User Parameter Switches are outlined in the following table.
Switch: 02, Bit: 0
Forwarding Mark
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 02, Bit: 3
TSI Print
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 03, Bit: 0
Automatic printing of the communication Result Report
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 03, Bit: 2
Automatic printing of the Memory Storage Report
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 03, Bit: 3
Whether or not to print the SEP Code RX Reserve Report automatically
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 03, Bit: 4
Whether or not to print the SEP Code RX Result Report automatically
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 03, Bit: 5
Automatic printing of the immediate TX Result Report
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 03, Bit: 7
Automatic printing of the journal
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 04, Bit: 0
Automatic printing of the Confidential File Report
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 04, Bit: 1
Automatic printing of Communication Failure Report and Transfer Result Report
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 04, Bit: 4
Indicates the parties
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 04, Bit: 5
Include sender's name on reports
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 04, Bit: 7
Include a portion of the image on reports
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 05, Bit: 0
Receive Service Call (SC) Condition (Substitute Reception during service call)
0: Possible (Substitute RX)
1: Not possible (Reception off)
Switch: 05, Bit: 2,1
Substitute the reception when the machine cannot print (because paper is jammed, all paper trays have run out of paper, toner is empty, or all paper trays are out of order)
00: Enabled Unconditionally (Free)
01: Enabled when Own Name/Own Fax Number is received
10: Enabled for Closed Network Code match
11: Disabled (Reception off)
Switch: 05, Bit: 5
Print sheet is limited to that which has highest priority (Just size printing)
0 : Off
1 : On
Switch : 05, Bit: 7
Empty tray alert (Paper Empty Warning) even when one paper tray is empty
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 07, Bit: 2
Parallel Memory Transmission
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 08, Bit: 2
Authorized Reception Type
0: Receive from specified senders only
1: Receive all documents except from specified senders
Switch: 10, Bit: 1
Combine Two Originals
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 10, Bit: 3
Page reduction when printing
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 10, Bit: 5
Whether or not to print stored received documents
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 10, Bit: 6
Use both e-mail notification and printed reports to confirm the transmission result
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 10, Bit: 7
Have the machine delete the document data without printing it when an error occurs
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 11, Bit: 2
Detect and report nearly blank documents when scanning.
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 11, Bit: 6
Whether or not to print or store when forwarding according to “Reception File Setting” in “Facsimile Features”
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 14, Bit: 0
Print documents received with Auto Power-On Reception (Night Printing mode)
0: Immediate Printing (On)
1: When turning on the operation switch (Off)
Switch: 14, Bit: 1
Whether or not to use paper longer than 600 mm
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 14, Bit: 3
Reset when function changed
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 15, Bit: 2, 1, 0
Selecting the available paper feed tray
(Only the numbers listed below can be entered)
001: Tray 1
010: Tray 2
011: Tray 3
100: Tray 4
101: Large Capacity Tray (LCT)
Switch: 15, Bit: 5
Whether or not to select the available paper feed tray
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 17, Bit: 2
Whether you need to press [Add Destination] after specifying a destination with the Destination key when broadcasting
0: Not necessary
1: Necessary
Switch : 17, Bit 3
Whether or not to reset the settings when original is scanned
0: On
1: Off
Switch: 17, Bit: 7
Receive documents by pressing the [Start] key when originals are not set
0: Off (no documents Received after pressing the [Start] key)
1: On (documents received after Pressing the [Start] key)
Switch: 18, Bit: 0
Print date with Fax Header
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 18, Bit: 1
Print transmitter origin with Fax Header
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 18, Bit: 2
Print file number with Fax Header
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 18, Bit: 3
Print page number with Fax Header
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 19, Bit: 0
Use paper delivery shift function (Offset Print)
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 19, Bit: 1
Sort Journal by line type
The optional extra G3 unit or Printer/Scanner unit is required.
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 20, Bit: 0
Automatic printing of the LAN-Fax Result Report
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 20, Bit: 5, 4, 3, 2
Reprinting time of stored documents in memory that could not be printed using LAN-Fax Driver
0000: 0 minutes
0001: 1 minutes
0010: 2 minutes
0011: 3 minutes
0100: 4 minutes
0101: 5 minutes
0110: 6 minutes
0111: 7 minutes
1000: 8 minutes
1001: 9 minutes
1010: 10 minutes
1011: 11 minutes
1100: 12 minutes
1101: 13 minutes
1110: 14 minutes
1111: 15 minutes
Switch: 21, Bit: 0
Print results of sending Reception Notice Request message
0: Off (print only when an error occurs)
1: On
Switch: 21, Bit: 1
Respond to e-mail reception acknowledgment request
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 21, Bit: 2
Choose whether to print JPEG or PDF files attached to incoming e-mail
0: Do not print
1: Print
Switch: 21, Bit: 3
File format for files forwarded to folder destinations
1: PDF
Switch: 21, Bit: 4
Transmit Journal by E-mail
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 21, Bit: 5
Limit printing of specified data in normal e-mail (attached TIFF files).
0: No
1: Yes
Switch: 21, Bit: 6
Display Network error
0: Display (On)
1: Not display (Off)
Switch: 21, Bit: 7
Transmit Error Mail Notification
0: On
1: Off
Switch: 22, Bit: 0
Detect a dial tone before sending faxes when using the telephone line (LINE)
0: Not detect (Off)
1: Detect (On)
Switch: 22, Bit: 1
Detect a dial tone before sending faxes when using the telephone line (LINE2)
0: Not detect (Off)
1: Detect (On)
Switch: 22, Bit: 2
Detect a dial tone before sending faxes when using the telephone line (LINE3)
0: Not detect (Off)
1: Detect (On)
Switch: 24, Bit: 0
Store documents that could not be transmitted in memory
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 24, Bit: 1
Length of time documents that could not be transmitted are stored in memory
0: 24 hours
1: 72 hours
Switch: 24, Bit: 2
Whether to retain the stored file permanently
0: No
1: Yes
Switch: 32, Bit: 0
Select which order of priority to be used to select an alternative
0: Paper Output Priority
<Priority Order>
1. IP-Fax destination
2. Fax number
3. Internet Fax
4. E-mail address
5. Folder
1: Electronic Output Priority
<Priority Order>
1. Internet Fax
2. E-mail address
3. Folder
4. IP-Fax destination
5. Fax number
Switch: 32, Bit: 4
Whether or not to route a document received through G3-1
0: No
1: Yes
Switch: 32, Bit: 5
Whether or not to route a document received through G3-2
0: No
1: Yes
Switch: 32, Bit: 6
Whether or not to route a document received through G3-3
0: No
1: Yes
Switch: 34, Bit: 0
Use gatekeeper with IP-Fax
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 34, Bit: 1
Use SIP server with IP-Fax
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 35, Bit: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Redial interval when sending a backup file
00000000: 0 minute(s) 11111111: 255 minute(s)
Switch: 36, Bit: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
Maximum number of redials when sending a backup file
00000000/00000001: 1 time(s) 11111110/11111111: 254 time(s)
Switch: 37, Bit: 0
Whether to stop sending a backup file if the destination folder becomes full while the machine is sending or waiting to send a fax or the backup file
0: No
1: Yes
Switch: 37, Bit: 3, 2
Whether to print the backup file if it cannot be sent
00: Do not print
01: Print first page only
10: Print whole file
Switch: 37, Bit: 4
Display the sender's information in the file name of documents that are forwarded to folder destinations
0: Off
1: On
Switch: 37, Bit: 5
Specify whether or not to limit the file names of documents that are forwarded to folder destinations to plain characters only
0: Off
1: On