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Downloading PS Fonts

You can download the PS fonts to the printer's memory or hard disk drive.


  • The following procedures to download the fonts assume that you are a system administrator. If you are not, be sure to consult your system administrator.

  • If the printer restarts, all the printer settings return to their defaults.

  • Confirm that a Mac OS and the printer are connected with AppleTalk.

  • During the download, do not turn off the power switch, operate the panel or open or close the cover.

1Select [Download PS Fonts...] on the [File] menu.

2Click [Add to list].

The dialog box to select fonts appears.

3Click to select the desired font files, and then click [Open].

The list of selectable font names appears.

4After adding all the fonts you want to download, click [OK].

The dialog box of selected fonts to download appears.

5Click [Download].

The fonts begin to download, and the download status is shown.

6When the completion message appears, click [OK].

7Click [Cancel].


  • Some fonts cannot be downloaded.

  • Before downloading, read the documentation about the fonts you want to use.