon 4
Configure Single Number Reach on SIP Phones
Restriction • Hardware Conferencing and Privacy on Hold for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones are not supported.
• Mixed shared lines between Cisco Unified SIP and SCCP IP phones are not supported.
• Subscribe and Notify modes for SIP shared lines are not supported.
• Incoming calls from the H323 IP trunk are not supported.
• Media flow around for SIP-SIP trunk calls is not supported.
• SIP SNR phones that initiate software conferencing are unable to send or receive calls to or from
mobile phones because the Cisco Unified SIP IP phones are put on hold after a software conference
is committed.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [DND] [Gpickup] [Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial]}
5. softkeys connected {[Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold] [Park] [Trnsfer] [iDivert]}
6. exit
7. voice register pool pool-tag
8. session-transport {tcp}
9. exit
10. voice register dn dn-tag
11. number number
12. name name
13. mobility
14. snr calling-number local
15. snr e164-number delay seconds timeout seconds [cfwd-noan extension-number]
16. snr ring-stop
17. snr answer-too-soon time
18. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice register template template-tag Enters voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register
template 1
• template-tag—identifier for the template being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Modifies the display of softkeys on Cisco Unified SIP IP phones during the
idle call state.
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [DND]
[Gpickup] [Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial]}
Step 4
softkeys idle Redial Cfwdall
• Cfwdall—(Optional) Softkey for “call forward all.” Forwards all calls.
• DND—(Optional) Softkey that enables the Do-Not-Disturb feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• Gpickup—(Optional) Softkey that allows a user to pickup a call that
is ringing on another phone.
• Newcall—(Optional) Softkey that opens a line on a speakerphone to
place a new call.
• Pickup—(Optional) Softkey that allows a user to pickup a call that is
ringing on another phone that is a member of the same pickup group.
• Redial—(Optional) Softkey that redials the last number dialed.
Modifies the display of softkeys on Cisco Unified SIP IP phones during the
connected call state.
softkeys connected{[Confrn] [Endcall]
[Hold] [Park] [Trnsfer] [iDivert]}
Step 5
softkeys connected Confrn Hold
• Confrn—(Optional) Softkey that connects callers to a conference call.
• Endcall—(Optional) Softkey that ends the current call.
• Hold—(Optional)Softkey that places an active call on hold and resumes
the call.
• Park—(Optional) Softkey that places an active call on hold, so it can
be retrieved from another phone in the system.
• Trnsfer—(Optional) Softkey that transfers active calls to another
• iDivert—(Optional) Softkey that immediately diverts a call to a
voice-messaging system.
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 6
Step 7 voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range: 1 to 100.
For Cisco Unified CME systems, the upper limit for this argument
is defined by the max-pool command.
Specifies the transport layer protocol that a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone uses
to connect to Cisco Unified CME.
session-transport {tcp}
session-transport tcp
Step 8
• tcp—Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used.
exit Exits voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 10 voice register dn dn-tag Enters voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register dn
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies a particular directory
number during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 150 or the maximum
defined by the max-dn command.
Associates a telephone or extension number with a Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone in a Cisco Unified CME system.
number number
Router(config-register-dn)# number
Step 11
• number—String of up to 16 charactersthat represents an E.164 telephone
number. Normally, the string is composed of digits, but the string may
contain alphabetic characters when the number is dialed only by the
router, as with an intercom number.
Step 12 name name Associates a name with a directory number in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-register-dn)# name
John Smith
• name—Name of the person associated with a given extension. Name
must follow the order specified in the directory (telephony-service)
command, either first-name-first or last-name-first.
mobility Enablesthe Mobility feature on an extension of a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone.
Step 13
Replaces the calling party number displayed on the configured mobile phone
with the local SNR number.
snr calling-number local
Router(config-register-dn)# snr
calling-number local
Step 14
snr e164-numberdelay seconds timeout Enables the SNR feature on an extension of a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
seconds [cfwd-noan extension-number]
Step 15
• e164-number—E.164 telephone number to call when the Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone extension does not answer.
Router(config-register-dn)# snr
9900 delay 1 timeout 10
• delay seconds—Sets the number of seconds that the Cisco Unified SIP
IP phone rings when called. When the time delay is reached, the call is
transferred to the PSTN phone and the SNR directory number. Range:
0 to 30. Default: 5.
• timeout seconds—Sets the number of seconds that the Cisco Unified
SIP IP phone rings after the configured time delay. When the timeout
value is reached, no call is displayed on the phone. You have to use the
Resume softkey to pull back or the Mobility softkey to send the call to
a mobile phone. Range: 30 to 60. Default: 60.
When the default is enabled, the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone
continues to ring for 60 seconds even if the remote phone answers
the call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure Single Number Reach on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• cfwd-noan extension-number—(Optional) Forwards the call to the
extension number when the phone does not answer after both the time
delay and timeout values are reached. The extension number istypically
the voice mail number.
This option is not supported for calls from FXO trunks because the
calls connect immediately.
Ends the ringing on a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone after the SNR call is
answered on the configured mobile phone.
snr ring-stop
Router(config-register-dn)# snr
Step 16
Sets the time in which SNR calls are prevented from being diverted to the
voice mailbox of a mobile phone.
snr answer-too-soon time
Router(config-register-dn)# snr
answer-too-soon 2
Step 17
• time—Time, in seconds. Range: 1 to 5.
end Exits voice register dn configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 18
Configure a Virtual SNR DN on SCCP Phones
Restriction • Virtual SNR DN only supports Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone DNs.
• Virtual SNR DN provides no mid-call support.
Mid-calls are either of the following:
◦Calls that arrive before the DN is associated with a registered phone and is still present after
the DN is associated with the phone.
◦Calls that arrive for a registered DN that changes state from registered to virtual and back to
• Mid-calls cannot be pulled back, answered, or terminated from the phone associated with the DN.
• State of the virtual DN transitions from ringing to hold or remains on hold as a registered DN.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure a Virtual SNR DN on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. mobility
6. snr mode [virtual]
7. snr e164-number delay seconds timeout seconds [cfwd-noan extension-number]
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to configure a directory number for
an IP phone line.
ephone-dn dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Step 3
• dn-tag—Unique number that identifies an ephone-dn during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the number set by the max-dn
Step 4 number number Associates a telephone or extension number with this ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
• number—String of up to 16 characters that represents an E.164
telephone number. Normally, the string is composed of digits, but the
string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is dialed
only by the router, as with an intercom number.
Enables the Mobility feature on an extension of a Cisco Unified SCCP IP
Router(config-ephone-dn)# mobility
Step 5
Step 6 snr mode [virtual] Sets the mode for the SNR directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# snr mode
• virtual—Enables the virtual mode for an SNR DN when it is
unregistered or floating.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Configure a Virtual SNR DN on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
EnablestheSingle Number Reach feature on the extension of a Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phone.
snr e164-number delay seconds timeout
seconds [cfwd-noan extension-number]
Step 7
Router(config-ephone-dn)# snr
408550133 delay 5 timeout 15
cfwd-noan 2001
• e164-number—E.164 telephone number to ring if IP phone extension
does not answer.
• delay seconds—Sets the number of seconds that the call rings the IP
phone before ringing the remote phone. Range: 0 to 10. Default:
• timeout seconds—Sets the number of seconds that the call rings after
the configured delay. Call continues to ring for this length of time on
the IP phone even if the remote phone answers the call. Range: 5 to
60. Default: disabled.
• cfwd-noan extension-number—(Optional) Forwards the call to this
target number if the phone does not answer after both the delay and
timeout seconds have expired. This is typically the voice mail number.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 8
Feature Information for Single Number Reach
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Feature Information for Single Number Reach
Table 75: Feature Information for Single Number Reach
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Supports the following SNR
features for Cisco Unified SIP IP
• Enable and disable the EM
• Manual pull back of a call on
a mobile phone.
• Send a call to a mobilePSTN
• Send a call to a mobile phone
regardless of whether the
SNR phone is the originating
or the terminating side.
Single Number Reach for Cisco 9.0
Unified SIP IP Phones
Allows a call to be made to a
virtual SNR DN and allows the
SNR feature to be launched even
when theSNR DN is not associated
with any phone.
VirtualSNR DN for Cisco Unified
SCCP IP Phones
Added support for the following
SNR enhancements:
• Hardware Conference
• Call Park, Call Pickup, and
Call Retrieval
• Answer Too Soon Timer
• SNR Phone Stops Ringing
After MobilePhone Answers
SNR Enhancements 8.5
Added the snr calling-number
local command to replace the
calling party number with theSNR
extension in the caller ID display.
Calling Number Local 8.0
Single Number Reach 7.1 Introduced the SNR feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Single Number Reach
Feature Information for Single Number Reach
Customize Softkeys
• Information About Softkeys, page 925
• Configure Softkeys, page 938
• Configuration Example for Softkeys, page 958
• Feature Information for Softkeys, page 962
Information About Softkeys
Softkeys on IP Phones
You can customize the display and order of softkeys that appear during various call states on individual IP
phones. Softkeys that are appropriate in each call state are displayed by default. Using phone templates, you
can delete softkeysthat would normally appear or change the order in which the softkeys appear.For example,
you might want to display the CFwdAll and Confrnsoftkeys on a manager's phone and remove these softkeys
from a receptionist's phone.
You can modify softkeys for the following call states:
• Alerting—When the remote point is being notified of an incoming call and the status of the remote point
is being relayed to the caller as either ringback or busy.
• Connected—When the connection to a remote point is established.
• Hold—When a connected party is still connected but there is temporarily no voice connection.
• Idle—Before a call is made and after a call is completed.
• Seized—When a caller is attempting a call but has not yet been connected.
• Remote-in-Use—When another phone is connected to a call on an octo-line directory number shared
by this phone (Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version).
• Ringing—After a call is received and before the call is connected (Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Not all softkeys are available in all call states. Use the CLI help to see the available softkeys for each call
state. The softkeys are as follows:
• Acct—Short for “account code.” Provides access to configured accounts.
• Answer—Picks up incoming call.
• Barge—Allows a user to join (barge) a call on a SIP shared line (Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later
• Callback—Requests callback notification when a busy called line becomes free.
• CBarge—Barges (joins) a call on a shared octo-line directory number (Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later
• CFwdALL—Short for “call forward all.” Forwards all calls.
• ConfList—Lists all parties in a conference (Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version). Press Update
softkey to update the list of parties in the conference, for instance, to verify that a party has been removed
from the conference. Press Remove softkey to remove the appropriate parties.
• Confrn—Short for “conference.” Connects callers to a conference call.
• Details—Lists all the participants in a conference. This softkey is supported only on Cisco 7800 Series
IPPhones.Press Update to update the list of parties in the conference.Press Remove softkey to remove
the appropriate parties. The suboption Remove is available to the conference creator and phones that
have conference admin configured.
• DND—Short for “do not disturb.” Enables the do-not-disturb features.
• EndCall—Ends the current call.
• GPickUp—Short for “group call pickup.” Selectively picks up calls coming into a phone number that is
a member of a pickup group.
• Flash—Short for “hookflash.” Provides hookflash functionality for public switched telephone network
(PSTN) services on calls connected to the PSTN via a foreign exchange office (FXO) port.
• HLog—Places the phone of an ephone-hunt group agent into the not-ready status or, if the phone is in
the not-ready status, places the phone into the ready status.
• Hold—Places an active call on hold and resumes the call.
• iDivert—Immediately diverts a call to a voice messaging system (Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or a later
• Join—Joins an established call to a conference (Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version).
• LiveRcd—Starts the recording of a call (Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version).
• Login—Provides personal identification number (PIN) access to restricted phone features.
• MeetMe—Initiates a meet-me conference (Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version).
• Mobility—Forwards a call to the PSTN number defined by the Single Number Reach (SNR) feature
(Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version).
• NewCall—Opens a line on a speakerphone to place a new call.
• Park—Places an active call on hold so it can be retrieved from another phone in the system.
• PickUp—Selectively picks up calls coming into another extension.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Softkeys on IP Phones
• Redial—Redials the last number dialed.
• Resume—Connects to the call on hold.
• RmLstC—Removes the last party added to a conference. This softkey only works for the conference
creator (Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version).
• Select—Selects a call or a conference on which to take action (Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version).
• Show detail—Lists all the participants in a conference. This softkey is supported only on Cisco 8800
Series IP Phones. Press Update to update the list of parties in the conference. Press Remove softkey to
remove the appropriate parties. The suboption Remove is available to the conference creator and phones
that have conference admin configured.
• Trnsfer—Short for “call transfer.” Transfers an active call to another extension.
• TrnsfVM—Transfers a call to a voice-mail extension number (Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version).
You change the softkey order by defining a phone template and applying the template to one or more phones.
You can create up to 20 phone templatesforSCCPphones and 10 templatesforSIPphones. Only one template
can be applied to a phone. If you apply a second phone template to a phone that already has a template applied
to it, the second template overwrites the first phone template information. The new information takes effect
only after you generate a new configuration file and restart the phone; otherwise, the previously configured
template remains in effect.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1, customizing the softkey display for IP phones running SIP is supported only for
the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE.
For configuration information, see Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Account Code Entry
The Cisco Unified IP Phones 7940 and 7940G and the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7960 and 7960G allow phone
users to enter account codes during call setup or when connected to an active call using the Acct softkey.
Account codes are inserted into call detail records (CDRs) on the Cisco Unified CME router for later
interpretation by billing software.
An account code is visible in the output of the show call active command and the show callhistory command
for telephony call legs and is supported by the CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB. The account code
also appears in the “account-code” RADIUS vendor-specific attribute (VSA) for voice authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA).
To enter an account code during call setup or when in a connected state, press the Acct softkey, enter the
account code using the phone keypad, then press the # key to notify Cisco Unified CME that the last digit of
the code has been entered. The account code digits are processed upon receipt of the # and appear in the show
output after processing.
No configuration is required for this feature.
If the # key is not pressed, each account code digit is processed only after a timer expires. The timer is 30
seconds for the first digit entered, then n seconds for each subsequent digit, where n equals the number
of seconds configured with the timeouts interdigit (telephony-service) command. The default value for
the interdigit timeout is 10 seconds. The account code digits do not appear in the show command output
until after being processed.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Account Code Entry
Hookflash Softkey
The Flash softkey provides hookflash functionality for calls made on IP phones that use FXO lines attached
to the Cisco Unified CME system. Certain PSTN services, such as three-way calling and call waiting, require
hookflash intervention from a phone user.
When a Flash softkey is enabled on an IP phone, it can provide hookflash functionality during all calls except
for local IP-phone-to-IP-phone calls. Hookflash-controlled services can be activated only if they are supported
by the PSTN connection that is involved in the call. The availability of the Flash softkey does not guarantee
that hookflash-based services are accessible to the phone user.
For configuration information, see Enable Flash Softkey, on page 945 .
Feature Blocking
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, individual softkey features can be blocked on one or more
phones. You specify the features that you want blocked by adding the features blocked command to an
ephone template. The template is then applied under ephone configuration mode to one or more ephones.
If a feature is blocked using the featuresblockedcommand, the softkey is not removed but it does not function.
For configuration information, see Configure Feature Blocking, on page 947.
To remove a softkey display, use the appropriate no softkeys command. See Modify Softkey Display on
SCCP Phone, on page 938.
Feature Policy Softkey Control
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 allows you to control the display of softkeys on the Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
8961, 9951, and 9971 using the Feature Policy template. The Feature Policy template allows you to enable
and disable a list of feature softkeys on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 8961, 9951, and 9971. Table 76: Feature
IDs and Default State of the Controllable Features, on page 928 lists the controllable feature softkeys with
specific feature IDs and their default state on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones 8961, 9951, and 9971.
Table 76: Feature IDs and Default State of the Controllable Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description Default State on CME
1 ForwardAll Forward all calls Enabled
2 Park Parks a call Enabled
3 iDivert Divert to Voicemail Enabled
4 ConfList Conference List Disabled
5 SpeedDial Abbreviated Dial Disabled
6 Callback Call back Disabled
7 Redial Redial a call Enabled
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Hookflash Softkey
Feature ID Feature Name Description Default State on CME
8 Barge Barge into a call Enabled
Cisco Unified CME uses the existing softkey command under voice register template configuration mode to
control the controllable feature softkeys on phones. Cisco Unified CME generates a
featurePolicy.xml file for each voice register template configured. The list of
controllable softkey configurations are specified in the featurePolicy.xml file. Phones need to
reboot or reset to download the Feature Policy template file. For Cisco IP phones that do not have a Feature
Policy template assigned to them, you can use the default Feature Policy template file
(featurePolicyDefault.xml file).
Immediate Divert for SIP IP Phones
The immediate divert (iDivert) feature allows you to immediately divert a call to a voice messaging system.
You can divert a call by pressing the iDivert softkey on Cisco Unified SIP IP phones with voice messaging
systems (Cisco Unity Express or Cisco Unity), such as 7940, 7040G, 7960 G, 7945, 7965, 7975, 8961, 9951,
and 9971. When the call is diverted, the line becomes available to place or receive new calls.
The call that is diverted using the iDivert feature can be in ringing, active, or hold state. When the call diversion
is successful, the caller receives greetings from the voice messaging system.
Callers can only divert the calls to their own voice mailbox. But calls on the receiver side can be diverted
either to the voice mailbox of the caller who invoked the iDivert feature (last redirected party) or to the voice
mailbox of the original called party.
The iDivert softkey is added to the phones when they register with Cisco Unified CME using
softkeyxxxx.xml file. Cisco Unified CME generates the softkeyxxxx.xml file when the create
profile command is executed in voice register global configuration mode. You can disable or change the
position of the iDivert softkey on the phone’s display using the softkey command. For more information, see
Configure Immediate Divert (iDivert) Softkey on SIP Phone, on page 949.
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
The Programmable Line Key (PLK) feature allows you to program feature buttons or services URL buttons
on line key buttons. You can configure line keys with line buttons, speed dials, BLF speed dials, feature
buttons, and URL buttons.
When button layout is not specified, buttons are assigned to the phone lines in the following order: line,
speed-dial, blf-speed-dial, feature, and services URL buttons.
You can program a line key to function as a services URL button on your Cisco Unified phone using the
url-button command (see Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SCCP Phone, on page 951 and
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SIP Phone, on page 953 ). Similarly, you can program a line key
on your Cisco IP phone to function as a feature button using the feature-button command (see Configure
Feature Buttons on SCCP Phone Line Key, on page 955 and Configure Feature Buttons on SIP Phone Line
Key, on page 957 for more information).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Immediate Divert for SIP IP Phones
You can also program line keys to function as feature buttons using the user-profile in phones that have
Extension Mobility (EM) enabled on them. For configuring line keys to function as feature buttons on EM
phones, see Cisco Unified IP Phone documentation.
Table 77: PLK Feature Availability on Different Phone Models, on page 930 lists the softkeys supported as
PLKs on various Cisco Unified IP Phone models.
Table 77: PLK Feature Availability on Different Phone Models
8961, 9951, and
9971 SIP Phones
7942, 7962, 7965,
7975 SIP Phones
6900 Series
SCCP Phones
7914, 7915, 7916 7931 Phone
SCCP Phones
Supported as
Line Keys (PLK)
Acct Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Call Back Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Not Supported Supported Not Supported 9 Conference Supported Supported
Conference List Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Customized Supported Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Do Not Disturb Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
End Call Supported Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Extension Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Forward All Supported Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
GPickUp Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Not Supported Supported Not Supported 1 Not Supported 1 Hold Supported
Hook Flash Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Hunt Group Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Live Record Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Login Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Meet Me Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Mobility Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
MyPhoneApps Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
8961, 9951, and
9971 SIP Phones
7942, 7962, 7965,
7975 SIP Phones
6900 Series
SCCP Phones
7914, 7915, 7916 7931 Phone
SCCP Phones
Supported as
Line Keys (PLK)
New Call Supported Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Night Service Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Park Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Personal Speed Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
PickUp Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Privacy Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Not Supported Supported Supported Supported 1 Redial Supported
Remove Last Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Reset Phone Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported 1
Services URL
Speed Dial Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Single Number Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Not Supported Supported Not Supported 1 Not Supported 1 Transfer Supported
Transfer to VM Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
9 This feature is available through a hard button.
10 This feature is available through the application button.
11 This feature is available through the Set button.
Table 78: PLK Feature Availability on the Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones in Cisco
Unified CME 8.8, on page 932 lists the PLK features available on the Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945
SCCP IP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 8.8.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Table 78: PLK Feature Availability on the Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 8.8
Softkeys Supported as Programmable Line Keys Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones
Acct Supported
Call Back Supported
Cancel Call Waiting Supported
Conference List Supported
Customized URL Supported
Do Not Disturb Supported
End Call Supported
Extension Mobility Supported
Forward All Supported
Group Pickup Supported
Hook Flash Supported
Hunt Group Login (HLog) Supported
Live Record Supported
Login Supported
Meet Me Supported
Mobility Supported
My Phone Apps Supported
New Call Supported
Night Service Supported
Park Supported
Personal Speed Dial Not Supported
Pickup Supported
Privacy Supported
Redial Supported
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Softkeys Supported as Programmable Line Keys Cisco Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945 SCCP IP Phones
Remove Last Participant Supported
Reset Phone Not Supported
Services URL Not Supported
Speed Dial Buttons Supported
Single Number Reach Supported
Transfer to VM Supported
Table 79: PLK Feature Availability on the Cisco Unified 6911, 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP
IPPhones in Cisco Unified CME 9.0, on page 933 lists thePLK features available on the Cisco Unified 6911,
6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP IP Phones in Cisco Unified CME 9.0.
Table 79: PLK Feature Availability on the Cisco Unified 6911, 6921, 6941, 6945, 6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP IP Phones in Cisco
Unified CME 9.0
Cisco Unified 8941 and
8945 SIP IP Phone
Cisco Unified 6921, 6941,
6945, and 6961 SIP IP
Cisco Unified 6911 SIP IP
Softkeys Supported as
Programmable Line Keys
Acct Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Call Back Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Not Applicable1 Not Applicable12 Conference Not Supported
Conference List Not Supported Supported Supported
Customized URL Not Supported Supported Not Supported
Do Not Disturb Not Supported Supported Supported
End Call Not Supported Supported Supported
Extension Mobility Not Supported Supported Supported
Forward All Supported Supported Supported
Group Pickup Supported Supported Supported
Hold Supported Supported Supported
Hook Flash Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Cisco Unified 8941 and
8945 SIP IP Phone
Cisco Unified 6921, 6941,
6945, and 6961 SIP IP
Cisco Unified 6911 SIP IP
Softkeys Supported as
Programmable Line Keys
Hunt Group Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Live Record Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Login Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Meet Me Supported Supported Supported
Mobility Not Supported Supported Supported
My Phone Apps Not Supported Supported Supported
New Call Not Supported Supported Supported
Night Service Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Park Not Supported Supported Supported
Personal Speed Dial Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Pickup Supported Supported Supported
Privacy Supported Supported Supported
Redial Supported Supported Supported
Remove Last Participant Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Reset Phone Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Services URL Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Single Number Reach Not Supported Supported Not Supported
Speed Dial Supported Supported Supported
Not Applicable2 Not Applicable13 Transfer Not Supported
Transfer to VM Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
12 These phones are equipped with “conference” hard keys.
13 These phones are equipped with “transfer” hard keys.
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7902, 7905, 7906, 7910, 7911, 7912, 7935, 7936, 7937, 7940, 7960, and 7985 do
not support the PLK feature. The services URL button is not supported on the following Cisco Unified IP
phones: 7920, 7921, 7925 (supports DnD and Privacy only), 3911, and 3951.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Table 80:PLK Feature Availability on the Cisco Unified 7800, 8800SeriesSIPIPPhones from Cisco Unified
CME 11.0 Onwards, on page 935 lists the PLK features available on the Cisco Unified 7800 and 8800 series
SIP IP Phones from Cisco Unified CME Release 11.0 onwards. As part of Unified CME Release 11.7, new
phone support for Cisco IPPhones 8821, 8845, 8865 wasintroduced. With this addition, Unified CME supports
all phone models in Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series.
Table 80: PLK Feature Availability on the Cisco Unified 7800, 8800 Series SIP IP Phones from Cisco Unified CME 11.0
Cisco Unified 8800 Series SIP IP
Cisco Unified 7800 Series SIP IP
Softkeys Supported as
Programmable Line Keys
Acct Not Supported Not Supported
Call Back Not Supported Not Supported
Conference Not Supported Not Supported
Conference List Supported Supported
Customized URL Not Supported Not Supported
Do Not Disturb Supported Supported
End Call Supported Supported
Extension Mobility Supported Supported
Forward All Supported Supported
Group Pickup Supported Supported
Hold Supported Supported
Hook Flash Not Supported Not Supported
HLog (From Unified CME Release Supported Supported
11.6 onwards)
Live Record Not Supported Not Supported
Login Not Supported Not Supported
Meet Me Supported Supported
Mobility Supported Supported
My Phone Apps Supported Supported
New Call Supported Supported
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Cisco Unified 8800 Series SIP IP
Cisco Unified 7800 Series SIP IP
Softkeys Supported as
Programmable Line Keys
Park Supported Supported
Personal Speed Dial Not Supported Not Supported
Pickup Supported Supported
Privacy Supported Supported
Redial Supported Supported
Remove Last Participant Not Supported Not Supported
Reset Phone Not Supported Not Supported
Services URL Not Supported Not Supported
Single Number Reach Not Supported Not Supported
Speed Dial Supported Supported
Transfer Not Supported Not Supported
Transfer to VM Not Supported Not Supported
Table 81: LED Behavior, on page 936 lists the feature buttons and their corresponding LED behavior. Only
features with radio icons will indicate their state via LED.
Table 81: LED Behavior
Label/Extended Icon LED Behavior
Tagged ID
Feature Label/Tagged ID
Redial/SkRedialTag — Default —
Hold/SkHoldTag — Hold —
Transfer/SkTrnsferTag — Transfer —
Forward All Forward All/0x2D Default —
MeetMe/ — Default —
Tag 0x10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Label/Extended Icon LED Behavior
Tagged ID
Feature Label/Tagged ID
Conference/SkConfrnTag — Conference —
Park/SkParkTag — Default —
PickUp/SkCallPickUpTag — Default —
GPickUp — GroupPickUp/0x2F Default —
Mobility — Mobility/0x2B Mobility —
Do Not Radio Button
Do Not Disturb —
Conference Default —
Conference List —
Remove Last Default —
Remove Last —
CallBack/SkCallBackTag — Default —
NewCall/SkNewCallTag — Default —
New Call
End Call — End Call/0x33 Default —
Cancel Call Waiting CW Off — Default —
On—hlog in
Off—hlog out
Blink—call in
queue at Hlogout
HLog — Hunt Group/0x36 Default
Private/ SkPrivacy — Radio Button
Acct/ — Default —
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Programmable Line Keys ( PLK)
Label/Extended Icon LED Behavior
Tagged ID
Feature Label/Tagged ID
Flash/ — Default —
Login/ — Default —
TrnsfVM/SkTrnsfVMTag — Default —
LiveRcd LiveRcd — Default —
Night Service/ — Radio Button
Night Service
Myphoneapp URL My Phone Apps — URL service —
EM URL service Extension Mobility — URL service —
Single Number — URL service —
SN URL service
The configured — URL service —
Configure Softkeys
Modify Softkey Display on SCCP Phone
To modify the display of softkeys, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Softkeys
Restriction • Enable the ConfList and MeetMe softkeys only if you have hardware conferencing configured. For
information,see Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later versions, on page 1373
• The third softkey button on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G and Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G
is reserved for the Message softkey. For these phones’ templates, the third softkey button defaults
to the Message softkey.For example, the softkeysidle Redial Dnd Pickup Login Gpickupcommand
configuration displays, in order, the Redial, DND, Message, PickUp, Login, and GPickUp softkeys.
• The NewCall softkey cannot be disabled on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G or Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7912G.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.2 or a later version.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2 or a later version to enable softkeys during the ringing call state.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version to enable softkeys during the remote-in-use state.
• The HLog softkey must be enabled with the hunt-group logout HLog command before it will be
displayed.For more information, see Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups onSCCPPhones, on page 1291 .
• The Flash softkey must be enabled with the fxo hook-flash command before it will be displayed. For
configuration information, see Enable Flash Softkey, on page 945 .
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. softkeys alerting {[Acct] [Callback] [Endcall]}
5. softkeys connected {[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn] [Endcall] [Flash] [Hlog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
6. softkeys hold {[Join] [Newcall] [Resume] [Select]}
7. softkeysidle {[Cfwdall] [ConfList] [Dnd] [Gpickup] [Hlog] [Join] [Login] [Newcall] [Pickup] [Redial]
8. softkeys remote-in-use {[CBarge] [Newcall]}
9. softkeys ringing {[Answer] [Dnd] [HLog]}
10. softkeys seized {[CallBack] [Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Gpickup] [Hlog] [MeetMe] [Pickup] [Redial]}
11. exit
12. ephone phone-tag
13. ephone-template template-tag
14. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Modify Softkey Display on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 15
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range is 1 to 20.
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display
during the alerting call state.
softkeys alerting {[Acct] [Callback] [Endcall]}
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
alerting Callback Endcall
Step 4
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display
during the call-connected state.
softkeys connected {[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn]
[Endcall] [Flash] [Hlog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
Step 5
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
connected Endcall Hold Transfer Hlog
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display
during the call-hold state.
softkeyshold{[Join] [Newcall] [Resume] [Select]}
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
hold Resume
Step 6
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display
during the idle state.
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [ConfList] [Dnd]
[Gpickup] [Hlog] [Join] [Login] [Newcall]
[Pickup] [Redial] [RmLstC]}
Step 7
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Modify Softkey Display on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on an IP
phone during the remote-in-use call state.
softkeys remote-in-use {[CBarge] [Newcall]}
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
remote-in-use CBarge Newcall
Step 8
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display
during the ringing state.
softkeys ringing {[Answer] [Dnd] [HLog]}
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
ringing Answer Dnd Hlog
Step 9
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display
during the seized state.
softkeys seized {[CallBack] [Cfwdall] [Endcall]
[Gpickup] [Hlog] [MeetMe] [Pickup] [Redial]}
Step 10
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
seized Endcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 11
Step 12 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 15
Step 13
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 14
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying the parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones, on page 388.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Modify Softkey Display on SCCP Phone
Modify Softkey Display on SIP Phone
Restriction • Thisfeature issupported only for Cisco Unified IPPhones 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE,
7970G, and 7971GE.
• You can download a custom softkey XML file from a TFTP server. However, if the softkey XML
file contains an error, the softkeys might not work properly on the phone. We recommend the
following procedure for creating a softkey template in Cisco Unified CME.
• HLog softkey is supported only on Cisco Unified IP Phones 7800 and 8800 series.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version. From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, HLog softkey is
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. softkeys connected {[Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold] [Trnsfer] [HLog] }
5. softkeys hold {[Newcall] {Resume]}
6. softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [Newcall] [Redial] [HLog] }
7. softkeys seized {[Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Redial]}
8. exit
9. voice register pool pool-tag
10. template template-tag
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Modify Softkey Display on SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register template configuration mode to create a SIP
phone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 9
Step 3
• template-tag—Range: 1 to 10.
(Optional) Configures a SIP phone template for softkey display
during the call-connected state.
softkeys connected {[Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold]
[Trnsfer] [HLog] }
Step 4
Router(config-register-template)# softkeys
connected Endcall Hold Transfer HLog
• You can enter the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures a phone template for softkey display during
the call-hold state.
softkeys hold {[Newcall] {Resume]}
Router(config-register-template)# softkeys
hold Resume
Step 5
• Default is that the NewCall and Resume softkeys are
displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures a phone template for softkey display during
the idle state.
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [Newcall] [Redial]
[HLog] }
Step 6
Router(config-register-template)# softkeys
idle Newcall Redial Cfwdall HLog
• You can enter the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures a phone template for softkey display during
the seized state.
softkeys seized {[Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Redial]}
Router(config-register-template)# softkeys
seized Endcall Redial Cfwdall
Step 7
• You can enter the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-template)# exit
Step 8
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 36
Step 9
Step 10 template template-tag Applies a SIP phone template to the phone you are configuring.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Modify Softkey Display on SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-register-pool)# template 9
• template-tag— Template tag that was created with the voice
register template command in Step 3 .
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 11
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying the parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391 .
Verify Softkey Configuration
Step 1 show running-config
Use this command to verify your configuration. In the following example, the softkey display is modified in phone
template 7 and the template is applied to SIP phone 2. All other phones use the default arrangement of softkeys.
Router# show running-config
voice register dn 1 dual-line
ring feature secondary
number 126 secondary 1261
description Sales
name Smith
call-forward busy 500 secondary
call-forward noan 500 timeout 10
huntstop channel
no huntstop
no forward local-calls
voice register template 7
session-transport tcp
softkeys hold Resume Newcall
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Cfwdall HLog
softkeys connected Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Hold Hlog
voicemail 52001 timeout 30
voice register pool 2
id mac 0030.94C2.A22A
number 1 dn 4
template 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Verify Softkey Configuration
dialplan 3
Step 2 show telephony-service ephone-template or show voice register template template-tag
These commands display the contents of individual templates.
Router# show telephony-service ephone-template
ephone-template 1
softkey ringing Answer Dnd
conference drop-mode never
conference add-mode all
conference admin: No
Always send media packets to this router: No
Preferred codec: g711ulaw
User Locale: US
Network Locale: US
Router# show voice register template 7
Temp Tag 7
Attended Transfer is enabled
Blind Transfer is enabled
Semi-attended Transfer is enabled
Conference is enabled
Caller-ID block is disabled
DnD control is enabled
Anonymous call block is disabled
Voicemail is 52001, timeout 30
KPML is disabled
Transport type is tcp
softkey connected Endcall Trnsfer Confrn Hold HLog
softkey hold Resume Newcall
softkey idle Newcall Redial Cfwdall HLog
Enable Flash Softkey
Restriction The IP phone must support softkey display.
Before You Begin
To enable the Flash softkey, perform the following steps
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. fxo hook-flash
5. restart all
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Enable Flash Softkey
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Enables the Flash softkey on phones that support softkey display
on PSTN calls using an FXO port.
fxo hook-flash
Router(config-telephony)# fxo hook-flash
Step 4
The Flash softkey display is automatically disabled for
local IP-phone-to-IP-phone calls.
Performs a fast reboot of all phones associated with this
Cisco Unified CME router. Does not contact the DHCP or TFTP
server for updated information.
restart all
Router(config-telephony)# restart all
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
Verify Flash Softkey Configuration
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to display an entire configuration, including Flash softkey, which is listed in
the telephony-service portion of the output.
Router# show running-config
fxo hook-flash
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service command to show only the telephony-service portion of the configuration.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Verify Flash Softkey Configuration
Configure Feature Blocking
To configure feature blocking for SCCP phones, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. features blocked [CFwdAll] [Confrn] [GpickUp] [Park] [PickUp] [Trnsfer]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. restart
9. Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 for each phone to which the template should be applied.
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-template template-tag Enters ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-template 1
• template-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
template during configuration tasks. Range is 1 to 20.
features blocked [CFwdAll] [Confrn] Prevents the specified softkey from invoking its feature.
[GpickUp] [Park] [PickUp] [Trnsfer]
Step 4
• CFwdAll—Call forward all calls.
features blocked Park Trnsfer
• Confrn—Conference.
• GpickUp—Group call pickup.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Feature Blocking
Command or Action Purpose
• Park—Call park.
• PickUp—Directed or local call pickup. This includes pickup
last-parked call and pickup from another extension or park slot.
• Trnsfer—Call transfer.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 25
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephonesfor
a particular Cisco Unified CME system is version- and
platform-specific. For the range of values, see the CLI help.
Step 7 ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to an ephone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template
• template-tag—Template number that you want to apply to this
To view your ephone-template configurations, use the show
telephony-service ephone-template command.
Performs a fast reboot of this ephone. Does not contact the DHCP or
TFTP server for updated information.
Router(config-ephone)# restart
Step 8
If you are applying the template to more than one ephone, you
can use the restart all command in telephony-service
configuration mode to reboot all the phones so they have the
new template information.
Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 for each phone to —
which the template should be applied.
Step 9
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Feature Blocking
Verify Block Softkey Configuration
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to display the running configuration, including ephone templates and ephone
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-template command and the show telephony-service ephone command to
display only the contents of ephone templates and the ephone configurations, respectively.
Configure Immediate Divert (iDivert) Softkey on SIP Phone
To configure iDivert softkey (in connected state) on Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones, perform the following step.
When one participant in a conference (Meetme, Ad Hoc, cBarge, or Join) presses the iDivert softkey, all
remaining participants receive an outgoing greeting of the participant who pressed iDivert softkey.
Restriction • iDivert feature is disabled when call-forward all is activated for a phone.
• iDivert feature is not activated for the second call when call-forward busy is activated for a phone
and the phone is busy with the first call.
• If iDivertsoftkey is pressed before call forward no answer (CFNA) timeout, then the call isforwarded
to voice mail.
• The calling and called parties can divert the call to their voice messaging mailboxesif both the parties
press the iDivert softkey at the same time. The voice messaging mailbox of the calling party will
receive a portion of the outgoing greeting of the called party.Similarly, the voice messaging mailbox
of the called party will receive a portion of the outgoing greeting of the calling party.
• iDivert softkey is not supported when SIP phones fall back to SRST mode in Cisco Unified CME.
• iDivert after connect towards the voicemail with transcoding is not supported.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Verify Block Softkey Configuration
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. softkeys connected [Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold] [Trnsfer] [iDivert]
5. softkeys hold [Newcall] {Resume] [ iDivert]
6. softkeys ringing [Answer] [DND] [iDivert]
7. exit
8. voice register pool pool-tag
9. template template-tag
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to create a
SIP phone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 9
Step 3
• template-tag—Range: 1 to 10.
(Optional) Configures a SIP phone template for softkey display
during the call-connected state.
softkeys connected [Confrn] [Endcall] [Hold]
[Trnsfer] [iDivert]
Step 4
Router(config-register-template)# softkeys
connected Endcall Hold Transfer iDivert
• You can enter the keywords in any order.
• Default is all softkeys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
(Optional) Configures a phone template for softkey display
during the call-hold state.
softkeys hold [Newcall] {Resume] [ iDivert]
Router(config-register-template)# softkeys
hold Newcall Resume
Step 5
• Default is that the NewCall and Resume softkeys are
displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any softkey that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Immediate Divert (iDivert) Softkey on SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Modifies the order and type of softkeys that display on a SIP
phone during the ringing call state.
softkeys ringing [Answer] [DND] [iDivert]
Router(config-register-temp)# softkeys
ringin dnd answer idivert
Step 6
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-template)# exit
Step 7
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 36
Step 8
Step 9 template template-tag Applies a SIP phone template to the phone you are configuring.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 9
• template-tag— Template tag that was created with the
voice register template command in Step 3 .
end Exits configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 10
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SCCP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone template template-tag
4. url-button index type | url [name]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Step 4 url-button index type | url [name] Configures a service URL button on a line key.
1 myphoneapp
2 em
3 snr
Router (config-ephone-template)#url-button
4 http://www.cisco.com
• index—Unique index number. Range: 1 to 8.
• type—Type of service URL button. The following types
of service URL buttons are available:
◦myphoneapp: My phone application configured under
phone user interface.
◦em: Extension Mobility.
◦snr: Single Number Reach.
• url name—Service URL with maximum length of 31
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)#ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SCCP Phone
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the URL buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, restart the phones.
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SIP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. url-button [index number] [url location] [url name]
5. exit
6. voice register pool phone-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to create aSIP
phone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the template that is
being created. Range: 1 to 10.
url-button [index number] [url location] [url Configures a service URL button on a line key.
Step 4
• index number—Unique index number. Range: 1 to 8.
Router(config-register-temp)url-button 1
http:// www.cisco.com
• url location—Location of the URL.
• url name—Service URL with maximum length of 31
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice register pool phone-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifiesthis voice register
pool during configuration tasks.
Step 7 template template-tag Applies the SIP phone template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that you
created in Step 3.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the URL buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Service URL Line Key Button on SIP Phone
Configure Feature Buttons on SCCP Phone Line Key
Restriction • Answer, Select, cBarge, Join, and Resume features are not supported as PLKs.
• Feature buttons are only supported on Cisco Unified IPPhones 6911, 7941, 7942, 7945, 7961, 7962,
7965. 7970, 7971, and 7975 with SCCP v12 or later versions.
• Any features available through hard buttons are not provisioned. Use the show ephone register
detail command to verify why the features buttons are not provisioned.
• Not all feature buttons are supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 6911 phone. Call Forward, Pickup,
Group Pickup, and MeetMe are the only feature buttons supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone
• The privacy-button command is available on Cisco Unified IP phones running a SCCP Version 8
or later versions. Theprivacy-butttoncommand is overridden by any other available feature buttons.
• Locales are not supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7914.
• Locales are not supported for Cancel Call Waiting or Live Recording feature buttons.
• The feature state for DnD, Hlog, Privacy, Login, and Night Service feature buttons are indicated by
an LED. For a list of LED behavior for PLK, see Table 81: LED Behavior, on page 936
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone template template-tag
4. feature-button index [label ]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Feature Buttons on SCCP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone template 10
Step 3
• template-tag- Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10
feature-button index [label Configures a feature button on a line key.
Step 4
• index- Index number, one from 25 for a specific feature
1 label hold
• feature identifier-Feature ID or stimulus ID.
• label -Non-default text label.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 5
• phone-tag- Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 10
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the feature buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, restart the phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Feature Buttons on SCCP Phone Line Key
Configure Feature Buttons on SIP Phone Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. feature-button [index] [feature identifier]
5. exit
6. voice register pool phone-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to
create a SIP phone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag -Unique identifier for the template that
is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Feature button can be configured under voice
register pool or voice register template
configuration mode. If both configurations are
applied, the feature button configuration under
voice register pool takes precedence.
Step 4 feature-button [index] [feature identifier] Configures a feature button on a line key.
1 DnD
2 EndCall
3 Cfwdall
• index—One of the 12 index numbers for a specific
feature type.
• feature identifier —Unique identifier for a feature.
One of the following feature orstimulusIDs: Redial,
Hold, Trnsfer, Cfwdall, Privacy, MeetMe, Confrn,
Park, Pickup. Gpickup, Mobility, Dnd, ConfList,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configure Feature Buttons on SIP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
RmLstC, CallBack, NewCall, EndCall, HLog,
NiteSrv, Acct, Flash, Login, TrnsfVM, or LiveRcd.
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice register pool phone-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifiesthis voice
register pool during configuration tasks.
Step 7 template template-tag Applies the template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that
you created in Step 3.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the feature buttonsfor phonesin Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391
Configuration Example for Softkeys
Example for Modifying Softkey Display
The following example modifiesthe softkey display on four phones by creating two ephone templates. Ephone
template 1 is applied to ephone 11, 13, and 15. Template 2 is applied to ephone 34. The softkey displays on
all other phones use the default arrangement of keys.
ephone-template 1
softkeys idle Redial Newcall
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Trnsfer
ephone-template 2
softkeys idle Redial Newcall
softkeys seized Redial Endcall Pickup
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Configuration Example for Softkeys
softkeys alerting Redial Endcall
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Trnsfer
ephone 11
ephone-template 1
ephone 13
ephone-template 1
ephone 15
ephone-template 1
ephone 34
ephone-template 2
Example for Modifying HLog Softkey for SCCP Phones
The following example establishes the appearance and order of softkeys for phones that are configured with
ephone-template 7. The Hlog key is available when a phone is idle, when it has seized a line, or when it is
connected to a call. Phones without softkeys can use the standard HLog codes to toggle ready and not-ready
hunt-group logout HLog
fac standard
ephone-template 7
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer Hlog
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
Example for Modifying HLog Softkey for SIP Phones
The following example establishes the appearance and order of softkeys for phones that are configured with
voice register template 7. The Hlog key is available when a phone is idle, when there is a ringIn, or when it
is connected to a call.Phones without softkeys can use the standard HLog codes to toggle ready and not-ready
hunt-group logout HLog
fac standard
voice register template 7
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer Hlog
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall Hlog
softkeys ringIn Answer DND iDivert Hlog
Example for Enabling Flash Softkey for PSTN Calls
The following example enables the Flash softkey for PSTN calls through an FXO voice port:
fxo hook-flash
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Example for Modifying HLog Softkey for SCCP Phones
Example for Park and Transfer Blocking
The following example blocks the use of Park and Transfer softkeys on extension 2333:
ephone-template 1
features blocked Park Trnsfer
ephone-dn 2
number 2333
ephone 3
button 1:2
ephone-template 1
Example for Conference Blocking
The following example blocks the conference feature on extension 2579, which is on an analog phone:
ephone-template 1
features blocked Confrn
ephone-dn 78
number 2579
ephone 3
ephone-template 1
mac-address C910.8E47.1282
type anl
button 1:78
Example for Immediate Divert (iDivert) Configuration
The following example shows iDivert softkey in connected state:
Router# show voice register template 1
Temp Tag 1
Attended Transfer is enabled
Blind Transfer is enabled
Semi-attended Transfer is enabled
Conference is enabled
Caller-ID block is disabled
DnD control is enabled
Anonymous call block is disabled
Softkeys connected iDivert
Example for Configuring URL Buttons on a SCCP Phone Line Key
The following example shows three URL buttons configured for line keys:
ephone-template 5
url-button 1 em
url-button 2 mphoneapp mphoneapp
url-button 3 snr
ephone 36
ephone-template 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Example for Park and Transfer Blocking
Example for Configuring URL Buttons on a SIP Phone Line Key
The following example shows URL buttons configured in voice register template 1:
Router# show run!voice register template 1
url-button 1 My_Dir
url-button 5 http://www.yahoo.com Yahoo
!voice register pool 50
Example for Configuring Feature Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key
The following example shows feature buttons configured for line keys:
ephone-template 10
feature-button 1 Park
feature-button 2 MeetMe
feature-button 3 CallBack
ephone-template 10
Example for Configuring Feature Button on a SIP Phone Line Key
The following example shows three feature buttons configured for line keys:
voice register template 5
feature-button 1 DnD
feature-button 2 EndCall
feature-button 3 Cfwdall
feature-button 4 HLog
voice register pool 12
template 5
Note For more details on HLog functionality, see Call Coverage Features, on page 1239 chapter.
Where to Go Next
If you are done modifying the parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. For more information, see Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Ephone Templates
The softkeys commands are included in ephone templates that are applied to one or more individual ephones.
For more information about templates, see Templates, on page 1427.
HLog Softkey
The HLog softkey must be enabled with the hunt-group logout HLog command before it will be displayed.
For more information, see Configure Call Coverage Features, on page 1278.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Example for Configuring URL Buttons on a SIP Phone Line Key
Feature Information for Softkeys
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 82: Feature Information for Softkeys
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Account code entry was
Account Code Entry 3.0
The Barge, LiveRcd, and TrnsfVM
softkeys were added.
Barge Softkey 4.3
The ConfList, Join, MeetMe,
RmLstC, and Select softkeys were
Conferencing Softkeys 4.1
Feature Blocking 4.0 Feature blocking was introduced.
Allows control display of softkeys
on the Cisco UnifiedSIPIPPhones
8961, 9951, and 9971 using the
feature policy template.
Feature Policy Softkey Control 8.5
Flash Softkey 3.0 Flash softkey was introduced.
Added support for iDivert softkey
for SIP IP phones.
Immediate Divert Softkey for SIP 8.5
Allows you to configure a feature
button or a URL button on a line
key on both SIP and SCCP IP
Programmable Line Keys 8.5
Adds support for softkeys as
programmable line keys on Cisco
Unified 6945, 8941, and 8945
SCCP IP Phones.
Programmable Line Keys 8.8
Adds support for softkeys as
programmable line keys on Cisco
Unified 6911, 6921, 6941, 6945,
6961, 8941, and 8945 SIP IP
Programmable Line Keysfor Cisco 9.0
Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Feature Information for Softkeys
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Support added for the softkeys
'Details' on Cisco IP Phone 7800
Series, and 'Show detail' on Cisco
IP Phone 8800 Series.
Softkey Display 11.7
HLog Softkey support for SIP
Phone was introduced.
Configurable softkey display for
for the
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G,
7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE,
7970G, and 7971GE
• An optional HLog softkey
was added to the connected,
idle, and seized call states.
• The ability to customize
softkey display in the hold
call state was added.
Configurable softkey display (the
ability to customize softkey display
in the alerting, connected, idle, and
seized call states) was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Feature Information for Softkeys
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customize Softkeys
Feature Information for Softkeys
Speed Dial
• Information About Speed Dial, page 965
• Configure Speed Dial, page 970
• Configuration Examples for Speed Dial, page 982
• Where to Go Next, page 983
• Feature Information for Speed Dial, page 984
Information About Speed Dial
Speed Dial Summary
Speed dial allows a phone user to quickly dial a number from a list. The different types of speed dial are
summarized in Table 83: Speed Dial Types, on page 965.
Table 83: Speed Dial Types
Speed Dial Type Availability of Numbers Description How Configured
Enable a Local Speed
Dial Menu, on page 970
Usersinvoke entriesfrom
the Directories > Local
Speed Dial menu on IP
System-level list of
frequently called numbers
that can be programmed
on all phones.
A maximum of 32
numbers can be defined.
Numbers are set up by an
administrator using an
XML File speeddial.xml,
which is placed in the
Cisco Unified CME
router’s flash memory.
Local Speed Dial Menu
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial Type Availability of Numbers Description How Configured
• Enable a Personal
Speed Dial Menu on
SCCP Phones, on
page 972
• Enable a Personal
Speed Dial Menu on
SIP Phones, on
page 980
Usersinvoke entriesfrom
the Directories > Local
Services > Personal
Speed Dials menu on IP
Speed dial entries are
local to a specific IP
A maximum of 24
numbers per phone can be
Personal Speed Dial
• Define Speed-Dial
Buttons and
Abbreviated Dialing
on SCCP Phones,
on page 974
• Define Speed-Dial
Buttons on SIP
Phones, on page
For IP phones, the first
entries that are set up
occupy any unused line
buttons and are invoked
when a user presses one
of these line buttons.
Subsequent entries are
invoked when a phone
user dials the speed-dial
code (tag) and the Abbr
soft key.
The feature to
entries by dialing
the speed-dial
code (tag) and
the Abbr soft key
is supported only
Analog phone users
invoke speed dial by
entering an asterisk and
the speed-dial code (tag)
number of the desired
Up to 99 speed-dial codes
per phone.
Speed Dial Buttons and
Abbreviated Dialing
Enable Bulk-Loading
Speed-Dial, on page 976
Phone users dial the
following sequence:
prefix-code list-id index
There can be up to ten
text files containing lists
of many speed-dial
numbers that are loaded
into flash, slot, or TFTP
locations to be accessed
by phone users. The ten
files can hold 10,000
Bulk-LoadingSpeed Dial
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Speed Dial Summary
Speed Dial Type Availability of Numbers Description How Configured
No additional
configuration required.
IP phone buttons that are
configured as monitor
lines can be used to
speed-dial the line that is
being monitored.
Speed dial entries are
local to a specific IP
There can be as many
numbers as there are
monitor lines on a phone.
Monitor-Line Button for
Speed Dial
Enable DSS Service, on
page 971
Allows phone user to fast
transfer a call by pressing
a single speed-dial line or
monitor line button.
All phones on which
speed-dial line or monitor
line button is configured.
Direct Station Select
(DSS) Service
Speed Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing
In a Cisco Unified CME system, each phone can have up to 32 local speed-dial numbers (codes 1 to 32), up
to 99 system-level speed-dial numbers (codes 1 to 99), or a combination of the two. If you program both a
local and a system-level speed-dial number with the same speed-dial code (tag), the local number takes
precedence. Typically you will want to reserve codes 1 to 32 for local, per-phone speed-dial numbers and use
codes 33 to 99 for system-level speed-dial numbers so that there is no conflict.
On an IP phone, speed-dial entries are assigned to unused line buttons. Then, after all line buttons are used,
subsequent entries are added but do not have an assigned line button. The speed-dial entry is not related to
the physical button layout of the phone. Entries are assigned in order of speed-dial tag.
You can create local speed-dial codes with locked numbers that cannot be changed from the phone. You can
also create empty local speed-dial codes on an IP phone without a telephone number. These empty speed-dial
codes can be changed by the phone user to add a telephone number.
Changes to speed-dial entries are saved into the router’s nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM)
configuration after a timer-based delay.
For configuration information, see Define Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing on SCCP Phones,
on page 974.
Bulk-Loading Speed Dial Numbers
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, up to ten text files containing lists of many speed-dial numbers
can be loaded into flash, slot, or TFTP locations to be accessed by phone users. The ten files can hold a total
of up to 10,000 numbers. Each list holds numbers that are in an appropriate format for dialing from IP phones
and SCCP-enabled analog phones.
Up to ten bulk speed-dial lists can be created. These lists might be corporate directory lists, regional lists, or
local lists, for example. The speed-dial numbers in these lists can be system-level (available to all ephones)
or personal (available to one or more specified ephones). Each list receives a unique speed-dial list ID number
(sd-id) between 0 and 9.
Speed-dial list ID numbers that are not used for global speed-dial lists are available to identify personal,
custom lists that are associated with individual phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Speed Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing
Bulk speed-dial lists contain entries of speed-dial codes and the associated phone numbers to dial. Each entry
in a speed-dial list must appear on a separate line. The fields in each entry are separated by commas (,). A
line that begins with a semicolon (;) is handled as a comment. The format of each entry is shown in the
following line.
Table 84: Bulk Speed-Dial List Entry, on page 968 explains the fields in a bulk speed-dial list entry.
Table 84: Bulk Speed-Dial List Entry
Field Description
Zero-filled number that uniquely identifiesthisindex
entry. Maximum length: 4 digits. All index entries
must be the same length.
Telephone number to dialed. Represents a fully
qualified E.164 number. Use a comma (,) to represent
a one-second pause.
(Optional) Alphanumeric string to identify a name,
up to 30 characters.
(Optional) Enter hide to block the display of the
dialed number.
(Optional) Enter appendto allow additional digits to
be appended to this number when dialed.
The following is a sample bulk speed-dial list:
90,914085550153,Cisco extension,hide,append
To place a call to a speed-dial entry in a list, the phone user must first dial a prefix, followed by the list ID
number, then the index for the bulk speed-dial list entry to be called.
For configuration information, see Enable Bulk-Loading Speed-Dial, on page 976.
Monitor-Line Button for Speed Dial
For Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, a monitor-line button can be used to speed-dial the monitor line’s
number. A monitor line is a line that is shared by two people. Only one person can make and receive calls on
the shared line at a time, while the other person, whose line is in monitor mode, is able to see that the line is
in use. Speed dialing is available when monitor lines’ lamps are off, indicating that the line is not in use. For
example, an assistant who wants to talk with a manager can press an unlit monitor-line button to speed-dial
the manager’s number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Monitor-Line Button for Speed Dial
A monitor-line lamp is off or unlit only when its line is in the idle call state. The idle state occurs before a
call is made and after a call is completed. For all other call states, the monitor-line lamp is on or lit.
The following example shows a monitor-line configuration. Extension 2311 is the manager’s line, and ephone
1 is the manager’s phone. The manager’s assistant monitors extension 2311 on button 2 of ephone 2. When
the manager is on the line, the lamp is lit on the assistant’s phone. If the lamp is not lit, the assistant can
speed-dial the manager by pressing button 2.
ephone-dn 11
number 2311
ephone-dn 22
number 2322
ephone 1
button 1:11
ephone 2
button 1:22 2m11
No additional configuration is required to enable a phone user to speed dial the number of a monitored shared
line, when the monitored line is in an idle call state.
DSS (Direct Station Select) Service
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) and later versions, the DSS (Direct Station Select) Service feature allows the
phone user to press a single speed-dial line button to transfer an incoming call when the call isin the connected
state. This feature is supported on all phones on which monitor line buttons for speed dial or speed-dial line
buttons are configured.
When the DSS service is enabled, the system automatically generates a simulated transfer key event when
needed, eliminating the requirement for the phone user to press the Transfer button.
Disabling the service changesthe behavior of the speed-dial line button on all IPphonesso that a user pressing
a speed-dial button in the middle of a connected call will play out the speed-dial digits into the call without
transferring the call. When DSS service is disabled, the phone user must first press Transfer and then press
the monitor or speed-dial line button to transfer the incoming call.
For configuration information, see Enable a Local Speed Dial Menu, on page 970.
Phone User-Interface for Speed Dial and Fast Dial
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, IP phone users can configure their own speed-dial and fast-dial
settings directly from the phone. The speed-dial and fast-dial settings can be added or modified on the phone
by using a menu available with the Services feature button. Extension Mobility users can add or modify
speed-dial settings in their user profile after logging in. Fast-dial settings are not configurable from Extension
Mobility phones, nor is the logout profile configurable from the phone.
Previously, the speed-dial and fast-dial configuration for a phone could only be done in Cisco Unified CME
or by using the web-based GUI. Thisfeature gives phone usersthe convenience of configuring theirspeed-dial
and fast-dial settings from their phones directly.
The speed-dial and fast-dial user interface is enabled by default on all phones with displays. You can disable
the capability for an individual phone in Cisco Unified CME to prevent a phone user from accessing the
interface. If a phone's speed-dial or fast-dial setting is configured with an ephone-template, the configuration
from the phone applies only to the specific phone and does not change the ephone-template configuration.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
DSS (Direct Station Select) Service
For configuration information, see Enable Phone User Interface for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial,
on page 978.
For information on how phone users configure speed-dial and fast-dial buttons using the phone user-interface,
see the Cisco Unified IP Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME.
Configure Speed Dial
Enable a Local Speed Dial Menu
To enable a localspeed-dial menu for all phones,SCCPandSIP, in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following
Restriction • If a speed dial XML file containsincomplete information, for example the name or telephone number
is missing for an entry, any information in the file that is listed after the incomplete entry is not
displayed when the local speed dial directory option is used on a phone.
• Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1, local speed-dial menu is not supported on SIP phones.
• Before Cisco CME 3.3, analog phones are limited to nine speed-dial numbers.
Before You Begin
An XML file called speeddial.xml must be created and copied to the TFTP server application on the
Cisco Unified CME router. The contents of speeddial.xml must be valid as defined in the Cisco-specified
directory DTD. See Example for Enabling a Local Speed Dial Menu, on page 982 and the
Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes.
1. enable
2. copy tftp flash
3. configure terminal
4. ip http server
5. ip http path flash:
6. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Configure Speed Dial
Command or Action Purpose
Copiesthe file from the TFTPserver to the router flash
copy tftp flash
Router# copy tftp flash
Step 2
• At the first prompt, enter the IP address or the
DNS name of the remote host.
Address or name of remote host []?
• At both filename prompts, enter speeddial.xml.
Source filename []? speeddial.xml
Destination filename [speeddial.xml]? • At the prompt to erase flash, enter no.
Accessing tftp://
Erase flash:before copying? [confirm]n
Loading speeddial.xml from (via
[OK - 329 bytes]
Verifying checksum... OK (0xF5DB)
329 bytes copied in 0.044 secs (7477 bytes/sec)
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 3
Enables the Cisco web-browser user interface on the
ip http server
Router(config)# ip http server
Step 4
ip http path flash: Sets the base HTTP path to flash memory.
Router(config)# ip http path flash:
Step 5
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 6
Enable DSS Service
To enable DSS Service for all on all SCCP phones on which monitor line buttons for speed dial or speed-dial
line buttons are configured, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable DSS Service
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. service dss
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Configures DSS (Direct Station Select) service globally for
all phone users in Cisco Unified CME.
service dss
Router(config-telephony)# service dss
Step 4
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SCCP Phones
To enable a personal speed-dial menu, perform the following steps.
Restriction • A personal speed-dial menu is available only on certain Cisco Unified IP phones, such as the 7940,
7960, 7960G, 7970G, and 7971G-GE. To determine whether personal speed-dial menu is supported
on your IP phone, see the Cisco Unified CME User Guides for your IP phone model.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. fastdial dial-tag number name name-string
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
• phone-tag—Unique number of the phone for which you want to
program personal speed-dial numbers.
fastdial dial-tag number name Creates an entry for a personal speed-dial number on this phone.
Step 4
• dial-tag—Unique identifier to identify this entry during configuration.
Range is 1 to 100.
Router(config-ephone)# fastdial 1
5552 name Sales
The range for dial-tag is 1 to 24 for Cisco Unified CME
versions earlier than 10.5
• number—Telephone number or extension to be dialed.
• name name-string—Label to appear in thePersonalSpeed Dial menu,
containing a string of up to 24 alphanumeric characters.Personalspeed
dial is handled through an XML request,so charactersthat have special
meaning to HTTP,such as ampersand (&), percentsign (%),semicolon
(;), angle brackets (< >), and vertical bars (||), are not allowed.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SCCP Phones
Define Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing on SCCP Phones
To define speed-dial buttons and abbreviated dialing codes, perform the following steps for each speed-dial
definition to be configured.
Restriction • On-hook abbreviated dialing using the Abbr soft key is supported only on the following phones:
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7920G
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7971G-GE
• System-level speed-dial codes cannot be changed by the phone user, at the phone.
• Before Cisco CME 3.3, analog phones were limited to nine speed-dial numbers.
• Before to Cisco CME 3.3, speed-dial entries that were in excess of the number of physical phone
buttons available were ignored by IP phones.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. speed-dial speed-tag digit-string [label label-text ]
5. restart
6. exit
7. telephony-service
8. directory entry{{directory-tag number name name}| clear}
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Define Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 55
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthe phone
on which you are adding speed-dial capability.
Defines a unique speed-dial identifier, a digit string to dial, and an
optional label to display next to the button.
speed-dial speed-tag digit-string [label
label-text ]
Step 4
Router(config-ephone)# speed-dial 1 +5001
label “Head Office”
• speed-tag—identifier for a speed-dial definition. Range is
1 to 33.
Performs a fast reboot of this ephone. Does not contact the DHCP
or TFTP server for updated information.
Router(config-ephone)# restart
Step 5
Exits configuration mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 6
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 7
directory entry{{directory-tag number name Adds a system-level directory and speed-dial definition.
name}| clear}
Step 8
• directory-tag—Digit string that provides a unique identifier
for this entry. Range is 1 to 99.
Router(config-telephony)# directory entry
45 8185550143 name Corp Acctg If the same tags 1 through 33 are configured at a phone-level by
using speed-dial command, and at a system-level by using this
command, the local definition takes precedence. To prevent this
conflict, we recommend that you use only codes 34 to 99 for
system-level speed-dial numbers.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Define Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing on SCCP Phones
Enable Bulk-Loading Speed-Dial
To enable bulk-loading speed-dial numbers, perform the following steps:
Restriction • Bulk speed dial is not supported on FXO trunk lines.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a letter version.
• The bulk speed-dial text files containing the lists must be available in a location that is available to the
Cisco Unified CME router: flash, slot, or TFTP location.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. bulk-speed-dial list list-id location
5. bulk-speed-dial prefix prefix-code
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 bulk-speed-dial list list-id location identifies the location of a bulk speed-dial list.
Router(config-telephony)# bulk-speed-dial
list 6 flash:sd_dept_0_1_8.txt
• list-id—Digit that identifies the list to be used. Range is 0 to 9.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable Bulk-Loading Speed-Dial
Command or Action Purpose
• location—Location of the bulk speed-dial text file in URL
format. Valid storage locations are TFTP, Slot 0/1, and flash
This command can also be configured in ephone configuration mode
for specific phones.
Sets the prefix code that phone users dial to access speed-dial
numbers from a bulk speed-dial list.
bulk-speed-dial prefix prefix-code
Router(config-telephony)# bulk-speed-dial
prefix #7
Step 5
• prefix-code—One- or two-character access code forspeed dial.
Valid characters are digits from 0 to 9, asterisk (*), and pound
sign (#). Default is #.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
Verify Bulk Speed-Dial Parameters on SCCP Phones
show telephony-service bulk-speed-dial
Use this command to display information on speed-dial lists.
Router# show telephony-service bulk-speed-dial summary
List-id Entries Size Reference url
0 40 3840 Global tftp://
1 20 1920 Global phoneBook.csv
8 15 1440 Global tftp://
9 20 1920 Global tftp://
6 24879 2388384 ephone-2 tftp://
7 20 1920 ephone-2 phoneBook.csv
6 24879 2388384 ephone-3 big.txt1
7 20 1920 ephone-3 phoneBook.csv
4 Global List(s) 4 Local List(s)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Verify Bulk Speed-Dial Parameters on SCCP Phones
Enable Phone User Interface for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial
To enable a phone user to configure speed-dial and fast-dial numbers from a menu on their phone, perform
the following steps. This feature is enabled by default. You must perform this task only if the feature was
previously disabled on a phone.
Restriction Extension Mobility users cannot configure fast-dial settings (for personal speed-dial) from their phone.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later release.
• The Service URL must be configured. See Provision URLs for Feature Buttons for SCCP Phones, on
page 1476.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. phone-ui speeddial-fastdial
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Enables a phone user to configure speed-dial and fast-dial
numbers on their phone.
phone-ui speeddial-fastdial
Router(config-ephone)# phone-ui
Step 4
• This command is enabled by default.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable Phone User Interface for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
For information on how phone users configure speed dial and fast dial buttons using the UI, see Cisco Unified
IP Phone documentation for Cisco Unified CME.
Define Speed-Dial Buttons on SIP Phones
To define speed-dial buttons for Cisco SIP Phones, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Certain SIP phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 and 7940, cannot be configured to
enable speed dialing. Phone users with these phones must manually configure speed-dial numbers
by using the user interface at their Cisco Unified IP phone.
• On Cisco Unified IP phones, speed-dial definitions are assigned to available buttons that have not
been assigned to actual extensions.Speed-dial definitions are assigned in the order of their identifier
• Phones with Cisco ATA devices are limited to a maximum of nine speed-dial numbers. Speed-dial
numbers cannot be programmed by using the user interface at the phone.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. speed-dial speed-tag digit-string [label label-text]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Define Speed-Dial Buttons on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set parameters
for specified SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 23
Step 3
Creates a speed-dial definition in Cisco Unified CME for a SIP
phone or analog phone that uses an analog adapter (ATA).
speed-dial speed-tag digit-string [label label-text]
router(config-register-pool)# speed-dial 2
+5001 label “Head Office”
Step 4
• speed-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the
speed-dial definition during configuration. Range is 1 to
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
The following example shows how to set speed-dial button 2 to dial the head office at extension 5001 and
locks the setting so that the phone user cannot change the setting at the phone:
Router(config)# voice register pool 23
Router(config-register-pool)# speed-dial 2 +5001 label “Head Office”
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SIP Phones
To enable a personal speed-dial menu, perform the following steps.
Restriction • A personal speed-dial menu is available only on certain Cisco Unified IP phones, such as the 7811,
7821, 7841, 7861, 8841, and 8861. To determine whether personal speed-dial menu is supported on
your IP phone, see the Cisco Unified CME User Guides for your IP phone model.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. fastdial entry-tag number name name-string
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice register pool pool-tag Enters voice-register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool
• pool-tag—Unique number of the phone for which you want to
program personal speed-dial numbers.
fastdial entry-tag number name Creates an entry for a personal speed-dial number on this phone.
Step 4
• entry-tag—Unique identifier to identify this entry during
configuration. Range is 1 to 100.
Router(config-register-pool)# fastdial
1 5552 name Sales The range for entry-tag is 1 to 24 for Cisco Unified CME versions
earlier than 10.5.
• number—Telephone number or extension to be dialed.
• name name-string—Label to appear in thePersonalSpeed Dial menu,
containing a string of up to 24 alphanumeric characters. Personal
speed dial is handled through an XML request,so charactersthat have
special meaning to HTTP, such as ampersand (&), percent sign (%),
semicolon (;), angle brackets (< >), and vertical bars (||), are not
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Enable a Personal Speed Dial Menu on SIP Phones
Configuration Examples for Speed Dial
Example for Enabling a Local Speed Dial Menu
The following commands enable the Cisco web browser and set the HTTP path to flash memory so that the
speeddial.xml file in flash memory is accessible to IP phones:
ip http server
ip http path flash:
The following XML file—speeddial.xml, defines three speed-dial numbers that will appear to the user after
they press the Directories button on an IP phone.
Local Speed Dial
Record 1 to 1 of 1
Tech Support
Example for Configuring Personal Speed Dial Menu on SIP Phone
The following example creates a directory of three personal speed-dial listings for one IP phone:
ephone 1
fastdial 1 5489 name Marketing
fastdial 2 12125550155 name NY Sales
fastdial 3 12135550112 name LA Sales
Example for Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons and Abbreviated Dialing
The following example defines two locked speed-dial numbers with labels to appear next to the speed-dial
buttons on ephone 1. These speed-dial definitions are assigned to the next empty buttons after all extensions
are assigned. For instance, if two extensions are assigned on the Cisco Unified IP Phones 7960 and 7960G,
these speed-dial definitions appear on the third and fourth buttons.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Configuration Examples for Speed Dial
This example also defines two system-level speed-dial numbers with the directory entry command. One is
a local extension and the other is a ten-digit telephone number.
ephone 1
mac-address 1234.5678.ABCD
button 1:24 2:25
speed-dial 1 +5002 label Receptionist
speed-dial 2 +5001 label Security
directory entry 34 5003 name Accounting
directory entry 45 8185550143 name Corp Acctg
Example for Configuring Bulk-Loading Speed Dial
The following example changes the default bulk speed-dial prefix to #7 and enables global bulk speed-dial
list number 6 for all phones. It also enables a personal bulk speed-dial list for ephone 25.
bulk-speed-dial list 6 flash:sd_dept_01_1_87.txt
bulk-speed-dial prefix #7
ephone-dn 3
number 2555
ephone-dn 4
number 2557
ephone 25
button 1:3 2:4
bulk-speed-dial list 7 flash:lmi_sd_list_08_24_95.txt
Example for Configuring Speed-Dial and Fast-Dial User Interface
The following example shows that the user interface for speed-dial and fast-dial configuration is disabled on
phone 12:
ephone 12
no phone-ui speeddial-fastdial
ephone-template 5
mac-address 000F.9054.31BD
type 7960
button 1:10 2:7
Where to Go Next
If you are finished creating or modifying speed-dial configurations for individual phones, you must reboot
phonesto download the modified configuration.See Reset and Restart Cisco Unified IPPhones, on page 397.
DSS Call Transfer
Monitor-line button speed dial, also known as direct station select (DSS) call transfer, allows you to use a
monitored line button to speed-dial a call to that extension. If you want to allow consultation during DSS
transfers, see Information About Call Transfer and Forward, on page 1147.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Example for Configuring Bulk-Loading Speed Dial
Feature Information for Speed Dial
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Feature Information for Speed Dial
Table 85: Feature Information for Speed Dial
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Added user interface on SCCP
phones for programming Speed
Dial and Fast Dial.
Speed Dial 4.3
Added support for local and
personal speed-dial menus for SIP
phones in Cisco Unified CME.
Added support for DSS Service
which allows phone user to fast
transfer a call by pressing a single
speed-dial line or monitor line
Added support for bulk speed-dial
list for SCCP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
Added support for speed dial
buttons on SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
• Added support for personal
speed-dial from SCCP
phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
• Number of speed-dial
definitionsthat can be created
was increased from 4 to 33.
• The ability to program
speed-dial numbers at the
phone was introduced.
• The ability to lock speed-dial
numbers was introduced.
Speed dial using the speed-dial
command was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Feature Information for Speed Dial
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Speed Dial
Feature Information for Speed Dial
Video Support
• Prerequisites for Video Support, page 987
• Restrictions for Video Support, page 988
• Information About Video Support, page 989
• Configure Video Support, page 994
• Where to Go Next, page 1006
• Feature Information for Video Support, page 1006
Prerequisites for Video Support
• H.323 or SIP network for voice calls is operational.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• Cisco Unified IP phones are registered in Cisco Unified CME.
• Connection between Cisco Unified Video Advantage (CUVA) 1.02 or a later version and the
Cisco Unified IP phone is up. From a PC with CUVA 1.02 or a later version installed, ensure that the
line between the CUVA and the Cisco Unified IP phone is green. For more information, see
Cisco Unified Video Advantage User Guide.
• Correct video firmware is installed on the Cisco Unified IP phone.
◦For Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G and 7960G, 6.0(4) or a later version.
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G, 7.0(3) or a later version.
◦Cisco Unified IP Phone 7941G and7961G, 7.0(3) or a later version.
Other video-enabled endpoints registered with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified
CM) can place video calls to Cisco Unified IP phones only if the phones are registered with a
Cisco Unified CME and the appropriate video firmware is installed on the Cisco Unified IP phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Restrictions for Video Support
• This feature supports only the following video codecs:
◦H.261—Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions
◦H.263—Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions
◦H.264—Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions
• This feature supports only the following video formats:
◦4CIF—Resolution 704x576
◦16CIF—Resolution 1408x1152
◦Common Intermediate Format (CIF)—Resolution 352x288
◦One-Quarter Common Intermediate Format (QCIF)—Resolution 176x144
◦Sub QIF (SQCIF)—Resolution 128x96
• The call start fast feature is not supported with an H.323 video connection. You must configure call start
slow for H.323 video. For configuration information, see Enable Support for Video Streams Across
H.323 Networks, on page 1000.
• Video capabilities are configured per phone, not per line.
• All call feature controls (for example, mute and hold) apply to both audio and video calls, if applicable.
• This feature does not support the following:
◦Dynamic addition of video capability—The video capability must be present before the call setup
starts to allow the video connection.
◦T-120 data connection between two SCCP endpoints.
◦Video security
◦Far-end camera control (FECC) for SCCP endpoints.
◦Video codec renegotiation—The negotiated video codec must match or the call falls back to
audio-only. The negotiated codec for the existing call can be used for a new call.
◦SIP endpoints— When a video-capable SCCP endpoint connects to a SIP endpoint, the call falls
back to audio-only (prior to Cisco Unified CME 8.6).
◦Video supplementary services between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified CM.
• If the Cisco Unified CM is configured for Media Termination Point (MTP) transcoding, a video call
between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified CM is not supported.
• Video telephony is not supported with Cisco Unified CME MTP and codec g729/dspfarm-assist
configuration under ephone.
• If an SCCP endpoint calls an SCCP endpoint on the local Cisco Unified CME and one of the endpoints
transferred across an H.323 network, a video-consult transfer between the Cisco Unified CME systems
is not supported.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Restrictions for Video Support
• When a video-capable endpoint connects to an audio-only endpoint, the call falls back to audio-only.
During audio-only calls, video messages are skipped.
• For Cisco Unified CME, the video capabilities in the vendor configuration firmware is a global
configuration. This means that, although video can be enabled per ephone, the video icon shows on all
Cisco Unified IP phones supported by Cisco Unified CME.
• Because of the extra CPU consumption on RTP-stream mixing, the number of video calls supported on
Cisco Unified CME crossing an H.323 network is less than the maximum number of ephones supported.
• Cisco Unified CME cannot differentiate audio-only streams and audio-in-video streams. You must
configure the DSCP values of audio and video streams in the H.323 dial-peers.
• If RSVP is enabled on the Cisco Unified CME, a video call is not supported.
• A separate VoIP dial peer, configured for fast-connect procedures, is required to complete a video call
from a remote H.323 network to a Cisco Unity Express system.
• Video call is enabled on Cisco Unified CME, when the active call is held and resumed.
Information About Video Support
Video Support Overview
Video support allows you to pass a video stream, with a voice call, between two video-capableSCCPendpoints
and betweenSCCPand H.323 endpoints. Through the Cisco Unified CME router, the video-capable endpoints
can communicate with each other locally to a remote H.323 endpoint through a gateway or through an H.323
Video capabilities are disabled by default, and enabling video capabilities on Cisco Unified CME does not
automatically enable video on all ephones. You must first enable video globally for all video-capable SCCP
phones associated with a Cisco Unified CME router and then enable video for each phone individually. Video
parameters, like maximum bit rate, are set at a system level.
For information about the global configuration for video capabilities, see Enable System-Level Video
Capabilities, on page 1002.
For information about configuring an individual phone for video capabilities, see Enable Video Capabilities
on a Phone, on page 1003.
Note After video is enabled globally, all video-capable ephones display the video icon.
SIP Trunk Video Support
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 adds the following support for video calls:
• Support for video calls between SCCP endpoints across different Cisco Unified CME routers connected
through a SIP trunk. All previously supported SCCP video endpoints and video codecs are supported.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Information About Video Support
• H.264 video support—H.264 provides high-quality images at low bit rates and is widely used in
commercial video conferencing systems. The H.264 codec supports the following video calls:
◦SCCP to H.323
◦Dynamic payload negotiation for H.264 (both SCCP to SIP and SCCP to H323)
Restriction • On Cisco Unified CME 8.6, calls made from SIP endpoints across a SIP trunk terminating on a
non-CME endpoint (such as those controlled by a Cisco Unified CM or video conferencing MTU)
require the following CLI to be configured to allow video:
voice service voip
asymmetric payload full
• The no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily and no supplementary-service sip refer
commands are not supported for video calls through a SIP trunk.
• Supplementary services like call hold, call resume and call transfer are not supported on video calls
between SCCP and SIP endpoints that are registered with CME. The call gets converted into
audio-only mode when these supplementary services are invoked.
No new configuration isrequired to support these enhancements.For configuration information,see Configure
Video Support, on page 994.
Matching Endpoint Capabilities
During phone registration, information about endpoint capabilities is stored in the Cisco Unified CME. These
capabilities are used to match with other endpoints during call setup. Endpoints can update at any time;
however, the router recognizes endpoint-capability changes only during call setup. If a video feature is added
to a phone, the information about it is updated in the router’s internal data structure but that information does
not become effective until the next call. If a video feature is removed, the router continues to see the video
capability until the call is terminated but no video stream is exchanged between the two endpoints.
Note The endpoint-capability match is executed each time a new call is set up or an existing call is resumed.
Retrieving Video Codec Information
Voice gateways use dial-peer configurations to retrieve codec information for audio codecs. Video codec
selection is done by the endpoints and is not controlled by the H.323 service-provider interface (SPI) through
dial-peer or other configuration. The video-codec information is retrieved from the SCCP endpoint using a
capabilities request during call setup.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Matching Endpoint Capabilities
Call Fallback to Audio-Only
When a video-capable endpoint connects to an audio-only endpoint, the call falls back to an audio-only
connection. Also, for certain features such as conferencing, where video support is not available, the call falls
back to audio-only.
Cisco Unified CME routers use a call-type flag to indicate whether the call is video-capable or audio-only.
The call-type flag is set to video when the video capability is matched or set to audio-only when connecting
to an audio-only TDM or an audio-only SIP endpoint.
Note During an audio-only connection, all video-related media messages are skipped.
Call Setup for Video Endpoints
The process for handling SCCP video endpoints is the same as that for handling SCCP audio endpoints. The
video call must be part of the audio call. If the audio call setup fails, the video call fails.
During the call setup for video, media setup handling determines if a video-media-path is required. If so, the
corresponding video-media-path setup actions are taken.
• For an SCCP endpoint, video-media-path setup includes sending messages to the endpoints to open a
multimedia path and start the multimedia transmission.
• For an H.323 endpoint, video-media-path setup includes an exchange between the endpoints to open a
logical channel for the video stream.
A call-type flag is set during call setup on the basis of the endpoint-capability match. After call setup, the
call-type flag is used to determine whether an additional video media path isrequired. Callsignaling is managed
by the Cisco Unified CME router and the media stream is directly connected between the two video-enabled
SCCP endpoints on the same router. Video-related commands and flow-control messages are forwarded to
the other endpoint. Routers do not interpret these messages.
Call Setup Between Two Local SCCP Endpoints
For interoperation between two local SCCP endpoints on the same router, video call setup uses all existing
audio-call-setup handling, except during media setup. During media setup, a message is sent to establish the
video-media-path. If the endpoint responds, the video-media-path is established and a
start-multimedia-transmission function is called.
Call Setup Between SCCP and H.323 Endpoints
Call setup between SCCP and H.323 endpoints is the same as it is between SCCP endpoints except that if
video capability is selected, the event is posted to the H.323 call leg to send out a video open logical channel
(OLC) and the gateway generates an OLC for the video channel. Because the router needs to both terminate
and originate the media stream, video must be enabled on the router before call setup begins.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Call Fallback to Audio-Only
Call Setup Between Two SCCP Endpoints Across an H.323 Network
If call setup between SCCP endpoints occurs across an H.323 network, the setup is a combination of the
processes listed in the previous two sections. The router controls the video media setup between the two
endpoints and the event is posted to the H.323 call leg so that the gateway can generate an OLC.
Because the endpoint capability negotiation and match occur after the H.323 connect message, video streams
over H.323 network require slow-start on call setup procedures for Cisco Unified CME. An H.323 network
can connect to a remote Cisco Unified CME router, Cisco Unified CM, remote IP to IP gateway, or a
video-capable H.323 endpoint. For configuration information, see Enable System-Level Video Capabilities,
on page 1002.
SIP Endpoint Video and Camera Support for Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961,
9951, and 9971
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 and later versions add phone-based video support and Universal Serial Bus (USB)
camera support for Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9951, and 9971. The Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9951,
and 9971 display local video using the USB camera. Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951 and 9971 with phone load
9.1.1 decode remote incoming video RTPstreams and display the video on the phone’s display screen. However,
the video and USB camera capabilities of these two phones are disabled on Cisco Unified CME by default
and are enabled by setting up the video and camera parameters in the phone provisioning file.
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 supports local SIP-video-to-SIP-video calls and SIP-video-to-SCCP-CUVA-video
calls on Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9951, and 9971 on the line side. On the trunk side, SIP video call is
only supported with SIP trunk. H323 trunk is not supported for video calls on Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951
and 9971.
The media path for SIP video call is flow through and media flow-around is not supported for SIP line in
Cisco Unified CME.
Video and Camera Configuration for Cisco Unified IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME uses the video and camera commands to allow video or camera to be enabled per phone,
per template, or for global configuration. The video and camera commands are configured under the voice
register pool, voice register template, and voice register global configuration modes. Once the commands are
configured, the create profile command is required to have the phones provision file update with new
configuration. For more information on enabling camera and video parameters on phones, see Enable Video
and Camera Support on Cisco Unified SIP Phones, on page 994.
The changes in video and camera configuration are applied to the phones when Cisco Unified CME sends
the request to a phone through a service-control event in a SIP NOTIFY message. In earlier versions of
Cisco Unified CME,SIPphones were required to reset and restart to update the new configuration parameters.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.6 and later versions, you use the apply-config command under voice register pool
and voice register global configuration modes to dynamically apply the video and camera configuration
changes to the phone configuration of Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9951, and 9971 without restarting or
resetting the phones and without causing any service interruption.
When Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9971 and 9951 receive the apply-config request, the phones retrieve
the new configuration file from the TFTP server and compare it with the existing configuration. The phones
may restart themselvesif there are any changesthat requires a restart; otherwise, the phones apply the changes
dynamically without restarting.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
SIP Endpoint Video and Camera Support for Cisco Unified IP Phones 8961, 9951, and 9971
For more information, see Apply Video and Camera Configuration to Cisco Unified SIP Phones, on page
Bandwidth Control for SIP Video Calls
Video call bandwidth control is critical when there is a limit in resources. Typically, video calls require much
higher bandwidth usage than audio-only calls. Video calls on Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951 and 9971 can
use up to 1 Mbps for VGA quality video compared to 64 kbps plus overhead for a G711 audio call.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.6, the Cisco UnifiedSIPIPPhones 9951 and 9971 with VGA resolution offer 1-Mbps
maximum bit-rate and answer with a lower value of received offer and 1 Mbps.Phonestransmit video resolution
and frame rate is set according to the maximum bandwidth bit-rate negotiated in the SIP offer or answer.
Cisco Unified CME controls the SIP global bandwidth by configuring the bandwidth video tias-modifier
bandwidth value [negotiate end-to-end] command in voice register global configuration mode. The bandwidth
control configuration is applied to the SIP phone dial-peer.
There are no new bandwidth changes in the SCCP CUVA side and the bandwidth configuration works the
same as in earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME.
For more information on configuring bandwidth control, see Configure Video Bandwidth Control for SIP to
SIP Video Calls, on page 999.
Flow of the RTP Video Stream
For video streams between two local SCCP endpoints, the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) stream is in
flow-around mode.For video streams betweenSCCPand H.323 endpoints or twoSCCPendpoints on different
Cisco Unified CME routers, the RTP stream is in flow-through mode.
• Media flow-around mode enables RTP packets to stream directly between the endpoints of a VoIP call
without the involvement of the gateway. By default, the gateway receivesthe incoming media, terminates
the call, and then reoriginates it on the outbound call leg. In flow-around mode, only signaling data is
passed to the gateway, improving scalability and performance.
• With flow-through mode, the video media path is the same as for an audio call. Media packets flow
through the gateway, thus hiding the networks from each other.
Use the show voip rtp connection command to display information about RTP named-event packets, such
as caller-ID number, IP address, and port for both the local and remote endpoints, as shown in the following
sample output:
Router# show voip rtp connections
VoIP RTP active connections :
No. Callid dstCallid LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP
1 102 103 18714 18158
2 105 104 17252 19088
Found 2 active RTP connections
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Flow of the RTP Video Stream
Configure Video Support
Enable Video and Camera Support on Cisco Unified SIP Phones
To enable video and camera support on Cisco UnifiedSIPPhonessuch as 8845, 8865, 9951, and 9971, perform
the following steps:
Note • Shared line is not supported.
• Video transfer and forward supplementary service is notsupported whenno supplementary-service
sip refer/move-temporary is configured.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
• The mode cme command is configured under voice register global configuration mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. camera
5. video
6. create profile
7. exit
8. voice register pool pool tag
9. id mac address
10. camera
11. video
12. exit
13. voice register template template-tag
14. camera
15. video
16. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Configure Video Support
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)#voice register global
Step 3
Enables the camera command under voice register global
configuration mode.
Step 4
Enables the video command under voice register global
configuration mode.
Step 5
Make sure you configure video command without
configuring the camera command so that Cisco Unified
SIP phones can switch from phone-based video camera
to CUVA. If you configure both video and camera
commands together, you may need to manually remove
the USB camera from Cisco Unified SIP phones .
Generates provisioning files required for SIP phones and writes
the file to the location specified with the tftp-path command.
create profile
Router(config-register-global)# create
Step 6
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Step 7
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool tag
Router(config)#voice register pool 5
Step 8
Explicitly identifies a locally available individual SIP phone to
support a degree of authentication.
id mac address
Router(config-register-pool)#id mac
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable Video and Camera Support on Cisco Unified SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enables the camera command under voice register pool
configuration mode.
Step 10
Enablesthe video command under voice register pool configuration
Step 11
exit Exits voice register pool configuration mode.
Step 12
Enters voice register template configuration mode to define a
template of common parameters for SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)voice register template 10
Step 13
• Range: 1 to 5.
Configures the camera command under voice register template
configuration mode.
Step 14
Configures the video command under voice register template
configuration mode.
Step 15
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-template)# end
Step 16
The following example shows the camera and video commands configured in voice register global
configuration mode:
Router#show run
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
voice register global
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable Video and Camera Support on Cisco Unified SIP Phones
mode cme
bandwidth video tias-modifier 512000 negotiate end-to-end
max-pool 10
voice register template 10
The following example shows the video and camera commands configured under voice register pool 5. You
can also configure both camera andvideo commands under voice register template configuration mode.
Router#show run
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
voice register global
mode cme
bandwidth video tias-modifier 512000 negotiate end-to-end
max-pool 10
voice register pool 1
id mac 1111.1111.1111
voice register pool 4
voice register pool 5
logout-profile 58
id mac 0009.A3D4.1234
What to Do Next
To apply the video and camera configuration to your Cisco Unified SIP IP phones, see Apply Video and
Camera Configuration to Cisco Unified SIP Phones, on page 997.
Apply Video and Camera Configuration to Cisco Unified SIP Phones
Apply-config is similar to resetting or restarting the phones and allowing the phones to update phone
configuration files. Phones only reboot if needed. To apply video configuration to Cisco Unified IP phones
8845, 8865, 8961, 9951, and 9971, perform the following steps:
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Apply Video and Camera Configuration to Cisco Unified SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. apply-config
5. exit
6. voice register pool pool tag
7. apply-config
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parametersfor allsupportedSIPphonesin Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)#voice register global
Step 3
Applies configuration for the Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones and
restarts all other SIP phones. The apply-config command acts
as a reset if configured on any other phone type.
Step 4
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool tag
Router(config)#voice register pool 5
Step 6
Applies configuration for the Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphones and
restarts all other SIP phones.
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Apply Video and Camera Configuration to Cisco Unified SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
The following example shows the apply-config command configured in voice register pool 5:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)#voice register pool 5
Configure Video Bandwidth Control for SIP to SIP Video Calls
To configure video bandwidth control for SIP to SIP video calls, perform the following steps:
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. bandwidth video tias-modifier bandwidth value [negotiate end-to-end]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Configure Video Bandwidth Control for SIP to SIP Video Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)#voice register global
Step 3
Allows to set the maximum video bandwidth bits per second for
SIP phones.
bandwidth video tias-modifier bandwidth value
[negotiate end-to-end]
Step 4
video tias-modifier 512000 negotiate
• bandwidth value—Bandwidth value in bits per second.
Range: 1 to 99999999.
• negotiate end-to-end—Bandwidth negotiation policy.
Negotiatesthe minimum SIP-line video bandwidth inSDP
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
The following example shows the bandwith video tias-modifier command configured under voice register
global configuration mode:
Router#show run
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
bandwidth video tias-modifier 512000 negotiate end-to-end
max-dn 200
max-pool 42
create profile sync 0004625832149157
voice register pool 1
id mac 1111.1111.1111
Enable Support for Video Streams Across H.323 Networks
To enable slow connect procedures in Cisco Unified CME for H.323 networks and H.323 video endpoints,
perform the following steps:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable Support for Video Streams Across H.323 Networks
Tandberg versions E3.0 and E4.1 and Polycom Release version 7.5.2 are the only H.323 video endpoints
supported by Cisco Unified CME.
Before You Begin
For video supplementary services across an H.323 network, H.450 (H.450.2, H.450.3, or H.450.1) standard
protocol is required.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. h323
5. call start slow
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
h323 Enters H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# h323
Step 4
Forces an H.323 gateway to use slow-connect procedures
for all VoIP calls.
call start slow
Router(config-serv-h323)# call start slow
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable Support for Video Streams Across H.323 Networks
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-serv-h323)# end
Step 6
Enable System-Level Video Capabilities
To enable video capabilities and set video parameters for all video-capable phones associated with a
Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. service phone videoCapability {0 | 1}
5. video
6. maximum bit-rate value
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable System-Level Video Capabilities
Command or Action Purpose
Enables or disables video capability parameter for all applicable
IP phones associated with a Cisco Unified CME router.
service phone videoCapability {0 | 1}
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
videoCapability 1
Step 4
• The parameter name is word and case-sensitive.
• 0—Disable (default).
• 1—Enable.
Step 5 video (Optional) Enters video configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# video
• Required only if you want to modify the maximum value
of the video bandwidth for all video-capable phones.
(Optional) Sets the maximum IP phone video bandwidth, in
kilobits per second.
maximum bit-rate value
Router(conf-tele-video)# maximum bit-rate
Step 6
• value—Range: 0 to 10000000. Default: 10000000.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(conf-tele-video)# end
Step 7
Enable Video Capabilities on a Phone
To enable video for video-capable phones associated with a Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following
steps for each phone.
Before You Begin
• Video capabilities are enabled at a system level. See Enable System-Level Video Capabilities, on page
• Use the show ephone registered command to identify individual video-capable SCCP phones, by
ephone-tag, that are registered in Cisco Unified CME. The following example shows that ephone 1 has
video capabilities and ephone 2 is an audio-only phone:
Router# show ephone registered
ephone-1 Mac:0011.5C40.75E8 TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 6 + Video
and Server in ver 5
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7
IP: 51833 7970 keepalive 35 max_line 8
button 1: dn 1 number 8003 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
ephone-2 Mac:0006.D74B.113D TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 6 and Server
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable Video Capabilities on a Phone
in ver 5
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7
IP: 51123 Telecaster 7960 keepalive 36 max_line 6
button 1: dn 2 number 8004 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
button 2: dn 4 number 8008 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. video
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 6
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies an
ephone during configuration tasks.
video Enables video capabilities on the specified ephone.
Router(config-ephone)# video
Step 4
Exits ephone configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Enable Video Capabilities on a Phone
Verify Video Support
Use the show running-config command to verify the video settings in the configuration.
See the telephony-service portion of the output for commands that configure video support on the Cisco Unified CME.
See the ephone portion of the output for commands that configure video support for a specific ephone.The following
example shows the telephony-service portion of the output:
video eo
maximum bit-rate 256
load 7960-7940 P00306000404
max-ephones 24
max-dn 24
ip source-address port 2000
service phone videoCapability 1
timeouts interdigit 4
timeouts ringing 100
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
keepalive 60
max-conferences 4 gain -6
call-park system redirect
call-forward pattern .T
web admin system name cisco password cisco
web customize load xml.jeff
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
The following example shows the ephone portion of the output:
ephone 6
mac-address 000F.F7DE.CAA5
type 7960
button 1:6
Troubleshooting Video Support
For SCCP endpoint troubleshooting, use the following debug commands:
• debug cch323 video—Enables video debugging trace on the H.323 service-provider interface (SPI).
• debug ephonedetail—Debugs all Cisco Unified IPphonesthat are registered to the router, and displays
error and state levels.
• debug h225 asn1—Displays Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) contents of H.225 messages that
have been sent or received.
• debug h245 asn1—Displays ASN.1 contents of H.245 messages that have been sent or received.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Verify Video Support
• debug voipccapi inout—Displaysthe execution path through the call-control application programming
interface (CCAPI).
For ephone troubleshooting, use the following debug commands:
• debug ephone messageEnables message tracing between Cisco Unified IP phones.
• debug ephone register—Sets registration debugging for Cisco Unified IP phones.
• debug ephone video—Sets ephone video traces, which provide information about different video states
for the call, including video capabilities selection, start, and stop.
For basic video-to-video call checking, use the following show commands:
• show call active video—Displays call information for SCCP video calls in progress.
• show ephone offhook—Displays information and packet counts for ephones that are off-hook.
• show ephone registered SCCP—Displays the status of registered ephones.
• show ephone summary types—Displaysthe number ofSCCPphones configured along with the number
of phones (registered and unregistered) pertaining to each type of phone.
• show ephone summary brief—Displays information about the SCCP phones
• show ephone registeredSCCP summary—Displaysinformation about the unregisteredSCCPphones.
• show ephone unregistered SCCP summary—Displays information about the unregistered SCCP
• show voice registerpool type summary—Displaysinformation about all configuredSIPphones which
includes SIP phones registered or unregistered with CME.
• show voip rtp connections—Displays information about RTP named-event packets, such as caller ID
number, IP address, and port for both the local and remote endpoints.
Where to Go Next
After enabling video for video-capable phones in Cisco Unified CME, you must generate a new configuration
file. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Feature Information for Video Support
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Where to Go Next
Table 86: Feature Information for Video Support
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Support was added for Cisco
IP Phones 8845 and Cisco IP
Phone 8865 on Cisco
Integrated Services Router
Generation 2 (T-Train
Release, 15.7(3)M).
New Phone Support 12.0
Support was added for Cisco
IP Phones 8845 and Cisco IP
Phone 8865 on Cisco 4000
Series Integration Services
New Phone Support 11.7
Support was added for video
calls between SCCP
endpoints across different
Cisco Unified CME routers
connected through a SIP
H.264 codec support was
SIP Trunk Video Support 7.1
Video support was
Video Support 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Feature Information for Video Support
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Video Support
Feature Information for Video Support
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
• Information About SSL VPN Client, page 1009
• Configure SSL VPN Client, page 1012
• Configure SSL VPN Client with DTLS on Cisco Unified CME as VPN Headend, page 1031
• Configuration Examples for SSL VPN Client, page 1037
• Feature Information for SSL VPN Client, page 1040
Information About SSL VPN Client
SSL VPN Support on Cisco Unified CME with DTLS
In Communications Manager Express 8.6 and later versions, Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones such as 7945,
7965, and 7975 located outside of the corporate network are able to register to Cisco Unified CME through
an SSL VPN connection. The SSL VPN connection is set up between a phone and a VPN headend. The VPN
headend can either be an Adaptive Secure Appliance (ASA 5500) or the Datagram Transport Layer Security
(DTLS) enabled IOS SSL VPN router, see Figure 37: VPN connection between Cisco Unified IP Phone and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VPN head ends(ASA and DTLS), on page 1010.Support for VPN feature on ASA headend was added in Cisco
Unified CME 8.5. For more information, see SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones, on page 1009.
Figure 37: VPN connection between Cisco Unified IP Phone and VPN head ends (ASA and DTLS)
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 usesIOSSSL DTLSas a headend or gateway. To establish a VPN connection between
a phone and a VPN head end, the phone must be configured with VPN configuration parameters. The VPN
configuration parameters include VPN head end addresses, VPN head end credentials, user or phone ID, and
credential policy. These parameters are considered as sensitive information and must be delivered in a secure
environment using a signed configuration file or a signed and encrypted configuration file. The phone is
required to be provisioned within the corporate network before the phone can be placed outside the corporate
After the phone is “staged” in a trusted environment, the phone can be deployed to a location where a VPN
head end can be connected. The VPN configuration parameters for the phone dictate the user interface and
behavior of the phone.
Phone or Client Authentication
Phone authentication is required to verify that the remote phone trying to register with Cisco Unified CME
via, VPN DTLS is a legitimate phone. Phone or client authentication can be done with the following types of
1 Username and Password Authentication.
2 Certificate-based authentication (where the phone's authentication is done using the LSC or MIC certificate
on the phone). The certificated-based authentication consists of two levels:
• Certificate only Authentication - Where only the LSC of the phone is used (the user is not required
to enter a username or password on the phone.)
• Certification with AAA or two-factor - Where the LSC of the phone and username and password
combination is used to authenticate phone. Two-factor authentication can be performed with or
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
SSL VPN Support on Cisco Unified CME with DTLS
without the username prefill. (With the username prefilled, the phone does not ask for a username
and a username is picked up depending on the configuration under the relevant trustpoint.)
We recommend using LSC for certificate authentication. Use of MIC for certificate authentication is not
recommended. We also recommend configuring ephone in “authenticated” (not encrypted) security mode
when doing certificate authentication. More information on certificate-only authentication and two-factor
authentication is available at the following location: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/
You can set up Cisco Unified CME with an encrypted mode, but encrypted SCCP phone has limited media
call-flow support. Using a phone with authenticated mode does not have any media-related call-flow limitations.
SSL VPN Client Support on SCCP IP Phones
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versionssupportSecureSockets Layer (SSL) VirtualPrivate Network (VPN)
on SCCP IP phones such as 7945, 7965, and 7975.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5, SCCP IP phones outside of the corporate network can register with the Cisco
Unified CME 8.5 through a VPN connection as shown in Figure 38: Connection between a phone and a VPN
head end, on page 1011.
Figure 38: Connection between a phone and a VPN head end
AnSSL VPN provides secure communication mechanism for data and other information transmitted between
two endpoints. The VPN connection isset up between aSCCPIPphone and a VPN head end or VPN gateway.
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 uses an Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA model 55x0) as a VPN head end or
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
SSL VPN Client Support on SCCP IP Phones
To establish a VPN connection between a phone and a VPN gateway, the phone is required to be configured
with VPN configuration parameterssuch as VPN gateway addresses, VPN head end credentials, user or phone
ID, and credential policy. These parameters contain sensitive information and should be delivered in a secure
environment using a signed configuration file or a signed and encrypted configuration file. The phone is
required to be provisioned within the corporate network before the phone is placed outside the corporate
After the phone is provisioned in a trusted secure environment, the phone can be connected to Cisco Unified
CME from any location, from where VPN head end can be reached. The VPN configuration parameters for
the phone control the user interface and behavior of the phone. For more information on configuring the SSL
VPN feature on SCCP IP phones, see Configure ASA (Gateway) as VPN Headend, on page 1021.
You need to generate a trustpoint with exportable keys and use that as SAST1. For more information about
CME System Administrator Security Token.
Configure SSL VPN Client
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
To configure the SSL VPN feature on SCCP IP phones, follow these steps in the order in which they are
presented here:
1 Basic Configuration on Cisco Unified CME, on page 1013
2 Configure Cisco Unified CME as CA Server, on page 1018
3 Verify Phone Registration and Phone Load, on page 1020
4 Configure ASA (Gateway) as VPN Headend, on page 1021
5 Configure VPN Group and Profile on Cisco Unified CME, on page 1024
6 Associate VPN Group and Profile to SCCP IP Phone, on page 1026
7 Configure Alternate TFTP Address on Phone, on page 1030
8 Register Phone from a Remote Location, on page 1031
• Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or later versions.
• Securityk9 license for ISR-G2 platforms.
• Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones 7942, 7945, 7962, 7965, and 7975 with phone image 9.0 or later.
• ASA 5500 series router with image asa828-7-k8.bin or higher.
• The package anyconnect-win-2.4.1012-k9.pkg isrequired for configuring theSSLVPN feature but would
not be downloaded to the phone.
• You must request the appropriate ASA licenses (AnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone) to be installed on
an ASA in order to allow the VPN client to connect. Go to: www.cisco.com/go/license and
enter the PAK and the new activation key will be e-mailed back to you.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client
A compatible Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) Image is required if configuring through
Basic Configuration on Cisco Unified CME
The following steps are basic Cisco Unified configuration allowing the SSL VPN feature to be built on:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip dhcp pool pool-name
4. network ip-address [mask | prefix-length]
5. option 150 ip ip-address
6. default-router ip-address
7. exit
8. telephony-service
9. max-ephones max-phones
10. max-dn max-directory-numbers [preference preference-order] [no-reg primary | both]
11. ip source-address ip-address port port [any-match | strict-match]
12. cnf-file{perphone}
13. load [phone-type firmware-file]
14. no shutdown
15. exit
16. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
17. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
18. ephone phone-tag
19. description string
20. device-security-mode{authenticated | none | encrypted}
21. mac-address mac-address
22. type phone-type [addon 1 module-type [2 module-type]]
23. button button-number {separator}dn-tag [,dn-tag...][button-number{x}overlay-button-number]
24. exit
25. telephony-service
26. create cnf-files
27. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Creates a name for the DHCP server address pool and enters
DHCP pool configuration mode.
ip dhcp pool pool-name
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool mypool
Step 3
If you have already configured DHCP IP Address Pool,
then skip Step 2 to Step 7 and continue from Step 8.
Specifies the IP address of the DHCP address pool to be
network ip-address [mask | prefix-length]
Step 4
Specifies the TFTP server address from which the Cisco Unified
IP phone downloads the image configuration file.
option 150 ip ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# option 150 ip
Step 5
• This is your Cisco Unified CME router's address.
(Optional)Specifies the router that the IPphones will use to send
or receive IP traffic that is external to their local subnet.
default-router ip-address
Router(config-dhcp)# default router
Step 6
• If the Cisco Unified CME router is the only router on the
network, this address should be the Cisco Unified CME IP
source address. This command can be omitted if IP phones
need to send or receive IP traffic only to or from devices
on their local subnet.
• The IP address that you specify for default router will be
used by the IP phones for fallback purposes. If the Cisco
Unified CME IP source address becomes unreachable, IP
phones will attempt to register to the address specified in
this command.
exit Exits DHCP pool configuration mode.
Router(config-dhcp)# end
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 8
Sets the maximum number of phones that can register to Cisco
Unified CME.
max-ephones max-phones
Router(config-telephony)# max-ephones 24
Step 9
• Maximum number is platform and version-specific. Type
? for range.
• In Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3 and later versions, the
maximum number of phones that can register is different
than the maximum number of phonesthat can be configured.
The maximum number of phones that can be configured is
• In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.0/4.3, this
command restricted the number of phones that could be
configured on the router.
max-dn max-directory-numbers [preference Limits number of directory numbersto be supported by thisrouter.
preference-order] [no-reg primary | both]
Step 10
• Maximum number is platform and version-specific. Type
? for value.
Router(config-telephony)# max-dn 24 no-reg
Identifies the IP address and port number that the Cisco Unified
CME router uses for IP phone registration.
ip source-address ip-address port port [any-match
| strict-match]
Step 11
Router(config-telephony)# ip source-address port 2000
• port port—(Optional) TCP/IP port number to use for
SCCP. Range is 2000 to 9999. Default is 2000.
• any-match—(Optional) Disablesstrict IPaddress checking
for registration. This is the default.
• strict-match—(Optional) ) Instructs the router to reject IP
phone registration attempts if the IP server address used by
the phone does not exactly match the source address.
Specifies that system generate a separate configuration XML file
for each IP phone.
Router(config-telephony)#xnf-file perphone
Step 12
• Separate configuration files for each endpoint are required
for security.
You must configure the cnf-file (perphone) command
to generate a separate XML file for each phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
Associates a phone type with a phone firmware file. You must
use the complete filename, including the file suffix, for phone
load [phone-type firmware-file]
Router(config-telephony)# load 7965
Step 13
firmware versions later than version 9.0 for all phone types load
7965 SCCP45.9-0-1TD1-36S
no shutdown Allows to enable SCCP service listening socket.
Router(config-telephony)# no shutdown
Step 14
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 15
Enters ephone dn configuration mode to define a directory number
for an IP phone, intercom line, voice port, or a message-waiting
indicator (MWI).
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 16
• dn-tag—identifies a particular directory number during
configuration tasks. Range is 1 to the maximum number of
directory numbers allowed on the router platform. Type ?
to display the range.
number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both Associates an extension number with this directory number.
| primary]]
Step 17
• number—String of up to 16 digits that represents an
extension or E.164 telephone number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1001
Enters ephone configuration mode to set ephone specific
ephone phone-tag
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 18
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the
phone. Range is version and platform-dependent; type ? to
display range.
Ephone descriptions for network management systems using an
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) query.
description string
Router(config-ephone)description SSL VPN
Remote Phone
Step 19
• string—Allowsfor a maximum of 128 characters, including
spaces. There are no character restrictions.
Allows to set the security mode for SCCP signaling for devices
communicating with the Cisco Unified CME router globally or
per ephone.
device-security-mode{authenticated | none |
Router(config-ephone)# device-security-mode
Step 20
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
• authenticated— SCCPsignaling between a device and Cisco
Unified CME through the secure TLS connection on TCP
port 2443.
• none— SCCP signaling is not secure.
• encrypted — SCCP signaling between a device and Cisco
Unified CME through the secure TLS connection on TCP
port 2443, and the media uses Secure Real-Time Transport
Protocol (SRTP).
Associates the MAC address of a Cisco IPphone with an ephone
configuration in a Cisco Unified CME system
mac-address mac-address
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 21
• mac-address—identifying MAC address of an IP phone,
which is found on a sticker located on the bottom of the
type phone-type [addon 1 module-type [2 Specifies the type of phone.
Step 22
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions—The only types
to which you can apply an add-on module are 7960, 7961,
7961GE, and 7970. Example:
Router(config-ephone)# type 7965
Associates a button number and line characteristics with an
ephone-dn. Maximum number of buttonsis determined by phone
button button-number {separator}dn-tag
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1
Step 23
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Step 24
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 25
create cnf-files Builds XML configuration files required for SCCP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Step 26
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 27
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Configure Cisco Unified CME as CA Server
The basic configuration on the CA server ensures IP connectivity, Network Time Protocol (NTP), time
synchronization which are necessary for enabling the SSL VPN feature.
Though this section describes configuring CA server on the CME to provide certificate signing for both CME
and ASA, in real world deployments third party CA is often used. The basic requirement is that CME and
ASA each has an identity certificate signed by the third party CA, and both CME and ASA share the same
CA certificate. That is, each device has a trustpoint containing the same CA certificate as well as an identity
certificate signed by the same CA.
To configure the CA server, follow these steps:
Step 1 Configure IP Address, NTP and HTTP Server on your Cisco Unified CME router:
Router(config)# Interface GigabitEthernet0/0
Router(config-if)# no ip address
Router(config-if)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10
Router(config-subif)# description DATA VLAN
Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 10 native
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0.11
Router(config-subif)# description VOICE VLAN
Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 11
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/1
Router(config-if)# description INTERFACE CONNECTED TO ASA
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config)# ! Default router is ASA Inside Interface
Router(config)# ip route
Router(config)# clock timezone PST -8
Router(config)# clock summer-time PST recurring
Router# ! Set clock to current time
Router# clock set 10:10:00 15 oct 2010
Router(config)# ntp source GigabitEthernet0/1
Router(config)# ntp master 2
Router(config)# ip http server
Router(config)# ip domain-name cisco.com
NTP synchronization will fail if you do not set the clock manually to match the time on Cisco Unified CME
Step 2 Configure Cisco Unified CME as CA Server. Both CME and ASA will enroll a certificate from the CA Server. The
following sample configuration shows Cisco Unified CME being configured as the CA Server:
Router(config)# crypto pki server cme_root
Router(config)# database level complete
Router(cs-server)# database url nvram:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Router(cs-server)# grant auto
Router(cs-server)# lifetime certificate 7305
Router(cs-server)# lifetime ca-certificate 7305
Router(cs-server)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint cme_root
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# rsakeypair cme_root
Router(cs-server)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki server cme_root
Router(cs-server)#no shutdown
%Some server settings cannot be changed after CA certificate generation.
% Please enter a passphrase to protect the private key
% or type Return to exit
Password: *****
Re-enter password: ****
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 1 seconds)
Mar 10 16:44:00.576: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled% Exporting Certificate
Server signing certificate and keys...
% Certificate Server enabled.
Mar 10 16:44:41.812: %PKI-6-CS_ENABLED: Certificate server now enabled.
Step 3 Create a second trustpoint, then authenticate the trustpoint and enroll it with CA.
Router(config)# crypto pki trustpoint cme_cert
Router(ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
Router(ca-trustpoint)# revocation-check none
Router(ca-trustpoint)# exit
Router(config)# crypto pki authenticate cme_cert
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: 995C157D AABB8EE2 494E7B35 00A75A88
Fingerprint SHA1: F934871E 7E2934B1 1C0B4C9A A32B7316 18A5858F
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
Router(config)# crypto pki enroll cme_cert
% Start certificate enrollment ..
% Create a challenge password.
You will need to verbally provide this password to the CA Administrator in order to revoke
your certificate. For security reasons your password will not be saved in the
configuration. Please make a note of it.
Jan 20 16:03:24.833: %CRYPTO-6-AUTOGEN: Generated new 512 bit key pair
Re-enter password:
% The subject name in the certificate will include: CME1.cisco.com
% Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no
% Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: yes
% Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority
% The 'show crypto pki certificate verbose cme_cert' command will show the fingerprint.
! Verify Certificates
Verify Certificates (Optional)
Use the show crypto pki certificates command on your Cisco Unified CME router to verify the certificates.
Router# sh crypto pki certificates
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number (hex): 07
Certificate Usage: General Purpose
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Name: CME1.cisco.com
Validity Date:
start date: 15:32:23 PST Apr 1 2010
end date: 09:44:00 PST Mar 10 2030
Associated Trustpoints: cisco2
Storage: nvram:cme_root#7.cer
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number (hex): 06
Certificate Usage: General Purpose
Name: CME1.cisco.com
Validity Date:
start date: 15:30:11 PST Apr 1 2010
end date: 09:44:00 PST Mar 10 2030
Associated Trustpoints: cisco1
Storage: nvram:cme_root#6.cer
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number (hex): 02
Certificate Usage: General Purpose
Name: CME1.cisco.com
Validity Date:
start date: 08:47:42 PST Mar 10 2010
end date: 09:44:00 PST Mar 10 2030
Associated Trustpoints: cme_cert
Storage: nvram:cme_root#2.cer
CA Certificate
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number (hex): 01
Certificate Usage: Signature
Validity Date:
start date: 08:44:00 PST Mar 10 2010
end date: 09:44:00 PST Mar 10 2030
Associated Trustpoints: cisco2 cisco1 cme_cert cme_root
Storage: nvram:cme_root#1CA.cer
Verify Phone Registration and Phone Load
Step 1 Use the show ephone command to verify the phone registration details.
Router# show ephone
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
ephone-1[0] Mac:0022.555E.00F1 TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 19/17
max_streams=5 mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0
reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:9
IP: * 49269 7965 keepalive 0 max_line 6 available_line 6
button 1: cw:1 ccw:(0 0) dn 1 number 1001 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none
Make sure the phone has the right phone firmware and verify if the phone registers locally with Cisco Unified
Step 2 Use the show ephone phone load command to verify phone load.
Router# show ephone phoneload
DeviceName CurrentPhoneload PreviousPhoneload LastReset
SEP0016C7EF9B13 9.0(1TD1.36S) 9.0(1TD1.36S) UCM-closed-TCP
Configure ASA (Gateway) as VPN Headend
In this section ASA will be configured to authenticate and enroll a certificate from CME CA server. The
fingerprint of the CA certificate will be the same as the CME root certificate, so that the phone can authenticate
the certificates sent from ASA during TLS negotiation against the hash it has in store.
Step 1 Configure Interfaces, IP Routing, and NTP.
ciscoasa(config)# Interface Ethernet0/1
ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif Inside
ciscoasa(config-if)# description INTERFACE CONNECTED TO CUCME
ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 100
ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
ciscoasa(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0
ciscoasa(config-if)# description INTERFACE CONNECTED TO WAN
ciscoasa(config-if)# nameif Outside
ciscoasa(config-if)# security-level 0
ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address
ciscoasa(config)# router ospf 100
ciscoasa(config-router)# network area 1
ciscoasa(config-if)# ntp server
Step 2 Create Trustpoint on ASA and obtain CME (CA) Certificate.
ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa label cmeasa
ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca trustpoint asatrust
ciscoasa(config)# ! Enrollment URL = CA Server = CUCME
ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# enrollment url
ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# subject-name cn=cmeasa.cisco.com
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# crl nocheck
ciscoasa(config-ca-trustpoint)# keypair cmeasa
ciscoasa (config)# crypto ca authenticate asatrust
INFO: Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint: 27d00cdf 1144c8b9 90621472 786da0cf
Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes
! Enroll the Trustpoint
ciscoasa(config)# crypto ca enroll asatrust
% Start certificate enrollment ..
% Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide this
password to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.
For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration.
Please make a note of it.
Password: ********
Re-enter password: ********
% The subject name in the certificate will be: cn=cmeasa.cisco.com
% The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate will be: ciscoasa.cisco.com
% Include the device serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no
Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: yes
% Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority
ciscoasa(config)# The certificate has been granted by CA!
ciscoasa# show crypto ca certificates
Step 3 Verify Certificates (optional)
Use the show crypto ca certificate command on your ASA router to verify the certificates.
ciscoasa# show crypto ca certificate
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number: 03
Certificate Usage: General Purpose
Public Key Type: RSA (1024 bits)
Issuer Name:
Subject Name:
Validity Date:
start date: 09:04:40 PST Mar 10 2010
end date: 08:44:00 PST Mar 10 2030
Associated Trustpoints: asatrust
CA Certificate
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number: 01
Certificate Usage: Signature
Public Key Type: RSA (1024 bits)
Issuer Name:
Subject Name:
Validity Date:
start date: 08:44:00 PST Mar 10 2010
end date: 08:44:00 PST Mar 10 2030
Associated Trustpoints: asatrust
Step 4 Configure SSL Parameters.
ciscoasa(config)# ssl encryption 3des-sha1 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 des-sha1 null-sha1
ciscoasa(config)# ssl trust-point asatrust
ciscoasa(config)# ssl trust-point asatrust inside
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
ciscoasa(config)# ssl trust-point asatrust outside
ciscoasa(config)# no ssl certificate-authentication interface outside port 443
ciscoasa(config)# ssl certificate-authentication interface inside port 443
Step 5 Configure local IP address pool.
ciscoasa(config)# ip local pool SSLVPNphone_pool mask
Step 6 Configure Access List to prevent NAT traffic via VPN.
ciscoasa(config)# access-list no_nat_to_vpn extended permit ip any
ciscoasa(config)# ! is the Outside subnet
ciscoasa(config)# nat (inside) 0 access-list no_nat_to_vpn
Step 7 Configure VPN. Follow this link for information on configuring VPN: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/asa/
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# enable inside
INFO: WebVPN and DTLS are enabled on 'Inside'.
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# enable outside
INFO: WebVPN and DTLS are enabled on 'Outside'.
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# svc image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.4.1012-k9.pkg 1
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# svc enable
ciscoasa(config-webvpn)# group-policy SSLVPNphone internal
ciscoasa(config)# group-policy SSLVPNphone attribute
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# banner none
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# vpn-simultaneous-logins 10
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# vpn-idle-timeout none
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# vpn-session-timeout none
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol svc webvpn
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# address-pools value SSLVPNphone_pool
ciscoasa(config-group-policy)# webvpn
ciscoasa(config-group-webvpn)# svc dtls enable
ciscoasa(config-group-webvpn)# svc keepalive 120
ciscoasa(config-group-webvpn)# svc ask none
Step 8 ConfigureSSL VPN tunnel.For more information,see http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/asa/asa82/configuration/
ciscoasa(config)# tunnel-group SSLVPN_tunnel type remote-access
ciscoasa(config)# tunnel-group SSLVPN_tunnel general-attributes
ciscoasa(config-tunnel-general)# address-pool SSLVPNphone_pool
ciscoasa(config-tunnel-general)# default-group-policy SSLVPNphone
ciscoasa(config-tunnel-general)# tunnel-group SSLVPN_tunnel webvpn-attributes
ciscoasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# group-url enable
Step 9 Enable static route to Cisco Unified CME voice VLAN. For more information, see http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
ciscoasa(config)# route Inside 1
Step 10 Configure the ASA local database for users. For more information, see http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/asa/
ciscoasa(config)# username anyone password cisco
ciscoasa(config)# ! These credentials will be entered on the phone to log in.
ciscoasa(config)# username anyone attributes
ciscoasa(config-username)# vpn-group-policy SSLVPNphone
ciscoasa(config-username)# vpn-tunnel-protocol IPSec l2tp-ipsec svc webvpn
ciscoasa(config-username)# webvpn
ciscoasa(config-username-webvpn)# svc dtls enable
ciscoasa(config-username-webvpn)# svc ask none
Step 11 Enable Inter-ASA media traffic.
ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
ciscoasa(config)# same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
Configure VPN Group and Profile on Cisco Unified CME
In thissection a VPN-group is configured which dictatesthe VPN gateway IPaddress, certificate hash algorithm
and certificate trustpoint for phones. Thisinformation will be added to phone configuration later. To configure
VPN group and profile on Cisco Unified CME, follow these steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. vpn-group tag
5. vpn-gateway [ number | url]
6. vpn-trustpoint {[number [raw | trustpoint]}
7. vpn-hash-algorithm sha-1
8. exit
9. vpn-profile tag
10. host-id-check [enable | disable]
11. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
enable Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.
Router> enable
Step 1
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice service voip Enters voice over IP configuration mode.
Router(config)#voice service voip
Step 3
Step 4 vpn-group tag Enters vpn-group mode under voice over IP configuration mode.
Router (conf-voi-serv)#vpn-group 1
• tag—vpn-group tag. Range: 1 or 2.
Step 5 vpn-gateway [ number | url] Allows you to define gateway url for vpn.
Router(conf-vpn-group)#vpn-gateway 1
• number—number—Number of gatewaysthat can be defined
as a vpn-gateway. Range is from 1 to 3.
• url—VPN-gateway url. SSLVPNphone is the VPN group
policy configured on ASA.
Step 6 vpn-trustpoint {[number [raw | trustpoint]} Allows you to enter a vpn-gateway trustpoint.
?vpn-trustpoint 1 trustpoint cme_cert
• number—Number of trustpoints allowed. Range:1 to 10.
• raw—allows you to enter vpn-gateway trustpoint in raw
format. root
• trustpoint—allows you to enter VPN Gateway trustpoint as
created in IOS format.
• root – Since the CME root certificate has the same hash as
ASA’s CA certificate, therefore the “root” clause is configured
to select the root certificate instead of leaf certificate.
Step 7 vpn-hash-algorithm sha-1 Allows you to enter vpn hash encryption for the trustpoints.
• sha-1—Encryption algorithm.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits VPN-group configuration mode.
Step 8
Step 9 vpn-profile tag Enters VPN-profile configuration mode.
Router (conf-voi-serv)#vpn-profile 1
tag—VPN-profile tag number. Range: 1-6.
Step 10 host-id-check [enable | disable] Allows you to configure host id check option in VPN-profile.
• disable— Disable host ID check option.
• enable— Enable host ID check option. Default is Enable.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 11
Associate VPN Group and Profile to SCCP IP Phone
To associate VPN group and profile to SCCP IP phones, follow these steps:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. cnf-file perphone
5. ephone phone-tag
6. device-security-mode {authenticated | none | encrypted}
7. mac-address [mac-address]
8. type phone-type addon 1 [module-type [2 module-type]]
9. vpn-group tag
10. vpn-profile tag
11. button button-number{separator}dn-tag [,dn-tag...][button-number{x}overlay-button-number]
12. exit
13. telephony-service
14. create cnf-file
15. exit
16. ephone phone-tag
17. reset
18. end
Command or Action Purpose
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if
Router> enable
Step 1
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 3
cnf-file perphone Builds the XML configuration files required for IP phones.
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for an SCCP phone.
ephone phone-tag
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 5
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the
phone. Range is version and platform-dependent; type ?
to display range
device-security-mode {authenticated | none | Enables security mode for endpoints.
Step 6
• authenticated—Instructs device to establish a TLS
connection with no encryption. There is no Secure
Real-Time TransportProtocol (SRTP) in the media path. Example:
Router(config-telephony)# device-security-mode
• none—SCCP signaling is not secure. This is the default.
• encrypted—Instructs device to establish an encrypted
TLS connection to secure media path using SRTP.
• The value set for this command in ephone configuration
mode has priority over the value set in telephony-service
configuration mode.
Specifies the MAC address of the IP phone that is being
mac-address [mac-address]
Step 7
type phone-type addon 1 [module-type [2 Specifies the type of phone.
Step 8
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions—The only
typesto which you can apply an add-on module are 7960,
7961, 7961GE, and 7970. Example:
Router(config-ephone)# type 7965
• Cisco CME 3.4 and earlier versions—The only type to
which you can apply an add-on module is 7960.
Enters vpn-group mode under voice over IP configuration
vpn-group tag
Router (config-ephone)# vpn-group 1
Step 9
• tag—vpn-group tag. Range: 1 or 2.
Step 10 vpn-profile tag Enters VPN-profile configuration mode.
Router (config-ephone)#vpn-profile 1
• tag—VPN-profile tag number. Range: 1-6.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Command or Action Purpose
Associates a button number and line characteristics with an
ephone-dn. Maximum number of buttons is determined by
phone type.
button button-number{separator}dn-tag
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:5
Step 11
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Step 12
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 13
Builds the XML configuration files required for IP phones. It
is recommended to first clear the existing config files using
“no create cnf-files” and then create again.
create cnf-file
Router(config-telephony)# create cnf-files
Step 14
exit Exits telephony service configuration mode.
Step 15
Step 16 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthis
ephone during configuration tasks.
Performs a complete reboot of the individual SCCP phone
being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# reset
Step 17
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 18
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Configure Alternate TFTP Address on Phone
Step 1 From the phone, go to:
Settings > Network Configuration > IPv4 Configuration > Alternate TFTP
Press **# to unlock
Select YES
If the phone is already registered, “TFTP Server 1” will already be populated. Otherwise, enter the
CUCME address as the alternate TFTP Server 1.
Step 2 Save the phone configuration.
Step 3 Verify if the VPN is enabled from the phone.
Settings > Security Configuration > VPN
When you press “Enable” from this menu, it should prompt for username and password.
Step 4 From the phone, go to:
Settings > Network Configuration > IPv4 Configuration > Alternate TFTP
Press **# to unlock and select YES.
If the phone is already registered, “TFTP Server 1” will already be populated. Otherwise, enter the
CUCME address as the alternate TFTP Server 1.
Step 5 Save the configuration.
Step 6 Connect the phone to the network from home or a remote location.
Settings > Security Settings > VPN Configurations?
Enable VPN
Enter Username and Password. Phone will register with CUCME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with ASA as VPN Headend
Register Phone from a Remote Location
To register a Cisco Unified IP phone from a remote location, follow these steps:
Step 1 Connect the phone to the network from a home or remote location. Phone receives DHCP.
Step 2 Select Settings from the phone menu and go to Security Settings.
Step 3 Select VPN Configurations. and then select Enable VPN.
Step 4 Enter your username and password. Your phone will now register with Cisco Unified CME.
Configure SSL VPN Client with DTLS on Cisco Unified CME as
VPN Headend
Before you begin, make sure you have configured the basic SSL VPN configuration on Cisco Unified CME
(see Basic Configuration on Cisco Unified CME, on page 1013).
To configure the SSL VPN client with DTLS on SCCP IP phones, follow these steps in the order in which
they are presented here:
• Set Up the Clock, Hostname, and Domain Name, on page 1032
• Configure Trustpoint and Enroll with the Certificates, on page 1033
• Configure VPN Gateway, on page 1033
• Configure User Database, on page 1033
• Configure Virtual Context, on page 1034
• Configure Group Policy, on page 1034
• Verify the IOS SSL VPN Connection, on page 1035
• Configure Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones for SSL VPN, on page 1035
• Configuration on Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone, on page 1036
• Configure SSL VPN on Cisco Unified CME, on page 1036
Depending upon the type of authentication you choose to configure, configuration steps 3 to step 11 may
vary a little from the way they are documented in this section.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure SSL VPN Client with DTLS on Cisco Unified CME as VPN Headend
Set Up the Clock, Hostname, and Domain Name
The clock, hostname, and domain name must be set up.
Step 1 The following example shows the hostname and domain name configured:
hostname Router2811
ip domain name cisco.com
Interfaces on the Router_2811:
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
Step 2 Show clock on IOS:
Router# show clock
*10:07:57.109 pacific Thu Oct 7 2010
a) Set clock directly:
Router# clock set 9:53:0 Oct 7 2010
Set time zone (Pacific Standard Time)
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# clock timezone pst -8
Set summer-time
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# clock summer-time pst recurring
Router(config)# clock summer-time pst date apr 11 2010 12:00 nov 11 2010 12:00
b) Set clock using NTP:
Router(config)# ntp server
Router(config)# ntp master 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Set Up the Clock, Hostname, and Domain Name
Configure Trustpoint and Enroll with the Certificates
To configure a trustpoint and enroll with the certificate server, see Configure Cisco Unified CME as CA
Server, on page 1018. You can also use the defaultself-signed certificate generated by the webvpn. This default
trustpoint is generated when the webvpn gateway gateway name command is entered for the first time.
The DTLS in IOS SSL VPN uses the child certificate during SSL authentication, therefore, you must
select the “leaf” option when configuring the “vpn-trustpoint”.
Configure VPN Gateway
The WebVPN gateway uses a default trustpoint name of SSL VPN.
When entering “webvpn gateway ”, a self-signed certificate is generated. The IP address must be a
public IP address configured on an interface or loopback interface on the WebVPN gateway. The following
example shows a public IP address configured on the WebVPN gateway:
Router(config)# webvpn gateway sslvpn_gw
Router(config-webvpn-gateway)# ip address port 443
Router(config-webvpn-gateway)# ssl encryption 3des-sha1 aes-sha1
Router(config-webvpn-gateway)# ssl trustpoint cme_cert
Router(config-webvpn-gateway)# inservice
Note We recommend using Cisco Unfied CME generated trustpoint rather than webvpn self generated trustpoint.
Configure User Database
User database can be either locally configured on CME, or remotely from Radius server.
Step 1 Configure the local database:
Router(config)# aaa new-model
username anyone password 0 cisco
aaa authentication login default local
Step 2 Configure a remote AAA Radius server for authentication:
Router(config)# aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius
radius-server host auth-port 1923 acct-port 1924
radius-server key cisco
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure Trustpoint and Enroll with the Certificates
For more information,see http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/security/asa/asa71/configuration/guide/aaa.html#wp1062044.
Configure Virtual Context
Users can get access to the virtual context by specifying the “domain name” in the URL when accessing the
WebVPN gateway such as: The following example shows a virtual VPN
context configured:
Router(config)# webvpn context sslvpn_context
ssl encryption 3des-sha1 aes-sha1
ssl authenticate verify all
gateway sslvpn_gw domain SSLVPNphone
When inservice was entered, the system prompted: 000304: Jan 7 00:30:01.206:
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
Configure Group Policy
Because theSSL VPN client on phone operates in full-tunnel mode, WebVPN gateway supplies an IPaddress
to each of the clients logged in to the gateway. Configure the following:
Router(config)# ip local pool SSLVPNphone_pool
Router(config)# webvpn context SSLVPNphone
Router(config-webvpn-context)# policy group SSLVPNphone
Router(config-webvpn-group)# functions svc-enabled
Router(config-webvpn-group)# hide-url-bar
Router(config-webvpn-group)# svc address-pool "SSLVPNphone_pool" netmask
Router(config-webvpn-group)# svc default-domain "cisco.com"
Router(config-webvpn-group)# exit
Router(config-webvpn-context)# default-group-policy SSLVPNphone
Router(config-webvpn-context)# no aaa authentication domain local
Router(config-webvpn-context)# gateway sslvpn_gw domain SSLVPNphone
If using only username and password authentication, configure:
Router(config-webvpn-context)# no authentication certificate
If using certificate-based authentication, configure:
Router(config-webvpn-context)# authentication certificate
Router(config-webvpn-context)# ca trustpoint cme_cert
Router(config-webvpn-context)# inservice
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configure Virtual Context
Verify the IOS SSL VPN Connection
On your PC’s browser (MS Internet Explorer), connect to phone and accept the
certificate. To login, enter username and password, anyone and cisco. You should be able to see the home
page of the IOS SSL VPN.
debug ssl openssl errors
debug ssl openssl msg
debug ssl openssl states
debug webvpn sdps
debug webvpn aaa (login authentication)
debug webvpn http verbose (for authentication)
debug webvpn webservice verbose
debug webvpn tunnel
debug crypto pki transactions
debug crypto pki validations
debug crypto pki messages
From PC browser, connect to IOS (on the 1.5.37.x network) through phone. The default
banner pops up. Enter username and password.
Step 2 Provide the default IP route. For example:
Router (c3745): ip route FastEthernet0/
Router (c3745): ip route
(Must force this limited route or else it will fail).
Configure Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones for SSL VPN
Step 1 Phone loads are available for download at Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Introduction.
Step 2 Choose Compatibility Information.
Step 3 Choose appropriate phone load version for your phone.
A generic software download is also available at Product/Technology Support.
Step 4 Choose Voice and Unified Communications > IP Telephony > IP Phones.
We recommend downloading phone load version 8.4 before upgrading phone load version 8.3 to phone load
version 9.0. Upgrading phone load to 9.0 without upgrading the phone load version to 8.4 will not work.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Verify the IOS SSL VPN Connection
Step 5 After a hard reset (press # while power up), the term65.default.loads can be used to load the rest of the images.
Configuration on Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone
Step 1 Go to Settings > Security configuration (4) > VPN Configuration (8) .
Step 2 Check the IP address of the VPN concentrator. It should point to the VPN headend.
Step 3 Verify Alt-TFTP (under Settings > Network Configuration > IPv4 Configuration). Set the Alternate TFTP option
to “Yes” to manually enter the TFTP server address. The associated IP address is the IP address of Cisco Unified CME.
Step 4 Set the VPN setting to enable. The user interface shows, “Attempting VPN Connection...”.
Step 5 Verify that the VPN connection is established. Go to Settings > Network Configuration . The “VPN” label shows
If you are using phonesin secure mode, remember to add the capf-ip-in-cnf command under ephone configuration
Configure SSL VPN on Cisco Unified CME
To configure SSL VPN on Cisco Unified CME, see Configure VPN Group and Profile on Cisco Unified
CME, on page 1024.
voice service voip
vpn-group 1
vpn-gateway 1
vpn-trustpoint 1 trustpoint R2811_cert leaf
vpn-profile 1
host-id-check disable
crypto pki server R2811_root
database level complete
grant auto
lifetime certificate 7305
lifetime ca-certificate 7305
crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
crypto pki trustpoint R2811_root
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair R2811_root
crypto pki trustpoint R2811_cert
enrollment url
revocation-check none
cnf-file perphone
ephone 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Configuration on Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone
device-security-mode none
mac-address 001E.7AC4.DD25
type 7965
vpn-group 1
vpn-profile 1
button 1:5
create cnf-files
ephone 2
VPN Phone Redundancy Support for Cisco Unified CME with DTLS
VPN phone supports redundancy with IOS and Cisco Unified CME in two ways:
1 Using two or more vpn-gateway configurations in the same vpn-group.
2 Using Cisco Unified CME redundancy configuration and one or more vpn-gateway configurations. This
requires the DTLS and SSL VPN headend IP to stay up, if only one vpn-gateway is used.
Cisco Unified CME redundancy works when you import a trustpoint from primary CME to secondary CME.
See http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/security/command/reference/sec_c5.html#wp1044112. For more
information on reduntant Cisco Unified CME, see Redundant Cisco Unified CME Router for SCCP Phones,
on page 160.
You need to generate a trustpoint with exportable keys and use that as sast1.
Configuration Examples for SSL VPN Client
Example for Configuring SSL VPN with ASA as VPN Headend
The following example shows how to configure CME using ASA as VPN Headend:
Router# show running config
crypto pki server cme_root
database level complete
no database archive
grant auto
lifetime certificate 7305
lifetime ca-certificate 7305
crypto pki trustpoint cme_root
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair cme_root
crypto pki trustpoint cme_cert
enrollment url
revocation-check none
voice service voip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
VPN Phone Redundancy Support for Cisco Unified CME with DTLS
vpn-group 1
vpn-gateway 1
vpn-trustpoint 1 trustpoint cme_cert root
vpn-hash-algorithm sha-1
vpn-profile 1
host-id-check disable
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
max-ephones 20
max-dn 10
ip source-address port 2000
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn 1
number 2223
label TestPhone
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 001F.6C81.110E
type 7965
vpn-group 1
vpn-profile 1
button 1:1
Example for Configuring SSL VPN with DTLS on CME as VPN Headend
The following example shows how to configure CME using DTLS on CME as VPN Headend:
ip domain-name cisco.com
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
crypto pki server cme_root
database level complete
no database archive
grant auto
lifetime certificate 7305
lifetime ca-certificate 7305
crypto pki trustpoint cme_root
enrollment url
revocation-check none
rsakeypair cme_root
crypto pki trustpoint cme_cert
enrollment url
revocation-check none
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Example for Configuring SSL VPN with DTLS on CME as VPN Headend
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-4067918560
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-4067918560
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-4067918560
voice service voip
vpn-group 1
vpn-gateway 1
vpn-trustpoint 1 trustpoint cme_cert leaf
vpn-hash-algorithm sha-1
vpn-profile 1
host-id-check disable
username kurt privilege 15 password 0 cisco
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip local pool SSLVPNphone_pool
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
max-ephones 20
max-dn 10
ip source-address port 2000
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn 1
number 2223
label TestPhone
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 001F.6C81.110E
type 7965
vpn-group 1
vpn-profile 1
button 1:1
webvpn gateway sslvpn_gw
ip address port 443
ssl encryption 3des-sha1 aes128-sha1
ssl trustpoint cme_cert
webvpn context SSLVPNphone
gateway sslvpn_gw domain SSLVPNphone
ca trustpoint cme_cert
ssl authenticate verify all
policy group SSLVPNphone
functions svc-enabled
svc address-pool "SSLVPNphone_pool" netmask
svc default-domain "cisco.com"
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Example for Configuring SSL VPN with DTLS on CME as VPN Headend
default-group-policy SSLVPNphone
The following example shows the vpn configuration:
Router #show voice vpn
The Voice Service VPN Group 1 setting:
VPN Gateway 1 URL
VPN Trustpoint hash in sha-1
VPN Trustpoint 1 trustpoint cme_cert root fbUqFIbtWtaYSGSlTP/Umshcgyk= The Voice Service
VPN Profile 1 setting:
The host_id_check setting: 0
Feature Information for SSL VPN Client
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 87: Feature Information for SSL VPN Client
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Versions Feature Information
Introduced support on Cisco
Unified CME with DTLS.
Support on Cisco Unified CME 8.6
with DTLS
Introduced the SSL VPN Client
Support feature.
SSL VPN ClientSupport onSCCP 8.5
IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SSL VPN Client for SCCP IP Phones
Feature Information for SSL VPN Client
Automatic Line Selection
This chapter describes automatic line selection feature in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME).
This feature is applicable for SCCP phones only. For newer SIP phones (Cisco Unified IP Phone 7800,
8800 series) with new user interface, this feature is not applicable. The user selects the line and the focus
would be on that selected line. Both incoming and outgoing calls changes the focus based on the line
selected or line answered.
• Information About Automatic Line Selection, page 1041
• Configure Automatic Line Selection, page 1042
• Configuration Examples for Automatic Line Selection, page 1044
• Feature Information for Automatic Line Selection, page 1045
Information About Automatic Line Selection
Automatic Line Selection for Incoming and Outgoing Calls
On multiline IP phones, lifting the handset automatically selects the first ringing line on the phone or, if no
line is ringing, selects the first available idle line for outgoing calls. This is the default behavior for all multiline
IP phones.
Under some circumstances, however, you might want to require that a line button be explicitly pressed to
select an outgoing line or to answer an incoming call. In Cisco CME 3.0 and later, you have the flexibility to
assign the type of line selection that each IP phone uses.
The Automatic Line Selection feature allows you to specify, on a per-phone basis, the line that is selected
when you pick up a phone handset.
Any of the following behaviors can be assigned on a per-phone basis:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
• Automatic line selection—Picking up the handset answers the first ringing line or, if no line is ringing,
selects the first idle line. Use the auto-line command with no keyword or argument. This is the default.
• Manual line selection (no automatic line selection)—Pressing the Answer soft key answers the first
ringing line, and pressing a line button selects a line for an outgoing call. Picking up the handset does
not answer calls or provide dial tone. Use the no auto-line command.
• Automatic line selection for incoming calls only—Picking up the handset answers the first ringing line,
but if no line is ringing, it does not select an idle line for an outgoing call. Pressing a line button selects
a line for an outgoing call. Use the auto-line incoming command.
• Automatic line selection for outgoing calls only—Picking up the handset for an outgoing call selects
the line associated with the button-number argument. If a button number is specified and the line
associated with that button is unavailable (because it is a shared line in use on another phone), no dial
tone is heard when the handset is lifted. You must press an available line button to make an outgoing
call. Incoming calls must be answered by pressing the Answer soft key or pressing a ringing line button.
Use the auto-line command with the button-number argument.
• Automatic line selection for incoming and outgoing calls—Pressing the Answer soft key or picking up
the handset answers an incoming call on the line associated with the specified button. Picking up the
handset for outgoing callsselectsthe line associated with the specified button. Use the auto-line command
with the button-number argument and answer-incoming keyword.
Configure Automatic Line Selection
Enable Automatic Line Selection
To enable automatic line selection for answering incoming calls or making outgoing calls, perform the following
Automatic line selection is bypassed if it is configured for a trunk directory number and the line is seized
by pressing the Park or Callfwd soft keys. The first available directory number is seized.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. auto-line [button-number [answer-incoming] | incoming]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Automatic Line Selection
Configure Automatic Line Selection
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 24
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number for the phone on which you want
to configure automatic line selection.
auto-line [button-number Assigns a type of line selection behavior to this phone.
[answer-incoming] | incoming]
Step 4
• auto-line—Picking up the handset answers the first ringing line or, if no
line is ringing, selects the first idle line. This is the default.
Router(config-ephone)# auto-line
5 answer-incoming
• auto-line button-number—Picking up the handset for an outgoing call
selects the line associated with the specified button. The default if this
argument is not used is the topmost available line.
• auto-line button-numberanswer-incoming—Picking up the handset
answers the incoming call on the line associated with the specified button.
• auto-line incoming—Picking up the handset answers the first ringing line
but, if no line is ringing, does not select an idle line for an outgoing call.
Pressing a line button selects a line for an outgoing call.
• no auto-line—Disables automatic line selection.Pressing the Answer soft
key answers the first ringing line, and pressing a line button selects a line
for an outgoing call.Picking up the handset does not answer calls or provide
dial tone.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Verify Automatic Line Selection
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Automatic line selection is listed in the ephone
portion of the output.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Automatic Line Selection
Verify Automatic Line Selection
Router# show running-config
ephone 2
headset auto-answer line 1
headset auto-answer line 4
ephone-template 1
mac-address 011F.9010.1790
paging-dn 48
type 7960
no dnd feature-ring
no auto-line
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone command to display only ephone configuration information.
Router# show telephony-service ephone
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
username "Accounting"
mac-address FF0E.4857.5E91
button 1c34,35
no auto-line
Configuration Examples for Automatic Line Selection
Example for Automatic Line Selection
The following example assigns no automatic line selection to phones 1 and 2 and assigns automatic line
selection for incoming calls only to phone 3:
ephone 1
mac-address 00e0.8646.9242
button 1:1 2:4 3:16
no auto-line
ephone 2
mac-address 01c0.4612.7142
button 1:5 2:4 3:16
no auto-line
ephone 3
mac-address 10b8.8945.3251
button 1:6 2:4 3:16
auto-line incoming
The following example enables automatic selection of line button 1 when the handset is lifted to answer
incoming calls or to make outgoing calls.
ephone 1
mac-address 0001.0002.0003
type 7960
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Automatic Line Selection
Configuration Examples for Automatic Line Selection
auto-line 1 answer-incoming
button 1:1 2:2 3:3
Feature Information for Automatic Line Selection
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 88: Feature Information for Automatic Line Selection
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
The answer-incoming keyword
was added to the auto-line
Automatic Line Selection 4.0
The button-number argument was
added to the auto-line command.
Automatic line selection was
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Automatic Line Selection
Feature Information for Automatic Line Selection
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Automatic Line Selection
Feature Information for Automatic Line Selection
Barge and Privacy
• Information About Barge and Privacy, page 1047
• Configure Barge and Privacy, page 1050
• Feature Information for Barge and Privacy, page 1060
Information About Barge and Privacy
Barge and cBarge
The Barge feature enables phone users who share a directory number to join an active call on the shared line
by pressing a softkey. When the initiator barges into a call, a conference is created between the barge initiator,
the target party, and the other party connected in the call. Parties see the call information on their phones and,
if the conference join tone is configured, hear a tone.
If a phone that is using the shared line has Privacy enabled, call information does not appear on the other
phones that share the line and the call cannot be barged. Connected parties hear the barge tone (single beep)
after the conference is set up. When a party leaves the conference, a barge leave tone is played to the remaining
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7 onwards, cBarge feature is supported on Cisco 4000 Series Integrated
Services Router.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 12.0 onwards, cBarge feature is supported with mixed shared line.
Note • Cisco Unified IP Phone 69xx series do not support cBarge with Unified CME.
• Barge and Cbarge softkeys on SIP Phones are supported only on shared lines.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge (SIP)
Barge uses the built-in conference bridge on the target phone (the phone that is being barged) which limits
the number of users allowed to barge. A barge conference supports up to three parties. If more users want to
join a call on a SIP shared line, cBarge must be used. The SIP phone requires the built-in conference bridge
to use Barge. Barge is supported for SIP shared-line directory numbers only.
Note If a phone user barges into a barge conference, the conference is converted to a cBarge conference.
cBarge (SCCP and SIP)
The cBarge feature uses a shared conference resource which allows more that one person to barge into the
call. A cBarge conference supportsthe maximum number of parties provisioned on the centralized conference
resource. The centralized conference resource must be provisioned to use cBarge. cBarge is supported on
SCCP shared octo-line directory numbers and SIP shared-line directory numbers.
When any party releases from the call, the call remains a conference call if at least three participants remain
on the line. If only two parties remain in the conference, they are reconnected as a point-to-point call, which
releases the conference bridge resources. When the target party parks the call or joins the call with another
call, the barge initiator and the other parties remain connected.
Table 89: Barge and cBarge Call Differences between Built-In and Shared Conference Bridge, on page 1048
describesthe differences between Barge using a built-in conference bridge and cBarge using a shared conference
Table 89: Barge and cBarge Call Differences between Built-In and Shared Conference Bridge
cBarge—Shared Conference
Barge—Built-In Conference Bridge
at Target Device
Media break occurs during barge No Yes
User receives a Barge tone, if Yes Yes
Displays name at barge initiator To Barge To Barge
Displays name at target phone To/From Other To Barge
Displays name at other phones To/From Target To Barge
Allows second barge setup to an Yes Yes
already barged call
Maximum allowed by the shared
conference resource.
Maximum number of parties 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Barge and cBarge
cBarge—Shared Conference
Barge—Built-In Conference Bridge
at Target Device
Media break occurs to release the
shared conference bridge when
only two parties remain and to
reconnect the remaining parties as
a point-to-point call.
No media interruption occurs for
the two original parties.
Initiator releases call
Media break occurs to release the
shared conference bridge when
only two parties remain and to
reconnect the remaining parties as
a point-to-point call.
Media break occurs to reconnect
initiator with the other party as a
point-to-point call.
Target releases call
Media break occurs to release the
shared conference bridge when
only two parties remain and to
reconnect the remaining parties as
a point-to-point call.
Other party releases call All three parties are released.
Initiator and the other party remain
Target puts call on hold and Initiator is released.
performs Transfer, Conference, or
Call Park.
If no conference bridge is available, either built-in at the target device for barge or shared for cBarge, or the
maximum number of participantsisreached, Cisco Unified CME rejectsthe barge request and an error message
displays on the initiating phone.
The barge and cBarge soft keys display by default when a phone user presses the shared-line button for an
active remote-in-use call. The user selects either barge or cBarge to join the shared-line call. When there are
multiple active calls on the shared line, the barge initiator can select which call to join by highlighting the
You can customize the soft key display with a soft key template.For configuration information, see Configure
the cBarge Soft Key on SCCP Phones, on page 1050 or Enable Barge and cBarge Soft Keys on SIP Phones,
on page 1052.
Restriction cBarge operation on an existing ad-hoc or meet-me conference is not supported.
Privacy and Privacy on Hold
The privacy feature enables phone users to block other users who share a directory number from seeing call
information, resuming a call, or barging into a call on the shared line. When a phone receives an incoming
call on a shared line, the user can make the call private by pressing the Privacy feature button, which toggles
between on and off to allow the user to alter the privacy setting on their phone. The privacy state is applied
to all new calls and current calls owned by the phone user.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Privacy and Privacy on Hold
Privacy is supported on SCCP octo-line directory numbers and SIP shared-line directory numbers.
Privacy is enabled for all phones in the system by default. You can disable privacy globally and enable it only
for specific phones, either individually or through an phone template. You can also enable the privacy button
on specific phones. After a phone with the privacy button enabled registers with Cisco Unified CME, the line
feature button on the phone gets labeled “Privacy,” a status icon displays, and if the button has a monitor lamp,
it lights when privacy is active. For Extension Mobility phones, you can enable the privacy button in the user
profile and logout profile.
The Privacy on Hold feature prevents other phone users from viewing call information or retrieving a call put
on hold by another phone sharing the directory number. Privacy on Hold is disabled for all phones in the
system by default. You can enable Privacy on Hold globally for all phones. To disable Privacy on Hold on
individual phones, you must disable Privacy on those phones.
The Privacy feature applies to all shared lines on a phone. If a phone has multiple shared lines and Privacy is
enabled, other phones cannot view or barge into calls on any of the shared lines.
For SCCP configuration information, see Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP Phones, on page
For SIP configuration information, see Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP Phones, on page 1057.
Configure Barge and Privacy
Configure the cBarge Soft Key on SCCP Phones
To enable a phone user to join a call on an octo-line directory number by pressing the cBarge soft key, perform
the following steps. The cBarge soft key is enabled by default. This task is required only if you want to change
the order of the soft key display during the remote-in-use call state.
Restriction • Supported only on octo-line directory numbers.
• Not supported for meet-me conferences.
• Not supported if phone user is already connected to the same ad hoc conference on the octo-line.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0 or a later version.
• Octo-line directory number is configured. See Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page
• Privacy is disabled on the phone. See Privacy and Privacy on Hold, on page 1049.
• Ad hoc hardware conference resource is configured and ready to use. See Configure Conferencing, on
page 1377.
• Join and leave tones for hardware conference can be configured as barge entrance and exit tones. See
Configure Join and Leave Tones on SCCP Phones, on page 1384.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Configure Barge and Privacy
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. softkeys remote-in-use {[CBarge] [Newcall]}
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 20.
Modifies the order and type of soft keys that display on an IP
phone during the remote-in-use call state.
softkeys remote-in-use {[CBarge] [Newcall]}
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
remote-in-use CBarge Newcall
Step 4
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Step 7 ephone-template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Configure the cBarge Soft Key on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the ephone template
that you created in Step 3.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
The following example shows that ephone template 5 modifies the soft keys displayed for the remote-in-use
call state and it is applied to ephone 12:
ephone-template 5
softkeys remote-in-use CBarge Newcall
softkeys hold Resume Newcall Join
softkeys connected TrnsfVM Park Acct ConfList Confrn Endcall Trnsfer Hold
max-calls-per-button 3
busy-trigger-per-button 2
ephone 12
no phone-ui speeddial-fastdial
ephone-template 5
mac-address 000F.9054.31BD
type 7960
button 1:10 2:7
Enable Barge and cBarge Soft Keys on SIP Phones
A phone user can join a call on a shared line by pressing the Barge or cBarge soft keys. The Barge and cBarge
soft keys are enabled by default on supported SIP phones. Perform the following steps only if you want to
change the order or appearance of soft keys displayed during the remote-in-use call state.
Restriction • Supported only on shared lines.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version.
• Shared directory number is configured. See Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones, on page 263.
• Ad hoc hardware conference resource is configured and ready to use. See Configure Conferencing, on
page 1377.
• Join and leave tones for hardware conference can be configured as barge entrance and exit tones. See
Configure Join and Leave Tones on SCCP Phones, on page 1384 in the Cisco Unified CME System
Administrator Guide.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Barge and cBarge Soft Keys on SIP Phones
• For Barge and cBarge to work, privacy needs to be disabled under voice register global using the
command noprivacy.For configuringPrivacy,See EnablePrivacy andPrivacy on Hold onSIPPhones,
on page 1057.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. softkeys remote-in-use {[Barge] [Newcall] [cBarge]}
5. exit
6. voice register pool phone-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to create a
voice register template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the voice register
template that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Modifies the order and type of soft keys that display on a SIP
phone during the remote-in-use call state.
softkeys remote-in-use {[Barge] [Newcall]
Router(config-register-temp)# softkeys
remote-in-use cBarge Newcall
Step 4
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice register pool phone-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Barge and cBarge Soft Keys on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# voice register pool 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this voice
register pool during configuration tasks.
Step 7 template template-tag Applies the voice register template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that you
created in Step 3
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
The following example shows that voice register template 5 modifies the soft keys displayed for the
remote-in-use call state and it is applied to phone 120:
voice register template 5
softkeys hold Resume Newcall
softkeys connected Trnsfer Park Hold
softkeys remote-in-use cBarge Barge
voice register pool 120
id mac 0030.94C2.A22A
type 7962
number 1 dn 20
template 5
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP Phones
To enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP phones, perform the following steps.
• If all phones require access to privacy, leave the system-level privacy (telephony-service) command
set to enabled (default value) and leave the phone-level privacy (ephone) command set to the default
(use system value).
• If only specific phones require access to privacy, disable privacy at the system-level by using the
no privacy command in telephony-service configuration mode and enable privacy at the phone-level
by using the privacy on command in ephone or ephone-template configuration mode.
• Enable Privacy on Hold at the system-level. To disable Privacy on Hold on individual phones, you must
disable Privacy on those phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP Phones
Restriction • Privacy and Privacy on Hold are supported for calls on shared octo-line directory numbers only.
• Privacy and Privacy on Hold are not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7935, 7936, 7937, or
7985, Nokia E61, analog phones connected to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA, or any phone without
a display.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. privacy
5. privacy-on-hold
6. exit
7. ephone phone-tag
8. privacy [off | on]
9. privacy-button
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 privacy (Optional) Enables privacy at the system-level for all phones.
Router(config-telephony)# privacy
• This command is enabled by default.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• To enable privacy for individual phones only, disable privacy
at the system-level with the no privacy command and enable
it for individual phones as shown in Step 8.
Step 5 privacy-on-hold (Optional) Enables privacy on hold at the system-level for all phones.
Router(config-telephony)# privacy-on-hold
• Blocks phone users on shared lines from viewing call
information or retrieving calls on hold. Default is disabled.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 6
Step 7 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 10
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone during
configuration tasks.
Step 8 privacy [off | on] (Optional) Modifies privacy support on the specific phone.
Router(config-ephone)# privacy on
• off—Disables privacy on the phone.
• on—Enables privacy on the phone.
• System-level privacy setting is the default. Use this command
only if you want to modify the system-level setting in Step 4
for a specific phone.
• Using the no form of this command to reset to the system-level
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The
ephone configuration has priority over the ephone-template
Step 9 privacy-button Enables the privacy feature button on the IP phone.
Router(config-ephone)# privacy-button
• Enable this command only on phones that share an octo-line
directory number.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The
ephone configuration has priority over the ephone-template
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SCCP Phones
The following example shows privacy disabled at the system-level and enabled on an individual phone. It
also shows Privacy on Hold enabled at the system-level.
no privacy
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
timeouts transfer-recall 60
voicemail 8900
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
fac standard
ephone 10
privacy on
max-calls-per-button 3
busy-trigger-per-button 2
mac-address 00E1.CB13.0395
type 7960
button 1:7 2:10
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP Phones
To enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP phones, perform the following steps.
• To enable Privacy on all phones, leave the system-level privacy (voice register global) command set to
enabled (default value) and leave the phone-level privacy (voice register pool) command set to the
default (use system value).
• To enable Privacy on specific phones only, disable privacy at the system-level by using the no privacy
command in voice register global configuration mode and enable privacy at the phone-level by using
the privacy on command in voice register pool or voice register template configuration mode.
• To enablePrivacy on Hold on all phones, enable it at the system-level with theprivacy-on-holdcommand.
To disable Privacy on Hold on specific phones, disable Privacy on those phones using the privacy off
command in voice register pool or voice register template configuration mode. Privacy must be enabled
to support Privacy on Hold.
Restriction • Privacy and Privacy on Hold are supported for calls on shared-line directory numbers only.
• Privacy and Privacy on Hold are not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7935, 7936, 7937, or
7985, Nokia E6, analog phones connected to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA, or any phone without
a display.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. privacy
5. privacy-on-hold
6. exit
7. voice register pool phone-tag
8. privacy {off | on}
9. privacy-button
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Step 4 privacy (Optional) Enables privacy at the system-level for all phones.
Router(config-register-global)# privacy
• This command is enabled by default.
• To enable privacy for individual phones only, disable
privacy at the system-level with thenoprivacy command
and enable it for individual phones as shown in Step 8.
(Optional) Enables privacy on hold at the system-level for all
Router(config-register-global)# privacy-on-hold
Step 5
• Blocks phone users on shared lines from viewing call
information or retrieving calls on hold. Default is disabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 6
Step 7 voice register pool phone-tag Enters voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 10
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this phone
during configuration tasks.
(Optional) Modifies phone-level privacy setting on this phone.
The default value is the system setting.
privacy {off | on}
Router(config-register-pool)# privacy on
Step 8
• off—Sets privacy state to off on the phone.
• on—Sets privacy state to on for the phone
• Use this command only if you want to modify the
system-level setting in Step 4 for a specific phone.
• Using the no form of this command to reset to the
system-level value.
• This command can also be configured in voice register
template configuration mode and applied to one or more
phones. The phone configuration has priority over the
phone template configuration.
Step 9 privacy-button Enables the privacy feature button on the IP phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# privacy-button
• Enable this command only on phones with a shared-line
directory number.
• This command can also be configured in voice register
template configuration mode and applied to one or more
phones. The phone configuration has priority over the
phone template configuration.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 10
The following example shows privacy disabled at the system-level and enabled on an individual phone. It
also shows Privacy on Hold enabled at the system-level.
voice register global
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Enable Privacy and Privacy on Hold on SIP Phones
mode cme
no privacy
max-dn 300
max-pool 150
voicemail 8900
voice register pool 130
id mac 001A.A11B.500E
type 7941
number 1 dn 30
privacy ON
Feature Information for Barge and Privacy
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 90: Feature Information for Barge and Privacy
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Added cBarge support for mixed
shared line.
Barge 12.0
Added support for cBarge on Cisco
4000 Series Integrated Services
Router for Unified CME.
Added Barge and cBarge support
for SIP shared-line directory
Added cBarge support for SCCP
shared octo-line directory numbers.
Added support for Privacy on SIP
shared-line directory numbers.
Privacy 7.1
Added support for Privacy on
SCCP shared octo-line directory
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Barge and Privacy
Feature Information for Barge and Privacy
Call Blocking
• Information About Call Blocking, page 1061
• Configure Call Blocking, page 1064
• Configuration Examples for Call Blocking, page 1076
• Where to Go Next, page 1078
• Feature Information for Call Blocking, page 1078
Information About Call Blocking
Call Blocking Based on Date and Time (After-Hours Toll Bar)
Call blocking to prevent unauthorized use of phones is implemented by matching dialed numbers against a
pattern of specified digits and matching the time against the time of day and day of week or date that has been
specified for Call Blocking. You can specify up to 32 patterns of digits for blocking.
When a user attempts to place a call to digits that match a pattern that has been specified for Call Blocking
during a time period that has been defined for Call Blocking, a fast busy signal is played for approximately
10 seconds. The call is then terminated and the line is placed back in on-hook status.
The Cisco Unified CME session application accesses the current after-hours configuration and applies it to
calls originated by phones that are registered to the Cisco Unified CME router. Call blocking applies to all IP
phones in Cisco Unified CME, although individual IP phones can be exempted from all call blocking.
In Cisco CME 3.4 and later versions, the same time-based call-blocking mechanism that is provided forSCCP
phone and on analog phones connected to SCCP-controlled analog telephone adaptors (Cisco ATA) or
SCCP-controlled foreign exchange station (FXS) ports is expanded to SIP endpoints.
In Cisco CME 3.4 and later, call-blocking configuration applies to all SCCP, H.323, SIP and POTS calls that
go through the Cisco Unified CME router. All incoming callsto the router, except callsfrom an exempt phone,
are also checked against the after-hours configuration.
Prior to Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1), all Call Blocking features are implemented globally and uniformly on
each phone in the system. All phones are similarly restricted according to time, date, location, and other call
blocking characteristics. Call Blocking is not supported on ephone-dns that are configured to use the trunk
feature, and Call Blocking did not apply to second-stage trunk dialing.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
In Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) and later versions, you have the flexibility to set different call block calendars
and call block patterns to phones in different departments, to block certain trunk dialing as required, and to
configure Call Blocking on a particular SCCP IP phone by creating and applying a template to that phone.
For configuration information, see Configure Call Blocking, on page 1064.
After-Hours Pattern-Blocking Support for Regular Expressions
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, support for afterhours pattern blocking is extended to regular expression patterns
for dial plans on Cisco Unified SIP phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones. With this support, users can
add a combination of fixed dial plans and regular expression-based dial plans.
When a call is initiated after hours, the dialed number is matched against a combination of dial plans. If a
match is found, the call is blocked.
To enable regular expression patterns to be included when configuring afterhours pattern blocking, the
after-hours block pattern command is modified to include regular expressions as a value for the pattern
argument in the following command syntax:
after-hours block pattern pattern-tag pattern
This command is available in the following configuration modes:
• telephony-service—For both SCCP and SIP Phones.
• ephone-template—For SCCP phones only.
The maximum length of a regular expression pattern is 32 for both Cisco Unified SIP and Cisco Unified
SCCP IP phones.
If calls to the following numbers are to be blocked after hours:
• numbers beginning with ‘0’ and ‘00’
• numbers beginning with 1800, followed by four digits
• numbers 9876512340 to 9876512345
then the following configurations can be used:
• after-hours block pattern 1 0*
• after-hours block pattern 2 00*
• after-hours block pattern 3 1800….
• after-hours block pattern 4 987651234[0-5]
There is no change in the number of afterhours patterns that can be added. The maximum number is still
After-hours block pattern 0* blocks all numbers, and 00* blocks any number starting from 0. 0* and 00* must
not be denoted as regular expressions.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
After-Hours Pattern-Blocking Support for Regular Expressions
For more configuration examples, see Example for Configuring After-Hours Block Patterns of Regular
Expressions, on page 1078 section.
For a summary of the basic Cisco IOS regular expression characters and their functions, see Cisco Regular
Expression Pattern Matching Characters section of Terminal Services Configuration Guide.
Call Blocking Override
The after-hours configuration applies globally to all dial peers in Cisco Unified CME. You can disable the
feature on phones using one of three mechanisms:
• directory number—To configure an exception for an individual directory number.
• phone-level—To configure an exception for all directory numbers associated to a Cisco Unified IPphone
regardless of any configuration for an individual directory number.
• dial peer—To configure an exception for a particular dial peer.
Individual phone users can be allowed to override call blocking associated with designated time periods by
entering personal identification numbers (PINs) that have been assigned to their phones. For IP phones that
support soft keys, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940G and the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G, the
call-blocking override feature allows individual phone users to override the call blocking that has been defined
for designated time periods. The system administrator must first assign a personal identification number (PIN)
to any phone that will be allowed to override Call Blocking.
Logging in to a phone with aPIN only allowsthe user to override call blocking that is associated with particular
time periods. Blocking patterns that are in effect 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and they cannot be overridden
by using a PIN.
WhenPINs are configured for call-blocking override, they are cleared at a specific time of day or after phones
have been idle for a specific amount of time. The time of day and amount of time can be set by the system
administrator, or the defaults can be accepted.
For configuration information, see Configure Call Blocking, on page 1064.
Class of Restriction
Class of restriction (COR) is the capability to deny certain call attempts based on the incoming and outgoing
class of restrictions provisioned on the dial peers. COR specifies which incoming dial peer can use which
outgoing dial peer to make a call. Each dial peer can be provisioned with an incoming and an outgoing COR
COR functionality provides flexibility in network design by allowing users to block calls (for example, calls
to 900 numbers) and allowing different restrictions to call attempts from different originators.
For SIP phones, multiple COR lists can be applied under the voice register pool. A maximum of ten lists (five
incoming and five outgoing) can be defined. The final COR list that is applied depends on the DN that the
phone registers with the CME. This DN should match any one of the ranges defined in the COR list under
the voice register pool.
ForSIPPhones on Unified CME Release 12.1 and later versions, COR lists can be applied under voice register
template configuration mode as well. If the COR list is configured under voice register pool and voice register
template, the configuration under voice register pool takes precedence. If the COR list configuration under
voice register pool is removed, the configuration under voice register template is applied.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Call Blocking Override
Configure Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking
To define blocking patterns and time periods during which calls to matching patterns are blocked for allSCCP
andSIPendpoints in Cisco Unified CME, to define blocking patterns to be matched to block calls from PSTN
lines, and to deactivate logins on SCCP phones at a specific time or for a specified time period, perform the
following steps.
Restriction • Prior to Cisco CME 3.3, Call Blocking is not supported on analog phones connected to Cisco ATAs
or FXS ports in H.323 mode.
• Prior to Cisco CME 3.4, Call Blocking is not supported on SIP IP phones connected directly in
Cisco Unified CME.
• Prior to Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1), selective Call Blocking on IP phones and PSTN trunk lines is
not supported.
Before You Begin
• Dial-peers are configured to providePSTN access using router voice-ports or H.323/SIPtrunk connections.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony service
4. after-hours block pattern pattern-tag pattern [7-24]
5. after-hours date month date start-time stop-time
6. after-hours day day start-time stop-time
7. after-hours pstn-prefix tag pattern
8. login [timeout [minutes]] [clear time]
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony service Enters telephony service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony service
Step 3
after-hours block pattern pattern-tag Defines pattern to be matched for blocking calls from IP phones.
pattern [7-24]
Step 4
• pattern-tag—Unique number pattern for call blocking. Define up to 32
call-blocking patterns in separate commands. Range is 1 to 32.
after-hours block pattern 2 91
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode. The value set in ephone-template configuration mode has priority
over the value set in telephony-service mode .
Defines a recurring period based on date of month during which outgoing calls
that match defined block patterns are blocked on IP phones.
after-hours date month date start-time
Step 5
after-hours date jan 1 0:00 23:59
• Enter beginning and ending times for call blocking in an HH:MM format
using a 24-hour clock. The stop- time must be greater than the start-time.
The value 24:00 is not valid. If you enter 00:00as a stop time, it is changed
to 23:59. If you enter 00:00 for both start time and stop time, calls are
blocked for the entire 24-hour period on the specified date.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode. The value set in ephone-template configuration mode has priority
over the value set in telephony-service mode.
Defines a recurring period based on day of the week during which outgoing
calls that match defined block patterns are blocked on IP phones
after-hoursday day start-time stop-time
after-hours day sun 0:00 23:59
Step 6
• Enter beginning and ending times for call blocking, in an HH:MM format
using a 24-hour clock. The stop- time must be greater than the start-time.
The value 24:00 is not valid. If you enter 00:00 as a stop time, it is changed
to 23:59. If you enter 00:00 for both start time and stop time, calls are
blocked for the entire 24-hour period on the specified day.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template configuration
mode. The value set in ephone-template configuration mode has priority
over the value set in telephony-service mode .
Defines the leading digits of the pattern to be skipped when pattern matching
dialed digits on a trunk ephone-dn.
after-hours pstn-prefix tag pattern
after-hours pstn_prefix 1 9
Step 7
• tag: Unique number pattern for PSTN call blocking. Define up to 4
call-blocking patterns in separate commands. Range is 1-4.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking
Command or Action Purpose
• pattern: identifies the unique leading digits, normally used to dial a trunk
PSTN line, that are blocked by this configuration.
Deactivates all user logins at a specific time or after a designated period of idle
time on a phone.
login [timeout [minutes]] [clear time]
Router(config-telephony)# login
timeout 120 clear 23:00
Step 8
• For SCCP phones only. Not supported on SIP endpoints in
Cisco Unified CME.
• minutes—(Optional) Range: 1 to 1440. Default: 60. Before
Cisco Unified CME 4.1, the minimum value for this argument was 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 9
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for a Dial Peer
To allow H.323 and SIP trunk calls to utilize the voice gateway in spite of the the after-hours configuration
in Cisco Unified CME, follow the steps in this section.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag{pots | voatm |vofr |voip}
4. paramspace callsetup after-hours-exempt true
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for a Dial Peer
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Defines a particular dial peer, specifies the method of
voice encapsulation, and enters dial-peer configuration
dial-peer voice tag{pots | voatm |vofr |voip}
Router(config)# dial peer voice 501 voip
Step 3
paramspace callsetup after-hours-exempt true Exempts a dial peer from Call Blocking configuration.
Router(config-dialpeer)# paramspace callsetup
after-hours-exempt true
Step 4
Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-dialpeer)# end
Step 5
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Configure Call Blocking Override for All SCCP Phones
To define the Call Blocking override code to be entered by a phone user to override all call-blocking rules,
perform the following steps.
Restriction • Call Blocking override is supported only on phones that support softkey display.
• If the after-hours override code is the same as the night-service code, after hours Call Blocking is
• Both override codes defined in telephony-service and override codes defined in ephone-template
are enabled on all phones.
• If a global telephony-service override code overlaps an ephone-template override code and contains
more digits, an outgoing call is disabled wherever the telephony-service override code is used on
phones with the ephone template applied. For example, if the telephony-service override code is
6241 and the ephone-template override code is 62, those phones with the ephone template applied
will sound a fast busy tone if the 6241 override code is dialed.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking Override for All SCCP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. after-hours override-code pattern
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Defines the pattern of digits (0-9) that overrides an after-hours call
blocking configuration.
after-hours override-code pattern
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours
override-code 1234
Step 4
• pattern: identifies the unique set of digits that, when dialed after
pressing the login soft key, can override the after-hours call
blocking configuration.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template
configuration mode. The value set in ephone-template
configuration mode has priority over the value set in
telephony-service mode.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking Override for All SCCP Phones
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for an Individual SCCP Phone
To exempt all directory numbers associated with an individual SCCP phone from the Call Blocking
configuration, follow the steps in this section.
Restriction • Call Blocking override is supported only on phones that support softkey display.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. after-hour exempt
5. pin pin-number
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 4
• phone-tag—The unique sequence number for the phone that
is to be exempt from call blocking.
Specifies that this phone is exempt from call blocking. Phones
exempted in this manner are not restricted from any call-blocking
patterns and no authentication of the phone user is required.
after-hour exempt
Router(config-ephone)# after-hour exempt
Step 4
Declares a personal identification number (PIN) that is used to log
into an ephone.
pin pin-number
Router(config-ephone)# pin 5555
Step 5
• pin-number—Number from four to eight digits in length.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for an Individual SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 6
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for an Individual SIP Phone or Directory
To exempt all extensions associated with an individual SIP phone or an individual directory number from the
Call Blocking configuration, follow the steps in this section.
Restriction • The Login toll-bar override is not supported on SIP IP phones; there is no pin to bypass blocking on
IP phones that are connected to Cisco Unified CME and running SIP.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag or voice register dn dn-tag
4. after-hour exempt
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
parameters for specified SIP phone.
voice registerpool pool-tag or voice registerdndn-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configure Call Blocking Exemption for an Individual SIP Phone or Directory Number
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register dn mode to define a directory number
for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 4 after-hour exempt Exempts all numbers on a SIP phone from call blocking.
Router(config-register-pool)# after-hour exempt
Exempts an individual directory number from call blocking.
Router(config-register-dn)# after-hour exempt
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Verify Call Blocking Configuration
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to display an entire configuration, including call-blocking number patterns and
time periods and the phones that are marked as exempt from call blocking.
fxo hook-flash
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
ip source-address port 2000
timeouts ringing 10
voicemail 7189
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh music-on-hold.au
web admin system name sys3 password sys3
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
after-hours block pattern 1 91900 7-24
after-hours block pattern 2 9976 7-24
after-hours block pattern 3 9011 7-24
after-hours block pattern 4 91...976.... 7-24
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Verify Call Blocking Configuration
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jul 13 2004 03:39:28
Step 2 Use the show ephone login command to display the login status of all phones.
Router# show ephone login
ephone 1 Pin enabled:TRUE Logged-in:FALSE
ephone 2 Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 3 Pin enabled:FALSE
Step 3 The show voice register dial-peer command displays all the dial peers created dynamically by SIP phones that have
registered, along with configurations for after hours blocking.
Apply Class of Restriction to a Directory Number on SCCP Phone
To apply a class of restriction to a directory number, perform the following steps.
Restriction • In a Call Redirection scenario (either Call Forward or Call Forward Busy), when you select an
outgoing dial peer, CUCME considers the Class of Restriction applied on the originating extension
instead of the one applied on the redirecting extension. This is because the redirecting extension is
an intermediate dial peer that is used temporarily.
Before You Begin
• COR lists must be created in dial peers. For information, see Class of Restrictions section in the “Dial
Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers” document in the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library.
• Directory number to which COR is to be applied must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For
configuration information, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. corlist {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Apply Class of Restriction to a Directory Number on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 12
Step 3
Configures a COR on the dial peers associated with
an ephone-dn.
corlist {incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name
Router(config-ephone-dn)# corlist outgoing
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 5
Apply Class of Restriction to Directory Number on SIP Phones
To apply a class of restriction to virtual dial peers for directory numbers associated with a SIP IP phone
connected to Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
Restriction • In a Call Redirection scenario (either Call Forward or Call Forward Busy), when you select an
outgoing dial peer, CUCME considers the Class of Restriction applied on the originating extension
instead of the one applied on the redirecting extension. This is because the redirecting extension is
an intermediate dial peer that is used temporarily.
Before You Begin
• Cisco unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
• COR lists must be created in dial peers. For information, see Class of Restrictions section in the “Dial
Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers” document in the Cisco IOS Voice ConfigurationLibrary.
• Individual phones to which COR is to be applied must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For
configuration information, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Apply Class of Restriction to Directory Number on SIP Phones
• The COR list configuration under voice register template configuration mode is supported only for
Unified CME 12.1 and later releases.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• voice register template template-tag
4. cor{incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name {cor-list-number starting-number [- ending-number ] |default}
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to
100. • voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines a
template of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Configures a class of restriction (COR) for the dynamically created
VoIP dial peers associated with directory numbers and specifies
cor{incoming | outgoing} cor-list-name
{cor-list-number starting-number [-
ending-number ] | default}
Step 4
which incoming dial peer can use which outgoing dial peer to make
a call.
Router(config-register-pool)# cor incoming
• Each dial peer can be provisioned with an incoming and an
outgoing COR list.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Apply Class of Restriction to Directory Number on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
Verify Class of Restriction
Step 1 Use the show running-config command or the show telephony-service ephone-dn command to verify whether the
COR lists have been applied to the appropriate ephone-dns.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 23
number 2835
corlist outgoing 5x
Step 2 Use the show dialplandialpeer command to determine which outbound dial peer is matched for an incoming call, based
on the COR criteria and the dialed number specified in the command line. Use the timeout keyword to enable matching
variable-length destination patters associated with dial peers. This can increase your chances of finding a match for the
dial peer number you specify.
Router# show dialplan dialpeer 300 number 1900111
information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 900, destination-pattern = `1900',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 900, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
modem passthrough = system,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:to900
type = voip, session-target = `ipv4:',
technology prefix:
settle-call = disabled
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Verify Class of Restriction
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Matched: 19001111 Digits: 4
Target: ipv4:
Step 3 Use the show dial-peer voice command to display the attributes associated with a particular dial peer.
Router# show dial-peer voice 100
information type = voice,
description = `',
tag = 100, destination-pattern = `',
answer-address = `', preference=0,
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 100, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `555....', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'vxml_inb_app'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits default
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with GK = TRUE
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Configuration Examples for Call Blocking
Example for Configuring Call Blocking
The following example defines several patterns of digits for which outgoing calls are blocked. Patterns 1 and
2, which block calls to external numbers that begin with “1” and “011,” are blocked on Monday throughFriday
before 7 a.m. and after 7 p.m., onSaturday before 7 a.m. and after 1 p.m., and all daySunday.Pattern 3 blocks
calls to 900 numbers 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The IP phone with tag number 23 and MAC address
00e0.8646.9242 is not restricted from calling any of the blocked patterns.
after-hours block pattern 1 91
after-hours block pattern 2 9011
after-hours block pattern 3 91900 7-24
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Configuration Examples for Call Blocking
after-hours day mon 19:00 07:00
after-hours day tue 19:00 07:00
after-hours day wed 19:00 07:00
after-hours day thu 19:00 07:00
after-hours day fri 19:00 07:00
after-hours day sat 13:00 12:00
after-hours day sun 12:00 07:00
ephone 23
mac 00e0.8646.9242
button 1:33
after-hour exempt
ephone 24
mac 2234.1543.6352
button 1:34
The following example deactivates a phone’s login after three hours of idle time and clears
all logins at 10 p.m.:
ephone 1
pin 1000
login timeout 180 clear 2200
Example for Configuring Class of Restriction
The following example shows three dial peers for dialing local destinations, long distance, and 911. COR list
user1 can access the dial peers used to call 911 and local destinations. COR list user2 can access all three dial
peers. Ephone-dn 1 is assigned COR list user1 to call local destinations and 911, and ephone-dn 2 is assigned
COR list user2 to call 911, local destinations, and long distance.
dial-peer cor custom
name local
name longdistance
name 911
dial-peer cor list call-local
member local
dial-peer cor list call-longdistance
member longdistance
dial-peer cor list call-911
member 911
dial-peer cor list user1
member 911
member local
dial-peer cor list user2
member 911
member local
member longdistance
dial-peer voice 1 pots
corlist outgoing call-longdistance
destination-pattern 91..........
port 2/0/0
prefix 1
dial-peer voice 2 pots
corlist outgoing call-local
destination-pattern 9[2-9]......
port 2/0/0
forward-digits 7
dial-peer voice 3 pots
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Example for Configuring Class of Restriction
corlist outgoing call-911
destination-pattern 9911
port 2/0/0
prefix 911
ephone-dn 1
corlist incoming user1
corlist outgoing user1
ephone-dn 2
corlist incoming user2
corlist outgoing user2
Example for Configuring After-Hours Block Patterns of Regular Expressions
The following example shows how to configure several afterhours block patterns of regular expressions:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 1 ?
WORD Specific block pattern or a regular expression for after-hour block
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 1 1234
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 2 .T
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 3 987654([1-3])+
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 4 98765432[1-9]
Router(config-telephony)# after-hours block pattern 5 98765(432|422|456)
Where to Go Next
After modifying a configuration for a Cisco Unified IP phone connected to Cisco Unified CME, you must
reboot the phone to make the changes take effect. For more information, see Reset and Restart Cisco Unified
IP Phones, on page 397 .
Soft Key Control
To move or remove the Login soft key on one or more phones, create and apply an ephone template that
contains the appropriate softkeys commands.
For more information, see Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Ephone-dn Templates
The corlist command can be included in an ephone-dn template that is applied to one or more ephone-dns.
For more information, see Templates, on page 1427.
Feature Information for Call Blocking
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Example for Configuring After-Hours Block Patterns of Regular Expressions
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 91: Feature Information for Call Blocking
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Added support for selective call
blocking on IP phones and PSTN
trunk lines.
Call Blocking 4.2(1)
• Support for Call Blocking on
SIP IP phones connected
directly in
Cisco Unified CME was
• All incoming calls to the
router, except calls from an
exempt phone, are also
checked against the
after-hours configuration.
Added support for Call Blocking
on analog phones connected to
Cisco ATAs orFXSports in H.323
• Call blocking based on date
and time was introduced.
• Override of Call Blocking
was introduced.
Added support for COR
configuration in voice register
template configuration mode for
Unified CME.
Class of Restriction 12.1
Added support for COR on SIP IP
Phones connected directly in
Cisco Unified CME.
2.0 Class of restriction wasintroduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Feature Information for Call Blocking
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Blocking
Feature Information for Call Blocking
Call Park
• Information About Call Park, page 1081
• Configure Call Park, page 1089
• Configuration Examples for Call Park, page 1097
• Where to Go Next, page 1098
• Feature Information for Call Park, page 1099
Information About Call Park
Call Park Enhancements in Cisco Unified CME 7.1
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 adds Call Park support for SIP phones, introduces Park Reservation Groups, and
enhances the Directed Call Park feature. Park slots can be shared among SCCP and SIP phones. For example,
a call parked on a SCCP phone can be retrieved by a SIP phone on the same Cisco Unified CME router. Call
Park features are available onSCCPandSIPphones that support thePark soft key. ThePark soft key displays
on supported phones by default.
Table describes how phone users park and retrieve callsin Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions compared
to previous versions.ForSCCPphones, the only change is in how users perform Directed CallPark Retrieval.
The Call Park method supported in previous versions of Cisco Unified CME is enabled by default. You can
change the park and retrieval method only when there are no parked calls.
Before Cisco Unified CME 7.1
(SCCP Phones Only)
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and Later
Versions (SCCP and SIP Phones)14
Call Park (Basic) PressPark soft key to park the call. PressPark soft key to park the call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Before Cisco Unified CME 7.1
(SCCP Phones Only)
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and Later
Versions (SCCP and SIP Phones)14
Do one of the following:
• Dial the park slot extension.
• PressPickup soft key and dial
park-slot extension.
• PressPickup soft key and the
asterisk (*) on phone that
parked the call.
Do one of the following:
• Dial the park slot extension
(SCCP and SIP).
• PressPickup soft key and dial
park-slot extension
(SCCP only).
• PressPickup soft key and the
asterisk (*) on phone that
parked the call (SCCP only).
Call Park Retrieval15
Press Transfer soft key and dial
park-slot extension.
Press Transfer soft key and dial
park-slot extension.
Directed Call Park
Dial the retrieval FAC and Same as Basic CallPark Retrieval.
park-slot extension.
Directed Call Park Retrieval
14 You must enable the call-park system application command.
15 SCCP phones support the Pickup soft key for Park Retrieval only if the service directed-pickup command is configured (default). Otherwise, the Pickup soft
key initiates Local Group Pickup.
To enable Call Park features, see Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park, on page 1089.
Basic Call Park
The Call Park feature allows a phone user to place a call on hold at a special extension so it can be retrieved
from any other phone in the system. A user parks the call at the extension, known as the call-park slot, by
pressing the Park soft key. Cisco Unified CME chooses the next available call-park slot and displays that
number on the phone. A user on another phone can then retrieve the call by dialing the extension number of
the call-park slot.
You can define either a single extension number or a range of extension numbers to use as call-park slots.
Each call-park slot can hold one call at a time so the number of calls that users can park is equal to the number
of slots you create. If the secondary number is used to group calls together, calls are retrieved in the order in
which they were parked; the call that has been parked the longest is the first call retrieved from the call-park
A caller who is parked in a park slot hears the music-on-hold (MOH) audio stream if the call uses the G.711
codec or if the call uses G.729 with transcoding; otherwise, callers hear a tone on hold. Users who attempt to
park a call at a busy slot hear a busy tone.
Call-park slots can also be monitored by assigning the call-park slot to a monitor button using the button m
command. The line status shows “in use” when a call is parked in the monitored slot. A call that is parked on
the monitored call-park slot can be picked up by pressing the assigned monitor button.
You can create a call-park slot that is reserved for use by one extension by assigning that slot a number whose
last two digits are the same as the last two digits of the extension. When an extension starts to park a call, the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Basic Call Park
system searches first for a call-park slot that has the same final two digits as the extension. If no such call-park
slot exists, the system chooses an available call-park slot.
Multiple call-park slots can be created with the same extension number so that more than one call can be
parked for a particular department or group of people at a known extension number.For example, at a hardware
store, calls for the plumbing department can be parked at extension 101, calls for lighting can be parked at
102, and so forth. Everyone in the plumbing department knows that calls parked at 101 are for them and can
pick up calls from extension 101. When multiple calls are parked at the same call-park slot number, they are
picked up in the order in which they were parked; that is, the call that has been parked the longest is the first
call picked up from that call-park slot number.
If multiple call-park slots use the same extension number, you must configure each ephone-dn that uses the
extension number with the no huntstop command, except for the last ephone-dn to which calls are sent. In
addition, each ephone-dn must be configured with the preference command. The preference numeric values
must increase to match the order of the ephone-dns. That is, the lowest ephone-dn tag park-slot must have the
lowest numeric preference number, and so forth. Without the configuration of the preference and huntstop
commands, all calls that are parked after a second call has been parked will generate a busy signal. The caller
who is being transferred to park will hear a busy signal, while the phone user who parked the call will receive
no indication that the call was lost.
A reminder ring can be sent to the extension that parked the call by using the timeout keyword with the
park-slot command. The timeout keyword and argument set the interval length during which the call-park
reminder ring is timed out or inactive. If the timeout keyword is not used, no reminder ring is sent to the
extension that parked the call. The number of timeout intervals and reminder rings are configured with the
limit keyword and argument. For example, a limit of 3 timeout intervals sends 2 reminder rings (interval 1,
ring 1, interval 2, ring 2, interval 3). The timeout and limit keywords and arguments also set the maximum
time that calls stay parked. For example, a timeout interval of 10 seconds and a limit of 5 timeout intervals
(park-slot timeout 10 limit 5) will park calls for approximately 50 seconds.
The reminder ring is sent only to the extension that parked the call unless the notify keyword is also used to
specify an additional extension number to receive a reminder ring. When an additional extension number is
specified using thenotify keyword, the phone user at that extension can retrieve a call from thisslot by pressing
the PickUp soft key and the asterisk (*) key.
You can define both the length of the timeout interval for calls parked at a call-park slot and the number of
timeout intervals that should occur before the call is either recalled or transferred. If you specify a transfer
target in thepark-slot command, the call is transferred to the specified target after the timeout intervals expire
rather than to the primary number of the parking phone.
If a name has been specified for the call-park slot using the name command, that name will be displayed on
a recall or transfer rather than an extension number.
You can also specify an alternate target extension at which to transfer a parked call if the recall or transfer
target is in use (ringing or connected). For example, a call is parked at the private park slot for the phone with
the primary extension of 2001, as shown inFigure 39: Dedicated CallPark Example, on page 1087 . After the
timeouts expire, the system attempts to recall the call to extension 2001, but that line is connected to another
call. The system then transfers the call to the alternate target, extension 3784.
View Active Parked Calls
You can view the list of active parked calls on SIP and SCCP phones using the phone menu by pressing the
Service button on the phone and navigating to My Phone Apps > Park List .
To recall a call from the list of parked calls, you can select the desired call and press the Pickup soft key.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
View Active Parked Calls
To refresh the list of parked calls you can press the Update soft key in the menu.
Latest parked call will be displayed on top of the list.
Thisfeature can be configured asPLK button forSCCPandSIPPhone.For more information see Configure
Feature Button on a Cisco UnifiedSCCP Line Key, on page 1464 and ConfigureFeature Button on a Cisco
Unified SIP Phone Line Key, on page 1462.
Configure User Interface to View Active List of Parked Calls
This feature enables a user to view the list of active parked calls and is enabled by default.
You must perform this task only if the feature was previously disabled on a phone.
Thisfeature is enabled by default forSCCPandSIPphones.ForSCCPphones, thisfeature can be enabled
and disabled. However, SIP phones do not have the enable or disable option.
Restriction • If there are more than 20 active calls parked, then only the first 20 active parked calls will be displayed.
• Dedicated, private call-park slots configured using the reserved-for command are not supported on
the phone’s display.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. phone-ui park-list
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Configure User Interface to View Active List of Parked Calls
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Step 4 phone-ui park-list Enables a phone user to view the list of active parked calls.
Router(config-ephone)# phone-ui park-list
• This command is enabled by default.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Directed Call Park
The Directed Call Park feature allows a phone user to transfer a call to a specific call-park slot using the
Transfer soft key. For example, a customer calls a retail store and asks for the sporting goods department.
The operator who answers the call transfers the call to one of the park-slots associated with the sporting goods
department and pagesthe sporting goods department to retrieve the call. You can configure phonesthatsupport
the directed call-park Busy LampField (BLF) to monitor the busy and idle status of specific directed call-park
In versions before Cisco Unified CME 4.0, callers can directly dial call-park slot numbers to be placed in
park. If another call is already parked in the slot, the caller hears a busy tone.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 to Cisco Unified CME 7.0, users retrieve a call from a directed call-park slot by
dialing the park-slot extension or using the PickUp soft key and dialing the park-slot extension. If no call is
parked in the slot, the caller hears a busy tone.
In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions, users retrieve a call from a directed call-park slot by dialing a
feature access code (FAC) and the number of the call-park slot.
Cisco Unified CME supports Directed Call Park from remote phones, however only phones that are local to
the directed call-park slot can retrieve a call.
Park Reservation Groups
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions allow you to assign ownership to call-park slots by using
Park Reservation Groups. A park slot configured with a park reservation group can only be used by phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Directed Call Park
configured with the same park reservation group. A park slot without a park reservation group can be used
by any phone not assigned to a park reservation group.
In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.1, you could reserve a dedicated call-park slot for a specific
phone based on its primary line. All lines on that phone could use the dedicated park slot. The new Park
Reservation Group feature in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 provides an enhanced method of reserving park slots
that replaces the use of dedicated park slots.
Park reservation groups are not supported for directed call-park slots.
The reservation-group is used so that the phone with a reservation group is allowed to park to park-slot(s)
within the same reservation group.
Any phone within the same CME can retrieve any parked calls. So the rule is applied when you park the
call, not when you retrieve the call.
Dedicated Call-Park Slots
A dedicated, private call-park slot can be configured for an ephone using the reserved-for keyword in the
park-slot command. The dedicated call-park slot is associated with the primary extension of the ephone. All
extensions on this phone can park calls in the dedicated park slot. The extensions on this phone are the only
extensions that can park a call in the dedicated park slot. Only one call at a time can be parked in a park slot;
a busy tone is returned to any attempt to park a call in a slot that is already in use.
Calls can be parked in dedicated call-park slots using any of the following methods (the extension doing the
parking must be on a phone whose primary extension is associated with a dedicated park slot).
• With an active call, an IP phone user presses the Park soft key.
• With an active call, an IPphone user presses the Transfer soft key and a standard or custom FAC (feature
access code) for the call-park feature. The standard FAC for call park is **6.
• With an active call, an analog phone user presses hookflash and the standard or custom FAC for the call
park feature.
Calls can be retrieved from dedicated call-park slots using any of the following methods:
• An IP phone user presses the Pickup soft key and dials the park-slot number.
• An IP phone user presses the New Call soft key and dials the park-slot number.
• An analog phone user lifts the handset, presses the standard or custom FAC for directed call pickup,
and dials the park-slot number. The standard FAC for directed pickup is **5.
If no dedicated park slot is found anywhere in the Cisco Unified CME system for an ephone-dn that is
attempting to park a call, the system uses the standard call-park procedure; that is, the system searches for a
preferred park slot (one with an ephone-dn number that matchesthe last two digits of the ephone-dn attempting
to park the call) and if none is found, uses any available call-park slot.
Figure 39: Dedicated Call Park Example, on page 1087 shows an example of a dedicated call-park slot.
If the configuration specifies that a call should be recalled to the parking phone after the timeout intervals
expire, the call is always returned to the phone’s primary extension number, regardless of which extension on
the phone did the parking. Figure 39: Dedicated Call Park Example, on page 1087 shows an ephone that is
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Dedicated Call-Park Slots
configured with the extension numbers 2001, 2002, and 2003, and a private call-park slot at extension 3333.
The private park slot has been set up to recall calls to the parking phone when the parked call’s timeouts expire.
In the example, extension 2003 parks a call using the Park soft key. When the timeout intervals expire, the
call rings back on extension 2001.
The configuration in Figure 39: Dedicated Call Park Example, on page 1087 specifies that the call will recall
or transfer from the park slot after 3 times the 60-second timeout, or after 180 seconds. Also, before the
exhaustion of the 3 timeouts the phone will receive reminder notifications that a parked call is waiting. The
reminders are sent after each 60-second timeout interval expires (that is, at 60 seconds and at 120 seconds).
You may want to set the timeout command with a limit of 1 instead, so that the call simply parks and recalls
or transfers without sending a reminder ring.
Figure 39: Dedicated Call Park Example
Call-Park Blocking
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, individual ephones can be prevented from making transfers to
call-park slots by using the transfer-park blocked command. This command prevents transfers to park that
use the Transfer soft key and a call-park slot number, while allowing call-parks that use only the Park soft
key. (To prevent use of the Park soft key, use an ephone template to remove it from the phone. See Customize
Softkeys, on page 925.)
An exception is made for phones with reserved, or dedicated, park slots. If the transfer-parkblockedcommand
is used on an ephone that has a dedicated park slot, the phone is blocked from parking calls at park slots other
than the phone’s dedicated park slot but can still park calls at its own dedicated park slot.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Call-Park Blocking
Call-Park Redirect
By default, H.323 and SIP calls that use the call-park feature use hairpin call forwarding or transfer to park
calls and to pick up calls from park. The call-parksystem redirect command allows you to specify that these
calls should use H.450 or the SIP Refer method of call forwarding or transfer. The no form of the command
returns the system to the default behavior.
Call Park Recall Enhancement
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5 and lower versions, a parked call could not be recalled by or transferred to the
phone that put the call in park or the original phone that transferred the call when the destination phone was
offhook or ringing.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, the recall force keyword is added to the call-park system command in
telephony-service configuration mode to allow a user to force the recall or transfer of a parked call to the
phone that put the call in park or the phone with the reserved-for number asits primary DN when the destination
phone is available to answer the call. For more configuration examples, see Example for Configuring Call
Park Recall, on page 1098.
Prior to Cisco Unified CME 10.5, the ring tones for park recall and incoming calls were the same. In Cisco
Unified CME 10.5, a new ring tone is introduced for park recall to assist the user to distinctly identify the
type of call.
This feature is supported on all phone families for SCCP endpoints and on 89XX and 99XX phone families
for SIP endpoints. No configurations are required to activate this feature. The ringtone for SCCP endpoints
is a feature-ring and for SIP endpoints the ringtone is a Bellcore-dr2.
Park Monitor
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions, the park monitor feature allows you to park a call and monitor
the status of the parked call until the parked call is retrieved or abandoned. When a Cisco Unified SIP IP
Phone 8961, 9951, or 9971 parks a call using the park soft key, the park monitoring feature monitors the status
of the parked call. The park monitoring call bubble is not cleared until the parked call gets retrieved or is
abandoned by the parkee. This parked call can be retrieved using the same call bubble on the parker’s phone
to monitor the status of the parked call.
Once a call is parked, Cisco Unified CME sends a SIP NOTIFY message to the parker phone indicating the
“parked” event along with the park slot number so that the parker phone can display the park slot number as
long as the call remains parked.
When a parked call is retrieved, Cisco Unified CME sends another SIP NOTIFY message to the parker phone
indicating the “retrieved” event so that the phone can clear the call bubble. When a parked call is disconnected
by the parkee, Cisco Unified CME sends aSIP NOTIFY message to the parker phone indicating the “abandoned”
event and the parker phone clears the call bubble upon cancellation of the parked call.
When a parked call is recalled or transferred, Cisco Unified CME sends a SIP NOTIFY message to the parker
phone indicating the “forwarded” event so that parker phone can clear the call bubble during park, recall, and
transfer. You can also retrieve a parked call from the parker phone by directly selecting the call bubble or
pressing the resume soft key on the phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Call-Park Redirect
Configure Call Park
Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park
To enable Call Park on SCCP or SIP phones, perform the following steps.
Restriction • For SIP phones, the Park soft key is not supported for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, 7921,
7940, or 7960.
• Park Retrieval is supported only on local phones. Phones can park calls remotely to another
Cisco Unified CME router but only phonesthat are registered to the local router hosting the call-park
slots can retrieve a call.
• In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 7.1, Call Park and Directed Call Park shared the same
call-park slots. In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions, if a user attempts to transfer a call to
a basic park slot when using Directed CallPark, Cisco Unified CME considers that aPark Retrieval.
• A user can retrieve a parked call on an SCCP phone by pressing the PickUp soft key and dialing the
extension number of the call-park slot or an asterisk (*) only if the servicedirected-pickupcommand
is enabled (default). Otherwise this initiates a local group pickup.
• Park Reservation Groups are not supported with Directed Call Park.
• Different directory numbers with the same extension number must have the same Call Park
• Calls from H.323 trunks are not supported on SIP phones.
• Hold Pickup is not supported with the call-park system application command.
Before You Begin
• SIP phones require Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version.
• IP phone must support the Park soft key. The Park soft key displays by default on supported SCCP and
SIP phones. If previously disabled, you must use the softkeys connected command to enable the Park
soft key.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Configure Call Park
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. call-park system{application |redirect }
5. fac{standard | custom dpark-retrieval custom-fac}
6. exit
7. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
8. number number [secondary number] [no-reg[both| primary]]
9. park-slot [ directed] [reservation-group group-number] [reserved-for extension-number] [[timeout
secondslimit count ][notify extension-number [only]] [recall][transfer extension-number ][alternate
extension-number] [retry secondslimit count]]
10. exit
11. ephone phone-tag or voice register pool phone-tag
12. park reservation-group group-number
13. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 call-park system{application |redirect } Defines system parameters for the Call Park feature.
Router(config-telephony)# call-park
system application
• application—Enables the Call Park and Directed Call Park features
supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
• redirect—Specifies that H.323 and SIP calls use H.450 or the SIP
Refer method of call forwarding or transfer to park calls and pick up
calls from park.
Enables standard FACs or creates a custom FAC or alias for the Directed
Park Retrieval feature on SCCP and SIP phones.
fac{standard | custom dpark-retrieval
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom
dpark-retrieval #25
• Enable this command to use the Directed Park Retrieval feature in
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
• standard—Enables standard FACs for all phones. Standard FAC for
Park Retrieval is **10.
• custom—Creates a custom FAC for a feature.
• custom-fac—User-defined code to dial using the keypad on an IP or
analog phone. Custom FAC can be up to 256 characters and contain
numbers 0 to 9 and * and #.
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 6
Enters ephone dn configuration mode to define a directory number for an
IP phone, intercom line, voice port, or a message-waiting indicator (MWI).
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 7
• dn-tag—identifies a particular directory number during configuration
tasks. Range is 1 to the maximum number of directory numbers
allowed on the router platform. Type ? to display the range.
number number [secondary number] Associates an extension number with this directory number.
[no-reg[both| primary]]
Step 8
• number—String of up to 16 digits that represents an extension or
E.164 telephone number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 3001
The primary number must be unique for call-park
Creates an extension (call-park slot) at which calls can be temporarily held
park-slot [ directed] [reservation-group
group-number] [reserved-for
Step 9
extension-number] [[timeout secondslimit
• directed—(Optional) Enables Directed CallPark using this extension.
This keyword is supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
count ][notify extension-number [only]]
[recall][transfer extension-number
][alternate extension-number] [retry
secondslimit count]] • reservation-groupgroup-number —(Optional) Reserves this slot for
phones configured with the specified reservation group. This is the
Router(config-ephone-dn)# park-slot
group assigned to the phone in Step 12. This keyword is supported in
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
• reserved-forextension-number —(Optional) Reserves this slot as a
private park-slot for the phone with the specified extension number
as its primary line.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park
Command or Action Purpose
The reservation-group and reserved-for keywords are mutually
exclusive. If you use the reservation-group keyword, the
reserved-for keyword is ignored. The reservation-group is used
so that the phone with a reservation group is allowed to park to
park-slot(s) within the same reservation group. Any phone within
the same CME can retrieve any parked calls. So the rule is applied
when you park the call, not when you retrieve the call.
exit Exits configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 10
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters for an
SCCP phone.
ephone phone-tag or voice register pool
Step 11
Router(config)# ephone 1
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
Router(config)# voice register pool
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthe phone. Range
is version and platform-dependent; type ? to display range.
Step 12 park reservation-group group-number (Optional) Assigns a call-park reservation group to a phone.
Router(config-ephone)# park
reservation-group 1
• group-number—Unique number that identifies the reservation group.
String can contain up to 32 digits.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template or voice
or register template configuration mode and applied to one or more
Router(config-register-pool)# park
reservation-group 1
phones. The phone configuration has priority over the template
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later
end Exits configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 13
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Examples for Basic Call Park, Directed Call Park and Park Reservation Groups
Basic Call Park
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park
The following example shows three basic call-park slots that can be used by either SCCP or SIP phones. Any
phone can retrieve calls parked at these extensions.
ephone-dn 23
number 8123
park-slot timeout 10 limit 2 recall
description park slot for Sales
ephone-dn 24
number 8124
park-slot timeout 10 limit 2 recall
description park slot for Sales
ephone-dn 25
number 8125
park-slot timeout 15 limit 3 recall retry 10 limit 2
description park slot for Service
Directed Call Park
The following example shows that the enhanced Call Park and Directed Call Park features in
Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions is enabled with the call-park system application command in
telephony-service configuration mode. Two call-park slots, extension 3110 and 3111, can be used to park
calls for the pharmacy using Directed Call Park.
load 7960-7940 P00308000500
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
ip source-address port 2000
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
voicemail 8900
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-park system application
transfer-system full-consult
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Sep 25 2007 21:25:47
ephone-dn 10
number 3110
park-slot directed
description park-slot for Pharmacy
ephone-dn 11
number 3111
park-slot directed
description park-slot for Pharmacy
Park Reservation Groups
The following example shows park reservation groups set up for two call-park slots. Extension 8126 is
configured for group 1 and assigned to phones 3 and 4. Extension 8127 is configured for group 2 and assigned
to phones 10 and 11. When calls for the Pharmacy are parked at extension 8126, only phones 3 and 4 can
retrieve them.
ephone-dn 26
number 8126
park-slot reservation-group 1 timeout 15 limit 2 transfer 8100
description park slot for Pharmacy
ephone-dn 27
number 8127
park-slot reservation-group 2 timeout 15 limit 2 transfer 8100
description park slot for Auto
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park
ephone 3
park reservation-group 1
mac-address 002D.264E.54FA
type 7962
button 1:3
ephone 4
park reservation-group 1
mac-address 0030.94C3.053E
type 7962
button 1:4
ephone 10
park reservation-group 2
mac-address 00E1.CB13.0395
type 7960
button 1:10
ephone 11
park reservation-group 2
mac-address 0016.9DEF.1A70
type 7960
button 1:11
Verify Call Park
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Call-park slots are listed in the ephone-dn portion
of the output.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 23
number 853
park-slot timeout 10 limit 1 recall
description park slot for Sales
ephone-dn 24
number 8126
park-slot reserved-for 126 timeout 10 limit 1 transfer 8145
ephone-dn 25
number 8121 secondary 121
park-slot reserved-for 121 timeout 30 limit 1 transfer 8145
ephone-dn 26
number 8136 secondary 136
park-slot reserved-for 136 timeout 10 limit 1 recall
ephone-dn 30 dual-line
number 451 secondary 501
preference 10
huntstop channel
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Verify Call Park
ephone-dn 31 dual-line
number 452 secondary 502
preference 10
huntstop channel
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn command to display call park configuration information.
Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn
ephone-dn 26
number 8136 secondary 136
park-slot reserved-for 136 timeout 10 limit 1 recall
Configure Timeout Duration for Recalled Calls
To set a timeout duration for no response for a recalled call, perform the following steps. This command is
also applicable to all IP phones where a call in ringing state if not answered, is automatically disconnected
after the timeout duration.
This feature is enabled by default. You must perform this task only if the feature was previously disabled on
a phone.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone ring timeouts seconds
4. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Configure Timeout Duration for Recalled Calls
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone ring timeouts seconds Enters a timeout period before disconnecting the call.
Router(config)# ring timeout 25
Step 3
exit Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 4
The following example shows that the ring timeouts command is enabled on phone:
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
Troubleshooting Call Park
Step 1 show ephone-dn park
Use this command to display configured call-park slots and their status.
Router# show ephone-dn park
DN 50 (1560) park-slot state IDLE
Notify to () timeout 30 limit 10
Step 2 Use the debug ephone commands to observe messages and states associated with an ephone. For more information, see
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Troubleshooting Call Park
Configuration Examples for Call Park
Example for Configuring Basic Call Park
The following example creates a call-park slot with the number 1560. After a call is parked at this number,
the system provides 10 reminder rings at intervals of 30 seconds to the extension that parked the call.
ephone-dn 50
number 1560
park-slot timeout 30 limit 10
Example for Blocking Phone From Using Call Park
The following example prevents ephone 25 and extensions 234, 235, and 236 from parking calls at any
call-park slots.
ephone-dn 11
number 234
ephone-dn 12
number 235
ephone-dn 13
number 236
ephone 25
button 1:11 2:12 3:13
transfer-park blocked
The following example sets up a dedicated park slot for the extensions on ephone 6 and blocks transfers to
call park from extensions 2977, 2978, and 2979 on that phone. Those extensions can still park calls at the
phone’s dedicated park slot by using the Park soft key or the Transfer soft key and the FAC for call park.
ephone-dn 3
number 2558
name Park 2977
park-slot reserved-for 2977 timeout 60 limit 3 recall alternate 3754
ephone-dn 4
number 2977
ephone-dn 5
number 2978
ephone-dn 6
number 2979
ephone 6
button 1:4 2:5 3:6
transfer-park blocked
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Configuration Examples for Call Park
Example for Configuring Call-Park Redirect
The following example specifies that H.323 and SIP calls that are parked should use H.450 or the SIP Refer
method to when they are parked or picked up.
call-park system redirect
Example for Configuring Call Park Recall
The following example shows how to force the recall of a call previously parked when the phone was busy:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# call-park system ?
recall Configure parameters for recall
Router(config-telephony)# call-park system recall ?
force Force recall for busy call park initiator
Router(config-telephony)# call-park system recall force
Where to Go Next
Controlling Use of the Park Soft Key
To block the functioning of the call park (Park) soft key without removing the key display, create and apply
an ephone template that contains the features blocked command. For more information, see Customize
Softkeys, on page 925.
To remove the call park (Park) soft key from one or more phones, create and apply an ephone template that
contains the appropriate softkeys command. For more information, see Customize Softkeys, on page 925 .
Ephone Templates
The transfer-park blocked command, which blocks transfers to call-park slots, can be included in ephone
templates that are applied to individual ephones.
The Park soft key can be removed from the display of one or more phones by including the appropriate
softkeys command in an ephone template and applying the template to individual ephones.
For more information, see Templates, on page 1427.
Feature Access Codes
You can park calls using a feature access code (FAC) instead of a soft key on the phone if standard or custom
FACs have been enabled for your system. The call-park FAC is considered a transfer to a call-park slot and
therefore is valid only after the Trnsfer soft key (IP phones) or hookflash (analog phones) has been used to
initiate a transfer. The following are the standard FACs for call park:
• Dedicated park slot—Standard FAC is **6.
• Any available park slot—Standard FAC is **6 plus optional park-slot number.
For more information about FACs, see Feature Access Codes, on page 757.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Example for Configuring Call-Park Redirect
Feature Information for Call Park
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 92: Feature Information for Call Park
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Added recall force keyword to the
call-park system command.
Call Park Recall Enhancement 9.5
Support for Park Monitor was
Call Park 8.5
Adds Call Park support for
SIP phones, introduces Park
Reservation Groups, and enhances
Directed Call Park.
Dedicated call-park slots,
alternative recall locations, and
call-park blocking were introduced.
Direct calls to park slots are now
interpreted as attempts to pick up
parked calls rather than attempts to
be parked at the slot.
Monitoring of call-park slots was
3.1 Call park was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Feature Information for Call Park
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Park
Feature Information for Call Park
Call Restriction Regulations
• Prerequisites for LPCOR, page 1101
• Information About LPCOR, page 1101
• Configure LPCOR, page 1111
• Configuration Examples for LPCOR, page 1128
• Feature Information for LPCOR, page 1145
Prerequisites for LPCOR
• Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)XA or a later release.
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
Information About LPCOR
LPCOR Overview
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has regulations that restrict the mixing of voice traffic
between the PSTN and VoIP networks. Previously, this required a user to have two phones to handle both
PSTN and VoIPcalls; an IPphone connected to the ElectronicPrivate Automatic Branch Exchange (EPABX)
for intra-office and inter-office VoIP calls and a separate phone connected to a PABX for PSTN calls, as
shown in Figure 40: Separate PBX and EPABX Systems, on page 1102.
New regulations allow for a single network infrastructure and single EPABX to connect to both the PSTN
and VoIP networks by using a logical partitioning between the PSTN and IP leased lines.
The logical partitioning class of restriction (LPCOR) feature enables a single directory number on an IPphone
or analog phone registered to Cisco Unified CME to connect to both PSTN and VoIP calls according to the
connection restrictions specified by TRAI regulations. Cisco Unified CME can support both VoIP and PSTN
calls while restricting the mixing of voice traffic between the PSTN and VoIP networks and preventing PSTN
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
calls from connecting to remote locations over an IP trunk, as shown in Figure 41: Single EPAPX System
with PSTN and VoIP Calls Partitioning, on page 1102.
Figure 40: Separate PBX and EPABX Systems
Figure 41: Single EPAPX System with PSTN and VoIP Calls Partitioning
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Overview
LPCOR Policy and Resource Groups
Cisco Unified CME supports a high-level class of restriction by allowing you to logically partition itsresources
(PSTN trunks, IP trunks, IP phones, and analog phones) into different groups. The resources of each group
are scalable based on the voice interface, trunk group, or IP address subnet. In general, you should not have
to modify your existing dial plan to support LPCOR functionality. The dial peer class of restriction (COR)
feature remains unchanged when the LPCOR feature is added to Cisco Unified CME.
LPCOR control is based on the location of resources, where calls are originating and terminating. You must
partition the resources of the Cisco Unified CME router into different resource groups and then create a
LPCOR policy for each group to which you want to apply call restrictions.
You create a LPCOR policy matrix for individual resource groups by defining its LPCOR policy to either
accept or reject calls that originate from any of the other resource groups. You can define one LPCOR policy
for each resource group.
The same LPCOR policy is applied to multiple directory numbers from the same resource. For example, if
multiple directory numbers are defined for a SCCP phone, the same LPCOR policy is enforced for all calls
to the different directory numbers on the SCCP phone.
In the following example, PSTN trunks, IP trunks (H.323 and SIP), analog FXS phones, and IP phones for a
Cisco Unified CME router are partitioned into five different resource groups (RG1 to RG5).
Table 93: LPCOR Policy Matrix Example
Resource RG1 RG2 RG3 RG4 RG5
RG1 Yes No Yes No Yes
RG2 Yes Yes No Yes No
RG3 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
RG4 No No No Yes Yes
RG5 No Yes Yes Yes No
LPCOR validation is done at the target destination based on the configured LPCOR policy matrix.For example:
• Call from RG1 to target RG1 is allowed
• Call from RG2 to target RG3 is not allowed
• Call from RG3 to target RG2 is allowed
• Call from RG5 to target RG5 is not allowed
Default LPCOR Policy
The default LPCOR policy meansthat there are no restrictions between the callsource and itstarget destination.
When a call is presented to a target destination, Cisco Unified CME bypasses LPCOR validation if either the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Policy and Resource Groups
incoming call is not associated with a LPCOR policy or the LPCOR policy is not defined for the target
TRAI regulations allow the same directory number on a local IP phone or SCCP analog Foreign Exchange
Station (FXS) phone in Cisco Unified CME to handle both PSTN and VoIP calls. Locally connected phones
do not have to be associated with any resource group.
How LPCOR Policies are Associated with Resource Groups
Call restrictions are applied to LPCOR resource groups based on the location of the resources. You create
LPCOR policies that define the call restrictions to apply to calls that originate or terminate at the following
types of resources.
Analog Phones
TRAI regulations allow an analog FXS phone to accept both PSTN and VoIP calls if the phone is locally
registered to Cisco Unified CME. Locally connected phones do not have to be associated with any resource
group; the default LPCOR policy is applied to this phone type.
A specific LPCOR policy can be defined through the voice port or trunk group.For configuration information,
see Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls, on page 1114.
IP Phones
LPCOR supports both SCCP and SIP IP phones. TRAI regulations allow an IP phone to accept both PSTN
and VoIP calls if the IP phone is registered locally to Cisco Unified CME through the LAN. If the IP phone
isregistered to Cisco Unified CME through the WAN,PSTN calls must be blocked from the remote IPphones.
If an IP phone always registers to Cisco Unified CME from the same local or remote region, the phone is
provisioned with a static LPCOR policy. For configuration information, see Associate a LPCOR Policy with
IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls, on page 1120.
If the phone is a mobile-type IP phone and moves between the local and remote regions, such as an Extension
Mobility phone, Cisco IP Communicator softphone, or a remote teleworker phone, the LPCOR policy is
provisioned dynamically based on the IPphone’s currently registered IPaddress.For configuration information,
see Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls, on page 1124.
PSTN Trunks
An incoming LPCOR resource group is associated with a PSTN trunk (digital or analog) through the voice
port or trunk group.
When a call is routed to the PSTN network, the LPCOR policy of the target PSTN trunk can block calls from
any resource group it is not explicitly configured to accept. Outgoing calls from a PSTN trunk are associated
with a LPCOR policy based on either the voice port or trunk group, whichever is configured in the outbound
POTS dial-peer.
For configuration information, see Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls, on
page 1114.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
How LPCOR Policies are Associated with Resource Groups
VoIP Trunks
An incoming VoIPtrunk call (H.323 orSIP) is associated with a LPCOR policy based on the remote IPaddress
as follows:
Incoming H.323 trunk call
• IP address of the previous hub or originating gateway
Incoming SIP trunk call
• IP address of the originating gateway
• Hostname from the earliest Via header of an incoming INVITE message. If the hostname is in domain
name format, a DNS query is performed to resolve the name into an IP address.
Cisco Unified CME uses the resolved hostname or resolved IP address to determine the LPCOR policy based
on the entries in the IP-trunk subnet table. If the LPCOR policy cannot be found through the IP address or
hostname, the incoming H.323 or SIP trunk call is associated with the incoming LPCOR policy configured
in voice service configuration mode.
The LPCOR policy of the VoIPtarget is determined through the configuration of the outbound VoIPdial-peer.
The default LPCOR policy is applied to the VoIP target if an outgoing LPCOR policy is not defined in the
target VoIP dial-peer.
For configuration information, see Associate a LPCOR Policy with VoIP Trunk Calls, on page 1117.
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services
Table 94: Supplementary Services Support with LPCOR, on page 1105 describes LPCOR support for calls
using supplementary services.
Table 94: Supplementary Services Support with LPCOR
Feature Description SCCP Phone SIP Phone
Cisco Unified CME Yes Yes
invokes the LPCOR
policy validation if both
the incoming call and
target destination are
associated with a LPCOR
If the LPCOR policy
validation fails,
cause-code 63 (no service
available) or the
user-defined cause-code
is returned to the remote
switch. The call can hunt
to the next destination.
Basic Call
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services
Feature Description SCCP Phone SIP Phone
When a call is forwarded Yes Yes
to a new destination,
Cisco Unified CME
invokes the LPCOR
policy validation between
the source and the
forwarding target. The
call is not forwarded to
the target if the LPCOR
policy is restricted.
Call Forward
Blind and Consultative Yes Yes
Call Transfer is restricted
if the LPCOR policy
validation fails between
the transferee and
transfer-to parties.
For consultative call
transfers, the reorder tone
plays and an error
message displays on the
transferor phone. The call
is not disconnected
between the transferee
and transferor.
Call Transfer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services
Feature Description SCCP Phone SIP Phone
Cisco Unified CME Yes No
invokes the LPCOR
policy validation for each
call joined to a
conference. A call is
blocked from joining the
conference if the LPCOR
policy validation fails.
The reorder tone plays
and the conference cannot
complete message
displays on the IP phone
that initiated the
conference. The call is
resumed by the transferor
who initiated the
If the LPCOR
policy validation
fails during a
blind transfer
setup to a
bridge, the call is
validation is not
supported for
additional call
transfer or
operations from
a 3-party
conference call.
Ad Hoc Conference
(software-based, 3-party)
Ad Hoc Conference Yes Yes
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services
Feature Description SCCP Phone SIP Phone
LPCOR policy of each Yes Yes (join only)
conference party is
validated when a new call
is joined to a conference.
The call is blocked from
joining the conference if
the LPCOR policy
validation fails.
The reorder tone plays
and the conference cannot
complete message
displays on the IP phone
that initiated the Meet-Me
Meet-Me Conference
Call Pickup and Pickup Yes Yes
Groups enable phone
users to answer a call that
is ringing on a different
extension. The pickup is
blocked if the LPCOR
policy validation between
the call and the pickup
phone fails.
The reorder tone plays
and the unknown number
message displays on the
IPphone that attemptsthe
call pickup.
(Cisco Unified CME 7.1
and later versions)
Phone users can place a Yes Yes
call on hold at a special
extension so it can be
retrieved by other phones.
A phone is not allowed to
retrieve a parked call if
the LPCOR policy
validation fails. The
reorder tone plays and the
unknown number
message displays on the
IP phone that attempts to
retrieve the parked call.
The call remains parked
at the call-park slot.
Call Park
(Cisco Unified CME 7.1
and later versions)
Call Park Retrieval Yes Yes
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services
Feature Description SCCP Phone SIP Phone
Supported for sequential Yes No
and longest idle hunt
groups. The LPCOR
policy validation is
performed when a call is
directed to a SCCP
endpoint through the
ephone hunt-group.
Hunt GroupPilot (ephone
hunt group)
Supported for parallel Yes Yes
hunt groups only. A hunt
target can be a SCCP
phone, SIP phone, VoIP
trunk, orPSTN trunk. The
LPCOR policy validation
is performed between the
call and the pilot hunt
target. A call is blocked
from a target if the
LPCOR policy is
Hunt Group Pilot (voice
hunt group)
Phones with a shared Yes Yes
directory number must
have the same LPCOR
Shared Line
Phone users who share a Yes Yes
directory number can join
an active call on the
shared line. Phones must
have the same LPCOR
Cisco Unified CME Yes Yes
supports out-of-dialog
refer (OOD-R) by a
remote call-control
system. The LPCOR
validation is performed
during the second
outbound call setup after
the first outbound call is
established. The OOD-R
request fails if the
LPCOR policy between
the first and second
outbound call is
Third-Party Call Control
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
LPCOR Support for Supplementary Services
Phone Display and Warning Tone for LPCOR
Cisco Unified CME plays the reorder tone to callers when it blocks calls due to LPCOR policy authentication.
Table 95: Message Display for Blocked LPCOR Calls, on page 1110 lists the message that displays on the
phone when a call is blocked.
Table 95: Message Display for Blocked LPCOR Calls
Call Block Type Phone Display Message
SCCP Phone SIP Phone
Call Transfer Unable to Transfer Transfer Failed
Conference Cannot Complete Conference
Meet-Me Conference No Screen Display Update
Pickup Unknown Number
Park Unknown Number
New vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) for the LPCOR policy associated with a call are included in the call
detail records (CDRs) generated by Cisco Unified CME for Remote Authentication Dial-in User Services
(RADIUS) accounting. A null value is used for call legs without an associated LPCOR policy, which is the
default LPCOR value. The incoming or outgoing LPCOR policy of a call is added to RADIUS stop records.
Table 96: VSAs Supported by Cisco Voice Calls , on page 1111lists the new VSAs.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Phone Display and Warning Tone for LPCOR
Table 96: VSAs Supported by Cisco Voice Calls
Sample Value or Description
Format for Value or
Attribute VSA No. (Decimal)
Logical partitioning
class of restriction
policy associated
with an incoming
1 String pstn_group in-lpcor-group
policy associated
with an outgoing
out-lpcor-group 1 String voip_group
Configure LPCOR
Define a LPCOR Policy
To enable LPCOR functionality and define a policy for each resource group that requires call restrictions,
perform the following task. You can define one LPCOR policy for each resource group. Do not create a
LPCOR policy for resource groups that do not require call restrictions. A target resource group without a
LPCOR policy can accept incoming calls from any other resource group.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice lpcor enable
4. voice lpcor call-block cause cause-code
5. voice lpcor custom
6. group number lpcor-group
7. exit
8. voice lpcor policy lpcor-group
9. accept lpcor-group
10. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Configure LPCOR
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice lpcor enable Enables LPCOR functionality on the Cisco Unified CME router.
Router(config)# voice lpcor enable
Step 3
(Optional) Defines the cause code to use when a call is blocked
because LPCOR validation fails.
voice lpcor call-block cause cause-code
Router(config)# voice lpcor call-block
cause 79
Step 4
• Range: 1 to 180. Default: 63 (serv/opt-unavail-unspecified).
Type ? to display a description of the cause codes.
Defines the name and number of LPCOR resource groups on the
Cisco Unified CME router.
voice lpcor custom
Router(config)# voice lpcor custom
Step 5
Step 6 group number lpcor-group Adds a LPCOR resource group to the custom resource list.
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)# group 1
• number—Group number of the LPCOR entry. Range: 1 to
• lpcor-group—String that identifies the LPCOR resource
exit Exits LPCOR custom configuration mode.
Router(cfg-lpcor-custom)# exit
Step 7
Step 8 voice lpcor policy lpcor-group Creates a LPCOR policy for a resource group.
Router(config)# voice lpcor policy
• lpcor-group—Name of the resource group that you defined
in Step 6.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Define a LPCOR Policy
Command or Action Purpose
Allows a LPCOR policy to accept calls associated with the specified
resource group.
accept lpcor-group
Router(cfg-lpcor-policy)# accept
Step 9
• Default: Calls from other groups are rejected; calls from the
same resource group are accepted.
• Repeat this command for each resource group whose calls
you want this policy to accept.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(cfg-lpcor-policy)# end
Step 10
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration where resources are partitioned into five groups. Three
of the resource groups have LPCOR policies that limit the calls they can accept. The other two groups,
ipphone_local and analog_phone, can accept calls from any of the other resource groups because they do not
have a LPCOR policy defined.
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor call-block cause invalid-number
voice lpcor custom
group 1 pstn_trunk
group 2 analog_phone
group 3 iptrunk
group 4 ipphone_local
group 5 ipphone_remote
voice lpcor policy pstn_trunk
accept analog_phone
accept ipphone_local
voice lpcor policy iptrunk
accept analog_phone
accept ipphone_local
accept ipphone_remote
voice lpcor policy ipphone_remote
accept iptrunk
accept analog_phone
accept ipphone_local
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration where resources are partitioned into the following four
policy groups:
• siptrunk—Accepts all IP trunk calls.
• h323trunk—Accepts all IP trunk calls.
• pstn—Blocks all IP trunk and voice-mail calls.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Define a LPCOR Policy
• voicemail—Accepts both IP trunk and PSTN calls.
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor custom
group 1 siptrunk
group 2 h323trunk
group 3 pstn
group 4 voicemail
voice lpcor policy siptrunk
accept h323trunk
accept voicemail
voice lpcor policy h323trunk
accept siptrunk
accept voicemail
voice lpcor policy pstn
voice lpcor policy voicemail
accept siptrunk
accept h323trunk
accept pstn
The following example shows a LPCOR policy that is configured to reject calls associated with itself. Devices
that belong to the local_phone resource group cannot accept calls from each other.
voice lpcor policy local_phone
no accept local_phone
accept analog_phone
Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls
To associate a LPCOR policy with calls that originate or terminate at an analog phone orPSTN trunk, perform
the following task. You can apply a specific LPCOR policy through the voice port or trunk group to remote
analog phones or to local analog phones that you do not want to associate with the default LPCOR policy.
For an analog FXS phone that is locally registered to Cisco Unified CME through the LAN, see Associate
a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls, on page 1120.
Incoming calls from an analog phone or PSTN trunk are associated with a LPCOR resource group based on
the following configurations, in the order listed:
1 Voice port
2 Trunk group
Outgoing calls from an analog phone or PSTN trunk are associated with a LPCOR policy based on the voice
port or trunk group configuration in the outbound POTS dial-peer:
• If the outbound dial peer is configured with theport command, an outgoing call uses the LPCOR policy
specified in the voice port.
• If the outbound dial-peer is configured with the trunkgroup command, the call uses the LPCOR policy
specified in the trunk group.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls
Before You Begin
The LPCOR policy must be defined. See Define a LPCOR Policy, on page 1111.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. trunk group name
4. lpcor incoming lpcor-group
5. lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
6. exit
7. voice-port port
8. lpcor incoming lpcor-group
9. lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enterstrunk-group configuration mode to define a trunk
trunk group name
Router(config)# trunk group isdn1
Step 3
Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an
incoming call.
lpcor incoming lpcor-group
Router(config-trunk-group)# lpcor incoming
Step 4
Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an
outgoing call.
lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
Router(config-trunk-group)# lpcor outgoing
Step 5
Step 6 exit
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-trunk-group)# exit
Step 7 voice-port port Enters voice-port configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice-port 0/1/0
• Port argument is platform-dependent; type ? to
display syntax.
Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an
incoming call.
lpcor incoming lpcor-group
Router(config-voiceport)# lpcor incoming
Step 8
Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an
outgoing call.
lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
Router(config-voiceport)# lpcor outgoing
Step 9
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voiceport)# end
Step 10
Examples for Configuring LPCOR for a PSTN Trunk and Analog Phones
PSTN Trunks
The following example shows a configuration for a PSTN trunk. Outbound calls from dial peer 201 use
LPCOR policy isdn_group1 because dial peer 201 is configured with trunk group isdn1. Outbound calls from
dial peer 202 use LPCOR policy vp_group3 because dial peer 202 is configured with voice port 3/1:15. A
dial peer can be configured with either a voice port or trunk group; it cannot use both.
trunk group isdn1
lpcor incoming isdn_group1
lpcor outgoing isdn_group1
interface Serial2/0:15
isdn incoming-voice voice
trunk-group isdn1
voice-port 3/1:15
lpcor incoming vp_group3
lpcor outgoing vp_group3
dial-peer voice 201 pots
description TG outbound dial-peer
destination-pattern 201T
trunkgroup isdn1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with Analog Phone or PSTN Trunk Calls
dial-peer voice 202 pots
description VP outbound dial-peer
destination-pattern 202T
port 3/1:15
Analog Phones
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration for analog phones:
trunk group analog1
lpcor incoming analog_group1
lpcor outgoing analog_group1
voice-port 1/0/0
voice-port 1/0/1
voice-port 1/1/0
lpcor incoming vp_group1
lpcor outgoing vp_group1
dial-peer voice 100 pots
description VP dial-peer
destination-pattern 100
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 101 pots
description VP dial-peer
destination-pattern 101
port 1/0/1
dial-peer voice 110 pots
description VP dial-peer
destination-pattern 110
port 1/1/0
dial-peer voice 300 pots
description TG outbound dial-peer
destination-pattern 300
trunk-group analog1
Associate a LPCOR Policy with VoIP Trunk Calls
To associate a LPCOR policy with calls that originate or terminate at a VoIP trunk (H.323 or SIP), perform
the following task.
Incoming VoIP trunk calls are associated with a LPCOR policy based on the following configurations, in the
order listed:
1 IP-trunk subnet table
2 Voice service voip configuration
Outgoing VoIP trunk calls are associated with a LPCOR policy based on the following configurations, in the
order listed:
1 Outbound VoIP dial peer
2 Default LPCOR policy (no LPCOR policy is applied)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with VoIP Trunk Calls
Restriction • The LPCOR IP-trunk subnet table is notsupported for calls with an IPv6 address. The LPCOR policy
specified with the lpcor incoming command in voice service configuration mode is supported for
IPv6 trunk calls.
• Only a single LPCOR policy is applied to outgoing IP trunk calls if the outbound VoIP dial-peer is
configured with the session target command using the sip-server or ras keyword.
• If a dial peer COR and LPCOR are both defined in a dial peer, the dial peer COR configuration has
priority over LPCOR. For example, if the dial peer COR restricts the call and LPCOR allows the
call, the call fails because of the dial peer COR before ever considering LPCOR.
Before You Begin
The LPCOR policy must be defined. See Define a LPCOR Policy, on page 1111.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice lpcor ip-trunk subnet incoming
4. index index-number lpcor-group {ipv4-address network-mask | hostname hostname}
5. exit
6. voice service voip
7. lpcor incoming lpcor-group
8. exit
9. dial-peer voice tag voip
10. lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with VoIP Trunk Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Creates a LPCOR IP-trunk subnet table for incoming
calls from a VoIP trunk.
voice lpcor ip-trunk subnet incoming
Router(config)# voice lpcor ip-trunk subnet
Step 3
Adds a LPCOR resource group to the IP trunk subnet
index index-number lpcor-group {ipv4-address
network-mask | hostname hostname}
Router(cfg-lpcor-iptrunk-subnet)# index 1
Step 4
exit Exits LPCOR custom configuration mode.
Router(cfg-lpcor-iptrunk-subnet)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice-service configuration mode to specify the
VoIP encapsulation type.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 6
Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an
incoming call.
lpcor incoming lpcor-group
Router(conf-voi-serv)# lpcor incoming voip_trunk_1
Step 7
exit Exits voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# exit
Step 8
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define a dial
peer for VoIP calls.
dial-peer voice tag voip
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 233 voip
Step 9
Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an
outgoing call.
lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
Router(config-dial-peer)# lpcor outgoing
Step 10
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with VoIP Trunk Calls
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration for VoIP trunks:
voice lpcor ip-trunk subnet incoming
index 1 h323_group1
index 2 sip_group1
index 3 sip_group2 hostname sipexample
voice service voip
lpcor incoming voip_trunk_1
dial-peer voice 233 voip
description H323 trunk outbound dial-peer
destination-pattern 233T
session target ipv4:
lpcor outgoing h323_group1
dial-peer voice 2255 voip
description SIP trunk outbound dial-peer
destination-pattern 255T
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
lpcor outgoing sip_group1
Associate a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls
To associate a LPCOR policy with callsthat originate or terminate at a local or remote IPphone or localSCCP
analog (FXS) phone, perform the following task.
According to TRAI requirements, an IP phone or a SCCP FXS phone can accept both PSTN and VoIP calls
if it islocally registered to Cisco Unified CME through the LAN. If a phone isregistered to Cisco Unified CME
through the WAN, then PSTN calls must be blocked from that remote phone.
Restriction • Phones that share a directory number must be configured with the same LPCOR policy. A warning
message displays if you try to configure a different LPCOR policy between IP phones that share the
same directory number.
• Local and remote IP phones cannot use the same LPCOR policy.
• Software-based three-party ad hoc conferencing is not supported on SIP phones.
• Hardware-based ad hoc conferening is not supported on SIP phones.
• LPCOR feature is not supported on voice gateways such as the Cisco VG224 or Cisco integrated
service router if the voice gateway is registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not support LPCOR.
• If a third-party call-control application makestwo separate callsto Cisco Unified CME and performs
a media bridging between the two calls, LPCOR validation is not supported because
Cisco Unified CME is not aware of the bridging.
Before You Begin
• The LPCOR policy must be defined. See Define a LPCOR Policy, on page 1111.
• SCCP FXS phones are configured with the type anl command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag or voice register pool phone-tag
4. lpcor type{local | remote}
5. lpcor incoming lpcor-group
6. lpcor outgoing lpcor-group
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific parameters for
an SCCP phone.
ephone phone-tag or voice register pool
Step 3
Router(config)# ephone 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone.
Router(config)# voice register pool 4 • phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the phone.
Range is version and platform-dependent; type ? to display range.
Step 4 lpcor type{local | remote} Sets the LPCOR type for an IP phone.
Router(config-ephone)# lpcor type
• local—IPphone always registers to Cisco Unified CME through the
• remote—IP phone always registers to Cisco Unified CME through
or the WAN.
Router(config-register-pool)# lpcor
type local • This command can also be configured in ephone-template or voice
register template configuration mode and applied to one or more
phones. The phone configuration has precedence over the template
Step 5 lpcor incoming lpcor-group Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an incoming call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone)# lpcor incoming
• If this phone shares a directory number with another phone, you
cannot configure a LPCOR policy that is different than the LPCOR
policy on the other phone.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template or voice
register template configuration mode and applied to one or more or
Router(config-register-pool)# lpcor
incoming remote_group3
phones. The phone configuration has precedence over the template
Step 6 lpcor outgoing lpcor-group Associates a LPCOR resource-group policy with an outgoing call.
Router(config-ephone)# lpcor outgoing
• If this phone shares a directory number with another phone, you
cannot configure a LPCOR policy that is different than the LPCOR
policy on the other phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# lpcor
outgoing remote_group3
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template or voice
register template configuration mode and applied to one or more
phones. The phone configuration has precedence over the template
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 7
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Example for Configuring LPCOR on SCCP Phone, SIP Phones, and SCCP FXS Phones
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration for two SCCP phones. One configuration is applied
directly to the phone and the other is applied through a phone template:
ephone-template 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming ephone_group1
lpcor outgoing ephone_group1
ephone 1
mac-address 00E1.CB13.0395
ephone-template 1
type 7960
button 1:1
ephone 2
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming ephone_group2
lpcor outgoing ephone_group2
mac-address 001C.821C.ED23
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls
type 7960
button 1:2
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration for two SIP phones:
voice register template 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming test_group
lpcor outgoing test_group
voice register pool 3
id mac 001B.D584.E80A
type 7960
number 1 dn 2
template 1
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 4
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_group3
lpcor outgoing remote_group3
id mac 0030.94C2.9A55
type 7960
number 1 dn 2
dtmf-relay rtp-nt
The following example shows a LPCOR configuration for twoSCCPFXSphones connected to a Cisco VG224
and controlled by Cisco Unified CME:
dial-peer voice 102 pots
service stcapp
port 1/0/2
ephone 5
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2402
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:5
ephone 6
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2403
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate a LPCOR Policy with IP Phone or SCCP FXS Phone Calls
Figure 42:SCCPFXSPhones Managed by Cisco Unified CME, on page 1124 shows an example of a network
with SCCP FXS phones managed by Cisco Unified CME.
Figure 42: SCCP FXS Phones Managed by Cisco Unified CME
Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls
To associate a LPCOR policy with calls that originate or terminate at a mobile-type phone, perform the
following task.
A mobile-type phone can register to Cisco Unified CME through either the LAN or WAN. For example an
Extension Mobility phone, Cisco IP Communicator softphone, or a remote teleworker phone.
Incoming and outgoing calls to and from a mobile-type phone are associated with a LPCOR policy based on
the following configurations, in the order listed:
1 IP-phone subnet table
2 Default LPCOR policy for mobile-type phones
Restriction The LPCOR IP-phone subnet table is not supported for calls with an IPv6 address.
Before You Begin
The LPCOR policy must be defined. See Define a LPCOR Policy, on page 1111.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag or voice register pool phone-tag
4. lpcor type mobile
5. exit
6. voice lpcor ip-phone subnet{incoming |outgoing}
7. index index-number lpcor-group{ipv4-address network-mask [vrfvrf-name] | dhcp-pool pool-name}
8. exit
9. voice lpcor ip-phone mobility{incoming | outgoing} lpcor-group
10. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for an SCCP phone.
ephone phone-tag or voice register pool phone-tag
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 3
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone. or
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies
the phone. Range is version and platform-dependent;
type ? to display range.
Step 4 lpcor type mobile Sets the LPCOR type for a mobile-type phone.
Router(config-ephone)# lpcor type mobile
• This command can also be configured in
ephone-template or voice register template configuration
mode and applied to one or more phones. The phone
configuration has precedence over the template
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits the phone configuration.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 5
Creates a LPCOR IP-phone subnet table for calls to or from
a mobile-type phone.
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet{incoming |outgoing}
Router(config)# voice lpcor ip-phone subnet
Step 6
index index-number lpcor-group{ipv4-address Adds a LPCOR group to the IP-phone subnet table.
network-mask [vrfvrf-name] | dhcp-pool pool-name}
Step 7
Router(cfg-lpcor-ipphone-subnet)# index 1
local_group1 dhcp-pool pool1
exit Exits LPCOR IP-phone configuration mode.
Router(cfg-lpcor-ipphone-subnet)# exit
Step 8
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility{incoming | outgoing} Sets the default LPCOR policy for mobile-type phones.
Step 9
Router(config)# voice lpcor ip-phone mobility
incoming remote_group1
exit Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 10
The following example shows the configuration for three mobile-type phones:
ephone 270
lpcor type mobile
mac-address 1234.4321.6000
type 7960
button 1:6
codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist
description teleworker remote phone
ephone 281
lpcor type mobile
mac-address 0003.4713.5554
type CIPC
button 1:5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls
voice register pool 6
lpcor type mobile
id mac 0030.94C2.9A66
type 7960
number 1 dn 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
The following example shows a LPCOR IP-phone subnet configuration with a single shared IP address pool.
Any mobile-type IP phones with a shared IP address from DHCP pool1 are considered local IP phones and
are associated with the local_group1 LPCOR policy. Other mobile-type IPphones without a shared IPaddress
are considered remote IP phones and are associated with remote_group1, the default LPCOR policy for
mobile-type phones.
ip dhcp pool pool1
option 150 ip
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
index 1 local_group1 dhcp-pool pool1
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
index 1 local_group1 dhcp-pool pool1
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility incoming remote_group1
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility outgoing remote_group1
The following example shows a LPCOR IP-phone subnet configuration with a separate IP address DHCP
pools. Any mobile-type IPphones with separate DHCPpools are considered local IPphones and are assigned
the local_group1 LPCOR policy. Other mobile-type IPphones without a DHCPaddress are considered remote
IP phones and are assigned the remote_group1 LPCOR policy.
ip dhcp pool client1
mac-address 0003.4713.5554
option 150 ip
ip dhcp pool client2
mac-address 0030.94C2.9A66
option 150 ip
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
index 1 local_group1 dhcp-pool client1
index 2 local_group1 dhcp-pool client2
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
index 1 local_group1 dhcp-pool client1
index 2 local_group1 dhcp-pool client2
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility incoming remote_group1
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility outgoing remote_group1
The following example shows a LPCOR IPphone subnet configuration with both an IPaddress network mask
and a single shared-address DHCP pool. A specific LPCOR policy can be associated with an IP phone by
matching the IPaddress network mask in the IP-phone subnet table. LPCOR policy local_group2 is associated
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Associate LPCOR with Mobile Phone Calls
with the local IP phone with IP address LPCOR local_group2 is associated with the other local
IP phones through the DHCP-pool match.
ip dhcp pool pool1
option 150 ip
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
index 1 local_g2 vrf vrf-group2
index 2 remote_g2
index 3 local_g1 dhcp-pool pool1
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
index 1 local_g4 vrf vrf-group2
index 2 remote_g4
index 3 local_g5 dhcp-pool pool1
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility incoming remote_g1
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility outgoing remote_g1
Verify LPCOR Configuration
Use the following show commands to display LPCOR configuration information and to verify the LPCOR
policy associated with calls.
• show call active voice—Displays the LPCOR information for incoming and outgoing call legs (VoIP,
ephone, SIP, PSTN).
• show call history voice—Displays the LPCOR information for incoming and outgoing call legs (VoIP,
ephone,SIP,PSTN). Also displaysthe LPCOR call-block cause code if the call is blocked due to LPCOR
policy validation.
• show dial-peer voice—Displays configuration settingsfor voice dial peersincluding the LPCOR setting
for incoming and outgoing calls.
• show trunk group—Displays configuration settings for trunk groups including the LPCOR setting for
incoming and outgoing calls.
• show voice lpcor—Displays information about LPCOR calls including the LPCOR policy associated
with each resource group and directory number, and statistics for failed calls.
• show voice port—Displays configuration settings for voice ports including the LPCOR setting for
incoming and outgoing calls.
Configuration Examples for LPCOR
Example for Configuring LPCOR for Cisco Unified CME
Figure 43: LPCOR Resource Grouping in Cisco Unified CME Network, on page 1129 shows an example of a
Cisco Unified CME network using LPCOR. This network is organized into the following four LPCOR resource
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Verify LPCOR Configuration
• local_group—Analog and IP phones, including a mobile-type phone, connected locally to
Cisco Unified CME.
• pstn_group—Trunks between the PSTN and Cisco Unified CME.
• remote_group—IP phones, including a mobile-type phone, and a SIP proxy server connected remotely
to Cisco Unified CME through the WAN.
• voice_mail_group—Cisco Unity Express voice-mail system connected remotely to Cisco Unified CME
through the WAN.
Figure 43: LPCOR Resource Grouping in Cisco Unified CME Network
Figure 44: LPCOR Policy Logic, on page 1130 illustrates the access policy between resource groups that
provides the following call requirements:
• Blocks calls between remote_group and pstn_group
• Blocks calls from voice_mail_group to pstn_group and remote_group
• Allows calls between local_group and remote_group
• Allows calls between local_group and pstn_group
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR for Cisco Unified CME
• Allows all calls to voice_mail_group
Figure 44: LPCOR Policy Logic
The following output shows the LPCOR configuration for this example and describes the steps. Comments
describing the configuration are included in the output.
1 Enable LPCOR functionality in Cisco Unified CME and define custom LPCOR group.
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor custom
group 1 pstn_group
group 2 local_group
group 3 remote_group
group 4 voice_mail_group
#Allow calls only from local group to PSTN group
voice lpcor policy pstn_group
accept local_group
# Allow calls from PSTN, remote, and voice_mail groups to local group
voice lpcor policy local_group
accept pstn_group
accept remote_group
accept voice_mail_group
# Allow calls only from local group to remote group
voice lpcor policy remote_group
accept local_group
# Allow calls from PSTN, remote, and local groups to voice_mail group
voice lpcor voice_mail_group
accept pstn_group
accept local_group
accept remote_group
2 Assign LPCOR to the phone, trunk, and IP resources.
# analog phone5
voice-port 1/0/0
lpcor incoming local_group
lpcor outgoing local_group
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR for Cisco Unified CME
# analog phone6
voice-port 1/0/1
lpcor incoming local_group
lpcor outgoing local_group
# TDM trunks
voice-port 2/1:23
lpcor incoming pstn_group
lpcor outgoing pstn_group
# Specific LPCOR setting for incoming calls from voice_mail_group
voice lpcor ip-trunk subnet incoming
# Default LPCOR setting for any incoming VoIP calls
voice service voip
lpcor incoming remote_group
# Cisco Unified CME is DHCP server
ip dhcp pool client1
mac-address 0003.4713.5554
option 150 ip
# IP phone1 (local)
ephone 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_group
lpcor outgoing local_group
# IP phone2 (mobile)
ephone 2
lpcor type mobile
# IP phone3 (remote)
ephone 3
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_group
lpcor outgoing remote_group
# IP phone4 (mobile)
ephone 4
lpcor type mobile
# IP-phone subnet tables for mobile IP phones
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
local_group dhcp-pool pool1
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
local_group dhcp-pool client1
# Default LPCOR policy for mobile IP phones that
# are not provisioned through IP-phone subnet tables
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility incoming remote_group
voice lpcor ip-phone mobility outgoing remote_group
3 Define outgoing LPCOR setting for outgoing VoIP calls.
# VoIP outbound dial-peer to Cisco Unity Express mail
dial-peer voice 1234 voip
destination-pattern 56800
session target ipv4:
pcor outgoing voice_mail_group
# VoIP outbound dial-peer to SIP proxy
dial-peer voice 1255 voip
destination-pattern 1255T
session protocol sipv2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR for Cisco Unified CME
session target sip-server
lpcor outgoing remote
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 10543 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
card type t1 2 1
logging message-counter syslog
logging buffered 2000000
no logging console
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate slot 2
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool voice
option 150 ip
no ip domain lookup
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice-card 0
voice-card 2
voice service voip
notify redirect ip2pots
allow-connections sip to sip
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
registrar server expires max 120 min 60
voice class custom-cptone leavetone
dualtone conference
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
frequency 400 800
cadence 400 50 200 50 200 50
voice class custom-cptone jointone
dualtone conference
frequency 600 900
cadence 300 150 300 100 300 50
voice iec syslog
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 20
max-pool 20
load 7970 SIP70.8-4-2S
load 7960-7940 P0S3-08-11-00
authenticate realm cisco.com
tftp-path flash:
telnet level 2
create profile sync 0000312474383825
voice register dn 1
number 4000
name cme-sip1
label 4000
voice register dn 2
number 4001
name cme-sip-2
label 4001
voice register dn 3
number 4002
name cme-remote
label 4002
voice register template 1
softkeys remote-in-use cBarge Barge Newcall
voice register pool 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sip
lpcor outgoing local_sip
id mac 001B.D4C6.AE44
type 7960
number 1 dn 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 2
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sip
lpcor outgoing local_sip
id mac 001E.BE8F.96C1
type 7940
number 1 dn 2
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 3
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_sip
lpcor outgoing remote_sip
id mac 001E.BE8F.96C0
type 7940
number 1 dn 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor call-block cause invalid-number
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
voice lpcor custom
group 1 voip_siptrunk
group 2 voip_h323trunk
group 3 pstn_trunk
group 4 cue_vmail_local
group 5 cue_vmail_remote
group 6 vmail_unity
group 7 local_sccp
group 8 local_sip
group 9 remote_sccp
group 10 remote_sip
group 11 analog_vg224
group 12 analog_fxs
group 13 mobile_phone
voice lpcor policy voip_siptrunk
accept cue_vmail_local
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept analog_vg224
voice lpcor policy cue_vmail_local
accept voip_siptrunk
accept voip_h323trunk
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
voice lpcor policy local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sccp
accept remote_sip
accept analog_vg224
accept analog_fxs
voice lpcor policy remote_sccp
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sip
voice lpcor policy analog_vg224
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sccp
accept remote_sip
voice lpcor policy analog_fxs
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
index 1 local_sccp dhcp-pool voice
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
index 1 local_sccp dhcp-pool voice
log config
controller T1 2/0
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/1
interface Loopback1
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface FastEthernet0/2/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/2/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip unnumbered Loopback1
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface Serial2/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route Service-Engine1/0
no ip http server
tftp-server flash:term41.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term61.default.loads
tftp-server flash:SCCP41.8-3-1S.loads
tftp-server flash:apps41.8-3-0-50.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu41.8-3-0-50.sbn
tftp-server flash:P003-08-11-00.bin
tftp-server flash:P003-08-11-00.sbn
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-11-00.sb2
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-11-00.loads
tftp-server flash:term71.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term70.default.loads
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:apps70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S.loads
voice-port 0/1/0
lpcor incoming analog_fxs
lpcor outgoing analog_fxs
station-id name FXS-Phone
station-id number 3000
caller-id enable
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 2/0:23
ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
mgcp fax t38 ecm
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 2...
lpcor outgoing voip_siptrunk
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
dial-peer voice 5050 voip
description *** VMAIL Dial-Peer ***
destination-pattern 5...
lpcor outgoing cue_vmail_local
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 30 pots
destination-pattern 3000
port 0/1/0
mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp
registrar ipv4: expires 3600
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 15
max-dn 15
ip source-address port 2000
service phone videoCapability 1
load 7941 SCCP41.8-3-1S
date-format dd-mm-yy
voicemail 5050
max-conferences 12 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
transfer-pattern ....
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-template 1
softkeys hold Join Newcall Resume Select
softkeys idle Cfwdall ConfList Dnd Join Newcall Pickup Redial RmLstC
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Cfwdall Pickup
ephone-template 2
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_sccp
lpcor outgoing remote_sccp
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 5000
call-forward busy 5050
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
call-forward noan 5050 timeout 10
mwi sip
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 5001
call-forward busy 5050
call-forward noan 5050 timeout 10
mwi sip
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 5010
description vg224-1/1
name analog-1
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 5011
description vg224-1/2
name analog-2
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 5012
description vg224-1/3
name analog-3
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 5013
description vg224-1/4
name analog-4
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 5020
name SCCP-Remote
mwi sip
ephone 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sccp
lpcor outgoing local_sccp
mac-address 001E.7A26.EB60
ephone-template 1
type 7941
button 1:1
ephone 2
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sccp
lpcor outgoing local_sccp
mac-address 001E.7AC2.CCF9
ephone-template 1
type 7941
button 1:2
ephone 3
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2400
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
ephone 4
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2401
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:4
ephone 5
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2402
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:5
ephone 6
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2403
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:6
ephone 7
mac-address 001B.D52C.DF1F
ephone-template 2
type 7970
button 1:7
alias exec cue ser ser 1/0 sess
line con 0
line aux 0
line 66
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120
line vty 0 4
exception data-corruption buffer truncate
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
endRouter# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 10543 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
card type t1 2 1
logging message-counter syslog
logging buffered 2000000
no logging console
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate slot 2
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool voice
option 150 ip
no ip domain lookup
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice-card 0
voice-card 2
voice service voip
notify redirect ip2pots
allow-connections sip to sip
bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
registrar server expires max 120 min 60
voice class custom-cptone leavetone
dualtone conference
frequency 400 800
cadence 400 50 200 50 200 50
voice class custom-cptone jointone
dualtone conference
frequency 600 900
cadence 300 150 300 100 300 50
voice iec syslog
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 20
max-pool 20
load 7970 SIP70.8-4-2S
load 7960-7940 P0S3-08-11-00
authenticate realm cisco.com
tftp-path flash:
telnet level 2
create profile sync 0000312474383825
voice register dn 1
number 4000
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
name cme-sip1
label 4000
voice register dn 2
number 4001
name cme-sip-2
label 4001
voice register dn 3
number 4002
name cme-remote
label 4002
voice register template 1
softkeys remote-in-use cBarge Barge Newcall
voice register pool 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sip
lpcor outgoing local_sip
id mac 001B.D4C6.AE44
type 7960
number 1 dn 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 2
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sip
lpcor outgoing local_sip
id mac 001E.BE8F.96C1
type 7940
number 1 dn 2
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 3
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_sip
lpcor outgoing remote_sip
id mac 001E.BE8F.96C0
type 7940
number 1 dn 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
voice lpcor enable
voice lpcor call-block cause invalid-number
voice lpcor custom
group 1 voip_siptrunk
group 2 voip_h323trunk
group 3 pstn_trunk
group 4 cue_vmail_local
group 5 cue_vmail_remote
group 6 vmail_unity
group 7 local_sccp
group 8 local_sip
group 9 remote_sccp
group 10 remote_sip
group 11 analog_vg224
group 12 analog_fxs
group 13 mobile_phone
voice lpcor policy voip_siptrunk
accept cue_vmail_local
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept analog_vg224
voice lpcor policy cue_vmail_local
accept voip_siptrunk
accept voip_h323trunk
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
voice lpcor policy local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sccp
accept remote_sip
accept analog_vg224
accept analog_fxs
voice lpcor policy remote_sccp
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sip
voice lpcor policy analog_vg224
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
accept remote_sccp
accept remote_sip
voice lpcor policy analog_fxs
accept local_sccp
accept local_sip
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet incoming
index 1 local_sccp dhcp-pool voice
voice lpcor ip-phone subnet outgoing
index 1 local_sccp dhcp-pool voice
log config
controller T1 2/0
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/1
interface Loopback1
ip address
ip ospf network point-to-point
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface FastEthernet0/2/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/2/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip unnumbered Loopback1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface Serial2/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
router ospf 1
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route Service-Engine1/0
no ip http server
tftp-server flash:term41.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term61.default.loads
tftp-server flash:SCCP41.8-3-1S.loads
tftp-server flash:apps41.8-3-0-50.sbn
tftp-server flash:cnu41.8-3-0-50.sbn
tftp-server flash:P003-08-11-00.bin
tftp-server flash:P003-08-11-00.sbn
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-11-00.sb2
tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-11-00.loads
tftp-server flash:term71.default.loads
tftp-server flash:term70.default.loads
tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:dsp70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:apps70.8-2-2TR2.sbn
tftp-server flash:SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S.loads
voice-port 0/1/0
lpcor incoming analog_fxs
lpcor outgoing analog_fxs
station-id name FXS-Phone
station-id number 3000
caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 2/0:23
ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
mgcp fax t38 ecm
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 2...
lpcor outgoing voip_siptrunk
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
codec g711ulaw
ip qos dscp cs5 media
ip qos dscp cs4 signaling
dial-peer voice 5050 voip
description *** VMAIL Dial-Peer ***
destination-pattern 5...
lpcor outgoing cue_vmail_local
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 30 pots
destination-pattern 3000
port 0/1/0
mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp
registrar ipv4: expires 3600
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 15
max-dn 15
ip source-address port 2000
service phone videoCapability 1
load 7941 SCCP41.8-3-1S
date-format dd-mm-yy
voicemail 5050
max-conferences 12 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
transfer-pattern ....
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-template 1
softkeys hold Join Newcall Resume Select
softkeys idle Cfwdall ConfList Dnd Join Newcall Pickup Redial RmLstC
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Cfwdall Pickup
ephone-template 2
lpcor type remote
lpcor incoming remote_sccp
lpcor outgoing remote_sccp
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 5000
call-forward busy 5050
call-forward noan 5050 timeout 10
mwi sip
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 5001
call-forward busy 5050
call-forward noan 5050 timeout 10
mwi sip
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 5010
description vg224-1/1
name analog-1
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 5011
description vg224-1/2
name analog-2
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
number 5012
description vg224-1/3
name analog-3
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 5013
description vg224-1/4
name analog-4
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 5020
name SCCP-Remote
mwi sip
ephone 1
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sccp
lpcor outgoing local_sccp
mac-address 001E.7A26.EB60
ephone-template 1
type 7941
button 1:1
ephone 2
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming local_sccp
lpcor outgoing local_sccp
mac-address 001E.7AC2.CCF9
ephone-template 1
type 7941
button 1:2
ephone 3
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2400
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:3
ephone 4
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2401
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:4
ephone 5
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2402
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Example for Configuring LPCOR on Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Router
ephone 6
lpcor type local
lpcor incoming analog_vg224
lpcor outgoing analog_vg224
mac-address F9E5.8B28.2403
ephone-template 1
max-calls-per-button 2
type anl
button 1:6
ephone 7
mac-address 001B.D52C.DF1F
ephone-template 2
type 7970
button 1:7
alias exec cue ser ser 1/0 sess
line con 0
line aux 0
line 66
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120
line vty 0 4
exception data-corruption buffer truncate
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Feature Information for LPCOR
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 97: Feature Information for LPCOR
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Introduced support for LPCOR
Call Restriction Regulations for 8.0
Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Feature Information for LPCOR
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Restriction Regulations
Feature Information for LPCOR
Call Transfer and Forward
• Information About Call Transfer and Forward, page 1147
• Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, page 1178
• Configuration Examples for Call Transfer and Forwarding, page 1223
• Where to Go Next, page 1232
• Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding, page 1233
Information About Call Transfer and Forward
Call Forward
Call forward feature diverts calls to a specified number under one or more of the following conditions:
• All calls—When all-call call forwarding is activated by a phone user, all incoming calls are diverted.
The target destination for diverted calls can be specified in the router configuration or by the phone user
with a soft key or feature access code. The most recently entered destination is recognized by
Cisco Unified CME, regardless of how it was entered.
• No answer—Incoming calls are diverted when the extension does not answer before the timeout expires.
The target destination for diverted calls is specified in the router configuration.
• Busy—Incoming calls are diverted when the extension is busy and call waiting is not active. The target
destination for diverted calls is specified in the router configuration.
• Night service—All incoming calls are automatically diverted during night-service hours. The target
destination for diverted calls is specified in the router configuration.
A directory number can have all four types of call forwarding defined at the same time with a different
forwarding destination defined for each type of call forwarding. If more than one type of call forwarding is
active at one time, the order for evaluating the different types is as follows:
1 Call forward night-service
2 Call forward all
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
3 Call forward busy and call forward no-answer
H.450.3 capabilities are enabled globally on the router by default, and can be disabled either globally or for
individual dial peers. You can configure incoming patterns for using the H.450.3 standard. Calling-party
numbers that do not match the patterns defined with this command are forwarded using Cisco-proprietary
call forwarding for backward compatibility.For information about configuring H.450.3 on a Cisco Unified CME
system, see Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number, on page 1185.
Selective Call Forward
You can apply call forward to a busy or no-answer directory number based on the number that is dialed to
reach the directory number: the primary number, the secondary number, or either of those numbers expanded
by a dial-plan pattern.
Cisco Unified CME automatically creates onePOTSdial peer for each ephone-dn when it is assigned a primary
number. If the ephone-dn is assigned a secondary number, it creates a second POTS dial peer. If the
dialplan-pattern command is used to expand the primary and secondary numbers for ephone-dns, it creates
two more dial peers, resulting in the creation of the following four dial peers for the ephone-dn:
• A POTS dial peer for the primary number
• A POTS dial peer for the secondary number
• A POTS dial peer for the primary number as expanded by the dialplan-pattern command
• A POTS dial peer for the secondary number as expanded by the dialplan-pattern command
Call forwarding is normally applied to all dial peers created for an ephone-dn.Selective call forwarding allows
you to apply call forwarding for busy or no-answer calls only for the dial peers you have specified, based on
the called number that was used to route the call to the ephone-dn.
For example, the following commands set up a single ephone-dn (ephone-dn 5) with four dial
dialplan-pattern 1 40855501.. extension-length 4 extension-pattern 50..
ephone-dn 5
number 5066 secondary 5067
In this example, selective call forwarding can be applied so that calls are forwarded when:
• callers dial the primary number 5066.
• when callers dial the secondary number 5067.
• when callers dial the expanded numbers 4085550166 or 4085550167.
For configuration information, see Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number, on page 1185.
Call Forward Unregistered
The CallForward Unregistered (CFU) feature allows you to forward a call to a different number if the directory
number (DN) is not associated with a phone or if the associated phone is not registered to Cisco Unified CME.
The CFU feature is very useful for wireless phone users when the wireless phone is out of the access point
or phone shuts down automatically because of an automatic shutdown feature. The service is not available
and the call can be forwarded to the CFU destination. Any unregistered or floating DN can be forwarded using
the CFU feature.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Call Forward Unregistered
An unregistered DN indicates that none of its associated phones are registered to the Cisco Unified CME. A
registered phone will become unregistered when the Cisco Unified CME sends an unregistration request or
responses to a phone's unregistration request. Cisco Unified CME sends an unregistration request under the
following circumstances:
• When the keepalive timer expires.
• When a user issues a reset or restart command on the phone.
• When an extension mobility (EM) user logsinto the phone. (All DNs configured under the logout-profile
are unregistered except for the shared ones that are associated with other registered phones.)
• When an EM user logs out of the phone. (All DNs configured under the user-profile are unregistered
except for the shared ones that are associated with other registered phones.)
There is always a gap between the time the phone loses its connection with Cisco Unified CME and the time
when Cisco Unified CME claims the phone is unregistered. The length of the gap depends on the keepalive
timer. Cisco Unified CME considers the phone as registered and tries to associate DNs until the keepalive
timer expires. You can configure the expiration for the keepalive timer using the registrar server expires max
min command under sip in voice service voip mode for SIP IP phones. For more
information, see Example for Configuring Keepalive Timer Expiration in SIP Phones, on page 1232.
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 supports the CFU feature onSIPIPphones using the call-forward b2bua unregistered
command under voice register dn tag. The CFU feature supports overlap dialing and en-bloc dialing. A call
to a floating DN is forwarded to its CFU destination, if configured. Calls to a DN out of service point or
phoneslosing connection are not forwarded to a CFU number until the phone becomes unregistered.For more
information on configuring call-forward unregistered,see Example for Configuring CallForward Unregistered
for SIP IP Phones, on page 1232.
In earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME, a busy tone was played for callers when the callers are unable
to reach the SCCP phone number. In Cisco Unified CME 8.6 and later versions, a fast busy tone is played
instead of a busy tone for callers who are unable to reach the phone.
B2BUA Call Forward for SIP Devices
Cisco Unified CME 3.4 an d later versions acts as both UA server and UA client; that is, as a B2BUA. Calls
into aSIPphone can be forwarded to otherSIPorSCCPdevices(including Cisco Unity or Cisco Unity Express,
third-party voice mail systems, an auto attendant or an IVR system, such as Cisco Unified IPCC and
Cisco Unified IPCC Express). In addition, SCCP phones can be forwarded to SIP phones.
Cisco Unity or other voice-messaging systems connected by a SIP trunk or SIP user agent are able to pass an
MWI to a SIP phone when a call is forwarded. The SIP phone then displays the MWI when indicated by the
voice-messaging system.
The call-forward busy response is triggered when a call is sent to a SIP phone using a VoIP dial peer and a
busy response is received back from the phone. SIP-to-SIP call forwarding is invoked only if the phone is
dialed directly. Call forwarding is not invoked when the phone number is called through a sequential,
longest-idle, or peer hunt group.
You can configure call forwarding for an individual directory number, or for every number on a SIP phone.
If the information is configured in both, the information under voice register dn takes precedence over the
information configured under voice register pool.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
B2BUA Call Forward for SIP Devices
For configuration information, see Configure SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding, on page 1213.
Call Forward All Synchronization for SIP Phones
The Call Forward All feature allows users to forward all incoming calls to a phone number that they specify.
This feature is supported on all SIP phones and can be provisioned from either Cisco Unified CME or the
individual SIP phone. Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1, there was no method for exchanging the Call Forward
All configuration between Cisco Unified CME and the SIP phone. If Call Forward All was enabled on the
phone, the configuration in Cisco Unified CME was not updated; conversely, the configuration in
Cisco Unified CME was not sent to the phone.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later, the following enhancements are supported for the Cisco Unified IPPhone
7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE to keep the configuration consistent between
Cisco Unified CME and the SIP phone:
• When CallForward All is configured on Cisco Unified CME with the call-forwardb2bua all command,
the configuration is sent to the phone which updates the CfwdAll soft key to indicate that Call forward
All is enabled. Because Call Forward All is configured on a per line basis, the CfwdAll soft key is
updated only when Call Forward All is enabled for the primary line.
• When a user enables Call Forward All on a phone using the CfwdAll soft key, the uniform resource
identifier (URI) for the service (defined with the call-feature-uri command) and the call forward number
(unless Call Forward All is disabled) is sent to Cisco Unified CME. It updates its voice register pool
and voice register dn configuration with the call-forward b2bua all command to be consistent with the
phone configuration.
• Call Forward All supports KPML so that a user does not need to press the Dial or # key, or wait for the
interdigit timeout, to configure the Call Forward All number. Cisco Unified CME collects the Call
Forward All digits until it finds a match in the dial peers.
For configuration information,see Configure Call-Forwarding-AllSoftkey URI onSIPPhones, on page 1218.
Call Transfer
When you are connected to another party, call transfer allows you to shift the connection of the other party
to a different number. Call transfer methods must inter-operate with systems in the other networks with which
you interface. Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions provide full call-transfer and call-forwarding interoperability
with call processing systems that support H.450.2, H.450.3, and H.450.12 standards. For call processing
systems that do not support H.450 standards, Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions provide VoIP-to-VoIP hairpin
call routing.
Call transfers can be blind or consultative. A blind transfer is one in which the transferring extension connects
the caller to a destination extension before ringback begins. A consultative transfer is one in which the
transferring party either connects the caller to a ringing phone (ringback heard) or speaks with the third party
before connecting the caller to the third party.
You can configure blind or consultative transfer on a system-wide basis or for individual extensions. For
example, in a system that is set up for consultative transfer, a specific extension with an auto-attendant that
automatically transfers incoming calls to specific extension numbers can be set to use blind transfer, because
auto-attendants do not use consultative transfer.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Call Forward All Synchronization for SIP Phones
Call Transfer Blocking
Transfers to all numbers except those on local phones are automatically blocked by default. During
configuration, you can allow transfers to nonlocal numbers. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions,
you can prevent individual phones from transferring calls to numbers that are globally enabled for transfer.
This ensuresthat individual phones do not incur toll charges by transferring calls outside the Cisco Unified CME
system. Call transfer blocking can be configured for individual phones or configured as part of a template
that is applied to a set of phones.
Another way to eliminate toll charges on call transfers is to limit the number of digits that phone users can
dial when transferring calls. For example, if you specify a maximum of eight digits in the configuration, users
who are transferring calls can dial one digit for external access and seven digits more, which is generally
enough for a local number but not a long-distance number. In most locations, this plan will limit transfers to
nontoll destinations. Long-distance calls, which typically require ten digits or more, will not be allowed. This
configuration is only necessary when global transfer to numbers outside the Cisco Unified CME system has
been enabled using the transfer-pattern (telephony-service) command. Transfers to numbers outside the
Cisco Unified CME system are not permitted by default.
For configuration information, see Configure Call Transfer Options for SCCP Phones, on page 1189.
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified
SIP IP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 trunk-to-trunk transfer blocking for toll bypass fraud prevention is supported on
Cisco Unified Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) IP phones.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, trunk-to-trunk transfer blocking for toll bypass fraud prevention is also supported
on Cisco Unified Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) IP phones.
In Cisco Unified CME 10.5, trunk-to-trunk conference blocking is also supported on Cisco Unified Skinny
Client Control Protocol (SCCP) and Cisco Unified Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) IP phones.
Table 98: Configuration Modes for Transfer-Blocking Commands, on page 1151 lists the transfer-blocking
commands and the appropriate configuration modes for Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST.
Table 98: Configuration Modes for Transfer-Blocking Commands
Commands Cisco Unified CME
transfer-pattern telephony-service
voice register pool
voice register template
transfer max-length
voice register pool
voice register template
transfer-pattern blocked
conference transfer-pattern telephony-service
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Commands Cisco Unified CME
voice register pool
voice register template
conference max-length
voice register pool
voice register template
conference-pattern blocked
The call transfer and conference restrictions apply when transfers or conferences are initiated toward
external parties, like aPSTN trunk, aSIPtrunk, or an H.323 trunk. The restrictions do not apply to transfers
to local extensions.
Transfer Pattern
The transfer-pattern command for Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones is extended to Cisco Unified SIP IP
The transfer-pattern command specifies the directory numbers for call transfer. The command can be
configured up to 32 times using the following command syntax:
transfer-pattern transfer-pattern [blind]
The blind keyword in the transfer-pattern command applies to Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones only and
does not apply to Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
With the transfer-pattern command configured, only call transfers to numbers that match the configured
transfer pattern are allowed to take place. With the transfer pattern configured, all or a subset of transfer
numbers can be dialed and the transfer to a remote party can be initiated.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5 and later versions, Cisco Unified SIP IP phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP
phones registered to the same Cisco Unified CME are considered local and do not require transfer-pattern
The following are examples of configurable transfer patterns:
• .T—This configuration allows call transfersto any destinations with one or more digits, like 123, 877656,
or 76548765.
• 919........—This configuration only allows call transfers to remote numbers beginning with “919” and
followed by eight digits, like 91912345678. However, call transfers to 9191234 or 919123456789 are
not allowed.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Backward Compatibility
To maintain backward compatibility, all call transfers from Cisco Unified SIP IP phones to any number (local
or over trunk) are allowed when no transfer patterns are configured through the transfer-pattern,
transfer-pattern blocked, or transfer max-length commands.
For Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, call transfers over trunk continue to be blocked when no transfer patterns
are configured.
Dial Plans
Whatever dial plan is used for external calls, the same numbers should be configured as specific numbers
using the transfer-pattern command.
If a dial plan requires “9” to be dialed before an external call is made, then “9” should be a prefix of the
transfer-pattern number. For example, 12345678 is an external number that requires “9” to be dialed before
the external call can be made so the transfer-pattern number should be 912345678.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5 and later versions, once transfer patterns are configured in telephony-service
configuration mode, the transfer patterns apply to both Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones and Cisco Unified
SIP IP phones.
Transfer Max-Length
The transfer max-length command is used to indicate the maximum length of the number being dialed for
a call transfer. When only a specific number of digits are to be allowed during a call transfer, a value between
3 and 16 is configured. When the number dialed exceedsthe maximum length configured, then the call transfer
is blocked.
For example, the maximum length is configured as 5, then only call transfers from Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones up to a five-digit directory number are allowed. All call transfers to directory numbers with more than
five digits are blocked.
If only transfer max length is configured and conference max-length is not configured, then transfer
max-length takes effect for transfers and conferences.
Conference Max-Length
Conference calls are allowed when:
• both conference transfer-pattern and transfer-pattern commands are configured
• dialed digits match the configured transfer pattern
When conference max-length command is configured, the Cisco Unified CME will allow the conferences
only if the dialed digits are within the max-length limit.
If configured, the conference max-length command does not impact call transfers.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
If both conference max-length and transfer max-length commands are configured, the conference
max-length command takes precedence for conferences.
Conference-Pattern Blocked
The conference-pattern blocked command is used to prevent extensions on an ephone or a voice register pool
from initiating conferences.
The following table summarizes the behavior of the conference-pattern blocked command in relation to no
conference-patternblocked, conference max-length,no conference max-length, and transfer max-length
conference max-length no conference max-length
Allowing/Blocking of conference call
depends on configured transfer max-length
Allowing/Blocking of conference call
depends on configured conference
blocked (default
conference-pattern No conference calls allowed for SIP and SCCP phones.
Max-length <= allowed max-length Max-length > allowed max-length
Transfer Conference Transfer Conference
Transfer max-length Y Y N N
+ No Conference
max-length (use
transfer max-length
for conference cases
too, as conference
max-length not
No transfer Y Y Y N
max-length +
max-length has
precedence over
transfer max-length
for conference)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
No transfer Y Y N N
max-length +
max-length has
precedence over
transfer max-length
for conference)
No transfer All transfer and conference calls are allowed.
max-length + No
Configure the Maximum Number of Digits for a Conference Call
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or a later version.
• The conference transfer-pattern command must be configured.
• The transfer-pattern command must be configured.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• voice register template template-tag
• ephone phone-tag
• ephone template template-tag
4. conference max-length value
5. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool
configuration for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
Step 3 Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to 100.
• voice register template template-tag
• ephone phone-tag or
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines a template
of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• ephone template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 25
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Enters ephone configuration mode.
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones is
version and platform-specific. Type? to display range.
Allows the conference calls from Cisco IP phones to specified directory
numbers of phones.
conference max-length value
conference max-length 6
Step 4
• conference max-length—Specifies the maximum number of digits
while making a conference call. Range is 3 to 16.
Exits voice register pool configuration mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 5
Configure Conference Blocking Options for Phones
To prevent extensions from making conference calls to directory numbers that are otherwise allowed globally.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or a later version.
• The conference transfer-pattern command must be configured.
• The transfer-pattern command must be configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag or
• voice register template template-tag
• ephone phone-tag
• ephone template template-tag
4. conference-pattern blocked
5. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool
configuration for a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone in Cisco Unified CME
or for a set of Cisco Unified SIP IP phones in Cisco Unified SIP SRST.
Step 3 Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag or
• voice register template template-tag
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to 100.
• ephone phone-tag
• ephone template template-tag
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines a template
of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
Router(config)# voice register pool 25
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Enters ephone configuration mode.
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones is
version and platform-specific. Type? to display range.
Step 4 conference-pattern blocked Blocks conference calls to external numbers.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• conference-pattern block—Prevents extensions on an ephone or a
voice register pool from initiating conferences.
exit Exits voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 5
Transfer-Pattern Blocked
When the transfer-patternblockedcommand is configured for a specific phone, no call transfers are allowed
from that phone over the trunk.
This feature forces unconditional blocking of all call transfers from the specific phone to any other non-local
numbers(external callsfrom one trunk to another trunk). No call transfersfrom thisspecific phone are possible
even when a transfer pattern matches the dialed digits for transfer.
Table 99: Behaviors of Cisco Unified IP Phones for Specific Configurations, on page 1158 compares the
behaviors of Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP IP phones for specific configurations.
Table 99: Behaviors of Cisco Unified IP Phones for Specific Configurations
Configuration Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phones Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
All non-local call transfers are
allowed for backward
All non-local call transfers are
No transfer patterns are configured.
Call transfers to specific external
entities are allowed.
Call transfers to specific external
entities are allowed.
Specific transfer patterns are
All non-local call transfers are
The configuration
unconditionally blocks all
non-local call transfers. It
does not return to the
default, where all
non-local call transfers are
All non-local call transfers are
The configuration reverts
to the default, where no
transfer patterns are
The transfer-pattern blocked
command is configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Conference Transfer-Pattern
When both the transfer-pattern and conference transfer-pattern commands are configured and the dialed
digits match the configured transfer pattern, conference calls are allowed. However, when the dialed digits
do not match any of the configured transfer pattern, the conference call is blocked.
For configuration information, see Specify Transfer Patterns for Trunk-to-Trunk Calls and Conferences for
SIP, on page 1192 and Conference-Pattern Blocked, on page 1154 and Conference Max-Length, on page 1153.
For configuration examples,see Example for Configuring Conference TransferPatterns, on page 1224, Example
for Configuring Maximum Length of Transfer Number, on page 1224, Example for Configuring Transfer
Patterns, on page 1224, and Example for Blocking All Call Transfers, on page 1224.
Call Transfer Recall on SCCP Phones
The Call Transfer Recall feature in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions returns a transferred call to the
phone that initiated the transfer if the destination is busy or does not answer. After a phone user completes a
transfer to a directory number on a local phone, if the transfer-to party does not answer before the configured
recall timer expires, the call is directed back to the transferor phone. The message “Transfer RecallFrom xxxx”
displays on the transferor phone.
The transfer-to directory number cannot have Call Forward Busy enabled, or it cannot be a hunt group pilot
number. If the transfer-to directory number has CallForward No Answer (CFNA) enabled, Cisco Unified CME
recalls the call only if the transfer-recall timeout is set to less than the CFNA timeout. If the transfer-recall
timeout is set to more than the CFNA timeout, the call is forwarded to the CFNA target number after the
transfer-to party does not answer.
If the transferor phone is busy, Cisco Unified CME attempts the recall again after the transfer-recall timeout
value expires. Cisco Unified CME attempts a recall up to three times. If the transferor phone remains busy,
the call is disconnected after the third recall attempt.
The transferor phone and transfer-to phone must be registered to the same Cisco Unified CME, however the
transferee phone can be remote.
For configuration information, see Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level,
on page 1178.
Call Transfer Recall on SIP Phones
From Unified CME 11.6 onwards, Call Transfer Recall feature is supported on SIP phones. This feature
returns a transferred call to the phone that initiated the transfer if the destination is busy or does not answer.
After a phone user completes a transfer to a directory number on a localSIPphone, and if the transfer-to party
does not answer before the configured recall timer expires, the call is directed back to the transferor phone.
The message "Transfer Recall From xxxx " displays on the transferor phone.
The Call Transfer Recall inSIPphones is achieved using the CLI timeouts transfer-recall command in voice
register dn or voice register global configuration modes.
The transfer-to directory number cannot have Call Forward Busy enabled, or it cannot be a hunt group pilot
number. The transferor phone and transfer-to phone must be registered to the same Cisco Unified CME,
however the transferee phone can be remote. If the transfer-to directory number has Call Forward No Answer
(CFNA) enabled, Cisco Unified CME recalls the call only if the transfer-recall timeout is set to less than the
CFNA timeout. If the transfer-recall timeout is set to more than the CFNA timeout, the call is forwarded to
the CFNA target number after the transfer-to party does not answer. If the transfer-recall timeout is equal to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
the CFNA timeout, the call is forwarded to the CFNA target number as the CFNA timeout expires before the
transfer-recall timeout.
When Call Forward All is configured in Cisco Unified CME, the call is forwarded directly to call forward
target number irrespective of whether the phone is busy or idle. In this scenario, transfer recall is not applicable
after the call is forwarded.
If the transferor phone is busy, Cisco Unified CME attempts the recall again after the transfer-recall timeout
value expires. Cisco Unified CME attempts a recall up to three times. If the transferor phone remains busy,
the call is disconnected after the third recall attempt. Also, if the transferor phone is a shared line, and if one
of the phones is idle, the transfer recall is directed to the transferor phone that is idle.
When Single Number Reach (SNR) is configured in Cisco Unified CME, the desk IP Phone rings first. If the
desk IP Phone does not answer within the configured SNR timer expiry value, the configured remote number
(mobile) starts ringing while continuing to ring the desk IP Phone. If both the extensions does not answer the
call, transfer recall is directed back to the transferor phone. Transfer recall does not happen if the desk IP
Phone or remote phone (mobile) is busy. Also, transfer recall does not happen if one of the SNR extensions
answers the call.
For configuration information,see Enable Call-Transfer Recall onSIPPhones atSystem-Level, on page 1183.
From Cisco Unified CME release 11.6 onwards, call transfer recall feature supports mixed deployment of
SCCP and SIP phones. In a mixed deployment scenario, you can have a SIP phone as transferor and with an
SCCP phone being transfer-to or vice versa.
In mixed mode, if the transfer recall is performed with multipleSIPorSCCPtransferors and a single transfer-to
SCCP phone, transfer recall display messages are displayed on both the transferors. Here, transfer recall
happensfor all the calls when the destination is busy or does not answer the call. In the case ofsingle transfer-to
SIP phones, only the first phone call is recalled even if dual-line is configured.
Consultative-Transfer Enhancements in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and Later Versions
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 modifies the digit-collection process for consultative call transfers. After a phone
user presses the Transfer soft key to make a consultative transfer, a new consultative call leg is created and
the Transfer soft key is not displayed again until the dialed digits of the transfer-to number are matched to a
transfer pattern and the consultative call leg is in the alerting state.
Transfer-to digits dialed by the phone user are no longer buffered. The dialed digits, except the call park FAC
code, are collected on the seized consultative call-leg until the digits match a pattern for consultative transfer,
blind transfer, park-slot transfer, park-slot transfer blocking, or PSTN transfer blocking. The existing pattern
matching process is unchanged, and you have the option of using this new transfer digit-collection method
or reverting to the former method.
Before Cisco Unified CME 4.3, the consultative transfer feature collects dialed digits on the original call leg
until the digits either match a transfer pattern or blocking pattern. When the transfer-to number is matched,
and PSTN blocking is not enabled, the original call is put on hold and an idle line or channel is seized to send
the dialed digits from the buffer.
The method of matching a pattern for consultative transfer, blind transfer, park-slot transfer, park-slot transfer
blocking, PSTN transfer blocking, and after-hours blocking remain the same. When the transfer-to number
matches the pattern for a blind transfer or park-slot transfer, Cisco Unified CME terminates the consultative
call leg and transfers the call.
After the transfer-to digits are collected, if the transfer is not committed before the transfer-timeout expires
in 30 seconds, the consultation call leg is disconnected.
These enhancements are supported only if:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
• The transfer-system full-consult command (default) is set in telephony-service configuration mode.
• The transfer-mode consult command (default) is set for the transferor's directory number (ephone-dn).
• An idle line or channel is available for seizing, digit collection, and dialing.
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions enable these transfer enhancements by default.
To revert to the digit-collection method used in previous versions of Cisco Unified CME, see Enable Call
Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level, on page 1178.
Consultative Transfer With Direct Station Select
Direct Station Select (DSS) is a feature that allows a multi-button phone user to transfer calls to an idle
monitored line by pressing the Transfer key and the appropriate monitored line button. A monitored line is
one that appears on two phones; one phone can use the line to make and receive calls and the other phone
simply monitors whether the line is in use. For Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, consultative transfers can
occur during Direct Station Select (transferring calls to idle monitored lines).
If the person sharing the monitored line does not want to accept the call, the person announcing the call can
reconnect to the incoming call by pressing the EndCall soft key to terminate the announcement call and
pressing the Resume soft key to reconnect to the original caller.
Direct Station Select consultative transfer is enabled with the transfer-system full-consult dss command,
which defines the call transfer method for all lines served by the router. The transfer-system full-consult
dss command supports the keep-conference command. See Configure Conferencing, on page 1377.
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
H.450.2 is a standard protocol for exchanging call-transfer information across a network, and H.450.3 is a
standard protocol for exchanging call-forwarding information across a network. Cisco CME 3.0 and later
versions support the H.450.2 call-transfer standards and the H.450.3 call-forwarding standards that were
introduced in Cisco ITS V2.1. Using the H.450.2 and H.450.3 standardsto manage call transfer and forwarding
in a VoIP network provides the following benefits:
• The final call path from the transferred party to the transfer destination is optimal, with no hairpinned
routes or excessive use of resources.
• Call parameters (for example, codec) can be different for the different call legs.
• This solution is scalable.
• There is no limit to the number of times a call can be transferred.
Considerations for using the H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards include the following:
• Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T or a later release is required on all voice gateways in the network.
• Support of H.450.2 and H.450.3 is required on all voice gateways in the network. H.450.2 and H.450.3
are used regardless of whether the transfer-to or forward-to target is on the same Cisco Unified CME
system as the transferring party or the forwarding party, so the transferred party must also support
H.450.2 and the forwarded party must also support H.450.3. The exception is callsthat can be reoriginated
through hairpin call routing or through the use of an H.450 tandem gateway.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
• Call forwarding over SIP networks uses the 302 Moved Temporarily SIP response, which works in a
manner similar to the way in which the H.450.3 standard is used for H.323 networks. To enable call
forwarding, you must specify a pattern that matches the calling-party numbers of the calls that you want
to be able to forward.
• Cisco Unified CME supports all SIP Refer method call transfer scenarios, but you must ensure that call
transfer is enabled using H.450.2 standards.
• H.450 standards are not supported by Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco BTS, or
Cisco PGW, although hairpin call routing or an H.450 tandem gateway can be set up to handle calls to
and from those types of systems.
The following series of figures depicts a call being transferred using H.450.2 standards. Figure 45: Call
Transfer Using H.450.2: A Calls B, on page 1163 shows A calling B.Figure 46: Call Transfer Using H.450.2:
B Consults with C, on page 1163 shows B consulting with C and putting A on hold. Figure 47: Call Transfer
Using H.450.2: B Transfers A to C, on page 1163 shows that B has connected A and C, and Figure 48: Call
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Transfer Using H.450.2: A and C Are Connected, on page 1163 shows A and C directly connected, with B no
longer involved in the call.
Figure 45: Call Transfer Using H.450.2: A Calls B
Figure 46: Call Transfer Using H.450.2: B Consults with C
Figure 47: Call Transfer Using H.450.2: B Transfers A to C
Figure 48: Call Transfer Using H.450.2: A and C Are Connected
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Tips for Using H.450 Standards
Use H.450 standards when a network meets the following conditions:
• The router that you are configuring uses Cisco CME 3.0 or a later version, or Cisco ITS V2.1.
• For Cisco CME 3.0 or Cisco ITS V2.1 systems, all endpoints in the network must support H.450.2 and
H.450.3 standards. For Cisco CME 3.1 or later systems, if some of the endpoints do not support H.450
standards (for example, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco BTS, or Cisco PGW), you can
use hairpin call routing or an H.450 tandem gateway to handle transfers and forwards with those endpoints.
Also, either you must explicitly disable H.450.2 and H.450.3 on the dial peers that handle those calls or
you must enable H.450.12 capability to automatically detect the calls that support H.450.2 and H.450.3
and those calls that do not.
Support for the H.450.2 standard and the H.450.3 standard is enabled by default and can be disabled globally
or for individual dial peers.For configuration information, see Enable Call Transfer andForwarding onSCCP
Phones at System-Level, on page 1178.
Transfer Method Recommendations by Cisco Unified CME Version
You mustspecify the method to use for call transfers: H.450.2 standard signaling or Cisco proprietary signaling,
and whether transfers should be blind or allow consultation. Table 100: Transfer Method Recommendations,
on page 1165 summarizes transfer method recommendations for all Cisco Unified CME versions.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Table 100: Transfer Method Recommendations
Transfer Method
transfer-system Keyword
to Use
transfer-system Command
Cisco Unified CME
Use H.450.2 for call
transfer, which is the
default for this version.
You do not need to use
the transfer-system
command unless you
want to use the full-blind
or dss keyword.
Optionally, you can use
the proprietary Cisco
method by using the
command with the blind
or local-consult keyword.
Use H.450.7 for call
transfer using QSIG
supplementary services
4.0 and later full-consult full-consult or full-blind
Use H.450.2 for call
transfer. You must
explicitly configure the
command with the
full-consult or full-blind
keyword because H.450.2
is not the default for this
Optionally, you can use
the proprietary Cisco
method by using the
command with the blind
or local-consult keyword.
3.0 to 3.3 blind full-consult or full-blind
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Transfer Method
transfer-system Keyword
to Use
transfer-system Command
Cisco Unified CME
Use the Cisco proprietary
method, which is the
default for this version.
You do not need to use
the transfer-system
command unless you
want to use the
local-consult keyword.
Optionally, you can use
the transfer-system
command with the
full-consult or full-blind
keyword. You must also
configure the router with
a Tcl script that is
contained in the
file. This file is available
from the
Cisco Unified CME
software download
website at: Download
2.1 blind blind or local-consult
Use the Cisco proprietary
method, which is the
default for this version.
You do not need to use
the transfer-system
command unless you
want to use the
local-consult keyword.
Earlier than 2.1 blind blind
H.450.12 Support
Cisco CME 3.1 and later versions support the H.450.12 call capabilities standard, which provides a means to
advertise and dynamically discover H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities in voice gateway endpoints on a
call-by-call basis. When discovered, the calls associated with non-H.450 endpoints can be directed to use
non-H.450 methods for transfer and forwarding, such as hairpin call routing or H.450 tandem gateway.
When H.450.12 is enabled, H.450.2 and H.450.3 services are disabled for call transfers and call forwards
unless a positive H.450.12 indication is received from all other VoIP endpoints involved in the call. If a
positive H.450.12 indication is received, the router uses the H.450.2 standard for call transfers and the H.450.3
standard for call forwarding. If a positive H.450.12 indication is not received, the router uses the alternative
method that you have configured for call transfers and forwards, either hairpin call routing or an H.450 tandem
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
You can have either of the following situations in your network:
• All gateway endpointssupport H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards. In thissituation, no special configuration
is required because support for H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards is enabled on the Cisco CME 3.1 or later
router by default. H.450.12 capability is disabled by default, but it is not required because all calls can
use H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards.
• Not all gateway endpoints support H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards. Therefore, specify how non-H.450
calls are to be handled by choosing one of the following options:
◦Enable the H.450.12 capability in Cisco CME 3.1 and later to dynamically determine, on a
call-by-call basis, whether each call has H.450.2 and H.450.3 support. If H.450.12 is enabled and
a call is determined to have H.450 support, the call is transferred using H.450.2 standards or
forwarded using H.450.3 standards. See Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196.
Support for the H.450.12 standard is disabled by default and can be enabled globally or for individual
dial peers.
If the call does not have H.450 support, it can be handled by a VoIP-to-VoIP connection that you
configure using dial peers and Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on page 1198. The
connection can be used for hairpin call routing or routing to an H.450 tandem gateway.
◦Explicitly disable H.450.2 and H.450.3 capability on a global basis or by individual dial peer,
which forces all calls to be handled by a VoIP-to-VoIP connection that you configure using dial
peers and the Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on page 1198. This connection can
be used for hairpin call routing or routing to an H.450 tandem gateway.
Hairpin Call Routing
Cisco CME 3.1 and later supports hairpin call routing using a VoIP-to-VoIPconnection to transfer and forward
calls that cannot use H.450 standards. When a call that originally terminated on a voice gateway is transferred
or forwarded by a phone or other application attached to the gateway, the gateway reoriginates the call and
routes the call as appropriate, making a VoIP-to-VoIP, or hairpin, connection. This approach avoids any
protocol dependency on the far-end transferred-party endpoint or transfer-destination endpoint. Hairpin routing
of transferred and forwarded calls also causes the generation of separate billing records for each call leg, so
that the transferred or forwarded call leg is typically billed to the user who initiates the transfer or forward.
In Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, transcoding between G.711 and G.729 is supported when one leg of a
VoIP-to-VoIP hairpin call uses G.711 and the other leg uses G.729.
Hairpin call routing provides the following benefits:
• Call transfer and forwarding is provided to non-H.450 endpoints, such as
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco BTS, or Cisco PGW.
• The network can also contain Cisco CME 3.0 or Cisco ITS 2.1 systems.
Hairpin call routing has the following disadvantages:
• End-to-end signaling and media delay are increased significantly.
• A single hairpinned call uses as much WAN bandwidth as two directly connected calls.
VoIP-to-VoIP hairpin connections can be made using dial peers if the allow-connections h323 to h323
command is enabled and at least one of the following is true:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
• H.450.12 is used to detect calls on which H.450.2 or H.450.3 is not supported by the remote system.
• H.450.2 or H.450.3 is explicitly disabled.
• Cisco Unified CME automatically detects that the remote system is a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Figure 49: Hairpin with H.323: A Calls B, on page 1169 shows a call that is made from A to B. Figure 50:
Hairpin with H.323: Call is Forwarded to C, on page 1169 shows that B has forwarded all calls to C. Figure
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
51: Hairpin with H.323: A is Connected to C via B, on page 1169 shows that A and C are connected by an
H.323 hairpin.
Figure 49: Hairpin with H.323: A Calls B
Figure 50: Hairpin with H.323: Call is Forwarded to C
Figure 51: Hairpin with H.323: A is Connected to C via B
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Tips for Using Hairpin Call Routing
Use hairpin call routing when a network meets the following three conditions:
• The router that you are configuring uses Cisco CME 3.1 or a later version.
• Some or all calls require VoIP-to-VoIP routing because they cannot use H.450 standards, which can
happen for any of the following reasons:
◦H.450 capabilities have been explicitly disabled on the router.
◦H.450 capabilities do not exist in the network.
◦H.450 capabilities are supported on some endpoints and notsupported on other endpoints, including
those handled by Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco BTS, and Cisco PGW. When
some endpoints support H.450 and others do not, you must enable H.450.12 capabilities on the
router to detect which endpoints are H.450-capable or designate some dial peers as H.450-capable.
For more information about enabling H.450.12 capabilities, see Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on
page 1196.
• No voice gateway is available to act as an H.450 tandem gateway.
For information about configuring Cisco Unified CME to forward calls using local hairpin routing,seeForward
Calls Using Local Hairpin Routing, on page 1200.
Support for VoIP-to-VoIP connections is disabled by default and can be enabled globally. For configuration
information, see Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on page 1198.
Calling Number Local
In a scenario where calls are forwarded using local hairpin call routing, you can use the Calling Number Local
feature. Calling Number Local replaces a calling-party number and name with the forwarding-party number
and name (the local number and name).For ephone-dns, the CLI command calling-number local is configured
under telephony-service configuration to enable the feature. For more information, see Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express Command Reference.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 12.0 onwards, calling number local feature is supported for voice register
DNs as well. For voice register DNs, the CLI command calling-number local is configured in voice register
global configuration mode. For more information, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Command Reference.
When the CLI command calling-number local is enabled, the calling number is replaced with the forwarding
party's number. If the forwarded number is over a trunk, toll charges may be applied on the forwarding number.
H.450 Tandem Gateways
H.450 tandem gateways address the limitations of hairpin call routing using a manner similar to hairpin call
routing but without the double WAN link traversal created by hairpin connections. An H.450 tandem gateway
is an additional voice gateway that serves as a “front-end” for a call processor that does not support the H.450
standards,such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco BTSSoftswitch (Cisco BTS), or CiscoPSTN
Gateway (Cisco PGW). Transferred and forwarded calls that are intended for non-H.450 endpoints are
terminated instead on the H.450 tandem gateway and reoriginated there for delivery to the non-H.450 endpoints.
The H.450 tandem gateway can also serve as a PSTN gateway.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
An H.450 tandem gateway is configured with a dial peer that points to the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager or other system for which the H.450 tandem gateway is serving as
a front end. The H.450 tandem voice gateway is also configured with dial peers that point to all the
Cisco Unified CME systems in the private H.450 network. In this way, Cisco Unified CME and the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager are not directly linked to each other, but are instead both linked to
an H.450 tandem gateway that provides H.450 services to the non-H.450 platform.
An H.450 tandem gateway can also work as a PSTN gateway for remote Cisco Unified CME systems and for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (or other non-H.450 system). Use different inbound dial peers to
separate Cisco Unified Communications Manager-to-PSTN G.711 calls from tandem
gateway-to-Cisco Unified CME G.729 calls.
An H.450 tandem gateway that is used in a network to support non-H.450-capable call processing systems
requiresthe Integrated Voice and VideoServicesfeature license. Thisfeature license, which wasintroduced
in March 2004, includesfunctionality for H.323 gatekeeper, IP-to-IP Gateway, and H.450 tandem gateway.
With Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T, an H.323 gatekeeper feature license is required with a JSX Cisco IOS
image on the selected router. Consult your Cisco Unified CME SE regarding the required feature license.
With Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T, you cannot use Cisco Unified CME and H.450 tandem gateway
functionality on the same router.
VoIP-to-VoIP connections can be made for an H.450 tandem gateway if the allow-connections h323 to h323
command is enabled and one or more of the following is true:
• H.450.12 is used to dynamically detect calls on which H.450.2 or H.450.3 is notsupported by the remote
VoIP system.
• H.450.2 or H.450.3 is explicitly disabled.
• Cisco CME 3.1 or later automatically detects that the remote system is a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
For Cisco CME 3.1 and earlier, the only type of VoIP-to-VoIP connection supported by Cisco Unified CME
is H.323-to-H.323. For Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, H.323-to-SIP connections are allowed only for
Cisco Unified CME systems running Cisco Unity Express.
Figure 52: H.450 Tandem Gateway, on page 1172 shows a tandem voice gateway that is located between the
central hub of the network of a CPE-based Cisco CME 3.1 or later network and a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager network. This topology would work equally well with a Cisco BTS
or Cisco PGW in place of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
In the network topology inFigure 52: H.450 Tandem Gateway, on page 1172, the following events occur (refer
to the event numbers on the illustration):
1 A call is generated from extension 4002 on phone 2, which is connected to a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The H.450 tandem gateway receives the H.323 call and, acting
as the H.323 endpoint, the H.450 tandem gateway handles the call connection to a Cisco Unified IP phone
in a CPE-based Cisco CME 3.1 or later network.
2 The call is received by extension 1001 on phone 3, which is connected to Cisco Unified CME 1.
Extension 1001 performs a consultation transfer to extension 2001 on phone 5, which is connected to
Cisco Unified CME 2.
3 When extension 1001 transfers the call, the H.450 tandem gateway receives an H.450.2 message from
extension 1001.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
4 The H.450 tandem gateway terminates the call leg from extension 1001 and reoriginates a call leg to
extension 2001, which is connected to Cisco Unified CME 2.
5 Extension 4002 is connected with extension 2001.
Figure 52: H.450 Tandem Gateway
Tips for Using H.450 Tandem Gateways
Use this procedure when a network meets the following conditions:
• The router that you are configuring uses Cisco CME 3.1 or a later version.
• Some endpoints in the network are not H.450-capable, including those handled by
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco BTS, and Cisco PGW.
Support for VoIP-to-VoIPconnectionsis disabled by default and can be enabled globally.For more information,
see Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on page 1198.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Use dial peers to set up an H.450 tandem gateway. See Dial Peers, on page 1173.
Dial Peers
Dial peers describe the virtual interfaces to or from which a call is established. All voice technologies use dial
peers to define the characteristics associated with a call leg. Attributes applied to a call leg include specific
quality of service (QoS) features, compression/decompression (codec), voice activity detection (VAD), and
fax rate. Dial peers are also used to establish the routing paths in your network, including special routing paths
such as hairpins and H.450 tandem gateways. Dial peer settings override the global settings for call forward
and call transfer.
Q Signaling Supplementary Services
Q Signaling (QSIG) is an intelligent inter-PBX signaling system widely adopted by PBX vendors. It supports
a range of basic services, generic functional procedures, and supplementary services. Cisco Unified CME 4.0
introduces supplementary services features that allow Cisco Unified CME phones to seamlessly interwork
using QSIG with phones connected to a PBX. One benefit is that IP phones can use a PBX message center
with proper MWI notifications. Figure 53: Cisco Unified CME System with PBX, on page 1173 illustrates a
topology for a Cisco Unified CME system with some phones under the control of a PBX.
Figure 53: Cisco Unified CME System with PBX
The following QSIG supplementary service features are supported in Cisco Unified CME systems. They
follow the standards from the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) on PRI and BRI interfaces.
• Basic calls between IP phones and PBX phones.
• Calling Line/Name identification (CLIP/CNIP) presented on an IP phone when called by a PBX phone;
in the reverse direction, such information is provided to the called endpoint.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
• Connected Line/Name identification (COLP/CONP) information provided when a PBX phone calls an
IP phone and is connected; in the reverse direction, such information presented on an IP phone.
• CallForward using QSIG and H.450.3 to support any combination of IPphone andPBX phone, including
an IP phone in the Cisco Unified CME system that is connected to a PBX or an IP phone in another
Cisco Unified CME system across an H.323 network.
• Call forward to the PBX message center according to the configured policy. The other two endpoints
can be a mixture of IP phone and PBX phones.
• Hairpin call transfer, which interworks with aPBX in transfer-by-join mode. Note that Cisco Unified CME
does not support the actual signaling specified for this transfer mode (including the involvedFACILITY
message service APDUs) which are intended for an informative purpose only and not for the transfer
functionality itself. As a transferrer (XOR) host, Cisco Unified CME simply hairpins two call legs to
create a connection; as a transferee (XEE) or transfer-to (XTO) host, it will not be aware of a transfer
that is taking place on an existing leg. As a result, the final endpoint may not be updated with the accurate
identity of its peer. Both blind transfer and consult transfer are supported.
• Message-waiting indicator (MWI) activation or deactivation requests are processed from the PBX
message center.
• The PBX message center can be interrogated for the MWI status of a particular ephone-dn.
• A user can retrieve voice messages from a PBX message center by making a normal call to the message
center access number.
For information about enabling QSIG supplementary services, see Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary
Services atSystem-Level, on page 1202 and Enable H.450.7 and QSIG SupplementaryServices on a DialPeer,
on page 1204.
Disable SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer
If a destination gateway does not support supplementary services, you can disable REFER messages for call
transfers and the redirect responses for call forwarding from being sent by Cisco Unified CME.
For configuration information, see Disable SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer,
on page 1206.
Typical Network Scenarios for Call Transfer and Call Forwarding
In a mixed network that involves two or more types of call agents or call-control systems, there can be
communication protocol discrepancies and dependencies, and therefore the opportunity for interoperability
errors. These discrepancies show up most often when a call is being transferred or forwarded. This section
provides descriptions of the specific mixed-network scenarios you might encounter when configuring a router
running Cisco CME 3.1 or a later version. Each of the following sections point to the configuration instructions
necessary to ensure call transfer and forwarding capabilities throughout the network.
Cisco Communications Manager Express 3.2 (Cisco CME 3.2) and later versions provide full call-transfer
and call-forwarding with call processing systems on the network that support H.450.2, H.450.3, and
H.450.12 standards.For interoperability with call processing systemsthat do notsupport H.450 standards,
Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions provide VoIP-to-VoIP hairpin call routing without requiring the special
Tool Command Language (Tcl) script that was needed in earlier versions of Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Cisco CME 3.1 or Later and Cisco IOS Gateways
In a network with Cisco CME 3.1 or a later version and Cisco IOSgateways, allsystems that might participate
in calls that involve call transfer and call forwarding are capable of supporting the H.450.2, H.450.3, and
H.450.12 standards. This is the simplest environment for operating the Cisco CME 3.1 or later features.
Configuration for this type of network consists of:
1 Setting up call-transfer and call-forwarding parameters for transfers and forwards that are initiated on this
router (H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities for transferred parties, transfer destinations, forwarded parties,
and forwarding destinations are enabled by default). See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP
Phones at System-Level, on page 1178.
2 Enabling H.450.12 globally to detect any calls on which H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards are not supported.
Although this step is optional, we recommend it. See Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196.
3 Optionally setting up VoIP-to-VoIP connections (hairpin call routing or H.450 tandem gateway) to route
callsthat do notsupport H.450.2 or H.450.3 standards.See Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities,
on page 1198.
4 Setting up dial peers to manage call legs within the network.
Cisco CME 3.0 or an Earlier Version and Cisco IOS Gateways
Before Cisco CME 3.1, H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards are used for all calls by default and routers do not
support the H.450.12 standard.
Configuration for this type of network consists of:
• Setting up call-transfer and call-forwarding parameters for transfers and forwards that are initiated on
this router (H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities for transferred parties, transfer destinations, forwarded
parties, and forwarding destinations are enabled by default). See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding
on SCCP Phones at System-Level, on page 1178
• Enabling H.450.12 in advertise-only mode on Cisco CME 3.1 or later systems. As each Cisco CME 3.0
system is upgraded to Cisco CME 3.1 or later, enable H.450.12 in advertise-only mode. Note that no
checking for H.450.2 or H.450.3 support is done in advertise-only mode. When all Cisco CME 3.0
systems in the network have been upgraded to Cisco CME 3.1 or later, remove the advertise-only
restriction. See Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196
• Optionally setting up VoIP-to-VoIPconnections (hairpin call routing or H.450 tandem gateway) to route
callsthat cannot use H.450.2 or H.450.3 standards.See Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities,
on page 1198
• Setting up dial peers to manage call legs within the network.
Cisco CME 3.1 or Later, Non-H.450 Gateways, and Cisco IOS Gateways
In a network with Cisco CME 3.1 or later, non-H.450 gateways, and Cisco IOS gateways, the H.450.2 and
H.450.3 services are provided only to calling endpoints that use H.450.12 to explicitly indicate that they are
capable of H.450.2 and H.450.3 operations. Because the Cisco BTS and Cisco PGW do not support the
H.450.12 standard, calls to and from these systems that involve call transfer or forwarding are handled using
H.323-to-H.323 hairpin call routing.
Configuration for this type of network consists of:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
1 Setting up call-transfer and call-forwarding parameters for transfers and forwards that are initiated on this
router (H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities for transferred parties, transfer destinations, forwarded parties,
and forwarding destinations are enabled by default). Optionally disable H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities
on dial peers that point to non-H.450-capable systems such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco BTS, or Cisco PGW. See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level,
on page 1178.
2 Enabling H.450.12 to detect any calls on which H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards are not supported, either
globally or for specific dial peers. See Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196.
3 Setting up VoIP-to-VoIP connections (hairpin call routing or H.450 tandem gateway) to route calls that
do not support H.450.2 or H.450.3 standards. See Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on
page 1198.
4 Setting up dial peers to manage call legs within the network.
If your network contains a Cisco Unified Communications Manager, also see the instructionsin the Enable
Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, on page 1207.
Cisco Unified CME, Non-H.450 Gateways, and Cisco IOS Gateways
Note Cisco CME 3.0 and Cisco ITS V2.1 systems do not have H.450.12 capabilities.
In a network that contains a mix of Cisco Unified CME versions and at least one non-H.450 gateway, the
simplest configuration approach is to globally disable all H.450.2 and H.450.3 services and force
H.323-to-H.323 hairpin call routing for all transferred and forwarded calls. In this case, you would enable
H.450.12 detection capabilities globally. Alternatively, you could select to enable H.450.12 capability for
specific dial peers. In this case, you would not configure H.450.12 capability globally; you would leave it in
its default disabled state.
Configuration for this type of network consists of:
1 Setting up call-transfer and call-forwarding parameters for transfers and forwards that are initiated on this
router (H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities for transferred parties, transfer destinations, forwarded parties,
and forwarding destinations are enabled by default). See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP
Phones at System-Level, on page 1178.
2 Enabling H.450.12 to detect any calls on which H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards are not supported, either
globally or on specific dial peers. See Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196
3 Setting up VoIP-to-VoIPconnections(hairpin call routing or H.450 tandem gateway) to route all transferred
and forwarded calls. See Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on page 1198.
4 Setting up dial peers to manage call legs within the network.
If your network contains a Cisco Unified Communications Manager, also see the instructionsin the Enable
Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, on page 1207.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Cisco CME 3.1 or Later, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco IOS Gateways
In a network with Cisco CME 3.1 or later, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco IOSgateways,
Cisco CME 3.1 and later versions support automatic detection of calls to and from Cisco Unified
Communications Manager using proprietary signaling elements that are included with the standard H.323
message exchanges. The Cisco CME 3.1 or later system uses these detection results to determine the H.450.2
and H.450.3 capabilities of calls rather than using H.450.12 supplementary services capabilities exchange,
which Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not support. If a call is detected to be coming from or
going to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager endpoint, the call is treated as a non-H.450 call. All other
callsin thistype of network are treated asthough they support H.450 standards. Therefore, thistype of network
should contain only Cisco CME 3.1 or later and Cisco Unified Communications Manager call-processing
Configuration for this type of network consists of:
1 Setting up call-transfer and call-forwarding parameters for transfers and forwards that are initiated on this
router (H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities for transferred parties, transfer destinations, forwarded parties,
and forwarding destinations are enabled by default). See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP
Phones at System-Level, on page 1178
2 Enabling H.450.12 to detect any calls on which H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards are not supported, either
globally or on specific dial peers. See Enable H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196
3 Setting up VoIP-to-VoIPconnections(hairpin call routing or H.450 tandem gateway) to route all transferred
and forwarded calls that are detected as being to or from Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
SeeEnable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities, on page 1198
4 Setting up specific parameters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. SeeEnable
Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Interwork with Cisco Unified CME, on page 1212
5 Setting up dial peers to manage call legs within the network.
Cisco CME 3.0 or an Earlier Version, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco IOS Gateways
Calls between the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and the older Cisco CME 3.0 or Cisco ITS V2.1
networks need special consideration. Because Cisco CME 3.0 and Cisco ITS V2.1 systems do not support
automatic Cisco Unified Communications Manager detection and also do not natively support H.323-to-H.323
call routing, alternative arrangements are required for these systems.
To configure call transfer and forwarding on the Cisco CME 3.0 router, you can select from the following
three options:
• Use a Tcl script to handle call transfer and forwarding by invoking Tcl-script-based H.323-to-H.323
hairpin call routing (app-h450-transfer. or a later version). Enable this script on all VoIP dial
peers and also under telephony-service mode, and set the local-hairpin script parameter to 1.
• Use a loopback-dn mechanism.
• Configure a loopback call path using router physical voice ports.
All three options force use of H.323-to-H.323 hairpin call routing for all calls regardless of whether the call
is from a Cisco Unified Communications Manager or other H.323 endpoint (including Cisco CME 3.1 or
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding
Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level
To enable H.450 call transfers and forwards for transferring or forwarding parties; that is, to allow transfers
and forwards to be initiated from a Cisco Unified CME system, perform the following steps.
H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities are enabled by default for transferred or forwarded parties and
transfer-destination or forward-destination parties. Dial peer settings override the global setting.
Restriction • Call transfers are handled differently depending on the Cisco Unified CME version. See Transfer
Method Recommendations by Cisco Unified CME Version, on page 1164 for recommendations on
selecting a transfer method for your Cisco Unified CME version.
• The transfer-system local-consult command is not supported if the transfer-to destination is on the
Cisco ATA, Cisco VG224, or a SCCP-controlled FXS port.
• The H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards are not supported by Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco BTS, or Cisco PGW.
• In versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 4.2, the caller ID displays correctly only after connect;
caller ID does not display correctly at Call Transfer or Call Forward.
Call-Transfer Recall
• Requires Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version.
• Transferor and transfer-to party must be on the same Cisco Unified CME router; transferee party
can be remote to the Cisco Unified CME router.
• Transfer recall is not supported if the transfer-to party has Call Forward Busy enabled, or if the
transfer-to party is a hunt group pilot number.
• If the transfer-to party has CallForward No Answer enabled, Cisco Unified CME recalls a transferred
call only if the transfer-recall timeout is set to less than the timeout value set with the call-forward
noan command.
• Recall timer for trunk-line directory number has precedence (set on transferor using trunkcommand
with transfer-timeout keyword) over the transfer-recall timer. Transfer recall is not initiated for
hairpin transfers.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.0 or a later version, or Cisco ITS V2.1.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. transfer-system{blind | full-blind | full-consult [ dss ] | local-consult }
5. transfer-pattern transfer-pattern [blind]
6. call-forward pattern pattern
7. timeouts transfer-recall seconds
8. transfer-digit-collect {new-call | orig-call}
9. exit
10. voice service voip
11. supplementary-service h450.2
12. supplementary-service h450.3
13. exit
14. dial-peer voice tag voip
15. supplementary-service h450.2
16. supplementary-service h450.3
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
transfer-system{blind | full-blind | full-consult [ dss ] Specifies the call transfer method.
| local-consult }
Step 4
• blind—Calls are transferred without consultation using the
Cisco proprietary method and a single phone line. This is
the default in versions earlier than Cisco Unified CME 4.0. Example:
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-system
• full-blind—Calls are transferred without consultation using
H.450.2 standard methods.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level
Command or Action Purpose
• full-consult—Calls are transferred with consultation using
H.450.2 standard methods and a second phone line if
available. Calls fall back to full-blind if the second line is
unavailable. This is the default in Cisco Unified CME 4.0
and later versions. Transfer-system needs to be set at
full-consult for the “transfer by directory” to work. Transfer
by directory is supported by full-consult or blind transfer.
If you want to transfer using
directory/placed/missed/received calls, the transfer-system
needsto be set at full-consult for thisto work appropriately.
When changed to full-consult, you can do "blind transfer"
by selecting the number from the directory and when the
other phone rings, you can press the softkey "Transfer" and
the call will be transferred to the number selected and then
you can hang up.
• dss—(Optional) Calls are transferred with consultation to
idle monitored lines. All other call-transfer behavior is
identical to full-consult.
• local-consult—Calls are transferred with local consultation
using a second phone line if available. The calls fall back
to blind for nonlocal consultation or nonlocal transfer target.
Notsupported if transfer-to destination is on the Cisco ATA,
Cisco VG224, or a SCCP-controlled FXS port.
• Cisco CME 3.0 and later versions—Use only the full-blind
or full-consult keyword.
• Before Cisco CME 3.0—Use the local-consult or blind
keyword. (Cisco ITS 2.1 can use the full-blind or
full-consult keyword by also using the Tcl script in the file
called app-h450-transfer.x.x.x.x.zip.)
Allows transfer of telephone calls by Cisco Unified IP phones to
specified phone number patterns. If no transfer pattern is set, the
default isthat transfers are permitted only to other local IPphones.
transfer-pattern transfer-pattern [blind]
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-pattern .T
Step 5
• transfer-pattern—String of digits for permitted call
transfers. Wildcards are allowed. A pattern of .T transfers
all calling parties using the H.450.2 standard.
• blind—(Optional) When H.450.2 consultative call transfer
is configured, forces transfers that match the pattern
specified in this command to be executed as blind transfers.
Overrides settings made using the transfer-system and
transfer-mode commands.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level
Command or Action Purpose
For transfers to nonlocal numbers, transfer-pattern digit
matching is performed before translation-rule operations.
Therefore, you should specify in this command the digits
actually entered by phone users before they are
Step 6 call-forward pattern pattern Specifies the H.450.3 standard for call forwarding.
Router(config-telephony)# call-forward pattern
• pattern—Digits to match for call forwarding using the
H.450.3 standard. If an incoming calling-party number
matches the pattern, it can be forwarded using the H.450.3
standard. A pattern of .T forwards all calling parties using
the H.450.3 standard.
Calling-party numbersthat do not match the patterns defined with
this command are forwarded using Cisco proprietary call
forwarding for backward compatibility.
For forwarding to nonlocal numbers, pattern matching
is performed before translation-rule operations.
Therefore, you should specify in this command the digits
actually entered by phone users before they are
(Optional) Enables Cisco Unified CME to recall a transferred
call if the transfer-to party is busy or does not answer.
timeouts transfer-recall seconds
Router(config-telephony)# timeouts
transfer-recall 30
Step 7
• seconds—Duration, in seconds, to wait before recalling a
transferred call. Range: 1 to 1800. Default: 0 (disabled).
This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
This command can also be configured in ephone-dn and
ephone-dn-template configuration mode.
(Optional) Selects the digit-collection method used for
consultative call transfers.
transfer-digit-collect {new-call | orig-call}
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-digit-collect
Step 8
• new-call—Digits are collected from the new call leg.
Default value in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• orig-call—Digits are collected from original call-leg.
Default behavior in versions earlier than
Cisco Unified CME 4.3.
This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enters voice-service configuration mode to establish
global call transfer and forwarding parameters.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 10
(Optional) Enables H.450.2 supplementary services capabilities
supplementary-service h450.2
Router(conf-voi-serv)# supplementary-service
Step 11
Default is enabled. Use the no form of this command to disable
H.450.2 capabilities globally. You can also use this command in
dial-peer configuration mode to enable H.450.2 services for a
single dial peer.
(Optional) Enables H.450.3 supplementary services capabilities
supplementary-service h450.3
Router(conf-voi-serv)# supplementary-service
Step 12
Default is enabled. Use the no form of this command to disable
H.450.3 capabilities globally. You can also use this command in
dial-peer configuration mode to enable H.450.3 services for a
single dial peer.
exit (Optional) Exits voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# exit
Step 13
dial-peer voice tag voip (Optional) Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1 voip
Step 14
(Optional) Enables H.450.2 supplementary services capabilities
for an individual dial peer.
supplementary-service h450.2
Router(config-dial-peer)# no
supplementary-service h450.2
Step 15
Default is enabled. You can also use this command in
voice-service configuration mode to enable H.450.2 services
• If this command is enabled globally and enabled on a dial
peer, the functionality is enabled for the dial peer. This is
the default.
• If this command is enabled globally and disabled on a dial
peer, the functionality is disabled for the dial peer.
• If this command is disabled globally and either enabled or
disabled on a dial peer, the functionality is disabled for the
dial peer.
(Optional) Enables H.450.3 supplementary services capabilities
exchange for an individual dial peer.
supplementary-service h450.3
Router(config-dial-peer)# no
supplementary-service h450.3
Step 16
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level
Command or Action Purpose
Default is enabled. You can also use this command in
voice-service configuration mode to enable H.450.3 services
• If this command is enabled globally and enabled on a dial
peer, the functionality is enabled for the dial peer. This is
the default configuration.
• If this command is enabled globally and disabled on a dial
peer, the functionality is disabled for the dial peer.
• If this command is disabled globally and either enabled or
disabled on a dial peer, the functionality is disabled for the
dial peer.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 17
Enable Call-Transfer Recall on SIP Phones at System-Level
To enable call-transfer recalls to be initiated from a Cisco Unified CME system, perform the following steps.
Note • Transferor and transfer-to party must be on the same Cisco Unified CME router; transferee party
can be remote to the Cisco Unified CME router.
• Transfer recall is not supported if the transfer-to party has Call Forward Busy enabled, or if the
transfer-to party is a hunt group pilot number.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call-Transfer Recall on SIP Phones at System-Level
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. timeouts transfer-recall seconds
5. exit
6. voice service voip
7. no supplementary-service sip refer
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Enables Cisco Unified CME to recall a transferred call if the
transfer-to party is busy or does not answer in the voice register
timeouts transfer-recall seconds
Router(config-register-global)# timeouts
transfer-recall 30
Router(config-register-dn)# timeouts
transfer-recall 30
Step 4
global configuration mode. You can also recall a transferred call in
the voice register dn configuration mode.
• seconds—Duration, in seconds, to wait before recalling a
transferred call. Range: 1 to 1800. Default: 0 (disabled).
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 11.6 and
later versions.
• This command can also be configured in voice register dn or
voice register global configuration modes.
exit Exits voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-global)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call-Transfer Recall on SIP Phones at System-Level
Command or Action Purpose
voice service voip (Optional) Enters voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 6
Prevents the router from forwarding a REFER message to the
destination for call-transfer recalls.
no supplementary-service sip refer
Router(config-voi-serv)# no
supplementary-service sip refer
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# end
Step 8
Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number
To define the conditions and target numbers for call forwarding for individual ephone-dns, and set other
restrictions for call forwarding, perform the following steps.
When defining call forwarding to nonlocal numbers, it is important to note that pattern digit matching is
performed before translation-rule operations. Therefore, you should specify in this command the digits
actually entered by phone users before they are translated.
Restriction • Call forwarding is invoked only if that phone is dialed directly. Call forwarding is not invoked when
the phone number is called through a sequential, longest-idle, or peer hunt group.
• If call forwarding is configured for hunt group member, call forward is ignored by the hunt group.
• Calls from an internal extension to an extension which is busy, is forwarded to the SNR destination
even if no forward local-calls is configured under the Directory Number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. call-forward pattern pattern
5. exit
6. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
7. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
8. call-forward all target-number
9. call-forward busy target-number [primary | secondary] [dialplan-pattern]
10. call-forward noan target-number timeout seconds [primary | secondary] [dialplan-pattern]
11. call-forward night-service target-number
12. call-forward max-length length
13. no forward local-calls
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 3
Specifies the H.450.3 standard for call forwarding. Calling-party
numbers that do not match the patterns defined with this command
call-forward pattern pattern
Router(config-telephony)# call-forward
pattern .T
Step 4
are forwarded using Cisco-proprietary call forwarding for backward
• pattern—Digits to match for call forwarding using the H.450.3
standard. If an incoming calling-party number matches the
pattern, it is forwarded using the H.450.3 standard. A pattern
of .T forwards all calling parties using the H.450.3 standard.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 5
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and
optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20
Step 6
• dual-line—(Optional) Enables an ephone-dn with one voice
port and two voice channels, which supports features such as
call waiting, call transfer, and conferencing with a single
number number [secondary number] [no-reg Configures a valid extension number for this ephone-dn instance.
[both | primary]]
Step 7
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2777
secondary 2778
Step 8 call-forward all target-number Forwards all calls for this extension to the specified number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
all 2411
• target-number—Phone number to which calls are forwarded.
After you use this command to specify a target number, the
phone user can activate and cancel the call-forward-all state
from the phone using the CFwdAll soft key or a feature
access code (FAC).
call-forward busy target-number [primary | Forwards calls for a busy extension to the specified number.
secondary] [dialplan-pattern]
Step 9
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
busy 2513
call-forward noan target-number timeout Forwards calls for an extension that does not answer.
seconds [primary | secondary]
Step 10
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
noan 2513 timeout 45
Automatically forwardsincoming callsto the specified number when
night service is active.
call-forward night-service target-number
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
night-service 2879
Step 11
• target-number—Phone number to which calls are forwarded.
Night service must also be configured. See Configure Call
Coverage Features, on page 1278.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Call Forwarding for a Directory Number
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Limits the number of digits that can be entered for a target
number when using the CfwdAll soft key on an IP phone.
call-forward max-length length
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
max-length 5
Step 12
• length—Number of digitsthat can be entered using the CfwdAll
soft key on an IP phone.
(Optional) Specifies that local calls (calls from ephone-dns on the
same Cisco Unified CME system) will not be forwarded from this
no forward local-calls
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no forward
Step 13
• If this extension is busy, an internal caller hears a busy signal.
• If this extension does not answer, the internal caller hears
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 14
Call Transfer for a Directory Number
To enable call transfer for a specific directory number, perform the following steps. This procedure overrides
the global setting for blind or consultative transfer for individual directory numbers.
Before You Begin
Call transfer must be enabled globally. See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at
System-Level, on page 1178.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. transfer-mode {blind | consult}
5. timeouts transfer-recall seconds
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Call Transfer for a Directory Number
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and optionally
assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20
Step 3
• dual-line—(Optional) Enables an ephone-dn with one voice port and
two voice channels, which supports features such as call waiting, call
transfer, and conferencing with a single ephone-dn.
Specifies the type of call transfer for an individual directory number using
the H.450.2 standard, allowing you to override the global setting.
transfer-mode {blind | consult}
transfer-mode blind
Step 4
• Default: system-level value set with the transfer-system command.
(Optional) Enables call-transfer recall and sets the number of seconds that
Cisco Unified CME waits before recalling a transferred call if the transfer-to
party does not answer or is busy.
timeouts transfer-recall seconds
Router(config-ephone-dn)# timeouts
transfer-recall 30
Step 5
• seconds—Duration, in seconds, to wait before recalling a transferred
call. Range: 1 to 1800. Default: 0 (disabled).
• This command is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later
• This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template and
telephony-service configuration mode.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Configure Call Transfer Options for SCCP Phones
To specify a maximum number of digits for transfer destinations or block transfers to external destinations
by individual phones, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Transfers made to speed-dial numbers are not blocked when the transfer-pattern blocked command
is used.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call Transfer Options for SCCP Phones
• Transfers made using speed-dial are not blocked by the after-hours block pattern command.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. transfer-pattern blocked
5. transfer max-length digit-length
6. exit
7. ephone phone-tag
8. ephone-template template-tag
9. restart
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-template template-tag Enters ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-template 1
• template-tag—Unique number that identifies this template
during configuration tasks. Range: 1 to 20.
(Optional) Prevents directory numbers on the phone to which this
template is applied from transferring calls to patterns specified in
the transfer-pattern (telephony-service) command.
transfer-pattern blocked
transfer-pattern blocked
Step 4
This command is also available in ephone configuration
mode to block external transfers from individual phones
without using a template.
(Optional)Specifiesthe maximum number of digitsthe user can dial
when transferring a call.
transfer max-length digit-length
Router(config-ephone-template)# transfer
max-length 8
Step 5
• digit-length—Number of digits allowed in a number to which
a call is being transferred. Range: 3 to 16. Default: 16.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call Transfer Options for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 6
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 25
Step 7
Step 8 ephone-template template-tag Applies a template to a phone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template
• template-tag—Template number that you want to apply to this
Performs a fast reboot of this phone without contacting the DHCP
server for updated information.
Router(config-ephone)# restart
Step 9
Repeat Step 6 to Step 9 for each phone on which you want to limit
transfer capabilities.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 10
Verify Call Transfer for SCCP Phones
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Transfer method and patterns are listed in the
telephony-service portion of the output. You can also use the show telephony-service command to display thisinformation.
Router# show running-config
fxo hook-flash
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
load 7905 CP7905040000SCCP040701A
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
no service directed-pickup
timeouts ringing 10
voicemail 7189
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh music-on-hold.au
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Verify Call Transfer for SCCP Phones
web admin system name cisco password cisco
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern 92......
transfer-pattern 91..........
transfer-pattern 93......
transfer-pattern 94......
transfer-pattern 95......
transfer-pattern 96......
transfer-pattern 97......
transfer-pattern 98......
transfer-pattern 99......
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jul 13 2004 03:39:28
Step 2 If you have used the transfer-mode command to override the global transfer mode for an individual ephone-dn, use the
show running-config or show telephony-service ephone-dn command to verify that setting.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 40 dual-line
number 451
description Main Number
huntstop channel
no huntstop
transfer-mode blind
Step 3 Use the show telephony-service ephone-template command to view ephone-template configurations.
Specify Transfer Patterns for Trunk-to-Trunk Calls and Conferences for SIP
Call transfer and conference restrictions apply when transfers or conferences are initiated toward external
parties, like a PSTN trunk, a SIP trunk, or an H.323 trunk. The restrictions do not apply to transfers to
local extensions.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.5 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Specify Transfer Patterns for Trunk-to-Trunk Calls and Conferences for SIP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. transfer-pattern transfer-pattern
5. exit
6. Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• voice register template template-tag
• ephone phone tag
• ephone-template template-tag
7. transfer max-length max-length
8. exit
9. telephony-service
10. conference transfer-pattern
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters telephony-service configuration mode for configuring Cisco
Unified CME.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Allowsthe transfer of callsfrom Cisco IPphonesto specified directory
numbers of phones other than Cisco IP phones.
transfer-pattern transfer-pattern
Step 4
• transfer-pattern—String of digits for permitted call transfers.
Wildcards are allowed. A maximum of 32 transfer patterns can
1234...Router(config-telephony)# be entered, using a separate command for each one.
transfer-pattern 2468..
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Specify Transfer Patterns for Trunk-to-Trunk Calls and Conferences for SIP
Command or Action Purpose
Exits telephony-service configuration mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool
configuration for a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone in Cisco Unified CME
or for a set of Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphonesin Cisco UnifiedSIPSRST.
Step 6 Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• voice register template template-tag
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to
• ephone phone tag 100.
• ephone-template template-tag or
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines a
template of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones. Example:
Router(config)# voice register pool 25
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Enters ephone configuration mode.
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthis ephone
during configuration tasks. The maximum number of ephones
is version and platform-specific. Type ? to display range.
Step 7 transfer max-length max-length (Optional) Specifies the maximum length of the transfer number.
Router(config-register-pool)# transfer
max-length 7
• max-length—Maximum length of the transfer number. Range
is 3 to 16.
exit Enters global configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 8
Enters telephony-service configuration mode for configuring Cisco
Unified CME.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 9
Enables a Cisco Unified CME system to apply transfer patterns to a
conference call using conference softkeys or feature buttons.
conference transfer-pattern
Router(config-telephony)# conference
Step 10
Exits telephony-service configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Specify Transfer Patterns for Trunk-to-Trunk Calls and Conferences for SIP
Conference Max-Length
Conference calls are allowed when:
• both conference transfer-pattern and transfer-pattern commands are configured
• dialed digits match the configured transfer pattern
When conference max-length command is configured, the Cisco Unified CME will allow the conferences
only if the dialed digits are within the max-length limit.
If configured, the conference max-length command does not impact call transfers.
If both conference max-length and transfer max-length commands are configured, the conference
max-length command takes precedence for conferences.
Block Trunk-to-Trunk Call Transfers for SIP
To block call transfers to external destinations, perform the following steps.
Call transfer restrictions apply when transfers are initiated toward external parties, like a PSTN trunk, a
SIP trunk, or an H.323 trunk. The restrictions do not apply to transfers to local extensions.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• voice register template template-tag
4. transfer-pattern blocked
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Conference Max-Length
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode and creates a pool
configuration for a Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphone in Cisco Unified CME
or for a set of Cisco UnifiedSIPIPphonesin Cisco UnifiedSIPSRST.
Step 3 Enter one of the following commands:
• voice register pool pool-tag
• voice register template template-tag
• pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range is 1 to
Router(config)# voice register template
Enters voice register template configuration mode and defines a
template of common parameters for Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• template-tag—Declares a template tag. Range is 1 to 10.
Blocks all call transfers for a specific Cisco Unified SIP IP phone or
a set of Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.
transfer-pattern blocked
transfer-pattern blocked
Step 4
Exits voice register template configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# end
Step 5
Enable H.450.12 Capabilities
To enable H.450.12 capabilities globally or by individual dial peer when not all gateway endpoints in your
network support H.450.2 and H.450.3 standards, perform the following steps. H.450.12 capabilities are disabled
by default to minimize the risk of compatibility issues with other types of H.323 systems.Settingsfor individual
dial peers override the global setting.
Restriction Cisco CME 3.0 and earlier versions do not support H.450.12.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.450.12 Capabilities
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. supplementary-service h450.12 [advertise-only]
5. exit
6. dial-peer voice tag voip
7. supplementary-service h450.12
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
(Optional) Enters voice service configuration mode to establish global call
transfer and forwarding parameters.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
(Optional) Enables H.450.12 supplementary services capabilities globally
for VoIP endpoints.
supplementary-service h450.12
Step 4
supplementary-service h450.12
• This command enables call-by-call detection of H.450 capabilities when
some endpoints in your mixed network are H.450-capable and other
endpoints are not. This command is disabled by default.
• advertise-only—(Optional) Advertises H.450 capabilitiesto the remote
end but does not require H.450.12 responses. Use this keyword on
Cisco CME 3.1 or latersystemsif you have a mixed network containing
Cisco CME 3.0 systems.
This command is also used in dial-peer configuration mode to affect an
individual dial peer.
exit (Optional) Exits voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.450.12 Capabilities
Command or Action Purpose
dial-peer voice tag voip (Optional) Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1
Step 6
(Optional) Enables H.450.12 supplementary services capabilities for an
individual dial peer. This command is disabled by default.
supplementary-service h450.12
supplementary-service h450.12
Step 7
This command is also used in voice-service configuration mode to enable
H.450.12 services globally.
• If this command is enabled globally and enabled on a dial peer, the
functionality is enabled for the dial peer.
• If this command is enabled globally and disabled on a dial peer, the
functionality is enabled for the dial peer.
• If this command is disabled globally and enabled on a dial peer, the
functionality is enabled for the dial peer.
• If this command is disabled globally and disabled on a dial peer, the
functionality is disabled for the dial peer. This is the default.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 8
Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities
Vo IP-to-VoIP c onnections permit the termination and reorigination of transferred and forwarded calls over
the VoIPnetwork. VoIP-to-VoIPconnections are used for hairpin call routing and for H.450 tandem gateways.
The only type of VoIP-to-VoIP connection that is supported by Cisco CME 3.1 or a later version is
H.323-to-H.323 connection.
VoIP-to-VoIP connections are disabled on the router by default, and they must be explicitly enabled to make
use of hairpin call routing or an H.450 tandem gateway. In addition, you must configure a mechanism to direct
transferred or forwarded calls to the hairpin or the H.450 tandem gateway, using one of the following methods:
• Enable H.450.12 capabilities globally or on the routes that your transfers and forwards take. See Enable
H.450.12 Capabilities, on page 1196.
• Explicitly disable H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities globally or on the routes that your transfers and
forwards take. See Enable Call Transfer and Forwarding on SCCP Phones at System-Level, on page
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities
Restriction • Codecs on all the VoIP dial peers of the H.450 tandem gateway must be the same.
• Only one codec type issupported in the VoIPnetwork at a time, and there are only two codec choices:
G.711 (A-law or mu-law) or G.729.
• Transcoding is not supported.
• Codec renegotiation is not supported. For example, if an H.323 call that uses a G.729 codec is
received by a Cisco Unified CME system and is forwarded to a voice-mail system that requires a
G.711 codec, the codec cannot be renegotiated from G.729 to G.711.
• H.323-to-SIPhairpin call routing issupported only with Cisco Unity Express.For more information,
see Integrating Cisco CallManager Express with Cisco Unity Express.
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager must use a media termination point (MTP), intercluster
trunk (ICT) mode, and slow start.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. allow-connections h323 to h323
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice service configuration mode to establish global
call transfer and forwarding parameters.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Enables VoIP-to-VoIP call connections. Use the no form of
the command to disable VoIP-to-VoIP connections; this is
the default.
allow-connections h323 to h323
Router(conf-voi-serv)# allow-connections
h323 to h323
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.323-to-H.323 Connection Capabilities
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# end
Step 5
Forward Calls Using Local Hairpin Routing
When Cisco Unified CME is used to forward calls that originate on phones that do not support the H.450.3
standard such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager phones, local hairpin routing must be used to
forward the calls. For calling parties whose numbers match the pattern specified, the system automatically
detects whether H.450.3 is supported and uses the appropriate method to forward calls.
To enable hairpin routing, you must denote the originating and terminating legs of the hairpin. To forward
calls to Cisco Unity Express, connections must be allowed to a SIP trunk.
Optionally, you can disable the use of H.450.3 but this is not required because the system automatically detects
calls on which H.450.3 is not supported and local hairpin routing is required when the calling-party numbers
match the pattern specified.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. call-forward pattern pattern
5. calling-number local
6. exit
7. voice service voip
8. allow connections from-type to to-type
9. supplementary-service h450.3
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Forward Calls Using Local Hairpin Routing
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Specifies the calling-party numbers for which to allow call forwarding
with automatic detection of whether H.450.3 is supported. If H.450.3 is
call-forward pattern pattern
Router(config-telephony)# call-forward
pattern 6000
Step 4
supported, H.450.3 is used for the forward and, if not, local hairpin is
• pattern—Digits to match for call forwarding. A pattern of .T
forwards all calling parties.
(Optional) Replaces a calling-party number and name with the
forwarding-party (local) number and name for hairpin-forwarded calls
calling-number local
calling-number local
Step 5
• Before Cisco CME 3.3, this command must be used with Tool
Command Language (Tcl) script app-h450-transfer. or a
later version. The local-hairpin attribute-value (AV) pair must be
set to 1.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 6
voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 7
Step 8 allow connections from-type to to-type Allows connections between specific types of endpoints in a network.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# allow
connections h323 to sip
• from-type—Originating endpoint type. Valid choices areh323 and
• to-type—Terminating endpoint type. Valid choices are h323 and
(Optional) Enables H.450.3 supplementary services capabilities exchange
globally. Thisisthe default. Use theno form of this command to disable
supplementary-service h450.3
Router(conf-voi-serv)# no
supplementary-service h450.3
Step 9
H.450.3 capabilities globally. This command can also be used in dial-peer
configuration mode to disable H.450.3 functionality for a single dial
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Forward Calls Using Local Hairpin Routing
Command or Action Purpose
If this command is disabled globally and either enabled or
disabled on a dial peer, the functionality is disabled for the dial
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# end
Step 10
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services at System-Level
To enable H.4350.7 capabilities and QSIG supplementary services on all dial peers, perform the following
Restriction • QSIG integration supports SCCP phones only.
• QSIG integration is exclusive; once QSIG integration is configured, QSIG transit node capability is
disabled. There is no dial-peer control to enable either transit or originate/terminate capability on a
call by call basis.
• If you enable QSIG supplementary services at a system-level, you cannot disable the capability on
individual dial peers.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. supplementary-service h450.7
5. qsig decode
6. exit
7. voice service pots
8. supplementary-service qsig call-forward
9. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services at System-Level
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters VoIP voice-service configuration mode to define
global call transfer and forwarding parameters.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Enables H.450.7 supplementary services capabilities
exchange at a system-level.
supplementary-service h450.7
Router(config-voi-serv)# supplementary-service
Step 4
qsig decode Enables decoding for QSIG supplementary services.
Router(config-voi-serv)# qsig decode
Step 5
exit Exits VoIP voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# exit
Step 6
Enters POTS voice-service configuration mode to define
global call transfer and forwarding parameters.
voice service pots
Router(config)# voice service pots
Step 7
Enables QSIG call-forwarding supplementary services
(ISO 13873) to forward calls to another number.
supplementary-service qsig call-forward
Router(config-voi-serv)# supplementary-service
qsig call-forward
Step 8
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# end
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services at System-Level
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services on a Dial Peer
To enable H.4350.7 capabilities and QSIG supplementary services on an individual dial peer, perform the
following steps.
Restriction • QSIG integration supports SCCP phones only.
• QSIG integration is exclusive; once QSIG integration is configured, QSIG transit node capability is
disabled. There is no dial-peer control to enable either transit or originate/terminate capability on a
call by call basis.
• If you enable QSIG supplementary services at a system-level, you cannot enable or disable the
capability on individual dial peers.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. qsig decode
5. exit
6. dial-peer voice tag voip
7. supplementary-service h450.7
8. exit
9. dial-peer voice tag pots
10. supplementary-service qsig call-forward
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services on a Dial Peer
Command or Action Purpose
Enters VoIP voice-service configuration mode to define
global call transfer and forwarding parameters.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
qsig decode Enables decoding for QSIG supplementary services.
Router(config-voi-serv)# qsig decode
Step 4
exit Exits VoIP voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# exit
Step 5
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define parameters
for an individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice tag voip
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1 voip
Step 6
Enables H.450.7 supplementary services capabilities
exchange on a single dial peer.
supplementary-service h450.7
supplementary-service h450.7
Step 7
exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# exit
Step 8
Enters dial-peer configuration mode to define parameters
for an individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice tag pots
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2 pots
Step 9
Enables QSIG call-forwarding supplementary services
(ISO 13873) to forward calls to another number.
supplementary-service qsig call-forward
supplementary-service qsig call-forward
Step 10
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services on a Dial Peer
Disable SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer
To disable REFER messages for call transfers or redirect responses for call forwarding from being sent to the
destination by Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps. You can disable these supplementary features
if the destination gateway does not support them.
Restriction • In Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and 4.3, when the supplementary-service siprefer command is enabled
(default) and both the caller being transferred (transferee) and the phone making the transfer
(transferor) are SIP, but the transfer-to phone is SCCP, Cisco Unified CME hairpins the call to the
transfer-to phone after receiving the REFER request from transferor instead of sending the REFER
request to the transferee.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Enter one of the following commands:
• voice service voip
• dial-peer voice tag voip
4. no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
5. no supplementary-service sip refer
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-service configuration mode to set global
parameters for VoIP features.
Step 3 Enter one of the following commands:
• voice service voip
• dial-peer voice tag voip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Disable SIP Supplementary Services for Call Forward and Call Transfer
Command or Action Purpose
Enters dial peer configuration mode to set parameters for
a specific dial peer.
Router(config)# voice service voip or
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 99 voip
Disables SIP redirect response for call forwarding either
globally or for a dial peer.
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
Router(conf-voi-serv)# no supplementary-service
Step 4
Sending redirect message to the destination is the default
sip moved-temporarily
Router(config-dial-peer)# no supplementary-service
sip moved-temporarily
Disables SIP REFER message for call transfers either
globally or for a dial peer.
no supplementary-service sip refer
Router(conf-voi-serv)# no supplementary-service
sip refer or Router(config-dial-peer)# no
supplementary-service sip refer
Step 5
Sending REFER message to the destination is the default
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# end or
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 6
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
If Cisco CME 3.1 or later and Cisco Unified Communications Manager are used in the same network, some
additional configuration is necessary, as described in the following sections:
• Configure Cisco CME 3.1 or Later to Interwork with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, on page
• Enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Interwork with Cisco Unified CME, on page 1212
• Troubleshooting Call Transfer and Forward Configuration, on page 1212
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Figure 54: Network with Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager, on page 1208
shows a network containing Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager systems.
Figure 54: Network with Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• Cisco Unified CME must be configured to forward calls using local hairpin routing. For configuration
information, see Forward Calls Using Local Hairpin Routing, on page 1200.
Configure Cisco CME 3.1 or Later to Interwork with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
All of the commands in this section are optional because they are set by default to work with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. They are included here only to explain how to implement optional
capabilities or return non default settings to their defaults.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. h323
5. telephony-service ccm-compatible
6. h225 h245-address on-connect
7. exit
8. supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update
9. exit
10. voice class h323 tag
11. telephony-service ccm-compatible
12. h225 h245-address on-connect
13. exit
14. dial-peer voice tag voip
15. supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update
16. voice-class h323 tag
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice service voip Enters voice-service configuration mode to establish global parameters.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
h323 Enters H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-voi-serv)# h323
Step 4
(Optional) Globally enables a Cisco CME 3.1 or later system to detect
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and exchange calls with it. This
is the default configuration.
telephony-service ccm-compatible
telephony-service ccm-compatible
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Command or Action Purpose
• Use the no form of this command to disable
Cisco Unified Communications Manager detection and exchange.
We do not recommend using the no form of the command.
• Using this command in an H.323 voice class definition allows you to
specify this behavior for an individual dial peer.
(Optional) Globally enables a delay for the H.225 message exchange of an
H.245 transport address until a call is connected. The delay allows
h225 h245-address on-connect
Router(conf-serv-h323)# h225
h245-address on-connect
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager to generate local ringback for
calls to Cisco Unified CME phones. This is the default configuration.
• The no form of this command disables the delay. We do not
recommend using the no form of the command.
• Using this command in an H.323 voice class definition allows you to
specify this behavior for an individual dial peer.
exit Exits H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
Router(conf-serv-h323)# exit
Step 7
(Optional) Globally enables H.225 messages with caller-ID updates to be
sent to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. This is the default
supplementary-service h225-notify
supplementary-service h225-notify
Step 8
• The no form of the command disables caller-ID update. We do not
recommend using the no form of the command.
This command is also used in dial-peer configuration mode to affect a single
dial peer.
• If this command is enabled globally and enabled on a dial peer, the
functionality is enabled for that dial peer. This is the default.
• If this command is enabled globally and disabled on a dial peer, the
functionality is disabled for that dial peer.
• If this command is disabled globally and either enabled or disabled
on a dial peer, the functionality is disabled for that dial peer.
exit Exits voice-service configuration mode.
Router(config-voice-service)# exit
Step 9
(Optional) Creates a voice class that contains commands to be applied to
one or more dial peers.
voice class h323 tag
Router(config)# voice class h323 48
Step 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enables the dial peer to exchange calls with a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager system when this voice class is
applied to a dial peer. This is the default configuration.
telephony-service ccm-compatible
telephony-service ccm-compatible
Step 11
• The no form of the command disables call exchange with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. We do not recommend
using the no form of the command.
(Optional) Enables the calls that use this dial peer to delay the exchange
of H.225 messages that contain the H.245 transport address until calls are
h225 h245-address on-connect
Router(config-voice-class)# h225
h245-address on-connect
Step 12
connected, when this voice class is applied to a dial peer. The delay allows
the playing of local ringback for calls from
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Thisisthe default configuration.
• The no form of this command disables the delay. We do not
recommend using the no form of the command.
exit Exits voice-class configuration mode.
Router(config-voice-class)# exit
Step 13
(Optional) Enters dial-peer configuration mode to set parameters for an
individual dial peer.
dial-peer voice tag voip
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 28
Step 14
(Optional) Enables H.225 messages with caller-ID updates to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager for a specific dial peer. This is
the default configuration.
supplementary-service h225-notify
Router(config-dial-peer)# no
supplementary-service h225-notify
Step 15
• The no form of the command disables caller-ID updates. We do not
recommend using the no form of the command.
(Optional) Applies the previously defined voice class with the specified
tag number to this dial peer.
voice-class h323 tag
voice-class h323 48
Step 16
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 17
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
What to Do Next
Set up Cisco Unified Communications Manager using the configuration procedure in the Enable
Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Interwork with Cisco Unified CME, on page 1212.
Enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Interwork with Cisco Unified CME
To enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager to interwork with Cisco CME 3.1 or a later version,
perform the following steps in addition to the normal Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration.
Step 1 Set Cisco Unified Communications Manager service parameters. From Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration, choose Service Parameters. Choose the Cisco Unified Communications Manager service, and make the
following settings:
• Set the H323 FastStart Inbound service parameter to False.
• Set the Send H225 User Info Message service parameter to H225 Info for Ring Back.
Step 2 Configure Cisco Unified CME as an ICT in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager network.For information about
different intercluster trunk types and configuration instructions, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Step 3 Ensure that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager network uses an MTP. The MTP is required to provide DSP
resources for transcoding and for sending and receiving G.729 calls to Cisco Unified CME. All media streams between
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified CME must pass through the MTP because Cisco CME 3.1
does not support transcoding. For more information, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation.
Step 4 Set up dial peers to establish routing using the instructions in the Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers
Troubleshooting Call Transfer and Forward Configuration
Step 1 If you encounter lack of ringback on direct calls from a Cisco Unified Communications Manager phone to an IP phone
on a Cisco Unified CME system, check the show running-config command output to ensure that the following two
commands do not appear: no h225 h245-address on-connect and no telephony-service ccm-compatible. These
commands should be enabled, which is their default state.
Step 2 Use the debug h225 asn1 command to display the H.323 messages that are sent from the Cisco Unified CME system
to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system to see if the H.245 address is being sent too early.
Step 3 For calls that are routed using VoIP-to-VoIP connections, use the show voip rtp connections detail command to display
the call identification number, IP addresses, and port numbers involved for all VoIP call legs. This command includes
VoIP-to-POTS and VoIP-to-VoIP call legs. The following is sample output for this command:
Router# show voip rtp connections detail
VoIP RTP active connections :
No. CallId dstCallId LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP
1 7 8 16586 22346
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Enable Interworking with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
2 8 7 17010 16590
Found 2 active RTP connections
Step 4 Use the show call prompt-mem-usage detail command to see information on ringback tone generation that uses the
interactive voice response (IVR) prompt playback mechanism. This ringback is needed for hairpin transfers that are
committed during the alerting-of-the-transfer-destination phase of the call and for calls to destinations that do not provide
in-band ringback tone, such as IP phones (FXS analog ports do provide in-band ringback tone). Ringback tone is played
to the transferred party by the Cisco Unified CME system that performsthe transfer (the system attached to the transferring
party). The system automatically generates tone prompts as needed based on the network-locale setting for the
Cisco Unified CME system.
If you are not getting ringback tone when you should, use the show call prompt-mem-usage command to ensure that
the correct prompt is loaded and playing. The following sample output indicates that a prompt is playing (“Number of
prompts playing”) and indicates the country code used for the prompt (GB for Great Britain) and the codec.
Router# show call prompt-mem-usage detail
Prompt memory usage:
config'd wait active free mc total ms total
file(s) 0200 0001 -001 00200 00001 00002
memory 02097152 00003000 00000000 02094152 00003000
Prompt load counts: (counters reset 0)
success 0(1st try) 0(2nd try), failure 0
Other mem block usage:
mcDynamic mcReader
gauge 00001 00001
Number of prompts playing: 1
Number of start delays : 0
MCs in the ivr MC sharing table
Media Content: NoPrompt (0x83C64554)
cid=0, status=MC_READY size=24184 coding=g711ulaw refCount=0
Media Content: tone://GB_g729_tone_ringback (0x83266EC8)
URL: tone://GB_g729_tone_ringback
Configure SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding
To configureSIP-to-SIPcall forwarding using a back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) which allows call forwarding
on any dial peer, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding
Restriction • SIP-to-SIP call forwarding is invoked only if that phone is dialed directly. Call forwarding is not
invoked when the phone number is called through a sequential, longest-idle, or peer hunt group.
• If call forwarding is configured for a hunt group member, call forward is ignored by the hunt group.
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, CallForward All requiresSIPphones to be configured
with a directory number (using dn keyword in number command); direct line numbers are not
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Connections between specific types of endpoints in a Cisco IP-to-IP gateway must be configured by
using the allow-connections command. For configuration information, see Enable Calls in Your VoIP
Network, on page 125.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. call-forward b2bua all directory- number
5. call-forward b2bua busy directory- number
6. call-forward b2bua mailbox directory- number
7. call-forward b2bua night-service directory- number
8. call-forward b2bua noan directory- number timeout seconds
9. call-forward b2bua unreachable directory- number
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn mode to define a directory number for a SIP
phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding
Command or Action Purpose
Enables call forwarding for a SIP back-to-back user agent so that all
incoming calls will be forwarded to the designated directory-number.
call-forward b2bua all directory- number
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua all 5005
Step 4
• In Cisco CME 3.4 and Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this command is
also available in voice register pool configuration mode. The
configuration under voice register dn takes precedence over the
configuration under voice register pool.
• If the call-forward b2bua all command is configured in voice
register pool configuration mode, it applies to all directory numbers
on the phone.
Enables call forwarding for aSIPback-to-back user agentso that incoming
calls to an extension that is busy will be forwarded to the designated
directory number.
call-forward b2bua busy directory- number
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua busy 5006
Step 5
• In Cisco CME 3.4 and Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this command is
also available in voice register pool configuration mode. The
configuration under voice register dn takes precedence over the
configuration under voice register pool.
Enables call forwarding for aSIPback-to-back user agentso that incoming
calls that have been forwarded to a busy or no-answer extension will be
forwarded to the recipient’s voice mail.
call-forwardb2bua mailbox directory- number
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua mailbox 5007
Step 6
• In Cisco CME 3.4 and Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this command is
also available in voice register pool configuration mode. The
configuration under voice register dn takes precedence over the
configuration under voice register pool.
Enables call forwarding for aSIPback-to-back user agentso that incoming
calls that have been forwarded to a busy or no-answer extension will be
forwarded to the recipient’s voice mail.
call-forward b2bua night-service directorynumber
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua night-service 5007
Step 7
• In Cisco CME 3.4 and Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this command is
also available in voice register pool configuration mode. The
configuration under voice register dn takes precedence over the
configuration under voice register pool.
Enables call forwarding for aSIPback-to-back user agentso that incoming
calls to an extension that does not answer will be forwarded to the
designated directory number.
call-forward b2bua noan directory- number
timeout seconds
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua noan 5010 timeout 10 or
call-forward b2bua noan 5010 timeout 10
Step 8
• In Cisco CME 3.4 and Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this command is
also available in voice register pool configuration mode. The
configuration under voice register dn takes precedence over the
configuration under voice register pool.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure SIP-to-SIP Phone Call Forwarding
Command or Action Purpose
• timeoutseconds—Duration that a call can ring before it isforwarded
to the destination directory number. Range: 3 to 60000. Default:
(Optional) Enables call forwarding for a SIP back-to-back user agent so
that calls can be forwarded to a phone that has not registered in
Cisco Unified CME.
call-forward b2bua unreachable directorynumber
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward
b2bua unreachable 5009 or
Step 9
• Target directory-number must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
• In Cisco CME 3.4 and Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this command is
also available in voice register pool configuration mode. The
call-forward b2bua unreachable 5009
configuration under voice register dn takes precedence over the
configuration under voice register pool.
• This command was removed in Cisco Unified CME 4.1.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 10
Configure Call Forward Unregistered for SIP IP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn tag
4. call-forward b2bua unregistered directory-number
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call Forward Unregistered for SIP IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn mode to define a directory number
for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
voice register dn tag
Router(config)#voice register dn 20
Step 3
Enables call forwarding for aSIPback-to-back user agent so
that all incoming calls are forwarded to the unregistered
call-forward b2bua unregistered directory-number
Router(config-register-dn)#call-forward b2bua
unregistered 2345
Step 4
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Troubleshooting Tips for Call Forward Unregistered
• Use the show dial-peer voice summary command to check whether a CFU dial peer is created or
• Enabledebvoice reg event,debvoice reg state, anddebvoice reg error commandsto trace the creation
and deletion of the CFU dial peer.
• Enable deb voice reg event, deb voip ccapi inout, deb voip app callsetup, deb voip app core, deb
voip app state, and deb voip app error commands to trace the call flow for CFU.
Configure Keepalive Timer Expiration in SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. sip
5. registrar server [expires [max seconds] [min seconds]]
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Keepalive Timer Expiration in SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-service configuration mode and specifies
voice-over-IP encapsulation.
voice service voip
Router(conf)# voice service voip
Step 3
sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(conf-serv)# sip
Step 4
registrar server [expires [max seconds] [min Enables SIP registrar functionality in Cisco Unified CME.
Step 5
• expires—(Optional) Sets the active time for an incoming
Router(conf-serv-sip)# registrar server
expires max 250 min 75
• max sec—(Optional) Maximum time for a registration to
expire, in seconds. Range: 120 to 86400.
• min sec—(Optional) Minimum time for a registration to
expire, in seconds.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router (conf-serv-sip)# end
Step 6
Configure Call-Forwarding-All Softkey URI on SIP Phones
To specify the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the call forward all (CfwdAll) softkey on supported
SIPphones, perform the following steps. This URI and the call forward number is sent to Cisco Unified CME
when a user enables Call Forward All on a SIP phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call-Forwarding-All Softkey URI on SIP Phones
Restriction • This feature is supported only on Cisco Unified IPPhone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE,
7970G, and 7971GE.
• If a user enables Call Forward All using the CfwdAll softkey, it is enabled on the primary line.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• The mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
• Call Forward All must be enabled on the directory number. For information, see Configure SIP-to-SIP
Phone Call Forwarding, on page 1213.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. call-feature-uri cfwdall service-uri
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set global
parameters for all supported SIP phones in a
Cisco Unified CME environment.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Specifies the URI for soft keys on SIP phones connected
to a Cisco Unified CME router.
call-feature-uri cfwdall service-uri
call-feature-uri cfwdall
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call-Forwarding-All Softkey URI on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Specify Number of 3XX Responses To be Handled on SIP Phones
To specify how many subsequent 3XX responses an originating SIP phone can handle for a single call when
the terminating side is a forwarding party which does not use B2BUA, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• The mode cme command must be enabled
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. phone-redirect-limit number
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set
parameters for all supported SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Specify Number of 3XX Responses To be Handled on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Changes the default number of 3XX responses a SIP phone
that originates a call can handle for a single call.
phone-redirect-limit number
phone-redirect-limit 8
Step 4
• Default: 5
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
Configure Call Transfer on SIP Phones
To create and apply a template to enable call transfer softkeys on an individual SIP phone in
Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Blind transfer is not supported on certain phones such as Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G,
7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, or 7971GE.
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.1, the soft key display can be customized only for certain IP phones, such
as Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE. For
configuration information, see Modify Softkey Display on SIP Phone, on page 942.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. transfer-attended
5. transfer-blind
6. exit
7. voice register pool pool-tag
8. template template-tag
9. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call Transfer on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to define a
template of common parameters for SIP phones in
Cisco Unified CME.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 1
Step 3
• Range: 1 to 5
Enable a soft key for attended transfer on any supported SIP
phone that uses a template in which this command is configure.
Step 4
Enable a soft key for blind transfer on any supportedSIPphone
that uses a template in which this command is configure.
Step 5
Exits configuration mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-template)# exit
Step 6
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for SIP phones.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 7
Applies a template created with the voice register template
template template-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# voice register
pool 1
Step 8
• template-tag—Range: 1 to 5
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 9
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configure Call Transfer on SIP Phones
Configuration Examples for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Example for Configuring H.450.2 and H.450.3 Support
The following example sets all transfers and forwards that are initiated by a Cisco CME 3.0 or later system
to use the H.450 standards, globally enables H.450.2 and H.450.3 capabilities, and disables those capabilities
for dial peer 37. The supplementary-service commands under voice-service configuration mode are not
necessary because these values are the default, but they are shown here for illustration.
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
call-forward pattern .T
voice service voip
supplementary-service h450.2
supplementary-service h450.3
dial-peer voice 37 voip
destination-pattern 555....
session target ipv4:
no supplementary-service h450.2
no supplementary-service h450.3
Example for Configuring Basic Call Forwarding
The following example sets up forwarding for extension 2777 to extension 2513 on all calls, busy, and no
answer. During night service hours, calls are forwarded to a different number, extension 2879.
ephone-dn 20
number 2777
call-forward all 2513
call-forward busy 2513
call-forward noan 2513 timeout 45
call-forward night-service 2879
Example for Configuring Call Forwarding Blocked for Local Calls
In the following example, extension 2555 is configured to not forward local calls that are internal to the
Cisco Unified CME system. Extension 2222 dials extension 2555. If 2555 is busy, the caller hears a busy
tone. If 2555 does not answer, the caller hears ringback. The internal call is not forwarded.
ephone-dn 25
number 2555
no forward local-calls
call-forward busy 2244
call-forward noan 2244 timeout 45
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Configuration Examples for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Example for Configuring Transfer Patterns
The following example shows how to configure transfer patterns beginning with 1234:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-pattern 1234
Example for Configuring Maximum Length of Transfer Number
The following example shows how to configure the maximum length of the transfer number under voice
register pool 1. Because the maximum length is configured as 5, only call transfers to Cisco Unified SIP IP
phones with a five-digit directory number are allowed. All call transfers to directory numbers with more than
five digits are blocked.
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)# transfer max-length 5
The following example shows how to configure the maximum length of the transfer number for a set of phones
under voice register template 2:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# voice register template 2
Router(config-register-temp)# transfer max-length 10
Example for Configuring Conference Transfer Patterns
The following example configures transfer patterns that allow conference calls:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-pattern 1357
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-pattern 222....
Router(config-telephony)# conference transfer-pattern
Example for Blocking All Call Transfers
The following example shows how to block all call transfers for voice register pool 5:
Router(config)# voice register pool 5
Router(config-register-pool)# transfer-pattern ?
blocked global transfer pattern not allowed
Router(config-register-pool)# transfer-pattern blocked
The following example shows how to block all call transfers for a set of Cisco Unified SIP IP phones defined
by voice register template 9:
Router(config)# voice register template 9
Router(config-register-temp)# transfer-pattern ?
blocked global transfer pattern not allowed
Router(config-register-temp)# transfer-pattern blocked
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Transfer Patterns
Example for Configuring Selective Call Forwarding
The following example sets call forwarding on busy and no answer for ephone-dn 38 only for its primary
number, 2777. Callers who dial 2778 will hear a busy signal if the ephone-dn is busy or ringback if there is
no answer.
ephone-dn 38
number 2777 secondary 2778
call-forward busy 3000 primary
call-forward noan 3000 primary timeout 45
Example for Configuring Call Transfer
The following example limits transfers from ephone 6, extension 2977, to numbers containing a maximum
of 8 digits.
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
load 7905 CP7905040000SCCP040701A
load 7912 CP7912040000SCCP040701A
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
system message XYZ Inc.
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jul 13 2004 03:39:28
voicemail 7189
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh music-on-hold.au
web admin system name admin1 password admin1
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern 91..........
transfer-pattern 92......
transfer-pattern 93......
transfer-pattern 94......
transfer-pattern 95......
transfer-pattern 96......
transfer-pattern 97......
transfer-pattern 98......
transfer-pattern 99......
secondary-dialtone 9
fac standard
ephone-template 2
transfer max-length 8
ephone-dn 4
number 2977
ephone 6
button 1:4
ephone-template 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Selective Call Forwarding
Example for Configuring Call Transfer Recall for SCCP Phones
The following example shows that transfer recall is enabled globally. After 60 seconds an unanswered call is
forwarded back to the phone that initiated the transfer (transferor).
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
timeouts transfer-recall 60
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
The following example shows that transfer recall is enabled for extension 1030 (ephone-dn 103), which is
assigned to ephone 3. If extension 1030 forwards a call and the transfer-to party does not answer, after 60
secondsthe unanswered call issent back to extension 1030 (transferor). The timeoutstransfer-recall command
can also be set in an ephone-dn template and applied to one or more directory numbers.
ephone-dn 103
number 1030
name Smith, John
timeouts transfer-recall 60
ephone 3
mac-address 002D.264E.54FA
type 7962
button 1:103
Example for Configuring Call-Transfer Recall for SIP Phones
The following example shows that transfer recall is enabled globally. After 20 seconds, an unanswered call
is forwarded back to the phone that initiated the transfer (transferor).
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
timeouts transfer-recall 20
max-dn 100
max-pool 100
tftp-path flash:
create profile sync 0342574150542703
keepalive 140
The following example showsthat transfer recall is enabled for extension 111 (voice register dn 1). If extension
111 forwards a call to voice register dn 2 and the transfer-to party does not answer, after 20 seconds the
unanswered call is sent back to extension 1111 (transferor).
voice register dn 1
timeouts transfer-recall 20
number 111
voice register dn 2
number 222
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Call Transfer Recall for SCCP Phones
Example for Enabling H.450.12 Capabilities
The following example globally disables H.450.12 capabilities and then enables them only on dial peer 24.
voice service voip
no supplementary-service h450.12
dial-peer voice 24 voip
destination-pattern 555....
session target ipv4:
supplementary-service h450.12
Example for Enabling H.450.7 and QSIG Supplementary Services
The following example implements QSIG supplementary services on extension 74367 and globally enables
H.450.7 supplementary services and QSIG call-forwarding supplementary services.
voicemail 74398
transfer-system full-consult
ephone-dn 25
number 74367
mwi qsig
call-forward all 74000
voice service voip
supplementary-service h450.7
voice service pots
supplementary-service qsig call-forward
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Enabling H.450.12 Capabilities
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager in Same Network
The following example shows a running configuration for a Cisco CME 3.1 or later router that has a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager in its network.
Router# show running-config
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
enable password pswd
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
no ip subnet-zero
ip dhcp pool phone1
client-identifier 0100.07eb.4629.9e
option 150 ip
ip dhcp pool phone2
client-identifier 0100.0b5f.f932.58
option 150 ip
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
no mpls ldp logging neighbor-changes
no ftp-server write-enable
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
no voice hpi capture buffer
no voice hpi capture destination
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
ip classless
ip route
ip route
ip http server
tftp-server flash:P00303020700.bin
voice-port 1/0/0
voice-port 1/0/1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager in Same Network
dial-peer cor custom
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
description points-to-CCM
destination-pattern 1.T
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 1002 voip
description points to router
destination-pattern 4...
voice-class codec 1
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 1 pots
destination-pattern 3000
port 1/0/0
dial-peer voice 1003 voip
destination-pattern 26..
session target ipv4:
load 7960-7940 P00303020700
max-ephones 48
max-dn 15
ip source-address port 2000
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
keepalive 10
max-conferences 4
moh minuet.au
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern ....
ephone-dn 1
number 3001
name abcde-1
call-forward busy 4001
ephone-dn 2
number 3002
name abcde-2
ephone-dn 3
number 3003
name abcde-3
ephone-dn 4
number 3004
name abcde-4
ephone 1
mac-address 0003.EB27.289E
button 1:1 2:2
ephone 2
mac-address 000D.39F9.3A58
button 1:3 2:4
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password pswd
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager in Same Network
Example for Configuring H.450 Tandem Gateway Working with
Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified Communications Manager
The following example shows a sample configuration for a Cisco CME 3.1 or later system that is linked to
an H.450 tandem gateway that serves as a proxy for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1938 bytes
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
enable password pswd
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common
no ip subnet-zero
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
no ftp-server write-enable
no scripting tcl init
no scripting tcl encdir
voice call send-alert
voice service voip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring H.450 Tandem Gateway Working with Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
allow-connections h323 to h323
supplementary-service h450.12
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g729r8
codec preference 3 g729br8
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip h323-id host24
ip classless
ip route
ip route
ip http server
dial-peer cor custom
dial-peer voice 1001 voip
description points-to-CCM
destination-pattern 4...
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 1002 voip
description points to CCME1
destination-pattern 28..
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 1003 voip
description points to CCME3
destination-pattern 9...
session target ipv4:
dial-peer voice 1004 voip
description points to CCME2
destination-pattern 29..
session target ipv4:
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password pswd
Example for Configuring Call Forward to Cisco Unity Express
The following example enables the ability to forward calls that originate from
Cisco Unified Communications Manager phones and are routed through a Cisco Unified CME system to a
Cisco Unity Express extension. Call forwarding is enabled for all calling parties, H.450.3 is disabled, and
connections are allowed to SIP endpoints.
call-forward pattern .T
voice service voip
no supplementary-service h450.3
allow connections from h323 to sip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Call Forward to Cisco Unity Express
Example for Configuring Call Forward Unregistered for SIP IP Phones
The following example shows CFU configured for voice register dn 20:
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
registrar server expires max 250 min 75
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
bandwidth video tias-modifier 256 negotiate end-to-end
max-dn 200
max-pool 42
url directory
create profile sync 0004625832149157
voice register dn 20
number 10
call-forward b2bua unregistered 2345
voice register pool 1
number 1 dn 20
id mac 1111.1111.1111
voice register pool 2
id mac 0009.A3D4.1234
Example for Configuring Keepalive Timer Expiration in SIP Phones
The following example shows the minimum and maximum registrar server expiration time for SIP phones:
Router#show run
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
registrar server expires max 250 min 75
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
bandwidth video tias-modifier 256 negotiate end-to-end
max-dn 200
Where to Go Next
If you are finished modifying the configuration, generate a new configuration file and restart the phones. See
Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Example for Configuring Call Forward Unregistered for SIP IP Phones
To block the function of the call-forward-all or transfersoftkey without removing the key display or to remove
the softkey from one or more phones, see Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Feature Access Codes (FACs)
Phone users can activate and deactivate a phone’s call-forward-all setting by using a feature access code (FAC)
instead of a soft key on the phone ifstandard or custom FACs have been enabled for yoursystem. The following
are the standard FACs for call forward all:
• callfwd all—Call forward all calls. Standard FAC is **1 plus an optional target extension.
• callfwd cancel—Cancel call forward all calls. Standard FAC is **2.
For more information about FACs, see Feature Access Codes, on page 757.
Night Service
Calls can be automatically forwarded during nightservice hours, but you must define the night-service periods,
which are the dates or days and hours during which night service will be active. For instance, you may want
to designate night service periods that include every weeknight between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. and all day every
Saturday and Sunday. For more information, see Configure Call Coverage Features, on page 1278.
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 101: Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Introduced support to configure
Calling Number Local feature for
Voice Register DNs.
Calling Number Local 12.0
Call Transfer Recall feature returns
a transferred call to the phone that
initiated the transfer if the
destination is busy or does not
Call Transfer Recall onSIPPhones 11.6
Introduced support Trunk-to-Trunk
Transfer Blocking for Toll Fraud
Prevention on Cisco Unified SIP
IP Phones.
Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Blocking 9.5
for TollFraudPrevention on Cisco
Unified SIP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
• Call Forward All
synchronization between
Cisco Unified CME and SIP
phones was added.
• DisablingSIPsupplementary
services for call forward and
call transfer was added.
Call Forwarding 4.1
• Automatic call forwarding
during night service was
• Selective call forwarding was
• Forwarding of local (internal)
calls can be blocked.
• H.450.7 standards support
and QSIG supplementary
services capability was
Calls into a SIP device can be
forwarded to other SIP or SCCP
devices including Cisco Unity,
third- party voice mail systems, or
an auto-attendant (AA) or other
interactive voice response (IVR)
devices. SCCP devices may also
be forwarded to SIP devices.
• Number of digits that can be
entered using the CfwdALL
(call-forward all)soft key can
be limited.
• H.450.12 standards support,
which provide dynamic
detection of H.450.2 and
H.450.3 capabilities on a
call-by-call basis, was
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
• CFwdALL soft key was
• Local hairpin call routing was
supported as an option for
networks that cannot support
H.450 call transfer and
forwarding. This feature
requires installation of the
Tcl script
or a later version.
Call forwarding using the H.450.3
standard was introduced.
Call forwarding for all calls, busy
conditions, and no-answer
conditions was introduced, using a
Cisco-proprietary method.
The Call Forward Unregistered
(CFU) feature was introduced for
SIP phones.
Call Forward Unregistered 8.6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
• Call-Transfer Recall was
• Consultative Call Transfer
digit-collection process was
Call Transfer 4.3
• DisablingSIPsupplementary
services for call transfer and
call forward was added.
• Default for the
transfer-system command
was changed from the blind
keyword to the full-consult
• Transfers to phones outside
the Cisco Unified CME
system can be blocked for
individual ephones.
• Number of digits in transfer
destination numbers can be
Support for attended and blind
transfer s using SIP IP phone
directly connected to Cisco CME.
• Consultative transfer to
monitored lines using direct
station select wasintroduced.
• Transcoding between G.711
and G.729 issupported when
one leg of a Voice over IP
(VoIP)-to-VoIP hairpin call
uses G.711 and the other leg
uses G.729.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Support was introduced for the
• Enhancements for VoIP
networks which contain a
mix of platformsthatsupport
H.450.2 and H.450.3
standards, such as
Cisco CME 3.1,
Cisco CME 3.0, Cisco ITS
V2.1, and platforms that do
not support H.450.2 and
H.450.3 standards, such as
Cisco BTSSoftswitch (BTS),
and Cisco PSTN Gateway
• H.450.12 standards, which
provide dynamic detection of
H.450.2 and H.450.3
capabilities on a call-by-call
• Automatic detection of
Manager endpoints.
• Hairpin VoIP-to-VoIP call
routing and routing to an
H.450 tandem gateway.
• Hairpin call routing does not
require a Tcl script.
Local hairpin call routing was
supported as an option for networks
that cannot support H.450 call
transfer and forwarding. This
feature requires installation of the
Tcl script
app_h450_transfer. or a
later version.
Consultative transfer using the
ITU-T H.450.2 standard was
Call transfer was introduced, using
a Cisco proprietary method.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Transfer and Forward
Feature Information for Call Transfer and Forwarding
Call Coverage Features
• Information About Call Coverage Features, page 1239
• Configure Call Coverage Features, page 1278
• Configuration Examples for Call Coverage Features, page 1333
• Where to Go Next, page 1352
• Feature Information for Call Coverage Features, page 1354
Information About Call Coverage Features
Call Coverage Summary
Call coverage features are used to ensure that all incoming calls to Cisco Unified CME are answered by
someone, regardless of whether the called number is busy or does not answer.
Some single-dialed-number call coverage features, such as hunt groups, can send incoming calls to a single
extension to a pool of phone agents, while other features, such as call hunt, call waiting, and call forwarding
increase the chance of a call being answered by giving it another chance for a connection if the dialed number
is not available.
Multiple-dialed-number call coverage features, such as call pickup, night service, and overlaid directory
numbers, provide different ways for one person to answer incoming calls to multiple numbers.
Any of the call coverage features can be combined with other call coverage features and with shared lines
and secondary numbers to design the call coverage plan that is best suited to your needs.
Table 102: Call Coverage Feature Summary, on page 1240 summarizes call coverage features.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Table 102: Call Coverage Feature Summary
Feature Description Example How Configured
Enable Call Forwarding
for a Directory Number,
on page 1185
Configure SIP-to-SIP
Phone Call Forwarding,
on page 1213
Extension 3444 is
configured to send calls
to extension 3555 when it
is busy or does not
Calls are automatically
diverted to a designated
number on busy, no
answer, all calls, or only
during night-service
Call Forwarding
Configure Call Hunt on
SCCP Phones, on page
Configure Call Hunt on
SIPPhones, on page 1281
Three ephone-dns have
the same extension
number, 755. One is on
the manager’s phone and
the others are on the
assistants’ phones.
Preference and huntstop
are used to make sure that
calls always come to the
manager’s phone first but
if they can’t be answered,
they will ring on the first
assistant’s phone and if
not answered, on the
second assistant’s phone.
System automatically
searches for an available
directory number from a
matching group of
directory numbers until
the call is answered or the
hunt is stopped.
Call Hunt
Enable Call Pickup, on
page 1282
Extension 201 and 202
are both in pickup group
22. A call is received by
201, but no one isthere to
answer. The agent at 202
presses the GPickUp soft
key to answer the call.
Calls to unstaffed phones
can be answered by other
phone users using a soft
key or by dialing a short
Call Pickup
Configure Call-Waiting
Indicator Tone on SCCP
Phone, on page 1285
Enable Call Waiting on
SIPPhones, on page 1290
Extension 564 is in
conversation when a
call-waiting beep is heard.
The phone display shows
the call is from extension
568 and the phone user
decides to let the call go
to voice mail.
Callsto busy numbers are
presented to phone users,
giving them the option to
answer them or let them
be forwarded.
Call Waiting
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Coverage Summary
Feature Description Example How Configured
See Cisco Unified CME
B-ACD and Tcl
The DID number
555-0125 is the pilot
number for the XYZ
Company. Incoming calls
to this pilot number hear
a menu of choices; they
can press 1 for sales, 2 for
service, or 3 to leave a
message. The call is
forwarded appropriately
when callers make a
Calls to a pilot number
are automatically
answered by an
interactive application
that presents callers with
a menu of choices before
sending them to a queue
for a hunt group.
Configure Ephone-Hunt
Groups onSCCPPhones,
on page 1291
Configure Voice-Hunt
Groups, on page 1301
Extension 200 is a pilot
number for the sales
department. Extensions
213, 214, and 215 belong
to sales agents in the hunt
group. When a call to
extension 200 isreceived,
it proceeds through the
list of agents until one
answers. If all the agents
are busy or do not answer,
the call is sent to voice
Calls are forwarded
through a pool of agents
until answered or sent to
a final number.
Hunt Groups
Configure Night Service
on SCCP Phones, on
page 1315
Configure Night Service
on SIP Phones, on page
Extension 7544 is the
cashier’s desk but the
cashier only works until
3 p.m. A call is received
at 4:30 p.m. and the
service manager’s phone
is notified. The service
manager uses call pickup
to answer the call.
Calls to ephone-dns and
voice register dns that are
not staffed during certain
hours can be answered by
other phones using call
Night Service
Configure Overlaid
Ephone-dns on SCCP
Phones, on page 1326.
Extensions 451, 452, and
453 all appear on button
1 of a phone. A call to
any of these numbers can
be answered from button
Calls to several numbers
can be answered by a
single agent or multiple
Overlaid Ephone-dns
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Coverage Summary
Out-of- Dialog REFER
Out-of-dialog REFER (OOD-R) allows remote applications to establish calls by sending a REFER message
to Cisco Unified CME without an initial INVITE. After the REFER is sent, the remainder of the call setup is
independent of the application and the media stream does not flow through the application. The application
using OOD-R triggers a call setup request that specifies the Referee address in the Request-URI and the
Refer-Target in the Refer-To header. The SIP messaging used to communicate with Cisco Unified CME is
independent of the end-user device protocol which can be SIP, SCCP, H.323, or POTS. Click-to-dial is an
example of an application that can be created using OOD-R.
A click-to-dial application allows users to combine multiple steps into one click for a call setup. For example,
a user can click a web-based directory application from their PC to look up a telephone number, off-hook
their desktop phone, and dial the called number. The application initiatesthe callsetup without the user having
to out-dial from their own phone. The directory application sends a REFER message to Cisco Unified CME
which sets up the call between both parties based on this REFER.
Figure 55: Click-to-Dial Application using Out-of-Dialog REFER, on page 1242 shows an example of OOD-R
being used by a click-to-dial application. In thisscenario, the following events occur (refer to the event numbers
in the illustration):
1 Remote user clicks to dial.
2 Application sends out-of-dialog REFER to Cisco Unified CME 1.
3 Cisco Unified CME 1 connects to SIP phone 1 (Referee).
4 Cisco Unified CME 1 sends INVITE to Cisco Unified CME 2.
5 Cisco Unified CME 2 sends INVITE to SIP phone 2 (Refer-Target) and the call is accepted.
6 Voice path is created between the two SIP phones.
Figure 55: Click-to-Dial Application using Out-of-Dialog REFER
The initial OOD-R request can be authenticated and authorized using RFC 2617-based digest authentication.
To support authentication, Cisco Unified CME retrieves the credential information from a text file stored in
flash. This mechanism is used by Cisco Unified CME in addition to phone-based credentials. The same
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Out-of- Dialog REFER
credential file can be shared by otherservicesthat require request-based authentication and authorization such
as presence service. Up to five credential files can be configured and loaded into the system. The contents of
these five files are mutually exclusive, meaning the username and password pairs must be unique across all
the files. The username and password pairs must also be different than those configured for SCCP or SIP
phones in a Cisco Unified CME system.
For configuration information, see Enable Out-Of-Dialog REFER, on page 1330.
Call Hunt
Call hunt allows you to use multiple directory numbers to provide coverage for a single called number. You
do this by assigning the same number to several primary or secondary ephone-dns or by using wildcards in
the number associated with the directory numbers.
Calls are routed based on a match between the number dialed and the destination patterns that are associated
with dial peers. Through the use of wildcardsin destination patterns, multiple dial peers can match a particular
called number. Call hunt is the ability to search through the dial peers that match the called number until the
call is answered. Call hunt uses a technique called preference to control the order in which dial peers are
matched to an incoming call and a technique called huntstop to determine when the search for another matching
peer ends.
In Cisco Unified CME, incoming calls search through the virtual dial peers that are automatically created
when you define directory numbers. These virtual dial peers are not directly configurable; you must configure
the directory number to control call hunt for virtual dial peers.
Channel huntstop is used to stop the search for the two channels of a dual-line directory number. Channel
huntstop keeps incoming calls from hunting to the second channel if the first channel is busy or does not
answer. This keeps the second channel free for call transfer, call waiting, or three-way conferencing.
Huntstop prevents hunt-on-busy from redirecting a call from a busy phone into a dial peer that has been setup
with a catch-all default destination.
For configuration information,see Configure Call Hunt onSCCPPhones, on page 1278 or Configure Call Hunt
on SIP Phones, on page 1281.
Call Pickup
Call Pickup allows a phone user to answer a call that is ringing on another phone. Cisco Unified CME 7.1
introduces Call Pickup features for SIP phones. SCCP phones support three types of Call Pickup:
• Directed CallPickup—Call pickup, explicit ringing extension. Any local phone user can pick up a ringing
call on another phone by pressing a soft key and then dialing the extension. A phone user does not need
to belong to a pickup group to use this method. The soft key that the user presses, either GPickUp or
PickUp, depends on your configuration.
• GroupPickup, Different Group—Call pickup, explicit group ringing extension. A phone user can answer
a ringing phone in any pickup group by pressing the GPickUp soft key and then dialing the pickup group
number. If there is only one pickup group defined in the Cisco Unified CME system, the phone user can
pick up the call simply by pressing the GPickUp soft key. A phone user does not need to belong to a
pickup group to use this method.
• Local Group Pickup—Call pickup, local group ringing extension. A phone user can pick up a ringing
call on another phone by pressing a soft key and then the asterisk (*) if both phones are in the same
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Hunt
pickup group. The soft key that the user presses, either GPickUp or PickUp, depends on your
Note SIP phones only support local pickup and group pickup. Directed call pickup is not supported.
The specific soft keys used to access different Call Pickup features on SCCP and SIP phones depends on the
configuration in Cisco Unified CME. See the service directed-pickup command in Cisco Unified CME
Command Reference for a description.
You can assign each directory number to only one pickup group and a directory number must have a pickup
group configured to use Local Group Pickup. There is no limit to the number of directory numbers that can
be assigned to a single pickup group, or to the number of pickup groups that can be defined in a
Cisco Unified CME system.
If more than one call is ringing on the same number, the calls are picked up in the order in which they were
received; the call that has been ringing the longest is the first call picked up from that extension number.
Remote call pickup is not supported.
CallPickup features are enabled globally for all phonesthrough Cisco Unified CME. ThePickUp and GpickUp
soft keys display on supportedSCCPandSIPphones by default and can be modified by using a phone template.
For configuration information, see Enable Call Pickup, on page 1282.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Pickup
Figure 56: Call Pickup, on page 1245 shows four call-pickup scenarios.
Figure 56: Call Pickup
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Pickup
Call Waiting
Call waiting allows phone users to be alerted when they receive an incoming call while they are on another
call. Phone users hear a call-waiting tone when another party is trying to reach them and, on IP phones, see
the calling party information on the phone screen.
Call-waiting calls to IP phones with soft keys can be answered using the Answer soft key. Call-waiting calls
to analog phones controlled by Cisco Unified CME systems are answered using hookflash. When phone users
answer a call-waiting call, their original call is automatically put on hold. If a phone user does not respond to
a call-waiting notification, the call is forwarded as specified in the call-forward noan command for that
For an IP phone running SCCP, call waiting for single-line ephone-dns requires two ephone-dns to handle
the two calls. Call waiting on a dual-line ephone-dn requires only one ephone-dn because the two channels
of the ephone-dn handle the two calls. The audible call-waiting indicator can be either a call-waiting beep or
a call-waiting ring. For configuration information, see Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP
Phone, on page 1285.
For a SIP phone, call waiting is automatically enabled when you configure a voice register pool. For SIP
phones directly connected to Cisco Unified CME, call waiting can be disabled at the phone-level. For
configuration information, see Enable Call Waiting on SIP Phones, on page 1290.
For information on call waiting using Overlaid ephone-dns, see Overlaid Ephone-dns, on page 1274.
Call-Waiting Beep for SCCP Phones
Call-waiting beeps are enabled by default. You can disable the call-waiting beeps that are generated from and
accepted by directory numbers. If beep generation is disabled, incoming calls to the directory number do not
generate call-waiting beeps. If beep acceptance is disabled, the phone user does not hear beeps when using
the directory number for an active call.
Table 103: Call-Waiting Beep Behavior , on page 1246 shows the possible beep behaviors of one ephone-dn
calling another ephone-dn that is connected to another caller.
Table 103: Call-Waiting Beep Behavior
Incoming Call on Expected Behavior
Ephone-dn 2 Active Call on DN
Ephone-dn 1
no call-waiting DN 1 DN 2 No beep
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 2 No beep
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Waiting
Incoming Call on Expected Behavior
Ephone-dn 2 Active Call on DN
Ephone-dn 1
no call-waiting DN 1 DN 2 No beep
beep generate
no call-waiting DN 1 DN 2 Beep
beep accept
no call-waiting DN 1 DN 2 No beep
beep acceptno
call-waiting beep
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 1 No beep
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 1 No beep
beep generate
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 1 No beep
beep accept
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 1 No beep
beep accept no
call-waiting beep
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 2 Beep
beep generate
no call-waiting — DN 1 DN 2 No beep
beep accept
no call-waiting DN 1 DN 1 Beep
Call-Waiting Ring for SCCP Phones
Instead of the standard call-waiting beep sound through the handset, you can use a short ring for call-waiting
notification. The default is for directory numbers to accept call interruptions, such as call waiting, and to issue
a beeping sound for notification.
To use a ring sound, the directory number must accept call-waiting indicator tones. For configuration
information,see Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone onSCCPPhone, on page 1285 or Enable Call Waiting
on SIP Phones, on page 1290.
Cancel Call Waiting
Cancel Call Waiting (CCW) enables an SCCP phone user to disable Call Waiting for a call they originate.
The user activates CCW, and thereby disables call waiting, by pressing the cancel call waiting (CW Off) soft
key or by dialing the feature access code (FAC) before placing a call. Call Waiting is inactive during that call;
anyone calling the user receives normal busy treatment and no call waiting tone interrupts the user's active
call. CCW automatically deactivates when the user disconnects from the call. CCW is supported on all lines
that support the Call Waiting feature, including dual-lines and octo-lines.
This feature is supported in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions for SCCP IP phones and SCCP analog
phones; it is not supported on SIP phones.
For configuration information, see Configure Cancel Call Waiting on SCCP Phone, on page 1288.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Waiting
Callback Busy Subscriber
This feature allows callers who dial a busy extension number to request a callback from the system when the
called number is available. Callers can also request callbacksfor extensionsthat do not answer, and the system
will notify them after the called phone is next used.
There can be only one callback request pending against a particular extension number, although a caller can
initiate more than one callback to different numbers. If a caller attemptsto place a callback request on a number
that already has a pending callback request, the caller hears a fast-busy tone. If the called number has call
forwarding enabled, the callback request is placed against the final destination number.
No configuration is required for this feature. To display a list of phones that have pending callback requests,
use the show ephone-dn callback command.
Hunt Groups
Hunt groups allow incoming calls to a specific number (pilot number) to be directed to a defined group of
extension numbers.
Incoming calls are redirected from the pilot number to the first extension number as defined by the configuration.
If the first number is busy or does not answer, the call is redirected to the next phone in the list. A call continues
to be redirected on busy or no answer from number to number in the list until it is answered or until the call
reaches the number that is defined as the final number.
The redirect from one directory number to the next in the list is also known as a hop. You can set the maximum
number of redirects for specific peer or longest-idle hunt groups, and for the maximum number of redirects
allowed in a Cisco Unified CME system, both inside and outside hunt groups. If a call makes the maximum
number of hops or redirects without being answered, the call is dropped.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, support for call statistics is added for voice hunt groups. To
write all the ephone and voice hunt group statistics to a file, the ephone-hunt statistics write-all command
is enhanced and renamed tohunt-groupstatistics write-all command. If applicable, the TFTPstatisticsreport
consists of both ephone and voice hunt group statistics.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5 and later versions, the command hunt-group statistics write-v2 is added to write
all ephone hunt group statisticsto a file along with total logged in and logged out time for agents. The command
was enhanced in Unified CME Release 11.5 to add statistics for total logged in and logged out time for voice
hunt group.
The show telephony-service all command is also enhanced to display the total number of ephone and voice
hunt groups that have statistics collection turned on.
The statistics collect command under voice hunt-group configuration mode is introduced to enable the
collection of call statistics for a voice hunt group.
The show voicehunt-groupstatistics command isintroduced to display callstatisticsfrom voice hunt groups.
For Unified CME 11.5 and later versions, the overwrite-dyn-stats(voicehunt-group) command isintroduced
to overwrite statistics of previously joined dynamic agent with stats of newly joined dynamic agents for voice
hunt group. The statistics for a dynamic agent are overwritten only when all the 32 available slots are used.
For more information, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference Guide.
For information on displaying statisticsfor hunt groups,see Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Callback Busy Subscriber
There are four different types of hunt groups. Each type uses a different strategy to determine the first number
that rings for successive calls to the pilot number, as described below.
• Sequential Hunt Groups—Numbers always ring in the left-to-right order in which they are listed when
the hunt group is defined. The first number in the list is always the first number to be tried when the
pilot number is called. Maximum number of hops is not a configurable parameter for sequential hunt
groups. Figure 57: Sequential hunt Group, on page 1250 shows an illustrated example.
• Peer Hunt Groups—The first number to ring is the number to the right of the directory number that was
the last to ring when the pilot number was last called. Ringing proceeds in a circular manner, left to
right, for the number of hops specified in the hunt group configuration. Figure 58: Peer hunt Group, on
page 1251 shows an illustrated example.
• Longest-Idle Hunt Groups—Calls go first to the number that has been idle the longest for the number
of hops specified when the hunt group was defined. The longest-idle time is determined from the last
time that a phone registered, reregistered, or went on-hook. Figure 59: Longest-idle hunt Group, on
page 1252 shows an illustrated example.
• Parallel Hunt Groups (Call Blast)—Calls ring all numbers in the hunt group simultaneously.
Ephone Hunt-group chains can be configured in any length, but the actual number of hops that can be reached
in a chain is determined by the max-redirect command configuration. In the following example, a maximum
redirect number 15 or greater must be configured for callers to reach the final 5000 number. If a lower number
is configured, the call disconnects.
ephone-hunt 1 sequential
pilot 8000
list 8001, 8002, 8003, 8004
final 9000
ephone-hunt 2 sequential
pilot 9000
list 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004
final 7000
ephone-hunt 3 sequential
pilot 7000
list 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004
final 5000
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions support the following Voice Hunt-Group features:
• Call Forwarding to a Parallel Voice Hunt-Group (Call Blast)
• Call Transfer to a Voice Hunt-Group
• Member of Voice Hunt-Group can be a SIP phone, SCCP phone, FXS analog phone, DS0-group,
PRI-group, or SIP trunk.
• Cisco Unified CME supports chaining (nesting) of a voice hunt group with another voice hunt group.
The chaining of voice hunt groups is established by configuring the final number of the first voice hunt
group as the pilot number of the second voice hunt group.
Ephone-Hunt Groups and Voice Hunt-Groups Comparison
SIP phones support Voice Hunt-Groups. SCCP phones support Ephone-Hunt Groups, and in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions,SCCPphones also support Voice Hunt-Groups. Table 104:Feature
Comparison of Ephone-Hunt Groups and Voice Hunt-Groups, on page 1250 compares the features of
Ephone-Hunt Groups and Voice Hunt-Groups.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Hunt Groups
Table 104: Feature Comparison of Ephone-Hunt Groups and Voice Hunt-Groups
Feature Ephone Hunt Voice Hunt Group
Endpoints Supported SCCP only SIP, SCCP, PSTN, and FXS
No (for alternative, see Shared- Yes
Line Overlays, on page 1275
Parallel Hunt Groups (Call Blast)
Hunt Statistics Support Yes Yes
B-ACD Support Yes Yes
Yes (Only for SIP and SCCP
Features such as present-call and Yes
Sequential Hunt Groups
In a sequential hunt group, extensions always ring in the order in which they are listed, left to right, when the
hunt group is defined. The first number in the list is always the first number to be tried when the pilot number
is called. Maximum number of hops is not a configurable parameter for sequential hunt groups.
Figure 57: Sequential hunt Group
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Hunt Groups
Peer Hunt Groups
In a peer hunt group, extensions ring in a round-robin order. The first extension to ring is the number in the
list to the right of the last extension to ring when the pilot number was last called. Ringing proceeds in a
circular manner, left to right, for the number of hops specified when the hunt group was defined.
Figure 58: Peer hunt Group, on page 1251 illustrates a peer hunt group.
Figure 58: Peer hunt Group
Longest-Idle Hunt Groups
In a longest-idle hunt group, the algorithm for choosing the next extension to receive a call is based on a
comparison of on-hook time stamps. The extension with the smallest on-hook time stamp value is chosen
when the next call comes to the hunt group.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Hunt Groups
The default behavior is that an on-hook time stamp value for an extension is updated only when the agent
answers a call. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can specify that an on-hook time stamp is
updated when a call rings an extension and also when a call is answered by an agent.
Figure 59: Longest-idle hunt Group, on page 1252 illustrates a longest-idle hunt group.
Figure 59: Longest-idle hunt Group
Parallel Hunt Groups (Call Blast)
In a parallel hunt group, calls simultaneously ring multiple phones. Using parallel hunt groups is also referred
to as application-level forking because it enables the forking of a call to multiple destinations. In versions
earlier than Cisco Unified CME 4.3, only SIP phones support parallel hunt groups. In Unified CME 4.3 and
later versions, SCCP phones also support voice hunt groups.
You can enable functionality similar to parallel hunt groups on SCCP phones by using the ephone-dn overlay
feature for shared lines. See Shared- Line Overlays, on page 1275.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Hunt Groups
In the following parallel hunt group example, when callers dial extension 1000, extension 1001, 1002, and
so on ring simultaneously. The first extension to answer is connected. If none of the extensions answers, the
call is forwarded to extension 2000, which is the number for the voice-mail service.
voice hunt-group 4 parallel
pilot 1000
list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
final 2000
timeout 20
The number of ringing calls that a parallel hunt group can support depends on whether call-waiting is enabled
on the SIP phones.
If call-waiting is enabled (the default), parallel hunt groups support multiple calls up to the limit of call-waiting
calls supported by a particular SIP phone model. You may not want to use unlimited call-waiting, however,
with parallel hunt-groups if agents do not want a large number of waiting calls when they are already handling
a call.
If call waiting is disabled, parallel hunt groups support only one call at a time in the ringing state. After a call
is answered (by one of the phones in the hunt group), a second call is allowed. The second and subsequent
callsring only the idle phonesin the hunt group, and bypassthe busy phone that answered the first call (because
this phone is connected to the first call). After the second call is answered, a third call is allowed, and so on
until all the phones in the parallel hunt group are busy. The hunt group does not accept further calls until at
least one phone returns to the idle/on-hook state.
When two or more phones within the same parallel hunt group attempt to answer the same call, only one
phone can connect to the call. Phones that fail to connect must return to the on-hook state before they can
receive subsequent calls. Calls that arrive before a phone is placed on-hook are not presented to the phone.
For example, if a second call arrives after Phone 1 has answered the original call, but before Phone 2 goes
back on-hook, the second call bypasses Phone 2 (because it is offhook).
When a phone returnsto the idle/on-hook state, it does not automatically re-synchronize to the next call waiting
to be answered. For example, in the previous scenario, if the second call is still ringing Phone 3 when Phone
2 goes on-hook, Phone 2 does not ring because it was offhook when the second call arrived.
For configuration information, see Configure Voice-Hunt Groups, on page 1301.
View and Join for Voice Hunt Groups
You can view voice hunt group related information on SIP and SCCP phones using the phone menu. The
following information related to hunt groups can be viewed on the phone display:
• Name
• Pilot number
• Status
If voice hunt groups have been configured, the user can view the voice hunt group information using the
service button on the phone, by navigating to My Phone Apps > Voice Hunt Groups . On selecting the voice
hunt group option, a list of voice hunt groups will be displayed.
A voice hunt group includes the name of the hunt group, the pilot number and also the status of the DN
indicating if the DN is a member of the hunt group. This information is displayed in the following method:
• If DN is a static member of the hunt group, then status is displayed with # (hash) symbol.
• If DN is dynamic member, the status is displayed with * (asterisk) symbol.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
View and Join for Voice Hunt Groups
The following operations can be performed on the phone user interface:
• User can join or unjoin to or from voice hunt groups by selecting the Join or Unjoin softkey which is
displayed on the voice hunt group page. The user can select the required voice hunt group using the up
and down buttons.
• User can accessthe next or previousrecords of voice hunt groups by selecting the Next/Previoussoftkey
To display voice hunt-group information on the phone, user needs to configure phone-display command
under voice hunt-groups.
Restrictions and Limitations
• A DN can join a maximum of six voice hunt groups.
• The displayed hunt group information is applicable only for the primary line of the phone.
• A primary DN can join or unjoin a voice hunt group using the Service button on the phone. If a phone
is configured with multiple DNs, then DNs other than the primary DN can join the voice hunt groups
by dialing the FAC standards.
• The voice hunt group information display feature is applicable only on the phones that support My
Phone Apps menu.For example, 78xx, 88xx phone families are supported. However, 69xx, 39xx phone
families are not supported.
Enable User Interface to View, Join, and Unjoin Voice Hunt Groups on SCCP
This feature enables an SCCP phone user to view information related to the voice hunt groups and join or
unjoin voice hunt groups from a menu on their phone. This feature is enabled by default. You must perform
this task only if the feature was previously disabled on a phone.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. phone-ui voice-hunt-groups
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable User Interface to View, Join, and Unjoin Voice Hunt Groups on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Enables aSCCPphone user to view information related to voice
hunt groups and also join or unjoin from voice hunt groups.
phone-ui voice-hunt-groups
Router(config-ephone)# phone-ui
Step 4
• This command is enabled by default.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
The following example shows that the voice-hunt-groups command is enabled on an SCCP phone.
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
From Cisco Unified CME Release 10.5 onwards, SIP phones will display voice hunt group information,
by default.
Configure Service URL Button On SCCP Phone Line Key
To implement service PLK feature line key buttons on Cisco Unified SCCP Phones, perform the following
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SCCP Phone Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone template template-tag
4. url-button index type| url [name]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Step 4 url-button index type| url [name] Configures a service URL feature button on a line key.
1 myphoneapp
• Index—Unique index number. Range: 1 to 8.
• type—Type of service PLK button. The following types
of URL service buttons are available: Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 2
◦myphoneapp: My phone application configured under
phone user interface.
Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 3
Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 4
voicehuntgroups ◦em: Extension Mobility Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 5
◦snr: Single Number Reach Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 6
◦voicehuntgroups: Voice Hunt Groups Information
◦park-list: Parked calls
• url name—Service URL with maximum length of 31
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SCCP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)#ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
The following example shows three URL buttons configured for line keys:
ephone-template 5
url-button 1 em
url-button 2 mphoneapp mphoneapp
url-button 3 snr
url-button 4 voicehuntgroups
url-button 5 park-list
ephone 36
ephone-template 5
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the url buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, restart the phones.
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
To implement service URL feature line key buttons on Cisco Unified IP Phones, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. url-button [index number] [url location] [label]
5. exit
6. voice register pool phone-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an
ephone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone
template that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Step 4 url-button [index number] [url location] [label] Configures a service url feature button on a line key.
Router(config-register-temp)url-button 1
Router(config-register-temp)url-button 2
• x.x.x.x—CME IP address.
• Index number—Unique index number ranging from
1 to 8.
• URL location—Location of the URL.
• label—A label name which is displayed on phone.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice register pool phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
Step 7 template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that
you created in Step 3.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
The following example shows URL buttons configured in the voice register template 1:
Router# show run
voice register template 1
url-button 1 http://x.x.x.x:80/CMEserverForPhone/vhg_root_menu VHG_List
url-button 2 http://x.x.x.x:80/CMEserverForPhone/park_list Park_List
url-button 5 http://www.cisco.com Cisco
voice register pool 50
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the URL buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Display Support for the Name of a Called Voice Hunt-Group
A voice hunt-group is associated with a pilot number. But because there is no association with the name of
the voice hunt-group when calls are forwarded from the voice hunt-group to the final number, the forwarding
number is sent without the name of the forwarding party. The final number may be in the form of a voice
mail, a Basic Automatic Call Distribution (BACD) script, or another extension.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, the display of the name of the called voice hunt-group pilot is supported by
configuring the following command in voice hunt-group or the ephone-hunt configuration mode:
[no] name “primary pilot name” [secondary“secondary pilot name”]
The secondary name is optional and when the secondary pilot name is not explicitly configured, the primary
pilot name is applicable to both pilot numbers.
The following example configures the primary pilot name for both the primary and secondary pilot numbers:
name SALES
The following example configures different names for the primary and secondary pilot numbers:
Note Use quotes (") when input strings have spaces in between as shown in the next three examples.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
The following example associates a two-word name for the primary pilot number and a one-word name for
the secondary pilot number:
name “CUSTOMER SERVICE” secondary CS
The following example associates a one-word name for the primary pilot number and a two-word name for
the secondary pilot number:
The following example associates two-word names for the primary and secondary pilot numbers:
For configuration information, see Associate a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group, on page 1312.
For more configuration examples, see Example for Associating a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group,
on page 1338.
For configuration information, see Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones, on page 1291.
The following show commands are modified to reflect the configured primary and secondary pilot names:
• show ephone-hunt
• show voice hunt-group
The information related to the name of the ephone-hunt group and voice hunt-group are sent to the phone and
displayed on the phone’s user interface.
Restriction • Display support applies to Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones in voice hunt-group and ephone-hunt
configuration modes but are not supported in Cisco Unified SIP IP phones.
• Called name and called number information displayed on the caller’s phone follows existing behavior,
where the called names and called numbers are updated so that a sequential hunt reflects the name
and number of the ringing phone.
Support for Voice Hunt Group Descriptions
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, a description can be specified for a voice hunt group using thedescriptioncommand
in voice hunt-group configuration mode.
For a configuration example, see Example for Specifying a Description for a Voice Hunt-Group, on page
Prevent Local Call Forwarding to the Final Agent in a Voice Hunt-Groups
Local or internal calls are calls originating from a Cisco Unified SIP or Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone in the
same Cisco Unified CME system.
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.5, the no forward local-calls command was configured in ephone-hunt group
to prevent a local call from being forwarded to the next agent.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5, local calls are prevented from being forwarded to the final destination using the
no forward local-calls to-final command in parallel configuration mode or the sequential voice hunt-group
configuration mode.
When theno forwardlocal-callsto-final command is configured in sequential voice hunt-group configuration
mode, local calls to the hunt-group pilot number are sent sequentially only to the list of members of the group
using the rotary-hunt technique. In case all the group members of the voice hunt group are busy, the caller
hears a busy tone. If any of the group members are available but do not answer, the caller hears a ringback
tone and is eventually disconnected after the specified timeout. The call is not forwarded to the final number.
When the no forward local-calls to-final command is configured in parallel voice hunt-group configuration
mode, local calls to the hunt-group pilot number are sent simultaneously to the list of members of the group
using the blast technique. In case all the group members of the voice hunt group are busy, the caller hears a
busy tone. If any of the group members are available but do not answer, the caller hears a ringback tone and
is eventually disconnected after the specified timeout. The call is not forwarded to the final number.
For configuration information, see Prevent Local Call Forwarding to Final Agent in Voice Hunt-Groups, on
page 1314.
For a configuration example,see Example forPreventing Local CallForwarding inParallel Voice Hunt-Groups,
on page 1338.
Enhancement of Support for Voice Hunt Group Agent Statistics
Before Cisco Unified CME Release 11.5, total logged in and total logged out time statistics were supported
only for ephone hunt group agents. In Cisco Unified CME 11.5, support for Total logged in and Total logged
out time statistics is added for voice hunt group agents also.
• The output of the show voice-hunt tag statistics command is modified to display the additional
information in the statistics.
For more configuration examples, see Example for Call Statistics From a Voice Hunt Group, on page 1343.
Enhancement of Support for Ephone-Hunt Group Agent Statistics
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.5, statistics were maintained for each ephone hunt group and each ephone-hunt
group agent. Some of the statistics included the number of maximum and minimum agents, average time to
answer, average time in a call, and average time on hold.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.5,support for hunt group agentstatistics of Cisco UnifiedSCCPIPphonesis enhanced
to include the following information:
• Total logged in time—On an hourly basis, displaysthe duration (in seconds)since a specific agent logged
into a hunt group.
• Total logged out time—On an hourly basis, displays the duration (in seconds) since a specific agent
logged out of a hunt group.
The output of the show ephone-hunt tag statistics command is modified to display the additional information
in the statistics.
For more configuration examples, see Example for Displaying Total Logged-In Time and Total Logged-Out
Time for Each Hunt-Group Agent, on page 1339.
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Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
Restriction • Statistics collection for Cisco Unified SCCP and SIP IP phones in Cisco Unified SRST are not
Hunt Group Agent Availability Options
Three options increase the flexibility of hunt group agents by allowing them to dynamically join and leave
hunt groups or to temporarily enter a not-ready state in which they do not receive calls.
Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features , on page 1262 compares the following
agent availability features:
• Dynamic Ephone Hunt Group Membership, on page 1264
• Dynamically Join or Unjoin Multiple Voice Hunt Groups, on page 1265
• Agent Status Control for Ephone Hunt Group, on page 1266
• Agent Status Control for Voice Hunt Group, on page 1267
• Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready for Ephone Hunt Group, on page 1269
Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features
Automatic Agent Status
Comparison Factor Dynamic Membership Agent Status Control
Automatically puts an
agent’s phone in a
not-ready state after a
specified number of
hunt-group calls are
unanswered by the agent’s
Allows an agent to
manually activate a toggle
to temporarily enter a
not-ready state, in which
hunt-group calls bypass
the agent’s phone.
Allows an authorized
agent to join and leave
hunt groups.
Agent B is suddenly
called away from her desk
before she can manually
put her phone into the
not-ready status. After a
hunt-group call is
unanswered at Agent B’s
phone, the phone is
automatically placed in
the not-ready status and it
is not presented with
further hunt-group calls.
When Agent B returns,
she manually puts her
phone back into the ready
Agent A takes a coffee
break at 10 a.m. and puts
his phone into a not-ready
status while he is on
break. When he returns he
puts his phone back into
the ready status and
immediately starts
receiving hunt-group calls
again. He retained his
wildcard slot while he
was in the not-ready
Agent A joins a hunt
group at 8 a.m. and takes
calls until 1 p.m., when
he leaves the hunt group.
While Agent A is a
member of the hunt
group, he occupies one of
the wildcard slots in the
list of numbers configured
for the hunt group. At 1
p.m., Agent B joins the
hunt group using the same
wildcard slot that Agent
A relinquished when he
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
Automatic Agent Status
Comparison Factor Dynamic Membership Agent Status Control
An agent who enters the
not-ready does not give
up a slot in the hunt
group. The agent
continues to occupy the
slot regardless of whether
the agent is in the
not-ready status.
An agent who enters the
not-ready state does not
give up a slot in the hunt
group. The agent
continues to occupy the
slot regardless of whether
the agent is in the
not-ready status.
An agent joining a hunt
group occupies a wildcard
slot in the hunt group list.
An agent leaving the
group relinquishes the
slot, which becomes
available for another
Hunt-group slot
An agent who is a
member of a hunt group
configured with the auto
logout command does not
answer the specified
number of calls, and the
agent’s phone is
automatically changed to
the not-ready status. The
agent uses the HLog soft
key or a FAC to return to
the ready status.
If the HLog soft key or
FAC has not been enabled
in the configuration, the
agent uses the DND soft
key to return to the ready
An agent uses the HLog
soft key to toggle agent
status between ready and
not ready. Agents can also
use the HLog FAC to
toggle between ready and
not-ready if FACs are
If the HLog soft key is
not enabled, the DND soft
key can be used to put an
agent in the not-ready
status and the agent will
not receive any calls.
An authorized agent uses
a feature access code
(FAC) to join a hunt
group and a different
FAC to leave the hunt
Agent activation method
The system administrator
uses the auto logout
command to enable
automatic agent status
not-ready for a hunt
This functionality is
disabled by default.
See Configure
Ephone-Hunt Groups on
SCCP Phones, on page
See Configure
Voice-Hunt Groups, on
page 1301.
The system administrator
uses the HLog keyword
with the hunt-group
logout command to
provide an HLog soft key
on display phones and
uses the fac command to
enable standard FACs or
create a custom FAC.
See Configure
Ephone-Hunt Groups on
SCCP Phones, on page
The system administrator
uses the list command to
configure up to 20
wildcard slots in a hunt
group and uses the
ephone-hunt login
command to authorize
certain directory numbers
to use these wildcard
See Configure
Ephone-Hunt Groups on
SCCP Phones, on page
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
Automatic Agent Status
Comparison Factor Dynamic Membership Agent Status Control
The system administrator
can use the auto logout
command to specify the
number of unanswered
calls that will trigger an
agent status change to
not-ready and whether
this feature applies to
dynamic hunt-group
members, static
hunt-group members, or
The system administrator
can use the hunt-group
logout command to
specify whether an
automatic change to the
not-ready status also
places a phone in DND
The system administrator
can use the softkeys
commands to change the
position or prevent the
display of the HLog soft
key on individual phones.
The system administrator
can establish custom
FACs for agents to use to
enter or leave a hunt
Optional customizations
Dynamic Ephone Hunt Group Membership
Hunt groups allow you to set up pools of extension numbers to answer incoming calls. Up to 20 wildcard
slots can be entered in the list of hunt group extension numbersto allow dynamic group membership, in which
authorized phone users can join a hunt group whenever a vacant wildcard slot is available and they can leave
when they like. Each phone user who joins a group occupies one slot. If no slots are available, a user who
tries to join a group hears a busy signal.
Allowing dynamic membership in a hunt group is a three-step process:
1 Use the list command in ephone-hunt configuration mode to specify up to 20 wildcard slots in the hunt
2 Use the ephone-hunt logincommand under each directory number that should be allowed to dynamically
join and leave hunt groups. Directory numbers are disallowed from joining ephone hunt groups by default,
so you have to explicitly allow this behavior for each directory number that you want to be able to log in
to ephone hunt groups.
3 Use the fac standard command to enable standard FACs or the fac custom command to define custom
FACs. FACs must be enabled so that agents can use them to join and leave ephone hunt groups.
To dynamically join an ephone hunt group, a phone user dials a standard or custom FAC for joining an ephone
hunt group. The standard FAC to join an ephone hunt group is *3.
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Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
If multiple ephone hunt groups have been created that allow dynamic membership, the phone user must also
dial the ephone hunt group pilot number. For example, if the following ephone hunt groups are defined, a
phone user dials *38000 to join the Sales hunt group:
voice hunt-group 24 sequential
pilot 8000
list 8001, 8002, *, *
description Sales Group
final 9000
voice hunt-group 25 sequential
pilot 7000
list 7001, 7002, *, *
description Service Group
final 9000
To leave an ephone hunt group, a phone user dials the standard or custom FAC. The standard FAC to leave
an ephone hunt group is #3. See Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
The Dynamic Membership feature is different from the Agent Status Control feature and the Automatic
Agent Status Not-Ready feature. Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features ,
on page 1262 compares the features.
Dynamically Join or Unjoin Multiple Voice Hunt Groups
In Cisco Unified CME 10.5 and later versions, support for phones to dynamically join the voice hunt groups
is added. This feature is supported on both the SIP and SCCP phones. A single DN can dynamically join and
unjoin multiple voice hunt groups. You can perform this action on a maximum of six different voice hunt
A singleSCCPorSIP DN can join multiple voice hunt groups dynamically by using the existingFAC standards
with pilot number of voice hunt groups. A primary DN of a phone can also join and unjoin the voice hunt
group using the Join or Unjoin soft key that are available on the Voice Hunt Group information display page
in the My Phone App menu by using the service button.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 10.5 onwards, a status message is displayed on the SCCP phone when a
dynamic agent joins a hunt group. The support for status message display for a dynamic agent joining a hunt
group on the SIP phone is supported from Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards.
Hunt groups allow you to set up pools of extension numbers to answer incoming calls. You can enter up to
32 wildcard slots in the list of voice hunt group extension numbers to allow dynamic group membership, in
which phone users can join or unjoin a voice hunt group whenever a vacant wildcard slot is available. Each
phone user who joins a group occupies one slot. If no slots are available, a user who tries to join a group will
fail to join.
Allowing dynamic membership in a voice hunt group is a three-step process:
1 Use the list command in voice-hunt configuration mode to specify up to 32 wildcard slots in the hunt
2 Use the voice-hunt-groups login command under each directory number that should be allowed to
dynamically join and unjoin hunt groups. Directory numbers are not allowed from joining voice hunt
groups by default, so you have to explicitly allow this behavior for each directory number that you want
to be able to join or unjoin a voice hunt groups.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
3 Use the fac standard command to enable standard FACs or the fac custom command to define custom
FACs. FACs must be enabled so that agents can use them to join and unjoin hunt groups.
To dynamically join a voice hunt group, a phone user dials a standard or custom FAC for joining a voice hunt
group. The standard FAC to join a voice hunt group is *3.
If multiple voice hunt groups have been configured with dynamic agents, the phone user must also dial the
voice hunt group pilot number. If only one voice hunt group is configured with dynamic agent, on SIP phone
only FAC is sufficient. Whereas, on SCCP phone, pilot number is mandatory. For example, if the following
voice hunt groups are defined, a phone user dials *38000 to join the Sales hunt group:
voice hunt-group 24 sequential
pilot 8000
list 8001, 8002, *, *
description Sales Group
final 9000
voice hunt-group 25 sequential
pilot 7000
list 7001, 7002, *, *
description Service Group
final 9000
To unjoin a voice hunt group, a phone user dials the standard or custom FAC. The standard FAC to unjoin
from all the hunt groupsis #3.See CustomizeSoftkeys, on page 925. If a DN joins multiple voice hunt groups,
then to unjoin from a specific voice hunt group the user can dial the standard FAC #4 followed by the pilot
Agent Status Control for Ephone Hunt Group
The Agent Status Control feature allows ephone hunt group agents to control whether their phones are in the
ready or not-ready status. A phone in the ready status is available to receive calls from the hunt group. A
phone in the not-ready status blocks calls from the hunt group. Agents should use the not-ready status for
short breaks or other temporary interruptions during which they do not want to receive hunt-group calls.
Agents who put their phones into the not-ready status do not relinquish their slots in the hunt group list.
Agents use the HLog soft key or the DND soft key to put a phone into the not-ready status. When the HLog
soft key is used to put a phone in the not-ready status, it does not receive hunt group calls but can receive
other calls. If the DND soft key is used, the phone does not receive any calls until it is returned to the ready
status. The HLog and DND soft keys toggle the feature: if the phone is in the ready status, pressing the key
puts the phone in the not-ready status and vice-versa.
The DND soft key is visible on phones by default, but the HLog soft key must be enabled in the configuration
using the hunt-group logout command, which has the following options:
• HLog—Enables both an HLog soft key and a DND soft key on phones in the idle, seized, and connected
call states. When you press the HLog soft key, the phone is changed from the ready to not-ready status
or from the not-ready to ready status. When the phone is in the not-ready status, it does not receive calls
from the hunt group, but it is still able to receive calls that do not come through the hunt group (calls
that directly dial its extension). The DND soft key is also available to block all calls to the phone if that
is the preferred behavior.
• DND—Enables only a DND soft key on phones. The DND soft key also changes a phone from the ready
to not-ready status or from the not-ready to ready status, but the phone does not receive any incoming
calls, including those from outside hunt groups.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
Phones without soft-key displays can use a FAC to toggle their status from ready to not-ready and back to
ready. The fac command is configured under telephony-service configuration mode to enable the standard
set ofFACs or to create custom FACs. The standardFAC to toggle the not-ready status at the directory number
(extension) level is *4 and the standard FAC to toggle the not-ready status at the ephone level (all directory
numbers on the phone) is *5. See Where to Go Next, on page 1352.
The Agent Status Control feature is different from the Dynamic Membership feature and the Automatic
Agent Status Not-Ready feature. Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features ,
on page 1262 compares the features.
Agent Status Control for Voice Hunt Group
The Agent Status Control feature allows voice hunt group agents to control whether their phones are in the
ready or not-ready status. A phone in the ready status is available to receive calls from the hunt group. A
phone in the not-ready status blocks calls from the hunt group. Agents should use the not-ready status for
short breaks or other temporary interruptions during which they do not want to receive hunt-group calls.
Agents who put their phones into the not-ready status do not relinquish their slots in the hunt group list.
Agents use the HLog softkey or the DND softkey to put a phone into the not-ready status. When the HLog
softkey is used to put a phone in the not-ready status, it does not receive hunt group calls but can receive other
calls. When Agent use DND button, phone will be put into Not-Ready state and Hunt group calls will not be
routed. However normal or direct calls are still routed, but without audio notifications.
The DND softkey is visible on phones by default, but the HLog softkey must be enabled in the configuration
using the hunt-group logout command, which has the following options:
• HLog—Enables both an HLog softkey and a DND softkey on phones in the idle, ringing, and connected
call states. When you press the HLog softkey, the phone is changed from the ready to not-ready status
or from the not-ready to ready status. When the phone is in the not-ready status, it does not receive calls
from the hunt group, but it is still able to receive calls that do not come through the hunt group (calls
that directly dial its extension). DND softkey suppresses audio notifications for direct calls.
• DND—Enables only a DND softkey on phones. The DND softkey also changes a phone from the ready
to not-ready status or from the not-ready to ready status for voice hunt group calls. Phones receive those
calls that directly dial the extension.
Phones without soft-key displays can use a FAC to toggle their status from ready to not-ready and back to
ready. The fac command configured under telephony-service configuration mode must be used to enable the
standard set of FACs or to create custom FACs. The standard FAC to toggle the not-ready status is *4 and
the standard FAC to toggle the not-ready status at the phone level (all directory numbers on the phone) is *5.
See Where to Go Next, on page 1352.
From Cisco Unified CME 10.5 onwards, SCCP and SIP phones are supported with Agent Status Control for
voice hunt group.SCCPphone can log in or log out to or from voice hunt groups using HLog or DND softkeys,
or standard or custom FACs, at line-Level as well as phone level. Whereas, SIP phones can log in or log out
to or from voice hunt groups using only standard or custom FACs, only at Line-Level.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, SIP phones are also supported with agent status control, for
voice hunt groups with HLog softkeys or FAC. Hence, SIP phones can logout or login to voice hunt group
using HLog softkey, feature button, or FAC at phone level. If the phone is configured with a single line or
multiple lines, and if these lines are members of a voice hunt group, then phone level logout or login results
in logout or login of all lines on the phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
To make HLog functionality work with the SIP or SCCP phones, you need to configure the command
hunt-group logout HLog under telephony-service. Once user is logged out from the hunt group, phone
displays a message stating that the user is logged out of hunt group. When the user is logged in to hunt group,
the agent phone displays a message stating that the user is logged in to hunt group. For Unified CME 12.1
and earlier releases, if any directory number that is part of voice hunt group is shared across phones, then
logout is not allowed at the phone level.
To enable FAC, you need to configure standard or custom FAC under telephony service configuration mode
using the command fac standard or fac custom.
SIP and SCCP phone behavior is different for the following scenarios:
• If phone dn's are not members of a hunt group and phone is configured with an HLog feature button,
then phone LED is off for SIP phones and on for SCCP phones.
• If a SIP phone is already in logged in state, any newly joining dn of that phone (in any voice hunt group)
is automatically in logged in state.
• If a SIP phone is already in logged out state, any newly joining dn of that phone (in any voice hunt
group) is automatically in logged out state.
• Irrespective of whether the SCCP phone is in logged out or logged in state, any dn of that phone joining
any voice hunt group retains its previous state (logged out or logged in). For example, if dn 8002 is
member of voice hunt group 1 in logged out state, then 8002 remains in logged out state on joining voice
hunt group 2. If dn 8001 on the same phone (which was not part of any hunt group) joins any voice hunt
group, it is in logged in state.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, line level logout or login using FAC *4 is not supported
for SIP phones (only supported on SCCP phones). SIP phones only support phone level logout or login
using FAC *5.
Use hlog-block command under voice hunt-group for Agent Status Control. If you enable this command
under voice hunt-group, the logout or login functionality for voice hunt-group is disabled. For example, you
can use hlog-block command in voice hunt-groups where logout or login functionality using HLog softkey
(or by using FAC) needs to be restricted. By default, hlog-block command is disabled.
The Agent Status Control feature is different from the Dynamic Membership feature and the Automatic
Agent Status Not-Ready feature. Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features ,
on page 1262 compares the features.
Members Logout for Ephone Hunt Group
All members configured under an ephone-hunt are initialized with HLogin by default. The non-shared static
members or agentsin an ephone hunt group can be configured with the Hlogout initialstate using the Members
Logout feature. You can use the CLI command members logout configured under ephone-hunt configuration
mode to enable the feature. From Cisco Unified CME Release 9.1, members logout is supported for ephone
hunt groups.
Members logout cannot be used for shared DNs. Also, this feature is not supported if the CLI commands list
and hunt-group logout DND are configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
Members Logout for Voice Hunt Group
All members configured in a voice hunt group are initialized with HLogin by default. The non-shared static
members or agents in a voice hunt group can be configured with the Hlogout initial state using members
logout functionality. You can use the CLI command members logout configured under voice hunt group
configuration mode to enable the feature.From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6, memberslogout issupported
in voice hunt groups.
If any member of a hunt group in a SIP phone logs out using the CLI command members logout, all other
DN's of that phone in any hunt group are also logged out. This is because SIP phones only support phone
level logout. For SCCP phones, only the DN that is configured with the CLI command members logout is
logged out from the hunt group. Other member DN's do not logout as SCCP phones support line level logout.
Memberslogout cannot be used forshared DNs. The feature is notsupported if the CLI command hunt-group
logout DND is configured. Also, you cannot configure the CLI command members logout if the command
list is configured.
Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready for Ephone Hunt Group
Before Cisco Unified CME 4.0, this feature was known as Automatic Hunt Group Logout. If the auto logout
command was enabled for a hunt group, a phone was placed in DND mode when a line on the phone did not
answer a call for that hunt group within the time limit specified in the timeout command.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, the name and behavior of this feature has changed, although
the Cisco IOScommand remainsthe same. The auto logout command now specifiesthe number of unanswered
hunt group calls after which the agent status of an directory number is automatically changed to not-ready.
You can limit Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready to dynamic hunt group members (those who log in using
a wildcard slot in the list command) or to static hunt group members (those who are explicitly named in the
list command), or you can apply this behavior to all hunt group members.
A related command, hunt-group logout, specifies whether the phones that are automatically changed to the
not-ready status should also be placed into DND mode. Phones in the not-ready status do not accept calls
from hunt groups, but they do accept calls that directly dial their extensions. Phones in DND mode do not
accept any calls. The default if the hunt-group logout command is not used is that the phones that are
automatically placed in the not-ready status are also placed in DND mode.
Agents whose phones are automatically placed into the not-ready status do not relinquish their slots in the
hunt group list.
The Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature is different from the Dynamic Membership feature and
the Agent Status Control feature. Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features ,
on page 1262 compares the features.
Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready for Voice Hunt Group
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6, Automatic Hunt Group Logout is supported on voice hunt groups.
If the auto logout CLI command is enabled for a hunt group, itspecifiesthe number ofsuccessive unanswered
hunt group calls after which the agent status of an directory number is automatically changed to not-ready.
The range for the number of unanswered rings configured under auto logout command is 1 to 20. If auto
logout is not configured with any value, the default value of 1 is applied.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
When the auto logout command is enabled under voice hunt group, the auto logout behavior applies to all
hunt group members (including static and dynamic members).
A related command, hunt-group logout, specifies whether the phones are automatically changed to the
not-ready status. Phones in the not-ready state do not accept calls from hunt groups, but they do accept calls
that directly dial their extensions.
If hunt group logout HLog is configured, then the DNs of that hunt group will go to logout state when the
number of unanswered rings specified under auto logout command is exceeded. If hunt group logout DND
is configured, then phone goes to DND mode and logs out the DND member when the number of unanswered
rings specified under auto logout command is exceeded. If any hunt group members are logged out, they can
use HLog Softkey, FAC, Feature Button, or DND softkey to login again.
Agents whose phones are automatically placed into the not-ready status do not relinquish their slots in the
hunt group list. When an agent returns to ready status, the voice hunt group resumes sending calls to the
agent’s DN.
Consider a voice hunt group in sequential, peer, or longest idle configuration mode with call hunt in progress.
Then, auto logout count is incremented for agents who do not answer the call. The auto logout count is not
incremented for agents who answer the call. In this scenario, the agent can be either an SCCP DN or a SIP
Consider a voice hunt group in parallel configuration mode with call blast in progress to all logged in DN’s
in the hunt group. If call is answered by any of the agents, then the remaining agents in that hunt group will
not have auto logout count incremented. However, if call is not answered by any of the agents, then the auto
logout count will be incremented for all the logged in agents. Here, agent can be either a SCCP DN or SIP
The Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature is different from the Dynamic Membership feature and
the Agent Status Control feature. Table 105: Comparison of Hunt Group Agent Availability Features ,
on page 1262 compares the features.
Presentation of Calls for Ephone Hunt Group
For phones configured under ephone hunt group configuration mode, presentation of calls is supported using
the CLI command, present-call . When the CLI command is configured, calls from the ephone hunt group
are presented only if all lines are on hook or in idle state.
If you configure idle-phone as the sub-mode option of the CLI command present-call , calls from the
ephone-hunt group are presented only if all lines are idle on the phone on which the hunt-group line appears.
This option does not consider monitored lines that have been configured on the phone using the button m
If you configure onhook-phone as the sub-mode option of the CLI command present-call , calls from the
ephone-hunt group are presented only if the phone on which the number appears is in onhook state. When
this keyword is configured, calls in the ringing or hold state that are unrelated to the hunt group do not prevent
the presentation of calls from the ephone-hunt group.
Presentation of Calls for Voice Hunt Group
For phones configured under voice hunt group configuration mode, presentation of calls is supported using
the CLI command present-call . The feature is supported from Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Service URL Button On SIP Phone Line Key
When the present-call CLI command is configured, calls from the voice hunt group are presented only if all
lines are idle on the phone on which the hunt group line appears.
If the present-call CLI command is not configured, voice hunt group calls are presented without considering
the status of other phone lines on the phone. Hence, voice hunt group presents calls to an ephone or voice
register pool whenever the phone line (ephone-dn or voice register dn) that corresponds to a number in a voice
hunt group list is available. Hence, when you configure thepresent-call CLI command, you get the additional
control to ensure that hunt group calls do not possibly go unanswered.
Night Service
The night-service feature allows you to provide coverage for unstaffed extensions during hours that you
designate as “night-service” hours. During the night-service hours, calls to the designated extensions, known
as night-service directory numbers or night-service lines, send a special “burst” ring (for SCCP phones and
SIP phones) to night-service phones that have been specified to receive this special ring. Phone users at the
night-service phones can then use the call-pickup feature to answer the incoming calls from the night-service
directory numbers.
For example, the night-service feature can allow an employee working after hours to intercept and answer
calls that are presented to an unattended receptionist’s phone. This feature is useful for sites at which all
incoming public switched telephone network (PSTN) calls have to be transferred by a receptionist. This is
because all the Direct Inward Dialing (DID) calls are not published to PSTN for Cisco Unified CME system.
When a call arrives at the unattended receptionist’s phone during hours that are specified as night service, a
ring burst notifies a specified set of phones of the incoming call. A phone user at any of the night-service
phones can intercept the call using the call-pickup feature. Night-service call notification is sent every 12
seconds until the call is either answered or aborted.
A user can enter a night-service code to manually toggle night-service treatment off and on from any phone
that has a line assigned to night service. Before Cisco CME 3.3, using the night-service code turns night
service on or off only for directory numbers on the phone at which the code is entered. In Cisco CME 3.3 and
later versions, using the night-service code at any phone with a night-service directory number turns night
service on or off for all phones with night-service directory numbers.From Unified CME 11.5 onwards, night
service feature is supported on SIP phones along with SCCP phones.
Mixed deployment of SIP and SCCP phones is supported from Cisco Unified CME Release 11.6. Any
combination of SIP and SCCP phones are supported across incoming call, unstaffed DNs, and agent phones.
For DNs in which night service is enabled, notifications are sent to both SIP and SCCP phones that are
designated as night service agents in a mixed deployment.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Night Service
Figure 60: Night Service for SCCP Phones, on page 1272 illustrates night service for SCCP phones.
Figure 60: Night Service for SCCP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Night Service
Figure 61: Night Service for SIP Phones, on page 1273 illustrates night service for SIP phones.
Figure 61: Night Service for SIP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Night Service
Overlaid Ephone-dns
Overlaid ephone-dns are directory numbers that share the same button on a phone. Overlaid ephone-dns can
be used to receive incoming calls and place outgoing calls. Up to 25 ephone-dns can be assigned to a single
phone button. They can have the same extension number or different numbers. The same ephone-dns can
appear on more than one phone and more than one phone can have the same set of overlaid ephone-dns.
The order in which overlaid ephone-dns are used by incoming calls can be determined by the call hunt
commands, preference and huntstop. For example, ephone-dn 1 to ephone-dn 4 have the same extension
number, 1001. Three phones are configured with the button 1o1,2,3,4 command. A call to 1001 will ring on
the ephone-dn with the highest preference and display the caller ID on all phones that are on hook. If another
incoming call to 1001 is placed while the first call is active (and the first ephone-dn with the highest preference
is configured with the no huntstop command), the second call will roll over to the ephone-dn with the
next-highest preference, and so forth. For more information, see Call Hunt, on page 1243.
If the ephone-dns in an ephone-dn overlay use different numbers, incoming calls go to the ephone-dn with
the highest preference. If no preferences are configured, the dial-peer hunt command setting is used to
determine which ephone-dns are used for incoming calls. The default setting for thedial-peerhunt command
is to randomly select an ephone-dn that matches the called number.
To continue or to stop the search for ephone-dns, you must use, respectively, thenohuntstopandhuntstop
commands under the individual ephone-dns. The huntstop setting is applied only to the dial peers affected
by the ephone-dn command in telephony-service mode. Dial peers configured in global configuration
mode comply with the global configuration huntstop setting.
Figure 62: Overlaid Ephone-dn (Simple Case), on page 1274 shows an overlay set with two directory numbers
and one number that is shared on two phones. Ephone-dn 17 has a default preference value of 0, so it will
receive the first call to extension 1001. The phone user at phone 9 answers the call, and a second incoming
call to extension 1001 can be answered on phone 10 using directory number 18.
Figure 62: Overlaid Ephone-dn (Simple Case)
When a call is answered on an ephone-dn, that ephone-dn is no longer available to other phones that share
the ephone-dn in overlay mode.For example, if extension 1001 is answered by phone 1, caller ID for extension
1001 displays on phone 1 and is removed from the screens of phone 2 and phone 3. All actions pertaining to
the call to extension 1001 (ephone-dn 17) are displayed on phone 1 only. If phone 1 puts extension 1001 on
hold, the other phones will not be able to pick up the on-hold call using a simple shared-line pickup. In addition,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Overlaid Ephone-dns
none of the other four phones will be able to make outgoing calls from the ephone-dn while it is in use. When
phone users press button 1, they will be connected to the next available ephone-dn listed in the button
command. For example, if phone 1 and phone 2 are using ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 2, respectively, phone
3 must pick up ephone-dn 3 for an outgoing call.
If there are more phones than ephone-dns associated with an ephone-dn overlay set, it is possible for some
phones to find that all the ephone-dns within their overlay set are in use by other phones. For example, if five
phones have a line button configured with the button 1o1, 2, 3 command, there may be times when all three
of the ephone-dns in the overlay set are in use. When that occurs, the other two phones will not be able to use
an ephone-dn in the overlay set. When all ephone-dns in an overlay set are in use, phones with this overlay
set will display the remote-line-in-use icon (a picture of a phone with a flashing X through it) for the
corresponding line button. When at least one ephone-dn becomes available within the overlay set (that is, an
ephone-dn is either idle or ringing), the phone display reverts to showing the status of the available ephone-dn
(idle or ringing).
Shared- Line Overlays
Dual-line ephone-dns can also use overlays. The configuration parameters are the same as for single-line
ephone-dns, except that the huntstop channel command must be used to keep calls from hunting to the
ephone-dn’s second channel.
The primary ephone-dn in a shared-line overlay set should be unique to the phone to guarantee that the phone
has a line available for outgoing calls, and to ensure that the phone user can obtain dial-tone even when there
are no idle lines available in the rest of the shared-line overlay set. Use a unique ephone-dn to provide for a
unique calling party identity on outbound calls made by the phone so that the called user can see which specific
phone is calling.
The following example shows the configuration for a simple shared-line overlay set. The primary ephone-dn
that is configured for each phone is unique while the remaining ephone-dns 10, 11, and 12 are shared in the
overlay set on both phones.
ephone 1
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
button 1o1,10,11,12
ephone 2
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
button 1o2,10,11,12
A more complex directory number configuration mixes overlaid directory numbers with shared directory
numbers and plain dual-line directory numbers on the same phones.Figure 63: Overlaid Ephone-dn (Complex
Case), on page 1276 illustrates the following example of a manager with two assistants. On the manager’s
phone the same number, 2001, appears on button 1 and button 2. The two line appearances of extension 2001
use two single-line directory numbers,so the manager can have two active calls on this numbersimultaneously,
one on each button. The directory numbers are set up so that button 1 will ring first, and if a second call comes
in, button 2 will ring. Each assistant has a personal directory number and also shares the manager’s directory
numbers. Assistant 1 has all three directory numbers in an overlay set on one button, whereas assistant 2 has
one button for the private line and a second button with both of the manager’s lines in an overlay set. A
sequence of calls might be as follows.
1 An incoming call is answered by the manager on extension 2001 on button 1 (directory number 20).
2 A second call rings on 2001 and rolls over to the second button on the manager’s phone (directory
number 21). It also rings on both assistants’ phones, where it is also directory number 21, a shared directory
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Overlaid Ephone-dns
3 Assistant 2 answers the call. This is a shared overlay line (one directory number, 21, is shared among three
phones, and on two of them this directory number is part of an overlay set). Because it is shared with
button 2 on the manager’s phone, the manager can see when assistant 2 answers the call.
4 Assistant 1 makes an outgoing call on directory number 22. The button is available because of the additional
directory numbers in the overlay set on the assistant 1 phone.
At this point, the manager is in conversation on directory number 20, assistant 1 is in conversation on directory
number 22, and assistant 2 is in conversation on directory number 21.
Figure 63: Overlaid Ephone-dn (Complex Case)
For configuration information, see Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones, on page 1326.
Call Waiting for Overlaid Ephone-dns
Call waiting allows phone users to know that another person is calling them while they are talking on the
phone. Phone users hear a call-waiting tone indicating that another party is trying to reach them. Calls to IP
phones with soft keys can be answered with the Answer soft key. Calls to analog phones are answered using
hookflash. When phone users answer a call-waiting call, their original call is automatically put on hold. If
phone users ignore a call-waiting call, the caller is forwarded if call-forward no-answer has been configured.
In Cisco CME 3.2.1 and later versions, call waiting is available for overlaid ephone-dns. The difference in
configuration between overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting and overlaid ephone-dns without call waiting
isthat overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting use the c keyword in the button command and overlaid ephone-dns
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Overlaid Ephone-dns
without call waiting use the o keyword. For configuration information, see Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns
on SCCP Phones, on page 1326.
The behavior of overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting and overlaid ephone-dns without call waiting is the
same, except for the following:
• Calls to numbers included in overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting will cause inactive phones to ring
and active phones connected to other parties to generate auditory call-waiting notification. The default
sound is beeping, but you can configure an ephone-dn to use a ringing sound. (See Configure Call-Waiting
Indicator Tone onSCCPPhone, on page 1285.) Visual call-waiting notification includes the blinking of
handset indicator lights and the display of caller IDs.
For example, if three of four phones are engaged in calls to numbers from the same overlaid ephone-dn
with call-waiting and another call comes in, the one inactive phone will ring, and the three active phones
will issue auditory and visual call-waiting notification.
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, up to six waiting calls can be displayed on Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7940G, 7941G, 7941G-GE, 7960G, 7961G, 7961G-GE, 7970G, and 7971G-GE. For all other
phones and earlier Cisco Unified CME versions, two calls to numbers in an overlaid ephone-dn set can
be announced.Subsequent calls must wait in line until one of the two original calls has ended. The callers
who are waiting in the line will hear a ringback tone.
For example, a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910 (maximum two call-waiting calls) has a button configured with
a set of overlaid ephone-dns with call waiting (button 1c1,2,3,4). A call to ephone-dn 1 is answered. A call
to ephone-dn 2 generates call-waiting notification. Calls to ephone-dn 3 and ephone-dn 4 will wait in line and
remain invisible to the phone user until one of the two original calls ends. When the call to ephone-dn 1 ends,
the phone user can then talk to the person who called ephone-dn 2. The call to ephone-dn 3 issues call-waiting
notification while the call to ephone-dn 4 waits in line. (The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 supports six calls
waiting.)Phones configured for call waiting do not generate call-waiting notification when they are transferring
calls or hosting conference calls.
Note that if an overlaid ephone-dn has call-forward-no-answer configured, calls to the ephone-dn that are
unanswered before the no-answer timeout expires are forwarded to the configured destination. If
call-forward-no-answer is not configured, incoming calls receive ringback tones until the calls are answered.
More than one phone can use the same set of overlaid ephone-dns. In this case, the call-waiting behavior is
slightly different. The following example demonstrates call waiting for overlaid ephone-dns that are shared
on two phones:
ephone 1
button 1c1,2,3,4
ephone 2
button 1c1,2,3,4
1 A call to ephone-dn 1 rings on ephone 1 and on ephone 2. Ephone 1 answers, and the call is no longer
visible to ephone 2.
2 A call to ephone-dn 2 issues a call-waiting notification to ephone 1 and rings on ephone 2, which answers.
The second call is no longer visible to ephone 1.
3 A call to ephone-dn 3 issues a call-waiting notification to ephone 1 and ephone 2. Ephone 1 puts the call
to ephone-dn 1 on hold and answers the call to ephone-dn 3. The call to ephone-dn 3 is no longer visible
to ephone 2.
4 A call to ephone-dn 4 is issues a call-waiting notification on ephone 2. The call is not visible on ephone
1 because it has met the two-call maximum by handling the calls to ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 3. (Note
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Overlaid Ephone-dns
that the call maximum is six for those phones that are able to handle six call-waiting calls, as previously
Ephone-dns accept call interruptions, such as call waiting, by default.For call waiting to work, the default
must be active. For more information, see Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone, on
page 1285.
Extend Calls for Overlaid Ephone-dns to Other Buttons on the Same Phone
Phones with overlaid ephone-dns can use the button command with the x keyword to dedicate one or more
additional buttons to receive overflow calls. If an overlay button is busy, an incoming call to any of the other
ephone-dns in the overlay set rings on the first available overflow button on each phone that is configured to
receive the overflow. This feature works only for overlaid ephone-dns that are configured with the button
command and the o keyword; it is notsupported with overlaid ephone-dnsthat are configured using thebutton
command and the c keyword or other types of ephone-dns that are not overlaid.
Using the button command with the c keyword results in multiple calls on one button (the button is overlaid
with multiple ephone-dns that have call waiting), whereas using the button command with the o keyword
and the x keyword results in one call per button and calls on multiple buttons.
For example, an ephone has an overlay button with ten numbers assigned to it using the button command
and the o keyword. The next two buttons on the phone are configured using the button command and the x
keyword. These buttons are reserved to receive additional calls to the overlaid extensions on the first button
when the first button is in use.
ephone 276
button 1o24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 2x1 3x1
For configuration information, see Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones, on page 1326.
Configure Call Coverage Features
Configure Call Hunt on SCCP Phones
To configure a group of directory numbers to provide call coverage for a single called number, perform the
following steps for each directory number in the group.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]
6. no huntstop or huntstop
7. huntstop channel
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Call Coverage Features
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode for the purpose of configuring a
directory number.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 dual-line
Step 3
number number[secondary number] [no-reg Associates a telephone or extension number with the directory number.
[both | primary]]
Step 4
• Assign the same number to several primary or secondary
ephone-dns to create a group of virtual dial peers through which
the incoming called number must search. Example:
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 101
preference preference-order [secondary Sets the preference value for the ephone-dn.
Step 5
• Default: 0.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference 2
• Increment the preference order for subsequent ephone-dns with
the same number. That is, the first directory number is preference
0 by default and you mustspecify 1 for the second ephone-dn with
the same number, 2 for the next, and so on.
• secondary secondary-order—(Optional)Preference value for the
secondary number of an ephone-dn. Default is 9.
Step 6 no huntstop or huntstop Explicitly enables call hunting behavior for a directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop
• Configure no huntstop for all ephone-dns, except the final
ephone-dn, within a set of ephone-dns with the same number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
• Configure the huntstop command for the final ephone-dn within
a set of ephone-dns with the same number.
(Optional) Enables channel huntstop, which keeps a call from hunting
to the next channel of a directory number if the first channel is busy or
does not answer.
huntstop channel
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
Step 7
• Required for dual-line ephone-dns that are used for call hunting.
Step 8 end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Call Hunt on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
What to Do Next
If you want to collect statistics for hunt groups, see Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling
Verify Call Hunt Configuration on SCCP Phones
To verify the configuration for call hunt, perform the following steps.
1. show running-config
2. show telephony-service ephone-dn
3. show telephony-service all or show telephony-service dial-peer
Step 1 show running-config
This command displays your configuration. Preference and huntstop information is listed in the ephone-dn portion of
the output.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 126
description FrontDesk
name Receptionist
preference 1
call-forward busy 500
huntstop channel
no huntstop
Step 2 show telephony-service ephone-dn
This command displays ephone-dn preference and huntstop configuration information.
Step 3 show telephony-service all or show telephony-service dial-peer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Call Hunt Configuration on SCCP Phones
These commands display preference and huntstop configurations for ephone-dn dial peers.
Router# show telephony-service dial-peer
dial-peer voice 20026 pots
destination-pattern 5002
call-forward noan 5001 timeout 45
port 50/0/2
Configure Call Hunt on SIP Phones
To configure the call hunting feature and prevent hunt-on-busy from redirecting a call from a busy phone into
a dial peer that has been setup with a catch-all default destination, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. preference preference-order
6. huntstop
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory
number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or an MWI.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 3
Step 4 number number Associates a phone number with the directory number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Call Hunt on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001
• Assign the same number to several directory numbersto create
a group of virtual dial peersthrough which the incoming called
number must search.
Createsthe preference order for matching the VoIPdial peers created
for the number associated with this directory number to establish
the hunt strategy for incoming calls.
preference preference-order
Router(config-register-dn)# preference
Step 5
• Default is 0, which is the highest preference.
huntstop Disables call-hunting behavior for an extension on a SIP phone.
Router(config-register-dn)# huntstop
Step 6
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 7
What to Do Next
If you want to collect statistics for hunt groups, see Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling
Enable Call Pickup
To enable Call Pickup features on SCCP or SIP phones, perform the following steps.
Restriction • SIP phones that do not support the PickUp and GpickUp soft keys must use feature access codes
(FACs) to access these features.
• Different directory numbers with the same extension number must have the samePickup configuration.
• A directory number can be assigned to only one pickup group.
• Pickup group numbers can vary in length, but must have unique leading digits. For example, if you
configure group number 17, you cannot also configure group number 177. Otherwise a pickup in
group 17 is always triggered before the user can enter the final 7 for 177.
• Calls from H.323 trunks are not supported on SIP phones.
Before You Begin
• SIP phones require Cisco Unified CME 7.1 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable Call Pickup
• ThePickUp and GPickUp soft keys display by default on supportedSCCPandSIPphones. If previously
disabled, you must enable these soft keys with the softkeys idle command.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. service directed-pickup [gpickup]
5. fac {standard | custom pickup {direct | group | local} custom-fac}
6. exit
7. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line] or voice register dn dn-tag
8. pickup-group group-number
9. pickup-call any-group
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Enables Directed Call Pickup and modifies the function of the GPickUp
and PickUp soft keys.
service directed-pickup [gpickup]
Router(config-telephony)# service
directed-pickup gpickup
Step 4
• gpickup—(Optional) Enables using the GPickUp soft key to
perform Directed Call Pickup on SCCP phones. This keyword is
supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions.
• This command determines the specific soft keys used to access
different Call Pickup features on SCCP and SIP phones. For a
description, see the service directed-pickup command in the
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference.
Enables standard FACs or creates a custom FAC or alias for Pickup
features on SCCP and SIP phones.
fac {standard | custom pickup {direct |
group | local} custom-fac}
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable Call Pickup
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom
pickup group #35
• standard—Enables standard FACs for all phones. Standard FAC
for Park Retrieval is **10.
• custom—Creates a custom FAC for a feature.
• custom-fac—User-defined code to dial using the keypad on an IP
or analog phone. Custom FAC can be up to 256 characters and
contain numbers 0 to 9 and * and #.
exit Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 6
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line] or Enters directory number configuration mode.
voice register dn dn-tag
Step 7
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 dual-line
Router(config)# voice register dn 20
Step 8 pickup-group group-number Creates a pickup group and assigns the directory number to the group.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# pickup-group
• group-number—String of up to 32 characters. Group numbers can
vary in length but must have unique leading digits. For example,
if there is a group number 17, there cannot also be a group number
or 177.
pickup-group 30 • This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode and applied to one or more ephone-dns. The
ephone-dn configuration has priority over the template
Enables a phone user to pickup ringing calls on any extension belonging
to a pickup group by pressing the GPickUp soft key and asterisk (*).
pickup-call any-group
Router(config-ephone-dn)# pickup-call
Step 9
• The ringing extension must be configured with a pickup group
using the pickup-group command.
Router(config-register-dn)# pickup-call
• If this command is not configured, the user can pickup calls in
other groups by pressing the GPickUp soft key and dialing the
pickup group number.
end Exits configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 10
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable Call Pickup
The following example shows the Group Pickup and Local Group Pickup features enabled with the service
directed-pickupgpickupcommand. Extension 1005 on phone 5 and extension 1006 on phone 6 are assigned
to pickup group 1.
load 7960-7940 P00308000500
load E61 SCCP61.8-2-2SR2S
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
ip source-address port 2000
service directed-pickup gpickup
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
voicemail 8900
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-park system application
transfer-system full-consult
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Sep 25 2007 21:25:47
ephone-dn 5
number 1005
pickup-group 1
ephone-dn 6
number 1006
pickup-group 1
ephone 5
mac-address 0001.2345.6789
type 7962
button 1:5
ephone 6
mac-address 000F.F758.E70E
type 7962
button 1:6
Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone
To specify the type of audible call-waiting indicator on a SCCP phone, perform the following steps. The
default is for directory numbers to accept call interruptions, such as call waiting, and to issue a beep tone.
Instead of the standard call waiting beep, you can enable a ring tone for call-waiting.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone
Restriction • The call-waiting ring option is notsupported if the ephone-dn is configured with the no call-waiting
beep accept command.
• If you configure a button to have a silent ring, you will not hear a call-waiting beep or call-waiting
ring regardless of whether the ephone-dn associated with the button is configured to generate a
call-waiting beep or call-waiting ring. To configure a button for silent ring, see Assign Directory
Numbers to SCCP Phones, on page 260.
• The call-waiting beep volume cannot be adjusted through Cisco Unified CME for the Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7902G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905G, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G, Cisco ATA-186, and
Cisco ATA-188.
• The call-waiting ring option is notsupported on the Cisco Unified IPPhone 7902G, Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7905G, or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912G.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
4. call-waiting beep [accept | generate]
5. call-waiting ring
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode, creates an ephone-dn, and
optionally assigns it dual-line status.
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 dual-line
Step 3
Step 4 call-waiting beep [accept | generate] Enables an ephone-dn to generate or accept call-waiting beeps.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting
beep accept
• Default is directory number both accepts and generates
call-waiting beep.
• The beep is heard only if the other ephone-dn is configured
to accept call-waiting beeps (default).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enables an ephone-dn to use a ring indicator for
call-waiting notification.
call-waiting ring
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting
Step 5
• To use this command, do not disable call-waiting beep by
using the no call-waiting beep accept command.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Verify Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Call-waiting settings are listed in the ephone-dn
portion of the output. If theno call-waitingbeepgenerate and theno call-waitingbeepaccept commands are configured,
the show running-config command output will display the no call-waiting beep command.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 126
name Accounting
preference 2 secondary 9
huntstop channel
call-waiting beep
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn command to display call-waiting configuration information.
Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 126 secondary 1261
preference 0 secondary 9
no huntstop
huntstop channel
call-forward busy 500 secondary
call-forward noan 500 timeout 10
call-waiting beep
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Call-Waiting Indicator Tone on SCCP Phone
Configure Cancel Call Waiting on SCCP Phone
To enable a phone user to cancel call waiting by using the CWOff soft key or a FAC, perform the following
Restriction • Call Waiting must be disabled by pressing the CWOff soft key or using the FAC before placing a
call; it cannot be activated or deactivated during a call.
• The CWOff soft key is not available when initiating Call Transfer.
Before You Begin
For information about standard and custom FACs, see Feature Access Codes, on page 757.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. softkeys seized {[CallBack] [Cfwdall] [CWOff] [Endcall] [Gpickup] [HLog] [MeetMe] [Pickup]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. exit
9. telephony-service
10. fac {standard | custom ccw custom-fac}
11. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 5
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Cancel Call Waiting on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template.
Range: 1 to 20.
(Optional) Modifies the order and type of soft keys that display on
an IP phone during the seized call state.
softkeysseized{[CallBack] [Cfwdall] [CWOff]
[Endcall] [Gpickup] [HLog] [MeetMe]
[Pickup] [Redial]}
Step 4
• You can enter any of the keywords in any order.
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
seized CWOff Cfwdall Endcall Redial
• Default is all soft keys are displayed in alphabetical order.
• Any soft key that is not explicitly defined is disabled.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifiesthis ephone during
configuration tasks.
Step 7 ephone-template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the ephone template that
you created in Step 3, on page 1288.
exit Exits ephone configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 8
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 9
Step 10 fac {standard | custom ccw custom-fac} Enables standard FACs or creates a custom FAC or alias.
Router(config-telephony)# fac custom ccw
• standard—Enables standard FACs for all phones. Standard
FAC for cancel call waiting is *1.
• custom—Creates a custom FAC for a FAC type.
• custom-fac—User-defined code to be dialed using the keypad
on an IP or analog phone. Custom FAC can be up to 256
characters long and contain numbers 0 to 9 and * and #.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Cancel Call Waiting on SCCP Phone
The following example shows a configuration where the order of the CWOff soft key is modified for the
seized call state in ephone template 5 and assigned to ephone 12. A custom FAC for cancel call waiting is set
to **8.
max-ephones 100
max-dn 240
voicemail 8900
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
fac custom cancel call waiting **8
ephone-template 5
softkeys seized CWOff Cfwdall Endcall Redial
ephone 12
ephone-template 5
mac-address 000F.9054.31BD
type 7960
button 1:10 2:7
Enable Call Waiting on SIP Phones
To enable call waiting on an individual SIP phone, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version.
• mode cme command must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. call-waiting
5. exit
6. voice register global
7. hold-alert timeout
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable Call Waiting on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 3
Step 4 call-waiting Configures call waiting on the SIP phone being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# call-waiting
This step is included to illustrate how to enable the
command if it was previously disabled.
• Default: Enabled.
exit Exits voice register pool configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set parameters
for all supported SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 6
Sets an audible alert notification when a call is on hold on a SIP
phone. Default is disabled.
hold-alert timeout
Router(config-register-global)# hold-alert
Step 7
• timeout—Interval after which an audible alert notification
is repeated, in seconds. Range: 15 to 300.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 8
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
To define a hunt group and optional agent availability parameters, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
Restriction • The HLog soft key is available only on display phones. It is not available on Cisco Unified IPPhones
7902, 7905, and 7912; Cisco IP Communicator; and Cisco VG224.
• Shared ephone-dns cannot use the Agent Status Control or Automatic Agent Not-Ready feature.
• If directory numbers that are members of a hunt group are configured for called-name display, the
following restrictions apply:
◦The primary or secondary pilot number must be defined using at least one wildcard character.
◦The phone numbers in the list command cannot contain wildcard characters.
• If CallForward All or CallForward Busy is configured for a hunt group member (directory number),
the hunt group ignores it.
Before You Begin
Directory numbers included in a hunt group must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration
information, see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-hunt hunt-tag {longest-idle | peer | sequential}
4. pilot number [secondary number]
5. list number [, number...]
6. final final-number
7. hops number
8. timeout seconds [, seconds...]
9. max-timeout seconds
10. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]
11. no-reg [both | pilot]
12. fwd-final {orig-phone | final}
13. forward local-calls
14. secondary start [current | next | list-position]
15. present-call {idle-phone | onhook-phone}
16. from-ring
17. description text-string
18. display-logout text-string
19. exit
20. telephony-service
21. max-redirect number
22. hunt-group logout {DND | HLog}
23. exit
24. ephone-dn dn-tag
25. ephone-hunt login
26. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone-hunt hunt-tag {longest-idle Enters ephone-hunt configuration mode to define an ephone hunt group.
| peer | sequential}
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• hunt-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this hunt group during
configuration tasks. Range: 1 to 100.
Cisco CME 3.3 and earlier—Range: 1 to 10
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 23
• longest-idle—Calls go to the ephone-dn that has been idle the longest for
the number of hops specified when the ephone hunt group was defined. The
longest-idle is determined from the last time that a phone registered,
reregistered, or went on-hook.
• peer—First ephone-dn to ring is the number to the right of the ephone-dn
that was the last to ring when the pilot number was last called. Ringing
proceeds in a circular manner, left to right, for the number of hops specified
when the ephone hunt group was defined.
• sequential—Ephone-dns ring in the left-to-right order in which they are
listed when the hunt group is defined.
Defines the pilot number, which is the number that callers dial to reach the hunt
pilot number [secondary number]
pilot 5601
Step 4
• number—E.164 number up to 27 characters. The dialplan pattern can be
applied to the pilot number.
• secondary—(Optional) Defines an additional pilot number for the ephone
hunt group.
Defines the list of numbers (from 2 and 20) to which the ephone hunt group
redirects the incoming calls.
list number [, number...]
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list
5001, 5002, 5017, 5028
Step 5
• number—E.164 number up to 27 characters. Primary or secondary number
assigned to an ephone-dn.
Defines the last number in the ephone hunt group, after which the call is no longer
redirected. Can be an ephone-dn primary or secondary number, a voice-mail pilot
number, a pilot number of another hunt group, or an FXS number.
final final-number
final 6000
Step 6
When a final number is defined as a pilot number of another hunt group,
the pilot number of the first hunt group cannot be configured as a final
number in any other hunt group.
This command is not used for ephone hunt groups that are part of a
Cisco Unified CME B-ACD service. The final destination for those groups
is determined by the B-ACD service.
(Optional; peer and longest-idle hunt groups only)Setsthe number of hops before
a call proceeds to the final number.
hops number
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# hops
Step 7
• number—Number of hops before the call proceeds to the final ephone-dn.
Range is 2 to 20, but the value must be less than or equal to the number of
extensions that are specified in the list command. Default automatically
adjusts to the number of hunt group members.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional)Setsthe number ofseconds after which an unanswered call isredirected
to the next number in the hunt-group list.
timeout seconds [, seconds...]
timeout 7, 10, 15
Step 8
• seconds—Number of seconds. Range: 3 to 60000. Multiple entries can be
made, separated by commas, that must correspond to the number of
ephone-dns in the list command. Each number in a multiple entry specifies
the time that the corresponding ephone-dn will ring before a call isforwarded
to the next number in the list. If a single number is entered, it is used for the
no-answer period for each ephone-dn.
• If this command is not used, the default is the number of seconds set by the
timeouts ringing command, which defaults to 180 seconds. Note that the
default of 180 seconds may be greater than you desire.
(Optional) Sets the maximum combined timeout for the no-answer periods for all
ephone-dns in the ephone-hunt list. The call proceeds to the final destination when
this timeout expires, regardless of whether it has completed the hunt cycle.
max-timeout seconds
max-timeout 25
Step 9
• seconds—Number of seconds. Range is 3 to 60000.
• If this command is not used, the default is that no combined timeout limit
is set.
(Optional)Sets a preference order for the ephone-dn associated with the hunt-group
pilot number.
preference preference-order
[secondary secondary-order]
Step 10
preference 1
• preference-order—See the CLI help for a range of numeric values, where
0 is the highest preference. Default is 0.
• secondary secondary-order—(Optional)Preference order for the secondary
pilot number. See the CLI help for a range of numeric values, where 0 is the
highest preference. Default is 7.
(Optional) Prevents the hunt-group pilot number from registering with an H.323
gatekeeper. If this command is not used, the default is that the pilot number
registers with the H.323 gatekeeper.
no-reg [both | pilot]
Step 11
• both—(Optional) Both the primary and secondary pilot numbers are not
• pilot—(Optional) Only the primary pilot number is not registered.
• In Cisco CME 3.1 and later versions, if this command is used without the
either the both or pilot keywords, only the secondary number is not
(Optional) For calls that have been transferred into an ephone hunt group by a
local extension, determines the final destination of a call that is not answered in
the hunt group.
fwd-final {orig-phone | final}
fwd-final orig-phone
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• final—Forwards the call to the ephone-dn number that is specified in the
final command.
• orig-phone—Forwardsthe call to the primary directory number of the phone
that transferred the call into the hunt group.
(Optional; sequential hunt groups only) Specifies that local calls (calls from
ephone-dns on the same Cisco Unified CME system) will not be forwarded past
forward local-calls
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# no
forward local-calls
Step 13
the first list member in a hunt group. If the first member is busy, the internal caller
hears busy. If the first number does not answer, the internal caller hears ringback.
(Optional) For calls that are parked by hunt group member phones, returns them
to a different entry point in the hunt group (as specified in this command) if the
secondary start [current | next |
Step 14
calls are recalled from park to the secondary pilot number or transferred from park
to an ephone-dn that forwards the call to the secondary pilot number. Example:
secondary start next • current—The ephone-dn that parked the call.
• next—The ephone-dn in the hunt group list that follows the ephone-dn that
parked the call.
• list-position—The ephone-dn at the specified position in the list specified
by the list command. Range is 1 to 10.
(Optional) Presents ephone-hunt-group calls only to member phones that are idle
or onhook, as specified.
present-call {idle-phone |
Step 15
present-call idle-phone
• idle-phone—A call from the ephone-hunt group is presented to an ephone
only if all lines on the phone are idle. This option ignores monitored lines
that have been configured on the phone using the button m command.
• onhook-phone—A call from the ephone-hunt group is presented to an
ephone only if the phone is in the on-hook state. When this keyword is
configured, calls in the ringing or hold state that are unrelated to the hunt
group do not prevent the presentation of calls from the ephone-hunt group.
(Optional)Specifies that on-hook time stamps should be recorded when calls ring
extensions and when calls are answered. The default is that on-hook time stamps
are recorded only when calls are answered.
Step 16
description text-string (Optional) Defines text that will appear in configuration output.
description Marketing Hunt Group
Step 17
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Defines text that will appear on IP phones that are members of a hunt
group when all the hunt-group members are in the not-ready status. This string
display-logout text-string
display-logout Night Service
Step 18
can be used to inform hunt-group members where the calls are being sent when
all members are unavailable to take calls.
exit Exits ephone-hunt configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# exit
Step 19
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 20
(Optional) Sets the number of times that a call can be redirected within a
Cisco Unified CME system.
max-redirect number
max-redirect 8
Step 21
• number—Range is 5 to 20. Default is 10.
This command is required if the number of hops is greater than
(Optional) Specifies whether agent not-ready status applies only to ephone hunt
group extensions on a phone (HLog mode) or to all extensions on a phone (DND
hunt-group logout {DND | HLog}
hunt-group logout HLog
Step 22
mode). Agent not-ready status can activated by an agent using the HLog softkey
or a FAC, or it can be activated automatically after the number of calls specified
in the auto logout command are not answered.
The default of this command is not used is DND.
• DND—When phones are placed in agent not-ready status, all ephone-dns
on the phone will not accept calls.
• HLog—Enables the display of the HLog soft key. When phones are placed
in the agent not-ready status, only the ephone-dns assigned to ephone hunt
groups will not accept calls.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 23
Step 24 ephone-dn dn-tag (Optional) Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 29
• dn-tag—Tag number for the ephone-dn to be authorized to join and leave
ephone hunt groups.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enablesthis ephone-dn to join and leave ephone hunt groups(dynamic
ephone-hunt login
ephone-hunt login
Step 25
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 26
Verify Ephone Hunt Groups Configuration
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Ephone hunt group parameters are listed in the
ephone-hunt portion of the output.
Router# show running-config
ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle
pilot 500
list 502, 503, *
max-timeout 30
timeout 10, 10, 10
hops 2
fwd-final orig-phone
ephone-hunt 2 sequential
pilot 600
list 621, *, 623
final 5255348
max-timeout 10
timeout 20, 20, 20
fwd-final orig-phone
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Ephone Hunt Groups Configuration
ephone-hunt 77 longest-idle
pilot 100
list 101, *, 102
Step 2 To verify the configuration of ephone hunt group dynamic membership, use the show running-config command. Look
at the ephone-hunt portion of the output to ensure at least one wildcard slot is configured. Look at the ephone-dn section
to see whether particular ephone-dns are authorized to join ephone hunt groups. Look at the telephony-service section
to see whether FACs are enabled.
Router# show running-config
ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle
pilot 500
list 502, 503, *
max-timeout 30
timeout 10, 10, 10
hops 2
fwd-final orig-phone
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 126
preference 1
call-forward busy 500
ephone-hunt login
fac custom alias 5 *5 to *35000
fac custom ephone-hunt cancel #5
Step 3 Use the show ephone-hunt command for detailed information about hunt groups, including dial-peer tag numbers,
hunt-group agentstatus, and on-hook time stamps. This command also displaysthe dial-peer tag numbers of all ephone-dns
that have joined dynamically and are members of the group at the time that the command is run.
Router# show ephone-hunt
Group 1
type: peer
pilot number: 450, peer-tag 20123
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Ephone Hunt Groups Configuration
list of numbers:
451, aux-number A450A0900, # peers 5, logout 0, down 1
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20122 42 0 login up ]
[20121 41 0 login up ]
[20120 40 0 login up ]
[20119 30 0 login up ]
[20118 29 0 login down]
452, aux-number A450A0901, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20127 45 0 login up ]
[20126 44 0 login up ]
[20125 43 0 login up ]
[20124 31 0 login up ]
453, aux-number A450A0902, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20131 48 0 login up ]
[20130 47 0 login up ]
[20129 46 0 login up ]
[20128 32 0 login up ]
477, aux-number A450A0903, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20132 499 0 login up ]
preference: 0
preference (sec): 7
timeout: 3, 3, 3, 3
max timeout : 10
hops: 4
next-to-pick: 1
E.164 register: yes
auto logout: no
stat collect: no
Group 2
type: sequential
pilot number: 601, peer-tag 20098
list of numbers:
123, aux-number A601A0200, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20097 56 0 login up ]
622, aux-number A601A0201, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20101 112 0 login up ]
[20100 111 0 login up ]
[20099 110 0 login up ]
623, aux-number A601A0202, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20104 122 0 login up ]
[20103 121 0 login up ]
[20102 120 0 login up ]
*, aux-number A601A0203, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20105 0 0 - down]
*, aux-number A601A0204, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20106 0 0 - down]
final number: 5255348
preference: 0
preference (sec): 9
timeout: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
max timeout : 40
fwd-final: orig-phone
E.164 register: yes
auto logout: no
stat collect: no
Group 3
type: longest-idle
pilot number: 100, peer-tag 20142
list of numbers:
101, aux-number A100A9700, # peers 3, logout 0, down 3
on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Ephone Hunt Groups Configuration
[20141 132 0 login down]
[20140 131 0 login down]
[20139 130 0 login down]
*, aux-number A100A9701, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20143 0 0 - down]
102, aux-number A100A9702, # peers 2, logout 0, down 2
on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20145 142 0 login down]
[20144 141 0 login down]
all agents down!
preference: 0
preference (sec): 7
timeout: 100, 100, 100
hops: 0
E.164 register: yes
auto logout: no
stat collect: no
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups
To redirect callsfor a specific number (pilot number) to a defined group of directory numbers on Cisco Unified
SCCP and SIP IP phones, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups
Restriction • Before Cisco Unified CME 4.3, forwarding or transferring to a voice hunt group is not supported.
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, Call Forwarding is supported to a parallel hunt-group
(blast hunt group) only.
• SIP-to-H.323 calls are not supported.
• If CallForward All or CallForward Busy is configured for a hunt group member (directory number),
the hunt group ignores it.
• Caller ID update is not supported for supplementary services.
• Voice hunt groups are subject to the max-redirect restriction.
• A pilot dial peer cannot be used for a voice hunt group and an ephone hunt group at the same time.
• Voice hunt groups do not support the expansion of pilot numbers using the dialplan-pattern
command. To enable external phones to dial the pilot number, you must configure a secondary pilot
number using a fully qualified E.164 number.
• If call-waiting is enabled (the default), parallel hunt groups support multiple calls up to the limit of
call-waiting calls supported by the particular SIP phone model. If call waiting is disabled, parallel
hunt groups support only one call at a time in the ringing state. Phones that fail to connect must
return to the on-hook state before they can receive other calls.
• A phone number associated with an FXO port is not supported in parallel hunt groups.
• For Unified CME 12.1 and prior releases, mixed shared lines and SIP shared lines are not supported
with voice hunt groups.
• If the directory number (member of a voice hunt group) is a shared line, agent status control or HLog
is not supported.
• Line level logout or login is not supported using HLog softkey or feature button for SIP phones.
• From Unified CME release 11.6 onwards, line level logout or login is not supported using FAC for
SIP phones.
• DND FAC is not supported with SIP phones on Unified CME.
• Consider an SCCP DN that is part of both voice hunt group and ephone hunt group. If voice hunt
group is configured with members logout or auto logout, then the SCCP DN will logout only from
voice hunt group. If ephone hunt group is configured with members logout or auto logout, then the
SCCP DN will logout from both voice hunt group and ephone hunt group.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 3.4 or a later version for SIP phones.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version is required to include a SCCP phone, FXS analog phone,
DS0-group, PRI-group, or SIP trunk in a voice hunt-group.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.3 or a later version is required for call transfer to a voice hunt-group.
• Directory numbersincluded in a hunt group must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.For configuration
information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page 315.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups
• Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or later is required to support HLog softkey, feature button, and agent status
• Cisco Unified CME 11.6 or later is required to configure present-call, auto logout , and members
logout under voice hunt group configuration mode.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voicehunt-group hunt-tag [longest-idle |parallel | peer | sequential]
4. pilot number [secondary number]
5. list number
6. final number
7. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]
8. hops number
9. timeout seconds
10. present-call idle-phone
11. members logout
12. auto logout number-of-calls
13. exit
14. telephony-service
15. hunt-group logout {DND HLog }
16. exit
17. voice register dn tag
18. voice-hunt-groups login
19. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voicehunt-grouphunt-tag [longest-idle Enters voice hunt-group configuration mode to define a hunt group.
|parallel | peer | sequential]
Step 3
• hunt-tag—Unique sequence number of the hunt group to be configured.
Range is 1 to 100.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# voice hunt-group
1 longest-idle
• longest idle—Hunt group in which calls go to the directory number that
has been idle for the longest time.
• sequential—Hunt group in which directory numbers ring in the order in
which they are listed, left to right.
• parallel—Hunt group in which all directory numbersring simultaneously.
• peer—Hunt group in which the call placed to a directory number rings
for the next directory number in line.
• To change the hunt-group type, remove the existing hunt group first by
using the no form of the command; then, recreate the group.
Step 4 pilot number [secondary number] Defines the telephone number that callers dial to reach a voice hunt group.
pilot number 8100
• number—String of up to 16 charactersthat represents an E.164 telephone
• Number string may contain alphabetic characters when the number is to
be dialed only by the Cisco Unified CME router, as with an intercom
number, and not from telephone keypads.
• secondary number—(Optional) Keyword and argument combination
definesthe number that follows as an additional pilot number for the voice
hunt group.
• Secondary numbers can contain wild cards. A wildcard is a period (.),
which matches any entered digit.
Creates a list of extensions that are members of a voice hunt group. To remove
a list from a router configuration, use the no form of this command.
list number
list 8000, 8010, 8020, 8030
Step 5
• number—List of extensions to be added as members to the voice hunt
group. Separate the extensions with commas.
• Add or delete all extensions in a hunt-group list at one time. You cannot
add or delete a single number in an existing list.
• There must be from 2 to 10 extensions in the hunt-group list, and each
number must be a primary or secondary number.
• Any number in the list cannot be a pilot number of a parallel hunt group.
Step 6 final number Defines the last extension in a voice hunt group.
final 8888
• If a final number in one hunt group is configured as a pilot number of
another hunt group, the pilot number of the first hunt group cannot be
configured as a final number in any other hunt group.
• This command is not used for voice hunt groups that are part of a Cisco
Unified CME B-ACD service. The final destination for those groups is
determined by the B-ACD service.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups
Command or Action Purpose
Sets the preference order for the directory number associated with a voice
hunt-group pilot number.
preference preference-order
[secondary secondary-order]
Step 7
preference 6
We recommend that the parallel hunt-group pilot number be unique
in the system. Parallel hunt groups may not work if there are more
than one partial or exact dial-peer match. For example, if the pilot
number is “8000” and there is another dial peer that matches “8…”. If
multiple matches cannot be avoided, give parallel hunt groups the
highest priority to run by assigning a lower preference to the other
dial peers. Note that 8 is the lowest preference value. By default, dial
peers created by parallel hunt groups have a preference of 0.
• preference-order—Range is 0 to 8, where 0 is the highest preference and
8 is the lowest preference. Default is 0.
• secondary secondary-order—(Optional) Keyword and argument
combination is used to set the preference order for the secondary pilot
number. Range is 1 to 8, where 0 is the highest preference and 8 is the
lowest preference. Default is 7.
For configuring a peer or longest-idle voice hunt group only. Definesthe number
of times that a call can hop to the next number in a peer or longest-idle voice
hunt group before the call proceeds to the final number.
hops number
hops 2
Step 8
• number—Number of hops. Range is 2 to 10, and the value must be less
than or equal to the number of extensions specified by the list command.
• Default is the same number as there are destinations defined under the
list command.
Defines the number of seconds after which a call that is not answered is
redirected to the next directory number in a voice hunt-group list.
timeout seconds
timeout 100
Step 9
• Default: 180 seconds.
Specifies that voice hunt-group calls are presented only if all lines are idle on
the phone on which the hunt-group line appears.
present-call idle-phone
present-call idle-phone
Step 10
Configures a Cisco Unified CME system for all non-shared static members or
agents in a voice hunt group with the Hlogout initial state.
members logout
members logout
Step 11
Enables the automatic change of a voice hunt group agent’s voice register dn
or ephone-dn to not-ready status after a specified number of successive
hunt-group calls are not answered.
auto logout number-of-calls
auto logout 2
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Voice-Hunt Groups
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits voice-hunt-group configuration mode.
Step 13
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 14
(Optional) Specifies HLog softkey functions. Agent not-ready status can be
activated by an agent using the HLog softkey or a FAC.
hunt-group logout {DND HLog }
hunt-group logout Hlog
Step 15
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 16
Step 17 voice register dn tag (Optional) Enters voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register dn
• tag—Tag number for voice register dn to be authorized to join and leave
voice hunt groups.
(Optional) Enables this voice register dn to join and leave voice hunt groups
(dynamic membership).
voice-hunt-groups login
voice-hunt-groups login
Step 18
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 19
Verify Voice Hunt Groups Configuration
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Voice hunt group parameters are listed in the
voice-hunt portion of the output.
Router# show running-config
voice-hunt 1 longest-idle
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Voice Hunt Groups Configuration
pilot 500
list 502, 503, *
max-timeout 30
timeout 10, 10, 10
hops 2
fwd-final orig-phone
voice-hunt 2 sequential
pilot 600
list 621, *, 623
final 5255348
max-timeout 10
timeout 20, 20, 20
fwd-final orig-phone
voice-hunt 77 longest-idle
pilot 100
list 101, *, 102
Step 2 To verify the configuration of voice hunt group dynamic membership, use the show running-config command. Look
at the voice-hunt portion of the output to ensure at least one wildcard slot is configured. Look at the voice-dn section to
see whether particular ephone-dns are authorized to join voice hunt groups. Look at the telephony-service section to see
whether FACs are enabled.
Router# show running-config
voice-hunt 1 longest-idle
pilot 500
list 502, 503, *
max-timeout 30
timeout 10, 10, 10
hops 2
fwd-final orig-phone
voice-dn 2 dual-line
number 126
preference 1
call-forward busy 500
ephone-hunt login
fac custom alias 5 *5 to *35000
fac custom ephone-hunt cancel #5
Step 3 Use the show ephone-hunt command for detailed information about hunt groups, including dial-peer tag numbers,
hunt-group agentstatus, and on-hook time stamps. This command also displaysthe dial-peer tag numbers of all ephone-dns
that have joined dynamically and are members of the group at the time that the command is run.
Router# show ephone-hunt
Group 1
type: peer
pilot number: 450, peer-tag 20123
list of numbers:
451, aux-number A450A0900, # peers 5, logout 0, down 1
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20122 42 0 login up ]
[20121 41 0 login up ]
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Voice Hunt Groups Configuration
[20120 40 0 login up ]
[20119 30 0 login up ]
[20118 29 0 login down]
452, aux-number A450A0901, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20127 45 0 login up ]
[20126 44 0 login up ]
[20125 43 0 login up ]
[20124 31 0 login up ]
453, aux-number A450A0902, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20131 48 0 login up ]
[20130 47 0 login up ]
[20129 46 0 login up ]
[20128 32 0 login up ]
477, aux-number A450A0903, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20132 499 0 login up ]
preference: 0
preference (sec): 7
timeout: 3, 3, 3, 3
max timeout : 10
hops: 4
next-to-pick: 1
E.164 register: yes
auto logout: no
stat collect: no
Group 2
type: sequential
pilot number: 601, peer-tag 20098
list of numbers:
123, aux-number A601A0200, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20097 56 0 login up ]
622, aux-number A601A0201, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20101 112 0 login up ]
[20100 111 0 login up ]
[20099 110 0 login up ]
623, aux-number A601A0202, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20104 122 0 login up ]
[20103 121 0 login up ]
[20102 120 0 login up ]
*, aux-number A601A0203, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20105 0 0 - down]
*, aux-number A601A0204, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20106 0 0 - down]
final number: 5255348
preference: 0
preference (sec): 9
timeout: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
max timeout : 40
fwd-final: orig-phone
E.164 register: yes
auto logout: no
stat collect: no
Group 3
type: longest-idle
pilot number: 100, peer-tag 20142
list of numbers:
101, aux-number A100A9700, # peers 3, logout 0, down 3
on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20141 132 0 login down]
[20140 131 0 login down]
[20139 130 0 login down]
*, aux-number A100A9701, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Voice Hunt Groups Configuration
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20143 0 0 - down]
102, aux-number A100A9702, # peers 2, logout 0, down 2
on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
peer-tag dn-tag rna login/logout up/down
[20145 142 0 login down]
[20144 141 0 login down]
all agents down!
preference: 0
preference (sec): 7
timeout: 100, 100, 100
hops: 0
E.164 register: yes
auto logout: no
stat collect: no
Enable Audible Tone for Successful Login and Logout of a Hunt Group on SCCP
The user can enable playing of audible tone on an SCCP phone to confirm a successful join or unjoin and
login or logout from a hunt group (applies to both ephone and voice hunt group). From Cisco Unified CME
10.5 onwards, distinct audible tone will be played for the following scenarios:
1 To join and unjoin a hunt group via FAC
2 To log in and log out from hunt group via Hlog/DND, or FAC
The audible tone will be played for ephone hunt group and voice hunt group for SCCP Phones.
Restriction • Supports all 79xx phones except for 7926 wireless phones.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 10.5 or a later version
• Ephone or voice hunt group should be configured
• Ephone should be static or dynamic member of hunt group.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag or ephone-template template-tag
4. audible tone
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable Audible Tone for Successful Login and Logout of a Hunt Group on SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone phone-tag or ephone-template Enters ephone configuration mode.
Step 3
• phone-tag—The unique sequence number of the phone that will
be notified when an incoming call isreceived by a night-service
ephone-dn during a night-service period. Example:
Router(config)# ephone 25
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template that
is being created. Range: 1 to 20.
Enables playing of audible tone on an SCCP phone to confirm a
successful login or logout.
audible tone
Router(config-ephone)# audible tone
Step 4
Step 5 end
Router(config-ephone)# end
The following example shows that audible tone is configured in voice register pool configuration mode:
Router(config)# ephone 1
Router(config-ephone)# device-security-mode none
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address 64D8.14A5.C87A
Router(config-ephone)# type 7965
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:3
Router(config-ephone)# audible-tone!
Enable the Collection of Call Statistics for Voice Hunt-Groups
To enable the collection of call statistics for voice hunt groups, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable the Collection of Call Statistics for Voice Hunt-Groups
Restriction Hold and resume statistics are not updated for remote SCCP voice hunt group agents.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice hunt-group hunt-tag {longest-idle | parallel | peer | sequential}
4. statistics collect
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice hunt-group hunt-tag {longest-idle | Enters voice hunt-group configuration mode.
parallel | peer | sequential}
Step 3
• hunt-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the hunt group.
Range: 1 to 100.
Router(config)# voice hunt-group 60
• longest-idle—Hunt group in which calls go to the directory number
that has been idle the longest.
• parallel—Hunt group in which calls simultaneously ring multiple
• peer—Hunt group in which the first extension to ring is selected
round-robin from the list. Ringing proceeds in a circular manner, left
to right, for the number of hops specified when the hunt group is
defined. The round-robin selection starts with the number left of the
number that answered when the hunt-group was last called.
• sequential—Hunt group in which extensions ring in the order in
which they are listed, left to right, when the hunt group was defined.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable the Collection of Call Statistics for Voice Hunt-Groups
Command or Action Purpose
statistics collect Enables the collection of call statistics for a voice hunt group.
statistics collect
Step 4
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# end
Step 5
Associate a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group
Cisco Unified SIP IP phones are not supported. The display support applies to Cisco Unified SCCP IP
phones on voice hunt-group and ephone-hunt configuration modes only.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice hunt-group hunt-tag {parallel}
4. final number
5. list number [, number...]
6. timeout seconds
7. pilot number [secondary number]
8. name “primary pilot name” [secondary “secondary pilot name”]
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Associate a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 voice hunt-group hunt-tag {parallel} Creates a hunt group for phones in a Cisco Unified CME system.
Router(config)# voice hunt-group 20
• hunt-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthe hunt group.
Range is 1 to 100.
• parallel—Hunt group in which callssimultaneously ring multiple
Step 4 final number Defines the last extension in a voice hunt group.
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# final
• number—Telephone or extension number. Can be an E.164
number, voice-mail number, pilot number of another hunt group,
or FXS caller-ID number.
Step 5 list number [, number...] Defines a list of extensions that are members of a voice hunt group.
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# list
3001, 3002, 3003
• number—Extension or E.164 number assigned to a phone in Cisco
Unified CME. List must contain 2 to 32 numbers.
Defines the number of seconds after which a call that is not answered
is redirected to the next number in a voice hunt-group list.
timeout seconds
timeout 20
Step 6
• seconds—Number ofseconds. Range is 3 to 60000. Default is 180.
Definesthe number that callers dial to reach a Cisco Unified CME voice
hunt group.
pilot number [secondary number]
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# pilot
4045550110 secondary 3125550120
Step 7
• number—String of up to 32 charactersthat represents an extension
or E.164 telephone number.
• secondary number—(Optional) Defines an additional pilot number
for the voice hunt group.
name “primary pilot name” [secondary Associates a name with the called voice hunt group.
“secondary pilot name”]
Step 8
• “primary pilot name”—Name for the primary pilot number.
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# name
Hospital secondary “Health Center”
• secondary “secondary pilot name”—(Optional) Name for the
secondary pilot number.
Use quotes (") when input strings have spaces in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Associate a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group
Prevent Local Call Forwarding to Final Agent in Voice Hunt-Groups
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 9.5 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice hunt-group hunt-tag {parallel | sequential}
4. [no] forward local-calls to-final
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice hunt-group hunt-tag {parallel | Creates a hunt group for phones in a Cisco Unified CME system.
Step 3
• hunt-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the hunt
group. Range is 1 to 100.
Router(config)# voice hunt-group 1
• parallel—Hunt group in which calls simultaneously ring
multiple phones.
• sequential—Hunt group in which extensionsring in the order
in which they are listed, left to right, when the hunt group was
Prevents local calls from being forwarded to the final destination
[no] forward local-calls to-final
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# no
forward local-calls to-final
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Prevent Local Call Forwarding to Final Agent in Voice Hunt-Groups
Configure Night Service on SCCP Phones
This procedure defines night-service hours, an optional night-service code, the ephone-dns that trigger the
notification process, and the ephones that will receive notification.
Restriction • Night service notification is not supported on analog endpoints connected to FXS ports on a
Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR) or Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway.
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, silent ringing, configured on the phone by using the
s keyword with the button command, is suppressed when used with the night service feature. Silent
ringing is overridden and the phone audibly rings during designated night-service periods.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. night-service day day start-time stop-time
5. night-service date month date start-time stop-time
6. night-service everyday start-time stop-time
7. night-service weekday start-time stop-time
8. night-service weekend start-time stop-time
9. night-service code digit-string
10. timeouts night-service-bell seconds
11. exit
12. ephone-dn dn-tag
13. night-service bell
14. exit
15. ephone phone-tag
16. night-service bell
17. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Defines a recurring time period associated with a day of the week during
which night service is active.
night-service day day start-time
Step 4
night-service day mon 19:00 07:00
• day—Day of the week abbreviation. The following are valid day
abbreviations: sun, mon, tue, wed,thu, fri, sat.
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in
an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller
value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start
time. For example, “mon 19:00 07:00” means “from Monday at 7 p.m.
until Tuesday at 7 a.m.”
Defines a recurring time period associated with a month and date during which
night service is active.
night-servicedate month date start-time
Step 5
night-service date jan 1 00:00
• month—Month abbreviation. The following are valid month
abbreviations: jan, feb, mar, apr,may, jun, jul, aug,sep, oct,nov,dec.
• date—Date of the month. Range is 1 to 31.
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in
an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. The stop time must be greater
than the start time. The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a
stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time
and stop time, calls are blocked for the entire 24-hour period on the
specified date.
night-service everyday start-time Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective everyday.
Step 6
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in
an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller
night-service everyday 1200 1300
value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start
time. For example, “19:00 07:00” means “from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next
morning.” The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time,
it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop
time, the night service feature will be activated for the entire 24-hour
night-service weekday start-time Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective on all weekdays.
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in
an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller Example:
night-service weekday 1700 0700
value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start
time. For example, “19:00 07:00” means “from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next
morning.” The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time,
it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop
time, the night service feature will be activated for the entire 24-hour
Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective on all weekend
days (Saturday and Sunday).
night-service weekend start-time
Step 8
night-service weekend 00:00 00:00
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service, in
an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a smaller
value than the start time, the stop time occurs the day following the start
time. For example, “19:00 07:00” means “from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next
morning.” The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered as a stop time,
it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start time and stop
time, the night service feature will be activated for the entire 24-hour
Designates a code that can be dialed from any night-service line (ephone-dn)
to toggle night service on and off for all lines assigned to night service in the
night-service code digit-string
night-service code *6483
Step 9
• digit-string—String of up to 16 keypad digits. The code must begin with
an asterisk (*).
Step 10 timeouts night-service-bell seconds Defines the frequency of the night-service notification.
Router(config-telephony)# timeouts
night-service-bell 15
• seconds—Range: 4 to 30. Default: 12.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 11
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to define an ephone-dn to receive
night-service treatment.
ephone-dn dn-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn 55
Step 12
night-service bell Marks this ephone-dn for night-service treatment.
night-service bell
Step 13
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 14
Step 15 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 12
• phone-tag—The unique sequence number of the phone that will be
notified when an incoming call isreceived by a night-service ephone-dn
during a night-service period.
Marks this phone to receive night-service bell notification when incoming
calls are received on ephone-dns marked for night service during the
night-service time period.
night-service bell
night-service bell
Step 16
• Nightservice notification is notsupported on analog endpoints connected
to SCCP FXS ports on a Cisco ISR or Cisco VG224.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 17
Configure Night Service on SIP Phones
This procedure defines night-service hours, an optional night-service code, the voice register DNs that trigger
the notification process, and theSIPphones(voice register pools) that receive notification. The CLI commands
related to night-service in telephony-service are used to make night service feature work on SIP phones.
Restriction • When servicedirected-pickupgpickupis configured under telephony service, gpickup softkey has
to be used on SCCP phones to pick up the ringing call on night-service extensions.
Before You Begin
• It is mandatory to configure the CLI command servicedirected-pickupgpickupunder telephony-service
to pick up calls from SIP phones for night service.
• It is mandatory to configure source IP address, port, and max dn under telephony-service configuration
to make night service feature work for SIP phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. night-service day day start-time stop-time
5. night-service date month date start-time stop-time
6. night-service everyday start-time stop-time
7. night-service weekday start-time stop-time
8. night-service weekend start-time stop-time
9. fac standard
10. night-service code digit-string
11. timeouts night-service-bell seconds
12. exit
13. voice register dn dn-tag
14. night-service bell
15. exit
16. voice register pool pool -tag | voice register template template-tag
17. night-service bell
18. voice register pool pool-tag
19. template template-tag
20. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Defines a recurring time period associated with a day of the week during
which night service is active.
night-serviceday day start-time stop-time
night-service day mon 19:00 07:00
Step 4
• day—Day of the week abbreviation. The following are valid day
abbreviations: sun, mon, tue, wed,thu, fri, sat.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service,
in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a
smaller value than the start time, the stop time occursthe day following
the start time. For example, “mon 19:00 07:00” means “from Monday
at 7 p.m. until Tuesday at 7 a.m.”
Defines a recurring time period associated with a month and date during
which night service is active.
night-service date month date start-time
Step 5
night-service date jan 1 00:00 00:00
• month—Month abbreviation. The following are valid month
abbreviations: jan, feb, mar, apr,may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct,nov,
• date—Date of the month. Range is 1 to 31.
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service,
in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. The stop time must be
greater than the start time. The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is
entered as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for
both start time and stop time, calls are blocked for the entire 24-hour
period on the specified date.
Step 6 night-service everyday start-time stop-time Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective everyday.
night-service everyday 1200 1300
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service,
in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a
smaller value than the start time, the stop time occursthe day following
the start time. For example, “19:00 07:00” means “from 7 p.m. to 7
a.m. the next morning.” The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered
as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start
time and stop time, the night service feature will be activated for the
entire 24-hour period.
Step 7 night-service weekday start-time stop-time Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective on all weekdays.
night-service weekday 1700 0700
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service,
in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a
smaller value than the start time, the stop time occursthe day following
the start time. For example, “19:00 07:00” means “from 7 p.m. to 7
a.m. the next morning.” The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered
as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start
time and stop time, the night service feature will be activated for the
entire 24-hour period.
Defines a recurring night-service time period to be effective on all weekend
days (Saturday and Sunday).
night-service weekendstart-time stop-time
night-service weekend 00:00 00:00
Step 8
• start-time stop-time—Beginning and ending times for night service,
in an HH:MM format using a 24-hour clock. If the stop time is a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
smaller value than the start time, the stop time occursthe day following
the start time. For example, “19:00 07:00” means “from 7 p.m. to 7
a.m. the next morning.” The value 24:00 is not valid. If 00:00 is entered
as a stop time, it is changed to 23:59. If 00:00 is entered for both start
time and stop time, the night service feature will be activated for the
entire 24-hour period.
(Optional) Enables predefined standard feature access codes (FACs) to be
enabled.For the CLI commandnight-service code to work, it is mandatory
to configure fac standard under telephony-service configuration mode.
fac standard
Router(config-telephony)# fac
Step 9
Designates a code that can be dialed from any night-service line (voice
register dn) to toggle night service on and off for all lines assigned to night
service in the system.
night-service code digit-string
night-service code *6483
Step 10
• digit-string—String of up to 16 keypad digits. The code must begin
with an asterisk (*).
Step 11 timeouts night-service-bell seconds Defines the frequency of the night-service notification.
Router(config-telephony)# timeouts
night-service-bell 15
• seconds—Range: 4 to 30. Default: 12.
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 12
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a voice register dn
to receive night-service treatment.
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 10
Step 13
night-service bell Marks this voice register dn for night-service treatment.
night-service bell
Step 14
exit Exits voice register dn configuration mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# exit
Step 15
voice register pool pool -tag | voice Enters pool configuration mode (or template configuration mode).
register template template-tag
Step 16
• pool-tag—The unique sequence number of the phone that will be
notified when an incoming call isreceived by a night-service voice-dn
during a night-service period.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Night Service on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# voice register pool
Router(config)# voice register
template 1
Marks this phone to receive night-service bell notification when incoming
calls are received on voice register dns marked for night service during the
night-service time period.
night-service bell
night-service bell
night-service bell
Step 17
Enters pool configuration mode. This step is valid only when the night
service configuration is under voice register template.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool
Step 18
Includes the template with night-service bell configured to provide night
service treatment for this pool. Thisstep is valid only when the nightservice
configuration is under voice register template.
template template-tag
template 1
Step 19
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# end
Step 20
Verify Night Service Configuration on SCCP Phones
Step 1 Use the show running-config command to verify the night-service parameters, which are listed in the telephony-service
portion of the output, or use the show telephony-service command to display the same parameters.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Night Service Configuration on SCCP Phones
Router# show running-config
fxo hook-flash
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P00303020214
max-ephones 48
max-dn 288
ip source-address port 2000
application segway0
caller-id block code *321
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Mar 07 2003 11:19:18
voicemail 79000
max-conferences 8
call-forward pattern .....
moh minuet.wav
date-format yy-mm-dd
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .....
secondary-dialtone 9
night-service code *1234
night-service day Tue 00:00 23:00
night-service day Wed 01:00 23:59
Router# show telephony-service
CONFIG (Version=4.0(0))
Version 4.0(0)
Cisco Unified CallManager Express
For on-line documentation please see:
ip source-address port 2000
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7961 TERM41.7-0-1-1
load 7961GE TERM41.7-0-1-1
load 7960-7940 P00307020300
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
max-conferences 8 gain -6
dspfarm units 2
dspfarm transcode sessions 4
dspfarm 1 MTP00059a3d7441
dspfarm 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Night Service Configuration on SCCP Phones
hunt-group report delay 1 hours
Number of hunt-group configured: 14
hunt-group logout DND
max-redirect 20
voicemail 7189
cnf-file location: system:
cnf-file option: PER-PHONE-TYPE
network-locale[0] US (This is the default network locale for this box)
user-locale[0] US (This is the default user locale for this box)
moh flash:music-on-hold.au
time-format 12
date-format mm-dd-yy
timezone 0 Greenwich Standard Time
secondary-dialtone 9
call-forward pattern .T
transfer-pattern 92......
transfer-pattern 91..........
transfer-pattern .T
after-hours block pattern 1 91900 7-24
after-hours block pattern 2 9976 7-24
after-hours block pattern 4 91...976.... 7-24
night-service time is activated
night-service date Jan 1 00:00 23:59
night-service day Mon 17:00 07:00
night-service day Wed 17:00 07:00
keepalive 30
timeout interdigit 10
timeout busy 10
timeout ringing 100
caller-id name-only: enable
system message XYZ Company
web admin system name xyz password xxxx
web admin customer name Customer
edit DN through Web: enabled.
edit TIME through web: enabled.
Log (table parameters):
max-size: 150
retain-timer: 15
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
transfer-system full-consult
multicast moh port 2000
fxo hook-flash
local directory service: enabled.
Step 2 Use the show running-config command to verify that the correct ephone-dns and ephones are configured with the
night-service bell command. You can also use the show telephony-service ephone-dn and show telephony-service
ephone commands to display these parameters.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Night Service Configuration on SCCP Phones
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 24 dual-line
number 2548
description FrontDesk
night-service bell
ephone 1
mac-address 110F.80C0.FE0B
type 7960 addon 1 7914
no dnd feature-ring
button 1f40 2f41 3f42 4:30
button 7m20 8m21 9m22 10m23
button 11m24 12m25 13m26
night-service bell
Verify Night Service Configuration on SIP Phones
Step 1 Use the show running-config | section telephony-service command to verify the night-service parameters that are
listed in the telephony-service portion of the output. Use the show telephony-service command to display the same
Router# show running-config | section telephony-service
max-ephones 50
max-dn 50
ip source-address port 2000
service phone sshAccess 0
service phone webAccess 0
service directed-pickup gpickup
time-zone 39
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-park system application
hunt-group report url suffix 0 to 100
hunt-group report every 1 hours
hunt-group logout HLog
transfer-system full-consult
night-service weekday 13:17 14:17
night-service day Sun 00:05 23:59
night-service day Sat 00:05 23:59
Router# show telephony-service
max-ephones 50
max-dn 50
ip source-address port 2000
service phone sshAccess 0
service phone webAccess 0
service directed-pickup gpickup
time-zone 39
max-conferences 8 gain -6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Night Service Configuration on SIP Phones
call-park system application
hunt-group report url suffix 0 to 100
hunt-group report every 1 hours
hunt-group logout HLog
transfer-system full-consult
night-service time is activated
night-service weekday 13:17 14:17
night-service day Sun 00:05 23:59
night-service day Sat 00:05 23:59
Step 2 Use the show voice register dn and show voice register pool command to verify that the correct voice register dns
and phones are configured with the night-service bell command.
Router# show voice register dn 1
Dn Tag 1
Number is 8001
Preference is 0
Huntstop is disabled
Auto answer is disabled
Pickup group is 5
Night Service Bell is enabled
Router# show voice register pool 5
Pool Tag 5
Mac address is B000.B4BE.F32C
Type is 8851
Number list 1 : DN 5
Proxy Ip address is
DTMF Relay is disabled
Call Waiting is enabled
DnD is disabled
Video is disabled
Camera is disabled
Night Service Bell is enabled
Busy trigger per button value is 2
Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones
To create ephone-dns, then assign multiple ephone-dns to a single phone button by using the o or c keyword
with the button command, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones
Restriction • Call waiting is disabled when you configure ephone-dn overlays using the o keyword with thebutton
command. To enable call waiting, you must configure ephone-dn overlays using the c keyword with
the button command.
• Rollover of overlay calls to another phone button by using the x keyword with the button command
only works to expand coverage if the overlay button is configured with the o keyword in the button
command. Overlay buttons with call waiting that use the c keyword in the button command are not
eligible for overlay rollover.
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3), the Cisco Unified IPPhone 7931G cannotsupport overlaysthat contain
ephone-dn configured for dual-line mode.
• The primary ephone-dn on each phone in a shared-line overlay set should be an ephone-dn that is
unique to the phone to guarantee that the phone will have a line available for outgoing calls, and to
ensure that the phone user can obtain dial-tone even when there are no idle lines available in the rest
of the shared-line overlay set. Use a unique ephone-dn in this manner to provide for a unique calling
party identity on outbound calls made by the phone so that the called user can see which specific
phone is calling.
• Octo-line directory numbers are not supported in button overlay sets.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn phone-tag [dual-line]
4. number number
5. preference preference-order
6. no huntstop or huntstop
7. huntstop channel
8. call-forward noan
9. call-forward busy
10. exit
11. ephone phone-tag
12. mac-address mac-address
13. button button-number {o | c}dn-tag, dn-tag [, dn-tag...] button-number {x} overlay-button-number
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to create an extension (ephone-dn)
for a Cisco Unified IP phone line.
ephone-dn phone-tag [dual-line]
Router(config)# ephone-dn 10
Step 3
• For shared-line overlay set: Primary ephone-dn on a phone should be
an ephone-dn that is unique to the phone.
number number Associates a telephone or extension number with the ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number
Step 4
Step 5 preference preference-order Sets dial-peer preference order for an ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference
• preference-order—Preference order for the primary number associated
with an extension (ephone-dn). Type ? for a range of numeric options,
where 0 is the highest preference. Default: 0.
Step 6 no huntstop or huntstop Explicitly enables call hunting behavior for a directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no
• Set this command on all ephone-dns in the overlay set except the final
• Required to allow call hunting allow call hunting across multiple
numbers on the same line button on an IP phone.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
Disables call hunting behavior for a directory number.
• Set this command on the last ephone-dn within a overlay set.
• Required to limit the call hunting to an overlay set.
Only for dual-line ephone-dns in overlay set; keeps incoming calls from
hunting to the second channel if the first channel is busy or does not answer.
huntstop channel
Router(config-ephone-dn)# huntstop
Step 7
• Reservesthe second channel for outgoing calls,such as a consultation
call to be placed during a call transfer attempt, or for conferencing
(Optional) Forwards incoming unanswered call to next line in the overlay
call-forward noan
call-forward noan
Step 8
• Set this command on all ephone-dns in the overlay set.
Step 9 call-forward busy (Optional) Forwards incoming call if line is busy.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
call-forward busy
• Set this command on the last ephone-dn in the overlay set only.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 10
Step 11 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 4
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the phone to
which you are adding an overlay set.
mac-address mac-address Specifies the MAC address of the registering phone.
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 12
button button-number {o | c}dn-tag, Creates a set of ephone-dns overlaid on a single button.
dn-tag [, dn-tag...] button-number {x}
Step 13
• o—Overlay button. Multiple ephone-dnsshare this button. A maximum
of 25 ephone-dns can be specified for a single button, separated by
Router(config-ephone)# button
1o15,16,17,18,19 2c20,21,22 3x1 4x1
• c—Overlay button with call-waiting. Multiple ephone-dns share this
button. A maximum of 25 ephone-dns can be specified for a single
button, separated by commas.
• x—Separator that creates a rollover button for an overlay button that
was defined using the o keyword. When the overlay button specified
in this command is occupied by an active call, a second call to one of
its ephone-dns will be presented on this button.
• dn-tag—Unique identifier previously defined with the ephone-dn
command for the ephone-dn to be added to this overlay set.
• overlay-button-number—Number of the overlay button that should
overflow to this button. Note that the button must have been defined
using the o keyword and not the c keyword.
For other keywords, see the button command in the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 14
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Configure Overlaid Ephone-dns on SCCP Phones
Verify Overlaid Ephone-dns Configuration on SCCP Phone
Step 1 Use the show running-config command or the show telephony-service ephone command to view button assignments.
Router# show running-config
ephone 5
description Cashier1
mac-address 0117.FBC6.1985
type 7960
button 1o4,5,6,200,201,202,203,204,205,206 2x1 3x1
Step 2 Use the show ephone overlay command to display the configuration and currentstatus of registered overlay ephone-dns.
Step 3 Use the show dialplan number command to display all the number resolutions of a particular phone number, which
allows you to detect whether calls are going to unexpected destinations. This command is useful for troubleshooting
cases in which you dial a number but the expected phone does not ring.
Enable Out-Of-Dialog REFER
Restriction • The call waiting, conferencing, hold, and transfer call features are notsupported while the Refer-Target
is ringing.
• In a SIP to SIP scenario, no ringback is heard by the Referee when Refer-Target is ringing.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version.
• The application that initiates OOD-R, such as a click-to-dial application, and its directory server must
be installed and configured.
• For information on the SIP REFER and NOTIFY methods used between the directory server and
Cisco Unified CME, see RFC 3515, The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method.
• For information on the message flow Cisco Unified CME uses when initiating a session between the
Referee and Refer-Target, see RFC 3725, Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify Overlaid Ephone-dns Configuration on SCCP Phone
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sip-ua
4. refer-ood enable [request-limit]
5. exit
6. voice register global
7. authenticate ood-refer
8. authenticate credential tag location
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters SIP user-agent configuration mode to configure the user
Router(config)# sip-ua
Step 3
Step 4 refer-ood enable [request-limit] Enables OOD-R processing.
Router(config-sip-ua)# refer-ood enable
• request-limit—Maximum number of concurrent incoming
OOD-R requests that the router can process. Range: 1 to 500.
Default: 500.
exit Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register global configuration mode to set global
parameters for all supported SIP phones in a Cisco Unified CME
or Cisco Unified SRST environment.
voice register global
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Enable Out-Of-Dialog REFER
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Enables authentication of incoming OOD-R requests
using RFC 2617-based digest authentication.
authenticate ood-refer
authenticate ood-refer
Step 7
(Optional) Specifies the credential file to use for authenticating
incoming OOD-R requests.
authenticate credential tag location
authenticate credential 1 flash:cred1.csv
Step 8
• tag—Number that identifies the credential file to use for
OOD-R authentication. Range: 1 to 5.
• location—Name and location of the credential file in URL
format. Valid storage locations are TFTP, HTTP, and flash
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 9
What to Do Next
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME for the first time on this router, you are ready to configure
system-level parameters. See Configure System-Level Parameters, on page 167.
• If you modified network parameters for an already configured Cisco Unified CME router, you are ready
to generate the configuration file to save the modifications.See Generate ConfigurationFilesforPhones,
on page 388.
Verify OOD-R Configuration
1. show running-config
2. show sip-ua status refer-ood
Step 1 show running-config
This command verifies your configuration.
Router# show running-config
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Verify OOD-R Configuration
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
load 7971 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7970 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7961GE SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7961 SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
authenticate ood-refer
authenticate credential 1 tftp://
create profile sync 0004550081249644
refer-ood enable
Step 2 show sip-ua status refer-ood
This command displays OOD-R configuration settings.
Router# show sip-ua status refer-ood
Maximum allow incoming out-of-dialog refer 500
Current existing incoming out-of-dialog refer dialogs: 1
outgoing out-of-dialog refer dialogs: 0
Troubleshooting OOD-R
Step 1 Use the debug ccsip messages command to display the SIP messages exchanged between the SIP UA client and the
Step 2 Use the debug voip application oodrefer command to display debugging messages for the OOD-R feature.
Configuration Examples for Call Coverage Features
Call Hunt: Examples
Example for Setting Ephone-dn Dial-Peer Preference
The following example sets a preference number of 2 for the primary number of ephone-dn 3:
ephone-dn 3
number 3001
preference 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Troubleshooting OOD-R
Example for Disabling Huntstop
The following example shows an instance in which huntstop is not desired and is explicitly disabled. In this
example, ephone 4 is configured with two lines, each with the same extension number 5001. This is done to
allow the second line to provide call waiting notification for extension number 5001 when the first line is in
use. Setting no huntstop on the first line (ephone-dn 1) allows incoming calls to hunt to the second line
(ephone-dn 2) on the same phone when the ephone-dn 1 line is busy.
Ephone-dn 2 has call forwarding set to extension 6000, which corresponds to a locally attached answering
machine connected to a foreign exchange station (FXS) voice port. The plain old telephone service (POTS)
dial peer for extension 6000 also has the dial-peer huntstop attribute explicitly set to prevent further hunting.
ephone-dn 1
number 5001
no huntstop
preference 1
call-forward noan 6000
ephone-dn 2
number 5001
preference 2
call-forward busy 6000
call-forward noan 6000
ephone 4
button 1:1 2:2
mac-address 0030.94c3.8724
dial-peer voice 6000 pots
destination-pattern 6000
huntstop port 1/0/0
description answering-machine
Example for Channel Huntstop
The following is an example that uses the huntstop channel command. It shows a dual-line ephone-dn
configuration in which calls do not hunt to the second channel of any ephone-dn, but they do hunt through
each ephone-dn’s channel 1 in this order: ephone-dn 10, ephone-dn 11, ephone-dn 12.
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
preference 1
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
preference 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Call Hunt: Examples
Example for SIP Call Hunt
The following example shows a typical configuration in which huntstop is required. The huntstop command
is enabled and prevents calls to extension 5001 from being rerouted to the on-net H.323 dial peer for 5... when
extension 5001 is busy (three periods are used as wild cards).
voice register dn 1
number 5001
voice register pool 4
number 1 dn 1
id-mac 0030.94c3.8724
dial-peer voice 5000 voip
destination-pattern 5...
session target ipv4:
session protocol sipv2
Example for Call Pickup
The following example assigns the line that has an ephone-dn tag of 55 to pickup group 2345:
ephone-dn 55
number 2555
pickup-group 2345
The following example globally disables directed call pickup and changes the action of the PickUp soft key
to perform local group call pickup rather than directed call pickup:
no service directed-pickup
Example for Call-Waiting Beep
In the following example, ephone-dn 10 neither accepts nor generates a beep, ephone-dn 11 does not accept
a beep, and ephone-dn 12 does not generate a beep:
ephone-dn 10
no call-waiting beep
number 4410
ephone-dn 11
no call-waiting beep accept
number 4411
ephone-dn 12
no call-waiting beep generate
number 4412
Example for Call-Waiting Ring
The following example specifies that a short ring will indicate a call is waiting for extension 5533:
ephone-dn 20
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Example for Call Pickup
number 5533
call-waiting ring
Examples for Hunt Group
Example for Sequential Ephone-Hunt Group
The following example defines a sequential ephone hunt group with the pilot number 5600 and the final
number 6000, with three numbers in the list of phones that answer for the pilot number:
ephone-hunt 2 sequential
pilot 5600
list 5621, *, 5623
final 6000
max-timeout 10
timeout 20, 20, 20
fwd-final orig-phone
Example for Peer Ephone-Hunt Group
The following example defines peer ephone hunt group 10 with a pilot number 450, a final number 500, and
four numbers in the list. After a call is redirected four times (makes four hops), it is redirected to the final
ephone-hunt 10 peer
pilot 450
list 451, 452, 453, 477
final 500
max-timeout 10
timeout 3, 3, 3, 3
Example for Longest-idle Ephone-Hunt Group
The following example defines longest-idle ephone hunt group 1 with a pilot number 7501 and 11 numbers
in the list. After a call is redirected five times, it is redirected to the final number.
ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle
pilot 7501
list 7001, 7002, 7023, 7028, 7045, 7062, 7067, 7072, 7079, 7085, 7099
final 8000
preference 1
hops 5
timeout 20
Example for Longest-idle Ephone-Hunt Group Using From-Ring Option
The following example defines longest-idle ephone hunt group 1 with a pilot number 7501, a final number
8000, and 11 numbers in the list. Because the from-ring command is used, on-hook time stamps will be
recorded when calls ring extensions and when calls are answered. After a call is redirected six times (makes
six hops), it isredirected to the final number, 8000. The max-redirect command is used to increase the number
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
of redirects that are allowed because the number of hops (six) is larger than the default number of redirects
that are allowed in the system (five).
ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle
pilot 7501
list 7001, 7002, 7023, 7028, 7045, 7062, 7067, 7072, 7079, 7085, 7099
final 8000
preference 1
hops 6
timeout 20
max-redirect 8
Example for Sequential Hunt Group
In the following parallel hunt-group example, when callers dial extension 1000, extension 1001, 1002, 1003,
and 1004 ring simultaneously. The first extension to answer is connected. If none of the extensions answers
within 60 seconds, the call is forwarded to extension 2000, which is the number for voice mail.
voice hunt-group 4 parallel
final 2000
list 1001,1002,1003,1004
timeout 60
pilot 1000
preference 1 secondary 9
ephone-dn 1 octo-line
number 1001
ephone-dn 2
number 1002
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 1003
ephone-dn 4
number 1004
ephone 1
max-calls-per-button 4
mac-address 02EA.EAEA.0001
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address 001C.821C.ED23
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 002D.264E.54FA
button 1:3
ephone 4
mac-address 0030.94C3.053E
button 1:4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Example for Preventing Local Call Forwarding in Parallel Voice Hunt-Groups
The following example shows how to prevent the forwarding of local calls to the final destination in parallel
voice hunt-group 1:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# voice hunt-group 1 parallel
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# no forward local-calls to-final
Example for Associating a Name with a Called Voice Hunt-Group
When incoming call A reaches voice hunt group B and lands on final C, extension C does not show the name
of the forwarder because the voice hunt group is not configured to display the name. To display the name of
the forwarder and the final number, two separate names are required for the primary and secondary pilot
The following is a sample output of the show run command when the primary and secondary pilot names are
configured in ephone-hunt configuration mode:
ephone-hunt 10 sequential
pilot 1010 secondary 1020
list 2004, 2005
final 2006
timeout 8, 8
ephone-hunt 11 peer
pilot 1012 secondary 1022
list 2004, 2005
final 2006
timeout 8, 8
name EHUNT1 secondary EHUNT1-SEC
The following is a sample output of the show ephone-hunt command when the primary and secondary pilot
names are configured in ephone-hunt configuration mode:
show ephone-hunt 10
Group 10
type: sequential
pilot number: 1010, peer-tag 20010
pilot name: EHUNT PRIMARY
secondary number: 1020, peer-tag 20011
secondary name: EHUNT SECONDARY
voice hunt-group
The following example shows how the primary and secondary pilot names are configured in voice hunt-group
configuration mode:
voice hunt-group 24 parallel
final 097
list 885,886,124,154
timeout 20
pilot 021 secondary 621
The following is a sample output of the show voice hunt-group command when the primary and secondary
pilot names are configured in voice hunt-group configuration mode:
show voice hunt-group 1
Group 1
type: parallel
pilot number: 1000, peer-tag 2147483647
secondary number: 2000, peer-tag 2147483646
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
pilot name: SALES
secondary name: SALES-SECONDARY
list of numbers:
Member Used-by State Login/Logout
====== ====== ===== ==========
2004 2004 up login
2005 2005 down -
preference: 0
preference (sec): 0
timeout: 180
stat collect: no
phone-display: no
Example for Specifying a Description for a Voice Hunt-Group
The following example shows how to specify a description for voice hunt-group 12 using the description
command and presents the description in the output of the do show run command:
Router(config)# voice hunt-group 12 parallel
Router (config-voice-hunt-group)# description ?
LINE description for this hunt group
Router (config-voice-hunt-group)# description specific huntgroup description
Router (config-voice-hunt-group)# do show run | sec voice hunt-group
voice hunt-group 12 parallel
timeout 0
description specific huntgroup description
Example for Logout Display
In the following example, the description is set to “Marketing Hunt Group.” This information will be shown
in the configuration output and also on the display of IP phones that are receiving calls from this hunt group.
The display-logout message is set to “Night Service,” which will be displayed on IP phones that are members
of the hunt group when all the members are logged out.
ephone-hunt 17 sequential
pilot 3000
list 3011, 3021, 3031
timeout 10
final 7600
description Marketing Hunt Group
display-logout Night Service
Example for Displaying Total Logged-In Time and Total Logged-Out Time for Each Hunt-Group
The following example displays the duration (in sec) since a specific agent logged into and logged out of
ephone hunt group 1 from 4:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. (0400 to 0500):
show ephone-hunt 1 statistics
Wed 04:00 - 05:00
Max Agents: 3
Min Agents: 3
Total Calls: 9
Answered Calls: 7
Abandoned Calls: 2
Average Time to Answer (secs): 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Longest Time to Answer (secs): 13
Average Time in Call (secs): 75
Longest Time in Call (secs): 161
Average Time before Abandon (secs): 8
Calls on Hold: 2
Average Time in Hold (secs): 16
Longest Time in Hold (secs): 21
Per agent statistics:
Agent: 5012
From Direct Call:
Total Calls Answered: 3
Average Time in Call (secs): 70
Longest Time in Call (secs): 150
Totals Calls on Hold: 1
Average Hold Time (secs): 21
Longest Hold Time (secs): 21
From Queue:
Total Calls Answered: 3
Average Time in Call (secs): 55
Longest Time in Call (secs): 78
Total Calls on Hold: 2
Average Hold Time (secs): 19
Hold Time (secs): 26
Total logged in Time (secs) : 3000
Total logged out Time (secs) : 600
Agent: 5013
From Direct Call:
Calls Answered: 3
Average Time in Call (secs): 51
Longest Time in Call (secs): 118
Totals Calls on Hold: 1
Average Hold Time (secs): 11
Longest Hold Time (secs): 11
From Queue:
Total Calls Answered: 1
Average Time in Call (secs): 4
Longest Time in Call (secs): 4
Total logged in Time (secs) : 3000
Total logged out Time (secs) : 600
Agent: 5014
From Direct Call:
Total Calls Answered: 1
Average Time in Call (secs): 161
Longest Time in Call (secs): 161
From Queue:
Total Calls Answered: 1
Time in Call (secs): 658
Longest Time in Call (secs): 658
Total logged in Time (secs) : 3000
Total logged out Time (secs) : 600
Queue related statistics:
Total calls presented to the queue: 5
Calls handoff to IOS: 5
Number of calls in the queue: 0
Average time to handoff (secs): 2
Longest time to handoff (secs): 3
Number of abandoned calls: 0
Average time before abandon (secs): 0
Calls forwarded to voice mail: 0
Calls answered by voice mail: 0
Number of error calls: 0
Note The per agent statistics are displayed for both static and dynamic agents.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Example for Dynamic Membership To Ephone-Hunt
The following example creates four ephone-dns and a hunt group that includes the first ephone-dn and two
wildcard slots. The last three ephone-dns are enabled for group hunt dynamic membership. Each of them can
join and leave the hunt group whenever one of the wildcard slots is available. Standard FACs have been
enabled, and the agents use standard FACs to join (*3) and leave (#3) the hunt group. You can also use the
fac command to create custom FACs for these actions if you prefer.
ephone-dn 22
number 4566
ephone-dn 24
number 4568
ephone-hunt login
ephone-dn 25
number 4569
ephone-hunt login
ephone-dn 26
number 4570
ephone-hunt login
ephone-hunt 1 peer
list 4566,*,*
timeout 10
final 7777
fac standard
Example for Dynamic Membership To Voice Hunt-Group
The following example creates one voice register dn and one voice hunt group which includes two wildcard
slots. The voice register dn is enabled for group hunt dynamic membership. The DN can join and unjoin the
hunt group whenever one of the wildcard slots is available. Standard FACs have been enabled, and the agents
use standard FACs to join (*3) and unjoin (#3) the hunt group. You can also use the fac command to create
custom FACs for these actions if you prefer.
Voice register dn 1
Number 1001
Voice-hunt-groups login
Voice hunt-group 1 parallel
Pilot number 100
List 1001, 1002, 1003, *, *
Example for Agent Status Control using SCCP Phones
The following example sets up a peer ephone hunt group. It also establishes the appearance and order of soft
keys for phones that are configured with ephone-template 7. These phones will have the HLog key available
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
when they are idle, when they have seized a line, or when they are connected to a call.Phones withoutsoftkeys
can use the standard HLog codes to toggle ready and not-ready status.
ephone-hunt 10 peer
pilot 450
list 451, 452, 453, 477
final 500
timeout 45
hunt-group logout HLog
fac standard
ephone-template 7
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer HLog
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall HLog
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall HLog
Example for Agent Status Control using SIP Phones
The following example sets up a peer voice hunt group. It also establishes the appearance and order of soft
keys for phones that are configured with voice register template 7. These phones will have the HLog key
available when idle, when there is a ringIn, or when connected to a call. Phones without softkeys can use the
standard HLog codes to toggle ready and not-ready status.
voice hunt-group 10 peer
pilot 450
list 451, 452, 453, 477
final 500
timeout 45
hunt-group logout HLog
fac standard
voice register template 7
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Transfer HLog
softkeys idle Newcall Redial Pickup Cfwdall HLog
softkeys ringIn Answer DND iDivert HLog
Example for Automatic Agent Not-Ready for Ephone Hunt Group
The following example enables automatic status change to not-ready after one unanswered hunt group call
(the default) for both dynamic and static hunt group members (the default). It also specifies that the phones
which are automatically put into the not-ready status should only be blocked from further hunt-group calls
and that they should be able to receive calls that directly dial their extensions.
ephone-hunt 3 peer
pilot 4200
list 1001, 1002, 1003
timeout 10
auto logout
final 4500
hunt-group logout HLog
The following example enables automatic status change to not-ready after two unanswered hunt group calls
for any ephone-dn that dynamically logs in to the hunt group using the wildcard slot in the hunt group list.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Phones that are automatically placed in the not-ready status when they do not answer two hunt-group calls
are also placed into DND status (they will also not accept directly dialed calls).
ephone-hunt 3 peer
pilot 4200
list 1001, 1002, *
timeout 10
auto logout 2 dynamic
final 4500
hunt-group logout DND
Example for Automatic Agent Not-Ready for Voice Hunt Group
In the following example, voice hunt-group 1 is configured to permit automatic logout. If hunt group calls
that are presented to 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004 are unanswered (that is, if they ring longer than 40 seconds
each), voice register pool 1, voice register pool 2, ephone 1, and ephone 2 are automatically logged out. All
unanswered calls are sent to DN 5000.
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Router(config-register-dn)# number 1001
Router(config)# voice register dn 2
Router(config-register-dn)# number 1002
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1003
Router(config)# ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 1004
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn 1
Router(config)# voice reister pool 2
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn 2
Router(config)# ephone 1
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:1
Router(config)# ephone 2
Router(config-ephone)# button 1:2
Router(config)# voice hunt-group 1 peer
Router(config-voice-hunt)# pilot 1111
Router(config-voice-hunt)# list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
Router(config-voice-hunt)# final 5000
Router(config-voice-hunt)# timeout 40
Router(config-voice-hunt)# auto logout 4
Example for Call Statistics From a Voice Hunt Group
The following is a sample output from the show voice hunt-group statistics command. The output includes
direct calls to a voice hunt group number and calls from queue/B-ACD.
Router# show voice hunt-group 1 statistics last 1 h
Wed 04:00 - 05:00
Max Agents: 3
Min Agents: 3
Total Calls: 9
Answered Calls: 7
Abandoned Calls: 2
Average Time to Answer (secs): 6
Longest Time to Answer (secs): 13
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Average Time in Call (secs): 75
Longest Time in Call (secs): 161
Average Time before Abandon (secs): 8
Calls on Hold: 2
Average Time in Hold (secs): 16
Longest Time in Hold (secs): 21
Per agent statistics:
Agent: 5012
From Direct Call:
Total Calls Answered: 3
Average Time in Call (secs): 70
Longest Time in Call (secs): 150
Totals Calls on Hold: 1
Average Hold Time (secs): 21
Longest Hold Time (secs): 21
From Queue:
Total Calls Answered: 3
Average Time in Call (secs): 55
Longest Time in Call (secs): 78
Total Calls on Hold: 2
Average Hold Time (secs): 19
Longest Hold Time (secs): 26
Total Loged in Time (secs): 3000
Total Loged out Time (secs): 600
Agent: 5013
From Direct Call:
Total Calls Answered: 3
Average Time in Call (secs): 51
Longest Time in Call (secs): 118
Totals Calls on Hold: 1
Average Hold Time (secs): 11
Longest Hold Time (secs): 11
From Queue:
Total Calls Answered: 1
Average Time in Call (secs): 4
Longest Time in Call (secs): 4
Total Loged in Time (secs): 3000
Total Loged out Time (secs): 600
Agent: 5014
From Direct Call:
Total Calls Answered: 1
Average Time in Call (secs): 161
Longest Time in Call (secs): 161
From Queue:
Total Calls Answered: 1
Average Time in Call (secs): 658
Longest Time in Call (secs): 658
Total Loged in Time (secs): 3000
Total Loged out Time (secs): 600
Queue related statistics:
Total calls presented to the queue: 5
Calls handoff to IOS: 5
Number of calls in the queue: 0
Average time to handoff (secs): 2
Longest time to handoff (secs): 3
Number of abandoned calls: 0
Average time before abandon (secs): 0
Calls forwarded to voice mail: 0
Calls answered by voice mail: 0
Number of error calls: 0
Note The per agent statistics are displayed for both static and dynamic agents.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Example for Night Service on SCCP Phones
The following example provides night service before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, before
8 a.m. and after 1 p.m. on Saturday, and all day Sunday. Extension 1000 is designated as a night-service
extension. Incoming callsto extension 1000 during the night-service period ring on extension 1000 and provide
night-service notification to phones that are designated as night-service phones. In this example, the
night-service phones are ephone 14 and ephone 15. The night-service notification consists of a single ring on
the phone and a display of “Night Service 1000.” A night-service toggle code has been configured, *6483
(*NITE), by which a phone user can activate or deactivate night-service conditions during the hours of night
night-service day mon 17:00 08:00
night-service day tue 17:00 08:00
night-service day wed 17:00 08:00
night-service day thu 17:00 08:00
night-service day fri 17:00 08:00
night-service day sat 13:00 12:00
night-service day sun 12:00 08:00
night-service code *6483
ephone-dn 1
number 1000
night-service bell
ephone-dn 2
number 1001
night-service bell
ephone-dn 10
number 2222
ephone-dn 11
number 3333
ephone 5
mac-address 1111.2222.0001
button 1:1 2:2
ephone 14
mac-address 1111.2222.0002
button 1:10
night-service bell
ephone 15
mac-address 1111.2222.0003
button 1:11
night-service bell
Example for Night Service on SIP Phones
The following example provides night service everyday before 10:00 am and after 7:00 pm. Incoming calls
to extension 3000 during the night-service period ring on extension 3000 and provide night-service notification
to phones that are designated as night-service phones. In this example, the night-service phones are pool 2
and pool 3. The night-service notification consists of a single ring on the phone and a display of “NightService
3000.” A night-service toggle code has been configured, *8765 (*NITE), by which a phone user can activate
or deactivate night-service conditions during the hours of night service.
night-service everyday 19:00 10:00
night-service code *8765
voice register dn 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
number 3000
night-service bell
voice register dn 2
number 3001
night-service bell
voice register dn 10
number 5555
voice register dn 11
number 6666
voice register pool 1
mac-address 1111.2222.0001
number 1 dn 1
number 2 dn 2
voice register pool 2
mac-address 1111.2222.0002
number 1 dn 10
night-service bell
voice register pool 3
mac-address 1111.2222.0003
number 1 dn 11
night-service bell
Examples for Overlaid Ephone-dns
Example for Overlaid Ephone-dn
The following example creates three lines (ephone-dns) that are shared across three IP phones to handle three
simultaneous calls to the same telephone number. Three instances of a shared line with the extension number
1001 are overlaid onto a single button on each of three phones. A typical call flow is as follows. The first call
goes to ephone 1 (highest preference) and rings button 1 on all three phones (huntstop is off). The call is
answered on ephone 1. A second call to extension 1001 hunts onto ephone-dn 2 and rings on the two remaining
ephones, 11 and 12. The second call is answered by ephone 12. A third simultaneous call to extension 1001
hunts onto ephone-dn 3 and rings on ephone 11, where it is answered. Note that the no huntstop command is
used to allow hunting for the first two ephone-dns, and the huntstop command is used on the final ephone-dn
to stop call-hunting behavior. The preference command is used to create different selection preferences for
each ephone-dn.
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
no huntstop
preference 0
ephone-dn 2
number 1001
no huntstop
preference 1
ephone-dn 3
number 1001
preference 2
ephone 10
button 1o1,2,3
ephone 11
button 1o1,2,3
ephone 12
button 1o1,2,3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Example for Overlaid Dual-Line Ephone-dn
The following example shows how to overlay dual-line ephone-dns. In addition to using the huntstop and
preference commands, you must use the huntstop channel command to prevent calls from hunting to the
second channel of an ephone-dn. This example overlaysfive ephone-dns on button 1 on five different ephones.
This allows five separate calls to the same number to be connected simultaneously, while occupying only one
button on each phone.
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
preference 0
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
preference 1
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 1001
no huntstop
huntstop channel
preference 2
ephone-dn 13 dual-line
number 1001
preference 3
no huntstop
huntstop channel
ephone-dn 14 dual-line
number 1001
preference 4
huntstop channel
ephone 33
mac 00e4.5377.2a33
button 1o10,11,12,13,14
ephone 34
mac 9c33.0033.4d34
button 1o10,11,12,13,14
ephone 35
mac 1100.8c11.3865
button 1o10,11,12,13,14
ephone 36
mac 0111.9c87.3586
button 1o10,11,12,13,14
ephone 37
mac 01a4.8222.3911
button 1o10,11,12,13,14
Example for Shared-line Overlaid Ephone-dns
The following is an example of a unique ephone-dn as the primary dn in a simple shared-line overlay
configuration. The no huntstop command is configured for all the ephone-dns except ephone-dn 12, the last
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
one in the overlay set. Because the ephone-dns are dual-line dns, the huntstop-channel command is also
configured to ensure that the second channel remains free for outgoing calls and for conferencing.
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 101
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 102
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 201
no huntstop
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 201
no huntstop
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 201
!The following ephone configuration includes (unique) ephone-dn 1 as the primary line in a
shared-line overlay
ephone 1
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
button 1o1,10,11,12
!The next ephone configuration includes (unique) ephone-dn 2 as the primary line in another
shared-line overlay
ephone 2
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
button 1o2,10,11,12
Example for Overlaid Ephone-dn with Call Waiting
In following example, button 1 on ephone 1 though ephone 3 uses the same set of overlaid ephone-dns with
call waiting that share the number 1111. The button also accept calls to each ephone’s unique (nonshared)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
ephone-dn number. Note that if ephone-dn 10 and ephone-dn 11 are busy, the call will go to ephone-dn 12.
If ephone-dn 12 is busy, the call will go to voice mail.
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 1001
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 1001
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 1001
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 1111
no huntstop
huntstop channel
call-forward noan 7000 timeout 30
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 1111
preference 1
no huntstop
huntstop channel
call-forward noan 7000 timeout 30
ephone-dn 12 dual-line
number 1111
preference 2
huntstop channel
call-forward noan 7000 timeout 30
call-forward busy 7000
ephone 1
button 1c1,10,11,12
ephone 2
button 1c2,10,11,12
ephone 3
button 1c3,10,11,12
Example for Overlaid Ephone-dns with Rollover Buttons
The following example configures a “3x3”shared-line setup for three ephones and nine shared lines(ephone-dns
20 to 28). Each ephone has a unique ephone-dn for each of its three buttons (ephone-dns 11 to 13 on ephone
1, ephone-dns 14 to 16 on ephone 2, and ephone-dns 17 to 19 on ephone 3). The rest of the ephone-dns are
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
shared among the three phones. Three phones with three buttons each can take nine calls. The overflow buttons
provide the ability for an incoming call to ring on the first available button on each phone.
ephone-dn 11
number 2011
ephone-dn 12
number 2012
ephone-dn 13
number 2013
ephone-dn 14
number 2014
ephone-dn 28
number 2028
ephone 1
button 1o11,12,13,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 2x1 3x1
ephone 2
button 1o14,15,16,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 2x1 3x1
ephone 3
button 1o17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 2x1 3x1
Example for Called-Name Display for Voice Hunt Group
The Called-Name Display feature supports the display of the name associated with a called number for
incoming calls to IP phones configured on Unified CME. For an example of Called-Name Display for Voice
Hunt Group calls, see Example for Called-Name Display for Voice Hunt Group, on page 672.
Example for Called Directory Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns
The following example demonstrates the display of a directory name for a called ephone-dn that is part of an
overlaid ephone-dn set. For configuration information, see Directory Services, on page 659.
This configuration of overlaid ephone-dns uses wildcards in the secondary numbers for the ephone-dns.
Wildcards allow you to control the display according to the number that was dialed. The example is for a
medical answering service with three IP phones that accept calls for nine doctors on one button. When a call
to 5550101 rings on button 1 on phone 1 to phone 3, “doctor1” is displayed on all three phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
service dnis dir-lookup
directory entry 1 5550101 name doctor1
directory entry 2 5550102 name doctor2
directory entry 3 5550103 name doctor3
directory entry 4 5550110 name doctor4
directory entry 5 5550111 name doctor5
directory entry 6 5550112 name doctor6
directory entry 7 5550120 name doctor7
directory entry 8 5550121 name doctor8
directory entry 9 5550122 name doctor9
ephone-dn 1
number 5500 secondary 555000.
ephone-dn 2
number 5501 secondary 555001.
ephone-dn 3
number 5502 secondary 555002.
ephone 1
button 1o1,2,3
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
ephone 2
button 1o1,2,3
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
ephone 3
button 1o1,2,3
mac-address 3333.3333.3333
The following example shows a hunt-group configuration for a medical answering service with two phones
and four doctors. Each phone has two buttons, and each button is assigned two doctors’ numbers. When a
patient calls 5550341, Cisco Unified CME matches the hunt-group pilot secondary number (555....), rings
button 1 on one of the two phones, and displays “doctor1.” For more information about hunt-group behavior,
see Hunt Groups, on page 1248. Note that wildcards are used only in secondary numbers and cannot be used
with primary numbers.
service dnis dir-lookup
max-redirect 20
directory entry 1 5550341 name doctor1
directory entry 2 5550772 name doctor1
directory entry 3 5550263 name doctor3
directory entry 4 5550150 name doctor4
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
ephone-dn 2
number 1002
ephone-dn 3
number 1003
ephone-dn 4
number 104
ephone 1
button 1o1,2
button 2o3,4
mac-address 1111.1111.1111
ephone 2
button 1o1,2
button 2o3,4
mac-address 2222.2222.2222
ephone-hunt 1 peer
pilot 5100 secondary 555....
list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
final number 5556000
hops 5
preference 1
timeout 20
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Examples for Hunt Group
Example for Called Ephone-dn Name Display for Overlaid Ephone-dns
The following example demonstratesthe display of the name assigned to the called ephone-dn using thename
command. For information about configuring this feature, see Directory Services, on page 659.
In this example, three phones have button 1 assigned to pick up three shared 800 numbers for three different
The default display for the phones is the number of the first ephone-dn listed in the overlay set (18005550100).
A call is made to the first ephone-dn (18005550100), and the caller ID (for example, 4085550123) is visible
on all phones. The user for phone 1 answers the call. The caller ID (4085550123) remains visible on phone
1, and the displays on phone 2 and phone 3 return to the default display (18005550100). A call to the second
ephone-dn (18005550101) is made. The default display on phone 2 and phone 3 is replaced with the called
ephone-dn's name (catalog1) and number (18005550101).
service dnis overlay
ephone-dn 1
number 18005550100
ephone-dn 2
name catalog1
number 18005550101
ephone-dn 3
name catalog2
number 18005550102
ephone-dn 4
name catalog3
number 18005550103
ephone 1
button 1o1,2,3,4
ephone 2
button 1o1,2,3,4
ephone 3
button 1o1,2,3,4
Example for OOD-R
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
load 7971 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7970 SIP70.8-0-1-11S
load 7961GE SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
load 7961 SIP41.8-0-1-0DEV
authenticate ood-refer
authenticate credential 1 tftp://
create profile sync 0004550081249644
authentication username
Where to Go Next
Dial-Peer Call Hunt and Hunt Groups
Dial peers other than ephone-dn dial peers can be directly configured as hunt groups or rotary groups, in which
multiple dial peers can match incoming calls. (These are not the same as Cisco Unified CME ephone hunt
groups.) For more information, see the “Hunt Groups” section of the Dial Peers Features and Configuration
chapter of Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers.
Called-Name Display
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Where to Go Next
Thisfeature allows you to specify that the name of the called party, rather than the number,should be displayed
for incoming calls. This feature is very helpful for agents answering calls for multiple ephone-dns that appear
on a single line button in an ephone-dn overlay set. For more information, see Directory Services, on page
Soft Key Control
If the hunt-group logout command is used with the HLog keyword, the HLog soft key appears on phones
during the idle, connected, and seized call states. The HLog soft key is used to toggle an agent from the ready
to not-ready status or from the not-ready to ready status. To move or remove the HLog soft key on one or
more phones, create and apply an ephone template that contains the appropriate softkeys commands.
From Unified CME Release 11.6 onwards, HLog keyword issupported with thehunt-grouplogout command
configured under telephony service. On SIP phone, HLog softkey appears on phone for idle, ringIn, and
connected state.
For more information, see Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Feature Access Codes (FACs)
Dynamic membership allows agents at authorized ephones to join or leave a hunt group using a feature access
code (FAC) after standard or custom FACs are enabled.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, you can activate call pickup using a feature access code (FAC)
instead of a soft key when standard or custom FACs have been enabled for your system. The following are
the standard FACs for call pickup:
• Pickup group—Dial the FAC and a pickup group number to pick up a ringing call in a different pickup
group than yours. Standard FAC is **4.
• Pickup local—Dial the FAC to pick up a ringing call in your pickup group. Standard FAC is **3.
• Pickup direct—Dial the FAC and the extension number to pick up a ringing call at any extension.
Standard FAC is **5.
For more information about FACs, see Feature Access Codes, on page 757.
Controlling Use of the Pickup Soft Keys
To block the functioning of the group pickup (GPickUp) or local pickup (Pickup) soft key without removing
the key display, create and apply an ephone template that contains the features blocked command. For more
information, see Configure Call Blocking, on page 1064.
To remove the group pickup (GPickUp) or local pickup (Pickup) soft key from one or more phones, create
and apply an ephone template that contains the appropriate softkeys command. For more information, see
Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Ephone-dn Templates
The ephone-hunt login command authorizes an ephone-dn to dynamically join and leave an ephone hunt
group. It can be included in an ephone-dn template that is applied to one or more individual ephone-dns. For
more information, see Templates, on page 1427.
Ephone Hunt Group Statistics Reports
Several different types of statistics can help you track whether your current ephone hunt groups are meeting
your call coverage needs. These statistics can be displayed on-screen or written to files.
For more information, see the Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution and Auto-Attendant
Service chapter in Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and Tcl Call-Handling Applications.
Voice Hunt Group Statistics Reports
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Where to Go Next
The hunt-group statistics write-all command writes all the ephone and voice hunt group statistics to a file.
The hunt-group statistics write-v2 command writes all the ephone and voice hunt group statistics to a file,
along with total logged in and logged out time for agents.
The statistics collect command enables the collection of call statistics for a voice hunt group.
The show telephony-service all command displays the total number of ephone and voice hunt groups that
have statistics collection turned on.
The show voice hunt-group statistics command displays call statistics from voice hunt groups.
For more information, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Command Reference.
Do Not Disturb
The Do Not Disturb (DND) feature can be used as an alternative to the HLog function for preventing incoming
calls from ringing on a phone. The difference is that HLog prevents only hunt group calls from ringing, while
DND prevents all calls from ringing. For more information, see Do Not Disturb, on page 679.
Automatic Call Forwarding During Night-Service
To have an ephone-dn forward all its calls automatically during night-service hours, use the call-forward
night-service command.For more information,see Enable CallForwarding for a Directory Number, on page
Ephone Templates
The night-service bell command specifies that a phone will receive night-service notification when calls are
received at ephone-dns configured as night-service ephone-dns. This command can be included in an ephone
template that is applied to one or more individual ephones.
For more information, see Templates, on page 1427.
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Table 106: Feature Information for Call Coverage
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
Added support for configuring call
hunt features on SIP IP phones
connected directly to Cisco Unified
Call Hunt 3.4
• Preference for secondary
numbers was introduced.
• Huntstop was introduced.
• Ephone-dn dial-peer
preference was introduced.
• Huntstop was introduced.
Added CallPickup support forSIP
Call Pickup 7.1
• The ability to globally disable
directed call pickup was
• Feature access codes for call
pickup were introduced.
• The ability to block call
pickup on individual phones
was introduced.
The ability to remove or rearrange
soft keys on individual phones was
Call pickup groups were
Call Waiting 8.0 Added Cancel Call Waiting feature.
Added support for configuring call
waiting for SIP phones directly
connected to Cisco Unified CME.
Callback busy subscriber was
Callback Busy Subscriber 3.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
Hunt Groups
Added support for the following:
• SCCP phones in Voice
• Call Forwarding to a Parallel
Voice Hunt-Group (Blast
Hunt Group)
• Call Transfer to a Voice
• Member of Voice
Hunt-Group can be a SCCP
phone, FXS analog phone,
DS0-group, PRI-group, SIP
phone, or SIP trunk
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
Hunt Groups 4.0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
Added support for the following
on IP phones running SCCP:
• Maximum number of hunt
groups in a system was
increased from 20 to 100 and
maximum number of agents
in a hunt group wasincreased
from 10 to 20.
• Maximum number of hops
automatically adjusts to the
number of agents.
• A description can be added
to phone displays and
configuration output to
provide hunt group
information associated with
ringing and answered calls.
• A configurable message can
be displayed on agent phones
when all agents are in the
not-ready status to advise the
destination to which calls are
being forwarded or other
useful information.
• No-answer timeouts can be
set individually for each
ephone-dn in the list and a
cumulative no-answer
timeout can be set for all
• Automatic logout trigger
criterion was changed from
exceeding the specified
timeout to exceeding the
specified number of calls.
The name of this feature was
changed from automatic
logout to automatic agent
status not-ready.
• Dynamic hunt group
membership is introduced.
Agents can join and leave
hunt groups whenever a
wildcard slot is available.
• Agent status control using an
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
HLog soft key or feature
access code (FAC) is
introduced. Agents can put
their linesinto not-ready state
to temporarily block hunt
group calls without
relinquishing their slots in
• Calls can be blocked from
agent phonesthat are not idle
or on hook.
• Calls that are not answered
by the hunt group can be
returned to the party who
transferred them into the
• Calls parked by hunt group
agents can be returned to a
different entry point.
• (Sequential hunt groups only)
Local calls to a hunt group
can be restricted so that they
will not be forwarded past the
initial agent that is rung.
• (Longest-idle hunt groups
only) A new command, the
from-ring command,
specifies that on-hook time
stamps should be updated
when a call rings an agent
and when a call is answered
by an agent.
Added support for configuring hunt
groups for SIP phones directly
connected to Cisco Unified CME.
• Maximum number of hunt
groups in a system was
increased to 20.
• Automatic logout capability
was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
Longest-idle hunt groups were
Secondary pilot numbers were
Peer and sequential ephone hunt
groups were introduced.
Night service support for mixed
deployment of SIP and SCCP
phone was introduced.
Night Service 11.6
Night service support for SIP
phone was introduced.
The night-service everyday,
night-service weekday, and
night-service weekendcommands
were introduced.
The behavior of the night-service
code was changed. Previously,
using the night-service code at a
phone either enabled or disabled
nightservice for the ephone-dns on
that phone. Now, using the
night-service code at a phone
enables or disables night service
for all night-service ephone-dns.
3.0 Night service was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
• The number of ephone-dns
that can be overlaid on a
single button using the
button command and the o
or c keyword was increased
from 10 to 25.
• The ability to extend calls for
overlaid ephone-dns to other
buttons (rollover buttons) on
the same phone was
introduced. Rollover buttons
are created by using the x
keyword with the button
• The number of waiting calls
that can be displayed for
overlaid ephone-dnsthat have
call waiting configured has
been increased to six for the
following phone types: Cisco
Unified IP Phone 7940G,
7941G, 7941G-GE, 7960G,
7961G, 7961G-GE, 7970G,
and 7971G-GE.
Overlaid Ephone-dns 4.0
Call waiting for overlaid
ephone-dns wasintroduced and the
c keyword was added to thebutton
Overlaid ephone-dns were
introduced and the o keyword was
added to the button command.
Hlog Softkey support for SIP
Phones was introduced.
Voice Hunt Group Enhancements 11.6
Allows all ephone and voice hunt
group callstatisticsto be written to
a file using the hunt-group
statistics write-all command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME version Modification
The no forward local-calls
command was introduced in
ephone-hunt group to prevent a
local call from being forwarded to
the next agent.
Preventing Local-CallForwarding 9.5
to Final Agent in Voice Hunt
Hunt group agentstatistics of Cisco
Unified SCCP IP phones is
enhanced to include Total logged
in time and Total logged out.
Enhancement of Support for Hunt 9.5
Allows all ephone hunt call
statistics to be written to a file
along with total logged in and
logged out time for agents using
thehunt-groupstatistics write-v2
Total Logged in and Logged out 9.5
Time Statistics for agent
Allows all voice hunt callstatistics
to be written to a file along with
total logged in and logged out time
for agents using the hunt-group
statistics write-v2 command.
Enhancement of Support for Total 11.5
Logged in and Logged out Time
Statistics for Agent
Out-of Dialog REFER support was
Out-of-Dialog Refer 4.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Call Coverage Features
Feature Information for Call Coverage Features
Caller ID Blocking
• Restrictions for Caller ID Blocking, page 1363
• Information About Caller ID Blocking, page 1363
• Configure Caller ID Blocking, page 1364
• Configuration Examples for Caller ID Blocking, page 1368
• Feature Information for Caller ID Blocking, page 1368
Restrictions for Caller ID Blocking
Caller ID blocking on outbound calls does not apply to PSTN calls through foreign exchange office (FXO)
ports. Caller ID features onFXO-connected subscriber lines are under the control of thePSTN service provider,
who may require you to subscribe to their caller ID blocking service.
Information About Caller ID Blocking
Caller ID Blocking on Outbound Calls
Phone users can block caller-ID displays on calls from a particular ephone-dn, or you can selectively choose
to block the name or number on outbound calls from a particular dial peer.
The display of caller ID information for outgoing callsfrom a particular ephone-dn can be blocked on a per-call
basis, allowing users to maintain their privacy when necessary. The system administrator defines a code for
caller ID blocking in Cisco Unified CME. Users then dial the code before making any call on which they do
not want their number displayed on the called-party phone. The caller ID is sent, but its presentation parameter
is set to “restricted” so that the caller ID is not displayed.
Blocking CLID displays for local calls from a particular extension tells the far-end gateway device to block
display of calling-party information for the calls received from this ephone-dn.
Alternatively, you can allow the local display of CLID information and independently block the CLID name
or number on outbound VoIP calls. This configuration has the benefit of allowing caller-ID display for local
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
calls while preventing caller-ID display for external calls going over VoIP. This feature can be used for PSTN
calls that go out over ISDN.
Configure Caller ID Blocking
Block Caller ID For All Outbound Calls on SCCP Phones
To block the CLID name or number on outbound VoIP calls from a particular dial peer, perform the following
Restriction • Caller ID continues to be displayed for local calls. To block caller ID display on all outbound calls
from a particular directory number, use the caller-id block command. See Block Caller ID From a
Directory Number on SCCP Phones, on page 1365 or Verify Caller ID Blocking, on page 1366.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dial-peer voice tag [pots |voip]
4. clid strip
5. clid strip name
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 dial-peer voice tag [pots |voip] Enters dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 3 voip
You can configure caller-ID blocking on POTS dial
peers if thePOTSinterface is ISDN. This feature is not
available on FXO/CAS lines.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Caller ID Blocking
Configure Caller ID Blocking
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Removes the calling-party number from the CLID
information being sent with VoIP calls.
clid strip
Router(config-dial-peer)# clid strip
Step 4
(Optional) Removes the calling-party name from the CLID
information being sent with VoIP calls.
clid strip name
Router(config-dial-peer)# clid strip name
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 6
Block Caller ID From a Directory Number on SCCP Phones
To define a code that phone users can dial to block caller ID display on selected outbound callsfrom a particular
directory number or to block caller ID display on all calls from a directory number, perform the following
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. caller-id block code code-string
5. exit
6. ephone-dn dn-tag
7. caller-id block
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Caller ID Blocking
Block Caller ID From a Directory Number on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
(Optional) Defines a code that users can enter before making calls
on which the caller ID should not be displayed.
caller-id block code code-string
Router(config-telephony)# caller-id block
code *1234
Step 4
• code-string—Digit string of up to 16 characters. The first
character must be an asterisk (*).
exit Exits telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Step 5
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 3
Step 6
(Optional) Blocks display of caller-ID information for all outbound
calls that originate from this directory number.
caller-id block
Router(config-ephone-dn)# caller-id block
Step 7
This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode and applied to one or more directory number.
The ephone-dn configuration has priority over the
ephone-dn-template configuration.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dial-peer)# end
Step 8
Verify Caller ID Blocking
Use the show running-config command to display caller ID blocking parameters, which may appear in the
telephony-service, ephone-dn, or dial-peer portions of the output.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Caller ID Blocking
Verify Caller ID Blocking
Router# show running-config
dial-peer voice 450002 voip
translation-profile outgoing 457-456
destination-pattern 457
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
clid strip
fxo hook-flash
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
load 7914 S00103020002
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
no service directed-pickup
timeouts ringing 10
system message XYZ Company
voicemail 7189
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh music-on-hold.au
caller-id block code *1234
web admin system name cisco password cisco
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern 92......
transfer-pattern 91..........
transfer-pattern 93......
transfer-pattern 94......
transfer-pattern 95......
transfer-pattern 96......
transfer-pattern 97......
transfer-pattern 98......
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
after-hours block pattern 1 91900 7-24
after-hours block pattern 2 9976 7-24
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jul 13 2004 03:39:28
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 126
preference 1
call-forward busy 500
caller-id block
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Caller ID Blocking
Verify Caller ID Blocking
Configuration Examples for Caller ID Blocking
Example for Configuring Caller ID Blocking Code
The following example defines a code of *1234 for phone users to enter to block caller ID on their outgoing
caller-id block code *1234
Example for Configuring Caller ID Blocking for Outbound Calls from a Directory
Number on SCCP Phones
The following example sets CLID blocking for the ephone-dn with tag 3.
ephone-dn 3
number 2345
caller-id block
The following example blocks the display of CLID name and number on VoIP calls but allows CLID display
for local calls:
ephone-dn 3
number 2345
dial-peer voice 2 voip
clid strip
clid strip name
Feature Information for Caller ID Blocking
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 107: Feature Information for Caller ID Blocking
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Caller ID blocking per local call
was introduced.
Caller ID Blocking 3.0
Caller ID blocking for outbound
calls was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Caller ID Blocking
Configuration Examples for Caller ID Blocking
• Restrictions for Conferencing, page 1369
• Information About Conferencing, page 1369
• Configure Conferencing, page 1377
• Configuration Examples for Conferencing, page 1406
• Where to Go Next, page 1425
• Feature Information for Conferencing, page 1425
Restrictions for Conferencing
When you are configuring dial peers or ephone-dns, including park slots and conferencing extensions, on
Cisco Integrated Services Router Voice Bundles, the following message may appear to warn you that free
memory is not available:
%DIALPEER_DB-3-ADDPEER_MEM_THRESHOLD: Addition of dial-peerslimited by available memory
To configure more dial peers or ephone-dns, increase the DRAM in the system. A moderately complex
configuration may exceed the default 256 MB DRAM and require 512 MB DRAM. Note that many factors
contribute to memory usage, in addition to the number of dial peers and ephone-dns configured.
Information About Conferencing
Conferencing Overview
Conferencing allows you to join three or more parties in a telephone conversation. Two types of conferencing
are available in Cisco Unified CME: ad hoc and meet-me.
Ad hoc conferences can be hardware-based or software-based. Software-based conferences use the router
CPU to provide audio mixing (G.711) and are limited to 3 parties. Hardware-based multi-party ad hoc
conferencing uses digital signal processors (DSPs) to allow more parties than software-based ad hoc
conferencing and also provides additional features such as Join and Conference Participant List (ConfList).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Meet-me conferences are created by parties calling a designated conference number. Meet-me conferencing
is hardware-based only. If you configure software-based conferencing, you cannot have meet-me conferences.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7, hardware conferencing is supported on Cisco 4000 Series Integrated
Services Router.
Conferencing with Octo-Lines
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, when a conference initiator is an octo-line directory number,
Cisco Unified CME selects an idle channel from that directory number and the user must establish a new call
to complete the conference. If an idle channel is not available on the same octo-line directory number, the
conference aborts and a “No Line Available” message displays. Cisco Unified CME does not select an
idle channel from another directory number and the user cannot select “hold” calls on the other channels of
the directory number or other directory numbers, which is the behavior for single-line and dual-line directory
With octo-line directory numbers, only one directory number is required for an 8-party meet-me or ad hoc
conference. Up to eight select and join instances are supported.
Secure Conferencing Limitation
Cisco Unified CME cannot use the secure conference DSP farm capability. If Cisco Unified CME needs a
conference DSPfarm resource for multiparty ad hoc or meet-me conferencing, it will use a secure or nonsecure
DSP farm resource depending on what resources have been registered with Cisco Unified CME. If
Cisco Unified CME happens to pick a secure DSP farm resource, the conference itself will not be secure,
which is a waste, in terms of sessions capacity, of the more expensive secure DSP farm resource.
To avoid using valuable secure DSPfarm resources, we recommend that you do not register a secure conference
DSP Farm profile to a Cisco Unified CME because Cisco Unified CME cannot use the DSP farm’s secure
Ad-hoc Conferencing
Before Cisco Unified CME 4.1, support for conferencing is limited to three-party ad hoc conference calls
using a G.711 codec. To have an ad hoc conference with a party that is not using a G.711 codec, transcoding
is necessary. For more information, see Transcoding When a Remote Phone Uses G.729r8, on page 478.
From Unified CME 11.7 onwards, conference participants (line or trunk) with different codecs can be added
to the conference bridge without the need for configuring extra DSP resources for transcoding. During a
two-party transcoded call on Unified CME (Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Router), LTI-based
transcoding is invoked. When the two-party call becomes an Ad-hoc conference, LTI-based transcoding is
released and SCCP-based DSP conference is invoked. The DSP inserted for conferencing would take care of
both transcoding and mixing the audio stream.
The maximum number of simultaneous conferences is platform-specific to the type of Cisco Unified CME
router, and each individual Cisco Unified IP phone can host a maximum of one conference at a time. You
cannot create a second conference on a phone if you already have an existing conference on hold.
Conference Gain Levels
In Cisco Unified CME 3.3 and later versions, you can adjust the gain level of an external call to provide more
adequate volume. This functionality is applied to inbound audio packets so that conference participants can
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Conferencing with Octo-Lines
more clearly hear a remote PSTN or VoIP caller joining their call. Note that this functionality cannot
discriminate between a remote VoIP/foreign exchange office (FXO) source, which requires a volume gain,
and a remote VoIP/IP phone, which does not require a volume gain and may therefore incur some sound
End-of-Conference Options
For Cisco CME 3.2 and later versions, a person who initiates a conference call and hangs up can either keep
the remaining parties connected or disconnect them.
Cisco Unified IP phones can be configured to keep the remaining conference parties connected when the
conference initiator hangs up (places the handset back in the on-hook position). Conference originators can
disconnect from their conference calls by pressing the Confrn (conference) soft key. When an initiator uses
the Confrn key to disconnect from the conference call, the oldest call leg will be put on hold, leaving the
initiator connected to the most recent call leg. The conference initiator can then navigate between the two
parties by pressing either the Hold soft key or the line buttons to select the desired call.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, behavior for the end of three-way conferences can be configured
at a phone level. The options specify whether the last party that joined a conference can be dropped from the
conference and whether the remaining two parties should be allowed to continue their connection after the
conference initiator has left the conference.
Multi-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing for More Than Three Parties
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, hardware-based multi-party ad hoc conferences allow more
than three parties. Ad hoc conferences are created when one party calls another, then either party decides to
add another party to the call. Ad hoc conferences can be created in several ways.
The conference shown in Figure 64: Simple AdHoc Conference Using the Conf Soft Key, on page 1371 is
created when extension 1215 dials extension 1225. The two parties decide to add a third party, extension
1235. Extensions 1215, 1225, and 1235 are now partiesin an ad hoc conference. Extension 1215 isthe creator.
Figure 64: Simple AdHoc Conference Using the Conf Soft Key
You can configure ad hoc conferencing so that only the creator can add parties to the conference. The default
is that any party can add other parties to the conference. You can configure conferencing so that the conference
drops when the creator hangs up, and you can configure it so that the conference drops when the last local
party hangs up. The default is that the conference is not dropped, regardless of whether the creator hangs up,
provided three parties remain in the conference.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Ad-hoc Conferencing
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7, when the creator transfers the call or parks the call with another call,
the conference bridge remains active. The conference is not dropped, even when the drop-mode creator
command is enabled.
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7, Multi-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing is supported on Cisco 4000 Series
Integrated Services Router. The maximum number of conference parties you can support on a conference call
is limited to 8. Hardware-based multi-party ad hoc conference bridges does not support video phones. In a
scenario where the participants joins the conference with video enabled phones, the caller on that phone can
connect to the conference as an audio only participant.
Also, when the participant puts the call on hold in a conference, the other parties in the conference remain
connected. The Resume softkey is not displayed to the other active remote-in-use calls on the shared lines.
Only, the participant who puts the call on hold can resume the call.
For configuration information, see Configure Conferencing Options on SCCP Phones, on page 1379 section
for more information.
Connected Conference
Connected Conference supports a consultation call for conference in connected call state. In a connected call
scenario for SIP phones, a line on the phone is in an active call. The other lines are in held state. Using the
Connected conference feature, the user can allow one of the calls on hold to join the active call.
For Connected Conference to work on phones, Ad Hoc conferencing has to be enabled on Unified CME.
Connected Conference is supported only on Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series.
Only one held call can join the active call at a time for SIP phones. If the other lines on the SIP phone has to
join the conference, they can join one at a time. A maximum of 8 participants can be part of a connected
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7 onwards, Connected Conference feature is supported on SIP phones
as well. As part of this enhancement, a new softkey Active calls has been added to the SIP phones configured
on Unified CME.
For the Connected Conference feature, the behavior is different across Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and Cisco
IP Phone 8800 Series. For Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series, line key is used by the Connected Conference feature.
However, Active calls softkey is used in Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series.
Following are the steps to invoke connected conferencing on Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series:
1 A call from Phone A (Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series) is answered by Phone B.
2 Phone A puts the call with Phone B on hold.
3 Phone A makes another call to Phone C, and the call is answered by Phone C.
4 Press the Conference hard button or softkey on Phone A.
5 Then, press the Active calls softkey on Phone A to select the option Phone B.
6 Repeat the above steps to add more parties into conference.
A connected conference between Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Phone A, Phone B, and Phone C is established.
Following are the steps to invoke connected conferencing on Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Ad-hoc Conferencing
1 A call from Phone A (Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series) is answered by Phone B.
2 Phone A puts the call with Phone B on hold.
3 Phone A makes another call to Phone C, and the call is answered by Phone C.
4 Use the line key on Phone A to select the option Phone B.
5 Repeat the above steps to add more parties into conference.
A connected conference between Cisco IPPhone 7800SeriesIPPhone A,Phone B, andPhone C is established.
The phone firmware filesthatsupport Connected Conference on Cisco IPPhone 8800Seriesis unavailable
until the next Unified CME release. Hence, Connected Conference support for SIP phones is limited to
Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series for Unified CME Release 11.7.
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later versions
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, meet-me conferences consist of at least three parties dialing a
meet-me conference number predetermined by a system administrator. For example, the conference shown
in Figure 65: Simple Meet-Me Conference Scenario, on page 1373 is created when the conference creator at
extension 1215 presses the MeetMe soft key and hears a confirmation tone, then dials the meet-me conference
number 1500. Extension 1225 and extension 1235 join the meet-me conference by dialing 1500. Extensions
1215, 1225, and 1235 are now parties in a meet-me conference on extension 1500.
Figure 65: Simple Meet-Me Conference Scenario
Configure Maximum Parties
You can configure the maximum number of conference parties to be lower than the actual maximum of 32
for meet-me conferences.See Configure the DSPFarm Profile onSCCPPhones, on page 1387 the section for
more information.
Freeing Conference Resources
If only one party remains in the meet-me conference, for example, if one party has forgotten to hang up, the
conference call is disconnected after five minutes to free system resources.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later versions
If the creator is waiting for partiesto join the conference and isthe only party on the conference, the conference
is not disconnected because significant resources are not being used.
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 11.7 and Later Versions
From Cisco Unified CME Release 11.7, Meet-Me conferencing is supported on Cisco 4000 Series Integrated
Services Router. The Meet-Me conference requires a minimum of three parties dialing a Meet-Me conference
number, predetermined by the system administrator. The maximum number of conference parties you can
support on a conference call is limited to 32. However, you can configure the number of participants that can
attend a Meet-Me conference.
Configuration of multi-party conference on Cisco 4000 Series ISRs for Unified CME Release 11.7 and later
is same as that of previous releases. Also, the configuraton remains same across both SIP and SCCP phones.
For more information, see Configure Conferencing, on page 1377
Soft Keys for Conference Functions
In Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and later versions, the following soft keys provide conferencing functions for
hard-ware based multi-party conferencing enhancements on your phone and require the appropriate DSPfarm
configuration. For configuration information, see Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing
in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP Phones, on page 1383.
• ConfList—Conference list. Lists all parties in a conference. For multi-party ad hoc conferences, this
soft key is available for all parties in a conference. For meet-me conferences, this soft key is available
for the creator only. Press Update to update the list of parties in the conference, for instance, to verify
that a party has been removed from the conference. Press Remove softkey to remove the appropriate
parties. The suboption Remove is available for the conference creator and phones that have conference
admin configured.
• Join—Joins an established call to an adhoc conference. You must first press Select to choose each
connected call that you want to join in a conference, then press Join to join the selected calls to the
• RmLstC—Remove last caller. Removes the last party added to the conference. This soft key works for
the creator only.
• Select—Selects a call or conference to join to a conference and selects a call to remove from a conference.
The creator can remove other parties by pressing the ConfList soft key, then use theSelect and Remove
soft keys to remove the appropriate parties.
• MeetMe—Initiates a meet-me conference. The creator pressesthissoft key before dialing the conference
number. Other meet-me conference parties only dial the conference number to join the conference. This
soft key must be configured before you can initiate meet-me conferences.
In Cisco Unified CME 11.7 and later versions, the following softkeys are also supported.
• Details (Supported only on Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series)—Lists all the participants in a conference. For
multi-party ad hoc conferences, this soft key is available for all parties in a conference. For meet-me
conferences, this soft key is available for the creator only. Press Update to update the list of parties in
the conference. Press Remove softkey to remove the appropriate parties. The suboption Remove is
available to the conference creator and phones that have conference admin configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 11.7 and Later Versions
• Show detail (Supported only on Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series)—Lists all the participants in a conference.
For multi-party ad hoc conferences, this soft key is available for all parties in a conference.For meet-me
conferences, this soft key is available for the creator only. Press Update to update the list of parties in
the conference. Press Remove softkey to remove the appropriate parties. The suboption Remove is
available to the conference creator and phones that have conference admin configured.
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0
Unlike the built-in Cisco Unified CME conference feature, a meet-me conference does not have a three-party
limit. Meet-me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 requires Cisco Unity Express
auto-attendant to transfer callers to the correct Meet-Me bridge and a dual T-1/E-1 VWIC card for providing
DSP resources. By default three Meet-Me bridge’s with 8 callers each are defined with the maximum number
of callers restricted by the number of DSP resources available in the Cisco router. A maximum of 96 callers
in conference is supported. Multicast conferences can be accessed from IP phones, public switched telephone
network (PSTN) callers, and Cisco Land Mobile Radio (LMR) devices connected to ear and mouth (E&M)
voice ports on the Cisco Unified CME router.
The only limiting factor for thissolution isthe number of T1 or E1 loopback ports and digital-signal-processor
(DSP) resources available.
Figure 66: Meet-Me Conference in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0, on page 1375 illustrates the
callflow for Meet-Me Conferencing on a Cisco router with Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and
Cisco Unity Express. IPphones andPSTN callers dial into Cisco Unity Express Auto Attendant using separate
access numbers. Cisco Unity Express Auto Attendant routes calls to a multicast conference based on which
access number is called. In this example, local IP phones call 202 and PSTN users call 203 to dial into
Cisco Unity Express.
Figure 66: Meet-Me Conference in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0
1 In order to send or receive audio from a multicast conference, calls must pass through a DSP for audio
mixing. By default, IP phone calls are not passed through a DSP. IP phone calls can be routed to T1 or
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0
E1 loopback, forcing the call to pass through a DSP. In this example, Cisco Unity Express routes callers
who dialed 202, through the E1/T1 loopback.
2 The T1/E1 loopback ports are permanently trunked to the multicast conference. Incoming calls to T1
loopback are routed back to the multicast conference on Cisco CME.
3 AllPSTN calls must passthrough a DSP,so incomingPSTN calls do not have to be routed to T1 loopback.
The Auto Attendant routes PSTN calls directly to the multicast conference. In this example, Cisco Unity
Express routes callers who dialed 203 directly into the multicast conference.
4 Cisco LMR ports are permanently trunked into the multicast conference, so radio parties can listen to
audio from both the IP phone and the PSTN. Pushing the “talk” button on a radio handset keys the M lead
on the Cisco CME E&M port and the radio handset can transmit audio.
Cisco LMR devices typically cannot transmit and receive audio at the same time. If a Cisco LMR device
receives audio from a multicast conference, it cannot transmit audio. In order for a Cisco LMR device to
transmit audio to the conference, all IP phone and PSTN parties must be on mute so the LMR device does
not receive any audio. If a single IP phone or PSTN device in the conference is transmitting audio, the
individual using the Cisco LMR device cannot talk.
Dial Plan
Before configuring Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity Express, you should plan your dial plan for Meet-Me
Conferencing. Table 108: Dial Plan for Support Meet-Me Conferencing, on page 1376 lists the dial-plan
parameters that must be defined before you can configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to
Cisco Unified CME 4.0.
To prevent IP phones from dialing into the multicast bridge directly, the multicast bridge numbers should be
set to nondialable numbers starting with an alphabetical character.
IP phones that dial into the multicast bridge cannot send or receive audio, so IP phone calls must be routed
to the loopback number. These numbers are required to configure Cisco Unity Express Auto Attendant, which
controls all access to the multicast bridge.
Table 108: Dial Plan for Support Meet-Me Conferencing
Parameter Sample Number Description
Number used by external callers
from PSTN to dial into Cisco Unity
Express Auto Attendant conference
External Number 203
Number used by internal callers
from local IP phones to dial into
Cisco Unity Express Auto
Attendant conference bridge.
Internal Number 202
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0
Parameter Sample Number Description
Number used by
Cisco Unified CME to route calls
to E1 or T1 loopback that is
trunked to multicast bridge 1.
bridge1 212
Number used by
Cisco Unified CME to route calls
to E1 or T1 loopback that is
trunked to multicast bridge 2
bridge2 213
Number used by
Cisco Unified CME to route calls
to E1 or T1 loopback that is
trunked to multicast bridge 3.
bridge3 214
Nondialable number used by
Cisco Unified CME to route calls
into multicast bridge 1. Number
should start with an alphabetical
bridge1_pstn A212
Nondialable number used by
Cisco Unified CME to route calls
into multicast bridge 2. Number
should start with an alphabetical
bridge2_pstn A213
Nondialable number used by
Cisco Unified CME to route calls
into multicast bridge 3. Number
should start with an alphabetical
bridge3_pstn A214
Number dialed if user needs
operator 150
Configure Conferencing
Modify the Default Configuration for Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing
To globally modify the default configuration and change any of the following parameters for three-party ad
hoc conferencing, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Conferencing
• Maximum number of three-party conferencesthat are supported simultaneously by the Cisco Unified CME
router. Maximum number of simultaneous three-party conferences supported by a router is
platform-dependent. The default value is half of the maximum number.
• Increase the sound volume of VoIP and public switched telephony network (PSTN) parties joining a
conference call.
Restriction • When a three-way conference is established, a participant cannot use call transfer to join the remaining
conference participants to a different number.
• Three-party ad hoc conferencing does not support meet-me conferences.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. max-conferences max-conference-number [gain -6 | 0 | 3 | 6]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 3
Setsthe maximum number ofsimultaneousthree-party conferences
supported by the router.
max-conferences max-conference-number[gain
-6 | 0 | 3 | 6]
Step 4
Router(config-telephony)# max-conferences
• max-conference-number—Maximum value is
platform-dependent. Type ? for maximum value. Default is
half of the maximum value.
• gain—(Optional) Amount to increase the sound volume of
VoIP and PSTN calls joining a conference call, in decibels.
Valid values are -6, 0, 3, and 6. The default is -6.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify the Default Configuration for Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Configure Conferencing Options on SCCP Phones
To configure optional end-of-conference options for three-party ad hoc conferencing on a Cisco Unified IP
phone running Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP), perform the following steps for each phone to be
Before You Begin
• Conferencing uses call transfer to connect the two remaining parties of a conference when a conference
initiator leaves the conference. To use this feature, you must configure the transfer-system command.
For configuration information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178.
• Drop-last feature of Keep Conference on analog phones connected to the Cisco Unified CME system
through a Cisco VG 224 requires Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T or later release.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. keep-conference [drop-last] [endcall] [local-only]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Conferencing Options on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# ephone 1
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this ephone during
configuration tasks.
Allows conference initiatorsto exit from conference calls and to either end or maintain
the conference for the remaining parties.
keep-conference [drop-last]
[endcall] [local-only]
Step 4
keep-conference endcall
• no keep-conference—(Default; the no form of the command) The conference
initiator can hang up or press the EndCall soft key to end the conference and
disconnect all parties or press the Confrn soft key to drop only the last party
that was connected to the conference.
• keep-conference—(No keywords used) The conference initiator can press the
EndCall soft key to end the conference and disconnect all parties or hang up to
leave the conference and keep the other two parties connected. The conference
initiator can also use the Confrn soft key (IPphone) or hookflash (analog phone)
to break up the conference but stay connected to both parties.
• drop-last—The action of the Confrn soft key is changed; the conference initiator
can press the Confrn soft key (IP phone) or hookflash (analog phone) to drop
the last party.
• endcall—The action of the EndCallsoft key is changed; the conference initiator
can hang up or press the EndCall soft key to leave the conference and keep the
other two parties connected.
• local-only—The conference initiator can hang up to end the conference and
leave the other two parties connected only if one of the remaining parties is
local to the Cisco Unified CME system (an internal extension).
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are finished modifying the configuration, you are ready to generate configuration files for the phones
to be connected. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Configure Conferencing Options on SIP Phones
To configure optional end-of-conference options for three-party ad hoc conferencing on a Cisco Unified IP
phone running SIP, perform the following steps for each phone to be configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Conferencing Options on SIP Phones
Music on hold (MOH) is not supported for call hold invoked from aSIPphone. A caller hears only silence
when placed on hold by a SIP phone.
Before You Begin
• To facilitate call transfer by using the Confrn soft key, conference, and transfer attended or transfer blind
must be enabled. For configuration information, see Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag | OR voice register template template-tag
4. keep-conference
5. voice register pool pool-tag
6. template template-tag
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool or voice register template configuration mode
to set phone-specific parameters for SIP phones.
voice register pool pool-tag | OR voice
register template template-tag
Step 3
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number of the SIP phone to be
configured. Range is 1 to 100 or the upper limit as defined by
max-pool command. OR
Router(config)# voice register template 3 • template-tag—Unique sequence number of the template to be
applied to the SIP phone. Range is 1 to 10.
Allows a Cisco Unified IP phone conference initiator to exit from
conference calls and keeps the remaining parties connected.
Step 4
This step is included to illustrate how to enable the command
if it was previously disabled.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Conferencing Options on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
OR • Default is enabled.
keep-conference • Remaining calls are transferred without consultation as enabled by
the transfer-attended (voice register template) or transfer-blind
(voice register template) commands.
keep-conference command is configured under voice register
template only if you configure voice register template command
in the previous step.
(Optional) Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for SIP phones.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config-register-temp)# voice
register pool 1
Step 5
This step is required only if you configure voice register
(Optional) Attaches the template tag configured to the voice register
template template-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# template
Step 6
This step is required only if you configure voice register
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 7
What to Do Next
• If you are finished modifying the configuration, you are ready to generate configuration files for the
phones to be connected. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Verify Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing
Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Any non-default conferencing parameters are
listed in the telephony-service portion of the output, and end-of-conference options are listed in the ephone portion.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
ring feature secondary
number 126 secondary 1261
description Sales
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Verify Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing
name Smith
call-forward busy 500 secondary
call-forward noan 500 timeout 10
huntstop channel
no huntstop
no forward local-calls
ephone 1
mac-address 011F.92A0.C10B
type 7960 addon 1 7914
no dnd feature-ring
Troubleshooting Three-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing
Use the debug ephone commands to observe messages and states associated with an ephone. For more information, see
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference.
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME
4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP Phones
• Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version
• You must have a PVDM2-8, PVDM2-16, PVDM2-32, or PVDM2-64 high-density packet voice digital
signal processor module hosted on the motherboard or on a module such as the NM-HDV2 or
• For Cisco Unified IP Phone 7985, firmware version 4-1-2-0 or a later version
Restriction • The maximum number of meet-me conference parties is 32 for one DSP using the G.711 codec and
16 for the G.729 codec.
• A participant cannot join more than one conference at the same time.
• Hardware-based multi-party ad hoc conferencing for more than three parties is not supported on
phones that do not support soft keys.
• Hardware-based multi-party ad hoc conferencing does not support the local-consult transfer method
(transfer-system local-consult command).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Enable DSP Farm Services for a Voice Card
To enable DSPfarm servicesfor a voice card to support multi-party ad hoc and meet-me conferences, perform
the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice-card slot
4. dsp services dspfarm
5. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-card configuration mode and configure a voice
voice-card slot
Router(config)# voice-card 2
Step 3
Enables digital-signal-processor (DSP) farm services for
a particular voice network module.
dsp services dspfarm
Router(config-voicecard)# dsp services dspfarm
Step 4
exit Exits voice-card configuration mode.
Router(config-voicecard)# exit
Step 5
Configure Join and Leave Tones on SCCP Phones
To configure tones to be played when parties join and leave multi-party ad hoc conferences and meet-me
conferences, perform the following steps for each tone to be configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice class custom-cptone cptone-name
4. dualtone conference
5. frequency frequency-1[frequency-2]
6. cadence {cycle-1-on-time cycle-1-off-time [cycle-2-on-time cycle-2-off-time] [cycle-3-on-time
cycle-3-off-time] [cycle-4-on-time cycle-4-off-time] |continuous}
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Creates a voice class for defining custom
call-progress tones to be detected.
voice class custom-cptone cptone-name
Router(config)# voice class custom-cptone jointone
Step 3
dualtone conference Configures conference join and leave tones.
Router(cfg-cptone)# dualtone conference
Step 4
Definesthe frequency componentsfor a call-progress
frequency frequency-1[frequency-2]
Router(cfg-cp-dualtone)# frequency 600 900
Step 5
Defines the tone-on and tone-off durations for a
call-progress tone.
cadence {cycle-1-on-time cycle-1-off-time [cycle-2-on-time
cycle-2-off-time] [cycle-3-on-time cycle-3-off-time]
[cycle-4-on-time cycle-4-off-time] |continuous}
Step 6
Router(cfg-cp-dualtone)# cadence 300 150 300 100 300
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Exits configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(cfg-cp-dualtone)# exit
Step 7
Configure SCCP for Cisco Unified CME
To enable SCCP on Cisco Unified CME to support multi-party ad hoc and meet-me conferences, perform the
following steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sccp local interface-typeinterface-number [port port-number]
4. sccp ccm {ip-address | dns} identifier identifier-number [port port-number ][version version-number]
5. sccp ccm group group-number
6. bind interface interface-type interface-number
7. exit
8. sccp
9. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Selects the local interface that SCCP applications
(transcoding and conferencing) use to register with
Cisco Unified CME.
sccp local interface-typeinterface-number [port
Router(config)# sccp local FastEthernet0/0
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Enables the Cisco Unified CME router to registerSCCP
sccp ccm {ip-address | dns} identifier identifier-number
[port port-number ][version version-number]
Step 4
Router(config)# sccp ccm identifier
100 version 4.0
• version-number—Must be set to 4.0 or later.
sccp ccm group group-number Creates a Cisco Unified CME group.
Router(config)# sccp ccm group 123
Step 5
bind interface interface-type interface-number Binds an interface to a Cisco Unified CME group.
Router(config-sccp-cm)# bind interface
fastethernet 0/0
Step 6
exit Exits SCCP Cisco Unified CME configuration mode.
Router(config-sccp-cm)# exit
Step 7
Enables SCCP and its related applications (transcoding
and conferencing).
Router(config)# sccp
Step 8
exit Exits global configuration mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 9
Configure the DSP Farm Profile on SCCP Phones
To configure the DSP farm profile for multi-party ad hoc and meet-me conferencing, perform the following
Note The DSP farm can be on the same router as the Cisco Unified CME or on a different router.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dspfarm profile profile-identifier conference
4. codec {codec-type | pass-through}
5. conference-join custom-cptone cptone-name
6. conference-leave custom-cptonecptone-name
7. maximum conference-participants max-participants
8. maximum sessions number
9. associate application sccp
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters DSPfarm profile configuration mode and defines a profile
for DSP farm services.
dspfarm profile profile-identifier conference
Router(config)# dspfarm profile 1 conference
Step 3
Step 4 codec {codec-type | pass-through} Specifies the codecs supported by a DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# codec
Repeat thisstep as necessary to specify all the supported
Associates a custom call-progress tone to indicate joining a
conference with a DSP farm profile.
conference-join custom-cptone cptone-name
conference-join custom-cptone jointone
Step 5
The cptone-name argument in this step must be the
same as the cptone-argument in the voice class
custom-cptone command configured in Enable DSP
Farm Services for a Voice Card, on page 1384.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Associates a custom call-progress tone to indicate leaving a
conference with a DSP farm profile.
conference-leave custom-cptonecptone-name
conference-leave custom-cptone leavetone
Step 6
The cptone-name argument in this step must be the
same as the cptone-argument in the voice class
custom-cptone command configured in Enable DSP
Farm Services for a Voice Card, on page 1384.
(Optional) Configures the maximum number of conference
parties allowed in each meet-me conference. The maximum is
maximum conference-participants max-participants
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# maximum
conference-participants 32
Step 7
Specifies the maximum number of sessions that are supported
by the profile.
maximum sessions number
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# maximum
sessions 8
Step 8
associate application sccp Associates SCCP with the DSP farm profile.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# associate
application sccp
Step 9
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# end
Step 10
Associate Cisco Unified CME with a DSP Farm Profile on SCCP Phones
To associate a DSPfarm profile with a group of Cisco Unified CME routersthat control DSPservices, perform
the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. sccp ccm group group-number
4. associate ccm identifier-number priority priority-number
5. associate profile profile-identifier register device-name
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
sccp ccm group group-number Creates a Cisco Unified CME group.
Router(config)# sccp ccm group 1
Step 3
Associates a Cisco Unified CME router with the group and
establishes its priority within the group.
associate ccm identifier-number priority
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# associate ccm 100
priority 1
Step 4
Associates a DSPfarm profile with the Cisco Unified CME
associateprofile profile-identifier register device-name
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# associate profile 2
register confdsp1
Step 5
• device-name is a maximum of 16 characters.
Repeat this step for every conferencing DSP farm
and transcoding DSP farm.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-sccp-ccm)# end
Step 6
Enable Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing
To allow hardware-based multi-party ad hoc conferences with more than three parties and meet-me conferences,
perform the following steps.
Configuring multi-party ad hoc conferencing in Cisco Unified CME disablesthree-party (software-based)
ad hoc conferencing.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. conference hardware
5. transfer-system full-consult
6. sdspfarm units number
7. sdspfarm tag number device-name
8. sdspfarm conference mute-on mute-on-digits mute-off mute-off-digits
9. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Configures a Cisco Unified CME system for multi-party
conferencing only.
conference hardware
Router(config-telephony)# conference
Step 4
Transfers calls using H.450.2 with consultation using a second
phone line, if available.
transfer-system full-consult
Router(config-telephony)# transfer-system
Step 5
• The callsfall back to full-blind if a second line is not available.
• This is the default transfer method in Cisco Unified CME 4.0
and later versions.
Specifies the maximum number of DSP farms that are allowed to
be registered to the SCCP server.
sdspfarm units number
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm units
Step 6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Permits a DSPfarm to register to Cisco Unified CME and associates
it with a SCCP client interface's MAC address.
sdspfarm tag number device-name
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm tag 2
Step 7
The device-name in this step must be the same as the
device-name in the associate profile command in Step 5
of the section Associate Cisco Unified CME with a DSP
Farm Profile on SCCP Phones, on page 1389.
sdspfarm conference mute-on mute-on-digits Defines mute-on and mute-off digits for conferencing.
mute-off mute-off-digits
Step 8
• Maximum: 3 digits. Valid values are the numbers and symbols
that appear on your telephone keypad: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
0, *, and #. Example:
Router(config-telephony)# sdspfarm
conference mute-on 111 mute-off 222
• Mute-on and mute-off digits can be the same.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 9
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc Conferencing and Meet-Me Numbers on SCCP Phones
To configure extension numbers for hardware-based multi-party ad hoc and meet-me ad hoc conferencing,
based on the maximum number of conference participants you configure, perform the following steps. Ad
hoc conferences require four extensions per conference, regardless of how many extensions are actually used
by the conference parties.
Ensure that you configure enough directory numbersto accommodate the anticipated number of conferences.
The maximum number of parties in a multi-party ad hoc conference on an IPphone is eight; the maximum
on an analog phone is three.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag dual-line
4. number number [secondary number] [no-reg [both | primary]]
5. Enter one of the following commands:
• conference ad-hoc
• conference meetme
6. preference preference-order [secondary secondary-order]
7. no huntstop[channel]
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn configuration mode to configure an extension
(ephone-dn) for a phone line.
ephone-dn dn-tag dual-line
Router(config)# ephone-dn 18 dual-line
Step 3
• Each ephone-dn can carry two parties if it is configured as a dual
• Configure enough ephone-dns to accommodate the maximum
number of conference participants to be supported.
• For multi-party ad hoc conferencing, maximum number of
directory numbers is 8, but you can configure a lower maximum.
• For meet-me conferencing, maximum number of directory numbers
is 32, but you can configure a lower maximum.
• Minimum number of directory numbers required: 2.
Associates a telephone or extension number with an ephone-dn in a
Cisco Unified CME system.
number number[secondary number] [no-reg
[both | primary]]
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 6789
• Each DN for a conference must have the same primary and
secondary number.
Configures a number as a placeholder for ad hoc conferencing to
associate the call with the DSP farm.
Step 5 Enter one of the following commands:
• conference ad-hoc
• conference meetme
(Optional) Associates meet-me conferencing with a directory number.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# conference
Router(config-ephone-dn)# conference
Sets dial-peer preference order for an extension (ephone-dn) associated
with a Cisco Unified IP phone.
preference preference-order [secondary
Step 6
Router(config-ephone-dn)# preference 1
• Remember to configure “preference x” with low value to last DN.
• The lower the value of the preference-order argument, the higher
the preference of the extension.
Continues call hunting behavior for an extension (ephone-dn) or an
extension channel.
no huntstop[channel]
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop
Step 7
• Remember to configure no huntstop for all DNs except the last
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 8
Configure Conferencing Options for SCCP Phones
To configure a template of conferencing features such as the add party mode, drop party mode, and soft keys
for hardware-based multi-party ad hoc and meet-me conferences and apply the template to a phone, perform
the following steps.
The following commands can also be configured in ephone configuration mode. Commands configured
in ephone configuration mode have priority over commands in ephone-template configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Restriction • The ConfList (including the Remove, Update, and Exit soft keys within the ConfList function) and
RmLstC soft keys do not work on a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902, 7935, and 7936.
• The RmLstC, ConfList, Join, andSelect functions and soft keys are not supported for software-based
Before You Begin
• The RmLstC, ConfList, Join, and Select functions and soft keys are supported for hardware-based
conferencing only and require the appropriate DSP farm configuration. For configuration information,
see these tasks in this module:
• Enable DSP Farm Services for a Voice Card, on page 1384
• Configure the DSP Farm Profile on SCCP Phones, on page 1387
• Associate Cisco Unified CME with a DSP Farm Profile on SCCP Phones, on page 1389
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. conference add-mode[creator]
5. conference drop-mode [ | creator local ]
6. conference admin
7. softkeys connected{[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn] [Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join] [LiveRcd]
[Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM] [Trnsfer]}
8. softkeys hold {[Join] [Newcall] [Resume] [Select]}
9. softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [ConfList] [Dnd] [Gpickup] [HLog] [Join] [Login] [Newcall] [Pickup]
[Redial] [RmLstC]}
10. softkeys seized {[CallBack] [Cfwdall] [Endcall] [Gpickup] [HLog] [MeetMe] [Pickup] [Redial]}
11. exit
12. ephone phone-tag
13. ephone-template template-tag
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enter ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
template to configure a set of phone features.
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 1
Step 3
Step 4 conference add-mode[creator] (Optional) Configures the mode for adding parties to conferences.
Router(config-ephone-template)# conference
add-mode creator
• creator—Only the creator can add parties to the conference.
(Optional) Configuresthe mode for dropping partiesfrom multi-party
ad hoc conferences.
conference drop-mode [ | creator local ]
Router(config-ephone-template)# conference
drop-mode creator
Step 5
• creator—The active conference terminates when the creator
hangs up.
• local—The active conference terminates when the last local
party in the conference hangs up or drops out of the conference.
(Optional) Configures the ephone as the conference administrator.
The administrator can:
conference admin
Router(config-ephone-template)# conference
Step 6
• Dial in to any conference directly through the conference number
• Use the ConfList soft key to list conference parties
• Remove any party from any conference
Configures an ephone template for softkey display during the
connected call stage.
softkeys connected{[Acct] [ConfList] [Confrn]
[Endcall] [Flash] [HLog] [Hold] [Join]
Step 7
[LiveRcd] [Park] [RmLstC] [Select] [TrnsfVM]
[Trnsfer]} • The soft keys used for multi-party conferencing are
RmLstC,ConfList,Join , and Select. These soft keys are
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
connected Hold Trnsfer Park Endcall
Confrn ConfList Join Select RmLstC
supported for hard-ware based conferencing only and require
the appropriate DSP farm configuration.
• The number and order of soft key keywords you enter in this
command correspond to the number and order of soft keys on
your phone.
Configures an ephone template to modify softkey display during the
call-hold call stage.
softkeys hold {[Join] [Newcall] [Resume]
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
hold Join Newcall Resume Select
• The soft keys used for multi-party conferencing are Join
andSelect. These soft keys are supported for hard-ware based
conferencing only and require the appropriate DSP farm
• The number and order of softkey keywords you enter in this
command correspond to the number and order of soft keys on
your phone.
Configures an ephone template for softkey display during the idle
call stage.
softkeys idle {[Cfwdall] [ConfList] [Dnd]
[Gpickup] [HLog] [Join] [Login] [Newcall]
[Pickup] [Redial] [RmLstC]}
Step 9
• The soft keys used for multi-party conferencing are
RmLstC,ConfList, and Join. These soft keys are supported for
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
idle ConfList Gpickup Join Login Newcall
Pickup Redial RmLstC
hard-ware based conferencing only and require the appropriate
DSP farm configuration.
• The number and order of soft key keywords you enter in this
command correspond to the number and order of soft keys on
your phone.
(Optional) Configures an ephone template for softkey display during
the seized call stage.
softkeysseized{[CallBack] [Cfwdall] [Endcall]
Step 10
Router(config-ephone-template)# softkeys
seized Redial Endcall Cfwdall Pickup
Gpickup Callback Meetme
• You must configure the MeetMe soft key in the seized state for
the ephone to initiate a meet-me conference.
• The number and order of soft key keywords you enter in this
command correspond to the number and order of soft keys on
your phone.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 11
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode to create and configure an ephone.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 12
Step 13 ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone-dn template to an ephone-dn.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-dn-template
The template-tag must be the same as the template-tag in
Step 3.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# exit
Step 14
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 and Later Versions on SCCP
What to Do Next
If you are finished modifying the configuration, you are ready to generate configuration files for the phones
to be connected. See Generate Configuration Files for SCCP Phones, on page 388.
Verify Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing on SCCP Phones
Use the following show commands to verify multi-party ad hoc and meet-me conferencing:
• show ephone-dn conference—Displays information about ad hoc and meet-me conferences.
• show telephony-service conferencehardware—Displaysinformation about hardware-based conferences.
Sample Output for show ephone-dn conference command
type active inactive numbers
Meetme 0 8 2345
DN tags: 9, 10, 11, 12
Ad-hoc 0 8 A001
DN tags: 13, 14, 15, 16
Meetme 0 8 1234
DN tags: 20, 21, 22, 23
Sample Output for show telephony-service conference hardware detail command
Conference Type Active Max Peak Master MasterPhone Last
8889 Ad-hoc 3 8 3 8044 29 ( 29) 8012
Conference parties:
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0
on SCCP Phones
See Examples, on page 1400 to configure Meet-Me Conferencing on a Cisco router with Cisco CME 3.2 or a
later version and Cisco Unity Express.
To configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco Unified CME 4.1 or a later version,see Configure Multi-Party
Ad Hoc Conferencing and Meet-Me Numbers on SCCP Phones, on page 1392.
• Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Verify Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing on SCCP Phones
• A dual VWIC-2MFT-T1 or E-1 loopback for internal callers. The number of VWIC-2MFT-T1 cards
required depends on the number of local IPphones parties that need to dial into the meet-me conference.
Each VWIC-2MFT-T1 card can support 24 local IP phone parties.
• Packet Voice DSP Modules (PVDM DSPs) to handle the number of callers in conference. A maximum
of 96 conference parties is supported using an approved platform, such as a Cisco 3800 router, with at
least two PVDM2-64DSPs installed.
• Your IP network is operational and you can access Cisco web.
• You have a valid Cisco.com account.
• The recommended Cisco IOS release and Cisco Unified CME phone firmware and GUI files to support
Cisco Unity Express are installed on the Cisco Unified CME router.
• To determine whether the Cisco IOS software release and Cisco Unified CME software version are
compatible with the Cisco Unity Express version, Cisco router model, and Cisco Unity Express hardware
that you are using, see Cisco Unity Express Compatibility Matrix.
• To verify installed Cisco Unity Express software version, enter the Cisco Unity Express command
environment and use the show software version user EXEC command. For information about the
command environment, see the appropriate Cisco Unity Express CLI Administrator Guide.
• The proper Cisco Unity Express license for Cisco Unified CME, not Cisco Unified Communications
Manager, is installed. To verify installed license, enter the Cisco Unity Express command environment
and use the show software license user EXEC command. For information about the command
environment, see the appropriate Cisco Unity Express CLI Administrator Guide.
This is an example of the Cisco Unified CME license:
se-10-0-0-0> show software licenses
- application mode: CCME
- total usable system ports: 8
Voicemail/Auto Attendant:
- max system mailbox capacity time: 6000
- max general delivery mailboxes: 15
- max personal mailboxes: 50
- max installed languages: 1
- max enabled languages: 1
• Calls can be successfully completed between phones on the same Cisco Unified CME router.
• Dial plan for Meet-Me Conferencing is defined. For information, see Dial Plan, on page 1376.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
Restriction • The number of meet-me conferences and parties per conference is limited by the number of DSP
resources and number of voice ports available to handle callers.
• There is no set maximum for the number of parties per conference. However, since only the three
loudest parties on a multicast conference can be heard, we recommend that the maximum number
of parties per conference be limited to eight.
• Only a minimalset of features are provided. Conference bridges can be accessed by any user knowing
the correct number to dial (internal or external) with no option to set a password. Callers entering a
Meet-Me conference though Cisco Unity Express auto-attendant application are prompted to record
their name for playback to all callers on the bridge. No exit tone is played when users leave a
conference, nor can a Meet-Me bridge be reserved for use at a future time or date.
The following partial output from the show running-config command showsthe configuration on a Cisco 2821
router with Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unity Express, with comments describing the configuration for
setting up Meet-Me Conferencing.
Router# show running-config
building configuration...
!---Two T1 ports connected back-to-back to bridge VOIP to Multicast
controller T1 0/3/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
ds0-group 1 timeslots 1 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 2 timeslots 2 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 3 timeslots 3 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 4 timeslots 4 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 5 timeslots 5 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 6 timeslots 6 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 7 timeslots 7 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 8 timeslots 8 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 9 timeslots 9 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 10 timeslots 10 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 11 timeslots 11 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 12 timeslots 12 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 13 timeslots 13 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 14 timeslots 14 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 15 timeslots 15 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 16 timeslots 16 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 17 timeslots 17 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 18 timeslots 18 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 19 timeslots 19 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 20 timeslots 20 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 21 timeslots 21 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 22 timeslots 22 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 23 timeslots 23 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 24 timeslots 24 type e&-immediate-start
controller T1 0/3/1
framing esf
clock source internal
linecode b8zs
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
ds0-group 1 timeslots 1 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 2 timeslots 2 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 3 timeslots 3 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 4 timeslots 4 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 5 timeslots 5 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 6 timeslots 6 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 7 timeslots 7 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 8 timeslots 8 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 9 timeslots 9 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 10 timeslots 10 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 11 timeslots 11 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 12 timeslots 12 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 13 timeslots 13 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 14 timeslots 14 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 15 timeslots 15 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 16 timeslots 16 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 17 timeslots 17 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 18 timeslots 18 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 19 timeslots 19 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 20 timeslots 20 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 21 timeslots 21 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 22 timeslots 22 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 23 timeslots 23 type e&-immediate-start
ds0-group 24 timeslots 24 type e&-immediate-start
!--- Disable keepalive packet to multicast network on voice class and apply to LMR port
voice class permanent 1
signal timing oos restart 50000
signal timing oos timeout disabled
signal keepalive disabled
signal sequence oos no-action
!---Loopback0 used as source for all H323 and SCCP packets generated by CME
interface Loopback0
ip address
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
!---Vif1 (virtual host interface) used as source for all multicast packets generated by CME
interface Vif1
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
interface FastEthernet0/0
no ip address
!---Service-engine interface used to access Cisco Unity Express
interface Service-Engine0/0
ip unnumbered Vlan10
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0/0
switchport access vlan 10
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0/1
switchport access vlan 10
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0/2
switchport access vlan 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0/3
switchport access vlan 10
no ip address
interface Vlan1
no ip address
!---All IP phones reside on VLAN 10
interface Vlan10
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
ip classless
!--- Static route to reach other devices on network
ip route
!--- Static route to reach Cisco Unity Express
ip route Service-Engine0/0
ip http server
ip http path flash:
tftp-server flash:P00305000301.sbn
!---VOIP side of the Back-to-Back T1 used for bridging VOIP to
!---Multicast (Hoot n' Holler)
!---Port 0/3/0:x connects to Port 0/3/1:x
voice-port 0/3/0:1
voice-port 0/3/0:2
voice-port 0/3/0:24
!---Multicast side of the Back-to-Back T1 used for bridging VOIP to
!---Multicast (Hoot n' Holler)
!--- Port 0/3/1:1 - 8 is permanently trunked to multicast bridge A212
!--- Port 0/3/1:9 - 16 is permanently trunked to multicast bridge A213
!--- Port 0/3/1:17 - 24 is permanently trunked to multicast bridge A214
voice-port 0/3/1:1
timeouts call-disconnect 3
connection trunk A212
voice-port 0/3/1:9
timeouts call-disconnect 3
connection trunk A213
voice-port 0/3/1:17
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
timeouts call-disconnect 3
connection trunk A214
!--- Analog FXO lines on port 0/2/x route incoming calls to CUE AA external extension 203
voice-port 0/2/0
connection plar opx 203
voice-port 0/2/1
connection plar opx 203
voice-port 0/2/2
connection plar opx 203
voice-port 0/2/3
connection plar opx 203
!--- LMR devices are connected to E& ports 0/1/x. The E& ports are permanently trunked to multicast
conference bridges. Port 0/1/0 will send and receive audio from conference A212 and port 0/1/1 will
send and receive audio from conference A213.
voice-port 0/1/0
voice-class permanent 1
lmr m-lead audio-gate-in
lmr e-lead voice
operation 4-wire
type 3
signal lmr
timeouts call-disconnect 3
connection trunk A212
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-class permanent 1
lmr m-lead audio-gate-in
lmr e-lead voice
operation 4-wire
type 3
signal lmr
timeouts call-disconnect 3
connection trunk A213
!--- Dial-peers to route extension 212 to T1 loopback, which is trunked to bridge A212
dial-peer voice 1 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 212
port 0/3/0:1
dial-peer voice 8 pots
preference 8
destination-pattern 212
port 0/3/0:8
!--- Dial-peers to route extension 213 to T1 loopback, which is trunked to bridge A213
dial-peer voice 9 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 213
port 0/3/0:9
dial-peer voice 16 pots
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
preference 8
destination-pattern 213
port 0/3/0:16
!--- Dial-peers to route extension 214 to T1 loopback, which is trunked to bridge A214
dial-peer voice 17 pots
preference 1
destination-pattern 214
port 0/3/0:17
dial-peer voice 24 pots
preference 8
destination-pattern 214
port 0/3/0:24
!--- Dial-peer to route calls to CUE AA for internal ext. 202 and external ext. 203
dial-peer voice 200 voip
destination-pattern 20.
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
no vad
!--- Dial-peers for multicast bridges
dial-peer voice 212 voip
destination-pattern A212
voice-class permanent 1
session protocol multicast
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay cisco-rtp
codec g711ulaw
vad aggressive
dial-peer voice 213 voip
destination-pattern A213
voice-class permanent 1
session protocol multicast
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay cisco-rtp
codec g711ulaw
vad aggressive
dial-peer voice 214 voip
destination-pattern A214
voice-class permanent 1
session protocol multicast
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay cisco-rtp
codec g711ulaw
vad aggressive
load 7960-7940 P00305000301
max-ephones 24
max-dn 144
ip source-address port 2000
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
voicemail 200
web admin system name cisco password cisco
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 150
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
What to Do Next
Load and configure the auto-attendant script file for Meet-me Conferencing. For information about logging
into and GUI windows and menus, see Cisco Unity Express GUI Administrator Guide.
Step 1 Go to the DownloadSoftware site. Download the Conference Express TCL and AA voice files (conf-express.zip). Unzip
the archive to a folder on your PC.
Step 2 Log into Cisco Unity Express as administrator.
Step 3 Navigate to the Voice mail > Auto Attendant menu and click Add. The Add a New Automated Attendant window
Step 4 In the Select Automated Attendant area, configure the parameters listed in the following table. Enter the required
information in the corresponding field.
Parameter Name Value
Select Automated Attendant Script mp-exp.aef
Application Name (lower case) conference-express
Destination file name mp-exp.aef
Step 5 Click Next. The Upload window appears.
Step 6 Upload the script (mp-exp.aef) from your PC to the auto-attendant application. For information, see online help.
Step 7 On the Add a New Automated Attendant window, configure parameters with numbers as defined in your dial plan and
with the valueslisted in following table. Enter the required information in the corresponding field.For dial plan information,
see Dial Plan, on page 1376.
Field Name Value
Script Parameters
BridgeDir bridge.wav
record_name record_name.wav
SystemProblems SystemProblems.wav
Call Handling
Call-in Number InternalNumber as defined in dial plan
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure Meet-Me Conferencing in Cisco CME 3.2 to Cisco Unified CME 4.0 on SCCP Phones
Field Name Value
Maximum Sessions 4
Step 8 Click Finish.
Step 9 Navigate to the Administration > Call-In Numbers menu and click Add.
Step 10 On the Add a Call-In Number window, configure the parameters listed in the following table. Enter the required
information in the corresponding field.
Field Name Value
Application conference-express
Call-in Number ExternalNumber as defined in dial plan
Maximum Sessions 4
Step 11 Click Add.
Step 12 Confirm that two call-in numbers for the conference-express application are enabled on the Administration > Call-In
Numbers window.
Configuration Examples for Conferencing
Example for Configuring Basic Conferencing
The following example sets the maximum number of conferences for a Cisco Unified IP phone to 4 and
configures a gain of 6 db for inbound audio packets from remote PSTN or VoIP calls joining a conference:
max-conferences 4 gain 6
Example for Configuring End of Conference Options
In the following example, extension 3555 initiates a three-way conference. After the conference is established,
extension 3555 can press the Confrn soft key to disconnect the last party that was connected and remain
connected to the first party that was connected. If extension 3555 hangs up from the conference, the other
two parties remain connected if one of them is local to the Cisco Unified CME system.
ephone-dn 35
number 3555
ephone 24
button 1:35
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Conferencing
keep-conference drop-last local-only
In the following example, extension 3666 initiates a three-way conference. After the conference is established,
extension 3666 can press the Confrn soft key to disconnect the last party that was connected and remain
connected to the first party that was connected. Also, extension 3666 can hang up or press the EndCall soft
key to leave the conference and keep the other two parties connected.
ephone-dn 36
number 3666
ephone 25
button 1:36
keep-conference drop-last endcall
In the following example, extension 3777 initiates a three-way conference. After the conference is established,
extension 3777 can press the Confrn soft key to disconnect the last party that was connected and remain
connected to the first party that was connected. Also, extension 3777 can hang up or press the EndCall soft
key to leave the conference and keep the other two parties connected only if one of the two parties is local to
the Cisco Unified CME system.
ephone-dn 38
number 3777
ephone 27
button 1:38
keep-conference drop-last endcall local-only
In the following example, extension 3999 initiates a three-way conference. After the conference is established,
extension 3999 can hang up or press the EndCall soft key to leave the conference and keep the other two
parties connected only if one of the two parties is local to the Cisco Unified CME system. Extension 3999
can also use the Confrn soft key to break up the conference but stay connected to both parties.
ephone-dn 39
number 3999
ephone 29
button 1:39
keep-conference endcall local-only
Example for Keep-Conference on SIP Phones
In the following example, extension 3555 initiates a three-way conference onSIPphones using keep-conference
configured under voice register pool .
voice register dn 35
number 3555
voice register pool 24
number 1 dn 35
Following is a sample configuration for keep-conference under voice register template.
voice register template 24
voice register pool 35
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example for Keep-Conference on SIP Phones
template 24
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
In this example, the DSP farm and Cisco Unified CME are on the same router as shown in Figure 67: CME
and the DSP Farm on the Same Router, on page 1408.
Figure 67: CME and the DSP Farm on the Same Router
Current configuration : 16345 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service internal
hostname cmedsprtr
logging buffered 90000 debugging
no aaa new-model
resource policy
no network-clock-participate slot 1
no network-clock-participate wic 0
ip cef
ip dhcp pool phone1
client-identifier 0100.0ab7.b144.4a
option 150 ip
ip dhcp pool phone2
client-identifier 0100.3094.c269.35
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
option 150 ip
voice-card 1
dsp services dspfarm
voice call send-alert
voice call carrier capacity active
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
supplementary-service h450.12
controller E1 1/0
framing NO-CRC4
controller E1 1/1
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
no keepalive
no cdp enable
no clns route-cache
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
no clns route-cache
ip route FastEthernet0/0
ip route
ip http server
sccp local FastEthernet0/0
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 4.0
sccp ccm group 123
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register mtp00097c5e9ce0
keepalive retries 5
dspfarm profile 1 conference
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec g729r8
codec g729br8
maximum sessions 6
associate application SCCP
dial-peer cor custom
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
dial-peer voice 6 voip
destination-pattern 6...
session target ipv4:
conference hardware
load 7960-7940 P00307020400
load 7905 CP7905060100SCCP050309A.sbin
max-ephones 48
max-dn 180
ip source-address port 2000
timeouts ringing 500
system message MY MELODY (2611)
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm tag 1 mtp00097c5e9ce0
max-conferences 4 gain -6
call-forward pattern ....
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern 7...
transfer-pattern ....
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-template 1
softkeys hold Newcall Resume Select Join
softkeys idle Cfwdall ConfList Dnd Gpickup HLog Join Login Newcall Pickup Redial RmLstC
softkeys seized Redial Pickup Gpickup HLog Meetme Endcall
softkeys connected Acct ConfList Confrn Endcall Flash HLog Hold Join Park RmLstC Select
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 8001
name melody-8001
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 8002
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 8003
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 8004
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 8005
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 8006
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 8007
ephone-dn 8 dual-line
number 8008
ephone-dn 60 dual-line
number 8887
conference meetme
no huntstop
ephone-dn 61 dual-line
number 8887
conference meetme
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 62 dual-line
number 8887
conference meetme
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 63 dual-line
number 8887
conference meetme
preference 3
ephone-dn 64 dual-line
number 8889
name Conference
conference ad-hoc
no huntstop
ephone-dn 65 dual-line
number 8889
name Conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 66 dual-line
number 8889
name Conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 67 dual-line
number 8889
name Conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 3
ephone 1
ephone-template 1
mac-address 0030.94C2.6935
type 7960
button 1:1 2:2
ephone 2
ephone-template 1
mac-address 000A.B7B1.444A
type 7940
button 1:4 2:8
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line aux 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
line vty 5 15
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
The following is an example of DSP Farm and Unified CME on the same router for SIP Phones.
Current configuration : 10821 bytes
version 16.5
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service sequence-numbers
vrf definition Mgmt-intf
address-family ipv4
address-family ipv6
! card type command needed for slot/bay 0/1
no logging queue-limit
logging buffered 100000000
no logging rate-limit
no logging console
no aaa new-model
ipv6 unicast-routing
subscriber templating
multilink bundle-name authenticated
voice service voip
no ip address trusted authenticate
media disable-detailed-stats
allow-connections sip to sip
no supplementary-service sip refer
fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
registrar server expires max 240 min 60
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
no privacy
timeouts interdigit 30
max-dn 40
max-pool 40
voicemail 9000
tftp-path flash:
create profile sync 0095202153430137
conference hardware
voice register dn 1
number 1001
name SIP Ph 1
voice register dn 2
number 1002
name SIP Ph 2
voice register dn 3
number 1003
name SIP Ph 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
voice register template 1
softkeys idle HLog Mobility Newcall Pickup Redial
softkeys ringIn Answer DND
softkeys connected ConfList Confrn Endcall Hold Mobility Park Trnsfer
softkeys remote-in-use Barge Newcall cBarge
voice register pool 1
busy-trigger-per-button 10
id mac B000.B4BA.F3DA
type 8851
number 1 dn 1
template 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username xxxx password xxxx
codec g711ulaw
no vad
voice register pool 2
busy-trigger-per-button 10
id mac 1CE8.5DC9.C054
type 8851
number 1 dn 2
template 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username xxxx password xxxx
codec g711ulaw
no vad
voice register pool 3
busy-trigger-per-button 10
id mac 00AF.1F9D.FB9F
type 8841
number 1 dn 3
template 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username xxxx password xxxx
codec g711ulaw
no vad
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^1234/ /301/
voice translation-rule 4
rule 4 /^1(..)$/ /51237812\1/
voice translation-profile PSTN_Callforwarding
translate redirect-target 4
voice translation-profile cmein
translate called 1
voice-card 0/1
dsp services dspfarm
username xxxx password xxxx
mode none
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
ip address
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
ip address
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
ipv6 address 2001:420:54FF:13::312:55/119
ipv6 enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
no ip address
negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
no ip address
negotiation auto
interface Service-Engine0/1/0
interface GigabitEthernet0
vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf
no ip address
negotiation auto
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http secure-port 8443
ip tftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
ip tftp blocksize 8192
ip dns server
ip rtcp report interval 65535
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip ssh server algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
ip ssh client algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
tftp-server bootflash
tftp-server flash:vc488xx.12-0-1MN-113.sbn
tftp-server flash:sip88xx.12-0-1MN-113.loads
tftp-server flash:sb288xx.BE-01-020.sbn
tftp-server flash:kern88xx.12-0-1MN-113.sbn
tftp-server flash:fbi88xx.BE-01-010.sbn
tftp-server flash:rootfs88xx.12-0-1MN-113.sbn
ipv6 access-list preauth_v6
permit udp any any eq domain
permit tcp any any eq domain
permit icmp any any nd-ns
permit icmp any any nd-na
permit icmp any any router-solicitation
permit icmp any any router-advertisement
permit icmp any any redirect
permit udp any eq 547 any eq 546
permit udp any eq 546 any eq 547
deny ipv6 any any
mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0/0
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 1 register conf-moto
sdspfarm units 2
sdspfarm tag 1 conf-moto
no privacy
conference hardware
no auto-reg-ephone
max-ephones 40
max-dn 40
ip source-address port 2000
service phone sshAccess 0
service phone webAccess 0
service directed-pickup gpickup
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-park system application
hunt-group logout HLog
moh enable-g711 "flash:/scripts/en_bacd_music_on_hold.au"
transfer-system full-consult
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
dspfarm profile 2 transcode universal
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
codec g729br8
maximum sessions 2
associate application CUBE
dspfarm profile 1 conference
codec g729br8
codec g729r8
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 20..
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
media-inactivity-criteria all
timer receive-rtcp 1000
timer receive-rtp 1200
mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp unsolicited
presence enable
ephone-dn 1 octo-line
number 1006
ephone-dn 2 octo-line
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
number 1007
ephone-dn 3 octo-line
number 1008
ephone-dn 4 octo-line
number 1009
ephone-dn 5 octo-line
number A001
conference ad-hoc
ephone-dn 6 octo-line
number A002
conference ad-hoc
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 9876.0000.0006
type 7975
button 1:1
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 9876.0000.0007
type 7975
button 1:2
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 9876.0000.0008
type 7975
button 1:3
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 9876.0000.0009
type 7975
button 1:4
alias exec poolall show voice register pool all brief
line con 0
transport input none
stopbits 1
speed 115200
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
password xxxx
login local
transport input telnet
no network-clock synchronization automatic
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on the Same Router
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
In this example, the DSP farm and Cisco Unified CME are on different routers as shown in Figure 68: Cisco
Unified CME and the DSP Farm on Different Routers, on page 1417.
Figure 68: Cisco Unified CME and the DSP Farm on Different Routers
This section contains configuration examples for the following routers:
• Example of Cisco Unified CME Router Configuration, on page 1417
• Example of DSP Farm Router Configuration, on page 1423
Example of Cisco Unified CME Router Configuration
Current configuration : 5659 bytes
version 12.4
no service timestamps debug uptime
no service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
card type command needed for slot 1
logging buffered 3000000 debugging
no aaa new-model
resource policy
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
no network-clock-participate slot 1
no network-clock-participate aim 0
voice-card 1
no dspfarm
voice-card 3
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool IPPhones
option 150 ip
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1.1
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1.2
encapsulation dot1Q 20
ip address
ip route
ip route
ip http server
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 3...
session target ipv4:
conference hardware
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P003-07-5-00
max-ephones 50
max-dn 200
ip source-address port 2000
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 12
sdspfarm tag 1 confer1
sdspfarm tag 4 xcode1
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh flash:music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 2000
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
ephone-template 1
softkeys hold Resume Newcall Select Join
softkeys idle Redial Newcall ConfList RmLstC Cfwdall Join Pickup Login HLog Dnd Gpickup
softkeys seized Endcall Redial Cfwdall Meetme Pickup Callback
softkeys alerting Endcall Callback
softkeys connected Hold Endcall Confrn Trnsfer Select Join ConfList RmLstC Park Flash !
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 6000
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 6001
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 6002
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 6003
ephone-dn 5 dual-line
number 6004
ephone-dn 6 dual-line
number 6005
ephone-dn 7 dual-line
number 6006
ephone-dn 8 dual-line
number 6007
ephone-dn 9 dual-line
number 6008
ephone-dn 10 dual-line
number 6009
ephone-dn 11
number 6011
ephone-dn 12
number 6012
ephone-dn 13
number 6013
ephone-dn 14
number 6014
ephone-dn 15
number 6015
ephone-dn 16
number 6016
ephone-dn 17
number 6017
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
ephone-dn 18
number 6018
ephone-dn 19
number 6019
ephone-dn 20
number 6020
ephone-dn 21
number 6021
ephone-dn 22
number 6022
ephone-dn 23
number 6023
ephone-dn 24
number 6024
ephone-dn 25 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 26 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 27 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 3
no huntstop
ephone-dn 28 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 4
no huntstop
ephone-dn 29 dual-line
number 8888
conference meetme
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 30 dual-line
number 8888
conference meetme
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 31 dual-line
number 8888
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
conference meetme
preference 3
no huntstop
ephone-dn 32 dual-line
number 8888
conference meetme
preference 4
ephone-dn 33
number 6033
ephone-dn 34
number 6034
ephone-dn 35
number 6035
ephone-dn 36
number 6036
ephone-dn 37
number 6037
ephone-dn 38
number 6038
ephone-dn 39
number 6039
ephone-dn 40
number 6040
ephone-dn 41 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 5
no huntstop
ephone-dn 42 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 6
no huntstop
ephone-dn 43 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 7
no huntstop
ephone-dn 44 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 8
no huntstop
ephone-dn 45 dual-line
number 6666
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
conference meetme
preference 9
no huntstop
ephone-dn 46 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 10
no huntstop
ephone-dn 47 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 10
no huntstop
ephone-dn 48 dual-line
number 6666
conference meetme
preference 10
ephone-dn 51 dual-line
number A0001
name conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 1
no huntstop
ephone-dn 52 dual-line
number A0001
name conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 2
no huntstop
ephone-dn 53 dual-line
number A0001
name conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 3
no huntstop
ephone-dn 54 dual-line
number A0001
name conference
conference ad-hoc
preference 4
ephone 1
ephone-template 1
mac-address C863.B965.2401
type anl
button 1:1
ephone 2
ephone-template 1
mac-address 0016.C8BE.A04A
type 7920
ephone 3
ephone-template 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
mac-address C863.B965.2400
type anl
button 1:2
ephone 4
no multicast-moh
ephone-template 1
mac-address 0017.952B.7F5C
type 7912
button 1:4
ephone 5
ephone-template 1
ephone 6
no multicast-moh
ephone-template 1
mac-address 0017.594F.1468
type 7961GE
button 1:6
ephone 11
ephone-template 1
mac-address 0016.C8AA.C48C
button 1:10 2:15 3:16 4:17
button 5:18 6:19 7:20 8:21
button 9:22 10:23 11:24 12:33
button 13:34 14:35 15:36 16:37
button 17:38 18:39 19:40
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
Example of DSP Farm Router Configuration
Current configuration : 2179 bytes
! Last configuration change at 05:47:23 UTC Wed Jul 12 2006
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime
no service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname dspfarmrouter
card type command needed for slot 1
logging buffered 4096 debugging enable password lab
no aaa new-model
resource policy
no network-clock-participate slot 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
voice-card 1
no dspfarm
dsp services dspfarm
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.1
encapsulation dot1Q 100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.2
encapsulation dot1Q 200
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.3
encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.4
encapsulation dot1Q 20
ip address !
ip route
ip route
ip http server
sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 4.1
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate profile 101 register confer1
associate profile 103 register xcode1
dspfarm profile 103 transcode
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729r8
maximum sessions 6
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 101 conference
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729r8
maximum sessions 5
associate application SCCP
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example of DSP Farm and Cisco Unified CME on Different Routers
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
session-timeout 300
exec-timeout 0 0
no login
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Where to Go Next
Controlling Use of the Conference Soft Key
To block the functioning of the conference (Confrn) soft key without removing the key display, create and
apply an ephone template that containsthe featuresblockedcommand.For more information,see Templates,
on page 1427.
To remove the conference (Confrn) soft key from one or more phones, create and apply an ephone template
that contains the appropriate softkeys command. For more information, see Customize Softkeys, on page
Feature Information for Conferencing
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 109: Feature Information for Conferencing
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Added support for hardware-based
Meet-me Conference on Cisco
4000 Series Integrated Services
Meet-me Conference 11.7
Added support for hardware-based
meet-me conferences created by
parties calling a designated
conference number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Where to Go Next
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Added support for hardware-based
Multi-party Conference on Cisco
4000 Series Integrated Services
Multi-party Ad Hoc Conference 11.7
Added support for hardware-based
Multi-party Conferencing
Enhancements which uses DSPsto
enhance ad hoc conferencing by
allowing more parties than
software-based ad hoc
conferencing. Configuring
multi-party ad hoc conferencing
disables three-party ad hoc
Added support for three-party Ad
Hoc conference on Cisco 4000
Series Integrated Services Router.
Three-Party Ad Hoc Conference 11.7
• End-of-conference options
were introduced.
• Phones connected in a
three-way conference display
Conference gain control for
external calls was introduced.
Conference initiator drop-off
control was introduced.
Support for software-based
conferencing was introduced.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Conferencing
• Information About Templates, page 1427
• Configure Templates, page 1428
• Configuration Examples for Creating Templates, page 1434
• Where to Go Next, page 1435
• Feature Information for Creating Templates, page 1435
Information About Templates
Phone Templates
An ephone or voice-register template is a set of features that can be applied to one or more individual phones
using a single command.
Ephone templates were introduced in Cisco CME 3.2 to manipulate softkey display and order on IP phones.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0, ephone templates were significantly enhanced to include a number of additional
phone features. Templates allow you to uniformly and easily implement the features you select for a set of
phones. A maximum of 20 ephone templates can be created in a Cisco Unified CME system, although an
ephone can have only one template applied to it at a time.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, an ephone template cannot be applied to a particular phone
unless its configuration file includes its Mac address. If you attempt to apply a template to a phone for which
the MAC address in not configured, a message appears.
If you use an ephone template to apply a command to a phone and you also use the same command in ephone
configuration mode for the same phone, the value set in ephone configuration mode has priority.
Voice-register templates were introduced in Cisco CME 3.4 to enable sets of featuresto be applied to individual
SIP Phones that are connected directly in Cisco Unified CME. Typically, features to be enabled by using a
voice-register template are not configurable in other configuration modes. A maximum 10 voice-register
templates can be defined in Cisco Unified CME, although a phone can have only one template applied to it
at a time.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Type ? in ephone-template or voice-register-template configuration mode to display a list of features that can
be implemented by using templates.
For configuration information, see Create an Ephone Template, on page 1428.
Ephone-dn Templates
Ephone-dn templates allow you to apply a standard set of featuresto ephone-dns. A maximum of 15 ephone-dn
templates can be created in a Cisco Unified CME system, although an ephone-dn can have only one template
applied to it at a time.
If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command
in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration
mode has priority.
Type ? in ephone-dn-template configuration mode to display a list of features that can be implemented by
using templates.
For configuration information, see Create an Ephone-dn Template, on page 1430.
Configure Templates
Create an Ephone Template
To create an ephone template and apply it to a phone, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
• In Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions, the configuration file for a particular phone must contain
its MAC address before an ephone template can be applied to that phone. To explicitly configure a MAC
address, use the mac-address command in ephone configuration mode. For configuration information,
see Configuring Phones to Make Basic Calls, on page 223.
• It is recommended to configure cnf-file per phone before adding ephone-template under ephone.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. command
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. restart
9. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Ephone-dn Templates
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 15
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template that
is being created. Range is 1 to 20.
Applies the specified command to the ephone template that is being
Router(config-ephone-template)# features
blocked Park Trnsfer
Step 4
• Type ? for a list of commands that can be used in this step.
Repeat this step for each command that you want to add to the
ephone template.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template
Step 7
Performs a fast reboot of this ephone. Does not contact the DHCP
or TFTP server for updated information.
Router(config-ephone)# restart
Step 8
Restart all ephones using the restart all command in
telephony-service configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create an Ephone Template
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 9
Create an Ephone-dn Template
To create an ephone-dn template and apply it to an ephone-dn, perform the following steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn-template template-tag
4. command
5. exit
6. ephone-dn dn-tag
7. ephone-dn-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-dn-template configuration mode to create an
ephone-dn template.
ephone-dn-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 3
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone-dn template
that is being created. Range is 1 to 20.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create an Ephone-dn Template
Command or Action Purpose
Applies the specified command to the ephone-dn template that
is being created.
call-forwarding busy 4000
Step 4
• Type ? for a list of commands that can be used in this step.
Repeat this step to add more commands to the template.
exit Exits ephone-dn-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 23
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone-dn during configuration tasks.
Applies an ephone-dn template to the ephone-dn that is being
ephone-dn-template template-tag
ephone-dn-template 3
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 8
Verify Templates on SCCP Phones
To view the configuration of a template, and verify to which phone or directory number a template is applied,
perform the following steps.
Step 1 show telephony-service ephone
Use is command to display information about SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME, including which template-tags are
enabled in the configuration for a phone.
Router# show telephony-service ephone 1
ephone-dn-template 1
description Call Center Line 1
call-forward busy 500
call-forward noan 500 timeout 10
pickup-group 33!
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Verify Templates on SCCP Phones
Step 2 show telephony-service ephone-template
Use is command to display information about an ephone template in Cisco Unified CME, including a list of features
enabled in the configuration.
Step 3 show telephony-service ephone-dn
Use is command to display information about directory numbers, including which template-tags are enabled in the
configuration for a directory number.
Router# show telephony-service ephone-dn 4
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
number 136
description Desk4
ephone-dn template 1
ephone-hunt login
Step 4 show telephony-service ephone-dn-template
Use is command to display information about an ephone-dn template in Cisco Unified CME, including a list of features
enabled in the configuration.
Create and Apply Templates for SIP Phones
To create templates of common features and softkeys that can be applied to individual Cisco SIP Phones,
follow the steps in this section.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• The mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. command
5. exit
6. voice register pool pool-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create and Apply Templates for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to define a template
of common parameters for SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register
template 1
Step 3
• Range is 1 to 5.
Applies the specified command to this template and enables the
corresponding feature on any supported SIP phone that uses a template
in which this command is configure.
anonymous block
Step 4
• Type ? to display list of commands that can be used in a voice
register template.
Repeat this step for each feature to be added to this voice register
Exits configuration mode to the next highest mode in the configuration
mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-template)# exit
Step 5
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for SIP phones.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 6
• pool-tag—Unique sequence number of the Cisco SIP phone to
be configured. Range is 1 to 100 or the upper limit as defined by
max-pool command.
Step 7 template template-tag Applies a template created with the voice register template command.
Router(config-register-pool)# voice
register pool 1
• template-tag—Unique sequence number of the template to be
applied to the SIP phone specified by the voice register pool
command. Range is 1 to 5.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Create and Apply Templates for SIP Phones
The following example shows templates 1 and 2 and how to do the following:
• Apply template 1 to SIP phones 1 to 3.
• Apply template 2 to SIP phone 4.
• Remove a previously created template 5 from SIP phone 5.
Router(config)# voice register template 1
Router(config-register-temp)# anonymous block
Router(config-register-temp)# caller-id block
Router(config-register-temp)# voicemail 5001 timeout 15
Router(config)# voice register template 2
Router(config-register-temp)# anonymous block
Router(config-register-temp)# caller-id block
Router(config-register-temp)# no conference
Router(config-register-temp)# no transfer-attended
Router(config-register-temp)# voicemail 5005 timeout 15
Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)# template 1
Router(config)# voice register pool 2
Router(config-register-pool)# template 1
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Router(config-register-pool)# template 1
Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-pool)# template 2
Router(config)# voice register pool 5
Router(config-register-pool)# no template 5
Configuration Examples for Creating Templates
Example to Block The Use of Park and Transfer Soft Keys Using Ephone
The following example creates an ephone template to block the use ofPark and Transfersoft keys. It is applied
to ephone 36 and extension 2333.
ephone-template 15
features blocked Park Trnsfer
ephone-dn 2
number 2333
ephone 36
button 1:2
ephone-template 15
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configuration Examples for Creating Templates
Example to Set Call Forwarding Using Ephone-dn Template
The following example creates ephone-dn template 3, which sets call forwarding on busy and no answer to
forward calls to extension 4000 and sets the pickup group to 4. Ephone-dn template 3 is then applied to
ephone-dn 23 and ephone-dn 33, which appear on ephones 13 and 14, respectively.
ephone-dn-template 3
call-forwarding busy 4000
call-forwarding noan 4000 timeout 30
pickup group 4
ephone-dn 23
number 2323
ephone-dn-template 3
ephone-dn 33
number 3333
ephone-dn-template 3
ephone 13
button 1:23
ephone 14
button 1:33
Where to Go Next
Softkey Display
The display ofsoft keys during different callstatesis managed using ephone templates.For more information,
see Customize Softkeys, on page 925.
Feature Information for Creating Templates
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Example to Set Call Forwarding Using Ephone-dn Template
Table 110: Feature Information for Templates
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
• The number of ephone
templates that can be created
was increased from 5 to 20.
• More commands can be
included in ephone templates.
Ephone Templates 4.0
Ephone templates were introduced
to manage soft keys. The only
commands that can be used in
ephone templates are the softkeys
Ephone-dn templates were
Ephone-dn Templates 4.0
The maximum number oftemplates
that can be configured was
increased from 5 to 10.
Phone Templates for SIP Phones 4.1
Voice-register templates were
introduced for SIP Phones directly
connected to a Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Feature Information for Creating Templates
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
This chapter describes the screen and button features available for Cisco Unified IP phones connected to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME).
• Information About Cisco Unified IP Phone Options, page 1437
• Configure Cisco Unified IP Phone Options, page 1446
• Configuration Examples for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options, page 1487
• Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options, page 1492
Information About Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Clear Directory Entries
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 allows you to clear the display of call-history details such as missed, placed, and
received call entries on your Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone’s display screen. You can press the directory
services button on most of the Cisco Unified IP phones or program a line button on 7931 phone to delete the
display of phone number entries in the missed, placed, and received calls. The clear call directory feature is
supported on Cisco Unified IP phones, 7960, 7961, 7970. 7971 and 8961.
To enable the clear directory entries feature, a call-history option is added to the exclude command. For more
information on configuring phones to clear call-history details, see Clear Call-History Details from a SCCP
Phone, on page 1449.
Enable Customized Background Images for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970
The Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 and 7971 support customized background images on the phone screen. To
enable your Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 or 7971 to display a customized background image, follow the
procedure in the technical note at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps4625/products_tech_
Sample background images are available in the 7970-backgrounds.tar file at http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Customized Button Layout
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions allow you to customize the display order of various button types
on a phone using the button layout feature. The button layout feature allows you to customize the display of
the following button types:
• Line buttons
• Speed Dial buttons
• BLF Speed Dial buttons
• Feature Buttons
• ServiceURL buttons
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 uses the button layout command is to populate buttons in any desired order. All
buttons displayed on the phone follow the button-layout configuration. In the button layout command, the
physical button number on the phone is specified under the button-string parameter of the button layout
command. Buttons that are not defined under the button layout configuration are displayed as blank lines.
Before configuring button layout on phones, line buttons, feature buttons (including privacy button), and url
buttons must be configured through line button, feature button and url button commands, respectively.
Line Buttons
The button layout control feature allows you to populate buttons with corresponding physical line numbers
or line number ranges. Line buttons that are not associated with a physical line are not displayed on the
phone.You can customize any Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone button to function as a line button using the
button command and specifying the position, button type, and directory number of the phone. For more
information, see Configure Button Layout on SCCP Phones, on page 1454.
For Cisco Unified SIP phones, the first physical button must be a line button with a valid directory number.
You can customize the other buttons using the button command and specifying the relative position (position
index), button type, and directory number of the button. For more information, see Configure Button Layout
on SIP Phones, on page 1456.
Speed Dial Buttons
You can customize the display of Speed Dial buttons to appear before, after, or between line buttons using
the speed-dial command and specifying the position of the button. The button layout feature allows you to
populate the buttons with corresponding physical line numbers or line number ranges. Buttons that do not
have a physical line associated with them are not displayed on the phone.
BLF Speed Dial Buttons
The button layout feature allows you to display the BLF Speed-Dial buttons before, after or between the line
buttons using the blf-speed-dial command with a specific position. Once the BLF speed-dial button is
configured, the system populatesthe button with corresponding physical line number or range of line numbers.
Buttons without a physical line association are not displayed on the phone.
Feature Buttons
Currently, privacy button is the only button available and is presented at the end of all the above mentioned
buttons. With PLK feature you can enable most phone features on phone’s physical buttons (line keys). This
button layout feature requests all presented buttons to be configured via button, speed-dial, blf-speed-dial,
feature-button, or url-button commands. The privacy-button is overridden by feature-button if there is one.
For more information on configuring feature buttons on a line key, see Configure Feature Button on a Cisco
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Customized Button Layout
UnifiedSCCP Line Key, on page 1464 and ConfigureFeature Button on a Cisco UnifiedSIPPhone Line Key,
on page 1462.
If the button-layout feature is configured in both ephone-template and logout profile (extension mobility)
mode, configuration in the latter takes precedence. Button-layout configuration under ephone mode takes
precedence in phones that do not have extension mobility (EM).
Privacy button is counted as a feature button on phones that support privacy button and do not have any
feature button configured through the feature-button command.
URL Buttons
The button layout feature allows you to display the url button before, after, or even between the line buttons,
speed dial buttons, BLF speed dial buttons, or feature buttons. For more information on configuring the URL
button on a line key,see ConfigureService URL Button on aSCCPPhone Line Key, on page 1460 and Configure
Service URL Button on a SIP IP Phone Line Key, on page 1459.
Customized Phone User Interface Services
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later, you can customize the availability of individual service items such as
Extension Mobility, MyPhone Apps, andSingle Number Reach (SNR) on a phone’s user interface by assigning
individual service item to a button using the Programmable Line Key (PLK) url-button configuration. For
more information, see Configure Service URL Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key, on page 1460.
You can limit the availability of an individual service item on a phone’s user interface by disabling the
configuration for services such as EM, My Phone Apps, and Local Directory and exclude the display of these
services from the phone’s user interface. You can use the exclude command under ephone-template mode to
exclude the display of Extension Mobility (EM), MyPhone Apps, and Local Directory.For more information,
see Block Local Services on Phone User Interface, on page 1466.
If a directory service is enabled through PLK configuration, the PLK configuration takes precedence over the
exclusion of directory services under ephone or ephone template configuration modes. The service is available
through the button directly regardless of the exclusion ofservices configured under ephone and ephone-template
In Cisco Unified CME 8.5 and later versions, you use the exclude command in ephone or ephone-template
configuration mode to exclude the availability of local services such as EM, My Phone Apps, and Local
Directory from a Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone's user interface.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, you use the exclude command in voice register pool or voice
register template configuration mode to exclude any of these local services from a Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone's user interface.
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, you must configure the Local Directory service with the internal URL
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, the internal URL address is the default when no external
URL address is configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Customized Phone User Interface Services
Fixed Line-Feature Buttons for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) and later versions, you can select from two fixed button-layout formatsto assign
functionality to certain line buttons on a Cisco Unified IPPhone 7931G to support key system phone behavior.
If you do not select a button set, no fixed set of feature/line buttons are defined.
The line button layout for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G is a bottom-up array. Button 1 is at the bottom
right of the array and button 24 is at the top left of the array.
Button set 1 includes two predefined feature buttons: button 24 is Menu and button 23 is Headset.
Button set 2 includes four predefined feature buttons: button 24 is Menu; button 23 is Headset; button 22 is
Directories; and button 21 is Messages.
For configuration, see Select Button Layout for a Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G, on page 1453.
Header Bar Display
You can customize the content of an IP phone header bar, which is the top line of the IP phone display.
The IP phone header bar, or top line, of a Cisco Unified IP Phone normally replicates the text that appears
next to the first line button. The header bar is shown in Figure 69: Cisco Unified IP Phone Display, on page
1440. The header bar can, however, contain a user-definable message instead of the extension number. For
example, the header bar can be used to display a name or the full E.164 number of the phone. If no description
is specified, the header bar replicates the extension number that appears next to the first button on the phone.
Figure 69: Cisco Unified IP Phone Display
Phone Labels
Phone labels are configurable text strings that can be displayed instead of extension numbers next to line
buttons on a Cisco Unified IP phone. By default, the number that is associated to a directory number, and
assigned to a phone, is displayed next to the applicable button. The label feature allows you to enter a
meaningful text string for each directory number so that a phone user with multiple lines can select a line by
label instead of by phone number, thus eliminating the need to consult in-house phone directories. For
configuration information,see Create Labelsfor Directory Numbers onSCCPPhones, on page 1471 or Create
Labels for Directory Numbers on a SIP Phone, on page 1472.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Fixed Line-Feature Buttons for Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G
Programmable Vendor Parameters for Phones
The vendorConfig section of the configuration file contains phone and display parameters that are read and
implemented by a phone'sfirmware when that phone is booted. Only the parameterssupported by the currently
loaded firmware are available. The number and type of parameters may vary from one firmware version to
the next.
The IP phone that downloads the configuration file will implement only those parameters that it can support
and ignore configured parameters that it cannot implement. For example, a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G
does not have a backlit display and cannot implement Backlight parameters regardless of whether they are
configured. The following text shows the format of an entry in the configuration file:
For configuration information at the system level, see Modify Vendor Parameters for All SCCP Phones, on
page 1479.
For configuration information for individual phones, see Modify Vendor Parameters for a Specific SCCP
Phone, on page 1481.
Thisfeature allows one-wayPush-to-Talk (PTT) in Cisco Unified CME 7.0 and later versions without requiring
an external server to support the functionality. PTT is supported in firmware version 1.0.4 and later versions
on Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921 and 7925 with a thumb button.
In the following figure, button1/DN 1 is configured as the primary line for this phone. Button 6/ DN 10 is
configured for PTT and is the line that is triggered by pushing the thumb button on this phone.
• Holding down on the thumb button causes the configured DN on the phone to go off-hook.
• The thumb button utilizes an intercom DN that targets a paging number (1050).
• The targeted paging group (DN 50) can be unicast or multicast or both.
• Users will hear a “zipzip” tone when call path is set up.
• All other keys on the phone are locked during this operation.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Programmable Vendor Parameters for Phones
• Releasing the thumb button ends the call.
Figure 70: PTT Call Flow
For configuration information, see Configure One-Way Push-to-Talk on Cisco Unified SCCP Wireless IP
Phones, on page 1483.
Support for Cisco Jabber
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 and later versions support Cisco Jabber. The softphone SIP client is an iPhone
application and works as aSIPsoftphone. TheSIPsoftphone client is capable ofsupporting VoIPover WLAN.
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 supports supplementary services such as Hold, Resume, Transfer, Call Park, and Call
Pickup for the softphone SIP client.
To configure visual voicemail settings on Cisco Jabber, the ability to edit user settings should be enabled, see
Enable Edit User Settings, on page 1446.
You can configure the softphoneSIPclient using the phone type CiscoJabber-iOSoption.For more information
on configuring Cisco Jabber, see Configure Cisco Jabber, on page 1447.
Hand-off call to GSM is not supported.
Cisco Jabber for iPhone is only supported with iOS 5.
Call Park and Pickup
In Cisco SIP client, when you press the Home action button, the call continues and the application runs in the
When a call is parked and the Cisco iPhone SIP client unregisters because of a power outage, out of range
access point, or simply because you pressed the Home action button, the SIP client displays a pop-up with an
option to pickup the call (the parked call). This only happens when the client re-registers(before the configured
park timer expires or call gets dropped).
Dial Rules
Cisco softphone SIP client uses the dial rules to integrate with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) directory server. The Cisco softphone SIP client also uses dial rules such as application dial rule and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Support for Cisco Jabber
directory lookup rule to translate the outgoing phone numbers and display the incoming phone numbers with
a rich caller ID. A rich caller ID displays a caller’s name, caller’s picture, or caller’s phone number, or the
information saved in the phone’s directory.
You can create the application dial rule or directory lookup rule xml files and add these files to a tftp server.
The Cisco softphoneSIPclient can download the dial rules using theurl [ldapserver string],url [AppDialRule
string] url [DirLookupRule string] command under voice register template configuration mode. You must
apply the voice registration configuration to the voice register pool configuration mode.For more information,
see Configure Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client, on page 1451.
Cisco Jabber Client Support on CME
Cisco Jabber Client is a SIP-based soft client with integrated Instant Messaging and presence functionality,
and uses the new Client Services Framework 2nd Generation (CSF2G) architecture.
CSFis a unified communications engine that is reused by multiple CiscoPC-based clients and mobile clients.
The client is identified by a device ID name that can be configured under the voice register pool in Cisco
Unified CME. You should configure the username and password under voice register pool to identify the user
logging into Cisco Unified CME through Cisco Jabber client. The device discovery process uses HTTPS
connection. Therefore, you should configure the secure HTTP on Cisco Unified CME.
A new phone type, 'Jabber-CSF-Client' has been added to configure the Cisco Jabber client under voice register
pool. This can be used to configure any CSF based Cisco Jabber client. In CME-10.0 we used the type
'Jabber-Win' to configure Cisco Jabber client. In CME-10.5 this type is deprecated and the new
'Jabber-CSF-Client' should be used to configure Cisco Jabber client as well.
Cisco Jabber CSF client can be provisioned in 2 modes: Full UC mode (with integrated IM and Presence
services) and Phone only mode. From CME-10.5 onwards the phone-only mode of Cisco Jabber CSF devices
is also supported. This can be configured with the option 'phone-mode phone-only' under 'voice register global'
or 'voice register pool' or 'voice register template' config.
If the Jabber client is installed in phone only mode then no extra configuration is required on CME. The
normal Jabber configuration should be sufficient. For more information on installing Jabber client in phone
mode refer to following guide- http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/jabber/Windows/9_2/
If the Jabber client is installed in Full UC mode and you want to enable the phone only mode from CME, then
the 'phone-mode' configuration is required as mentioned in the configuration section.
Table 111: Cisco Jabber Client Support Versions, on page 1443 lists the Cisco Jabber Client Support versions
along with the corresponding CME and Jabber client versions:
Table 111: Cisco Jabber Client Support Versions
Unified CME Jabber Client Version
Cisco CSF Device Type
Cisco Jabber for MAC and 10.0 9.1.0
Windows (phone-only)
10.5 9.2.1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Cisco Jabber Client Support on CME
• The Cisco Jabber CSF client (full UC mode) on Unified Communications Manager Express should
register with a presence server such as cloud-based WebEx server, to enable the telephony features on
Jabber client.
• The Cisco Jabber CSF client supports only the visual voice mail functionality using Internet Message
Access Protocol (IMAP) on the Cisco Unity Connection.
• The Cisco Jabber CSF client supports only the softphone mode with Cisco Unified CME.
• Desk phone mode is not supported.
• The following Cisco Jabber CSF type of devices are not supported:
• Cisco Jabber for MAC (phone-only mode)
• Cisco Jabber for iPhone (both full UC mode and phone-only mode)
• Cisco Jabber for Android (both full UC mode and phone-only mode)
• Cisco Jabber for iPad (both full UC mode and phone-only mode)
For configuration information, see Configure Cisco Jabber for CSF Client in Cisco Unified CME, on page
For configuration examples, see Example for Configuring Cisco Jabber CSF Client, on page 1488.
System Message Display
The System Message Display feature allows you to specify a custom text or display message to appear in the
lower part of the display window on display-capable IP phones. If you do not set a custom text or display
message, the default message “Cisco Unified CME” is displayed.
When you specify a text message, the number of characters that can be displayed is not fixed because IP
phones typically use a proportional (as opposed to fixed-width) font. There is room for approximately 30
alphanumeric characters.
The display message is refreshed with a new message after one of the following events occurs:
• Busy phone goes back on-hook.
• idle phone receives a keepalive message.
• Phone is restarted.
The file-display feature allows you to specify a file to display on display-capable IP phones when they are
not in use. You can use this feature to provide the phone display with a system message that is refreshed at
configurable intervals, similar to the way that the text message feature provides a message. The difference
between the two is that the system text message feature displays a single line of text at the bottom of the phone
display, whereasthe system display message feature can use the entire display area and contain graphic images.
URL Provisioning for Feature Buttons
URL provisioning for programmable feature buttons allows you to specify alternative XML files to access
using the feature buttons on IP phones.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
System Message Display
Certain phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940, 7940G, 7960, and 7960G, have programmable
feature buttons that invoke noncall-related services. The four buttons—Services, Directories, Messages, and
Information (the i button)—are linked to appropriate feature operations through URLs. The fifth
button—Settings—is managed entirely by the phone.
The feature buttons are provisioned with specific URLs. The URLs link to XML web pages formatted with
XML tags that the Cisco Unified IP phone understands and uses. When you press a feature button, the
Cisco Unified IP phone uses the configured URL to access the appropriate XML web page for instructions.
The web page sends instructions to the Cisco Unified IP phone to display information on the screen for users
to navigate. Phone users can select options and enter information by using soft keys and the scroll button.
Operation of these feature buttons is determined by the capabilities of the Cisco Unified IP phone and the
content of the specified URL.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions, up to eight URLs can be configured for the Services feature
button by using an ephone template to apply the configuration to one or more supported SCCP phones. If you
use an ephone template to configure services URLs for one or SCCP phones and you also configure a
system-level services URL in telephony-service configuration mode, the value set in telephony-service
configuration mode appears first in the list of services displayed when the phone user presses the Services
feature button. Cisco Unified CME self-hosted services, such as Extension Mobility, always appears last in
the list of options displayed for the Services feature button.
For configuration information, see Provision URLs for Feature Buttons for SCCP Phones, on page 1476.
My Phone Apps for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Before Cisco Unified CME 9.0, the My Phone Apps features were only supported on Cisco Unified SCCP
IP phones.
In Cisco Unified CME 9.0 and later versions, support is added for My Phone Apps feature on Cisco Unified
SIP IP phones.
My Phone Apps is a user application that enables the following settings to be configured using the menu
available with the phone’s Services feature buttons:
• add, modify, or delete Speed Dial
• add, modify, or delete Fast Dial
• add, modify, or delete BLF Speed Dial
• change SNR DN
• perform after-hour login
• reset the phone
The My Phone Apps features are available on both Extension Mobility (EM) and non-EM phones. For EM
phones, the user login service allows the user to temporarily access a physical phone other than their own and
utilize their personal settings as if the phone is their own desk phone. Any change in settings follows the user
to the next phone they access. For non-EM phones, any change in settings remains with the physical phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
My Phone Apps for Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
Configure Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Enable Edit User Settings
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. service phone parameter-name parameter-value
5. voice register global
6. create profile
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
service phone parameter-name parameter-value Enables the edit user settings.
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
paramEdibility 1
Step 4
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config-telephony)# voice register global
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Command or Action Purpose
Generates provisioning filesrequired forSIPphones and
writesthe file to the location specified with the tftp-path
create profile
Router(config-register-global)# create profile
Step 6
Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 7
Configure Cisco Jabber
Restriction • Conferencing feature through the Add Call action key is not supported.
• Call hand off to the mobile network is not supported.
• Shared line is not supported.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool tag
4. id mac address
5. type phone-type
6. registration timer max seconds min seconds
7. number tag dn dn-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Cisco Jabber
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool tag
Router(config)#voice register pool 8
Step 3
Explicitly identifies a locally available individual SIP phone to
support a degree of authentication.
id mac address
Router((config-register-pool)# id mac
Step 4
Step 5 type phone-type Defines a phone type for the SIP phone being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# type
After configuring the type, Cisco Unified CME automatically
changes the SIP session transport to TCP. Also the registration
timer default changes to 720 seconds.
CiscoMobile client only supports SIP TCP transport
and requires the re-registration timer to be greater than
660 seconds to support multitasking on Apple’s
operating system (iOS).
(Optional) Allowsto set the value for the expiration of keepalive
registration-time (in seconds).
registration timer max seconds min seconds
max 770 min 660
Step 6
• max seconds— Maximum registration time in seconds.
Default is 720 seconds.
• min seconds—Minimum registration time in seconds.
Default is 660 seconds.
You must configure a minimum timer value of 660
seconds to allow the CiscoMobile client application to
work in the background.
Associates a directory number with the SIP phone being
number tag dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn 10
Step 7
• dn dn-tag—identifies the directory number for this SIP
phone as defined by the voice register dn command.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Cisco Jabber
Clear Call-History Details from a SCCP Phone
To clear the display of Call History details such as Missed Calls, Placed Calls, and Received Calls, from a
SCCP IP phone user interface, follow these steps:
Before You Begin
To enable phones to send an HTTP GET request, url directories must be the default (not configured) or
configured as http:///localdirectory.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. Enter one of the following commands:
• ephone phone-tag
• ephone template template tag
4. exclude [ em | myphoneapp | directory | call-history ]
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 Enter one of the following commands: Enters ephone configuration mode.
• ephone phone-tag • phone-tag—Unique number of the phone for which you want to
exclude local services such as Extension Mobility, My Phone
Apps, and Local Directory.
• ephone template template tag
Router(config)# ephone 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Clear Call-History Details from a SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Excludes local services (EM, My Phone Apps, Local Directory, and
Call History) from displaying on phone’s user interface.
exclude [ em | myphoneapp | directory |
call-history ]
Step 4
• em—Excludes Extension Mobility (EM) from the phone’s user
• myphoneapp —Excludes MyPhone App service from the phone’s
user interface.
• directory —Excludes Local Directory service from the phone’s
user interface.
• call-history—Excludes entries from Call History on the phone’s
user interface.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
The following example shows call-history as excluded from ephone 10 and ephone-template 5:
max-ephones 40
max-dn 100
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ephone-template 5
exclude call-history
ephone 10
exclude call-history
device-security-mode none
Troubleshooting Tips for Clearing Call-History Details from a SCCP Phone
The following is a list of troubleshooting tips for successful implementation of this feature:
• Make sure that the local directory XML tag is configured and provisioned correctly.
• Check the attribute for tag in the xml file (it must be set up with http:///localdirectory) and the phone must be restarted with this XML cnf file.
• Make sure that the phone sends out an HTTP GET request.
• Make sure that the HTTP GET request in the Cisco Unified CME log with “deb ip http url” is enabled.
• Make sure that the Clear Directory Entries request is sent to the phone.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Clear Call-History Details from a SCCP Phone
• Check the Missed Calls, Placed Calls, and Received Calls on your phone’s local directory.
Configure Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.6 or a later version.
Support for idle url is available only on Unified CME 12.0 and later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template tag
4. url {AppDialRule string | DirLookupRule string | ldapServer string | idle url | service url}
5. voice register pool pool tag
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to define a
template of common parametersforSIPphonesin Cisco Unified
voice register template template tag
Router(config)#voice register template 8
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client
Command or Action Purpose
Allows to define SIP phone URLs to configure Application
Dial Rule, Directory Lookup Dial Rule, LDAP server, idle url,
and service url in voice register template configuration mode.
url {AppDialRule string | DirLookupRule string |
ldapServer string | idle url | service url}
Router(config-register-temp)# url ldapServer
Router(config-register-temp)# url AppDialRule
Router(config-register-temp)# url DirLookupRule
Router(config-register-temp)# url idle
idle-timeout 12
Router(config-register-temp)# url service
Step 4
• ldapserver string —LDAP server URL.
• AppDialRule string —Application dial rule URL.
• DirLookupRule string—Directory lookup rule URL.
• idle url —Defines the location of a file to display on
phones that are not in use and specifies the interval
between refreshes of the display, in seconds.
• service url —Uses the information at the specified URL
for invoking phone services.
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool tag
Router(config)#voice register pool 8
Step 5
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 6
The following example shows dial rules configured under voice register template 2:
voice register template 2
url ldapServer ldap.abcd.com
url AppDialRule tftp://
url DirLookupRule tftp://
The following is a sample of Application Dial Rule content:
Router#more flash:AppDialRules.xml
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client
Select Button Layout for a Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) or a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. button-layout phone-type {1 | 2}
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an
ephone template.
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone-template 15
Step 3
Specifies which fixed set of feature buttons appears on a
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G that uses a template in which
this is configured.
button-layout phone-type {1 | 2}
Router(config-ephone-template)# button-layout
7931 2
Step 4
• 1—Includes two predefined feature buttons: button 24
is Menu and button 23 is Headset.
• 2—Includes four predefined feature buttons: button 24
is Menu; button 23 is Headset; button 22 is Directories;
and button 21 is Messages.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Select Button Layout for a Cisco Unified SCCP IP Phone 7931G
Command or Action Purpose
Exits from this command mode to the next highest mode in
the configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 6
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 15
Step 7
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Configure Button Layout on SCCP Phones
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or later versions.
• Button types such as, line, feature, url, speed-dial, and blf-speed-dial are configured using commands
such as, button, feature-button or privacy-button, url-button, speed-dial, and blf-speed-dial
• First button must be configured as line button.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Button Layout on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template tag
4. button-layout [button-string | button-type]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template tag
Router(config)# ephone 10
Step 3
Assigns physical button numbers or ranges of numbers with
button types.
button-layout [button-string | button-type]
Step 4
• button-string—Specifies a coma separated list of physical
button number or ranges of button numbers.
1 line
• button-type—Specifies one of the following button types:
Line, Speed-Dial, BLF-Speed-Dial, Feature, URL. Button
2,5 speed-dial
3,6 blfspeed-dial number specifies the relative display order of the button
Router(config-ephone-template)#button-layout within the button type (line button, speed-dial,
blf-speed-dial, feature-button or url-button). 4,7,9 feature
Router(config-ephone-template)# button-layout
8,11 url
To facilitate phone provisioning, the first line button
should always be a line button.
When no feature-buttons are configured, privacy button
is counted as a feature button.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Button Layout on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Exits from this command mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 6
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 10
Step 7
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
Router# show telephony-service ephone-template
ephone-template 10
button-layout 1 line
button-layout 2,5 speed-dial
button-layout 3,6 blf-speed-dial
button-layout 4,7,9 feature
button-layout 8,11 url
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME, restart the phones.
Configure Button Layout on SIP Phones
You can not change the button number in the line button or index command through button layout
configuration because the button number specifies the relative display order of the button within the button
type (line button, speed-dial, blf-speed-dial, feature button, or url button).
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or later versions.
• Button types (line button, feature button, url-button, speed dial button, and blf speed dial button) must
be configured before configuring button layout.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Button Layout on SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. button-layout [button-string] [button-type]
5. exit
6. voice register pool pool-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register template configuration mode to create a
SIP phone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Range: 1 to 10.
Assigns physical button numbers or ranges of numbers with
button types.
button-layout [button-string] [button-type]
Step 4
• button-string—Specifies a coma separated list of physical
button number or ranges of button numbers.
1 line
• button-type—Specifies one of the following button types:
Line, Speed-Dial, BLF-Speed-Dial, Feature, URL.
2, 5 speed-dial
3, 6 blfspeed-dial
Router(config-register-template)#button-layout To facilitate phone provisioning, the first line button
should always be a line button.
Privacy-button is counted as a feature-button in this
configuration if no feature-button is configured.
4,7,9 feature-button
Router(config-register-template)# button-layout
8,11 url-button
exit Exits voice register template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-template)# exit
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Button Layout on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set
phone-specific parameters for a SIP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 10
Step 6
Step 7 template template-tag Applies aSIPphone template to the phone you are configuring.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag— Template tag that was created with the
voice register template command inStep 3, on page 1457.
end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
Router# show voice register template all
voice register dn 65
number 3065
name SIP-7965
label SIP3065
voice register template 5
button-layout 1 line
button-layout 2,5 speed-dial
button-layout 3,6 blf-speed-dial
button-layout 4,7,9 feature-button
button-layout 8,11 url-button
voice register template 2
button-layout 1,5 line<
button-layout 4 speed-dial
button-layout 3,6 blf-speed-dial
button-layout 7,9 feature-button
button-layout 8,10-11 url-button
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Button Layout on SIP Phones
Configure Service URL Button on a SIP IP Phone Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. url-button [index number] [url location] [url name]
5. exit
6. voice register pool phone-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
url-button [index number] [url location] [url Configures a service url feature button on a line key.
Step 4
• Index number—Unique index number. Range: 1 to 8.
Router(config-register-temp)url-button 1
http:// www.cisco.com
• url location—Location of the url.
• url name—Service url with maximum length of 31
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice register pool phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Service URL Button on a SIP IP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config)# voice register pool 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this ephone
during configuration tasks.
Step 7 template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that you
created in Step 3, on page 1459.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
The following example shows url buttons configured in voice register template 1:
Router# show run
voice register template 1
url-button 1 My_Dir
url-button 5 http://www.yahoo.com Yahoo
voice register pool 50
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the url buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Configure Service URL Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone template template-tag
4. url-button index type | url [name]
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Service URL Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Step 4 url-button index type | url [name] Configures a service url feature button on a line key.
• Index—Unique index number. Range: 1 to 8.
• type—Type of service url button. Following types of url
service buttons are available: Router#(config-ephone-template)#url-button
1 myphoneapp
• myphoneapp: My phone application configured under
phone user interface. Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 2
• em: Extension Mobility Router(config-ephone-template)#url-button 3
• snr: Single Number Reach Router
(config-ephone-template)#url-button 4
• url name—Service url with maximum length of 31
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)#ephone 36
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 5
Step 7
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Service URL Button on a SCCP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
The following example shows three url buttons configured for line keys:
ephone-template 5
url-button 1 em
url-button 2 mphoneapp mphoneapp
url-button 3 snr
ephone 36
ephone-template 5
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the url buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, restart the phones.
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SIP Phone Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register template template-tag
4. feature-button [index] [feature identifier]
5. exit
6. voice register pool phone-tag
7. template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SIP Phone Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an
ephone template.
voice register template template-tag
Router(config)# voice register template 5
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone
template that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Feature button can be configured under voice
register pool or voice register template
configuration mode. If both configurations are
applied to the voice register pool, the feature
button configuration under voice register pool
takes precedence.
Step 4 feature-button [index] [feature identifier] Configures a feature button on line key.
1 DnD
2 EndCall
3 Cfwdall
• index—One of the 12 index numbers for a specific
feature type.
• feature identifier—Unique identifier for a feature.
One of the following feature orstimulusIDs: Redial,
Hold, Trnsfer, Cfwdall, Privacy, MeetMe, Confrn,
Park,Pickup, Gpickup, Mobility, NewCall, EndCall,
Dnd, ConfList, NewCall, HLog, Trnsfer.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-register-temp)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 voice register pool phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register pool 12
• phone-tag—Unique number that identifies this
ephone during configuration tasks.
Step 7 template template-tag Applies the ephone template to the phone.
Router(config-register-pool)# template 5
• template-tag—Unique identifier of the template that
you created in Step 3, on page 1463
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SIP Phone Line Key
The following example shows three feature buttons configured for line keys:
voice register template 5
feature-button 1 DnD
feature-button 2 EndCall
feature-button 3 Cfwdall
voice register pool 12
template 5
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the url buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration
file and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SCCP Line Key
Note • Answer, Select, cBarge, Join, and Resume features are not supported as PLKs.
• Feature buttons are only supported on Cisco Unified IPPhones 6911, 7941, 7942, 7945, 7961, 7962,
7965. 7970, 7971, and 7975 with SCCP v12 or later versions.
• Any features available through hard button are not be provisioned. Use the show ephone register
detail command to verify why the features buttons are not provisioned.
• Not all feature buttons are supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 6911 phone. Call Forward, Pickup,
Group Pickup, and MeetMe are the only feature buttons supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone
• The privacy-button is available on Cisco Unified IP phones running a SCCP v8 or later.
Privacy-buttton is overridden by any other feature-button available.
• Locales are not supported on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7914.
• Locales are not supported for Cancel Call Waiting or Live Recording feature-buttons.
• The feature state for DnD, Hlog, Privacy, Login, and Night Service feature-buttons are indicated by
an LED.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SCCP Line Key
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone template template-tag
4. feature-button index feature identifier
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone template template-tag
Router(config)# ephone template 10
Step 3
• template-tag—Unique identifier for the ephone template
that is being created. Range: 1 to 10.
Step 4 feature-button index feature identifier Configures a feature button on line key
1 hold
• index—index number, one from 25 for a specific feature
• feature identifier—feature ID or stimulus ID.
exit Exits ephone-template configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
Step 6 ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 5
• phone-tag—Unique sequence number that identifiesthis
ephone during configuration tasks.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Feature Button on a Cisco Unified SCCP Line Key
Command or Action Purpose
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 10
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
The following example shows feature buttons configured for line keys:
ephone-template 10
feature-button 1 Park
feature-button 2 MeetMe
feature-button 3 CallBack
ephone-template 10
What to Do Next
If you are done configuring the feature buttons for phones in Cisco Unified CME, restart the phones.
Block Local Services on Phone User Interface
To block the display and availability of local services such as Local Directory, Extension Mobility (EM), and
My Phone Apps on a SCCP IP phone’s user interface, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Cisco Unified CME 8.5 or later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag or ephone template template tag
4. exclude [em | myphoneapp | directory]
5. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Block Local Services on Phone User Interface
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone phone-tag or ephone template Enters ephone configuration mode.
template tag
Step 3
• phone-tag—Unique number of the phone for which you want to
exclude local services such as Extension Mobility, My Phone
Apps, and Local Directory.
Router(config)# ephone 10
Excludes local services (EM, My Phone Apps, and Local Directory)
from displaying on phone’s user interface.
exclude [em | myphoneapp | directory]
Router(config-ephone)#exclude directory
Step 4
• em—Excludes Extension Mobility (EM) from the phone’s user
• myphoneapp —Excludes MyPhone App service from the phone’s
user interface.
• directory —Excludes Local Directory service from the phone’s
user interface.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
The following example shows the Local Directory and Extension Mobility services excluded from the phone
user interface:
ephone 10
exclude directory em
device-security-mode none
description sccp7961
mac-address 0007.0E57.7561
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Block Local Services on Phone User Interface
Modify Header Bar Display on SCCP Phones
Before You Begin
Directory number to be modified is already configured. For configuration information, see Create Directory
Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. description display-text
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 55
Step 3
Defines a description for the header bar of a display-capable IP
phone on which this ephone-dn appears as the first line.
description display-text
Router(config-ephone-dn)# description
Step 4
• display-text—Alphanumeric character string, up to
40 characters. String is truncated to 14 characters in the
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Modify Header Bar Display on SCCP Phones
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Modify Header Bar Display Supported SIP Phones
Restriction This feature is supported only on Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940, 7940G, 7960, and 7960G.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a a later version.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. description string
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific
parameters for a SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 3
Defines a customized description that appears in the header bar
of supported Cisco Unified IP phones
description string
Router(config-register-pool)# description
Step 4
• Truncated to 14 characters in the display.
• If string contains spaces, enclose the string in quotation
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Modify Header Bar Display Supported SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Verify Header Bar Display
Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Descriptions for directory numbers are listed in
the ephone-dn and voice-register dn portions of the output.
Router# show running-config
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 150 secondary 151
description 555-0150
call-forward busy 160
call-forward noan 160 timeout 10
huntstop channel
no huntstop
voice-register dn 1
number 1101
description 555-0101
Troubleshooting Header Bar Display
show telephony-service ephone
Use this command to ensure that the ephone-dn to which you applied the description appears on the first button on the
ephone. In the example below, ephone-dn 22 has the description in the phone display header bar.
Router# show telephony-service ephone
ephone-dn 22
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Verify Header Bar Display
number 2149
description 408-555-0149
ephone 34
mac-address 0030.94C3.F96A
button 1:22 2:23 3:24
speed-dial 1 5004
speed-dial 2 5001
Create Labels for Directory Numbers on SCCP Phones
To create a label to display in place of the number next to a line button, perform the following steps.
Before You Begin
Directory number for which the label is to be created is already configured. For configuration information,
see Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. label label-string
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
• dn-tag—Unique sequence number that identifies the ephone-dn
to which the label is to be associated.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Create Labels for Directory Numbers on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Creates a custom label that is displayed on the phone next to the line
button that is associated with this ephone-dn. The custom label replaces
label label-string
Router(config-ephone-dn)# label user1
Step 4
the default label, which is the number that was assigned to this
• label-string—String of up to 30 alphanumeric characters that
provides the label text.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Create Labels for Directory Numbers on a SIP Phone
To create label to be displayed in place of a directory number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port, or a
message-waiting indicator (MWI), perform the following steps for each label to be created.
Restriction Only one label is permitted per directory number.
Before You Begin
• Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
• Directory number for which the label is to be created is already configured and must already have a
number assigned by using the number (voice register dn) command. For configuration information,
see Create Directory Numbers for SIP Phones, on page 263.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. label string
6. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Create Labels for Directory Numbers on a SIP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a
directory number for a SIP phone, intercom line, voice port,
or a message-waiting indicator (MWI).
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-global)# voice
register dn 17
Step 3
number number Defines a valid number for a directory number.
Router(config-register-dn)# number 7001
Step 4
Creates a text identifier, instead of a phone-number display,
for a directory number that appears on a SIP phone console.
label string
Router(config-register-dn)# label user01
Step 5
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-dn)# end
Step 6
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Verify Labels
Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. Descriptions for directory numbers are listed in
the ephone-dn and voice-register dn portions of the output.
Router# show running-config
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Verify Labels
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 150 secondary 151
label MyLine
call-forward busy 160
call-forward noan 160 timeout 10
huntstop channel
no huntstop
voice-register dn 1
number 1101
label MyLine
Modify System Message Display on SCCP Phone Screen
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. system message text-message
5. url idle url idle-timeout seconds
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 system message text-message Defines a text message to display when a phone is idle.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Modify System Message Display on SCCP Phone Screen
Command or Action Purpose
Router(config-telephony)# system message
ABC Company
• text-message—Alphanumeric string to display. Display uses
proportional-width font, so the number of characters that are
displayed varies based on the width of the characters that are
used. The maximum number of displayed characters is
approximately 30.
Defines the location of a file to display on phones that are not in use
and specifies the interval between refreshes of the display, in
url idle url idle-timeout seconds
Router(config-telephony)# url idle
idle-timeout 35
Step 5
• url—Any URL that conforms to RFC 2396.
• seconds—Time interval between display refreshes, in seconds.
Range is 0 to 300.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 6
What to Do Next
After configuring the url idle command, you must reset phones.See Use the reset Command onSCCPPhones,
on page 399.
Verify System Message Display
Use the show running-config command to verify your configuration. System message display is listed in the
telephony-service portion of the output.
Router# show running-config
fxo hook-flash
load 7960-7940 P00307020300
load 7914 S00104000100
max-ephones 100
max-dn 500
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
timeouts ringing 100
system message XYZ Company
voicemail 7189
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Verify System Message Display
moh flash:music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 2000
web admin system name server1 password server1
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern 92......
transfer-pattern 91..........
transfer-pattern 93......
transfer-pattern 94......
transfer-pattern 95......
transfer-pattern 96......
transfer-pattern 97......
transfer-pattern 98......
transfer-pattern 99......
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 9
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
Troubleshooting System Message Display
Ensure that the HTTP server is enabled.
Provision URLs for Feature Buttons for SCCP Phones
To customize URLs for feature buttons in the Sep*.conf.xml configuration file for SCCP phones, perform
the following steps.
Restriction • Operation of these services is determined by the Cisco Unified IP phone capabilities and the content
of the specified URL.
• Provisioning a URL to access help screens using the i or ? buttons on a phone is not supported.
• Provisioning the directory URL to select an external directory resource disables the
Cisco Unified CME local directory service.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Troubleshooting System Message Display
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. url {directories | information | messages | services} url
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Provisions URLs for the four programmable feature buttons (Directories,
Information, Messages, andServices) on a supported Cisco Unified IPphone.
url {directories | information |
messages | services} url
Step 4
Router(config-telephony)# url
• To use a Cisco Unified Communications Manager directory as an
external directory source, you must list the MAC addresses of the phones
in Cisco Unified Communications Manager and reset the phones from
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. You do not need to assign
ephone-dns to the phones for the phones to register with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
• The url services command is also available in ephone-template
configuration mode. If you use an ephone template to provision the
Services feature button on one or moreSCCPphones and you configure
theurlservices command in telephony-service configuration mode, the
value set in telephony-service configuration mode appears first in the
list of options displayed when the phone user pressestheServicesfeature
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Provision URLs for Feature Buttons for SCCP Phones
What to Do Next
If you want to create an ephone template to provision multiple URLs for the Services feature button on
supported individual SCCP phones, see Templates, on page 1427.
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Provision URLs for Feature Buttons on SIP Phones
To customize URLs for feature buttons in the SEPDEFAULT.cnf configuration profile for SIP IP phones,
perform the following steps.
Restriction • Operation of these services is determined by the Cisco Unified IP phone capabilities and the content
of the specified URL.
• Provisioning the directory URL to select an external directory resource disables the
Cisco Unified CME local directory service.
Before You Begin
Cisco CME 3.4 or a later version.
Support for idle url is available only on Unified CME 12.0 and later versions.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. url {authentication | directory | service | idle} url
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Provision URLs for Feature Buttons on SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
voice register global Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Step 3
Associates a URL with the programmable feature buttons on SIP
url {authentication | directory | service | idle} url
Router(config-register-global)# url
Router(config-register-global)# url service
Router(config-register-global)# url idle
idle-timeout 12
Step 4
• url authentication url — Uses the information at the
specified URL to validate requests made to the phone web
• url directory url — Uses the information at the specified
URL for the Directories button display.
• url service url [root] — Uses the information at the
specified URL for the Services button display.
• url idle url — Defines the location of a file to display on
phones that are not in use and specifies the interval between
refreshes of the display, in seconds.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-global)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Profiles for SIP Phones, on page 391.
Troubleshooting URL Provisioning for Feature Buttons
Ensure the HTTP server is enabled and that there is communication between the Cisco Unified CME router and the
Modify Vendor Parameters for All SCCP Phones
To configure programmable phone and display parameters in the vendorConfig section of the
SepDefault.conf.xml configuration file for all phones, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Troubleshooting URL Provisioning for Feature Buttons
Restriction • Only the parameters supported by the currently loaded firmware are available.
• The number and type of parameters may vary from one firmware version to the next.
• Only those parameters that are supported by a Cisco Unified IP phone and firmware version are
implemented. Parameters that are not supported are ignored.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. service phone parameter-name parameter-value
5. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Sets display and phone functionality for all IP phones that
support the configured parameters and to which thistemplate
is applied.
service phone parameter-name parameter-value
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
Step 4
• The parameter name is word and case-sensitive. See
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference for a list of
daysDisplayNotActive 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
displayOnTime 07:30
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
• This command can also be configured in ephonetemplate configuration mode and applied to one or more
displayOnDuration 10:00
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
displayIdleTimeout 00.01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Modify Vendor Parameters for All SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Modify Vendor Parameters for a Specific SCCP Phone
To configure parameters in the vendorConfig section of theSep*.conf.xml configuration file for an individual
SCCP phone, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version.
• System must be configured to for per-phone configuration files. For configuration information, see
Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• Only the parameters supported by the currently loaded firmware are available.
• The number and type of parameters may vary from one firmware version to the next.
• Only those parameters that are supported by a Cisco Unified IP phone and firmware version are
implemented. Parameters that are not supported are ignored.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. service phone parameter-name parameter-value
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Modify Vendor Parameters for a Specific SCCP Phone
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router (config)# ephone-template 15
Step 3
Sets parameters for all IP phones that support the configured
functionality and to which this template is applied.
service phone parameter-name parameter-value
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
Step 4
• The parameter name is word and case-sensitive. See the
Cisco Unified CME Command Reference for a list of
daysDisplayNotActive 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 parameters.
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
displayOnTime 07:30 • This command can also be configured in
telephony-service configuration mode. For individual
Router(config-telephony)# service phone
displayOnDuration 10:00
Router(config-telephony)# service phone phones, the template configuration for this command
displayidleTimeout 00.01 overrides the system-level configuration for this
Exits from this command mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 6
Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being
ephone-template template-tag
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template 15
Step 7
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Modify Vendor Parameters for a Specific SCCP Phone
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Troubleshooting Vendor Parameter Configuration
Step 1 Ensure that the templates have been properly applied to the phones.
Step 2 Ensure that you use the create cnf-files command to regenerate configuration files and reset the phones after you apply
the templates.
Step 3 Use the show telephony-service tftp-bindings command to display the configuration files that are associated with
individual phones
Router# show telephony-service tftp-binding
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/SEPDEFAULT.cnf alias SEPDefault.cnf
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault.cnf.xml alias XMLDefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/ATADefault.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml alias SEP00036B54BB15.cnf.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-font.xml alias German_Germany/7960-font.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-dictionary.xml alias German_Germany/7960-dictionary.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-kate.xml alias German_Germany/7960-kate.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/SCCP-dictionary.xml alias German_Germany/SCCP-dictionary.xml
tftp-server system:/its/germany/7960-tones.xml alias Germany/7960-tones.xml
Step 4 Use the debug tftp events command to verify that the phone is accessing the file when you reboot the phone.
Configure One-Way Push-to-Talk on Cisco Unified SCCP Wireless IP Phones
To associate a phone button with the thumb button on a wireless phone for one-way Push-to-Talk (PTT)
functionality in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
Restriction Supported on Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921 and 7925 only.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 7.0 or a later version.
• Cisco phone firmware version 1.0.4 or a later version.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Troubleshooting Vendor Parameter Configuration
• System must be configured to for per-phone configuration files. For configuration information, see
Define Per-Phone Configuration Files and Alternate Location for SCCP Phones, on page 181.
• Phone button to be associated with the thumb button must be configured with an intercom DN that
targets a paging number. For configuration information, see Intercom Lines, on page 783.
• Paging group to be dialed by the intercom line must be configured. Targeted paging group can be unicast
or multicast or both. For configuration information, see Paging, on page 857.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-template template-tag
4. service phone thumbButton1 PTTH button_number
5. exit
6. ephone phone-tag
7. ephone-template template-tag
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters ephone-template configuration mode to create an ephone
ephone-template template-tag
Router (config)# ephone-template 12
Step 3
Specifies which button is to go off hook when user presses the
thumb button.
service phone thumbButton1 PTTH
Step 4
Router(config-ephone-template)# service
phone thumbButton1 PTTH6
• button_number—Button on phone that is configured with an
intercom dn that targets a paging number. Range is 1 to 6.
• There are no spaces in the PTTH and button_number
keyword/argument combination.
• This command can also be configured in telephony-service
configuration mode. For individual phones, the template
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure One-Way Push-to-Talk on Cisco Unified SCCP Wireless IP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
configuration for this command overrides the system-level
configuration for this command.
Exits from this command mode to the next highest mode in the
configuration mode hierarchy.
Router(config-ephone-template)# exit
Step 5
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone 1
Step 6
ephone-template template-tag Applies an ephone template to the ephone that is being configured.
Router(config-ephone)# ephone-template
Step 7
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 8
Configure Cisco Jabber for CSF Client in Cisco Unified CME
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip http secure-server
4. ip http secure-port port number
5. voice register dn dn-tag
6. number number
7. voice register pool phone-tag
8. id device-id-name
9. type type
10. number number
11. username username password password
12. description string
13. exit
14. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Cisco Jabber for CSF Client in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if
Router> enable
Step 1
configure terminal Enters the global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables a secure HTTP (HTTPS) server. The HTTPS server
uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Version 3 protocol.
ip http secure-server
Router(config)# ip http secure-server
Step 3
ip http secure-port port number Sets the HTTPS server port number for listening.
Router(config)# ip http secure-port 8443
Step 4
Creates directory numbers for the SIP IP phones that are
directly connected to Cisco Unified CME
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config)# voice register dn 1
Step 5
number number Defines the numbers for the SIP IP phones.
Router(config-register-dn)# number 991001
Step 6
Sets the phone type for the SIP IP phones on a Cisco
Unified CME system.
voice register pool phone-tag
Router# voice register pool 1
Step 7
Step 8 id device-id-name Specifies the device ID of a phone type.
Router(config-register-pool)# id
device-id-name JabberWIN
For a list of supported device IDs, see Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express Command Reference.
Assigns a name to a phone type.
• name—String thatspecifiestheSIPsoft client device ID
name. Device ID name string can be up to 32 characters.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configure Cisco Jabber for CSF Client in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
type type Defines the phone type.
Router(config-register-pool)# type
Step 9
number number Defines the numbers for the SIP IP phones.
Router(config-register-pool)# number 1
Step 10
Step 11 username username password password Sets the username and password.
Router(config-register-pool))# username
jabber1 password jabber1
• Username— Specifies the username of the phone type.
• Password— Specifies the password of the phone type.
Associates a description with the Cisco Jabber client. Enter a
string of up to 64 characters. A maximum of 128 characters,
including spaces.
description string
Router(config-register-pool)# description
Step 12
exit Exits the voice register-pool configuration mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# exit
Step 13
end Exits the privileged EXEC configuration mode.
Router(config)# end
Step 14
What to Do Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Configuration Examples for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Example for Configuring Cisco Jabber
The following example shows phone type Cisco Jabber configured under voice register pool 10:
voice register dn 10
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Configuration Examples for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
number 1089
call-forward b2bua busy 1500
call-forward b2bua mailbox 1500
call-forward b2bua noan 1500 timeout 20
pickup-call any-group
pickup-group 1
name CME SIP iPhone
label CME SIP iPhone
voice register pool 8
registration-timer max 720 min 660
park reservation-group 1
session-transport tcp
type CiscoMobile-iOS
number 1 dn 10
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
ephone-dn 61
number 1061
park-slot reservation-group 1 timeout 10 limit 2 recall retry 2 limit 2
Example for Configuring Cisco Jabber CSF Client
The following example shows how to configure the Cisco Jabber CSF client installed in full UC mode:
voice register dn 1
number 991001
name Jabber-CSF-Client-1
label Jabber-CSF-Client-1
voice register pool 1
id device-id-name jabber_csf_1
type Jabber-CSF-Client
number 1 dn 1
username john password john123
codec g711ulaw
ip http secure-server
ip http secure-port 8443
The following example shows how to configure the Cisco Jabber CSF client in phone-only mode from CME
under voice register global:
voice register global
phone-mode phone-only
voice register pool 1
id device-id-name winJabber
number 1 dn 1
type Jabber-CSF-Client
username 1111022 password 1111022
The following example shows how to configure the Cisco Jabber CSF client in phone-only mode from CME
under voice register pool:
voice register pool 1
id device-id-name winJabber
number 1 dn 1
type Jabber-CSF-Client
username 1111022 password 1111022
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Example for Configuring Cisco Jabber CSF Client
phone-mode phone-only
The following example shows how to configure the Cisco Jabber CSF client in phone-only mode from CME
under voice register template:
voice register template 1
phone-mode phone-only
voice register pool 2
id device-id-name winJabber
type Jabber-CSF-Client
number 1 dn 2
username 1111023 password 1111023
template 1
Example for Configuring Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client
The following example shows dial rules configured under voice register template 2:
voice register template 2
url ldapServer ldap.abcd.com
url AppDialRule tftp://
url DirLookupRule tftp://
The following is a sample of Application Dial Rule content:
Router#more flash:AppDialRules.xml
Example for Excluding Local Services from Cisco Unified SIP IP Phones
The following example shows how the exclude command is used to exclude from the Cisco Unified SIP IP
phone’s user interface the availability of two local services. These services are Local Directory and MyPhone
Router(config)# voice register pool 80
Router(config-register-pool)# exclude directory
Router(config-register-pool)# exclude myphoneapps
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Example for Configuring Dial Rules for Cisco Softphone SIP Client
Example to Create Text Labels for Ephone-dns
The following example creates text labels for two ephone-dns:
ephone-dn 1
number 2001
label Sales
ephone-dn 2
number 2002
label Engineering
Example for Phone Header Bar Display
The following example provides the full E.164 number for a phone line in the phone header bar:
ephone-dn 55
number 2149
description 408-555-0149
ephone-dn 56
number 2150
ephone 12
button 1:55 2:56
Example for System Text Message Display
The following example specifies text that should display on IP phones when they are not in use:
system message ABC Company
Example for System File Display
The following example specifies that a file called logo.htm should be displayed on IP phones when they are
not in use:
url idle http://www.abcwrecking.com/public/logo.htm idle-timeout 35
Example for URL Provisioning for Directories, Services, and Messages Buttons
The following example provisions the Directories, Services, and Messages buttons:
url directories
url services
url messages
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Example to Create Text Labels for Ephone-dns
Example for Programmable VendorConfig Parameters
The following partial output shows a template in which programmable parameters for phone and display
functionality have been configured by using the service phone command:
ephone-template 1
button-layout 7931 1
service phone daysDisplayNotActive 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
service phone backlightOnTime 07:30
service phone backlightOnDuration 10:00
service phone backlightidleTimeout 00.01
In the following example, the PC port is disabled on phones 26 and 27. All other phones have the PC port
ephone-template 8
service phone pcPort 1
ephone 26
mac-address 1111.1111.1001
ephone-template 8
type 7960
button 1:26
ephone 27
mac-address 1111.2222.2002
ephone-template 8
type 7960
button 1:27
Example for Push-to-Talk (PTT) on Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phones in Cisco
Unified CME
The following partial output shows a template in which one-way PTT is configured by using the service
phone thumbButton1 command:
ephone-template 12
service phone thumbButton1 PTTH6
ephone-dn 10
intercom 1050
ephone-dn 50
number 1050
ephone 1
type 7921
button 1:1 6:10
ephone 2
button 1:2
paging-dn 50
ephone 3
button 1:3
paging-dn 50
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Example for Programmable VendorConfig Parameters
ephone 4
button 1:1
paging-dn 50
Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 112: Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Adds support for My Phone
Apps feature on Cisco
Unified SIP IP phones.
My Phone Apps for Cisco 9.0
Unified SIP IP Phones
Support for Cisco Jabber
Added support for Cisco
Provides ability to clear the
display of call-history details
such as missed, placed, and
received call entries on a
Cisco Unified SCCP IP
phone’s display screen.
Clear Directory Entries 8.6
Provides two preconfigured
fixed sets of feature buttons
for provisioning a
Cisco Unified IP Phone
Fixed Line/Feature Buttons 4.0(2)
Added support for modifying
header bar display on SIP
Header Bar Display 3.4
Phone header bar display is
Added support for label
display on SIP phones.
Labelsfor Directory Numbers 3.4
Ephone-dn labels were
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Cisco Unified CME Feature Information
Feature Name
Added support for
configuring programmable
phone and display
functionality at a phone level
for SCCP phones.
Programmable Vendor 4.0
Added support for
configuring programmable
phone and display
functionality for SIP phones.
Added support for
programmable phone and
display functionality in
vendorConfig portion of
configuration file.
Implementation of
configuration is firmware
version dependent.
System message display on
idle phones using text
messages was introduced.
System Message Display 3.0
System message display on
idle phones using HTML files
was introduced.
Added support for Idle URL
functionality on SIP phones.
URL Provisioning forFeature 12.0
Added support for
configuring an ephone
template to provision multiple
URLsfor theServicesfeature
button phones.
Added support for
provisioning customized
URLs for programmable
feature buttons on supported
SIP phones.
Provisioning customized
URLs for programmable
feature buttons was
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Modify Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Feature Information for Cisco Unified IP Phone Options
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
This chapter describes features in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME)
that provide support for interoperability between Cisco Unified CME and external feature services, such as
Cisco Customer ResponseSolutions(CRS) with Cisco Unified Contact Center Express(Cisco Unified CCX).
To configure support for computer-based CSTA client applications, such as a Microsoft Office
Communicator (MOC) client or an application developed by using the Cisco Unified CME CTI SDK, see
Configure CTI CSTA Protocol Suite, on page 1521.
• Information About Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, page 1495
• Configure Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, page 1498
• Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, page 1508
• Feature Information for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, page 1516
Information About Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions support interoperability between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco
Customer ResponseSolutions(CRS) with Cisco Unified Call Center Express(Cisco Unified CCX), including
enhanced call processing, device and call monitoring, unattended call transfers to multiple call center agents
and basic extension mobility, and IP IVR applications.
The Cisco Unified CCX application uses the CRS platform to provide a multimedia (voice, data, and web).
Cisco IP IVR functionality is available with Cisco Unified CCX and includes prompt-and-collect and call
The following functions are provided in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 and later versions:
• Support of Cisco Unified CCX Cisco Agent Desktop for use with Cisco Unified CME
• Configuration query and update between Cisco Unified CCX and Cisco Unified CME
• SIP-based simple and supplementary call control services including:
◦Call routing between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified CCX using SIP-based route point
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
◦First-party call control for SIP-based simple and supplementary calls
◦Call monitoring and device monitoring based on SIP presence and dialog event package
• Cisco Unified CCX session management of Cisco Unified CME
• Cisco Unified CCX device and call monitoring of agent lines and call activities in Cisco Unified CME
Provisioning and configuration information in Cisco Unified CCX is automatically provided to
Cisco United CME. If the configuration from Cisco Unified CCX is deleted or must be modified, you can
configure the same information in Cisco Unified CME by using Cisco IOS commands.
For first party call control, a route point for Cisco CRS is a peer device to Cisco Unified CME through a SIP
trunk. An incoming call to Cisco Unified CME that is targeted to a call center phone is routed to
Cisco Unified CCX through the route point. The call is placed in a queue and redirected to the most suitable
agent by Cisco Unified CCX.
Supplementary services such as call hold, blind transfer, and semi-attended transfer are initiated by
Cisco Unified CCX. Existing SIP-based simple and supplementary service call flow applies except for blind
transfers. For blind transfers with Cisco Unified CCX as the transferrer, Cisco Unified CCX will stay in the
active state until the transfer target answers. It drops out only after the transferred call issuccessfully answered.
If the transfer target does not answer when ringing times out, the call is pulled back by Cisco Unified CCX
and rerouted to another agent. This mechanism also applies when the transfer target is configured with
call-forward all or forward no-answer. The forward configuration is ignored during blind transfer.
When a call moves between Cisco Unified CCX and Cisco Unified CME because of redirect, transfer, and
conference, theSIP Call-ID continuesto change.For call control purposes, Cisco Unified CME issues a unique
Global Call ID (Gcid) for every outbound call leg. A Gcid remains the same for all legs of the same call in
the system, and is valid for redirect, transfer, and conference events, including 3-party conferencing when a
call center phone acts as a conference host.
Before Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)XW6, if the call monitoring module in Cisco Unified CME 4.2 detected
a call associated with a non default session application, such as B-ACD or a TCL script, the module was
globally disabled. After the module was disabled, Cisco Unified CCX administration had to manually re-enable
the call monitoring module after the session completes.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)XW6 and later releases, the call monitoring module in Cisco Unified CME
does not monitor a call associated with a non default session application, such as B-ACD or a TCL script,
including all calls merged into this call by way of consult transfer and conference. The module is not disabled
and continues to monitor other calls.
Table 113: Tasks to Configure Interoperability between Cisco CRS and Cisco Unified CME, on page 1497
contains a list of tasks required to enable operability between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified CCX,
presented in the order in which the tasks are to be completed. Thissection containsinformation about performing
tasks in the first 2 steps in this table and procedures for completing step 3.
For configuration information, see Configure Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, on page 1498.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Information About Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Table 113: Tasks to Configure Interoperability between Cisco CRS and Cisco Unified CME
Step Task Name of Document
Verify that the appropriate —
Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME) version is
installed on the router. For
compatibility information, see
Cisco Unified Contact Center
Express (Cisco Unified CCX)
Software and Hardware
Compatibility Guide.
See "Prerequisites' section in
Enable Interoperability with
Cisco Unified CCX, on page 1498.
Configure the Cisco Unified CME
Note the XML user ID and
password in Cisco Unified
CME and router’s IP
Configure Interoperability with
Cisco Unified CCX, on page 1498
Configure Cisco Unified CME to
enable interoperability with
Cisco Unified CCX.
See Cisco Unified Contact Center
Express Administration Guide at
Configuration Guides.
Install Cisco Unified Contact
Center Express
(Cisco Unified CCX) for Cisco
Unified CME.
Perform the initial setup of Cisco
CRS for Cisco Unified CME.
When setup launches, you
are asked for the XML user
ID and password, known as
AXL user in Cisco CRS,
that you created in
Cisco Unified CME. You
also must enter the router
IP address.
“Provisioning Unified CCX for
Unified CME” chapter in the
appropriate Cisco CRS
Administration Guide or Cisco
Unified Contact Center Express
Administration Guide at
Configuration Guides.
Configure Cisco Unified CME
telephony subsystem to enable
interoperability with
Cisco Unified CCX.
Create users and assign the agent
capability in Cisco CRS.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Information About Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configure Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Enable Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
To configure Cisco Unified CME to enable interoperability between Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unified CCX, perform the following steps.
Note A single Cisco Unified CME can support multiple session managers.
Restriction • Maximum number of active Cisco Unified CCX agents supported: 50.
• Multi-Party Ad Hoc and Meet-Me Conferencing are not supported.
• The following incoming calls are supported for deployment of the interoperability feature:SIPtrunk
calls from another Cisco Unified CME and all calls from a PSTN trunk. Other trunks, such H.323,
are supported as usual in Cisco Unified CME, however, not for customer callsto Cisco Unified CCX.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME version and Cisco IOS release that is compatible with your Cisco Unified CCX
version. For compatibility information, see Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Cisco Unified CCX)
Software and Hardware Compatibility Guide.
• XML API must be configured to create an AXL username for Cisco Unified CCX access. For
configuration information, see Configure the XML API, on page 1573.
During the initial setup of Cisco CRS for Cisco Unified CME, you need the AXL
username and password that was configured using the xml user command in
telephony-service configuration mode. You also need the router IP address that was
configured using the ip source-address command in telephony-service configuration
• Agent phones to be connected in Cisco Unified CME must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. When
configuring a Cisco Unified CCX agent phone, use the keep-conference endcall command to enable
conference initiators to exit from conference calls and end the conference for the remaining parties. For
configuration information, see Configure Conferencing, on page 1377.
• The Cisco Unified CME router must be configured to accept incoming presence requests. For
configuration information, see Configure Presence Service, on page 879.
• To support Desktop Monitoring and Recording, the service phone SpanToPCPort 1 command must
be configured in telephony-service configuration mode. For configuration information, see Modify
Vendor Parameters for All SCCP Phones, on page 1479.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configure Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice call send-alert
4. voice service voip
5. callmonitor
6. gcid
7. allow-connections sip to sip
8. no supplementary-service sip moved-temporary
9. no supplementary-service sip refer
10. sip
11. registrar server[expires [max sec] [min sec]]
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the terminating gateway to send an alert message instead
of a progress message after it receives a call setup message.
voice call send-alert
Router(config)# voice call send-alert
Step 3
Enters voice-service configuration mode and specifies
voice-over-IP encapsulation.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 4
Step 5 callmonitor Enables call monitoring messaging functionality.
Router(config-voi-serv)# callmonitor
• Used by Cisco Unified CCX for processing and reporting.
Step 6 gcid Enables Global Call-ID (Gcid) for call control purposes.
Router(config-voi-serv)# gcid
• Used by Cisco Unified CCX for tracking call.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Enable Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Command or Action Purpose
Allows connections between specific types of endpoints in a VoIP
allow-connections sip to sip
Router(config-voi-serv)# allow-connections
sip to sip
Step 7
Prevents the router from sending a redirect response to the
destination for call forwarding.
no supplementary-service sip
Router(config-voi-serv)# no
supplementary-service sip moved-temporary
Step 8
Prevents the router from forwarding a REFER message to the
destination for call transfers.
no supplementary-service sip refer
Router(config-voi-serv)# no
supplementary-service sip refer
Step 9
sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# sip
Step 10
Step 11 registrar server[expires [max sec] [min sec]] Enables SIP registrar functionality in Cisco Unified CME.
Router(config-voi-sip)# registrar server
expires max 600 min 60
• expires—(Optional) Sets the active time for an incoming
• max sec—(Optional) Maximum time for a registration to
expire, in seconds. Range: 600 to 86400. Default: 3600.
Recommended value: 600.
Ensure that the registration expiration timeout is set
to a value smaller than the TCP connection aging
timeout to avoid disconnection from the TCP.
• min sec—(Optional) Minimum time for a registration to
expire, in seconds. Range: 60 to 3600. Default: 60.
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# end
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Enable Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Identify Agent Directory Numbers in Cisco Unified CME for Session Manager
on SCCP Phones
To specify which directory numbers, associated with phone lines on Cisco Unified CCX agent phones, can
be managed by a session manager, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Only SCCP phones can be configured as agent phones in Cisco Unified CME. The Cisco VG224
Analog Phone Gateway and analog and SIP phones are supported as usual in Cisco Unified CME,
however, not as Cisco Unified CCX agent phones.
• Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931 cannot be configured as an agent phone in Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931s are supported as usual in Cisco Unified CME, however, not as
Cisco Unified CCX agent phones.
• Shared-line appearance is not supported on agent phones. A directory number cannot be associated
with more than one physical agent phone at one time.
• Overlaid lines are not supported on agent phones. More than one directory number cannot be
associated with a single line button on an agent phone.
• Monitored mode for a line button is not supported on agent phones. An agent phone cannot be
monitored by another phone.
• Cisco Unified CCX does not support a call event that includes a different directory number; all call
events must include the primary directory number. Call transfers between phones with single-line
directory numbers will cause call monitoring to fail.
Before You Begin
• Up to eight session managers must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
• Directory numbers associated with Cisco Unified CCX agent phones must be configured in Cisco Unified
◦Cisco Unified CME 4.2: Directory numbers for agent phones must be configured as dual lines to
allow an agent to make two call connections at the same time using one phone line button. Note
that if the second line of the dual-line directory number is busy, a transfer event between phones
in the solution will fail to complete.
◦Cisco Unified CME 4.3/7.0 and later versions: We recommend that directory numbers for agent
phones be configured as octal linesto help to ensure that a free line with the same directory number
is available for a transfer event.
◦For configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page 315.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Identify Agent Directory Numbers in Cisco Unified CME for Session Manager on SCCP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone-dn dn-tag
4. allow watch
5. session-server session-server-tag [,...session-server-tag]
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Step 3 ephone-dn dn-tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 24
• dn-tag—Unique ID of an already configured directory number. The tag
number correspondsto a tag number created when this directory number
was initially configured.
Allows the phone line associated with this directory number to be monitored
by a watcher in a presence service.
allow watch
Router(config-ephone-dn)# allow
Step 4
• This command can also be configured in ephone-dn template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The ephone-dn
configuration has priority over the ephone-dn template configuration.
Specifies which session managers are to monitor the directory number being
session-server session-server-tag
Step 5
session-server 1,2,3,4,6
• session-server-tag—Unique ID session manager, configured in
Cisco Unified CCX and automatically provided to Cisco Unified CME.
Range: 1 to 8.
If you do not know the value for session-server-tag, we
recommend using 1.
• Can configure up to eight session-server-tags; individual tags must be
separated by commas (,).
• Each directory number can be managed by up to eightsession managers.
Each session manager can monitor more than one directory number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Identify Agent Directory Numbers in Cisco Unified CME for Session Manager on SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# end
Step 6
Verify Registrations and Subscriptions in Cisco Unified CME
Before using the system, verify registrations and subscriptions for Cisco Unified CCX endpoints.
Step 1 Use the show sipstatus registrar command to verify whethersession manager and Cisco CRSroute points are registered.
Step 2 Use the show presence subscription summary command to verify whether Cisco CRS route points and
Cisco Unified CCX agent directory numbers are subscribed.
The following is sample output from the show presence subscription summary command. The first two rows show
the status for two route points. The next two are for logged in agent phones.
Router# show presence subscription summary
Presence Active Subscription Records Summary: 15 subscription
Watcher Presentity SubID Expires SibID Status
======================== ======================== ====== ======= ====== ======
CRScontrol@ 8101@ 4 3600 0 idle
CRScontrol@ 8201@ 8 3600 0 idle
CRScontrol@ 4016@ 10 3600 0 idle
CRScontrol@ 4020@ 12 3599 0 idle
Re-create a Session Manager in Cisco Unified CME
Provisioning and configuration information in Cisco Unified CCX is automatically provided to
Cisco United CME. The following task is required only if the configuration from Cisco Unified CCX is
deleted or must be modified.
To re-create a session manager in Cisco Unified CME for Cisco Unified CCX, perform the following steps.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Verify Registrations and Subscriptions in Cisco Unified CME
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register session-server session-server-tag
4. register id name
5. keepalive seconds
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register session-server configuration mode to enable and
configure a session manager for an external feature server, such as the
Cisco Unified CCX application on a Cisco CRS system.
voice register session-server
Router(config)# voice register
session-server 1
Step 3
• Range: 1 to 8.
• A single Cisco Unified CME can support multiple session managers.
(Optional) Required only if the configuration from Cisco Unified CCX
is deleted or must be modified.
register id name
Router(config-register-fs)# CRS1
Step 4
• name—String for identifying Cisco Unified CCX. Can contain
1 to 30 alphanumeric characters.
(Optional) Required only if the configuration from Cisco Unified CCX
is deleted or must be modified.
keepalive seconds
Router(config-register-fs)# keepalive
Step 5
• Keepalive duration for registration, in seconds, after which the
registration expires unless Cisco Unified CCX reregisters before
the registration expiry.
• Range: 60 to 3600. Default: 300.
Default in Cisco Unified CCX is
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Re-create a Session Manager in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-fs)# end
Step 6
Reconfigure a Cisco CRS Route Point as a SIP Endpoint
Provisioning and configuration information in Cisco Unified CCX is automatically provided to
Cisco United CME. The following task is required only if the configuration from Cisco Unified CCX is
deleted or must be modified.
To reconfigure a Cisco CRSroute point as aSIPendpoint in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps.
Restriction • Each Cisco CRS route point can be managed by only one session manager.
• Each session manager can manage more than one Cisco CRS route point.
Before You Begin
• Directory numbers associated with Cisco CRS route points must be configured in Cisco Unified CME.
For configuration information for directory numbers associated withSIPendpoints,see ConfigurePhones
to Make Basic Call, on page 315.
• Directory numbers associated with Cisco CRS route points must be enabled to be watched. For
configuration information, see Configure Presence Service, on page 879.
• The mode cme command must be enabled in Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Reconfigure a Cisco CRS Route Point as a SIP Endpoint
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register dn dn-tag
4. number number
5. session-server session-server-tag [,...session-server-tag]
6. allow watch
7. refer target dial-peer
8. exit
9. voice register pool pool-tag
10. number tag dn dn-tag
11. session-server session-server-tag
12. codec codec-type
13. dtmf-relay sip-notify
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice register dn configuration mode to define a directory
number for aSIPphone, intercom line, voice port, or a message-waiting
indicator (MWI).
voice register dn dn-tag
Router(config-register-global)# voice
register dn 1
Step 3
number number Defines a valid number for a directory number.
Router(config-register-dn)# number 2777
Step 4
Specifies which session managers are to monitor the directory number
being configured.
session-server session-server-tag
Step 5
session-server 1
• session-server-tag—Unique ID session manager, configured in
Cisco Unified CCX and automatically provided to
Cisco Unified CME. Range: 1 to 8.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Reconfigure a Cisco CRS Route Point as a SIP Endpoint
Command or Action Purpose
If you do not know the value for session-server-tag, we
recommend using 1.
• Can configure up to eight session-server-tags; individual tags
must be separated by commas (,).
• Each directory number can be managed by up to eight session
managers. Each session manager can monitor more than one
directory number.
Allows the phone line associated with this directory number to be
monitored by a watcher in a presence service.
allow watch
Router(config-register-dn)# allow watch
Step 6
Enables watcher to handle SIP REFER message from this directory
refer target dial-peer
Router(config-register-dn)# refer
target dial-peer
Step 7
• target dial-peer—Refer To portion of message is based on
address from dial peer for this directory number.
Exits configuration mode to the next highest mode in the configuration
mode hierarchy.
Router(config-register-dn)# exit
Step 8
Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set device-specific
parameters for a Cisco CRS route point.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config)# voice register pool 3
Step 9
• A voice register pool in Cisco Unified CCX can contain up to 10
individual SIP endpoints. Subsequent pools are created for
additional SIP endpoints.
number tag dn dn-tag Associates a directory number with the route point being configured.
Router(config-register-pool)# number
1 dn 1
Step 10
identifies session manager to be used to control the route point being
session-server session-server-tag
session-server 1
Step 11
• session-server-tag—Unique number assigned to a session
manager. Range: 1 to 8. The tag number corresponds to a tag
number created by using the voice register session-server
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Reconfigure a Cisco CRS Route Point as a SIP Endpoint
Command or Action Purpose
Specifies the codec for the dial peer dynamically created for the route
point being configured.
codec codec-type
Router(config-register-pool)# codec
Step 12
• codec-type—g711ulaw is required for Cisco Unified CCX.
Specifies DTMF Relay method to be used by the route point being
dtmf-relay sip-notify
dtmf-relay sip-notify
Step 13
end Exits configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 14
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with
Cisco Unified CCX
The following output from the show running-configuration command shows the configuration on a
Cisco Unified CME router that will interoperate with Cisco Unified CCX.
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname sb-sj3-3845-uut1
card type t1 0 2
card type t1 0 3
logging buffered 1000000
no logging console
enable password password
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate wic 2
network-clock-participate wic 3
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
ip dhcp pool ephones
option 150 ip
no ip domain lookup
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice-card 0
no dspfarm
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
no supplementary-service sip refer
registrar server expires max 120 min 60
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g729r8
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
max-dn 720
max-pool 240
authenticate presence
authenticate register
dialplan-pattern 1 511.... extension-length 4
voicemail 9001
create profile sync 0000347600391314
voice register session-server 1
keepalive 300
register-id SB-SJ3-UCCX1_1164774025000
voice register dn 1
session-server 1
number 8999
allow watch
refer target dial-peer
voice register dn 2
session-server 1
number 8001
allow watch
refer target dial-peer
voice register dn 3
session-server 1
number 8101
allow watch
refer target dial-peer
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
voice register dn 11
number 2011
name ep-sip-1-11
voice register dn 12
number 2012
name ep-sip-1-12
voice register dn 16
number 5016
name rp-sip-1-16
label SIP 511-5016
voice register dn 17
number 5017
name rp-sip-1-17
label SIP 511-5017
voice register dn 18
number 5018
name rp-sip-1-18
label SIP 511-5018
voice register pool 1
session-server 1
number 1 dn 1
number 2 dn 2
number 3 dn 3
dtmf-relay sip-notify
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 11
id mac 1111.0711.2011
type 7970
number 1 dn 11
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
voice-class codec 1
username 5112011 password 5112011
voice register pool 12
id mac 1111.0711.2012
type 7960
number 1 dn 12
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
voice-class codec 1
username 5112012 password 5112012
voice register pool 16
id mac 0017.0EBC.1500
type 7961GE
number 1 dn 16
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
voice-class codec 1
username rp-sip-1-16 password pool16
voice register pool 17
id mac 0016.C7C5.0660
type 7971
number 1 dn 17
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
voice-class codec 1
username rp-sip-1-17 password pool17
voice register pool 18
id mac 0015.629E.825D
type 7971
number 1 dn 18
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
voice-class codec 1
username rp-sip-1-18 password pool18
controller T1 0/2/0
framing esf
clock source internal
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-4,24
controller T1 0/2/1
framing esf
clock source internal
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-4,24
controller T1 0/3/0
framing esf
clock source internal
linecode b8zs
ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-4 type e&-immediate-start
controller T1 0/3/1
framing esf
clock source internal
linecode b8zs
ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-4 type e&-immediate-start
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
interface Serial0/2/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn protocol-emulate network
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface Serial0/2/1:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn protocol-emulate network
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
ip route
ip route Service-Engine1/0
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http path flash:
ixi transport http
response size 64
no shutdown
request outstanding 1
ixi application cme
no shutdown
voice-port 0/0/0
voice-port 0/0/1
voice-port 0/2/0:23
voice-port 0/3/0:0
voice-port 0/1/0
voice-port 0/1/1
voice-port 0/2/1:23
voice-port 0/3/1:0
dial-peer voice 9000 voip
description ==> This is for internal calls to CUE
destination-pattern 9...
voice-class codec 1
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
dial-peer voice 9001 voip
description ==> This is for external calls to CUE
destination-pattern 5119...
voice-class codec 1
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
dial-peer voice 521 voip
destination-pattern 521....
voice-class codec 1
max-redirects 5
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
dial-peer voice 531 voip
destination-pattern 531....
voice-class codec 1
max-redirects 5
session protocol sipv2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
presence call-list
watcher all
allow subscribe
mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport udp
presence enable
no auto-reg-ephone
xml user axluser password axlpass 15 <====AXL username and password for Cisco CRS
max-ephones 240
max-dn 720
ip source-address port 2000 <====IP address of router
system message sb-sj3-3845-uut1
url services
url authentication http:
cnf-file perphone
dialplan-pattern 1 511.... extension-length 4
voicemail 9001
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
moh flash:music-on-hold.wav
multicast moh port 2000
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jun 18 2007 07:44:25
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
session-server 1
number 1001
name ag-1-1
allow watch
mwi sip
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
session-server 1
number 1002
name ag-1-2
allow watch
mwi sip
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
session-server 1
number 1003
name ag-1-3
allow watch
mwi sip
ephone-dn 4 dual-line
session-server 1
number 1004
name ag-1-4
allow watch
mwi sip
ephone-dn 5
session-server 1
number 1005
name ag-1-5
allow watch
mwi sip
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
ephone-dn 11 dual-line
number 3011
name ep-sccp-1-11
mwi sip
ephone-dn 12
number 3012
name ep-sccp-1-12
mwi sip
ephone-dn 16 dual-line
number 4016
label SCCP 511-4016
name rp-sccp-1-16
mwi sip
ephone-dn 17 dual-line
number 4017
label SCCP 511-4017
name rp-sccp-1-17
mwi sip
ephone-dn 18 dual-line
number 4018
label SCCP 511-4018
name rp-sccp-1-18
mwi sip
ephone-dn 19 dual-line
number 4019
label SCCP 511-4019
name rp-sccp-1-19
mwi sip
ephone-dn 20 dual-line
number 4020
label SCCP 511-4020
name rp-sccp-1-20
mwi sip
ephone-dn 21 dual-line
number 4021
label SCCP 511-4021
name rp-sccp-1-21
mwi sip
ephone-dn 22 dual-line
number 4022
label SCCP 511-4022
name rp-sccp-1-22
mwi sip
ephone 1
mac-address 1111.0711.1001
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address 1111.0711.1002
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 1111.0711.1003
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:3
ephone 4
mac-address 1111.0711.1004
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:4
ephone 5
mac-address 1111.0711.1005
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:5
ephone 11
mac-address 1111.0711.3011
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:11
ephone 12
mac-address 1111.0711.3012
type 7960
keep-conference endcall
button 1:12
ephone 16
mac-address 0012.D916.5AD6
type 7960
keep-conference endcall
button 1:16
ephone 17
mac-address 0013.1AA6.7A9E
type 7960
keep-conference endcall
button 1:17
ephone 18
mac-address 0012.80F3.B013
type 7960
keep-conference endcall
button 1:18
ephone 19
mac-address 0013.1A1F.6282
type 7970
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Configuration Examples for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
keep-conference endcall
button 1:19
ephone 20
mac-address 0013.195A.00D0
type 7970
keep-conference endcall
button 1:20
ephone 21
mac-address 0017.0EBC.147C
type 7961GE
keep-conference endcall
button 1:21
ephone 22
mac-address 0016.C7C5.0578
type 7971
keep-conference endcall
button 1:22
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line 66
no activation-character
no exec
transport preferred none
transport input all
transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120
line vty 0 4
password lab
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Where to Go Next
If you are done modifying parameters for phones in Cisco Unified CME, generate a new configuration file
and restart the phones. See Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388.
Feature Information for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Where to Go Next
Table 114: Feature Information for Interoperability Feature
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Modification
Enables interoperability between
Cisco Unified CME and Cisco
Customer Response Solutions
(CRS) 5.0 and later versions with
Cisco Unified Contact Center
Express (Cisco Unified CCX),
including Cisco Unified IP IVR,
enhanced call processing, device
and call monitoring, unattended
call transfersto multiple call center
agents, and basic extension
Interoperability with 4.2
Cisco Unified CCX
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Feature Information for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
Feature Information for Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
This chapter describes how to configure the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Computer Supported
Telecommunications Applications(CSTA) protocolsuite in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
(Cisco Unified CME) 8.0 and later versions to allow computer-based CSTA client applications, such as a
Microsoft Office Communicator (MOC) client or an application developed using the Cisco Unified
Communications Express(UC Express)ServicesInterfaceSDK, to monitor and control the Cisco Unified CME
system and enable programmatic control of SCCP telephony devices registered in Cisco Unified CME.
To configure support for interoperability between Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Customer Response
Solutions (CRS) with Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Cisco Unified CCX), see Configure
Interoperability with Cisco Unified CCX, on page 1498.
• Information About CTI CSTA Protocol Suite, page 1519
• Configure CTI CSTA Protocol Suite, page 1521
• Configuration Examples for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite, page 1532
• Feature Information for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite, page 1537
Information About CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME
The CTI CSTA Protocol Suite in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions provides third-party call-control
capabilities for computer-based CSTA client applications, such as a Microsoft Office Communicator (MOC)
client through Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) and applications created using the
Cisco Unified CME CTI SDK, and enables click-to-dial from the application.
The CTI CSTA Protocol Suite in Cisco Unified CME 8.8 and later versions enables the dial-via-office
functionality from the application.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CSTA Client Application Deployment
Typically, a computer-based application uses CSTA to control its associated PBX phone via a SIP CSTA
gateway. The gateway terminates SIP messages and converts ECMA-323 messages to and from the
PBX-specific protocol.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions, a computer-based CSTA client application interacts directly
with Cisco Unified CME via the CTI interface in Cisco Unified CME to control and monitor IP phones
registered in Cisco Unified CME. Cisco Unified CME replaces the CSTA gateway and the PBX in the typical
application-to-PBX deployment to terminate SIP messages from the client application and convert CSTA
XML into the line-side protocol that controls the phone.
CTI Session
If required, a CSTA client application creates a session by establishing a SIP dialog with the CTI interface in
Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions. The logical name of the phone user is described in the SIP “From”
header while the PBX phone line is described in the SIP “To” header. The user and line configurations are
created in the application.
The SIP INVITE body includes a System Status service request. A SIP “OK” response that includes a System
Status response is sent from Cisco Unified CME. The application continues only if it receives the expected
After receiving the expected response, the client application begins the capabilities exchange by sending a
SIP message requesting a list of supported CSTA services and events from Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified CME sends a response with an encapsulated CSTA features response that is a list of supported
services and events. For information, see Supported Services and Events, on page 1520.
The CSTA client application must start a CSTA monitor before it can observe changes to calls and features
by CSTA events. To start the Call Monitor Module (CMM) in Cisco Unified CME, the application sends a
SIP INFO message with an encapsulated service request. The CTI interface authorizes this request and sends
back a SIP 200 OK response with an encapsulated ECMA-323 Monitor Start response. After this,
Cisco Unified CME starts generating subsequent events in SIP INFO messages to the application.
During a CTI session, the CSTA client application sets a timer (default: 30 minutes) in the INVITE message
and refreshes it via RE-INVITE message. Cisco Unified CME deletes a SIP dialog after the session expires.
Supported Services and Events
Table 115:Supported CSTA Services and Events, on page 1521 lists CSTA services and eventsthat are supported
by the CTI CSTA protocolSuite in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions. Not all CSTA client applications
can support all features. For more information, see the user documentation for your CSTA client application.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
CTI Session
Table 115: Supported CSTA Services and Events
Function Supported Services and Events
• Make Call
• Answer Call
• Clear Connection
• Reconnect
• Hold Call
• Retrieve Call (Resume)
• Deflect Call (only at alerting state)
• Single Step Transfer Call
• Consultation Call
• Transfer Call
• Alternate Call Generate Digits (DTMF)
Call Control
• Get Do Not Disturb
• Set Do Not Disturb
• Get CFwdALL
• Set CFwdAll
Logical Phone Features
Physical Device Set MWI
Snapshot Services Snapshot Device
For a complete list of the services and events supported by the CTI CSTA Protocol Suite, see UCX-SI SDK
Developer’s Guide at: http://developer.cisco.com/web/ucxapi/docs.
Configure CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Table 116: Tasks to Configure Interoperability Between a CSTA Client Application and Cisco Unified CME,
on page 1522 contains a list of tasks required to enable a computer-based CSTA client application to control
IPphonesin Cisco Unified CME, presented in the order in which the tasks are to be completed. This document
contains information about performing tasks in the first 2 steps in this table and procedures for completing
step 3.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Configure CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Table 116: Tasks to Configure Interoperability Between a CSTA Client Application and Cisco Unified CME
Step Task Name of Document
Verify that the appropriate version -
of Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Express (Cisco Unified
CME) is installed on the router.
See 'Prerequisites' in Enable CTI
CSTA in Cisco Unified CME, on
page 1522.
Configure Cisco Unified CME
including AXL user name and
password for the computer-based
CSTA client application, if
Take note of the AXL user
ID and password of the
application and the IP
address of the Cisco
Unified CME router.
An AXL credential is not
required for a MOC
Configure Cisco Unified CME to See the configuration procedures.
enable interoperability with CSTA
client application.
See documentation for your
4 Install CSTA client application.
Configure CSTA client application
for Cisco Unified CME, including
SIP URI of CTI gateway front-end
or client application.
Enable CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME
To configure Cisco Unified CME to enable interoperability between Cisco Unified CME and a computer-based
CSTA client application, perform the following steps.
During the initial setup of the CSTA client application, you need the router IP address configured using
the ip source-address command in telephony-service configuration mode. For some client applications,
you may also need the AXL username and password configured using the xml user command in
telephony-service configuration mode.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version must be installed and configured on the Cisco router.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Enable CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME
• (Not required for a MOC client) XML API must be configured to create an AXL username for some
CSTA client application access. To determine if an AXL username is required for your application, see
your application documentation. For configuration information, see Configure the XML API, on page
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice service voip
4. allow-connections sip-to-sip
5. no supplementary-service sip moved-temporary
6. no supplementary-service sip refer
7. no cti shutdown
8. callmonitor
9. gcid
10. cti csta mode basic
11. cti message device-id suppress-conversion
12. sip
13. registrar server [expires[max sec][minsec]]
14. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters voice-service configuration mode and specifies
voice-over-IP encapsulation.
voice service voip
Router(config)# voice service voip
Step 3
Allows connections between specific types of endpointsin a VoIP
allow-connections sip-to-sip
Router(config-voi-serv)# allow-connections
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Enable CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporary Disables supplementary service for call forwarding.
Router(config-voi-serv)# no
supplementary-service sip moved-temporary
Step 5
Prevents the router from forwarding a REFER message to the
destination for call transfers.
no supplementary-service sip refer
Router(config-voi-serv)# no
supplementary-service sip refer
Step 6
no cti shutdown Enables CTI integration.
Router(config-voi-serv)# no cti shutdown
Step 7
(Optional) Enables call monitoring messaging functionality for
processing and reporting.
Router(config-voi-serv)# callmonitor
Step 8
• This command is not required for a MOC client.
(Optional) Enables Global Call-ID (Gcid) for call control
Router(config-voi-serv)# gcid
Step 9
• This command is not required for a MOC client.
(Optional) Suppresses enhanced feature/extension in CTI
cti csta mode basic
Router(config-voi-serv)# cti csta mode
Step 10
• Required for a MOC client.
(Optional) Suppresses conversion or promotion of extension
numbers of associated endpoints in CTI messages.
cti message device-id suppress-conversion
Router(config-voi-serv)# cti message
device-id suppress-conversion
Step 11
• This command is not required for a MOC client.
Step 12 sip Enters SIP configuration mode.
Router(config-voi-serv)# sip
• Required only if you perform the following step for enabling
the SIP registrar function in Cisco Unified CME.
(Optional) Enables SIP registrar functionality in
Cisco Unified CME.
registrar server [expires[max sec][minsec]]
Router(config-voi-sip)# registrar server
expires max 600 min 60
Step 13
• maxsec—(Optional) Maximum time for a registration to
expire, in seconds. Range: 600 to 86400. Default: 3600.
Recommended value: 600.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Enable CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME
Command or Action Purpose
Ensure that the registration expiration timeout is set to
a value smaller than the TCP connection aging timeout
to avoid disconnection from the TCP.
• This command is not required for a MOC client.
Exits voice-service configuration mode and enters privileged
EXEC mode.
Router(config-voi-sip)# end
Step 14
The following example shows the required configuration for supporting interaction with a MOC client:
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
no supplementary-service sip refer
no cti shutdown
cti csta mode basic
What to Do Next
• If you are configuring a CSTA client application that requires a session server in Cisco Unified CME,
go to Create a Session Manager, on page 1525.
• If you are configuring Cisco Unified CME to interact with a MOC client, go to Configure a Number or
Device for CTI CSTA Operations, on page 1527.
Create a Session Manager
To configure a session manager in Cisco Unified CME for a CSTA client application, perform the following
Note • This task is not required for a MOC client.
• A single Cisco Unified CME can support multiple session managers.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Create a Session Manager
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. mode cme
5. exit
6. voice register session-server session-server-tag
7. cti-aware
8. register-id name
9. keepalive seconds
10. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
mode cme Enables mode for provisioningSIPdevicesin Cisco Unified CME.
Router(voice-register-global)# mode cme
Step 4
exit Exits to global configuration mode.
Router(voice-register-global)# configure
Step 5
Enters voice register session-server configuration mode to enable
and configure a session manager.
voice register session-server session-server-tag
Router(config)# voice register
session-server 1
Step 6
• Range: 1 to 8.
• A single Cisco Unified CME can support multiple session
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Create a Session Manager
Command or Action Purpose
Binds this session manager to the CTI subsystem and enables
CTI-specific Register heartbeat.
Router(config-register-fs)# cti-aware
Step 7
Creates an ID for explicitly identifying the CSTA client
application during Register requests.
register-id name
Router(config-register-fs)# register app1
Step 8
• name—String for identifying application. Can contain
1 to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Keepalive duration for registration, in seconds, after which the
registration expires unless the application reregisters before the
registration expiry.
keepalive seconds
Router(config-register-fs)# keepalive 60
Step 9
• Range: 60 to 3600. Default: 300.
Exits voice register session-server configuration mode and enters
privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-fs)# end
Step 10
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
voice register session-server 1
keepalive 60
register-id app1
Configure a Number or Device for CTI CSTA Operations
To configure a directory number or an IP phone for CTI CSTA operations, perform the following steps for
each number or phone to be monitored and controlled by the CSTA client application.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Configure a Number or Device for CTI CSTA Operations
Restriction • Only SCCP IP phones can be controlled by a CSTA client application. The Cisco VG224 Analog
Phone Gateway and analog and SIP phones are supported as usual in Cisco Unified CME but not as
IP phones for a CSTA client application.
• Overlay DNs are notsupported on IPphonesfor a CSTA client application. The Call Monitor Module
in Cisco Unified CME is unable to determine if two inbound calls to the same directory number are
on the same phone or on different phones, asin an overlay configuration. Overlays DNs are supported
as usual in Cisco Unified CME but not on IP phones to be controlled or monitored by a CSTA client
• Not all SCCP IP phones support the Prompted Make Call feature in the CTI CSTA protocol suite.
The Cisco VG224 Analog Phone Gateway, Cisco ATAs, and SCCP-controlled FXS ports on Cisco
routers do not support a prompted make-call request from a CSTA client application. Certain
Cisco Unified phone models, including the Cisco Unified 792X and Cisco Unified 793X, may be
unable to complete a prompted make-call request from a CSTA client application.
• Prompted Make Call is not supported on IP phones associated with a MOC Client. Prompted Make
Call is supported as usual in Cisco Unified CME but not on IP phones to be controlled by a MOC
• Shared lines are not supported on an IP phone associated with a MOC client. Shared lines are
supported as usual in Cisco Unified CME but not on IP phones to be controlled by a MOC client.
• If the phone to be controlled and monitored by a MOC client is an Extension Mobility (EM) phone,
the MOC client must log into the phone using the credential in an EM user profile when no users
are logged into the EM phone or after an EM user logs in.
Before You Begin
• Directory number or IP phone to be controlled and monitored by the application is configured in
Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page
• Extension Mobility (EM) phone to be controlled and monitored by the application must be configured
in Cisco Unified CME, including the required user profiles. For information, see Extension Mobility,
on page 725.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Configure a Number or Device for CTI CSTA Operations
1. enable
2. emadmin login name ephone-tag
3. emadmin logout name
4. configure terminal
5. ephone-dn tag
6. cti watch
7. cti notify
8. exit
9. telephony-service
10. em external
11. url services url root
12. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
(Optional) Enables application to log in to an IPphone that is enabled for
Extension Mobility.
emadmin login name ephone-tag
Router# emadmin login user204 2
Step 2
• name—Credential in EM user profile configured with the user
(voice user-profile) command.
• ephone-tag—identifier for IP phone that is enabled for Extension
Required for a MOC client if the MOC client will control the number or
device to be configured.
Step 3 emadmin logout name (Optional) Logs the application out of the Extension Mobility phone.
Router# emadmin logout user204
• name—Credential in Extension Mobility that the application used
to log into an Extension Mobility phone.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Configure a Number or Device for CTI CSTA Operations
Command or Action Purpose
ephone-dn tag Enters ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Step 5
Allows this directory number to be monitored and controlled by a CSTA
client application.
cti watch
Router(config-ephone-dn)# cti watch
Step 6
• This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode. The value set in ephone-dn configuration mode
has priority over the value set in ephone-dn-template mode.
(Optional) Forces ephone-dn into constant “up” state to allow CTI
operations on this directory number.
cti notify
Router(config-ephone-dn)# cti notify
Step 7
• Required if ephone-dn to be monitored/controlled is not associated
with a physical device.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-dn-template
configuration mode. The value set in ephone-dn configuration mode
has priority over the value set in ephone-dn-template mode.
exit Exits ephone-dn configuration mode.
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Step 8
Step 9 telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
• Required only if you perform Step 10 toStep 11 for configuring the
Services menu on an IP phone.
(Optional) Removeslogin page for Extension Mobility from theServices
menu on IP phones.
em external
Router(config-telephony)# em external
Step 10
(Optional)Provides menu of root phone services under theServices button
on IP phones.
url services url root
Router(config-telephony)# url
http://my_application/menu.html root
Step 11
• url—URL for external menu of root phone services provided by an
Exits telephony-service configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 12
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Configure a Number or Device for CTI CSTA Operations
voice logout-profile 1
number 203 type normal
voice user-profile 1
user user204 password psswrd
number 204 type normal
ephone-dn 1
number 201
cti watch
ephone-dn 2
number 202
cti watch
ephone-dn 3
number 203
cti watch
ephone-dn 4
number 204
cti notify
cti watch
ephone 1
mac-address 001E.4A34.A35F
type 7961
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address 000F.8FC7.B681
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 0019.E7FF.1E30
type 7961
logout-profile 1
Clear a Session Between a CSTA Client Application and Cisco Unified CME
To gracefully tear down a CTI session between a CSTA client application and Cisco Unified CME, perform
the following steps.
Before You Begin
• Cisco Unified CME 8.0 or a later version.
• Determine the session ID using the show cti session command.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Clear a Session Between a CSTA Client Application and Cisco Unified CME
1. enable
2. clear cti session id session-tag
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router# enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
Clears the session between a CSTA client application and
Cisco Unified CME.
clear cti session id session-tag
Router# clear cti session id 3
Step 2
Configuration Examples for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Example for Configuring MOC Client
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname sdatar-2811s
boot system flash c2800nm-ipvoice-mz.oct_20090510
logging message-counter syslog
no aaa new-model
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp pool test
option 150 ip
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Configuration Examples for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
voice service voip
allow-connections sip to sip
no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
no supplementary-service sip refer
no cti shutdown
cti csta mode basic
voice logout-profile 1
number 203 type normal
voice user-profile 1
user user204 password psswrd
number 204 type normal
voice-card 0
log config
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route
ip route
ip http server
ixi transport http
response size 64
no shutdown
request outstanding 1
request timeout 60
ixi application cme
no shutdown
voice-port 0/0/0
voice-port 0/0/1
voice-port 0/0/2
voice-port 0/0/3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Example for Configuring MOC Client
mgcp fax t38 ecm
em logout 1:0
max-ephones 10
max-dn 100
ip source-address port 2000
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn 1
number 201
cti watch
ephone-dn 2
number 202
cti watch
ephone-dn 3
number 203
cti watch
ephone-dn 4
number 204
cti notify
cti watch
ephone 1
mac-address 001E.4A34.A35F
type 7961
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address 000F.8FC7.B681
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 0019.E7FF.1E30
type 7961
logout-profile 1
Example for Configuring CSTA Client Application Requiring a Session Manager
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname sdatar-2811s
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Example for Configuring CSTA Client Application Requiring a Session Manager
boot system flash c2800nm-ipvoice-mz.oct_20090510
logging message-counter syslog
no aaa new-model
ip source-route
ip cef
ip dhcp pool test
option 150 ip
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
voice service voip
no cti shutdown
csta cti mode basic
registrar server expires max 120 min 60
voice register global
mode cme
source-address port 5060
voice register session-server 1
keepalive 60
register-id apps
voice logout-profile 1
number 203 type normal
voice user-profile 1
user user204 password cisco
number 204 type normal
voice-card 0
log config
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip forward-protocol nd
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Example for Configuring CSTA Client Application Requiring a Session Manager
ip route
ip route
ip http server
ixi transport http
response size 64
no shutdown
request outstanding 1
request timeout 60
ixi application cme
no shutdown
voice-port 0/0/0
voice-port 0/0/1
voice-port 0/0/2
voice-port 0/0/3
mgcp fax t38 ecm
em logout 1:0
max-ephones 10
max-dn 100
ip source-address port 2000
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn 1
number 201
cti watch
ephone-dn 2
number 202
cti watch
ephone-dn 3
number 203
cti watch
ephone-dn 4
number 204
cti notify
cti watch
ephone 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Example for Configuring CSTA Client Application Requiring a Session Manager
mac-address 001E.4A34.A35F
type 7961
button 1:1
ephone 2
mac-address 000F.8FC7.B681
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 3
mac-address 0019.E7FF.1E30
type 7961
logout-profile 1
Feature Information for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 117: Feature Information for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Enables the dial-via-office
functionality from computer-based
CSTA client applications and adds
support to CSTA services and
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite 8.8
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Feature Information for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Introduces industry-standard
Computer Telephony Integration
(CTI) interface that enables
computer-based CSTA client
applications to interact directly
with Cisco Unified CME to
monitor/control IP phones.
The following commands are new
or modified for this feature:clear
csta session, cti-aware, cti csta
mode, cti message device-id
suppress-conversion, ctinotify,cti
shutdown, cti watch, debug
cti,debug cti callmon, emadmin
login, emadmin logout,em
external, show cti, url
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite in 8.0
Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
Feature Information for CTI CSTA Protocol Suite
SRST Fallback Mode
• Prerequisites for SRST Fallback Mode, page 1539
• Restrictions for SRST Fallback Mode, page 1539
• Information About SRST Fallback Mode, page 1540
• Configure SRST Fallback Mode, page 1544
• Configuration Examples for SRST Fallback Mode, page 1549
• Feature Information for SRST Fallback Mode, page 1552
Prerequisites for SRST Fallback Mode
• The IP address of the Cisco Unified CME router must be registered as the SRST reference on the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager device pool.
• Cisco Unified CME 4.0 or a later version must be installed on the Cisco Unified CME router that is
configured in SRST mode.
• Following tasks must be completed:
◦Generate Configuration Files for Phones, on page 388
◦ConfigureSystem-LevelParameters, on page 167. Note that the max-dncommand must be explicity
configured with the preference keyword to support calls between PSTN and IP phones during
SRST fallback mode.
◦Configure Call Transfer and Forwarding, on page 1178
Restrictions for SRST Fallback Mode
• The call-manager-fallback command, which is used to configure Cisco Unified SRST, cannot be used
on a router that is configured for Cisco Unified CME.
• The telephony-service setup command and auto assign command must not be enabled on a
Cisco Unified CME router configured forSRST fallback mode. If you used the telephony-service setup
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
command before configuring the router for SRST fallback support, you must remove any unwanted
ephone directory numbers created by the setup process.
• The number of phones that fall back to a Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode cannot exceed the
maximum number of phones that is supported by the router. To find the maximum number of phones
for a particular router and Cisco Unified CME version, see the appropriate Cisco CME Supported
Firmware, Platforms, Memory, and Voice Products document at http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/
• The ephone-dns and ephones that are created from fallback may have less information associated with
them than appears in their original configuration on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager or on
an active Cisco Unified CME system. This situation occurs because the Cisco Unified CME router in
SRST mode is designed to learn only a limited amount of information from the fallback IP phones. For
example, if an ephone-dn has in its configuration the command number 4888 no-reg (to keep that
extension from registering under its E.164 address), after fallback the no-reg part of this command will
be lost because this information cannot be learned from the IP phones.
• The order of the SRST fallback ephone-dns and ephones will be different from the order of the active
Cisco Unified Communications Manager or Cisco Unified CME ephone-dns and ephones.For example,
ephone 1 on an active Cisco Unified Communications Manager might be numbered ephone 5 on the
Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode, because the order of learned ephone-dns and ephones is
determined by the sequence of the ephone fallback occurrence, which is random.
Information About SRST Fallback Mode
SRST Fallback Mode Using Cisco Unified CME
Thisfeature enablesroutersto provide call-handling support for Cisco Unified IPphonesif they lose connection
to remote primary, secondary, or tertiary Cisco Unified Communications Manager installations or if the WAN
connection is down. When Cisco UnifiedSRST functionality is provided by Cisco Unified CME, provisioning
of phones is automatic and most Cisco Unified CME features are available to the phones during periods of
fallback, including hunt-groups, call park and access to Cisco Unity voice messaging services using SCCP
protocol. The benefit is that Cisco Unified Communications Manager users will gain access to more features
during fallback without any additional licensing costs.
This feature offers a limited telephony feature set during fallback mode. Customers who require the following
features should continue to use Cisco Unified SRST, because these features are not supported with SRST
fallback support using Cisco Unified CME.
• More than 240 phones during fallback service
• Cisco VG 248 Analog Phone Gateway support
• Secure voice fallback during SRST fallback service
• Simple, one-time configuration for SRST fallback service
Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports Cisco Unified IP phones at remote sites attached to
Cisco Integrated Services Routers across the WAN. This new feature combines the many features available
in Cisco Unified CME with the ability to automatically detect IP phone configurations that is available in
Cisco Unified SRST to provide seamless call handling when communication with the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is interrupted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Information About SRST Fallback Mode
When the system automatically detects a failure, Cisco UnifiedSRST usesSimple Network AutoProvisioning
(SNAP) technology to auto-configure a branch office router to provide call processing for the Cisco Unified IP
phones that are registered with the router. When the WAN link or connection to the primary
Cisco Unified Communications Manager is restored, call handling returns to the primary
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
A limited number of phone features are automatically detected at the time that call processing falls back to
Cisco Unified CME in SRST Fallback Mode, and an advantage of SRST fallback support using
Cisco Unified CME is that you can choose to prebuild a Cisco Unified CME configuration that contains a
number of extensions (ephone-dns) with additional features that you want them to have for some or all of
your extensions. The configurations will contain ephone-dn configurations but will not identify which phones
(which MAC addresses) will be associated with which ephone-dns (extension numbers).
By copying and pasting a prebuilt configuration onto Cisco Unified CME routers at several locations, you
can use the same overall configuration forsitesthat are identically laid out.For example, if you have a number
of retail stores, each with five to ten checkout registers, you can use the same overall configuration in each
store. You might use a range of extensions from 1101 to 1110. Stores with fewer than ten registers will simply
not use some of the ephone-dn entries you provide in the configuration. Stores with more extensions than you
have prebuilt will use the auto-provisioning feature to populate their extra phones. The only configuration
variations from store to store will be the specific MAC addresses of the individual phones, which are added
to the configurations at the time of fallback.
When a phone registers for SRST service with a Cisco Unified CME router and the router discovers that the
phone was configured with a specific extension number, the routersearchesfor an existing prebuilt ephone-dn
with that extension number and then assigns that ephone-dn number to the phone. If there is no prebuilt
ephone-dn with that extension number, the Cisco Unified CME system automatically creates one. In this way,
extensions without prebuilt configurations are automatically populated with extension numbers and features
as the numbers and features are “learned” by the Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode when the phone
registers to the router after a WAN link fails.
TheSRST fallback support using Cisco Unified CME feature is able to interrogate phones to learn their MAC
addresses and the extension-to-ephone relationships associated with each phone. This information is used to
dynamically create and execute the Cisco Unified CME button command for each phone and automatically
provision each phone with the extensions and features you want it to have.
The following sequence describes how Cisco Unified CME provides SRST services for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager phones when they lose connectivity with the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and fall back to the Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode:
Before Fallback
1 Phones are configured as usual in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
2 The IP address of the Cisco Unified CME router is registered as the SRST reference on the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager device pool.
3 SRST mode is enabled on the Cisco Unified CME router.
4 (Optional) Ephone-dns and features are prebuilt on the Cisco Unified CME router.
During Fallback
1 Phones that are enabled for fallback register to the default Cisco Unified CME router that has SRST mode
enabled. Each display-enabled IP phone displays the message that has been defined using the system
message command under telephony-service configuration mode. By default, this message is
“Cisco Unified CME.”
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
SRST Fallback Mode Using Cisco Unified CME
2 While the fallback phones are registering, the router inSRST mode initiates an interrogation of the phones
in order to learn their phone and extension configurations. The following information is acquired or
“learned” by the router:
• MAC address
• Number of lines or buttons
• Ephone-dn-to-button relationship
• Speed-dial numbers
3 The option defined with the srst mode auto-provisioncommand determines whether Cisco Unified CME
adds the learned phone and extension information to its running configuration. If the information is added,
it appears in the output when you use the show running-config command and is saved to NVRAM when
you use the write command.
• Use the srst mode auto-provisionnone command to enable the Cisco Unified CME router to provide
SRST fallback services for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
• If you use the srst mode auto-provision dn or srst mode auto-provision all commands, the
Cisco Unified CME router includes the phone configuration it learns from
Cisco Unified Communications Manager in its running configuration. If you then save the
configuration, the fallback phones are treated as locally configured phones on the
Cisco Unified CME-SRST router which could adversely impact the fallback behavior of those phones.
4 While in fallback mode, Cisco Unified IP phones periodically attempt to reestablish a connection with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager every 120 seconds(default). To manually reestablish a connection
to Cisco Unified Communications Manager you can reboot the Cisco Unified IP phone.
5 When a connection isreestablished with Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unified IPphones
automatically cancel their registration with the Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode. However, if a
WAN link is unstable, Cisco Unified IP phones can bounce between
Cisco Unified Communications Manager and the Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode.
An IP phone connected to the Cisco Unified CME-SRST router over a WAN reconnects itself to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager as soon as it can establish a connection to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager over the WAN link. However, if the WAN link is unstable, the IP
phone switches back and forth between Cisco Unified CME-SRST and Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
causing temporary loss of phone service (no dial tone). These reconnect attempts, known as WAN link flapping
issues, continue until the IP phone successfully reconnects itself back to
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
WAN link disruptions can be classified into two types: infrequent random outages that occur on an otherwise
stable WAN, and sporadic, frequent disruptions that last a few minutes.
To resolve WAN-link flapping issues between Cisco Unified Communications Manager and SRST,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides an enterprise parameter and a setting in the Device Pool
Configuration window called Connection Monitor Duration. (Depending on system requirements, the
administrator decides which parameter to use.) The value of the parameter is delivered to the IP phone in the
XML configuration file.
• Use the enterprise parameter to change the connection duration monitor value for all IP phones in the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. The default for the enterprise parameter is 120 seconds.
• Use the Device Pool Configuration window to change the connection duration monitor value for all IP
phones in a specific device pool.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
SRST Fallback Mode Using Cisco Unified CME
A Cisco Unified IP phone will not reestablish a connection with the primary
Cisco Unified Communications Manager at the central office if it is engaged in an active call.
After the First Fallback
Additional features can be set up, such as ephone hunt groups, which can contain learned extensions and
prebuilt extensions. The complete core set of Cisco Unified CME phone features is available to the IP phones
and extensions, whether they are learned or configured.
Figure 71: SRST Fallback Support using Cisco Unified CME shows a branch office with several
Cisco Unified IPphones connected to a Cisco Unified CME router inSRST fallback mode. The router provides
connections to both a WAN link and the PSTN. The Cisco Unified IP phones connect to their primary
Cisco Unified Communications Manager at the central office via this WAN link. Cisco Unified CME provides
SRST services for the phones when connectivity over the WAN link is interrupted.
Figure 71: SRST Fallback Support using Cisco Unified CME
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME Phone Configurations
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME ephone-dns allows you to create a set of directory numbers with extension
numbers and some features, which will provide service during fallback that is similar to the service that is
provided during normal operation. You can prebuild all of your normal extensions, a limited set of your
extensions, or none of your extensions. Directory numbersthat are not prebuilt will be populated with extension
numbers and features as they are “learned” by the Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode at the time of
An ephone-dn isthe IPequivalent of a normal phone line in most cases. It represents a potential call connection
and is associated with a virtual voice port and virtual dial peer. An ephone-dn has one or more extension or
telephone numbers associated with it, which allow call connectionsto be made. An ephone-dn can be single-line,
which allows one call connection to be made at a time, or dual-line, which allows two simultaneous call
connections. Dual-line ephone-dns are useful for features such as call transfer or call waiting, in which one
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME Phone Configurations
call is put on hold to connect to another. Single-line ephone-dns are required for certain features such as
intercom, paging, and message-waiting indication (MWI). For more information, see Cisco Unified CME
Overview, on page 67.
If an ephone-dn is manually configured in Cisco Unified CME, incoming calls will alwaysroute to the manually
configured ephone-dn in Cisco Unified CME rather than to Cisco Unified Communications Manager using
the voip dial peer. To avoid incorrect routing, configure a higher preference for the voip dial peer than the
preference for the prebuilt directory number. For configuration example, see Example for Prebuilding DNs,
on page 1552.
Auto provision Directory Numbers in SRST Fallback Mode
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions support octo-line directory numbers in SRST fallback mode. You
can specify whether Cisco Unified CME in SRST fallback mode creates octo-line or dual-line directory
numbers based on the phone type.For the Cisco Unified IPPhone 7902 or 7920, or an analog phone connected
to the Cisco VG224 or Cisco ATA, the system creates a dual-line directory number; it creates an octo-line
directory number for all other phone types. This applies only to the ephone-dnsthat are “learned” automatically
from ephone configuration information, and not to ephone-dns that are manually configured in
Cisco Unified CME.
Configure SRST Fallback Mode
Enable SRST Fallback Mode
Do not enable the telephony-service setup command or auto assign command on a Cisco Unified CME
router that you are configuring forSRST fallback mode. If you used the telephony-service setupcommand
previously on the router, you must remove any unwanted ephone directory numbers created by the setup
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. srst mode auto-provision {all | dn | none}
5. srst dn line-mode {dual | dual-octo | octo | single}
6. srst dn template template-tag
7. srst ephone template template-tag
8. srst ephone description string
9. end
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Auto provision Directory Numbers in SRST Fallback Mode
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
srst mode auto-provision {all | dn | Enables SRST mode for a Cisco Unified CME router.
Step 4
• all—Includes information for learned ephones and ephone-dns in the
running configuration.
Router(config-telephony)# srst mode
auto-provision none
• dn—Includes information for learned ephone-dns in the running
• none—Does not include information for learned ephones or learned
ephone-dns in the running configuration. Use this keyword when you
want Cisco Unified CME to provide SRST fallback services for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
(Optional) Specifies the line mode for ephone-dns in SRST mode on a
Cisco Unified CME router.
srstdnline-mode {dual |dual-octo | octo
| single}
Step 5
Router(config-telephony)# srst dn
line-mode dual-octo
• dual—SRST fallback ephone-dns are dual-line ephone-dns.
• dual-octo—SRST fallback ephone-dns are dual-line or octo-line,
depending on the phone type. This keyword is supported in
Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• octo—SRST fallback ephone-dns are octo-line. This keyword is
supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.3 and later versions.
• single—SRST fallback ephone-dns are single-line ephone-dns. Default
This command is used only when ephone-dns are learned at the
time of fallback. It is ignored when you prebuild ephone-dn
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Enable SRST Fallback Mode
Command or Action Purpose
(Optional) Specifies an ephone-dn template to be used in SRST mode on a
Cisco Unified CME router. The template includesfeaturesthat were specified
srst dn template template-tag
Router(config-telephony)# srst dn
template 3
Step 6
when the template was created. See Example for Configuring Templates for
Fallback Support: Example, on page 1551.
• template-tag—identifying number of an existing ephone-dn template.
Range is 1 to 15.
(Optional) Specifies an ephone template to be used in SRST mode on a
Cisco Unified CME router.
srst ephone template template-tag
Router(config-telephony)# srst
ephone template 5
Step 7
• template-tag—identifying number of an existing ephone template.
Range is 1 to 20.
(Optional) Specifies a description to be associated with an ephone learned
in SRST mode on a Cisco Unified CME router.
srst ephone description string
Router(config-telephony)# srst
ephone description Cisco Unified CME
SRST Fallback
Step 8
• string—Description to be associated with an ephone. Maximum string
length is 100 characters.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-telephony)# end
Step 9
Verify SRST Fallback Mode
Step 1 Use the show telephony-service all or the show running-config command to verify that SRST fallback mode has been
set on this router.
srst mode auto-provision all
srst ephone template 5
srst ephone description srst fallback auto-provision phone : Jul 07 2005 17:45:08
srst dn template 8
srst dn line-mode dual
load 7960-7940 P00305000600
max-ephones 30
max-dn 60 preference 0
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
system message "SRST Mode: Cisco Unified CME’
keepalive 10
max-conferences 8 gain -6
moh welcome.au
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Verify SRST Fallback Mode
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
Step 2 Use the show telephony-service ephone-dn command during fallback to review ephone-dn configurations. Learned
ephone-dns are noted by a line stating that they were learned during SRST fallback.
Learned ephone-dns do not appear in the output for the show running-config command if the none keyword
is used in the srst mode auto-provision command.
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 4008
name 4008
description 4008
preference 0 secondary 9
no huntstop channel
call-waiting beep
ephone-dn-template 8
This DN is learned from srst fallback ephones
Step 3 Use the show telephony-service ephone command during fallback to review ephone configurations. Learned ephones
are noted by a line stating that they were learned during SRST fallback.
Learned ephones do not appear in the output for the show running-config command if the none keyword is
used in the srst mode auto-provision command.
ephone 1
mac-address 0112.80B3.9C16
button 1:1
ephone-template 5
Always send media packets to this router: No
Preferred codec: g711ulaw
user-locale JP
network-locale US
Description: "YOUR Description" : Oct 11 2005 09:58:27
This is a srst fallback phone
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME Phone Configurations
You can optionally create a set of ephone-dnsthat are preconfigured with extension numbers and some features
to provide service during fallback that is similar to the service that is provided during normal operation.
Extensions that are not prebuilt are populated with extension numbers and features as they are “learned” by
the Cisco Unified CME router in SRST mode at the time of fallback.
To avoid incorrect routing when you prebuild ephone-dns for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
phonesin Cisco Unified CME, use thepreference command in ephone-dn and voip-dial-peer configuration
mode to create a higher preference (0 being the highest) for the voip dial peer than the preference for the
prebuilt directory number. For configuration example, see Example for Prebuilding DNs, on page 1552.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Prebuilding Cisco Unified CME Phone Configurations
See the following procedures to set up a few of the most common features to associate with phones in fallback
• Create Directory Numbers for SCCP Phones, on page 253
• Enable Call Park or Directed Call Park, on page 1089
• Create an Ephone Template, on page 1428
• Create an Ephone-dn Template, on page 1430
• Configure Ephone-Hunt Groups on SCCP Phones, on page 1291
Note that the dial-peer hunt command must be configured for hunt-selection order of
explicit preference to support hunt groups during SRST fallback mode.
Modify Call Pickup for Fallback Support
An especially useful feature for fallback phones is modifying the behavior of the Pickup soft key in
Cisco Unified CME to match that of the Pickup soft key in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. To
modify the call pickup feature for fallback support, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. no service directed-pickup
5. create cnf-files
6. reset all
7. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Modify Call Pickup for Fallback Support
Command or Action Purpose
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
(Optional) Disables directed call pickup and changes the behavior
of the PickUp soft key so that a user pressing it invokes local group
no service directed-pickup
Router(telephony)# no service
Step 4
pickup rather than directed call pickup. This behavior is consistent
with that of the PickUp soft key in Cisco Unified Communications
For changes to the service-phone settings to be effective,
the Sep*.conf.xml file must be updated with the create
cnf-files command and the phone units must rebooted with
the reset command.
create cnf-files Builds XML configuration files for Cisco Unified IP phones.
Router(telephony)# create cnf-files
Step 5
reset all Resets all phones.
Router(telephony)# reset all
Step 6
exit Exits dial-peer configuration mode.
Router(telephony)# exit
Step 7
Configuration Examples for SRST Fallback Mode
Example for Enabling SRST Mode
The following example enablesSRST mode on the Cisco Unified CME router. Itspecifiesthat learned fallback
ephone-dnsshould be created in dual-line mode and use ephone-dn template 3 for their configuration parameters.
Learned ephones will use the parameters in ephone template 5 and a description will be associated with the
max-ephones 30
max-dn 60 preference 0
srst mode auto-provision all
srst dn line-mode dual
srst dn template 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Configuration Examples for SRST Fallback Mode
srst ephone description srst fallback auto-provision phone
srst ephone template 5
The following excerpt from the show running-config command displaysthe configuration of ephone 1, which
was learned during fallback; the description is stamped with the date and time that the show running-config
command was used. The configuration of ephone 2, which was prebuilt rather than learned, is shown for
ephone 1
description srst fallback auto-provision phone : Jul 07 2005 17:45:08
ephone-template 5
mac-address 100A.7052.2AAE
button 1:1 2:2
ephone 2
mac-address 1002.CD64.A24A
type 7960
button 1:3
The following excerpt from the show running-config command displays the configuration of ephone-dn 1
through ephone-dn 3. All three ephones are learned ephone-dns that are configured in dual-line mode and use
ephone-dn template 5, as specified in the telephony-service configuration mode commands.
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
number 7001
description 7001
name 7001
ephone-dn-template 5
This DN is learned from srst fallback ephones
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 4005
name 4005
ephone-dn-template 5
This DN is learned from srst fallback ephones
ephone-dn 3 dual-line
number 4002
label 4002
name 4002
ephone-dn-template 5
This DN is learned from srst fallback ephones
Example for Provisioning Directory Numbers for Fallback Support
The following example sets up five ephone-dns and two call-park slots that are used for fallback phones.
ephone-dn 1
number 1101
name Register 1
ephone-dn 2
number 1102
name Register 2
ephone-dn 3
number 1103
name Register 3
ephone-dn 4
number 1104
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Example for Provisioning Directory Numbers for Fallback Support
name Register 4
ephone-dn 5
number 1105
name Register 5
ephone-dn 21
number 1121
name Park Slot 1
park-slot timeout 60 limit 3 recall alternate 1100
ephone-dn 22
number 1122
name Park Slot 2
park-slot timeout 60 limit 3 recall alternate 1100
Example for Configuring Templates for Fallback Support: Example
The following example creates ephone-dn template 3 and ephone template 5 that will be used with the SRST
fallback support using Cisco Unified CME feature. Ephone-dn template 3 adds the fallback phones to pickup
group 24 and specifies call forwarding for busy and no-answer conditions to extension 1100. Ephone template
5 defines two fastdial numbers that will appear as menu entries displayed from the Directories > Local
Services > Personal Speed Dials option on the fallback phones, and also specifies the softkey layouts for the
fallback phones.
ephone-dn-template 3
pickup-group 24
call-forward busy 1100
call-forward noan 1100 timeout 45
ephone-template 5
fastdial 1 1101 name Front Register
fastdial 2 918005550111 Headquarters
softkeys idle Newcall Cfwdall Pickup
softkeys seized Endcall Cfwdall Pickup
softkeys alerting Endcall
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Park Trnsfer
Example for Enabling Hunt Groups for Fallback Support
The following example configures the dial peers to hunt in the following order: (1) explicit preference, (2)
longest match in phone number, and (3) random selection. The dial-peer hunt command must be configured
for hunt-selection order of explicit preference to support hunt groups during SRST fallback mode.
dial-peer hunt 2
The following example creates a peer hunt group with the pilot number 1111.
ephone-hunt 3 peer
pilot 1111
list 1101, 1102, 1103
hops 3
timeout 25
final 1100
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Example for Configuring Templates for Fallback Support: Example
Example for Modifying Call Pickup for Fallback Support
The following example changes the behavior of the Pickup soft key to be like the one in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
no service directed-pickup
create cnf-files
Example for Prebuilding DNs
In the following partial example, the preference command in ephone-dn and voip-dial-peer configuration
mode is configured to create a voip dial peer with a higher preference (0) than the preference (1) of the
manually-configured directory number (ephone-dn 1).
dial-peer voice 1002
voip destination-pattern 1019
preference 0 <<=====This dial peer has precedence and will match first.
ephone-dn 1
number 1019
preference 1 <<======Configure lower preference for prebuilt DN.
Feature Information for SRST Fallback Mode
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 118: Feature Information for SRST Fallback Mode
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
Support for octo-line directory
numbers was added.
Octo-Line Directory Numbers 4.3
SRST fallback support using
Cisco Unified CME was
SRST Fallback Support Using 4.0
Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
SRST Fallback Mode
Example for Modifying Call Pickup for Fallback Support
VRF Support
Virtual Route Forwarding (VRF) divides a physical router into multiple logical routers, each having its own
set of interfaces and routing and forwarding tables. VRF support in voice networks can be used to split
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME) into multiple virtual systems for
SIP and SCCP endpoints and TAPI-based client applications and softphones on your PC.
• Prerequisites for Configuring VRF Support, page 1553
• Restrictions for Configuring VRF Support, page 1555
• Information About VRF Support, page 1556
• Configure VRF Support, page 1556
• Configuration Examples for Configuring VRF Support, page 1565
• Feature Information for VRF Support, page 1571
Prerequisites for Configuring VRF Support
• For Multi-VRF support on SIP phones, Cisco Unified CME version has to be 10.5 and later.
• For Multi-VRFsupport onSCCPphones, Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) or a later version must be configured
on the Cisco router.
• VRF-Aware H.323 andSIP must be configured on the Cisco Unified CME router, including the following:
• Up to five VRFs must be configured on the Cisco Unified CME router by using the ipvrf command.
For configuration information, see VRF-Aware H.323 and SIP for Voice Gateways.
• One of the groups must be designated as a global voice VRF (SIP Trunk) by using thevoice vrf
command. For configuration information, see VRF-Aware H.323 and SIP for Voice Gateways.
voice vrf voice-vrf
ip vrf data-vrf1
rd 801:1
route-target export 801:1
route-target import 1000:1
ip vrf data-vrf2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
rd 802:1
route-target export 802:1
route-target import 1000:1
ip vrf voice-vrf
rd 1000:1
route-target export 1000:1
route-target import 801:1
route-target import 802:1
• Interfaces on the router must be configured for the VRFs by using the ip vrf forwarding command.
Note Only global voice VRF is supported for SIP trunk.
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.301
encapsulation dot1Q 301
ip vrf forwarding data-vrf1
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.302
encapsulation dot1Q 302
ip vrf forwarding data-vrf1
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.303
encapsulation dot1Q 303
ip vrf forwarding voice-vrf
ip address
• VRFs must be mapped to IP addresses using DHCP. For configuration information, see DHCP Service,
on page 122.
!<=== no ip dhcp command required only if “ip vrf forward” is specified under ip dhcp
no ip dhcp use vrf connected pool===>
!<=== Associate subnets with VRFs. Overlapping IP addresses are NOT supported.===>
ip dhcp pool vcme1
option 150 ip
class vcme1
address range
ip dhcp pool vcme2
option 150 ip
class vcme2
address range
For more configuration examples, see Example for Mapping IP Address Ranges to VRF Using DHCP,
on page 1565.
• Dial peers for H323 and SIP trucks must be routed through the global voice VRF.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Prerequisites for Configuring VRF Support
Dial peers are global resources belonging to the voice VRF and shared with and
accessible from any VRF. There is no need to configure a dial peer for each individual
Restrictions for Configuring VRF Support
• Multi-VRF is not supported on Cisco 4000 Series Integrated Services Routers for Unified CME.
• For SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME: SIP proxy and registrar must be in the same VRF.
• IP-address overlap between VRFs is not supported.
• Cross-VRF video is not supported.
• The following call types are not supported for a voice VRF:
◦IP-to-IP gateway and gatekeeper configured on the same router.
◦IP-to-IP gateway with a VRF configured on one call leg and not on another call leg.
◦IP-to-IP gateway with one VRF configured for the H.323 call leg and a different VRF configured
for the SIP call leg.
◦For H.323 calls, only TCP is supported. H.323 UDP signaling is not supported. SIP calls support
both TCP and UDP signaling.
• The following features are not supported by on a VRF:
◦Call-fallback and RSVP features.
◦H.323 Annex E calls.
◦AAA and DNScomponentsin voice-capable accessrouters. These routers communicate with AAA
and DNS using the default routing table.
• If a global voice VRF is not configured, signaling and media packets are sent using the default routing
• Only the global voice VRF is supported for SIP trunk.
• Cisco Unity Express on the Cisco Unified CME router must belong to the global voice VRF.
Telnet is used to access Cisco Unity Express on the global voice VRF because the Service-Engine
Service-Engine 1/0 session command is for non-VRF aware Cisco Unified CME only. To access the
Cisco Unity Express module for defining voice-mail users on global voice VRF, telnet through the global
voice VRF. For example: telnet 2066 /vrf vrf. For more information, see the “Installing
Cisco Unity Express Software” chapter in the appropriate Cisco Unity Express Administrator Guide for
Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Restrictions for Configuring VRF Support
Information About VRF Support
VRF-Aware Cisco Unified CME
VRF implementations enable you to consolidate voice communication into one logically-partitioned network
to separate voice and data communication on a converged multimedia network.
VRF-Aware Cisco Unified CME for SCCP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1) and later versions, VRF in voice networks can be used to share a
Cisco Unified CME among multiple closed-users groups with different requirements. The actual call processing
rules can be applied by voice on a per VRF basis. A virtual Cisco Unified CME on each VRF is a collection
of phones in VRF groups that register in Cisco Unified CME through the VRF. All SCCP and SIP phones
connected to Cisco Unified CME register through the global voice VRF. TAPI-based client applications and
softphones on a PC must register through a data VRF and can communicate with phones on the voice VRF.
VRF Support on Cisco Unified CME provides the following enhancements to the VRF-Aware H.323 and SIP
for Voice Gateways feature:
• Line side support for up to 5 VRFs.
• Interworks with the global voice VRF on an H323 or SIP Trunk.
• Line side VRF can be a global voice VRF.
• VRFs are assigned on a per-phone level.
• Support for cross-VRF shared-lines.
For configuration information, see Configure VRF Support, on page 1556.
Multi-VRF Support on Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones
The Multi-VRF support on Cisco Unified CME for SIP Phones, provides the following enhancements:
• Up to 5 VRF groups can be configured on SIP line side under voice register global.
• Under voice register pool, we can configure a VRF group to which the phone is associated with.
• AllSIPsignaling and media traffic between CME and the phones would be routed on the specified VRF.
Configure VRF Support
Create VRF Groups for SCCP Phones
To configure up to five VRF groups for users and phones in Cisco Unified CME, perform the following steps
for each group to be configured.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Information About VRF Support
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. telephony-service
4. group group-tag [vrf vrfname]
5. ip source-address ip-address [ port port]
6. url {authentication | directories |idle | information | messages | proxy-server |services} url
7. service phone webAccess 0
8. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
telephony-service Enters telephony-service configuration mode.
Router(config)# telephony-service
Step 3
Step 4 group group-tag [vrf vrfname] Creates a VRF group for Cisco Unified CME users and phones.
Router(config-telephony)# group 1
• group-tag—Unique identifier for VRF group being
configured. Range: 1 to 5.
• (Optional) vrf vrfname—Name of previously configured
VRF to which this group is associated.
• By default, VRF groups are associated with a global voice
VRF unless otherwise specified by using the vrfvrfname
keyword and argument combination.
Step 5 ip source-address ip-address [ port port] Associates VRF group with Cisco Unified CME.
Router(conf-tele-group)# ip source-address port 2000
• ip address and port through which Cisco Unified IP phones
communicate with Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Create VRF Groups for SCCP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
Provisions uniform resource locators (URLs) for Cisco Unified
IP phones connected to Cisco Unified CME.
url {authentication | directories |idle |
information | messages | proxy-server |services}
Step 6
Router(conf-tele-group)# url directories
Enables webAccess for IP phones. This is required for 9.x
firmware,since the web server is disabled by default. 8.x firmware
and lower had the web server enabled by default.
service phone webAccess 0
Router(conf-tele-group)# service phone
webAccess 0
Step 7
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(conf-tele-group)# end
Step 8
The following partial output from the show running-config commandsshows how to define three VRFgroups
for Cisco Unified CME. Group 1 is on the global voice VRF and the other two groups are on data VRFs.
sdspfarm conference mute-on # mute-off #
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 10
sdspfarm tag 1 xcode101
sdspfarm tag 2 conf103
group 1
ip source-address port 2000
url directories
group 2 vrf data-vrf1
ip source-address port 2000
group 3 vrf data-vrf2
ip source-address port 2000
Create VRF Groups for SIP Phones
In Cisco Unified CME 10.5 release the VRF support for SIP phones is added. Up to five VRF groups can be
configured on SIP line side under voice register global. Under voice register pool, we can configure VRF
group to which the phone is associated with. To configure VRF support, perform the following steps:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Create VRF Groups for SIP Phones
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register global
4. group group-tag [vrf vrfname]
5. source-address ip-address
6. url {authentication | directory | service} url
7. exit
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
voice register global Enters voice register global configuration mode.
Router(config)# voice register global
Step 3
Step 4 group group-tag [vrf vrfname] Creates a VRF group for Cisco Unified CME users and phones.
Router(config-register-global)# group
• group-tag—Unique identifier for VRF group being configured.
Range: 1 to 5.
• (Optional) vrf vrfname—Name of previously configured VRF
to which this group is associated.
• By default, this group is not associated with any VRF unless
otherwise specified by using the vrf vrfname keyword and
argument combination.
• Defines unique identifiers group between 1 to 5, which can then
be applied on individual pools.
Use the shutdown command to temporarily shutdown
the group without effecting the other groups. Use the no
form of the command to enable the group.
• The default behavior is no shut.
Step 5 source-address ip-address Associates VRF group with Cisco Unified CME.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Create VRF Groups for SIP Phones
Command or Action Purpose
• ip address through which Cisco Unified IPphones communicate
with Cisco Unified CME.
Provisions uniform resource locators (URLs) for Cisco Unified IP
phones connected to Cisco Unified CME.
url {authentication | directory | service} url
url directory
Step 6
exit Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7
The following sample output displays how to configure SIP CME support for VRF by provisioning its source
address under a group:
voice register global or
voice register dn
voice register pool
mode cme
max-dn 100
max-pool 100
group 1 vrf voice-vrf1
Add Cisco Unified CME SCCP Phones to a VRF Group
To add an SCCP Cisco Unified IP phone, TAPI-based client, or softphone in Cisco Unified CME to a VRF
group, perform the following steps for each phone to be added.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Add Cisco Unified CME SCCP Phones to a VRF Group
Restriction • All SCCP phones in Cisco Unified CME must register through the global voice VRF and must be
added to the VRF group on the global voice VRF only.
• Analog phones connected to FXS ports on a IOS gateway must register through the global voice
VRF and must be added to the VRF group on the global voice VRF only.
• TAPI-based client applications and softphones on aPC must register through the data VRFand must
be added to a VRF group on a data VRF only.
• VRF groups do not support identical IP addresses or shared lines.
Before You Begin
• All ephone configurations to be included in a VRF group must be already configured in
Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ephone phone-tag
4. description string
5. mac-address [mac-address]
6. group phone group-tag [tapi group-tag]
7. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
ephone phone-tag Enters ephone configuration mode for a Cisco Unified IP phone.
Router(config)# ephone 11
Step 3
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Add Cisco Unified CME SCCP Phones to a VRF Group
Command or Action Purpose
description string (Optional) Includes descriptive text about the interface.
Router(config-ephone)# description
cme-2801 srst
Step 4
Associates the MAC address of a Cisco Unified IP phone with an
ephone configuration.
mac-address [mac-address]
Router(config-ephone)# mac-address
Step 5
Step 6 group phone group-tag [tapi group-tag] Adds a phone, TAPI-based client, or softphone to a VRF group.
Router(config-ephone)# group phone 1
• group-tag—Unique identifier for VRF group that was
previously configured by using the group command in
telephony-service configuration mode. Range: 1 to 5.
• This command can also be configured in ephone-template
configuration mode and applied to one or more phones. The
ephone configuration has priority over the ephone-template
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-ephone)# end
Step 7
The following example shows how to add phones to VRF groups. Phones 1 and 3 are in VRF group 1 on the
global voice VRF. Phone 1 TAPI client and softphone 3 are in group 1 on the data-vrf2. Phone 3 TAPI client
and softphone 4 are in group 3 on data-vrf 2.
sdspfarm conference mute-on # mute-off #
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 10
sdspfarm tag 1 xcode101
sdspfarm tag 2 conf103
group 1 vrf voice-vrf
ip source-address port 2000
url directories
group 2 vrf data-vrf1
ip source-address port 2000
group 3 vrf data-vrf2
ip source-address port 2000
ephone-template 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Add Cisco Unified CME SCCP Phones to a VRF Group
group phone 1 tapi 2
ephone-template 2
group phone 2
ephone 1
ephone-template 1
ephone 2
ephone-template 2
ephone 3
group phone 1 tapi 3
ephone 4
group phone 3
ephone 201
group phone 1
type anl
Add Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones to a VRF Group
To add an SIP Cisco Unified IP phone, or softphone in Cisco Unified CME to a VRF group, perform the
following steps for each phone to be added.
Before You Begin
• All voice register pool configurations to be included in a VRF group must be already configured in
Cisco Unified CME. For configuration information, see Configure Phones to Make Basic Call, on page
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. voice register pool pool-tag
4. id mac [mac-address]
5. group group-tag
6. end
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 enable Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
• Enter your password if prompted.
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Add Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones to a VRF Group
Command or Action Purpose
Enters voice reigster pool configuration mode for a
Cisco Unified IP phone.
voice register pool pool-tag
Router(config-register-pool)# group
Step 3
Associates the MAC address of a Cisco Unified IP phone with
an voice register pool configuration.
id mac [mac-address]
Router(config-regoster-pool)# id mac
Step 4
Step 5 group group-tag Adds a phone, or softphone to a VRF group.
Router(config-register pool)# group 1
• group-tag—Unique identifier for VRF group that was
previously configured by using the group command in
voice register global configuration mode. Range: 1 to 5.
end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config-register-pool)# end
Step 6
The following example shows how to add SIP phones to VRF groups.
voice register global
mode cme
max-dn 100
max-pool 100
authenticate realm ccmsipline
voicemail 24001
phone-mode phone-only
tftp-path flash:
create profile sync 0000443960010126
conference hardware
group 1 vrf voice-vrf1
group 2 vrf data-vrf1
url authentication
group 3 vrf data-vrf1
group 4 vrf voice-vrf1
voice register pool 1
id mac A40C.C395.7B5C
session-transport tcp
type 9971
number 1 dn 1
group 1
template 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Add Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones to a VRF Group
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username 14001 password 14001
codec g711ulaw
paging-dn 99
Configuration Examples for Configuring VRF Support
Example for Mapping IP Address Ranges to VRF Using DHCP
Note Duplicate IPaddresses, with or withoutspecifying a VRF, are notsupported in Cisco Unified CME 7.0(1).
There are three ways to assign DHCP addresses: global address allocation; VRF pool; or individual host
With a global address allocation scheme, you must use the no ip dhcp use vrf connected command.
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool vcme1
option 150 ip
class vcme1
address range
The following example shows how to assign addresses from VRF pool vcme1.
ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp pool vcme1
vrf data-vrf1
option 150 ip
class vcme1
address range
The following example show how to assign an address by an individual host. You must replace the first two
hexadecimal digits of a host MAC address with 01.
ip dhcp pool phone3
client-identifier 0100.0ed7.4ce6.3d
option 150 ip
Example for Configuring VRF-Aware Hardware Conferencing
Hardware Conferencing with Internal DSP Farm
• The internal DSPFarm must be registered through a local loopback interface.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Configuration Examples for Configuring VRF Support
• The loopback allows Cisco Unified CME to access the media path in global routing table.
The boldface commands in the following configuration example show that the signaling and media paths are
accessed through the global routing table and the loopback interface is in default routing table.
interface Loopback5
ip address
sccp local Loopback5
sccp ccm identifier 2 version 4.1
sccp ccm group 2
bind interface Loopback5
associate ccm 2 priority 1
associate profile 103 register conf103
associate profile 101 register xcode101
sdspfarm conference mute-on # mute-off #
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 10
sdspfarm tag 1 xcode101
sdspfarm tag 2 conf103
group 1 vrf vrf1
ip source-address port 2000
group 2 vrf vrf2
ip source-address port 2000
group 3 vrf vrf3
ip source-address port 2000
group 4 vrf vrf4
ip source-address port 2000
group 5
ip source-address port 2000
conference hardware
max-ephones 240
max-dn 480
voicemail 7710
max-conferences 8 gain -6
Hardware Conferencing with External DSP Farm
• Configure DSP farm as usual on a Cisco router.
• The external DSP farm must be registered to Cisco Unified CME through the interface or subinterface
assigned to the global voice VRF. Make sure the connection path is coming in through the voice VRF.
• The router on which the external DSP farm is configured does not have to be VRF-aware.
For information about configuring DSP Farms, see Configure Transcoding Resources, on page 479.
Example for Configuring Cisco Unity Express on Global Voice VRF
voice vrf vrf2
ip vrf data-vrf2
rd 100:2
route-target export 100:2
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Example for Configuring Cisco Unity Express on Global Voice VRF
route-target import 100:2
Interface loop back 0
ip vrf forwarding data-vrf2
Ip address
!<==The following config puts CUE in the voice vrf. Service-engine interface and
service-module must have an IP address.===>
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip vrf forwarding voice-vrf3 ip address
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway!
ip route Service-Engine1/0
line 66
no activation-character
Hardware Conferencing with Internal DSP Farm
• The internal DSPFarm must be registered through a local loopback interface.
• The loopback allows Cisco Unified CME to access the media path in global routing table.
The boldface commands in the following configuration example show that the signaling and media paths are
accessed through the global routing table and the loopback interface is in default routing table.
interface Loopback5
ip address
sccp local Loopback5
sccp ccm identifier 2 version 4.1
sccp ccm group 2
bind interface Loopback5
associate ccm 2 priority 1
associate profile 103 register conf103
associate profile 101 register xcode101
sdspfarm conference mute-on # mute-off #
sdspfarm units 4
sdspfarm transcode sessions 10
sdspfarm tag 1 xcode101
sdspfarm tag 2 conf103
group 1 vrf vrf1
ip source-address port 2000
group 2 vrf vrf2
ip source-address port 2000
group 3 vrf vrf3
ip source-address port 2000
group 4 vrf vrf4
ip source-address port 2000
group 5
ip source-address port 2000
conference hardware
max-ephones 240
max-dn 480
voicemail 7710
max-conferences 8 gain -6
Hardware Conferencing with External DSP Farm
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Example for Configuring Cisco Unity Express on Global Voice VRF
• Configure DSP farm as usual on a Cisco router.
• The external DSP farm must be registered to Cisco Unified CME through the interface or subinterface
assigned to the global voice VRF. Make sure the connection path is coming in through the voice VRF.
• The router on which the external DSP farm is configured does not have to be VRF-aware.
For information about configuring DSP Farms, see Configure Transcoding Resources, on page 479.
Example for Configuring Multi- VRF Support for Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones
The following sample output displays CME configuration which enables the user to accept registrations from
multiple VRFs.
voice register global
mode cme
max-dn 100
max-pool 100
authenticate realm ccmsipline
voicemail 24001
phone-mode phone-only
tftp-path flash:
create profile sync 0000443960010126
conference hardware
group 1 vrf voice-vrf1
group 2 vrf data-vrf1
url authentication
group 3 vrf data-vrf1
group 4 vrf voice-vrf1
voice register dn 1
number 14001
name voicevrf-ph1
voice register dn 2
number 14002
allow watch
name datavrf-ph1
voice register dn 3
number 14003
allow watch
name voicevrf-ph2
voice register dn 4
voice-hunt-groups login
number 14004
name Jabber-Win
voice register dn 5
number 14005
name Jabber-Android
voice register dn 6
number 14006
allow watch
snr 24001 delay 5 timeout 50
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Example for Configuring Multi- VRF Support for Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones
voice register dn 7
number 14007
name voicevrf-7841
voice register dn 8
number 14008
name jabbed-android-2
voice register dn 10
number 14010
allow watch
name intervrf-shared-line
shared-line max-calls 8
voice register dn 11
number 14011
voice register dn 12
number 15002
name em-logged-in
voice register dn 21
number 1101
name CME1-Phone1
voice register dn 22
number 1102
name CME1-Phone2
voice register template 1
softkeys idle Newcall Pickup Redial Cfwdall DND
softkeys ringIn Answer DND iDivert
softkeys connected Endcall Hold Mobility iDivert Park
voice register pool 1
id mac A40C.C395.7B5C
session-transport tcp
type 9971
number 1 dn 1
group 1
template 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username 14001 password 14001
codec g711ulaw
paging-dn 99
voice register pool 2
fastdial 1 14003 name voice-vrf1-ph1
id mac ACA0.16FC.9742
type 9971
number 1 dn 2
number 2 dn 10
group 2
template 1
presence call-list
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
paging-dn 99
blf-speed-dial 1 13001 label "13001"
blf-speed-dial 2 14006 label "14006"
voice register pool 3
fastdial 1 14002 name datavrf,ph1
id mac 2893.FEA3.2557
type 9951
number 1 dn 3
number 2 dn 10
group 1
template 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username 14003 password 14003
codec g711ulaw
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Example for Configuring Multi- VRF Support for Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones
blf-speed-dial 1 14002 label "14002"
blf-speed-dial 2 14006 label "14006"
blf-speed-dial 3 13001 label "13001"
voice register pool 4
id device-id-name arunsrin
type Jabber-CSF-Client
number 1 dn 4
group 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username arunsrin password cisco
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 5
registration-timer max 720 min 660
id mac 980C.821B.26CD
session-transport tcp
type Jabber-Android
number 1 dn 5
group 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username frodo password cisco
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 6
busy-trigger-per-button 40
id mac 6C41.6A36.900D
type 7821
number 1 dn 6
group 1
template 1
presence call-list
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
paging-dn 99
voice register pool 7
busy-trigger-per-button 40
id mac 6C41.6A36.9110
session-transport tcp
type 7841
number 1 dn 7
group 2
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
paging-dn 99
voice register pool 8
registration-timer max 720 min 660
id mac 980C.821A.5D28
session-transport tcp
type Jabber-Android
number 1 dn 8
group 3
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
username pippin password cisco
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 21
id mac 1000.1000.1101
type 7970
number 1 dn 21
group 4
username 1101 password 1101
codec g711ulaw
voice register pool 22
id mac 1000.1000.1102
type 7970
number 1 dn 21
group 4
username 1102 password 1102
codec g711ulaw
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Example for Configuring Multi- VRF Support for Cisco Unified CME SIP Phones
voice hunt-group 1 parallel
final 13002
list 14001,14002,14003
timeout 3
pilot 14999
voice hunt-group 2 parallel
final 14001
list 14004,*,14002
timeout 5
pilot 14998
name test-vhg
voice logout-profile 1
pin 1234
user 14002 password 14002
number 14002 type normal
speed-dial 1 13002 label "ephone2"
voice user-profile 1
user me password me
number 15002 type normal
voice translation-rule 217351
rule 1 /^24/ /9924\1/
voice translation-profile 217351
Feature Information for VRF Support
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This
table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release
train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support.
To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 119: Feature Information for Virtual Route Forwarding
Feature Name Cisco Unified CME Version Feature Information
VRFsupports Cisco Unified CME,
conferencing, transcoding, and
RSVP components. VRF also
allows soft phones in data VRF
resources to communicate with
phones in a VRF voice gateway.
VRF Support in 7.0(1)
Cisco Unified CME
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Feature Information for VRF Support
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
VRF Support
Feature Information for VRF Support
Configure the XML API
This chapter describes the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Application Programming Interface (API)
support available in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME).
• Information About XML API, page 1573
• Configure XML API, page 1609
• Configuration Examples for XML API, page 1614
• Where to Go Next, page 1615
• Feature Information for XML API, page 1615
Information About XML API
XML API Definition
An XML API provides an interface to Cisco Unified CME that allows an external network management
system (NMS) to configure and monitor Cisco Unified CME operations.
XML API Provision Using IXI
In previous versions of Cisco Unified CME, the XML interface provided configuration and monitoring
functions using the HTTPport. The XML interface ran under the HTTPserver process,simultaneously parsing
incoming XML requests on demand and processing them.
In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later versions, the XML interface is provided through the Cisco IOS XML
Infrastructure (IXI), in which the parser and transport layers are separated from the application. This modularity
provides scalability and enables future XML support to be developed. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0 and later
versions, all Cisco Unified CME features have XML support.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
XML API for Cisco Unified CME
The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Application Programming Interface (API) is supported in Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME) 8.5 and later versions.
Target Audience
This chapter assumes that you have knowledge of a high-level programming language, such as C++, Java, or
an equivalent language. You must also have knowledge or experience in the following areas:
• TCP/IP Protocol
• Hypertext Transport Protocol
• Socket programming
In addition, users of this programming guide must have a firm grasp of XML Schema, which is used to define
the AXL requests, responses, and errors. For more information on XML Schema, see XML Schema Part 0:
Primer Second Edition.
• For Cisco Unified CME: XML API must be configured in Cisco Unified CME. For configuration
information,see Configure the XML API, on page 1573 of the Cisco Unified CME Administrator Guide.
Information on XML API for Cisco Unified CME
The XML API support in Cisco Unified CME provides a mechanism for inserting, retrieving, updating, and
removing data from the Cisco router using XML.
Request methods are XML structures that are passed to the XML server in Cisco Unified CME and
Cisco Unified SRST applications using HTTP POST. The XML server receives the XML structures and
executes the request. If the request completes successfully, then the appropriate XML response is returned.
Querying for multiple entities in a single request can fail because of the XML buffer size limitation.
Because of this limitation, the application must adjust its granularity to query one entity per request.
Table 120: XML API Methods: Request and Response, on page 1574 lists the request and response methods
for the XML API along with the purpose and parameters for each method.
Table 120: XML API Methods: Request and Response
Description Request Parameter Response
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
XML API for Cisco Unified CME
Description Request Parameter Response
Execute configuration ISexecCLI command ISexecCLIResult
Save router configuration to ISSaveConfig — ISSaveConfigResult
Get system status for ISgetGlobal — ISGlobal
Cisco Unified CME or
Cisco Unified SRST.
Any combination of the ISDevices
• all
• allTag
• available
Get status of an IP phone ISgetDevice
Any combination of the ISDeviceTemplates
• all
• allTag
• available
Get configuration of a phone ISgetDeviceTemplate
Any combination of the ISExtensions
• all
• allTag
• available
Get configuration of an ISgetExtension
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Information on XML API for Cisco Unified CME
Description Request Parameter Response
Any combination of the ISExtensionTemplates
• all
• allTag
• available
Get configuration of an ISgetExtensionTemplate
extension template
Get user information ISgetUser ISuserID ISuser
Any combination of the ISUserProfiles
• all
• allTag
• available
Get user profile information ISgetuserProfile
Get configuration for utility ISgetUtilityDirectory — ISUtilityDirectory
Get system status for a ISgetVoiceRegGlobal — ISSipGlobal
Cisco Unified CME running
Any combination of the ISSipDevices
• all
• allTag
• available
Get status of an IP phone ISgetSipDevice
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Information on XML API for Cisco Unified CME
Description Request Parameter Response
Any combination of the ISSipExtensions
• all
• allTag
• available
Get configuration of an ISgetSipExtension
Any combination of the ISSessionServers
• all
• allTag
• available
Get status of a session server ISgetSessionServer
ISVoiceHuntGroupID ISVoiceHuntGroups
• all
• allTag
• available
Get status of voice hunt ISgetVoiceHuntGroup
Get configuration for ISgetPresenceGlobal — ISPresenceGlobal
Examples for XML API Methods
This section contains examples for the following XML API methods:
• ISexecCLI
• ISSaveConfig
SCCP IP Phones
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
• ISgetGlobal
• ISgetDevice
• ISgetDeviceTemplate
• ISgetExtension
• ISgetExtensionTemplate
• ISgetUser
• ISgetUserProfile
• ISgetUtilityDirectory
SIP IP Phones
• ISgetVoiceRegGlobal
• ISgetSipDevice
• ISgetSipExtension
• ISgetSessionServer
• ISgetVoiceHuntGroup
• ISgetPresenceGlobal
Use ISexecCLI to execute a list of Cisco IOS commands on the Cisco router. The request must include the
CLI parameter with the Cisco IOS command string for each command to be executed.
ephone 4
mac-address 000D.BC80.EB51
type 7960
button 1:1
The value of “0” for ISexecCLIResponse in the following example isthe response when the request is completed
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
The following example showsthe response when the request fails. The value of ISexecCLIResponse identifies
which line number in the request failed. Any subsequent commands in the list of commands are not executed.
All preceding commands in the list were executed.
invalid input dn parameter for button 1
Use ISSaveConfig to save the running configuration on a router to the startup configuration on the same router.
The following example shows that the ISSaveConfig request was successfully completed.
The following example shows the response when the request fails.
The following example shows that response when the request is delayed, typically because there is another
terminal session connected to Cisco Unified CME. The running configuration will be saved later by a
background process after all other terminal sessions are disconnected.
Use ISgetGlobal to retrieve system configuration and status information for the Cisco Unified CME system.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
callfwd all
callfwd cancel
pickup local
pickup group
pickup direct
ephone-hunt join
ephone-hunt cancel
ephone-hunt hlog
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
ephone-hunt hlog-phone
cancel call waiting
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Use ISgetDevice to retrieve configuration and status information for IP phones.
Use any combination of the following parametersin the request message to specific one or moreSCCPphones:
• ISDevID with the ephone tag number of SCCP phone to be queried.
• ISDevName with the MAC address of SCCP phone to be queried.
• ISKeyword with one of the following options:
◦all—All configured SCCP phones
◦allTag—Ephone tag numbers for all SCCP phones configured
◦available—Next available ephone tag number to be configured
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Use ISgetDeviceTemplate to retrieve configuration and status information for IP phone templates.
Use any combination of the following parameters in the request message to specify one or more phone
• ISDevTemplateID with phone template tag number to be queried.
• ISKeyword with one of the following options:
◦all—All configured phone templates
◦allTag—Phone template tag numbers for all configured phone templates
◦available—Next available phone template tag number to be configured
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Configure the XML API
Examples for XML API Methods
Pickup Park GPickup
CBarge Newcall