Black Males and RacismImproving the Schooling and Life Chances of African Americans Behind the twenty-first-century curtain of "colorblind" public sentiment lies an often-ignored reality shared by many African American males—racism continues to thrive and often drastically affects their lives. Fitzgerald draws on his extensive interviews of black males to reveal the experiences of racism that continue in public schools and in American higher education.Using empirical data and the methods of sociological research Fitzgerald analyzes how the persistent effects of white supremacy in education have threatened the psychological and economic welfare of black males. The effects often last well into adulthood. Unraveling the subtle and overt mechanisms of institutional social control leads Fitzgerald to proposals to reduce structural racism and improve the lives of African American youth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612055510

Black Males and the Criminal Justice System Relying on a multidisciplinary framework of inquiry and critical perspective this edited volume addresses the unique experiences of Black males within various stages of contact in the criminal justice system. It provides a comprehensive overview of the administration of justice mental and physical health issues faced by Black males and reintegration into society after system involvement. Recent events—including but by no means limited to the shootings of unarmed Black men by police in Ferguson Missouri; Baltimore; Minneapolis; and Chicago—have highlighted the disproportionate likelihood of young Black males to encounter the criminal justice system. Black Males and the Criminal Justice System provides a theoretical and empirical review of the need for an intersectional understanding of Black male experiences and outcomes within the criminal justice system. The intersectional approach which posits that outcomes of societal experiences are determined by the way the interconnected identities of individuals are perceived and responded to by others is key to recognizing the various forms of oppression that Black males experience and the impact these experiences have on them and their families. This book is intended for students and scholars in criminology criminal justice sociology race/ethnic studies legal studies psychology and African American Studies and will serve as a reference for researchers who wish to utilize a progressive theoretical approach to study social control policing and the criminal justice system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138697362

Black Man EmergingFacing the Past and Seizing a Future in America First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468047

Black MarksMinority Ethnic Audiences and Media This title was first published in 2001. This text brings together a collection of empirical studies focusing on the relationships which minority ethnic audiences have with and to media texts both mainstream and minority. The media which comprise the focus for the essays include television film advertising magazines and the press. The field of media studies has moved beyond the model of media consumer as passive recipient towards individuals and groups who are altogether more engaged responsive and critical. But studies of the interactive media consumer often fail to consider the specific characteristics of "race" and ethnicity which come into play for minority ethnic audiences and this book aims to add to the limited knowledge of the ways in which ethnic markers intervene in textual understanding and contestation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138723993

Black Masculinity and Sexual Politics African American males occupy a historically unique social position whether in school life on the job or within the context of dating marriage and family. Often their normal role expectations require that they perform feminized and hypermasculine roles simultaneously. This book focuses on how African American males experience masculinity politics and how U.S. sexism and racial ranking influences relationships between black and white males as well as relationships with black and white women. By considering the African American male experience as a form of sexism Lemelle proposes that the only way for the social order to successfully accommodate African American males is to fundamentally eliminate all sexism particularly as it relates to the organization of families. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646093

Black Men Invisibility and CrimeTowards a Critical Race Theory of Desistance Past studies have suggested that offenders desist from crime due to a range of factors such as familial pressures faith based interventions or financial incentives. To date little has been written about the relationship between desistance and racialisation. This book seeks to bring much needed attention to this under-researched area of criminological inquiry. Martin Glynn builds on recent empirical research in the UK and the USA and uses Critical Race Theory as a framework for developing a fresh perspective about black men’s desistance. This book posits that the voices and collective narrative of black men offers a unique opportunity to refine current understandings of desistance. It also demonstrates how new insights can be gained by studying the ways in which elements of the desistance trajectory are racialised. This book will be of interest both to criminologists and sociologists engaged with race racialisation ethnicity and criminal justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138933675

Black Men in BritainAn Ethnographic Portrait of the Post-Windrush Generation While extensive attention has been paid to black youth adult black British men are a notable omission in academic literature. This book is the first attempt to understand one of Britain’s hidden populations: the post-Windrush generation who matured within a post-industrial British society that rendered them both invisible and irrelevant. Using ethnography participant observation interviews and his own personal experience  and without an ounce of liberal angst Kenny Monrose pulls no punches and presents the reader with a fierce but sensitive study of a population that has been vilified and ignored. The widely disseminated portrait of black maleness which habitually constructs black men as being either violently dangerous or social failures is challenged by granting black men in Britain the autonomy to speak on sociologically significant issues candidly and openly for themselves. This reveals how this group has been forced to negotiate a glut of political shifts and socially imposed imperatives ranging from Windrush to Brexit and how these have had an impact on their life course. This provides a cultural uplift and offers an authenticated examination and privileged insight of black British culture. This book will be of interest to sociologists cultural historians and criminologists engaged with citizenship migration race racialisation and criminal justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367647223

Black Men in CollegeImplications for HBCUs and Beyond Black Men in College provides vital information about how to effectively support retain and graduate Black male undergraduates. This edited collection centers on the notion that Black male collegians are not a homogenous group; rather they are representative of rarely acknowledged differences that exist among them. This valuable text suggests that understanding these differences is critical to making true in-roads in serving Black men. Chapter contributors describe the diverse challenges Black men in HBCUs face and discuss how to support and retain high-achieving men gay men academically unprepared men low-income men men in STEM American immigrants millennials collegiate fathers those affiliated with Greek organizations and athletes. Recommendations for policy and practice to encourage retention and persistence to degree completion are grounded in extant theory and research. This text is a must-read for all higher education faculty researchers and student affairs practitioners interested in addressing the contemporary college experiences of Black men in postsecondary institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415893848

Black Men in Higher EducationA Guide to Ensuring Student Success Black Men in Higher Education bridges theory to practice in order to better prepare practitioners in their efforts to increase the success of Black male students in colleges and universities. In this comprehensive but manageable text leading researchers J. Luke Wood and Robert T. Palmer highlight the current status of Black men in higher education and review relevant research literature and theory on their experiences in various postsecondary education contexts. The authors also provide and contextualize innovative actionable strategies and solutions to help institutions increase the participation and success of Black male college students. The most recent addition to the Key Issues on Diverse College Students series this volume is a valuable resource for student affairs and higher education professionals to better serve Black men in higher education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415714853

Black Men in Interracial RelationshipsWhat's Love Got to Do with It? Why is it that successful black men--black men who are "at the top of their game" in the arts entertainment politics and athletics--are four times as apt to be married to or dating a woman who is not an African American than they were only thirty years ago? And why are twice as many black men involved in interracial relationships as black women? In addition to their celebrity status which includes widespread popularity and wealth black men from Charles Barkley to James Earl Jones to Russell Simmons to Bryant Gumbel share something else in common; something that also characterizes the experiences of more than 250 000 less well-known black men in the United States. They happen to be involved in interracial intimate relationships.Less than fifty years ago such relationships were next to impossible leading to severe social sanctions. The fact that this is no longer the case is concrete evidence of changes in the quality and character of contemporary race relations. Drawing on her own observations and her examination of the responses of a small diverse group of black men who date (in some cases exclusively) have sexual relations with and marry women who are not of African descent the book provides insight into the continuing ways that race and ethnic status affect the choices people make in their lives. Until this book though these types of relationships have received scant serious attention. Craig-Henderson forthrightly addresses the taboo interspersing analysis with verbatim accounts from black men involved in such relationships.Grounded in serious research interviews and analysis of census data Black Men in Interracial Relationships examines why such relationships appear to be so popular among black male elites. In the process the author unravels the mystery behind the apparent absence of black women in black men's lives. It will be of interest to specialists in race gender family and sexual issues and appropriate for courses in these areas. It is also highly readable and thought-provoking for the general public who will find its observations and findings fascinating. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507715

Black Men in Law SchoolUnmatched or Mismatched Grounded in Critical Race Theory (CRT) Black Men in Law School refutes the claim that when African American law students are "mismatched" with more selective law schools the result is lower levels of achievement and success. Presenting personal narratives and counter-stories Jackson demonstrates the inadequacy of the mismatch theory and deconstructs the ways race is constructed within American public law schools. Calling for a replacement to mismatch theory Jackson offers an alternative theory that considers marginalized student perspectives and crystallizes the nuances and impact that historically exclusionary institutions and systems have on African American law school students. To further the debate on affirmative action this book shows that experiences and voices of African American law school students are a crucial ingredient in the debate on race and how it functions in law schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138241411

Black Men Teaching in Urban SchoolsReassessing Black Masculinity This volume follows eleven Black male teachers from an urban predominantly Black school district to reveal a complex set of identity politics and power dynamics that complicate these teachers’ relationships with students and fellow educators. It provides new and important insights into what it means to be a Black male teacher and suggests strategies for school districts teacher preparation programs researchers and other stakeholders to rethink why and how we recruit and train Black male teachers for urban K-12 classrooms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367894740

Black Movements in America Cedric Robinson traces the emergence of Black political cultures in the United States from slave resistances in the 16th and 17th centuries to the civil rights movements of the present. Drawing on the historical record he argues that Blacks have constructed both a culture of resistance and a culture of accommodation based on the radically different experiences of slaves and free Blacks. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203948132

Black Music Black PoetryBlues and Jazz's Impact on African American Versification Black Music Black Poetry offers readers a fuller appreciation of the diversity of approaches to reading black American poetry. It does so by linking a diverse body of poetry to musical genres that range from the spirituals to contemporary jazz. The poetry of familiar figures such as Paul Laurence Dunbar and Langston Hughes and less well-known poets like Harryette Mullen or the lyricist to Pharaoh Sanders Amos Leon Thomas is scrutinized in relation to a musical tradition contemporaneous with the lifetime of each poet. Black music is considered the strongest representation of black American communal consciousness; and black poetry by drawing upon such a musical legacy lays claim to a powerful and enduring black aesthetic. The contributors to this volume take on issues of black cultural authenticity of musical imitation and of poetic performance as displayed in the work of Paul Laurence Dunbar Langston Hughes Sterling Brown Amiri Baraka Michael Harper Nathaniel Mackey Jayne Cortez Harryette Mullen and Amos Leon Thomas. Taken together these essays offer a rich examination of the breath of black poetry and the ties it has to the rhythms and forms of black music and the influence of black music on black poetic practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270565

Black OrpheusMusic in African American Fiction from the Harlem Renaissance to Toni Morrison The legendary Greek figure Orpheus was said to have possessed magical powers capable of moving all living and inanimate things through the sound of his lyre and voice. Over time the Orphic theme has come to indicate the power of music to unsettle subvert and ultimately bring down oppressive realities in order to liberate the soul and expand human life without limits. The liberating effect of music has been a particularly important theme in twentieth-century African American literature. The nine original essays in Black Orpheus examines the Orphic theme in the fiction of such African American writers as Jean Toomer Langston Hughes Claude McKay James Baldwin Nathaniel Mackey Sherley Anne Williams Ann Petry Ntozake Shange Alice Walker Gayl Jones and Toni Morrison. The authors discussed in this volume depict music as a mystical shamanistic and spiritual power that can miraculously transform the realities of the soul and of the world. Here the musician uses his or her music as a weapon to shield and protect his or her spirituality. Written by scholars of English music women’s studies American studies cultural theory and black and Africana studies the essays in this interdisciplinary collection ultimately explore the thematic linguistic structural presence of music in twentieth-century African American fiction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138001770

Black Politics in a Time of Transition Black Politics in a Time of Transition appears at an historic point in American politics. From the vantage point of the maturation of the study of black politics this volume provides a framework for current and future discussion of this critical time. Incorporating the expanded stream of work on today's black politics this latest volume of the National Political Science Review is also a new assessment of the period from which the study of black politics emerged.Selected for this volume are chapters of contemporary relevance alongside those that reconsider an early twentieth- century pioneer in black politics and history W. E. B. Du Bois. The volume also includes a robust book review section that spans a range of topics from the South's new racial politics to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.This volume features work by varied and accomplished scholars including "Black Power in Black Presidential Bids From Jackson to Obama " Katherine Tate; "'But I Voted for Obama': Melodrama and Post-Civil Rights Post-Feminist Ideology in Grey's Anatomy Crash and Barack Obama's 2008 Presidential Bid " Nikol Alexander-Floyd; "Afro-Brazilian Black Linked Fate in Salvador and Sao Paulo Brazil " Gladys Mitchell; and "Beyond Tactical Withdrawal: An Early History of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists " Joseph P. McCormick II. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842686

Black Politics in TransitionImmigration Suburbanization and Gentrification Black Politics in Transition considers the impact of three transformative forces—immigration suburbanization and gentrification—on Black politics today. Demographic changes resulting from immigration and ethnic blending are dramatically affecting the character and identity of Black populations throughout the US. Black Americans are becoming more ethnically diverse at the same time that they are sharing space with newcomers from near and far. In addition the movement of Black populations out of the cities to which they migrated a generation ago—a reverse migration to the American South in some cases and in other cases a movement from cities to suburbs shifts the locus of Black politics. At the same time middle class and white populations are returning to cities displacing low income Blacks and immigrants alike in a renewal of gentrification. All this makes for an important laboratory of discovery among social scientists including the diverse range of authors represented here. Drawing on a wide array of disciplinary perspectives and methodological strategies original chapters analyze the geography of opportunity for Black Americans and Black politics in accessible jargon-free language. Moving beyond the Black–white binary this book explores the tri-part relationship among Blacks whites and Latinos as well. Some of the most important developments in Black politics are happening at state and local levels today and this book captures that for students scholars and citizens engaged in this dynamic milieu. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138058507

Black Politics TodayThe Era of Socioeconomic Transition The late 1980s ushered in a new era of black politics the socioeconomic transition era. Coming on the heels of the protest era and politics era the current stage is characterized by the emergence of a new black middle class that came of age after the Civil Rights struggle. Although class still isn’t a strong factor in the external politics of the black community it is increasingly a wedge issue in the community’s internal politics. Black politics today is increasingly less about the interest of the larger group and more about the interest of smaller subgroups within the community. Theodore J. Davis Jr. argues that the greatest threat to the social and political cohesiveness of the so-called black community may be the rise of a socially and economically privileged group among the ranks of black America. This rift has affected blacks’ ability to organize effectively and influence politics. Davis traces the changes in economic status public opinion political power and participation and leadership over three generations of black politics. The result is an insightful analysis of black politics today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415879156

Black Popular Music in Britain Since 1945 Black Popular Music in Britain Since 1945 provides the first broad scholarly discussion of this music since 1990. The book critically examines key moments in the history of black British popular music from 1940s jazz to 1970s soul and reggae 1990s Jungle and the sounds of Dubstep and Grime that have echoed through the 2000s. While the book offers a history it also discusses the ways black musics in Britain have intersected with the politics of race and class multiculturalism gender and sexuality and debates about media and technology. Contributors examine the impact of the local the ways that black music in Birmingham Bristol Liverpool Manchester and London evolved differently and how black popular music in Britain has always developed in complex interaction with the dominant British popular music tradition. This tradition has its own histories located in folk music music hall and a constant engagement since the nineteenth century with American popular music itself a dynamic mixing of African-American Latin American and other musics. The ideas that run through various chapters form connecting narratives that challenge dominant understandings of black popular music in Britain and will be essential reading for those interested in Popular Music Studies Black British Studies and Cultural Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138504875

Black Reconstruction in AmericaToward a History of the Part Which Black Folk Played in the Attempt to Reconstruct Democracy in America 1860-1880 After four centuries of bondage the nineteenth century marked the long-awaited release of millions of black slaves. Subsequently these former slaves attempted to reconstruct the basis of American democracy. W. E. B. Du Bois one of the greatest intellectual leaders in United States history evaluates the twenty years of fateful history that followed the Civil War with special reference to the efforts and experiences of African Americans.Du Bois's words best indicate the broader parameters of his work: "the attitude of any person toward this book will be distinctly influenced by his theories of the Negro race. If he believes that the Negro in America and in general is an average and ordinary human being who under given environment develops like other human beings then he will read this story and judge it by the facts adduced."The plight of the white working class throughout the world is directly traceable to American slavery on which modern commerce and industry was founded Du Bois argues. Moreover the resulting color caste was adopted forwarded and approved by white labor and resulted in the subordination of colored labor throughout the world. As a result the majority of the world's laborers became part of a system of industry that destroyed democracy and led to World War I and the Great Depression. This book tells that story. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412846202

Black Reflective SociologyEpistemology Theory and Methodology John H. Stanfield II the leading contemporary Black sociologist of knowledge distills decades of his research and thinking in a set of articles—some original to the volume others from fugitive sources—that address race in the formation of epistemologies theories and methodologies in social science. Stanfield’s contributions to the discipline such as the adoption of restorative justice as an anti-racism solution in multiracial societies and the development of African diasporic sociological reasoning are highlighted here. Ranging widely across theoretical methodological and substantive topics Stanfield creates a reflective sociology viewed through an African diasporic lens that enriches the thinking and practice of social science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598746471

Black Religious IntellectualsThe Fight for Equality from Jim Crow to the 21st Century Professor Clarence Taylor sheds some much-needed light on the rich intellectual and political tradition that lies in the black religious community. From the Pentecostalism of Bishop Smallwood Williams and the flamboyant leadership of the Reverend Al Sharpton to the radical Presbyterianism of Milton Arthur Galamison and the controversial and mass-mobilization by Minister Louis Farrakhan black religious leaders have figured prominently in the struggle for social equality in America. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203616635

Black Resistance in the Americas All across the United States in the last few years there has been a resurgence of Black protest against structural racism and other forms of racial injustice. Black Resistance in the Americas draws attention to this renewed energy and to how this theme of resistance intersects with other communities of Black people around the world. This edited collection examines in-depth stories of resistance against slavery; narratives of resistance in African American Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Latin American literature; resistance in politics education religion music dance and film exploring a range of new perspectives from established and emerging researchers on Black communities. The chapters in this pivotal book discuss some of the mechanisms that Black communities have used to resist bondage domination disempowerment inequality and injustices resulting from their encounters with the West from colonization to forced migration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138384460

Black Sabbath and the Rise of Heavy Metal Music The definition of 'heavy metal' is often a contentious issue and in this lively and accessible text Andrew Cope presents a refreshing re-evaluation of the rules that define heavy metal as a musical genre. Cope begins with an interrogation of why during the late 1960s and early 1970s Birmingham provided the ideal location for the evolution and early development of heavy metal and hard rock. The author considers how the influence of the London and Liverpool music scenes merged with the unique cultural climate industry and often desolated sites of post-war Birmingham to contribute significantly to the development of two unique forms of music: heavy metal and hard rock. The author explores these two forms through an extensive examination of key tracks from the first six albums of both Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin in which musical visual and lyrical aspects of each band are carefully compared and contrasted in order to highlight the distinctive innovations of those early recordings. In conclusion a number of case studies are presented that illustrate how the unique synthesis of elements established by Black Sabbath have been perpetuated and developed through the work of such bands as Iron Maiden Metallica Pantera Machine Head Nightwish Arch Enemy and Cradle of Filth. As a consequence the importance of heavy metal as a genre of music was firmly established and its longevity assured. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254138

Black Sea SketchesMusic Place and People Black Sea Sketches is a portrait of some of the diverse musical cultures surrounding the Black Sea and in its hinterlands. Its six separate chapters follow a very broad trajectory from close-ups of traditional music (chapters 1-4) towards wide-angle studies of art music (chapters 5-6) and each of them opens windows to big border-crossing themes about music and place. A wide variety of repertoires is discussed: ancient layers of polyphonic music bardic songs traditional music from the coasts and mountains the sacred music of Islam and Orthodox Christianity the art music of Europe and West Asia and present-day popular music ‘scenes’. The usual practice is for each chapter to begin with a Black Sea coastal location before reaching out into the hinterlands. The result is a collection of six relatively discrete essays on different locations and topics but with underlying thematic continuities and offering a wide-ranging commentary on cultural difference. Firmly grounded in ethnographic and documentary research this is an important study for scholars and researchers of Ethnomusicology as also of Caucasian and Russian/East European Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367276805

Black Sheep and Kissing CousinsHow Our Family Stories Shape Us When someone says at a holiday dinner table "Oh those Lawrence cousins lose control all the time " or "the Davises always had more talent than luck " you can be sure there's a lesson being passed along from one generation to another. Who tells stories to whom and about what is never a random matter. Our family stories have a secret power: they play a unique role in shaping our identity our sense of our place in the world. The give us values inspirations warnings incentives. We need them. We use them. We keep them. They reverberate throughout our lives affecting our choices in love work friendship and lifestyle. Elizabeth Stone whose grandparents came from Italy to Brooklyn artfully weaves her own family stories among the stories of more than a hundred people of all backgrounds ages and regions - clarifying for us predictable types of family legends providing ways to interpret our own stories and their roles in our lives. She examines stories of birth death work money romantic adventure - all in the context of the family storytelling ritual. And she shows how stories about our most ancient ancestors may provide answers at milestone moments in our lives as well as how stories about our newest family members carve out places for them so they will fit into their families comfortably or otherwise. Upon its initial publication in 1988 Studs Terkel said that the book is "A wholly original approach to an ancient theme: family storytelling and its lasting mark on the individual." Judy Collins noted that "Elizabeth Stone's marvelous book on family myths and fables is irresistible. It lets us in on our own secrets in a provocative and exciting way." And Maggie Scarf wrote "What a clever topic and how beautifully Elizabeth Stone has written about it! I recommend Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins for everyone who has ever been raised in a family." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519688

Black Single Mothers and the Child Welfare SystemA Guide for Social Workers on Addressing Oppression Black Single Mothers and the Child Welfare System examines the pressures hardships and oppression women of color face in the child welfare system and how this affects social workers who investigate childhood abuse and neglect. Author Brandynicole Brooks addresses intersectionality and ideological institutional interpersonal and internalized oppression and how it affects the safety permanence and well-being of children. Through research and real-life examples the reader will be immersed in a historical perspective of oppression faced by black single mothers involved with social service systems understand the definition of oppression and its four interrelated facets examine ways oppression plays out in child welfare supports and services and discover new integrated methods of addressing oppression. The last chapter discusses theory generalist social work practice and transformational leadership styles  which can be used by social workers to advocate on behalf of their clients and inspire self-advocacy thus transforming child welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138903005

Black Skins Black MasksHybridity Dialogism Performativity Black Skin Black Masks: Hybridity Dialogism Performativity offers a timely exploration of Black identity and its negotiation. The book draws on empirical work recording everyday conversations between Black women: friends peers and family members. These conversations are discussed in the light of the work of Homi Bhabha Stuart Hall Gerd Baumann Claire Alexander and others on questions of hybridity identity otherness and the development of ’new ethnicities’. Tate aims to address what she sees as significant omissions in contemporary Black Cultural Studies. She argues that theorists have rarely looked at the process of identity construction in terms of lived-experience; and that they have tended to concentrate on the demise of the essential Black subject paying little attention to gender. The book points to a continuation of a ’politics of the skin’ in Black identities. As such it argues against Bhabha's claim that essence is not central to hybrid identities. The conversations recorded in the book reveal the ways in which women negotiate the category of Blackness in what Tate calls a 'hybridity-of- the-everyday'. The book introduces a new interpretative vocabulary to look at the ways in which hybridity is orchestrated and fashioned showing it to be performative dialogical and dependent on essentialism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367604400

Black Skins French VoicesCaribbean Ethnicity And Activism In Urban France About 337 000 people of French Antillean Origin live in metropolitan France today. Unlike immigrants from North Africa Turkey or sub-Saharan Africa Antilleans are French citizens with deep roots in French history. Indeed the Caribbean Islands they come from have been a part of France for over three centuries. Antilleans were for many years an invisible population dispersed throughout the Paris region with few community organizations and little political activism. Beginning in the early 1980s however activists in the Antillean community began to recognize that their status as citizens would not protect them from the growth of racism in France. From neighborhood groups interested in promoting traditional Martinican and Guadeloupan dance and music to politically charged associations these new cultural militants denounced French colonialism challenged racism and demanded political representation. Black Skins French Voices is situated at the intersection of changing French ideas and policies regarding ethnic diversity and Antillean demands for recognition. It shows the creative and exciting struggles of Antilleans to remake French culture on their own terms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314675

Black SpacesAfrican Diaspora in Italy Black Spaces examines how space and place are racialized and the impacts on everyday experiences among African Italians immigrants and refugees. It explores the deeply intertwined histories of Africa and Europe and how people of African descent negotiate contest and live with anti-blackness in Italy. The vast majority of people crossing the Mediterranean into Europe are from West Africa and the Horn of Africa. Their passage is part of the legacy of Italian and broader European engagement in colonial projects. This largely forgotten history corresponds with an ongoing effort to erase them from the Italian social landscape on arrival. Black Spaces examines these racialized spaces by blending a critical geographical approach to place and space with Afro-Pessimist and critical race perspectives on the lived experiences of Blackness and anti-blackness in Italy.“ Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138549371

Black Sportsmen (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1982 Black Sportsmen examines the affect that race has had on sportspeople. The book is based on interviews with a wide range of sportspeople from Olympic athletes to schoolchildren and novices. Written at a time when many black youths were turning to and succeeding in sports such as athletics boxing football karate and table tennis this book focuses on the various ways in which black sports competitors reacted to their blackness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415812245

Black Star Over JapanRising Forces of Militarism The Japanese are the only people in the world who have experienced the horror of nuclear weapons with their own flesh. Atomic holocaust was followed by American occupation and the American-inspired postwar Japanese ‘Peace Constitution’ which explicitly outlawed Japanese military forces and the use of war as an instrument of state policy. At the time of original publication the author argued that contemporary forces within Japan were combining to create a strong movement for revision of the constitution and for the acquisition of nuclear weapons by renewed and powerful military establishment. The American government which had encouraged rearmament was beginning to wonder about the world effect of an economically powerful rearmed Japan and was weighing the consequences of considering Japan its only major ally in East Asia. Albert Axelbank suggests that shifting international politics and the conservative momentum in Japan make revision of the constitution and the development of Japanese militarism and nuclear weapons almost inevitable.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852753

Black StarA View of the Life and Times of Kwame Nkrumah This book provides a balanced view about a charismatic leader Kwame Nkrumah during an exciting period of history in Ghana. It discusses the failure of Nkrumah's means and abilities to meet the challenge of his aims from the standpoint of Ghana's welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367003586

Black Student PoliticsHigher Education and Apartheid from SASO to SANSCO 1968-1990 Black Student Politics Higher Education and Apartheid examines two black national higher education student political organizations - the South African National Students' Congress (SANSCO) and the South African Students' Organization (SASO) popularly associated with Black Consciousness. It analyzes the ideologies and politics and organization of SASO and SANSCO and their intellectual political and social determinants. It also analyzes their role in the educational political and social spheres and the factors that shaped their activities. Finally it assesses their contributions to the popular struggle against apartheid education and race class and gender oppression and the extent to and ways in which their activities reproduced undermined and/or transformed apartheid and capitalist social relations institutions and practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987883

Black Theatre in Britain First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138165519

Black Theology Slavery and Contemporary Christianity200 Years and No Apology Black Theology Slavery and Contemporary Christianity explores the legacy of slavery in Black theological terms. Challenging the dominant approaches to the history and legacy of slavery in the British Empire the contributors show that although the 1807 act abolished the slave trade it did not end racism notions of White supremacy or the demonization of Blackness Black people and Africa. This interdisciplinary study draws on biblical studies history missiology and Black theological reflection exploring the strengths and limitations of faith as the framework for abolitionist rhetoric and action. This Black theological approach to the phenomenon of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the institution of slavery draws on contributions from Africa the Caribbean North America and Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138279148

Black Theology in BritainA Reader Black theology as a discipline emerged in 1960s America growing out of the experiences of Black people of the African Diaspora as they sought to re-interpret the central ideas of Christianity in light of struggle and oppression. However a form of Black theology has been present in Britain since the time of slavery. 'Black Theology in Britain' offers the first comprehensive survey of Black theology tracing its development in Britain from the eighteenth century to today. The essays cover a wide range of topics: Black Liberation; drama as a medium for Black theology; the perspective of Black women; Black theology in the pulpit and pastoral care; and the work of Robert Beckford and Anthony Reddie. 'Black Theology in Britain' is a key resource for students of British history cultural studies Black theology and religious studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138181625

Black USA and SpainShared Memories in the 20th Century During the 20th-century Spaniards and African-Americans shared significant cultural memories forged by the profound impact that various artistic and historical events had on each other. Addressing three crucial periods (the Harlem Renaissance and Jazz Age the Spanish Civil War and Franco's dictatorship) this collection of essays explores the transnational bond and the intercultural exchanges between these two communities using race as a fundamental critical category. The study of travelogues memoirs documentaries interviews press coverage comics literary works music and performances by iconic figures such as Josephine Baker Langston Hughes and Ramón Gómez de la Serna as well as the experiences of ordinary individuals such as African American nurse Salaria Kea invite an examination of the ambiguities and paradoxes that underlie this relationship: among them the questionable and at times surprising racial representations of blacks in Spanish avant-garde texts and in the press during the years of Franco’s dictatorship; African Americans very unique view of the Spanish Civil War in light of their racial identity; and the oscillation between fascination and anxiety when these two communities look at each other. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367182724

Black Wealth / White WealthA New Perspective on Racial Inequality The award-winning Black Wealth / White Wealth offers a powerful portrait of racial inequality based on an analysis of private wealth. Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro's groundbreaking research analyzes wealth - total assets and debts rather than income alone - to uncover deep and persistent racial inequality in America and they show how public policies have failed to redress the problem. First published in 1995 Black Wealth / White Wealth is considered a classic exploration of race and inequality. It provided for the first time systematic empirical evidence that explained the racial inequality gap between blacks and whites. The Tenth Anniversary edition contains two entirely new and substantive chapters. These chapters look at the continuing issues of wealth and inequality in America and the new policies that have been launched in the past ten years. Some have been progressive while others only recreate inequality - for example the proposal to eliminate the estate tax. Compelling and also informative Black Wealth / White Wealth is not just pioneering research. It is also a powerful counterpoint to arguments against affirmative action and a direct challenge to current social welfare policies that are tilted towards the wealthy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203707425

Black Women Agency and the New Black Feminism The powerful Beyoncé formidable Rihanna and the incalculable Nikki Minaj. Their images lead one to wonder: are they a new incarnation of black feminism and black women’s agency or are they only pure fantasy in which instead of having agency they are in fact the products of the forces of patriarchy and commercialism? More broadly one can ask whether black women in general are only being led to believe that they have power but are really being drawn back into more complicated systems of exploitation and oppression. Or are black women subverting patriarchy by challenging notions of their subordinate and exploitable sexuality? In other words ‘who is playing who’?Black Women Agency and the New Black Feminism identifies a generational divide between traditional black feminists and younger black women. While traditional black feminists may see for example sexualized images of black women negatively and as an impediment to progress younger black women tend to embrace these new images and see them in a positive light. After carefully setting up this divide this enlightening book will suggest that a more complex understanding of black feminist agency needs to be developed one that is adapted to the complexities faced by the younger generation in today’s world.Arguing the concept of agency as an important theme for black feminism this innovative title will appeal to scholars teachers and students interested in black feminist and feminist philosophy identity construction subjectivity and agency race gender and class. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367870188

Black Women and The Criminal Justice SystemTowards the Decolonisation of Victimisation First published in 1997 this book identifies the problems that face black women in the criminal justice system as the result of the articulation of unequal and oppressive class race and gender relations; the research aims to be aware of all three rather than prioritising isolating or reducing one or two of these relations. The focus of this research primarily on black women is based on the belief that they are marginalised in both society and criminological research. Black women are poorly represented in education employment the professions commerce industry and politics while in prison their presence is highly disproportionate to their wider numbers in society. The author examines the problems facing black women and compares these with those facing black men and white women to demonstrate the articulation of social relations. He addresses the structural positions of black women in society their social relations and the nature of the institutional practices of the criminal justice system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138608603

Black Women and White Women in the ProfessionsOccupational Segregation by Race and Gender 1960-1980 First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468078

Black Women College StudentsA Guide to Student Success in Higher Education The latest book in the Key Issues on Diverse College Students series explores the state of Black women students in higher education. Delineating key issues proposing an original student success model and describing what institutions can do to better support this group this important book provides a succinct but comprehensive exploration of this underrepresented and often neglected population on college campuses. Full of practical recommendations for working across academic and student affairs this is a useful guide for administrators faculty and practitioners interested in creating pathways for Black female college student success. Whether this book is read cover to cover or used as a resource manual the pages contain critical insights that should be taken into serious consideration wherever Black women college students are concerned. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138659407

Black Women Film and Video Artists First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203698990

Black Women Filmmakers and Black Love on Screen This book offers a thorough analysis of how romantic love between Black men and women (referred to here as Black Love) is portrayed in Hollywood films specifically from the perspective of Black female filmmakers. Using historical and contemporary images of Black female representation in the media as a foundation the main themes of this text focus on the male gazes’ influence on Hollywood narratives the necessity for the Black female perspective in Hollywood and that perspective’s influence on ideologies and narratives.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670382

Black Women in Interracial RelationshipsIn Search of Love and Solace According to the most recent U.S. census twice as many black men are involved in interracial relationships as black women. Do black women consciously resist such involvement? What motivates the relatively few women who are in these types of relationships? And how do they navigate the unfamiliar terrain in intimacy?One of the most popular explanations for black women's involvement in interracial intimacy is the unavailability of eligible black men. This explanation focuses on the dismal statistics popularly discussed in reports that forecast lonely futures for African American females. Craig-Henderson explores another more provocative explanation. She argues that some black women may disassociate from larger social stereotypes by consciously and strategically making choices that distance them from what is considered characteristic of the "typical" African American woman.Scant serious attention has focused upon intimate interracial relationships perhaps because of a general reluctance to deal with two extremely provocative issues: race and sex. As rates of interracial relationships continue to increase discussions about interracial intimacy are relevant and timely. Craig-Henderson considers the continuing taboo of interracial relationships involving African Americans the way this taboo is changing and the way that contemporary race relations perpetuate longstanding stereotypes about race and sex.The book includes in-depth unstructured interviews with a wide range of black women currently involved in interracial intimate relationships. Each individual discusses their relationships with family members beliefs about the influence of race in America unique problems associated with interracial intimacy as well as sexual attraction racial identity and children. Of particular interest to specialists in race gender family and sexual issues this work is also accessible and appealing to general readers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507722

Black Women in New South Literature and Culture Using the "the Negro Problem" in African American literature as a point of departure this book focuses on the profound impact that racism had on the literary imagination of black Americans specifically those in the South. Although the South has been one of the most enduring sites of criticism in American Studies and in American literary history Johnson argues that it is impossible to consider what the "South" and what "southernness" mean as cultural references without looking at how black women have contributed to and contested any unified definition of that region. Johnson challenges the homogeneity of a "white" South and southern cultural identity by recognizing how fictional and historical black women are underacknowledged agents of cultural change. Johnson regards the South as a cultural region that (re)constructs black womanhood but she also considers how black womanhood have transformed the South. Specialists in nineteenth and twentieth century American literature will find this book a necessary addition as will scholars of African American Literature and History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846288

Black Women in PoliticsIdentity Power and Justice in the New Millennium The research included in this volume examines the competing pressures felt by black women as political agents in the domains of elections public policy and social activism. Their challenges and initiatives are explored in public spaces institutional behaviours and public policy.The volume features cutting-edge research exploring black women's political engagement. The first group of contributors interrogates the treatment of black women within the discipline of political science. The second group examines the relationship between cultural politics and policymaking. The third and final group outlines the politics of race-gendered identity and black feminist practice.Black Women in Politics includes chapters on black leadership radical versus moderate politics in New Orleans and the Shelby vs. Holder Supreme Court decision. The editors introduce a new series highlighting trends in black politics. Finally the work notes the passing of William (Nick) Nelson and Hanes Walton Jr. prominent members of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412854696

Black Women in TelevisionAn Illustrated History and Bibliography This bibliography lists more than 700 articles books dissertations and theses on the participation of African American women in the television industry. Includes materials on specific television personalities and programs and black women's involvement as producers news anchors and editorial directors (among other topics). Also provides an extensive essay on the history of black women in television since 1939 and includes photographs of prominent African American television personalities. The appendices list African American women as Emmy NAACP Image and Los Angeles Black Media Coalition Technical Achievement award winners and nominees and black women in starring and co-starring television roles. Indexing of the text covers authors subjects programs films and stations. Originally published in 1990. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964761

Black Women PlaywrightsVisions on the American Stage First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964778

Black Women Theorizing Curriculum Studies in Colour and Curves This book explores the curriculum theorizing of Black women as well as their historical and contemporary contributions to the always-evolving complicated conversation that is Curriculum Studies. It serves as an opportunity to begin a dialogue of revision and reconciliation and offers a vision for the transformation of academia’s relationship with black women as students teachers and theorizers. Taking the perennial silencing of Black women’s voices in academia as its impetus the book explains how even fields like Curriculum Studies – where scholars have worked to challenge hegemony injustice and silence within the larger discipline of education – have struggled to identify an intellectual tradition marked by the Black female subjectivity. This epistemic amnesia is an ongoing reminder of the strength of what bell hooks calls "imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy" and the ways in which even the most critical spaces fail to recognize the contributions and even the very existence of Black women. Seeking to redress this balance this book engages the curricular lives of Black women and girls epistemologically bodily experientially and publicly.Providing a clarion call for fellow educators to remain reflexive and committed to emancipatory aims this book will be of interest to researchers seeking an exploration of critical voices from nondominant identities perspectives and concerns. This book was originally published as a special issue of Gender and Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664244

Black Women's HealthA Special Double Issue of women's Health: Research on Gender Behavior and Policy In this special issue top researchers from a diversity of disciplines provide an overview of and insights into the major social cultural and structural variables that play a role in Black women's poor health and differential morbidity and mortality. The articles focus on the major threats to Black women's health such as diabetes obesity cancer violence and AIDS and utilize a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods from medicine psychology sociology and feminist analysis. Among the articles are: An examination of the role of Black women's cultural and ethnomedical beliefs in their use of cancer screening by Laurie Hoffman-Goetz and Sherry Mills of the National Cancer Institute; An empirical analysis of Black women's utilization of health services entailing more than 18 000 women by Lonnie Snowden and his colleagues at the University of California-Berkeley Center for Mental Health Services Research; A comprehensive review and empirical analysis of the role of violence in Black women's health by Nancy Felipe Russo (Arizona State University) Mary Koss (University of Arizona) and Gwen Keita (APA Office on Women); An empirical investigation of the role of social and contextual variables in HIV risk among low-income Black women by Kathleen Sikkema Timothy Heckman and Jeffrey Kelly of the Center for AIDS Intervention Research Medical College of Wisconsin. Other articles include comprehensive and critical analyses and reviews of diabetes breast cancer risk perceptions and obesity among Black women as well as analyses of Black women's exclusion from research in medicine women's health health psychology and behavioral medicine. The first issue of any psychology journal to be devoted to the health of Black women this special issue is a step in the direction of redressing the long-overdue neglect of Black women's health. It provides a cogent overview of the state of Black women's health numerous empiri Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138431249

Black Writers AbroadA Study of Black American Writers in Europe and Africa Originally published in 1999 Black Writers Abroad puts forward the theory that African American literature was born partially within the context of a people and its writers who lived for the most part in slavery and bondage prior to the Civil War. It is an in-depth study of black American writers who left the United States as expatriates. The book discusses the people that left where they went why they left and why they did or did not return from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. It seeks to explain the impact exile had upon these authors’ literary work and careers as well as upon African American literary history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138389571

Black Writers Interpret the Harlem Renaissance First Published in 1996. One of the most interesting features of the Harlem Renaissance was the degree to which black writers and poets were involved in promoting and analyzing their own literary movement. One of its formative events was the 1926 attempt by Wallace Thurman Langston Hughes and other young writers to publish a literary magazine FIRE!! This was the first of several efforts by black writers to establish literary journals. While these efforts failed the magazine Opportunity employed a series of black poets as columnists to analyze and review black literary efforts. This volume collects the writings of this important literary journal as well as including many autobiographical and historical sketches. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315050522

Black Youth in Crisis (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1982 this book considers the position of young Afro-Caribbean people in Britain in the 1980s. It looks at how at the time this group of young people were disproportionately hit by growing unemployment seemed to be over-represented in crime statistics and were often disadvantage at school. The authors of the book analyse the struggles of the time and look at the reasons for their existence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415815710

Blackbody RadiationA History of Thermal Radiation Computational Aids and Numerical Methods Shelving Guide: Electrical Engineering In 1900 the great German theoretical physicist Max Planck formulated a correct mathematical description of blackbody radiation. Today understanding the behavior of a blackbody is of importance to many fields including thermal and infrared systems engineering pyrometry astronomy meteorology and illumination. This book gives an account of the development of Planck’s equation together with many of the other functions closely related to it. Particular attention is paid to the computational aspects employed in the evaluation of these functions together with the various aids developed to facilitate such calculations. The book is divided into three sections. Section I – Thermal radiation and the blackbody problem are introduced and discussed. Early developments made by experimentalists and theoreticians are examined as they strove to understand the problem of the blackbody. Section II – The development of Planck’s equation is explained as are the all-important fractional functions of the first and second kinds which result when Planck’s equation is integrated between finite limits. A number of theoretical developments are discussed that stem directly from Planck’s law as are the various computational matters that arise when numerical evaluation is required. Basic elements of radiometry that tie together and use many of the theoretical and computational ideas developed is also presented. Section III – A comprehensive account of the various computational aids such as tables nomograms graphs and radiation slide rules devised and used by generations of scientists and engineers when working with blackbody radiation are presented as are more recent aids utilizing computers and digital devices for real-time computations.Scientists and engineers working in fields utilizing blac Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367871116

Blackening EuropeThe African American Presence Traditional Scholars have often looked at African American studies through the lens of European theories resulting in the secondarization of the African American presence in Europe and its contributions to European culture. Blackening Europe reverses this pattern by using African American culture as the starting point for a discussion of its influences over traditional European structures. Evidence of Europe's blackening abound form French ministers of Hip-hop and British incarnations of "Shaft" to slavery memorial in the Netherlands and German youth sporting dreadlocks. Collecting essays by scholars from both sides of the Atlantic and fields as diverse as history literature politics social studies art film and music Blackening Europe explores the implications of these cultural hybrids and extends the growing dialogues about Europe's fascination with African America. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203446157

Blackface Minstrelsy in Britain Blackface minstrelsy is associated particularly with popular culture in the United States and Britain yet despite the continual two-way flow of performers troupes and companies across the Atlantic there is little in Britain to match the scholarship of blackface studies in the States. This book concentrates on the distinctively British trajectory of minstrelsy. The historical study and cultural analysis of minstrelsy is important because of the significant role it played in Britain as a form of song music and theatrical entertainment. Minstrelsy had a marked impact on popular music dance and other aspects of popular culture both in Britain and the United States. Its impact in the United States fed into significant song and music genres that were assimilated in Britain from ragtime and jazz onwards but prior to these influences minstrelsy in Britain developed many distinct features and was adapted to operate within various conventions themes and traditions in British popular culture. Pickering provides a convincing counter-argument to the assumption among writers in the United States that blackface was exclusively American and its British counterpart purely imitative. Minstrelsy was not confined to its value as song music and dance. Jokes at the expense of black people along with demeaning racial stereotypes were integral to minstrel shows. As a form of popular entertainment British minstrelsy created a cultural low-Other that offered confirmation of white racial ascendancy and imperial dominion around the world. The book attends closely to how this influence on colonialism and imperialism operated and proved ideologically so effective. At the same time British minstrelsy cannot be reduced to its racist and imperialist connections. Enormously important as those connections are Pickering demonstrates the complexity of the subject by insisting that the minstrel show and minstrel performers are understood also in terms of their own theatrical dynamics talent and appeal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265363

Blackfoot Religion and the Consequences of Cultural Commoditization This book explores the exchange of Blackfoot "medicine bundles" within contemporary Blackfoot culture and between the Blackfoot Peoples and Euro-Americans. These ceremonial bundles which are circulated as gifts in their native context are robbed of their statuses as living beings or persons when they are treated as symbolic objects or commodities by cultural outsiders. Much of the original ethnographic data presented in this book deals with the attempts of some Blackfeet to repatriate ceremonial materials from Euro-American hands. This book represents a valuable study of contemporary Blackfoot religion as well as the repatriation movement. Kenneth Lokensgard also contributes to the studies of material culture and exchange; central to his investigation is the critical examination and reapplication of the interpretative terms "gift" and "commodity." Careful use of these terms Lokensgard argues can better help scholars appreciate how different peoples perceive the worlds they inhabit. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262171

Blackness and Transatlantic Irish IdentityCeltic Soul Brothers Blackness and Transatlantic Irish Identity analyzes the long history of imagined and real relationships between the Irish and African-Americans since the mid-nineteenth century in popular culture and literature. Irish writers and political activists have often claimed - and thereby created - a "black" identity to explain their experience with colonialism in Ireland and revere African-Americans as a source of spiritual and sexual vitality. Irish-Americans often resisted this identification so as to make a place for themselves in the U.S. However their representation of an Irish-American identity pivots on a distinction between Irish-Americans and African-Americans. Lauren Onkey argues that one of the most consistent tropes in the assertion of Irish and Irish-American identity is constructed through or against African-Americans and she maps that trope in the work of writers Roddy Doyle James Farrell Bernard MacLaverty John Boyle O’Reilly and Jimmy Breslin; playwright Ned Harrigan; political activists Bernadette Devlin and Tom Hayden; and musicians Van Morrison U2 and Black 47. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653671

Blackness in Britain Black Studies is a hugely important and yet undervalued academic field of enquiry that is marked by its disciplinary absence and omission from academic curricula in Britain. There is a long and rich history of research on Blackness and Black populations in Britain. However Blackness in Britain has too often been framed through the lens of racialised deficits constructed as both marginal and pathological.Blackness in Britain attends to and grapples with the absence of Black Studies in Britain and the parallel crisis of Black marginality in British society. It begins to map the field of Black Studies scholarship from a British context by collating new and established voices from scholars writing about Blackness in Britain. Split into five parts it examines:Black studies and the challenge of the Black British intellectual; Revolution resistance and state violence;Blackness and belonging; exclusion and inequality in education;experiences of Black women and the gendering of Blackness in Britain. This interdisciplinary collection represents a landmark in building Black Studies in British academia presenting key debates about Black experiences in relation to Britain Black Europe and the wider Black diaspora. With contributions from across various disciplines including sociology human geography medical sociology cultural studies education studies post-colonial English literature history and criminology the book will be essential reading for scholars and students of the multi- and inter-disciplinary area of Black Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871840

Blackness in IsraelRethinking Racial Boundaries This book explores contemporary inflections of blackness in Israel and foreground them in the historical geographies of Europe the Middle East and North America. The contributors engage with expressions and appropriations of modern forms of blackness for boundary-making boundary-breaking and boundary-re-making in contemporary Israel underscoring the deep historical roots of contemporary understandings of race blackness and Jewishness. Allowing a new perspective on the sociology of Israel and the realm of black studies this volume reveals a highly nuanced portrait of the phenomenon of blackness one that is located at the nexus of global regional national and local dimensions. While race has been discussed as it pertains to Judaism at large and Israeli society in particular blackness as a conceptual tool divorced from phenotype skin tone and even music has yet to be explored. Grounded in ethnographic research the study demonstrates that many ethno-racial groups that constitute Israeli society intimately engage with blackness as it is repeatedly and explicitly addressed by a wide array of social actors. Enhancing our understanding of the politics of identity rights and victimhood embedded within the rhetoric of blackness in contemporary Israel this book will be of interest to scholars of blackness globalization immigration and diaspora. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367629755

Blackness in Western EuropeRacial Patterns of Paternalism and Exclusion While the study of race relations in the United States continues to inspire and influence European thinking Europeans have yet to confront their own history. To be black in Europe whether during the sixteenth century or today means sharing one crucial experience: being part of a small but visible minority.European slave-owners company directors and investors in the distant past maintained an ocean-wide gap between themselves and the enslaved in the plantation colonies of the Caribbean. In the following centuries this distance persisted. Even today to be black in Europe often means to be one of a few black persons in a group. A racial pattern of exclusion has characterized European policy for more than four centuries.Dienke Hondius identifies ideas and attitudes toward "blackness " the concept of race as visible difference developed in western Europe. She argues that racial discourses are generally dominated by paternalism a concept usually used to explain power structures that is often applied to the nineteenth century. Hondius identifies five patterns of paternalism that influenced Europe much earlier and iniated trends of imagery and perception.Taking a chronological and thematic approach Hondius first focuses on southern European societies in the Early Modern period and moves to northwest European societies in the Modern period. Addressing religion law and science she concludes with a synthesis of developments from the twentieth century to the present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507739

Blacks Mulattos and the Dominican Nation Blacks Mulattos and the Dominican Nation is the first English translation of the classic text Los negros los mulatos y la nación dominicana by esteemed Dominican scholar Franklin J. Franco. Published in 1969 this book was the first systematic work on the role of Afro-descendants in Dominican society the first society of the modern Americas where a Black-Mulatto population majority developed during the 16th century. Franco’s work a foundational text for Dominican ethnic studies constituted a paradigm shift breaking with the distortions of traditional histories that focused on the colonial elite to place Afro-descendants slavery and race relations at the center of Dominican history. This translation includes a new introduction by Silvio Torres-Saillant (Syracuse University) which contextualizes Franco's work explaining the milieu in which he was writing and bringing the historiography of race slavery and the Dominican Republic up to the present. Making this pioneering work accessible to an English-speaking audience for the first time this is a must-have for anyone interested in the lasting effects of African slavery on the Dominican population and Caribbean societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138785007

Blacks and Blackness in European Art of the Long Nineteenth Century Compelling and troubling colorful and dark black figures served as the quintessential image of difference in nineteenth-century European art; the essays in this volume further the investigation of constructions of blackness during this period. This collection marks a phase in the scholarship on images of blacks that moves beyond undifferentiated binaries like ’negative’ and ’positive’ that fail to reveal complexities contradictions and ambiguities. Essays that cover the late eighteenth through the early twentieth century explore the visuality of blackness in anti-slavery imagery black women in Orientalist art race and beauty in fin-de-siècle photography the French brand of blackface minstrelsy and a set of little-known images of an African model by Edvard Munch. In spite of the difficulty of resurrecting black lives in nineteenth-century Europe one essay chronicles the rare instance of an American artist of color in mid-nineteenth-century Europe. With analyses of works ranging from Géricault's Raft of the Medusa to portraits of the American actor Ira Aldridge this volume provides new interpretations of nineteenth-century representations of blacks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138310315

Blacks and Britannity This title was first published in 2001: Featuring original research concerning young African-Caribbeans in Birmingham this book addresses complex issues of urban violence and insecurity racism and discrimination alienation resistance and social networks. Employing the methodology of sociological intervention developed by Alain Touraine the book explores the experiences of a group of young people who are simultaneously presumed to be victims and perpetrators of violence. It examines their relationship to this violence its meanings for and effects upon them how they constitute themselves as social actors and subjects and their capacity for action. The book also addresses the fact that ethnic monitoring and multicultural policies place the question of ethnicity on the British social and political agenda alongside issues of racism and discrimination. Exploring both the perceived and personally experienced position of young people within this context it sheds important new light upon processes of group identification and action. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138629417

Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England Volumes I-IV First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge-Cavendish 9781843141778

Blackwashing HomophobiaViolence and the Politics of Sexuality Gender and Race As lesbian gay bisexual transgender and intersex identities increasingly secure legal recognition across the globe these formal equality gains are contradicted by the continued presence of violence. Such violence emerges as a political pressure point for contestations of identity and power within wider systems of global and local inequality. Discourses of homophobia-related violence constitute subjectivities that enact violence and that are rendered vulnerable to it as well as shaping political possibilities to act against violence. Blackwashing Homophobia critiques prevailing discourses through which violence and its queer targets are normatively understood exploring the knowledge regimes in which multiple forms of othering are both reproduced and/or resisted. This book draws on primary research on lesbian subjectivity and violence in South Africa examining the intersections of sexual gender race and class identities and the contemporary politics of violence in a postcolonial context: • What are the contending ways of knowing queers and the violence they face? • How are the causes characters consequence of and ‘cures’ for violence constructed through such knowledges and what are their power effects? The book explores these questions and their implications for how violence as an instrument of power might be countered. Blackwashing Homophobia is a timely intervention for theorising the discourse of homophobia-related violence and what it reveals and conceals enables and hinders in relation to queer identities and political imaginaries in times of violence. The book’s interdisciplinary approach to the topic will appeal to social and political scientists philosophers and psychology professionals as well as to advanced psychology undergraduates and postgraduates alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138219052

Blade Runner Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is widely regarded as a "masterpiece of modern cinema" and is regularly ranked as one of the great films of all time. Set in a dystopian future where the line between human beings and ‘replicants’ is blurred the film raises a host of philosophical questions about what it is to be human the possibility of moral agency and freedom in ‘created’ life forms and the capacity of cinema to make a genuine contribution to our engagement with these kinds of questions. This volume of specially commissioned chapters systematically explores and addresses these issues from a philosophical point of view. Beginning with a helpful introduction the seven chapters examine the following questions: How is the theme of death explored in Blade Runner and with what implications for our understanding of the human condition? What can we learn about the relationship between emotion and reason from the depiction of the ‘replicants’ in Blade Runner? How are memory empathy and moral agency related in Blade Runner? How does the style and ‘mood’ of Blade Runner bear upon its thematic and philosophical significance? Is Blade Runner a meditation on the nature of film itself? Including a brief biography of the director and a detailed list of references to other writings on the film Blade Runner is essential reading for students – indeed anyone - interested in philosophy and film studies. Contributors: Colin Allen Peter Atterton Amy Coplan David Davies Berys Gaut Stephen Mulhall C. D. C. Reeve. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415485852

Blade Runner 2049A Philosophical Exploration Widely acclaimed upon its release as a future classic Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049 is visually stunning philosophically profound and a provocative extension of the story in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. Containing specially commissioned chapters by a roster of international contributors this fascinating collection explores philosophical questions that abound in Blade Runner 2049 including: What distinguishes the authentically "human" person? How might natality condition one’s experience of being-in-the-world? How might shared memories feature in the constitution of personal identities? What happens when created beings transcend the limits intended in their design? What (if anything) is it like to be a hologram? Can artificial beings participate in genuinely romantic relationships? How might developing artificial economics impact our behaviour as prosumers? What are the implications of techno-human enhancement in an era of surveillance capitalism? Including a foreword by Denis Villeneuve Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration is essential reading for anyone interested in philosophy film studies philosophy of mind psychology gender studies and conceptual issues in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138625334

Blair's Educational Legacy? The United Kingdom General Election on 1st May 1997 gave a landslide victory to a re-vitalised Labour Party. Tony Blair became Prime Minister with a huge Commons majority of 179 over all other parties. Such a majority meant that extensive changes of policy could be implemented with little effective opposition. During the election campaign Tony Blair had repeatedly claimed that the top three priorities of a New Labour government would be 'education education education' and on page two of the Labour Party's election manifesto a smiling Blair is seen with Nelson Mandela - the unacknowledged originator of the oratorical education triplet. Following a third Election victory in 2005 and after over ten years as Prime Minister Blair finally stepped down to Gordon Brown in mid-2007 but only after a promotional ‘final tour’ that lasted several months. Towards the end Blair devoted considerable efforts to try to ensure that his legacy would be positive and that he would be remembered for more than his role in the Iraq war. But what is his legacy in the field of education? This book brings together the assessments of key educational researchers who have been centrally involved with both the critique and implementation of various policy developments. It is now time to make a solid academic evaluation of his influence on education. This book is timely and relates directly to the central policy themes of the last decade. It considers the relationships between theory and practice and examines the nature of policy and politics. Each contribution will review empirical data and policy changes relating to Blair’s period as Prime Minister and will make an assessment of the enduring effects of changes in policy. Each will assess the long-term and lasting effects as well as the shorter-term responses. This book was published as a special issue of the Oxford Review of Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964792

Blair's Successful WarBritish Military Intervention in Sierra Leone Andrew Dorman introduces Sierra Leone as Blair's second great military adventure after Kosovo and the first he undertook on his own. It is tied to Blair's 1999 Chicago speech on the 'Doctrine of the International Community' his move towards humanitarianism and the impact of the Kosovo experience. The book links this move with the rise of cosmopolitan militaries and the increasing involvement of Western forces in humanitarian operations and their impact on the international system. Furthermore it places it within the context of defence transformation and the emerging Western expeditionary capabilities in particular the European Union's new battle group concept and developments in concepts such as Network Centric Warfare and Networked Enabled Capability. Examining the whole campaign and considering the impact on the Blair Government this book will prove to be a key reader on the topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138376489

Blake Gender and Culture Blake's combination of verse and design invites interdisciplinary study. The essays in this collection approach his work from a variety of perspectives including masculinity performance plant biology empire politics and sexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661943

Blake Lavater and Physiognomy This book examines the early reception of Johann Caspar Lavater's Essays on Physiognomy and demonstrates how the challenges occurring during the production of Henry Hunter's translation resonate in William Blake's treatment of the Genesis story. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602291

Blake Politics and History First published in 1998 this book formed part of an ongoing effort to restore politics and history to the centre of Blake studies. It adopts a three pronged approach when presenting its essays seeking to promote a return to the political Blake; to deepen the understanding of some of the conversations articulated in Blake’s art by introducing new historical material or new interpretations of texts; and to highlight differing perspectives on Blake’s politics among historically focused critics. The collection contains essays with varying methodological assumptions and differing positions on questions central to historicist Blake scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138939226

Blake Politics and History First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964808

Blake & Tradition V1 First published in 2002. This is a collection of topics of A.W.Mellon Lectures of fine Arts stemming from 1962 on the works of Blake. This volume looks at Blake’s work in three sections; ‘The Northern Sun’ ‘The Myth of The Soul’ and ‘Zoas of Physical Life’. Includes works such as ‘Tireil’ Blake’s Cupid and Psyche’ and ‘Enion’ Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429349478

Blake & Tradition V2 First published in 2002. This is a collection of topics of A.W.Mellon Lectures of fine Arts stemming from 1962 on the works of Blake. This volume looks at Blake’s work in three discussions; Reason Perception and ‘What is Man’. Includes poems such as The Tyger The Ancient Trees and The Sickness of Albion. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429349485

Blake and Antiquity Blake was a visionary like no other. To some like William Wordsworth the only explanation for the remarkable spiritual world Blake witnessed and brought to life in his books was 'insane genius'. Although such a view persisted well into the twentieth century this is the pivotal work which challenged that perspective and changed forever our understanding of William Blake's genius placing him in the esoteric tradition. For many this book will be a revelation; for lovers of Blake it is indispensable. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315824451

Blake and the New Age (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1979 this is a very welcome reissue of Kathleen Raine's seminal study of William Blake - England’s only prophet. He challenged with extraordinary vigour the premises which now underline much of Western civilization hitting hard at the ideas of a naive materialist philosophy which even in his own day was already eating at the roots of English national life. In his insistence that ‘mental things are alone real’ Blake was ahead of his time. Materialist views are now challenged from various quarters; the depth psychologies of Freud and Jung the study of Far Easter religion and philosophy the reappraisal of myth and folk lore the wealth of psychical research have all prepared the way for an understanding of Blake’s thought. We are ready to acknowledge that in attacking ‘the sickness of Albion’ Blake penetrated to the inner worlds of man and explored them in a way that is quite unique. Dr Raine who has made a long study of Blake’s sources presents him as a lonely powerful genius who stands within the spiritual tradition of Sophia Perennis ‘the Everlasting Gospel’. From the standpoint of this great human Norm our immediate past described by W.B. Yeats as ‘the three provincial centuries’ is a tragic deviation; catastrophic as Blake believed in its spiritual and material consequences. Only now do we possess the necessary knowledge to understand William Blake and the ever-growing number of people who turn to him surely justifies his faith in the eternal truths he strove to communicate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415678254

Blake and Tradition Blake and Tradition is an investigation of the sources of Blake's knowledge of the Neoplatonic and Hermetic tradition and allied currents of thought. The volumes contain what was then new information on Blake's vast fund of exact knowledge in these fields and Kathleen Raine interprets his works in the light of the ideas that originally inspired and informed them.The core of this important work of scholarship formed the A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts in 1962 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. The expanded two-volume work was originally published by Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1969. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315020877

Blake and Tradition Blake and Tradition is an investigation of the sources of Blake's knowledge of the Neoplatonic and Hermetic tradition and allied currents of thought. The volumes contain what was then new information on Blake's vast fund of exact knowledge in these fields and Kathleen Raine interprets his works in the light of the ideas that originally inspired and informed them.The core of this important work of scholarship formed the A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts in 1962 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. The expanded two-volume work was originally published by Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1969. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429353987

Blake: The Complete Poems William Blake (1757 - 1827) is one of the great figures in literature by turns poet artist and visonary. Profoundly libertarian in outlook Blake's engagement with the issues of his day is well known and this - along with his own idiosynratic concerns - flows through his poetry and art. Like Milton before him the prodigality of his allusions and references is little short of astonishing. Consquently his longer viosnary poems can challege the modern reader who will find in this avowedly open edition all they might need to interpret the poetry. W. H. Stevenson's Blake is a masterpiece of scrupulous scholarship. It is as the editor makes clear in his introduction 'designed to be widely and fluently read' and this Third Edition incorporates many changes to further that aim. Many of the headnotes have been rewritten and the footnotes updated. The full texts of the early prose tracts All Religions are One and There is no Natural Religion are included for the first time. In many instances Blake's capitalisation has been restored better to convey the expressive individuality of his writing. In addition a full colour plate section contains a representation of Blake's most significant paintings and designs. As the 250th anniversary of his birth approaches Blake has perhaps more readers than ever before; Blake: The Complete Poems will stand those readers new and old in good stead for many years to come. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138174344

Blake's Design of Mechanical Joints Blake's Design of Mechanical Joints Second Edition is an updated revision of Alexander Blake’s authoritative book on mechanical joint and fastener design. This revision brings Blake’s 1985 volume up-to-date with modern developments in joint design and recent technological advances in metallic and non-metallic materials and in adhesive joining technologies. The book retains Blake’s lucid readable style and his balance of basic concepts with practical applications. Coverage of statistical methods computational software usage extensive examples and a full glossary have been added to make the new edition a comprehensive practical sourcebook for today's mechanical design engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498766296

Blake's Heroic Argument First published in 1988 this book is a study of all Blake’s work in illuminated printing. It traces in particular the development of his ideas on politics religion sexuality and the imagination. There are substantial sections on some of Blake’s best-known works including the Marriage of Heaven and Hell and the Songs of Innocence and Experience and full critical essays on the Four Zoas and Jerusalem. The book describes the historical contexts of Blake’s work and sets it in relation to the political controversies of his age as these are reflected in the writings of Burke Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft. It discusses the relationships of text and design in Blake the characteristic verbal textures and rhythms of his longer poems some influences on his thought and developing structure of his personal myth and its relationship to other mythologies. The opening chapter discusses areas of fundamental disagreement with some of the main approaches to Blake whilst the final chapter discusses literary theory and the practice of criticism arguing for an open and explicit involvement of personal experience and values and a more creative use of form in critical writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138939233

Blaming the Government: Citizens and the Economy in Five European DemocraciesCitizens and the Economy in Five European Democracies This work examines the impact of macroeconomic conditions on public support for the government in Britain France Netherlands Denmark and Germany. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315483016

Blasphemies ComparedTransgressive Speech in a Globalised World This volume examines both historical developments and contemporary expressions of blasphemy across the world. The transgression of religious boundaries incurs more or less severe sanctions in various religious traditions. This book looks at how religious and political authorities use ideas about blasphemy as a means of control. In a globalised world where people of different faiths interact more than ever before and world-views are an increasingly important part of identity politics religious boundaries are a source of controversy. The book goes beyond many others in this field by widening its scope beyond the legal aspects of freedom of expression. Approaching blasphemy as effective speech the chapters in this book focus on real-life situations and ask the following questions: who are the blasphemers who are their accusers and what does blasphemy accomplish? Utilising case studies from Europe the Middle East and Asia that encompass a wide variety of faith traditions the book guides readers to a more nuanced appreciation of the historical roots political implications and religious rationale of attitudes towards blasphemy. Incorporating historical and contemporary approaches to blasphemy this book will be of great use to academics in Religious Studies and the Sociology of Religion as well as Political Science Media Studies History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367254223

Blasphemy Islam and the StatePluralism and Liberalism in Indonesia This book draws on the work of Rawls to explore the interaction between faith law and the right to religious freedom in post-Soeharto Indonesia the world’s largest democracy after India and the United States.  It argues that enforcement of Islamic principles by the state is inconsistent with religious diversity and the country’s liberal constitution.  The book thus contributes to understanding the role of religion in the development of democracy in the world’s largest Muslim nation. A key objective is to test the argument that Rawls’ thinking about public reason cannot apply to the case of Indonesia and Muslim states more broadly. The book therefore contributes to emerging scholarship that considers Rawls in a Muslim context. In addition to examining public reason in detail and considering critiques of the concept the work highlights the fact that the theory was created to deal with value pluralism and is therefore relevant in any religious setting including an Islamic one. In doing so it emphasises that Islam is multifaceted and demonstrates the difficulties and negative consequences of integrating faith and law in a liberal state. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138362857

Blasphemy in Modern Britain1789 to the Present Originally published in 1999 this book deals with the cultural and legal debates which have counterposed the right to free speech and the need to protect Christian sensibilities in Britain from the time of the French Revolution to the present day. Central to the book is a close study of the content and public reception of the anti-Christian literature of the 19th century associated with the names G.W.Foote and J.W. Gott the Freethinker and The Truthseeker. David Nash here also examines a variety of critical-theoretical approaches to blasphemy and blasphemous writing including postmodernism and the work of Foucault and Said. The book concludes with a detailed examination of 20th-century blasphemy cases up to and including the Gay News case The Last Temptation of Christ and Visions of Ecstasy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429261886

Blast and Ballistic Loading of Structures This book brings together in a concise format the key elements of the loads produced from explosive sources and how they interact with structures. Explosive sources include gas high explosives dust and nuclear materials.It presents quantitative information and design methods in a useable form without recourse to extensive mathematical analysis. The authors Peter Smith and John Hetherington are staff members at the Royal Military College of Science in Shrivenham and have been instrumental in establishing an active team studying the response of structures to blast and ballistic loading. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367866877

Blaster: A Card Game for Problem-Solving Skills Blaster is a fun fast-paced card game to develop children’s problem solving skills and social awareness. Players will learn to approach challenging situations with constructive thoughts communication and actions and are encouraged to consider the consequences of different choices in a safe environment. The game includes examples of everyday situations which might happen in school at home or with friends and is a great way to faciliate discussion about appropriate and inappropriate behaviours through friendly competition. The game includes playing cards and over 100 scenario cards some of which can be customised for different players. Full instructions are provided alongside tips for adults to support personalise and extend the game and a players' prompt mat is available for download from Easy to learn and play this game is ideal for secondary aged children with neurodevelopmental disorders including Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome as well as children with anxiety emotional and behavioural difficulties language difficulties or mild cognitive difficulties. It can be used by teachers teaching assistants SENCOs or therapists supporting children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138337053

Blasting in Mining - New Trends Blasting practices in mines have undergone many changes in the recent past and continue to be honed and reconfigured to meet the demands of today’s mining needs. This volume compiles papers of the workshop Blasting in Mines – New Trends hosted by the Fragblast 10 Symposium . The 17 papers provide a mix which highlight the evolving trends in blasting in mines. These range from special techniques of cast blasting applications of seed wave modelling for improved fragmentation to design of mass blasts and controlled blasting for stability of pit-walls. Blasting in Mines – New Trends will be of particular interest to mining and blasting engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415621397

BlastVorticism 1914-1918 This title was first published in 2000. Founded in 1914 by Wyndham Lewis and christened by Ezra Pound the Vorticism movement was a sustained act of aggression against the moribund Victorianism seen as stifling to artistic energies. Inspired by the example of F.T.Marinetti and the Futurists the Vorticists were nevertheless harshly critical of the Futurists' naive enthusiasm for modernity. They created their own style of geometric abstraction to celebrate the new consciousness of humanity in a mechanized urban environment. But their splintered and discordant style also measured the cost of the psychic disruption that modernity caused. This illustrated guide to the movement covers topics including sculpture painting literary Vorticism women in Vorticism and Vorticist aesthetics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138743137

Blaxploitation Films of the 1970sBlackness and Genre During the early years of the motion picture industry black performers were often depicted as shuckin’ and jivin’ caricatures. Specifically black males were portrayed as toms coons and bucks while the mammy and tragic mulatto archetypes circumscribed black femininity. This misrepresentation began to change in the 1950s and 1960s when performers such as Dorothy Dandridge and Sidney Poitier were cast in more positive roles. These performers paved the way for the black exploitation or blaxploitation movement which began in 1970 and flourished until 1975. The movement is characterized by films that feature a black hero or heroine black supporting characters a predominately black urban setting a display of black sexuality excessive violence and a contemporary rhythm and blues soundtrack. Blaxploitation films were made across varying genres but the questionable elements of some of the pictures caused them to be referred to as "blaxploitation" films with little or no regard given to their generic categorization. This book examines how Cotton Comes to Harlem (1970) Blacula (1972) The Mack (1973) and Cleopatra Jones (1973) can be classified within the detective horror gangster and cop action genres respectively and illustrates the manner in which the inclusion of "blackness" represents a significant revision to the aforementioned genres. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540957

Bleeding KansasSlavery Sectionalism and Civil War on the Missouri-Kansas Border Between 1854 and 1861 the struggle between pro-and anti-slavery factions over Kansas Territory captivated Americans nationwide and contributed directly to the Civil War. Combining political social and military history Bleeding Kansas contextualizes and analyzes prewar and wartime clashes in Kansas and Missouri and traces how these conflicts have been remembered ever since. Michael E. Woods’s compelling narrative of the Kansas-Missouri border struggle embraces the diverse perspectives of white northerners and southerners women Native Americans and African Americans. This wide-ranging and engaging text is ideal for undergraduate courses on the Civil War era westward expansion Kansas and/or Missouri history nineteenth-century US history and other related subjects. Supported by primary source documents and a robust companion website this text allows readers to engage with and draw their own conclusions about this contentious era in American History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138958548

Blended and Online Learning for Global CitizenshipNew Technologies and Opportunities for Intercultural Education By showcasing international European and community-based projects this volume explores how online technologies and collaborative and blended learning can be used to bolster social cohesion and increase students’ understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. With the pace of technology rapidly increasing Blended and Online Learning for Global Citizenship draws timely attention to the global lessons being learned from the impact of these technologies on peace building community development and acceptance of difference. In-depth case studies showcasing successful projects in Europe Northern Ireland and Israel explore blended learning and illustrate how schools and educators have embraced online technologies to foster national and international links both within and beyond communities. This has in turn equipped students with experiences that have informed their attitudes to cultural and political conflicts as well as racial ethnic and social diversity. Building on the authors’ previous work Online Learning and Community Cohesion (2013) this thought-provoking text will be of interest to researchers academics and postgraduate students in the fields of international and comparative education. Educators and school leaders concerned with how multiculturalism and technology play out in the classroom environment will also benefit from reading this text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367408213

Blended Basic Language CoursesDesign Pedagogy and Implementation Blended Basic Language Courses: Design Pedagogy and Implementation examines lower-division blended courses in fifty-two second language programs at U.S. colleges and universities. Drawing upon a large-scale original study of language faculty instructors program directors and students who have experience with blended classes of thirteen languages other than English this volume provides new information about the breadth of blended course designs and implementation strategies in use in basic language programs. The mixed-methods study conducted with surveys and interviews recommends ways that institutions departments and instructors can make the most of digital pedagogy to support student learning both in officially blended courses and at all levels of technological integration from fully face-to-face to fully online. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138571914

Blended Learning and Online TutoringPlanning Learner Support and Activity Design Blended learning provides the flexibility to accommodate the varied requirements of pedagogies disciplines and levels of course together with the needs of a wide variety of learners. However anyone concerned with the integration of online tutoring to support students appropriately may need to reassess current practice. This book adopts a pragmatic and common-sense approach to blended learning by situating the use of online media within a well-grounded teaching and learning strategy. It provides practical ideas for the successful implementation of blended strategies including good practice in both asynchronous and synchronous tutoring appropriate assessment design for developing successful blended learners and innovative approaches to professional development for distance tutors. It is illustrated with a wide variety of examples and comments from students and practitioners in both distance and campus-based environments in 13 different countries. Since the first edition was published in 2006 there has been great interest in Web 2.0 technologies and their potential for use in an educational environment. This second edition has therefore incorporated many new examples of good practice making use of a combination of tried and tested tools as well as blogs and wikis for supporting students. There has also been a recent rise in the use of activity-based learning and interest in its potential for supporting students in distance and online environments. The new edition incorporates many new exemplars of learning activity design in Part Three to illustrate approaches to the development of critical independent learners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138470743

Blended Learning in Engineering EducationRecent Developments in Curriculum Assessment and Practice Blended Learning combines the conventional face-to-face course delivery with an online component. The synergetic effect of the two modalities has proved to be of superior didactic value to each modality on its own. The highly improved interaction it offers to students as well as direct accessibility to the lecturer adds to the hitherto unparalleled learning outcomes. "Blended Learning in Engineering Education: Recent Developments in Curriculum Assessment and Practice" highlights current trends in Engineering Education involving face-to-face and online curriculum delivery. This book will be especially useful to lecturers and postgraduate/undergraduate students as well as university administrators who would like to not only get an up-to-date overview of contemporary developments in this field but also help enhance academic performance at all levels. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138056220

Blended LearningResearch Perspectives Volume 2 Blended learning which combines the strength of face-to-face and technology-enhanced learning is increasingly being seen as one of the most important vehicles for education reform today.   Blended learning allows both teacher and learner access to radically increased possibilities for understanding how we transmit and receive information how we interact with others in educational settings how we build knowledge and how we assess what we have taught or learned.  Blended Learning: Research Perspectives Volume 2 provides readers with the most current in-depth collection of research perspectives on this vital subject addressing institutional issues design and adoption issues and learning issues as well as an informed meditation on future trends and research in the field.  As governments foundations schools and colleges move forward with plans and investments for vast increases in blended learning environments a new examination of the existing research on the topic is essential reading for all those involved in this educational transformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415632515

Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production See Why Blender Is Right for Your Studio’s Pipeline Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production explores why Blender is ideal for animation films. It demonstrates Blender’s capability to do the job in each production department. Whether you are a beginner or more advanced user you’ll see why Blender should be taken into consideration in animation and film production. This Blender reference will help you: Manage your projects from start to finish Understand the different stages in any animation production See how studios work and develop their animation projects Describing the versatility and power of Blender the book shows you why studios should incorporate Blender in their pipeline. It avoids tedious tutorials and incomprehensible examples. Instead the book guides you toward finding efficient solutions for issues with your production files or pipeline. It familiarizes you with the animation industry and explores the risks involved in choosing Blender as a primary tool in animation studios. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781482204742

Blender for Visual Effects Bringing concrete examples from industry to light this book explains how to use Blender to create visual effects for video/film production. It supplies readers with a practical way to learn how to use Blender’s tools across a wide range of scenarios in video/film production including setting up cameras on a stage lighting and other production processes. Maintaining a focus on composition the book not only explains how to use the most common tools such as tracking rendering and compositing but also explains how to deal with software limitations and sort out problems. Since the best way to learn something is with a practical example this book follows one of the author’s own projects starting with how to prepare the elements that will be needed later on. The example illustrates how to use Blender tools and features for scene tracking setup rendering masking and other post-production functions—from start to finish in a professional workflow. The book examines all the compositing nodes that can be used in Blender. It details time-saving tips features such as the motion tracker and rendering techniques so readers will have enough information to accomplish the most common tasks encountered in the creation of a professional visual effects composition. By following the example project presented in the book you will gain the practical understanding required to use Blender’s tools in the most common scenarios in video/film production. You will also gain industry insights into the limitations of the software and how to sort out the problematic scenarios that may come up through the various stages of your project. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781498724500

Blender FoundationsThe Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.6 Blender Foundations is the definitive resource for getting started with 3D art in Blender one of the most popular 3D/Animation tools on the market . With the expert insight and experience of Roland Hess noted Blender expert and author animators and artists will learn the basics starting with the revised 2.6 interface modeling tools sculpting lighting and materials through rendering compositing and video editing. Some of the new features covered include the completely re-thought interface the character animation and keying system and the smoke simulator. More than just a tutorial guide "Blender Foundations" covers the philosophy behind this ingenious software that so many 3D artists are turning to today. Start working today with Blender with the accompanying web site which includes all of the projects and support files alongside videos step-by-step screenshots of the trickier tutorials as well as a direct links to official resources like the Blender download site and artist forums. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138400672

Blender ProductionCreating Short Animations from Start to Finish Short animation projects are ambitious and time-consuming but with a good plan and toolset they can be hugely rewarding. Blender expert Roland Hess will get you up to speed on animated short fundamentals including writing storyboarding blocking and character creation. This follow-up of Blender Foundations will introduce the more advanced functionalities of Blender such as the Library and Linking system physics simulators the integrated compositor and the Sequence Editor. If that wasn’t enough this tutorial-based book will also have you create a short animation from scratch making you a master of the Blender toolkit in no time. * Learn how to fully manage your art assets using the Library and Linking system *Gain practical advice on story construction tailored specifically for short animations *Companion website includes the full Blender software kit sample project files amounting to 100+ MB of valuable content including models textures materials scenes and animations ***PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES WITH THE COMPANION SITE URL.  PLEASE VISIT TO ACCESS ALL OF THE COMPANION MATERIALS!*** Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240821450

'Blerwytirhwng?' The Place of Welsh Pop Music In the 1960s Welsh-language popular music emerged as a vehicle for mobilizing a geographically dispersed community into political action. As the decades progressed Welsh popular music developed beyond its acoustic folk roots adopting the various styles of contemporary popular music and ultimately gaining the cultural self-confidence to compete in the Anglo-American mainstream market. The resulting tensions between Welsh and English amateur and professional rural and urban the local and the international necessitate the understanding of Welsh pop as part of a much larger cultural process. Not merely a 'Celtic' issue the cultural struggles faced by Welsh speakers in a predominantly Anglophone environment are similar to those faced by innumerable other minority communities enduring political social or linguistic domination. The aim of 'Blerwytirhwng?' The Place of Welsh Pop Music is to explore the popular music which accompanied those struggles to connect Wales to the larger Anglo-American popular culture and to consider the shift in power from the dominant to the minority the centre to the periphery. By surveying the development of Welsh-language popular music from 1945-2000 'Blerwytirhwng?' The Place of Welsh Pop examines those moments of crisis in Welsh cultural life which signalled a burgeoning sense of national identity which challenged paradigms of linguistic belonging and out of which emerged new expressions of Welshness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273337

Blessed AnastaciaWomen Race and Popular Christianity in Brazil The weakness of Brazil's black consciousness movement is commonly attributed to the fragility of Afro-Brazilian ethnic identity. In a major account John Burdick challenges this view by revealing the many-layered reality of popular black consciousness and identity in an arena that is usually overlooked: that of popular Christianity.Blessed Anastacia describes how popular Christianity confronts everyday racism and contributes to the formation of racial identity. The author concludes that if organizers of the black consciousness movement were to recognize the profound racial meaning inherent in this area of popular religiosity they might be more successful in bridging the gap with its poor and working-class constituency. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203610541

Blind Equalization and Identification This text seeks to clarify various contradictory claims regarding capabilities and limitations of blind equalization. It highlights basic operating conditions and potential for malfunction. The authors also address concepts and principles of blind algorithms for single input multiple output (SIMO) systems and multi-user extensions of SIMO equalization and identification. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315214917

Blind Image DeconvolutionTheory and Applications Blind image deconvolution is constantly receiving increasing attention from the academic as well the industrial world due to both its theoretical and practical implications. The field of blind image deconvolution has several applications in different areas such as image restoration microscopy medical imaging biological imaging remote sensing astronomy nondestructive testing geophysical prospecting and many others. Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications surveys the current state of research and practice as presented by the most recognized experts in the field thus filling a gap in the available literature on blind image deconvolution.Explore the gamut of blind image deconvolution approaches and algorithms that currently exist and follow the current research trends into the future. This comprehensive treatise discusses Bayesian techniques single- and multi-channel methods adaptive and multi-frame techniques and a host of applications to multimedia processing astronomy remote sensing imagery and medical and biological imaging at the whole-body small-part and cellular levels. Everything you need to step into this dynamic field is at your fingertips in this unique self-contained masterwork.For image enhancement and restoration without a priori information turn to Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications for the knowledge and techniques you need to tackle real-world problems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315221793

Blind Men and ElephantsPerspectives on Humor In Blind Men and Elephants Arthur Asa Berger uses case histories to show how scholars from different disciplines and scholarly domains have tried to describe and understand humor. He reveals not only the many approaches that are available to study humor but also the many perspectives toward humor that characterize each discipline. Each case history sheds light on a particular aspect of humor making the combination of approaches of considerable value in the study of social research.Among the various disciplines that Berger discusses in relation to humor are: communication theory philosophy semiotics literary analysis sociology political science and psychology. Berger deals with these particular disciplines and perspectives because they tend to be most commonly found in the scholarly literature about humor as well as being those that have the most to offer. Blind Men and Elephants covers a wide range of humor from simple jokes to the uses of literary devices in films. Berger observes how humor often employs considerable ridicule directed at diverse groups of people: women men animals politicians African Americans Jews Catholics Protestants gay people straight people and so forth. The book also explains the risk factor in ridicule as a humorous device.Blind Men and Elephants depicts how one entity or one situation can be viewed in as many different ways as the number of people studying it. Berger also shows how those multiple perspectives the Rashomon Effect can be used together to create a clearer understanding of humor. Blind Men and Elephants is a valuable companion to Berger's recent effort about humor An Anatomy of Humor and will be enjoyed by communication and information studies scholars sociologists literary studies specialists philosophers and psychologists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351293723

Blind ObedienceThe Structure and Content of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy There is considerable debate amongst philosophers as to the basic philosophical problem Wittgenstein is attempting to solve in Philosophical Investigations. In this bold and original work Meredith Williams argues that it is the problem of "normative similarity". In Blind Obedience Williams demonstrates how Wittgenstein criticizes traditional representationalist theories of language by employing the ‘master/novice’ distinction of the learner arguing that this distinction is often overlooked but fundamental to understanding philosophical problems about mind and language. The book not only provides revealing discussions of Wittgenstein’s corpus but also intricate analyses of the work of Brandom Dummett Frege Sellars Davidson Cavell and others. These are usefully compared in a bid to better situate Wittgenstein’s non-intellectualist non-theoretical approach and to highlight is unique features. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873858

Blindness and InsightEssays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172821

Blixa Bargeld and Einstürzende Neubauten: German Experimental Music'Evading do-re-mi' At the end of his life Pierre Schaeffer commented that his musical and sound experiments had attempted to go beyond 'do-re-mi'. This had a direct bearing on Einstürzende Neubauten's musical philosophy and work with the musicians always striving to extend the boundaries of music in sound instrumentation and purpose. The group are one of the few examples of 'rock-based' artists who have been able to sustain a breadth and depth of work in a variety of media over a number of years while remaining experimental and open to development. Jennifer Shryane provides a much-needed analysis of the group's important place in popular/experimental music history. She illustrates their innovations with found- and self-constructed instrumentation their Artaudian performance strategies and textual concerns as well as their methods of independence. Einstürzende Neubauten have also made a consistent and unique contribution to the development of the independent German Language Contemporary Music scene which although often acknowledged as influential is still rarely examined. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138278875

Blob Bereavement Cards This set of 48 cards carefully provides an introduction to the nature and experience of loss through bereavement. The cards are particularly designed to use with children who may be confronted with bereavement for the first time and have no experience or knowledge of how to understand and cope with their loss and fears. The images on the cards go through from the moment of being told of their death a variety of ways a person dies the feelings of loss and anger the funeral service and life following this event. The cards can also be used individually or combined to create other situations. It is ideal for use by bereavement counsellors. There are 15 suggested ways to use the cards detailed in the accompanying booklet. The images have been produced in conjunction with Helen MacKinnon of 'Seasaw' Bereavement Group. Contents: 48 full-colour cards 125 x 82mm plus instruction booklet boxed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301016

Blob School Blob School is an educational resource designed specifically for one of the main purchasers of the Blobs  -  teachers! This practical resource aims to cover all the key areas of school life so that teachers assistants school workers pupils and parents can reflect upon a wide range of contexts and issues which occur throughout the school year. The book includes 47 images which can be projected upon an Interactive White Board or photocopied for whole class or small group discussion. The Blobs are simple. They deal with deep issues using the primary languages we learn from infancy  -  feelings and body language. This is why they are used with children as young as 4 all the way through to the elderly. Without words the Blobs can be interpreted in a hundred different ways. There is no right and wrong about the Blobs which is very important. A leader who uses them in a 'one way of reading them only way' will find that the rest of their group become very frustrated in discussions. Each picture is a means to a conversation rather than a problem to be solved or a message to be agreed upon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301382

Block Copolymer Nanocomposites This book provides a comprehensive overview of the synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based on block copolymers. Because of the self-assembly capability of block copolymers for the generation of nanostructures besides their ability to nanostructure thermosetting matrices such as epoxy and polyester binary or ternary nanocomposites can be prepared with different nanofillers such as nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes. The book starts with a review on nanocomposites based on block copolymers and nanoparticles synthesized with the use of surfactants followed by a review on nanocomposites with metallic nanoparticles with polymer brushes and those with carbon nanotubes. A chapter is devoted to binary systems based on block copolymers and nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel. A review on nanocomposites based on thermosetting matrices nanostructured with block copolymers (amphiphilic or chemically modified) is also presented for both epoxy and polyester resins. The work on ternary systems based on thermosetting matrices block copolymers and nanoparticles is presented next. The book concludes with a discussion on nanocomposites based on epoxy and block copolymers with azobenzene groups for optical purposes. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669542

Block Granting MedicaidA Model for 21st Century Health Reform? Medicaid is the largest grant-in-aid program in the United States. Reform in this area therefore provides a unique opportunity to study the intersection between federal and state policy making in an area recently characterized by substantial uncertainty deriving from the lingering effects of the Great Recession ongoing debate over the federal budget and implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Invariably states reform the way health care is delivered regulated and financed within broader parameters established by federal statutes and regulations. It is critical therefore that effective strategies be put into place if both current and future health and long-term care reform efforts are to have their greatest chances at success. Rhode Island is the first state to receive permission to operate its entire Medicaid program under a global cap. As a consequence it has entered the national consciousness as a key data point potentially supporting the block grant approach to Medicaid reform. In this book Edward Alan Miller identifies factors that either facilitated or impeded the design and implementation of Rhode Island’s Global Consumer Choice Compact Medicaid Waiver in order to draw broader lessons for the Medicaid block grant debate and health and long-term care reform more generally. Evidence gathered from archival sources and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders exposes the role that provider capacity has played in the implementation process including adult day care assisted living home maker and other home- and community-based services. The impact of the Global Waiver on the nursing home sector is examined as well in addition to new authority to obtain federal matching dollars for previously state-only funded programs. By providing a sophisticated understanding of factors enhancing or impeding state health reform this book will contribute to improvements in the development and administration of policy development at both the state- and federal-levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138194076

Block SchedulingBringing All the Data Together for Continuous School Improvement This bestseller shows you how block schedules can enhance learning and instruction increase opportunities for students and improve teachers' performance. It provides practical tools for planning and implementation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315853482

Blockchain Big Data and Machine LearningTrends and Applications Present book covers new paradigms in Blockchain Big Data and Machine Learning concepts including applications and case studies.  It explains dead fusion in realizing the privacy and security of blockchain based data analytic environment. Recent research of security based on big data blockchain and machine learning has been explained through actual work by practitioners and researchers including their technical evaluation and comparison with existing technologies. The theoretical background and experimental case studies related to real-time environment are covered as well. Aimed at Senior undergraduate students researchers and professionals in computer science and engineering and electrical engineering this book: Converges Blockchain Big Data and Machine learning in one volume. Connects Blockchain technologies with the data centric applications such Big data and  E-Health. Easy to understand examples on how to create your own blockchain supported by case studies of blockchain in different industries. Covers big data analytics examples using R. Includes lllustrative examples in python for blockchain creation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367370688

Blockchain and Web 3.0Social Economic and Technological Challenges Blockchain is no longer just about bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general. Instead it can be seen as a disruptive revolutionary technology which will have major impacts on multiple aspects of our lives. The revolutionary power of such technology compares with the revolution sparked by the World Wide Web and the Internet in general. Just as the Internet is a means of sharing information so blockchain technologies can be seen as a way to introduce the next level: sharing value. Blockchain and Web 3.0 fills the gap in our understanding of blockchain technologies by hosting a discussion of the new technologies in a variety of disciplinary settings. Indeed this volume explains how such technologies are disruptive and comparatively examines the social economic technological and legal consequences of these disruptions. Such a comparative perspective has previously been underemphasized in the debate about blockchain which has subsequently led to weaknesses in our understanding of decentralized technologies. Underlining the risks and opportunities offered by the advent of blockchain technologies and the rise of Web 3.0 Blockchain and Web 3.0 will appeal to researchers and academics interested in fields such as sociology and social policy cyberculture new media and privacy and data protection. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367139841

Blockchain for Cybersecurity and PrivacyArchitectures Challenges and Applications Blockchain technology is defined as a decentralized system of distributed registers that are used to record data transactions on multiple computers. The reason this technology has gained popularity is that you can put any digital asset or transaction in the blocking chain the industry does not matter. Blockchain technology has infiltrated all areas of our lives from manufacturing to healthcare and beyond. Cybersecurity is an industry that has been significantly affected by this technology and may be more so in the future. Blockchain for Cybersecurity and Privacy: Architectures Challenges and Applications is an invaluable resource to discover the blockchain applications for cybersecurity and privacy. The purpose of this book is to improve the awareness of readers about blockchain technology applications for cybersecurity and privacy. This book focuses on the fundamentals architectures and challenges of adopting blockchain for cybersecurity. Readers will discover different applications of blockchain for cybersecurity in IoT and healthcare. The book also includes some case studies of the blockchain for e-commerce online payment retention payment system and digital forensics. The book offers comprehensive coverage of the most essential topics including: Blockchain architectures and challenges Blockchain threats and vulnerabilities Blockchain security and potential future use cases Blockchain for securing Internet of Things Blockchain for cybersecurity in healthcare Blockchain in facilitating payment system security and privacy This book comprises a number of state-of-the-art contributions from both scientists and practitioners working in the fields of blockchain technology and cybersecurity. It aspires to provide a relevant reference for students researchers engineers and professionals working in this particular area or those interested in grasping its diverse facets and exploring the latest advances on the blockchain for cybersecurity and privacy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367343101

Blockchain for Medical ResearchAccelerating Trust in Healthcare It takes 17 years on average to bring new medical treatments ideas into evidence-based clinical practice. The growing replicability crisis in science further delays these "new miracles." Blockchain can improve science and accelerate medical research while bringing a new layer of trust to healthcare. This book is about science its value to medicine and how we can use blockchain to improve the quality and impact of both. The book looks at science and medicine from an insider’s perspective and describes the processes successes shortcomings and opportunities in an accessible way for a broad audience. It weaves this a non-technical look at the emerging world of blockchain technology; what it is where it is useful and how it can improve science and medicine. It lays out a roadmap for this application to transform how we develop knowledge about health and medicine to improve our lives. In the first part Blockchain isn’t Tech the authors look at blockchain/distributed ledger technology along with critical trade-offs and current explorations of its utility. They give an overview of use cases for the technology across industries including finance manufacturing and healthcare with interviews and insights from leaders across government academia and tech/health industry both big and start-up. In the second part Science is Easy the authors look at science as a process and how this drives advancement in medicine. They shed a light on some of science’s shortcomings including the reproducibility crisis and problems with misaligned incentives (i.e. publish or perish). They apply a breakdown of critical components to the functional steps in the scientific process and outline how the open science movement is looking to improve these while highlighting the limit of these fixes with current technology incentives and structure of science. In the third part DAO of Science the authors look at how blockchain applied to open science can impact medical research. They examine how this distributed approach can provide better quality science value-based research and faster medical miracles. Finally they provide a vision of the future of distributed medical research and give a roadmap of steps to get there. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367347468

Blockchain in HealthcareInnovations that Empower Patients Connect Professionals and Improve Care Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize more than just payment and crypto-currency. Many vertical industries will be reshaped by the new trusted data models enabled and inspired by the blockchain – healthcare is no exception. In fact healthcare may hold the greatest opportunities for meaningful use of the technology. Early pioneers have explored some of the first use cases for medical payments electronic health records HIPAA/data privacy drug counterfeiting and credentialing of healthcare professionals. We have only begun to scratch the surface in how to automate the complexities of today’s healthcare systems and design new systems which focus on trust transparency and the alignment of incentives. Metcalf Bass Dhillon and Hooper have curated a collection of examples based on the fundamentals of blockchain that build upon the early successes and examples that point to the future. After a brief introduction to bitcoin blockchain and the protocols available a getting-started guide is presented specific to health and healthcare. The authors discuss the complexities and possibilities of smart contracts and some of the early consortia that are exploring the possibilities. Examples and use cases are found throughout the book with specific sections that cover the more sophisticated and far-reaching examples which have the potential to scale at the industry-level. In addition a discussion of integrating blockchain technology into other advanced healthcare trends and IT systems – such as telemedicine artificial intelligence machine learning the Internet of Things value-based payments patient engagement solutions big data solutions medical tourism and precision medicine/genetic therapies among many others are presented. The final section provides a glimpse into the future using blockchain technology and examples of research projects that are still in labs across the globe. The appendices may prove particularly useful for additional details on how to get started including resources and organizations specifically focusing on blockchain and distributed ledger solutions. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367031084

Blockchain Technology and Applications Blockchain is emerging as a powerful technology which has attracted the wider attention of all businesses across the globe. In addition to financial businesses IT companies and business organizations are keenly analyzing and adapting this technology for improving business processes. Security is the primary enterprise application. There are other crucial applications that include creating decentralized applications and smart contracts which are being touted as the key differentiator of this pioneering technology. The power of any technology lies in its ecosystem. Product and tool vendors are building and releasing a variety of versatile and robust toolsets and platforms in order to speed up and simplify blockchain application development deployment and management. There are other infrastructure-related advancements in order to streamline blockchain adoption. Cloud computing big data analytics machine and deep learning algorithm and connected and embedded devices all are driving blockchain application development and deployment. Blockchain Technology and Applications illustrates how blockchain is being sustained through a host of platforms programming languages and enabling tools. It examines: Data confidential integrity and authentication Distributed consensus protocols and algorithms Blockchain systems design criteria and systems interoperability and scalability Integration with other technologies including cloud and big data It also details how blockchain is being blended with cloud computing big data analytics and IoT across all industry verticals. The book gives readers insight into how this path-breaking technology can be a value addition in several business domains ranging from healthcare financial services government supply chain and retail. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367533403

Blockchain Technology and the Internet of ThingsChallenges and Applications in Bitcoin and Security This new volume looks at the electrifying world of blockchain technology and how it has been revolutionizing the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems. Aimed primarily at business users and developers who are considering blockchain-based projects the volume provides a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of blockchain technology. It presents a selection of chapters on topics that cover new information on blockchain and bitcoin security IoT security threats and attacks privacy issues fault-tolerance mechanisms and more. Some major software packages are discussed and it also addresses the legal issues currently affecting the field. The information presented here is relevant to current and future problems relating to blockchain technology and will provide the tools to build efficient decentralized applications. Blockchain technology and the IoT can profoundly change how the world—and businesses—work and this book provides a window into the current world of blockchain. No longer limited to just Bitcoin blockchain technology has spread into many sectors and into a significant number of different technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888974

Blockchain Technology and the LawOpportunities and Risks Blockchain Technology and the Law: Opportunities and Risks is one of the first texts to offer a critical analysis of Blockchain and the legal and economic challenges faced by this new technology. This book will offer those who are unfamiliar with Blockchain an introduction as to how the technology works and will demonstrate how a legal framework that governs it can be used to ensure that it can be successfully deployed.Discussions included in this book:- an introduction to smart contracts and their potential from a commercial and consumer law perspective to change the nature of transactions between parties;- the impact that Blockchain has already had on financial services and the possible consumer risks and macro-economic issues that may arise in the future;- the challenges that are facing global securities regulators with the development of Initial Coin Offerings and the ongoing risks that they pose to the investing public;- the risk of significant privacy breaches due to the online public nature of Blockchain; and- the future of Blockchain technology.Of interest to academics policy-makers technology developers and legal practitioners this book will provide a thorough examination of Blockchain technology in relation to the law from a comparative perspective with a focus on the United Kingdom Canada and the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780367730925

Blockchain TechnologyFundamentals Applications and Case Studies This book presents a detailed exploration of adaption and implementation as well as a 360-degree view spectrum of blockchain technologies in real-world business applications. Blockchain is gaining momentum in all sectors. This book offers a collection of protocol standards issues security improvements applicability features and types of cryptocurrency in processing and through 5G technology. The book covers the evolution of blockchain from fundamental theories to present forms. It offers diversified business applications with usable case studies and provides successful implementations in cloud/edge computing smart city and IoT. The book emphasizes the advances and cutting-edge technologies along with the different tools and platforms. The primary audience for this book includes industry experts researchers graduates and under graduates practitioners and business managers who are engaged in blockchain and IoT-related technologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367431372

Blockchain-enabled Fog and Edge Computing: Concepts Architectures and ApplicationsConcepts Architectures and Applications This comprehensive book unveils the working relationship of blockchain and the fog/edge computing. The contents of the book have been designed in such a way that the reader will not only understand blockchain and fog/edge computing but will also understand their co-existence and their collaborative power to solve a range of versatile problems.   The first part of the book covers fundamental concepts and the applications of blockchain-enabled fog and edge computing. These include: Internet of Things Tactile Internet Smart City; and E-challan in the Internet of Vehicles. The second part of the book covers security and privacy related issues of blockchain-enabled fog and edge computing. These include hardware primitive based Physical Unclonable Functions; Secure Management Systems; security of Edge and Cloud in the presence of blockchain; secure storage in fog using blockchain; and using differential privacy for edge-based Smart Grid over blockchain.   This book is written for students computer scientists researchers and developers who wish to work in the domain of blockchain and fog/edge computing. One of the unique features of this book is highlighting the issues challenges and future research directions associated with Blockchain-enabled fog and edge computing paradigm. We hope the readers will consider this book a valuable addition in the domain of Blockchain and fog/edge computing. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367457358

BlockchainTransforming Your Business and Our World The internet was envisaged as a decentralised global network but in the past 25 years it has come to be controlled by a few very powerful centralised companies. Blockchain is a technological paradigm shift that allows secure reliable and direct information transfer between individuals organisations and things so that we can manage verify and control the use of our own data. Blockchain also offers a new opportunity for humanity to fix some major problems. It can authenticate data manage its analysis and automate its use. With better data comes better decision-making. In this way Blockchain can contribute to solving climate change reduce voting fraud fix our identity systems improve fair trade and give the poor an opportunity to improve their lives by monetising their (digital) capital. A world built upon peer-to-peer transactions and smart contracts can empower individuals and communities. This book offers a fresh perspective with which to consider this transformative technology. It describes how Blockchain can optimise the processes that run our society. It provides practical solutions to global problems and offers a roadmap to incorporate Blockchain in your business. It offers a blueprint for a better world. Filled with easy-to-understand examples this book shows how Blockchain can take over where the internet has fallen short. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138313248

Blocks and Freedoms in Sexual LifeHandbook in Psychosexual Medicine Doctors increasingly recognize that sexual unhappiness has serious effects on the health of individuals and families. Sexual function depends on our bodies and our minds and sexual problems may present with physical symptoms. Using case histories the book describes the practice of psychosexual medicine and explores the skills used by doctors therapists and counsellors. A systematic and comprehensive examination of this field for the first time this book places psychosexual medicine in context with other therapies. For those working at all levels throughout primary care including doctors and nurses in general practice and in family planning clinics therapists and counsellors and for specialists in the fields of genito-urinary medicine gynaecology andrology and urology Blocks and Freedoms in Sexual Life is an essential reference and a tool for increasing the scope and effectiveness of their work. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315381039

blogdownCreating Websites with R Markdown blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown provides a practical guide for creating websites using the blogdown package in R. In this book we show you how to use dynamic R Markdown documents to build static websites featuring R code (or other programming languages) with automatically rendered output such as graphics tables analysis results and HTML widgets. The blogdown package is also suitable for technical writing with elements such as citations footnotes and LaTeX math. This makes blogdown an ideal platform for any website designed to communicate information about data science data analysis data visualization or R programming. Note that blogdown is not just for blogging or sites about R; it can also be used to create general-purpose websites. By default blogdown uses Hugo a popular open-source static website generator which provides a fast and flexible way to build your site content to be shared online. Other website generators like Jekyll and Hexo are also supported. In this book you will learn how to: Build a website using the blogdown package; Create blog posts and other website content as dynamic documents that can be easily edited and updated; Customize Hugo templates to suit your site’s needs; Publish your website online; Migrate your existing websites to blogdown and Hugo. Yihui Xie is a software engineer at RStudio. He has authored and co-authored several R packages including knitr rmarkdown bookdown blogdown shiny xaringan and animation. He has published two other books Dynamic Documents with R and knitr and bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. Amber Thomas is a data journalist and "maker" at the online publication of visual essays: The Pudding ( Her educational background was marine biology but she has a strong love of data analysis visualization and storytelling. Alison Presmanes Hill is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University where she teaches Computer Science courses on data analysis data science and visualization. Her research focuses on using computational methods to study the development of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in particular Autism Spectrum Disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815363729

Bloggers Boot CampLearning How to Build Write and Run a Successful Blog Anyone can build a blog. It’s quite easy. The difficult part is keeping it relevant technically sound and popular. Bloggers Boot Camp shows you how to blog for success. It teaches you how to find a niche find your unique voice and how to hold a conversation with an audience. It provides information on all the right tools for the blog and it offers best ways to promote your blog and content for maximum success and a profitable life.  Though rules in creating compelling content haven’t really changed ways in which the world blogs has since the last edition. The authors have learned a lot about social media since writing the previous edition’s manuscript. They understand and know how social media can make or break a blog. Microblogging is a new trend brought on by the wide utilization of social media. To that same end networking with other bloggers and content creators on the web is another form of building one’s blog and one’s reputation as a writer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415737142

Blogging Citizenship and the Future of Media This collection of original essays addresses a number of questions seeking to increase our understanding of the role of blogs in the contemporary media landscape. It takes a provocative look at how blogs are reshaping culture media and politics while offering multiple theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to the study. Americans are increasingly turning to blogs for news information and entertainment. But what is the content of blogs? Who writes them? What is the consequence of the population’s growing dependence on blogs for political information? What are the effects of blogging? Do readers trust blogs as credible sources of information? The volume includes quantitative and qualitative studies of the blogosphere its contents its authors and its networked connections. The readers of blogs are another focus of the collection: how are blog readers different from the rest of the population? What consequences do blogs have for the lives of everyday people? Finally the book explores the ramifications of the blog phenomenon on the future of traditional media: television newspapers and radio. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203944196

Blogging and Other Social MediaExploiting the Technology and Protecting the Enterprise Blogging and other types of social media such as wikis and social networking sites have transformed the way we use the internet in recent years. It is a transformation that business is eager to exploit. In order to do so a clear commercial strategy needs to be established; does your organization wish to use the media actively as a business tool or do you need to respond to the use of social media by others? Blogging and Other Social Media will address this question with practical guidance on using social media as well as the risks associated with it. A collaboration by leading thinkers and business users of social media the book contains detailed and practical advice on the various forms of social media - their applications advantages and disadvantages how these technologies are evolving and whether or not their use will benefit your business. The section covering social media and the law explains the risks and remedies related to abuse of copyright defamation privacy data protection and user contracts as well as the opportunities and threats for online reputation. If you are looking to encourage your employees but want to protect your business from the threats this emerging media presents get a copy of this practical guide and study it before you start including social media as part of your corporate marketing or communications strategy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255470

Blogging My ReligionSecular Muslim and Catholic Media Spaces in Europe Religion in Europe is currently undergoing changes that are reconfiguring physical and virtual spaces of practice and belief and these changes need to be understood with regards to the proliferation of digital media discourses. This book explores religious change in Europe through a comparative approach that analyzes Atheist Catholic and Muslim blogs as spaces for articulating narratives about religion that symbolically challenge the power of religious institutions. The book adds theoretical complexity to the study of religion and digital media with the concept of hypermediated religious spaces. The theory of hypermediation helps to critically discuss the theory of secularization and to contextualize religious change as the result of multiple entangled phenomena. It considers religion as being connected with secular and post-secular spaces and media as embedding material forms institutions and technologies. A spatial perspective contextualizes hypermediated religious spaces as existing at the interstice of alternative and mainstream private and public imaginary and real venues. By offering the innovative perspective of hypermediated religious spaces this book will be of significant interest to scholars of religious studies the sociology of religion and digital media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584870

Blogging WildlifeThe Perception of Animals by Hikers on the Appalachian Trail This volume reports on the encounters between hikers and wildlife on the Appalachian Trail. Based on narratives provided by trail hikers it explores the ways in which humans relate to the animals with whom they temporarily share a home. With attention to the themes of pilgrimage the changing perception of the animals encountered and reactions to them risk auditory experience and a sense of wildness the author considers the meaning constituted by nonhuman animals in the context of the walkers’ narrative journeys. A phenomenologically informed study of the ways in which people perceive wild animals when in an unmediated wilderness setting how they navigate interactions with them and how they experience living among them Blogging Wildlife will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in anthrozoology and human–animal relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367351007

Blood Bodies and Families in Early Modern England This collection of essays contains a wealth of information on the nature of the family in the early modern period. This is a core topic within economic and social history courses which is taught at most universities. This text gives readers an overview of how feminist historians have been interpreting the history of the family ever since Laurence Stone's seminal work FAMILY SEX AND MARRIAGE IN ENGLAND 1500-1800 was published in 1977.The text is divided into three coherent parts on the following themes: bodies and reproduction; maternity from a feminist perspective; and family relationships. Each part is prefaced by a short introduction commenting on new work in the area.This book will appeal to a wide variety of students because of its sociological historical and economic foci. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138173347

Blood and Home in Early Modern DramaDomestic Identity on the Renaissance Stage In this volume the author argues that blood was crucially a means by which dramatists negotiated shifting contours of domesticity in 16th and 17th century England. Early modern English drama vividly addressed contemporary debates over an expanding idea of "the domestic " which encompassed the domus as well as sex parenthood household order the relationship between home and state and the connections between family honor and national identity. The author contends that the domestic ideology expressed by theatrical depictions of marriage and household order is one built on the simultaneous familiarity and violence inherent to blood. The theatrical relation between blood and home is far more intricate than the idealized language of the familial bloodline; the home was itself a bloody place with domestic bloodstains signifying a range of experiences including religious worship sex murder birth healing and holy justice. Focusing on four bleeding figures—the Bleeding Bride Bleeding Husband Bleeding Child and Bleeding Patient—the author argues that the household blood of the early modern stage not only expressed the violence and conflict occasioned by domestic ideology but also established the home as a site that alternately reified and challenged patriarchal authority. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377516

Blood in the BankSocial and Legal Aspects of Death at Work First published in 1999 this volume is based upon a detailed empirical study of 40 cases of commercially-related deaths - the first such English study. The cases are taken from 20 towns and cities in England. Slapper critically examines the theory and practice of the legal response to such deaths. The conduct of the Health and Safety Executive the police coroner lawyers and the Crown Prosecution Service are analyzed in detail. He executes his analysis in three stages: events are first scrutinized in the context of the law that governs them; the deaths and official responses are then considered in the context of the psychology of the decision-makers; and finally the dramas are looked at in a wider context of political economy. Slapper draws several disturbing conclusions. His original empirical research based on attending coroner’s hearings and interviewing those interviewing those involved in enforcing safety laws shows how and why potentially criminal behaviour at work is constructed as merely regulatory misbehaviour or even as no more than an unavoidable ‘accident’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611689

Blood Into InkSouth Asian And Middle Eastern Women Write War "These writings on war by Middle Eastern and South Asian women are passionate bitter and deeply attached to place and circumstance. They should be part of our essential reading. At the tail end of this century they help to remap a vivid splintering world".--Meena Alexander author of "Fault Lines". Lightning Print On Demand Title Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314682

Blood Libel and Its DerivativesThe Scourge of Anti-Semitism At the doorstep of the twenty-first century one would expect that medieval concepts such as blood libel the accusation that Jews kill children to use their blood in religious ritual would have been discarded by any civilized human being. Certainly in the Christian world where the story originated and endured for centuries modern attitudes have nearly erased these barbaric accusations. But in Arab and Islamic worlds where enmity towards Israel and Zionism has conditioned beliefs attitudes positions and fantasies blood libel and similar charges are still part of life.Most people are unaware of the history of blood libel and do not perceive links between it and many of the false accusations currently hurled against the state of Israel. Raphael Israeli argues that individuals and organizations guilty of human rights crimes project crimes onto Israel to avoid awareness of their own guilt. Certainly when countries ruled by dictators set the agenda of the UN Council for human rights Israel is consistently censured and condemned.Accusations of "apartheid" and charges of discrimination against Muslims are frequently made. Israel is accused of plots against Muslims in order to harm their productive sectors of using weapons of mass destruction to commit "genocide" against Arabs of injecting poisonous substances into Palestinian children of poisoning Arab lands under the guise of "agricultural aid " and of laying siege to peaceful citizens. All of these charges are derivatives of blood libel and have been adopted by Middle East Jihadists in their struggle against Israel. This volume aims to explain the origins of the charge of blood libel and define the ways its derivatives have achieved acceptance in certain parts of the world today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507746

Blood MattersFive Civilized Tribes and the Search of Unity in the 20th Century This study explores how the five tribes of Oklahoma - Cherokees Chickasaws Choctaws Creeks and Seminoles - strove to achieve political unity within their tribes during the first decades of the 20th century by forging a new sense of peoplehood around the idea of blood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964815

Blood StoriesMenarche and the Politics of the Female Body in Contemporary U.S. Society Blood Stories focuses on menarche as a central aspect of body politics in contemporary US society emphasizing that women are integrated into the social and sexual order through the body. Using oral and written narratives of 104 diverse women the authors address the central question of how menarche as a bodily event signifying womanhood takes on cultural significance in a society that devalues women. Exploring issues of contamination and concealment and the sexualization of women's bodies that occurs at menarche the authors emphasize how the politics of gender are negotiated on/through women's bodies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865812

BloodlinesRecovering Hitler's Nuremberg Laws from Patton's Trophy to Public Memorial At the end of World War II an American military intelligence team retrieved an original copy of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws signed by Hitler and turned over this rare document to General George S. Patton. In 1999 after fifty-five years in the vault of the Huntington Library in southern California the Nuremberg Laws resurfaced and were put on public display for the first time at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. In this far-ranging interdisciplinary study that is part historical analysis part cultural critique part detective story and part memoir Tony Platt explores a range of interrelated issues: war-time looting remembrance of the holocaust German and American eugenics and the public responsibilities of museums and cultural centers. This book is based on original research by the author and co-researcher historian Cecilia O'Leary in government military and library archives; interviews and oral histories; and participant observation. It is both a detailed scholarly analysis and a record of the author's activist efforts to correct the historical record. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635774

Bloodrites of the Post-StructuralistsWord Flesh and Revolution How do you write history when it's no longer linear? In Bloodrites of the Post-Structuralists respected political theorist Anne Norton reminds us of the real interplay between words (laws scriptures myths and texts) and the world of flesh. Drawing from sources as diverse as foundational myths from Sarah in the bible Marat in his death bath and thinkers like Hegel and Foucault Norton reinterprets the relationship between word and flesh and places it in historical context. The French and English Revolutions as well as the period of anti-colonialism and post-colonialism are used to frame her discussion of word and body and their historical significance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203616680

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis FundamentalsPrinciples and Scientific Practice This book takes a step-by-step approach to the underlying foundational principles and science behind bloodstain pattern analysis. The book examines the physical properties of blood; patterns and classification of patterns; how to document collect and preserve evidence; as well as the mathematics of impact patterns and the latest methods for performing presumptive tests and chemical enhancements. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498733229

Bloody NationsMoral Dilemmas for Nations States and International Relations The dominance of nationalism as ideology and the resurgence of nationalist and ethnic conflict since the end of the Cold War both demand further analysis of the complex interplay between nation state sovereignty and self determination. Contrary to many commentators who regard nationalism today merely as an atavistic counter-modernist experience Cherry Bradshaw places the phenomenon of nationalism squarely within the continuing Enlightenment project and brings together political theory history anthropology and international relations in order to investigate the appeal and the dangers of nationalism in contemporary world politics. This is critical reading for those interested in ethics political theory and philosophy human rights and political sociology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569550

Bloody RevengeEmotions Nationalism And War In this book the author argues that the roots of protracted conflict lie in unacknowledged feelings of shame and rage. He builds from the assumption that the social bond is a real and palpable phenomena and that in every type of human contact the bond is built maintained repaired or damaged. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158804

Blow-up for Higher-Order Parabolic Hyperbolic Dispersion and Schrodinger Equations Blow-up for Higher-Order Parabolic Hyperbolic Dispersion and Schrödinger Equations shows how four types of higher-order nonlinear evolution partial differential equations (PDEs) have many commonalities through their special quasilinear degenerate representations. The authors present a unified approach to deal with these quasilinear PDEs. The book first studies the particular self-similar singularity solutions (patterns) of the equations. This approach allows four different classes of nonlinear PDEs to be treated simultaneously to establish their striking common features. The book describes many properties of the equations and examines traditional questions of existence/nonexistence uniqueness/nonuniqueness global asymptotics regularizations shock-wave theory and various blow-up singularities. Preparing readers for more advanced mathematical PDE analysis the book demonstrates that quasilinear degenerate higher-order PDEs even exotic and awkward ones are not as daunting as they first appear. It also illustrates the deep features shared by several types of nonlinear PDEs and encourages readers to develop further this unifying PDE approach from other viewpoints. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781482251722

Blue Economy of the Indian OceanResource Economics Strategic Vision and Ethical Governance The economic paradigms currently dominating the world are not sustainable. The threats from climate change exploitation-based approaches to commerce and the excess acquisition of resources loom large as well as the possibility of military flare-ups. Maintaining a balance between development and ecosystems aspirations for growth and the need for sustainability is a prescient challenge. The Indian Ocean Region (IOR) encompasses some of the poorest countries in the world and those that will bear the brunt of the negative impacts from climate change. This book explores the immense potential of the IOR and how best to maintain sustainable and responsible economic and strategic activities. The combination of science innovation and entrepreneurship will create a new blue economy business model which has the potential to transform society. Based on critical analysis of the model and its practical applications including risks as well as opportunities the topics discussed range from food security energy and resilience to climate change trade and investments and improved maritime connectivity to tourism poverty alleviation and socioeconomic growth encompassing a wide range of interests and expertise. FEATURES Examines the geo-politics geo-resources and geo-hazards of the IOR and identifies opportunities and methods to achieve success Covers a detailed assessment of available resources (fisheries minerals energy) threats such as pollution (plastic acoustic carbon bio-invasion) geo-politics (maritime security military invasion) and strategic vision (determining carrying capacity ethical governance and responsible ecosystem) of the Indian Ocean Analyzes the economics of the blue economy the global scenario including the Pacific and Caribbean islands and the aspect of the Chinese geo-political invasion in the Indian Ocean Inspires entrepreneurs to adopt new ways of creating economic benefits reducing energy use and increasing revenue while simultaneously helping the communities involved Discusses the threat and security perspectives of the IOR and the collective responsibility for a sustainable use of resources Crossing a wide range of interests and expertise this book explores topics and ideas that will be essential to researchers and professionals in marine sciences economics business geography and political sciences. Graduate students in the same fields as well as any and all organizations that maintain a presence in the IOR will likewise find this book to be a valuable resource. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367334673

Blue GenesSharing and Conserving the World's Aquatic Biodiversity The advance of genetic sciences has led to a 'blue revolution' in the way we use aquatic biodiversity. By 2020 the world will be eating almost as much farmed as wild fish marine bacteria could yield the cure for cancer and deep-sea bacteria may be exploited to gobble up oil spills. Science is moving ahead at a staggering speed and the demand for genetic resources is growing rapidly - yet governance and policy lag far behind. This groundbreaking work is the first to look at the ownership governance and trade in aquatic genetic resources. Blue Genes describes the growing demand for aquatic genetic resources and the desperate need to fill the policy vacuum about the management and conservation of aquatic biodiversity which would help create a foundation for rules dictating access to and use of aquatic genetic resources. Special attention is paid to indigenous and local people having the right to access these resources and their role in managing and conserving aquatic biodiversity. The book concludes with policy recommendations specifically tailored to aquatic resources with the use of six case studies from four continents to illustrate key issues. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770606

Blue GoldThe Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World's Water International tensions around water are rising in many of the world's most volatile regions. The policy recipe pursued by the West and imposed on governments elsewhere is to pass control over water to private interests which simply accelerates the cycle of inequality and deprivation. California as well as China South Africa Mexico and countries on every continent already face a crisis. This book exposes the enormity of the problem the dangers of the proposed solution and the alternative which is to recognize access to water as a fundamental human right not dependent on ability to pay. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096216

Blue Marble EvaluationPremises and Principles As a transdisciplinary profession evaluation has much to offer to global change interventions that work toward a sustainable future across national boundaries sectors and issues. This book introduces Blue Marble evaluation which provides a framework for developing adapting and evaluating major systems change initiatives involving complex networks of stakeholders. Michael Quinn Patton demonstrates how the four overarching principles and 12 operating principles of this innovative approach allow evaluators planners and implementers to home in on sustainability and equity issues in an intervention. Compelling case examples bulleted review lists charts and 80 original exhibits and graphics connect the global and local the human and ecological. Rooted in utilization-focused developmental and principles-focused evaluation Blue Marble evaluation is designed to tackle problems outside the reach of traditional evaluation practice.  Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462541942

Blue RevolutionIntegrated Land and Water Resources Management 'Blue Revolution upturns some environmental applecarts - not for the hell of it but so we can manage our environment better.' Fred Pearce New Scientist This updated and revised edition of The Blue Revolution provides further evidence of the need to integrate land management decision-making into the process of integrated water resources management. It presents the key issues involved in finding the balance between the competing demands for land and water: for food and other forms of economic production for sustaining livelihoods and for conservation amenity recreation and the requirements of the environment. It also advocates the means and methodologies for addressing them. A new chapter 'Policies Power and Perversity ' describes the perverse outcomes that can result from present often myth-based land and water policies which do not consider these land and water interactions. New research and case studies involving ILWRM concepts are presented for the Panama Canal catchments and in relation to afforestation proposals for the UK Midlands. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770613

Blue Sky BodyThresholds for Embodied Research Blue Sky Body: Thresholds for Embodied Research is the follow-up to Ben Spatz's 2015 book What a Body Can Do charting a course through more than twenty years of embodied artistic and scholarly research. Emerging from the confluence of theory and practice this book combines full-length critical essays with a kaleidoscopic selection of fragments from journal entries performance texts and other unpublished materials to offer a series of entry points organized by seven keywords: city song movement theater sex document politics. Brimming with thoughtful and sometimes provocative takes on embodiment technology decoloniality the university and the politics of knowledge the work shared here models the integration of artistic and embodied research with critical thought opening new avenues for transformative action and experimentation. Invaluable to scholars and practitioners working through and beyond performance Blue Sky Body is both an unconventional introduction to embodied research and a methodological intervention at the edges of contemporary theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138608559

Blue Space Health and WellbeingHydrophilia Unbounded Health geography makes critical contributions to contemporary and emerging interdisciplinary agendas of nature-based health and health-enabling places. Couched in theory and critical empirical work on nature and health this book addresses questions on the relationships between water health and wellbeing. Water and blue space is a key focus in current health geography research and a new hydrophilic turn has emerged with a particular focus on the aspects of water which are affective life-enhancing and health-enabling. Research considers the benefits and risks associated with blue space from access to safe and clean water in the Global South to health promoting spaces found around urban waters to the deeper implications of climate change for water-based livelihoods and indigenous cultures. This book reflects recent theoretical debates within health geography drawing from research in the public health anthropology and psychology sectors. Broad thematic sections focus on interdisciplinary experiential and equity-based elements of blue space with individual chapters that consider indigenous and global health water’s healing properties leisure and blue yogic culture coastal landscapes surfing swimming and sailing along with more contested hydrophobic dimensions.The interdisciplinary lens means this book will be extremely valuable to human geographers and cultural geographers. It will also appeal to practitioners and researchers interested in environmental health leisure and tourism health inequalities and public health more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661809

BlueberriesA Century of Research Blueberries: A Century of Research presents the results of basic and applied research into blueberry science and culture around the world. It contains technical reports on genetics nutrition physiology culture and harvesting of several blueberry species. Readers will find much current helpful and interesting information for their work with blueberries.General areas covered in the book are the blueberry culture and its future blueberry genetics and diseases blueberry nutrition and blueberry fruit quality. Specific chapters address a variety of topics including: utilization of wild blueberry germplasm use of sparkleberry in breeding highbush cultivars identification of markers linked to genes controlling chilling requirement and cold hardiness detection of blueberry scorch virus and red ringspot virus methods of controlling blueberry gall midge damage control of bunchberry in wild blueberry fields blueberry nitrate reductase activity use of gibberellic acid as a management tool for increasing yield of rabbiteye blueberry blueberry culture and research in JapanIn Blueberries: A Century of Research small fruit researchers extension workers and blueberry specialists will find important new information for continued improvement of blueberry culture and specialization. The book is a vital resource that appeals to a professional audience worldwide. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138497

Blueprint 1For a Green Economy This report has been prepared by the London Environmental Economics Centre (LEEC). LEEC is a joint venture established in 1988 by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and the department of Economics of University College London (UCL). Popularly known as The Pearce Report this book is a report prepared for the Department of the Environment. It demonstrates the ways in which elements in our environment at present under threat from many forms of pollution can be costed. The book goes on to show ways in which governments are able as a consequence of this analysis to construct systems of taxation which would both reduce pollution by making it too costly and generate revenue for cleaning up much of the damage. The book ends with a series of skeleton programmes for progress. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138176195

Blueprint 2Greening the World Economy Following 'Blueprint for a Green Economy' (the Pearce Report) David Pearce and his team have turned their attention to global environmental threats. If it makes sense to apply economic analysis to national environmental problems then it makes even more sense to apply it to world-wide dangers. The authors start by describing the reasons for using economic approaches to common resources like climate ozone and biodiversity. They then take a detailed look at the economic ways of tackling the issues involved in global warming ozone layer depletion environmental degradation in the Third World population rain forests aid equity international environmental co-operation and what might amount to green foreign policies. They show not only how to take all these things into account in economic theory but also the economic price of failing to do so. Blueprint 2 is an agenda for international and governmental economic action. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138423930

Blueprint 3Measuring Sustainable Development Blueprint 3 is the direct sequel to the ground-breaking Blueprint for a Green Economy. Taking the argument much further David Pearce and his colleagues show how progress towards sustainability in the UK can be measured. They set out the conditions for sustainable development and the measures of economic progress these imply before looking in detail at all the main areas of economic activity to which the measures are applicable. The result is a wide-ranging and cogent critique of existing policies which also offers new options - options which will require far-reaching reform of this country's existing political and institutional structure. Blueprint 3 will be a touchstone for future discussions of all the major policy areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164185

Blueprint 4Capturing Global Environmental Value Blueprint 4 continues the theme of Blueprint 2 in looking at the opportunities for using market forces for environmental ends. It assesses a range of possible imaginative 'global bargains' which give all parties a self-interested incentive to improve the global environment. The book begins by reviewing the principle global issues to be addressed and then explains the mechanisms of resource degradation: how economic systems fail the operation of trade on the environment and the effects of population growth and consumption patterns. It then shows how environmental value can be captured and the basis means and institutions for doing so. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138423909

Blueprint 5True Costs of Road Transport Evidence has come to light regarding the impact of benzene emissions from road transport the incidence of asthmatic attacks and the possible toll of particulate matter from diesel engines on human health. This book examines the issues and argues that without a fundamental change in policy it is inevitable that the transport sector will continue to impose increasing costs on the natural environment human health and the economy. It also quantifies the external costs of road transport and suggests new measures such as road pricing and financial incentives to pave the way to a sustainable transport system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138423886

Blueprint for a Common School Originally published in 1943 recognising the importance of early education this title looked at a way forward for creating a "Common School" for all children. At a time when most attention was focused on secondary education this title outlines a plan for primary state education much of it suggested by experience in elementary schools along with the author’s own research and reflection. Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138337299

Blueprint for EngagementAuthentic Leadership Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and are built on an ethical foundation. By building trust and generating enthusiastic support from their subordinates authentic leaders are able to improve individual and team performance. Many scholars and practitioners of authentic leadership say that the number one quality of an authentic leader is self-awareness. Self-aware leaders are transformational. Armed with self-awareness they build engaging cooperative teams. How to gain and sustain self-awareness is the focus of the book. This book addresses current leadership challenges in health care and gives leaders guidelines for finding living and sharing their authentic voice at home and at work. It is a much needed handbook to give current leaders perspective and practical tips to being more authentic communicating more effectively while building engaging rapport across the organization. Additionally a focus of the book is patient satisfaction. With a focus on nurse and physician leadership this book provides new perspectives and action plans to increase patient satisfaction through communication that speaks to the needs of the patient in authentic and engaging ways. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138747135

Blueprint for ScreenwritingA Complete Writer's Guide to Story Structure and Character Development Blueprint for Screenwriting demystifies the writing process by developing a "blueprint" for writers to follow for each new screenplay--from original concept to completed script. Author and international script consultant Dr. Rachel Ballon explores the writing craft and emphasizes creativity in the writing process. She blends her expertise in script analysis and writing coaching with her personal experience as a screenwriter to help writers construct their stories and characters.Starting with the story's framework Dr. Ballon helps readers to understand the key "building blocks" of story structure and character development including characters' emotional and psychological states story conflicts and scene and act structure. She also covers the essential components in the script writing process such as outlines script treatments synopses and formats. Dr. Ballon devotes a chapter to overcoming writer's block--the writer's greatest obstacle--and offers guidance for taking the next steps once a script is completed.A practical tool for any writer this distinctive resource:*offers a blueprint for writers to follow breaking the writing process down into specific easy-to-follow steps;*stresses the psychology of the characters as well as that of the writer; and*offers first-hand knowledge of the screenwriting process and gives practical advice for completing and marketing scripts.With its unique and insightful approach to the writing process this book will be indispensable for scriptwriters fiction writers and professional writers and it will serve as a useful text in screenwriting courses. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410611123

Blueprint ReadingFundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator Experience has shown that when maintenance operators can understand and properly use blueprints and schematics they have little difficulty in correctly interpreting and using plant unit process drawings. Blueprint Reading bridges the gap between available training materials and the information water and wastewater maintenance operators need to know. It covers basic principles of blueprint reading and deals with principles and applications of schematics and symbols. Each chapter presents essential practical knowledge vital to understanding and interpreting plant operations and that enhances the reader's ability to properly maintain plant systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138474581

Blues Funk Rhythm and Blues Soul Hip Hop and RapA Research and Information Guide Despite the influence of African American music and study as a worldwide phenomenon no comprehensive and fully annotated reference tool currently exists that covers the wide range of genres. This much needed bibliography fills an important gap in this research area and will prove an indispensable resource for librarians and scholars studying African American music and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870413

Blues with a FeelingThe Little Walter Story Whenever you hear the prevalent wailing blues harmonica in commercials film soundtracks or at a blues club you are experiencing the legacy of the master harmonica player Little Walter. Immensely popular in his lifetime Little Walter had fourteen Top 10 hits on the R&B charts and he was also the first Chicago blues musician to play at the Apollo. Ray Charles and B.B. King great blues artists in their own right were honored to sit in with his band. However at the age of 37 he lay in a pauper's grave in Chicago. This book will tell the story of a man whose music life and struggles continue to resonate to this day. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203446454

Bluescreen CompositingA Practical Guide for Video & Moviemaking Master the art and technique of blue and greenscreen compositing with this comprehensive how-to course in creating effective and realistic composited scenes in video formats. You get clear understandable explanations of the different types of keying techniques and how they work including real-world examples and tutorials. Topics include setting up a greenscreen studio how to light the screen effectively how to light the talent or foreground material and matching lighting to the composited background plate. Complete tutorials of each of the major software keyers walk you through the process for creating a clean and accurate composite. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138459816

Bluestockings Now!The Evolution of a Social Role Bringing together top specialists in the field this edited volume challenges the theory that the eighteenth-century British intellectual women known as the Bluestockings were an isolated phenomenon spanning the period from the 1750s through the 1790s. On the contrary the contributors suggest the Bluestockings can be conceptualized as belonging to a chain of interconnected networks taking their origin at a threshold moment in print media and communications development and extending into the present. The collection begins with a definition of the Bluestockings as a social role rather than a fixed group a movement rather than a static phenomenon an evolving dynamic reaching into our late-modern era. Essays include a rare transcript of a Bluestocking conversation; new previously unknown Bluestockings brought to light for the first time; and descriptions of Bluestocking activity in the realms of natural history arts and crafts theatre industry travel and international connections. The concluding essay argues that the Blues reimagined and practiced women’s work in ways that adapted to and altered the course of modernity decisively putting a female imprint on economic social and cultural modernization. Demonstrating how the role of the Bluestocking has evolved through different historical configurations yet has structurally remained the same the collection traces the influence of the Blues on the Romantic Period through the nineteenth century and proposes the reinvention of Bluestocking practice in the present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367879013

Blurred BoundariesMigration Ethnicity Citizenship First published in 1999 this volume examines new forms of cultural diversity which result from migration and globalization. Historically most liberal democracies have developed on the basis of national cultures – either a single one or a dominant one or a federation of several ones. However political and economic developments have upset traditional patterns and have blurred established boundaries. Ongoing immigration from diverse origins has inserted new ethnic minorities into formerly homogenous populations. Democratic liberties and rights provided opportunities for old and new marginalized minorities to resist assimilation and to assert identities. The resulting pattern of multiculturalism is different from earlier ones. Often cultural boundaries are neither clearly defined nor do they simply dissolve by assimilation into a dominant group – they have become fuzzy and a constant source of real or imagined hostility and anxiety. A proliferation of mixed identities goes together with stronger claims for cultural rights and escalating hostilities between ethnic minorities and national majorities. In many countries multiculturalism is today perceived as a challenge rather than as an enrichment. The book focuses on the question how institution and policies of liberal democracies can cope with these trends. The book addresses two tasks: 1) To compare different national contexts and types of ethnic groups (immigrant and indigenous linguistic and religious minorities) and to discuss how policies of multicultural integration have to be adapted in order to cope with such differences. 2) To evaluate the impact of common rends of globalization which link societies and encourage convergence between national models of multicultural integration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138625914

Blurred Transparencies in Contemporary Glass ArchitectureMaterial Culture and Technology Blurred Transparencies in Contemporary Glass Architecture brings to light complex readings of transparent glass through close observations of six pivotal works of architecture. Written from the perspectives of a practitioner the six essays challenge assumptions about fragility and visual transparency of glass. A material imbued with idealism and utopic vision glass has captured architects’ imagination and glass’s fragility and difficulties in thermal control continue to present technical challenges. In recent decades architecture has witnessed an emergence of technological advancements in chemical coating structural engineering and fabrication methods that resulted in new kinds of glass transparencies. Buildings examined in the book include a sanatorium with expansive windows delivering light and air to recovering tuberculosis patients a pavilion with a crystal clear glass plenum circulating air for heating and cooling a glass monument symbolizing the screen of personal devices that shortened the distance between machines and humans and a glass building symbolizing the social and material intertwining in the glass ceiling metaphor. Connecting material glass to broader cultural and social contexts Blurred Transparencies in Contemporary Glass Architecture enlightens students and practitioners of architecture as well as the general public with interest in design. The author demonstrates how glass is rarely crystal clear but is blurred both materially and metaphysically revealing complex readings of ideas for which glass continues to stand. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138584020

Blurring The BoundariesThe Declining Significance of Age Over the decades the lines separating young- middle-aged- and older adults have blurred as indicated by a broadening of the appropriate years for making life decisions.  Not only are many people marrying later but some are marrying earlier than ever.  Overall women giving birth later but some are having children earlier in their lives. Older people are retiring later but some are retiring at a younger age.  The spread or variability (standard deviation) of age-based decisions has increased substantially giving adults greater freedom from the traditional constraints of age. With these relaxed age norms has come a host of related social problems. The relaxation of age norms for adult decision-making has inadvertently blurred the boundaries between adults and teenagers between teenagers and children.  This generalization of the phenomenon throughout the life cycle is responsible for the adultification of childhood.  Eight year old girls are to an increasing extent being treated as sexual objects; bullying peaks in the 6th grade; larger numbers of girls are having oral sex or sexual intercourse by the age of 15; the pregnancy rate for girls 13-15 is on the rise; we are in the process of dismantling the juvenile justice system in favor of adult forms of punishment; and more and more children are left without adult supervision in the afternoons as though they were miniature adults who are capable of raising themselves.  Jack Levin is the American Sociological Association’s 2009 Winner of the “Public Understanding of Sociology” Award.  This short book communicates the power and importance of sociological thinking to major worldwide social trends.  Ideal for use in undergraduate courses such as introductory sociology social problems and social change as well as more advanced courses in population or sociology of aging. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415503822

B-Lymphocyte Differentiation This book discusses the mechanisms of transmembrane signal transduction during B-Cell Activation the Regulation of Gene Expression during B-Cell Differentiation Anti-immunoglobulin antibody induction of B-Lymphocyte activation and differentiation in vivo and in vitro Helper signals in B-Lymphocyte differentiation Growth and differentiation of b-cell clones in vitro B-Cell tumors as models of lymphocyte differentiation and Memory b-cell activation differentiation and isotype switching. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890913

BNVR: The Butt Non-Verbal Reasoning TestThe Butt Non-Verbal Reasoning Test The BNVR Test is a unique non-linguistic approach for identifying whether a cognitive (problem-solving) deficit as well as a linguistic deficit exists in individuals with acquired aphasia. Recognising cognitive deficits in terms of problem-solving may be  a key factor in understanding why some individuals overcome their communication difficulties better than others. Failure to recognise problem-solving difficulties may lead to unrealistic expectations of therapeutic intervention and thus inappropriate management and goal setting.  The BNVR requires the client to solve 10 everyday problems presented in full-colour photographic format. It is short requires minimal linguistic input contains real-life situations and is likely to be suitable for non-English speaking individuals. It will be useful  to speech  language therapists occupational therapists and psychologists who need to ascertain whether problem-solving skills are affected and to assist in multi-disciplinary team decision-making in acute and rehabilitation settings. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315168807

Board Accountability in Corporate Governance Within corporate governance the accountability of the board of directors is identified as a major issue by governments international bodies professional associations and academic literature.  Boards are given significant power in companies and as a consequence it is argued that they should be accountable for their actions. Drawing on political science public administration accounting and ethics literature this book examines the concept of accountability and its meaning in the corporate governance context. It examines the rationale for making boards accountable and outlines the obstacles and drawbacks involved in providing for accountability. The book goes on to examine how current mechanisms for ensuring accountability are assessed in terms of fairness justice transparency practicality effectiveness and efficiency before discussing the ways that accountability might be improved. Andrew Keay argues that enhanced accountability can provide better corporate governance helping to reduce the frequency and severity of financial crises and improve confidence in company practice. As an in depth study of a key element within the exercise of authority and management in corporate entities this book will be of great use and interest to researchers and students of corporate governance business and management and corporate social responsibility. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138702127

Board Level Employee Representation in EuropePriorities Power and Articulation Board Level Employee Representation in Europe analyses the role activities and networking of board level employee representatives in sixteen European countries and their counterparts operating in companies that have adopted European status. Board level employee representation is viewed as a key element of worker participation in Europe but there has been only limited international comparative research that establishes what board level employee representatives do and how their activities vary between countries. Based on a large-scale survey distributed to board level employee representatives (circa more than 4 000 respondents) this study identifies the personal characteristics and industrial location of board level employee representatives what they do and how they interact with other parties within and outside of the company. This study fills in a knowledge gap at a time when policy debates are considering stakeholder models of corporate governance as a means on the way out of the crisis and the achievement of sustainable economies. The book allows direct comparisons between clusters of countries for the first time as the same survey instrument has been employed in all the participating countries. The research findings demonstrate a large variation in what constitutes board level employee representation in practice including the relations between board level employee representatives and parties within and external to the company and the pattern of influence of board level employee representatives on strategic company decision-making. Aimed at practioners researchers and policymakers alike this book makes a vital contribution to the field and will be the definitive work on board-level employee representation for the foreseeable future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616875

Board of Adjustment Compatibility ethics hearings record keeping variances and appeals. There are so many things board of adjustment members must consider-and so few sources to guide them. This book explains them all. Novice members will gain insight into the board's unique role while veterans can turn to the tips and strategies that will make their work smoother. With checklists sample reports real-world examples and easy-to-understand prose the book demystifies waivers conditional uses legal issues and more. It also covers bylaws record keeping and day-to-day operations. This is a must-have reference for all board of adjustment members. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611901658

Boarding School SyndromeThe psychological trauma of the 'privileged' child Boarding School Syndrome is an analysis of the trauma of the 'privileged' child sent to boarding school at a young age. Innovative and challenging Joy Schaverien offers a psychological analysis of the long-established British and colonial preparatory and public boarding school tradition. Richly illustrated with pictures and the narratives of adult ex-boarders in psychotherapy the book demonstrates how some forms of enduring distress in adult life may be traced back to the early losses of home and family. Developed from clinical research and informed by attachment and child development theories ‘Boarding School Syndrome’ is a new term that offers a theoretical framework on which the psychotherapeutic treatment of ex-boarders may build. Divided into four parts History: In the Name of Privilege; Exile and Healing; Broken Attachments: A Hidden Trauma and The Boarding School Body the book includes vivid case studies of ex-boarders in psychotherapy. Their accounts reveal details of the suffering endured: loss bereavement and captivity are sometimes compounded by physical sexual and psychological abuse. Here Joy Schaverien shows how many boarders adopt unconscious coping strategies including dissociative amnesia resulting in a psychological split between the 'home self' and the 'boarding school self'. This pattern may continue into adult life causing difficulties in intimate relationships generalized depression and separation anxiety amongst other forms of psychological distress. Boarding School Syndrome demonstrates how boarding school may damage those it is meant to be a reward and discusses the wider implications of this tradition. It will be essential reading for psychoanalysts Jungian analysts psychotherapists art psychotherapists counsellors and others interested in the psychological cultural and international legacy of this tradition including ex-boarders and their partners.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415690034

Boats of South Asia This book sets new standards for the documentation of water transport and introduces styles of boat-building which are unlikely to be found outside the sub-Continent. A fascinating and accessible read for anyone interested in boats or the South Asian way of life as well as ethnographers maritime archaeologists and historians Boats of South Asia covers recent exhaustive fieldwork in India Bangladesh and Sri Lanka; and covers a vast array of traditional boats used in the sub-Continent today for fishing and other coastal riverine tasks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964839

Bob Dylan and the British SixtiesA Cultural History Britain played a key role in Bob Dylan's career in the 1960s. He visited Britain on several occasions and performed across the country both as an acoustic folk singer and as an electric-rock musician. His tours of Britain in the mid-1960s feature heavily in documentary films such as D.A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back and Martin Scorsese's No Direction Home and the concerts contain some of his most acclaimed ever live performances. Dylan influenced British rock musicians such as The Beatles The Animals and many others; they in turn influenced him. Yet this key period in Dylan's artistic development is still under-represented in the extensive literature on Dylan. Tudor Jones rectifies that glaring gap with this deeply researched yet highly readable account of Dylan and the British Sixties. He explores the profound impact of Dylan on British popular musicians as well as his intense and at times fraught relationship with his UK fan base. He also provides much interesting historical context – cultural social and political – to give the reader a far greater understanding of a defining period of Dylan's hugely varied career. This is essential reading for all Dylan fans as well as for readers interested in the tumultuous social and cultural history of the 1960s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138341296

Boccaccio and the BookProduction and Reading in Italy 1340-1520 This book is collections of essays on Italian literature language history culture politics art and media during 1340–1520. It discusses the Boccaccio's assumption within the text of the Teseida Decameron and De mulieribus. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602307

Boccaccio's HeroinesPower and Virtue in Renaissance Society In contrast to earlier scholars who have seen Boccaccio's Famous Women as incoherent and fractured Franklin argues that the text offers a remarkably consistent coherent and comprehensible treatise concerning the appropriate functioning of women in society. In this cross disciplinary study of a seminal work of literature and its broader cultural impact on Renaissance society Franklin shows that through both literature and the visual arts Famous Women was used to promote social ideologies in both Renaissance Tuscany and the dynastic courts of northern Italy. Speaking equally to scholars in medieval and early modern literature history and art history Franklin brings needed clarification to the text by demonstrating that the moral criteria Boccaccio used to judge the lives of legendary women - heroines and miscreants alike - were employed consistently to tackle the challenge that politically powerful women represented for the prevailing social order. Further the author brings to light the significant influence of Boccaccio's text on the representation of classical heroines in Renaissance art. By examining several paintings created in the republics and principalities of Renaissance Italy Franklin demonstrates that Famous Women was employed as a conceptual guide by patrons and artists to draw the teeth from the challenge of unconventionally powerful women by co-opting their stories into the service of contemporary Italian standards and mores. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379121

Bod XXIIIIndexes to the Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts with Addenda Corrigenda List of Watermarks and Related Bodleian Garland's magnificent facsimile series of the manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in the Bodleian Library Oxford ( The Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts 22 volumes 1986-1997) is now made complete by the publication of its Index-volume. Volume XXIII provides the key to the contents of the Shelleyan notebooks and papers in all their complexity: poems prose translations fragments calculations drawing and doodles addresses and other miscellaneous jottings. The accumulated findings provide a treasure-trove of information about the Shelley's lives: their writings and readings and echoes of classical and later authors; the people they met corresponded with rented houses from or saw perform; the towns they visited the very houses in which they lived the lakes and rivers they sailed and the mountains they climbed. The intellectual and physical data of these manuscripts will help open new vistas for students of their lives thought and creative writing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203775059

Bodies Politics and Transformations: John Donne's Metempsychosis Since the beginning of the twentieth century critics have predominantly offered a negative estimate of John Donne’s Metempsychosis. In contrast this study of Metempsychosis re-evaluates the poem as one of the most vital and energetic of Donne’s canon. Siobhán Collins appraises Metempsychosis for its extraordinary openness to and its inventive portrayal of conflict within identity. She situates this ludic verse as a text alert to and imbued with the Elizabethan fascination with the processes and properties of metamorphosis. Contesting the pervasive view that the poem is incomplete this study illustrates how Metempsychosis is thematically linked with Donne’s other writings through its concern with the relationship between body and soul and with temporality and transformation. Collins uses this genre-defying verse as a springboard to contribute significantly to our understanding of early modern concerns over the nature and borders of human identity and the notion of selfhood as mutable and in process. Drawing on and contributing to recent scholarly work on the history of the body and on sexuality in the early modern period Collins argues that Metempsychosis reveals the oft-violent processes of change involved in the author’s personal life and in the intellectual religious and political environment of his time. She places the poem’s somatic representations of plants beasts and humans within the context of early modern discourses: natural philosophy medical political and religious. Collins offers a far-reaching exploration of how Metempsychosis articulates philosophical inquiries that are central to early modern notions of self-identity and moral accountability such as: the human capacity for autonomy; the place of the human in the ’great chain of being’; the relationship between cognition and embodiment memory and selfhood; and the concept of wonder as a distinctly human phenomenon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409406358

Bodies Power and Resistance in the Middle EastExperiences of Subjectification in the Occupied Palestinian Territories The book examines how exercises of power and processes of security exercised in the Occupied Palestinian Territories have formed Palestinian women as subjects. To understand how women experience occupation this book examines the various ways in which the occupation is directed at making Palestinian women into subjects of power. The work argues that the exercises of power are focused on controlling and disciplining women’s bodies. The objectives are to expose how the exclusions of women’s daily-lived experiences of conflict in the occupied Palestinian territories obscures how power operates to demonstrate how the elements of Israeli security practices make women insecure and to highlight how resistance to the occupation can be found embedded within daily life in the occupied territories. Ultimately all of these themes can be related more broadly to how women might experience conflict and resist subjectification by exposing different ways that subjectifications result in insecurities and resistance to those insecurities. While the book is specific to women in the Occupied Palestinian Territories the exercises of power and enactments of resistance it exposes demonstrate how important it is to take seriously the feminist argument that ‘the personal is international and the international is personal.’ This book will be of much interest to students of gender politics critical security studies Middle Eastern politics sociology and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138802407

Bodies Speech and Reproductive Knowledge in Early Modern England This volume examines early modern representations of women’s reproductive knowledge through new readings of plays monstrous birth pamphlets medical treatises court records histories and more which are often interpreted as depicting female reproductive bodies as passive silenced objects of male control and critique. Luttfring argues instead that these texts represent women exercising epistemological control over reproduction through the stories they tell about their bodies and the ways they act these stories out combining speech and physical performance into what Luttfring calls 'bodily narratives.' The power of these bodily narratives extends beyond knowledge of individual bodies to include the ways that women’s stories about reproduction shape the patriarchal identities of fathers husbands and kings. In the popular print and theater of early modern England women’s bodies women’s speech and in particular women’s speech about their bodies perform socially constitutive work: constructing legible narratives of lineage and inheritance; making and unmaking political alliances; shaping local economies; and defining/delimiting male socio-political authority in medical royal familial judicial and economic contexts. This book joins growing critical discussion of how female reproductive bodies were used to represent socio-political concerns and will be of interest to students and scholars working in early modern literature and culture women’s history and the history of medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871918

Bodies Symbols and Organizational PracticeThe Gendered Dynamics of Power Despite all the efforts to promote change power and authority still seem to be permanently associated with the white the straight and the masculine both symbolically and in the everyday world of organizations. As the intricate relationship between the symbolic and the everyday remains under-researched this anthology proposes a transdisciplinary feminist perspective drawing on the humanities in order to explore the complex nature of the gendered politics of organizations. Indeed analyzing how images narratives symbols and bodies are all part of how power and gender are constructed in organizations through a broad and international range of empirical studies Bodies Symbols and Organizational Practice explores issues at the interstices of the humanities and social sciences combining theoretical and analytical perspectives from both areas. Providing a radical analysis of the gendered dynamics of power as well as petitioning for radical intervention into those dynamics this timely volume will appeal to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as: Organization and Management Studies Gender studies Feminist theory and Sociology of Work & Industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884345

Bodies Technologies and Methods This book examines how different technologies can be used to enhance research methods in the social sciences and humanities. The boundary between the body and the digital has become increasingly blurred in recent years due to the rise of technologies that capture and reshape our embodied selves. New technologies all too often reflect the attitudes of the privileged white men who dominate the tech sector. This book thus in part considers how critical researchers can employ new technologies while challenging some of the problematic assumptions that underpin their design. It also includes a series of case studies that examine the dynamic use of different techniques to explore key questions around the intersection of embodiment and the digital. With a playful experimental approach to conducting research today this book offers new cutting-edge methods that respond to the potential of different technologies. It will be invaluable reading for undergraduate and post-graduate students of social sciences and humanities to explore ways in which this approach can bring new insights to a range of interdisciplinary research questions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367195830

Bodies Across BordersThe Global Circulation of Body Parts Medical Tourists and Professionals Historically organised at a local or national scale the fields of medicine and healthcare are being radically transformed by new communication transport and biotechnologies creating in the process a genuinely globalised sphere of biomedical production and consumption. This emerging market is characterised by the circulation of bodily materials (tissues organs and bio-information) patients and expertise across what traditionally have been relatively secure ontological and geographical borders. Crossing both disciplinary and geographical boundaries this volume draws together a number of important contributions from acknowledged leaders in three respective fields: the trade in bodily commodities biomedical tourism and migration of health care professionals. It explores and maps out the key characteristics of this emerging although as yet poorly researched global trade questioning how where and why bodies cross borders whether this exacerbates existing health inequalities and how these circulations impact on healthcare services. Considered together the chapters in this volume invite comparisons of the ways in which body parts patients and medical professionals cross national borders elucidating common themes concerns and issues. Contributors also pose important questions about the ethical and legal implications of the circulation of bodies across borders and evaluate current and future strategies for regulation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308381

Bodies and Lives in Ancient AmericaHealth Before Columbus Bodies and Lives in Ancient America offers a broad overview of what it was like to live and die throughout North America before European contact. Using a unique life history approach the book moves from pregnancy and birth through to senescence. Drawing on biological data gathered from human remains as well as cultural and environmental data derived from archaeological investigations the authors provide  students with a wealth of information on health and other aspects of life that leave changes on the skeletal system. Rich case studies throughout demonstrate the temporal cultural and environmental variability across the continent prior to colonial times. The authors also examine how different groups faced a variety of challenges in their lives including climate change and violence and the effects this had on their health. The book concludes by considering the relevance of what ancient bones reveal for people today. Written in an engaging style with complex paleopathology data synthesized and clearly presented   Bodies and Lives in Ancient America is an accessible introduction to the state of health across prehistoric North America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138904286

Bodies and Lives in Victorian EnglandScience Sexuality and the Affliction of Being Female This volume offers an overview of what it was like to be female and to live and die in Victorian England (c. 1837-1901) by situating this experience within the scientific and social contexts of the times. With a temporal focus on women’s life experience the book moves from childhood and youth through puberty and adolescence to pregnancy birth and motherhood into senescence. Drawing on osteological sources medical discourses and examples from the literature and cultural history of the period alongside social and environmental data derived from ethnographic and archival investigations the authors explore the experience of being female in the Victorian era for women across classes. In synthesizing current research on demographic statistics maternal morbidity and mortality and bioarchaeological evidence on patterns of aging and death they analyze how changing social ideals cultural and environmental variability shifting economies and evolving medical and scientific understanding about the body combined to shape female health and identity in the nineteenth century. Victorian women faced a variety of challenges including changing attitudes regarding appropriate behavior social roles and beauty standards while grappling with new understandings of the role played by gender and sexuality in shaping women’s lives from youth to old age. The book concludes by considering the relevance of how Victorian narratives of womanhood and the experience of being female have influenced perceptions of female health and cultural constructions of identity today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367026110

Bodies and Machines (Routledge Revivals) Bodies and Machines is a striking and persuasive examination of the body-machine complex and its effects on the modern American cultural imagination. Bodies and Machines first published in 1992 explores the links between techniques of representation and social and scientific technologies of power in a wide range of realist and naturalist discourses and practices. Seltzer draws on realist and naturalist writing such as the work of Hawthorne and Henry James and the discourses which inform it: from scouting manuals and the programmes of systematic management to accounts of sexual biology and the rituals of consumer culture. He explores other mass-produced and mass-consumed cultural forms including visual representations such as composite photographs scale models and the astonishing iconography of standardization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138829527

Bodies and Social RhythmsNavigating Unconscious Vulnerability and Emotional Fluidity This exciting new book traces the development of an unfolding challenge for psychoanalytic attention which augments contemporary theoretical lenses focusing on structures of meaning with an accompanying registration different than and interacting with structural experience. This accompanying registration of experience is given the term ‘fluidity’ in order to characterize it as too fast moving and unformulated to be symbolized with linguistic categorization. Expanding attention from speech meaning to include embodied registrations of rhythm involving tonality pauses and accents can catalyze additional and often emotionally more significant communications central to the state of the transactional field in any psychoanalytic moment. This perspective is contextualized within recognition of how cultural practices and beliefs are carried along both structural and fluid registrations of experience and can shape emotional turbulence for both interactants in a clinical encounter. Experiences of gender culture class and race emerging as sources of conflict and mis-recognition are engaged and illustrated throughout the text. This book part of the popular "Psychoanalysis in a New Key" book series will appeal to teaching and practicing psychoanalysts but also an increasing volume of therapists attending to embodied experience in their practice and drawn to the practical clinical illustrations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367466855

Bodies and SufferingEmotions and Relations of Care This book is a critical response to a range of problems – some theoretical others empirical – that shape questions surrounding the lived experience of suffering. It explores how moral and ethical questions of personal suffering are experienced contested negotiated and institutionalised. Bodies and Suffering investigates the moral labour and significance invested in actions to care for others or in failing to do so. It also explores circumstances – personal political and social – under which that which is perceived as non-moral becomes moral. Drawing on case studies and empirical research Bodies and Suffering examines the idea of the suffering body across different cultures and contexts and the experience and treatment of these suffering bodies. The book draws on theories of affect embodiment the phenomenology of illness and moralities of care to produce a nuanced understanding of suffering as being located across the assumed borders of time space bodies persons and things. Suitable for bioethicists medical anthropologists health sociologists and body studies scholars Bodies and Suffering will also be of use on health science courses as essential reading on suffering bodies mental health and morality and ethics issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138885264

Bodies and Transformance in Taiwanese Contemporary Theater In Bodies and Transformance in Taiwanese Contemporary Theater Peilin Liang develops a theory of bodily transformation. Proposing the concept of transformance a conscious and rigorous process of self-cultivation toward a reconceptualized body Liang shows how theater practitioners of minoritized cultures adopt transformance as a strategy to counteract the embodied practices of ideological and economic hegemony. This book observes key Taiwanese contemporary theater practitioners at work in forging five reconceptualized bodies: the energized the rhythmic the ritualized the joyous and the (re)productive. By focusing on the development of transformance between the years of 2000–2008 a tumultuous political watershed in Taiwan’s history the author succeeds in bridging postcolonialism and interculturalism in her conceptual framework. Ideal for scholars of Asian and postcolonial theater Bodies and Transformance in Taiwanese Contemporary Theater shows how transformance rather than performance calibrates with far greater precision and acuity the state of the body and the culture that it seeks to create. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367205331

Bodies as Sites of Cultural Reflection in Early Childhood Education Taking the body as a locus for discussion Rachael S. Burke and Judith Duncan argue not only that implicit cultural practices shape most of the interactions taking place in early childhood curricula and pedagogy but that many of these practices often go unnoticed or unrecognized as being pedagogy. Current scholars inspired by Foucault acknowledge that the body is socially and culturally produced and historically situated—it is simultaneously a part of nature and society as well as a representation of the way that nature and society can be conceived. Every natural symbol originating from the body contains and conveys a social meaning and every culture selects its own meaning from the myriad of potential body symbolisms. Bodies as Sites of Cultural Reflection in Early Childhood Education uses empirical examples from qualitative fieldwork conducted in New Zealand and Japan to explore these theories and discuss the ways in which children’s bodies represent a central focus in teachers’ pedagogical discussions and create contexts for the embodiment of children’s experiences in the early years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138795044

Bodies at RiskAn Ethnography of Heart Disease In Bodies at Risk Elizabeth Wheatley provides a fascinating ethnography of heart disease. She looks at what happens to someone after a heart attack and how they get on with 'business as usual' in the wake of a potentially fatal medical crisis. How are daily routines personal identities families friends and careers affected and rearranged after diagnosis and treatment? This book examines the unfinished business of having and handling heart disease. The research is based on one-on-one and collective interviews focus groups and participant observation in hospitals cardiac rehabilitation clinics and in people's homes. As heart disease is one of the major causes of death in the western world this book is both timely and important. It is inspired by and contributes to sociological writing on the body risk experiences of illness and medicalization and will appeal to academics and students in these areas as well as in cultural studies health-related consumption health promotion and qualitative health research. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261461

Bodies in CodeInterfaces with Digital Media Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality and Mark B. N. Hansen's book shows what they've been missing. Cyberspace is anchored in the body he argues and it's the body--not high-tech computer graphics--that allows a person to feel like they are really "moving" through virtual reality. Of course these virtual experiences are also profoundly affecting our very understanding of what it means to live as embodied beings. Hansen draws upon recent work in visual culture cognitive science and new media studies as well as examples of computer graphics websites and new media art to show how our bodies are in some ways already becoming virtual. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203942390

Bodies in ConflictCorporeality Materiality and Transformation Twentieth-century war is a unique cultural phenomenon and the last two decades have seen significant advances in our ability to conceptualize and understand the past and the character of modern technological warfare. At the forefront of these developments has been the re-appraisal of the human body in conflict from the ethics of digging up First World War bodies for television programmes to the contentious political issues surrounding the reburial of Spanish Civil War victims the relationships between the war body and material culture (e.g. clothing and prostheses) ethnicity and identity in body treatment and the role of the ‘body as bomb’ in Iraq Afghanistan and beyond.Focused on material culture Bodies in Conflict revitalizes investigations into the physical and symbolic worlds of modern conflict and that have defined us as subjects through memory imagination culture and technology. The chapters in this book present an interdisciplinary approach which draws upon but does not privilege archaeology anthropology military and cultural history art history cultural geography and museum and heritage studies. The complexity of modern conflict demands a coherent integrated and sensitized hybrid approach which calls on different disciplines where they overlap in a shared common terrain - that of the materiality of conflict and its aftermath in relation to the human body. Bodies in Conflict brings together the diverse interests and expertise of a host of disciplines to create a new intellectual engagement with our corporeal nature in times of conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367867942

Bodies in QuestionGender Religion Text Exploring a range of subjects from the human genome project to Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling the poetry of Jorie Graham to feminist Christian art the contributors pose questions around the theme 'Body and Voice'. Questions raised include: 'Who speaks for the foetus and on what basis?'; 'What effect does the near-sacrifice of Isaac have on mother Sarah's body?'; and 'What do embodiment and gender mean for the resurrected body and Jesus's body?' Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261454

Bodies in RevoltGender Disability and a Workplace Ethic of Care Bodies in Revolt argues that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) could humanize capitalism by turning employers into care-givers creating an ethic of care in the workplace. Unlike other feminists Ruth O'Brien bases her ethics not on benevolence but rather on self-preservation. She relies on Deleuze's and Guttari's interpretation of Spinoza and Foucault's conception of corporeal resistance to show how a workplace ethic that is neither communitarian nor individualistic can be based upon the rallying cry "one for all and all for one." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203954782

Bodies in Transition in the Health HumanitiesRepresentations of Corporeality In recent years the transitioning body has become the subject of increasing scholarly medical and political interest. This interdisciplinary collection seeks to enable productive dialogue about bodily transformation and its many potential meanings and possibilities. Recent high-profile sex transitions such as Bruce Jenner’s transformation into Caitlyn have contributed to a proliferation of public and private debates about the boundaries of personal identity and the politics of gender. Sexual transition is only one possible type of bodily transformation and bodies that change forms vex many binaries that underpin daily life such as male/female gay/straight well/unhealthy able/disabled beautiful/ugly or adult/child. When transformations and transitions involve trauma illness injury surgery or death bodies can become culturally and socially illegible and enter the realm of abjection or even horror. Health humanities a recent revision of medical humanities that includes patients and other nonphysicians provides an interdisciplinary lens through which to read such bodily transformation and its representation in public culture. The authors of the essays in the present volume situate their work in this interdisciplinary space to enable productive dialogue about bodily transformation and its meanings in artistic literary visual and health discourses. The essays in this volume discuss non-normative bodies from eighteenth-century France to present-day Iran and investigate narratives of cancer aging anorexia AIDS intersexuality transsexuality viruses bacteria and vaccinations. This collection will be of key interest to faculty and students in women' studies/gender studies cultural studies studies of visual and material culture medical/health humanities disability studies and rhetorics of science health and medicine and will be a useful resource for scholars across interdisciplinary fields of study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815356066

Bodies In TreatmentThe Unspoken Dimension Bodies in Treatment is a challenging volume that brings into conceptual focus an "unspoken dimension" of clinical work - the body and nonverbal communication - that has long occupied the shadowy realm of tacit knowledge. By bringing visceral sensory and imagistic modes of emotional processing to the forefront Editor Frances Sommer Anderson and the contributors to this original collection expand the domain of psychodynamic engagement. Working at the leading edge of psychoanalytic theory and practice and in the forefront of the integrative psychotherapy movement Anderson has created a collaborative project that stimulates interdisciplinary dialogue on the developmental neurobiology of attachment the micro-processing of interchanges between the infant and caregiver the neuroscience of emotional processing and trauma body-focused talking treatments for trauma and research in cognitive science. Enlightened by experiencing body-based treatments for thirty years Anderson reflects on the powerful impact of these interventions recounting attempts to integrate her somatically-informed discoveries into the "talking" frame. Reaching further her contributors present richly informative accounts of how experiences in body-based modalities can be creatively integrated into a psychoanalytic framework of treatment. Readers are introduced to specialized modalities such as craniosacral therapy and polarity therapy as well as to the adjunctive use of yoga the effectiveness of which can be grounded neurophysiologically. Somatic interventions are discussed in terms of the extent to which they can promote depth-psychological change outside the psychoanalytic consulting room as well as how they can enrich the relational process in psychodynamic treatment. The final sections of Bodies in Treatment explore the range of ways in which patients’ and therapists’ bodies engage sustain and contain the dynamics of treatment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138005891

Bodies of EvidenceAncient Anatomical Votives Past Present and Future Dedicating objects to the divine was a central component of both Greek and Roman religion. Some of the most conspicuous offerings were shaped like parts of the internal or external human body: so-called ‘anatomical votives’. These archaeological artefacts capture the modern imagination recalling vividly the physical and fragile bodies of the past whilst posing interpretative challenges in the present. This volume scrutinises this distinctive dedicatory phenomenon bringing together for the first time a range of methodologically diverse approaches which challenge traditional assumptions and simple categorisations. The chapters presented here ask new questions about what constitutes an anatomical votive how they were used and manipulated in cultural cultic and curative contexts and the complex role of anatomical votives in negotiations between humans and gods the body and its disparate parts divine and medical healing ancient assemblages and modern collections and collectors. In seeking to re-contextualise and re-conceptualise anatomical votives this volume uniquely juxtaposes the medical with the religious the social with the conceptual the idea of the body in fragments with the body whole and the museum with the sanctuary crossing the boundaries between studies of ancient religion medicine the body and the reception of antiquity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367595579

Bodies of InformationReading the VariAble Body from Roman Britain to Hip Hop Bodies of Information initiates the Routledge Advances in the History of Bioethics series by encompassing interdisciplinary Bioethical discussions on a wide range of descriptions of bodies in relation to their contexts from varying perspectives: including literary analysis sociology criminology anthropology osteology and cultural studies to read a variety of types of artefacts from the Romano-British period to Hip Hop. Van Rensselaer Potter coined the phrase Global Bioethics to define human relationships with their contexts. This and subsequent volumes return to Potter’s founding vision from historical perspectives and asks how did we get here from then? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367360481

Bodies of PainSuffering in the Works of Hartmann von Aue First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415866958

Bodies of SoundStudies Across Popular Music and Dance From the ragtime one-step of the early twentieth century to the contemporary practices of youth club cultures popular dance and music are inextricably linked. This collection reveals the intimate connections between the corporeal and the sonic in the creation transmission and reception of popular dance and music which is imagined here as ’bodies of sound’. The volume provokes a wide-ranging interdisciplinary conversation that includes scholarship from Asia Europe and the United States which explores topics from the nineteenth century through to the present day and engages with practices at local national and transnational levels. In Part I: Constructing the Popular the authors explore how categories of popular music and dance are constructed and de-stabilized and their proclivity to appropriate and re-imagine cultural forms and meanings. In Part II: Authenticity Revival and Reinvention the authors examine how popular forms produce and manipulate identities and meanings through their attraction to and departure from cultural traditions. In Part III: (Re)Framing Value the authors interrogate how values are inscribed silenced rearticulated and capitalized through popular music and dance. And in Part IV: Politics of the Popular the authors read the popular as a site of political negotiation and transformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248144

Bodies that BirthVitalizing Birth Politics Bodies that Birth puts birthing bodies at the centre of questions about contemporary birth politics power and agency. Arguing that the fleshy and embodied aspects of birth have been largely silenced in social science scholarship Rachelle Chadwick uses an array of birth stories from diverse race-class demographics to explore the narrative entanglements between flesh power and sociomateriality in relation to birth. Adopting a unique theoretical framework incorporating new materialism feminist theory and a Foucauldian ‘analytics of power’ the book aims to trace and trouble taken-for-granted assumptions about birthing bodies. Through a diffractive and dialogical approach the analysis highlights the interplay between corporeality power and ideologies in the making of birth narratives across a range of intersectional differences. The book shows that there is no singular birthing body apart from sociomaterial relations of power. Instead birthing bodies are uncertain zones or unpredictable assortments of physiology flesh sociomateriality discourse and affective flows. At the same time birthing bodies are located within intra-acting fields of power relations including biomedicine racialized patriarchy socioeconomics and geopolitics. Bodies that Birth brings the voices of women from different sociomaterial positions into conversation. Ultimately the book explores how attending to birthing bodies can vitalize global birth politics by listening to what matters to women in relation to birth. This is fascinating reading for researchers academics and students from across the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138123342

Bodies That MatterOn the Discursive Limits of Sex In Bodies That Matter renowned theorist and philosopher Judith Butler argues that theories of gender need to return to the most material dimension of sex and sexuality: the body. Butler offers a brilliant reworking of the body examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies sex and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain sex from the start delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She clarifies the notion of "performativity" introduced in Gender Trouble and via bold readings of Plato Irigaray Lacan and Freud explores the meaning of a citational politics. She also draws on documentary and literature with compelling interpretations of the film Paris is Burning Nella Larsen's Passing and short stories by Willa Cather. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415610155

Bodily Communication Non-verbal communication - the eye movements facial expressions tone of voice postures and gestures that we all use more or less consciously and more or less effectively - can enhance or diminish every form of social interaction. Michael Argyle's second edition of Bodily Communication is an invaluable up-to-date guide for students of the subject. In the last ten years NVC has become recognized as an important part of social psychology and of professional training particularly in social work education and management.Greatly expanded from the first edition and significantly revised this second edition has two completely new chapters on social skills and personality and a new chapter on research methods. The author a pioneer in the study of non-verbal communication presents the second edition in the same accessible style as the first bringing to the reader both his intense interest in the subject and his authoritative knowledge of it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467354

Bodily DemocracyTowards a Philosophy of Sport for All Sport has gained increasing importance for welfare society. In this process however the term of ‘sport’ has become less and less clear. Larger parts of what nowadays is called ‘sport for all’ are non-competitive and derived from traditions of gymnastics dance festivity games outdoor activities and physical training rather than from classical modern elite sports. This requires new philosophical approaches as the philosophy of sport so far has been dominated by topics of elite sports. Based on Scandinavian experiences the book presents studies about festivities of sport outdoor activities song and movement and play and game. The engagement of elderly people challenges sports. Games get political significance in international cooperation for peace culture and as means against poverty (in Africa). The empirical studies result in philosophical analyses on the recognition of folk practice in education and on relations between identity and recognition. The study of ‘sport for all’ opens up for new ways of phenomenological knowledge moving bottom-up from sport to the philosophy of "the individual" of event of nature and of human energy. Popular sports give inspiration to a philosophy of practice as well as to a phenomenological understanding of ‘the people’ of civil society and the ‘demos’ of democracy – as folk in movement. This book was published as a special issue in Sport Ethics and Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415509435

Bodily Exchanges Bioethics and Border CrossingPerspectives on Giving Selling and Sharing Bodies Medical therapy research and technology enable us to make our bodies or parts of them available to others in an increasing number of ways. This is the case in organ tissue egg and sperm donation as well as in surrogate motherhood and clinical research. Bringing together leading scholars working on the ethical social and cultural aspects of such bodily exchanges this cutting-edge book develops new ways of understanding them. Bodily Exchanges Bioethics and Border Crossing both probes the established giving and selling frameworks for conceptualising bodily exchanges in medicine and seeks to develop and examine another less familiar framework: that of sharing. A framework of sharing can capture practices that involve giving up and giving away part of one’s body such as organ and tissue donation and practices that do not such as surrogacy and research participation. Sharing also recognizes the multiple relationalities that these exchanges can involve and invites inquiry into the context in which they occur. In addition the book explores the multiple forms of border crossing that bodily exchanges in medicine involve from the physical boundaries of the body to relational borders – as can happen in surrogacy – to national borders and the range of ethical issues that these various border-crossings can give rise to. Engaging with anthropology sociology philosophy and feminist and postcolonical perspectives this is an original and timely contribution to contemporary bioethics in a time of increasing globalization. It will be of use to students and researchers from a range of humanities and social science backgrounds as well as medical and other healthcare professionals with an interest in bioethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367341473

Bodily Expression in Electronic MusicPerspectives on Reclaiming Performativity In this book scholars and artists explore the relation between electronic music and bodily expression from perspectives including aesthetics philosophy of mind phenomenology dance and interactive performance arts sociology computer music and sonic arts and music theory transgressing disciplinary boundaries and established beliefs. The historic decoupling of action and sound generation might be seen to have distorted or even effaced the expressive body with the retention of performance qualities via recoupling not equally retaining bodily expressivity. When where and what is the body expressed in electronic music then? The authors of this book reveal composers’ performers’ improvisers’ and listeners’ bodies as well as the works’ and technologies’ figurative bodies as a rich source of expressive articulation. Bringing together humanities’ scholarship and musical arts contingent upon new media the contributors offer inspiring thought and critical reflection for all those seriously engaged with the aesthetics of electronic music interactive performance and the body’s role in aesthetic experience and expression. Performativity is not only seen as being reclaimed in live electronic music interactive arts and installations; it is also exposed as embodied in the music and the listeners themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415745710

Bodily ExtremitiesPreoccupations with the Human Body in Early Modern European Culture A strong preoccupation with the human body - often manifested in startling ways - is a characteristic shared by early modern Europeans and their present-day counterparts. Whilst modern manifestations of this interest include body piercing tattoos plastic surgery and eating disorders early modern preoccupations encompassed such diverse phenomena as monstrous births and physical deformity body snatching public dissection flagellation judicial torture and public punishment. This volume explores such extreme manifestations of early modern bodily obsessions and fascinations and their wider cultural significance. Agreeing that an interest in physical boundaries extreme physical manifestations and situations developed and grew stronger during the early modern period the essays in this volume investigate whether this interest can be traced in a wider range of cultural phenomena and should therefore be given a prominent place in any future characterization of the early modern period. Taken as a whole the volume can be read as an attempt to create a new context in which to explore the cultural history of the human body as well as the metaphors of research and investigation themselves. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261447

Bodily Pain in Romantic Literature When writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries explored the implications of organic and emotional sensitivity the pain of the body gave rise to unsettling but irresistible questions. Urged on by some of their most deeply felt preoccupations – and in the case of figures like Coleridge and P. B. Shelley by their own experiences of chronic pain – many writers found themselves drawn to the imaginative scrutiny of bodies in extremis. Bodily Pain in Romantic Literature reveals the significance of physical hurt for the poetry philosophy and medicine of the Romantic period. This study looks back to eighteenth-century medical controversies that made pain central to discussions about the nature of life and forward to the birth of surgical anaesthesia in 1846. It examines why Jeremy Bentham wrote in defence of torture and how pain sparked the imagination of thinkers from Adam Smith to the Marquis de Sade. Jeremy Davies brings to bear on Romantic studies the fascinating recent work in the medical humanities that offers a fresh understanding of bodily hurt and shows how pain could prompt new ways of thinking about politics ethics and identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138203259

Body Femininity and NationalismGirls in the German Youth Movement 1900–1934 This social and cultural history of girls in the German youth movements in the pre-Nazi era brings fascinating new light to bear on the history of the German youth movements. It contributes to our wider understanding of girlhood in the period and investigates how mentalities collective identities and German nationalism developed in the three decades before the Nazi period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540964

Body Migration Re/constructive SurgeriesMaking the Gendered Body in a Globalized World Bringing together an international range of case studies and interviews with individuals who have had genital re/construction Body Migration Re/constructive Surgeries explores the socio-cultural meanings of clitoral re/construction following female genital cutting (FGC) hymen reconstruction trans and intersex bodily interventions; and cosmetic surgery. Drawing critical attention to how decisions around such surgeries are affected by social economic and regulatory contexts that change over time and across spaces it raises questions such as: How are bodies genderized through surgical interventions? How do such interventions express cultural context? How do women who have experienced female genital cutting respond to opportunities for clitoral reconstruction? How do female-to-male (FtM) trans people decide on how and where to undertake body modifications? What roles do cultural expectations and official regulations play in how people decide to have their bodies modified? Suggesting that conventional gender binaries are no longer adequate to understanding the quest for bodily interventions this insightful volume seeks to give a greater voice to those engaged in gender body modification. It will appeal to students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as Gender Studies Social Studies Sexuality Studies and Cultural Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367490171

Body Paper StageWriting and Performing Autoethnography Tami Spry provides a methodological introduction to the budding field of performative autoethnography. She intertwines three necessary elements comprising the process. First one must understand the body – navigating concepts of self culture language class race gender and physicality. The second task is to put that body on the page assigning words for that body’s sociocultural experiences. Finally this merger of body and paper is lifted up to the stage crafting a persona as a method of personal inquiry. These three stages are simultaneous and interdependent and only in cultivating all three does performance autoethnography begin to take shape. Replete with examples and exercises this is an important introductory work for autoethnographers and performance artists alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598744873

Body Sound and Space in Music and Beyond: Multimodal Explorations Body and space refer to vital and interrelated dimensions in the experience of sounds and music. Sounds have an overwhelming impact on feelings of bodily presence and inform us about the space we experience. Even in situations where visual information is artificial or blurred such as in virtual environments or certain genres of film and computer games sounds may shape our perceptions and lead to surprising new experiences. This book discusses recent developments in a range of interdisciplinary fields taking into account the rapidly changing ways of experiencing sounds and music the consequences for how we engage with sonic events in daily life and the technological advancements that offer insights into state-of-the-art methods and future perspectives. Topics range from the pleasures of being locked into the beat of the music perception–action coupling and bodily resonance and affordances of musical instruments to neural processing and cross-modal experiences of space and pitch. Applications of these findings are discussed for movement sonification room acoustics networked performance and for the spatial coordination of movements in dance computer gaming and interactive artistic installations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138586857

Body and CityHistories of Urban Public Health A provocative survey of new research in the history of urban public health Body and City links the approaches of demographic and medical history with the methodologies of urban history and historical geography. It challenges older methodologies offering new insights into the significance of cultural history which has largely been overlooked by previous histories of public health. This book explores important issues and experiences in the public health arena in diverse European settings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271012

Body and Gender Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity What does it mean to say that a human being is body and soul and how does each affect the other? Late antique philosophers Christians included asked these central questions. The papers collected here explore their answers and use those answers to ask further questions reading Iamblichus Porphyry Augustine and others in their social and intellectual context. Among the topics dealt with are the following. Humans are mortal rational beings so how does the mortal body affect the rational soul? The body needs food: what foods are best for the soul and is it right to eat animal foods if animals are less rational than humans? The body is gendered for reproduction: are reason and the soul also gendered? Ascetic lifestyles may free our bodies from the limitations of gender and desire so that our souls are free to reconnect with the divine; but this need must be balanced with the claims of family and society. Philosophers asked whether life in the body is exile for the soul; Christians defended their claim that body as well as soul would live after death and even the smallest fragment of a martyr's body is proof of resurrection. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602246

Body and ImageExplorations in Landscape Phenomenology 2 The understanding and interpretation of ancient architecture landscapes and art has always been viewed through an iconographic lens—a cognitive process based on traditional practices in art history. But ancient people did not ascribe their visions on canvas rather on hills stones and fields. Thus Chris Tilley argues the iconographic approach falls short of understanding how ancient people interacted with their imagery. A kinaesthetic approach one that uses the full body and all the senses can better approximate the meaning that these artifacts had for their makers and today’s viewers. The body intersects the landscape in a myriad of ways—through the effort to reach the image the angles that one can use to view the multiple senses required for interaction. Tilley outlines the choreographic basis of understanding ancient landscapes and art phenomenologically and demonstrates the power of his thesis through examples of rock art and megalithic architecture in Norway Ireland and Sweden. This is a powerful new model from one of the leading contemporary theorists in archaeology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315432854

Body and Mature BehaviourA Study of Anxiety Sex Gravitation and Learning First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138875487

Body and SoulLucrative and Life-Changing Boudoir Photography Body and Soul presents a unique and emotionally intelligent approach to building a sustainable boudoir photography business. The higher-level strategies within these pages will enable photographers to move beyond the task of simply making pretty pictures to greater goals such as understanding the emotional journey of the boudoir process building meaningful long-term relationships with clients and creating a referral engine to sustain your business. Susan Eckert combines her professional experience as an internationally published photographer with her advanced degree in Psychology to deconstruct the boudoir experience. Each chapter is complemented by interviews with her clients and illustrates how photographers can partner with their clients throughout the boudoir process in the development of meaningful work. Highlights of this book include: Self-assessment questionnaires to help you develop your brand and identify your market Best practices for developing positive client relationships before during and after the photoshoot Helpful advice for how to work with the sensitive aspects of boudoir photography such as body image Succinct and thorough guidance for behind-the-camera techniques that will bring your client’s emotional story to life Personal interviews with clients who openly discuss their photoshoot goals comfort levels and boudoir photography journeys An interview with a clinical psychologist on the role and value of the emotionally-intelligent boudoir photographer Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138856998

Body Composition in Sport Exercise and Health The analysis of body composition (fat bone and muscle) is an important process throughout the biomedical sciences. This is the first book to offer a clear and detailed introduction to the key methods and techniques in body composition analysis and to explain the importance of body composition data in the context of sport exercise and health. With contributions from some of the world’s leading body composition specialists the book goes further than any other in demonstrating the practical and applied value of body composition analysis in areas such as performance sport and weight control in clinical populations. The book pays particular attention to the important concept of change in body composition and includes discussion of ethical issues in the collection interpretation and presentation of data and considerations when working with special populations. Bridging the gap between research methods and practical application this book is important reading for advanced students and practitioners working in sport and exercise science health science anatomy nutrition physical therapy or ergonomics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415614986

Body CompositionHealth and Performance in Exercise and Sport Interest in the relationships between body structure and function in physical activity has persisted for centuries. Body Composition: Health and Performance in Exercise and Sport advances understanding beyond simple descriptions of body physique and composition of athletes and fills gaps in our understanding of the important role of muscle fat and bone in facilitating physical performance and health in sports and physically demanding occupations. lt addresses basic practical and applied topics in body composition performance and health with comprehensive reviews organized in four logical parts: Body Composition Assessment; Physical Activity and Body Composition; Body Composition in Sports and Occupations; and Moderating Factors. This book integrates state-of-the-art knowledge by international experts in the field and produces an evidence-based practical guide for a balanced understanding of the role and use of body composition assessment in physical performance and health for youth and adults. It also provides a needed link between the practice of body composition assessment and its application by members of public health advisory committees that develop national guidelines for diet physical activity and health. This book is suitable for students and professionals in sports nutrition exercise science kinesiology and athletic training. Sport administrators and policy-makers for international and national sport federations and organizations and national intercollegiate and scholastic federations would also benefit from this book. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498731676

Body CulturesEssays on Sport Space & Identity by Henning Eichberg Body Cultures explores the relationship between the body sport and landscape. This book presents the first critically edited collection of Henning Eichberg's provocative essays into 'body culture'. Eichberg a well-known scholar in continental Europe who draws upon the ideas of Elias Focault Habermas and others is now attracting considerable interest from Anglo-American sociologists historians and geographers. This collection has been extensively edited to highlight Eichberg's most important arguments and themes. Introductory essays from the editors and Susan Brownell provide clear explanations and interpretations as well as a biography of Eichberg. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138867123

Body Ecology and Emersive Leisure The emerging field of body ecology offers fresh insights into how the body engages with its surrounding environment through consciousness perception knowledge and emotion. In this groundbreaking collection leading scholars of sport leisure and philosophy draw on research on topics as diverse as surfing freediving slacklining parkour bodybuilding dance and circus arts to flesh out the concept of body ecology and its potential for helping us understand our connection with the world around us. Touching on theories of subjectivity embodiment pleasure and play this book explores different approaches to studying body ecology as a way of conceptualising the experience of being immersed in nature in the elements and in one’s own body through the power of awareness. An experience becomes emersive when it involves the production of new emotions in the body: emersion is the activation of what is living within the body itself. Shedding new light on the possibilities of physical cultural studies Body Ecology and Emersive Leisure is fascinating reading for all students and scholars with an interest in sport leisure philosophy and the body. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367894153

Body Image and Disfigurement Care Intended for health care professionals working with patients who have suffered a threat to body image whether from trauma injury disease or the developmental process Body Image and Disfigurement Care:*offers practical advice about care*critically appraises the existing knowledge-base*describes the different theoretical approaches to body image disturbance*puts forward a new model of what happens to people with disturbed body image.While written in an accessible style this is not a superficial text; it presents practical skills which can be used in clinical settings and these skills are based on appropriate research evidence Interactive exercises enable the student to consolidate their learning and improve their understanding of the patient's experience of a threat to body image. Body Image and Disfigurement Care provides a sound source of help and advice about an issue of growing importance in modern health. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203350188

Body Image and Identity in Contemporary SocietiesPsychoanalytic social cultural and aesthetic perspectives Popular interest in body image issues has grown dramatically in recent years due to an emphasis on individual responsibility and self-determination in contemporary society as well as the seemingly limitless capacities of modern medicine; however body image as a separate field of academic inquiry is still relatively young. The contributors of Body Image and Identity in Contemporary Societies explore the complex social political and aesthetic interconnections between body image and identity. It is an in-depth study that allows for new perspectives in the analysis of contemporary visual art and literature but also reflects on how these social constructs inform clinical treatment.   Sukhanova and Thomashoff bring together contributions from psychoanalysts psychotherapists psychiatrists and scholars in the fields of the social sciences and the humanities to explore representations of the body in literature and the arts across different times and cultures. The chapters analyse the social construction of the 'ideal' body in terms of beauty gender sexuality race ethnicity class and disability from a broadly psychoanalytic perspective and traces the mechanisms which define the role of the physical appearance in the formation of identity and the assumption of social roles. Body Image and Identity in Contemporary Societies' unique interdisciplinary outlook aims to bridge the current gap between clinical observations and research in semiotic theory. It will be of interest to psychoanalysts psychotherapists art therapists art theorists academics in the humanities and social sciences and those interested in an interdisciplinary approach to the issues of body image and identity. Ekaterina Sukhanova is University Director of Academic Program Review at the City University of New York USA. She serves as Scientific Secretary of the Section for Art and Psychiatry and the Section of Art and Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric Association. She is also engaged in interdisciplinary research on cultural constructs of mental health and illness and curates exhibits of art brut as a vehicle for fighting stigma. Hans-Otto Thomashoff was born in Germany and lives in Vienna.  He is a psychiatrist psychoanalyst art historian and author of fiction and non-fiction books.  He has been curator of several art exhibitions highlighting the connection between the psyche and art as well as president of the section of Art and Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric Association and advisory committee member of the Sigmund Freud Foundation Vienna. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415742917

Body Image as an Everyday ProblematicLooking Good It is well known that body image has been associated to health risks related to eating habits. However to what extent do identity categories everyday social interaction and common discourses affect our preoccupations and sufferings related to body image in contemporary society and our coordinated ways of confronting them?In Body Image as an Everyday Problematic Diaz seeks to offer a comprehensive perspective on body image as an everyday problematic grounded on verbal accounts of biographic experience. The main body of the book unfolds through five analyses: (1) a framework for how persons are categorized on the grounds of their beauty weight or physical appeal; with reference to heterosexual and friendship relations; (2) how men position themselves with respect to culturally provided images of beautiful women in relation to their heterosexual partners; (3) biographic processes through which people locate problems with the body confront them and interpret them after some time; (4) the role of mothers in providing help across different kinds of problems; and (5) the experiences and contradictions of caring for relatives or partners who suffer for their body image. Indeed these five analytical threads together compose a structured and rich understanding of the meaningful social order that lies at the core of our everyday preoccupations with the body.Challenging conventional psychological theories of body image this enlightening volume will appeal to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as Gender Studies Clinical Psychology and Sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367889050

Body Image in the Primary SchoolA Self-Esteem Approach to Building Body Confidence 80% of primary aged children have been on a diet. 75% of 10- to 11-year-olds would like to change their appearance. Children as young as 6 are worrying about their shape and size. Body image is an important aspect of children’s self-esteem and confidence. Unfortunately many young children are suffering from anxieties about their appearance which has a harmful effect on their overall mental health and wellbeing. This updated second edition of the award-winning Body Image in the Primary School recognises these anxieties as a concern for younger children that needs to be addressed at an early age and examines some of the pressures that young people face. Presenting a clear easy-to-use scheme of work to support emotional literacy and Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHE) throughout the primary school and into the first years of secondary school this new edition offers: A practical evidence based curriculum for children aged 4 –13. More than 60 lively varied and detailed lesson plans.  Additional lessons on gender social media and the selfie culture. An overview of research on the links between body image academic achievement and emotional wellbeing. The evidence-based lessons in Body Image in the Primary School have been awarded the quality kitemark by the PSHE Association and highlighted by Ofsted as an example of excellent practice. This book will be of significant interest to all teachers teaching assistants and practitioners working with primary aged children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367188429

Body ImageA Handbook of Science Practice and Prevention The standard reference for practitioners researchers and students this acclaimed work brings together internationally recognized experts from diverse mental health medical and allied health care disciplines. Contributors review established and emerging theories and findings; probe questions of culture gender health and disorder; and present evidence-based assessment treatment and prevention approaches for the full range of body image concerns. Capturing the richness and complexity of the field in a readily accessible format each of the 53 concise chapters concludes with an informative annotated bibliography. New to This Edition *Addresses the most urgent current questions in the field.*Reflects significant advances in key areas: assessment body image in boys and men obesity illness-related body image issues and cross-cultural research. *Conceptual Foundations section now incorporates evolutionary genetic and positive psychology perspectives. *Increased coverage of prevention. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462509584

Body ImagesEmbodiment as Intercorporeality Drawing on relevant discussions of embodiment in phenomenology feminist theory psychoanalytic theory queer theory and post-colonial theory Body Images explores the role played by the body image in our everyday existence. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203699003

Body ImageUnderstanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men Women and Children Body Image provides a comprehensive summary of research on body image in men women and children drawing together research findings from the fields of psychology sociology clothing and gender studies. This third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the significant increase in research on body image since the previous edition as well as the significant cultural changes in how men’s and women’s bodies are viewed. Data are also included from interviews and focus groups with men women and children who have spoken about their experiences of body image and body dissatisfaction producing a comprehensive understanding of how men and women construct and understand their bodies in the twenty-first century. The only sole-authored text to provide a comprehensive view of body image research focusing on men women and children Body Image will be invaluable to students and researchers as well as practitioners with an interest in body image and how to reduce body dissatisfaction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138928886

Body Language for Competent Teachers Non-verbal skills are invaluable for teachers in getting their own messages across to classes and understanding the messages pupils are sending them. Here an educational psychologist and a classroom teacher join forces to show new teachers in particular how to use gesture posture facial expression and tone of voice effectively to establish a good relationship with the classes that they teach. Each chapter is illustrated with clear drawings of pupils and teachers in common classroom situations and accompanied by training exercises aimed at improving the new teacher's ability to observe both her class and her own practice. A section at the end of the book gives suggested solutions to some of the exercises and the final chapter addressed to staff responsible for their colleagues' professional development provides suggestions for half and whole day courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151123

Body LanguageNarrating illness and disability As much as we may like to evade them illness and disability inescapably attend human embodiment – we are all vulnerable subjects. So it might seem natural and inevitable that the most universal most democratic form of literature – autobiography – should address these common features of human experience. Yet for the most part autobiographical writing expressive of illness and disability remained quite uncommon until the second half of the twentieth century when it flourished concurrently with successive civil rights movements. Women’s liberation with its signature manifesto Our Bodies Ourselves supported the breast cancer narrative; the gay rights movement encouraged AIDS narrative in response to a deadly epidemic; and the disability rights movement stimulated a surge in narratives of various disabilities. Conversely the narratives helped to advance the respective rights movements. Such writing then has been representative in two senses of the term: aesthetic (mimetic) and political (acting on behalf of). It has done and continues to do important cultural work. This volume explores this phenomenon using the latest critical theories and from the perspectives of patients and creative writers as well as academics. It attends to the problematic intersection of trauma and disability; it encompasses graphic narratives essays and diaries as well as full-length memoirs; and it examines the ethical as well as the aesthetic dimensions of narrative. This book was originally published as a special issue of Life Writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890087

Body Massage for the Beauty Therapist The beauty therapist increasingly called upon to administer massage will welcome this manual. Its modern and practical approach will appeal to all who wish to improve their standard of massage. The physical comfort and reassurance which massage can give especially when coupled with exercises make it more than a sensuous luxury: rather it is a positive factor in promoting bodily wellbeing. The clear and detailed explanations of massage techniques in 'Body Massage for the Beauty Therapist' are supplemented by many drawings and photographs which also serve to clarify the structure of the human body and its functioning. The personality and qualities of the therapist are brought into perspective and helpful advice given on the organization of the salon. Valuable sections are included on relaxation techniques correct breathing and exercises which the client can undertake. Aromatherapy and gyratory massage are also covered. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138173392

Body MovementCoping with the Environment "'Irmgard Bartenieff has a profound knowledge of the human body and how it moves. I am delighted that this will now be made available to many more people.'." -- George Balanchine of Director New York City Ballet"'Irmgard Bartenieff's pioneering work in the multiple applications of Labananalysis has had a transforming influence on many areas of movement training. Her careful and detailed development of the spatial principles into active corrective work has illuminated and altered the training of people as varied as dancers choreographers physical therapists movement and dance therapists and psychotherapists. Anthropologists and non-verbal communication researchers have found their world view necessarily altered by her fundamental innovations. The field of body/mind work will need to adapt to include her clear working through of basic principles.'." -- Kayla Kazahn Zalk of President American Dance Guild Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315025445

Body of AwarenessA Somatic and Developmental Approach to Psychotherapy Merging scientific theory with a practical clinical approach Body of Awareness explores the formation of infant movement experience and its manifest influence upon the later adult. Most significantly it shows how the organizing principles in early development are functionally equivalent to those of the adult. It demonstrates how movement plays a critical role in a developing self-awareness for the infant and in maintaining a healthy self throughout life. In addition a variety of case studies illustrates how infant developmental movement patterns are part of the moment-to-moment processes of the adult client and how to bring these patterns to awareness within therapy. Body of Awareness is intended to help therapists new or advanced to enhance their skills of attunement. They can do this by heightening their observations of subtle movement patterns as they emerge within the client/therapist relationship and by respective their own developing feelings within session as essential information to the therapy process. And as developmental patterns are central to psychological functioning a background study of movement provides the therapist with critical insight into the unfolding psychodynamic field. Media > Books > Print Books Gestalt Press 9781138130890

Body Politics The politics of the body is often highly contested culturally specific and controlled and this book calls our attention to how bodies are included or excluded in the polity. With governments regulating bodies in ways that mark the political boundaries of who is a citizen worthy of protection and rights as well as those who transgress socially proscribed norms the contributors to this volume offer a systematic investigation of both theoretical and empirical account of bodily differences broadly defined. These chapters diverse in both the populations and the political behaviours examined as well as the methodological approaches employed showcase the significance of body politics in a way few edited works in political science currently do. Arguing that the body is an important site to understand power relations this book will be of interest to those studying the unequal application of rights to women racial and ethnic minorities the LGBTQ community and people with disabilities. This book was originally published as a special issue of Politics Groups and Identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367358136

Body PoliticsDisease Desire And The Family This book looks at the physical and metaphorical attributes of the human body as a site of contention politics and cultural protest. It discusses a range of issues from torture and moral panics to the "AIDS plague" and the homosocial subtexts of George Bush's political speeches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157685

Body ProblemsRunning and Living Long in a Fast-Food Society Body Problems addresses the relationship between the body and society in a fast-food culture. Agger focuses on issues of food exercise work dieting and eating disorders fashion bariatric and cosmetic surgery and health. He addresses a growing fundamental dilemma that we have ample access to abundant calories yet lead lifestyles and have jobs that for the most part do not enable us to expend those calories. He proposes solutions both individual and structural that involve re-orienting ourselves to exercise as play. This second edition has been updated to include a new chapter on food capitalism and a concluding passage arguing Cartesian dualism can be resolved by exercising vegans in ways that would thwart this food capitalism and give people immense control over their bodies health and well-being. The book is ideal for courses in introductory sociology social problems work sociology of sport and leisure gender and health and illness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138658752

Body ProblemsRunning and Living Long in a Fast-Food Society This book addresses the relationship between the body and society in a fast-food society. Agger focuses on issues of food exercise work dieting and eating disorders fashion bariatric and cosmetic surgery and health. He addresses the dilemma that we have ample access to abundant calories but lead lifestyles and have jobs that for the most part do not enable us to expend those calories. He proposes solutions both individual and structural that involve re-orienting ourselves to exercise as play. The book can be used in introductory sociology social problems work sociology of sport gender health and illness. The goal of this new unique Series is to offer readable teachable "thinking frames" on today’s social problems and social issues by leading scholars all in short 60 page or shorter formats and available for view on For instructors teaching a wide range of courses in the social sciences the Routledge Social Issues Collection now offers the best of both worlds: originally written short texts that provide "overviews" to important social issues as well as teachable excerpts from larger works previously published by Routledge and other presses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138143920

Body ProcessA Gestalt Approach to Working with the Body in Psychotherapy Traditional psychotherapy approaches focusing on working with and correcting mental events and conditions have placed little importance on the fundamentally physical nature of the person. Yet many of the problems people bring to therapy are linked with or manifested in the body--such as obesity psychosomatic distress chronic tension and sexual problems. This book provides a therapeutic approach that addresses both the physical and mental nature of clients.     In this book James Kepner shows that a client's posture movements and bodily experiences are indeed relevant to therapy and he offers an insightful framework for incorporating these aspects into a therapeutic framework. This comprehensive treatment explains how body work can be integrated with the aims methods and philosophy of psychotherapy offering a framework within which practitioners of different theoretical approaches can better appreciate body processes in the context of the whole person rather than as isolated events.     This book including an updated introduction by the author explores the range of body work in psychotherapy from the development of body awareness to intensive work with physical structure and expression. And it demonstrates how this approach can be particularly effective with a range of clients including survivors of sexual abuse recovering drug addicts or alcoholics or those suffering from chronic illness. Media > Books > Print Books Gestalt Press 9781138134201

Body Projects in Japanese ChildcareCulture Organization and Emotions in a Preschool Examines the place of body practices and the management of emotions in Japanese preschools. Early childhood socialization is explored as a set of 'body projects': a series of practices undertaken (over time) to design the body according to prevailing cultural definitions and images. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964846

Body Psychotherapy In the past the practice of body psychotherapy has been taken less seriously in professional circles than more traditional psychotherapeutic approaches.Body Psychotherapy redresses the balance offering insights into a spectrum of approaches within body-oriented psychotherapy. A range of experienced contributors introduce new areas of development and emerging theory and clinical material covering:* the history of body psychotherapy* theoretical perspectives on body psychotherapy including post-Reichian and development of integrative methodologies* body psychotherapy in practice including applications for trauma and regression* the future for body psychotherapy.This book shows how body psychotherapy can be healing reparative and rewarding. It will make essential reading for postgraduates and professionals whether they are already involved in this field or wish to learn more about incorporating it into their own practice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315820286

Body Reshaping through Muscle and Skin Meridian TherapyAn Introduction to 6 Body Types Body Reshaping through Muscle and Skin Meridian Therapy: An Introduction to 6 Body Types shows you how your weight and body shape can be a direct result of ill health and explains the structures and functions involved. It explores much more than just what your scale and the fit of your clothes might tell you. It looks at skin fat muscles diaphragm historical illnesses or injuries body posture body clock or circadian rhythm digestion blood vessels nutrition sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system and enteric nervous system. By examining the above factors you will learn how they contribute toward changes in body shape (notice no mention of dieting or exercise). Muscle meridian therapy refers to the passive application of treatments to muscles not connected to any major organ. The techniques involved improve all the metabolic balances of the body (pressure temperature and balance) as well as your overall health. Therapies can benefit all people including those with traumas such as digestive system disorders autonomic nerve system disorders medication complications post-childbirth complications major scarring posture issues and pain management. The author provides the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) tools and techniques needed for practitioner-guided wellness or at-home wellness understanding and maintenance. The book offers a full guide to "body type" evaluation for muscle meridian therapy and presents a "passive" therapy method (like massage or acupuncture) to complement "active" therapies (like physical therapy and exercise). It covers concepts that are highly individualized yet very "whole body" for physical restoration and balance. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498758734

Body ShameConceptualisation Research and Treatment Physical appearance plays a powerful role in social relationships. Those who feel shame regarding the way they look and who think others view their appearance negatively can therefore be vulnerable to impoverished social relationships and a range of psychological difficulties. However there are a few books which look specifically at the many permutations of body shame and their differing treatments.In this book researchers and therapists from a wide range of different disciplines and areas explore the role of shame in various physical and psychological disorders and provide practical advice on management and treatment. Chapters are organised to address issues of conceptualisation assessment and treatment on topics such as:* definitional controversies* possible biopsychosocial and evolutionary origins of body shame* effects on adjustment to maturation and aging process* specific forms of disfigurement* the role of body shame in depression eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder.Body Shame gives the reader insight into the nature and mechanisms of shame how it can focus on the body how it can underlie a variety of psychological difficulties and how to intervene to help resolve it. This book will be invaluable for practitioners from different disciplines working with people who have problems centred on their physical appearance and/or functions and clinicians working with various mental health problems. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315820255

Body Studies: The Basics Consideration of the body as a subject for study has increased in recent years with new technologies forms of modification debates about obesity and issues of age being brought into focus by the media. Drawing on contemporary culture Body Studies: The Basics introduces readers to the key concerns and debates surrounding the study of the sociological body cutting across disciplines to cover topics which include: Nature vs. Culture: how we ‘build’ and transform our bodies Conformity and resistance in bodily practice Issues of body image – beauty diet exercise and age Sporting bodies and the pursuit of ideals Enfreakment disability and monstrosity Cyborgs and virtual online bodies With further reading signposted throughout this accessible book is essential reading for anyone studying the body through the lens of sociology cultural studies sports studies media studies and gender studies; and all those with an interest in how the physical body can be a social construct. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415696203

Body StudiesAn Introduction In recent years body studies has expanded rapidly becoming an increasingly popular field of study within anthropology sociology and cultural studies. This groundbreaking textbook takes the topics and theories from these disciplines and combines them into one single easily accessible text for students. Body Studies is a comprehensive textbook on the social and cultural uses and meanings of the body for use in undergraduate college courses. Its clear accessible chapters explore among other things: the measurement and classification of the human body illness and healing the racialized body the gendered body cultural perceptions of beauty new bodily technologies. This book investigates how power plays an important role in the uses views and shapes of the body—as well as how the body is invested with meaning. Body Studies provides a wealth of pedagogic features for ease of teaching and learning: ethnographic case studies boxes covering contemporary controversies news stories and legislative issues as well as chapter summaries further reading recommendations and key terms. This book will appeal to students and teachers of sociology anthropology cultural studies women’s studies gender studies and ethnic studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415699303

Body TradeCaptivity Cannibalism and Colonialism in the Pacific Body Trade exposes myths surrounding the trade in heads cannibalism captive white women the display of indigenous people in fairs and circuses the stolen generations the 'comfort' women and the making of the exotic/erotic body. This is a lively and intriguiung comtribution to the study of the postcolonial body. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315023823

Body TransformationsEvolutions and Atavisms in Culture This book presents some eruptions of archaic compulsions and behaviors and the forms that they acquire in contemporary societies. It explores how we see and feel our bodies and some of the ways evolution and culture are transforming them. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003061922

Body Voice ImaginationImageWork Training and the Chekhov Technique First published in 2008. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203878194

Body WorkYouth Gender and Health The rise of the health beauty and fitness industries in recent years has led to an increased focus on the body. Body image gender and health are issues of long-standing concern in sociology and in youth studies but a theoretical and empirical focus on the body has been largely missing from this field. This book explores young people’s understandings of their bodies in the context of gender and health ideals consumer culture individualisation and image. Body Work examines the body in youth studies. It explores paradoxical aspects of gendered body work practices highlighting the contradiction in men’s increased participation in these industries as consumers alongside the re-emphasis of their gendered difference. It explores the key ways in which the ideal body is currently achieved via muscularising practices slimming regimes and cosmetic procedures. Coffey investigates the concept of ‘health’ and how it is inextricably linked both to the bodily performance of gender ideals and an increased public emphasis on individual management and responsibility in the pursuit of a ‘healthy’ body. This book’s conceptual framework places it at the forefront of theoretical work concerning bodies affect and images particularly in its development of Deleuzian research. It will appeal to a wide range of scholars and students in fields of youth studies education sociology gender studies cultural studies affect and body studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138592841

Body/EmbodimentSymbolic Interaction and the Sociology of the Body The body and experiences of embodiment have generated a rich and diverse sociological literature. This volume articulates and illustrates one major approach to the sociology of the body: symbolic interactionism an increasingly prevalent theoretical base of contemporary sociology derived from the pragmatism of writers such as John Dewey William James Charles Peirce Charles Cooley and George Herbert Mead. The authors argue that from an interactionist perspective the body is much more than a tangible corporeal object - it is a vessel of great significance to the individual and society. From this perspective body self and social interaction are intimately interrelated and constantly reconfigured. The collection constitutes a unique anthology of empirical research on the body from health and illness to sexuality from beauty and imagery to bodily performance in sport and art and from mediated communication to plastic surgery. The contributions are informed by innovative interactionist theory offering fresh insights into one of the fastest growing sub-disciplines of sociology and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367603946

Body/PoliticsWomen and the Discourses of Science Body/Politics demonstrates how many of the controversies in modern science involve or invoke the feminine body as their battleground. This groundbreaking collection addresses such scientific issues as artificial fertilization the "crisis" in childbirth management and the medical invention of "female" maladies and the debates surrounding them. In the process it makes an important attempt to remedy the traditional division between science and non-science by focusing on the interconnection of literary social and scientific discourses concerning the female body. The editors have brought together noted feminist scholars and critics from various fields. Contributers include Susan Bordo Mary Ann Doane Donna Haraway Emily Martin Mary Poovey and Paula A. Treichler. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160941

Body/State Body/State brings together original essays addressing various aspects of the evolving interaction between bodies and states. While each essay has different empirical and/or theoretical focus authors consider a number of overlapping themes to appreciate the state's engagement with and concern about bodies. Divided into five parts the first part 'Bodies Modified and Divided' considers how the production regulation policing and maintenance of borders (physical social sexual political religious etc.) are used to enable or constrain the physical (re)shaping of the body. Part two 'Capital Bodies' extends the state's concern with the flows of bodies that make up the nation to consider how they are enrolled in the complex structures of capitalist exchange that form the basis for maintaining and contesting a set of relationships between states and markets. Part three 'Deviance and Resistance' examines both how states seek to discipline ’non-normal’ bodies and appreciates the capacity of changes in the socio-cultural meaning and nature of bodies to resist and/or escape states. Part four ’Sovereignty and Surveillance’ develops themes of deviancy and resistance by considering the impact of new technologies both on the intimate regulatory reach of states into and across bodies and on the nature of embodiment itself. Finally Part five ’The Body Virtual’ examines the impact of new technologies and online spaces both on the intimate regulatory reach of states into and across bodies and on the nature of embodiment itself. A varied collection of essays that address important and complex topics in a readable and creative way. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138253513

BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental TraumaAn Embodied Therapeutic Approach Winner of the NAAP 2019 Gradiva® Award! Winner of the IAJS Book Award for Best Book published in 2019! Marian Dunlea’s BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: An Embodied Therapeutic Approach provides a theoretical and practical guide for working with early developmental trauma. This interdisciplinary approach explores the interconnection of body mind and psyche offering a masterful tool for restoring balance and healing developmental trauma. BodyDreaming is a somatically focused therapeutic method drawing on the findings of neuroscience analytical psychology attachment theory and trauma therapy. In Part I Dunlea defines BodyDreaming and its origins placing it in the context of a dysregulated contemporary world. Part II explains how the brain works in relation to the BodyDreaming approach: providing an accessible outline of neuroscientific theory structures and neuroanatomy in attunement affect regulation attachment patterns transference and countertransference and the resolution of trauma throughout the body. In Part III through detailed transcripts from sessions with clients Dunlea demonstrates the positive impact of BodyDreaming on attachment patterns and developmental trauma. This somatic approach complements and enhances psychobiological developmental and psychoanalytic interventions. BodyDreaming restores balance to a dysregulated psyche and nervous system that activates our innate capacity for healing changing our default response of "fight flight or freeze" and creating new neural pathways. Dunlea’s emphasis on attunement to build a restorative relationship with the sensing body creates a core sense of self providing a secure base for healing developmental trauma. Innovative and practical and with a foreword by Donald E. Kalsched BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: An Embodied Therapeutic Approach will be essential reading for psychotherapists analytical psychologists and therapists with a Jungian background arts therapists dance and movement therapists and body workers interested in learning how to work with both body and psyche in their practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367025946

Body-Mind Dissociation in PsychoanalysisDevelopment after Bion The conflict and dissociation between the Body and the Mind have determinant implications in the context of our current clinical practice and are an important source of internal and relational disturbances. Body-Mind Dissociation in Psychoanalysis proposes the concept as a new hypothesis  different from traumatic dissociation or states of splitting.  This approach opens the door to a clinical confrontation with extreme forms of mental disturbance such as psychosis or borderline disorders and strengthens the relational power of the analytic encounter through a focus on the internal sensory/emotional axis in both analyst and analysand. The book details this importance of the analyst’s intrasubjective relationship with the analysand in constructing new developmental horizons starting from the body-mind exchange of the two participants. Body-Mind Dissociation in Psychoanalysis will be of use to students beginners in psychotherapy mental health practitioners and seasoned psychoanalysts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100053

BodyscapeArt modernity and the ideal figure This book explores body images in visual culture from revolutionary France to contemporary New York. It engages with artists' use of different kinds of body images in painting sculpture photography and film and shows the centrality of the body in the work of artists from da Vinci to Manet. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203393406

BodyspaceAnthropometry Ergonomics and the Design of Work Third Edition In the 20 years since the publication of the first edition of Bodyspace the knowledge base upon which ergonomics rests has increased significantly. The need for an authoritative contemporary and above all usable reference is therefore great. This third edition maintains the same content and structure as previous editions but updates the material and references to reflect recent developments in the field. The book has been substantially revised to include new research and anthropometric surveys the latest techniques and changes in legislation that have taken place in recent years. New coverage in the third edition: Guidance on design strategies and practical advice on conducting trials Overview of recent advances in simulation and digital human modes Dynamic seating ·         Recent work on hand/handle interface Computer input devices ·         Laptop computer use and children’s use of computers ·         Design for an aging population and accessibility for people with disabilities ·         New approaches to risk management and new assessment tools legislation and standards As the previous two editions have shown Bodyspace is an example of the unusual: a text that is a favorite among academics and practitioners. Losing none of the features that made previous editions so popular the author skillfully integrates new knowledge into the existing text without sacrificing the easily accessible style that makes this book unique. More than just a reference text this authoritative book clearly delineates the field of ergonomics. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315375212

Body-States:Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders In this edited volume Jean Petrucelli brings together the work of talented clinicians and researchers steeped in working with eating disordered patients for the past 10 to 35 years. Eating disorders are about body-states and their relational meanings. The split of mindbody functioning is enacted in many arenas in the eating disordered patient’s life. Concretely a patient believes that disciplining or controlling his or her body is a means to psychic equilibrium and interpersonal effectiveness. The collected papers in Body-States: Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders elaborates the essential role of linking symptoms with their emotional and interpersonal meanings in the context of the therapy relationship so that eating disordered patients can find their way out and survive the unbearable. The contributors bridge the gaps in varied protocols for recovery illustrating that at its core trust in the reliability of the humanness of the other is necessary for patients to develop regain or have - for the first time - a stable body. They illustrate how embodied experience must be cultivated in the patient/therapist relationship as a felt experience so patients can experience their bodies as their own to be lived in and enjoyed rather than as an ‘other’ to be managed. In this collection Petrucelli convincingly demonstrates how interpersonal and relational treatments address eating problems body image and "problems in living." Body States: Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders will be essential reading for psychoanalysts psychotherapists psychologists psychiatrists social workers and a wide range of professionals and lay readers who are interested in the topic and treatment of eating disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415629577

Body-to-Body IntimacyTransformation Through Love Sex and Neurobiology This book presents an integrative growth-oriented approach to therapy with couples that demonstrates the dynamic interplay between partners’ emotional issues and their sexual difficulties. It offers a model for relational and sexual enhancement that focuses as much on partners’ present nonverbal body-to-body communications as on their words. Dr. Stella Resnick draws on research from interpersonal neurobiology sexology positive psychology and Gestalt therapy and shares a rich assortment of therapy vignettes to demonstrate the transformative power of pleasure and how a focus on body-to-body intimacy can heal emotional wounds from the past and encourage greater presence empathy authenticity playfulness and sexual pleasure between intimate partners. The therapeutic process is explored in four related spectrums: the Problem-Transformation Spectrum the Attachment-Sexuality Spectrum the Pain-Pleasure Spectrum and the Cognitive-Somatic-Experiential-Behavioral-Spectrum. Part I lays the theoretical foundation for the work. Part II examines the early attachment bond between parent and child and its effects on adult capacity for emotional closeness and sexual pleasure. Part III offers methods for resolving painful emotional issues underlying many sexual difficulties. Finally Part IV describes the procedure for moving from a cognitive reframing of the problem to a somatic focus on the body and tracking present-moment emotional interactions to the repair of relational injuries that nurture transformational change. Also included is a series of process-oriented exercises and a handout that therapists can use in their own practice. Body-to-Body Intimacy will enable couples and sex therapists to expand their practices and enrich their clients’ sexual and relational dynamics. This book also contains valuable information that will be appreciated by anyone interested in a greater understanding of a growth-oriented therapeutic process for couples and what can be achieved together by gaining a deeply loving and sexually fulfilling intimate love relationship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138123908

Bogdanov and His WorkA Guide to the Published and Unpublished Works of Alexander A Bogdanov (Malinovsky) 1873-1928 Alexander Bogdanov was a co-founder with Lenin of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party in 1904. After 1905 Bogdanov criticized Lenin's adaption of Bolshevism to the requirements of Duma politics and his authoritarian style of leadership. Expelled from the Bolshevik fraction in 1909 he at first formed the Forward faction of the RSDRP and then turned increasingly to scholarly and publicistic work. In 1910 he published Faith and Science replying to Lenin's Materialism and Empiriocritcism which had been written to discredit him. His ideas on the sociology of culture led to the founding of the Proletkult in 1917 and during the 1920s these ideas were taken up adapted and often distorted in the course of the 'Cultural Revolution'. Bogdanov's textbooks in sociology and economics were widely used during the 1920s. Seeking to liberate Marxism from the shackles of Hegelianism he developed a theory of 'organizational science' ('Tektology') which influenced early economic planning through the work of Groman and Bazarov. As a systems thinker Bogdanov is now viewed as a precursor of Ludwig von Berthalanffy and Norbert Wiener. Arrested by the GPU in 1923 for alleged political opposition Bogdanov withdrew even further from public life and returned to medicine his original calling. In 1926 he founded the first Russian Institute of Blood Transfusion presiding over pioneering work in this sphere until 1928 when he died. During the Stalin years Bogdanov's works were judged to be heretical and were not republished. It was not until 1989 that his 'Universal Organizational Science' was republished though his contribution to systems thinking had been recognized by Russian and East European systems thinkers as early as the 1960s. In the West. the importance of Bogdanov as a 'cultural Marxist' as an influence upon Gramsci and as a pioneer in systems thinking is increasingly being acknowledged. This bibliography of Bogdanov's works takes advantage of the opening of the Party and State archives and provides references to the principal relevant archives in Europe and the United States. Its publication is a landmark in the history of Bolshevism and in the history of Russian social thought. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261423

Bohm-Biederman CorrespondenceCreativity in Art and Science "It was sheer chance that I encountered David Bohm's writing in 1958 ... I knew nothing about him. What struck me about his work and prompted my initial letter was his underlying effort to seek for some larger sense of reality which seemed a very humanized search." - Charles Biederman from the foreword of the bookThis book marks the beginning of a four thousand page correspondence between Charles Biederman founder of Constructivism in the 1930s and David Bohm the prestigious physicist known for his interpretation of quantum theory. Available for the first time we are given a rare opportunity to read through and engage in a remarkable transatlantic intellectual discussion on art and science creativity and theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415757133

Bohuslav MartinůA Research and Information Guide This annotated bibliography uncovers the wealth of resources available to prospective researchers and supports emerging scholarship and inquiry into the life and music of this Czech composer. It includes all secondary sources on Martinu and his music as well as chronology of his life and a complete list of works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380417

Boiler Operator's Handbook Second Edition This book was written specifically for boiler plan operators and supervisors who want to learn how to lower plant operating costs as well as how to operate plants of all types and sizes more wisely. It is newly revised with guidelines for HRSGs combined cycle systems and environmental effects of boiler operation. Also included is a new chapter on refrigeration systems that addresses the environmental effects of inadvertent and intentional discharges of refrigerants. Going beyond the basics of "keeping the pressure up " the author explains in clear terms how to set effective priorities to ensure optimal plant operation including ensuring safety and continuity of operations preventing damage managing environmental impact training replacement plant operators logging and preserving historical data and operating the plant economically. Media > Books > Print Books Fairmont Press 9781482253894

Boiler Plant and Distribution System Optimization Manual Third Edition The book has been upgraded with ten new checklists with over 100 ways to improve performance with 50 additional illustrations to communicate specific information about applying these technologies. The new checklists serve as a handy reference for designing an energy plan for your plants. Understanding that funds for energy come directly from your bottom line this book has been designed for those tasked with increasing profits by reducing fuel costs while also reducing pollution and carbon footprints with attention to plant safety. The author presents many complex boiler-related topics in a simple and understandable way to simplify the decision-making process. Media > Books > Print Books Fairmont Press 9781482260786

BoilersA Practical Reference Following the publication of the author’s first book Boilers for Power and Process by CRC Press in 2009 several requests were made for a reference with even quicker access to information. Boilers: A Practical Reference is the result of those requests providing a user-friendly encyclopedic format with more than 500 entries and nearly the same number of supporting illustrations.Written for practicing engineers and dealing with practical issues rather than theory this reference focuses exclusively on water tube boilers found in process industries and power plants. It provides broad explanations for the following topics: A range of boilers and main auxiliaries as well as steam and gas turbines Traditional firing techniques—grates oil/gas and modern systems Industrial utility waste heat MSW and bio-fuel-fired boilers including supercritical boilers The scientific fundamentals of combustion heat transfer fluid flow and more The basics of fuels water ash high-temperature steels structurals refractory insulation and more Additional engineering topics like boiler instruments controls welding corrosion and wear Air pollution its abatement techniques and their effect on the design of boilers and auxiliaries Emerging technologies such as carbon capture oxy-fuel combustion and PFBC This reference covers almost every topic needed by boiler engineers in process and power plants. An encyclopedia by design and a professional reference book by focus and size this volume is strong on fundamentals and design aspects as well as practical content. The scope and easy-to-navigate presentation of the material plus the numerous illustrations make this a unique reference for busy design project operation and consulting engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073272

Boiling Heat Transfer And Two-Phase Flow Completely updated this graduate text describes the current state of boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow in terms through which students can attain a consistent understanding. Prediction of real or potential boiling heat transfer behaviour both in steady and transient states is covered to aid engineering design of reliable and effective systems. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138510

Boko Haram and the Drivers of Islamist Violence This book analyzes the factors that drive Boko Haram’s violence arguing that the movement is rooted in the historical and religious context of west Africa. The data presented is based on extensive research including fieldwork in Nigeria primary source analysis archival work and large-scale survey analyses. Each chapter deals with a different case-study that showcases a driver of Boko Haram’s violence including how the jihad of Usman dan Fodio is used as a source of contemporary inspiration to Boko Haram; how the extrajudicial killing of its then leader Mohammad Yusuf spurred the group to violence; why the kidnapping of the Chibok schoolgirls was motivated by both ideology and strategy; how the formation of a caliphate and pledging of allegiance to ISIS gave Boko Haram an amplified presence; and how the issue of takfir led to the fracturing of the movement. To succeed in the fight against Boko Haram this book argues the Nigerian state needs to couple military advances with deep social changes such as combatting corruption reforming the police and investing equitably across the country. This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism and political violence African politics war and conflict studies and security studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611863

Boko HaramSecurity Considerations and the Rise of an Insurgency Boko Haram analyzes the activities and atrocities of Nigeria’s Jihadi terrorist group Boko Haram in the context of global religious fundamentalism and extremism. The book traces the early beginnings of the religious sect the conversion of its leader to radical Islam in 2002 and the group’s campaign of violence beginning in 2009 and continuing to the present. The group’s attacks against a variety of targets are examined in detail as are their general tactics and strategies. The Nigerian government response is also examined in order to provide critical lessons to counterterrorism planners policy and government officials and scholars. The initial military response was hampered by capability and legislative constraints including a lack of arms and ammunition a lack of modern counterterrorism equipment training gaps leadership issues intelligence gaps politicization of the conflict and limited support to the Nigerian military by the international community. Boko Haram looks at the work that has been done thus far and what work needs to continue to make gains to combat marginalize and ultimately defeat Boko Haram and resolve the conflict facing Nigeria. Key features: Outlines the history of Boko Haram and its emergence in Nigeria Provides the latest developments on fundamentalism in Nigeria the growth of Boko Haram and the government response Focuses on the attacks attack methodology and targeting of Boko Haram addressing best-practice countermeasures Examines Boko Haram’s ties to other Islamist groups including ISIL/ISIS and others Details the importance for international cooperation in responding to Boko Haram’s activities and threats. About the Author: Dr. Ona Ekhomu CFE CPP CSP PCI CPOI was born in Irrua Nigeria. He holds the PhD from University of Pittsburgh. A policy analyst and security expert Ekhomu is Chairman Trans-World Security Systems Ltd. and Chairman School of Management and Security (Lagos Nigeria). President of Trans-World Security Systems Inc. of Chicago Illinois USA Ekhomu is also a lecturer in the Sociology Department of the University of Lagos Nigeria. He is President of the Association of Industrial Security and Safety Operators of Nigeria; Africa Representative of the International Foundation for Protection Officers; and former Regional Vice-President (West and Central Africa) of ASIS International. Ekhomu is author of Kidnap: Face to Face with Death (2014) and Effective Personal & Corporate Security (2009). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138561366

Bold MindsLibrary Leadership in a Time of Disruption Are librarians and libraries relevant in the 21st century? This is a fundamental question and one that presents differing opinions across the many diverse information sectors. If there is a continuing need for libraries and for librarians then how do library leaders obtain strategic support when there appears to be a lack of clarity or understanding about the very purpose of libraries at a time when economically libraries are under pressure to develop new business models and be more commercially focussed? Bold Minds: Library leadership in a time of disruption brings together international leaders who frame many aspects of the current library provision and who carry responsibility for the library models of the future to consider how librarians and libraries can be a driving force in a time of disruptive economic technological and cultural change. Each chapter critically presents a short leadership provocation regarding libraries and their purpose encompassing impact service delivery collections staff skills and professional training and assessing what it means for leaders their sectors and organisations and how they have developed their personal leadership signature. This book will be invaluable to library and information professionals in a range of public and private sector libraries as well as policy makers in services where libraries are a component. It will also be useful for students educational establishments and IT professionals with an information management element to their work. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783304530

Bold Plans for School RestructuringThe New American Schools Designs Two powerful forces are driving American's demands for better schools -- one longstanding force is idealistic and the other is "new" and economic. The current group of young Americans is in danger of being the first full generation to consistently make less money and enjoy fewer worldly rewards than their parents. The intersection of idealistic and pragmatic forces has produced an era of calls for reform in U.S. education that is unparalleled -- calls that have resulted in the creation of the New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC). The chapters in this book highlight the path traveled by NASDC -- a private non-profit corporation charged with creating new "break the mold" school designs for the 21st century -- and describes the first three years' accomplishments of nine NASDC development teams. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203053683

Bolivia at the CrossroadsPolitics Economy and Environment in a Time of Crisis As Bolivia reels from the collapse of the government in November 2019 a wave of social protests and now the impact of Covid-19 this book asks: where next for Bolivia? After almost 14 years in power the government of Bolivia’s first indigenous president collapsed in 2019 amidst widescale protest and allegations of electoral fraud. The contested transitional government that emerged was quickly struck by the impacts of the Covid-19 public health crisis. This book reflects on this critical moment in Bolivia’s development from the perspectives of politics the economy the judiciary and the environment. It asks what key issues emerged during Evo Morales’s administration and what are the main challenges awaiting the next government in order to steer the country through a new and uncertain road ahead. As the world considers what the ultimate legacy of Morales’s left-wing social experiment will be this book will be of great interest to researchers across the fields of Latin American studies development politics and economics as well as to professionals active in the promotion of development in the country and the region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367707729

Bolivia: Geopolitics of a Landlocked State Bolivia: Geopolitics of a Landlocked State goes beyond the traditional focus on inter-American relations territorial issues and the maritime question to provide the first comprehensive study of Bolivian foreign policy from independence to the present day. It aims to redress the balance between the often overstated importance of external determinants – actors and forces outside Bolivia which have influenced the foreign policy process – and the understated impact of internal determinants similar actors and forces within Bolivia. Drawing on 50 years of research and study the author focuses on the five interrelated goals of sovereignty national security territorial integrity continental solidarity and economic independence which have characterized Bolivian foreign policy from the outset. In so doing the negative impact which poor governance weak state capacity and a fixation on the seaport issue had on the achievement of those five goals is centre stage in the discussion. In acknowledging the geopolitical ramifications of being landlocked the singular nature of Bolivia’s approach to the problem also is detailed. An examination of foreign policy today can no longer be confined to intergovernmental relations; instead it must consider the full range of internal and external forces which have influenced its scope and direction. In addition to bilateral relations boundary disputes and the seaport issue this volume explores the impact of foreign capital and multinational companies together with the effects of domestic entrepreneurs political parties labour unions and social movements. It also assesses the overlap or linkage between domestic and foreign variables when the two combined to influence Bolivian foreign policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857439694

Bollywood Serious research on Bollywood—perhaps the most well-known and vital aspect of contemporary Indian culture—has flourished in recent decades. This new four-volume collection from Routledge meets the need for an authoritative anthology to enable users to navigate and make sense of the subject’s large body of scholarship and the continuing explosion in research output. Edited by Rachel Dwyer a leading expert in the field this new Routledge title is a ‘mini library’ of foundational and the very best cutting-edge work. Bollywood provides an indispensable one-stop resource on the development of popular cinema within India with of course an emphasis on Hindi films produced in Bombay. Tracing the development of Indian popular cinema from the early twentieth century onwards the collection allows users fully to comprehend the role of film and popular culture in colonial and independent India the evolution and nature of different film genres the importance of film music and the great regional diversity 'Bollywood' encompasses. The collection also brings together the best and most influential scholarly works on topics that include: the silent era; the studio period; the ‘Golden Age’; and the so-called ‘segmentation’ of cinema. The contribution of major stars and directors is also assessed. Bollywood includes a full index and a comprehensive introduction newly written by the editor which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. It is an essential work of reference and is destined to be valued by scholars and advanced students as a vital research tool. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415530552

Bollywood and GlobalizationThe Global Power of Popular Hindi Cinema The field of Bollywood studies has remained predominantly critical theoretical and historical in focus. This book brings together qualitative and quantitative approaches to tackle empirical questions focusing on the relationship between soft power hybridity cinematic texts and audiences. Adopting a critical-transcultural framework that examines the complex power relations that are manifested through globalized production and consumption practices the book approaches the study of popular Hindi cinema from three broad perspectives: transcultural production contexts content trends and audiences. It firstly outlines the theoretical issues relevant to the spread of popular Indian cinema and emergence of India’s growing soft power. The book goes on to report on a series of quantitative studies that examine the patterns of geographical cultural political infrastructural and artistic power dynamics at work within the highest-grossing popular Hindi films over a 61-year period since independence. Finally an additional set of studies are presented that quantitatively examine Indian and North American audience consumption practices. The book illuminates issues related to the actualization and maintenance of cinematic soft power dynamics highlighting Bollywood’s increasing integration into and subsumption by globalized practices that are fundamentally altering India’s cinematic landscape and thus its unique soft power potential. It is of interest to academics working in Film Studies Globalisation Studies and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119321

Bollywood CinemaTemples of Desire India is home to Bollywood - the largest film industry in the world. Movie theaters are said to be the "temples of modern India " with Bombay producing nearly 800 films per year that are viewed by roughly 11 million people per day. In Bollywood Cinema Vijay Mishra argues that Indian film production and reception is shaped by the desire for national community and a pan-Indian popular culture. Seeking to understand Bollywood according to its own narrative and aesthetic principles and in relation to a global film industry he views Indian cinema through the dual methodologies of postcolonial studies and film theory. Mishra discusses classics such as Mother India (1957) and Devdas (1935) and recent films including Ram Lakhan (1989) and Khalnayak (1993) linking their form and content to broader issues of national identity epic tradition popular culture history and the implications of diaspora. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203951392

Bollywood TravelsCulture Diaspora and Border Crossings in Popular Hindi Cinema Using an interdisciplinary framework this book offers a fresh perspective on the issues of diaspora culture and border crossings in the films popular cultures and media and entertainment industries from the popular Hindi cinema of India. It analyses and discusses a range of key contemporary films in detail such as Veer Zaara Jhoom Barabar Jhoom and Dostana. The book uses the notion of travel analytically in and through the cinema to comment on films that have dealt with Indo-Pak border crossings representations of diaspora and gender and sexuality in new ways. It engages with common sense assumptions about everyday South Asian and diasporic South Asian cultures and representations as expressed in Bollywood cinema in order to look at these issues further. Moving towards an innovative exploration beyond the films this book charts the circuits and routes of Bollywood as South Asian club cultures in the diaspora and Hindi cinema entertainment shows around the world as well as its impact on social media websites. Bollywood Travels is an original and thought provoking contribution to studies on Asian Culture and Society Sociology World Cinema and Film Media and Cultural Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138844520

BollywoodA Guidebook to Popular Hindi Cinema 'Bollywood' is the dominant global term to refer to the prolific Hindi language film industry in Bombay (renamed Mumbai in 1995). Characterised by music dance routines melodrama lavish production values and an emphasis on stars and spectacle Bollywood films have met with box-office success and enthusiastic audiences from India to West Africa to Russia and throughout the English-speaking world. In Bollywood anthropologist and film scholar Tejaswini Ganti provides a guide to the cultural social and political significance of Hindi cinema outlining the history and structure of the Bombay film industry and the development of popular Hindi filmmaking since the 1930s. Providing information and commentary on the key players in Bollywood including directors and stars as well as material from current filmmakers themselves the areas covered in Bollywood include: history of Indian cinema narrative style main themes and key genres of Hindi cinema significant films directors and stars production and distribution of Bollywood films interviews with actors directors and screenwriters. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415583886

Bolognese Instrumental Music 1660–1710Spiritual Comfort Courtly Delight and Commercial Triumph This book the first of its kind is a study of Bolognese instrumental music during the height of the city's musical activity in the late seventeenth century. The period”marked by a rapid expansion of the cappella musicale of the principal city church San Petronio by the founding of the Accademia Filarmonica and by increasingly lavish patronage of musical events”witnessed the proliferation of repertory for instrumental ensembles. This music not only reveals crucial stages in the development of the sonata and concerto but also recalls the elaborate church rituals and the opulent public and private celebrations in which they figured prominently. Moreover the late seventeenth century saw the heyday of Bolognese music publishing whose output of sonatas and related instrumental genres easily surpassed that of the once-dominating Venetian presses. The approach taken here departs from composer- and genre-centered monographs on Italian instrumental music in order to illuminate an array of topics that center on the Bolognese repertory: the social condition of instrumentalist-composers; the acumen of music publishers in the creation of the repertory; the diverse contexts of the instrumental dances; the influence of liturgical traditions on sonata topoi; the impact of psalmodic practice on tonal style; and the innovative climate that led to experiments with scoring and form in the earliest instrumental concertos. In sum this book not only illustrates the historically significant and defining features of the music but also links the surviving repertory to the flourishing musical culture in which it was created. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255937

Bolsheviks and British JewsThe Anglo-Jewish Community Britain and the Russian Revolution First Published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415861731

Bolshevism and the Labour Movement Originally published in 1916 this volume discusses the history of the labour movement during the latter part of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries in so far as it relates to the advocacy and use of violence. A contentious issue which divided the labour movement during the 19th century the author presents arguments made by both sides of this controversy. Nonetheless the book remains a Marxist critique of violence as practised by direct action anarchists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138227231

Bolshevism at a Deadlock (Routledge Revivals) Bolshevism at a Deadlock was written Karl Kautsky one of the leading Marxist intellectuals of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries in response to the catastrophic failures of Stalin’s first Five Year Plan which was intended to raise Russian industry and productivity to equal that of Western Europe. Kautsky sets out to demonstrate how the repressive autocracy of the Bolsheviks and the disregard for economic exigencies achieved nothing more than "the wholesale pauperisation and degradation of the Russian people" and prophesies the imminent collapse of Soviet Russia in the face of mass famine ideological dogmatism and ultimately the failures inherent in the 1917 Revolution itself. Kautsky’s analysis of the situation of Socialist Russia at the beginning of the troubled 1930s will be of interest to students of pre-war Soviet political practice economic history and domestic policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415742672

Bolshevism in Perspective Originally published in 1931 this volume is a level-headed account of the Bolshevik Revolution and Bolshevist Russia which covers the whole ground of the Revolution the early history of Bolshevism and the state of Russia in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Based on two visits by the author to Russia the book presents a picture in which real problems are set against an historical background examining life under Bolshevism and examining it as a working system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138070349

Bolshevist Russia This book originally published in English in 1927 deals with the social state of Russia after eight years of Bolshevist rule and influence up to the end of 1925. Laced with predicitions of failure the book is nonetheless prophetic in many ways. It discusses the limitations in practice of Bolshevist politics and the reality of the Soviet elections of the early 1920s and the growing influence of the Communist Party. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138070103

Bombay in the Days of Queen Anne Being an Account of the Settlement written by John Burnell In addition to the main text with introduction and notes there is 'added Burnell's narrative of his adventures in Bengal With an Introduction by Sir William Foster and Notes by Sir Evan Cotton C.I.E. and L.M. Anstey'. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1933. Media > Books > E-books Hakluyt Society 9781315569659

Bombay--London--New York First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203954157

Bombs IEDs and ExplosivesIdentification Investigation and Disposal Techniques A guide on procedures administration and equipment Bombs IEDs and Explosives: Identification Investigation and Disposal Techniques introduces concepts basic knowledge and necessary skill sets for bomb technicians. It covers topics such as training resources bomb threat and incident response legal aspects of bomb disposal explosives and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) bomb technology bomb disposal equipment and explosive evidence handling. The book outlines where bomb squads and technicians have historically been placed within the public safety system and suggests where they should ideally fit according to their function. It details specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) for various bomb threat and response scenarios discusses protocols for requesting and supporting a bomb squad response and addresses legal and forensic aspects of handling and associated recordkeeping. With the growing threat of chemical biology and radiological terrorism the book recommends a stronger alliance of bomb disposal and hazardous materials response teams. Such alliances—in conjunction with increased interorganizational coordination between public safety divisions such as police and fire departments—will lead to more effective responses to incidents and threats. The field of bomb disposal is constantly evolving. Bombers and bombmakers especially those associated with terrorist organizations study emergency responses to incidents to modify their devices for increased effectiveness. This book stresses the need for flexibility and creativity in response. Bombs IEDs and Explosives provides a ready reference on a wide variety of technical administrative and legal information that makes it indispensable to bomb disposal professionals and units. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498714495

Bombs and BallotsGovernance by Islamist Terrorist and Guerrilla Groups Eventually most terrorist and guerrilla groups are defeated by governments or gradually die off - sometimes becoming political parties democratically participating in the non-violent governance of their states. Yet some terrorist and guerrilla groups maintain military capabilities using violence and democratic participation simultaneously. Here Krista E. Wiegand examines the different political strategies that Islamist terrorist and guerrilla groups use to achieve their political objectives. Focussing on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine Wiegand skilfully reveals the factors that determine why Islamist militant groups become involved in governance as political parties how mainstream governments may or may not accept them as legitimate why some groups like al- Gama'a al-Islamiya in Egypt renounce guerrilla tactics and how some groups govern whilst employing political violence. Bombs and Ballots is a valuable contribution to the study of state-society relations in the Middle East exposing the blurred line between terrorist activity and governance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569666

Bombs in the Consulting RoomSurviving Psychological Shrapnel What does one do when a dangerous paedophile nearly six feet seven inches in height threatens to kill you? How does one manage when a brain-damaged psychotic patient spits on the office floor two hundred times during the first consultation? And what does one say when one member of a warring couple reveals the most horrific acts of sexual cruelty? In perhaps his most gripping book to date Professor Brett Kahr offers colleagues a detailed glimpse into the challenge of working with highly distressed and disturbing individuals in long-term psychotherapy. Kahr explains the ways in which such deeply troubled people hurl "bombs" into the consulting room leaving considerable "psychological shrapnel" in their wake. The book contains five sensitively and compellingly written clinical chapters followed by several historical chapters which explore the ways in which Donald Winnicott attempted to manage the bombs in his consulting room often of his own making. Kahr then examines the pioneering contribution of Enid Eichholz (later Enid Balint) who during the Second World War created marital psychoanalysis as a means of dealing with couples ravaged by actual wartime bombs. The book concludes with an historico-clinical chapter on how thoughtful and sophisticated classical interpretation can reduce the impact of clinical bombs. Kahr even provides us with an examination of his favourite "top ten" interpretations in the history of psychoanalysis! A unique and helpful volume written by a practitioner steeped equally in psychoanalysis and history Bombs in the Consulting Room: Surviving Psychological Shrapnel will be essential reading for anyone who has ever felt frightened while treating patients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782206606

Bonaparte This book originally published in 1978 argues that there was no ‘turning-point’ in Bonaparte’s career but rather a consistent pattern from beginning to end. As a commander Bonaparte’s forte was speed and aggressiveness. As a planner however he was slapdash: his armies starved and went barefoot. The author argues that far from being a master of concentration of force on the battlefield he was again and again caught with his army dispersed and only rescued from disaster by the last-minute arrival of reinforcements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138932784

Bond Duration and ImmunizationEarly Developments and Recent Contributions First published in 1982 Bond Duration and Immunization is a collection of seminal papers featuring articles from high profile academics such as Frederick McCaulay John Hicks and F.M. Redington. This collection also features several articles published in British actuarial journals often unavailable outside of the UK and a strong collection of articles which contextually offer a significant contribution to the field. This strong collection will appeal to anyone working or researching in the area of bond duration and immunization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138504363

Bond MarketsStructures and Yield Calculations As cross-market bond trading has increased it has become vital for international participants to understand the many different features that characterize the various international bond markets. Of particular interest to bond traders and investors are such factors as calculation of prices accrued interest yields and durations. Bond Markets compares and contrasts all major bond markets with particular attention to: how different instruments are normally quoted; how much accrued interest is payable by the buyer in addition to traded price; the cost of a bond if quoted on a yield basis; normal settlement terms; rules for adjusting coupon rates; and how yields are quoted and calculated. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315062129

Bond Men Made FreeMedieval Peasant Movements and the English Rising of 1381 Rodney Hilton's account of the Peasant's Revolt of 1381 remains the classic authoritative text on the 'English Rising'. Hilton views the revolt in the context of a general European pattern of class conflict. He demonstrates that the peasant movements that disturbed the Middle Ages were not mere unrelated outbreaks of violence but had their roots in common economic and political conditions and in a recurring conflict of interest between peasants and landowners.Now with a new introduction by Christopher Dyer this survey remains the leading source for students of medieval English peasantry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138173279

Bond Orders and Energy ComponentsExtracting Chemical Information from Molecular Wave Functions While modern computational methods can provide us with the wave function of a molecule in numerical form most computer programs lack the sophisticated tools needed to extract chemical concepts from these wave functions. Saving researchers vast time and potential confusion this volume collects and organizes those validated tools currently scattered throughout the literature and details their application. It provides immediate access for those needing to calculate such critical factors as bond order and valence indices and atomic and diatomic contributions to molecular energy. Supporting material is available for download from the authors' continually updated website. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781420090116

Bonded Labour and Debt in the Indian Ocean World This volume of essays contains case studies of debt bondage covering the impact of an expanding globalized economy increased commercialization colonial and post-colonial societies and emerging economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138664715

Bonding through CodeTheoretical Models for Molecules and Materials This timely and unique publication is designed for graduate students and researchers in inorganic and materials chemistry and covers bonding models and applications of symmetry concepts to chemical systems. The book discusses the quantum mechanical basis for molecular orbital concepts the connections between molecular orbitals and localized views of bonding group theory bonding models for a variety of compounds and the extension of these ideas to solid state materials in band theory. Unlike other books the concepts are made tangible to the readers by guiding them through their implementation in MATLAB functions. No background in MATLAB or computer programming is needed; the book will provide the necessary skills. Key Features Visualization of the Postulates of Quantum Mechanics to build conceptual understanding MATLAB functions for rendering molecular geometries and orbitals Do-it-yourself approach to building a molecular orbital and band theory program Introduction to Group Theory harnessing the 3D graphing capabilities of MATLAB Online access to a growing collection of applications of the core material and other appendices Bonding through Code is ideal for first-year graduate students and advanced undergraduates in chemistry materials science and physics. Researchers wishing to gain new tools for theoretical analysis or deepen their understanding of bonding phenomena can also benefit from this text.  About the Author Daniel Fredrickson is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison where his research group focuses on understanding and harnessing the structural chemistry of intermetallic phases using a combination of theory and experiment. His interests in crystals structure and bonding can be traced to his undergraduate research at the University of Washington (B.S. in Biochemistry 2000) with Prof. Bart Kahr his Ph.D. studies at Cornell University (2000–2005) with Profs. Stephen Lee and Roald Hoffmann and his post-doctoral work with Prof. Sven Lidin at Stockholm University (2005–2008). As part of his teaching at UW–Madison since 2009 he has worked to enhance his department’s graduate course Physical Inorganic Chemistry I: Symmetry and Bonding through the incorporation of new material and the development of computer-based exercises. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498762212

Bone Antler Ivory and HornThe Technology of Skeletal Materials Since the Roman Period Artefacts made from skeletal materials since the Roman period were before this book neglected as a serious area of study. This is a comprehensive account which reviews over fifty categories of artefact. The book starts with a consideration of the formation morphology and mechanical properties of the materials and illuminates characteristics concerning working with them. Following chapters discuss the organisation of the industry and trade in such items including the changing status of the industry over time. Archaeological evidence is combined with that from historical and ethnological sources with many illustrations providing key visual reference. Originally published in 1985. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138818002

Bone Health in Children Bone health is one of the most widely discussed topics in pediatric nutrition. Ensuring adequate calcium and vitamin D intake is essential and other factors also play a significant role. Bone Health in Children explores the recent decades of research and public commentary on the subject debunks popular myths and clarifies the often confusing and contradictory scientific literature. Presenting practical and theoretical education and advice the book provides rational and accessible information geared to a wide audience of individuals interested in this critical element of pediatric health.Highlights include:The Institute of Medicine process by which Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are developedIron calcium and vitamin D requirements for infants children and pregnant and lactating womenControversy over high-dose vitamin D supplementation and pregnancyDetailed explanation of the scientific research process related to human nutritionThe nonbone health aspects of vitamin D and why literature claims about this topic can be misleadingFrequently Asked Questions regarding nutrition with answers in short formatProviding a solid understanding as to how dietary guidelines are developed and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of their underlying data this volume answers practical questions crucial for choosing diets for children while also delving into the more theoretical aspects of conducting and interpreting medical research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367381622

Bone HistologyAn Anthropological Perspective A broad understanding of bone and tooth microstructure is necessary for constructing the biological profile of an individual or individuals within a population. Bone Histology: An Anthropological Perspective brings together authors with extensive experience and expertise in various aspects of hard tissue histology to provide a comprehensive discussion of the application of methods current theories and future directions in hard tissue research related to anthropological questions. Topics discussed include: The biology underlying skeletal growth and development leading to adult skeletal morphology Current research in understanding in bone modeling Histological features of dental hard tissues and their utility in biological anthropology Histological analysis as a means to differentiate human from nonhuman bone and for the purpose of age estimation The biomechanics of cortical bone Histotaphonomy and how postmortem microstructural change can be used for taphonomic inquiry The application of light microscopy in paleopathology to classify pathological conditions The histological study of bone tissue of archaeological origin Researchers’ access to collections of bone samples with known demographic information Technological aspects of hard tissue histology including laboratory requirements and high-resolution imaging In most cases the physical remains of humans available to bioarchaeologists paleopathologists and paleontologists are limited to skeletal material. Fortunately these hard tissues are a storehouse of information about biological processes experienced during the life of an individual. This volume provides an overview of the current state of research and potential applications in anthropology and other fields that employ a histological approach to the study of hard tissues. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439866917

Bone Marrow Processing and Purginga Practical Guide Bone Marrow Processing and Purging: A Practical Guide provides an up-to-date practical guide to the major ex vivo procedures associated with bone marrow transplantation. Previously this information was communicated primarily by word of mouth; now experts in the field present detailed descriptions and evaluations of methods for marrow harvesting evaluation (including tumor infiltration flow cytometric analysis and colony assays) comparative methods for automated nucleated cell separation and enumeration tumor cell purging T cell depletion stem cell selection gene transfer and cytopreservation. Special sections address quality control and FDA regulations. The book provides a unique information source intended for clinicians researchers technical staff transplant nurses and medical students involved in this rapidly expanding area of medicine. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068501

Book and Text in France 1400–1600Poetry on the Page In recent years literary scholars have come increasingly to acknowledge that an adequate understanding of texts requires the study of books the material objects through which the meanings of texts are constructed. Focusing on French poetry in the period 1400-1600 contributors to this volume analyze layout illustration graphology paratext typography anthologization and other such elements in works by a variety of writers among them Charles d'Orléans Jean Bouchet Pierre de Ronsard and Louise Labé. They demonstrate how those elements play a crucial role in shaping the relationships between authors texts contexts and readers and how these relationships change as the nature of the book evolves. An introduction to the volume outlines the methodological implications of studying the materiality of literature in this period; situates the various papers in relation to each other and to the field as a whole; and indicates possible future directions of research in the field. By engaging with issues of major current methodological concern this volume appeals to all scholars interested in the materiality of the literary text including the burgeoning field of text-image studies not only in French but also in other national literatures. In addition it enables fruitful connections to be made between late-medieval and Renaissance literature areas still often studied in isolation from each other. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261409

Book Ceremonial Magic First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964877

Book MattersThe Changing Nature of Literacy Scholars have been puzzling over the "future of the book" since Marshall McLuhan's famous maxim "the medium is the message" in the early 1950s. McLuhan famously argued that electronic media was creating a global village in which books would become obsolete. Such views were ahead of their time but today they are all too relevant as declining sales even among classic texts have become a serious matter in academic publishing. Does anyone still read long and complex works either from the past or the present? Is the role of a professional reader and reviewer of manuscripts still relevant? Book Matters closely analyses these questions and others. Alan Sica surmises that the concentration span required for studying and discussing complex texts has slipped away as undergraduate classes are becoming inundated by shorter easier-to-teach scholarly and literary works. He considers such matters in part from the point of view of a former editor of scholarly journals. In an engaging style he gives readers succinct analyses of books and ideas that once held the interest of millions of discerning readers such as Simone de Beavoir's Second Sex and the works of David Graham Phillips and C. Wright Mills among others. Book Matters is not a nostalgic cry for lost ideas but instead a stark reminder of just how aware and analytically illuminating certain scholars were prior to the Internet and how endangered the book is in this era of pixelated communication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412865029

Book of DanielAn Annotated Bibliography 'Book of Daniel' An Annotated Bibliography This volume is one of a series of bibliographies on the books of the Bible. This is the first volume of the series of bibliographies described in the series introduction in this case on the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament (OT) or the Hebrew Scriptures fTanakh).Scholars for these bibliographies have been drawn from across the Judeo-Christian perspective as well as across doctrinal perspectives. These bibliographies should be of value to students and faculty to laity and professional to religious and academic groups for undergraduate and graduate study. They should serve a significant role as reference works in libraries for the public the university and religious groups as well as individuals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315056609

Book Of Governors First published in 2008. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964891

Book Of Medicines First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964907

Book of Sides II: Original Two-Page Scenes for Actors and Directors Book of Sides II: Original Two-Page Scenes for Actors and Directors is the second book in the Book of Sides series by Dave Kost featuring original two-page two-character scenes for use in acting directing and auditioning classes. While shorter than the traditional three-to-six-page scenes commonly used in classes Book of Sides II features longer scenes than the first Book of Sides with greater character development more reversals and stronger climaxes. Balanced structured scenes designed specifically for educational use challenge both actors and directors equally with objectives obstacles tactics and subtext; Two-page length is ideal for high-intensity exercises and faster-paced workshops; Printed in easy-to-read film-script format with plenty of room for notes; Scenes are completely original and unencumbered by copyright so students may film and post legally on the internet; Universally castable so all roles can be played by actors of any gender appearance skill level or ethnicity; Accessibly-written for modern students helping them to focus on the fundamentals of performance and directing; Simple and conducive to performing in a classroom without sets costumes or special props. This book was written by an educator for educators and designed for use in the classroom. Never search for scenes again! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138220553

Book of Sides: Original One-Page Scenes for Actors and Directors Looking for fresh original scenes for your fast-paced acting or directing class? Tired of the same old material everyone recognizes? Want the flexibility to play any character in any scene? Book of Sides: Original Short Scenes for Actors and Directors offers scenes that are considerably shorter than those in similar books but still feature the structure of typical scenes with arcs clear playable objectives and stakes for both actors. Here you will find scenes that are: One-page in length and specially designed for new high-intensity exercises that help students develop quickly Printed in an easily readable film-script format that provides plenty of room for annotations Completely original allowing you to produce and distribute reinterpretations without worrying about copyright restrictions Universally castable with roles that can be assigned to actors regardless of gender appearance skill level or race Simple and conducive to performing in the classroom without props costumes or sets Perfect for audition workshops and crowded directing or acting classes where everyone wants an opportunity to perform Written in accessible contemporary language that keeps student actors engaged Don’t miss out! In Book of Sides Dave Kost brings two decades of teaching experience to the table to deliver the ideal set of scenes for busy classroom settings auditions and general training. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138022263

Book of the Knowledge of All the Kingdoms Lands and Lordships that are in the WorldAnd the Arms and Devices of each Land and Lordship or Translation of the Libro del Conoscimiento de todos los reynos. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1912. Media > Books > E-books Hakluyt Society 9781315569673

Book Of Woodcraft First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315831688

Book Production The digital revolution has brought with it a wider range of options for creating and producing print on paper products than ever seen before. With the growing demand for skills and knowledge with which to exploit the potential of digital technology comes the need for a comprehensive book that not only makes it possible for production staff editors and designers to understand how the technology affects the industry they work in but also provides them with the skills and competencies they need to work in it smartly and effectively. This book is designed to satisfy this need. Book Production falls into two parts: The first part deals with the increasingly important role of production as project managers a role which has not been adequately written about in any of the recent literature on publishing. The second part deals with the processes and raw materials used in developing and manufacturing print on paper products. Case studies are used to illustrate why and how some processes or raw materials may or may not be appropriate for a particular job. With expert opinions and case studies and a consideration of the practices and issues involved this offers a comprehensive overview of book production for anyone working or training to work in or in conjunction with the books industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415593809

Book Publishing Books are the cornerstone of our culture. They disseminate ideas and preserve and transmit literature. Their contents underpin great religions and have been responsible for wars and revolutions. They lie at the heart of education and scholarship. They have brought pleasure (and some pain) to countless millions of people for nearly three millennia. The systematic study of books and the means by which they are created and distributed began in the eighteenth century but it is only in the last 150 years or so that it has developed into an important field of scholarship. After an intellectual transformation in the last quarter of the twentieth century the history of books—and particularly the commercial history of books—is now a vibrant and widely practised area of study and research. Literary scholars historians and many others in the humanities and social sciences have a keen interest in how texts have reached us how they were created marketed and distributed and what impact the commercial processes of publishing had on their contents. As serious academic work on and around publishing and the printed book continues to flourish as never before this new title in the Routledge Major Works series Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a growing and ever more complex corpus of literature and to provide a map of the area as it has emerged and developed. It is a landmark collection of foundational and the best cutting-edge scholarship in the field and is organized in four volumes. Volume I (‘Concepts and Theories: Issues in Book History’) deals with the discipline itself its parameters its theoretical foundations and the issues and controversies which have helped it to develop and which are still carrying it forward. Volume II (‘Publishing and the Book Trade’) meanwhile focuses on the development of the publishing industry the commercial heart of the book world and the engine of its evolution. In the third volume (‘Publishers and Authors’) the emphasis is on the extremities of the chain of production and distribution—the authors who create books and the readers who use them—and on the complex relationships between both and the publishers. The final volume (‘Printing and Book Production’) is concerned with the history of printing—the most important single technological development in the whole history of the book. The materials gathered in this collection exemplify schools of thought and the development of ideas about the discipline as well as embodying some of the key results of scholarship to give a coherent view of its achievements and of its potential for further development. For the novice or advanced student the collection will be particularly useful as an essential database allowing scattered and often fugitive material to be easily located. And for the more advanced scholar it will be welcomed as a crucial tool permitting rapid access to less familiar—and sometimes overlooked—texts. For both Book Publishing will be valued as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415490092

Bookbinding Old & New First Published in 1990. Bookbindings Old and New- Notes of a Book-Lover is a collection of plates illustrations and a look through the history of book-binding. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315056036

bookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown presents a much easier way to write books and technical publications than traditional tools such as LaTeX and Word. The bookdown package inherits the simplicity of syntax and flexibility for data analysis from R Markdown and extends R Markdown for technical writing so that you can make better use of document elements such as figures tables equations theorems citations and references. Similar to LaTeX you can number and cross-reference these elements with bookdown. Your document can even include live examples so readers can interact with them while reading the book. The book can be rendered to multiple output formats including LaTeX/PDF HTML EPUB and Word thus making it easy to put your documents online. The style and theme of these output formats can be customized. We used books and R primarily for examples in this book but bookdown is not only for books or R. Most features introduced in this book also apply to other types of publications: journal papers reports dissertations course handouts study notes and even novels. You do not have to use R either. Other choices of computing languages include Python C C++ SQL Bash Stan JavaScript and so on although R is best supported. You can also leave out computing for example to write a fiction. This book itself is an example of publishing with bookdown and R Markdown and its source is fully available on GitHub. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138700109

Booker Tropical Soil ManualA Handbook for Soil Survey and Agricultural Land Evaluation in the Tropics and Subtropics First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138147065

Books Bodies and BronzesComparing Sites of Global Citizenship Creation One out of every seven people in the world today is on the move voluntarily and involuntarily within countries and between them. More and more people belong to several communities at once and yet the social contract between state and citizen is still bounded by questions of nationality. Where will the cultural building blocks come from with which we can imagine a different kind of nation and different kinds of institutions that better reflect this reality? This book looks at the potential role of international music competitions beauty magazines elite social clubs and religious movements among others as potential breeding grounds for the creation of global citizenship. This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138082816

Books Bricks and BytesLibraries in the Twenty-first Century Libraries are experiencing a technological revolution that goes well beyond anything that has existed since the invention of printing. Not surprisingly the digital library with all that it portends for the future of the book and the periodical but also with all that it implies for the kinds of information that will be collected and disseminated will necessarily preoccupy those responsible for libraries in the new century. Everything from copyright access and cost to the nature of the reading public itself is now up for re-examination.'Books Bricks and Bytes' brings together an extraordinary array of authors at the cutting edge of these concerns not only within the United States but experts drawn from Germany France Russia the United Kingdom Brazil and India. James H. Billington discusses the Library of Congress in the information age; Ann S. Okerson outlines two models for securing scholarly information; Donald S. Lamm discusses the shaky partnership of publishers and librarians hi this new environment; Klaus-Dieter Lehmann provides a framework for maintaining the intellectual heritage of the past in a digitized future. Each contributor shows hi concrete detail and vivid illustration that the library as a world of holdings is increasingly valued as an incomparable place to access information. In his preface to the book Stephen Graubard reminds us that whether or not one believes in the reality of the information revolution that is said to be overtaking the world it is obvious that the libraries being built today do not resemble those marble sanctuaries constructed hi the Victorian age or in the early twentieth entury. This is a work that shows how libraries have been transformed from "refuges" from the external world to places that reflect the social and intellectual values of specific societies. The idea that the library is a public trust and public resource is at the center of this unusually fine collection at the cutting edge of professional and public life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519725

Books Buildings and Social EngineeringEarly Public Libraries in Britain from Past to Present Public libraries have strangely never been the subject of an extensive design history. Consequently this important and comprehensive book represents a ground-breaking socio-architectural study of pre-1939 public library buildings. A surprisingly high proportion of these urban civic buildings remain intact and present an increasingly difficult architectural problem for many communities. The book thus includes a study of what is happening to these historic libraries now and proposes that knowledge of their origins and early development can help build an understanding of how best to handle their future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815399285

Books Bytes and BusinessThe Promise of Digital Publishing How are businesses responding to global changes in markets driven by changes in technology? Whatever the industry the trends are familiar: globalization and the rise of industrial conglomerates mergers and acquisitions the networking of businesses and markets outsourcing and shifts in the distribution of resources and production all reflected in the emergence of new players new products and services and new forms of competition. As arguably the first knowledge-based business book publishing provides an ideal setting for the study of challenge and opportunity. The industry is currently experiencing fierce levels of competition extreme financial pressures restructuring and the threat of technology-induced obsolescence. Added to these are the challenges posed by new and potential entrants to the market the emergence of new products and services new ways of doing business including trading in virtual markets and the vulnerability of traditional business models. The suitability of book publishing as a context for researching the emergence of knowledge-based business becomes all too apparent. Through combining primary research with secondary analysis drawn from the relevant literatures Books Bytes and Business is both a readable and informative account of business in the knowledge-based economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138267923

Books Stories and Puppets Part of the Ready Steady Play! series Books Stories and Puppets promotes visual storytelling and provides ideas for extending learning through a range of stories and characters that are well-known and much loved by children and adults alike. This book: provides ideas and templates for visual resources that will enhance storytime outlines fun ideas across all curriculum areas linked to favourite stories encourages the use of drama as a mode of story telling. Containing simple but excellent ideas for creative play experiences for all early years practitioners and students on early years courses  this book is also recommended reading for parents looking for inspiration. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9780203769102

Books and Libraries in American Society during World War IIWeapons in the War of Ideas World War II presented America's public libraries with the daunting challenge of meeting new demands for war-related library services and materials with Depression-weakened collections inadequate budgets and demoralized staff in addition to continuing to serve the library's traditional clientele of women and children seeking recreational reading. This work examines how libraries could respond to their communities need through the use of numerous primary and secondary sources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653688

Books and Periodicals in Brazil 1768-1930 This book brings together a collection of original articles on the transnational relations between Brazil and European countries especially Britain and France in the domain of literature and print culture from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599621

Books of Definition in Islamic PhilosophyThe Limits of Words Islamic Philosophy has unusual origins. Originally a hybrid of Greek philosophy and early Islamic theology its technical language consisted of a number of words translated from the Greek. This book studies how Islamic philosophers of the ninth century AD such as al-Kindi al-Farabi and Ibn Sina developed an indigenous set of terms and concepts. Their Books of Definition influenced the revision of the Arabic language to incorporate these new fields of knowledge.Books of Definition in Islamic Philosophy: The Limits of Words uses the work of these philosophers as a basis from which a comparison with their Greek precedents is enabled. The book presents a framework for incorporating an Islamic and historically contextualised philosophy into a continuum of world philosophers. At the core of this framework is Ibn Sina's Kitab al-hudud which the author has translated into English and situates it in its correct geopolitical framework. In establishing a historical and literary context for the writing and circulation of Ibn Sina's definitions the book breaks new ground in the integration of Islamic philosophy within a general history of philosophies.This fascinating and comprehensive study will be of interest to scholars and postgraduate students of Islamic Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879256

Books on Children (ES 5-vol. set) This is the third part of Edition Synapse’s series of collections of early English writings on children. It consists of facsimile reprints of rare educational and religious books and pamphlets including conduct books and advice for parents in the early Modern period. A total of fourteen items are reproduced in this part which includes writings by Benjamin Bourn Thomas Lancaster Thomas Beddoes and others. For those seeking to trace the development of British views on children during the period from the late sixteenth century to the turn of the eighteenth century it is an invaluable resource. Media > Books > Print Books Edition Synapse 9784902454321

Bookshelfa Guide For Librarians and System Managers First published in 1992 This guide one of a series looking at library automation systems will not only help prospective users in their systems choice but will also give current a better appreciation of the potential of their own system.Written by users of the system and reflecting their experience the guide examines BookshelF’s place in the automated libraries’ market the company’s history reliability and support services. All the hardware and software used in connection with BookshelF are described and the reader is taken through all the process involved in setting up the system and introduced to the specific packages and application. This guide will also be interest to students of information management information science and librarianship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609686

Boom and BustSociety and Electoral Politics in the Düsseldorf Area: 1867-1878 Originally published in 1987 this study assesses the extent to which social and economic conditions affected the outcome of Reichstag and Landtag elections. It discusses the economic development in the district of Düsseldorf both before and during the period covered 1867-1878; it also examines those social conditions in the region that remained static from 1867 – 1878 but also considers as a background to each election or set of elections short term changes in economic and social conditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367246051

Boom Town Growth Managem/h This book discusses the origins of the boom the impact of the issues raised by boom growth in sweetwater county Wyoming as well as the strategies for the management of boom town growth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367170387

Booms Bubbles and Bust in the US Stock Market An extremely user-friendly overview of the inner workings of the US stock market. Things have changed a great deal since the heady days of the 1980s and we are now entering an era of profound uncertainty with most analysts predicting trouble ahead. Indeed the alarming decline of the NASDAQ shows no sign of abating and the fear is that traditional industries will be the next to bite the dust. September 11th has only added to the gloomy mood.This book examines the current conditions before looking back to the events of the past century - The Great Depression the 1970s oil crisis the party-for-the-rich atmosphere of the 1980s and the emergence of the new economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138154001

Booms Bubbles and Busts in US Stock Markets In the US stock market things have changed a great deal since the heady days of the 1980s and we are now entering an era of profound uncertainty with most analysts predicting trouble ahead. Indeed the alarming decline of the NASDAQ shows no sign of abating and the fear is that traditional industries will be the next to bite the dust. September 11th has only added to the gloomy mood. A user-friendly overview of the inner workings of the US stock market  this book examines the current market conditions before looking back to the events of the past century - the Great Depression the 1970s oil crisis the party-for-the-rich atmosphere of the 1980s and the emergence of the new economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646123

Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from the First Stock Market Crash of 1792 to the Current Global Economic CrisisAn Encyc This timely and authoritative set explores three centuries of good times and hard times in major economies throughout the world. More than 400 signed articles cover events from Tulipmania during the 1630s to the U.S. federal stimulus package of 2009 and introduce readers to underlying concepts recurring themes major institutions and notable figures. Written in a clear accessible style "Booms and Busts" provides vital insight and perspective for students teachers librarians and the general public - anyone interested in understanding the historical precedents causes and effects of the global economic crisis. Special features include a chronology of major booms and busts through history a glossary of economic terms a guide to further research an appendix of primary documents a topic finder and a comprehensive index. It features 1 050 pages; three volumes; 8-1/2" X 11"; topic finder; photos; chronology; glossary; primary documents; bibliography; and index. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706078

Boosting Competitiveness Through DecentralizationSubnational Comparison of Local Development in Mexico Decentralization is accepted as one of the defining features of the third wave of democratic transitions in Latin America and commonly understood as an index and an agent of democratization. This rather optimistic perspective is inherent in the literature which is dominated by two theories. The liberal-individualist approach especially as advocated by the World Bank promotes decentralization policies on the premise of their efficiency equity and responsiveness to local demands. Similarly the statist approach claims that decentralization can be the route to greater accountability transparency and participation in governance; they add that this path should be guided by political elites and institutions. These dominant views nevertheless understate the extent to which certain decentralization policies have been implemented in lockstep with neoliberalization. This book examines the relationship between global economic processes and decentralization. It argues that through decentralization policies the imperatives of neoliberal rules of competitiveness have been diffused into local governments and economies generating different local development models. Whether decentralization produces democratic opening at the local level is contingent on how the local economy is integrated into global economic processes and which social and economic groups are empowered and disempowered in that transition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138268623

Boosting Learning in the Primary ClassroomOccupational therapy strategies that really work with pupils Boosting Learning in the Primary Classroom is your one-stop practical guide to understanding the physical development of children and how this affects their ability to learn. Not only does it explain the reasons behind the theories but provides over 75 practical tips that really work in the classroom. The book is based on a successful five-step approach  to help children acquire the skills needed to manage at school and daily life. It works by being able to pinpoint a problem assists others in recognising the impact that difficulty is having to the child and then provides strategies to develop that child’s specific skills. Using the latest medical research and established occupational therapy techniques to obtain great results this approach provides teachers with the tools to use different knowledge and strategies to engage children in the learning process. Key ideas explored include: Exploring the reasons for poor handwriting Increasing Disability Awareness The link between body posture and concentration Dyspraxia in a school setting Play develops learning Understanding sensory behaviour By providing teachers with an understanding of physical child development and the impact this has in the classroom this book demonstrates how teachers can use this knowledge to boost the learning of their primary-aged children. It encourages teachers to identify improvements in the child’s progress of not just educational learning targets but also in physical motor development using real life case studies latest theory and tried & tested occupational therapy methods to help every child improve. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138826786

Boosting School BelongingPractical Strategies to Help Adolescents Feel Like They Belong at School With rising rates of youth mental illness disconnection and social isolation strategies are needed that can help stem the tide. A sense of belonging to one’s school is associated with good school performance physical and psychological wellbeing and offers a quintessential solution to help address many of the issues faced by young people today. Grounded in theory research and practical experience Boosting School Belonging provides 48 activities for practitioners and teachers to use with classes groups or individuals to help secondary students develop a sense of school belonging. Through six modules readers will understand the evidence underlying each module identify fun and practical tools to use with young people and develop strategies for helping young people connect with teachers parents peers themselves learning and help. The evidence-based strategies and concepts make it an invaluable resource for teachers psychologists and counsellors looking to help foster a sense of school belonging amongst students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138305083

Boots of Leather Slippers of GoldThe History of a Lesbian Community Boots of Leather Slippers of Gold traces the evolution of the lesbian community in Buffalo New York from the mid-1930s up to the early 1960s. Drawing upon the oral histories of 45 women it is the first comprehensive history of a working-class lesbian community. These poignant and complex stories show how black and white working-class lesbians although living under oppressive circumstances nevertheless became powerful agents of historical change. Kennedy and Davis provide a unique insider's perspective on butch-fem culture and argue that the roots of gay and lesbian liberation are found specifically in the determined resistance of working-class lesbians. This 20th anniversary edition republishes the book for a new generation of readers. It includes a new preface in which the authors reflect on where the last 20 years have taken them. For anyone interested in lesbian life during the 1940s and 1950s or in the dynamics of butch-fem culture this study remains the one that set the highest standard for all oral histories and ethnographies of lesbian communities anywhere. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138785854

BORBBirmingham Object Recognition Battery BORB provides a set of standardised procedures for assessing neuropsychological disorders of visual object recognition based on tests developed in the cognitive neuropsychological literature. The tests are introduced in terms of cognitive neuropsychological analyses of object recognition and guidance is given concerning test use and interpretation. The tests assess low-level aspects of visual perception (using same-different matching of basic perceptual features such as orientation length position and object size) intermediate visual processes (e.g. matching objects different in viewpoint) access to stored perceptual knowledge about objects (object decision) access to semantic knowledge (function and associative matches) and access to names from object (picture naming). BORB will serve as an invaluable companion test battery to the PALPA test of language ability. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781003069645

Border Crossing in Greater ChinaProduction Community and Identity China’s transformation from a poor and underdeveloped country into a global market power has profoundly altered its socioeconomic power relations with the other countries in the Greater China region namely Taiwan and Hong Kong. Indeed this economic shift has resulted in the massive flow of capital and people from Taiwan as well as Hong Kong to China to seek business opportunities and new lifestyles. These flows have in turn completely transformed longstanding borderlines in the region. This book examines the transformation of Taiwan and Hong Kong’s socioeconomic relationships with China as their economies have become more deeply integrated into Greater China. Across three key sections it explores the impact of increasing social interaction and the shrinking of existing borderlines to ask whether these changes will bring about a convergence of identity among the people involved. "Production" examines how investments from Taiwan and Hong Kong to China have transformed production networks; "Community" explores the impact of cross-boundary mobility and the integration of migrants into Chinese communities; and finally "Identity" engages with what is one of the most important issues in contemporary Taiwanese society. Border Crossing in Greater China contributes not only to theoretical debates on border crossing issues but also provides valuable insights on the practical concerns regarding social and political integration and tensions in the region. As such it will be of great interest to students and scholars of Taiwan studies Chinese studies Chinese society and Chinese economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138089600

Border CrossingsEssays in Identity and Belonging The border between intimate memory and historical revelation is explored in this wide-ranging collection which features original contributions from leading figures in the life-writing field from Australia Canada Europe the UK and the USA.The transmission and preservation of personal knowledge and stories from generation to generation frequently requires crossing into the private contested spaces of memory. The most secret accounts or guarded remnants of information can sometimes lead to the most profound insights. In this context there is a delicate balance between life writing’s role in revealing lives and the desire to be respectful towards them. As the essays in this book attest exposing secrets even if humiliating can be a way of honouring lives. Throughout runs the framing theme of memory as the source of all intergenerational transmission of culture and history—whether relating to family community nation ancestry or political allegiance—and the importance of the intimate and personal in that process of handing on.This book was originally published as a special issue of Life Writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586492

Border Dialogues (Routledge Revivals)Journeys in Postmodernity First published in 1990 Border Dialogues explores some of the territories of contemporary culture philosophy and criticism. It touches on arguments surrounding Nietzsche and Italian ‘weak thought’ the mysteries of being ‘British’ and with more immediate concerns such as computers fashion gender and ethnicity. The chapters explore how such different strands are joined together and how this can lead to a reassessment of contemporary cultural criticism. This innovative and interesting reissue will be of particular interest to students of critical theory cultural studies radical philosophy and deconstruction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415730693

Border FetishismsMaterial Objects in Unstable Spaces First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315022437

Border FrictionsGender Generation and Technology on the Frontline How did Canadian border officers come to think of themselves as a "police of the border"? This book tells the story of the shift to law enforcement in Canadian border control. From the 1990s onward it traces the transformation of a customs organization into a border-policing agency. Border Frictions investigates how considerable political efforts and state resources have made bordering a matter of security and trade facilitation best managed with surveillance technologies. Based on interviews with border officers ethnographic work carried out in the vicinity of land border ports of entry and policy analysis this book illuminates features seldom reviewed by critical border scholars. These include the fraught circulation of data the role of unions in shaping the border policy agenda the significance of professional socialization in the making of distinct generations of security workers and evidence of the masculinization of bordering. In a time when surveillance technologies track the mobilities of goods and people and push their control beyond and inside geopolitical borderlines Côté-Boucher unpacks how we came to accept the idea that it is vital to deploy coercive bordering tactics at the land border. Written in a clear and engaging style this book will appeal to students and scholars in criminology sociology social theory politics and geography and appeal to those interested in learning about the everyday reality of policing the border. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367136413

Border FuryEngland and Scotland at War 1296-1568 Border Fury provides a fascinating account of the period of Anglo-Scottish Border conflict from the Edwardian invasions of 1296 until the Union of the Crowns under James VI of Scotland James I of England in 1603. It looks at developments in the art of war during the period the key transition from medieval to renaissance warfare the development of tactics arms armour and military logistics during the period. All the key personalities involved are profiled and the typology of each battle site is examined in detail with the author providing several new interpretations that differ radically from those that have previously been understood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138143432

Border Modernism First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415867078

Border Policing and Security TechnologiesMobility and Proliferation of Borders in the Western Balkans This book is a unique and original examination of borders and bordering practices in the Western Balkans prior to during and after the migrant "crisis" of the 2010s. Based on extensive mixed-method exploratory research in Serbia Croatia FYR Macedonia and Kosovo the book charts technological and human interventions deployed in this region that simultaneously enable and hinder the mobility projects of border crossers. Within the rich historical context of the Balkan Wars and subsequent displacement of many people from the region and beyond this book discusses the types and locations of borders as well as their development transformation and impact on people on the move. These border crossers fall into three distinct categories: people from the Middle East Africa and Asia transiting the region; citizens of the Western Balkans seeking asylum and access to labour markets in the EU; and women border crossers. This book also maps border struggles that follow these processes analyses the creation of labour "reserves" in the region and examines the role that technology – in particular smartphones and social media - play in regulating mobility and creating social change. This volume also explores the role of the EU in and the impact of the aforementioned processes on nation-states of the Western Balkans their European future and mobility in the region. Whilst the book focusses on a particular region in Southeast Europe its findings can be easily applied to other social contexts and settings. It will be particularly useful to academics and postgraduate students studying social sciences such as criminology sociology legal studies law international relations political science and gender studies. It will also be useful for legal practitioners NGO activists and government officials. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138858930

Border Security in the BalkansEurope Gatekeepers Borders dominate the security agenda in South-east Europe. Political and ethnic discontents focus on disputed borders while traffickers in migrants and drugs ignore them.The EU argues that the Balkan countries should develop models of border management using its policing standards but the region is rife with corruption and its border guards are both under-resourced and ineffective. This Paper asks how and why border management in South-east Europe is developing as it is and what this might mean for the future of Europe. Drawing on recent experience in Bosnia Herzegovina Slovenia Macedonia and Albania it looks at the ways in which the regions' borders are managed and gauges the development of a consensual European approach to border security. It shows how governments and guards understand the predicament of regional insecurity and how they respond with strategies that accommodate evade or subvert unavoidable political pressures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138466678

Border SecurityShores of Politics Horizons of Justice What kind of a world is one in which border security is understood as necessary? How is this transforming the shores of politics? And why does this seem to preclude a horizon of political justice for those affected? Border Security responds to these questions through an interdisciplinary exploration of border security politics and justice. Drawing empirically on the now notorious case of Australia the book pursues a range of theoretical perspectives – including Foucault’s work on power the systems theory of Niklas Luhmann and the cybernetic ethics of Heinz Von Foerster – in order to formulate an account of the thoroughly constructed and political nature of border security. Through this detailed and critical engagement the book’s analysis elicits a political alternative to border security from within its own logic: thus signaling at least the beginnings of a way out of the cost cruelty and devaluation of life that characterises the enforced reality of the world of border security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367232337

Border Thinking on the Edges of the WestCrossing Over the Hellespont Drawing on scholarly and life experience on and over the historically posited borders between "West" and "East " the work identifies interrogates and challenges a particular enduring violent inheritance – what it means to cross over a border – from the classical origins of Western political thought. The study has two parts. The first is an effort to work within the Western tradition to demonstrate its foundational and enduring violent conception of crossing over borders. The second is a creative effort to explore and encourage a fundamentally different outlook towards borders and what it means to be on at or over them. The underlying social theoretical disposition of the work is a form of post-Orientalist hermeneutics; the textual subject matter of the two parts of the study is linked using Walter Benjamin's concept of the storyteller. The underlying premise of the work is that the sense of violent possibility on the borders between "West" and "East" existed well before the more recent "age of imperialism" and even before there was a "West" or an "East" to speak of. That sense is constitutive of a political imagination about borders developed deep within the revered sources of Western culture. On the other hand confronting the influence of such violent imaginaries requires truly novel modes of hermeneutical openness hospitality and solidarity. Seeking to offer a new understanding and opening in the study of borders this work will provide a significant contribution to several areas including international relations theory border studies and political theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138287860

Border-crossing in EducationHistorical perspectives on transnational connections and circulations Border-crossing in Education comprises a series of case studies covering a variety of cultural areas in order to reveal the density of connections and exchanges that inform educational practices policies and systems. It attaches particular importance to individual and collective actors that govern these flows – initiating promoting or reconfiguring transfers of policy models. The contributors explore various aspects of the circulatory mechanisms that have been deployed in the field of education during the modern and contemporary period. Varying the observation scales from local to international they demonstrate the multilateral character of the circulatory dynamics observed. The implementation of rich and varied approaches to these complex processes offers a perspective that complements and renews our knowledge of the genesis and evolution of educational policies and systems most notably highlighting their foreign inspirations. However these studies do not merely evoke borrowings and hybridization as if national borders proved porous or non-existent. Instead they show that the phenomena of resistance reinterpretation and rejection are also an integral part of transnational mechanisms of exchanges. The book thus demonstrates the relevance of a historical approach in addressing these transnational mechanisms in the field of education and childhood policy. This book was originally published as a special issue of Paedagogica Historica. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367028220

Bordering RussiaTheory and Prospects for Europe's Baltic Rim First published in 1998 this book exsplores the dilemma in Western policy towards Russia in recent years is whether to admit into NATO and the EU all those countries who wish to join or whether to respect Russian sensitivities and be more selective. The Dilemma is at its peak for those countries bordering Russia; they are the ones who fear Russia the most but whose integration into the West provokes Russia the most a situation likely to strengthen Russian non-democratic forces. This is the dilemma that the present volume evolves around. Apart from stressing geopolitical fundamentals and the countries’ historical experiences the book is also future-orientated. Will Europe’s Baltic rim become an outpost of the West with an iron curtain to its East will it become an extensive ‘grey zone’ or will the countries become Western bridge-builder’s eastwards? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607651

Bordering the Middle East This volume focuses on the influence that borders in the Middle East can have on actors’ identity building as well as how local national or transnational actors re/ define borders and boundaries.The Middle East is facing a political crisis revealed by the Arab uprisings that is affecting states’ borders in a paradoxical way: while local communal or tribal dissent tends to contest international borders states are trying to affirm their control over national territory in building border fences. Focusing on borders in their materiality as well as their symbolic dimensions – their representations – may help with reappraising the region’s own history the local/national specificities as well as regional/ global constraints affecting borderlands and those who cross borders; be they workers migrants or jihadists. In this book six case studies will provide insights on state- community relationships through the lens of border issues in the Levant and the Gulf. The theoretical framework provided by the border studies conceptual tools allows authors to delve into the process of bordering de- bordering and re- bordering which is affecting the region raising questions on sovereignty authority and the political legitimacy of the regimes.This book was originally published as a special issue of Geopolitics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367729844

BorderingIdentity Processes between the National and Personal What is a border? This seemingly simple question is here answered via a multidisciplinary study of the cultural geographic and historic existence of borders and the ways that they have shaped our world. Using the Danish-Swedish border to illustrate the actions of groups and individuals engaged in bordering since the 1600s this richly theoretical discussion highlights the complexities of political and cultural identity processes. Comparative perspectives are brought together to produce a thoughtful analysis of how such processes function and of how borders work on both an imagined nationhood and experiential personal level. The author also examines how throughout history people have lived with and influenced or been influenced by borders why some borders remain uncontested while others repeatedly provoke cross-border conflicts and how today's bordering processes may be deliberately manipulated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138260429

Borderland Politics in Northern India The colonial legacy in the construction of the modern Indian state has left a deep imprint on contemporary Indians’ self-identity and self-determination. Borderland Politics in Northern India is a collection of essays giving detailed accounts of the many different ways that people throughout India understand their homeland the territory where they live and the broader region to which they belong. Mona Chettri looks at the Gorkha community in the Darjeeling hills to the northeast Manjeet Baruah examines Assam and L. Lam Khan Piang explores the dispersion of the Zo people throughout many northeastern states. In the northwest Aijaz Ashraf Wani illustrates how Jammu and Kashmir state is severed along complex regional religious and ethnic lines. This book is an invaluable source for readers interested in comparative studies of borderlands globally. It also contributes to South Asian studies broadly conceived to Indian border studies and to local social cultural and political histories of the constituent border regions of Northern India.This book was published as a special issue of Asian Ethnicity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739607

Borderland ReligionAmbiguous practices of difference hope and beyond Borderland Religion narrates presents and interprets the fascinating and significant practices when borders migrants and religion intersect. This collection of original essays combines theology philosophy and sociology to examine diverse religious issues surrounding external national borders and internal domestic borders as these are challenged by the unstoppable flow of documented and undocumented migrants. While many studies of migration have examined how religion plays a major role in the assimilation and integration of waves of migration this volume looks at a number of empirical studies of how emergent religious practices arise around border crossings.The volume begins with a detailed analysis of the borderland religion context and research. The aim is to bring an eschatological interpretation of the borderland religion its impact and significance for migrants. Themes include a critical analysis of how religion has formatted Europe; empirical studies from the US/Mexican border and Southern Africa; an overview of the European refugee crisis in 2015; editors’ account of borderland religion from the perspective of citizenship studies.Contributions of scholars from a broad range of disciplines ensure a careful analysis of this highly topical situation. The volume’s interdisciplinary profile will appeal to scholars and students in religious studies migration studies theology and citizenship studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367893132

Borderlands in East and Southeast AsiaEmergent conditions relations and prototypes This book provides a glimpse into the different emergent borderland prototypes in East and Southeast Asia with illustrative cases and discussions. Asia has contained a number of reactivated border zones since the end of the Cold War borders which have witnessed ever greater human activity concerning trade commerce tourism and other forms of money-related activities such as shopping gambling and job-seeking. Through seven borderland cases the contributors to this volume analyse how the changing political economy and the regional and international politics of Asia have shaped and reshaped borderland relations and produced a few essential prototypes of borderland in Asia such as reopened borders and re-activated economic zones; reintegrated but "separated" border cities; porous borderlands; and abstruse borderlands. This book aims to bring about further discussions of borderland development and governance and how these actually inform and shape state-state and state-city relations across borders and regional politics. This book was originally published as a special issue of Asian Anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367255176

Borderlands in European Gender StudiesBeyond the East–West Frontier Challenging persistent geopolitical asymmetries in feminist knowledge production this collection depicts collisions between concepts and lived experiences between academic feminism and political activism between the West as generalizable and the East as the concrete Other. Borderlands in European Gender Studies narrows the gap between cultural analysis and social theory addressing feminist theory’s epistemological foundations and its capacity to confront the legacies of colonialism and socialism. The contributions demonstrate the enduring worth of feminist concepts for critical analysis conceptualize resistance to multiple forms of oppression and identify the implications of the decoupling of cultural and social feminist critique for the analysis of gender relations in a postsocialist space. This book will be of import to activists and researchers in women’s and gender studies comparative gender politics and policy political science sociology contemporary history and European studies. It is suitable for use as a supplemental text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in a range of fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367258962

Borderlands of EconomicsEssays in Honour of Daniel R. Fusfeld In recent years there has been increasing discontent with the abstract nature of mainstream economics. Not only does this make the subject less relevant to real issues it drives a wedge between economics and other disciplines ostensibly addressing the same issues. Borderlands of Economics explores the ways in which economics might be reconnected both with the real world and with other disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138866140

Borderless Education as a Challenge in the 5.0 SocietyProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2019) N These proceedings contain a selection of papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Educational Sciences organized on 16 November 2019. It covers themes such as philosophy and policy of teacher education; curriculum teaching and learning approaches; learner’s characteristics in the digital era; global citizenship education; vocational education; teacher education qualification framework; management supervision and assessment; lifelong learning for all; diversity in education; equality of educational opportunity; vocational and entrepreneurship education; and education in the industry 4.0 era. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367619602

Borderless LeadershipGlobal Skills for Personal and Business Success "Borderless Leadership is a must read for anyone involved in international business. It enables beginners to avoid common pitfalls and seasoned executives will recognize many of their own mistakes and benefit from the frameworks Dr. Kraljevic provides." — Professor Sibrandes Poppema President University of Groningen Netherlands "I just cannot stop recommending this book to ever so many people—my academic colleagues industry colleagues friends in the government former students students young CEOs of start-ups that I mentor and my media friends. The book is very special deep with several gems of ideas told in absorbing narrative; neither a text book nor a cook book but a candid sincere and extremely effective set of real world lessons for so many global citizens. Dr. Kraljevic uses personal examples from across continents in diverse industry settings. All I can say is this: Go grab the book on a Thursday night and you will have a wonderful weekend reading this amazing book." — Professor S. Sadagopan Director International Institute of Information Technology of Bangalore India "Everything I know about international markets I owe it to Zlática." — Sue Payne Former ExxonMobil Area Manager U.S. & Mexico "As the global village rapidly expands understanding borderless leadership becomes a prerequisite for international success in this 21st century. Kraljevic brings her vast and unique worldly experiences to open your mind with practical treasures thoughtful how-to models and conceptual insights. Find out about the human fractal on your journey to becoming a borderless leader." — Lane Sloan Former President Shell Chemical Company USA  Studies consistently show that international partnerships between organizations fail to generate expected results at a significant cost. The leading cause behind this failure is lack of trust among people at all levels within organizations. Borderless Leadership explores the disparity that exists between the ways that the West and other cultures conduct business. The book’s premise is that if one cannot control the events or circumstances one must learn how to control reactions to new environments. Using real-life examples the book illustrates how to build trust and rapport with business partners across borders and establish relationships that help businesses grow. The book is about achieving success with and through total strangers as you progress from awareness to understanding and from understanding to acquiring internalizing and applying new knowledge so you bring your approach to life up to date. Only then can you transform obstacles into unsuspected opportunities that will have a positive impact on your personal and business success. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138591493

Borderless Worlds for Whom?Ethics Moralities and Mobilities The optimism heralded by the end of the Cold War and the idea of an emerging borderless world was soon shadowed by conflicts wars terrorism and new border walls. Migrants asylum seekers and refugees have simultaneously become key political figures. Border and mobility studies are now two sides of the same coin. The chapters of this volume reflect the changing relations between borders bordering practices and mobilities. They provide both theoretical insights and contextual knowledge on how borders bordering practices and ethical issues come together in mobilities. The chapters scrutinize how bounded (territorial) and open/networked (relational) spaces manifest in various contexts. The first section ‘Borders in a borderless world’ raises theoretical questions. The second ‘Politics of inclusion and exclusion’ looks at bordering practices in the context of migration. The third section ‘Contested mobilities and encounters’ focuses on tourism which has been an ‘accepted’ form of mobility but which has recently become an object of critique because of overtourism. Section four ‘Borders security politics’ examines bordering practices and security in the EU and beyond highlighting how the migration/border politics nexus has become a national and supra-national political challenge. The chapters of this interdisciplinary volume contribute both conceptually and empirically to understanding contemporary bordering practices and mobilities. It is essential reading for geographers political scientists sociologists and international relations scholars interested in the contemporary meanings of borders and mobilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584221

Borderline Personality DisorderMeeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment Explore and understand new approaches in Borderline therapy.Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) lags far behind other disorders such as schizophrenia in terms of research and treatment interventions. Debates about diagnosis etiology neurobiology genetics medication and treatment still persist. Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment brings together over two dozen of the field’s leading experts in one enlightening text. The book also offers mental health providers a view of BPD from the perspectives of sufferers as well as family members to foster an understanding of the experiences of relatives who are often devastated by their loved ones’ struggles with this common disorder.Although there has been an increasing interest in BPD in terms of research funding treatment advancement and acknowledgment of family perspective over the last decade the fact remains that the disorder is still highly stigmatized. Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment provides social workers and other mental health clinicians with practical access to the knowledge necessary for effective treatment in a single volume of the most current research information and management considerations. This important collection explores the latest methods and approaches to treating BPD patients and supporting their families. This useful text also features handy worksheets and numerous tables that present pertinent information clearly.Chapters in Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment include: an overview of Borderline Personality Disorder confronting myths and stereotypes about BPD biological underpinnings of BPD BPD and the need for community - a social worker’s perspective on an evidence-based approach to managing suicidal behavior in BPD patients Dialectical Behavior Therapy supportive psychotherapy for borderline patients Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) Mentalization-based Treatment fostering validating responses in families Family Connections: an education and skills training program for family member wellbeing and much more!Full of practical useable ideas for the betterment of those affected by BPD Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment is a valuable resource for social workers psychologists psychiatrists and counselors as well as students researchers and academics in the mental health field family members loved ones and anyone directly affected by BPD. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063872

Borderline Personality DisorderMeeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment Explore and understand new approaches in Borderline therapy Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) lags far behind other disorders such as schizophrenia in terms of research and treatment interventions. Debates about diagnosis etiology neurobiology genetics medication and treatment still persist. Borderline Personality Disorder brings together over two dozen of the field’s leading experts in one enlightening text. The book also offers mental health providers a view of BPD from the perspectives of sufferers as well as family members to foster an understanding of the experiences of relatives who are often devastated by their loved ones’ struggles with this common disorder. Although there has been an increasing interest in BPD in terms of research funding treatment advancement and acknowledgment of family perspective over the last decade the fact remains that the disorder is still highly stigmatized. Borderline Personality Disorder provides social workers and other mental health clinicians with practical access to the knowledge necessary for effective treatment in a single volume of the most current research information and management considerations. This important collection explores the latest methods and approaches to treating BPD patients and supporting their families. This useful text also features handy worksheets and numerous tables that present pertinent information clearly. Chapters in Borderline Personality Disorder include: an overview of Borderline Personality Disorder confronting myths and stereotypes about BPD biological underpinnings of BPD BPD and the need for community—a social worker’s perspective on an evidence-based approach to managing suicidal behavior in BPD patients Dialectical Behavior Therapy supportive psychotherapy for borderline patients Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) Mentalization-based Treatment fostering validating responses in families Family Connections: an education and skills training program for family member wellbeing and much more!Full of practical useable ideas for the betterment of those affected by BPD Borderline Personality Disorder is a valuable resource for social workers psychologists psychiatrists and counselors as well as students researchers and academics in the mental health field family members loved ones and anyone directly affected by BPD. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203837016

Borderline SlaveryMexico United States and the Human Trade Exploring human trafficking in the US - Mexico borderlands as a regional expression of a pressing global problem Borderline Slavery sheds light on the contexts and causes of trafficking offering policy recommendations for addressing it that do justice to border communities' complex circumstances. This book focuses on both sexual and labor trafficking proceeding thematically from global to regional levels to provide an empirically grounded theoretically informed and policy-relevant approach which examines the problem through the eyes of scholars and researchers from various fields as well as journalists public officials law enforcement personnel victims' advocates and NGO representatives. Discussing the multinational networks global economics and personal motives that fuel a multibillion dollar trade in human beings as cheap labor Borderline Slavery suggests future directions for effective policies and law enforcement strategies to prevent the advance of human trafficking. As such it will be of interest to both policy makers and scholars across the social sciences working in the fields of migration exploitation and trafficking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138279063

Borderline VirginitiesSacred and Secular Virgins in Late Antiquity How and why did virginity come to play such a crucial part in the Christian Church in the formative and defining period of Late Antiquity? Sissel Undheim analyzes the negotiations over what constituted virginity and assesses its socio-religious value in fourth-century Rome by looking at those at the very margins of virginity and non-virginity. The Church Fathers’ efforts to demarcate an exclusively Christian virginity in contrast to the ‘false virgins’ of their pagan adversaries displays a tension that it is argued played a larger role in the construction of a specifically Christian sacred virginity than previous studies have acknowledged. Late fourth-century Christian theologians’ persistent appraisals of sacred virgins paved the way for a wide variety of virgins that often challenged the stereotype of the unmarried female virgin. The sources abound with seemingly paradoxical virgins such as widow virgins married virgins virgin mothers infant virgins old virgins heretical virgins pagan virgins male virgins false virgins and fallen virgins. Through examining these kinds of ‘borderline virgins’ as they appear in a range of textual sources from varied genres Undheim demonstrates how physical cultural and cognitive boundaries of virginity were contested drawn and redrawn in the fourth and early fifth centuries in the Latin West. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367495985

Borderline WelfareFeeling and Fear of Feeling in Modern Welfare Which 'forms of feeling' are facilitated and which discouraged within the cultures and structures of modern state welfare? This book illuminates the social and psychic dynamics of these new public cultures of welfare locating them in relation to our understanding of borderline states of mind in individuals organizations and society. Drawing upon Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323554

BorderlineA Psychological Study of Paranoia and Delusional Thinking Originally published in 1992 Borderline presents a unique study of the disturbed mind. Professional psychologist Peter Chadwick draws upon his own personal experience of madness to provide a valuable exploration of the psychology of paranoia and schizophrenia. The book goes beyond a narrowly focused analytical approach to examine schizophrenia from as many perspectives as possible. Using participant observation introspection case study and experimental methods Chadwick shows how paranoid and delusional thinking are only exaggerations of processes to be found in normal cognition. Impressed by the similarities between the thinking of mystics and psychotics he argues that some forms of madness are closely related to profound mystical experience and intuition but that these are expressed in a distorted form in the psychotic mind. He explores the many positive characteristics and capabilities of paranoid patients providing a sympathetic account which balances the heavily negative constructions usually put on paranoia in the research literature. Borderline provide many novel insights into madness and raises important questions as to how psychosis and psychotics are to be evaluated. It will be essential reading for all practising professionals and students in clinical psychology and psychiatry and for everyone involved in the treatment understanding and management of schizophrenia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415724807

BorderlinesGenders and Identities in War and Peace 1870-1930 Borderlines weaves together the study of gender with that of the evolution of nationalism and colonialism. Its broad comparative perspective will rechart the war experiences and identities of women and men during this period of transformation from peace to war and again to peace. Drawing on a wide range of materials from government policy and propaganda to subversive trench journalism and performance from fiction drama and film to the record of activists in various movements and in various countries Borderlines weaves together the study of gender with that of the evolution of nationalism and colonialism. Its broad comparative perspective will rechart the war experiences and identities of women and men during this period of transformation from peace to war and again to peace. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203610497

Borders Boundaries and Frames The essays in this volume take up the challenge of working out -- or reworking -- the problematics of the borders the boundaries and the frameworks that structure our various and multiple notions of identity -- textual personal collective generic and disciplinary. The contributors to this volume write about subjects (and are often themselves subjects) who "refuse to occupy a single territory" -- who cross geographical cultural national linguistic generic specular and disciplinary borders. Essays by Kathryn Hellerstein Anita Goldman Jane Marcus and Scott Malcomson exlpore the semiotics of exile and the problem of its representation in the lives and writings of individual aritists and intellectuals. Autobiographical criticism as represented in the essays by Nancy Miller and Sara Suleri enlargess our conventional notions of what consitutes literature in general and criticism in particular. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865911

Borders Conflict Zones and MemoryScholarly engagements with Luisa Passerini This volume pays tribute to Luisa Passerini whose scholarship has had a major impact on feminist and other scholars around the world. First known internationally for developing new conceptual approaches to oral history and memory studies based on the recognition of the subjective nature of memory Passerini has more recently written about autobiography the history of emotions and concepts of belonging in Europe and reimagining a more inclusive Europe. In this book scholars from North America South America and Europe engage Passerini’s groundbreaking insights into the nature of subjectivity intersubjectivity autobiography and love in relation to the themes of borders emotions and memory. The contributions deal with topics including Mennonite refugee women's food memories; the testimonies of far-left Chilean women who survived brutal sexualized violence; and memories of the war between East and West Pakistan and India and Pakistan. Other contributions to the volume situate and reflect on Passerini’s career-encompassing scholarship. Passerini speaks with the editors of her latest work on oral and visual memories of human movement and also offers a thoughtful response to the essays whose authors represent a transnational and multi-generational group of scholars. This book was originally published as a special issue of Women’s History Review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367231132

Borders Fences and WallsState of Insecurity? Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall the question remains ’Do good fences still make good neighbours’? Since the Great Wall of China the Antonine Wall built in Scotland to support Hadrian's Wall the Roman ’Limes’ or the Danevirk fence the ’wall’ has been a constant in the protection of defined entities claiming sovereignty East and West. But is the wall more than an historical relict for the management of borders? In recent years the wall has been given renewed vigour in North America particularly along the U.S.-Mexico border and in Israel-Palestine. But the success of these new walls in the development of friendly and orderly relations between nations (or indeed within nations) remains unclear. What role does the wall play in the development of security and insecurity? Do walls contribute to a sense of insecurity as much as they assuage fears and create a sense of security for those 'behind the line'? Exactly what kind of security is associated with border walls? This book explores the issue of how the return of the border fences and walls as a political tool may be symptomatic of a new era in border studies and international relations. Taking a multidisciplinary approach this volume examines problems that include security issues ; the recurrence and/or decline of the wall; wall discourses ; legal approaches to the wall; the ’wall industry’ and border technology as well as their symbolism role objectives and efficiency. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308404

Borders Media Crossings and the Politics of TranslationThe Gaze from Southern Africa This book examines concepts of the border and translation within the context of social and cultural theory through the lens of southern Africa. Borders Media Crossings and the Politics of Translation studies a diverse range of media representations of borders imagined borders border struggles collectivity boundaries and scenes of translation: films documentaries literary texts photographs websites and other media texts and artistic interventions. The book makes a case for bringing together media texts and sociocultural experiences across multiple platforms. It argues that this transdisciplinary approach is singularly suited to the age of media convergence when words speech music videos and images compete for attention on the screens of digital devices where the written oral aural and visual are constantly mixed and remixed. But it also reminds the reader of the digital divides linked to socioeconomic cultural language and geopolitical borders. With its focus on sociocultural borders and translation this book will be of interest to scholars and students of media studies African studies and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367139568

Borders Sociocultural Encounters and ContestationsSouthern African Experiences in Global View This book examines the enduring significance of borders in Southern Africa covering encounters between people ideas and matter and the new spatialities and transformations they generate in their historical social economic and cultural contexts. Situated within debates on borders borderlands sub- and regional integration this volume examines local grassroots and non-state actors and their cross-border economic and sociocultural encounters and contestations. Particular attention is also paid on the role they play in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region and its integration project in its multiplicity. The interdisciplinary chapters address the diverse human activities relating to cross-border economic and sociocultural encounters and contestations that are manifested through multiform and -scalar interactions between or among grassroots actors involving engagements between grassroots actors and the state or its agencies and/or to the broader arrangements that bear consequences of the first two upon regional integration. By bringing these different at times contrasting forms of interaction under a holistic analysis this volume devises novel ways to understand the persistence and role of borders and their relation to new transnational and transcultural integrative phenomena at various levels extending from the (nation-)state and the political to the cultural and social at the everyday level of border practices. Scholars and students of African studies geography economics politics sociology and border studies will find this book useful. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367408466

Borders and Border WallsIn-Security Symbolism Vulnerabilities This book addresses the recent evolution of borderlines around the world as an attempt to control transnational movements with a view to securitization of borders rooted in the need to control mobility and preserve national identities. This book moves beyond physical borders and studies new manifestations of borders such as technological and symbolic walls. It brings together scholars from various academic fields such as geography political science and border studies to examine the various movements functions and articulations of international borders. It explores two main issues: how international borders have become enforced lines of demarcation and division reinforcing national identity and impacting national and regional dynamics; and the material and immaterial discursive and concrete expressions of borders and the impacts of the transformation of bodies into threat to be monitored as daily lives become sites of border enforcement. Offering multidisciplinary insights on the growing phenomenon of border walls this book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Border Studies European Studies International Relations Political Geography and Regional Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367370626

Borders and Travellers in Early Modern Europe Early modern Europe was obsessed with borders and travel. It found imagined and manufactured new borders for its travellers to cross. It celebrated and feared borders as places or states where meanings were charged and changed. In early modern Europe crossing a border could take many forms; sailing to the Americas visiting a hospital or taking a trip through London's sewage system. Borders were places that people lived on through and against. Some were temporary like illness while others claimed to be absolute like that between the civilized world and the savage but as the chapters in this volume show to cross any of them was an exciting anxious and often a potentially dangerous act. Providing a trans-European interdisciplinary approach the collection focuses on three particular aspects of travel and borders: change status and function. To travel was to change not only humans but texts words goods and money were all in motion at this time having a profound influence on cultures societies and individuals within Europe and beyond. Likewise status was not a fixed commodity and the meaning and appearance of borders varied and could simultaneously be regarded as hostile and welcoming restrictive and opportunistic according to one's personal viewpoint. The volume also emphasizes the fact that borders always serve multiple functions empowering and oppressing protecting and threatening in equal measure. By using these three concepts as measures by which to explore a variety of subjects Borders and Travellers in Early Modern Europe provides a fascinating new perspective from which to re-assess the way in which early modern Europeans viewed themselves their neighbours and the wider world with which they were increasingly interacting. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261393

Borders in Post-Socialist EuropeTerritory Scale Society 'Borders' have attracted considerable attention in public and academic debates in light of the impact of globalisation and in Europe the end of the divisions of the Cold War era. Instead being inside or outside of the EU has become a major paradigmatic divide between claimed 'spheres of influence' by 'Brussels' and 'Moscow' respectively. In the aftermath of the end of communism established certainties no longer seemed to apply. And this included many of the borders within the former eastern Bloc with some losing their relevance while others re-assert themselves. As its particular contribution this book adopts a symbiotic approach to the analysis of borders drawing on a political-economy perspective while also recognising the importance of the socio-cultural dimension as found in 'border studies'. This seeks to do greater justice to the complex composite nature of borders as geo-political state-legal and cultural-historic constructs in both theory and practice. In addition the book's approach stretches across spatial scales to capture the multi-level nature of borders. The first part of the book presents the conceptual framework as it sets out to embrace this multi-faceted multi-layered nature of borders. In the second part case studies from north-central Europe including the Baltic Sea Region exemplify the complexity of borders in the context of post-socialist transformation and continuing EU-isation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138266773

Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making Using the borderscapes concept this book offers an approach to border studies that expresses the multilevel complexity of borders from the geopolitical to social practice and cultural production at and across the border. Accordingly it encourages a productive understanding of the processual de-territorialized and dispersed nature of borders and their ensuring regimes in the era of globalization and transnational flows as well as showcasing border research as an interdisciplinary field with its own academic standing. Contemporary bordering processes and practices are examined through the borderscapes lens to uncover important connections between borders as a ’challenge' to national (and EU) policies and borders as potential elements of political innovation through conceptual (re-)framings of social political economic and cultural spaces. The authors offer a nuanced and critical re-reading and understanding of the border not as an entity to be taken for granted but as a place of investigation and as a resource in terms of the construction of novel (geo)political imaginations social and spatial imaginaries and cultural images. In so doing they suggest that rethinking borders means deconstructing the interweaving between political practices of inclusion-exclusion and the images created to support and communicate them on the cultural level by Western territorialist modernity. The result is a book that proposes a wandering through a constellation of bordering policies discourses practices and images to open new possibilities for thinking mapping acting and living borders under contemporary globalization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308411

BordersFrontiers of Identity Nation and State Borders are where wars start as Primo Levi once wrote. But they are also bridges - that is sites for ongoing cultural exchange. Anyone studying how nations and states maintain distinct identities while adapting to new ideas and experiences knows that borders provide particularly revealing windows for the analysis of 'self' and 'other'. In representing invisible demarcations between nations and peoples who may have much or very little in common borders exert a powerful influence and define how people think as well as what they do. Without borders whether physical or symbolic nationalism could not exist nor could borders exist without nationalism. Surprisingly there have been very few systematic or concerted efforts to review the experiences of nation and state at the local level of borders. Drawing on examples from the US and Mexico Northern Ireland Israel and Palestine Spain and Morocco as well as various parts of Southeast Asia and Africa this timely book offers a comparative perspective on culture at state boundaries. The authors examine the role of the state ethnicity transnationalism border symbols rituals and identity in an effort to understand how nationalism informs attitudes and behaviour at local national and international levels. Soldiers customs agents smugglers tourists athletes shoppers and prostitutes all provide telling insights into the power relations of everyday life and what these relations say about borders. This overview of the importance of borders to the construction of identity and culture will be an essential text for students and scholars in anthropology sociology political science geography nationalism and immigration studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084815

Borderwork in Multicultural Australia Refugees. Border protection. Ethnic gangs. Terrorism. History wars. Pauline Hanson. Australia's faith in multiculturalism has been shaken by fierce attacks from its enemies and a sense of crisis among its friends. Multiculturalism has become a political tool to win votes and generate community anxiety. What is left of the multicultural ideal?Bob Hodge and John O'Carroll take the pulse of multicultural Australia in the wake of September 11. They investigate the hot spots' of multiculturalism showing how they cluster around fiercely defended boundaries and borders both literal and symbolic. They tackle the issues of racism past and present and show how injustice impacts on many communities in Australia including Aboriginals as well as more recent migrant groups.The authors argue that despite appearances multiculturalism is alive and well in Australia and a commitment to tolerance and diversity characterises daily life. In fact Australia's multiculture is the best kind of borderwork against terrorism racism and injustice. A timely original and optimistic discussion of Australia's multicultural past and our possible futures.'Graeme Turner Director Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies University of Queensland This clearly written book shines a welcome light on the fog of critique of Australian multiculturalism from both the Right and the Left.' Jock Collins Professor of Economics University of Technology Sydney Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115076

Boreal Shield WatershedsLake Trout Ecosystems in a Changing Environment Boreal Shield Watersheds: Lake Trout Ecosystems in a Changing Environment brings together the work of a renowned international group of scientists who specialize in aquatic science and environmental management. They explore the functioning of Boreal Shield ecosystems focusing on the lake trout the classic coldwater species of northern glaciated lakes using it as an indicator of environmental change and as a model to measure the effectiveness of management actions. This book demonstrates how boreal waters have served as a crucible for decades of environmental research into the impacts of nutrient additions trace contaminants acid rain climate change sport fishing invasive species and watershed disturbances.The text builds on this substantial research legacy and explores our ability to manage human interactions with ecosystems across the vast Boreal Shield ecozone of North America and with other important ecosystems worldwide. It also provides models and new methods of assessing the risk to and the durability of ecosystems in relation to local regional and global human activities. Maps and descriptions of several important long-term monitoring sites and an atlas describing more than 3 000 lake trout lakes in the region are special components of the book. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395056

'Boredom is the Enemy'The Intellectual and Imaginative Lives of Australian Soldiers in the Great War and Beyond War is often characterised as one percent terror 99 per cent boredom. Whilst much ink has been spilt on the one per cent relatively little work has been directed toward the other 99 per cent of a soldier's time. As such this book will be welcomed by those seeking a fuller understanding of what makes soldiers endure war and how they cope with prolonged periods of inaction. It explores the issue of military boredom and investigates how soldiers spent their time when not engaged in battle work or training through a study of their creative imaginative and intellectual lives. It examines the efforts of military authorities to provide solutions to military boredom (and the problem of discipline and morale) through the provisioning of entertainment and education but more importantly explores the ways in which soldiers responded to such efforts arguing that soldiers used entertainment and education in ways that suited them. The focus in the book is on Australians and their experiences primarily during the First World War but with subsequent chapters taking the story through the Second World War to the Vietnam War. This focus on a single national group allows questions to be raised about what might (or might not) be exceptional about the experiences of a particular national group and the ways national identity can shape an individual's relationship and engagement with education and entertainment. It can also suggest the continuities and changes in these experiences through the course of three wars. The story of Australians at war illuminates a much broader story of the experience of war and people's responses to war in the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110953

Boredom Studies ReaderFrameworks and Perspectives Boredom Studies is an increasingly rich and vital area of contemporary research that examines the experience of boredom as an importan – even quintessential – condition of modern life. This anthology of newly commissioned essays focuses on the historical and theoretical potential of this modern condition connecting boredom studies with parallel discourses such as affect theory and highlighting possible avenues of future research. Spanning sociology history art philosophy and cultural studies the book considers boredom as a mass response to the atrophy of experience characteristic of a highly mechanised and urbanised social life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367873752

Borges and JoyceAn Infinite Conversation This book examines the interface between two revolutionary writers of the twentieth century James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges. It argues that Borges created himself as a 'precursor' of Joyce and discusses the way in which Borges and Joyce conjured up the ghosts of Homer Dante and Shakespeare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602314

Borges and the Politics of Form Jorge Luis Borges-one of the most important Latin American writers-has also attained considerable international stature and his work is commonly cited in a wide array of scholarship on contemporary fiction. Partly as a consequence of Borges' international identity and partly because of a long-standing view in Borges criticism that his writing is principally concerned with abstract ideas critics have been reluctant to address the question of politics in his writingFilling this critical gap Gonzalez begins by rejecting the proposition that Borges withdraws from the "real " and provides a detailed analysis of the various political issues that Borges takes up in his essays and short stories. The author places particular emphasis on the turbulent questions that shaped Argentine social history during the period of Borges' output. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138001732

Born Globals Networks and the Large Multinational EnterpriseInsights from Bangalore and Beyond Focusing on international entrepreneurship this research book explores the accelerated internationalization of young firms. Known variously as international new ventures (INVs) or "born globals " such firms have come to be viewed as legitimate actors on the global stage alongside large multinational enterprises (MNEs). However the current approach taken by scholars – studying large MNEs and born globals separately – is questionable. This book explores the crucial MNE/INV interface – a fascinating yet under-researched relationship in international entrepreneurship. Drawing upon a decade of case-based research the author argues that the MNE influence on born globals must be considered more carefully and suggests how new ventures can leverage MNE networks in the pursuit of their rapid internationalization. Furthermore it demonstrates that as firms enhance their levels of innovation new pathways emerge via multinational corporation networks a phenomenon vividly demonstrated in the emerging economy context of the Bangalore software industry. This innovative research text will be of interest to academics researchers and advanced students with an interest in international entrepreneurship and business strategy innovation and new ventures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138062580

Born in TibetBy Chögyam Trungpa the Eleventh Trungpa Tulku as told to Esmé Cramer Roberts This is the story of the early life and escape from the Chinese of a young tulku of Tibet an incarnate lama of high rank. The book first published in 1966 shows the quality of human life as lived in Tibet at all levels. The account of his religious education is detailed and of equal value is his description of the meditational centres and seminaries and of his tutors and spiritual teachers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138333932

Born That WayGenes Behavior Personality Taking the nature vs. nurture debate to a new level this fascinating comprehensive journey into the world of genetic research and molecular biology offers a fresh assessment of the work that has been done in this relatively new field during the last half century-work that has demolished common assumptions and overturned existing theories about what determines our personality and behavior. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203760796

Born to ChooseEvolution Self and Well-Being Born to Choose is John H. Falk’s compelling account of why and how we make the endless set of choices we do every second of every day of our lives. Synthesizing research from across the biological and social sciences Falk argues that human choice-making is an evolutionarily ancient and complex process. He suggests that all our choices are influenced by very basic and early evolving needs and that ultimately each choice is designed to support survival in the guise of perceived well-being. This engaging book breaks new intellectual ground and enhances our understanding not just of human choice-making but human behavior overall. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629585635

Born to TradeIndian Business Communities in Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia This pioneering work traces migration of Indian traders to Russia Iran West Asia and South-East Asia in medieval times. Four essays throw light on the activities of the Indian business community in Russia. Generally Indians came to Russia via Iran. There they took a boat crossed the Caspian Sea and reached the Russian port of Astrakhan. Indian visitors included Hindus (including Jains) Muslims Christians Parsis among others. Hindus constituted the largest segment of the migrants. They became an object of local curiosity because of their rituals and social practices. They also became an object of jealousy. Indians did not enjoy political and administrative support as the European East India Companies did. Occasionally local rulers consulted them and sought their advice. Three essays deal with Indian traders in Iran in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. One essay discusses trade between India and Iran in the fifteenth century. There are papers discussing activities of Indian traders in West Asia Yemen and South East Asia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The conclusion focuses on Indian merchants and the Indian Ocean in medieval times. The author concludes that Indian traders did not enjoy political and royal support essential for success. He also affirms that crossing the seas did not lead to social boycott by their caste-men. This taboo came much later probably with the advent of British rule in the nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138280298

Born Too EarlyHidden Handicaps of Premature Children Premature children suffering consequences of their early birth do not grow out of them and new difficulties may appear as they mature. The sum of negative influences from the time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit eventual problems with interaction and later a defective or delayed development can cause continuous problems for premature chi Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323561

Borneo and SulawesiIndigenous Peoples Empires and Area Studies This book presents a great deal of new research findings on the history of Borneo the history of Sulawesi and the interrelationship between the two islands. Some specific chapters focus on empires and colonizers including the activities of James Brooke in Sulawesi of Chinese mining communities in Borneo and of the the quisling issue in immediate post-war Sarawak. Other chapters consider indigenous peoples and how different regimes have handled them. The book is published in honour of Victor T. King a leading scholar in the field of Southeast Asian studies and a final chapter discusses his contribution to scholarship in particular his views on how area studies should be approached and the implications of this for future research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138365667

Borneo in the Cold War 1950-1990 Although by about 1950 both British Borneo including the protected sultanate of Brunei and Indonesian Borneo seemed settled under their different regimes and well on the way to post-war reconstruction and economic development the upheavals which affected Southeast and East Asia during the Cold War period also deeply affected Borneo. Besides the impact of the Korean and Vietnam Wars and the Malayan Emergency and communist uprisings in other Southeast Asian states there was within Borneo the attempted communist takeover of Sarawak from the 1950s a failed coup d’état in Brunei in 1962 Sukarno’s Konfrontasi (confrontation) with Malaysia and the horrific purge of Leftists and ethnic Chinese in the late 1960s. This book details these momentous events and assesses their impact on Borneo and its people. It is a sequel to the author’s earlier books The Japanese Occupation of Borneo 1941-1945 (2011) and Post-War Borneo 1945-1950: Nationalism Empire and State-Building (2013) collectively a trilogy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138910782

Boron ScienceNew Technologies and Applications Boron has made a significant impact in our lives through its quiet use in fertilizers fungicides soaps detergents and heat-resistant glassware. Boron Science: New Technologies and Applications addresses the applications of boron in chemistry industry medicine and pharmacology by explaining its role in problems such as catalysis and hydroboration as well as its use in superconductors materials magnetic/nonmagnetic nanoparticles and medical applications including cancer therapy. Illustrating the practical versatility of boron the 29 chapters are divided into seven major sections: Boron for Living: Medicine Boron for Living: Health and Nutrition Boron for Living: Radioisotope Boron for Living: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Boron for Electronics: Optoelectronics Boron for Energy: Energy Storage Space and Other Applications Boron for Chemistry and Catalysis: Catalysis and Organic Transformations More than just an updated compilation of progress in the applied science of boron this book is a tribute to the legions of workers who have spent years conducting groundbreaking studies. The book celebrates these scientists and their protégés who together transformed boron science into the exciting and growing area it is today. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439826621

Boron-Based Fuel-Rich PropellantProperties Combustion and Technology Aspects Boron-Based Fuel-Rich Solid Rocket Propellant Technology is a professional book that systematically introduces the latest research progress for boron-based fuel-rich solid propellants. It covers surface modifications coating and agglomerating techniques granulation and characterization of amorphous boron powders and its application to fuel-rich solid rocket propellants. Technologies for controlling the processing methods and combustion performance of fuel-rich propellants are examined and the book concludes with a summary of the research progress in boron-based fuel-rich solid propellants and a look forward to the foreseeable development trends of military applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367141660

Borrowed NarrativesUsing Biographical and Historical Grief Narratives With the Bereaving What do Dexter King Condoleeza Rice Mackenzie King Corazon Aquino Eleanor Roosevelt Bill Cosby Tony Dungy Theodore Roosevelt George H. W. and Barbara Bush Caroline Kennedy Arthur Ashe Lady Bird Johnson Colin Powell and C. S. Lewis have in common? They all have significant grief experiences that have shaped their lives in dramatic ways stories that have also shaped our lives. Grieving individuals through "borrowing narratives " look for inspiration in biographic historical and memoir accounts of political and religious leaders celebrities sports figures and cultural icons. In a time of diminishing trust in heroes and "sainted leaders" who will speak to us from their grief? In a diverse society grief counselors and educators need to identify and "mine" the experienced grief(s) of historical personalities for resources for reflection and meaning-making. This book will help readers: find "read " evaluate extract and adapt historical/biographical materials create bio-narrative resources for use in grief counseling and grief education explore the wide diversity of experienced grief in biographical narratives identify ways to "harness" grief narratives for personal reflection. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110557

Bosnia and HerzegovinaA Polity on the Brink First published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138179103

Bosnia and the Destruction of Cultural Heritage The massive intentional destruction of cultural heritage during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War targeting a historically diverse identity provoked global condemnation and became a seminal marker in the discourse on cultural heritage. It prompted an urgent reassessment of how cultural property could be protected in times of conflict and led to a more definitive recognition in international humanitarian law that destruction of a people's cultural heritage is an aspect of genocide. Yet surprisingly little has been published on the subject. This wide-ranging book provides the first comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the destruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina's cultural heritage and its far-reaching impact. Scrutinizing the responses of the international community during the war (including bodies like UNESCO and the Council of Europe) the volume also analyses how after the conflict ended external agendas impinged on heritage reconstruction to the detriment of the broader peace process and refugee return. It assesses implementation of Annex 8 of the Dayton Peace Agreement a unique attempt to address the devastation to Bosnia's cultural heritage and examines the treatment of war crimes involving cultural property at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). With numerous case studies and plentiful illustrations this important volume considers questions which have moved to the foreground with the inclusion of cultural heritage preservation in discussions of the right to culture in human rights discourse and as a vital element of post-conflict and development aid. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308428

Bosnian Security after DaytonNew Perspectives Featuring fresh contributions from leading scholars this new volume considers a varied range of post-war post-Dayton and post-9/11 problems and issues reminding readers that Dayton is not the only challenge to the safety stability and long-term viability of the post-war Bosnian state. Drawing together all the latest research this book covers new ground in its discussion of post-9/11 security concerns and in its leading-edge analyses of crime corruption and terror in a transitional state. It takes Bosnia-Herzegovina seriously as a subject of regional and international affairs and is a critically important contribution to scholarship showing how redefined global security concerns have heavily altered international and domestic security priorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina with corresponding implications for post-war justice and identity politics foreign intervention and state-level institution building. This is essential reading for scholars of the Balkans peacebuilding and reconstruction European politics and of security studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653695

Boss Ladies Watch Out!Essays on Women Sex and Writing A new collection of essays on literature and sexuality by one of the wittiest and most iconoclastic critics writing today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203699027

Boss TweedThe Story of a Grim Generation No political scandal in American history has had a greater impact on America's political consciousness than the rise and fall of the "Tweed Ring" in New York City between 1866 and 1871. In an age ripe with scandal both public and private the spectacular corruption charged to "Boss" Tweed and his associates-estimates of their extortion range from $20 million to $200 million-became an enduring symbol of the dark side of democratic politics.The Tweed Ring contributed much more than cartoonist impressions; it helped to shape a powerful theory of political reform. It was in truth one of the formative events of progressivism that multifaceted doctrine that has evolved into the modern American creed. In this sense the Tweed Ring was to produce not only deep misgivings about the existing regime but an insight into how it should be reformed.Denis Tilden Lynch's biography of "Boss" Tweed was first published in 1927 in a time filled like Tweed's with sudden prosperity daunting problems and spectacular scandals. It is a straight-forward workmanlike study untroubled by the conceits of modern historical scholarship and close enough to its subject's generation to have some of the immediacy of journalism. Of all the books published about the Tweed affair Lynch's study is the only one that is a genuine biography in which the man himself is the focus. For this reason it conveys something of the texture of daily life in New York in the nineteenth century while bringing Tweed out from behind the shadows of Thomas Nast's leering cartoons and presenting him as much as is possible as a man and not an icon. An interesting example of Americana this volume will be of interest to historians of the period as well as those interested in American urban and political life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519732

Bosses in British BusinessManagers and Management from the Industrial Revolution to the Present Day In this volume first published in 1974 the author provides an introduction to the historical development of management in business. Success and failure in a commercial world can be explained partly in terms of economic forces but much also depends on the people on the management of the firms – on the bosses. The author approaches this topic by examining some of the major companies and individuals over the past two hundred years and examines how apparently secure and profitable companies at times run into great difficulties and shows that by examining the reasons for success and failure pitfalls may be avoided and efficiency improved. This book will be of special value to business and commercial students as well as to the general reader who is interested in the problems of modern industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815370147

Botanical Drug ProductsRecent Developments and Market Trends Botanicals which have been part of human food and medicine for thousands of years are perceived as being safer than synthetic pharmaceuticals. The global botanical drug market was expected to reach $26.6 billion by 2017. In terms of FDA regulations botanical drugs are no different from non-botanical products having to meet the safety and effectiveness standards of a new drug in accordance. This book comprises a complete start-to-end process from drug-idea conception to drug development process.Key Features:Provides a complete compendium for botanical drug productsDescribes what BDP is and how it differs from Pharma Biopharma and NutraceuticalsCompiles all critical regulatory steps in a variety of countriesDiscusses clinical trial management for BDP development and how it differs from conventional chemical-based drugs and biopharmaceutics Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367732479

Botanical MedicinesThe Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements Second Edition Answer patients’questions about botanical supplements quickly and easily!This informative book is a compendium of detailed scientific research on 34 of the most popular dietary supplements used in North America and Europe. Its coverage of pharmacological studies on the main medicinal plants used in clinical practice and sold in pharmacies in the Western world is more extensive than any other publication of monographic reviews available. The way Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements Second Edition. is organized (standardized topic formats are used in each monograph) makes it easy for you to locate relevant information quickly and to compare corresponding sections between different entries. This book is an invaluable tool for pharmacists physicians and other health care professionals who need detailed scientifically accurate information on appropriate use safety dosages and similar issues related to botanical dietary supplements.Each entry in Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements Second Edition. covers botanical data (classification and nomenclature common names geographic occurrence and botanical characteristics) plus: history and traditional uses chemistry therapeutic applications pre-clinical studies clinical studies recommended dosages safety profiles (including toxicology) side effects and contraindications drug interactions and special precautions safety recommendations during pregnancy and lactationThis extensively referenced volume includes appendixes with information on the major provisions of DSHEA (the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994) and on the criteria and procedures for assessing the quality of botanical products. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203048368

Botanical MiraclesChemistry of Plants That Changed the World As the shortcomings of purely synthetic approaches to biochemical discovery and development are becoming more apparent a renaissance of interest in the chemistry of natural products as sources for new compounds is occurring. A unique approach to natural products chemistry Botanical Miracles: Chemistry of Plants That Changed the World relates applications of plant extracts to the historical progress of civilization. It focuses on selected plants from around the world connecting their stories and properties to the development of modern marvels such as medicinal compounds nutrition products beverages perfumes and organic pigments. Each chapter describes a particular group of plant extracts from various perspectives including their chemistry interest and value to man and historical background. The ends of the chapters pose challenging questions. Introducing plants that are emerging into more prominent roles in human life and addressing current challenges Botanical Miracles presents a fascinating point of entry to the chemistry of important natural products. It examines plants and their extracts through the key functional groups building blocks and concepts of organic chemistry. This book provides in a single source information and learning opportunities of value to a wide range of individuals involved in the fields of chemistry medicine nutrition or cosmetics whether they be students educators researchers or those who simply wish to extend their horizons. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367076214

Botanical Pesticides in Agriculture Due to the prohibitive cost of synthetic pesticides and the problems of environmental pollution caused by continuous use of these chemicals there is a renewed interest in the use of botanicals for crop protection. Agricultural entomologists nematologists and pathologists the world over are now actively engaged in research into the use of plants to fight agricultural pests and diseases and to reduce the losses caused by them. Botanical Pesticides in Agriculture reviews the research on botanical pesticides used to combat losses due to pests of agricultural importance with special attention focused on the use of higher plants. This book will serve as the baseline reference work for future research and many of the botanicals discussed such as neem bael begonia pyrethrum tobacco karanj and mahuwa may become integral parts of pest control programs currently being developed. It is believed that botanical pesticides will minimize the undesirable side effects of synthetic pesticides and help preserve the environment for future generations. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138572

BotanicalsMethods and Techniques for Quality & Authenticity The international trade in plants is growing steadily as the worldwide demand for natural and botanical raw materials increases. Customers value natural products and botanicals as "green" alternatives—safer ingredients for their families which also represent an environmentally and socially responsible choice for the planet. In order to build assurance into the sourcing of natural ingredients R&D organizations must have valid scientific matrices to authenticate the quality of those ingredients provide traceability and minimize risk. An assemblage of insight from expert contributors Botanicals: Methods and Techniques for Quality & Authenticity compiles a range of methods and techniques that can be used to help guide quality and authenticity determinations.Topics include:Metabolic profiling authentication of botanicals by morphology and genetic methods of botanical authenticationTools for building models for the authentication of materialsHow multivariate statistics can play a role in determining botanical quality and authenticityRadiocarbon and stable isotope ratio analysis and emerging stable isotope toolsNMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy NIR (near-infrared) and HPTLC (high-performance thin-layer chromatography) methods for analysisThe use of electronic sensing instruments and applications for analysis The contributors also discuss the challenge of identifying a botanical extract or preparation on the basis of its chemical content and discuss quality issues faced by botanicals used as cosmetic ingredients. The book provides you with a range of traditional taxonomic and newer analytical tools to assure the quality authenticity and traceability of botanical raw materials for dietary supplements cosmetics and natural products research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367377847

Both Sides of the Circle (Routledge Revivals)The Autobiography of Christmas Humphreys First published in 1978 Christmas Humphrey’s autobiography presents the fascinating history of a life rich and varied in both private and in public. Spanning seven decades it touches on many events of historical interest in which he was personally involved. Among them the abdication of Edward VIII the Japanese War Trials and his time with the Dalai Lama after his flight from Tibet. The author gives a graphic portrait of life behind the Bar and on the Bench – of what it is like to prosecute and to defend and of the immense difficulties which face a judge when passing sentence. Here too are recollections of many famous cases of the twentieth century and of the many murder trials in which he appeared as prosecuting counsel or judge. Of equal interest is his fifty years’ of work in the field of English Buddhism. In 1924 he and his wife founded the Buddhist Society which would become hugely influential in the spread of Buddhism throughout the West. Both Sides of the Circle is rich in humour and humanity. There is the joyful account of the author’s Edwardian Boyhood followed by the tragedy of his brother’s death in World War 1 which lead to the awakening of his interest in Buddhism and Theosophy. He speaks freely of his encounters with the Dalai Lama with D.T. Suzuki with Jung and with the Royal families of Thailand Sikkim and Nepal as well as his travels throughout the Europe and in the Orient. Both sides of the Circle is more than autobiography – it is also a spiritual odyssey whose reissue will be of great interest to those who’ve enjoyed Christmas Humphreys’ other work and wish to know more about his brilliant career. It will also be very welcome to those wanted to learn about Buddhism in general and the origins of English Buddhism in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415531108

Bothered By Alligators Milner's final text Bothered by Alligators came about when in her nineties she unexpectedly came across a diary she had kept during the early years of her son's life recording his conversations and play between the ages of two and nine. With it was a storybook written and illustrated by him when he was about seven years old. Whilst working on the material Milner gradually realised that both diary and storybook were provoking questions she realised had scarcely been asked let alone answered in her own analysis. Through her memories her notebooks and by interpreting her own previously discarded drawings and paintings she reaches a point of awareness that they were depicting things she did not know in herself addressing her relationships not only with her son but also with her husband her father and in particular her mother. Like many of Milner's earlier books there is a deeply personal quality to Bothered by Alligators but it is a quality that transcends the personal and reveals insights and conclusions that will be both interesting and useful to clinicians; and fascinating to readers from a psychological a literary an artistic or an educational background and in particular those with an interest in psychoanalysis and autobiography and in Milner's work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415684569

BotheredHelping Teenagers Talk About Their Feelings At this challenging developmental stage when teenagers are finding things difficult this book can really help. It is full of tools and techniques of what to say and how to be enabling teenagers to move from unhappiness poor functioning or learning blocks to a place of self-awareness self esteem and the ability to thrive. The first part of the book offers a key assessment tool namely 'The Teenager Well-Being Profile'. This is designed for people to easily assess just how well the teenager is doing in their life emotionally and relationally. If the teenager is messing up in some areas the Well-Being Profile will show clearly which life skill he or she has not yet mastered. The accompanying empowering worksheets address key feelings issues and concerns common to teenagers. The worksheets enable adults to be with the teenager in a confident non-embarrassing and effective way so that the conversation flows. This book provides a real opportunity for transformational conversations that will really make a difference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780863889080

BotnetsArchitectures Countermeasures and Challenges This book provides solid state-of-the-art contributions from both scientists and practitioners working on botnet detection and analysis including botnet economics. It presents original theoretical and empirical chapters dealing with both offensive and defensive aspects in this field. Chapters address fundamental theory current trends and techniques for evading detection as well as practical experiences concerning detection and defensive strategies for the botnet ecosystem and include surveys simulations practical results and case studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367191542

Bottom-Line Call Center Management 'Bottom-Line Call Center Management breaks new ground by addressing key skills and techniques in assessing and implementing effective management practices to maximize the human and capital resources at the call center manager's disposal. Drawing on the author's unique data sets and years of research experience in the industry 'Bottom-Line Call Center Management' helps call center managers evaluate their current status implement cost-effective changes and measure results of their changes to ensure a culture of accountability within the call center at all levels increasing the bottom line. The processes include an evaluation of current customer service representatives defining delimiting and assessing the labor shed of the center and exploring the customer service representative's unique skills and leveraging those skills into a unique and dynamic work environment. Likewise the process also determines the learning skills and competencies necessary to meet and exceed the basic requirements for all call centers. Furthermore each step has a pre in-process and post evaluation to ensure projects are progressing according to plan. Lastly all evaluations are measured against the bottom line through a return on investment (ROI) model.The framework for this book uses the culture of call centers defined and lived through the customer service representatives as the lens to view all processes measurements accountability and return on investment. This framework is critical since there has been much emphasis on technology-as-a-solution which treats the employees as a hindrance instead of the enablers of positive change. Likewise customer service representatives eventually act as strong determinants of success with the call center and thus the bottom line. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138175327

Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice 3E Volume OneClinical Adaptations This bestselling guide to the complexities of botulinum toxins has now been extensively revised updated and expanded. Now in two volumes Volume 1 examines clinical adaptations in the toxins in use today use with other injectables use for other parts of the body and other indications and legal aspects while Volume 2 documents in detail the functional anatomy and injection techniques for the face neck and upper chest. No practitioner of aesthetic medicine will want to be without this comprehensive and authoritative guide from the international experts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138301849

Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice 3E Volume TwoFunctional Anatomy and Injection Techniques This bestselling guide to the complexities of botulinum toxins has now been extensively revised updated and expanded. Now in two volumes Volume 1 examines clinical adaptations in the toxins in use today use with other injectables use for other parts of the body and other indications and legal aspects while Volume 2 documents in detail the functional anatomy and injection techniques for the face neck and upper chest. No practitioner of aesthetic medicine will want to be without this comprehensive and authoritative guide from the international experts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138304802

Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice 3ETwo Volume Set This bestselling guide to the complexities of botulinum toxins has now been extensively revised updated and expanded. Now in two volumes Volume 1 examines clinical adaptations in the toxins in use today use with other injectables use for other parts of the body and other indications and legal aspects while Volume 2 documents in detail the functional anatomy and injection techniques for the face neck and upper chest. No practitioner of aesthetic medicine will want to be without this comprehensive and authoritative guide from the international experts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498716314

Boublil and Schönberg’s Les Misérables "One more dawn! One more day! One day more!" Did Les Misérables make you miserable? Or did it inspire you? When Sarah Whitfield was a teenager her Dad frequently embarrassed her with his love of this musical above all others. So after he was diagnosed with late stage cancer Whitfield set out to find out why this musical meant so much to him and to its worldwide following. In this new book she asked her Dad and 350 other people how they felt about this musical exploring people’s personal connections with the show. In the middle of some of the hardest moments in family life Whitfield explores how the musical might help us deal with some of our most difficult experiences and give us hope for when ‘tomorrow comes’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138094383

Boudica Britannia When Roman troops threatened to seize the wealth of the Iceni people their queen Boudica retaliated by inciting a major uprising allying her tribe with the neighbouring Trinovantes. The ensuing clash is one of the most important - and dramatic - events in the history of Britain standing testament to what can happen when an insensitive colonial power meets determined resistance from a subjugated people head-on. In this fascinating account of a legendary figure Miranda Aldhouse-Green raises questions about female power colonial oppression and whether Boudica would be seen today as a freedom fighter terrorist or martyr. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315834917

Boudica's Odyssey in Early Modern England This diachronic study of Boudica serves as a sourcebook of references to Boudica in the early modern period and gives an overview of the ways in which her story was processed and exploited by the different players of the times who wanted to give credence and support to their own belief systems. The author examines the different apparatus of state ideology which processed the social religious and political representations of Boudica for public absorption and helped form the popular myth we have of Boudica today. By exploring images of the Briton warrior queen across two reigns which witnessed an act of political union and a move from English female rule (under Elizabeth I) to British/Scottish masculine rule (under James VI & I) the author conducts a critical cartography of the ways in which gender colonialism and nationalism crystallised around this crucial historical figure. Concentrating on the original transmission and reception of the ancient texts the author analyses the historical works of Hector Boece Raphael Holinshed and William Camden as well as the canonical literary figures of Edmund Spenser William Shakespeare and John Fletcher. She also looks at aspects of other primary sources not covered in previous scholarship such as Humphrey Llwyd’s Breuiary of Britayne (1573) Petruccio Ubaldini’s Le Vite delle donne illustri del regno d’Inghilterra e del regno di Scotia (1588) and Edmund Bolton’s Nero Caesar (1624). Furthermore she incorporates archaeological research relating to Boudica. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138253841

BoudicaThe British Revolt Against Rome AD 60 First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138173637

Boundaries Identity and belonging in Modern Judaism The drawing of boundaries has always been a key part of the Jewish tradition and has served to maintain a distinctive Jewish identity. At the same time these boundaries have consistently been subject to negotiation transgression and contestation. The increasing fragmentation of Judaism into competing claims to membership from Orthodox adherence to secular identities has brought striking new dimensions to this complex interplay of boundaries and modes of identity and belonging in contemporary Judaism. Boundaries Identity and Belonging in Modern Judaism addresses these new dimensions bringing together experts in the field to explore the various and fluid modes of expressing and defining Jewish identity in the modern world. Its interdisciplinary scholarship opens new perspectives on the prominent questions challenging scholars in Jewish Studies. Beyond simply being born Jewish observance of Judaism has become a lifestyle choice and active assertion. Addressing the demographic changes brought by population mobility and ‘marrying out ’ as well as the complex relationships between Israel and the Diaspora this book reveals how these shifting boundaries play out in a global context where Orthodoxy meets innovative ways of defining and acquiring Jewish identity. This book is essential reading for students and scholars of Jewish Studies as well as general Religious Studies and those interested in the sociology of belonging and identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138320864

Boundaries Territory and Postmodernity Contributions to this collection seek to determine the extent to which states and boundaries have in fact disappeared or are simply changing their functions as we move from an era of fixed territories into a post-Westphalian territorial system. A group of international political geographers and political scientists examine the changing nature of the state pointing to significant changes on the one hand but equally noting the continued importance of territory and boundaries in determining the political ordering of the post-modern world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038278

Boundaries and BridgesPerspectives on Time and Space in Psychoanalysis This book explores the meaning of gaps and intervals between events and between experiences—the transitional space/time separating them as well as the metaphorical bridges that could join them. It examines the experience of time as a central aspect of the psychoanalytic situation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200826

Boundaries and Hulls of Euclidean GraphsFrom Theory to Practice Boundaries and Hulls of Euclidean Graphs: From Theory to Practice presents concepts and algorithms for finding convex concave and polygon hulls of Euclidean graphs. It also includes some implementations determining and comparing their complexities. Since the implementation is application-dependent either centralized or distributed some basic concepts of the centralized and distributed versions are reviewed. Theoreticians will find a presentation of different algorithms together with an evaluation of their complexity and their utilities as well as their field of application. Practitioners will find some practical and real-world situations in which the presented algorithms can be used. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367657178

Boundaries of Adult Learning Until relatively recently adult learning in the UK was largely recognised as being situated mainly within the LEA adult education centre university extra-mural departments and the WEA. However this picture has changed. The major change has been a shift from 'education' to 'learning' as the key organising concept. A greater range of settings are now recognised as sites producing learning and alongside this has grown a debate about the purpose and form of study within adult learning. This has led people to question both the concept of adult learning and the boundaries of its provision. This book reviews and assesses the changes which are taking place. It explores the disputes surrounding adult learning discussing how boundaries have blurred thereby creating new opportunities such as APL and credit transfer and including a significantly wider range of activities within the definition of learning. It also assesses the extent to which despite the changes in boundaries inequalities in learning opportunities still persist. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138150980

Boundaries of Clan and ColorTransnational Comparisons of Inter-Group Disparity Economic disparity between ethnic and racial groups is a ubiquitous and pervasive phenomenon internationally. Gaps between groups encompass employment wage occupational status and wealth differentials. Virtually every nation is comprised of a group whose material well-being is sharply depressed in comparison with another socially dominant group.This collection is a cross-national comparative investigation of the patterns and dynamics of inter-group economic inequality. A wide range of respected experts discuss such issues as:*a wide range of groups from the Burakumin in Japan to the scheduled castes and tribes in India*policy attempts to remedy intergroup inequality*race and labor market outcomes in Brazil.Under the impressive editorship of William Darity Jr and Ashwini Deshpande this collection forms an important book. It will be of interest to students and academics involved in racial studies the economics of discrimination and labor economics as well as policy makers around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753753

Boundaries of CompetenceKnowing the Social with Science The term "social science" promises more than its practitioners can deliver: it promises knowledge. This knowledge is to consist of statements of empirical regularities of such quality as will enhance predictive power and inform public and private policy. Boundaries of Competence illuminates obstacles to this aspiration.Chapter 1 grounds knowledge in perception. Chapter 2 challenges the assumption that ordinary language necessarily describes reality and reveals the mischief words can do. Chapter 3 proposes a continuum of perceiving-conceiving involved in different ways of "knowing" worlds. Chapter 4 lays out requirements of measurement arguing that assigning numbers to dubious observations gives false assurance that mathematical manipulations necessarily rep- resent events.Chapter 5 shows how choice of unit affects the correlations we find in our search for causes. Chapter 6 holds that given deficiencies in knowledge and perhaps because of the way Nature works we assess probabilities rather than seek certainties. Chapter 7 notes difficulties in counting events that consist of "social facts " which "depend on us " and those that refer to "brute facts " that exist independently of us. Chapter 8 criticizes the practice of employing proxies for observations of what we're talking about. In particular it demonstrates the error produced by relying on what people say as measure of what they do.Chapter 9 criticizes ways of explaining conduct by characterizing actors and their acts and by "understanding" them through empathy. Chapter 10 discusses the important and never-ending quarrel about causation. Chapters 11 and 12 argue that in social affairs decision is regularly torn between doing what is effective (rational) and doing what is right (moral).Nettler's writing is crisp and his argument balanced. He employs research from several disciplines to challenge ideologically driven descriptions of our condition and explanations of our conduct. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507753

Boundaries of DissentProtest and State Power in the Media Age Boundaries of Dissent looks at the way that political protest as it is shaped through the space-time collapsing power of media questions national identity and state authority. Through this lens of protest politics Bruce D'Arcus examines how public and private space is symbolically mediated-the way that power and dissent are articulated in the contemporary media. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315880969

Boundaries of European Social CitizenshipEU Citizens’ Transnational Social Security in Regulations Discourses and Experiences This edited collection contributes to studies of intra-EU migration and mobility welfare and European social citizenship by focusing on transnational labour movements from new to the old EU member states (Hungary–Austria Bulgaria–Germany Poland–UK and Estonia–Sweden). The volume provides a comparative analysis of formal organization and mobile individuals’ use of European social security coordination which involves mobile Europeans' access to and portability of social security rights from the sending to the receiving country (and back). The book discloses the selectivity criteria of welfare provision in four areas (unemployment family benefits health insurance and pensions) that lay at heart of European cross-border social security governance. It also identifies specific discourses of belonging (gendered ethnicized/racialized and class-related images of ‘Us’ and ‘Them’) that frame the institutional selectivity by constructing images of mobile EUcitizens' ‘deserving’ or ‘non-deserving’ social membership. The collection offers a detailed examination of inequality experiences mobile EU citizens from the new EU countries encounter while accessing and porting social security rights across borders. It will be of interest to a wide range of social science and interdisciplinary researchers students and practitioners as well as those interested in intra-EU migration and mobility social security European social citizenship and transnational studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367249830

Boundaries of JournalismProfessionalism Practices and Participation The concept of boundaries has become a central theme in the study of journalism. In recent years the decline of legacy news organizations and the rise of new interactive media tools have thrust such questions as "what is journalism" and "who is a journalist" into the limelight. Struggles over journalism are often struggles over boundaries. These symbolic contests for control over definition also mark a material struggle over resources. In short: boundaries have consequences. Yet there is a lack of conceptual cohesiveness in what scholars mean by the term "boundaries" or in how we should think about specific boundaries of journalism. This book addresses boundaries head-on by bringing together a global array of authors asking similar questions about boundaries and journalism from a diverse range of perspectives methodologies and theoretical backgrounds. Boundaries of Journalism assembles the most current research on this topic in one place thus providing a touchstone for future research within communication media and journalism studies on journalism and its boundaries.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138020672

Boundaries of the LawGeography Gender and Jurisdiction in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Exploring the boundaries of the law as they existed in medieval and early modern times and as they have been perceived by historians this volume offers a wide ranging insight into a key aspect of European society. Alongside and inexorably linked with the ecclesiastical establishment the law was one of the main social bonds that shaped and directed the interactions of day-to-day life. Posing fascinating conceptual and methodological questions that challenge existing perceptions of the parameters of the law the essays in this book look especially at the gender divide and conflicts of jurisdiction within an historical context. In addition to seeking to understand the discrete categories into which types of law and legal rules are sometimes placed consideration is given to the traversing of boundaries to the overlaps between jurisdictions and between custom(s) and law(s). In so doing it shows how law has been artificially compartmentalised by historians and lawyers alike and how existing perceptions have been conditioned by particular approaches to the sources. It also reveals in certain case studies how the sources themselves (and attitudes towards them) have determined the limitations of historical enterprise. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach to the subject the contributors demonstrate the fruitfulness of examining the interfaces of apparently diverse disciplines. Making fresh connections across subject areas they examine for example the role of geography in determining litigation strategies how the law interacted with social and theological issues and how fact and fiction could intertwine to promote notions of justice and public order. The main focus of the volume is upon England but includes useful comparative papers concerning France Flanders and Sweden. The contributors are a mixture of young and established scholars from Europe and North America offering a new and revisionist perspective on the operation of law in the medieval and early modern periods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379039

Boundaries of the Universe The boundaries of space exploration are being pushed back constantly but the realm of the partially understood and the totally unknown is as great as ever. Among other things this book deals with astronomical instruments and their application recent discoveries in the solar system stellar evolution the exploding starts the galaxies quasars pulsars the possibilities of extraterrestrial life and relativity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846295

Boundaries of Utopia - Imagining Communism from Plato to Stalin The idea that socialism could be established in a single country was adopted as an official doctrine by the Soviet Union in 1925 Stalin and Bukharin being the main formulators of the policy. Before this there had been much debate as to whether the only way to secure socialism would be as a result of socialist revolution on a much broader scale across all Europe or wider still. This book traces the development of ideas about communist utopia from Plato onwards paying particular attention to debates about universalist ideology versus the possibility for "socialism in one country". The book argues that although the prevailing view is that "socialism in one country" was a sharp break from a long tradition that tended to view socialism as only possible if universal in fact the territorially confined socialist project had long roots including in the writings of Marx and Engels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815364320

Boundary and SpaceAn Introduction to the Work of D.W. Winnicott D.W. Winnicott - one of this centuries most important theorists - is the focus of the new edition of this extraordinary volume. Drawing extensively upon Winnicott's own papers and lectures the main themes of his theory and personal development are revealed. His vast contributions to the understandings of the profound significance of infancy in the Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323264

Boundary And SpaceAn Introduction To The Work of D.W. Winnincott First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138148550

Boundary Control and Variation Based on the Working Conference on Boundary Control and Boundary Variation held in Sophia-Antipolis France this work provides important examinations of shape optimization and boundary control of hyperbolic systems including free boundary problems and stabilization. It offers a new approach to large and nonlinear variation of the boundary using global Eulerian co-ordinates and intrinsic geometry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138417656

Boundary Layer Climates This modern climatology textbook explains those climates formed near the ground in terms of the cycling of energy and mass through systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138170438

Boundary RetracementProcesses and Procedures The survey and the transference are the distinctive and operative acts in the transmission of real property and where they differ from each other one must of necessity control the other. This book addresses the aforementioned concepts by external explanations in order to understand the discrepancies between them. It also helps to avoid expensive and wasteful litigation over boundaries that were previously not in conflict. The text offers an extensive review of the law for boundary retracement and cites numerous case examples. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573881

Boundary Stelae Of Akhentaten First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964945

Boundary-Spanning in OrganizationsNetwork Influence and Conflict In more recent times the essence of the gatekeeper's role has moved to the 'boundary spanner' - a systems thinker who understands the specific needs and interests of the organization and whose greatest asset is their ability to move across and through the formal and informal features of the modern organization. There are many types of boundaries associated with an organization for example horizontal (function and expertise) vertical (status hierarchy) geographic demographic and stakeholder. Boundaries are "the defining characteristic of organizations and boundary roles are the link between the environment and the organization" (Aldrich & Herker 1977) with functions crucial to the effectiveness and success of the organization. Despite being a critical success factor for an organization beginning in the 1970s the term - 'boundary spanning' has had an intermittent research history: there has been no systematic body of research that has evolved over time. This book aims to invigorate excite and expand the literature on boundary spanning in a diverse range of disciplines such as sociology organizational psychology management medicine defence health social work and community services. The book serves as the first collection of reviews on boundary spanning in organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616882

Bounded Bureaucracy and the Budgetary Process in the United States Bureaucracies have been criticized from various perspectives and blamed for a variety of failings. Critics have claimed that bureaucracies are too focused on conforming to rules rather than achieving an organization's core mission. Bureaucracies are said to oppress human freedom because of their orientation toward hierarchical control. Bureaucratic organizations are also said to be unable to deal effectively with public problems that span multiple administrative jurisdictions; they do not reach beyond their own organizational boundaries.This book provides solid data on how bureaucracies can expedite information processing and reduce organizational conflicts. Jay Eungha Ryu finds that the functions of bureaucracies are highly dependent upon external political conditions. Whether the executive and legislative branches are dominated by the same party significantly influences the ability of bureaucracies to function effectively.Ryu notes that the merits of bureaucratic centralization are worth close attention. Numerous attempts including performance budgeting systems have been made to improve bureaucratic malfunctions. However such reform initiatives are doomed to failure he argues unless they employ a core feature of bureaucracy itself centralization. Ryu defines bureaucratic centralization at its best as bounded bureaucracy. If well managed bounded bureaucracy can substantially improve the rational behavior of organizations and reduce institutional frictions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507760

Bounded Rationality and Behavioural Economics Economics Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon developed the concept of bounded rationality in the 1950s. This asserts that the cognitive abilities of human decision-makers are not always sufficient to find optimal solutions to complex real-life problems leading decision-makers to find satisfactory sub-optimal outcomes. This was a foundational component of the development of Behavioural Economics but in recent years the two fields have diverged each with its own literature its own approach and its own proponents. Behavioural Economics explores the areas of commonality between Economics and Psychology in terms of its focus and its approach whereas the bounded rationality literature largely analyses the implications of sub-optimal decision‐making through the mathematically sophisticated methodology of mainstream Economics. This book examines the nature and consequences of this divergence and questions whether this is a case of beneficial specialisation or whether it is unhelpful potentially stunting the development of some aspects of Economics. It has been suggested that the major deficiency of Behavioural Economics is that it has failed to produce a single widely applicable alternative to constrained optimisation. This book evaluates the extent to which this is the true and if it is the extent to which it is a product of the divergence between the two literatures. It also seeks to identify commonalities between the two subjects and suggests avenues of research in Economics that would benefit from a re-fusion of these two fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138499744

Boundless Innocence in Thomas Traherne's Poetic Theology'Were all Men Wise and Innocent...' The seventeenth-century poet and divine Thomas Traherne finds innocence in every stage of existence. He finds it in the chaos at the origins of creation as well as in the blessed order of Eden. He finds it in the activities of grace and the hope of glory but also in the trials of misery and even in the abyss of the Fall. Boundless Innocence in Thomas Traherne’s Poetic Theology traces innocence through Traherne’s works as it transgresses the boundaries of the estates of the soul. Using grammatical and literary categories it explores various aspects of his poetic theology of innocence uncovering the boundless desire which is embodied in the yearning cry: ’Were all Men Wise and Innocent...’ Recovering and reinterpreting a key but increasingly neglected theme in Traherne’s poetic theology this book addresses fundamental misconceptions of the meaning of innocence in his work. Through a contextual and theological approach it indicates the unexplored richness complexity and diversity of this theme in the history of literature and theology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138053083

Bounds for Determinants of Linear Operators and their Applications This book deals with the determinants of linear operators in Euclidean Hilbert and Banach spaces. Determinants of operators give us an important tool for solving linear equations and invertibility conditions for linear operators enable us to describe the spectra to evaluate the multiplicities of eigenvalues etc. We derive upper and lower bounds and perturbation results for determinants and discuss applications of our theoretical results to spectrum perturbations matrix equations two parameter eigenvalue problems as well as to differential difference and functional-differential equations. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498796903

Bourdieu Language-based Ethnographies and ReflexivityPutting Theory into Practice Offering a unique and original perspective on Bourdieu language-based ethnographies and reflexivity this volume provides a nuanced in-depth discussion of the complex relationship between these interconnected topics and their impact in real-world contexts. Part I opens the book with an overview of the historical background and development of language-based ethnographic research and Bourdieu’s work in this space. Part II presents a series of case studies that highlight a Bourdieusian perspective and demonstrate how reflexivity impacts language-based ethnography. In each study Bourdieu’s conceptual framework of reflexively-informed objectivity examines the ways in which the studies themselves were constructed and understood. Building on Parts I and II the concluding set of chapters in Part III unpacks the messiness of the theory and practice of language-based ethnography and provides insights into what reflexivity means for Bourdieu and in practical contexts. Arguing for a greater reflexive understanding in research practice this volume sets an agenda for future literacy and language research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138652262

Bourdieu and AfterA Guide to Relational Phenomenology Pierre Bourdieu was the most influential sociologist of the late 20th century. The framework he developed continues to inspire countless researchers across the globe and provokes intense debates long after his death. Novel concepts innovative applications and countless elaborations spring up every day bulking out and shaping a distinct if not always entirely consistent body of work that might be characterised as a recognisable tradition. For those coming to Bourdieu for the first time therefore and interested in using his ideas in their own research it no longer makes sense to confine oneself to the ideas of the man himself. An overview of the varied ways his concepts and arguments have been deepened and updated to make sense of new times or to fill certain gaps and how insights on seemingly disconnected topics weave together into a bigger picture is not just desirable but essential. Bourdieu and After aims to provide exactly this overview. Working closely with Bourdieu’s own writings but also covering a wide range of research and literature inspired by him it aims to guide the reader through the key principles the major and minor concepts and the concrete findings of Bourdieusian sociology as clearly and comprehensively as possible. It explains the difficult and often overlooked philosophical foundations walks through the logic of famous terms like ‘field’ ‘habitus’ and ‘capital’ and demonstrates how they have been or can be used to provide powerful accounts of colonialism the emergence of nation states and the rise of global social relations. It covers topics that Bourdieu was famous for analysing like class and educational inequality yet also traverses subjects on which he said little but that others influenced by him have tackled in depth such as ethnicity sexuality and family. Along the way Atkinson seeks to undermine some of the common criticisms levelled at Bourdieu while identifying remaining gaps and limitations. Rather than simply recognising the problems however Atkinson proposes possible solutions too – solutions that are facilitated he argues by characterising Bourdieusian sociology as what he calls ‘relational phenomenology’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367224622

Bourdieu and Chinese EducationInequality Competition and Change This book uses Bourdieu’s sociological approach for research as a jumping-off point for framing our understandings and analyses of China and Chinese education. Three major themes—inequality competition and change—are explored across several theoretical and contextual bases. Bringing together top scholars in the field the volume examines empirical studies that analyse social (im)mobility through education for students affected by the social divides of class culture and rural/urban locations; teacher identity and the field of schooling in the current Chinese environment and going forward; and the university as an institution for the production of knowledge about education in the globalising academy. Offering insights into the historical and cultural context for China’s educational landscape the contributions of this book revisit Bourdieusian concepts from a new empirical vantage point and bring together key studies that illuminate new pathways for the study of Chinese sociology of education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138098671

Bourdieu and Education Specially selected by Diane Reay this is a collection of innovative and thought-provoking recently published papers that 'use' Bourdieu to put theory into practice in order to understand and analyse educational problems. Bourdieu's work is renowned for its focus on inequalities and its centering of social justice. The contributions utilise a wide range of diverse concepts in Bourdieu's theoretical 'tool-kit' and address educational inequalities across different aspects of the educational system – from higher education and parental choice of schooling to teachers' professional development and the PE classroom. Illuminating key aspects of Bourdieu's scholarship they reveal how good Bourdieu is 'for thinking with’; illustrate the merits of reflexivity the move beyond binary ways of reading the social world; and demonstrate the significance of power in any analysis of education. The chapters in this book were all originally published as articles in Taylor and Francis journals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585983

Bourdieu and the Sociology of Music Education Pierre Bourdieu has been an extraordinarily influential figure in the sociology of music. For over four decades his concepts have helped to generate both empirical and theoretical interventions in the field of musical study. His impact on the sociology of music taste in particular has been profound his ideas directly informing our understandings of how musical preferences reflect and reproduce inequalities between social classes ethnic groups and men and women. Bourdieu and the Sociology of Music Education draws together a group of international researchers academics and artist-practitioners who offer a critical introduction and exploration of Pierre Bourdieu’s rich generative conceptual tools for advancing sociological views of music education. By employing perspectives from Bourdieu’s work on distinction and judgement and his conceptualisation of fields habitus and capitals in relation to music education contributing authors explore the ways in which Bourdieu’s work can be applied to music education as a means of linking school (institutional habitus) and learning and curriculum and family (class habitus). The volume includes research perspectives and studies of how Bourdieu’s tools have been applied in industry and educational contexts including the primary secondary and higher music education sectors. The volume begins with an introduction to Bourdieu’s contribution to theory and methodology and then goes on to deal in detail with illustrative substantive studies. The concluding chapter is an extended essay that reflects on and critiques the application of Bourdieu’s work and examines the ways in which the studies contained in the volume advance understanding. The book contributes new perspectives to our understanding of Bourdieu’s tools across diverse settings and practices of music education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597337

Bourdieu and the Sociology of Translation and Interpreting Bourdieu's key concepts of habitus field and capital have been adopted or adapted to elaborate the social and cultural nature of translation or interpreting activity to locate this activity within social structures and social institutions and to analyse the cultural historical and political specificity of translation and interpreting practices. This special issue of The Translator explores the emergence and subsequent development of Bourdieu?s work within translation and interpreting studies. Contributors to this volume offer their critical assessment of the force of Bourdieu?s arguments in clarifying strengthening or challenging existing analyses of the role of the social in translation and interpreting studies. The topics include a consideration of the role of habitus and symbolic/linguistic capital in translation and interpreting within the legal field; a critical evaluation of how educational sign language interpreters serve to reinforce the continuation of exclusionary practices toward deaf pupils within mainstream schooling; a critique of the dominant historiography of the early translations of Shakespeare?s drama in Egypt; an exploration of Bourdieu?s concepts of habitus capital and illusio in relation to the formation of the literary field in France and America in the 19th and 20th century; a re-evaluation of the potential for a theoretical alliance between Latour? s actor-network theory and Bourdieu?s reflexive sociology; and a discussion of the ethnographic epistemological foundations of Bourdieu?s work with reference to political asylum procedures in Belgium. From varying perspectives the papers in this volume demonstrate the contribution of Bourdieu?s work toward the continued elaboration of sociological perspectives within translation and interpreting studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781900650861

Bourdieu in International RelationsRethinking Key Concepts in IR This book rethinks the key concepts of International Relations by drawing on the work of Pierre Bourdieu. The last few years have seen a genuine wave of publications promoting sociology in international relations. Scholars have suggested that Bourdieu’s vocabulary can be applied to study security diplomacy migration and global environmental politics. Yet we still lack a systematic and accessible analysis of what Bourdieu-inspired IR might look like. This book provides the answer. It offers an introduction to Bourdieu’s thinking to a wider IR audience challenges key assumptions which currently structure IR scholarship – and provides an original theoretical restatement of some of the core concepts in the field. The book brings together a select group of leading IR scholars who draw on both theoretical and empirical insights from Bourdieu. Each chapter covers one central concept in IR: Methodology Knowledge Power Strategy Security Culture Gender Norms Sovereignty and Integration. The chapters demonstrate how these concepts can be reinterpreted and used in new ways when exposed to Bourdieusian logic. Challenging key pillars of IR scholarship Bourdieu in International Relations will be of interest to critical theorists and scholars of IR theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415870757

Bourdieu in Translation StudiesThe Socio-cultural Dynamics of Shakespeare Translation in Egypt This book explores the implications of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of cultural production for the study of translation as a socio-cultural activity. Bourdieu’s work has continued to inspire research on translation in the last few years though without a detailed large-scale investigation that tests the viability of his conceptual tools and methodological assumptions. With focus on the Arabic translations of Shakespeare’s tragedies in Egypt this book offers a detailed analysis of the theory of ‘fields of cultural production’ with the purpose of providing a fresh perspective on the genesis and development of drama translation in Arabic. The different cases of the Arabic translations of Hamlet Macbeth King Lear and Othello lend themselves to sociological analysis due to the complex socio-cultural dynamics that conditioned the translation decisions made by translators theatre directors actors/actresses and publishers. In challenging the mainstream history of Shakespeare translation into Arabic which is mainly premised on the linguistic proximity between source and target texts this book attempts a ‘social history’ of the ‘Arabic Shakespeare’ which takes as its foundational assumption the fact that translation is a socially-situated phenomenon that is only fully appreciated in its socio-cultural milieu. Through a detailed discussion of the production dissemination and consumption of the Arabic translations of Shakespeare’s tragedies Bourdieu in Translation Studies marks a significant contribution to both sociology of translation and the cultural history of modern Egypt. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138499140

Bourdieu on ReligionImposing Faith and Legitimacy Pierre Bourdieu was one of the most influential social theorists of our time. He developed a series of concepts to uncover the way society works and to challenge assumptions about what society is. His ideas illuminate how individuals and groups find value and meaning and so have rapidly come to be seen as hugely productive in analysing how religion works in society. 'Bourdieu on Religion' introduces students to Bourdieu's key concepts: cultural social and symbolic capital; habitus and field; and his challenge to the structures of social inequality. This study will be invaluable to any student interested in the relationships between religion class and social power. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315711089

Bourdieu: The Next GenerationThe Development of Bourdieu's Intellectual Heritage in Contemporary UK Sociology This book will give unique insight into how a new generation of Bourdieusian researchers apply Bourdieu to contemporary issues. It will provide a discussion of the working mechanisms of thinking through and/or with Bourdieu when analysing data. In each chapter individual authors discuss and reflect upon their own research and the ways in which they put Bourdieu to work. The aim of this book is not to just to provide examples of the development of Bourdieusian research but for each author to reflect on the ways in which they came across Bourdieu’s work why it speaks to them (including a reflexive consideration of their own background) and the way in which it is thus useful in their thinking. Many of the authors were introduced to Bourdieu’s works after his death. The research problems which the individual authors tackle are contextualised in a different time and space to the one Bourdieu occupied when he was developing his conceptual framework. This book will demonstrate how his concepts can be applied as "thinking tools" to understand contemporary social reality. Throughout Bourdieu’s career he argued that sociologists need to create an epistemological break to abandon our common sense – or as much as we can – and to formulate findings from our results. In essence we are putting Bourdieu to work to provide a structural constructivist approach to social reality anchored through empirical reflexivity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138596351

BourdieuA critical introduction Throughout his career French philosopher Pierre Bourdieu sought to interrogate what he described as the 'social unconscious' the means by which power is held and transmitted across generations. Bourdieu's work has been hugely influential in disciplines across the social sciences and humanities for decades yet Schirato and Roberts argue that few scholars are using his work to its full potential.Bourdieu's work is so wide-ranging that commentary tends to focus on specific theoretical concepts he developed or his books on particular fields of inquiry. However he continued to develop these concepts in his work across his whole career and much of the richness of his thinking is lost if this isn't taken into account. Drawing on recently released lectures Schirato and Roberts offer a systematic account of Bourdieu's full body of work from his early research in Algiers to his last lectures in Paris. They show how Bourdieu continued to develop his concepts of habitus field capital power and socio-cultural reproduction well into his later years. They also offer a nuanced reading of Bourdieu's thinking about education class language knowledge and culture beyond the individual books Bourdieu published on these topics.This critical introduction to Bourdieu is essential reading for all Bourdieu scholars and for researchers and thinkers using Bourdieu's work in their own social and cultural analysis.'A terrific book which sets out a comprehensive overview of Bourdieu's oeuvre in a way that no other text I know has done' - Professor John Frow University of Sydney Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781760111748

Bourdieu's PoliticsProblems and Possiblities In the last decade of his career the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu became involved in a series of high-profile political interventions defending the cause of striking students and workers speaking out in the name of illegal immigrants the homeless and the unemployed challenging the incursion of the market into the field of artistic and intellectual production. The first sustained analysis of Bourdieu's politics this study seeks to assess the validity of his claims as to the distinctiveness and superiority of his own field theory as a tool of political analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646147

Bourdieu's Theory of Social FieldsConcepts and Applications Bourdieu’s theory of social fields is one of his key contributions to social sciences and humanities. However it has never been subjected to genuine critical examination. This book fills that gap and offers a clear and wide-ranging introduction to the theory. It includes a critical discussion of its methodology and relevance in different subject areas in the social sciences and humanities. Part I "theoretical investigations" offers a theoretical account of the theory while also identifying some of its limitations and discussing several strategies to overcome them. Part II "Education culture and organization" presents the theory at work and highlights its advantages and disadvantages. The focus in Part III devoted to "The State" is on the formation and evolution of the State and public policy in different contexts. The chapters show the usefulness of field theory in describing explaining and understanding the functioning of the State at different stages in its historical trajectory including its recent redefinition with the advent of the neoliberal age. A last chapter outlines a postcolonial use of the theory of fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138921047

Bourdieusian Prospects Bourdieusian Prospects considers the ongoing relevance of Bourdieu's social theory for contemporary social science. Breaking with the tendency to reflect on Bourdieu's legacies it brings established and emergent scholars together to debate the futures of a specifically Bourdieusian sociology. Driven by a central leitmotif in Bourdieu’s oeuvre namely that his work not be blindly appropriated but actively interpreted contributors to this volume set out to map the potentials of Bourdieusian inflected social science. While for many social scientists the empirical and theoretical developments of the twenty-first century mark a limit point of Bourdieusian social theory this collection charts both how and why a Bourdieusian sociology has a future which is crucial for the ongoing development and roll out of an engaged relevant and critical social science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871673

Bourgeois Ideology and EducationSubversion Through Pedagogy This book identifies the origins and central assertions of bourgeois ideology as well as the reasons for their persuasive power and offers pedagogical tools to weaken them. The author suggests techniques for use in the classroom the community and the imagination that subvert negative stereotypes about poor people and individualist explanations for socio-economic status. Written from an ecumenical socialist perspective combining Marxist neo-Marxist and anarchist perspectives this book utilizes a broad interdisciplinary scope encompassing political theory religion political psychology and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138721111

Bourne on Company Law An ideal introductory textbook Bourne on Company Law offers a succinct overview of the fundamental areas covered in LLB and GDL courses. The text is clear and easy to follow being presented in short sub-headed sections for ease of navigation and is thoroughly cross-referenced to highlight connections across topics. Written for both law and non-law students this text offers straightforward explanations of all key cases as well as chapter summaries and end of chapter questions to aid understanding. The book is also supported by a companion website offering self-test questions a useful glossary and annotated web links. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138911895

Bovine Somatotropin And Emerging IssuesAn Assessment This book offers a full discussion of the issues surrounding bovine somatotropin (BST) and a comprehensive review of research findings on the probable consequences of BST highlighting what is currently known and unknown about this technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367155445

Bowles And Gintis RevisitedCorrespondence And Contradiction In Educational Theory First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180406

Bowtie MethodologyA Guide for Practitioners Bow Tie Methodology (BTM) consists of two methods Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Event Tree Analysis (ETA) which are connected by a single event. The methodology is holistic and provides the tools and pre-event analysis which is also called the risk calculations and post-event analysis also called the risk mitigations of quality and safety related events. There are plenty of articles or chapters on this methodology however there is no book that covers everything in one place. The book is filled with examples taken from the aviation industry and elaborates theory implemented in practice which gives quality and safety practitioners a guidance on how to use and apply BTM in practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138067059

Box Office ArchaeologyRefining Hollywood’s Portrayals of the Past “How true is it?” is a common refrain of patrons coming out of movie theatres after the latest film on pirates Vikings or mummies. While Hollywood usurps the past for its own entertainment purposes archaeologists and historians know a lot about many of these subjects digging up stories often more fascinating than the ones projected on screen. This distinguished group of archaeologists select key subjects and genres used by Hollywood and provide the historical and archaeological depth that a movie cannot—what really happened in history. Topics include Egypt the Wild West Civil War submarines Vikings the Titanic and others. The book should be of interest to introductory archaeology and American history classes courses on film and popular culture and to a general audience. Alternate Selection History Book Club. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315432779

Boxing and PerformanceMemetic Hauntings Boxing and Performance is the first substantial piece of work to place the lived experience of female and male boxers in dialogue with one another. Crews and Lennox critically reflect on their ethnographic experiences of boxing and their reading of the cultural representations of the sport. They conceive of the project as an extended sparring session. This book offers a unique perspective on boxing in/as performance and boxing in/as culture. It explores how the connections between boxing and performance address ideas about bodies relationships intimacy and combat. It challenges and renegotiates oft-repeated narratives used to make meaning about boxing. This volume examines questions of visibility voice and agency and will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of performance and media and sport and social studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367266059

Boy Bands and the Performance of Pop Masculinity Boy Bands and the Performance of Pop Masculinity provides a history of the boy band from the Beatles to One Direction placing the modern male pop group within the wider context of twentieth- and twenty-first-century popular music and culture. Offering the first extended look at pop masculinity as exhibited by boy bands this volume links the evolving expressions of gender and sexuality in the boy band to wider economic and social changes that have resulted in new ways of representing what it is to be a man. The popularity of boy bands is unquestionable and their contributions to popular music are significant yet they have attracted relatively little study. This book fills that gap with chapters exploring the challenges of defining the boy band phenomenon its origins and history from the 1940s to the present the role of management and marketing the performance of gender and sexuality and the nature of fandom and fan agency. Throughout the author illuminates the ways in which identity politics influence the production and consumption of pop music and shows how the mainstream pop of boy bands can both reinforce and subvert gender and class hierarchies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138647329

Boy CrazyRemembering Adolescence Therapies and Dreams In answering these questions Janet Sayers highlights the revolution wrought in both sexes' psychology by adolescence particularly by its fantasies of divided selves and loves and of 'boy crazy' grandiosity and romance. Illustrated throughout with fascinating examples from a groundbreaking study of adolescent memories and dreams Boy Crazy presents an engaging account of this little-researched period of human development. Sayers also draws on her own work as a therapist and weaves in vignettes from fiction and film to demonstrate the significance we attach in adulthood to our experiences as adolescents. She suggests that men and women respond differently to the sexual awakening that takes place during their teens and to their own memories of that part of their life. In relating the findings of her research the author also explores to what extent the theories of Freud Jung and feminism shape our understanding of the formative effect of adolescent experiences and emotions. Boy Crazy provides a fascinating insight into the repercussions of adolescence on our adult lives and loves and will appeal to the general and specialist reader alike. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787886

Boy Racer CultureYouth Masculinity and Deviance On the public roads boy racers are a foreboding presence viewed with suspicion and derision by the ‘respectable’ motorist. The problem of the young (male) driver is one which has plagued authorities and governments due to youths’ acclaimed propensity to engage in deviant and dangerous driving behaviours. Boy Racer Culture sheds light on the boy racer phenomenon through ethnographic research with the notorious ‘Bouley Basher’ culture in the city of Aberdeen Scotland and the moral panic on the part of outside groups including the local community police politicians and media. This book examines the creation of masculine and feminine identities in a traditionally male-dominated subculture through car-related rituals such as ‘modding’ subcultural media and events and the quest for celebrity status via public performances. Boy Racer Culture challenges common misconceptions surrounding the boy racer the ‘problematic’ young (male) motorist and the car modifier. It will be essential reading for an international audience including sociologists and criminologists particularly those with an interest in youth culture subcultures moral panics car culture anti-social behaviour and the governance and policing of the roads. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415813853

Boycotts and Dixie ChicksCreative Political Participation at Home and Abroad Boycotts and Dixie Chicks introduces the concept of 'creative political participation' collective political actions which do not use traditional methods and which are innovative collaborative and creative in character. Andrew S. McFarland discusses creative participation on issues concerning the environment political corruption consumer rights and transnational issues. He draws on specific examples including anti-corruption demonstrations in contemporary rural China community action in 1890s Wisconsin consumer boycotts of Shell Oil ExxonMobil the Nestle Corporation and the Dixie Chicks music group the 'colour revolutions' and transnational fair trade and transparency activism. Written in an engaging everyday language and using a wide variety of sources and case studies Boycotts and Dixie Chicks is highly recommended for students of alternative social and political movements and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594518201

BoyhoodA Young Life on Screen This book traces the development of Richard Linklater’s Boyhood from its audacious concept through its tenacious production to its celebrated reception placing it within the context of cinematic parables about children to demonstrate its distinctive vision. Timothy Shary author of numerous studies on the history of teen cinema evaluates the film’s many messages about youth and adolescence within the context of early twenty-first century American culture illuminating how Linklater’s singular vision of the otherwise ordinary life of a boy reveals potent universal truths about all people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367735630

Boyle StudiesAspects of the Life and Thought of Robert Boyle (1627-91) The significance of Robert Boyle (1627-91) as the most influential English scientist in the generation before Newton is now generally acknowledged but the complexity and eclecticism of his ideas has also become increasingly apparent. This volume presents an important group of studies of Boyle by Michael Hunter the leading expert on Boyle’s life and thought. It forms a sequel to two previous books: Hunter’s Robert Boyle: Scrupulosity and Science (2000) and The Boyle Papers: Understanding the Manuscripts of Robert Boyle (2007). Like them it conveniently brings together material otherwise widely scattered in essay volumes and academic journals while nearly a third of the book’s content is hitherto unpublished. The collection opens with a substantial introduction that places the studies that follow in the context of existing studies of Boyle; appended to it is an annotated edition of Boyle’s telling list of desiderata for science. The next three essays comprise a group of essentially biographical studies exploring various aspects of Boyle’s life and intellectual evolution after which three others provide further evidence of the ’convoluted’ Boyle divulged in Robert Boyle: Scrupulosity and Science. Finally we have two chapters one hitherto published only in French and the other not at all which throw important light on topics that preoccupied Boyle in the last few years of his life - the supernatural and the exotic. Together these essays add greater depth to our understanding of Boyle both as an individual and as a natural philosopher. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472428103

Boys Bodies and Physical EducationProblematizing Identity Schooling and Power Relations through a Pleasure Lens Using visual ethnography this book explores the many forms of pleasures that boys derive in and through the spaces and their bodies in physical education. Employing the works of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler Gerdin examines how pleasure is connected to identity schooling and power relations and demonstrates how discourses of sport fitness health and masculinity work together to produce a variety of pleasurable experiences. At the same time the book provides a critique of such pleasurable experiences within physical education by illustrating how these pleasures can still for some boys quickly turn into displeasures and can be associated with exclusion humiliation bullying and homophobia. Boys Bodies and Physical Education argues that pleasure can both be seen as an educational and productive practice in physical education but also a constraint that both engenders and privileges some boys over others as well as (re)producing narrow and limited conceptions of masculinity and pleasures for all boys. This book works to problematize these pleasures and their articulations with gender bodies and spaces. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367195212

Boys Boyz BoisAn Ethics of Black Masculinity in Film and Popular Media Boys Boyz Bois concerns questions of ethics gender and race in popular American images national discourse and cultural production by and about black men. The book proposes an ethics of masculinity as ethnics refers to a system of morality and valuation and as ethics refers to a care of the self and ethical subject formation. The texts of analysis include recent films by black/African American filmmakers gangsta rap and hip-hop and black star persona: texts ranging from Blaxploitation and New Black Cinema to contemporary music video to autobiography and the public image of Sidney Poitier. The book is a significant contribution to cultural studies and gender studies and critical race theory. What is distinctive about the book is the question of ethics as a question of race and gender. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203959459

Boys Masculinities and ReadingGender Identity and Literacy as Social Practice Boys Masculinities and Reading explores elementary students’ interpretations of their experiences of reading and the contextual influences that impact those experiences. While research continues to highlight the apparent systematic underperformance of boys in comparison to girls on national and international reading benchmarks this text moves beyond broad generalizations to consider complexities inherent in notions of masculinity and associated tensions. Applying a socio-cultural perspective Scholes highlights the voices of boys and girls by focusing on their reading experiences. Examining the perceived generalized "crisis" of boys’ underperformance in reading and literacy Scholes identifies the factors that shape perceptions of masculinity among different groups of boys across the globe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884758

Boys and Their SchoolingThe Experience of Becoming Someone Else This book presents an ethnographic study of the experiences of teenage boys in an Australian high school. It follows a group of thirteen to fifteen year olds over a period of more than two years  and seeks to understand why so many boys say they hate school yet enjoy being with one another in their daily confrontations with the formal school. The study acknowledges the ongoing significance of the "boys' debate" to policy-makers and the media and therefore to teachers and parents but moves it on from issues of gender construction and the panic about achievement to the broader question of what it is to experience being schooled as a boy in the new liberal educational environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138021792

Boys and their ToysMasculinity Class and Technology in America Negotiating the divide between "respectable manhood" and "rough manhood" this book explores masculinity at work and at play through provocative essays on labor unions railroads vocational training programs and NASCAR racing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203951163

Boys Don't Try? Rethinking Masculinity in Schools There is a significant problem in our schools: too many boys are struggling. The list of things to concern teachers is long. Disappointing academic results a lack of interest in studying higher exclusion rates increasing mental health issues sexist attitudes an inability to express emotions.... Traditional ideas about masculinity are having a negative impact not only on males but females too. In this ground-breaking book Matt Pinkett and Mark Roberts argue that schools must rethink their efforts to get boys back on track. Boys Don’t Try? examines the research around key topics such as anxiety and achievement behaviour and bullying schoolwork and self-esteem. It encourages the reader to reflect on how they define masculinity and consider what we want for boys in our schools. Offering practical quick wins as well as long-term strategies to help boys become happier and achieve greater academic success the book: offers ways to avoid problematic behaviour by boys and tips to help teachers address poor behaviour when it happens highlights key areas of pastoral care that need to be recognised by schools exposes how popular approaches to "engaging" boys are actually misguided and damaging details how issues like disadvantage relationships violence peer pressure and pornography affect boys’ perceptions of masculinity and how teachers can challenge these. With an easy-to-navigate three-part structure for each chapter setting out the stories key research and practical solutions this is essential reading for all classroom teachers and school leaders who are keen to ensure male students enjoy the same success as girls. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815350255

Boys in Children's Literature and Popular CultureMasculinity Abjection and the Fictional Child Boys in Children’s Literature and Popular Culture proposes new theoretical frameworks for understanding the contradictory ways masculinity is represented in popular texts consumed by boys in the United States. The popular texts boys like are often ignored by educators and scholars or are simply dismissed as garbage that boys should be discouraged from enjoying. However examining and making visible the ways masculinity functions in these texts is vital to understanding the broad array of works that make up children’s culture and form dominant versions of masculinity. Such popular texts as Harry Potter Captain Underpants and Japanese manga and anime often perform rituals of subject formation in overtly grotesque ways that repulse adult readers and attract boys. They often use depictions of the abject – threats to bodily borders – to blur the distinctions between what is outside the body and what is inside between what is "I" and what is "not I." Because of their reliance on depictions of the abject those popular texts that most vigorously perform exaggerated versions of masculinity also create opportunities to make dominant masculinity visible as a social construct. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203941805

BoysMasculinities in Contemporary Culture Analyzing the meanings of masculinity in contemporary culture this book examines specific cultural male icons like Muhammad Ali Harvey Keitel Jean-Claude Van Damme and Newt Gingrich and explores the male stereotypes such as the cowboy the father the homosexual and the Black terror. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367009212

Brümmer on Meaning and the Christian FaithCollected Writings of Vincent Brümmer This volume presents a wide-ranging selection from the writings of a leading contemporary philosophical theologian Vincent Brümmer. In his many books and articles Brümmer has demonstrated how the tools of philosophical analysis are not only fruitful but also essential for dealing with the central issues of systematic theology. The title of this volume Meaning and the Christian Faith highlights two characteristic themes that recur throughout the many writings of Vincent Brümmer. Much of his work has been devoted to exploring the meaning of the Christian faith and especially of its central claim that God is a personal being whose fellowship believers may enjoy. On the other hand Brümmer has also shown that religious belief should not be understood as an explanatory theory but rather as a way in which believers understand the meaning of their lives and their experience of the world and direct their lives accordingly. Thus in the Christian tradition believers claim that their lives are meaningful because they seek to attain ultimate happiness in the love of God. In the introductory sections throughout this volume Vincent Brümmer describes how he came to pay attention to the various themes dealt with in his writings and explains why he came to deal with them in the ways he did. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583149

Brachiopods This collection of conference papers presents information on the molecular genetics biomineralization growth and ecology of extant brachiopod stocks (extrapolated back to the Cambrian) and the shell microstructure taphonomy paleogeography evolution and taxonomy of fossil brachiopods. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367401306

Bracing for the ApocalypseAn Ethnographic Study of New York's ‘Prepper’ Subculture Increasing American fear about terrorism environmental catastrophes pandemics and economic crises has fueled interest in "prepping": confronting disaster by mastering survivalist skills. This trend of self-reliance is not merely evidence of the American belief in the power of the individual; rather this pragmatic shift away from expecting government aid during a disaster reflects a weakened belief in the bond between government and its citizens during a time of crisis. This ethnographic study explores the rise of the urban preppers' subculture in New York City shedding light on the distinctive approach of city dwellers in preparing for disaster. With attention to the role of factors such as class race gender and one’s expectations of government it shows that how one imagines Doomsday affects how one prepares for it. Drawing on participant observation the author explores preppers’ views on the central question of whether to "bug out" or "hunker down" in the event of disaster and examines the ways in which the prepper economy increases revenue by targeting concerns over developing skills building networks securing equipment and arranging a safe locale. A rich qualitative study Bracing for the Apocalypse will appeal to scholars of sociology and anthropology with interests in urban studies ethnography and subcultures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415788489

Brady Urology Manual While comprehensive textbooks are essential to the practice of urology equally important are readily accessible manuals that students residents trainees and even experienced urologists can carry with them in their pockets or on PDAs. Filling a gap in the market for a definitive pocket urology reference guide this easy-to-use text covers the key topics in the field with an emphasis on the straightforward presentation of practical knowledge and bedside skills. Written by residents and attending physicians at the world famous Brady Institute of Urology at Johns Hopkins University Hospital this is a much-needed highly useful handbook for those in the field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453503

BrahmanA Comparative Theology This book is a critique of western systematic theology. It borrows insights from India and other traditions; it is not a synthesis of religious traditions. The book includes two parts method and systematics. It examines the traditional topics of systematic theology '- topics such as the existence and nature of God revelation and reason religious ethics and human practice the relation of God to the world Christology and eschatology - and allows these topics to grow in conversation with India and to change according to dialogical insights. The book is prompted by a perceived need to cross the boundaries between western and Indian worldviews in a systematic and comprehensive way. The purpose of the book is to enable scholars worldwide to extend their theological resources and to look anew at the problems and prospects of a comparative systematic theology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964969

Brahms and the ScherzoStudies in Musical Narrative Despite the incredible diversity in Brahms's scherzo-type movements there has been no comprehensive consideration of this aspect of his oeuvre. Professor Ryan McClelland provides an in-depth study of these movements that also contributes significantly to an understanding of Brahms's compositional language and his creative dialogue with musical traditions. McClelland especially highlights the role of rhythmic-metric design in Brahms's music and its relationship to expressive meaning. In Brahms's scherzo-type movements McClelland traces transformations of primary thematic material demonstrating how the relationship of the initial music to its subsequent versions creates a musical narrative that provides structural coherence and generates expressive meaning. McClelland's interpretations of the expressive implications of Brahms's fascinatingly intricate musical structures frequently engage issues directly relevant to performance. This illuminating book will appeal to music theorists musicologists working on nineteenth-century instrumental music and performers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262164

Brahms Beyond MasteryHis Sarabande and Gavotte and its Recompositions In 1853 Robert Schumann identified fully-formed compositional mastery in the young Brahms who nevertheless in the years following embarked on a period of intensive further study producing among other works the neo-baroque Sarabande and Gavotte. These dances have not been properly recognized as constituting a distinct Brahms work before now but manuscript evidence and their performance history indicate that Brahms and his friends thought of them as such in the mid-1850s when they became the first music of his performed publicly in Gdansk Vienna Budapest and London. He later suppressed the dances using them instead as a thematic quarry for three chamber music masterpieces from different stages in his life and in distinctly different ways: the Second String Sextet the First String Quintet and the Clarinet Quintet. This book gives an account of the compositional and performance history stylistic features and re-uses of the dances setting these in the wider context of Brahms’s developing creative concerns and trajectory. It constitutes therefore a study of a ’lost’ work of how a fully-formed master opens himself to ’the in-flowing from afar’ (in Martin Heidegger’s terms) and of the transformative reach and concomitant expressive richness of Brahms’s creative thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409465577

Braided Structures and CompositesProduction Properties Mechanics and Technical Applications Braiding is a very old textile manufacturing technology that traditionally has been used to produce items like ropes shoe laces and cables. Recently braiding has gained attention in the medical aerospace transportation and civil engineering communities among others due to its ability to produce structures that can fulfill the explicit demands imposed by these technical sectors. Braided Structures and Composites: Production Properties Mechanics and Technical Applications provides a single source of cutting-edge information on braiding and its applications. Featuring chapters authored by leading experts in their respective fields this first-of-its-kind book: Explains the basic principles of braiding technology for industrial textiles composites and products Identifies the key parameters that influence the braiding process and its produced structures Shows how to control these parameters to achieve the desired material characteristics Discusses braided structure modeling and analysis techniques and software tools Describes various application requirements and their design solutions Braided Structures and Composites: Production Properties Mechanics and Technical Applications supplies a critical understanding of braiding from concept to product design and application. This book is vital to the development of multifunctional products with highly specific features using braiding technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138796300

Braided ThreadsA Historical Overview of the American Nonprofit Sector The United States today supports the strongest most varied nonprofit sector in the world an economic force of about $2 trillion responsible for 5.4% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product in 2014 and accounting that year for 10.3% of the country's private-sector workforce. Roughly three-quarters of all households in America give to charity with the average total donation being $2 030 annually. Yet for all this few Americans and more specifically a surprisingly small proportion of the sector’s practitioners know where the nonprofit sector came from or how it developed and came to be what we know it as today. This work is a historical overview of that sector presented less as a chronology than as a discussion of the major influences—some legal some social some political—that helped shape the arena. The core message of the book is that the developmental trajectory of nonprofits has not been a straight line. Rather its path over the years might be compared to that of a pinball moving straight and building up momentum for a time but then ricocheting off some event or social trend and taking off in a new direction altogether. Equally important however the sector is also the product of a founding genome that came out of colonial Puritan-inspired New England and spread as that culture and its values became one of the dominant forces in American society. Knowing this history is a prerequisite for understanding and appreciating the character of this deeply influential part of American social culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815393931

Brain Attachment PersonalityAn Introduction to Neuroaffective Development This book is intended as an inspiration and as an introduction to what Susan Hart has called neuroaffective developmental psychology. As an underlying theme throughout the book she seeks to emphasize the importance of attachment for the formation of personality in all its diversity. This book presents a merger of systems that are not normally brought together in a structured psychodynamic context. Thus it operates on three levels: a neurobiological level an intrapsychological level and an interpersonal level. It also focuses on the brain structures that are essential for the formation of relationships personality development and emotions. It attempts to provide an understanding of the way that the uniquely human nervous system develops capacities for empathy mentalization and reflection that enable us to address such aspects as: past and present interpersonal relations ethics art and aesthetics. Susan Hart has endeavoured to make the text meaningful and comprehensible in order to make the topic interesting and inspiring to the reader and to spark an interest in further studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367106034

Brain Behaviour and Evolution Originally published in 1979 this book provides students with an example of the ways in which an evolutionary perspective can rephrase and clarify traditional questions and issues in psychology. The format provides the student firstly with the minimal amount of basic information in neuroanatomy genetics and modern evolutionary theory in a form which is readily related to the remainder of the volume. The book then goes on to consider the relationships between different forms of explanation in biology and the role of brain behaviour students in these relationships. Finally the reader is given an opportunity to follow the reasoning which stems from a biological approach when applied to topics in human behaviour such as learning dreaming sleeping exploration anxiety reasoning intelligence and consciousness. Modern evolutionary biology places man in a broader context than does traditional psychology and this new perspective reduces our tendency to view life solely from a human standpoint. The significance as well as the uniqueness of some traditionally ‘human’ attributes are challenged by this approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138555433

Brain Mind and MedicineCharles Richet and the Origins of Physiological Psychology Charles Richet was one of the most remarkable figures in the history of medical science. He is best known for his work on the body's immune reactions to foreign substances for which he won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1913. Richet was also a poet playwright historian bibliographer political activist classical scholar and pioneer in aircraft design.Brain Mind and Medicine is the first major biography of Richet in any language. Wolf brilliantly situates Richet's work in the intellectual currents of Europe during the latter half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Richet was a contemporary of Wilhelm Wundt and William James. All three considered psychology to be an aspect of physiology governed by biological laws. But while James and Wundt considered consciousness as a process influenced by experience without much reference to neural structures Richet's focus was on the brain itself as shaped by genetics and experience and serving as the organ of the mind.Brain Mind and Medicine illuminates a significant chapter in scientific and cultural history. It should be read by medical scientists historians and individuals interested in medicine and psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412849548

Brain Mind and the External Signs of Intelligence Born in Vienna in 1864 Bernard Hollander was a London-based psychiatrist in the early twentieth century. He is best known for being one of the main proponents of the interest in phrenology at that time. This title originally published in 1931 looks at the different regions of the brain and their various functions in relation to intelligence. From the preface: "The records of cases collected by the author including some of his own point to there being at least three main regions of totally different functions…. Of these three regions the frontal is by far the largest in man and the most important being the region for the manifestation of the highest intellectual abilities." Back in print this is a chance to read all about the study of the brain mind and external signs of intelligence from the early twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138841543

Brain AgingModels Methods and Mechanisms Recognition that aging is not the accumulation of disease but rather comprises fundamental biological processes that are amenable to experimental study is the basis for the recent growth of experimental biogerontology. As increasingly sophisticated studies provide greater understanding of what occurs in the aging brain and how these changes occur new possibilities emerge for limiting the effects of aging on neural function. A single source reference is necessary to keep abreast of the recent advances and future directions of gerontology research. Brain Aging: Models Methods and Mechanisms offers a selective overview of the research in this rapidly expanding field. A valuable resource for new and established investigators of the aging brain this volume reviews critical studies of brain aging in new animal models as well as advances in brain imaging techniques that permit investigations in aging humans with increasingly higher resolution. Detailed discussions link the information from human and animal studies to illustrate a comprehensive picture of the mechanism of aging. Emphasizing normal brain aging rather than pathological degeneration the text provides an understanding of fundamental age-related changes in the nervous system and hypothesis-driven research into their basis. The book includes critical analyses of the distinct methodological challenges inherent in investigating the aging nervous system. Contributions from distinguished leaders and pioneers in their respective fields address data and mechanisms as well as models and methods that are key to the study of aging. Each chapter is extensively referenced and highlights experimental concerns that are magnified or unique to the aging brain. Outlining relevant methods and techniques this book provides scientists researchers and clinicians with a broad understanding of the important progress and implications for the future of this significant field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453107

Brain and BehaviorResearch in Clinical Neuropsychology Research in the field of clinical neuropsychology has greatly advanced understanding of the complex relationships between brain functions and human behavior. This edited collection originally published in the early days of this dynamic field draws from the findings of clinical study animal experimentation and developmental observation to clarify the relationships between brain and behavior. The result is a report on the state of knowledge at that time and a barometer of how far the field has come.The book's contributors include some of the leading figures in the field of human and developmental neuropsychology. They present comprehensive reviews of salient topics on which they themselves have done important investigative work. An introduction by Klaus Poeck describes the historical evolution of clinical neuropsychology and discusses the status of the field from both substantive and methodological standpoints. George Ettlinger and Colin Blakemore describe understanding of inter-hemispheric relations as demonstrated by studies in animals and man. Sidney Weinstein discusses the phenomenon of the "phantom" in patients with amputated body parts and its implications for the concept of body image.Norman Geschwind who was instrumental in reviving interest in the anatomical approach to aphasia focuses on some unsolved anatomical problems and suggests needed clinical and experimental study. Arthur L. Benton outlines questions concerning constructional apraxia. Josephine Semmes offers a brilliant reformulation on whether there are discrete basic types of somatosensory function. Luigi Vignolo presents a masterful analysis of the concept of auditory agnosia and describes his own research in this area. Concentrating on a few important problem areas each of which is intensively probed this book offers valuable insight into how research advances understanding of the neuroanatomical bases of behavior. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519749

Brain and Mind The relationship between brain and mind is one of the most baffling problems in science but potentially one of the most interesting. First published in 1985 this collection of original essays traces the development of mind in animals and human beings from its origins in the evolution of larger brains with a capacity for creating mental models of the environment. Examples are given of the way in which the brain may use this increased capacity to represent both the physical and social worlds and the authors suggest that this type of mental activity might underly what human beings recognize in themselves as ‘awareness’ or ‘consciousness’. Brain and Mind brings together much of the latest research and provides a useful framework for the study of this increasingly important subject. The contributors are experts in a wide range of disciplines and draw their conclusions from a broad base of clinical and experimental evidence. Students of psychology zoology anatomy medicine and philosophy as well as anyone who has wondered about their own mind and its relation to the brain will find this a fascinating and stimulating source. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138562370

Brain and MindModern Concepts of the Nature of Mind Presenting some modern views on the problem of the nature of mind and its relationship to the brain this book published in 1965 brings together contributors from various disciplines which are affected by this issue. Coming from different philosophical outlooks as well as subjects these contributors also comment on each other’s’ chapters with a view of developing thought on the approaches to the problem. The theory of mind-brain relationship is vital to human interest and has been in debate throughout western thought over centuries split mainly into dualist and monistic theories. These discussions had and still have wide impact philosophy psychology religion and cosmology among other areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138825147

Brain and PerceptionHolonomy and Structure in Figural Processing Presented as a series of lectures this important volume achieves four major goals: 1) It integrates the results of the author's research as applied to pattern perception -- reviewing current brain research and showing how several lines of inquiry have been converging to produce a paradigm shift in our understanding of the neural basis of figural perception. 2) It updates the holographic hypothesis of brain function in perception. 3) It emphasizes the fact that both distributed (holistic) and localized (structural) processes characterize brain function. 4) It portrays a neural systems analysis of brain organization in figural perception by computational models -- describing processing in terms of formalisms found useful in ordering data in 20th-century physical and engineering sciences. The lectures are divided into three parts: a Prolegomenon outlining a theoretical framework for the presentation; Part I dealing with the configural aspects of perception; and Part II presenting its cognitive aspects. The appendices were developed in a collaborative effort by the author Kunio Yasue and Mari Jibu (both of Notre Dame Seishin University of Okayama Japan). Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203728390

Brain and Spinal Tumors of Childhood This second edition comes at a time of a paradigm shift in understanding of the molecular pathology and neuroscience of brain and spinal tumors of childhood and their mechanisms of growth within the developing brain. Excellent collaborative translational networks of researchers are starting to drive change in clinical practise through the need to test many ideas in trials and scientific initiatives. This text reflects the growing concern to understand the impact of the tumour and its treatment upon the full functioning of the child’s developing brain and to integrate the judgments of the risks of acquiring brain damage with the risk of death and the consequences for the quality of life for those who survive. Information on the principles of treatment has been thoroughly updated. A chapter also records the extraordinary work done by advocates. All medical and allied professionals involved in any aspect of the clinical care of these patients will find this book an invaluable resource. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482242775

Brain and ValuesIs A Biological Science of Values Possible? This 5th volume of the Appalachian Conference discusses how the brain processes information the role of memory and value and models of creativity. It pursues aspects of cognitive neuroscience and behavioral neurodynamics such as the topic of values and quantum-distributed processing in the brain. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138411531

Brain Art and NeuroscienceNeurosensuality and Affective Realism The first of its kind this book examines artistic representations of the brain after the rise of the contemporary neurosciences examining the interplay of art and science and tackling some of the critical-cultural implications. Weaving an MRI pattern onto a family quilt. Scanning the brain of a philosopher contemplating her own death and hanging it in a museum. Is this art or science or something in-between? What does it mean? How might we respond? In this ground-breaking new book David R. Gruber explores the seductive and influential position of the neurosciences amid a growing interest in affect and materiality as manifest in artistic representations of the human brain. Contributing to debates surrounding the value and/or purpose of interdisciplinary engagement happening in the neuro-humanities Gruber emphasizes the need for critical-cultural analysis within the field. Engaging with New Materialism and Affect Theory the book provides a current and concrete example of the on-going shift away from constructivist lenses arguing that the influence of relatively new neuroscience methods (EEG MRI and fMRI) on the visual arts has not yet been fully realised. In fact the very idea of a brain as it is seen and encountered today—or "The Brain " as Gruber calls it—remains in need of critical wild and rebellious re-imagination. Illuminating how artistic engagement with the brain is often sensual and suggestive even if rooted in objectivist impulses and tied to scientific realism this book is ideal for scholars in Art Media Studies Sociology and English departments as well visual artists and anyone seriously engaging discourses of the brain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367898199

Brain Based EnterprisesHarmonising the Head Heart and Soul of Business Brain Based Enterprises offers a unique synthesis of intelligent thought fused with pragmatic and pithy insights on the art and discipline of leading enterprises where intelligence ideas and innovation are the currencies of Sustainable Coopetive Advantage (SCA). From the first signs of intelligence through making axes and fire we now have access to unprecedented powers of creation through the convergence of humanity and technology. Rapid and dramatic advances in our understanding of genomics biotechnology computing and robotics make it possible for us to create a better world or destroy what we have created. The author explores both sides of the Man-Machine dynamic so that you can choose wisely. Expressed clearly and concisely this book is essential reading for busy people seeking to inform and illuminate themselves with a rich mixture of pragmatism inspiration and wisdom. Featuring numerous micro case-ettes from enterprises ranging from biotechnology to banking and bots Brain Based Enterprises grounds the ideas for people seeking to make the most of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138036741

Brain Development and SchoolPractical Classroom Strategies to Help Pupils Develop Executive Function Brain Development and School offers a range of practical classroom strategies to help pupils develop their executive function. Packed with useful tips that are grounded in theory it examines how to support aspects of children’s executive functioning that can affect their school life; including self-control memory metacognition organisation motivation self-regulation and focus. Relevant for pupils in the primary and secondary school the book focuses on ways of improving children’s emotional and intellectual development. It includes: Discussion of what executive functioning is and the different factors that might affect a child’s executive functioning Ways that executive functioning weaknesses show themselves in school Support strategies for teachers and advice for pupils to improve specific areas of executive functioning Manageable solutions and modifications that can be applied within the mainstream classroom A self-assessment questionnaire that can be used as a starting point for discussion with pupils This book will be beneficial to all teachers school leaders and SENCOs looking to support their pupils by identifying and understanding the root causes of their behaviour. It recognises the important role that schools play in pupils’ neurological development and suggests ways for schools to provide more personalised differentiated support for individual pupils. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138494916

Brain Diseases and Metalloproteins This book describes the latest research on neurodegenerative disease and metal-binding proteins. It lays strong emphasis on biochemistry and cell biology. The diseases covered in the book include Parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s disease prion disease and ALS. The chapters separately examine such issues as mechanisms of metal binding metal-induced structural changes in proteins alterations in cellular metal metabolism in disease and attempts at a therapeutic approach based on protein metal binding. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814316019

Brain Evolution Language and Psychopathology in Schizophrenia This book provides a comprehensive review of new developments in the study of language processing and related neural networks in schizophrenia by addressing the complex link between psychopathology language and evolution at different levels of analysis. Psychopathological symptoms in schizophrenia are mainly characterized by thought and language disorders which are strictly intertwined. In particular language is the distinctive dimension of human beings and is ontologically related to brain development. Although normal at the levels of segmental phonology and morphological organization the speech of patients suffering from schizophrenia is often characterized by flattened intonation and word-finding difficulties. Furthermore research suggests that the superior temporal gyrus and specific prefrontal areas which support language in humans are altered in people with schizophrenia. Brambilla and Marini bring together international contributors to explore the link between brain evolution and the psychopathological features of schizophrenia with a focus on language and its neural underpinnings. Divided into three sections the book covers: • brain evolution and language phylogenesis• brain abnormalities in schizophrenia • psychopathology and schizophrenia. This theoretical approach will appeal to professionals including clinical psychologists cognitive neuroscientists neuropsychiatrists neuropsychologists neurolinguists and researchers considering the links between brain evolution language and psychopathology in schizophrenia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138635807

Brain Injury and Gender Role StrainRebuilding Adult Lifestyles After Injury Discover new interventions to restore self-respect and personal life control!When men suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) they can lose their sense of competence confidence and masculinity resulting in a gender role strain. Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain offers an innovative solution to help such men regain a masculine identity. This important book tells the story of four brain-injured men who suffered because they had lost the roles relationships and activities that had once defined their identities as adult men.Most traumatic brain injury is suffered between the ages of 18 and 30 when men are making the developmental transition from adolescent to young adult roles. TBI interrupts that transition and often sends men back into an infantile role where they rapidly become frustrated. Many of the behavioral and morale problems of men with TBI can be traced to their anger at being unable to participate in the adult world of work marriage parenting and independence. Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain discusses how these issues affected the four men included in the study all of whom felt isolated victimized abandoned and useless when they could not be the men they had always expected to be.Dr. Gutman's innovative approach can help men regain the gender-related social roles activities and rites of passage that help men construct their masculine identity. Brain Injury and Gender Role Strain provides a specialized intervention program that enabled the men to: rebuild familial roles create extended-family roles turn to mentors for guidance learn the skills to form and maintain dating relationships find meaningful community work reclaim a sense of personal competency life control and normalityBrain Injury and Gender Role Strain offers timely and important information for health care professionals and family members of individuals with long-term brain injury. This is also an inspiring book for anyone with a brain injury who is struggling to rebuild a life as a competent adult. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315821412

Brain Injury and Neuropsychological RehabilitationInternational Perspectives Most individuals with brain damage experience a curtailment or loss of lifestyle without rehabilitation. Improved methods and appropriately timed medical interventions now make it possible for more individuals to survive brain insults and to be assisted by rehabilitation neuropsychologists in achieving renewed commitment to life. Damage to the brain -- the organ of human emotions and cognition -- reduces psychological functioning and realistic adaptation and the patient and his/her family are often encapsulated in the time prior to injury. To regain part or most of the lifestyle lost an honest dedicated and realistic approach is required. Neuropsychological rehabilitation can provide tools for this task provided that the most comprehensive elaborate and knowledge-based methods are integrated in the training and provided that knowledge from many disciplines and from community environments and family is encompassed. In the present book knowledge representing the development of neuropsychological rehabilitation during the past five years is collected from a conference titled "Progress in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation." The chapters are written by professionals who were invited to share their experiences from different areas within the field because of their expertise with processes involved in neuropsychological rehabilitation. After a historical review the chapters follow a visible sequence from biology to neuropsychology and neuropharmacology. Experts discuss the most advanced medical knowledge of the effect of injury on states of the organism. The second part of the book is dedicated to the outcome and the economics of rehabilitation as well as plans for the future. Finally a panel discussion addresses the overall concept: Is rehabilitation worthwhile and ethical? The reactions -- influenced by the cross-cultural exchange of knowledge -- shed light on the essence and practice of today's neurorehabilitation. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315806587

Brain Injury and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery An estimated 30 000 children are born in the USA with congenital heart disease each year two thirds of which will require corrective surgery. Medical advances have formed a trend of operating on newborns rather than waiting until the child is older. Ten years ago the mortality for these operationswas 60% to 70%. That percentage has dropped to 2%. This specialized book explores the basic mechanisms of neurologic injury associated with congenital heart surgery while covering the emerging technologies for assessment of neurologic integrity and injury. The text also highlights the current and future techniques for reducing and preventing these injuries and reviews the pertinent medicolegal issues. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367813864

Brain Injury TreatmentTheories and Practices Brain Injury Treatment: Theories and Practices is a thorough and wide-ranging account of the rehabilitation of brain injury. Written from an international perspective this book presents a detailed discussion of the basic science of brain injury. It explains the treatments used in brain injury rehabilitation and covers new methods of rehabilitation including complementary medicine theories. It contains a wealth of information on different neurosurgical and neuropsychological treatments. It also includes a comprehensive reference to the theories underlying rehabilitation practices and chapters on community reentry and family dynamics following brain injury. It will be an invaluable tool to students from psychology medicine physical and occupational therapy studying the treatment and aftercare of people with brain injury. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415653701

Brain Lateralization and Developmental DisordersA New Approach to Unified Research Brain Lateralization and Developmental Disorders provides a comprehensive review of key findings and speculations from previous research on atypical cerebral lateralization in the most common neurodevelopmental disorders: stuttering dyslexia autism and intellectual disability. Emphasis is placed on recent studies as well as descriptions of the author’s personal research which will provide a promising new direction for future research on these issues. In this text Asenova presents four separate studies aiming to examine hemispheric asymmetries in neurodevelopmental disorders. These include the subtypes of developmental stuttering the subtypes of developmental dyslexia mild non-syndromic intellectual disability with comorbid speech and language deficits and autism spectrum disorder with comorbid severe language impairment. The use of uniform research methods including dichotic verbal perception tasks and lateral preference performance tests has led to findings that suggest that this new approach could be a key factor in overcoming the ambiguity of findings from previous studies. By focusing on the discussion of key issues concerning the role of atypical laterality in the genesis of neurodevelopmental psychopathology in both past research and Asenova’s own studies Brain Lateralization and Developmental Disorders is a valuable reading for students and researchers in neurodevelopmental psychopathology as well as in developmental neuropsychology and developmental neuroscience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138551503

Brain Maturation and Cognitive DevelopmentComparative and Cross-cultural Perspectives This volume adopts a unique multidisciplinary approach to the study of the development of the human brain and early behavior. It includes chapters by researchers from several disciplines whose work addresses specific aspects of brain-behavioral interactions in development. The chapters provide strong evidence that the development of both brain and behavior is a response to biological and environmental variations.Language is also discussed and provides a useful example of biosocial development because linguistic and brain functions and development can be examined under controlled conditions of both genetic and environmental deprivation. Research in this area has produced particularly exciting results pointing to the universality of language capacity among humans and illuminating the processes by which language competence develops.Brain Maturation and Cognitive Development provides new views in the understanding of human nature and present new biosocially oriented research directions that are unique in their focus. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315082028

Brain NeurotraumaMolecular Neuropsychological and Rehabilitation Aspects Every year an estimated 1.7 million Americans sustain brain injury. Long-term disabilities impact nearly half of moderate brain injury survivors and nearly 50 000 of these cases result in death. Brain Neurotrauma: Molecular Neuropsychological and Rehabilitation Aspects provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account on the latest developments in the area of neurotrauma including brain injury pathophysiology biomarker research experimental models of CNS injury diagnostic methods and neurotherapeutic interventions as well as neurorehabilitation strategies in the field of neurotraum research. The book includes several sections on neurotrauma mechanisms biomarker discovery neurocognitive/neurobehavioral deficits and neurorehabilitation and treatment approaches. It also contains a section devoted to models of mild CNS injury including blast and sport-related injuries. Over the last decade the field of neurotrauma has witnessed significant advances especially at the molecular cellular and behavioral levels. This progress is largely due to the introduction of novel techniques as well as the development of new animal models of central nervous system (CNS) injury. This book with its diverse coherent content  gives you insight into the diverse and heterogeneous aspects of CNS pathology and/or rehabilitation needs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466565982

Brain Plasticity and Behavior There are few books devoted to the topic of brain plasticity and behavior. Most previous works that cover topics related to brain plasticity do not include extensive discussions of behavior. The first to try to address the relationship between recovery from brain damage and changes in the brain that might support the recovery this volume includes studies of humans as well as laboratory species particularly rats. The subject matter identifies a consistent correlation between specific changes in the brain and behavioral recovery as well as various factors such as sex and experience that influence this correlation in consistent ways. Evolving from a series of lectures given as the McEachran Lectures at the University of Alberta this volume originally began as a summary of the lectures but has expanded to include more background literature allowing the reader to see the author's biases assumptions and hunches in a broader perspective. In writing this volume the author had two goals in mind: * to initiate senior undergraduates or graduate psychology biology neuroscience or other interested students to the issues and questions regarding the nature of brain plasticity and * to provide a monograph in the form of an extended summary of the work the author and his colleagues have done on brain plasticity and recovery of function. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964976

Brain Research and Childhood EducationImplications for Educators Parents and Society Brain Research and Childhood Education provides teacher educators education students (both in regular and special education programs) school psychologists practicing teachers and school leaders with a brief readable distillation of the most up-to-date research on brain development and how it relates to optimum teaching practice in childhood and adolescence. This accessible reference uses cases to further illustrate how studies on brain development and various learning processes have implications for educators and psychologists as they strive to enhance children’s cognitive social emotional and academic learning opportunities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138206373

Brain Research in Education and the Social SciencesImplications for Practice Parenting and Future Society Brain Research in Education and the Social Sciences: Implications for Practice Parenting and Future Society provides practitioners parents and policy makers with research-based information and illustrative case studies about brain development across the lifespan. Neurotechnological advances that are contributing to a broader understanding of brain development and brain illnesses are discussed in a context specifically relevant to those working in education and the social sciences. The book enables readers to understand the societal implications of this expanding knowledge base and offers suggestions for future policies and practices that would make high-quality learning environments available to all students and individuals receiving care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138206359

Brain Slices in Basic and Clinical Research Brain Slices in Basic and Clinical Research describes advancements in the field of brain function and dysfunction through use of central nervous system slice preparations. Topics are authored by leading scientists and include the following:Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity as the basis of memory processesChaos and synaptic variabilityBrain calcium currentsGlutamate receptorsPathophysiology of excitotoxinsCerebral hypoxia-ischemiaNeuronal injuryFree radicalsOptical methods of measuring brain metabolismVoltammetry in brain slicesCalcium imagingPatch-clamp recording and application of macromolecules through patch-clamp pipettes in brain slicesIntracellular double labeling of various neuronal populationsUse of brain slices in teaching neurophysiological methodsMost of the topics are published in book format for the first time and some of the techniques are more fully detailed than in any other book. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367812157

Brain Source Localization Using EEG Signal Analysis Of the research areas devoted to biomedical sciences the study of the brain remains a field that continually attracts interest due to the vast range of people afflicted with debilitating brain disorders and those interested in ameliorating its effects. To discover the roots of maladies and grasp the dynamics of brain functions researchers and practitioners often turn to a process known as brain source localization which assists in determining the source of electromagnetic signals from the brain. Aiming to promote both treatments and understanding of brain ailments ranging from epilepsy and depression to schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease the authors of this book provide a comprehensive account of current developments in the use of neuroimaging techniques for brain analysis. Their book addresses a wide array of topics including EEG forward and inverse problems the application of classical MNE LORETA Bayesian based MSP and its modified version M-MSP. Within the ten chapters that comprise this book clinicians researchers and field experts concerned with the state of brain source localization will find a store of information that can assist them in the quest to enhance the quality of life for people living with brain disorders. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367884970

Brain Stimulation and Language Focal brain stimulation to enhance human cognitive and language functions in both healthy individuals and those with aphasia is a relatively new and exciting area of research. In this special issue leading authors in the field present novel data and summarize the evidence related to the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and epidural cortical stimulation. These techniques are used not only for understanding normal brain-language functions but also language learning and recovery after brain damage. The first brain stimulation trials in aphasia rehabilitation are then investigated along with suggested directions for future research. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848727694

Brain Structure Learning And Memory This book demonstrates that the analysis of the physical-chemical substrates of some of the simpler learning and memory phenomena will soon result in a characterization of brain circuits as information processing networks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164553

Brain TrainStudying for success A new edition of a highly successful study skills books. The style and approach is particularly suited to current student needs as the author stresses the importance of adopting a positive response to study. The lively and enthusiastic tone and the practical advice on everything from planning revision to designing CVs gives this book enormous appeal to all from A-level to mature students. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138155480

Brain TumorsPractical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment Emphasizing new and emerging therapies in each chapter this reference provides essential information for clinicians to provide accurate diagnoses and select the most appropriate treatment regimens for patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors and neurological complications of cancer. Edited by a leading cast of authorities on the topic-including the Chief and Associate Editors of the Journal of Neuro-oncology-this easily-accessible guide reviews the epidemiology identification and management of brain tumors while exploring the latest advances in this increasingly diverse field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390228

Brain–Computer Interfaces HandbookTechnological and Theoretical Advances Brain–Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances provides a tutorial and an overview of the rich and multi-faceted world of Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs). The authors supply readers with a contemporary presentation of fundamentals theories and diverse applications of BCI creating a valuable resource for anyone involved with the improvement of people’s lives by replacing restoring improving supplementing or enhancing natural output from the central nervous system. It is a useful guide for readers interested in understanding how neural bases for cognitive and sensory functions such as seeing hearing and remembering relate to real-world technologies. More precisely this handbook details clinical therapeutic and human-computer interfaces applications of BCI and various aspects of human cognition and behavior such as perception affect and action. It overviews the different methods and techniques used in acquiring and pre-processing brain signals extracting features and classifying users’ mental states and intentions. Various theories models and empirical findings regarding the ways in which the human brain interfaces with external systems and environments using BCI are also explored. The handbook concludes by engaging ethical considerations open questions and challenges that continue to face brain–computer interface research. Features an in-depth look at the different methods and techniques used in acquiring and pre-processing brain signals extracting features and classifying the user's intention Covers various theories models and empirical findings regarding ways in which the human brain can interface with the systems or external environments Presents applications of BCI technology to understand various aspects of human cognition and behavior such as perception affect action and more Includes clinical trials and individual case studies of the experimental therapeutic applications of BCI Provides human factors and human-computer interface concerns in the design development and evaluation of BCIs Overall this handbook provides a synopsis of key technological and theoretical advances that are directly applicable to brain–computer interfacing technologies and can be readily understood and applied by individuals with no formal training in BCI research and development. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367375454

Brain-gut Peptides and Reproductive Function This book elucidates the role of brain-gut peptides in neuroendocrine regulation for understanding how these peptides interact with the reproductive neuroendocrine axis and for developing novel therapeutic agents for fertility or contraceptive therapies. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003069157

Brains Media and PoliticsGenerating Neoliberal Subjects Following the 2007–2008 global financial crisis a number of prominent academics journalists and activists were quick to pronounce the demise of neoliberal capitalism and governance. This rather optimistic prediction however underestimated the extent to which neoliberalism has shaped the 21st-century world order and become entrenched in our sociopolitical and cognitive fabric. Indeed 11 years after the crisis and in spite of the significant levels of socioeconomic inequality psychological distress and environmental destruction generated by neoliberal policies and corresponding business and cultural practices the ideological hegemony of neoliberalism has not been supplanted nor has it really faced any serious unsettling. How then has neoliberalism inflected and shaped our “common-sense” understandings of what is politically economically and culturally viable? To help answer this question this book combines leading theories from sociology media-communication research developmental psychology and cognitive science and draws on primary evidence from a unique mix of ethnographic survey and experimental studies – of young people’s leisure practices and educational experiences of young adults’ political socialisation processes in relation to exposure to social networking sites and of the effects of commercial media viewing on material values and support for social welfare. In doing so it provides a nuanced and robustly empirically tested account of how the conscious and non-conscious cognitive dimensions of people’s subjectivities and everyday social practices become interpellated through and reproductive of neoliberal ideology. As such this book will appeal to scholars across the social and behavioural sciences with interests in neoliberalism political engagement enculturation social reproduction and media effects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367030339

Brainstorming Questions in Toxicology Brainstorming Questions in Toxicology is designed to serve as a comprehensive quick reference supplement for various examinations that include sections on toxicology. It reflects the breadth and multidisciplinary nature of toxicology with an objective approach to the subject. With 3500 short questions and answers multiple choice questions true/false or correct/incorrect statements fill in the blanks and matching the statements this book is a helpful tool for students teachers and toxicologists preparing for licensure and certification exams. It is also a resource or refresher for toxicologists working in pharmacy medical clinical and forensic toxicology veterinary and other related fields such as environment and eco-toxicology. Key Features: Serves as a refresher for academicians and professionals in the field of toxicology Provides an essential guide for the student who needs a study aid for toxicology and the teacher of toxicology who needs inspiration when composing questions for their students Supplements in-house training courses in toxicology that exist in some pharmaceutical and chemical industries Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367429522

Brainwaves: A Cultural History of Electroencephalography In the history of brain research the prospect of visualizing brain processes has continually awakened great expectations. In this study Cornelius Borck focuses on a recording technique developed by the German physiologist Hans Berger to register electric brain currents; a technique that was expected to allow the brain to write in its own language and which would reveal the way the brain worked. Borck traces the numerous contradictory interpretations of electroencephalography from Berger’s experiments and his publication of the first human EEG in 1929 to its international proliferation and consolidation as a clinical diagnostic method in the mid-twentieth century. Borck's thesis is that the language of the brain takes on specific contours depending on the local investigative cultures from whose conflicting views emerged a new scientific object: the electric brain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367881498

Bram Stoker and the Stage Volume 1Reviews Reminiscences Essays and Fiction Though best known as the author of Dracula (1897) Bram Stoker had a successful career in the theatre. This collection brings together all Stoker’s theatrical reviews from Dublin’s Evening Mail his published essays and interviews on the theatre selections from Reminiscences of Henry Irving (1906) and a fictional work on the theatre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750562

Bram Stoker and the Stage Volume 2Reviews Reminiscences Essays and Fiction Though best known as the author of Dracula (1897) Bram Stoker had a successful career in the theatre. This collection brings together all Stoker’s theatrical reviews from Dublin’s Evening Mail his published essays and interviews on the theatre selections from Reminiscences of Henry Irving (1906) and a fictional work on the theatre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750579

Bram Stoker and the StageReviews Reminiscences Essays and Fiction Though best known as the author of Dracula (1897) Bram Stoker had a successful career in the theatre. This collection brings together all Stoker’s theatrical reviews from Dublin’s Evening Mail his published essays and interviews on the theatre selections from Reminiscences of Henry Irving (1906) and a fictional work on the theatre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848931428

Branch's Elements of Shipping Since it was first published in 1964 Elements of Shipping has become established as a market leader. Now in its ninth edition Branch’s Elements of Shipping renamed in memory of Alan Branch has been updated throughout and revised to take in the many changes that have occurred in the shipping industry in recent years including the impact of the economic crisis the Panama Canal expansion and new legislation. All tables and data have been brought up-to-date and many new illustrations have been added. The book explains in a lucid professional manner the basic elements of shipping including operational commercial legal economic technical managerial logistical and financial considerations. It also explores how shipping markets behave and provides an overview of the international shipping industry and seaports. Filling a gap for the discerning reader who wishes to have a complete understanding of all the elements of the global shipping scene together with the interface with seaports international trade and logistics it remains essential reading for shipping executives along with students and academics with an interest in the shipping industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138786684

Brand Meet StoryHow to Create Engaging Content to Win Business and Influence Your Audience Think of the last great article you read or the last great speech you heard. Chances are if you remember one key message you also remember one compelling story. That's because the best content starts with a story. When it comes to marketing the best business content starts with a story the audience cares about not the brand's message about what it wants to sell them.  In Brand Meet Story Heather Pemberton Levy describes the Story Comes First method a practical approach that combines techniques from journalism and fiction writing to help brands tell stories that put the readers' interests first. Whereas most brand marketers create content to sell their product service or technology the Story Comes First method turns this approach on its head to create content with the "human moments" that truly engage an audience.  Filled with examples from Levy's experience creating content marketing programs trade books and hundreds of articles for a variety of B2B and B2C brands the book shows readers a step-by-step approach to create content designed to deliver business results. Brand Meet Story explains the key ways to uncover what your audience cares about and how to turn brand messaging into stories that matter. Levy inspires readers to develop a compelling voice that will carry the brand tone and values across all channels and helps them turn their ideas into engaging story-driven content their audiences will read love and share. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629561813

Brand Beauty UnleashedThe Value of Aesthetics in Marketing This book presents an in-depth careful study of our understanding of the concept of beauty in everyday objects and its impact on markets and brands. Moving beyond artistic notions of beauty it demonstrates how beauty is an asset that can be leveraged in the marketplace. Traditionally beauty has been examined in relation to its influence on painting sculpture literature music and architecture. However its value and power in the marketplace is understudied. Álvarez del Blanco provides a systematic analysis of beauty in commonplace objects and brands drawing on cutting-edge research at the intersection of marketing and neurosciences. Through examining the neuroscientific evidence for how the brain processes beauty the author articulates the implications this may have on marketing and brand management. He also offers a glimpse of how beauty may evolve and its marketing implications for firm strategy in the coming decades. Written by a recognized authority in marketing and brand strategy Brand Beauty Unleashed gives students with an interest in marketing consumer behavior branding and neuromarketing an exciting new perspective on this intangible asset. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367112417

Brand China in the MediaTransformation of Identities This book examines China’s identity transformations with a focus on self-perceptions and their representations and communication in the mass media. By considering the internal dynamics of change it explores the emerging multifaceted ‘China brand’. With its growing economic clout China has taken a proactive stance in shaping global economic and strategic order through ambitious programmes such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative. However as a developing country China is at pains to manage its own transformations while trying to carve out an international identity. Arguably China’s unique sense of history and identities may lead to a ‘contested modernity’ or ‘multiple modernities’; radically different from the prevalent classical theories of modernisation and convergence of industrial societies. To understand China’s trajectory of future development has been a major issue in international affairs. This book is concerned with how China’s hybridised identities are articulated and intertwined with situational institutional and societal dynamics – and how they are interwoven with China’s international outlook which converges with or diverges from China’s historical assumptions and beliefs. This book will be of interest to those studying China’s identity in the media; situated at the juncture of past present and future and between China and the wider world. The chapters in this book were originally published in Critical Arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367335014

Brand Equity & AdvertisingAdvertising's Role in Building Strong Brands The tenth annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference held in San Francisco focused on branding -- a subject generating intense interest both in academia and in the "real world." The principle theory behind these conferences is that much can be gained by joining advertising and marketing professionals with academic researchers in advertising. Professionals can gain insight into the new theories measurement tools and empirical findings that are emerging while academics are stimulated by the insights and experience that professionals describe and the research questions that they pose. This book consists of papers delivered by experts from academia and industry discussing issues regarding the role of advertising in the establishment and maintenance of brand equity -- making this volume of interest to advertising and marketing specialists as well as consumer and social psychologists. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138150522

Brand Journalism Responding to the newly-emerging trend of organisations hiring journalists to create content on their behalf Brand Journalism is the first comprehensive practical guide to this hybrid form of traditional journalism marketing and public relations. This textbook takes a direct and practical approach to the subject showing journalists and journalism students how they can apply their skills to working for a brand and showing those who work for non-media organisations how their organisation can acquire the skills necessary to become a multimedia publisher. Areas covered include: • Establishing the audience your brand wants to engage with • Identifying your organisation’s business goals • Developing a brand journalism strategy to help deliver those business goals • Measuring the results of your brand journalism strategy The book also features a wealth of case studies on the subject and offers an invaluable companion website - Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415638104

Brand Love is not EnoughA Theory of Consumer Brand Relationships in Practice How would you feel about a bank that handled all of your financial needs efficiently but made you feel like a dummy? In a relationship between two people what the other person thinks of you (or what you believe they think of you) exerts great influence on the quality of your relationship. The same is true for your relationship with brands. In this trailblazing book Blackston extends his theory on consumer brand relationships introduced in the 1990s. He introduces a new construct called "brand's attitude " which complements the idea of brand image and introduces a typology of consumer relationships that is richer and more varied than the familiar concept of brand love. This construct describes more fully the two-way street that exists between consumers and brands and fills a crucial gap in traditional branding literature in explaining consumers’ brand purchasing and usage behavior. Drawing on numerous actual examples and cases from a variety of different industries and supported by 30 years of consumer data Brand Love is not Enough should be on the shelf of any serious marketer or student of branding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138039827

Brand ManagementMastering Research Theory and Practice Brand Management: Mastering Research Theory and Practice is a valuable resource for those looking to understand how a brand can be conceptualized and thus managed in all its complexity. Going beyond the 'quick fixes' of branding it offers a comprehensive overview of brand management theories from the last 35 years. A highly regarded textbook this fully updated third edition brings fresh perspectives on the latest research in and analysis of the various approaches to brand management. More than 1 000 academic sources have been carefully divided into a taxonomy with eight schools of thought – offering depth breadth and precision to one of the most elusive management disciplines of our time. Perfectly marrying theory with practice this comprehensive text is particularly useful for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of brand management strategy and marketing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172589

Brand MascotsAnd Other Marketing Animals Tony the Tiger. The Pillsbury Doughboy. The Michelin Man. The Playboy bunny. The list of brand mascots spokes-characters totems and logos goes on and on and on. Mascots are one of the most widespread modes of marketing communication and one of the longest established. Yet despite their ubiquity and utility brand mascots seem to be held in comparatively low esteem by the corporate cognoscenti. This collection the first of its kind raises brand mascots’ standing both in an academic sense and from a managerial perspective. Featuring case studies and empirical analyses from around the world – here Hello Kitty there Aleksandr Orlov beyond that Angry Birds – the book presents the latest thinking on beast-based brands broadly defined. Entirely qualitative in content it represents a readable reliable resource for marketing academics marketing managers marketing students and the consumer research community. It should also prove of interest to scholars in adjacent fields such as cultural studies media studies organisation studies anthropology sociology ethology and zoology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138825079

Brand MeaningMeaning Myth and Mystique in Today’s Brands This second edition of Brand Meaning lays out new territory for the understanding of how brands both acquire and provide meaning. The author draws on his experience with leading international companies to propose a compelling framework for the conscious and unconscious ways in which people connect with products and brands. Revised and updated it contains contemporary as well as classic examples of brand meaning in practice from various countries and expands on the theory methods and applications of brand meaning. The book’s multidisciplinary approach and concise yet comprehensive content makes it an ideal supplemental reader for undergraduate graduate and MBA courses as well as valuable reading for practitioners in the fields of marketing advertising and consumer research. For more information visit Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138839427

Brand New Ireland?Tourism Development and National Identity in the Irish Republic What role does the state have over national development within an increasingly globalized economy? Moreover how do we conceive 'nationality' during periods of rapid economic and social change spurred on by globalization? By examining tourism in the Republic of Ireland over the past 20 years Michael Clancy addresses these questions of national identity formation as well as providing a detailed understanding of the political economy of tourism and development. He explores tourism's role in the 'Celtic Tiger' phenomenon and uses tourism as a lens for observing national identity formation in a period of rapid change. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569857

Brand New Justice Recently vilified as the prime dynamic driving home the breach between poor and rich nations here the branding process is rehabilitated as a potential saviour of the economically underprivileged.Brand New Justice now in a revised paperback edition systematically analyses the success stories of the Top Thirteen nations demonstrating that their wealth is based on the 'last mile' of the commercial process: buying raw materials and manufacturing cheaply in third world countries these countries realise their lucrative profits by adding value through finishing packaging and marketing and then selling the branded product on to the end-user at a hugely inflated price. The use of sophisticated global media techniques alongside a range of creative marketing activities are the lynchpins of this process.Applying his observations on economic history and the development and impact of global marketing Anholt presents a cogent plan for developing nations to benefit from globalization. So long the helpless victim of capitalist trading systems he shows that they can cross the divide and graduate from supplier nation to producer nation. Branding native produce on a global scale making a commercial virtue out of perceived authenticity and otherness and fully capitalising on the 'last mile' benefits are key to this graduation and fundamental to forging a new global economic balance.Anholt argues with a forceful logic but also backs his hypothesis with enticing glimpses of this process actually beginning to take place. Examining activities in India Thailand Russia and Africa among others he shows the risks challenges and pressures inherent in 'turning the tide' but above all he demonstrates the very real possibility of enlightened capitalism working as a force for good in global terms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172401

Brand Planning for the Pharmaceutical Industry Written by John Lidstone and Janice MacLennan the second edition of Marketing Planning for the Pharmaceutical Industry became accepted as the bible for the industry. In this new companion book Janice MacLennan picks up two of the themes touched on in Marketing Planning - market segmentation and branding and the inter-relationship between these two - and with this book makes them key topics for discussion. Brand Planning for the Pharmaceutical Industry begins by exploring what branding is and why it is of importance particularly to the pharmaceutical sector. The book then goes on to show how branding can be integrated into the early stages of the commercialization process for new products both in theory and in the 'real' world. The book provides a step-by-step guide to brand planning using market segmentation as the starting point. The book is split into two parts the first dealing comprehensively with brand planning for products yet to get to the market with the second part applying the same process to products that are already on the market. Both parts are extremely pragmatic full of pertinent examples and insights from the pharmaceutical industry and are directly applicable to your own brand planning. Brand Planning for the Pharmaceutical Industry concludes by confronting the problems that organizations are likely to have in actually making brand planning an integral part of their work and presents strategies for dealing with them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247826

Brand PositioningConnecting Marketing Strategy and Communications Brand Positioning is an English translation of an exceptionally well-renowned Dutch textbook which provides a practical approach to analysing defining and developing a brand’s positioning strategy. Divided into three key parts the book works step-by-step through the creation of an effective marketing strategy combining an academic approach with the strategic and operational guidelines tools and techniques required. Unlike other textbooks it has a unique focus on the relationship between branding marketing and communications exploring brand values brand identity and brand image and analysing how these can be transformed into a successful positioning strategy using international case studies examples and practical exercises. This textbook will be core reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing strategy branding marketing communications and consumer behaviour. It will also be of great value to marketing and communications professionals looking to develop and maintain their company’s brand. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367250195

Brand RiskAdding Risk Literacy to Brand Management Brand risk is often narrowly defined as risk to reputation. Yet risk and uncertainty are evident in many aspects of brand performance and marketing operations. Considered and responsible risk-taking is central to effective brand management. Risk literacy is the marketer’s third necessary competence alongside strategic insight and financial understanding. In Brand Risk a practical and accessible book for those who hold responsibilities in marketing or risk management David Abrahams brings together relevant risk thinking and a range of techniques for the evaluation of brand exposures and opportunities - whether in response to the ambitions of a key business project new market conditions or shareholder concern. A balanced review of the subject is enriched by reference to topics of current interest and is supported by illustrative examples throughout. Presenting the essentials of brand management and risk management side-by-side Brand Risk offers graduated and complementary approaches to brand risk assessment from the intuitive to the data-driven. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569864

Brand TransformationTransforming Firm Performance by Disruptive Pragmatic and Achievable Brand Strategy To be of value to firms branding must operate in the "real" world not a theoretical one unlocking latent commercial potential and delivering tangible business results. The imperative is to pragmatically change as you go making simple branding changes that deliver a commercial difference. This radical new textbook combines best practice research and theory to teach how to accelerate a firm’s branding performance without disrupting and derailing day-to-day business. It demonstrates how to make practical "best-fit" changes to a firm's branding by implementing commercially feasible branding activity to achieve commercial results. Structured around a brand transformation template Brand Transformation demonstrates how to make pragmatic changes to branding by implementing improvements to six critical components of branding performance. The text not only presents new and different insights; importantly it contains a set of diagnostic questions frameworks tools and templates to design implementable changes to a firm’s branding. The text includes a set of six widely occurring firm "typologies" and suggests practical immediate activity on which to base a firm’s implementation plan. This text is essential reading for final year marketing undergraduates postgraduate students of marketing practising marketers and general managers Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138064300

Brand Valuation In the new economy where value drivers are shifting from tangible to intangibles resources brands are the most familiar asset. They are well known by consumers perceived as a critical component of enterprise value and often motivate large mergers and acquisitions. Yet brands are a complex intangible asset and their valuation is a difficult task requiring a variety of expertise: legal economic financial sector-specific and marketing. Using rigorous methodologies an analysis of the world of the new economy and an inquiry into the limits of modern valuation technics this book offers empirical and theoretical background to the key issue of brand valuation. It provides answers to the many questions that arise when attempting to value a brand: How to understand the origin of brand value? How to assess its value objectively? Why valuations of some brands by consulting firms differ so widely? How to understand that some brands are valued millions of euros when the companies that own them are losing money? Brand Valuation explains the economics and finance factors explaining the value and volatility of brands and presents the most commonly used methodologies to value brands such as the cost methods the excess earnings approach the relief-from-royalty method or the excess revenue approach. The methodologies covered are illustrated with numerous examples allowing the reader to grasp the advantages and limits of each valuation techniques. The book presents the relevant context of brand valuation including the applicable existing accounting and valuation standards and also discusses the models developed by consulting firms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616899

Brand vs. WildBuilding Resilient Brands for Harsh Business Environments Today’s business leaders operate in an increasingly harsh environment. Uncertainty in the economy causes paralysis. Quarterly goals drive short-term and shortsighted decisions. Workforce mobility kills loyalty. Iconic products decline as fast as start-ups create new categories. And the pressure to do more with less combined with the multiplicity of available marketing tools and technology can be overwhelming. Now more than ever brands and the people who lead them need clarity and guidance. The good news is that people have found ways to thrive in harsh environments for millennia. Author Jonathan David Lewis combining the lessons of group survival dynamics with more than a decade of proprietary research into the factors that cause companies to lose their way shows leaders how to thrive in unforgiving business environments by learning to: Focus on navigating risk instead of trying to measure or reduce it. Cultivate your brand’s will to live by staying positive and asking the most important question: Are you worth it? Read the brand signs by observing the market keeping an eye on performance measures engaging your team and listening to your gut. Develop a concept of "mission" to ensure internal alignment and reduce friction. Act with urgency rather than waiting for the right circumstance. Brand vs. Wild helps readers understand the wilderness in which they find their companies and identify the specific steps they must take to thrive in the Brand Wilderness. There is hope in a harsh business world. And Brand vs. Wild is it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138736016

Brand-Driven City Building and the Virtualizing of Space This book is an investigation of the cultural phenomenon of branding and its transformational effects on the contemporary spatial – and urban – reality. It develops a novel understanding of the rationale behind the construction of large-scale architectural complexes that relate to corporate brands and of its tremendous cultural effects. The author suggests that what we see today is the creation of "global mass ornaments" of a thorough ornamentalization of the entire globe. The origins of this are discussed with regard to examples of corporate brand-building from Europe and China (Autostadt Wolfsburg BMW Welt Munich and Anting New Town). Additional cases are several simulated spaces in Berlin and the space-branding activities of companies like Apple or Prada. Theoretically the author develops an innovative poststructuralist framework combining ideas from Gilles Deleuze with the space philosophy of Peter Sloterdijk. He analyzes how the corporate redefinition of space makes the city enter into a mode of virtual urbanity. This idea leads to a notion of a "global urban" and ultimately the "global mass ornament". This concept of a global mass ornament is developed here with reference to Sloterdijk’s concept of a world of "spheres". The latter is used to understand the new mode of spatiality of mediatized spaces. The book makes the point that our world is involved in a process of mass ornamentalization that has only just begun. The concept of the global mass ornament is the first to come to grips with a culture in which branding is effectively changing the physiognomy of the earth. The global mass ornament is a banner for a cultural transformation that employs architecture sign theory and mechanisms borrowed from traditional advertising and from social media as well as social processes – and that we have yet to properly understand. This book is a significant step forward in this respect. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138686809

Branded Entertainment and CinemaThe Marketisation of Italian Film The history of Italian cinema is mostly regarded as a history of Italian auteurs. This book takes a different standpoint looking at Italian cinema from the perspective of an unusual but influential actor: advertisers. From the iconic Vespa scooter and the many other Made in Italy products placed in domestic and international features to Carosello’s early format of branded entertainment up through the more recent brand integration cases in award-winning titles like The Great Beauty the Italian film and advertising industries have frequently and significantly intersected in ways that remain largely unexplored by academic research. This book contributes to fill this gap by focusing on the economic and cultural influence that advertising and advertisers’ interests have been exerting on Italian film production between the post-war period and the 2010s. Increasingly market-oriented film policies ongoing pressure from Hollywood competition and the abnormal economic as well as political power held by Italian ad-funded broadcasters are among the key points addressed by the book. In addition to a macro-level political economic analysis the book draws on exclusive interviews with film producers and promotional intermediaries to provide a meso level analysis of the practices and professional cultures of those working at the intersection of Italian film and advertising industries. Providing an in-depth yet clear and accessible overview of the political and economic dynamics driving the Italian media landscape towards unprecedented forms of marketisation this is a valuable resource for academics and students in the fields of film and media studies marketing advertising and Italian studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815348528

Branded Entertainment in Korea Branded Entertainment in Korea examines the varied texts and wider context of branded entertainment and related advertising and marketing communications practices in Korea. The book discusses the origins development current state ethics and regulations of branded entertainment in Korea considering the impact and implications for communication users and regulators as well as industry actors. Over 30 cases from 2013 to 2019 are offered to provide an up-to-date account of current developments with a closer look at the ethical challenges and controversies surrounding branded entertainment. The book also provides a review of branded entertainment-related literature in order to help the readers to understand this growing marketing discipline.  This is a valuable case study for scholars and students of critical advertising studies as well as those interested in broader disciplines of communication and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367205317

Branding and Designing DisabilityReconceptualising Disability Studies Over the past fifty years design and branding have become omnipotent in the market and have made their way to other domains as well. Given their potential to divide humans into categories and label their worth and value design and branding can wield immense but currently unharnessed powers of social change. Groups designed as devalued can be undesigned redesigned and rebranded to seamlessly and equivalently participate in community work and civic life. This innovative book argues that disability as a concept and category is created reified and segregated through current design and branding that begs for creative change. Transcending models of disability that locate it either as an embodied medical condition or as a socially constructed entity this book challenges the very existence and usefulness of the category itself. Proposing and illustrating creative and responsible design DePoy and Gilson include thinking and action strategies that are useful and potent for "undesigning" redesigning and rebranding to meet the full range of human needs and to enhance full participation in local through global communities. Divided into two parts the first section presents a critical examination of disability as a designed and branded phenomenon exploring what exactly is being designed and branded and how. The second part investigates the redesign of disability and provides principles for redesign and rebranding illustrated with examples from high-tech to place-based sustainable strategies. The book provides a unique and contemporary framework for thinking about disability as well as providing relevant design and branding guidance to designers and engineers interested in embodiment issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138601161

Branding and Positioning in Base of the Pyramid Markets in AfricaInnovative Approaches Brand management to sustain corporate reputation and customer loyalty is essential for both multinationals and indigenous fi rms in Africa. This book provides a practical overview of country branding and positioning activities in Africa based on a broad defi nition of base of the pyramid (BoP) marketing which includes both goods and services as well as business-to-business marketing corporate branding and country branding. The text highlights branding strategies that can be adopted in BoP markets as well as marketing mix strategies appropriate for much of the continent. Taking into account the role of social networks culture and religion the book explores avenues for developing and building competitive advantage and how African countries can leverage country branding as part of the development process. The book is ideal for researchers educators and advanced students in international marketing management and brand strategy who are interested in the unique branding characteristics of the African continent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138489332

Branding and Product DesignAn Integrated Perspective Why do winning brands appear to be more creative and authentic than less successful ones? Despite the strong link between famous brands and the products sold under their name there is still a gap in understanding the relationship between product design and brand-building - Monika Hestad plugs that gap. Branding and Product Design discusses key questions about the link between product and brand and about design processes and innovation. It examines these questions on both macro and micro levels and provides the reader with tools to help understand the role of products in building a brand and how to bring the brand and the product design process together. These are based on the author's research into branding and product design her years of teaching these topics and her own industrial practice. Qualitative interviews delivering an 'insider' perspective on major brands bring abstract concepts to life. The book includes case studies from well-known and up-and-coming brands and will prove invaluable to design practitioners marketers managers and other professionals working close to designers. It will also benefit those teaching and studying particularly if they are involved in the new higher education programmes where business schools and design schools are co-operating to reflect the intersection between design and branding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409446262

Branding CitiesCosmopolitanism Parochialism and Social Change Fierce competitiveness between established and emerging major cities such as Berlin London Shanghai and Sydney has led to a pressure to excel as desirable locations for business cultural activities highly skilled migrants and tourists. At the same time the transformation of settled and new migrant communities creates complex urban borders and variegated representations (academic cinematic popular official) of the city. While cities increasingly deploy cosmopolitan images portraying the diversity of past and present populations and activities this continues to coexist with parochialism as a mood and mode of cultural formations and a reflection of local specificities. This volume brings together cultural analysts social scientists and media and film scholars to explore the ways in which core cities generate competing claims on and visions of their use and their future and thus have engaged with the necessity to brand their image for international consumption and for internal coherence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415536707

Branding DiversityNew Advertising and Cultural Strategies Branding Diversity considers how brands both reflect and affect contemporary discussions of cultural diversity. Advancing an innovative critical perspective on advertising the book challenges the latent assumption that advertisers are inherently conservative and reluctant to represent anything other than popularly agreeable scripts and narratives. On the contrary advertising is now replete with progressive messaging. Through Budweiser Gillette Vogue and Patagonia Susie Khamis demonstrates that such forays into the political realm are not just shrewd appraisals of popular causes but also inevitable outcomes of contemporary media and politics. This book will be of interest to scholars in advertising studies marketing communications and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367145446

Branding in Governance and Public Management Politicians and public managers utilize branding to communicate with the public as well as to position themselves within the ever-present media now so central to political and administrative life. They must further contend with stakeholders holding contradictory opinions about the nature of a problem the desirable solutions and the values at stake. Branding is used as a strategy to manage perceptions motivate stakeholders communicate clear messages in the media and position policies and projects. Brands have a unique ability to simplify such messages and motivate different actors to invest their energy in governance processes. Public administration scholars so far have however paid little attention to branding. This book provides a systematic analysis of branding as phenomenon in governance. It deals with the nature of public branding its relation to existing theories in public administration the way branding is used as a managerial strategy in governance processes and the risks and limitations of branding. Branding in Public Governance and Management highlights the growing importance of public banding as a public management strategy to influence political events decision-making processes and outcomes in governance processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415817912

Branding MasculinityTracing the Cultural Foundations of Brand Meaning Branding Masculinity examines two ideologies of masculinity – one typifying rural agricultural areas and the other found in urban business settings. Comparisons are made between these two current forms of masculinity and both similarities and differences are identified. Six product categories compose the Constellation of Masculinity for both groups. Hirschman selects a masculine prototype brand from each category and presents a detailed analysis of the images language and marketing actions used to create the brand's masculinity over time. Using her method marketers for other brands will be equipped to enhance the masculine status of their brands as well. Branding Masculinity proposes that masculine brands are made not born. Masculinity is an enduring cultural ideal which can be attached to a variety of products and brands by the appropriate use of symbols icons and images. Scholars from various disciplines within the fields of branding marketing public relations and corporate identity will see this book as vital in continuing the academic discourse in the field. It will serve as a respected reference resource for researchers academics students and policy makers alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138933392

Branding Oscar Wilde Branding Oscar Wilde traces the development and perception of Wilde’s public persona and examines the impact of interpretations of his writing. Through calculated behavior provocative language and arresting dress Wilde self-consciously created a brand initially recognized by family and friends then by the British public and ultimately by large audiences over the world. That brand changed over the course of his public career—both in the way Wilde projected it and in the way it was perceived. Comprehending the fundamental elements of the Wilde brand and following its evolution are integral to a full understanding of his art. The study focuses on how branding established important assumptions about Wilde and his work in his own mind and in those of his readers and it examines how each stage of brand development affected the immediate responses to Wilde’s writings and as it continued to evolve progressively shaped our understanding of the Wilde canon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367889470

Branding Post-Communist NationsMarketizing National Identities in the “New” Europe Nation branding--a set of ideas rooted in Western marketing--gained popularity in the post-communist world by promising a quick fix for the identity malaise of "transitional" societies. Since 1989 almost every country in Central and Eastern Europe has engaged in nation branding initiatives of varying scope and sophistication. For the first time this volume collects in one place studies that examine the practices and discourses of the nation branding undertaken in these countries. In addition to documenting various rebranding initiatives these studies raise important questions about their political and cultural implications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138776777

Branding Television Branding Television examines why and how the UK and US television industries have turned towards branding as a strategy in response to the rise of satellite cable and digital television and new media such as the internet and mobile phone. This is the first book to offer a sustained critical analysis of this new cultural development. Branding Television examines the industrial regulatory and technological changes since the 1980s in the UK and the USA that have led to the adoption of branding as broadcasters have attempted to manage the behaviour of viewers and the values associated with their channels services and programmes in a world of increased choice and interactivity. Wide-ranging case studies drawn from commercial public service network and cable/satellite television (from NBC and HBO to MTV and from BBC and Channel 4 to UKTV and Sky) analyse the role of marketing and design in branding channels and corporations and the development of programmes as brands. Exploring both successful and controversial uses of branding this book asks what problems there are in creating television brands and whether branding supports or undermines commercial and public service broadcasting. Branding Television extends and complicates our understanding of the changes to television over the past 30 years and of the role of branding in contemporary Western culture. It will be of particular interest to students and researchers in television studies but also in creative industries and media and cultural studies more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415548434

Branding the Nation the Place the Product Branding is a profoundly geographical type of commodification process. Many things become commodities that are compared and valuated on markets around the globe. Places such as cities or regions countries and nations attempt to acquire visibility through branding. Geographical imaginations are evoked to brand goods and places as commodities in order to show or create connections and add value. Yet not all that is branded was originally intended and created for markets.This volume aims to broaden current understanding of branding through a series of contributions from geography history political studies cultural and media studies offering insight into how ordinary places objects and practices become commodities through branding. In so doing the contributions also show how nation place and product as targets of branding can be seen as intertwined. To discuss these forms of branding book chapters refer to states cities holiday destinations food malls movies dances post stamps and other items that serve as brands and/or are branded.The book will be of interest to students and scholars in geography sociology history cultural studies and business studies who would like to gain an understanding of the intricate and surprising ways in which things places and cultural practices become brands. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884871

Branding TVPrinciples and Practices In an effort to halt increasing media competition and decreasing audience shares Branding has become the new mantra among television station and network executives. Branding TV: Principles and Practices second edition goes beyond the jargon of branding to explain the essential principles underlying successful branding and offers many practical strategies to measure build and manage television brand equity. For instructional purposes the book pays particular attention to the local commercial TV station and its news franchise. Written by broadcast professionals with years of experience this book shows how the notions of branding are no more prevalent than in the battle for dominance in local news. The practical suggestions in the book will help the savvy manager understand and take advantage of branding in their efforts to move their property to the forefront in the marketplace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142671

Brands and Brand ManagementContemporary Research Perspectives Very few books exist that meaningfully integrate the rich and vast body of scientific research and theories that have accumulated in the field relating to both traditional and contemporary topics in branding. This book accomplishes that task with contributions from leading experts in the science of branding national and international.  The book should appeal to all students faculty and marketing professionals with an interest in research findings about brands and an interest in deepening their understanding of how consumers view brands. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138882706

Brands and the CityEntanglements and Implications for Urban Life From commercial retail environments to branded urban villages brands are now a salient feature of contemporary cityscapes and are deeply entwined in people’s everyday lives. Drawing on extensive empirical material and recent theoretical developments in the sociology of brands this book explores the complex relationship between brands consumption and urban life. Covering a range of brands and branding in the city from themed retail stores to branded cultural quarters it considers how brands provide new ways of mediating identities lifestyles and social relations. At the same time the book reveals how brands are bound up with forms of socio-spatial division and exclusion in the city defining what kinds of practices images or attitudes are acceptable in a particular place constituting cultural boundaries that keep certain people and activities out. With attention throughout to the social and cultural implications of the presence of brands in urban space Brands and the City examines how people engage with brands and how brands shape urbanites’ experiences and sense of self society and space. An extensive exploration of the processes through which brands are integrated into cities their effects on everyday experiences and their role in the policing and governance of urban space this book will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in urban studies consumption and branding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367332976

Brands on a MissionHow to Achieve Social Impact and Business Growth Through Purpose Brands on a Mission explores the importance of creating a performance culture that is built on driving impact through purpose and the type of talent required to drive these transformational changes within companies – from CEO to brand developers. Using evidence from interviews and stories from over 100 CEOs thought leaders and brand managers the book presents an emergent model that organisations can follow to build purpose into their growth strategy – and shows how to bridge the gap between Brand Say and Brand Do. Readers will learn from the real experts in the field: how Paul Polman former CEO of Unilever built purpose into the DNA of his company; what keeps Alan Jope (new CEO Unilever) and Emmanuel Faber (CEO Danone) awake at night; and how brand developers from Durex Dove Discovery and LIXIL have made choices and the reasons behind them. In this book you will learn how a soap brand Lifebuoy taught one billion people about hygiene how a beer is tackling gender-based violence and how a toothpaste is tackling school absenteeism amongst many others. Renowned experts like Peter Piot (Director London School of Health and Tropical Medicine) Michael Porter (Professor Harvard School of Business) Jane Nelson (Director Corporate Responsibility Initiative Harvard Kennedy School) and Susie Orbach (leading feminist and formerly professor London School of Economics) also share examples data and their everyday experiences of helping corporates create a culture of purpose. And leading NGOs and UN experts like Lawrence Haddad (Executive Director GAIN) and Natalia Kanem (Executive Director of UNFPA) will recount how the public and private sector have worked together to create an accelerated path to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The book provides a clear pathway of how to take brands through the journey of developing impactful social missions and driving business growth and is an essential guide for both managers and students alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367428334

BrandsInterdisciplinary Perspectives Branding has emerged as a cornerstone of marketing practice and corporate strategy as well as a central cultural practice. In this book Jonathan Schroeder brings together a curated selection of the most influential and thought-provoking papers on brands and branding from Consumption Markets and Culture accompanied by new contributions from leading brand scholars Giana Eckhardt John F. Sherry Jr. Sidney Levy and Morris Holbrook.Organised into four perspectives – cultural corporate consumer critical - these papers are chosen to highlight the complexities of contemporary branding through leading consumer brands such as Disney eBay Guinness McDonalds Nike and Starbucks. They address key topics such as celebrity branding corporate branding place branding and retail branding and critique the complexities of contemporary brands to provide a rich trove of interdisciplinary research insights into the function of brands as ethical ideological and political objects.This thought-provoking collection will be of interest to all scholars of marketing consumer behaviour anthropology and sociology and anyone interested in the powerful roles brands play in consumer’s lives and cultural discourse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367870171

Brass Bands of the World: Militarism Colonial Legacies and Local Music Making Bands structured around western wind instruments are among the most widespread instrumental ensembles in the world. Although these ensembles draw upon European military traditions that spread globally through colonialism militarism and missionary work local musicians have adapted the brass band prototype to their home settings and today these ensembles are found in religious processions and funerals military manoeuvres and parades and popular music genres throughout the world. Based on their expertise in ethnographic and archival research the contributors to this volume present a series of essays that examine wind band cultures from a range of disciplinary perspectives allowing for a comparison of band cultures across geographic and historical fields. The themes addressed encompass the military heritage of band cultures; local appropriations of the military prototype; links between bands and their local communities; the spheres of local band activities and the modes of sociability within them; and the role of bands in trajectories toward professional musicianship. This book will appeal to readers with an interest in ethnomusicology colonial and post-colonial studies community music practices as well as anyone who has played with or listened to their local band. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251212

Brass RootsA Hundred Years of Brass Bands and Their Music 1836-1936 This book was originally published in 1998. For most of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century the brass band was a major feature of musical life in Britain. This book surveys the hundred years from 1836 in which bands flourished examining their origins in the village bands of the nineteenth century the culture of banding competitions that developed and the manner in which this fostered the growth and success of bands. Roy Newsome charts the impact of social and economic change on amateur bands during this period. The influence of classical music in particular opera on early band music is also examined. The latter part of the book looks in detail at the original music written for brass bands by composers such as Holst Elgar and Bliss as well as pieces written by prominent band leaders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367136406

Brauer Groups and the Cohomology of Graded Rings This book introduces various notions defined in graded terms extending the notions most frequently used as basic ingredients in the theory of Azumaya algebras: separability and Galois extensions of commutative rings crossed products and Galois cohomology Picard groups and the Brauer group. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003066040

BRAVO Principal!Building Relationships with Actions that Value Others It is only through effective leadership actions that principals can become outstanding leaders. By building relationships that value all stakeholders—including teachers students parents and community members—your actions will lead to a thriving school. This book provides you with the tools for emphasizing shared purpose caring integrity and honesty so you can Build Relationships with Actions that Value Others. In this updated edition you’ll find out how to: Establish trusting relationship based on mutual support respect and empowerment. Demonstrate cultural responsiveness by embracing diversity and integrating multicultural awareness throughout the curriculum. Employ creative concern-solving strategies and address conflicts with students parents and staff. Develop a learning culture to nurture student and teacher achievement. Each chapter concludes with a set of review questions to help you to reflect evaluate and improve upon your leadership skills. Filled with suggestions for actions that you can apply today this book shows you how to become a BRAVO Principal! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138851573

Bravo TeacherBuilding Relationships with Actions That Value Others As they wrestle with today’s rules regulations and high-stakes testing our best teachers never forget that strong positive relationships are at the core of student success. This book shows us how to build relationships with students parents and co-workers to create the kind of learning environments where all students achieve success. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315853642

Brazil And Brazilians First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138862043

Brazil and Climate ChangeBeyond the Amazon Climate change is increasingly a part of the human experience. As the problem worsens the cooperative dilemma that the issue carries has become evident: climate change is a complex problem that systematically gets insufficient answers from the international system. This book offers an assessment of Brazil’s role in the global political economy of climate change. The authors Eduardo Viola and Matías Franchini expertly review and answer the most common and widely cited questions on whether and in which way Brazil is aggravating or mitigating the climate crisis including: Is it the benign cooperative environmental power that the Brazilian government claims it is? Why was it possible to dramatically reduce deforestation in the Amazon (2005-2010) and more recently was there a partial reversion?  The book provides an accessible—and much needed—introduction to all those studying the challenges of the international system in the Anthropocene. Through a thorough analysis of Brazil in perspective vis a vis other emerging countries this book provides an engaging introduction and up to date assessment of the climate reality of Brazil and a framework to analyze the climate performance of major economies both on emission trajectory and policy profile: the climate commitment approach. Brazil and Climate Change is essential reading for all students of Environmental Studies Latin American Studies International Relations and Comparative Politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138106253

Brazil as a Rising PowerIntervention Norms and the Contestation of Global Order This book examines the normative tensions inherent in upward mobility within the international system focusing particularly on the clash between sovereign self-interest and the putatively universal norms associated with international interventions. It provides extensive detail and deep analysis of Brazil’s nature as a rising power and that nature’s implications for how the country crafts its international profile on issues such as intervention. In addition the book proposes innovative ways of (re)organising thematic conceptual and empirical research on the normative behaviour of emergent powers with regard to institutions of global governance and questions of intervention. In analysing what distinguishes Brazil as a rising power the contributors begin from the assumption that participation in intervention is an increasingly crucial element in demonstrating the capacity and responsibility for which demand accrues as a state seeks increased international profile. As such the debates around intervention serve as an indicative locus for examining the clash of norms that accompanies emergence as a global player. The book’s approach is to organise the analysis around thematic rather than chronological or praxis-based lines using the Brazilian case as an illustrative example capable of extrapolation to other emerging powers such as Turkey India and others.This work draws together rich empirical detail with sophisticated and varied conceptual analysis and will be of interest to scholars of international relations Latin-American politics and global governance.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597177

Brazil EmergingInequality and Emancipation This volume is a critical inquiry into the social project and socioeconomic realities of emerging Brazil a country that faces profound changes. A team of acknowledged specialists on Brazil’s complex configuration addresses state policies social dynamics and economic constraints and opportunities for emancipation. Chapters adopt long-run perspectives on the development of the Brazilian welfare state limits and opportunities for emancipation in the labor market the scope and depth of social policies such as "Bolsa Família" and Rio’s Peacemaking Police Units (UPP) social movements - in particular the Movement of the Landless (MST) - cultural policies at the federal level the role of media in the country’s democratization project and how two important commodities (sugar and oil) shape the identities of blacks and whites in Bahia. This book is essential reading for all those interested in understanding what kind of Brazil has acquired a prominent global position and what hurdles it faces to consolidate its position as a global player. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138952911

Brazil in the AnthropoceneConflicts between predatory development and environmental policies Brazil is considered one of the world’s most important environmental powers. With a continental territory containing almost 70 per cent of the Amazon rainforest along with a rich biodiversity and huge amount of natural resources its geopolitical role in environmental decisions is crucial to ongoing global negotiations surrounding climate change. Development policies based on extraction and exportation of raw materials by the mining and agribusiness sectors threaten the global environmental balance and the long-term sustainability of Brazil’s economy. Brazil in the Anthropocene examines Brazil's role within the global ecological crisis and considers how national and international policy is influenced by the interdependence of social political ethical scientific and economic factors in the modern age. With chapters from a diverse range of international scholars this interdisciplinary volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental politics environmental sociology and the environmental humanities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138315907

Brazil In The International SystemThe Rise Of A Middle Power This book evaluates Brazil from a "Brazil in the world" viewpoint placing the country in the current international system in relation to its capabilities effects and interest positions. It assesses the extent and direction of Brazil's potential to exert international influence in the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172114

Brazil in the Uruguay Round of the GATTThe Evolution of Brazil's Position in the Uruguay Round with Emphasis on the Issue of Services First published in 1998 this volume analyses Brazil’s strategy in the Uruguay Round focusing on the issue of services. Three different moments were chosen for analysis. The first was during discussions before the launch of the Uruguay Round. During this period Brazil led the Less Developed Countries (LDCs) in obstructing the inclusion of services on the agenda. The Second was during the launch of the Uruguay Round when Brazil persisted with this policy. This second period is referred to as the initial position of Brazil in the Uruguay Round. The third was Montreal in 1988 when Brazil supported the principles which guided an agreement on services. After this turning point Brazil’s position in the Round was increasingly supportive of an agreement not only in services but in all fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607750

Brazil’s EconomyAn Institutional and Sectoral Approach The past century has witnessed profound transitions in Brazil’s economy: from a surge of industrialization connected to export economy to state projects of importsubstitution industrialization followed by a process of neoliberal global market integration. How have Brazilian entrepreneurs and businesses navigated these contexts?This comprehensive text explores the institutional and sectoral structure of the Brazilian economy through a collection of new case studies examining how key institutions work within Brazil’s specific economic political and cultural context. Offering a long-term evolutionary perspective the book explores Brazil’s economic past in order to offer insights on its present and future trajectory. The contributions gathered here offer fresh insights into representative sectors of Brazil’s economy from aerospace to software television music and banking paying particular attention to sectors that are likely to drive future growth. Chapters include questions about the roles of foreign and state capital changes in market regulation the emergence of new technologies the opening of markets institutional and organizational frameworks and changing management paradigms.When examined together the contributions shed light not only on Brazilian business history but also on the country as a whole. Brazil’s Economy: An Institutional and Sectoral Approach offers fascinating reading for anyone with an interest in: Latin American Economics; the business history of the region; and in doing business in present-day Latin America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667658

BrazilCulture And Politics In A New Industrial Powerhouse Myths and misconceptions about Brazil the world's fifth largest and most populous country are long-standing. Far from a sleeping giant Brazil is the southern hemisphere's most important country. Entering its second decade of civilian constitutional government after a protracted period of military rule it has also recently achieved sustained eco Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314699

Brazilian Agrarian Social Movements Contradictions between impressive levels of economic growth and the persistence of poverty and inequality are perhaps nowhere more evident than in rural Brazil. While Brazil might appear to be an example of the potential harmony between large-scale export-oriented agribusiness and small-scale family farming high levels of rural resistance contradict this vision. In this volume individual contributions from a variety of researchers across the field highlight seven key characteristics of contemporary Brazilian resistance that have broader resonance in the region and beyond: the growth of international networks the changing structure of state–society collaboration the deepening of territorial claims the importance of autonomy the development of alternative economies continued opposition to dispossession and struggles over the meaning of nature. By analyzing rural mobilization in Brazil this collection offers a range of insights relevant to rural contention globally. Each contribution in this title increases our understanding of alternative agricultural production large-scale development projects education race and political parties in the contemporary agrarian context. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Peasant Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138393233

Brazilian Folk Narrative Scholarship PbdirectA Critical Survey and Selective Annotated Bibliography Although Brazilian scholars have collected and studied folklore since the second half of the nineteenth century their work has gone largely unnoticed by folklorists working in other parts of the world. With the exception of anthropologists who occasionally study the folk literature of indigenous peoples in Brazil few foreigners are familiar with or even aware of the kinds of folklore studies that have been undertaken in that country. This work aims to characterize the nature of Brazilian narrative studies and trends; to discuss and assess the roots of the apparent preoccupations approaches and objectives of traditional narrative scholarship in Brazil; to examine Brazilian folklore scholarship in light of Euro-American research; and to point out the results and accomplishments of Brazilian research while simultaneously indicating possibilities for new directions in research. First published in 1994. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138845336

Brazilian Lectures1973 Sao Paulo; 1974 Rio de Janeiro/Sao Paulo These lectures delivered in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro during 1973 and 1974 reveal Bion in his most vital and challenging mode both in respect of the material he presents and in his responses to the questions from his audience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323578

Brazilian Legacies Focusing on Brazil this text covers issues such as: the legacy of colour; social realities; and diversions and assertive behaviour. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315503851

Brazilian Medicinal Plants The vast and exciting Brazilian flora biodiversity is still underexplored. Several research groups are devoted to the study of the chemical structure richness found in the different Biomes. This volume presents a comprehensive account of the research collated on natural products produced from Brazilian medicinal plants and focuses on various aspects of the field. The authors describe the key natural products and their extracts with emphasis upon sources an appreciation of these complex molecules and applications in science. Many of the extracts are today associated with important drugs nutrition products beverages perfumes cosmetics and pigments and these are highlighted. Key Features: Presents Brazilian biodiversity: its flora its people and its research Describes the emergence of natural products research in Brazil Emphasizes the increasing global interests in botanical drugs Aids the international natural product communities to better understand the herbal resources in Brazil Discusses Brazilian legislation to work with native plants Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138093751

Brazilian Mobilities Brazilian Mobilities presents an overview of the diversity of mobility studies developed in Brazil. It builds a picture of a strong Latin-American perspective emerging in the field of mobilities research which provides unique insight into the complex dynamics of mobilities in the emerging countries from the Global South. Addressing such different areas as tourism urbanization media studies social inequalities marketing and mega-events transport and technology among others the contributors use the new mobilities paradigm or NMP (Sheller & Urry 2006) as a starting point to reflect about the social changes experienced in the country and they also engage with newer literature on mobilities including work done by Brazilian and Latin-American authors depending on the subject of each individual chapter. Illustrating to scholars the uniqueness and complexity of the Brazilian social-political and economic context the book was organized in order to be a representative sample of the studies carried out in Brazil as well as to contribute to other academic investigations on (im)mobilities and different social realities in emerging countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172770

Brazilian National Cinema Brazilian cinema is one of the most influential national cinemas in Latin America and this wide-ranging study traces the evolution of Brazilian film from the silent era to the present day including detailed studies of more recent international box-office hits such as Central Station (1998) and City of God (2002). Brazilian National Cinema gives due importance to traditionally overlooked aspects of Brazilian cinema such as popular genres ranging from musical comedies (the chanchada) to soft-core porn films (the pornochanchada) and horror films and also provides a fresh approach to the internationally acclaimed avant-garde Cinema Novo of the 1960s. Lisa Shaw and Stephanie Dennison apply recent theories on stardom particularly relating to issues of ethnicity race and gender to both well-known Brazilian performers such as Carmen Miranda and Sonia Braga and lesser known domestic icons such as the Afro-Brazilian comic actor Grande Otelo (Big Othello) and the uberblonde children’s TV and film star and media mogul Xuxa. This timely addition to the National Cinemas series provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between Brazilian cinema and issues of national and cultural identity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203755037

Brazilian Popular Music and Globalization This collection of articles by leading scholars traces the history of Brazilian pop music through the twentieth-century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138169142

Brazilian Popular MusicCaetano Veloso and the Regeneration of Tradition Brazilian Popular Music or Música Popular Brasileira (MPB) developed in the mid 1960s as a response to the re-thinking of Brazilian national identity following the establishment of the post-1964 military regime. A leading figure in MPB at this time was Caetano Veloso and it is his music and its reception that form the focus of this book. A leader of the Tropicalist movement Veloso sought to initiate a critical debate on Brazilian Popular Music and the political and ideological foundations which underpinned its aesthetic. Lorraine Leu examines Veloso's musical and vocal styles revealing the ways in which they play with traditional expectations between the performer and listener and argues that they represent an important response to the severe censorship and repression of the military regime. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275072

Brazilian Sports History Sport History is a growing field of study in Brazil. In the past decades scholars from different areas have taken an increasing interest in studying how sports help us in understanding broader social cultural political and economic aspects of society. Barriers of language have often distanced Brazilian historiography from the international community which makes this volume in English especially important as a contribution to the field. In the last decade Brazil has been on the spotlight of international sporting events and with the staging of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro the world is focused on Brazilian sports and this book provides a route into understanding it.Brazilian Sports History offers a glimpse into the work of ten Brazilian leading sport historians exploring topics as diverse as sports in 19th-century Brazil the political aspects of sport in Brazilian authoritarian regimes sport and environment the image of Brazilian women and sport sport as a Brazilian intangible cultural heritage and the importance of staging mega sporting events in Brazilian politics. This book was previously published as a special issue of the International Journal of the History of Sport. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367022815

Brazilian Woodcut Prints First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964983

Brazilian YouthGlobal Trends and Local Perspectives The collection brings together texts of Brazilian researchers who are dedicated to themes related to studies of youth cultures: social interactions subcultures identities and belonging pop culture social movements migration consumption and materialities generational exchanges media representations and digital media among others. The objective is to promote a broad dialogue that includes fields of knowledge such as communication and social sciences as well as local perspectives that represent the huge and rich diversity of the Brazilian regions. At the same time the book proposes to discuss the reflexivity of such local youth cultures in the face of a global context that challenges with ruptures and permanencies the very idea of youth. The book seeks to fill the gap of a selection of scientific texts by Brazilian authors about Brazilian youth cultures aimed at foreign researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367257644

Brazil's Economic And Political Future The 1985 elections in Brazil returned South America's largest country to democratic rule after two decades of military government. But the Sarney administration faces substantial economic and political challenges: over a 250 percent annual inflation rate a foreign debt of more than $115 billion and over a 20 percent unemployment rate. This collec Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367156206

'Bread and Circuses'Euergetism and Municipal Patronage in Roman Italy Cities in the ancient world relied on private generosity to provide many basic amenities as well as expecting leading citizens to pay for 'bread and circuses' - free food and public entertainment. This collection of essays by leading scholars from the UK and USA explores the important phenomenon of benefaction and public patronage in Roman Italy.Ranging from the late republican period to the later Roman Empire the contributions cover a wide range of topics including the impact of benefactions and benefactors on the urban development of Roman Italy on cultural and economic activity and on the changing role of games and festivals in Roman society. They also explore the relationship between communities and their benefactors whether these were local notables senators or the emperor himself and examine how the nature of benefaction changed under the Empire. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518567

Bread and Its FortificationNutrition and Health Benefits Today bread supplies over half of the caloric intake of the world’s population including a high proportion of the intake of Vitamins B and E. Bread therefore is a major food of the world. Bread was the main stables of the ancient Egyptian diet. Around 7 000 BC humans (probably Egyptians) somehow learned to grind grains in water and heat the mix on hot stoves to make unleavened bread. The art of bread making goes back to very early stages of different historical eras. Bread is an important part of the human diet but for many people it is much more than just providing macro- and micro-nutrients. Bread with their different types is influenced mainly by the nature of substrate and microorganisms involved in the fermentation. The components of bread depend on the type of bread and on practice and regulations operating in a country. They include basic components and other components (fortifying or enriching ingredients emulsifiers anti-fungal agents anti-oxidants enzymes and favoring agents etc.). Bread and its Fortification for Nutrition and Health Benefits provides updated information in the area of bread and its fortification for health benefits. It serves as a useful reference book with recent advances in the areas of fermentation technology bread microbiology bread biotechnology and bread biochemistry which is related strongly to human health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498701563

Bread and the British Economy 1770–1870 In this ambitious book Christian Petersen has taken a central topic in economic and social history and given it a new sweep and coherence. As the Lord’s Prayer suggests securing an adequate supply of bread was a matter of over-riding concern to everyone until very recently. Bread was always by far the largest single item in the budgets of the poor but bread could be made from many grains - wheat rye barley etc. Christian Petersen describes how in the later eighteenth century the process of replacing other cereals by wheat in bread making was completed throughout Britain. He provides a continuous series of estimates of bread consumption per caput of bread prices (and consequently used in conjunction with population data of total national expenditure on bread) and of wheat output and net imports. The implications of the changes in techniques of milling and baking that occurred are analysed and the organisation of the baking and retailing of bread is described. Bread was so central to the economy of individual households and to the national economy as a whole that this book represents a major contribution to the history of the British economy and of British society in the period 1770-1870. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380189

Bread Staling The role of starch gluten lipids water and other components in bread staling is a subject of continual study using advanced analytical methodologies and sophisticated multidisciplinary approaches. Significant recent progress has been made in the fundamental understanding of the events leading to bread staling. Bread Staling presents current knowledge from a physico-chemical perspective with the intent of providing applicable methods to improve product shelf-life and to design new and longer-lasting baked goods. The contributors detail how to solve this food problem by using polymer science material research and molecular spectroscopy which is a new way to approach a centuries-old problem. This approach can aid manufacturers in developing anti-staling formulations for bread and other baked products. The non-traditional areas of research presented in this book such as the glassy-rubbery transition and its relevance to bread staling provide crucial information for scientists and engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891248

Breaded Fried Foods Despite the hype about healthy low-carb/low-fat diets the production of deep-fat fried foods continues to be a major processing operation around the world generating billions of dollars each year. Due to their uniquely crispy exterior and juicy interior breaded fried foods in particular are popular among consumers. Unlike many books that have focused solely on the process of deep-fat frying and fried foods in general Breaded Fried Foods is one of the first references to provide a coherent and concise overview of issues that are specific to breaded or battered fried foods. With internationally recognized authors including renowned expert Dr. Manjeet S. Chinnan this comprehensive resource addresses groundbreaking advances in the reduction of fat uptake in fried foods best practices for enhancing the quality of breaded fried foods techniques for improving product crispness and the impact of breading and batters on the quality of frying oil. The book also discusses new industry frying methods preventive measures to reduce oil waste and pre- and post-frying procedures to limit oil uptake. Deep-fat fried foods are universal with strong consumer appeal in countries worldwide. Filled with numerous graphs and photographic illustrations Breaded Fried Foods encapsulates the most current industry research and technological advances in this ever-growing industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138117884

Breadline Britain in the 1990s First published in 1997 this series published in association with the Social Policy Research Unity at the University of York is designed to inform public debate about these policy areas and to make the details of important policy-related research more widely available. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607590

Breadline USAThe Hidden Scandal of American Hunger and How to Fix It Twenty-five million Americans—nearly 9 percent of the U.S. population—rely on food pantries. Another 13 million aren’t linked to a food distribution network and 14 million children are at risk of going hungry on any given day. Moreover the faltering economy is increasing the number of American families that don’t know where their next meals are coming from.<br><br><i>Breadline USA</i> treats this crisis not only as matter of failed policies but also as a portrait of real human suffering. Investigative reporter Sasha Abramsky focuses attention on the people behind the statistics—the families caught up in circumstances beyond their control. <i>Breadline USA</i> is a vivid reminder of the fate to which many more Americans may be subject without urgent action.<br><br> Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781936227099

Breakdown and Change of Private Interest Governments Private Interest Governments were identified in the 1980s as a special form of public regulation in selected economic sectors rivalling conventional market state or community-based forms of public order. This book examines how these institutional arrangements have changed since their identification. It takes into account external changes such as Europeanization globalization liberalization and sector-specific developments which have had an impact on even long-established public policies. Breakdown and Change of Private Interest Governments presents new empirical insights in changes which led to the disappearance of a prime example of neo-corporatism a traditional form of political and economic regulation recurring to original data for interest associations in the dairy sector of four countries Austria Britain Germany and Switzerland. It discusses the empirical results and the similarities and differences between the countries with regard to external processes which were studied with a different focus in the past. Utilising a comparative country case approach and the dairy industry as a specific sector case study Breakdown and Change of Private Interest Governments will be of interest to students and scholars of Globalization and Political Economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377011

BreakdownThe facts about stress in teaching Between 1989 and 1999 half the teachers in England and Wales quit their posts. By the late nineties more than six thousand teachers a year were retiring early on grounds of ill health. In recent years hardly a school in the country has not lost at least one teacher because of a 'nervous breakdown'.Breakdown looks at what is happening in teaching today. Why breakdowns have become so common what it means to suffer a breakdown and the consequences of this epidemic for schools and children. It suggests what teachers can do to help themselves what schools should do to help their staff and the ways in which the local authorities can offer practical support. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155305

Breaking Al-QaedaPsychological and Operational Techniques Second Edition Breaking Al-Qaeda: Psychological and Operational Techniques Second Edition explores the background and history of al-Qaeda covers recent developments and explains how why and where the al-Qaeda network is expanding. The author examines the current state of the terrorist network and describes what groups in the network are doing to recruit plan and carry out attacks worldwide.The book reports on intelligence and counterterror methods being used to garner information on al-Qaeda. It describes how the destabilization of Arab countries has led to opportunities for terrorists to capitalize on that instability and gain a foothold in countries such as Egypt Yemen Somalia and Syria. Addresses information collection and analysis Provides an overview of the business of informational influence Explains how psychology can be used to understand and exploit individuals in terrorist networks Explores the relationships between the core of al-Qaeda and other groups Illustrating the message and ideology of al-Qaeda since the death of Usama bin Laden the text explains the steps being taken to counter this threat. It also details psychological and operational techniques that can be used to counter network groups and fracture relationships between groups. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482230116

Breaking Away From Broken WindowsBaltimore Neighborhoods And The Nationwide Fight Against Crime Grime Fear And Decline In Breaking Away from Broken Windows Ralph Taylor uses data on recent Baltimore crime-reduction efforts to attack the 'broken windows' thesis--that is the currently fashionable notion that by reducing or eliminating superficial signs of disorder (dilapidated buildings graffiti incivil behavior by teenagers etc.) urban police deparments can make significant and lasting reductions in crime. Taylor argues that such measures while useful are only a partial solution to the problem at hand. His data supports a materialist view: changes in levels of physical decay superficial social disorder and racial composition do not lead to higher crime while economic decline does. He contends that the Baltimore example shows that in order to make real long-term reductions in crime urban politicians businesses and community leaders must work together to improve the economic fortunes of those living in high-crime areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367098728

Breaking Barriers in Counseling MenInsights and Innovations Breaking Barriers in Counseling Men is a unique collection of personal and engaging contributions from nationally recognized scholars and clinicians with expertise in treating men. The editors have selected men’s clinicians who address areas as diverse as sexual dysfunction male bonding over sports father-son relationships and counseling men in the military. Featuring a mix of clinical tips personal anecdotes and theoretical reframing this book takes clinicians invested in these issues to the next level breaking down barriers to connecting with men and getting them the help that is so often needed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415532891

Breaking BoundariesPolitics and Play in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries First published in 1998 this volume explores the period 1585-1649 identifying it as rich in innovative drama which challenged the boundaries between social political and cultural activities of various kinds. Molly Smith examines ways in which texts by Renaissance authors reflect question and influence their society’s ideological concerns. In the drama of Kyd Shakespeare Beaumont and Fletcher Webster Middleton Massinger and Ford she identifies the simultaneously serious and playful appropriation of popular cultural practices an appropriation which is expertly reversed by authorities in the political drama of Charles I’s public trial and execution in 1649. This compelling interpretation of Renaissance drama will prove of value to students of literature and social history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607460

Breaking BreadInsurgent Black Intellectual Life In this provocative and captivating dialogue bell hooks and Cornel West come together to discuss the dilemmas contradictions and joys of Black intellectual life. The two friends and comrades in struggle talk argue and disagree about everything from community to capitalism in a series of intimate conversations that range from playful to probing to revelatory. In evoking the act of breaking bread the book calls upon the various traditions of sharing that take place in domestic secular and sacred life where people come together to give themselves to nurture life to renew their spirits sustain their hopes and to make a lived politics of revolutionary struggle an ongoing practice. This 25th anniversary edition continues the dialogue with "In Solidarity " their 2016 conversation at the bell hooks Institute on racism politics popular culture and the contemporary Black experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138218765

Breaking Free from DepressionPathways to Wellness When it comes to treating depression one size definitely doesn't fit all. How do you find the science-based treatment that will work for you? What can you do to restore the fighting spirit and motivation that are so essential for overcoming this illness? Leading psychiatrist-researcher Jesse Wright and his daughter Laura McCray a family physician have helped many thousands of depressed patients discover effective pathways to wellness. Here they describe powerful treatment tools and present a flexible menu of self-help strategies you can try today or turn to in the future. Dozens of reproducible worksheets and forms are included for you to complete in the book or download and print for repeated use. Learn proven ways to break the cycle of negative thinking restore energy and a sense of well-being strengthen your relationships and make informed decisions about medications. You can beat depression and keep your life headed in a positive direction. This book shows how. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781606239193

Breaking InTales from the Screenwriting Trenches Breaking In: Tales from the Screenwriting Trenches is a no-nonsense boots-on-the-ground exploration of how writers REALLY go from emerging to professional in today’s highly saturated and competitive screenwriting space. With a focus on writers who have gotten representation and broken into the TV or feature film space after the critical 2008 WGA strike and financial market collapse the reader will learn from tangible examples of how success was achieved via hard work and specific methodology. This book includes interviews from writers who wrote major studio releases (The Boy Next Door) staffed on television shows (American Crime NCIS New Orleans Sleepy Hollow) sold specs and television shows placed in competitions and were accepted to prestigious network and studio writing programs. These interviews are presented as Screenwriter Spotlights throughout the book and are supported by insight from top-selling agents and managers (including those who have sold scripts and pilots had their writers named to prestigious lists such as The Black List and The Hit List) as well as working industry executives. Together these anecdotes learnings and perceptions tied in with the author's extensive experience in and knowledge of the industry will inform the reader about how the industry REALLY works what it expects from both working and emerging writers as well as what next steps the writer should engage in in order to move their screenwriting career forward. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138679122

Breaking into the CurriculumThe Impact of Information Technology on Schooling Information technology is here to stay. Its impact has already been far-reaching: in business in communications and in leisure activities it has been responsible for replacing human action by that of machines. As such it raised questions about freedom and the meaning of work and human activity which could no longer be ignored by those working in education. The educational response to information technology must ensure that human activities are enhanced rather than enslaved by computers. Originally published in 1988 Breaking into the Curriculum provides one such response. A range of curricular structures and teacher roles are examined for their potential for preserving freedom in a future that was already being formed and informed by electronic systems. Drawing on case studies of pupils and teachers from throughout their school career the authors of this collection sought to provoke discussion on the true ends of education and the kinds of strategies that would best realise those ends. Information technology it is argued is already shaping our thinking concerning the schooling of children. As such it can either create an electronically-controlled environment or it can provide the stimulus for imaginative playful and creative thought and the development of ‘intelligence’ in its broadest sense. The choice is ours: the authors of this collection seek to inform that choice. Today it can be read in its historical context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367441357

Breaking New Ground in U.S. Trade Policy This book reexamines the U.S. trade policy discussing challenges that prompted the Committee for Economic Development to construct a modern framework and reaffirm its support of the multilateral trade system. It presents recommendations essential to bolstering U.S. competitiveness in the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367012601

Breaking New GroundMining Minerals and Sustainable Development Mining is fundamental to our lives - we wear and travel in; build cook and communicate with its products daily. However it is also one of the most environmentally damaging industries. This study examines how such a huge and multi-facetted industry can be made sustainable minimizing its harmful impacts and maximizing its social and economic contribution. It analyses the different needs and risks of those affected as well as issues of supply and demand of minerals throughout the world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315541501

Breaking Out of the Games Industry This book offers a perspective into a phenomenon becoming more and more common: AAA developers ‘going indie’. Written through the personal story of the author finding his way into the AAA games space only to retreat back to indie games and consulting work and finding a new-old life making games for himself and finding fulfillment in doing so. It is both a word of warning to creatives seeking a corporation and a call for disillusioned developers to break free and do something wild creative and unexpected. It is critical of common industry issues such as structural crunch health issues work life balance and more but is also a personal story of mismatched needs in doing creative work.   Key Features Under-explored viewpoint of the games industry someone who worked for years to ‘break in’ then worked for years to ‘break out’. Offers a unique look at making an indie game life both financially and mentally feasible. Encourages developers sitting on the fence to take the plunge. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780815360063

Breaking Out of the Pink-Collar GhettoPolicy Solutions for Non-College Women Widely interdisciplinary in appeal this book reports on the successes of innovative training opportunities for non-college women who end up in low-paying low-mobility pink-collar jobs. The author examines the relative effectiveness of various programs in helping these women gain access to high-wage high-mobility employment opportunities. The analysis includes case studies of grant-funded projects as well as in-depth statistical analysis using ten years of data on women throughout the United States. These types of education and training options are in tremendous demand and the author finds that they are having a powerful impact on the job prospects of non-college women. As an integral part of her study she spells out what kinds of programs have proven most and least effective. Breaking Out of the Pink-Collar Ghetto addresses vital issues concerning the effects of gender segregation in career counseling and employment and training policy. It provides much-needed guidance on employment and training services delivery. The book has wide application for students as well as professionals in the fields of public policy and public administration educational counseling and vocational education labor economics and women's studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315497938

Breaking Patterns of ConflictBritain Ireland and the Northern Ireland Question The role of external powers and international bodies in efforts to break patterns of conflict and to install stable and durable peace settlements is well known. This book focuses on an unusual case where the sovereign state and a neighbour state help broker an agreed settlement in a disputed and conflictual region. It analyses the roles of the British and Irish governments in pursuing political stability in Northern Ireland a disputed region of the United Kingdom over which the Irish state has had a territorial claim.The book focuses on the changes in the British state whose writ extends over Northern Ireland but also the Irish state which surrendered a strong formal but ineffective claim to jurisdiction over Northern Ireland for the reality of a significant voice in its political future. These changes ultimately facilitated the process of settlement leading to the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and the later transformation of institutions and political relations in Northern Ireland and between the UK and Ireland. It innovates by using a new oral archive of elite interviews built up over the past decade.The authors of the various chapters address a range of dimensions in which these changes are reflected. These include new interpretations of the dynamics of the Northern Ireland conflict and in particular of the evolving British-Irish relationship new perspectives on the positions of governments and parties and new analyses of the contribution of cross-border contacts in two areas where consequences are likely to be indirect but profound: television broadcasting and business cooperation.This book was published as a special issue of Irish Political Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739461

Breaking Records100 Years of Hits First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870239

Breaking StoryThe South African Press A comprehensive review of the press in South Africa since 1976—the year the Soweto riots triggered nationwide protests against white domination—this book examines the role the press has played in reflecting and shaping both apartheid and its undoing. Beginning with a survey of the social and political changes occurring during the period Gordon Jackson goes on to examine the overall structure of the newspaper industry in South Africa. Jackson offers an in-depth analysis of the economic difficulties facing journalism including the impact of television's increasing share of the advertising market. He gives special attention to the alternative press which arose in the mid-1980s at the height of the government's crackdown on dissent and explores the origins and impacts of regulations imposed under the State of Emergency in effect from 1985 to 1990 which included massive restrictions on the media. In closing Jackson considers how the press confronted obstacles in order to survive in a political climate that brought freedom of the press to the brink of extinction and looks at how the press is changing now that the South African government itself has rejected apartheid. He concludes by examining the forces favoring the success of a free press under a black majority government and assessing the desirability of a national media policy Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367011468

Breaking the Iron Rice BowlProspects for Socialism in China's Countryside First published in 1988 this book explores the socio-economic and political impacts of Chinese socialist movements peasant initiatives rural industrialization and economic reforms in China in the mid-twentieth century. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315493497

Breaking the RulesWomen in Prison and Feminist Therapy Breaking the Rules: Women in Prison and Feminist Therapy challenges therapists public policymakers voters and those in the criminal justice system to find treatment options empowerment strategies viable resources community support and policies that can help women with problems such as drug abuse domestic violence poverty and prostitution rather than perpetually punishing them.Breaking the Rules shows you how our society makes ‘other’of those among us who are most vulnerable injured and without resources. It digs under your skin and forces you to look at: the histories of abuse among women who have murdered their partners the impact of race and ethnicity on patterns of mothering and caretaking of children of women prisoners the lack of treatment options for addicted women prisoners how prison reawakens the feelings of powerlessness in women who have suffered childhood physical and sexual abuse helping women inmates develop marketable educational and vocational skills support systems and positive perceptions of themselves collaborative strategies that challenge the status quo of programs and support available to female offenders and their families a relational model of treatment that is based on the integration of three theoretical perspectives the strengths and limitations of twelve step programs for womenMapping the problems and offering solutions Breaking the Rules walks you through treatment strategies and self-confirming experiences--such as feminist therapy prisoner-led support groups affirmative prison programming and art therapy--that help women draw on their strengths come to terms with their pasts and meet future challenges head on. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783956

Breaking the Silence Intended for psychologists clergy and therapists and school guidance counselors specializing in treating dysfunctional families grief counseling for the family unresolved grief issues etc. This book is also especially appropriate for students of psychology and death and bereavement courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415784450

Breaking the SilenceA Guide to Helping Children with Complicated Grief - Suicide Homicide AIDS Violence and Abuse The second edition of this bestselling book is designed for mental health professionals educators and the parent/caregiver this book provides specific ideas and techniques to work with children in various areas of complicated grief. It presents words and methods to help initiate discussions of these delicate topics as well as tools to help children understand and separate complicated grief into parts. These parts in turn can be grieved for and released one at a time.A new chapter is included called "Communities Grieve: Involvement with Children and Trauma." It includes information on The Taiwan Earthquake and how the community worked with children a school bus accident in which 36 elementary school children witnessed the death of the bus driver that was driving and how the school system worked with these children and their families; a boy who was running on a cross country team and got hit by a car which was witnessed by teammates; and how a non-profit community grief agency worked with family school and community. The last study is from the Oklahoma bombing and the outgrowth of a place for the traumatized children and how they still work with kids and family today. This chapter then contains new activities to work with traumatized grieving children.The new edition also includes updated resources books curriculums websites hotlines and another new chapter on bullying and victimization issues. The chapter for educators has been expanded including the coverage of topics such as at-risk students gay and lesbian issues and self-injurious behaviors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138136618

Breaking the SilenceArt Therapy With Children From Violent Homes First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315803593

Breaking the SilenceGroup Therapy for Childhood Sexual Abuse A Practitioner's Manual A program you can use for time limited clients suffering from sexual abuse!Breaking the Silence: Group Therapy for Childhood Sexual Abuse guides you through initial establishment and group formation to its termination. The step-by-step approach outlines themes and issues common to this population raises pertinent questions and highlights common pitfalls or problem areas in conducting therapy. You’ll discover innovative ways to work with survivors of childhood sexual abuse by addressing these key therapy issues: issues of trust sexuality and disclosure family dynamics emotional expression transference/countertransference male survivors group sessions the impact of abuse a concise fifteen-session time-limited psycho-educational group therapy program for adult survivors of sexual abuseThe program planning approach described in Breaking the Silence allows you to adapt the program to meet your individual clients’needs. The concise fifteen-session time-limited psycho-educational group therapy program for adult survivors of sexual abuse is designed to therapeutically address the long-term sequelae associated with a past history of child abuse. The literature review of childhood sexual abuse treatment along with this program and the invaluable sections on male survivors sexuality and other areas dealing with the emotional repercussions of childhood sexual abuse are invaluable sources of information for helping survivors develop and maintain healthy relationships and balanced lives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809915

Breaking the Thread of LifeOn Rational Suicide Suicide and how civilized people should respond to it is an increasingly controversial topic in modern society. In Holland suicide is the third leading cause of death of people between the ages of fifteen and forty. In the United States it is the second leading cause of death among older teenagers. Laws prohibiting assisted suicide are being directly and boldly confronted by activists in the United States most notably Jack Kevorkian. Meanwhile the American Civil Liberties Union has publicly declared suicide a fundamental human right that should be protected under the Constitution. The Hemlock Society has introduced referenda in California Washington and Oregon to legalize suicide and assisted suicide. The most vocal opposition to these initiatives has come from the Roman Catholic church.Breaking the Thread of Life marshalls philosophical moral medical historical and theological arguments in support of the Roman Catholic position against suicide. In a comprehensive study of the history of suicide Barry shows that Christian civilization was one of only a few early societies that was able to bring suicide under control. He counters claims that Catholicism and the Bible endorse rational suicide. Barry also analyzes arguments in support of the rationality of suicide and illuminates their biases inadequacies and dangers.Barry presents the rationale for the Roman Catholic church's strong extensive and articulate opposition to efforts to gain legal and social endorsement of suicide and assisted suicide. His book represents the most complete study of the classical Roman Catholic view of rational suicide to date and it will be of significant interest to philosophers theologians physicians and lawyers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315082004

Breaking the Wave: Women Their Organizations and Feminism 1945-1985 Breaking the Wave is the first anthology of original essays by both younger and established scholars that takes a long view of feminist activism by systematically examining the dynamics of movement persistence during moments of reaction and backlash. Ranging from the "civic feminism" of white middle-class organizers and the "womanism" of Harlem consumers in the immediate postwar period to the utopian feminism of Massachusetts lesbian softball league founders and environmentally minded feminists in the 1970s and 1980s Breaking the Wave documents a continuity of activism in both national and local organizing that creates a new discussion and a new paradigm for twentieth century women’s history. Contributors: Jacqueline L. Castledine Susan K. Freeman Julie A. Gallagher Marcia Gallo Sally J. Kenney Rebecca M. Kluchin Kathleen A. Laughlin Lanethea Mathews Catherine E. Rymph Julia Sandy-Bailey Jennifer A. Stevens Janet Weaver and Leandra Zarnow. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203842935

Breaking Through BiasCommunication Techniques for Women to Succeed at Work More than fifty years after the beginning of the Women's Movement and forty years after passage of Title IX women are still not "making it" in traditionally male careers. Women start their careers on parity with men but generally end them far earlier having achieved less status lower compensation and less satisfaction than men. Breaking Through Bias explains that it is the stereotypes about women men work leadership and family that hold women back and it presents an integrated set of communication techniques that women can use to avoid the discriminatory consequences of these stereotypes. Women define career success in a wide variety of ways. But whatever a woman's personal definition if she is in a traditionally male-dominated career--virtually all high status highly compensated fields--her career is at risk because of pervasive gender stereotypes. This highly practical book makes clear that women don't need to change who they are to succeed in their chosen careers and they certainly don't need to act more like men. Women do however need to be attuned to the negative gender stereotypes that surround them; they need to anticipate the biases these stereotypes foster and they need to manage the impressions they make to avoid or overcome these biases.  Based on the authors' personal experiences as business leaders and practicing attorneys involvement in compensation and hiring decisions extensive mentoring activities and numerous scientific and academic studies Breaking Through Bias presents unique practical and effective advice about how women can at last break through gender bias in the workplace and win at the career advancement game. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629561042

Breaking Through Grass Ceiling First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315080123

Breaking Through the Language Arts BlockOrganizing and Managing the Exemplary Literacy Day This innovative book helps K–6 teachers infuse the entire school day with research-based literacy best practices. Classroom-tested strategies are presented for planning and implementing each component of the "exemplary literacy day"--vocabulary and word study sessions literacy work stations differentiated guided reading groups reading and writing workshops and interdisciplinary projects. Teachers get tips for organizing a print-rich classroom supporting students' social–emotional well-being and using assessment to guide instruction. User-friendly features include vivid vignettes classroom management tips questions for discussion and reflection and 15 reproducible forms checklists and lesson templates. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Note: this book is a contemporary follow-up to Morrow's influential earlier title Organizing and Managing the Language Arts Block. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462534463

Break-Out from the Crystal PalaceThe Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner Nietzsche Dostoevsky Before Marcuse and Laing before Heidegger and Sartre even before Freud the way was prepared for the anarcho-psychological critique of economic man of all codes of ideology or absolute morality and of scientific habits of mind. First published in 1974 this title traces this philosophical tradition to its roots in the nineteenth century to the figures of Stirner Nietzsche and Dostoevsky and to their psychological demolition of the two alternative axes of social theory and practice a critique which today reads more pertinently than ever and remains unanswered. To understand this critique is crucial for an age which has shown a mounting revulsion at the consequences of the Crystal Palace symbol at once of technologico-industrial progress and its rationalist-scientist ideology an age whose imaginative preoccupations have telescoped onto the individual and whose interest has switched from the social realm to that of anarchic inner 'psychological man'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138882041

Breakthrough (RLE Edu M)Autobiographical Accounts of the Education of Some Socially Disadvantaged Children Social mobility educational priority areas and equality of opportunity are topics discussed as much today as when this book was first published over 30 years ago. This book is written by people of varying ages and professions who have broken through from poor social beginnings deprived backgrounds and many disadvantages into a high level of professional achievement. Starting in working class or slum environments in areas such as Sheffield Wales Manchester Leeds Huddersfield London Glasgow and Birmingham they describe their struggles and the ways in which they attempted to over-come their earlier deprivations. The descriptions in this volume are illustrations of potential which is present in the most unpromising beginnings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008335

Breakthrough IT Change Management This is a different book on change management. Using commonsense and practical advice tested in their work with hundreds of organizations the authors walk the reader through clear guidelines and checklists to implement change that works. Readers will develop a change management strategythat starts by diagnosing the current culture and organization then prepares for change carefully addresses resistance to change develops the change strategy measures results builds momentum for further change and prevents deterioration and reversion. The authors then apply their framework to two areas that are major targets for change management: implementing new technology and systems and implementing successful e-business strategies. Included throughout are real-world examples from a number of industries and government. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138461116

Breakthrough Moments in Arts-Based PsychotherapyA Personal Quest to Understand Moments of Transformation in Psychotherapy In psychotherapy clients sometimes experience breakthrough moments - profound moments in which their world and how they view themselves is changed for ever. But what exactly occurs during such moments? In Breakthrough Moments in Arts-Based Psychotherapy the author shares her very personal journey to discover what might be happening at these pivotal moments and demonstrates their importance for clients' change processes. Filled with examples from her own practice the book dips into the worlds of chaos and complexity theory neuroscience quantum physics and theories of change in order to show how the use of arts-media in psychotherapy - visual images and drawing drama and music sand-tray and enactment - can encourage the arrival of these dramatic breakthrough moments. The aim of this unique book is to shine a spotlight for the first time on a deeply profound aspect of arts-based psychotherapy in an accessible and engaging way. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203063

Breakthrough Technology Project Management Although there are many books of methods and tools in different areas few books actually give detailed tips and lessons on how to effectively set up and manage projects. Most books on project management devote all their space to specific methods. Breakthrough Technology Project Management Second Edition provides tangible guidelines through examples and suggestions to help people participate in and manage projects more effectively. The authors' techniques and guidelines have been proven over the past 15 years in courses and counseling. This book is a valuable tool for those working in information systems engineering computer science operations and production and other environments involving project management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138461154

BreakthroughsRe-creating the American City Large or small America's cities have had a difficult time generating admiration respect or understanding. They have served the nation as sources of commerce finance and the arts. They have taken millions of new Americans from their point of entry and helped newcomers elevate themselves economically into the American mainstream. In recent years the greatest of cities have become command centers of a new global economy. However the headlines from urban America proclaim riot decline and despair.This book is different it is about solutions: the breakthroughs - the indicators that can serve as models for neighborhoods communities and cities in the twenty-first century. In vivid colorful and provocative prose authors Neal R. Peirce and Robert Guskind describe six innovative experiments in urban revitalization: the winners of the Rudy Bruner Award for Excellence in the Urban Environment. The Bruner Award recognizes and rewards innovative projects that blend empowerment diversity and equity with effective design social responsibility and economic viability.Peirce and Guskind describe the premises underlying each project the barriers that were overcome and the results that were achieved. They also provide the vital lessons of what made these efforts work and lessons that stand as requirements for successful projects elsewhere: openness to innovation; decentralized decision-making; broad-based participation; empowerment of locally driven solutions. This is essential reading for students policy-makers planners and all those seeking a glimpse of a future in which we can take pride in being Americans. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412848435

Breaktime and the SchoolUnderstanding and Changing Playground Behaviour Breaktime in the school is a period when pupils learn social skills they will need in the world outside. But it can also be an occasion for aggression harassment and bullying. Breaktime and the School gives an accessible account of the latest research into children's play and behaviour. The contributors show how an understanding of the area can inform practical action in designing an environment which encourages positive behaviour in effective management and supervision and in involving the children themselves in decision-making and conflict resolution. Staff in primary and secondary schools school governors deciding on budget allocations as well as local education authority advisers will find the book essential reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138421516

Breakwaters and Closure Dams Breakwaters and closure dams belong to the most spectacular hydraulic structures. They are exposed to the most severe loading by waves and currents either during their construction or during their life cycle.Design and construction of these structures are so vitally interrelated that a proper understanding requires a thorough knowledge of the theory and a proper understanding of practical matters. This book offers an essential integrated combination of theory and practice to the graduate student. Beginning with a description of the functional requirements it discusses the relevant theory and shows the application of experience and theoretical knowledge to the design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138470347

Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Epidemiology Published in 1983: It is the authors’ intent to provide an overview of the state of knowledge of the epidemiology of cancers of the breast corpus uteri ovary cervix uteri vulva and vagina as of the end of 1981. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367201142

Breast Cancer Gene Research and Medical PracticesTransnational Perspectives in the Time of BRCA The discovery of the two inherited susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the mid-1990s created the possibility of predictive genetic testing and led to the establishment of specific medical programmes for those at high risk of developing breast cancer in the UK US and Europe. The book provides a coherent structure for examining the diversity of practices and discourses that surround developments linked to BRCA genetics and to the evolving field of genetics more broadly. It will be of interest to students and scholars of anthropology sociology history of science STS public health and bioethics.Chapter 8 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367867843

Breast Cancer in the Eighteenth Century Early modern physicians and surgeons tried desperately to understand breast cancer testing new medicines and radically improving operating techniques. In this study the first of its kind Kaartinen explores the emotional responses of patients and their families to the disease in the long eighteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138664692

Breast Cancer? Let Me Check My Schedule!Ten Remarkable Women Meet The Challenge Of Fitting Breast Cancer Into Their Very Busy Lives This book features step-by-step tactics to help women handle the emotional sexual and occupational impact of breast cancer and includes practical information on finding proper health care locating support groups and more. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367160463

Breast CancerDaughters Tell Their Stories “I will always and forever feel I have a 'hole' in my life where my mother once existed.”“I think when you have to think about the fact you might have to take care of your parents someday and juggle kids at the same time…It's a scary proposition.”“We had open communication during and before the breast cancer. But then after the breast cancer I was often afraid to bring things up in trying to protect Mom.”This insightful book tells the stories of women whose mothers had breast cancer. It uses their own voices to express the common fears and expectations of daughters in the periods before and during their mothers' illnesses involving genetic risks death and dying and changes in their relationships. The case studies tables and figures and two appendices will benefit health professionals and counselors while the poignant narratives will help mothers and daughters better understand their experiences with breast cancer.“I was kind of surprised to be alive and free of cancer at age 42 when at this point my mother was crippled by metastases. When I get to be 43—the age at which my mother died or maybe when I get to 44—it's like 'what do I do?' I have this life that I didn't expect to have.”Breast Cancer: Daughters Tell Their Stories presents the results of a qualitative grounded theory study of breast cancer survivors providing in-depth information about an aspect of breast cancer that has been previously overlooked. The book examines the daughters' experiences through four phases—the period prior to mother's illness the period during mother's illness and treatment the period following mother's death (if mother dies) and the long-term impact. From this study recommendations are compiled for providing or improving services for tomorrow's daughters.“The radical mastectomy left her scarred and disfigured below her nightgown. It was bruised and nasty looking. That was kind of scary. I think that has terrified me since. Sometimes I'll have pains in my left breast and that's what I visualize. It's terrifying.”“I'm not really obsessed about dying of cancer. I'm more along the line of 'If this is going to happen to me and there's a chance it's going to I'm gonna survive. I'm not going to die from it.”From an empathetic perspective this book reveals how many daughters react to and deal with their mothers' diagnoses depending on their age and family situation at the time of their mothers' illnesses. It shows how daughters can gain a more accurate idea of their level of risk by providing educational materials and developing new strategies for communication. It also helps breast cancer survivors see how their illnesses can shape their daughters' future outlook offering new inspiration for resolving and preventing family crises. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043807

Breast CancerPrognosis Treatment and Prevention Now in its second edition this bestselling title has been extensively revised and expanded to include new topics on:obesity and breast cancerinduction of anti-hormone and anti-growth factor resistance in breast cancerclinical implications of testosterone and breast cancerinsulin-like growth factorsdiscussions on the biological genetic and molecular pathways linked to the development and progression of breast canceranalyses on the latest therapeutic strategies prognostic and predictive factors and prevention strategiesExamining new developments Breast Cancer: Prognosis Treatment and Prevention Second Edition also covers:the mechanism involved in carcinogenesisthe relationship among a fetus pregnancy and breast cancerrecent developments in endocrine treatmentthe relationship among hormone replacement therapy cytotoxic therapy and other non-hormonal approaches for the treatment of metastasesmanagement of locally advanced breast cancer and the importance of BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 in hereditary breast cancerWith new topics and updated chapters this new edition keeps both oncologists and radiologists abreast of the current trends and advancements in the prognosis treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387495

Breastfeeding and Medication Sadly women often feel they have no alternative but to give up breastfeeding having been prescribed or purchased medication. In many cases however this is unnecessary. This book outlines the evidence base for the use of medication during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and Medication presents a comprehensive A to Z guide to the most frequently prescribed drugs and their safety for breastfeeding mothers. Evaluating the evidence for interventions and using a simple format for quickly identifying medications that are safe or unsafe to use it also highlights those drugs where there is inconclusive evidence. Additional contextual information makes this the most complete text for those practitioners who support and treat breastfeeding women. It: provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the breast together with hormonal influences to better understand how complications such as mastitis arise and inform the approach to their treatment; includes a section on conditions that affect women specifically when they are lactating where prescription of medication may be necessary; discusses the importance of breastfeeding and its advantages as well as its disadvantages; and explores how to support breastfeeding mothers and presents a counselling model approach. This new edition contains information on more drugs and a chapter on the management of some chronic conditions which may affect breastfeeding mothers. In most cases there are options to support the mother’s optimal care whilst allowing her to continue to breastfeed her baby as long as she wishes. This is a topic which raises many questions on social media which informed the choice of conditions to consider. This is an invaluable reference for all health practitioners and volunteers who work with support and treat breastfeeding women including lactation consultants breastfeeding support workers health visitors GPs practice nurses pharmacists and midwives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138298323

BreastfeedingBiocultural Perspectives Breastfeeding is a biocultural phenomenon: not only is it a biological process but it is also a culturally determined behavior. As such it has important implications for understanding the past present and future condition of our species. In general scholars have emphasized either the biological or the cultural aspects of breastfeeding but not both. As biological anthropologists the editors of this volume feel that an evolutionary approach combining both aspects is essential. One of the goals of their book is to incorporate data from diverse fields to present a more holistic view of breastfeeding through the inclusion of research from a number of different disciplines including biological and social/cultural anthropology nutrition and medicine. The resulting book presenting the complexity of the issues surrounding very basic decisions about infant nutrition will fill a void in the existing literature on breastfeeding. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315081984

BreastfeedingContemporary Issues in Practice and Policy In recent decades global healthcare professionals and organisations have formed a wide evidence-based consensus that breastfeeding is usually the best option for both mother and baby. However women and professionals alike often face a sea of shifting attitudes and values and complex social cultural political and economic factors that may influence women's feeding decisions. This book examines the global evidence and the factors that affect women's decisions around initiating breastfeeding and maintaining it through the first year of their children's lives. It outlines potential areas for development and policy change at practitioner and strategic levels and shows how health professionals can effectively communicate and provide information to help women make unpressured but informed decisions. Breastfeeding - Contemporary Issues in Practice and Policy is essential reading for healthcare professionals policy movers and shapers and all those with an interest in breastfeeding who wish to influence the development of related policies practices and healthcare services. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315376035

BreastfeedingNew Anthropological Approaches Breastfeeding: New Anthropological Approaches unites sociocultural biological and archaeological anthropological scholarship to spark new conversations and research about breastfeeding. While breastfeeding has become the subject of intense debate in many settings anthropological perspectives have played a limited role in these conversations. The present volume seeks to broaden discussions around breastfeeding by showcasing fresh insights gleaned from an array of theoretical and methodological approaches which are grounded in the close study of people across the globe. Drawing on case studies and analyses of key issues in the field the book highlights the power of anthropological research to illuminate the evolutionary historical biological and sociocultural context of the complex lived experience of breastfeeding. By bringing together researchers across three anthropological subfields the volume seeks to produce transformative knowledge about human lactation breastfeeding and human milk. This book is a key resource for scholars of medical and biological anthropology evolutionary biology bioarchaeology sociocultural anthropology and human development. Lactation professionals and peer supporters midwives and others who support infant feeding will find the book an essential read. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138502871

Breath Sounds Methodology Published in 1995: Breath Sounds Methodology is a practical introduction to the measurement of the acoustic properties of the respiratory system. The author describes objective and quantitative methods for extracting the information embedded in the sounds produced in the airways and by the lung during breathing. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367201302

Breathing as a Tool for Self-Regulation and Self-Reflection The book describes how to use breathing as a medium for self-regulation and self-reflection and how balanced breathing thus helps to promote mental and physical health and alleviate symptoms resulting from imbalanced breathing. The authors describe applications of psychophysical breathing therapy in many areas of life developed by both themselves and other professionals trained by them. The approach of the book is based on the interactional aspects between mind and body. A person's breathing style influences their relation both to themselves and to others - and vice versa and thus mental and also physical health. A comprehensive theoretical description of the psychophysical regulation of breathing and the consequences of imbalanced breathing is complemented by material derived from the authors' extensive clinical experience. Psychological orientations used by the writers include object relations theories and psychodynamic cognitive brief and group therapy theories. As a new aspect the writers introduce how breathing patterns are learnt in early interaction. The writers also acknowledge how physical factors affect and interact with psychological factors in producing imbalanced breathing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203834

Brecht and Critical TheoryDialectics and Contemporary Aesthetics Arguing that Brecht’s aesthetic theories are still highly relevant today and that an appreciation of his theory and theatre is essential to an understanding of modern critical theory this book examines the influence of Brecht’s aesthetic on the pre-eminent materialist critics of the twentieth century: Louis Althusser Walter Benjamin Roland Barthes Frederic Jameson Theodor W. Adorno and Raymond Williams. Re-reading Brecht through the lens of post-structuralism Sean Carney asserts that there is a Lacanian Brecht and a Derridean Brecht: the result of which is a new Brecht whose vital importance for the present is located in decentred theories of subjectivity. Brecht and Critical Theory maps the many ways in which Brechtian thinking pervades critical thought today informing the critical tools and stances that make up the contemporary study of aesthetics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646154

Brecht in IndiaThe Poetics and Politics of Transcultural Theatre Brecht in India analyses the dramaturgy and theatrical practices of the German playwright Bertolt Brecht in post-independence India. The book explores how post-independence Indian drama is an instance of a cultural palimpsest a site celebrating a dialogue between Western and Indian theatrical traditions rather than a homogenous and isolated canon. Analysing the dissemination of a selection of Brecht’s plays in the Hindi belt between the 1960s and the 1990s this study demonstrates that Brecht’s work provided aesthetic and ideological paradigms to modern Hindi playwrights helping them develop and stage a national identity. The book also traces how the reception of Brecht was mediated in India how it helped post-independence Indian playwrights formulate a political theatre and how the dissemination of Brechtian aesthetics in India addressed the anxiety related to the stasis in Brechtian theatre in Europe. Tracking the dialogue between Brechtian aesthetics in India and Europe and a history of deliberate cultural resistance Brecht in India is an invaluable resource for academics and students of theatre studies and theatre historiography as well as scholars of post-colonial history and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367466749

BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes on the London 2012 Olympic ParkLessons from the Velodrome Aquatics Centre and the Olympic and Par This publication contributes to the ‘learning legacy’ for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and shares the lessons learned about sustainable design and construction on this exceptional project with the construction industry. The report examines the achievement of high levels of sustainability on two of the key venues at the Olympic Park: the use of the BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) in the design and construction of the Velodrome and Aquatics Centre; and the use of the Code for Sustainable Homes on the Olympic and Paralympic Village. The findings of these projects will be especially valuable to clients designers and contractors. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848062740

Breeches and MetaphysicsThackeray's German Discourse "This study traces the successive stages of Thackeray's contact with the German world and analyses the discourse he developed as a result. The author is concerned with the fiction and criticism of Thackeray's :Paris Sketch Book"" and the impressions related by the cockney traveller in ""Irish Sketch Book"" and ""Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo"". Thackeray's own pictorial illustrations of his writings and those by Cruikshank Doyle and Walker which he supervised and supplemented are recognized as an integral part of his German discourse. The study is a chronological one setting Thackeray's construction of ""German"" and ""the Germans"" against the background of his own development and of the social industrial cultural and political history of Britain and its continental neighbours." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351199278

Breeding Services for Small Dairy FarmersSharing the Indian Experience Better validation of indigenous domestic animal genetic resources is becoming more important with regard to the potential of livestock for poverty alleviation and income generation. To improve indigenous breeds for sustainable income and employment generation the methods to be employed are the same as developed in systematic breeding programs be it for cross-breeding or selective breeding within a specific breed. This book systematically introduces the reader to the breed improvement theory and illustrates the theory with practical examples and case studies. The book is addressed to animal science teachers to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to decision makers in the state and central livestock departments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138401549

Brexit and Aviation Law Focusing on the consequences of Brexit for aviation law this book presents the key legal issues for aviation business and administration as well as all major stakeholders that could potentially be affected by Brexit. This will include airlines airports aerospace manufacturers regulatory and judicial institutions passengers and employees. The book will indicate groups of legal acts disturbed by Brexit and those few that will remain untouched and develop on this basis a digest of regulatory and institutional problems that will arise in various areas of the discussed sector. Finally the short title will deliberate on the directions of possible actions which may be undertaken to avoid post-Brexit legal incoherence. This review should give essential guidance to the industry and the authorities on both sides of the English Channel as to what to expect and how to prepare for the forthcoming legal earthquake. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606572

Brexit and Europe's Crises The shock of the vote for Brexit – the UK’s 23 June 2016 referendum on leaving the European Union – is being felt in all areas of the UK policy community: in domestic and foreign affairs in politics economics and the law. But the IISS is an international institution and Brexit is not just a British phenomenon. Spanning 13 years this collection of articles depict a European project struggling to expand geographically to deepen institutionally and to survive in the face of political economic and security threats worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138598843

Brexit and LiteratureCritical and Cultural Responses Brexit is a political economic and administrative event: and it is a cultural one too. In Brexit and Literature Robert Eaglestone brings together a diverse range of literary scholars writers and poets to respond to this aspect of Brexit. The discipline of ‘English’ as the very name suggests is concerned with cultural and national identity: literary studies has always addressed ideas of nationalism and the wider political process. With the ramifications of Brexit expected to last for decades to come Brexit and Literature offers the first academic study of its impact on and through the humanities. Including a preface from Baroness Young of Hornsey Brexit and Literature is a bold and unapologetic volume focusing on the immediate effects of the divisive referendum while meditating on its long-term impact. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815376699

Brexit and Procurement Law Public procurement law regulating public sector purchasing of certain contracts for goods works and services is an area of EU law which is closely intertwined with the UK's economy. It will almost inevitably be affected by the consequences of Brexit. At a time of significant uncertainty this book explores policy directions which domestic procurement law could take in the future including whether 'Buy National' policies might feasibly be introduced or whether existing procurement procedures could be significantly reviewed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138591073

Brexit and the Car Industry One of the principal arguments put forth by Brexit supporters is that by freeing the UK from the stranglehold of EU law the country will be able to expand its markets through increased bilateral trade and enhance economic growth. This book tests this proposition by reference to the car industry. Brexit and the Car Industry explores the international position of the car market to argue that the hope of Brexit bringing regulatory freedom is illusory. The book starts by examining the structure of the vehicle industry how its regulatory framework evolved and how the environment in which it operates is constrained by international standards and the practicalities associated with trading across different regulatory systems. By examining the evolution of vehicle regulations particularly related to the environment it argues that a UK independent path is not only impractical but self-defeating. The private car market is structured in such a way that is global and meeting the various international regulatory requirements is a price of entry requirement which no bilateral trade agreements are likely to alter. The book also considers changing environment affecting the car industry in the context of an aspiration for regulatory freedom. The response to climate change and the impact of technological change – specifically driverless vehicles – are big questions for the industry and both are examined in this book. The book also considers the emergence of large metropolitan areas imposing their own use and environmental requirements operating separately to national standards. The future of electric and autonomous vehicles combined with the complexity of the regulatory environment with both international and localised pollution measures make the UK navigating a safe independent path through with a viable car industry highly questionable.  Providing a comprehensive review of the relationship between regulatory frameworks and free trading models this book is aimed at industry and legal professionals. It will also be of interest to students studying market behaviour free trade law and the free movement of goods and environmental protection. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367086985

Brexit and the CommonwealthWhat Next? The decision of the UK to ‘Leave’ the European Union (EU) was unexpected and as a consequence the precise details of what would come next were left very unclear and still today there is little certainty or agreement over what ‘Brexit’ will actually mean. It is within this context that this edited volume has been produced. The Commonwealth featured quite heavily in the referendum campaign particularly on the ‘Leave’ side; claiming that a vote for Brexit would allow the UK to re-new and extend links with the countries of the Commonwealth. However critics highlighted the potential limitations of a new bilateral link and that in many instances the UK’s role is strengthened by its membership of the EU. The tension between aspiration and likely reality is a key theme of the volume. Another is how the decision of the UK may have consequences across the Commonwealth in terms of both domestic policy and regional cooperation. In short the volume shines a detailed light on the historical and contemporary nature of relations between the UK and the Commonwealth. Linked to this and possibly of greatest utility is the consideration of how policy should be formulated to best strengthen the relationship in the future.  This book originally appeared as a special issue of The Round Table. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367891763

Brexit and the Political Economy of FragmentationThings Fall Apart Brexit means Brexit and other meaningless mantras have simply confirmed that confusion and uncertainty have dominated the early stages of this era defining event. Though there has been a lack of coherent and substantive policy goals from the UK government this does not prevent analysis of the various causes of Brexit and the likely constraints on and consequences of the various forms Brexit might take. Is Brexit a last gasp of neoliberalism in decline? Is it a signal of the demise of the EU? Is it possible that the UK electorate will get what they thought they voted for (and what was that)? Will a populist agenda run foul of economic and political reality? What chance for the UK of a brave new world of bespoke trade treaties straddling a post-geography world? Is the UK set to become a Singapore-lite tax haven? What is the difference between a UK-centric and a UK-centred point of view on Brexit? Will Brexit augment disintegrative tendencies in the European and world economy? These are some of the questions explored in this timely set of essays penned by some of the best known names in political economy and international political economy. The chapters in this book originally published as a special issue in Globalizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892616

Brexit Geographies This comprehensive volume explores the political social economic and geographical implications of Brexit within the context of an already divided UK state. It demonstrates how support for Brexit not only sharpened differences within England and between the separate nations comprising the UK state but also reflected how austerity politics against which the referendum was conducted impacted differently with north and south urban and rural becoming embroiled in the Leave vote. This book explores how as the process of negotiating the secession of the UK from the EU was to demonstrate the seemingly intractable problem of the Irish border and the need to maintain a ‘soft border’ provided a continuing obstacle to a smooth transition. The authors in this book also explore various other profound questions that have been raised by Brexit; questions of citizenship of belonging of the probable impacts of Brexit for key economic sectors including agriculture and its meaning for gender politics. The book also brings to the forefront how the UK was geographically imagined – a new lexicon of ‘left behind places’ ‘citizens of somewhere’ and ‘citizens of nowhere’ conjuring up new imaginations of the spaces and places making up the UK. This book draws out the wider implications of Brexit for a refashioned geography. It was originally published as a special issue of the journal Space and Polity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367236755

Brezhnev and the Decline of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev was leader of the Soviet Union from 1964-1982 a longer period than any other Soviet leader apart from Stalin. During Brezhnev’s time Soviet power seemed at its height and increasing. Living standards were rising the Soviet Union was a nuclear power and successful in its space missions and the Soviet Union's influence reached into all part of the world. Yet as this book which provides a comprehensive overview and reassessment of Brezhnev’s life early political career and career as leader shows the seeds of decline were sown in Brezhnev's time. There was a huge over-commitment of resources to the Soviet industrial-military complex and to massively expensive foreign policy overstretch. At the same time there was a failure to deliver on citizens' rising expectations and an overconfident ignoring of dissidents and their demands. The book will be of great interest to Russian specialists and also to scholars of international relations and world history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138687349

Brezhnev's Peace ProgramA Study Of Soviet Domestic Political Process And Power This analysis of the Soviet Union's foreign policymaking process focuses on Brezhnev's Peace Program a foreign policy plan undertaken in the 1970s to normalize political-economic relations with the West and to moderate military competition. It clarifies the distribution of power among leaders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171568

BRI and International Cooperation in Industrial CapacityCountry Cooperation Guide BRI and International Cooperation in Industrial Capacity: Country Cooperation Guide provides research reports on international production capacity and equipment-manufacturing cooperation of major countries offering a better understanding of the destination country’s information and its market trend facilitating decision-making for both domestic and foreign investors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367192785

BRI and International Cooperation in Industrial CapacityIndustrial Layout Study BRI and International Production Capacity Cooperation: Industrial Layout conducts analysis on China’s advantageous surplus capacity of various industries and measures for optimizing their overseas layout with experience on production capacity cooperation of home and abroad providing a wealth of information for a thorough understanding on relevant areas to domestic and foreign investors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367192747

Brian FrielA Casebook First published in 1997 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870512

Bribery and CorruptionHow to Be an Impeccable and Profitable Corporate Citizen Politicians and regulators do not run businesses. Bribery and Corruption is for managers who do. It will help you transform uncertainties and problems created via legislation and regulations (such as The UK Bribery Act The Proceeds of Crime Act The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Sarbanes-Oxley) into opportunities to: ¢ Maintain entrepreneurial profitable and enjoyable working environments while easily surpassing compliance standards ¢ Control incoming internal outgoing competitive corruption and fraud ¢ Take decisions in grey areas confidently Bribery and Corruption frames control and compliance in an entirely different way: not as a brake on your company’s forward motion but as essential protective equipment enabling you to go faster and further in safety. Written by the world’s leading practitioners in the fields of fraud prevention detection and investigation with massive practical experience in both commercial and governmental sectors Bribery and Corruption exposes the misconceptions myths and corruption of the word bribery and suggests effective solutions that go well beyond simple compliance. It commits to assertive managerial rather than timorous legal solutions to anti-bribery and other laws. It explains how processes can be tested - using automated fraud detection software - to expose current cases of fraud and corruption or to provide assurance that controls are functioning optimally. It tackles the usually ignored problems of stratospheric political academic and media corruption which often motivate commercial bribery. It exposes the dangers of employee to employee corruption; skulduggery by blue collar workers and lots more. Over the last 25 years Mike Comer occasionally writing with Tim Stephens has been responsible for some of the most readable and influential books on fraud. Bribery and Corruption is another tour de force complete authoritative and yet a great pleasure to read. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409453574

Brick and Block Masonry - From Historical to Sustainable MasonryProceedings of the 17th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference (17thIB Brick and Block Masonry - From Historical to Sustainable Masonry contains the keynote and semi-keynote lectures and all accepted regular papers presented online during the 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference IB2MaC (Kraków Poland July 5-8 2020). Masonry is one of the oldest structures with more than 6 000 years of history. However it is still one of the most popular and traditional building materials showing new and more attractive features and uses. Modern masonry based on new and modified traditional materials and solutions offers a higher quality of life energy savings and more sustainable development. Hence masonry became a more environmentally friendly building structure. Brick and Block Masonry - From Historical to Sustainable Masonry focuses on historical current and new ideas related to masonry development and will provide a very good platform for sharing knowledge and experiences and for learning about new materials and technologies related to masonry structures. The book will be a valuable compendium of knowledge for researchers representatives of industry and building management for curators and conservators of monuments and for students. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367565862

Brick and Block MasonryProceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference Padova Italy 26-30 June 2016 Brick and Block Masonry - Trends Innovations and Challenges contains the lectures and regular papers presented at the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference (Padova Italy 26-30 June 2016). In an ever-changing world in which innovations are rapidly implemented but soon surpassed the challenge for masonry the oldest and most traditional building material is that it can address the increasingly pressing requirements of quality of living safety and sustainability. This abstracts volume and full paper USB device focusing on challenges innovations trends and ideas related to masonry in both research and building practice will proof to be a valuable source of information for researchers and practitioners masonry industries and building management authorities construction professionals and educators. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138029996

Brickwork Brickwork allows the reader to develop their understanding of key subjects by completing the numerous exercises and tests including multiple choice questions. In addition each topic begins with a summary of key facts and figures making this an ideal course text based round core information and assessments rather than reading an extended text. The coverage includes health and safety and basic calculations as well as the technical and practical aspects of brickwork. All students of bricklaying will find this a stimulating and useful revision aid. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407923

Brickwork for Apprentices Expanded and edited by Malcolm Thorpe a former CITB Advisor this latest edition incorporates all the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the construction industry. A new feature is the e-resource facility that includes multiple choice questions and answers short oral questions and answers and practical competency checks with marking schemes. These are all matched to current programmes providing students with essential practice and revision for exam preparation. A classic text Brickwork for Apprentices has been the established reference on brickwork for generations of bricklayers. Continuously in print since 1944 John Hodge’s classic text has now been revised in its sixth edition and brought fully in line with the latest Building Regulations and requirements for City & Guilds courses. This is an essential text for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in construction as well as students new to the industry and wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367624347

Brickwork Level 1 Brickwork Level 1 has been adapted from John Hodges’s classic Brickwork for Apprentices – the established textbook on brickwork for bricklayers. Designed to meet new requirements of the City and Guilds bricklaying programmes this book has been written to match the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field including recent changes to the Building Regulations. Each chapter follows the syllabus and contains a section of multiple-choice questions to provide trainees with vital practice for the job knowledge and multiple-choice tests. Highly illustrated throughout and now in full colour this is the essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry as well as students wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. There is also the facility to access the Support Material on the Routledge website that includes: PowerPoint slides for each chapter Lesson plans and schemes of work Multiple-choice questions and answers Job knowledge questions and answers Practical drawings and mark sheets Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367625344

Brickwork Level 1 As part of their everyday work bricklayers must be able to interpret technical documents understand the properties of various mortars/building materials and understand the basics of health and safety on site. Brickwork Level 1 is in full colour and has been tailored to match Level 1 of both the Construction Alliance Awards Diplomas in Bricklaying and the Trowel Occupations NVQs. Written by Malcolm Thorpe who acted as a CITB adviser and was involved in the draughting of the Intermediate Construction Award syllabus (bricklaying route) Brickwork Level 1 matches the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field including recent changes to the Building Regulations. This text is an essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry as well as NVQ students wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407916

Brickwork Level 2 Brickwork Level 2 has been adapted from John Hodge’s classic Brickwork for Apprentices – the established textbook on brickwork for bricklayers. Designed to meet new requirements of the City and Guilds bricklaying programmes this book has been written to match the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field including recent changes to the Building Regulations. Each chapter follows the syllabus and contains a section of multiple-choice questions to provide trainees with vital practice for the job knowledge and multiple-choice tests. Highly illustrated throughout and now in full colour this is the essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry as well as students wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. There is also the facility to access the Support Material on the Routledge website which includes: PowerPoint slides for each chapter Lesson plans and schemes of work Multiple-choice questions and answers Job knowledge questions and answers Practical drawings and mark sheets Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367625368

Brickwork Level 2 As part of their everyday work bricklayers must be able to interpret technical documents understand the properties of various mortars/building materials and understand the basics of health and safety on site. Brickwork Level 2 has been adapted from John Hodge’s classic Brickwork for Apprentices - the established textbook on brickwork for generations of bricklayers. Now in full colour this new book has been tailored to match Level 2 of both the Construction Alliance Awards Diplomas in Bricklaying and the Trowel Occupations NVQs. Written by Malcolm Thorpe who acted as a CITB adviser and was involved in the draughting of the Intermediate Construction Award syllabus (bricklaying route) Brickwork Level 2 matches the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field including recent changes to the Building Regulations. This text will remain an essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry as well as NVQ students wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407909

Brickwork Level 3 Brickwork Level 3 has been adapted from John Hodge's classic Brickwork for Apprentices – the established textbook on brickwork for bricklayers. Designed to meet new requirements of the City and Guilds bricklaying programmes this book has been written to match the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field including recent changes to the Building Regulations. Each chapter follows the syllabus and contains a section of multiple-choice questions to provide trainees with vital practice for the job knowledge and multiple-choice tests. Highly illustrated throughout and now in full colour this is the essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry as well as students wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. There is also the facility to access the Support Material on the Routledge website which includes: PowerPoint slides for each chapter Lesson plans and schemes of work Multiple-choice questions and answers Job knowledge questions and answers Practical drawings and mark sheets Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367625511

Brickwork Level 3 As part of their everyday work bricklayers must be able to interpret technical documents understand the properties of various mortars/building materials and understand the basics of health and safety on site. Brickwork Level 3 has been adapted from John Hodge’s classic Brickwork for Apprentices - the established textbook on brickwork for generations of bricklayers. Now in full colour this new book has been tailored to match Level 3 of both the Construction Alliance Awards Diplomas in Bricklaying and the Trowel Occupations NVQs. Written by Malcolm Thorpe who acted as a CITB adviser and was involved in the draughting of the Intermediate Construction Award syllabus (bricklaying route) Brickwork Level 3 matches the latest industry-based requirements and technical developments in the field including recent changes to the Building Regulations. This text will remain an essential reference for qualified bricklayers and other professionals working in the construction industry as well as NVQ students wishing to embark on a career in bricklaying. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407893

BRICS and Global Governance The past few decades have witnessed the development of an increasingly globalised and multipolar world order in which the demand for multilateralism becomes ever more pronounced. The BRICS group established in 2009 has evolved into a plurilateral summit institution recognized both by sceptics and proponents as a major participant in the international system. Addressing the BRICS’s role in global governance this book critically examines the club’s birth and evolution mechanisms of inter-BRICS cooperation its agenda priorities BRICS countries’ interests decisions made by members their collective and individual compliance with the agreed commitments and the patterns of BRICS engagement with other international institutions. This volume advances the current state of knowledge on global governance architecture the BRICS role in this system and the benefits it has provided and can provide for world order. This book will interest scholars and graduate students who are researching the rise and role of emerging powers global governance China and India’s approach to global order and relationship with the United States Great Power politics democratization as a foreign policy strategy realist theory-building and hegemonic transitions and the (crisis of) liberal world order. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367524500

BRICS and MICs: Implications for Global Agrarian Transformation The economic and political rise of the BRICS countries (Brazil Russia India China and South Africa) and powerful middle-income countries (MICs) such as Argentina Indonesia and Turkey has far-reaching implications for global agrarian transformation. These countries are key sites of agricultural commodity production distribution circulation and consumption and are contributing to major shifts in the character of agro-food systems. This comprehensive collection explores these issues through the lens of critical agrarian studies which examine fundamental social change in and in relation to rural worlds. The authors explore key themes such as the processes of agrarian change associated with individual countries within the grouping the role and impact of BRICS countries within their respective regions the role of other MICs within these regions and the rising importance of MICs within global and regional agro-food systems. The book encompasses a wide variety of case studies including the expansion of South African agrarian capital within Africa; Brazil as a regional agro-food power and its complex relationship with China which has been investing heavily in Brazil; the role of BRICS and MICs in Bolivia’s soy complex; crop booms within China; China’s role in land deals in Southeast Asia; and Vietnamese investment in Cambodia.This book will be of interest to students and researchers of critical agrarian studies with a focus on BRICS and MICs. It was originally published as a special issue of the journal Globalizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664114

BRICS MediaReshaping the Global Communication Order? Bringing together distinguished scholars from BRICS nations and those with deep interest and knowledge of these emerging powers this collection makes a significant intervention in the ongoing debates about comparative communication research and thus contributes to the further internationalization of media and communication studies. The unprecedented expansion of online media in the world’s major non-Western nations exemplified by BRICS (Brazil Russia India China and South Africa) is transforming global communication. Despite their differences and divergences on key policy issues what unites these five nations representing more than 20 per cent of the global GDP is the scale and scope of change in their communication environment triggered by a multilingual mobile Internet. The resulting networked and digitized communication ecology has reoriented international media and communication flows. Evaluating the implications of globalization of BRICS media on the reshaping of international communication the book frames this within the contexts of theory-building on media and communication systems soft power discourses and communication practices including in cyberspace. Adopting a critical approach in analysing BRICS communication strategies and their effectiveness the book assesses the role of the BRICS nations in reframing a global communication order for a ‘post-American world’. This critical volume of essays is ideal for students teachers and researchers in journalism media politics sociology international relations area studies and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138604032

BRICS National Systems of Innovation This series of books brings together results of an extensive research programme on aspects of the national systems of innovation (NSI) in the five BRICS countries — Brazil Russia India China and South Africa. It provides a comprehensive and comparative examination of the challenges and opportunities faced by these dynamic and emerging economies. In discussing the impact of innovation with respect to economic geopolitical socio-cultural institutional and technological systems it reveals the possibilities of new development paradigms for equitable and sustainable growth. Original and detailed data together with expert analyses on wide-ranging issues make this book an invaluable resource for researchers and scholars in economics development studies and political science in addition to policymakers and development practitioners interested in the BRICS countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780415735711

Bride of Hades to Bride of ChristThe Virgin and the Otherworldly Bridegroom in Ancient Greece and Early Christian Rome This volume argues that ancient Greek girls and early Christian virgins and their families made use of rhetorically similar traditions of marriage to an otherworldly bridegroom in order to handle the problem of a girl’s denied or disrupted transition into adulthood. In both ancient Greece and early Christian Rome the standard female transition into adulthood was marked by marriage sex and childbirth. When problems arose just before or during this transition the transitional girl’s status within society became insecure. Walker presents a case for how and why the dead Greek virgin girl depicted in Archaic through Hellenistic sources in both texts and inscriptions as a bride of Hades and the life-long female Christian virgin or celibate ascetic dubbed the bride of Christ around the third century CE provide a fruitful point of comparison as particular examples of strategies used to neutralize the tension of disrupted female transition into adulthood. Bride of Hades to Bride of Christ offers a fascinating comparative study that will be of interest to anyone working on virginity and womanhood in the ancient world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138481626

Bridge Deck Analysis Captures Current Developments in Bridge Design and MaintenanceRecent research in bridge design and maintenance has focused on the serviceability problems of older bridges with aging joints. The favored solution of integral construction and design has produced bridges with fewer joints and bearings that require less maintenance and deliver increased durability. Bridge Deck Analysis Second Edition outlines this growing development and covers the structural analysis of most common bridge forms. It introduces reliability analysis an emergent method that allows bridge engineers to determine risk when maintaining older or damaged bridges. Explains the Background Theory along with Practical ToolsThis book includes practical examples of everyday problems in bridge engineering and presents real-life examples of the application of reliability analysis. The authors show how reliability analysis can determine structural safety even for bridges which have failed a deterministic assessment. They also update other chapters to reflect the most current advancements towards more sophisticated analysis and the more widespread use of finite element software.What’s New in this Edition:Incorporates new research on soil-structure interactionA new section with examples of how to analyze for the effects of creepGreatly expands the sections on 3-D brick finite elementsNow consistent with both Eurocodes and AASHTO standards An appropriate resource for senior undergraduates taking an advanced course on bridge engineering Bridge Deck Analysis is also suitable for practicing engineers and other professionals involved in the development of bridge design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367869397

Bridge Deck Behaviour This book describes the underlying behaviour of steel and concrete bridge decks. It shows how complex structures can be analysed with physical reasoning and relatively simple computer models and without complicated mathematics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863425

Bridge Design Assessment and Monitoring Bridges play important role in modern infrastructural system. This book provides an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering as well as the recent significant contributions to the process of making rational decisions in bridge design assessment and monitoring and resources optimization deployment for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society.Tang specifies the purposes and requirements of the conceptual bridge design considering bridge types basic elements structural systems and load conditions. Cremona and Poulin propose an assessment procedure for existing bridges. Kallias et al. develop a framework for the performance assessment of metallic bridges under atmospheric exposure by integrating coating deterioration and corrosion modelling. Soriano et al. employ a simplified approach to estimate the maximum traffic load effect on a highway bridge and compare the results with other approaches based on on-site weigh-in-motion data. Akiyama et al. propose a method for reliability-based durability design and service life assessment of reinforced concrete deck slab of jetty structures. Chen et al. propose a meso-scale model to simulate the uniform and pitting corrosion of rebar in concrete and to obtain the crack patterns of the concrete with different rebar arrangements. Ruan et al. present a traffic load model for long span multi-pylon cable- stayed bridges. Khuc and Catbas implement a non-target vision- based method for the measurement of both static and dynamic displacements time histories. Finally Cruz presents the career of the outstanding bridge engineer Edgar Cardoso in the fields of bridge design and experimental analysis. The book serves as a valuable reference to all concerned with bridge structure and infrastructure systems including students researchers engineers consultants and contractors from all areas sections of bridge engineering.The chapters originally published as a special issue in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367572204

Bridge EmploymentA Research Handbook With the long-term trend toward earlier retirement slowing and the majority of older workers remaining in employment up to and beyond statutory retirement age it is increasingly important that we understand how to react to these changes. Bridge employment patterns and activities have changed greatly over the past decade yet there is little information about the benefits of the various different forms this can take both for employees and employers. This comparative international collection provides the first comprehensive summary of the literature on bridge employment bringing together experiences from Europe the United States Canada Australia and Japan. It identifies the opportunities barriers and gaps in knowledge and practice whilst offering recommendations on how organisations and individuals can cope with future challenges in aging and work. Written by international experts in the field each chapter also makes substantive and contextualized suggestions for public policy and organizational decision-makers providing them with a roadmap to implement and integrate bridge employment into policies and practices designed to prolong working life - a priority for workers organizations and societies in the coming decades. This unique research handbook will be useful to a wide range of readers with an interest in the new concept of bridge employment and the extension of working life and of interest to researchers and practitioners in organizational behavior labor market analysis human resource management career development/counselling occupational health social economy and public policy administration Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415829090

Bridge Engineering Handbook Five Volume Set Over 140 experts 14 countries and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection provides detailed information on bridge engineering and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject and also highlights bridges from around the world. Published in five books: Fundamentals Superstructure Design Substructure Design Seismic Design and Construction and Maintenance this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering contains 26 completely new chapters and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts specifications and practice and presents various types of bridges. The text includes over 2 500 tables charts illustrations and photos. The book covers new innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation retrofit and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials. This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design construction maintenance) and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852057

Bridge Engineering HandbookConstruction and Maintenance Over 140 experts 14 countries and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world contains detailed information on bridge engineering and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject. Published in five books: Fundamentals Superstructure Design Substructure Design Seismic Design and Construction and Maintenance this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering contains 26 completely new chapters and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts specifications and practice as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2 500 tables charts illustrations and photos. The book covers new innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation retrofit and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials. The fifth book Construction and Maintenance contains 19 chapters and covers the practical issues of bridge structures. What’s New in the Second Edition:  Includes nine new chapters: Steel Bridge Fabrication Cable-Supported Bridge Construction Accelerated Bridge Construction Bridge Management Using Pontis and Improved Concepts Bridge Maintenance Bridge Health Monitoring Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Bridge Elements Life-Cycle Performance Analysis and Optimization and Bridge Construction Methods  Rewrites the Bridge Construction Inspection chapter and retitles it as: Bridge Construction Supervision and Inspection  Expands and rewrites the Maintenance Inspection and Rating chapter into three chapters: Bridge Inspection Steel Bridge Evaluation and Rating and Concrete Bridge Evaluation and Rating; and the Strengthening and Rehabilitation chapter into two chapters: Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Highway Bridge Superstructures and Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Orthotropic Steel Bridge Decks This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design construction maintenance) and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852088

Bridge Engineering HandbookFundamentals Over 140 experts 14 countries and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of The Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world contains detailed information on bridge engineering and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject. Published in five books: Fundamentals Superstructure Design Substructure Design Seismic Design and Construction and Maintenance this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering contains 26 completely new chapters and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts specifications and practice as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2 500 tables charts illustrations and photos. The book covers new innovative and traditional methods and practices explores rehabilitation retrofit and maintenance and examines seismic design and building materials. The first book Fundamentals contains 22 chapters and covers aesthetics planning design specifications structural modeling fatigue and fracture. What’s New in the Second Edition: • Covers the basic concepts theory and special topics of bridge engineering • Includes seven new chapters: Finite Element Method High Speed Railway Bridges Concrete Design Steel Design Structural Performance Indicators for Bridges High Performance Steel and Design and Damage Evaluation Methods for Reinforced Concrete Beams under Impact Loading • Provides substantial updates to existing chapters including Conceptual Design Bridge Aesthetics: Achieving Structural Art in Bridge Design and Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Bridges This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design construction maintenance) and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852071

Bridge Engineering HandbookSeismic Design Over 140 experts 14 countries and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world contains detailed information on bridge engineering and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject. Published in five books: Fundamentals Superstructure Design Substructure Design Seismic Design and Construction and Maintenance this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering contains 26 completely new chapters and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts specifications and practice as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2 500 tables charts illustrations and photos. The book covers new innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation retrofit and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials. The fourth book Seismic Design contains 18 chapters and covers seismic bridge analysis and design. What’s New in the Second Edition: Includes seven new chapters: Seismic Random Response Analysis Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Bridges Seismic Design of Thin-Walled Steel and CFT Piers Seismic Design of Cable-Supported Bridges and three chapters covering Seismic Design Practice in California China and Italy Combines Seismic Retrofit Practice and Seismic Retrofit Technology into one chapter called Seismic Retrofit Technology Rewrites Earthquake Damage to Bridges and Seismic Design of Concrete Bridges chapters Rewrites Seismic Design Philosophies and Performance-Based Design Criteria chapter and retitles it as Seismic Bridge Design Specifications for the United States Revamps Seismic Isolation and Supplemental Energy Dissipation chapter and retitles it as Seismic Isolation Design for Bridges This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design construction maintenance) and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852187

Bridge Engineering HandbookSubstructure Design   Over 140 experts 14 countries and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world contains detailed information on bridge engineering and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject. Published in five books: Fundamentals Superstructure Design Substructure Design Seismic Design and Construction and Maintenance this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering contains 26 completely new chapters and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts specifications and practice as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2 500 tables charts illustrations and photos. The book covers new innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation retrofit and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials. The third book Substructure Design contains 11 chapters addressing the various substructure components. What’s New in the Second Edition: • Includes new chapter: Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation • Rewrites the Shallow Foundation chapter • Rewrites the Geotechnical Consideration chapter and retitles it as: Ground Investigation • Updates the Abutments and Retaining Structures chapter and divides it into two chapters: Abutments and Earth Retaining Structures This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design construction maintenance) and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852194

Bridge Engineering HandbookSuperstructure Design Over 140 experts 14 countries and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world contains detailed information on bridge engineering and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject. Published in five books: Fundamentals Superstructure Design Substructure Design Seismic Design and Construction and Maintenance this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering contains 26 completely new chapters and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts specifications and practice as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2 500 tables charts illustrations and photos. The book covers new innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation retrofit and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials. The second book Superstructure Design contains 19 chapters and covers information on how to design all types of bridges. What’s New in the Second Edition: Includes two new chapters: Extradosed Bridges and Stress Ribbon Pedestrian Bridges Updates the Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges chapter and rewrites it as two chapters: Precast/Pretensioned Concrete Girder Bridges and Cast-In-Place Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges Expands the chapter on Bridge Decks and Approach Slabs and divides it into two chapters: Concrete Decks and Approach Slabs Rewrites seven chapters: Segmental Concrete Bridges Composite Steel I-Girder Bridges Composite Steel Box Girder Bridges Arch Bridges Cable-Stayed Bridges Orthotropic Steel Decks and Railings This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design construction maintenance) and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852217

Bridge Engineering HandbookVolume 1 First Published in 1999: The Bridge Engineering Handbook is a unique comprehensive and state-of-the-art reference work and resource book covering the major areas of bridge engineering with the theme "bridge to the 21st century." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367228224

Bridge Engineering HandbookVolume 2 First Published in 1999: The Bridge Engineering Handbook is a unique comprehensive and state-of-the-art reference work and resource book covering the major areas of bridge engineering with the theme "bridge to the 21st century." This second volume includes sections covering substructure design and seismic design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367253295

Bridge Engineering HandbookVolume 3 First Published in 1999: The Bridge Engineering Handbook is a unique comprehensive and state-of-the-art reference work and resource book covering the major areas of bridge engineering with the theme "bridge to the 21st century." This third volume includes sections covering construction and maintenance special topics and worldwide practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367253356

Bridge EngineeringConstruction and Maintenance The Principles and Application in Engineering Series is a series of convenient economical references sharply focused on particular engineering topics and subspecialties. Each volume in this series comprises chapters carefully selected from CRC's bestselling handbooks logically organized for optimum convenience and thoughtfully priced to fit every budget. From the award-winning Bridge Engineering Handbook Bridge Engineering: Construction and Maintenance takes an in-depth look at the construction engineering and maintenance aspects of steel and concrete bridges. Topics include effective project management construction procedures and practices construction and maintenance inspections and ratings and bridge strengthening and rehabilitation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454579

Bridge Hydraulics The design of bridges across rivers and streams is a major component of many civil engineering projects. The size of waterways must be kept reasonably small for reasons of economy and yet be large enough to allow floods to pass. Bridge Hydraulics is the first book to consider both arched and rectangular waterway openings in detail and to describe all of the main methods of analysis. With clear examples and relevant case studies using both laboratory models and full- size bridges in the field it is not only a thorough and accessible introduction to bridge hydraulics but also a guide that will enable engineers to produce authoritative analyses and more effective designs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367447632

Bridge LoadsAn International Perspective This book provides a detailed summary of bridge loads from an international perspective. The authors cover all aspects from the methodology behind the calculation of bridge loads and the complex interactions between loads and bridges to economic considerations. A wide range of bridge loads are covered including highway vehicle loads pedestrian loads railing loads and wind loads. The structure and design of bridges to accommodate these loads are examined and examples provided. Different modes of failure and current codes of practice are also covered.This book is unique in its exclusive examination of the loading and will be a useful handbook for structural engineers and designers involved in bridge construction. It is also recommended to senior undergraduates and postgraduates of structural engineering and bridge design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367447328

Bridge Maintenance Safety Management Resilience and SustainabilityProceedings of the Sixth International IABMAS Conference Stresa Lake Bridge Maintenance Safety Management Resilience and Sustainability contains the lectures and papers presented at The Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance Safety and Management (IABMAS 2012) held in Stresa Lake Maggiore Italy 8-12 July 2012. This volume consists of a book of extended abstracts (800 pp) and a DVD (4057 pp) containing the full papers of 555 contributions presented at IABMAS 2012 including the T.Y. Lin Lecture nine Keynote Lectures and 545 technical papers from 40 countries. The contributions deal with the state-of-the-art as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to all main aspects of bridge maintenance safety management resilience and sustainability. Major topics covered include: advanced materials ageing of bridges assessment and evaluation bridge codes bridge diagnostics bridge management systems composites damage identification design for durability deterioration modeling earthquake and accidental loadings emerging technologies fatigue field testing financial planning health monitoring high performance materials inspection life-cycle performance and cost load models maintenance strategies non-destructive testing optimization strategies prediction of future traffic demands rehabilitation reliability and risk management repair replacement residual service life resilience robustness safety and serviceability service life prediction strengthening structural integrity and sustainability. This volume provides both an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering as well as significant contributions to the process of making more rational decisions concerning bridge maintenance safety serviceability resilience sustainability monitoring risk-based management and life-cycle performance using traditional and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society. It will serve as a valuable reference to all involved with bridge structure and infrastructure systems including students researchers and engineers from all areas of bridge engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415621243

Bridge Maintenance Safety Management and Life Extension Bridge Maintenance Safety Management and Life Extension contains the lectures and papers presented at IABMAS 2014 the Seventh International Conference on Bridge Maintenance Safety and Management (IABMAS 2014) held in Shanghai China July 7-11 2014. This set consists of a book of abstracts and a DVD containing the full papers of 396 contributions presented at IABMAS 2014 including the T.Y. Lin Lecture nine Keynote Lectures and 386 technical papers from about 40 countries. All major aspects of bridge maintenance safety management and life extension are addressed including advanced materials aging of bridges assessment and evaluation bridge codes bridge diagnostics bridge management systems damage identification design for durability deterioration modeling earthquake and accidental loadings fatigue field testing health monitoring load models life-cycle assessment maintenance strategies non-destructive testing prediction of future traffic demands repair and replacement residual service life safety and serviceability service life prediction and sustainable bridges among others. This set provides an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering as well as the recent significant contributions to the process of making rational decisions in bridge maintenance safety management sustainability monitoring long life strategy and resources optimization deployment for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society. It will serve as a valuable reference to all concerned with bridge structure and infrastructure systems including students researchers engineers consultants and contractors from all areas of bridge engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138001039

Bridge Management As the emphasis in construction moves from building new bridges to maintenance and rehabilitation of existing stock bridge management is becoming an increasingly important subject. This is the definitive single volume reference for professionals and postgraduates covering the whole gamut of bridge management topics. Highly illustrated and in full colour this revised and updated second edition has been expanded to include new chapters on deterioration modelling asset management and the impact of heavy goods vehicles. Including examples of practices and techniques drawn from around the world this will be an invaluable source for the modern bridge engineer.* Comprehensive specialist information for the bridge engineer* Not only covers testing and assessment but also financial and management issues * Highly illustrated with full colour diagrams and photographsMichael Ryall has worked for over forty years both in the UK and abroad in the practice of design and construction of a wide variety of bridges. He has also taught and developed both undergraduate and postgraduate bridge engineering courses at the University of Surrey and run bridge-related courses worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367866891

Bridge Management: Proceedings of the Third International Conference This volume contains the papers presented at the Third International Conference on Bridge Management held at the University of Surrey Guildford UK on 14-17 April 1996. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429182273

Bridge to IslamA Study of the Religious Forces of Islam and Christianity in the Near East Originally published in 1953 Bridge to Islam is a detailed study of the beliefs of Muhammad and his followers exploring the relationship between the world of Islam and that of Christianity. Drawing attention to the common beliefs between Islam and Christianity the book examines the relationship between these two prominent religions and poses the argument that it is only through a proper appreciation of the differences in spiritual attitudes that a bridge of understanding and knowledge can be built between them. It traces the religious histories of different countries in the Middle East and assesses the position of Islam and Christianity in each one. Bridge to Islam will appeal to those with an interest in the history of Christianity the history of Islam religious studies and the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367623722

Bridges and BarriersLanguage in African Education and Development Recent decades have seen sub-Saharan Africa decline in both economic and human terms. The rich North has responded with a barrage of well-publicized initiatives from pop concerts to international commitments on debt relief aid trade and good governance. Among the complex of factors necessary to sustain economic and human development education receives little media coverage although it is crucial. However education must be effective.  This book argues that in 'Anglophone' Africa education is not effective because of the use of English rather than children's first languages both as the medium of instruction and also as the language in which children are first taught to read. Research is presented from Malawi and Zambia countries with contrasting language policies using evidence from tests in English and African languages small-group discussions and classroom observation. The findings show that English-medium policies in Africa do not give students any advantage in English over first-language policies while the use of English discriminates against girls and rural children.  The book concludes that much education in Africa is a barrier rather than a bridge to learning because of the prevailing language ideology which has resulted in massive over-estimation of the value of English. While appropriate language policies alone will not solve education and development difficulties in Africa they do have a positive contribution to make. The evidence presented here suggests they are failing to make that contribution. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315759463

Bridges and BarriersThe European Union's Mediterranean Policy 1961-1998 Originally published in 1999 Bridges and Barriers is a detailed study of the European Union’s Mediterranean Policy from the initial agreements in the 1960s to the recent Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The scope of this analysis includes the Maghreb and Mashreq countries in addition to Turkey Malta Israel the Occupied Territories and Cyprus. The authors argue that the limited success of trade and development policy in this region resulted from endogenous and exogenous factors: examples of the former include the lack of the political will necessary to implement trade aid and reform policies while the latter include the energy crisis of the 1970s the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Cold War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367135393

Bridges and Spans Information about types of bridges and how they are built. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706061

Bridges Between Psychology and LinguisticsA Swarthmore Festschrift for Lila Gleitman Written as a tribute to Lila Gleitman an influential pioneer in first language acquisition and reading studies this significant book clearly establishes the relationships between psychology and linguistics. It begins with a thorough examination of issues in developmental psychology continues with questions on perception and cognition studies the realm of psycholinguistics and concludes with an exploration of theoretical linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987890

Bridges to ConsciousnessComplexes and complexity This book investigates consciousness as an emergent state arising from the global functioning of the brain and the body. In this research Krieger applies these concepts to analytical psychology particularly to the constellation of the complex and of the archetype. Global brain functioning is considered as a complex system whose macroscopic emergent patterns such as thoughts and behaviours are determined by physical parameters including emotion memory and perception. The concept of the feeling-toned complex was among the first of the theories to be developed by Jung and the theories of complexity and dynamical systems which subsequently developed in the physical sciences did not exist at the time. This book takes a new look at the feeling-toned complex as a basin of attraction which competes for consciousness against other complexes to determine behaviour. By drawing parallels between current ideas in neuroscience and Jung’s more traditional theories Krieger discusses the relevance for both psychotherapy and everyday life. Bridges to Consciousness considers the importance of the link between emotion and the complex in both the establishment of consciousness and the determination of self-esteem making the work relevant to therapists and analysts. This book will also awaken interest in complexes in both the Jungian and wider neuroscientific research communities and will therefore interest researchers and academics in the field of psychology who want an insight into how the ideas of Jung can be applied beyond the traditional analytic field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415791724

Bridges To The FutureProspects For Peace And Security In Southern Africa With the ending of white minority rule in South Africa the democratic elections in Mozambique and the renewed efforts at a negotiated settlement of civil war in Angola Southern Africa has entered a new era. Much more is required however to ensure lasting peace and security. The states on the subcontinent are confronted with the twofold task of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159184

BridgesMetaphor for Psychic Processes This book focuses on a number of psychodynamic concepts processes symptoms and also achievements in terms of the bridge and the bridging functions. It deals with questions of psychological growth creativity and the arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323585

BridgesPsychic Structures Functions and Processes This book encompasses a wide range of author's diverse explorations and provides readers with rich food for thought—whether their interest is in clinical or cultural issues of the psyche. It re-examines the idea of the self and explores the distinction between symbols and symbolic experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519787

Bridging Boundaries in Consumption Markets and Culture This book focuses on the bridges that connect the dynamic relations between consumer actions the marketplace and cultural meanings. Answering the challenge to do more than merely cross the boundaries between these fields the authors in this volume also undertake the far harder work of bridging them. Consequently this book is a rich and topical array of research projects which engage in a variety of theoretical and empirical boundary crossings. The authors’ diverse methodologies span archival research visual content analysis ethnography and phenomenological interviewing. Their research contexts are distinctly globally diverse as reflected in the topics of their studies: aid in contemporary Syrian refugee camps in Germany; early twentieth-century Swedish advertisements for kitchens; family formation in twenty-first-century Sri Lanka; Brazilian book (de)collectors; and the signification of magazine covers in India. Overall the book makes for compelling reading across and beyond conventional boundaries associated with the study of consumption markets and culture. This book was originally published as a peer-reviewed special issue of Consumption Markets & Culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367353049

Bridging Cognitive Science and Education: Learning Memory and MetacognitionA Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology The fields of cognitive science and education have worked hard to discover effective principles of learning with the goal of improving educational achievement. And although each has made significant advances there has been until today a gap between the two disciplines. This special issue brings together researchers aiming to bridge laboratory data with real world learning practices each providing recent and crucial information concerning the improvement of learning. The readings will allow both researchers and educators to understand strategies that would most benefit students by improving learning as well as the ability of learning to learn - or what has been defined as metacognition. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138883208

Bridging Communities through Socially Engaged Art Promoting the expansion of art in society and education this book highlights the significance of the arts as an instrument of social justice inclusion equity and protection of the environment. Including twenty-seven diverse case studies of socially engaged art practice with groups like the Black Lives Matter movement the LGBTQ community and Rikers Island this book guides art educators toward innovative transdisciplinary and diverse methodologies. A valuable resource on creating spaces for change it addresses the relationships between artists and educators museums and communities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815396802

Bridging Cultures Between Home and SchoolA Guide for Teachers Bridging Cultures Between Home and School: A Guide for Teachers is intended to stimulate broad thinking about how to meet the challenges of education in a pluralistic society. It is a powerful resource for in-service and preservice multicultural education and professional development. The Guide presents a framework for understanding differences and conflicts that arise in situations where school culture is more individualistic than the value system of the home. It shares what researchers and teachers of the Bridging Cultures Project have learned from the experimentation of teacher-researchers in their own classrooms of largely immigrant Latino students and explores other research on promoting improved home-school relationships across cultures. The framework leads to specific suggestions for supporting teachers to cross-cultural communication; organization parent-teacher conferences that work; use strategies that increase parent involvement in schooling; increase their skills as researchers; and employ ethnographic techniques to learn about home cultures. Although the research underlying the Bridging Cultures Project and this Guide focuses on immigrant Latino families since this is the primary population with which the framework was originally used it is a potent tool for learning about other cultures as well because many face similar discrepancies between their own more collectivistic approaches to childrearing and schooling and the more individualistic approach of the dominant culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138170698

Bridging Cultures in Early Care and EducationA Training Module Bridging Cultures in Early Care and Education: A Training Module is a resource designed to help pre-service and in-service early childhood educators including infant-toddler caregivers understand the role of culture in their programs. It is also intended for professionals who work with children and their families in a variety of other roles such as social workers special educators and early interventionists and for use in college courses focused on early childhood education and child development.The module explains and illustrates how early childhood educators can use the organizing concepts of individualism and collectivism as a means of understanding cultural conflict and difference. These concepts have been shown to be highly useful in improving home-school understanding across cultures. Based on real-life examples of cultural dilemmas in early care and education settings participants engage the concepts of individualism and collectivism to solve a variety of scenarios in a dynamic and engaging manner.*Chapter 1 introduces the Bridging Cultures for Early Care and Education approach provides a brief history and explains the training module. It presents the conceptual framework of individualism and collectivism which is at the heart of the training.*Chapter 2 provides the information needed for a two-hour workshop including a script and notes to the facilitator. The script is not meant to be read word for word. Rather it is offered as a guide based on a pilot-tested approach. Appendices at the end of the book contain transparency masters for the overheads referenced in the script and masters for suggested handouts.*Chapter 3 offers ideas for augmenting the basic two-hour training by expanding it over a longer time period. It also identifies additional diversity resources that can complement the Bridging Cultures training.*Appendices providing additional information data and bibliographic resources are included. This module originated as part of the Bridging Cultures Project at WestEd--a nonprofit research development and service agency working with education and other communities to promote excellence achieve equity and improve learning for children youth and adults. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152670

Bridging Disciplinary Perspectives of Country Image Reputation Brand and Identity Country image and related constructs such as country reputation brand and identity have been subjects of debate in fields such as marketing psychology sociology communication and political science. This volume provides an overview of current scholarship places related research interests across disciplines in a common context  and illustrates connections among the constructs. Discussing how different scholarly perspectives can be applied to answer a broad range of related research questions this volume aims to contribute to the emergence of a more theoretical open and interdisciplinary study of country image reputation brand and identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138281356

Bridging Research and Good Practices towards Patients WelfareProceedings of the 4th International Conference on Healthcare Ergonomics and Pa Ergonomics is a human-centered discipline. This is particularly true for healthcare systems and patient safety where the human’s well-being will undergo critical impacts if solutions are not properly designed and practiced. Effective handling of these concerns involves knowledge from healthcare work (e.g. shift work patient handling and medical teamwork) to safety research (resilience medical process control intensive care surgery/anesthesiology and patient involvement) and to more general issues such as community participation in public affairs. To pursue the mission the Healthcare System Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS) commenced its first conference in Florence Italy in 2005. Following the founding success HEPS became an IEA-sponsored event and the series subsequently took place in Strasbourg France in 2008 and in Oviedo Spain in 2011. The three remarkable conferences have forged a world-class platform for researchers and practitioners from around the globe to exchange and disseminate the knowledge in HEPS. This volume contains the selected papers presented at the Fourth International conference on HEPS held from June 23 to 26 2014 in Taiwan. The Fourth HEPS organized by the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan (EST) and endorsed by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) aims to consolidate the knowledge bridged between ergonomics research and healthcare practices for the safety and welfare of patients. Researchers professionals and practitioners in ergonomics and healthcare around the world have shared their wisdom experience insights and visions on past current and future efforts in healthcare systems ergonomics and patient safety.The papers contributing to this book address the latest research applications and practices in accordance with the theme of the conference "Bridging Research and Good Practices towards Patients Welfare " and cover the following areas: "Aging and Healthcare System" "Healthcare Mobil Application and Usability" "Safety Hazards and MSDs" "Simulation Modeling and Decision Making" "Environment and System Design" and "Human Factors and Product Design". Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138027169

Bridging the BarrierIsraeli Unilateral Disengagement The construction of the barrier separating Israel from the West Bank has become the site of one of the most heated controversies the world over the source of virulent propaganda incitement and hatred. Tami A. Jacoby explores the incongruent narratives of Israelis and Palestinians with regards to Israel's security barrier and the policy of unilateral withdrawal. This insightful book offers a multidimensional approach that takes into consideration different sides of the barrier conflict as well as internal divisions. It also observes how the barrier affects the lives of individuals and communities through the rapid profusion of events in the legal political social and military sphere. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387831

Bridging the Business-Project DivideTechniques for Reconciling Business-as-Usual and Project Cultures In organizations these days there are two cultures two sets of expectations two languages; that of the business-as-usual organization and separately that of projects. These cultures need to work together effectively. Unfortunately the natural side-effect of two such different perspectives is misunderstanding mutual incomprehension and despite good intentions on both sides failure to deliver desired benefits. In Bridging the Business-Project Divide John Brinkworth tackles these issues by examining: · Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409465171

Bridging the Divide between Faculty and AdministrationA Guide to Understanding Conflict in the Academy Conflicts between faculty and administration have become particularly virulent and disruptive in recent years as institutions have struggled to adapt to intensifying pressures for efficiency and accountability. Analyzing common sources of conflict and challenges on campus that impede attempts to address these conflicts Bridging the Divide between Faculty and Administration provides a theory-driven and research-based approach for authentic discourse between faculty and administration. This important resource presents a wealth of strategies for improving communication in colleges and universities ultimately enhancing organizational effectiveness and institutional performance. Special Features: End-of-chapter "Implications for Practice" provide practical tips and advice for faculty and administrators to use in their own contexts. Analysis of actual conflicts based on extensive interviews with administrators and faculty across a variety of college and university settings. Exploration of creative ways for faculty and administrators to work across differences in their belief systems and to address the underlying sources of conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415842730

Bridging the DivideIndigenous Communities and Archaeology into the 21st Century The collected essays in this volume address contemporary issues regarding the relationship between Indigenous groups and archaeologists including the challenges of dialogue colonialism the difficulties of working within legislative and institutional frameworks and NAGPRA and similar legislation. The disciplines of archaeology and cultural heritage management are international in scope and many countries continue to experience the impact of colonialism. In response to these common experiences both archaeology and indigenous political movements involve international networks through which information quickly moves around the globe. This volume reflects these dynamic dialectics between the past and the present and between the international and the local demonstrating that archaeology is a historical science always linked to contemporary cultural concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598743937

Bridging the Early Modern Atlantic WorldPeople Products and Practices on the Move Bridging the Early Modern Atlantic World brings together ten original essays by an international group of scholars exploring the complex outcomes of the intermingling of people circulation of goods exchange of information and exposure to new ideas that are the hallmark of the early modern Atlantic. Spanning the period from the earliest French crossings to Newfoundland at the beginning of the sixteenth century to the end of the wars of independence in Spanish South America c. 1830 and encompassing a range of disciplinary approaches the contributors direct particular attention to regions communities and groups whose activities in and responses to an ever-more closely bound Atlantic world remain relatively under-represented in the literature. Some of the chapters focus on the experience of Europeans including French consumers of Newfoundland cod English merchants forming families in Spanish Seville and Jewish refugees from Dutch Brazil making the Caribbean island of Nevis their home. Others focus on the ways in which the populations with whom Europeans came into contact enslaved or among whom they settled - the Tupi peoples of Brazil the Kriston women of the west African port of Cacheu among others - adapted to and were changed by their interactions with previously unknown peoples goods institutions and ideas. Together with the substantial Introduction by the editor which reviews the significance of the field as a whole these essays capture the complexity and variety of experience of the countless men and women who came into contact during the period whilst highlighting and illustrating the porous and fluid nature in practice of the early modern Atlantic world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569949

Bridging the Entrepreneurial Financing GapLinking Governance with Regulatory Policy This title was first published in 2001: Governments world-wide have developed policies to encourage innovation entrepreneurship and small firm growth and to increase access to small firm finance. However the effectiveness of small firms and entrepreneurs as innovators depends on their incentives and the effective governance of relations between entrepreneurs investors and employees. This book links these regulatory policies to the ethical and governance practices of small firms in order to explain the impact and success these policies might be expected to enjoy. The book examines the empirical and theoretical nature of governance practices in small firms as well as a range of regulatory policy areas including intellectual property insolvency law taxation securities regulation and directors’ duties in Australia Europe and North America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138631052

Bridging the GapA Training Module in Personal and Professional Development The book opens a very important debate for the family therapy field. At a ie of treatment rationing and standard setting it aptly draws our attention to an issue of increasing importance: training the highest-quality family therapists. In addition it offers trainers and supervisors an invaluable “howto-do-it” guide to tried-and-tested methods of taking trainees through a programme of personal and professional development. Judy Hildebrand is known throughout the family therapy who has always spoken for integrating formal aspects of with personal development and she has designed and run for courses in Britain and Europe for many years. But the picture would be incomplete without understanding the effect that the exercises have on personal development and for this volume she is joined by Collette Richardson and Frankie Zimmerman two colleagues and ex-trainees who have collated the experiences of a range of trainees from several courses and are able to complement Hildebrand’s ideas with the voice of the trainee. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323592

Bridging the GapConnecting Users to Digital Contents The amount of digital information that libraries need to manage effectively for the benefit of users is constantly increasing. This book discusses in detail how library administrators can better handle this growing abundance of information as well as effective ways to allow library users easy access. Respected leaders in the field of librarianship explore various aspects of how librarians are meeting the challenges of delivering more digital information to a changing user base including preservation demands licensing agreements digitizing and making available collections unique to specific libraries and providing more personalized digital services to library users. This book focuses on timely issues that impact how libraries are administered and viewed by both librarians and by users. This innovative book discusses practical ways to provide remote access and services to digital resources support the preservation of digital resources understand their library users who prefer the digital information format and reshape the traditional library for better digital access. The book is carefully referenced and includes helpful illustrations. The book is a valuable resource for senior and mid-level library administrators including deans directors and department heads of public special and academic libraries. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Library Administration. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877358

Bridging the Global Divide on Human Rights: A Canada-China DialogueA Canada-China Dialogue This title was first published in 2003. In this collection of essays that explores Western and Chinese perspectives on human rights leading Canadian and Chinese scholars bridge the global divide on some of the key aspects of human rights. Issues covered include the role of civil society in human rights protection the imperative of the rule of law in the protection of human rights freedom of expression and its relation to social economic and cultural development and corruption in the public and private sectors. The volume also focuses on the domestic implementation of human rights treaties and offers gender perspectives on implementing social and economic rights in an era of globalization. The independent Chinese and Canadian scholars present a new vision of global pluralism in the area of human rights protection in a modernizing China and in the rest of the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138716162

Bridging the Medieval-Modern DivideMedieval Themes in the World of the Reformation The debate about when the middle ages ended and the modern era began has long been a staple of the historical literature. In order to further this debate and illuminate the implications of a longue durée approach to the history of the Reformation this collection offers a selection of essays that address the medieval-modern divide. Covering a broad range of topics - encompassing legal social cultural theological and political history - the volume asks fundamental questions about how we regard history and what historians can learn from colleagues working in other fields that may not at first glance appear to offer any obvious links. By focussing on the concept of the medieval-modern divide - in particular the relation between the Middle Ages and the Reformation - each essay examines how a medievalist deals with a specific topic or issue that is also attracting the attention of Reformation scholars. In so doing it underlines the fact that both medievalists and modernists are often involved in bridging the medieval-modern divide but are inclined to construct parallel bridges that end between the two starting points but do not necessarily meet. As a result the volume challenges assumptions about the strict periodization of history and suggest that a more flexible approach will yield interesting historical insights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409447634

Bridging the Progressive-Traditional Divide in Education ReformA Unifying Vision for Teaching Learning and System Level Supports This book brings together a variety of connected voices which consider potential ways forward for school reform. By demonstrating how the ‘subject-centered’ and ‘student-centered’ models of education can and have been working together in various contexts the text sets out a compelling case for an emerging movement that unites ideologies and pedagogical traditions which have traditionally been considered to be at odds with one another.In drawing from historical sources the full range of contemporary research and a series of investigations led by the authors this book documents the deep back-story of school reform and explains the powerful and largely unacknowledged consensus on what constitutes excellence in teaching and learning.This book will be of great interest to researchers academics and postgraduate students in the fields of school reform and educational leadership. It will also appeal to graduate students researchers and postgraduates in the fields of history of education educational leadership teaching and learning and curriculum studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367728045

Bridging The RiftThe New South Africa In Africa This book explores the repercussions prospects for political and economic development security consequences and casualties of the social political and economic interactions between the hobbled leviathan of the South Africa and its continental neighbours. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159993

Bridging the Transition from Primary to Secondary School The transition from primary to secondary school can often be a difficult time for children and managing the transition smoothly has posed a problem for teachers at both upper primary and lower secondary level. At a time when 'childhood' recedes and 'adulthood' beckons the inequalities between individual children can widen and meeting the needs of all children is a challenge. Bridging the Transition from Primary to Secondary School offers an insight into children's development building a framework for the creation of appropriate and relevant educational experiences of children between the ages of 10-12. Based on the five 'transition bridges' - administrative social and personal curriculum pedagogy and autonomy and managing learning - this book is a complete guide to the primary-secondary transition. Chapters cover: A review of the issues and challenges of transition and school transfer; Management of physical intellectual social and emotional changes; Issues of changing self-identity; Approaches to ensure curriculum progression and continuity; Ways to develop cooperation between primary and secondary schools; Alternatives to traditional primary-secondary systems and pedagogy. This book will be essential reading for all trainee teachers undergraduate and postgraduate education students and those working with children over the transition. The contributors offer a wealth of guidance and insight into meeting the educational and social needs of children through early adolescence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415575478

Bridging WorldsUnderstanding and Facilitating Adolescent Recovery from the Trauma of Abuse With Bridging Worlds you will learn to uncover the roots of teenage problems – the causes behind symptoms such as self-destructiveness anger recklessness and violence. Originally published in 1998 this title shows you how to develop treatment guidelines and thoughtful frames of reference that address the problems of teenage violence pregnancy truancy and delinquency. It will help you detect when the reckless even frightening behaviour of adolescents is a cry for help and show you what you can do to defuse the situation make authentic and meaningful connections and offer valuable help. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138952003

Brief Coaching with Children and Young PeopleA Solution Focused Approach Brief Coaching with Children and Young People: A Solution Focused approach is the first book of its type to describe the thinking and practice of Solution Focused coaching with these age groups. The approach empowers young people to find their own solutions in the shortest possible time focusing on where they want to get to rather than the details of the problem they are concerned about. The authors’ emphasis on practical and straightforward techniques and materials will equip all those interested in working with and supporting young people and their families to help them achieve their hopes for the future. The book is illustrated with numerous examples from the coaching practice of the authors in different settings with a particular emphasis on challenging cases. As a whole it serves as a key resource for working with children and young people but each chapter can also be read individually to enhance the reader’s understanding of the topic. Downloadable resources are available online which enhance the practicality of the text. Ratner and Yusuf have created a practical jargon-free resource for all those who work with and support children young people and their families. It will be invaluable for coaches therapists and counsellors as well as anyone who interacts with children and young people including social workers teachers and mentors and foster parents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415855891

Brief CoachingA Solution Focused Approach Brief Coaching offers a new approach to coaching by considering how the client will know when they have reached their goal and what they are already doing to get there. The coach aims to work towards the solution rather than working away from the problem so that the client's problem is not central to the session but instead the coach and the client work towards the client's preferred future. This book employs case examples and transcripts of sessions to offer guidance on: looking for resources rather than deficits exploring possible and preferred futures examining what is already contributing to that future treating clients as experts in all aspects of their lives. This practical guide includes summaries and activities for the coach to do with the client and will therefore be a useful tool for both new and experienced coaches as well as therapists branching into coaching who want to add to their existing skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415667470

Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer PatientsRe-Visioning the CBT Paradigm Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Cancer Patients is a practical clinical guide that allows for the integration of techniques from multiple newer CBT models organized around a clear conceptual foundation and case conceptualization. The book targets those cognitive emotional and behavioral processes that research suggests are instrumental in the maintenance of human psychological suffering. Author Scott Temple also draws on newer models that build on strengths and resilience and brings clinical work to life through vivid case examples worksheets and case conceptualization forms. Detailed vignettes show clinicians how to create a case conceptualization as a guide to treatment as well as how to integrate Beckian and newer CBT techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138942639

Brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Non-Underweight PatientsCBT-T for Eating Disorders Most people with eating disorders struggle to find an effective therapy that they can access quickly. Brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Non-Underweight Patients: CBT-T for Eating Disorders presents a new form of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that is brief and effective allowing more patients to get the help that they need. CBT is a strongly supported therapy for all adults and many adolescents with eating disorders. This 10-session approach to CBT (CBT-T) is suitable for all eating disorder patients who are not severely underweight helping adults and young adults to overcome their eating disorder. Using CBT-T with patients will allow clinicians to treat people in less time shorten waiting lists and see patients more quickly when they need help. It is a flexible protocol which fits to the patient rather than making the patient fit to the therapy. Brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Non-Underweight Patients provides an evidence-based protocol that can be delivered by junior or senior clinicians helping patients to recover and go on to live a healthy life. This book will appeal to clinical psychologists psychiatrists psychotherapists dietitians nurses and other professionals working with eating disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367192297

Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention An innovative treatment approach with a strong empirical evidence base brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for suicide prevention (BCBT) is presented in step-by-step detail in this authoritative manual. Leading treatment developers show how to establish a strong collaborative relationship with a suicidal patient assess risk and immediately work to establish safety. Proven interventions are described for building emotion regulation and crisis management skills and dismantling the patient's suicidal belief system. The book includes case examples sample dialogues and 17 reproducible handouts forms scripts and other clinical tools. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462536665

Brief Confessional Writings: Grey Stubbes Livingstone ClarksonePrinted Writings 1500–1640: Series I Part Two Volume 2 The works by the four protestant women authors collected in this volume participate in the ars moriandi (art of dying) tradition which became increasingly powerful over the 16th and 17th centuries. The moment of death was thought to reveal the ’true’ state of the individual’s soul. This volume provides four varying forms of heroic subjectivity offered by middle class and aristocratic women by the act of dying well. In all four cases their heroic deaths also proclaimed and thus helped to define specifically Protestant doctrines. When so few women’s words appeared in print this ideological function probably represented a primary reason for the recording and publishing of these works. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261355

Brief Encounters with Couples Deriving from a conference organised by the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute the present volume draws the main focus of its inquiry from a few fundamental questions. In its various brief encounters and in disparate contexts how effective can a psychoanalytic approach be when it addresses the parental/child or adult couple relationship? What specific quality of contact can be achieved in the relationship between client(s) and therapist in shorter-term work? This compilation of essays written by experienced practitioners engages directly and positively these and other questions demonstrating with clinical material the efficacious contribution of a psychoanalytic psychotherapy. In both the similarity and variety of responses to the complex issues explored the authors display a creative engagement and theoretical understanding that will be of great interest and stimulus to all professionals working in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367105198

Brief Group Psychotherapy for Eating DisordersInpatient protocols In the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa delivering psychological interventions in a group format can bring unique benefits in addition to those associated with working with patients individually. These include: sharing experiences and learning from others in a safe and therapeutic environment becoming accustomed to being with other people and practising interpersonal skills. However these aspects of group treatment also represent a challenge for group facilitators as it is exactly these interpersonal and relational demands that patients find difficult to tolerate. Facilitators are likely to be confronted with low motivation or complete disengagement as a result of the discomfort evoked by spending time in psychological groups. Nonetheless once these difficulties are successfully overcome the group setting can be effectively utilised to address the specific aims of a given psychological intervention as well as tapping into these wider benefits Drawing upon research carried out by the Maudsley national inpatient eating disorders programme Brief Group Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders brings together expert contributions in order to review the evidence base as well as discussing how the challenges of the group setting can be overcome. This book outlines newly-developed protocols for group interventions aimed at providing brief but effective treatment for an increased numbers of patients and addresses the need to develop and evaluate cost effective psychological interventions for patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Brief Group Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders is designed to offer therapists clinicians and researchers in the field a synopsis of the available evidence along with guidance on how to put theory into practice effectively. It will also be an invaluable resource for students trainees and teachers in the clinical counselling psychology psychiatry nursing occupational therapy and other allied professions.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138848917

Brief Interventions for Adolescent Alcohol and Substance Abuse Bringing together leading experts this book demonstrates the unique value of brief motivational interventions for addressing adolescent alcohol and other substance use in a range of clinical contexts. It presents cutting-edge knowledge on the etiology and developmental context of adolescent addictive behaviors and reviews exemplary treatment approaches. Effective strategies are described for intervening with diverse populations such as college students youth in the justice system and in foster care those with co-occurring substance abuse and psychiatric problems LGBT youth and Latino and American Indian adolescents. This book replaces the editors' influential earlier work Adolescents Alcohol and Substance Abuse with an expanded focus on practical applications. Most of the chapters are completely new. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462535002

Brief Notes in Advanced DSPFourier Analysis with MATLAB Based on the authors’ research in Fourier analysis Brief Notes in Advanced DSP: Fourier Analysis with MATLAB® addresses many concepts and applications of digital signal processing (DSP). The included MATLAB® codes illustrate how to apply the ideas in practice. The book begins with the basic concept of the discrete Fourier transformation and its properties. It then describes lifting schemes integer transformations the discrete cosine transform and the paired transform method for calculating the discrete Hadamard transform. The text also examines the decomposition of the 1D signal by so-called section basis signals as well as new forms of 2D signal/image representation and decomposition by direction signals/images. Focusing on Fourier transform wavelets and Givens–Haar transforms the last chapter discusses the problem of signal multiresolution. This book presents numerous interesting problems and concepts of unitary transformations such as the Fourier Hadamard Hartley Haar paired cosine and new signal-induced transformations. It aids readers in using new forms and methods of signals and images in the frequency and frequency-and-time domains. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138117747

Brief Psychotherapy with the Latino Immigrant Client Understand the unique needs beliefs and values of your Latino immigrant clients!Brief Psychotherapy with the Latino Immigrant Client is a manual for the practicing psychotherapist or student with tips on the assessment process and suggested interventions that work efficiently. With this book you will explore the influence of medical anthropological concepts on Latino immigrant populations in North America. The author draws on her experience as both a medical anthropologist and a licensed psychotherapist and on her extensive fieldwork in the Amazon for help in developing psychosociocultural assessments of Spanish-speaking migrants. This valuable book examines which kinds of therapy work for the growing Latino immigrant population and looks at metaphors (dichos) that can be used to help in brief interventions for clinical issues. In relation to the specific beliefs values and sentiments of these clients Brief Psychotherapy with the Latino Immigrant Client presents: hypnosis techniques that work with this population behavior modification and cognitive restructuring techniques specific culturally appropriate metaphors for distinctive clinical issues an examination of alcohol issues in this population psychological issues that go along with tuberculosis hints for the non-Latino therapist who deals with Latino clients case studies that illustrate the book's principles of care and assessment shamanic techniques of healing that can provide a model for treating these clientsBrief Psychotherapy with the Latino Immigrant Client includes a glossary of Spanish terms appendixes on hypnotic pain control inductions sample tests scales and diagrams several case studies and listings of Spanish language resources. Every therapist who treats Latino immigrants should own this book! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809281

Brief Therapy and BeyondStories Language Love Hope and Time Brief Therapy and Beyond is a collection of new and selected papers by prominent psychologist Michael Hoyt. Numerous clinical vignettes and informative discussions describe time-sensitive treatments to relieve psychological distress and/or promote growth. Drawing from an encyclopedic knowledge of the professional literature as well as humor poetry sports and candid revelation Hoyt illustrates the importance of stories language love hope and time in shaping worldviews that inspire and empower clients and clinicians to make effective and efficient changes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138636712

Brief Therapy Approaches to Treating Anxiety and Depression Maintaining that most cases of anxiety and depression will respond to intelligently planned brief directive therapies Dr. Yapko has assembled this collection of 17 insightful and challenging papers illuminating such brief therapy methods. These innovative essays from such respected practitioners as S.G. Gilligan J.C. Mills E.L. Rossi M.E. Seligman and others cover such topics as disturbances of temporal orientation as a feature of depression; the use of multisensory metaphors in the treatment of children's fears and depression; a hypnotherapeutic approach to panic disorder anxiety as a function of depression; and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138004573

Brief Therapy With Couples and Families in Crisis As the average length of therapy shortens clinicians need a resource to lead them step-by-step through the goals and process of the opening sessions of brief therapy as well as clear treatment maps for the most common presenting problems. This resource helps clinicians do just that and more including doing a quick assessment and isolating and addressing the underlying emotional wounds that prevent families and couples from solving problems on their own. Readers will not only learn how to "think brief " they will also discover how to navigate the session process in an interactive and action-oriented way even with clients who are in high-pressure crisis situations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415787819

Brief Therapy With Single-Parent Families First published in 1984. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138868991

Brief TherapyMyths Methods And Metaphors A tapestry of rich and varied perspectives drawn from a remarkable event. The Brief Therapy Congress sponsored by the Milton H. Erickson Foundation brought together over 2200 therapists and an impressive faculty that included J. Barber J. Bergman S. Budman G. Cecchin N. Cummings S. de Shazer A. Ellis M. Goulding J. Gustafson J. Haley C. Lankton S. Lankton A. Lazarus C. Madanes W. O'Hanlon P. Papp E. Polster E. Rossi P. Sifneos H. Strupp P. Watzlawick J. Weakland M. Yapko and many more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138004726

Briefcase on Family Law This Briefcase is made up of a very wide selection of cases chosen so as to enunciate and illustrate some of the fundamental principles applied by the courts to contemporary problems of family law. The basic facts of the cases and the courts decisions are outlined and particular attention is given to judicial comments on the essence of the legal questions under discussion. Special emphasis is placed on recent decisions of the Court of Appeal and House of Lords. Attention has been paid to the implications of the recent announcement that the Family Law Act 1996 has been placed on hold with the exception of the important Part IV of the Act relating to domestic violence.  Full reference tables of cases and statutes are given. Presentation of the text is designed specifically for students involved in preparation for law degrees and other law-related courses and for social workers whose daily activities necessitate an understanding of the impact of the decisions of the courts on fundamental social problems related to the family. Media > Books > E-books Routledge-Cavendish 9781843142669

Briefing Your Architect This book sets out the essential activities and inter-relationships involving the client organization and multi-disciplinary design team as they progress through each phase of the job. It guides the client through the preliminary steps needed to start up work; seeking out and appraising a site studying the feasibility of all ideas and proposals and showing how to work with all architects and specialist consultants. The tasks to be performed by both architect and client as well as consultants are clearly set out together with appropriate methods of working together until the building design drawings are completed. The book is arranged so that the information relevant to each stage of work can be checked as the project develops. Detailed sequential activity tables and checklists are included for this purpose.This key publication fulfils a vital need for clients who will be enabled to progress the building project more efficiently with the guidance provided. Frank Salisbury is a practising architect and lecturer in architecture for the University of Wales Associate College at Wrexham. He designed many important public buildings during his career with Cheshire County Council's Department of Architecture and as Assistant County Architect led architectural and multidisciplinary teams in the realization of a great many high quality building projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138460706

BriefingA Practical Guide to RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 7 0 and 1 (RIBA Stage Guide) This is the first in a must-have series of step-by-step guides to using the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013 on your project. Drawing together Stages 7 0 and 1 this book is about much more than briefing; it guides you through the brand new Stage 0 – Strategic Definition – as well as how Stage 7 – In Use – can feed into the definition process reflecting the circular principles of the new Plan of Work.Providing a practical tool to running an efficient project each guide follows the same format leading you through the core tasks at each stage supported by tips definitions templates and useful techniques. Five theoretical scenarios are used throughout the guides to illustrate how the Plan of Work can be applied on various project types and sizes including an extension to a house a new library and a large office building.These guides will provide unrivalled support for practices on all projects – large and small – and across all types of procurement. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465707

Briefs of Leading Cases in Corrections Briefs of Leading Cases in Corrections Sixth Edition offers extensive updates on the leading Supreme Court cases impacting corrections in the United States—prisons and jails probation parole the death penalty juvenile justice and sexual assault offender laws. Each chapter contains an introduction to the topic area making the book more user-friendly and a better source of succinct legal information than before. All cases are briefed in a common format to allow for comparisons among cases and include facts relevant issues and the Court’s decision and reasoning. The significance of each case is also explained making clear its impact on prisoners and corrections in general. The book provides students and practitioners with historical and social context for their role in criminal justice and the legal guidelines that should be followed in day-to-day correctional activities. Twenty-one cases have been added including those in a new section on the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781437735086

Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement Tenth Edition offers extensive updates on the leading Supreme Court cases impacting law enforcement in the United States creating a must-have reference for police officers to stay up-to-date and have a strong understanding of the law and their function within it. All cases are briefed in a common format to allow for comparisons among cases and include facts relevant issues and the Court’s decision and reasoning. The significance of each case is also explained making clear its impact on citizens and law enforcement. The book provides students and practitioners with historical and social context for their role in criminal justice and the legal guidelines that should be followed in day-to-day policing activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367146924

Briggs' Information Processing Model of the Binary Classification Task First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company.  This monograph is a review of the evolution of George Briggs’ informationprocessing model from a general schema beginning with the work of Saul Sternberg (1969a) and Edward E. Smith (1968) to a fairly well-detailed schematic representation of central processes that Briggs was working on at the time of his early death. The development of Briggs’ model of the binary classification task (BCT) spanned the period from 1969 when he published his first report on choice reaction time with Blaha (Briggs & Blaha 1969) to 1977 with the publication of a posthumous paper (Briggs Thomason & Hagman 1978). The model evolved across a total of 16 experimental and 2 review papers. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315781815

Brigham YoungSovereign in America Brigham Young was one of the most influential—and controversial—Mormon leaders in American history. An early follower of the new religion he led the cross-continental migration of the Mormon people from Illinois to Utah where he built a vast religious empire that was both revolutionary and authoritarian radically different from yet informed by the existing culture of the U.S. With his powerful personality and sometimes paradoxical convictions Young left an enduring stamp on both his church and the region and his legacy remains active today. In a lively concise narrative bolstered by primary documents and supplemented by a robust companion website David Mason tells the dynamic story of Brigham Young and in the process illuminates the history of the LDS Church religion in America and the development of the American west. This book will be a vital resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex uniquely American origins of a church that now counts over 15 million members worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415844840

Bright Kids Who Can't Keep UpHelp Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World Do you find yourself constantly asking your child to "pick up the pace"? Does he or she seem to take longer than others to get stuff done--whether completing homework responding when spoken to or getting dressed and ready in the morning? Drs. Ellen Braaten and Brian Willoughby have worked with thousands of kids and teens who struggle with an area of cognitive functioning called "processing speed " and who are often mislabeled as lazy or unmotivated. Filled with vivid stories and examples this crucial resource demystifies processing speed and shows how to help kids (ages 5 to 18) catch up in this key area of development. Helpful practical tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Learn how to obtain needed support at school what to expect from a professional evaluation and how you can make daily routines more efficient--while promoting your child's social and emotional well-being. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781609184728

Bright Satanic MillsUniversities Regional Development and the Knowledge Economy Recent years have seen a growing emphasis upon the need for universities to contribute to the economic social and environmental well-being of the regions in which they are situated and for closer links between the university and the region. This book brings together a cross-disciplinary and cross-national team of experts to consider the reasons for and the implications of the new relationship between universities and territorial development. Examining the complex interactions between the 'inner life' of the university and its external environment it poses the question: 'Can the modern university manage the governance and balancing of these sometimes conflicting demands'? Against a backdrop of ongoing processes of globalization there is growing recognition of the importance of sub-national development strategies - processes of regionalization governmental decentralization and sub-national mobilization that provide a context for universities to become powerful partners in the process of managing sub-national economic social and environmental change. Allied to this the continued evolution of the knowledge economy has freed up location decisions within knowledge-intensive industries while paradoxically innovation in the production of goods and services has become still more 'tied' to locations that can nurture the human and intellectual capital upon which those industries rely. Thus cities and regions in which higher education services are concentrated have or are thought to have a competitive advantage. With universities facing ever increasing pressures of commercialization which deepen the engagement between universities and external stakeholders including those based in their localities the tension between the university's academic (basic research and teaching) mission and external demands has never been greater. This book provides a long overdue analysis bringing all the competing issues together synthesizing the key conceptual debates and analyzing the way in which they have been experienced in different local regional and national contexts and with what effects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367603809

Brilliance Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138071117

Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the ClassroomA very practical guide for teachers and lecturers Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the Classroom is a totally practical hands-on guide to using ICT in and around the classroom for all secondary school teachers and lecturers in post-compulsory education. Assuming no prior expertise it centres on software and resources that are free or very low cost and offers step-by-step guidance and creative ideas to improve the experience and engagement of your students. With a focus on what tools to use what educational need they satisfy and how to incorporate them into good pedagogy key topics covered include: Effective use of presentation technologies Using producing and sharing multimedia Interactive whiteboards and related technologies Using Web 2.0 technologies Mobile learning Supporting diverse student needs through technology. Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the Classroom puts equal emphasis on both technical and pedagogical issues making it the ideal companion whatever your ICT or e-learning needs. Catering equally well for Windows Mac and Linux users this book is designed to give you all the confidence you need to start teaching brilliantly with ICT. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415640503

Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the Inclusive Classroom Runner up in Teach Secondary’s Technology and Innovation Awards 2014 sponsored by Lego Brilliant Ideas for using ICT in the Inclusive Classroom provides lots of simple practical ideas showing teachers and support staff how they can use ICT to boost the achievement of all pupils. How can you use ICT to boost the achievement of all your pupils? This practical teachers’ guide will help you to unlock the enormous potential of new technology in order to enhance pupils’ learning particularly for young people with additional needs. Written by two of the UK’s leading technology experts this invaluable and newly updated resource will enable you to use ICT effectively to make lessons more accessible motivating and fun. With fifty illustrated case studies and twenty starter activities this practical resource will help you to introduce new technology into the inclusive classroom. It has been specifically designed to help develop your pupils’ key skills such as problem solving developing concepts and communicating to different audiences. In each activity the authors show why and how a particular resource was used and show how similar techniques can be implemented to open up the curriculum to your learners. The authors include timely and realistic advice on how to use a range of technologies from the cheap and cheerful – and even free – to more sophisticated and specialist packages. Find out about: Apps Blogging Digital animation Podcasting Digital storytelling Wikis Geocaching Coding Games and gaming Sat nav Art packages Twitter Whether you’re already techno-savvy or looking to get started with ICT this book is full of brilliant ideas on how to engage learners of all abilities using technology. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to integrate creative uses of ICT with the curriculum this book will prove invaluable. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809024

Brimful of AsiaNegotiating Ethnicity on the UK Music Scene During the 1990s Asian pop artists began entering the mainstream of the British music industry for the first time. Bands such as Black Star Liner Cornershop Fun Da Mental and Voodoo Queens led those within and without the industry to start asking questions such as what did it mean to be Asian? How did the bands' Asian background affect their music? What did their music say about Asians in Britain? In this book Rehan Hyder draws on in-depth interviews with musicians from these bands and with critics and record producers to examine the pressures associated with making music as a young Asian in today's multi-ethnic Britain. As the book reveals these musicians wish to convey an authentic sense of creativity in their music while at the same time wanting to assert a positive ethnic identity. Hyder explores these two impulses against the backdrop of a music industry and a society at large that hold a range of confining stereotypes about what it means to be Asian. The experiences of these bands add considerably to the wider debate about the nature of identity in the contemporary world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138459656

Bring the FunnyThe Essential Companion for the Comedy Screenwriter A sharp funny book about comedy screenwriting from a successful screenwriter that uses recent – as in this century – movies you've actually seen as examples. Greg DePaul (Screenwriter Bride Wars Saving Silverman) has sold scripts to Miramax Fox Disney New Line Sony MGM and Village Roadshow. He's worked with comedy stars like Jack Black Kate Hudson Jason Biggs and Amanda Peet. Now Greg takes everything he knows about writing comedy and breaking into the biz tosses it into a blender and serves up this tasty fat-free smoothie of a book that’s easy to read brutally honest and straight from the heart ... of Hollywood. Bring the Funny is chock full o' tricks strategies and insider terms used by successful comedy screenwriters including: Comic Justice Wrylies Genre-Bending Shadow Characters The BDR's The Two-Hander The Conceit Comedic Escalation Gapping A.I.C. Fish Outta Water The Idea Factory Really Important Comedy Screenwriting Rules Number 99 and 100 If you're looking to write funnier and better screenplays you want this book. But if you're ready to pack up your car drive out to L.A. and dive into a career as a comedy screenwriter you need this book. Now. Buy it jam it into your pocket and hit the gas. Greg's got your back. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138929258

Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to WorkA Guide for Leaders and Organizations Organizations accomplish results when they powerfully engage employees and capture their discretionary time. This is more important than ever during this period where employees are facing unprecedented time poverty. Technology has blurred the lines between employees' work and personal lives and they are faced with the challenges of successfully navigating and integrating work and personal demands. When organizations provide the right benefits policies and cultural practices they win and they serve employees in the process.  Using examples and real-world experiences from senior executives and employees author Tracy Brower shows readers the importance of work-life supports and how they lead to more engaged and fulfilled employees. Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work is your go-to guide to work-life support providing easy-to-read strategies for building and implementing your organization's strategies to harness work-life supports increasing positive impact to your bottom line. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629560038

Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Survival Guide Where end-users once queued up to ask the IT department for permission to buy a new computer or a new version of software they are now bypassing IT altogether and buying it on their own. From laptops and smartphones to iPads and virtually unlimited software apps end-users have tasted their freedom and love it. IT will simply never be the same.Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Survival Guide explains the psycho-techno phenomenon also known as bring your own technology (BYOT). Providing the guidance necessary for living in this new world it describes the new end-users (Millennials) and their demands as well as the strategic and tactical ramifications of these demands.Examining the business aspects of BYOD—selection purchasing and corporate culture—the book covers the broad range of technical considerations including selection connectivity training support and security. It also includes an extensive set of best practices.The book is geared for the small- to medium-size enterprise that needs to integrate BYOD into their environment. It addresses topics such as content and data management risk assessment performance measurement management and even configuration management.The text includes a set of Quick Start guides that provide tips for such things as assessing costs cloud integration and even legal issues. There is also a full set of appendices that supply helpful information on everything from security settings for Apple iOS devices to a sample employee mobile device agreement. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781466565036

Bringing Bayesian Models to Life Bringing Bayesian Models to Life empowers the reader to extend enhance and implement statistical models for ecological and environmental data analysis. We open the black box and show the reader how to connect modern statistical models to computer algorithms. These algorithms allow the user to fit models that answer their scientific questions without needing to rely on automated Bayesian software. We show how to handcraft statistical models that are useful in ecological and environmental science including: linear and generalized linear models spatial and time series models occupancy and capture-recapture models animal movement models spatio-temporal models and integrated population-models. Features: R code implementing algorithms to fit Bayesian models using real and simulated data examples. A comprehensive review of statistical models commonly used in ecological and environmental science. Overview of Bayesian computational methods such as importance sampling MCMC and HMC. Derivations of the necessary components to construct statistical algorithms from scratch. Bringing Bayesian Models to Life contains a comprehensive treatment of models and associated algorithms for fitting the models to data. We provide detailed and annotated R code in each chapter and apply it to fit each model we present to either real or simulated data for instructional purposes. Our code shows how to create every result and figure in the book so that readers can use and modify it for their own analyses. We provide all code and data in an organized set of directories available at the authors' websites. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367198480

Bringing Class Back InContemporary And Historical Perspectives This book brings together scholars who are engaged in class analysis that addresses continuing debates over the relationship between class structure and human agency the centrality of class relations the dynamics of class formation class culture ideology and consciousness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153625

Bringing Cold War Democracy to West BerlinA Shared German–American Project 1940–1972 Within the span of a generation Nazi Germany’s former capital Berlin found a new role as a symbol of freedom and resilient democracy in the Cold War. This book unearths how this remarkable transformation resulted from a network of liberal American occupation officials and returned émigrés or remigrés of the Marxist Social Democratic Party (SPD).This network derived from lengthy physical and political journeys. After fleeing Hitler German-speaking self-professed "revolutionary socialists" emphasized "anti-totalitarianism" in New Deal America and contributed to its intelligence apparatus. These experiences made these remigrés especially adept at cultural translation in postwar Berlin against Stalinism.This book provides a new explanation for the alignment of Germany’s principal left-wing party with the Western camp. While the Cold War has traditionally been analyzed from the perspective of decision makers in Moscow or Washington this study demonstrates the agency of hitherto marginalized on the conflict’s first battlefield. Examining local political culture and social networks underscores how both Berliners and émigrés understood the East-West competition over the rubble that the Nazis left behind as a chance to reinvent themselves as democrats and cultural mediators respectively. As this network popularized an anti-Communist pro-Western Left this book identifies how often ostracized émigrés made a crucial contribution to the Federal Republic of Germany’s democratization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586119

Bringing Ethics AliveFeminist Ethics in Psychotherapy Practice Gain fresh theoretical and practical perspectives of feminist ethics in psychotherapy from this groundbreaking book. The combined effect of increases in the population of minorities in the U.S. and the number of women in psychotherapy practice will have great impact on the future of the mental health profession. Psychotherapy practitioners and students must learn how to make ethical considerations concerning gender ethnicity and sexual orientation. Bringing Ethics Alive is the only book of its kind that deals with the multicultural aspects of ethics in mental health services and discusses specific objectives for incorporating ethics in psychotherapy education.Divided into two sections Bringing Ethics alive focuses on both theoretical and practical issues of ethics in feminist therapy. The first section addresses theory by emphasizing the ethical responsibility of training programs to incorporate discussions on issues of racism sexism and heterosexism into the curricula. The important principles that should be included in courses on ethics in psychotherapy are outlined and include in-depth explanations of the ethics of confidentiality professional competence and conflicts of interest. A model for reconceptualizing boundary definitions in therapy is also provided.The second half of Bringing Ethics Alive provides insights on a wide range of ethical considerations in psychotherapy practice. Some of the specific issues discussed include: sexual abuse of clients by women therapists experiences of women sexually abused by male therapists compared to women sexually abused by female therapists a personal account of sexual misconduct in therapy from the point of view of the victim the ethics code of the Feminist Therapy Institute and the difficulties in translating the code into practice the inappropriate use of Native American spiritual practices or activities by non-Native American professionalsGraduate students in psychology social work and counseling psychiatric residents psychologists social workers counselors and counseling clergy no matter what their level of experience will benefit from this thought-provoking exploration of feminist ethics in theory and practice. With its multicultural viewpoint and clear definitions of ethical issues Bringing Ethics Alive is an essential book for helping mental health professionals sort through the complex issues of ethics in feminist therapy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783994

Bringing French to LifeCreative activities for 5-11 Bringing French to Life provides an innovative and refreshing cross-curricular approach to teaching languages in primary schools combining art design and foreign languages with various aspects of the National Primary Curriculum such as Literacy Numeracy and PE. This unique practical resource comprises an engaging storyline about a day in the life of two French children and gives an opportunity for learners to re-enact their day using finger puppets handmade crafts and exciting games to practise new language. Each of the 14 sections begins with a short accessible dialogue in French and is followed by suggestions for using the new vocabulary in pairs small groups or as a whole class. The main story is accompanied by fun craft activities linked to the story (one for each section ie 14 in total) for children to create in class using the templates and instructions provided. A wide range of further activities follows consisting of lively games songs and opportunities to communicate simple ideas. Language extensions are suggested focussing on imaginative writing and reading ideas linked to the theme of each section. Written to support the new foreign languages programme of study the book also includes:  * Cross-curricular links to numerous subjects including Literacy Numeracy PE and ICT  * Classroom games and activities  * Photocopiable resources and templates for fun classroom activities and projects  * Language extension activities.  Bringing French to Life can be read on three levels to suit a variety of classroom situations. First the story can be told ‘straight’ with the whole class participating in the dialogues. Second the story can be combined with the craft activities after each main section. 14 doing and making activities match the storyline and provide a colourful eye catching display and learning focus in the classroom or for Open Days or Assemblies. Teachers can use as many or as few as they wish. The resultant crafts can be used for very effective classroom displays/open days/assemblies etc. Finally the language extension activities can be used alongside the art/craft/design activities as desired. The aim of these activities is to extend the target language in a relevant context through a variety of methods such as songs playlets simple communicative exchanges games with numbers etc.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138795310

Bringing German to LifeCreative activities for 5-11 Bringing German to Life provides an innovative and refreshing cross-curricular approach to teaching languages in primary schools combining art design and foreign languages with various aspects of the National Primary Curriculum such as Literacy Numeracy and PE. This unique practical resource comprises an engaging storyline about a day in the life of two German children and gives an opportunity for learners to re-enact their day using finger puppets handmade crafts and exciting games to practise new language. Each of the 14 sections begins with a short accessible dialogue in German and is followed by suggestions for using the new vocabulary in pairs small groups or as a whole class. The main story is accompanied by fun craft activities linked to the story (one for each section ie 14 in total) for children to create in class using the templates and instructions provided. A wide range of further activities follows consisting of lively games songs and opportunities to communicate simple ideas. Language extensions are suggested focussing on imaginative writing and reading ideas linked to the theme of each section. Written to support the new foreign languages programme of study the book also includes:  * Cross-curricular links to numerous subjects including Literacy Numeracy PE and ICT  * Classroom games and activities  * Photocopiable resources and templates for fun classroom activities and projects  * Language extension activities.  Bringing German to Life can be read on three levels to suit a variety of classroom situations. First the story can be told ‘straight’ with the whole class participating in the dialogues. Second the story can be combined with the craft activities after each main section. 14 doing and making activities match the storyline and provide a colourful eye-catching display and learning focus in the classroom or for Open Days or Assemblies. Teachers can use as many or as few as they wish. The resultant crafts can be used for very effective classroom displays/open days/assemblies etc. Finally the language extension activities can be used alongside the art/craft/design activities as desired. The aim of these activities is to extend the target language in a relevant context through a variety of methods such as songs playlets simple communicative exchanges games with numbers etc.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138797703

Bringing History Alive through Local People and PlacesA guide for primary school teachers A much-needed and delightful book. It shows how history can be taught with the meaningful experiences of each child at its centre making connections between the child the locality and community the national and global past and concepts of time. Throughout the authors empower teachers to adopt their philosophy by showing them how to plan select resources and strategies and reflect on ideas and case studies. Hilary Cooper Emeritus professor of history and pedagogy The University of Cumbria UK.   Bringing History Alive through Local People and Places puts the local environment and community at the heart of history showing how it can be used as the context for successful history teaching across the primary age range. It considers how to develop children’s concepts and skills through local history how to link local national and global aspects of history and helps you develop your own historical knowledge understanding and confidence in teaching the subject. Practical topics explored include: Investigating children’s cultural and geographical roots through fieldwork Finding and visiting local museums archives and heritage sights Choosing and using resources Using significant people events and buildings to link with national history Environmental education and sustainable development through local history Understanding the links between history and everyday life Planning and assessing history. Based on the latest research and practice in the field Bringing History Alive through Local People and Places offers an exciting template of creative ideas and activities to show teachers how they can make history relevant to all children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415535861

Bringing Innovative Practices to Your SchoolLessons from International Schools Exploring issues of student agency equity assessment teaching management teacher leadership and use of technology this book provides strategies tips and guidance for enacting innovative change in today‘s schools. Drawing from unique and creative approaches at international schools real practitioners share their stories and best-practices. Chapters contain engaging snapshots of the innovative practices currently happening in international schools translate those practices into leadership actions and show how those innovations are played out in localized contexts. This exciting book is for every school and district leader keen to think outside the box reassess their schools’ strengths and improve the purposes and means by which they educate students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367185909

Bringing Insider Perspectives into Inclusive Teacher LearningPotentials and challenges for educational professionals This fascinating text offers a compelling argument for the need to include insider perspectives of disability in teacher education programs in order to enrich professional understandings and shed light on the reality of living with a disability. With contributions from a highly experienced team of authors from a wide range of educational settings Bringing Insider Perspectives into Inclusive Teacher Learning includes case studies and research projects on how teacher educators gather interpret and integrate insider perspectives into teacher education programs along with practical strategies as to how educators can develop programs more sensitive to the experiences of ‘insiders’. Questions addressed include: How do teacher educator researchers gather insider perspectives? What are some of the barriers and challenges involved? What critical experiences and lessons can be learned from teacher educators who have integrated insider perspectives? How can insider perspectives bring about a more meaningful inclusion of students with disabilities? Offering a range of different methodologies to engage students parents teachers school leaders and teacher educators this thought-provoking book provides practical ideas about how insider perspectives can enhance teacher learning and support greater inclusive practices in schools. This text will be useful to university lecturers teachers and education specialists as well as students of educational studies and ITE courses from foundation degree level through to undergraduate and postgraduate study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415658317

Bringing Jobs Back to the USARebuilding America’s Manufacturing through Reshoring A follow-up to Tim Hutzel's previous book Keeping Your Business in the USA: Profit Globally While Operating Locally this book tells the stories of companies that have sent their jobs outside of the USA and the negative effects this had on the quality of their products and services employees supply chain providers and consumers.Bringing Jobs Back to the USA: Rebuilding America's Manufacturing Through Reshoring reveals the motivation these companies had to offshore their jobs as well as the errors of omission they made by not understanding the true cost of offshoring. Exposing the true cost of offshoring to US organizations and citizens it supplies concrete suggestions to help government officials and activists prevent offshoring and incentivize reshoring.The book provides food for thought for businesses currently thinking about sending US jobs to foreign countries. Outlining a roadmap for reshoring using a step-by-step methodology it provides business leaders with the understanding to make the right decisions regarding reshoring their products back to America. Watch the authors discuss how manufacturing and jobs can be shifted back to the USA. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781466557567

Bringing Learning to LifeThe Learning Revolution The Economy and the Individual In an age of intense economic competition and continual change the ability to learn is a key factor in survival and prosperity. This book examines the changing interaction of the world economy Britain’s prospects for prosperity the connections between different kinds of work and the learning that support them. Focusing on specific areas where changed attitudes and ways of working are long overdue the authors show the need for a better balance between formal provision in schools colleges and within employment and less tangible informal learning at home and in the workplace. These in turn open up issues of the curriculum (especially in the formative later years in schools and colleges) guidance for education and work and the qualifications structure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753418

Bringing Lesbian and Gay Rights Into the MainstreamTwenty Years of Progress A lively memoir of LGBT activist Steve Endean—one of the most influential political strategists ever to lobby Washington DC!Bringing Lesbian and Gay Rights Into the Mainstream: Twenty Years of Progress is the spirited and provocative memoir that blows the lid off the complex machinations of state and national politics. LGBT activist Steve Endean’s autobiographical chronicle completed shortly before his death in 1993 tells insider stories that are sometimes rousing other times infuriating recounting the fight for lesbian and gay rights from the trenches of the Minnesota state capital to the Washington Beltway. Readers get a clear view of the political activism of building grassroots support systems fundraising efforts lobbying to rally support for bills and the election/reelection of sympathetic political representatives.Bringing Lesbian and Gay Rights Into the Mainstream: Twenty Years of Progress dynamically recounts Endean’s activism and instrumental leadership of the LGBT movement from 1973 to just before his death in 1993. From being the first Executive Director of the Gay Rights National Lobby founder and Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign Fund and founder of the Speak Out mailgram campaigns for grassroots pressure on congresspersons on G/L rights issues the author discusses with amusing anecdotes and self-effacing humor his strategies victories and failures as movement leader. This lively mix of the accomplishments in those crucial years and the “dos and don’ts” of political activism is peopled with well-known and lesser-known movers and shakers on the political landscape.Bringing Lesbian and Gay Rights Into the Mainstream: Twenty Years of Progress gives an inside look at the political process discussing: the political roots of Steve Endean—from his activist beginnings in Minnesota his rise from state to national politics the basics of fundraising lobbying representatives the LGBT internal conflicts building grassroots support the hypocrisy and lack of courage inherent in politics protest activitiesFrom the book:“I began to ge a sense of what a challenge I had ahead when Mayo asked what brought me to DC. Exhausted from a long flight coping with tons of luggage and very nervous about such a big move I mustered the energy to explain earnestly that I'd been hired to be the first director and lobbyist for the Gay Rights National Lobby. To my shock this distinguished gentleman doubled up with laughter and in his charming Southern drawl told me the Gay Rights National Lobby was dead as a doornail. He went on to suggest if that is what really brought me to Washington DC I might not want to haul all those boxes upstairs and perhaps I should just pack up and catch a return flight to Minnesota. That was my welcome to Washington DC. Cold white Minnesota never looked so appealing.”Bringing Lesbian and Gay Rights Into the Mainstream: Twenty Years of Progress is stimulating eye-opening reading for educators students activists in search of guidance in the political process anyone interested in LGBT history and political history and anyone who knew the late Steve Endean. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203057360

Bringing Micro to the MacroAdapting Clinical Interventions for Supervision and Management The field of human services is filled with clinicians turned managers. Many of these managers have not studied business and lack leadership and management experience. Bringing Micro to the Macro: Adapting Clinical Interventions for Supervision and Management shows social workers and other human service professionals how to adapt their clinical and direct practice skills to be effective supervisors and managers. The book demonstrates the parallels between the micro process of client work and the macro process of staff supervision and management. It also shows managers how to properly adapt and employ their micro practice skills to engage motivate and guide their staff to achieve maximum impact and productivity. The first four parts are based on the four phases of service delivery in social work: Engagement Assessment Intervention and Evaluation and Termination. The book concludes with a part on Self-Care as this is important if you want to have longevity in this field. Bringing Micro to the Macro is a user-friendly book that can be a tool that new supervisors or managers in social work and human services can reach for when they wonder how to work with staff instead of clients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138349605

Bringing Normativity into Critical Terrorism Studies This book explores and inquiries into the interrelation between normativity and Critical Terrorism Studies (CTS) from a wide range of critical views. The volume draws together authors with very different positions and understandings of normativity and policy-implementations in relation to countering terrorism to offer the reader a wide range of perspectives and views on this topic. As such the book is aimed at interrogating the concept of normativity in CTS from a wide range of theoretical angles but also at incorporating within the CTS’ agenda new debates and critiques. In its chapters the book covers debates that go from more philosophical theoretical and ethical discussions to questions revolving around the importance and need of being policy-relevant for CTS scholars. All in all this volume brings together chapters joining the debate on CTS’ main theoretical tenants and the role of critical scholars in counter-terrorism and prevention policies. Covering a broad spectrum of approaches and perspectives authors in this book give different answers to central questions such as: how can we rethink CTS? What is the role of the critical terrorism studies community in countering terrorism? The chapters in this book were originally published in the journal Critical Studies on Terrorism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367565619

Bringing Religion and Spirituality Into TherapyA Process-based Model for Pluralistic Practice Bringing Religion and Spirituality into Therapy provides a comprehensive and timely model for spirituality-integrated therapy which is truly pluralist and responsive to the ever-evolving World of religion/spirituality. This book presents an algorithmic process-based model for organizing the abundance of theoretical and practical literature around how psychology religion and spirituality interact in counseling. Building on a tripartite framework the book discusses the practical implications of the model and shows how it can be used in the context of assessment and case formulation research clinical competence and education and the broad framework ties together many strands of scholarship into religion and spirituality in counseling across a number of disciplines. Chapters address the concerns of groups such as the unaffiliated non-theists and those with multiple spiritual influences. This approachable book is aimed at mental health students practitioners and educators. In it readers are challenged to develop richer ways of understanding being and intervening when religion and spirituality are brought into therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138476479

Bringing Spanish to LifeCreative activities for 5-11 Bringing Spanish to Life provides an innovative and refreshing cross-curricular approach to teaching languages in primary schools combining art design and foreign languages with various aspects of the National Primary Curriculum such as Literacy Numeracy and PE. This unique practical resource comprises an engaging storyline about a day in the life of two Spanish children and gives an opportunity for learners to re-enact their day using finger puppets handmade crafts and exciting games to practise new language. Each of the 14 sections begins with a short accessible dialogue in Spanish and is followed by suggestions for using the new vocabulary in pairs small groups or as a whole class. The main story is accompanied by fun craft activities linked to the story (one for each section ie 14 in total) for children to create in class using the templates and instructions provided. A wide range of further activities follows consisting of lively games songs and opportunities to communicate simple ideas. Language extensions are suggested focussing on imaginative writing and reading ideas linked to the theme of each section. Written to support the new foreign languages programme of study the book also includes:  * Cross-curricular links to numerous subjects including Literacy Numeracy PE and ICT  * Classroom games and activities  * Photocopiable resources and templates for fun classroom activities and projects  * Language extension activities.  Bringing Spanish to Life can be read on three levels to suit a variety of classroom situations. First the story can be told ‘straight’ with the whole class participating in the dialogues. Second the story can be combined with the craft activities after each main section. 14 doing and making activities match the storyline and provide a colourful eye catching display and learning focus in the classroom or for Open Days or Assemblies. Teachers can use as many or as few as they wish. The resultant crafts can be used for very effective classroom displays/open days/assemblies etc. Finally the language extension activities can be used alongside the art/craft/design activities as desired. The aim of these activities is to extend the target language in a relevant context through a variety of methods such as songs playlets simple communicative exchanges games with numbers etc.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138797680

Bringing the Common Core Math Standards to LifeExemplary Practices from High Schools As high school math teachers shift to the Common Core State Standards the question remains: What do the standards actually look like in the classroom? This book answers that question by taking you inside of real Common Core classrooms across the country. You’ll see how exemplary teachers are meeting the new requirements and engaging students in math. Through these detailed examples of effective instruction you will uncover how to bring the standards to life in your own classroom! Special Features: A clear explanation of the big shifts happening in the classroom as a result of the Common Core State Standards Real examples of how exemplary teachers are using engaging strategies and tasks to teach algebra geometry trigonometry statistics mathematics across the curriculum and moreA detailed analysis of each example to help you understand why it is effective and how you can try it with your own students Practical ready-to-use tools you can take back to your classroom including unit plans and classroom handouts Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415733427

Bringing the Common Core Math Standards to LifeExemplary Practices from Middle Schools As middle school math teachers shift to the Common Core State Standards the question remains: What do the standards actually look like in the classroom? This book answers that question by taking you inside of real Common Core classrooms across the country. You’ll see how exemplary teachers are meeting the new requirements and engaging students in math. Through these detailed examples of effective instruction you will uncover how to bring the standards to life in your own classroom! Special Features:• A clear explanation of the big shifts happening in the classroom as a result of the Common Core State Standards • Real examples of how exemplary teachers are meeting the CCSS by teaching problem solving for different learning styles proportional reasoning the Pythagorean theorem measurements and more• A detailed analysis of each example to help you understand why it is effective and how you can try it with your own students• Practical ready-to-use tools you can take back to your classroom including unit plans and classroom handouts   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415733410

Bringing the Forest School Approach to your Early Years Practice This easy-to-read series provides an introduction to some of the most important early years philosophies and shows how they can be incorporated into your setting. Each book provides: an outline of the background to the approach clear explanations of the relevance to contemporary thinking suggestions to help you plan a successful learning environment examples of what the individual approach can look like in practice. These convenient guides are essential to early years practitioners students and parents who wish to fully understand what each approach means to their setting and children. How has Forest School helped to change attitudes about risk and challenge in the early years? What are the benefits of using this approach for children’s development health and overall wellbeing? Bringing the Forest School Approach to your Early Years Practice provides an accessible introduction to Forest School practice. It identifies the key issues involved in setting up running and managing a Forest school environment and offers clear guidance on resources staffing and space required for successful play and learning outdoors. Including links to the Early Years Foundation Stage and a wide range of case studies the book covers: The beginnings of Forest School and how practice has developed Child centred play and learning that allows for risk taking and challenge Planning for children’s individual needs learning styles and schemas The learning environment The role of the adult including health and safety and children’s welfare. Full of practical advice this convenient guide will help practitioners to deliver new exciting and inspiring opportunities for the children they care for. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415719070

Bringing the Froebel Approach to your Early Years Practice Have you ever wondered about the origins of the kindergarten and the influence of Froebel on early years practice? What did Froebel mean by a garden for children? Why did he believe that play is central in young children’s learning? Bringing the Froebel Approach to your Early Years Practice looks at the founder of the kindergarten and his profound influence on provision and practice for young children today. The Froebelian approach is not a method but includes distinctive principles which shape and guide practice. This new edition has been fully updated in line with the revised EYFS and includes: extra material on using the approach with children of different ages and the role of the adult a discussion of key Froebelian principles such as play imagination creativity learning through self-activity and making connections an examination of block play and how this can be developed in contemporary settings Froebel’s ideas on nature and outdoor play and why these are fundamental to young children’s learning how Froebel used movement song rhythm and rhyme to provide key learning experiences With examples of innovative practice and ideas for reflection this convenient guide will help practitioners and students fully understand what the Froebel approach can offer their setting and children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138671171

Bringing the Law Back InEssays in Land Law and Development This title was first published in 2003. Bringing together the two fields of land reform and law this volume examines the role the law and lawyers can should and do play in developing countries in the evolution of land policies in land tenure reform and in the reform of land use and urban planning. Providing both a theoretical and practical perspective it discusses the role of law in both urban land reform concentrating on reforms in land use and town and country planning law and general national land reform looking at specific case studies and at more general themes. It provides a coherent set of ideas and philosophies about land reform through the medium of law which have been developed through reflection and action over a considerable period of time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138725430

Bringing the Montessori Approach to your Early Years Practice Have you ever wondered what the Montessori approach is all about and how it can be used to benefit the young children in your setting? This book explains how the Montessori approach works offering guidance on planning and assessment methods alongside practical activities for practitioners to try. Throughout there are practical examples involving children of different ages in a wide range of settings to show how Montessori principles have been implemented. . This new edition has been fully updated to include: The revised areas of learning in the EYFS and how these link to Montessori practice An examination of early effective learning Approaches to effective learning in Montessori settings A new chapter on Montessori approaches to the assessment requirements of the EYFSquestions for reflection This convenient guide will help early years practitioners students and parents to really understand what the Montessori approach means to their setting and children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138022447

Bringing the Reggio Approach to your Early Years Practice Have you ever wondered what the Reggio Approach is all about why it works and how it can be used to benefit the young children in your setting? The book describes how educators in Reggio Emilia work with young children and looks at the connections between the Reggio Approach and the revised Early Years Foundation Stage framework. It provides practical examples involving children of different ages in a wide variety of settings helping the reader to see the connection between practice and theory. This new edition has been fully updated to show the increasingly mirroring connections between the Reggio Approach and the principles and commitments of the recently revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. Each chapter focuses on one important aspect of the Reggio Approach and includes: Practical examples involving children of different ages in a wide variety of settings helping the reader to see the connection between practice and theory Questions to enable the reader to reflect on and develop his or her own practice in accordance with new statutory requirements References to sources of further reading and information. This convenient guide will help early years practitioners students and parents to really understand what the Reggio Approach can offer their setting and children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415729123

Bringing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning to Life This book is a comprehensive guide to help foreign language teachers use technology in their classrooms. It offers the best ways to integrate technology into your teaching for student-centered learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138475731

Bringing the Steiner Waldorf Approach to your Early Years Practice Have you ever wondered what the Steiner approach is all about where it comes from and how it can be used to benefit the young children in your setting? Bringing the Steiner Waldorf Approach to your Early Years Setting is an excellent introduction to this philosophy. Janni Nicol clearly explains the history of Steiner Waldorf education the role of play in learning and the key themes of rhythm repetition and reverence with ideas for activities and resources. Practical examples throughout the book involving children of different ages in a wide variety of settings allow readers to see the connection between theory and practice. This new edition has been fully updated to include: Clear comparisons between Steiner practice and the revised Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS) requirements A section on the growth of international Steiner settings Information on celebrating festivals and outdoor environments This convenient guide will help Early Years practitioners students and parents to really understand what the Steiner Waldorf approach can bring to their practice and children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138840492

Bringing Up BabyThe Psychoanalytic Infant Comes of Age This is an important text that synthesises diverse literatures and theories on infant development into a coherent framework that illuminates the essence of infancy for all those who have infants study infants teach about infancy make policy with respect to infant welfare and work medically or therapeutically with mothers and their infants. It brings together in one volume the principal theories of infant development beginning with Freud's vision of the Oedipal infant moving through the post-Freudian conceptualizations of the infant of Anna Freud Melanie Klein and the British Independents with Donald Winnicott as exemplar then to the attachment theorists the intersubjective theories the cognitive developmental psychologists examining the work of Jean Piaget and the neo-Piagetian cognitive theorists concluding with the modern infant of developmental neuroscience and an examination of the neurobiology of attachment stress and care giving. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490434

Bringing Up War-BabiesThe Wartime Child in Women’s Writing and Psychoanalysis at Mid-Century The figure of the wartime child in the mid-twentieth century unsettles and disturbs. This book employs a range of material – biographical literary and historical – to chart some of the surprising and unanticipated crossovers between women’s writing and early psychoanalysis in the years of the Second World War and the decades before and after. This volume includes examples of children’s adventure fiction as well as works written for adult audiences and important and previously unrecognized similarities are noted.The war was a disruptive influence in the lives of all who lived through it. Although active self-censorship is observed in the behaviour and attitudes of adults at this time this book demonstrates how fictional children are able to articulate feelings such as anxiety and fear that adults were under pressure to conceal or to repress and at times the figure of the wartime child becomes a surrogate for the writer herself or her suppressed fears and anxiety. When peace returned this study finds women writers quick to identify and communicate a discomfiting new ambivalence between parents and children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666460

Bringing Value to HealthcarePractical Steps for Getting to a Market-Based Model The healthcare sector is on the cusp of sweeping disruption. The hallmarks of the old system—pricing that’s disconnected from outcomes and incentives for treating sickness rather than maintaining health—are no longer sustainable. And yet after decades of financial success it’s difficult for most established industry players to grapple with meaningful changes to their business models. In their latest book Bringing Value to Healthcare: Practical Steps for Getting to a Market-Based Model Rita Numerof and Michael Abrams lay out the roadmap to a healthcare system that is accountable for delivering optimal patient outcomes at a sustainable cost. Based on in-depth research and decades of experience consulting with leading hospitals insurers and device and drug manufacturers Numerof and Abrams provide a market-based approach to addressing the ills of the current healthcare system. In addition to highlighting industry challenges and opportunities the authors also outline the changes required of consumers employers and policy makers to move to a patient-centered model characterized by value accountability and transparency. This is the handbook for payer provider pharmaceutical and medical device executives who are seeking to preserve today’s profitability while positioning their organizations for success in the very different markets of tomorrow. The book’s guidance is illuminated by case studies and each chapter concludes with a self-assessment tool and key questions. Getting to a new future isn’t easy. But if it can’t be envisioned it can’t be realized. Bringing Value to Healthcare is that critical first step. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781498735148

Bringing Words to LifeRobust Vocabulary Instruction Hundreds of thousands of teachers have used this highly practical guide to help K–12 students enlarge their vocabulary and get involved in noticing understanding and using new words. Grounded in research the book explains how to select words for instruction introduce their meanings and create engaging learning activities that promote both word knowledge and reading comprehension. The authors are trusted experts who draw on extensive experience in diverse classrooms and schools. Sample lessons and vignettes children's literature suggestions end-of-chapter summaries "Your Turn" learning activities and a Study Guide for teachers enhance the book's utility as a classroom resource professional development tool or course text. The Study Guide can be downloaded and printed for ease of use ( New to This Edition*Reflects over a decade of advances in research-based vocabulary instruction.*Chapters on vocabulary and writing; assessment; and differentiating instruction for struggling readers and English language learners including coverage of response to intervention (RTI).*Expanded discussions of content-area vocabulary and multiple-meaning words.*Many additional examples showing what robust instruction looks like in action.*Appendix with a useful menu of instructional activities. See also the authors' Creating Robust Vocabulary: Frequently Asked Questions and Extended Examples which includes specific instructional sequences for different grade ranges as well as Making Sense of Phonics Second Edition: The Hows and Whys by Isabel L. Beck and Mark E. Beck an invaluable resource for K–3. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462508167

Britain 1846-1919 Britain 1846 - 1919 is an exciting new approach to teaching and learning late nineteenth and early twentieth century British History at A Level up to and including the First World War. It meets the needs of teachers and students studying for today's new AS level exams. In a unique style Britain 1846-1919 focuses on the key topics within the period. Each topic is comprehensively explored to provide background essay-writing advice and examples source work and historical skills exercises. From 1846 to 1919 the key topics featured include: * the Age of the Railways* Public Health and Social Policy* Gladstone and Disraeli at home and abroad* the Irish Question* the Liberal and Coalition Ministries in the early twentieth century. Using essay styles and source exercises from each of the exam boards AQA Edexcel and OCR this book is an essential text for students and teachers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315013008

Britain America and the Special Relationship since 1941 Britain America and the Special Relationship since 1941 examines the Anglo-American strategic and military relationship that developed during the Second World War and continued until recent years. Forged on a common ground of social cultural and ideological values as well as political expediency this partnership formed the basis of the western alliance throughout the Cold War playing an essential part in bringing stability to the post-1945 international order. Clearly written and chronologically organized the book begins by discussing the origins of the ‘Special Relationship’ and its progression from uneasy coexistence in the eighteenth century to collaboration at the start of the Second World War. McKercher explores the continued evolution of this partnership during the conflicts that followed such as the Suez Crisis the Vietnam War and the Falklands War. The book concludes by looking at the developments in British and American politics during the past two decades and analysing the changing dynamics of this alliance over the course of its existence. Illustrated with maps and photographs and supplemented by a chronology of events and list of key figures this is an essential introductory resource for students of the political history and foreign policies of Britain and the United States in the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138800014

Britain America and Anti-Communist Propaganda 1945-53The Information Research Department In the Cold War battle for hearts and minds Britain was the first country to formulate a coordinated global response to communist propaganda. In January 1948 the British government launched a new propaganda policy designed to 'oppose the inroads of communism' by taking the offensive against it.' A small section in the Foreign Office the innocuously titled Information Research Department (IRD) was established to collate information on communist policy tactics and propaganda and coordinate the discreet dissemination of counter-propaganda to opinion formers at home and abroad. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315810157

Britain America and the Sinews of War 1914-1918 (RLE The First World War) Anglo-American relations were transformed during the First World War. Britain was already in long-term economic decline relative to the United States but this decline was accelerated by the war which was militarily a victory for Britain but economically a catastrophe. This book sets out the economic and in particular the financial relations between the two powers during the war setting it in the context of the more familiar political and diplomatic relationship. Particular attention is paid to the British war missions sent out to the USA which were the agents for much of the financial and economic negotiation and which are rescued here from underserved historical obscurity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965034

Britain America and the War Debt ControversyThe Economic Diplomacy of an Unspecial Relationship 1917-45 This volume throws important new light upon a pivotal period of transition in the Anglo-American relationship and sets the stage for its equally dramatic transformation during and after the Second World War.  Based upon extensive research in previously unpublished archival material on both sides of the Atlantic for the first time this book offers a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the war debt problem from its origins at the end of the First World War until its final removal with the launch of Roosevelt's Lend-Lease programme in 1940-41. This work will be of great interest to diplomats and journalists as well as to students and scholars of political diplomatic economic and international history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415511452

Britain France and the Naval Arms Trade in the Baltic 1919 -1939Grand Strategy and Failure The strategy of the British and French prior to World War II was to preserve the status quo after the disaster of World War I. Donald Stoker's book examines British and French involvement from 1919 to 1939 in the creation and development of the naval forces of Poland Finland and the three Baltic states of Estonia Latvia and Lithuania. This is an in-depth scholarly study of a subject that should appeal to students of international history strategy international relations and naval history in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646192

Britain Germany and the Cold WarThe Search for a European Détente 1949–1967 This well-researched book details the ambiguity in British policy towards Europe in the Cold War as it sought to pursue détente with the Soviet Union whilst upholding its commitments to its NATO allies. From the early 1950s Britain pursued a dual policy of strengthening the West whilst seeking détente with the Soviet Union. British statesmen realized that only through compromise with Moscow over the German question could the elusive East-West be achieved. Against this the West German hard line towards the East (endorsed by the United States) was seen by the British as perpetuating tension between the two blocs. This cast British policy onto an insoluble dilemma as it was caught between its alliance obligations to the West German state and its search for compromise with the Soviet bloc. Charting Britain's attempts to reconcile this contradiction this book argues that Britain successfully adapted to the new realities and made hitherto unknown contributions towards détente in the early 1960s whilst drawing towards Western Europe and applying for membership of the EEC in 1961. Drawing on unpublished US and UK archives Britain Germany and the Cold War casts new light on the Cold War the history of détente and the evolution of European integration. This book will appeal to students of Cold War history British foreign policy German politics and international history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138819672

Britain Ireland and Northern Ireland since 1980The Totality of Relationships This book is the first in-depth analysis of the interaction between the British and Irish governments and the role they have played in seeking to resolve the conflict in Northern Ireland since 1980. Eamonn O’Kane examines Britain and Ireland’s objectives in relation to the Northern Ireland conflict focusing on the influential factors that persuaded these two governments to co-operate at a closer level and those which made this co-operation difficult to achieve and at times sustain. Drawing on extensive primary research including interviews with leading British and Irish politicians and civil servants the book questions many of the most widely accepted arguments regarding the conflict. It sheds new light upon the objectives of the two states in Northern Ireland the origins of the peace process the reasons that the conflict appeared so intractable and the role of the international dimension. The book places events in context and offers a more convincing explanation for many of the advances and disappointments in Northern Ireland in recent years than is currently available. This volume offers a reinterpretation of the intergovernmental approach to the Northern Ireland conflict and peace process and is an invaluable resource for students and researchers of British politics Irish studies and conflict studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203016831

Britain Israel and Anglo-Jewry 1949-57 This book focuses on the bilateral and multilateral relations between Britain the 'former proprietor' and Israel the 'successor state' during the period following their armed clash in January 1949 to Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza and the Sinai in March 1957. It highlights the formulation of foreign policy decisions in Britain and Israel; Britain's special responsibility and influence which affected Israel's relations with neighbouring Arab states; Israel's complex policy towards Britain; Anglo-Jewry's attitude towards Israel and the distinctive relationship between Israel's embassy in London and the Jewish community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870130

Britain Israel and the United States 1955-1958Beyond Suez Orna Almog examines the Anglo-Israeli relationship from 1955 to 1958 in the context of the Cold War superpower rivalry and political upheaval in the Middle East. The author reveals how the British foreign service mistook Israeli thinking for psychological weakness and made errors of judgement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987920

Britain Japan and China 1876–1895East Asian International Relations before the First Sino–Japanese War This book revises the conventional wisdom about the Anglo-Japanese relationship in the late nineteenth century that these two countries were bound by mutual sympathy and common interests and therefore the common ground which led to the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1902 had already existed in the 1880s. Such understandings fail to take account of the fact that the Qing dynasty of China had emerged as the strongest regional power in East Asia by reasserting its influence as the traditional suzerain of the region in the years prior to the First Sino-Japanese War. The British and the Japanese governments clearly recognised that it would become difficult to maintain their interests in East Asia if they antagonised the Qing by challenging its claim of suzerainty over Korea. It was difficult for them to come to closer terms when their priority before 1894-5 was to maintain good relations with China and when they were also experiencing numerous diplomatic difficulties with each other. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138354715

Britain Japan and Pearl HarbourAvoiding War in East Asia 1936-1941 Recent controversies about Pearl Harbour have highlighted the need for a new assessment of British policy towards Japan during the period leading up to the Pacific War. Britain Japan and Pearl Harbour provides a thorough and authoritative account of British efforts to avert conflict with Japan and makes use of the most recently released material from British archives including information from intelligence sources.This is the most comprehensive study so far of British policy towards East Asia in this period. It illustrates the extent of British weakness in the region and the degree to which the constant need to appease American opinion hamstrung Britain's ability to achieve an understanding with Japan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415867795

Britain Leftist Nationalists and the Transfer of Power in Nigeria 1945-1965 This is the first comprehensive study of leftist ideology and movements and their organizational structure in colonial and post colonial Nigeria. Tijani moves the contributions of Nigerian leftists from the archival centers into mainstream intellectual and nationalist history proving the first historical narrative of the unsung heroes of the Nigerian nationalist movement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646185

Britain Nasser and the Balance of Power in the Middle East 1952-1977From The Eygptian Revolution to the Six Day War A multi-archival documentary history of British policy towards Nasser's Egypt under the Churchill Eden Macmillan Home and Wilson governments. The primary focus of the study is an enquiry into the causes of the Anglo-Egyptian Cold War from 1952 to 1967. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870109

Britain Palestine and Empire: The Mandate Years In 1948 Britain withdrew from Palestine bringing to an end its 30 years of rule in the territory. What followed has been well-documented and is perhaps one of the most intractable problems of the post-imperial age. However the long-standing connection between Britain and Palestine before May 1948 is also a fascinating story. This volume takes a fresh look at the years of the British mandate for Palestine; its politics economics and culture. Contributors address themes such as religion mandatory administration economic development policy and counter-insurgency violence art and culture and decolonization. This book will be valuable to scholars of the British mandate but also more broadly to those interested in imperial history and the history of the West’s involvement in the Middle East. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570006

Britain Russia and the Road to the First World WarThe Fateful Embassy of Count Aleksandr Benckendorff (1903–16) For much of the later nineteenth-century Britain regarded Russia as its main international rival particularly as regarded the security of its colonial possessions in India. Yet by 1907 Russia's political revolution financial collapse and military defeat by Japan transformed the situation resulting in an Anglo-Russian rapprochement. As this book makes clear whilst international affairs lay at the root of this new relationship personal factors also played an important role in reversing many years of mutual animosity and suspicion. In particular the study explores the influence of the liberal anglophile Count Aleksandr Benckendorff the Russian ambassador in London between 1903 and 1916. By 1905 Russia's multiple weaknesses required a prolonged period of external peace by eliminating frictions with the principal rival powers Britain and Germany while France and Britain realised that a British rapprochement with Russia would be necessary to counter Germany's power. Benckendorff as one of the most important figures in the Russian diplomatic service persuaded Nicholas II and his Foreign Minister V.N. Lamsdorff to drop their objections to various long-standing British demands in order to pave the way for a Triple Entente. Although the overarching Russian strategy was conceived as 'balancing' the imperial rivalries of Britain and Germany numerous factors - not least Benckendorff's energetic pro-British stance - upset the scales and resulted in a stand-off with the Central Powers. Demonstrating how Benckendorff's fear of losing Britain's friendship made him oppose all Russia's efforts at improving Russo-German relations this book underlines the pro-Entente policy’s role in setting Russia on the road to war. For when the Sarajevo crisis struck; there was now no hope of appealing to German goodwill to help defuse the situation. Instead Russia's status within the Entente depended on a show of determination and strength which lead inexorably to a disaster o Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138261204

Britain Spain and Gibraltar 1945-1990The Eternal Triangle Since 1945 Gibraltar's sovereignty has repeatedly been questioned. A strategic possession overlooking Africa at the mouth of the Mediterranean Gibraltar is the victim of both history and geography and continues to be the barometer of Anglo-Spanish relations. Arguing that Gibraltar has played a much more proactive role in negotiations than is assumed the book describes the objectives and actions of the Gibraltarians against the wider map of Anglo-Spanish relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415755870

Britain Spain and the Treaty of Utrecht 1713-2013 In this book twelve eminent historians and legal experts from Spain and the United Kingdom consider the political and legal context and consequences of the War of the Spanish Succession and the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 that brought it to an end consequences that still resonate today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367885892

Britain the Empire and the World at the Great Exhibition of 1851 Britain the Empire and the World at the Great Exhibition is the first book to situate the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851 in a truly global context. Addressing national imperial and international themes this collection of essays considers the significance of the Exhibition both for its British hosts and their relationships to the wider world and for participants from around the globe. How did the Exhibition connect London England important British colonies and significant participating nation-states including Russia Greece Germany and the Ottoman Empire? How might we think about the exhibits visitors and organizers in light of what the Exhibition suggested about Britain’s place in the global community? Contributors from various academic disciplines answer these and other questions by focusing on the many exhibits publications visitors and organizers in Britain and elsewhere. The essays expand our understanding of the meanings roles and legacies of the Great Exhibition for British society and the wider world as well as the ways that this pivotal event shaped Britain’s and other participating nations’ conceptions of and locations within the wider nineteenth-century world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570020

Britain the Euro and Beyond This important book provides an analysis of the economic relationship between Britain and the EU and discusses the future direction in which this relationship might develop. It examines the historic and contemporary costs and benefits of EU membership and assesses whether this has been a burden or a benefit for the British economy. In addition the authors assess current trends and developments most notably in the area of participation in Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the consequences that this would have. Questions of fiscal federalism the development of a minimum level of social policy for Europe together with the likely impact on business and trade unions are also considered. The authors then discuss potential future scenarios including a more flexible loose membership arrangement or complete withdrawal and the affect that a range of options might have on the British economy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570037

Britain the Hashemites and Arab RuleThe Sherifian Solution Timothy Paris examines Winston Churchill's involvement in the struggle for power in a number of Middle Eastern countries between 1920 and 1925. His study traces the development of the Sherifian policy a policy that was devised by the British. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883970

Britain and 1940History Myth and Popular Memory 1940 was the most significant year in European history this century. For Britain it was 'the finest hour' the beginning of the People's War. Britain and 1940 explores what the year meant for the people of Britain then and now. Covering the pre-history of 1940 in Britain Malcolm Smith explores the great fear that a second world war would perhaps mean the end of British civilization and charts the development of the myths of Dunkirk the Battle of Britain and the Blitz and the great influence they have had on our national consciousness and on attitudes to the outside world. The book presents students of British history with a panorama of the influences that have constructed national consciousness around a crucial moment in British history. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315011530

Britain and Ballistic Missile Defence 1942-2002 Britain was the first country to come under sustained ballistic missile attack during 1944-45. Defence against ballistic missiles has been a persistent if highly variable subject of political policy and technical investigation ever since. The British Second World War experience of trying to counter the V-2 attacks contained many elements of subsequent responses to ballistic missile threats. After the war a reasonably accurate picture of Soviet missile capabilities was not achieved until the early 1960s by which time the problem of early warning had largely been solved. From the mid-1960s on British attention shifted away from the development of the country's own defences towards the wider consequences of US and Soviet deployments. After the end of the Cold War there was renewed interest in a limited active-defence capability against Third World missile threats. This well-researched book is primarily aimed at students of post-war British foreign and defence policies but will also be of interest to informed general readers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780714685748

Britain and CanadaSurvey of a Changing Relationship First Published in 1976. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315034638

Britain and China 1840-1970Empire Finance and War This book presents a range of new research on British-Chinese relations in the period from Britain’s first imperial intervention in China up to the 1960s. Topics covered include economic issues such as fi nance investment and Chinese labour in British territories questions of perceptions on both sides such as British worries about and exaggeration of the ‘China threat’ including to India and British aggression towards and eventual withdrawal from China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815355090

Britain and China 1945-1950Documents on British Policy Overseas Series I Volume VIII An examination of Britain's relations with China from the end of the World War II to the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. This volume demonstrates how Britain's effort to recover something of its pre-war commercial pre-eminence in China were handicapped by its post-war financial weakness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761314

Britain and Defence 1945-2000A Policy Re-evaluation This text provides a concise thematic introduction to the evolution of British defence policy since the end of the second world war Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180062

Britain and DisarmamentThe UK and Nuclear Biological and Chemical Weapons Arms Control and Programmes 1956-1975 Since the use of poison gas during the First World War and the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan at the end of the Second World War nuclear biological or chemical (NBC) weapons have registered high on the fears of governments and individuals alike. Recognising both the particular horror of these weapons and their potential for inflicting mass death and destruction much effort has been expended in finding ways to eliminate such weapons on a multi-lateral level. Based on extensive official archives this book looks at how successive British governments approached the subject of control and disarmament between 1956 and 1975. This period reflects the UK's landmark decision in 1956 to abandon its offensive chemical weapons programme (a decision that was reversed in 1963 but never fully implemented) and ends with the internal travails over the possible use of CR (tear gas) in Northern Ireland. Whilst the issue of nuclear arms control has been much debated the integration of biological and chemical weapons into the wider disarmament picture is much less well understood there being no clear statement by the UK authorities for much of the period under review in this book as to whether the country even possessed such weapons or had an active research and development programme. Through a thorough exploration of government records the book addresses fundamental questions relating to the history of NBC weapons programmes including the military economic and political pressures that influenced policy; the degree to which the UK was a reluctant or enthusiastic player on the international arms control stage; and the effect of international agreements on Britain's weapons programmes. In exploring these issues the study provides the first attempt to assess UK NBC arms control policy and practice during the Cold War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110960

Britain and Empire 1880-1945 Britain and Empire 1880-1945 traces the relationship between Britain and its empire during a period when the two spheres intersected with one another to an unprecedented degree. The story starts with the imperial expansion of the late nineteenth century and ends with the Second World War at the end of which Britain was on the brink of decolonisation. The author shows how empire came to figure into almost every important development that marked Britain¿s response to the upheavals of the late nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century. He examines its influence on foreign policy party politics social reforms cultural practices and national identity. At the same time he shows how domestic developments affected imperial policies. Written in an engaging and accessible manner this book:     integrates British and imperial history in a single narrative    provides a useful synthesis of recent historical research in the area    analyses topics ranging from ideology and culture to politics and foreign affairs    contains a chronology glossary who¿s who and guide to further reading Britain and Empire 1880-1945 provides an up-to-date accessible survey ideal for students coming to the subject for the first time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138143456

Britain and Europe since 1945 This is a succinct timely introduction to one of the most highly charged political questions which has dominated British politics since 1945: Britain's position in Europe. The study traces the evolution of British policy towards Europe since 1945 presenting the full international context as well as the impact on domestic party politics - including an analysis of the divisions in the Conservative Party under John Major. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138154087

Britain and European Integration 1945 - 1998A Documentary History An illuminating and comprehensive exploration of a subject which has dominated the British political scene for much of the period since the Second World War. Through a wide and varied collection of documents complemented by detailed and perceptive analysis this book explores Britain's reactions to the dynamics of European integration.Key subjects covered include;European unity and "missed opportunities" in the early post-war yearsthe Commonwealth dimension and the "special relationship"Britain's belated attempts to join the EC in the 1960sthe singlecurrencyMany of its numerous sources are made widely accessible here for the first time. It is an invaluable resource for all students of Politics Modern British History and European Studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203060186

Britain and European Integration 1945-1998A Documentary History An illuminating and comprehensive exploration of a subject which has dominated the British political scene for much of the period since the Second World War. Through a wide and varied collection of documents complemented by detailed and perceptive analysis this book explores Britain's reactions to the dynamics of European integration.Key subjects covered include:* European unity and "missed opportunities" in the early post-war years* the Commonwealth dimension and the "special relationship"* Britain's belated attempts to join the EC in the 1960s* the singlecurrency.0L Many of its numerous sources are made widely accessible here for the first time. It is an invaluable resource for all students of Politics Modern British History and European Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138874350

Britain and Foreign Affairs 1815-1885Europe and Overseas This pamphlet examines British foreign policy from Castlereagh to Disraeli. Focusing on Britain's relations with other European and non-European powers such as America Afghanistan South Africa and Egypt this pamphlet examines the roles of Canning Palmerston and Gladstone amongst others. The author discusses British attitudes to empire and analyses socio-economic military and political factors as they influenced foreign affairs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177093

Britain and IrelandA Concise History From highly experienced teacher Jürgen Kramer Britain and Ireland is a handbook on the history of the British Isles that recounts the history of the two states – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Eire) – and four nations – the Irish the Welsh the Scottish and the English – from prehistory to the present. Accompanied by numerous illustrations and information boxes and also an extensive selection of documents with questions to challenge readers the book has a unique approach that presents not only the story of what happened in the British Isles but its interdependence with Europe and the rest of the world. With chapters organized chronologically and including a glossary and selected further reading this is a must for all students of British and Irish studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060314

Britain and IrelandFrom Home Rule to Independence Jeremy Smith explores relations between Britain and Ireland during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century with a story that still raises deep passions and bitter disagreements both among historians and within wider public opinion. This examination attempts to chart a more dispassionate course between the various contending positions and has enormous relevance to the unfolding events in both Northern Ireland and Britain as the united Kingdom moves towards a federal constitutional structure. Books in this Seminar Studies in History series bridge the gap between textbook and specialist survey and consists of a brief "Introduction" and/or "Background" to the subject valuable in bringing the reader up-to-speed on the area being examined followed by a substantial and authoritative section of "Analysis" focusing on the main themes and issues. There is a succinct "Assessment" of the subject a generous selection of "Documents" and a detailed bibliography. Incorporates a large amount of research on Irish history during the last two decades and gives particular focus to the dramatic events between the Easter rising of 1916 and the intense negotiations surrounding the Treaty in the autumn of 1921. For those interested in the history between Ireland and Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138837157

Britain and Italy from Romanticism to ModernismA Festschrift for Peter Brand "In this volume a team of experts in various fields considers the impact of Italian politics and culture on British life from the early nineteenth century to the first decades of the twentieth century. The essays cover a wide range of topics: politics music the visual arts literature and the intellectual life as well as the emergence of Italian as an academic discipline. Edited with an introduction by Martin McLaughlin the volume includes essays by Ian Campbell Hilary Fraser T. G. Griffith David Kimbell John Lindon Denis Mack Smith Brian Moloney and J. R. Woodhouse as well as the last article written by the late Serena Professor of Italian at Cambridge Uberto Limentani." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351198554

Britain and Japan Vol IIBiographical Portraits This second collection under the 'Biographical Portraits' title incorporates a further 20 studies of key personalities including Edmund Morel pioneer railway builder in Meiji Japan Alexander Shand an important figure in the development of Japanese banking Lafcadio Hearn the great interpreter of Japanese culture Rev. Dr. John Batchelor whose work with the Ainu people of northern Japan is legendary and more recently Shigeru Yoshida Japan's first post-war prime minister and Christmas Humphreys founder of the Buddhist Society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315073378

Britain and JapanBiographical Portraits Vol. IV The continuing success of this series highly regarded by scholars and the general reader alike has prompted The Japan Society to commission this fourth volume devoted as before to the lives of key people both British and Japanese who have made significant contributions to the development of Anglo-Japanese relations. The appearance of this volume brings the number of portraits published to over one hundred.The portraits cover diplomats (from Mori Arinori to Sir Francis Lindley) businessmen (from William Keswick to Lasenby Liberty) engineers and teachers (from W. E. Ayrton to Henry Spencer Palmer) scholars and writers (from Sir Edwin Arnold to Ivan Morris) as well as journalists judo masters and the aviator Lord Semphill. In all there are a total of 34 contributions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965003

Britain and Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries The first full-length survey of Britain's role in Latin America as a whole from the early 1800s to the 1950s when influence in the region passed to the United States. Rory Miller examines the reasons for the rise and decline of British influence and reappraises its impact on the Latin American states. Did it as often claimed circumscribe their political autonomy and inhibit their economic development? This sustained case study of imperialism and dependency will have an interest beyond Latin American specialists alone. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138432178

Britain and Regional Cooperation in South-East Asia 1945-49 This book first published in 1995 traces the attempt by the British Foreign Office to establish an international regional organisation in South-East Asia which would allow Britain to dominate the region politically economically and militarily. The author explores the changing emphasis of Britain's regional policies and puts the issues affecting South-East Asia in the post-War period into a wide context. He explores events in the light of the Japanese defeat in the Second World War the Communist struggle for supremacy of China the development of Anglo-American relations in Asia and the beginnings of the Cold War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138901292

Britain and Saudi Arabia 1925-1939The Imperial Oasis First Published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987906

Britain and Scandinavia This volume forms part of a five volume set charting the progress of the nineteenth century movement which was instrumental in establishing international guidelines for the teaching of modern languages. It was during this period that for the first time co-operation between phoneticians and teachers culminated in the publication of works that were instrumental in establishing the 'applied linguistic' approach to language teaching in the twentieth century. For the first time too the new science of psychology influenced a scientific theory of second language acquisition. The Reform Movement attracted support across Europe spurring the development of new professional associations and journals. In turn the publication in these journals of reports of innovative practice contributed to a greater sense of autonomy and professionalism among modern language teachers who had hitherto tended to live under the shadow of classical language teaching. The practical innovations and theoretical suggestions for the foreign language teaching although rooted in the nineteenth century still have relevance today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315012773

Britain and South-West Persia 1880-1914A Study in Imperialism and Economic Dependence This book examines the diplomatic activities and behind-the-scene negotiations which led to the Karun opening including an 'Assurance' given by Britain to the Shah against a Russian retaliation. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of the region's demography commerce and industry before the advent of the Karun and the impact of Britain's political and commercial penetration which eventually resulted in her total domination of the south. This analytical study of the Anglo-Iranian relationship is unique in its extensive use of primary Persian sources and original material found at the Iranian Foreign Ministry archives which have been accessed by the author for the first time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869776

Britain and State Formation in Arabia 1962�1971From Aden to Abu Dhabi Half a century ago Britain abandoned Aden its last colonial outpost in the Arab world as itsattempt to establish a new polity foundered amid a rising tide of Arab nationalism tribalinfighting and anti-colonial sentiment that eventually gave rise to the establishment ofSouth Yemen. Yet just over three years later in 1971 a new state the United Arab Emirates emerged in Arabia formed from the old Trucial states over which Britain had long heldsway. At a time when state failure and fragmentation has become synonymous with muchof the Middle East and where the very idea of sovereignty and legitimacy have becomecontested issues this comparative historical study of the varied British attempts at statecreation on the Arabian peninsula offers important insights into the limits of external ambition as well as the possibilities that great power retrenchment offered to the peoples of theregion. The legacy of British influence in Aden and Abu Dhabi still very much resonatestoday; this volume explains why.This book was originally published as a special issue of Middle Eastern Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892050

Britain and the 1918-19 Influenza PandemicA Dark Epilogue Between August 1918 and March 1919 a flu pandemic spread across the globe and in just under a year 40 million people had died from the virus worldwide. This is the first book to provide a total history and seriously analyze the British experiences during that time.The book provides the most up-to-date tally of the pandemic’s impact including the vast mortality as well as questioning the apparent origins of the pandemic. A ‘total’ history this book ranges from the spread of the 1918–1919 pandemic to the basic biology of influenza and how epidemics and pandemics are possible to consider the demographic social economic and political impacts of such a massive pandemic including the cultural dimensions of naming blame metaphors memory the media art and literature. An inter-disciplinary study it stretches from history and geography through to medicine in order to convey the full magnitude of the first global medical ‘disaster’ of the twentieth century and looks ahead to possible pandemics of the future. Niall Johnson brings an impressive scholarly eye on this fascinating and highly relevant topic making this essential reading for historians and those with an interest in British and medical history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514149

Britain and the American Revolution This is the first modern study to focus on the British dimension of the American Revolution through its whole span from its origins to the declaration of independence in 1776 and its aftermath. It is written by nine leading British and American scholars who explore many key issues including the problems governing the American colonies Britain's diplomatic isolation in Europe over the war the impact of the American crisis on Ireland and the consequences for Britain of the loss of America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140189

Britain and the Arab Gulf after EmpireKuwait Bahrain Qatar and the United Arab Emirates 1971-1981 Although Britain’s formal imperial role in the smaller oil-rich Sheikhdoms of the Arab Gulf – Kuwait Bahrain Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – ended in 1971 Britain continued to have a strong interest and continuing presence in the region. This book explores the nature of Britain’s role after the formal end of empire. It traces the historical events of the post-imperial years including the 1973 oil shock the fall of the Shah in Iran and the beginnings of the Iran–Iraq War; considers the changing positions towards the region of other major world powers including the United States; and engages with debates on the nature of empire and the end of empire. The book is a sequel to the author’s highly acclaimed previous books Britain’s Revival and Fall in the Gulf: Kuwait Bahrain Qatar and the Trucial States 1950–71 (Routledge 2004) and Ending Empire in the Middle East: Britain the United States and Post-war Decolonization 1945–1973 (Routledge 2012). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367671150

Britain and the Cyprus Crisis of 1974Conflict Colonialism and the Politics of Remembrance in Greek Cypriot Society This book examines the ideological and socio-political discourses shaping the remembrance and representation of Britain and the Cyprus conflict of 1974 within Greek Cypriot society. By combining the official with the popular and drawing on an extensive range of oral history interviews this monograph shows that a suspicion born out of Britain’s long (neo-)colonial connection to Cyprus has come to frame the image and understanding of British actions associated with the events and lasting consequences of 1974. Indeed with the island of Cyprus still divided and the requirement to remember a national imperative this book has a direct contemporary relevance. However within the existent literature while much has been written about the political roots of the Cyprus conflict no study has yet sought to systematically analyse and understand the influences shaping the history and memory of British actions on Cyprus in 1974. One defined by the existence of 'partitionist' conspiracies collusive accusations and a series of memory distortions which continue to resonate strongly irrespective of the evidence that is now available. As such by analysing the influences shaping the image of Britain in 1974 one can begin to understand in ever greater detail the Anglo–Greek Cypriot relationship in a modern context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367349387

Britain and the Economic Problem of the Cold WarThe Political Economy and the Economic Impact of the British Defence Effort 1945-1955 Many accounts of British development since 1945 have attempted to discover why Britain experienced slower rates of economic growth than other Western European countries. In many cases the explanation for this phenomenon has been attributed to the high level of defence spending that successive British post-war governments adhered to. Yet is it fair to assume that Britain's relative economic decline could have been prevented if policy makers had not spent so much on defence? Examining aspects of the political economy and economic impact of British defence expenditure in the period of the first cold war (1945-1955) this book challenges these widespread assumptions looking in detail at the link between defence spending and economic decline. In contrast to earlier studies Till Geiger not only analyses the British effort within the framework of Anglo-American relations but also places it within the wider context of European integration. By reconsidering the previously accepted explanation of the economic impact of the British defence effort during the immediate post-war period this book convincingly suggests that British foreign policy-makers retained a large defence budget to offset a sense of increased national vulnerability brought about by a reduction in Britain's economic strength due to her war effort. Furthermore it is shown that although this level of military spending may have slightly hampered post-war recovery it was not in itself responsible for the decline of the British economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138263413

Britain and the European Union This engaging and concise text offers the student and the general reader a compact readable treatment of British membership of the European Union from 1973 to the present day. It provides a highly distilled and accessible analysis and overview of some of the parameters and recurring features of Britain’s membership of the European Union touching on all of the major facets of membership. Key features: examines the constant and changing character of British membership of the European Union (EU) discusses the problematical and often paradoxical features of membership familiarizes the reader with both academic and public debates about the subject offers thematic treatment of all aspects of policy and attitudes towards the EU provides an overview of the main landmarks in the history of the EU since 1973 presents the most comprehensive and up-to-date text on the course and result of the EU referendum campaign. This book will be of key interest to scholars students and the generally interested reader in the areas of European Studies British Politics EU Studies Area Studies and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138825109

Britain and the First World War (RLE The First World War) This book gives students an informed insight into the British experience in the First World War. The contributors all established First World War historians have drawn on their own research and secondary sources to give a succinct account of politics diplomacy strategy and social developments during a period of dramatic change. Each chapter gives a concise account of its subject and the chapters are well supported by maps and tables. This is an important textbook for school students and undergraduates which bridges the gap between specialized research on the First World War and the needs of the student reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965010

Britain and the French Revolution The French Revolution catapulted Europe into a new period of political upheaval social change and into the modern era. This book provides a concise introduction to the impact of the French Revolution on Britain and to the ways in which this impact has been assessed by historians. The book is organised thematically. It begins with a survey of the ideological debate sparked off by the Revolution discussing in particular the work of people such as Burke Paine Spence and Wollstonecraft. From here it presents an exploration of the Revolution s impact on * Parliamentary polities* The growth of radicalism and loyalism* The way in which French ideas influenced Irish aspirations to generate rebellion The third main section of the book focuses on the causes and course of Britain s war with Revolutionary France and on the effects of the war on the home front most notably the recurrent serious food shortages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177949

Britain and the Narration of Travel in the Nineteenth CenturyTexts Images Objects Interrogating the multiple ways in which travel was narrated and mediated by and in response to nineteenth-century British travelers this interdisciplinary collection examines to what extent these accounts drew on and developed existing tropes of travel. The three sections take up personal and intimate narratives that were not necessarily designed for public consumption tales intended for a popular audience and accounts that were more clearly linked with discourses and institutions of power such as imperial processes of conquest and governance. Some narratives focus on the things the travelers carried such as souvenirs from the battlefields of Britain’s imperial wars while others show the complexity of Victorian dreams of the exotic. Still others offer a disapproving glimpse of Victorian mores through the eyes of indigenous peoples in contrast to the imperialist vision of British explorers. Swiss hotel registers guest books and guidebooks offer insights into the history of tourism while new photographic technologies the development of the telegraph system and train travel transformed the visual audial and even the conjugal experience of travel. The contributors attend to issues of gender and ethnicity in essays on women travelers South African travel narratives and accounts of China during the Opium Wars and analyze the influence of fictional travel narratives. Taken together these essays show how these multiple narratives circulated cross-fertilised and reacted to one another to produce new narratives new objects and new modes of travel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140397

Britain and the Problem of International Disarmament1919-1934 In the aftermath of the Great War multilateral disarmament was placed at the top of the international agenda by the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations. This book analyzes the naval air and land disarmament policies of successive British governments from 1919 to 1934 articulating their dilemma either to fulfil their obligations or to avoid them. Daring and controversial the present study challenges the hitherto accepted view that Britain occupied the high moral ground by drastically reducing its armaments and argues that during this period British disarmament policy was reactive and generally failed to provide the leadership that this extremely sensitive time in international politics demanded. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965027

Britain and the Revolutions in Eastern Europe 1989Documents on British Policy Overseas Series III Volume XII This volume documents the UK Government’s response to the unfolding social and political changes in Eastern Europe during 1989. The year 1989 saw momentous change in Europe. It was the year in which Communist rule in Eastern Europe finally ended: with mass demonstrations an end to one-Party rule free elections and the opening of borders. In Poland the independent trade union Solidarity went from being an illegal organisation to running the country. Vaclav Havel went from being a jailed dissident to President of Czechoslovakia. In October 1989 the German Democratic Republic marked the 40th anniversary of the Socialist state only to see that state collapse a month later following the opening of the Berlin Wall. In December the Romanian leader Nicolae Ceauşescu saw his near quarter century rule brought to an end in a matter of days. This volume charts the events of an historic year in Bulgaria Czechoslovakia the GDR Hungary Poland and Romania and looks at British policy towards the Baltic States. It contains reporting from British embassies on the rapidly changing political scene and documents attempts by the British Government to develop policy against the backdrop of unfolding revolution. This book will be of interest to students of British politics Eastern European politics and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609587

Britain and the Sterling AreaFrom Devaluation to Convertibility in the 1950s To complement current work on the British domestic economy in the post-war period it is necessary to examine external economic policy. Whilst considerable work has been done on Britain's relations with Europe and with America the complexities of the sterling area have remained obscure. This volume makes a significant contribution to unravelling the strands of British external economic policy in the post-war period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865792

Britain and the War on TerrorPolicy Strategy and Operations Why did Britain come to play such a prominent role in the war on terror and why did the military instrument come to be the dominant theme in the British prosecution of what was an ideological and political struggle? This book is an analysis of Britain’s war against Al Qaeda and the phenomenon of international terrorism which marked a paradigm shift in the nature and conduct of war in the twenty-first century. At the heart of the book is an attempt to understand why Britain which possessed a wealth of experience in the conduct of counterterrorism counterinsurgency and small wars developed a strategic and operational design to defeat the Islamist threat which proved to be deeply flawed. In addressing this question the book explores the complex intellectual doctrinal and geopolitical challenge posed by Al Qaeda and international terrorism and how and why the British response took the form that it did. In conducting this analysis the book raises important questions about the assumptions and perceptions of those in government who led the UK into this conflict the nature of the civil military relationship in Britain and how well it functioned and finally the competence of its security forces in being able to deal with this threat both domestically and overseas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754677802

Britain and the World since 1945 This Seminar Studies title is a succinct study of modern British foreign policy focusing on the period from 1945 to the present day. Since the end of the Second World War Britain has been engaged in international conflicts from the Suez Crisis to the Gulf War and has actively sought involvement in transnational and global affairs. Starting with a brief overview of the rise and fall of the British Empire and continuing chronologically with detailed chapters covering the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first Alasdair Blair discusses the highs and lows of British foreign policy in an accessible yet analytical manner. Dealing with themes such as the issues triggered by decolonisation and the changing relationship between Britain and Europe this text considers the pivotal moments in modern Britain’s engagement with the wider world. Included in this title are supporting materials such as a chronology of important events from 1945 a Who’s Who of key government figures and a collection of relevant primary sources. Thorough yet concise Britain and the World since 1945 is the ideal resource for students interested in the development of British foreign policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408248294

Britain and World War One The First World War appears as a fault line in Britain’s twentieth-century history. Between August 1914 and November 1918 the titanic struggle against Imperial Germany and her allies consumed more people more money and more resources than any other conflict that Britain had hitherto experienced. For the first time it opened up a Home Front that stretched into all parts of the British polity society and culture touching the lives of every citizen regardless of age gender and class: vegetables were even grown in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. Britain and World War One throws attention on these civilians who fought the war on the Home Front. Harnessing recent scholarship and drawing on original documents oral testimony and historical texts this book casts a fresh look over different aspects of British society during the four long years of war. It revisits the early war enthusiasm and the making of Kitchener’s new armies; the emotive debates over conscription; the relationships between politics government and popular opinion; women working in wartime industries; the popular experience of war and the question of social change. This book also explores areas of wartime Britain overlooked by recent histories including the impact of the war on rural society; the mobilization of industry and the importance of technology; responses to air raids and food and housing shortages; and the challenges to traditional social and sexual mores and wartime culture. Britain and World War One is essential reading for all students and interested lay readers of the First World War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415455398

Britain As A Military Power 1688-1815 In 1688 Britain was successfully invaded its army and navy unable to prevent the overthrow of the government. 1815 Britain was the strongest power in the world with the most succesful navy and the largest empire. Britain had not only played a prominent role in the defeat of Napoleonic France but had also established itself as a significant power in South Asia and was unsurpassed in her global reach. Her military strength was related to and based on one of the best systems of public finance in the world and held a strong trade position. This illustrated text assesses the military aspects of this shift concentrating on the multi-faceted nature of the British military effort.; Topics covered include: the rise of Britain; an analysis of military infrastructure; warfare in the British Isles; conventional warfare in Europe; trans- oceanic warfare with European powers; the challenge of America; and the challenge of Revolutionary and Napoleonic France. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987913

Britain before the Reform ActPolitics and Society 1815-1832 In the years1815-1832 Britain came close to revolution. Fewer than twenty years separate the Battle of Waterloo from the passing of the �Great� Reform Act but during this period Britain�s political elite was challenged as never before. In rising to that challenge the political elite attempted with considerable success to ensure that Britain engineered that most perilous of transitions from a less complex and more deferential society into a modern urban and industrial one while avoding political revolution. In this extensively revised 2nd edition Evans engages with a welter of new material and fresh interpretations. The book sheds light both on the challenges to existing political and social authority and why those challenges were seen off. Evans examines: � The composition of Britain�s political elite and how this elite coped with the problems thrown up by a society urbanising and modernising at an unprecedented rate. � How Britain reacted to the longer-term implications of the French Revolution including the development of a more cohesive national identity. � How the elite attempted to maintain public order in this period � and with what success. � The extent of change in Britain�s political system brought about by political religious and administrative reforms Written in accessible style with a rich collection of documents chronology glossary a guide to further reading and a �Who�s Who� which summarises the careers and contributions of the main figures this new edition is essential for all those interested in understanding Britain at this most crucial turning point in its history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138432161

Britain in EuropeProspects for Change First published in 1999 this text addresses the question of Britain's role in Europe from a range of disciplinary perspectives including history politics sociology and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609310

Britain in India 1765-1905 Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665163

Britain in India 1765-1905 Volume I Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660533

Britain in India 1765-1905 Volume II Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660540

Britain in India 1765-1905 Volume III Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660557

Britain in India 1765-1905 Volume IV Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660564

Britain in India 1765-1905 Volume V Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660571

Britain in India 1765-1905 Volume VI Seeks to explore the nature of the relationship between Britain and India at the height of imperial expansion. This collection is of interest among academic communities exploring British and Indian history. It is useful for literary cultural and urban historians working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660588

Britain in the Age of the French Revolution1785 - 1820 This new survey looks at the impact in Britain of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic aftermath across all levels of British society. Jennifer Mori provides a clear and accessible guide to the ideas and intellectual debates the revolution stimulated as well as popular political movements including radicalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157408

Britain in the NinetiesThe Politics of Paradox This volume looks at the changes in British politics and government since the accession of Mrs Thatcher in 1979 and in particular at the 1990s. Its aim is to explore some of these changes and to emphasize the recurring paradoxes in political developments. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038056

Britain in the Twentieth Century In a century of rapid social change the British people have experienced two world wars the growth of the welfare state and the loss of Empire.Charles More looks at these and other issues in a comprehensive study of Britain’s political economic and social history throughout the twentieth century. This accessible new book also engages with topical questions such as the impact of the Labour party and the role of patriotism in British identity.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138144866

Britain in the Twentieth Century Britain in the Twentieth Century is a new approach to teaching and learning twentieth century British history at A level. It meets the needs of teachers and students studying for today's revised AS and A2 exams. In a unique style Britain in the Twentieth Century focuses on the key topics within the period. Each topic is then comprehensively explored to provide background essay writing advice and examples source work and historical skills. From 1900 to the new millennium the key topics featured include:* Britain in a new century 1900-1914* the First World War and its impact* inter-war domestic problems* British foreign policy 1919-1939* Britain and the Second World War* social and economic change 1945-1979. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315012865

Britain in the Wider World1603–1800 Britain in the Wider World traces the remarkable transformation of Britain between 1603 and 1800 as it developed into a world power. At the accession of James VI and I to the throne of England in 1603 the kingdoms of England/Wales Scotland and Ireland were united only by having a monarch in common. They had little presence in the world and were fraught with violence. Two centuries later the consolidated state of the United Kingdom established in 1801 was an economic powerhouse and increasingly geopolitically important with an empire that stretched from the Americas to Asia and to the Pacific. The book offers a fresh approach to assessing Britain’s evolution situating Britain within both imperial and Atlantic history and examining how Britain came together politically and socially throughout the eighteenth century. In particular it offers a detailed exploration of Britain as a fiscal-military state able to fight major wars without bankrupting itself. Through studying patterns of political authority and gender relationships it also stresses the constancy of fundamental features of British society economy and politics despite considerable internal changes. Detailed accessibly written and enhanced by illustrations Britain in the Wider World is ideal for students of early modern Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138313606

Britain in the World Economy Considering Britain's physical capital this book examines the distribution of investment between industries and between industry on the one hand and social and administrative purposes on the other. The Sterling Area is also examined from the point of view of the UK and the rest of the world. The gold value of the dollar and the relationship of the US to the world economy are also discussed. All of these economic questions are placed in their appropriate historical perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138861640

Britain in the World Economy since 1880 Bernard Alford reviews the changing role and diminishing influence of Britain within the international economy across the century that saw the apogee and loss of Britain's empire and her transformation from globe-straddling superpower to off-shore and indecisive member of the European Community. He explores the relationship between empire and economy; looks at economic performance against economic policy; and compares Britain - through and beyond the Thatcher years - with her European partners America and Japan. In assessing whether Britain's economic decline has been absolute or merely relative he also illuminates the broader history of the world economy itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157262

Britain since 1688A Nation in the World Authored by a team of North American university professors who specialize in the subject Britain since 1688: A Nation in the World has been specifically written for students in the United States or from other countries where pre-existing knowledge of the history of Britain cannot be taken for granted. Beginning with the Glorious Revolution of 1688 the book progresses through the major events of the next three-and-a-half centuries up to the coalition government of the present day. It uses a traditional chronological structure and provides a strong backbone of political history but incorporates contemporary thematic concerns and the most recent scholarship throughout. The authors provide coverage of all parts of the British Isles individually as well as treating them as an integrated whole and key aspects of British society are examined including class race religion and gender – a focus that allows the complexities of British national identity and the historical unity and disunity of the British Isles to be assessed. Britain’s interaction with the world features prominently including extensive coverage of the British Empire both as a political military and geographic entity and as a force of cultural influence on the British metropolis. The complexities of Britain’s relationship with the United States are explored in detail ranging from the American Revolution in the eighteenth century to the "special relationship" established by the twentieth. Featuring textboxes containing illustrative examples that support the main text images intended to inspire discussion and a comprehensive companion website with an interactive timeline that includes links to primary documents images and video this book provides everything needed to give students a comprehensive grounding in the rich tapestry of events characters and themes that encompass the history of Britain since 1688. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415506601

Britain Since 1707 Britain since 1707 is the first single-volume book to cover the complex and multi-layered history of Great Britain from its inception until 2007. Bringing together political economic social and cultural history the book offers a reliable and balanced account of the nation over a 300 year period. It looks at major developments – such as the Enlightenment the growth of democracy and gender change – while also tracing the distinctive experience of different the book’s additional features include: social and ethnic groups through the decades. Fully integrating Scotland Wales and the Irish experience the book’s comprehensive sweep includes coverage of the industrial revolution   the British Empire the two world wars and today’s multicultural society. Ideally structured to support courses and classes on British history ·         ‘Focus On’ sections with original documents and sources ·         Timelines and tables to aid understanding ·         Historical sources and further reading suggestions at the end of each chapter ·         Illuminating contemporary illustrations From Queen Anne to Gordon Brown this wide-ranging and accessible book provides a complete and up-to-date history of Britain. Offering a coherent account of the evolution of the nation and its people it will be essential reading for all students of British history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138130296

Britain since 1945A Political History Britain since 1945 is the established textbook on contemporary British political history since the end of the Second World War. David Childs' authoritative chronological survey discusses domestic policy and politics in particular but also covers external and international relations. This new and improved seventh edition of this important book brings the picture to the present by including the following additions:  Tony Blair's resignation and Gordon Brown's accession to power immigration the financial crisis from 2007: the first bank run in Britain since 1866 the 'Special-relationship' with the US and Obama the 2010 General elcetion and the first coalition government since 1945 'Broken Britain'  and Crime the era of ‘owned by China' and Britain’s place in a turbulent world. Britain since 1945 is essential reading for any student of contemporary British history and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415519526

Britain Under ProtectionAn Examination of the Government's Protectionist Policy When this book was published in 1934 Britain had been a protectionist country for three years. The Import Duties Act and the Ottawa Agreements were based upon four main principles – the use of the tariff as an instrument of revenue its use as a bargaining weapon its use as a means of protecting domestic manufacturers and its use as a means of fostering trade within the British Empire. This book is a valuable analysis of the years of protectionism measuring the effects on the country’s trade and economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138297050

Britain under Thatcher This concise accessible and balanced historical analysis of the Thatcher years and their consequences analyzes many controversial aspects of Margaret Thatcher's premiership including the Falklands War the miner's strike bitter relations with Europe and the ill-fated poll tax. Books in this Seminar Studies in History series bridge the gap between textbook and specialist survey and consists of a brief "Introduction" and/or "Background" to the subject followed by a substantial and authoritative section of "Analysis" focusing on the main themes and issues. There is a succinct "Assessment" of the subject a generous selection of "Documents" and a detailed bibliography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138837034

Britain Votes 6Parliamentary Election Results 1997 First published in 1998 Britain Votes 6 contains a comprehensive record of the 1997 general election based on the official returns. For every constituency there is a complete record of candidates party labels and voted polled together with the vote share. Calculation of vote change is based either on the 1992 constituency result or where boundary changes have occurred on the notional result. Other statistics include the % majority turnout and electorate. Also included is an index of candidates together with various tables summarising the results by nation and region and detailing rank orders of parliamentary constituencies according to party majorities party change in the share of the vote and other important electoral indicators. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138608030

Britain’s Olympic WomenA History Britain has a long and distinguished history as an Olympic nation. However most Olympic histories have focused on men’s sport. This is the first book to tell the story of Britain’s Olympic women how they changed Olympic spectacle and how in turn they have reinterpreted the Games. Exploring the key themes of gender and nationalism and presenting a wealth of new empirical archival evidence the book explores the sporting culture produced by British women who aspired to become Olympians from the early years of the modern Olympic movement. It shines new light on the frameworks imposed on female athletes individually and as a group by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the British Olympic Association (BOA) and the various affiliated sporting international federations. Using oral history and family history sources the book tells of the social processes through which British Olympic women have become both heroes and anti- eroes in the public consciousness. Exploring the hidden narratives around women such as Charlotte Cooper Lottie Dod Audrey Brown and Pat Smythe and bringing the story into the modern era of London 2012 Dina Asher- mith and Katarina Johnson- hompson the book helps us to better understand the complicated relationship between sport gender media and wider society. This is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in sport history Olympic history women’s history British history or gender studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367473211

Britain's Anti-submarine Capability 1919-1939 Britain's Anti-Submarine Capability 1919-1939 is the first unified study of the development of Britain's anti-submarine capability between the armistice in 1919 and the onset of the second world German submarine attack on Britain's maritime trade in 1939. Well researched and yet accessibly written this book challenges the widespread belief that the Royal Navy failed to anticipate the threat of the U-boat in the Second World War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761390

Britain's China Policy and the Opium CrisisBalancing Drugs Violence and National Honour 1833–1840 The first Opium War (1840-42) was a defining moment in Anglo-Chinese relations and since the 1840s the histories of its origins have tended to have been straightforward narratives which suggest that the British Cabinet turned to its military to protect opium sales and to force open the China trade. Whilst the monetary aspects of the war cannot be ignored this book argues that economic interests should not overshadow another important aspect of British foreign policy - honour and shame. The Palmerston's government recognised that failure to act with honour generated public outrage in the form of petitions to parliament and loss of votes and as a result was at pains to take such considerations into account when making policy. Accordingly British Cabinet officials worried less about the danger to economic interests than the threat to their honour and the possible loss of power in Parliament. The decision to wage a drug war however made the government vulnerable to charges of immorality creating the need to justify the war by claiming it was acting to protect British national honour. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261331

Britain's Colonial Wars 1688-1783 From Europe to India and America Britain's Colonial Wars relates empire to the fortunes of war. In less than a century between the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the settlement following the War of the American Revolution the modern British state was born. This penetrating new analysis questions the centrality of the colonial enterprise to Westminster policy-makers obsessed with European issues and explains how the impact of their strategies necessarily shaped the destiny of a multi-national and incoherent empire beyond the shores of Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166509

Britain's Economic Blockade of Germany 1914-1919 Great Britain's economic blockade of Germany in World War I was one of the key elements to the victory of the Entente. Though Britain had been the leading exponent of blockades for two centuries the World War I blockade was not effective at the outbreak of hostilities. Pre-war changes had led to the Admiralty supplanting the Royal Navy's leadership role in favour of direction from the civilian branch of government on the basis of international law.The struggle between the primacy of international law and military expediency lasted for nearly two years as the British tried to reconcile their pre-war stance as champion of neutral rights with measures necessary for a successful blockade. Not until 1916 did the operation have the potential to be a decisive factor in the defeat of Germany when pressure from France the Royal Navy Parliament British popular opinion and the Admiralty forced the British government to abandon its defence of neutral rights over the interests of the state.The arrival of the United States as an ally in April 1917 initiated the final evolution of the blockade. The Entente and the United States tightened the blockade with crushing effect on Germany and by November 1918 it was evidently one of the chief factors behind the victory. This knowledge reinforced the decision to retain the blockade in the months following the armistice in order to force favourable terms from Germany. In both the war and in the peace the economic blockade performed a critical role in World War I. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646178

Britain's Economic Growth 1920-1966 Professor Youngson's book is an ubiased review of Britain's past experience and present difficulties. Few sacred cows are spared. There is no pretence that fundamental problems were resolved at the time of its first publication in 1967. Many econmic historians fail in their assessment of Britian's economic prospects as there is a tendency to look only at recent events to explain current problems. Youngson saw that this was short sighted. An economy like an airliner cannot suddenly change its course; it is subject to persistent forces and tendencies; it is powerfully affected by what has happened in the recent and sometimes in the not so recent past. Therefore to understand the problems of today we must know somthing of how persistent they are and about what solutions have already been tried. This book provides a thorough examination of Britain's economic growth from 1920-1966 and contextualises Britain's situation within its true historical perspective. This book was first published in 1967. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138864900

Britain's Economic Prospects Reconsidered This book is a sequal to Britain's Economic Prospects the report issued in 1968 by the Brookings Institution and universally accepted as the most thorough and comprehensive study of the British Economy to have ever appeared. Two years later just after the British General election six fo the American economists who prepared the Brookings Report met with a number of other leading economists from Britain and the United States at a weekend conference at Ditchley Park to review the findings of the report. Papers submitted to the conference by four of the British Economists (R.C.C. Matthews G.D.N. Worswick E.H. Phelps Brown and M.V. Posner) covered the same ground as the Brookings Report - the role of demand management trade and balance-of-payments problems labour policies and industrial policies. The conference also had before it a fifth paper on fiscal policy and stabilization which took issue with some of the views expressed in the Brookings report. These papers form the core of this book which also contains an account of the conference discussions and concluding reflections by its Chairman Sir Alec Cairncross formerly Chief Economic Adviser to H.M. Government. Britain's Economic Prospects Reconsidered is neither a detailed critique of the Brookings Report nor a rejoinder to it but rather an attempt to reassess British performance and policies in the light of experience since devaluation. Its central concern is the question of why economic growth in Britain since the war has been slower than in other countries. This book was first published in 1971. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138864917

Britain's Entry into the European CommunityReport on the Negotiations of 1970 - 1972 by Sir Con O'Neill In January 1972 Britain signed the Treaty of Acccession to the European Community. Sir Con O'Neill a key figure in the negotiations gives an analysis of negotiations which had an impact on Britain's relations with Europe and insights into the processes of multilateral diplomacy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038629

Britain's Failure to Enter the European Community 1961-63The Enlargement Negotiations and Crises in European Atlantic and Commonwealth Relations The essays collected here outline a number of factors which made the EC too young to be able to assimilate Britain's important interests and the British over-optimistic in their approach to negotiations with the Community. The role of conflict over Western strategy and European political union in the breakdown of the negotiations is re-assessed and the negotiations over agriculture and the Commonwealth are revealed in an entirely new light. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203044193

Britain's Food Supplies Originally published in 1952. In this fascinating book that examines the statistics the term food supplies is interpreted in a wide sense and it deals among other matters with such subjects as supplies from home agriculture and from overseas; food consumption; controls rationing and price regulations and Government purchasing of food. Included are chapters on world food supplies international organizations concerned with food and agriculture and development schemes in the Commonwealth and colonies. Food supply from the eighteenth century onwards is outlined and the dependence on imported food is discussed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367275754

Britain's Hidden Role in the Rwandan GenocideThe Cat's Paw Britain’s Hidden Role in the Rwandan Genocide examines the role of the United Kingdom as a global elite bystander to the crime of genocide and its complicity - in violation of international criminal laws - in the Rwandan genocide of 1994. As prevailing accounts confine themselves to the role and actions of the United States and the United Nations the full picture of Rwanda’s genocide has yet to be revealed. Hazel Cameron demonstrates that it is the unravelling of the criminal role and actions of the British that illuminates a more detailed answer to the question of ‘why’ the genocide in Rwanda occurred. In this book she provides a systematic and detailed analysis of the policies of the British Government towards civil unrest in Rwanda throughout the 1990s that culminated in genocide. Utilising documentary evidence obtained as a result of Freedom of Information requests to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as well as material obtained through extensive interviews - with British government cabinet members diplomats Ambassadors to the United Nations Security Council prisoners in Rwanda convicted of being leaders and organisers of genocide and victims and survivors of genocide in Rwanda – she finds that the actions of the British and French governments both before and during the Rwandan genocide of 1994 were disassociated from human rights norms. It is suggested herein that the decision-making of the Major government during the period of 1990 – 1994 was for the advancement of the interrelated goals of maintaining power status and ensuring economic interests in key areas of Africa inferring a substantial degree of complicity in genocide by omission. That international politics is a strategic game has evidenced itself in the roles played by both the government of the United Kingdom and France in seeking to maximise their respective political and economic interests out with the existing international criminal constraints during the genocide in Rwanda. A micro study of the actions of the French Operation Turquoise reveals their actions to be clearly definable as complicity in genocide by commission. This account of the legal culpability of the powerful within the corridors of government in both London and Paris evidences that these behaviours cannot be conceptualised under existing notions of state crime and this research serves to illuminate the inadequacies and limitations of a concept of state crime in international law as it currently stands and will be of interest to anyone concerned with the misuse of state power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415533393

Britain's Imperial Retreat from China 1900-1931 Britain’s relationship with China in the nineteenth and early twentieth century is often viewed in terms of gunboat diplomacy unequal treaties and the unrelenting pursuit of Britain’s own commercial interests. This book however based on extensive original research demonstrates that in Britain after the First World War a combination of liberal Labour party pacifist missionary and some business opinion began to argue for imperial retreat from China and that this movement gathered sufficient momentum for a sympathetic attitude to Chinese demands becoming official Foreign Office policy in 1926. The book considers the various strands of this movement relates developments in Britain to the changing situation in China especially the rise of nationalism and the Guomindang and argues that contrary to what many people think the reassertion of China’s national rights was begun successfully in this period rather than after the Communist takeover in 1949. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367596323

Britain's Married Women WorkersHistory of an Ideology First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415863445

Britain's Moment in PalestineRetrospect and Perspectives 1917-1948 In 1917 the British issued the Balfour Declaration for military and strategic reasons. This book analyses why and how the British took on the Palestine Mandate. It explores how their interests and policies changed during its course and why they evacuated the country in 1948. During the first decade of the Mandate the British enjoyed an influx of Jewish capital mobilized by the Zionists which enabled them not only to fund the administration of Palestine but also her own regional imperial projects. But in the mid-1930s as the clouds of World War Two gathered Britain’s commitment to Zionism was superseded by the need to secure her strategic assets in the Middle East. In consequence she switched to a policy of appeasing the Arabs. In 1947 Britain abandoned her attempts to impose a settlement in Palestine that would be acceptable to the Arab States and referred Palestine to the United Nations without recommendations leaving the antagonists to settle their conflict on the battlefield. Based on archival sources and the most up-to-date scholarly research this comprehensive history offers new insights into Arab British and Zionist policies. It is a must-read for anyone with an interest in Palestine  Israel British Colonialism and the Middle East in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138193888

Britain's Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine 1945-1949 This book provides an important shift in the analysis of Britain's policy towards the illegal postwar Jewish immigration into Palestine. It charts the development of Britain's response to Zionist immigration from the initial sympathy as embodied in the Balfour Declaration through attempts at blockade refoulement and finally disengagement.The book exposes differences in policy pursued by the great departments of state like the Foreign Colonial and War Offices and their legal advisors and those implemented by the Admiralty. The book argues that the eventual failure of Britain's immigration policy was inevitable in view of the hostility shown by many European nations and America towards Britain's ambition to retain her position in the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646208

Britain's Place in the WorldImport Controls 1945-60 Britain's Place in the World examines the establishment and effectiveness of import controls particularly quotas. Placing quotas back in the centre of British history Milward and Brennan make some radical claims for Britain's economic performance in a global context. Looking into a wide variety of industries from motorcars to typewriters raw chemicals to food produce they examine the intended and actual obstruction to imported goods represented by quotas and the political and financial ramifications beyond the statistics.This is the fourth book to be published in the Routledge Explorations in Economic History series. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965041

Britain's PopulationDemographic Issues in Contemporary Society Britain's Population addresses issues relating to the demographic characteristics of British society. Many of the contemporary features of the population relate to changes in the past - particularly the ups and downs in attitudes to marriage and family formation. The history of these trends is considered including the 'baby boom' of the 1960s when three million children were added to the population within the space of ten years. Jackson argues that the impact of this bulge generation can still be identified and will become of increasing importance when thegeneration reaches retirement age. Current trends in fertility are influenced by the changing structure of the labour market and by the delay in marriage and child bearing to later life. The 1990s has been the era of the 'double income no kids yet' partners and the thirty-something mother. In this book Stephen Jackson highlights how the plight of single mothers the problem of funding pensioners and the future of the welfare state all depend on demographic trends in society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203025154

Britain's Retreat from Empire in East Asia 1905-1980 The decline of British power in Asia from a high point in 1905 when Britain’s ally Japan vanquished the Russian Empire apparently reducing the perceived threat that Russia posed to its influence in India and China to the end of the twentieth century when British power had dwindled to virtually nothing is one of the most important themes in understanding the modern history of East and Southeast Asia. This book considers a range of issues that illustrate the significance and influence of the British Empire in Asia and the nature of Britain’s imperial decline. Subjects covered include the challenges posed by Germany and Japan during the First World War British efforts at international co-operation in the interwar period the British relationship with Korea and Japan in the wake of the Second World War and the complicated path of decolonisation in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138543317

Britain's Revival and Fall in the GulfKuwait Bahrain Qatar and the Trucial States 1950-71 Britain's relationship with the Gulf region remains one of the few unexplored episodes in the study of British decolonization. The decision announced in 1968 to leave the Gulf within three years represented an explicit recognition by Britain that its 'East of Suez' role was at an end. This book examines the decision-making process which underpinned this reversal and considers the interaction between British decision-making and local responses and initiatives in shaping the modern Gulf. Using sources previously unavailable to scholars Britain's Revival and Fall in the Gulf is a valuable addition to the studies on the modern Gulf. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646215

Britain's Secret War against Japan 1937-1945 A new look at how Britain’s defence establishment learned to engage Japan’s armed forces as the Pacific War progressed.  Douglas Ford reveals that prior to Japan’s invasion of Southeast Asia in December 1941 the British held a contemptuous view of Japanese military prowess. He shows that the situation was not helped by the high level of secrecy which surrounded Japan’s war planning as well as the absence of prior engagements with the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army. The fall of ‘Fortress Singapore’ in February 1942 dispelled the notion that the Japanese were incapable of challenging the West. British military officials acknowledged how their forces in the Far East were inadequate and made a concerted effort to improve their strength and efficiency. However because Britain’s forces were tied down in their operations in Europe North Africa and the Mediterranean they had to fight the Japanese with limited resources. Drawing upon the lessons obtained through Allied experiences in the Pacific theatres as well as their own encounters in Southeast Asia the British used the available intelligence on the strategy tactics and morale of Japan’s armed forces to make the best use of what they had and by the closing stages of the war in 1944 to 1945 they were able to devise a war plan which paved the way for the successful war effort. This book will be of great interest to all students of the Second World War intelligence studies British military history and strategic studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514101

Britain's Strategic Nuclear DeterrentFrom Before the V-Bomber to Beyond Trident Having served opposite Warsaw Pact forces in the 1950s and on Embassy duty in the 70s in Europe the author offers a reasoned assessment of Britain's role in the so-called "nuclear club". He asks whether Britain really needs to be a member. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203044346

Britain's Trade and AgricultureTheir Recent Evolution and Future Development Published in 1932: The author in his Britain's Trade and Agriculture though almost ruthlessly exposes the fallacies that lie behind the modern accepted views on industry and agriculture though he obviously writes without desire to attract attention but simply to clarify facts and to suggest practical solutions.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367178994

Britain's War At Sea 1914-1918The war they thought and the war they fought In Britain memory of the First World War remains dominated by the trench warfare of the Western Front. Yet in 1914 when the country declared war the overwhelming expectation was that Britain’s efforts would be primarily focussed on the sea. As such this volume is a welcome corrective to what is arguably an historical neglect of the naval aspect of the Great War. As well as reassessing Britain’s war at sea between 1914 and 1918 underlining the oft neglected contribution of the blockade of the Central Powers to the ending of the war the book also offers a case study in ideas about military planning for ’the next war’. Questions about how next wars are thought about planned for and conceptualised and then how reality actually influences that thinking have long been - and remain - key concerns for governments and military strategists. The essays in this volume show what ’realities’ there are to think about and how significant or not the change from pre-war to war was. This is important not only for historians trying to understand events in the past but also has lessons for contemporary strategic thinkers who are responsible for planning and preparing for possible future conflict. Britain’s pre-war naval planning provides a perfect example of just how complex and uncertain that process is. Building upon and advancing recent scholarship concerning the role of the navy in the First World War this collection brings to full light the dominance of the maritime environment for Britain in that war and the lessons that has for historians and military planners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472426277

Britannia OverruledBritish Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century This book brings together the often separated histories of diplomacy defence economics and empire in a provocative reinterpretation of British 'decline'. It also offers a broader reflection on the nature of international power and the mechanisms of policymaking. For this Second Edition David Reynolds has added a new chapters and extends his lively and incisive analysis to the beginning of the new millennium. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138835511

British Admirals and Chinese Pirates 1832-1869 This study first published in 1940 examines in detail the suppression of piracy in China. From a starting point of the considering the influence of the Admiralty on the development of British foreign policy in the nineteenth century it studies the actions of the China Station and in particular its undertakings to suppress piracy in the Far East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138614437

British Agriculture in the First World War (RLE The First World War) This volume comprehensively describes how British farmers coped with the problems of shortage of labour and other factors of production as well as assessing how well agriculture performed as a supplier of food to the nation. Use of previously neglected records provides much evidence on issues such as the deployment of substitute labour and the introduction of the tractor into British farming for the first time. Challenging accepted view on the period the author shows that shortages of labour and other factors of production had only a slight effect on farm output and the national food supply. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965058

British Agriculture1875-1914 Profound Changes took place in British Agriculture between 1875 and 1914. After the prosperous years of the mid-nineteenth century came a period of difficulty for landowners and farmers with falling prices lower rents and untenanted farms. Previously attributed to bad seasons and increased food imports this book questions whether the unexpected depression was rather the evolutionary upheaval of a system forced reluctantly into change. Undoubtedly there was a crisis in these decades farming ceased to be Britain's major industry; no longer able to supply all her own food the country came to depend increasingly upon imports. Methods changed cereal production yielding pre-eminence to pastoral farming. In recent years scholars have challenged traditional interpretations of the crisis seeking a wider range of causes characteristics and consequences. It has come to be seen as a phenomenon of change as much as of decay. This book brings together different views of the depression ranging from contemporary evaluations to recent regional and econometric studies which stress its spatial and developmental character. Originally published in 1973 these eight contributions provide a survey of changing approaches to one of the major economic crises in modern history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138878662

British and American Foundings of Parliamentary Science 1774�1801 Upon declaring independence from Britain in July 1776 the United States Congress urgently needed to establish its credentials as a legitimate government that could credibly challenge the claims of the British Crown. In large measure this legitimacy rested upon setting in place the procedural and legal structures upon which all claims of governmental authority rest. In this book Aschenbrenner explores the ways in which the nascent United States rapidly built up a system of parliamentary procedure that borrowed heavily from the British government it sought to replace. In particular he looks at how over the course of twenty-five years Thomas Jefferson drew upon the writings of the Chief Clerk of the British Parliament John Hatsell to frame and codify American parliamentary procedures. Published in 1801 Jefferson’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States presents rules instances citations and commentary as modern readers would expect them to appear quoting Hatsell and other British authorities numerous times. If the two nations suffered any unpleasant relations in the First War for American Independence - Aschenbrenner concludes - one would be hard pressed to detect it from Jefferson’s Manual. Indeed direct comparison of the House of Commons and the Continental Congress shows remarkable similarities between the ambitions of the two institutions as they both struggled to adapt their political processes to meet the changing national and international circumstances of the late-eighteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367881528

British and American Letter Manuals 1680-1810 Volume 1 During the 18th century letter manuals became the most popular form of conduct literature. They were marketed to and used by a wide spectrum of society from maidservants and apprentices through military officers and merchants to gentlemen parents and children. This work presents the most influential manuals from both sides of the Atlantic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117600

British and American Letter Manuals 1680-1810 Volume 2 During the 18th century letter manuals became the most popular form of conduct literature. They were marketed to and used by a wide spectrum of society from maidservants and apprentices through military officers and merchants to gentlemen parents and children. This work presents the most influential manuals from both sides of the Atlantic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111615

British and American Letter Manuals 1680-1810 Volume 3 During the 18th century letter manuals became the most popular form of conduct literature. They were marketed to and used by a wide spectrum of society from maidservants and apprentices through military officers and merchants to gentlemen parents and children. This work presents the most influential manuals from both sides of the Atlantic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111622

British and American Letter Manuals 1680-1810 Volume 4 During the 18th century letter manuals became the most popular form of conduct literature. They were marketed to and used by a wide spectrum of society from maidservants and apprentices through military officers and merchants to gentlemen parents and children. This work presents the most influential manuals from both sides of the Atlantic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117617

British and French Parliaments in Comparative Perspective The representative assembly or parliament as it is most widely called is at once an old a ubiquitous and a controversial political institution. In this century it has attracted the criticism of both disillusioned democrats and true believers in the superior representatives of mass movements or of charismatic leaders. Even among its supporters the institution is constantly the object of reform. This book deals with parliament (the generic term for what also may be known as legislature congress assembly diet or knesset) what it has been and is what it does and should do and what may become of it.In a wide-ranging and excellently organized introductory essay Loewenberg defines the parliamentary institution and discusses its role in modern times. He points out that since its appearance in the Middle Ages the parliamentary system has been adopted by almost every country including in recent years the newly independent nations of Africa and the Middle East. This essay is followed by differing and often contradictory views by American and European scholars of the role of a parliament. Issues are defined in the form of examinations of specific parliamentary bodies such as the House of Commons the Bundestag the French Parliament under the Fifth Republic and the Indian Parliament.Writing from the perspective of different national experiences the contributors display varied perceptions and expectations of the institution noting those that sustain it even while they make it controversial. Intended primarily as provocative reading for students of comparative government and comparative political institutions; this book illuminates "one of the most enduring and widely applicable inventions of political man thus making it also a valuable work for scholars as well as practitioners of the political and party process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519794

British and Irish Experiences and Impressions of Central Europe c.1560–1688 Whilst much recent scholarly work has sought to place early modern British and Irish history within a broader continental context most of this has focused on western or northern Europe. In order to redress the balance this new study by David Worthington explores the connections linking writers and expatriates from the later Tudor and Stuart kingdoms with the two major dynastic conglomerates east of the Rhine the Austrian Habsburg lands and Poland-Lithuania. Drawing on a variety of sources including journals diaries letters and travel accounts the book not only shows the high level of scholarly interest evidenced within contemporary English language works about the region but how many more British and Irish people ventured there than is generally recognised. As well as the soldiers merchants and diplomats one might expect we discover more unexpected and colourful characters including a polymath Irish moral theologian in Vienna an orphaned English poetess in Prague a Welsh humanist in Cracow and a Scottish physician and botanist at the Vasa court in Warsaw. This examination of the diverse range of Irish Scottish Welsh and English religious intellectual political military and commercial contacts with central Europe provides not only a more balanced view of British and Irish history but also continues the process of reintegrating the histories of the European regions. Furthermore by extending the focus of research beyond widely studied areas towards other more illuminating international aspects the book challenges scholars to analyse these networks within less parochial and more transnational settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265677

British and Japanese Military Leadership in the Far Eastern War 1941-45 Some sixty years after the Far Eastern War ended this innovative new collection brings together five distinguished UK-based scholars and five from Japan to reappraise their respective country's leadership in the Malaya and Burma campaigns. This leadership is analyzed on various levels ranging from the grand strategic to operational.The Japanese contributors examine the reasons for their forces brilliant advances in 1941-42 whereas the British writers have to account for the disastrous defeat characterized by the poor leadership of senior commanders such as Bennett and Percival. Between 1943 and 1945 the tables were turned dramatically so the failure of Japanese command decisions then comes under critical scrutiny and the British have to explain how defeat was transformed into victory. Above all this volume should stimulate interest in different methods and styles of military leadership in view of the contrasting approaches of the British and Japanese in the Second World War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646222

British Architectural Theory 1540-1750An Anthology of Texts This title was published in 2003.Although it is often assumed that British writing on architectural theory really started in the 18th century there is in fact a large corpus of writing on architecture pre-dating the introduction of Palladianism by Lord Burlington. Some of it such as the English editions of Serlio and Palladio belongs to the Vitruvian tradition. But many texts elude such easy classification such as the prolonged (but hardly studied) discussions on church architecture which are both in form and content very different from the way that theme was handled in Italian Renaissance treatises. This collection of English writing on architecture from 1540 to 1750 offers a large selection of fragments some of them never published before. They discuss the nature of architecture the practicalities of building the sense of the past religious architecture and classicism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315199207

British Art for Australia 1860-1953The Acquisition of Artworks from the United Kingdom by Australian National Galleries Traditional postcolonial scholarship on art and imperialism emphasises tensions between colonising cores and subjugated peripheries. The ties between London and British white settler colonies have been comparatively neglected. Artworks not only reveal the controlling intentions of imperialist artists in their creation but also the uses to which they were put by others in their afterlives. In many cases they were used to fuel contests over cultural identity which expose a mixture of rifts and consensuses within the British ranks which were frequently assumed to be homogeneous. British Art for Australia 1860–1953: The Acquisition of Artworks from the United Kingdom by Australian National Galleries represents the first systematic and comparative study of collecting British art in Australia between 1860 and 1953 using the archives of the Australian national galleries and other key Australian and UK institutions. Multiple audiences in the disciplines of art history cultural history and museology are addressed by analysing how Australians used British art to carve a distinct identity which artworks were desirable economically attainable and why and how the acquisition of British art fits into a broader cultural context of the British world. It considers the often competing roles of the British Old Masters (e.g. Romney and Constable) Victorian (e.g. Madox Brown and Millais) and modern artists (e.g. Nash and Spencer) alongside political and economic factors including the developing global art market imperial commerce Australian Federation the First World War and the coming of age of the Commonwealth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472426369

British Art in the Nuclear Age Rooted in the study of objects British Art in the Nuclear Age addresses the role of art and visual culture in discourses surrounding nuclear science and technology atomic power and nuclear warfare in Cold War Britain. Examining both the fears and hopes for the future that attended the advances of the nuclear age nine original essays explore the contributions of British-born and émigré artists in the areas of sculpture textile and applied design painting drawing photo-journalism and exhibition display. Artists discussed include: Francis Bacon John Bratby Lynn Chadwick Prunella Clough Naum Gabo Barbara Hepworth Peter Lanyon Henry Moore Eduardo Paolozzi Peter Laszlo Peri Isabel Rawsthorne Alan Reynolds Colin Self Graham Sutherland Feliks Topolski and John Tunnard. Also under discussion is new archival material from Picture Post magazine and the Festival of Britain. Far from insular in its concerns this volume draws upon cross-cultural dialogues between British and European artists and the relationship between Britain and America to engage with an interdisciplinary art history that will also prove useful to students and researchers in a variety of fields including modern European history political science the history of design anthropology and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548886

British Artillery on the Western Front in the First World War'The Infantry cannot do with a gun less' In the popular imagination the battle fields of the Western Front were dominated by the machine gun. Yet soldiers at the time were clear that artillery - not machine guns - dictated the nature tactics and strategy of the conflict. Only in the last months of the war when the Allies had amassed sufficient numbers of artillery and learned how to use it in an integrated and coherent manner was the stalemate broken and war ended. In this lucid and prize-winning study the steady development of artillery and the growing realisation of its primacy within the British Expeditionary Force is charted and analysed. Through an examination of British and Dominion forces operating on the Western Front the book looks at how tactical and operational changes affected the overall strategy. Chapters cover the role of artillery in supporting infantry attacks counter-battery work artillery in defence training and command and staff arrangements. In line with the 'learning curve' thesis the work concludes that despite many setbacks and missed opportunities by 1918 the Royal Artillery had developed effective and coordinated tactics to overcome the defensive advantages of trench warfare that had mired the Western Front in bloody stalemate for the previous three years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270466

British Artists and the Modernist Landscape Title first published in 2003. In this detailed study of the landscapes and rural scenes of Britain and France made by artists like George Clausen Philip Wilson Steer Augustus John Laura Knight J. D. Fergusson and Spencer Gore Ysanne Holt investigates the imaginary geographies behind the pictures and reconsiders the relationship between national identity 'Englishness' and the native landscape. Combining close investigation of important works with a broader enquiry into the appeal of the Mediterranean for an age preoccupied with cultural degeneracy and bodily health Ysanne Holt draws fascinating conclusions about the impact of modernism on the British tradition of landscape painting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138710795

British Artists and the Modernist Landscape Title first published in 2003. In this detailed study of the landscapes and rural scenes of Britain and France made by artists like George Clausen Philip Wilson Steer Augustus John Laura Knight J. D. Fergusson and Spencer Gore Ysanne Holt investigates the imaginary geographies behind the pictures and reconsiders the relationship between national identity 'Englishness' and the native landscape. Combining close investigation of important works with a broader enquiry into the appeal of the Mediterranean for an age preoccupied with cultural degeneracy and bodily health Ysanne Holt draws fascinating conclusions about the impact of modernism on the British tradition of landscape painting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138710733

British Asians Exclusion and the Football Industry This book examines the exclusion of British Asians from the football industry drawing on a wealth of empirical work with players coaches scouts managers fans anti-racist organisations community officers and key stakeholders. It adopts a critical race theory (CRT) perspective to offer a platform for excluded communities to discuss their experiences and offer their advice guidance and criticisms. Notions of whiteness intersectionalities and gender are explored and filter throughout. This book highlights historical and contemporary reasons for the British Asian exclusion from football critically examines a number of tried and tested inclusion strategies and offers recommendations for reform to help achieve equality and inclusion. The research aims to:  dehomogenise British Asian football experiences offer the counter-narratives of British Asian male and females to challenge master-narratives comprehend the importance of intersectionalities understand identity shifts and cultural changes challenge socio-cultural stereotypes and racial myths highlight contemporary manifestations of racisms in football at all levels examine the role 'parallel football' environments have played in the exclusion cast a critical eye over inclusion initiatives promote recommendations for reform which are born out of empirical research As long as marginalized groups such as British Asians are excluded from a field of popular culture in this case football it is a topic that demands attention deserves investigation and requires solutions. It is hoped that this book can be of use to students researchers and policymakers who share an active interest in football exclusion and equality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308602

British Audit Practice 1884-1900 (RLE Accounting)A Case Law Perspective This book sheds light on the nature of the late nineteenth century audit by reference to the views expressed in 26 legal cases. The treatment of late nineteenth century legal issues which might appear somewhat unbalanced viewed from today’s stand-point is shown to be more even handed when seen against the back ground of a vigorous contemporary debate concerning all aspects of the auditors’ duties. This text therefore informs readers of the full breadth of the debate and discusses a range of issues which may since have been overlooked such as the Kingston Cotton Mill case 1895 normally referred to only in the context of stock valuation but which also had a great deal to say about the appropriate method for valuing fixed assets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987937

British Autobiography in the Seventeenth Century Originally published in 1969. In the seventeenth century neither the literary genre nor the term ‘autobiography’ existed but we see in seventeenth-century literature many kinds of autobiographical writings to which their authors gave such titles as ‘Journal of the Life of Me Confessions etc. This work is a study of nearly two hundred of these published and unpublished which together represent a very varied group of writings. The book begins with an examination of the rise of autobiography as a genre during the Renaissance. It discusses seventeenth-century autobiographical writings under two main headings – ‘religious’ where the autobiographies are grouped according to the denomination of their writer and ‘secular’ where a wide variety of writings is examined including accounts of travel and of military and political life as well as more personal accounts. Autobiographies by women are treated separately and the author shows that they in general have a deeper revelation of sentiments and more subtle self-analyses than is found in comparable works by men. Sources and influences are recorded and also the essential historical details of each work. This book gives a critical analysis of the autobiographies as literary works and suggests relationships between them and the culture and society of their time. Review of the original publication: "…a contribution to cultural history which is of quite exceptional merit. Its subject is of great intrinsic interest and manifest importance and Professor Delany has treated it with exemplary thoroughness lucidity and intelligence." Lionel Trilling Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138942004

British BankingA Guide to Historical Records This substantially expanded new edition of the Guide to the Historical Records of British Banking contains details of over 700 archive collections held in local record offices university and local libraries and of course banks. Wider coverage is given to the records of major domestic banks British-owned overseas banks merchant banks and discount houses. There are also additional listings of records of long defunct banks. Arranged alphabetically by name the entries for each bank contain in most cases: · A brief history of the bank to explain numerous name changes. · Information as to where the bank's records are held. · Details of what the records consist of. The entries are set in context by introductory chapters covering the historical structure and function of British banking and the purpose format and research value of the chief series of historical records commonly found in bank archives. Bank records concern not just banks but the varied activities that they financed. In addition to its contribution to the study of banking history this monumental reference work facilitates a wider knowledge and understanding of the history of British finance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261317

British Battle Planning in 1916 and the Battle of FromellesA Case Study of an Evolving Skill Despite the substantial output of revisionist scholarship over the last decade reappraising the performance of the British Army on the Western Front during the First World War there still remains a stubborn perception that its commanders were incompetent inflexible and unimaginative. Whilst much ink has been spilled vilifying or defending individual commanders or looking for overarching trends and ’learning curves’ this is the first work to examine systematically the vertical nature of command - that is the transmission of plans from the high-command down through the rank structure to the front line. Through such an investigation a much more rounded measure of the effectiveness of British commanders can be gained; one moves the argument beyond the overly simplistic ’casualties to ground gained’ equation that is usually offered. The Battle of Fromelles (19-20 July 1916) was selected as the case study as it was relatively small in scale in the right period and retains sufficient primary sources available to sustain the analysis. It also witnessed the first time Australian forces were used in offensive operations on the Western Front and thus looms large in wider Commonwealth perceptions of ’Bumbling British Generals’. The book follows the progress of the battle plan from its inception in the strategic designs of the supreme commander down through the various intermediate level commands at operational and tactical headquarters until it became the orders that sent the infantry forward into the attack. In so doing it provides a unique insight into the strengths and weaknesses of British command structure allowing a much more scholarly judgement of its overall effectiveness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367598983

British Boarding Houses in Interwar Women's LiteratureAlternative domestic spaces Embraced for the dramatic opportunities afforded by a house full of strangers the British boarding house emerged as a setting for novels published during the interwar period by a diverse range of women writers from Stella Gibbons to Virginia Woolf. To use the single room in the boarding house or bedsit Terri Mullholland argues is to foreground a particular experience. While the single room represents the freedoms of independent living available to women in the early twentieth century it also marks the precariousness of unmarried women’s lives. By placing their characters in this transient space women writers could explore women's changing social roles and complex experiences – amateur prostitution lesbian relationships extra-marital affairs and abortion â€“ outside traditional domestic narrative concerns. Mullholland presents new readings of works by canonical and non-canonical writers including Stella Gibbons Winifred Holtby Storm Jameson Rosamond Lehmann Dorothy Richardson Jean Rhys and Virginia Woolf. A hybrid of the modernist and realist domestic fiction written and read by women the literature of the single room merges modernism's interest in interior psychological states with the realism of precisely documented exterior spaces offering a new mode of engagement with the two forms of interiority. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140410

British BroadcastingA Study in Monopoly First Published in 1969. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965065

British Business in Post-Colonial Malaysia 1957-70Neo-colonialism or Disengagement? This book explores the limits of the idea of 'neo-colonialism' - the idea that in the period immediately after independence Malaya/Malaysia enjoyed only a 'pseudo-independence' largely because of the entrenched and dominant position of British business interests allied to indigenous elites. The author argues that although British business did indeed have a strong position in Malaysia in this period Malaysian politicians and administrators were able to utilise British business which was relatively weak vis-a-vis the Malaysian state for their own ends at the same time as indigenous businesses and foreign non-British competitors were gathering strength. In addition despite the commitment of both Conservative and Labour governments in the UK to preserving British influence worldwide through the Commonwealth relationship British firms in Malaysia received only limited support from the British post-imperial state. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646239

British Cinema Serious scholarly writing and research on British cinema has burgeoned to a dizzying degree in recent decades and this new four-volume collection from Routledge meets the need for an authoritative reference work to enable users to navigate and make sense of the subject’s large body of scholarship and the continuing explosion in research output. Edited by Robert Murphy the leading expert in the field this new title is a ‘mini library’ of the foundational and the very best cutting-edge scholarship on British cinema. British Cinema provides an indispensable one-stop resource on the major periods genres studios filmmakers and debates in British cinema from the nineteenth century to the present day. The collection addresses a wide range of issues and topics including: British cinema as a ‘national’ cinema; its often difficult relationship with Hollywood; censorship; gender representation; distinctively British genres (not least horror comedy and costume film); and the output of studios and directors (including immortals such as Alfred Hitchcock David Lean Alexander Mackendrick and Michael Powell). British Cinema includes a full index and a comprehensive introduction newly written by the editor which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. It is an essential work of reference and is destined to be valued by scholars and advanced students of film studies as a vital research tool. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415525671

British Cinema Past and Present British Cinema: Past and Present responds to the commercial and critical success of British film in the 1990s. Providing a historical perspective to the contemporary resurgence of British cinema this unique anthology brings together leading international scholars to investigate the rich diversity of British film production from the early sound period of the 1930s to the present day.The contributors address:* British Cinema Studies and the concept of national cinema* the distribution and reception of British films in the US and Europe* key genres movements and cycles of British cinema in the 1940s 50s and 60s* questions of authorship and agency with case studies of individual studios stars producers and directors* trends in British cinema from propaganda films of the Second World War to the New Wave and the 'Swinging London' films of the Sixties* the representation of marginalised communities in films such as Trainspotting and The Full Monty* the evolution of social realism from Saturday Night Sunday Morning to Nil By Mouth* changing approaches to Northern Ireland and the Troubles in films like The Long Good Friday and Alan Clarke's Elephant* contemporary 'art' and 'quality' cinema from heritage drama to the work of Peter Greenaway Derek Jarman Terence Davies and Patrick Keiller. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203354865

British Cinema in Documents British Cinema in Documents presents an introduction to the key concerns and debates in British cinema through documents ranging from official papers to fan magazines. Sarah Street shows how such documentary material can enrich our understanding of cinema's place in national culture and shed new light on defining moments in British cinema history.Street draws together a wide range of material discussing oral histories film posters and stills and star memorabilia alongside audience surveys censorship reports fan magazines and web sites providing a context for each extract she discusses. She uses a series of case studies including film censorship during the Second World War the fan cultures surrounding stars from Margaret Lockwood to Ewan McGregor and surveys of the British cinema audience to illustrate how archival research can provide a new understanding of the relationship between a film and other kinds of texts and between films their audiences and the state. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315006208

British CivilizationA Student's Dictionary British Civilization: A Student's Dictionary is an invaluable reference guide to the British way of life.It explains the often puzzling and confusing terms and phrases used routinely in Britain and by British people. This easy-reference alphabetical guide sheds light on a comprehensive selection of words phrases organizations and institutions. All these are fundamental features of British civilization and society and include aspects of: * politics and government * the Law economics and industry * education* the media * religion and social welfare * health and housing * leisure and transport. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315811949

British CivilizationAn Introduction Thoroughly updated and revised the ninth edition of the highly regarded British Civilization: An Introduction continues to be the ideal textbook on Britain its country and people religion politics and government international relations legal system economy education media and culture for students of British studies. Examining central structural features of British society the book provides an introduction to British civilization that highlights its history of cultural geographical and human diversity. The book includes: Expanded discussion of Britain’s current political climate and international relations through an examination of the 2016 Brexit referendum the subsequent general election and Brexit negotiations up to April 2019 Discussion of the ever-shifting economy from a global perspective Opinion polls and surveys that provide an insight into the attitudes of British people to the conditions in which they live and operate today Exercises questions and suggestions for further reading and useful websites that stimulate class discussion and provide a springboard upon which students can develop their own independent study. Supported by a companion website ( a long-ranging chronology full-colour illustrations useful figures exercises and discussion questions and suggestions for further reading it is the perfect introduction to the crucial and complex nature of British civilization culture and society past and present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138318144

British Colonial Policy in the Age of Peel and Russell First published in 1966. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965072

British Colonial Policy in the Twentieth Century Published in 1922 this book provides a history of the era as well as making reference to Britain’s colonial past. Egerton discusses British policies in her territories as well as trials and tribulations that faced the British Empires influence at the dawn of the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138603493

British Colonial Theories 1570 – 1850 First published in 1944 this volume covers the period of the old Empire and of the readjustments of the second Empire which followed the failure of the old after the revolt of the American colonies ending with the emergence of free trade and is significant to the history of the American colonies and of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Its purpose is to present and examine significant British colonial theories on the advantages and disadvantages resulting to the mother country from the establishment and maintenance of overseas colonies. This study is interested not in persons but in ideas and divides itself into chronological periods within which arguments and theories are discussed on the basis of topical classifications. For what reasons the author asks was the building and preservation of Empire thought profitable or unprofitable to the British nation? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138392601

British Colonialism and the Criminalization of HomosexualityQueens Crime and Empire British Colonialism and the Criminalization of Homosexuality examines whether colonial rule is responsible for the historical and continuing criminalization of same-sex sexual relations in many parts of the world. Enze Han and Joseph O’Mahoney gather and assess historical evidence to demonstrate the different ways in which the British empire spread laws criminalizing homosexual conduct amongst its colonies. Evidence includes case studies of former British colonies and the common law and criminal codes like the Indian Penal Code of 1860 and the Queensland Criminal Code of 1899. Surveying a wide range of countries the authors scrutinise whether ex-British colonies are more likely to have laws that criminalize homosexual conduct than other ex-colonies or other states in general They interrogate the claim that British imperialism uniquely ‘poisoned’ societies against homosexuality and look at the legacies of colonialism and the politics and legal status of homosexuality across the globe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892517

British Comedy Cinema British comedy cinema has been a mainstay of domestic production since the beginning of the last Century and arguably the most popular and important genre in British film history. This edited volume will offer the first comprehensive account of the rich and popular history of British comedy cinema from silent slapstick and satire to contemporary romantic comedy. Using a loosely chronological approach essays cover successive decades of the 20th and 21st Century with a combination of case studies on key personalities production cycles and studio output along with fresh approaches to issues of class and gender representation. It will present new research on familiar comedy cycles such as the Ealing Comedies and Carry On films as well as the largely undocumented silent period along with the rise of television spin offs from the 1970s and the development of animated comedy from 1915 to the present. Films covered include: St Trinians A Fish Called Wanda Brassed Off Local Hero The Full Monty Four Lions and In the Loop. Contributors: Melanie Bell Alan Burton James Chapman Richard Dacre Ian Hunter James Leggott Sharon Lockyer Andy Medhurst Lawrence Napper Tim O’Sullivan Laraine Porter Justin Smith Sarah Street Peter Waymark Paul Wells Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415666671

British Conservatism and Trade Unionism 1945–1964 For most of the twentieth century the Conservative Party engaged in an ongoing struggle to curb the power of the trade unions culminating in the radical legislation of the Thatcher governments. Yet as this book shows for a brief period between the end of the Second World War and the election of Harold Wilson's Labour government in 1964 the Conservative Party adopted a remarkably constructive and conciliatory approach to the trade unions dubbed 'voluntarism'. During this time the party leadership made strenuous efforts to avoid as far as was politically possible confrontation with or legislation against the trade unions even when this incurred the wrath of some Conservative backbenchers and the Party's mass membership. In explaining why the Conservative leadership sought to avoid conflict with the trade unions this study considers the economic circumstances of the period in question the political environment electoral considerations the perspective adopted by the Conservative leadership in comprehending industrial relations and explaining conflict in the workplace and the personalities of both the Conservative leadership and the key figures in the trade unions. Making extensive use of primary and archival sources it explains why the 1945-64 period was unique in the Conservative Party's approach to Britain's trade unions. By 1964 though even hitherto Conservative defenders of voluntarism were acknowledging that some form of official inquiry into the conduct and operation of trade British unionism as a prelude to legislation was necessary thereby signifying that the heyday of 'voluntarism' and cordial relations between senior Conservatives and the trade unions was coming to an end. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262058

British Cost Accounting 1887-1952 (RLE Accounting)Contemporary Essays from the Accounting Literature This anthology provides readers with a flavour of the development of cost accounting and emerging management accounting literature from ‘The Costing Renaissance’ to 1952. Many of the issues which were prominent in the middle of the twentieth century are still pressing issues today and received important early treatments. However a more balanced longitudinal coverage of the relevant material enables readers to trace the development of new attitudes to problems which had been recognized early on and to become aware of the fact that different issues tended to dominate the literature as time went by. The selection bias has favoured material which was covered for the first time or in a new way. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987944

British Cotton Textiles: Maturity and Decline This book examines the decline of the cotton textiles industry which defined Britain as an industrial nation from its peak in the late nineteenth century to the state of the industry at the end of the twentieth century. Focusing on the owners and managers of cotton businesses the authors examine how they mobilised financial resources; their attitudes to industry structure and technology; and their responses to the challenges posed by global markets. The origins of the problems which forced the industry into decline are not found in any apparent loss of competitiveness during the long nineteenth century but rather in the disastrous reflotation after the First World War. As a consequence of these speculations rationalisation and restructuring became more difficult at the time when they were most needed and government intervention led to a series of partial solutions to what became a process of protracted decline. In the post-1945 period the authors show how government policy encouraged capital withdrawal rather than encouraging the investment needed for restructuring. The examples of corporate success since the Second World War – such as David Alliance and his Viyella Group – exploited government policy access to capital markets and closer relationships with retailers but were ultimately unable to respond effectively to international competition and the challenges of globalisation. A new introduction and epilogue provide an updated framework for the chapters in this book which were originally published in Business History and Accounting Business and Financial History Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367595159

British Cultural Identities British Cultural Identities assesses the degree to which being British impinges on the identity of the many people who live in Britain analysing contemporary British identity through the various and changing ways in which people who live in the UK position themselves and are positioned by their culture today. This new edition is updated to include discussion of key events and societal shifts such as the 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum the 2015 British General Election the growing emphasis on devolution the 2012 Olympic Games the new generation of royals UKIP and the Euro crisis the response to fundamentalism and the proliferation of social networking. Using examples from contemporary and popular culture chapters cover a range of intersecting themes including: ■ place and environment ■ education work and leisure ■ gender sex and the family ■ youth culture and style ■ class and politics ■ ethnicity and language ■ religion ■ heritage. Accessible in style illustrated with photographs tables and timelines and containing discussion questions cultural examples and suggestions for further resources at the end of each chapter British Cultural Identities is the perfect introductory text for students of contemporary British society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138951129

British Culture of the Post-WarAn Introduction to Literature and Society 1945-1999 From Angus Wilson to Pat Barker and Salman Rushdie British Culture of the Post-War is an ideal starting point for those studying cultural developments in Britain of recent years. Chapters on individual people and art forms give a clear and concise overview of the progression of different genres. They also discuss the wider issues of Britain's relationship with America and Europe and the idea of Britishness.Each section is introduced with a short discussion of the major historical events of the period. Read as a whole British Culture of the Postwar will give students a comprehensive introduction to this turbulent and exciting period and a greater understanding of the cultural production arising from it. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203351970

British CultureAn Introduction This third edition of British Culture is the complete introduction to culture and the arts in Britain today. Extensively illustrated and offering a wider range of topics than ever before David P. Christopher identifies and analyses key areas in language literature film TV social media popular music sport and other fields setting each one in a clear historical context. British Culture enables students of British society to understand and enjoy a fascinating range of contemporary arts through an examination of current trends such as the influence of business and commerce the effects of globalization and the spread of digital communications. This new edition features: fully revised and updated chapters analyzing a range of key areas within British culture new chapters on cyberculture heritage and festivals extracts from novels and plays. This student-friendly edition also strengthens reading and study skills through follow-up activities weblinks and suggestions for further research. David P. Christopher's book is an engaging analysis of contemporary life and arts and together with its companion website ( is essential reading for every student of modern Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415810852

British Cyprus and the Long Great War 1914-1925Empire Loyalties and Democratic Deficit Most of the Cypriot population especially the lower classes remained loyal to the British cause during the Great War and the island contributed significantly to the First World War with men and materials. The British acknowledged this yet failed to institute political and economic reforms once the war ended. The obsession of Greek Cypriot elites with enosis (union with Greece) which only increased after the war and the British dismissal of increasing the role of Cypriots in government bringing the Christian and Muslim communities closer and expanding franchise to all classes and sexes led to serious problems down the line not least the development of a democratic deficit. Andrekos Varnava studies the events and the impact of this crucial period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138698321

British Dance: Black Routes British Dance Black Routes is an outstanding collection of writings which re-reads the achievements of Black British dance artists and places them within a broad historical cultural and artistic context. Until now discussion of choreography by Black dance practitioners has been dominated by the work of African-American artists facilitated by the civil rights movement. But the work produced by Black British artists has in part been within the context of Britain’s colonial legacy. Ramsay Burt and Christy Adair bring together an array of leading scholars and practitioners to review the singularity and distinctiveness of the work of British-based dancers who are Black and its relation to the specificity of Black British experiences. From sub-Saharan West African and Caribbean dance forms to jazz and hip-hop British Dance Black Routes looks afresh at over five decades of artistic production to provide an unparalleled resource for dance students and scholars.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138913714

British Defence in the 21st Century This book analyses UK defence as a complex interdependent public-private enterprise covering politics management society and technology as well as the military. Building upon wide-ranging applied research with extensive access to ministers policy makers senior military commanders and industrialists the book characterises British defence as a phenomenon that has endured extensive transformation this century. Looking at the subject afresh as a complex extended enterprise involving politics alliances businesses skills economics military practices and citizens the authors profoundly reshape our understanding of ‘defence’ and how it is to be commissioned and delivered in a world dominated by geopolitical risks and uncertainties. The book makes the case that this new understanding of defence must inevitably lead to new policies and processes to ensure its health and vitality. This book will be of much interest to students of defence studies British politics and military and strategic studies as well as policy makers and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138705029

British Economic and Strategic Planning1905-1915 First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879799

British Economic Development in South East Asia 1880-1939 Volume 1 This collection focuses on the economic development of the areas of SE Asia with which Britain had a trading relationship. Covering 1880–1939 the economic growth of the region is revealed through a selection of rare primary resources organized thematically with sections dedicated to agriculture mining trade labour finance and infrastructure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367740030

British Economic Development in South East Asia 1880-1939 Volume 2 This collection focuses on the economic development of the areas of SE Asia with which Britain had a trading relationship. Covering 1880–1939 the economic growth of the region is revealed through a selection of rare primary resources organized thematically with sections dedicated to agriculture mining trade labour finance and infrastructure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367740016

British Economic Development in South East Asia 1880-1939 Volume 3 This collection focuses on the economic development of the areas of SE Asia with which Britain had a trading relationship. Covering 1880–1939 the economic growth of the region is revealed through a selection of rare primary resources organized thematically with sections dedicated to agriculture mining trade labour finance and infrastructure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367740023

British Economic Development in South East Asia 1880–1939 This collection focuses on the economic development of the areas of SE Asia with which Britain had a trading relationship. Covering 1880–1939 the economic growth of the region is revealed through a selection of rare primary resources organized thematically with sections dedicated to agriculture mining trade labour finance and infrastructure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848934887

British Economic Foreign Policy The financial crisis of 1931 marked a turning point in British economic foreign policy as decades of laissez-faire principles were abandoned and an active interventionist policy was introduced. This book first published in 1936 provides an in-depth analysis of the change in Britain’s policies and the effects these changes had on the various aspects of foreign trade. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138297227

British Economic Policy and Empire 1919-1939 First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879782

British Economists and the Empire This study first published in 1983 is primarily concerned with what the British economists over the period 1860 to 1914 wrote on a range of economic and non-economic aspects of the British Empire and the reasons for their conclusions. The attempt is also made to correct the view that mainstream British economists after 1860 were antithetical to the concept of empire. This title will be of interest to students of economic thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138230743

British Elections & Parties Review Volume 10 contains articles covering party membership voting behaviour and elections parliamentary voting candidate selection and campaigning on the internet as well as examining US opinion on impeachment. The comprehensive reference section provides researchers with an authoritative source of data on public opinion polls. elections results political parties as well as a chronology of the major political events of 1999. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038568

British Elections & Parties Review The "British Elections and Parties" series publishes research on parties elections and voting behaviour in Britain providing analyses of current and historical developments. It is produced under the auspices of the Political Studies Association's Election Public Opinion and Parties study group.Volume 9 includes research based around four themes: electoral reform; partisanship and voting; parliamentary behaviour; and the attitudes of the young. It provides a source of data on public opinion polls a summary of local election results UK referendums key economic indicators political parties and a chronology of major political events in 1998. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039664

British Elections & Parties ReviewThe 2001 General Election Containing contributions from leading names in British politics this review continues to publish front-rank research on parties elections and voting behaviour in Britain. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045855

British Elections and Parties Review This volume features key political issues for 1990s Britain: the reform of the Labour party; the use of opinion polls; the impact of the media; European integration; Scotland and regional trends; and the bases of party support. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038001

British Elections and Parties ReviewThe General Election of 1997 After the Labour Party's landslide victory in 1997 the results were analyzed. Issues at the top of the agenda included party leader image campaign strategy the sleaze factor the effect of the media and changes in the electoral geography of Britain. This volume records the discussion. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203044896

British Elections and Parties Yearbook This volume looks at the political events and discusses the major issues of 1994 most notably the European parliament elections. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315037691

British Elections and Parties Yearbook 1994 This volume combines current academic research on British elections parties and public opinion with a detailed reference section including a chronology of the major political events of 1993 opinion polls and by-election results for 1993 as well as an up-to-date digest of party and media addresses and contacts. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315036212

British Electoral Facts 1832-1999 This title was first published in 2000:  This is a reference guide to British elections 1832-1999. It is a volume of electoral facts which includes material on general elections parliamentary by-elections European Parliament elections elections within the UK local government elections referendums electoral irregularities and public opinion polls. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138737921

British Electoral Facts 1832-1999 This title was first published in 2000:  This is a reference guide to British elections 1832-1999. It is a volume of electoral facts which includes material on general elections parliamentary by-elections European Parliament elections elections within the UK local government elections referendums electoral irregularities and public opinion polls. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138737891

British Electoral Facts 1832-2006 The seventh edition of this unique and authoritative guide to more than 170 years of political history reflects the rapid and continuing change in the electoral landscape of the United Kingdom. Covering the period 1832-2006 it gives easy access to a myriad of facts and figures on all 44 General Elections six European Parliament elections and more than 3 700 parliamentary by-elections that have taken place in the United Kingdom since the Great Reform Act. It also contains a considerable array of opinion poll data for both Great Britain and Scotland. Significant new information includes further rounds of devolution elections in Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland; referendums and elections relating to elected mayors in London and a number of English local authorities; and the impact of the relaxation of the regulations on the issuing and casting of postal votes. To aid readers in finding their way about this increasingly complex electoral maze this edition also - and for the first time - contains a comprehensive index. The cornerstone of any psephologist's library British Electoral Facts 1832-2006 will also prove an invaluable reference and source book for politicians public servants historians journalists teachers and all those fascinated by the ebb and flow of electoral fortunes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261300

British Empirical Philosophers (Routledge Revivals)Locke Berkeley Hume Reid and J. S. Mill. [An anthology.] First published in 1952 British Empirical Philosophers is a comprehensive picture of one of the most important movements in the history of philosophic thought.  In his introduction Professor A. J. Ayer distinguishes the main problems of empiricism and gives a critical account of the ways in which the philosophers whose writings are included in this volume attempted to solve them. Editors Ayer and Raymond Winch bring together an authoritative abridgement of John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding; Bishop George Berkeley’s Principles of Human Knowledge; almost the entire first book of David Hume’s Treatise Concerning Human Nature; and extracts from Thomas Reid’s Essay on the Intellectual Powers of Man and John Stuart Mill’s Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415537759

British Engagement with Japan 1854–1922The Origins and Course of an Unlikely Alliance This book by a leading authority on Anglo-Japanese relations reconsiders the circumstances which led to the unlikely alliance of 1902 to 1922 between Britain the leading world power of the day and Japan an Asian non-European nation which had only recently emerged from self-imposed isolation. Based on extensive original research the book goes beyond existing accounts which concentrate on high politics strategy and simple assertions about the two countries’ similarities as island empires. It brings into the picture cultural factors particularly the ways in which Japan was portrayed in Britain and ambivalent British attitudes to race and supposed European superiority which were overcome but remained difficulties. It charts how the relationship developed as events unfolded including Japan’s wars against China and Russia and in addition looks at royal diplomacy where the Japanese Court came eventually to be treated as a respected equal. Overall the book provides a major reassessment of this important subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138477308

British Engineers and Africa 1875–1914 Using a wide range of primary sources that include correspondence diaries technical reports institutional minutes and periodicals Andersen reconstructs the networks and activities of Britain’s engineers while focusing on London as a centre of imperial expansion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661486

British Enterprise in Nigeria First published in 1965. The present volume is the first study of British activities in Nigeria that has been written by a non-native and therefore author cannot claim to have discovered many facts that were unknown he does write from a detached point of view. This study supplies in a small measure the need for more case studies of the imperialistic process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315032641

British Entrepreneurship in PolandA Case Study of Bradford Mills at Marki near Warsaw 1883-1939 Drawing upon an impressive range of international sources this book explores the late-nineteenth century partnership between Bradford worsted manufacturers the Briggs brothers and the German merchant Ernst Posselt and their subsequent foreign direct investment in a modern factory and workers’ community at Marki near Warsaw in Poland. Protectionism and increasing foreign competition are discussed among many complex economic pressures on British industry as likely catalysts for this enterprise and the general historiography of the Polish lands is explored to reveal a climate of extraordinary opportunity for well-capitalised foreign industrialists in this period. British Polish and German press and archival documents as well as Russian police and factory inspectors’ reports reveal the everyday experience of Polish factory workers and British consular correspondence provides fascinating insight into the machinations of the entrepreneurs and Warsaw’s cosmopolitan business community. Through the development and domination of market and raw materials sources this venture is shown to have monopolised worsted manufacture in the Russian Empire using state of the art technology to create and modern marketing techniques to promote its product range and evolving image. Marki was described in 1886 as ’a second edition of Saltaire’ and latterly as ’the Polish Bournville or Port Sunlight’ thus aspects of British and Polish social history are compared to assess the efficacy of introducing the model-community concept in combination with a radical employment policy to less industrially-developed Poland. The experiences of an expatriate community of skilled Yorkshire foremen and their instrumentality in diffusing British industrial technology throughout the Russian Empire are described. Against a backdrop of political instability and social upheaval which dramatically impacted on business behaviour after 1905 and particularly during the interwar period of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472441386

British Exploitation of German Science and Technology 1943-1949 At the end of the Second World War Germany lay at the mercy of its occupiers all of whom launched programmes of scientific and technological exploitation. Each occupying nation sought to bolster their own armouries and industries with the spoils of war and Britain was no exception. Shrouded in secrecy yet directed at the top levels of government and driven by ingenuity from across the civil service and armed forces Britain made exploitation a key priority. By examining factories and laboratories confiscating prototypes and blueprints and interrogating and even recruiting German experts Britain sought to utilise the innovations of the last war to prepare for the next. This ground-breaking book tells the full story of British exploitation for the first time sheds new light on the legacies of the Second World War and contributes to histories of intelligence science warfare and power in the midst of the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367662196

British Factory Japanese FactoryThe Origins of National Diversity in Industrial Relations The Japanese way of work is notoriously ‘different’. But is it Japan or Britain which is the odd man out? When originally published this was the first book to explore the real differences through a point-by-point comparison of two Japanese factories with two British ones making similar products. In the first half of the book this comparison is pursued in systematic detail and clear illustration of the attitudes and assumptions which underlie what the author calls the ‘market-oriented’ system of Britain and the ‘organization-oriented’ system of Japan. One chapter shows how the employment institutions of the two countries fit into their political family and educational institutions – an exercise in functionalist sociology which dominates t he later chapters and makes a major contribution to the discussion of development and of the ‘convergence’ of different systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852760

British Family Life 1780–1914 The five volumes of this collection focus on various aspects of family life. Drawing on rare printed sources and archival material this collection will provide a balanced contextualized picture of family life during a period of intense social change. It will appeal to scholars of social history gender studies and the long nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848931022

British Family Life 1780–1914 Volume 1 The five volumes of this collection focus on various aspects of family life. Drawing on rare printed sources and archival material this collection will provide a balanced contextualized picture of family life during a period of intense social change. It will appeal to scholars of social history gender studies and the long nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750715

British Family Life 1780–1914 Volume 2 The five volumes of this collection focus on various aspects of family life. Drawing on rare printed sources and archival material this collection will provide a balanced contextualized picture of family life during a period of intense social change. It will appeal to scholars of social history gender studies and the long nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750722

British Family Life 1780–1914 Volume 3 The five volumes of this collection focus on various aspects of family life. Drawing on rare printed sources and archival material this collection will provide a balanced contextualized picture of family life during a period of intense social change. It will appeal to scholars of social history gender studies and the long nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750739

British Family Life 1780–1914 Volume 4 The five volumes of this collection focus on various aspects of family life. Drawing on rare printed sources and archival material this collection will provide a balanced contextualized picture of family life during a period of intense social change. It will appeal to scholars of social history gender studies and the long nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750746

British Family Life 1780–1914 Volume 5 The five volumes of this collection focus on various aspects of family life. Drawing on rare printed sources and archival material this collection will provide a balanced contextualized picture of family life during a period of intense social change. It will appeal to scholars of social history gender studies and the long nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750753

British Fascism After the HolocaustFrom the Birth of Denial to the Notting Hill Riots 1939–1958 This book explores the policies and ideologies of a number of individuals and groups who attempted to relaunch fascist antisemitic and racist politics in the wake of World War II and the Holocaust. Despite the leading architects of fascism being dead and the newsreel footage of Jewish bodies being pushed into mass graves seared into societal consciousness fascism survived World War II and though changed survives to this day. Britain was the country that ‘stood alone’ against fascism but it was no exception. This book treads new historical ground and shines a light onto the most understudied period of British fascism whilst simultaneously adding to our understanding of the evolving ideology of fascism the persistent nature of antisemitism and the blossoming of Britain’s anti-immigration movement. This book will primarily appeal to scholars and students with an interest in the history of fascism antisemitism and the Holocaust racism immigration and postwar Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138624146

British FascismEssays on the Radical Right in Inter-War Britain The continuing interest in the history ideas structure and development of fascism in Britain in the twentieth century appears to show little sign of diminishing. This collection of essays first published in 1980 deals in some depth with new evidence and interpretations of the phenomenon of British fascism and provides a reassessment of some of the major issues that have caused controversy examines the diverse nature of British fascism and suggests areas which need further research. The early essays identify certain elements of British fascism particularly anti-semitism which produced the ideology of the inter-war organisations calling themselves ‘fascist’. Stress is laid on the British roots rather than the European influences of Italy or Germany and the book also considers the Imperial Fascist League a competitor of the British Union of Fascists in the 1930s. The second section of the book deals with particular aspects of the BUF. Considering its ideology and tactics there are studies of anti-semitism economic thought and the public order question. Presenting new research and fresh interpretations of existing material this important volume considers many of the crucial and unanswered questions surrounding British fascism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138940413

British Fighting Methods in the Great War This collection points out the very real and substantial evolution of tactics that went on in response to new warfare and how this had a real effect on the positive performance of the British Army from 1916 onwards. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315035901

British Film CatalogueTwo Volume Set - The Fiction Film/The Non-Fiction Film First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315793146

British Folk Tales and LegendsA Sampler In 1970 Katharine Briggs published in four volumes the vast and authoritative Dictionary of British Folktales and Legends to wide acclaim. This sampler comprises the very best of those tales and legends. Gathered within  readers will find an extravagance of beautiful princesses and stout stable boys sour-faced witches and kings with hearts of gold. Each tale is a masterpiece of storytelling from the hilarious 'Three Sillies' to the delightfully macabre 'Sammle's Ghost'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138168695

British Food Policy During the First World War (RLE The First World War) Because of the exceptionally high proportion of imports in Britain’s food supply and the determined efforts of the enemy to sever the supply lines efficient management of food resources was an essential element in the British national war effort. This volume was the first comprehensive study of this vital aspect of government strategy and fills a gap in the historiography of this period. This volume provides a balanced picture by drawing together the diverse elements that went into food policy: economic and social trends international trade relations and labour issues. The author also traces the evolution of food policy during the pre-war planning period and the early part of the war and analyses the roles of the United States and the labour organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965089

British Foreign and Imperial Policy 1865-1919 British Foreign and Imperial Policy explores Britains role in International Affairs from the age of Gladstone and Disraeli to the end of the First World War exploring such themes as Britain's involvement in the Scramble for Africa the Anglo-Boer War the foreign policy of Lord Salisbury and the prospects for Britain and the Empire at the end of the First World War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138171459

British Foreign Policy 1660-1972 First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987951

British Foreign Policy 1874-1914The Role of India A challenging analysis of British Foreign Policy is provided at a time when Britain possessed the biggest Empire that humankind has ever known. In this Empire India had a unique position comprising 97 per cent of Britain's Asiatic Empire. All British statesmen deemed it essential to maintain their hold over India whatever the risk or cost of doing so.This work focuses on aspects that have been hitherto marginalized. It also contributes to debates surrounding the origins of the First World War the multipolar diplomacy of the late nineteenth century and the nature of imperial connections. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753524

British Foreign Policy since 1945 British Foreign Policy since 1945 brings a chronological approach to the study of British foreign policy since the Second World War in order to make the principal events and dynamics accessible within a broader historical and cultural context. The key features included in this book: a detailed chronological survey of developments in post-war British politics; an integrated discussion of foreign and domestic policy developments indicating connections and interlocking themes; illustrations of British foreign policy drawn from popular culture; analysis of Britain’s role in the world particularly in regards to the UK’s 'special relationship' with the US and its decision to leave the EU; a range of in-text features including essay questions and seminar/discussion topics. This timely book will be essential reading for anyone interested in British politics foreign policy analysis and British history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138821293

British Foreign Policy Towards Turkey 1959-1965 This volume examines how Conservative and Labour governments in the UK related diplomatically to a plurality of Turkish governments between 1959 and 1965. With research based on newly-available Public Records Office archives the author provides insight on British reactions to political events in Turkey and shows that in relation to the partition of Cyprus the crucial changes started as early as 1963 with Britain's indirect support. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039374

British Foreign Secretaries Since 1974 This book analyses the changing role of the British Foreign Secretary and presents biographical case studies of all the individual holders of that post the policies they persued and the issues they faced since 1974. The work of the British Foreign Secretaries from James Callaghan to Robin Cook is examined in the context of the foreign policy-making machinery the changing environment of British foreign policy and the internal and external political forces with which they had to contend.Using a biographical case study approach the chapters examine the careers personalities policies and influence of successive Foreign Secretaries to increase our knowledge and understanding of the work of the government and the development of British foreign policy over the last thirty years. British Foreign Secretaries Since 1974 casts light on the hitherto shadowy and understudied role of personality in international relations and on how ten very different personalities helped to shape the detail and the articulation of British foreign policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138874664

British Freemasonry 1717-1813 Freemasonry was a major cultural and social phenomenon and a key element of the Enlightenment. It was to have an international influence across the globe. This primary resource collection charts a key period in the development of organized Freemasonry culminating in the formation of a single United Grand Lodge of England. The secrecy that has surrounded Freemasonry has made it difficult to access information and documents about the organization and its adherents in the past. This collection is the result of extensive archival research and transcription and highlights the most significant themes associated with Freemasonry. The documents are drawn from masonic collections private archives and libraries worldwide. The majority of these texts have never before been republished. Documents include rituals (some written in code) funeral services sermons songs certificates an engraved list of lodges letters pamphlets theatrical prologues and epilogues and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This collection will enable researchers to identify many key masons for the first time. It will be of interest to students of Freemasonry the Enlightenment and researchers in eighteenth-century studies. Includes more than 550 texts - Many texts are published here by special arrangement with the Library and Museum of Freemasonry London - Contains over 260 pages of newly transcribed manuscript material - Documents are organized thematically - Full editorial apparatus including general introduction volume introductions headnotes and explanatory endnotes - A consolidated index appears in the final volume Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848933774

British Freemasonry 1717-1813 Volume 1 Freemasonry was a major cultural and social phenomenon and a key element of the Enlightenment. It was to have an international influence across the globe. This primary resource collection charts a key period in the development of organized Freemasonry culminating in the formation of a single United Grand Lodge of England. The secrecy that has surrounded Freemasonry has made it difficult to access information and documents about the organization and its adherents in the past. This collection is the result of extensive archival research and transcription and highlights the most significant themes associated with Freemasonry. The documents are drawn from masonic collections private archives and libraries worldwide. The majority of these texts have never before been republished. Documents include rituals (some written in code) funeral services sermons songs certificates an engraved list of lodges letters pamphlets theatrical prologues and epilogues and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This collection will enable researchers to identify many key masons for the first time. It will be of interest to students of Freemasonry the Enlightenment and researchers in eighteenth-century studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100176

British Freemasonry 1717-1813 Volume 2 Freemasonry was a major cultural and social phenomenon and a key element of the Enlightenment. It was to have an international influence across the globe. This primary resource collection charts a key period in the development of organized Freemasonry culminating in the formation of a single United Grand Lodge of England. The secrecy that has surrounded Freemasonry has made it difficult to access information and documents about the organization and its adherents in the past. This collection is the result of extensive archival research and transcription and highlights the most significant themes associated with Freemasonry. The documents are drawn from masonic collections private archives and libraries worldwide. The majority of these texts have never before been republished. Documents include rituals (some written in code) funeral services sermons songs certificates an engraved list of lodges letters pamphlets theatrical prologues and epilogues and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This collection will enable researchers to identify many key masons for the first time. It will be of interest to students of Freemasonry the Enlightenment and researchers in eighteenth-century studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100183

British Freemasonry 1717-1813 Volume 3 Freemasonry was a major cultural and social phenomenon and a key element of the Enlightenment. It was to have an international influence across the globe. This primary resource collection charts a key period in the development of organized Freemasonry culminating in the formation of a single United Grand Lodge of England. The secrecy that has surrounded Freemasonry has made it difficult to access information and documents about the organization and its adherents in the past. This collection is the result of extensive archival research and transcription and highlights the most significant themes associated with Freemasonry. The documents are drawn from masonic collections private archives and libraries worldwide. The majority of these texts have never before been republished. Documents include rituals (some written in code) funeral services sermons songs certificates an engraved list of lodges letters pamphlets theatrical prologues and epilogues and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This collection will enable researchers to identify many key masons for the first time. It will be of interest to students of Freemasonry the Enlightenment and researchers in eighteenth-century studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100190

British Freemasonry 1717-1813 Volume 4 Freemasonry was a major cultural and social phenomenon and a key element of the Enlightenment. It was to have an international influence across the globe. This primary resource collection charts a key period in the development of organized Freemasonry culminating in the formation of a single United Grand Lodge of England. The secrecy that has surrounded Freemasonry has made it difficult to access information and documents about the organization and its adherents in the past. This collection is the result of extensive archival research and transcription and highlights the most significant themes associated with Freemasonry. The documents are drawn from masonic collections private archives and libraries worldwide. The majority of these texts have never before been republished. Documents include rituals (some written in code) funeral services sermons songs certificates an engraved list of lodges letters pamphlets theatrical prologues and epilogues and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This collection will enable researchers to identify many key masons for the first time. It will be of interest to students of Freemasonry the Enlightenment and researchers in eighteenth-century studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100206

British Freemasonry 1717-1813 Volume 5 Freemasonry was a major cultural and social phenomenon and a key element of the Enlightenment. It was to have an international influence across the globe. This primary resource collection charts a key period in the development of organized Freemasonry culminating in the formation of a single United Grand Lodge of England. The secrecy that has surrounded Freemasonry has made it difficult to access information and documents about the organization and its adherents in the past. This collection is the result of extensive archival research and transcription and highlights the most significant themes associated with Freemasonry. The documents are drawn from masonic collections private archives and libraries worldwide. The majority of these texts have never before been republished. Documents include rituals (some written in code) funeral services sermons songs certificates an engraved list of lodges letters pamphlets theatrical prologues and epilogues and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This collection will enable researchers to identify many key masons for the first time. It will be of interest to students of Freemasonry the Enlightenment and researchers in eighteenth-century studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100213

British Friends of the American Revolution This volume profiles a dozen British men and women who for varying reasons opposed the policy of the British government towards its 13 colonies before and during the American Revolution. Their actions helped prepare the way for the recognition of the United States as an independent nation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706054

British Froebelian Women from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Twenty-First CenturyA Community of Progressive Educators British Froebelian Women from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century presents a series of critical case studies of individual women who worked and advocated for the cause of Froebelian and progressive pedagogy in Britain from the mid-nineteenth century until the present day. The book presents a compelling picture of how women have contributed in powerful ways to educational life and child-centred practices. The book examines the beliefs and values of its subjects offering crucial insights into how these women forged their professional identities and practice as new thinking about education and childhood emerged and considers the differing forms of inspiration they drew from their connections with the Froebelian community. This book will be of great interest for postgraduate students and academics in the fields of Women's Studies History of Education Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815393351

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 1 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111325

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 2 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111332

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 3 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117440

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 4 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111349

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 5 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117457

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 6 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111356

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 7 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111363

British Future Fiction 1700-1914 Volume 8 This set of eight volumes presents the reader with selected primary texts in the genre now generally known as future fiction. The chosen texts are designed to explore the dominant characteristics of the genre and examine how it changed over the 18th and 19th centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117464

British GardensHistory philosophy and design Garden design began in West Asia and spread through Europe.  This book tells how in the British Isles it flourished to an extraordinary degree. Following the historical method in Tom Turner’s books on Asian gardens (2010) and European gardens (2011) it uses almost 1000 colour photographs plans and style diagrams to provide a word and image history of garden design. Individual chapters cover the Celtic Roman Medieval Renaissance Baroque Neoclassical Romantic Arts and Crafts Modern and Postmodern periods. Additional information about the gardens in the book is available on the website which the author edits Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518789

British General StaffReform and Innovation The essays that comprise this collection examine the development and influence of the British General Staff from the late Victorian period until the eve of World War II. They trace the changes in the staff that influenced British military strategy and subsequent operations on the battlefield. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138881969

British Generals in Blair's Wars British Generals in Blair's Wars is based on a series of high profile seminars held in Oxford in which senior British officers predominantly from the army reflect on their experience of campaigning. The chapters embrace all the UK's major operations since the end of the Cold War but they focus particularly on Iraq and Afghanistan. As personal testimonies they capture the immediacy of the authors' thoughts at the time and show how the ideas of a generation of senior British officers developed in a period of rapid change against a background of intense political controversy and some popular unease. The armed forces were struggling to revise their Cold War concepts and doctrines and to find the best ways to meet the demands placed upon them by their political leaders in what was seen to be a 'New World Order'. It was a time when relations between the Government of the day and the armed services came under close scrutiny and when the affection of the British public for its forces seemed to grow with the difficulty of their operational tasks. This is a truly unique and invaluable book. For the first time we are offered first-hand testimony about Britain's involvement in recent campaigns by senior participants. In addition to touching on themes like civilian-military relations the operational direction of war and relationships with allies these eyewitness accounts give a real sense of how the character of a war changes even as it is being fought. It will be essential reading for those in military academies and staff colleges not only in Britain but throughout NATO and especially in the USA. It also has profound policy implications as both the UK and NATO more generally reassess their strategies and the value of intervention operations. It will also become a primary source for historians and students of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409437369

British Generalship during the Great WarThe Military Career of Sir Henry Horne (1861–1929) Following the career of one relatively unknown First World War general Lord Horne this book adds to the growing literature that challenges long-held assumptions that the First World War was a senseless bloodbath conducted by unimaginative and incompetent generals. Instead it demonstrates that men like Horne developed new tactics and techniques to deal with the novel problems of trench warfare and in so doing seeks to re-establish the image of the British generals and explain the reasons for the failures of 1915-16 and the successes of 1917-18 and how this remarkable change in performance was achieved by a much maligned group of senior officers. Horne's important career and remarkable character sheds light not only on the major battles in which he was involved; the progress of the war; his relationships with his staff and other senior officers; the novel problems of trench warfare; the assimilation of new weapons tactics and training methods; and the difficulties posed by the German defences but also on the attitudes and professionalism of a senior British commander serving on the Western Front. Horne's career thus provides a vehicle for studying the performance of the British Army in the first quarter of the Twentieth Century. It also gives an important insight into the attitudes ethos and professionalism of the officer corps which led that army to victory on the Western Front exposing not only its flaws but also its many strengths. This study consequently provides a judgment not only on Horne as a personality innovator and general of great importance but also on his contemporaries who served with the British Armies in South Africa and France during an era which saw a revolution in military affairs giving birth to a Modern Style of Warfare which still prevails to this day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138253377

British Government Policy and Decolonisation 1945-63Scrutinising the Official Mind This book is an in-depth study of the importnace of the Empire-Commonwealth in the two decades after WWII for Britain's self-image as a great power. By studying a wide range of debates on general and specific imperial problems the book highlights the "official mind" of decolonization - and of late imperialism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965096

British Historians and National IdentityFrom Hume to Churchill Two eminent scholars of historiography examine the concept of national identity through the key multi-volume histories of the last two hundred years. Starting with Hume’s History of England (1754–62) they explore the work of British historians whose work had a popular readership and an influence on succeeding generations of British children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848935396

British Historical Cinema Films recreating or addressing 'the past' - recent or distant actual or imagined - have been a mainstay of British cinema since the silent era. From Elizabeth to Carry On Up The Khyber and from the heritage-film debate to issues of authenticity and questions of genre British Historical Cinema explores the ways in which British films have represented the past on screen the issues they raise and the debates they have provoked. Discussing films from biopics to literary adaptations and from depictions of Britain's colonial past to the re-imagining of recent decades in retro films such as Velvet Goldmine a range of contributors ask whose history is being represented from whose perspective and why. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315011424

British Humanitarianism and the Congo Reform Movement 1896-1913 The Congo Free State was under the personal rule of King Leopold II of the Belgians from 1885 to 1908. The accolades that attended its founding were soon contested by accusations of brutality oppression and murderous misrule but the controversy by itself proved insufficient to prompt changes. Starting in 1896 concerned men and women used public opinion to influence government policy in Britain and the United States to create space for reforming forces in Belgium itself to pry the Congo from Leopold’s grasp and implement reforms. Examining key factors in the successes and failures of a pivotal movement that aided the colonized people of the Congo and broadened the idea of human rights British Humanitarianism and the Congo Reform Movement provides a valuable update to scholarship on the history of humanitarianism in Africa. The Congo Reform movement built on the institutional experience of overseas humanitarianism the energy of evangelical political involvement and innovations in racial imperial and nationalist discourse to create political energy. Often portrayed as the efforts of a few key people especially E.D. Morel this book demonstrates that the movement increasingly manifested itself as an institutionalized and transnational campaign with support from key government officials that ultimately made a material difference to the lives of the people of the Congo. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138494510

British Hymn Books for Children 1800-1900Re-Tuning the History of Childhood Examining nineteenth-century British hymns for children Alisa Clapp-Itnyre argues that the unique qualities of children's hymnody created a space for children's empowerment. Unlike other literature of the era hymn books were often compilations of many writers' hymns presenting the discerning child with a multitude of perspectives on religion and childhood. In addition the agency afforded children as singers meant that they were actively engaged with the text music and pictures of their hymnals. Clapp-Itnyre charts the history of children’s hymn-book publications from early to late nineteenth century considering major denominational movements the importance of musical tonality as it affected the popularity of hymns to both adults and children and children’s reformation of adult society provided by such genres as missionary and temperance hymns. While hymn books appear to distinguish 'the child' from 'the adult' intricate issues of theology and poetry - typically kept within the domain of adulthood - were purposely conveyed to those of younger years and comprehension. Ultimately Clapp-Itnyre shows how children's hymns complicate our understanding of the child-adult binary traditionally seen to be a hallmark of Victorian society. Intersecting with major aesthetic movements of the period from the peaking of Victorian hymnody to the Golden Age of Illustration children’s hymn books require scholarly attention to deepen our understanding of the complex aesthetic network for children and adults. Informed by extensive archival research British Hymn Books for Children 1800-1900 brings this understudied genre of Victorian culture to critical light. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140427

British IdealismLanguage Aesthetics and Emotions Bertrand Russell G. E. Moore and other analytic philosophers of the early 20th century claimed to depart from the British idealists who dominated philosophical debate from the 1870s onwards. The nature and extent of this departure is now widely questioned as philosophers return to the writings of Bernard Bosanquet F. H. Bradley R. G. Collingwood T. H. Green J. M. E. McTaggart and others.Nowadays the British idealist movement is mostly remembered for its seminal contributions to metaphysics ethics and political philosophy. The contributors to this volume explore some of the movement’s other equally-insightful contributions to the philosophies of language aesthetics and emotions. These chapters cover core philosophical issues including the relationship between the speech communities and the general will; the role of emotions in the Absolute; key differences between leading British idealists on the relationships between emotions and relations; the nature of love; the historical re-enactment of imagination and creativity; expressivism in art; and the actual idealism of the British idealists’ Italian counterparts.This book was originally published as a special issue of the British Journal of the History of Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584009

British Immigration to the United States 1776–1914 Volume 1 This four-volume reset edition collects immigrants' letters immigration guides newspaper articles county history biographies and promotional and advisory pamphlets published by immigrants and travellers land and railroad companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113015

British Immigration to the United States 1776–1914 Volume 2 This four-volume reset edition collects immigrants' letters immigration guides newspaper articles county history biographies and promotional and advisory pamphlets published by immigrants and travellers land and railroad companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113022

British Immigration to the United States 1776–1914 Volume 3 This four-volume reset edition collects immigrants' letters immigration guides newspaper articles county history biographies and promotional and advisory pamphlets published by immigrants and travellers land and railroad companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113039

British Immigration to the United States 1776–1914 Volume 4 This four-volume reset edition collects immigrants' letters immigration guides newspaper articles county history biographies and promotional and advisory pamphlets published by immigrants and travellers land and railroad companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113046

British Immigration to the United States 1776�1914 This four-volume reset edition collects immigrants' letters immigration guides newspaper articles county history biographies and promotional and advisory pamphlets published by immigrants and travellers land and railroad companies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003093930

British Imperial Strategies in the Pacific 1750-1900 The focus of this volume is Britain's trans-Pacific empire. This began with haphazard challenges to Spanish dominion but by the end of the 18th century the British had established a colony in Australia and had gone to the brink of war with Spain to establish trading rights in the north Pacific. These rights led to formal colonies in Vancouver Island and British Columbia when Britain sought to maintain a north Pacific presence despite American expansionism. In the later 19th century the international ’scramble for the Pacific’ resulted in new British colonies and protectorates in the Pacific islands. The result was a complex imperial presence created from a variety of motives and circumstances. The essays selected here take account of the wide range of economic political and cultural factors which prompted British expansion creating tension in Britain's imperial identity in the Pacific and leaving Pacific peoples with a complicated and challenging legacy. Along with the important new introduction they provide a basis for the reassessment of British imperialism in the Pacific region. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261287

British Imperialism and Turkish Nationalism in Cyprus 1923-1939Divide Define and Rule As Cyprus experienced British imperial rule between 1878 and 1960 Greek and Turkish nationalism on the island developed at different times and at different speeds. Relations between Turkish Cypriots and the British on the one hand and Greek Cypriots and the British on the other were often asymmetrical with the Muslim community undergoing an enormous change in terms of national/ethnic identity and class characteristics. Turkish Cypriot nationalism developed belatedly as a militant nationalist and anti-Enosis movement. This book explores the relationship between the emergence of Turkish national identity and British colonial rule in the 1920s and 1930s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367348908

British Imperialism1688-2015 A milestone in the understanding of British history and imperialism this ground-breaking book radically reinterprets the course of modern economic development and the causes of overseas expansion during the past three centuries. Employing their concept of 'gentlemanly capitalism' the authors draw imperial and domestic British history together to show how the shape of the nation and its economy depended on international and imperial ties and how these ties were undone to produce the post-colonial world of today. Containing a significantly expanded and updated Foreword and Afterword this third edition assesses the development of the debate since the book’s original publication discusses the imperial era in the context of the controversy over globalization and shows how the study of the age of empires remains relevant to understanding the post-colonial world. Covering the full extent of the British empire from China to South America and taking a broad chronological view from the seventeenth century to post-imperial Britain today British Imperialism: 1688–2015 is the perfect read for all students of imperial and global history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817739

British in the Americas 1480-1815 The Of northern European nations the British had the greatest impact on the Americas. Their history there embraces far more than the colonies that became the United States: England had been in the New World for a century before those colonies were established and the British presence long outlived their loss. This integrated account of that involvement spans the entire arc of British territories from the Caribbean to Canada and the entire period from the first appearance of the English to the disintegration of the British and other Euro-American empires. A fascinating story engrossingly told it fills a major gap in current historiography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138411920

British India and Tibet: 1766-1910 This book first published in 1960 and revised in 1986 is an important analysis of the under-studied Northern frontier of the British Indian Empire. It considers British relations across the Himalayas looking at encounters with Bhutan Sikkim Nepal and Tibet. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138334427

British Industrial Capitalism Since The Industrial Revolution The authors use a long-wave framework to examine the historical evolution of British industrial capitalism since the late-18th century and present a challenging and distinctive economic history of modern and contemporary Britain. The book is intended for undergraduate courses on the economic history of modern Britain within history economic and social history economic history and economic degree schemes and economic theory courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161122

British Infantry Battalion Commanders in the First World War Recent studies of the British Army during the First World War have fundamentally overturned historical understandings of its strategy and tactics yet the chain of command that linked the upper echelons of GHQ to the soldiers in the trenches remains poorly understood. In order to reconnect the lines of communication between the General Staff and the front line this book examines the British army’s commanders at battalion level via four key questions: (i) How and where resources were found from the small officer corps of 1914 to cope with the requirement for commanding officers (COs) in the expanding army; (ii) What was the quality of the men who rose to command; (iii) Beyond simple overall quality exactly what qualities were perceived as making an effective CO; and (iv) To what extent a meritocracy developed in the British army by the Armistice. Based upon a prosopographical analysis of a database over 4 000 officers who commanded infantry battalions during the war the book tackles one of the central historiographical issues pertaining to the war: the qualities of the senior British officer. In so doing it challenges lingering popular conceptions of callous incompetence as well more scholarly criticism that has derided the senior British officer but has done so without a data-driven perspective. Through his thorough statistical analysis Dr Peter Hodgkinson adds a valuable new perspective to the historical debate underway regarding the nature of British officers during the extraordinary expansion of the Army between 1914 and 1918 and the remarkable yet often forgotten British victories of The Hundred Days. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599836

British Intelligence Strategy and the Cold War 1945-51 The Cold War is often considered to be the quintessential intelligence conflict. Yet secret intelligence remains the `missing dimension' of Britain's Cold War history. This volume offers an authoritative picture of Britain's clandestine role in the development of the Cold War focusing upon the key issues of intelligence and strategy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415865425

British It-Narratives 1750–1830 It-narratives are prose fictions that take as their central characters animals or inanimate objects. This four-volume reset collection includes numerous examples of narratives in different forms including short stories excerpts from novels periodical fiction and serialized works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848931206

British It-Narratives 1750–1830 Volume 1 It-narratives are prose fictions that take as their central characters animals or inanimate objects. This four-volume reset collection includes numerous examples of narratives in different forms including short stories excerpts from novels periodical fiction and serialized works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750937

British It-Narratives 1750–1830 Volume 2 It-narratives are prose fictions that take as their central characters animals or inanimate objects. This four-volume reset collection includes numerous examples of narratives in different forms including short stories excerpts from novels periodical fiction and serialized works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750944

British It-Narratives 1750–1830 Volume 3 It-narratives are prose fictions that take as their central characters animals or inanimate objects. This four-volume reset collection includes numerous examples of narratives in different forms including short stories excerpts from novels periodical fiction and serialized works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750951

British It-Narratives 1750–1830 Volume 4 It-narratives are prose fictions that take as their central characters animals or inanimate objects. This four-volume reset collection includes numerous examples of narratives in different forms including short stories excerpts from novels periodical fiction and serialized works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750968

British Jacobin Politics Desires and AftermathsSeditious Hearts This book explores the hopes desires and imagined futures that characterized British radicalism in the 1790s and the resurfacing of this sense of possibility in the following decades. The articulation of “Jacobin” sentiments reflected the emotional investments of men and women inspired by the French Revolution and committed to political transformation. The authors emphasize the performative aspects of political culture and the spaces in which mobilization and expression occurred – including the club room tavern coffeehouse street outdoor meeting theater chapel courtroom prison and convict ship. America imagined as a site of republican citizenship and New South Wales experienced as a space of political exile widened the scope of radical dreaming. Part 1 focuses on the political culture forged under the shifting influence of the French Revolution. Part 2 explores the afterlives of British Jacobinism in the year 1817 in early Chartist memorialization of the Scottish “martyrs” of 1794 and in the writings of E. P. Thompson. The relationship between popular radicals and the Romantics is a theme pursued in several chapters; a dialogue is sustained across the disciplinary boundaries of British history and literary studies. The volume captures the revolutionary decade’s effervescent yearning and its unruly persistence in later years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367464448

British Labour Seeks a Foreign Policy 1900-1940 Since World War II the British Labour Party has played a central role in dealing with complex international issues. Achieving real power in parliament for the first time Labour governments have acted responsibly and are usually in accord with the views of a substantial majority of the British people. Such was not always the case. In British Labour Seeks a Foreign Policy 1900-1940 Henry R. Winkler synthesizes twenty years' study of the subject to offer the first full-scale treatment of the Labour Party's evolution in foreign affairs.The Labour Party came into existence at the beginning of the twentieth century to deal with the domestic problems of the working class and it showed relatively little interest in foreign policy issues. In the aftermath of World War I however small groups of moderates made the case against the bitter rejection of the Versailles Treaty by many in the Labour Party and the trade union movement. Most of these argued that the League of Nations could be used to remedy some of the deficiencies of the settlement and that such a League must have the sanction of force if it was to be effective.During the 1930s the failures of the League--in the Far East Abyssinia Spain and Central Europe--compelled some of its advocates to conclude that League or no League the threat from Nazi Germany mandated support for a program of preparedness and rearmament even under the aegis of a hated National Government. The result by 1937 was the final formal abandonment of many of the radical illusions of the twenties and thirties as Labour reluctantly but formally assumed a posture that enabled it to share in the governance of wartime Britain and to take a key role in dealing with the international issues that emerged in the aftermath of the Second World War.This volume contains valuable lessons on the responsibilities of political parties as well as the pros and cons of specific policies. It is essential reading for understanding Britain's later stands as its leaders tried to adjust to Britain's diminished power in the post-World War II world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507777

British Lesbian Gay and Bisexual PsychologiesTheory Research and Practice Gain insight into crucial British mental health approaches for LGB individualsThere is very little collaborative literature between LGB-affirmative psychologists and psychotherapists in the United States and the United Kingdom. British Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Psychologies: Theory Research and Practice may well be a crucial beginning step in building dialogue between these two countries on important LGB psychotherapy developments. Leading authorities comprehensively examine the latest studies and effective therapies for LGB individuals in the United Kingdom. Practitioners will discover an extensive survey of the most current developments to supplement their own work while educators and students will find diverse expert perspectives on which to consider and broaden their own viewpoints. This unique book offers an informative introduction to British psychosocial perspectives on theory research and practice.British Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Psychologies provides a critical exploration of the recent history of LGB psychology and psychotherapy in the United Kingdom focusing on key publications and outlining the current terrain. Other chapters are organized into two thematic sections. The first section explores theoretical frameworks in United Kingdom therapeutic practice while the second section examines sexual minority identities and their needs for support and community.Topics in British Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Psychologies include:similarities and differences between LGBT psychology and psychotherapy in the United States and United Kingdomgay affirmative therapy (GAT) as a positive frameworkexistential-phenomenological approach to psychotherapycore issues in the anxiety about whether or not to “come out”object relations theoryexploring homo-negativity in the therapeutic processaspects of psychotherapy that lesbians and gay men find helpfulresearch into how the mainstreaming of lesbian and gay culture has affected the lives of LGB individualsa study into LGB youth issuesdifficulties of gay men with learning disabilities—with suggestions on how to offer the best psychological servicea study on gay athletes’ experiences of coming out in a heterosexist worldBritish Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Psychologies takes a needed step toward sharing valuable psychosocial perspectives between countries. This useful enlightening text is perfect for educators students psychologists psychotherapists and counselors working in the field of sexuality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063889

British Librarianship and Information Work 1991–2000 This important reference volume covers developments in almost every aspect of British library and information work during the ten-year period 1991-2000. Some forty contributors all of whom are experts in their subject provide a robust overview of their specialities along with extensive further references which act as a starting point for further research. The book provides a comprehensive record of what took place in library and information management during a decade of considerable change and challenges. It is an essential reference resource for librarians and information professionals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261270

British Librarianship and Information Work 2001–2005 This important reference volume covers developments in aspects of British library and information work during the five year period 2001-2005. Over forty contributors all of whom are experts in their subject provide an overview of their field along with extensive further references which act as a starting point for further research. The book provides a comprehensive record of library and information management during the past five years and will be essential reading for all scholars library professionals and students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262584

British Literature of World War I Volume 1 Given the popular and scholarly interest in the First World War it is surprising how little contemporary literary work is available. This five-volume reset edition aims to redress this balance making available an extensive collection of newly-edited short stories novels and plays from 1914–19. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113145

British Literature of World War I Volume 2 Given the popular and scholarly interest in the First World War it is surprising how little contemporary literary work is available. This five-volume reset edition aims to redress this balance making available an extensive collection of newly-edited short stories novels and plays from 1914–19. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118119

British Literature of World War I Volume 3 Given the popular and scholarly interest in the First World War it is surprising how little contemporary literary work is available. This five-volume reset edition aims to redress this balance making available an extensive collection of newly-edited short stories novels and plays from 1914–19. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113152

British Literature of World War I Volume 4 Given the popular and scholarly interest in the First World War it is surprising how little contemporary literary work is available. This five-volume reset edition aims to redress this balance making available an extensive collection of newly-edited short stories novels and plays from 1914–19. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118126

British Literature of World War I Volume 5 Given the popular and scholarly interest in the First World War it is surprising how little contemporary literary work is available. This five-volume reset edition aims to redress this balance making available an extensive collection of newly-edited short stories novels and plays from 1914–19. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138113169

British Low CultureFrom Safari Suits to Sexploitation Identifying 'permissive populism' the trickle down of permissiveness into mass consumption as a key feature of the 1970s Leon Hunt considers the values of an ostensibly 'bad' decade and analyses the implications of the 1970s for issues of taste and cultural capital. Hunt explores how the British cultural landscape of the 1970s coincided with moral panics the troubled Heath government the three day week and the fragmentation of British society by nationalism class conflict race gender and sexuality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315005126

British Macroeconomic Policy since 1940 Originally published in1985. Jim Tomlinson charters the route of British macroeconomic policy in the post-war era. This book argues that the objectives of macroeconomic policy have not been constant; that the emphasis has shifted from one item to another over time; and that this uncertainty and inconsistency over objectives goes a long way to explaining why macroeconomics management has not been a startling success. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415609197

British Mail Steamers to South America 1851-1965A History of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and Royal Mail Lines During the nineteenth century Britain’s maritime commercial and colonial interests all depended upon a regular and reliable flow of seaborne information from around the globe. Whilst the telegraph increasingly came to dominate long-distance communication postal services by sea played a vital role in the network of information exchange particularly to the more distant locations. Much importance was placed upon these services by the British government which provided large subsidies to a small number of commercial companies to operate them. Concentrating initially on the mail service between Britain and South America this book explores the economic and political involvement of at the outset The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (later Royal Mail Lines) from 1851 until 1874. (The Company’s West Indies services were subsidized from 1840 until the early years of the 20th century.) As well as providing a business history of the Royal Mail companies the book reveals much of the development of Brazil and Argentina as trading nations and the many and varied consequences of maintaining a long-distance mail service. Improved ship design led to larger vessels of greater cargo capacities essential to the growth of the lucrative and highly competitive import/export trades between Britain and Europe and South America. The provision of increased passenger services contributed to the very considerable British financial commercial and industrial interests in Latin America well into the 20th century. The book also addresses the international competition faced by Royal Mail Lines which reflected Britain’s progressively diminishing dominance of global trade and shipping. In all this book has much to say that will interest not only business historians but all those seeking a better understating of Britain’s maritime and economic history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138269705

British MalayaAn Account of the Origin and Progress of British Influence in Malaya First published in 1948 this volume’s third edition emerged contemporaneously with the transition from the Malayan Union to the Federation of Malaya an area covering the Malay Peninsula and modern Singapore. The volume recounts the experiences of the first British residents of Malaya. Its object was to explain the circumstances and evolution of the British administration in Malaya along with a history of the region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138311121

British Management Thought First published in 1969 British Management Thought is an indispensable text for anyone with a critical interest in the development of British management philosophy from management teachers through to informed managers sociologists and historians. Utilizing detailed documentary evidence Dr. Child traces and assesses the emergence and development of management thinking in Britain over the last hundred years. He considers the organizational and social problems faced by managers and how management thinkers have attempted to provide solutions. The book demonstrates how social science research has today brought to light many deficiencies in management thought. By applying the perspectives of the sociology of knowledge Dr Child examines how and why ideological considerations seriously weakened the practical utility of many management writings. He also discusses the important problems raised for management education by these findings illustrating this with some of his own research into management teaching. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415665063

British Manufacturing Investment Overseas (RLE International Business) This study analyses the causes of British manufacturing investment overseas focusing primarily on the period from the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s. During these years there were significant changes in UK direct investment and this book represented the first major analysis of these changes based on detailed case studies of British international firms. The early chapters assess the available statistical evidence and the theories of overseas investment that had hitherto been put forward. The authors emphasize the need for recognizing the dynamic and varied nature of firms and the relevance of their historical development in order to understand business decision-making. Through a detailed consideration of the activities of a large sample of companies the book explains why they manufacture abroad and assesses the overall consequences for the British economy of its overseas investment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752138

British Marxism and Cultural StudiesEssays on a living tradition A comprehensive exploration of the profound influence of Marxist ideas on the development of Cultural Studies in Britain this volume covers a century of Marxist writing balancing synoptic accounts of the various schools of Marxist thought with detailed analyses of the most important writers. Arguing that a recognisably Marxist tradition of cultural analysis began in the last two decades of the nineteenth century and continues unbroken to the present day British Marxism and Cultural Studies traces the links between contemporary developments in the field and the extended tradition of which they form a part. With discussion of figures such as Jack Lindsay C.L.R. James Julian Stallabrass and Mike Wayne as well as the cultural thinking of the New Left Gramscian Althusserian and Political Economy schools this book shows that the history of British cultural Marxism is broader and richer than many people realise. As such it will be of interest to scholars and students of sociology cultural studies intellectual history and the history of the Left. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367596637

British Marxist Criticism British Marxist Criticism provides selective but extensive annotated bibliographies introductory essays and important pieces of work from each of eight British critics who sought to explain literary production according to the principles of Marxism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415763639

British Media and the Rwandan Genocide Throughout the 1990s humanitarian interventionism sat at a crossroads where ideas about rights and duties within and beyond borders collided with an international reality of civil conflict where the most basic human rights were violated in the most brutal manner. This growing awareness of humanitarian crises has been enabled by a more globalized media which increasingly shapes public perceptions of distant crises public opinion and political decision-making. Clarke examines the extent to which the public discourse and particular concepts including those of an ethical and legal nature influenced British newspaper coverage of the 1994 crisis in Rwanda and in turn the extent to which that coverage influenced the British Parliament’s response to the crisis. Through his development and application of a broader methodological approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative analyses the book offers a fuller understanding of the relationship between media coverage parliamentary debate and policy formulation and the central role that the globalized media plays in this process. Integrating ethics law and empirical analysis of the media to obtain a more cohesive understanding of the chemistry of the media-public policy nexus this work will be of interest to graduates and scholars in a range of areas including Genocide Studies the Responsibility to Protect the Media & Politics and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367735746

British Medicine in an Age of Reform British Medicine in an Age of Reform charts the nature and dynamics of the radical changes which occurred between 1780 and 1850 - a great turning point in British medicine. Medicine was reformed just as politics was being reformed. It became a recognizable profession and at the same time there was an impetus from within to base the subject upon science. By the end of the 1850's medicine had become perceptibly `modern'. Contributions by acknowledged experts cover subjects from Apothecaries' Act of 1815 to froensic medicine and the effect of scientific medicine on the doctor-patient relationship. Fascinating and detailed British Medicine in an Age of Reform provides a rich source of information for students of social history the history of medicine and science and for those working in the medical profession. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138868175

British Merchants And Chilean Development 1851-1886 This book examines the enormous contribution British merchants made toward Chilean prosperity and stability during nineteenth-century. It also examines the role of expatriates during the period of rapid economic change and development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367161170

British Methodist HymnodyTheology Heritage and Experience Hymnody is widely recognised as a central tenet of Methodism’s theological doctrinal spiritual and liturgical identity. Theologically and doctrinally the content of the hymns has traditionally been a primary vehicle for expressing Methodism’s emphasis on salvation for all social holiness and personal commitment while particular hymns and the communal act of participating in hymn singing have been key elements in the spiritual lives of Methodists.An important contribution to the history of Methodism British Methodist Hymnody argues that the significance of hymnody in British Methodism is best understood as a combination of its official status spiritual expression popular appeal and practical application. Seeking to consider what when how and why Methodists sing British Methodist Hymnody examines the history perception and practice of hymnody from Methodism’s small-scale eighteenth-century origins to its place as a worldwide denomination today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367881467

British MigrationPrivilege Diversity and Vulnerability Around 5.6 million British nationals live outside the United Kingdom: the equivalent of one in every ten Britons. However social science research as well as public interest has tended to focus more on the numbers of migrants entering the UK rather than those leaving.This book provides an important counterbalance drawing on the latest empirical research and theoretical developments to offer a fascinating account of the lives experiences and identities of British migrants living in a wide range of geographic locations across Europe Asia Africa and Australasia. This collection asks: What is the shape and significance of contemporary British migration? Who are today’s British migrants and how might we understand their everyday lives? Contributions uncover important questions in the context of global and national debates about the nature of citizenships the ‘Brexit’ vote deliberations surrounding mobility and freedom of movement as well as national racial and ethnic boundaries.This book challenges conventional wisdoms about migration and enables new understandings about British migrants their relations to historical privileges international relations and sense of national identity. It will be valuable core reading to researchers and students across disciplines such as Geography Sociology Politics and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367582692

British Military Intelligence in the Crimean War 1854-1856 This is a study of the British military intelligence operations during the Crimean War. It details the beginnings of the intelligence operations as a result of the British Commander Lord Raglan's need for information on the enemy and traces the subsequent development of the system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873599

British Military Intelligence in the Palestine Campaign 1914-1918 Shortly after the end of the First World War General Sir George Macdonagh wartime director of British Military Intelligence revealed that Lord Allenby's victory in Palestine had never been in doubt because of the success of his intelligence service. Seventy-five years later this book explains Macdonagh's statement. Sheffy also adopts a novel approach to traditional heroes of the campaign such as T E Lawrence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873605

British Military Intervention and the Struggle for JordanKing Hussein Nasser and the Middle East Crisis 1955–1958 Within two years of their abortive invasion of the Suez Canal zone in 1956 British troops once again intervened in a major Middle Eastern country. The Jordan intervention of July 1958 took place despite the steady decline of the British position in the country over the previous three years. This book examines why the government led by Harold Macmillan remained ready to use military force to prop up the regime of King Hussein even though the United States had emerged as the main Western power in the Middle East after 1956. Incorporating a variety of archival material  Blackwell provides new historical insights into the origins of the Anglo-American use of military power to protect their interests in the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540971

British MiscalculationsThe Rise of Muslim Nationalism 1918-1925 In the aftermath of World War I there was furious agitation throughout Islam against the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. Coupled with the powerful effect of the principle of self-determination British indifference to Muslim sentiments gave rise to militant nationalism in Islam—which became de facto anti-Western. This detailed and convincing account describes British indecisiveness policy contradictions and how militant nationalism was aggravated by the Greek invasion of Smyrna and its ambition to create a Hellenic Empire in Anatolia with Britain's connivance.Immediately after World War I there was a fair chance of mutual coexistence and good relations between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. This possibility was nipped in the bud by the military administration (1918-1920) responsible for the anti-Jewish riots in Jerusalem in April 1920. High Commissioner Herbert Samuel supported the Arab extremists in his misguided policy and complicated the situation further. The appointment of Hajj Amin al-Husseini to the exalted post of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and subsequently to the presidency of the Supreme Moslem Council of the Palestinians proved fatal to Arab-Jewish relations and to the possibility of peace.As Friedman shows the British administration of Palestine bears a considerable share of responsibility for the Arab-Zionist conflict in Palestine. Against this diplomatic background Arab-Jewish hostilities thrived with consequences that endure today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412863001

British Models of Art Collecting and the American ResponseReflections Across the Pond British Models of Art Collecting and the American Response - Reflections Across the Pond presents 14 essays by distinguished art - and cultural - historians. Collectively they examine points of similarity and difference in the approaches to art collecting practiced in Britain and the United States. Unlike most of their Continental European counterparts the English and Americans have historically been exceptionally open to collecting the art made by and for other cultures. At the same time they developed a tradition of opening private collections to a public eager for educational and cultural advancement. Approximately half the essays examine the trends and market forces that dominated the British art collecting scene of the nineteenth century such as the Orléans sale and the shift away from aristocratic collections to those of the new urban merchant class. The essays that focus on American collectors use biographical sketches of collectors and dealers as well as case studies of specific transactions to demonstrate how collectors in the United States embraced and embellished on the British model to develop their own often philanthropic approach to art collecting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138310346

British Music and Modernism 1895–1960 Imaginative analytical and critical work on British music of the early twentieth century has been hindered by perceptions of the repertory as insular in its references and backward in its style and syntax escaping the modernity that surrounded its composers. Recent research has begun to break down these perceptions and has found intriguing links between British music and modernism. This book brings together contributions from scholars working in analysis hermeneutics reception history critical theory and the history of ideas. Three overall themes emerge from its chapters: accounts of British reactions to Continental modernism and the forms they took; links between music and the visual arts; and analysis and interpretation of compositions in the light of recent theoretical work on form tonality and pitch organization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246027

British Narratives of ExplorationCase Studies on the Self and Other Features a collection of essays that focus on British travel narratives from the seventeenth through to the nineteenth centuries. This work investigates how the early explorers' sense of self was destabilised by encounters with the Other. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663237

British National PartyContemporary Perspectives This book examines the recent development of the far right in Britain with a particular focus on the British National Party (BNP) the most electorally successful far right party in British history. It brings fresh perspectives to our understanding of the BNP in order to make a significant contribution to scholarly debate on the nature of far right extremism both nationally and internationally. The book is significantly different from other literature in the field primarily because of its focus on three important yet underdeveloped themes which are reflected in the structure of the book itself. These are: the ideological and cultural politics of contemporary BNP responses to the BNP the BNP’s place within the contemporary domestic and international far-right milieu. Written by an outstanding line-up of renowned experts in this field this is essential reading for all those with an interest in British politics fascism political parties race relations and extremism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203830192

British Nautical Melodramas 1820–1850 During the 1820s and 30s nautical melodramas "reigned supreme" on London stages entertaining the mariners and maritime workers who comprised a large part of the audience for small theatres. These plays mixed sentimental moments and comic interludes of domestic melodrama with patriotic images that communicated and reinforced imperial themes. However generally the study of British theatre history moves from medieval and renaissance plays directly to the realism and naturalism of late Victorian and modern drama. Readers typically encounter a gap between Restoration and eighteenth-century plays like those of Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan and late-nineteenth plays by Henrik Ibsen and Oscar Wilde. Nineteenth-century drama with the possible exception of plays by Byron Shelley and Wordsworth remains all but invisible. Until recently melodramatic plays written and performed during this "gap" received little scholarly attention but their value as reflections of Britain’s promulgation of imperial ideology — and its role in constructing and maintaining class gender and racial identities — have given discussions of melodrama force and momentum. The plays included in these three volumes have never appeared in a critical anthology and most have not been republished since their original nineteenth-century editions. Each play is transcribed from original documents and includes an author biography a headnote about the play itself full annotations with brief definitions of unfamiliar vocabulary and explanatory notes. Comprehensive editorial apparatus details the nineteenth-century imperial naval political and social history relevant to the plays’ nautical themes as well as discussing nineteenth-century theatre history melodrama generally and the nautical melodrama in particular. Contemporary theatre practices — acting audiences staging lighting special effects — are also examined. An extensive bibliography of primary and secondary texts; a complete index; and contemporary images of the actors theatres stage sets playbills costumes and locales have been compiled to aid study further. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848935648

British Nautical Melodramas 1820–1850Volume I During the 1820s and 30s nautical melodramas "reigned supreme" on London stages entertaining the mariners and maritime workers who comprised a large part of the audience for small theatres with the same sentimental moments and comic interludes of domestic melodrama mixed with patriotic images that communicated and reinforced imperial themes. However generally the study of British theatre history moves from medieval and renaissance plays directly to the realism and naturalism of late Victorian and modern drama. Readers typically encounter a gap between Restoration and eighteenth-century plays like those of Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan and late-nineteenth plays by Henrik Ibsen and Oscar Wilde. Nineteenth-century drama with the possible exception of plays by Byron Shelley and Wordsworth remains all but invisible. Until recently melodramatic plays written and performed during this "gap" received little scholarly attention but their value as reflections of Britain’s promulgation of imperial ideology — and its role in constructing and maintaining class gender and racial identities — have given discussions of melodrama force and momentum. The plays in included in these three volumes have never appeared in a critical anthology and most have not been republished since their original nineteenth-century editions. Each play is transcribed from the original documents and includes an author biography a headnote about the play itself full annotations with brief definitions of unfamiliar vocabulary and explanatory notes. Comprehensive editorial apparatus details the nineteenth-century imperial naval political and social history relevant to the plays’ nautical themes as well as discussing nineteenth-century theatre history melodrama generally and the nautical melodrama in particular. Contemporary theatre practices — acting audiences staging lighting special effects — are also examined. An extensive bibliography of primary and secondary texts; a complete index; and contemporary images of the actors theatres stage sets playbills costumes and locales have been compiled to aid study further. The appendices include maps of Britain Europe and the East and West Indies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751026

British Nautical Melodramas 1820–1850Volume II During the 1820s and 30s nautical melodramas "reigned supreme" on London stages entertaining the mariners and maritime workers who comprised a large part of the audience for small theatres with the same sentimental moments and comic interludes of domestic melodrama mixed with patriotic images that communicated and reinforced imperial themes. However generally the study of British theatre history moves from medieval and renaissance plays directly to the realism and naturalism of late Victorian and modern drama. Readers typically encounter a gap between Restoration and eighteenth-century plays like those of Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan and late-nineteenth plays by Henrik Ibsen and Oscar Wilde. Nineteenth-century drama with the possible exception of plays by Byron Shelley and Wordsworth remains all but invisible. Until recently melodramatic plays written and performed during this "gap" received little scholarly attention but their value as reflections of Britain’s promulgation of imperial ideology — and its role in constructing and maintaining class gender and racial identities — have given discussions of melodrama force and momentum. The plays in included in these three volumes have never appeared in a critical anthology and most have not been republished since their original nineteenth-century editions. Each play is transcribed from the original documents and includes an author biography a headnote about the play itself full annotations with brief definitions of unfamiliar vocabulary and explanatory notes. Comprehensive editorial apparatus details the nineteenth-century imperial naval political and social history relevant to the plays’ nautical themes as well as discussing nineteenth-century theatre history melodrama generally and the nautical melodrama in particular. Contemporary theatre practices — acting audiences staging lighting special effects — are also examined. An extensive bibliography of primary and secondary texts; a complete index; and contemporary images of the actors theatres stage sets playbills costumes and locales have been compiled to aid study further. The appendices include maps of Britain Europe and the East and West Indies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751033

British Nautical Melodramas 1820–1850Volume III During the 1820s and 30s nautical melodramas "reigned supreme" on London stages entertaining the mariners and maritime workers who comprised a large part of the audience for small theatres with the same sentimental moments and comic interludes of domestic melodrama mixed with patriotic images that communicated and reinforced imperial themes. However generally the study of British theatre history moves from medieval and renaissance plays directly to the realism and naturalism of late Victorian and modern drama. Readers typically encounter a gap between Restoration and eighteenth-century plays like those of Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan and late-nineteenth plays by Henrik Ibsen and Oscar Wilde. Nineteenth-century drama with the possible exception of plays by Byron Shelley and Wordsworth remains all but invisible. Until recently melodramatic plays written and performed during this "gap" received little scholarly attention but their value as reflections of Britain’s promulgation of imperial ideology — and its role in constructing and maintaining class gender and racial identities — have given discussions of melodrama force and momentum. The plays in included in these three volumes have never appeared in a critical anthology and most have not been republished since their original nineteenth-century editions. Each play is transcribed from the original documents and includes an author biography a headnote about the play itself full annotations with brief definitions of unfamiliar vocabulary and explanatory notes. Comprehensive editorial apparatus details the nineteenth-century imperial naval political and social history relevant to the plays’ nautical themes as well as discussing nineteenth-century theatre history melodrama generally and the nautical melodrama in particular. Contemporary theatre practices — acting audiences staging lighting special effects — are also examined. An extensive bibliography of primary and secondary texts; a complete index; and contemporary images of the actors theatres stage sets playbills costumes and locales have been compiled to aid study further. The appendices include maps of Britain Europe and the East and West Indies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751040

British Naval AviationThe First 100 Years In 1909 the British Admiralty placed an order for a rigid airship marking the beginning of the Royal Navy's involvement with airpower. This collection charts the Navy's involvement with aviation over the following century and the ways in which its rapid expansion and evolution radically altered the nature of maritime power and naval strategy. Drawing on much new historical research the collection takes a broadly chronological approach which allows a scholarly examination of key themes from across the history of British naval aviation. The subjects tackled include long-standing controversies over the control of naval air power crucial turning points within British defence policy and strategy the role of naval aviation in limited war and discussion of campaigns - such the contribution of the Fleet Air Arm in the Mediterranean and Pacific theatres of the Second World War - that have hitherto received relatively little attention. The collection concludes with a discussion of recent debates surrounding the Royal Navy's acquisition of a new generation of carriers setting the arguments within an historical context. Taken as a whole the volume offers fascinating insights into the development of a key aspect of naval power as well as shedding new light on one of the most important aspects of Britain's defence policy and military history. By simultaneous addressing historical and current political debates it is sure to find a ready audience and stimulate further discussion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138272194

British Naval Documents 1204-1960 To celebrate its centenary in 1993 the Society produced a special volume covering seven hundred and fifty years of British naval history containing 535 documents carefully selected by leading experts. See the contents of British Naval Documents 1204-1960. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781911423607

British Naval Strategy East of Suez 1900-2000Influences and Actions This new collection of essays by a panel of established international scholars sheds new light on what some of those influences were and what actions were taken as a result of Britain's Far Eastern commitments. Not only are new evidence and approaches to those issues addressed presented but new avenues for further research are clearly outlined. This new study shows how the use of the sea as a means of projecting power and influence beyond national borders holds a unique place in the history of Great Britain. Directly linked to the concepts of empire great power and strategic over-stretch Britain's strategic position east of Suez in the twentieth century was a dominant area of interest and had an enormous impact in the overall construction of Great Britain's naval strategic posture. Britain's global naval position was in fact predominantly formed by Far Eastern strategic influences from 1900 to 1945. After that even in the face of the Cold War and emphasis on planning for a third European war strategic influences east of Suez continued to play a major role in the creation of Britain's naval force structure and in its global strategic foreign policy formulation process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646260

British Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Originally published in 1987 British Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries the book is the diversification of and overlaps in the operations of UK financial intermediaries forms. The book provides a coherent analysis of the broader implications of ongoing developments in the financial services sector and an insight into the ‘back-room activities of the non-bank institutions. The book also focuses on institutions offering some form of financial markets within which many of the financial intermediaries operate. In doing this the book outlines a theoretical framework of financial intermediation and provides an overview of the broader evolution of the UK financial system. This volume will be of use to students and practitioners studying in the financial services sector. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138569133

British Nuclear Weapons and the Test Ban 1954–1973Britain the United States Weapons Policies and Nuclear Testing: Tensions and Contradictions In 1962 Dean Acheson famously described Britain as having lost an Empire but not yet found a role. Perhaps nowhere is this more apparent than in the realms of nuclear weapons. An increasingly marginal world power successive post-war British governments felt that an independent nuclear deterrent was essential if the country was to remain at the top table of world diplomacy. Focusing on a key twenty-year period this study explores Britain's role in efforts to bring about a nuclear test ban treaty between 1954 and 1973. Taking a broadly chronological approach it examines the nature of defence planning the scientific goals that nuclear tests were designed to secure Anglo-American relationships the efficacy of British diplomacy and its contribution to arms control and disarmament. A key theme of the study is to show how the UK managed to balance the conflicting pressures created by its determination to remain a credible nuclear power whilst wanting to pursue disarmament objectives and how these pressures shifted over the period in question. Based on a wealth of primary sources this book opens up the largely ignored subject of the impact of arms control on the UK nuclear weapons programme. Its appraisal of the relationship between the requirements and developments of the UK nuclear weapons programme against international and domestic pressures for a test ban treaty will be of interest to anyone studying post-war British defence and foreign policy history of science arms control disarmament and non-proliferation and international relations. It also provides important background information on current events involving nuclear proliferation and disarmament. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138383975

British Oil Policy 1919-1939 Ths book examines the efforts made by the British government of the period to lessen its dependence on American oil supplies the emergence of Venezuela as the largest single British oil supplier in the early 1930s and the changing structure of the oil industry both in the US and Europe. It draws almost entirely on primary sources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987968

British Pakistani Boys Education and the Role of ReligionIn the Land of the Trojan Horse British Pakistani children are the second largest ethnic group in UK schools yet little of their education and wider needs have been researched. British Pakistani Boys Education and the Role of Religion seeks to rectify this by investigating the educational achievement of British Pakistani boys and the importance of education both in the Pakistani community and in the wider religion of Islam. The book draws on research undertaken by the author in three British state secondary schools to respond to the national policy on the education of ethnic minority children. It considers the meaning of education for Pakistanis where religion plays an integral role the gaps in education as well as the issue of representation - in governance and in the teaching workforce. The author concludes by discussing the possibility of responsive education better meeting the needs of Pakistani children by integrating Islamic religious education and education of the world. British Pakistani Boys Education and the Role of Religion will be vital reading for academics and both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of Education and Sociology and specifically those studying inclusion equality and diversity or Asian Muslim or Pakistani education. It would also appeal to education practitioners policy makers and community activists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367489380

British Pan-Arab Policy 1915-1922 In this myth-shattering study Isaiah Friedman provides a new perspective on events in the Middle East during World War I and its aftermath. He shows that British officials in Cairo mistakenly assumed that the Arabs would rebel against Turkey and welcome the British as deliverers. Sharif (later king) Hussein did rebel but not for nationalistic motives as is generally presented in historiography. Early in the war he simultaneously negotiated with the British and the Turks but after discovering that the Turks intended to assassinate him finally sided with the British. There was no Arab Revolt in the Fertile Crescent. It was mainly the soldiers of Britain the Commonwealth and India that overthrew the Ottoman rule not the Arabs.Both T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") and Sir Mark Sykes hoped to revive the Arab nation and build a new Middle East. They courted disappointment: the Arabs resented the encroachment of European Powers and longed for the return of the Turks. Emir Feisal too became an exponent of Pan-Arabism and a proponent of the "United Syria" scheme. It was supported by the British Military Administration who wished thereby to eliminate the French from Syria. British officers were antagonistic to Zionism as well and were responsible for the anti-Jewish riots in Jerusalem in April 1920.During the twenties unlike the Hussein family and their allies the peasants (fellaheen) who constituted the majority of the Arab population in Palestine were not inimical towards the Zionists. They maintained that "progress and prosperity lie in the path of brotherhood" between Arabs and Jews and regarded Jewish immigration and settlement to be beneficial to the country. Friedman argues that if properly handled the Arab-Zionist conflict was not inevitable. The responsibility lay in the hands of the British administration of Palestine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507784

British Parliamentary Election Results 1983-1997 First published in 1999 this is the sixth volume in a series of definitive reference books recording constituency election results. This volume gives the 1983 1987 and 1992 general election results in each constituency as well as the outcome of any by-elections which took place up until the dissolution of parliament in 1997. The name party label votes and vote share for each candidate are shown. The change in party vote share between elections helps chart the ebb and flow of electoral opinion throughout this period. Each constituency result also lists the electorate and turnout for each election as well as showing the winner’s majority both in terms of votes and percentage lead over the second placed candidate. Summary statistics for the three general elections record votes cast and seats won across the nations of the United Kingdom. A comprehensive index will allow the reader to identify which candidates fought which constituency in their efforts to be elected to the House of Commons. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138391031

British Perspectives on Terrorism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency) When originally published in 1981 this was the first book to bring together in one volume some of the most thoughtful work by British academics and specialists studying the political violence and terrorism which had recently challenged Britain and other Western democracies. Four chapters consider the strategy and tactics of the IRA and the problems of the Northern Ireland conflict. Other articles discuss the phenomena of international terrorism. Essential reading for courses on political violence revolution war and staregic studies this volume will also be of relevance for training course in military and police staff colleges. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138899407

British Philosophy and the Age of EnlightenmentRoutledge History of Philosophy Volume 5 This fifth volume covers many of the most important philosophers and movements of the nineteenth century including utilitarianism positivism and pragmatism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142985

British Pirates and Society 1680-1730 This book shows how pirates were portrayed in their own time in trial reports popular prints novels legal documents sermons ballads and newspaper accounts. It examines how attitudes towards them changed with Britain’s growing imperial power exploring the interface between political ambition and personal greed between civil liberties and the power of the state. It throws light on contemporary ideals of leadership and masculinity - some pirate voyages qualifying as feats of seamanship and endurance. Unusually it also gives insights into the domestic life of pirates and investigates the experiences of women whose husbands turned pirate or were captured for piracy. Pirate voyages contributed to British understanding of trans-oceanic navigation patterns of trade and different peoples in remote parts of the world. This knowledge advanced imperial expansion and British control of trade routes which helps to explain why contemporary attitudes towards piracy were often ambivalent. This is an engaging study of vested interests and conflicting ideologies. It offers comparisons with our experience of piracy today and shows how the historic representation of pirate behaviour can illuminate other modern preoccupations including gang culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472429933

British Poets and Secret Societies (Routledge Revivals) A surprisingly large number of English poets have either belonged to a secret society or been strongly influenced by its tenets. One of the best known examples is Christopher Smart’s membership of the Freemasons and the resulting influence of Masonic doctrines on A Song to David. However many other poets have belonged to or been influenced by not only the Freemasons but the Rosicrucians Gormogons and Hell-Fire Clubs. First published in 1986 this study concentrates on five major examples: Smart Burns William Blake William Butler Yeats and Rudyard Kipling as well as a number of other poets. Marie Roberts questions why so many poets have been powerfully attracted to the secret societies and considers the effectiveness of poetry as a medium for conveying secret emblems and ritual. She shows how some poets believed that poetry would prove a hidden symbolic language in which to reveal great truths. The beliefs of these poets are as diverse as their practice and this book sheds fascinating light on several major writers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138796218

British Policy and the Refugees 1933-1941 In the summer of 1940 with much of Europe under German domination British authorities instigated a harsh programme of internment or deportation of those who had fled Nazi oppression. This volume written the same year is a critique of government policies of the day. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315036809

British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates 1955-67Last Outpost of a Middle East Empire This is the first detailed account of the confrontation between Britain and President Nasser of Egypt over the Colony of Aden and the surrounding protected states prior to British withdrawal in 1967. Paying particular attention to the conflicting goals of Arab nationalism and British imperialism it is argued that Britain’s motivation for this campaign was not solely material but was partly derived from a determination to contain Nasser’s influence and to guarantee a continuation of Britain’s role in influencing the politics of the Arabian peninsula. Mawby argues that a significant problem for the British was the decision to undertake a new imperial adventure in Aden at a time when British economic and military power was on the wane whilst support for the nationalist struggles in the Middle East and the United Nations was increasing. He goes on to suggest that British policy and the conduct of military campaigns facilitated the emergence of a radical brand of Arab politics in southwest Arabia. By demonstrating the manner in which the rise and fall of British imperialism was telescoped into a short period in the late 1950s and early 1960s this volume provides an important insight into the unique and unacknowledged place of Aden in the history of British decolonization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138867772

British Policy in Persia 1918-1925 First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870062

British Policy Towards the Ottoman Empire 1908-1914 First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870055

British Political History 1867–2001Democracy and Decline This third edition of British Political History 1867–2001 is an accessible summary of major political developments in British history over the last 140 years. Analyzing the changing nature of British society and Britain's role on the world stage Malcolm Pearce and Geoffrey Stewart also outline the growth of democracy and the growth in the power of the state against a background of party politics. New coverage includes: domestic affairs from 1992 to 2001 John Major's Government the creation of 'New' Labour and the 'Third Way' Blair's first ministry  developments in Northern Ireland from 1995 through the Easter Peace Deal into 2001 the 2001 General Election results and implications. Students of British politics and history will find this the perfect resource for their studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315014531

British Politics Society and Empire 1852-1945Essays in Honour of Trevor O. Lloyd This book draws together essays on modern British history empire liberalism and conservatism in honour of Trevor O. Lloyd Emeritus Professor of Modern British history at the University of Toronto for some thirty years beginning in the 1960s. With Lloyd best known for his two histories of the Empire and of domestic Britain published in the Short Oxford History of the Modern World series as well as his pioneering psephological study of the 1880 General Election the essays include analyses of Anglo-Irish relations Florence Nightingale Canada muckrackers the Primrose League and prisoners of war during World War II. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138230064

British Politics and Foreign Policy 1727-44 Covering the period from the end of the Anglo-French alliance in 1731 to the declaration of war between the two powers in 1744 this book charts a turbulent period in British politics that witnessed the last decade of the Walpole ministry the attempt to replace it by a Patriot government and the return of the Old Corps Whigs to a process of dominance. In particular it reveals how ministerial change and political fortunes were closely linked to foreign policy with foreign policy both affecting and being affected by political developments. The book draws upon a great range of foreign and domestic sources but makes particular use of foreign diplomatic records. These are important as many negotiations were handled at least in part through envoys in London. Moreover these diplomats regularly spoke with George II and his ministers and some were personal friends of envoys and could be used for secret negotiations outside normal channels. The range of sources consulted ensures that the book offers more than any previous book to cover the period as a whole whilst not simply becoming a detailed study of a number of episodes. Instead it retains the strong structural aspects of the relationship between foreign policy and politics necessary to examine questions about political stability motivation and effectiveness. Following on from Jeremy Black’s previous studies on eighteenth-century foreign policy ’Politics and Foreign Policy under George I’ (covering the period 1714-27) this new book takes the story up to 1744 and continues to illuminate the complex and often opaque workings of the British state at a turbulent period of European history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472414250

British Politics and Foreign Policy 1744-57Mid-Century Crisis The years between 1744 and 1757 were a testing time for the British government as political unrest at home exploded into armed rebellion whilst on the continent French armies were repeatedly victorious. Providing an analytical narrative supported by thematic chapters this book examines the relationship between Britain’s politics and foreign policy in a period not hitherto treated as a unit. Building upon methods employed in the preceding two books (’Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of George I 1714-1727’ and ’Politics and Foreign Policy 1727-44’) this volume charts the significant political changes of 1744-57. It shows how ministerial change and political fortunes were closely linked to foreign policy with foreign policy affecting and being affected by political developments. In particular it asks important questions about the politics and foreign policy of these years and thus reconsiders the context of imperial growth economic development and political stability. Far from being simply a study of individual episodes the book outlines the structural aspects of the relationship between foreign policy and politics examining issues of political stability motivation and effectiveness. In particular the role of monarch Court and ministers are considered alongside those of Parliament parliamentary politics and the public sphere of discussion notably but not only the press. The book therefore offers a guided narrative that both uses and builds on the analysis offered by contemporary commentators and provides an informed assessment of the significance of the ideas terms and language employed in eighteenth-century Britain to discuss foreign policy and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472423696

British Politics and the Environment Britain has an immense range of environmental law and the reputation for largely ignoring it. John McCormick describes the fascinating story of the political growth of that law and the pressures the compromises the parliamentary and civil service opportunism that allowed the edifice to grow over the greater part of a century. He tells the story of the absolute change in political climate over the last ten years and deciphers the nature of Thatcher's ''conversion'' to greenery. He explains why everyone who cared about the environment became embattled and above all how the old methods of sensible compromise were banished probably for ever not least because of the government's obsession with secrecy. What then are the new political means of compelling change on a reluctant parliament? Everything is at stake from welfare to water from forests to fishing. Where are we now? What are the likely pressures both internal and from Europe and the rest of the world to make Britain pass more environmentally sound laws and perhaps more importantly to observe them? McCormick provides a gripping picture of the central issues of the system and of the battleground. Originally published in 1991 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846301

British PoliticsThe Basics Fully updated and expanded the second edition of this still compact text on British politics expertly analyses the major changes in British political life placing them revealingly within the context of the evolution of British society from absolute monarchy to representative democracy. The author considers each of the major components of British politics in digestible chapters such as the Monarchy and the House of Lords the Commons voting behaviour parties and pressure groups the prime minister and cabinet devolution local government and foreign policy. The book includes two new chapters on the EU referendum and Brexit and the extraordinary December 2019 election as well as coverage of events such as the coronavirus pandemic and the respective travails of the increasingly split two major political parties. This readable and comprehensive introduction will be of key interest to A-level students undergraduates and those new to the study of British politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367189549

British Popular Films 1929-1939The Cinema of Reassurance Shafer's study challenges the conventional historical assumption that British feature films during the Thirties were mostly oriented to the middle-class. Instead he makes the critical distinction between films intended for West End and international circulation and those intended primarily for domestic working-class audiences. Far from being alientated by a 'middle-class institution' working men and women flocked to see pictures featuring such music-hall luminaries as Gracie Fields and George Formby. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415754989

British Post-StructuralismSince 1968 Through this exploration of the relation between Marxism post-structuralism and the theory of the subject first published in 1988 Antony Easthope contrasts the degree to which post-structuralism has made a radical impact on English and American national cultures. This book reprints an important interview in which Jacques Derrida discusses the Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138685390

British Prime Ministers From Balfour to Brown The origins of the post of Prime Minister can be traced back to the eighteenth century when Sir Robert Walpole became the monarch’s principal minister. From the dawn of the twentieth century to the early years of the twenty-first however both the power and the significance of the role have been transformed. British Prime Ministers from Balfour to Brown explores the personalities and achievements of those twenty individuals who have held the highest political office between 1902 and 2010. It includes studies of the dominant premiers who helped shape Britain in peace and war – Lloyd George Churchill Thatcher and Blair – as well as portraits of the less familiar from Asquith and Baldwin to Wilson and Heath. Each chapter gives a concise account of its subject’s rise to power ideas and motivations and governing style as well as examining his or her contribution to policy-making and handling of the major issues of the time. Robert Pearce and Graham Goodlad explore each Prime Minister’s interaction with colleagues and political parties as well as with Cabinet Parliament and other key institutions of government. Furthermore they assess the significance and current reputation of each of the premiers. This book charts both the evolving importance of the office of Prime Minister and the continuing restraints on the exercise of power by Britain’s leaders. These concise accessible and stimulating biographies provide an essential resource for students of political history and general readers alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415669832

British Prime Ministers from Walpole to Salisbury: The 18th and 19th Centuries Dick Leonard’s British Prime Ministers from Walpole to Salisbury: The 18th and 19th Centuries surveys the lives and careers of all the 32 Prime Ministers from Sir Robert Walpole (1721–42) to Archibald Philip Primrose  fifth Earl of Rosebery (1894–95) in 32 succinct informative and entertaining chapters. Bringing to life the political achievements and personal idiosyncrasies of Britain's rulers over the 18th and 19th centuries the author recounts the circumstances which took them to the pinnacle of British political life probes their political and personal strengths and weaknesses assesses their performance in office and asks what lasting influence they have had. Along the way Leonard entertains and informs revealing little-known facts about the private lives of each of the Prime Ministers such as who was suspected to be an illegitimate half-brother of George III who was assassinated in the House of Commons and who spent his evenings prowling the streets of London trying to "reform" prostitutes. This book can also form part of a two-volume set published by Routledge including the companion volume Modern British Prime Ministers from Balfour to Johnson. This book will be of key interest to scholars students and readers of British political history the Executive government and British politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367469115

British Propaganda and Wars of EmpireInfluencing Friend and Foe 1900–2010 In order to provide a better understanding of the shifting nature of influence this volume looks at how the British government employed various forms of persuasion to achieve its goals across the twentieth century. The collection provides a range of case studies to assess how effectively - or ineffectively - influence was brought to bear on an array of non-western societies. This volume will be of interest not only to historians but to anyone interested in the operation of influence as a foreign policy tool. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138703605

British Protestant Missions and the Conversion of Europe 1600–1900 This book is the first account of British Protestant conversion initiatives directed towards continental Europe between 1600 and 1900. Continental Europe was considered a missionary land—another periphery of the world whose centre was imperial Britain. British missions to Europe were informed by religious experiments in America Africa and Asia rendering these offensives against Europe a true form of "imaginary colonialism". British Protestant missionaries often understood themselves to be at the forefront of a civilising project directed at Catholics (and sometimes even at other Protestants). Their mission was further reinforced by Britain becoming a land of compassionate refuge for European dissenters and exiles. This book engages with the myth of International Protestantism questioning its early origins and its narrative of transnational belonging while also interrogating Britain as an imagined Protestant land of hope and glory. In the history of western Christianities "converting Europe" had a role that has not been adequately investigated. This is the story of the attempted and ultimately failed effort to convert a continent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367198510

British PsychoanalysisNew Perspectives in the Independent Tradition British Psychoanalysis: New Perspectives in the Independent Tradition is a new and extended edition of The British School of Psychoanalysis: The Independent Tradition which explored the successes and failures of the early environment; transference and counter-transference in the psychoanalytic encounter; regression in the situation of treatment; and female sexuality. Published in the mid-1980s it had an important influence on the development of psychoanalysis both in Great Britain and abroad was translated into several languages and became a central textbook in academic and professional courses. This new updated book includes not only many of the original papers but also new chapters written for this volume by Hannah Browne Josh Cohen Steven Groarke Gregorio Kohon Rosine Perelberg and Megan Virtue. Addressing and reflecting on the four main themes of the first collection the new papers discuss such subjects as: · a new focus on earliest infancy · new directions in Independent clinical thinking · the question of therapeutic regression . the centrality of sexual difference in Freud. They also highlight the connections between and the mutual influence of British and French psychoanalysis now a critical subject in contemporary psychoanalytic debates. British Psychoanalysis: New Perspectives in the Independent Tradition will be important not only to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists and the full spectrum of professionals involved in mental health. It will be of great value in psychotherapy and counselling training and an important resource for teaching and academic activities.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138579057

British Public Opinion on Foreign and Defence Policy1945-2017 This book provides a long-term perspective on the opinions of the British public on foreign and defence policy in the post-war era. Thematically wide-ranging it looks at the broader role of foreign and defence policy in British politics and elections public opinion towards Britain’s key international relationships and alliances (the United States NATO the EU and the Commonwealth) and public opinion towards the projection of ‘soft power’ (overseas aid) and ‘hard power’ (defence spending nuclear weapons and military intervention). Assessing the main areas of change and continuity in the public’s views it also pays close attention to the dividing lines in wider society over foreign and defence policy. Analysing an extensive range of surveys and opinion polls the book situates the analysis in the wider context of Britain’s changing foreign policy role and priorities in the post-war era as well as linking public opinion with the politics of British external policy – the post-war consensus on Britain’s overseas role historical and contemporary areas of inter-party debate and enduring intra-party divides. This text will be of key interest to scholars and students of British politics European politics foreign policy analysis public opinion defence and security studies and more broadly to comparative politics and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664787

British Public Utilities and National Development One of the most important trends in post-war Britain was the extension of the number and variety of public service undertakings. Originally published in 1933 this title indicated the empirical nature and recent importance of British public utility development at the time being the first study which dealt with this trend in a comprehensive manner. For completeness to the book and also providing a suitable background the local utility services water gas transport docks and harbors have been considered. The author felt the trends of recent years made a rediscovery of political economy imperative and urgent. This study was an effort to reunite economics public administration law and philosophy in the consideration of British public utilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367148416

British Regionalism and DevolutionThe Challenges of State Reform and European Integration This contributors provide a range of perspectives on the increasingly central issues of state reform European integration and British regionalism in the 1990s. Using case material the contributors examine: the effects of state reform and European integration on British regionalism and the devolution debate; and the nature of recent central responses to the re-emergence of regional and devolution issues with a particular focus on the recent policies of the Major governments and the policies of the Opposition parties.They also present some evidence which suggests that state reform and EC/EU developments have determined and accentuated important new trends in British regionalism and underpin the plausibility of far-reaching regional and devolution reforms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160149

British Rock Modernism 1967-1977The Story of Music Hall in Rock British Rock Modernism 1967-1977 explains how the definitive British rock performers of this epoch aimed not at the youthful rebellion for which they are legendary but at a highly self-conscious project of commenting on the business in which they were engaged. They did so by ironically appropriating the traditional forms of Victorian music hall. Faulk focuses on the mid to late 1960s when British rock bands who had already achieved commercial prominence began to aspire to aesthetic distinction. The book discusses recordings such as the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour album the Kinks' The Village Green Preservation Society and the Sex Pistols' Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols and television films such as the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour and the Rolling Stones' Rock and Roll Circus that defined rock's early high art moment. Faulk argues that these 'texts' disclose the primary strategies by which British rock groups mostly comprised of young working and lower middle-class men made their bid for aesthetic merit by sampling music hall sounds. The result was a symbolically charged form whose main purpose was to unsettle the hierarchy that set traditional popular culture above the new medium. Rock groups engaged with the music of the past in order both to demonstrate the comparative vitality of the new form and signify rock's new art status compared to earlier British pop music. The book historicizes punk rock as a later development of earlier British rock rather than a rupture. Unlike earlier groups the Sex Pistols did not appropriate music hall form in an ironic way but the band and their manager Malcolm McLaren were obsessed with the meaning of the past for the present in a distinctly modernist fashion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138268449

British Romanticism and the Reception of Italian Old Master Art 1793-1840 As a result of Napoleon’s campaigns in Italy Old Master art flooded into Britain and its acquisition became an index of national prestige. Maureen McCue argues that their responses to these works informed the writing of Romantic period authors enabling them to forge often surprising connections between Italian art the imagination and the period’s political social and commercial realities. Dr McCue examines poetry plays novels travel writing exhibition catalogues early guidebooks and private experiences recorded in letters and diaries by canonical and noncanonical authors including Felicia Hemans William Buchanan Henry Sass Pierce Egan William Hazlitt Percy Shelley Lord Byron Anna Jameson Maria Graham Callcott and Samuel Rogers. Her exploration of the idea of connoisseurship shows the ways in which a knowledge of Italian art became a key marker of cultural standing that was no longer limited to artists and aristocrats while her chapter on the literary production of post-Waterloo Britain traces the development of a critical vocabulary equally applicable to the visual arts and literature. In offering cultural historical and literary readings of the responses to Italian art by early nineteenth-century writers Dr McCue illuminates the important role they played in shaping the themes that are central to our understanding of Romanticism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367433192

British RomanticismCriticism and Debates Including classic essays and lively debates British Romanticism shows that Romantic literature is an interesting and exciting topic to read and study. Combining key pieces from the last 25 years alongside newly written essays offering fresh takes on the area this book covers the essential topics but with a contemporary and dynamic twist. Each section includes a detailed introduction and covers issues which are as relevant to current readers as to those in the romantic period such as media science religion politics ethics gender sexuality race nationalism and ethics. The book contains additional features such as suggestions for further reading and an introduction to the history of interpreting Romantic Literature. Designed to appeal to both undergraduate and postgraduate readers this distinctive volume reflects the vibrant debates across Romantic Studies from the 1990s to the present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415523820

British Routes to India. First published in 1928 this volume examines the routes to India which originated as a means of communication and casual trading voyages in the late 18th century but which evolved under European imperialism adding vast significance and definite lines of access alongside economic and social uses in times of peace strategic access in times of war and acting as political objects on all occasions. Halford Lancaster Hoskins responded to the solicitude of the Powers of Europe in relation to countries in the eastern Mediterranean which had been a conspicuous feature of international relations since the rise of the Eastern Question. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367002572

British Satire 1785-1840 This set offers a representitive collection of the verse satire of the Romantic period published between the mid-1780s and the mid-1830s. As well as two single-author volumes from William Gifford and Thomas Moore there is also a wealth of rare unedited material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429353680

British Satire 1785-1840 Volume 1 This set offers a representitive collection of the verse satire of the Romantic period published between the mid-1780s and the mid-1830s. As well as two single-author volumes from William Gifford and Thomas Moore there is also a wealth of rare unedited material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429348143

British Satire 1785-1840 Volume 2 This set offers a representitive collection of the verse satire of the Romantic period published between the mid-1780s and the mid-1830s. As well as two single-author volumes from William Gifford and Thomas Moore there is also a wealth of rare unedited material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429348150

British Satire 1785-1840 Volume 3 This set offers a representitive collection of the verse satire of the Romantic period published between the mid-1780s and the mid-1830s. As well as two single-author volumes from William Gifford and Thomas Moore there is also a wealth of rare unedited material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429348167

British Satire 1785-1840 Volume 4 This set offers a representitive collection of the verse satire of the Romantic period published between the mid-1780s and the mid-1830s. As well as two single-author volumes from William Gifford and Thomas Moore there is also a wealth of rare unedited material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429348174

British Satire 1785-1840 Volume 5 This set offers a representitive collection of the verse satire of the Romantic period published between the mid-1780s and the mid-1830s. As well as two single-author volumes from William Gifford and Thomas Moore there is also a wealth of rare unedited material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429348181

British Scholars of Comparative EducationExamining the Work and Influence of Notable 19th and 20th Century Comparativists This book brings together studies of significant British scholars of comparative education from the 19th and 20th centuries. Providing a unique and detailed examination of the work of the founding British scholars of research in comparative education British Scholars of Comparative Education considers the legacy of these key figures and emphasises the importance of understanding their achievements. The advancement of research in comparative education has long been driven by the work of key scholars ensuring it remains a lively area of educational research. This book highlights the pivotal role played by each scholar in driving a progression through humanistic and scientific approaches to new epistemological traditions within the field of comparative education. This in turn reveals critical historical-epistemological transitions that have had lasting impacts on the field. With contributions from leading scholars in the field this volume will be of great interest to researchers academics and scholars in comparative and international education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367250270

British Scientists of the Nineteenth Century Originally published in 1935. J G Crowther has chosen five of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth century – Davy Faraday Clerk-Maxwell Joule Lord Kelvin and examines every aspect of their lives and work. Nineteenth century science appears in a different light from that in which its contemporaries regarded it and Crowther shows that it is now possible to judge which were the most important discoveries which the most significant personalities of the period; and how the passage of time has revealed many unsuspected connections between a scientist’s discoveries and the social life and industry of his day. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203706473

British Scientists of the Twentieth Century Originally published in 1952. Following on from British Scientists of the Nineteenth Century this volume covers six eminent British scientists whose work and personality have not receded into the same depth of perspective as their predecessors of the Nineteenth Century but the tremendous changes following the two world wars have already cut them off sharply from this generation. Crowther concludes that these six scientists arose out of various phases of capitalist development and imperialism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203706466

British Sculptors of the Twentieth Century This title was first published 2003. In the twentieth century Britain was rich in artistic achievement especially in sculpture. Just some of those working in this field were Jacob Epstein Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Henry Moore Barbara Hepworth Anthony Caro Richard Long Mona Hatoum and Anish Kapoor. The work of these and other known and less well-known artists has an astonishing variety and expressive power a range and strength that has placed Britain at the hub of the artistic world. Alan Windsor has compiled a concise biographical dictionary of sculpture in Britain in book form. Richly informative and easy-to-use this guide is an art-lover's and expert's essential reference. Written by scholars the entries are cross-referenced and each concise biographical outline provides the relevant facts about the artist's life a brief characterization of the artist's work and where appropriate major bibliographical references. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138714403

British Sculptors of the Twentieth Century This title was first published 2003. In the twentieth century Britain was rich in artistic achievement especially in sculpture. Just some of those working in this field were Jacob Epstein Henri Gaudier-Brzeska Henry Moore Barbara Hepworth Anthony Caro Richard Long Mona Hatoum and Anish Kapoor. The work of these and other known and less well-known artists has an astonishing variety and expressive power a range and strength that has placed Britain at the hub of the artistic world. Alan Windsor has compiled a concise biographical dictionary of sculpture in Britain in book form. Richly informative and easy-to-use this guide is an art-lover's and expert's essential reference. Written by scholars the entries are cross-referenced and each concise biographical outline provides the relevant facts about the artist's life a brief characterization of the artist's work and where appropriate major bibliographical references. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138714458

British Security PolicyThe Thatcher Years and the End of the Cold War This book first published in 1991 examines Britain’s defence and foreign policy of the 1980s and explores a variety of alternative roles for Britain in the radically changed circumstances of the 1990s. The authors analyse the full range of major British security issues and developments including the use of force and the role of conventional forces the significance of the Anglo-American special relationship relations with Europe the Third World and the Soviet Union and the unique problem of Northern Ireland. They particularly address the question of whether international policy in ‘the Thatcher years’ has marked a decisive break with earlier post-war policy or has rather been marked by shifts of emphasis within an essentially stable framework. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367568481

British Short Fiction in the Early Nineteenth CenturyThe Rise of the Tale In spite of the importance of the idea of the 'tale' within Romantic-era literature short fiction of the period has received little attention from critics. Contextualizing British short fiction within the broader framework of early nineteenth-century print culture Tim Killick argues that authors and publishers sought to present short fiction in book-length volumes as a way of competing with the novel as a legitimate and prestigious genre. Beginning with an overview of the development of short fiction through the late eighteenth century and analysis of the publishing conditions for the genre including its appearance in magazines and annuals Killick shows how Washington Irving's hugely popular collections set the stage for British writers. Subsequent chapters consider the stories and sketches of writers as diverse as Mary Russell Mitford and James Hogg as well as didactic short fiction by authors such as Hannah More Maria Edgeworth and Amelia Opie. His book makes a convincing case for the evolution of short fiction into a self-conscious intentionally modern form with its own techniques and imperatives separate from those of the novel. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570297

British Sign Language First published in 1984. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415867948

British Social Life in India 1608 - 1937 First published in 1938 the author describes the ways in which the British lived in India from the early adventurous period of the East India Company until the 1930s when modern means of travel and communication enabled the sahibs to keep in close touch with home and eschew oriental influences. He describes their amusements and sports their domestic arrangements their relations with the native population. There is a delicious period panorama of Simla in the eighties. He gives a careful historical account of the growth and fate of the Eurasian population. The approach throughout is decorative rather than academic and leads to a highly entertaining pageant of the British in India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138602670

British Social Work in the Nineteenth Century First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415863353

British Socialist Fiction 1884–1914 Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848933576

British Socialist Fiction 1884–1914 Volume 1 Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751224

British Socialist Fiction 1884–1914 Volume 2 Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751231

British Socialist Fiction 1884–1914 Volume 3 Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751248

British Socialist Fiction 1884–1914 Volume 4 Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751255

British Socialist Fiction 1884–1914 Volume 5 Socialism in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain was a highly literate movement. Every socialist group produced some form of written text through which their particular brand of politics could be promoted. This edition collects serialized fiction and short stories that have not been published since their original appearance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138751262

British SomalilandAn Administrative History 1920-1960 British Somaliland provides a history of the administration of the British Somaliland Protectorate from the time when Somaliland first became governable following the defeat of Abdullah Hassan to independence. Describing the interplay between general imperial policies and greater realities and developments in Somaliland the focus of the book remains on the mechanism by which the Protectorate was operated. The regime that developed was in the end a highly autocratic despotism generally benign but occasionally predatory. Independence when it arrived was in retrospect a tragedy. Somaliland was absorbed into Somalia and a governmental style which suited the conditions of the Protectorate was dissolved into something very different. Since the collapse of Somalia re-emergent Somaliland appears to be attempting to re-connect to a past remembered as something of a golden age.Highly topical as Somaliland is re-emerging this book is an invaluable resource for students and scholars of African History Imperial History and British History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868840

British Sport - A Bibliography to 2000Volume 2: Local Histories Volume two of a bibliography documenting all that has been written in the English language on the history of sport and physical education in Britain. It lists all secondary source material including reference works in a classified order to meet the needs of the sports historian. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039138

British Sport - a Bibliography to 2000Volume 3: Biographical Studies of Britsh Sportsmen Women and Animals Volume three of a bibliography documenting all that has been written in the English language on the history of sport and physical education in Britain. It lists all secondary source material including reference works in a classified order to meet the needs of the sports historian. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039145

British Sport: a Bibliography to 2000Volume 1: Nationwide Histories Volume one of a bibliography documenting all that has been written in the English language on the history of sport and physical education in Britain. It lists all secondary source material including reference works in a classified order to meet the needs of the sports historian. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039121

British Sporting Literature and Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century Sport as it is largely understood today was invented during the long eighteenth century when the modern rules of sport were codified; sport emerged as a business a spectacle and a performance; and gaming organized itself around sporting culture. Examining the underexplored intersection of sport literature and culture this collection situates sport within multiple contexts including religion labor leisure time politics nationalism gender play and science. A poetics literature and culture of sport swelled during the era influencing artists such as John Collett and writers including Lord Byron Jonathan Swift and Henry Fielding. This volume brings together literary scholars and historians of sport to demonstrate the ubiquity of sport to eighteenth-century life the variety of literary and cultural representations of sporting experiences and the evolution of sport from rural pastimes to organized regular events of national and international importance. Each essay offers in-depth readings of both material practices and representations of sport as they relate to among other subjects recreational sports the Cotswold games clothing women archers tennis celebrity athletes and the theatricality of boxing. Taken together the essays in this collection offer valuable multiple perspectives on reading sport during the century when sport became modern. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367881115

British Spy Fiction and the End of Empire The position of spy fiction is largely synonymous in popular culture with ideas of patriotism and national security with the spy himself indicative of the defence of British interests and the preservation of British power around the globe. This book reveals a more complicated side to these assumptions than typically perceived arguing that the representation of space and power within spy fiction is more complex than commonly assumed. Instead of the British spy tirelessly maintaining the integrity of Empire this volume illustrates how spy fiction contains disunities and disjunctions in its representation of space and the relationship between the individual and the state in an era of declining British power.Focusing primarily on the work of Graham Greene Ian Fleming Len Deighton and John le Carre the volume brings a fresh methodological approach to the study of spy fiction and Cold War culture. It presents close textual analysis within a framework of spatial and sovereign theory as a means of examining the cultural impact of decolonization and the shifting geopolitics of the Cold War. Adopting a thematic approach to the analysis of space in spy fiction the text explores the reciprocal process by which contextual history intersects with literature throughout the period in question arguing that spy fiction is responsible for reflecting strengthening and in some cases precipitating cultural anxieties over decolonization and the end of Empire.This study promises to be a welcome addition to the developing field of spy fiction criticism and popular culture studies. Both engaging and original in its approach it will be important reading for students and academics engaged in the study of Cold War culture popular literature and the changing state of British identity over the course of the latter twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367869601

British Strategy and War Aims 1914-1916 (RLE First World War) This book illustrates the relationship between British military policy and the development of British war aims during the opening years of the First World War. Basing his work on a wide range of unpublished documentary sources David French reassesses for the benefit of students and scholars alike what was meant by ‘a war of attrition’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965119

British Student Activism in the Long Sixties Based on empirical evidence derived from university and national archives across the country and interviews with participants British Student Activism in the Long Sixties reconstructs the world of university students in the 1960s and 1970s. Student accounts are placed within the context of a wide variety of primary and secondary sources from across Britain and the world making this project the first book-length history of the British student movement to employ literary and theoretical frameworks which differentiate it from most other histories of student activism to date. Globalization especially of mass communications made British students aware of global problems such as the threat of nuclear weapons the Vietnam War racism sexism and injustice. British students applied these global ideas to their own unique circumstances using their intellectual traditions and political theories which resulted in unique outcomes. British student activists effectively gained support from students staff and workers for their struggle for student’s rights to unionize freely assemble and speak and participate in university decision-making. Their campaigns effectively raised public awareness of these issues and contributed to significant national decisions in many considerable areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138109551

British SubjectsAn Anthropology of Britain The anthropology of Britain is hotly debated. What does it mean to live in Britain and to be 'British' and is an anthropology of Britain even a legitimate undertaking? British Subjects presents a forthright voice in this debate. Key anthropological concerns such as community rationality aesthetics the body power work and leisure nationalism and transnationalism are found reflected in the lives of a wide range of British 'subjects'--from farmers to dancers children to retired miners new-agers to entrepreneurs. In disputing traditional claims that anthropology 'at home' and 'of one's own' is misconceived unnecessary or unperceptive this book clearly establishes that an anthropology of Britain can set excellent standards of subtle ethnography and complex analysis. Providing a nuanced appreciation of the intricacies of British society this book shows how the anthropological study of Britain can offer an enlightening paradigm for the study of individual lives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084822

British System of Government The tenth edition of this acclaimed text continues to provide a lively comprehensive and up-to-date account of British political institutions of the way in which they operate and of the society in which they developed. It includes new sections on the following key areas: the monarchy and the House of Lords the 1997 general election the transformation of the Labour party and the demise of the Tory's the European Union devolution the judicial system Northern Ireland. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138178823

British Think-Tanks And The Climate Of Opinion Investigating think tanks on both sides of the political divide the author defines these groups in the context of British politics explores their impact on the climate of opinion and calculates how effective they have been in influencing government in general and key policy areas in particular. Think tanks have rarely come under the spotlight and the author offers a probing but balanced overview of a political phenomenon.; This book should prove to be valuable reading for students of political science public administration and contemporary British history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166479

British Tourism Tourism at any point in time is in many ways a mirror of economic and social change. The changes in British society in the decades from the 1950s to the 21st century are reflected in the forms of tourism that the British could aspire to and afford. 'British Tourism: A Remarkable Story of Growth' identifies the most significant of these changes and places them in an historical context highlighting four distinctive eras. Now in paperback it includes four colour photos as well as two brand new chapters on tourism in Scotland and Wales. It looks in detail at the following key areas: The roots of post war tourism growth Developments in transport and regulation Developments in accommodation and visit attractions Marketing developments and trends - the role of entrepreneurs Tourism trends into the 21st century Offering a comprehensive evaluation of post war developments in the British tourism industry British Tourism: The remarkable story of growth acts as a single reference resource suitable for a wide ranging readership from students on tourism courses and practitioners in the travel and tourism industries Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138473522

British Trade Unionism To-Day First published in 1939. This book provides a balanced picture of Trade Unionism as it was in the 1930s both in general and in each of the principal industries and services. The study opens with a brief outline of Trade Union history before examining Trade Unions in various industries including mining transport and the postal service. British Trade Unionism To-Day will be of great interest to students and scholars of labour and political history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138336247

British Trade Unions and Industrial PoliticsThe High Tide of Trade Unionism 1964-79 First published in 1999 this book discusses trade unionism in Britain from 1964 to 1979. Detailing political change in British politics from union strikes to Thatcherism in the late 1970s and the implications that had on trade unions and industrial politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607927

British Trade Unions and Industrial PoliticsThe Post-war Compromise 1945-1964 First published in 1999 this volume describes the political climate and state of trade unions after the second world war in Britain. Detailing the transition of individuals who had survived in the war or had taken part in the war effort to going back a civilian life in 1945. Following the rise of the Labour party in Britain until 1964. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607989

British Travel Writers in Europe 1750-1800Authorship Gender and National Identity This title was first published in 2001: Hundreds of European travelogues produced by British travellers between 1750 and 1800 remain out of sight in most libraries and have generally been out of print since the 18th century. While many people with a working knowledge of the 18th century are familiar with works including Sterne's "A Sentimental Journey" and Smollett's "Travels through France and Italy" those produced by less "literary" travellers are largely unknown. This study aims to recreate the world of 18th-century travel writing in order to illuminate its central role in shaping Britain's emerging sense of national identity - an identity which proves to be more complex an less homogeneous than some cultural and historical studies would suggest. The author finds that the developing discourse of national character is bound up with questions of gender: national and authorial virtue are projected in terms of appropriately gendered behaviour for male and female travel writers alike. In turn gender intersects with class most obviously in the tendency to denigrate aristocratic travellers as effeminate and celebrate the more manly activities of the middle-class traveller. These then - national identity authorship and gender - are the central preoccupations of the study Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138629110

British University Libraries British university libraries face major financial technological and organizational challenges. Cuts in funding the spread of new technology and changes to the provision of university education as a whole are combining to fundamentally alter the circumstances in which university libraries operate. This book first published in 1989 provides a thorough understanding of the major trends that have emerged during the past decade and projects them into the future to assess their likely effect over the next few years. By focusing on the most important developments in the areas of finance staffing collections services automation and relations with other libraries author Toby Burrows exposes the forces that threaten the very nature of the British university library. The changes affecting British universities as a whole are also analysed since these broad influences have been a major cause of change in libraries and are essential to an understanding of that change. The future of the British university library depends on its ability to clearly articulate a coherent vision of its own future; this book takes a crucial step toward this goal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367361297

British University Observatories 1772–1939 British University Observatories fills a gap in the historiography of British astronomy by offering the histories of observatories identified as a group by their shared characteristics. The first full histories of the Oxford and Cambridge observatories are here central to an explanatory history of each of the six that undertook research before World War II - Oxford Dunsink Cambridge Durham Glasgow and London. Each struggled to evolve in the middle ground between the royal observatories and those of the 'Grand Amateurs' in the nineteenth century. Fundamental issues are how and why astronomy came into the universities how research was reconciled with teaching lack of endowment and response to the challenge of astrophysics. One organizing theme is the central importance of the individual professor-directors in determining the fortunes of these observatories the community of assistants and their role in institutional politics sometimes of the murkiest kind patronage networks and discipline shaping coteries. The use of many primary sources illustrates personal motivations and experience. This book will intrigue anyone interested in the history of astronomy of telescopes of scientific institutions and of the history of universities. The history of each individual observatory can easily be followed from foundation to 1939 or compared to experience elsewhere across the period. Astronomy is competitive and international and the British experience is contextualised by comparison for the first time to those in Germany France Italy and the USA. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138264205

British UntouchablesA Study of Dalit Identity and Education Dalits formerly called 'untouchables' remain the most oppressed community in India and indeed in South Asia and have until recently been denied human and civic rights. On emigration to the UK and other Western countries they faced a double disadvantage: caste discrimination and racial discrimination from 'white' society. However in the late 1990s second-generation Dalit professionals challenged their caste status and Brahmanism in the West and in South Asia. This work provides a major study on the issues facing the education of Dalit children and young people growing up in Britain. The book is based on extensive fieldwork and uses a qualitative research methodology including in-depth interviews with parents teachers and children and detailed observations in homes schools and places of worship e.g. gurdwaras. It offers a detailed view of areas such as socialisation of children schooling and education examination success parental perceptions of education bilingualism acculturation patterns cultural conflicts and caste and social identities. Central to this work too is a thorough introduction to the religious concepts that underpin the notion of 'untouchability' in Hinduism. This is a significant contribution to this under-researched community by a scholar who is one of the leading authorities on the education of South Asian children in Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138243132

British Visions of America 1775-1820Republican Realities Macleod examines changing British conceptions of America across the political spectrum during a period of political cultural and intellectual upheaval. Macleod incorporates British writers of conservative liberal and radical views. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665149

British Volunteers in the Spanish Civil WarThe British Battalion in the International Brigades 1936-1939 During the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939 almost 2 500 men and women left Britain to fight for the Spanish Republic. This book examines the role experiences and contribution of the volunteers who fought in the British Battalion of the 15 International Brigadesasking: * Who were these volunteers? * Where did they come from? * Why did they go to Spain? * How much did they actually help the Spanish Republic? In contrast to recent revisionist interpretations this work stresses the crucial importance of the war experience itself rather than political ideology in the understanding of the volunteers' role and experiences within the Spanish war. This book will be of essential interest to historians and those interested in the Spanish Civil War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415758734

British Ways of Counter-insurgencyA Historical Perspective This edited collection examines the British ‘way’ in counter-insurgency. It brings together and consolidates new scholarship on the counter-insurgency associated with the end of empire foregrounding a dark and violent history of British imperial rule one that stretched back to the nineteenth century and continued until the final collapse of the British Empire in the 1960s. The essays gathered in the collection cover the period from the late nineteenth century to the 1960s; they are both empirical and conceptual in tone. This edited collection pivots on the theme of the nature of the force used by Britain against colonial insurgents. It argues that the violence employed by British security forces in counter-insurgency to maintain imperial rule is best seen from a maximal perspective contra traditional arguments that the British used minimum force to defeat colonial rebellions. Case studies are drawn from across the British Empire covering a period of some hundred years but they concentrate on the savage wars of decolonisation after 1945. The collection includes a historiographical essay and one on the ‘lost’ Hanslope archive by the scholar chosen by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to manage the release of the papers held. This book was published as a special issue of Small Wars and Insurgencies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415825771

British Weapons Acquisition Policy and the Futility of Reform Originally published in 2004. This incisive work reveals the causes of escalating costs and delays in British defence procurement from 1945 to the present. Tackling a complex subject in a straightforward and readable manner it considers how successive British governments reacted to this problem why they adopted the reforms they did and why these reforms failed to have any meaningful effect on the operation of this process. The study draws upon a number of disciplines such as economics politics and science and engineering to provide a broad synthesis that allows the reader to understand the technicalities of the process. The conclusion reached is that there is no apparent solution to the problem of intergenerational costs of weapons but that a key to controlling the growing cost of projects during their development lies in the construction of a more effective research and development strategy a path followed by Margaret Thatcher's predecessors and one that is also being advocated today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387848

British Women and the Intellectual World in the Long Eighteenth Century Highlighting the remarkable women who found ways around the constraints placed on their intellectual growth this collection of essays shows how their persistence opened up attributes of potent female imagination radical endeavour literary vigour and self-education that compares well with male intellectual achievement in the long eighteenth century. Disseminating their knowledge through literary and documentary prose with unapologetic self-confidence women such as Anna Barbauld Anna Seward Elizabeth Inchbald and Joanna Baillie usurped subjects perceived as masculine to contribute to scientific political philosophical and theological debate and progress. This multifaceted exploration goes beyond traditional readings of women’s creativity to add fresh at times controversial insights into the female view of the intellectual world. Bringing together leading experts on British women’s lives work and writings the volume seeks to rediscover women’s appropriations of masculine disciplines and to examine their interventions into the intellectual world. Through their engagement with a unique perspective on women’s lives and achievements the essays make important contributions to the existing body of knowledge in this important area that will inform future scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880194

British Women and the Spanish Civil War Through oral and written narratives this book examines the interaction between women and the war in Spain their motivation the distinctive form of their involvment and the effect of the war on their individual lives. These themes are related to wider issues such as the nature of memory and the role of women within the public sphere. The extent to which women engaged with this cause surpasses by far other instances of female mobilization in peace-time Britain. Such a phenomenon therefore can offer lessons to those who would wish to encourage a greater degree of interest amongst women in political activities today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008571

British Women Composers and Instrumental Chamber Music in the Early Twentieth Century This is the first full-length study of British women's instrumental chamber music in the early twentieth century. Laura Seddon argues that the Cobbett competitions instigated by Walter Willson Cobbett in 1905 and the formation of the Society of Women Musicians in 1911 contributed to the explosion of instrumental music written by women in this period and highlighted women's place in British musical society in the years leading up to and during the First World War. Seddon investigates the relationship between Cobbett the Society of Women Musicians and women composers themselves. The book’s six case studies - of Adela Maddison (1866-1929) Ethel Smyth (1858-1944) Morfydd Owen (1891-1918) Ethel Barns (1880-1948) Alice Verne-Bredt (1868-1958) and Susan Spain-Dunk (1880-1962) - offer valuable insight into the women’s musical education and compositional careers. Seddon’s discussion of their chamber works for differing instrumental combinations includes an exploration of formal procedures an issue much discussed by contemporary sources. The individual composers' reactions to the debate instigated by the Society of Women Musicians on the future of women's music is considered in relation to their lives careers and the chamber music itself. As the composers in this study were not a cohesive group creatively or ideologically the book draws on primary sources as well as the writings of contemporary commentators to assess the legacy of the chamber works produced. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249639

British Women TravellersEmpire and Beyond 1770-1870 This book studies the exclusive refractive perspectives of British women who took up the twin challenges of travel and writing when Britain was establishing itself as the greatest empire on earth. Contributors explore the ways in which travel writing has defined women’s engagement with Empire and British identity and was inextricably linked with the issue of identity formation. With a capacious geographical canvas this volume examines the multifaceted relations and negotiations of British women travellers in a range of different imperial contexts across continents from America Africa Europe to Australia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367343347

British Women Writers 1914-1945Professional Work and Friendship Catherine Clay's persuasively argued and rigorously documented study examines women's friendships during the period between the two world wars. Building on extensive new archival research the book's organizing principle is a series of literary-historical case-studies that explore the practices meanings and effects of friendship within a network of British women writers who were all loosely connected to the feminist weekly periodical Time and Tide. Clay considers the letters and diaries as well as fiction poetry autobiographies and journalistic writings of authors such as Vera Brittain Winifred Holtby Storm Jameson Naomi Mitchison and Stella Benson to examine women's friendships in relation to two key contexts: the rise of the professional woman writer under the shadow of literary modernism and historic shifts in the cultural recognition of lesbianism crystallized by The Well of Loneliness trial in 1928. While Clay's study presents substantial evidence to support the crucial role close and enduring friendships played in women's professional achievements it also boldly addresses the limitations and denials of these relationships. Producing 'biographies of friendship' untold in existing author studies her book also challenges dominant accounts of women's friendships and advances new ways for thinking about women's friendship in contemporary debates. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261256

British Women Writers and the Asiatic Society of Bengal 1785-1835Re-Orienting Anglo-India In her study of newly recovered works by British women Kathryn Freeman traces the literary relationship between women writers and the Asiatic Society of Bengal otherwise known as the Orientalists. Distinct from their male counterparts of the Romantic period who tended to mirror the Orientalist distortions of India women writers like Phebe Gibbes Elizabeth Hamilton Sydney Owenson Mariana Starke Eliza Fay Anna Jones and Maria Jane Jewsbury interrogated these distortions from the foundation of gender. Freeman takes a three-pronged approach arguing first that in spite of their marked differences female authors shared a common resistance to the Orientalists’ intellectual genealogy that allowed them to represent Vedic non-dualism as an alternative subjectivity to the masculine model of European materialist philosophy. She also examines the relationship between gender and epistemology showing that women’s texts not only shift authority to a feminized subjectivity but also challenge the recurring Orientalist denigration of Hindu masculinity as effeminate. Finally Freeman contrasts the shared concern about miscegenation between Orientalists and women writers contending that the first group betrays anxiety about intermarriage between East Indian Company men and indigenous women while the varying portrayals of intermarriage by women show them poised to dissolve the racial and social boundaries. Her study invites us to rethink the Romantic paradigm of canonical writers as replicators of Orientalists’ cultural imperialism in favor of a more complicated stance that accommodates the differences between male and female authors with respect to India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472430885

British Women's Histories of the First World WarRepresenting Remembering Rewriting This lively collection of essays showcases recent research into the impact of the conflict on British women during the First World War and since. Looking outside of the familiar representations of wartime women as nurses munitionettes and land girls it introduces the reader to lesser-known aspects of women’s war experience including female composers’ musical responses to the war changes in the culture of women’s mourning dress and the complex relationships between war motherhood and politics. Written during the war’s centenary the chapters also consider the gendered nature of war memory in Britain exploring the emotional legacies of the conflict today and the place of women’s wartime stories on the contemporary stage. The collection brings together work by emerging and established scholars contributing to the shared project of rewriting British women’s history of the First World War. It is an essential text for anyone researching or studying this history. This book was originally published as a special issue of Women’s History Review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367333201

British Women's Travel to Greece 1840–1914Travels in the Palimpsest Beginning with the publication of the first Murray guidebook to Greece in 1840 and ending with Virginia Woolf's journey to Athens this book offers a genealogy of British women's travel literature about Greece. Churnjeet Mahn recounts the women's first-hand experiences of the sites and sights of antiquity analyzing travel accounts by archaeologists ethnographers journalists and tourists to chart women's renderings of Modern Greece through a series of discursive lenses. Mahn's offers insights into the importance of the Murray and Baedeker guidebooks; how knowledge of Greece and Classical Studies were used to justify colonial rule of India at the same time that Agnes Smith Lewis and Jane Ellen Harrison used Greece as a symbol of women's emancipation; British women's production of the first anthropological accounts of Modern Greece; and fin-de-siècle women who asserted their right to see and claim antiquity at the same time that the safety of the independent lady traveler was being called into question by the media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138108691

British Working Class Politics 1832-1914 First published in 1941. This purpose of this history of the earlier phases of the political Labour movement was due to the author’s belief that there was a need for a positive effort to re-create the legion of inspired and untiring propagandists for Socialism whose work made the Labour Party possible. This title will be of interest to scholars and students of history and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138333536

British-born Black African Youth and Educational Social Capital This book examines the extent to which British-born Black African youth have access to opportunities and support during their pre-school primary school and secondary school years. Through the voice of British-born Black African youth this book explores why and how some racial-ethnic and linguistic minority students fail academically while students from other linguistic minorities excel despite coming from similar socio-economic backgrounds. Drawing on interpretive-qualitative research analysis the author demonstrates the racial dimension of social capital in education that challenges the traditional social capital theory which recodes structural notions of racial inequality as primarily cultural social and human capital processes and interactions. In contrast to the focus on achievement gaps the concept of opportunity gaps shows how and why language policies have shaped the educational experiences and outcomes of linguistic minority students. This book will be of interest to policy makers practitioners and scholars of Multicultural Education Black and African Diaspora Studies and Educational Sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367433635

British-Indian Adult Children of DivorceContext Impact and Coping Divorce has become a form of family change in contemporary western societies spawning much research to investigate its causes and consequences. Such research has promoted a sociological understanding of divorce impact on families and individuals as well as implications for public policy. However research in this domain has been largely restricted to white populations in western contexts as well as adhering to quantitative research methodologies. There is little understanding of the dynamics of minority ethnic families sometimes resulting in false assumptions and over-generalizations about family structures stability and transitions in these communities. The impact of this gap in knowledge leads to perspective blocks in terms of how minority ethnic families are conceived in the public sphere as well as in academia. Similar to other minority ethnic groups there is little literature on divorce in South-Asian families. Though traditionally divorce rates within South-Asian communities were low there is now an upward trend. This is the first book to analyze the experiences of British-Indian adult children of divorce and contextualize their experiences within the larger multi-cultural polity of the UK. It also discusses the value and implications of understanding the divorce phenomenon and how it is experienced within this community to present insights into what multi-cultural social work and knowledge can mean. This can also enhance support provision for all children and enable better coping of family transitions by acknowledging their specific contexts and needs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138260863

Britishness Popular Music and National IdentityThe Making of Modern Britain This book offers a major exploration of the social and cultural importance of popular music to contemporary celebrations of Britishness. Rather than providing a history of popular music or an itemization of indigenous musical qualities it exposes the influential cultural and nationalist rhetoric around popular music and the dissemination of that rhetoric in various forms. Since the 1960s popular music has surpassed literature to become the dominant signifier of modern British culture and identity. This position has been enforced in popular culture literature news and music media political rhetoric -- and in much popular music itself which has become increasingly self-conscious about the expectation that music both articulate and manifest the inherent values and identity of the modern nation. This study examines the implications of such practices and the various social and cultural values they construct and enforce. It identifies two dominant conflicting constructions around popular music: music as the voice of an indigenous English ‘folk’ and music as the voice of a re-emergent British Empire. These constructions are not only contradictory but also exclusive prescribing a social and musical identity for the nation that ignores its greater creative national and cultural diversity. This book is the first to offer a comprehensive critique of an extremely powerful discourse in England that today informs dominant formulations of English and British national identity history and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415834810

Britpop and the English Music Tradition Britpop and the English Music Tradition is the first study devoted exclusively to the Britpop phenomenon and its contexts. The genre of Britpop with its assertion of Englishness evolved at the same time that devolution was striking deep into the hegemonic claims of English culture to represent Britain. It is usually argued that Britpop with its strident declarations of Englishness was a response to the dominance of grunge. The contributors in this volume take a different point of view: that Britpop celebrated Englishness at a time when British culture with its English hegemonic core was being challenged and dismantled. It is now timely to look back on Britpop as a cultural phenomenon of the 1990s that can be set into the political context of its time and into the cultural context of the last fifty years - a time of fundamental revision of what it means to be British and English. The book examines issues such as the historical antecedents of Britpop the subjectivities governing the performative conventions of Britpop the cultural context within which Britpop unfolded and its influence on the post-Britpop music scene in the UK. While Britpop is central to the volume discussion of this phenomenon is used as an opportunity to examine the particularities of English popular music since the turn of the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262157

Brittany in the Early Middle AgesTexts and Societies This volume focuses on Wendy Davies's work on early medieval Breton texts and their implications. Beginning with core analyses of the Redon and Landévennec cartularies it continues with papers that tease out some of the key social implications of the 9th-century Redon material - on the nature of political power on rural communities on the settlement of disputes and on transmission of property. While the Redon charters have long been known as a source of fundamental importance for Breton history the author's database (established in the 1980s) allowed much greater understanding of the role of individuals - at all social levels and particularly peasant level - than had previously been possible. Attention to the detail of the east Breton past also includes papers on some of the results of her fieldwork on building stone in particular. Early medieval Brittany is not merely interesting in itself (and it is certainly not some Celtic backwater): Breton evidence can usefully be differentiated from the evidence of other Celtic areas and has a significant role in wider issues of European history. As well as papers on the familiar themes of kingship rulership cult sites and cemeteries the final section highlights the distinctive quality of the Breton evidence for the protection of sacred and personal space for slavery and serfdom and for village-level courts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138375277

Britten Voice and PianoLectures on the Vocal Music of Benjamin Britten This collection of eight 'lectures' by internationally acclaimed pianist Graham Johnson is based on a series of concert talks given at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama as part of the Benjamin Britten festival in 2001. The focus of the book is on Britten's songs starting with his earliest compositions in the genre. Graham Johnson suggests that the nature of Britten's creativity is especially apparent in his setting of poetry that he becomes the poet's alter-ego. A chapter on Britten's settings of Auden and Eliot explores the particular influences these writers brought to bear at opposite poles of the composer's life. The inspiration of fellow musicians is also discussed with a chapter devoted to Britten's time in Russia and his friendship with the Rostropovitch family. Closer to home the book places in context Britten's folksong settings illustrating how he subverted the English folksong tradition by refusing to accept previous definitions of what constituted national loyalty. Drawing on letters and diaries and featuring a number of previously unpublished photographs this book illuminates aspects of Britten's songs from the personal perspective of the pianist who worked closely with Peter Pears after Benjamin Britten was unable to perform through illness. Johnson worked with Pears on learning the role of Aschenbach in 'Death in Venice' and was official pianist for the first master class given by Peter Pears at Snape in 1972. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138400542

Broadband EconomicsLessons from Japan Japan's high-speed Internet access services such as ADSL CATV Internet and FTTH are considered the cheapest and fastest state-of-the-art services drawing international attention. In this book the author introduces the current status of broadband services in Japan and their recent development in competition policy. An econometric model is proposed and discussed to analyse access demand. The purpose of the analysis is to understand quantitively the current status of the rapidly developing Japanese broadband services while providing an academic and practical basis for conceiving prospective competition policies. The book is composed of three parts. The first part introduces the diffusion of current Broadband services the economics of network industries and related econometric model analysis. The second part elucidates in detail the development of fixed-line broadband services IP phone services as well as mobile phone services. The third part consequently investigates the migration among broadband services the fixed and mobile convergence and the digital divide problem.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415860741

Broadband Last MileAccess Technologies for Multimedia Communications Broadband Last Mile: Access Technologies for Multimedia Communications provides in-depth treatments of access technologies and the applications that rely upon them or support them. It examines innovations and enhancements along multiple dimensions in access with the overarching goal of ensuring that the last mile is not the weak link in the broadband chain. Written by experts from the academic and commercial segments of the field the book's self-contained sections address topics related to the disciplines of communications networking computing and signal processing.The core of this treatment contains contemporary reviews of broadband pipes in the classes of copper cable fiber wireless and satellite. It emphasizes the coexistence of these classes within a network the importance of optical communications for unprecedented bandwidth and the flexibility and mobility provided by wireless.The book also includes perspective on the increasingly important topic of network management providing insights that are true regardless of the nature of the pipe. The text concludes with a discussion of newly emerging applications and broadband services.This book offers an all-in-one treatment of the physical pipes and network architectures that make rich and increasingly personalized applications possible. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in the increasingly pervasive field of broadband. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315220796

Broadband Metamaterials in ElectromagneticsTechnology and Applications The rapid development of technology based on metamaterials coupled with the recent introduction of the transformation optics technique provides an unprecedented ability for device designers to manipulate and control the behavior of electromagnetic wave phenomena. Many of the early metamaterial designs such as negative index materials and electromagnetic bandgap surfaces were limited to operation only over a very narrow bandwidth. However recent groundbreaking work reported by several international research groups on the development of broadband metamaterials has opened up the doors to an exciting frontier in the creation of new devices for applications ranging from radio frequencies to visible wavelengths. This book contains a collection of eight chapters that cover recent cutting-edge contributions to the theoretical numerical and experimental aspects of broadband metamaterials. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814745680

Broadband Optical ModulatorsScience Technology and Applications "…provides the full exciting story of optical modulators. … a comprehensive review from the fundamental science to the material and processing technology to the optimized device design to the multitude of applications for which broadband optical modulators bring great value. … Especially valuable in my view is that the authors are internationally known researchers developers and systems people who are experts in their field writing now with the perspective that time offers about their groundbreaking work. "—Dr. Rodney C. Alferness Senior Vice President of Optical Networking Research at Lucent Technologies’ Bell LabsConsidered the most comprehensive book yet published on this critical subject Broadband Optical Modulators: Science Technology and Applications offers an incredibly wide-ranging yet in-depth overview of the state of the art in the design and use of optical modulators. A compilation of expert insights this book covers fundamental and practical aspects from materials to systems addressing historical and more recent developments.Coverage includes:Optical and electro-optic properties of traditional single crystalline lithium niobate silicon and III-V compound semiconductors as well as emerging electro-optic polymers and organic nonlinear optic crystalsDiscussion of factors important to modulator design fabrication and performanceFundamental topics such as electro-optic effect in nonlinear optic crystals and semiconductorsLeaders in the field created this invaluable reference for scientific researchers involved in high-speed device research and development especially in the areas of optical transmitters and optical modulators for fiber-optics communication systems. Helping readers master optical modulation techniques this book will be invaluable to engineers (system/subsystem designers product developers and technical and project managers) and other professionals in the telecommunications and defense industries. It offers the audience—which includes graduate students—an in-depth understanding of the new modulator architectures and technologies now available as well as the strengths weaknesses advantages and trade-offs associated with each. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367576837

Broadband RF and Microwave Amplifiers Broadband RF and Microwave Amplifiers provides extensive coverage of broadband radio frequency (RF) and microwave power amplifier design including well-known historical and recent novel schematic configurations theoretical approaches circuit simulation results and practical implementation strategies. The text begins by introducing two-port networks to illustrate the behavior of linear and nonlinear circuits explaining the basic principles of power amplifier design and discussing impedance matching and broadband power amplifier design using lumped and distributed parameters. The book then: Shows how dissipative or lossy gain-compensation-matching circuits can offer an important trade-off between power gain reflection coefficient and operating frequency bandwidth Describes the design of broadband RF and microwave amplifiers using real frequency techniques (RFTs) supplying numerous examples based on the MATLAB® programming process Examines Class-E power amplifiers Doherty amplifiers low-noise amplifiers microwave gallium arsenide field-effect transistor (GaAs FET)-distributed amplifiers and complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) amplifiers for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications Broadband RF and Microwave Amplifiers combines theoretical analysis with practical design to create a solid foundation for innovative ideas and circuit design techniques. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138800205

Broadband Telecommunications and Regional Development Broadband is one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century yet our understanding of its regional impacts remains somewhat rudimentary. Not only are issues of broadband pricing and speed relevant in this context but the overall quality of service for broadband can often dictate its impacts on regional development. This book illuminates the regional impacts of this pervasive and important technology. The principle aim of this book is to deepen our understanding of broadband and its connections to regional development. First it uses a geospatial lens to explore how the relationship between broadband and regional development influences access to technology platforms dictates provision patterns and facilitates the shrinkage of space and time in non-uniform and sometimes unexpected ways. Second it book provides a comprehensive guide that details the strengths and weaknesses of publically available broadband data and their associated uncertainties allowing regional development professionals and researchers to make more informed decisions regarding data use analytical models and policy recommendations. Finally this book is the first to detail the growing importance of broadband to digital innovation and entrepreneurship in regions. This book will be of interest to regional development professionals and researchers in economics public policy geography regional science and planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815347255

Broadcast Announcing WorktextA Media Performance Guide Broadcast Announcing Worktext now in its fifth edition remains one of the best resources for those looking to gain the skills techniques and procedures necessary to enter the competitive field of broadcast performance. Written accessibly with easy-to-digest modules and practice projects this book encourages active participation from readers to help develop their talent on air. In addition to the principles of good performance the book addresses the importance of the audience and how to communicate effectively to diverse groups. The book combines traditional teaching with practical experience and includes sample scripts and self-study exercises to allow for a practical hands-on application of key concepts. The fifth edition expanded throughout features updates about performance on the Internet and social media as well as content about podcasting and audio performance. A new chapter on international media offers readers a look at media performance and career possibilities around the world.  This book is an invaluable resource for any student of journalism communication or public relations looking to enhance their media performance skills. A detailed accompanying website features audio-clips sample test questions and a Professionals’ Comment Bank setting out experience and advice from working pros. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367404697

Broadcast Engineer's Reference Book The current and definitive reference broadcast engineers need!Compiled by leading international experts this authoritative reference work covers every aspect of broadcast technology from camera to transmitter - encompassing subjects from analogue techniques to the latest digital compression and interactive technologies in a single source.Written with a minimum of maths the book provides detailed coverage and quick access to key technologies standards and practices. This global work will become your number one resource whether you are from an audio video communications or computing background. Composed for the industry professional practicing engineer technician or sales person looking for a guide that covers the broad landscape of television technology in one handy source the Broadcast Engineer's Reference Book offers comprehensive and accurate technical information. Get this wealth of information at your fingertips!· Utilize extensive illustrations-more than 1200 tables charts and photographs.· Find easy access to essential technical and standards data.· Discover information on every aspect of television technology.· Learn the concepts and terms every broadcaster needs to know.Learn from the experts on the following technologies:Quantities and Units; Error Correction; Network Technologies; Telco Technologies; Displays; Colourimetry; Audio Systems; Television Standards; Colour encoding; Time code; VBI data carriage; Broadcast Interconnect formats; File storage formats; HDTV; MPEG 2; DVB; Data Broadcast; ATSC Interactive TV; encryption systems; Optical systems; Studio Cameras and camcorders; VTRs and Tape Storage; Standards Convertors; TV Studios and Studio Equipment; Studio Lighting and Control; post production systems; Telecines; HDTV production systems; Media Asset Management systems; Electronic News Production Systems; OB vehicles and Mobile Control Rooms;ENG and EFP; Power and Battery Systems; R.F. propagation; Service Area Planning; Masts Towers and Antennas; Test and measurement; Systems management; and many more!Related Focal Press titles:Watkinson: Convergence In Broadcast and Communications Media (2001 £59.99 (GBP)/ $75.95 (USD) ISBN: 0240515099) Watkinson: MPEG Handbook (2001 £35 (GBP)/$54.99 (USD) ISBN: 0240516567) Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080490564

Broadcast Graphics On the SpotTimesaving Techniques Using Photoshop and After Effects for Broadcast and Post Production Packed with more than 350 techniques this book delivers what you need to know - on the spot. If you create graphics for television this book is for you. 'Broadcast Graphics on the Spot' show you how to produce more compelling TV graphics. From gathering images for use in broadcast graphics to working with fonts mastering keying and rotoscoping or working with logo motion this book includes step-by-step procedures for creating over-the-shoulder graphics for news anchors lower thirds titles and full-screens that can be used in everyday news productions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138425866

Broadcast JournalismTechniques of Radio and Television News This seventh edition of Broadcast Journalism continues its long tradition of covering the basics of broadcasting from gathering news sources interviewing putting together a programme news writing reporting editing working in the studio conducting live reports and more. The authors have brought the material further up to date with the integration of social media uses of mobile technology the emergence of user-generated content and updated examples illustrations and case studies throughout. End-of-chapter exercises are also included. New for this edition:  Updated with new examples quotes and pictures. Restructured with end-of-chapter summaries exercises for students notes for tutors links for further reading and references to invaluable websites and smartphone apps. Extended chapters on ethics responsibilities interviewing mobile newsgathering and filming. New additional information on coping with reporting traumatic stories and how news organisations use Twitter and Periscope. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138886032

Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook is the go-to resource for writing broadcast news offering readers the know-how to write excellent stories for television radio podcasts and online media. Through clear and concise chapters this text provides the fundamental rules of broadcast news writing teaching readers how to craft stories on government crime weather education health sports and more. It covers the necessary mechanics news writers need to know including the nuances of reporting grammar style and usage. This new seventh edition is updated with the latest on how stations incorporate online and social media strategies as well as insights into the directions local news is headed. Author Robert A. Papper has over a quarter century of broadcast news and industry research experience and once again updates this vital text with the information necessary for being a successful news writer today. Also available for this edition is an Instructor’s Guide found on the book’s webpage. Whether you’re a student seeking to learn the mechanics of successful broadcast news writing or a working professional looking for a definitive reference for your desk Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook offers a comprehensive guide to writing for television audio and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367422677

Broadcast News Writing Reporting and Producing Broadcast News Writing Reporting and Producing  7th Edition is the leading book covering all aspects of writing and reporting the news. It identifies the key concepts and terms readers need to know in the news gathering and dissemination process and provides practical real-world advice for operating in the modern day newsroom. New to the seventh Edition are profiles of working journalists who give readers a glimpse into the working life of modern reporters producers and directors. This new edition also covers important aspects of the use of social media drone journalism and digital technology. A new chapter on portfolio development will assist readers in developing the skills to advance in their careers. The text has also been updated to reflect new industry standards in modes of information gathering and delivery writing style and technology. Additional features include: Key words at the start of every chapter identifying important terms and definitions; End of chapter summaries which allows readers to review the chapter’s main points; "Text Your Knowledge" which helps readers quiz themselves on important concepts; Chapter-by-chapter exercises which readers can apply to a chapter’s themes; A companion website featuring video tutorials of necessary skills for journalists including how to arrange lighting structures how to hold a microphone and how to properly conduct an interview. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138207486

Broadcast Television Effects in A Remote Community This book reports findings from a major multidisciplinary study of the impact of broadcast television on the remote island community of St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean. Broadcast television was introduced to the island for the first time in March 1995. This introduction represented a major event on the island whose only televisual experience had been through video. In the years leading up to the introduction of TV the researchers who wrote this book collected data by observing the island's young children in classroom settings and during free-play. In addition to these observations they asked the children's teachers to rate their students' behavior and invited the children to explain to them what leisure time activities they engaged in. With the data they were able to amass on these key variables they have assembled and coded the results into baseline measures central to the study. Once TV had arrived they collected data annually on the key dependent measures to determine if the introduction of broadcast TV had any discernible influence on the behavior of the children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761666

Broadcasting and Optical Communication Technology In two editions spanning more than a decade The Electrical Engineering Handbook stands as the definitive reference to the multidisciplinary field of electrical engineering. Our knowledge continues to grow and so does the Handbook. For the third edition it has been expanded into a set of six books carefully focused on a specialized area or field of study. Broadcasting and Optical Communication Technology represents a concise yet definitive collection of key concepts models and equations in the fields of broadcasting and optical communication thoughtfully gathered for convenient access.Addressing the challenges involved in modern communications networks Broadcasting and Optical Communication Technology explores communications information theory and devices covering all the basic information needed for a thorough understanding of these areas. It also examines the emerging areas of adaptive estimation and optical communication including lightwave technology long-distance fiber optic communications and photonic networks. Articles include defining terms references and sources of further information.Encompassing the work of the world's foremost experts in their respective specialties Broadcasting and Optical Communication Technology presents the latest developments the broadest scope of coverage and new material on mobile communications. It offers fast convenient access to specialists in need of detailed reference on the job. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315222165

Broadcasting and Politics in Western Europe First Published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965126

Broadcasting in JapanCase-studies on Broadcasting Systems Japan has developed what is arguably the most sophisticated and the most democratic broadcasting system in the world. The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1st September 1923 with its devastation and confusion drove home in its appalling way the importance of being able to broadcast immediate information to the public. The same year the Ministry of Communications promptly established an administrative system to regulate broadcasting. In less than a decade over one million people were registered listeners. Under the post war Constitution of 1946 freedom of "speech and all other forms of expression" was guaranteed and the subsequent Broadcast Law instituted a dual system of broadcasting with the public service Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) on the one hand and commercial and private broadcasting organizations on the other. In 1978 there were ninety-one television broadcasting organizations and fifty-one radio broadcasting organizations. In this informative study Professor Ito and his team comprehensively describe the staggering growth of broadcasting in Japan from the dawn or radio and television to satellite communication and through to the multiplex broadcasting of the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852777

Broadcasting the BluesBlack Blues in the Segregation Era Broadcasting the Blues: Black Blues in the Segregation Era is based on Paul Oliver's award-winning radio broadcasts from the BBC that were created over several decades. It traces the social history of the blues in America from its birth in the rural South through the heyday of sound recordings. Noted blues scholar Paul Oliver draws on decades of research and personal interviews with performers--some of whom he "discovered" and recorded for the first time--to draw a picture of how the blues aesthetic developed giving new insights into the role blues played in American society before racial integration. The book begins by outlining the history of the blues from African music through country stomps ragtime songs and field hollers. From the heroic figures of black folksong--including the steel-driving railroad worker John Henry and the destructive Boll Weevil--to the content of the emerging blues the author discusses the "meaning" behind the often coded words of the blues evoking topics such as playful sexuality magic and medicine the stresses of segregation and commentary on national events. Finally the author traces the history of blues documentation showing how our views of the early blues have been shaped through a complex interplay of social forces and indicating possible lines for future research. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203958353

Broadening and Deepening DemocracyPolitical Innovation in Karnataka This book examines certain changes in the political make-up of Karnataka between the early 1970s and the late 1980s which in turn led to the birth of a unique democracy in the state. In a departure from most studies on political science and political history which pay little or no attention to the role of politicians and focus only on technocratic blueprints administrative processes and incentive systems this volume takes into account the role politicians play in shaping the character of their governments public policy and state–society relations. It studies the political transformation of Karnataka by focusing heavily on three chief ministers of the state who played an important role in making politics in Karnataka more accommodative enlightened and hence more democratic. This volume is a detailed insider’s account of the political processes in Karnataka enriched with interviews and surveys which seek to locate this work in the social science literature in Karnataka’s recent history and in comparative context alongside other Indian states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138384224

Broadening HorizonsInternational Exchanges in Social Work While the remit of social work professionals is in general locality-based social work has a long tradition of concern about international issues. Broadening Horizons provides an engaging and original contribution to the debate on how to tackle social work problems on a global scale. Filling both a theoretical and a practice gap in the literature the book discusses the experiences of academics practitioners and students involved in international exchanges in social work. It draws on a major EU-Canadian exchange project as well as separate projects in countries including South Africa the USA China and Australia. The contributors highlight the opportunities and barriers that shaped their experience and give guidance on how to deal with both the practicalities and aspirations of living and working across borders. This book will thus be invaluable both to readers interested in the meaning and realities of international social work and to those hoping to embark on an exchange programme themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367604554

Broadening Our Knowledge on Cluster Evolution Although clusters are regarded as important elements in economic development the strong focus in the literature on the way clusters function is contrasted with a disregard for their evolutionary development: how clusters actually become clusters how and why they decline and how they shift into new fields and transform over time. Although recently new cluster life cycle approaches emerged both empirical evidence and theoretical contributions on this topic are still limited. This book therefore contributes to broadening our knowledge on the life cycle and evolution of clusters both empirically and theoretically. It contains chapters on inter-firm relations as drivers of cluster transformation as well as chapters on the heterogeneity of firms and firm capabilities during cluster evolution and on the role of institutions in stimulating the emergence and growth of clusters. Case-studies stem from different industries and technologies such as biogas film and television new media and medical technologies and from different countries such as Sweden Austria Switzerland and South Korea. All chapters underline that cluster evolution does not only depend on internal dynamics but that external relations are an integral part of cluster dynamics. This book was previously published as a special issue of European Planning Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138391932

Broadening the Base of Addiction Mutual Support GroupsBringing Theory and Science to Contemporary Trends Mutual-help groups have proliferated diversified and adapted to emerging substance-related trends over the past 75 years and have been the focus of rigorous research for the past 30 years. This book reviews the history of mutual support groups for addiction that have arisen as adjuncts or alternatives to Twelve Step Programs including secular mutual support groups like Secular Organization for Sobriety Smart Recovery and Women for Sobriety and faith-based mutual support groups like Celebrate Recovery. It also considers the mutual support groups attended by families and friends of addicts. These mutual support groups are examined in terms of their histories theoretical underpinnings and intended communities. The structures common in mutual support groups have influenced the rise of a new recovery advocacy movement and new recovery community institutions such as recovery ministries recovery community centers sober cafes sober sports clubs and recovery-focused projects in music theatre and the arts. This volume explores how collectively these trends reflect the cultural and political awakening of people in recovery and growing recognition and celebration of multiple pathways of long-term addiction recovery. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415836821

Broadening the Contours in the Study of Black PoliticsCitizenship and Popular Culture Broadening the Contours in the Study of Black Politics volume 17 of the National Political Science Review (NPSR) is divided thematically into two books available separately or as a set. The first concentrates on the institutional aspects of Black politics. The second book addresses various dimensions of social capital that constitute the fundamental building blocks of Black politics. Each contains peer-reviewed articles a symposium section and book reviews as well as other featured sections.Together these books build on the previous NPSR volume Black Women in Politics. The symposium in Volume 17:1 examines the struggle of Black women both in the political science discipline and in getting their work published. In the symposium section of Volume 17:2 members of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists carry on a revealing conversation about the dilemmas of professional life for Black women in political science.The set also contains a section called "Trends " which offers data to use as starting points for discussions in teaching on professional panels or in the mass media regarding the new versions of the Voting Rights Act after the Shelby County v. Holder decision of 2013. Both volumes 17:1 and 17:2 contain rigorously vetted articles on significant themes in the study of Black politics. This set represents the most recent offering in the distinguished National Political Science Review series. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412862417

Broadening the Contours in the Study of Black PoliticsPolitical Development and Black Women Broadening the Contours in the Study of Black Politics volume 17 of the National Political Science Review (NPSR) is divided thematically into two books available separately or as a set. The first concentrates on the institutional aspects of Black politics. The second book addresses various dimensions of social capital that constitute the fundamental building blocks of Black politics. Each contains peer-reviewed articles a symposium section and book reviews as well as other featured sections.Together these books build on the previous NPSR volume Black Women in Politics. The symposium in Volume 17:1 examines the struggle of Black women both in the political science discipline and in getting their work published. In the symposium section of Volume 17:2 members of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists carry on a revealing conversation about the dilemmas of professional life for Black women in political science.The set also contains a section called "Trends " which offers data to use as starting points for discussions in teaching on professional panels or in the mass media regarding the new versions of the Voting Rights Act after the Shelby County v. Holder decision of 2013. Both volumes 17:1 and 17:2 contain rigorously vetted articles on significant themes in the study of Black politics. This set represents the most recent offering in the distinguished National Political Science Review series. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412862400

Broadening the Debate on EU–Africa RelationsTowards Reciprocal Approaches Broadening the Debate on EU–Africa Relations is designed to expand the scope of our understanding of the multi-layered relationship between the European Union and African political actors in order to shape both the academic and policy level discourse. The focus on chapters highlighting an African perspective offers an opportunity to redress an imbalance in scholarship and also represents an effort to reinvigorate the EU-Africa discourse. The contributors scrutinise hitherto underexplored areas from agricultural cooperation to sanctions to scientific collaboration as new insights linger in the less visible margins of the relationship. Jointly they push in the same direction to broaden the debate on how subjects are approached in a field of study that has one-sidedly focus on the intended actions of the EU. To that end three dimensions represent the common thread of the book: how to recalibrate African and European perspectives how to proceed on an assumption of mutual influence rather than unidirectionality and how to highlight the intertwined nature of the different drivers of the relationship. Recalibrating African and European perspectives by focusing on elements of reciprocity within the broad array of interregional interactions Broadening the Debate on EU–Africa Relations will be of great interest to scholars of African Studies African IR and the EU. The chapters were originally published as a special issue of the South African Journal of International Affairs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367444273

Broadening the Horizons of Chinese HistoryDiscourses Syntheses and Comparisons Gathered here are research papers speeches and lecture notes a multifaceted survey of Chinese history embracing a wide range of subjects from historical antecedents relevant Western experience and recent revelations to locus classicus and statistics. All lead to Huang's grand synthesis: That the one-and-a-half-century-long Chinese revolution is nearing fulfillment as Chinese civilization merges with Western history. While not everyone will agree with Ray Huang no one who is seriously concerned with these issues can afford to ignore the provocative and erudite challenge of his vision. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706047

Broader Implications Of Ericksonian Therapy First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315803739

Broad's Critical Essays in Moral Philosophy (Routledge Revivals) The ideas of C. D. Broad have affected the work of moral philosophers throughout the twentieth century to the present day. First published in 1971 this edited volume contains Broad’s best essays on the philosophical problems of Ethics mostly written and published between 1914 and 1964. Among the essays are Broad’s important critiques of G. E. Moore’s ethical theory his lecture entitled ‘Determinism Indeterminism and Libertarianism’ and other pieces discussing topics as broad as Conscience Egoism and Free Will. This reissue serves as an important companion to Broad’s other works a number of which have also been reissued within the Routledge Library Editions series and will be invaluable to students interested in Broad’s theories and twentieth-century philosophical thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415714679

Broadway and EconomicsEconomic Lessons from Show Tunes Economics has often been described as "the dismal science " with TV and movies reinforcing this description. However economics is a powerful tool that can be used to understand how the world works helping to answer confusing puzzles and solve the world’s problems. Surprisingly Broadway musicals are an excellent way to show this. Musicals tell engaging stories through song and many are rich with economic concepts. This book analyzes 161 songs from 90 musicals to explore what they can teach us about supply and demand monetary policy and numerous other core economic concepts. While some songs have an obvious connection to economics other connections may seem less apparent. When you hear "Let it Go" from Frozen does your mind think about a firm’s production decisions? After reading this book it will. Whether showing how Hamilton can illustrate concepts of central banking or how "Stars" from Les Miserables provides a perfect example of inelastic demand the author presents complicated topics in an understandable and entertaining way. Featuring classic songs from some of the most popular shows ever produced along with some hidden gems Broadway and Economics will be of interest to anybody studying an introductory economics course as well as theatre aficionados. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138051232

Broadway Babies Say GoodnightMusicals Then and Now The glorious tradition of the Broadway musical from Irving Berlin to Jerome Kern and Rodgers and Hammerstein to Stephen Sondheim. And then . . . Cats and Les Miz. Mark Steyn's Broadway Babies Say Goodnight is a sharp-eyed view of the whole span of Broadway musical history seven decades of brilliant achievements the best of which are among the finest works American artists have made. Show Boat Oklahoma! Carousel Gypsy and more. In an energetic blend of musical history analysis and backstage chat Mark Steyn shows us the genius behind the 'simple' musical and asks hard questions about the British invasion of Broadway and the future of the form. In this delicious book he gives us geniuses and monsters hits and atomic bombs and the wonderful stories that prove show business is a business which -- as the song goes --there's no business like. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315022826

Broadway Theatre Beginning with a reassessment of the 1920s and 30s this text looks beyond a consideration of just the most successful Spanish playwrights of the time and discusses also the work of directors theorists actors and designers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138473263

BroadwayAn Encyclopedia This volume is another example in the Routledge tradition of producing high-quality reference works on theater music and the arts. An A to Z encyclopedia of Broadway this volume includes tons of information including producers writer composers lyricists set designers theaters performers and landmarks in its sweep. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203644355

Broken Bodies Healing HeartsReflections of a Hospital Chaplain Witness the wonder of divine power when faith in God overcomes human frailty!Broken Bodies Healing Hearts: Reflections of a Hospital Chaplain provides chaplains doctors nurses psychologists and counselors with insight into the experiences of individual hospital patients. You'll learn of the suffering that they endure and what patients and caretakers can learn about themselves and God through their ordeals. This is a wonderful collection of descriptive personal and heartfelt essays each derived from a visit with a particular patient. These episodes demonstrate the wonder of divine strength manifested in human frailty. You'll see the spiritual aspects of both significant and common events inspiring you to contemplate and appreciate all of your life experiences. Broken Bodies Healing Hearts will help you unravel daily questions and problems and encourage you to seek God's eminent presence in all of your experiences.This intriguing collection demonstrates what it means to be human and what it means to be made in God's likeness. You will explore the heartwrenching struggles of unique individuals such as:Jimmy Meyer a three-year-old toddler with a terminal brain tumor who takes each day for whatever it could offer him. His simple trust teaches us all to grow in our faith and seek the child within ourselves Mr. Nelson who after suffering a heart attack and facing the possibility of death recounts how the experience served to turn his life from one of anger and resentment to one of peace and freedom reminding us all of the healing power of grace when we are willing to receive it Martha Claxton a fifty-eight-year-old woman battling leukemia. In finally letting go she experiences God's eternal security inviting each of us to surrender our lives to the One who knows our every need Ms. May a thirty-eight-year-old with Down's Syndrome who touches all those whom she comes in contact with. Her ability to live fully in the present moment reminds us that whatever is happening now is worth our undivided attentionEnlightening and moving Broken Bodies Healing Hearts reveals the presence of God in the lives of patients chaplains and all those who care for others. You will discover the connection between human vulnerability and spiritual growth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809380

Broken BondsYugoslavia's Disintegration And Balkan Politics In Transition Second Edition Struggling against high odds Yugoslavia managed to survive from its inception in 1918 until the early 1990s. But now tragic ethnic and regional conflicts have irrevocably fragmented the country. In his timely book Lenard Cohen explores the original conception and motives underlying the ?Yugoslav idea ? looking at the state's major problems achievements and failures during its short and troubled history.Cohen answers a broad range of questions concerning contemporary Yugoslavia: How did the state plunge from its position as a positive model to an essentially negative case of socialist reform? What measures for recovery were proposed by the country's ethnically and regionally segmented one-party elite? What were the reasons for the eventual abandonment of reform socialism the elimination of the single party's monopoly and the rapid delegitimation of the country's federal political institutions? What programs have been offered by the noncommunist and ?born again? communist leaders elected to power during the revival of multiparty pluralism in 1990? How did their efforts to achieve regional and ethnic sovereignty place the country in such a precarious and ultimately fatal position?The concluding chapters of the book offer an analysis of the causes and horrifying consequences of the military conflict and civil war from 1991 to 1994 including a discussion of the impotent efforts at peacekeeping the dynamics of the complex and savage struggle in Bosnia-Hercegovina and an examination of the problems faced by Yugoslavia's successor states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096007

Broken BoundsContemporary Reflections on the Antisocial Tendency In 2009-2010 The Squiggle Foundation whose aim is to stimulate interest in the work of Donald Winnicott organized a series of lectures on the theme of "the antisocial tendency". These lectures are offered here to the wider public much as they were originally given. The speakers each one an established figure in child care policy or in the residential and therapeutic management of disaffected youngsters reflect on society's changing attitudes towards antisocial behaviour and its manifestations over the past half century. They consider how altered childrearing practices the greater incidence of family break-up and the increasing part played by central government in the determination of child care policies have contributed to a shift towards the more punitive attitudes towards "wayward youth" prevalent today. Brief pointed and accessible these lectures address topics of contemporary social concern by identifying some of the underlying questions to be asked regarding the child the family and society in a mass-communication and mass-organized environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490373

Broken Contract?Changing Relationships Between Americans And Their Government In 1992 it was Bill Clinton's New Covenant. In 1994 it was the Republicans' Contract with America. In 1996 it is likely to be a whole new set of circumstances. Nonetheless one theme will prevail: Citizens and their government distrust one another and it will take major changes on both sides to restore confidence in the relationship.Broken Cont Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314705

Broken EnglishDialects and the Politics of Language in Renaissance Writings The English language in the Renaissance was in many ways a collection of competing Englishes. Paula Blank investigates the representation of alternative vernaculars - the dialects of early modern English - in both linguistic and literary works of the period. Blank argues that Renaissance authors such as Spenser Shakespeare and Jonson helped to construct the idea of a national language variously known as 'true' English or 'pure' English or the 'King's English' by distinguishing its dialects - and sometimes by creating those dialects themselves. Broken English reveals how the Renaissance 'invention' of dialect forged modern alliances of language and cultural authority. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of Renaissance studies and Renaissance English literature. It will also make fascinating reading for anyone with an interest in the history of English language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415756846

Broken GroundJohn F Kennedy and the Politics of Education Throughout United States history and particularly from the 1930s through the 1960s education was a sensitive political issue which preoccupied Congresses Presidents and interest groups. By the time of John F Kennedy’s Presidency federal aid to education was all but inevitable but the disproportionate influence of federal aid adversaries on the House Rule Committee would permit the Kennedy Administration no margin of error. There remained in this subject an abundance of complications and contradictions. This volume addresses the central questions of Kennedy versus Congress and Kennedy versus Kennedy using a wide range of sources to give a comprehensive focus to this area of political education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753494

Broken Images Broken SelvesDissociative Narratives In Clinical Practice First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883789

Broken MirrorsRepresentations of Apocalypses and Dystopias in Popular Culture Dystopian stories and visions of the Apocalypse are nothing new; however in recent years there has been a noticeable surge in the output of this type of theme in literature art comic books/graphic novels video games TV shows etc. The reasons for this are not exactly clear; it may partly be as a result of post 9/11 anxieties the increasing incidence of extreme weather and/or environmental anomalies chaotic fluctuations in the economy and the uncertain and shifting political landscape in the west in general. Investigating this highly topical and pervasive theme from interdisciplinary perspectives this volume presents various angles on the main topic through critical analyses of selected works of fiction film TV shows video games and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367235918

Broken PromisesHow the AIDS Establishment has Betrayed the Developing World Ideological blinders have led to millions of preventable AIDS deaths in Africa. Dr. Edward C. Green former director of the Harvard AIDS Prevention Project describes how Western AIDS “experts” stubbornly pursued ineffective remedies and sabotaged the most successful AIDS prevention program on that ravaged continent. Drawing on 30 years of conducting research in Africa Southeast Asia and other parts of the world in international health Green offers a set of evidence-based and experience-rich solutions to the AIDS crisis. He calls for new emphasis on promoting sexual fidelity the only strategy shown by research to work. Controversial but important findings for health researchers international development specialists and policy makers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611321128

Broken SpiritsThe Treatment of Traumatized Asylum Seekers Refugees and War and Torture Victims Mental health problems among asylum seekers and refugees are becoming a public issue but awareness of this problem among the mental health community is relatively low. Although advances have been made in the provision of innovative mental health services for asylum seekers and refuges with PTSD they are not systemized and not widely known to professionals in the field. A publication offering practical guidelines for the treatment of torture victims and political refugees does not exist. Broken Spirits aims to bring together the works of the most respected mental health professionals - from the U.S. and abroad - and make available the most current knowledge on complex PTSD forced migration and cultural sensitivity in diagnosis and treatment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987975

Brokering Circular Labour MigrationA Mobile Ethnography of Migrant Care Workers’ Journey to Switzerland This book examines the commercialisation of domestic and care work through private agencies that organise transnational care arrangements by brokering migrant workers. The book focuses on the emergence of private for-profit home care agencies following the 2011 extension of the Free Movement of Workers to Eastern European Countries agreement in Switzerland. The agencies recruit migrant women from these countries and place them in private households for elderly care. This book explores how circular labour migration for these care workers is facilitated. In the form of a mobile ethnography it traces their journey from Eastern European countries to Switzerland – from when care workers find employment and are recruited by agencies to when they arrive at their designated households. From the agencies’ analytical standpoint the book examines the recruitment and placement practices of the home care agencies and their role in facilitating migration. Brokering Labour Migration offers an understanding of new migration patterns and highlights fundamental changes in migration control with the extension of free movement of workers in Switzerland to lower-wage countries in Eastern Europe. It will be an invaluable resource for academics and scholars of geography anthropology sociology and gender and migration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140571

Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West AfricaAbroad at any cost Do young West Africans want to go abroad at any cost because they receive too little or erroneous information? Why do they and their families risk large sums of money with migration brokers? How do the risks of illegality and deportation change migration aspirations in West Africa? This book places trafficking and smuggling within a wider framework of high-risk migration and proposes a novel interpretation of how people manage unwanted and uncertain migration outcomes. Drawing on in-depth ethnographic research with aspiring and failed migrants their families migration brokers and consulate offices in anglophone Cameroon the author analyses high-risk migration from the vantage point of people in a place of departure. Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa: Abroad at Any Cost develops a critical socio-legal approach to the governance of migration that sees the state without ‘seeing like the state’. The state’s monopoly over legitimate means of mobility is continuously in the making â€“ frequently through accusations of fraud and criminality. By revealing how authority legality and legitimacy operate in a country of origin the analysis contributes original insights into processes that create the conditions for illegality and migrant exploitation. The book will appeal to those in the fields of migration and development African studies gender anthropology sociology criminology and law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367229818

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Addressing the dramatic number of children diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in recent years Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia provides pulmonologists critical care specialists and pediatricians with up-to-date diagnostic and treatment techniques and therapies to effectively manage all BPD cases.Key benefits include: groundbreaking research-covers the latest discoveries in BPD genetics epidemiology and pathogenesis as well as current-and sometimes controversial-therapies to help clinicians properly detect the disease and choose the best treatment plan expert editorship-Dr. Steven H. Abman Director of the Pediatric Heart Lung Center and a team of 49 highly experienced and respected contributors provide authoritative advice physicians can rely on timely stand-alone resource-this one-stop convenient guide discusses all of the current critical information clinicians need to manage the increase in diagnosed children well-organized content-four clear and highly structured sections give busy physicians quick access to the key diagnostic and therapeutic intricacies of BDP Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138115040

Bronze Age EconomicsThe First Political Economies This integrated collection of new and newly revised essays by archaeologist Timothy Earle represents both a personal journey and a growing synthesis of how political economies emerged in human societies. Drawing in detail on the cases of chiefdoms in Hawaii the Andes and Denmark Bronze Age Economics documents how intensification of econ Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314712

Bronze Age WorldsA Social Prehistory of Britain and Ireland Bronze Age Worlds brings a new way of thinking about kinship to the task of explaining the formation of social life in Bronze Age Britain and Ireland. Britain and Ireland’s diverse landscapes and societies experienced varied and profound transformations during the twenty-fifth to eighth centuries BC. People’s lives were shaped by migrations changing beliefs about death making and thinking with metals and living in houses and field systems. This book offers accounts of how these processes emerged from social life from events places and landscapes informed by a novel theory of kinship. Kinship was a rich and inventive sphere of culture that incorporated biological relations but was not determined by them. Kinship formed personhood and collective belonging and associated people with nonhuman beings things and places. The differences in kinship and kinwork across Ireland and Britain brought textures to social life and the formation of Bronze Age worlds. Bronze Age Worlds offers new perspectives to archaeologists and anthropologists interested in the place of kinship in Bronze Age societies and cultural development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138037885

Bronze by GoldThe Music of Joyce First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965133

Broodstock Management and Fish Seed Production The book entitled “Broodstock Management and Fish Seed Production” provides information relating to commercially cultivable fresh water fishes broodstock management fish seed production technology fish seed quality management including induced breeding with neat illustration. Increasing the aquaculture production can be achieved through the supply of quality fish seed. This book will be immensely helpful to farmers hatchery managers entrepreneurs and fisheries graduates pursuing research in the area of freshwater broodstock management and sustainable development of freshwater aquaculture in the country. Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367629717

BrooklineThe Evolution of an American Jewish Suburb First published in 1990 Brookline: The Evolution of an American Jewish Suburb explores how Brookline became home to one of America’s most vibrant Jewish communities. For over a century Brookline Massachusetts was one of the oldest and most elite suburbs in America. By the end of the Second World War its transformation into a distinctly Jewish suburb had begun. Through the use of sociological oral history the book seeks to present the social world of Brookline Jews as they experienced it. Combined with a variety of documentary resources such as newspapers and congregational "bulletins" it contextualises the accounts of the informants consulted to provide both factual and ethnographic validation and a detailed insight into the process by which this elite Yankee suburb became a core Jewish community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367513924

Brother AnimalThe Story of Freud and Tausk A major figure among pre-World War I psychoanalysts Victor Tausk was perhaps Sigmund Freud's most brilliant pupil "the most prominently out-standing" in the opinion of Lou Andreas-Salome. Tausk craved recognition for the originality of his work and a fierce rivalry developed between pupil and mentor. Tausk who felt a deep and neurotic dependence on Freud was totally consumed in the struggle. Freud's final rejection of his follower and the particularly unfortunate manner in which it was carried out was followed by Tausk's bizarre suicide and by an official silence that has all but obliterated his name from the annals of psychoanalysis.Arthur Koestler called Brother Animal "A very important and original contribution to the history of the psychoanalytic movement and beyond that to the history of ideas " and Maxwell Geismar said it was "the best treatment of Freud and that remarkable group of his original disciples that 1 have read. It reads as if Mr. Roazen was right there at the time inside the inner circle." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519831

Brother Fabian's ManuscriptAnd Other Poems Originally published in 1984 Brother Fabian's Manuscript and Other Poems includes Brother Fabian's Manuscript and thirty-four additional poems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367111113

Brother Number OneA Political Biography Of Pol Pot In the tragic recent history of Cambodia?a past scarred by a long occupation by Vietnamese forces and by the preceding three-year reign of terror by the brutal Khmer Rouge?no figure looms larger or more ominously than that of Pol Pot. As secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) since 1962 and as prime minister of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314729

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car PortersC. L. Dellums and the Fight for Fair Treatment and Civil Rights The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters created a sea of change in labour and race relations in the US. For the first time in US history a black labour union played a central role in shaping labor and civil rights policy. Based on interviews and archival research this new book tells the story of the union and its charismatic leader C.L. Dellums starting from the BSCP's origins as the first national union of black workers in 1925. In 1937 the BSCP made history when it compelled one of the largest US corporations - the Pullman Company - to recognize and negotiate a contract with a black workers' union. C. L. Dellums was a leading civil rights activist as well as a labor leader. In 1948 he was chosen to be the first West Coast Regional Director of the NAACP. This book is an inspiring testament to both him and the unions transformative impact on US society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612055497

Brotherhood of the SeaA History of the Sailors' Union of the Pacific 1885-1985 In 1934 the Pacific Coast was shaken by a massive strike of waterfront workers- on the docks and the ships. In this mighty struggle the Sailor’s Union of the Pacific quiescent since it’s defeat in the period after the first World War was reborn. Fighting on San Francisco’s Embarcadero led to the stationing of National Guard troops on the ‘front’. This book looks at the Union from 1885 to 1985. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507791

BrothersThe Politics of Violence among the Sekani of Northern British Columbia A provocative analysis of a nativist movement.The creation of a huge artificial lake in western Canada led to the flooding of prime hunting and trapping territory of the Sekani Indians thus depriving them of their traditional occupations and livelihood. This caused considerable social distress resulting in a drastic increase of alcohol consumption and violence and seriously disrupting social relationships. Some Sekani made efforts to create new ties of solidarity through the adoption of Pan-Indianism however this ideology did not prove effective. The author concludes that their lack of unity stemmed from the same factionalism which characterized their personal relationships. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135142

Brown Eyed Handsome ManThe Life and Hard Times of Chuck Berry Brown Eyed Handsome Man: The Life and Hard Times of Chuck Berry draws on dozens of interviews done by the author himself and voluminous public records to paint a complete picture of this complicated figure. This biography uncovers the real Berry and provides us with a stirring unvarnished portrait of both the man and the artist. Berry has long been one of pop music's most enigmatic personalities. Growing up in a middle-class black neighborhood in St. Louis his first major hit song "Maybellene " was an adaptation of a white country song wedded to a black-influenced beat. Thereafter came a string of brilliant songs celebrating teenage life in the '50s including "School Day " "Johnny B. Goode " and "Sweet Little Sixteen." Berry's career rise was meteoric; but his fall came equally quickly when his relations with an underage girl led to his conviction. It was not his first (nor his last) run in with the law. He scored his biggest hit in the early '70s with the comical (and some would say decidedly lightweight) song "My Ding-a-Ling." The following decades brought hundreds of nights of tours with little attention from the recording industry. Bruce Pegg offers the definitive though not always pretty portrait of one of the greatest stars of rock and roll a story that will appeal to all fans of American popular music. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203953174

Brown GoldMilestones of African American Children's Picture Books 1845-2002 Brown Gold is a compelling history and analysis of African-American children's picturebooks from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. At the turn of the nineteenth century good children's books about black life were hard to find — if indeed young black readers and their parents could even gain entry into the bookstores and libraries. But today in the "Golden Age" of African-American children's picturebooks one can find a wealth of titles ranging from Happy to be Nappy to Black is Brown is Tan. In this book Michelle Martin explores how the genre has evolved from problematic early works such as Epaminondas that were rooted in minstrelsy and stereotype through the civil rights movement and onward to contemporary celebrations of blackness. She demonstrates the cultural importance of contemporary favorites through keen historical analysis — scrutinizing the longevity and proliferation of the Coontown series and Ten Little Niggers books for example — that makes clear how few picturebooks existed in which black children could see themselves and their people positively represented even up until the 1960s. Martin also explores how children's authors and illustrators have addressed major issues in black life and history including racism the civil rights movement black feminism major historical figures religion and slavery. Brown Gold adds new depth to the reader's understanding of African-American literature and culture and illuminates how the round dynamic characters in these children's novels novellas and picturebooks can put a face on the past a face with which many contemporary readers can identify. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646277

Browning First published in 1972. Browning was a keen observer and dramatic recorder of nineteenth-century European culture; his poetry reflects a wide range of intellectual religious and artistic issues of his day. Roy E. Gridley shows here that during the six decades of Browning’s active writing career (1832-89) his poetry is a record and an interpretation of the changing modes of thought feeling and expression of nineteenth-century life. Browning was a ‘romantic’ who by virtue of his realistic and often revolutionary poetry became a ‘modern’ and had considerable influence on writers such as Yeats Eliot and Pound. While surveying the whole of Browning’s life and work Gridley focuses closely on the more famous poems examining them as documents that give the general reader a deeper appreciation of the richness and diversity of life in Victorian Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138670952

Browning Victorian Poetics and the Romantic LegacyChallenging the Personal Voice Taking an original approach to Robert Browning's poetics Britta Martens focuses on a corpus of relatively neglected poems in Browning's own voice in which he reflects on his poetry his self-conceptualization and his place in the poetic tradition. She analyzes his work in relation to Romanticism Victorian reactions to the Romantic legacy and wider nineteenth-century changes in poetic taste to argue that in these poems as in his more frequently studied dramatic monologues Browning deploys varied dramatic methods of self-representation often critically and ironically exposing the biases and limitations of the seemingly authoritative speaker 'Browning'. The poems thus become devices for Browning's detached evaluation of his own and of others' poetics an evaluation never fully explicit but presented with elusive economy for the astute reader to interpret. The confrontation between the personal authorial voice and the dramatic voice in these poems provides revealing insights into the poet's highly self-conscious conflicted and sustained engagement with the Romantic tradition and the diversely challenging reader expectations that he faces in a post-Romantic age. As the Victorian most rigorous in his rejection of Romantic self-expression Browning is a key transitional figure between the sharply antagonistic periods of Romanticism and Modernism. He is also as Martens persuasively demonstrates a poet of complex contradictions and an illuminating case study for addressing the perennial issues of voice authorial authority and self-reference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255586

Browning Studies (Routledge Revivals)Being Select Papers by Members of the Browning Society This title first published in 1909 presents a selection of the most important essays by members of the renowned Browning Society which existed to promulgate the works of and appreciation for perhaps the greatest English poet of the Victorian Age. Browning’s poetry deals with themes that are of perennial importance: the nature of the human person human love and the source of the love God. Browning Studies will appeal to Browning enthusiasts and the message his writing communicates: "A profound passionate living triumphant faith in Christ and in the immortality and ultimate redemption of every human soul in and through Christ." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138024885

Brown's Skin and Minor SurgeryA Text & Colour Atlas Fifth Edition This authoritative highly illustrated text and color atlas provides a systematic guide to commonly performed minor surgical and dermatology procedures. Accompanied by video clips this critical resource on skin and minor surgery is designed for all trainees and practitioners including experienced surgeons dermatologists family doctors nurses and the supporting healthcare team.Divided into four main color-coded sections the book covers essential background information including postoperative management and aftercare the key knowledge required for diagnosis and management and the skills necessary to perform procedures step by step.Comprehensive coverage—Learn to perform a whole range of procedures from small skin surgical procedures to vasectomyStep-by-step techniques—See how to perform each technique with numerous color illustrations animations and video clipsPractical advice boxes tables warnings and indications of difficulty level—Achieve success and avoid common pitfallsAuthoritative yet contemporary—Gain wisdom from this long-established trusted book brought completely up to date by today’s practitioners Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367576059

Browsers Devices and FontsA Designer's Guide to Fonts and How They Function on the Web Part technical and part theoretical this practical guide to web typography helps designers understand how the typographic choices they make in layout and prototyping programs behave once they are turned into live code. Through a series of demos this book teaches designers how to create typographic specific webpages by learning just enough HTML and CSS to be able to view the pages in different browsers devices and operating systems. With live webpages to evaluate designers will learn how to test those pages for supported features and performance ensuring font choices look as good in the browser as it does in their layout program delivering a speedy experience to the users.   Key Features Demonstrates the minimal amount of HTML and CSS necessary to be able to create webpages to see typographic choices in the browser.   Discusses responsive design and how to evaluate and test those choices for performance and usability prior to front-end development.   Demonstrates how to review your own typographic image and layout choices in the browser through a series of demos in the book. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138612310

Browse's Introduction Set This set contains the latest edition of the world-renowned Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease together with its companion Browse's Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease. It provides complete coverage of the surgical curriculum at the undergraduate level and is also an ideal companion for candidates in preparation for MRCS and equivalent postgraduate examinations. Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease Written for medical students and junior doctors the fifth edition of this essential textbook has been fully revised and updated including additional illustrations and photographs. The text teaches the clinical symptoms and signs of surgical disease stressing the importance of a thorough history and bedside examination. Presenting the symptoms and signs in a formalized systematic manner it describes in detail the techniques of clinical examination enabling students to elicit key symptoms and make sound clinical decisions. Browse's Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease This volume provides clear insight into how the pathological features and extent of disease dictate necessary diagnostic investigations and treatment. The content is highly structured with each chapter divided into three sections: Relevant Pathology provides a brief description of the important pathological features of the disease relevant to the clinical diagnosis investigations and treatment Investigations covers significant clinical findings including radiological biochemical haematological immunological pathological and genetic Treatment reviews all aspects of management Other key features include more than 300 high-quality clinical photographs and 60 color line drawings to enhance textual explanations as well as learning and review boxes to aid understanding and provide a tool for self-assessment. The book is essential reading for all medical students undertaking a surgical rotation or preparing for their surgical exams. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482242607

Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease Written for medical students and junior doctors the fifth edition of this essential textbook has been fully revised and updated including additional illustrations and photographs. The text teaches the clinical symptoms and signs of surgical disease stressing the importance of a thorough history and bedside examination. By presenting the symptoms and signs in a formalised systematic manner and by describing in detail the techniques of clinical examination this text enables students to elicit key symptoms and make sound clinical decisions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444146035

Bruce Montgomery/Edmund Crispin: A Life in Music and Books Under his real name Bruce Montgomery (1921-1978) wrote concert music and the scores for almost 50 feature films including some of the most enduring British comedies of the twentieth century amongst them a number in the series started by Doctor in the House and the first six Carry On films. Under the pseudonym of Edmund Crispin he enjoyed equal success as an author writing nine highly acclaimed detective novels and a number of short crime stories as well as compiling anthologies of science fiction which helped to increase the profile of the genre. A close friend of both Philip Larkin and Kingsley Amis Montgomery did much to encourage their work. In this first biography of Montgomery David Whittle draws on interviews with people who knew the writer and composer. These interviews together with in-depth research provide great insight into the development of Montgomery as a crime fiction writer and as a composer in the ever-demanding world of films. During the late 1950s and early '60s these demands were to prove too much for Montgomery. Alcoholism combined with the onset of osteoporosis and a retreat into a semi-reclusive lifestyle resulted in him writing and composing virtually nothing during the last 15 years of his life. David Whittle examines the reasons for Montgomery's early and rapid decline in this thoroughly researched and engagingly written biography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138252226

Bruce Springsteen Cultural Studies and the Runaway American Dream There is little question about the incredible power of Bruce Springsteen's work as a particularly transformative art as a lyrical and musical fusion that never shies away from sifting through the rubble of human conflict. As Rolling Stone magazine's Parke Puterbaugh observes Springsteen 'is a peerless songwriter and consummate artist whose every painstakingly crafted album serves as an impassioned and literate pulse taking of a generation's fortunes. He is the foremost live performer in the history of rock and roll a self-described prisoner of the music he loves for whom every show is played as if it might be his last.' In recent decades Puterbaugh adds 'Springsteen's music developed a conscience that didn't ignore the darkening of the runaway American Dream as the country greedily blundered its way through the 1980s' and into the sociocultural detritus of a new century paralysed by isolation and uncertainty. Bruce Springsteen Cultural Studies and the Runaway American Dream reflects the significant critical interest in understanding Springsteen's resounding impact upon the ways in which we think and feel about politics religion gender and the pursuit of the American Dream. By assembling a host of essays that engage in interdisciplinary commentary regarding one of Western culture's most enduring artistic and socially radicalizing phenomena this book offers a cohesive intellectual and often entertaining introduction to the many ways in which Springsteen continues to impact our lives by challenging our minds through his lyrics and music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409404972

Bruce Springsteen and Popular MusicRhetoric Social Consciousness and Contemporary Culture This interdisciplinary volume enters the scholarly conversation about Bruce Springsteen at the moment when he has reinforced his status of global superstar and achieved the status of social critic. Covering musical and cultural developments chapters primarily consider work Springsteen has released since 9/11—that is released during a period of continued global unrest economic upheaval and social change—under the headings Politics Fear and Society; Gender and Sexual Identity; and Toward a Rhetoric of Springsteen. The collection engages Springsteen and popular music as his contemporary work is just beginning to be understood in terms of its impact on popular culture and music applying new areas of inquiry to Springsteen and putting Springsteen fan writing within the same binding as academic writing to show how together they create a more nuanced understanding of an artist. Established and emerging Springsteen scholars approach work from disciplines including rhetoric and composition historical musicology labor studies American history literature communications sociology theology and government. Offering context critique and expansive understanding of Springsteen and his work this book contributes to Springsteen scholarship and the study of popular music by showing Springsteen’s broadening academic appeal as well as his escalating legacy on new musicians social consciousness and contemporary culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367231866

Bruce SpringsteenTwo Hearts the Story Bruce Springsteen: Two Hearts is the definitive biography of one of the most important songwriters and performers of the last three decades. Critic Dave Marsh has traced Springsteen's career from its beginning and has earned the singer's respect through his careful documentation and critical description of Springsteen's work. This biography brings together for the first time Marsh's two previous biographies Born To Run (which covered Springsteen's early career through the mid-'70s) and Glory Days (which took him through the mid-'80s). Both were widely praised for their insightful and near definitive coverage of Springsteen's life and music. For this book Marsh has written a new chapter covering major developments in Springsteen's career to today particularly focusing on his album The Rising and its impact on American culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138138810

BrucellosisClinical and Laboratory Aspects Fourteen brucellosis experts from seven countries discuss the history epidemiology microbiology immunology diagnosis treatment and control of brucellosis in animals and man. Edited by members of the World Health Organization's Expert Committee on Brucellosis this text is the first comprehensive treatment of the disease since The Nature of Brucellosis by Wesley W. Spink in 1956. Topics reviewed with current references include infection caused by newer species of Brucella such as B. canis newer diagnostic techniques such as radioimmunoassay and ELISA and newer treatments such as rifampin and the quinolones. The pathogenesis and pathophysiology of brucellosis is reviewed in depth correlating the disease in animals with the illness in humans. This volume is extremely useful for clinicians researchers and students in medicine veterinary science microbiology immunology epidemiology public health and international health. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068518

Bruegel and the Creative Process 1559-1563 The art Bruegel produced between 1559 and 1563 presents a rare opportunity to investigate a concentrated period of productivity by one of the world's greatest artists. In this brief period Bruegel produced some of his most original works-the first pictorial collection of contemporary customs in Carnival and Lent the first painting with children's activities as its subject in Children's Games the first large-scale painting of a proverb collection the unique and enigmatic Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) and the extraordinary Triumph of Death his disturbing vision of men and women fighting off the onslaught of death. In this comprehensive study Margaret A. Sullivan accounts for this burst of creativity its intensity innovation and brevity by taking all aspects of the creative process into consideration-from the technical demands of picture-making to the constraints imposed by the dangerous religious and political situation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138618985

Brunei – History Islam Society and Contemporary Issues Brunei although a relatively small state is disproportionately important on account of its rich resource base. In addition in recent years the country has endeavoured to play a greater role in regional affairs especially through ASEAN holding the chair of the organisation in 2013 and also beyond the region fostering diplomatic political economic and educational ties with many nations. This book presents much new research and new thinking on a wide range of issues concerning Brunei largely drawn from Bruneian academics. Subjects covered include Brunei’s rich history – the sultanate formerly had much more extensive territories and was a key player in regional affairs; the country’s economy politics society and ethnicities; and resource issues and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138477124

Brunelleschi Lacan Le CorbusierArchitecture Space and the Construction of Subjectivity This well-argued analytic text provides a greater understanding of spatial issues in the field of architecture. Re-interpreting the fifteenth century demonstration of perspective Lorens Holm puts it in relation to today’s theories of subjectivity and elaborates for the first time the theoretical link between architecture and psychoanalysis.Divided into three sections Brunelleschi Lacan Le Corbusier argues that perspective remains the primary and most satisfying way of representing form because it is the paradigmatic form of spatial consciousness. Well-illustrated with over 100 images this compelling book is a valuable study of this key aspect of architectural study and practice making it an essential read for architects in their first year or their fiftieth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060833

Brunetto LatiniThe Book of the Treasure - Li Livres dou Treasure First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203054161

Bruno LatourHybrid Thoughts in a Hybrid World French sociologist and philosopher Bruno Latour is one of the most significant and creative thinkers of the last decades. Bruno Latour: Hybrid Thoughts in a Hybrid World is the first comprehensive and accessible English-language introduction to this multi-faceted work. The book focuses on core Latourian themes: • contribution to science studies (STS – Science Technology & Society) • philosophical approach to the rise and fall of modernity • innovative thoughts on politics nature and ecology • contribution to the branch of sociology known as ANT – Actor-Network Theory. With ANT Latour has pioneered an approach to socio-cultural analysis built on the notion that social life arises in complex networks of actants – people things ideas norms technologies and so on – influencing each other in dynamic ways. This book explores how Latour helps us make sense of the changing interrelations of science technology society nature and politics beyond modernity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415642989

Bruno LatourThe Normativity of Networks The first extended study of Bruno Latour’s legal theory this book presents a critical reconstruction of the whole of Latour’s oeuvre to date from Laboratory Life to An Inquiry into the Modes of Existence. Based on the powerful insights into normative effects that actor-network theory makes possible the book advances a new theory of legal normativity and the force of law rethinking Latour’s work on technology the image  and referential scientific inscriptions  among others and placing them within the ambit of legality. The book also captures and deepens the contrast between the modern legal institution and the value of law as a mode of existence and provides a fulsome theoretical account of legal veridiction. Throughout Latour’s thought is put into dialogue with important progenitors and adversaries as well as historical and contemporary strands of legal and political philosophy. But the thread of legality is not confined to Latour's reflections on the making of law; rather it cuts through the whole of his highly diverse body of work. The empire of mononaturalism augured by modern philosophies of science is thoroughly juridical; as such the actor-network theory that promises to undo that empire by freeing the value of the sciences from its epistemological clutches is unthinkable without the device of the trial and the descriptive semiotics of normativity that sustain ANT. The democratization of the sciences and the vibrancy of ecologized politics that become possible once the bifurcation of nature into essential primary and disposable secondary qualities is disabled and once the ‘modern Constitution’ is called into doubt also have important legal dimensions that have gone largely unexamined. Bruno Latour: The Normativity of Networks remedies this and other omissions evaluating Latour’s thought about law while carrying it in striking new directions. This book introduces legal scholars and students to the thought of the philosopher and sociologist Bruno Latour whilst also presenting a critical analysis of his work in and around law. This interdisciplinary study will be of interest to those researching in Law Philosophy and Sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138924574

Bruno Taut’s Design Inspiration for the Glashaus As a formative exemplar of early architectural modernism Bruno Taut’s seminal exhibition pavilion the Glashaus (literally translated Glasshouse) is logically part of the important debate of rethinking the origins of modernism. However the historical record of Bruno Taut’s Glashaus has been primarily established by one art historian and critic. As a result the historical record of the Glashaus is significantly skewed toward a singlular notion of Expressionism and surprisingly excludes Taut’s diverse motives for the design of the building. In an effort to clarify the problematic historical record of the Glashaus this book exposes Bruno Taut’s motives and inspirations for its design. The result is that Taut’s motives can be found in yet unacknowledged precedents like the botanical inspiration of the Victoria regia lily; the commercial interests of Frederick Keppler as the Director of the Deutche Luxfer Prismen Syndikat; and imitation that derived openly from the Gothic. The outcome is a substantial contribution to the re-evaluation of the generally accepted histories of the modern movement in architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138104334

Brushing Teeth This collection of short wordless picture books helps to support children with speech language and communication needs as they develop their expressive sentence and narrative skills through storytelling. Each book is comprised of six colourful images that follow a simple everyday routine such as ‘Brushing Teeth’ ‘Having a Haircut’ and ‘Walking the Dog’. Unlike traditional picture books they follow a film scroll effect showing the progression of time and allowing the child to follow the story to its resolution. Because of their simplicity the books can support children as they move from simple to intermediate sentence levels as well as encouraging them to consider additional elements of language such as cause and effect sequencing and inference. This resource includes: Ten beautifully illustrated picture books each following a simple pattern of routine disruption and resolution An accompanying guidebook including story scripts cue questions and prompts for using the resource to support additional skills Although developed specifically to help children with speech language and communication needs this set is suitable for any child who requires support and practice in developing their speech. It is an invaluable resource for speech and language therapists teaching staff and caregivers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429323492

Brutalism Resurgent Brutalism had its origins in béton brut – concrete in the raw – and thus in the post-war work of Le Corbusier. The British architects Alison and Peter Smithson used the term "New Brutalism" from 1953 claiming that if their house in Soho had been built "it would have been the first exponent of the ‘New Brutalism’ in England". Reyner Banham famously gave the movement a series of characteristics including the clear expression of a building’s structure and services and the honest use of materials in their "as-found" condition. The Smithsons and Banham promoted the New Brutalism as ethic rather than aesthetic privileging truth to structure materials and services and the gritty reality of the working classes over the concerns of the bourgeoisie. But Brutalist architecture changed as it was taken up by others giving rise to more sculptural buildings flaunting their raw materials including off-form concrete often in conjunction with bold structural members. While Brutalism fell out of vogue in the 1980s recent years have seen renewed admiration for it. This volume is consistent with this broader resurgence presenting new scholarship on Brutalist architects and projects from Skopje to Sydney and from Harvard to Haringey. It will appeal to readers interested in twentieth-century architecture and modern and post-war heritage. This book was originally published as a special issue of Fabrications: the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367023850

Brute Science:Dilemmas Animal First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203981122

Brute ScienceDilemmas of Animal Experimentation Brute Science investigates whether biomedical research using animals is in fact scientifically justified. Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks examine the issues in scientific terms using the models that scientists themselves use. They argue that we need to reassess our use of animals and indeed rethink the standard positions in the debate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987982

Bryology for the Twenty-first Century A compilation of state of the art papers on key topics in bryology from invited speakers at the Centenary Symposium University of Glasgow 57 August 1996. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138407251

Bryophyte DevelopmentPhysiology and Biochemistry Published in 1990: With the accumulation of knowledge in the newer areas of investigations and the increasing degree of specialization the most satisfactory way of bringing together authentic information in one volume is to invite the specialists in each area to contribute. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367201630

B-Sides Undercurrents and Overtones: Peripheries to Popular in Music 1960 to the Present There are undercurrents and peripheral taste preferences that are a defining part of our individual and collective cultural experience. Music is no exception. George Plasketes adapts the iconic "A-side/B-side" dichotomy from the 45 r.p.m. for use as a unique conceptual critical historical and cultural framework for exploring and threading together a variety of popular music and media texts. The profiles and perspectives focus on the peripheries; on texts which might be considered "B-sides"”overlooked underappreciated and unsung cases creators patterns and productions that have unassumingly but significantly marked popular culture music and media during the past 40 years. The underappreciated yet enduring contributions of a variety of creative individuals in music television and film are a centerpiece of this volume: actress Doris Day's son Terry Melcher a 1960s music producer whose imprint is on the surf country blues garage pop and most importantly the folk rock genre; Hans Fenger's kid chorus cover project a musical variation of "outsider art" that became representative of the tribute wave that began in the 1990s and continues today; versatile guitarist virtuoso Ry Cooder's extensive film soundtrack work; World Music "missionary efforts" of American artists beyond Paul Simon's Graceland including Neil Diamond's precursor with Tap Root Manuscript in the 1970s and the exotic adventures of Henry Kaiser and David Lindley in Madagascar and Norway”to name just a few examples. These B-sides represent undercurrents but they resonate as overtones in the mainstream of music and culture many as historical hinges. Collectively these B-sides are an A-side antidote of outskirt observations individual snapshots of artists artifacts and rituals genres and generations producers and musical productions in television film and video. They constitute an important connect-the-dots cultural chronicle with a multi-layered context”social legal historic economic technological generational aesthetic”for interpreting the interrelations between creators and institutions the music market place the production of culture and important connections between the peripheral and the popular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257689

BTEC First Engineering A clearly written and easily accessible textbook that encourages independent study covering all the core material required for the BTEC First Certificate and Diploma. Knowledge-check questions and activities are included throughout along with review questions and worked mathematical examples all of which relate to real-world engineering contexts.Students will gain a valuable insight into various areas of engineering technology and related industries providing a potential springboard to further training qualifications or suitable employment. For those students wishing to progress to BTEC National this textbook covers all the vital material required as a prerequisite to NVQ Level 3.New in this edition: Updated in line with the 2010 changes to the BTEC First specifications Includes detailed information on assessment featuring example questions and answers Layout and design changes provide extra clarity Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138429208

BTEC National Engineering All the mandatory units of the 2010 BTEC Level 3 Engineering specification plus selected popular optional units Clear full colour layout and numerous activities worked examples and questions with answers make it easy for students to learn and revise for their exams Content you can trust � written by two lecturers with over 50 years combined experience of designing and delivering engineering qualifications Free student website with interactive quizzes downloads and additional material o support learning The third edition of this bestselling textbook ensures that all the mandatory units of 2010 BTEC Level 3 Engineering specification are fully covered in a way that encourages students to explore engineering for themselves developing the expertise and knowledge required at this level. Key points and definitions highlight the most important concepts and hundreds of activities and worked examples help put theory in context. Questions throughout the text with answers provided allow students to test their knowledge as they go while end of unit review questions are ideal for exam revision and set course work. For lecturers a Tutor Support DVD-ROM is available to help with the delivery of the programme: BTEC National Engineering Tutor Support Material ISBN 978-0-08-096683-0. Units covered: Unit 1 � Health and Safety in the Workplace Unit 2 � Communications for Engineering Technicians Unit 3 � Engineering Project Unit 4 � Mathematics for Engineering technicians Unit 5 � Mechanical Principles and Applications Unit 6 � Electrical and Electronic Principles Unit 7 � Business Operations in Engineering Unit 8 � Engineering Design. A free student website including answers to all activities is available at and features: Interactive quizzes with automatic marking and feedback A free comprehensive 2D CAD packa Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138423107

BTEC National Engineering Tutor Support Material Used alongside the textbook BTEC National Engineering 2nd edition this DVD offers a complete course for the core units of the 2007 BTEC National specification providing all the resources needed by a busy lecturer to deliver interesting and stimulating lessons.Units covered:Unit 1 - Business Systems for TechniciansUnit 2 - Communications for TechniciansUnit 3 - Engineering ProjectUnit 4 - Mathematics for TechniciansUnit 5 - Electrical and Electronic PrinciplesUnit 6 - Mechanical Principles and ApplicationsIn support of these units the DVD offers:* Editable sample schemes of work and lesson plans* Teaching and assessment strategies* Fully worked solutions and sample answers to selected activities from the textbook* Answers to all end of unit review questions from the textbook* Ready-made assignments* Handouts with further exercises and information for students* Electronic files for all illustrations and tables from the book which can be integrated in lecturers' own presentations* Link to the student website with further interactive materialTHIS DVD WILL RUN ON WINDOWS ONLY.Windows 2000 or higher * 1.4 Ghz processor * 128 MB RAM * 4x DVD-ROM drive * VGA Monitor supporting 800x600 at millions of colours Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780080966830

BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Business units BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Business Units has been written specifically to cover the business pathway of the BTEC National specifications. This book caters for one of the most popular pathways in the BTEC National specifications bringing together all the key specialist units for students who have chosen the business route including the core units specific to this pathway that aren't covered in the core unit book. When used alongside its companions for the core units and systems support pathways this series delivers the most accessible and usable student textbooks available for the BTEC National.Units covered: Unit 1 – Exploring Business Activity Unit 4 – IT Project Unit 2 – Investigating Business Resources Unit 34 – E Commerce Unit 3 – Introduction to Marketing Unit 35 – Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems Unit 4 – IT Project Unit 34 – E Commerce Unit 35 – Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems Written by an experienced tutor each unit is illustrated with assessment activities end-of-chapter questions case studies and practical exercises. The result is a clear straightforward textbook that encourages independent study and acts as a reference to various topics within the qualification. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138472006

BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Core units BTEC National for IT Practitioners has been written specifically to cover the compulsory core units and selected specialist units of the BTEC National specifications. This book provides core unit coverage for students following all courses within the new scheme – National Awards National Certificates and National Diplomas. When used alongside its companions for the business and systems support pathways this series delivers the most accessible and usable student textbooks available for the BTEC National. Units covered: Unit 1 – Communication and Employability Skills Unit 8 – Communication Technologies Unit 2 – Computer Systems Unit 15 – Organizational Systems Security Unit 3 – Information Systems Unit 18 – Principles of Software Design and Development Unit 7 – IT Systems Analysis and Design Unit 21 – Website Production and Management Written by an experienced tutor each unit is illustrated with assessment activities end-of-chapter questions case studies and practical exercises. The result is a clear straightforward textbook that encourages independent study and acts as a reference to various topics within the qualification. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138472013

BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Systems units BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Systems Units has been written specifically to cover the systems pathway of the BTEC National specifications. This book caters for one of the most popular pathways in the BTEC National specifications bringing together all the key specialist units for students who have chosen the systems route including the core units specific to this pathway that aren't covered in the core unit book. When used alongside its companions for the core units and business pathways this series delivers the most accessible and usable student textbooks available for the BTEC National. Units covered: Unit 11 – Data Analysis and Design Unit 22 – Network Management Unit 13 – Human Computer Interaction Unit 28 – IT Technical Support Unit 16 – Maintaining Computer Systems Unit 29 – IT Systems Troubleshooting and Repair Written by an experienced tutor each unit is illustrated with assessment activities end-of-chapter questions case studies and practical exercises. The result is a clear straightforward textbook that encourages independent study and acts as a reference to various topics within the qualification. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138471993

BTEC Nationals - IT Practitioners Tutor Resource Pack The complete off-the-shelf resource for delivering the compulsory core units of the new BTEC Nationals.Used alongside the students' text 'BTEC Nationals - IT Practitioners' this pack offers a complete suite of lecturer support material and photocopiable handouts for the compulsory core units of the new BTEC National specifications for National Awards Certificates and Diplomas. The authors provide all the resources needed by a busy lecturer as well as a bank of student-centred practical work and revision material which will enable students to gain the skills knowledge and understanding they require. Officially endorsed by Edexcel the pack is freely photocopiable within the purchasing institution as well as supplied in its entirety on CD Rom and will include: * Worksheets to support and develop work in the students' book * Planned projects which will enable students to display a wide range of skills and use their own initiative * Assessment materials * Reference material for use as hand-outs * Background on running the new HNC/HND courses * Tutor's notes supporting activities in the students' book and resource pack Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080939582

Bubble and Drop Interfaces This book describes the most important experimental methods for characterizing liquid interfaces such as drop profile analysis bubble pressure and drop volume tensiometry capillary pressure technique and oscillating drops and bubbles. It presents practical experimental details as well as the underlying theoretical bases. In addition the book covers a number of applications based on drops and bubbles such as rising bubbles and the complex process of flotation. It also offers a discussion on wetting characterized by the dynamics of advancing contact angles. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138117877

Buber and EducationDialogue as conflict resolution Martin Buber (1878-1965) is considered one of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers and his contributions to philosophy theology and education are testimony to this. His thought is founded on the idea that people are capable of two kinds of relations namely I-Thou and I-It emphasising the centrality of dialogue in all spheres of human life. For this reason Buber is considered by many to be the philosopher of dialogue par excellence. After Buber’s death the appreciation of his considerable legacy to the various disciplines in which he had worked became rather muted but was never completely forgotten. There is now a renewed and growing interest in Buber’s thought especially in his philosophy of education. This book brings together aspects of Buber’s philosophy and educational practice and explains their significance for peace dialogue and for conflict resolution both between individuals and communities. Buber's philosophy of dialogue and views on education are pivotal in demonstrating the personal and social benefits of dialogical education as well as the dangers of non-dialogical education. The book will be valuable reading for academics researchers and postgraduate students interested in Martin Buber education peace dialogue and conflict resolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138284821

Bucking The DeficitEconomic Policymaking In America For years now Americans have called for a balanced budget debt reduction and fiscal sanity. Yet the federal government continues to spend beyond its income driving the level of federal debt up and public confidence down. Why is that? Why have the monsters of public finance?pork-barrel spending entitlements and the deficit?remained unchecked f Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314736

BuckinghamThe Life and Political Career of George Villiers First Duke of Buckingham 1592-1628 Recounts the life of the first Duke of Buckingham describes his relationships with James I and Charles I and examines his role in English politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138162259

Buckling of Shell Structures on Land in the Sea and in the Air This book provides better inputs for improvement of the buckling load predictions of stiffened cylindrical shells subjected to combined loading. It is based on the International Colloquium Buckling of shell structures on land in the sea and in the air Lyon France 17 September 1991. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367864477

Buckling of Thin Metal Shells Thin-walled metal shell structures are highly efficient in their use of material but they are particularly sensitive to failure by buckiling. Many different forms of buckling can occur for different geometries and different loading conditions. Because this field of knowledge is both complex and industrially important it is of great interest and concern in a wide range of industries. This book presents a compilation and synthesis of a wealth of research experience and knowledge of the subject.Information that was previously widely scattered throughout the literature is assembled in a concise and convenient form that is easy to understand and state-of-the-art research findings are thoroughly examined. This book is useful for those involved in the structural design of silos tanks pipelines biodigestors chimneys towers offshore platforms aircraft and spacecraft.Buckling of Thin Metal Shells is essential reading for designers researchers and code writers involved with thin-walled metal shell structures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446611

Buddha to KrishnaLife and Times of George Keyt This book traces the emergence of modernism in art in South Asia by exploring the work of the iconic artist George Keyt. Closely interwoven with his life Keyt’s art reflects the struggle and triumph of an artist with very little support or infrastructure. He painted as he lived: full of colour turmoil and intensity. In this compelling account the author examines the eventful course of Keyt’s journey bringing to light unknown and startling facts: the personal ferment that Keyt went through because of his tumultuous relationships with women; his close involvement with social events in India and Sri Lanka on the threshold of Independence; and his somewhat angular engagement with artists of the ’43 Group. A collector’s delight including colour plates and black and white photographs reminiscences and intimate correspondences this book reveals the portrait of an artist among the most charismatic figures of our time. This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of art and art history modern South Asian studies sociology cultural studies as well as art aficionados. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367279783

Buddhas and Kami in JapanHonji Suijaku as a Combinatory Paradigm This volume offers a multidisciplinary approach to the combinatory tradition that dominated premodern and early modern Japanese religion known as honji suijaku (originals and their traces). It questions received simplified accounts of the interactions between Shinto and Japanese Buddhism and presents a more dynamic and variegated religious world one in which the deities' Buddhist originals and local traces did not constitute one-to-one associations but complex combinations of multiple deities based on semiotic operations doctrines myths and legends. The book's essays all based on specific case studies discuss the honji suijaku paradigm from a number of different perspectives always integrating historical and doctrinal analysis with interpretive insights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965164

Buddhism Christianity and the Question of CreationKarmic or Divine? Is the world created by a divine creator? Or is it the constant product of karmic forces? The issue of creation was at the heart of the classic controversies between Buddhism and Hindu Theism. In modern times it can be found at the centre of many polemical debates between Buddhism and Christianity. Is this the principal barrier that separates Buddhism from Christianity and other theistic religions? The contributions to Part One explore the various aspects of traditional and contemporary Buddhist objections against the idea of a divine creator as well as Christian possibilities to meet the Buddhist critique. Part Two asks for the potential truth on both sides and suggests a surprising way that the barrier might be overcome. This opens a new round of philosophical and theological dialogue between these two major traditions with challenging insights for both. Contributors: José I. Cabezón John P. Keenan Armin Kreiner Aasulv Lande John D'Arcy May Eva K. Neumaier Perry Schmidt-Leukel Ernst Steinkellner. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138264946

Buddhism Knowledge and LiberationA Philosophical Study Buddhism is essentially a teaching about liberation - from suffering ignorance selfishness and continued rebirth. Knowledge of 'the way things really are' is thought by many Buddhists to be vital in bringing about this emancipation. This book is a philosophical study of the notion of liberating knowledge as it occurs in a range of Buddhist sources. Buddhism Knowledge and Liberation assesses the common Buddhist idea that knowledge of the three characteristics of existence (impermanence not-self and suffering) is the key to liberation. It argues that this claim must be seen in the context of the Buddhist path and training as a whole. Detailed attention is also given to anti-realist sceptical and mystical strands within the Buddhist tradition all of which make distinctive claims about liberating knowledge and the nature of reality. David Burton seeks to uncover various problematic assumptions which underpin the Buddhist worldview. Sensitive to the wide diversity of philosophical perspectives and interpretations that Buddhism has engendered this book makes a serious contribution to critical and philosophically aware engagement with Buddhist thought. Written in an accessible style it will be of value to those interested in Buddhist Studies and broader issues in comparative philosophy and religion. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261201

Buddhism Meditation and Free WillA Theory of Mental Freedom Traditionally Buddhist philosophy has seemingly rejected the autonomous self. In Western philosophy free will and the philosophy of action are established areas of research. This book presents a comprehensive analytical review of extant scholarship on perspectives on free will. It studies and refutes the most powerful Western and Buddhist philosophical objections to free will and explores the possibility that a form of agency may in fact exist within Buddhism. Providing a detailed explanation of how Buddhist meditation increases self-regulative mind-control abilities the author argues that the Buddhist path is designed to produce meditation virtuosos exhibiting mind-control abilities far exceeding the free-will advocate’s ability to ‘do otherwise’ or have their choices be ‘up to’ them. Based on the empirically-supported mind-control cultivated by these meditation virtuosos the book proposes the principle of ‘Buddhist Soft Compatibilism’ a theory of ‘freedom of the mind’ that entails freedoms of the will attention emotion and action compatible with both determinism and indeterminism.Buddhism Meditation and Free Will will be of interest to Buddhist and Western philosophers and academics interested in comparative philosophy free will philosophy of action metaphysics ethics and Religious Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367588489

Buddhism the Internet and Digital MediaThe Pixel in the Lotus Buddhism the Internet and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus explores Buddhist practice and teachings in an increasingly networked and digital era. Contributors consider the ways Buddhism plays a role and is present in digital media through a variety of methods including concrete case studies ethnographic research and content analysis as well as interviews with practitioners and cyber-communities. In addition to considering Buddhism in the context of technologies such as virtual worlds social media and mobile devices authors ask how the Internet affects identity authority and community and what effect this might have on the development proliferation and perception of Buddhism in an online environment. Together these essays make the case that studying contemporary online Buddhist practice can provide valuable insights into the shifting role religion plays in our constantly changing mediated hurried and uncertain culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138549166

Buddhism Virtue and Environment Buddhism one increasingly hears is an 'eco-friendly' religion. It is often said that this is because it promotes an 'ecological' view of things one stressing the essential unity of human beings and the natural world. Buddhism Virtue and Environment presents a different view. While agreeing that Buddhism is in many important respects in tune with environmental concerns Cooper and James argue that what makes it 'green' is its view of human life. The true connection between the religion and environmental thought is to be found in Buddhist accounts of the virtues - those traits such as compassion equanimity and humility that characterise the life of a spiritually enlightened individual. Central chapters of this book examine these virtues and their implications for environmental attitudes and practice. Buddhism Virtue and Environment will be of interest not only to students and teachers of Buddhism and environmental ethics but to those more generally engaged with moral philosophy. Written in a clear and accessible style this book presents an original conception of Buddhist environmental thought. The authors also contribute to the wider debate on the place of ethics in Buddhist teachings and practices and to debates within 'virtue ethics' on the relations between human well-being and environmental concern. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261195

Buddhism War and NationalismChinese Monks in the Struggle Against Japanese Aggression 1931-1945 This thesis examines the doctrinal grounds and different approaches to working out this "new Buddhist tradition " a startling contrast to the teachings of non-violence and compassion which have made Buddhism known as a religion of peace. In scores of articles as war approached in 1936-37 new monks searched and reinterpreted scripture making controversial arguments for ideas like "compassionate killing" which would justify participating in war. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415802307

Buddhism and ChristianitySome Bridges of Understanding After a brief historical survey the doctrines of dharma and karma are discussed and key elements that appear in contrasting forms in the two religions are examined.  Originally published in 1963. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315889153

Buddhism and DeconstructionTowards a Comparative Semiotics This is a semiotic study of a corpus of texts that Kumârajîva (344-413 CE) Paramârtha (499~569 CE) and Xuanzang (599~664 CE) transmitted from India to China featuring a critical reading of the Dazhidu Lun (T1509 Mahâ-Prajñâpâramitâ-upadeúa-Úâstra) San Wuxing Lun (T1617 Try-asvabhâ and Guangbai Lun (T1571 Catu.húataka-úâstra-kârika). Focusing its attention on the Mahâyâna Buddhist notion of samatâ it identifies a Buddhist semiotics which anticipates Derrida's invocation of the notion of the Same in his deconstruction of binary oppositions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138862500

Buddhism and GandharaAn Archaeology of Museum Collections Gandhara is a name central to Buddhist heritage and iconography. It is the ancient name of a region in present-day Pakistan bounded on the west by the Hindu Kush mountain range and to the north by the foothills of the Himalayas. ‘Gandhara’ is also the term given to this region’s sculptural and architectural features between the first and sixth centuries CE.This book re-examines the archaeological material excavated in the region in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and traces the link between archaeological work histories of museum collections and related interpretations by art historians. The essays in the volume underscore the diverse cultural traditions of Gandhara â€“ from a variety of sources and perspectives on language ethnicity and material culture (including classical accounts Chinese writings coins and Sanskrit epics) â€“ as well as interrogate the grand narrative of Hellenism of which Gandhara has been a part. The book explores the making of collections of what came to be described as Gandhara art and reviews the Buddhist artistic tradition through notions of mobility and dynamic networks of transmission. Wide ranging and rigorous this volume will appeal to scholars and researchers of early South Asian history archaeology religion (especially Buddhist studies) art history and museums. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367889104

Buddhism and Human Rights It is difficult to think of a more urgent question for Buddhism in the late twentieth century than human rights. The political ethical and philosophical questions surrounding human rights are debated vigorously in political and intellectual circles throughout the world and now in this volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138862296

Buddhism and Postmodern Imaginings in ThailandThe Religiosity of Urban Space This book presents a rethink on the significance of Thai Buddhism in an increasingly complex and changing post-modern urban context especially following the financial crisis of 1997. Defining the cultural nature of Thai ’urbanity’; the implications for local/global flows interactions and emergent social formations James Taylor opens up new possibilities in understanding the specificities of everyday urban life as this relates to perceptions conceptions and lived experiences of religiosity. Changes in the centre are also reverberating in the remaining forests and the monastic tradition of forest-dwelling which has sourced most of the nation’s modern saints. The text is based on ethnography taking into account the rich variety of everyday practices in a mélange of the religious. In Thailand Buddhism is so intimately interconnected with national identity and social economic and ethno-political concerns as to be inseparable. Taylor argues here that in recent years there has been a marked reformulation of important conventional cosmologies through new and challenging Buddhist ideas and practices. These influences and changes are as much located outside as inside the Buddhist temples/monasteries. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261232

Buddhism and Religious Diversity 'A major publishing event not only in Buddhist studies but also for those working in the area of interfaith encounter and theology of religions.' Japanese Journal of Religious Studies In today’s globalized world religious diversity has become one of the strongest challenges to the self-understanding of any major religious tradition provoking two interdependent questions. How does it see itself in the light of others? And how does it see others in the light of its own teachings? While the Abrahamic religions are often accused of a predominantly intolerant and exclusivistic attitude to the religious ‘other’ Eastern religions—and Buddhism in particular—enjoy the reputation of being naturally tolerant absorbing and even pluralistic towards competing faiths. Some thinkers (from David Hume to Jan Assmann) understood religious intolerance as an inevitable property of monotheism supposedly absent in the case of non-theistic or polytheistic religions. More recent research however has suggested that this impression part of a whole cluster of Western clichés is false. Buddhism is—and has been—as much convinced of its own superiority as any other faith and has also been involved in various inter-religious tensions and violent conflicts. The ways however in which Buddhists have thought about the religious ‘other’ and practically dealt with it display peculiar features which do indeed differ profoundly from what we find in the Abrahamic faiths. Yet today Buddhism must address the question whether it can arrive at a genuine appreciation of religious diversity and recognize other religions as different but nevertheless equally valid. This new four-volume collection from Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Concepts in Religious Studies series enables users to make sense of this and other dizzying questions. It brings together the best thinking on Buddhism’s relationship with other faiths and provides a one-stop collection of classic and contemporary contributions to facilitate ready access to the most influential and important scholarship. Fully indexed and with a general and volume introductions newly written by the editor which carefully locate the collected materials in their historical and intellectual context Buddhism and Religious Diversity is an essential work of reference. It is destined to be valued by specialists and scholars working in related areas as a vital research tool. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415525343

Buddhism and ViolenceMilitarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia It is generally accepted in the West that Buddhism is a ‘peaceful’ religion. The Western public tends to assume that the doctrinal rejection of violence in Buddhism would make Buddhist pacifists and often expects Buddhist societies or individual Asian Buddhists to conform to the modern Western standards of ‘peaceful’ behavior. This stereotype – which may well be termed ‘positive Orientalism ’ since it is based on assumption that an ‘Oriental’ religion would be more faithful to its original non-violent teachings than Western Christianity – has been periodically challenged by enthusiastic acquiescence by monastic Buddhism to the most brutal sorts of warfare. This volume demolishes this stereotype and produces instead a coherent nuanced account on the modern Buddhist attitudes towards violence and warfare which take into consideration both doctrinal logic of Buddhism and the socio-political situation in Asian Buddhist societies. The chapters in this book offer a deeper analysis of ‘Buddhist militarism’ and Buddhist attitudes towards violence than previous volumes grounded in an awareness of Buddhist doctrines and the recent history of nationalism as well as the role Buddhism plays in constructions of national identity. The international team of contributors includes scholars from Thailand Japan and Korea. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138921894

Buddhism Goes to the MoviesIntroduction to Buddhist Thought and Practice Buddhism Goes to the Movies: Introduction to Buddhist Thought and Practice explains the basics of Buddhist philosophy and practice through a number of dramatic films from around the world. This book introduces readers in a dynamic way to the major traditions of Buddhism: the Theravāda and various interrelated Mahāyāna divisions including Zen Pure Land and Tantric Buddhism. Students can use Ronald Green’s book to gain insights into classic Buddhist themes including Buddhist awakening the importance of the theory of dependent origination the notion of no-self and Buddhist ideas about life death and why we are here. Contemporary developments are also explored including the Socially Engaged Buddhism demonstrated by such figures as the Dalai Lama Thich Nhat Hanh Aung San Suu Kyi and other Buddhist activists. Finally comparisons between filmic expressions of Buddhism and more traditional artistic expressions of Buddhism—such as mandala drawings—are also drawn. An important addition to any introduction to Buddhist philosophy and practice Buddhism Goes to the Movies is an excellent way to bring Buddhist thought history and activity to the uninitiated and interested reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415841481

Buddhism in AustraliaTraditions in Change The number of Buddhists in Australia has grown dramatically in recent years. In 2006 Buddhists accounted for 2.1 per cent of Australia's population almost doubling the 1996 figures and making it the fastest growing religion in the country. This book analyses the arrival and localisation of Buddhism in Australia in the context of the globalisation of Buddhism. Australia's close geographical proximity to Asia has encouraged an intense flow of people ideas practices and commodities from its neighbouring countries while at the same time allowing the development of the religion to be somewhat different to its growth in other Western countries. The book seeks to explore the Buddhist experience in Australia looking at the similarities and particularities of this experience in relation to other Western countries. The inception of Buddhism in Australia is investigated and a voice is provided to people on the ground who have been fundamental in making this process possible. For the first time academic analysis and practitioners' experience are juxtaposed to show the adaptations and challenges of Buddhism in Australia from above and below. This book is a unique and valuable contribution to the study of Buddhism in the West globalization of religion and studies in Asian Religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138888333

Buddhism in Canada Buddhism has become a major religion in Canada over the last half-century. The 'ethnic Buddhism' associated with immigrant Asian people is the most important aspect but there is also a growing constituency of Euro-Canadian Buddhists seriously interested in the faith. This insightful study analyzes the phenomenon of Buddhism in Canada from a regional perspective. The work provides an important examination of the place of Buddhism in a developed western country associated with a traditional Judeo-Christian culture but undergoing profound sociological transformation due to large-scale immigration and religio-cultural pluralism.  It is a valuable text for students of religion Buddhism and North American Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415758666

Buddhism In Late Ch'ing Political Thought This book is basically an attempt to study the religious cultural and political significance of Buddhism in late Ch'ing intellectual thought through an examination of the writings of a few influential figures like Liang Ch'i-ch'ao K'ang Yu-wei Chang Ping-lin and particularly T'an Ssu-t'ung. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367156077

Buddhism in the Modern World Buddhism in the Modern World explores the challenges faced by Buddhism today the distinctive forms that it has taken and the individuals and movements that have shaped it. Part One discusses the modern history of Buddhism in different geographical regions from Southeast Asia to North America. Part Two examines key themes including globalization gender issues and the ways in which Buddhism has confronted modernity science popular culture and national politics. Each chapter is written by a distinguished scholar in the field and includes photographs summaries discussion points and suggestions for further reading. The book provides a lively and up-to-date overview that is indispensable for both students and scholars of Buddhism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415780155

Buddhism in the Tibetan TraditionA Guide A clear and straightforward introduction to Tibetan Buddhism this book presents the basic teachings of Buddha in a way that people can readily comprehend and put into practice in their daily lives. Topics such as reincarnation actions and their effects emptiness liberation and enlightenment are discussed. Designed primarily for those coming to the subject for the first time the book also offers new insights for the more advanced student of Tibetan Buddhism.   Originally published in 1989. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888330

Buddhism ObservedTravellers Exiles and Tibetan Dharma in Kathmandu How do contemporary Westerners and Tibetans understand not only what it means to be 'Buddhist' but what it means to be hailed as one from 'the West' or from 'Tibet'? This anthropological study examines the encounter between Western travellers and Tibetan exiles in Bodhanath on the outskirts of Kathmandu Nepal and analyses the importance of Buddhism in discussions of political cultural and religious identity. Based on extensive field research in Nepal Buddhism Observed questions traditional assumptions about Buddhism and examines the rarely considered phenomenon of Western conversions to a non-Western religion. Scholars of Anthropology Religion and Cultural Studies will find here a refreshing insight into how to approach 'other' societies religions and cultures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646284

BuddhismA Contemporary Philosophical Investigation Buddhism in its diverse forms and throughout its long history has had a profound influence on Asian cultures and the lives of countless individuals. In recent times it has also attracted great interest among people in other parts of the world including philosophers. Buddhist traditions often deal with ideas and concerns that are central to philosophy. A distinctively Buddhist philosophy of religion can be developed which focuses on Buddhist responses to issues such as the problem of suffering the purpose and potential of human existence life after death freedom and moral responsibility appearance and reality the nature of religious language attitudes to religious diversity and the relationship between Buddhism and science. Buddhism: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation examines some of the central questions that such ideas raise drawing on ancient and more recent sources from a variety of Buddhist traditions as viewed from a contemporary philosophical standpoint. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415789158

Buddhist and Christian?An Exploration of Dual Belonging The last century witnessed a gradual but profound transformation of the West's religious landscape. In today's context of diversity people are often influenced by and sometimes even claim to belong to more than one religious tradition. Buddhism and Christianity is a particularly prevalent and fascinating combination. This book is the first detailed exploration of Buddhist Christian dual belonging engaging - from both Buddhist and Christian perspectives - the questions that arise and drawing on extensive interviews with well-known individuals in the vanguard of this important and growing phenomenon. The book looks at whether it is possible to be authentically Buddhist and authentically Christian given the differences in beliefs and practices. It asks whether Buddhist Christians are irrational religiously schizophrenic or spiritually superficial; or whether the thought and practice of Buddhism and Christianity can be reconciled in a way that makes possible deep commitment to both. Finally the book considers whether the influence of Buddhist Christians on each of these traditions is something to be regretted or celebrated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138785212

Buddhist Birth StoriesThe Oldest Collection of Folk-Lore Extant First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846318

Buddhist Hagiography in Early JapanImages of Compassion in the Gyoki Tradition Hagiographies or idealized biographies which recount the lives of saints bodhisattvas and other charismatic figures have been the meeting place for myth and experience. In medieval Europe the 'lives of saints' were read during liturgical celebrations and the texts themselves were treated as sacred objects. In Japan it was believed that those who read the biographies of lofty monks would acquire merit. Since hagiographies were written or compiled by 'believers' the line between fantasy and reality was often obscured. This study of the bodhisattva Gyoki - regarded as the monk who started the largest social welfare movement in Japan - illustrates how Japanese Buddhist hagiographers chose to regard a single monk's charitable activities as a miraculous achievement that shaped the course of Japanese history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646291

Buddhist InclusivismAttitudes Towards Religious Others Although Christians have well-developed responses to other religions the counterpart scholarship from Buddhists has thus far lagged behind. Breaking new ground Buddhist Inclusivism analyzes the currently favored position towards religious others inclusivism in Buddhist traditions. Kristin Beise Kiblinger presents examples of inclusivism from a wide range of Buddhist contexts and periods from Pali texts to the Dalai Lama's recent works. After constructing and defending a preferred alternative form of Buddhist inclusivism she evaluates the thought of particular contemporary Buddhists such as Thich Nhat Hanh and Masao Abe in light of her ideal position. This book offers a more systematic treatment of Buddhist inclusivism than has yet been provided either by scholars or by Buddhist leaders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275645

Buddhist Landscapes in Central IndiaSanchi Hill and Archaeologies of Religious and Social Change c. Third Century BC to Fifth Century AD The “monumental bias” of Buddhist archaeology has hampered our understanding of the socio-religious mechanisms that enabled early Buddhist monks to establish themselves in new areas. To articulate these relationships Shaw presents here the first integrated study of settlement archaeology and Buddhist history carried out in the area around Sanchi a Central Indian UNESCO World Heritage site. Her comprehensive data-rich and heavily illustrated work provides an archaeological basis for assessing theories regarding the dialectical relationship between Buddhism and surrounding lay populations. It also sheds light on the role of the introduction of Buddhism in changing settlement patterns.This volume was originally published in 2007 by the British Association of South Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605452

Buddhist Mahayana Texts This is a subset of the Sacred Books of the East Series which includes translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions which have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The works have been translated by leading authorities in their field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315829180

Buddhist Meditation As an intensely practical religion Buddhism has concentrated on devising a great number of meditations. In recent years psychologists have shown great interest in the therapeutic value of these meditations but accurate information about them has been hard to come by. The most outstanding original documents have now been made accessible by Edward Conze who translated them from Pali Sanskrit and Tibetan. The volume originally published in 1956  also deals with the meaning of Buddhist meditation and the relation of its methods and presuppositions to modern psychology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888316

Buddhist ModernitiesRe-inventing Tradition in the Globalizing Modern World The transformations Buddhism has been undergoing in the modern age have inspired much research over the last decade. The main focus of attention has been the phenomenon known as Buddhist modernism which is defined as a conscious attempt to adjust Buddhist teachings and practices in conformity with the modern norms of rationality science or gender equality. This book advances research on Buddhist modernism by attempting to clarify the highly diverse ways in which Buddhist faith thought and practice have developed in the modern age both in Buddhist heartlands in Asia and in the West. It presents a collection of case studies that taken together demonstrate how Buddhist traditions interact with modern phenomena such as colonialism and militarism the market economy global interconnectedness the institutionalization of gender equality and recent historical events such as de-industrialization and the socio-cultural crisis in post-Soviet Buddhist areas. This volume shows how the (re)invention of traditions constitutes an important pathway in the development of Buddhist modernities and emphasizes the pluralistic diversity of these forms in different settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367878917

Buddhist Monasticism in East AsiaPlaces of Practice The area of Buddhist monasticism has long attracted the interest of Buddhist studies scholars and historians but the interpretation of the nature and function of monasteries across diverse cultures and vast historical periods remains a focus for debate. This book provides a multifaceted discussion of religious social cultural artistic and political functions of Buddhist monasteries in medieval China and Japan. With contributions from leading scholars in the field this volume explores the multiplicity of the institutions that make up "the Buddhist monastery." Drawing on new research and on previous studies hitherto not widely available in English the chapters cover key issues such as the relationship between monastics and lay society the meaning of monastic vows how specific institutions functioned and the differences between urban and regional monasteries. Collectively the book demonstrates that medieval monasteries in East Asia were much more than merely residences for monks who cut off from the dust and din of society and all its entrapments collectively pursued an ideal cenobitic lifestyle. Buddhist Monasticism in East Asia is a timely contribution to the ongoing attempts to understand a central facet of Buddhist religious practice and will be a significant work for academics and students in the fields of Buddhist Studies Asian Studies and East Asian Religions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415501446

Buddhist Moral PhilosophyAn Introduction The first book of its kind Buddhist Moral Philosophy: An Introduction introduces the reader to contemporary philosophical interpretations and analyses of Buddhist ethics. It begins with a survey of traditional Buddhist ethical thought and practice mainly in the Pali Canon and early Mahāyāna schools and an account of the emergence of Buddhist moral philosophy as a distinct discipline in the modern world. It then examines recent debates about karma rebirth and nirvana well-being normative ethics moral objectivity moral psychology and the issue of freedom responsibility and determinism. The book also introduces the reader to philosophical discussions of topics in socially engaged Buddhism such as human rights war and peace and environmental ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415890670

Buddhist Perspectives on Free WillAgentless Agency? Throughout the history of Buddhism little has been said prior to the Twentieth Century that explicitly raises the question whether we have free will though the Buddha rejected fatalism and some Buddhists have addressed whether karma is fatalistic. Recently however Buddhist and Western philosophers have begun to explicitly discuss Buddhism and free will. This book incorporates Buddhist philosophy more explicitly into the Western analytic philosophical discussion of free will both in order to render more perspicuous Buddhist ideas that might shed light on the Western philosophical debate and in order to render more perspicuous the many possible positions on the free will debate that are available to Buddhist philosophy. The book covers: Buddhist and Western perspectives on the problem of free will The puzzle of whether free will is possible if as Buddhists believe there is no agent/self Theravāda views Mahāyāna views Evidential considerations from science meditation and skepticism The first book to bring together classical and contemporary perspectives on free will in Buddhist thought it is of interest to academics working on Buddhist and Western ethics comparative philosophy metaphysics philosophy of mind philosophy of action agency and personal identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367874858

Buddhist PhenomenologyA Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei-shih Lun A richly complex study of the Yogacara tradition of Buddhism divided into five parts: the first on Buddhism and phenomenology the second on the four basic models of Indian Buddhist thought the third on karma meditation and epistemology the fourth on the Trimsika and its translations and finally the fifth on the Ch'eng Wei-shih Lun and Yogacara in China. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315870687

Buddhist Practice and Visual CultureThe Visual Rhetoric of Borobudur Providing an overall interpretation of the Buddhist monument Borobudur in Indonesia this book looks at Mahayana Buddhist religious ideas and practices that could have informed Borobudur including both the narrative reliefs and the Buddha images. The author explores a version of the classical Mahayana that foregrounds the importance of the visual in relation to Buddhist philosophy meditation devotion and ritual. The book goes on to show that the architects of Borobudur designed a visual world in which the Buddha appeared in a variety of forms and could be interpreted in three ways: by realizing the true nature of his teaching through visionary experience and by encountering his numinous presence in images. Furthermore the book analyses a particularly comprehensive and programmatic expression of Mahayana Buddhist visual culture so as to enrich the theoretical discussion of the monument. It argues that the relief panels of Borobudur do not passively illustrate but rather creatively "picture" selected passages from texts. Presenting new material the book contributes immensely to a new and better understanding of the significance of the Borobudur for the field of Buddhist and Religious Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138784765

Buddhist Precept & Practice First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987999

Buddhist Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyA Clinician's Guide This user-friendly guide to the basics of Buddhist psychology presents a roadmap specifically designed for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) practitioners. It explains central Buddhist concepts and how they can be applied to clinical work and features numerous experiential exercises and meditations. Downloadable audio recordings of the guided meditations are provided at the companion website. Essential topics include the relationship between suffering and psychopathology the role of compassion in understanding and treating psychological problems and how mindfulness fits into evidence-based psychotherapy practice. The book describes an innovative case conceptualization method grounded in Buddhist thinking that facilitates the targeted delivery of specific CBT interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462530199

Buddhist Suttas This is a subset of F. Max Mullers great collection The Sacred Books of the East which includes translations of all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions which have exercised a profound influence on the civilizations of the continent of Asia. The works have been translated by leading authorities in their field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315829197

Buddhist Tantras First published in 1995. The volume is divided into four sections: The introduction places the position of the Buddhist Tantras within Mahayana Buddhism and recalls their early literary history especially the Guhyasamahatantra; the section also covers Buddhist Genesis and the Tantric tradition. Next is the he foundations of the Buddhist Tantras are discussed and the Tantric presentation of divinity; the preparation of disciples and the meaning of initiation; symbolism of the mandala-palace Tantric ritual and the twilight language. The third section explores the Tantric teachings of the inner Zodiac and the fivefold ritual symbolism of passion. The bibliographical research contains an analysis of the Tantric section of the Kanjur exegesis and a selected Western Bibliography of the Buddhist Tantras with comments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415760096

Buddhist TheologyCritical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars Scholars of Buddhism themselves Buddhist here seek to apply the critical tools of the academy to reassess the truth and transformative value of their tradition in its relevance to the contemporary world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139138

Buddhist Thought in IndiaThree Phases of Buddhist Philosophy Originally published in 1962. This book discusses and interprets the main themes of Buddhist thought in India and is divided into three parts: Archaic Buddhism: Tacit assumptions the problem of "original Buddhism" the three marks and the perverted views the five cardinal virtues the cultivation of the social emotions Dharma and dharmas Skandhas sense-fields and elements. The Sthaviras: the eighteen schools doctrinal disputes the unconditioned and the process of salvation some Abhidharma problems. The Mahayana: doctrines common to all Mahayanists the Madhyamikas the Yogacarins Buddhist logic the Tantras.       Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888323

Buddhist ThoughtA Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition This book serves as an accessible and reliable survey for students wishing to gain familiarity with the basic ideas of Buddhist philosophical and religious thought and with some of the recent research in the field. It guides readers towards a richer understanding of the central concepts of classical Indian Buddhist thought from the time of Buddha to the latest scholarly perspectives and controversies. Abstract and complex ideas are made understandable by the authors' clear and engaging style. The second edition has been fully revised in light of new scholarship in particular on Mahāyāna Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism an often neglected and inadequately understood topic. As well as a detailed bibliography this authoritative resource now includes recommended further reading study questions a pronunciation guide and extensive glossary of terms all aimed at helping students to develop their knowledge and appreciation of Buddhist thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415571791

Buddhist Writings on Meditation and Daily PracticeThe Serene Reflection Tradition. Including the complete Scripture of Brahma's Net This book first published in 1994 is a compendium of new translations of certain works regarded as fundamental texts in the Serene Reflection Buddhist Tradition (Sōtō Zen). All the texts were in Chinese either as original works or as translations from Sanskrit. Several of them are central to the ceremonial not only of the Sōtō Zen Tradition but also of other Mahayana Buddhist traditions as well. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138666177

Buddhist-Christian Dual BelongingAffirmations Objections Explorations A growing number of people describe themselves as both Buddhist and Christian; but does such a self-description really make sense? Many people involved in inter-faith dialogue argue that this dialogue leads to a mutually transformative process but what if the transformation reaches the point where the Buddhist or Christian becomes a Buddhist Christian? Does this represent a fulfilment of or the undermining of dialogue? Exploring the growing phenomenon of Buddhist-Christian dual belonging a wide variety of authors including advocates sympathisers and opponents from both faiths focus on three key questions: Can Christian and Buddhist accounts and practices of salvation or liberation be reconciled? Are Christian theism and Buddhist non-theism compatible? And does dual belonging inevitably distort the essence of these faiths or merely change its cultural expression? Clarifying different ways of justifying dual belonging contributors offer criticisms of dual belonging from different religious perspectives (Theravada Buddhist Evangelical Reformed and Roman Catholic) and from different methodological approaches. Four chapters then carry the discussion forward suggesting ways in which dual belonging might make sense from Catholic Theravada Buddhist Pure-land Buddhist and Anglican perspectives. The conclusion clarifies the main challenges emerging for dual belongers and the implications for interreligious dialogue. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597375

Buddhists and Glaciers of Western Tibet This book first published in 1933 reproduces the diary of the 1930 explorations by the great Italian traveller Giotto Dainelli. In it he records his experiences as he travels the little-explored (by Westerners) region of Western Tibet and the result is a detailed snapshot of Tibetan life cultures and customs of the time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138334618

BuddiesReading Writing and Math Lessons This book provides opportunities for older and younger children in different grades to work together on standards-based activities. It contains over 40 lessons in which elementary school students of different ages can learn together. Each activity can be assigned as a special project or as part of an organized program in which teachers work together on a regular basis. For each activity you will be provided with: - standards -- reading writing or mathematics - assessment rubrics - student handouts ready for photocopying - to help you assess your students objectively and confidently about a quarter of the lessons are accompanied by samples of student work along with its score and an explanation of why the work deserved that score. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138441613

Budget Deficits and Economic Performance (Routledge Revivals) At the time in which this book was first published in 1992 there was a major concern with the macro-economic implications of fiscal imbalance. As the European economies moved closer to monetary union and Germany grappled with the fiscal pressures of unification deficits in the United States exceeded $300 billion. In this volume the authors address this issue using both historical case-studies and cross-national comparisons. This book will be of interest to students of economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138884908

Budgetary Politics in American Governments This comprehensive book describes and analyzes the substance and politics of public budgeting at the national state and local levels of government. In doing so it takes a comparative approach illustrating the distinctiveness of budgeting at each level as well as highlighting the features common to all three. A unifying focus is the extent to which budgetary decision makers use the budget as a central vehicle to advance their policy preferences. This fully updated sixth edition provides an extensive and thorough analysis of the causes of the Great Recession its economic consequences and the policy responses which pushed the boundaries of conventional monetary and fiscal policy. Also new to this edition is a chapter on the intergovernmental dimensions of public budgeting along with boxed features highlighting hands-on vignettes of contemporary practical challenges facing budget makers at the different levels of government. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138923423

Budgeting Auditing and EvaluationFunctions and Integration in Seven Governments As governments the world over work to sustain public policy and develop much needed policy initiatives there is increasing need for better budgetary management and sound evaluation of both past and prospective policies. Budgeting Auditing and Evaluation presents in-depth comparative examinations of budgetary processes in seven major Western governments (United States United Kingdom Germany Canada Spain Sweden and Finland). Contributors focus specifically on the important links between budgeting auditing and policy evaluation. The authors identify both commonalities and divergences and make comparative statements of the consequences of these for the policy process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429336225

Budgeting Policy PoliticsAppreciation of Aaron Wildavsky Aaron Wildavsky was one of the most innovative and prolific scholars in the field of budgeting in our time. His work spanned a period of more than forty years and its perspectives encompassed not only budgeting in the United States but also its comparative and historical dimensions. As a leading political scientist his research also ranged into American political institutions public policy analysis leadership and biblical studies. This book pays tribute to Aaron Wildavsky by explicating his life and work with emphasis on his contributions to the field of public budgeting and finance.Larry Jones and Jerry McCaffery place Wildavsky's work within the context of previous work on budgeting. They show how some of the highlights of his immense output responded to and shaped questions in the field. Naomi Caiden reviews the way in which Wildavsky used budgeting as a window into other areas of politics. Richard Rose discusses how an American scholar became an internationally known one. Joseph White goes back to the beginning of Aaron's career and shows that budgeting in agencies and in Congress is still incremental for very powerful reasons. Allen Schick reviews the history of the federal budget process brilliantly summarizing how much has changed.The festschrift poignantly assesses the significance and influence of Aaron Wildavsky's work. It also includes some excerpts from Wildavsky's own writings in this area and experiences of those who collaborated with him. In acknowledging Wildavsky's contributions to public budgeting and political science this book also makes an original contribution to the field. It will be a necessary addition to the libraries of political scientists economists policymakers not to mention all those who admired Aaron Wildavsky and his work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507807

Budgeting and Governing Aaron Wildavsky's greatest concern as expressed in his writings is how people manage to live together. This concern may at first appear to have little to do with the study of budgeting but for Wildavsky budgeting made living together possible. Indeed as he argues here if you cannot budget you cannot govern.Budgeting and Governing gathers in one place a mass of material that otherwise would be lost in a wilderness of journals and edited volumes. With few exceptions Wildavsky chose the articles in this collection. They are organized largely chronologically so that the reader can trace the progression of his thought which moved from studies of the American federal government through comparative work and on to placing budgeting within a broader theory of political culture. Wildavsky wrote about budgeting because in his words "when a process involves power authority culture consensus and conflict it captures a great deal of national political life." Wildavsky was interested in budgeting because of what it could tell us about the classic questions of- politics: who gets what how and why? His earlier analyses focus narrowly on budgeting personnel and agency actors in answering these questions while in his later work the contending actors become sub-cultural types.To Wildavsky politics was about finding terms for living together in spite of ideological differences. Budgetary incrementalism helped to manage this otherwise unmanageable task. He thought synoptic budgeting and all related reforms would increase disagreement and raise the stakes and so were unwise. Analysis had to serve politics not try to displace it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519855

Budgeting for Local Governments and Communities Budgeting for Local Governments and Communities is designed as the primary textbook for a quarter or semester-long course in public budgeting and finance in an MPA programme.Many currently available texts for this course suffer from a combination of defects that include a focus on federal and state budgeting a lack of a theoretical governance framework an omission of important topics and typically a lack of exercises and datasets for student use. Budgeting for Local Governments and Communities solves all of these problems.The book is exceptionally comprehensive and well written and represents the efforts of veteran authors with both teaching and real-world experience.Key Features:Special Focus on Local Government Budgeting: focuses exclusively on budgeting at the local levels of American government which are responsible for spending 40 percent of the taxes collected from citizens.Integration of Theory and Practice: teaching cases and chapters capture the "lessons learned" by professional practitioners who have extensive experience in making local public budgeting work on the ground.Polity Approach to Local Budgeting: presents an introduction to local budgeting as the central political activity that integrates the resources of the community into a unified whole. Budgeting is presented as governance work rather than as a unique set of skills possessed by analysts and financial specialists.Legal Historical Economic and Moral Foundations of Local Government Budgeting: provides readers with an understanding of how the structures and processes of local budgeting systems are firmly tethered to the underlying core values legal principles and historical development of the larger American federal state and local political systems.Electronic Datasets and Budgeting Exercises: the text includes access to extensive electronic datasets and practice exercises that provide abundant opportunities for students to "learn through doing."Extensive Glossary and Bibliography: covers terms on the history and practice of local public budgeting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765627803

Budgeting for Public Managers Benefiting from the authors' many years of teaching undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners here is a clear comprehensive practice-oriented text for public budgeting courses. Rather than presenting each budgeting concern in mind-numbing detail the book offers a commonsensical view of public budgeting and its importance to current and future public managers. The text is designed to show readers how managers relate to budgeting and how their actions make a difference in the operation and performance of public organizations. The book covers the historical development of public budgeting sources of public revenues revenue management budgeting processes and formats operating techniques politics within public budgeting and more. "Budgeting for Public Managers" is concise clearly written well illustrated and grounded in the real-world concerns of public managers. Each chapter concludes with a helpful list of additional reading and resources for readers who want to dig deeper into budgeting practice and application. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706030

Budgets and MarketsA Study of the Budgeting of European Films Budgets and Markets highlights the decisions involved in budgeting and marketing European films. It looks at the origin development production distribution financing and profit of thirteen European films including such critical and popular successes as Tacones Lejones (High Heels) by Pedro Almodovar; Oci Ciornie (Dark Eyes) by Nikita Mikhalkov; Peter's Friends by Keneth Branagh and La Discrete by Christian Vincent. Detailed financial data is reinforced by interviews with the producers of each film. The core of the analysis is based on the question 'Was this film made at the right price for the right market?'. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203350720

Budgets for AcquisitionsStrategies for Serials Monographs and Electronic Formats This book first published in 1991 deals with the demanding problems of smaller acquisitions budgets. In recent years librarians have seen their finances diminishing while the prices of serials and monographs have risen steadily. Now with major decisions having to be made concerning such things as automation monograph collections and subscription renewals librarians are having to assume the role of business manager and dealer. This book takes an in-depth look at the situation and offers practical suggestions for working through the lean years. Strategies for getting the most for your money when dealing with vendors selective collection development and maintenance and making calculated decisions on how to divide the library's funds are just a few of the topics covered in this helpful new book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367409616

Buen Vivir and the Challenges to Capitalism in Latin America This book explores the battleground between neoliberal capitalist development processes in Latin America and the challenges to these systems that can be found through innovative community-driven buen vivir/vivir bien initiatives. In the current climate of worldwide capitalist development Latin America is caught between left-leaning proposals for progressive policies towards a more inclusive form of development and the re-emergence of harsh austerity measures neoliberal reforms and right-wing populism. Divided into two parts this book first provides a retrospective analysis of the advance of resource-seeking ‘extractive’ capital across the continent since the 1990s. The second part goes on to focus on forward-looking challenges to neoliberal capitalist development focusing in particular on the indigenous notion of buen vivir/vivir bien  – the concept of ‘living well’ in social solidarity and harmony with nature. Drawing on cases in Mexico and Venezuela the book argues that it will be through these new approaches to social change that we will move beyond development as we know it towards a more inclusive form of ‘postdevelopment’. Looking hopefully towards this future of development this collection offers an essential analysis of the vortex of social change currently consuming Latin America and will be key reading for advanced scholars and researchers in the fields of Development Studies Latin America Studies Politics and Social Change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367550011

Buen Vivir as an Alternative to Sustainable DevelopmentLessons from Ecuador Until recently the concept of Buen Vivir has only been loosely articulated by practising communities and in progressive policy in countries like Ecuador. What it actually means has been unclear and in the case of policy contradictory. As such there has been a lack of understanding about exactly what Buen Vivir entails its core principles and how to put it into practice. This book based on extensive theoretical and field research of Buen Vivir as an alternative to sustainable development fills that gap and offers a concrete way forward. It uses an ethnographic study in Cotacachi County in Ecuador's highland communities to explore how communities understand and practice Buen Vivir. Combining this with what we already know about the concept theoretically the book then develops a framework for Buen Vivir with 17 principles for practice. Exploring Buen Vivir’s evolution from its indigenous origins academic interpretations and implications for development policy to its role in endogenous community-led change this book will be of interest to policy-makers and development professionals. It will also be of great value to activists students and scholars of sustainability and development seeking grassroots social and environmental change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367901431

Buffer States in World Politics Buffer states—countries geographically and/or politically situated between two or more regional or global powers—function to maintain peace between the larger powers. Contributors to this book the first devoted to the buffer state concept analyze the geographical and political factors necessary for the establishment and maintenance of a buffer state and examine its role in helping to maintain world peace. The problems and prospects of buffer states and buffer zones and the multiple roles played by the buffer in international politics are also explored. Using information from a number of countries including Lebanon Afghanistan Korea and Uruguay the contributors argue that the function of the buffer state has not diminished with the advance of modern technology but that the prospects for a long life for any particular buffer state are tenuous. Nevertheless they conclude that although the international benefits from any one buffer state tend to be short term the continued existence of the system will be an important element in preventing armed conflict in many parts of the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367010799

Bugs in the SystemRedesigning the Pesticide Industry for Sustainable Agriculture This important interdisciplinary contribution to the 'greening' business debate looks at one of the most environmentally controversial industries - the chemical pesticide industry. If that sector can be put on to an environmentally sustainable footing then the same may be possible for virtually all of industry. As business and environmental trends turn the pesticide industry's focus to biotechnology and seed engineering this book examines the extent to which the industry is prepared to exploit new business opportunities in a more regenerative agriculture and draws attention to the industry's economic environmental and social responsibilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138471603

Build Your Own Robot! This book a compilation of articles from Karl Lunt's long-running column for Nuts & Volts magazine is a must-read for all beginner and intermediate-level robotics enthusiasts. Written in a friendly straightforward manner it contains entertaining anecdotes as well as practical advice and instruction. The author's stories about his various robotics projects will inspire you to try them yourself; and he shares his tips and code to help you. Possible projects range from transforming a TV remote control into a robot controller to building a robot from a drink cooler. You'll want to build them all; the author's enthusiasm for robotics is contagious! Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781138465749

Builders' Detail Sheets This book contains a unique set of information sheets covering all aspects of building from sit setting-out to roofs and floors. It gives builders and students of building a sound knowledge of materials their properties and limitations and shows the practice of using these materials for sound construction. The sheets also give information on the Building Regulations and how to comply with them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408968

Builders of the VisionSoftware and the Imagination of Design Builders of the Vision traces the intellectual history and contemporary practices of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Numerical Control since the years following World War II until today. Drawing from primary archival and ethnographic sources it identifies and documents the crucial ideas shaping digital design technologies since the first numerical control and CAD systems were developed under US Air Force research contracts at MIT between 1949 and 1970: the cybernetic theorization of design as a human-machine endeavor; the vision of computers as "perfect slaves" taking care of the drudgery of physical labor; the techno-social utopias of computers as vehicles of democracy and social change; the entrepreneurial urge towards design and construction integration; and the managerial ideologies enabling today’s transnational geographies of practice. Examining the contrasting and often conflicting sensibilities that converge into CAD and BIM discourses - globalism utopianism entrepreneurialism and architects’ desires for aesthetic liberation - Builders of the Vision shows that software systems and numerically controlled machines are not merely "instruments " or "tools " but rather versatile metaphors reconfiguring conceptions of design materiality work and what it means to be creative. Crucially by revealing software systems as socio-technical infrastructures that mediate the production of our built environments author Daniel Cardoso Llach builds a strong case for the fields of architecture media and science and technology studies to critically engage with both the politics and the poetics of technology in design. Builders of the Vision will be essential reading for scholars and practitioners across disciplines interested in the increasingly complex socio-technical systems that go into imagining and building of our artifacts buildings and cities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415744997

Builder's Reference Book A comphensive guide to information sources relevant to the building industry and legislation affecting it. It is designed for use as a tool either in the office or on site giving facts in a compendium style to meet the most common requirements of the busy builder. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367400545

BuildersClass Gender and Ethnicity in the Construction Industry Building workers constitute between five and ten per cent of the total labour market in almost every country of the world. They construct repair and maintain the vital physical infrastructure of our societies and we rely upon and trust their achievements every day. Yet we know surprisingly little about builders their cultures the organization of their work or the business relations that constitute their industry. This book based on one-year’s participant observation on a London construction site redresses this gap in our knowledge by taking a close-up look at a section of building workers and businessmen. By examining the organizational features of the building project and describing the skill sweat malingering humour and humanity of the building workers Thiel illustrates how the builders were mostly autonomous from formal managerial control regulating their own outputs and labour markets. This meant that the men’s ethnic class and gender-bound cultural activities fundamentally underpinned the organization of their work and the broader construction economy and thereby highlights the continuing centrality of class-bound culture and social stratification in a post-industrial late modern world. Thiel outlines the on-going connections and intersections between economy state class and culture ultimately showing how these factors interrelated to produce the building industry its builders and its buildings. Based predominately on cultural and economic sociology this book will also be of interest to those working in the fields of gender and organizational studies; social class and inequality; migration and ethnicity; urban studies; and social identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415527194

Building a Band in the BedroomCreating a Record at Home with Real Instruments Building the Band in the Bedroom aims to help the typical home music producer create the sound of a real band in a home-based recording studio even though they may be working alone and not have the facilities or musical skills to handle the elements themselves. It will lead the reader through the process of taking a raw song idea through a finished impressive mixed and mastered record within the confines of a typical home or project studio and within a self-funded budget. The book is accompanied by online video tutorials to demonstrate some of the described processes. All the recordings and audio created for this project are available online for you to download and experiment with. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315164083

Building a Better ManA Blueprint for Decreasing Violence and Increasing Prosocial Behavior in Men Building a Better Man presents a theory and science based discussion of masculinity in modern America but it also does much more than that—it interweaves a diverse group of compelling personal stories with an exploration of aggression and masculinity in the socialization of boys and men. Where other programs tend to subtly denigrate men as perpetrators and focus on stopping the problematic behavior Building a Better Man tries to understand the external forces that impinge on the developmental experiences of boys/men and broadens the scope of inquiry into their behavior by reviewing a range of external societal forces that contribute to the problems. Clinicians and group leaders will find that the approach laid out in Building a Better Man leaves clients feeling understood more than judged which provides a different motivation for change and can set treatment on an entirely different and infinitely more productive path. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415708272

Building a Bigger EuropeEU and NATO Enlargement in Comparative Perspective This title was first published in 2000:  A fresh and original study of EU and NATO enlargement which sets both in a comparative context and considers them against a backdrop of the evolution of a pan-European security community. The book is divided into two parts. In part one the authors examine and discuss the EU and NATO enlargement processes and the ’incremental linkage’ which has developed between them. The major issues and challenges facing the two institutions as they ponder the next steps in enlargement are also assessed. Part two includes separate chapters on the post-Cold War evolution of the EU and NATO overall. These discussions focus on their strengths and limitations in contributing to the broader and more co-operative kind of European security which the end of the Cold War makes possible. The final chapters examine a number of possible scenarios under which the EU and NATO either succeed or fail in contributing significantly to the development of a new European security order. The potential consequences for both the institutions themselves and for European security generally will be explored and assessed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138706408

Building a Black Criminology Volume 24Race Theory and Crime In light of the Black Lives Matter movement and protests in many cities race plays an ever more salient role in crime and justice. Within theoretical criminology however race has oddly remained on the periphery. It is often introduced as a control variable in tests of theories and is rarely incorporated as a central construct in mainstream paradigms (e.g. control social learning and strain theories). When race is discussed the standard approach is to embrace the racial invariance thesis which argues that any racial differences in crime are due to African Americans being exposed to the same criminogenic risk factors as are Whites just more of them. An alternative perspective has emerged that seeks to identify the unique racially specific conditions that only Blacks experience. Within the United States these conditions are rooted in the historical racial oppression experienced by African Americans whose contemporary legacy includes concentrated disadvantage in segregated communities racial socialization by parents experiences with and perceptions of racial discrimination and disproportionate involvement in and unjust treatment by the criminal justice system. Importantly racial invariance and race specificity are not mutually exclusive perspectives. Evidence exists that Blacks and Whites commit crimes for both the same reasons (invariance) and for different reasons (race-specific). A full understanding of race and crime thus must involve demarcating both the general and specific causes of crime the latter embedded in what it means to be "Black" in the United States. This volume seeks to explore these theoretical issues in a depth and breadth that is not common under one cover. Again given the salience of race and crime this volume should be of interest to a wide range of criminologists and have the potential to be used in graduate seminars and upper-level undergraduate courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367504915

Building a Career in Opera from School to Stage: OperapreneurshipCMS Emerging Fields in Music Building a Career in Opera from School to Stage: Operapreneurship provides early-career singers with an overview of the structure of the opera industry and tools for strategically approaching a career within it. Today's voice students leave the conservatory with better training than ever but often face challenges to managing their own careers after graduation. This book addresses what singers need to know in order to craft a career path in the contemporary landscape of opera. Readers learn about the opera industry's structure common pathways and entry points non-academic training programs researching and evaluating opportunities crafting professional documents and media and what it means to be a professional opera singer. Written by a singer with recent experience in the industry—and particularly the emerging phase—this book is a practical guide for all singers embarking on a career in opera. The author's website hosts additional resources including databases of training programs guides and templates for creating professional documents as well as articles addressing current industry issues and interviews with subject matter experts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367421519

Building A Character Building a Character is one of the three volumes that make up Stanislavski’s The Acting Trilogy. An Actor Prepares explores the inner preparation an actor must undergo in order to explore a role to the full. In this volume Sir John Gielgud said this great director “found time to explain a thousand things that have always troubled actors and fascinated students.” Building a Character discusses the external techniques of acting: the use of the body movement diction singing expression and control. Creating a Role describes the preparation that precedes actual performance with extensive discussions of Gogol’s The Inspector General and Shakespeare’s Othello. Sir Paul Scofield called Creating a Role “immeasurably important” for the actor. These three volumes belong on any actor’s short shelf of essential books. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315059402

Building a Community of Self-Motivated LearnersStrategies to Help Students Thrive in School and Beyond Award-winning teacher blogger and author Larry Ferlazzo is back with more insightful research and strategies for helping students want to care more about school and learning. In his previous books on motivation—Helping Students Motivate Themselves and Self-Driven Learning—he tackled ways to help students build intrinsic motivation by how you use class time manage your class encourage students to feel positive about learning help them not feel burned out by testing and more. In this book he looks at how teachers can create classroom conditions that are needed for motivation to grow in the first place. Ferlazzo provides research-based suggestions on what you can do today to help students want to develop qualities like physical health grit flow and a desire to transfer what they’re learning to life outside of school. At the end of each chapter you’ll find high-interest lesson plans correlated to the Common Core ELA/Literacy Standards that set the stage for long-term positive impacts. Students will read about sports stars how maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help them achieve their goals and other engaging topics. They will integrate information from various texts and make connections to their own lives hopes and dreams—a more powerful way to learn to care than being told they should. The readings for these lessons and other tools are available as free eResources on our website so you can easily print them for your students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415746663

Building a Culture of Literacy Month-By-Month Celebrate literacy every day! This book will help you create a culture of literacy at your school from the classroom to the lunchroom to the hallways-a culture that encompasses students teachers administrators families and communities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439726

Building a Culture of SupportStrategies for School Leaders Written in a down-to-earth and people-first style this book is for principals and aspiring school leaders. Caposey shares insightful advice and meaningful examples for building a healthy school culture. Learn the essential strategies that will help you transform and improve your school by embodying a service mindset and focusing on supporting the mission and vision the professionals in the building the students and the community as a whole. This is also an ideal guide for students in a principal preparation course—demonstrating how a culture of support is at the heart of all successful school improvement efforts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781596672277

Building a Dedicated GSM GPS Module Tracking System for Fleet ManagementHardware and Software This book shows how to build a "INFelecPHY GPS Unit" (IEP-GPS) tracking system for fleet management that is based on 3G and GPRS modules. This model should provide reliability since it deals with several protocols: 1) HTTP and HTTPS to navigate download and upload in real time the information to a web server 2) FTTP and FTTPS to handle in a non-real time the files to the web application and 3) SMTP and POP3 to send and receive email directly from the unit in case of any alert. Similar to a mobile device but without screen for display it is multifunctional because it links to a GPRS module a camera a speaker headphone a keypad and screen. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572211

Building A Global Information Assurance Program Governments their agencies and businesses are perpetually battling to protect valuable classified proprietary or sensitive information but often find that the restrictions imposed upon them by information security policies and procedures have significant negative impacts on their ability to function. These government and business entities are beginning to realize the value of information assurance (IA) as a tool to ensure that the right information gets to the right people at the right time with a reasonable expectation that it is timely accurate authentic and uncompromised.Intended for those interested in the construction and operation of an IA or Information Security (InfoSec) program Building a Global Information Assurance Program describes the key building blocks of an IA development effort including:Information AttributesSystem AttributesInfrastructure or ArchitectureInteroperabilityIA Tools Cognitive HierarchiesDecision CyclesOrganizational ConsiderationsOperational ConceptsBecause of their extensive and diverse backgrounds the authors bring a unique perspective to current IT issues. The text presents their proprietary process based on the systems development life cycle (SDLC) methodology specifically tailored for an IA program. This process is a structured cradle-to-grave approach to IA program development from program planning and design to implementation support and phase out. Building a Global Information Assurance Program provides a proven series of steps and tasks that you can follow to build quality IA programs faster at lower costs and with less risk. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138437005

Building a Global Learning OrganizationUsing TWI to Succeed with Strategic Workforce Expansion in the LEGO Group Building a Global Learning Organization: Using TWI to Succeed with Strategic Workforce Expansion in the LEGO® Group describes how a multinational company developed a global structure for learning based on the TWI (Training Within Industry) program to create and sustain standardized work across multiple language and cultural platforms. In this book Shingo Prize-winning author Patrick Graupp collaborates with two practitioners who performed the planning and implementation of the LEGO Group’s worldwide Learning Organization.The book outlines the organizational and planning models used by the LEGO Group to create the internal ability to give and receive tacit skills and knowledge. Describing how and why TWI is used as the foundation for success in knowledge transfer across diverse languages and cultures it provides step-by-step guidance on how to establish a solid organizational foundation for your own Learning Organization.Providing expert insight into the work of culture change the book explains how to work with people to create motivation for moving to a new system of learning. It details the critical elements that made the implementation at the LEGO Group a success identifies the stumbling blocks they encountered along the way and explains how they were overcome. Case studies describe in detail what these efforts looked and felt like in actual application.The TWI program has long been recognized for its ability to generate results. After reading this book you will gain valuable insight into how your organization—whether large or small national or international—can integrate this timeless tool into your operating structure and your daily culture. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781482213638

Building a Lean Service EnterpriseReflections of a Lean Management Practitioner This book provides an assorted set of reflections/lessons from the "trenches" of Lean service and brings to fore leadership challenges new tools and the known-unknowns (insights that very few know but many in journey of Lean transformation need to know). Lean has the ability to address a wide range of problems faced by service companies such as: complexity reduction sales force productivity enhancement operations risk control cost leadership combining scale with flexibility service excellence and improving employee morale and involvement. Many of the principles discussed in the book are based on the author's first-hand experience in Lean implementation. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781498779593

Building a Learning Culture in America Building a Learning Culture in America takes an incisive no-holds-barred look at how America embraced and cultivated a culture of learning in the past how that culture declined in the sixties and seventies and what must be done to regain it. From political gridlock to systemic discrimination Chavous details the many ways education today is off track and cites specific examples of what Americans might do to reform it. Part memoir and part manifesto this is a frank fascinating and personal account of Chavous' experience as a politician working to enact school choice in Washington DC and throughout the United States. During the course of his political career he has seen political skirmishes and party scuffles interfere with the United States' ability to improve its educational system. These conflicts did not cause the problem; they were merely a result. The true problem was more basic: the decline of America's learning culture. This pivotal work calls for Americans to unite in making the changes needed to re-establish a learning culture as an inherent piece of the American national fabric and tells us how to begin. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412864428

Building a More Democratic United NationsProceedings of CAMDUN-1 These proceedings from the 1990 CAMDUN conference cover the structure of the UN NGOs and the roles of UNAs communication globally through the UN and restructuring the UN. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003062493

Building A New Heritage (RLE Tourism) At the heart of the European debate lies the tension between the idea of European unity and individual state identities and nationalisms. This volume provides an insight into this dichotomy by exploring the role of heritage in the new Europe. The main theme of this book is that a number of possible heritages can be shaped from the European past depending on the purposes for which they are intended. Through different methods of management intervention heritage can fulfil a variety of functions becoming a major commercial resource in the form of the tourism industry or enlisted in the creation and maintenance of place identities. Leading contributors look at different perceptions of heritage by different cultures and the social and political consequences of heritage planning. The nature of heritage planning for emerging spatially fragmented state structures is also discussed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751483

Building a Peace EconomyOpportunities and Problems of Post-Cold War Defense Cuts This book shows how to make the smoothest possible transition to civilian use of newly released military resources especially the physical and human resources that have been devoted to defense production and thereby help people make the required economic adjustment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367010720

Building a People-Oriented Security Community the ASEAN way ASEAN has declared its intention to create a security community in Southeast Asia that is people-orientated. This book evaluates ASEAN’s progress and in doing so examines three matters of concern. The book firstly looks at the importance of constitutive norms to the workings of security communities by identifying ASEAN’s constitutive norms and the extent to which they act as a help of hindrance in establishing a security community. It then moves on to how ASEAN has interpreted people-orientated as empowering civil society organisations to be community stakeholders. The book discusses the uncertainty between how ASEAN envisages their role and the role they themselves expect to have. Civil society actors are seeking to influence what sort of community evolves and their ability to interact with the state elite is evaluated to determine what interpretation of people-oriented is likely to emerge. Thirdly in order to make progress ASEAN has sought to achieve cooperation among its member states in functional areas. The book examines this interest in functional cooperation through case studies on human rights HIV/AIDS and disaster management. By discussing the notion of ASEAN being people-orientated and how it engages with ‘the people’ the book provides important insights into what type of community ASEAN in building as well as furthering our understanding on security communities more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138086678

Building a Programmable Logic Controller with a PIC16F648A Microcontroller Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are extensively used in industry to perform automation tasks with manufacturers offering a variety of PLCs that differ in functions program memories and the number of inputs/outputs (I/O). Not surprisingly the design and implementation of these PLCs have long been a secret of manufacturers. Unveiling the mysteries of PLC technology Building a Programmable Logic Controller with PIC16F648A Microcontroller explains how to design and use a PIC16F648A-microcontroller-based PLC. The author first described a microcontroller-based implementation of a PLC in a series of articles published in Electronics World magazine between 2008 and 2010. This book is based on an improved version of the project including:Updates to the hardware configuration with a smaller CPU board and two I/O extension boards that now support 16 inputs and 16 outputs instead of 8An increased clock frequency of 20 MHzImprovements to several macrosFlowcharts to help you understand the macros (functions)In this book the author provides detailed explanations of hardware and software structures. He also describes PIC Assembly macros for all basic PLC functions which are illustrated with numerous examples and flowcharts. An accompanying CD contains source files (.ASM) and object files (.HEX) for all of the examples in the book. It also supplies printed circuit board (PCB) (Gerber and .pdf) files so that you can have the CPU board and I/O extension boards produced by a PCB manufacturer or produce your own boards.Making PLCs more easily accessible this unique book is written for advanced students practicing engineers and hobbyists who want to learn how to build their own microcontroller-based PLC. It assumes some previous knowledge of digital logic design microcontrollers and PLCs as well as familiarity with the PIC16F series of microcontrollers and w Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367379537

Building a Project Work Breakdown StructureVisualizing Objectives Deliverables Activities and Schedules Most people do not truly understand a concept until they can visualize it. This applies to all fields including Project Management. The best way to effectively manage projects is to help your team visualize the end result as well as the steps needed to achieve that result. Help Your Team Visualize the Right Path to Success Building a Project Work Breakdown Structure: Visualizing Objectives Deliverables Activities and Schedules employs a diagram approach to project planning and scheduling. This useful tool empowers business professionals to take control of and successfully communicate their projects ensuring they are completed on time with their targeted impact. Industry professional Dennis P. Miller a consultant to leading Fortune 500 companies thoroughly explains the keys to an effective Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) through an Eight Step Process. He has refined this process over a period of twenty years applying it to over 100 projects ranging from software development to social events. The Eight Step Process starts with a concentrated effort to define the project through its deliverables. The middle steps walk the project team through a process of activity definition and sequencing and resource assignment. Finally the last steps involve estimating the duration and verifying the project timeline. Not Just What to Do But How to Do It! This is a hands-on volume that includes a practice section for each of the eight steps providing readers with real examples of how the author has successfully applied this process. The result of its application is a visualization of the project‘s objectives deliverables activities and schedules. Over 130 illustrations enrich the instructions. Project managers are assured of success by following the simple tools in this unique and comprehensive volume. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138423275

Building a Prosperous Southeast AsiaMoving from Ersatz to Echt Capitalism Professor Yoshihara an international expert on the Southeast Asian economies looks beyond the causes of the current crisis to discuss what can be done to build a dynamic economy in Asia to ensure prosperity for the future. He takes the viewpoint that the only way to achieve this is to promote integration into the global economy through free trade and free capital movement. He puts forward a convincing argument that government intervention is not the way forward and has in fact helped cause the present crisis. But a prosperous future is possible he argues by renovating institutions and adapting new attitudes. A most timely book with lessons for other parts of the world as well as for Southeast Asia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203037034

Building a Resilient OrganisationThe Design of Risk-Based Reasoning Chains in Large Distributed Systems In this book John Arthur and Louise Moody introduce the concept of the reasoning chain a new approach to risk-based reasoning systems in large complex and distributed organisations. Arguing that large complex and distributed organisations are particularly focussed on a triple-helix of chain metaphors – supply value and reputation chains – the authors propose that there is overwhelming evidence that the accepted approaches to risk and resilience do not compliment this architecture. This is extremely problematic because risk and resilience constructs have been formally and informally regulated for these industries. The Reasoning Chain proposes and illustrates a holistic solution to the problems thrown up by existing norms. It is proposed that the reasoning chain be intentionally designed on an equal footing with supply value and reputation; a quadruple helix. Through challenge of best practice an argument unfolds to outline the novel approach for risk based resilience reasoning in large distributed organisations illustrated through a series of case studies and guidance to implementation. This book is an accessible and valuable resource for risk managers and decision makers responsible for complex business decisions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472482358

Building a Sustainable Supply Chain The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was not caused by BP but by a contractor yet BP got the blame. The toxic waste from the production of Apple products dumped in China in 2011 was not dumped by Apple but by a supplier yet Apple got the blame. The horsemeat found in beef burgers in 2013 was not added by Tesco but by a supplier yet Tesco got the blame. In all three cases blame for the damage caused by suppliers floated up through the supply chain until it lodged with the big brand at the top. No longer can companies constrain their corporate responsibility within the factory fence as that boundary is not recognized by outside observers. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that the majority of most organizations’ environmental footprint lies in their supply chain. This means that to address the sustainability agenda in a meaningful way they must tackle the impacts of their suppliers. Unfortunately this is a huge challenge as visibility and influence diminishes quickly as you start to work your way down through the layers of suppliers. This book gives a quick but comprehensive guide to the most effective techniques to help you proactively address environmental risks in the supply chain. It covers the following: the business case for a sustainable supply chain; supply chains and sustainability: the big picture; making supply chains sustainable: the fundamentals; basic techniques: the "hard yards" of green procurement; intermediate techniques: those requiring changes to operations and products/services; advanced techniques: changes to the business model and corporate philosophy.The book draws upon exclusive interviews with top sustainability practitioners along with the practical experiences of the author to provide real world examples at the cutting edge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909293786

Building a Validity Argument for the Test of English as a Foreign Languageâ„¢ The Test of English as a Foreign Language â„¢ (TOEFL®) is used by moreuniversities worldwide than any other test to assess English languageproficiency for academic admission and placement decisions and to guideEnglish language instruction. This landmark volume provides a detailed description and analysis of Educational Testing Service’s research and development efforts to develop a major revision of the TOEFL® test. The result is a book that serves as a case study of test design drawing upon theory in the complex domain of English language proficiency while attempting to meet standards of educational measurement. Building a Validity Argument for the Test of English as a Foreign Languageâ„¢ is distinctive in its attempt to develop a coherent story of the rationale for a test or its revision explain the research and development process and provide the results of the validation process. Through its treatment of one test it expands on and tests principles and approaches to educational measurement providing an in-depth integrated perspective on the overall process of test revision. Moreover because the conceptual foundation and history are presented alongside the empirical studies and validity argument these sometimes disparate areas are presented in a way that demonstrates their connections – an approach which represents a departure from or extension of conventional materials on test revision. This volume is particularly relevant for professionals and graduate students in educational measurement applied linguistics and second language acquisition as well as anyone interested in assessment issues. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203937891

Building a Values-Driven Organization Richard Barrett author of the best-selling book Liberating the Corporate Soul presents his new thinkingBased on his experience working with over 1 000 organizations in 32 countries on cultural transformation for the values-driven organization. He presents a whole system approach to cultural transformation showing organizations how they can change their culture to become values-driven organizations that support their employees their customers their partners their leaders and ultimately drive effectiveness and profit. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138470125

Building a World Heritage CitySanaa Yemen The conservation of old Sanaa is a major cultural heritage initiative that began in the 1980's under the auspices of UNESCO; it continues today led by local agencies and actors. In contrast to other parts of the world where conservation was introduced at a later date to remediate the effects of modernization in Yemen the two processes have been more or less concurrent. This has resulted in a paradox: unlike many other countries in the Middle East that abandoned traditional construction practices long ago in Yemen these practices have not died out. Builders and craftsmen still work in 'traditional' construction and see themselves as caretakers of the old city. At the same time social forms that shaped the built fabric persist in both the old city and the new districts. Yemenis in effect are not separated from their heritage by an historical divide. What does it mean to conserve in a place where the 'historic past' is in some sense still alive? How must international agencies and consultants readjust theory and practice as they interact with living representatives of this historic past? And what are the implications of the case of Sanaa for conservation in general? Building a World Heritage City addresses these questions and also fosters greater cultural understanding of a little known but geopolitically important part of the world that is often portrayed exclusively in terms of unrest and political turmoil. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308459

Building Acoustics Building or architectural acoustics is taken in this book to cover all aspects of sound and vibration in buildings. The book covers room acoustics but the main emphasis is on sound insulation and sound absorption and the basic aspects of noise and vibration problems connected to service equipment and external sources. Measuring techniques connected to these fields are also brought in. It is designed for advanced level engineering studies and is also valuable as a guide for practitioners and acoustic consultants who need to fulfil the demands of building regulations. It gives emphasis to the acoustical performance of buildings as derived from the performance of the elements comprising various structures. Consequently the physical aspects of sound transmission and absorption need to be understood and the main focus is on the design of elements and structures to provide high sound insulation and high absorbing power. Examples are taken from all types of buildings. The book aims at giving an understanding of the physical principles involved and three chapters are therefore devoted to vibration phenomena and sound waves in fluids and solid media. Subjective aspects connected to sound and sound perception is sufficiently covered by other books; however the chapter on room acoustics includes descriptions of measures that quantify the "acoustic quality" of rooms for speech and music. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367865214

Building Acoustics Avoid Costly Mistakes for Specialists and Non-Specialists Alike Bad acoustics in buildings is a nuisance that is not dealt with easily. The problem applies just as much to open-plan offices and restaurants and to production facilities and transportation stations as it does to performance halls not to mention homes. It does not merely affect oral communication or enjoyment of music but has quite profound consequences on well-being. Gives Guidance on What to Expect from Design Teams and Contractors Building Acoustics is devoted to practical building and room acoustics illustrated by numerous examples. It introduces the basics for the different specialists in a design team and for the client and sets out the issues for shared consideration. It guides them in the drawing up of sensible acoustic specifications. It is written for non-specialists and gives an outline of potential problems. It also shows what to consider before the construction stage. It empowers its readers to express their needs to a specialist consultant and to avoid the worst pitfalls. Covers interactions between acoustics and other disciplines Shows through numerous real-life examples the route to understanding and solving the problem Illustrates various points of views through real projects Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466582446

Building Adaptation As existing buildings age nearly half of all construction activity in Britain is related to maintenance refurbishment and conversions. Building adaptation is an activity that continues to make a significant contribution to the workload of the construction industry. Given its importance to sustainable construction the proportion of adaptation works in relation to new build is likely to remain substantial for the foreseeable future especially in the developed parts of the world.Building Adaptation Second Edition is intended as a primer on the physical changes that can affect older properties. It demonstrates the general principles techniques and processes needed when existing buildings must undergo alteration conversion extension improvement or refurbishment.The publication of the first edition of Building Adaptation reflected the upsurge in refurbishment work. The book quickly established itself as one of the core texts for building surveying students and others on undergraduate and postgraduate built environment courses.This new edition continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to all the key issues relating to the adaptation of buildings. It deals with any work to a building over and above maintenance to change its capacity function or performance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132900

Building Agricultural InstitutionsTransferring The Land-grant Model To India And Nigeria This book compares and contrasts two attempts to replicate the American system of land-grant model in India and Nigeria. It aims to understand the basis of Africa's dismal agricultural institutional showing and to suggest socioeconomic conditions and management interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367165826

Building an Effective Information Security Policy Architecture Information security teams are charged with developing and maintaining a set of documents that will protect the assets of an enterprise from constant threats and risks. In order for these safeguards and controls to be effective they must suit the particular business needs of the enterprise. A guide for security professionals Building an Effective Information Security Policy Architecture explains how to review develop and implement a security architecture for any size enterprise whether it is a global company or a SMB. Through the use of questionnaires and interviews the book demonstrates how to evaluate an organization’s culture and its ability to meet various security standards and requirements. Because the effectiveness of a policy is dependent on cooperation and compliance the author also provides tips on how to communicate the policy and gain support for it.  Suitable for any level of technical aptitude this book serves a guide for evaluating the business needs and risks of an enterprise and incorporating this information into an effective security policy architecture. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387303

Building an Electronic Disease RegisterGetting the Computer to Work for You Widespread recognition of the benefits of minimally invasive procedures in surgery and medicine is resulting in the rapid development of new advances and new techniques in every speciality. This series of books sets out to meet the needs of those responsible for applying the techniques. This volume deals with the field of minimal access surgery. It covers the philosophy of the concept team training pre-operative preparation of the patient anaesthetic considerations equipment lasers and operative techniques for the various body systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315384399

Building an Enterprise-Wide Business Continuity Program If you had to evacuate from your building right now and were told you couldn’t get back in for two weeks would you know what to do to ensure your business continues to operate? Would your staff? Would every person who works for your organization?Increasing threats to business operations both natural and man-made mean a disaster could occur at any time. It is essential that corporations and institutions develop plans to ensure the preservation of business operations and the technology that supports them should risks become reality.Building an Enterprise-Wide Business Continuity Program goes beyond theory to provide planners with actual tools needed to build a continuity program in any enterprise. Drawing on over two decades of experience creating continuity plans and exercising them in real recoveries including 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina Master Business Continuity Planner Kelley Okolita provides guidance on each step of the process. She details how to validate the plan and supplies time-tested tips for keeping the plan action-ready over the course of time. Disasters can happen anywhere anytime and for any number of reasons. However by proactively planning for such events smart leaders can prepare their organizations to minimize tragic consequences and readily restore order with confidence in the face of such adversity. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367385286

Building an Entrepreneurial Organisation Entrepreneurship is often focused on understanding new ventures but the entrepreneurial flame is required in growing organisations too. This textbook examines how organisations can become more entrepreneurial to achieve sustainable growth. The authors show how entrepreneurship can be used to address crisis points of growth within small firms and to overcome the limitations of stagnation within large firms. By integrating entrepreneurship and innovation management the book presents a framework to diagnose entrepreneurial behaviour within existing firms. Drawing upon research and reflecting practice across a range of industries from football through Silicon Valley to the retail sector it includes insights from leading practitioners. The authors build an understanding of entrepreneurship in context to provide diagnostic tools to help organisations make entrepreneurship central to their culture. This unique text is therefore useful reading for business students from advanced undergraduate to executive education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138861138

Building an Information Security Awareness Program In his latest book a pre-eminent information security pundit confessed that he was wrong about the solutions to the problem of information security. It's not technology that's the solution but the human factor-people. But even infosec policies and procedures are insufficient if employees don't know about them or why they're important or what can happen to them if they ignore them. The key of course is continuous awareness of the problems and the solutions. Building an Information Security Awareness Program addresses these concerns. A reference and self-study guide it goes step-by-step through the methodology for developing distributing and monitoring an information security awareness program. It includes detailed instructions on determining what media to use and where to locate it and it describes how to efficiently use outside sources to optimize the output of a small staff. The author stresses the importance of security and the entire organizations' role and responsibility in protecting it. He presents the material in a fashion that makes it easy for nontechnical staff members to grasp the concepts. These attributes render Building an Information Security Awareness Program an immensely valuable reference in the arsenal of the IS professional. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138436985

Building an Opportunity SocietyA Realistic Alternative to an Entitlement State Twenty-first-century US policymakers face a great challenge: How can federal government help more people achieve the American dream? Specifically how can we provide greater opportunities for less-prosperous individuals enabling them to succeed through hard work on their merits and take increased responsibility for their lives?Lewis D. Solomon sees this as the challenge of our time. He seeks to thread the fine public policy needle between social democratic efforts to perfect the world and those who negatively view public sector programs. Based on the premise that capitalism is not inherently unjust and defective and American capitalism's structural features do not inexorability thwart opportunity Building an Opportunity Society offers the possibility of more limited carefully structured cost-effective empirically verified federal policies and programs.Solomon first provides the background and context of many existing domestic challenges and problems that the current and proposed federal policies and programs seek to address. He then analyses the federal safety net that keeps Americans from poverty and helps reduce income inequality. Finally he presents a lifecycle analysis of current federal policies and programs preventive and remedial designed as part of the Entitlement State but if restructured could facilitate the building of an Opportunity Society. Solomon challenges policymakers to take a fresh look at how best to achieve society's goals for all citizens. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507814

Building and Maintaining a Data Warehouse As it is with building a house most of the work necessary to build a data warehouse is neither visible nor obvious when looking at the completed product. While it may be easy to plan for a data warehouse that incorporates all the right concepts taking the steps needed to create a warehouse that is as functional and user-friendly as it is theoretically sound is not especially easy. That’s the challenge that Building and Maintaininga Data Warehouse answers. Based on a foundation of industry-accepted principles this work provides an easy-to-follow approach that is cohesive and holistic. By offering the perspective of a successful data warehouse as well as that of a failed one this workdetails those factors that must be accomplished and those that are best avoided. Organized to logically progress from more general to specific information this valuable guide: Presents areas of a data warehouse individually and in sequence showing how each piece becomes a working part of the whole Examines the concepts and principles that are at the foundation of every successful data warehouse Explains how to recognize and attend to problematic gaps in an established data warehouse Provides the big picture perspective that planners and executives require Those considering the planning and creation of a data warehouse as well as those who’ve already built one will profit greatly from the insights garnered by the author during his years of creating and gathering information on state-of-the-art data warehouses that are accessible convenient and reliable. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367387648

Building and Managing E-book CollectionsA How-to-do-it Manual for Librarians Offering multiple perspectives from electronic resource professionals at world-renowned libraries this book provides a comprehensive and well-rounded e-book education. Beginning with a short history of e-books and a review of the e-book publishing industry and its effect on library's selection and budget process this new text provides a thorough treatment of collection development issues including the selection process and development policies the use of approval plans patron-driven acquisition and practical solutions for creating your e-book collection policies. Chapters on budgeting and licensing covers ownership versus leasing models the differences in licensing options from the major publishers and aggregators including information on digital rights management and strategies for success in retention access and budgeting. This practical and realistic book covers all aspects of this complex area including: e-book purchasing models file formats and publisher/aggregator e-book platforms an examination of display devices (e-readers) best practices in cataloguing e-books to include metadata insight on incorporating value added features such as adding excerpts from the text book covers and links to related resources guidance on library web page and online catalogue access assessment and evaluation strategies circulation statistics print collection selection and usage and user satisfaction. You'll also gain valuable insight into the e-book's impact on the publishing industry scholarly communication and its integration into future technologies and social media. Six practical case studies offer real world scenarios and helpful tips for implementation in a variety of settings. Readership: This book is a ready reference source for any library and information professional with an interest in e-books and their development. It is essential background reading for library managers wishing to develop an e-book collection from scratch or for those responsible for maintaining an existing e-book collection. It will also have plenty to interest publishers who need to be aware of the issues faced by libraries managing e-book collections and will be of great value to students of librarianship and information studies and those on publishing related courses. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781856048378

Building and Sustaining the Capacity for Social Policy Reforms This title was first published in 2000:  Ten papers on poverty alleviation and social policy matters applied to Arab countries and Africa. They explore the impact on the vulnerable of the implementation of structural adjustment programmes and look at poverty alleviation and social policies health care and social security issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138703995

Building and Using a Groundwater Database Building and Using a Groundwater Database is an introductory book that focuses on the fundamentals of groundwater database use. It is an excellent guide for people who collect and use groundwater quality data hydrogeological data and general geological data as well as people who are required to prepare information about groundwater resources for others to use. The book also serves as a textbook for computer-based hydrogeology courses. Many university courses now make use of computerized groundwater data yet no textbook exists to guide students in database use.Building and Using a Groundwater Database provides detailed information regarding the steps and perspectives required to create a database and use it for groundwater management land use practices planning cleanups site investigations and general hydrogeologic reporting. The book is structured to take the reader from the foundations of database development through maintenance and everyday use of the database. Actual examples from selected case studies are used to illustrate database principles. This book is unique in that it deals with the management and structuring of groundwater data as opposed to the collection and interpretation of data. It illustrates how database software managers can be integrated with groundwater software tools. Building and Using a Groundwater Database provides consultants engineers public officials university instructors local and municipal water utilities and banking and loan institutions with a clear concise guide to using groundwater databases. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891255

Building Anti-Fragile OrganisationsRisk Opportunity and Governance in a Turbulent World Every day human organisations fail. Building Anti-Fragile Organisations explores a powerful alternative framework for risk in the design and management of human systems. Anti-Fragility is a new way of thinking about mitigating risk that builds on earlier work on the characteristics of biological systems that being more than just robust actually improve their resilience through being stressed. Professor Bendell explains how applying this concept to the development and management of organisations services and products allows us to identify the characteristics that will not only mitigate against the realisation of hazards but enable growth in protection strength and anti-fragility over time. In this context anti-fragility also encompasses flexibility agility and the exploitation of opportunities. At the organisational level anti-fragility (or its absence) is determined by the organisational strategy structure and systems its people relationships and culture. The book focuses on establishing the Anti-Fragile concept of the firm and explores its application in private and public sector organisations of all types. It identifies characteristics relevant to survival in a turbulent world and how our approaches to risk and governance need to change in order to create and manage anti-fragile organisations. It provides practical insight into the concept of Anti-Fragility and its deployment within human organisations of all types and give readers the opportunity to start to make sense to applying the concepts within their own worlds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138272774

Building ApartheidOn Architecture and Order in Imperial Cape Town Through a specific architectural lens this book exposes the role the British Empire played in the development of apartheid. Through reference to previously unexamined archival material the book uncovers a myriad of mechanisms through which Empire laid the foundations onto which the edifice of apartheid was built. It unearths the significant role British architects and British architectural ideas played in facilitating white dominance and racial segregation in pre-apartheid Cape Town. To achieve this the book follows the progenitor of the Garden City Movement Ebenezer Howard in its tripartite structure of Country/Town/Suburb acknowledging the Garden City Movement's dominance at the Cape at the time. This tripartite structure also provides a significant match to postcolonial schemas of Self/Other/Same which underpin the three parts to the book. Much is owed to Edward Said's discourse-analytical approach in Orientalism - and the work of Homi Bhabha - in the definition and interpretation of archival material. This material ranges across written and visual representations in journals and newspapers through exhibitions and events to legislative acts as well as the physicality of the various architectural objects studied. The book concludes by drawing attention to the ideological potency of architecture which tends to be veiled more so through its ubiquitous presence and in doing so it presents not only a story peculiar to Imperial Cape Town but one inherent to architecture more broadly. The concluding chapter also provides a timely mirror for the machinations currently at play in establishing a 'post-apartheid' architecture and urbanity in the 'new' South Africa. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255432

Building Asia’s Security This book provides a systematic analysis of the current state and future trajectory of security cooperation in the worlds most economically dynamic and strategically uncertain region. It explains the rapid rise of a complex array of security mechanisms in Asia and argues that their limited influence on Asian states security policy derives from a combination of institutional and diplomatic shortcomings as well as the broader mistrust and strategic uncertainty evident in the region. As such the paper argues that Asia presently has a fractured security architecture and that this likely to remain the case in the short term. Although current security cooperation is not providing substantive reassurance to many regional powers indeed it is to some degree masking the growing wariness among many regional powers institutional mechanisms can contribute to the creation of a stable regional order in Asia and the prospects of such efforts are politically plausible but by no means inevitable. Provided they are well designed and have sufficient political capital invested in them security institutions can be capable of providing regional security public goods that are not available through other means and which the region will need if it is to be able to make good on its potential. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405639

Building BangaloreArchitecture and urban transformation in India’s Silicon Valley Examining spatial transformations in Bangalore one of India's fastest growing cities this book highlights the influence of information and communications technology (ICT) development on the city. Focusing on the production of urban space and the processes that inform such production the author proposes that Silicon Valley California has become a globalized model for the production of ICT urban development. The book presents a history of Bangalore's urban development and the emergence of the ICT industry there. Using this historical analysis and the geography of ICT development the author identifies several case study areas where ICT development is transforming the built environment. Building on this analysis the author goes on to suggest that the development in Bangalore over the last 20 years represents a type of informational cascade and that the case studies illustrate that local information alters the course of ICT development and has the potential to overturn this cascade. This in turn could lead to a more sustainable urban future one that profits from the city's regional advantages. The transformations taking place in Bangalore are occurring in many cities that are competing in the new informational economy. This book makes an important contribution to studies on South Asia as well as Architecture and Urban Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415748759

Building Better Arts FacilitiesLessons from a U.S. National Study At the turn of the 21st century a significant boom in the construction of cultural buildings took saw the creation of hundreds of performing arts centers theaters and museums. After these buildings were completed however many of these cultural organizations struggled to survive or alternatively drifted off mission as the construction project forced monetary or other considerations to be prioritized. Building Better Arts Facilities: Lessons from a U.S. National Study examines the ways in which organizations planned and managed building projects during this boom and investigates organizational operations after projects were completed. By integrating quantitative data with case-study evidence the authors identify the differences between the ways some organizations were able to successfully meet the challenges of a large construction project and others that were not. With empirical evidence and analysis this book highlights better practices for managing and leading cultural building ventures. Readers of this book – be they arts managers politicians board members city planners foundation executives or philanthropists – will find that book provides valuable perspective and insight about building cultural facilities and that reading it will serve to make building projects go more smoothly in the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138125797

Building Better UniversitiesStrategies Spaces Technologies Building Better Universities provides a wide-ranging summary and critical review of the increasing number of groundbreaking initiatives undertaken by universities and colleges around the world. It suggests that we have reached a key moment for the higher education sector in which the services location scale ownership and distinctiveness of education are being altered dramatically whether universities and colleges want it or not. These shifts are affecting traditional assumptions about both the future ‘shape’ of higher education institutions and the roles of—and relationships between—learners teachers researchers managers businesses communities and other stakeholders. Building Better Universities aims to bridge the gap between educational ideas about what the university is or should be ‘for’ and its day-to-day practices and organisation. It roams across strategic operational and institutional issues; space planning and building design; and technological change in order to bring together issues that are often dealt with separately. By analysing the many challenges faced by higher education in the contemporary period and exploring the various ways universities and colleges are responding this powerful book aims to support a ‘step-change’ in debates over the future of higher education and to enable senior managers and faculty to develop more strategic and creative ways of enabling effective twenty-first-century learning in their own institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415859325

Building Big Business in RussiaThe Impact of Informal Corporate Governance Practices This book examines the development of big business in Russia since the onset of market oriented reform in the early 1990s. It explains how privatized post-Soviet enterprises many of which made little sense as business units were transformed into functional firms able to operate in the environment of a market economy. It provides detailed case studies of three key companies – Yukos Oil Company Siberian (Russian) Aluminium and Norilsk Nickel – all of which played a key role in Russia’s economic recovery after 1998 describing how these companies were created run and have developed.  It shows how Russian businesses during the 1990s routinely relied on practices not entirely compatible with formal rules in particular in the area of corporate governance. The book fully explores the critical role played by informal corporate governance practices - such as share dilution transfer pricing asset stripping limiting shareholders access to votes and 'bankruptcy to order’ - as Russian big business developed during the 1990s.   Unlike other studies on Russian corporate governance this book highlights the ambiguous impact of informal corporate governance practices on the companies involved as commercial entities and suggests that although their use proved costly to Russia’s business reputation they helped core groups of owners/managers at the time to establish coherent business firms. Overall the book shows that we cannot understand the nature of current economic changes in Russia without recognising the crucial role played by informal corporate governance practices in the creation and development of big business in post-Soviet Russia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415625418

Building Blocks for CommunicationActivities for Promoting Language and Communication Skills in Children with Special Educational Needs This practical book provides school staff with lots of LEGO activities to use with children of all ages (5-16) to improve communication skills. Whether it is whole class doing group building activities to encourage collaborative working or paired work to target specific communication difficulties this book is packed full of engaging fun activities to suit all ages and abilities. LEGO never fails to entertain. Designed to look like play each activity is structured to target the development of particular skills needed for successful learners including many that focus on basic literacy and numeracy vocabulary. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301375

Building Blocks of Tabletop Game DesignAn Encyclopedia of Mechanisms Building Blocks of Tabletop Game Design: An Encyclopedia of Mechanisms compiles hundreds of different mechanisms organized by category. Each has a description of how it works discussion of its pros and cons how it can be implemented and examples of specific games that use it. Building Blocks can be read cover to cover used as a reference when looking for inspiration for a new design help solving a specific problem or assist in getting unstuck in the midst of a project. This book the first to collect mechanisms like this in the tabletop game design field aims to be a practical guide that will be a great starting point for beginning designers a handy guidebook for the experienced and an ideal classroom textbook.   Key Features The first compendium of its kind in the tabletop game field. Covers the nuts and bolts of design to resolve specific challenges. Serves as a practical guide a great starting point for beginning designers and a reference for seasoned professionals. Contains discussion of a series of standalone mechanisms in a standard format and style with cross-links to related mechanics and specific examples. Includes hundreds of mechanism entries with accompanying diagrams and sample games to study. Ideal for professional or classroom use. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138365490

Building Brands in AsiaFrom the Inside Out In a global business environment characterized by volatility and change the formation of enduring relationships with consumers is paramount but also notoriously difficult. Developing a unique brand personality is increasingly recognized as a key method to achieving the goal of customer loyalty. Focusing on the creation development and management of brands in the world’s most dynamic diverse and challenging business environment Building Brands in Asia challenges the assumption that the continuing success of global brands in Asia is a given. The first part examines the challenge multinational corporations face in balancing brand consistency with local effectiveness. In the second part attention shifts to Asian company brands where the focus on branding has been relatively muted until now. Through a variety of sector and country contexts – from facilities management to football clubs places to pop bands home appliances to home weaving - we narrate simply and clearly the value meaning auditing aligning extending and architecture of brands from the likes of Haier Ah Yee Taung Axis Bank OCS Caltex Manchester United and Thai Airways in markets as diverse as Japan Laos Korea and Singapore. Replete with anecdotes interviews and case studies Andrews and Chew provide an insightful detailed and timely examination for all those interested in today’s primary corporate preoccupation set in the world’s most exciting marketplace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415549844

Building Bridges: Cognitive Development in Typical and Atypical Development How can the study of typical development inform our understanding of atypical development? How can the study of atypical development inform our understanding of typical development? This book addresses these questions in the context of cognitive development—a discipline that focuses on the changes and continuity that characterize the intellectual processes that support mental life. The contributions range from a consideration of what autism teaches us about the development of attention to how the study of multiracial and gender-nonconforming children enriches and challenges traditional approaches to understanding social perception. This book demonstrates how two fields of study that too often operate independently can benefit from each other theoretically empirically and practically. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Cognition and Development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367535711

Building BridgesThe Impact of Neuropsychoanalysis on Psychoanalytic Clinical Sessions There are extraordinarily exciting periods in the history of science which bring new openings on the fringes of a particular field. We are in the midst of one of these periods: a large number of new discoveries regarding the functioning of the mind are published every day. These new findings in neuroscience are revealing unexpected aspects of neuroscience and pushing the entire field toward unexplored regions. Besides the advancement in the understanding of psychic processes neuroscience offers psychoanalysts the opportunity to enhance the dialogue with psychiatrists neurologists and other scientists expanding the theoretical model. It is clear that the relationship between psychoanalysis neuroscience and neuropsychoanalysis is controversial. So the dialogue between neuroscience and clinical findings is essential. Building a bridge between neuropsychoanalysis and psychoanalysis through the clinical session is the main purpose of the book which consists of two parts. The first part provides a theoretical view on dream depression addiction panic and how to consider the study of a single case. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782205135

Building BridgesThe Negotiation of Paradox in Psychoanalysis In Building Bridges Stuart A. Pizer gives much-needed recognition to the central role of negotiation in the analytic relationship and in the therapeutic process. Building on a Winnicottian perspective that comprehends paradox as the condition for preserving an intrapsychic and relational "potential space " Pizer explores how the straddling of paradox requires an ongoing process of negotiation and demonstrates how such negotiation articulates the creative potential within the potential space of analysis.Following careful review of Winnicott's perspective on paradox-via the pairings of privacy and interrelatedness isolation and interdependence ruthlessness and concern and the notion of transitional phenomena-Pizer locates these elemental paradoxes within the negotiations of an analytic process. Together he observes analyst and patient negotiate the boundaries potentials limits tonalities resistances and meanings that determine the course of their clinical dialogue. Elaborating on the theme of a multiply constituted "distributed" self Pizer presents a model for the tolerance of paradox as a developmental achievement related to ways in which caretakers function as "transitional mirrors." He then explores the impact of trauma and dissociation on the child's ability to negotiate paradox and clarifies how negotiation of paradox differs from negotiation of conflict.  Pizer also broadens the scope of his study by turning to negotiation theory and practices in the disciplines of law diplomacy and dispute resolution.  Enlivened by numerous clinical vignettes and a richly detailed chronicle of an analytic case from its earliest negotiations to termination Building Bridges adds a significant dimension to theoretical understanding and clinical practice. It is altogether a psychoanalytic work of our time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009738

Building Broadband Networks Optical networks undersea networks GSM UMTS…The recent explosion in broadband communications technologies has opened a new world of fast flexible services and applications. To successfully implement these services however requires a solid understanding of the concepts and capabilities of broadband technologies and networks.Building Broadband Networks provides a comprehensive non-theoretical introduction to broadband networking. It clearly and thoroughly conveys the principles and the technical fundamentals of the high-performance technologies that enable the reliable delivery of media-rich voice video and data services. After a careful examination of ISDN and ATM technologies it describes optical network solutions based on SONET/SDH WDM and DWDM technologies. It then explores Ethernet operations and services and introduces Frame Relay and Fibre Channel networks DSL solutions and wireline and wireless cable networks. The author reviews the capabilities of cellular technologies describes the characteristics of wireless networking technologies and examines broadband satellite networks. She also explores next-generation network configurations such as Internet2 and GEANT and concludes with a study of network security problems and solutions.The process of building and implementing broadband networks is technically complicated. Straightforward highly readable and logically presented Building Broadband Networks provides the foundation for understanding the broadband communications infrastructure and the framework needed to effectively develop and deploy broadband network solutions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367396077

Building Businesses in Emerging and Developing CountriesChallenges and Opportunities This book focuses on the challenges and opportunities facing companies in emerging and developing countries. China and India have become the primary business destination for many global companies that are looking for market opportunities and low costs of production whilst Morocco Dubai Brazil Malaysia and Russia are also being targeted. This new edited volume helps develop a better understanding of the realities of doing business in emerging and developing countries in particular exploring the dynamics between corporations – both indigenous and multinational – and local pressures in developing transitional and emerging economies. The book points out the benefits and pitfalls of doing business in emerging and developing countries as well as the adjustments that are necessary for success. It also discusses entrepreneurship in emerging and developing countries exploring its new realities from women’s entrepreneurship in Muslim countries to social entrepreneurship in developing countries. The volume also points out the new challenges for SMEs of emerging and developing countries in a global competitive environment. Finally it analyses corporate governance from a local partner perspective and an institutional perspective. Building Businesses in Emerging and Developing Countries will be of interest to business managers students and researchers involved in international entrepreneurship and corporate governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138383050

Building Business-Government RelationsA Skills Approach This book introduces business-government relations in the institutional context of the United States from a practitioner’s perspective. It provides the historical descriptive and comparative accounts of the public and private sectors the different roles government plays with business including several conceptual models to understand the social interactions between the two sectors and various economic policies associated with business. Business-government relations are framed into three different social economic contexts: The sociopolitical arena in which government’s role as agent of business interest groups and government’s limited role as social architect are introduced. The local economic development in which government acts as a promoter of partner with and buyer from business. The global market where government mainly plays a role as promoter of domestic business. In the course of discussion a set of skills such as searching government jobs starting a business analyzing stakeholders ethical reasoning advancing a business agenda leveraging public resources contracting with government interpreting global trends doing business abroad and leveraging international resources are introduced and exercised. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765640086

Building Capitalism (Routledge Revivals)Historical Change and the Labour Process in the Production of Built Environment First published in 1992 this Routledge Revival sees the reissue of a truly original exploration of the nature of urbanization and capitalism. Linda Clarke’s vital work argues that: Urbanization is a product of the social human labour engaged in building as well as a concentration of the labour force. The quality of the labour process determines the development of production. Changes to the built environment reflect changes in the production process and in particular the development of wage labour. To support these arguments the author identifies a qualitatively new historical stage of capitalist building production involving a significant expansion of wage labour and hence capital and the transition from artisan to industrial production. Linda Clarke draws from a wide range of original material relating to the development of London from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth century to provide a complete description of the development process: materials extraction roadbuilding housebuilding paving cleansing etc; profiles of builders and contractors involved and a picture of the new working class communities as in Somers Town – their living conditions population working environment and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415688024

Building Children’s Resilience in the Face of Parental Mental IllnessConversations with Children Parents and Professionals Mental illness in a parent presents children with multiple challenges including stigma self-doubt and self-blame ongoing anxiety and depression that are rarely discussed in the public domain. This important new book written by young people who have lived through these experiences as well as professionals working alongside their families highlights the relationships between children parents and professionals and the emotional issues they all face. A key focus of the book is the relationships in all combinations between the children parents and professionals as well as the responses to each other illustrated throughout. It will be ideal for all those working in the health social and educational professions as well as parents and children themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367183127

Building Citizenship from BelowPrecarity Migration and Agency Focusing on what can be referred to as the ‘precarity-agency-migration nexus’ this comprehensive volume leverages the political economic and social dynamics of migration to better understand both deepening inequality and popular resistance. Drawing on rich ethnographic and interview-based studies of the United States and Latin America the authors show how migrants are navigating and challenging conditions of insecurity and structures of power. Detailed case studies illuminate collective survival strategies along the migrant trail efforts by nannies and dairy workers in the northeast United States to assert dignity and avoid deportation strategies of reintegration used by deportees in Guatemala and Mexico and grassroots organizing and public protest in California. In doing so they reveal varied moments of agency without presenting an overly idyllic picture or presuming limitless potential for change. Anchoring the study of migration in the opposition between precarity and agency the authors thus provide a new window into the continuously unfolding relationship between national borders global capitalism and human freedom. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Citizenship Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367143169

Building Communication TheoriesA Socio/cultural Approach Concern with various matters related to humans as they communicate has led to an increase in both research and theorizing during the second half of the 20th century. As a matter of fact so many scholars and so many disciplines have become involved in this process that it is virtually impossible to understand and appreciate all that has been accomplished so far. This book focuses on one important aspect of human sense-making -- theory building -- and strives to clarify the thesis that theories do not develop in some sort of social intellectual or cultural vacuum. They are necessarily the products of specific times insights and mindsets. Theories dealing with the process of communication or communicating are tied to socio-cultural value systems and historic factors that influence individuals in ways often inadequately understood by those who use them. The process-orientation of this book inevitably leads to an emphasis on the perceptions of human beings. Thus the focus shifts from the subject or area called "communication" to the act of communicating. Finally this volume offers insight into how the process of human sense-making has evolved in those academic fields commonly identified as communication rhetoric speech communication or speech within specific socio-cultural settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415515610

Building Communism and Policing Deviance in the Soviet UnionResidential Childcare 1958–91 This book examines through a detailed study of Soviet residential childcare homes and boarding schools the much wider issues of Soviet policies towards deviance social norms repression and social control. It reveals how through targeting children whose parents could not or did not take care of them as well as children with disabilities the system disproportionately involved children from socially marginal and poor families. It highlights how the system aimed to raise these children from the margins of society and transform them into healthy happy useful Soviet citizens imbued with socialist values. The book also outlines how the system fitted in to Khrushchev’s reforms and social order policies where the emphasis was on monitoring and controlling society without the recourse to direct repression and terror and how continuity with this period was maintained even as the rest of Soviet society changed significantly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367694692

Building Communities (Routledge Revivals)The Co-operative Way Building Communities: The Co-Operative Way first published in 1988 sets the flourishing of housing co-operatives throughout the 1980s in a theoretical and historical framework that suggests that tenant control is the best way out of the still-problematic issue of housing policy. Before the First World War co-operative housing was poised to become a potent force in government policy but instead municipal housing rose to prominence. However alongside a growing crisis of confidence in state housing and a continued decline in the private rented sector a new political consensus has emerged that has placed co-ops firmly at the top of the agenda. Setting out the argument for collective dweller-control of housing Birchall demonstrates that the arguments for co-operatives are strong based on a broad spectrum of political thought. He charts the early and recent history of co-operative housing and shows how they provide a flexible and stable means of meeting housing needs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138016637

Building Communities of Engaged ReadersReading for pleasure Reading for pleasure urgently requires a higher profile to raise attainment and increase children’s engagement as self-motivated and socially interactive readers. Building Communities of Engaged Readers highlights the concept of ‘Reading Teachers’ who are not only knowledgeable about texts for children but are aware of their own reading identities and prepared to share their enthusiasm and understanding of what being a reader means. Sharing the processes of reading with young readers is an innovative approach to developing new generations of readers. Examining the interplay between the ‘will and the skill’ to read the book distinctively details a reading for pleasure pedagogy and demonstrates that reader engagement is strongly influenced by relationships between children teachers families and communities. Importantly it provides compelling evidence that reciprocal reading communities in school encompass: a shared concept of what it means to be a reader in the 21st century; considerable teacher and child knowledge of children’s literature and other texts; pedagogic practices which acknowledge and develop diverse reader identities; spontaneous ‘inside-text talk’ on the part of all members; a shift in the focus of control and new social spaces that encourage choice and children’s rights as readers. Written by experts in the literacy field and illustrated throughout with examples from the project schools it is essential reading for all those concerned with improving young people’s enjoyment of and attainment in reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138777484

Building Communities of LearnersA Collaboration Among Teachers Students Families and Community This popular text shows how teachers can create partnerships with parents and students that facilitate participation in the schools while also validating home culture and family concerns and aspirations. It reflects current research and theory in several areas related to literacy development including family literacy bilingual and multicultural education critical pedagogy participatory research cooperative learning and feminist perspectives. Teachers of students who are immigrants non-native speakers of English and members of marginalized groups will find this book especially pertinent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138156333

Building Community Capacity This book focuses on a gap in current social work practice theory: community change. Much work in this area of macro practice particularly around ""grassroots"" community organizing has a somewhat dated feel to it is highly ideological in orientation or suffers from superficiality particularly in the area of theory and practical application. Set against the context of an often narrowly constructed ""clinical"" emphasis on practice education coupled with social work's own current rendering of ""scientific management "" community practice often takes second or third billing in many professional curricula despite its deep roots in the overall field of social welfare.Drawing on extensive case study data from three significant community-building initiatives program data from numerous other community capacity-building efforts key informant interviews and an excellent literature review Chaskin and his colleagues draw implications for crafting community change strategies as well as for creating and sustaining the organizational infrastructure necessary to support them. The authors bring to bear the perspectives of a variety of professional disciplines including sociology urban planning psychology and social work.Building Community Capacity takes a collaborative interdisciplinary approach to a subject of wide and current concern: the role of neighborhood and community structures in the delivery of human services or as the authors put it ""a place where programs and problems can be fitted together."" Social work scholars and students of community practice seeking new conceptual frameworks and insights from research to inform novel community interventions will find much of value in Building Community Capacity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315081892

Building Competence in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive TherapyTranscripts and Insights for Working With Stress Anxiety Depression and Other Problems Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based program that combines mindfulness and cognitive therapy techniques for working with stress anxiety depression and other problems. Building Competence in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy provides the first transcript of an entire 8-week program. This intimate portrayal of the challenges and celebrations of actual clients give the reader an inside look at the processes that occur within these groups. The author also provides insights and practical suggestions for building personal and professional competence in delivering the MBCT protocol. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415857253

Building Competence in School ConsultationA Developmental Approach School psychologists consistently indicate that consultation is a crucial component of their duties but that they lack sufficient opportunities to develop their corresponding knowledge skills and confidence during graduate training. Building Competence in School Consultation directly addresses the need for practical comprehensive consultation training including support materials for school psychologists counselors and other professionals working in schools. Drawing from evidence-based approaches as well as experienced instructors’ real-world toolkits these essential perspectives and activities approach the standard and less common challenges of the school consultant role. Written by two leading experts in consultation this book brings school psychology research directly to graduate students and both novice and experienced practitioners providing invaluable context reflection activities videos from fellow consultation experts and resources that translate academic findings into skills ready for immediate use. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138022621

Building Competences for Spatial PlannersMethods and Techniques for Performing Tasks with Efficiency Spatial planning is a process. The focus of this book is on the sequence of key tasks that constitute the process and on special techniques that are suitable to conduct these tasks. Spatial planners require a number of skills to manage this process in an efficient manner select the necessary tasks for each specific planning context as well as the appropriate techniques for each task – always considering the people with whom and for whom they plan. Rather than recommending options or ‘recipes’ this book stimulates critical thinking and questioning: What do we want to achieve? How can we do that? What options do we have? Which option is the best for our case? This book contains enough planning theory to discuss the function of the planner and the alternative approaches as well as to provide the background for defining a core set of planning tasks. Building Competences for Spatial Planners is ideal for both planning students and newly qualified planners who are rapidly accumulating knowledge and experience. Perdicoulis uses practice examples diagrams and thought provoking chapter questions to help planners develop high-level skills such as efficient organization communication and thinking. His engaging style carries the reader through areas such as team functions how to define the planning problem organizing timings and how to use charts and diagrams to help planners and their clients. More details at  http: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415594561

Building Comprehension in Every ClassroomInstruction with Literature Informational Texts and Basal Programs This book presents a practical model and specific unit- and lesson-planning ideas for enhancing students' reading comprehension in any 2-8 classroom. The authors provide innovative suggestions that help teachers construct a comprehension curriculum organized around literature informational texts or a basal reading program. Vivid case examples and vignettes bring to life ways to build the knowledge strategies and motivation that children need to engage with different types of texts and become proficient enthusiastic readers. Graphic elements throughout the volume link instructional and assessment practices directly to the Common Core standards. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462511204

Building Condition SurveysA Practical and Concise Introduction Condition surveys are becoming increasingly important and standardised in approach but are a high risk service with the potential for legal consequences if mistakes are made. Professionals therefore require clear up-to-date advice on how to inspect and report accurately and this book provides a one-stop shop of uniquely practical concise and accessible guidance written by one of the leading authorities in the field. The key coverage includes: Domestic and commercial surveys; surveys for historic new and dilapidated buildings Improvements to surveys including the inclusion of colour photographs condition ratings use of the term ‘technical due diligence’ and increased professionalization New techniques for further investigation including thermography endoscopy and ground radar Advances in the diagnosis of causes of masonry cracking New hazards such as Japanese Knotweed Updated to reflect the latest RICS regulations legislation and guidance on building surveying Case studies of both bad and good practice and images to illustrate real world problems and solutions   Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466193

Building Connected Communities of CareThe Playbook For Streamlining Effective Coordination Between Medical And Community-Based Organizations As a community aligning efforts across a community to support the safety and well-being of vulnerable and underserved individuals is extraordinarily difficult. These individuals suffer disproportionally from health issues job loss a lack of stable housing high utility costs substance abuse and homelessness. In addition to medical care these individuals often critically need access to community social sector organizations that provide a distinct and complementary set of services such as housing food services emergency utility assistance and employment assistance. These services are just as vital as healthcare services to these individuals’ long-term health and well-being with data suggesting that 80–90% of health outcomes can be attributed to factors beyond direct medical intervention. This book proposes a novel approach to the coordination of medicine and social services through the use of people process and technology with the goal being to streamline coordination between medical and Community-Based Organizations and to promote true cross-sector patient and client advocacy. The book is based on the experience of Dallas TX which was one of the first metropolitan regions to develop a comprehensive foundation for partnership between a community’s clinical and social sectors using web-based information exchange. In the 5 years since the initial launch the authors have been able to provide seamless connection communication and coordination between healthcare providers and a wide array of community-based social service organizations (a/k/a Community-Based Organizations or CBOs) criminal justice entities and various other community organizations including non-collegiate educational systems. This practical how-to guide is the codification of transferrable lessons from successes and challenges faced when working with clinical community and government leaders. By reading this playbook leaders interested in building (or expanding) connected clinical-community services will learn how to: 1) facilitate cross-sector care coordination; 2) enable community care partners to better provide targeted services to community residents; 3) reduce duplication of services across partnering organizations; and 4) help to bridge service gaps in the currently fragmented system. Implementation of services as recommended in this book will ultimately streamline assistance efforts reduce repeat crises and emergency funding requests help address disparities of care and improve the health safety and well-being of the most vulnerable community residents. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367800062

Building Contract Claims and Disputes The second edition of Building Contract Claims and Disputes (first published as Building Contract Disputes) provides a study of the causes of contractual disputes particularly of claims in construction projects and of how they can be resolved successfully. It examines contracts decisions documentation and project operation from the points of view of clients contractors subcontractors and professional advisers. Readers in practice will find this book an invaluable and comprehensive reference. Those taking professional examinations or degree and postgraduate courses will also benefit greatly from it.The book explains the background preparation and settlement of claims with negotiation and dispute resolution from mediation to adjudication arbitration and legal proceedings. The interrelations of variations extension of time and loss and expense are considered. Three specially structured case studies of construction projects illustrate and apply the principles to detailed practical situations. This edition deals with a considerably expanded range of contracts including JCT GC/Works/1 design and build minor works ICE and innovative NEC. It covers recent legal rulings and changes in the law and contract forms as well as parts of the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 and the Arbitration Act 1996. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140080

Building Corporate AccountabilityEmerging Practice in Social and Ethical Accounting and Auditing The practice of social and ethical accounting is emerging as a key tool for companies in the 1990s in response to calls for greater transparency and accountability to different stakeholders and as a means for managing companies in increasingly complex situations where social and environmental issues are significant in securing business success. This is the first book to address the practice of social and ethical accounting auditing and reporting and its implications for the development of corporate social ethical and environmental responsibility. It includes ten case studies as well as an historical overview of the development of social and ethical accounting and reporting. The editors introduce a methodological framework that allows emerging practice worldwide to be analysed understood and improved; and the case studies are written by the practitioners giving insight into the experiences described. This innovative book written by internationally acknowledged leaders in the field will be of enormous value to business managers particularly those with responsibility for corporate affairs human resources environmental management financial management or planning. It will also be a useful text for business students. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315070933

Building CosmopolisThe Political Thought of H.G. Wells Alongside his reputation as an author H.G. Wells is also remembered as a leading political commentator of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Building Cosmopolis presents the worldview of Wells as developed between his student days at the Normal School of Science (1884-1887) and his death in 1946. During this time Wells developed a unique political philosophy grounded on the one hand in the theory of 'Ethical Evolution' as propounded by his professor T.H. Huxley and on the other in late Victorian socialism. From this basis Wells developed a worldview which rejected class struggle and nationalism and embraced global co-operation for the maintenance of peace and the advancement of the human species in a world society. Although committed to the idea of a world state Wells became more antagonistic towards the nation state as a political unit during the carnage of the First World War. He began moving away from the position of an internationalist to one of a cosmopolitan in 1916 and throughout the inter-war period he advanced the notion of regional and ultimately functional world government to a greater and greater extent. Wells first demonstrated a functionalist society in Men Like Gods (1923) and further elaborated this system of government in most of his works both fictional and non-fictional throughout the rest of his life. Following an examination of the development of his political thought from inception to fruition this study argues that Wells's political thoughts rank him alongside David Mitrany as one of the two founders of the functionalist school of international relations an acknowledgement hitherto denied to Wells by scholars of world-government theory. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261171

Building Cost Planning for the Design Team Cost management of all building projects has become increasingly important as clients in the public and private sector demand the highest quality cost planning services with accurate budgeting and cost control. All members of the design team must integrate their activities to ensure that a high quality project is delivered on time and within budget. This book considers building cost planning and cost control from the client and the design team's perspective where all decisions whether concerned with design cost quality time value or sustainability are taken as being interrelated. The latest Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work and the New Rules of Measurement for Early Stage Estimating and Cost Planning issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) have been incorporated into this new text. The book follows the building design cost planning process from the crucial inception stages and then through all the design stages to the completion of the technical design contract documentation and the tender. It provides a template for good cost planning practice. An essential addition to this third edition is the introduction of integrated design and documentation processes captured in building Information modelling (BIM) on-line cost databases and computerised methods of cost planning. The integrated approaches are explained and provide vital information and knowledge for practitioners involved in building projects. All stakeholders involved in development and design and client teams in public and private sector policy making and implementation need to understand the new approaches to design management processes and how cost planning and design approaches are adapting to using the new technology in practice. The interactive style using in-text and review questions makes this ideal for students and practitioners alike in property architecture construction economics construction management real estate engineering facilities management and project management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138907379

Building Cultural Nationalism in MalaysiaIdentity Representation and Citizenship This text contains an examination of processes of cultural citizenship in peninsular Malaysia. In particular it focuses upon the diverse residents of the southwestern state of Melaka and their negotiations of belonging and incorporation in Malaysian society. Following political independence and the formation of the Federation of Malaysia in 1957 Malaysian citizenship was extended to most members of these diverse social identities. In this post-colonial context Timothy P. Daniels examines how public celebrations and representations religious festivals and patterns of social relations are connected to processes of inclusion and exclusion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646307

Building Customer-brand Relationships Almost every advertising promotion or marketing communications textbook is based on an inside-out approach focusing on what the marketer wants to communicate to customers and prospects. This text takes a different view - that the marketer and the customer build the ongoing brand value together. Rather than the marketer trying to 'sell' the role of the marketer is to help customer buy. To do that a customer view is vital and customer insight is essential. Customer insights allow the marketer to understand which audiences are important for a product what delivery forms are appropriate and what type of content is beneficial. "Building Customer-Brand Relationships" is themed around the four key elements marketing communicators use in developing programs - audiences brands delivery and content - but provides an innovative approach to marketing communications in the 'push-pull' marketplace that combines traditional outbound communications (advertising sales promotion direct marketing and PR) with the inbound or 'pull' media of Internet mobile communications social networks and more. Its 'customer-centric' media planning approach covers media decision before dealing with creative development and emphasizes measurement and accountability. The text's concepts have been used successfully around the world and can be adapted and adjusted to any type of product or service. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133761

Building Democracy and Civil Society East of the ElbeEssays in Honour of Edmund Mokrzycki This book explores the idea of civil society and how it is being implemented in Eastern Europe. The implosion of the Russian empire fifteen years ago and the new wave of democratization opened a new field of inquiry. The wide-ranging debate on the transition became focused on a conceptual battle the question of how to define "civil society". Because totalitarian systems shun self-organization real existing civil society barely existed East of the Elbe and the emergence of civil society took unusually complex and puzzling forms which varied with national culture and reflected the deep historical past of these societies. This insightful text relates the concept of civil society and developments in Eastern Europe to wider sociological theories and makes international comparisons where appropriate. It discusses particular aspects of civil society and examines the difficulties of establishing civil society. It concludes by assessing the problems and prospects for civil society in Eastern Europe going forward. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646314

Building Democracy and International Governance Efforts by governments to promote sustained domestic economic development have been mixed. Success depends on many factors including location geography climate external competition human resources natural resources timing political and governmental institutions government capacity implementation leadership values—and maybe luck. This complexity means that while development experts can often identify ingredients for success few can prescribe the specific mix needed by a particular state to achieve sustained development over the long term. In Building Democracy and International Governance author George M. Guess uses both case studies and careful data analysis to argue that federalist democracy may just be the most responsive authoritative and flexible system for nation building and that there is value in confronting the challenges that lie in exporting federalist democracy abroad. Guess demonstrates the ways in which federation structures provide positive redundancy against failures flexibility to change course and implement programs and policies and state legitimacy and strength. Examining twelve wealthy and developing countries from five regions representing democratic and authoritarian government structures confederations and federations this book will be of interest to those teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Political Development Democratization Federalism and Comparative Political Economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138574731

Building Design Construction and Performance in Tropical Climates The design construction and use of buildings in tropical climates pose specific challenges to built environment professionals. This text seeks to capture some of the key issues of technology and practice in the areas of building design refurbishment construction and facilities management in tropical regions. Using a consistent chapter structure throughout and incorporating the latest research findings this book outlines: the functional requirements of buildings in tropical climates; the challenges associated with the sustainability of the built environment building form and whole life performance in the context of a tropical setting; the impact of potentially hostile tropical conditions upon building pathology and the durability of components structure and fabric; the tasks which face those responsible for appraising the design condition maintenance and conservation of built heritage in tropical regions; the facilities management issues faced in tropical climates; and the refurbishment upgrade and renewal of the tropical built environment. The book is ideal as a course text for students of Architecture Construction Surveying and FM as well as providing a sound reference for practitioners working in these regions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138203884

Building Design Management A practical handbook on the management of building design this guide explains the processes roles and responsibilities of those involved in the design of the building as well as ways to maximise efficiency. Well structured and easy to read the book includes useful notes and checklists on for example how to select a design team and how to organise and plan the design process. The authors are recognised authorities in the field of project management based at an internationally renowned department. Their book will prove invaluable to both students and practitioners in project management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138414426

Building Down BarriersA Guide to Construction Best Practice With rapid changes in procurement processes and increasing pressure for improvement cohesion and efficiency practitioners need to be aware of industry-wide generally acknowledged best practice. The recent Latham and Egan reports in the UK have spurred further intitiatives from the demand side of the industry to speed the pace of reform. This text examines those new initiatives clearly explaining and comparing them with each other and with similar initiatives from other countries such as the USA or Singapore and painting a vivid picture of the future of the construction industry under the effects of such changes. Aimed at anyone involved in construction supply chain from supplier to end user. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160873

Building DynamicsExploring Architecture of Change Buildings are increasingly ‘dynamic’: equipped with sensors actuators and controllers they ‘self-adjust’ in response to changes in the external and internal environments and patterns of use. Building Dynamics asks how this change manifests itself and what it means for architecture as buildings weather programs change envelopes adapt interiors are reconfigured systems replaced. Contributors including Chuck Hoberman Robert Kronenburg David Leatherbarrow Kas Oosterhuis Enric Ruiz-Geli and many others explore the changes buildings undergo – and the scale and speed at which these occur – examining which changes are necessary useful desirable and possible. The first book to offer a coherent comprehensive approach to this topic it draws together arguments previously only available in scattered form. Featuring the latest technologies and design approaches used in contemporary practice the editors provide numerous examples of cutting-edge work from leading designers and engineering firms working today. An essential text for students taking design studio classes or courses in theory or technology at any level as well as professionals interested in the latest mechatronic technologies and design techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138791022

Building Earth Observation Cameras A System Engineer’s Guide to Building an Earth Observation Camera Building Earth Observation Cameras discusses the science and technology of building an electro-optical imaging system for a space platform from concept to space qualification and in-orbit evaluation. The book provides a broad overview of various Earth imaging systems with specific examples illustrating the design and development issues that impacted the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) cameras and is based on the actual experience of the author who was intimately involved with the development of cameras for the IRS program. It equips imaging system project managers scholars and researchers with the ability to look deeper into the systems that they are developing and arms application scientists who use satellite imagery with a greater understanding of the technical aspects and terminology used in defining the performance of the image system. The text traces the historical development of imaging systems reviews the evolution of Earth observation systems from a global perspective and examines future trends. This interdisciplinary work: Presents technical issues associated with the design fabrication and characterization of the camera Provides a narrow focus and end-to-end solutions to all components involved in a successful camera-on-Earth observation system Covers various stages including image formation optics opto-mechanics material choice design tradeoffs fabrication evaluation and finally qualifying the system for space use Building Earth Observation Cameras provides the tools needed to enable readers to better understand the concepts and challenges involved in building space-based Earth observation systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466566477

Building Effective Professional Development in Elementary SchoolDesigning a Path for Excellent Teaching Learn the principles of comprehensive professional development and motivate elementary school teachers to be more effective in the classroom! In Building Effective Professional Development in Elementary School Judy Johnson presents a career-long and comprehensive approach to professional development that gives teachers the support they need to improve instruction and raise the levels of student achievement. Her book not only explains how to create and lead a successful PD program; it also offers practical advice for establishing a school culture that will encourage teachers to collaborate and self-motivate in an effort to improve instruction. Other topics include: Training to deepen content knowledge and expand the teaching repertoire; Identifying high-performing educators and helping them build upon their strengths; Using teaching demonstrations to enliven and diversify classroom practice; Creating an effective mentorship program that brings out the best in faculty members regardless of experience level; Resolving problems with recruitment dealing with disgruntled teachers assessing teaching quality and overcoming other obstacles preventing implementation of a comprehensive professional development program; And more!   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138577701

Building Effective Social Work Teams How has social work changed over the years? What are some of the best social work teams doing differently to meet the complex practical and emotional needs of service users? What practical tools and approaches can social work managers implement with their teams? Dr. Judy Foster examines good social work practice and the supporting factors that are essential to underpin social work teams – coherent policies; well-qualified and motivated staff; good management support structures; delegated autonomy and discretion for social workers; and mental space to allow reflective and creative problem solving. She illustrates the dilemmas and rewards of social work relationships through personal stories from her own career as a social worker manager and teacher - and interviews with social workers and managers. These examples show the relationship between ‘doing’ something for someone and ‘being’ emotionally present to empower a service user to manage better. The book is intended to help social work managers improve the support environment for their teams – and hence their effectiveness – and to inform students and others in related professions interested in learning more about social work. It will also have a wide appeal to an international social work readership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472480828

Building Electrical Systems and Distribution NetworksAn Introduction This book covers all important new and conventional aspects of building electrical systems power distribution lighting transformers and rotating electric machines wiring and building installations. Solved examples end-of-chapter questions and problems case studies and design considerations are included in each chapter highlighting the concepts and diverse and critical features of building and industrial electrical systems such as electric or thermal load calculations; wiring and wiring devices; conduits and raceways; lighting analysis calculation selection and design; lighting equipment and luminaires; power quality; building monitoring; noise control; building energy envelope; air-conditioning and ventilation; and safety. Two chapters are dedicated to distributed energy generation building integrated renewable energy systems microgrids DC nanogrids power electronics energy management and energy audit methods topics which are not often included in building energy textbooks. Support materials are included for interested instructors. Readers are encouraged to write their own solutions while solving the problems and then refer to the solved examples for more complete understanding of the solutions concepts and theory. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482263510

Building Energy Management SystemsAn Application to Heating Natural Ventilation Lighting and Occupant Satisfaction Energy management systems are used to monitor building temperature inside and outside buildings and control the boilers and coolers. Energy efficiency is a major cost issue for commerce and industry and of growing importance on university syllabuses. Fully revised and updated this text considers new developments in the control of low energy and HVAC systems and contains two new chapters. Written for practising engineers (essential for control engineers) and energy managers in addition to being essential reading for under/postgraduate courses in building services and environmental engineering. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203477342

Building Energy SimulationA Workbook Using DesignBuilderâ„¢ The second edition of Building Energy Simulation includes studies of various components and systems of buildings and their effect on energy consumption with the help of DesignBuilderTM a front-end for the EnergyPlus simulation engine supported by examples and exercises. The book employs a "learning by doing" methodology. It explains simulation-input parameters and how-to-do analysis of the simulation output in the process explaining building physics and energy simulation. Divided into three sections it covers the fundamentals of energy simulation followed by advanced topics in energy simulation and simulation for compliance with building codes and detailed case studies for comprehensive building energy simulation. Features: Focuses on learning building energy simulation while being interactive through examples and exercises. Explains the building physics and the science behind the energy performance of buildings. Encourages an integrated design approach by explaining the interactions between various building systems and their effect on energy performance of building. Discusses a how-to model for building energy code compliance including three projects to practice whole building simulation. Provides hands-on training of building energy simulation tools: DesignBuilderâ„¢ and EnergyPlus. Includes practical projects problems appendices and CAD files in the e-resources section. Building Energy Simulation is intended for students and researchers in building energy courses energy simulation professionals and architects. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367374686

Building Enterprise IoT Applications McKinsey Global Institute predicts Internet of Things (IoT) could generate up to $11.1 trillion a year in economic value by 2025. Gartner Research Company expects 20 billion inter-connected devices by 2020 and as per Gartner the IoT will have a significant impact on the economy by transforming many enterprises into digital businesses and facilitating new business models improving efficiency and increasing employee and customer engagement. It’s clear from above and our research that the IoT is a game changer and will have huge positive impact in foreseeable future. In order to harvest the benefits of IoT revolution the traditional software development paradigms must be fully upgraded. The mission of our book  is to prepare current and future software engineering teams with the skills and tools to fully utilize IoT capabilities. The book introduces essential IoT concepts from the perspectives of full-scale software development with the emphasis on creating niche blue ocean products. It also: Outlines a fundamental full stack architecture for IoT Describes various development technologies in each IoT layer Explains IoT solution development from Product management perspective Extensively covers security and applicable threat models as part of IoT stack The book provides details of several IoT reference architectures with emphasis on data integration edge analytics cluster architectures and closed loop responses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367173852

Building Enterprise Systems with ODPAn Introduction to Open Distributed Processing The Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) is an international standard that provides a solid basis for describing and building widely distributed systems and applications in a systematic way. It stresses the need to build these systems with evolution in mind by identifying the concerns of major stakeholders and then expressing the design as a series of linked viewpoints. Although RM-ODP has been a standard for more than ten years many practitioners are still unaware of it. Building Enterprise Systems with ODP: An Introduction to Open Distributed Processing offers a gentle pathway to the essential ideas that constitute ODP and shows how these ideas can be applied when designing and building challenging systems. It provides an accessible introduction to the design principles for software engineers and enterprise architects. The book also explains the benefits of using viewpoints to produce simpler and more flexible designs and how ODP can be applied to service engineering open enterprise and cloud computing. The authors include guidelines for using the Unified Modeling Language™ (UML) notation and for structuring and writing system specifications. They elucidate how this fits into the model-driven engineering tool chain via approaches such as Model-Driven Architecture® (MDA). They also demonstrate the power of RM-ODP for the design and organization of complex distributed IT systems in e-government e-health and energy and transportation industries. All concepts and ideas in the book are illustrated through a single running example that describes the IT support needed by a medium-sized company as it grows and develops. Complete UML models and more are available at Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367382438

Building EuropeThe Cultural Politics of European Integration The development of the European Union has been one of the most profound advances in European politics and society this century. Yet the institutions of Europe and the 'Eurocrats' who work in them have constantly attracted negative publicity culminating in the mass resignation of the European Commissioners in March 1999.In this revealing study Cris Shore scrutinises the process of European integration using the techniques of anthropology and drawing on thought from across the social sciences. Using the findings of numerous interviews with EU employees he reveals that there is not just a subculture of corruption within the institutions of Europe but that their problems are largely a result of the way the EU itself is constituted and run. He argues that European integration has largely failed in bringing about anything but an ever-closer integration of the technical political and financial elites of Europe - at the expense of its ordinary citizens.This critical anthropology of European integration is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the culture and politics of the EU. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315008462

Building ExcellenceThe Rewards and Challenges of Integrating Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum Social work curriculum changes that really work.The Boyer Report and the Council on Social Work Education have placed expectations on universities and social work programs to make sure undergraduate students know how to develop use and communicate empirically-based knowledge. Building Excellence is a handbook for integrating research into undergraduate curriculums using the curriculum of the University of Tennessee College of Social Work as an example. This unique book showcases social work research conducted by UT seniors who were paired upon graduation with doctoral students who helped them place their research in publication form.Building Excellence demonstrates how universities can develop into communities of learners by strengthening critical thinking independent thinking and creative imagination at the undergraduate level. For several years The University of Tennessee Knoxville has created opportunities for students to gain professional experience in their fields of interest through research projects that establish the connection between study and knowledge. The results of several projects conducted by UT seniors are presented here reaffirming that faculty mentoring is crucial to this effort.Student research findings presented in Building Excellence examine: emotional and behavioral symptoms of sexually abused children using two symptom scales—internalizing and externalizing stress and strain experienced by personal care assistants caring for people suffering from dementia the relationship between childhood abuse and adult suicide the effectiveness of court-mandated treatment of recidivism among juvenile offenders barriers to effective medication adherence among the elderlyBuilding Excellence demonstrates how the University of Tennessee’s social work curriculum has enhanced student capacity and practice effectiveness. The book is an essential read for social work academics working at all levels. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315869896

Building Executive FunctionThe Missing Link to Student Achievement Educators clamor to provide top-notch lessons and resources for students but if students lack executive function even the best materials won't produce the desired results. If students haven’t developed the brain-based skills to focus catch and correct errors identify cause-and-effect relationships and more they can't make sense of lessons. Executive function is the missing link to student achievement. But how can you develop this in the classroom? In this new book bestselling author Nancy Sulla has the answers. She explains how building executive function requires a combination of activities structures and teacher facilitation strategies aimed at six increasingly complex life skills that should be the goal of any school: conscious control engagement collaboration empowerment efficacy and leadership. She also offers a variety of examples activities and structures fit for every grade level and subject area. With the book’s practical strategies and tools you will be inspired armed and ready to establish a clear framework for building executive function in all your students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138632035

Building for a Changing ClimateThe Challenge for Construction Planning and Energy There is now a practically universal consensus that our climate is changing rapidly and as a direct result of human activities. While there is extensive debate about what we can do to mitigate the damage we are causing it is becoming increasingly clear that a large part of our resources will have to be directed towards adapting to new climatic conditions with talk of survivability replacing sustainability as the new and most pressing priority. Nowhere is this more evident than in the built environment – the stage on which our most important interactions with climatic conditions are played out. In this frank yet pervasively positive book sustainable architecture guru Peter Smith lays out his vision of how things are likely to change and what those concerned with the planning design and construction of the places we live and work can and must do to avert the worst impacts. Beginning with the background to the science and discussion of the widely feared graver risks not addressed by the politically driven IPCC reports he moves on to examine the challenges we will face and to propose practical responses based on real world experiences and case studies taking in flood and severe weather protection energy efficient retrofitting distributed power generation and the potential for affordable zero carbon homes. He ends with a wider discussion of options for future energy provision. This will be a provocative persuasive and â€“ crucially â€“ practical read for anyone concerned with the measures we must take now to ensure a climate-proofed future for humanity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965171

Building from TraditionLocal Materials and Methods in Contemporary Architecture Building from Tradition examines the recent resurgence of interest in the handmade building and the use of local and renewable materials in contemporary construction. In the past raw materials were shaped to provide shelter and to accommodate the cultural social and economic needs of individuals and communities. This is still true today as architects engineers and builders turn once again to local resources and methods not simply for constructing buildings but also as a strategy for supporting social engagement sustainable development and cultural continuity. Building from Tradition features global case studies that allow readers to understand how building practices—developed and refined by previous generations—continue to be adapted to suit a broad range of cultural and environmental contexts. The book provides: • a survey of historical and technical information about geologic and plant-based materials such as: stone earth reed and grass wood and bamboo; • 24 detailed case studies examining the disadvantages and benefits to using traditional materials and methods and how they are currently being integrated with contemporary construction practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138909922

Building FuturesManaging energy in the built environment A reduction in the energy demand of buildings can make a major contribution to achieving national and international carbon reduction goals in addition to addressing the interlinked issues of sustainable development fuel poverty and fuel security. Despite improvements in thermal efficiency the energy demand of buildings stubbornly remains unchanged or is only declining slowly due to the challenges posed by growing populations the expectations of larger more comfortable and better equipped living spaces and an expanding commercial sector. Building Futures offers an interdisciplinary approach to explore this lack of progress combining technical and social insights into the challenges of designing constructing and operating new low energy buildings as well as improving the existing inefficient building stock. The twin roles of energy efficiency which is predominantly concerned with technological solutions and energy conservation which involves changing peoples’ behaviour are both explored. The book includes a broad geographical range and scale of case studies from the UK Europe and further afield including Passivhaus in Germany and the UK Dongtan Eco City in China and retrofit houses in Denmark. This book is a valuable resource for students and academics of environmental science and energy-based subjects as well as construction and building management professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415720120

Building Global Infrastructure Building Global Infrastructure is the fourth in a series of volumes-Patterns of Potential Human Progress-that uses the International Futures (IFs) simulation model to explore prospects for human development: how development appears to be unfolding globally and locally how we would like it to evolve and how better to assure that we move it in desired directions. Earlier volumes addressed the reduction of global poverty the advance of global education and the improvement of global health. Volume 4 sets out to tell the story of the future of global infrastructure. The approach used in this book focuses on the question of whether individual societies will be able to meet future infrastructure demands. Related questions include the following: * What is the range of realistically conceivable futures for infrastructure considering both demand and supply? * How are the demands for infrastructure balanced with the ability to meet these demands thereby linking the physical and financial treatment of infrastructure? * What are the effects of providing for infrastructure on issues such as economic productivity and health? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612050928

Building Governance and Climate ChangeRegulation and Related Policies The contribution of buildings to climate change is widely acknowledged. This book investigates how building regulatory systems are addressing the current and future effects of climate change and how these systems can be improved. After presenting a comprehensive overview of how the current building regulatory system developed some of the inadequacies are identified. The largest part of the book examines the potential for innovative policy solutions to address the real world problem of mitigating and adapting buildings to climate change. This publication contributes significantly to our understanding of the complexities of long-term energy efficiency in buildings. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Building Research & Information journal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367519391

Building Imaginary WorldsThe Theory and History of Subcreation Mark J.P. Wolf’s study of imaginary worlds theorizes world-building within and across media including literature comics film radio television board games video games the Internet and more. Building Imaginary Worlds departs from prior approaches to imaginary worlds that focused mainly on narrative medium or genre and instead considers imaginary worlds as dynamic entities in and of themselves. Wolf argues that imaginary worlds—which are often transnarrative transmedial and transauthorial in nature—are compelling objects of inquiry for Media Studies. Chapters touch on: a theoretical analysis of how world-building extends beyond storytelling the engagement of the audience and the way worlds are conceptualized and experienced a history of imaginary worlds that follows their development over three millennia from the fictional islands of Homer’s Odyssey to the present internarrative theory examining how narratives set in the same world can interact and relate to one another an examination of transmedial growth and adaptation and what happens when worlds make the jump between media an analysis of the transauthorial nature of imaginary worlds the resulting concentric circles of authorship and related topics of canonicity participatory worlds and subcreation’s relationship with divine Creation Building Imaginary Worlds also provides the scholar of imaginary worlds with a glossary of terms and a detailed timeline that spans three millennia and more than 1 400 imaginary worlds listing their names creators and the works in which they first appeared. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415631204

Building in ArcadiaThe case for well-designed rural development Book Award Finalist for Urban Design Group Awards 2020 Building in Arcadia: The case for well-designed rural development is a reasoned impassioned and ultimately practical book identifying key barriers to rural development and how planning applicants (whether householders developers and landowners) and most particularly their agents who make the applications – architects landscape architects or planners – can address and overcome them. Focusing on the positive aesthetic role buildings can play in the landscape and proposing sensitive development Building in Arcadia also explores the essential economic social and Environmental case for more building in the countryside to make the countryside more viable. In so doing it will actively engage challenge and provoke debate – as well as offering practical ways forward. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859468968

Building in Research and EvaluationHuman inquiry for living systems Albert Einstein said we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. If we don't have the kinds of health and human services or even the kinds of lives communities and organisations we want then we need to think differently.Yoland Wadsworth offers an inspired insight and radically new proposition: that the act of our 'inquiring' of researching and evaluating together is the way by which every living organism and all collective human life goes about continuously achieving the conditions for life.Building in Research and Evaluation explores this new approach for bringing about both wanted change and stability. By inquiring around 'whole cycles' of acting observing questioning feeling reflecting thinking planning and acting again Yoland identifies how new life might be brought to what we do.'Sound and persuasive insightful important and inviting. A great contribution' - Michael Quinn Patton author of the best-selling book Utilization-Focused Evaluation'Brilliant. I'm not aware of any other book of this nature. The examples are impressive' - Linette Hawkins social work educator'I remain critical of 'systems' models and biological analogies for organisational processes but this work is unquestionably original and in major ways innovative' - Raewyn Connell sociology professor'Highly original. an ambitious integration of concepts. Credible and useful. Grounded in pioneering empirical research' - Danny Burns professor of organisational learning Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115090

Building In Research and EvaluationHuman Inquiry for Living Systems Yoland Wadsworth’s ground-breaking proposition is that the act of inquiry is the way by which every living organism and all collective human life goes about continuously learning improving and changing. Building in Research and Evaluation explores this new approach a basic theory of human understanding and action. By deepening our understanding about the cyclical processes of acting observing questioning feeling reflecting thinking planning and acting again Wadsworth identifies how new life might be brought to what we do both professionally and personally. Far from being dry academic theory she shows how this practice-derived evaluative inquiry process can drive progress toward social justice and human betterment. This book will open new vistas of thought and new methods of inquiry for the reflective practitioner in health human services education social sciences. It is the theoretical capstone of a trilogy of best-selling books by Wadsworth which also includes Everyday Evaluation on the Run and Do-it-Yourself Social Research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611321012

Building in Value: Pre-Design Issues The concept of value in projects is a key issue for everyone involved in the construction industry. Building in Value brings together many experts in the field to outline the wide range of tools techniques and procedures that can and should be used to make the building procurement phase as efficient as possible. The authors go on to discuss how to ensure that future problems in the design and construction of the buildings are anticipated at the start and to minimise the liklihood of future hiccups. Integrating strategic financial and construction management techniques this book provides an essential guide for construction professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138181014

Building Inclusive CitiesWomen’s Safety and the Right to the City Building on a growing movement within developing countries in Latin America Africa and Asia-Pacific as well as Europe and North America this book documents cutting edge practice and builds theory around a rights based approach to women’s safety in the context of poverty reduction and social inclusion. Drawing upon two decades of research and grassroots action on safer cities for women and everyone this book is about the right to an inclusive city. The first part of the book describes the challenges that women face regarding access to essential services housing security liveability and mobility. The second part of the book critically examines programs projects and ideas that are working to make cities safer. Building Inclusive Cities takes a cross-cultural learning perspective from action research occurring throughout the world and translates this research into theoretical conceptualizations to inform the literature on planning and urban management in both developing and developed countries. This book is intended to inspire both thought and action. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415628167

Building Inclusive Elections Elections around the world are plagued with the problem of unequal levels of participation. This can have profound consequences for election results representation and policies. This book focuses on the interventions that can be used to redress the turnout gap and other inequalities within the electoral process. The book defines the concept of inclusive voting practices to refer to policy instruments which can reduce turnout inequality between groups and mitigate other inequalities within the electoral process. Studies from around the world then examine how policies can affect inclusivity on election day. This includes research on enfranchising felons and migrant communities; compulsory voting; voter ID requirements; voter registration practices; investment in electoral management; gendered electoral violence; accessible voting practices; and overseas voting. As a result this book will be of interest to scholars of democracy democratic theory and elections as well as having major policy implications worldwide. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal Policy Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367509507

Building Information Modeling This is a design guide for architects engineers and contractors concerning the principles and specific applications of building information modeling (BIM). BIM has the potential to revolutionize the building industry and yet not all architects and construction professionals fully understand what the benefits of BIM are or even the fundamental concepts behind it. As part of the PocketArchitecture Series it includes two parts: fundamentals and applications which provide a comprehensive overview of all the necessary and essential issues. It also includes case studies from a range of project sizes that illustrate the key concepts clearly and use a wide range of visual aids. Building Information Modeling addresses the key role that BIM is playing in shaping the software tools and office processes in the architecture engineering and construction professions. Primarily aimed at professionals it is also useful for faculty who wish to incorporate this information into their courses on digital design BIM and professional practice. As a compact summary of key ideas it is ideal for anyone implementing BIM. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415717748

Building Information ModelingAutomated Code Checking and Compliance Processes "Many researchers and software developers have put a lot of effort into finding solutions for automated code checking. This book is a good summary of these efforts and provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the status of such technologies in the industry. It also guides readers on implementation of such techniques using the platforms and tools currently available in the industry." — Issa Ramaji University of North Florida USA Building Information Modeling: Automated Code Checking and Compliance Processes covers current and emerging trends in automating the processes of examining building design against codes and standards of practice. The role of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies in these processes is thoroughly analyzed and explains how this new technology is significantly transforming modern architecture engineering and construction (AEC) domains. The book also introduces the theoretical background of computerizing compliance verification including domain knowledge representations building model representations and automated code checking systems. An underlying goal for the material covered is to present the use of BIM technology as an integral part of the automated auditing process that can lead to a more comprehensive intelligent and integrated building design– a design where an optimized solution can be achieved in harmony with the current codes and standards of practice. This new proposed BIM-based framework for automating code conformance checking is one of the most powerful methods presently available to reflect actual building code requirements and the methods described in the book offer significant benefits to the AEC industry such as:​   Providing consistency in interpretation of regulatory provisions Reducing code compliance validation errors and the cost and time associated with compliance checking Allows for the ability to self-check required aspects before bidding Reduces the amount of time and resources required during design review Allows for optimal design along with faster turnaround on feedback and potentially faster approvals for construction permits by building and infrastructure authorities Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498785334

Building Information ModelingFramework for Structural Design BIM for Structural Engineering and Architecture Building Information Modeling: Framework for Structural Design outlines one of the most promising new developments in architecture engineering and construction (AEC). Building information modeling (BIM) is an information management and analysis technology that is changing the role of computation in the architectural and engineering industries. The innovative process constructs a database assembling all of the objects needed to build a specific structure. Instead of using a computer to produce a series of drawings that together describe the building BIM creates a single illustration representing the building as a whole. This book highlights the BIM technology and explains how it is redefining the structural analysis and design of building structures. BIM as a Framework Enabler This book introduces a new framework—the structure and architecture synergy framework (SAS framework)—that helps develop and enhance the understanding of the fundamental principles of architectural analysis using BIM tools. Based upon three main components: the structural melody structural poetry and structural analysis along with the BIM tools as the frame enabler this new framework allows users to explore structural design as an art while also factoring in the principles of engineering. The framework stresses the influence structure can play in form generation and in defining spatial order and composition. By highlighting the interplay between architecture and structure the book emphasizes the conceptual behaviors of structural systems and their aesthetic implications and enables readers to thoroughly understand the art and science of whole structural system concepts. Presents the use of BIM technology as part of a design process or framework that can lead to a more comprehensive intelligent and integrated building design Places special emphasis on the application of BIM technology for exploring the intimate relationship between structural engineering and architectural design Includes a discussion of current and emerging trends in structural engineering practice and the role of the structural engineer in building design using new BIM technologies Building Information Modeling: Framework for Structural Design provides a thorough understanding of architectural structures and introduces a new framework that revolutionizes the way building structures are designed and constructed. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482240436

Building Interactive Worlds in 3DVirtual Sets and Pre-visualization for Games Film & the Web In Building Interactive Worlds in 3D readers will find turnkey tutorials that detail all the steps required to build simulations and interactions utilize virtual cameras virtual actors (with self-determined behaviors) and real-time physics including gravity collision and topography. With the free software demos included 3D artists and developers can learn to build a fully functioning prototype. The book is dynamic enough to give both those with a programming background as well as those who are just getting their feet wet challenging and engaging tutorials in virtual set design using Virtools. Other software discussed is: Lightwave and Maya. The book is constructed so that depending on your project and design needs you can read the text or interviews independently and/or use the book as reference for individual tutorials on a project-by-project basis. Each tutorial is followed by a short interview with a 3D graphics professional in order to provide insight and additional advice on particular interactive 3D techniques-from user designer artist and producer perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138403345

Building International Construction AlliancesSuccessful partnering for construction firms Building International Construction Alliances is the first book to address the challenges of international cooperation between medium-sized construction firms. By presenting a case study of the historical evolution of Fratelli Dioguardi S.p.A. and Beacon Construction Company and representative projects Roberto Pietroforte offers the reader an understanding of * the way successful firms adjust their strategic organizational and operational settings to the changes in their market environments * the importance and advantages of international cooperation among medium-sized construction firms * the necessary analytical background for developing long-term collaboration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367579548

Building Intimate RelationshipsBridging Treatment Education and Enrichment Through the PAIRS Program First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138011908

Building Japan 1868-1876 Personal account of one of the Westerners who helped build modern Japan (see also study by Pedlar - also available from Curzon Press). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965188

Building JerusalemArt Industry and the British Millennium A lively and provocative account of the arts in Britain Building Jerusalem suggests that even after fifty years of state planning of Britain's "leisure industries" the country is nevertheless approaching the millennium in a state of cultural confusion. Drawing on a wealth of historical material from Scotland Wales and English provincial towns as well as the more familiar London story Pick and Anderton contend that the original meaning of cultural language has been distorted by the fashionable phrase-making of modern government agencies and by the inaccurate and misleading view of cultural history that is constantly presented to the public. The authors unfold fascinating stories of Britain's cultural past before state support of the arts. They vividly relate the great changes wrought by the industrial revolution and by the development of the twentieth century media and describe the long history of Church and Royal support for the arts as well as the long periods when all of the arts Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138002272

Building Justice in Post-Transition Europe?Processes of Criminalisation within Central and Eastern European Societies After the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1989 and disintegration of the Soviet Union scholars focused on the problems of legal transitions within the newly emerging democracies. Two decades on these states are in ‘post-transition’ conditions; having undergone and continuing to experience political economic and constitutional upheavals to varying degrees. This book provides an interdisciplinary perspective on this largely unexamined topic. Part I of the book sets the scene with a socio-historical overview and a theoretical chapter; both of which contextualise the book within current debates and provide the theoretical direction of the book as a whole. The later chapters set out contrasting perspectives and consist of themed essays on individual legal systems investigating these through approaches ranging from socio-legal study to political economy. The book aims to refine important directions for the comparative conceptual study of criminal law policy and processes of criminalisation in emerging democratic states. The result is a significant contribution to the understanding of this subject in the fields of criminology law philosophy and political science. The book will appeal to academics policy-makers and practitioners who are attempting to grapple with the area of "transitions" in the fields of criminology law philosophy and political science. As a distinctively interdisciplinary text it brings together analysis of both the social processes of creating (and abandoning) criminal law and a philosophical reflection. The book provides a comprehensive and critical analysis which points to future directions in criminalisation in the emerging democratic states of Eastern Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415622400

Building Knowledge Constructing Histories Volume 1Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018) July Building Knowledge Constructing Histories brings together the papers presented at the Sixth International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH Brussels Belgium 9-13 July 2018). The contributions present the latest research in the field of construction history covering themes such as:- Building actors- Building materials- The process of building- Structural theory and analysis- Building services and techniques- Socio-cultural aspects- Knowledge transfer- The discipline of Construction History The papers cover various types of buildings and structures from ancient times to the 21st century from all over the world. In addition thematic papers address specific themes and highlight new directions in construction history research fostering transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration. Building Knowledge Constructing Histories is a must-have for academics scientists building conservators architects historians engineers designers contractors and other professionals involved or interested in the field of construction history. This is volume 1 of the book set. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429446757

Building Knowledge Constructing Histories volume 2Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018) July Building Knowledge Constructing Histories brings together the papers presented at the Sixth International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH Brussels Belgium 9-13 July 2018). The contributions present the latest research in the field of construction history covering themes such as:- Building actors- Building materials- The process of building- Structural theory and analysis- Building services and techniques- Socio-cultural aspects- Knowledge transfer- The discipline of Construction History The papers cover various types of buildings and structures from ancient times to the 21st century from all over the world. In addition thematic papers address specific themes and highlight new directions in construction history research fostering transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration. Building Knowledge Constructing Histories is a must-have for academics scientists building conservators architects historians engineers designers contractors and other professionals involved or interested in the field of construction history. This is volume 2 of the book set. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429446719

Building Knowledge Constructing HistoriesProceedings of the 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018) July 9-13 201 Building Knowledge Constructing Histories brings together the papers presented at the Sixth International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH Brussels Belgium 9-13 July 2018). The contributions present the latest research in the field of construction history covering themes such as:- Building actors- Building materials- The process of building- Structural theory and analysis- Building services and techniques- Socio-cultural aspects- Knowledge transfer- The discipline of Construction History The papers cover various types of buildings and structures from ancient times to the 21st century from all over the world. In addition thematic papers address specific themes and highlight new directions in construction history research fostering transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration. Building Knowledge Constructing Histories is a must-have for academics scientists building conservators architects historians engineers designers contractors and other professionals involved or interested in the field of construction history. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138584143

Building Knowledge in Early Childhood EducationYoung Children Are Researchers A focal point of early childhood education is how young children build knowledge and the ways that practitioners parents and carers can help them to do so. Many adults find it challenging to identify what knowledge young children are building and how they do so making it difficult to support young children’s learning and development in the most effective ways. This essential guide will help you to identify and develop young children’s knowledge and understanding in early years settings not only in terms of statutory requirements but far beyond them. Building Knowledge in Early Childhood Education draws on empirical research findings from the Young Children As Researchers (YCAR) project to examine everyday activities and reveal the means that young children use to build knowledge and understanding as well as exploring the similarities between learning behaviours in early childhood and adult life. Interweaving everyday activities in practice with research and theory this book covers: how young children construct knowledge; learning problem-solving and exploring; concepts and conceptualising in early childhood; evidence-based decision-making; how young children behave as researchers. Offering practical advice and suggestions to create opportunities that identify and facilitate young children’s own constructions of knowledge and understanding this book is essential reading for practitioners students and all those interested in the theories surrounding young children as researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138937949

Building Knowledge in Higher EducationEnhancing Teaching and Learning with Legitimation Code Theory From pressures to become economically efficient to calls to act as an agent of progressive social change higher education is facing a series of challenges. There is an urgent need for a rigorous and sophisticated research base to support the informed development of practices. Yet studies of educational practices in higher education remain theoretically underdeveloped and segmented by discipline and country. Building Knowledge in Higher Education illustrates how Legitimation Code Theory is bringing research together from across the disciplinary map and enabling practical change in a rigorously theorized way. The volume addresses both students and educators. Part I explores ways of supporting student achievement from STEM to the arts from introductory courses to doctoral training and from using new digital media to reflective writing. Part II focuses on academic staff development in higher education reaching from curriculum design to pedagogic practices. All chapters focus on issues of contemporary relevance to higher education showing how Legitimation Code Theory enables these issues to be understood and practices improved. Building Knowledge in Higher Education brings together internationally renowned scholars in higher education studies academic development academic literacies and sociology with some of the brightest new researchers. The volume significantly extends understandings of teaching and learning in changing higher education contexts and so contributes to educational research and practice. It will be essential reading not only to scholars and students in these fields but also to scholars and educators in higher education more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367463335

Building LeadersPaving the Path for Emerging Leaders This book is written for emerging leaders. It is designed to help these leaders bridge the gap from stepping into a position of leadership and emerging as a confident and respected difference-maker. Within this text award-winning scholar and leader-coach Charles Stoner meets emerging leaders where they are and focus on the issues that are most problematic for them. From the development of leadership skills to the practice and application of successful strategies  Stoner offers tools ideas and evidence-based advice to these up-and-coming leaders in an indispensable text that is direct pragmatic and action-oriented. Major topics include: Recognition development and practice of organizational leadership skills. Enhancing interpersonal dynamics and relationships. Organizational politics and interpersonal influence creativity and innovation negotiation and conflict resolution. Handling problem situations; effectively utilizing diverse talents and personalities. Introduction to major leadership and interpersonal development techniques. Case studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415899314

Building Lean Building BIMImproving Construction the Tidhar Way Building Lean Building BIM is the essential guide for any construction company that wants to implement Lean Construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM) to gain a strategic edge over their competition. The first of its kind the book outlines the principles of Lean the functionality of BIM and the interactions between the two illustrating them through the story of how Tidhar Construction has implemented Lean Construction and BIM in a concerted effort over four years. Tidhar is a small-to-medium-sized construction company that pioneered a way of working that gave it a profit margin unheard of in its market. The company's story serves as a case study for explanation of the various facets of Lean Construction and BIM. Each chapter defines a principle of Lean and/or BIM describes the achievements and failures in Tidhar's implementation based on the experiences of the key people involved and reviews the relevant background and theory. The implementation at Tidhar has not been a pure success but by examining their motives alongside their achievements and failures readers will learn about what pitfalls and pinnacles to expect. A number of chapters also compare the experience of Tidhar with those of other companies who are leaders in their fields such as Skanska and DPR. This book is highly relevant and useful to a wide range of readers from the construction industry especially those who are frustrated with the inefficiencies in their companies and construction projects. It is also essential reading for Lean and BIM enthusiasts researchers and students from a variety of industries and backgrounds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138237230

Building Limes in Conservation Conservation practitioners have long recognized the importance of using limes in repairing historic buildings. But research into the application of limes over the past twenty years has revealed that many of our assumptions about how limes were used historically may well be over-simplistic or even wrong. This book brings together a selection of the best material revised and updated which first appeared in the Journal of Architectural Conservation and in the Journal of the Building Limes Forum. The very useful Introduction traces developments in lime-based materials including the establishment of hydraulic limes into the market and the decline in the use of Portland cement for conservation work. Part 1 focuses on understanding the nature and origins of lime and lime based mortars including hydraulic lime and Roman cements. Part 2 covers research and analysis of lime materials with investigations into the current standards for their use. Part 3 examines the techniques that were used historically and how these can be applied today offering examples from current practice. These include the use of hot lime mortars and recent material on nano-lime.Architects conservation practitioners construction historians and those researching developments in lime will find this an informative and useful source of reference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781873394953

Building Literacy with English Language LearnersInsights from Linguistics How can linguistics help teachers of English language learners (ELLs) improve their instruction? What specific competencies do ELLs need to build in order to speak listen read and write in a new language? Now revised and expanded with a broader view of literacy this book has guided thousands of inservice and preservice teachers to understand the processes involved in second-language acquisition and help ELLs succeed. The authors explain relevant linguistic concepts with a focus on what works in today's diverse PreK-12 classrooms. Effective teaching strategies are illustrated with engaging classroom vignettes; the volume also features instructive discussion questions and a glossary. (First edition title: Teaching Reading to English Language Learners.) New to This Edition *Broader view of literacy; increased attention to oral language and writing as well as reading. *Chapter on digital learning plus new content on digital technology throughout the book. *Even more user friendly--additional classroom suggestions from real teachers vignettes and examples and graphics illustrating linguistic concepts. *End-of-chapter "challenge questions" that inspire deeper reflection. *Coverage of timely topics such as numeracy and the language innovations of text messages. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462531592

Building Materials This text on building materials includes discussion of structural clay products rocks and stones wood materials for making concrete ferrous and non-ferrous metals and miscellaneous materials. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138640

Building Materials Health and Indoor Air QualityNo Breathing Space? The impact of building materials and construction methods on the health and wellbeing of occupants is often underestimated. This book is an essential guide to understanding and avoiding hazardous materials and poor air quality in buildings. The author covers a range of issues beginning with an explanation of how buildings work and how this influences the health of occupants and users. The text covers: Ventilation air conditioning and indoor air quality Damp and mould Asthma and respiratory problems Cancer and endocrine disorders Radiation and radon Hazardous building materials used in construction Indoor air quality and emissions Ecological alternatives and approaches and remedies for ‘sick’ buildings The book also guides the reader through the confusing world of regulations EU and international guidelines and certifications and provides a critical analysis of different theories of healthy buildings and philosophies. Written in a clear and accessible style this book provides indispensable advice and information to anyone wishing to better understand healthy buildings and materials. It is essential reading for architects surveyors public health professionals facilities managers and environmentalists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138934498

Building MaterialsProduct Emission and Combustion Health Hazards The construction industry is bombarded with ever-changing building materials—components of which are more and more difficult if not impossible to identify. Building material emissions have been implicated as a major source of indoor air pollution and toxic gases often unidentified are generated in building fires. Building Materials: Product Emission and Combustion Health Hazards undertakes the task of identifying building materials emission and combustion health hazards. This practical guide introduces the complex world of polymers commonly used in building materials along with plasticizers and additives that are not regulated by OSHA. It also explores the topic of building materials as they relate to function and their emissions/combustion products along with thermal decomposition and combustion products as they relate to fire first responders. Engaging environmental professionals construction management firms architects first respondents and students this valuable reference delivers a comprehensive spectrum of knowledge needed to face the challenges of managing building materials in the twenty-first century. Awareness is the first line of defense! Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367872489

Building MeasurementNew Rules of Measurement Measurement of buildings is the core skill of the quantity surveyor. It underpins the procurement management delivery and subsequent commissioning of a completed building and must now be completed using New Rules of Measurement 2 (NRM 2). In this much-needed new measurement textbook the measurement of the most common building elements is described using NRM2. Extensive worked examples including fully up to date hand-drawn diagrams and supporting take-off lists ensure that the reader develops a confidence in their ability to measure using NRM2 in practice. A practical step-by-step approach is used to explain and interpret the detail of the specific Work Sections of NRM2 covering a broad range of different trades including mechanical and electrical systems; external works; groundwork; masonry; joinery; and internal finishes. Presuming no prior knowledge of measurement or NRM2 and fully up to date with current practice including consideration of Building Information Modelling this is the ideal text for students of measurement at HND or BSc level as well as practitioners needing a crash course in how to apply NRM2. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138838147

Building Mentoring Capacity in Teacher EducationA Guide to Clinically-Based Practice This book is an instructional guide for designing and implementing mentoring programs that support clinically-based teacher education. Veteran teacher educators John E. Henning Dianne M. Gut and Pam C. Beam outline a developmental approach for supporting mentees as they grow in their careers from teacher candidates to early-career teachers and teacher leaders. Mentors will learn how professional development occurs and how to create the conditions to foster and accelerate it. In Part I chapters outline key components of the mentoring process including strategies for engaging coaching co-teaching and encouraging reflection. Part II demonstrates how those strategies can support mentees at different stages of their development. Included throughout are case studies activities and discussion questions to facilitate learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815366034

Building Mobile Library Applications Meet the growing demand for real-time mobile information by learning application design and development just for libraries. Learn how to develop an iPhone or Android application for your library how to mobilize your library's catalogue and how to create a mobile website which can be viewed on smartphones. Part of the award-winning TECH SET series Jason Clark's complete handbook guides you through the process of planning development and launch of your own mobile library applications. In learning to build and use these applications you can reach your users in locations where they need you the most. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781856048453

Building Motivational Interviewing SkillsA Practitioner Workbook Many tens of thousands of mental health and health care professionals have used this essential book--now significantly revised with 70% new content reflecting important advances in the field--to develop and sharpen their skills in motivational interviewing (MI). Clear explanations of core MI concepts are accompanied by carefully crafted sample dialogues exercises and practice opportunities. Readers build proficiency for moving through the four processes of MI--engaging focusing evoking and planning--using open-ended questions affirmations reflective listening and summaries (OARS) plus information exchange. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying the volume includes more than 80 reproducible worksheets. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Fully revised and restructured around the new four-process model of MI. *Chapters on exploring values and goals and "finding the horizon." *Additional exercises now with downloadable worksheets. *Teaches how to tailor OARS skills for each MI process. *Integrates key ideas from positive psychology. Winner (First Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award Adult Primary Care Category This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series edited by Stephen Rollnick William R. Miller and Theresa B. Moyers. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462532063

Building MycologyManagement of Decay and Health in Buildings Biodeterioration is the most common problem of mankind and its record can be traced back to biblical times or probably earlier. Building Mycology deals with the study of fungi in and around the building environment having direct and indirect effect on the health of the building its materials structures and occupants. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138988002

Building Network Capabilities in Turbulent Competitive EnvironmentsBusiness Success Stories from the BRICs Brazil Russia India and China (BRIC) are among the largest and fastest-growing economies in the world. The enormous size of the customer base in these emerging markets is the strategic concern of global business firms. Successful market performance in these markets requires sound understanding of dynamic environmental factors and timely investment of appropriate resources. This book presents strategies for recognizing the challenges and optimizing the opportunities for building network capabilities and competitive advantage within the context of these emerging markets. Building Network Capabilities in Turbulent Competitive Environments provides a thorough review of the literature and an unparalleled abundance of fascinating case studies featuring Japanese Korean and indigenous business examples. To gather real-world information research teams made numerous field visits to many firms in the BRIC markets to meet and interview executives and observe their manufacturing and supply chain practices. The information in this book is presented within a fully formulated theoretical framework of three core competencies: technology competence (capability to offer innovative products that fit these markets) customer competence (capability to understand and satisfy different customer needs) and linkage competence (ability to integrate technology and customer competence). The book also covers the concepts of product architecture and supply chain management to provide a more in-depth analysis of global firms operating in BRIC markets. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466515758

Building Network Capabilities in Turbulent Competitive EnvironmentsPractices of Global Firms from Korea and Japan Since the start of the recent financial crisis as most global firms struggle to remain competitive an increasing number of Korean and Japanese firms have experienced an amazing rate of growth and expansion. Although academic researchers and business leaders in the United States China Brazil India and Europe seek out the secrets to these businesses’ success little is known about their business practices.Supplying an insider’s perspective Building Network Capabilities in Turbulent Competitive Environments: Practices of Global Firms from Korea and Japan unveils the strategic and operational practices that have allowed these firms to catch and surpass their competitors in North America and Europe. Based on fieldwork studies and extensive interviews with senior executives it explains how these companies have developed and enhanced their core competencies through effective integration of product architecture supply chain management and IT strategy.The book provides practical insight into changing business patterns while avoiding extensive mathematical algorithms and drawn-out theoretical descriptions. It uses cutting-edge case studies to illustrate the innovative manufacturing strategies of these rapidly emerging companies. Accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of business it reveals the organizational processes of strategy formulation and implementation that are required for success.Providing a clear understanding of both the career implications of the changing business landscape and how to deliver products and services that meet and exceed the needs of your customers this book will help you develop the socio-technical skills needed to succeed in an increasingly competitive and turbulent business environment. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439850688

Building Next-Generation Converged NetworksTheory and Practice Supplying a comprehensive introduction to next-generation networks Building Next-Generation Converged Networks: Theory and Practice strikes a balance between how and why things work and how to make them work. It compiles recent advancements along with basic issues from the wide range of fields related to next generation networks. Containing the contributions of 56 industry experts and researchers from 16 different countries the book presents relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest research. It investigates new technologies such as IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) architectures standards mobility and security. Presenting the material in a manner that entry-level readers can easily grasp the fundamentals the book is organized into five parts: Multimedia Streaming—deals with multimedia streaming in networks of the future—from basics to more in-depth information for the experts Safety and Security in Networks—addresses the issues related to security including fundamental Internet and cyber-security concepts that will be relevant in any future network Network Management and Traffic Engineering—includes coverage of mathematical modeling-based works Information Infrastructure and Cloud Computing—integrates information about past achievements present conditions and future expectations in information infrastructure-related areas Wireless Networking—touches on the various aspects of wireless networks and technologies The text includes coverage of Internet architectures and protocols embedded systems and sensor networks web services Cloud technologies and next-generation wireless networking. Reporting on the latest advancements in the field it provides you with the understanding required to contribute towards the materialization of future networks. This book is suitable for graduate students researchers academics industry practitioners working in the area of wired or wireless networking and basically anyone who wants to improve his or her understanding of the topics related to next-generation networks. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198760

Building on BatikThe Globalization of a Craft Community The word ’batik’ is possibly of Malay origin from the word ’tik’ meaning ’to drip’ or ’to drop.’ The term is applied to a resist dye technique invented independently in locations as diverse as Ancient Egypt Japan and Turkestan. Batik is a remarkably flexible textile technique and is suited to small-scale methods of production but demand from the fashion and tourism industries is increasing. This volume brings together the experiences and concerns of the international community of batik producers. It gives voice to their suggestions for ensuring that the producers of this traditional craft are integrated into its increasingly global production rather than excluded from it. Building on the work of batik designers and producers the book discusses the emergence of a global craft consciousness. Batik producers report on innovative measures taken both individually and collectively to hold their market position while commercial producers frequently annex and mass-produce traditional batik design. The book concludes with a discussion of marketing and production innovations and tourism which enable the producers of batik to maintain the integrity of their designs whilst harnessing the benefits of new commercial forms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138267404

Building on FillGeotechnical Aspects A high proportion of commercial industrial and housing developments are now built on fills that is ground that has been deposited by human activity rather than natural geological processes and the political and commercial impetus to build on ‘brownfield’ land continues to grow. An adequate understanding of the behaviour of fills and the ways in which they can economically be rendered suitable for building purposes is a critical element in ensuring the safe development of such sites. This third edition encompasses BRE’s unique experience over a period of more than 40 years of research and consultancy and brings the subject up to date. New material includes: - research findings and industry experience since publication of the second edition 14 years ago - additional chapters on ground improvement and treatment using both proprietary and non-proprietary techniques - six new case histories and updated cases from the second edition - studies on the behaviour of fills over both a longer time period and a wider range of fills. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848063891

Building on Soft Soils A comprehensive practical manual covering all aspects of this field this book covers everything from the pre-design stage up to and including the actual use (including maintenance) of the completed structures. Much attention is given to the calculation methods available for design and construction including establishing the soil parameters required with emphasis placed on probabilistic safety analysis. This informative book includes an inventory of:· the properties of natural types of soil secondary materials and light-weight materials· raising and filling construction methods· techniques and methods to speed up consolidation and limit deformation Compiled by researchers from Fugro Delft Geotechnics and several other Dutch contractors it includes useful appendices focusing on particular points of interest from the preceding chapters. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138657

Building on The Decade of Disclosure In Criminal Procedure First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge-Cavendish 9781843143116

Building on Women's StrengthsA Social Work Agenda for the Twenty-First Century Second Edition Build a woman-centered social work practice for the new millennium!“How do we take the strengths women have--have always had--and use them to build a world that is validating liberating and inclusive?” This is the question at the heart of Building on Women's Strengths. This groundbreaking book explores the ways a woman-centered worldview can transform social policy social services and direct practice. Updated to honor the memory of Liane V. Davis who died in 1995 this new edition of Building on Women's Strengths offers updated information to reflect the enormous changes that have occurred since 1994 in women's lives. Many of the original selections have been revised or totally rewritten to reflect those changes and the more integrated policy/practice focus of this edition. New chapters were added on working with women who have been incarcerated women on welfare who experience violence and lesbian and bisexual women. Building on Women's Strengths presents a woman-centered approach to understanding and analyzing the issues women must confront in their daily lives including: family violence welfare reform mental health child welfare aging racism being silenced by societyThe Journal of the National Association of Social Workers said of the first edition “Each chapter presents with skill and rigor an opening for respectful and challenging discourse.” This edition of Building on Women's Strengths offers an even more comprehensive view of the ways to overcome oppression in women's lives. It is an essential volume for social workers policymakers mental health professionals and anyone working toward social justice for all women. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003053224

Building Organisation and Procedures Topics discussed include the structure and magnitude of the construction industry responsibilities and roles of the organisations and people within the industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138835849

Building Organizational FitnessManagement Methodology for Transformation and Strategic Advantage Undoubtedly the most urgent task for companies today is to take a hard look at the future. To remain competitive management must nurture a strong capability for self development and a strong corporate culture both of which form part of the foundation for improvement. But simply understanding management techniques doesn't mean you know how to use them. You need the tools and technologies for implementation.In Building Organizational Fitness Ryuji Fukuda extends the power of his managerial engineering methodology into the context of the top management strategic planning role. Published here for the first time the author provides information on the evolution of his CEDAC methods for use in strategic planning and implementation. The book introduces several key management technologies and describes their successful application in many Japanese American and European companies including: P/O (Policy Objective) Matrix SEDAC (Structure for Enhancing Daily Activities through Creativity) Window Analysis ( a method for classifying and analyzing problem for a view point of management actions required) and Stockless Production (an approach to reduce work-in-process and lead time in an effective and easy-to-understand manner). Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138664

Building Organizational IntelligenceA Knowledge Management Primer "Sharing knowledge is power." If ever there were a field to which this applies it is the knowledge management industry. And in today's highly-competitive fast-paced business world corporations businesses and organizations in both the public and private sectors are constantly searching for new cutting-edge methods and techniques for creating storing capturing managing organizing distributing combining and retrieving knowledge. But the task of accomplishing such functions is not as simple as it sounds. Jay Liebowitz's Building Organizational Intelligence: A Knowledge Management Primer gives executives managers systems analysts and other knowledge-management professionals the competitive edge they need in achieving that task. In a concise and easy-to-read format the book describes the concepts techniques methodologies and tools associated with those functions and includes mini-case studies and vignettes of how industry is developing and applying these functions towards building organizational intelligence.What's more the book is packaged with a limited functionality version of "WisdomBuilder " the first in a family of knowledge-management tools that provide a fully integrated solution to the information management and analysis dilemma. Able to run under Windows 95 98 and NT "WisdomBuilder" solves the information overload problem by reducing the time and cost of extracting information and other research knowledge from disorganized repositories of heterogeneous data. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455620

Building Out into the DarkTheory and Observation in Science and Psychoanalysis In this book Robert Caper provides the reader with an introduction to psychoanalysis focusing explicitly on whether psychoanalysis is part of the sciences and if not where it belongs. Many psychoanalysts beginning with Freud have considered their discipline a science. In this book Caper examines this claim and investigates the relationship of theory to observation in both philosophy and the experimental sciences and explores how these observations differ from those made in psychoanalytic interpretation. Building Out into the Dark also explores topics including: the origins of psychoanalysis in the art of medicine the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis the archaic superego psychoanalysis with the individual and groups what makes psychoanalytic work unique. Building Out into the Dark offers a thoughtful consideration of the nature of psychoanalytic knowledge and how it is gained. The book's accessible and concise style makes it a useful introductory resource for students studying psychoanalysis for psychotherapists who are curious about the distinction between psychoanalysis and other forms of therapy as well as those interested in placing psychoanalysis in the context of current cultural and intellectual developments. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787442

Building Peace After War The widespread practice of intervention by outside actors aimed at building ‘sustainable peace within societies ravaged by war has been a striking feature of the post-Cold War era. But at a time when more peacekeepers are deployed around the world than at any other point in history is the international will to intervene beginning to wane? And how capable are the systems that exist for planning and deployingpeacebuilding missions of fulfilling the increasingly complex tasks set for them? In Building Peace After War Mats Berdal addresses these and other crucial questions examining the record of interventions from Cambodia in the early 1990s to contemporary efforts in Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The book analyses the nature of the modern peacebuilding environment in particular the historical and psychological conditions that shape it and addresses the key tasks faced by outside forces in the early and criticalpost-conflict phase of an intervention. In doing so it asks searching questions about the role of military force in support of peacebuilding and the vital importance of legitimacy to any intervention. Berdal also looks critically at the ways in which governments and international organisations particularly the UN have responded to these many challenges. He highlights the pivotal role of politics in planning peacebuilding operations and offers some sober reflections on the future prospects for post-conflict intervention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138452695

Building PeaceFeminist Perspectives Moving seamlessly from the global to the local from the politics of institutions to the theoretical apparatus through which we analyse peace and security governance the contributions to this volume draw attention to the operations of gendered power in peacebuilding across diverse contexts and explore the possibilities of gender-sensitive sustainable peace. The authors have wide-ranging expertise in gendered analysis of the peacebuilding practices of international and national organisation detailed and complex qualitative analysis of the gendered politics of peacebuilding in specific country contexts and feminist analysis of the tools we use to think with when approaching contemporary debates about peacebuilding. The volume thus serves not only as a useful marker of the development of feminist encounters with peacebuilding but also as a foundation for future scholarship in this area. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Peacebuilding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367142254

Building Performance Simulation for Design and Operation When used appropriately building performance simulation has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of the built environment to improve indoor quality and productivity as well as to facilitate future innovation and technological progress in construction. Since publication of the first edition of Building Performance Simulation for Design and Operation the discussion has shifted from a focus on software features to a new agenda which centres on the effectiveness of building performance simulation in building life cycle processes. This new edition provides a unique and comprehensive overview of building performance simulation for the complete building life cycle from conception to demolition and from a single building to district level. It contains new chapters on building information modelling occupant behaviour modelling urban physics modelling urban building energy modelling and renewable energy systems modelling. This new edition keeps the same chapter structure throughout including learning objectives chapter summaries and assignments. Moreover the book: • Provides unique insights into the techniques of building performance modelling and simulation and their application to performance-based design and operation of buildings and the systems which service them. • Provides readers with the essential concepts of computational support of performance-based design and operation. • Provides examples of how to use building simulation techniques for practical design management and operation their limitations and future direction. It is primarily intended for building and systems designers and operators and postgraduate architectural environmental or mechanical engineering students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138392199

Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in SchoolsFunctional Behavioral Assessment A widely used practitioner guide and text this book presents a blueprint for meeting the challenges of severe problem behavior in grades PreK-8. It shows how to provide effective behavior support for the 1-5% of students who require intensive individualized intervention. Case examples illustrate step-by-step procedures for identifying student needs using functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and designing implementing and evaluating team-based behavior support plans (BSPs). The book also describes how to build school- and districtwide capacity to conduct FBA-BSPs. Reproducible forms and worksheets are included; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition:*Incorporates current FBA-BSP research and best practices.*Chapters on developing districtwide capacity; FBA apps and software; applications for academic problems; and early childhood settings.*Increased attention to FBA-BSP as a Tier III intervention within a multi-tiered framework. See also the authors' less intensive intervention for moderate problem behavior: Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools Second Edition: The Behavior Education Program and the related training DVD Check-In Check-Out Second Edition: A Tier 2 Intervention for Students at Risk. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462519729

Building Positive Relationships with Parents of Young ChildrenA guide to effective communication Positive relationships between practitioners and parents are essential for young children’s wellbeing but achieving this can be difficult if there is not enough understanding about how relationships work when one person (the practitioner or teacher) has to play the professional role. Strong communication skills are fundamental to this relationship and to building a sense of community between home and nursery or school. This new book explores how practitioners can build warm friendly and caring relationships with parents. It clearly explains the dynamics of a conversation the theory behind how relationships are formed or destroyed and provides practical strategies to put this knowledge into practice. Grounded in the theories of attachment transactional analysis and solution focused therapy this book will help you to: Increase your level of self awareness Improve your listening skills Understand ‘how’ to communicate with different parent ‘types‘ Learn how to conduct an individual parent interview Develop professional care giving skills Full of practical examples and strategies this text will be welcomed by early years practitioners and students who wish to develop the skills and confidence they need to effectively communicate with the parents of the children they care for. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415679572

Building Product ModelsComputer Environments Supporting Design and Construction Building Product Models thoroughly presents the concepts technology and methods now used to work out what will become the building product model - a new digital representation for architecture civil engineering and building construction.Organized into three sections (history current tools and concepts and existing efforts and research issues) this resource provides the field of building product modeling with a standard reference as well as a single comprehensive text for university courses. Until now all the efforts in building modeling have been reported in research journals and conference proceedings or been made available as draft standards on the Internet. Building Product Models is the only book available on this vital field bringing together essential aspects of major efforts from the early 1970s to the present. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138671

Building Production Management TechniquesAn Introduction through a Systems Approach Building Production Management Techniques provides an innovative approach to dealing with the universal problems of time cost and quality of construction projects. The book provides an introduction to a number of management techniques that can be applied to the problems of production presented by the diverse heavy large and geographically distributed products typical of construction everywhere. As well as recognised and tried and tested management techniques the authors have introduced a number of techniques which may not have been considered by the construction industry to date. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138418073

Building ProsperityHousing and Economic Development This book is a much-needed account with numerous detailed examples of the role of housing in economic growth and development by an author in a unique position to understand its importance and the practical measures for delivering that growth. While the linkages between housing and the macroeconomic environment in developed countries has been studied the case of developing and transitional countries has been mostly overlooked. The author establishes these linkages with great clarity supported by detailed case studies chosen to reflect regional diversity as well as differences in socio-economic development and political systems. On the basis of this analysis the author goes on to develop specific policies and practices to enable governments to enhance the contribution of housing in economic growth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770040

Building Quality Management SystemsSelecting the Right Methods and Tools Quality has quickly become one of the most important decision-making factors for consumers. And although organizations invest considerable resources into building the right quality management systems (QMSs) in many instances the adoption of such quality improvement tools are just not enough. Building Quality Management Systems: Selecting the Right Methods and Tools explains exactly what directors practitioners consultants and researchers must do to make better choices in the design implementation and improvement of their QMSs.Based on the authors’ decades of industrial experience working on business improvement projects for multinationals looking to design or improve their QMSs the book discusses building QMSs based on two important organizational elements: needs and resources. It begins with an overview of QMSs and systems thinking and the impact of QMSs on financial performance. Illustrating the process management approach it reviews the most well-known business and quality improvement models methods and tools that support a major QMS.The authors introduce their own time-tested methodology for designing implementing and enhancing your own QMS. Using their proven method you will learn how to: Implement a strategic quality plan based on your specific needs capabilities cost–benefits policies and business strategies Select the right models methods and tools to be adopted as part of your QMS Understand the critical success factors and implementation challenges Evaluate the level of maturity of your QMS and your implementation efforts Highlighting the importance of quality as a way of life this book supplies the understanding you’ll need to make the right choices in the development and deployment of your QMS. With a clear focus on business performance and process management it provides the basis for creating the quality management culture required to become a world-class organization. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781466564992

Building RegionsThe Regionalization of the World Order Regions. How they emerge and how they are dramatically changing the appearance of the present 'world of states' and its related forms of governance from local to global levels is analysed in this monograph. But what are regions? Regions can be small or huge. They can be part of a single state be composed out of different states or stretched out across borders. They can be important recognized economic social or cultural entities or they can be largely ignored by the people who live on a region's territory. They can be well-defined with clear cut boundaries as is the case in so-called 'constitutional regions' or they can be fuzzy as for instance in cross-border regions. In sum they are not a natural kind and defining regions is not a simple task. Luk Van Langenhove advances the concept of region building as an alternative to the construction of regions with three issues of region building being explored: - Why are regions built in a world of states? - How do region building processes take place? - How are regions transforming the present world order? Crossing disciplinary boundaries this book is an exercise in theorizing regions and brings together under one conceptual framework different processes and concepts such as regional integration devolution federalism and separatism and refines the social constructionist view on regions Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138268463

Building Regulations and Urban Form 1200-1900 Towns are complicated places. It is therefore not surprising that from the beginnings of urban development towns and town life have been regulated. Whether the basis of regulation was imposed or agreed ultimately it was necessary to have a law-based system to ensure that disagreements could be arbitrated upon and rules obeyed. The literature on urban regulation is dispersed about a large number of academic specialisms. However for the most part the interest in urban regulation is peripheral to some other core study and consequently there are few texts which bring these detailed studies together. This book provides perspectives across the period between the high medieval and the end of the nineteenth century and across a geographical breadth of European countries from Scandinavia to the southern fringes of the Mediterranean and from Turkey to Portugal. It also looks at the way in which urban regulation was transferred and adapted to the colonial empires of two of those nations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367882037

Building Regulations Explained Almost all buildings erected or altered in England and Wales must satisfy the requirements of the building regulations. This essential reference has been revised in line with new legislation up to January 2004 including important revisions to Parts B E H J L1 L2 and M and an outline of the proposed Part P.Each chapter explains in clear terms the appropriate regulation and any other legislation before explaining the approved document. The Appeals and Determinations have been repositioned at the end of each chapter. Publications lists and relevant sources of information are also included together with annexes devoted to legislation relevant to the construction industry determinations made by the Secretary of State and sample check lists.This highly illustrated and practical approach to the subject makes this the indispensable one-stop reference guide for professionals and students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367393281

Building Regulations in Brief This ninth edition of the most popular and trusted guide reflects all the latest amendments to the Building Regulations planning permission and the Approved Documents in England and Wales. This includes coverage of the new Approved Document Q on security and a second part to Approved Document M which divides the regulations for 'dwellings' and 'buildings other than dwellings'. A new chapter has been added to incorporate these changes and to make the book more user friendly. Giving practical information throughout on how to work with (and within) the Regulations this book enables compliance in the simplest and most cost-effective manner possible. The no-nonsense approach of Building Regulations in Brief cuts through any confusion and explains the meaning of the Regulations. Consequently it has become a favourite for anyone in the building industry or studying as well as those planning to have work carried out on their home. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138285163

Building Regulations Pocket Book This handy guide provides you with all the information you need to comply with the UK Building Regulations and Approved Documents. On site in the van in the office wherever you are this is the book you’ll refer to time and time again to double check the regulations on your current job. The Building Regulations Pocket Book is the must have reliable and portable guide to compliance with the Building Regulations. Part 1 provides an overview of the Building Act Part 2 offers a handy guide to the dos and don’ts of gaining the Local Council’s approval for Planning Permission and Building Regulations Approval Part 3 presents an overview of the requirements of the Approved Documents associated with the Building Regulations Part 4 is an easy to read explanation of the essential requirements of the Building Regulations that any architect builder or DIYer needs to know to keep their work safe and compliant on both domestic or non-domestic jobs This book is essential reading for all building contractors and sub-contractors site engineers building engineers building control officers building surveyors architects construction site managers and DIYers. Homeowners will also find it useful to understand what they are responsible for when they have work done on their home (ignorance of the regulations is no defence when it comes to compliance!). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815368380

Building Resilience of Floating Children and Left-Behind Children in ChinaPower Politics Participation and Education The past two decades have seen exponential growth of urbanisation and migration in China. Emerging from this growth is a population of floating and left-behind children which is estimated to be approaching 100 million. Due to their increasing risks of undesirable educational and social as well as health and psychological outcomes there is a great urgency to help floating children and left-behind children beat the odds. This book offers an analysis of how oscillations of government discourse have come to shape central and local educational policies regarding the schooling of these children. It also delves into child and youth resilience in this unique migration context examining what can be done to build up resilience of floating and left-behind children. In this vein the book will complement current knowledge and advance context- and culture-specific understandings of child and youth resilience through both school-based and community-based approaches. The book aims to answer a fundamental question: How to help floating children and left-behind children become responsive and resilient to structural deficiencies and dynamics in the migration context of China? This is important reading for scholars school professionals community workers and policy makers to better address the social and educational resilience and wellbeing of floating and left-behind children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375768

Building Resilience Through Contemplative PracticeA Field Manual for Helping Professionals and Volunteers Recasting burnout as a crucial phase of service Building Resilience Through Contemplative Practice uses real-world case studies to teach professionals and volunteers unique skills for cultivating resilience. Viewing service and burnout as interdependent throughout phases of stability collapse reorganization and exploitation the book uniquely combines elements of adaptive resilience theory with contemplative practices and pedagogies. Drawing on the author’s extensive experience working at the intersection of service and contemplative practices this is the first book to demonstrate how and why professionals and volunteers can reframe burnout as an opportunity for resilience-building service. User-friendly case studies provide tools skills and exercises for reconstructive next steps. Chapters address personal group and structural levels of service and burnout. Illuminating the link between adaptive resilience and burnout as a normal and useful phase of service Building Resilience Through Contemplative Practice is a necessary resource for professionals and volunteers across a wide range of service settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367133771

Building Resilience to TraumaThe Trauma and Community Resiliency Models After a traumatic experience survivors often experience a cascade of physical emotional cognitive behavioral and spiritual responses that leave them feeling unbalanced and threatened. Building Resilience to Trauma explains these common responses from a biological perspective reframing the human experience from one of shame and pathology to one of hope and biology. It also presents alternative approaches the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) and the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) which offer concrete and practical skills that resonate with what we know about the biology of trauma. In programs co-sponsored by the World Health Organization the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee ADRA International and the department of behavioral health of San Bernardino County the TRM and the CRM have been used to reduce and in some cases eliminate the symptoms of trauma by helping survivors regain a sense of balance. Clinicians will find that they can use the models with almost anyone who has experienced or witnessed any event that was perceived as life threatening or posed a serious injury to themselves or to others. The models can also be used to treat symptoms of vicarious traumatization and compassion fatigue. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415820585

Building ResilienceA Skills Based Programme to Support Achievement in Young People This is a practical and informal and interactive programme providing a creative and engaging way of teaching young people the attitude change knowledge practice and skill development that is essential for building resilience. This resource will: teach students how to cope with frustration and failure; enable students to recognise and increase their existing strengths and talents; introduce strategies for boosting less strong areas while emphasising positive social and academic behaviour and a supportive network and community within the school; and maximise better outcomes for all children and young people. This practical resource includes facilitator notes background theory practical guidance activities and a Powerpoint presentation that can be used to introduce the Building Resilience programme to all staff. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906517519

Building RevolutionsApplying the Circular Economy to the Built Environment The construction industry operates within a linear economy of make use dispose. Buildings are stripped out and torn down with astonishing regularity while new buildings are constructed from hard-won virgin materials. But raw materials are becoming scarce and the demands for them are exploiting fragile ecosystems even as the global demand for resources continues to rise. Policy makers and organisations are beginning to look for a more regenerative circular economy model. The construction industry demands over half the world’s extracted materials and generates around a third of the total waste generated in the EU making it a prime candidate for applying the circular economy. Yet there has been little focus on how construction industry professionals and their clients can contribute towards the movement. Drawing on illustrative methods and examples Building Revolutions explains how the principles of a circular economy can be applied to the built environment where resources are kept in use and their value retained. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466452

Building RulesHow Local Controls Shape Community Environments And Economies Urban and suburban growth is a burning local issue for communities across the United States and many other parts of the world. Concerns include protecting habitats high costs of infrastructure social inequalities traffic congestion and more intangible worries about ?quality of life.? Citizens pressure public officials to intensify development re Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314743

Building Ruskin's ItalyWatching Architecture Based on extensive fieldwork and research into John Ruskin's still little-interpreted archival material notebooks and drawings (in the Ruskin Library Lancaster University UK and elsewhere) Stephen Kite offers an unprecedented account of the evolution of Ruskin's architectural thinking and observation in the context of Italy where his watching of building achieved its greatest intensity. Venice naturally figures large in a work that also examines other key sites including Verona Lucca Pisa Florence Milan and Monza; here the fabrics are vividly read in their contexts against the rich evidence of Ruskin's diaries his pocket-book sketches architectural worksheets drawings and daguerrotypes (the early form of photography) and the drafts and published editions of the texts. Kite presents the complex story of Ruskin's visual thinking in architecture as a narrative of deepening interpretation and representation focusing on the humbler monuments of Italy. He shows how Ruskin's early picturesque naturalism was transformed by the realisation that to understand the built realities confronting him in Italy demanded a closer engagement with the substance of the stones themselves; reflecting Ruskin's sense of his task as a near-archaeological gleaning and gathering of remains 'hidden in many a grass grown court and silent pathway and lightless canal'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271456

Building Safe Systems in AviationA CRM Developer's Handbook Building Safe Systems in Aviation provides a single source for those who need to progress beyond current models of Crew Resource Management (CRM) to developing safe systems in critical industries. Although the primary focus is on airline pilots the principles apply to all sectors of aviation particularly maintenance and cabin crew as well as other high-risk industries. It systematically sets out the context of CRM and safe systems the conduct of training the resources needed by the facilitator and the processes required for the measurement of outcomes. Part One reviews the development of the human factors/CRM domain and examines the concepts of risk and safety. Part Two primarily for new instructors gives a guide to training delivery and also considers non-classroom situations the role of debriefing facilitation and the design of human factors courses. Part Three examines the measurement of training effectiveness the design and implementation of behavioural markers and standardizing assessors. It concludes by looking at some of the broader issues associated with the management of CRM. The book's readership includes those who design deliver or manage CRM and safety-related training within airlines and other companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138381117

Building School Culture One Week at a Time Use Friday Focus memos to motivate and engage your staff every week and help create a school culture focused on the growth of students and teachers. Easy to understand and implement Friday Focus memos offer an effective and efficient way to improve student learning staff development and school culture from within. Written by educational consultant and former principal of two award-winning schools Jeffrey Zoul these memos focus on topics such as active learning high expectations gratitude test preparation and more. Zoul provides 37 teaching and learning memos one for each week of the school year for principals and other administrators to reproduce and circulate among their staff. Zoul prefaces each memo with stories from his experiences as a teacher coach and assistant principal in the K-12 levels. You can also write your own memos with guidance on possible topics and teacher takeaways. Other memo topics include: The heart of coaching A community of leaders Homework perspectives Response to intervention basics Principles of great teaching Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138466036

Building Security in Europe's New Borderlands While European integration advances many of the countries along Europe's eastern and southern periphery have fallen prey to chronic conflict punctuated by a series of small wars. Exacerbating the situation has been the lack of effective organizational means for mediating local conflicts facilitating regional development and structuring cooperation with larger regional and international institutions. What are the prospects for enhancing security in the most volatile subregions of post-communist Europe? This text examines the external and internal factors that impede or foster subregional cooperation in South-Eastern and East-Central Europe and the Caucasus. It includes chapters situating these borderlands in the context of a wider Europe with an evolving security architecture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315500737

Building Security in Post-Conflict StatesThe Domestic Consequences of Security Sector Reform Support for security and justice institutions has become a crucial instrument of international engagement in fragile and conflict-affected states. In attempts to shore up security as a precondition for sustainable peace international actors have become deeply engaged in reforming the security agencies and security governance institutions of states emerging from conflict. But despite their increasing importance in the field of international peace- and state-building security sector reform (SSR) interventions remain both highly political and deeply contentious processes. Expanding on this theme this edited volume identifies new directions in research on the domestic consequences of external support to security sector reform. Both empirically and theoretically the focus lies on the so far neglected role of domestic actors interests and political power constellations in recipient states. Based on a wide range of empirical cases the volume discusses how the often conflictual and asymmetric encounters between external and domestic actors with divergent interests and perceptions affect the consequences of international interventions. By taking into account the plurality of state and non-state security actors and institutions beyond classical models of Weberian statehood the contributions make the case for engaging more closely with the complexity of the domestic security governance configurations that can result from external engagement in the field of security sector reform. This book was published as a special issue of International Peacekeeping. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138085381

Building Security in the New States of EurasiaSubregional Cooperation in the Former Soviet Space This pathbreaking study brings together international experts to consider security issues and the experience and potential for cooperation in the subregions of the former Soviet Union. Appendices to the volume provide maps a guide to acronyms profiles of existing subregional organizations and a chronology of cooperative agreements signed in the region since 1991. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706016

Building Sensor NetworksFrom Design to Applications For all the interest that wireless sensor networks have created over the past decade there are few examples to show that they are truly delivering on this promise and anticipation. What is missing? Deviating from the usual focus on routing and energy efficiency Building Sensor Networks: From Design to Applications attempts to stitch together the path from conceptual development of applications on one end to actual complete applications at the other. With this change in perspective the book examines important facets of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that are not often discussed in the literature. From Design Practices to the Networking Protocols that Glue Applications Together Organized into three sections the book presents insights from international experts representing both industry and academia. The first section on design practices explores alternative ways to approach the tasks of developing a suitable WSN solution to an application and assisting that development in a manner that is not necessarily tied to a particular application. The second section on networking protocols illustrates the impact of the intermediaries—the "glue" of putting applications together. Chapters look at ways to address traffic delays in network clustering and the coexistence of a WSN with other systems on a frequency band. The final section of the book delves into experiences with applications in chemical sensing defense global trade and security and ecosystem monitoring. Although these applications may fail the purist definition of an ideal WSN they offer valuable lessons for the future development and deployment of WSNs. Challenge Your Thinking about Designing WSN Applications Emphasizing the need to build applications the contributors present examples of what applications of WSNs could look like and identify the constraints. Throughout the book challenges and illuminates your thinking about how to tame the complexity of designing a WSN application. It is essential reading for anyone interested in future wireless technologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073289

Building Services Technology and Design Building Services Technology and Design provides a concise guide to the installation and design of principal services in domestic and commercial buildings. It covers the level 2 module of The CIOB's Education Framework and is officially sanctioned by the CIOB as the recognised text for that module. The book combines theory design and application in one volume and is supported throughout with illustrations design examples tables and charts.Services covered include: cold and hot water; heating; ventilation; air conditioning; gas; electricity; security; fire control; sanitation; drainage and transport systems.Building Services Technology and Design is a core text for the CIOB level 2 module as well as BTEC HNC/D building studies and degree courses in building. It is also an essential reference for all members of the facilities management and construction industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133907

Building Services and EquipmentVolume 1 Services and equipment in complex modern buildings account for over one-third of the total cost. Therefore study of services and equipment is essential for technicians in construction surveying and architecture.Building Services and Equipment Volume 1 is the first book in a widely acclaimed trilogy that has become established as the leading work in this field. This volume deals with the topics of fuel conservation and thermal comfort by use of integrated heating ventilating air conditioning and lighting systems district heating thermal insulation heat pumps and thermostatic controls. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138143302

Building Services and EquipmentVolume 2 A widely acclaimed trilogy that has become established as the leading work in this field as well as taking account of current Building Regulations Codes of Practice and recent technological advances. Special attention has been paid to the reduction of fuel costs and environmental factors.This volume covers pipe-sizing for hot and cold water installations fine control systems fire detactor systems lifts and escalators service ducts burglar alarms gas and electricity supply daylighting and artificial light Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140417

Building Services and EquipmentVolume 3 A widely acclaimed trilogy that has become established as the leading work in this field. As well as taking account of current Building Regulations Codes of Practice and recent technological advances. Special attention has been paid to the reduction of fuel costs and environmental factors.This volume covers the essential design calculations for pipe-sizing drainage electrical installations thermal problems ventillation and air conditioning gas installations lighting and solar heating. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138144194

Building Services Design for Energy Efficient Buildings The role and influence of building services engineers are undergoing rapid change and are pivotal to achieving low-carbon buildings. However textbooks in the field have tended to remain fairly traditional with a detailed focus on the technicalities of heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems often with little wider context. This book addresses that need by embracing a contemporary understanding of the urgent challenge to address climate change together with practical approaches to energy efficiency and carbon mitigation for mechanical and electrical systems in a concise manner. The essential conceptual design issues for planning the principal building services systems that influence energy efficiency are examined in detail. These are HVAC and electrical systems. In addition the following issues are addressed: background issues on climate change whole-life performance and design collaboration generic strategies for energy efficient low-carbon design health and wellbeing and post occupancy evaluation building ventilation air conditioning and HVAC system selection thermal energy generation and distribution systems low-energy approaches for thermal control electrical systems data collection controls and monitoring building thermal load assessment building electric power load assessment space planning and design integration with other disciplines. In order to deliver buildings that help mitigate climate change impacts a new perspective is required for building services engineers from the initial conceptual design and throughout the design collaboration with other disciplines. This book provides a contemporary introduction and guide to this new approach for students and practitioners alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815365617

Building Services Design MethodologyA Practical Guide Building Services Design Methodology clearly sets out and defines the building services design process from concept to post-construction phase. By providing a step-by-step methodology for students and practitioners of service engineering the book will encourage improved efficiency (both in environmental terms and in terms of profit enhancement) through better project management. Generic advice and guidance is set in the current legal and contractual context ensuring that this will be required reading for professionals. The book's practical style is reinforced by a number of case studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149304

Building Services Engineering Engineering services within buildings account for ongoing energy use greenhouse gas contribution and life safety provisions. This fully updated sixth edition of David Chadderton's leading textbook is the perfect preparation for those intending to enter this increasingly important field. Chapters addressing heating climate change air conditioning transportation systems water gas electricity drainage and room acoustics cover all the key responsibilities of the building services engineer. As well as introductory material and the underpinning theory  practical guidance is provided in the form of sample calculations and spreadsheets. New material includes: trends and recent applications in lowering the energy use by mechanical and electrical services systems heating cooling and lighting of buildings case studies modelled from post-occupancy reports to provide realistic discussion topics examples of the use of photovoltaic solar panels chilled beams under floor air distribution labyrinths ground-sourced heat pumps district heating and cooling energy performance certificates energy auditing and wind turbines outlines of the concepts of global warming carbon trading and zero carbon buildings. exercises in each chapter and online self-study questions. A significantly expanded companion site offers over 1 000 self-test questions powerpoint slides for lecturers and an instructors' manual  enabling the rapid generation of lectures  assignments and tests. This is the ideal textbook for students of building services engineering as well as a comprehensive guide for those about to start work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415699327

Building Services Engineering Spreadsheets Building Services Engineering Spreadsheets is a versatile user friendly tool for design calculations. Spreadsheet application software is readily understandable since each formula is readable in the location where it is used. Each step in the development of these engineering solutions is fully explained. The book provides study material in building services engineering and will be valuable both to the student and to the practising engineer. It deals with spreadsheet use thermal transmittance building heat loss and heat gain combustion analysis fan selection air duct design water pipe sizing lumen lighting design electrical cable sizing at a suitable level for practical design work. Commercially available software while very powerful and comprehensive does not allow the user any facility to look into the coded instructions. The user has to rely upon the supplier for explanation updates and corrections. The advantage that the spreadsheet applications provided with the book have over purchased dedicated software is that the user can inspect everything that the program undertakes. Parts of the worksheets can be copied to other cells in order to expand the size of each worksheet. Experienced spreadsheet operators can edit the cells to change the way in which data and calculations are used and with guidance from the explanatory build their own applications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408739

Building Services Handbook The ninth edition of Hall and Greeno's leading textbook has been reviewed and updated in relation to the latest building and water regulations new technology and new legislation. For this edition new updates includes: the reappraisal of CO2 emissions targets updates to sections on ventilation fuel A/C refrigeration water supply electricity and power supply sprinkler systems and much more. Building Services Handbook summarises the application of all common elements of building services practice technique and procedure to provide an essential information resource for students as well as practitioners working in building services building management and the facilities administration and maintenance sectors of the construction industry. Information is presented in the highly illustrated and accessible style of the best-selling companion title Building Construction Handbook. THE comprehensive reference for all construction and building services students Building Services Handbook is ideal for a wide range of courses including NVQ and BTEC National through Higher National Certificate and Diploma to Foundation and three-year Degree level. The clear illustrations and complementary references to industry Standards combine essential guidance with a resource base for further reading and development of specific topics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138244351

Building Services Procurement Procurers and contractors increasingly need practical guidance for the strategic procurement of building services. Clients seeking to improve the delivery performance of the construction industry are increasingly using alternative procurement arrangements. These modern arrangements attempt to deliver a more strategic approach to achieving value for money. Yet little thought is ever given to the strategic importance of building services. No other single aspect of a project will affect project success more than the timely delivery of a fully functioning services installation. Beyond the normal considerations of time cost and quality building services have a series of unique requirements not normally considered. For the first time these unique requirements are combined in a single text providing the reader with the definitive guide to building services procurement. The text reviews each of the major critical success factors and clearly explains the supporting processes that must be enacted to ensure success. It reviews the general nature of procurement systems and construction projects and then explores the increasing importance that building services play both in the construction process and in determining success for the client. Each significant stage within the procurement process is explored by explaining its importance and showing what decisions need to be made to develop a cohesive strategy. It concludes by giving a step-by-step guide to clearly develop and implement a building services procurement strategy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138372498

Building Smart CitiesAnalytics ICT and Design Thinking The term "smart city" defines the new urban environment one that is designed for performance through information and communication technologies. Given that the majority of people across the world will live in urban environments within the next few decades it's not surprising that massive effort and investment is being placed into efforts to develop strategies and plans for achieving "smart" urban growth. Building Smart Cities: Analytics ICT and Design Thinking explains the technology and a methodology known as design thinking for building smart cities. Information and communications technologies form the backbone of smart cities. A comprehensive and robust data analytics program enables the right choices to be made in building these cities. Design thinking helps to create smart cities that are both livable and able to evolve. This book examines all of these components in the context of smart city development and shows how to use them in an integrated manner. Using the principles of design thinking to reframe the problems of the smart city and capture the real needs of people living in a highly efficient urban environment the book helps city planners and technologists through the following: Presentation of the relevant technologies required for coordinated efficient cities Exploration of the latent needs of community stakeholders in a culturally appropriate context Discussion of the tested approaches to ideation design prototyping and building or retrofitting smart cities Proposal of a model for a viable smart city project The smart city vision that we can create an optimized society through technology is hypothetical at best and reflects the failed repetition through the ages of equating scientific progress with positive social change. Up until now despite our best hopes and efforts technology has yet to bring an end to scarcity or suffering. Technical innovation instead can and should be directed in the service of our shared cultural values especially within the rapidly growing urban milieu. In Building Smart Cities: Analytics ICT and Design Thinking the author discusses the need to focus on creating human-centered approaches to our cities that integrate our human needs and technology to meet our economic environmental and existential needs. The book shows how this approach can lead to innovative livable urban environments that are realizable practical and economically and environmentally sustainable. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498702768

Building Social SecurityVolume 6 The Challenge of Privatization In recent years in both the specialist press and the tabloids the idea of privatization of social security has become a shimmering catch phrase. Politicians base election campaigns on promises of more or less privatization in social security. Many governments introduce private business management methods into their social security systems. Representatives of social security institutions and academics prepare theory papers on the possible outcomes of privatization. And international financial organizations describe doomsday scenarios based on the premise of failure to privatize.What is the role of privatization today in the development of national social security systems? How does privatization concern the developments in different social security programs such as old age sickness unemployment accident insurance and family allowances? What are the visions and effects of privatization in social security?This volume provides an overview of the various positions of supporters and opponents of privatization in the main branches of social security followed by national experience of privatized or part-privatized social security systems. While the perspective of each of the contributors is markedly different the overall objective cuts across differences: namely to develop the most efficient and cost-effective system of social security protection.The authors' views and knowledge are derived from their firsthand experiences with social security in Africa Asia the Americas and Europe. Representatives of the leading international organizations dealing with social security issues-the International Labour Organization the OECD the World Bank and the World Health Organization-further expand the parameters of the viewpoints and experiences expressed.This multifaceted book allows the reader to learn about the challenge of privatization in the various forms of social security by assembling a set of highly up-to-date technically complex and legal issues based on practical analysis and actual experience. It will be of interest to those concerned with national social policy in a comparative context. This is the sixth volume in an ongoing series that aims to review social security in a comparative global context. Xenia Scheil-Adlung is program manager International Social Security Association Geneva Switzerland. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519886

Building Society Industry (RLE Banking & Finance) In this book which has become the standard work on building societies the author takes into account both economic and regulatory changes which took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The book is aimed primarily at students in the industry and also those undertaking relevant undergraduate and postgraduate courses at university. In addition this book will be invaluable to those working inside the building society industry and to those organizations which come into contact with societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751674

Building Soft Skills for EmployabilityChallenges and Practices in Vietnam This book is among the first of its kind to comprehensively examine the implementation of soft skills in universities in the developing country Vietnam. The context is unique as the implementation is taking place within the distinctive socio-economic cultural and political characteristics of the country amidst several simultaneously-executed educational reforms. Tran lays down the foundation for discussion by providing readers with a comprehensive review of how soft skills implementation has come into existence in higher education across the globe before diving into the implementation of soft skills in Vietnamese universities. He goes on to highlight the interesting differences in the conceptualization of soft skills between Vietnamese universities and those in the West. The book depicts and compares how university leaders and managers tackle contextual factors submit to constraints enforced by political forces and how they use institutional advantages available for implementation. It goes further to examine how personal and contextual factors affect teachers’ and students’ engagement with the implementation and highlights the role of work-integrated learning and extra-curricular activities in developing soft skills for students. Finally the book investigates the contribution of external stakeholders such as alumni employers skills experts and local authorities to the implementation and obstacles that prevent their participation. This book will be a valuable reference for the implementation of soft skills in higher education around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367227036

Building SoftwareA Practitioner's Guide Novel in its approach to software design development and management Building Software: A Practitioner's Guide shows you how to successfully build and manage a system. The approach the authors recommend is a simple effective framework known as Solution Engineering Execution (SEE). Through SEE you create a successful solution by following a highly organized well-planned process. This process makes you view the solution from a holistic systematic perspective. Developing a successful system requires that you are able to address technology matters related to architecture design selection integration and security. Building Software: A Practitioner's Guide offers insight into how to make software reliable and how to ensure it meets customer and organizational needs. Using the above approach you are able to:Find a good solution to the problem at handFocus on engineering the solution wellAddress all aspects of delivery associated with the solution The book provides insightful examples of cross-domain and legacy solutions that allow you to overcome common software concerns such as requirement issues change control quality and schedule management and internal and external communication problems. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367403539

Building Strong NationsImproving Governability and Public Management In the face of global challenges and changes - some may even say because of them - one major dilemma looms large for citizens and leaders worldwide: how can we ensure that our countries address these challenges successfully? This book demonstrates that the answer can be found in a better match between the nature of modern bureaucracy and the spirit of modern democracy as well as by improving methods and ideas for what the author terms 'cleaver governance' and better governability. Moreover it suggests potential directions for improving governability and public management against the backdrop of the tension between bureaucracy and democracy that has given rise to increasing mistrust of and lack of confidence in public institutions. Building Strong Nations enriches the discussion about moving modern nations forward despite major problems such as the clash of ideologies the overburdening of and expectations from public administration and the growing instability in world economics and international relations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570471

Building Structuresunderstanding the basics This is a one-stop book for knowing everything important about building structures. Self-contained and with no prerequisites needed it is suitable for both general readers and building professionals. follow the history of structural understanding; grasp the concepts of structural behaviour via step-by-step explanations; apply these concepts to a simple building; see how these concepts apply to real buildings from Durham Cathedral to the Bank of China; use these concepts to define the design process; see how these concepts inform design choices; understand how engineering and architecture have diverged and what effect this had; learn to do simple but relevant numerical calculations for actual structures; understand when dynamics are important; follow the development of progressive collapse prevention; enter the world of modern structural theory; see how computers can be used for structural analysis; learn how to organise and design a successful project. With more than 500 pages and over 1100 user-friendly diagrams this book is a must for anyone who would like to understand the fascinating world of structures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119758

Building Students' Historical LiteraciesLearning to Read and Reason with Historical Texts and Evidence How can teachers incorporate the richness of historical resources into classrooms in ways that are true to the discipline of history and are pedagogically sound? This book explores the notion of historical literacy adopts a research-supported stance on literacy processes and promotes the integration of content-area literacy instruction into history content teaching. It is unique in its focus on the discipline-specific literacies of historical inquiry. Addressing literacy from a historian’s rather than a a literacy specialist’s point of view this book surveys a broad range of texts including those that historians and non-historians both use and produce in understanding history; and includes a wide variety of practical instructional strategies immediately available to teachers. History teachers who read this book will receive the practical tools they need in order to help their students reach the national standards for history teaching. With the recent inclusion of a historical literacy component of the English Language Arts Common Core Standards Initiative this book is also highly relevant to English language arts and reading teachers who are expected under the new guidelines to engage their students in historical reading and writing. Visit for additional information and resources on teaching historical literacies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415808989

Building Surveys Building Surveys has been a trusted guide for both students and professionals for over 30 years evolving throughout its eight editions to address the challenges and responsibilities of the building surveying role. It covers everything needed for initial inspections such as equipment know-how and procedures to writing an accurate report making it indispensable to those practicing in or studying this field. This updated eighth edition features new material on modern methods of construction and the drive for green homes. Essential reading for building construction students professional surveyors and others who may be required to inspect and report on buildings. Illustrated throughout with colour photos showing examples of building defects in full detail. All the structural aspects of property surveying are explained covering foundations walls and roofs as well as what to look out for and how to deal with problems. Materials and techniques no longer in use are covered as well as new technologies so the reader is prepared for anything they might encounter. Legal considerations and recent cases are also used to illustrate good working practice making this an extremely practical companion to the subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415635844

Building Sustainable Competitive AdvantageThrough Executive Enterprise Leadership In Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage Dhirendra Kumar shows how the Enterprise Excellence (EE) philosophy is a holistic approach for leading an enterprise to total excellence. It does this by focussing on achieving sustainable significant growth in revenue and profitability reducing the business cycle time strategically managing the enterprise risk and focusing on the needs of the customer. There may be various organizations within an enterprise but they must all focus on meeting or exceeding customer needs. Therefore EE is an integrated approach affecting every employee every functional area and strategy within the organization. Enterprise risk must be identified assessed and prioritized; developing a growth strategy proposal which leadership has to execute in order to achieve goals. As business leaders spearhead the efforts they must minimize monitor and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events and maximize the realization of opportunities. The achievements in Enterprise Excellence can range from greater cost efficiencies improved market perceptions fundamental changes to markets to new product and service offerings. There may also be significant upgrades in skills technology and business strategies. The scope of Enterprise Excellence can also range from operations activities to business functions to overall organization and to the enterprise as a whole. Building Sustainable Competitive Advantage is a comprehensive reference book for practising professionals teaching faculty and students alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606077

Building Sustainable Societies: A Blueprint for a Post-industrial WorldA Blueprint for a Post-industrial World A collection of articles addressing the issue of whether the industrial model of human progress can be sustained in the long term. It asks what the social political economic and environmental implications as well as potential solutions to the problem of resource-intensive growth are. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315285450

Building Systems in Interior Design Building Systems in Interior Design takes an entirely new approach to teaching this essential topic for Architects Designers and Building Engineers. Written to prepare students for the real world and packed with practical examples the book will foster an understanding of specific issues that are critical to those features of technical systems that most directly affect design. The book stresses the ever-present nature of these systems: they are everywhere all the time. Taking a design oriented view it outlines what can and cannot be done and provides the student with the know-how and confidence to defend and promote their design intent when working with other industry professionals. Covering lighting HVAC plumbing and much more the book is packed with key features to aid learning including: Numerous illustrations plans and photographs Key terms defined in an extensive glossary Chapter introductions that identify key concepts and chapter summaries to re-visit those key concepts Professional design tips And a detailed bibliography and web links This book is not only a core text for interior design building systems engineering and architecture students but will become an essential working reference through their careers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138723368

Building SystemsDesign Technology and Society We can no longer view building components as artifacts (a brick or a boiler) or as autonomous systems (air conditioning or prefabrication). Rather these components and systems are part of much larger systems of which architects are one agent. This book will help architects more broadly envision these networks including : canonical texts as well as contemporary thinking from well known theorists and practitioners each contribution frames a specific range of technology in relation to society such as building process products economies and ecologies clearly structured the book is divided into three parts; each accompanied by a comprehensive introduction by the editors an annotated bibliography provides a glossary of further reading illustrated throughout with over 100 illustrations. The book calls for integration a convergence and confluence of social and technical factors discovering the capability and culpability of such; for architects to finally realize that the term building systems is best grasped as a verb not a set of nouns. This reader presents students faculty and practicing architects with an expanded view of technology in architecture that transcends naive determinisms and technocratic applications; forming a more pithy intellectual context for the complex and contingent roles of technology in twenty-first century architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415617949

Building Teacher Capacity in English Language Teaching in VietnamResearch Policy and Practice This timely volume opens a window on issues related to English language education in Vietnam. The authors consider that teacher quality is the key factor to be considered if the national English language curriculum outcomes are to be achievable. Aiming to shed light on key issues recently observed in the Vietnamese landscape of English language education it examines the complexity of the institutionalization of the standardized English proficiency policy which has been in force since 2008. That policy uses the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) as the model to set the standards and levels of proficiency for teachers learners and state employees. The book presents both the theoretical and practical aspects of the standardization movement in English language education. The contents comprise a series of extended research-based chapters written by experts of language-in-education policy and planning in and about Vietnam from a range of perspectives including teachers English language curriculum developers teacher educators and researchers. The rich coverage of the book includes current discussion on English language education in Vietnam ranging from policy to practice making it highly relevant to English teachers teacher educators and scholars in Vietnam and worldwide who aspire to broaden their horizons and professionalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138313866

Building Temples in ChinaMemories Tourism and Identities Much has been written on how temples are constructed or reconstructed for reviving local religious and communal life or for recycling tradition after the market reforms in China. The dynamics between the state and society that lie behind the revival of temples and religious practices initiated by the locals have been well-analysed. However there is a gap in the literature when it comes to understanding religious revivals that were instead led by local governments. This book examines the revival of worship of the Chinese Deity Huang Daxian and the building of many new temples to the god in mainland China over the last 20 years. It analyses the role of local governments in initiating temple construction projects in China and how development-oriented temple-building activities in Mainland China reveal the forces of transnational ties capital markets and identities as temples were built with the hope of developing tourism boosting the local economy and enhancing Chinese identities for Hong Kong worshippers and Taiwanese in response to the reunification of Hong Kong to China. Including chapters on local religious memory awakening pilgrimage as a form of tourism women temple managers entrepreneurialism and the religious economy and based on extensive fieldwork Chan and Lang have produced a truly interdisciplinary follow up to The Rise of a Refugee God which will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese religion Chinese culture Asian anthropology cultural heritage and Daoism alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138295308

Building the Anti-Racist University In the new arena for anti-racist work in which we find ourselves the neo-liberal ‘post-race’ university this interdisciplinary collection demonstrates common global political concerns about racism in Higher Education. It highlights a range of issues regarding students academic staff and knowledge systems and all of the contributions seek to challenge the complacency of the ‘post-race’ present that is dominant in North-West Europe and North America Brazil’s mythical ‘racial democracy’ and South Africa’s post-apartheid ‘rainbow nation’. The collection makes clear that we are not yet past the need for anti-racist institutional action because of the continuing impact of coloniality on and in these nations. Chapter 7 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584382

Building the Architect's CharacterExplorations in Traits An understanding of architects’ character traits can offer important insights into how they design buildings. These traits include leadership skills necessary to coordinate a team honest and ethical behavior being well educated and possessing a life-long love of learning flexibility resourcefulness and visionary and strategic thinking. Characteristics such as these describe a successful person. Architects also possess these traits but they have additional skills specifically valuable for the profession. These will include the ability to question the use of digital media new materials processes and methods to convey meaning in architectural form. Although not exhaustive a discussion of such subjects as defining imaging persuading and fabricating will reveal representational meaning useful for the development of an understanding of architects’ character. Through the analogies and metaphors found in Greek myth the book describes the elusive hard-to-define characteristics of architects to engage the dilemmas of a changing architectural landscape. Building the Architect’s Character: Explorations in Traits examines traditional and archetypal characteristics of the successful architect to ask if they remain relevant today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138675377

Building the Churches of Kievan Russia This work is the first systematic study of how monumental buildings were constructed in medieval Russia. It deals specifically with ecclesiastical architecture but also discusses such secular architecture palaces or towers. In scope the book covers the territory of the Kievan state and the principalities that succeeded it from the 10th century to the 13th century. Pavel Aleksandrovich Rappoport was the author of many of the standard works on the architectural history of Russia whether monumental military or domestic. He was also a leading archaeologist. In Building the Churches of Kievan Russia his aim is to investigate how people went about building them: from brickmaking and lime-firing to the roofing and decoration from how the churches were laid out to how much brickwork was laid in a day. This book treats all these processes as one integrated and interconnected procedure. The detailed analysis enables Rappoport to identify the work of particular teams of builders even individual masters and to follow their progress from one site to another and one town to a second. Similarly he documents how the Byzantine styles and methods of church building imported into Russia after its conversion in 989 were gradually adapted to meet the needs of local circumstances and climate. This study will be of direct relevance to those concerned with the architecture and the Church of pre-Mongol Russia as well as its social history. The investigation of the earliest churches furthermore represents the sole extended discussion of Byzantine building practices. In terms of methodology the book will be of interest to all architectural historians and archaeologists concerned with the Middle Ages and makes accessible in English material that has hitherto only been available in Russian. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261140

Building the Compensatory StateAn Intellectual History and Theory of American Administrative Reform Contemporary public administration research has marginalized the importance of “taking history seriously.” With few exceptions little recent scholarship in the field has looked longitudinally (rather than cross-sectionally) contextually and theoretically over extended time periods at “big questions” in public administration. One such “big question” involves the evolution of American administrative reform and its link since the nation’s founding to American state building. This book addresses this gap by analyzing administrative reform in unprecedented empirical and theoretical ways. In taking a multidisciplinary approach it incorporates recent developments in cognate research fields in the humanities and social sciences that have been mostly ignored in public administration. It thus challenges existing notions of the nature scope and power of the American state and with these important aspects of today’s conventional wisdom in public administration. Author Robert F. Durant explores the administrative state in a new light as part of a “compensatory state”—driven shaped and amplified since the nation’s founding by a corporate–social science nexus of interests. Arguing that this nexus of interests has contributed to citizen estrangement in the United States he offers a broad empirical and theoretical understanding of the political economy of administrative reform its role in state building and its often paradoxical results. Offering a reconsideration of conventional wisdom in public administration this book is required reading for all students scholars or practitioners of public administration public policy and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367348441

Building the Green EconomySuccess Stories from the Grassroots After centuries of economic activity based on extraction exploitation and depletion we now face undeniable environmental threats. New business models that save or restore natural resources are critical. But how can we translate that insight into more sustainable practices? Building the Green Economy</> shows how community groups families and individual citizens have taken action to protect their food and water clean up their neighborhoods and strengthen their local economies. Their unlikely victories over polluters unresponsive bureaucracies and unexamined routines dramatize the opportunities and challenges facing the local green economy movement. Drawing on their extensive experience at Global Exchange and elsewhere the authors also: Lay out strategies for a more successful green movement<br>Describe how communities have protected their victories from legal and political challenges<br>Provide key resources for local activists<br>Include conversations with Rocky Anderson Lois Gibbs Anuradha Mittal David Morris Michael Shuman and other activists and leaders.<br> Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467828

Building the Homestead: Agriculture Labour and Beer in South Africa's TranskeiAgriculture Labour and Beer in South Africa's Transkei This title was first published in 2001. "This is also a study of rural Xhosa identity and community and its survival in the face of the overwhelming odds stacked against it by colonialism and apartheid. The maintenance of homestead production can be properly understood only if this wider context is taken into consideration. The analysis is thus directly relevant to current debates about agrarian change land reform and economic development in South Africa's communal areas since it shows how some rural Xhosa are able to maintain a sense of community and identity and of how they are able to harness the socio-cultural resources at their disposal to engage in productive activity with some success."--BOOK JACKET. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138703636

Building the HomesteadAgriculture Labour and Beer in South Africa's Transkei This title was first published in 2001. "This is also a study of rural Xhosa identity and community and its survival in the face of the overwhelming odds stacked against it by colonialism and apartheid. The maintenance of homestead production can be properly understood only if this wider context is taken into consideration. The analysis is thus directly relevant to current debates about agrarian change land reform and economic development in South Africa's communal areas since it shows how some rural Xhosa are able to maintain a sense of community and identity and of how they are able to harness the socio-cultural resources at their disposal to engage in productive activity with some success."--BOOK JACKET. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138703629

Building the Inclusive CityTheory and Practice for Confronting Urban Segregation Urban segregation is one of the main challenges facing urban development around the globe. The usual outcome of many urban development patterns is an unequal social geography with the urban poor living in large clusters that are remote isolated dangerous or unhealthy. The result is inequality in a number of dimensions of urban life from deficient urban access services or infrastructure to social isolation neighbourhood violence and lack of economic opportunity. This book brings together debates on ethnic and economic segregation combining theory and practical solutions to create a guide for those trying to understand and address urban segregation in any part of the world and integrate ameliorating policies to contemporary urban development agendas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138088665

Building the Institutions of PeaceSwarthmore Lecture 1962 The pacifist principle so cogently expressed in the Declaration to Charles II has led succeeding generations of Quakers to consider the application of this principle to international affairs. William Penn’s ‘Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe’ which proposes international machinery for keeping the peace is the first of a series of Quaker contributions to a body of thought which has been given some practical expression during the twentieth century. Originally published in 1962 the present lecture is not occasioned by a significant anniversary of William Penn’s essay published in 1693 but by the urgent relevance of its ideas to the current international impasse. The lecture is based on the assumption that the tradition of Quaker political thinking which Penn initiated remains a living and vital one to whose cultivation and renewal Friends can rightly devote a measure of their time their energy and their concern. This requires that Friends think deeply about the nature of the present struggle for world power and the measures that can be taken to abate it; about the direction which existing international institutions should take in order to promote the present and the future peace of the world; and about the role of a religious society both within and without the realm of politics. Of necessity and intention the lecture asks more questions than it can answer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367243777

Building the Integrated Company This title was first published in 2000:  Global competition is increasingly impacting on even the most isolated of companies; the only way for any company to sustain competitive advantage is by tapping into the single remaining area of great potential - the management of people. If we want to be an above-average company we will need an above-average ratio of above-average people who perform at above-average levels. None of which will happen without above-average levels of management. Malcolm Birkin’s Building the Integrated Company offers a model for exploiting the human potential within organizations. This potential is one which in previous decades through an absence of focus on business basics and an adherence to mistaken ideas about sustainable competitive advantage we have contrived to turn into all-too-limited performance. The first stage in any new learning process is to unlearn the misplaced concepts and bad habits we have developed. Section One of the book describes and contrasts the similarities and differences of American European and Japanese management and then describes the characteristics of the Integrated Company which has absorbed and perfected the best systems and philosophies from around the world. Anyone seeking to follow this lead needs to be able to distinguish the realities of these management systems from the myths. Section Two is built around a series of 13 detailed and scored questionnaires containing over 240 individual questions enabling the reader to assess every aspect of their business from management focus to the behaviours of the workforce against the Integrated Company model. Section Three the largest and most important section deals with integration addressing the practical implementation of the systems and philosophies in a clear logical and hands-on manner. As the name suggests the Integrated Company is a holistic model involving every aspect of the business. Nevertheless managing people - the unlimited potential - remains the most complex Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138715912

Building the Modern ChurchRoman Catholic Church Architecture in Britain 1955 to 1975 Fifty years after the Second Vatican Council architectural historian Robert Proctor examines the transformations in British Roman Catholic church architecture that took place in the two decades surrounding this crucial event. Inspired by new thinking in theology and changing practices of worship and by a growing acceptance of modern art and architecture architects designed radical new forms of church building in a campaign of new buildings for new urban contexts. A focussed study of mid-twentieth century church architecture Building the Modern Church considers how architects and clergy constructed the image and reality of the Church as an institution through its buildings. The author examines changing conceptions of tradition and modernity and the development of a modern church architecture that drew from the ideas of the liturgical movement. The role of Catholic clergy as patrons of modern architecture and art and the changing attitudes of the Church and its architects to modernity are examined explaining how different strands of post-war architecture were adopted in the field of ecclesiastical buildings. The church building’s social role in defining communities through rituals and symbols is also considered together with the relationships between churches and modernist urban planning in new towns and suburbs. Case studies analysed in detail include significant buildings and architects that have remained little known until now. Based on meticulous historical research in primary sources theoretically informed fully referenced and thoroughly illustrated this book will be of interest to anyone concerned with the church architecture art and theology of this period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246119

Building the Network of the FutureGetting Smarter Faster and More Flexible with a Software Centric Approach From the Foreword:"This book lays out much of what we’ve learned at AT&T about SDN and NFV. Some of the smartest network experts in the industry have drawn a map to help you navigate this journey. Their goal isn’t to predict the future but to help you design and build a network that will be ready for whatever that future holds. Because if there’s one thing the last decade has taught us it’s that network demand will always exceed expectations. This book will help you get ready."—Randall Stephenson Chairman CEO and President of AT&T"Software is changing the world and networks too. In this in-depth book AT&T's top networking experts discuss how they're moving software-defined networking from concept to practice and why it's a business imperative to do this rapidly."—Urs Hölzle SVP Cloud Infrastructure Google"Telecom operators face a continuous challenge for more agility to serve their customers with a better customer experience and a lower cost. This book is a very inspiring and vivid testimony of the huge transformation this means not only for the networks but for the entire companies and how AT&T is leading it. It provides a lot of very deep insights about the technical challenges telecom engineers are facing today. Beyond AT&T I’m sure this book will be extremely helpful to the whole industry."—Alain Maloberti Group Chief Network Officer Orange Labs Networks"This new book should be read by any organization faced with a future driven by a "shift to software." It is a holistic view of how AT&T has transformed its core infrastructure from hardware based to largely software based to lower costs and speed innovation. To do so AT&T had to redefine their technology supply chain retrain their workforce and move toward open source user-driven innovation; all while managing one of the biggest networks in the world. It is an amazing feat that will put AT&T in a leading position for years to come."—Jim Zemlin Executive Director The Linux FoundationThis book is based on the lessons learned from AT&T’s software transformation journey starting in 2012 when rampant traffic growth necessitated a change in network architecture and design. Using new technologies such as NFV SDN Cloud and Big Data AT&T’s engineers outlined and implemented a radical network transformation program that dramatically reduced capital and operating expenditures. This book describes the transformation in substantial detail. The subject matter is of great interest to telecom professionals worldwide as well as academic researchers looking to apply the latest techniques in computer science to solving telecom’s big problems around scalability resilience and survivability. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367573454

Building the New UrbanismPlaces Professions and Profits in the American Metropolitan Landscape The New Urbanism is perhaps the most influential movement that has emerged in suburban design planning and development in recent decades. It proposes to reform conventional suburban development by "building community." Building the New Urbanism asks "why new urbanism now?" to provide the first in-depth sociological investigation of the emergence of this phenomenon. This volume situates the growth of New Urbanism in the history of urban and suburban policy and development. The book builds an account of the movement’s founding and development linking its progress to the making of new places. The volume also investigates how the movement capitalized upon dynamics within architecture planning and the homebuying public to recruit support from among those groups. The book establishes a framework for analyzing the opportunities and constraints that confront any effort to change the way we produce the built environment. Moreover it reveals how elaborately social the production of the built environment is and how specific the material solutions to social conditions must be to resolve this process. Building the New Urbanism is an accessible volume that encapsulates and engages the dominant history of American suburbia. It draws on interviews with key figures brings the work of prominent theorists of culture and science into the investigation and broadens the focus of urban studies to the metropolitan region. It will be of particular interest to scholars and students of urban and suburban development sociology geography and planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138108752

Building the Rule of Law in ChinaIdeas Praxis and Institutional Design After thirty years of Mao era (1949-1979) which was struggle-based the Communist Party of China has begun to change its position as a pioneering revolutionary party evolving into a universal ruling party that transcends class interests. Meanwhile administrative and judicial reforms oriented toward a more efficient serving government and the rule of law have been actively carried out. As the earliest work on constructive jurisprudence of new proceduralism in China this book elaborates on the ideological confrontation on the "direction of China". It includes academic debates on politics and law which the author has been involved in and top-level institutional design in China. Besides this book introduces analyzes and evaluates the focus of Chinese contemporary jurisprudence making some critical summarizing propositions on the practical experiences. A review of Western contemporary jurisprudence and the forefront of legal research is also covered aiming to provide ideological resources for the rule of law in China. Scholars and students in Chinese legal and social transformation studies will be attracted by this book. Furthermore it will help different civilizations conduct rational dialogues on justice and order. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367534431

Building the Rule of Law in ChinaProcedure Discourse and Hermeneutic Community After thirty years of Mao era (1949-1979) which was struggle-based the Communist Party of China has begun to change its position as a pioneering revolutionary party evolving into a universal ruling party that transcends class interests. Meanwhile administrative and judicial reforms oriented toward a more efficient serving government and the rule of law have been actively carried out. As the earliest work on constructive jurisprudence of new proceduralism in China this book elucidates some of the most critical problems in the process of constructing a legal order and realizing institutional innovation in China: democracy fair and reasonable procedure interpretation techniques cognitive ability of legislation position and function of the jurist group and professional ethics etc. Besides it expounds five pairs of contradictions in the modernization process of Chinese legal system namely substantial and procedural justice moral and legal debates formal and reflective rationality the major responsibility on bureaucrats and lawyers and the motivation of public welfare and profit and explores appropriate approaches to combine the different factors. Scholars and students in Chinese legal and social transformation studies will be attracted by this book. Furthermore it will help different civilizations conduct rational dialogues on justice and order. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367534363

Building The Russian StateInstitutional Crisis And The Quest For Democratic Governance Has the Russian state managed to lay the institutional groundwork for long-term stability and democratic governance? In Building the Russian State Valerie Sperling assembles a group of cutting-edge scholars to critically assess the crises in Russia's transitional institutions. Part I of the book shows that Russia's political elites are less focuse Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314750

Building the State: Architecture Politics and State Formation in Postwar Central Europe The built environment of former socialist countries is often deemed uniform and drab an apt reflection of a repressive regime. Building the State peeks behind the grey façade to reveal a colourful struggle over competing meanings of the nation Europe modernity and the past in a divided continent. Examining how social change is closely intertwined with transformations of the built environment this volume focuses on the relationship between architecture and state politics in postwar Central Europe using examples from Hungary and Germany. Built around four case studies the book traces how architecture was politically mobilized in the service of social change first in socialist modernization programs and then in the postsocialist transition. Building the State does not only offer a comprehensive survey of the diverse political uses of architecture in postwar Central Europe but is the first book to explore how transformations of the built environment can offer a lens into broader processes of state formation and social change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415622936

Building the Team Super series are a set of workbooks to accompany the flexible learning programme specifically designed and developed by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) to support their Level 3 Certificate in First Line Management. The learning content is also closely aligned to the Level 3 S/NVQ in Management. The series consists of 35 workbooks. Each book will map on to a course unit (35 books/units). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138454200

Building TissuesAn Engineer's Guide to Regenerative Medicine Tissue engineering uniquely applies concepts and techniques from biology and engineering in order to heal or produce new tissues after disease or traumatic injury. A successful tissue engineer must have knowledge of cellular biology cell signaling extracellular matrix development and tissue structure and integrate it with the application of stresses and strains mass transfer mechanical properties and heat transfer. In order to train the next generation of successful tissue engineers this text gives the reader a background in both the engineering and biology associated with tissue engineering. In reading this text students will learn about these two different areas of study and how they can be integrated with one another to understand tissues in the human body and solve biomedical problems. Students will be introduced to definitions of engineering concepts the practical use of stress-strain relationships material strength mass transfer and heat transfer. Through examples and problems students will apply engineering equations to medical and biomedical situations including actual tissue engineering problems. Students will be introduced to a variety of cell and tissue types and be given the background information necessary to apply the use of cells to the growth and development of new tissues. Students will learn how to select the proper material for the replacement of a particular tissue and why it is important to know about the mechanical properties and degradability of a material prior to implantation. Students will learn how the application of force material selection and changes in temperature can positively or negatively affect cell behavior and tissue development. Tissue structure will be described and students will learn about the direct relationship between the structure of a tissue and its properties. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498742801

Building to LastThe challenge for business leaders The major challenge for companies is to create a business that will last. This means they have to take seriously the issue of sustainable development rather than simply having an environmental policy conducting social or environmental audits or consulting the stakeholder. It requires more radical change; a thorough review of core values and purposes with attention to the 'triple bottom line' of money people and nature. Building to Last shows the way. Part One lays out the factors including market trends and changing mindsets which businesses will in future have to take into account. Part Two looks at some of the most enlightened steps so far taken by companies to preserve or enhance profitability while positioning themselves for the next century. The final part examines the different ways in which business can adopt principles of sustainability: independently through industry associations with those in their local community and through initiatives and through initiatives such as industrial ecology. It shows how businesses can manage the new challenges monitor their performance and measure progress towards solutions that will last. This is a useful guide for environmental managers senior and middle managers and managers of SMEs; and an essential text for academics and students of business schools or courses. Colin Hutchinson is an independent Sustainable Development Facilitator working with businesses local authorities and environmental charities. He is a member of the Council of the Association for Management Education and Development and a former Chairman of Sheppard Moscow Ltd. Originally published in 1997 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965195

Building Tomorrow: Innovation in Construction and Engineering In the past decade construction and engineering have changed dramatically with an explosion of innovative new approaches to construction and new methodologies. By bringing together economic social and construction/engineering management perspectives this book offers a unique and comprehensive survey of these approaches and techniques. It presents a history of studies in innovation in construction and engineering and then presents the most recent models of innovation brokering and risk-management based on complex project-based industries. Innovation is defined and competing theories are discussed in the light of operational issues. The book covers all aspects including the importance of construction and engineering 'cultures' in the trades for successful project innovation. It also discusses the role of government and policy makers the implications of rapid change for the building trades and skilled labour and the difficulty of measuring innovation quantitatively. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138276543

Building Tomorrow's Leaders TodayOn Becoming a Polymath Leader This book focuses on leadership -- what it is how it works and how complex multi-layered and multi-dimensional it is -- and how it will change in the years ahead. If we are to build tomorrow’s leaders today we need to anticipate what skills temperaments and specific competencies will be valuable as we face future needs. If the past is a predictor of the future the world of tomorrow will be characterized by rapid change new technology greater diversity  increased globalization and the need for lifelong learning. As a political scientist and presidential scholar Michael Genovese incorporates a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and research on leadership in this book to give students practitioners and leadership scholars a welcome and engaging look to the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848725317

Building Transatlantic ItalyArchitectural Dialogues with Postwar America At the end of the Second World War America’s newly acquired status of hegemonic power- together with the launch of ambitious international programs such as the Marshall Plan- significantly altered existing transatlantic relations. In this context Italian and American architectural cultures developed a fragile dialogue characterized by successful exchanges and forms of collaboration but also by reciprocal wariness. The dissemination of models and ideas concerning architecture generated complex effects and frequently led to surprising misinterpretations obstinate forms of resistance and long negotiations between the involved parties. Issues of continuity and discontinuity dominated Italian culture and society at the time since at stake was the possible balance between allegedly long-established traditions and the prospect of a radical rupture with recent history. Architectural culture often contributed to reach a compromise between very diverging attitudes. Situated in the larger realm of studies on Americanization this book questions current interpretations of transatlantic relations in architecture. By reconsidering the means and effects of the dialogue that unfolded between the two sides of the Atlantic during the postwar years the volume analyzes how cultural and formal models were developed in one context and then modified when transferred to a new one as well as the fortune of this cultural exchange in terms of circulation amplification and simplification. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246270

Building Trust and Resilience among Black Male High School StudentsBoys to Men Centered on a case study of a mid-Atlantic charter school this book identifies the key factors that help Black male students navigate high school in spite of traditional and historical barriers. Rather than examining their experiences through a deficit model this book adds to the growing body of data on the importance of positive role models—including parents peers teachers and administrators—in facilitating socio-emotional and academic success at the secondary and postsecondary level. Rhoden demonstrates that encouraging trust and persistence in Black male students are essential components to positive academic and social achievement in the face of perceived and real structural inequalities.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367588960

Building Trustworthy Semantic Webs Semantic Webs promise to revolutionize the way computers find and integrate data over the internet. They will allow Web agents to share and reuse data across applications enterprises and community boundaries. However this improved accessibility poses a greater threat of unauthorized access which could lead to the malicious corruption of information. Building Trustworthy Semantic Webs addresses the urgent demand for the development of effective mechanisms that will protect and secure semantic Webs. Design Flexible Security Policies to Improve Efficiency Securing semantic Webs involves the formation of policies that will dictate what type of access Web agents are allowed. This text provides the tools needed to engineer these policies and secure individual components of the semantic Web such as XML RDF and OWL. It also examines how to control unauthorized inferences on the semantic Web. Since this technology is not fully realized the book emphasizes the importance of integrating security features into semantic Webs at the onset of their development. Through its expansive coverage Building Trustworthy Semantic Webs describes how the creation of semantic security standards will ensure the dependability of semantic Webs. It provides Web developers with the tools they need to protect sensitive information and guarantee the success of semantic Web applications. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367388089

Building Value through MarketingA Step-by-Step Guide Building Value through Marketing provides a hands-on guide to understanding and building compelling marketing plans that create value not only in profit terms but also for customers and stakeholders. Working step-by-step through strategy development this book empowers those responsible for creating or managing new products or services to have the right mindset understand the most important marketing tools that they can use and apply these to create unprecedented levels of value. Founded on the principle of Service Dominant Logic the book is organized into three key sections: "The Value Mindset " "The 12 Building Blocks of Value " and "Value-Focused Marketing in Action " which walk through the process of value-focused product and service development. The strategies and tools put forward have been tested successfully across multiple industries and countries and are grounded in academic theory emphasized by real-life case studies throughout. Readers will gain the ability to align their marketing scholarship and practices with the current definition of why a business exists and the role that marketing plays within these business practices. This is essential reading for those studying Marketing Planning and Strategy at Advanced Undergraduate Postgraduate and MBA levels. Its uniquely applied approach also makes it an excellent guide for marketing practitioners and institutions offering professional qualifications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367472863

Building VentilationThe State of the Art Ensuring optimum ventilation performance is a vital part of building design. Prepared by recognized experts from Europe and the US and published in association with the International Energy Agency's Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) this authoritative work provides organized classified and evaluated information on advances in the key areas of building ventilation relevant to all building types. Complexities in airflow behaviour climatic influences occupancy patterns and pollutant emission characteristics make selecting the most appropriate ventilation strategy especially difficult. Recognizing such complexities the editors bring together expertise on each key issue. From components to computer tools this book offers detailed coverage on design analysis and performance and is an important and comprehensive publication in this field. Building Ventilation will be an invaluable reference for professionals in the building services industry architects researchers (including postgraduate students) studying building service engineering and HVAC and anyone with a role in energy-efficient building design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988019

Building Virtual Reality with Unity and SteamVR Building Virtual Reality with Unity and Steam VR takes a hands-on approach to getting up and running with virtual reality using the Unity game engine. By utilizing the free SteamVR 2.x libraries this book and its example code are compatible with the main virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays currently available. This book also looks at some of the main issues surrounding virtual reality such as motion sickness and performance issues providing practical ways to reduce their impact to make better VR experiences. Key Features: Discusses some of the key issues facing virtual reality and provides helpful tips for making better VR experiences Practical examples geared to work with any headset compatible with SteamVR including Oculus Rift HTC Vive and Valve Index Uses the SteamVR Interaction system for interactions such as picking up and throwing objects operating user interfaces and capturing input events for your own scripts Explore advanced spatialized audio with Steam Audio. Discover how to build user interfaces for virtual reality as well as discussing some best practices for VR-based user interface design Written by a games industry veteran with a proven track record having worked for IBM Research in educational VR research projects and having made and launched VR experiences. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367271305

Building Vulnerability AssessmentsIndustrial Hygiene and Engineering Concepts All too often the assessment of structural vulnerability is thought of only in terms of security upgrades guards and entrance barriers. However in order to fully ensure that a building is secure the process of design and construction must also be considered. Building Vulnerability Assessments: Industrial Hygiene and Engineering Concepts focuses on the range of vulnerabilities that can and should be addressed from design implementation through securing a building from intrusion from all types of threats.Customized Recommendations for Individual Structures The book begins with an outline for vulnerability assessments conducted either in-house or in coordination with a third party. The text is presented in a way that facilitates modifications for an organization’s particular needs. The authors present summaries of regulations that are used to determine if chemicals create a risk to off-site locations or constitute a homeland security vulnerability. They also discuss physical security and chemical biological and radioactive (CBR) threat potentials. Highlights the Threat of Biological Contamination The remainder of the book discusses control systems to reduce vulnerabilities emphasizing ventilation system controls. Since a building or facility which is already contaminated is easier to contaminate further the authors put a heavy focus on new latent and residual chemical and biological contamination within building infrastructures. The book concludes by presenting basic emergency planning recommendations and offering recommendations for assessment programs and emergency drills.This volume comprising the wisdom of scientists and engineers who have dealt in the past with building and site failures assists future designers and operations and emergency planners in making decisions that may lessen the impact of emergencies and he Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367385477

Building Walls and Dissolving BordersThe Challenges of Alterity Community and Securitizing Space Walls play multiple social political economic and cultural roles and are linked to the fundamental question of how human beings live together. Globalization and urbanization have created high population density rapid migration growing poverty income inequality and frequent discontent and conflict among heterogeneous populations. The writers in this volume explore how walls are changing in this era when social containers have become porous proximity has been redefined circulation has intensified and the state as a way of organizing political life is being questioned. The authors analyze how walls articulate with other social boundaries to address feelings of vulnerability and anxiety and how they embody governmental processes public and social contestation fears and notions of identity and alterity. This book’s authors explore walls as the consequence of a changing web of social relationships. Whether walls are physical objects on the landscape or metaphors for difference among specific groups or communities the writers consider them as heterotopias powerful sites around which ways of living together are contested and transformed. They also investigate how architectural planning concerning walls may de facto become a means of waging war as well as how demolishing walls may give way to new ways of imagining security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271630

Building Web Applications with C# and .NETA Complete Reference This book presents the basic knowledge and illustrative examples to build dynamic and robust web applications using the .NET Framework technology. It stresses the use of code-behind procedural coding and useful for those interested in web application development and to visual basic programmers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138468559

Building Wireless Sensor NetworksTheoretical and Practical Perspectives Building Wireless Sensor Networks: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives presents the state of the art of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) from fundamental concepts to cutting-edge technologies.Focusing on WSN topics ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate curricula this book:Provides essential knowledge of the contemporary theory and practice of wireless sensor networkingDescribes WSN architectures protocols and operating systemsDetails the routing and data aggregation algorithmsAddresses WSN security and energy efficiencyIncludes sample programs for experimentationThe book offers overarching coverage of this exciting field filling a critical gap in the existing literature. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367575359

Building with Reclaimed Components and MaterialsA Design Handbook for Reuse and Recycling Interest in green and sustainable design is growing throughout the world. Both national and local governments are active in promoting reuse and recycling in order to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. This guide identifies how building designers and constructors can minimize the generation of waste at the design stage of a building project by using reclaimed components and materials.Authoritative accessible and much-needed this book highlights the opportunities for using reclaimed components and materials and recycled-content building products for each element of a building from structure and foundations to building services and external works. Current experience is illustrated with international case studies and practical advice. It discusses different approaches to designing with recycling in mind and identifies the key issues to address when specifying reclaimed components and recycled materials in construction work.This book will be invaluable for building professionals � including architects specifiers structural and service engineers quantity surveyors contractors and facilities managers � as well as students of architecture and civil engineering.Published with NEF Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367577872

Building Your Portfolio Thoroughly updated to reflect the new requirements of CILIP’s revamped suite of Professional Registration qualifications this is the essential ‘how to’ guide to producing a successful portfolio. Reflecting on achievements and presenting evidence of enhanced knowledge and skills underpin many professional and educational qualifications. Building a portfolio is key to recording and demonstrating this professional development and gaining official recognition in the form of Professional Registration qualifications. Set out in a user-friendly format and covering each element of a portfolio the guide is jam-packed with examples useful hints and tips personal contributions from successful applicants web links and further reading to help you develop a top-notch portfolio. The role of the VLE new submission routes including e-submission and the new route to Revalidation all clearly explained. Readership: Library and information practitioners working towards any of the three levels of CILIP Professional Registration (Certification Chartership Fellowship) candidates for Revalidation and those beginning their first job in the sector. Mentors employers of library and information staff students of library and information science and others interested in effectively recording their continuing professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783300204

Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems This book presents techniques for building and optimizing structures with integrated solar energy systems. It describes active solar systems such as photovoltaics and parabolic concentrators as well as passive solar systems and covers optimal materials to use daylighting shading solar blinds rock and water energy storage and more. It discusses the best ways to site a solar structure considering exposure elevation slope clearance wind protection etc. The book includes numerous full-color figures and more than 100 MATLAB® files. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498727761

Buildings and PowerFreedom and Control in the Origin of Modern Building Types The material and cultural world in which we now live perhaps represents the end of a process created out of the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. The battles fought over class ideology and language are represented most clearly in the explosion of new building types during the Century of Revolutions. Lavishly illustrated with photographs drawings maps and plans Buildings and Power analyses architectural form function and space to explore the reproduction and the subversion of power in the modern city. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315003153

Buildings and Schubert Schemes The first part of this book introduces the Schubert Cells and varieties of the general linear group Gl (k^(r+1)) over a field k according to Ehresmann geometric way. Smooth resolutions for these varieties are constructed in terms of Flag Configurations in k^(r+1) given by linear graphs called Minimal Galleries. In the second part Schubert Schemes the Universal Schubert Scheme and their Canonical Smooth Resolution in terms of the incidence relation in a Tits relative building are constructed for a Reductive Group Scheme as in Grothendieck's SGAIII. This is a topic where algebra and algebraic geometry combinatorics and group theory interact in unusual and deep ways. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498768290

Buildings and SocietyEssays on the Social Development of the Built Environment First Published in 1984. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155763

Buildings for the Performing Arts This design and development guide is an essential book for those who are involved in the initiation planning design and building of facilities for the various performing arts from local to metropolitan locations. It includes the stages in the development decisions to be taken information requirements feasibility and advice necessary in the design and development of a new or adapted building. Part one of this guide provides the background information about the organization of the performing arts the prevailing issues the client and various building types. In the second part the author deals with the components of design and development identifying the roles of the client advisors and consultants the stages to be achieved including client‘s proposal feasibility the process of briefing design and building and eventually hand-over and opening night with a consideration of the building use. Studies include the assessment of demand site requirements initial brief building design and financial viability. Information requirements as design standards for the auditorium and platform/stage and the support facilities are included. Separate studies focus on the adaptation of existing buildings and provision for children and young persons. The content covers a wide range of performing arts (classical music pop/rock jazz musicals dance drama) and provides information on each as an art from and necessities to house performances. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408999

Buildings UsedHuman Interactions with Architecture Buildings Used takes the reader on an exploration into the impact of use on buildings and users. While most histories and theories of architecture focus on a building’s conception design and realization this book argues that its identity is formed after its completion through use; and that the cultural and psychological effects of its use on those inhabiting it are profound. Across eight investigative chapters authors Nora Lefa and Pavlos Lefas propose that use should not be understood merely as function. Instead this book argues that we also use buildings by creating  destroying or appropriating them and discusses a series of philosophical cultural and design issues related to use. Buildings Used would appeal to students and scholars in architectural theory history and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367352110

Bukharin in Retrospect This volume is the product of an international conference held in the autumn of 1988 around the time Nikolai Bukharin was officially rehabilitated - a benchmark in the history of glasnost and the process of legitimating perestroika. Conference participants from 19 countries including the USSR and China took occasion to reconsider the record and legacy of Bukharin as revolutionary economist and political theorist. They offer a many-sided but critical re-examination of Bolshevism's "internal alternative" to Stalin and Stalinism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315490052

Bulbous PlantsBiotechnology Bulbous plants are those with organs for nutrient storage and these include tubers corms and bulbs. They can be ornamental or edible herbaceous or perennial. Important examples of such plants are potato sweet potato yam arrowroot and dahlias. This book focuses mainly on economically important food crops their propagation strategies plant growth and development tuber quality and crop protection. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466589674

Bulgaria In TransitionPolitics Economics Society And Culture After Communism This book makes a significant contribution to the general literature on the transition from communism and on the developments in Bulgaria during the fall of the Socialist government and the decisive victory of the Union of Democratic Forces in the April 1997 elections. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164850

Bulgaria under Communism The book traces the history of communist Bulgaria from 1944 to 1989. A detailed narrative-cum-study of the history of a political system it provides a chronological overview of the building of the socialist state from the ground up its entrenchment into the peaceful routine of everyday life its inner crises and its gradual decline and self-destruction. The book is the definitive and the most complete guide to Bulgaria under communism and how the communist system operates on a day-to-day level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586430

Bulgarian HarmonyIn Village Wedding and Choral Music of the Last Century An in-depth study of the Bulgarian harmonic system is long overdue. More than two decades since the Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares choir was awarded a Grammy (1990) there is no scholarly study of the captivating sounds of Bulgarian vertical sonorities. Kalin Kirilov traces the gradual formation of a unique harmonic system that developed in three styles of Bulgarian music: village music from the 1930s to the 1990s wedding music from the 1970s to 2000 and choral arrangements (obrabotki) - creations of the socialist period (1944-1989) popularized by Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares. Kirilov classifies the different approaches to harmony and situates them in their historical and cultural contexts establishing new systems for analysis. In the process he introduces a new system for the categorization of scales.Kirilov argues that the ready-made concepts that are frequently forced onto Bulgarian music - ‘westernization’ ‘socialist’ or ‘Middle Eastern influence’ are not only outdated but also too vague to be of use in understanding the sophisticated modal and harmonic systems found in Bulgarian music. As an insider who has performed composed and arranged this music for 30 years Kirilov is uniquely qualified to interpret it for an international audience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597856

BulgariaThe Uneven Transition The communist regime in Bulgaria was perhaps the most stable in Eastern Europe and its demise was brought about only by the general collapse of the Soviet bloc. In the light of this what is surprising about the country's transitions to democracy and a market economy is not that it has been uneven but that it has proceeded without fundamental disruptions and is now showing some signs of consolidation. The two-party system that emerged from the round-table negotiations in 1990 has survived remarkably intact although the parties within it have undergone considerable transformations. The institutions of democracy have often been misused but have shown their ability to survive in crisis situations. After a dismal record of macroeconomic mismanagement the establishment of a currency board has brought stability to the country's economy and the long-delayed structural reform is finally off the ground. Having survived the trials of transition Bulgaria is now faced with the more difficult task of adapting its political and economic institutions to the requirements of future EU membership. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203378779

Bulimia First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138462380

Bulk Metallic Glasses Reflecting the fast pace of research in the field the Second Edition of Bulk Metallic Glasses has been thoroughly updated and remains essential reading on the subject. It incorporates major advances in glass forming ability corrosion behavior and mechanical properties. Several of the newly proposed criteria to predict the glass-forming ability of alloys have been discussed. All other areas covered in this book have been updated with special emphasis on topics where significant advances have occurred. These include processing of hierarchical surface structures and synthesis of nanophase composites using the chemical behavior of bulk metallic glasses and the development of novel bulk metallic glasses with high-strength and high-ductility and superelastic behavior. New topics such as high-entropy bulk metallic glasses nanoporous alloys novel nanocrystalline alloys and soft magnetic glassy alloys with high saturation magnetization have also been discussed. Novel applications such as metallic glassy screw bolts surface coatings hyperthermia glasses ultra-thin mirrors and pressure sensors mobile phone casing and degradable biomedical materials are described. Authored by the world’s foremost experts on bulk metallic glasses this new edition endures as an indispensable reference and continues to be a one-stop resource on all aspects of bulk metallic glasses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367657505

BullfightingArt Technique and Spanish Society Ernest Hemingway best-known to layman and aficionado alike in his fiction described bullfighting or toreo as a cross between romantic risk and a drunken party or as an elaborate substitute for war ending in wounds or death. Although his descriptions of the "beauty"in toreo are lyrical they are short on imaginative creation of how such beauty through techniques and discipline comes about. Hemingway may have sculpted a personal mystique of toreo but in the opinion of some he ignored or slighted the full unique nature of the subject.In Bullfighting: Art Technique and Spanish Society John McCormick sorts through the complexities of toreo to suggest the aesthetic social and moral dimensions of an art that is geographically limited but universal when seen in round. While having felt the attraction of Hemingway's approach McCormick knew that he was being seduced by elements that had little to do with toreo. To try to right Hemingway's distortions he named the first edition of this book The Complete Aficionado but then realized that the volume was directed at more than just the spectator: BullFighting is written from the point of view of the torerro as opposed to the usual spectator's impressions and enthusiasm. With the help of a retired matador de toros Mario Sevilla Mascarenas who taught McCormick the rudiments of toreo as well as the emotions and discipline essential to survival the authors rescue 'toreo from romantic cliches. They probe the anatomy of the matador's training and technique provide a past-and-present survey of the traditions of the corrida and furnish dramatic portraits of such famous figures as Manolete Joselito Belmonte and Ordonez.Here then is an informed analysis and critique of the origins and myths of toreo and a survey of the novels it has inspired. Defending the faith in a lively as well as clear and discerning manner this volume provides a committed and vivid approach to the rich history ritual and symbolism of the bullfight as it currently exists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519893

BulliedTales of Torment Identity and Youth In this examination of the ubiquitous practice of bullying among youth compelling first person stories vividly convey the lived experience of peer torment and how it impacted the lives of five diverse young women. Author Keith Berry’s own autoethnographic narratives and analysis add important relational communication methodological and ethical dimensions to their accounts. The personal stories create an opening to understand how this form of physical and verbal violence shapes identities relationships communication and the construction of meaning among a variety of youth. The layered narrative describes the practices constituting bullying and how youth work to cope with peer torment and its aftermath largely focusing on identity construction and well being; addresses contemporary cyberbullying as well as other forms of relational aggression in many social contexts across race gender and sexual orientations; is written in a compelling way to be accessible to students in communication education psychology social welfare and other fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629582511

Bullying Peer Harassment and Victimization in the SchoolsThe Next Generation of Prevention Bullying and harassment threaten academic achievement and mental health in our schools. Look beyond your work with individual students to address these problems in their larger context! This book presents enlightening empirical studies and reviews of the literature on peer harassment bullying and victimization. Designed to expand our knowledge and understanding of these topics Bullying Peer Harassment and Victimization in the Schools: The Next Generation of Prevention documents the widespread nature of the phenomena both inside and outside the United States identifies risk and protective factors and provides practitioners with specific evidence-based guidelines for effective preventive action. From the editors: The problem of bullying peer harassment and victimization is a serious one in our schools. It greatly affects the climate for learning and productivity and the emotional health of students and staff. This book presents empirical data and theoretical and legal case reviews to show how pervasive and serious these problems are and how they threaten both academic achievement and mental health within many of our schools. Taking a longitudinal and developmental perspective the authors begin to outline the next generation of research in this field that will shape knowledge and practice for the next few decades. For practitioners the book is a call to action particularly at the school-wide level focusing on reducing the substantial social/emotional harm done to perpetrators bystanders and especially victims. Bullying Peer Harassment and Victimization in the Schools provides vital information on: what mental health professionals can do to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in schools the relationship between middle-school adjustment and bullying aggressive behavior and friendship patterns in immigrant children school-based intervention strategies the relationship between the cultures of childhood and sexual harassment—from developmental domestic violence and legal perspectives risk factors and protective factors affecting victimization and more! It has been estimated that bullying affects more than half of the students in American schools. This book can add significantly to your ability to combat and prevent this pervasive problem. Use it to improve the quality of education received by students in your community! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203725528

Bullying Suicide and HomicideUnderstanding Assessing and Preventing Threats to Self and Others for Victims of Bullying In our society bullying is commonly seen as a normal inescapable part of growing up that children and adolescents must simply endure. In Bullying Suicide and Homicide Butch Losey challenges this viewpoint arguing that bullying is not a part of childhood development but rather an aberrant behavior that for the victim can lead to adverse decisions such as suicide and homicide. He provides a detailed understanding of the relationship between bullying suicide and homicide and an assessment and response strategy that can be utilized by mental health professionals who work with children and adolescents. This strategy involves a three stage ecological approach: screening to identify warning signs for bullying depression suicide and violence by means of the Bullying Lethality Identification System (BLIS) developed by Losey and a colleague; assessing the risks of suicide and threats of violence using specially tailored forms and tools; and mediating to identify appropriate interventions. All of the associated tools and forms that the author has created are included as appendices and on the accompanying CD. Losey’s sensitive and compassionate treatment of this important subject will inform and motivate mental health professionals in their work with victims of bullying. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415873475

Bullying Victimization and Peer HarassmentA Handbook of Prevention and Intervention A comprehensive examination of theory research prevention and intervention and professional practice issues - in one source. Teasing shunning and bullying can have serious detrimental effects on both victim and perpetrator. Bullying Victimization and Peer Harassment: A Handbook of Prevention and Intervention comprehensively gathers emerging research theory and effective practice on this subject into one invaluable source. This thorough review of a wide spectrum of innovative evidence-based practices targets the complex problems of victimization peer harassment and bullying in our schools. Interventions range from individuals and their peers to broad systems-level change within schools and communities. The challenge of prevention is also explored using the latest studies as a practical foundation. Suggestions are provided detailing effective strategies to make changes in the culture within schools while offering directions for future research and practice.Bullying Victimization and Peer Harassment discusses research on current intervention programs now in place that until now has never been evaluated. Several of the studies address middle school issues and multi-ethnic populations including those from the United States Canada and Europe. Peer sexual harassment and dating-related aggression are examined that includes and goes beyond traditional views of bullying and peer intimidation. This valuable handbook provides concise yet extensive information on the most current theory empirical research practice guidelines and suggestions for preparing schools for programmatic initiatives.Topics in Bullying Victimization and Peer Harassment include: theory and conceptual issues in victimization bullying and peer harassment assessment results from a four-year longitudinal study on peer victimization in early adolescents youth perceptions toward bullying high school students’ victimization profiles immigrant children and victimization evaluating an adolescent violence prevention program a school-based intervention program peer group intervention interventions for victims multiple perspectives involving sexual harassment school-wide approaches to prevention and intervention and much more! Bullying Victimization and Peer Harassment is a crucial resource for researchers and mental health professionals who work in schools and who work with children and their families such as school psychologists counselors clinical child psychologists social workers and community psychologists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315808666

Bullying (1989)An International Perspective Published in 1989 this book provides an international perspective on bullying. Bullying - defined in the context of this book as psychological or physical violence directed from a group or individual over a period of time against a person who is unable to defend themselves – is a phenomenon that effects countries and cultures worldwide and therefore a subject on which an international perspective is of great value. This book offers an empirical overview of research of its time. This overview includes major research findings in Scandinavia Britain and several other European countries as well as including approaches to tackling bullying developed in both Europe and USA. International contributors provide accounts of their work based on practical and proven approaches to prevention and intervention. Their conclusions will interest all who are concerned with this serious problem including those involved in education psychology and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815377696

Bullying among Prisoners This book aims to present key aspects of the prison-based bullying research which has taken place over the last few years. It is a field in which there has been considerably increased interest. One of the main features of this book is the recognition that much previous bullying research has been descriptive in nature with little underlying theory to assist its development as an area of academic interest. In addressing this need this book will serve as an indispensable resource for students academics and professionals with interests in this field. Chapters in the book address the following areas: need for innovation in prison bullying research statistics on bullying combining methods to research prison bullying bullying behaviour among women in prison bullying and suicides in prisons developmental antecedents of prison bullies and/or victims applying evolutionary theory to prison bullying applying social problem solving models to prison bullying. Media > Books > Print Books Willan 9781138861466

Bullying Among PrisonersEvidence Research and Intervention Strategies Bullying in prisons can have severe consequences both for those directly involved and for the prison regime as a whole yet the subject has been curiously neglected in the literature. In 1993 the Prison Service introduced their first anti-bullying strategy and since then there has been a great deal of research on the subject. Bullying Among Prisoners summarises this research and seeks to answer some important questions.Bullying Among Prisoners identifies problems in defining and measuring bullying along with proposing guidelines on how research in this field should be conducted. The book covers:* what bullying is* how and why it occurs* the effects of bullying* practical strategies for preventing bullying.By outlining a series of interventions that can be employed to address bullying this book will prove an invaluable resource for all those working directly with the perpetrators and victims not only in prisons but also in a range of settings such as regional secure units and special hospitals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783239

Bullying Among University StudentsCross-national perspectives Bullying Amongst University Students is a pioneering collection of knowledge and evidence exploring the under-researched phenomenon of bullying in universities. Abusive behaviour amongst young people is a serious and pervasive problem that is exacerbated by the rapid advances in electronic communication and in this book the authors highlight the problem and proceed to facilitate new practices and policies to address it. This book brings together an international team of authors from a range of disciplines encompassing education psychology criminology law and counselling who have carried out research in the area of university bullying. Addressing critical dialogues and debates the authors explore peer on peer violence intimidation and social exclusion before considering its effects on students and making recommendations for action and further research. Key topics include: Cyberbullying and cyber aggression Rape culture across the university Homophobic and transphobic bullying The impact of bullying on mental health The role of bully and victim across the lifespan Policies and procedures to address bullying International in authorship and scope this book will be an invaluable resource for students and researchers in fields such as education psychology sociology health studies and criminology. It is also essential reading for university policy-makers and union representatives responsible for the emotional and physical well-being of students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809260

Bullying and Harassment in the WorkplaceDevelopments in Theory Research and Practice Second Edition Previously titled Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace: International Perspectives in Research and Practice the first edition of this bestselling resource quickly became a benchmark and highly cited source of knowledge for this burgeoning field. Renamed to more accurately reflect the maturing of the discipline Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace: Developments in Theory Research and Practice Second Edition provides a much-needed update of the original work. Edited by leading experts and presenting contributions from pioneers in their respective subject areas the book is an up-to-date research-based resource on key aspects of workplace bullying and its remediation. New chapters include: Rehabilitation and Treatment of Victims of Bullying Interventions for the Prevention and Management of Workplace Bullying Bullying and Discrimination An Industrial Relation Perspective on Workplace Bullying Investigating Complaints of workplace bullying Whistleblowing and Workplace bullying How to Measure Exposure to Workplace Bullying in Surveys Extensively Revised Chapters include: Perspectives on hostile behaviors and Workplace bullying Empirical Findings on Bullying at Work Organizational Antecedents of Bullying Organizational effects of workplace bullying Counseling targets of bullying Bullying and the Law The book presents a comprehensive review of the literature the empirical findings the theoretical developments and the experience and advice of leading international academics and practitioners. It examines the concept of bullying and harassment at work and its measurement documenting the existence and consequences of the problem. The book explores a variety of explanatory models and presents available empirical evidence that Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138411517

Bullying and Harassment in the WorkplaceTheory Research and Practice Building on the success of two earlier best-selling editions from 2003 and 2011 this benchmark text and highly cited reference work now appears in its third edition. This book is a research-based resource on key aspects of workplace bullying and its remediation which: Covers the nature and complexities of bullying and harassment in the workplace Presents the evidence on its prevalence risk groups antecedents and outcomes Examines cyberbullying and harassment in the digital world Describes the roles of bystanders and the coping possibilities of victims Discusses prevention intervention treatment and the management of specific cases Explains legal perspectives the role of HR and of internal policies Edited by leading experts in the field and presenting contributions from subject experts it provides state-of-the-art reviews of the main themes in the field as well as practical remedies and solutions at individual organizational and societal levels providing a much-needed update and expansion of the original work as the research and literature on this problem with its manifold detrimental effects has expanded radically over the last decade. This book should be of interest to all scholars in the field of organizational behavior and social processes at work. In particular the book is a much-needed tool for bachelor master and PhD students new and experienced researchers in the field advanced practitioners and policy makers including labor inspectors union representatives HR-personnel lawyers management consultants and counsellors in private practice family physicians and occupational health practitioners to name a few.  Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138615991

Bullying and Young ChildrenUnderstanding the Issues and Tackling the Problem What is it that makes some children bully and some become victims? What can you do if despite your best efforts a child keeps on taunting another? What steps can you take before communicating with parents and what will you say? The practice of bullying endures in all schools today. Despite the implementation of bullying policies parents and staff can be equally perplexed: not really understanding what they have or haven‘t done to allow it to happen. Christine Macintyre explores this highly emotive topic asking why as many as one in 12 school children are bullying victims and will show in a highly practical way what can be done to support the children and help staff improve their own practice. This book will provide help and guidance on: enhancing the self-esteem of the affected children showing how new-found confidence will enable children to offset the effects of being bullied or indeed being a bully. how to tell parents their child is bullying or being bullied and how to build up a meaningful and mutually supportive relationship with them. creating a learning environment that prevents the desire for children to bully. Based on case studies giving first hand accounts of real-life situations and evaluations of strategies that have been tried and tested this book suggests fresh and inspiring ways of tackling a problem faced by many practitioners today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138406780

Bullying as a Social ExperienceSocial Factors Prevention and Intervention Bullying as a Social Experience presents data from both the US and New Zealand and draws on past research from around the world to show how social context and factors shape individuals’ behaviors and experiences. By engaging with bullying from a sociological framework it becomes clearer how bullying occurs and why it persists throughout a society whilst also allowing for the development of means by which the social factors that support such behavior can be addressed through intervention. An empirically rich and engaged analysis of the social factors involved in bullying at group school and community levels Bullying as a Social Experience will be of interest not only to social scientists working on the study of childhood and youth bullying and cyber bullying but also to educators and practitioners seeking new approaches to the prevention of bullying as each chapter contains discussions concerning intervention and prevention practices and programs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367598341

Bullying BehaviorCurrent Issues Research and Interventions These timely intervention strategies make your school safer for everyone!Bullying Behavior: Current Issues Research and Interventions provides the most up-to-date reports on the dynamics of bullying including who bullies and why who the victims are and how depression and anxiety are correlated with bullying. It also presents detailed case studies of successful anti-bullying strategies for both local schools and national campaigns. Drawing on national and international clinical research this book is indispensable for teachers and school administrators therapists and child psychologists social workers child advocates and counselors court personnel probation officers and education policymakers. Bullying Behavior addresses all the issues of bullying including: preventing sexual harassment models of bully and victim behavior the roles of dominance and bullying in the development of early heterosexual relationships psychosocial correlates in bullying and victimization peer influences during early adolescence students who are passive observers to the victimization of others Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877709

Bullying in the ArtsVocation Exploitation and Abuse of Power Diva Prima Donna Maestro Virtuoso: creative geniuses with the ability to deliver artistic excellence. However this perception can serve to tilt the balance of power in relationships and to substantiate the notion of artistic temperament; the Master is always right and the Diva must have her way. The artistic genius may be hell to work with but the end result (the art) is exceptional so behaviour deemed unacceptable in normal circumstances must be tolerated. If the corporate culture in the arts is in thrall to the concept of the artistic genius then across the various disciplines within the creative sector the prevailing mentality may be subscribing to a set of values that allows even directly encourages behaviour and employment conditions that are abusive. Bullying in the Arts argues that this mindset can have a profoundly negative effect in performing arts organisations permitting managers and other staff to ignore bullying behaviour as long as the show goes on. Researchers in a range of disciplines and fields have studied workplace bullying and having witnessed bullying in a number of different arts organisations Anne-Marie Quigg researched whether the behaviour represented isolated rare occurrences in specific creative environments or if it was indicative of a more widespread problem in the arts and cultural sector. She discovered the highest level of bullying recorded in any single employment sector in the UK. Bullying in the Arts reveals Dr Quigg's findings including the personal organisational legal and economic consequences of bullying behaviour. Looking at the experiences of countries such as Australia Canada France Sweden and the United States this book challenges the notion that the arts are beyond the limitations of the ordinary milieu exempt from the rules and regulations governing the treatment of employees. Arts managers and professionals teachers students and researchers in the arts world and all those in management or management education will find here a new model centred on management responses to bullying behaviour which demonstrates the beneficial effect that knowledgeable skilled action can have on the outcome of bullying incidents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138895041

Bullying in the WorkplaceCauses Symptoms and Remedies Bullying in the workplace is a phenomenon that has recently intrigued researchers studying management and organizational issues leading to such questions as why it occurs and what causes such harassment. This volume written by experts in a wide range of fields including Industrial and Organizational psychology Counseling Management Law Education and Health presents   research on    relational and social aggression issues which can result in lost productivity employee turnover and costly lawsuits.  Understanding this phenomenon is important to managers and employee morale.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848729629

Bullying in Youth Sports TrainingNew perspectives and practical strategies Based on an extensive national research project with global relevance this pioneering volume draws on unique data on bullying in youth sports training collected from both athletes and coaches using a variety of methodological approaches. Nery Neto Rosado and Smith use this research to establish a baseline of the prevalence of bullying among young male athletes offering evidence-based strategies for prevention and providing a solid theoretical basis for the development of anti-bullying intervention programs. Bullying in Youth Sports Training explores how often bullying occurs how long it lasts where and when bullying takes place the coping strategies used by victims and the individual roles of victims bystanders and bullies. It provides new insights into theories of youth sport bullying and highlights the particular characteristics specific to bullying in sport. The backgrounds of bullies and victims are also explored as well as the consequences and practical implications of sustained bullying. The book provides both theoretical and practical approaches to bullying in youth sport training providing anti-bullying guidelines based on the results of the research. The book is essential reading for scholars and students in child development and sport sciences as well as sports coaches and professionals in mental health education and social work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367893880

BullyingA Social Influence Perspective There was a time when bullying was regarded as a relatively innocuous issue—a normal part of growing up—but this is no longer the case. The magnitude of the problems that bullying can lead to is evidenced by the rising amount of professional literature on bullying as well as recent cases of bully-linked suicide and homicide in the popular media. Bullying always involves at least one bully and one victim but there are a variety of social roles that can affect the duration and magnitude of bullying. These roles include bully assistants or supporters victim defenders and passive bystanders. Fundamental to creating successful intervention programs to prevent or reduce bullying is basic research that identifies the characteristics of those involved in bullying situations (e.g. personality motivational intellectual physical social and behavioural). This volume presents a broad range of original research describing how social influences are related to bullying. Reflecting the fact that bullying is a world-wide phenomenon and problem the research comes from samples of individuals from Australia Finland Italy New England and Poland as well as a review of the cyber-bullying literature which is international in scope. This book was originally published as a special issue of Social Influence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138086371

BullyingExperiences and discourses of sexuality and gender Bullying: Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality and Gender provides a valuable insight into the experiences of young people and how bullying can impact upon them in the school environment. The book offers an introduction to the key issues associated with bullying on the grounds of sex and sexual orientation and points to key policies and guidance on these difficult issues. With cutting-edge research and applied studies from leading academics and practitioners in the field Bullying combines theory with suggestions for practical intervention for practitioners in education and social work. Chapter by chapter the book strengthens the reader’s knowledge base and demonstrates how best to develop both academic and advocacy arguments to confront bullying formulate intervention through examples of research findings and recommend advice and guidance in professional contexts. Bullying offers multiple perspectives to challenge bullying related to gender sexuality and transgender status. The book includes the latest work on: sexual bullying and the implications for policy and practice sexual dimensions of cyberbullying homophobia sex differences in bullying lesbian gay bisexual and transgender issues in educational contexts planning and delivering interventions in schools. Bullying: Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality and Gender will appeal to education professionals as well as researchers and postgraduate students in the social sciences social work and educational and clinical child psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415505031

Bupleurum SpeciesScientific Evaluation and Clinical Applications "The prominence of the Bupleurum species cannot be overstated. Across China and Japan it serves as a main or supplementary ingredient in over two thirds of traditional medications. For over 2000 years it has been used to treat fevers intestinal maladies malaria and countless other afflictions. Modern research indicates that it may possess anti-tumor qualities and researchers continue to report its impact on a wide range of ailments from hepatitis and epilepsy to irregularity and menopause as well as psychosis and schizophrenia.Bupleurum Species: Scientific Evaluation and Clinical Applications brings together the work of leading researchers from Asia and Europe who examine this remarkable genus of plants. Providing a comprehensive look at all aspects relevant to the species this historic volume- q Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453664

Burden-sharing in NATO This book first published in 1983 analyses the debate around burden-sharing in NATO where the main issue is the distribution amongst the allies of the burden of maintaining the security arrangement. This raises problems of defining measuring and comparing the defence efforts of the various countries. This book examines the issues and argues for the need to address directly the fundamental problems concerning the Cold War security relationship between the United States and Western Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367630119

Bureaucracy Belonging and the City in North India1870-1930 This book is a re-evaluation of modern urbanism and architecture and a history of urbanism architecture and local identity in colonial north India at the turn of the twentieth century. Focusing on Banaras and Jaunpur two of northern India’s most traditional cities the book examines the workings of colonial bureaucracy in the cities and argues that interactions with the colonial state were an integral aspect of the ways that Indians created a sense of their own personal investment in the city in which they lived. The book explores the every-day and the mundane to better understand the limits of British colonial power and the role of Indians themselves in the making of the modern city. Based on highly localized archival source material the author analyses two key aspects of city-making in this era: the building of new infrastructure such as water supply and sewerage and new policies governing historical architectural conservation. The book also incorporates an ethnography of contemporary urban space in these cities to advocate for a more nuanced and responsible approach to writing the history of such cities and to address the myriad problems of present-day north Indian urbanism. Containing examples of bureaucratic procedure and its contradictions and enlivened by a set of personal reflections and narratives of the author's own experiences this book is a valuable addition to the field of South Asian Studies Asian History and Asian Culture and Society Colonial History and Urban History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367818906

Bureaucracy Community and Influence in IndiaSociety and the State 1930s - 1960s Offering a fresh approach to the issue of government and administrative corruption through 'everyday' citizen interactions with the state this book explores changing discourses and practices of corruption in late colonial and early independent Uttar Pradesh India. The author moves away from assumptions that the state can primarily be associated with the top levels of government and looks at citizens' approaches to local level bureaucracies and police. The central argument of the book is that deeply 'institutionalised' corruption in India could only have come about through the exercise of particular long term customs of interaction between agencies of the state - government servants and police and their interactions with local politicians. Because the social hierarchies that condition such interactions are complicated by individual and family connections to state employment periods of traumatic state transformation lead to a reconfiguration in the meaning of corruption in the local state. Based on principal primary sources and extensive field interviews this book will be of interest to academics working on political science and Indian and South Asian history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415748773

Bureaucracy Integration and Suspicion in the Welfare State This book explores how the often well-meaning routines and assumptions of a generous welfare state can reflect and even contribute to the stigmatisation of refugees and Muslims in Europe today. While the main cases are from Sweden examples are included from the UK France Switzerland Germany and the Netherlands. Mark Graham examines how suspicion is woven into the fabric of welfare bureaucracies with potential adverse consequences for the people they serve. He complicates our understanding of what Islamophobia means and how it is expressed and created by exploring contexts in which the logic of "othering" Muslims operates but where explicit Islamophobia itself is absent. The book starts with Swedish public-sector bureaucracies and attempts by staff to make sense of Muslim refugee clients with categories and models that reappear in wider society. It goes on to explore the logic of integration policies official concepts of culture Swedish multiculturalism educational strategies in schools and debates surrounding "genuine" and "false" refugees. In all cases the homologies between these different socio-cultural domains are explored. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585051

Bureaucracy Law and Dystopia in the United Kingdom's Asylum System The central concern of this book is to find answers to fundamental questions about the British asylum system and how it operates. Based on ethnographic research over a two-year period the work follows and analyses numerous asylum appeals through the British courts. It draws on myriad interviews with individuals and a thorough examination of many state and non-state organizations to understand how the system works. While the organization of the book reflects the formal asylum process a focus on specific legal appeals reveals the ‘political’ factors at play as different institutions and actors seek to influence judicial decision-making and overturn/uphold official asylum policy. The final chapter draws on the author’s ethnographic findings of the UK’s ‘asylum field’ to re-examine research on the Refugee Determination System in the US Canada and Australia which has narrowly focused on judicial decision-making. It argues that analysis of Refugee Determination Systems must be situated and studied as part of a wider political semi-autonomous ‘asylum field’ which needs to be better understood. Providing an in-depth ethnographic study of a national asylum system and of immigration law and practice the book will be an invaluable resource for academics researchers and policy-makers in the UK and beyond working in this highly topical area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367266370

Bureaucracy and Democracy (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 7) Although a powerful independent bureaucracy poses a threat to democracy it is indispensable to its proper functioning. This book provides an overview of the complex relationship between bureaucracy and the politics of democracy and is essential reading for students of sociology political science and public administration. It is designed to guide students through the maze of classical and modern theories on the topic to give them basic information on the historical developments in this area and the present them with case histories of the actual relationship between bureaucrats and politicians in democratic societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646321

Bureaucracy and Politics in MexicoThe Case of the Secretariat of Programming and Budget First published in 1999 the main theme of this book is the relationship between bureaucracy and politics in Mexico. This examined though a study of the Secretariat of Programming and Budget which came into existence in 1976 and was abolished in 1992. The book charts the rise and fall of the Secretariat over three presidential terms and gives an explanation of the chain of events that led to its disappearance. In doing so it underlines the significant impact hat institutional and bureaucratic factors have on group politics in contemporary Mexico. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611528

Bureaucracy and Representative Government This is the first book to develop a formal theory of supply by bureaus. Niskanen develops an original and comprehensive theory of the behavior of bureaus with the institutions of representative government. He challenges the traditional view that monopoly bureaus are the best way to organize the public sector and he suggests ways to use competitive bureaus and private firms to perform operations such as delivering mail fighting wars or running schools more efficiently than the present government agencies.The theory concludes that most bureaus are too large grow too fast use too much capital and exploit their sponsor. His theory explains the relation of the output and budget of a bureau to demand and cost decisions. It compares bureaus with other forms of organization facing like conditions and delineates the production and investment behavior of a bureau the behavior of nonprofit firms with no sponsor the behavior of mixed bureaus with financing from a sponsor and from the sale of services the effects of competition between a bureau and a competitive industry.The book also develops a simple theory of the market for public services financed through a representative government; the final section suggests a set of changes to improve the performance of our bureaucratic and political institutions based both on theory and Niskanen's professional experience. It is essential reading for professionals and students in the social sciences and could prove instrumental in reforming some of our government institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519909

Bureaucracy In CrisisThree Mile Island The Shuttle Challenger And Risk Assessment This book explores how bureaucracies perceive and respond to technological risk in organizational theory. It examines the implications of the organizational failures leading to the Three Mile Island and Challenger accidents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367154714

BureaucracyA Key Idea for Business and Society Bureaucracy is a curse – it seems we can’t live with it we can’t live without it. It is without doubt one of the fundamental ideas which underpin the business world and society at large. In this book Tom Vine observes analyses and critiques the concept placing it at the heart of our understanding of organisation. The author unveils bureaucracy as an endlessly emergent phenomenon which defies binary debate – in analysing organisation we are all bureaucrats. In building an experiential perspective the book develops more effective ways to interact with bureaucracy in theory and practice. Empirical material take centre stage whilst the book employs ethnographic and auto-ethnographic methods to illuminate the existential function of bureaucracy. Taking examples from art history and culture this book provides an entertaining alternative academic analysis of bureaucracy as a key idea in business and society which will be essential reading for students and scholars of work and organisation Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138483316

Bureaucratic Culture and Escalating World ProblemsAdvancing the Sociological Imagination On the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of The Sociological Imagination by C. Wright Mills the 'bureaucratic ethos' that he described continues to define our world more than ever before. In Bureaucratic Culture and Escalating World Problems eleven contributors systematically continue and develop Mills' broad vision of the scientific method. They analyse escalating bureaucratic barriers that prevent us from solving our many pressing social environmental and economic problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594516542

Bureaucratic Culture in Early Colonial IndiaDistrict Officials Armed Forces and Personal Interest under the East India Company 1760-1830 This book looks at how the fledgling British East India Company state of the 1760s developed into the mature Anglo-Indian empire of the 19th century. It investigates the bureaucratic culture of early Company administrators primarily at the district level and the influence of that culture on the nature and scope of colonial government in India. Drawing on a host of archival material and secondary sources James Lees details the power relationship between local officials and their superiors at Fort William in Calcutta and examines the wider implications of that relationship for Indian society. The book brings to the fore the manner in which the Company’s roots in India were established despite its limited military resources and lack of governmental experience. It underlines how the early colonial polity was shaped by European administrators’ attitudes towards personal and corporate reputation financial gain and military governance. A thoughtful intervention in understanding the impact of the Company’s government on Indian society this volume will be of interest to researchers working within South Asian studies British studies administrative history military history and the history of colonialism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138615496

Bureaucratizing The Good SamaritanThe Limitations Of Humanitarian Relief Operations Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan is about the organization of refugee relief programs. It describes the practical political and moral assumptions of the ?international refugee relief regime.? Tony Waters emphasizes that the agencies delivering humanitarian relief are embedded in rationalized bureaucracies whose values are determined by their institutional frameworks. The demand for ?victims? is observed in the close relation between the interests of the popular press and the decisions made by bureaucracies.This presents a paradox in all humanitarian relief organizations but perhaps no more so than in the Rwanda Relief Operations (1994-96) which ended in the largest mass forced repatriation since the end of World War II. This crisis is analyzed with an assumption that there is a basic contradiction between the demands of the bureaucratized organization and the need of relief agencies to generate the emotional publicity to sustain the interest of northern donors. The book concludes by noting that if refugee relief programs are to become more effective the connection between the press's emotional demands for ?victims? and the bureaucratic organizations's decision processes need to be identified and reassessed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367098476

Bureaucrats Technocrats FemocratsEssays on the contemporary Australian state This collection of essays in political sociology and public policy contests some of the fundamental features of the contemporary State as it is manifested in Australia. It explores themes such as the development of the complex interventionist State characterised by the proliferation of its activities to encompass virtually every feature of its subjects' daily lives and functioning as a central site of struggle over the distribution of social economic political and cultural resources. It also examines the impact of the so-called new social movements - the women's movement the various multiracial and multicultural movements and the environmental movement - which make new claims on the democratisation of the distribution of resources and investigates the impact on the State of the pressure for economic 'restructuring' arising from the new terms of competition within a global economy in recession.In tracing the links between these themes Bureaucrats Technocrats Femocrats makes a major contribution to a critical tradition of writing and analysis in public administration. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115106

Bureaucrats as Law-makersCommittee decision-making in the EU Council of Ministers The Council of Ministers is one of the most powerful institutions of the European Union (EU) and plays a major role in the European policy-making process. Drawing on formal theory and combining quantitative and qualitative methods in an innovative fashion this book provides novel insights into the role of national bureaucrats in legislative decision-making of the Council of the EU. The book examines and describes the Council of Ministers’ committee system and its internal decision-making process. Relying on a wide quantitative dataset as well as six detailed case studies in the policy areas of Agriculture Environment and Taxation it provides a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the extent to which national bureaucrats act as law-makers in the Council. It also examines the degree to which theories on collective decision-making delegation and international socialization can account for variation in the involvement of bureaucrats. Investigating how often and why national officials in working parties and committees rather than ministers make legislative decisions in the EU this book addresses the implications of bureaucratic influence for the democratic legitimacy of Council decision-making. The author finds that ministers play a generally more important role in legislative decision-making than often assumed alleviating to some extent concerns about the democratic legitimacy of Council decisions. Bureaucrats as Law-Makers will be of interest to students scholars and practitioners in the field of European Union politics and policy-making legislative decision-making intergovernmental negotiations and international socialization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138822245

Burgesses and Burgess Law in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1099–1325) This is the first book devoted to the study of burgesses in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1099-1325). It offers a comprehensive assessment of the contributions made by the non-feudal class to the development of legal and commercial institutions in the 12th 13th and 14th centuries. Dispensing with the commonly held view that burgesses had only marginal influence evidence is presented to illustrate how the existence of a 'middle class' was essential to the ambitions of the kingdoms' leaders. A systematic examination of all relevant contemporary source material - charters law-books and narrative accounts - sheds light on how serfs and freemen originating from diverse regions of Europe were able to organise themselves into a class whose status set them apart from non-Latin Christians and Muslims. The study considers at length the different ways in which burgess legislation was formulated; traces the gradual development of the Cour des Bourgeois the court of burgesses in terms of its composition and competence; describes in detail the burgess laws of Acre and Nicosia which related for example to marriage and inheritance; and defines the special characteristics of a type of property known as a borgesie which was mostly but not exclusively in the hands of burgesses. Dr Nader's research furthermore reveals the complexity of burgess jurisdiction and legislation in the East and advocates the theory that secular courts established by ecclesiastical institutions exercised authority over burgesses and borgesies in matters which went beyond the parameters of purely ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570549

Burglary Burglary has all the credentials as the 'folk crime of the new millennium' and is regularly identified as one of the crimes most feared by the public. Victims are particularly affected by burglary and burglary is generally at the centre of crime prevention and community safety strategies. This book provides an accessible systematic account of burglary focusing on the problem of crime in the first main part of the book and on policy responses in the second. This book identifies the particularcharacteristics of burglary as a crime drawing upon an extensive range of research in both the UK and elsewhere. It will be of interest to both students of criminology and criminal justice and practitioners in policing and crime prevention and it looksat burglary in both national and international contexts. Professor Mawby is particularly well qualified to write on this subject being involved in policy initiatives at local national and international levels as well as being editor of a leading crime prevention journal. accessible and authoritative account of one of the most important crimes and policy responses to itauthor ideally qualified in view of experience of local national and international crime prevention initiatives. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9781843924241

Buried City Unearthing TeufelsbergBerlin and its Geography of Forgetting Cities are built over the remnants of their past buried beneath their present. We build on what has been built before whether over foundations formalising previous permanency or over the temporal occupations of ground. But what happens when you shift a city - when you dislodge its occupation of ground towards a new ground bury it and forget it? Focusing on Berlin’s destruction during World War II and its reconstruction after the end of the war this book offers a rethinking of how the practices of destruction and burial combine to reform the city through geography and how burying a city is intricately tied to forgetting destruction ruination and trauma. Created from 25 million cubic meters of rubble produced during World War II Teufelsberg (Devil's Mountain) is the exemplar of the destroyed city. Its critical journey is chronicled in combination with Berlin’s seven other rubble hills and their connections to constructing forgetting through burial. Furthermore the book investigates Berlin’s sublime relation to Albert Speer’s urban vision to rival the ancient cities of Rome and Athens through their now shared geographies of seven hills. Finally there is a central focus on the role of the citizens who cleared Berlin’s streets of rubble and the subsequent human relationships between people and ruins. This book is valuable reading for those interested in Architectural Theory Urban Geography Modern History and Urban Design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367195854

Buried Rigid Pipes This book is specifically concerned with pipes of rigid materials and provides some information on 'flexible' pipes that are available and on their behaviour and use as being of value to the engineer in making an initial choice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863579

Buried StructuresStatic and Dynamic Strength Much of the infrastructure of modern society is buried below ground. Pipeline conduits and culverts carry the services on which our economies depend and the strength and resilience of such structures is of vital importance. Larger underground construction is becoming more common in cities and towns and in defence installations. This book brings together the store of theoretical analytical experimental and design-based knowledge that has been built up on the subject of buried structures. The author discusses the principles of soil arching stress distribution and soil properties as well as the design problems of static and dynamic loads strength and safety. The stability of thin-walled buried structures receives particular attention as does the behaviour of underground construction under localized and nuclear explosions. Test facilities and design codes of practice are reviewed and the range of structures discussed in the book extends from thick- and thin-walled culverts conduits and water pipelines to arches domes spherical shells vertical capsules blast shelters and thin-walled road tunnels. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863593

Buried TreasureDiscovering and Implementing the Value of Corporate Social Responsibility With business under unprecedented pressure from a range of stakeholders to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) those working in dirty industries developing countries and the extractive sector are finding themselves exposed to great strategic risks. Many of these companies are endeavouring to practise CSR and sustainability but lack the knowledge to do so convincingly. Much of what has been published to date tells companies they must "do" CSR without explaining how best to implement CSR-related policies and why this is very much in the corporate interest. Buried Treasure sets out in a series of case studies from different industries around the world a clear demonstration of how it is possible to create "shared value" for companies communities and other stakeholders by putting CSR at the core of the business model.In implementing CSR companies need to look beyond philanthropy delving deeper to find the "buried treasure" of shared value creation. This is much more than finding the simple "win–win" solutions. It is about companies engaging seriously in the challenges they face in their operations and finding competitive advantage from working with stakeholders to solve these common problems. This is not easy - but where companies have done it well they have found new corporate opportunities and enhanced brand value.Buried Treasure presents a series of steps each accompanied by an in-depth case study to demonstrate how different companies have managed to uncover the value of CSR. They include: Anglo-American's "Zimele" programme of enterprise development in its coal and platinum mining areas in South Africa; Montana Exploradora showing how community co-monitoring of the environment has helped build trust for a gold mine in Guatemala; Gildan a leading sportswear manufacturer demonstrating how garment manufacture in Honduras created meaningful local opportunities; Scandic Hotels which has used environmental stewardship and "omtanke" to create comparative advantage in a competitive industry; and Turner Broadcasting using corporate core competences in partnership with an NGO to leverage staff skills enhancing public perception and staff retention.This short and accessible book will be an invaluable aid to managers and students searching for clear proof of the advantages of corporate social responsibility for business and its many stakeholders and for guidance in how to action best-practice policies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351279925

Buried Treasures of Chinese TurkestanAn Account of the Activities and Adventures of the Second and Third German Turfan Expeditions First published in 1928 this volume constituted the results of expeditions by the famous archaeologist and explorer of Central Asia Albert von Le Coq. Funded by the last German emperor Wilhelm II and von Le Coq’s own brewing and winery empire the second and third German expeditions ventured to Turfan in the Xinjiang region of China. Travelling East expecting to find Greek influences the expedition in fact uncovered extensive networks of Buddhist and Manichaean cave temples in the Northwest China. This volume includes extensive images in addition to a record of the expedition’s journeys and discoveries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609525

Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 28) Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France is one of the major texts in the western intellectual tradition. This book describes Burke’s political and intellectual world stressing the importance of the idea of ‘property’ in Burke’s thought. It then focuses more closely on Burke’s personal and political situation in the late 1780s to explain how the Reflections came to be written. The central part of the study discusses the meaning and interpretation of the work. In the last part of the book the author surveys the pamphlet controversy which the Reflections generated paying particular attention to the most famous of the replies Tom Paine’s Rights of Man. It also examines the subsequent reputation of the Reflections from the 1790s to the modern day noting how often Burke has fascinated even writers who have disliked his politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646345

Burkina FasoUnsteady Statehood In West Africa Poor even by the standards of West Africa Burkina Faso has been plagued by political instability since independence from France in 1960. It has suffered five military coups the last of which cost the life of Thomas Sankara who had waged war on poverty corruption and illiteracy. Yet Burkina Faso's growth was surprisingly strong during the 1980s Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314767

Burlesque First published in 1972 this book provides a helpful introduction to burlesque literature a term used by critics from the seventh-century onwards to describe work in which an incongruity between serious subject-matter and style is used to provoke laughter. It examines the four main types of burlesque writing: Travesty Hudibrastic Parody and the Mock-Poem as well as dramatic burlesques. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138283244

Burma First published in 2012. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540988

Burma Kipling and Western MusicThe Riff from Mandalay For decades scholars have been trying to answer the question: how was colonial Burma perceived in and by the Western world and how did people in countries like the United Kingdom and United States form their views? This book explores how Western perceptions of Burma were influenced by the popular music of the day. From the First Anglo-Burmese War of 1824-6 until Burma regained its independence in 1948 more than 180 musical works with Burma-related themes were written in English-speaking countries in addition to the many hymns composed in and about Burma by Christian missionaries. Servicemen posted to Burma added to the lexicon with marches and ditties and after 1913 most movies about Burma had their own distinctive scores. Taking Rudyard Kipling’s 1890 ballad ‘Mandalay’ as a critical turning point this book surveys all these works with emphasis on popular songs and show tunes also looking at classical works ballet scores hymns soldiers’ songs sea shanties and film soundtracks. It examines how they influenced Western perceptions of Burma and in turn reflected those views back to Western audiences. The book sheds new light not only on the West’s historical relationship with Burma and the colonial music scene but also Burma’s place in the development of popular music and the rise of the global music industry. In doing so it makes an original contribution to the fields of musicology and Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367229603

Burma In RevoltOpium And Insurgency Since 1948 This book explains how Burma's booming drug production insurgency and counter-insurgency interrelate—and why the country has been unable to shake off thirty years of military rule and build a modern democratic society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159238

Burma Through the CenturiesBeing a short account of the leading races of Burma of their origin and of their struggles for supremacy throug First published in 1909 at the midpoint of British occupation this volume sought to provide the first popular history of Burma (now Myanmar) for British businessmen and visitors otherwise put off by difficulties of translation and understanding. Having lived in Burma for forty years arriving between the second and third Anglo-Burmese wars J. Stuart sought to rectify the reduction of Burmese history to barbarism comparing the struggle for supremacy between historical Burmese factions to the combined history of France England and Scotland up to James I. To that end this volume contains a detailed chronological history from A.D. 639 until 1900 along with 15 illustrations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138615021

Burma's Road Toward Development: Growth and Ideology Under Military Rule A liberalization of economic policies has inspired considerable economic growth and encouraged the development of Burma's natural resources but according to David Steinberg the current military government is akin to previous civilian governments in its commitment to socialism as a vehicle for development. The economic flexibility demonstrated by the government has not been matched by political liberalization and as a result economic growth remains a captive of administrative and policy constraints. Steinberg traces the origins and acceptance of socialist thought and planning in Burma and shows how socialist ideology has had to be tempered with pragmatism in order to make economic development possible. Looking to Burma's future he also points out two central problems facing the country: strained minority relations which have kept the nation from developing a sense of unity and difficulties with political succession brought on by the military regime's preoccupation with perpetuating its own leadership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367018863

Burmese Supernaturalism Though the people of Burma now called Myanmar are formally Buddhist their folk religion a type of animism or supernaturalism is so unlike classical Buddhism that it seems contradictory. For years scholars of religion and anthropology have debated the questions: Do these folk beliefs make up a separate religious system? Or is there a subtle merging of supernaturalism and Buddhism a kind of syncretism? In either case how exactly does folk religion fit into the overall religious pattern? Melford Spiro's Burmese Supernaturalism has been one of the major works in this debate both for its position on the "two religions" question and for its arguments concerning the psychological basis of religion.The book begins with an introduction to the study of supernaturalism. The next section of the work covers various types of supernaturalism including witches ghost and demons. Other areas of discussion include supernaturally caused illness and its treatment the shaman the exorcist and the relationship between supernaturalism and Buddhism.In the introduction to this expanded edition Spiro further develops the underlying logic of his argument and evaluates the most recent contributions to the field of the anthropology of religion. Burmese Supernaturalism is an intriguing study and will provide insightful reading for anthropologists sociologists theologians as well as those interested in supernaturalism in Burma (Myanmar) and other cultures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519916

BurmeseA Comprehensive Grammar Burmese: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Burmese grammar. It presents a fresh and thorough description of the language concentrating on the real patterns of use in modern Burmese. The volume is organized to promote a thorough understanding of Burmese grammar. It offers a stimulating analysis of the complexities of the language with clear explanations. Throughout the emphasis is on Burmese as used by present-day native speakers. Features include: detailed treatment of the common grammatical structures and parts of speech particular attention to areas of confusion and difficulty all examples given in Burmese script IPA phonetic transcription and English glossary of linguistic terminology The Grammar is the ideal reference source for intermediate to advanced learners and users of Burmese and will remain the standard reference work for years to come. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415735698

Burning Down The HouseRecycling Domesticity This book views domesticity through multiple frames and surveys the rhetoric and practices of domestication in contemporary cultures. It also examines the consequences and costs of homemaking in various geographic and textual locations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159788

Burnout Among Social Workers The phenomenon of burnout first became the subject of public attention in the mid-1970s. This landmark volume is one of the first devoted exclusively to theoretical and empirical work on burnout. Each valuable chapter represents the state of the art in social services research on burnout. Burnout Among Social Workers illustrates and assesses problems with definitions and theoretical orientations to help clarify the overall conceptual vagueness that has plagued burnout research since its beginning. Attention is paid to both personal and job-related variables and coping mechanisms. Expert social work academicians and researchers clearly demonstrate the importance of burnout measurement for theory and practice and establish important guidelines for subsequent research and theory development in this area. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203056424

Burnout at WorkA psychological perspective The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from and diminished interest in the work we do.  It’s a phenomenon that most of us have some understanding of even if we haven’t always been affected directly.  Many people start their working lives full of energy and enthusiasm but far fewer are able to maintain that level of engagement.  Burnout at Work: A Psychological Perspective provides a comprehensive overview of how the concept of burnout has been conceived over recent decades as well as discussing the challenges and possible interventions that can help confront this pervasive issue. Including contributions from the most eminent researchers in this field the book examines a range of topics including: The links between burnout and health How our individual relationships at work can affect levels of burnout The role of leadership in mediating or causing burnout The strategies that individuals can pursue to avoid burnout as well as wider interventions. The book will be required reading for anyone studying organizational or occupational psychology and will also interest students of business and management and health psychology.  Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848722293

Burrowing Shrimps and Seagrass Dynamics in Shallow-Water Meadows off Bolinao (New Philippines)UNESCO-IHE PhD Based on research in Bolinao this book assesses the importance of small-scale disturbance by burrowing shrimps. It covers the distribution of burrowing shrimp disturbance the behavior of the snapping shrimp Alpheus macellarius in situ and as observed from tank experiments and the effects of short-term burial and leaf clipping on the growth patterns of the dominant seagrass Thalassia hemprichii. The book examines the role of bioturbation by burrowing shrimps in seagrass meadows foraging strategies of A. macellarius and its mutualistic symbiosis with Cryptocentrus spp. shrimp disturbance and T. hemprichii and small-scale disturbance and large-scale dynamics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138440777

Bursting the Big Data BubbleThe Case for Intuition-Based Decision Making As we get caught up in the quagmire of Big Data and analytics it remains critically important to be able to reflect and apply insights experience and intuition to your decision-making process. In fact a recent research study at Tel Aviv University found that executives who relied on their intuition were 90 percent accurate in their decisions.Bursting the Big Data Bubble: The Case for Intuition-Based Decision Making focuses on this intuition-based decision making. The book does not discount data-based decision making especially for decisions that are important and complex. Instead it emphasizes the importance of applying intuition gut feel spirituality experiential learning and insight as key factors in the executive decision-making process.Explaining how intuition is a product of past experience learning and ambient factors the text outlines methods that will help to enhance your data-driven decision-making process with intuition-based decision making. The first part of the book the "Research Track" presents contributions from leading researchers worldwide on the topic of intuition-based decision making as applied to management.In the second part of the book the "Practice Track " global executives and senior managers in industry government universities and not-for-profits present vignettes that illustrate how they have used their intuition in making key decisions.The research part of the book helps to frame the problem and address leading research in intuition-based decision making. The second part then explains how to apply these intuition-based concepts and issues in your own decision-making process. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367378493

Bury St. EdmundsMedieval Art Architecture Archaeology and Economy This book focuses on art palaeography bindings and the monastic library. It is based on lectures given at the Association's Annual Conference the 20th in the present series which was held at Bury St Edmunds from 16 to 20 April 1994: three specially commissioned articles are also included. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096032

Burying America’s World War Dead After the World War ended the families of the American war dead were faced with a difficult choice. Political leaders like former President Theodore Roosevelt were encouraging families to leave the dead with their comrades in European cemeteries to create stronger political ties between the United States and Europe. Grieving families found that their decision on where to bury the dead had become a political choice. How did families advocate for their own views? How were disputes within families resolved? And how did families make their final decisions about where the dead should be buried? Through an in-depth examination of the correspondence between the United States government and the families of the dead this book will examine how families fought to ensure that the government gave them what they needed. As the months stretched into years before the war dead were given final burials the families of the dead demanded that the government give them the respect and honor they felt they deserved as the next of kin of those who had given their lives for the nation. The practices and traditions that the government developed in response to these demands set patterns that still guide the way that the military treats the families of the war dead today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661021

Burying LeninThe Revolution in Soviet Ideology and Foreign Policy For decades U.S foreign policy was focused on battling the menace of Soviet communism; then seemingly overnight the implacable foe collapsed. How did this extraordinary event come about? Political psychologist Steven Kull argues that only a revolution in the thinking of the country's top leaders can explain the swiftness and comparative peacefulness of the recent political transformation. His analysis based on probing interviews with Soviet policymakers and on a careful reading of the public record reveals the painful process by which they came to accept the failure of Leninism and to forge an alternative ideology dubbed "new thinking." Kull assesses the influence of new thinking and other streams of thought on post-Soviet foreign policy and behavior and describes the new challenges they present to Western nations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367004705

Bush II Obama and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony in the Western Hemisphere Bush II Obama and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony in the Western Hemisphere applies competing definitions and conceptions of hegemony to various foreign policy initiatives and events during the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama to test whether they manifest a decline in traditional United States dominance and leadership in the Western Hemisphere. In particular the book examines the continued relevancy of the Inter-American system the failure to establish a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and the stillborn Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA). It also discusses the implications of the People’s Republic of China becoming a major trading partner and important source of financing and investment capital throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The book provides critical reviews of Plan Colombia the Merida Initiative Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas the Central American Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) 100 000 Strong in the Americas and the restoration of normal U.S. diplomatic relations with Cuba. There are extensive analyses unusual for a work in English on the Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (CELAC) and Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138080867

Business Capitalism and Corporate CitizenshipA Collection of Seminal Essays In the first decades of the twenty-first century the theory and practice of corporate citizenship and responsibility adapted significantly. The pieces in this volume capture the essence of these changes with illuminating reflections by their preeminent authors on success failure learning and progress. Featuring contributions from John Ruggie Peter Senge R. Edward Freeman Jan Aart Scholte and Georg Kell it charts the rise of corporate citizenship sustainability and corporate social responsibility. This title is one of a two-volume set: a collection of seminal and thought-provoking essays drawn from the Journal of Corporate Citizenship’s archive accompanied by new analysis and reflection from the original authors. Written by some of the most widely recognized academic and business pioneers and leaders of the corporate responsibility and global sustainability movement the volumes make essential reference texts for anyone interested in the radically awakening new global political economy. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship was launched in 2001 by Founding Editor Malcolm McIntosh and Greenleaf Publishing. Today it continues to fulfil its mission to integrate theory and practice and provide a home for enlightened transdisciplinary thinking on the role of business and organizations in society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783534999

Business Conflict Resolution and PeacebuildingContributions from the private sector to address violent conflict Business Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding examines the actions currently being taken by businesses in areas of violent conflict around the world and explores how they can make a significant contribution to the resolution of violent conflicts through business-based peacebuilding. This book combines two approaches to provide a comprehensive look at the current state and future of business- based peacebuilding.  It marries a detailed study of documented peacebuilding activities with a map of the possibilities for future business-related conflict work and pragmatic suggestions for business leaders conflict resolution practitioners and peacebuilding organizations.  The use of the label ‘business-based peacebuilding’ is new and signifies actions business can take beyond simple legal compliance or making changes to avoid creating a conflict. Although business-based peacebuilding is new examples are included from around the world to illustrate that working together businesses have a strong contribution to make to the creation of peaceful societies. The book advocates pragmatic peacebuilding which is not overly concerned with cause-driven models of conflict.  Instead pragmatic peacebuilding encourages an examination of what is needed in the conflict and what can be provided.  This approach is free of some of the ideological baggage of traditional peacebuilding and allows for a much wider range of participants in the peacebuilding project.  This book will be of much interest to students of peace studies conflict resolution international security and business studies as well as to practitioners and business leaders. Derek Sweetman is Dispute Resolution Director for Better Business Bureau in Washington DC and Instructor at New Century College George Mason University USA. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415691628

Business Environment and SocietyThemes and Cases This book blends theory and practice to support courses in corporate social responsibility (CSR) business and society and environmental management and sustainability. Based on her extensive work with companies the author offers engaging readings and teaching cases that address key challenges for business today - measurement supply chain management public policy and stakeholder pressures. Part I focuses on the macro-level and provides an overview of concepts such as the green economy eco-industrial parks corporate social responsibility (corporate citizenship) nanotechnology and sustainable consumption. Part II provides specific frameworks and tools for sustainability management and measurement at the company level. Part III includes detailed teaching cases of several well-known firms. The main theme is that business is a key player in achieving a more sustainable development yet its practices are often narrow in focus or shortsighted. The text provokes discussions around issues such as: Is business sustainability possible in a market economy focused on increasing consumption? Should a product or service be called "green" when it puts at risk the health and safety of workers? What can U.S. policymakers learn from their European counterparts when it comes to protecting human health and the environment? How can we ensure that the benefits of nanotechnology exceed its risks? How can sustainability indicators be used as a tool to advance sustainability by companies and policymakers? The book provides a flexible up-to-date supplementary teaching tool for undergraduate and graduate students executive education courses and certificate programs. Intended Audience: Primarily undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in environmental management corporate social responsibility (CSR) sustainability or business and society; as a supplementary text in professional education and certificate programs in environmental management corporate citizenship sustainability and CSR. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780895038838

Business Ethics and InstitutionsThe Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives This book is the first systematic scholarly study on the business history of Turkey from the nineteenth century until the present. It aims to place the distinctive characteristics of capitalism in Turkey within a global and comparative perspective dealing with three related issues. First it examines the institutional context that shaped the capitalist development in Turkey. Second it focuses on the corporate actors entrepreneurs and business enterprises that have led the national economic growth. Third it explores the ethical foundations and social responsibility of business enterprises in the country. The comparative and historical approach sets the volume apart from previous books on the subject. Business Ethics and Institutions aims to strengthen scholarly and policy understanding of Turkish capitalism and the diversified business groups which dominate the economy by providing a deep analysis of the evolution of political and social institutions which shaped corporate activity. It demonstrates the key role played by large family-owned business groups in Turkey’s development. It also seeks to identify both the similarities and the differences in the Turkish pattern of economic development making comparisons with Japan an early example of catch-up and a more successful model than Turkey. The comparative perspective makes the book highly relevant to a wide range of scholars interested in the institutional foundations of modern capitalism and will be of value to researchers academics and students in the fields of business and economic history ethics organizational studies and entrepreneurship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367142902

Business Government and Sustainable Development The range of sustainability objectives has now developed from relatively simple issues of environmental protection to a full array of interwoven social economic and ecological issues nationally and internationally. The involved process of sustainable development has now become a permanent and increasingly complex process. In this insightful book Keijzers provides a concise and authoritative introduction to the evolution of the collaborative stakeholder approach to sustainable development in the context of changing environmental policies. Author Keijzers examines the evolving range of issues of sustainability and the related change of processes within governments and businesses. Governments continue to fine-tune policies for the sustainable development of society. Similarly the business community is continually striving towards enhanced corporate ecological and social responsibility. Keijzers investigates these change processes in both the public and private sectors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646352

Business Human Rights and Transitional Justice This book considers the efficacy of transitional justice mechanisms in response to corporate human rights abuses. Corporations and other business enterprises often operate in countries affected by conflict or repressive regimes. As such they may become involved in human rights violations and crimes under international law ‒ either as the main perpetrators or as accomplices by aiding and abetting government actors. Transitional justice mechanisms such as trials truth commissions and reparations have usually focused on abuses by state authorities or by non-state actors directly connected to the state such as paramilitary groups. Innovative transitional justice mechanisms have however now started to address corporate accountability for human rights abuses and crimes under international law and have attempted to provide redress for victims. This book analyzes this development assessing how transitional justice can provide remedies for corporate human rights abuses and crimes under international law. Canvassing a broad range of literature relating to international criminal law mechanisms regional human rights systems domestic courts truth and reconciliation commissions and land restitution programmes this book evaluates the limitations and potential of each mechanism. Acknowledging the limited extent to which transitional justice has been able to effectively tackle the role of corporations in human rights violations and international crimes this book nevertheless points the way towards greater engagement with corporate accountability as part of transitional justice. A valuable contribution to the literature on transitional justice and on business and human rights this book will appeal to scholars researchers and PhD students in these areas as well as lawyers and other practitioners working on corporate accountability and transitional justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367376024

Business Marketing and Management Principles for IT and Engineering In order to achieve long-term profitability and assure survival for their companies managers must be informed imaginative and capable of adapting to shifting circumstances. Practical decisions rather than theories hold the upper ground. Business Marketing and Management Principles for IT and Engineering supplies the understanding required to effectively manage an organization in an increasingly competitive global market. Using case studies the book illustrates the principles policies and management practices used by some of the most successful companies around the world. The real-world case studies supply valuable insight into the range of issues that confront decision makers in business. By explaining how to develop effective strategies and business plans the text supplies both the concepts and the tools to stay on track with those plans. It also:Explains how to evaluate the pros and cons of your organizational policies and how to effect policies for maximum synergyCovers product development sales marketing pricing and financial analysisIllustrates the right and wrong ways to implement the principles discussed with case studies of hi-tech companies such as Apple Google Cisco IBM Microsoft Toyota ITT and BloombergDimitris N. Chorafas provides valuable insight garnered over half a century of advising financial institutions and multinational industrial corporations. Dr. Chorafas explains how to develop competitive products and use pricing strategies to achieve an edge over your competition. He also includes case studies that examine the price wars in the computer industry. This book supplies a realistic look into the positive and negative aspects of various policies and whether or not current practices related to forecasting planning organizing staffing directing and controlling have produced th Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367382612

Business Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development The intersection of business peace and sustainable development is becoming an increasingly powerful space and is already beginning to show the capability to drive major global change. This book deciphers how different forms of corporate engagement in the pursuit of peace and development have different impacts and outcomes. It looks specifically at how the private sector can better deliver peace contributions in fragile violent and conflict settings and then at the deeper consequences of this agenda upon businesses governments international institutions and not least the local communities that are presumed to be the beneficiaries of such actions. It is the first book to compile the state-of-the-field in one place and is therefore an essential guide for students researchers policy-makers and practitioners on the role of business in peace. Without cross-disciplinary engagement it is hard to identify where the cutting edge truly lies and how to take the topic forward in a more systematic manner. This edited book brings together thought leaders in the field and pulls disparate strands together from business ethics management international relations peace and conflict studies in order to better understand how businesses can contribute to peacebuilding and sustainable development. Before businesses take a deeper role in the most complicated and risky elements of sustainable development we need to be able to better explain what works why it works and what effective business efforts for peace and development mean for the multilateral institutional frameworks. This book does just that. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367175061

Business Society and Government EssentialsStrategy and Applied Ethics Understanding the interrelationship of business society and government is vital to working at any level in a company of any size. This text uses a case analysis approach to explore this interrelationship in today’s high-tech global community. The authors crystallize the complex array of issues that business leaders managers and employees face in market and nonmarket environments from balancing stakeholder interests and dealing with government regulations to managing crises and making socially responsible and ethical decisions. Technical concepts come to life through a variety of cases and case questions thought-provoking personal and professional applications ethical dilemmas and practical exercises. Furthermore an appendix offers approaches to case analysis and includes a case analysis table that serves as a model for students and professors. With its thorough coverage of relevant issues and skill-building elements to stimulate critical thinking this text will prepare students to understand and confront real-world business concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415622103

Business The State and Economic PolicyThe Case of Italy The framework sketched in this new book explains the relationship between state and capital in Italy as well as some of the major directions in macroeconomic theory. These fields encompass both Italy's entry to EMU in 1999 and the impact of Silvio Berlusconi on Italian politics and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965232

Business Abroad From something as simple as finding a distributor to as complex as founding an overseas operation. Here's a 'meat and potatoes' guide to entering and excelling in the international business arena. Combining theory practice and insider savvy 'Business Abroad' shows you how to successfully take your company global and expand and improve your current global activities. You'll find a straightforward plan of action for starting and conducting overseas business. This clear succinct road map helps you effectively conduct key international business transactions. Mistakes in any of these areas could cost you tens of thousands of dollars so there's specific help with:* Exporting/importing * Distribution * Joint ventures * Licensing * Franchising * Technology transfer * and more...Going international is not an easy decision but this valuable guidebook makes it a simpler and more profitable one. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080500478

Business Administration Business Administration offers an integrated practical approach to all key aspects of business administration and to how business processes are managed. The authors highlight the function and relevance of business management in day-to-day business operations. Business Administration offers a single frame of reference for all chapters: Management success stories Management blunders Socially responsible business practice Key performance indicators Historical trends in business administration This book is an indispensable tool in all degree programmes in which business administration is a key component including Business Economics and Law as well as other economics and business programmes. A companion website featuring extra materials for lecturers and students is available at: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9789001809768

Business Analysis for Business Intelligence Aligning business intelligence (BI) infrastructure with strategy processes not only improves your organization's ability to respond to change but also adds significant value to your BI infrastructure and development investments. Until now there has been a need for a comprehensive book on business analysis for BI that starts with a macro view and gradually narrows it down to real-world tips templates and discussion material BI analysts need to know.Covering the concepts tools and background required for successful BI projects Business Analysis for Business Intelligence describes how to use business intelligence to improve your analysis activities. It outlines a proven framework for developing data models and solutions that fit your organization’s strategy. Explaining how to avoid common pitfalls it demonstrates how to use continuous improvement to create a strategic knowledge organization and establish a competitive advantage. Links proven theories with practical insights Describes the questions you need to ask yourself or the client when turning data into information Includes discussion items and templates suitable for both IT and business professionals Illustrates the root causes behind poor performance management Outlines the steps needed to get your BI project started correctly The book details a framework based on time-tested theories empirical data and the author’s experience analyzing strategic processes in dozens of organizations across a range of industries—including financial logistics food production health telecom government and retail. Providing you with the tools to achieve enduring success the book can help your organization develop successful BI projects and fine-tune them to match the strategic decision making process in your organization. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781439858349

Business Analysis TermsA Working Glossary Over the past few decades business analysis has steadily developed into a widely recognized global discipline. Now more than ever business analysts must communicate clearly and unambiguously choosing words that need no further interpretation. This convenient reference will help business analysts and their teams establish a common business analysis language that conveys universally understood meaning and context. It contains more than 1 600 definitions phrases and acronyms used in day-to-day business analysis that are essential to today’s business analyst. Media > Books > Print Books ESI International 9781890367510

Business Analytics This book provides a first-hand account of business analytics and its implementation and an account of the brief theoretical framework underpinning each component of business analytics. The themes of the book include (1) learning the contours and boundaries of business analytics which are in scope; (2) understanding the organization design aspects of an analytical organization; (3) providing knowledge on the domain focus of developing business activities for financial impact in functional analysis; and (4) deriving a whole gamut of business use cases in a variety of situations to apply the techniques. The book gives a complete insightful understanding of developing and implementing analytical solution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138916128

Business Analytics for Decision Making Business Analytics for Decision Making the first complete text suitable for use in introductory Business Analytics courses establishes a national syllabus for an emerging first course at an MBA or upper undergraduate level. This timely text is mainly about model analytics particularly analytics for constrained optimization. It uses implementations that allow students to explore models and data for the sake of discovery understanding and decision making.Business analytics is about using data and models to solve various kinds of decision problems. There are three aspects for those who want to make the most of their analytics: encoding solution design and post-solution analysis. This textbook addresses all three. Emphasizing the use of constrained optimization models for decision making the book concentrates on post-solution analysis of models. The text focuses on computationally challenging problems that commonly arise in business environments. Unique among business analytics texts it emphasizes using heuristics for solving difficult optimization problems important in business practice by making best use of methods from Computer Science and Operations Research. Furthermore case studies and examples illustrate the real-world applications of these methods. The authors supply examples in Excel® GAMS MATLAB® and OPL. The metaheuristics code is also made available at the book's website in a documented library of Python modules along with data and material for homework exercises. From the beginning the authors emphasize analytics and de-emphasize representation and encoding so students will have plenty to sink their teeth into regardless of their computer programming experience. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781482221763

Business AnalyticsAn Introduction Together Big Data high-performance computing and complex environments create unprecedented opportunities for organizations to generate game-changing insights that are based on hard data. Business Analytics: An Introduction explains how to use business analytics to sort through an ever-increasing amount of data and improve the decision-making capabilities of an organization. Covering the key areas of business analytics the book explores the concepts techniques applications and emerging trends that professionals across a wide range of industries need to be aware of. Better detection of fraud through visual analytics or better prediction of the likelihood of someone getting an infection while in the hospital are just a few examples of where analytics can play a positive role. As the field of business analytics continues to emerge rapidly there is a need for a reliable textbook and reference on the subject. Filling this need this book is suitable for graduate-level students and undergraduate seniors. It maintains a focus on only the key areas so the material can be covered adequately in a one-semester or one-quarter course. Each chapter includes software-generic exercises labs and associated answers to the exercises/labs. Author Jay Liebowitz recently had an article published in The World Financial Review. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781466596092

Business and Buddhism Business and Buddhism explores alternative ways of leading in the aftermath of the Great Recession and the many stories of fraud and greed that emerged. The book explores shifts in business perspectives as more value is placed on soft skills like emotional intelligence and listening and introduces the reader to the principles in Buddhist philosophy that can be applied in the workplace. Buddhist practices are increasingly understood as spiritual rather than religious per se. In fact Buddhism is alternately referred to as a philosophy or psychology. In this book Marques explores the value of applying the positive psychology of Buddhism to work settings. She outlines the ways in which it offers highly effective solutions to addressing important management and organizational behavior related issues but also flags up critical areas for caution. For example Buddhism is non-confrontational and promotes detachment. How can business leaders negotiate these principles in light of the demands of modern day pressures? The book includes end of chapter questions to promote reflection and critical thinking and examples of Buddhist leaders in action. It will prove a captivating read for students of organizational behavior management leadership diversity and ethics as well as business consultants. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138786066

Business and Conflict in Fragile StatesThe Case for Pragmatic Solutions Large-scale investments in fragile states – in Latin America Africa the former Soviet Union and Asia – become magnets for conflict which undermines business development and security. International policy responds with regulation state-building and institutional reform with poor and often perverse results. Caught up in old ways of thinking about conflict and fragility and an age-old fight over whether multinational corporations are good or bad for peaceful development it leaves business-related conflicts in fragile states to multiply and fester. Surveying a new strategic landscape of business and conflict Brian Ganson and Achim Wennmann conclude that neither company shareholders nor advocates for peaceful development need or should accept the growing cost of business-related conflict in fragile states. Drawing on decades of experience from mainstream conflict prevention and violence reduction efforts as well as promising company practice they show that even acute conflict is manageable when dealt with pragmatically locally and on its own terms. The analysis and conclusions of this Adelphi book will interest policymakers business leaders and community advocates alike – all those hoping to mitigate today’s conflicts while helping to reduce fragility and build a firmer foundation for inclusive development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138213975

Business and Development StudiesIssues and Perspectives Business and Development Studies: Issues and Perspectives provides a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge theoretical and empirical contributions to the emerging field of business and development studies. Compared to more traditional business-school accounts of business in developing countries which focus on the challenges and opportunities of doing business in developing countries this anthology explores whether how and under what conditions business contributes to the achievement of economic social and environmental goals in developing countries. The book consolidates the current status of academic work on business and development identifies state of the art in relation to this academic field and establishes a future research agenda for ‘business and development studies’ as an emerging academic discipline within the social sciences. The book will be of interest to researchers and students including economists geographers sociologists political scientists corporate social responsibility specialists and development scholars who are seeking an in-depth overview of current debates about the role of business as a development agent in the Global South. The book is also of relevance to practitioners that are engaged in work with the private sector seeking to enhance the positive effects and minimize the negative economic social and environmental consequences of business activity in the Global South. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138059870

Business and Economics of Port ManagementAn Insider’s Perspective Business and Economics of Port Management is a comprehensive but concise textbook and reference for insights into the workings of port industry from the business and economics perspectives. The book examines port management from various entities which include the government port operator shipping line logistics companies and other port service providers. It provides in-depth discussions on strategic issues challenges and disruptions that are faced by this industry. Given the uniqueness of each port and international nature of the port business the book comes with useful case studies and lessons from different port regions around the world. Key lessons on challenges and issues faced by port managers developers and regulators are highlighted and discussed using a combination of professional insights and publicly available information sources. The aim is to illustrate the decision-making process with the purpose of contributing to better outcomes for the industry government and the public at large. Anyone who is approaching the subject matter will gain utmost understanding of how ports are critical in the global economy and societal well-being.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138341913

Business and Entrepreneurship for FilmmakersMaking a Living as a Creative Artist in the Film Industry This practical guide teaches readers the skills and business acumen required to build a career in the film industry from the ground up. While countless books and classes teach newcomers the creative aspects of the film industry many fail to properly prepare readers for the reality of how to navigate a freelance film career today. From creating a business model dealing with taxes and funding finding and managing clients networking investing cashflow and planning for the long-term Business and Entrepreneurship for Filmmakers provides real-world pragmatic advice on navigating a freelance film career whether you’re a recent film school graduate looking to take the next step or a seasoned professional hoping to start a production company. Moreover the skills taught here apply across the industry from corporate media and commercials to music videos and feature films. Interviews with filmmakers innovators and business experts are included throughout the book to offer further expertise and examples. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140076

Business and Environmental SustainabilityFoundations Challenges and Corporate Functions Environmental sustainability is increasingly important to organisations whether for regulatory financial or ethical reasons. Business and Environmental Sustainability looks at the environmental aspect of sustainability for all organisations pursuing competitive advantage. The book provides theoretical foundations from science economics policy and strategy introduces three environmental challenges (climate change pollution and waste) and looks at how corporate functions can address these. This textbook provides a thorough foundation by introducing readers to the science reasoning and theory behind environmental sustainability and then delves into how these ideas translate into principles and business models for organisations to use. Next it covers environmental challenges from climate change pollution and waste and then goes on to examine the different corporate functions (from supply chain management to human resources) to illustrate how environmental sustainability is managed and put into practice in organisations. Finally a set of integrative case studies draws everything together and enables the reader to apply various analytical tools with the aim of understanding how companies can not only reduce their environmental footprint but can positively contribute to environmental sustainability. Written by an award-winning lecturer Business and Environmental Sustainability boasts a wealth of pedagogical features including examples from a range of industries and countries plus a companion website with slides quiz questions and instructor material. This will be a valuable text for students of business management and environmental sustainability and will also be suitable for broader courses on corporate responsibility and sustainability across environmental studies political science and engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138632424

Business and Gender Serious thinking on business and gender has blossomed over the past few decades. What began as a tentative examination of the ways women and men might differ has evolved into a complex and vibrant field of international research and study. Edited by a leading scholar in the field this new four-volume collection part of the Major Works Critical Perspectives on Business and Management series brings together the very best and most influential works on business and gender. Organized thematically the gathered materials reflect the academic fields of psychology sociology management and organizational studies and include quantitative studies qualitative research and theoretical or conceptual papers. With a new introduction by the editor to place the collected material in its historical and intellectual context and including a comprehensive index this collection is a convenient and authoritative reference resource on business and gender for both student and scholar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415666565

Business and Global Governance Over the past two decades the role of business in global governance has become increasingly topical. Transnational business associations are progressively more visible in international policy debates and in intergovernmental institutions and there is a heightened attention given to global policy-making in national and international business communities. This text examines and explains the multiple modes of engagement between business and global governance; it presents a variety of theoretical approaches which can be used to analyse them along with empirical illustrations. Featuring a range of leading US and European scholars it is divided into three parts that summarize different modes of engagement. Each section is illustrated by two or three studies that represent a distinct theoretical take on the issue with empirical illustrations. The book examines: Business as master and purpose of global governance Business as subject and opponent to global governance Business as partner and facilitator of global governance This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Business Studies International Relations International Politics and International Political Economy as well as for practitioners – in the public and private sector. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203850268

Business and Government Business and government are two of the most important actors in shaping our lives. This new four volume collection from Routledge’s Major Works series Critical Perspectives on Business and Management will explore four key areas of the relationship: First what is the balance of power between business and government? Second what trends are apparent in the balance of power between business and government? Third how effective is the relationship between business and government in terms of promoting economic growth and development? Fourth can business be mobilized and if so how to help solve societal problems by means other than legislation? In addressing these questions the editor will gather together the key writings – both classic works and contemporary scholarship - to meet the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of the subject’s vast literature. With a new introduction by the editor and a full index this will be a valuable one stop research resource for both student and scholar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415626842

Business and Government Relations in Africa This book endeavors to take the conceptualization of the relationship between business government and development in African countries to a new level. In the twenty-first century the interests and operations of government and business inevitably intersect all over the African continent. No government federal or state can afford to ignore the needs of business. But what are these needs how does business express its needs to government and what institutions organize government-business relations in African countries? How should government regulate business or should it choose to let the markets rule? Government and Business Relations in Africa brings together many of sub-Saharan African leading scholars to address these critical questions. Business and Government Relations in Africa examines the key players in the game—federal and state governments and business groups—and the processes that govern the relationships between them. It looks at the regulatory regimes that have an impact on business and provides a number of case studies of the relationships between government and economic development around the African continent highlighting different processes and practices. It shows the latest state of knowledge on the topic and will be of interest both to students at an advanced level academics and reflective practitioners. It addresses the topics with regard to business-government relations and will be of interest to researchers academics policymakers and students in the fields of African politics comparative politics public policy business and politics sustainable development and sustainability economic development and managerial economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367243098

Business and Health Planning in General Practice For GPs and practice managers the challenge of the NHS reforms is to understand the business context in which general practice operates. Of the many skills learned from commerce and industry needed for the development of an effective strategy business planning has been demonstrated to bring important benefits to the practice. However for many the concept is necessary but unfamiliar. This book sets out to demystify the subject explains the benefits and by way of numerous examples shows how they can be applied to the single-handed GP and group practices whether or not they are fundholders. It suggests that good clinical care is not possible without the necessary planning and management skills to run a business. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315379807

Business and Human Rights in EuropeInternational Law Challenges Transnational business activities are important drivers of growth for developing and the least developed countries. However they can also negatively impact the enjoyment of human rights. In some cases multinational enterprises (MNEs) have even been accused of grave human rights abuses in the territory of the states where their subsidiaries operate. Since the parent companies of many MNEs are incorporated under the law of European states those countries’ domestic law and the European legal framework play a crucial role in establishing how their activities should be conducted – also throughout their supply chains – and which remedies will be available when corporate human rights violations occur. In recent years the European Union the Council of Europe and their Member States have been adopting policies and legislation to ensure respect for human rights by businesses and have developed a body of related case law. These legal instruments can be considered the European responses to the challenges posed at international-law level and they constitute the focus of research of this book. Through its collected chapters – written by scholars and practitioners under the direction of the editor Angelica Bonfanti – the book identifies the European solutions to the business and human rights international legal issues provides an overall assessment of their effectiveness and examines their potential evolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586034

Business and Human Rights in Southeast AsiaRisk and the Regulatory Turn Business and human rights has emerged as a distinct field within the corporate governance movement. The endorsement by the United Nations Human Rights Council of a new set of Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights in 2011 reinforces the State’s duty to protect against human rights abuses by third parties including business; the corporate responsibility to respect human rights; and greater access by victims to effective remedy both judicial and non-judicial. This book draws on the UN Guiding Principles and recent national plans of action to provide an overview of relevant developments within the ASEAN region. Bridging theory and practice the editors have positioned this book at the intersection of human rights risk and its regulation. Chapter authors discuss the implications of key case-studies undertaken across the region and various sectors with a particular focus on extractive industries the environment and infrastructure projects. Topics covered include: due diligence and the role of audits; businesses’ responsibilities to women and children; and the mitigation of human rights risks in the region's emerging markets. The book sheds light on how stakeholders currently approach business and human rights and explores how the role of ASEAN States and that of the institution itself may be strengthened. In doing so the book identifies critical challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the region in relation to business and human rights. This book will be of excellent use and interest to scholars practitioners and students of human rights business and company law international law and corporate governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138215252

Business and Human RightsDilemmas and Solutions The end of the Cold War and the virtual disappearance of communism have completely altered the world economy. The supply chains of supermarkets and consumer goods industries have spread ever more widely and deeply into Asia Africa and South America while oil mining and financial companies among many others have invested heavily in countries that were previously denied to them by political or ideological barriers.While companies have seized the opportunities presented by globalisation they have in many cases been completely unprepared for the risks presented by their headlong rush into these new markets. Companies have found themselves and their business partners operating in countries where corruption injustice internal conflict and human rights violations are rife. An increasingly alert and critical world has acted as watchdog highlighting corporate malpractice and the links between corporations and repressive regimes.It has increasingly been argued that companies have responsibilities for the protection and promotion of human rights. These arguments are at least to some extent accepted by companies. Yet despite the increasing use of human rights language in public policy discourses the expectations of companies remain unclear. That is what are the ethical imperatives? What are the legal expectations? How far does responsibility extend? What can companies actually do in practice? The debate is further complicated by the range of actors (companies governments international institutions local communities non-governmental organisations [NGOs] trade unions consumers) involved; by debates around free trade versus and fair trade; by the discussion of the specific role of governments; and by questions about the relative merits of regulation and self-regulation.Business and Human Rights provides an analysis of the relationship between companies and human rights in the context of globalisation. The analysis is in two parts. The first maps the reasons (financial ethical regulatory) why human rights have become a business issue. However simply because there are reasons why companies should be concerned about human rights this does not say what companies should or could do. Therefore the second part of the book looks at the practical experiences of companies in responding to specific human rights issues in the context of their own operations in their supply chains and in specific countries. These case studies many of which have not been previously published or analysed from the perspective of human rights provide important insights into questions such as: How do companies organise themselves to respond to human rights challenges? What have the experiences been-positive and negative? How have companies responded to specific situations? What are the roles and responsibilities of other actors: government trade unions NGOs? What are the limits to responsibility?In this outstanding collection Rory Sullivan has drawn together leading thinkers and actors from the debate on business and human rights to establish how far the business and human rights debate has evolved and explore the many complex questions around roles responsibilities and solutions that remain to be answered. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351281287

Business and Human RightsFrom Principles to Practice In a global economy multinational companies often operate in jurisdictions where governments are either unable or unwilling to uphold even the basic human rights of their citizens. The expectation that companies respect human rights in their own operations and in their business relationships is now a business reality that corporations need to respond to. Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice is the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary textbook that addresses these issues. It examines the regulatory framework that grounds the business and human rights debate and highlights the business and legal challenges faced by companies and stakeholders in improving respect for human rights exploring such topics as: the regulatory framework that grounds the business and human rights debate challenges faced by companies and stakeholders in improving human rights industry-specific human rights standards current mechanisms to hold corporations to account future challenges for business and human rights With supporting case studies throughout this text provides an overview of current themes in the field and guidance on practical implementation demonstrating that a thorough understanding of the human rights challenges faced by business is now vital in any business context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138833562

Business and Human RightsHistory Law and Policy - Bridging the Accountability Gap Business corporations can and do violate human rights all over the world and they are often not held to account. Emblematic cases and situations such as the state of the Niger Delta and the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory are examples of corporate human rights abuses which are not adequately prevented and remedied. Business and human rights as a field seeks to enhance the accountability of business – companies and businesspeople – in the human rights area or to phrase it differently to bridge the accountability gap. Bridging the accountability gap is to be understood as both setting standards and holding corporations and businesspeople to account if violations occur. Adopting a legal perspective this book presents the ways in which this dual undertaking has been and could be further carried out in the future and evaluates the extent to which the various initiatives in the field bridge the corporate accountability gap. It looks at the historical background of the field of business and human rights and examines salient periods events and cases. The book then goes on to explore the relevance of international human rights law and international criminal law for global business. International soft law and policy initiatives which have blossomed in recent years are evaluated along with private modes of regulation. The book also examines how domestic law especially the domestic law of multinational companies’ home countries can be used to prevent and redress corporate related human rights violations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138683006

Business and Management Education in Transitioning and Developing Countries: A HandbookA Handbook Business education is a critical ingredient in establishing a viable middle class of managers in transitioning and developing economies. Compiled in association with the Center for International Business Education and Research this comprehensive examination of business and management education pedagogical models and curricula innovations in institutions around the world is the first such work to emphasize emerging markets. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706009

Business and Management Environment in Saudi ArabiaChallenges and Opportunities for Multinational Corporations For the last 60 years Saudi Arabia has assumed a vital economic role and has been situated on the center stage of the global economic and political scene. While the market was once dominated by American and British firms and later Japanese corporations Korean and Chinese companies have now aggressively entered the market and have posed serious challenges to entrenched multinational corporations. The Saudi market has newly become an arena for unbridled competition. As companies must adapt and embark on creative means to sustain their positions in dynamic markets multinational corporations must also find a comprehensive approach to dealing with cultural and political developments. Having a competitive edge demands familiarity with market nuances and peculiarities in addition to providing quality product and service. Business and Management Environment in Saudi Arabia is not primarily about how to conduct business in the region but rather it provides insightful information to optimally guide western managers in conducting their operations in Saudi Arabia. The book offers essential information to engage effectively manage business activities resolve cultural understandings and tackle appropriate issues of group dynamics human resource management managing change and development and relations with the government and the general public. As such it is required reading for both business leaders and academics alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138959835

Business and Peace-BuildingThe Role of Natural Resources Companies In a world struggling to adapt to seismic social and environmental changes the time is now for businesses to prioritise creating local conditions of peace. This book builds on original research foregrounding ‘peace’ as a core business outcome for natural resources industries. Especially in non-warlike situations where natural resources industries have exacerbated or caused conflict foregrounding peace as a core business outcome can bring substantial benefits. Peace is a concept external and internal stakeholders understand. Consequently research shows that when natural resources sector CSR professionals start reframing their day-to-day decisions in terms of peace outcomes they are more likely to create efficient and cost-effective solutions to environmental social and economic business challenges.This book provides both theory and practical suggestions for how to reframe day-to-day CSR activities of natural resources companies as peace-focused business decisions. Especially in the remote and rural regions of the world where natural resources industries have the greatest impact businesses can lead the way in contributing to conditions of peace while bringing much needed resources to market. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367734183

Business And Politics In PeruThe State And The National Bourgeoisie An analysis of business/government relations in Peru which focuses on the complex and changing linkages between the social class that controls key material resources and the State. The author argues that despite its traditional weakness the national bourgeoisie has become a key political actor. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429040764

Business and Post-disaster ManagementBusiness organisational and consumer resilience and the Christchurch earthquakes This book provides a comprehensive examination of the effects of a natural disaster on businesses and organisations and on a range of stakeholders including employees and consumers. Research on how communities and businesses respond to disasters can inform policy and mitigate the cost and impacts of future disasters. This book discusses how places recover following a disaster and the vital roles that business and other organisations play. This volume gives a detailed understanding of business organisational and consumer responses to the Christchurch earthquake sequence of 2010-2011 which caused 185 deaths the loss of over 70 per cent of buildings in the city’s CBD major infrastructure damage and severely affected the city’s image. Despite the devastation the businesses organisations and people of Christchurch are now undergoing significant recovery. The book sheds significant new light not only on business and organisation response to disaster but on how business and urban systems may be made more resilient. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138317956

Business And State In Contemporary Russia Business and the State in Contemporary Russia is the most recent volume in the John M. Olin Critical Issues series published by Westview in conjunction with Harvard's Davis Center for Russian Research. In this latest installation contributors discuss issues as far-ranging as the dynamics of rule in contemporary Russia the banking elite the politics of the Russian media business the political economy of the Russian oil and coal industries and the causes and consequences of the August 1998 crash. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096380

Business and the Feminine Principle Business and the Feminine Principle: The Untapped Resource describes in lay persons' language the essence of the archetypal feminine and its potential for business. This book shows both women and men how the feminine principle works in human thought and behavior and what it could mean for business if we gave the feminine principle the same kind of attention and support in the work place that we give to masculine consciousness. Business and the Feminine Principle goes beyond the well-established conversation about the need for feminine attributes in business and invites both genders into an exciting new collaboration. By no means a critique of what is wrong with masculine perception and behavior in business this book inspires new respect for the integrity of both masculine and feminine energy and their ability to co-create a viable future for all of us. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138158757

Business and the Natural Environment Over the past four decades the concept of corporate environmentalism has passed through multiple iterations. Prompted by landmark environmental events such the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) the Santa Barbara oil spill the Cuyahoga River fire Love Canal Bhopal the Exxon Valdez spill the Brent Spar controversy and many other horrifying disasters conceptions of corporate environmentalism as mere regulatory compliance gradually gave way to newer management conceptions of ‘pollution prevention’ ‘total quality environmental management’ ‘industrial ecology’ ‘life-cycle analysis’ ‘environmental strategy’ ‘environmental justice’ and most recently ‘sustainable development’. Concurrent with this evolution in corporate practice has been the emergence of academic research focused on business decision-making firm behaviour and the protection of the natural environment. Scholars within management schools entered this research domain with gusto in the mid-1980s and what began as a modest offshoot of traditional management research has grown into a maturing area of study within the management sciences. This new four-volume Routledge Major Works collection will enable users to make sense of this thriving and fast-developing area of serious scholarly endeavour. The collection is fully indexed and includes a comprehensive introduction that places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. It is destined to be valued by students teachers and researchers as an indispensable reference resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415608701

Business and the Natural EnvironmentA Research Overview The fields of corporate environmentalism green business and corporate sustainability have grown significantly over the past twenty-five years such that the academic research domains of business decision-making accounting organizational behaviour and the protection of the natural environment have developed into maturing areas of study within the management sciences. Business and the Natural Environment: A Research Overview is a summary of the research thus far on this topic offering a structure for understanding its emergence and growth the multiple facets that make up its present state and a glimpse into the future of where it may be going. Along the way the authors provide a compendium of its important works to help situate the interested reader in the landscape of the field. One important element of this work is its topical relevance; issues of environmental protection (and more recently sustainability) are critically important in today’s worlds of business policy and public understanding. Scholars who choose to enter this domain have much to offer of societal value while at the same time entering a non-fully legitimate research stream that can lead to academic success (such as tenure). This shortform book provides a research map for both new scholars who wish to enter the field and more seasoned researchers who wish to understand one view of the landscape and how they might fit within it. This expert survey of the existing literature brings the research story into the age of the Anthropocene and is essential primary reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815375821

Business And The State In International Relations This book provides a theoretical and empirical contribution to an alternative paradigm in international politics which is labeled the "business conflict" model. The discussion covers two central actors in international politics: multinational corporations and the U.S. state. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167271

Business and the Sustainability ChallengeAn Integrated Perspective It is vitally important for businesses to have a holistic understanding of the many issues surrounding and shaping sustainability from competitors to government and political factors to economics and ecological science. This integrated textbook for MBA and senior-level undergraduates offers a comprehensive overview of the issues of sustainability as they relate to business and influence corporate strategy. It also features a wide range of cases and an extensive discussion of tools to incorporate sustainability issues into strategic decision making helping instructors and students to build and then apply a solid understanding of sustainability in business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415882415

Business ArchitectureA Practical Guide Organizations today exist in an environment of unprecedented change. They do so against a backdrop of a global competitive marketplace the fast-paced enablement of technology amplified regulation and accelerating organizational complexity. Many organizations are addressing change in a sub-optimal way and they are operating without a clear view of where their operational risks lie. It is these dynamics that are leading organizations to recognise and embrace Business Architecture. Despite this environment Business Architecture can be a difficult ’sell’ - it is often perceived to be abstract and lacking in tangible delivery. To succeed Business Architecture must be pragmatic and to be sustainable it must focus on achieving long-term value and at the same time recognise the shorter-term tactical needs of the organisation. With these challenges in mind this book provides a practical guide on how to employ Business Architecture and how to build a balanced proposition that delivers value to a broad range of stakeholders. As the book states Business Architecture should not be practised in isolation nor should it be thought of as a one-off process; it needs to be woven into the fabric of the organization. And so the authors illustrate the opportunities for weaving the Business Architecture Practice into this fabric through the various stakeholders and life cycles that exist both formally and informally within an organization. Whilst recognizing best practice this book explores a new inspirational level of Business Architecture whilst acknowledging that the best way to realize the vision is one step at a time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247314

Business as a System of Power Business as a System of Power was the direct product of extensive and continuing study of the rise of bureaucratic centralism. The project was begun in 1934 and resulted a decade later in this volume arguably the most important work in comparative and historical economics to emerge in the World War Two period. Indeed Brady's theorems such as the bureaucratic authoritarian model of development became a touchstone for the study of Third World economies.Brady saw the direction of business moving in a variety of directions: from the totalitarian model set by fascism with its highly centralized approach to special interests profit making and policy made in the interests of those who rule; and the alternative democratic model set by the democracies of the West which expound the latitude of direct public participation in decision-making and social organization of the economy as a whole. Brady does not indulge in cheap conspiracy theory. Rather he sees the business classes worldwide as possessing a collective mind but not a collective will. In this setting the business civilization itself is at stake.The volume offers a fascinating study of German Nazism Italian fascism and Japanese militarism as a series of policies rather than historical inevitabilities. But the work is also a foreboding and a warning to democratic varieties of capitalism. As business becomes increasingly global in character unbound by national interests or democratic aims it also becomes more rational in its own terms. Its drive for maximizing profits with scant regard to what may be less cost effective but more open to popular control or participation becomes transparent. Brady provides a remarkably prescient albeit controversial study of trends in Western democracy and big business. Robert S. Lynd in his Preface writes "Brady cuts through to the central problem disrupting our worldàa world-wide counter-revolution against democracy." More than a half century later in his outstanding review of the life and career of Robert Brady Douglas Dowd points to the same lessons: economic inequities economic globalization and political concentration of power. "In such a world the counsel of a Brady never loses its vitality."Robert A. Brady was professor of economics at Columbia University and author of The Rationalization Movement in German Industry; The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism; and The Scientific Revolution in Industry. Douglas F. Dowd was professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University and author of a number of important books on economics including Modern Economic Problems in Historic Perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519923

Business as an Instrument for Societal ChangeIn Conversation with the Dalai Lama Business as an Instrument for Societal Change: In Conversation with the Dalai Lama is the result of two decades of research and dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other leaders in business government science and education. Author Sander Tideman a lawyer and banker who has maintained a friendship with the Dalai Lama over all these years presents a practical framework and methodology to develop a new kind of leadership - one fit to repurpose the business world and tackle escalating social economic and environmental needs. The Dalai Lama rarely speaks directly on the topics of business leadership and economics. Yet in the dialogues recounted here his wisdom - combined with key insights from business and public leaders -creates a unified shift towards a consciousness of interconnectedness offering profound insights for practitioners and general readers alike. Tideman unites the scientific worldviews of physics neuroscience and economics with the positive psychology of human relationships and ancient spiritual wisdom to formulate practical business leadership solutions. While recognizing the need for change in external structures and governance Tideman highlights the importance of opening our minds and connecting inner and outer spirituality. At the same time he focuses on concrete practices for winning the hearts and minds of employees customers communities and society at large while addressing deep-rooted problems such as extreme social inequality and continued financial collapses. At the heart of this book lies the journey to discover our shared purpose. This ignites new sources of value creation for the organisation customers and society which Tideman terms 'triple value'. We can achieve triple value by aligning societal and business needs based on the fundamental reality of interconnection. Business as an Instrument for Societal Change: In Conversation with the Dalai Lama is a readable and intelligent exploration of how leaders can actually help to shape a sustainable global economy by embracing innate human and humane behaviour. It is also Tideman's fascinating personal journey which brought him to question the underlying motivations and goals of business leadership and to seek a new paradigm for a more sustainable approach. Reflecting Tideman's sharp perceptions and infused with the Dalai Lama's unmistakable joy this book has the power to change your way of thinking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783534524

Business Associations And The New Political Economy Of ThailandFrom Bureaucratic Polity To Liberal Corporatism This book provides detailed empirical data regarding chambers of commerce their peak organizations and trade associations of Thailand that has moved away from a pure form of bureaucratic polity to liberal corporatism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166212

Business Basics for Private PracticeA Guide for Mental Health Professionals Business Basics for Private Practice is a step-by-step guide to developing a successful practice from initial conceptualization and business plan to future growth for the true entrepreneur. Dr. Bartolucci draws from interviews with fellow mental health practitioners and experts in business-related fields to make even the most intimidating parts of practice easy to understand. Business Basics is written to give the feel of mentorship and the author talks about lessons learned the hard way. She’s also included checklists and worksheets to help you stay organized and ready to meet the challenges of opening a private practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138690967

Business Battles in the US Energy SectorLessons for a Clean Energy Transition This book is ground breaking in its study of business actors in climate and energy politics. While various studies have demonstrated the influence of business actors across multiple policy domains this is the first to examine the behaviour of business actors in energy centric industries in the US that will be vital for achieving a clean energy transition namely the oil gas coal utility and renewable industries. Drawing on almost 80 interviews with senior energy executives lobbyists and policymakers it asks two central questions: (i) how and why are business actors shaping energy policy contests in the US? And (ii) what are the implications for policymakers? In answering these questions this book provides new insights about the preferences and strategies of business in the energy sector and significantly it identifies strategies for policymakers seeking to regulate energy in the face of political resistance from incumbent fossil fuel industries. This book will be of particular value to students scholars and policymakers working in the fields of energy climate and environmental politics as well as individuals generally interested in the role that business exerts over policy processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367662080

Business Budgets and Accounts (RLE Accounting) This book shows the relevance of accounting methods to the economic and administrative problems of business. The book has been arranged to take the reader through the budgeting procedure of a representative business: demonstrating the relationship between budgets accounts and the various business activities and showing how budgets and accounts link together the balance sheets at the beginning and end of the year. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965218

Business Bullshit Our organizations are flooded with empty talk. We are constantly "going forward" to lands of "deliverables" stopping off on the "journey" to "drill down" into "best practice". Being an expert at using management speak has become more important in corporate life than delivering long lasting results. The upshot is that meaningless corporate jargon is killing our organizations.  In this book management scholar the author  argues we need to call this empty talk what it is: bullshit. The book looks at how organizations have become vast machines for manufacturing distributing and consuming bullshit. It follows how the meaningless language of management has spread through schools NGOs politics and the media. Business Bullshit shows you how to spot business bullshit considers why it is so popular and outlines the impact it has on organizations and the people who work there. It also outlines what we can do to minimise bullshit at work. The author makes a case for why organizations need to avoid empty talk and reconnect with core activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138911673

Business Climate Shifts First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080500485

Business ClustersPartnering for Strategic Advantage The book contains a selection of papers on business clusters in its multiple perspectives. It has evolved from the research symposium organized by the The Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED) an international group of academicians at Dubai during January 2009. It begins with an introduction to the concept of clusters and then examines their link to a host of strategic issues such as their nexus to competitive advantage their performance vis-à-vis their competitors who are not similarly agglomerated and the challenges in measuring the performance of clusters. Regional economic clusters have serious policy implications. Governments local as well as national have used clusters as the unit for investment and infrastructure upgrading policies. It focuses on the normative aspects as well as practices and provides pointers on how public policies can help the development and growth of regional economic clusters. With numerous examples and cases from a host countries such as Dubai Mexico Spain and Karnataka (India) the book is a must read for all students of business strategy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138665002

Business Coaching InternationalTransforming Individuals and Organizations "You simply must read this book if you are serious about being a top-notch business coach. It is an excellent guide to best practices based on clear theory experience and business wisdom." - Carol Kauffman PhD co-founder and Director of the Coaching and Positive Psychology Initiative at Harvard Medical School and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory Research and Practice. "This is an extraordinarily thorough book. It covers a great range of practical guidance on matters that will concern the new coach and addresses a wide range of approaches to coaching while remaining firmly embedded in an experiential learning tradition."- David Megginson Professor of Human Resource Development Sheffield Hallam University UK Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200970

Business CommunicationRethinking your professional practice for the post-digital age Effective communication in business and commercial organizations is critical as organizations have to become more competitive and effective to sustain commercial success. This thoroughly revamped new edition distils the principles of effective communication and applies them to organizations operating in the digital world. Techniques and processes detailed in the book include planning and preparing written communication effective structures in documents diverse writing styles managing face-to-face interactions using visual aids delivering presentations and organising effective meetings. In every case the authors consider the potential of new technology to improve and support communication. With helpful pedagogical features designed to aid international students this new edition of a popular text will continue to aid business and management students for years to come. Additional content can now be found on the author's website - Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415640282

Business Continuity PlanningA Project Management Approach If a major event such as a terrorist attack 7.2 earthquake tsunami or hacker attack were to disrupt business operations would your organization be prepared to respond to the financial political and social impacts? In order for your company to be resilient it must be ready to respond and recover quickly from the impact of such events. Business continuity is the discipline that can help your organization become truly resilient.Business Continuity Planning: A Project Management Approach explains how to deploy project management risk management business continuity and business preparedness methods in a manner that will ensure organizational resiliency. With an emphasis on building business preparedness plans it covers the fundamental principles of project management risk management business continuity and business preparedness.Upon reading this book you will learn how to apply project management to institute business continuity governance and to build and maintain business preparedness plans. You will also learn what’s required to conduct an effective business impact analysis.Detailing a proven plan for achieving business continuity and business preparedness the book includes numerous diagrams checklists and tools to help you determine exactly what you must do to prepare for a serious event. It also explains how to test your continuity plans and evaluate preparedness processes to ensure your organization will be truly prepared to withstand or recover from the next emergency disaster or catastrophic event to affect your organization. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781482251784

Business Contracts Handbook If money is the lifeblood of business contracts are the arteries that help carry it around the commercial body. Anyone in business is liable to have to deal with business contracts but few are trained to do so. Even those that are trained may have experience in limited areas or in the distant past. But the right contract can make a vital difference not just to recording and enforcing if need be the contract terms but also in ensuring the agreement deals with the real issues and approaches them in a practical way. Finding help in this area is not easy as the market tends to offer little between serious academic tomes on the one hand and student summaries geared to exams on the other. Business Contracts Handbook fills that gap covering both the basics of contract law in an accessible style and using a thoroughly practical approach to understanding and negotiating the key terms in a business contract. If you have little prior knowledge Charles Boundy's many years of experience in drafting and providing guidance on business agreements of all kinds will enable you to acquire a working background quickly. If you have years of experience you will still benefit from a checklist a reminder of what is important and why and an easy reference to up-to-date language and drafting - there is always more to learn. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570570

Business Cultures in Europe Major changes which have occurred since this book was first published have been included in this edition. In particular the chapter on Germany has been substantially revised and now includes a separate section on easter Germany. The other five countries covered in the book have also witnessed changes in their business culture and these have been taken into consideration. This book examines the background to business practice in Europe of six major countries: Germany France Italy the UK Spain and the Netherlands. Each chapter tracks the commercial development of that country in the late 1970s 1980s and early 1990s focusing on the business environment special features affecting business and the response to the EC's single market. The business culture section in each is divided further into business and government business and the economy business and the law business and finance business and the labour market business and trade unions and business training education and development. The test is organized in such a manner to enable cross-referencing between countries and maps have been included in the new edition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138156241

Business cycle theory as a basis for economic policy This book aims to start a debate on the relationship between economic theory – and more precisely business cycle theory – and economic policy emphasising the diversity of views on economic policy which characterised older periods in contrast to the homogeneity of the analysis and diagnosis provided by current business cycles developments. Since the 1970s economic theorists excluding any economic policy interventions and favouring strictly supply-side economic policies have gained a growing influence. The development of Equilibrium Business Cycles theories coincides with the collapse at least in academic circles of the Keynesian consensus favouring stabilization policies. The alternative approach which emerged was based on an a priori hypothesis about the stability of the economy – or at least on its remarkable ability to stabilize itself. The direct consequence of this approach is that any stabilization objective for economic policy is not only misguided but also inefficient. There are many reasons why Keynesian policies ceased to be dominant in theoretical circles but the most helpful circumstances for the rapid propagation of a new revolutionary theory is certainly the existence of an established orthodoxy clearly inconsistent with the most salient facts of reality. This book offers a sample of different theoretical approaches to business cycles examining their respective views on economic policy with the objective of understanding business cycles that have been lost and identifying those views which explain fluctuations and the way we conceive economic policy. This book was originally published as a special issue of The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138106659

Business Cycles Why do we experience business cycles? What creates them? Is it mass psychology or phenomena in the management of business? Are the banks to blame or should we be looking to the unions and the politicians? Lars Tvede's story moves back in time to the Scottish gambler and financial genius John Law and then on to the distracted Adam Smith the stockbroker Ricardo the investment banker Thornton the extrovert Schumpeter the speculator Jay Gould and many others. The computer jugglers of the modern day with giant networks of equations try to solve the same questions that have attracted the attention of classical economists throughout the centuries. Throughout this volume business cycle theories are used to explain actual events. Theoretical thinking has reflected the economist's own experiences of hyper-inflations depressions speculation orgies and liquidity squeezes. The reader can follow the narrative to discover how economists often thought that problems had been solved until new data changed the economic picture once again. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203769553

Business Cycles and DepressionsAn Encyclopedia First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203056080

Business Cycles and Economic CrisesA Bibliometric and Economic History Throughout the history of economic thought interest in business cycles and economic crises has sometimes been observed to rise during times of crises recessions and depressions. However the treatment of this topic in the literature has generally been merely anecdotal.This book presents a bibliometric and econometric analysis of the development of business cycle and crises theory and its connection to economic developments particularly since the early 20th century. The book explores the connection between economic development and the literature utilising systematic bibliometric and rigorous econometric methods and drawing its data from a wide range of sources. This volume provides quantitative answers to questions which have not previously been subject to a precise and comprehensive empirical analysis.This book will be of great interest to historians of economic thought for its novel treatment of a much-discussed topic and its well-founded and transparent results. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367665760

Business Cycles and Economic Policy (RLE: Business Cycles) This book provides information on a statistical account and theoretical interpretation of Swedish business cycles since 1918 as well as a survey of the problems of economic policy as revealed both in practice and in theoretical discussion during the inter-war and post-war periods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138888289

Business Cycles in Economic ThoughtA history Business Cycles in Economic Thought underlines how over the time span of two centuries economic thought interacted with cycles in a continuous renewal of theories and rethinking of policies whilst economic actions embedded themselves into past economic thought.This book argues that studying crises and periods of growth in different European countries will help to understand how different national political and cultural traditions influenced the complex interaction of economic cycles and economic theorizing. The editors of this great volume bring together expert contributors consisting of economists historians of economic thought and historians of economics to analyse crises and theories of the nineteenth and the twentieth century. This is alongside a comprehensive outlook on the most relevant advances of economic theory in France Germany and Italy as well as coverage of non-European countries such as the United States. Several of the highly prestigious Villa Vigoni Trilateral Conferences formed the background for the discussions in this book. This volume is of great interest to students and academics who study history of economic thought political economy and macroeconomics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367878245

Business CyclesPart I In the years following its publication F. A. Hayek's pioneering work on business cycles was regarded as an important challenge to what was later known as Keynesian macroeconomics. Today as debates rage on over the monetary origins of the current economic and financial crisis economists are once again paying heed to Hayek's thoughts on the repercussions of excessive central bank interventions. The latest editions in Routledge's ongoing series The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek these volumes bring together Hayek's work on what causes periods of boom and bust in the economy. Moving away from the classical emphasis on equilibrium Hayek demonstrates that business cycles are generated by the adaptation of the structure of production to changes in relative demand. Thus when central banks artificially lower interest rates the result is a misallocation of capital and the creation of asset bubbles and additional instability. Business Cycles: Part I contains Hayek's two major monographs on the topic: Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle and Prices and Production. Reproducing the text of the original 1933 translation of the former this edition also draws on the original German as well as more recent translations. For Prices and Production a variorum edition is presented incorporating the 1931 first edition and its 1935 revision. Business Cycles: Part II assembles a series of Hayek's shorter papers on the topic ranging from the 1920s to 1981. In addition to bringing together Hayek's work on the evolution of business cycles the two volumes of Business Cycles also include extensive introductions by Hansjoerg Klausinger placing the writings in intellectual context including their reception and the theoretical debates to which they contributed and providing background on the evolution of Hayek's thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415641159

Business CyclesPart II In the years following its publication F. A. Hayek's pioneering work on business cycles was regarded as an important challenge to what was later known as Keynesian macroeconomics. Today as debates rage on over the monetary origins of the current economic and financial crisis economists are once again paying heed to Hayek's thoughts on the repercussions of excessive central bank interventions. The latest editions in Routledge's ongoing series The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek these volumes bring together Hayek's work on what causes periods of boom and bust in the economy. Moving away from the classical emphasis on equilibrium Hayek demonstrates that business cycles are generated by the adaptation of the structure of production to changes in relative demand. Thus when central banks artificially lower interest rates the result is a misallocation of capital and the creation of asset bubbles and additional instability. Business Cycles: Part I contains Hayek's two major monographs on the topic: Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle and Prices and Production. Reproducing the text of the original 1933 translation of the former this edition also draws on the original German as well as more recent translations. For Prices and Production a variorum edition is presented incorporating the 1931 first edition and its 1935 revision. Business Cycles: Part II assembles a series of Hayek's shorter papers on the topic ranging from the 1920s to 1981. In addition to bringing together Hayek's work on the evolution of business cycles the two volumes of Business Cycles also include extensive introductions by Hansjoerg Klausinger placing the writings in intellectual context including their reception and the theoretical debates to which they contributed and providing background on the evolution of Hayek's thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415641173

Business Decision Making Originally published in 1981. Risk is a problem which all business decision makers have to cope with. The problem is not insurmountable however as there now exist well-established techniques for minimising risk and for calculating which of various available options is the optimal one to pursue. This book outlines and discusses these techniques and the theories behind them. Unlike many economic theories which only rarely have any practical applications the techniques put forward in this book can be used by real businessmen to solve real business problems. The book concentrates on decision-making in two main areas: the allocation of a firm’s resources and the selection of new investments; and the techniques and theories discussed fall into three broad groups: linear programming decision theory and capital market theory. Intended as an advanced undergraduate textbook for students taking business economics or managerial economics courses this valuable book will interest specialists and students involved in management studies microeconomics strategic planning operational research accounting and MBA programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138564480

Business Decision Making in China Knowledgeable decision making not only saves you time money and effort but also leads you to extra opportunities. Business Decision Making in China improves your business acumen by showing you who (in itals) is involved in business decision making how (in itals) decisions have been made what (in itals) the characteristics and strategies of Chinese decision making are and why (in itals) decision making has followed certain patterns in China. Practitioners consultants and government officials who are involved in business with China as well as academicians researching or teaching about business in East Asia will find this book to be an invaluable resource. Business Decision Making in China introduces you to such subjects as Chinese organizational structures and relationships tactics of decision making and traditional Chinese culture. Other vital topics you learn about include: the pros and cons of joint venture enterprises in China the climate for foreign banks operating in China the importance of saving face the concept of “the golden mean” the unity of opposites (Yin-Yang) the 4 realms of Chinese managers’daily affairs modes of thinking (universality versus individuality thinking in images understanding abstract thoughts) the parallels between the 5 elements (metal wood water fire earth) and the 4 P’s (product price promotion place)As a guidebook for Chinese business Business Decision Making in China addresses the broad and integrative discipline of decision making and helps Western business people (who have an entirely different set of patterns styles processes philosophical thoughts and tactics of decision making) to adapt to their Chinese business partners’or opponents’decision making. Since this book explains the profound process of Chinese decision making in uncomplicated terms and practical business experiences readers will be able to apply their new knowledge to their long-range strategic planning to skillfully solving their daily problems or questions and to wisely avoiding losses from a multitude of potential pitfalls. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203058503

Business Development 'Business Development' provides a readable and practical book for the growth and development of businesses. This is primarily a textbook for the NVQ4 Business Development qualification the Institute of Management Certificate in Owner Management courses and HND Small business modules but the text is also an invaluable practical guide to owner-managers of small businesses. All businesses pass through several stages of growth and it occurs for a number of reasons such as change in the commercial market increased customer demand for services or product higher numbers of customers. Business Development shows how to make the most of this growth and also how to deal with the different types of problems that are encountered along the way. The book is structured to follow a logical sequence of questions that makes it readily accessible: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? What resources are needed to get there? What sales and marketing policies do we need to develop? It examines the personnel and staffing implications the efficiency of the current financial management process and the owner's own abilities to make it all happen. Most important of all it makes the owner-manager takes a long hard look at the business and where it is really going. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138148819

Business Development for the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry Business Development in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries accounts for over $5 billion in licensing deal value per year and much more than that in the value of mergers and acquisitions. Transactions range from licences to patented academic research to product developments as licences joint ventures and acquisition of intellectual property rights and on to collaborations in development and marketing locally or across the globe. Asset sales mergers and corporate takeovers are also a part of the business development remit. The scope of the job can be immense spanning the life-cycle of products from the earliest levels of research to the disposal of residual marketing rights involving legal regulatory manufacturing clinical development sales and marketing and financial aspects. The knowledge and skills required of practitioners must be similarly broad yet the availability of information for developing a career in business development is sparse. Martin Austin's highly practical guide spans the complete process and is based on his 30 years of experience in the industry and the well-established training programme that he has developed and delivers to pharmaceutical executives from across the world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570587

Business Development in Licensed Retailing 'Business Development in Licensed Retailing: a unit manager's guide' details the indispensable skills and techniques needed to manage units within licensed retail organisations in a flexible and entrepreneurial manner. This book: · Forms the basis of a complete course for a unit manager's development.· Provides an overview of the range of skills needed for effective unit management. · Supports the development of techniques with examples from existing best practice and case examples from companies such as JD Wetherspoon's TGI Fridays and McDonald's amongst others.Business Development in Licensed Retailing considers the functional management techniques required at unit management level covering recruitment human resource management operations service quality and customer relations financial measurement and analysis promotions and strategic planning. The analysis systematically provides all the practical know-how you need to produce of a comprehensive business plan for your unit. Ending with a comprehensive case study that demonstrates all the aspects of business development working in a real-life scenario the text is ideally suited for lecturers and management development personnel to use as a learning resource through which readers can apply the principles and techniques outlined. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138175518

Business Ecology Business ecology is a new field that synthesizes centuries of cultural wisdom a close observation of natural systems and proven business success strategies such as strategic planning and total quality management. It emulates nature's systems design to provide a harmonious relationship-oriented approach that reveals how your organization really works. This book applies these principles to help you integrate profitability stakeholder relations and environmental performance � giving your organization the natural edge in emerging ecological economy. Business ecology measures not just financial but overall viability by revealing vital flows and relationships that sustain your business. It is a lens for seeing those intangible elements of your organization's design -- such as core values value-creation cycles and innovative thinking � that are essential factors shaping its success.The Business Ecology Network (BEN) founded in 1995 is a catalyst for life-sustaining enterprise. BEN is a learning community for leaders and managers who want to apply a new way of thinking � business ecology � to create new sustainable opportunities for their businesses and non profit organizations. Visit the BEN web page at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138433267

Business Economics The Eurozone crisis and the age of austerity as well as challenges to the environment as a result of economic growth have highlighted the need for a greater understanding of those facets of economics that are of most use to businesses and their decision makers. This book introduces all of the relevant theoretical aspects of the subject and applies them to real-life examples of economics that are of particular interest to students today including: the impact of globalization; the way in which ‘green’ perspectives can be built into decision making and how the financial crisis has challenged economists politicians and business people to rethink their existing ideas. Replete with illuminating case studies and benefitting from features such as activities review questions and further reading Business Economics introduces the theory and practice of economics for non-specialist students new to the topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781444170450

Business Economics 'Business Economics: Theory and Application' is an undaunting and accessible text that focuses on the real world of business and how this relates to economics. The links to business are far more intrinsic that in other business economics textbooks where a business "flavour" is simply added to traditional economics theory. It provides an in-depth jargon-free analysis particularly relevant for one semester courses. A variety of case studies and questions are used throughout the text both to illustrate key points and for seminar and assignment work. Diagrams are included to aid the explanation of complex issues and review and discussion questions are incorporated to consolidate and expand on the learning. A lecturer's supplement accompanies the text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138146952

Business Economics and Finance with MATLAB GIS and Simulation Models This book takes recent theoretical advances in Finance and Economics and shows how they can be implemented in the real world. It presents tactics for using mathematical and simulation models to solve complex tasks of forecasting income valuing businesses predicting retail sales and evaluating markets and tax and regulatory problems. Business Economics and Finance with Matlab GIS and Simulation Models provides a unique overview of sophisticated business and financial applications. It describes models that have been developed for analysis of retail sales tax policy location economic impact public policy issues and other challenges faced by executives investors and economists on a daily basis. It also offers groundbreaking insight into the many calculation and modeling tools that can be remotely hosted and run over the Internet resulting in substantial user benefits and cost savings. This book is the first to fully explore the capabilities of MATLAB in the field of business economics and explain how the benefits of sophisticated mathematical models can be provided to users via the Internet using a thin-client environment. Many techniques directly incorporate geographic information and GIS in a way that was impossible until quite recently. Some techniques such as fuzzy logic retail sales economic and fiscal impact models and other Matlab and Simulink models are described for the first time in print in this book. The sections on business income and value break new ground by directly incorporating uncertainty real option value and prediction of variables using Ito and jump processes. Using dozens of examples hundreds of references and rigorous explanations of both theory and practice it will become a prized reference for analysts demanding the best techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367394066

Business Ecosystems in ChinaAlibaba and Competing Baidu Tencent Xiaomi and LeEco We cannot afford to miss the remarkable rise of Chinese business ecosystems. Alibaba and their peers Baidu Tencent Xiaomi and LeEco showcase unprecedented growth and success in China and are expanding their impact globally. With a combined market capitalization of close to 600 billion USD incubating over 1 000 new ventures and an average annual growth of over 50% they have become a force to reckon with for the likes of Google Microsoft Apple Amazon and IBM. ‘Business ecosystem’ is a frequently used concept to describe the unique competitive advantages of the American technology giants. This book explores not only the application of a business ecosystem approach in the Chinese context but also deals with the key strategic question: How did these five Chinese business ecosystems grow so rapidly and successfully? The book takes the growth and transformation of Alibaba’s business ecosystem as a focus case in comparison with Baidu Tencent Xiaomi and LeEco. These business ecosystems developed in less than 20 years and transformed from organic growth to rapid expansion by investment and acquisition entrepreneurship and incubation of new ventures continuous innovation and internationalization. This book brings insights and practical lessons on leading creating and disrupting markets for corporate executives and professionals in global business a comparative case study for researchers and students of management and food for thought on Chinese ways of doing business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138630956

Business Essentials for Utility Engineers It is no longer acceptable for utility engineers to make spending decisions solely because they make good engineering sense. In today’s environment they must also demonstrate solid business acumen and show that recommendations make good business sense. With this goal in mind Business Essentials for Utility Engineers systematically presents each business topic to arm engineers with the tools and vocabulary necessary to be more effective when interacting with senior management and for promotion to senior management. This book covers all business concepts important to utility engineers including regulation ratemaking accounting finance risk management economics budgeting and asset management. The author applies his vast corporate experience to give readers a solid foundation for business theory discussing the idiosyncrasies of utilities and using advanced mathematics to demonstrate business concepts. He also explains how to properly apply this theory to utilities expounding on specific business skills that will greatly benefit utility engineers in their daily jobs. Chapters are organized to build sequentially upon each other and take advantage of the mathematical sophistication and deductive nature of engineers when presenting material. After reading this book utility engineers will view their industry from a new perspective and will have a greatly expanded business vocabulary. Suitable for self-study undergraduate study graduate study or as a desk reference this book provides a robust framework for correct business thinking and a solid foundation for further learning. WAtch Richard E. Brown talk about his book at: Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315218182

Business Ethics A foundational text for the modern business student and an essential instructor resource this book presents a thorough and comprehensive introduction to business ethics. Taking a strategic stakeholder approach—one that emphasizes how important it is to balance multiple stakeholders’ needs—students will develop the critical skills they need to analyze and solve complex ethical issues while ensuring overall business success. The second edition retains Business Ethics’ strong balance of theory and practice but incorporates several new features including: Fresh cases ensuring students are exposed to the most topical real-world examples A global view with examples from international and emerging markets and coverage of ethical standards from around the world An expanded chapter on individual ethical decision-making as well as a new chapter devoted to ethical theory A renewed emphasis on the popular boxed features with more integration of newer case studies and the addition of "Emerging Market Business Ethics Insights" The latest data on business ethics and ethics related issues from a variety of reputable sources A comprehensive set of lecture slides test questions and instructor notes provide additional material for the classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138745346

Business Ethics After the Global Financial CrisisLessons from The Crash The global financial crisis (GFC) that began in 2007 concentrated attention on the morality of banking and financial activities. Just as mainstream businesses became increasingly defined by their financial performance banks it seemed got themselves – and everyone else – into trouble through an over-emphasis on themselves as commercial enterprises that need pay little attention to traditional banking virtues or ethics. While the GFC had many causes criticism was legitimately levelled at banks over the ethics of mortgage creation excessive securitisation executive remuneration and high-pressure customer sales tactics amongst other things. These criticisms mirror those that have been levelled at the business more generally particular in the last decade although the backdrop provided by the GFC is more dramatic and the outcomes of supposed wrongdoing more severe. This book focuses on business ethics after the GFC; not on the crisis itself but how we should respond to it. The GFC has focused minds on the proper role of ethics in the understanding and conduct of business activity but it is essential to look beyond the crisis to address the deeper challenges that it highlights. The aim of this volume is to present examples of the latest philosophically-informed thinking across a range of ethical issues that relate to business activity using the banks and the GFC – the consequences of which continue to reverberate – as a point of departure. The book will be of great value to researchers academics practitioners and students interested in business ethics in general and business ethics in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138330504

Business Ethics and Care in Organizations Care is a human ability we all need for growing and flourishing. It implies considering the needs and interests of others and the quality of how we relate to each other is often defined by care. While the value of care in private life is widely recognized its role in the public sphere is contested and subject to political debates. In work organizations instrumentality frequently overrides considerations for colleagues’ and co-workers’ well-being while relationships are often sacrificed in the service of performance and meeting organizational targets. The questions this volume attempts to address concerns the organizational conditions that make care flourish and how a caring organization functions in practice. Specifically we examine what it means to care for each other and what enhances caring behaviours in organizations. The volume ultimately focuses on how caring relations can contribute to making organizations better places. In this perspective care involves the recognition of and the limitations of work as a key aspect of personal and social identity. Because care exceeds the sphere of individual intimacy the book will also centre on the necessity for building caring institutions through a political process that considers the needs contributions and prospects of many different actors. This book aims to contribute to academic discussions on care in organizations care work business and organizational ethics diversity caring leadership well-being in organizations and research ethics. Managers consultants policy-makers and students will find reflections about the goodness of care in organizations and guidance about the ethical and practical difficulties of pursuing the project of building caring organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140601

Business Ethics and Strategy Volumes I and II This volume is intended as a reference for those interested in the relationship between business strategy and business ethics broadly conceived. Several articles have been selected from various leading journals in management strategy and ethics. An introductory chapter provides an overview of the articles but it also relates them systematically to a fundamental dualism involving values ethics and politics all viewed from the perspective of business and business studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261102

Business Ethics and the Austrian Tradition in Economics Stakeholder value corporate social responsibility and sustainability: Are these and similar concepts sufficiently clear for fruitful research in business ethics? What is the benchmark to prove their utility? Business Ethics and the Austrian Tradition in Economics is a treatise on the fundamental questions of business ethics and addresses significant shortcomings in the field. It is the result of correlating reflections on phenomena resulting from an intersection of ethics economics methodology and political and social philosophy. Sparked by the business ethicists’ tendency to consider certain areas outside their field and accept others unquestioningly this book provides answers in the tradition of Austrian Economics and in particular of Hayek and Popper.    Through detailed examination and reflection this book presents the thesis that many themes in business ethics are discussed either unduly intensely unbalanced or rarely measured against what business ethics as a science should deliver. It does so by offering an answer to one of the most crucial questions in business ethics namely that of justice in moral economic actions. Bouillon develops an original definition of morally just economic action in the course of three chapters and subsequently uses it as yardstick from which in chapter four he reads which of the relevant concepts and topics in business ethics ask for restatement. As a side-product Bouillon discloses logical inconsistencies in prominent political philosophies and the consequences of these inconsistencies for maldevelopments in business ethics. Business Ethics and the Austrian Tradition in Economics illustrates and analyses the business etchics’ peculiarities particularly within German literature providing the reader with a focus rarely found elsewhere. This book should be of interest to economics postgraduates and researchers looking at business ethics economic theory and social and political philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138807709

Business Ethics in East AsiaExamples in Historical Context For organisations and management the role of business ethics is of key importance but to what extent business ethics are actually new or fashionable or universally applicable are interesting questions. Asia has been the site of contests between competing economic and ethical views of how economic norms and institutions are organized. This book examines the evolutionary similarities and differences of institutionalizing business ethics in Asia in a historical context and in comparison to better-explored business ethics literature both empirically and theoretically. This collection uses both historical and contemporary cases in Japan Korea and China to show that these countries have tried to balance their traditional business ethics norms and values with those that have been introduced from the West. Underpinning the case studies is the fact that these countries have historically pursued ethical mandates in running private corporations although corruptive practices were also rampant during different historical periods. The contributions to the book analyse how the theories and models of New Institutionalism and Modes of Exchange fare in their attempts to explain Asian business ethics. As the results indicate historical methods must accompany any analysis of business ethics. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Asia Pacific Business Review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367077044

Business Ethics in Islam Islamic Business Finance is based on strong ethical regulations as suggested by Islamic Literature such as the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet of Islam and could be considered as a subclass of the wider subject of ethical standards in business. This book highlights the basic principles of Islamic Business ethics and their implication in today’s global business environment. It highlights the most important features of Islamic banking and finance in relation to the core principles of Shariah law. It is the most comprehensive book to date in terms of the number of Quranic verses and traditions of the Prophet relating to this subject which are interspersed throughout the text. It explains how ethics are defined both in general terms and within the context of an Islamic perspective. In addition it provides a logical interpretation of Islamic principles of business ethics while keeping in view thethrough the use of contemporary business practices. Topics such as digital currencies money laundering etc. are discussed at length. This book also discusses the new and emerging ethical issues faced by business and industry globally. This book will be a valuable reference guide for students teachers and researchers of Islamic banking and finance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367344917

Business Ethics in the Middle East Business Ethics in the Middle East fills a crucial gap in the Middle East educational landscape. Written in an easy and accessible format this book covers the foundations of business ethics by drawing from both Eastern and Western traditions. The chapters include many examples case studies activities and illustrations that are customized to the Middle Eastern market yet relevant to readers outside of the Middle East who want thorough insights about business behaviour in the region. A special module introduces the Arab Middle Eastern context that non-Arab readers will find valuable. The author addresses topics related to organizational culture leadership CSR corporate governance marketing HR accounting finance and production. This is accomplished with a deep attention to the cultural and contextual elements of the Middle East. Special attention is given to religious business ethics while still deeply engaging the vast heritage of Western ethical systems. This combination is essential for the development of a comprehensive approach to the topic of business ethics. This textbook will be essential reading for students of business ethics in the Middle East and will also be valuable for students and researchers across business ethics Islamic Studies religion and philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138222946

Business EthicsA Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World Events such as Trafigura's illegal dumping of toxic waste in Côte d’Ivoire and BP's environmentally disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have highlighted ethical issues in international business at a time when business leaders academics and business schools were reflecting on their own responsibilities following the global financial crisis. The scope and scale of the global operations of multinational businesses means that decisions taken in different parts of the world have far reaching consequences beyond the national settings where employees are located or where firms are registered and as such an awareness of these responsibilities needs to be integrated into all levels and all subjects. Using four guiding principles – a critical multi-level approach rooted in the tradition of European social theory a comparative and international perspective a global rather than just a European or American stand point and engaging with subject-specific issues this book aims to 'mainstream' business ethics into the work of teachers and students in business schools. This comprehensive volume brings together contributions from a range of experts in different areas of business studies thereby facilitating and encouraging a move away from business ethics being a box to be ticked to being an integrated consideration across the business disciplines. This impressive book brings ethical considerations back to the heart of the business curriculum and in doing so provides a companion for the progressive business student throughout their university career. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415663588

Business EthicsA stakeholder governance and risk approach Traditionally books on business ethics focus on CSR companies’ relations with their stakeholders and corporate citizenship. More recently green credentials and sustainability have been added to that agenda. Unconventionally this book argues that business ethics are basic to running business not a separate subject. They are inherent to the governance and management of every organization not an optional exercise in corporate citizenship. Business ethics concern behaviour in business and the behaviour of business. Decisions at every level in a company have ethical implications – strategically in the board room managerially throughout the organization and operationally in all of its activities. The use and sometimes the abuse of corporate power the process of corporate governance raises ethical issues. Business involves risk-taking whether decisions are at the strategic managerial or operational level. Exposure to ethical risk needs to be part of every organization’s strategy formulation policy making and enterprise risk management. Designed to be read by both undergraduates and postgraduates this book is a primer on ethics in business. It is also relevant to ethics courses that are now part of many legal accountancy and other professional examinations. The book is not about moral philosophy nor does it prescribe appropriate standards of behaviour or recommend economic legal or political solutions. Rather it enables readers to recognize ethical issues in business to respond appropriately and to embed ethics in business processes. The book not only considers what business ethics are and why they are important but offers practical approaches on how to develop a successful corporate ethics culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415815017

Business EthicsA Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach Can business activities and decisions be virtuous? This is the first business ethics textbook to take a virtue ethics approach. It explains how virtue ethics compares with alternative approaches to business ethics such as utilitarianism and deontology and argues that virtue ethics best serves the common good of society. Looking across the whole spectrum of business—including finance governance leadership marketing and production—each chapter presents the theory of virtue ethics and supports students’ learning with chapter objectives in-depth interviews with professionals and real-life case studies from a wide range of countries. Business Ethics: A Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach is a valuable text for advanced undergraduates and masters-level students on business ethics courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138242579

Business EthicsBrief Readings on Vital Topics These readings grew out of the author's monthly column on business ethics in the business section of the Athens Banner-Herald newspaper. Written in an open and engaging style the book features topics that are timely each followed by several thought provoking discussion questions. The book includes readings on the current financial crisis in order to challenge today's students to confront the economic reality in which they will have to live. An excellent addition to any Business Ethics course. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315822020

Business EthicsMethods and Application  Ethical aspects of business and the economy are of increasing concern in business practice higher education and society in general. This concern results from significant business scandals and economic crises such as the financial crisis of 2008 and the following great recession as well as from pressing current and future challenges for the economy such as sustainability and globalization. As a result there is a growing demand for normative analysis and orientation for business and the economy where business ethics has become a crucial part of organizational management risk management branding and strategic management. Business Ethics: Methods and Application provides a new systematic approach to normative business ethics that covers the complex and various ethical challenges of modern business. It aims to train analytical thinking skills in the field of business ethics and to approach ethical issues in business in a rational and systematic way. The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business. The book discusses fundamental ethical questions regarding the meaning of business and the economy for the individual person society the environment and people around the world. As a result Business Ethics: Methods and Application develops normative guidelines for business in the 21st century and its fundamental challenges and will be key reading for undergraduate postgraduate and MBA students of business ethics business strategy business and society and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367027872

Business EthicsNew Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders The many recent high profile corporate scandals highlight the need for companies to do a better job of integrating ethics and responsibility into business decisions - and for business schools to integrate ethics awareness and training into their curricula. This volume sets the agenda for business ethics and corporate responsibility in the future. It brings together ideas challenges and proposed solutions for thinking about - and implementing - effective ethics programs in business schools and business organizations. Edited by two highly regarded business educators and featuring contributions by leading scholars and administrators Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders covers all dimensions of ethical decision making - individual organizational and societal. The thirteen original chapters offer new and emerging perspectives for creating ethical business leadership and developing organizational ethics initiatives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315497815

Business Events The dynamic and fast-expanding business events sector plays a vital role in the professional lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide by providing settings in which they can meet for the purposes of negotiation deliberation motivation the dissemination of knowledge and the celebration of their greatest career-related achievements. This book provides a sound practical and theoretical context for the study of this subject by covering in depth all categories of business-related events including corporate meetings association conferences political events incentive travel exhibitions corporate hospitality awards ceremonies and SMERF (social military educational religious and fraternal) gatherings. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect recent developments in business events including: Five new chapters on business events destination marketing knowledge sustainability ethics and technology New ‘It’s my job’ voice boxes offering practical insights from people employed in the business events industry A wide range of new case studies illustrating business events throughout the world including emerging business events destinations such as Russia and the Middle East Written in an accessible yet analytical manner Business Events is essential reading for all students of events tourism and hospitality management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138735767

Business ExcellenceExceeding Your Customers' Expectations Each Time All the Time An organization seeking to sustain and continually improve its competitive performance over many years must have a strategy – a Business Excellence Strategy.This book guides and illustrates the strategic journey to excellence from major initiatives through everyday improvement programs and helps the reader achieve of important strategic objectives and goals. This business excellence program will unite employees internal and external customers and suppliers through a common set of goals. It will help your organization improve at a pace that will outperform the competition and will elevate your company's reputation and marketshare. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781498751247

Business for Society This book is about promoting corporate responsibility in its original meaning: businesses should have a positive impact on society and society should not only be a lever of making a profit. When we treat social responsibility as an external function of the core business we are exposed to the worst. Business for Society seeks to redress the balance and promotes the original idea of corporate responsibility. This first book in the series of the same name sets the scene and presents the key theories across the various management disciplines to answer the following questions: ‘How why and under what conditions can business act for society?’ The book narrows and discusses examples of businesses which are making impressive strides in delivering positive impacts for society as well as their bottom lines; but as the concept of corporate responsibility has become more mainstream in recent years many organisations have adopted the term and reduced it to a marketing message. Areas covered include a historical perspective on the hijacking of business responsibility towards society management knowledge and value the Business for Society project against hijacking accounting for society finance for society and governance for society and democracy. The book will be of interest for scholars and students in the fields of corporate social responsibility business ethics and governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367345495

Business Groups and Financial MarketsA Weberian Analysis This work builds on the classical sociological contributions of Weber Simmel and Toennies and makes the case for different and alternative ideal-typical models of business relations which the author calls "English" and "German."The "English" model of business relations is characterized by free competition between firms. They abide by the ethical rules of fair business and the moral economy in market exchanges. Their relations are accordingly based on mutual trust. As a rule they do not cultivate privileged relations with political authorities.By contrast the "German" model involves hierarchical relations between a group's major firm and its smaller units. There is no moral community binding together the different groups and therefore no mutual trust between them. Business groups maintain close relations based on reciprocal favours with authorities.The author compares the London and New York Stock Exchanges in the late nineteenth century finding the former better approximates the "English" model and shows this model's superior performance. "English" model countries such as Taiwan have been shown to be more competitive in market exchanges than countries such as South Korea which approximate the "German" model. A new epilogue makes use of more recent information and confirms Segre's arguments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412856850

Business Guide to the Philippines The Business Guides are aimed at business people requiring an accurate and up-to-date guide to how business is orfganised and regulated in Asia.Business Guides aim to cover : negociation preparation foreign trade Customs business law financing marketing and distribution taxation intellectual property foreign investment economic conditions and trends The Business Guide to the Philippines part of the Business Guide to Asia Series provides detailed information on setting up and running business ventures in the Philippines.All contributors are experts and specialists in their fields providing you with an unparalleled wealth of insider knowledge. Each chapter is packed with the kind of information and advice usually available only to elite clients with large budgets for outside consultants.Business Guides will include th following countries: Japan Malaysia Hong Kong India Thailand Korea Indonesia China Singapore Taiwan Vietnam Laos Cambodia Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138435988

Business History First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761208

Business History and International Business Business History and International Business are cognate subjects. There are few if any studies of international business that do not require a proper study of context. International business decision making must be made relevant by a considered evaluation of the circumstances surrounding that decision. This often means putting it into its historical context. The contributions that the study of international business can make to business history are the input of appropriate theory and appropriate research methods. The best international business theory can illuminate the seemingly disparate strategies of firms in given historical circumstances and can provide an integrated overarching conceptual structure of the study of business history. The research methods used in international business are also worthy of scrutiny by business historians. The proposition of this book is that international business theory and method can complement business history. This cross-fertilization has been occurring with increasing regularity over the past few decades and this book brings together some of the fruits of this conjunction of two important intellectual domains. This book was published as a special issue of Business History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863903

Business HistoryComplexities and Comparisons This major new textbook on business history brings together the expertise of two internationally renowned authors to provide a thorough overview of the developments in business – from just before the industrial revolution right up to the present day. Business History is global in scope and looks at the major players – Europe the US and Japan – as well as emerging economies such as China and India. Focusing mainly on ‘big business‘ Amatori and Colli critically analyze ‘the firm‘ and its interaction with the evolution of economic technological and political systems at the micro and macro levels. This up-to-date textbook is an exceptional resource for students on economic and business history courses as well as for practitioners interested in broadening their understanding of business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415423977

Business HistorySelected Readings First Published in 1977. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761123

Business HistorySelected Readings This selection of readings demonstrates the use of both descriptive analysis and quantitative methods in the study of business records. The emphasis however is on the role of various quantitative approaches. Part I contains articles that consider a number of questions about the methods to be used and the aims of business history research. How is the subject to be defined? What types of analysis are most useful in research? In what ways can the findings of any research he used? Part II provides a number of examples of business history writing that demonstrate the results of a quantitative approach using both Primary and secondary source material. Some of the papers concentrate on the growth and performance of firms from various sectors of the economy. Some consider features of industrial structure. Others concentrate on techniques of marketing personnel management and the assessment of profitability. Part III focuses on the techniques of manage meat that have been used to motivate or control the development of business activity. The studies include an analysis of the role of accounting data and other types of information aids to forecasting market analysis and the problems of risk and uncertainty in business decision making within various contexts. The editor has not only provided an introduction to the reprinted articles but he has also included in Part IV several special appendices useful for future research in business history. There is a section on allowing for changes in the unit of account. Another appendix deals with the merits and limitations of financial ratio analysis. An extensive bibliography is also provided. This authoritative text was first published in 1977. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315019949

Business Improvement DistrictsResearch Theories and Controversies Initiated and governed by property or business owners under the authorization of state and local governments business improvement districts (BIDs) have received a very mixed reception. To some they are innovative examples of self-governance and public-private partnerships; to others they are yet another example of the movement toward the privatization of what should be inherent government responsibilities. Among the first books to present a collection of scholarly work on the subject Business Improvement Districts: Research Theories and Controversies brings together renowned leaders in the field to compile the highest-quality theoretical legal and empirical studies into one comprehensive volume. Investigating fundamental concerns at the core of the debate as well as potential solutions this groundbreaking resource: Tackles the need for improved problem solving and efficiency in service delivery Examines new and innovative policy tools for both the public and private sectors Evaluates whether BIDs do ignore the needs and voices of residential property owners Discusses the challenge created by social segregation in cities Addresses lack of accountability by BIDs to the public and elected representatives From different perspectives leading practitioners and academics analyze the pros and cons of BIDs both in the United States and around the world. They look at their impact on urban planning and retail revitalization consider their legal implications and explore ways to measure BID performance. Filled with case studies of urban centers including San Diego Atlanta New York Toronto and Capetown and state models such as New Jersey and Pennsylvania this examination bring together essential information for researchers as well as those leaders and policy makers looking to adopt a BID model or improve one already in place. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096025

Business in Contemporary China Business in Contemporary China offers a compilation of the best and most relevant articles on Chinese business for use in the classroom or the boardroom. Covering political economic and environmental factors as well as the impact of technological advancements on Asian business the book provides a well-rounded picture of Chinese enterprise. Philips and Kim select only the most recent relevant articles arranged topically with an introduction to each chapter to contextualize and position the content. To further enhance its teaching value each chapter also includes: A "perspectives" opener offering the opinion of a top academic on the topic at hand; Practical application exercises and review questions to test the reader's knowledge and understanding; Discussion questions to stimulate further analysis; Suggested topics for classroom debate; and Bibliographic suggestions for future research. Covering both private and public sector topics this will be a valuable resource for any student of international business  cross-cultural management or strategy  especially for those interested in business in Asia or China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138919563

Business in Emerging Latin America Driven by expanding domestic markets and exports of natural resource commodities Latin America has recently come into focus as an economic force in the international arena. Business in Emerging Latin America provides students with a comprehensive overview of the business environment of this emerging dynamic region. The book begins at the macro level focusing on the region’s geo-political technological social competitive and economic environments. It then moves to the micro level devling into the mosaic of countries with distinct cultures and political economies that comprise Latin America. Capturing the dynamism of this region Business in Emerging Latin America: Provides a thorough and nuanced understanding of the business environment Identifies major drivers of emerging market expansion within the region Analyzes the strategies of companies both within and outside of the region The book includes examples and cases from across the region as well as chapters on entrepreneurship leadership HRM sustainability income inequality social responsibility and transparency. An ideal resource for anyone considering a business venture in the region  the book will especially appeal to students of international business who have a particular interest in Latin America.   For additional instructor resources visit   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415859073

Business In Japana Guide To Japanese Business Practice And Procedure-- Fully Revised Edition This book covers the main practical elements of doing business with the Japanese. It gives the reader sufficient background to understand and associate with the Japan of the 1980s as well as support him with the know-how for searching out and grasping the rich opportunities that lie ahead. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367018399

Business in Post-Communist RussiaPrivatisation and the Limits of Transformation It is a widely held idea that Russia has completed its revolution which brought down the Soviet economy and that many companies after privatisation work as typical western companies. Another belief is that Russia has adopted a market economy but then reverted to authoritarianism. With these two ideas in mind this book discusses the suggestion that the key element of post-Soviet economic and political reforms in the last two decades was the redistribution of assets from the state to oligarchs and the new elite. It looks at why most Russian companies could not achieve strong long–run corporate performance by analysing in detail a range of different Russian companies. The book is a useful tool for understanding the future prospects for Russian business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138182967

Business in the Age of Depression and War First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988026

Business in the Age of Reason First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761192

Business Information Systems and TechnologyA Primer Business information systems and business information technology are integral aspects of modern business and managers in these areas are now expected to have knowledge of human and managerial issues as well as technical ones. This concise and readable book is a level-by-level primer that addresses the core subjects in business information systems and business information technology to enhance students’ understanding of the key areas. Each chapter begins with a case study and features at the end: a summary of major points glossary of terms  suggested further reading and student activities. Some areas covered include: Different functional areas of business including accounting HRM and marketing Development and implementation of information systems Methods to support the analysis and design of policy and practice Strategic management to align information technology with organizational needs Covering the subject matter in a highly accessible manner  this is an ideal text for both undergraduate and masters students on business information systems business information technology and business information management courses. This text is supplemented with over 900 detailed powerpoint slides for instructors accessible via the Routledge Instructor Resource page at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415559195

Business Innovation and Development in Emerging EconomiesProceedings of the 5th Sebelas Maret International Conference on Business Economic Business Innovation driven by the advancement of technology has dramatically changed the business landscape over recent years not only in advanced countries but also in emerging markets. It is expected that business innovation could help achieve economic inclusion which has been a global initiative over the last decade creating opportunities for all people to benefit from the economic development. These proceedings provide an outlet for discussing the importance of business innovation especially in emerging countries in helping to reach inclusive economies. The papers cover the subject areas management accounting finance economics and social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367729424

Business Innovation in AsiaKnowledge and Technology Networks from Japan Industrial competition with rising economies new regional investment from the West and trade pacts among competitors threaten Japan’s long postwar prominence. Global market dynamics and regional competition prompted the shift from offshore factories to local networks in the last decade. Similar forces are driving the recent formation of regional Nikkei - Japan-affiliated - nodes in major industrial clusters in Asia. The central concept of this volume "knowledge networks " refers to interactive linkages around nodes of tacit and codified knowledge embedded in Global Value Chains. Through survey evidence and interviews at firms and factories this book reveals the problems facing knowledge transfer such as persisting difficulties in communication technology transfer and indigenous learning in regional nodes of Nikkei Value Chains and the persistence of earlier patterns of hierarchical coordination in information flows despite the shift towards more horizontal network organization. However a comparison of Nikkei knowledge networks in China South Korea and Thailand reveals the possibilities of an interactive learning community in cross-border investment. If Japan can meet the challenge of tapping Asia’s offshore resources for innovation it will pose a formidable global challenge to Western competitors.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415689984

Business Institutions and Behaviour in Australia This study of Australian business institutions and practices places the rise of big business in Australia in a comparative context through a study of its 100 largest firms in the first six and a half decades of the 20th century.Unlike many of the wealthy economies of the northern hemisphere Australia's lists of the 100 largest firms were dominated up to World War II by those from the resource and service industries. The high levels of foreign direct investment in the resources and manufacturing industries is also highlighted. Other chapters employ 21st-century theories of the firm to explore business behaviour in more depth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039596

Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises Technological developments in recent years have been tremendous. This evolution is visible in companies through technological equipment computerized procedures and management practices associated with technologies. One of the management practices that is visible is related to business intelligence and analytics (BI&A). Concepts such as data warehousing key performance indicators (KPIs) data mining and dashboards are changing the business arena. This book aims to promote research related to these new trends that open up a new field of research in the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) area. Features Focuses on the more recent research findings occurring in the fields of BI&A Conveys how companies in the developed world are facing today's technological challenges Shares knowledge and insights on an international scale Provides different options and strategies to manage competitive organizations Addresses several dimensions of BI&A in favor of SMEs Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367173883

Business Intelligence and Big DataDrivers of Organizational Success The twenty-first century is a time of intensifying competition and progressive digitization. Individual employees managers and entire organizations are under increasing pressure to succeed. The questions facing us today are: What does success mean? Is success a matter of chance and luck or perhaps is success a category that can be planned and properly supported? Business Intelligence and Big Data: Drivers of Organizational Success examines how the success of an organization largely depends on the ability to anticipate and quickly respond to challenges from the market customers and other stakeholders. Success is also associated with the potential to process and analyze a variety of information and the means to use modern information and communication technologies (ICTs). Success also requires creative behaviors and organizational cleverness from an organization. The book discusses business intelligence (BI) and Big Data (BD) issues in the context of modern management paradigms and organizational success. It presents a theoretically and empirically grounded investigation into BI and BD application in organizations and examines such issues as: Analysis and interpretation of the essence of BI and BD Decision support Potential areas of BI and BD utilization in organizations Factors determining success with using BI and BD The role of BI and BD in value creation for organizations Identifying barriers and constraints related to BI and BD design and implementation The book presents arguments and evidence confirming that BI and BD may be a trigger for making more effective decisions improving business processes and business performance and creating new business. The book proposes a comprehensive framework on how to design and use BI and BD to provide organizational success. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367373948

Business Intelligence for Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesAn Agile Roadmap toward Business Sustainability Business intelligence (BI) has evolved over several years as organizations have extended their online transaction processing (OLTP) capabilities and applications to support their routine operations. With online analytical processing (OLAP) organizations have also established the capability to extract internal and external data from a variety of sources to specifically obtain intelligence about non-routine and often less-structured arrangements. BI therefore refers to applications and technologies that are used to gather provide access to and analyze data and information about the operations of an organization. It has the capability of providing comprehensive insight into the more volatile factors affecting the business and its operations thereby facilitating enhanced decision-making quality and contributing to the creation of business value. Larger and more sophisticated organizations have long been exploiting these capabilities. Business Intelligence for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) guides SMEs in replicating this experience to provide an agile roadmap toward business sustainability. The book points out that successful BI implementations have generated significant increases in revenue and cost savings however the failure rates are also very high. More importantly it emphasizes that a full range of BI capabilities is not the exclusive purview of large organizations. It shows how SMEs make extensive use of BI techniques to develop the kind of agility endowing them with the organizational capability to sense and respond to opportunities and threats in an increasingly dynamic business environment. It points to the way to a market environment in which smaller organizations could have a larger role. In particular the book explains that by establishing the agility to leverage internal and external data and information assets SMEs can enhance their competitiveness by having a comprehensive understanding of the key to an agile roadmap for business sustainability. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138584211

Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State This edited volume provides a synthesis on the question of business attitudes towards and its influence over the development of the modern welfare state. It gathers leading scholars in the field to offer both in-depth historical country case studies and comparative chapters that discuss contemporary developments. Composed of six archive-based historical narratives of business’ role in the development of social insurance programs in Germany Finland the Netherlands Switzerland the United Kingdom and the United States and six comparative case studies this volume also extends the study of business to policy fields that have hitherto received little attention in the literature such as active labor market policies educational policies employment protection legislation healthcare private pension programs and work‐family policies. It illuminates why business groups have responded so very differently to demands for increased social protection against different labor market risks in different countries and over time. This text will be of key interest to students and scholars of comparative welfare political science sociology social policy studies comparative political economy and welfare history.   Chapter 4 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815377917

Business JournalismA Critical Political Economy Approach Business Journalism: A Critical Political Economy Approach critically explores the failures of business journalists in striking the balance between the bottom line business model and their role in defending the public interest. Drawing on historical and political economic perspectives and analysing these in relation to critical political economic theory the book explores failures of business journalism through the dwindling of social responsibility in the business journalist’s role in holding political and corporate power to account. Ibrahim Seaga Shaw draws on a diverse range of case studies including: investigative journalism in The Standard Oil and Enron Scandals corporate propaganda in relation to business reporting financial Journalism and the global financial crises of the late-90s and 2008 public business journalism and subprime mortgage loans horsemeat and bent iPhone 6 scandals ethical challenges of business and journalism from developed to emerging BRICS economies business or financial journalism? Modernity vs postmodernity macroeconomics vs microeconomics challenges of business journalism in the digital age. Business Journalism: A Critical Political Economy Approach is essential reading for students and scholars interested in understanding the historical failings and potential futures for business journalism and those wishing to develop specialist financial economic and business reporting in today’s globalised media landscape. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415739085

Business Law This fourth edition of Business Law offers comprehensive and accessible coverage of the key aspects of business law. Established legal topics such as the English legal system Contract Consumer Intellectual Property Company and Employment Law and emerging areas such as Health Safety and Environmental Law are all addressed in the context of business. The work has been thoroughly updated to include all the major recent developments in business law such as the new EU Trade Secrets Directive and case outcomes decided since the publication of the last edition. The book also discusses the impact of Brexit. In addition the book features extensive diagrams and tables revision summaries reading lists and clear key case boxes for easy reference. This book is ideal reading for undergraduate law and business studies students while also applicable to practitioners and those with a more general interest in business law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367277505

Business Law First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164024

Business Law in the Global Marketplace The study of Law forms a component of many undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Its inclusion does not aim to equip business practitioners with skill and expertise to render professional legal advice unnecessary but more to provide a legal framework of reference in which both strategic and more immediate business issues can be placed. Equipping managers with a basic understanding of how law impacts upon business activity can help them avoid legal pitfalls in the first place or at least identify potential problems at an early stage to avoid inconvenience and cost.International business can present problems that are not present in a purely domestic transaction. Any law component in a management program should embrace it and by doing so the business practitioner can be familiarized with the wider picture in which modern business aided by technological development is increasingly practiced. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132184

Business Leaders and Leadership in Asia The quality of its business leadership is a key issue for the future development of Asia’s economies. Although Asia’s economies have grown spectacularly in recent decades they are currently facing increasing challenges. This book explores the current state of business leaders and leadership in Asia. It demonstrates that there is no single model of Asian business leadership and that Western models often do not fit easily alongside Asian cultural values. It discusses how relatively developed Asian economies – Japan Korea Taiwan and Singapore and former socialist economies – China and Vietnam – all have different types of business leadership challenges at present. The book concludes by assessing how business leadership in Asia is likely to develop in future.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871284

Business Leaders and New Varieties of Capitalism in Post-Communist Europe Business leaders exert extraordinary influence on institution building in market economies but they think and act within institutional settings. This book combines both an elite approach with a varieties-of-capitalism approach. Comparing Poland Hungary and East and West Germany we perceive the transformations in East Central Europe and in Germany after 1989 as being intertwined. Based on a joint survey this book seeks to measure the level of the convergence of ideas among European business leaders assuming it to be more extensive than the institutional convergence expected under the dominance of neoliberal discourse. Analyzing the institutional framework organizational features like size ownership and labour relations and subjective characteristics like age social origin career patterns and attitudes of the recent business elites we found significant differences between countries and the types of organization. The growing importance of economic degrees and internationalization shows astonishingly little explanatory power on the views of business leaders. The idea of a coordinated market economy is still relatively widespread among Germans while their Hungarian and Polish counterparts are more likely to display a minimalist view of corporate responsibility to society and adverse attitudes towards employee representation. However their attitudes frequently tend to be inconsistent which mirrors the mixed type of capitalism in East Central Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138652088

Business Leadership Development in China This book argues that China’s businesses and hence China’s future economic development face a huge crisis in that there is a considerable "leadership gap" in China with a shortage of competent business leaders at a time when new leadership skills are required urgently as China’s businesses evolve rapidly and engage ever more with the global economy. Moreover the book argues training is an undervalued and often marginalised activity in Chinese companies. The book outlines the nature of this problem and goes on to demonstrate that there is a new breed of manager emerging in China aware of the need to upgrade management skills moving away from skills appropriate in traditional industrial firms and emphasising more flexibility positive engagement with workers and competence in the market economy. The book includes an evaluation of different management approaches in China reports on extensive original research including interviews with practising managers and sets out how self-development in widespread deep and important. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815364238

Business Leadership for IT Projects The track record of IT projects is poor. Less than a third of IT projects deliver what they said they would on schedule and on budget. The major cause of IT project failure is not as you might expect poor IT leadership or difficult technology but poor business leadership. One of the reasons for this is that unlike their IT peers business managers often get little training or education in project delivery let alone the special case represented by an IT project. Business Leadership for IT Projects addresses the gap by providing tools and ideas that are applicable to all sizes of IT projects from those in large multinational corporations down to small growing businesses. It sets out the key project touchpoints where business leadership can have a major impact on project success. The book combines psychological research and project best practice to create a practical toolbox that can be dipped into as needs arise or followed as an overall approach to IT project leadership. The toolbox weaves together three key strands of thought. First that the concept of value should be at the forefront of project design and delivery. Second that business managers need to take active leadership of IT projects to secure value. Third that project teams need tools to slow down their thinking and ensure that actions and decisions are well thought through. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246409

Business Lease Renewals Every surveyor property manager and lawyer who deals with commercial property needs to have a thorough knowledge of Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 which governs the rights of business tenants to obtain renewals of their leases. A maze of complex and carefully interlocking provisions the Act was radically amended by a Regulatory Reform Order as from 1 June 2004.These changes include:•widening the scope of protection•removing traps for tenants such as the counter-notice•changing the rules about court applications•amending the basis of assessing interim rent•imposing tougher requirements for giving information•creating new procedures for contracting out of the Act•a raft of new prescribed formsThis new book gives a clear explanation of the workings of the amended Act keeping the framework in view while delving into the detail whenever needed. The old law is included for those situations where it may still be relevant. Written by a property lawyer assisted by a chartered surveyor and a property litigator this publication in addition to setting out the law gives detailed guidance on practice for surveyors managers valuers expert witnesses and property lawyers. Media > Books > Print Books Estates Gazette 9781138156012

Business Librarianship and Entrepreneurship Outreach The changing landscape of business information has created opportunities for business librarians to move beyond being reactive to business information needs to become proactive participants in business development and entrepreneurship instruction. Libraries are no longer only repositories of books but information –rich sources of business and economic data. The case studies presented within this book highlight a variety of examples on entrepreneurship education and local economic development. The examples presented serve as a catalyst for further entrepreneurial endeavours and highlight the growing need for effective value-added support in finding business information. Business librarians play a critical role in promoting the effective use of business information and in providing significant value-added services within university and community settings. This book was published as a special double issue of the Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846325

Business Measurements for Safety Performance Most businesses consider a multitude of factors to evaluate the performance of each business sector. In today's business culture one singular number - OSHA recordable - typically measures safety. This is comparable to driving down the highway using your rear view mirror to steer.Business Measurements for Safety Performance provides a simple effective and applicable method of measuring safety performance. Just as other sectors consider equipment damage lost product employee turnover customer satisfaction and a host of other factors so should safety performance. It can and should be measured using the same criteria as all other business sectors.Safety performance can affect a company's bottom line. The challenge: can we quantifiably measure safety performance in the same way we measure production performance sales performance or any other business sector. Business Measurements for Safety Performance supplies the tools you need for safety measurement to compete with other business sectors for company dollars awareness and commitment from management.Features Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138422780

Business Model InnovationConcepts Analysis and Cases Rooted in strategic management research Business Model Innovation explores the concepts tools and techniques that enable organizations to gain and/or maintain a competitive advantage in the face of technological innovation globalization and an increasingly knowledge-intensive economy. Updated with all-new cases this second edition of the must-have for those looking to grasp the fundamentals of business model innovation explores the novel ways in which an organization can generate deliver and monetize benefits to customers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138330528

Business Modeling for Life Science and Biotech CompaniesCreating Value and Competitive Advantage with the Milestone Bridge Most books on the biotechnology industry focus on scientific and technological challenges ignoring the entrepreneurial and managerial complexities faced bio-entrepreneurs. The Business Models for Life Science Firms aims to fill this gap by offering managers in this rapid growth industry the tools needed to design and implement an effective business model customized for the unique needs of research intensive organizations. Onetti and Zucchella begin by unpacking the often-used ‘business model’ term examining key elements of business model conceptualization and offering a three tier approach with a clear separation between the business model and strategy: focus exploring the different activities carried out by the organization; locus evaluating where organizational activities are centered; and modus testing the execution of the organization’s activities. The business model thus defines the unique way in which a company delivers on its promise to its customers. The theory and applications adopt a global approach offering business cases from a variety of biotech companies around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616905

Business Models The last few decades have seen a growing body of literature and research on business models which draws upon a multitude of subject areas including entrepreneurship strategy organization finance sales and marketing and operations management. This new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together the area's major works to address the nature development and evolution of business models. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415747226

Business Models and People Management in the Indian IT IndustryFrom People to Profits The global impact of so-called ‘offshoring’ including of information technology (IT) and related services continues to be a topic of great interest to academics practitioners and policy makers. The Indian IT industry has sustained high levels of growth in revenues and employment since the late 1980s. Even following the global financial crisis and meltdown in 2008 the industry has reported growth albeit at a lower rate. Furthermore the high rates of technological change and increased competition has forced businesses and managers to be innovative and create new business models. This book examines how managers and entrepreneurs in the Indian IT industry have explored and exploited human capital opportunities at various stages of the industry’s evolution to create innovative human resources (HR) practices and new business models. Based on extensive academic research and deep reflective practitioner accounts this collection presents expert content views and a coherent picture of the challenges and changes in the Indian IT industry and analyses how the industry has remained competitive in a constantly changing environment. This book will appeal to researchers students and practitioners particularly in the fields of human resources and strategic management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138295339

Business Models for Renewable Energy in the Built Environment Business Models for Renewable Energy in the Built Environment provides insight to policy makers and market actors as to the ways that new and innovative business models (and/or policy measures) can stimulate the deployment of renewable energy technologies (RET) and energy efficiency (EE) measures in this field. This project was initiated and funded by the IEA Implementing Agreement for Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD). It analyses ten business models in three categories covering different types of energy service companies (ESCO’s). Included: developing properties certified with a ‘green’ building label building owners profiting from rent increases after EE measures property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing on-bill financing leasing of RET equipment. Coverage extends to the organisational and financial structure of the models and the existing market and policy context plus analysis of Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). The book concludes with recommendations for policy makers and other market actors on how to encourage and accelerate built environment renewable energy technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415638685

Business Models for Strategic InnovationCross-Functional Perspectives This book extends our understanding of how different cross- functional business and management disciplines such as innovation and entrepreneurship strategic management marketing and HRM individually and collectively underpin innovation in business management.Business Models for Strategic Innovation develops insights from cross-disciplinary business knowledge streams and their cutting edge discipline-specific practical implications to create a cross- functional business innovation management model. Novel cross- disciplinary knowledge plays an imperative role in business innovation and we know that innovative management processes have significant implications for effective cross- functional management. In this context each chapter of the book presents fresh insights on diverse business knowledge- streams as well as their applied implications on cross- functional business innovation management. Finally centred on these cross- disciplinary business theories and their cutting edge implications the last chapter of this book proposes a model of strategic cross- functional business innovation management process.This academically rigorous work uses innovative theoretical propositions and state- of- the- art empirical analysis in order to enable cross- functional management teams to support organisation- wide business innovation processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590666

Business ModelsA Research Overview The growing body of research on business models draws upon a range of sub-disciplines including strategic management entrepreneurship organization studies and management accounting.Business Models: A Research Overview provides a research map for business scholars incorporating theoretical and applied perspectives. It develops the field of business model research by offering a critique of the field as it has developed to date and provides a guide for future research and theorization. The research performed as a basis for this book improves and extends prior subjective and less-documented work by using a scientific approach to identifying impactful research. The book argues that business model research is a mature field and that future research should focus on performative and ecosystem-based contributions with the timely identification of four distinct stages of business model research. The study here provokes a new set of research questions which are addressed in the concluding passages of Chapters 5–8 as a point of departure for those researching business models.This book is essential primary reading for scholars and practitioners of business models who are looking to seek out new knowledge and build new perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670160

Business ModelsInnovation Digital Transformation and Analytics Since the beginning of time running a business has involved using logic by which the business operates. This logic is called the business model in management science which increasingly is focusing on issues surrounding business models. Research trends related to business models include value creation value chain operationalization and social and ecological aspects as well as innovation and digital transformation. Business Models: Innovation Digital Transformation and Analytics examines how innovation digital transformation and the composition of value affect the existence and development of business models. The book starts by addressing the conceptual development of business models and by discussing the essence of innovation in those models. Chapters in the book investigate how: Business models can analyze digital transformation scenarios Individual business model elements effect selected performance measures as well as how the elements are significant for the enterprise value composition The environment effects the profitability of the high-growth enterprise business models Employer branding business models are perceived by the generation Z workforce To implement responsible business models in the enterprise Cyber risk is captured in business models Decision algorithms are important to business analytics This book is a compendium of knowledge about the use of business models in the context of innovative activities digital transformation and value composition. It attempts to combine the theory and practice and offers a look at business models currently used in companies especially high-growth enterprises in various countries of the world and indicates the prospects for their development. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367862794

Business NegotiationA Practical Workbook Getting to grips with negotiation quickly is straightforward and easy with this practical guide. Written in simple language with a host of practical exercises to support the text it is designed for any negotiator who wants to develop their knowledge increase confidence and develop skills. Starting by demonstrating the importance negotiation plays in both commercial and interpersonal relationships Business Negotiation then takes the reader through 20 developmental steps which cover: objective setting and planning; the first phases of negotiation; managing movement; and completing the deal. Each step features a knowledge and skill building exercise tips and techniques including: � Example scripts � Negotiation tactics � Practical exercises � Dilemmas and suggested solutions � Key points. In a highly interactive style this book provides a learning route to skilled negotiation. Written by experts in the field of negotiation it gives a clear picture of all aspects of the subject and arms the reader with a wealth of ideas and examples for their next negotiation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138433649

Business Negotiations and the LawThe Protection of Weak Professional Parties in Standard Form Contracting Business Negotiations and the Law: The Protection of Weak Professional Parties in Standard Form Contracting aims to explore the issues surrounding contract negotiations between entrepreneurs and other professionals when one of the parties does not have the same level of bargaining power as the other. The need to protect weaker parties from unfair contract terms exists not only in relationships between businesses and consumers but in business to business contracts also. This book focuses on the problem of small enterprises independent contractors and other professional weak parties and examines these from a European point of view. There are significant differences between Member States as to decisions regarding regulatory context on the protection of weaker professional parties in asymmetrical contractual situations. However European businesses are overwhelmingly smaller in size so protecting weaker parties becomes key in facilitating successful and efficient negotiations. The book provides a critical and comparative overview of the area and recent regulatory developments both to clarify the direction that European legislation is heading and to explore the tools needed to assure the effectiveness of the common market. This text will be of interest to policy makers researchers of European legislation and students of commercial and business law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367420529

Business Negotiations in ChinaStrategy Planning and Management Business Negotiations in China provides a holistic overview of the institutional organisational and cultural issues that underpin successful business negotiations in China. Good negotiation strategies and management are essential for establishing successful business deals and new ventures in China. The author addresses the current key issues and risks high level business management planning innovative approaches and modern negotiation strategies. The text opens with a review of the evolution of key negotiation models that have been use in China right up to the most current. This is followed by an analysis of the various negotiation frameworks and processes being undertaken in China; their similarities and differences with other global negotiation processes. Alongside the negotiation itself the author provides advice on: selection of the negotiation team and the various strategic roles within it; the detailed preparations and analysis required prior to starting negotiations in China; effective management strategies for each of the various stages of negotiation to achieve successful sustainable outcomes. Business Negotiations in China is supported by examples and analysis drawn from actual high level business negotiations by leading international companies with China State Owned Enterprises. It also explores the fierce competition between multinationals and China state-owned companies and their respective different negotiation strategies. This book is an important indispensable insider’s guide to the strategy and practice of negotiating in China and is relevant to professionals academics researchers and students alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138205420

Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial DistrictsThe Governance of the Global Value Chain During the 1980s the Marshallian concept of industrial district (ID) became widely popular due to the resurgence of interest in the reasons that make the agglomeration of specialised industries a territorial phenomenon worth being analysed. The analysis of clusters and IDs has often been limited considering only the local dimension of the created business networks. The external links of these systems have been systematically under-evaluated. This book offers a deep insight into the evolution of these systems and the internal-external mechanism of knowledge circulation and learning. This means that the access to external knowledge (information or R&D cooperative research) or to productive networks (global supply chains) is studied in order to describe how external knowledge is absorbed and how local clusters or districts become global systems. It provides a unified approach; showing that existing capabilities expand when locally embedded knowledge is combined with accessible external knowledge. In this view external knowledge linkages reduce the danger of cognitive ‘lock-in’ and ‘over-embeddedness’ which may become important obstacles to local learning and innovation when technological trajectories and global economic conditions change. A selection of international experts Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415539852

Business Networks Reloaded Business networks are an important economic phenomenon of increasing practical importance throughout Europe. This volume examines business networks from an interdisciplinary perspective with many contributions dealing with a certain form of business network the so-called cooperative or non-hierarchical. With regard to this specific form of cooperation the volume presents new economic findings proposes a definition and discusses the governance structure of those networks.Moreover this book explores whether the research results can also be applied to hierarchical centralized business networks. With medium-sized companies and all the more with large companies business networks also pose the question of the compatibility with anti-trust law. This collection dedicates three contributions to this important question. They are complemented by chapters on liability of the network and its members towards third parties and contributions discussing duties of loyalty and the interpretation of agreements. Drawing on new research from Italy Spain Germany and Norway this work illustrates the European legal perspective on business networks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367598563

Business NetworksStrategy and Structure Although social political technological and business networks hold our modern world together we still lack a good understanding of what business networks are how they work and the language of network analysis that we may apply to solve common everyday problems. This book looks at such questions as: How do we make sense of the business networks we participate in and the networks we observe from a distance?  Are business networks distinct from social networks and if so what distinguishes them?  How can business network analysis from a multidisciplinary perspective enhance strategic management? Emanuela Todeva deftly explores the patterns of networking and the dynamics of network relationships to show how we can begin to tap their full potential. Of great interest to students and scholars of business network analysis this revealing volume will also prove informative for managers wishing to obtain insights into network dynamics and its implications for strategic decision making. Business Networks expertly provides an interdisciplinary overview. It skilfully engages the reader with a range of economic sociological strategic management and communication theories that contribute to our knowledge of networks and networking. Transcending specific disciplines and synthesizing the contributions that shape the structural relational and cultural approaches to network analysis Todeva’s outstanding text offers a wealth of conceptual frameworks and an exhaustive typology of existing business networks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514156

Business of Digital Television Essential reading for anyone involved in broadcasting. The Business of Digital Television presents an overview or the digital television industry. Chris Forrester examines the key technologies and developments of the marketplace with comments on the future from leading industry experts. Written in an accessible style for the non-engineer Forrester covers the issues that are most pertinent to strategic direction providing broadcasting professionals with essential facts data and commentary in one single source.You will:Discover trends in digital TV technologyGain knowledge about the international marketplaceSee an analysis of the financial modelsUnderstand the importance of partnershipsFind out the key drivers for changeGain an insight into emerging technologies in the future Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138153455

Business on a MissionHow to Build a Sustainable Brand Bronze winner of the AXIOM Business Book Award in the category of Philanthropy Non-Profit Sustainability. Please see: This easy-to-read and engaging book is the perfect introduction to how to build a sustainable brand for your organization. Intended as a roadmap that can be readily applied by busy managers and practitioners the book includes interviews with business leaders including Paul Polman of Unilever Adam Elman of Marks & Spencer and Jonas Prising of ManpowerGroup to provide insight into best practice and clear guidance for implementation. Throughout the book avoids jargon and theorizing to ensure readability. Business on a Mission is based on more than a decade working with some of the first businesses to develop social missions and shows the foundations behind their success. It looks at how businesses can profit from working hand in hand with society and identifies a model for success. The book demonstrates how businesses can go from hiding behind "social shields" to picking up "social swords" and presents the six criteria to look for in assessing a social mission. It also focuses on how good communications can build trust and bring about positive change; and it provides clear ways to engage employees and improve productivity as well as "rules" for communicating social missions externally. This optimistic book explains the benefits of partnerships in the sustainable development agenda particularly between businesses and NGOs. The book features guidelines for avoiding dysfunctional partnerships and presents interviews with Marc Van Ameringen Executive Director of GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition) 2005 to 2016 and Myriam Sidibe Social Mission Director for Africa Unilever on how things can be managed to the benefit of both partners. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783533008

Business Organization (RLE: Organizations) This book presents an integrated view of the three main approaches to organization – classical human relations and systems – showing what each has of value to contribute and how they complement each other. The three approaches are introduced followed by critical analysis. The main classical problems are reviewed in the light of the systems approach. Finally there is a comparative summary in tabular form an illustrative systems study and a decision schedule. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965225

Business PartneringA Practical Handbook A Business Partner is a professional who supports and advises strategic and operational decision-making through insights that drive better business performance. Often as a result of external changes business partners must respond quickly to map out the future strategic development keep the firm competitive and ensure all objectives and legal requirements are met.   In this book business partnering expert Steven Swientozielskyj introduces a framework that provides a set of practical tools and techniques via a simple six stage model that when replicated will take the practitioner from start to finish through strategic change; from the formation and agreement of the strategy to its delivery and sustainability. Business Partnering is a one-stop shop for understanding this important phenomenon and as such will be vital reading for practitioners and academics in the business arena. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138908000

Business Planning for New VenturesA guide for start-ups and new innovations Starting a new business takes a lot of energy and organization. The failure rate is alarmingly high and the task can look herculean at the outset. This new textbook provides a simple guide to help plan a successful new business taking entrepreneurs and students through the steps required to avoid pitfalls and get a business going. Unlike most entrepreneurship textbooks the author avoids dwelling on theories in favour of providing effective and practical guidance on how to start and manage a profitable business with a focus on new ventures operating in high-growth innovative sectors. Written by an expert with experience in academia and business consulting this concise textbook will be valuable reading for students of entrepreneurship new ventures and small business. The practical focus of the book means that it will be useful both for students in the classroom and for entrepreneurs wanting to start a new business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415746977

Business Planning for Special SchoolsA Practical Guide Originally published in 1997. This book presents a practical way of addressing business planning in the special school. It provides examples of ways in which the business planning process can be structured coordinated and linked to the budget. It offers advice on the most appropriate tools and techniques used for developing a plan so that the school can capitalise on the full benefits of business planning but avoid many of the common problems. It contains a set of overheads and includes a real example business plan with an evaluation. This book is for headteachers management teams and school governors. It is also an excellent resource for in-service training and for those studying education management in teacher training or on Post Graduate programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138545311

Business Planning: A Guide to Business Start-Up A readable and structured guide for the increasing numbers of people each year who consider setting up a small business or becoming self-employed. 'Business Planning' outlines the options and risks involved in setting up a business. The importance of thorough planning is often overlooked and only becomes evident if the business fails. This is highlighted in a recent study by the SFEDI of 486 bankers and accountants where lack of planning was the most common reason cited as to why businesses fail. 'Business Planning' shows how to avoid this failure by focusing on the planning stage and building on this framework as the business develops. This is the only book based around the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative (SFEDI) for first time owner-managers. It contains all the underpinning factual information required to prepare and present a successful Business Plan for presentation to a bank manager or an alternative potential source of finance or for use in an NVQ portfolio. It is in line with the major syllabuses for Business Start-Up and can be used as a course book for anyone completing a formal NVQ level 3 qualification in this area with tips on NVQ structure and assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138143807

Business Policies in the Making (Routledge Revivals)Three Steel Companies Compared First published in 1983 this study investigates and compares three leading firms in the British iron and steel industry between 1914 and 1939 analysing their strategies boardroom politics and their responses to the problems posed by the Great War and by the vicissitudes of the 1920s and ‘30s. Jonathan Boswell illuminates certain issues that are of perennial importance for students of business: rationality and ‘error’ in decision-making ethics centralisation versus decentralisation and the question of cyclical phases. The central theme throughout is the pursuit of three partly conflicting objectives: growth efficiency and social action. The trade-offs between these three pursuits are used to examine significant contrasts in corporate strategies and behaviour including towards government and public opinion. Boswell’s rejection of economic determinism; his insistence that managerial influences fall into definable long-run patterns; and his theses on managerial specialisation and long-term policy biases confront fundamental issues for theories of the firm. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138781252

Business Practices in Higher EducationA Guide for Today's Administrators The new edition of Business Practices in Higher Education helps readers understand the true nature of higher education and appreciate how the academy effectively incorporates business practices into everyday work lives. The authors apply business concepts and models and explain how they can be leveraged to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of higher education institutions. Useful examples from a wide range of institutions—including small private college large public universities and community colleges—address macro-level higher education and student population issues while also addressing micro-level issues for individual institutions or students. Business practices are critical to the academic student affairs and administrative sides of higher education. This book offers aspiring higher education and student affairs professionals an understanding of the fundamental business practices of colleges and universities. New in this edition: Updated coverage of current practice and research New chapters on accounting strategic planning and fundraising End-of-chapter questions for discussion Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138365384

Business Practices in Southeast AsiaAn interdisciplinary analysis of theravada Buddhist countries This is an international business study of Theravada Buddhist Southeast Asia. Using a cross-disciplinary approach the book examines business practices within a political cultural economic and religious context. It highlights those cultural and historical ties of the region which are shared because of a common religion. In analysing business environments economics and government practices across the region the book provides a deeper understanding of the influence of cultural values on work practices in Southeast Asia.  The author first offers an overview of the history of the region and the nature and guiding principles of Theravada Buddhism. The next sections of the book present the history and the business and economic environment of the four countries in Southeast Asia along with some relevant case studies of Cambodia Laos Myanmar/Burma and Thailand. The book analyses business strategies and practices management and marketing issues as well as the characteristics of companies. The last part considers the political environment of the four countries and hints at future trends and developments. The book offers a framework for working in the region and provides valuable insights into this unique business environment which is significantly different from the Western context. Filling a gap in existing literature this book provides an accessible study of actual business practices in Southeast Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415533553

Business Principles for Landscape Contracting Business Principles for Landscape Contracting fully revised and updated in its third edition is an introduction to the application of business principles of financial management involved in setting up your own landscape contracting business and beginning your professional career. Appealing to students and professionals alike it will build your knowledge of financial management tools and enable you to relate their applications to real-life business scenarios. Focusing on the importance of proactive financial management the book serves as a primer for students in landscape architecture contracting and management courses and entrepreneurs within the landscape industry preparing to use business principles in practice. Topics covered include: Financial management and accountability Budget development Profitable pricing and estimating Project management Creating a lean culture Personnel management and employee productivity Professional development Economic sustainability. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415788205

Business Process Management This book introduces students to business process management an approach that aims to align the organization's business processes with the demands of the marketplace. Processes serve as a coordination mechanism and the aim of business process management is to improve the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in adapting to change and maintaining competitive advantage. In Business Process Management Kumar argues for the value of looking at businesses as a collection of processes that cut across departments and for breaking down functional silos. The book provides an overview of the basic concepts in this field before moving on to more advanced topics such as process verification flexible processes process security and evaluation resource assignment and social networks. One chapter of the book is also devoted to process analytics. The book concludes with an examination of the future directions of the discipline. Blending a strong grounding in current research with a focus on concepts and tools Business Process Management is an accessible textbook full of practical examples and cases that will appeal to upper level students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138181854

Business Process Management SystemsStrategy and Implementation With a focus on strategy and implementation James Chang discusses business management practices and the technology that enables them. He analyzes the history of process management practices and demonstrates that BPM practices are a synthesis of radical change and continuous change practices. The book is relevant to both business and IT professi Media > Books > E-books Auerbach Publications 9780429119880

Business Process ManagementPractical Guidelines to Successful Implementations Business Process Management a huge bestseller has helped thousands of leaders and BPM practitioners successfully implement BPM projects enabling them to add measurable value to their organizations. The book’s runaway success can be attributed partly to its overview of all major useful frameworks (such as LEAN and Six Sigma) without over-investment in one over another and a unique emphasis on BPM’s interrelationship with organizational management culture and leadership. Its common-sense approach teaches how BPM must be well-integrated across an entire business if it’s to be successful: augmented and aligned with other management disciplines. This highly anticipated fourth edition brings Jeston’s practicable frameworks and solutions up to date with the latest developments in BPM including the robotics process automation digital strategies and the changes necessary as a result of the impact of the quad generations in the workforce. This thoroughly revised and updated new edition includes: Enhanced BPM House noting the importance of traceability from strategy to execution activities New and revised case studies An analysis of the risks and benefits of robotic automation and cognitive computing. The book highlights that millennials will be 50% of the global workforce in 2020 and 67% by 2025—Jeston warns managers to ignore them at your peril. Business processes and the way work is performed must evolve! This book will prove to be an indispensable guide to any senior business executive or chief financial officer while providing practical BPM examples to undergraduate and postgraduate students alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138738409

Business Process Modeling Simulation and Design Business Process Modeling Simulation and Design Third Edition provides students with a comprehensive coverage of a range of analytical tools used to model analyze understand and ultimately design business processes. The new edition of this very successful textbook includes a wide range of approaches such as graphical flowcharting tools cycle time and capacity analyses queuing models discrete-event simulation simulation-optimization and data mining for process analytics. While most textbooks on business process management either focus on the intricacies of computer simulation or managerial aspects of business processes this textbook does both. It presents the tools to design business processes and management techniques on operating them efficiently. The book focuses on the use of discrete event simulation as the main tool for analyzing modeling and designing effective business processes. The integration of graphic user-friendly simulation software enables a systematic approach to create optimal designs. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138061736

Business Process ReengineeringAn ICT Approach This volume shows how ICT (information and communications technology) can play the role of a driver of business process reengineering (BPR). ICT can aid in enabling improvement in BPR activity cycles as it provides many components that enhance performance that can lead to competitive advantages. IT can interface with BPR to improve business processes in terms of communication inventory management data management management information systems customer relationship management computer-aided design computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer-aided engineering. This volume explores these issues in depth. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887113

Business Process Transformation Featuring contributions from prominent thinkers and researchers this volume in the "Advances in Management Information Systems" series provides a rich set of conceptual empirical and introspective studies that epitomize fundamental knowledge in the area of Business Process Transformation. Processes are interpreted broadly to include operational and managerial processes within and between organizations as well as those involved in knowledge generation. Transformation includes radical and incremental change its conduct management and outcome. The editors and contributing authors pay close attention to the role of IS organizations and information technologies in facilitating business process transformation. Each chapter places major emphasis on clearly articulating the "knowledge" generated both theoretical and applied. The book incorporates case studies and tables throughout and provides fundamental grounding for any stakeholder of business process transformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138679719

Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour introduces principles and concepts in psychology and organizational behaviour with emphasis on relevance and applications. Well organised and clearly written it draws on a sound theoretical and applied base and utilizes real-life examples theories and research findings of relevance to the world of business and work. The new edition of this best-selling textbook has been revised and updated with expanded and new material including: proactive personality and situational theory in personality; theory of purposeful work behaviour; emotional and social anxiety in communication; decision biases and errors; and right brain activity and creativity to name a few. There are numerous helpful features such as learning outcomes chapter summaries review questions a glossary and a comprehensive bibliography. Illustrations of practice and relevant theory and research also take the reader through individual group and organizational perspectives. This is an essential textbook for undergraduates and postgraduates studying psychology and organizational behaviour. What is more it can be profitably used on degree diploma professional and short courses. It's also likely to be of interest to the reflective practitioner in work organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138182646

Business Psychology and Organizational Behaviour Now in full colour the fifth edition of this best-selling textbook introduces all of the major theories research findings principles and concepts in business psychology and organizational behaviour whilst emphasising their real-life application using relevant examples. The book which is well-organized and clearly written takes the reader through individual group and organizational/HR perspectives on the subject while at the same time offering an appreciation of their historical development and methodological issues. The text has an improved structure and style of presentation and has been revised and updated with new and expanded material including coverage of: recent debates in occupational psychology; investor psychology or behavioural finance; cognitive evaluation theory; employee engagement and positive psychology; corporate memories in culture; storytelling and social media; technostress and environmental influences on stress; and emergent trends in selection. The book’s numerous helpful features include panels which contain relevant theories research and illustrations of practice; learning outcomes; chapter summaries; review questions; a comprehensive bibliography; and a glossary. For lecturers who adopt the book we provide access to a wealth of online teaching resources including a chapter-by-chapter lecture course and multiple-choice question testbanks. This is an essential textbook for undergraduates and postgraduates studying psychology and organizational behaviour; it will also be welcomed as a rich source of information by practitioners in organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848720343

Business Reference Services and SourcesHow End Users and Librarians Work Together The most proactive source for business reference librarian information on the market Business Reference Services and Sources: How End Users and Librarians Work Together shows you that the librarian-customer relationship is as synergistic as ever. It gives you timely facts about how librarians and users work together and how those partnerships are built. In it you’ll encounter group projects done by faculty students external users and non-librarian supervisors and discover an enlightening spirit of collaboration lacking in most research literature today. Further establishing the marketability of contemporary research librarians Business Reference Service and Sources goes to the front lines of business reference service solidifying and updating the librarian-user partnership. You’ll see how research librarians can reach users at the crux of their needs. Overall individual chapters address the needs of such people as students business school officials and corporations. Specifically you’ll read about these areas: Internet business research and ESL students corporate home pages as supplements to traditional business resources networking with community business sources synergy in the information specialist-customer partnership avoiding information overload in bibliographic instruction the Internet’s impact on government documents assessing the validity of electronic journals underprivileged nontraditional students and bibliographic instruction Today in our climate of negative ad campaigns directed at libraries and librarians in general business reference librarians face many challenges academic as well as professional. But if you’re one of the vocal proactive supporters of productive librarian-customer partnerships this book will help you “grow feet” and move out from behind the restrictive comfort of your desk into the world’s classrooms and manufacturing teams. Certainly Business References and Sources will convince you that collaborative projects between contemporary reference librarians and end-users are alive and well. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203047330

Business Regulation and Non-State ActorsWhose Standards? Whose Development? This volume assesses the achievements and limitations of a new set of non-state or multistakeholder institutions that are concerned with improving the social and environmental record of business and holding corporations to account. It does so from a perspective that aims to address two limitations that often characterize this field of inquiry. First fragmentation: articles or books typically focus on one or a handful of cases. Second the development dimension: what does such regulation imply for developing countries and subaltern groups in terms of well-being empowerment and sustainability? This volume examines more than 20 initiatives or institutions associated with different regulatory and development approaches including the business-friendly corporate social responsibility (CSR) agenda ‘corporate accountability’ and ‘fair trade’ or social economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138808164

Business Relationships with East AsiaThe European Experience This volume analyses the business environment in East Asia with reference to trade and investment flows within the region and between East Asia and Europe. Focusing on the two-way flow of management ideas investment and technology this study highlights the way in which both sides can benefit. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203039977

Business Research Projects Almost all higher educational institutions have built some kind of fieldwork project into the advanced stages of their programmes and the research project should integrate theory practice knowledge and skills.Students should be able to apply their acquired knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation and have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgements with incomplete or limited information. It is important that they can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.Business Research Projects offers the reader a comprehensive framework for going through the successive process steps of the fieldwork project. There is a logbook which provides for each of the ten steps a checklist enabling students to document the progress of their projects and communicate about the project with their coaches and supervisors.Successful projects require specific process knowledge and skills: • Recognition and description of an organisational problem.• Design and organisation of a research project.• Communication with people on different levels within the organisation.• Interviewing listening negotiating giving presentations persuading people.• Project management.• Developing solutions in collaboration with people in the organisation.• Implementation of accepted solutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152366

Business Retention and Expansion (BRE)A Practical Approach to Economic Development Business retention and expansion (BRE) is regarded as the most practical and accessible method for economic development at the city town or neighborhood scale. This comprehensive volume centers on the belief that BRE is the top responsibility for a community economic development official. BRE is an asset-based approach designed to systematically strengthen the connection between businesses and the community while encouraging each business to continue operations and expand in the community. It focuses on the community’s existing businesses instead of those it doesn’t have. This book illustrates many different facets of BRE from big-picture and theory to lessons learned about BRE from practitioners and academics with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. The authors demonstrate diverse ways of reaching out and responding to existing businesses. They explore several topics related to or at the very heart of BRE including: business clusters entrepreneurship community outcomes business assistance transportation systems energy efficiency business succession and defining BRE success. These include research program evaluation and case studies. This book offers both theoretical and applied points of views and will be of great interest to local practitioners state/provincial officials and students of economic development. It was originally published as a special issue of the journal Community Development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367730871

Business School Libraries in the 21st Century In a period of change consolidation and cut-backs as well as rapid technological developments the business school library is often at the forefront of new initiatives and innovative approaches to delivering and managing information in the most responsive yet cost-effective manner possible. In this unique book a respected group of business library directors from prestigious institutions around the world come together to reflect on the key challenges facing their libraries today from change management to technology and communications to space. They document the state of the sector during a time of fundamental change draw on their own local contexts to explore topics and concepts and share their insights into what the future might bring. This book will be essential reading not only for librarians working in business management or social sciences disciplines but for all professionals managing library and information services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815399292

Business Simulations Games and Experiential Learning in International Business Education If you find traditional lectures and course material ineffective for teaching students how to develop a sensitivity to cultural differences and apply “home grown” technologies to foreign situations Business Simulations Games and Experiential Learning in International Business Education is the guide to help you remedy this predicament! Helpful and easy-to-use this text teaches you how to use computer-based games and experiential learning exercises to teach international business. You’ll learn how to place students in realistic situations where they can experiment with new behaviors and receive immediate constructive feedback and then take what they have learned beyond the classroom.Business Simulations Games and Experiential Learning in International Business Education helps you introduce students to global competition and business cultures as you explore important ethical political and social issues with them. You can better prepare your students for the challenges of international business if you pay particular attention to the book’s discussions of: different levels of power-sharing alternatives to traditional international business course materials and methods changing the norms and behaviors of organizations and institutions the role gender plays in effective gaming environments simulating a European Works Council within a classroom environment promoting decisionmaking and flexibility in management style understanding business rules and regulations of different countriesAcademics teaching and researching in international business will find Business Simulations Games and Experiential Learning in International Business Education an immensely useful tool as you struggle with the challenges of readying students for the international work environment. As you know it is not enough that students be schooled in the latest developments and technologies. Use this book’s games and learning techniques to emphasize to your students that international businessmen and women must not only know their field but also be respectful of others’cultures and values be linguistically flexible and be aware of foreign business rules and regulations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046883

Business Skills for Surveyors To get ahead surveyors require business and managerial acumen as well as technical skills. Business Skills for Surveyors explains how the property market works how investors and developers make their money and how business objectives interrelate with property strategies. Economic financial market and accounting issues are explained and guidance is provided on negotiation skills presentation technique and other ways to accelerate personal development. The book is suitable for younger surveyors seeking to develop business skills and for any surveyors looking to get the best out of their business and themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Estates Gazette 9781138461390

Business Solutions for Budget Managers in Health and Personal Social Services Managers responsible for spending public money in health and social welfare are facing unprecedented pressures to deliver better services against a background of fierce competition for resources profound organizational change and the creation of internal market places. In this practically-directed book William Bryans explains how business principles can be applied in the public service context to enable managers to meet this challenge. The author demonstrates how it is possible to create a surplus for service development by effective strategic management of external and internal financial environments operational management of workloads and resources and tactical intervention to limit budget fluctuations to tolerable levels. Each chapter includes a purpose statement an outline of relevant theory and practice a keypoint summary and a case study based on real world situations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467644

Business Strategies for Magazine PublishingHow to Survive in the Digital Age Business Strategies for Magazine Publishing explores tactics for creating financially sustainable publications in the 21st century. Mary Hogarth media specialist Senior Fellow (HEA) and lecturer in Journalism at Bournemouth University analyses the historical development of the magazine industry as well as current and future challenges for publishers to illustrate different approaches to revenue generation and the maintenance of magazine brands. The book examines the wide-ranging impact of digital technology on how magazine content is consumed revealing the dramatic consequences for advertising distribution and marketing strategies. Traditional business models are evaluated alongside new online approaches and readers will be introduced to the Magazine Publishing Strategic Quadrant a model created by the author as an alternative to the Business Canvas Model. In addition in-depth interviews with high-profile industry figureheads and magazine editors such as Jessica Strawser of Writer’s Digest and former Good Housekeeping Editorial Director Lindsay Nicholson offer readers an insight into how to produce and monetise online content. These interviews appear alongside exercises and action plans that give readers the opportunity to put what they have learned into practice. With real-world advice and practical activities and resources throughout the book journalism students and young professionals will find this an essential guide to successfully building a career in the modern magazine industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138205772

Business Strategies for Sustainability Business Strategies for Sustainability brings together important research contributions that demonstrate different approaches to business strategies for sustainability. Many corporate initiatives toward what firms perceive to be sustainability are simply efficiency drives or competitive moves â€“ falling far short of actual strategies for ecological sustainability. To suggest true ecological sustainability strategies this new research anthology adopts an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach to discern what business strategies might look like if they were underpinned by environmental and ecological science. The 23 chapters in this anthology reflect five main topic sections: (a) delineating sustainability challenges and visions; (b) contradiction integration and transformation of business and sustainability logics; (c) innovating and developing strategic capabilities for sustainability; (d) assessing and valuing sustainability; and (e) toward multi-level engagement and collaboration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138311343

Business Strategies for the Next-Generation Network Carriers and service providers have united around the concept of the Next-Generation Network (NGN).  Although leveraging a broad basket of Internet technologies the NGN is not being planned as the next-generation Internet. In its intention and architecture it is more accurately described as Broadband-ISDN release 2.0. The NGN transition is hard for both practitioners and observers to understand because it weaves together a number of distinct strands: the development of a new architecture and technology base including advanced IT automation systems the development of a portfolio of ‘new wave’ products and services which exploits the power of the new network the design of a new kind of organization which can utilize the higher levels of automation in the NGN and reduce costs and the development of an effective transition plan which can smoothly move operators from their current legacy networks systems and processes to the NGN future. The book begins with a review of the failures of previous attempts by carriers to retool for the future. It describes in detail the technologies and capabilities supporting “new wave’” services focusing particularly on multimedia interactive services TV and Video-on-Demand.  The author looks at the IMS layer and how it interworks both downwards into the QoS-enabled IP transport layer and upwards to enable new kinds of applications. However equal attention is addressed to the business models of players in the value chain carriers service providers broadcasters and production companies. The author then examines how carriers have attempted to remodel themselves as IP companies along the dimensions of people processes and IT automation systems describing the lessons to be learned from numerous failures. He identifies more innovativebusiness models exploresPeer-to-Peer networking and reviews the prospects for Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367453312

Business Strategy Business Strategy: an introduction' is an accessible textbook that provides a straightforward guide for those with little or no knowledge of the subject. It presents complex issues and concepts in a clear and compact manner so that readers gain a clear understanding of the topics addressed. The following features are included: A comprehensive introduction to the subjects of business strategy and strategic management Complex issues explained in a straightforward way for students new to this topic Student friendly learning features throughout Case studies of varying lengths with questions included for assignment and seminar work A discussion of both traditional theory and the most recent research in the fieldThis second edition features new and updated case studies as well as more depth having been added to the material in the book. New chapters on business ethics types and levels of strategy and how to use case studies have been incorporated. A range of pedagogical features such as learning objectives review and discussion questions chapter summaries and further reading are included in the text resulting in it being a user-friendly definitive guide for those new to the subject.A web-based Tutor Resource Site accompanies the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138470033

Business Strategy for Water ChallengesFrom Risk to Opportunity Water is a resource under increased stress with its management now cited as one of the greatest risks to business continuity and growth. This concise guide for professionals offers strategic steps for developing a corporate water stewardship strategy. It will enable you to: define business water risks and the opportunities associated with those risks; explore through sector-specific profiles risks associated with regulation reputation external response and engagement and physical incidents; develop a clear plan and process for creating managing and mainstreaming a corporate water strategy; identify several initiatives and new risk tools that your company can use to stay on top of best practice in water management. With the advent of risk tools and a growing list of testaments around business risk from water we are now able to respond more appropriately to how this resource is impacted by and impacts upon business. Use this book as your guide as you begin to build your company's strategy around water. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781910174272

Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy This groundbreaking text provides both theory and strategy for operating in a semiglobal economy in which international businesses must compete in highly globalized and highly localized markets at the same time. Unlike the traditional transnational and matrix corporate models a semiglobal corporation organizes its operations according to the global/local content of its value propositions rather than according to geographical regions products or contribution to the parent company's performance. As an example of a semiglobal corporation the Honda Motor Company has a global vision when it comes to highly global bundles like car engines and a local vision when it comes to highly localized car financing and servicing. Designed as a supplementary text for courses in international business development economics marketing and strategic planning "Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy" raises important challenges to the conventional models of business organization and the competitive strategies that proceed from them. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705989

Business Students Focus on Ethics The study of business ethics seeks to understand business institutions practices and activities in light of normative behavior. The ethical concern is for the rightness or wrongness of human action. Business Students Focus on Ethics brings together essays written by twenty-five MA and MBA students from seven countries in Europe North and South America and the Pacific Rim. Collectively they give us an applied business ethics framework one with international dimensions.Business Students Focus on Ethics achieves a number of objectives: it recognizes ethics as legitimate content in graduate level studies in business world wide; seriously examines specific ethical concerns by young managers; and reflects on these concerns from across cultural and geographic borders. It also demonstrates the quality of their analysis and recommendations.The essays in this volume are arranged into four interrelated groups. The first group "Praxiological and Ethical Framework " examines issues of human action from both the theory of human action (i.e. praxiological) and ethical dimensions. The section group of essays "Social Issues-Compensation and Labor " discuss applications of praxiological and ethical principles in relation to the ethical responsibilities of business. The third group discusses "Ethical Issues in Health Care" from three different cultural perspectives. The fourth group is a series of "Corporate Case Studies." This volume may be seen as a companion to Volume 5 of the Praxiology series Human Action in Business and will be of interest to business people economists policy makers social scientists and students of philosophy and ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507845

Business Success Through Service Excellence The text is aimed at CEOs and all executive management however the scope of the material will engage the entire organization. The authors identify the key ingredients of service excellence and show how leading companies have achieved success. Each chapter begins with a review of the key components of service excellence followed by two mini exemplar case studies that highlight how those companies have achieved success in that particular area. An introductory chapter proposes a framework based on the Unisys model that shows how companies can become customer centric and a final chapter takes an integrative approach and features a case study from the overall winners of the Awards to highlight how this company has achieved success.An additional feature of the book is the service excellence questionnaire. Purchasers of the book are able to go online to complete the questionnaire and submit it to establish their competitive benchmark against other companies in both the same sector and across different sectors. A web site accompanies the book where updates on the category winners are featured to ensure that current information is always available. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160095

Business SustainabilityPerformance Compliance Accountability and Integrated Reporting Business sustainability has advanced from greenwashing and branding to being a business imperative. Stakeholders including shareholders demand regulators require and companies now need to report their sustainability performance. No longer is this a choice for businesses. A decade ago fewer than 50 companies released sustainability reports and now more 8 000 global public companies disclose sustainability performance information on some or all five economic governance social ethical and environmental (EGSEE) dimensions of sustainability performance and this trend is expected to continue. Indeed more than 6 000 European public companies would be required to disclose their environmental social governance and diversity information for their 2017 reporting year. However the proper determination of sustainability performance accurate and reliable reporting and independent assurance of sustainability information remain major challenges for organizations of all types and sizes. Through reading this book you will: Identify sustainability strategies to create innovation in new products services energy-efficiency environmental facilities and green initiatives. Understand the role and responsibilities of all participants in the corporate reporting process including directors officers internal auditors external auditors legal counsel and investors. See ways to improve public trust investor confidence business reputation employee satisfaction corporate culture social responsibility and environmental performance. Learn all five economic governance social ethical and environmental (EGSEE) dimensions of sustainability performance separately and their integrated and interactive effects on achieving the goal of creating sustainable value for all stakeholders including shareholders. Learn how to adopt best practices in sustainability development and performance and deliver effective integrated sustainability reporting and assurance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783535040

Business Telecom SystemsA Guide to Choosing the Best Technologies and Services For anyone involved in buying and managing telephone systems this book brings clarity to the confusing array of products and services (like voicemail interactive voice response fax-on-demand T-1 DSL etc.). The author explains how each technology works and what its practical applications are so readers can choose the best systems and services for their needs. The book includes lists of products and vendors plus sample RFPs (request for proposal) that are easily customized for a particular telecom system or cabling purchase. ; Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138412354

Business Tenancies A considerable amount of commercial property work is concerned with the renewal of business tenancies under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. Business Tenancies provides the busy practitioner with a detailed and practical guide to all aspects of the law and procedure involved in the renewal of business tenancies under the 1954 Act and the often complex issues which can arise. It offers practical answers to problems which commercial property professionals may encounter when dealing with renewals. This new title will equip commercial property professionals with a thorough practical knowledge of the relevant statutory provisions and case law. The implications of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 are considered in detail. It also deals with the right to compensation for improvements. The text takes into account recent case law as well as the reforms introduced by the Regulatory Reform (Business Tenancies) (England and Wales) Order 2003. Media > Books > E-books Routledge-Cavendish 9781843147107

Business Theft and FraudDetection and Prevention Business Theft and Fraud: Detection and Prevention offers a broad perspective on business-related theft providing a detailed discussion of numerous avenues of theft including internal and external fraud organized retail crime mortgage fraud cyber fraud and extortion. Combining current research and the author’s extensive experience with loss prevention and security this professional text identifies industry trouble areas and offers techniques to combat business theft such as how to identify sales underreporting track sales by shifts and educate employees on computer-related fraud. This publication is critical for those involved with loss prevention security or criminal justice. Business Theft and Fraud’s accessible franchise-oriented scope will help many professionals identify and thwart threats in the evolving business world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781498742436

Business to Business Marketing ManagementA Global Perspective Business to business markets are considerably more challenging than consumer markets and as such demand a more specific skillset from marketers. Buyers with a responsibility to their company and specialist product knowledge are more demanding than the average consumer. Given that the products themselves may be highly complex this often requires a sophisticated buyer to understand them. Increasingly B2B relationships are conducted within a global context. However all textbooks are region-specific despite this growing move towards global business relationships – except this one. This textbook takes a global viewpoint with the help of an international author team and cases from across the globe. Other unique features of this insightful study include: placement of B2B in a strategic marketing setting;  full discussion of strategy in a global setting including hypercompetition;  full chapter on ethics and CSR early in the text; and  detailed review of global B2B services marketing trade shows and market research. This new edition has been fully revised and updated with a full set of brand new case studies and features expanded sections on digital issues CRM and social media as well as personal selling. More selective shorter and easier to read than other B2B textbooks this is ideal for introduction to B2B and shorter courses. Yet it is comprehensive enough to cover all the aspects of B2B marketing any marketer needs  be they students or practitioners looking to improve their knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138680760

Business Transfers Family Firms and Entrepreneurship ‘Business transfer’ refers to the transfer of ownership and leadership from one or more outgoing owner-manager(s) to one or more incoming owner-manager(s). Apart from all the company's material assets it presupposes that information relationships know-how and social capital are also transmitted from one to the other.  While much of the research on entrepreneurship has focused on new business ventures few studies have considered business transfers as an alternative way of embarking on entrepreneurial activities. Business Transfers Family Firms and Entrepreneurship provides the international community with a more comprehensive state-of-the-art of business transfer studies which will enrich readers’ understanding. The business transfer is examined through different prisms: family businesses internal business transfers to employees external business transfers and woman in business transfers.  This book deals with business transfer as a whole following a logic of continuity and sustainability for the transferred firm. It offers a refreshing point of view on business transfers in terms of both the process and the actors and from both the seller’s and the buyer’s sides. It presents the research on all types of business transfer including internal and external transfers and will be of interest to researchers academics and students in the fields of entrepreneurship small business management family business and strategic management. It can also be instructive for practitioners and stakeholders involved in a business transfer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367900854

Business Transformation EssentialsCase Studies and Articles Transformation programs are an common feature of global companies carrying out major strategic change projects. These programs combine business and technical expertise to bring together management and information systems. Managers rate firms' transformation competencies relatively poorly and the success rate of such endeavours is correspondingly low. Using a variety of case studies including: Allianz SE Shell SAP Vodafone and Mercedes-Benz this book provides unprecedented insights into characteristics of current transformation programs and the potential that can be leveraged by applying a holistic transformation management approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472426987

Business Transformation in China This book first published in 1996 provides an in-depth examination of China’s changing business environment as it continues to develop its business infrastructure. Leading experts from Asia and Europe present their research into developments in China. Issues include political evolution foreign trade expansion foreign direct investment the distribution system economic reform industrial relations and HR economic growth and the market entry strategies of foreign manufacturers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138367043

Business Transformation Planning for LeadersA Tactical Roadmap for Achieving Profitable Growth with the Highest Return on Capital This book is a powerful tool for business leaders who have responsibility for the success of the profit and loss (P&L) statement of a business. It provides a roadmap to help business leaders develop a comprehensive business transformation plan -- A plan that is simple fact based and actionable. In addition this book is a guide for professionals aspiring to be future P&L leaders. The holistic cross-functional and general manager view of a business in this book is useful for all department heads. For example a sales leader reading this book can understand why running a promotion to drive sales without understanding the capacity of supply chain can result in losing customers. The case study methodology used to illustrate the concepts makes the material easy to read and easy to relate to practical application by readers in their companies. Additionally business leaders responsible for due diligence and integration to create value in M&A can use the approach explained in this book. The roadmap shown in this book is a great way to engage the management team of a business unit to understand and drive the business transformation. The management team can read the book get together for a couple of days (preferably off-site) and discuss by chapter the lessons learned how the chapter applies to their business and what improvements they should focus on based on the learnings. The greatest outcome from this book is an aligned team that is focused on common priorities to execute. By getting the management team to work through this thought process and identifying areas to focus on you will ensure that they have ownership of the solutions. Having this ownership of actions is critical to keeping the team focused and willing to work harder. This roadmap can also be used for successfully integrating acquisitions made by a company to create value. This book has been developed from the author’s experience of personally leading several business transformations and inputs from various other business leaders from multiple industries. The concepts and approach discussed can be universally applied in all industries and companies of any scale. The commonsense approach discussed is applicable for both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138370661

Business Travel and Tourism 'Business Travel and Tourism' provides a comprehensive international overview of business tourism from both a theoretical and practical perspective. With the use of case studies from around the world 'Business Travel and Tourism' explores a broad range of issues including:* The global business tourism market* The design of business tourism facilities* The role of the destination in business travel and tourism* The social economic and environmental impacts of business tourism* The ethical dimension of business tourism* The marketing of business tourism products* The impact of new technologies on the business tourism market* How to organise successful conferences exhibitions and incentive travel packagesCase studies include Disneyland Paris Hong Kong Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition and Congress Centre Hilton Page and Moy Marketing Lufthansa Air France and Legoland UK.'Business Travel and Tourism' is the first text to offer a comprehensive overview of the growing but neglected area of business tourism. With the use of a wide range of up-to-date case studies and major practical exercises to help students to broaden and deepen their understanding of this area of tourism it is an invaluable text for all students on travel and tourism courses at degree and BTEC/HND level or those taking tourism options in leisure business studies hospitality management or geography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142725

Business WargamingSecuring Corporate Value Industry consolidation mergers changes to business models the emergence of new threats all require managers to understand highly complex situations assess risk and opportunity and make informed decisions. How can senior managers do this effectively when so often they are wrestling with brand new scenarios? One of the emerging solutions is business wargaming. Daniel F. Oriesek and Jan Oliver Schwarz provide the first comprehensive look at wargaming as a business tool in a book that explores the anatomy and success factors of a typical wargame. The authors explain how and when wargaming can be used to test strategies plan and prepare for crises manage change or increase your organization's ability to anticipate and adapt for the future. Creating imaginative and credible scenarios and testing them against smart opponents who are eager to find holes and counter your strategy allows you to learn about a plan or a new venture in the security of the conference room rather than learning the hard way when you go live. Business wargames are sophisticated but they are also very demanding in terms of time and resources. Business Wargaming: Securing Corporate Value will enable you to assess the potential value of the technique for your own organization to understand what you will be committing to and develop an informed business case and brief for working with the organization that will facilitate the game. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570648

Business Welsh: A User's Manual Business Welsh is a reference volume for native speakers and second language learners who wish to use Welsh in a business or professional environment. This book comprises a wide range of sample situations in English and Welsh which can be adapted to meet the specific requirements of the user. Business Welsh is: fully bilingual covers 45 business situations comprises letters faxes adverts and other essential business documents From letters of complaint to job applications Business Welsh is the essential handbook for using Welsh in a professional environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138475472

Business-Driven IT-Wide Agile (Scrum) and Kanban (Lean) ImplementationAn Action Guide for Business and IT Leaders Business-Driven IT-Wide Agile (Scrum) and Kanban (Lean) Implementation: An Action Guide for Business and IT Leaders explains how to increase IT delivery capabilities through the use of Agile and Kanban. Factoring in constant change communication a sense of urgency clear and measurable goals political realities and infrastructure needs it covers all the ingredients required for success. Using real-world examples this practical guide illustrates how to implement Agile and Kanban in software project management and development across the entire IT department. To make things easier for busy IT leaders and executives the text includes two case studies along with numerous templates to facilitate understanding and kick-start implementation. Explaining how IT and business management can work together to determine business goals that drive this IT-wide undertaking the book arms you with actionable solutions that can be put to use immediately in any IT department regardless of size. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781466557482

Business-Government Relations in Prewar Japan For the business and government relationship in Japan the pre-war period was an era of considerable change. Framed by Japan’s nation-building efforts the relationship adapted and evolved with the often fluid economic and political circumstances. As both business and government had vested interests in the direction and success of Japan’s industrialization process on one level they became partners. At the same time though they were both stakeholders in the fiercely competitive iron and steel industry. This book explores how that partner-competitor relationship worked during the amalgamation of this strategic industry from 1916 to 1934 demonstrating how both parties engaged in meaningful negotiation through the open forum of the Shingikai - or Councils of Deliberation - throughout the pre-war period. Drawing upon the original minutes of the debates it shows the ways in which the participants defended their vested interests and sought to forge agreement taking the forum seriously as a means of influencing outcomes and not simply as a mere exercise of artifice deployed to shroud the real locus of decision-making. Business-Government Relations in Prewar Japan is an important contribution to the literature on the relationship between government and business in pre-war Japan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540995

Business-NGO PartnershipsA special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 50) This Special Issue makes an important contribution to the literature on corporate-NGO relations and I commend the presenters authors and editors on their effort and execution I encourage you to read and reflect on [these] excellent papers." -  Jonathan Doh Director of the Center for Global LeadershipIn 2012 Copenhagen Business School hosted the conference Partnership 2012: NGO+Business. During the three-day event a wide range of business leaders NGO representatives politicians academics and students discussed how partnerships can help to alleviate some of the urgent social and environmental challenges facing the world today. Overall the various contributions to the conference indicated that business-NGO partnerships hold great promise for solving societal problems but it was also acknowledged that the planning and implementation of these collaborative efforts could be a challenging endeavour. Topics discussed at the conference included partnership drivers partner identification implementation processes governance mechanisms barriers and success factors and impact measurements among others. The purpose of this Special Issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship is to document and share the experiences from the 2012 conference by publishing some of the interesting research papers that were presented at the event.  The Special Issue begins with an introductory article from the conference organisers Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen and Janni Thusgaard Pedersen that synthesises the state of play in both research and practice related to corporate-NGO partnerships. It also positions the research that is contained in the issue within the broader academic discourse over the subject. The Special Issue on business-NGO partnerships includes contributions that help both academics and practitioners to better understand how business-NGO partnerships are preached and practised. The contributions look in particular at how a number of internal and external factors shape the process and outcomes of business-NGO partnerships. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783530229

Business-State Relations in BrazilChallenges of the Port Reform Lobby In recent years the spotlight of international attention on Brazil has often been in the area of logistics infrastructure—for example on its capacity to deal with the high demand expected during the World Cup and the Olympics. However neither competitiveness nor infrastructure concerns are new for Brazil. In the 1990s Brazilian policy-makers adopted a series of liberalizing economic reforms that exposed the poor condition of logistics infrastructure and inadequate investment in Brazilian ports roads railways and airports. Over twenty years later the implications of those reforms still colour Brazil’s prospects for development. Mahrukh Doctor’s book evaluates the political economy of reform in Brazil and the difficulty of implementing institutional modernization in the context of opposition from vested interests originating in the state and civil society. It focuses specifically on the Port Modernization Law which aimed to augment the country's competitiveness by creating efficient and low cost ports. Based on primary research carried out over a period of twenty years using original qualitative data Doctor’s analysis focuses on the difficulties in implementing this law and how those difficulties are symptomatic of the wider issues associated with lack of sufficient investment in infrastructure in Brazil. Using the case of the business lobby for port reform the book examines the evolving nature of business-state relations and the process of institutional change in Brazil. Doctor particularly examines the building of consensus for reform and policy formulation in the port sector and the challenges of reform implementation and institutional modernisation. The analysis provides extensive insights and lessons related to the prospects for boosting competitiveness of Brazilian ports. The book concludes by suggesting a likely path for the evolution of corporatist institutions as well as the provision of adequate logistics infrastructure to support business success in Brazil. A unique work on the subject of port reform in Latin America that uses a hybrid analytical framework to understand reform in Brazil this book is pertinent for a variety of subjects from Latin American Studies to political economy to economic-policy making. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367000318

Business-to-BusinessA Global Network Perspective Contemporary business-to-business (B2B) industries consist of networks of customers competitors and other stakeholders. Firms which manage their relationships with these important stakeholders are more likely to enjoy a sustained competitive advantage in the international business environment. This book is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the field from a broad and accessible perspective. The authors bring an authoritative scholarly understanding to the subject taking readers through the entire process of creating developing and maintaining B2B networks. Case studies illustrating each chapter include: Apple Panasonic Johnson & Johnson Epson and Samsung. In providing a single and explicit established academic framework for understanding business networks in a global setting this book is vital reading for students and researchers involved with international management international marketing and strategic management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415740883

But at the Same Time and on Another LevelClinical Applications in the Kleinian/Bionian Mode This book discusses general principles on how the psychoanalyst or psychoanalytically informed psychotherapist may optimally provide and maintain the setting for the psychoanalysis. It also discusses the foundational work of Klein's original contributions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323608

But at the Same Time and on Another LevelPsychoanalytic Theory and Technique in the Kleinian/Bionian Mode This book is organized as a handbook a "beginning" to elucidate general principles on how the psychoanalyst or psychoanalytically informed psychotherapist may optimally provide and maintain the setting for the psychoanalysis and ultimately intervene with interpretations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323059

But Facts ExistAn Enquiry into Psychoanalytic Theorizing This book provides an account of the chequered course of international psychoanalysis over the last 100 years with a lucid critical treatment of the major theoretical developments illustrated by clinical examples drawn from the author's own vast experience. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429472664

But I'm Not a Reading TeacherStrategies for Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas This book shows content area teachers in middle and high schools how to boost student achievement by including lessons and strategies which focus on students' reading comprehension without detracting from content area focus. These mini-lessons and strategies are research-based and address the specific literacy challenges of each particular subject area (social studies mathematics science etc.). The author has provided a large number of reading examples from texts sample tests and assessments and actual mini-lessons their content areas identified by marginal tabs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439733

But What If... This therapeutic story focuses on worries about transition to secondary school. Jake is in Year 6. He is worried about the transition to secondary school because he has heard many rumours including one about the older pupils flushing first years' heads down the toilets. The story illustrates how many of the pupils share similar worries about the impending transition even though their behavior looks different. Jake's behaviour illustrates his initial negative coping strategies as his worry grows. This includes not talking about it opting out of his usual interests and activities not sleeping and becoming angry with his mother.  Some of his worries are alleviated on his taster visit to the new school especially when he plucks up the courage to go into the boys' toilets. Following a misunderstanding in the toilets with some older boys he is able to share his worries with another pupil and use humour to reflect on his behaviour. The accompanying 'Let's talk about worry' text shares information and facts about mental health and transition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301764

ButheleziA Biography Ben Temkin Buthelezi's biographer had the full co-operation of Chief Buthelezi in the writing of this book. There were interviews and discussions in KwaZulu and in Johannesburg in offices at the airport in hotels in private homes and even while they travelled between centres in KwaZulu. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315040110

Butler MattersJudith Butler's Impact on Feminist and Queer Studies Since the 1990 publication of Gender Trouble Judith Butler has had a profound influence on how we understand gender and sexuality corporeal politics and political action both within and outside the academy. This collection which considers not only Gender Trouble but also Bodies That Matter Excitable Speech and The Psychic Life of Power attests to the enormous impact Butler's work has had across disciplines. In analyzing Butler's theories the contributors demonstrate their relevance to a wide range of topics and fields including activism archaeology film literature pedagogy and theory. Included is a two-part interview with Judith Butler herself in which she responds to questions about queer theory the relationship between her work and that of other gender theorists and the political impact of her ideas. In addition to the editors contributors include Edwina Barvosa-Carter Robert Alan Brookey Kirsten Campbell Angela Failler Belinda Johnston Rosemary A. Joyce Vicki Kirby Diane Helene Miller Mena Mitrano Elizabeth M. Perry Frederick S. Roden and Natalie Wilson. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138378858

ButtonlessIncredible iPhone and iPad Games and the Stories Behind Them This book presents some of the most interesting iPhone and iPad games along with stories of the people behind these games. It describes hundreds of titles including well-known games and hidden games and provides insight into the development of games for the iOS platform. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781439895856

Buy This BookStudies in Advertising and Consumption Buy This Book is an important contribution to the history and understanding of consumption and advertising. This book brings together an outstanding collection of writing on the study of advertising consumer practices and the future directions of research. Advertising and Consumption constitutes an invaluable resource for researchers teachers and students. The essays are based on new textual and ethnographic research and engage with existing theoretical and historical work to form a volume which is a challenging companion to studies in this field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315004853

Buyers and BorrowersThe Application of Consumer Theory to the Study of Library Use Learn a practical new approach to some long-standing and significant problems that librarians are continually called upon to address such as: Is the library reaching its target audience? What do shifts in use patterns reflect? How often can users be expected to visit the library on the average? Can users be identified by category by the way they use the library?Author Charles D. Emery takes a close look at some methods which can be used to answer these questions accurately. Using the analogy of repeat buying which has been shown to follow consistent and regular patterns across a wide range of consumers brands products time periods and other conditions Mr. Emery applies the same concepts of research to the investigation and analysis of library use. There are remarkable similarities between library borrowing and consumer purchasing patterns. Thus not only does the consumer purchasing model provide us with a means of investigating and predicting library user behavior but it furnishes an appropriate mechanism for the more sophisticated analysis of that behavior through the application of marketing concepts such as product mix and brand switching.By drawing the comparison between library borrowing and consumer purchasing Mr. Emery has identified what library administrators have hitherto lacked: a readily accessible corpus of theory and practical example upon which to base a coherent and cumulative body of research into the behavior of library users. The results will be useful as input to planning and distribution of resources in matters of budgets services hours personnel and programming. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315859606

Buying Supporting Maintaining Software and EquipmentAn IT Manager's Guide to Controlling the Product Lifecycle Describing how to avoid common vendor traps Buying Supporting Maintaining Software and Equipment: An IT Manager's Guide to Controlling the Product Lifecycle will help readers better control the negotiation of their IT products and services and ultimately better manage the lifecycle of those purchases.The book supplies an inside look at the methods and goals of vendors and their contracts—which are almost always in conflict with end-user goals. The text is set up to follow the way most people experience technology products and contracting decisions. It begins by explaining the significance of the decisions made at the time of product selection. It details what you need to focus on when negotiating service and support agreements and describes how to use purchase orders to negotiate more favorable agreements.Covers product acquisition support and maintenanceExamines hardware and software warranty and support modelsConsiders finance and accounting issues for maintenance and supportSpells out technology product details Explains postwarranty support and maintenanceProvides the understanding to better negotiate with vendor sales teamsIllustrating the types of problems typically experienced during product use the book describes how to better control the useful life of your equipment. It supplies tips on how to avoid excessive charges from predatory vendors and concludes by delving into issues of product end of life.Explaining how to manage support and maintenance issues for the long term this book provides the understanding you need to make sure you are more knowledgeable about the products and services your organization needs than the vendor teams with whom you are negotiating. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367378592

Buying and Clearing RightsPrint Broadcast and Multimedia Buying and Clearing Rights is the first work to consider the difficulties of rights clearances in all forms of media. It offers practical advice on how to plan clear and pay for rights. Covering such areas as co-production and the co-financing of contracts multimedia text pictures footage software moral rights and production paperwork this book will be of use to producers directors suppliers of creative material and distributors as well as academics and media studies students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988033

Buying and Selling Multimedia Services This book is a comprehensive guide to buying and developing multimedia in the most cost-effective manner. Focusing on the human factors in producing multimedia rather than just the software Buying and Selling Multimedia Services is aimed at both buyers and sellers of multimedia services and draws on real-world anecdotes war stories from project diaries and first-hand experience to provide examples of the key ideas delineated within the book. These are true stories culled from 25 years of working on both sides of the desk as a purchaser of creative services for a Fortune 500 company and as a producer and seller for one of the largest multimedia production shops in the country. This book helps the multimedia producer and buyer to recognize flaws in past performances and to anticipate situations in future projects in order to save money and eliminate boardroom confrontations. Accusations altercations and recriminations can be avoided and the bottom line enhanced with the production of an effective product targeted to a receptive audience. Souter examines the skills necessary to both the producer and the purchaser of multimedia allowing each to see the others' problems and viewpoints. Viewing the multimedia project from both sides as both buyer and seller Souter highlights the issues which will allow for effective communication between parties resulting in a better product and a more creative relationship among all involved. In the second part of the book Souter provides a comprehensive guide to all the digital formats available to help the buyer and the developer select the most appropriate for a given project. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138442962

Buying And Selling PowerAnthropological Reflections On Prostitution In Spain This book explores the complex identities and connection between clients and prostitutes living in Spain and life beyond prostitution. It reflects on the relationship between the anthropologist and that of his/her subjects and informants. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159696

Buying for the HomeShopping for the Domestic from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Buying for the Home is a book about the experiences and also the polarities of shopping and the home. It analyses the ways in which the agencies and discourses of the retail environment mesh with the processes of physical and imaginative re-creation that constitute the domestic space teasing out the negotiations and interactions that mediate this key arena. The study examines how the strategies of retailers were both arbitrated by and negotiated through the actions and desires of the homemaker as consumer. Drawing on the recent CHORD (Centre for the History of Retail and Distribution) colloquium on shopping and the domestic environment and including two specially commissioned pieces the book draws on a wide selection of interdisciplinary work from established scholars and new researchers. Organised around four key themes - retail arenas and the everyday; identity and lifestyle; fashioning domestic space; and cultural practice - the ten case studies cover a range of cultural encounters and locations from the seventeenth to the late twentieth century. Through these interdisciplinary but linked case studies Buying for the Home forces us to consider the fractured space that existed between the world of goods and the middle- and working-class home and in so doing interrogate how middle-class and plebeian homemakers view imagine and ultimately occupy their domestic spaces in early-modern modern and post-modern society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246607

Buying into the EnvironmentExperiences Opportunities and Potential for Eco-procurement Green purchasing - or eco-procurement - by local and central governments has long been recommended in documents such as Agenda 21 to be a key - although sometimes supplemental-ingredient in the achievement of more environmentally responsible economies. Certainly sustainable consumption cannot be considered a realistic goal without the full engagement of public authorities. Many initiatives have been undertaken in OECD countries most successfully in Japan and Denmark where green public purchasing has been proven to be workable and highly effective while in other countries city municipalities have successfully pioneered the development of sophisticated public environmental purchasing policies. However for the vast majority of countries and their major cities the potential for green public purchasing remains woefully untapped. A key question is what would be the environmental impact if the majority of cities in Europe replicated the success stories of those leading the way? Public procurement has after all been an important tool in achieving other public policy goals such as defence. Why should it not be used as a tool to defend the environment? The RELIEF project funded by the EU's "City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage" programme was established to answer exactly this question: to define the true potential of eco-procurement and to develop a strategy for change in Europe. Buying into the Environment is the result of the research segment of the project which has now been completed. A further stage-to design a Europe-wide action plan will follow in 2004. The book organised under the auspices of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) analyses national approaches already tested and provides in-depth surveys on the pioneer cities such as Hamburg Malmo and Zurich. Serious attention is given to city-specific hurdles which have been faced and overcome. The most relevant product groups for eco-procurement such as construction transport energy information technology furniture and food. are also analysed. Uniquely the book also provides calculations on the environmental benefits potentially achievable through greener purchasing. Tools were developed and tested by the RELIEF researchers on the environmental assessment of products public buying power and on evaluations of market conditions in order to provide scenarios for the application of green purchasing at a European level. The conclusions are that there is huge potential for both local and central governments to adapt their behaviour patterns and purchase in a more environmentally responsible way. For example 18% of the EU's Kyoto Protocol commitment could be achieved if major cities in the European Union purchased green electricity. The results are complemented by new ideas on how best to foster innovation in public contractual arrangements-to encourage the development of products such as super-energy-efficient computers and fuel cells-and how the legal system may require adaptation and reform. The results presented in this book will provide an indispensable resource for municipalities governments researchers and business practitioners looking for answers on how public procurement can have a fundamental and manifestly positive effect on the environment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351281409

Buying KnowledgeEffective Acquisition of External Knowledge Technology acquisition consultancy know-how research data and services marketing information intellectual property ... the list of sources and types of knowledge that organizations need to acquire share and manage is growing exponentially. The acquisition and management of knowledge as an end in itself is relatively new but has grown in importance on most managers agendas over the past fifteen years and is something that many managers are still fundamentally ill-equipped to control effectively. Yet it is their ability to plan source evaluate acquire and manage knowledge on which the success of their organizations increasingly depends Peter Sammons provides managers with a readable highly practical guide to buying and managing knowledge. The author looks at the knowledge economy to set the scene on the manager's growing responsibility to buy-in knowledge for their organization. He explores intellectual property rights: how they are created transferred and protected. He sets out some alternative strategies to buying knowledge. There's advice on how to work with universities contract research organizations and consultancy firms. And the most neglected area of all - knowledge transfer from supplier to buyer - is given exhaustive treatment. In a discipline (knowledge work) that is fraught with jargon technology and arcane practice Buying Knowledge enables every manager to acquire the knowledge their organization needs; in a form and at a cost that is most appropriate for them without exposing their organization to litigation or intellectual property disputes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138621886

Buying SecurityIran Under the Monarchy This book looks at trends in military expenditures in Iran during approximately the three decades preceding the Islamic revolution of 1979 and their impact on economic growth and development. It focuses on military security policy which establishes guidelines for military spending decisions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367012687

Buying the Big JetsFleet Planning for Airlines This article was first published in 2001. This is an examination of practices in aircraft evaluation and selection. It clarifies the fleet planning methodologies and defines decision-making processes that are relevant to the environment offering insights into how selections are being made for a range of airlines and market conditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138718463

Buying the Big JetsFleet Planning for Airlines Selecting the right aircraft for an airline operation is a vastly complex process involving a multitude of skills and considerable knowledge of the business. Buying the Big Jets has been published since 2001 to provide expert guidance to all those involved in aircraft selection strategies. This third edition brings the picture fully up to date representing the latest developments in aircraft products and best practice in airline fleet planning techniques. It features a new section that addresses the passenger experience and for the first time includes regional jet manufacturers who are now extending their product families into the 100-plus seating category. Overall the third edition looks at a broader selection of analytical approaches than previously and considers how fleet planning for cost-leader airlines differs from that of network carriers. Buying the Big Jets is an industry-specific example of strategic planning and is therefore a vital text for students engaged in graduate or post-graduate studies either in aeronautics or business administration. The book is essential reading for airline planners with fleet planning responsibility consultancy groups analysts studying aircraft performance and economics airline operational personnel students of air transport leasing companies aircraft value appraisers and all who manage commercial aircraft acquisition programmes and provide strategic advice to decision-makers. It is also a valuable tool for the banking community where insights into aircraft acquisition decisions are vital. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138749825

By Fire and IceDismantling Chemical Weapons While Preserving the Environment This book first published in 1997 examines the forced merger between national security interests and environmental policy makers arising from the Chemical Weapons Convention and its requirement to safely dismantle the world’s chemical weapons stockpiles. The two groups had to find a way to intersect and work together and this book analyses the problems and politics involved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367611804

By Noon PrayerThe Rhythm of Islam A groundbreaking anthropological analysis of Islam as experienced by Muslims By Noon Prayer builds a conceptual model of Islam as a whole while travelling along a comparative path of biblical Egyptological ethnographic poetic scriptural and visual materials. Grounded in long-term observation of Arabo-Islamic culture and society the study captures the rhythm of Islam weaving through the lives of Muslim women and men.Examples of the rhythmic nature of Islam can be seen in all aspects of Muslims' everyday lives. Muslims break their Ramadan fast upon the sun setting and they receive Ramadan by sighting the new moon. Prayer for their dead is by noon and burial is before sunset. This is space and time in Islam - moon sun dawn and sunset are all part of a unique and unified rhythm interweaving the sacred and the ordinary nature and culture in a pattern that is characteristically Islamic. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084839

By Northern LightsOn the Making of Geography in Sweden Swedish society has recurrently shown a keen geographical sense meticulously documenting all matters relating to environments resources and human activities through space and time from the sixteenth century on. Throughout the twentieth century in particular Sweden won international acclaim for its groundbreaking geographic work on spatial planning climate change time-space modelling and landscape history by the likes of Ahlmann De Geer Enequist Hägerstrand Kant Olsson and William-Olsson. More recently with the rising tide of post modernity and multiple processes of globalization there has been a good deal of debate about novel lines of enquiry into nature and culture issues of gender identity and diversity justice and environmental concern; all of these have sparked a renewed interest in the history and philosophy of the field. Following on from Anne Buttimer's renowned Geography and the Human Spirit this book not only offers the first book length contextual account of the development of geographic thought in Sweden but also provides a narrative thread which traces continuity and change in both cognitive styles and professional practices of geography in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138250895

By the Sweat of Their BrowWomen workers at Victorian Coal Mines The pit brow lasses who sorted coal and performed a variety of jobs above ground at British coal mines prompted a violent debate about women’s work in the nineteenth century. Seen as the prime example of degraded womanhood the pit brow woman was regarded as an aberration in a masculine domain cruelly torn from her ‘natural sphere’ the home. The attempt to restrict women’s work at the mines in the 1880s highlights the dichotomy between the fashionable ideal of womanhood and the necessity and reality of female manual labour. Although only a tiny percentage of the colliery labour force the pit lasses aroused an interest out of all proportion to their numbers and their work became a test case for women’s outdoor manual employment. Angela John discusses the implications of this debate showing how it encapsulates many of the ambivalences of late Victorian attitudes towards working-class female employment and at the same time raises wider questions both about women’s work in industries seen as traditionally male enclaves and about the ways in which women within the working community have been presented by historians.This book was first published in 1980. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852784

By-Elections In British Politics First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315072616

BYOD for Healthcare With 70 percent of organizations already adopting bring your own device (BYOD) and Gartner expecting this number to increase to 90 percent by the end of 2014 it is not a question of if or when it’s a question of will you be ready.BYOD for Healthcare provides authoritative guidance to help you thrive during the healthcare BYOD (hBYOD) revolution. Jessica Keyes president of New Art Technologies Inc. professor at the University of Liverpool and former managing director of R&D for the New York Stock Exchange supplies an understanding of these new end users their demands and the strategic and tactical ramifications of these demands. Maintaining a focus on the healthcare industry the book considers the broad range of technical considerations including selection connectivity training support and security. It examines the integration of BYOD to current health IT legal regulatory and ethical issues. It also covers risk assessment and mitigation strategies for an hBYOD environment that are in line with medical laws regulations ethics and the HIPAA and HITECH Acts.The text discusses BYOD security and provides time-saving guidance on how to configure your hBYOD environment. It also considers how BYOD impacts resource management certification of EMR/EHR software health informatics and health information exchange.The book covers content and data management risk assessment and performance measurement and management. It includes a set of Quick Start guides with tips for assessing costs cloud integration and legal issues. It also contains a robust appendix with information on everything from security settings for Apple iOS devices to a sample employee mobile device agreement. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138382220

By-Right By-DesignHousing Development versus Housing Design in Los Angeles Housing is an essential but complex product so complex that professionals involved in its production namely architects real estate developers and urban planners have difficulty agreeing on “good” housing outcomes. Less-than-optimal solutions that have resulted from a too narrow focus on one discipline over others are familiar: high design that is costly to build that makes little contribution to the public realm highly profitable but seemingly identical “cookie-cutter” dwellings with no sense of place and well-planned neighborhoods full of generically designed unmarketable product types.Differing roles languages and criteria for success shape these perspectives which in turn influence attitudes about housing regulation. Real estate developers for example prefer projects that can be built “as-of-right” or “by-right ” meaning that they can be approved quickly because they meet all current planning zoning and building code requirements. Design-focused projects heretofore “by-design ” by contrast often require time to challenge existing regulatory codes pursuing discretionary modifications meant to maximize design innovation and development potential. Meanwhile urban planners work to establish and mediate the threshold between by-right and by-design processes by setting housing standards and determining appropriate housing policy. But just what is the right line between “by-right” and “by-design”?By-Right By-Design provides a historical perspective conceptual frameworks and practical strategies that cross and connect the diverse professions involved in housing production. The heart of the book is a set of six cross-disciplinary comparative case studies each examining a significant Los Angeles housing design precedent approved by-variance and its associated development type approved as of right. Each comparison tells a different story about the often-hidden relationships among the three primary disciplines shaping the built environment some of which uphold and others of which transgress conventional disciplinary stereotypes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670627

Byron First published in 1972. John D. Jump a leading authority on Byron and the Romantic period here gives an account of Byron’s literary achievement in relation to the age of revolutions in which he lived and in relation to his own character and personal circumstances. Professor Jump focuses upon the major poems and also discusses Byron’s prose principally his letters and journals. In doing so he covers all of the important aspects of Byron’s work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138648418

Byron Often seen as the exception to generalisations about Romanticism Byron's poetry - and its intricate relationship with a brilliant scandalous life - has remained a source of controversy throughout the twentieth century. This book brings together recent work on Byron by leading British and American scholars and critics guiding undergraduate students and sixth-form pupils through the different ways in which new literary theory has enriched readings of Byron's work and showing how his poetry offers a rewarding focus for questions about the relationship between historical contexts and literary form in the Romantic period.Diverse and fresh perspectives on canonical texts such as Don Juan Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Manfred are included together with stimulating analyses of less well-known narrative poems lyrics and dramas. A clearly structured introduction traces key developments in Byron criticism and locates the essays within wider debates in Romantic studies. Detailed headnotes to each essay and a guide to further reading help to orientate the reader and offer pointers for further discussion.The collection will enable students of English literature Romantic studies and nineteenth-century cultural studies to assess the contribution that different critical methodologies have made to our understanding of individual poems by Byron as well as concepts like the Byronic hero and evolving definitions of Romanticism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138162808

Byron Hunt and the Politics of Literary Engagement In the second decade of the nineteenth century the British press began a campaign of critical abuse against Leigh Hunt caricaturing the radical journalist as an upstart "Cockney" author whose literary talents were as disreputable as his politics. Lord Byron on the other hand was revered as a peer and a poetical genius who the conservative press argued would never befriend and collaborate with a writer like Hunt. Yet Byron did just that.  Byron Hunt and the Politics of Literary Engagement is the first full-length study of the friendship and literary relationship of two of the most important second-generation Romantic authors. Challenging long-held critical attitudes this study shows that Byron and Hunt engaged in a creative and meaningful dialogue at each major stage in their careers from their earliest published volumes of juvenile poetry and verse satire to their most celebrated contributions to Romantic literature: The Story of Rimini and Don Juan. Drawing upon newly recovered letters and unpublished manuscript material this book illuminates the surprisingly durable and artistically significant friendship of Lord Byron and Leigh Hunt. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367321352

Byron Shelley and Goethe's FaustAn Epic Connection This book focuses on an exciting moment in the history of Anglo-German literary exchange in the Romantic period the moment of George Gordon Byron's and Percy Bysshe Shelley's interrelated encounters with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's seminal dramatic poem Faust. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599843

Byron Sully and the Power of Portraiture Since the early nineteenth century Byron the man and his image have captured the hearts and minds of untold legions of people of all political and social stripes in Britain Europe America and around the world. This book focuses on the history and cultural significance for Federal America of the only portrait of Byron known to have been painted by a major artist. In private hands from 1826 until this day Thomas Sully's Byron has never before been the subject of scholarly study. Beginning with his discovery of the portrait in 1999 and a 200-year narrative of the portrait's provenance and its relation to other well-known Byron portraits the author discusses the work within the broad context of British and American portraiture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Receiving most attention are Thomas Lawrence and Sully his American counterpart. The author gives the fullest account to date of Sully's career and his relation to English influences and to figures prominent in the early-nineteenth-century American imagination among them Washington Fanny Kemble Lafayette Joseph Bonaparte and Nicholas Biddle. Byron is discussed as an icon of the young American Republic whose Jubilee year coincided with Sully's initial work on the poet's portrait. Later chapters offer a close reading of the portrait arguing that Sully has given a visual interpretation truly worthy of his celebrated controversial and famously handsome subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138619005

Byron Sully and the Power of Portraiture First published in 2005. Since the early nineteenth century Byron the man and his image have captured the hearts and minds of untold legions of people of all political and social stripes in Britain Europe America and around the world. This book focuses on the history and cultural significance for Federal America of the only portrait of Byron known to have been painted by a major artist. In private hands from 1826 until this day Thomas Sulley’s Byron has never before been the subject of scholarly study. Beginning with the discovery of the portrait in 1999 and a 200-year narrative of the portrait’s provenance and its relation to other well-known Byron portraits the author discusses the work within the broad context of British and American portraiture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665637

Byron & Shakespeare - Wils Kni First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415606691

Byron and the Discourses of History In her study of the relationship between Byron’s lifelong interest in historical matters and the development of history as a discipline Carla Pomarè focuses on drama (the Venetian plays The Deformed Transformed) verse narrative (The Siege of Corinth Mazeppa) and dramatic monologue (The Prophecy of Dante) calling attention to their interaction with historiographical and pseudo-historiographical texts ranging from monographs to dictionaries collections of apophthegms autobiographies and prophecies. This variety of discourses Pomarè suggests not only served as a source of the historical information Byron cherished providing the subject matter for countless episodes in his works but also and primarily supplied him with epistemological models. From them Byron drew such trademark textual practices as his massive use of notes and paratexts which satisfied his ingrained need for ’authenticity’ - a sentiment expressed in his oft-quoted ’I hate things all fiction’. As Pomarè argues Byron’s meticulous tracing of the process that links events documents and historical representations ultimately answers his desire to retrieve what might be lost during the transmission of historical knowledge. Thus does he betray his preoccupation with the ideological uses of history writing projecting his own discourses of history into the present of their composition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254626

Byron: Selected Poetry and Prose Donald Low's collection contains Byron's most subversive spirited and playful poetry as well as his outspoken prose. With helpful and informative annotation and a full bibliography this is an essential study aid for students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138834057

Byron: The Poetry of Politics and the Politics of Poetry 'It is no great matter supposing that Italy could be liberated who or what is sacrificed. It is a grand object - the very poetry of politics. Only think - a free Italy!!! Why there has been nothing like it since the days of Augustus.' So wrote Lord Byron in his journal in February 1821 only days before the outbreak of revolution in Greece where three years later he would die in the service of the revolutionary cause. For a poet whose life and work are interlaced with action of multiple sorts surprisingly little attention has been devoted to Byron's engagement with issues of politics. This volume brings together the work of eminent Byronists from seven European countries and the USA to re-assess the evidence. What did Byron mean by the 'poetry of politics'? Was he in any sense a 'political animal'? Can his final fateful involvement in Greece be understood as the culmination of earlier more deeply rooted quests? The first part of the book examines the implications of reading and writing as themselves political acts; the second interrogates the politics inherent or implied in Byron's poems and plays; the third follows the trajectory of his political engagement (or non-engagement) from his abortive early career in the British House of Lords via the Peninsular War in Spain to his involvement in revolutionary politics abroad. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880743

Byron�s Poetic ExperimentationChilde Harold the Tales and the Quest for Comedy In this study  the author examines the evolution of Byron's poetry from Childe Harold I and II through to the composition of Beppo. Beginning with a close reading of the sustained poetic experimentation that constitutes Childe Harold I and II he charts the progress of that experimentation in the Tales where Byron's poetry gets entrenched in a tragic idiom. The author then describes Byron's prolonged struggle to break clear of the imaginative limitations imposed by that tragic idiom and to break into a sustainable comic mode: a struggle that drives Childe Harold III The Prisoner of Chillon and The Dream only to culminate in success in Childe Harold IV. It is here as Rawes demonstrates that the path forward into the comic mode of Beppo and Don Juan is discovered. Byron's Poetic Experimentation also offers a substantial reconsideration of Byron's shifting attitude towards Wordsworthian idealism and a detailed analysis of the structured eclecticism of Manfred. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367887711

Byron's Don Juan First published in 1985. What sort of poem is Don Juan and how does it maintain its momentum through its long and often struggling narrative? These are the questions that Bernard Beatty proposes in this subtle and elegant discussion of Byron’s masterwork. The legend of Don Juan was entrenched in European literature and other arts long before it came under Byron’s hands yet Byron’s treatment of the story is often almost unrecognisably far from its forebears. Beatty indicates how deeply Byron has assimilated his predecessors in order to produce his own work. The sustained argument of this book raises questions of interest not only to students of Byron but of comedy in general as well as of the place of religious motifs in apparently secularised modes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138648562

Byron's Don JuanA Critical Study When this book was published in 1945 interest in Byron’s poetry and appreciation of his titanic role in Romanticism had been steadily increasing. Of all his vast poetic production Don Juan the last and greatest of his major works offers the highest rewards to the modern reader. It not only stands out among his poems as the best expression of Byron but it ranks with the great poems of the nineteenth century as representative of the era and of modern European civilization. This title will be of interest to students of literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138651197

Byron's Journal of his Circumnavigation 1764-1766 In 1764 the Hon. John Byron was commissioned by the Admiralty to sail to the South Atlantic to search for Pepys's Island and the Southern Continent. He was then to continue into the Pacific itself and look for a possible North-west passage. Although he rediscovered the Falkland Islands it was after the French had done so under Bougainville and he made no attempt to search for a North-west passage at all but sailed straight on round the world making no discoveries of any importance. The journal which Byron kept during his voyage has been edited and annotated by Dr Gallagher. In his Introduction he describes earlier voyages of a similar nature and sketches the background to this voyage. He assesses Byron's achievement and considers why he disobeyed his orders. Apart from the Journal the Admiralty's 'secret instructions' to Byron are also printed here as well as Byron's letter to the Admiralty explaining why he was sailing straight on. There is an appendix by Dr Helen Wallis on the Patagonian giants. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1964. Media > Books > E-books Hakluyt Society 9781315570693

Bystanders to the HolocaustA Re-evaluation Using accessible archival sources a team of historians reveal how much the USA Britain Switzerland and Sweden knew about the Nazi attempt to murder all the Jews of Europe during World War II. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315810171

Byzantine Art and Renaissance Europe Byzantine Art and Renaissance Europe discusses the cultural and artistic interaction between the Byzantine east and western Europe from the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204 to the flourishing of post-Byzantine artistic workshops on Venetian Crete during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and the formation of icon collections in Renaissance Italy. The contributors examine the routes by which artistic interaction may have taken place and explore the reception of Byzantine art in western Europe analysing why artists and patrons were interested in ideas from the other side of the cultural and religious divide. In the first chapter Lyn Rodley outlines the development of Byzantine art in the Palaiologan era and its relations with western culture. Hans Bloemsma then re-assesses the influence of Byzantine art on early Italian painting from the point of view of changing demands regarding religious images in Italy. In the first of two chapters on Venetian Crete Angeliki Lymberopoulou evaluates the impact of the Venetian presence on the production of fresco decorations in regional Byzantine churches on the island. The next chapter by Diana Newall continues the exploration of Cretan art manufactured under the Venetians shifting the focus to the bi-cultural society of the Cretan capital Candia and the rise of the post-Byzantine icon. Kim Woods then addresses the reception of Byzantine icons in western Europe in the late Middle Ages and their role as devotional objects in the Roman Catholic Church. Finally Rembrandt Duits examines the status of Byzantine icons as collectors’ items in early Renaissance Italy. The inventories of the Medici family and other collectors reveal an appreciation for icons among Italian patrons which suggests that received notions of Renaissance tastes may be in need of revision. The book thus offers new perspectives and insights and re-positions late and post-Byzantine art in a broader European cultural context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273870

Byzantine Athens 10th - 12th Centuries In this masterful synthesis Charalambos Bouras draws together material and textual evidence for Athens in the Middle Byzantine period from the mid-tenth century to 1204 when it was conquered by Crusaders. What emerges from his meticulous investigation is an urban fabric surprisingly makeshift in its domestic sector yet exuberantly creative in its ecclesiastical architecture. Rather than viewing the city as a mere shadow of its ancient past Bouras demonstrates how Athens remained an important city of the Byzantine Empire as the seat of a metropolitan home to local aristocracy and pilgrimage destination for those who came to worship at the Christian Parthenon. Byzantine Athens explores the relationship of the Byzantine infrastructure to earlier configurations shedding light on the water supply industrial facilities streets and fortifications of medieval Athens and exploring the evidence for the form and typology of Byzantine houses. Thanks to Bouras’s indefatigable study of all available archaeological reports the first part of the book offers an overall picture of the Middle Byzantine city. The second part presents a fully documented and illustrated catalogue of nearly 40 churches including synthetic treatments of their typology and morphology set in the wider Byzantine architectural context. Finally Bouras joins his unrivalled knowledge of the surviving remains and exhaustive scrutiny of the relevant scholarship to offer a historical interpretation of the Athenian monuments. Byzantine Athens is a unique achievement that will remain an invaluable compendium of our knowledge of one of the most complex yet relatively unknown Byzantine cities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472479907

Byzantine Chronicles and the Sixth Century Byzantine chronicles have traditionally been regarded as a somewhat inferior form of Byzantine history writing especially in comparison with 'classicizing' historians. The aim of many of these papers is both to rescue the reputation of the Byzantine chroniclers especially Malalas and Theophanes and also to provide some examples of how these two chroniclers in particular can be exploited usefully both to reveal aspects of the past itself notably of the period of Justinian and also of how the Byzantines interpreted their own past which included on occasions rewriting that past to suit altered contemporary needs. For the period of Justinian in particular proper attention to aspects of the humble Byzantine chronicle can also help achieve a better understanding of the period than that provided by the classicizing Procopius with his emphasis on war and conquest. By considering more general aspects of the place of history-writing in Byzantine culture the papers also help explain why history remained such an important aspect of Byzantine culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138109261

Byzantine Images and their AfterlivesEssays in Honor of Annemarie Weyl Carr The twelve papers written for this volume reflect the wide scope of Annemarie Weyl Carr's interests and the equally wide impact of her work. The concepts linking the essays include the examination of form and meaning the relationship between original and copy and reception and cultural identity in medieval art and architecture. Carr’s work focuses on the object but considers the audience looks at the copy for retention or rejection of the original form and meaning and always seeks to understand the relationship between intent and perception. She examines the elusive nature of ’center’ and ’periphery’ expanding and enriching the discourse of manuscript production icons and their copies and the dissemination of style and meaning. Her body of work is impressive in its chronological scope and geographical extent as is her ability to tie together aspects of patronage production and influence across the medieval Mediterranean. The volume opens with an overview of Carr’s career at Southern Methodist University by Bonnie Wheeler. Kathleen Maxwell Justine Andrews and Pamela Patton contribute chapters in which they examine workshops subgroups and influences in manuscript production and reception. Diliana Angelova Lynn Jones and Ida Sinkevic offer explorations of intent and reception focusing on imperial patronage relics and reliquaries. Cypriot studies are represented by Michele Bacci and Maria Vassilaki who examine aspects of form and style in architecture and icons. The final chapters by Jaroslav Folda Anthony Cutler Rossitza Schroeder and Ann Driscoll are linked by their focus on the nature of copies and tease out the ways in which meaning is retained or altered and the role that is played by intent and reception. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600617

Byzantine Military Manuals as Literary Works and Practical HandbooksThe Case of the Tenth-Century Sylloge Tacticorum This book studies the Sylloge Tacticorum an important tenth-century Byzantine military manual. The text is used as a case study to connect military manuals with the challenges that Byzantium faced in its wars with the Arabs but also with other aspects of Byzantine society such as education politics and conventions in the productions of literary texts and historical narratives. The book explores when the Sylloge was written and by whom. It identifies which passages from classical or earlier works were incorporated in the Sylloge and explains the reason why Byzantines imitated works of the past. The book then studies the extent to which the Sylloge was original and how innovation and originality were received in Byzantine society. Despite the imitation the author of the Sylloge adapted and updated his material to reflect the current operational needs as well as the ideological cultural and religious context of his time. Finally the book attempts to estimate the extent to which Byzantine generals followed the advice of military manuals and to explore whether historical narratives can be safely used to draw information as to how the Byzantines and the Arabs fought.Therefore along with a detailed study of the Sylloge Tacticorum this monograph also addresses broader issues of the pen and the sword such as military manuals in connection with Byzantine warfare politics literature historiography and education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367662394

Byzantine OrthodoxiesPapers from the Thirty-sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies University of Durham 23–25 March 2002 The Byzantine Empire - the Christianized Roman Empire - very soon defined itself in terms of correct theological belief 'orthodoxy'. The terms of this belief were hammered out for the most part by bishops but doctrinal decisions were made in councils called by the Emperors many of whom involved themselves directly in the definition of 'orthodoxy'. Iconoclasm was an example of such imperial involvement as was the final overthrow of iconoclasm. That controversy ensured that questions of Christian art were also seen by Byzantines as implicated in the question of orthodoxy. The papers gathered in this volume derive from those presented at the 36th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Durham March 2002. They discuss how orthodoxy was defined and the different interests that it represented; how orthodoxy was expressed in art and the music of the liturgy; and how orthodoxy helped shape the Byzantine Empire's sense of its own identity an identity defined against the 'other' - Jews heretics and especially from the turn of the first millennium the Latin West. These considerations raise wider questions about the way in which societies and groups use world-views and issues of belief to express and articulate identity. At a time when with the enlargement of the European Union questions of identity within Europe are once again becoming pressing there is much in these essays of topical relevance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138264991

Byzantine Readings of Ancient HistoriansTexts in Translation with Introductions and Notes The survival of ancient Greek historiography is largely due to its preservation by Byzantine copyists and scholars. This process entailed selection adaptation and commentary which shaped the corpus of Greek historiography in its transmission. By investigating those choices Kaldellis enables a better understanding of the reception and survival of Greek historical writing.Byzantine Readings of Ancient Historians includes translations of texts written by Byzantines on specific ancient historians. Each translated text is accompanied by an introduction and notes to highlight the specific context and purpose of its composition. In order to present a rounded picture of the reception of Greek historiography in Byzantium a wide range of genres have been considered such as poems and epigrams essays personalized scholia and commentaries. Byzantine Readings of Ancient Historians is therefore an important resource for scholars and students of ancient history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367869199

Byzantine Trade 4th-12th CenturiesThe Archaeology of Local Regional and International Exchange. Papers of the Thirty-eighth Spring Symposi The 28 papers examine questions relating to the extent and nature of Byzantine trade from Late Antiquity into the Middle Ages. The Byzantine state was the only political entity of the Mediterranean to survive Antiquity and thus offers a theoretical standard against which to measure diachronic and regional changes in trading practices within the area and beyond. To complement previous extensive work on late antique long-distance trade within the Mediterranean (based on the grain supply amphorae and fine ware circulation) the papers concentrate on local and international trade. The emphasis is on recently uncovered or studied archaeological evidence relating to key topics. These include local retail organisation within the city some regional markets within the empire the production and/or circulation patterns of particular goods (metalware ivory and bone glass pottery) and objects of international trade both exports such as wine and glass imports such as materia medica and the lack of importation of for example Sasanian pottery. In particular new work relating to specific regions of Byzantium's international trade is highlighted: in Britain the Levant the Red Sea the Black Sea and China. Papers of the 38th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies held in 2004 at Oxford under the auspices of the Committee for Byzantine Studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261010

Byzantine Warfare Warfare was an integral part of the operations of the medieval eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire both in its organization as well as in social thinking and political ideology. This volume presents a selection of articles dealing with key aspects of Byzantine attitudes to war and violence with military administration and organization at tactical and strategic levels weapons and armaments and war-making itself; discussions which make an important contribution to answering the questions of how and why the empire survived as long as it did. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261003

Byzantine WomenVarieties of Experience 800-1200 This volume brings together a group of international scholars who explore many unusual aspects of the world of Byzantine women in the period 800-1200. The specific aim of this collection is to investigate the participation of women - non-imperial women in particular - in supposedly 'masculine' fields of operation. This new research across a range of disciplines attempts to provide an analysis of the activities of and attitudes towards Byzantine women in this period. Using evidence from sources as diverse as tax registers monastic foundation documents twelfth-century novels historical texts art history and the writings of women themselves such as the hymnographer Kassia and the historian Anna Komnene these papers elucidate the context in which Byzantine women lived. They emphasize the variety of female experiences the circumstances that shaped women's lives and the ways in which individual women were perceived by their society. Contributions focus on women's dress their participation in the street life of Constantinople their appearance in Byzantine fiscal documents their monastic foundations their engagement with entertainment at the imperial court and the way heroines are portrayed in the Byzantine novels. Analysis of the writings of the hymnographer Kassia the networking of Mary 'of Alania' and the ways she overcame the disadvantages of being a foreign-born empress and the family values reflected in Anna Komnene's Alexiad draw attention to specific problems. All these aim to expand our understanding of the circumstances that shaped women's lives and expectations in the Middle Byzantine period and to analyze the range of women's experiences the roles they played and the impact they made on society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259515

Byzantium and the Emergence of Muslim-Turkish Anatolia ca. 1040-1130 The arrival of the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia forms an indispensable part of modern Turkish discourse on national identity but Western scholars by contrast have rarely included the Anatolian Turks in their discussions about the formation of European nations or the transformation of the Near East. The Turkish penetration of Byzantine Asia Minor is primarily conceived of as a conflict between empires sedentary and nomadic groups or religious and ethnic entities. This book proposes a new narrative which begins with the waning influence of Constantinople and Cairo over large parts of Anatolia and the Byzantine-Muslim borderlands as well as the failure of the nascent Seljuk sultanate to supplant them as a leading supra-regional force. In both Byzantine Anatolia and regions of the Muslim heartlands local elites and regional powers came to the fore as holders of political authority and rivals in incessant power struggles. Turkish warrior groups quickly assumed a leading role in this process not because of their raids and conquests but because of their intrusion into pre-existing social networks. They exploited administrative tools and local resources and thus gained the acceptance of local rulers and their subjects. Nuclei of lordships came into being which could evolve into larger territorial units. There was no Byzantine decline nor Turkish triumph but rather the driving force of change was the successful interaction between these two spheres. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884482

Byzantium and the Modern Greek Identity Perhaps because of the fact that modern Greece is through the Orthodox Church inextricably linked with the Byzantine heritage the precise meaning of this heritage in its various aspects has hitherto been surprisingly little discussed by scholars. This collection of specially commissioned essays aims to present an overview of some of the different and often conflicting tendencies manifested by modern Greek attitudes to Byzantium since the late eighteenth-century Enlightenment. The aim is to show just how formative views of Byzantium have been for modern Greek life and letters: for historiography and imaginative literature on the one hand and on the other for language law and the definition of a culture. All Greek has been translated and the volume is aimed at Byzantinists and Neohellenists alike. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260983

Byzantium and the Other: Relations and Exchanges Angeliki Laiou (1941-2008) one of the leading Byzantinists of her generation broke new ground in the study of the social and economic history of the Byzantine Empire. Byzantium and the Other: Relations and Exchanges the second of three volumes to be published posthumously in the Variorum Collected Studies Series brings together fourteen articles published between 1982 and 2012 that reflect her enduring interest in Byzantium's political ideological and commercial relations with its neighbours. The first three articles examine Byzantine attitudes and institutional responses to foreigners and strangers within the empire while the next four concern Byzantium's response to the Crusades and more generally to questions of justice in the spheres of conflict and colonisation. The final seven articles investigate Byzantium's political and commercial relations with other regional and Mediterranean powers; particular emphasis is placed on Venice and Genoa whose increasing involvement in the Byzantine economy so marked the final centuries of the empire's existence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138115712

Byzantium and the WestPerception and Reality (11th-15th c.) The interaction between Byzantium and the Latin West was intimately connected to practically all the major events and developments which shaped the medieval world in the High and Late Middle Ages – for example the rise of the ‘papal monarchy’ the launch of the Crusades the expansion of international and long distance commerce or the flowering of the Renaissance. This volume explores not only the actual avenues of interaction between the two sides (trade political and diplomatic contacts ecclesiastical dialogue intellectual exchange armed conflict) but also the image each side had of the other and the way perceptions evolved over this long period in the context of their manifold contact.Twenty-one stimulating papers offer new insights and original research on numerous aspects of this relationship pooling the expertise of an international group of scholars working on both sides of the Byzantine-Western ‘divide’ on topics as diverse as identity formation ideology court ritual literary history military technology and the economy among others. The particular contribution of the research presented here is the exploration of how cross-cultural relations were shaped by the interplay of the thought-world of the various historical agents and the material circumstances which circumscribed their actions.The volume is primarily aimed at scholars and students interested in the history of Byzantium the Mediterranean world and more widely intercultural contacts in the Middle Ages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661373

Byzantium and Venice 1204–1453Collected Studies Byzantium and Venice: 1204-1453 a selection of articles by the late Julian Chrysostomides focuses on Byzantium after the Fourth Crusade and its relationship with Venice particularly in the late Palaeologan period. Seven of the articles deal with aspects of Veneto-Byzantine interactions in the Peloponnese while the remainder concentrate on the political and commercial ties between Byzantines and Venetians. The essays draw upon Julian Chrysostomides' unrivalled knowledge of the relevant Venetian documents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602338

Byzantium in the Eleventh CenturyBeing in Between The eleventh century in Byzantium is all about being in between whether this is between Basil II and Alexios Komnenos between the forces of the Normans the Pechenegs and the Turks or between different social groupings cultural identities and religious persuasions. It is a period of fundamental changes and transformations both internal and external but also a period rife with clichés and dominated by the towering presence of Michael Psellos whose usually self-contradictory accounts continue to loom large in the field of Byzantine studies. The essays collected here which were delivered at the 45th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies explore new avenues of research and offer new perspectives on this transitional period. The book is divided into four thematic clusters: 'The age of Psellos' studies this crucial figure and seeks to situate him in his time; 'Social structures' is concerned with the ways in which the deep structures of Byzantine society and economy responded to change; 'State and Church' offers a set of studies of various political developments in eleventh-century Byzantium; and 'The age of spirituality' offers the voices of those for whom Psellos had little time and little use: monks religious thinkers and pious laymen. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367885335

Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca 680–850): The SourcesAn Annotated Survey Iconoclasm the debate about the legitimacy of religious art that began in Byzantium around 730 and continued for nearly 120 years has long held a firm grip on the historical imagination. Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era is the first book in English to survey the original sources crucial for a modern understanding of this most elusive and fascinating period in medieval history. It is also the first book in any language to cover both the written and the visual evidence from this period a combination of particular importance to the iconoclasm debate. The authors an art historian and a historian who both specialise in the period have worked together to provide a comprehensive overview of the visual and the written materials that together help clarify the complex issues of iconoclasm in Byzantium. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260976

Byzantium in the Ninth Century: Dead or Alive?Papers from the Thirtieth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies Birmingham March 1996 9th-century Byzantium has always been viewed as a mid-point between Iconoclasm and the so-called Macedonian revival; in scholarly terms it is often treated as a ’dead’ century. The object of these papers is to question such an assumption. They present a picture of political and military developments legal and literary innovations artisanal production and religious and liturgical changes from the Anatolian plateau to the Greek-speaking areas of Italy that are only now gradually emerging as distinct. Investigation of how the 9th-century Byzantine world was perceived by outsiders also reveals much about Byzantine success and failure in promoting particular views of itself. The chapters here by an international group of scholars embody current research in this field; they recover many lost aspects of 9th-century Byzantium and shed new light on the Mediterranean world in a transitional century. The papers in this volume derive from the 30th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies held for the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies at the University of Birmingham in March 1996. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138277007

C# and Game ProgrammingA Beginner's Guide The second edition of C# and Game Programming offers the same practical hands-on approach as the first edition to learning the C# language through classic arcade game applications. Complete source code for games like Battle Bit Asteroid Miner and Battle Tennis included on the CD-ROM demonstrates programming strategies and complements the comprehensive treatment of C# in the text. From the basics of adding graphics and sound to games to advanced concepts such as the .Net framework and object-oriented programming this book provides the foundations for a beginner to become a full-fledged programmer. New in this edition: - Supports DirectX 9.0 - Revised programs and examples - Improved frame rate for game examples Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781138428102

C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D An Accessible Modular Style of Game Building—Easily Start Making Games with Unity 3D C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D presents a highly flexible core framework to create just about any type of game by plugging in different script components. Most scripts function within the game framework or in your own structures. The techniques and concepts discussed in the book give you a solid foundation in game development. The first ten chapters set up the flexible reusable framework based in C# and suitable for all game types. The book also explains scripting of generic reusable and common functionality. The remainder of the text adds game-specific code to the framework to create four example games: a top-down arena shooter a futuristic racing combat game a tank arena deathmatch game and a classic arcade-style vertical scrolling shoot ’em up. The games encompass artificial intelligence (path following target chasing and line-of-sight patrolling behaviors) game state control wheel colliders and weapon inventory management. The example files are available for download on the book’s CRC Press web page. Reducing your recoding repurposing or adaptation time this book provides script-based components that you can use to jump start your own projects. The book’s modular components can be mixed and matched to build various kinds of video games for the Unity game engine. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781466581401

C. D. Broad’s Philosophy of Time In this study Oaklander's primary aim is to examine critically C.D. Broad’s changing views of time and in so doing  clarify the central disputes in the philosophy of time explicate the various positions Broad took regarding them and develop his own responses both to Broad and the issues debated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415998123

C. G. Jung and Hans Urs von BalthasarGod and evil - A critical comparison This book brings together the work of Carl Gustav Jung and Hans Urs von Balthasar two of the most creative thinkers in psychology and theology in the twentieth century to critically compare their ideas on the perennial question of God’s involvement with evil. In later life Jung embarked on a project relating to Christianity with psychotherapeutic and theological intentions forming his collection of essays Symbolik des Geistes in which God and evil was a major theme. Balthasar gave significant attention to Jung’s psychology in his own theological trilogy but opposed the approach to God and evil that Jung presented. In this book Les Oglesby provides a thorough examination of convergences and divergences in Jung and Balthasar’s thinking their different approaches to the origins and reality of evil as well as their alternative theological orientations. The book culminates with a study of each man’s understanding of the central event of Christianity Christ’s death on the Cross and his descent to the dead and discusses how Balthasar’s ‘vertical’ and Jung’s ‘horizontal’ approach to this major happening can be held together fruitfully with one another. Illustrating how analytical psychology and Christian theology can mutually enrich one another when they are held in creative tension this book invites reflection on the meaning of the central symbol of Christianity and God’s involvement with evil as an aid to integrated psychological living and theological maturity. It will prove fascinating for students of psychology and religion as well as for Jungian analysts and practical theologians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415791786

C. G. Jung and the Alchemical ImaginationPassages into the Mysteries of Psyche and Soul Stanton Marlan brings together writings which span the course of his career examining Jungian psychology and the alchemical imagination as an opening to the mysteries of psyche and soul. Several chapters describe a telos that aims at the mysterious goal of the Philosophers’ Stone a move replete with classical and postmodern ideas catalysed by prompts from the unconscious: dreams images fantasies and paradoxical conundrums. Psyche and matter are seen with regards to soul light and darkness in terms of illumination and order and chaos as linked in the image of chaosmos. Marlan explores the richness of the alchemical ideas of Carl Jung James Hillman and others and their value for a revisioning of psychology. In doing so this volume challenges any tendency to literalism and essentialism and contributes to an integration between Jung’s classical vision of a psychology of alchemy and Hillman’s Alchemical Psychology. C.G. Jung and the Alchemical Imagination will be a valuable resource for academics scholars and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies Jungian analysis and psychotherapy. It will also be of great interest to Jungian psychologists and Jungian analysts in practice and in training. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367405281

C. G. Jung and the DeadVisions Active Imagination and the Unconscious Terrain C. G. Jung and the Dead: Visions Active Imagination and the Unconscious Terrain offers an in-depth look at Jung’s encounters with the dead moving beyond a symbolic understanding to consider these figures a literal presence in the psyche. Stephani L. Stephens explores Jung’s personal experiences demonstrating his skill at visioning in all its forms as well as detailing the nature of the dead. This unique study is the first to follow the narrative thread of the dead from Memories Dreams Reflections into The Red Book assessing Jung’s thoughts on their presence his obligations to them and their role in his psychological model. It offers the opportunity to examine this previously neglected theme unfolding during Jung’s period of intense confrontation with the unconscious and to understand active imagination as Jung’s principle method of managing that unconscious content. As well as detailed analysis of Jung’s own work the book includes a timeline of key events and case material. C. G. Jung and the Dead will offer academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies the history of psychology Western esoteric history and gnostic and visionary traditions a new perspective on Jung’s work. It will also be of great interest to Jungian analysts and psychotherapists analytical psychologists and practitioners of other psychological disciplines interested in Jungian ideas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815366140

C. G. Jung in the HumanitiesTaking the Soul's Path This book demonstrates for the first time the significance of Jung’s work to the humanities and to those areas where the humanities and sciences share borders. More radically it shows that Jung was a writer of myth alchemy narrative and poetics as well as on them. Jung’s core concepts are introduced their ongoing relevance is championed. The book also addresses Jung’s sometimes questionable judgment on politics and gender and previews contemporary extensions of Jungian theory. By privileging the creative psyche and exploring the connections between individual natural environment and social/psychological collective Jung anticipates the new holism offering the promise of reconciling the sciences with the arts humanity with nature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367439279

C. G. JungThe Basics C. G. Jung: The Basics is an accessible concise introduction to the life and ideas of C. G. Jung for readers of all backgrounds from those new to Jung’s work to those looking for a convenient reference. Ruth Williams eloquently and succinctly introduces the key concepts of Jungian theory and paints his biographical picture with clarity. The book begins with an overview of Jung’s family life childhood and relationship with (and subsequent split from) Sigmund Freud. Williams then progresses thematically through the key concepts in his work clearly explaining ideas including the unconscious the structure of the psyche archetypes individuation psychological types and alchemy. C. G. Jung: The Basics also presents Jung’s theories on dreams and the self and explains how his ideas developed and how they can be applied to everyday life. The book also discusses some of the negative claims made about Jung especially his ideas on politics race and gender and includes detailed explanations and examples throughout including a chronology of Jung’s life and suggested further reading. C. G. Jung: The Basics will be key reading for students at all levels coming to Jung’s ideas for the first time and general readers with an interest in his work. For those already familiar with Jungian concepts it will provide a helpful guide to applying these ideas to the real world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138195448

C. Wright Mills and the Criminological ImaginationProspects for Creative Inquiry In spite of its widespread use within criminology the term ’criminological imagination’ as derived from C. Wright Mills’ classic The Sociological Imagination has yet to be fully developed and clarified as an analytic concept capable of guiding theorizing or empirical enquiry. This volume with a preface by Elliot Currie engages with and reflects on this concept exploring C. Wright Mills’ work for criminological enquiry. Bringing together the latest work of leading scholars in the fields of criminology and sociology from around the world C. Wright Mills and the Criminological Imagination investigates the emergence and lineage of a criminological concept indebted to Mills’ thought adapting and applying it to a specifically criminological context. With attention to theoretical concerns and as well as the application of the criminological imagination in concrete empirical research this volume sheds new light on the methodological and analytical aspects of the criminological imagination as a multifaceted concept and explores the possibilities that it offers for the emergence of an imaginative criminological practice. As such it will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in sociology and social theory criminology criminal justice studies law and research methods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138306516

C.G.Jung: Psychological ReflectionsA New Anthology of His Writings 1905-1961 C. G. Jung was one of the great thinkers of our time. In the course of his long medical practice he reflected deeply on human nature and human problems and his profile writings bear witness to his wisdom and insight. This anthology of his writings containing nearly thirteen hundred quotations is the perfect introduction to jung's works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177031

C.P.E. Bach The second son of Johann Sebastian Bach C.P.E. Bach was an important composer in his own right as well as a writer and performer on keyboard instruments. He composed roughly a thousand works in all the leading genres of the period with the exception of opera and Haydn Mozart and Beethoven all acknowledged his influence. He was also the author of a two-volume encyclopedic book about performance on keyboard instrument. C.P.E. Bach and his music have always been the subject of significant scholarship and publication but interest has sharply increased over the past two or three decades from performers as well as music historians. This volume incorporates important writings not only on the composer and his chief works but also on theoretical issues and performance questions. The focus throughout is on relatively recent scholarship otherwise available only in hard-to-access sources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472443373

C.P.E. BachA Guide to Research Although he is the son of J. S. Bach C. P. E. Bach is an important composer in his own right this long-awaited annotated bibliography presents a complete listing of the works of C. P. E. Bach. This volume in the Routledge Music Bibliographies series includes many different aspects of his work: the editing of his father's masterpieces his concertos and sonatas and theoretical essays. Doris Powers also collects writings that consider C. P. E. Bach's influence the reception of his works and the cultural milieu in which Bach composed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138966901

C++ for Financial Mathematics If you know a little bit about financial mathematics but don’t yet know a lot about programming then C++ for Financial Mathematics is for you. C++ is an essential skill for many jobs in quantitative finance but learning it can be a daunting prospect. This book gathers together everything you need to know to price derivatives in C++ without unnecessary complexities or technicalities. It leads the reader step-by-step from programming novice to writing a sophisticated and flexible financial mathematics library. At every step each new idea is motivated and illustrated with concrete financial examples. As employers understand there is more to programming than knowing a computer language. As well as covering the core language features of C++ this book teaches the skills needed to write truly high quality software. These include topics such as unit tests debugging design patterns and data structures. The book teaches everything you need to know to solve realistic financial problems in C++. It can be used for self-study or as a textbook for an advanced undergraduate or master’s level course. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498750059

C++ for MathematiciansAn Introduction for Students and Professionals For problems that require extensive computation a C plus plus program can race through billions of examples faster than most other computing choices. C plus plus enables mathematicians of virtually any discipline to create programs to meet their needs quickly and is available on most computer systems at no cost. C plus plus for Mathematicians: An Introduction for Students and Professionals accentuates C plus plus concepts that are most valuable for pure and applied mathematical research. This is the first book available on C plus plus programming that is written specifically for a mathematical audience; it omits the language‘s more obscure features in favor of the aspects of greatest utility for mathematical work. The author explains how to use C plus plus to formulate conjectures create images and diagrams verify proofs build mathematical structures and explore myriad examples. Emphasizing the essential role of practice as part of the learning process the book is ideally designed for undergraduate coursework as well as self-study. Each chapter provides many problems and solutions which complement the text and enable you to learn quickly how to apply them to your own problems. An accompanying CD ROM provides all numbered programs so that readers can easily use or adapt the code as needed. Presenting clear explanations and examples from the world of mathematics that develop concepts from the ground up C plus plus for Mathematicians can be used again and again as a resource for applying C plus plus to problems that range from the basic to the complex. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138413276

C++ Template Metaprogramming in PracticeA Deep Learning Framework Using the implementation of a deep learning framework as an example C++ Template Metaprogramming in Practice: A Deep Learning Framework explains the application of metaprogramming in a relatively large project and emphasizes ways to optimize systems performance. The book is suitable for developers with a basic knowledge of C++. Developers familiar with mainstream deep learning frameworks can also refer to this book to compare the differences between the deep learning framework implemented with metaprogramming and compile-time computing with deep learning frameworks using object-oriented methods. Consisting of eight chapters the book starts with two chapters discussing basic techniques of metaprogramming and compile-time computing. The rest of the book’s chapters focus on the practical application of metaprogramming in a deep learning framework. It examines rich types and systems expression templates and writing complex meta-functions as well as such topics as: Heterogeneous dictionaries and policy templates An introduction to deep learning Type system and basic data types Operations and expression templates Basic layers Composite and recurrent layers Evaluation and its optimization Metaprogramming can construct flexible and efficient code. For C++ developers who are familiar with object-oriented programming the main difficulty in learning and mastering C++ metaprogramming is establishing the thinking mode of functional programming. The meta-programming approach involved at compile time is functional which means that the intermediate results of the construction cannot be changed and the impact may be greater than expected. This book enables C++ programmers to develop a functional mindset and metaprogramming skills. The book also discusses the development cost and use cost of metaprogramming and provides workarounds for minimizing these costs. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367609566

C2 Re-envisionedThe Future of the Enterprise Command and Control (C2) is the set of organizational and technical attributes and processes by which an enterprise marshals and employs human physical and information resources to solve problems and accomplish missions.C2 Re-envisioned: The Future of the Enterprise identifies four interrelated megatrends that are individually and collectively shaping the state of the art and practice of C2 as well as the mission challenges we face. These megatrends the book examines are: Big Problems—manifested in part as increasing complexity of both endeavors and enterprises as military establishments form coalitions with each other and partnerships with various civilian agencies and non-governmental organizationsRobustly Networked Environments—enabled by the extremely broad availability of advanced information and communications technologies (ICT) that place unprecedented powers of information creation processing and distribution in the hands of almost anyone who wants them—friend and foe alikeUbiquitous Data—the unprecedented volumes of raw and processed information with which human actors and C2 systems must contendOrganizational alternatives—as decentralized net-enabled approaches to C2 have been made more feasible by technology. The book analyzes historical examples and experimental evidence to determine the critical factors that make C2 go wrong and how to get it right. Successful enterprises in the future will be those that can reconfigure their approaches in an agile manner. Offering fresh perspectives on this subject of critical importance this book provides the understanding you will need to choose your organizational approaches to suit the mission and the conditions at hand. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378011

C60: BuckminsterfullereneSome Inside Stories This compendium of accounts reveals the unique perspectives of many scientists who made major contributions to the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of C60 buckminsterfullerene but who have not previously published personal accounts. The introduction attempts to provide a rational framework for understanding how this discovery came about and how firmly it rested on earlier technical breakthroughs and how important were the contributions of researchers who were young students at the time. In addition to these accounts most of the key publications are also reprinted. More than anything else this book gives an in-depth overview of how important cross-disciplinary advances from laboratory synthesis molecular spectroscopy radioastronomy stellar chemistry and cluster chemistry were in the discovery. Indeed the story shows not only how major breakthroughs are often impossible to predict but also that the discovery is a perfect example of the value of fundamental science and why it must continue to be supported. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814463713

Cézanne and the Post-Bionian FieldAn Exploration and a Meditation By inviting a ‘conversation’ between them this book offers a nuanced introduction both to Cézanne—the ‘father of modern art’—and perhaps the most vital body of theory in contemporary psychoanalysis ‘post-Bionian field theory’ as it has been evolving in Italy in the hands of Antonino Ferro Giuseppe Civitarese and others. Cézanne and Bion each insisting on his own truths spearheaded quite new directions in painting and in psychoanalysis. Both point us towards a crucial insight: far from being isolated self-contained ‘subjects’ we fundamentally exist only within a larger interpersonal ‘field’. Cézanne’s painting can give us a direct experience of this. For the Italian field analysts building on Bion’s work the field is accessed through reverie metaphor and dream which now come to occupy the heart of psychoanalysis. Here primitive ‘proto-emotions’ that link us all might be transformed—as Cézanne transformed his ‘sensations’—into aesthetic form into feelings-linked-to-thoughts that in turn enrich and expand the field. The book draws on the words of artists (Cézanne himself Mann) philosophers (Merleau-Ponty Bergson) art historians and theorists (Clark Smith Shaw) as well as psychoanalysts (Bion Ferro Civitarese and others) and it is the first to focus on one particular—and seminal—painter as a way of exploring this aesthetic and ‘field’ dimension in depth and detail. Aimed at psychoanalysts psychotherapists artists art historians and the general reader it suggests how far art and contemporary psychoanalysis are mutually generative. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367645472

Cómo entender y cómo enseñar por y para Cómo entender y como enseñar por y para explora muchos de los problemas que los profesores/as encuentran cuando enseñan el uso de estas dos preposiciones. Este libro proporciona un marco de referencia para la comprensión de las sutilezas entre las dos preposiciones de manera que los profesores/as podrán ayudarles a los estudiantes a aproximarse a la manera cómo los hablantes nativos/as escogen intuitivamente cuál usar en cualquier situación. Este libro muestra con ejemplos de cuatro autores/as distintos que una regla de punto final intencional (destino fecha límite meta objetivo propósito recipiente o uso) explica el 95% de los usos de para. Trescientos ejemplos de Corpes XXI y otros 262 ejemplos de tres novelas distintas muestran que dos reglas (causa e intervalo de espacio/de tiempo) explican el 80% de los usos de por. En este libro no se ejemplifican las reglas; más bien se formulan desde abajo las reglas necesarias para explicar más de 600 ejemplos auténticos de por o para de novelas y de Corpes XXI. Diseñado para los profesores/as de español como segunda lengua el procedimiento de construcción de las reglas delineado en el libro mejorará la manera cómo se les enseñará a los estudiantes por y para. Además las conexiones hechas a través del libro servirán como un modelo para entender mejor otras dicotomías de la gramática del español. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367347819

Cabinets for the CuriousLooking Back at Early English Museums The last few years has within museums witnessed nothing short of a revolution. Worried that the very institution was itself in danger of becoming a dusty forgotten culturally irrelevant exhibit vigorous efforts have been made to reshape the museum mission. Fearing that history was coming to be ignored by modern society many institutions have instead marketed a de-intellectualised heritage overly relying on computer technology to captivate a contemporary audience. The theme of this work is that we can do much to reassess the rationale that inspires contemporary collections through a study of seventeenth century museums. England's first museums were quite literally wonderful; founded that is on the disciplined application of the faculty of wonder. The type of wonder employed was not that post-Romantic idea of disbelief but rather an active form of curiosity developed during the Renaissance particularly by the individuals who set about gathering objects and founding museums to further their enquiries. The argument put forward in this book is that this museological practice of using objects actually to create as well as disseminate knowledge makes just as much sense today as it did in the seventeenth century and further that the best way of reinvigorating contemporary museums is to return to that form of wonder. By taking such a comparative approach this book works both as a scholarly historical text and as an historically informed analysis of the key issues facing today's museums. As such it will prove essential reading both for historians of collecting and museums and for anyone interested in the philosophies of modern museum management. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260952

Cable and Wireless NetworksTheory and Practice Cable and Wireless Networks: Theory and Practice presents a comprehensive approach to networking cable and wireless communications and networking security. It describes the most important state-of-the-art fundamentals and system details in the field as well as many key aspects concerning the development and understanding of current and emergent services.In this book the author gathers in a single volume current and emergent cable and wireless network services and technologies. Unlike other books which cover each one of these topics independently without establishing their natural relationships this book allows students to quickly learn and improve their mastering of the covered topics with a deeper understanding of their interconnection. It also collects in a single source the latest developments in the area typically only within reach of an active researcher.Each chapter illustrates the theory of cable and wireless communications with relevant examples hands-on exercises and review questions suitable for readers with a BSc degree or an MSc degree in computer science or electrical engineering. This approach makes the book well suited for higher education students in courses such as networking telecommunications mobile communications and network security. This is an excellent reference book for academic institutional and industrial professionals with technical responsibilities in planning design and development of networks telecommunications and security systems and mobile communications as well as for Cisco CCNA and CCNP exam preparation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367575076

Cable Engineering for Local Area Networks A guide to the design procurement installation and testing procedures for local area networks (LANs) using copper and optical fibre cable technology. It describes the theory as well as practical issues involved in the complexities of today's office-based LANs. It also compares international European and US LAN and premises cabling standards. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315214900

Cable Television and the Future of Broadcasting Originally published in 1985 this book surveys developments in cable television in the major industrialised countries with chapters specifically authored on each area. It looks at the technology its potential and how far it had been implemented considering the reaction of governments existing broadcasting corporations and licensing authorities. Going on to assess future trends a discussion of the likely effects of cable on communications society and economy is an enlightening read now. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965256

CAD and GIS Integration When used together effectively computer-aided design (CAD) and geospatial information systems (GIS) have a solid track record for streamlining decision making and reducing inefficiencies in the design planning and execution of critical operations and projects. And a growing number of engineering tasks in numerous fields—including design architecture construction and asset management—now require the knowledge of many interrelated yet disconnected CAD/GIS tools and task-specific software. A multidisciplinary resource delineating existing and emerging solutions for CAD/GIS integration issues CAD and GIS Integration provides a clear understanding of the state of the art in this area of growing importance. It brings together in-depth descriptions of existing and emerging techniques methodologies and technologies to examine approaches that enable data and operations interoperability between CAD/GIS. Starting with a review of fundamental concepts and theories the book: Addresses contemporary issues and challenges Provides a collection of helpful methodologies techniques and technologies for integrating CAD and GISPresents balanced coverage of CAD and GIS technologies and applicationsHighlights emerging trends in CAD/GIS integrationExplores the state-of-the-art in the application of CAD and GIS technologies data and operations for decision makingFrom early developments to current trends and future directions this concise resource allows you to get up to speed quickly on what it takes to get the most of these two dynamic technologies. Numerous example applications of effective CAD/GIS integration provide the understanding needed to improve designs make better decisions and reduce or even eliminate costly errors in your next project. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367384746

CAD for Control Systems This comprehensive collection brings together current information on CAD for control systems including present and future trends in computer-aided design exploring the areas of modeling simulation simulation languages environments and design techniques. Presenting a systems approach to control d Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003067146

CAD Modeling Essentials in 3DEXPERIENCE 2016x Using CATIA Applications CAD Modeling Essentials in 3DEXPERIENCE 2016x Using CATIA Applications is written for those who want to learn the basics of CAD using the CATIA application in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. This book uses a series of simple easy to follow tutorials to take you from a complete novice to an intermediate user. There is no secret that the best way to learn and master a software is by personal exploration which is strictly curiosity driven. Needless to say although this may be the best strategy it is extremely inefficient and very frustrating. The purpose of this book is to provide you with a solid understanding of how to use the most commonly used tools on a range of topics dealing with CAD. Once you have gained a proficient understanding of how to use the basic tools you will be much better prepared to further explore 3DEXPERIENCE on your own. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the bare essentials of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform in the context of CAD functionalities using CATIA. It is by no means intended to be a comprehensive or completely organized approach to all the available features. The goal is to merely show you the ropes and leave further exploration to you. If you have previous experience using CATIA many of the features in the 3DEXPERIENCE CAD applications have been directly incorporated into the CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE application. This is particularly true in the case of Part Design and the Generative Shape Design currently available in CATIA V5. There have been significant changes in the Assembly Design application. If you are a first time user with no previous experience with CATIA V5 there is no reason to despair as the tutorial approach of this book will provide you the necessary skills to start using 3DEXPERIENCE with easy to follow tutorials. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570958

CAD Principles for Architectural Design CAD Principles for Architectural Design is aimed at design students and practitioners interested in understanding how CAD is used in architectural practice. This book makes connections between the basic operations that are common to most CAD systems and their use in practice on actual architectural design projects. The ways in which CAD is integrated into the design processes of several leading edge practices is illustrated. Arising from these case studies is the emergence of a contemporary phenomenon of integrated CAD in which all aspects of design schemes are brought together within computational frameworks that support the analysis of design proposals.Szalapaj's view of CAD is one in which computers constitute a medium in which designers can express design ideas rather than viewing computers as problem solving machines. For creative designers to successfully exploit CAD technology CAD systems should reflect designers' intuitions as described by designers themselves Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138165953

CAD/CAM Dictionary This book presents general computer definitions and abbreviations as well as application-specification terminology related to the world of CAD/CAM in alphabetical order. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065531

CAD/CAM Systems Planning and Implementation This book identifies as many "alligators" as possible in the swamps surrounding implementation of an integrated CAD/CAM system. It is helpful for marketing managers inventory control supervisors and innovators who believe in the need to modernize engineering and manufacturing systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065111

Cadmium and HealthA Toxicological and Epidemiological Appraisal: Volume 1: Exposure Dose and Metabolism Published in 1986: Volume 2: Effects and Response is primarily devoted to the toxicology of cadmium and includes effects on the respiratory system kidneys and bone as well as other toxic effects including those from the hemaopoietic and cardiovascular system the liver the reproductive organs and the fetus. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429260605

Cadmium and HealthA Toxicological and Epidemiological Appraisal: Volume 2: Effects and Response Published in 1985: Volume 1: Exposure Dose and Metabolism treats analysis of cadmium its uses and occurrence in the environment cadmium and metallothionein normal values in human tissues and fluids metabolism and presents a metabolic model for cadmium. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429260599

Cadmium in the Environment The focus of this report is upon information essential to the understanding of the toxic action of cadmium and the relationship between dose (exposure) and effects on human beings and animals. The therapy of cadmium poisoning has not been discussed.This review on cadmium in the environment has been performed under a contract between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Environmental Hygiene of the Karolinska Institute Sweden. The report is intended to serve as a background paper for a future Air Quality Criteria document on cadmium. Therefore particular attention has been given to information relevant for the evaluation of risks due to long-term exposure to low concentrations of cadmium. Acute effects from short-term exposure to high concentrations are dealt with briefly. In vitro studies without bearing on the main problem have not been dealt with.The report is not limited to effects from exposure via inhalation. Newly accessible information showing that large populations may be exposed considerably via the oral route can elucidate chronic effects of cadmium in general. Man and animals can be victims of secondary exposure through vehicles such as food and water which have been contaminated by cadmium in air. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891279

Cadmium Telluride Quantum DotsAdvances and Applications In the last two decades semiconductor quantum dots—small colloidal nanoparticles—have garnered a great deal of scientific interest because of their unique properties. Among nanomaterials CdTe holds special technological importance as the only known II–VI material that can form conventional p–n junctions. This makes CdTe very important for the development of novel optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes solar cells and lasers. Moreover the demand for water-compatible light emitters and the most common biological buffers give CdTe quantum dots fields a veritable edge in biolabeling and bioimaging. Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots: Advances and Applications focuses on CdTe quantum dots and addresses their synthesis assembly optical properties and applications in biology and medicine. It makes for a very informative reading for anyone involved in nanotechnology and will also benefit those scientists who are looking for a comprehensive account on the current state of quantum dot–related research. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814316057

Caesar and the Fading of the Roman WorldA Study in Republicanism and Caesarism For many centuries Julius Caesar was a name that evoked strong feelings among educated people. Some of these responses were complimentary but others came from the point of view of "political republicanism" which envisaged Caesar as a historical symbol for some of the most dangerous tendencies a polity could experience. Caesar represented everything that republicans detested corruption demagogy usurpation and as such provided an antimodel against which genuine political virtue could be measured. Caesar and the Fading of the Roman World examines the reception of Caesar in republican thought until the late eighteenth century and his transformation in the nineteenth when he enjoyed a major rehabilitation in the literary culture and historiography of the day.Critical of hereditary monarchy and emphasizing the collective political obligations citizens owed to their city or commonwealth republican thinkers sought to cultivate institutions and mores best adapted to self-governing liberty. The republican idiom became an integral element in the discourse of the American revolutionaries and constitution builders during the eighteenth century and of their counterparts in France.In the nineteenth century Caesar enjoyed a major rehabilitation; from being a pariah he was elevated in the writings of people like Byron De Quincey Mommsen Froude and Nietzsche to the greatest statesman of his age. Simultaneously Caesar's name continued to function as a term of polemic in the emergence of a new debate on what came to be called "Caesarism." While the metamorphosis of Caesar's reputation is studied here as a process in its own right it is also meant to highlight the increasing enfeeblement of the republican tradition. The transformation of Caesar's image is a sure sign of changes within the wider present-day political culture and evidence of the emergence of new problems and challenges.Drawing on history political theory and sociology Caesar and the Fading of the Roman World uses the image of Caesar as a way of interpreting broader political and cultural tendencies. Peter Baehr discusses the significance of living not in a postmodern society but in a postclassical one in which ideas of political obligation have become increasingly emaciated and in which the theoretical resources for the care of our public world have become correspondingly scarce. This volume is an important study that will be of value to sociologists political theorists and historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507852

Caesar’s Dē Bellō GallicōA Syntactically Parsed Reader Caesar’s Dē Bellō Gallicō: A Syntactically Parsed Reader is an innovative Latin reader presenting selections of Caesar’s Gallic wars texts. Its unique approach tackles the two most common problems a student reading unedited Latin faces: abundant vocabulary and a maze-like sentence structure. Breaking down the sentence structure of the texts and providing vocabulary glosses throughout A Syntactically Parsed Reader ensures better comprehension and enables students to make an easier transition from using artificial and doctored Latin to working with the unaltered language found in authentic texts. Features include: Texts presented with the syntactically parsed Latin on one page and vocabulary glosses on the other Visual display of the syntactic structure of each Latin sentence throughout with main clauses touching the left margin subordinate clauses shown indented and multiple subordinate clauses arranged to illustrate which clauses are dependent on which other clauses  Helpful grammar notes provided alongside the texts High frequency vocabulary included in a separate appendix to encourage efficient vocabulary acquisition Selected texts carefully chosen in line with the Advanced Placement Latin exam. Caesar’s Dē Bellō Gallicō: A Syntactically Parsed Reader has been developed by an experienced university instructor. It is ideal for students seeking to improve their ability to read and understand Latin prose straight from the page. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415711470

Caesarism Charisma and FateHistorical Sources and Modern Resonances in the Work of Max Weber How do writers marginalized by the authoritarian state in which they live intervene in the political process? They cannot do so directly because they are not politicians. Other modes of engagement are possible however. A writer may take up arms and become a revolutionary. Or as Max Weber did he may try to influence politics by playing the role of constitutional advisor or by seeking to shape the dominant language in which his contemporaries think. Weber sought to reconstitute the political and social vocabulary of his day.Part I of Caesarism Charisma and Fate examines a great writer's political passions and the linguistic creativity they generated. Specially it is an analysis of the manner in which Weber reshaped the nineteenth century idea of "Caesarism " a term traditionally associated with the authoritarian populism of Napoleon III and Bismarck and transmuted it into a concept that was either neutral or positive. The coup de grace of this alchemy was to make Caesarism reappear as charisma. In that transformation a highly contentious political concept suffused with disapproval and anxiety was naturalized into an ideal type of universal value-free sociology.Part II augments Weber's ideas for the modem age. A recurrent preoccupation of Weber's writings was human "fate " a condition that evokes the pathos of choice the political meaning of death and the formation of national solidarity. Peter Baehr marrying Weber and Durkheim fashions a new concept "community of fate " for sociological theory. Communities of fate--such as the Warsaw Ghetto or Hong Kong dealing with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) crisis--are embattled social sites in which people face the prospect of collective death. They cohere because of an intense and broadly shared focus of attention on a common plight. Weber's work helps us grasp the nature of such communities the mechanisms that produce them and not least their dramatic consequences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507869

Caesar's Civil War 49-44 BC First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203494615

Caffaro Genoa and the Twelfth-Century Crusades This volume provides the first comprehensive English translation with a substantial introduction and notes of the writings of Caffaro of Genoa as well as related texts and documents on Genoa and the crusades. The majority of early crusading historiography is from a northern European and clerical perspective. Here is a very different voice one with a more secular Mediterranean tone. To see the similarities and differences with the mainstream sources offers an exciting new dimension to our understanding of the reception of crusading ideas in the Mediterranean and given Genoa’s prominence in the commercial world can help to illuminate the complex and controversial relationship between holy war and financial gain. Caffaro’s main composition the ’Annals’ of Genoa began with the First Crusade and extended down to 1163. It also covers the city’s dealings with the Papacy the German Empire Sicily Muslim Spain and Pisa as well as the development of Genoa itself. Sections from Caffaro’s continuators take the story down to the Third Crusade. Caffaro’s two other texts are exclusively about the crusades: ’The Liberation of the Cities of the East’ and ’The Capture of Almería and Tortosa’ while associated with him but of a later date is the ’Short History of Jerusalem’. Alongside these narratives are a number of charters and letters that relate to and complement the main texts. These relate to matters such as Genoese privileges in the Holy Land and form a valuable resource in their own right. Placed alongside Caffaro’s narratives they can show the blend of commercial energy civic pride and religious conviction that were the basis of Genoese activity in the complex world of the medieval Mediterranean. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367601393

Caffeine Caffeine-found in tea coffee maté cola beverages cocoa and chocolate products-is an integral part of the diet of many people. Caffeine answers questions for a broad range of readers interested in the effects beverages and foods containing this dietary methylxanthine have on human health nutrition and physiological functioning. The composition processing consumption health effects and epidemiological correlations of caffeine are examined in detail. It is often said that too much caffeine is "bad for you." How much is too much? Get the facts on consumption of caffeine-containing products with this authoritative text.Chapters 1 and 2 offer an introductory concise overview of the chemistry and analysis of methylxanthines. In Chapters 3 through 8 each natural product-tea coffee maté and cocoa and chocolate products-is described in terms of botany cultivation processing composition and consumption patterns. Consumption of caffeine is also examined in detail in Chapter 9. Chapter 10 provides an easy-to-read overview of the basic physiology and biochemistry of caffeine. The ergogenic cognitive and emotional effects of caffeine are discussed in Chapters 11 and 12. Chapters 13 through 16 deal with specific health effects-serum cholesterol cancer and fibrocystic breast disease calcium and bone health and human reproduction.For physicians nutritionists other health professionals food scientists and everyone interested in the effects of caffeine on the human body Caffeine is a convenient single-source reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455835

Caffeine and Activation TheoryEffects on Health and Behavior The virtually universal popularity of caffeine together with concerns about its potential pathogenic effects have made it one of the most extensively studied drugs in history. However despite the massive scientific literature on this important substance most reviews have either focused on limited areas of study or been produced in popular form by individuals with surprisingly little relevant scientific background. Caffeine and Activation Theory: Effects on Health and Behavior brings together the leading experts from seven different countries to provide researchers and clinicians with the most comprehensive and balanced review of the scientific literature on the effects of caffeine found anywhere. It devotes unprecedented coverage to the impact of caffeine on cardiovascular functioning and pathology details the pharmacological properties and neurophysiological effects of the drug and thoroughly reviews literature concerned with the role of this powerful stimulant in mood task performance and psychopathology. This important new book is also the first source to provide an integrative scientific treatment of the effects of caffeine consumption on menstrual endocrinology and pathology as well as on reproduction. Rounding out the coverage is a thorough review of emerging research on the possible benefits of caffeine and catechins in green and black teas. The highly integrative final chapter provides a clear understanding of what is known about the effects of caffeine identifies specific areas in which further research is needed and provides important methodological guidelines that promise to optimize future research endeavors. Filling the need for a current comprehensive resource this volume provides extensive reviews of the major bodies of literature on caffeine stimulates and guides future research and provides clinicians with the information they need to understand diagnose and treat the effects of caffeine consumption in their pati Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453411

Caffeine and Behavior: Current Views & Research TrendsCurrent Views and Research Trends The psychobehavioral effects of caffeine on humans is analyzed in this book from an experimental approach. Caffeine and Behavior: Current Views and Research Trends is unique in its emphasis on empirical research and its inclusion of articles concerning the addictive potential of caffeine. Topics covered include addiction neurotransmission Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429271038

Caged WomenIncarceration Representation & Media The Netflix series Orange is the New Black has drawn widespread attention to many of the dysfunctions of prisons and the impact prisons have on those who live and work behind the prison gates. This anthology deepens this public awareness through scholarship on the television program and by exploring the real-world social psychological and legal issues female prisoners face. Each chapter references a particular connection to the Netflix series as its starting point of analysis. The book brings together scholars to consider both media representations as well as the social justice issues for female inmates alluded to in the Netflix series Orange is the New Black. The chapters address myriad issues including cultural representations of race class gender and sexuality; social justice issues for transgender inmates; racial dynamics within female prisons; gender and female prison structures/policies; treatment of women in prison; re-incarcerated and previously incarcerated women; self and identity; gender race and sentencing; and reproduction and parenting for female inmates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138297401

Caging The GeniesA Workable Solution For Nuclear Chemical And Biological Weapons The Cold War may be over but you wouldn't know it from the tens of thousands of nuclear chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction still held by Russia the United States and other world powers. Arguing that the time has come to dispense with incremental approaches to arms control Admiral Stansfield Turner the former head of the CIA and an experienced senior military commander proposes a practical yet safe plan?strategic escrow?that would move the world into a new and secure millennium. The paperback edition of this widely acclaimed work has been updated to consider the implications of such a build-down if applied to non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Specifically Admiral Turner details how a plan for weapons reduction could be carried out for biological and chemical weapons and what tactical and strategic differences exist between de-escalation of nuclear and non-nuclear weapons. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367098384

Cain Abel and the Politics of GodAn Agambenian reading of Genesis 4:1-16 The Genesis story of Cain’s murder of Abel is often told as a simplistic contrast between the innocence of Abel and the evil of Cain. This book subverts that reading of the Biblical text by utilising Giorgio Agamben’s concepts of homo sacer the state of exception and the idea of sovereignty to re-examine this well-known tale of fratricide and bring to the fore its political implications. Drawing from political theory philosophy and psychoanalysis this book creates a theoretical framework from which to do two things: firstly to describe and analyse the history of interpretation of Genesis 4:1-16 and secondly to propose an alternative reading of the Biblical text that incorporates other texts inside and outside of the Biblical canon. This intertextual analysis will highlight the motives of violence law divine rule and the rejected as they emerge in different contexts and will evaluate them in an Agambenian framework. The unique approach of this book makes it vital reading for any academic with interests in Biblical Studies and Theology and their interactions with politics and ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367886820

Caitanya Vaiṣṇavism in BengalSocial Impact and Historical Implications Within the broad Hindu religious tradition there have been for millennia many subtraditions generically called Vaiṣṇava who insist that the most appropriate mode of religious faith and experience is bhakti or devotion to the supreme personal deity Viṣṇu. Caitanya Vaiṣṇavas are a community of Vaiṣṇava devotees who coalesced around Kṛṣṇa Caitanya (1486–1533) who taught devotion to the name and form of Kṛṣṇa especially in conjunction with his divine consort Rādhā and who also came to be looked upon by many as Kṛṣṇa himself who had graciously chosen to be born in Bengal to exemplify the ideal mode of loving devotion (prema-bhakti). This book focusses on the relationship between the ‘transcendent’ intentionality of religious faith of human beings and their ‘mundane’ socio-cultural ways of living through a detailed study of the social implications of the Caitanya Vaiṣṇava devotional Hindu tradition in pre-colonial and colonial Bengal. Structured in two parts the first analyzes the articulation of Kṛṣṇa-bhakti within the broad Hindu sector of Bengali society. The second section examines Hindu–Muslim relationships in Bengal from the particular vantage point of the Caitanya Vaiṣṇava tradition and in which the subtle influence of Kṛṣṇa-bhakti it is argued may be detected. In both sections the bulk of attention is given to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when Bengal was under independent Sultanate or emergent Mughal rule and thus free of the impact of British and European colonial influence. Arguing that the Caitanya Vaiṣṇava devotion contributed to the softening of the potentially alienating socio-cultural divisions of class caste sect and religio-political community in Bengal this book will be of interest to academics in the field of Asian Religion and Hinduism in particular devotional Hinduism both premodern and modern as well as to scholars and students of South Asian social history Hindu-Muslim relations and Bengali religious culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583538

Caitanya Vaisnava PhilosophyTradition Reason and Devotion In the sixteenth century the saint and scholar Sri Caitanya set in motion a wave of devotion to Krishna that began in eastern India and has now found its way around the world. Caitanya taught that the highest aim of life is to develop selfless love for God Krishna the blue-hued cowherd boy who spoke the Bhagavad Gita. Although only a handful of poetry is attributed to Caitanya his devotional theology was expounded and systematized by his followers in a vast array of poetical philosophical and ritual literature. This book provides a thematic study of Caitanya Vaishnava philosophy introducing key thinkers and ideas in the early tradition using Sanskrit and Bengali sources that have seldom been studied in English. The book addresses major areas of the tradition including epistemology ontology aesthetics ethics and history and every chapter includes relevant readings from primary sources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248854

Calais and its Border PoliticsFrom Control to Demolition Calais has a long history of transient refugee settlements and is often narrated through the endeavour to ‘sanitize’ it by both the English and the French in their policy and media discourses. Calais and its Border Politics encapsulates the border politics of Calais as an entry port through the refugee settlements known as the ‘Jungle’. By deconstructing how the jungle is a constant threat to the civilisation and sanity of Calais the book traces the story of the jungle both its revival and destruction as a recurrent narrative through the context of border politics. The book approaches Calais historically and through the key concept of the camp or the ‘jungle’ - a metaphor that becomes crucial to the inhuman approach to the settlement and in the justifications to destroy it continuously. The demolition and rebuilding of Calais also emphasises the denigration of humanity in the border sites. The authors offer a comprehensive insight into the making and unmaking of one of Europe’s long-standing refugee camps. The book explores the history of refugee camps in Calais and provides an insight into its representation and governance over time. The book provides an interdisciplinary perspective employing concepts of space making human form and corporeality as well as modes of representation of the ‘Other’ to narrate the story of Calais as a border space through time up to its recent representations in the media.    This book’s exploration of the representation and governance of the contentious Calais camps will be an invaluable resource to students and scholars of forced migration border politics displacement refugee crisis camps and human trauma. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367820992

Calcification in Biological Systems Calcification in Biological Systems provides a collection of up-to-date papers regarding calcification in a variety of biological systems. The papers are not simple reviews of the literature. Each paper reflects the personal experience of the author(s) and is rich in constructive criticism and suggestions. Topics range from basic molecular processes to general structural problems in systems as different as unicellular organisms and human skeletal tissues. Because calcification is so diffuse in the animal kingdom this book makes no attempt to achieve a conclusive synthesis of available results and current ideas. Instead its merit lies in its ability to be useful to investigators with different scientific backgrounds and areas of interest. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068396

Calcium Vitamin D and Prevention of Colon Cancer These proceedings were published as a result of a workshop sponsored by the Chemoprevention Branch of the National Cancer Institute. The workshop covered a range of topics including calcium and vitamin D in human nutrition; epidemiologic relationships betweencalcium vitamin D and colon cancer; the biology of calium and vitamin D at the tissue and cellular level; and enimal and human studies investigating the potential for prevention of colon cancer with calcium and vitamin D. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891286

Calcium Aluminate CementsProceedings of a Symposium dedicated to H G Midgley London July 1990 The special properties of calcium aluminate cements make them of value in the construction mining and refractory industries. This book brings together new international research information on their performance. As well as a state-of-the-art review it includes reports on studies of: mineralogy hydration and microstructure; rheology of pastes mortars and grouts; admixtures and blended; systems durability of high alumina cement concrete. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367864040

Calcium AluminatesProceedings of the 2014 International Conference The first industrial process for the production of a cement based on calcium aluminates was patented in 1908 and since then these cements have become hugely important for a wide range of applications. This volume presents the proceedings of the international conference held in Avignon France in May 2014 close to the site of the invention.The papers come from Europe North America the Far East the Middle East and South Africa and demonstrate a strong continuing interest and real progression in the knowledge and understanding of this important class of cement demonstrating that CAs are well placed to continue extending their field of applications for hopefully the next hundred years. New developments and applications covered in the 60 papers include offshore applications encapsulation wastewater treatment self-levelling flooring refractory applications and biogenics. Various studies also demonstrate the increasing importance of CAs in formulations with much interest in blended systems and especially the ternary system with calcium sulfate and Portland cement. In addition strong contributions relate to the phase systems CA types hydration mechanical properties and durability. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848063167

Calcium and Magnesium in GroundwaterOccurrence and Significance for Human Health Calcium and magnesium are abundant in groundwater but the role of groundwater as the essential source of these important nutrients is very often neglected. Hydrogeochemical studies have focused mainly on the distribution and behaviour of constituents that cause deterioration of water quality such as: nitrate nitrite or iron and manganese. Therefore most recent books and papers concentrate mainly on these constituents and only a small number of papers describe the results of groundwater studies on other important water components such as calcium or magnesium. Calcium and magnesium are of great importance to human wellbeing and inadequate intake of either nutrient can impair health. The main objective of this book is to present a selection of studies on calcium and magnesium in groundwater and to highlight their importance for human health. The chapters in this book are written by hydrogeologists and hydrochemists as well as medical doctors and include: methods of investigation of calcium and magnesium in groundwaters distribution and behaviour of calcium and magnesium in different aquifers calcium and magnesium in bottled mineral and spring waters and the significance of calcium and magnesium in waters for human health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378622

Calcium Entry Channels in Non-Excitable Cells Calcium Entry Channels in Non-Excitable Cells focuses on methods of investigating the structure and function of non-voltage gated calcium channels. Each chapter presents important discoveries in calcium entry pathways specifically dealing with the molecular identification of store-operated calcium channels which were reviewed by earlier volumes in the Methods in Signal Transduction series. Crystallographic and pharmacological approaches to the study of calcium channels of epithelial cells are also discussed. Calcium ion is a messenger in most cell types. Whereas voltage gated calcium channels have been studied extensively the non-voltage gated calcium entry channel genes have only been identified relatively recently. The book will fill this important niche. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498752725

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Soft Tissue FillersExpert Treatment Techniques Calcium Hydroxylapatite: Expert Treatment Techniques is a hands-on reference book created with the input of the world’s leading experts on the use of this leading biostimulatory soft tissue filler. It can be used by all aesthetic medical professional injectors to study the relevant anatomy aesthetic target sites and injection techniques and to review the safest and most effective treatment protocols available for this versatile product. As a training aid the book contains multiple photographic sequences as well as schematic diagrams to help in clarifying the proposed techniques. The book includes not only the official on-label indications; various international experts also share their ways of tweaking the standard protocols and their innovations. There are links to procedural videos in the Support Material on the companion website. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138055124

Calcium OrthophosphatesApplications in Nature Biology and Medicine Due to a great chemical similarity with the biological calcified tissues many calcium orthophosphates possess remarkable biocompatibility and bioactivity. Materials scientists use this property extensively to construct artificial bone grafts that are either entirely made of or only surface-coated with the biologically relevant calcium orthophosphates. Porous scaffolds made of calcium orthophosphates are very promising tools for tissue engineering applications. A comprehensive overview of calcium orthophosphates this book highlights their importance and biomedical uses. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814316620

Calcium Oxalate in Biological Systems Written by leaders in their fields Calcium Oxalate in Biological Systems comprehensively discusses current information about the importance of this compound in animals plants fungi and microorganisms. Both in vivo and in vitro methods of crystallization as well as crystallization systems are discussed. Researchers who pioneered the field contribute their invaluable knowledge for the first time about oxalate bacteria and their importance. This is an essential reference for both plant and animal scientists concerned with human and animal kidney disease. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448868

Calculated RisksHighly Radioactive Waste and Homeland Security This well-documented study examines one of the increasingly pressing problems for US homeland security: the storage and management of radioactive waste. Despite pressing homeland security and energy security concerns associated with highly radioactive waste political considerations have prevented policy makers from adopting adequate long-term solutions to the problem. This book explores nuclear waste problems through the broader lens of federal state and local government and the resultant constraints on policy that emerge within the American political system. Presenting specific case studies to highlight the deficiencies in current policy and planning as well as the possibility of terrorist activity it is highly suited to courses on security studies and environmental politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315570730

Calculating Political Risk Calculating Political Risk is rich and illuminating and much more than a political science treatise. Althaus draws on diverse literature extensive interviews and intriguing case studies to offer interdisciplinary practical and nuanced insight. This book provides new perspectives and more precise language for making sense of a critical dimension of politics policy-making and public management. Evert Lindquist Director and Professor School of Public Administration University of Victoria Canada This powerful new book is the first ever examination of the hard edge of how political risk - something faced by all political actors innumerable times every day - is calculated and used in decision-making. It opens with an outline of the historical and linguistic origins of risk the various disciplinary understandings of risk the risk society concept and how risk has come to be so prominent in the context of environmental disaster and terrorism. The book then defines political risk and looks at its manifestations in the public sector from project to high-level political risk. It also looks at risk identification versus risk management and compares the concept of political risk with the private sector practice of risk management. Unique research findings from interviews with over 100 risk practitioners and politicians provide a detailed look at how political actors calculate political risk. Case study-based chapters look in-depth at neat and discrete examples: risk calculation in state development plans in Australia; political risk identification and management in the UK during the mad cow crisis; and US government risk calculation in the post-September 11 context. The final chapters draw together the experiences and lessons learned from the case studies and practitioner insights to formulate a better understanding of what political risk is and what its calculation means in political practice. The author shows how political risk calculation provides a fresh perspective on policy analysis and identifies how political risk is relevant to a broader understanding of politics and political science as well as policy formulation and implementation on the ground. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315870595

Calculus in Vector Spaces Revised Expanded Calculus in Vector Spaces addresses linear algebra from the basics to the spectral theorem and examines a range of topics in multivariable calculus. This second edition introduces among other topics the derivative as a linear transformation presents linear algebra in a concrete context based on complementary ideas in calculus and explains differential forms on Euclidean space allowing for Green's theorem Gauss's theorem and Stokes's theorem to be understood in a natural setting. Mathematical analysts algebraists engineers physicists and students taking advanced calculus and linear algebra courses should find this book useful. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138695

Calculus of Variations and Optimal ControlTechnion 1998 The calculus of variations is a classical area of mathematical analysis-300 years old-yet its myriad applications in science and technology continue to hold great interest and keep it an active area of research. These two volumes contain the referenced proceedings of the international conference on Calculus of Variations and Related Topics held at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in March 1998. The conference commemorated 300 years of work in the field and brought together many of its leading experts. The papers in the first volume focus on critical point theory and differential equations. The other volume deals with variational aspects of optimal control. Together they provide a unique opportunity to review the state-of-the-art of the calculus of variations as presented by an international panel of masters in the field. Media > Books > E-books Chapman & Hall 9780429332753

Calculus On ManifoldsA Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus This little book is especially concerned with those portions of ?advanced calculus? in which the subtlety of the concepts and methods makes rigor difficult to attain at an elementary level. The approach taken here uses elementary versions of modern methods found in sophisticated mathematics. The formal prerequisites include only a term of linear algebra a nodding acquaintance with the notation of set theory and a respectable first-year calculus course (one which at least mentions the least upper bound (sup) and greatest lower bound (inf) of a set of real numbers). Beyond this a certain (perhaps latent) rapport with abstract mathematics will be found almost essential. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367091903

Calcutta in Colonial Transition This book brings home the story of how three clustered villages grew into a primate city in which a garrison town a port city and the capital of an empire merged into one entity—Calcutta. This and its companion volume Birth of a Colonial City examine the geopolitical factors that were significant in securing Calcutta's position in the light of growing influence of the East India Company and subsequently the British Empire. A definitive history of Calcutta in its nascent years this book discusses the challenges of city-planning the de-industrialization at the hands of British imperialists the catastrophic fall of the Union Bank the advent of British capital and the rise of the Bengali business enterprise in the colonial era. It also underlines how Calcutta facilitated the development of a political consciousness and the pivotal political and cultural role it played when the movement for independence took hold in the country. This volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of modern South Asian history British Studies city and area studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367731410

Calcutta Poor: Inquiry into the Intractability of PovertyInquiry into the Intractability of Poverty Calcutta is notorious for its pavement dwellers street children and scavengers that have become a portrait of the worst sort of human degradation. In this illuminating critique Thomas investigates the standard solutions - improved housing increased job creation and intervention of social services agencies - only to come to the conclusion that such initiatives have little effect on the inherent nature of the problem of poverty. Based on historical and anthropological findings and the author's visits to the slums of Calcutta what becomes clear is that even in the midst of great poverty there is a nobility of character a vitality of ethnic and cultural ties and an energy that bring out inventiveness and ingenuity in the lives of the poor. If Calcutta's poverty is not to be an intractable problem these internal forces must be awakened to generate solutions. Illustrated with stunning photographs Thomas's reflections provide new insight into an age-old problem. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315479255

CalcuttaThe Stormy Decades Politics and culture are organically related in the city of Calcutta. The period (1940s to 1950s) was chaotic and turbulent yet this was also a time of significant creativity in literature   art films and music in the city. This is an unusual feature of any city but is interestingly characteristic of Calcutta. The originality of the work lies in blending poetry with historical writing retaining the essence of both forms against the backdrop of the tumultuous events of the critical decades as against the entire historical period of a city. This historical method together with twenty-one papers give the reader a sense of the pulse of this complex city ‘emerging creatively and chaotically from its colonial past’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138019324

CaldecoteThe Development and Desertion of a Hertfordshire Village "At just 132 hectares (325 acres) the parish of Caldecote is one of the smallest parishes in Hertfordshire. Today the settlement comprises the manor house until recently surrounded by a range of traditional farm buildings together with six labourer's cottages and the church. To the north lies the site of the old rectory and the earthworks of a medieval settlement. In 1973 the Department of Environment and the Deserted Medieval Village Research Group arranged a rescue excavation to examine the earthworks of the medieval village before they were levelled and ploughed. Five crofts the old rectory site and much of the moated enclosure were investigated in one of the largest excavations ever conducted on a later medieval rural site in Britain. Though the excavations did recover a Bronze Age beaker burial and small quantities of Roman and Iron Age pottery the medieval settlement at Caldecote was probably founded in the 10th century and by the time of the Domesday Survey there was a church a priest and nine villeins. A moated site was added in the 13th century. A century later Caldecote was granted to the abbots of the Benedictine monastery in St Albans at a time when there were seventeen householders. Early in the second half of the 14th century the estate and demesne were subdivided into six farms each complete with a hall-house and two or more barns. Following the dissolution of the monastery in 1539 the manor was again held by an absentee lord and the farms continued to prosper. However the late 16th and early 17th centuries for which there are several surviving wills and inventories saw their gradual abandonment.After the desertion of Caldecote Marish in 1698 Caldecote was farmed as a single unit until 1970 when the estate was attached to that adjoining the manor of Newnham. Of particular importance from Caldecote is the archaeological evidence for medieval peasant structures the development of the later medieval domestic plan and the structural transformation of post-medieval period houses including the insertion of chimneys and second storeys. The medieval and later pottery assemblage is of regional importance for its size and the range of fabrics represented. The metalwork comprises many objects of personal adornment household utensils and tools for woodwork agriculture and the manufacture of textiles. Other finds include copper-alloy objects both domestic and agricultural whetstones quernstones mortars and clay pipes. Although the economy of Caldecote was always dependant on arable farming the faunal remains elucidate aspects of the medieval diet and details of the livestock maintained on the holdings." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351194112

Calendar Modern Letts 4v CbCal of Modern Letters First Published in 1966. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761079

Calendars in the Dead Sea ScrollsMeasuring Time 1997 was the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls explores the evidence about calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls the Hebrew Bible and other ancient Jewish texts. James C. VanderKam examines the pertinent texts their sources and the different uses to which people put calendrical information in the Christian world.Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls provides a valuable addition to the Dead Sea Scrolls Series and contributes to the elucidation of the scroll texts themselves and their relation to other Biblical texts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180802

Calf Husbandry Health And Welfare This book deals with the basic principles of husbandry feeding housing health behaviour economics and welfare. It explains relevant aspects of calf function and evaluates conventional and novel husbandry systems in terms of their effects on animal performance health and welfare. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367166403

Calibrating Western Philosophy for IndiaRousseau Derrida Deleuze Guattari Bergson and Vaddera Chandidas This book proposes a new way of reading modern Western philosophers in the Indian context. It questions the colonial methodology or the practice of importing theories of Western philosophy and shows how its unmediated applications are often incongruent irrelevant and unproductive in local frameworks.The author shows an alternative route to approaching philosophers from the West â€“ Rousseau Derrida Deleuze Guattari and Bergson â€“ by bending and reassembling aspects of their ideas and theories to relate with the diversity and complexity of Indian society. He also offers insights on the politics of non-being and negation from a neglected modern Indian philosopher Vaddera Chandidas as a step forward from the Western philosophers presented here.An intervention in philosophical research methodology this volume will interest scholars and researchers of philosophy Western philosophy Indian philosophy comparative studies postcolonial studies literature cultural studies and political philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367731892

Calibration in the Pharmaceutical Laboratory Increasingly pharmaceutical scientists must not only be specialists in their field but must also be familiar with legislation that governs the use of equipment in their industry. The regulation of test and measuring equipment changes continually as new regulations are introduced and new equipment is developed. Calibration in the Pharmaceutical Lab Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429132766

California and Great Basin Olivella Shell Bead Guide Olivella shell beads are ubiquitous at Central California Indian sites and were traded far inland by the local inhabitants. Their distinctive patterns of manufacture provide archaeologists with important chronological morphological and distributional information. This guide—authored by a professional artifact replicator and an archaeological expert on shell bead typology-- offers a well developed 16-category typology including the descriptive temporal and metric characteristics of each style illustrated with almost 200 color photographs. Spiral bound to facilitate field and laboratory work it is an essential tool for conducting archaeology in the American west. Sponsored by the Society for California Archaeology and Pacific Legacy Inc. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611322323

California and the Melancholic American Identity in Joan Didion’s NovelsExiled from Eden California and the Melancholic American Identity in Joan Didion’s Novels: Exiled from Eden focuses on the concept of Californian identity in the fiction of Joan Didion. This identity is understood as melancholic in the sense that the critics following the tradition of both Sigmund Freud and Walter Benjamin use the word. The book traces the progress of the way Californian identity is portrayed in Joan Didion’s novels starting with the first two in which California plays the central role Run River and Play It As It Lays through A Book of Common Prayer to Democracy and The Last Thing He Wanted where California functions only as a distant point of reference receding to the background of Didion’s interests. Curiously enough Didion presents Californian history as a history of white settlement disregarding whole chapters of the history of the region in which the Californios and Native Americans among other groups played a crucial role: it is this reticence that the monograph sees as the main problem of Didion’s fiction and presents it as the silent center of gravity in Didion’s oeuvre. The monograph proposes to see the melancholy expressed by Didion’s fiction organized into four losses: of Nature History Ethics and Language; around which the main analytical chapters are constructed. What remains unrepresented and silenced comes back to haunt Didion’s fiction and it results in a melancholic portrayal of California and its identity – which is the central theme this monograph addresses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663643

California's Amazing Geology California has some of the most distinctive and unique geology in the United States. It is the only state with all three types of plate boundaries an extraordinary history of earthquakes and volcanoes and it has many rocks and minerals found nowhere else. The Golden State includes both the highest and lowest point in the continental US and practically every conceivable geological feature known. This book discusses not only the important geologic features of each region in California but also the complex geologic four-dimensional puzzle of how California was assembled beginning over 2 billion years ago. The author provides up-to-date and authoritative review of the geology and geomorphology of each geologic province as well as recent revelations of tectonic history of California’s past. There are separate chapters on some of California’s distinctive geologic resources including gold oil water coastlines and fossils. An introductory section describes basic rock and mineral types and fundamental aspects of plate tectonics so that students and other readers can make sense of the bizarre wild and crazy jigsaw puzzle that is California's geological history. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367872007

CaligulaThe Abuse of Power The Roman Empire has always exercised a considerable fascination. Among its numerous colourful personalities no emperor with the possible exception of Nero has attracted more popular attention than Caligula who has a reputation whether deserved or not as the quintessential mad and dangerous ruler.The first edition of this book established itself as the standard study of Caligula. It remains the only full length and detailed scholarly analysis in English of this emperor’s reign and has been translated into a number of languages. But the study of Classical antiquity is not a static phenomenon and scholars are engaged in a persistent quest to upgrade our knowledge and thinking about the ancient past. In the thirty years since publication of the original Caligula there have been considerable scholarly advances in what we know about this emperor specifically and also about the general period in which he functioned while newly discovered inscriptions and major archaeological projects have necessitated a rethinking of many of our earlier conclusions about early imperial history. This new edition constitutes a major revision and in places a major rewriting of the original text. Maintaining the reader-friendly structure and organisation of its predecessor it embodies the latest discoveries and the latest thinking seeking to make more lucid and comprehensible those aspects of the reign that are particularly daunting to the non-specialist. Like the original this revised Caligula is intended to satisfy the requirements of the scholarly community while appealing to a broad and general readership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367867676

Caliphate Rise:Orientalism V 3 This volume publishes some leading European contributors to the early formation of historical and social science analysis of the orient: those contributors who shaped the modern debate on orientalism especially on Islam the Middle-East and orientalism in the late and early twentieth centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415757836

Caliphs and their Non-Muslim SubjectsA Critical Study of the Covenant of 'Umar Originally published in 1939. After the death of Muhammad his community was ruled by three caliphs who kept their capital as Medina the City of the Prophet. Under the rule of the caliphs those who did not confess the Muslim faith were under certain restrictions both in public and private life. This volume examines the social cultural religious and economic aspects of this period and includes chapters on: Government Service; Churches and Monasteries; Christian Arabs Jews and Magians; Dress; Financial Persecution Medicine and Literature and Taxation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888163

Calkin Algebras and Algebras of Operators on Banach SPates This book begins with a treatment of the classical Riesz-Schauder theory which takes advantage of the most recent developments. It deals with Fredholm operators semi-Fredholm operators Riesz operators and Calkin algebras and is helpful for graduate students and research mathematicians. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138441835

Call Center Continuity Planning A disruption in your call center operation can conceivably cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. And multiple disruptions can cost in the millions. Call Center Continuity Planning shows you how to plan for - and avoid - service interruptions through disasters large and small. This book will show you how to deal with everything from power outages to major hurricanes. Should you use external Call Volume Management (CVM) solutions such as pre-established procedures for disaster call routing? Or should you use internal solutions such as planning for a company cold site virtual call center or use of the excess capacity of your other call center during emergency?What about managing call volumes to cope with non-emergency seasonal or time of day peaks? Can you use your call centers minimum daily overflow of calls as a benefit rather than a problem? What is involved in contracting to outsource call handling to another call center in terms of effectiveness expertise technology and human resources - and what advanced call processing techniques are available?Call Center Continuity Planning answers all these questions and more. It also provides detailed information on the concept of CVM that treats the volume of calls as a fluid that can be channeled from one place to another via computer-managed switching. Your Call Volume Management system acts like a series of aqueducts to manage the floodwaters of incoming calls before your call-takers are swept away. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367455736

Call Center SavvyHow to Position Your Call Center for the Business Challenges of the 21st Century It's not just the technology the people or the customers. It's all three and more: call centers are not just places where calls arrive. They are a strategic business asset the core of your business's customer relationship strategy. Call Center Savvy is an exploration of how the call center works and how it fits into the big picture. What the future holds. How new technologies will affect operations. How international expansion is changing things. What the role of the Internet will ultimately be. Call Center Savvy can help a smart call center manager position his or her center for long term success. It's about seeing beyond today's problems to tomorrow's opportunities.It's not enough to know about call center technology; for your center to excel in the 21st Century you need call center savvy. ; Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138412378

Call Centers and the Global Division of LaborA Political Economy of Post-Industrial Employment and Union Organizing Call centers have come in the last three decades to define the interaction between corporations governments and other institutions and their respective customers citizens and members. The offshoring and outsourcing of call center employment part of the larger information technology and information-technology-enabled services sectors continues to be a growing practice amongst governments and corporations in their attempts at controlling costs and providing new services. While incredible advances in technology have permitted the use of distant and "offshore" labor forces the grander reshaping of an international political economy of communications has allowed for the acceleration of these processes. New and established labor unions have responded to these changes in the global regimes of work by seeking to organize call center workers. These efforts have been assisted by a range of forces not least of which is the condition of work itself but also attempts by global union federations to build a bridge between international unionism and local organizing campaigns in the Global South and Global North. Through an examination of trade union interventions in the call center industries located in Canada and India this book contributes to research on post-industrial employment by using political economy as a juncture between development studies the sociology of work and labor studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367601058

CALL DimensionsOptions and Issues in Computer-Assisted Language Learning This volume gives language teachers software designers and researchers who wish to use technology in second or foreign language education the information they need to absorb what has been achieved so far and to make sense of it. It is designed to enable the kind of critical reading of a substantial literature that leads to a balanced and detailed knowledge of the field. Chapter by chapter the book builds through description analysis examples and discussion a detailed picture of modern CALL. In this book the label “CALL” is interpreted broadly to include technology-enhanced language learning Web-enhanced language learning and information and communication technologies for language learning. The work is distinguished by its attention to a range of languages rather than just English. The authors first set the scene and introduce major areas of interest and growth in CALL and then look in depth at seven important dimensions: design evaluation computer-mediated communication theory research practice and technology. Chapters on each of these topics include a description that reviews the recent literature identifies themes and presents representative projects that illustrate the dimension followed by a discussion that provides in-depth analysis and a conclusion offering suggestions for further work. Detailed references and links connect the description and discussion with original works and primary sources so the reader can follow up easily on areas of personal interest. Two concluding chapters discuss how the various dimensions might be brought together the first from a practical point of view the second with a view to the development of CALL as a whole. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203708200

Call to PurposeMission-Centered Change at Three Liberal Arts Colleges A decade ago the majority of liberal arts colleges suffering from a decline in resources drifted from their traditional missions. This study looks at three insitutions and suggests that a clear mission is more than a common goal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988040

Call to Teacher Leadership The Call to Teacher Leadership demonstrates the many ways teachers can be leaders without having to opt out of the classroom full-time. It examines formal leadership positions – instructional coordinators lead teachers department chairs etc. – as well as informal leadership roles – nurturing colleagues supporting the instructional program participating in decision making etc. With practical examples and case studies this book provides details about how teachers have participated in the leadership of their schools and districts. Examples come from elementary middle and high schools across the country. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164994

Called to AccountFinancial Frauds that Shaped the Accounting Profession Called to Account traces the evolution of the global public accounting profession through a series of scandals leading to voluntary or mandated reforms. Ever entertaining and educational the book describes 16 of the most audacious accounting frauds of the last 80 years and identifies the accounting standards and legislation adopted as a direct consequence of each scandal. This third edition offers expanded coverage of the Global Financial Crisis and international auditing. While retaining favorite chapters exposing the schemes of "Crazy Eddie" Antar "Chainsaw Al" Dunlap and Barry "the Boy Wonder" Minkow new chapters describe the accounting problems at Lehman Brothers Colonial Bank and Olympus. Students will learn that financial fraud is a global problem and that accounting reform is heavily influenced by politics. With discussion questions and a chart mapping each chapter to topics covered in popular auditing textbooks Called to Account is the ideal companion for classes in auditing fraud examination advanced accounting or professional responsibilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138327085

Called to AccountFinancial Frauds that Shaped the Accounting Profession Selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Magazine in 2014! Called to Account takes a broad perspective on how financial frauds have shaped the public accounting profession by focusing on cases of fraud around the globe. Ever entertaining and educational the book traces the development of the accounting standards and legislation put in place as a direct consequence of these epic scandals. The new edition offers updated chapters on ZZZZ Best and Arthur Andersen plus new chapters devoted to Parmalat Satyam and The Great Recession. Through stories like Barry Minkow’s staged constructions sites and MiniScribe’s fake inventory number generating computer program "Cook Book" students will learn that fraud is nothing new and that financial reform is heavily influenced by politics. With discussion questions and a useful chart showing instructors and students how each chapter illustrates the topics covered in other textbooks Called to Account is the ideal companion for any class in auditing advanced accounting or forensic accounting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415630252

Calligraphy and Power in Contemporary Chinese Society This unusual and interesting book is a fascinating account of the world of Chinese writing. It examines Chinese space and the political and social use of writing as propaganda a publicity booster and as a ladder for social climbing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646369

Calling All Foreign Language Teachers Renowned author Deborah Blaz once again provides practical suggestions to help you engage your students in foreign language learning. In this book she provides examples of over 90 classroom strategies and activities and links them all to the ACTFL Standards. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138475724

Calling All Superheroes: Supporting and Developing Superhero Play in the Early Years Calling All Superheroes highlights the enormous potential of superhero play in supporting learning and development in early childhood. Using examples from practice it provides guidance on how to effectively manage and implement superhero play and set appropriate boundaries in early years settings and schools. Illustrated with engaging photographs and case studies the book gives ideas about how superhero play can be used to promote positive values and teach children essential life skills. Offering practical strategies and questions for reflection designed to facilitate further development chapters address important topics and challenges such as: Child development the characteristics of effective learning and the benefits of superhero play including making sense of right and wrong and increasing moral awareness How to broach difficult themes like death killing weapons aggressive play and gender-related issues Supporting children to recognise everyday heroes and how to find heroic abilities within themselves The role of the adults in managing superhero play engaging parents and creating effective learning environments Written by a leading expert with 20 years’ experience in the early years sector this book is an essential resource for early years teachers practitioners and anyone with a key interest in young children’s education and learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138556973

Calm and InsightA Buddhist Manual for Meditators This manual by an experienced Buddhist has been written so that it will be easily accessible also to the reader who knows nothing about meditation but also contains knowledge and experience that can be gained only through practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405905

Calming the BrainBenzodiazepines and Related Drugs from Laboratory to Clinic This book covers the entire field of research in the area of minor tranquillizers and its application to current clinical practice in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. These drugs are principally the benzodiazepines and related drugs with a similar mechanism of action such as zolpidem and zopiclone. The molecular mechanism of action of benzodiazepines is described focussing on the interaction of these drugs with the different isoform of the GABAA^O receptor and the consequences of this for brain function. Recent advances in this knowledge have provided a framework for defining the physiochemical nature of the interaction between such drugs and their receptor protein and thus pave the way for the design of new anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs. The animal models available for evaluating the potential of such new therapeutic agents in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia are discussed. Furthermore understanding of the physiological regulation of the GABAA receptor may provide insights into the aetiopathology of these diseases. The clinical use of benzodiazepines and related drugs in the treatment of anxiety insomnia epilepsy and as anaesthetics are explored. The advantages and limitations of such treatments are discussed and the impact of drugs evaluated. A chapter is devoted to the issue of independence the clinical pertinence of tolerence and dependence and evaluates treatment options that may minimise the risk of dependence. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003076407

Calvin In this lucid and readable study Michael Mullet explains the historical importance of a man and a movement whose influence are still felt in the modern world. The pamphlet locates John Calvin in the context of early 16th-century France and then charts his emergence as an influential theologian and civic religious leader in the 'second generation' of reformers following Luther. After exploring the main lines of Calvin's theology set out in the Institutes the central section deals with the difficult process by which his authority was imposed on or accepted by Geneva. Finally the long-term impact of John Calvin is evaluated including the hypothesis that Calvinism has assisted the economic development of Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151987

Calvin Meets VoltaireThe Clergy of Geneva in the Age of Enlightenment 1685–1798 In 1754 Voltaire one of the most famous and provocative writers of the period moved to the city of Geneva. Little time passed before he instigated conflict with the clergy and city as he publicly maligned the memory of John Calvin promoted the culture of the French theater and incited political unrest within Genevan society. Conflict with the clergy reached a fever pitch in 1757 when Jean d’Alembert published the article ’Genève’ for the Encyclopédie. Much to the consternation of the clergy his article both castigated Calvin and depicted his clerical legacy as Socinian. Since then little has been resolved over the theological position of Calvin’s clerical legacy while much has been made of their declining significance in Genevan life during the Enlightenment era. Based upon a decade of research on the sources at Geneva’s Archives d'État and Bibliothèque de Genève this book provides the first comprehensive monograph devoted to Geneva’s Enlightenment clergy. Examination of the social political theological and cultural encounter of the Reformation with the Enlightenment in the figurative meeting of Calvin and Voltaire brings to light the life work and thought of Geneva’s eighteenth-century clergy. In addition to examination of the convergence with the philosophes prosopographical research uncovers clerical demographics at work. Furthermore the nature of clerical involvement in Genevan society and periods of political unrest are considered along with the discovery of a ’Reasonable Calvinism’ at work in the public preaching and liturgy of Genevan worship. This research moves Geneva’s narrative beyond a simplistic paradigm of ’decline’ and secularization offers further evidence for a revisionist understanding of the Enlightenment’s engagement with religion and locates Geneva’s clergy squarely in the newly emerging category of the ’Religious Enlightenment.’ Finally the significance of French policy from the Revocat Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379732

Calvinism Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland Despite the best efforts of the English government Elizabethan Ireland remained resolutely Catholic. Hutchinson examines this ‘failure’ of the Protestant Reformation. He argues that the emerging political concept of the absolutist state forms a crucial link between English policy in Ireland and the aims of the Calvinist reformers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138053090

Calvinist Exiles in Tudor and Stuart England This volume is a synthesis of the research articles of one of Europe’s leading scholars of 16th-century exile communities. It will be invaluable to the growing number of historians interested in the religious intellectual social and economic impact of stranger communities on the rapidly changing nation that was Elizabethan and early Stuart England. Southern England in general and London in particular played a unique part in offering refuge to Calvinist exiles for more than a century. For the English government the attraction of exiles was not so much their Reformed religion and discipline as their economic potential - the exiles were in the main skilled craftsmen and well-connected merchants who could benefit the English economy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260945

Calvino and the Landscape of Childhood "Although never named as such the landscape of Sanremo was a visual source for Calvino's fiction. This recurring theme provides both a link between some very different works and an insight into the autobiographical dimension of an author whose attitude to privacy is protective but detached. This work is an analysis of the criteria of representative (and of representational distortion) of a descriptive motif." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351196871

Cam Design and Manufacture Second Edition This book provides the methods of solving the problems connected with cams—their design application and manufacture. It introduces the improvement of numerically controlled machine tools and the availability of computers in general. The book is useful for practicing and design engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367451509

Cambodia and the Politics of Aesthetics Illuminating developments in contemporary Cambodia with political and aesthetic theory this book analyses the country’s violent transition from socialism to capitalism through an innovative method that combines the aesthetic approach and critical theory. To understand the particularities of the country’s transition and Cambodia’s unfolding encounter with neoliberal capitalism the book pursues the circuits of desire connecting the constellation of objects and relations which is identified as Cambodia. Chapters focus on the pre-colonial empire of Angkor the invasions of Siam and Vietnam in the nineteenth century the devastation of the Khmer Rouge genocide and the subsequent Vietnamese occupation and the present rapacity of Hun Sen’s neoliberal government. A creative combination of auto-ethnography critical theory and area studies and the analysis of a historical moment the book is of interest to academics working on comparative politics Asian studies holocaust studies critical theory and in the politics of aesthetics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138948358

CambodiaChange and Continuity in Contemporary Politics This title was first published in 2001. This text offers a comprehensive view of controversial issues surrounding Cambodia's past present and possible future development. It brings together a selection of journal articles about the wartorn country to examine critical issues concerning change and continuity in contemporary Cambodian politics. The book covers violence war and peace the Constitution human rights and the pursuit of justice democratic development and dilemmas gender and ethnic relations and economic development and problems. These themes should be instructive for scholars policymakers and interested individuals dealing with what has been termed "triple transition": from armed conflict to the end of violent hostility from political authoritarianism to liberal democracy and from socialist economic systems to market-driven or capitalist ones. The book shows that the trajectory towards peace democracy and sustainable development is complex full of dangers and in need of careful management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138723658

Cambodia's Neoliberal OrderViolence Authoritarianism and the Contestation of Public Space Neoliberal economics have emerged in the post-Cold War era as the predominant ideological tenet applied to the development of countries in the global south. For much of the global south however the promise that markets will bring increased standards of living and emancipation from tyranny has been an empty one. Instead neoliberalisation has increased the gap between rich and poor and unleashed a firestorm of social ills. This book deals with the post-conflict geographies of violence and neoliberalisation in Cambodia. Applying a geographical analysis to contemporary Cambodian politics the author employs notions of neoliberalism public space and radical democracy as the most substantive components of its theoretical edifice. He argues that the promotion of unfettered marketisation is the foremost causal factor in the country’s inability to consolidate democracy following a United Nations sponsored transition. The book demonstrates Cambodian perspectives on the role of public space in Cambodia's process of democratic development and explains the implications of violence and its relationship with neoliberalism. Taking into account the transition from war to peace authoritarianism to democracy and command economy to a free market this book offers a critical appraisal of the political economy in Cambodia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415627535

Cambridge Controversies in Capital TheoryA Methodological Analysis This book explains the debate over the Cambridge controversies of the 1960s and 1970s. In a compelling and comprehensive argument Birner discusses the main contributions to the controversy in a series of case studies. He gradually develops a methodological model of idealizations that explains both the progress of the debate and the historical ironies surrounding it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138006614

Cambridge Theology in the Nineteenth CenturyEnquiry Controversy and Truth Many books have been written about nineteenth-century Oxford theology but what was happening in Cambridge? This book provides the first continuous account of what might be called 'the Cambridge theological tradition' by discussing its leading figures from Richard Watson and William Paley through Herbert Marsh and Julius Hare to the trio of Lightfoot Westcott and Hort. It also includes a chapter on nonconformists such as Robertson Smith P.T. Forsyth and T.R. Glover. The analysis is organised around the defences that were offered for the credibility of Christianity in response to hostile and friendly critics. In this period the study of theology was not yet divided into its modern self-contained areas. A critical approach to scripture was taken for granted and its implications for ecclesiology the understanding of salvation and the social implications of the Gospel were teased out (in Hort's phrase) through enquiry and controversy as a way to discover truth. Cambridge both engaged with German theology and responded positively to the nineteenth-century 'crisis of faith'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379176

Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore Pbdirect This volume focuses on the folk beliefs and customs in Cambridgeshire. It covers a range of topic from the folklore of courtship marriage birth and death of trees and plants and the world of nature to traditional Cambridgeshire food and drink from ghosts and witchcraft and cure of diseases. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138845435

Camera & Craft: Learning the Technical Art of Digital Photography(The Digital Imaging Masters Series) #2 on's list of Best Photography Books of 2014! To create successful imagery you need to balance technical know-how and aesthetic vision. In Camera & Craft we deconstruct photographic principles in new ways to help you think through your process. Together with nine guest photographers we explore photographic practice and follow up with inventive exercises and demonstrations that challenge you to engage with your tools—all with the goal of helping you work more creatively. Along the way are conversations with our guest photographers that address each topic from how the professionals work with clients and models to what they think about as they look through the viewfinder. Here’s what you’ll find inside: Advice and insights from professionals working in a variety of fields from photojournalism and portraiture to fine-art landscape and commercial photography Technical explanations about how photographic tools work—so you can connect knowledge to your practice and work more instinctively and creatively Key steps for improving digital workflow Innovative exercises at the end of each chapter as well as on our companion website that encourage you to experiment with and understand the photographic process—from learning how far you can push your camera’s sensor to exploring the effects of neutral vs. creative color Interviews with technical and creative experts about developing skills and making images that matter This book is part of The Digital Imaging Masters Series which features cutting-edge information from the most sought-after and qualified professionals and instructors in the photography field. Based on the progressive curriculum of the Master of Professional Studies in Digital Photography (MPS DP) program created by Katrin Eismann at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City these books are the next best thing to being in the classroom with the Digital Photography Masters themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415810128

Camera Audio SimplifiedLocation Audio for Camera Operators You’ve spent a lot of time learning how to use the features of your video camera to take amazing pictures but chances are the audio always gives you trouble! Today with production budgets shrinking many are being asked to go-it-alone and sound is a frequent pain point that can drag production value down to an amateur level. To achieve great sound to go along with great video you need to go beyond "automatic" mode and take control – know as much about microphones as you do about lenses with the help of Camera Audio Simplified. Author Dean Miles gives you the skills you need to capture quality location audio with your camera mic wireless system lavaliers and handheld microphones. You’ll get step-by-step guidance to help elevate your sound from amateur to professional – and build your career and video production business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138185333

Camera ConstructsPhotography Architecture and the Modern City Photography and architecture have a uniquely powerful resonance - architectural form provides the camera with the subject for some of its most compelling imagery while photography profoundly influences how architecture is represented imagined and produced. Camera Constructs is the first book to reflect critically on the varied interactions of the different practices by which photographers artists architects theorists and historians engage with the relationship of the camera to architecture the city and the evolution of Modernism. The title thus on the one hand opposes the medium of photography and the materiality of construction - but on the other can be read as saying that the camera invariably constructs what it depicts: the photograph is not a simple representation of an external reality but constructs its own meanings and reconstructs its subjects. Twenty-three essays by a wide range of historians and theorists are grouped under the themes of ’Modernism and the Published Photograph’ ’Architecture and the City Re-imagined’ ’Interpretative Constructs’ and ’Photography in Design Practices.’ They are preceded by an Introduction that comprehensively outlines the subject and elaborates on the diverse historical and theoretical contexts of the authors’ approaches. Camera Constructs provides a rich and highly original analysis of the relationship of photography to built form from the early modern period to the present day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472445384

Camera Graeca: Photographs Narratives Materialities While written sources on the history of Greece have been studied extensively no systematic attempt has been made to examine photography as an important cultural and material process. This is surprising given that Modern Greece and photography are almost peers: both are cultural products of the 1830s and both actively converse with modernity. Camera Graeca: Photographs Narratives Materialities fills this lacuna. It is the first inter-disciplinary volume to examine critically and in a theorised manner the entanglement of Greece with photography. The book argues that photographs and the photographic process as a whole have been instrumental in the reproduction of national imagination in the consolidation of the nation-building process and in the generation and dissemination of state propaganda. At the same time it is argued that the photographic field constitutes a site of memory and counter-memory where various social actors intervene actively and stake their discursive material and practical claims. As such the volume will be of relevance to scholars and photographers worldwide. The book is divided into four tightly integrated parts. The first ’Imag(in)ing Greece’ shows that the consolidation of Greek national identity constituted a material-cum-representational process the projection of an imagery although some photographic production sits uneasily within the national canon and may even undermine it. The second part ’Photographic narratives alternative histories’ demonstrates the narrative function of photographs in diary-keeping and in photobooks. It also examines the constitution of spectatorship through the combination of text and image and the role of photography as a process of materializing counter-hegemonic discourses and practices. The third part ’Photographic matter-realities’ foregrounds the role of photography in materializing state propaganda national memory and war. The final part ’Photographic ethnographiesâ Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367879198

Camera TimeAn Ethnography of the Egyptian Modern This book is both a social history of photography in Egypt in the period between roughly 1900 and 1950 as well as a cultural history of modern Egypt through photographs. Personal photographs and photographic practices are used here as the principal historical source as well as interpretive lens through which to examine formations of modernity in the Egyptian context. The book draws on a vast corpus of photographs produced by middling men women and families either in affordable local studios across Egypt or in homes using portable consumer cameras and then composed into personal albums; these sources are located in multiple personal and family collections in Egypt and abroad and have not been extensively examined by scholars. The book sets these photographs within a wider framework of popular culture including popular magazines cheap fiction autobiographies the cinema and archival documents thus situating photographic practices within complex social and historical contexts anchored in visual and narrative practices related to photography. Photographs are approached here not as mere ‘images’ or ‘representations’ of past facts; rather they are used as dynamic sources through which a socially situated reading speaks volumes about the emergence of novel forms of selfhood and ways of being in the world as well as constructing it both then and now. The book is distinctly interdisciplinary bringing together a range of debates and approaches from across humanities disciplines to shed light not only on the material under examination but also to make a wider contribution to our understanding of the experience and practice of modernity from a global perspective. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084846

Camera-Aided Robot Calibration Robot calibration is the process of enhancing the accuracy of a robot by modifying its control software. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the theory and implementation of robot calibration using computer vision technology. It is the only book to cover the entire process of vision-based robot calibration including kinematic modeling camera calibration pose measurement error parameter identification and compensation.The book starts with an overview of available techniques for robot calibration with an emphasis on vision-based techniques. It then describes various robot-camera systems. Since cameras are used as major measuring devices camera calibration techniques are reviewed.Camera-Aided Robot Calibration studies the properties of kinematic modeling techniques that are suitable for robot calibration. It summarizes the well-known Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) modeling convention and indicates the drawbacks of the D-H model for robot calibration. The book develops the Complete and Parametrically Continuous (CPC) model and the modified CPC model that overcome the D-H model singularities. The error models based on these robot kinematic modeling conventions are presented.No other book available addresses the important practical issue of hand/eye calibration. This book summarizes current research developments and demonstrates the pros and cons of various approaches in this area. The book discusses in detail the final stage of robot calibration - accuracy compensation - using the identified kinematic error parameters. It offers accuracy compensation algorithms including the intuitive task-point redefinition and inverse-Jacobian algorithms and more advanced algorithms based on optimal control theory which are particularly attractive for highly redundant manipulators. Camera-Aided Robot Calibration defines performance indices that are designed for off-line optimal selection of measurement configurations. It then describes three approaches: closed-form gradient-based and statistical optimization. The included case study presents experimental results that were obtained by calibrating common industrial robots. Different stages of operation are detailed illustrating the applicability of the suggested techniques for robot calibration. Appendices provide readers with preliminary materials for easier comprehension of the subject matter. Camera-Aided Robot Calibration is a must-have reference for researchers and practicing engineers-the only one with all the information! Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448530

Cameralism and the EnlightenmentHappiness Governance and Reform in Transnational Perspective Cameralism and the Enlightenment reassesses the relationship between two key phenomena of European history often disconnected from each other. It builds on recent insights from global history transnational history and Enlightenment studies to reflect on the dynamic interactions of cameralism an early modern set of practices and discourses of statecraft prominent in central Europe with the broader political intellectual and cultural developments of the Enlightenment world. Through contributions from prominent scholars across the field of Enlightenment studies the volume analyzes eighteenth-century cameralist authors’ engagements with commerce colonialism and natural law. Challenging the caricature of cameralism as a German land-locked version of mercantilism the volume reframes its importance for scholars of the Enlightenment broadly conceived. This volume goes beyond the typical focus on Britain and France in studies of political economy widening perspectives about the dissemination of ideas of governance happiness and reform to focus on multidirectional exchanges across continental Europe and beyond during the eighteenth century. Emphasizing the practice of theory it proposes the study of the porosity of ideas in their exchange transmission and mediation between spaces and discourses as a key dimension of cultural and intellectual history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367360511

CameroonDependence and Independence This book examines whether Cameroon is self-sufficient in food debt free and politically stable with objectivity and insight. It also examines the success or failure met by Cameroon in solving the problems of nation building state building and economic growth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367022303

Camille Gutt and Postwar International Finance As a businessman financier diplomat minister and first Managing Director of the IMF Camille Gutt (1884–1971) was involved in all the important financial negotiations between the 1920s and the 1950s. Using Gutt’s personal archives as his starting point Crombois examines the rise and fall of financial diplomacy as a largely private enterprise. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661349

Camille Saint-SaensA Guide to Research A key figure in establishing an identifiable French musical style in the nineteenth century this annotated biliography catalogs the studies of Saint-Saens' life and works as well as examining the composer's own correspondence and essays. Included are many lesser-known writings on the composer and his music as well as recent scholarship which re-examines his place in music history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870383

Camorristi Politicians and BusinessmenThe Transformation of Organized Crime in Post-War Naples Vol 11 "This work presents a detailed study of the political role of a criminal organization the Neapolitan Camorra in its historical context that of Naples over the last fifty years. In Campania until 1991 the population tacitly accepted the relationship between the Camorra and the local political elite (based on the exchange of votes for state contracts and protection) and because of the lack of reliable sources it could not seriously be studied by political scientists. In 1991 however a law was passed which gave generous remission of sentences to criminals who wanted to cooperate with the police. Following this many members of the Camorra revealed important aspects of the criminal economic and political activities of their organization. This new information has permitted a re-examination of the Camorra and has provided material for the story to be told." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351196512

Camp Life and Sport in Dalmatia and the Herzegovina First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965263

Campaign And Party Finance In North America And Western Europe This book provides information about how policies and practices regarding public financing abroad focusing on North America and several Western European countries can help Americans develop their own ideas about reform possibilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367162245

Campaign Journal 2008A Chronicle of Vision Hope and Glory In this distinctive and personal narrative of Barack Obama's 2008 campaign for the American presidency Carlos Rangel chronicles the underlying currents of social change that led to this successful campaign. The results were a president with a clear majority of the votes cast; elected by a commanding majority of electoral votes; and who won states on both coasts in the South the Rust Belt and the West. There were no recount battles or intervention by the courts.Rangel notes that the effective professional politician gathers coalitions around positions on the issues and uses these coalitions to formulate policies that bring these positions to fruition. The Obama Campaign coalesced expectations that he would be able to rapidly transform the way the country is led and lead Americans to a better future. These expectations were multiplied by an effective well-run campaign. Certainly Obama's capacity to inspire during the campaign led many to believe he could do the same as president.Management of high expectations became one of President Obama's greatest challenges in the immediate period after the election. In transforming ideals of hope and change into reality he faced political resistance from multiple fronts an economy with structural flaws and an internationally isolated United States. Rangel's unique background in Latin America enables him to make sharp observations about policies and campaign statements that may have influence in that region including trade deals drug wars and the populist rhetoric and actions emanating from the region. This book is a solid start at analysis of the years ahead as well as the year that was. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507876

Campaigning for President 2012Strategy and Tactics In this important and timely volume Dennis W. Johnson has assembled an outstanding team of political scientists and political professionals to examine one of the fiercest and most closely fought presidential elections of our time. Like its predecessor Campaigning for President 2008 Campaigning for President 2012: Strategy and Tactics focuses on political management. It is written by both elections/campaign scholars and practitioners who highlight the role of political consultants and campaigns while also emphasizing the strategy and tactics employed by the candidates the national political parties and outside interests. The contributors explore the general mood of the electorate in the 2012 election the challenges Obama faced after his first term the primaries money communication the important issues of the election and finally the election itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415843003

Campaigning for President 2016Strategy and Tactics Coming out of one of the most contentious elections in history Dennis Johnson and Lara Brown have assembled an outstanding team of authors to examine one of the fiercest and most closely fought presidential elections of our time. Like the 2008 and 2012 editions of Campaigning for President the 2016 edition combines the talents and insights of political scientists who specialize in campaigns and elections together with seasoned political professionals who have been involved in previous presidential campaigns. Campaigning for President is the only series on presidential campaigns that features both political scientists and professional consultants. This book focuses on the most important questions of this most unusual presidential campaign. What was the appeal of Donald Trump? Has Twitter and social media become the dominant means of communicating? How did fake news WikiLeaks and the Russians factor in this election? What happened to the Obama coalition and why couldn’t Hillary Clinton capitalize on it? Hundreds of millions of Super PAC dollars were raised and spent and much of that was wasted. What happened? Is the wild west of online media the new norm for presidential contests? These and many other questions are answered in the provocative essays by scholars and practitioners. The volume also is packed with valuable appendixes: a timeline of the presidential race biographical sketches of each candidate a roster of political consultants the primary and general election results exit polls and campaign spending. New to the 2016 Edition The 2016 presidential contest brings a completely new set of players policies and electoral challenges. Like the 2008 and 2012 editions the authors probe the strategies and tactics of the candidate campaigns and the outside organizations. The chapters focus on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton but also look at the Bernie Sanders insurgency the collapse of the mainstream Republican candidates and the dynamics of the general election. Chapters also analyze the changes in campaign finance new technologies the role of social media and how fake news and subterfuge might become the new realities of presidential campaigning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138058477

Campaigning for the Environment Originally published in 1974 Campaigning for the Environment addresses the issue of the environmental lobby. Using seven case-studies from the time of publication the book covers the important aspects of environmental campaigning where the environment has been threatened and where pressure groups have been formed to defend it. The book discusses the political problems of protecting and improving the environment and states that each campaign involves taking on major sections of the political system. Despite having been published over 40 years ago the commentary of the book and the analysis in the case studies is still as relevant today as it was then. This book will be of interest to academics working in the field of environment and sustainability conservation and political studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367409524

Campaigning in the Twenty-First CenturyActivism Big Data and Dark Money In view of the 2016 US election season the second edition of this book analyzes the way political campaigns have been traditionally run and the extraordinary changes that have occurred since 2012. Dennis W. Johnson looks at the most sophisticated techniques of modern campaigning—micro-targeting online fundraising digital communication the new media—and examines what has changed how those changes have dramatically transformed campaigning and what has remained fundamentally the same despite new technologies and communications. Campaigns are becoming more open and free-wheeling with greater involvement of activists (especially through social media) and average voters alike. At the same time they have become more professionalized and the author has experience managing and marketing the process. Campaigning in the Twenty-First Century illustrates the daunting challenges for candidates and professional consultants as they try to get their messages out to voters. Ironically the more open and robust campaigns become the greater is the need for seasoned flexible and imaginative professional consultants. New to the Second Edition Includes coverage of the 2012 and 2014 elections looking ahead to 2016. Updates coverage of campaign finance since the landmark Citizens United Supreme Court decision. Adds to the discussion of demographic and technological changes in elections since 2012. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138122208

Campaigns and Elections American Style With new and revised essays throughout Campaigns and Elections American Style provides a real education in practical campaign politics. In the fourth edition academics and campaign professionals explain how campaign themes and strategies are developed and communicated the changes in campaign tactics as a result of changing technology Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367319274

Campaigns and Elections American StyleThe Changing Landscape of Political Campaigns Following one of the most contentious and surprising elections in US history the new edition of this classic text demonstrates unequivocally: Campaigns matter. With new and revised chapters throughout Campaigns and Elections American Style provides a real education in contemporary campaign politics. In the fifth edition academics and campaign professionals explain how Trump won the presidency comparing his sometimes novel tactics with tried and true strategies including how campaign themes and strategies are developed and communicated the changes in campaign tactics as a result of changing technology new techniques to target and mobilize voters the evolving landscape of campaign finance and election laws and the increasing diversity of the role of media in elections. Offering a unique and careful mix of Democrat and Republican academic and practitioner and male and female campaign perspectives this volume scrutinizes national and local-level campaigns with a special focus on the 2016 presidential and congressional elections and what those elections might tell us about 2018 and 2020. Students citizens candidates and campaign managers will learn not only how to win elections but also why it is imperative to do so in an ethical way. Perfect for a variety of courses in American government this book is essential reading for political junkies of any stripe and serious students of campaigns and elections. Highlights of the Fifth Edition Covers the 2016 elections with an eye to 2018 and 2020. Explains how Trump won the presidency the changes in campaign tactics as a result of changing technology new techniques to target and mobilize voters the evolving landscape of campaign finance and election laws and the increasing diversity of the role of media. Includes a new part structure and the addition of part introductions to help students contextualize the major issues and trends in campaigns and elections. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138605183

Campaigns and ElectionsPlayers and Processes Stephen Medvic’s Campaigns and Elections is a comprehensive yet compact core text that addresses two distinct but related aspects of American electoral democracy—both the processes that constitute campaigns and elections and the players who are involved. In addition to balanced coverage of process and actors it also gives equal billing to both campaigns and elections and covers contests for legislative and executive positions at the national and state and local levels including issue-oriented campaigns of note. The book opens by providing students with the conceptual distinctions between what happens in an election and the campaigning that precedes it. Significant attention is devoted to setting up the context for these campaigns and elections by covering the rules of the game in the American electoral system as well as aspects of election administration and the funding of elections. Then the book systematically covers the actors at every level—candidates and their organizations parties interest groups the media and voters—and the macro level aspects of campaigns such as campaign strategy and determinants of election outcomes. The book concludes with a big picture assessment of campaign ethics and implications of the "permanent campaign". New to the Third Edition Fully updated through the 2016 elections. Questions the "party decides" theory of the nomination process in light of the Trump Republican candidacy. Covers campaign finance laws and practice emanating from both Citizens United and McCutcheon. Critically examines restrictive voting laws in place for the first time in the 2016 presidential election. Looks at new automatic voter registration as well as registration removals. Expands coverage of media effects on campaigns at every stage including social media. Draws upon recent research on new campaign technologies and of the science of campaigning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138058453

Campaigns and Political Marketing Understand the theoretical—and practical—aspects of political marketing!Over the past few years political marketing strategies have been refined with the help of new findings in political science research. Campaigns and Political Marketing clearly discusses the most recent political science research studies and theories that political activists and professionals can apply to effectively campaign for an issue or candidate. This text is an invaluable compilation of research theory and practical application from political science experts across the country that guides readers through the complexities of everyday political marketing and campaigning. Readers get the critical knowledge needed on how to best affect public viewpoints and gain the strongest advantage over the opposition.Campaigns and Political Marketing is packed with information and insights every political activist will find useful. It coherently explains the real world of campaign politics and elections presenting the everyday issues that political consultants face in the field all made easily understandable even to the novice. This scholarly examination provides lessons that can be effectively applied to just about any situation. Political crises and scandals are discussed in detail with research and historical studies that illuminate practical ways to deal with any problem. The book is extensively referenced and uses graphs and charts to clearly explain research findings.Campaigns and Political Marketing answers these tough questions: What is the role of professional campaign consultants—and their value? How have the past four presidential elections revised the state presidential vote forecasting equation? How does interest groups’ resource distribution differ from resource allocation decisions made by candidates’ organizations and the national political parties? How does congressional campaign candidate scheduling differ from legislative candidate scheduling? How effective are attack messages in generating media coverage early in a campaign? How do political professionals define campaign crises? What are the differences in public reaction when a candidate from one or the other of the two major parties is in a scandal? How is public opinion affected when tragedy strikes a political candidate?Campaigns and Political Marketing is stimulating idea-generating reading that is perfect for educators and students in marketing communications and political science; practitioners in campaigns and marketing; and political activists of all types. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051627

Campaigns from the Ground UpState House Elections in a National Context Based on data from the most recent elections this book examines state house races in four key states California Texas Michigan and Virginia and creates simulations of campaign planning strategizing budgeting fundraising and winning in a variety of political contexts. The authors have not only researched and taught about these issues they have conducted campaigns run for office and served in government at every level from the local to the national. They have experience confronting questions of campaign ethics and crisis management and they actively embrace social media in their work. Internet fundraising as well as campaign websites are among the many media subjects included. This is a book not just for candidates campaign professionals and students but for all concerned citizens who want to understand the pathways of politics better. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612056920

Campaigns of the Norman Conquest First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315063829

CampsteadingFamily Place and Experience at Squam Lake New Hampshire The campstead is an American institution. After the Civil War with neo-colonialism environmentalism and arts-and-crafts on the rise some families sought rural locations for rustic camps. There they raised their children in the summertime. Around Squam Lake after some eight generations twenty-one such camps remain in these families. The Squam area thus becomes a natural place to study relationships of persons and places families and landscape and humans and the world. Our present concerns for environmental stewardship open space protection and core values instead of consumerism make this a good time to revisit the simple American Campstead. Rustic camping itself revisited aspects of the American frontier. Just as the western frontier was disappearing some families resorted to remnants of the first frontier among mountains and lakes of the Northeast. Through campsteads these families preserved elements of the frontier ethos. Campsteads facilitate particular experiences involving nature and family. Brereton investigates campstead experience and through it the nature of human experience generally. This book is the first detailed account of campsteading the first application of critical realism in anthropology and the first anthropological use of John Dewey's evolutionary model of experience. Building on Dewey the author further analyses experience into its levels orders and features.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138176096

Campus CompaniesUK and Ireland First published in 1998 this volume explored the recent growth in university-based commercial start-up companies as a means of applying research in industry and as an alternative method of funding. Blair and Hitchens melded the practical experiences of universities with more theoretical understandings of technology transfer to assess whether it is more effective for universities to make commercial use of their research themselves as opposed to licensing whether this is an effective way to get research applied by industry and the economic implications of these decisions. Drawing on the experiences of 25 universities of which 18 are in the UK and Ireland and including a detailed study of the QUBIS Group from Queen’s University of Belfast the authors explore universities’ deliberate commercial exploitation of their research through university spin-off companies the potential stresses on staff who are simultaneously academics and entrepreneurs along with universities’ attitudes to the practice and possible managerial strategies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612921

Campus Crisis ManagementA Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners Campus Crisis Management is a practical resource that helps campus administrators evaluate revise or establish a comprehensive crisis management plan appropriate for their college or university. Filled with examples assessment tools and checklists this book describes the individuals who should be involved in developing a campus plan what a plan should include as well as a variety of crisis events and issues that should be addressed in a comprehensive crisis management plan. Including contributions from renowned practitioners at all levels this fully revised new edition contains the must-have information on crisis management such as: How to develop a comprehensive crisis management system The different types of crises using the crisis matrix The structure operation and training of a crisis team Strategies for working with the media New chapters addressing behavioral intervention teams active shooter situations Title IX guidance campus demonstrations outbreaks of infectious and contagious diseases and special event management. From a senior administrator working with an institution-wide emergency operations team to a new professional looking to develop plans and protocols to respond to critical incidents Campus Crisis Management is a comprehensive guide to planning and preparing for campus emergencies of any scale. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367337490

Campus Emergency PreparednessMeeting ICS and NIMS Compliance An easily digestible guide Campus Emergency Preparedness: Meeting ICS and NIMS Compliance helps you develop and organize emergency operation plans. It incorporates the key components recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Department of Education and outlines the roles and responsibilities of campus personnel before during and after an emergency. Events covered include chemical spills toxic gas releases terrorist attacks active shooter events pandemics floods hurricanes tornados fires and other natural or man-made hazards. The information in this book is extracted from FEMA and US Department of Education documents and training as well as concepts and strategies from a cross-section of college and university emergency plans. These resources have been melded together to provide you with strategies for protecting preventing mitigating responding and recovering from threats and hazards that may occur at an institute of higher education. The book aids you in creating emergency response plans that comply with standards set by the ICS and NIMS. Ultimately these are all-hazards strategies that can be applied to all phases of campus emergency management with efficient coordination among all levels of campus administration. Safety in higher education institution campuses is a critical issue today in the wake of several events in recent years. Campus Emergency Preparedness helps you work toward creating a campus environment that is as safe as possible for your students faculty and staff. It is a valuable source for anticipating and handling a broad range of emergencies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466587571

Campus Power Struggle Campus Power Struggle traces the explosive evolution of the student political movement from the Berkeley Free Speech Movement of 1964 to armed confrontation at Cornell in 1969. From campus conflict as a microcosm of larger political struggles for self-determination to student concern about infringements upon personal liberties the studies in this book provide authoritative insight into unrest on American campuses. This volume represents sociology as the ""big news"" in its most impressive and involved style. No.l in the series.Contents: Introduction - The Struggle for Power on the Campus (Howard S. Becker). Beyond Berkeley (Joseph Gusfleld). Columbia: The Dynamics of a Student Revolution (Ellen Kay Tnmberger). The Crisis at San Francisco State (James McEvoy and Abraham Miller). Confrontation at Cornell (William H. Fried/and and Harry Edwards'). The Phantom Racist (Rita James Simon and James Carey). Dynamic Young Fogies-Rebels on the Right (Lawrence F. Schiff). Ending Campus Drug Incidents (Howard S. Becker). The Psychiatrist as Double Agent (Thomas Szasz). Student Power in Action (Arlie Hochschild). Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315081823

Campus ViolenceKinds Causes and Cures This timely book shows how the rapidly increasing phenomenon of violence in the U.S. is invading college and university campuses. Campus Violence shows what colleges universities and other schools can do to deconstruct the violence culture and begin to educate for a better society. The chapters assist educators in determining the nature of both external and internal violence and what to do about it. Readers will benefit from the experiences of many institutions of higher learning as communicated by various outstanding contributors to this book. By becoming sharply aware of the issues and solutions administrators may engage in better more realistic long-range planning as well as get help for the myriad daily questions and problems inherent to running today’s campuses.As a whole the book is devoted to highlighting important kinds causes and cures of violence destructive to living and learning opportunities. The contributors address the full range of issues from conceptualization to practical ways of handling violent behaviors. Section I: Addresses the broadest most far-reaching views of campus violence: the conceptualization of campus violence administration perspectives the destructive concoction of alcohol and other drugs and morbidity and the commercial promotion of mindless violence. Section II: Addresses specific kinds of violence. Section III: Focuses on the most frequent immediate perpetrators--male college students--and how their behavior can be dealt with and improved. Section IV: Focuses very specifically on how the college counselor or psychotherapist can be a consultant to staff and faculty in regard to disruptive students.Campus Violence depicts the need to nurture and develop atmospheres for learning respect and constructive action--arguably the most pressing topic in education today. Counselors therapists security officers deans and presidents can begin to counter the rapidly increasing phenomenon of violence in American colleges and universities and cultivate a positive leadership atmosphere. The implications of the contributing authors reach to the primary and secondary schools in our nation--the training grounds for college life and education--and provoke some questions which begin to create a better learning environment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783574

Campus WarsMulticulturalism And The Politics Of Difference Throughout its history the United States has struggled with the inevitable tensions of a highly diverse society. With the opening of higher education to women ethnic minorities and members of other previously marginalized groups these tensions are now visited most especially upon our nation's colleges and universities. This collection addresses the most controversial issues now troubling our campuses: the content of the curriculum sexual harassment and date rape hate speech v. free speech and affirmative action. In addition several contributions probe the fundamental issues underlying the more specific problems of the "politics of difference." The contributions to this volume represent a wide range of disciplines - including philosophy history literary theory law economics and politics - as well as views from across the political spectrum. Readers will find both familiar essays and new ones arranged so that the authors speak directly to one another thus providing a genuine conversation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429038556

Campylobacter Infection in Man and Animals This book reflects the different efforts made by veterinary and medical doctors for better knowledge of the disease. It shows how much we depends on each other to understand better the clinical features pathogenesis and epidemiology of campylobacter infections and other diseases. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891293

Can America Remain Committed?U.s. Security Horizons In The 1990s This book is concerned with the myriad of foreign security commitments and the means available to America to fulfill them. It represents the scholarly results of the collective project (on US security horizons) mounted by the Queen's University Centre for International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157333

Can Class Still Unite?The Differentiated Work Force Class Solidarity and Trade Unions This title was first published in 2001. This detailed study of European trade unions also addresses academic concerns about the continuing relevance of the class concept as an analytical tool. As a social movement the trade union has always used the class principal to unite and defend workers and the diverse contributions to this volume enable the more accurate positioning of class discourse within both the debate about trade unions and wider sociological inquiry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138734135

Can Education Change Society? Despite the vast differences between the Right and the Left over the role of education in the production of inequality one common element both sides share is a sense that education can and should do something about society to either restore what is being lost or radically alter what is there now. The question was perhaps put most succinctly by the radical educator George Counts in 1932 when he asked "Dare the School Build a New Social Order?" challenging entire generations of educators to participate in actually to lead the reconstruction of society. Over 70 years later celebrated educator author and activist Michael Apple revisits Counts’ now iconic works compares them to the equally powerful voices of minoritized people and again asks the seemingly simply question of whether education truly has the power to change society. In this groundbreaking work Apple pushes educators toward a more substantial understanding of what schools do and what we can do to challenge the relations of dominance and subordination in the larger society. This touchstone volume is both provocative and honest about the ideological and economic conditions that groups in society are facing and is certain to become another classic in the canon of Apple’s work and the literature on education more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415875332

Can Efficiency and Community Service Be Symbiotic?A Longitudinal Analysis of not-for-profit and for-profit Hospitals in the United States First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138968479

Can Emerging Technologies Make a Difference in Development? In this innovative and entirely original text which has been thoughtfully edited to ensure coherence and readability across disciplines scientists and practitioners from around the world provide evidence of the opportunities for and the challenges of developing collaborative approaches to bringing advanced and emerging technology to poor communities in developing countries in a responsible and sustainable manner. This volume will stimulate and satisfy readers seeking to engage in a rich and challenging discussion integrating many strands of social thought and physical science. For those also seeking to creatively engage in the great challenges of our times for the benefit of struggling farmers sick children and people literally living in the dark around the world may this volume also spark imagination inspire commitment and provoke collaborative problem solving. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415884334

Can Gorbachev Change The Soviet Union?The International Dimensions Of Political Reform This book analyzes the specifically Soviet historical and ideological conditions for a change of the system that could take place without dangerous disruptions. It outlines the possibilities for qualitative changes in the Soviet system and the limits to Gorbachev's reforms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153472

Can Government Think?Flexible economic opportunism and the pursuit of global competitiveness Climate change financial crises and other issues of global scale no longer concern only the developed world. The binding power of globalization has placed these challenges at the doorstep of almost every country testing the evolutionary capacity of monolithic governance systems bound by institutional legacy and administrative stagnation. This book locates the concept of adaptive governance used primarily in environmental management within the context of economic policy. Introducing flexible economic opportunism it argues that a particular style of institutional and administrative versatility enables innovative evidence-based policy development. This book mines institutional economics public administration and research theory and practice for complementary elements that can inform an emerging governance paradigm based on flexible economic opportunism. Through an eclectic suite of cases from the developing and developed worlds including Asia and North America this book reveals how patterns of institutional and administrative change impact the efficacy of public policy. Flexibility may be this century’s most critical dimension of global competitiveness and systems configured to quickly and comprehensively capture economic opportunities will win the marketplace of development ideas. This book advances that discussion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815350712

Can Governments Learn?Comparative Perspectives on Evaluation and Organizational Learning There is continual concern about the ability of governments to perform the duties and responsibilities that their citizens have come to expect from them. Many citizens view government as inept arthritic and dedicated to the preservation of the bureaucratic status quo. As we close the twentieth century the challenge for democratic governments is to become adaptive flexible innovative and creative. In short they need to become learning organizations. This book explores what it will take for governments to break out of their traditional ways of approaching problems and leam new approaches to finding solutions.Can Governments Learn? examines organizational learning in the public sector. It seeks to understand what role policy and program evaluation information can play in helping governments to learn. Among the democratic societies that are studied are Belgium Canada the Netherlands Sweden and the United States. Their governmental systems have produced and learned from evaluation information in quite different ways. Significantly the studies documented here show that the concept of organizational learning has vitality and applicability cross-nationally.Can Governments Learn ? evaluates preconditions for governmental learning as well as the institutional and human resource factors that contribute to the process. This is the third volume in the comparative policy analysis series. It is essential for policymakers government officials and scholars interested in improving the performance of governments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519947

Can It Happen Again?Essays on Instability and Finance In the winter of 1933 the American financial and economic system collapsed. Since then economists policy makers and financial analysts throughout the world have been haunted by the question of whether "It" can happen again. In 2008 "It" very nearly happened again as banks and mortgage lenders in the USA and beyond collapsed. The disaster sent economists bankers and policy makers back to the ideas of Hyman Minsky – whose celebrated 'Financial Instability Hypothesis' is widely regarded as predicting the crash of 2008 – and led Wall Street and beyond as to dub it as the 'Minsky Moment'. In this book Minsky presents some of his most important economic theories. He defines "It" determines whether or not "It" can happen again and attempts to understand why at the time of writing in the early 1980s "It" had not happened again. He deals with microeconomic theory the evolution of monetary institutions and Federal Reserve policy. Minsky argues that any economic theory which separates what economists call the 'real' economy from the financial system is bound to fail. Whilst the processes that cause financial instability are an inescapable part of the capitalist economy Minsky also argues that financial instability need not lead to a great depression. This Routledge Classics edition includes a new foreword by Jan Toporowski. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138641952

Can Neighbourhoods Save the City?Community Development and Social Innovation For decades neighbourhoods been pivotal sites of social economic and political exclusion processes and civil society initiatives attempting bottom-up strategies of re-development and regeneration. In many cases these efforts resulted in the creation of socially innovative organizations seeking to satisfy the basic human needs of deprived population groups to increase their political capabilities and to improve social interaction both internally and between the local communities the wider urban society and political world. SINGOCOM - Social INnovation GOvernance and COMmunity building – is the acronym of the EU-funded project on which this book is based. Sixteen case studies of socially-innovative initiatives at the neighbourhood level were carried out in nine European cities of which ten are analysed in depth and presented here. The book compares these efforts and their results and shows how grass-roots initiatives alternative local movements and self-organizing urban collectives are reshaping the urban scene in dynamic creative innovative and empowering ways. It argues that such grass-roots initiatives are vital for generating a socially cohesive urban condition that exists alongside the official state-organized forms of urban governance. The book is thus a major contribution to socio-political literature as it seeks to overcome the duality between community-development studies and strategies and the solidarity-based making of a diverse society based upon the recognising and maintaining of citizenship rights. It will be of particular interest to both students and researchers in the fields of urban studies social geography and political science.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516839

Can Peace Research Make Peace?Lessons in Academic Diplomacy This book is about the process and more generally about the opportunities that peace research and the teaching of conflict resolution can offer academic diplomacy. As such the book is both an empirical and a theoretical project. While it aims at being the most comprehensive analysis of the conflict in West Kalimantan it also launches a new theoretical approach neo-pragmatism and offers lessons for the prevention of conflicts elsewhere. While being based on the classical pragmatist theories of truth and explanation the approach developed in this book incorporates the complications to social science theory caused by the 'discovery' of socially constructed realities and concepts such as speech acts. Yet instead of just theorizing speech acts and social constructs the theoretical mission is to offer pragmatic detailed concrete prescriptions of what to do to deconstruct realities that threaten peace by the means available for research and scholars of peace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138115521

Can Pop Culture and Shakespeare Exist in the Same Classroom?Using Student Interest to Bring Complex Texts to Life Expecting students to jump right into a rigorous literature discussion is not always realistic. Students need scaffolding so that they will be more engaged and motivated to read the text and think about it on a deeper level. This book shows English language arts teachers a very effective way to scaffold—by tapping into students’ interest in pop culture. You’ll learn how to use your students’ ability to analyze pop culture and transfer that into helping them analyze and connect to a text. Special Features: Tools you can use immediately such as discussion prompts rubrics and planning sheets Examples of real student literature discussions using pop culture Reflection questions to help you apply the book’s ideas to your own classroom Connections to the Common Core State Standards for reading speaking and listening Throughout the book you’ll discover practical ways that pop culture and classic texts can indeed coexist in your classroom. As your students bridge their academic and social lives they’ll become more insightful about great literature--and the world around them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415733182

Can Russia Change? (Routledge Revivals)The USSR Confronts Global Interdependence First published in 1989 this ground-breaking book sought to determine whether contemporary Russia had the capacity to change and if in so doing it could alter the complex web of East-West relations from a zero-sum struggle to a state of peaceful competition and mutual security. In order to answer this question the author compares advances and setbacks in arms control and security affairs with co-operation on less politically salient issues such as environmental degradation. He finds that in the nearly seventy years preceding Mikhail Gorbachev’s rise to power the Kremlin relied on several basic approaches to foreign relations. These policies isolated the Soviet Union from those nations whose co-operation it needed to cope with the escalating interdependencies of the time. Gorbachev Clemens argues was the first Soviet leader to recognise both the problems and potential benefits of global interdependence and to explore the possibilities for co-operation between East and West to advance mutual security. Can Russia Change? is unique in its comparative approach and historical perspective and this reissue will prove invaluable to all those interested in the history of Soviet security and foreign policy as well as US-Soviet relations.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415508261

Can Scientists BelieveSome Examples of the Attitude of Scientists to Religion In this collection of thought-provoking essays a range of distinguished scientists and theologians men and women young and old all with strong scientific training and deeply held religious beliefs in the Judeao-Christian tradition give their personal answers. They do not always agree the views of each contributor being informed both by their particular scientific expertise and religious affiliation. They address a wide range of problems that will interest all concerned to reconcile their own religious beliefs with currently-accepted scientific theory and practice. The divergences of opinion are as a significant as the agreements. Positions are thoughtfully explained and make important often novel and illuminating contributions to debate on these great issues. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315060361

Can Small Urban Communities Survive?: Culturological Analysis in Urban Rehabilitation - Cases in Slovenia and ScotlandCulturological Analysi This title was first published in 2001. Throughout the post-war period there has been much activity in the conservation and renewal of old town centres throughout Europe. A considerable body of knowledge has been built up on the technical side of rehabilitation over a period of 40 years but little attention has been paid to related societal and cultural aspects. More often than not this results in a degree of failure in the rehabilitation process. This is an exploration of how the planning and design of urban areas might be improved by the incorporation of culturological analysis within the town planning process. European practice in residential rehabilitation and conservation is renewed in order to gauge what progress has been made with particular emphasis on solutions and remedies associated with cultural ethnicity and minority issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138734685

Can Small Urban Communities Survive?Culturological Analysis in Urban Rehabilitation - Cases in Slovenia and Scotland This title was first published in 2001. Throughout the post-war period there has been much activity in the conservation and renewal of old town centres throughout Europe. A considerable body of knowledge has been built up on the technical side of rehabilitation over a period of 40 years but little attention has been paid to related societal and cultural aspects. More often than not this results in a degree of failure in the rehabilitation process. This is an exploration of how the planning and design of urban areas might be improved by the incorporation of culturological analysis within the town planning process. European practice in residential rehabilitation and conservation is renewed in order to gauge what progress has been made with particular emphasis on solutions and remedies associated with cultural ethnicity and minority issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138734708

Can the Free Market Pick Winners?What Determines Investment The purpose of this volume is to reopen the discussion of how to develop the economic theory of investment to better model the facts of experience and to provide policy makers with a better understanding of how capital markets work. In this final decade of the twentieth century almost everyone agrees that human progress will be closely related to the decisions regarding the investments made to promote economic growth of output. Despite the Nobel prize work done in recent decades economic performance in this area seems to have worsened. Clearly a reopening of public discussion on what is required is necessary. Until we get our theory right it is impossible to get our public policy right. This book does not promise to provide “the” correct theory. Instead it hopes to stimulate the reader into an understanding of where we may have gone wrong and how we might rectify our mistakes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315484334

Can the Poor Save?Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts Many policymakers argue that the best poverty policy not only provides cash to the poor for subsistence but also incentives and structures that encourage long-term social and economic improvement. As part of this they make the case for Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) a new policy proposal designed to help the poor save and to build assets. This book explores IDAs to determine their effectiveness. IDAs are matched savings accounts targeted on low-income low-wealth individuals. Savings in IDAs are used for home ownership post-secondary education small business development and other purposes. Do IDAs work? If they do for whom? And does how an IDA is designed determine savings outcomes? This volume is the first analysis of matched savings by the poor to use data from monthly bank statements. It comes at a critical time as debate rages over the merits of individual social security accounts. IDAs also respond to policy that is becoming more asset based and less inclusive of the poor. The authors argue for the efficacy of IDAs to counter this tendency. They find that while savings outcomes vary among participants no characteristics (such as low income or public assistance) preclude saving. They examine effects of IDA design (the match rate savings targets and the use of automatic transfer) on savings results and analyze factors that influence varying rates of saving and spending over time. They conclude that financial education and other support services though costly improve savings performance. To address the issue of cost they suggest a two-tier system of IDA design one with broad access and simple services and the other with targeted access and intensive services. Can the Poor Save? offers a wealth of lessons to those interested in saving and asset accumulation among the poor. It not only breaks new ground in the scientific study of savings behavior but also offers concrete evidence-based recommendations to improve policies designed to encourage the poor to save and how to make such policies more inclusive. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315081816

Can the World be Wrong?Where Global Public Opinion Says We're Headed When the global economy and world order become uncertain where do we look for a sense of where things are heading? Can the World Be Wrong? lays out a compelling case for looking to long-term trends in global public opinion to help predict the future. Written by a pioneer of global polling the book is provocatively illustrated by decade-long public opinion trends across 20 countries on subjects ranging from geopolitics globalization the economy the role of companies and the UN to changing consumer trends and the future of democracy in the 21st century. Doug Miller the founder and Chairman of the global research consultancy GlobeScan Inc. offers 30 never-before-released global opinion polls that inform this exposé of where the world may be headed. This essentially optimistic book delivers a fascinating briefing on below-the-radar trends that business leaders and policy-makers follow closely and thoughtful citizens need to understand. Miller brings his topics alive with behind-the-scenes looks at the World Economic Forum in Davos the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre (Brazil) the International Business Leaders Forum in London the United Nations Headquarters in New York the White House and boardrooms around the world. Can the World be Wrong? reveals what we really think of our leaders businesses and policy-makers and what this might all say about where we're headed in the 21st century. The book is essential reading for leaders managers policy-makers and researchers seeking to understand the power of global opinion and the implications it may have. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783534210

Can Theory Help Translators?A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface Can Theory Help Translators? is a dialogue between a theoretical scholar and a professional translator about the usefulness (if any) of translation theory. The authors argue about the problem of the translator's identity the history of the translator's role the translator's visibility translation types and strategies translation quality ethics and translation aids. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138169340

Can We All Get Along? 2ERacial And Ethnic Minorities In American Politics Second Edition Rodney King framed an eternal question of American politics when he asked: Can we all get along? The second edition of this widely acclaimed text was expanded to reflect the latest scholarship and the most recent events in Americas ongoing struggle with racial issues; the new version of the second edition has been fully updated to include results and analysis from the 1998 mid-term elections. Here Paula McClain and Joseph Stewart combine traditional elements of political science analysis history Constitutional theory institutions political behavior and policy actors with a thoroughgoing survey of the political status of four major groups: African Americans Latinos Asian Americans and American Indians. They show similarities and differences in these groups political action and experience and point the way toward coalition competition and consensus-building in the face of ongoing conflict. Two dilemmas shape the book: How do we as a nation reconcile a commitment to equality with persistent inequality and discrimination? And what can we do about it from the perspective of ethnic and racial minorities as well as within the dominant culture? Rodney King framed what might be called the enduring question of American politics from the Founding forward: Can we all get along? In a nation built by immigrants and bedeviled by the history and legacy of slavery issues of liberty equality and community continue to challenge Americans. Whether we look at the Los Angeles riots the patterns of ethnic representation in Congress or examples of discrimination in schools we see that getting along is intimately connected with who gets what when and how the traditional definition of politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429048203

Can We All Get Along?Racial and Ethnic Minorities in American Politics In a nation built by immigrants and bedeviled by the history and legacy of slavery and discrimination how do we as Americans reconcile a commitment to equality and freedom with persistent inequality and discrimination? And what can we do about it? This widely acclaimed text by Paula D. McClain with new coauthor Jessica D. Johnson Carew provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the historical and contemporary political experience of the major groups-African Americans Latinos Asian Americans and American Indians-in the United States. It explores the similarities and differences in these groups' representation and participation in law politics and policymaking discusses the enduring issues and concerns that they face and examines intra- and inter-group competition and coalition-building in the face of enduring conflict and inequality. The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to include coverage of President Barack Obama's second term the 2016 election police brutality and Black Lives Matter and the Dakota Access Pipeline protest movement. With a brand-new chapter on the intersections of race and gender Can We All Get Along? remains unparalleled in its comparative coverage of the current landscape of minority politics in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780813350516

Can We Teach Children to be Good? (RLE Edu K) The apparently straightforward question 'Can we teach children to be good?' cannot be properly understood without a great deal of careful thinking about the philosophical issues involved. Teachers and parents often assume that what the question means and how it should be answered are self-evidently matters of plain 'commonsense' but the dangers of such assumptions are laid bare by the probing approach of this book. After reflecting on the terms 'goodness' and 'teaching' it proceeds to describe and critically examine a number of attempts to define the nature of morality in terms of its form or its content thereby teasing out the many conflicting views of moral education which follow from these theories. No one account of morality or 'moral education' is found to be wholly satisfactory and a synthesis is offered in the final chapter which suggests a variety of practical teaching strategies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751407

Can We Teach Intelligence?A Comprehensive Evaluation of Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment Programme This compelling book provides one of the most comprehensive and detailed evaluations of a very popular cognitive skills course -- Reuven Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment Programme. Feuerstein claims that his program a model for diagnosing and remedying cognitive deficiencies in poor attainers can equip pupils with the basic prerequisites of thinking thereby enabling them to become more effective learners. Combining innovative and traditional experimental techniques this text analyzes both teacher and pupil outcomes on a wide range of issues including abilities accomplishments and behavioral characteristics. The implications of the study are set against theoretical and practical issues involved in other popular intellectual skills training programs. "Real world" concerns that have been largely ignored by research literature are addressed as are their effects on the teaching of thinking skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988057

Can You Believe Your Eyes? Published in 1989 Can You Believe Your Eyes? is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychotherapy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203776988

Can You Help Me?A Guide for Parents This book is based on common questions that parents have about their children and their relationships with the world at large. Drawing from his extensive experience as a child psychoanalyst (and as a father) Dr Brafman offers his thoughts on widespread problems faced by parents in an innovative way: he focuses on how the child perceives the situat Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323066

Canada Nation Branding and Domestic Politics After his Liberal Party’s surprise victory in the 2015 federal Canadian election Justin Trudeau declared that "Canada was back" on the world stage. This comprehensive volume highlights issues in the relationship between articulated visions of Canada as a global actor nation branding and domestic politics noting the dangers of the politicization of the branding of Canada. It also provides the political context for thinking about ‘Brand Canada’ in the Trudeau era.The authors explore the Trudeau government’s embrace of political branding and how it plays out in key areas central to the brand including: Canada’s relations with Indigenous peoples; social media and digital diplomacy; and the importance of the Arctic region for Canada’s brand even though it is often ignored by politicians and policymakers. The book asks whether the Trudeau government has lived up to its claim that Canada is back and highlights the challenges that emerge when governments provide optimistic visions for meaningful transformation but then do not end up leading meaningful change. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of political science particularly those with a focus on Canada. It was originally published as a special issue of Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367731151

Canada and Colonial Genocide Settler colonialism in Canada has traditionally been portrayed as a gentler if not benevolent colonialism—especially in contrast to the Indian Wars in the United States. This national mythology has penetrated into comparative genocide studies where Canadian case studies are rarely discussed in edited volumes genocide journals or multi-national studies. Indeed much of the extant literature on genocide in Canada rests at the level of self-justification whereby authors draw on the U.N Genocide Convention or some other rubric to demonstrate that Canadian genocides are a legitimate topic of scholarly concern.In recent years however discussion of genocide in Canada has become more pronounced particularly in the wake of the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. This volume contributes to this ongoing discourse providing scholarly analyses of the multiple dimensions or processes of colonial destruction and their aftermaths in Canada. Various acts of genocidal violence are covered including residential schools repressive legal or governmental controls ecological destruction and disease spread. Additionally contributors draw comparisons to patterns of colonial destruction in other contexts examine the ways in which Canada has sought to redress and commemorate colonial harms and present novel theoretical and conceptual insights on colonial/settler genocides in Canada. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Genocide Research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367077815

Canada's Corruption at Home and Abroad Although Canada is regarded as one of the least corrupt countries this volume draws on wide ranging evidence and innovative research from scholars around the world to challenge this assumption. Corruption defined as the "abuse of entrusted power for private gain " is often understood as being caused by internally motivated greed leading to prohibited acts in contravention of laws rules and regulations. It can also be defined as "dishonest action that destroys people’s trust." These traditional forms of corruption pose problems for Canada in a variety of policy domains as well as "institutional corruption" evidenced by deception and financial inconsistency that undermine the effectiveness and transparency of policy objectives. This volume contains chapters that investigate various areas of corruption in Canada ranging from corruption amongst the First Nations to the armed forces to the delivery of foreign assistance. It also offers suggestions to reduce future outbreaks of corruption. Each chapter provides detailed empirical analysis evidenced through real world examples that highlight key lessons amidst the numerous challenges posed by corruption. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367891220

Canadian Energy Efficiency OutlookA National Effort for Tackling Climate Change Energy Efficiency (EE) has been recognized since the early 1970s as the most relevant mechanism to optimize the way we meet our energy needs.  The rationale behind this book is to present where the Canadian EE sector stands today to all Canadian stakeholders and those interested around the world.  The Canada Energy Efficiency Outlook aims to outline the different environments that support EE development in our highly diversified provinces and territories as well as at the national level and consequently allow the reader to better understand the complexities involved.  More globally this book serves as an important reference for all interested parties on how Canada has variably innovated and developed mechanisms to achieve the goal of making this country more energy efficient. Media > Books > Print Books Fairmont Press 9781138311336

Canadian EnglishA Sociolinguistic Perspective This textbook is the only one of its kind to introduce the study of Canadian English in the context of basic concepts of linguistics and sociolinguistics. The book provides foundational information on linguistic principles and on the different branches of sociolinguistics ranging from the large-scale ‘macro’ study of language usage (the sociology of language dialect surveys) to the ‘micro’ study of language use (sociophonetics sociolinguistic variation and change). Each chapter highlights the different ways of collecting and analyzing data including census data and historical texts surveys and questionnaires publically available corpora and interviews. Mini-projects at the end of each chapter offer hands-on experience with the methods presented in the chapter. In addition to discussing the classic works in the study of Canadian English this book engages with such contemporary issues as new-dialect formation language and social identity and ongoing language change making it key reading for students taking courses in the areas of Canadian English varieties of English language variation and sociolinguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415535373

Canadian Foreign Policy in AfricaRegional Approaches to Peace Security and Development After over fifty-years of Canadian engagement with Africa no comprehensive literature exists on Canada's security policy in Africa and relations towards Africa's regional organizations. The literature on Canada's foreign policy in Africa to date has largely focused on development assistance. For the first time Edward Akuffo combines historical and contemporary material on Canada's development and security policy while analyzing the linkage between these sets of foreign policy practices on the African continent. The book makes an important contribution to the debate on Canada's foreign policy generally and on Africa's approach to peace security and development while shedding light on a new theoretical lens - non-imperial internationalism - to understand Canada's foreign policy. The author captures an emerging trend of cooperation on peace security and development between the Canadian government and African regional organizations in the twenty-first century. The resulting book is a valuable addition to the literature on African politics new regionalisms foreign policy global governance and international development studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138107427

Canadian Multinationals and International Finance Seven studies explore the modest but significant role of Canadian multinational enterprises in world finance trade and direct investment. Presents a historical overview analyses of individual companies and considerations of whole industries. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315788807

Canadian National Cinema Canadian National Cinema explores the idea of the nation across Canada's film history from early films of colonisation and white settlement such as The Wheatfields of Canada and Back to God's Country to recent films like Nô LE Confessional Mon Oncle Antoine Grey Fox Highway 61 Kanehsatake and I've Heard the Mermaids Singing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203086292

Canadian Public Administration in the 21st Century The demands associated with good governance and good public management are at an all-time high. Yet the discipline of Canadian public administration is in flux and the time is ripe for an open and frank analysis of its state and possibilities. Canadian Public Administration in the 21st Century brings together emerging voices in Canadian public administration to consider current and future prospects in the discipline. A new wave of scholars has brought new energy ambition and perspectives to the field. In this book they take stock and build on established traditions and current trends focusing on emerging or reemerging issues and challenges. The book identifies and analyzes the emergent research agenda in public administration focusing on Canada to illustrate key concepts frameworks and issues. It consists of three thematically organized sections exploring processes structures and principles of Canadian public administration. It addresses the broad emergent trend in processes of service delivery or policy implementation generally referred to as the new public governance. It then critically examines the structural and institutional dimensions of Canadian public administration in light of recent directions in the field. A complete exploration of new principles methods values and ethics in Canadian public administration research and practice rounds out the coverage. Bringing together emerging scholars the book bridges the gap between established analytical traditions and novel theoretical and methodological approaches in the field. It proposes a new more interdisciplinary public administration increasingly focused on governance and not solely on management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781466591714

Canadians and AmericansMyths and Literary Traditions Much can be learned from a nation's literature. Examining three hundred years of cultural traditions Katherine L. Morrison a former American now a Canadian takes the reader through the historical political and sociological milieu of Canada and the United States to dispel misconceptions that they share near-identical social attitudes and historical experiences.To most Americans and much of the rest of the world America and Canada differ little except in terms of climate. It is true that they share a common British heritage and immigration patterns but there are subtle cultural differences between the two countries. These may appear insignificant to Americans but they are not insignificant to Canadians. Comparing mythologies each of the countries share about the other the author examines national views of their histories from the common origin of both nations in the American Revolution through the two world wars. She also examines the role of nature and images of place and home in Canadian and American literary writing noting the disparate historical development of the two national literatures. Using specific works by recognized authors of their time Morrison considers the role of religion and the church violence and the law and humor and satire in the literature of both countries. The book also explores the role of women race and class in the literature of both countries. It concludes with a discussion of the tenacity of national myths and draws some tentative conclusions.Now published in paperback in the United States Morrison's broad-based approach to a largely unexplored subject will invite future study as well as improve understanding between Canada and the United States. Canadians and Americans will be of interest to cultural historians American studies specialists political scientists and sociologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519954

Cancelled WordsRediscovering Thomas Hardy The manuscript of Hardy's first great novel Far From the Madding Crowd vanished shortly after its first publication. Rediscovered in 1918 it sheds remarkable new light on the whole of Hardy's work. The manuscript pages some of which are reproduced here in facsimile reveal Hardy's original composition in the novel and the reluctantly `cancelled words' which were the result of a long struggle with Sir Leslie Stephen Hardy's editor. Cancelled Words reveals the manner in which Hardy worked his resistance to censorship his obsessive attention to detail and precision and the often concealed processes underlying his authorship. Ultimately it serves to shape our understanding of the development of the modern novel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514859

Cancer Nutrition and Eating BehaviorA Biobehavioral Perspective The majority of cancer-related deaths are associated with nutritional problems. The major role that nutrition and diet play in the development and course of cancer had only been recently appreciated and relatively little had been written on the topic in general. A critical component of nutrition and diet is eating behavior. Originally published in 1985 the purpose of this book was to meet the needs of both the clinician and the researcher by bringing together data and theory about nutrition and cancer from several disciplines as considered from a biobehavioral perspective. The first chapter of the book provides an overview of the purposes and organization of the volume. The rest is divided into 3 parts. Part 1 focuses on basic research concerned with the nature and development of taste aversions and taste preferences in human and animals. Part 2 applies the basic processes reviews in the first part to the cancer area focusing on eating and nutritional problems related to both tumor development and to learned processes that develop as a result of being exposed to radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments. Part 3 focuses on identifying and evaluating intervention strategies for improving the nutritional status of people with cancer or at high risk for developing cancer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367620868

Cancer Radiation Therapy and the Market Appraising cancer as a major medical market in the 2010s Wall Street investors placed their bets on single-technology treatment facilities costing $100-$300 million each. Critics inside medicine called the widely-publicized proton-center boom "crazy medicine and unsustainable public policy." There was no valid evidence they claimed that proton beams were more effective than less costly alternatives. But developers expected insurance to cover their centers’ staggeringly high costs and debts. Was speculation like this new to health care? Cancer Radiation Therapy and the Market shows how the radiation therapy specialty in the United States (later called radiation oncology) coevolved with its device industry throughout the twentieth-century. Academic engineers and physicians acquired financing to develop increasingly powerful radiation devices initiated companies to manufacture the devices competitively and designed hospital and freestanding procedure units to utilize them. In the process they incorporated market strategies into medical organization and practice. Although palliative benefits and striking tumor reductions fueled hopes of curing cancer scientific research all too often found serious patient harm and disappointing beneficial impact on cancer survival. This thoroughly documented and provocative inquiry concludes that public health policy needs to re-evaluate market-driven high-tech medicine and build evidence-based health care systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367348557

Cancer and CreativityA Psychoanalytic Guide to Therapeutic Transformation Cancer and Creativity is a dialogue between accounts by cancer patients and survivors and a more clinical consideration and theoretical discussion from a psychoanalytic point of view of using creativity in coping with serious illness. The contributions featured demonstrate the power of creative expression as a tool for dealing with somatic chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses giving patients a way of expressing and managing their individual cancer journeys and its attendant emotional sequelae. Ten artist-patients and survivors who were involved in several long-term art therapy groups give accounts of their experiences with cancer and with their support group where they create paintings embroidery digital photography comic books maps and other works to express their experiences of being diagnosed and treated for cancer. The contributors describe their symptoms and their relationships to physicians and family members in words and visual representations. The book also addresses the experience of the public when they are confronted with art by cancer patients. Dreifuss-Kattan's own work as a psychoanalyst and art therapist informs her approach to the art space as what Winnicott calls a "transitional space " influenced by both the personal psychological experience and the physical environment. Dreifuss-Kattan closes her discussion with a reflection on terminal cancer care and the complex transferential and countertransferential relationship between patient and therapist. The book ends with a practical guide for both therapy groups as well as individuals at home to creatively address their experiences with cancer and its treatments. Cancer and Creativity will be of great interest to psychoanalysts psychoanalytic psychotherapists psychooncologists and art therapists as well as health professionals working in oncology and in palliative care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815383260

Cancer and Elders of Color: Opportunities for Reducing Health DisparitiesEvidence Review and Recommendations for Research and Policy Originally published in 2005. The prevention detection and treatment of cancer has received enormous scientific and clinical attention in the US and in other developed countries. However there has been no comprehensive review of the racial/ethnic disparities in cancer among elders nor the opportunities for cancer prevention within the Medicare population. In this important work John A. Capitman Sarita Bhalotra and Mathilda Ruwe address this deficiency. The evidence report summarized in this book offers systematic syntheses of prior published research and qualitative assessments of emerging approaches in order to illustrate and clarify some of the debates surrounding cancer disparities. Based on a large-scale US government-funded review of existing literature and case studies of model programs by a multidisciplinary team this key work: * Provides a comprehensive approach to cancer etiology and prevalence among older people; * Integrates genetic epidemiological medical care health services research and social science interpretive frames and current knowledge for cancer control; * Explores existing research on reduction in cancer risks through lifestyle modification and the potential applicability of this research to elders of color; * Explores the implementation experiences of model programs to reduce cancer care inequalities * Develops a conceptual framework of cancer detection and treatment systems across multiple anatomical cancer sites; * Examines opportunities for screening treatment and follow-up service enhancement for elders of color; * Fills gaps in current published systematic reviews with respect to older people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138619012

Cancer and the Family Life CycleA Practitioner's Guide This book uses current psychosocial literature in combination with empirical research and clinical accounts of family adaptation to help professionals and families cope with the impact of cancer. It is broad in scope and includes families in any life cycle (i.e. single adults children adolescents and later life). This book with its solid theoretical foundation will be especially beneficial to any professional who is helping a family to adapt to cancer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415763325

Cancer and the Search for Selective Biochemical Inhibitors The world of medicine has become splintered into two factions that of orthodoxy and its counterpart alternative or complementary medicine. A problem with alternative medicine is of course that of anecdote and hearsay. The solution: the disclosure in an unassailable fashion of the underlying biochemical principles for alternative cancer therapies. Cancer and the Search for Selective Biochemical Inhibitors Second Edition delineates the underlying biochemical principles for alternative cancer therapies. Completely revised and updated this edition includes coverage of the link between concepts and practices of alternative and conventional medicine. The author examines anticancer plant substances and other alternatives such as Vitamin C essiac tea shark cartilage and cat’s claw. The text also addresses the problem of determining selective and non-toxic enzyme inhibitors for cancer cell metabolic pathways. While an increased number of allopathic professionals are in tune with alternative therapies the integration of the two factions is far from the norm. Keeping the same format that made its predecessor a benchmark text this book compares complementary alternative and integrative treatments with chemotherapy and other more traditional treatments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367388935

Cancer and Vitamin C Vitamin C may offer significant therapeutic benefits in the treatment of cancer. This book includes chapters by a group of leading scientific researchers documenting the ways cancer can be affected by high doses of ascorbate. After an initial chapter providing a historical perspective subsequent chapters focus on cancer cell death reprogramming of somatic cells recent case studies and other ways vitamin C can improve outcomes of therapy. Features Includes chapters from a team of leading international scholars Reviews the history of beneficial uses of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer Summarizes recent case studies Discusses how vitamin C may synergistically affect other cancer treatment methods Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367858049

Cancer Biomarkers This unique synthesis of chapters from top experts in their fields targets the very important and upcoming area of cancer biomarkers and the need for better and more rigorous design and clinical trial. The book covers several aspects of cancer molecular markers from innovation screening controversies and future directions. The primary target audience for the book includes PhD and MD students researchers biologists medical doctors and professionals who are interested in mechanistic studies on cancer diagnosis and translational benefits from personalized cancer treatment using the new era of biomarkers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781578087617

Cancer BiomarkersMinimal and Noninvasive Early Diagnosis and Prognosis   Gleaning information from more than 100 experts in the field of cancer diagnosis prognosis and therapy worldwide Cancer Biomarkers: Non-Invasive Early Diagnosis and Prognosis determines the significance of clinical validation approaches for several markers. This book examines the use of noninvasive or minimally invasive molecular cancer markers that are under development or currently in use. It deals with a majority of commonly prevalent cancers and can help anyone working in the health-care industry to recommend or develop early diagnostics at-risk tests and prognostic biomarkers for various cancers. It explores the practice of determining biomarkers by their characteristics and relative methodologies and presents the most recent data as well as a number of current and upcoming early diagnostic noninvasive molecular markers for many common cancers. It also considers the sensitivity and specificity of markers biomarker market test providers and patent information. Approximately 30-35 Cancer Specific Noninvasive Molecular Diagnostic Markers in a Single Volume The book details the general and technical aspects of noninvasive cancer markers. It covers imaging cutting-edge molecular technologies for biomarker development and noninvasive or minimally invasive sources of molecular markers as well as quality control and ethical issues in cancer biomarker discovery. It also provides a detailed account of brain head and neck and oral cancer markers and provides information on a number of gastrointestinal cancers lung cancer and mesothelioma markers. Emphasizes the Importance of Volatile Markers in Early Cancer Diagnosis Presents noninvasive early molecular markers in urological cancers Describes gynecological and endocrine cancer markers Details noninvasive markers of breast ovarian cervical and thyroid cancers Addresses hematological malignancies  Contains information on noninvasive molecular markers in myelodysplastic syndromes acute myeloid leukemia Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma Provides comprehensive information on diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in cutaneous melanoma This text considers molecular technologies for biomarker development noninvasive or minimally invasive sources of molecular markers and quality control and ethical issues in cancer biomarker discovery. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076808

Cancer Care Understanding cancer is essential to providing effective nursing care to patients and families affected. This easy-to-use reference guide puts all the necessary information at your fingertips.  The Nursing & Health Survival Guides have evolved - take a look at our our app for iPhone and iPad. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781447912040

Cancer Cell SignalingTargeting Signaling Pathways Toward Therapeutic Approaches to Cancer This title includes a number of Open Access chapters.Cell signaling is a field that studies how cells communicate to control basic activities and respond to their environment. When looking specifically at cancer cells researchers can gain a better understanding of cancer on a cellular level an understanding that may have implications for developing new treatments. The current volume provides an overview of the field and how various cell biology techniques are used to better understand cancer on a cellular level.Edited by a researcher from Florida Atlantic University this easily accessible reference volume offers a comprehensive look at the field of cancer cell signaling. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880671

Cancer Clinical TrialsCurrent and Controversial Issues in Design and Analysis Cancer Clinical Trials: Current and Controversial Issues in Design and Analysis provides statisticians with an understanding of the critical challenges currently encountered in oncology trials. Well-known statisticians from academic institutions regulatory and government agencies (such as the U.S. FDA and National Cancer Institute) and the pharmaceutical industry share their extensive experiences in cancer clinical trials and present examples taken from actual trials. The book covers topics that are often perplexing and sometimes controversial in cancer clinical trials. Most of the issues addressed are also important for clinical trials in other settings. After discussing general topics the book focuses on aspects of early and late phase clinical trials. It also explores personalized medicine including biomarker-based clinical trials adaptive clinical trial designs and dynamic treatment regimes. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367261177

Cancer Epigenetics During the past few decades it has become increasingly apparent that heredity is not the sole determining factor in disease development such as cancer. This landmark work covers a wide array of aspects in the relatively new area of epigenetics ranging from its role in the basic mechanisms of tumorigenesis to the newest epigenetic drugs being developed and used for cancer therapy. Cancer Epigenetics presents in-depth discussions of DNA methylation alterations histone and RNA modifications and nucleosome remodeling which are all intimately involved in the formation of tumors. It also analyzes metabolic influences on cancer epigenetics and advances in epigenetic cancer gene therapy. Discusses the Latest Advances in the Role of Epigenetics in Tumor Initiation Progression and Metastasis With stand-alone chapters written by research pioneers in the field this definitive resource covers— DNA methylation and cancer Histone modifications in cancer Emerging areas of cancer epigenetics Epigenetics in the diagnosis prognosis and therapy of cancer Future directions in epigenetic cancer research Bringing together different topics into a single compilation this text is a prime resource for those with interests ranging from the basic mechanisms of tumor biology to cancer therapy. It also serves as a core textbook for advanced courses with a focus on genetic diseases molecular biology and/or cancer. This seminal work answers the call for a thorough and authoritative reference that covers the critical and contemporary aspects of this revolutionary field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386863

Cancer Genetics and Genomics for Personalized Medicine This book covers almost all fields of cancer genetics and genomics for personalized medicine. Targeted therapy or precision medicine or personalized medicine is becoming a standard treatment for many diseases including cancer. However how much do we know about the personalized medicine approach? This lucid book helps undergraduate and graduate students professional researchers and clinicians to better understand the key concept of personalized medicine. The most up-to-date topics on personalized medicine in this book cover the recent trends in and updates on lung gastric liver breast and other types of cancers. Circulating tumor cell cell-free circulating DNA and microRNAs are discussed as new diagnostic and prognostic markers for cancer. The avatar mouse model is also discussed for maximizing treatment efficacy and prognosis prediction and so is microenvironment as a drug resistance mechanism. With classical and new pathological approaches the book provides a systemic overview of personalized immunotherapies and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy followed by new emerging fields of hereditary cancer thereby equipping readers to eventually contribute in developing more advanced tools and therapies for curing cancer. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669870

Cancer Inhibitors from Chinese Natural Medicines Nature is an attractive source of therapeutic and preventive compounds and with such chemical diversity found in millions of species of plants over 60% of currently used anticancer agents are derived from natural sources. Cancer Inhibitors from Chinese Natural Medicines summarizes new advancements in the experimental and clinical research of a selection of promising cancer inhibitors. It focuses on the latest scientific investigations of 238 Chinese herbs and discusses important aspects including the types of inhibitors in the herbs level of potency mechanisms and the advances in modification and formulation. Formulations from nano-particulates and immunotoxins in cancer inhibitors are also included in this comprehensive resource. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498787642

Cancer NanotechnologyPrinciples and Applications in Radiation Oncology Rapid advances in nanotechnology have enabled the fabrication of nanoparticles from various materials with different shapes sizes and properties and efforts are ongoing to exploit these materials for practical clinical applications. Nanotechnology is particularly relevant in the field of oncology as the leaky and chaotic vasculature of tumors—a hallmark of unrestrained growth—results in the passive accumulation of nanoparticles within tumors. Cancer Nanotechnology: Principles and Applications in Radiation Oncology is a compilation of research in the arena of nanoparticles and radiation oncology which lies at the intersection of disciplines as diverse as clinical radiation oncology radiation physics and biology nanotechnology materials science and biomedical engineering. The book provides a comprehensive cross-disciplinary survey of basic principles research techniques and outcomes with the goals of eventual clinical translation.Coverage includesA general introduction to fabrication preferential tumor targeting and imaging of nanoparticlesThe specific applications of nanomaterials in the realms of radiation therapy hyperthermia thermal therapy and normal tissue protection from radiation exposureOutlooks for future research and clinical translation including regulatory issues for ultimate use of nanomaterials in humansReflecting profound advances in the application of nanotechnology to radiation oncology this comprehensive volume demonstrates how the unique physicochemical properties of nanoparticles lead to novel strategies for cancer treatment and detection. Along with various computational and experimental techniques each chapter highlights the most promising approaches to the use of nanoparticles for radiation response modulation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367576561

Cancer Prevention and Management through Exercise and Weight Control “ is increasingly clear that cancer is also a disease of inertia. In this book a broadly multidisciplinary group presents the evidence and provides the recommendations. … The antidote to diseases of inertia is movement — let’s move!” John Potter M.D. Ph.D. from the Foreword The American Cancer Society estimates that a third of all cancer deaths could be prevented through avoidance of obesity and the rejection of sedentary lifestyles. The World Health Organization also supports this claim. Additionally these and other organizations now recognize the role that activity can play in improving the quality of life for cancer patients. Cancer Prevention and Management through Exercise and Weight Control provides us with the support necessary to make a call to action. Itbrings together the contributions of world-class researchers to lay out the evidence and a plan of attack for coping with this crisis. The text begins by focusing on the research methods used in assessing the complex associations between activity energy balance and risk and prognosis. In comprehensive literature reviews the authors consider the role of physical activity in the incidence of individual cancers then explore the mechanisms that might explain this connection. They continue with a look at the relation between weight and cancer incidence including a consideration of genetics. Research is also provided linking physical activity and weight control to a cancer patient’s quality of life and prognosis. The work concludes with ideas on how a plan of action might be implemented at the individual clinical and public health levels. It also provides guidance on incorporating exercise and diet recommendations into clinical oncology practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367391553

Cancer Risk Assessment The assessment of cancer risk is a complex process that requires the examination of etiological agents real-world environments and individual rates of exposure. This reference offers practical approaches to determine cancer risk in individuals groups of exposed persons and the general public in relation to individual genetic and acquired susceptibilities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454142

Cancer Risk AssessmentA Quantitative Approach Based on the National Academy of Sciences approach to quantitative risk assessment. Emphasizes how an accurate assessment of cancer risk must draw on a wide range of disciplines such as biology chemistry physics engineering and the social sciences. Provides tables of Poisson confidence limit fa Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367403188

Cancer RiskAssessing And Reducing The Dangers In Our Society This book illuminates the debates about the importance of environmental factors in cancer occurrence and the laws that require actions to reduce exposures to cancer-causing substances. It describes what is known about the occurrence of cancer and death from cancer in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367169190

Cancer ScreeningTheory and Practice This useful reference provides solid knowledge of the risks and benefits associated with the cancer screening process assesses abnormal results and therapeutic outcomes and facilitates the communication of these issues to patients. Describes screening tests from individual health care ethical legal and regulatory perpectives! Gatherin Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429179587

Cancer Systems Biology The unprecedented amount of data produced with high-throughput experimentation forces biologists to employ mathematical representation and computation methods to glean meaningful information in systems-level biology. Applying this approach to the underlying molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis cancer researchers can uncover a series of new discoveries and biological insights. The First Cancer Systems Biology Book Designed for Computational and Experimental BiologistsUnusual in its dualistic approach Cancer Systems Biology discusses the recent progress in the understanding of cancer systems biology at a time when more and more researchers and pharmaceutical companies are looking into a systems biology approach to find drugs that can effectively be used to treat cancer patients. Includes Contributions from more than 30 International ExpertsPart I introduces basic concepts and theories of systems biology and their applications in cancer research including case studies of current efforts in cancer systems biology. Part II discusses basic cancer biology and cutting-edge topics of cancer research for computational biologists. In contains an overview of genomics cell signaling and tumorigenesis in addition to hot topics like molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis and the molecular relationships between solid tumors their microenvironments and tumor blood vessels. Rounding out the book’s solid coverage Part III explores a variety of computational tools and public data resources that are useful for studying cancer problems at a systems level. Cancer systems biology is still in its infancy as a field of study but it is fast becoming indispensable in the battle to defeat cancer and develop successful new treatments. Cancer Systems Biology marks an important step toward reaching that goal. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138113299

Cancer Therapy with Radiolabeled Antibodies Cancer Therapy with Radiolabeled Antibodies explores the most current experimental and clinical advances in the newly emerging field of cancer radioimmunotherapy (RAIT). Providing a multidisciplinary and international context some of the world's leading experts examine the problems and prospects of RAIT from radiation immunological chemical physical physiological and clinical perspectives with both overviews and original research.Discussions cover the up-to-date clinical results in the RAIT of ovarian breast colorectal and brain cancers as well as the current status of RAIT in the management of B cell lymphomas. Radiobiology dosimetry radiochemistry targeting biology in experimental models clinical experiences in hematopoietic and solid tumors and new approaches to improve cancer radioimmunotherapy are also discussed. In addition new dosimetry concepts new labeling methods new concepts of antibody pharmacokinetics and new methods to enhance selective cancer radioimmunotherapy are included. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891309

Cancer VaccinesChallenges and Opportunities in Translation Recent advances in immunology and biology have opened new horizons in cancer therapy included in the expanding array of cancer treatment options which are immunotherapies or cancer vaccines for both solid and blood borne cancers. Cancer Vaccines: Challenges and Opportunities in Translation is the first text in the field to bring immunotherapy treatments from the laboratory trial to the bedside for the practicing oncologist.Cancer Vaccines: Challenges and Opportunities in Translation:Critically analyzes the most promising classes of investigational immunotherapies integrating their scientific rationale and clinical potentialDiscusses "theranostics" as pertaining to immunotherapy i.e. using molecular diagnostics to identify patients that would most likely benefit from a therapyPresents the new paradigm of biomarker guided R&D and clinical development in immunotherapy of cancerReviews bottlenecks in translational process of immunotherapies and offers strategies to resolve them Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387556

Cancer VaccinesFrom Research to Clinical Practice Recent advances in immunology and biology have opened new horizons in cancer therapy included in the expanding array of cancer treatment options which are immunotherapies or cancer vaccines for both solid and blood borne cancers. Cancer Vaccines: From Research to Clinical Practice is the first text in the field to bring immunotherapy treatments from the laboratory trial to the bedside for the practicing oncologist. Cancer Vaccines: From Research to Clinical Practice: Analyzes the most promising classes of investigational immunotherapies integrating their scientific rationale and clinical potential Discusses "theranostics" as pertaining to immunotherapy i.e. using molecular diagnostics to identify patients that would most likely benefit from a therapy Presents the new paradigm of biomarker guided R&D and clinical development in immunotherapy of cancer Reviews bottlenecks in translational process of immunotherapies and offers strategies to resolve them Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138112605

Cancer-Causing Viruses and Their Inhibitors Cancer-causing viruses also called oncoviruses play a key role in the development of certain cancers. They contribute to genetic changes that disrupt the cell cycle machinery interfering with functions such as cell growth. Cancer-Causing Viruses and Their Inhibitors presents a plethora of research from internationally reputed contributors who discuss different types of oncoviruses their mechanisms of invasion and growth and their life cycles. The book begins with an overview of the oncoviruses discovered to date and includes a brief description of their structures genotypes replication and mechanisms of infection leading to cancers. It then explores several of these viruses in detail including: Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) Human papilloma virus (HPV) Human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8)/Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV) Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS) Oncolytic viruses This book is an essential reference for those working in virology oncology and biotechnology. The discoveries presented will enable researchers and clinicians to optimize both historical and current approaches to anti-viral therapies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138374836

Cancer-gateHow to Win the Losing Cancer War Award-winning author Samuel S. Epstein M.D. whose 1978 book ""The Politics of Cancer"" shook the political establishment by showing how the federal government had been corrupted by industrial polluters has written a book that is sure to be of equal consequence. ""Cancer-Gate: How to Win the Losing Cancer War"" is a groundbreaking new book. It warns that contrary to three decades of promises we are losing the winnable war against cancer and that the hand-in-glove generals of the federal National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the private ""nonprofit"" American Cancer Society (ACS) have betrayed us.These institutions Epstein alleges have spent tens of billions of taxpayer and charity dollars primarily targeting silver-bullet cures strategies that have largely failed while virtually ignoring strategies for preventing cancer in the first place. As a result cancer rates have escalated to epidemic proportions now striking nearly one in every two men and more than one in every three women. This translates into approximately 50 percent more cancer in men and 20 percent more cancer in women over the course of just one generation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780895033543

CANCOM 2001 Proceedings of the 3rd Canadian International Conference on Composites This book contains technical papers presented at the third Canadian International Conference on Composites held in Canada in 2001 on topics including liquid composite molding process modelling virtual manufacturing novel materials and processes and metal matrix composites. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003076155

Candid and Compassionate FeedbackTransforming Everyday Practice in Schools Too often educational leaders are caught in a "culture of nice " finding it difficult to give their teachers and staff critical feedback to improve their practice. This important book helps leaders become both candid and compassionate unrelenting and supportive and demanding yet caring. Exploring real scenarios and situations this book helps you through the common traps of trying to improve performance and the strategies to move beyond these pitfalls to achieve desired results. Addressing best practices for driving change such as informal feedback mechanisms collaborative decision-making and teacher leadership this important book will help you create a trusting and supportive environment where you can have candid educational conversations in person and in writing during informal chats in PLCs and with other leaders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609150

Candida Adherence to Epithelial Cells This is the first book ever to be published on this topic! Comprehensively packed with up-to-date research information this volume is written with both the beginner and the established research expert in mind. Complemented with tables line drawings and photographs this resource provides background material which allows the reader to become familiar with Candida albicans and its relation to its host. This unique work places particular emphasis on the effect of therapeutic agents on adherence and adherence blockage in the control of Candidosis. The goal of these studies is to be of practical value in the control and prevention of Candida infections. This book is of specific interest to all who are involved (at any level) with microbiology infectious diseases medical and veterinary mycology and chemotherapy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891316

Candidate Character Traits in Presidential Elections Voter perceptions of the personal traits of presidential candidates are widely regarded to be important influences on the vote. Media pundits frequently explain the outcome of presidential elections in terms of the personal appeal of the candidates. Despite the emphasis on presidential character traits in the media the scholarly investigation in this area is limited. In this book David Holian and Charles Prysby set out to examine the effect that trait perceptions have on the vote how these perceptions are shaped by other attitudes and evaluations and what types of voters are most likely to cast a ballot on the basis of the character traits of the presidential candidates. Using the American National Election Studies (ANES) surveys the authors find that traits do have a very substantial effect on the vote that different candidates have advantages on different traits and that the opinions expressed by media pundits about how the candidates are viewed by the voters are often simplistic and sometimes quite mistaken. Character traits are important to voters but we need a better and more complete understanding of how and why these factors influence voters. An essential read which provides a clear and original argument to all those interested in furthering their understanding of the importance of candidate character traits for the quality of American elections and democracy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138286177

Candide the Tenth and Other AgitationsProse and Poetry In the stories and poetry that comprise 'Other Agitations ' Mike Sharpe's ingathering of history economics literature and philosophy richly informs his satire. Franz Kafka Jane Austen and Ernest Hemingway Bernard Shaw Isaac Bashevis Singer and Emily Dickinson serve as 'agitators.' Sharpe rewrites familiar tales creating new originals in his unique style and weltanschauung. Truth in human hands becomes conditional Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765636775

Candlestick Forecasting for InvestmentsApplications Models and Properties Candlestick charts are often used in speculative markets to describe and forecast asset price movements. This book is the first of its kind to investigate candlestick charts and their statistical properties. It provides an empirical evaluation of candlestick forecasting. The book proposes a novel technique to obtain the statistical properties of candlestick charts. The technique which is known as the range decomposition technique shows how security price is approximately logged into two ranges i.e. technical range and Parkinson range. Through decomposition-based modeling techniques and empirical datasets the book investigates the power of and establishes the statistical foundation of candlestick forecasting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367703370

Canine Infectious DiseasesSelf-Assessment Color Review Contains over 200 cases covering every type of canine infectious disease Features international contributors Supplies the perfect companion to Self-assessment Color Review of Feline Infectious Diseases. This book covers all types of canine infectious diseases including infections caused by viruses bacteria parasites and fungi. Over 200 clinical cases are presented randomly as in practice and cover the range of infectious diseases which affect all the organ systems of the dog. Featuring international expert contributors the illustrated cases contain integrated questions and detailed explanatory answers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482225150

Canine Olfaction Science and LawAdvances in Forensic Science Medicine Conservation and Environmental Remediation The value of the canine nose is well-documented and working dogs are being utilized for their olfactory skills in an increasing number of fields. Not only are dogs used by police security and the military but they are also now used in forensic science in medical detection of disease in calculating population trends of endangered species and eradicating invasive species in protected environments and in identifying infestations and chemical contaminants. Edited and contributed to by eminent scholars Canine Olfaction Science and Law: Advances in Forensic Science Medicine Conservation and Environmental Remediation takes a systematic scientific approach to canine olfaction. It includes work from scientists working in pure and applied disciplines trainers and handlers who have trained and deployed detection dogs and lawyers who have evaluated evidence produced with the aid of detection and scent identification dogs. The book is divided into six sections covering The anatomy genetics neurology and evolution of canine olfaction as well as diseases affecting it The chemistry and aerodynamics of odors Behavior learning and training Uses of canine olfaction in forensics and law Uses in conservation and remediation Uses in detection of diseases and medical conditions The various contributors describe cutting edge research some conclusions of which are the subject of vigorous debates between various laboratories and researchers. The editors have added cross-references so that readers can consider the different perspectives that are currently being advanced and understand where consensus is being built and where more research needs to be done. A useful practical reference Canine Olfaction Science and Law provides a wealth of information beneficial to a wide range of disciplines. It aids trainers and handlers of detection dogs as well as various professionals in healthcare law enforcement forensic science and environmental conservation to gain a better understanding of the remarkable power of the canine nose while encouraging further advances in applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482260236

Canine Reproduction and Neonatology Winner of Dog Writers Association of America's Dogwise Best Book Award This book focuses on the veterinarian’s responsibilities for managing the problem pregnancy insemination collecting storing and shipping semen and all of the diseases and vaccination protocols that may involve the bitch and the stud dog. It is also a very practical guide for the non-veterinarian breeder and kennel owner. The book provides step by step guidelines for husbandry and nutrition as they relate to the bitch and her puppies an excellent and concise description of breeding genetics and the implications of that knowledge for long term preservation of the breed line and it focuses squarely on the relationship that must exist between the veterinarian and breeder clients. This practical guide is the ideal resource for veterinarians as well as for breeders kennel operators and others with a financial or humane interest in the breeding and maintenance of dogs. Media > Books > Print Books Teton NewMedia 9781591610410

Canine-Assisted InterventionsA Comprehensive Guide to Credentialing Therapy Dog Teams Covering principles of therapy dog team training assessment skills and ongoing monitoring Canine-Assisted Interventions provides guidance on the most evidence-based methods for therapy dog team welfare training and assessment. The authors offer a linear approach to understanding all aspects of the screening assessment and selection of dog-handler teams by exploring the journey of dog therapy teams from assessment of canines and handlers to the importance of ongoing monitoring recredentialing and retirement. In addition to reviewing key findings within the field of human-animal interactions each chapter emphasizes skills on both the human and dog ends of the leash and makes recommendations for research-informed best practices. To support readers the book culminates with checklists and training resources to serve as a quick reference for readers. This book will be of great interest for practitioners in-service professionals and researchers in the fields of canine-assisted interventions and counseling. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138338319

Canines in Cervantes and VelázquezAn Animal Studies Reading of Early Modern Spain The study of the creation of canine breeds in early modern Europe especially Spain illustrates the different constructs against which notions of human identity were forged. This book is the first comprehensive history of early modern Spanish dogs and it evaluates how two of Spain’s most celebrated and canonical cultural figures of this period the artist Diego Velázquez and the author Miguel de Cervantes radically question humankind’s sixteenth-century anthropocentric self-fashioning. In general this study illuminates how Animal Studies can offer new perspectives to understanding Hispanism giving readers a fresh approach to the historical literary and artistic complexity of early modern Spain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271906

Cannabis and CannabinoidsPharmacology Toxicology and Therapeutic Potential Study the latest research findings by international experts!This comprehensive volume presents state-of-the-art scientific research on the therapeutic uses of cannabis and its derivatives. All too often discussions of the potential medical uses of this substance are distorted by political considerations that have no place in a medical debate. Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology Toxicology and Therapeutic Potential features fair equitable discussion of this emerging and controversial medical topic by the world’s foremost researchers.Cannabis and Cannabinoids examines the benefits drawbacks and side effects of medical marijuana as a treatment for various conditions and diseases. This book discusses the scientific basis for marijuana’s use in cases of pain nausea anorexia and cachexia. It also explores its possible benefits in glaucoma ischemia spastic disorders and migraine.Cannabis and Cannabinoids examines all facets of the medical use of marijuana including: botany history biochemistry pharmacology clinical use toxicology side effectsCannabis and Cannabinoids is a reference work that will become indispensable to physicians psychologists researchers biochemists graduate students and interested members of the public. No other book available offers this comprehensive even-handed look at a deeply divisive subject. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203479506

Cannabis as Medicine For hundreds of years cannabis has been used as a therapeutic medicine around the world. Cannabis was an accepted medicine during the second half of the 19th century but its use declined because single agent pain medications were advocated by physicians who demanded standardization of medicines. It was not until 1964 when the chemical structure of THC (delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol) was elucidated and its pharmacological effects began to be understood. Numerous therapeutic effects of cannabis have been reviewed but cannabis-based medicines are still an enigma because of legal issues. Many patients could benefit from cannabinoids terpenoids and flavonoids found in Cannabis sativa L. These patients suffer from medical conditions including chronic pain chronic inflammatory diseases neurological disorders and other debilitating illnesses. As more states are legalizing medical cannabis prescribers need a reliable source which provides clinical information in a succinct format. This book focuses on the science of cannabis as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplement. It discusses cannabis uses in the human body for bone health/osteoporosis; brain injury and trauma; cancer; diabetes; gastrointestinal conditions; mental health disorders; insomnia; pain; anxiety disorders; depression; migraines; eye disorders; and arthritis and inflammation. There is emphasis on using the whole plant — from root to raw leaves and flowers discussing strains extraction and analysis and use of cannabis-infused edibles. Features: Provides an understanding of the botanical and biochemistry behind cannabis as well as its use as a dietary supplement.              Discusses endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid receptors.                                                Includes information on antioxidant benefits pain receptors using cannabinoids and dosage guidelines. Presents research on cannabis treatment plans drug-cannabis interactions and dosing issues cannabis vapes edibles creams and suppositories.                                                                                                                  Multiple appendices including a glossary of cannabis vocabulary how to use cannabis products a patient guide and recipes as well as information on cannabis for pets.                             Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367150549

Cannabis on CampusChanging the Dialogue in the Wake of Legalization Cannabis on Campus is a comprehensive resource on the implications of marijuana legalization for college campuses. It is essential reading for college administrators and other professionals responsible for overseeing drug policy and addressing marijuana use in higher education. The authors use their considerable experience in college alcohol and other drug (AOD) counseling to provide a sweeping look at the cannabis culture found in our universities. Chapters alternate between historical context research and analysis and student interviews providing an evidence-based nuanced understanding of the role of marijuana use in today’s college campuses as well as insights and recommendations for a post-legalization future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138039124

Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV/AIDS Explore the controversial subject of cannabis therapeutics for HIV/AIDS patients!Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV/AIDS provides a scientific view of the benefits of marijuana in helping to increase appetite ease the symptoms of HIV/AIDS and improve quality of life for patients. Dr. Ethan Russo editor of the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics has assembled a collection of first-rate information from clinicians researchers and patients. Based on scientific research this book offers insights into how using cannabis has helped patients deal with the symptoms of HIV/AIDS. This informative book contains: a broad medical overview of the pertinent topics of interest with respect toAIDS and its treatment an insider’s view on the twenty-year history of the discovery of AIDS and its junction with cannabis and the medical marijuana political movement survey studies of clinical cannabis usage from different populations in California a state-of-the-art review of immunological issues in cannabis usage and pulmonary issues with smoked cannabis data on the method of cannabis vaporization information on standardized sublingual whole-cannabis extracts rectal suppositories and aerosol preparations Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203049105

CannabisA Clinician's Guide Cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants dating back 12 000 years and demonstrates medicinal properties including immune support anti-inflammatory effects and cancer-fighting potential. As cannabis receives regulatory approval in the United States clinicians will need guidelines to prescribe medical marijuana for various health conditions. This book presents information to healthcare professionals focusing on medical cannabis. It is a science-based overview providing clinical recommendations and dosing guidelines for practitioners to advise patients appropriately. Features: Discusses the endocannabinoid system role in homeostasis pain control and regulatory function in health and disease Advises clinicians on cannabis use in patients with cancer; cardiovascular brain and liver function; mood disorders; and patients receiving palliative care Includes information on cannabis nutrition as well as the cannabis microbiome Features information on cannabis quality control for safe and effective delivery Cannabis: A Clinician’s Guide is written for clinicians providing a resource guide to help them assess the medicinal value of cannabis answer patient and consumer questions and recommend its use optimally. The book is divided into three sections covering cannabis science use in clinical practice and regulations and standards. It includes practical information on dosing guidelines and dispensary insights personal cannabis stories and an in depth look at the nutritional benefits of cannabis and how to use it in daily life. From the Author: "As a clinical nutritionist I have been involved in the use of cannabis since 1981 while researching diabetes in India. Ayurvedic medicine listed cannabis as a beneficial herb with curing properties. In 1983 a Chinese medicine doctor in the Peoples Republic of China gave me a cannabis herbal supplement for sleep that he claimed Chairman Mao took regularly. Upon returning to the United States no one would even talk to me about cannabis because of its Schedule I status. During an Antioxidants class taught for Everglades University I included information on cannabis but was restricted from including it in the course description. Cannabis: A Clinician’s Guide unveils deceit on this herbal medicine used for thousands of years providing insight into the science behind its use and how to incorporate cannabis into daily life especially for those suffering from neurological disorders cancer and mood disorders." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138303249

CannabisA Complete Guide Cannabis sativa is best known as the source of marijuana the world’s most widely consumed illicit recreational drug. However the plant is also extremely useful as a source of stem fiber edible seed oil and medicinal compounds all of which are undergoing extremely promising research technological applications and business investment. Indeed despite its capacity for harm as a recreational drug cannabis has phenomenal potential for providing new products to benefit society and for generating extensive employment and huge profits. Misguided policies until recently have prevented legitimate research on the beneficial properties of cannabis but there is now an explosion of societal scientific and political support to reappraise and remove some of the barriers to usage. Unfortunately there is also a corresponding dearth of objective analysis. Towards redressing the limitation of information Cannabis: A Complete Guide is a comprehensive reference summarizing botanical business chemical ecological genetic historical horticultural legal and medical considerations that are critical for the wise advancement and management of cannabis in its various forms. This book documents both the risks and benefits of what is indisputably one of the world’s most important species. The conflicting claims for medicinal virtues and toxicological vices are examined based mainly on the most recent authoritative scientific reviews. The attempt is made consistently to reflect majority scientific opinion although many aspects of cannabis are controversial. Aside from the relevance to specialists the general public should find the presentation attractive because of the huge interest today in marijuana. Unfortunately society has become so specialized and compartmentalized that most people have limited appreciation of the importance of science to their lives except when a topic like marijuana becomes sensationalized. This review of cannabis can serve as a vehicle for public education in the realm of science and technology. Indeed towards the goal of disseminating the important information in this book to a wide audience the presentation is user-friendly concise and well-illustrated in the hope that non-specialists will find the topics both informative and entertaining. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498761635

CannabisFrom Pariah to Prescription Learn more about tomorrow’s alternative to today’s risk-laden prescription drugs! Cannabis: From Pariah to Prescription reviews the latest research from recent clinical trials with cannabis and cannabinoids—outlining their place and future as prescription medicines. This book addresses the “road back” for cannabis medicines and society’s reacceptance of cannabis as a prescription product. This book offers physicians patients scientists and students a primer on this developing branch of pharmacology and therapeutics and is ideal for use in courses for medicine psychopharmacology alternative medicine health policy and pharmacology. Cannabis: From Pariah to Prescription assesses the genetics horticulture and biochemical processing of cannabis into cannabis-based medicine extracts (CBMEs). The book describes the important advanced technologies used to cultivate the genetically selected medical-grade cannabis cloned strains in glass houses. This book also discusses new advancements in drug delivery alternatives to traditional smoking including the Advanced Delivery System (ADS)—a device that allows delivery of premeasured dosages while remaining secure tamper-proof and patient specific. In Cannabis: From Pariah to Prescription the practical applications of cannabis pharmaceuticals are explored through a wide range of clinical studies including: a thorough discussion of the latest in documented benefits and side effects when using cannabis cannabinoids or CBMEs a tolerability study via multiple administration routes to compare pharmacodynamic effects and pharmacokinetic characteristics a comparative study of the pharmacokinetic profiles administered in various areas of the buccal mucosa as well as an investigation of the pharmacokinetics of CBME administered orally a blind study assessing pharmacokinetic profile of CBME administered sublingually in various ratios of cannabinoids a review of several other recent trials involving CBME THC or cannabis a study reviewing the human clinical experience to date employing synthetic cannabinoids or CBME suggesting future treatment in the areas of obstetrics gynecology and pediatrics Cannabis: From Pariah to Prescription provides extensive bibliographies to encourage your examination of previous studies and international literature. Europe remains on the cutting edge of new studies and research on cannabinoids and much of the data in this book was collected in the United Kingdom. This meticulous resource also contains a list of abbreviations and definitions of terms from GW Pharmaceuticals to make the reading more accessible to a wide variety of readers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315864679

CannabizThe Explosive Rise of the Medical Marijuana Industry Cannabiz tells one the most important political and business stories of our generation: the transformation of a counterculture movement into a growth industry with staggering potential. Charting the rise of medical marijuana in California and 14 other states award-winning journalist John Geluardi vividly recounts the movement‘s early activism its legal challenges and victories and its emergence as a commercial and political force. Tracing the history of marijuana in the United States Cannabiz also reports on the industry‘s key players political allies and opponents internal strife and audacious aspirations including a 2010 ballot initiative to legalize the adult use of marijuana in California. Along the way Geluardi describes local efforts to regulate dispensaries ranging from workable ordinances in some cities to bureaucratic paralysis in Los Angeles where dispensaries came to outnumber McDonalds franchises. He also reports on efforts in Humboldt County the heartland of marijuana cultivation to keep pot illegal and prices high. Adroitly profiling this unique industry Cannabiz tells a distinctively American story one whose colorful characters and fascinating details evoke Prohibition and the Gold Rush. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467897

Canned HeatEthics and Politics of Global Climate Change Climate change is a key challenge in the contemporary world. This volume studies climate change through many lenses: politics law ethics philosophy religion and contemporary art and culture. The essays explore alternatives for sustainable development and highlight oft-overlooked issues such as climate change refugees and food justice. Designe Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367176778

Cannibal CultureArt Appropriation And The Commodification Of Difference In Arizona a white family buys a Navajo-style blanket to be used on the guest-room bed. Across the country in New York opera patrons weep to the death scene of Madam Butterfly. These seemingly unrelated events intertwine in Cannibal Culture as Deborah Root examines the ways Western art and Western commerce co-opt pigeonhole and commodify so-cal Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314774

Canoe Cruise In Palestine Egypt First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965287

Canola and RapeseedProduction Processing Food Quality and Nutrition In 2010 esteemed researchers gathered at a workshop held at the Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg Canada. Drawn from these proceedings Canola and Rapeseed: Production Processing Food Quality and Nutrition presents state-of-the-art information on the chemistry of the minor constituents of canola and rapeseed and their impact on human health. The book also identifies new areas of research and opportunities for the industrial application of functional foods and nutraceuticals from canola and rapeseed. Topics include: The historical development properties and performance of canola Characteristics and bioactives of sinapic acid derivatives and the decarboxylation pathways leading to their formation Canola protein processing High omega-9 canola oils and their future applications Modification of Brassica oilseeds Rapid analytical methods for measuring oil content The potential of ultrasound and supercritical fluid extraction for producing value-added by-products The processing of virgin rapeseed oils in Europe Extraction and application of canola protein The frying stability of high-oleic low-linolenic acid canola oils The potential of mustard oil for biodiesel The final chapters demonstrate the health benefits of canola including antioxidant antimutagenic and anticancer properties. Authored by experienced researchers in the field the book chapters have been expanded considerably to include a number of areas not contained in the original workshop providing comprehensive coverage of the potential of this essential crop. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138199972

Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature This volume focuses on the (de)canonization processes in children’s literature considering the construction and cultural-historical changes of canons in different children’s literatures. Chapters by international experts in the field explore a wide range of different children’s literatures from Great Britain Germany Scandinavia the Low Countries Eastern and Central Europe as well as from Non-European countries such as Australia Israel and the United States. Situating the inquiry within larger literary and cultural studies conversations about canonicity the contributors assess representative authors and works that have encountered changing fates in the course of canon history. Particular emphasis is given to sociological canon theories which have so far been under-represented in canon research in children’s literature. The volume therefore relates historical changes in the canon of children’s literature not only to historical changes in concepts of childhood but to more encompassing political social economic cultural and ideological shifts. This volume’s comparative approach takes cognizance of the fact that if canon formation is an important cultural factor in nation-building processes a comparative study is essential to assessing transnational processes in canon formation. This book thus renders evident the structural similarities between patterns and strategies of canon formation emerging in different children’s literatures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367346270

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS/1000DFocal Digital Camera Guides Just bought a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS/1000D and looking to combine practical know-how with inspiration? This one-stop easy-to-read guide covers all the basic functions of the camera and everything beyond.Inside you'll find detailed explanations of every control and every feature including full-color illustrations showing how changing each setting will affect your photos. But this book's greatest strength isn't its focus on the camera; it's the detailed easy-to-follow instruction it offers on using your camera to take superior photographs. The lens the subject matter the light-all these variables are covered in depth and always in the context of the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS/1000D.Written by a widely acclaimed photographer and teacher Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS/1000D shows you how to get the shots you can see in your head but have never been able to capture with a camera..Get up and running in five minutes with the quick start guide.Master your camera's many features and controls.Profit from dozens of tips and tricks .See first-hand how different settings affect your photos.Refine and manage your photos using the Canon software.Be inspired by hundreds of gorgeous full color photographs and learn how to get the same effects in your own shots Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380905

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D Focal Digital Camera Guides: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D Just bought a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D and looking to combine practical know-how with inspiration? This one-stop easy-to-read guide covers all the basic functions of the camera and everything beyond.For the basics turn to the quick start guide which will get you up and running in five minutes.For an understanding of your camera's many controls and features check out the section called "The Camera." If all you need is a quick explanation you'll find it. If you're looking for the Whole Story you'll find that too. Settings that affect how your pictures look are accompanied by full-color examples that show you exactly what you can expect. This section also covers the camera's menus playback features memory and power sources.The section called "Software" shows you how to get the most out of your camera's software. It covers tethered shooting color management RAW conversion storing your images managing your library and backup strategies - to name just a few topics.Ultimately this book's greatest strength isn't its focus on the camera or the software; it's the detailed easy-to-follow instruction it offers on using your camera to take truly superior photographs. Sections devoted to lenses subject matter and light cover these variables in depth always presenting the most effective techniques in the context of the strengths and limitations of the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D. Written by a widely acclaimed photographer and photography teacher Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D shows you how to get the shots you can see in your head but have never been able to capture with a camera. The quick start guide will have you taking great photos in five minutes. In-depth Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138409866

Canon Vs. CultureReflections on the Current Debate Canon Vs. Culture explores the consequences of one of the main educational shifts of the last quarter century-- the changes from academic inquiry conducted through a selected list of accepted authorities to an investigation of the cultural operations of an entire society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988064

Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory is the first reference work to compile the contributions of the greatest social thinkers to the global conversation about consumption and consumer culture. A prestige reference work it offers original chapters by the world's most prominent thought leaders. It introduces the works of historical theorists and surveys how their work has influenced and shaped consumption theory both through history and at the cutting edge of research. Consumption is at core of contemporary lifestyles of political successes and failures and with discussions of sustainability and environmental change. Contemporary consumer culture shapes modern identities  and is the engine of the globalizing capitalist economy. Still the majority of social theorizations over the last century and a half have been addressing production processes rather than consumption processes. This is about to change. Studies of consumption play an increasing role as a topic and a domain of study in marketing  anthropology sociology and cultural studies. Currently there is no single compilation that systematically links scholarly work published by the greatest social thinkers of the last century and a half to the understanding of contemporary consumer society. This book provides a solid framework for understanding the relevance of these canonical authors in social theory to facilitate analysis of consumer culture and to act as a comprehensive reference point for consumer researchers doctoral students and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138648975

Canonical Problems in Scattering and Potential Theory Part 1Canonical Structures in Potential Theory Although the analysis of scattering for closed bodies of simple geometric shape is well developed structures with edges cavities or inclusions have seemed until now intractable to analytical methods. This two-volume set describes a breakthrough in analytical techniques for accurately determining diffraction from classes of canonical scatterers with comprising edges and other complex cavity features. It is an authoritative account of mathematical developments over the last two decades that provides benchmarks against which solutions obtained by numerical methods can be verified.The first volume Canonical Structures in Potential Theory develops the mathematics solving mixed boundary potential problems for structures with cavities and edges. The second volume Acoustic and Electromagnetic Diffraction by Canonical Structures examines the diffraction of acoustic and electromagnetic waves from several classes of open structures with edges or cavities. Together these volumes present an authoritative and unified treatment of potential theory and diffraction-the first complete description quantifying the scattering mechanisms in complex structures. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367455255

Canonical Problems in Scattering and Potential Theory Part IIAcoustic and Electromagnetic Diffraction by Canonical Structures Although the analysis of scattering for closed bodies of simple geometric shape is well developed structures with edges cavities or inclusions have seemed until now intractable to analytical methods. This two-volume set describes a breakthrough in analytical techniques for accurately determining diffraction from classes of canonical scatterers with comprising edges and other complex cavity features. It is an authoritative account of mathematical developments over the last two decades that provides benchmarks against which solutions obtained by numerical methods can be verified.The first volume Canonical Structures in Potential Theory develops the mathematics solving mixed boundary potential problems for structures with cavities and edges. The second volume Acoustic and Electromagnetic Diffraction by Canonical Structures examines the diffraction of acoustic and electromagnetic waves from several classes of open structures with edges or cavities. Together these volumes present an authoritative and unified treatment of potential theory and diffraction-the first complete description quantifying the scattering mechanisms in complex structures. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367454944

Canonizing Economic TheoryHow Theories and Ideas are Selected in Economics Historians of economic thought traditionally summarize critique and trace the development of existing theory. History of thought literature provides information about the authors chronology and relative importance of influential works. Generally missing from the literature however are answers to questions about why economic theory exists in its current form: Why have economists chosen the theories they have to represent the discipline's formal content? What are the criteria that determine the value of a theory or of research in general; and how have these criteria changed over time? In this insightful and well-written work Christopher Mackie analyzes how ideas and theories are accepted in economics from the pre-publication phase to the point at which once written a theory enters the accepted body of professional literature. Drawing from economics the history of science and philosophy Mackie shows how both empirical and non-empirical criteria determine how theory will actually evolve. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315502335

Can't Talk Want to Talk! When outgoing Lily meets a little girl who is too afraid to talk in school or other places outside of her home she befriends the silent girl their friendship grows and the silent girl feels comfortable enough to talk to her new friend. This beautifully illustrated story book is for children with selective mutism to see that they can make a friend like Lily. It is also a helpful tool for parents friends and teachers of children with selective mutism to understand why these children are unable to talk in certain settings and to explore some strategies that may help reduce their anxiety around speaking. Jo studied for a Masters Degree in Speech and Language Sciences and qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist at University College London in 2006. Since then she has worked with children in a range of home clinic and educational settings and currently combines NHS and independent work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301313

CantaorasMusic Gender and Identity in Flamenco Song This book provides an in-depth ethnographic investigation of the greatly underestimated and underappreciated contributions of women singers the cantaoras to the creation transmission and innovation in flamenco song. Situating the study of flamenco in the context of social and political currents that have shaped twentieth-century Spain and drawing on interviews with the cantaoras themselves Loren Chuse shows how flamenco is a complex of cultural practices at once musical physical verbal and social involving the expression and negotiation of complex multi-layered identities including notions of Andalusian regional gypsy and gender identity. Chuse shows how women are engaged in the formation of flamenco today and how they respond to the balance and tensions between tradition and innovation. In so doing she encourages a deeper appreciation of flamenco and initiates new approaches within ethnomusicology feminist scholarship flamenco gender and popular music studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203954348

Cantilever Architecture Cantilever Architecture shows you how to integrate cantilever designs into your building from conception to help you create support-free structures without the need for columns or walls whether for balconies stairs to occupy the air rights of the lot next door or to build super tall buildings. The book includes 78 built case studies in 22 countries on 5 continents to illustrate various systems and their load carrying mechanisms at different scales. Includes an appendix on cantilevered furniture and more than 240 black and white images. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138674219

Canton In Revolution/h This collection of letters and diary entries by late Professor Earl Swisher takes us on a journey into the life and politics of Canton in the mid-1920s. His account of the creation and destruction of the 'Canton Commune' includes rare photographs taken when Canton was liberated from the Communists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168001

Cantonese as a Second LanguageIssues Experiences and Suggestions for Teaching and Learning Cantonese is a language from southern China that is spoken by roughly 70 million people worldwide. It is the language of Hong Kong cinema and has traditionally been the most prominent language spoken in Chinatowns around the world. People choose to learn Cantonese for a variety of social and economic reasons: because it is a heritage language that one’s relatives speak; because it is the language of one’s partner and monolingual in-laws; because it is necessary for living and working in Hong Kong Macau Guangzhou or other Cantonese-speaking communities; because it is the bridge to fully appreciating and understanding Cantonese culture; or simply because it is an irresistible challenge. Whatever the motivation more and more people are choosing to learn Cantonese as an additional language. This book discusses many issues related to both acquiring and teaching Cantonese. If you are a learner of Cantonese this long overdue volume is essential to understanding both the grammatical and the social issues involved with learning this notoriously difficult language. If you are a teacher this book will be invaluable to gaining insight into your students’ motivations and needs. And finally if you are an applied linguist the unique aspects related to the acquisition of Cantonese offer a fascinating contribution to the literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815395195

Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to Cantonese as spoken by native speakers in Hong Kong. It presents a fresh and accessible description of the language concentrating on the real patterns of use in current Cantonese. This makes it the ideal reference source for all learners and users of Cantonese irrespective of level in schools colleges universities and adult classes of all types. Moreover it will provide a lasting and reliable resource for all fluent speakers of the language. The book is organized to promote a thorough understanding of Cantonese grammar. Arranged by both syntactic categories and language functions the Grammar provides an in-depth treatment of structures and pays special attention to idiom and speech registers. Explanations are full clear and free of jargon. An extensive index numbered paragraphs and generous use of headings and cross-references provide readers with easy access to the information they require. Features include: Comprehensive pronunciation section Full use of examples from films advertising and authentic conversations Cantonese-English parallels highlighted throughout the book All examples given in characters as well as pinyin Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203835012

Canvas of ChangeAnalysis Through the Prism of Creativity This book presents a detailed account of two analytic case studies examined through the particular viewpoint of creativity.The first part of the book contains a review of the classical and contemporary literature on the source and function of creativity. Creativity is then examined from the perspective of several analytic models - Freudian Kleinian and post-Kleinian. The second and third parts of the book present case illustrations that deal with the use of creative activity in analysis. The creative use of biblical stories in the case of David or the use of paintings and poems in the case of Rachel portrayed the inner reality of these patients. David's violent and incestuous biblical stories reflected his world of incestuous and destructive wishes towards his primary objects (and towards the therapist in the transference). Rachel's paintings and poems conveyed her unconscious conflicts depressive fantasies and anxieties stemming from her fusion with her mother who was a child Holocaust survivor. Working through their relationships with their primary objects and their self perception as revealed by these creative activities in analysis facilitated the patients' mourning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490786

Capabilities Innovation and Economic GrowthPolicymaking for Freedom and Efficiency The question of whether we can foster growth and innovation while promoting individual freedoms poses a challenge for everyone studying and working on innovation and development policies. Whilst innovation literature is largely dominated by a focus on efficiency development literature tends to focus on equality and pays less attention to mechanisms fostering economic and social change. This book aims to move beyond these barriers and to identify development policies that foster both efficiency and equality exploring the connection between innovation policies and the improvement of individual freedoms.Capabilities Innovation and Economic Growth argues that we can answer these questions by focusing on the relation between Amartya Sen's human development approach and the Neo-Schumpeterian analysis of innovation systems. After considering the connections between the two schools of thought and the way they enrich each other's perspectives chapters go on to show how policy can support virtuous circles in which innovation human development and economic growth interact and mutually reinforce each other. This is undertaken through the descriptive analysis and the empirical testing of a sample of nations and European regions. The volume concludes with an exploration of the contribution that the capabilities approach can give to the design of innovation policy and with the analysis of macroeconomic policies favorable to innovation and human development.This will be essential reading for: students and academic economists interested in development growth and innovation; policy makers and officers in charge of defining development and innovation plans at national and regional level; and consultants and managers in development agencies implementing innovation and development projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872434

Capabilities and Social JusticeThe Political Philosophy of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum The capability approach to social justice construes a person's well-being in terms of the substantive freedoms people value. John Alexander engages with the rapidly growing body of literature on the capability approach in economics inequality poverty measurement and development studies. Critically assessing Sen and Nussbaum's work in normative economics social ethics and political philosophy Alexander develops a unified vision of the capability approach embodying the ideal of creating the greatest possible condition for the realization of basic capabilities for all. He then assesses this vision as a political theory arguing that capabilities are necessary but not sufficient for overcoming conditions of domination. The book calls for a more intimate relationship between individual liberty and the freedom of the political community as a whole. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257306

Capability and Quality in Higher Education The new focus in learning is on developing the individual's capability. This work looks at this in the context of improving skills lifelong learning and welfare-to-work. It debates the issues within the setting of institutional strategies work-based learning skills development and assessment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315042046

Capability Building and Global Innovation Networks This book explores the dynamics of global innovation networks and their implications for development. Knowledge is often seen as the main determinant of economic growth competitiveness and employment. There is a strong causal interaction between capability building and the growth in demand for and supply of technical and organizational innovation. This complex of skills knowledge and innovation holds great potential benefit for development particularly in the context of developing countries. However despite evidence of the increasing importance of knowledge and innovation there has been relatively little research to understand the distribution and coordination of innovation and knowledge-intensive economic activities on a global scale – and what this might mean for economic development. Each chapter – though sharing an underlying conception of innovation systems innovation networks and their relation to capability-building and development – takes a different theoretical stance. The authors explore the emerging relationship between competence building and the structure of global innovation networks thus providing a valuable new perspective from which to critically assess their development potential. This book was originally published as a special issue of Innovation and Development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138299863

Capacitance Spectroscopy of Semiconductors Capacitance spectroscopy refers to techniques for characterizing the electrical properties of semiconductor materials junctions and interfaces all from the dependence of device capacitance on frequency time temperature and electric potential. This book includes 15 chapters written by world-recognized leading experts in the field academia national institutions and industry divided into four sections: Physics Instrumentation Applications and Emerging Techniques. The first section establishes the fundamental framework relating capacitance and its allied concepts of conductance admittance and impedance to the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. The second section reviews the electronic principles of capacitance measurements used by commercial products as well as custom apparatus. The third section details the implementation in various scientific fields and industries such as photovoltaics and electronic and optoelectronic devices. The last section presents the latest advances in capacitance-based electrical characterization aimed at reaching nanometer-scale resolution. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814774543

Capacitive Silicon ResonatorsPerformance Enhancement Methods Microfabricated resonators play an essential role in a variety of applications including mass sensing timing reference applications and filtering applications. Many transduction mechanisms including piezoelectric piezoresistive and capacitive mechanisms have been studied to induce and detect the motion of resonators. This book is meant to introduce and suggest several technological approaches together with design considerations for performance enhancement of capacitive silicon resonators and will be useful for those working in field of micro and nanotechnology. Features Introduces and suggests several technological approaches together with design considerations for performance enhancement of capacitive silicon resonators Provides information on the various fabrication technologies and design considerations that can be employed to improve the performance capacitive silicon resonator which is one of the promising options to replace the quartz crystal resonator. Discusses several technological approaches including hermetic packaging based on the LTCC substrate deep reactive ion etching neutral beam etching technology and metal-assisted chemical etching as well as design considerations for mechanically coupled selective vibration of high-order mode movable electrode structures and piezoresistive heat engines were investigated to achieve small motional resistance low insertion loss and high quality factor. Focusses on a capacitive sensing method based on the measurement of the change in capacitance between a sensing electrode and the resonant body. Reviews  recent progress in performance enhancement methods for capacitive silicon resonator which are mainly based on the works of the authors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367217761

Capacity Development for Improved Water Management This collection of papers explains how knowledge and capacity development can contribute to improved effective water management with a digest of lessons learned in the areas of development of tools and techniques field applications and evaluation. The authors are prominent practitioners capacity builders and academics within the water and capacity development sectors.Capacity Development for Improved Water Management starts with an introduction and overview of progress and challenges in knowledge and capacity development in the water sector. The next part presents tools and techniques that are being used in knowledge and capacity development in response to the prevailing challenges in the water sector and a review of experience with capacity change in other sectors. In the third part a number of cases are presented that cover knowledge and capacity development experiences in the water resources and water services sectors. This part also presents experiences on water education for children and on developing gender equity. The fourth part provides experiences with the monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and capacity building. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367452377

Capacity Development for Learning and Knowledge PermeationThe Case of Water Utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa After World War II international development became the world leading development model but its effectiveness is much debated. Nowadays it is acknowledged that international development can effectively support development through knowledge and capacity development (KCD). Nonetheless understanding what capacity really consists of in operational terms and what its development entails remains a challenge.This book investigates KCD processes in water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The three cases analysed reveal that the learning impact of KCD on utilities depends on whether they are able to close their learning cycle i.e. to ensure that improved capacity is also translated into mainstream behaviour. This finding challenges conventional wisdom for which KCD translates "automatically" into improved performance. Hence the need to focus KCD evaluation on both capacity improvement and capacity application. The proposed learning-based framework for KCD identifies two distinct but interrelated stages in KCD namely knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption. Knowledge absorption usually takes time due to slow organisational processes that govern it. However in practice it is often taken for granted. The framework also identifies the key factors that shape learning processes in water utilities. The book argues that water utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa can reinvent themselves by embracing change management approaches and striving to become learning organisations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138028609

Capacity for DevelopmentNew Solutions to Old Problems 'The United Nations system was a pioneer in the field of technical cooperation and capacity development is its central mandate. UNDP has long played an important leadership role in both as a source of technical cooperation funds and advisory services and as the home of innovative intellectual research and analysis on how to make them more efficient and effective. This book [presents] a vision that builds on new possibilities for knowledge-sharing for which the revolution in information and communications technologies offers ample opportunities... a vision that is firmly founded on genuine ownership by the ultimate beneficiaries of development efforts: the government and citizens of developing countries' From the Foreword by MARK MALLOCH BROWN Administrator UNDP Capacity for Development brings together innovative and well-supported studies of technical cooperation along with its potential to build sustainable capacities in developing countries by enhancing the knowledge skills and productive aptitudes of their populations. A team of eminent development professionals and economists examine the achievements of technical cooperation and offer recommendations for reform in the context of globalization democratisation the information revolution and the growth of capacities in the South. They analyse the issues from three perspectives: ownership capacity enablers and knowledge. The team show how the complex processes involved can be restructured to produce local involvement and empowerment set out a normative framework for the input from society and describe a new paradigm of knowledge for capacity building in the network age. This book will be essential reading for all development professionals and policy-makers as well as providing an invaluable research and teaching resource. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770651

Capacity Realization and Productivity Growth in a Developing CountryHas Economic Reform Had Impact? First published in 1999. Firms in manufacturing industries are influenced by the market-oriented liberalization reform policies in many developing countries since the late eighties. However studies applying appropriate methodology to appropriate data seldom analyze the impact of reforms on the performance of production units such as manufacturing firms. The central point of this book is to address this issue by comparing firms’ achievement with 'best practice' performance before and after reforms. This form of analysis is not new but it emphasizes a new focus or realignment of thinking within neoclassical economics to develop an analytical framework. This book examines the productivity growth of Bangladesh manufacturing firms as component measures of changes in capacity realization and technical progress. The significant feature of this approach is that it allows for the inefficiency of firms and thus productivity growth is estimated rather than taking it as a residual as is usually measured in the traditional growth accounting approach. High rates of technological progress on the one hand can co-exist with low rates of capacity realization. On the other hand relatively low rates of technological progress can co-exist with an improving capacity realization. As a result specific policy actions are required to address the difference in the sources of variation in productivity. In this respect this book would provide invaluable insights for policy makers development practitioners academics and students of economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611047

Capacity-building In Science And Technology In The Third WorldProblems Issues And Strategies This book discusses the concept planning and implementation of capacity-building in the area of science and technology development. It addresses science and technology issues strategies and implications of capacity-building for Third World science policymakers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164621

CapacityThe History the World and the Self in Contemporary Art and Criticism First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315539188

Cap-Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE)The Science of Decoding Genes Transcription This book is a guide for users of new technologies as it includes accurately proven protocols allowing readers to prepare their samples for experiments. Additionally it is a guide for the bioinformatics tools that are available for the analysis of the obtained tags including the design of the software the sources and the Web. Finally the book provides examples of the application of these technologies to identify promoters annotate genomes identify new RNAs and reconstruct models of transcriptional control. Although examples mainly concern mammalians the discussion expands to other groups of eukaryotes where these approaches are complementing genome sequencing. Media > Books > E-books Pan Stanford Publishing 9780429065750

Cape VerdeCrioulo Colony To Independent Nation The Cape Verde Islands an Atlantic archipelago off the coast of Senegal were first settled during the Portuguese Age of Discovery in the fifteenth century. A ?Crioulo? population quickly evolved from a small group of Portuguese settlers and large numbers of slaves from the West African coast. In this important new study Dr. Richard Lobban sketch Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314781

CaperThe Genus Capparis Caper: The Genus Capparis presents a pharmacognostic and ethnopharmacological exploration of the genus Capparis emphasizing its medicinal potential. There is a long history of safe usage of Capparis parts both in diet and as plant drugs throughout the world and the details of this usage are summarized in 39 tables covering numerous Capparis species. This detailed survey of historical and traditional medical uses of capers provides a forum for the integration of ethnomedicine and modern pharmacology.This book tracks the use of the genus Capparis from the present position of caper fruit and its flowers as a niche culinary article of economic importance to ancient times and its use in traditional medicine of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Section I covers the various classes of compounds found in Capparis that hold potential for being physiologically and medically active including alkaloids flavonoids vitamins and proteins and amino acids. Section II examines therapeutic uses for Capparis species for medical conditions such as inflammation rheumatism diabetes mellitus pain and fever cancer infections and infestations hypertension and more.The authors balance the role of this plant in mythological and religious thinking with advances in modern chemical and pharmacological research. Coverage of ethnomedical usage leads to practical discussions of how the unique evolution of the genus Capparis impacts present and future applications of the different species for medicine and therapeutic nutrition. Providing chemical and pharmacological reviews to an extent not previously undertaken this book will serve as a firm basis for scientists interested in conducting research on this novel source of safe phytoceutical agents. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367379209

Capetian France 987-1328 In 987 when Hugh Capet took the throne of France founding a dynasty which was to rule for over 300 years his kingdom was weak and insignificant. But by 1100 the kingdom of France was beginning to dominate the cultural nd religious life of western Europe. In the centuries that followed to scholars and to poets to reforming churchmen and monks to crusaders and the designers of churches France was the hub of the universe. La douce France drew people like a magnet even though its kings were until about 1200 comparatively insignificant figures. Then thanks to the conquests and reforms of King Philip Augustus France became a dominant force in political and economic terms as well producing a saint-king Louis IX and in Philip IV a ruler so powerful that he could dictate to popes and emperors. Spanning France's development across four centuries Capetian France is a definitive book. This second edition has been carefully revised to take account of the very latest work without losing the original book's popular balance between a compelling narrative and an fascinating examination of the period's main themes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132078

Capetian France 987–1328 Capetian France 987–1328 is an authoritative overview of the country’s development across four centuries with a focus on changes to the political religious social and cultural climate during this period. When Hugh Capet took the throne of France in 987 his powers were weak and insignificant but from an inauspicious beginning he founded a dynasty that was to last over 300 years and that came to dominate western Europe. This carefully updated third edition draws extensively on new scholarship that has emerged since the previous edition. It contains images maps family trees and a discussion of key sources allowing the reader to develop a strong contextual knowledge as well as a greater connection with the material world of the period. Maintaining a balance between a compelling narrative and an in-depth examination of central themes of the age Capetian France 987–1328 provides a comprehensive account of this significant era within France’s history and is essential reading for all students of medieval France and Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138887688

Capillary ElectrophoresisTrends and Developments in Pharmaceutical Research Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has become an established method with widespread recognition as an analytical technique of choice in numerous analytical laboratories including industrial and academic sectors. Pharmaceutical and biochemical research and quality control are the most important CE applications. This book provides a comparative assessment of related techniques on mode selection method development detection and quantitative analysis and estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters and broadens the understanding of modern CE applications developments and prospects. It introduces the fundamentals of CE and clearly outlines the procedures used to mitigate several barriers such as detection limits signal detection changing capillary environment resolution separation of analytes and hyphenation of mass spectrometry with CE for a range of analytical problems. Each chapter outlines a specific electrophoretic variant with detailed instructions and some standard operating procedures. In this respect the book meets its desired goal of rendering assistance to lovers of electrophoresis.   Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814774123

Capillary Flows with Forming Interfaces Capillary Flows with Forming Interfaces explores numerous theoretical problems that arise in the mathematical description of capillary flows. It focuses on developing a unified approach to a variety of seemingly very different capillary flows of practical importance where classical fluid mechanics leads to nonphysical results.The book begins with a review of the conceptual framework of fluid mechanics and then proceeds to analyze the roots of singularities such as the moving contact-line problem and the capillary breakup problem. The author then examines how different singular flows can be described as particular cases of a general physical phenomenon of interface formation. He illustrates the developed mathematical models and experimentally verifies them through a number of example problems relevant to engineering applications. The conceptual framework provided in this reference enables further progress in developing mathematical models of capillary flows. The book also allows readers to make informed strategic choices regarding available numerical codes and the in-house development of these codes. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367388652

Capillary Gas Chromotography in Food Control and Research This book offers a comprehensive survey on the possibilities applications and new developments of capillary gas chromatography for the complete range of examinations of food and raw material. It is intended for food scientists/chemists food technologists and nutritionists. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003075769

Capital Entrepreneurs and Profits First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965324

Capital Exploitation and Economic Crisis In 2008 the capitalist world was swept by the severest crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Mainstream economics neither anticipated nor could account for this disastrous financial crisis which required massive state intervention throughout the capitalist world. Karl Marx did anticipate this type of financial collapse arguing that it was derivative from the ‘fetishism of commodities’ inherent in the capitalist mode of production. This book substantiates the foregoing claim by a journey from Marx’s analysis of commodities to the capitalist crisis of the twenty-first century. The book demonstrates that Marx's framework (1) demonstrates that capitalism is but one historical form of class society among many; (2) explains the transition from pre-capitalist to capitalist society; (3) reveals the concrete operation of a capitalist economy; and (4) shows why others would explain the capitalist economy in alternative theoretical frameworks. The central element in his framework from which all else derives is ‘the theory of value’. This book is not an exercise in the history of thought. It is an attempt to analyze the nature of contemporary capitalist society. While Marx’s analysis of capitalism has implications for political action these need not lead one to embrace revolution in place of reform though it can and has provided the analytical foundation for both. Marx’s analysis of capitalism is a coherent whole and meaningful insights cannot be obtained by extracting elements from it. Weeks starts out by looking at the nature of capitalism and an analysis circulation money and credit unfold from the theory of value. The nature and inherent necessity of competition are demonstrated in chapter eight. A consequence of competition expressed in the movement of capital is technical change the contradictory impact of which is explained in chapter nine. This is brought together with the other elements of value theory (money credit and competition) in chapter ten where economic crises are treated in detail. The final chapter applies the theory of crisis to the extreme financial disturbances of the 2000s. This book should be of interest to students and researchers of economics politics and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138799622

Capital Labour and the Middle Classes Most recent sociological work on the theory of class is based on a distinction between Weberian and Marxist approaches. For the first part of this volume the authors use this distinction to review the literature on the middle class concentrating particularly on the traditions of Marxist theory and of the more empirical work inspired by Max Weber. They show however that this distinction is of limited utility in reconstructing a theory of the middle class. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965331

Capital Power And Inequality In Latin America Over the last two decades economic political and social life in Latin America has been transformed by the region's accelerated integration into the global economy. Although this transformation has tended to exacerbate various inequities new forms of popular expression and action challenging the contemporary structures of capital and power have Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314804

Capital Saving and Credit in Peasant Societies Contemporary problems of economic and social change have obliged social scientists from different fields to learn much about each others' work as well as about the specific problems they are together seeking to solve. The bearing of economic conditions on the character of a social system has become more apparent to anthropologists and similarly economists have become more aware of the relevance of social factors to economic decisions. This pioneering book is at the point of contact between these two disciplines presenting detailed studies from many societies of the interaction between social and economic relationships.The studies in this volume--all by social anthropologists --focus on the formation and management of capital since this process is central to the economic functioning and growth of all societies. With this central theme the essays cover a very wide geographic range and an equally wide range of social and economic structures. The book begins with an essay by Firth who provides an extended outline discussion of the main problems and issues to be covered and ends with an essay by Yamey who provides summarizing comments and queries.The volume will be especially useful to those concerned with the problems and prospects of economic and social change in underdeveloped areas in addition to economists and anthropologists concerned with what each can learn from the other. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519985

Capital Saving and Credit in Peasant SocietiesStudies from Asia Oceania the Caribbean and middle America The formation and management of capital are among the central issues in economic growth especially in 'under-developed' countries and form the main theme in this volume. The societies examined vary widely both geographically and also in terms of types of social and economic structures. First published in 1964. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138010222

Capital the State and Late IndustrializationComparative Perspectives on the Pacific Rim This book explores the foundation and nature of the relationship between capitalist accumulation and the state in East Asia and Latin America that has profoundly influenced industrialization and macroeconomic performance. Scholars from both sides of the Pacific offer critical perspectives on the differing fates of the two regions especially over the last decade. Considering the role of markets developmental states location ethnic networks dynamic comparative advantage and competitiveness this pioneering volume draws comparative lessons from the East Asian experience for the developing world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367010379

Capital & Labour In South Africa Published in the year 1981 Capital & Labour In South Africa is a valuable contrubution to the field of Social Science. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203037645

Capital Account LiberationMethods and Applications Along with the development of economic globalization many countries have begun to relax their controls on their capital accounts. However the recent financial crises in Latin American countries as well as the exchange rate crises in Southeast Asian countries have shown that there is major risk associated with capital account liberalization.This book details the benefits and risks of capital account liberalization and explains how to take an open-door policy at the appropriate time in order to reduce the risk to the lowest possible level. Supplying a complete mathematical analysis framework for the study of the problem of capital account liberalization it presents a few important models that have been developed for the study of capital account liberalization.Next the book examines the influence of capital account liberalization on the stability of financial markets by greatly expanding the scope of ordinary differential equation theory to the analysis of local stabilities. It conveys cutting-edge results while providing a general yet simple analysis framework enriched with practical experiences from developing countries.This book applies the theory of limit cycles to the study of problems related to capital account liberalization and discusses the contagion of financial crises among different countries. Many problems related to capital account liberalization are formulated as optimization models showing the fact that much broader economic issues can be solved by employing optimization methods.The book concludes by comparing the contagion effect of financial markets between nations with a relatively high degree of openness with those characterized by a moderate degree of openness. Explaining how to determine optimal capital inflows and outflows this book provides you with the understanding required to accurately determine the characteristics backgrounds causes and roles of capital account liberalization and relevant capital flows. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894563

Capital and CoercionThe Economic and Military Processes that Have Shaped the World Economy 1800-1990 First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965317

Capital and FinanceTheory and History This book applies finance to the field of capital theory. While financial economics is a well-established field of study the specific application of finance to capital theory remains unexplored. It is the first book to comprehensively study this financial application which also includes modern financial tools such as Economic Value Added (EVA®). A financial application to the problem of the average period of production includes two discussions that unfold naturally from this application. The first one relates to the dual meaning of capital one as a monetary fund and the other one as physical (capital) goods. The second concerns its implications for business-cycle theories. This second topic (1) provides a solid financial microeconomic foundation for business cycles and also (2) makes it easy to compare different business-cycle theories across the average period of production dimension. By clarifying the obscure concept of average period of production the authors make it easier to analyze the similarities with and differences from other business-cycle theories. By connecting finance with capital theory they provide a new point of view and analysis of the long-standing problems in capital theory as well as other related topics such as the use of neoclassical production functions and theorizing about business cycles. Finally they emphasize that the relevance of their application rests on both its policy implications and its contributions to contemporary economic theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367143725

Capital and Interest Produced throughout the first fifteen years of Hayek's career the writings collected in Capital and Interest see Hayek elaborate upon and extend his landmark lectures that were published as Prices and Production and work toward the technically sophisticated line of thought seen in his later Pure Theory of Capital. Illuminating the development of Hayek's detailed contributions to capital and interest theory the collection also sheds light on how Hayek's work related to other influential economists of the time. Highlights include the 1936 article 'The Mythology of Capital' presented here alongside Frank Knight's criticisms of the Austrian theory of capital that prompted it - and 'The Maintenance of Capital'  with subsequent comments by the English economist A. C. Pigou. These and other familiar works are accompanied by lesser-known articles and lectures including a lecture on technological progress and excess capacity. An introduction by the book's editor leading Hayek scholar Lawrence H. White places Hayek's contributions in careful historical context with ample footnotes and citations for further reading making this a touchstone addition to the University of Chicago Press's Collected Works of F. A. Hayek series. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367668488

Capital and Labour in JapanThe Functions of Two Factor Markets Toshiaki Tachibanaki and Atsuhiro Taki emphasise several institutional features in Japan which differ from those in Euro-American countries: for example the permanent employment and seniority system in wages and promotion the dual structure Keiretsu transactions the main bank system and intercorporate shareholding. This book examines in particular the distinction between long-run and short-run contractual relationships which produced such features. It presents both the positive and the negative evaluations of the factor market. Exploring the similarities and interdependencies between two important and idiosyncratic factor markets in Japan this book brings data to hand which until now has only been available in specialist journals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203351062

Capital and Politics Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 44 The main theme of this book is the relationship between capital and government in Britain particularly the practice and organisation of capital in both national and local political processes. The chapters are primarily empirical in focus and deal with such topics as power policy and the City of London and the role of the CBI in representing capital. Major theoretical themes are also discussed and these include de-industrialisation corporatism and the role of government in the development of pressure group habit. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646376

Capital and Steam Power1750-1800 When it appeared in 1923 John Lord’s Capital and Steam Power 1750–1800 was the first book to be based on the voluminous Boultori and Watt papers in Birmingham since the hey-day of Samuel Smiles. Although Lord’s conclusions have been modified and corrected on various points this book still remains the best short account of the significance of this classic engineering partnership which bulks so large in the history of technology and of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. "Mr. Lord’s Capital and Steam Power 1750–1800 is an important contribution to economic history … His introductory sketch of economic conditions from 1700 to 1750 and his concluding summary of the main results of the developments which he has described without having the same novelty as his central theme are scholarly and intelligent." R. H. Tawney Economica February 1924 "His study of the application of steam to industry is a useful piece of research." T. S. Ashton The Economic Journal December 1924 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865259

Capital as a Social KindDefinitions and Transformations in the Critique of Political Economy Capital as a Social Kind provides an introduction to social kinds in social theory. Thinking about kinds the way we sort the things of the world into categories -- water for example is a natural kind – has made an important contribution to our understanding of science in the last half century but these advances have been largely applicable to the natural rather than the social sciences. Drawing on the rich examples offered by Marx’s analysis of capital and exploring a methodology that will be of interest to both Marxist and non-Marxist social theorists alike Capital as a Social Kind extends this approach to the study of social life. The book argues that provoked by his study of Aristotle Marx’s attentions foreshadowed contemporary themes in the realist philosophy of science. Importantly social kind analysis is relevant not only to understanding his critique of political economy but illuminates also a materialist study of law justice morality and the transition to socialism. Social kind analysis also opens a path for the development of today’s moral realism by suggesting the need for a systematic study of the causal structures of social life. In this respect the importance of normative themes in Marxism is defended against claims that the Marxist tradition lacks the resources to call capitalism unjust or to defend morality and human rights. The origin of capital Marx suggests can be found in the rupture of an original unity between the laborer and the means of labor and the book explores the way a structure of separations best characterizes capital as a social kind. This uncovers a little developed emphasis in Marx’s work – his focus on the phenomena of separation that define our lives and also on forms of association required to transcend them. Given that capitalism has made the instruments of labor instruments of social labor forms of association that would recover worker control over them must be democratic. The transition to socialism the book concludes  just is winning the battle of democracy. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of economics philosophy and indeed any social science subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138013117

Capital Cities and Urban Form in Pre-modern ChinaLuoyang 1038 BCE to 938 CE Luoyang situated in present-day Henan province was one of the great urban centres of pre-Qin and early imperial China the favoured site for dynastic capitals for almost two millennia. This book the first in any Western language on the subject traces the rise and fall of the six different capital cities in the region which served eleven different dynasties from the Western Zhou dynasty when the first capital city made its appearance in Luoyang to the great Tang dynasty when Luoyang experienced a golden age. It examines the political histories of these cities explores continuity and change in urban form with a particular focus on city layouts and landmark buildings and discusses the roles of religions especially Buddhism and illustrious city residents. Overall the book provides an accessible survey of a broad sweep of premodern Chinese urban history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138543324

Capital Cities and Urban Sustainability Capital Cities and Urban Sustainability examines how capital cities use their unique hub resources to develop and disseminate innovative policy solutions to promote sustainability. Cities are taking a leading role in defining a sustainable future at a time when national state and regional governments in several countries do not provide sufficient leadership.Capital cities stand out among cities as likely leading drivers in the effort to empower sustainable innovation as they provide a hub for connecting a variety of key constituencies. While acknowledging the successes capital cities have achieved the international multi-disciplinary contributors to this work discuss how there is room to do more and improve. The promotion of specific sustainability policies in crucial areas such as clean water provision high tech innovation public procurement contracting and improving flood control in capital cities is examined through various global case studies. The examples range from relatively rich capital cities such as Copenhagen where the well-financed hub would be expected to succeed in generating sustainable policies to poorer cities such as Phnom Penh where such an optimistic outcome can seem less likely. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367731014

Capital Cities in the Aftermath of EmpiresPlanning in Central and Southeastern Europe This book explores the planning and architectural histories of the cities across Central and Southeastern Europe transformed into the cultural and political capitals of the new nationstates created in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In their introduction editors Makaš and Conley discuss the interrelated processes of nationalization modernization and Europeanization in the region at that time with special attention paid to the way architectural and urban models from Western and Central Europe were adapted to fit the varying local physical and political contexts. Individual studies provide summaries of proposed and realized projects in fourteen cities.Each addresses the political and ideological aspects of the city’s urban history including the idea of becoming a cultural and/or political capital as well as the relationship between national and urban development. The concluding chapter builds on the introductory argument about how the search for national identity combined with the pursuit of modernization and desire to be more European drove the development of these cities in the aftermath of empires. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138889729

Capital Cities: Varieties and Patterns of Development and Relocation The issue of capital city relocation is a topic of debate for more than forty countries across the world. In this first book to discuss the issue Vadim Rossman offers an in-depth analysis of the subject highlighting the global trends and the key factors that motivate different countries to consider such projects analyzing the outcomes and drawing lessons from recent capital city transfers worldwide for governments and policy-makers. Capital Cities studies the approaches and the methodologies that inform such decisions and debates. Special attention is given to the study of the universal patterns of relocation and patterns specific to particular continents and mega-regions and particular political regimes. The study emphasizes the role of capital city transfers in the context of nation- and state-building and offers a new framework for thinking about capital cities identifying six strategies that drive these decisions representing the economic political geographic cultural and security considerations. Confronting the popular hyper-critical attitudes towards new designed capital cities Vadim Rossman shows the complex motives that underlie the proposals and the important role that new capitals might play in conflict resolution in the context of ethnic religious and regional rivalries and federalist transformations of the state  and is seeking to identify the success and failure factors and more efficient implementation strategies. Drawing upon the insights from spatial economics comparative federalist studies urban planning and architectural criticism the book also traces the evolution of the concept of the capital city showing that the design iconography and the location of the capital city play a critical role in the success and the viability of the state.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138601536

Capital CityLondon as a Finacial Centre Originally published in 1985 Capital City: London as a Financial Centre proves in depth analytical description of the financial institutions of the City of London. The book describes in detail the operations of the banks the stock market the insurance world and other bodies that make up the world’s largest international financial centre. The book also answers a series of questions on the City’s performance accountability and honesty and explains how the City reached its present position discuss its future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138569348

Capital Controls In Emerging Economies As a growing number of nations usher in market economies policymakers must grapple with key decisions regarding capital controls and capital account liberalization. In this ambitious volume distinguished economists evaluate these choices within the context of economic efficiency economic structure and political consequences in an increasingly g Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314798

Capital Controversy Post Keynesian Economics and the History of Economic ThoughtEssays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt Volume One Harcourt has made substantial and wide-ranging contributions to economics in general and to post Keynesian economics in particular. In this volume more than forty leading economists pay tribute to and critically evaluate his work. The contributors represent a wide range of schools in economics and include Nobel Laureates Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514972

Capital DilemmaGrowth and Inequality in Washington D.C. Capital Dilemma: Growth and Inequality in Washington DC uncovers and explains the dynamics that have influenced the contemporary economic advancement of Washington DC. This volume’s unique interdisciplinary approach using historical sociological anthropological economic geographic political and linguistic theories and approaches captures the comprehensive factors related to changes taking place in one of the world’s most important cities. Capital Dilemma clarifies how preexisting urban social hierarchies established mainly along race and class lines but also along national and local interests are linked with the city’s contemporary inequitable growth. While accounting for historic disparities this book reveals how more recent federal and city political decisions and circumstances shape contemporary neighborhood gentrification patterns highlighting the layered complexities of the modern national capital and connecting these considerations to Washington DC’s past as well as to more recent policy choices. As we enter a period where advanced service sector cities prosper Washington DC’s changing landscape illustrates important processes and outcomes critical to other US cities and national capitals throughout the world. The Capital Dilemma for DC and other major cities is how to produce sustainable equitable economic growth. This volume expands our understanding of the contradictions challenges and opportunities associated with contemporary urban development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138886926

Capital Flight From Developing Countries In this book the author defines measures and explains the phenomenon of capital flight from developing countries. She attempts to incorporate the causes of capital flight in the measurement procedure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166267

Capital Flows Financial Markets and Banking Crises The increasing capital flows in the emerging markets and developed countries have raised various concerns worldwide. One main concern is the impact of the sharp decline of capital flows – so-called sudden stops – on financial markets and the stability of banking systems and the economy. The sudden stops and banking crises have been identified as the two main features of most financial crises including the recent Asian Financial Crisis and Global Financial Crisis. However how capital flows and banking crises are connected still remains unanswered. Most current studies on capital flows are empirical work which faces various challenges. The challenges include how data has been collected and measured in each country and how sensitive the results are to the data and the adopted methodologies. Moreover the links between capital flows and banking systems have been neglected. This book helps provide some insight into the challenges faced by empirical studies and the lessons of the recent crises. The book develops theoretical analysis to deepen our understanding on how capital flows banking systems and financial markets are linked with each other and provides constructive policy implications by overcoming the empirical challenges. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367350581

Capital Flows Without Crisis?Reconciling Capital Mobility and Economic Stability The last decade has seen a massive increase in international capital flows to emerging markets. This development has offered opportunities to those countries that have opened themselves up to overseas capital but it has also created risks.In this volume a team of policymakers and academics from 14 different countries as well as representatives of the international financial institutions primarily responsible for responding to the crises examine the challenges and options facing policymakers today. The book includes both detailed analysis of individual economies from around the world and in-depth analysis of the broad systemic issues of why crises occur and how we can prevent them. By looking at economies from many different parts of the world the book provides a broad and comprehensive look at the similarities and differences in recent financial crises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138881037

Capital Formation and Economic DevelopmentStudies in the Economic Development of India First published in 1964 this series of studies compiled by the India team of Centre of International Studies at MIT represents an important contribution to methods in planning for development which will be of relevance to all those working in the field irrespective of country. The results are demonstrated on examples taken from the Third Five-Year Plan and from some of the papers which underlay it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852791

Capital HistoriesA Bibliographical Study of London First published in 1998 this book reprints eight articles from The London Journal covering the history of London from the middle ages to the twentieth century. Each is an extensive bibliographical essay updated by the individual contributors for this anthology. The book comes with a new introduction from a previous editor of the journal Patricia Garside and also with a specially commissioned guide to sources for London history and the libraries and special collections that house them. The London Journal was founded in 1975 to provide a forum for the study of London history: an eclectic and multi-disciplinary field. As well as articles based on original research The London Journal has carried notes and comments viewpoint and review articles and general surveys of particular aspects of London life. In the past few decades the specialist literature on London has become extensive intricate and dense. The opportunity for a systematic review of this literature presented itself on the twentieth anniversary of the founding of The London Journal and the core of the work presented here first appeared in Volume 20(2) November 1995. Each of the authors specialists in one of seven periods from Roman to contemporary times was asked to evaluate the literature that had appeared in their field of London expertise during the last 20 years. For this book each contribution has been updated where possible to take account of the very latest publications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607828

Capital in DisequilibriumThe Role of Capital in a Changing World Drawing on the work of the Austrian School and its heirs Capital in Disequilibrium develops a modern systematic version of capital theory in order to suggest a new approach to the subject of economics. Original and provocative in his reflection Lewin offers both a new approach and an accessible discussion of one of the most important but also one of the most difficult areas in economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988071

Capital Inflation and the Multinationals (Routledge Revivals) Inflation is the economic plague of the modern world completely undermining conventional theory and policies for its containment and setting governments management and labour on a dangerous collision course. Its alarming spread is only paralleled by the expansion of multinational corporations some of them more economically powerful than nation states. This book first published in 1971 provided a totally new perspective on these phenomena linking them in a common theory based on a thorough analysis of the modern role of capital financing in the global economy. It demonstrates the impact of technology on self-financing growth and explains why the present inflation can never ben stemmed by attacks on wage costs when the source lies in the need of managements to maximise cash flows. Alternative economic policies are discussed including proposals for creating assets for workers in the self-financing investment. Charles Levinson draws together the strands of his subject in a way which is comprehensive and rigorous yet easily accessible to the more general reader. The conclusions reached in Capital Inflation and the Multinationals are still of great interest and relevance to professional economists and students political practitioners and commentators. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415829274

Capital Markets and Institutions in BangladeshSome Implications of Japanese Experience First published in 1997 this volume examines the implications of Japanese corporate practices post-World War II for the experiences of capital markets in modern developing economies based on theoretical and empirical analyses of Bangladeshi and Japanese markets. It aims to explore sensible approach rather than panacea solutions to issues of making a conducive environment for rapid growth. Japanese capital markets have evolved continuously since the war and M. Farid Ahmed suggests that traditional practices have been adapted to a much more complex reality. Ahmed executes this study through consideration of issues including the private sector government policy corporate financing stock prices and capital market theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611665

Capital Mobility and Distributional Conflict in Chile South Korea and Turkey Why did many emerging countries pursue risky financial opening policies in a reckless manner even after the painful example of the Latin American debt crisis? Unlike trade liberalization which has mostly been beneficial in emerging countries the removal of capital controls has led to boom-bust patterns in many countries. It is not simply driven by class or sectoral interests nor is it just a result of ideational changes in policy-making circles or international pressure. Gemici argues that to fully understand the motivation for these policies we need to take into account distributional struggles prior to their enactment. In this book Gemici shows that conflictual distributional relations significantly increase the likelihood of capital account liberalization. Through in-depth comparative case studies he also demonstrates that countries which liberalize in the most comprehensive manner tend to be the countries characterized by a high degree of distributional conflict. The case studies – Argentina Chile South Korea and Turkey – have been chosen to maximise variation in distributional relations and to escape regional clustering showing quite different trajectories of capital account liberalization. This will be of great interest to readers in sociology international political economy and heterodox economics as well as specialists in the countries examined. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138386488

Capital Mobilization and Regional Financial MarketsThe Pacific Coast States 1850-1920 Originally published in 1992 Capital Mobilization and Regional Financial Markets argues that barriers to financial flows within regions may be as important in affecting capital flows as interregional barriers. The book conjectures that regional markets allow efficient mobilization of local funds and develops an analytical framework to motivate an investigation of region financial development in the Pacific Coast states between 1850 and 1920. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138566491

Capital Punishment Numerous people face legal execution in the United States. Their presence in death rows throughout the country refutes a basic premise of our judicial system for the use of capital punishment denies the existence of universal rehabilitation. There is another paradox-juries continue to sentence men and women to death; yet few ever get executed. Whether one is for or against capital punishment one cannot approach the issue without deep emotion and conviction. James McCafferty provides an even-tempered eminently reasonable discussion of the issue with balanced commentary from both sides of the debate.McCafferty presents not only empirical data and analyses of the nature of capital punishment but provides perspectives on the larger issues of our approach to lawbreakers and their rehabilitation. The claims of both those who want to retain capital punishment and those who want to abolish it are included. The arguments consider whether capital punishment deters crime as well as the question of discrimination. A wealth of references an extremely useful bibliography and a final chapter delineating the legal issues facing the courts at the time the book was originally published in 1972 complete this unusually incisive and balanced study.Capital Punishment remains an important volume in the field of criminal justice. It seeks to educate rather than propagandize. It is intended for use in numerous courses in sociology and political science as well as in law schools. Anyone wishing to gain a perspective on what remains a controversial issue more than thirty years later would be well advised to study this work by world-class scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519978

Capital Punishment in Twentieth-Century BritainAudience Justice Memory Capital punishment for murder was abolished in Britain in 1965. At this time the way people in Britain perceived and understood the death penalty had changed – it was an issue that had become increasingly controversial high-profile and fraught with emotion. In order to understand why this was it is necessary to examine how ordinary people learned about and experienced capital punishment. Drawing on primary research this book explores the cultural life of the death penalty in Britain in the twentieth century including an exploration of the role of the popular press and a discussion of portrayals of the death penalty in plays novels and films. Popular protest against capital punishment and public responses to and understandings of capital cases are also discussed particularly in relation to conceptualisations of justice. Miscarriages of justice were significant to capital punishment’s increasingly fraught nature in the mid twentieth-century and the book analyses the unsettling power of two such high profile miscarriages of justice. The final chapters consider the continuing relevance of capital punishment in Britain after abolition including its symbolism and how people negotiate memories of the death penalty. Capital Punishment in Twentieth-Century Britain is groundbreaking in its attention to the death penalty and the effect it had on everyday life and it is the only text on this era to place public and popular discourses about and reactions to capital punishment at the centre of the analysis. Interdisciplinary in focus and methodology it will appeal to historians criminologists sociologists and socio-legal scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138961296

Capital Punishment: New Perspectives This collection asks questions about the received wisdom of the debate about capital punishment. Woven through the book questions are asked of and remedies proposed for a raft of issues identified as having been overlooked in the traditional discourse. It provides a long overdue review of the disparate groups and strategies that lay claim to abolitionism. The authors argue that capital litigators should use their skills challenging the abuses not just of process but of the conditions in which the condemned await their fate namely prison conditions education leisure visits medical services etc. In the aftermath of successful constitutional challenges it is the beneficiaries (arguably those who are considered successes having been ’saved’ from the death penalty and now serving living death penalties of one sort or another) who are suffering the cruel and inhumane alternative. Part I of the book offers a selection of diverse nuanced examinations of death penalty phenomena scrutinizing complexities frequently omitted from the narrative of academics and activists. It offers a challenging and comprehensive analysis of issues critical to the abolition debate. Part II offers examinations of countries usually absent from academic analysis to provide an understanding of the status of the debate locally with opportunities for wider application. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367601119

Capital PunishmentA Hazard to a Sustainable Criminal Justice System? As most jurisdictions move away from the death penalty some remain strongly committed to it while others hold on to it but use it sparingly. This volume seeks to understand why by examining the death penalty’s relationship to state governance in the past and present. It also examines how international transnational and national forces intersect in order to understand the possibilities of future death penalty abolition. The chapters cover the USA - the only western democracy that still uses the death penalty - and Asia - the site of some 90 per cent of all executions. Also included are discussions of the death penalty in Islam and its practice in selected Muslim majority countries. There is also a comparative chapter departing from the response to the mass killings in Norway in 2011. Leading experts in law criminology and human rights combine theory and empirical research to further our understanding of the relationships between ways of governance the role of leadership and the death penalty practices. This book questions whether the death penalty in and of itself is a hazard to a sustainable development of criminal justice. It is an invaluable resource for all those researching and campaigning for the global abolition of capital punishment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600839

Capital SpacesThe Multiple Complex Public Spaces of a Global City In recent years it has become common-place to hear claims that public space in cities across the globe has become the exclusive preserve of the wealthy and privileged at the expense of the needs of wider society. Whether it is the privatization of public space through commerical developments like shopping malls and business parks the gentrification of existing spaces by campaigns against perceived anti-social behaviour or the increasing domination of public areas by private transport in the form of the car the urban public space is seen as under threat. But are things really that bad? Has the market really become the sole factor that influences the treatment of public space? Have the financial and personal interests of the few really come to dominate those of the many? To answer these questions Matthew Carmona and Filipa Wunderlich have carried out a detailed investigation of the modern public spaces of London that most global of cities. They have developed a new typology of public spaces applicable to all cities a typology that demonstrates that to properly assess contemporary urban places means challenging the over-simplification of current critiques. Global cities are made up of many overlapping public spaces good and bad; this book shows how to analyze this complexity and to understand it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415527095

Capital Structure and Firm Performance Capital structure theory is one of the most dynamic areas of finance and forms the basis for modern thinking on the capital structure of firms. Much controversy has resulted from comparisons of the theory of capital structure originally developed by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller to real-world situations. Two competing theories have emerged over the years the optimal capital structure theory and the pecking order theory.Arvin Ghosh begins with an overview of the controversies regarding capital structure theories and then statistically tests both the optimal capital structure and pecking order theories. Using the binomial approach he analyzes the determinants of capital structure while discussing the role of market power in determining capital structure decisions. Ghosh probes the questions of new stock offerings and stockholders' returns and analyzes capital structure and executive compensation. He then looks into debt financing ownership structure and the controversal relationship between capital structure and firm profitability. Finally he discusses the latest developments in the field of capital structure.A concise overview of a major issue in business economics and finance this volume provides a fuller understanding of capital structure influence on the financial performance of firms and will certainly stimulate further debate. While hundreds of scholarly articles have been written on the subject this is the first book to test competing theories against measurements of firms' performance and their underlying capital structure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412847551

Capital-intensive Industries In Newly Industrializing CountriesThe Case Of The Brazilian Automobile And Steel Industries This book assesses the attractiveness of Brazil as a location for automobile and steel production in the future. It evaluates the export performance of Brazil's motor-vehicle and steel industries in different markets and identifies the determinants of the country's current position in world markets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153380

Capitalism Capitalism stands unrivalled as the most enduring economic system of our times. Since the collapse of the Soviet bloc the world has become a new stage for capital and yet despite this dominance capitalism is still not widely understood. It remains a subject of enduring interest that is discovered and rediscovered over time by each successive generation of students. Exploring the life of this world-shaping system and the writings of leading thinkers this study also now takes into account recent developments including the impact of the Global Financial Crisis and the complexities of China’s political economy. Paul Bowles addresses these key questions:   -         what are the central unchanging features of capitalism? -         how does capitalism vary from place to place and over time? -         does capitalism improve our lives? -         is capitalism a system which is ‘natural’ and ‘free’? Or is it unjust and unstable? -         what about today’s global capitalism? -         will capitalism destroy or liberate us?   This updated edition of a classic text is now supported by a comprehensive documents section chronology and who’s who as well as a new colour plate section. It offers a concise lucid and thought-provoking introduction for undergraduate students or anyone with an interest in this most pervasive long lasting and adaptable yet crisis-ridden of economic systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408269220

Capitalism Citizenship and the Arts of ThinkingA Marxian-Aristotelian Linguistic Account Capitalism Citizenship and the Arts of Thinking proposes a historical materialist ethic of human flourishing understood in terms of the practice of citizenship. It focuses on the ways in which capitalism’s necessary mode of thinking – analytical thinking – impedes the nurturing of capabilities for citizenship as understood from a Marxian-Aristotelian point of view. It includes a systematic discussion of the Aristotelian resonances in Marx’s critique of capitalism as well as an elaboration and critique of Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s account of the origins of analytical thinking in his book Intellectual and Manual Labor: A Critique of Epistemology.  Dean's critique of this book draws on the language theories of Lev Vygotsky Alexander Luria Jack Goody Eric Havelock and Walter Ong so as to identify the origins of analytical thinking in literacy rather than in monetised exchange relations as claimed by Sohn-Rethel. Having traced the development of analytical thinking so as to bring out the ways in which this thinking was a condition of possibility for the division of head and hand in nineteenth-century England  Dean brings the analysis into the contemporary world by examining the changes effected by digitalised communication in terms citizenship capabilities now drawing on the work of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri in order to do so. The book's ground-breaking content is in the fusion of Marxian Aristotelian and linguistic elements to develop a critique of capitalism’s hegemonic mode of thinking (analytical thinking) as manifested in the modern sciences and to show how the draining of intelligibility from the everyday world permitted by this thinking becomes an obstacle to the practice of meaningful citizenship. Its main appeal will be to Marxist thinkers whose main concern is with the alienating as opposed to exploitative character of capitalist modes of life. It is written to complement the work of such Marxists these being in the main writers such as Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri and is pitched at researchers in the field. It could be used on post-graduate courses in political theory as well as social and cultural theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138233355

Capitalism Class Conflict and the New Middle Class Non-manual workers are fast becoming the largest occupational category in Western capitalist countries. This is the first book to present a detailed socialist analysis of this much discussed change in the class structure of contemporary capitalism. Focusing on the class position of managerial and supervisory workers Robert Carter takes as his starting-point the inadequacy of both orthodox Marxist and Weberian models of class relations. Rather he concurs with recent structuralist theorists of class who maintain that there exists between capital and labour in the process of producing a new middle class. He parts company from the work of these theorists however in his insistence that the organisation and consciousness of the new middle class have also to be examined because of the practical consequences these have on class relations. The book therefore examines the historical rise of the middle class both in the private and the state sector together with the tendency of the class to respond to its changing relations with capital and labour by unionising. It is sharply critical of the dominant models of the causes and nature of white-collar unionism – both industrial relations and Weberian ones – and indeed rejects these models in favour of a perspective which views the extent and nature of middle-class unionism within the dynamics of class relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965348

Capitalism Culture and Decline in Britain1750 -1990 First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415037198

Capitalism Democracy and the Prevention of War and Poverty For a very large part of the world’s population poverty and war are still part of everyday life. Drawing on insights from several disciplines this book attempts to find scientific answers to explain the relationship between conflict and poverty. This interdisciplinary volume brings together a range of arguments that synthesize both democratic and capitalist peace theory. Supported by a large body of research contributors contend that nations with institutions that maximize individual political and civil rights minimize the probability of fighting each other. The volume includes: contributors from leading and award winning scholars in the field including Bruce Russett and Erik Gartzke topics such as democratization and economic development situated within the broader contexts of globalization and modernization contributions supported by empirical analyses systematizing democratic and capitalist peace theories This book will be vital reading for students and scholars of International Relations and globalization and also for a broader range of subjects including sociology political science and economics.     Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138874534

Capitalism Institutions and Economic Development Based on a timely reassessment of the classic arguments of Weber Schumpeter Hayek Popper and Parsons this book reconceptualizes actually-existing capitalism. It proposes capitalism as an impersonal procedural solution to the problems of spontaneously coordinating public institutions that enable durable market-based wealth generation and social order. Few countries have achieved this. A novel contribution of the book is that it identifies a practical sequence of economic and institutional shortcuts to real capitalism. The book challenges current orthodoxies about varieties of capitalism and relativist recipes for economic growth and it criticizes culturalist and incrementalist viewpoints in institutional economics. It calls on the social sciences to help in constructing dynamic and prosperous open societies of the twenty-first century by reclaiming older ideas of ‘social economics’. Better and faster solutions will emphasize crisis-induced change rational leadership ideological persuasion institutional engineering rules-based market freedom and the universalistic formal-procedural impersonality of optimal regulatory systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415694452

Capitalism Institutions and Social OrdersThe Case of Contemporary Spain Capitalism Institutions and Social Orders develops a novel political economy approach by establishing a dialogue between the Social Structures of Accumulation (SSA) theory and Ernesto Laclau’s post-Marxism theory. Using this synthesis it provides an in-depth analysis of Spain’s recent socio-economic evolution since the early 1990s. The book develops a theoretical framework capable of appraising capitalist dynamics together with their relationship to the institutional environment surrounding and structuring them. This is in order to explore the interrelation between the historical development of the capitalist mode of production on the one hand and the various co-existing social processes social consensuses and political identities on the other. Contemporary Spain provides an interesting case study: until the onset of the Great Recession Spain had an impressive macroeconomic record supported by several contradictory social processes such as a massive real estate bubble an upsurge in private indebtedness and a deteriorating manufacturing sector. However the accumulation of internal imbalances during those years led inevitably to the sudden disintegration of this institutional and social environment in the years after 2008 thus resulting into a breakdown of capitalist activity accompanied by widespread social contestation. The book also explores the ensuing political scenario including the emergence of the ‘indignados’ movement and the anti-austerity party Podemos. This work is of significant interest to critical political economy and discourse-theory scholars critical theorists in general and social scientists concerned with the recent Spanish experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367480660

Capitalism Primitive and ModernSome Aspects of Tolai Economic Growth The merit of the Tolai case study lies in the fact that "the schema of economic growth of small underdeveloped societies " which it represented "when abstracted from its specific background " appeared to be "logically likely to fit other similar societies in Melanesia and elsewhere." Epstein is especially sensitive to the role of cultural traditions giving her work importance in the field of economic anthropology. She has taken a substantivist as against a purely formalist view of the processes of economic development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507890

Capitalism Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies Originally published in 2005. This book analyzes the evolution of administrative thought from the nineteenth century to the present considering it as ideological discourse. Rather than merely being a succession of fads Gantman shows how each successive discourse about the organization of work serves to legitimate social interests. The book's compelling conclusion is that instead of a tendency towards increasing theoretical refinement what is more evident is a trend towards fictionalization which ends in the contemporary paradigm of flatter more participative and democratic organizational forms. Students and scholars interested in organization theory management history the sociology of work or critical management will gain many new insights from this historical reconstruction of the evolution of management thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138356641

Capitalism Socialism and Democracy Capitalism Socialism and Democracy remains one of the greatest works of social theory written in the twentieth Century. Schumpeter's contention that the seeds of capitalism's decline were internal and his equal and opposite hostility to centralist socialism have perplexed engaged and infuriated readers since the book's first publication in 1943. By refusing to become an advocate for either position Schumpeter was able both to make his own great and original contribution and to clear the way for a more balanced consideration of the most important social movements of his and our time. This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Introduction by one of the world’s leading economists Joseph Stiglitz. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138129245

Capitalism Socialism and Democracy Capitalism Socialism and Democracy remains one of the greatest works of social theory written this century. When it first appeared the New English Weekly predicted that `for the next five to ten years it will cetainly remain a work with which no one who professes any degree of information on sociology or economics can afford to be unacquainted.' Fifty years on this prediction seems a little understated.Why has the work endured so well? Schumpeter's contention that the seeds of capitalism's decline were internal and his equal and opposite hostility to centralist socialism have perplexed engaged and infuriated readers since the book's publication. By refusing to become an advocate for either position Schumpeter was able both to make his own great and original contribution and to clear the way for a more balanced consideration of the most important social movements of his and our time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138138612

Capitalism Sport Mega Events and the Global South What are the social political and economic consequences of staging sport mega events such as the Olympics and the World Cup? Capitalism Sport Mega Events and the Global South presents a new approach to sport mega events and related issues exploring elements that are not present or are not developed in the existing literature. This book explores the socioeconomic impact of these events on host countries in the Global South. Drawing on a thorough case study of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil it examines how the residents of Porto Alegre perceived how they were affected and considers the relationship between sport mega events and the wider social sphere of global capitalism. Supported by original socioeconomic research conducted in the area this is fascinating reading for all students and scholars interested in sport mega events sport tourism international development sport geography and the sociology of sport. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138579477

Capitalism and CitizenshipThe Impossible Partnership Can capitalism and citizenship co-exist? In recent years advocates of the Third Way have championed the idea of public-spirited capitalism as the antidote to the many problems confronting the modern world. This book develops a multi-disciplinary theory of citizenship exploring the human abilities needed for its practice. It then argues that capitalism impedes the nurturing of these abilities. In advancing these arguments Kathryn Dean draws on the work of a wide range of thinkers including Freud Marx Lacan Habermas and Castells. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203603246

Capitalism and Class Struggle in the USSRA Marxist Theory First published in 1997 this was the first Autonomist Marxist book on the USSR. The various theories of Soviet capitalism are considered more comprehensively than in any previous work and are shown to be inadequate insofar as they fail to demonstrate satisfactorily the predominance of the category of capital. A powerful new theory is developed which does precisely this introducing the concepts of bureaucratic forms of both exchange-value and money. This constitutes an important contribution to the overall theoretical critique of capital. Attention is then turned to the class struggle. For the first time the various ’Marxist’ theories of the USSR are systematically considered in relation to what they say about the working class and its struggle. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138608146

Capitalism and CritiqueUnruly Democracy and Solidarity Economics While there are signs of recovery from recent economic collapses relatively few protective measures are in place in the United States to prevent future crises and widespread destruction of livelihoods around the globe. This book a follow-up and further development of Martin’s and Torres’ ideas in their acclaimed Savage State: Welfare Capitalism and Inequality contains a synthesis and critique of economic theory with historical case studies and new discourse on American globalism and its failures to provide for the economic security of millions of people. Since the original publication over ten years ago there has been a resurgence in radical political economy and critical theory. Instead of "demonizing" the market Capitalism and Critique draws lessons from the new directions in social theory and seeks clear solutions for future modes of capitalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138365612

Capitalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First CenturyA Global Future Beyond Nationalism This short book makes a connection between recent ‘tectonic shifts’ in the world economy and the political problems currently confronted by western democracies. The shift of manufacturing away from the West allied to the pressure to keep costs down in an increasingly competitive global economy has led to economic inequality reliance on service industry employment and public sector austerity. All this has in turn produced large numbers of desperate citizens attracted to a populist economic nationalism accompanied by xenophobia. However the originality of this text lies not in the above argument but in the philosophical reflections which drive and derive from it. These include reflections on history as a supposed causal process; on the need to make ethical judgements of economic activities and the difficulties of doing so; and on the problems confronting modern citizens in understanding complex economic processes and their political implications. Capitalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century endorses Wittgenstein’s ‘praxis’ approach to human social life and its study. Accordingly it not only analyses economic and political problems but suggests ways of solving or mitigating them. In doing so it relies on Marx’s conviction that our capacity to see certain phenomena as problems is at least a priori evidence that they can be solved. This book will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of politics comparative politics political economy and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367354916

Capitalism and InequalityThe Role of State and Market Capitalism and Inequality rejects the popular view that attributes the recent surge in inequality to a failure of market institutions. Bringing together new and original research from established scholars it analyzes the inequality inherent in a free market from an economic and historical perspective. In the process the question of whether the recent increase in inequality is the result of crony capitalism and government intervention is explored in depth. The book features sections on theoretical perspectives on inequality the political economy of inequality and the measurement of inequality. Chapters explore several key questions such as the difference between the effects of market-driven inequality and the inequality caused by government intervention; how the inequality created by regulation affects those who are less well-off; and whether the economic growth that accompanies market-driven inequality always benefits an elite minority while leaving the vast majority behind. The main policy conclusions that emerge from this analysis depart from those that are currently popular. The authors in this book argue that increasing the role of markets and reducing the extent of regulation is the best way to lower inequality while ensuring greater material well-being for all sections of society. This key text makes an invaluable contribution to the literature on inequality and markets and is essential reading for students scholars and policymakers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367467463

Capitalism and Leisure Theory (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1985 this title explores theories of leisure in a capitalist society. Basing his argument on a refutation of the conventional association of leisure with freedom and free time Chris Rojek examines the four main structural characteristics of modern leisure practice: privatisation individuation commercialisation and pacification. The writings of Marx Durkheim Weber and Freud are used to locate the question of leisure in more mainstream social theory. This interesting reissue will be of particular value to students of sociology and leisure studies and those with an interest in the relationship between leisure and power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415734622

Capitalism and ModernityAn Excursus on Marx and Weber First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133129

Capitalism and Religion in World HistoryPurification and Progress Purity condemns filth; piety disparages corruption. Amassing riches offered to a transcendental world the priests of ancient faiths found themselves trapped in contradiction. By loaning out their resources to merchants they made themselves pariahs to true prophets. Before Islam squared the circle bringing capital mobility and credit creation into coexistence with devotion religion stymied merchant capitalism. Spread through trade Islam's innovations in commerce soothed the path to coexistence of credit and faith globally. Had a second form of capitalism - technological capitalism - not emerged binding science to innovation harmony between faith and capitalism would have prevailed. However scientific advances deepen on empirical evidence that is buttressed by critical debate which is anathema to powerful elites in countries saturated with religious nationalism. Consequently easy cooperation between capitalism and religion is blocked in these lands and so their potential for economic progress withers. Thus many of these states trapped in the invidious stranglehold of religion are condemned to sustained poverty. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367348953

Capitalism and Social Theory:Essays and Inquiry This work examines the complex detailed relationship between the theory of wealth and the theory of power both subsumed as they are under the overarching mantle of capitalist ideology ever distorting real connections and evading critical issues. It examines various theories of class state and power either explicitly or implicitly avowed in the diverse social science disciplines of politics economics and sociology. In illuminating the subtle machinations of ideology it boldly reveals the realist ontology of capitalism which produces illusory theory. The essays employ transcendental realism emphasizing the primacy of ontology over epistemology as a mode of critique necessarily going beyond traditional Marxian arguments in many cases. Although intended only as an analytical critique the project is emancipatory of necessity for it allows ultimately for an increased purchase on reality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705958

Capitalism and the American Political Ideal This practical handbook has been revised to provide in-depth coverage of the Office of Thrift and Supervision rules as well as those of the OCC. It includes up-to-date information on every of trust compliance as it applies in 2000. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315495576

Capitalism and the CommonsJust Commons in the Era of Multiple Crises Capitalism and the Commons focuses on the political and social perspectives that commons offer how they are appropriated or suppressed by capital and state and how social initiatives and movements contest these dynamics or build their struggles on commoning. The volume comprises theoretical and empirical approaches that engage with three main themes: conceptualizing the commons analyzing practices of commoning and exploring commons politics. In their contributions the authors focus on the development of anti-capitalist commons and explore the issue of practice and politics through case studies from Colombia the Democratic Republic of Congo South Africa and Africa more broadly Austria Germany and South Korea ranging from peri-urban and rural agriculture to urban commons and how they manifest in the Global South as well as in the Global North. The book engages with different discourses on the commons in regard to their relevance for social change and thereby reinvigorates the political meaning of the commons. It provides an original and important approach to the topic in terms of conceptualization detailing diverse empirical realities and analyzing potential perspectives. In so doing the book transcends narrow disciplinary boundaries and expands the focus to the global. Providing a fresh perspective on the commons as a decisive component of alternatives this title will be relevant to scholars and students of resource management social movements and sustainable development more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367420024

Capitalism and the Consumer (RLE Consumer Behaviour) Written at a time when the needs and influence of the consumer within the economic system were in their infancy this book offers a valuable insight into the birth of consumer-led economics an integral part of social structure and economic theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138832770

Capitalism and the Historians A book that will disturb the sleep of a good many scholars" Max Eastman F. A. Hayek's Introduction lays the groundwork for this study of the rise of the factory system in Great Britain. It also examines why historians have been so critical of capitalism and the factory system. The subsequent essays discuss why intellectuals have usually been antagonistic to capitalism and what effect these historical misconceptions have had on the world's attitude toward business enterprise. * Papers by distinguished British American and European economic historians including T. S. Ashton L. M. Hacker and Bertrand de Jouvenel * Actual case studies of the English factory system and the English factory worker support the theoretical material. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315016504

Capitalism and the Political Economy of Work Time John Maynard Keynes expected that around the year 2030 people would only work 15 hours a week. In the mid-1960s Jean Fourastié still anticipated the introduction of the 30-hour week in the year 2000 when productivity would continue to grow at an established pace. Productivity growth slowed down somewhat in the 1970s and 1980s but rebounded in the 1990s with the spread of new information and communication technologies. The knowledge economy however did not bring about a jobless future or a world without work as some scholars had predicted. With few exceptions work hours of full-time employees have hardly fallen in the advanced capitalist countries in the last three decades while in a number of countries they have actually increased since the 1980s. This book takes the persistence of long work hours as starting point to investigate the relationship between capitalism and work time. It does so by discussing major theoretical schools and their explanations for the length and distribution of work hours as well as tracing major changes in production and reproduction systems and analyzing their consequences for work hours. Furthermore this volume explores the struggle for shorter work hours starting from the introduction of the ten-hour work day in the nineteenth century to the introduction of the 35-hour week in France and Germany at the end of the twentieth century. However the book also shows how neoliberalism has eroded collective work time regulations and resulted in an increase and polarization of work hours since the 1980s. Finally the book argues that shorter work hours not only means more free time for workers but also reduces inequality and improves human and ecological sustainability. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377653

Capitalism and the World EconomyThe Light and Shadow of Globalization Globalization is a phenomenon which has attracted much attention in the past but there are still many questions that remain unanswered.This book categorizes globalization into three types: Financial Globalization the collapse of the Cold War order and the ensuing convergence toward the capitalistic system; and the rise of the emerging nations. The globalization of capitalism has two implications. One is trust in the market economy system and support for a minimal state while another is an aspect of the Casino Capitalism as typically seen by the rampant emergence of hedge funds. This book explores both the light and shadows cast by globalization endeavoring to identify both positive and problematic effects of the globalization process on the world economy. For this purpose we would first examine the nature and the feature of the world capitalism in relation to globalization. Then we would discuss and investigate the path along which important nations - first the developed nations (the USA EU and Japan) followed by the emerging nations (BRICs) - have proceeded under the influence of globalization. Focusing on this phenomenon from diverse points of view which is to be taken by the first-rank contributors in their fields will be extraordinarily fruitful for understanding not only the world capitalism. This collection from a selection of leading international contributors will not only shed light on world capitalism as it is now but will also offer pointers as to its future directions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367668952

Capitalism as if the World Matters When first published Capitalism as if the World Matters by one of the leading 'eco-warriors' of our time shocked a generation of both environmentalists and business people. Jonathon Porritt brushed aside their artificial battle lines with a powerful argument that the only way to save the world from environmental catastrophe is to embrace a new type of capitalism and to do it quickly. In this substantially revised and updated edition Porritt extends his powerful and controversial argument by providing fresh evidence and suggesting new actions. New content includes in-depth coverage of the USA with case studies examining the role of huge American corporations such as Wal-Mart and General Electric plus a close look at China and the global impact this economic giant may have in the twenty-first century. This is a must-read for everyone who has a stake in the future of the world from business executives to environmental activists from community leaders to the politicians with their hands on the levers of power. Published with Forum for the Future Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139299

Capitalism Nature Socialism 18.418.4 First published in 2008. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415431408

Capitalism: Should You Buy it?An Invitation to Political Economy Before there was economics there was political economy an interdisciplinary adventure boldly and critically seeking to understand capitalism. Over time the social sciences evolved into specific disciplines - economics sociology political science - that less often questioned capitalist perspectives and the state. Contrasting three traditions - neoclassicism Keynesianism and neo-Marxism - Capitalism: Should You Buy It? traces the historical development of each and evaluates whether they view capitalism as the root cause of or the solution to the pressing problems now facing humanity. This accessible and hopeful book is a call to everyone - citizen student public intellectual - to revive the critical edge towards capitalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612056890

Capitalism: The Basics The global economy is dominated by a powerful set of established and emerging capitalisms from the long-standing capitalist economies of the West to the rising economies of the BRIC (Brazil Russia India and China) countries. An understanding of capitalism is therefore fundamental to understanding the modern world. Capitalism: The Basics is an accessible introduction to a variety of capitalisms and explores key topics such as: the history of major capitalist economies; the central role played by both states and markets in the global economy; the impact of capitalism on wages workers and welfare; approaches to the analysis of capitalism and choices for capitalism’s future. Examining capitalism from both above and below featuring a range of case studies from around the globe and including a comprehensive glossary this book is the ideal introduction for students studying capitalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415870924

CapitalismA Companion to Marx’s Economy Critique In the most complete accurate and accessible presentation of Karl Marx’s theory of capitalism to date Johan Fornäs presents a guide for anyone who wants to understand how today’s crisis-ridden society has emerged and is able to sustain and intensify its own deep inner contradictions. Capitalism clearly explains these contradictions which are so relevant again today in the wake of the financial crisis. This clear and engaging guide explains capitalism for absolute beginners. Fornäs situates Marx’s ideas in context remaining faithful to the concepts and structure of his work. This complete introduction to Marx’s economy critique covers all three volumes of Capital. It explores all the main aspects of Marx’s work – including his economic theory his philosophical sophistication and his political critique – introducing the reader to Marx’s typical blend of sharp arguments ruthless social reportage and utopian visions. This book will be of interest to students throughout the social sciences and humanities including those studying sociology social theory economics business studies history cultural studies and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138800403

CapitalismAn Ethnographic Approach This provocative book challenges many of our ingrained assumptions about the direction of contemporary capitalism and offers fresh perspectives that will inform the development of a new and relevant political economy for our times. The complex and often contradictory world within which modern commodities are produced sold and consumed is set within the larger context of transnational business and economic developments. The importance of factors such as profitability and globalization is highlighted and a sophisticated analysis of the contradictions and ironies of the world of modern commodities emerges. Trinidad provides an ideal setting for this study given its recent oil boom and recession and the subsequent experience of both wealth and poverty. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084853

CapitalismAs If the World Matters As our great economic machine grinds relentlessly forward into a future of declining fossil fuel supplies climate change and ecosystem failure governments are at long last beginning to question the very structure of the global economy. In this fresh politically charged analysis Jonathon Porritt wades in on the most pressing question of the 21st century: can capitalism as the only real economic game in town be retooled to deliver a sustainable future? Porritt argues that indeed it can and it must as he lays out the framework for a new ?sustainable capitalism? that cuts across the political divide and promises a prosperous future of wealth equity and ecosystem integrity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770668

Capitalisms and Gay Identities In this important text Stephen Valocchi brings capitalism back into the study of the gay and lesbian movement. He argues that to understand the collective identity structure strategies and goals of the movement we need to understand the role that capitalism and the state have played. While capitalism and the state have figured centrally in earlier analyses of social movements these important institutions and their social processes are no longer central concerns of the theory and research of social movements in the United States. Capitalisms and Gay Identities examines how the class-based inequalities and changing class structures of capitalism interact with and indeed help shape the dynamics of other types of inequalities such as gender sexuality race and ethnicity. These inequalities and structures in turn shape the specific grievances of and affect the nature of stigma levied against individuals with sexual and gender nonconformity. Valocchi shows that capitalism is a dynamic system and as it changes the nature of the movement and the collective identity created by the movement also changes. A vital text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of sociology social movements LGBTQ politics and American studies Capitalisms and Gay Identities challenges our understanding of many aspects of the gay and lesbian movement when viewed through the lens of capitalism particularly its ability to advance the cause of sexual freedom and gender justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138489899

Capitalist AlternativesModels Taxonomies Scenarios The book's objective is to explore the challenge of thinking methodically - in a theoretically and empirically informed way - about alternative forms of capitalism. What are the most effective ways to conceptualize the existing models of capitalism that have captured the public imagination and are currently floating around in the public debate? How can one mobilize empirical analysis and theory in thinking about the realm of possibilities and about the future of economic order but avoid the twin perils of scientism and historicism? This book is an attempt to respond to these and related challenges. First it delves into the substantive aspect of the debate taking a closer look at a set of particular forms and models of capitalism that are currently discussed both in mass media and in academic circles as plausible or at least possible alternatives to the status quo: Crony State Regulatory and Entrepreneurial Capitalisms. By elaborating and clarifying those models it engages in a heuristic exercise that leads to a better understanding of the task of conceptualizing and assessing in a theoretically informed way the diversity of forms of capitalism. Second the book takes a step further looking at the epistemic theoretical and methodological dimensions of the discussion: What is involved more precisely in our classifying and theorizing of capitalist systems and their historical evolution? What is the epistemic basis for building plausible conjectures about the future evolution of an economic system? What are the logical and methodological parameters of our endeavors that deal with economic systems or with the problem of continuity and change in comparative economic systems? Offering an original approach to the problem of alternative forms of capitalism this book will be of great interest to scholars working in the field of comparative political economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138287907

Capitalist Development and Economism in East AsiaThe Rise of Hong Kong Singapore Taiwan and South Korea Taking a conceptual approach this book studies the economic development of the four East Asian economies since 1950. The author summarizes and reconsiders many of the arguments and findings that supported and explained the economic 'miracles' of Hong Kong Singapore Taiwan and South Korea analysing the relationship between economic development growth and political economy.This pioneering book will stimulate further analysis of East Asian development. It will be of essential interest to scholars in East Asian economics and all those interested in modern economic development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138281820

Capitalist Development in India's Informal Economy This book explores the economy and society of Provincial India in the post-Green Revolution period. It argues that the low 'quality' of capital development in India's villages and small towns is the joint outcome of the informal economic organisation that is strongly biased in favour of capital and of the complex stratification of the workforce along class and caste lines. Focusing on the processes of growth induced by the introduction of the high-yield varieties in agriculture the book demonstrates that a low-road pattern of capitalist development has been emerging in provincial India: firms compete over price and not over efficiency with a constant pressure to reduce costs in particular labour costs. The book shows that low-skilled employment prevails and low wages and poor working conditions are widespread. Based on original empirical research the book makes a valuable contribution to the debate on varieties of capitalism in particular of the Global South. It is of interest to academics working in the fields of Development Studies Political Economy and South Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138573888

Capitalist Development in KoreaLabour Capital and the Myth of the Developmental State Contrary to the widely-held view that the East Asian "developmental state" is neutral in terms of the relationship between capital and labour – a benign co-operation between state officials and businessmen to organise economic development – this book argues that in fact the developmental state exists to promote the interests of capital over the interests of labour. Dae-oup Chang asserts that there has been a deliberate mystification concerning the reality of this process. This book presents a radical Marxist critique of state development theory. It both explains the exploitative functions of the state looking at the emergence of the particular form of capitalist state in the context of the formation and reproduction of capital relations in Korea; and also traces the origin and development of the process of mystification whereby the capitalist state has been characterised as the autonomous developmental state. In addition the book provides a comprehensive analysis of labour relations in Korea both before and after the 1998 financial crisis demonstrating continuing capital relations state transition and class struggle. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415541008

Capitalist Diversity and Diversity within Capitalism The economic crisis that began in 2008 has underscored the impact not only of embedded and assumed ways of managing the economy but also that present circumstances are the product of a long period of experimentation and bounded diversity; it is understanding the nature of both that forms a central concern of this collection. This book redefines develops and extends the emerging literature on internal diversity within varieties of capitalism and the extent to which such internal systemic diversity goes beyond mere diffuseness to represent the coexistence of different logics of action within both liberal market and more cooperative varieties of capitalism. The collection is based on new fresh material from leading scholars in the field. The contributors come from a variety of perspectives within the broad socio-economic literature on institutions and yet they all focus on the limitations of current institutional fixes and the protracted and durable nature of the current crisis which the editors suggest reflect profound changes in input costs and the utilization of technology. What characterizes this common ground is an inherent pragmatism combined with an increasing sophistication in the usage of analytical concepts; illustrating the progression since the early work on comparative capitalism in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This book should be an invaluable resource for students and researchers of economic theory and philosophy as well as political economics and socio-economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138799608

Capitalist Enterprise and Social Progress Part 1 of this volume analyses the main issues in the theory of Applied Economics. Part 2 surveys the rise of capitalist enterprise and indicates the importance of certain institutions in the growth and working of the economic system at the start of the twentieth century. The concluding chapters stress the relevance of these considerations to the problems facing politicians and administrators. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751421

Capitalist Goals Socialist PastThe Rise Of The Private Sector In Command Economies This book aims to acquaint the reader with both the shared features and the diversity of the private and cooperative experience in the nations of the Communist bloc of Europe. It contributes to understanding of the difficulties standing in the way of a private-sector future in command economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166526

Capitalist Imperialism Crisis and the State First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415846349

Capitalist Networks and Social Power in Australia and New Zealand It is often asserted that the ruling elite in Western capitalist economies now consists of liberal intellectuals and their media sympathisers. By contrast this book looks at the real elite in Australian and New Zealand society and shows that there is still a ruling class based upon economic dominance. From an analysis of corporate and public records interviews and other primary and secondary data it develops a picture of networks of power that are changing but are as real as any network in the past. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262515

Capitalist Political EconomyThinkers and Theories A key text Capitalist Political Economy: Thinkers and Theories analyses the field-forming theoretical contributions to political economy that have defined debated critiqued and defended capitalism for more than three centuries. Political economy recognizes and celebrates the many and varied interconnections between politics and economics in society together with the economic implications of public policy and the political impact of market and property relations. As such political economy is both an approach to understanding capitalism and a reflection of the forms and features of capitalism at particular moments. Grounded in primary and secondary literature including theorists’ original writings and leading literary biographies this text explores principal themes in the development of capitalism and political economic thought. It relates these to markets property profits labour investment innovation the state growth and crises gender the ecological limits of capital accumulation and rival economic practices. The book contextualizes the legacy of foundational political economists by exploring their life and times and putting them in conversation with other highly influential theorists. Equally it also considers more contemporary views. This book serves as an indispensable source for academic communities who are interested in the long arc of capitalist development theories and theorists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138604315

Capitalist Restructuring Globalization and the Third WayLessons from the Swedish Model This book addresses the contemporary debate about the 'third way' in European social democracy by analysing the exemplar case of social democracy - 'the Swedish model' - this book challenges the recent 'third way' perspective. The author argues strongly against the widely held belief that the nature of contemporary capitalist restructuring and globalisation has rendered traditional social democracy obsolete. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138811041

Capitalist Restructuring and the Pacific Rim This book situates the evolution of capitalist economies along Asia's Pacific Rim after the Second World War within broader global political and economic changes. Specifically it charts their growth at the interface of periodic crises and successive waves of restructuring and links changes in the world economy to shifts in regional dynamics in east and southeast Asia. It suggests that while the expansion of Japanese corporate networks was crucial to the emergence of the region as a low-cost exporter to the world the reintegration of China into the world market will free the region from its dependence on the US as a market of last resort. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653718

Capitalist Russia and the West This title was first published in 2000:   highly innovative work which challenges mainstream approaches to the study of Russian policy with its groundbreaking application of Marxism and dependency theories. Using class analysis it examines in a meticulously documented study what is perhaps the most important issue in world politics today: Russia and the West. Unconventional yet powerful it nevertheless comes up with highly persuasive conclusions. Whether one agrees with its challenging conclusions or not they cannot be ignored. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138738980

Capitalist SolutionsA Philosophy of American Moral Dilemmas The US is facing enormous challenges as it enters the second decade of the twenty-first century. Some of these major issues are environmentalism and its claim of global warming; the danger from terrorism generated by Islamic fundamentalism; and affordable quality health care. Additionally education in America remains an unresolved dilemma contributing to America's lack of economic competitiveness.Andrew Bernstein argues that the US government is pushing the nation toward socialism in its attempt to resolve America's problems. The government's increasing control of the banking industry its massive bailouts of auto makers and its proposal of emissions legislation are also examples of the expansion of government's power. Bernstein argues that whatever the intentions of the government or its illusions about the workability of its proposals morally upright and practical solutions can only come from moving to the opposite end of the political-economic spectrum: the establishment of laissez-faire capitalism.In Atlas Shrugged and in her non-fiction works Ayn Rand developed a systematic body of thought a comprehensive philosophy she dubbed "Objectivism." This philosophy has been neglected by most professional intellectuals but it is now beginning to be seriously studied in academic philosophy departments. Objectivism provides the moral and philosophic validation of the political-economic principles of individual rights and free markets. Analysis of today's gravest social and political issues within this philosophic framework as undertaken by Bernstein in this volume constitutes a unique way of identifying rational solutions to these pressing issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507906

Capitalizing on DisasterTaking and Breaking Public Schools Breaking new ground in studies of business involvement in schooling Capitalizing on Disaster dissects the most powerful educational reforms and highlights their relationship to the rise of powerful think tanks and business groups. Over the past several decades there has been a strong movement to privatize public schooling through business ventures. At the beginning of the millennium this privatization project looked moribund as both the Edison Schools and Knowledge Universe foundered. Nonetheless privatization is back. The new face of educational privatization replaces public schooling with EMOs vouchers and charter schools at an alarming rate. In both disaster and nondisaster areas officials designate schools as failed in order to justify replacement with new unproven models. Saltman examines how privatization policies such as No Child Left Behind are designed to deregulate schools favoring business while undermining public oversight. Examining current policies in New Orleans Chicago and Iraq Capitalizing on Disaster shows how the struggle for public schooling is essential to the struggle for a truly democratic society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635682

Capitalizing on Knowledge Many organizations are embracing knowledge management as a source of strategic advantage. But already people are asking: "what comes next?" Likewise almost every large organization is heavily involved in e-commerce and turning their organizations into e-businesses. At the moment most e-commerce is focused on selling traditional products and services through the new medium of the Internet. However the more an organization evolves into an e-business the more they can exploit knowledge flows between themselves and their marketplace. This book draws together the two strands of knowledge and e-business into the emerging field that this book has called k-business. A k-business is one that turns an organization's knowledge assets into knowledge products and services and uses the Internet to market and deliver them online. Despite its newness the Delphi Group have forecast that within 5 years person-to-person information e-commerce (a major aspect of k-business) will be a $5 billion business leveraging $50 billion in sales of other products and services. Capitalizing on Knowledge aims to give professionals and managers early insights into how to develop successful k-businesses. It takes a critical and balanced view of the building blocks of a k-business including knowledge productizing e-commerce enablers and Internet marketing. It draws on lessons from successes and failures in the landscape and of the early pioneers of knowledge markets. The writing style engenders interest and readability supported by diagrams screen images check lists and frameworks. There are 'points to ponder' to stimulate thinking and decision-making. Five case studies and over 50 illustrative examples provide insights into the application of the book's concepts. No other book brings all the elements of a k-business together in one place to provide a thought provoking yet practical companion for those who want to capitalize on their knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138435278

Capitalizing on Lean Production Systems to Win New BusinessCreating a Lean and Profitable New Product Portfolio Although there are many organizations that have implemented Lean production systems and become more profitable as a result there can be a gap between what those organizations currently do and how they should plan for and profit from new business. Capitalizing on Lean Production Systems to Win New Business: Creating a Lean and Profitable New Product Portfolio explains how to create a Lean product portfolio to fill that gap so you can become more profitable from that new business.Providing a fundamental understanding of the Lean enterprise production system this book can help an organization take its current Lean knowledge and translate that knowledge into a step-by-step methodology to win and launch new business. Lean topics covered include: Value Stream Mapping Plan for Every Part Process Design and Standard Work Scheduling and Material Flow Machine Changeover Quality and Continuous Improvement By developing the New Product Acquisition and Launch Portfolio presented in this book you can dramatically improve your ability to produce the products customers desire and deliver them on time. Focusing on the concepts that are critical to the longevity of your Lean enterprise system this book will help you understand how to deliver a product that meets the quality and delivery standards of your customer. It will also help you understand how this new product fits into your Lean enterprise system.Detailing how to achieve a successful new product launch through upfront planning this book provides you with the tools to enhance efficiencies throughout your supply chain. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781466586338

Caporetto 1917Victory or Defeat? This work concerns the Battle of Caporetto in October 1917 where the Austro-German Army broke through the Italian lines forcing them to retreat after losing half their force. The book examines why having routed the Italian Army the Central Alliance forces were not capable of forcing the surrender of Italy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045411

Cappadocia and Monumental Painting in Eleventh-Century ByzantiumThe Rock-Cut Church of Meryem Ana This study starts from an in-depth examination of the rock-cut church of Meryem Ana in Cappadocia. The author's analysis of the decorative program and the identification of paintings as part of a hitherto unknown illustrated Apocalypse of Anastasia leads her to conclude that the church functioned as a funerary chapel for nuns. The connection between text and church is important as previously no extant text official or private monastic or secular can be definitively linked with any Cappadocian rock-cut church. Other elements of the program it is argued also reflect political alliances and link the region with Constantinople. The study of the church is then extended to consider workshop practices in this region of Cappadocia as a whole leading to a re-examination of local workshop practices of their constituent components and of the demands and desires of patrons -- and the particular circumstances of female patronage. This also forces a re-evaluation of the relationship between Cappadocia and Constantinople and thus the relationship between the perceived center and periphery in the Middle Byzantine period. Cappadocian rock-cut churches have not previously been included in discussions of the nature of eleventh-century monumental painting in Byzantium. This book demonstrates that it is necessary to analyze the relationship between contemporary imperial and aristocratic foundations in Constantinople and those in Cappadocia-- as well as those found in other regional capitals bringing important additions to the discussion of the nature of center and periphery in the tenth and eleventh century. The inclusion of Meryem Ana and associated foundations in this discussion broadens our understanding of the nature of regional variants in Middle Byzantine monumental programs. It also provides a re-evaluation of the role of patrons and their effect on the content and style of their commissions in eleventh-century Byzantium. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409466642

CapsicumBreeding Strategies for Anthracnose Resistance Capsicum more commonly as chili or chili pepper is an important global vegetable and spice crop. Anthracnose disease caused by a complex of Colletotrichum species is the major biotic stress limiting chili production in tropical and subtropical countries. Anthracnose disease mainly manifests itself as a post-harvest disease resulting in large necrotic lesions on the fruit. This disease is mainly controlled by the application of a "cocktail" of fungicides as commercial resistant cultivars are not available. In recent years insights into the complexity of the pathogen and the genomics of the host have been accomplished using cutting-edge molecular technologies. The author has been at the forefront of this technology revolution in Capsicum breeding through her research to understand the host and pathogen which has led to the development of new anthracnose resistant genotypes. Capsicum: Breeding Strategies for Anthracnose Resistance is structured based on a review of the origin and evolution of Capsicum Capsicum genetic diversity and germplasm resources the latest research in the biology and taxonomy of Colletotrichum pathogens of Capsicum and the classic and molecular breeding for resistance in Capsicum to the suite of Colletotrichum pathogens that infect Capsicum globally. This book brings together knowledge on both the pathogen and the host which is often overlooked when reviewing the breeding and genetics of a crop plant. It informs the facts behind breeding for resistance from both the host and pathogen perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138589230

Capsules: Typology of Other Architecture This book investigates the architectural product design and urban typology of the capsule which beginning in the 1960s broadened the concept of the basic building blocks of architecture to include a minimal living unit called the "capsule." Here it is presented with regard to the continuity of the development of the Modern Movement its revisionist criticism pioneering examples as well as contemporary examples and uses. The typology of the capsule allows us to consider this theme in terms of the architecture of resistance with the potential to search for an "other" architecture that is embedded in our contemporaneity (manifested in small dwellings composite structures and container units; shelters and mobile homes in nature and the urban environment; technology transfer in high-tech designs; devices additions and extensions etc.). The concept of the capsule as a building element of architecture as well as a spatial element can therefore be regarded as having a generative potential for an architecture of personal space for the individual forcing us to reflect on our existing living and dwelling conditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138280359

Captains Without EyesIntelligence Failures In World War Ii This book explains how the failure of intelligence in five important battles in World War II had decisive results. It helps Americans to persuade that so long as there is any danger of future wars the United States must have a strong intelligence service. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164164

Captive Audience This book is concerned with the media's role in everyday life power relations and the construction of masculine identities in the context of prisons. It is based upon unique research into the nature impact and consequences of a situation where most prisoners in English prisons have access to some media resource whether radio or television or with communal or individual access to it. Captive Audience charts for the first time the way in which prisons use media in coping – or failing to cope – with the pressures of prison life exploring the impact of the media in terms of prisoner identities shaping power relations between prisoners and other prisoners and in helping prisoners 'get through' a prison sentence. At the same time this book raises a range of broader issues of theory and practice on the nature of the relationship between prisons criminal justice systems and society more generally and on the ways in which the media are conceived in everyday life. It will be of interest to all those concerned with prisons criminology and the criminal justice system the social role of the media and the construction of identity. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9781843924258

Captive AudiencePrison and Captivity in Contemporary Theatre The first collection on this important topic Captive Audience examines the social gendered ethnic and cultural problems of incarceration as explored in contemporary theatre. Beginning with an essay by Harold Pinter the original contributions discuss work including Harold Pinter's screenplays for The Handmaid's Tale and The Trial Theatrical Prison Projects and Marat/Sade. Kimball King Thomas Fahy Rena Fraden Tiffany Ana Lopez Fiona Mills Harold Pinter Ann C. Hall Christopher C. Hudgins Pamela Cooper Robert F. Gross Claudia Barnett Lois Gordon Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762588

Captive Selves Captivating OthersThe Politics And Poetics Of Colonial American Captivity Narratives This book reexamines the Anglo-American literary genre known as the ?Indian captivity narrative? in the context of the complex historical practice of captivity across cultural borders in colonial North America. This detailed and nuanced study of the relationship between practice and representation on the one hand and identity and alterity on the o Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314811

Captivity Forced Labour and Forced Migration in Europe during the First World War The notion of the First World War as 'the great seminal catastrophe' (Urkatastrophe) of the twentieth century is now firmly established in historiography. Yet astonishingly little has been written about the fate of non-combatants in occupied and non-occupied territory including civilian internees deportees expellees and disarmed military prisoners. This volume brings together experts from across Europe to consider the phenomena of captivity forced labour and forced migration during and immediately after the years 1914 to 1918. Each contribution offers a European-wide perspective thus moving beyond interpretations based on narrow national frameworks or on one of the fighting fronts alone. Particular emphasis is placed on the way in which the experience of internees forced labourers and expellees was mediated by specific situational factors and by the development of ‘war cultures’ and ‘mentalities’ at different stages in the respective war efforts. Other themes considered include the recruitment and deployment of colonial troops in Europe and efforts to investigate monitor and prosecute alleged war crimes in relation to the mistreatment of civilians and POWs. The final contribution will then consider the problems associated with repatriation and the reintegration of returning prisoners after the war. This book was published as a special issue of Immigrants and Minorities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846356

Captivity Literature and the EnvironmentNineteenth-Century American Cross-Cultural Collaborations In his study of captivity narratives Kyhl Lyndgaard argues that these accounts have influenced land-use policy and environmental attitudes at the same time that they reveal the complex relationship between ethnicity landscape and authorship. In connecting these themes Lyndgaard offers readers an alternative environmental literature one that is dependent on an understanding of nature as home rather than as a place of temporary retreat. He examines three captivity narratives written in the 1820s and 1830s - A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison The Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner and Life of Black Hawk -all of which engage with the Jacksonian policy of Indian removal and resist tropes of the so-called Vanishing Indian. As Lyndgaard shows the authors and the editors with whom they collaborated often saw their stories as a plea for environmental and social justice. At the same time audiences have embraced them for their vision of a more inclusive and less exploitative American society than was proffered by the rhetoric of Manifest Destiny. Their legacy is that while environmental and social justice has been slow in fulfilment their continued popularity testifies to the fact that the struggle for justice has never been ceded. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140434

Captured by the Media This book turns on the television opens the newspaper goes to the cinema and assesses how punishment is performed in media culture investigating the regimes of penal representation and how they may contribute to a populist and punitive criminological imagination. It places media discourse in prisons firmly within the arena of penal policy and public opinion suggesting that while Bad Girls The Shawshank Redemption internet jail cams advertising and debates about televising executions continue to ebb and flow in contemporary culture the persistence of this spectacle of punishment - its contested meaning and its politics of representation - demands investigation. Alongside chapters addressing the construction of popular images of prison and the death penalty in television and film Captured by the Media also has contributions from prison reform groups and prison practitioners which discuss forms of media intervention in penal debate. This book provides a highly readable exploration of media discourse on prisons and punishment and its relationship to public attitudes and government penal policy. At the same time it engages with the 'cultural turn' within criminology and offers an original contribution to discussion of the relationship between prison public and the state. It will be essential reading for students in both media studies and criminology as well as practitioners and commentators in these fields. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9781843925767

Captured LandscapeArchitecture and the Enclosed Garden The enclosed garden or hortus conclusus is a place where architecture and landscape come together. It has a long and varied history ranging from the early paradise garden and cloister the botanic garden and giardini segreto the kitchen garden and as a stage for social display. The enclosed garden has continued to develop into its many modern forms: the city retreat the redemptive garden the deconstructed building. As awareness of climate change becomes increasingly important the enclosed garden which can mediate so effectively between interior and exterior provides opportunities for sustainable design and closer contact with the natural landscape. By its nature it is ambiguous. Is it an outdoor room or captured landscape; is it architecture or garden? Kate Baker discusses the continuing relevance of the typology of the enclosed garden to contemporary architects by exploring influential historical examples and the concepts they generate alongside some of the best of contemporary designs – brought to life with vivid photography and detailed drawings – taken primarily from Britain the Mediterranean Japan and North and South America. She argues that understanding the potential of the enclosed garden requires us to think of it as both a design and an experience. Captured Landscape provides a broad range of information and design possibilities for students of architectural and landscape design practising architects landscape designers and horticulturalists and will also appeal to a wider audience of all those who are interested in garden design. This second edition of Captured Landscape is enriched with new case studies throughout the book. The scope has now been broadened to include an entirely new chapter concerning the urban condition with detailed discussions on issues of ecology sustainability economy of means well-being and the social pressures of contemporary city life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138679252

Captured Soviet GeneralsThe Fate of Soviet Generals Captured in Combat 1941-45 The true story of the fate of the captured Russian Generals after World War II explaining how these officers endured horrific prison conditions and were then tried and executed when they returned home. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761284

Capture-Recapture Methods for the Social and Medical Sciences Capture-recapture methods have been used in biology and ecology for more than 100 years. However it is only recently that these methods have become popular in the social and medical sciences to estimate the size of elusive populations such as illegal immigrants illicit drug users or people with a drinking problem. Capture-Recapture Methods for the Social and Medical Sciences brings together important developments which allow the application of these methods. It has contributions from more than 40 researchers and is divided into eight parts including topics such as ratio regression models capture-recapture meta-analysis extensions of single and multiple source models latent variable models and Bayesian approaches. The book is suitable for everyone who is interested in applying capture-recapture methods in the social and medical sciences. Furthermore it is also of interest to those working with capture-recapture methods in biology and ecology as there are some important developments covered in the book that also apply to these classical application areas. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498745314

Capturing Carbon and Conserving BiodiversityThe Market Approach For decades conservation has been based on the donor-driven principle. It hasn't worked. For centuries environmental pollution or degradation has been addressed by the same attitude: the 'Polluter Pays' principle. That hasn't worked either. The cycle has to stop. But while everyone talks about using a market-driven approach few know how to do it. Faced with the situation on the ground what do you do? What is happening? How can you engage a system so that it is self-sustaining and the people self-motivated? This study explores how the growing market in carbon can help to conserve carbon-based life forms. It discusses how reducing global warming and saving biodiversity can both be achieved with the right market conditions. The contributors include conservation biologists ecologists biologists economists lawyers community and tribal specialists financial specialists market makers environment specialists climatologists resource managers atmospheric scientists project developers and corporate fund managers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770682

Capturing Children's Meanings in Early Childhood Research and PracticeA Practical Guide Capturing Children’s Meanings in Early Childhood Research and Practice draws together contemporary research and established theories to produce a unique take on the meanings children express through a range of creative tools. Drawing on Reggio Emilia and the Mosaic approach this book provides readers with a range of strategies for accessing recording and interpreting young children’s perceptions of and responses to their experiences. Providing a synthesis of the multiple imaginative ways we can capture young children’s meanings through observations art photo elicitation mindfulness music and other creative methods Halpenny covers topics such as: Negotiating challenges presented by researching with children Frameworks for seeing and hearing children’s intentions Accurately documenting and interpreting research findings Promoting children’s meanings and their performance of them Moving forward with new understandings This book is an indispensable resource for students of early childhood education especially for courses focusing on the lived experiences of children from early to middle childhood. It is also a useful reference for those working with young children in educational and caregiving settings and for those advocating for young children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815350040

Capturing Colour Basics Photography 03: Capturing Colour gives readers a comprehensive introduction to the subject of colour and how to master its use in the process of photographic image-making. The topics discussed range from basic colour theory to the colour temperature of light and how to use colour to maximize the impact of compositions. A full and intimate understanding of colour is vital to the creation of dramatic emotive and powerful photographic images. The way we choose to use colour will greatly influence the success of our image-making. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003103387

Capturing Customer EquityMoving from Products to Customers One of the most important new concepts in marketing is customer equity—here’s the essential information you need to create and manage it!This book presents thought-provoking cutting-edge writing on customer equity management. The editors and contributing authors are top international marketing researchers who share their expertise in this new area of marketing research and practice. Capturing Customer Equity: Moving from Products to Markets is designed to enable academics to chart out future research directions and to help marketers to apply recently developed frameworks to the creation and management of customer equity in domestic and international markets. Handy charts tables and figures make complex information easy to access and understand.Capturing Customer Equity: Moving from Products to Markets is divided into five chapters:Developing Relationship Equity in International MarketsThis chapter delves into the realm of relationship marketing to define the term relationship equity and presents strategies for enhancing relationship equity in international markets via personal relationships as well as consistent processes and outcomes. This chapter written by the editors and their partner Arun Sharma also looks at specific implications for relationship marketing theory and practice in international markets. Dimension and Implementation Drivers of Customer Equity Management (CEM)—Conceptual Framework Qualitative Evidence and Preliminary Results of a Quantitative StudyThis chapter explores theoretical considerations as well as qualitative and quantitative research applying confirmatory factor analysis. It identifies three important dimensions of Customer Equity Management (CEM)—analytical strategic and operational—as well as three types of CEM implementation drivers which represent determinants of the three CEM dimensions. Authors Manfred Bruhn Dominik Georgi and Karsten Hadwich present the measures they’ve developed for the CEM dimensions and drivers. These measures provide valuable help to practitioners and academics who need to understand how to manage and implement systematic customer equity management. A Network-Based Approach to Customer Equity ManagementThis chapter by René Algesheimer and Florian von Wangenheim moves beyond the dyadic relationship marketing concept to present a theoretical framework for extending current thinking on customer equity towards the network perspective. Based on the current literature in social work this chapter examines the characteristics that are likely to be powerful predictors of a customer’s network value. Practical implications are highlighted and directions for further research are suggested.Strategies for Maximizing Customer Equity of Low Lifetime Value CustomersThe management of customer equity has become a major issue for many firms. This chapter examines strategies designed to assist firms in their relationships with customers who have low lifetime value. By examining the relevant literature as well as industry strategies author Arun Sharma explores the reasons why “transactional” and “discount” customers have largely been ignored by marketing strategists and proposes methods to enhance segment penetration and the performance of firms. Implications for managers are also highlighted. Customer Value-Based Entry Decision in International Markets: The Cnocept of International Added Customer EquityMarket entry decisions are some of a firm’s most important long-term strategic choices. Still the international marketing literature has not yet fully incorporated the idea of relationship marketing in general and the customer value concept in particular as a basis for market entry decisions. This chapter by Heiner Evanschitzky and Florian von Wange Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315866291

Capturing Japan in Nineteenth-Century New England Photography Collections Poly - Cable organizer kit - for SoundStation Duo Capturing Japan in Nineteenth-Century New England Photography Collections examines the evidence left behind from a famous first encounter-that of prominent New England Americans with the remnants of feudal Japan in the 1870s and 1880s. The study reveals that despite these Americans' varied reasons for traveling to Japan and studying its culture a common desire united all of their collecting activities: to gather photographic documentation of a Japan they believed was disappearing under the pressures of trade and industrialization. Eleanor Hight focuses on the case studies of six New Englanders whose travel and photograph collecting influenced the flowering of Japonism in the late nineteenth-century Boston area-still visible today in institutions such as the Boston Museum of Fine Arts the Peabody Essex Museum and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The book also explores the history of Japanese photography and its main themes from images of travel and historic sites to exotic subjects such as geisha and samurai. The first history of its kind this study makes fundamental points about the ways photographs seeming conveyors of fact imprint mental images and suppositions on their viewers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138260733

Capturing the Complexity of ConflictDealing with Violent Ethnic Conflicts of the Post-Cold War Era First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315072029

Capturing The MomentThe Essence of Photography This is not a book about the fundamentals of shutter speed or how your camera works; it is a book that will teach photographers of all levels how to work with their cameras to capture moments whether they are occurring quickly or unfolding over many hours. Capturing the Moment is about a gesture an expression a ball in the net a whale breaching like Marilyn Monroe’s skirt flying up or Alfred Eisenstaedt’s image of a kiss between a soldier and nurse in Times Square. Moments in all forms are the true core of photography and this book will explain how to anticipate them recognise them choose them and capture them through the eyes and wisdom of award-winning photographer and celebrated author Michael Freeman. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138832480

Capturing the Pícaro in WordsLiterary and Institutional Representations of Marginal Communities in Early Modern Madrid Capturing the Pícaro in Words discusses the framing of the transient marginals of early modern Madrid in the literary pícaro. It compares the perceptions of constables shopkeepers and criminals to those of mass-produced literary representations and argues that the literary representations "displaced" the pícaro assigning the marginals different places in the literary texts in order to centralise the problem of urban vagrancy. The texts "spanished" the pícaro thus establishing the image of a culturally homogenous group; and lastly "silenced" the pícaro under-representing the power marginals in the city derived from their knowledge of the information flows in the city. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367588335

Capturing the Political ImaginationThink Tanks and the Policy Process Think tanks are proliferating. Although they are outside of government many of these policy research institutes are perceived to influence political thinking and public policy. This book develops ideas about policy networks epistemic communities and policy learning in relation to think tanks. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203044292

Capturing the Power of Diversity This stimulating book explores the many ways in which social group workers approach diversity. Capturing the Power of Diversity represents a range of interests and approaches to the challenges faced by group workers throughout the world. It illustrates the complexity creativity and excitement of the diversity concept and it explores how practitioners manage and adjust to diversity and use its power constructively. The contributing authors discuss macro approaches to inequality in social political and economic spheres and address concerns about the fit of group work into the social work curriculum and practitioners’techniques. In this guidebook readers can discover how to emphasize social group work to enhance the education of social work students and to help professionals deal more effectively with cultural diversity.Capturing the Power of Diversity covers practice theory building teaching research and various age and ethnic groups. Chapters explore topics related to: the value and importance of using social group work practice at the macro level educational and practice dimensions of diversity the necessity of dealing with inequality the macro system and its economic and political consequences teaching and practice issues emerging from the effects of race and class on practiceAn enlightening reference and guide Capturing the Power of Diversity is a much-needed source of information for social work practitioners and students who are interested in how diversity impacts social group work and are curious as to how to make group work more effective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965355

Capturing the UniverseA Photographer’s Guide to Deep-Sky Imaging This book provides a thorough introduction to and exploration of deep sky astrophotography for the digital photographer. With over 280 images graphs and tables this introductory book uses a progressive and practical style to teach readers how to image the night sky using existing affordable equipment. The book opens with a brief astronomy primer followed by chapters that build progressively to explain the challenges offer solutions and provide invaluable information on equipment choice through image capture calibration and processing in affordable software. The book’s focus ranges from how to image sweeping vistas and star trails using only a camera body lens and tripod to more advanced methods suitable for imaging galaxies clusters nebulae and stars. Other features of the book include: Real-world assignments showing how and when to use certain tools and how to overcome challenges and setbacks  Practical construction projects Evaluations of the most recent developments in affordable hardware and software Exploration on how sensor performance and light pollution relate to image quality and exposure planning Ground-breaking practical chapters on lucky imaging and choosing and using the latest CMOS cameras Written in an accessible easy to follow format this comprehensive guide equips readers with all the necessary skills to progress from photographer to astrophotographer. Media > Books > Print Books Focal Press 9780367366537

Capturing Upside RiskFinding and Managing Opportunities in Projects With more than three decades of experience as a thought-leader and expert practitioner PMI Fellow Dr. David Hillson shares practical insight into how upside risks can be identified assessed and managed as opportunities. After reviewing the benefits of identifying opportunities the book steps through the opportunity identification and management process in detail describing proven tools and techniques as well as specific tips to make them work in practice.  The book places opportunity management in the context of traditional risk management providing a familiar pathway that leads project managers to discover new benefits and successes.   David Hillson is one of the foremost authorities on risk management. With his latest book he presents a strong case for managing opportunities. As with all of David’s books the style of writing is engaging and easy to understand. There are many nuggets of wisdom in this book as well as a hands-on approach to leveraging opportunity management as a way of improving project performance. — Cyndi Snyder Dionisio PMI Fellow Coronado CA USA. (Chair of the PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition) I enjoyed reading this book which is precise clear logical and persuasive. The clarity of thought and expression explains why David is such a sought-after speaker. This book is a must-read for project risk practitioners as well as for project professionals who are serious about addressing all the risks on their project including the good ones. — Dr Dale Cooper Cammeray NSW Australia. (Director Broadleaf Capital International) At last a clear and valuable book linking both sides of the coin in risk management: threats and opportunities. David Hillson truly engages the reader on how to deal with these two types of risk in projects sharing his wisdom and extensive experience in creating value from risk management. Anyone who has to manage risk in real-world projects should read this book to enhance their opportunity management skills. — Professor Salim Al-Harthi Muscat Oman. (Director of Risk Management Office Sultan Qaboos University) It is vital for value creation in business and in life that we consider uncertainties that would have upside impacts on our objectives (opportunities) as well as downside impacts (threats). Business gets confused between opportunities where there is a binary choice to take or not and true uncertain opportunities that can be seized or left to chance. David has persevered in helping us understand this and this important book is a must-read for all leaders who want to create value through the proactive management of risk. — Dr Ruth Murray-Webster Wakefield UK. (Partner Beyond the Deal LLP and Editor APM Body of Knowledge 7th Edition) As project managers we always seem to focus on threats negative risks. David Hillson one of the foremost thought-leaders on risk management explains approaches to identify and manage opportunities positive risks and how this will help achieve project success. As with his previous books David provides a structured approach with examples tools and techniques. An excellent resource for all project managers in today’s world. — Peter Monkhouse Toronto ON Canada. (Past Chair PMI Board of Directors) Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780815382515

Car Crime Crime involving cars – whether involving offences by drivers or theft of and from cars – represents a substantial proportion of offences committed and occupies an enormous amount of police time. But it is not always perceived as the serious crime that it is: many traffic offences cause enormous harm in terms of death and injury but are often not regarded seriously by drivers the criminal justice system and the state. Other than theft of and from cars it is arguable that car crime is socially constructed as 'not real crime' or 'not even crime'. This book is the first to survey the whole area of car crime. It considers car crime as a coherent whole addressing the concept of car culture; considers car crime in its various guides in relation to issues such as masculinity gender car usage and the environment; considers the historical roots of legislation concerning crime committed in the car through to current legislation and its effects and implications. The book also addresses issues of crime prevention and in particular the role of car manufacturers in making cars more crime proof. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9781843924265

Car Cultures Anyone who assumes that a car is simply a means to get from point A to point B or who even thinks that they know what a car is should read this book. Profoundly shaped by culture the car gives rise to a wide range of emotions from guilt about the environment in the UK to aboriginal concerns with car corpses to struggles to keep the creatures alive with everything but the proper spare parts in West Africa. Cars and their landscapes prove central to human life from its most intimate to the widest sense of global crisis and are capable of inspiring epic passions. From road rage in Western Europe to the struggles of cab driving in Africa to the emergence of Black identity in the US this book examines the essential humanity of the car which includes the jealousies gender differences fears and moralities that cars give rise to. Firmly grounded in detailed ethnographic and historical scholarship this is the first book to provide an informed sense of cars as one of the most familiar and significant forms of material culture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084860

Car TroublesCritical Studies of Automobility and Auto-Mobility Car Troubles central premise is that the car as the dominant mode of travel needs to be problematized. It examines a wide range of issues that are central to automobility by situating it within social economic and political contexts and by combining social theory specific case studies and policy-oriented analysis. With an international team of contributors the book provides a coherent and comprehensive analysis of the global phenomenon of automobility from the Anglo world to the cases in China and Chile and all the elements that relate to it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255340

Caravaggio Caravaggio was one of the most important Italian painters of the 17th century. He was in fact the wellspring of Baroque painting. In Hibbard's words Caravaggio's paintings "speak to us more personally and more poignantly than any others of the time". In this study Howard Hibbard evaluates the work of Caravaggio: notorious as a painter-assassin hailed by many as an original interpreter of the scriptures a man whose exploration of nature has been likened to that of Galileo. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314828

Caravaggio in Film and LiteraturePopular Culture's Appropriation of a Baroque Genius This book provides a panoramic overview of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio's a Baroque Genius appropriation by popular culture. It addresses the theme of the shadow of art by drawing readers' attention to the gap between the work of art and the place it occupies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599911

CaravaggioReflections and Refractions As this collection of essays makes clear the paths to grasping the complexity of Caravaggio’s art are multiple and variable. Art historians from the UK and North America offer new or recently updated interpretations of the works of seventeenth-century Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and of his many followers known as the Caravaggisti. The volume deals with all the major aspects of Caravaggio’s paintings: technique creative process religious context innovations in pictorial genre and narrative market strategies biography patronage reception and new hermeneutical trends. The concluding section tackles the essential question of Caravaggio’s legacy and the production of his followers-not only in terms of style but from some highly innovative strategies: concettismo; art marketing and the price of pictures; self-fashioning and biography; and the concept of emulation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247451

Caravans of the Old SaharaAn Introduction to the History of the Western Sudan Since publication in 1957 the importance of Bohannan's study of judicial institutions and procedures among the Tiv has been widely recognized. It has contributed widely to the continuing discussion concerning the objectives and methods to be followed in the anthropological study of law and the contribution this makes to comparative jurisprudence. the work describes and defines Tiv ideas of 'law' as expressed in the operations of their courts known as Jir. The analysis is based on and illustrated by numerous cases which the author attended and discussed with leaders in the Jir. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138491311

CaravansLives on Wheels in Contemporary Europe In Caravans Hege Høyer Leivestad opens the caravan door to understand how daily life is organised among Britons and Swedes who have relocated either seasonally or permanently to mobile homes. Leivestad investigates how the caravan and campsite come to fit and challenge conventional domestic ideals and how the static mobile caravan can nurture ideas of freedom even when it is standing still. With sensitivity and an awareness of the humour and pathos of the lives of her subjects Leivestad closely examines the shaping of the European camping phenomenon and its day-to-day pleasures and pains ranging from friendships ties to conflictive bingo nights from nosy and noisy neighbours to fake fireplaces and rotten awning floors. As the first ethnographic study of caravan life in Europe Caravans offers a refreshing take on contemporary mobility debates showing how movement can best be understood by taking a detailed look at certain specific mundanities in material culture. This rich and topical ethnography is a must-read for students of anthropology human geography and architecture and for those with an interest in the possibilities and perils of a life on wheels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781350132450

Carbocation ChemistryApplications in Organic Synthesis Carbocation chemistry is not only fundamental to the advancement of organic chemistry it also has found widespread applications in organic synthesis. It is not an exaggeration to say that carbocation chemistry is part of the foundation of organic chemistry. Carbocation Chemistry: Applications in Organic Synthesis provides a panoramic view of carbocation chemistry with an emphasis on synthetic applications. This book is an invaluable tool for organic medicinal and analytical chemists including those working in biochemistry as well as the petroleum plastics and pharmaceutical industries. It is also suitable for upper level undergraduates and graduates in organic chemistry biochemistry and medicinal chemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367873462

Carbohydrate ChemistryProven Synthetic Methods Volume 1 Long gone are the days when synthetic publications included parallel preparative experiments to document reproducibility of the experimental protocols and when journals required such documentation. The new Proven Synthetic Methods Series addresses concerns to chemists regarding irreproducibility of synthetic protocols lack of characterization data for new compounds and inflated yields reported in many chemical communications—trends that have recently become a serious problem. Volume One of Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods includes more detailed versions of protocols previously published for the synthesis of oligosaccharides C-glycosyl compounds sugar nucleotides click chemistry thioglycosides and thioimidates among others. The compilation of protocols covers both common and less frequently used synthetic methods as well as examples of syntheses of selected carbohydrate intermediates with general utility. The major focus of this book is devoted to the proper practice of state-of-the-art preparative procedures including: References to the starting materials used reaction setup work-up and isolation of products followed by identification and proof of purity of the final material General information regarding convenience of operation and comments on safety issues Versatile and practically useful methods that have not received deserved long-lasting recognition or that are difficult to access from their primary sources Copies of 1D NMR spectra of compounds prepared showing purity of materials readers can expect Exploring carbohydrate chemistry from the academic points of view the Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Series provides a compendium of preparatively useful procedures checked by chemists from independent research groups. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367246808

Carbohydrate ChemistryProven Synthetic Methods Volume 2 The second volume in the series Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Volume 2 offers a collection of synthetic procedures valuable to the practice of synthetic carbohydrate chemistry. The series takes an important and unique approach in that all described procedures have been independently verified as reliable and reproducible. With editors and contributors who are highly respected scientists in the field this book provides a widely useful reference for both researchers and students exploring carbohydrate chemistry from both academic and industrial points of view.The book begins with an introductory section that offers tricks and tips collected by the series editor from many years of experience working in carbohydrate laboratories. The subsequent chapters present detailed protocols on both specific synthetic transformations and the preparation of common synthetic intermediates with figures to aid in comprehension. Procedures are described for regioselective benzylidene ring opening reactions oxidation reactions to provide uronic acids stereoselective alpha-glucosylation reactions and more. Protocols for synthetic intermediates of general utility include 3 4 6-tri-O-acetyl-d-galactal phenyl 4 6-O-benzylidene-1-thio-α-d-mannopyranoside 1 2-anhydro-3 4 6-tri-O-benzyl-β-d-mannopyranoside and methyl N-acetylneuraminic acid among many others.Each chapter presents in-depth experimental descriptions for the reported procedures including reaction setup reaction conditions work-up procedures and purification protocols. The chapters also provide detailed characterization of all products and intermediates as well as copies of the 1H NMR and 13C NMR of the described products and intermediates to indicate the purity of the obtained materials and to serve as a valuable reference for future practitioners.This book provides an important starting point to reliably access synthetic carbohydrate materials and as such offers a valuable resource for the synthetic organic chemistry community. Through the streamlined access of well-defined products it provides a thrust to the rapidly growing field of chemical glycobiology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367246846

Carbohydrate ChemistryProven Synthetic Methods Volume 3 Volumes in the Proven Synthetic Methods Series address the concerns many chemists have regarding irreproducibility of synthetic protocols lack of characterization data for new compounds and inflated yields reported in chemical communications—trends that have recently become a serious problem.Featuring contributions from world-renowned experts and overseen by a highly respected series editor Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Volume 3 compiles reliable protocols for the preparation of intermediates for carbohydrate synthesis or other uses in the glycosciences.Exploring carbohydrate chemistry from both the academic and industrial points of view this unique resource brings together useful information into one convenient reference. To ensure reproducibility an independent checker has verified the experimental parts involved by repeating the protocols or using the methods.The book includes new or more detailed versions of previously published protocols as well as those published in not readily available journals. The essential characteristics of the protocols presented are reliability and the expectation of wide utility in the carbohydrate field. The protocols presented will be of wide use to a wide range of readers in the carbohydrate field including undergraduates taking carbohydrate workshops. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894242

Carbohydrate ChemistryProven Synthetic Methods Volume 4 Volumes in the Proven Synthetic Methods Series address the concerns many chemists have regarding irreproducibility of synthetic protocols lack of identification and characterization data for new compounds and inflated yields reported in chemical communications—trends that have recently become a serious problem.Featuring contributions from world-renowned experts and overseen by a highly respected series editor Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods Volume 4 compiles reliable synthetic methods and protocols for the preparation of intermediates for carbohydrate synthesis or other uses in the glycosciences. Exploring carbohydrate chemistry from both the academic and industrial points of view this unique resource brings together useful information into one convenient reference. The series is unique among other synthetic literature in the carbohydrate field in that to ensure reproducibility an independent checker has verified the experimental parts involved by repeating the protocols or using the methods.The book includes new or more detailed versions of previously published protocols as well as those published in not readily available journals. The essential characteristics of the protocols presented are reliability updated characterization data for newly synthesized substances and the expectation of wide utility in the carbohydrate field. The protocols presented will be of wide use to a broad range of readers in the carbohydrate field and the life sciences including undergraduates taking carbohydrate workshops. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367893156

Carbohydrate ChemistryProven Synthetic Methods Volume 5 Volumes in the Proven Synthetic Methods Series address the concerns many chemists have regarding irreproducibility of synthetic protocols lack of identification and characterization data for new compounds and inflated yields reported in chemical communications—trends that have recently become a serious problem. Exploring carbohydrate chemistry from both the academic and industrial points of view this unique resource brings together useful information into one convenient reference. The series is unique among other synthetic literature in the carbohydrate field in that to ensure reproducibility an independent checker has verified the experimental parts involved by repeating the protocols or using the methods. Featuring contributions from world-renowned experts and overseen by a highly respected series editor this latest volume compiles reliable protocols for the preparation of intermediates for carbohydrate synthesis or other uses in the glycosciences. Key Features: Explains reliable and tested protocols for the preparation of intermediates for carbohydrate synthesis Offers a unique resource in glycosciences compiling useful information in one reference Presents protocols that are of wide use to a broad range of readers in the carbohydrate field and the life sciences including undergraduates taking carbohydrate workshops Explores synthetic carbohydrate chemistry from both the academic and industrial points of view Guarantees the reader a good clean reproducible experiment Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815367888

Carbohydrate-Modifying Biocatalysts This book provides an actual overview of structure function and application of carbohydrate-modifying biocatalysts. Unlike amino acids and nucleic acids carbohydrates have been disregarded for a long time by the scientific community mainly due to their complex structure and a lack of suited experimental methods for structure determination. Meanwhile the situation changed with increasing knowledge about carbohydrates glycoconjugates and carbohydrate-modifying enzymes together with the key roles they play in biological processes such as recognition signal transduction and immune responses. An outcome of research activities in glycoscience which at the same time is of great general interest is the development of several new pharmaceuticals against serious diseases such as malaria cancer and various storage diseases. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814241670

Carbohydrates in Food Carbohydrates in Food Third Edition provides thorough and authoritative coverage of the chemical analysis structure functional properties analytical methods and nutritional relevance of monosaccharides disaccharides and polysaccharides used in food. Carbohydrates have become a hot topic in the debate about what to eat. This new edition includes increased treatment of resistant starch dietary fiber and starch digestion especially in relation to different diets suggesting that carbohydrate consumption should be reduced. New to the Third Edition: Explains how models for starch molecules have been improved recently leading to clearer understanding Discusses the growing interest in new sources of carbohydrates such as chitosan and fructans because of their function as prebiotics Features the latest developments on research into dietary fiber and starch digestion Carbohydrates in Food Third Edition combines the latest data on the analytical physicochemical and nutritional properties of carbohydrates offering a comprehensive and accessible single source of information. It evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of using various analytical methods presents discussion of relevant physicochemical topics that relate to the use of carbohydrates in food that allow familiarity with important functional aspects of carbohydrates; and includes information on relevant nutritional topics in relation to the use of carbohydrates in food. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482245431

Carbon Nitrogen and Sulfur Pollutants and Their Determination in Air and Water For chemists and engineers in ecology food science pollution control and related fields. Details the procedures available for monitoring and controlling carbon sulfur and nitrogen pollutants in such industries as waste water treatment energy transportation pharmaceuticals and mining. Outlin Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003066354

Carbon BlackScience and Technology Second Edition The second edition of this reference provides comprehensive examinations of developments in the processing and applications of carbon black including the use of new analytical tools such as scanning tunnelling microscopy Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and inverse gas chromatography.;Completely rewritten and updated by numerous experts in the field to reflect the enormous growth of the field since the publication of the previous edition Carbon Black: discusses the mechanism of carbon black formation based on recent advances such as the discovery of fullerenes; elucidates micro- and macrostructure morphology and other physical characteristics; outlines the fractal geometry of carbon black as a new approach to characterization; reviews the effect of carbon black on the electrical and thermal conductivity of filled polymers; delineates the applications of carbon black in elastomers plastics and zerographic toners; and surveys possible health consequences of exposure to carbon black.;With over 1200 literature citations tables and figures this resource is intended for physical polymer surface and colloid chemists; chemical and plastics engineers; spectroscopists; materials scientists; occupational safety and health physicians; and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138763

Carbon Capture Storage and UtilizationA Possible Climate Change Solution for Energy Industry Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is among the advanced energy technologies suggested to make the conventional fossil fuel sources environmentally sustainable. It is of particular importance to coal-based economies. This book deals at length with the various aspects of carbon dioxide capture its utilization and takes a closer look at the earth processes in carbon dioxide storage. It discusses potential of Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization as innovative energy technology towards a sustainable energy future. Various techniques of carbon dioxide recovery from power plants by physical chemical and biological means as well as challenges and prospects in biomimetic carbon sequestration are described. Carbon fixation potential in coal mines and in saline aquifers is also discussed. Please note: This volume is Co-published with The Energy and Resources Institute Press New Delhi. Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367179083

Carbon Capture and its StorageAn Integrated Assessment Climate change is arguably the most important environmental issue that the world currently faces. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) offers the possibility of significant reductions in the volume of CO2 released into the atmosphere in the near to medium term. As a fairly new technology that has not been widely adopted there remain some uncertainties related to both viability and desirability. This book discusses the key issues with regard to technical and legal feasibility economic viability and public and stakeholder perceptions. It also provides recommendations for policy and future research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254909

Carbon Capture and SequestrationRemoving the Legal and Regulatory Barriers The United States produces over seventy percent of all its electricity from fossil fuels and nearly fifty percent from coal alone. Worldwide forty-one percent of all electricity is generated from coal making it the single most important fuel source for electricity generation followed by natural gas. This means that an essential part of any portfolio for emissions reduction will be technology to capture carbon dioxide and permanently sequester it in suitable geologic formations. While many nations have incentivized development of CCS technology large regulatory and legal barriers exist that have yet to be addressed. This book identifies current law and regulation that applies to geologic sequestration in the U.S. the regulatory needs to ensure that geologic sequestration is carried out safely and effectively and barriers that current law and regulation present to timely deployment of CCS. The authors find the three most significant barriers to be: an ill-defined process to access pore space in deep saline formations; a piecemeal procedural and static permitting system; and the lack of a clear responsible plan to address long-term liability associated with sequestered CO2. The book provides legislative options to remove these barriers and address the regulatory needs and makes recommendations on the best options to encourage safe effective deployment of CCS. The authors operationalize their recommendations in legislative language which is of particular use to policymakers faced with the challenge of addressing climate change and energy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781617261015

Carbon Capture and StorageCO2 Management Technologies This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a set of technologies and methods for the mitigation remediation and storage of industrial CO2 emissions the most imminent and virile of the greenhouse gases (GHG). The book addresses the methods and technologies currently being applied developed and most in need of further research. The book: • Discusses methods of carbon capture in industrial settings • Presents biological and geological approaches to carbon sequestration • Introduces ionic liquids as a method of carbon capture • Introduces new approaches to capturing CO2 from ambient air Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880213

Carbon Capture and StorageTechnologies Policies Economics and Implementation Strategies This book focuses on issues related to a suite of technologies known as “Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) ” which can be used to capture and store underground large amounts of industrial CO2 emissions. It addresses how CCS should work as well as where why and how these technologies should be deployed emphasizing the gaps to be filled in terms of research and development technology regulations economics and public acceptance.The book is divided into three parts. The first part helps clarify the global context in which greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be analyzed highlights the importance of fossil-fuel producing and consuming nations in positively driving clean fossil-fuel usage and discusses the applicability of this technology on a global and regional level in a timely yet responsible manner. The second part provides a comprehensive overview of present and future technologies for the three elements of the CCS chain: CO2 capture transport and geological storage. The third part addresses the key drivers for CCS deployment worldwide. It provides analysis and assessment of the economic regulatory social and environmental aspects associated with CCS development and deployment on a global scale. It offers a somewhat different perspective on CCS deployment by highlighting the environmental and socio-economic costs and benefits of CCS solutions compared to alternatives.The book concludes with potential options and guidelines for sustainable and responsible CCS scale-up as a way to address prevailing global energy environment and climate concerns. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073296

Carbon Conflicts and Forest Landscapes in Africa Amidst the pressing challenges of global climate change the last decade has seen a wave of forest carbon projects across the world designed to conserve and enhance forest carbon stocks in order to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and offset emissions elsewhere. Exploring a set of new empirical case studies Carbon Conflicts and Forest Landscapes in Africa examines how these projects are unfolding their effects and who is gaining and losing. Situating forest carbon approaches as part of more general moves to address environmental problems by attaching market values to nature and ecosystems it examines how new projects interact with forest landscapes and their longer histories of intervention. The book asks: what difference does carbon make? What political and ecological dynamics are unleashed by these new commodified marketized approaches and how are local forest users experiencing and responding to them? The book’s case studies cover a wide range of African ecologies project types and national political-economic contexts. By examining these cases in a comparative framework and within an understanding of the national regional and global institutional arrangements shaping forest carbon commoditisation the book provides a rich and compelling account of how and why carbon conflicts are emerging and how they might be avoided in future. This book will be of interest to students of development studies environmental sciences geography economics development studies and anthropology as well as practitioners and policy makers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138824836

Carbon Dioxide Equilibria and Their Applications Carbon dioxide bicarbonate ion and carbonate ion comprise the most important acid-base system in natural waters and the equilibria between them regulate the pH of seawater as well as most rainwater stream water river water and groundwater. Carbon Dioxide Equilibria and Their Applications provides a clear compact presentation of this topic which is central to geochemistry and environmental engineering. It emphasizes a rigorous mathematical and thermodynamic basis for calculations and their application to realistic problems.The book's first four chapters present the basic equations mathematical techniques for visualizing and manipulating them and data on equilibrium constants and activity coefficients. These are presented in the general context of acid-base titration and solubility of CaCO3. The remaining chapters show how these concepts and techniques are applied to geochemistry and oceanography in addition to their applications to water conditioning. Specific topics discussed include acid rain freshwater seawater carbonate sediments in the deep oceans the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on the oceans estuarine waters brines hydrothermal solutions pH adjustment prediction of calcium carbonate saturation corrosion inhibition and water softening. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138430136

Carbon Dioxide ProblemIntegrated Energy and Environmental Policies for the 21st Century The problems of global warming and environmental pollution are some of the most difficult challenges this planet faces in the 21st century. Carbon dioxide often identified as one of the culprits is an inevitable product of the combustion of fossil fuels necessary for our modern economies to survive. Thus The Carbon Dioxide Problem refers to the extremely complex matter of limiting carbon dioxide concentrations to levels that pose little environmental risk without devastating national economies and reducing living standards on the planet. This timely book offers solutions to the global warming problem that lie in the development of comprehensive energy and environmental policies that emphasize the need to use energy efficiently while looking to develop alternative renewable sources. The experience of Japan is particularly relevant due to that country's great dependence on foreign fuel supplies which has led it to be at the forefront of developing new energy conservation and antipollution technologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455750

Carbon Dioxide Reduction through Advanced Conversion and Utilization Technologies Carbon Dioxide Reduction through Advanced Conversion and Utilization Technologies covers fundamentals advanced conversion technologies economic feasibility analysis and future research directions in the field of CO2 conversion and utilization. This book emphasizes principles of various conversion technologies for CO2 reduction such as enzymatic conversion mineralization thermochemical photochemical and electrochemical processes. It addresses materials components assembly and manufacturing degradation mechanisms challenges and development strategies. Applications of conversion technologies for CO2 reduction to produce useful fuels and chemicals in energy and industrial systems are discussed as solutions to reduce greenhouse effects and energy shortages. Particularly the advanced materials and technology of high temperature co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2 to produce sustainable fuels using solid oxide cells (SOCs) are reviewed and the introduction fundamentals and some significant topics regarding this CO2 conversion process are discussed. This book provides a comprehensive and clear picture of advanced technologies in CO2 conversion and utilization. Written in a clear and detailed manner it is suitable for students as well as industry professionals researchers and academics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138095298

Carbon FibersFormation Structure and Properties Carbon Fibers presents an up-to-date review of the progress pertaining to the formation of carbon fibers from rayon acrylic and pitch precursors. The book emphasizes the preparation characterization and properties of commercial materials. It also considers the compressive properties of carbon fibers the lack of correlation between surface characterization and fiber-matrix interactions and the discrepancy between surface composition as determined by XPS and the reaction of surface groups with chemical reagents. Other topics discussed include: Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891323

Carbon Footprint AnalysisConcepts Methods Implementation and Case Studies The negative impacts of carbon emissions from human activities continue to dramatically reshape the environmental political and social landscape. These impacts coupled with cap and trade schemes iterate the importance and need to properly measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon Footprint Analysis: Concepts Methods Implementation and Case Studies provides up-to-date technical information and practical guidance on measuring and reducing energy and GHG emissions. Presenting a comprehensive framework for carbon management this book: Provides definitions concepts benefits and background information regarding carbon footprint analyses Discusses the GHG accounting methods Outlines the general systems framework for conducting an audit Features four case studies in higher education service and manufacturing organizations The book includes detailed discussions of the concepts and explains how the different concepts fit together. It supplies the necessary background as well as systematic tools and procedures for organizations to measure and reduce their carbon footprints and begin to adapt to a carbon-constrained world. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439857830

Carbon Footprints as Cultural-Ecological Metaphors Through an examination of carbon footprint metaphors this books demonstrates the ways in which climate change and other ecological issues are culturally and materially constituted through metaphor. The carbon footprint metaphor has achieved a ubiquitous presence in Anglo-North American public contexts since the turn of the millennium yet this metaphor remains under-examined as a crucial mediator of political responses to the urgent crisis of climate change. Existing books and articles on the carbon footprint typically treat this metaphor as a quantifying metric with little attention to the shifting mediations and practices of the carbon footprint as a metaphor. This gap echoes a wider gap in understanding metaphors as key figures in mediating more-than-human relations at a time when such relations profoundly matter. As a timely intervention this book addresses this gap by using insights from environmental humanities and political ecology to discuss carbon footprint metaphors in popular and public texts. This book will be of great interest to researchers and students of environmental humanities political ecology environmental communication and metaphor studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367263041

Carbon Governance Climate Change and Business Transformation Transformation to a low carbon economy is a central tenet to any discussion on the solutions to the complex challenges of climate change and energy security. Despite advances in policy carbon management and continuing development of clean technology fundamental business transformation has not occurred because of multiple political economic social and organisational issues. Carbon Governance Climate Change and Business Transformation is based on leading academic and industry input and three international workshops focused on low carbon transformation in leading climate policy jurisdictions (Canada USA and the UK) under the international Carbon Governance Project (CGP) banner. The book pulls insights from this innovative collaborative network to identify the policy combinations needed to create transformative change. It explores fundamental questions about how governments and the private sector conceptualize the problem of climate change the conditions under which business transformation can genuinely take place and key policy and business innovations needed. Broadly the book is based on emerging theories of multi-levelled multi-actor carbon governance and applies these ideas to the real world implications for tackling climate change through business transformation. Conceptually and empirically this book stimulates both academic discussion and practical business models for low carbon transformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138205178

Carbon InequalityThe Role of the Richest in Climate Change With a specific focus on the United States and the United Kingdom Carbon Inequality studies the role of the richest people in contributing to climate change via their luxury consumption and their investments. In an innovative contribution it attempts to quantify personal responsibility for shareholdings in large fossil fuel companies. This book explores the implications of the richest people’s historic responsibility for global warming the impacts of which affect them less than most others in global society. Kenner analyses how the richest people running large oil and gas companies have successfully used their political influence to lobby the US and UK government. This assessment of their growing political power is particularly pertinent at a time of increasing inequality and growing public awareness of the impact of climate change. The book also highlights the crucial role of the richest in blocking the low-carbon transition in the US and the UK exploring how this could be countered to ensure fossil fuels are fully replaced by renewable energy. This book will be of great relevance to scholars and policy makers with an interest in inequality climate change and sustainability transitions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815399223

Carbon Management in the Built Environment Three broad sectors of the economy are generally recognized as key to a low carbon future: energy construction and transportation. Of these carbon management in the built environment remains the least well-studied. This much-needed book brings together the latest developments in the field of climate change science building design   materials science energy and policy in a form readily accessible to both students of the built environment and practitioners. Although several books exist in the broad area of carbon management this is the first to bring together carbon management technology technique and policy as they apply to the building sector. Clear and succinct sections on the overarching principles policies approaches and technologies are combined with case studies and more in-depth coverage of the most relevant topics. It explains how to produce a simple carbon footprint calculation while also being an informative guide for those developing or implementing more advanced approaches. This easy to read book is the ideal primer for anyone needing to get to grips with carbon management in the built environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415684071

Carbon Markets or Climate Finance?Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World This book builds on a decade-long experience with mechanisms provided by the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It discusses the challenges of climate finance in the context of the post-Copenhagen negotiations and provides a long-term outlook of how climate finance in developing countries could develop. Written by climate finance experts from academia carbon finance businesses and international organizations the book provides background firsthand insights case studies and analysis into the complex subject area of climate finance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415743433

Carbon MarketsAn International Business Guide Winner of the Choice Outstanding Academic Titles of 2010 award. This book is a comprehensive and accessible guide to understanding the opportunities offered by regulated and voluntary carbon markets for tackling climate change. Coverage includes: - An overview of the problem of climate change with a concise review of the most recent scientific evidence in different fields - A highly accessible introduction to the economic theory and different constitutive elements of a carbon allowances market - Explanation of the Kyoto Protocol and its flexibility mechanisms - Explanation of how the EU Emissions Trading Scheme works in practice - Ongoing developments in regulated carbon markets in the US - Up-to-the-minute coverage of regulated carbon markets in Australia - Developments in New Zealand and Japan - Carbon offsetting and voluntary carbon markets. Combining theoretical aspects with practical applications this book is for business leaders financiers carbon traders lawyers bankers researchers policy makers and anyone interested in market mechanisms to mitigate climate change. The carbon emissions resulting from the production of this book have been calculated reduced and offset to render the bookcarbon neutral. Published with CO2 Neutral Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138880801

Carbon Membrane TechnologyFundamentals and Applications Carbon membranes have great advantages of strong mechanical strength and high chemical stabilities as well as high separation performance to reach the industrial attractive region. Further improvement on membrane performance can potentially offset the relatively high production cost compared to polymeric membranes. However there are still some challenges related to fabrication of asymmetric carbon membranes the controlling of structure and pore-size and module up-scaling for commercial application. The aim of this book is to provide the fundamentals on carbon membrane materials for the young researchers and engineers to develop frontier membrane materials for energy efficient separation process. This book describes the status and perspectives of both self-supported and supported carbon membranes from fundamentals to applications. The key steps on the development of high performance carbon membranes including precursor selection tuning carbon membrane structure and regeneration are discussed. In the end different potential applications both in gas and liquids separation are well described and the future directions for carbon membrane development were pointed out. To this end membrane science and engineering are set to play crucial roles as enabling technologies to provide energy efficient and cost-effective future solutions for energy and environment related processes. Based on this approach the research projects which are trying to find attractive carbon materials in our days are many. The published papers per year in the topic of carbon membranes especially for biogas upgrading natural gas sweetening and hydrogen purification are numerous with very high impact. However only few are the books which include relevant to the topic of carbon membrane technology. This book offers the condensed and interdisciplinary knowledge on carbon membranes and provides the opportunity to the scientists who are working in the field of carbon membrane technology for gas and liquid separations to present share and discuss their contributions within the membrane community. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138333376

Carbon Monoxide Toxicity Public interest in the health impacts of carbon monoxide (CO) has been increasing rapidly during the past decade. And rightly so: it is the most ubiquitous environmental poison. Car exhaust fumes furnaces gas-powered engines home water heaters smoke from all types of fire and tobacco smoke all contribute to carbon monoxide intoxication - the leading cause of poisoning death in the United States. Even when it doesn't cause death it often produces lasting deleterious effects on the central nervous system.From one of the world's top CO experts Carbon Monoxide Toxicity examines the latest basic science and clinical research from around the world. It addresses the gamut of health-related CO issues from the history of CO studies to the hidden threat of chronic low-level exposure. The broad themes center on clinical management of various forms of CO poisoning and education of the public on the constant dangers of CO. Thanks to the success of CO environmental health regulations in the U.S. society is much more aware of the threat of CO poisoning. Increasing numbers of people use CO detectors in public buildings homes pleasure boats and aircraft. Carbon Monoxide Toxicity meets the need for current research on the clinical management of CO poisoning.Visit the author's Web site at Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398552

Carbon Nanomaterials This book provides information on synthesis properties and applications of carbon nanomaterials. With novel materials such as graphene (atomically flat carbon) or carbon onions (carbon nanospheres) the family of carbon nanomaterials is rapidly growing. This book provides a state-of-the-art overview and in-depth analysis of the most important carbon nanomaterials. Each chapter is written by a leading expert in the field which ensures that both a review on the subject along with emerging perspectives are provided to the reader. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076815

Carbon Nanomaterials Based on Graphene Nanosheets Since the discovery of graphene it has become one of the most widely and extensively studied materials. This book aims to summarize the progress in synthesis processing characterization and applications of a special group of nanocarbon materials derived from graphene or graphene related derivatives by using various strategies in different forms. More specifically three forms of macrosized materials are presented i.e. one-dimension or 1D (fibers wires yarns streads etc.) two-dimension or 2D (films membranes papers sheets etc.) and three-dimension or 3D (bulk hydrogels aerogels foams sponges etc.). Seven chapters are included with the first chapter serving to introduce the concept definition and nomenclature of graphene graphene oxide and their derivatives. The main topics are covered in Chapters 2‒7. Although they have coherent connections each chapter of them is designed such that they can be studied independently. The target readers of this book include undergraduate students postgraduate students researchers designers engineers professors and program/project managers from the fields of materials science and engineering applied physics chemical engineering biomaterials materials manufacturing and design institutes and research founding agencies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498725040

Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy TechnologiesFundamentals and Applications This book offers comprehensive coverage of carbon-based nanomaterials and electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies such as batteries fuel cells supercapacitors and hydrogen generation and storage as well as the latest material and new technology development. It addresses a variety of topics such as electrochemical processes materials components assembly and manufacturing degradation mechanisms challenges and strategies. With in-depth discussions ranging from electrochemistry fundamentals to engineering components and applied devices this all-inclusive reference offers a broad view of various carbon nanomaterials and technologies for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498746021

Carbon Nanomaterials for Gas Adsorption Research in adsorption of gases by carbon nanomaterials has experienced considerable growth in recent years with increasing interest for practical applications. Many research groups are now producing or using such materials for gas adsorption storage purification and sensing. This book provides a selected overview of some of the most interesting scientific results regarding the outstanding properties of carbon nanomaterials for gas adsorption and of interest both for basic research and technological applications. Topics receiving special attention in this book include storage of H purification of H storage of rare gases adsorption of organic vapors gas trapping and separation and metrology of gas adsorption. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814316439

Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment Carbon nanomaterials possess special physical and chemical properties. As adsorbents they are widely used for the purification of water and other liquids recovery of valuable substances from liquid and gaseous media and oil refining and also in petrochemical wine oil and fat and other industries. They can be used in medicine both for the creation of hemosorption systems that are capable of performing specific purification of blood and other physiological fluids including removal of various exo- and endotoxicants and for the construction of highly effective adsorbed probiotics.The creation of nanostructured carbon-containing materials is one of many rapidly developing research fields and also the theme of this book. The book focuses on the recent developments in the synthesis of nanostructured carbon multifunctional sorbents and covers topics such as fusicoccin compounds as anticancer agents entero- and vulnerosorption and blood purification. It will be useful for scientists chemical industry specialists professors and master’s and PhD students of chemical physical and biological sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814800273

Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook Two-Volume Set This two-volume sourcebook is the most comprehensive reference for carbon nanomaterials bringing together the physics chemistry materials science molecular biology and engineering of all carbon nanomaterial types that are important in electronics energy biomedical and environmental applications. Each chapter addresses the fundamental properties growth mechanisms processing and functionalization of a particular nanocarbon. The first volume covers graphene fullerenes nanotubes and nanodiamonds. The second volume focuses on nanoparticles nanocapsules nanofibers nanoporous structures and nanocomposites. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482252729

Carbon Nanomaterials SourcebookGraphene Fullerenes Nanotubes and Nanodiamonds Volume I The Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook contains extensive interdisciplinary coverage of carbon nanomaterials encompassing the full scope of the field—from physics chemistry and materials science to molecular biology engineering and medicine—in two comprehensive volumes. Written in a tutorial style this first volume of the sourcebook: Focuses on graphene fullerenes nanotubes and nanodiamonds Describes the fundamental properties growth mechanisms and processing of each nanomaterial discussed Explores functionalization for electronic energy biomedical and environmental applications Showcases materials with exceptional properties synthesis methods large-scale production techniques and application prospects Provides the tools necessary for understanding current and future technology developments including important equations tables and graphs Each chapter is dedicated to a different type of carbon nanomaterial and addresses three main areas: formation properties and applications. This setup allows for quick and easy search making the Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Graphene Fullerenes Nanotubes and Nanodiamonds Volume I a must-have reference for scientists and engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482252682

Carbon Nanomaterials SourcebookNanoparticles Nanocapsules Nanofibers Nanoporous Structures and Nanocomposites Volume II The Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook contains extensive interdisciplinary coverage of carbon nanomaterials encompassing the full scope of the field—from physics chemistry and materials science to molecular biology engineering and medicine—in two comprehensive volumes. Written in a tutorial style this second volume of the sourcebook: Focuses on nanoparticles nanocapsules nanofibers nanoporous structures and nanocomposites Describes the fundamental properties growth mechanisms and processing of each nanomaterial discussed Explores functionalization for electronic energy biomedical and environmental applications Showcases materials with exceptional properties synthesis methods large-scale production techniques and application prospects Provides the tools necessary for understanding current and future technology developments including important equations tables and graphs Each chapter is dedicated to a different type of carbon nanomaterial and addresses three main areas: formation properties and applications. This setup allows for quick and easy search making the Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Nanoparticles Nanocapsules Nanofibers Nanoporous Structures and Nanocomposites a must-have reference for scientists and engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482252705

Carbon Nanomaterials: Modeling Design and Applications Carbon Nanomaterials: Modeling Design and Applications provides an in-depth review and analysis of the most popular carbon nanomaterials including fullerenes carbon nanotubes graphene and novel carbon nanomaterial-based membranes and thin films with emphasis on their modeling design and applications. This book provides basic knowledge of the structures properties and applications of carbon-based nanomaterials. It illustrates the fundamental structure-property relationships of the materials in both experimental and modeling aspects offers technical guidance in computational simulation of nanomaterials and delivers an extensive view on current achievements in research and practice while presenting new possibilities in the design and usage of carbon nanomaterials. This book is aimed at both undergraduate and graduate students researchers designers professors and professionals within the fields of materials science and engineering mechanical engineering applied physics and chemical engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815357841

Carbon NanomaterialsSynthesis Structure Properties and Applications The study of nanostructures has become in recent years a theme common to many disciplines in which scientists and engineers manipulate matter at the atomic and molecular level in order to obtain materials and systems with significantly improved properties. Carbon nanomaterials have a unique place in nanoscience owing to their exceptional thermal electrical chemical and mechanical properties finding application in areas as diverse as super strong composite materials energy storage and conversion supercapacitors smart sensors targeted drug delivery paints and nanoelectronics. This book is the first to cover a broad spectrum of carbon nanomaterials namely carbon nanofibers vapor-grown carbon fibers different forms of amorphous nanocarbons besides carbon nanotubes fullerenes graphene graphene nanoribbons graphene quantum dots etc. in a single volume. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781498702102

Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects An Alternative to Copper-Based Interconnect Technology With an increase in demand for more circuit components on a single chip there is a growing need for nanoelectronic devices and their interconnects (a physical connecting medium made of thin metal films between several electrical nodes in a semiconducting chip that transmit signals from one point to another without any distortion). Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects explores two new important carbon nanomaterials carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene nanoribbon (GNR) and compares them with that of copper-based interconnects. These nanomaterials show almost 1 000 times more current-carrying capacity and significantly higher mean free path than copper. Due to their remarkable properties CNT and GNR could soon replace traditional copper interconnects. Dedicated to proving their benefits this book covers the basic theory of CNT and GNR and provides a comprehensive analysis of the CNT- and GNR-based VLSI interconnects at nanometric dimensions. Explore the Potential Applications of CNT and Graphene for VLSI Circuits The book starts off with a brief introduction of carbon nanomaterials discusses the latest research and details the modeling and analysis of CNT and GNR interconnects. It also describes the electrical thermal and mechanical properties and structural behavior of these materials. In addition it chronicles the progression of these fundamental properties explores possible engineering applications and growth technologies and considers applications for CNT and GNR apart from their use in VLSI circuits. Comprising eight chapters this text: Covers the basics of carbon nanotube and graphene nanoribbon Discusses the growth and characterization of carbon nanotube and graphene nanoribbon Presents the modeling of CNT and GNR as future VLSI interconnects Examines the applicability of CNT and GNR in terms of several analysis works Addresses the timing and frequency response of the CNT and GNR interconnects Explores the signal integrity analysis for CNT and GNR interconnects Models and analyzes the applicability of CNT and GNR as power interconnects Considers the future scope of CNT and GNR Beneficial to VLSI designers working in this area Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects provides a complete understanding of carbon-based materials and interconnect technology and equips the reader with sufficient knowledge about the future scope of research and development for this emerging topic. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138822313

Carbon Nanotubes and NanoparticlesCurrent and Potential Applications This new volume looks at significant new research methodologies and applications in the fields of carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles. It explores a variety of new developments in advanced carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles along with the tools to characterize and predict their properties and behavior. It introduces and reviews methods that are most frequently encountered in sophisticated nano-scaled materials domains  and helps to bridge the gap between classical analysis and modern real-life applications. A diverse array of topics in the field is addressed that provides many practical insights into nanocomposites and nanomaterials sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887342

Carbon Nanotubes and Their Applications This book overviews the current status of research and development activities of CNTs in nanodevices nanomaterials or nanofabrication. This book presents 15 state-of-the-art review articles that cover CNT synthesis technologies for growing highly orientated CNTs chirality-pure CNTs and CNTs at a large throughput and low cost CNT assembly techniques CNT sorting and separation processes CNT functionalization engineering for more functionalities CNT fundamental properties and their practical/potential electrical electronic optical mechanical chemical and biological applications. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814241908

Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer Reinforcement Discovered in the twentieth century carbon nanotubes (CNT) were an integral part of science and industry by the beginning of the twenty first century revolutionizing chemistry physics and materials science. More recent advances in carbon nanotube production methods have resulted in a tremendous push to incorporate CNTs into polymer matrices. Although many advances have been made two major obstacles continue unresolved: the enhancement of interfacial adhesion between CNTs and polymer matrix and the improvement of dispersion of CNTs in polymers. Both substantial original contributors to the field the authors present Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer Reinforcement the first monograph on various conventional and innovative techniques to disperse and functionalize carbon nanotubes for polymer reinforcement elegantly explaining the basic sciences and technologies involved in those processes. Topics covered include: Use of CNTs in fabricating novel polymer composites Principles and mechanisms behind CNT dispersion and functionalization Methods for the functionalization and dispersion of CNTs in polymer matrices Effects of CNTs on functional and mechanical properties of polymer composites Optimization of CNT/polymer nanocomposite fabrication Carbon Nanotubes for Polymer Reinforcement is a comprehensive treatment and critical review of the new class of polymer nanocomposites and points to areas of future developments. Composites engineers scientists researchers and students will find the basic knowledge and technical results contained herein informative and useful references for their work whether for advanced research or for design and manufacture of such composites. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073302

Carbon NanotubesAngels or Demons? The field of C-nanoparticles toxicity is at present fragmented and contradictory oscillating between enthusiastic raptures and bitter disappointments. This important book presents an overall unitary view of the carbon nanoparticle world in which both the positive and negative aspects of these recently discovered nanomaterials are critically de Media > Books > E-books Pan Stanford Publishing 9780429109164

Carbon NanotubesFrom Bench Chemistry to Promising Biomedical Applications This book represents a critical evaluation of the most recent discoveries about carbon nanotubes and includes a cautious description of their impact on personal health and environmental pollution. It also offers an overview of the main research groups around the world which have been focusing their efforts on the exploitation of this intriguing material with the purpose of inspiring young scientists to follow their pathway. Media > Books > E-books Pan Stanford Publishing 9780429066337

Carbon NanotubesProperties and Applications Since their discovery more than a decade ago carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have held scientists and engineers in captive fascination seated on the verge of enormous breakthroughs in areas such as medicine electronics and materials science to name but a few. Taking a broad look at CNTs and the tools used to study them Carbon Nanotubes: Properties and Applications comprises the efforts of leading nanotube researchers led by Michael O’Connell protégé of the late father of nanotechnology Richard Smalley. Each chapter is a self-contained treatise on various aspects of CNT synthesis characterization modification and applications. The book opens with a general introduction to the basic characteristics and the history of CNTs followed by discussions on synthesis methods and the growth of “peapod” structures. Coverage then moves to electronic properties and band structures of single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) magnetic properties Raman spectroscopy of electronic and chemical behavior and electromechanical properties and applications in NEMS (nanoelectromechanical systems). Turning to applications the final sections of the book explore mechanical properties of SWNTs spun into fibers sidewall functionalization in composites and using SWNTs as tips for scanning probe microscopes. Taking a fresh look at this burgeoning field Carbon Nanotubes: Properties and Applications points the way toward making CNTs commercially viable. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315222127

Carbon NanotubesReinforced Metal Matrix Composites From the Foreword written by legendary nano pioneer M. Meyyappan Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field California USA: "…there is critical need for a book to summarize the status of the field but more importantly to lay out the principles behind the technology. This is what Professor Arvind Agarwal and his co-workers … have done here." Carbon Nanotubes: Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites reflects the authors’ desire to share the benefits of nanotechnology with the masses by developing metal matrix carbon nanotube (MM-CNT) composites for large-scale applications. Multiwall carbon nanotubes can now be produced on a large scale and at a significantly reduced cost. The book explores potential applications and applies the author’s own research to highlight critical developmental issues for different MM-CNT composites—and then outline novel solutions. With this problem-solving approach the book explores: Advantages limitations and the evolution of processing techniques used for MM-CNT composites Characterization techniques unique to the study of MM-CNT composites—and the limitations of these methods Existing research on different MM-CNT composites presented in useful tables that include composition processing method quality of CNT dispersion and properties The micro-mechanical strengthening that results from adding CNT The applicability of micro-mechanics models in MM-CNT composites Significance of chemical stability for carbon nanotubes in the metal matrix as a function of processing and its impact on CNT/metal interface and mechanical properties Computational studies that have not been sufficiently covered although they are essential to research and development The critical issue of CNT dispersion in the metal matrix as well as a unique way to quantify CNT distribution and subsequently improve control of the processing parameters for obtaining improved properties Carbon Nanotubes: Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites paints a vivid picture of scientific and application achievements in this field. Exploring the mechanisms through which CNTs are enhancing the properties of different metal-based composites the authors provide a roadmap to help researchers develop MM-CNT composites and choose potential materials for use in emerging areas of technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138113732

Carbon NanotubesTheoretical Concepts and Research Strategies for Engineers This book presents the diversity of recent advances in carbon nanotubes from a broad perspective that will be useful for scientists as well as for graduate students and engineers. Presenting leading-edge research in this dynamic field this volume is an introduction to the physical concepts needed for investigating carbon nanotubes and other one-dimensional solid-state systems. Written for a wide scientific readership each chapter consists of an instructive approach to the topic and sustainable ideas for solutions. Carbon nanotubes with their extraordinary mechanical and unique electronic properties have garnered much attention in recent years. With a broad range of potential applications including nanoelectronics composites chemical sensors biosensors microscopy nanoelectromechanical systems and many more the scientific community is more motivated than ever to move beyond basic properties and explore the real issues associated with carbon nanotube-based applications. Carbon nanotubes are exceptionally interesting from a fundamental research point of view. They open up new perspectives for various applications such as nano-transistors in circuits field-emission displays artificial muscles or added reinforcements in alloys. This book reviews the recent progress in modeling of carbon nanotubes and their composites. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods are discussed. The ability of continuum methods to bridge different scales is emphasized. Recommendations for future research are given by focusing on what each method has to learn from the nano-scale. The scope of the book is to provide current knowledge aiming to support researchers entering the scientific area of carbon nanotubes to choose the appropriate modeling tool for accomplishing their study and place their efforts to further improve continuum methods. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880527

Carbon Politics and the Failure of the Kyoto Protocol Carbon Politics and the Failure of Kyoto charts the framework and political evolution of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations and examines the ensuing failure of the international community to adequately address climate change. The focus is not on the science or consequences of climate change but on the political gamesmanship of the major players throughout the UNFCCC negotiation process. More than an updated history of the subject matter this book provides a detailed study of the carbon targets which became the biggest influencing factor on the reaction of nations to Kyoto’s binding agreements. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the leading nations’ motives including the US China and Germany in entering the negotiations in particular their economic interests. Despite the effort to combat climate change in politics that the negotiations represent the book concludes that an agreement which requires almost 200 very different nations to agree on a single protocol is doomed to failure. The book offers a novel contribution to our understanding of this failure and suggests alternative frameworks and policies to tackle what is arguably the most complex political issue of our time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138186880

Carbon ReductionPolicies Strategies and Technologies Significant reduction of local regional national and international greenhouse gas emissions in homes businesses industries and communities has become an international priority. This book describes in clear concise and understandable terms the nature and scope of the climate change problem. The authors combine their considerable expertise to offer guidelines for defining and applying effective carbon reduction policies strategies and technologies. They propose a well-defined road map which can be implemented to help control and abate the alarming increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Media > Books > E-books Fairmont Press 9781003151425

Carbon Responsibility and Embodied EmissionsTheory and Measurement Climate change policy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are currently discussed at all scales ranging from the Kyoto Protocol to the increasingly frequent advertisement of ''carbon neutrality'' in consumer products. However the only policy option usually considered is the reduction of direct emissions. Another potential policy tool currently neglected is the reduction of indirect emissions i.e. the emissions embodied in goods and services or the payments thereof. This book addresses the accounting of indirect carbon emissions (as embodied in international trade) within the framework of input-output analysis and derives an indicator of environmental responsibility as the average of consumer and producer responsibility. A global multi-regional input-output model is built using databases on international trade and greenhouse gas emissions from which embodied carbon emissions and carbon responsibilities are obtained. Carbon Responsibility and Embodied Emissions consists of a theoretical part concerning the choice of environmental indicators and an applied part reporting an environmental multi-regional input-output model. It will be of particular interest to postgraduate students and researchers in Ecological Economics Environmental Input-Output Analysis and Industrial Ecology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516846

Carbon Risk and Green Finance As the world plans for economic recovery following the global COVID-19 pandemic major economies are looking to comprehensive strategies for addressing carbon risks and identifying green finance opportunities. Since Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and Michael Bloomberg began tackling climate change as a financial concern the international financial community has been developing sophisticated analytical tools that will enable the success of comprehensive efforts to address carbon risks and identify green finance opportunities. This timely publication offers a cutting-edge analysis of the financial aspects of climate change. It discusses the most important analytical tools their origin how they work where they can go and how they fit into a larger strategy. First reporting frameworks can allow companies to see how well they are addressing carbon risks in particular with respect to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. Second by quantifying how much greenhouse gas companies emit into the atmosphere as a direct or indirect result of their operations carbon footprint calculations can help identify carbon risks with particular companies especially within supply chains. Third brown taxonomies can help investors identify current carbon risks by classifying fossil fuel assets in a systematic manner. Fourth green taxonomies can help investors identify current green finance opportunities by classifying sustainable activities in a systematic manner. Fifth scenario analysis for assets can help investors identify future carbon risks and green finance opportunities. Finally stress testing for liabilities can help insurers and banks address future carbon risks and better inform policymakers. Scholars policymakers and business professionals will find this book informative. They will gain a comprehensive understanding of the analytical tools supporting efforts to address carbon risks and identify green finance opportunities. This will hopefully make these individuals more successful in their personal endeavors to build a more sustainable and resilient economy for future generations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367559915

Carbon Transfer PrintingA Step-by-Step Manual Featuring Contemporary Carbon Printers and Their Creative Practice Carbon Transfer Printing is a book about one of the earliest photographic processes that provided the first permanent printing methods available in one form or another for over 150 years. This book reviews the extensive history of carbon transfer and related pigment processes in both monochrome and color to serve as point source for a new carbon printer to begin to master the craft of carbon printing as well as provide new material for experienced carbon printers so they can expand their techniques. The book includes never-before-published information on pre-sensitizing carbon tissue with newly identified compounds information on the safe use and disposal of hexavalent chromium compounds and simplified methods of producing 3-color carbon prints. Carbon Transfer Printing is divided into two parts illustrated with 175 photographs. Part One is a complete how-to on the carbon transfer process from simple to complex with a troubleshooting guide and an extensive chapter on digital negatives. Part Two is devoted to contemporary carbon printers who share their methods and secrets to creating their beautiful carbon prints. Topics that the book covers are: Key events in carbon’s history How to organize the carbon workplace Sections on necessary supplies and equipment A step-by-step digital method of making high quality digital negatives Simple and advanced methods of carbon printing How to make carbon tissue including several methods of pre-sensitizing How to choose UV light sources for printing in carbon Step-by-step processing directions How to prepare final support papers Troubleshooting carbon Multi-layer printing to add tone or make a full color carbon print Finishing and final presentation of carbon prints A gallery of images and advice from contemporary carbon printers Carbon Transfer Printing is designed for both the beginning carbon enthusiast as well as for the advanced practitioner. Backed with extensive research on carbon printing from books journals and magazine articles from the 1800s to present day and the extensive personal experience in carbon printing of the authors there is enough information in this book to provide inspiration and proof of both the glorious past of carbon printmaking and its enduring importance to a new generation of image makers who value the handmade print. Media > Books > Print Books Focal Press 9781138353831

Carbonaceous Materials and Future EnergyClean and Renewable Energy Sources Carbonaceous Materials and Future Energy: Clean and Renewable Energy Sources provides a systematic analysis of the emerging renewable energy alternatives to fossil fuel and their impact on the current socio-economic premise with carbonaceous chemistry at their base. The present-day fossil fuel–dependent energy scenario is obsolete rapidly decaying with resource constraints and sparking climate change risks like global warming; therefore a technological revolution is needed in terms of global energy sustainability. This book is a humble attempt to recognise various contemporary as well as transpiring alternative state-of-the-art energy technologies and the immense potential carbon materials have in changing the future face of energy. Carbon is the most earth-abundant material with an awe-inspiring range of allotropes that render wonderful properties such as tunable morphology electrical conductivity impressive surface area etc. when explored in the nanoscale. Therefore carbon has the ability to replace expensive and corrosive metals as electrodes in various existing energy technologies especially in storage conversion and harvesting. Carbon-based composite materials offer extensive mechanical strength although they are super lightweight and can be placed in portable devices yet perform for longer times with the added benefit of recyclability. This book features discussions on the ecological impacts of the existing fossil fuel–based energy technologies along with various global energy prediction indicators that dictate the integrated risk the multi-scale changes as well as the need for sustainable alternatives. It also highlights various state-of-the-art renewable energy techniques including solar photovoltaics wind geothermal and biowaste-based energy. Most importantly recognition is given to hybrid energy storage and conversion systems as today’s most important and sustainable source of power based on carbonaceous materials especially their abundance tunability and recyclability. The author then focuses on the integration of available experimental information with future prospects for delivering real-world solutions to existing energy scarcity and helping to unravel sustainable routes with improved energy laws and policies. Features Detailed discussion about the current worldwide energy crisis at the societal scale and the gradual growth of alternative sustainable energy options Elucidation of the role of carbon in revolutionising nanoscience and its bright prospects in developing the future energy scenario with its abundance eco-friendly nature as well as recyclability Extensive discussion of various state-of-the-art energy systems including hybrid technologies and their stages of technological maturity commercialisation and future prospects. Presentation of information in an accessible way for a broad audience; especially students researchers and scientists working in the vast field of energy looking for concise information about current and future energy solutions and exploring them with carbonaceous chemistry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This book gives an integrative overview about how the next-generation energy technology can be built upon the current and future prospects of carbonaceous chemistry. It includes extensive literature-survey analysis as well as detailed discussion of the commercialisation from the laboratory scale to realising the dream of decentralising grid-based electric supply with sustainable energy. Therefore the book may serve as a prospective source for multi-disciplinary energy researchers searching for viable renewable energy solutions in terms of complex global sustainability making it an essential guide and reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815347880

Carbonate Sediments and Rocks Under the MicroscopeA Colour Atlas More than half of the world's petroleum is to be found in carbonate rocks for example in the Middle East the former USSR and in North America. These rocks show a bewildering diversity of grains and textures due in part to the wealth of different fossil organisms which have contributed to carbonate sedimentation and in part to a wide variety of diagenetic processes which can radically modify textures and obscure the depositional fabric.Careful petrographic study with a polarising microscope is a key element of any study of carbonate sediments as a companion to field or core logging and as a necessary precursor to geochemical analysis. This atlas which illustrates in full colour a range of features not attempted in any general textbook is designed as a laboratory manual to keep beside the microscope as an aid to identifying grain types and textures in carbonates. It appeals alike to undergraduate and graduate students and to professionals in teaching institutions research laboratories and industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138430174

Carbonated HydroxyapatiteMaterials Synthesis and Applications This book introduces recent advances in understanding the crystal structure of carbonate hydroxylapatite (also known as bone mineral) which forms the hard tissue of bones and teeth. Bone mineral is the reservoir for carbon dioxide in the body and maintains the concentration of mineral ions in body fluids at homeostasis. The detailed structure of bone mineral has remained obscure more than 80 years after publication of the basic apatite structure because of the nanoscale size and poor quality of bone mineral crystals. An entirely new approach to the determination of carbonate apatite structures has resulted in a greatly expanded role for the c-axis channel of bone mineral crystals in the control of metabolic acidosis and blood pH. The book includes chapters on apatite mineralogy and geochemistry synthesis methods x-ray structure infrared spectroscopy crystal chemistry of carbonate hydroxylapatite and biological apatites. There are 74 illustrations 25 tables of data and 3 appendixes. Discussion of the new research is supported by an outline of the theory behind the methods of investigation and reviews of previous research on hydroxylapatite materials for the benefit of non-specialist students and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814463676

Carbon-Based ElectronicsTransistors and Interconnects at the Nanoscale Discovery of one-dimensional material carbon nanotubes in 1991 by the Japanese physicist Dr. Sumio Iijima has resulted in voluminous research in the field of carbon nanotubes for numerous applications including possible replacement of silicon used in the fabrication of CMOS chips. One interesting feature of carbon nanotubes is that these can be metallic or semiconducting with a bandgap depending on their diameter. In search of non-classical devices and related technologies both carbon nanotube-based field-effect transistors and metallic carbon nanotube interconnects are being explored extensively for emerging logic devices and very large-scale integration. Although various models for carbon nanotube-based transistors and interconnects have been proposed in the literature an integrated approach to make them compatible with the present simulators is yet to be achieved. This book makes an attempt in this direction for the carbon-based electronics through fundamentals of solid-state physics and devices. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814613101

Carbon-based Nanomaterials and HybridsSynthesis Properties and Commercial Applications In recent decades nanotechnology has developed into a highly multidisciplinary topic drawing from a number of fields such as physics materials science biomedicine and different engineering disciplines. The success of nanoscience- and nanotechnology-related research and products is connected with the technological exploitation of size effects in structures and materials and is therefore related to its impact on the society of the future. This most recent trend has been taken up here and represents the main focus of this book applied to carbon-based materials including nanocrystalline diamond aerogels and carbon nanotubes. The book compiles and details cutting-edge research and several applications are described within the field of energy microelectronics and biomedicine. Beyond that a perspective is given including a diversity of industrial applications and market opportunities for C-based nanoscale materials and devices in the future. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814316859

Carbon-based SuperconductorsTowards High-Tc Superconductivity Superconductors (SCs) are attractive materials in all respects for any community. They provide a deep insight into the physical properties of the condensed matters and also have useful applications as ultra-low-power-dissipation systems that can help resolve the present energy problems. In particular the recent advancement of carbon-based new superconductors (CNSCs) is significant. Before 2004 the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of carbon-based SCs was below 1 K except in fullerene clusters. However in 2004 a Russian group discovered that diamond highly doped with boron could be an SC at Tc = 4 K. The following year a group from Cambridge found that calcium-intercalated graphite could be an SC with Tc = 11.5 K. In 2006 and 2008 the editor’s group from Japan also discovered that carbon nanotubes could be SCs at Tc = 12 K. Since then research on CNSCs has increased notably. A small mass of carbon can produce high phonon frequency and high Debye temperature. Combining these with other specified properties of CNSCs (such as one-dimensional electronic states) is highly expected to open doors to high-Tc superconductivity like those of CuO2- and Fe-based SCs which were the only SCs to show Tc > 40 K in the past. CNSCs such as diamond graphite carbon nanotubes fullerenes and others are a very attractive field of research and this book is the first to describe their basic physics and the recent advances toward high Tc in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814303309

Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design The energy used to operate buildings is one of the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. While it is possible to reduce emissions through  climate-responsive design many architects are not trained to do this. Filling an urgent need for a design reference in this emerging field this book describes how to reduce building-related greenhouse gas emissions through appropriate design techniques. It presents strategies to achieve CO2 reductions with an emphasis on control of energy flows through the building envelope and passive heating and cooling strategies. This new revised edition is updated throughout and includes a new chapter on building simulations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498714297

Carbon-Neutral Fuels and Energy Carriers Concerns over an unstable energy supply and the adverse environmental impact of carbonaceous fuels have triggered considerable efforts worldwide to find carbon-free or low-carbon alternatives to conventional fossil fuels. Carbon-Neutral Fuels and Energy Carriers emphasizes the vital role of carbon-neutral energy sources transportation fuels and associated technologies for establishing a sustainable energy future. Each chapter draws on the insight of world-renowned experts in such diverse fields as photochemistry and electrochemistry solar and nuclear energy biofuels and synthetic fuels carbon sequestration and alternative fuel vehicles. After an introductory chapter on different energy options in a carbon-constrained world and proposed measures to stabilize atmospheric CO2 the book analyzes the advantages and challenges facing the introduction of hydrogen fuel to the marketplace. It then examines the role of nuclear power in the production of carbon-free energy and fuels as well as the efficient use and storage of renewable energy resources emphasizing the production of solar fuels from water and CO2. The book also discusses different aspects of bioenergy and biofuels production and use and the potential role of bio-inspired energy systems and industrial processes. The final chapters present a thorough overview and analysis of state-of-the-art fossil fuel decarbonization technologies and clean transportation options. This authoritative work provides the information needed to make more informed choices regarding available clean energy and fuel alternatives. It helps readers to better understand the interconnection between energy and the environment as well as the potential impact of human activities on climate. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073319

Carbons for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Systems As carbons are widely used in energy storage and conversion systems there is a rapidly growing need for an updated book that describes their physical chemical and electrochemical properties. Edited by those responsible for initiating the most progressive conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection (CESEP) this book undoubtedly fills this need. Written in collaboration with prominent scientists in carbon science and its energy-related applications Carbons for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Systems provides the most complete and up-to-date coverage available on carbon materials for application in electrochemical energy storage and conversion. The text studies different carbon materials and their detailed physicochemical properties and provides an in-depth review of their wide-ranging applications—including lithium-ion batteries supercapacitors fuel cells and primary cells. Recognizing that most scientists involved with these applications are materials scientists rather than electrochemists the text begins with a review of electrochemical principles and methods. It then covers the different forms of traditional sp2 carbons introduces novel techniques for preparing advanced carbons and describes the main physicochemical properties which control the electrochemical behavior of carbons. The second half of the book focuses on research and provides a wealth of original information on industrial applications.Complete with an abundance of figures tables equations and case studies this book is the ideal one-stop reference for researchers engineers and students working on developing the carbon-based energy storage and conversion systems of tomorrow. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367384869

Carceral GeographySpaces and Practices of Incarceration The ’punitive turn’ has brought about new ways of thinking about geography and the state and has highlighted spaces of incarceration as a new terrain for exploration by geographers. Carceral geography offers a geographical perspective on incarceration and this volume accordingly tracks the ideas practices and engagements that have shaped the development of this new and vibrant subdiscipline and scopes out future research directions. By conveying a sense of the debates directions and threads within the field of carceral geography it traces the inner workings of this dynamic field its synergies with criminology and prison sociology and its likely future trajectories. Synthesizing existing work in carceral geography and exploring the future directions it might take the book develops a notion of the ’carceral’ as spatial emplaced mobile embodied and affective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308466

Carceral MobilitiesInterrogating Movement in Incarceration Mobilities research is now centre stage in the social sciences with wide-ranging work that considers the politics underscoring the movements of people and objects critically examining a world that is ever on the move. At first glance the words ‘carceral’ and ‘mobilities’ seem to sit uneasily together. This book challenges the assumption that carceral life is characterised by a lack of movement. Carceral Mobilities brings together contributions that speak to contemporary debates across carceral studies and mobilities research offering fresh insights to both areas by identifying and unpicking the manifold mobilities that shape and are shaped by carceral regimes. It features four sections that move the reader through the varying typologies of motion underscoring carceral life: tension; circulation; distribution; and transition. Each mobilities-led section seeks to explore the politics encapsulated in specific regimes of carceral movement. With contributions from leading scholars and a range of international examples this book provides an authoritative voice on carceral mobilities from a variety of perspectives including criminology sociology history cultural theory human geography and urban planning. This book offers a first port of call for those examining spaces of detention asylum imprisonment and containment who are increasingly interested in questions of movement in relation to the management control and confinement of populations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138384903

Carceral Space Prisoners and Animals Carceral Space Prisoners and Animals explores resonances across human and nonhuman carceral geographies. The work proposes an analysis of the carceral from a broader vantage point than has yet been done developing a ‘trans-species carceral geography’ that includes spaces of nonhuman captivity confinement and enclosure alongside that of the human. The linkages across prisoner and animal carcerality that are placed into conversation draw from a number of institutional domains based on their form operation and effect. These include: the prison death row/ execution chamber and the animal slaughterhouse; sites of laboratory testing of pharmaceutical and other products on incarcerated humans and captive animals; sites of exploited prisoner and animal labor; and the prison solitary confinement cell and the zoo cage. The relationships to which I draw attention across these sites are at once structural operational technological legal and experiential / embodied. The forms of violence that span species boundaries at these sites are all a part of ordinary everyday industrialized violence in the United States and elsewhere and thus this ‘carceral comparison’ amongst them is appropriate and timely. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367359997

Carceral SpacesMobility and Agency in Imprisonment and Migrant Detention This book draws together the work of a new community of scholars with a growing interest in carceral geography: the geographical study of practices of imprisonment and detention. It combines work by geographers on 'mainstream' penal establishments where people are incarcerated by the prevailing legal system with geographers' recent work on migrant detention centres where irregular migrants and 'refused' asylum seekers are detained ostensibly pending decisions on admittance or repatriation. Working in these contexts the book's contributors investigate the geographical location and spatialities of institutions the nature of spaces of incarceration and detention and experiences inside them governmentality and prisoner agency cultural geographies of penal spaces and mobility in the carceral context. In dialogue with emergent and topical agendas in geography around mobility space and agency and in relation to international policy challenges such as the (dis)functionality of imprisonment and the search for alternatives to detention this book presents a timely addition to emergent interdisciplinary scholarship that will prompt dialogue among those working in geography criminology and prison sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249349

CarcinogenicityTesting: Predicting and Interpreting Chemical Effects Offers comprehensive coverage of currently available cancer predictors the most recent research on carcinogenicity and the design and interpretation of carcinogenicity experiments. Presents mouse rat and human carcinogenicity data for the liver kidney breast cervix prostate hematopoietic system colon skin urinary bladder mouth stomach thyroid and pancreas. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003067641

Carcinoma of an Unknown Primary Site Filling a gap in the literature this guide provides expert recommendations and research on carcinoma of an unknown primary site (CUP). Covering the identification diagnosis and management of CUP with illustrative and reader-friendly clinical case examples this reference helps physicians treat patients whose primary cancer site is difficult to locate and assess. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453695

Card Sharps and Bucket ShopsGambling in Nineteenth-Century America First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138402447

CardamomThe Genus Elettaria Cardamom otherwise known as Malabar cardamom true cardamom or small cardamom second only to pepper in its importance during the Renaissance period is often qualified as the Queen of Spices because of its very pleasant aroma and taste. The Western Ghat forest of the Malabar coast India is the center of origin and diversity for cardamom and it might have been nature's design that the King and Queen of spices (black pepper and cardamom) originated in the same forest.This volume contains sixteen chapters fourteen on cardamom and one each on large cardamom and false cardamoms. All aspects of the cardamom crop have been covered in this volume and each chapter is written by experts in their respective fields. This volume is visualized as both a textbook and reference work for scientists and students of horticulture plantation crops botany and related fields and will go on to serve as the main reference volume on cardamom for many years to come. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395742

Card-Based Control Systems for a Lean Work DesignThe Fundamentals of Kanban ConWIP POLCA and COBACABANA Many shops have simplified their production control by using card-based systems such as kanban and Constant Work-in-Process (ConWIP). Although these systems provide a simple and highly effective visual approach for controlling manufacturing and service operations all too many shops struggle with failed implementations or achieve results that fall below expectations. These outcomes can be attributed to a poor fit between the actual control problem and the solution applied.This book takes a different approach to most other books on the subject—as it starts with an introduction to the control problem instead of the control solution. Card-Based Control Systems for a Lean Work Design outlines how the problems encountered in typical manufacturing shops and service providers can be characterized which allows for improved problem diagnosis.The first four chapters of the book lay the foundations for problem diagnosis. The next three chapters then discuss in sequence each of the three "traditional" card-based control systems: kanban ConWIP and Paired-cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization (POLCA). The book explains how each of these card-based control systems works and identifies the specific type of control problem to which each system applies.The next two chapters focus on Control of Balance by Card-Based Navigation (COBACABANA) a system developed for high-variety shops producing made-to-order customized products. This is the first book to discuss this novel approach which includes the use of cards to estimate due dates or delivery time allowances.The book closes with a framework that provides guidance on which system to apply. This framework contrasts the control problem with the control solution. The potential of combining card-based systems is also discussed to create a nested solution. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781498746946

Cardiac CT Made EasyAn Introduction to Cardiovascular Multidetector Computed Tomography Second Edition Obtaining and interpreting images of the heart is critical to the successful management of any cardiac disorders. Several imaging modalities are used to help cardiologists correctly diagnose these disorders and initiate the most appropriate form of treatment. Since the first publication of this book the use of cardiovascular CT imaging has increased exponentially. Revised and updated Cardiac CT Made Easy: An Introduction to Cardiovascular Multidetector Computed Tomography Second Edition* captures these advances in CT scanner technology and clinical experience. For the first time this new edition includes online access to imaging video clips. Combining the expertise of leading cardiovascular imaging groups in North America Europe and Asia this second edition continues to serve as a comprehensive introduction to the field. It focuses on the principles of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) for cardiovascular applications practical aspects of scan acquisition and interpretation clinical indications and imaging protocols and clinical findings of common cardiovascular disease conditions. The book is an essential resource for those new to the field and a trustworthy reference for those needing answers to specific questions or looking to update their knowledge. *Now includes an identical eBook version from VitalSource with access to video material Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482214215

Cardiac ImagingIllustrated Clinical Cases There are many modalities available to image the heart and this variety and number of scan types can prove to be daunting to radiologists and cardiologists. In addition there are the numerous devices stents valves and other paraphernalia which are employed in the management of cardiac disease which need to be recognised and identified when interpreting any of these various scans.Containing 75 challenging clinical cases and illustrated with superb high quality images Cardiac Imaging covers a wide range of cardiac imaging problems from basic radiographic cases to more challenging and esoteric cases involving echocardiography cardiac MRI cardiac CT and myocardial perfusion imaging. The book uses an accessible format for quick assimilation. It remains an invaluable text for all radiology and cardiology professionals in practice and in training from hospital-based doctors preparing for higher examinations to established physicians in their continuing professional development. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482235739

Cardiac Regeneration using Stem Cells To achieve cardiac regeneration using pluripotent stem (iPS) cells researchers must understand iPS cell generation methods cardiomyocyte differentiation protocols cardiomyocyte characterization methods and tissue engineering. This book presents the current status and future possibilities in cardiac regeneration using iPS cells. Written by top researchers who present new data in these fields this book reviews cardiac cell therapy for ischemic heart disease and explores in vitro generation of efficacious platelets from iPS cells. It also discusses modeling arrhythmogenic heart disease with patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466578395

Cardiac RemodelingMechanisms and Treatment Exploring the causes mechanisms and pathophysiology of cardiac remodeling this reference offers detailed descriptions of the various components of the remodeling process as well as new therapeutic interventions and recent and future prospects for the treatment of cardiac remodeling. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454029

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is one of the most exciting new advances in the treatment of chronic severe (NYHA symptom class) heart failure associated with dyssynchronous ventricular contraction that is refractory to medical treatment. In all randomized trials CR has resulted in improved NYHA symptom class exercise capacity and quality of life in the majority of patients as compared to patients on optimal medical therapy including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE)/angiotensin receptor blocker inhibitor (ARB) and b adrenergic receptor blockers. These symptomatic benefits are mediated by "reverse remodeling" of the left ventricle that is reduction in volume regression of LV mass improvement in ejection fraction and severity of mitral regurgitation induced by synchronization of ventricular contraction. This new text is edited by 5 experts in heart failure electrophysiology and non-invasive cardiac imaging and is extensively illustrated with high quality figures and examples of clinical cases. The purpose of the book is to put into perspective this novel therapy with regards to traditional heart failure treatment and to provide criteria for identifying patients likely to have an optimal and sustained response to CRT using a practical "how to" approach. This text begins by describing the background and evolution of the technique to the current implementation and the impact of complications on clinical outcome. There are chapters describing "cutting edge" Doppler echocardiography for assessing dyssynchrony reverse remodeling and triaging patients into those with greatest likelihood of responding to CRT with illustrative clinical case examples. There is a full description of the results of all the randomized clinical trials and a number of chapters discussing the need for concomitant internal cardiac defibrillator (ICD) special circumstances such as atrial fibrillation right bundle branch block left ventricular lead placement and Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367388607

Cardiac SurgeryRecent Advances and Techniques Highly Commended BMA Medical Book Awards 2014 The development of new techniques as well as the refinement of established procedures has led to great progress in cardiac surgery. Providing an ideal synopsis of the growth in this area Cardiac Surgery: Recent Advances and Techniques systematically reviews all the new developments in cardiac surgery from transcatheter aortic valve implantation to minimally invasive mitral valve surgery. Recognised leaders and innovators throughout the world describe each technique and include up-to-date information regarding current trials relating to each new procedure. Each chapter contains images and drawings to illustrate the techniques and the book provides ample references to facilitate further study. This volume is designed for anyone involved in the practice of cardiac surgery from residents at all stages of their training programme to established cardiac surgeons. Cardiologists and cardiothoracic intensive care unit specialists will also find this book useful to better understand the management of patients undergoing these procedures. All cardiac surgeons are required to keep up to date with current practice for recertification purposes. Cardiac Surgery: Recent Advances and Techniques is an essential reference for this purpose. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444137569

CardiffArchitecture and Archaeology in the Medieval Diocese of Llandaff This book acts as a stimulus to further debate and discussion about the archaeology and architecture of the medieval diocese of Llandaff. It presents work at Cardiff and Skenfrith castles and focuses on buildings at Caldicot and Raglan. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003077176

Cardinal Isidore (c.1390–1462)A Late Byzantine Scholar Warlord and Prelate A member of the imperial Palaiologan family albeit most probably illegitimate Isidore became a scholar at a young age and began his rise in the Byzantine ecclesiastical ranks. He was an active advocate of the union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches in Constantinople. His military exploits including his participation in the defence of Constantinople in 1453 provide us with eyewitness accounts. Without doubt he travelled widely perhaps more so than any other individual in the annals of Byzantine history: Greece Asia Minor Sicily Russia Poland Lithuania and Italy. His roles included diplomat high ecclesiastic in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches theologian soldier papal emissary to the Constantinopolitan court delegate to the Council of Florence advisor to the last Byzantine emperors metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia and member of the Vatican curia.This is an original work based on new archival research and the first monograph to study Cardinal Isidore in his many diverse roles. His contributions to the events of the first six decades of the quattrocento are important for the study of major Church councils and the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks. Isidore played a crucial role in each of these events. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592325

Cardiology and Cardiovascular System on the Move The Medicine on the Move series provides fully-flexible access to subjects across the curriculum in this cardiology and cardiovascular medicine in a unique combination of print and mobile formats. The books are ideal for the busy medical student and junior doctor irrespective of individual learning style and whether they are studying a subject for the first time or revisiting it during exam preparation providing the right information whenever and wherever it is needed. Readers can choose from the book and the ebook to suit different situations enabling them to benefit from learning medicine on the move. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444175998

Cardiology Science and Technology Cardiology Science and Technology comprehensively deals with the science and biomedical engineering formulations of cardiology. As a textbook it addresses the teaching research and clinical aspects of cardiovascular medical engineering and computational cardiology. The books consists of two sections. The first section deals with left ventricular (LV) wall stress cardiac contractility ventricular remodeling active wall stress and systolic pressure generation and vector cardiogram characteristics with applications in cardiology. The second section covers ECG signal analysis for arrhythmias detection LV pumping (intra-LV aortic and coronary flow) characteristics and coronary bypass surgery design with applications in cardiology and cardiac surgery.This book is like an exciting train ride through the heart and into blood flows within its chamber the coronary tree the aorta and finally into coronary flow and bypass grafting. The train starts from the heart’s central station and journeys through exciting places of heart wall stresses cardiac contractility measures to characterize heart failure and active stress generation to develop systolic heart pressure. We learn about cardiomyopathic heart remodeling and its surgical ventricular restoration theory of ECG and vector cardiogram with medical applications and heart rate variability signal processing to detect cardiac arrhythmias. In the heart chamber we witness the amazing intricate intra-ventricular flow patterns. Then we study pressure pulse wave propagation into the aorta determination of pulse wave velocity and arterial elasticity as a measure of arteriosclerosis. We climb into the mountainous coronary terrain and look at the fascinating scenery of coronary flows and myocardial perfusion that governs cardiac contractility. Finally we arrive at coronary bypass grafting and witness the new sequential anastomosis design for enhanced patency.

Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367864248

CardiologyA Practical Handbook There has been an exponential increase in the amount of information available on the pathophysiology and management of heart diseases. Meanwhile understanding of the underlying pathology and physiology has deepened and broadened with new methodologies to monitor cardiac structure and function. These developments have led to an overwhelming amount of information available to students trainees and physicians. What is in short supply is a comprehensive yet concise and clear description of the important cardiac conditions and disorders an approach to their management and an easily consulted and well-indexed summary to be used at the bedside or in the clinic. This book addresses that need. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498779814

Cardio-ObstetricsA Practical Guide to Care for Pregnant Cardiac Patients Cardiac disease is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. Catastrophic outcomes typically encountered are due to gaps in knowledge and communication between health care providers. There is a great need for a standardized approach for care of this very high-risk group of pregnant women. The book encompasses detailed obstetrics and cardiology perspectives that are crucial in the management of the commonly encountered cardiac conditions in pregnancy. This text aims to provide guidance to the whole team caring for a pregnant cardiac patient consisting of obstetricians maternal-fetal medicine hospitalists cardiologists obstetric anaesthesiologists emergency physicians primary care providers and nurses. Features: Cardio-Obstetric team organization Preconception counselling and family planning considerations Cardiovascular disease screening and risk stratification of a pregnant cardiac patient Management of a wide spectrum of cardiovascular diagnoses through use of checklists and algorithms in a simple format Essential key points for each cardiac diagnosis Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138317918

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Do you need guidance and information on CPR? Do you need to understand the procedures and guidelines that govern the use of CPR? If you do this pocket-sized reference guide provides you with all the information you need to conduct CPR safely and successfully. The Nursing & Health Survival Guides have evolved - take a look at our our app for iPhone and iPad. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780273744023

Cardiovascular and Neurovascular ImagingPhysics and Technology Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology explains the underlying physical and technical principles behind a range of cardiovascular and neurovascular imaging modalities including radiography nuclear medicine ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Examining this interdisciplinary branch of medical imaging from academic clinical and industrial perspectives this comprehensive book:Covers each major imaging modality as well as special applications time-resolved techniques and image-guided therapiesDiscusses image quality and accuracy radiation safety and dosimetry and image formation and analysisExplores current and future trends in vascular imaging procedures and technologiesFeaturing chapters authored by field experts Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology combines the latest information on the physics and technology of cardiovascular and neurovascular imaging under one cover providing students professionals and researchers with a single state-of-the-art reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367445812

Cardiovascular Catheterization and InterventionA Textbook of Coronary Peripheral and Structural Heart Disease Second Edition Interventional cardiology refers to the catheter-based treatment of cardiovascular diseases and is one of the fastest growing fields in medicine. This updated text addresses recent advances in structural heart interventions in particular aortic and mitral valve procedures. The advent of newer technologies presents both opportunities and challenges for the cardiologist to treat patients optimally. Interventional cardiologists are now at the forefront of peripheral and structural heart interventions.This new edition focuses on tailoring treatment to individual patients taking into account specific risk factors and comorbidities and appropriate use of devices. This second edition also provides useful tools such as treatment algorithms evidence tables charts tables and illustrations to enhance the value of this volume as a practical reference tool. The online edition also includes several "how-to" videos.  Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572938

Cardiovascular DiseasesNutritional and Therapeutic Interventions With cardiovascular disease remaining one of the primary causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide there is a great need to further understand the molecular basis of this disease class and develop new therapeutic or preventative measures. Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions presents up-to-date information on the pathobiology of cardiovascular diseases emphasizing emerging therapeutics and nutritional interventions. The book is divided into four parts: epidemiology epigenetics pathobiology and therapies for cardiovascular diseases.Part I details epidemiological studies highlighting the extent of the clinical problem. Part II describes the genetic and primarily epigenetic modifications associated with cardiovascular disease including the importance of DNA methylation status and the possibility of early intervention using simple dietary modifications. The text also discusses histone modifications associated with disease and potential therapeutic synthetic and dietary compounds such as resveratrol and garlic. Covering the etiology and pathobiology part III discusses lipid regulation micro-RNAs emerging cell-based therapies and new receptor targets for therapeutics as well as targeted imaging. It also describes the link between cancer therapies and cardiomyopathy and the potential of vitamin C to ameliorate this effect.Part IV focuses on therapeutic and nutritional interventions namely stem cell therapies emerging nanomedicines and a wide range of dietary interventions. These include general healthy diets fruits and vegetables botanicals effects of specific compounds such as antioxidants and discussions on garlic curcumin and resveratrol. The text also covers lifestyle factors emphasizing the importance of stress in the occurrence of and meditation and yoga in the management of cardiovascular disease. This book provides a comprehensive reference for clinicians and scientists combining epidemiology prevention and modern treatment strategies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439882009

Cardiovascular Disorders and BehaviorHandbook of Psychology and Health Volume 3 First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315825687

Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics First Published in 1981 this book offers a full comprehensive guide to the operation of cardiovascular fluid systems. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes diagrams and references this book serves as a useful reference for cardiologists haematologists students of medicine and other practitioners in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367248826

Cardiovascular Imaging and Image Analysis This book covers the state-of-the-art approaches for automated non-invasive systems for early cardiovascular disease diagnosis. It includes several prominent imaging modalities such as MRI CT and PET technologies. There is a special emphasis placed on automated imaging analysis techniques which are important to biomedical imaging analysis of the cardiovascular system. Novel 4D based approach is a unique characteristic of this product. This is a comprehensive multi-contributed reference work that will detail the latest developments in spatial temporal and functional cardiac imaging. The main aim of this book is to help advance scientific research within the broad field of early detection of cardiovascular disease. This book focuses on major trends and challenges in this area and it presents work aimed to identify new techniques and their use in biomedical image analysis. Key Features: Includes state-of-the art 4D cardiac image analysis Explores the aspect of automated segmentation of cardiac CT and MR images utilizing both 3D and 4D techniques Provides a novel procedure for improving full-cardiac strain estimation in 3D image appearance characteristics Includes extensive references at the end of each chapter to enhance further study Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498797580

Cardiovascular Mechanics The objective of this book is to illustrate in specific detail how cardiovascular mechanics stands as a common pillar supporting such different clinical successes as drugs for high blood pressure prosthetic heart valves and coronary artery bypass grafting among others. This information is conveyed through a comprehensive treatment of the overarching principles and theories that are behind mechanobiological processes aortic and arterial mechanics atherosclerosis blood and microcirculation hear valve mechanics as well as medical devices and drugs. Examines all major theoretical and practical aspects of mechanical forces related to the cardiovascular system. Discusses a unique coverage of mechanical changes related to an aging cardiovascular system. Provides an overview of experimental methods in cardiovascular mechanics. Written by world-class researchers from Canada the US and EU. Extensive references are provided at the end of each chapter to enhance further study. Michel R. Labrosse is the founder of the Cardiovascular Mechanics Laboratory at the University of Ottawa where he is a full professor within the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has been an active researcher in academia along with being heavily associated with the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. He has authored or co-authored over 90 refereed communications and supervised or co-supervised over 40 graduate students and post-docs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138197237

Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging is based on a groundbreaking NIH symposium sponsored by the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology. The first all-inclusive guide to the targeted molecular imaging of the cardiovascular system it includes color illustrations throughout and is packaged with a user-friendly CD-ROM with supplemental material.This reference covers new methods for the analysis and management of cardiovascular pathophysiological processes and discusses new technologies for analyzing cardiovascular receptors gene expression vascular structures and biological processes that affect the heart and associated vessels.Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical applications the contributors:Span the most recent molecular imaging procedures used to stage disease states and assess treatment outcomes for specific cardiovascular ailmentsDiscuss the potential of molecular imaging to provide an improved understanding of the diagnosis and management of critical cardiovascular pathophysiological processes Track the identification of targeted biological markers for molecular and physiological processes and cover their possible impact on the development of new imaging instruments and technologies Consider biochemical processes and signaling events that precede pathophysiological transformationsAnalyze the latest imaging technologies that enable healthcare practitioners to improve the diagnosis treatment and evaluation of patients with cardiovascular conditions Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453008

Cardiovascular Physiology: Questions for Self Assessment This book allows students to test themselves on all aspects of the cardiovascular physiology with over 230 questions and answers at a pace to suit their learning. The questions are designed to test basic understanding fundamental principles and medical relevance. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138451452

Cardiovascular PhysiologyA Text and E-Resource for Active Learning Cardiovascular disease remains the chief cause of mortality and morbidity in adults in many parts of the world and diagnosis and treatment is increasingly based on cellular intracellular and molecular parameters as well as systems analysis. Consequently it is vital that medical students learn the fundamental physiology of the cardiovascular system. This book along with its interactive electronic learning modules breathes life into the subject with animations videos and game-like decision-making. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138096691

Cardiovascular PsychophysiologyCurrent Issues in Response Mechanisms Biofeedback and Methodology The literature relating to the learned control of autonomic processes especially cardiovascular processes demonstrating that the activities of visceral response systems may be modifi ed by operant reinforcement and biofeedback procedures has grown exponentially. This research seems to show behavioral properties in the cardiovascular system that were previously believed to be exclusive attributes of the somatic response systems; the implications of this for possible therapeutic use have received widespread publicity. Questions remained unanswered-about the nature of "voluntary" control and the conditions necessary for establishing it the reciprocal effects of conditioned changes in cardiovascular and psychological or behavioral functioning the use of cardiovascular events to index behavioral states and the principles and techniques whereby operant conditioning of the cardiovascular system can be clinically applied. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520004

Cardiovascular Toxicology Focused extensively on the toxic effect of chemicals on the cardiovascular system Cardiovascular Toxicology Fourth Edition is comprised of several key sections beyond cardio and vascular toxicity such as principles of myocardial cell injury and key methods of assessing cardiovascular function.New developments include:expanded chapter on passive smoking which includes adverse effects of smoking and the effects of secondary smokenew chapter on the negative effects from environmental chemicals on the cardiovascular systemchapters covering antibacterial agents and endotoxins include new information on cardiovascular toxicity of antimicrobials as well as anti-viral agents antibacterial agents and other agents Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386955

Care Autonomy And JusticeFeminism And The Ethic Of Care Newcomers and more experienced feminist theorists will welcome this even-handed survey of the care/justice debate within feminist ethics. Grace Clement clarifies the key terms examines the arguments and assumptions of all sides to the debate and explores the broader implications for both practical and applied ethics. Readers will appreciate her generous treatment of the feminine feminist and justice-based perspectives that have dominated the debate.Clement also goes well beyond description and criticism advancing the discussion through the incorporation of a broad range of insights into a new integration of the values of care and justice.Care Autonomy and Justice marks a major step forward in our understanding of feminist ethics. It is both direct and helpful enough to work as an introduction for students and insightful and original enough to make it necessary reading for scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314835

Care Migration and Human RightsLaw and Practice The continuum of exploitation that has historically defined the everyday of domestic work - exclusion from employment and social security standards and precarious migration status – has frequently been neglected. It is primarily the moments of crisis incidents of human trafficking slavery or forced labour that have captured the attention of human rights law. Only recently has human rights law has begun to address the structured inequalities and exclusions that define the domain of domestic work. This book addresses the specific position of domestic workers in the context of evolving human rights norms. Drawing upon a broad range of case studies this book presents a thorough examination of key issues such as the commodification of care the impact of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights on ‘primary care providers’ as well as the effect that trends in migration law have on migrant domestic workers. This volume will be of interest to lawyers academics and policy makers in the fields of human rights migration and gender studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138701847

Care Power InformationFor the Love of BluesCollarship in the Age of Digital Culture Bioeconomy and (Post-)Trumpism This book is a critique and provincialization of Western social science and Global Northern academia by the author of The Digital Coloniality of Power. It exposes shared colonial and extractive rationalities and histories of research higher education digitalization and bioeconomy while proposing in the idea of BluesCollarship a sketch for an alternative culture of worlding and commoning knowledge work and for making care matter in research and higher education. In a discourse analysis and provincialization of research and higher education a tradition of elitist White-Collaredness in academia and in the social sciences in particular is criticized and an alternative attitude towards the production transfer and use of knowledge – BluesCollarship – is proposed. The latter is rooted in a different idea of what "infrastructure" is and in practices of decoloniality. Noting the current political climate of propaganda and populism the persistence of social inequalities as well as of racism and misogyny it is proposed that how people give warrant for knowledge claims should be reviewed under different terms. A coherent theme is that there is a genealogical root for current neo-extractive and neo-colonial rationalities in the Athenian idea of oikos which conflates family household and property. In taking a distinctly writerly approach – rather than giving ready-made answers – the book aims at permanently provoking readers at every turn to think further as well as before-and-beyond what is written but to do so in thinking together with Others. Thus the book addresses scholars and students from across the social sciences who seek challenges to established ways of thinking in academia without simply replacing one canon for another. This book is for those who think of themselves as knowledge and culture laborers in this age of precarization who seek to replace the university and cognitive capitalism with a pluriversity and an infrastructure built on knowledge and culture as fundamental values. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100954

Care and Conservation of Geological Material This is the first book to specifically address the preservation of an increasingly important group of materials. Techniques for processing minerals and rocks in the field and laboratory are outlined as well as the effects of treatments on specimens. Readership: Professional museum staff curators and conservators scientists and technicians; Students of mineralogy private collectors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606459

Care And CostCurrent Issues In Health Policy This book is a study of how market-oriented policies could be used to improve trade-off between cost restraint and greater quality and availability to restructure the way the public and private sectors provide health care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367162122

Care and Education in Early ChildhoodA Student's Guide to Theory and Practice The authors draw on their extensive early years experience to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the key issues in the field of early childhood care and education. In this fully updated and revised new edition rewritten to include the new Early Years Foundation Stage students will find that this text now meets the needs of students on Foundation degrees Early Childhood Degrees and the new Early Years Professional qualification. Topics covered in this essential textbook include: an overview of the principles of effective practice discussions on equal opportunities and children's rights an update of the latest development theories relating to brain development and how children learn and the difficulties children may face in their learning investigations into what working with parents really means consideration of the different early years systems in operation summaries of key management issues and useful information on how to address them comparison with European perspectives on early years care and education the importance of play in children's early learning. Readers of this second edition will also find the expansion of existing chapters in order to include topics such as inclusion transitions child protection in relation to the internet and partnerships with parents. The book covers the whole age range from birth to eight years with a special section on the birth to three years age group. Each chapter is fully referenced and has case studies or reflective practice boxes within the text. Informative and engaging the book challenges the reader to think about how underlying theory may be reflected in practice. It will be essential reading for all students who are studying for early childhood qualifications at levels four five and six. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138411074

Care and Maintenance of Textile Products Including Apparel and Protective Clothing Proper care and maintenance of textile materials is essential in prolonging their durability and appearance. This books describes methods of care and maintenance for textile products focusing on types of laundering and dry-cleaning processes chemicals and equipment while considering the environmental impacts of these procedures and green cleaning approaches. It details care labelling of garments including electronic care labelling and instructions for different specialty textiles. Factors such as pilling abrasion snagging color fading and dimensional change are discussed. This book also emphasizes care and maintenance of textiles used for protection from fire bullets cold weather and chemicals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138565814

Care Bundles in Emergency Medicine A care bundle is a group of specific non-prescriptive evidence-based components that when performed collectively and reliably have been established to improve patient outcomes. Emergency medicine care bundles support healthcare professionals in providing focused management plans for common presentations. They are explicitly focused on the initial intervention and are specific to the resuscitation and management that precedes in patient care. Care bundles are fundamental to enabling a quick well-defined response from the emergency care team whose actions can make a vital difference to a patient's long-term outcome from the first few steps of treatment. Invaluable to both trainees and consultants Care Bundles in Emergency Medicine uses the specific approach propagated by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. It is concise yet highly detailed making use of bullets ideal for rapid everyday reference. Each presentation lists the specific care bundle additional information and considerations if required and a concluding overview to reinforce key concepts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781846194429

Care CommunicationMaking a home in a Japanese eldercare facility This book studies communication in institutional eldercare. It is based on audio-recorded interactions between residents and staff in a Japanese care facility. The focus is on the morning care routines which include getting the residents out of bed and ready for the day. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods the analysis explores the characteristics of care communication as they become manifest in the interactional small print. Topics include the use of terms of address and formal speech the basic organisation of openings and closings the difficulties of talking while working—and at times working while talking—and tempo differences between residents and staff as they move along between bed and breakfast. The research findings are contextualised with results from previous studies tracing significant features and explanation for deviant cases. The author is a trained linguist and certified nursing assistant with first-hand working experience in institutional eldercare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138229846

Care Ethics and Social Structures in Medicine This book examines the central structures in medicine—medical knowledge economics technological innovation and medical authority—from the perspective of an ethics of care. The author analyzes each of these structures in detail before considering the challenges they present to end of life care. The perspective of an ethics of care allows for a careful focus on how these structures affect the capacity of the health care system to provide the care patients need on the impact they have on the relationships between patients and care-givers and on how they affect the care-givers in terms of their own sense of identity and capacity for care. This book offers one of the first focused discussions of an ethics of care across a wide range of social issues and structures in contemporary medicine. It will be of keen interest to advanced students and scholars in bioethics and health care ethics who are interested in these important issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367000226

Care Ethics and the Refugee CrisisEmotions Contestation and Agency This book advocates for the philosophical import of care in re-evaluating problems of humanitarianism in the context of the ongoing international refugee and forced migration situation. In doing so it rethinks the human capacity to care about the suffering of distant others. At a time when emotional resources are running low there is a need to recast what it means to care with the aim of generating a productive movement against the rise of value fundamentalism globally—embraced in mantras of ‘good and evil’ and ‘us and them’—and to confront xenophobia and oppressive politics. The author draws upon a wide array of rich traditions including historical and contemporary writings on self-care and care of the other to re-examine the intersection of care ethics and justice. She also rethinks the relationship between care and contestation here analyzed in the aesthetic ethical political and religious domains of human experience. From within the context of this contingent historical repetition of political oppression the book constructs a reminder not only of what it feels like to care but how and why we should act upon our care. Care Ethics and the Refugee Crisis is an important contribution to the growing literatures on care ethics and immigration/forced migration in philosophy. It will also appeal to scholars and advanced students working in other disciplines such as political science refugee and migration studies and social anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367435653

Care EthicsNew Theories and Applications The ethic of care has developed to become a body of theory that has expanded from its roots in social psychology to many other disciplines in the social sciences as well as the humanities. This work on care has informed both theory and practice by generating complex accounts of care ethics for multiple and intersecting kinds of relationships and for a variety of domains and contexts. Its application now extends from the moral to the political realm from personal to public relationships from the local to the global from feminine to feminist virtues and values and from issues of gender to issues of power and oppression. The developments in the theories and applications of care ethics over the past few decades make this book an appropriate and timely publication. It includes chapters by authors who are developing or expanding theories of care ethics and also by those who work on applying and extending insights from care ethics to practices and policies in personal and institutional settings. Care Ethics provides readers from different disciplines and professional groups with a substantial number of new theories and applications from both new and established authors. This book was originally published as two special issues of Ethics and Social Welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138943919

Care in EducationTeaching with Understanding and Compassion This philosophical commentary explores the meaning and significance of care in education demonstrating how teaching with care enriches the art and soul of pedagogy. Wilde draws upon Western and Eastern philosophies that envision an integrated image of care to illuminate the value of cultivating understanding in the form of awareness and compassion leading to right action. Comments and stories from teachers’ experiences demonstrate important aspects of care that are easily overlooked such as present attention listening and teacher well-being. Although it uncovers a tragic conflict between caring and aspects of contemporary schooling this book offers hope for teachers. It shares a vision of practice that has the potential to re-enliven and strengthen care even in the midst of these difficulties. It also offers a contemplative approach to pedagogy that calls educators into intentional action showing them how to renew their deep ethical connections to students to subject matter and to the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138107878

Care in Mental Health-Substance Use The Mental Health-Substance Use series provides clear guidance for professionals on this complex and increasingly recognised field. It concentrates on the concerns dilemmas and concepts that impact on the life and well-being of affected individuals and those close to them as well as the future direction of practice education research services intervention and treatment. This volume is primarily about caring for individuals and families who turn to professionals at a time when their lives are unmanageable alone but is also concerned with the care that these professions extend to their own members. It contends that these issues are closely interrelated with appropriate communication and support being key to both. Its chapters draw from a variety of theories and treatments to provide practical advice on the challenge of providing appropriate care tailored to a wide scope of individuals and families. The volumes in this series are designed to challenge concepts and stimulate debate exploring all aspects of the development in treatment intervention and care response and the adoption of research-led best practice. They are essential reading for mental health and substance use professionals students and educators. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781846193439

Care in Sport CoachingPedagogical Cases While it is accepted that sport coaches should safeguard participants Care in Sport Coaching: Pedagogical Cases argues that coaches have a duty of care that moves beyond protection and involves the development of caring relationships with athletes. Recent high-profile incidents of abuse in sport highlight the need to reposition coaching as a caring activity and to embed care within coach education and coaching policy. Based around extended case studies this book provides grounded accounts of how coaches care in their everyday practice. These case studies are analysed using multidisciplinary theoretical perspectives to illustrate and problematise how coaches care. Conclusions are provided based on these analyses that will help coach educators researchers and policy makers establish care as a key facet of everyday sport coaching activities. Additionally the book offers guidelines that will aid practitioners to enact care in their practice. This is important reading for coaches researchers lecturers and students who are concerned with the role of coaches and the development of coaching practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367896270

Care in the CommunityChallenge and Demonstration First published in 1992 this second book in the series fully described the evaluation programme and seeks to answer pressing questions of policy and practice This book is split into four parts: Introduction to the pilot programme the projects and their clients; the policy contexts; the objectives; the research methodology. The Process of care: financing accommodation and service use staffing case management joint working. Evaluation: Outcomes for clients and others and costs for each of the client’s groups (people with learning difficulties people with mental health problems elderly people and people with physical disabilities). Finally this book aims to further discuss Policy and practice implications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612242

Care Management and Community CareSocial Work Discretion and the Construction of Policy This title was first published in 2000:  Community care stands as an example of a complex policy failing to be implemented as intended. Using research and studies of literature on community care this text investigates the reasons behind the failure of this "flagship" policy focusing on the part played by care managers management and policy implementation approaches. It presents an exploration of social work discretion as a potential force for positive and dynamic implementation as opposed to the usual analysis of professional discretion as a necessary evil. This potential is demonstrated through the analysis of an innovative research methodology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138724754

Care Management in Social and Primary Health CareThe Gateshead Community Care Scheme This title was first published in 2003: This book provides an evaluation of the Gateshead Community Care Scheme which was devised as an alternative to residential and hospital care for frail elderly people. An important feature of the scheme was the decentralization of control of resources to individual social workers acting as care managers with defined caseloads and expenditure limits to ensure accountability. The initial social social care scheme was subsequently extended to provide both health and social care to clients from a large general practice based in a health centre. The social care team was enlarged to include a nurse care manager and part-time doctor and physiotherapist. The study examines the operation of care management in both settings the use of devolved budgets and services developed the outcomes for clients and carers and the costs of care. Admissions to residential care were reduced and the elderly people who received the scheme’s support experienced a better quality of care and greater well-being when compared with elderly people receiving the usual range of services. This was achieved at no greater cost. The characteristics of those for whom the scheme was most appropriate are described. In addition the pattern of development of the scheme as it was incorporated into the mainstream of the Social Services and after the implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act are examined. Final the implications for the development of care management are considered. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138737679

Care Management in Social and Primary Health CareThe Gateshead Community Care Scheme This title was first published in 2003: This book provides an evaluation of the Gateshead Community Care Scheme which was devised as an alternative to residential and hospital care for frail elderly people. An important feature of the scheme was the decentralization of control of resources to individual social workers acting as care managers with defined caseloads and expenditure limits to ensure accountability. The initial social social care scheme was subsequently extended to provide both health and social care to clients from a large general practice based in a health centre. The social care team was enlarged to include a nurse care manager and part-time doctor and physiotherapist. The study examines the operation of care management in both settings the use of devolved budgets and services developed the outcomes for clients and carers and the costs of care. Admissions to residential care were reduced and the elderly people who received the scheme’s support experienced a better quality of care and greater well-being when compared with elderly people receiving the usual range of services. This was achieved at no greater cost. The characteristics of those for whom the scheme was most appropriate are described. In addition the pattern of development of the scheme as it was incorporated into the mainstream of the Social Services and after the implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act are examined. Final the implications for the development of care management are considered. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138737716

Care of the Adult with Intellectual Disability in Primary Care Care of adults with intellectual disability in the UK has relocated from long-stay hospitals to small community homes and family placements. This has led to GPs' increasing responsibility for the care of a group with particularly high rates of morbidity and mortality. This key book is the first in the UK to describe and advise on the medical care of adults with intellectual disability in primary care and in the community. It is a practical handbook written by clinicians with regular involvement in the care of adults with intellectual disability and is based on current practice and international evidence bases. Numerous conditions - from autism spectrum disorders to Williams syndrome - are explored the complex problems they can present examined and the need to offer annual health checks and implement practices to comply with QOF requirements addressed. A glossary and a list of useful electronic resources is also included. The book's content reflects the RCGP curriculum and the Curriculum Guardian has been responsible for much of the editing. It will be informative reading for GPs practice nurses GP registrars medical students district nurses physiotherapists and occupational therapists as well as for the families and friends of adults with intellectual disability. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315377995

Care of the Cancer PatientA Quick Reference Guide This work includes a foreword by Elizabeth Rogerson. Head of Education and Development International Virtual Nursing School Head Distance Learning Centre (Nursing and Palliative Care) University of Dundee. It considers all the patient's symptoms and all the information available to us then assesses the symptoms signs and information given using this to choose the appropriate remedies for the problem and extra information will be offered where available and appropriate. This easy to use evidence-based guide offers practical resources for every day use. Well laid out with a simple alphabetical format "Care of the Cancer Patient" covers the management of common problems contains basic explanations of pathophysiology and relevant pharmacology and includes vital guidance on new treatments and scientific papers. It is ideal for non-specialist doctors nurses carers and other health professionals who look after patients with cancer-related symptoms. 'This book recognises the complexity inherent in the cancer journey and places a spotlight on the human face of health care management specifically on the ability to provide careful individualised and sensitive management of symptom control that aims to make a difference to the patient's quality of life. It is written in a manner that is acceptable to professionals patients and carers alike. This book adopts a unique approach to symptom management in palliative care inviting the practitioner to consider the possible causes of the symptom and then assess the patient with these in mind. Paying attention to the pathophysiology of the symptom and respecting the individual needs of the patient one is guided to make a logical choice of treatment by thinking about the pharmacological actions of the available drugs. This is a book to be on the desk ready for quick reference not stored on a shelf in a library.' - Elizabeth Rogerson in the Foreword. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378527

Care of the Newborn by Ten Teachers Caring for the well newborn is an essential element of everyday midwifery practice. Providing a comprehensive guide to the problems associated with newborn babies Care of the Newborn by Ten Teachers is a key textbook for trainee midwives. The ten teachers involved in writing this book are drawn from all over the UK and bring together a wealth of experience in midwifery and neonatal nursing teaching and practice.The emphasis is on caring for the normal neonate with deviations from the normal threaded throughout. Taking a holistic approach each chapter links theory and practice with explicit reference to professional standards and guidelines. As well as infant feeding skin care and thernal care practice this book covers signs and causes of common problems such as jaundice  infections respiratory problems and birth injury  providing care and treatment strategies for the neonate and family.  This easy-to-follow full colour design with superb diagrams and photographs and helpful features such as key points case histories and chapters overviews makes this essential reading for all student midwives as well as those on post-qualifying courses in neonatal care. It is also a useful reference for practising midwives and neonatal nurses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138372832

Care PlanningA guide for nurses This clear and intuitive introduction to care planning for nurses explains the benefits of holistic individualised care planning from a professional and clinical perspective. Using the ASPIRE model it guides the reader step-by-step through a problem-solving approach to care from assessing patients and identifying their needs to planning goals and interventions and evaluating progress. The book is structured to explain the theory of care planning in relation to a number of common nursing models and then show how the theory can best be put into practice. It draws on recent research to show how nurses can develop individualised care plans from scratch or use and adapt a range of ‘off-the-shelf’ tools. It is written in a clear succinct and down-to-earth writing style which will put students immediately at their ease and is rich with pedagogic features including:   ‘Stop and think’ boxes to check understanding; boxed ‘Practice examples’ to illustrate points made; ‘Research summary’ boxes to highlight relevant and important studies; ‘What have you learnt so far?’ features to recap on key points of discussion; mini care plans; regular activities to encourage the reader to apply what they have learnt to particular practice scenarios. This is a go-to text for all pre-registration nursing students taking courses on the theory and practice of effective healthcare delivery. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138642195

Care TrustsPartnership Working in Action This book explores the Care Trust concept promoted by central government for improving partnership working between health and social care. Using case studies and examples to raise current issues related to partnership working it explains how Care Trusts are bridging the gap between health and social care and considers how they are delivering more co-ordinated services and improved outcomes. All healthcare and social care professionals with responsibility for involved in or affected by the new partnership working arrangements will find this book useful reading. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315375601

Care Work in EuropeCurrent Understandings and Future Directions Care Work in Europe provides a cross-national and cross-sectoral study of care work in Europe today covering policy provision and practice as well as exploring how care work is conceptualized and understood. Drawing on a study which looks at care work across the life course in a number of European countries this book: explores the context and emerging policy agendas provides an analysis of how different countries and sectors understand and structure care work examines key issues such as the extreme gendering of the workforce increasing problems of recruitment and turnover what kinds of knowledge and education the work requires and what conditions are needed to ensure good quality employment considers possible future directions including the option of a generic professional worker educated to work across the life course and whether ‘care’ will or should remain a distinct field of policy and employment. This groundbreaking comparative study provokes much-needed new thinking about the current situation and future direction of care work an area essential to the social and economic well-being of Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415541015

Career BarriersHow People Experience Overcome and Avoid Failure This volume's goal is to help readers understand how people react to career barriers and how people develop constructive ways of coping with them. Drawing on original cases and data from interviews with people who faced different types of career barriers the author describes how people react to and make sense of unfortunate events in their lives--and career barriers when they occur. He considers how and why some people cope constructively while others don't and explores how resilience and support from others help get us through tough times and emerge with a sense of renewal and career growth. He suggests how we can manage career barriers and prepare for--or even prevent--career barriers through foresight planning and education. These methods also suggest what managers and organizations should do to help their employees who are or may soon be facing career barriers. People can learn while facing the stress and self-questioning that accompany career barriers but this is not an easy process. Learning requires considerable self-understanding and environmental support. The organization can play a vital role in limiting people's pain and creating opportunities. However despite generous severance packages and outplacement services many organizations have been little help to people who lose their jobs suffer job stress face unreasonably demanding bosses or suffer from physical handicaps or chronic illnesses. Most of the burden falls on individuals and their families. Assistance can and should come from employers government agencies educational institutions and religious organizations. While the book focuses on the perspectives of people who have been or may be affected by career barriers the material should be of interest to a broad range of readers --in particular academics who study careers practitioners in the fields of training and development and government officials who set public policy that affects displaced workers. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315805764

Career Construction Theory and Life WritingNarrative and Autobiographical Thinking across the Professions This volume applies the insight and methods of career construction theory to explore how autobiographical writing is used in different professional careers from fiction and journalism to education and medicine. It draws attention to the fact that a career is a particular kind of artefact with distinctive properties and features that can be analysed and  compared and puts forward a new theory of the relationship between narrative methodology and the vocation of writing. Career construction theory emerged in the late twentieth century when changes to the patterns of our working lives caused large numbers of people to seek new forms of vocational guidance to navigate those changes. It employs a narrative paradigm in which periods of uncertainty are treated as experiences akin to ‘writer’s block’ experiences which can be overcome first by imagining new character arcs then by narrating them and finally by performing them. By encouraging clients to see their careers as stories of which they are both the metaphorical authors and the main protagonists career construction counsellors enable them to envisage the next chapter in those stories. But despite the authorial metaphor career construction theory has not been widely applied to analysis of professional careers in writing. The chapters in this volume remedy that gap and in various ways apply the insights of career construction theory to analyse the relationship between writing and professional life in diverse careers where writing is used. The chapters in this book were originally published in the journal Life Writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367550929

Career CounselingContemporary Topics in Vocational Psychology Career Counseling aims to link the past and the present and to look to the future for significant developments in this critical field. Seven current methods are examined in detail: * the Trait-and-Factor approach * the Person-Centered approach * the Psychodynamic approach * the Developmental approach * the Social Learning approach * the Social Psychological approach * Computer Assisted Career Counseling Written to inform practicing vocational counselors and students about the practical and applied aspects of various counseling approaches this book will help them maintain a data-based objectivity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988095

Career CounselingFoundations Perspectives and Applications Career Counseling 3rd edition provides a comprehensive holistic overview of the foundations of career counseling information on the most effective skills and techniques and contextual perspectives on career and lifestyle planning all by nationally and internationally recognized experts. Updated chapters introduce important material not often addressed in introductory texts such as rehabilitation addictive behaviors counseling couples and families and working with ethnic and gender/sexual minority clients. Included throughout the text are case studies informational sidebars and experiential activities that enhance the reading and encourage additional contemplation of chapter content. Readers can also turn to the book’s companion website for chapter test questions PowerPoints and additional resources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138744356

Career CounsellingConstructivist approaches Due to the increasing demand for career guidance in recent years career counsellors have been challenged to modernise their practice. As a response to the rapidly changing world of work with more diverse client groups and more complex and challenging issues facing career counsellors the field has moved strongly towards the greater adoption of constructivist approaches. The 2nd edition of this ground breaking book is a forward-looking guide giving further insight into the constructivist approach for the 21st century by: providing a theoretical background to constructivism; alerting readers to a range of cultural considerations related to constructivist career counselling; outlining a range of constructivist approaches to career counselling; providing examples of practical applications of the constructivist approaches presented in the book; and assisting career counsellor educators practitioners and students understand and implement constructivist approaches into their work. With contributions from an internationally recognised panel of authors from ten different countries Career Counselling: Constructivist Approaches treats career as a holistic concept in which work and personal life are inseparably intertwined and individuals as experts in their own lives and in actively constructing their careers. Structured into four logical sections this 2nd edition attests to the ongoing influence of constructivism internationally and the continued development and refinement of constructivist approaches to career counselling. Career Counselling: Constructivist Approaches is essential reading for career counsellor educators practitioners researchers and students who want a refreshing insight into constructivist career counselling. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138910096

Career Decision Making Keeping up with new developments in vocational psychology is important to both psychological practitioners and researchers. This volume is devoted to presenting and evaluating important advances in the field of career decision making development and maturity. More specifically it identifies reports and evaluates significant contemporary developments in vocational psychology and provides both professional workers and students with an informed understanding of the progress taking place in the field. The history and theory of the assessment of career development and decison making are explored as well as advances in career planning systems. An expanded context for the study and evaluation of career development variables is also described. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315802046

Career Development and Vocational Behavior of Racial and Ethnic Minorities This volume presents the single most comprehensive source of knowledge on the career development of racial and ethnic minorities. In so doing it serves as a resource to graduate students learning about career development and career counseling counselors and psychologists providing career counseling to racial and ethnic minorities and psychologists and counselors doing research on the career development of these diverse groups. In recognition of the value of both culture-specific and culture-general information about the vocational psychology of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States the book has a dual focus. The first eight chapters are devoted to culture-specific information about career development and vocational behavior. The final two chapters synthesize and integrate the materials presented in the eight culture-specific chapters. The text has been divided into three sections. The first section focuses on career theory and research with racial and ethnic minorities. It consists of a review of the relevance and utility of various career theories and models from mainstream vocational psychology to our understanding of the vocational behavior and career development of racial and ethnic minorities -- African Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans and American Indians. These chapters also summarize other theories from ethnic minority psychology that add to our understanding of minority career development. Finally they review the existing empirical literature on the career development of these groups and provide a critique of this literature with recommendations for future research. The second section focuses on assessment and intervention with racial and ethnic minorities. The inclusion of the assessment dimension is very important because assessment is such a large and significant component of the career counseling process with these groups. The chapter authors offer guidelines and recommendations for providing career interventions with racial and ethnic minorities. In presenting these guidelines they also address some of the cultural factors unique to each group that may serve either as facilitators or as inhibitors in the career counseling process. The third section includes commentaries suggestions reactions and syntheses of the previous sections from scholars in the field of vocational psychology. These authors identify and examine the common principles problems and themes running across the chapters and offer suggestions for advancing the field of racial and ethnic minority vocational psychology. This book will become both a valuable source of current information about the vocational psychology of racial and ethnic minorities as well as an inspiration for future research into the career development and vocational behavior of these culturally different individuals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965362

Career Development and Vocational Behavior of Racial and Ethnic Minorities This volume presents the single most comprehensive source of knowledge on the career development of racial and ethnic minorities. In so doing it serves as a resource to graduate students learning about career development and career counseling counselors and psychologists providing career counseling to racial and ethnic minorities and psychologists and counselors doing research on the career development of these diverse groups. In recognition of the value of both culture-specific and culture-general information about the vocational psychology of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States the book has a dual focus. The first eight chapters are devoted to culture-specific information about career development and vocational behavior. The final two chapters synthesize and integrate the materials presented in the eight culture-specific chapters. The text has been divided into three sections. The first section focuses on career theory and research with racial and ethnic minorities. It consists of a review of the relevance and utility of various career theories and models from mainstream vocational psychology to our understanding of the vocational behavior and career development of racial and ethnic minorities -- African Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans and American Indians. These chapters also summarize other theories from ethnic minority psychology that add to our understanding of minority career development. Finally they review the existing empirical literature on the career development of these groups and provide a critique of this literature with recommendations for future research. The second section focuses on assessment and intervention with racial and ethnic minorities. The inclusion of the assessment dimension is very important because assessment is such a large and significant component of the career counseling process with these groups. The chapter authors offer guidelines and recommendations for providing career interventions with racial and ethnic minorities. In presenting these guidelines they also address some of the cultural factors unique to each group that may serve either as facilitators or as inhibitors in the career counseling process. The third section includes commentaries suggestions reactions and syntheses of the previous sections from scholars in the field of vocational psychology. These authors identify and examine the common principles problems and themes running across the chapters and offer suggestions for advancing the field of racial and ethnic minority vocational psychology. This book will become both a valuable source of current information about the vocational psychology of racial and ethnic minorities as well as an inspiration for future research into the career development and vocational behavior of these culturally different individuals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315799407

Career Development for Teachers Designed to help student and practising teachers further their careers and apply for new jobs this text describes where to look for a job how to approach the interview how to write a letter of application and prepare a CV and how to map out career priorities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138419926

Career DevelopmentA human resource development perspective Career Development: A Human Resource Development Perspective offers a strategic framework that demonstrates the role of career development within the human resource function. It goes beyond conventional interventions and includes key topics such as diversity work–life balance and ethics. Historically the career development literature has been viewed either from the perspective of the individual (how to build a career) or from an economic perspective (how an organization benefits from developing employees). In this book McDonald and Hite bring together the strengths of both traditions offering an integrated framework for career development. The theoretical foundation expands on the counseling literature by incorporating the literature from human resource development and related fields. The application section reflects on the wide range of ages and working options that characterize the current and future workplace. The final section of the book addresses career development issues such as managing a diverse global workforce; ethics; and work–life balance. This book will help prepare human resource development students scholars and practitioners to develop and maintain successful career development programs and to foster more innovative research that advances the discourse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138786134

Career DevelopmentA Life-span Developmental Approach This book places career development into the mainstream of human development research and theory. The result is a powerful synthesis of vocational psychology and the most recent advances in lifespan developmental psychology thus offering a developmental-contextual framework for guiding theory and research in career development. Its chapters demonstrate the utility of this framework for the study of women's career development health and careers career intervention and the selection and application of appropriate research methodologies. Scholars as well as intervention specialists should find this volume to be of great value. The adaption of this developmental-contextual framework for career development theory research and intervention may represent an important future for vocational psychology and the study of career development. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315792705

Career Endeavour: Pursuing a Cross-Cultural Life Transition This book is concerned with trainee professionals and their search for meaning through the determined and creative pursuit of a cross-cultural career transition. Adopting a qualitative research framework the book describes the career experience of professional trainees from non-Western cultures who have chosen to develop their careers in the West. It examines the process of the initial consideration of change the exploring of options (including whether to emigrate) and how the many issues and challenges of adapting to the socio-cultural environment of the host country were met. In addition it examines how the process provided the trainee professionals involved with greater self-understanding and how as a result they were able to further consider their future career plans. The book then highlights the implications of these experiences for theory research and practice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260884

Career Exploration and Development in ChildhoodPerspectives from theory practice and research Career Exploration and Development in Childhood presents chapters from leading figures in the field of childhood career exploration and development. The first substantive edited collection of its kind this book makes an important contribution to our understanding of children’s career development. It provides cutting-edge theory research and practice for understanding and fostering career exploration and development during childhood across a wide spectrum of international settings. Divided into five sections that reflect the authors’ perspectives on critical aspects of children’s career development chapters include relevant research as well as the practical application of concepts issues and strategies for career interventions with children. The book includes sequential sections on theory research contextual influences assessment and the facilitation of career exploration and development. Perspectives from both developed and developing world contexts consider traditional approaches to career education as well as career development learning in childhood. The collaborations evident in the chapter authorship reflect the significant internationalisation of the field of child career development. The book synthesises key issues and presents innovative recommendations that will not only enhance our understanding of children’s career development but will set the agenda for the future of the field. It will be of key interest to researchers academics and postgraduate students in the fields of career development career guidance education childhood child development and counselling. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138602014

Career Guidance for EmancipationReclaiming Justice for the Multitude This edited collection explores ways in which social justice can be integrated into career guidance practice. Chapter authors propose models and practices which can contribute to struggles for social justice and consider how career guidance can play a role in these struggles. They explore policy and practice in the light of critical social theory both critiquing career guidance and opening up new possibilities for the field. The volume moves the discipline away from its overwhelming reliance on psychology in favor of theoretically pluralistic approaches informed by critical thinking in a range of disciplines. It seeks to expand the possibilities that are available to career guidance practitioners and researchers to support the growth of human flourishing and solidarity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663308

Career Guidance for Social JusticeContesting Neoliberalism This edited collection examines the intersections between career guidance social justice and neo-liberalism. Contributors offer an original and global discussion of the role of career guidance in the struggle for social justice and evaluate the field from a diverse range of theoretical positions. Through a series of chapters that positions career guidance within a neoliberal context and presents theories to inform an emancipatory direction for the field this book raises questions offers resources and provides some glimpses of an alternative future for work. Drawing on education sociology and political science this book addresses the theoretical basis of career guidance’s involvement in social justice as well as the methodological consequences in relation to career guidance research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367334147

Career Management for ArtistsA Practical Guide to Representation and Sustainability for Your Studio Practice Both pragmatic and motivational this book addresses what it means to have a successful long-term career in the arts taking stock of the current landscape of the art world introducing new venues in the field reflecting on issues of social media and exhibition and ultimately encouraging artists to take control of their professional lives. Weaving conversations from a range of internationally based artists who have negotiated alternative paths to success lauded artist and teacher Stacy Miller provides a practical lively reflection on what it takes to be an artist in our new global landscape. This book covers practical needs different approaches and philosophical ways of creating a life and career in the arts. It lays out conventional and nonconventional means to representation describes being an entrepreneur versus funding independent creative projects and examines social media for the potential powerhouse it is. Most importantly it gives artists a way to think about being a professional and the different paths to a successful career in the arts. Perfect for emerging mid-career and experienced artists this book encourages readers to redefine personal success and to act locally nationally and internationally in an expanding art world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138335219

Career Management for Life Career Management for Life provides students and employees with an integrative approach to managing their careers on an ongoing basis to achieve a satisfying balance between their work and their family responsibilities community involvement and personal interests. The career management model guides individuals through the different phases of their career from figuring out what their first job should be right to navigating the road to retirement. Expert authors Greenhaus Callanan and Godshalk bring their wealth of research experience to the book and demonstrate the individual and organizational sides of career management allowing an appreciation of both. This material is well balanced by a set of practical tools including self-assessments case studies and recommended interviews. The new edition also includes: An emphasis on attaining work-life balance a topic that is of growing concern to workers at all stages of their careers. An updated focus on today’s career contexts and stages. Material on technology and social media now integrated throughout the book to reflect the growing importance of these tools in career management and development. A chapter on international careers helping individuals face a globalized world. Greater emphasis on alternative career paths reflecting the newest trends and helping individuals understand all the different career options available to them. This rich and engaging book will help individuals understand themselves better which in turn allows them to understand what they really want out of their career. Those taking (or offering) classes in career management or career development will come to rely on this book for years to follow. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138636460

Career Options in General Practice With the government trying to bring more work into primary care the creation of the GP With a Special Interest and the newer salaried posts doctors may feel bewildered by the sheer choice facing them. Becoming involved in academia education writing secondary care work outside agency work wanting to be a partner salaried or work flexible hours — how do you negotiate these many choices? This useful guide aims to help highlighting the options available for newly qualified GPs helping them to decide which direction they want to take and also provides ideas for those already established within primary care looking for fresh directions within the profession and beyond. This book also explains what the specialty is all about for those who are contemplating becoming part of it. Training and newly qualified general practitioners general practitioners who are looking for a new challenge medical students and junior doctors will all find this book valuable reading. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781857756012

Career Paths and Career Development of Business Librarians Contributors provide insights about business librarianship in various types of institutions explore traditional and non-traditional career paths in business librarianship and discuss numerous strategies for professional growth (from earning an MBA degree to working abroad). Among the topics covered are the following: recruitment of business librarians (including recent data on the supply and demand of business librarians); the special concerns of early career and mid-career business librarians; the importance of mentoring; leadership development; and business librarians on the job in academic public and corporate libraries. This book will appeal to a wide audience: practitioners; directors of public academic and special libraries serving the business community; library and information science educators; and those considering business librarianship as a career including students generalist librarians and individuals seeking a career change. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877334

Career Pathways in PsychiatryTransition in Changing Times Career transitions in psychiatry have rarely been discussed openly.  Yet in the light of health care reform and other forces affecting clinical practice it is more important than ever that psychiatrists have information about the career options within their specialty.  Career Pathways in Psychiatry: Transition in Changing Times serves that purpose.  It explores the professional development and career choices of prominent American psychiatrists each of whom is identified with a particular career track and many of whom have themselves experienced one or more career transitions. The autobiographical accounts of the contributors survey a wide range of career pathways in psychiatry including clinical practice HMO practice research administration entrepreneurism psychoanalysis organized medicine the pharmaceutical industry public psychiatry occupational psychiatry forensic psychiatry and military psychiatry.  These accounts are as engaging as they are informative; their anecdotal nature and conversational tone make for pleasurable reading.  References at the end of each chapter serve as recommended reading for those who wish to learn more about specific career options. Intended for psychiatric residents and psychiatrists early in their careers Career Pathways in Psychiatry will also appeal to their more experienced colleagues including seasoned clinicians who have contemplated career changes.  With a preface summarizing research on career transitions in medicine and numerous chapters shedding light on factors contributing to resistance to change this book will also be of interest to social scientists  mental health administrators and professional recruiters.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138872530

Career Planning Development and ManagementAn Annotated Bibliography Substantial literature has emerged on the subject of career planning development and management. Academic research by economists educators political scientists psychologists and sociologists has made the study of careers in organizations an important interdisciplinary focus in the social sciences. This proliferation of materials has resulted from a growing concern with such career issues as quality of life job opportunities for minorities and women economic downturns career mobility and the changing success ethic. This annotated bibliography first published in 1983 seeks to bring together in a single volume significant academic research from various disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138629936

Career Planning and Job Searching in the Information Age Career Planning and Job Searching in the Information Age answers key questions for today?s providers of career-planning and job-searching information. Librarians and career development professionals’concerns--such as cost-effective use of the Internet the reliability and integrity of electronic resources and successful search strategies--are addressed in this comprehensive collection. In this follow-up to Library Services for Career Planning Job Searching and Employment Opportunities (1992) real-life methods used by information providers to reduce costs and improve quality of service through a better understanding of today?s technology and audience needs and expectations are shown. Readers learn about:issues and ethics in the electronic environmentjob searches conducted on the World Wide Weba university placement office?s gopher site for 24-hour access to job informationa university library and career service department?s collaboration on job search seminarshow a public library fit electronic job searching into its missionan alumnae network?s evolution into a national career development organizationCareer Planning and Job Searching in the Information Age presents a broad base of knowledge from which readers are launched into tightly focused case studies offering details on how to deal with the issues of technology and service. This book makes it clear that in the ever-changing world of information technology there is little room for the status quo. Professionals who don’t learn about electronic resources risk missing out on a wealth of up-to-the-minute information that is infinitely useful to patrons planning a career or searching for a job. Library professionals just beginning to address these issues professionals already possessing a general knowledge of these issues and students of library science and career development will all benefit from this collection. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003075332

Career Planning for Everyone in the NHSThe Toolkit This book is for users of comparisons in health care and for researchers. More clinicians managers and patient groups are using research to make comparisons. Information technology and new databases make comparisons easier but not necessarily better. Comparisons can help us discover the causes of disease whether a treatment is effective if it is worth the cost whether a service is performing badly and the value of a health reform or policy. Comparisons can help us learn from other cultures and understand the implications for our own health services. Yet it is all too easy to misinterpret or uncritically accept a study and reach invalid conclusions. This book encourages decision-makers to make more use of comparative research but with an awareness of the limitations of comparisons. Its practical approach enables researchers to plan and carry out better comparative research and to develop new methodologies for this fast growing field of research. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378558

Career Stress in Changing Times In terms of time energy and money a career is one of the most important investments that a person makes during his or her lifetime. Career Stress in Changing Times is an exciting volume that covers the entire career cycle from beginning through mid-career dilemmas to the retirement transition. Many key career issues and stressors--as they are experienced during each stage of one’s career--are examined. Experts also explore the major social and cultural forces that influence careers and will continue to do so in the next century including women’s influx into the workplace the decline of blue-collar labor the changing demographics of our nation and the movement toward a world economy.Career Stress in Changing Times is ideal for individuals involved in career planning activities professionals counseling people engaged in career planning transitions and educators involved in teaching career planning seminars. This volume is unique in that it blends the work of academic researchers with that of practitioners on the firing line; it blends theoretical and conceptual work with empirical data-based research as well as with the results of in-depth interviews and reports from the direct experience of practitioners. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315791739

Career Women in Contemporary JapanPursuing Identities Fashioning Lives Since Japan’s economic recession began in the 1990s the female workforce has experienced revolutionary changes as greater numbers of women have sought to establish careers. Employment trends indicate that increasingly white-collar professional women are succeeding in breaking through the "glass ceiling" as digital technologies blur and redefine work in spatial gendered and ideological terms. This book examines what motivates Japanese women to pursue professional careers in the contemporary neoliberal economy and how they reconfigure notions of selfhood while doing so. It analyses how professional women contest conventional notions of femininity in contemporary Japan and in turn negotiate new gender roles and cultural assumptions about women whilst reorganizing the Japanese workplace and wider socio-economic relationships. Further the book explores how professional women create new social identities through the mutual conditioning of structure and self and asks how women come to understand their experiences; how their actions change the gendering of the workforce; and how their lives shape the economic political social and cultural landscapes of this post-industrial nation. Based on extensive fieldwork Career Women in Contemporary Japan will have broad appeal across a range of disciplines including Japanese culture and society gender and family studies women’s studies anthropology ethnology and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138236769

Career Worth PlanningStarting Out and Moving Ahead in the Planning Profession Now that your planning degree is in sight or in hand how and where can you find your "dream job?" Once you're on the job what can you do to not just survive but thrive and avoid common professional pitfalls? In A Career Worth Planning two veteran planners offer a road map for success. Packed with practical information and useful advice it is must reading for planning students new planners and experienced planners looking to advance their careers.Career questions can paralyze beginning planners. What are the differences between working for a public planning agency or a private consulting firm? What does an employer look for in a job candidate? How can you set yourself apart from other job hunters through your resume and in an interview? A Career Worth Planning answers these tough questions and many others.But landing a job is only half the battle. Once you're there how do you negotiate the career ladder even in the most difficult circumstances? Here are nuggets of wisdom on how to deal with a bad boss identify crucial "insiders" who can make or break your success on the job clarify ethical conflicts manage political land mines and yes even evaluate your job satisfaction and determine when you're ready to move on.Wherever you are along your career path this book will help you assess your skills preferences and work style and find the planning niche that fits you. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367092719

Careers And CreativitySocial Forces In The Arts This book shows the readers a lot about careers and creativity and the associated themes. It develops two basic themes: the shaping of identities and particular artworks emerge from a dialogue between artist and art world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367154639

Careers and Talent ManagementA Critical Perspective Careers and Talent Management challenges and deconstructs the notion of the "perfect career" in order to provide new perspectives on talent management and career creation. It argues that the skills that organizations typically look for as indicative of superstar performance are not necessarily those that lead to competitive advantage. Attracting and retaining talent is both challenging and complex for organizations since it is not known especially at the top level which employee skills will be most valuable in helping the organization be competitive globally. In this thoughtful book Reis bucks the trend on emerging super talents critically analyzing topics related to the field of general management careers and talent management – such as leadership entrepreneurship gender and diversity – to demonstrate the range of employee skills that can benefit an organization globally. Chapter focuses include global entrepreneurship remote business practices and social responsibility. These new perspectives on talent management will help students of human resource management think critically about the implications of pursuing or encouraging a "perfect" career trajectory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415735025

Careers around the WorldIndividual and Contextual Perspectives Companies are becoming more global and international and commerce and information flow seamlessly across national borders. In addition modernization rapid technological change an increasingly (shared) global culture and shifting socio-demographic values have created conditions in which career stability is more threatened while the importance of managing the career well is paramount. But what do we know about careers in different contexts and how those career experiences vary in different regions and countries of the world? The goal of this book is to develop new understandings of career from the vantage point of those who live in diverse cultures and who belong to different generations. Careers Around the World explores the very meaning of what a career for individuals is in different countries cultures professions and age groups. What does career success mean for people around the world? What are key career transitions and how are they best managed in different cultures? As those questions have not yet been investigated in the literature of careers across cultures and generations the authors have taken an approach that led to hearing the answers directly from working people around the globe. This book presents the answers to these questions from each of the seven major cultural regions of the world and the practical implications of these differences for those who manage human resources in organizations that cross national boundaries as well as those who advise on careers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415871426

Careers Education and GuidanceDeveloping Professional Practice This text reviews the current scene in careers education and examines a range of different approaches in practice. It seeks to show how staff can use and adapt these ideas to implement change and improve careers education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138421639

Careers in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering The scope of opportunities in chemical and biomolecular engineering has grown tremendously in recent years. Careers in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering conveys the breadth and depth of today’s chemical and biomolecular engineering practice and describes the intellectually enriching socially conscious and financially lucrative opportunities available for such graduates in an ever-widening array of industries and applications. This book aims to help students interested in studying chemical engineering and biomolecular engineering to understand the many potential career pathways that are available in these dynamic fields — and is an indispensable resource for the parents teachers advisors and guidance counselors who support them In addition to 10 chapters that discuss the roles such graduates play in many diverse industries this book also features 25 Profile articles that share in-depth first-person insight from industry-leading chemical and biomolecular engineers. These technical professionals discuss their work and educational experiences (in terms of both triumphs and challenges) and share wisdom and recommendations for students pursuing these two dynamic engineering disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138099913

Careers in Child and Adolescent DevelopmentA Student's Guide to Working in the Field Child and Adolescent Development is a rich and continuously evolving field that offers a wealth of career opportunities. Careers in Child and Adolescent Development is the first textbook to guide students along each step of the career path—from the levels of academic degrees and programs available to preparations for the professional world. It presents a brief description of the field explores a broad array of career paths available to students and offers some practical ideas for constructing a career plan. Students are provided with practical up-to-date information about career opportunities combined with real-life vignettes to illustrate the challenges and rewards these careers hold. The book presents traditional career paths in fields such as child and adolescent development elementary education educational leadership and school counseling as well as non-traditional or emerging career paths in child life and behavior analysis research academia non-profit work children’s ministry and family law. It will serve as a go-to reference for students and can be used in a fieldwork class a service learning class a professional development class or a capstone class. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138859951

Careers In Counseling And Human Services First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138415096

Careers in Creative Industries This book comprises current original empirical studies of career-making in theatre music film TV visual arts fashion design and architecture from Asia Europe and North America. This format facilitates comparative analysis of central features of career-making within as well as across both specific industries and national contexts. The studies empirically and theoretically analyze issues such as career management temporality location recognition processes competition uncertainty gender chance-arbitrariness education-to-work transition mediators the ‘individualization’ of careers and collaboration partnerships. The book is at the forefront and intersection of contemporary career research and research on work in creative industries / the cultural economy intertwining both subjective and objective approaches to and dimensions of career. The book moves beyond the dichotomies that have characterized recent career theory and work on creative industries in terms of ‘boundarylessness-boundedness’ and ‘good and bad work’ to examine the factors that facilitate and restrict horizontal and vertical mobility sometimes simultaneously and paradoxically and the trade-offs involved and the simultaneous positive and negative dimensions of given phenomena. The chapters also analyze the operation and significance of various formal and informal recognition processes from the macro state level down to minute interpersonal interaction that are central to career-making in creative industries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138960619

Careers of CareSurvivors of Traumatic Brain Injury and the Response of Health and Social Care First Published in 1998 This Book explores Traumatic Brain Injury form the perspectives of long term continuing health and social care revision within the current requirements of community care. Different types of residential care provision and care management processes are evaluated for their suitability without previous ideological bias for or against one provision above another. The book develops social care practice by promoting a strategy of individualised practice for recoiling residential care provision within the requirement of community care. Its recommendations can be transferred from people with Traumatic Brian Injury to other ‘Out-sider groups’ within the remit of community care. Headway National Head Injuries Association commends this book as a standard reference work. Social workers nurses social care managers and workers occupation therapists psychotherapists speech therapists and lawyers working in compensation cases will find the book useful for practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612372

Careers Without BordersCritical Perspectives Careers without Borders analyzes the challenges debates and developments in global careers using a critical management perspective. Starting in the early nineties the flow of information became more fluid and with this managers and professionals started operating across borders crossing different contexts in greater numbers than ever before. In this edited collection contributors from around the world examine how context culture and social relations of power all impact on how professionals interact with new structural and ideological frameworks. Issues such as regulation and law policies history identities and inequalities are explored. The book covers a wide range of countries including USA China Brazil Ghana and Hungary offering strong theoretical analyses as well as practical implications. This book aims to help students and managers understand the career issues involved when they do business in other countries. It will appeal to students on human resource management or international business courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415501156

Careful Eating: Bodies Food and Care Critically reflecting on the interplays between food and care this multidisciplinary volume asks ’why do individuals institutions and agencies care about what other people eat?’ It explores how acts of caring about food and eating shape and intervene in individual bodies as well as being enacted in and through those bodies. In so doing the volume extends current critical debates regarding food and care as political mechanisms through which social hierarchies are constructed and both self and 'other' (re)produced. Addressing the ways in which eating and caring interact on multiple scales and sites - from public health and clinical settings to the market the home and online communities - Careful Eating asks what ’eating’ and ’caring’ are what relationships they create and rupture and how their interplay is experienced in myriad spaces of everyday life. Taking account of this two-directional flow of engagement between eating and caring the chapters are organized into three central theoretical dimensions: how eating practices mobilize discourses and forms of care; how discourses and practices of care (look to) shape particular forms of eating and food preferences; and how it is often in the bodies of individual consumers that eating and care encounter one another. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308473

Caregiver Substance Use and Child TraumaImplications for Social Work Research and Practice Research has consistently shown that there is a link between caregiver substance use and child maltreatment but less attention has been given to child trauma exposure. The co-occurrence of caregiver substance misuse and child trauma exposure is a prevailing problem that has confounded social work prevention protection and treatment efforts with both children and adults for years. However there has been minimal empirical and clinical literature focusing on child trauma as an outcome of caregiver substance use. This work is designed to be the catalyst for sustained intellectual inquiry about how caregiver substance use child maltreatment and violence exposure can be understood in theory and practice. To this end the research presented in this book highlights the state of the science the impact of the phenomenon and the policy and practice questions that must be addressed. Implications for social work practice are highlighted in order to attenuate these deleterious and pervasive problems in the future. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415710633

Caregiving Across CulturesWorking With Dementing Illness And Ethnically Diverse Populations First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315800691

Caregiving DaughtersAccepting the Role of Caregiver for Elderly Parents First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965379

Care-Giving In Dementia 2 Care-giving in dementia is a new speciality with its own rapidly growing body of knowledge. This second volume of contributions from leading practitioners and researchers around the world is a handbook for all those involved in hands on caring or in planning care for persons with dementia. Volume 2 of Care-Giving in Dementia provides a rich source of information on most recent thinking about individualised long-term care of both dementia sufferers and their families. Key themes in Volume 2 are: the subjective experience of dementia the provision of care for family carers differing cultural perspectives of dementia the crucial importance of life-history information for understanding a person's reaction to their illness. Chapters on the search for an ethical framework and the best environment within which to provide care are particularly timely. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138358133

Care-Giving in DementiaVolume 1: Research and Applications A practical book for practical people Care-Giving in Dementia integrates neurobiological information about dementia with specific developments in care-giving. Multi-disciplinary and multi-professional in its approach it emphasizes the variety of techniques that can be used effectively in caring for persons with dementia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315800196

Caregiving SystemsFormal and Informal Helpers Caregiving has emerged as a critical issue in the second half of the life cycle. With the growth of the older population there have been dramatic increases in the number of people needing care and assistance. The responsibility for care typically falls on families at a time when they have limited resources to meet these needs. At a societal level the need for care for growing numbers of disabled elders poses a major challenge for how to organize supportive services in an efficient and responsive system. Bringing together multiple perspectives on caregiving the authors' explore informal and formal family caregiving and the pivotal issue of how these systems interface and interact. An overview of this variation is provided by examining family caregiving from three perspectives: * the effects of culture on helping patterns and family responsibility * how different disabilities affect patterns of family care and * longitudinal perspectives on the impact that caregiving has on family members. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138876255

Caregiving with Pride It is more common now than ever before for partners family members and friends to provide informal care yet caregiving in the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities has received little attention. Caregiving with Pride is the pioneering examination of caregiving experiences in the LGBT population that also provides a frank discussion of the issues involved in needing and receiving care as well. This comprehensive up-to-date text presents practical information for a timely account of this important field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138466920

Caregiving-Leisure and Aging Create programs that make good use of the leisure time of the elderly and of those who care for them!Caregiving is a vital issue in today's rapidly aging society. Each year a greater number of elderly people find themselves in need of care and at the same time more elderly adults than ever are finding themselves in the caregiving role. Caregiving--Leisure and Aging blends the work of six experts in the field exploring implications for future practice and research examining caregivers and care receivers and their need for appropriate leisure and recreation activities and sharing innovative recreation programs to help caregivers and those in their care enrich the quality of their lives.Here you'll find: a review of literature which examines caregivers’health behaviors and discusses sleep improvement home-based exercise and several interventions the common factors found in successful leisure and activities programs for older adults and those who care for them in-depth case studies of three women who cared for their older husbands with dementia and the rationale behind their sacrifice of personal leisure time to provide this care a survey of rural and urban caregivers to individuals with Alzheimer's disease specific leisure education strategies that have been used successfully in caregiver support groups an examination of the innovative Family-based Structural Multisystem In-home Interventions (FSMII) with a Computer Telephone Integration System (CTIS) projectCaregiving--Leisure and Aging provides information and ideas regarding the importance of leisure both to those elderly people receiving care and also to the aging adults who selflessly deliver that care. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315821634

Cargo CrimeSecurity and Theft Prevention Cargo crime—including theft fraud and the passage of contraband through commercial shipping lanes—poses an enormous threat to security and the economy. By understanding the current methods and operations of those who attack the supply chain industry professionals can design effective security plans and law enforcement can properly investigate these crimes. Cargo Crime: Security and Theft Prevention is drawn from the author’s personal experiences as a law enforcement detective and supervisor and as a regional security manager for a large multimode transportation and logistics company. The book reviews emerging trends identifies criminal tactics discusses law enforcement response to cargo theft and presents best practices to help businesses avoid victimization by cargo thieves. Topics include: The various modes of freight transportation and the differences in cargo crime activity in each mode Methods of operation used by organized crime syndicates and narcotic smugglers The effective use of public and private information-sharing partnerships to thwart criminal activities Known profiles consistent in over 90 percent of contraband shipments Cargo crime is a critical concern of freight transportation operators manufacturers shippers insurers law enforcement and consumers. This book arms professionals charged with protecting the supply chain with essential information that can help them investigate and uncover criminal activity and develop a first class cargo security program. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466512450

Cargo WorkFor Maritime Operations Previously published as Kemp & Young's Cargo Work this new edition has been fully revised and expanded to comprehensively reflect unit load containerised systems that are now used in the majority of cargo shipping while retaining the necessary detail on transporting key classes of cargoes safely efficiently and profitably. This is an essential reference for merchant seamen internationally.The book covers general principles and the latest international regulations that affect all cargo work including cargo types and key characteristics of a wide range of cargo classes. It also details Roll On - Roll Off cargo handling containerisation equipment and offshore supply. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138127418

Cargo WorkFor Maritime Operations An essential reference for merchant seamen around the world Cargo Work provides a guide to the key characteristics of a wide range of cargoes. Fully revised and expanded to comprehensively reflect the unit load containerised systems that are now employed in all aspects of cargo handling and international shipping while retaining the necessary detail on transporting key classes of cargoes safely efficiently and profitably. This book covers general principles and the latest international regulations that affect all cargo work including cargo types coverage of roll-on/roll-off cargo handling containerisation equipment and offshore supply. A crucial reference for both students and serving crew Covers the latest International Maritime Organisation (IMO) codes plus key elements of the International Port and Ship Security Code (ISPS) Includes two new chapters on Passenger Vessels and Offshore Trades Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138846067

CargomobilitiesMoving Materials in a Global Age Objects and materials are on the move like never before often at astonishing speeds and along hidden routeways. This collection opens to social scientific scrutiny the various systems which move objects about the world examining their fateful implications for many people and places. Offering texts from key thinkers the book presents case studies from around the world which report on efforts to establish maintain disrupt or transform the cargo-mobility systems which have grown so dramatically in scale and significance in recent decades.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868628

Caribbean Crime and Criminal JusticeImpacts of Post-colonialism and Gender Despite high crime rates among men in the Caribbean rising rates of violence against women in the region and a significant number of Caribbean nationals incarcerated abroad due to drug smuggling existing research has yet to offer explanations that are tailored to the unique Caribbean societies and the individuals in them. This edited volume adds to the existing body of scientific empirical and theoretical work on crime (victimization) and criminal justice in the Caribbean with a specific focus on impacts of post-colonialism and gender. To investigate these impacts on a developing Caribbean criminology the contributions in this volume focus on how impacts of post-colonialism associated racial stereotypes and/or gender throughout the Caribbean impact on (a) types of offending (b) victimization and (c) criminal justice system responses and policies. Bringing together a broad range of experts this book sheds light on key criminological topics in the Caribbean including victimization risk factors for offending subcultures of violence and particularly gendered violence and the role of motherhood within matrifocal societies. It is essential reading for those engaged with Caribbean - or decolonial - Criminology and those engaged with comparative and international studies in crime and justice more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367227593

Caribbean Diaspora in the USADiversity of Caribbean Religions in New York City Caribbean Diaspora in the USA presents a new cultural theory based on an exploration of Caribbean religious communities in New York City. The Caribbean culture of New York demonstrates a cultural dynamism which embraces Spanish speaking English speaking and French speaking migrants. All cultures are full of breaks and contradictions as Latin American and Caribbean theorists have demonstrated in their ongoing debate. This book combines unique research by the author in Caribbean New York with the theoretical discourse of Latin American and Caribbean scholars. Focusing on Caribbean religious communities including Cuban/Puerto Rican Santería (Regla de Ocha) Haitian Vodou Shango (Orisha Baptist) from Trinidad and Tobago and Brazilian Pentecostal church Schmidt's observations lead to the construction of a cultural concept that illustrates a culture in an ongoing state of change with more than one form of expression depending on situation time and context. Showing the creativity of religions and the way immigrants adapt to their new surroundings this book fills a gap between Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260877

Caribbean DiseasesDoctor George Low's Expedition in 1901-02 In this unique highly detailed examination Gordon C Cook investigates the very beginnings of tropical medicine through the work of Dr George Low (1872-1952). Widely known as the 'father of tropical medicine' Low was a pioneering force in the study of Caribbean diseases and the development of preventative medicine. His work on parisitology and importance of epidemiology and ecology was ground-breaking. This remarkable analysis contains for the very first time transcriptions of the thirty-one letters from Low to Sir Patrick Manson Medical Advisor to the Colonial Office during this expedition. The letters reveal Low's thought processes and landmark discoveries in medical science. This handsome hardback volume is ideal for all those with an interest in tropical medicine medical and naval historians and librarians. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315365343

Caribbean Healing TraditionsImplications for Health and Mental Health As Caribbean communities become more international clinicians and scholars must develop new paradigms for understanding treatment preferences and perceptions of illness. Despite evidence supporting the need for culturally appropriate care and the integration of traditional healing practices into conventional health and mental health care systems it is unclear how such integration would function since little is known about the therapeutic interventions of Caribbean healing traditions. Caribbean Healing Traditions: Implications for Health and Mental Health fills this gap. Drawing on the knowledge of prominent clinicians scholars and researchers of the Caribbean and the diaspora these healing traditions are explored in the context of health and mental health for the first time making Caribbean Healing Traditions an invaluable resource for students researchers faculty and practitioners in the fields of nursing counseling psychotherapy psychiatry social work youth and community development and medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415842334

Caribbean HistoryFrom Pre-Colonial Origins to the Present More centrally focused on the Caribbean than any other survey of the region Caribbean History examines a wide range of topics to give students a thorough understanding of the region's history. The text favors a traditional largely chronological approach to the study of Caribbean history however because it is impossible to be entirely chronological in the complex agglomeration of often disparate historical experiences some thematic chapters occupy the broadly chronological framework. The author creates a readable narrative for undergraduates that contains the most recent scholarship and pays particular attention to the U.S.-Caribbean connection to more fully relate to students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780132208604

Caribbean Literature in English Caribbean Literature in English places its subject in its precise regional context. The `Caribbean' generally considered as one area is highly discrete in its topography race and languages including mainland Guyana the Atlantic island of Barbados the Lesser Antilles Trinidad and Jamaica whose size and history gave it an early sense of separate nationhood. Beginning with Raleigh's Discoverie of...Guiana (1596) this innovative study traces the sometimes surprising evolution of cultures which shared a common experience of slavery but were intimately related to individual local areas. The approach is interdisciplinary examining the heritage of the plantation era and the issues of language and racial identity it created.From this base Louis James reassesses the phenomenal expansion of writing in the contemporary period. He traces the influence of pan-Caribbean movements and the creation of an expatriate Caribbean identity in Britain and America: `Brit'n' is considered as a West Indian island created by `colonization in reverse'. Further sections treat the development of a Caribbean aesthetic and the repossession of cultural roots from Africa and Asia. Balancing an awareness of the regional identity of Caribbean literature with an exploration of its place in world and postcolonial literatures this study offers a panoramic view that has become one of the most vital of the `new literatures in English'.This accessible overview of Caribbean writing will appeal to the general reader and student alike and particularly to all who are interested in or studying Caribbean literatures and culture postcolonial studies Commonwealth 'new literatures' and contemporary literature and drama. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138163140

Caribbean MigrationGlobalized Identities This anthology represents important and original directions in the study of Caribbean migration. It takes a comparative perspective on the Caribbean people's migratory experiences to North America Europe and within the Caribbean. Using a multi-disciplinary approach the book discusses: * the causes of migration * the experiences of migrants * the historical cultural and political processes * issues of gender and imperialism * the methodology of migration studies including oral history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138988101

Caribbean Public PolicyRegional Cultural And Socioeconomic Issues For The 21st Century Developing countries including those in the Caribbean are urgently seeking to identify new moorings in the post?Cold War world which is characterized by complex new economic and sociopolitical challenges. Caribbean countries must now compete for investment capital and markets while striving for social equity maintaining representative democracy Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314842

Caribbean Sovereignty Development and Democracy in an Age of Globalization Many of the nations of the Caribbean that have become independent states have maintained as a central organizing nationalist principle the importance in the beliefs of the ideals of sovereignty democracy and development. Yet in recent years political instability the relative size of these nations and the increasing economic vulnerabilities of the region have generated much popular and policy discussions over the attainability of these goals.  The geo-political significance of the region its growing importance as a major transshipment gateway for illegal drugs coming from Latin America to the United States issues of national security vulnerability to corruption and increases in the level of violence and social disorder have all raised serious questions not only about the notions of sovereignty democracy and development but also about the long-term viability of these nations. This volume is intended to make a strategic intervention into the discourse on these important topics but the importance of its contribution resides in its challenge to conventional wisdom on these matters and the multidisciplinary approach it employs.  Recognized experts in the field identify these concerns in the context of globalization economic crises and their impact on the Caribbean. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138914674

Caribbean Spanish in the MetropolisSpanish Language among Cubans Dominicans and Puerto Ricans in the New York City Area This study focuses on first- and second-generation Cubans Dominicans and Puerto Ricans living in the New York City area. In particular the author creates a sociolinguistic profile of these cohorts and evaluates their attitudes towards Spanish and English their use of these languages and their linguistic skills based on generation and ethnic factors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646390

Caribbean Transformations Contact and clash amalgamation and accommodation resistance and change have marked the history of the Caribbean islands. It is a unique region where people under the stress of slavery had to improvise invent and literally create forms of human association through which their pasts and the symbolic interpretation of their present could be structured.Caribbean Transformations is divided into three major parts each preceded by a brief introductory chapter. Part One begins with a look at the African antecedents of the Caribbean then discusses slavery and the plantation system. Two chapters deal with slavery and forced labor in Puerto Rico and the history of a Puerto Rican plantation. Part Two is concerned with the rise of a Caribbean peasantry--the erstwhile slaves who separated themselves from the plantation system on small plots of land. This creative adaptation led to the growth of a class of rural landowners producing a large part of their own subsistence but also selling to and buying from wider markets. Mintz first discusses the origins of reconstructed peasantries and then proceeds to the specifics of the origins and history of the peasantry in Jamaica. Part Three turns to Caribbean nationhood--the political and economic forces that affected its shaping and the social structure of its component societies. A separate chapter details the case of Haiti. The book ends with a critique of the implications of Caribbean nationhood from an anthropological perspective stressing the ways that class color and other social dimensions continue to play important parts in the organization of Caribbean societies.Caribbean Transformations--lucidly written and presenting broad coverage of both time and space--is essential reading for anthropologists sociologists historians and all others interested in the Caribbean in black studies in colonial problems in the relationships between colonial areas and the imperial powers and in culture change generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520028

Caribbean Women Writers and GlobalizationFictions of Independence Caribbean Women Writers and Globalization offers a fresh reading of contemporary literature by Caribbean women in the context of global and local economic forces providing a valuable corrective to much Caribbean feminist literary criticism. Departing from the trend towards thematic diasporic studies Helen Scott considers each text in light of its national historical and cultural origins while also acknowledging regional and international patterns. Though the work of Caribbean women writers is apparently less political than the male-dominated literature of national liberation Scott argues that these women nonetheless express the sociopolitical realities of the postindependent Caribbean providing insight into the dynamics of imperialism that survive the demise of formal colonialism. In addition she identifies the specific aesthetic qualities that reach beyond the confines of geography and history in the work of such writers as Oonya Kempadoo Jamaica Kincaid Edwidge Danticat Pauline Melville and Janice Shinebourne. Throughout Scott's persuasive and accessible study sustains the dialectical principle that art is inseparable from social forces and yet always strains against the limits they impose. Her book will be an indispensable resource for literature and women's studies scholars as well as for those interested in postcolonial cultural and globalization studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270954

Caricatures and Cartoons 1890-1905: A History of the World (3-vol. ES set) This is a three-volume collection of caricatures and cartoons published between 1890-1905 in nearly 300 newspapers and journals of 25 countries which includes India Japan and other non-western regions as well as the UK US and Europe. Including nearly 4200 illustrations Caricatures and Cartoons 1890-1905: A History of the World vividly describes the changes of the world around the turn of the century. Originally selected by the editor of The Review of Reviews a monthly magazine published since 1889 in the UK and US which carried the summery of news and reports collected from the periodicals over the world the cartoons appeared in various sections of the magazine and its appendices. However even in the back issue collections held at UK or US libraries those sections were often lost and are rarely available completely. Chronologically arranged the volumes will be very useful visual tool for students and scholars researching global modern history around the turn of the 19th century as well as for anybody interested in the history of comics. Media > Books > Print Books Edition Synapse 9784861661860

Caricatures and Cartoons 1906-1920: A History of the World (4-vol. ES set) This is the second series of a collection of caricatures and cartoons published in newspapers and journals worldwide during the period from the end of the nineteenth century to pre-second world war. Covering the years 1906-1920 this four-volume collection features more than 6 000 caricatures and cartoons from nearly 340 newspapers and journals of 34 countries which includes China India Japan and other non-western regions as well as UK US and Europe. Including around 6000 illustrations Caricatures and Cartoons: A History of the World series 2 1906-1920 vividly describes the changes of the world around the turn of the century. Originally selected by the editor of The Review of Reviews a monthly magazine published since 1889 in the UK and US which carried the summery of news and reports collected from the periodicals over the world the cartoons appeared in various sections of the magazine and its appendices. However even in the back issue collections held at UK or US libraries those sections were often lost and are rarely available completely. Chronologically arranged the volumes will be very useful visual tool for students and scholars researching global modern history around the turn of the 19th century as well as for anybody interested in the history of comics. Media > Books > Print Books Edition Synapse 9784861661952

Caricatures and Cartoons 1921-1930: A History of the World (4-vol. ES set) This is the third series of a collection of caricatures and cartoons published in newspapers and journals worldwide during the period from the end of the nineteenth century to pre-second world war. Covering the years 1921-1930 this three-volume collection features more than 4 700 caricatures and cartoons from nearly 360 newspapers and journals of 35 countries which includes China India Japan and other non-western regions as well as UK US and Europe. Caricatures and Cartoons: A History of the World series 3 1921-1930 vividly describes the changes of the world during the interwar period; the decline of the British empire the rise of the USA the aggression of Japan in the Far East the Irish independent movement as well as the entrance of Mussolini and Hitler into the international politics. Originally selected by the editor of The Review of Reviews a monthly magazine published since 1889 in the UK and US which carried the summery of news and reports collected from the periodicals over the world the cartoons appeared in various sections of the magazine and its appendices. However even in the back issue collections held at UK or US libraries those sections were often lost and are rarely available completely. Chronologically arranged the volumes will be a very useful visual tool for students and scholars researching global modern history during the interwar period as well as for anybody interested in the history of comics. Media > Books > Print Books Edition Synapse 9784861661969

Caring About Health Presenting a philosophical exploration of the ideas central to health care practice this book explores such concepts as caring health disease suffering and pain from a phenomenological perspective. With deep philosophical insight this book draws out not only the ethical demands that arise when one encounters these phenomena but also the forms of ethical education that would help health care workers respond to those demands. This is a book which explores the grounds for ethical living rather than enunciating ethical principles. Van Hooft argues that ethical responses arise from sensitive and insightful awareness of what is salient in clinical and other health care settings. This book draws upon thinkers from the classical canon the Anglo-American tradition and from continental philosophical ideas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387923

Caring and Well-beingA Lifeworld Approach Something is missing in contemporary health and social care. Health and illness is often measured in policy documents in economic terms and clinical outcomes are enmeshed in statistical data with the patient’s experience left to one side. This stimulating book is concerned with how to humanise health and social care and keep the person at the centre of practice. Caring and Well-Being opens by articulating Galvin and Todres’ innovative framework for humanising health care and closes with a synthesis of their argument and a discussion of how this can be applied in healthcare policy and practice. It: presents an innovative lifeworld-led approach to the humanisation of care; explores the concept of well-being and its relationship to suffering and outlines the rationale for a focus on them within this approach; discusses how the framework can be applied and how health and social practitioners can draw on aesthetic and empathic avenues to help develop their capacity for care; provides direction for policy practice and education. Investigating what it means to be human in a health and social care context and what the things that make us feel more human are this book presents new perspectives about how professionals can enhance their capacity for humanly sensitive care. It is a valuable work for all those interested in ideas about care and caring in a health and social context including psychologists doctors and nurses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809246

Caring Children Troubl Ils 140 First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868440

Caring Deeply About Church PlantingTwelve Keys from the Life of Jesus Never has the need for church planting been more acute or more necessary. The world around us is beset with problems of every kind—political social economic racial and moral. The list is endless and the difficulties are systemic and entrenched. The best minds institutions and efforts are being marshaled to address these problems but are we getting to the root issues? Could it be that the solutions lie elsewhere? Indeed the greatest reformer to ever live told us the hope we need comes from the church. Yes the church as anemic and as irrelevant as it may seem to some (or many). Jesus said of the community He would birth "You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth" (Matt. 5:13-14). The church in all its forms from small to big whether found in the countryside or in megacities is God’s redeeming force for society for culture and for the nations. The church is God’s secret weapon and His change agent for the world. He’s all in on the church. As such the church is God’s organizational servant on the earth. It’s to be an enterprise of the highest quality. It’s to sparkle with kingdom power love and truth. As Ephesians 3:10 states "[God’s] intent was that now through the church the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms." For such a task outstanding leaders are needed. Great leaders are not just for the arenas of business politics or the military. The church must also focus on recruiting training and deploying the best. As the leader goes so goes the organization. This book assists in the great endeavor of planting churches. It gives church planters a biblical and conceptual framework so they can be armed with a map for how to go about establishing new works. This framework is rooted in the humble yet glorious small yet significant quiet yet powerful ways of Jesus.    Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367649999

Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer's DiseaseA Christian Perspective Clarify your thinking on an issue that can tear families apart!Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Christian Perspective is the touching story of a woman’s daily struggles as a caregiver to her mother who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. You’ll learn how God’s presence in her life has helped her. You will also find practical day-to-day tips for living with a loved one suffering from senile dementia and how your spirituality can make the journey easier for both of you. This important guide provides an honest description of the emotions you may be forced to come to terms with while dealing with a loved one or parishioner with Alzheimer’s disease and how God’s presence in your life can help lift that burden.Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease gives you firsthand accounts of the stages of pain despair acceptance and victory that you may experience while caring for someone with Alzheimer’s to let you know that what you are feeling is normal and that God will help you overcome these challenges. Alzheimer’s disease often goes undetected until its later stages. This informative book renders a clear description of the disease alerting you to the known warning signs of dementia and preparing you for the possibility of such a diagnosis.Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease is filled with tips and suggestions to make caring for your loved one easier for both of you such as: learning to separate the person from the disease researching the disease and keeping informed about every aspect of this progressive and irreversible neurological disorder realizing that you need emotional support and should seek help from your pastor church care group or best friend discovering how having power of attorney and creating a living will can prevent many problems in the future understanding that to care for your loved one at home is challenging and that taking simple steps such as “baby-proofing” your house will prevent traumatic disasters turning your anger and guilt to positive energy and avoiding emotional drain and strainThis unique book offers you solace amidst the turbulence of caring for someone stricken with this difficult condition. Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease provides an open and honest description of how faith can comfort and support you and your family while you care for someone with dementia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315821566

Caring for a Loved One with an Eating DisorderThe New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual provides a framework for carer skills workshops which can be used by anyone working with these conditions. Based on the successful New Maudsley Model which equips carers with the knowledge and skills needed to support those with an eating disorder the book consists of two sections which will help facilitators to deliver skills workshops to carers. The first section provides the theoretical background while the second uses exercises to bring the New Maudsley Model to life. The skills workshops provide a much-needed lifeline giving carers an opportunity to meet in a safe non-judgemental and confidential environment and to learn to recognise that changes in their own responses can be highly beneficial. With session-by-session guidelines and handouts for participants Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual will be of aid to anyone working with someone coping with these conditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815378365

Caring for Arab PatientsA Biopsychosocial Approach This practical and patient-centred guide assists medical professionals in delivering better clinical care to Arab patients. In examining the psychosocial underpinnings of Arab medicine this unique book summarises and assesses the latest research taking into account the needs and priorities of Arab patients. Important issues covered include patient education compliance 'doctor shopping' and psychiatric and mental health services. The evidence-based approach integrates academic research and first-hand experience from the unique bicultural position of the contributors. "Caring for Arab Patients" is vital for all healthcare professionals including doctors nurses pharmacists and occupational therapists with responsibilities for Arab patients throughout the world. Students of medicine and nursing will find much of interest as will healthcare managers researchers academics policy makers and shapers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446147

Caring for ChildrenChallenge To America Childcare is one of the most debated issues today. This volume provides a comprehensive and current review of childcare research and public policy issues. Chapters are contributed by leaders from such fields as developmental research and early childhood education as well as by public policy officials. All major discussions and debates are summarized to promote a complete overview and speak to key issues of the day including affordability availability and staffing. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315808017

Caring for CommunityTowards a New Ethics of Responsibility in Contemporary Postcolonial Novels Caring for Community: Towards a New Ethics of Responsibility in Contemporary Postcolonial Novels focuses on four highly acclaimed publications in order to argue for a new understanding of community and its ethical framework in recent literary texts. Traditionally community has been understood to function on the basis of individuals’ readiness to establish relationships of reciprocal responsibility. This book however argues that community and non-reciprocity need not be mutually exclusive categories. Examining works by leading contemporary postcolonial authors and reading them against Judith Butler’s post-9/11 concept of global political community the book explores how concrete acts of responsibility can be carried out in recognition of various others even and precisely when those others cannot be expected to respond. The literary analyses draw on a rich theoretical framework that includes approaches to care hospitality and the ethical encounter between self and other. Overall this book establishes that the novels’ protagonists by investing in an ethics of responsibility that does not require reciprocity acquire the agency to envisage new forms of community. By reflecting on the nature and effect of this agency and its representation in contemporary literary texts the book also considers the role of postcolonial studies in addressing highly topical questions regarding our co-existence with others. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663452

Caring for Dying People of Different Faiths 'This book is a tribute to expert nursing. It should be seen as a celebration of all that is good in nursing. It also sets out the path for nursing that is centred on relationships - the essence of person-centred nursing is based on the quality of relationships both between nurse the client and others and also between nurses their colleagues and peers. Increasingly it is a challenge for nurses to hold on to humanistic care when we practice in a world of healthcare which is performance and fiscally driven. The concept of partnership and reciprocity runs through the book like a golden thread gleaming in a rich tapestry of person-centred practice expressed via the perspectives of the contributors. Expert practitioners working with people who have dementia have led the way in the development of person centred practice.' Pauline Ford Advisor in Gerontological Nursing Royal College of Nursing 'This book is a compendium of contemporary dementia care practice. It provides knowledge that is the foundation for a clear path to successful care outcomes. It clearly leaves no room for the ignorance that produced the uncertainty and inconsistency of past practices. If dementia can be likened to a journey of highs and lows this book shows us how to eliminate the negatives and accentuate the positives.' Bob Price Director Alzheimer Education Australia Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378619

Caring for Families in CourtAn Essential Approach to Family Justice In many US courts and internationally family law cases constitute almost half of the trial caseload. These matters include child abuse and neglect and juvenile delinquency as well as divorce custody paternity and other traditional family law issues. In this book the authors argue that reforms to the family justice system are necessary to enable it to assist families and children effectively. The authors propose an approach that envisions the family court as a "care center " by blending existing theories surrounding court reform in family law with an ethic of care and narrative practice. Building on conceptual procedural and structural reforms of the past several decades the authors define the concept of a unified family court created along interdisciplinary lines — a paradigm that is particularly well suited to inform the work of family courts. These prior reforms have contributed to enhancing the family justice system as courts now can shape comprehensive outcomes designed to improve the lives of families and children by taking into account both their legal and non-legal needs. In doing so courts can utilize each family’s story as a foundation to fashion a resolution of their unique issues. In the book the authors aim to strengthen a court’s problem-solving capabilities by discussing how incorporating an ethic of care and appreciating the family narrative can add to the court’s effectiveness in responding to families and children. Creating the court as a care center the authors conclude should lie at the heart of how a family justice system operates. The authors are well-known figures in the area and have been involved in family court reform on both a US national and an international scale for many years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138684119

Caring for Hindu Patients This is a survey of health care needs for specific conditions published on behalf of the Department of Health. This study considers questions such as the population's needs the services available or unavailable to them the effectiveness of these services and other perspectives in disease and service areas. This is the second series of needs assessment reviews. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315377940

Caring for Jewish Patients Jewish patients customarily have particular ways of approaching health and healthcare. This book outlines the Jewish practices and customs of direct relevance to health professionals illustrated throughout with case histories. Information is provided to facilitate day to day communication discussing etiquette and interpersonal relationships between the health professionals and their patients describing in detail the dietary laws customs and festivals. This book will offer practical advice about Jews Judaism and the Jewish community helping to educate and enable all healthcare professionals in hospitals and in the community to provide care in a culturally appropriate manner. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315375946

Caring For KidsA Critical Study Of Urban School Leavers The official school drop-out figure in the US in recent years has been 25 per cent of the cohort. Estimates from large cities are often double these rates and in some areas 60 per cent or worse. This text focuses on this problem in US schools but from an unusual perspective. It is a study gained from in-depth interviews of 100 "stop-outs" - that is those who dropped out but then decided to return to school. Four basic questions are posed by this text: who drops out?; why did they drop out?; what caused them to return?; and what intervention policies can be formulated to prevent students dropping out in the first place? The answers provided by this text for the last question are intended to make it of particular interest to school administrators. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043012

Caring for LiberalismDependency and Liberal Political Theory Caring for Liberalism brings together chapters that explore how liberal political theory in its many guises might be modified or transformed to take the fact of dependency on board. In addressing the place of care in liberalism this collection advances the idea that care ethics can help respond to legitimate criticisms from feminists who argue that liberalism ignores issues of race class and ethnicity. The chapters do not simply add care to existing liberal political frameworks; rather they explore how integrating dependency might leave core components of the traditional liberal philosophical apparatus intact while transforming other aspects of it. Additionally the contributors address the design of social and political institutions through which care is given and received with special attention paid to non-Western care practices. This book will appeal to scholars working on liberalism in philosophy political science law and public policy and it is a must-read for feminist political philosophers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815394341

Caring For Life And Death First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138965393

Caring for Older PeopleAn Assessment of Community Care in the 1990s This title was first published in 2000: Caring for Older People provides a unique insight into the world of community care in the 1990’s. It presents findings from a national study of social care from the perspectives of older service users their carers and care managers. Descriptive findings from this longitudinal study - conducted by the PSSRU from 1994 and funded by the Department of Health - are set in the context of the history of community care and developments since the passage of the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. The study’s findings highlight important challenges for policy and practice development in the new millennium. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138706262

Caring for Older PeopleAn Assessment of Community Care in the 1990s This title was first published in 2000:  Caring for Older People provides a unique insight into the world of community care in the 1990’s. It presents findings from a national study of social care from the perspectives of older service users their carers and care managers. Descriptive findings from this longitudinal study - conducted by the PSSRU from 1994 and funded by the Department of Health - are set in the context of the history of community care and developments since the passage of the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. The study’s findings highlight important challenges for policy and practice development in the new millennium. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138706255

Caring for Patients Caring for Student NursesDevelopments in Nursing and Health Care 15 First published in 1997 The nursing and health care fields are developing rapidly. This new series of monographs offers reports of projects completed in 1997 in the fields of nursing and health care. The aim of the series is to report studies that have relevance to contemporary nursing and health care practice. It will include reports of research into aspects of clinical nursing care management and education. The series will be of interest to all nurses and health care workers researchers managers and educators in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612303

Caring for People from Birth to Death Discover the manual that will help you teach ministry students and effectively minister to people in all developmental stages!Caring for People from Birth to Death is a helpful resource for people who care for people. Each chapter describes a particular stage of development in the human pilgrimage from the preschool years to senior adulthood--from the cradle to the rocking chair. Guidelines and usable suggestions for a caring ministry are included in each chapter. In Caring for People from Birth to Death spirituality as it relates to the developmental process is explored by the contributors with a new section in each chapter that concerns the growth and decline of a person’s spirituality throughout his or her life. Some of the issues you will explore in this new edition include: developmental theories and spiritual issues for every stage of life caring for the elderly through a team effort ministering to confused adolescents expanding your parishioners’feelings of self-worth the fundamentals of teaching preschoolers about Jesus working towards spiritual growth in adult malesCaring for People from Birth to Death is for seminary students studying developmental psychology and ministry for CPE training programs for pastoral counseling training programs seminary professors pastoral counselors and church staff ministers. This concise handbook will help you quickly grasp the developmental issues people face and give you ideas on how the church can effectively minister to these folks. This book is updated from its original publication and each contributor’s intrinsic style has remained intact for you as you explore and learn from this complete manual on ministering to your community members. Caring for People from Birth to Death offers you practical ready-to-use strategies for understanding taking care of and ministering to people of all ages. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203708378

Caring for PlaceEcology Ideology and Emotion in Traditional Landscape Management How can cultural forms motivate people to care about their environment? While important scientific data about ecosystems is mushrooming E. N. Anderson argues in this powerful new book that putting effective conservation into practice depends primarily on social solidarity and emotional factors. Marshaling decades of research on cultures across several continents he shows how societies have been more or less successful in sustainably managing their environments based on collective engagements such as religion art song myth and story. This provocative and deeply felt book by a leading writer and scholar in human ecology and anthropology will be read and debated widely for years to come. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611329599

Caring for Small Woods Complete with information on buying and selling woods useful contact addresses and a glossary of terms Caring for Small Woods will prove the indispensable handbook. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138427075

Caring for the Chronically IllPhiladelphia 1945-1965 First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138965386

Caring for the Dying at HomeCompanions on the Journey This comprehensive resource book the key text for the Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Programme supports and enables all primary health professionals and all those involved in palliative care to make improvements in care provided for their patients as recommended in the NICE guidance on Supportive and Palliative Care. It aims to strengthen the role confidence systems and skills of primary healthcare teams for the delivery of palliative care and patient support. The GSF recommended and promoted by the NHS End of Life Initiative Modernisation Agency and Macmillan is already used by over 1000 teams in the UK and is now being offered to every primary care team to improve end-of-life care for all. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315376431

Caring for the EarthA strategy for sustainable living 'This is a strategy for a kind of development that provides real improvements in the quality of human life and at the same time conserves the vitality and diversity of the Earth. The goal is development that will be sustainable. Today it may seem visionary. but it is attainable. To more and more people it also appears our only rational option.' â€“ from Chapter 1 in 1980 the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Wide Fund for Nature the world's three most powerful organizations dedicated to preventing environmental catastrophe published the World Conservation Strategy. It stressed the interdependence of conservation and development it gave currency to the idea of sustainable development and it made the point that unless the vitality and productivity of the planet are safeguarded the future for humanity is at risk. Its impact was immediate and worldwide. Now ten years later the same three organizations have formulated a new strategy for the 19905. Caring for the Earth builds on all that has been learned in the last decade about the complexity of the problems and shows how radical and far-reaching are the actions and objectives needed to meet them. Nothing less than a new ethic is required based on affirming the community of life and cherishing its diversity – an ethic which has to be reflected in our personal attitudes and the organization of our communities as much as in wider policies. Public participation is essential for the success of the strategy which is addressed to individuals and citizens' groups as well as to governments - whatever their systems. Adopting it will not be easy but it does provide the agenda for immediate action. Originally published in 1991 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846363

Caring for the Elderly in Japan and the USPractices and Policies In an era of changing demographics and values this volume provides a cross-national and interdisciplinary perspective on the question of who cares for and about the elderly. The contributors reflect on research studies experimental programmes and personal experience in Japan and the United States to explicitly compare how policies practices and interpretations of elder care are evolving at the turn of the century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415510721

Caring for the Mentally Handicapped Child First published in 1979 this book concerns itself primarily with the mothers of mentally handicapped children. It discusses the problems of assistance that they may have experienced from their families the community or the available services. Whilst arguing for far more support for mothers when they are the main carer this book also suggests reasons why some families are more easily able to cope with the problems of caring for severely handicapped children. This study is based on research that was conducted for and funded by the Department of Health and Social Security between 1973 and 1976. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138124943

Caring for the MilitaryA Guide for Helping Professionals With overseas deployment scaling down in recent years helping professionals need practical tools for working with servicemen and women returning from deployment. Caring for the Military with its case studies and clinical discussions is indispensable for social workers and other helping professionals working with these populations. Leading experts contribute chapters on the challenges faced by reintegrating members of the military including returning to a family entering the workforce and caring for those with PTSD TBI and moral injury. This text also features unique chapters on telemental health multidisciplinary settings and caregiver resiliency.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119529

Caring for the PoorIslamic and Christian Benevolence in a Liberal World Based on several years of fieldwork in Egypt and Turkey Caring for the Poor tells the stories of charity providers and volunteers. The book also places their stories within the overall development of Islamic ethics. Muslim charity TuÄŸal argues has interacted with Christian and secular Western ethics over the centuries which themselves have a conflict-ridden and still evolving history. The overall arch that connects all of these distinct elements is (a combined and uneven) liberalization. Liberalization tends to transform care into a cold calculating and individualizing set of practices. Caring for the Poor meticulously documents this insidious process in Egypt and Turkey while also drawing attention to its limits and contradictions (by using the American case to highlight the contested nature of liberalization even in its world leader). However as historians have shown charitable actors have intervened in decisive ways in the rise and demise of social formations. TuÄŸal raises the possibility especially through his study of two controversial Turkish organizations that Islamic charity might appropriate elements of liberalism to shift the world in a post-liberal direction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138041042

Caring for the Seriously Ill Patient 2E As more critically ill patients are cared for on acute general wards rather than in ICUs many nurses are having to cope with the particular problems of very sick patients without the specialist knowledge of an ICU trained nurse. This book considers the key issues surrounding the critical patient's care in the acute general hospital. The anatomy and physiology of each body system is explored looking at the major associated conditions and illnesses and how the patient is assessed and monitored. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780340967577

Caring on the StreetsA Study of Detached Youthworkers They're fighting for our kids and the battleground is the street!In 1956 the Boston Special Youth Project defined the field of detached youthwork this way: “Detached work involves intensive contact with a corner-group where the worker meets the teen-age group in their natural environment. By close association with them and getting to know their needs as a group and as individuals the worker forms a positive relationship and helps them to engage in socially acceptable activities which they come to choose. The basic goal is helping them to change undesirable attitudes and patterns of behavior.”Today author and youthworker Jacquelyn Kay Thompson brings this exciting heartbreaking and often dangerous profession to light in Caring on the Streets: A Study of Detached Youthworkers. The book examines the demanding task of assisting runaways gang members prostitutes drug addicts and other troubled youths and explores how the profession is practiced in the United States. Here are true-life stories of the courageous caring individuals whose professional life is spent on the streets in bars pool halls motels housing projects and hangouts “where the kids are.” In addition to sharing the personal experience of detached workers Caring on the Streets illuminates these facets of the profession: history of detached youthwork methodology and philosophy of detached youthwork model programs research procedures for youthworkers becoming a detached youthworker ...and more!Caring on the Streets contains interviews with seventeen youthworkers who assist clients outside of formal office settings to give you insight into the experiences challenges and dedication of detached youthworkers. This thoughtfully-indexed work also includes reference notes and five appendixes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315786483

Caring RelationshipsThe Dying and the Bereaved Just as everyone must die almost everyone will deal with death among close friends or loved ones. This collection explores the often difficult issues of human relationships with the dying as well as the many stresses and burdens faced by the survivors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415785389

Caring Responsibilities in European Law and PolicyWho Cares? This book explores the emerging engagement of EU law with care and carers. The book argues that the regulation of care by the EU is crucial because it enables the development of a broad range of policies. It contributes to the sustainability of society and ultimately it enables individuals to flourish. Yet to date the EU approach to regulating the caring relationship remains piecemeal and lacks the underpinning of a cohesive strategy. Against this backdrop this book argues that the EU can and must take leadership in this area by setting principles and standards in accordance with the values of the treaty in particular gender equality human dignity solidarity and well-being. The book further makes a case for a stronger protection for carers who should not only be protected against discrimination but should also be supported valued and put in a position to make choices and lead full lives. In order to achieve this a proactive approach to rebalancing the relationship between paid and unpaid work is necessary. Ultimately the book puts forward a series of legal and policy recommendations for a holistic approach to care in the EU.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415529716

Carl Jung Darwin of the Mind Carl Jung Darwin of the Mind is a review and an explanation of Jung's thought set in an evolutionary context. Jung explored the human psyche throughout his long life. His writings of astonishing scope and depth elaborate on imagery that can be found in rituals myths and fables worldwide as well as in the dreams visions and fantasies o Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323622

Carl Jung and Alcoholics AnonymousThe Twelve Steps as a Spiritual Journey of Individuation The author visited the archives of the headquarters of A.A. in New York and discovered new communications between Carl Jung and Bill Wilson. For the first time this correspondence shows Jung's respect for A.A. and in turn its influence on him. In particular this research shows how Bill Wilson was encouraged by Jung's writings to promote the spiritual aspect of recovery as opposed to the conventional medical model which has failed so abysmally. The book overturns the long-held belief that Jung distrusted groups. Indeed influenced by A.A.'s success Jung gave "complete and detailed instructions" on how the A.A. group format could be developed further and used by "general neurotics". Wilson was an advocate of treating some alcoholics with LSD in order to deflate the ego and induce a spiritual experience. The author explains how alcoholism can be diagnosed and understood by professionals and the lay person; by examining the detailed case histories of Jung the author gives graphic examples of its psychological and behavioural manifestations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203124

Carl Jung and Maximus the Confessor on Psychic DevelopmentThe dynamics between the ‘psychological’ and the ‘spiritual’ In what ways does psychological development differ from spiritual development and psychological experience from spiritual experience? Bringing together two disparate theories under a trans-disciplinary framework G. C. Tympas presents a comparison of Carl Jung’s theory of psychic development and Maximus the Confessor’s model of spiritual progress. An ‘evolutional’ relationship between the ‘psychological’ and the ‘spiritual’ is proposed for a dynamic interpretation of spiritual experience. Carl Jung and Maximus the Confessor on Psychic Development offers a creative synthesis of elements and directions from both theories and further explores: -          Jung’s views on religion in a dialogue with Maximus’ concepts -          The different directions and goals of Jung’s and Maximus’ models -          Jung’s ‘Answer to Job’ in relation to Maximus’ theory of ‘final restoration’. Tympas argues that a synthesis of Jung’s and Maximus’ models comprises a broader trans-disciplinary paradigm of development which can serve as a pluralistic framework for considering the composite psycho-spiritual development. Constructively combining strands of differing disciplines this book will appeal to those looking to explore the dialogue between analytical psychology early Christian theology and Greek philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415625173

Carl Jung and Soul Psychology Psychotherapy is profoundly indebted to Carl Jung who among others discovered the mappings of soul psychology. Carl Jung and Soul Psychology is a fascinating exploration of the identity and unifying work of soul psychology. The editors have met a monumental challenge in enlisting the scope of wisdom represented in this unique book. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315804231

Carl Menger And The Origins Of Austrian Economics This book deals with central elements of the cultural political and social background of Austrian economic theory in general and Menger's version of it in particular. It draws on Menger's theoretical writings as well as on his explicitly methodological works as source material. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153533

Carl Nielsen StudiesVolume 5 This is the fifth volume of Carl Nielsen Studies which is an annual publication issuing from the Royal Library of Denmark also home to the Carl Nielsen edition. Carl Nielsen's status as one of the twentieth-century's foremost composers is now well-established. These volumes provide a forum for the spectrum of historical analytical and aesthetic approaches to the study of Nielsen's music from an international line-up of contributors. In addition each volume features reviews and reports on current Nielsen projects and an updated Nielsen bibliography making Carl Nielsen Studies the most important source for up-to-the minute research on the composer and his work. Carl Nielsen Studies is distributed outside Scandinavia by Ashgate; distribution within Scandinavia is handled by The Royal Library Copenhagen PB 2149 DK 1016 K Denmark. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409462132

Carl SchmittLaw as Politics Ideology and Strategic Myth There continues to be a remarkable revival in academic interest in Carl Schmitt's thought within politics and social theory but this is the first book to address his thought from an explicitly legal theoretical perspective. Transcending the prevailing one-sided and purely historical focus on Schmitt’s significance for debates that took place in the Weimar Republic 1919-1933 this book addresses the actual and potential significance of Schmitt's thought for controversies  within contemporary Anglo-American legal theory that have emerged during the past three decades. These include: the critique of liberal forms of legal positivism; the relative ‘indeterminacy’ of legal doctrine and the need for an explicitly interpretative approach to its range of meanings their scope and policy rationale; the centrality of discretion and judicial law-making  within the legal process; the important role played by ideological prejudices and assumptions in legal reasoning; the reinterpretation of law as a form of strategically disguised politics; the legal theoretical critique of universalistic approaches to "human" rights and associated liberal-cosmopolitan  'ideologies of humanity ' including the rhetoric of 'humanitarian intervention'; and the limitations of liberal constitutionalism and liberalism more generally as an approach to law. In Carl Schmitt: Law as Politics Ideology and Strategic Myth the author provides an overview and assessment of Schmitt's thought as well as a consideration of its relevance for contemporary legal thought and debates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9780415728232

Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem RenaissanceA Critical Assessment First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969865

CarlisleA Frontier and Border City Carlisle charts the city's emergence as an urban centre under the Romans and traces its vicissitudes over subsequent centuries until the high Middle Ages. Arguably the most important theme that differentiates its development from many other towns is its position as a 'border' city. The characteristics of the landscape surrounding Carlisle gave it special significance as a front-line element in the defence of the Roman province of Britannia and later at the frontier of two emerging kingdoms England and Scotland. In both cases it occupied the only overland route in the west between these two kingdoms emphasising the importance of understanding its landscape setting. This volume sheds light on the processes of urbanization under the Romans beginning with a fort developing into a major nodal hub and ending as the capital city of the local tribe the Carvetii. The story continues with the collapse of Roman rule and the city’s re-emergence first as a monastic centre then as a proto-town in the period of Anglo-Scandinavian settlement. Finally the Norman Conquest confirmed Carlisle’s importance with the establishment of a castle a diocese and an Augustinian Priory as well as the granting of specific rights to the citizens. Carlisle uses a combination of archaeological discoveries and historical data to explore the history and legacy of this fascinating city. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872144

Carlos ChavezA Guide to Research First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969872

CarlyleProphet of To-day This title first published in 1943 aims to discover and discuss the convictions which the philosopher Thomas Carlyle believed to be of importance for his time and the ways in which he personally entertained these ideas. In doing this F. A. Lea has concentrated attention on the works which Carlyle himself regarded as containing all that was essential to his message. This title will be of interest to students of philosophy and history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138680098

Carnitine Metabolism and Human Nutrition Carnitine Metabolism and Human Nutrition offers a contemporary and in-depth look at the biological effects of carnitine metabolism and its application to clinical and sports nutrition based on decades of robust scientific enquiry. It gathers and distills key results of the last 20 years of carnitine research to provide an invaluable reference tool for students researchers and clinicians. This book addresses the importance of carnitine in skeletal muscle fuel metabolism the complexities and importance of muscle carnitine transport and the metabolic insight that has been gained from experiments manipulating muscle carnitine stores. The authors cover the potential application of carnitine supplementation in specific clinical populations and the role of carnitine as an ergogenic aid for athletes. They also provide a comprehensive mechanistic overview of skeletal muscle insulin resistance including the role of carnitine shuttle systems in the metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Carnitine Metabolism and Human Nutrition provides you with a comprehensive and up-to-date look at the properties and underlying metabolic biochemistry of carnitine. The book provides contributions from leading international scientists each a pioneer in their chosen study of carnitine metabolism or its application to human nutrition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466554269

Carnival and Literature in Early Modern England Carnival and Literature in Early Modern England explores the elite and popular festive materials appropriated by authors during the English Renaissance in a wide range of dramatic and non-dramatic texts. Although historical records of rural urban and courtly seasonal customs in early modern England exist only in fragmentary form Jennifer Vaught traces the sustained impact of festivals and rituals on the plays and poetry of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English writers. She focuses on the diverse ways in which Shakespeare Spenser Marlowe Dekker Jonson Milton and Herrick incorporated the carnivalesque in their works. Further she demonstrates how these early modern texts were used-and misused-by later writers performers and inventors of spectacles notably Mardi Gras krewes organizing parades in the American Deep South. The works featured here often highlight violent conflicts between individuals of different ranks ethnicities and religions which the author argues reflect the social realities of the time. These Renaissance writers responded to republican egalitarian notions of liberty for the populace with radical support ambivalence or conservative opposition. Ultimately the vital folkloric dimension of these plays and poems challenges the notion that canonical works by Shakespeare and his contemporaries belong only to 'high' and not to 'low' culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138268807

Carnival and Theater (Routledge Revivals)Plebian Culture and The Structure of Authority in Renaissance England In this title first published in 1985 Michael Bristol draws on several theoretical and critical traditions to study the nature and purpose of theatre as a social institution: on Marxism and its revisions in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin; on the theories of Emile Durkheim and their adaptations in the work of Victor Turner; and on the history of social life and material culture as practiced by the Annales school. This valuable work is an important contribution to literary criticism theatre studies and social history and has particular importance for scholars interested in the dramatic literature of Elizabethan England. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415750158

Carnival Art Culture and PoliticsPerforming Life Drawing on rich insights from cultural post-structural and postcolonial studies  this book demands that we rethink Carnival and the carnivalesque as not just celebratory moments or even as critical subtext but also as insightful performatives of social life anywhere given the entangled times and spaces of these performances. The authors review Carnival’s performative aspects not merely as a calendrical festival but rather center attention on the relationship between carnival and everyday life and on how people negotiate their social spaces and possibilities in the context of modern power. The book therefore seeks to highlight the knotted time-spaces of power and to demonstrate the dynamic interplay between state spaces and people’s spaces that are being weaved by carnival's interlocutors. It demonstrates how Carnival and the Carnivalesque become analytic optics through which the relations of power in the social and political life of subjects who seek to tacitically or strategically vary their given identities can be productively engaged. This book was originally published as a special issue of Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race Nation and Culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110427

Carnival Song and SocietyGossip Sexuality and Creativity in Andalusia Carnival songs resemble a tabloid newspaper in their verve spirit and range of themes. They are a measure of social change and an annual summary of events and opinion. The songs involve considerable artistry and are renowned as well for their raucous humor and vulgar concerns. (Promiscuity and sexual misalliances are common subjects.) Banned by Franco during the Spanish Civil War the Cádiz carnival began a revival in the 1960's following decades of repression. This fascinating book examines carnival song and society during the last years of the Franco dictatorship and the succeeding period of the new constitutional monarchy when the Andalusians found their voice and Carnival enjoyed an extraordinary florescence. Songs from rural and urban carnivals in several locales throughout the province of Cádiz provide a compelling picture of Andalusian life in both troubled and more flourishing times. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084884

Carnivalizing DifferenceBakhtin and the Other It has seemed at times that there is no neutral territory between those who see Bakhtin as the practitioner of a kind of neo-Marxist or at least materialist deconstruction and those who look at the same texts and see a defender of traditional liberal humanist values and classical conceptions of order a conservative in the true sense of the term. Arising from a conference under the same title held at Texas Tech University Carnivalizing Difference seeks to explore the actual and possible relationships between Bakhtinian theory and cultural practice. The introduction explores the changing configurations of our understanding of Bakhtin's work in the context of recent theory and outlines how that understanding can inform and be informed by culture both ancient and modern. Eleven articles spanning a wide range of periods and cultural forms then address these issues in detail revealing the ways in which Bakhtinian thought illuminates sometimes obfuscates but always challenges. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415862950

Carole PatemanDemocracy Feminism Welfare Carole Pateman’s writings have been innovatory precisely for their qualities of engagement pursued at the height of intellectual rigour. This book draws from her vast output of articles chapters books and speeches to provide a thematic yet integrated account of her innovations in political theory and contributions to the politics of policy-making. The editors have focused on work in three key areas: Democracy Pateman’s perspective is rooted in a practical perspective enquiring into and speculating about forms of participation over and above the ‘traditional’ exclusions through which representative systems have been variously constructed over time. Her work pushes hard on theorists and politicians who make easy assumptions about apathy and public opinion who bracket off the workplace and the home and who see politics only in partisan activity voter behaviour and governmental policy. Women Pateman’s innovatory and still-cited work on participation antedates the feminist revolution in political theory and many of the practical struggles that developed through the later 1970s. While woman-centred her concerns were always worked through larger conceptions of social class economic advantage power differentials ‘liberal’ individualism and contracts including marriage. Her feminism was innovative in political theory and within feminism itself. As a feminist Pateman defies categorization and her concepts of ‘the sexual contract’ and ‘Wollstonecraft’s dilemma’ are canonical. Welfare Pateman’s innovation here is an integration of welfare issues – in particular the proposals for a ‘basic income’ or for a ‘capital stake’ – into her broad but always rigorous conception of democracy. This is argued through in terms of citizenship taken as the result of a social contract. In that way Pateman puts liberalism itself through an imminent critique drawing in the practicalities and risks of life in late capitalist societies. Her theory as always is political taking in neo-liberal attacks on ‘welfare states’ and the stark realities of international inequalities. Pateman’s career achievements in democratic and feminist theory are brought productively to bear on debates that would otherwise occur in more limited and less provocative academic and political contexts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415781121

Caroline Bowles Southey1786 - 1854 The Making of a Woman Writer First published in 1998 this volume combines a bio-critical account of Caroline Bowles Southey’s career with a general selection of her works both poetry and prose with the latter drawing attention on her remarkable talent as a letter writer. It will appeal to scholars of Romanticism and the Victorian person as well as women’s studies specialists and historians of autobiography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612044

Caroline Islands First published in 1967 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138010840

Caroline of Lichtfieldby Isabelle de Montolieu Thomas Holcroft’s 1786 translation of Isabelle de Montolieu’s novel is a textual encounter between a rather conventional Swiss woman and a British radical. Just as Montolieu did in her own translations Holcroft reworked parts of the novel to make it more appealing to his intended audience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138235502

Carolingian ConnectionsAnglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Francia c. 750–870 The Anglo-Saxon influence on the Carolingian world has long been recognised by historians of the early medieval period. Wilhelm Levison in particular has drawn attention to the importance of the Anglo-Saxon contribution to the cultural and ecclesiastical development of Carolingian Francia in the central decades of the eighth century. What is much less familiar is the reverse process by which Francia and Carolingian concepts came to influence contemporary Anglo-Saxon culture. In this book Dr Story offers a major contribution to the subject of medieval cultural exchanges focusing on the degree to which Frankish ideas and concepts were adopted by Anglo-Saxon rulers. Furthermore by concentrating on the secular context and concepts of secular government as opposed to the more familiar ecclesiastical and missionary focus of Levison's work this book offers a counterweight to the prevailing scholarship providing a much more balanced overview of the subject. Through this reassessment based on a close analysis of contemporary manuscripts - particularly the Northumbrian sources - Dr Story offers a fresh insight into the world of early medieval Europe. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260860

Carotenoids and Retinal Disease The macular carotenoids play key roles in eye health and retinal disease. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) the most common cause of acquired blindness in much of the world is associated with low levels of macular pigment. Macular pigment is also essential for enhancing visual performance by reducing glare disability and improving photostress recovery. Carotenoids and Retinal Disease presents an up-to-date thorough volume devoted to the chemistry pathobiology visual science and medical and public health significance of the macular carotenoids.With contributions from an international group of leading experts this book covers a range of topics from macular anatomy to clinical trials. It begins with a chapter tracing the discovery of macular pigment through the more recent functional recognition of carotenoids. The text covers AMD risk factors epidemiology pathogenesis and classifications. It reviews evidence from epidemiological studies of relationships between AMD and the carotenoids lutein zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin as well as evidence from clinical trials on the effects of macular carotenoid supplementation in subjects with AMD and normal subjects.The book explores the use of molecular genetics in studying macular pigment and AMD pathogenesis; bioavailability of macular pigment; functions of lutein zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin; and the identification of macular carotenoid binding proteins involved in pigment uptake and transport. It also covers xanthophyll–membrane interactions and the macular carotenoids in human serum and their capacity to protect against AMD. Further the implications of light distribution on the retina for AMD are discussed. Advancing our understanding of how the macular carotenoids enhance vision and prevent vision loss this book provides a valuable reference for researchers and clinicians involved in the treatment and prevention of retinal disease. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466502048

Carotenoids and Vitamin A in Translational Medicine Vitamin A (retinol) is an essential dietary compound with myriad metabolic and regulatory functions. Deficiency can result in vision problems compromised immune responses and a host of other medical issues. More than 600 carotenoids have been identified in plants algae fungi and bacteria and around 50 carotenoids—including β-carotene—can be converted into vitamin A. Carotenoids and Vitamin A in Translational Medicine reviews the medical use of carotenoids and vitamin A in cancer; diseases of the skin eye ear and lung; and inflammatory bowel and metabolic diseases. It also discusses the analytics of carotenoids and the supply of carotenoids and vitamin A in developing countries. Serving a broad community of researchers and practitioners conducting basic and clinical analysis on carotenoids and vitamin A for medical purposes the book evaluates basic research epidemiological studies and clinical trials in the field. It updates information on the worldwide problem of vitamin A deficiency and discusses extensively the pros and cons of carotenoid supplementation in cancer. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the efforts made in the field of carotenoid research with respect to translational medicine and present the future outlook on carotenoids as new therapeutic agents. It is the editors’ intent through the contributions in this volume to expand this important discussion on therapeutic approaches using carotenoids and retinoids. In doing so they hope to enhance the quality of research which brings safe effective and clinically proven medicines to patients. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138199477

Carotenoids in Health and Disease The first source to collect the latest evidence linking carotenoids to human health and disease this stimulating reference studies the role of carotenoids in the prevention of chronic disease and reviews breakthrough studies from more than 40 field authorities on the latest research. The book reveals the most recent findings regarding the use of carotenoids in the prevention of cancers and sunburn as well as eye heart vascular and photosensitivity diseases and evaluates the potential toxic effects of high-dose carotenoids in both smokers and drinkers. It also focuses on pioneering observations from observational epidemiological and clinical studies as well as intervention trials on carotenoids. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393892

Carotid Artery StenosisCurrent and Emerging Treatments Providing a thorough overview of rapid developments in medical therapy surgery and angioplasty this reference provides a complete review of carotid artery stenosis treatment as well as a clear overview of carotid surgery and stenting. Offering chapters by seasoned authorities on epidemiology imaging with ultrasound and angiography cholesterol lowering blood pressure management homocysteine treatment and diet modification this guide is a stand-alone source for current information and understanding of this burgeoning science. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392406

Carotid EndarterectomyPrinciples and Technique With 50% new photos and a vast selection of current clinical cases this source supplies an abundance of color images and provides illustrative sections on the patch graft technique recurrent disease complex and unusual carotid surgeries and discussions of carotid complications and their remedies. As in the First Edition color photographs are accompanied by line drawings of important structures and a facing-page author's commentary on the intricacies of specific techniques by an experienced carotid surgeon. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390334

Carotid Interventions From patient selection and monitoring to follow-up care Carotid Interventions is the first source to offer a practical how-to approach to carotid angioplasty and stenting-providing maneuvers and strategies for difficult situations as well as step-by-step guidance on specific surgical procedures equipment selection and instrumentation protection devices and room/facility layout. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454333

Carpentry and Joinery 1 The third edition of Carpentry and Joinery 1 is the first in a series of three books which together provide an authoritative but thoroughly practical guide to carpentry and joinery for students following City & Guilds and CITB courses NVQ candidates and a wide range of amateurs and professionals.Carpentry and Joinery 1 deals with the fundamentals of the subject from topics such as timber and wood preservation and protection to a detailed outline of the tools available and information on the basic woodworking joints adhesives and fixing devices. Books 2 and 3 show how to apply this fundamental knowledge. Details of craft theory associated studies and practical procedures are integrated throughout each text. In this new edition chapters have been reorganised to produce a more coherent student-focused course. All references to the Building Regulations and current legislation have been updated and developments in current best practice have been incorporated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138168169

Carpentry and Joinery 2 Carpentry and Joinery 2 is the second in a series of three books which together provide an authoritative and thoroughly practical guide to carpentry and joinery for students following City & Guilds and CITB courses NVQ candidates and students working towards an Institute of Carpenters qualification. This book is also ideal for a wide range of amateur and professional woodworkers. Volume 2 builds on the fundamental knowledge introduced in volume 1 by covering more advanced topics and procedures including machine tools. Essential ‘back-up’ topics are presented throughout the text to revise the key aspects covered in volume 1. The reader is shown how to apply this basic theory to actual carpentry and joinery practice in a highly illustrated easily accessible text.The third edition has been fully updated in line with changes to the Building Regulations and current legislation the third edition also incorporates developments in current best practice with a comprehensive match to the latest qualifications in Wood Occupations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142107

Carpentry and Joinery 3 Carpentry and Joinery 3 is the third in a series of three books which together provide an authoritative and thoroughly practical guide to carpentry and joinery for students following City & Guilds and CITB courses NVQ candidates and students working towards an Institute of Carpenters qualification. This book is also ideal for a wide range of amateur and professional woodworkers. Volume 3 builds on the fundamental knowledge introduced in volume 1 and accompanies volume 2 with coverage of additional advanced topics and procedures including working with particular door and window types. The reader is shown how to apply the basic theory introduced in volume 1 to actual carpentry and joinery practice in a highly illustrated easily accessible text.This second edition has been fully updated in line with changes to the Building Regulations and current legislation the third edition also incorporates developments in current best practice with a comprehensive match to the latest qualifications in Wood Occupations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142060

Carpentry and Joinery Book 1 This book provides the apprentice or trainee carpenter and joiner with the basic technical knowledge necessary to complete the first half of a City and Guilds Course in Carpentry and Joinery.  It will also be a useful reference to any persons studying for examinations or simply wishing to further their knowledge in one of the associated areas such as wood machining cabinet making or general building construction.  Dealing with the basic skills and techniques employed in the present day construction industry the text assumes little prior knowledge of the subject but lays before the reader a simple straight forward and readable out of the skills tools materials and methods likely to be used or encountered in the workshop on site or during studies at home or in college.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138835443

Carpentry and Joinery Book 2 Complementing Book 1of the same title this text takes the student up to the City and Guilds full Craft Certificate level. All aspects of the course are dealt with along with the associated scientific background mathematical calculations and drawings required. Although prior knowledge of the subject as provided in Book 1 is assumed important principles are repeated so that this book can be read independently of the companion volume. Extensively illustrated each chapter begins with clearly defined objectives and concludes with a series or questions and assignments. The text will prove invaluable as a general workbook for those following advanced woodworking courses including CITB students and self-employed carpenters joiner and builders. It is useful supplementary reading for those taking courses in brickwork and cabinetmaking for trainee woodworking machinists and construction technicians as well as for students of City and Guilds Foundation courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138835436

Carpentry and Joinery: Work Activities This highly illustrated textbook is written to meet the needs of candidates studying for the NVQ levels 2 and 3 in Carpentry and Joinery and other courses at this level. Each chapter covers a specific activity such as constructing stairs or windows and includes the selection of produced components setting out marking out assembly and fixing.The book contains references to the companion volume by the same authors (Bench and Site Skills) and to the relevant regulations and standards. Together with Carpentry and Joinery: Bench and Site Skills this book will form an invaluable resource for students long after they qualify.Brian Porter and Reg Rose were both formerly lecturers at the Leeds College of Building. They are authors of several successful books on carpentry and joinery. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172548

Carraher's Polymer Chemistry Carraher's Polymer Chemistry Tenth Edition integrates the core areas of polymer science. Along with updating of each chapter newly added content reflects the growing applications in Biochemistry Biomaterials and Sustainable Industries. Providing a user-friendly approach to the world of polymeric materials the book allows students to integrate their chemical knowledge and establish a connection between fundamental and applied chemical information. It contains all of the elements of an introductory text with synthesis property application and characterization. Special sections in each chapter contain definitions learning objectives questions case studies and additional reading. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498737388

Carriage of Goods by Sea Land and AirUni-modal and Multi-modal Transport in the 21st Century Written by a combination of top academics industry experts and leading practitioners this book offers a detailed insight into both unimodal and multimodal carriage of goods. It provides a comprehensive and thoroughly practical guide to the issues that matter today on what is a very complex area of law. From the papers delivered at the 8th International Colloquium organised by Swansea Law School's  prestigious Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law this original work considers current opinions trends and issues arising from contracts of carriage of goods by sea land air and multi-modal combinations of these not to mention the legal position of vital participants such as freight forwarders terminal operators and cargo insurers. The topics under discussion range through issues such as paperwork piracy liability for defective containers damage in transit the CMR Convention and the possible effects of the Rotterdam Rules.An indispensable resource for transport lawyers industry professionals academics and post-graduate students of maritime law. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780415830546

Carrier-Mediated Dermal DeliveryApplications in the Prevention and Treatment of Skin Disorders This book presents new approaches for skin aging and photocarcinogenesis and topical formulations based on nanocarrier systems for skin disorders. It discusses cosmeceuticals laser photodynamic therapy and melatonin-based treatments as important strategies for photoaging management. Photodynamic therapy and melatonin can be used in the photocarcinogenesis context too. Therefore the inclusion of this strong antioxidant in sunscreen products could be a promising approach. The book discusses topical formulations including emulsions (conventional formulations and emulsions stabilized by solid particles) nail films and nanocarriers used for the delivery of actives in various skin and nail diseases such as acne psoriasis atopic dermatitis fungal diseases leishmaniasis and skin cancer. Finally several nanocarriers are introduced such as lipid vesicles (ranging from the first-generation conventional liposomes to the more recent deformable vesicles) liquid crystalline nanodispersions gelatin and solid lipid nanoparticles. Their composition formulation characterization and topical applications are also discussed. Although this is a broad topic the most important (nano)pharmaceutical formulations are presented in the book. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814745581

Carrion Ecology Evolution and Their Applications Shortlisted for the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the edited book category   Decomposition and recycling of vertebrate remains have been understudied hampered largely due to these processes being aesthetically challenging (e.g. smell and sight). Technological innovations have provided the means to explore new and historically understood natural systems to give us a plethora of new information. Carrion Ecology Evolution and Their Applications covers a broad spectrum of topics including the molecular mechanistic foundations that provide the basis for intra- and interspecific interactions related to population biology community ecology and how this manifests into habitat- and ecosystem-level importance. The book connects the science of carrion decomposition from genes to ecosystems in multidisciplinary synthesis of the science. This book brings together a team of global experts involved with measuring and understanding the process and effects of carrion ecology in nature with special application in such applied fields as forensic entomology habitat management animal production (e.g. livestock and aquaculture) and human and environmental health. It fills a large literature gap in ecology providing a synthesis and future directions important for studies of carrion decomposition that improve the general understanding of decomposition in ecosystems. The book fuses multiple disciplines into a single message explaining the importance of vertebrate carrion ecology in nature. Illustrates Carrion Decomposition in a 16-Page Color Insert with 40 Photos The authors illustrate how the study of carrion transcends the globe and expands systems of inquiry broadening awareness of this important ecosystem process. Whether you are a student academic or professional you will find this book insightful for the fields of molecular ecology microbiology entomology forensics population biology community and ecosystem ecology and human and environmental health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138893849

Carrots Sticks and SermonsPolicy Instruments and Their Evaluation The literature on policy strategies instruments and styles is impressive. Still a complex variety of theoretical and conceptual approaches and analytical tools hamper a good overview. Carrots Sticks and Sermons proposes such a framework for the field and clearly shows how public policy instruments are classified packaged and chosen while highlighting the role evaluation plays in the instruments-choice process.Carrots Sticks and Sermons offers a comprehensive analysis of categories and typologies of policy instruments. It classifies sticks carrots and sermons - or more specifically regulation economic means and information. Readers are offered a comparative perspective of evaluation practice in foreign contexts. Special attention is paid to the examples of Sweden the Netherlands Belgium England Canada the United States and the Republic of Korea. As such this volume crosses language barriers that stand in the way of dispersing research results among the international community of theoreticians and practitioners. As nations become increasingly interdependent problems of implementation and evaluation of policy choices will become issues of increasing gravity.Carrots Sticks and Sermons provides insights into the traditional and current practice of policy and program evaluation in various contexts. The book's theory of comparative public policy will produce understanding and guidance in designing better policies. It will be of wide interest to those in the fields of public policy particularly policy design policy implementation policy evaluation comparative politics and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520042

Carry on UnderstudiesTheatre and Sexual Politics `one hell of a seminal read ... Here is a book that grapples with energy ingenuity and terrific intellectual rigour with a bewildering forest of issues around gender and politics ... illuminating insightful perceptive.' - Women's Review Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138179981

Cars Automobility and Development in AsiaWheels of change Cars Automobility and Development in Asia explores the nexus between automobility and development in a pan-Asian comparative perspective. The book seeks to integrate the policies production forms consumption preferences and symbolism implicated in emerging Asian automobilities. Using empirically rich and grounded analyses of both comparative and single-country case studies the authors chart new approaches to studying automobility and development in emerging Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367027070

Cartel CriminalityThe Mythology and Pathology of Business Collusion Anti-competitive business cartels engaging in practices such as price fixing market sharing bid rigging and restrictions on output are now subject to strong official censure and rigorous legal control in a large number of jurisdictions across the world. The longstanding condemnation under the US Sherman Act of 1890 has been taken up (although in a rather different form) during the last thirty years in the EC/EU and in European national jurisdictions in particular but also in a range of countries outside North America and Europe. Legal control has not only extended geographically but has intensified as a number of jurisdictions have moved beyond administrative regulation and penalties to embrace enforcement through civil liability and (most significantly in terms of policy and rhetoric) the methods of criminal law. It is therefore timely to consider critically this development of legal control and assess its achievement to date and its future prospects. But such an exercise requires an understanding of the reasons and need for such regulation based on a clear appreciation of the nature and extent of the economic and social malaise which is its subject. What more exactly are such business cartels why do they come into existence and persist why are they regarded as being so bad and what are the objectives within this increasingly complex and multi-level phenomenon of legal control? By seeking to answer such fundamental questions this book sets a research agenda for a pathology aetiology and criminology of business cartels and probes more accurately their nature operation endurance and perceived delinquency. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597566

Cartelization Antitrust and Globalization in the US and Europe The uncovering of a great number of cartels in the industrialised world has left an unfortunate yet significant mark on global economic developments in recent years. Globalization has forced firms into more direct competition; the result has been global price-fixing. This situation has greatly challenged antitrust authorities. Taking a broad yet detailed approach this work sets a practical explanation of the history of cartels and antitrust law in a sound theoretical framework as well as providing suggestions as to how potential reforms of antitrust laws could improve the situation going forward. The book includes a comprehensive analysis of the motivations behind and perceived necessity for organisations to enter into cartels and the success or otherwise of legislatures’ attempts to both uncover and prevent such cartels from taking place. A total of 24 price-fixing conspiracies uncovered in the US and Europe are examined as part of the analysis to demonstrate the globalization of collusion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415746069

Cartels and Anti-Competitive AgreementsVolume I Antitrust is fast becoming a ’trending topic’ with over 120 countries having already adopted some form of competition legislation. This volume brings together carefully selected articles which reflect the evolution and progression of the regulation of joint conduct under competition law on both sides of the Atlantic and which discuss principles of fundamental importance for antitrust law. The articles focus on various kinds of joint conduct between companies which might bear negative effects on competition in particular on horizontal cartels and collusion between competitors. Attention is also paid to the debate surrounding the most adequate approach for vertical agreements which take place between firms operating at different levels of production. Their effects on competition have traditionally been one of the most disputed issues in modern antitrust and tend to divide the principal schools of thought that have influenced the evolution of competition policy around the world. The articles look primarily at two of the most established antitrust jurisdictions namely the United States and the European Union. They discuss the general theoretical framework that has influenced the evolution of the law and policy; cover the most relevant practical developments; provide contrasting doctrinal views and pay particular attention to the main schools of thought that have influenced antitrust in the US and the EU; and are representative of the leading discussions in the course of antitrust history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754629085

Carteret's Voyage Round the World 1766-1769Volume I Captain Philip Carteret sailed to the South Seas as second in command to Samuel Wallis on a voyage of discovery of the Southern Continent. Separating from Wallis at the exit to the Strait of Magellan he went on to make an independent voyage which has earned him the reputation of being the ablest and most ill-fated of Cook's immediate precursors. Handicapped by a defective ship and inadequate supplies he made a spirited attempt to carry out his instructions. While Wallis was enjoying the delights of Tahiti Carteret on a more southerly track rediscovered the long lost Spanish discoveries of Santa Cruz and the Solomon Islands and then became involved in a bitter dispute with the Dutch in Celebes which almost ended in open warfare. This edition presents the first full account of the voyage. It is based on Carteret's own manuscript Journals including one which Carteret wrote with a view to publication to correct the misrepresentation of John Hawkesworth's Voyages (1773). Supplemented by letters and other documents from English and Dutch archives these manuscripts throw light on various controversial topics such as the conduct of Wallis and the Admiralty the Patagonian giants Carteret's quarrel with the Dutch and the rights and wrongs in the dispute following the publication of Voyages. Maps drawn on the voyage are reproduced. The main pagination of this and the following volume (Second Series 125) is continuous. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1965. Media > Books > E-books Hakluyt Society 9781315570914

Cartesian Philosophy and the FleshReflections on incarnation in analytical psychology How do you know anything is true? What relation is there between my psyche and your psyche does one exist? Can we doubt everything or are some things indubitable? What does Jung have to say about body and psyche body and mind? Cartesian Philosophy and the Flesh is an analysis and critique of interpretations of Cartesian philosophy in analytical psychology. It focuses on readings of Descartes that have important implications for understanding Jung and analytical and existential psychology generally. Frances Gray's book raises questions about the 'place' of the body in a theory of the human psyche and about what kind of psyche if any is essential to concepts of human being. Gray claims that the debates around Descartes and metaphysical dualism have been oversimplified and that this has had a profound effect on conceptualizing an on-going relation between psyche and body. The book also explores the relationship between Jung's conception of the phenomenological standpoint and that of Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Cartesian Philosophy and Flesh brings together Descartes’ idea of self-interrogation and self-reflection and Jung's project in The Red Book the practice of spiritual exercises is the underpinning orientation of both men. It recommends similar practices to anyone interested in the truths of their own living. Gray’s book will be of interest to Jung scholars and those with an interest in Jungian studies Analytical Psychologists and Philosophers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415479370

CarthageA Biography Carthage tells the life story of the city both as one of the Mediterranean’s great seafaring powers before 146 BC and after its refounding in the first century BC. It provides a comprehensive history of the city and its unique culture and offers students an insight into Rome’s greatest enemy. Hoyos explores the history of Carthage from its foundation traditionally claimed to have been by political exiles from Phoenicia in 813 BC through to its final desertion in AD 698 at the hands of fresh eastern arrivals the Arabs. In these 1500 years Carthage had two distinct lives separated by a hundred-year silence. In the first and most famous life the city traded and warred on equal terms with Greeks and then with Rome which ultimately led to Rome utterly destroying the city after the Third Punic War. A second Carthage Roman in form was founded by Julius Caesar in 44 BC and flourished both as a centre for Christianity and as capital of the Vandal kingdom until the seventh-century expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate. Carthage is a comprehensive study of this fascinating city across 15 centuries that provides a fascinating insight into Punic history and culture for students and scholars of Carthaginian Roman and Late Antique history. Written in an accessible style this volume is also suitable for the general reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367635435

Cartographic Abstraction in Contemporary ArtSeeing with Maps In this book Claire Reddleman introduces her theoretical innovation "cartographic abstraction" – a material modality of thought and experience that is produced through cartographic techniques of depiction. Reddleman closely engages with selected artworks (by contemporary artists such as Joyce Kozloff Layla Curtis and Bill Fontana) and theories in each chapter. Reconfiguring the Foucauldian underpinning of critical cartography towards a materialist theory of abstraction cartographic viewpoints are theorised as concrete abstractions. This research is positioned at the intersection of art theory critical cartography and materialist philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367354015

Cartographic Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Nineteenth-Century Americas During the nineteenth century gridding graphing and surveying proliferated as never before as nations and empires expanded into hitherto "unknown" territories. Though nominally geared toward justifying territorial claims and collecting scientific data expeditions also produced vast troves of visual and artistic material. This book considers the explosion of expeditionary mapping and its links to visual culture across the Americas arguing that acts of measurement are also aesthetic acts. Such visual interventions intersect with new technologies with sociopolitical power and conflict and with shifting public tastes and consumption practices. Several key questions shape this examination: What kinds of nineteenth-century visual practices and technologies of seeing do these materials engage? How does scientific knowledge get translated into the visual and disseminated to the public? What are the commonalities and distinctions in mapping strategies between North and South America? How does the constitution of expeditionary lines reorder space and the natural landscape itself? The volume represents the first transnational and hemispheric analysis of nineteenth-century cartographic aesthetics and features the multi-disciplinary perspective of historians geographers and art historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367333263

Cartographic ScienceA Compendium of Map Projections with Derivations Geographic books routinely introduce map projections without providing mathematical explanations of projections and few delve into complex mathematical development or cover the breadth of projections. From basic projecting to advanced transformations Cartographic Science: A Compendium of Map Projections with Derivations is a comprehensive reference that offers an explanation of the science of cartography. The book is a compilation of more than a hundred map projections from classic conics to contemporary transformations using complex variables. Starting from widely described geometric projecting onto flat paper cylinder and cone and then progressing through several layers of mathematics to reach modern projections the author maximizes the application of one layer of complex mathematics before continuing on to the next. He also supplies numerous one-page tutorials that review terms and methodologies helping minimize the challenges of unfamiliar mathematical territory. Divided into four parts the first section examines the shape and size of the Earth then proceeds to investigate the means for relating the curved surface to a flat surface and addresses scaling. It goes on to cover pertinent principles of projection including literal projecting true but synthetic projections secantal projections pseudocylindrical projections and pseudoconical projections as well as the other variants of more serious projections. The book concludes by looking at factors influencing Mean Sea Level and notes the cartographic aspects of current developments.Cartographic Science: A Compendium of Map Projections with Derivations explains the mathematical development for a large range of projections within a framework of the different cartographic methodologies. This carefully paced book covers more projections with gentle and progressive immersion in the mathematics involved than any other book of its kind. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390037

Cartographic Strategies of PostmodernityThe Figure of the Map in Contemporary Theory and Fiction The last fifty years have witnessed the growing pervasiveness of the figure of the map in critical theoretical and fictional discourse. References to mapping and cartography are endemic in poststructuralist theory and similarly geographically and culturally diverse authors of twentieth-century fiction seem fixated upon mapping. While the map metaphor has been employed for centuries to highlight issues of textual representation and epistemology the map metaphor itself has undergone a transformation in the postmodern era. This metamorphosis draws together poststructuralist conceptualizations of epistemology textuality cartography and metaphor and signals a shift away from modernist preoccupations with temporality and objectivity to a postmodern pragmatics of spatiality and subjectivity. Cartographic Strategies of Postmodernity charts this metamorphosis of cartographic metaphor and argues that the ongoing reworking of the map metaphor renders it a formative and performative metaphor of postmodernity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415809122

Cartographies of ExileA New Spatial Literacy This book proposes a fundamental relationship between exile and mapping. It seeks to understand the cartographic imperative inherent in the exilic condition the exilic impulses fundamental to mapping and the varied forms of description proper to both. The vital intimacy of the relationship between exile and mapping compels a new spatial literacy that requires the cultivation of localized dynamic reading practices attuned to the complexities of understanding space as text and texts as spatial artifacts. The collection asks: what kinds of maps do exiles make? How are they conceived drawn read? Are they private maps or can they be shaped collectively? What is their relationship to memory and history? How do maps provide for new ways of imagining the fractured experience of exile and offer up both new strategies for reading displacement and new displaced reading strategies? Where does exilic mapping fit into a history of cartography particularly within the twentieth-century spatial turn? The original work that makes up this interdisciplinary collection presents a varied look at cartographic strategies employed in writing art and film from the pre-Contact Americas to the Renaissance to late postmodernism; the effects of exile in its many manifestations on cartographic textual systems ways of seeing and forms of reading; the challenges of traversing and mapping unstable landscapes and restrictive social and political networks; and the felicities and difficulties of both giving into the map and attempting to escape the map that provides for exile in the first place. Cartographies of Exile will be of interest to students and scholars working in literary and cultural studies; gender sexuality and race studies; anthropology; art history and architecture; film performance visual studies; and the fine arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868680

CartographyVisualization of Geospatial Data Fourth Edition This Fourth Edition of Cartography: Visualization of Geospatial Data serves as an excellent introduction to general cartographic principles. It is an examination of the best ways to optimize the visualization and use of spatiotemporal data. Fully revised it incorporates all the changes and new developments in the world of maps such as OpenStreetMap and GPS (Global Positioning System) based crowdsourcing and the use of new web mapping technology and adds new case studies and examples. Now printed in colour throughout this edition provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to read and understand maps and mapping changes and offers professional cartographers an updated reference with the latest developments in cartography. Written by the leading scholars in cartography this work is a comprehensive resource perfect for senior undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in GIS (geographic information system) and cartography. New in This Edition: Provides an excellent introduction to general cartographic visualization principles through full-colour figures and images Addresses significant changes in data sources technologies and methodologies including the movement towards more open data sources and systems for mapping Includes new case studies and new examples for illustrating current trends in mapping Provides a societal and institutional framework in which future mapmakers are likely to operate based on UN global development sustainability goals Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138613959

Cartridges and Firearm Identification At a time when crime scene television shows are all the rage amongst the civilian population knowledge of firearm forensics is of paramount importance to crime scene analysts police detectives and attorneys for both the prosecution and the defense. Cartridges and Firearm Identification brings together a unique multidisciplined approach to questions that arise regarding ammunition and firearms within the context of investigation. Supplying essential practical information about firearms and ammunition in a clear easy-to-follow format this volume: Defines and depicts photographically all varieties of firearms Presents investigative concerns of firearms evidence from the perspectives of evidence preservation and safe handling procedures Introduces readers to the standards of measurement used to classify ammunition including the significance of names adjectives and other descriptors used in conjunction with ammunition cartridges Categorizes and identifies ammunition head stamps from cartridges produced around the world Provides ammunition manufacturing practices for dozens of nations The text offers a methodology for the identification of unknown firearms as well as ammunition of questioned identity. The author explains the terminology and describes each group of firearms and the aspects that identify the weaponry—including property marks proof marks and patent dates. Lavishly illustrated this comprehensive reference includes case studies to support the text making it a premier reference for all those responsible for the complicated task of investigating firearms and cartridges. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466502062

Cartwrightiana Thomas Cartwright was the leader of the Elizabethan Puritans and his intellectual pre-eminence was widely acknowledged. Standard-bearer of the Prebytero-Puritans against Whitgift he was held to have vanquished his powerful adversary by the publication of his Rest of the Second Replie (1557) Cartwrightiana is the first of 2 volumes giving authoritative editions of the works of the early Elizabethan Puritans - Cartwright Browne and Harrison. It contains among others: accounts of Cartwright's examination before the Commissioners in 1590 Resolution of Doubts about entering the Ministry several of his letters A Short Catechism (1579) The Holy Exercise of a True Fast (1580) and a Preface to an Hospital for the Diseased 1959 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415860055

Carved by ExperienceVipassana Psychoanalysis and the Mind Investigating Itself How does the tendency to crave pleasure and reject pain shape our lives? How does it affect the way we perceive reality and how is it related to the emergence of suffering and the way it is experienced and transmitted? Can we live free of this tendency beyond the pleasure principle? This book approaches these questions through an examination of the psychoanalytic concepts of projection and projective identification in the light of early Buddhist thought. It looks at the personal and the interpersonal at theory meta-theory and everyday life. It observes how the mind's habits mould the human condition and investigates its ability to free itself from their domination. It examines the potential of this liberation: to be in touch with reality as it is and live a less reactive more ethical life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782204503

Carved Flesh / Cast SelvesGendered Symbols and Social Practices Carved Flesh / Cast Selves Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135067

Carved in Stone Etched in MemoryDeath Tombstones and Commemoration in Bosnian Islam since c.1500 Despite the recent history of violence and destruction Bosnia-Herzegovina holds a positive place in history marked by a continuous interweaving of different religious cultures. The most expansive period in that regard is the Ottoman rule that lasted here nearly five centuries. As many Bosnians accepted Islam the process of Islamization took on different directions and meanings only some of which are recorded in the official documents. This book underscores the importance of material culture specifically gravestones funerary inscriptions and images in tracing and understanding more subtle changes in Bosnia’s religious landscape and the complex cultural shifts and exchange between Christianity and Islam in this area. Gravestones are seen as cultural spaces that inscribe memory history and heritage in addition to being texts that display in image and word first-hand information about the deceased. In tackling these topics and ideas the study is situated within several contextual theoretical and methodological frameworks. Raising questions about religious identity history and memory the study unpacks the cultural and historical value of gravestones and other funerary markers and bolsters their importance in understanding the region’s complexity and improving its visibility in global discussions around multiculturalism and religious pluralism. Drawing upon several disciplinary methods the book has much to offer anyone looking for a better understanding of the intersection of Christianity and Islam as well as those with an interest in death studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472432605

Caryl Churchill One of Europe's greatest playwrights Caryl Churchill has been internationally celebrated for four decades. She has exploded the narrow definitions of political theatre to write consistently hard-edged and innovative work. Always unpredictable in her stage experiments her plays have stretched the relationships between form and content actor and spectator to their limits. This new critical introduction to Churchill examines her political agendas her collaborations with other practitioners and looks at specific production histories of her plays. Churchill's work continues to have profound resonances with her audiences and this book explores her preoccupation with representing such phenomena as capitalism genocide environmental issues identity psychiatry and mental illness parenting violence and terrorism. It includes new interviews with actors and directors of her work and gathers together source material from her wide-ranging career. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415345781

Casanova Stendhal Tolstoy: Adepts in Self-PortraitureVolume 3 Master Builders of the Spirit Casanova Stendhal Tolstoy: Adepts in Self-Portraiture the final volume of Stefan Zweig's masterful Master Builders of the Spirit trilogy discloses the smaller version of a writer's own ego. Unconscious though it is no reality is as important to the writer as the reality of their own life. Giacomo Casanova Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) and Leo Tolstoy have different approaches to self-portraiture but Zweig shows that together they symbolize three levels which represent successively ascending gradations of the same creative function.Casanova is depicted as having a primitive gradation; he simply records deeds and happenings without any attempt to appraise them or to study the deeper working of the self. Stendhal's self-portraiture is depicted as psychological; he observes himself and investigates his own feelings. Tolstoy has the highest level; he describes his own life records what led him to his own actions and focuses on self-reflection in a completely unexaggerated manner.At first glance it might seem as if self-portraiture is an artist's easiest task. With no further trouble than a probing of memory and a description of the facts of life "the truth" is revealed. The history of literature shows that ordinary autobiographers are no more than commonplace witnesses testifying to facts that chance has brought to their knowledge. A practiced artist is needed to discern the innermost happenings of the soul; few who have attempted autobiography have been successful in this difficult task. The present volume expounds the characteristics of these subjectively minded artists and of autobiography as their typical method of personal expression. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412845953

CasaPound ItaliaContemporary Extreme-Right Politics In 2003 the occupation of a state-owned building in Rome led to the emergence of a new extreme-right youth movement: CasaPound Italia (CPI). Its members described themselves as 'Fascists of the Third Millennium' and were unabashed about their admiration for Benito Mussolini. Over the next 15 years they would take to the street contest national elections open over a hundred centres across Italy and capture the attention of the Italian public. While CPI can count only on a few thousands votes it enjoys disproportionate attention in public debates from the media. So what exactly is CasaPound? How can we explain the high profile achieved by such a nostalgic group with no electoral support? In this book Caterina Froio Pietro Castelli Gattinara Giorgia Bulli and Matteo Albanese explore CasaPound Italia and its particular political strategy combining the organization and style of both political parties and social movements and bringing together extreme-right ideas and pop-culture symbols. They contend that this strategy of hybridization allowed a fringe organization like CasaPound to consolidate its position within the Italian far-right milieu but also crucially to make extreme-right ideas routine in public debates. The authors illustrate this argument drawing on unique empirical material gathered during five years of research including several months of overt observation at concerts and events face-to-face interviews and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of online and offline campaigns. By describing how hybridization grants extremist groups the leeway to expand their reach and penetrate mainstream political debates this book is core reading for anyone concerned about the nature and growth of far-right politics in contemporary democracies. Providing a fresh insight as to how contemporary extreme-right groups organize to capture public attention this study will also be of interest to students scholars and activists interested in the complex relationship between party competition and street protest more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367435493

Case Argument Structure and Word Order Over the years a major strand of Miyagawa's research has been to study how syntax case marking and argument structure interact. In particular Miyagawa's work addresses the nature of the relationship between syntax and argument structure and how case marking and other phenomena help to elucidate this relationship. In this collection of new and revised pieces Miyagawa expands and develops new analyses for numeral quantifier stranding ditransitive constructions nominative/genitive alternation "syntactic" analysis of lexical and syntactic causatives and historical change in the accusative case marking from Old Japanese to Modern Japanese. All of these analyses demonstrate an intimate relation among case marking argument structure and word order. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138902503

Case Analyses for Abnormal PsychologyLearning to Look Beyond the Symptoms Case Analyses for Abnormal Psychology Second Edition uses case studies to explore the etiology biology and dynamics of psychiatric disorders in the DSM-5. Readers will learn about the new classifications and treatments for disorders while simultaneously reading the personal history of each consumer both before and during the development of each case. Every case ends with a section on the particular disorder presented as viewed from a biological perspective. This updated edition bridges advances in abnormal psychology and neuroscience in understanding mental illness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138904538

Case Book of Brief Psychotherapy with College Students Short-term therapy doesn't have to be second-best!This valuable book explores a variety of brief therapy approaches with young adults between 17 and 25. Each case discussion thoroughly covers the salient points of the client the problem and the treatment as well as segments of the treatment transcripts that illustrate the critical aspects of the counseling. A post-hoc question-and-answer section explores alternative ways the therapist could have handled the client and allows in-depth examination of successful treatment approaches. Case Book of Brief Psychotherapy with College Students offers constructive suggestions for dealing with common presenting problems including: depression individuation issues PTSD impulse control in mandated psychotherapy cult membership post-rape trauma bereavement issuesWith comprehensive references and a fascinating variety of presenting problems Case Book of Brief Psychotherapy with College Students is a helpful resource for any psychologist social worker or therapist whose clients include young adults. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315786100

Case Closed! Neuroanatomy This carefully-designed textbook offers a brand-new approach to learning neuroanatomy for medical students and newly-qualified doctors particularly those considering a career in neurology and neurosurgery. Promoting active learning and taking inspiration from other popular case-based formats readers are encouraged to overcome their inherent ‘neurophobia’. The accessible text and practical examples unencumbered by esoteric minutiae support students and trainees in developing the necessary skills that will be essential in later clinical practice. Developed specifically in response to student feedback the authors have succeeded in creating a novel brief and high-yield primer that offers a unique approach to mastering this challenging discipline. Case Closed! Neuroanatomy not only teaches students how to localize but also guides them to solve successfully the problems that will reappear in their exams and in the clinic. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498728522

Case ConceptualizationMastering This Competency with Ease and Confidence Integrating recent research and developments in the field this revised second edition introduces an easy-to-master strategy for developing and writing culturally sensitive case conceptualizations and treatment plans. Concrete guidelines and updated case material are provided for developing conceptualizations for the five most common therapy models: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Psychodynamic Biopsychosocial Adlerian and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The chapters also include specific exercises and activities for mastering case conceptualization and related competencies and skills. Also new to this edition is a chapter on couple and family case conceptualizations and an emphasis throughout on trauma. Practitioners as well as graduate students in counseling and in clinical psychology will gain the essential skills and knowledge they need to master case conceptualizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367256654

Case Configuration and Noun Phrase Interpretation First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315051628

Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour TherapyThe Treatment of Challenging and Complex Cases Since the successful first edition of Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy there has been a proliferation of psychological research supporting the effectiveness of CBT for a range of disorders. Case formulation is the starting point for CBT treatment and Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is unique in both its focus upon formulation and the scope and range of ideas and disorders it covers. With a range of expert contributions this substantially updated second edition of the book includes chapters addressing; the evidence base and rationale for using a formulation-driven approach in CBT; disorder-specific formulation models; the formulation process amongst populations with varying needs; formulation in supervision and with staff groups. New to the book are chapters that discuss: Formulation amongst populations with physical health difficulties Formulation approaches to suicidal behaviour Formulation with staff groups Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy will be an indispensable guide for experienced therapists and clinical psychologists and counsellors seeking to continue their professional development and aiming to update their knowledge with the latest developments in CBT formulation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415741798

Case Formulation with Children and Adolescents Highly practical and accessible this book shows how to synthesize complex information about child and adolescent mental health problems into clinically useful dynamic case formulations. Strategies and tools are provided for analyzing the biological psychological social cultural spiritual and developmental factors that may be contributing to the difficulties of clients ages 4-18. Numerous case examples illustrate the steps in crafting a comprehensive formulation and using it to plan effective individualized treatment. Strategies for overcoming frequently encountered pitfalls in case formulation are highlighted throughout. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462515608

Case Management in Mental Health Services An invaluable resource on the basic principles of case management including the necessary guidelines for practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873100

Case ManagementPolicy practice and professional business A 'tour de force' that integrates all of the major theoretical arguments and issues and empirical realities that pertain to case management and its diversity into one text that enables a reader to grasp the major aspects of case management practice.It is an important addition to the case management literature and it has international significance.Professor David P. Moxley School of Social Work Wayne State UniversityThis is by far the best introduction to case management that is currently available in the literature.Associate Professor Peter Camilleri School of Social Work Australian Catholic UniversityThe sophisticated understanding of the complexity of case management and the recognition of the contested and dynamic value orientations that underlie case management practice in various settings is indeed refreshing. Professor Judith M. Parker AM School of Postgraduate Nursing University of MelbourneCase management has become synonymous with service delivery in health and the human services internationally. It is used across diverse organisational settings and with different professional and client groups. Yet despite its predominance case management remains elusive and chameleon-like in character. This book goes beyond the prevailing case management rhetoric to challenge preconceptions offer strategies for practice and explore issues of professional identity and development. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115113

Case of the Missing CutleryA Leadership Course for the Rising Star Kevin Allen author of the Wall Street Journal best-selling The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following is back with a fabulously entertaining (and true) tale of a newly minted leader made buoyant during The Case of the Missing Cutlery: A Leadership Course for the Rising Star. As a young manager at an airline catering facility Kevin had to find out why silverware was disappearing at a rapid clip. The route to solving this mystery of The Case of the Missing Cutlery results in Kevin learning to rise to the occasion to become a leader who inspires followers and is able to rely on their hard work and support. For those who might find reading about leadership success at the Fortune 50 level inspiring but too far removed from their experience the author offers up this down-to-earth story of an everyday employee turned rising star. The Case of the Missing Cutlery also provides exercises and further examples to bring the leadership messages home. [This edition contains content previously published as The Buoyant Leader.] Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629560243

Case Research in Public Management Highly readable and non-technical this handbook is designed to help students and non-profit managers gain a working knowledge of the principles and practices of conducting qualitative case study research in public organizations. This book is a motherload of practical and comprehensive guidance to planning conducting analyzing and reporting case research project findings. McNabb begins with a detailed rationale for the use of the case research approach in public administration non-profit organizations and political science. Then it provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct single-case multicase and meta-analysis research with guidelines on organizing and writing the case report. Case Research in Public Management also includes many examples of case studies in a wide range of important topics in public administration including performance management sustainable government technology management security issues emergency and disaster management social and health services infrastructure public transportation and transforming the work of government. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705941

CASE Strategies Guide for Information Managers First published in 1993 this book explores the technical opportunities and constraints vendors and users business objectives and critical success factors and intellectually inspired advances in methodologies and techniques of Computer Aided Systems Engineering or CASE for short. This book is designed to be read on its own as a high level guide to the strategies of the certain vendors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612136

Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge The case study has proved of enduring interest to all Western societies particularly in relation to questions of subjectivity and the sexed self. This volume interrogates how case studies have been used by doctors lawyers psychoanalysts and writers to communicate their findings both within the specialist circles of their academic disciplines and beyond to wider publics. At the same time it questions how case studies have been taken up by a range of audiences to refute and dispute academic knowledge. As such this book engages with case studies as sites of interdisciplinary negotiation transnational exchange and influence exploring the effects of forces such as war migration and internationalization. Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge challenges the limits of disciplinary-based research in the humanities. The cases examined serve as a means of passage between disciplines genres and publics from law to psychoanalysis and from auto/biography to modernist fiction. Its chapters scrutinize the case study in order to sharpen understanding of the genre’s dynamic role in the construction and dissemination of knowledge within and across disciplinary temporal and national boundaries. In doing so they position the case at the center of cultural and social understandings of the emergence of modern subjectivities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367263782

Case Studies for Advances in Paleoimaging and Other Non-Clinical Applications The case studies provided in Case Studies for Advances in Paleoimaging will provide the reader with real-world scenarios and case examples that will help prepare researchers to discover new ways to apply the various modalities associated with the technology. This book is a follow-up to the Beckett and Conlogue’s classic work Paleoimaging (2009) and companion to their new contribution Advances in Paleoimaging (2020). The case studies outlined demonstrate the problem-solving nature of imaging research and the application of critical thought to unique problems. Further Case Studies for Advances in Paleoimaging demonstrates the incredible depth of application of these modalities including photography endoscopy x-ray fluorescence plane radiography digital radiography and advanced imaging modalities like multi-detector computed tomography micro-computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Of particular note case study seven Contrast Media Injections informs the researcher regarding methods to bring out specific anatomic structures that may be the target of a given research question. Intended for students faculty and seasoned researchers Case Studies for Advances in Paleoimaging presents actual cases from the authors’ vast experience in the application of paleoimaging modalities in order to answer unique research problems. The book also serves as a field manual for current and future researchers as they approach similar or new cases that present unique challenges. These cases demonstrate how the varied imaging methodologies can provide data which greatly enriches our understanding of the subject at hand be it ancient cultural remains forensic recovery museum holdings or other anthropological and archaeological artifacts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367251666

Case Studies for Student Development TheoryAdvancing Social Justice and Inclusion in Higher Education   This much-needed case study book provides higher education and student affairs graduate students practitioners and faculty with the tools to enhance their learning of student development theory and to apply this learning to practice. Each chapter offers a summary of theory – covering traditional and newer student development models – in addition to multiple case studies that help readers focus on practice that fosters social justice and inclusion. The case studies for each chapter represent a range of institutional types and diverse student populations offering an opportunity to explore the intersections of various developmental processes and to foster social justice and inclusion in higher education contexts. Guiding questions at the end of each case study offer opportunities for further discussion and critical reflection. An essential text for every student development course Case Studies for Student Development Theory enhances student learning and development in higher education while also addressing how students’ social identities intersect with college campus environments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610743

Case Studies in Adapted Physical EducationEmpowering Critical Thinking Covering self-contained adapted physical education classes general physical education programs and youth sports and community recreation this book presents a series of case studies of teaching individuals of varied ability and disability in physical activity settings. Outlining realistic scenarios it encourages an interactive problem-solving teaching and learning style and the development of critical thinking skills. Now in a fully revised and updated second edition the book covers a wide range of different professional issues themes disabilities and conditions from assessment and behavior management processes to working with students with intellectual disabilities motor difficulties chronic illness or obesity. Each case study includes questions that challenge the reader to reflect on the practical issues involved and how to build inclusive teaching strategies. This book is valuable reading for all physical education students teacher candidates and novice and experienced teachers looking to deepen their understanding of adapted physical education and to improve their professional practice. It is an essential companion to any adapted physical education or physical activity course. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367426385

Case Studies in Allergic Disorders Case Studies in Allergic Disorders is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in immunology medical students and resident physicians. It describes the basic cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of commonly occurring allergic diseases and introduces the rationale for targeted treatment of allergy. Replicating the successful approach of Case Studies in Immunology the book presents mechanisms of hypersensitivity through a selection of clinical cases that reinforce and extend the basic science. The cases are largely drawn from the records of Children’s Hospital Boston. Linking the discussion of pathogenesis to actual clinical presentation establishes important connections between the bench and bedside. The book can be used as either a stand-alone text or asa companion to Janeway’s Immunobiology and The Immune System. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815344360

Case Studies in Behaviour Therapy This book focuses on behaviour therapy that emphasizes the fundamental importance of the outcome problem. It underlines the need to state the dynamics of a case in such a form that they could be used as hypotheses leading to specific treatment recommendations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415842099

Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Metal Health The case studies in this book provide a unique source of material suitable for all practitioners and trainers. The book gives detailed descriptions of common cases seen in specialist child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) including depression learning disabilities Asperger’s syndrome anorexia deliberate self harm and schizophrenia. Subject reviews and summaries in each chapter aid comprehension and explanatory figures boxed text and lists make the content easy to recall. The book illustrates practical ways of managing and treating cases in an evidence-based manner. This resource is vital for child and adolescent mental health services practitioners including psychiatrists psychologists specialist child health nurses and social workers. Trainee child and adolescent mental health services practitioners will also find the information invaluable. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315377582

Case Studies in CoachingDilemmas and Ethics in Competitive School Sports The nearly two dozen case studies in this timely book will help future and current coaches of school sports develop successful strategies to avoid or overcome challenges and become more aware of the need to remain professional and consider the implications of their actions. Based on real-life situations it considers ethical and practical dilemmas from sports in locations across the country.These compelling case studies illustrate everyday scenarios-such as teaching style conflicts scheduling issues cheating confidentiality decisions and working with over-involved parents-that occur in school coaching and athletics. The cases and thought-provoking discussion questions that follow allow readers to work through the types of dilemmas they will face in their coaching careers and then carefully formulate their responses and decisions. A resource list for each case allows readers to further explore the issues and develop their personal responses to each situation. An accompanying instructor's manual available upon adoption includes possible responses to all discussion questions.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138078390

Case Studies in Communication and DisenfranchisementApplications To Social Health Issues See blurb for Communication and Disenfranchisement. Books will be promoted together. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203811962

Case Studies in Couple and Family TherapyThrough the Lens of Early Career Professionals Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy is one of the first casebooks to have been written from the perspective of the early career therapist and demonstrates how key issues in therapy occur for both clients and supervisees. The book brings together chapters from trainee therapists alongside expert commentary from the editors who have extensive experience in supervising new therapists. Covering a range of self-of-the-therapist issues these case studies navigate the complexities of presenting problems multiple systems involvement the complication of past traumas and working in a medical environment all of which beginning therapists are often unprepared to face. The editors provide introductions to each case study as well as clinical suggestions and topics for discussion in supervision. Foregrounding the issues and challenges of the therapist-in-training Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy is a valuable resource to developing couple and family therapists as well as supervisors and educators in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138063419

Case Studies in Couples TherapyTheory-Based Approaches This up-to-date highly readable theory-based and application-oriented book fills a crucial void in literature on couple therapy. Few books in the couple therapy market bridge the gap between theory and practice; texts tend to lean in one direction or the other either emphasizing theory and research with little practical application or taking a cookbook approach that describes specific techniques and interventions that are divorced from any conceptual or theoretical base. However couples therapy requires a high degree of abstract/conceptual thinking as well as ingenuity inventiveness and skill on the part of the therapist. Case Studies in Couples Therapy blends the best of all worlds: clinical applications with challenging and diverse couples that have been derived from the most influential theories and models in couples and family therapy all written by highly experienced and respected voices in the field. In Case Studies in Couples Therapy readers will grasp the essentials of major theories and approaches in a few pages and then see how concepts and principles are applied in the work of well-known clinicians. The case studies incorporate a wide variety of couples from diverse backgrounds in a number of different life situations. It is simultaneously narrow (including specific processes and interventions applied with real clients) and broad (clearly outlining a broad array of theories and concepts) in scope and the interventions in it are directly linked to theoretical perspectives in a clear and systematic way. Students and clinicians alike will find the theoretical overview sections of each chapter clear and easy to follow and each chapter’s thorough descriptions of effective practical interventions will give readers a strong sense of the connections between theory and practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415879439

Case Studies in Crisis CommunicationInternational Perspectives on Hits and Misses Case Studies in Crisis Communication: International Perspectives on Hits and Misses was created to fill the gap for a much-needed textbook in case studies in crisis communication from international perspectives. The events of September 11 2001 other major world crises and the ongoing macroeconomic challenges of financial institutions justify the need for this book. While existing textbooks on the subject focus on U.S. corporate cases they may not appeal equally to students and practitioners in other countries hence the need to analyze cases from the United States and from other world regions. The variety and the international focus of the cases be they environmental health or management successes or failures makes this book more appealing to a wider audience. These cases examine socio-cultural issues associated with responding to a variety of crises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415889902

Case Studies in Curriculum ChangeGreat Britain and the United States One of the educationist’s major concerns today is to find effective ways of translating new goals for the curriculum into classroom practices. American and British contributions analyse curriculum change as it actually occurs with people institutions and constraints of time and money acknowledged and accepted as a necessary and rightful part of the whole process. Detailed accounts are given of curriculum change in a wide variety of settings: American and English school systems a college of education an art curriculum project Scottish classrooms. Analytic perspectives are employed that help to clarify the underlying forces at work. The contributors probe the adequacy of current theorizing about curriculum development and suggest new ways of thinking about the problems involved in bringing about change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753371

Case Studies in Diabetes With the increasing incidence of Type 2 diabetes in the adult population and the realization that this is a vascular disease and a major coronary risk factor Professor Betteridge has chosen fifty diabetologists to contribute a case which has had an effect on their clinical practice. Both Types 1 and 2 diabetes are included along with other forms of diabetes eg gestational. Each case is presented in the same format. The various cases are informative and educational and should provide the reader with a sounder knowledge of patient and disease types. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395209

Case Studies in Disaster Response and Emergency Management Designed to enable practitioners and students to evaluate a variety of real-life emergencies from every angle this new edition of Case Studies in Disaster Response and Emergency Management provides clear thorough step-by-step descriptions of more than 50 major disasters or emergencies. Arranged chronologically the case studies involve incidents from around the globe with topics including natural disasters industrial accidents epidemics and terrorist attacks. A series of questions throughout each case study encourages the reader to think critically about the problem at hand to select a course of action and to then see the results of the decisions that were made.  This hands-on approach invites practitioners and students to apply learned theoretical emergency management techniques in a safe test environment. Case Studies in Disaster Response and Emergency Management 2e provides readers with the most modern and current case studies in disaster response and emergency management and can be used in group project settings as individual homework assignments in training courses for first responders law enforcement and government employees or to complement existing emergency management textbooks in Public Administration Public Management and Public Affairs programs.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781498788519

Case Studies in Drowning Forensics When a corpse is found in a body of water authorities generally presume that the manner of death was either an accident or a suicide. They do not treat the recovery site as a potential crime scene or homicide so many cases remain unsolved. Case Studies in Drowning Forensics investigates the cases of 13 bodies recovered from water in similar circumstances and one survivor. The product of intensive field investigation and archival research this is the first book that presents and explains forensic autopsy evidence associated with the "Smiley Face" murders.Each chapter begins with background information on the victim in the case and discusses when and where the victim was last seen and how the body was recovered. This is followed by in-depth analysis of the evidence found and the peculiarities of each case. Gannon and Gilbertson challenge authorities’ determinations regarding cause and manner of death by critically examining autopsy toxicology and law enforcement reports and photographs. They also reveal evidence not previously made public—including search efforts cell phone records GPS data and additional drug tests. Building on each successive case study they explain relationships among postmortem artifacts in a graphic format.Presenting the inside truth on the circumstances and the evidence the book enables readers to determine for themselves whether the deaths of these young men were accidents or homicides. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367655938

Case Studies In Educational ChangeAn International Perspective This text the second in a two-volume set examining the process of educational reform describes case studies on the change process of education as it impacts on the individual at work.; The authors provide interesting comparisons of similar changes occuring within education in different national settings including Australia New Zealand Israel the USA and the UK. The case studies are based on three themes: systematic change; the transition from policy to practice; and curriculum contexts. The effects of governmental control over the curriculum and attempts to reform education by legislation are explained and the similarities are seen as marginalisation of professional educators corporatisation of education systems instrumentalisation of curriculum and the inability of those in power to draw from past knowledge on educational change.; Written to stand alone this book can also be read in conjunction with volume 1 "International Perspectives on Educational Reform and Policy Implementation" which examines the historical social and economic influences on education policy reform. The authors argue that change takes a predictable format and once understood can be directed and managed. The books are intended to be of interest to all involved in the planning and implementation of change together pointing the way to effective management of such change processes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046401

Case Studies in Educational Psychology Case Studies in Educational Psychology is comprised of 55 diverse and realistic case studies that will shape and compliment any Educational Psychology curriculum. The essays are grouped into 10 well-organized units that address issues ranging from Classroom Management to Moral Development Children from Broken Homes and Homelessness. Each study concludes with thought-provoking discussions questions that both stimulate discourse around the important issues in Educational Psychology and bring to light the practical implications/applications of each study. Case Studies in Educational Psychology is a challenging yet highly accessible volume - an ideal text for students and teachers of Education Psychology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315054261

Case Studies in European Prehistory This book provides a broad overview of the current research questions facing archaeologists working in Europe. The book uses a case-study method in which a number of archaeologists discuss their work and reflect on their goals and approaches. The emphasis is on the intellectual process of archaeology not just the techniques and results. Chronological coverage is provided from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age and over much of the European continent. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138403871

Case Studies in Forensic AnthropologyBonified Skeletons Through a set of unique case studies written by an international group of practicing forensic anthropologists Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology: Bonified Skeletons prepares students and professionals for the diverse range of cases and challenges they will encounter in the field. Every forensic anthropology case is unique. Practitioners routinely face new challenges and unexpected outcomes. Courses and introductory texts generally address standard or ideal cases. In practice however forensic anthropologists must improvise frequently during forensic archaeological recoveries and laboratory analyses based on case circumstances. Most forensic anthropologists have encountered unconventional cases with surprising results. While these cases act as continuing education for practitioners—better preparing them for future encounters— such learning opportunities may be limited by the extent of personal experiences. This text exposes practitioners and students to a diverse array of case examples they may not otherwise encounter sharing experiential knowledge and contributing to the advancement the field. Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology aims to both prepare aspiring forensic anthropologists and inform current practitioners. The cases are interesting and unique detailing how specific challenges contribute to the body of forensic anthropological knowledge and practice.   Key Features Full-color photographs illustrate the scenes and skeletal features "Lessons Learned" sections for each case study emphasize take-away points Thought-provoking "Discussion Questions" encourage readers to think critically and facilitate group discussions Actual case experiences by diverse array of forensic anthropologists who discuss innovative methods and unique challenges Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138347656

Case Studies in Forensic PsychologyClinical Assessment and Treatment Case Studies in Forensic Psychology offers the reader a unique insight into the often-hidden world of psychological assessment and intervention with people who have committed serious crimes. The book contains a breadth of forensic case studies and each chapter details the real forensic work that psychologists do in their clinical practice in prison psychiatric and community settings. Assessment and therapeutic approaches used in each case study are discussed as well as the state of the literature in each area (e.g. sexual violence risk assessment schema therapy). Each chapter will take the reader through a variety of offender profiles their personal background any relevant psychiatric or psychological diagnoses and assessments and/or treatment completed. Case studies offer valuable insight into the clinical practice and day-to-day role of a forensic psychologist demonstrating the work undertaken that empirical research does not offer. Uniquely Case Studies in Forensic Psychology brings together treatment models and forensic research demonstrating how theory translates into practice and considering whether it is effective at an individual level. It is ideal for students of forensic psychology and forensic mental health as well as practitioners at any stage of their career in this rapidly expanding field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138584822

Case Studies in Health Communication This book focuses on the complexities of the communication of health-related messages and information through the use of case studies. The expert contributors to this volume are scholars who during their research and consulting grapple with many of the issues of concern to those studying health communication. While several introductory books offer brief case studies to illustrate concepts covered this book provides in-depth cases that enable more advanced students to apply theory to real situations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203812167

Case Studies in ImmunologyA Clinical Companion Case Studies in Immunology Seventh Edition is intended for medical students and undergraduate and graduate students in immunology. It presents major topics of immunology through a selection of clinical cases that reinforce and extend the basic science. Each case history is preceded by essential scientific facts about the immunological mechanisms o Media > Books > E-books W.W. Norton & Company 9780429258206

Case Studies in Infection Control Case Studies in Infection Control has 25 cases each focusing on an infectious disease which illustrate the critical aspects of infection control and prevention. Scenarios in the cases are real events from both community and hospital situations and written by experts. Although brief comments are included in relation to the organism diagnosis and treatment the main emphasis is on the case its epidemiology  and how the situation should be managed from the perspective of infection control and prevention.  Each case also has multiple choice questions and answers as well as listing international guidelines and references. All the cases will be an invaluable learning tool for anyone studying or practicing infection control.   Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815345176

Case Studies in Intelligent ComputingAchievements and Trends Although the field of intelligent systems has grown rapidly in recent years there has been a need for a book that supplies a timely and accessible understanding of this important technology. Filling this need Case Studies in Intelligent Computing: Achievements and Trends provides an up-to-date introduction to intelligent systems.This edited book captures the state of the art in intelligent computing research through case studies that examine recent developments developmental tools programming and approaches related to artificial intelligence (AI). The case studies illustrate successful machine learning and AI-based applications across various industries including: A non-invasive and instant disease detection technique based upon machine vision through the image scanning of the eyes of subjects with conjunctivitis and jaundice Semantic orientation-based approaches for sentiment analysis An efficient and autonomous method for distinguishing application protocols through the use of a dynamic protocol classification system Nonwavelet and wavelet image denoising methods using fuzzy logic Using remote sensing inputs based on swarm intelligence for strategic decision making in modern warfare Rainfall–runoff modeling using a wavelet-based artificial neural network (WANN) model Illustrating the challenges currently facing practitioners the book presents powerful solutions recently proposed by leading researchers. The examination of the various case studies will help you develop the practical understanding required to participate in the advancement of intelligent computing applications. The book will help budding researchers understand how and where intelligent computing can be applied. It will also help more established researchers update their skills and fine-tune their approach to intelligent computing. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138034129

Case Studies in Language Curriculum DesignConcepts and Approaches in Action Around the World Case studies are a powerful pedagogical tool for illuminating constructs and models in real-life contexts. Covering a wide range of teaching-learning contexts and offering in-depth analyses of ESL/ELT language curriculum design issues this casebook is distinctive and unique in that each case draws on and is clearly linked to a single model presented in Nation and Macalister’s Language Curriculum Design ( giving the book a high degree of coherence. A short commentary by the editors after each case highlights features of note and/or issues arising from it. This is a versatile text designed to work as a companion to Language Curriculum Design (adding meaning and depth to the model presented there by relating it to a range of applications) as a stand-alone text or as a resource for language teacher trainees teacher educators practicing teachers program administrators and materials writers in the field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203847855

Case Studies in Neuropsychology of Reading Each chapter represents a personal account of a reading disorder through which details of the features of the disorder methods used for testing and theoretical accounts are illustrated. Controversies are explained theories evaluated and anomalies pointed out.From this emerges a picture of the central properties of each disorder and the contribution of each to our understanding of the reading system as a whole. However the picture is not complete: loose threads tantalise some findings are hard to explain and some newly controversial theories are put forward. The intention is to provide information that will help to equip the reader with the knowledge and expertise necessary to take the study of these reading disorders forward. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315804583

Case Studies in PaleoethnobotanyUnderstanding Ancient Lifeways through the Study of Phytoliths Starch Macroremains and Pollen Case Studies in Paleoethnobotany focuses on interpretation in paleoethnobotany. In it the reader is guided through the process of analyzing archaeobotanical data and of using that data to address research questions. Part I introduces archaeobotanical remains and how they are deposited preserved sampled recovered and analyzed. Five issue-oriented case studies make up Part II and illustrate paleoethnobotanical inference and applications. A recurrent theme is the strength of using multiple lines of evidence to address issues of significance. This book is unique in its explicit focus on interpretation for "consumers" of paleoethnobotanical knowledge. Paleoethnobotanical inference is increasingly sophisticated and contributes to our understanding of the past in ways that may not be apparent outside the field or to all practitioners. The case study format allows in-depth exploration of the process of interpretation in the context of significant issues that will engage readers. No other work introduces paleoethnobotany and illustrates its application in this way. This book will appeal to students interested in ancient plant–people interrelationships as well as archaeologists paleoethnobotanists and paleoecologists. The short methods chapters and topical case studies are ideal for instructors of classes in archaeological methods environmental archaeology and ethnobiology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611322965

Case Studies in Physical EducationReal World Preparation for Teaching Case Studies in Physical Education Revised Edition applies the case study method to the field of physical education where it is an effective means for future teachers to explore challenging scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their careers. These engaging reader-friendly case studies provide readers with concrete suggestions for connecting classroom theory with what actually happens in school. Theories and concepts concerning educational philosophy methodology curriculum discipline and assessment become more meaningful when explored in a case scenario in which the central characters confront situations that develop as a consequence of their or others' pedagogical choices. The cases in this book also promote critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Each case is followed by questions that prompt readers to analyze the situation formulate a plan of action to address the problem and anticipate and evaluate the potential consequences of the plan's implementation. In small groups individually or as a whole class readers can explore and debate their strategies for addressing the issues. Readers will learn there is no one right answer to situations that can occur in the education environment. They will develop their communication skills as they learn to articulate and defend a plan of action to address the situation and they will also learn the importance of collaborating with colleagues as they listen to and learn from the ideas of others. These cases were prepared by 36 experienced physical educators (from the elementary secondary and university levels)who collaborated in teams to create cases based on their collective real-life experiences. As a result the cases take place in a variety of contexts: in elementary middle and high schools; in urban suburban rural schools; and in wealthy and needy districts. They present a variety of issues encountered in schools today including issues related to teaching methods classroom management multicultural education classroom assessment inclusion relations with co-workers marginalization of physical education and gender equity. As in real life each case raises a number of related issues that stimulate further discussion or provide opportunities for assignments. This revised edition contains the same proven effective case studies as in the first edition while incorporating minor updating throughout to reflect changes in technology and society since its original publication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781621590231

Case Studies in Physiology and Nutrition Today‘s knowledge of human health demands a multidisciplinary understanding of medically related sciences and Case Studies in the Physiology of Nutrition answers the call. Dedicated to the integration of nutrition science with physiology this text cohesively incorporates descriptions of human problems in order to stimulate students critical thinking about how the body integrates various physiological factors to maintain homeostasis. Contains Key Points Vocabulary Exercises and Critical Thinking ProblemsThis textbook uses short story-type case studies about fictional individuals who have health problems in order to address a range of issues in an approachable manner. The studies vary in difficulty with some being straightforward with very simple answers while others require in-depth thinking and literature research to solve. Each study presents patient background symptoms clinical finding and questions to ponder. Upon qualifying course adoption this book also includes a valuable instructor‘s manual which provides solutions to exercises problem analysis and resolution to each case study. This ready-to-implement resource addresses: Homeostasis Obesity and malnutrition Anemia and diabetes Nutrient gene expression Immune system Food safety Aging and nutrition Muscle and bone studies Case Studies in the Physiology of Nutrition provides an understanding of nutritional components by defining biochemical mechanical and physical functions. Its unique approach will aid students in relating functionality to system failure as well as understanding the role of environment in health and nutrition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138454934

Case Studies in Post Construction Liability and Insurance This comparative international review of law and practice liability describes the framework in which lawyers insurers contractors and clients dealing with liability operate. The act of building involves risk and in the case of damages occurring after construction it is often hard to identify responsibility.This will be an essential reference for construction lawyers insurers and other senior practitioners and managers in industry based on research and analysis by CIB (Conseil International du Batiment) as part of the CIB series programme. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367399641

Case Studies in PsychopharmacologyThe Use of Drugs in Psychiatry Second Edition This book provides a typical case history to illustrate an important area in theapeutics. It is useful for all pharmacists with a particular interest in psychopharmacology and drug treatments in psychiatry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138461550

Case Studies in Public GovernanceBuilding Institutions in Singapore The case study whether a simple scenario about choices in decision-making or a multi-dimensional narrative of conflicts and dilemmas is a rich source of knowledge ideas and insights. Using case studies as a method to document and learn the experiences of nations and their institutions reveal the perspectives rationale trade-offs and actions of governments and people. This book is a collection of case studies on the development of Singapore institutions. Here a total of five case studies encompassing the areas of urban governance education social security and industrial relations are presented each carefully selected to profile a particular sector. These case studies describe the importance of culture leadership and systems in building institutions and how interactions between people – leaders and employees – and the organizations they belong to can influence institutional culture. This publication seeks to deepen global understanding of the Singapore government and its form of governance as well as to advance theories and concepts of sustainable development on a global stage. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415506717

Case Studies in Secure ComputingAchievements and Trends In today’s age of wireless and mobile computing network and computer security is paramount. Case Studies in Secure Computing: Achievements and Trends gathers the latest research from researchers who share their insights and best practices through illustrative case studies.This book examines the growing security attacks and countermeasures in the stand-alone and networking worlds along with other pertinent security issues. The many case studies capture a truly wide range of secure computing applications. Surveying the common elements in computer security attacks and defenses the book: Describes the use of feature selection and fuzzy logic in a decision tree model for intrusion detection Introduces a set of common fuzzy-logic-based security risk estimation techniques with examples Proposes a secure authenticated multiple-key establishment protocol for wireless sensor networks Investigates various malicious activities associated with cloud computing and proposes some countermeasures Examines current and emerging security threats in long-term evolution backhaul and core networks Supplies a brief introduction to application-layer denial-of-service (DoS) attacks Illustrating the security challenges currently facing practitioners this book presents powerful security solutions proposed by leading researchers in the field. The examination of the various case studies will help to develop the practical understanding required to stay one step ahead of the security threats on the horizon. This book will help those new to the field understand how to mitigate security threats. It will also help established practitioners fine-tune their approach to establishing robust and resilient security for next-generation computing systems. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138034136

Case Studies in Sexual DevianceToward Evidence Based Practice The assessment and treatment of sexual deviance can be very difficult tasks and it can be hard to find mentors to provide initial skills training and help in navigating the many complexities of a particular case. This book presents a series of case studies from international experts in the field that depict the evidence-based assessment and treatment of a variety of paraphilias. Intended as learning tools readers can use as models and from which they can gain insight these case studies are offered as exemplars of clinical problem solving. The authors of each chapter provide research evidence that justifies treatment decisions explain their assessment strategies and case formulations and provide information about how to navigate common problems a clinician will encounter such as denial poor motivation and co-morbid problems. A variety of assessment instruments and treatment strategies are also illustrated. Both new and experienced clinicians will find this book to be an invaluable resource in their own work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415880497

Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and SustainabilityThe oikos collection Vol. 2 In 2008 Ashoka launched the "Changemaker Campus Initiative" which applies Ashoka's rigorous criteria to select and support universities as they develop and implement a comprehensive social entrepreneurship plan. Through the lessons learned from this network and with input from its broader global network of those experienced in the field Ashoka aims to set a new standard for social entrepreneurship education. Indeed despite the rising demand there remains a dire need for quality coursework and global teaching case studies. Social entrepreneurs – and the pressing challenges they solve – are not bound by geographic borders or a single political environment yet there is a lack of the materials necessary to equip students with the skills and mind-set required to catalyze systemic social change. What few high-quality case studies do exist typically highlight social entrepreneurs within the United States. This cooperation with oikos within the Social Entrepreneurship Track of the annual oikos Global Case Competition is a critical vehicle for tackling that challenge. As a result of this effort more locally relevant case studies are being written peer-reviewed and judged than ever before and are able to make their way into the hands of global audiences eager to adopt them into their courses. Building social entrepreneurship skills and problem-solving abilities are best practiced and honed using real-life examples and strategic challenges – not just learning theories in a vacuum. Case studies provide this exposure and real-time training in systemic problem-solving. Through these 15 teaching cases students learn that social entrepreneurship is about identifying root causes of problems and applying a solution that tackles the system. As study upon study has shown the band-aid approach does not work. To effectively address a social problem the solution must continually adapt and evolve based on market feedback about what works and what needs to change in the model. Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability is the second volume resulting from the oikos Global Case Writing Competition – an annual program launched in 2003 to promote the publication of high-quality teaching cases in corporate sustainability. This book expands the collection with award-winning global cases in the rapidly growing field of social entrepreneurship and sustainability. In view of the growing importance of various sustainability trends management schools are increasingly challenged to adapt their entrepreneurship and business curricula. Management education needs to reflect the trends and provide a broadened understanding of value creation. Sustainability is a concept that demands that organizations consider the legitimate expectations of different stakeholders in their value creation processes. At the same time it underlines the fact that many sustainability trends offer new business opportunities that entrepreneurs will seize. As a result value creation processes need to be reorganized in order to create economic capital while developing social capital and preserving natural capital. Indeed entrepreneurial organizations are increasingly dealing with these challenges. The case studies in this book explore both the opportunities and pitfalls entrepreneurs – working with organizations with for-profit hybrid and non-profit business models – face in targeting sustainability issues and how their values and core assumptions impact their business strategies. They describe new patterns of value creation new alliances and the challenges of dealing with existing paradigms. It is clear that new ways of doing business with a common objective of maximizing social impact are substantially shaping markets and society. This textbook of competition-winning case studies for management education in the field of social entrepreneurship and sustainability provides excellent learning opportunities tells engaging stories deals with recent situations includes quotations from key actors is thought-provoking and controversial requires decision-making and provides clear take-aways. Online Teaching Notes to accompany each chapter are available on request with the purchase of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906093471

Case Studies in Social EntrepreneurshipThe oikos collection Vol. 4 This book is an essential resource for the increasing number of facilitators who wish to help students learn about the promise and pitfalls of social enterprise. The oikos-Ashoka case competition for social entrepreneurship was conceived in 2007 as a way to help find great material and case studies in this emerging field. This fourth collection of oikos case studies is based on the winning cases from the 2010 to 2014 annual case competitions. These cases have been highly praised because they provide excellent learning opportunities tell engaging stories deal with recent situations include quotations from key actors are thought-provoking and controversial require decision-making and provide clear take-aways. This new volume of social entrepreneurship case studies highlights cases from around the globe authored by teachers from around the globe. The selected cases span many industries and geographic contexts; nevertheless they are connected by a shared ambition: to highlight the power of entrepreneurship to solve social problems. The cases are clustered in three different sections: Socially oriented Enterprise Cases – Health and Fair trade Ecologically oriented social enterprises and Corporate Social Entrepreneurship. Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship will be an essential purchase for educators and is likely to be a widely used as a course textbook at all levels of management education. Online Teaching Notes to accompany each chapter are available on request with the purchase of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783530502

Case Studies in Sport CommunicationYou Make the Call Case Studies in Sport Communication: You Make the Call goes beyond the box scores by offering readers the opportunity to evaluate popular and diverse issues in sport—including management crisis health ethics gender race and social media. Each chapter incorporates theory and communication principles as well as topical background information and concludes with discussion questions and engaging assignments. This volume presents real-life provocative sports cases that bring contemporary headlines into perspective and inspire critical thinking. Each chapter features scholarly evidence that will keep the conversation lively thoughtful and informative. Students are encouraged to challenge the ethical implications of what they have read and to “make the call.” This is an invaluable resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students of sport communication and sport management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138729537

Case Studies in Strategic Planning Case Studies in Strategic Planning shows you how to do systematic strategic planning in real-life cases regardless of your level of expertise. The simplified version of this methodology and its analysis tools based on fundamentals are easily understood and universally applied to any type of business for developing strategic plans. More importantly this methodology guides you in identifying the circumstances in which you might use particular tools use them effectively and target them directly at achieving effective results.The book is organized into two parts: Part I provides the overall framework and describes the systematic pattern of strategic planning. Part II demonstrates case studies most of which are entrepreneurial and related to new businesses.The book is written for two groups: The first group includes professional strategic planners and students who are interested in strategic planning. This group may be skilled at making strategic plans but do not fully understand that a strategic plan for any business involves variables specific to a particular business process. Their conventional approaches must be replaced by broader analyses and individual and factual analyses of specifics by group opinions and evaluation of convenience or preference.The second group is made up of professionals unskilled in the techniques of strategic planning. This group might include owner/managers of small businesses managers who are generally familiar with strategic planning and department heads who do their own planning. Regardless of which group you fit into or your level of expertise you will find this book to be specific simple to understand and easy to use. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367658632

Case Studies in Sustainability Management and StrategyThe oikos collection With the rapidly growing importance of sustainability and corporate responsibility in a globalised world management schools are increasingly integrating long-term economic environmental and social issues into their teaching and research. Climate change poverty labour standards and human rights are among the many topics that future decision-makers will need to face in their careers. Business education needs to reflect this new reality and provide a broadened understanding of value creation in order to create economic capital while developing social and preserving natural capital. Many sustainability trends also offer interesting new business opportunities that are ripe for entrepreneurial thinking. Case studies can be important tools for creating learning processes on different levels - students are forced to struggle with exactly the kinds of decisions and dilemmas managers confront every day. In this reflection of reality the values and goals of the student are systematically challenged. This can be especially valuable in the context of sustainability and strategy - organisations are now continually forced to value the different aspects of sustainability and their interrelations: How do social issues impact the economic bottom line? How can an environmentally sound strategy create a positive impact on employee motivation and thus have measurable impact on economic performance? What comes first and why? But excellent case studies for management education in the field of sustainability management and strategy are rare. This innovative collection has been produced to fill this gap. It is based on the winning cases of an annual competition organised by oikos - the international Student Organization for Sustainable Economics and Management. So what makes an excellent case in sustainability management? These cases have been highly praised because they provide excellent learning opportunities tell engaging stories deal with recent situations include quotations from key actors are thought-provoking and controversial require decision-making and provide clear take-aways. These cases explore both the opportunities and pitfalls companies and NGOs face in targeting sustainability issues and how their values and core assumptions impact their business strategies. They deal with a myriad of issues including supply chain management stakeholder dialogue social entrepreneurship sustainable marketing ethics governance the business case for sustainability partnerships purchasing and climate change. Case Studies in Sustainability Management and Strategy is an essential purchase for educators and is likely to be a widely used as a course textbook at all levels of management education. Online Teaching Notes to accompany each chapter are available on request with the purchase of the book. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351280280

Case Studies in Sustainability ManagementThe oikos collection Vol. 3 With the rapidly growing importance of sustainability and corporate responsibility in a globalised world management schools are increasingly integrating long-term economic environmental and social issues into their teaching and research. Climate change poverty labour standards and human rights are among the many topics that future decision-makers will need to face in their careers. Business education needs to reflect this new reality and provide a broadened understanding of value creation in order to create economic capital while developing social and preserving natural capital. Case studies can be important tools for creating learning processes on different levels - students are forced to struggle with exactly the kinds of decisions and dilemmas managers confront every day. In this reflection of reality the values and goals of the student are systematically challenged. This can be especially valuable in the context of sustainability management - organisations are now continually forced to value the different aspects of sustainability and their interrelations: How do social issues impact the economic bottom line? How can an environmentally sound strategy create a positive impact on employee motivation and thus have measurable impact on economic performance? What comes first and why? This third collection of oikos case studies is based on the winning cases from the 2010 to 2013 annual case competition. So what makes an excellent case in sustainability management? These cases have been highly praised because they provide excellent learning opportunities tell engaging stories deal with recent situations include quotations from key actors are thought-provoking and controversial require decision-making and provide clear take-aways. These cases are clustered in three different sections: "Large Corporations and Corporate Sustainability Dilemmas" "Managing Stakeholder Relations" and "Sustainability as a Source of Differentiation Strategies".Case Studies in Sustainability Management will be an essential purchase for educators and is likely to be a widely used as a course textbook at all levels of management education. Online Teaching Notes to accompany each chapter are available on request with the purchase of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783530489

Case Studies in System of Systems Enterprise Systems and Complex Systems Engineering Suitable as a reference for industry practitioners and as a textbook for classroom use Case Studies in System of Systems Enterprise Systems and Complex Systems Engineering provides a clear understanding of the principles and practice of system of systems engineering (SoSE) enterprise systems engineering (ESE) and complex systems engineering (CSE).Multiple domain practitioners present and analyze case studies from a range of applications that demonstrate underlying principles and best practices of transdisciplinary systems engineering. A number of the case studies focus on addressing real human needs. Diverse approaches such as use of soft systems skills are illustrated and other helpful techniques are also provided. The case studies describe examine analyze and assess applications across a range of domains including: Engineering management and systems engineering education Information technology business transformation and infrastructure engineering Cooperative framework for and cost management in the construction industry Supply chain modeling and decision analysis in distribution centers and logistics International development assistance in a foreign culture of education Value analysis in generating electrical energy through wind power Systemic risk and reliability assessment in banking Assessing emergencies and reducing errors in hospitals and health care systems Information fusion and operational resilience in disaster response systems Strategy and investment for capability developments in defense acquisition Layered flexible and decentralized enterprise architectures in military systems Enterprise transformation of the air traffic management and transport network Supplying you with a better understanding of SoSE ESE and CSE concepts and principles the book highlights best practices and lessons learned as benchmarks that are applicable to other cases. If adopted correctly the approaches outlined can facilitate significant progress in human affairs.The study of complex systems is still in its infancy and it is likely to evolve for decades to come. While this book does not provide all the answers it does establish a platform through which analysis and knowledge application can take place and conclusions can be made in order to educate the next generation of systems engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138199835

Case Studies in the Neuropsychology of Memory The study of memory disorders is typically associated with investigations of the amnesic syndrome. There are however however a wide range of other memory disorders following brain damage and these are becoming increasingly important. In this volume which is newly available in paperback experts in the field present a series of individual case histories each illustrating a particular dimension of memory impairment. In addition case studies of rehabilitation including a unique autobiographica study are included. Collectively the book enables the reader to become familiar with important developments in the study of memory disorders and in particular indicates the diverse methodologies now employed in this important area of neuropsychological reseach. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315784885

Case Studies in the Neuropsychology of Vision One important means to understanding normal cognitive functions is the study of the breakdown of these functions following brain damage. This book provides reviews of major case studies dealing with the breakdown of visual perception and recognition including the disorders of motion vision colour vision perceptual integration perceptual classification recognition of particular categories of object semantic access from vision (in optic aphasia) and recognition impairments with relative sparing of imagery. The cases are discussed in the light of studies that have followed since and the chapters provide a context in which the contributions of the case studies can be evaluated. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203765500

Case Studies in Veterinary Immunology Case Studies in Veterinary Immunology presents basic immunological concepts in the context of actual cases seen in clinics. It is intended for veterinary medicine students interns residents and veterinarians and serves as a valuable supplement and companion to a variety of core immunology textbooks and courses. The book includes cases describing primary immune system defects secondary immune system defects and hypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders as well as dysproteinemias and lymphoid neoplasia. Drawing on the successful approach of Geha’s Case Studies in Immunology each representative case is preceded by a discussion of the principles underlying that specific immunological mechanism. The case itself includes the presenting complaint (signalment) physical examination findings pertinent diagnostic laboratory data diagnosis and treatment options. In those instances in which a specific disorder occurs in both animals and humans the differences and similarities in the immunological mechanisms and manifestations of the disease are explored. End of case questions highlight important concepts and serve as a review aid for students. Details on standard vaccines and vaccination schedules as well as descriptions of the types of assays used for evaluation of the immune system are included as appendices. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815344476

Case Studies on Chinese Enterprises This book is a collection of teaching cases on two Chinese companies UFIDA and Founder. The cases describe the management practices of typical Chinese companies. UFIDA is a well-known company providing management software while Founder is a long-established high-tech company. The book aims at providing readers with original first-hand materials based on a theoretical framework and broadening readers’ vision regarding China’s business niche in terms of culture strategy corporate governance business environment organizational dynamics marketing human resource finance and the potential business partnerships with Chinese enterprises and the Chinese people. The cases are comprehensive and descriptive. This book appeals to top executives and leaders of multinational companies with ambitions to expand or already vested business interest in China. It is also of valuable use to companies specializing in international trade. The book provides insight into the great business opportunities in the development of China.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415704328

Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education offers pre- and in-service educators an opportunity to analyze and reflect upon a variety of realistic case studies related to educational equity and social justice. The accessibly written cases allow educators to practice the process of considering a range of contextual factors checking their own biases and making immediate- and longer-term decisions about how to create and sustain equitable learning environments for all students. This revised edition adds ten new cases to offer greater coverage of elementary education as well as topics such as body-shaming Black Lives Matter and transgender oppression. Existing cases have been updated to reflect new societal contexts and streamlined for ease-of-use. The book begins with a seven-point process for examining case studies. Largely lacking from existing case study collections this framework guides readers through the process of identifying examining reflecting on and taking concrete steps to resolve challenges related to diversity and equity in schools. The cases themselves present everyday examples of the ways in which racism sexism homophobia and heterosexism class inequities language bias religious-based oppression and other equity and diversity concerns affect students teachers families and other members of our school communities. They involve classroom issues that are relevant to all grade levels and content areas allowing significant flexibility in how and with whom they are used. Although organized topically the intersections of these issues are stressed throughout the cases reflecting the complexities of real-life scenarios. All cases conclude with a series of questions to guide discussion and a section of facilitator notes called ‘Points for Consideration.’ This unique feature provides valuable insight for understanding the complexities of each case. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815375005

Case Studies on Human Rights in Japan Japanese society is often referred to as an example of a homogeneous culture moderated by an ethos of groupism. Yet often enough homogeneity is its own worst enemy as norms are required and enforced at the centre of power to the detriment of individual and human rights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969896

Case Studies on Modern European EconomyEntrepreneurship Inventions and Institutions The last two centuries have been the scene of dramatic change throughout Europe. And one of the main causes of these tremendous and spectacular changes was the economy. These transformations were achieved by people: scientists and political thinkers inventors and entrepreneurs educators skilled and educated workers. Who not only invented machines and computers but were able to renew economic and political systems. This volume therefore presents a new approach to the period by looking at case studies to understand how these changes came about and the impact they had on modern Europe. Ivan Berend presents the spectacular history of modern European economy as a chain of "small" events actions and the ideas of individuals as the influence of institutions and bold entrepreneurs. The essays are grouped into six chapters and discuss the power of entrepreneurship; the power of institutions; economic regimes and the permanent renewal of capitalism; the power of ideas and inventions; pioneering companies; from the rise of industrial cities to post-industrial suburbanization; bubbles great depressions and economic cycles. All of the single episodes and personal stories offer a cross-section of the complex and interrelated history of modern Europe. Case Studies on Modern European Economy will be essential reading for students of economic and modern European history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415639958

Case Studies on Safety Bullying and Social Media in SchoolsCurrent Issues in Educational Leadership Case Studies on Safety Bullying and Social Media in Schools addresses the most topical issues facing school leaders today—including bullying harassment inappropriate use of social media drug use and school safety. Bridging theory and practice each chapter includes a detailed case artifacts for analysis explanation of relevant case and federal law and guiding questions for discussion. Adapted from real-world examples the case studies in this timely resource serve as essential exercises for aspiring and practicing leaders to ensure student safety and success. This case book helps aspiring educational leaders prepare and respond to even the most difficult situations that occur on school campuses and in the school community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138911840

Case Study Methodology in Business Research The complete guide for how to design and conduct theory-testing and other case studies…Case Study Methodology in Business Research sets out structures and guidelines that assist students and researchers from a wide range of disciplines to develop their case study research in a consistent and rigorous manner. It clarifies the differences between practice-oriented and theory-oriented research and within the latter category between theory-testing and theory-building. It describes in detail how to design and conduct different types of case study research providing students and researchers with everything they need for their project. The main aims are to: * present a broad spectrum of types of case study research (including practice-oriented case studies theory-building case studies and theory-testing case studies) in one consistent methodological framework. * emphasize and clearly illustrate that the case study is the preferred research strategy for testing deterministic propositions such as those expressing a necessary condition case by case and that the survey is the preferred research strategy for testing probabilistic propositions. * stress the role of replication in all theory-testing research irrespective of which research strategy is chosen for a specific test. * give more weight to the importance of theory-testing relative to theory-building. Case Study Methodology in Business Research is a clear concise and comprehensive text for case study methodology. Templates are supplied for case study protocol and how to report a case study. A modular textbook primarily aimed at serving research methodology courses for final year undergraduate students and graduate students in Business Administration and Management which is also useful as a handbook for researchers.Written by Jan Dul Professor of Technology and Human Factors RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tony Hak Associate professor of Research Methodology RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam in collaboration with other authors from RSM Erasmus University. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138174160

Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics Case studies of individual language learners are a valuable means of illustrating issues connected with learning using and in some cases losing another language. Yet even though increasing numbers of graduate students and scholars conduct research using case studies or mix quantitative and qualitative methods there are no dedicated applied lin Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429239076

Case Study Strategies for Architects and DesignersIntegrative Data Research Methods Case Study Strategies for Architects and Designers explains methods in evidence-based design also called practice-based research to show you the value of research to your designs. Topics covered pertain to data collection and analysis techniques including surveys interviews fieldwork participatory design occupancy evaluations and memory sketching. Integrative data evaluation theoretical sampling triangulation pattern matching logic and analytical generalization are also discussed. Global research precedents exercises further reading section summaries sidebars more than 30 black and white images and tables will help you conduct empirical inquiries in real-life contexts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138899674

Case-Based Reasoning in Design Case-based reasoning in design is becoming an important approach to computer-support for design as well as an important component in understanding the design process. Design has become a major focus for problem solving paradigms due to its complexity and open-ended nature. This book presents a clear description of how case-based reasoning can be applied to design problems including the representation of design cases indexing and retrieving design cases and the range of paradigms for adapting design cases. With a focus on design this book differs from others that provide a generalist view of case-based reasoning. This volume provides two important contributions to the area: * a general description of the issues and alternatives in applying case-based reasoning to design and * a description of specific implementations of case-based design. Through this combination the reader will learn about both the general issues and the practical problems in supporting design through case-based reasoning. This book was prepared to fill a gap in the literature on the unique problems that design introduces to computational paradigms developed in computer science. It also addresses the needs of computational support for design problem solving from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315806174

Casebook Management For Non-Profit Organizations: Enterpreneurship & Occup An essential and unique contribution to the social organizational literature Casebook of Management for Nonprofit Organizations highlights the importance of good management to human service organizations. Author Dennis Young uses case studies that stress entrepreneurship and are addressed to particular aspects of human services management--the processes of new program development and the management of organization change. Written in nontechnical readable language the cases deal with a wide array of types of organizational change ranging from development of new programs to the birth of new organizations the merger of organizations and the expansion and diversification of the service offerings of various agencies. Moreover the cases touch on many other intrinsic aspects of organizational administration including management of professionals and other staff working with trustees financing programs through government and private sources coping with governmental regulatory processes and managing relationships with organizational clients and constituent groups. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203056356

Casebook of Evidence-Based Therapy for Eating Disorders Illustrating the "whats " "whys " and "how-tos" of the leading evidence-based treatments for eating disorders this unique volume is organized around in-depth cases. A range of therapies are represented in sections covering behavioral cognitive affect-based relational and integrative approaches. Each section opens with an instructive overview by the editor. The expert contributors show what their techniques look like in action with patients struggling with anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa binge-eating disorder and related problems. Cases cover the entire process of treatment and include therapist-patient dialogues. The essential role of assessment in treatment planning and progress monitoring is highlighted with detailed descriptions of relevant instruments and procedures. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462520688

Casebook of Social Change in Developing Areas Most early approaches to encouraging social development focused on economic and technical issues. This volume begins from the premise that economic and technical patterns are embedded in cultural patterns. These patterns of custom and belief are sometimes elaborate and they can act as barriers to technical or economic change. This volume presents case studies of social change developing a model for analysis and action. An analytic guide is presented for each case history and the editor points out factors that influenced the outcome of the project. The volume ais designed for people in the field and is intended to be of practical usefulness.From hundreds of case histories Arthur H. Niehoff selected nineteen that most clearly exemplify the technique of the innovator the motivations of potential recipients and the reactions of these recipients due to local cultural patterns and values. These case histories of efforts at innovation in Latin America Africa the Middle East and Asia illustrate the specific problems facing American change agents abroad and define the basic ingredients of socio-economic change. Covering the types of problems innovators most frequently encounter in developing nations Niehoff's compendium of successful and unsuccessful attempts at change demonstrates concretely the theoretical principles set forth.Prospective change agents gain fruitful insights into many problems by studying the practical examples of the programs of change agents in a wide variety of situations. Each of the case-histories is analyzed in the context of a socio-cultural concept of change emphasizing the principles and factors of change. This book presents essential guidelines for perceiving and dealing with the cultural aspects of a change situation for all students of applied anthropology and social change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518117

Casemix for All This book is vital for health service managers and clinicians in both purchaser and provider organizations in community and hospital settings. It helps the reader understand the principles and purposes of casemix and provides practical examples of using casemix groupings to manage services better. Its lessons are not just for acute services but provide a way of understanding the complete spectrum of services required for a wide range of conditions from individuals at risk to those with irreversible and progressive disease. The book explains why casemix groups are useful and the reasons for grouping and analysing patient records. It focuses on the difference between groupings of patients with conditions and groupings of intervention episodes. Using both enables better identification of the services required to meet the needs of the population and better communication between purchasers and providers. It has potential for managing the whole healthcare system from a population based perspective. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315379524

Cases & Materials on Criminal LawFourth Edition Cases and Materials on Criminal Law provides a comprehensive selection of key materials drawn from law reports legislation Law Commission consultation papers and reports and Home Office publications. Clear and highly accessible this volume is presented in a coherent structure and provides full coverage of the topics commonly found in the criminal law syllabus. The range of thoughtfully selected materials and authoritative commentary ensures that this book provides an essential collection of materials and analysis to stimulate the reader and assist in the study of this difficult and challenging area of law. New features include: revised text design with clear page layout headings and boxed and shaded sections to aid navigation and readability chapter introductions to highlight the salient features under discussion short chapter table of contents to enable easier navigation "Comments and Questions" sections to encourage students to reflect on their reading expanded further reading to encourage students to engage further with the subject a Companion Website to provide regular updates to the book. Recent decisions of note that are extracted and analysed include R v Kennedy (manslaughter based on supply of heroin); Attorney General for Jersey v Holley (provocation); R v Mark and R v Willoughby (elements of killing by gross negligence); R v Barnes (consent as a defence to sporting injuries); Attorney General’s Reference (No 3 of 2004) (accessorial liability) and R v Hatton (intoxicated mistake in self defence cases). Consideration is also given to the likely changes to the law relating to corporate manslaughter at the time of writing contained in the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill currently before Parliament. Two major law reform publications are extensively extracted and contextualised in this 4th edition - the Law Commission’s report on Murder Manslaughter and Infanticide (Law Com No 304) and the Law Commission’s Report on Inchoate Liability for Assisting and Encouraging Crime (Law Com No 300). This book is an invaluable reference for students on undergraduate or CPE/PG Diploma in Law criminal law courses particularly those studying independently or on distance learning programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9781138372962

Cases and Materials on Marine Insurance Law This book provides a comprehensive collection of Cases and Materials On Marine Insurance Law. The sources included here are not always readily accessible. Each chapter is introduced with a brief resume of the general principles before the facts of each case are summarised and the extracts of the relevant parts of judgments reproduced. The significance of the judicial extracts the statutory materials and standard terms are then discussed with particular emphasis on important and problematical areas of the law.This book will be indispensable not only to postgraduate students of law in-house lawyers insurance brokers and claims adjusters but also to students of maritime studies legal practitioners and a wide range of professionals within the shipping industry who may wish to have at hand a convenient source of information. Whilst the book is a companion to the authors The Law of Marine Insurance it is also structured to stand as a marine insurance text in its own right. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9781138129764

Cases and Materials on the Carriage of Goods by Sea Cases and Materials on the Carriage of Goods by Sea fifth edition offers tailored coverage of the most commonly taught topics on Carriage of Goods by Sea courses. Combining a collection of legislative materials commentaries scholarly articles standard forms and up-to-date English case law it covers the major areas of chartering and bills of lading as well as matters such as exclusion and limitation of liability. Significant innovations for this edition include: coverage of blockchain technology and smart contracts in shipping coverage of autonomous shipping recent developments on the construction of commercial shipping contracts  recent developments on the transfer of rights and liabilities in the contract of carriage tables and diagrams for ease of reading discussion of some of the most important decisions by the senior courts of England and Wales with the most up to date case law included references to academic and professional literature for further reading and research industry standard form clauses reference to important foreign cases emphasis on how it is that shipping law operates and is applied in commercial practice A clear student-friendly text design with a strong emphasis on research and problem solving. This up-to-date collection of materials relating to the carriage of goods by sea will be of value to students of law researchers and legal practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367181444

Cases and Materials on the Law of International Organizations In less than 100 years international organizations have evolved from curiosities into keystones of international law. What began long ago as an unremarkable effort to coordinate a limited number of technical issues has grown into a global multilevel blended governing project with diverse competences in most fields of human endeavor and interests. Law graduates who enter the field of international law as well as political science international relations and diplomacy are increasingly expected to have a strong knowledge of the law of international organizations. Beyond knowledge graduates are also expected to be able to solve new emerging legal problems confronting organizations. This book introduces students to the law of international organizations through the careful study of the most recent cases and other materials from the International Court of Justice United Nations Security Council and General Assembly World Trade Organization international criminal tribunals European Union European Court of Human Rights International Labour Organization various domestic courts and arbitral panels and other bodies. In doing so it undertakes a critical examination of legal rights and duties exposing the fundamental questions that arise when addressing a range of issues within an organization. In order to provide the best foundation the textbook focuses on several key topics: the law of treaties creation of organizations membership powers of organizations legal effects of their acts organs immunities and responsibility. This book is best suited for students who are studying international organizations and who have already had one or more courses on international and/or European law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056664

Cases and Select Readings in Health Care Marketing Directed specifically at the practicing marketing executive Cases and Select Readings in Health Care Marketing integrates understandable explanations of marketing concepts articles selected for topical timeliness and pragmatic value and case studies illustrating the detail and complexity of market decisions faced by today’s health care and human services marketing professional. Each chapter of this landmark volume includes a brief but thorough presentation of one conceptual area of marketing which is then evaluated analyzed or demonstrated in selected articles written by prestigious and successful members of the marketing profession. Finally a variety of extensive case studies follow which have been gathered to demonstrate further the service marketing profession at work. Many of these excellent cases were prepared especially for this volume and represent path-breaking treatments of such topics as health care marketing auditing psychographic analysis pricing in alternative delivery systems promoting a public health service and marketing planning for private colleges. Special offer from the editors: Buy Cases and Select Readings in Health Care Marketing and the authors will guarantee you a free written response--up to three pages--to your first inquiry about marketing your own organization! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315860084

Cases for Surgical FinalsSAQs EMQs and MCQs A complete guide to passing your surgical finals! This comprehensive new guide tests your knowledge of general surgery upper GI lower GI vascular urology trauma and orthopaedics breast surgery paediatric surgery otolaryngology plastic surgery maxillofacial surgery cardiothoracic surgery and neurosurgery using a variety of question types. It includes more than 140 SAQs 65 EMQs and 130 MCQs. Cases for Surgical Finals is the ideal revision aid for all undergraduate medical students preparing for their final examination in surgery. Candidates for Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examination will also find this book extremely useful. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781846195587

Cases in Accountability: the Work of the Gao This book presents case studies that deal with a question of growing concern in the American body politic—how to achieve accountability in American government. The cases deal with the agency that has the primary responsibility for assuring such accountability the General Accounting Office. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367020804

Cases in Advertising Management "Cases in Advertising Management" offers a wide range of short medium-length and longer cases all designed to illuminate the topics covered in an Advertising Management course. The book can stand alone or for instructors who wish to incorporate a combined casebook and textbook approach it can be adopted alongside any standard text including Advertising Management by the same authors.The book features actual real-life cases that reflect current trends in the advertising and promotion industry with a strong emphasis on digital media and integrated marketing communications. A detailed introduction ('How to Analyze a Case Study') is followed by 30 cases covering a full range of topics for a semester-long course including financial management business planning strategic planning budgeting human resource management and managing change. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705934

Cases in Climate Change PolicyPolitical Reality in the European Union This volume examines case studies on EU countries' policy to combat climate change examining the constraints of and opportunities for the implementation of climate change strategies in these countries. The introductory section provides an overview of the climate change problem and its potential effects examining the roles of different greenhouse gases the main emission sources the likely consequences of climate change and the scope for abatement and adapation. The second part consists of six detailed case studies on diverse national strategies. The book concludes with a comparative analysis of the findings of the case studies and suggestions for approaches to implement emission reduction strategies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138411357

Cases in Congressional CampaignsSplit Decision This carefully chosen sample of 2018 congressional campaigns provides readers with an account of the campaign battles that took place across the nation. Although Democrats seemed to be poised for a big blue wave of victory following Donald Trump’s historic and divisive 2016 election the Midterms yielded instead a split decision. Looking at issues ranging from the Kavanaugh confirmation health care the economy and the impact of President Trump this book traces the dynamics at work in the 2018 Midterm elections. The editors open with an explanation of the trends in this election cycle followed by eight in-depth case studies of House and Senate toss-up races involving seats held by endangered Republican incumbents. The book shows how 2018 fits into the context of precursor midterm campaigns and what the analysis of competitive states and districts holds for 2020. Aimed at a wide variety of college courses as well as general interest readers this book tells the story of the 2018 Midterms in fascinating detail. NEW TO THE 3rd EDITION Goes beyond the conventional wisdom to analyze Republican incumbents’ win/loss records Democratic challengers the role of Trump and other factors explicating a Midterm election year with no simple story line on either side. Explores common themes and structures across all chapters allowing students to compare disparate election races more easily. Looks at issues ranging from the Kavanaugh confirmation health care the economy and the impact of President Trump putting campaign dynamics into context with the challenge of governing.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367209100

Cases in Construction Management Written by the country's leading authority on construction management training this book gives practical examples of construction management problems and how to deal with them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408715

Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural ManagementAn Intersectional Approach to Culture This book is a collection of 16 empirical cases in critical Cross-Cultural Management (CCM). All cases approach culture in CCM beyond national cultures and all examine power as an integrative part of any cross-cultural situation. The cases also consider diversity in the sense of culturally or historically learned categorizations of difference (such as gender race ethnicity religion and class) and acknowledge how diversity categories might differ across cultures. Furthermore each case suggests a specific method or concept for improving upon the situation. Out of this approach novel insights emerge: we can see how culture power and diversity categories are inseparable and we can understand how exactly this is the case. The uses and benefits of this book are thus both conceptual and methodological; they emerge at the intersections of Critical CCM and diversity studies. All cases also discuss implications for practitioners and are suitable for teaching. Mainstream CCM often limits itself to comparative models or cultural dimensions. This approach is widely critiqued for its simplicity but is equally used for the exact same reason. Often academics teach this approach whilst cautioning students against implementing it and this might be simply due to a lack of alternatives. Through means of rich empirical cases this book offers such an alternative. Considering the intersections of culture diversity and power enables students researchers and practitioners alike to see ‘more’ or ‘different’ things in the situation and then come up with novel approaches and solutions that do justice to the realities of culture and diversity in today’s (and the future's) management and organizations. The chapters of this book thus offer concepts and methods to approach cross-cultural situations: the conceptual gain lies in bringing together CCM and (critical) diversity studies in an easily accessible manner. As a methodological contribution the cases in this book offer the concise tools and methods for implementing an intersectional approach to culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815359340

Cases in Organisational Behaviour (RLE: Organizations) This is a comprehensive systematic casebook which demonstrates the contribution of research to the formulation and resolution of organisational problems actually faced by managers. The cases are presented in clusters which centre on a particular aspect of organisational behaviour: motivation groups technology leadership structure change and development. Each cluster is introduced by comments on the cases and references to the theoretical literature. The introduction reviews the case method and provides suggestions for using it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969902

Cases in Organizational and Managerial CommunicationStretching Boundaries In the 21st century shifting workplace demographics globalization and the flattening of the world via new communication technologies has ushered in radical changes in our understandings of organizations and their members. Given the interest in engaged scholarship and more flexible and virtual forms within organizational communication cases in this volume cross over different areas within the field and related disciplines. Furthermore they cover topics and populations that are increasingly being seen in organizational communication literature. Cases delve into organizing structures relationships and visions for global not-for-profits hybrid creative industry and entrepreneurial organizations. Some cases are "positive" in orientation and display exemplars of organizations that have qualities to emulate. Others display "destructive" elements and processes (e.g. dysfunctional leadership workplace bullying). Furthermore the cases reflect an awareness of the necessity of intercultural communication competencies emphasizing communication in multicultural contexts (e.g. China India Africa Russia). This book can benefit instructors and students in at least four ways. First it provides instructors with an application-based teaching tool to help spark discussion. Second students often find case studies interesting and applicable to their current and future work lives especially undergraduates who anticipate graduating within the next year or two and entering full-time membership in the labor force. Third students and instructors note that cases help students grasp course materials that may be otherwise challenging. In their case study learning students sometimes derive insights lessons and strategies that broaden the theoretical and practical implications for which instructors plan. Finally for graduate students the book encourages reflection on important topics for future research and provides a resource for making their lessons come alive in classrooms and in other settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415839358

Cases in Public Policy and AdministrationFrom Ancient Times to the Present Writing the perfect complement to their bestseller Introducing Public Administration Shafritz and Borick highlight the great drama inherent in public policy -- and the ingenuity of its makers and administrators -- in this new casebook that brings thrilling true life adventures in public administration to life in an engaging witty style. Drawing on a unique assortment of literary historic and modern examples Cases in Public Policy and Administration exposes students to public administration in practice by telling the tales of: How Thurgood Marshall led the legal fight for civil rights and made it possible for Barack Obama to become president How the ideas of an academic economist and a famous novelist led to the recession that started in 2008 How Al Gore really deserves just a little bit of credit for inventing the Internet How the decision was made by President Harry Truman to drop the first atomic bomb on Japan in order to end World War II How the current American welfare state was inspired by a German chancellor How a Nazi war criminal inadvertently provided the world with a lesson in bureaucratic ethics How Napoleon Bonaparte encouraged the job of chief of staff to escape from the military and live in contemporary civilian offices How an obscure state department bureaucrat wrote the policy of containment that allowed the United States to win the Cold War with the Soviet Union How Dwight D. Eisenhower was started on the road to the presidency by a mentor he found in the Panamanian rain forest How Florence Nightingale gathered statistics during the Crimean War that helped lead to contemporary program evaluation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138374010

Cases in Public Relations ManagementThe Rise of Social Media and Activism Now in its third edition Cases in Public Relations Management uses recent cases in strategic communication designed to encourage discussion debate and exploration of the options available to today's strategic public relations manager with the help of extensive supplemental materials. Key features of this text include coverage of the latest controversies in current events discussion of the ethical issues that have made headlines in recent years and strategies used by public relations practitioners. The problem-based case study approach encourages readers to assess what they know about communication theory the public relations process and management practices. New to the third edition: Eighteen new cases including Snap Wells Fargo SeaWorld United Airlines and Starbucks. Additional emphasis on social media and social responsibility for communication management today. End-of-chapter activities that reinforce concepts. Developed for advanced students in strategic communication and public relations this book prepares them for their future careers as communication and public relations professionals. The new edition features a fully enhanced companion website that includes resources for both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint Lecture Slides Case Supplements Instructor Guides and Answer Keys for Quizzes and End-of-Chapter Activities. Students will benefit from Quizzes a Glossary and Case Supplements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138088870

Cases in Qualitative ResearchResearch Reports for Discussion and Evaluation This collection of research articles illustrates a wide variety of qualitative methods for gathering and interpreting data. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315232157

Cases of a Hollywood Doctor Would you know how to manage the Easter Bunny’s blood sugars after too much chocolate?Could you deal with the trauma call when Humpty Dumpty falls off a wall?After reading this book you’ll be able to be a doctor to some Hollywood stars as well as passing your exams! Packed full of humorous vignettes incorporating the illnesses of characters from literature stage and screen exhibiting real-life pathologies this book is a breath of fresh air to any medical student or junior doctor suffering from revision fatigue. You’ll find clinical photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams covering common topics often examined across the breadth of medical studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138332904

Cases of AmnesiaContributions to Understanding Memory and the Brain In all cognitive domains neuropsychological research has advanced through the study of individual patients and detailed observations and descriptions of their cases have been the backbone of medical and scientific reports for centuries. Cases of Amnesia describes some of the most important single case studies in the history of memory as well as new case studies of amnesic patients. It highlights the major contribution they make to our understanding of human memory and neuropsychology. Written by world-leading researchers and considering the latest theory and techniques in the field each case study provides a description of the patient's history how their memory was assessed and what conclusions can be made in relation to cognitive models of memory. Edited by Sarah E. MacPherson and Sergio Della Sala Cases of Amnesia is a must read for researchers and clinicians in neuropsychology cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138545564

Cases of Teachers' Data Use Cases of Teachers’ Data Use addresses applications of student data beyond theoretical school- and district-level examinations by presenting case studies of teachers’ data use in practice. Within the context of data-driven education reform policies the authors examine the effective and ineffective ways that teachers make use of student data in instruction evaluation and planning. Promising practices based on the empirical research presented offer strategies and routines for sound data use that can be applied in schools. Chapters written by scholars from diverse methodological perspectives offer readers multiple lenses to use in considering issues of data use such that current theoretical assumptions may be challenged and the field advanced. This uniquely focused yet comprehensive work is an indispensable resource for researchers and students interested in classroom assessment and for professionals looking to support teachers’ use of student performance data for adaptive instruction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056404

Casework in Childcare First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415863490

Cash Corruption and Economic Development Have you ever asked yourself what gives comfort to someone who demands and accepts a bribe sells drugs or commits professional crimes for money? The majority of these people are not wealthy and they accept small amounts of money every day from their victims. Cash Corruption and Economic Development examines the causes of corruption and crime and highlights what brings comfort to all those who accept bribes and kickbacks arguing that it is paper currency because it does not leave a signature of its movement from one entity to another. The author proposes that today with the technology available we can make the transition to a paper currency-free economy which will help reduce corruption and crime and give a boost to economic development. The book analyses the causes of corruption and presents a replacement for the current model to be implemented by a central bank and followed by banks operating within its jurisdiction. This book will be of interest to economists students of economics and finance and all those who have suffered as a result of corruption and professional crime and want these practices to end. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138063860

Cash Collections Transmission First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315062211

Cash Flow Reporting (RLE Accounting)A Recent History of an Accounting Practice This collection explores Kuhn’s 1970 perception of a scientific revolution in the form of a cyclical sequence of anomaly recognition; insecurity alternative ideas schools of thought and dominating practices. Cash flow reporting has become a dominant accounting practice which emerged from a developmental process of Kuhnian form. The text is constructed around the various stages identified by Kuhn and selected readings are categorised accordingly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969919

Cash Is Still King Nothing provides a clearer picture of the financial strength (or weakness) of any business than an understanding of its cash flow strategy. Since cash is the life-blood of any business the strength of the enterprise is directly related to the quality of its cash flow management strategies.Cash-management specialist Keith Checkley has consulted with and trained cash management specialists throughout the world. He brings the reader up to date on the important issues and essential techniques for implementing and managing an effective cash flow system. New case studies make the concepts easy to understand and apply.Cash Is Still King is divided into three parts: 1) cash flow and business management; 2) cash flow and banking relationships; and 3) cash flow and restructuring or reorganizing a business. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203058701

Cashing in on the Dow Created over a hundred years ago by Wall Street Journal founder Charles H. Dow the Dow Theory is the grandfather and foundation of all technical stock market analyses. The Theory operates on the premise that the market itself is the best predictor of future performance. By using Dow averages to explain the current condition of the market forecast future trends and determine investment strategy the Dow Theory continues to be a sound technique for successful stock investing.Cashing in on the Dow takes a contemporary look at the Dow Theory and shows investors how they can effectively --and profitably--apply the theory to today's rapidly changing market. With discussion s on origin evolution and core influence on other market indicators this invaluable reference offers insights into how to understand the signals generated by stock market indicators leading to better stock selection timing and higher returns. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003070443

Casino and Gaming Resort Investigations Casino and Gaming Resort Investigations addresses the continued and growing need for gaming security professionals to properly and successfully investigate the increasing and unique types of crime they will face in their careers. As the gaming industry has grown so has the need for competent and highly skilled investigators who must be prepared to manage a case of employee theft one day to a sophisticated sports book scam the next. This book provides the reader with the fundamental knowledge needed to understand how each gaming and non-gaming department functions and interacts within the overall gaming resort allowing the investigator to determine and focus on the important elements of any investigation in any area. Each chapter delivers a background of a department or type of crime normally seen in the gaming environment and then discusses what should be considered important or even critical for the investigator to know or determine in the course of the investigation. Likely scenarios case histories and tips as well as cautions for investigators to be aware of are used throughout the book. This book was written for and directed at gaming security and surveillance professionals including gaming regulators and tribal gaming authorities who are almost daily confronted by the ingenious and the most common scams theft and frauds that are perpetrated in the gaming world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367259549

Casino Industry in Asia PacificDevelopment Operation and Impact This single volume gives you comprehensive information on Asia-Pacific gaming!Casino Industry in Asia Pacific: Development Operation and Impact is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive review of the gaming industry in various countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This valuable resource thoroughly details the history the operational issues and the impact of casino gaming in Australia Korea Macao and Southeast Asia—and the Pachinko phenomenon in Japan. International authorities discuss crucial issues that involve policy makers and casino developers allowing industry players a global perspective as they consider various important viewpoints in their long-range planning. Casino Industry in Asia Pacific is organized into three sections: Development Operation and Impact. Chapters in the Development section provide a thorough history of gaming for Australia Japan Korea Macao and Southeast Asia. Laws and regulations are also reviewed for each location. In the Operation section each chapter analyzes an important casino operational issue including regulations licensing and due diligence internal control and auditing and rolling commissions. The last section reviews the economic and social impacts for various regions. Chinese culture and gaming are also examined in detail to illustrate the intertwined relationship between gaming and people’s daily life. Extensive bibliographies helpful tables and fascinating photographs are also included.Casino Industry in Asia Pacific discusses: casino history and gaming legislation in Australia Korea and Macao Japan’s form of gambling—Pachinko gaming in Southeast Asia suggestions for Asian gaming jurisdictions casino licensing investigations accounting internal controls and casino auditing the use of non-negotiable chips the societal and economic impacts of gaming in Australia the impacts of casinos in Korea gaming and Chinese cultureCasino Industry in Asia Pacific: Development Operation and Impact is an essential resource for graduate students advanced undergraduate students educators researchers gaming policymakers and lobbyists concerned civic organization leaders and members casino developers and executives hotel professionals travel and tourism professionals and anyone interested in the gaming industry. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203050378

Casino Management in Integrated Resorts Casino Management in Integrated Resorts introduces students to the changing nature of casino businesses within the framework of an integrated resort or hospitality organisation. In the new integrated casino model casinos play an important role not only in revenue generation but in supporting the other amenities in the resort including bars restaurants hotels and theme parks. This book brings readers up to speed with the challenges of managing a casino within this rapidly expanding gaming–leisure–tourism industry. It covers a range of essential topics such as the basic psychology of casino gaming the role and history of casinos within an integrated resort staffing floor design table and slot game management control and security marketing and social impact. Written in an accessible style this book is suitable for readers with no prior knowledge of or experience in casino operations. It will be an essential introductory yet comprehensive resource for all those undertaking casino management courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138097506

Caspian Energy PoliticsAzerbaijan Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan Caspian Energy Politics analyses the role of oil and gas in the development of the three main petroleum exporters in the Caspian region - Azerbaijan Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan - and how energy resources influence interactions with semi-authoritarian Russia and China. Due to volatile commodity prices and competition for the resources in and around the Caspian Sea the governments of these petroleum-exporters face a series of difficult decisions. These governments have sought to balance short-term incentives to spend oil revenues as a means to maintain power against the need for a long-term strategy for managing these assets choices which have further implications for how these countries align themselves internationally. By illuminating important linkages between domestic and international dynamics in these states the book provides a fresh perspective on energy politics and the impact of petroleum on the development of the Caspian petroleum producers. Expert contributors from Central Asia and the South Caucasus and international scholars provide context-specific insights into the incentives affecting decision-makers that can provide a foundation for strategies to help the countries in the region overcome the negative effects of reliance on oil and gas. As such the book will be a valuable tool for business actors seeking to understand the role of Chinese and Russian companies in the region as well as local and international policymakers and non-governmental organisations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415693202

Cassandra and Suggestions for Thought by Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale is famous as the heroine of the Crimean War and later as a campaigner for medical care founded on a clean environment and good nursing. Suggestions for Thought which contains the novel Cassandra is a central text in nineteenth-century history of feminist thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138111233

Cassandra's DaughterA History of Psychoanalysis This work presents a complete history of psychoanalysis from its origins in 19th-century medical science to the end of the 20th century. The origins of psychoanalysis as well as the more immediate influences on Freud are explored as is the way the discipline he founded has developed and changed.Joseph Schwartz first lays out the late Victorian approaches to mental illness and health and explains the context in which Freud's revolution took place. He traces the evolution of Freud's own thought then shows how and why the rifts and shifts in the analytic community occurred. He then focuses on Freud's colleagues rivals successors and detractors - Jung Adler Sullivan Melanie Klein Erich Fromm to name a few. For once we see how the different schools and interpretations fit together - how they grew in response to each other and what separate contributions each pioneer made over the last hundred years to create an effective understanding of the world of human subjective experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367107376

Cassava in Food Feed and Industry Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is the staple food of more than 300 million people in the world. Though cassava is utilized in a variety of ways scientific books of any category written on the postharvest aspects of cassava are relatively few. The effect of this paucity was strikingly felt during recent years. This was one of the impelling reasons behind the present venture which it is hoped will stimulate other publications on this neglected crop. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891330

CassavaNew Potential for a Neglected Crop Like other root crops cultivated on small farms in the tropics cassava was neglected for some time by policymakers and scientists. In the last decade however considerable attention has been given to cassava as a food as an animal feed and as a fuel source. In this book James Cock leader of the cassava program at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia brings together the latest information on improved strains modern production systems better processing methods innovations in storage and marketing and the prospects for using cassava to produce fuel alcohol. He also explores the cassava production programs of several developing countries and ofters suggestions for creating an effective national cassava program. The book will be useful to both policymakers and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367019204

Cassian's ConferencesScriptural Interpretation and the Monastic Ideal This book explores Cassian's use of scripture in the Conferences especially its biblical models to convey his understanding of the desert ideal to the monastic communities of Gaul. Cassian intended the scriptures and implicitly the Conferences to be the voices of authority and orthodoxy in the Gallic environment. He interprets familiar biblical characters in unfamiliar ways that exemplify his ideal. By imitating their actions the monk enters a seamless lineage of authority stretching back to Abraham. This book demonstrates how the scriptures functioned as a dynamic force in the lives of Christian monks in the fourth and fifth centuries emphasizes the importance of Cassian in the development of the western monastic tradition and offers an alternative to the sometimes problematic descriptions of patristic exegesis as "allegory" or "typology". Cassian has been described as little more than a provider of information about Egyptian monasticism but a careful reading of his work reveals a sophisticated agenda to define and institutionalize orthodox monasticism in the Latin West. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249493

Cassirer and Langer on MythAn Introduction First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969926

Cast and Wrought Aluminium BronzesProperties Processes and Structure Continuous casting of non-ferrous metals has been practised for well over 100 years. It has many advantages over static ingot and book mould casting the most important being improved yield reduced energy consumption and reduction of manpower with a consequent reduction in cost. This book shows how the prrocess can be used in an engineering environment for casting a wide range of copper based alloys and precious metals including gold and silver and selected nickel alloys. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138848

Castable Polyurethane Elastomers Castable Polyurethane Elastomers is a practical guide to the production of castable polyurethane articles from simple doorstops to complex items used in the military and nuclear industries. The book shows the progression from raw materials to prepolymer production including the chemistry and functionality of the production processes. It provides a comprehensive look at various problem-solving and processing techniques examining the selection of different types of systems on both the micro and macro levels. It also discusses curing and post-curing operations conveying the importance of using the correct property for the application. Reorganized for better flow this Second Edition: Describes new methods in the processing of castable polyurethanes Expands coverage of health and safety aspects Brings all standards up to date Castable Polyurethane Elastomers Second Edition explains the production of polyurethane components filling the gap between pure chemistry and trade information. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138809208

Caste Class and Catholicism in India 1789-1914 This is a study of the ways in which changing social expectations among Indian Catholics confronted the Roman Church with new questions as well as giving fresh urgency to the old problem of the persistence of caste among Christians. Low-caste restiveness prompted different reactions among European missionaries and high-caste Indian priests and the socio-economic significance of religious conversion became a problem that reached the level of the Apostolic Delegate and eventually of the Pope. The English brought their social attitudes to India where they became racial attitudes while retaining their triple functions of supporting authority structures protecting vested interests and providing psychological reinforcement Roman Catholic missionaries came from different European countries and brought with them different national attitudes to social mores. A major question asked in this book is how far such national differences were reflected in attitudes to caste class and sexual behaviour how similar were the attitudes of Indian Christians and how far the functions of such attitudes remained constant. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969933

Caste Class and Democracy This volume is an introduction to the role of caste and class in Indian society meant to emphasize certain important aspects of Indian society such as continuity and change in caste economic classes status of women status of Harijans village poli-tics overseas Indians and casteism and tribalism. Its theoretical interest is to explain the dynamics of social inequalities in Indian society.All but one of the essays are based on research conducted in India. The other is based on research on Indian plantation workers in Sri Lanka and included here to demonstrate that the concepts of caste and class are relevant to understanding In-dians who have emigrated to overseas countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520066

Caste Occupation and Politics on the GangesPassages of Resistance This intriguing anthropological study investigates how the boatmen of Banaras have repositioned themselves within the traditional social organization and used their privileged position on the river to contest upper-caste and state domination. Assa Doron examines the evolution of the boatmen community drawing on a variety of sources to illuminate the cultural politics of social and economic inequality in contemporary India. Caste Occupation and Politics on the Ganges offers insight into recent debates about the cultural and historical forms of social practice and resistance at the juncture between tradition and the global economy and will therefore appeal not only to anthropologists but to anyone working in the field of development studies globalization religion politics and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815346500

Caste State and SocietyDegrees of Democracy in North India This book examines the politics of social cultural and political recognition of caste groups in North India. It explores the factors that make some castes politically influential while others continue to remain socially and economically marginalized. The author situates these groups within democracy and utilizes a multicultural framework to understand why and when various castes have sought to achieve recognition and redistributive justice; to what extent different castes have been able to achieve these goals; and how civil society has engaged with these issues. Unlike dominant discourses on caste and democracy which give primacy to electoral/procedural democracy over the substantive one this book views the relationship between castes and the state in both dimensions of democracy. An important addition to the study of caste politics in India the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of social exclusion development studies minority studies sociology and social policy politics and South Asian studies. It will also be of importance to politicians policy makers and civil society activists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367359843

Caste and ChristianityAttitudes and Policies on Caste of Anglo-Saxon Protestant Missions in India This work first published in 1980 breaks new ground as concerns caste in India. It first examines the nature of caste and its relation to Hinduism and questions in what sense it is possible to speak of Christianity as an egalitarian faith. It then considers some Hindu egalitarian movements and traces the development of ideas on caste among Christian missionaries examining the relationship between these views and the Revolt of 1857. Close attention is given to changing attitudes on caste both by missionaries and by Indian Christians while the influence of nationalism on Christian attitudes to caste and other social questions is further examined. Finally there is a review of the contemporary state of the question and of the specifically Christian contribution to modern views on caste. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138633063

Caste and Gender in Contemporary IndiaPower Privilege and Politics This book explores the intersectional aspects of caste and gender in India that contribute to the multiple marginalities and oppressions of lower castes with particular reference to Dalits Muslims and women. It moves beyond the conventional accounts of experiences of women in unequal social and political relationships to examine how caste as a system and ideology shapes hegemonic masculinity and feminization of work and thus contributes to the violence against women. The volume looks at their everyday lived realities within and across diverse social and political contexts — families education systems labour communities political parties power social organisations the politics of representation and the writing of the subaltern women. With a range of empirical work it brings forth the complexities of identity politics and further analyses its limits in regional and historical frameworks. This book will be of interest to students scholars and specialists in caste and gender studies exclusion and discrimination studies sociology and social anthropology history and political science. It will also be useful to Dalit writers and people working in the development sector in India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367733278

Caste and Kinship in Central IndiaA Study of Fiji Indian Rural Society First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315006734

Caste and Kinship in Kangra This study is a major addition to understanding the problems of social inequality and the nature of caste and kinship. A full account is given of the social structure of the region emphasizing the continuity of principles which govern relations between castes and relationships within castes. The ethnographic data bear in particular on: the nature of untouchability; models of caste ranking; the way in which 'traditional' family structures adapt to a diversification of the economy and the debate about the 'instability' of regimes of generalized exchange. Originally published in 1979. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138862036

Caste in Contemporary India Caste is a contested terrain in India’s society and polity. This book explores contemporary realities of caste in rural and urban India. It examines questions of untouchability citizenship social mobility democratic politics corporate hiring and Dalit activism. Using rich empirical evidence from the field across Punjab Uttar Pradesh Delhi and other parts of north India this volume presents the reasons for the persistence of caste in India from a new perspective. The book offers an original theoretical framework for comparative understandings of the entrenched social differences discrimination inequalities stratification and the modes and patterns of their reproduction. This second edition with a new Introduction delves into why caste continues to matter and how caste-based divisions often tend to overlap with the emergent disparities of the new economy. A delicate balance of lived experience and hard facts this persuasive work will serve as essential reading for students and teachers of sociology and social anthropology social exclusion and discrimination studies political science development studies and public policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138572959

Caste in Contemporary India Caste is a contested terrain in India’s society and polity. This book explores contemporary realities of caste in rural and urban India. Presenting rich empirical findings across north India it presents an original perspective on the reasons for the persistence of caste in India today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138822436

Caste in Early Modern JapanDanzaemon and the Edo Outcaste Order "Caste" a word normally used in relation to the Indian subcontinent is rarely associated with Japan in contemporary scholarship. This has not always been the case and the term was often used among earlier generations of scholars who introduced the Buraku problem to Western audiences. Amos argues that time for reappraisal is well overdue and that a combination of ideas beliefs and practices rooted in Confucian Buddhist Shinto and military traditions were brought together from the late 16th century in ways that influenced the development of institutions and social structures on the Japanese archipelago. These influences brought the social structures closer in form and substance to certain caste formations found in the Indian subcontinent during the same period. Specifically Amos analyses the evolution of the so-called Danzaemon outcaste order. This order was a 17th century caste configuration produced as a consequence of early modern Tokugawa rulers’ decisions to engage in a state-building project rooted in military logic and built on the back of existing manorial and tribal-class arrangements. He further examines the history behind the primary duties expected of outcastes within the Danzaemon order: notably execution and policing as well as leather procurement. Reinterpreting Japan as a caste society this book propels us to engage in fuller comparisons of how outcaste communities’ histories and challenges have diverged and converged over time and space and to consider how better to eradicate discrimination based on caste logic. This book will appeal to anyone interested in Japanese History Culture and Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138625075

Caste WarsA Philosophy of Discrimination The central topic for this book is the ethics of treating individuals as though they are members of groups. The book raises many interesting questions including: Why do we feel so much more strongly about discrimination on certain grounds – e.g. of race and sex - than discrimination on other grounds? Are we right to think that discrimination based on these characteristics is especially invidious? What should we think about ‘rational discrimination’ – ‘discrimination’ which is based on sound statistics? To take just one of dozens of examples from the book. Suppose a landlord turns away a prospective tenant because this prospective tenant is of a particular ethnicity – arguing that statistics show that one in four of this group have been shown in the past to default on their rent. That seems clearly unfair to people of this ethnicity. But we are routinely being judged in this way – not just on the basis of our ethnicity but assumptions are made about us and decisions taken about us based on our gender religion job post-code hobbies blood-group nationality etc. Now suppose that another landlord turns away a convicted criminal arguing that one in four of convicted criminals have been shown to be unreliable rent payers. Is our intuition the same as before? Should it be? This book is suitable for all students of philosophy especially those with an interest in applied ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415759373

Caste-based Discrimination in International Human Rights Law With particular focus on the Hindu caste system this book represents a comprehensive analysis of the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in international law. It evaluates the strategies that have informed the work of the United Nations in this area mapping a new path that moves from standard-setting to implementation. Combining legal analysis with the meaning and origin of caste it explores the remedies human rights law can propose towards the prohibition of caste-based discrimination and the abolition of the caste system itself. The book provides a benchmark on the achievements of the international community in combating all forms of racial discrimination and the policies that must inform future measures. With its clear and accessible style this volume will be of interest to scholars of law and human rights as well as policy-makers and practitioners working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138266209

Castiglione's AllegoryVeiled Policy in The Book of the Courtier (1528) Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier (Il libro del cortegiano 1528) a dialogue in which the interlocutors attempt to describe the perfect courtier was one of the most influential books of the Renaissance. In recent decades a number of postmodern readings of this work have appeared emphasizing what is often characterized as the playful indeterminacy of the text and seeking to detect inconsistencies which are interpreted as signs of anxiety or bad faith in its presentation. In contrast to these postmodern readings the present study conducts an experiment. What understanding does one gain of Castiglione’s book if one attempts an early modern reading? The author approaches The Book of the Courtier as a text in which some of its most important aspects are intentionally concealed and veiled in allegory. W.R. Albury argues that this early modern reading of The Book of the Courtier enables us to recover a serious political message which has a great deal of contemporary relevance and which is lost from sight when the work is approached primarily as a courtly etiquette book or as a lament for the lost influence of the aristocracy in an age when autocratic nation-states were coming into being or as an impersonal textual field upon which a free play of transformations and deconstructions may be performed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472432636

Casting a Minimalist Eye on Adjuncts This book offers a comprehensive account of adjuncts in generative grammar seeking to reconcile the differing ways in which they have been treated in the past by proposing a method of analysis grounded in simplification based on Simplest Merge. The volume provides an up-to-date review of the existing literature on adjuncts and outlines their characteristic properties and the subsequent difficulties in adequately defining and treating them. The book compares previous attempts to account for adjuncts which have tended to use additional mechanisms or syntactic operations as a jumping-off point from which to propose a new way forward for analyzing them grounded in minimalist theory. Adopting an approach in the spirit of the strong minimalist thesis (SMT) Bode suggests an analysis of adjuncts which applies a minimalist approach based on theoretical simplicity one which does not resort to extra mechanisms in capturing the empirical properties of adjuncts. Offering a comprehensive overview of research on adjuncts and foundational minimalist principles this book will be of particular interest to graduate students and practicing researchers interested in syntax. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367421939

Casting a MovementThe Welcome Table Initiative Casting a Movement brings together US-based actors directors educators playwrights and scholars to explore the cultural politics of casting. Drawing on the notion of a "welcome table"—a space where artists of all backgrounds can come together as equals to create theatre—the book’s contributors discuss casting practices as they relate to varying communities and contexts including Middle Eastern American theatre Disability culture multilingual performance Native American theatre color- and culturally-conscious casting and casting as a means to dismantle stereotypes. Syler and Banks suggest that casting is a way to invite more people to the table so that the full breadth of US identities can be reflected onstage and that casting is inherently a political act; because an actor’s embodied presence both communicates a dramatic narrative and evokes cultural assumptions associated with appearance skin color gender sexuality and ability casting choices are never neutral. By bringing together a variety of artistic perspectives to discuss common goals and particular concerns related to casting this volume features the insights and experiences of a broad range of practitioners and experts across the field. As a resource-driven text suitable for both practitioners and academics Casting a Movement seeks to frame and mobilize a social movement focused on casting access and representation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138594777

Casting RevealedA Guide for Film Directors Casting is an essential component of any film or video project but the core skill-set needed to cast effectively is little understood. Casting Revealed: A Guide for Film Directors is a straightforward manual on the art and craft of casting. Here director Hester Schell offers her insider perspective on casting workflows industry standards finding actors running auditions what to look for in a performance contracts and making offers. This new edition has been updated with fresh interviews with casting directors full color head shots new information about online video submissions and a companion website featuring forms contracts and sample scenes for auditions. Gain a fuller understanding of the misunderstood art and craft of casting actors for film and video production. Learn to find the right actors for any production run auditions interview actors effectively judge performances and video submissions evaluate suitability for a role discover what it is you need from an actor view headshots draft contracts make offers and navigate current industry standards unions and procedures. This new edition has been updated to include full color sample head shots new content on online video submissions listings of casting wesbites film resources and film commissions and a companion website featuring interviews with celebrated casting directors from New York Portland Boston and Austin necessary forms sign-in sheets contracts and sample scenes for auditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138945340

Castration Impotence and Emasculation in the Long Eighteenth Century This essay collection examines one of the most fearsome fascinating and hotly-discussed topics of the long eighteenth century: masculinity compromised. During this timespan there was hardly a literary or artistic genre that did not feature unmanning regularly and prominently: from harrowing tales of castrations in medical treatises to emasculated husbands in stage comedies to sympathetic and powerful eunuchs in prose fiction to glorious operatic performances by castrati in Italy to humorous depictions in caricature and satirical paintings to fearsome descriptions of Eastern eunuchs in travel narratives to foolish and impotent old men who became a mainstay in drama. Not only does this unprecedented study of unmanning (in all of its varied forms) illustrate the sheer prevalence of a trope that featured prominently across literary and artistic genres but it also demonstrates the ways diminished masculinity reflected some of the most strongly-held anxieties interests and values of eighteenth-century Britons. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367437398

Castro The story of Fidel Castro has few parallels in contemporary history. None of the outstanding Third World leaders of the twentieth-century played such a prominent and restless part on the international stage and none survived as head of state for as long. Over almost 50 years he was one of the most controversial political figures in the world and his legacy has yet to be fully evaluated. Some of his most cherished plans were realized and are a model for many Third World countries. Yet despite enormous sacrifices by Cubans his grand vision remains unfulfilled and its continued pursuit is full of risks. The fully revised third edition of this respected political biography provides the first full retrospect of Castro’s remarkable career right up to his illness and withdrawal from power in February 2008 incorporating analysis of: the renewed crackdown on dissidents in Cuba from the mid 1990s on the major geopolitical reconfiguration of Latin America in the late 1990s and the new Cuban-Venezuelan relationship under Hugo Chavez  the Helms Burton Act and the continuing US embargo The Cuban economy in the first decade of the new millennium It also revisits earlier events in Castro’s career for instance the various assassination plots against him the Cuban missile crisis and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in the light of documents released by Cuba and the US over the past decade and a half.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138131347

Castro and FrancoThe Backstage of Cold War Diplomacy Cuba’s Fidel Castro and Spain’s Francisco Franco were two men with very similar backgrounds but very different political ideologies. Both received a Catholic education and had strong connections to the Galicia region of Spain. Both were familiar with guerrilla tactics and came to power through fighting civil wars. However Franco had support from fascists who fought a vicious campaign against communist guerrillas whereas Cuba was strategically aligned with the USSR after the revolution. The two countries nevertheless maintained strong relations notably keeping a formal diplomatic relationship after the 1959 Cuban revolution despite the United States' severing of ties to Cuba. This relationship Hosoda argues would remain a vital back channel for communication between Cuba and the West. Using a mixture of primary and secondary sources derived from Cuban American and Spanish archives Hosoda analyses the nature and wider role of diplomatic relations between Cuba and Spain during the Cold War. Addressing both the question of how this relationship was forged – whether through the personal strange "amity" of their leaders mutual animosity toward the U.S. or the alignment of national interests – and the importance of the role that it played. Considering also the role of the Vatican this book offers a fascinating insight into a rarely studied aspect of the Cold War one that transcends the usual East-West binaries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138343177

Castro's Cuba Cuba's FidelReprinted With A New Concluding Chapter First published over 20 years ago this book remains the definitive study of Fidel Castro. Based on interviews conducted between 1958 and 1966 the book covers a wide range of topics including aid to other revolutions relations with the United States and the Soviet Union and individual freedom in a Communist society. For this edition the author Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367005870

Casual Game DesignDesigning Play for the Gamer in ALL of Us From Windows Solitaire to Bejeweled to Wii Tennis casual games have radically changed the landscape of games. By simplifying gameplay and providing quick but intense blasts of engaging play casual games have drawn in huge new audiences of players. To entertain and engage the casual player game designers must learn to think about what makes casual games work from game mechanics to narrative content. Through the close examination of a number of casual games you will learn how to inject the necessary game design elements into your casual games and give your designs the complexity and strategy they need to hook gamers. You will learn: Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138427785

Casual ShakespeareThree Centuries of Verbal Echoes Casual Shakespeare is the first full-length study of the thousands of quotations both in and of Shakespeare's works which represent intertextuality outside of what is conventionally appreciated as literary value. Drawing on the insights gained as a result of a major ongoing Digital Humanities project this study posits a historical continuum of casual quotation which informs Shakespeare's own works as well as their afterlives. In this groudbreaking rigorous analysis Dr. Regula Trillini offers readers a new approach and understanding of the use and impact quotes like the infamous  'To be or not to be ' have had througout literary history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593018

Casualties Of ChildhoodA Developmental Perspective On Sexual Abuse Using Projective Drawings Against the backdrop of powerful case vignettes and their accompanying House Tree Person and Kinetic Family Drawings the discussion focuses primarily on the essential link between childhood sexual abuse and specific developmental problems. Given that sexual abuse is commonly directed toward latency-age young people it is imperative that this connection be given greater emphasis in the literature. The book represents an important step in that direction. In sum the authors bring to life the full dimension of sexual victimization its meaning and consequences for the individual the family and by extension the society. For therapists of all persuasions it is a much-needed resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138004924

Casualties Of Community DisorderWomen's Careers In Violent Crime Unlike the outcry over street crime committed by males concerns about women and violence have centered primarily on their roles as victims of sexual and physical violence committed by strangers and by males in intimate relationships. Rarely is violence by women considered in the development or testing of theories of aggression.The book provides a Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314859

Catalan First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203411766

Catalan DictionaryCatalan-English English-Catalan First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133419

Catalan NationalismFrancoism Transition and Democracy Are the Catalans content with the outcome of the Spanish transition to democracy? Is there a future for Catalan nationalism within the EU? How does globalization impact upon the survival and development of nations without states such as Catalonia? Will increasing numbers of immigrants transform regional identities? Has devolution fostered secessionism in Catalonia? These are some of the key questions discussed in this book.Catalan Nationalism considers whether a nation without a state such as Catalonia is able to survive within larger political institutions such as Spain and the European Union. The author examines the different 'images' of Catalonia presented by the main Catalan political parties. The book also provides a study of the role of intellectuals in the construction of nationalism and national identity in nations without states in the global era.The key questions addressed in this book are highly relevant for the study of devolution and its consequences transitions to democracy and globalization and national identity. Based on a successful combination of theory and innovative empirical research the scope and depth of the book's analysis will make it essential reading for students and academics in the fields of history and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646406

CatalanAn Essential Grammar Catalan: An Essential Grammar is a concise and convenient guide to the basic grammatical structure of Catalan. Presenting a fresh and accessible description of the language this engaging Grammar uses clear explanations and sets out the complexities of Catalan in short readable sections clarified by examples. Quick reference overviews are also provided in the appendix.   Catalan: An Essential Grammar is the ideal reference grammar for all learners of Catalan whether class-based or independent looking to progress beyond beginner level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138921290

Catalog of the Heteroptera or True Bugs of Canada and the Continental United States A primary aim of this catalog is to offer an accounting for each species as originally proposed and for the first usage only of all its name combinations (including valid names synonymies and misspellings) that have been published for our area. We follow the policy outlined by the 1985 Code of Zoological Nomenclature for nonmenclatorial proposes that a dissertation for an advanced educational degree is not published unless it satisfies the criteria present in Articles 8 and 9. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572471

Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians Second Edition Structure your workload with this comprehensive guide to the role and responsibilities of library technicians!More than basic instructions on how to do library classification this classic work is a how-to handbook covering all aspects of a library technician's job. Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians Second Edition gives step-by-step instructions for all aspects of cataloging and classification of library materials (book and non-book) emphasizing copy cataloging but also discussing original cataloging. Because much has changed in the library field since the first edition of this valuable resource was published in 1995 each chapter has been revised and updated and an entire new chapter has been added to discuss computer cataloging in the MARC format and cataloging of Internet materials. Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians Second Edition interprets and explains cataloging rules and how they should be applied. Kao describes library organization and personnel patterns to illustrate the relationship between library technicians and other library staff. Library technicians will find many helpful features in Cataloging and Classification for Library Technicians Second Edition including:definitions of relevant terminology review questions to focus learning a list of suggested readings routines and responsibilities of library technicians issues and trends in library cataloging and classification detailed tables and figures to enable easier learning many convenient Web addresses for up-to-date informationCataloging and Classification for Library Technicians Second Edition is an ideal text to use in programs for library technical assistants and a handy reference for practicing library technicians. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063759

Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules This is the first book to examine standards specifically as they apply to cataloging and classification while at the same time considering the field of library science as a whole. The developments in standards detailed in Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules portend great time savings in the cataloging process for those catalogers willing to advocate the necessary programming to their systems officer or bibliographic utility.Standards in the library and information science community underlie and impact the work of librarians and information specialists on a daily basis yet remain inconspicuous to even the most knowledgeable in the field. Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules reviews the state of a full range of formal and informal standards and rules utilized in cataloging and classification. It also provides historical perspective commentary assessment of significance and anticipation of future developments and evaluates the connections and interrelationships that exist among the various standards.Chapters in Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules are written by professionals who have been key figures in the development of standards and have accessed primary source material for the preparation of their articles. They address these: what exactly constitutes a standard how something becomes a standard how standards undergo change evaluation of and commentary on the effectiveness of current standards the latest information on several standards currently in development testing or implementation what the future may holdCataloging and Classification Standards and Rules is a valuable reference book for both beginning and experienced professional librarians. As managers and consumers of bibliographic information it is crucial that librarians understand the nature and status of a variety of formal and informal standards. This book will assist them in this task. Library school students specializing in cataloging and classification will also find this book an indispensable guide as they prepare themselves for employment in the field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203058336

Cataloging Collaborations and Partnerships Cataloging Collaborations and Partnerships provides the reader with many examples of successful methods in which libraries have collaborated with each other to achieve common goals. Addressing a variety of cataloging and managerial challenges in national public academic and international libraries and other organizations it will be enlightening to readers who are investigating new ways of meeting their patrons’ needs. The collaborative efforts described in this book fall into a number of broad categories: cooperative cataloging and authority initiatives cataloging partnerships merging and migrating online catalogs development of training and documentation and collaborative approaches to special projects. Included are four chapters that address collaborative projects in Europe the West Indies the Galapagos Islands and South Sudan. Catalogers managers and administrators will find inspiration in these important and in some cases historic collaborations. They will understand how collaborations and partnerships in cataloging will help them achieve more by sharing resources and expertise sharing the burden of new projects and initiatives and fostering innovation and new ways of thinking. This book was published as a triple special issue of Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415712354

Cataloging Sheet MapsThe Basics Gain the skills necessary to catalog monographic sheet maps and map sets!With an easily understood how-to format this ready reference manual will introduce you to the basics of cataloging sheet maps on OCLC using MARC 21 and ISBD standards and AACR2R. It will guide you through each area of the bibliographic record focusing most specifically on the title and statement of responsibility mathematical data physical description main entry and notes areas.Approaching the subject from the perspective that maps are not that much more difficult to catalog than monographs this book will familiarize you with the few fields unique to map cataloging as well as the fields that are common to monographs but simply used in a different way.This essential volume: describes the cataloging process as it relates to all parts of the record including subject analysis coding of fixed fields and OXX fields and creating G-class call numbers provides an up-to-date list of map cataloging tools presents special chapters on cataloging historical sheet maps and special formats such as wall maps map series or sets and reproductions includes illustrations of bibliographic records field-level examples tables of information and diagrams of maps to be used to highlight key conceptsIdeal for the new or inexperienced maps cataloger this volume will help you become comfortable and confident while working with sheet maps. It also puts you in touch with current reference sources and tools both online and off. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809120

Catalogue 2.0The Future of the Library Catalogue Will there be a library catalogue in the future and if so what will it look like? In the last 25 years the library catalogue has undergone an evolution from card catalogues to OPACs discovery systems and even linked data applications making library bibliographic data accessible on the web. At the same time users expectations of what catalogues will be able to offer in the way of discovery have never been higher. This groundbreaking edited collection brings together some of the foremost international cataloguing practitioners and thought leaders including Lorcan Dempsey Emmanuelle Bermès Marshall Breeding and Karen Calhoun to provide an overview of the current state of the art of the library catalogue and look ahead to see what the library catalogue might become. Practical projects and cutting edge concepts are showcased in discussions of: linked data and the Semantic Web user expectations and needs bibliographic control the FRBRization of the catalogue innovations in search and retrieval next-generation discovery products and mobile catalogues. Readership: Cataloguers and metadata specialists library adminstrators and managers responsible for planning and strategy systems librarians user services managers electronic resources librarians and digital library project managers students on cataloguing information management and digital library courses. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781856047166

Catalogue 2.0The Future of the Library Catalogue Will there be a library catalogue in the future and if so what will it look like? In the last 25 years the library catalogue has undergone an evolution from card catalogues to OPACs discovery systems and even linked data applications making library bibliographic data accessible on the web. At the same time users expectations of what catalogues will be able to offer in the way of discovery have never been higher. This groundbreaking edited collection brings together some of the foremost international cataloguing practitioners and thought leaders including Lorcan Dempsey Emmanuelle Berm’s Marshall Breeding and Karen Calhoun to provide an overview of the current state of the art of the library catalogue and look ahead to see what the library catalogue might become. Practical projects and cutting edge concepts are showcased in discussions of: Linked data and the Semantic Web User expectations and needs Bibliographic control The FRBRization of the catalogue Innovations in search and retrieval  Next-generation discovery products and mobile catalogues Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783303144

Catalogues de ventes des collections ... (ES 6-vol. set) This is the seventh part of the successful series which provides art historians and students with primary-source materials relating to the Western reception of Japanese arts from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. It is now common knowledge that art collectors in Europe around the end of the nineteenth century played a very important role in the development of Japanese influence on Western art in particular on the Impressionists who became acquainted with Ukiyoe by Hokusai or other Japanese artefacts many of which were imported from Japan by art dealers for their clients in Europe. The majority of those collections of Japanese art held by individual art lovers were dispersed on their deaths but some were acquired by museums in Europe and America and are now valued as treasures which often form the core of their collections of Japanese art. It is not easy to trace precisely what objects were brought from Japan to the West and in what way some of them are housed today by Western institutions but one of the most useful tools for art historians are the auction catalogues of those pioneer Japanese art collectors through which they are able to assess the very early phase of Western reception of Japanese arts. However as such catalogues are mostly published by auction houses for their customers only and are not widely available very few of them are held or systematically collected by academic libraries. To remedy this omission this collection brings together sixteen catalogues of auctions which took place around the turn of the century for the sale of collections by eight leading French collectors. Together they provide academics and students in the subject with a unique and rare primary source. All the catalogues are reproduced with numerous pictures and plates together with foldouts as originally published. Media > Books > Print Books Edition Synapse 9784861660597

Cataloguing and Decision-making in a Hybrid EnvironmentThe Transition from AACR2 to RDA As the transition to RDA changes the international cataloguing landscape readers need practical guidance to operate successfully in a world of hybrid catalogues where records created under different standards co-exist. This highly practical guide draws out the flexibility offered by RDA and the scope for cataloguer judgement in balancing flexibility with consistency of entry. Welsh leads the reader through the decision-making process showing how the skills and judgements familiar from AACR2 can be applied to RDA. This book slices into RDA to answer questions including: What are the increased decision-making powers of the catalogue based on RDA?  What support is available in making decisions? How can libraries integrate new RDA records within their catalogues and cataloguing practices? What steps can cataloguers take to increase their decision-making skills and confidence and how can employers support their staff in this? Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783302123

Cataloguing the World's Endangered Languages Cataloguing the World’s Endangered Languages brings together the results of the extensive and influential Catalogue of Endangered Languages (ELCat) project.Based on the findings from the most extensive endangered languages research project this is the most comprehensive source of accurate information on endangered languages. The book presents the academic and scientific findings that underpin the online Catalogue located at making it an essential companion to the website for academics and researchers working in this area.While the online Catalogue displays much data from the ELCat project this volume develops and emphasizes aspects of the research behind the data and includes topics of great interest in the field not previously covered in a single volume. Cataloguing the World’s Endangered Languages is an important volume of particular interest to academics and researchers working with endangered languages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367580902

Catalonia: A New Independent State in Europe?A Debate on Secession within the European Union Catalonia: A New Independent State in Europe examines the main issues of the political process which is taking place in Catalonia today. The political confrontation between the Spanish and Catalan institutions has now reached the international arena especially the debates concerning international recognition of a new Catalan state and its membership of the European Union (EU) and other international institutions. There are no precedents for the secession of a region from an EU member country that could be applied to the case of Catalonia. Therefore it is not surprising that the world has many unanswered question about the process. This volume aims to provide answers to many of these questions in a systematic and rigorous way. Why has the political scenario in Catalonia changed so radically and so rapidly? Is this new situation only temporary and support for independence is likely to vanish very soon? What role has the deep economic crisis in Catalonia and in Spain played in the process? Is a potential new Catalan state economically viable? Which are the main legal controversies about self-determination and independence between the Spanish and Catalan institutions? Would an independent Catalonia be a member of the EU? This book will be of great use to academics and students in the field of politics and international relations particularly those interested in European economic and political studies. It will also interest a wide segment of general readers interested in contemporary political issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138386419

Catalysis and Electrocatalysis at Nanoparticle Surfaces Catalysis and Electrocatalysis at Nanoparticle Surfaces illustrates the latest developments in electrochemical nanotechnology heterogeneous catalysis surface science and theoretical modeling. It describes the manipulation characterization control and application of nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic activity and selectivity and presents a range of experimental and synthetic strategies for work in nanoscale surface science. Thisis a comprehensive source for physical surface and colloid chemists; materials scientists; interfacial chemists and electrochemists; electrochemical engineers; theoretical physicists; chemical engineers; and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395452

Catalysis and Surface Properties of Liquid Metals and Alloys This book presents up-to-date information about the catalysis and surface properties of liquid metals and liquid alloys. It is intended for use by chemical engineers and researchers in catalysis surface science liquid metals and chemical process technologies. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065739

Catalysis by Polymer-Immobilized Metal Complexes Deals with a new and promising field developed during the last two decades on the boundary between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. This book presents general information on catalysis for a wide range of organic reactions e.g. hydrogenation and oxidation reactions and polymerization transformations. Special attention is paid to electro- and photochemical stimulation of catalytic processes in the presence of immobilized metal complexes. Other topics covered are the quantitative data on the comparison of catalyses by mobile and immobilized metal complexes; main factors affecting the activity of these catalytic systems and methods of optimizing their control; and specific problems of catalysis by fixed complexes (e.g. ligand exchange and electron transfer in metal polymer systems macromolecular effects and polyfunctional catalysis). Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078227

Catalysis for SustainabilityGoals Challenges and Impacts Catalysis for Sustainability: Goals Challenges and Impacts explores the intersection between catalytic science and sustainable technologies as a means to addressing current economic social and environmental problems. These problems include harnessing alternative energy sources pollution prevention and remediation and the manufacturing of commodity products. The book describes the nature of catalysis regarding sustainability and presents challenges to accomplishing sustainability as well as the significance of proven or potential success. The contributors have backgrounds in academia and industry to create a more integrated picture of the issues involving sustainability and catalysis. Broad in scope the book covers topics such as traditional metal-mediated catalysis organocatalysis biocatalysis biomimicry and heterogeneous catalysis. It includes chapters dedicated to specific research areas of catalysis as they pertain to their effectiveness their economic and environmental benefits and the challenges researchers face in actualizing solutions. It also contains a chapter on the application of life cycle analysis to catalytic processes demonstrating the need to holistically consider the sustainable impacts of a process. The book can be read in a straightforward fashion or skimmed without forfeiting understanding of the narrative on the strategies and intentions of research and development. Throughout the book the requirements of sustainability are measured by the triple bottom line of environmental economic and social impacts. It highlights real-world implementations of catalytic processes in drug development manufacturing polymers and energy. Catalysis for Sustainability: Goals Challenges and Impacts is a strong and versatile text. It provides an introduction to the field and the issues with which it is concerned as well as a detailed and far-reaching discussion on current achievements and future progress. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466586857

Catalysis of Organic Reactions This book provides a complete updating of important developments in the study of catalysis as it applies to organic synthesis — with applications in major industrial processes. It covers a broad variety of catalytic processes — both homogeneous and heterogeneous. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065326

Catalysis of Organic Reactions Based on the papers and posters presented at the 15th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions this work covers developments in the study of catalysis as it relates to organic synthesis emphasizing applications in industrial processes. Over 1000 bibliographic citations and over 250 tables drawings and photographs are provided. Theoretical and practical aspects of the field are highlighted. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138855

Catalysis of Organic Reactions This volume compiles 63 peer-reviewed scientific papers documenting the latest developments in the application of homogeneous heterogeneous and immobilized homogenous catalysts used in organic synthesis. Catalysis of Organic Reactions consists of primary research articles accompanied by experimental sections that emphasize chemical processes with actual and potential applications in industry. Each chapter represents current and outstanding research by recognized leaders in the field.Organized into five major symposia topics include selective homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for the synthesis of fine chemical and pharmaceuticals solid acid catalysis selective oxidation amination chiral catalysis combinatorial technologies nanoparticles environmentally friendly catalysis and more. The collection also presents the award-winning research of Jean Lessard concerning the scope and limitations of electrocatalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds at Raney Metal Electrodes and Richard Larock relating to palladium-catalyzed annulation and migration reactions.These proceedings are of interest to the chemical scientists and engineers whose special interest is to apply homogenous and heterogeneous catalysts in organic synthesis of pharmaceutical fine and commodity chemicals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393113

Catalysis of Organic Reactions This work presents a compilation of technical papers and poster synopses delivered at the 14th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions. The book investigates current developments in the study of catalysis as it relates to organic synthesis detailing industrial applications. It suggests cost-effective routes for the synthesis of valuable industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003067184

Catalysis of Organic Reactions This text offers authoritative contributions from nearly 200 leaders in the field and new methods to enhance catalytic reactions. "Catalysis of Organic Reactions" covers approaches for designing modifying and altering catalysts for improved function performance and stability procedures to reduce by-product formation and cost-effective alternatives for the hydrogenation of organic compounds. Studying the phase preference concentration characteristics and recoverability of recently developed and commercial catalysts this is an excellent guide for chemical engineers; organic medicinal catalytic physical industrial process inorganic and organometallic chemists and biochemists and surface and environmental scientists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446949

Catalysis of Organic Reactions This volume documents developments in the study of catalysis relating to organic synthesis and its application in industrial processes. It surveys a wide range of homo- and heterogeneous catalysis for industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals. It covers enantioselective hydrogenation catalyzed hydrogens and oxidation carbonylation hydroaminomethylation and more. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398002

Catalysis of Organic Reactions This volume is a collection of the papers presented at the Twelfth Conference on the Catalysis of Organic Reactions where all phases of catalysis including heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenation catalytic oxidation homogeneous catalysis carbonylation and amination have been discussed. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367450915

Catalysis of Organic ReactionsTwenty-first Conference Bringing together academic industrial and governmental researchers and developers Catalysis of Organic Reactions comprises 57 peer-reviewed papers on the latest scientific developments in applied catalysis for organic reactions. The volume describes the use of both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalyst systems and includes original research articles on processes with potential industrial applications. The contributors renowned leaders in the field discuss noteworthy findings that include the award-winning studies by Isamu Yamauchi on metastable precursors to Raney® catalysts and by Gadi Rothenberg on methods for finding the best homogeneous catalysts. The book covers the synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates solid acid catalysis selective oxidation chiral synthesis combinatorial methods nanotechnology and “green” processes. These topics are organized by broad groupings based on major process types such as hydrogenations and oxidations or themes such as novel methods and environmental consciousness. Covering the most recent significant developments in catalysis this compilation is ideal for chemists and chemical engineers who apply homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in the synthesis of pharmaceutical fine or commodity chemicals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389772

Catalysis of Organic ReactionsTwenty-second Conference Apply an Omnibus of Knowledge from Leaders in the FieldThe unexpected diversity of topics presented at previous gatherings forced organizers of 2008’s 22nd Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions to expand its format to reflect the remarkable current degree of specialization in the field. Catalysis of Organic Reactions contains a compilation of papers presented at the event and subsequently few books will be able to match the breadth and depth of its content.Featuring papers by respected scientists from academia industry and the governmental research-and-development sector it covers various aspects of the production sale and use of catalysts for practical purposes. Articles concentrate on the general area of catalyzed synthesis emphasizing the production of organic chemicals. With a focus on application rather than theory the dominant theme is the traditionally practiced area of heterogeneous catalysis. Topics include:Hydrogenation and hydrogenolysisC-C couplingAmination and oxidation (including the precious metal supported base metal and sponge metal Raney process and homogeneous catalyst types)End uses of products including industrial petrochemicals fine chemicals and pharma intermediatesThose working with applied catalysis will benefit greatly from this consolidation of insights and reviews of the latest developments in the field. Each of the papers presented were edited by ORCS members drawn from both academia and industry and peer-reviewed by experts in related fields of study. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386030

Catalyst Handbook This book bridges the gap between theory and practice. It provides fundamental information on heterogeneous catalysis and the practicalities of the catalysts and processes used in producing ammonia hydrogen and methanol via hydrocarbon steam reforming. It also covers the oxidation reactions in making formaldehyde from methanol nitric acid from ammonia and sulphuric acid from sulphur dioxide. Designed for use in the chemical industry and by those in teaching research and the study of industrial catalysts and catalytic processes. Students will also find this book extremely useful for obtaining practical information not available in more conventional textbooks. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138862

Catalyst Manufacture This work provides a practical step-by-step guide to the preparation production and operation of all commercially used catalysts taking into account general safety considerations and up-to-date regulations from the Occupational Health Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. This second edition contains updated and expanded material on the regeneration reactivity and recovery of used catalysts; problems related to environmental catalysis; a unique CO oxidation catalyst; and more.;This work is intended for chemical plant automotive petroleum fuel and design engineers; and upper-level graduate and graduate students in these disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367401788

Catalyst PreparationScience and Engineering Improving the effectiveness of catalysts is the best way to ensure cleaner more efficient industrial processes for a wide range of applications. Catalyst Preparation: Science and Engineering explores the optimization of catalytic materials through traditional and novel methods of catalyst preparation characterization and monitoring on laboratory and industrial scales. The book presents many key principles of heterogeneous catalyst preparation and the methods used to synthesize a catalyst with a particular composition and morphology. The first chapters examine the synthesis of bulk materials including amorphous and mesoporous oxide supports heteropolyacids and colloidal metals. Subsequent chapters focus on the syntheses of heterogeneous nanoscale materials including those based on metal complex–substrate interactions and those using non-interacting precursors via viscous drying. The final chapters concentrate on pretreatment drying and finishing effects before concluding with a prognosis on future applications involving catalyst preparation and the technological advances necessary for continued progress. An ideal companion for scientists exploring the preparation of application-specific catalysts based on desired catalytic properties Catalyst Preparation: Science and Engineering provides a balanced overview of important synthesis parameters to consider for good catalyst design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577728

Catalysts for Change21st Century Philanthropy and Community Development Winner of the Community Development Society's 2014 Current Research Award! 21st Century Philanthropy and Community fills a gap in the literature on philanthropic organizations and how they intertwine with community development. Drawing first on the history of philanthropic funding Maria Martinez-Cosio and Mirle Bussell look at developments in the last twenty years in detail focussing on five key case studies from across America.  The authors use their own first hand experiences and research to forge a new path for academic research in an area where it has been lacking. With the current economic climate forcing shrewd spending foundations need all the guidance they can find on how to appropriately channel their funds in the best way. But how can these sorts of community projects be analyzed for effectiveness? Is there a quantitative rather than qualitative element which can be studied to give real feedback to those investing in projects? Arguing against a one-size-fits-all model the authors illustrate the importance of context and relationships in the success of these projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415683234

Catalysts for ChangeManaging Libraries in the 1990s This book first published in 1993 features the perspectives of library practitioners as well as other higher education professionals on using innovative management techniques. The book includes practical discussions of Total Quality Management team management the impact of gender differences managing an older work force and educational needs. Through this valuable book library administrators will find the best methods for adapting management strategies to the major political upheaval economic reprioritizing and organizational restructuring that has been characteristic of this decade. They will benefit from the case studies and practical overview from professionals who have already experienced change in their own libraries. Some of the important topics covered by the contributors include: fostering the democratization of the workplace and the development of the staff through empowerment; proactive assertive and collaborative roles of libraries in the scholarly communication process; library management education that prepares professionals both to anticipate change and to bring about change in their institutions in response to societal needs and shifts; managing the academic library through teamwork; the possible impacts and implications of female leadership on the library profession; organizational change in research libraries; older workers in technical services; and using the budget as a planning tool. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367376352

Catalysys and Surface Science The most comprehensive and up-to-date survey of five industrially important areas ofcatalysis Catalysis and Surface Science focuses on chemicals from methanol ... hydrotreatingof hydrocarbons . . . catalyst preparation ... monomers and polymers ... andphotocatalysis and photovoltaics.In each of these significant topics this useful collection of articles traces state-of-the-artdevelopments in fundamental science ... in current exploratory and applied research ...and in current technology. It outlines future trends in catalytic research and technology and gathers together and synthesizes-into one single handy reference-the informationcontained in voluminous widely scattered articles books and patents. As added referencefeatures this authoritative source provides a wealth of illustrations including photographs charts tables and line drawings .. . plus useful detailed bibliographies for further research.Written by 32 leading authorities on all aspects of catalysis Catalysis and Surface Scienceis essential reading for chemical industrial process petrochemical and electronicengineers as well as industrial polymer and materials chemists. It is also a useful text forgraduate students in chemistry and chemical engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367451691

Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions of Conjugated Nitroalkenes Nitroalkenes have often been referred to as "synthetic chameleons" owing to their reactivity synthetic utility and biological significance. In the last two decades the reactivity of nitroalkenes as substrates in diverse catalytic asymmetric transformations has been of tremendous interest on account of the powerful abilities of the nitro group to coordinate and withdraw electrons as well as its amenability to undergo a wide variety of synthetic transformations. Although numerous original articles and reviews have appeared in the literature a monograph providing a comprehensive coverage of this topic was conspicuous by its absence. This book features: A systematic up-to-date in-depth and well-organized compilation spread over 12 chapters of various catalytic asymmetric reactions of nitroalkenes with diverse substrates reported to date A wide coverage of reactions such as Michael additions Friedel–Crafts reactions cycloadditions asymmetric reductions multicomponent and cascade reactions as well as other miscellaneous reactions Various chiral organo metal and even biocatalysts involved in the stereoselective synthesis of multifunctional adducts via catalytic asymmetric reactions of nitroalkenes Schemes and figures detailing all the reagents reaction conditions and product profiles Mechanistic details including transition state models which will be useful for effective catalytic design This book will be an invaluable resource for those who are working in the area of asymmetric catalysis and synthetic methodologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367433826

Catalytic ConversationsOrganizational Communication and Innovation In today's increasingly globalized world it is essential that people of diverse ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds learn to work together and communicate effectively. This book offers a breakthrough approach to recognizing that differences among people are resources for organizations to tap as they strive to anticipate change and adapt rapidly in an unpredictable world. "Catalytic Conversations" provides a conceptual framework for understanding how complex communication patterns of social networks influence and are influenced by organizational structures. It discusses how to enhance the quality and viability of groups and organizational life by paying attention to how people talk - and do not talk - to each other. The book distinguishes between conversations that support organizational enhancement and others that inhibit innovation and explores the complexity of organizational communication in detail. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705927

Catalytic Hydroprocessing of Petroleum and Distillates This work is based on the proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Spring National Meeting in Houston Texas March 28 to April 1 1993. It details various facets of residue upgrading and distillate hydrotreating stressing the importance of selective catalysts in aromatics reduction. New aromatics saturation processes for the production of very low-aromatic distillates are introduced. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402020

Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Revised and Expanded Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Second Edition presents modern crystal-clear explanations of every aspect of this critical process for generating high-octane reformate products for gasoline blending and production of benzene toluene and xylene (BTX) aromatics. The book details the chemistry of naphtha reforming the preparation and characterization of catalysts and the very latest commercial technologies and industrial applications. With more than 300 tables and figures it addresses the development of new catalysts and revamp process improvements propelled by regulations on sulfur benzene and oxygenate content in gasoline and refinery pressure to maximize utilization of existing assets. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367578428

Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Process Based on the author’s decades of years of experience in oil refining Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Process conveys essential information on key concepts operations and practices of catalytic naphtha reforming technologies and associated oil refining processes. The book reviews collective technical and operational advancements with respect to efficient use of catalysts and catalytic reformers in oil refining and incorporates key advancements from recent developments in catalytic reforming technologies and processes. High octane reformate gasoline blendstock production via the use of high performing continuous catalyst regenerative processes is emphasized for regulated environmentally friendly gasoline. The benefits of timely effective process unit monitoring are covered in this book. Some of the principal objectives of this book include the need to emphasize more proactive approaches in the planning operations and maintenance of catalytic reforming units and oil refineries. A number of recommendations are provided for enhancing the operations reliability and productivity of catalytic reformers and oil refineries. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138034303

Catastrophe Gender and Urban Experience 1648-1920 As Enlightenment notions of predictability progress and the sense that humans could control and shape their environments informed European thought catastrophes shook many towns to the core challenging the new world view with dramatic impact. This book concentrates on a period marked by passage from a society of scarcity to one of expenditure and accumulation from ranks and orders to greater social mobility from traditional village life to new bourgeois and even individualistic urbanism. The volume employs a broad definition of catastrophe as it examines how urban communities conceived adapted to and were transformed by catastrophes both natural and human-made. Competing views of gender figure in the telling and retelling of these analyses: women as scapegoats as vulnerable as victims even as cannibals or conversely as defenders organizers of assistance inspirers of men; and men in varied guises as protectors governors and police heroes leaders negotiators and honorable men. Gender is also deployed linguistically to feminize activities or even countries. Inevitably however these tragedies are mediated by myth and memory. They are not neutral events whose retelling is a simple narrative. Through a varied array of urban catastrophes this book is a nuanced account that physically and metaphorically maps men and women into the urban landscape and the worlds of catastrophe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367208882

Catastrophe and CreationThe transformation of an African culture First Published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969940

Catastrophe and ImaginationEnglish and American Writings from 1870 to 1950 This book is a direct product of World War II of the long years at sea that gave the author the feeling that the past was no more than an illusion. He compares past with present one nation with another to clarify the conviction that the nature of imaginative fiction had been altered by our wars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520073

Catastrophe Theory and Bifurcation (Routledge Revivals)Applications to Urban and Regional Systems Mathematical models have long been used by geographers and regional scientists to explore the working of urban and regional systems via a system where the equilibrium point changes slowly and smoothly as the parameters change slowly and smoothly. However this all changed with the advent of catastrophe theory and bifurcation which enabled the development of models where a quite sudden change in the position of the equilibrium point results from a slow small smooth change in one or more parameters. First published in 1981 this reissue of Professor Wilson’s classic study outlines the implications of these mathematical models for geography and regional science by way of a survey of contemporary applications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415687966

Catastrophe TheorySecond Edition Catastrophe Theory was introduced in the 1960s by the renowned Fields Medal mathematician Rene' Thom as a part of the general theory of local singularities. Since then it has found applications across many areas including biology economics and chemical kinetics. By investigating the phenomena of bifurcation and chaos Catastrophe Theory proved t Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367314866

Catastrophes and ConflictsScientific Approaches to Their Control First published in 1999 this book describes what the International community of scientific institutions could do to reverse this trend by pooling its know-how and resources in International and interdisciplinary working groups and standing committees by preparing options for action and by standing the possibilities for overcoming the political and economic obstacles to the implementation of expert advice. The reasons are given why neighboring groups of people sooner or later start fighting each other unless certain conditions are fulfilled. These conditions are enumerated. Historical examples are presented. Since lack of mutual trust often based on inherited enemy images is at the roots of many conflicts is shown how trust among former opponents can be created by working on joint projects particularly when both sides are threatened by the same danger. In previous history this danger was often a common enemy. Today we must learn that all of mankind is threatened by environmental and other global problems which can only be mastered by joint efforts forgetting the enmities of earlier generations. Furthermore it is explained that many catastrophes could be avoided if risks were properly assessed and taken seriously and necessary precautions not avoided for financial reasons just hoping for the best. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138311077

Catastrophic DiseasesWho Decides What? An important contribution in the burgeoning literature relating to the delivery of medical care and to the broader question of responsible decision-making in those social areas where tragic choices have to be made. The effort is an excellent example of research into and therapy for an important social process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520080

Catastrophic FloodingBinghamton Geomorphology Symposium 18 This book first published in 1987 contains a collection of papers presented at the 18th Binghamton Symposium focusing on the topic of catastrophic flooding. These papers make the case for the careful collection and interpretation of data from which the importance and effects of catastrophic flooding may be deduced. Questions tackled include: what are the causes and effects of catastrophic flooding? What parameters should be used to measure them? What effect do they have on erosional and depositional landforms? Can modelling be used to predict their flow dynamics? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367896409

Catastrophic Impact and LossThe Capstone of Impact Assessment The author’s previous work Managing Emerging Risk: The Capstone of Preparedness considered the notion of risk and what constitutes risk assessment. It presented scenarios to introduce readers to areas of critical thinking around probability and possibility. Six months after the book’s publication many of the scenarios came true and other more menacing risks emerged. Catastrophic Impact and Loss: The Capstone of Impact Assessment is the second stone to be laid in a path toward a more mindful practice of emergency management focusing on the impacts caused by risk and offering a complete approach to measure and manage them. Providing a true understanding of what it is to be "in harm’s way " this essential book details the devastation and effects that both public and private enterprise must be prepared for in the event of a catastrophe. The book examines: Impact assessment as an essential piece of information and the fundamental flaws that hinder the process The development of the digital age and postmodernism and the five guiding principles of postmodern impact assessments How to establish an impact horizon and effect a clear scope statement that includes all in-scope and out-of-scope assets and locations Problems that occur when we fail to create impact assessments that align with internal organizational values federal and state laws or industry regulations—and how to use the guiding principles to address these problems Methods for developing solid analytical models for impact assessment—exacting logical relevant and clear language and taxonomies How to address overrides and deviations based on expert opinion cultural needs and the application of common sense Key challenges in postmodern business impact assessment and how we can best meet those challenges by understanding the concept of the uncanny valley Readers who master the principles in this book will better understand the link between the potential damage of an event and how information informs every decision to prepare for respond to mitigate and recover. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466504646

Catch That Chicken!Targeting the ch Sound Archie has stolen Charlie’s prize hat – the race is on to get it back. Catch that chicken! This picture book targets the /ch/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2 a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story. The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents teachers or caregivers. Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness. Picture books are sold individually or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367648756

Catch Them Before They Fall: The Psychoanalysis of Breakdown In this exploration of a radical approach to the psychoanalytical treatment of people on the verge of mental breakdown Christopher Bollas offers a new and courageous clinical paradigm. He suggests that the unconscious purpose of breakdown is to present the self to the other for transformative understanding; to have its core distress met and understood directly. If caught in time a breakdown can become a breakthrough. It is an event imbued with the most profound personal significance but it requires deep understanding if its meaning is to be released to its transformative potential. Bollas believes that hospitalization intensive medication and CBT/DBT all negate this opportunity and he proposes that many of these patients should instead be offered extended intensive psychoanalysis. This book will be of interest to clinicians who find that with patients on the verge of breakdown conventional psychoanalytical work is insufficient to meet the emerging crisis. However Bollas’s challenging proposal will provoke many questions and in the final section of the book some of these are raised by Sacha Bollas and presented in a question-and-answer form. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415637206

Catching Up and LeapfroggingThe new latecomers in the integrated circuits industry Ever since Schumpeter’s groundbreaking work there has been a plethora of new research seeking to extend the direction and dynamics of innovation. Using a rich account of detailed interviews this book offers new evidence on how latecomers have successfully caught up and leapfrogged incumbent firms. Catching Up and Leapfrogging: the new latecomers in the integrated circuits industry explores how technological transitions affect latecomer catch-up strategies and vice versa in a high technology industry. It looks to the East Asian latecomers who towards the end of the twentieth century pioneered a new pathway through organizational change by specializing in the key production stages of integrated circuits and pushing technologies further. This volume assesses how latecomer resource acquisition strategies have varied alongside structural industry changes and evaluates the mechanisms through which firms started life as technology followers and rose to become technology leaders. Xiao-Shan Yap and Rajah Rasiah present a unique story about how firm strategies evolve from the catching up phase to the leapfrogging phase captured from the accounts of managers on the ground. It is the first time firm-level strategies have been systematically analysed to describe twenty-first century strategic management in the integrated circuits industry in particular and the high tech industry in general.The evidence and analysis in this book offers insights for chief executive officers policy-makers and researchers to revisit existing approaches to the theory of catching up and leapfrogging. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890094

Catching UpThe Limits of Rapid Economic Development Disparities between the economic development of nations have widened throughout the twentieth century and they show no sign of closing. In the nineteenth century the economic potential of developed countries was three times that of the rest of the world. Today the gap is twenty times greater and the trend is increasing. In this provocative reexamination of theories of accelerated development or "catching up " Vladislav L. Inozemtsev traces the evolution of thinking about how countries lagging behind can most swiftly move forward and assesses their prospects for success in this effort.Inozemtsev reviews the experience of the Soviet Union as well as the recent experience of Japan China and Southeast Asia. He finds that those countries that have moved forward most rapidly have successfully adapted new technology to old processes. But even then they face daunting odds as they grapple with the need to change their population's ideas and behavior. And in the 1990s their rates of development have noticeably declined. "Catching Up" assesses prospects for successful application of theories of accelerated development in the global economy. Inozemtsev's pessimistic conclusion is that rapid industrial progress is not achievable in the information society of the twenty-first century.Inozemtsev reaches this conclusion after reviewing theories of accelerated development thinking from the diverse viewpoints of the 1940s and 1950s to the more intensive ideological polarization of the 1960s. Inozemtsev believes it will be impossible for non-Western nations to "catch up" with the West because of their inability to generate or control information and knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520097

Catchment and River Basin ManagementIntegrating Science and Governance The central focus of this volume is a critical comparative analysis of the key drivers for water resource management and the provision of clean water – governance systems and institutional and legal arrangements. The authors present a systematic analysis of case study river systems drawn from Australia Denmark Germany the Netherlands UK and USA to provide an integrated global assessment of the scale and key features of catchment management.  A key premise explored is that despite the diversity of jurisdictions and catchments there are commonalities to a successful approach. The authors show that environmental and public health water quality criteria must be integrated with the economic and social goals of those affected necessitating a 'twin-track' and holistic (cross-sector and discipline) approach of stakeholder engagement and sound scientific research.  A final synthesis presents a set of principles for adaptive catchment management. These principles demonstrate how to integrate the best scientific and technical knowledge with policy governance and legal provisions. It is shown how decision-making and implementation at the appropriate geographic and governmental scales can resolve conflicts and share best sustainable practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138304543

Catch-Up and Competitiveness in ChinaThe Case of Large Firms in the Oil Industry This book examines the role of corporate structure including the role of corporate headquarters in the success of large firms. It considers these issues in relation to large global corporations thereby providing a 'benchmark' which is then used as a contrast in a discussion of corporate structure and the role of corporate headquarters within large Chinese firms many of which have evolved from former government ministries. It includes a detailed case-study of firms in the crucially important oil and petro-chemical sector. Overall the book shows what a hugely competitive battle China's emerging 'national champions' face with their global competitors and puts forward policy implications both for large Chinese firms and for the Chinese government concerning how business systems should be reformed further still in order to construct globally competitive large industrial corporations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653732

Catechisms Written for Mothers Schoolmistresses and Children 1575-1750Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women: Series III Par As works designed for mothers to instruct their children within the home early modern mother-directed catechisms like traditional catechisms use the question-and-answer format to present the basic tenets of the Protestant faith. But such catechisms differ from traditional ones in how they represent the mother-child relationship. Because catechisms discuss fine questions of theology and because they present a non-contentious image of maternal authority many literary critics and cultural historians have failed to explore their cultural significance focusing instead upon secular dramatic representations of motherhood in early modern plays and pamphlet accounts of murderous mothers. This collection demonstrates that these catechisms provide valuable insight into constructions of early modern maternity and more broadly into the degree of power and authority accorded to women in the early modern Protestant family. It includes nearly all of the extant catechisms the editor was able to locate which were designed expressly for mothers and published between 1550 and 1750. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260839

Categorial Grammars In the last few years categorial grammars have been the focus of dramatically expanded interest and activity both theoretical and computational. This book the first introduction to categorical grammars is written as an objective critical assessment. Categorial grammars offer a radical alternative to the phrase-structure paradigm with deep roots in the philosophy of language logic and algebra. Mary McGee Wood outlines their historical evolution and discusses their formal basis starting with a quasi-canonical core and considering a number of possible extensions. She also explores their treatment of a number of linguistic phenomena including passives raising discontinuous dependencies and non-constituent coordination as well as such general issues as word order logic psychological plausibility and parsing. This introduction to categorial grammars will be of interest to final year undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in current theories of grammar including comparative descriptive and computational linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969957

Categorial Morphology This book presents an account of certain problems of morphological analysis that occurs within a theoretical framework that derives its inspiration from recent studies of the lexicon in generative grammar. The starting point is the controversy about the proper analysis of synthetic compounds. Are they really compounds or phrasal derivations or do they constitute a type of word formation of their own? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969964

Categorical and Nonparametric Data AnalysisChoosing the Best Statistical Technique Featuring in-depth coverage of categorical and nonparametric statistics this book provides a conceptual framework for choosing the most appropriate type of test in various research scenarios. Class tested at the University of Nevada the book's clear explanations of the underlying assumptions computer simulations and Exploring the Concept boxes help reduce reader anxiety. Problems inspired by actual studies provide meaningful illustrations of the techniques. The underlying assumptions of each test and the factors that impact validity and statistical power are reviewed so readers can explain their assumptions and how tests work in future publications. Numerous examples from psychology education and other social sciences demonstrate varied applications of the material. Basic statistics and probability are reviewed for those who need a refresher. Mathematical derivations are placed in optional appendices for those interested in this detailed coverage. Highlights include the following: Unique coverage of categorical and nonparametric statistics better prepares readers to select the best technique for their particular research project; however some chapters can be omitted entirely if preferred. Step-by-step examples of each test help readers see how the material is applied in a variety of disciplines.  Although the book can be used with any program examples of how to use the tests in SPSS and Excel foster conceptual understanding. Exploring the Concept boxes integrated throughout prompt students to review key material and draw links between the concepts to deepen understanding.  Problems in each chapter help readers test their understanding of the material.  Emphasis on selecting tests that maximize power helps readers avoid "marginally" significant results.  Website ( features datasets for the book's examples and problems and for the instructor PowerPoint slides sample syllabi answers to the even-numbered problems and Excel data sets for lecture purposes. Intended for individual or combined graduate or advanced undergraduate courses in categorical and nonparametric data analysis cross-classified data analysis advanced statistics and/or quantitative techniques taught in psychology education human development sociology political science and other social and life sciences the book also appeals to researchers in these disciplines. The nonparametric chapters can be deleted if preferred. Prerequisites include knowledge of t tests and ANOVA. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138787827

Categories: ColorCards2nd Edition Comprising two identical sets of 96 photo cards  Categories 2nd Edition depicts 24 everyday themes from animals and plants to clothes and household objects and has been designed as a vocabulary intervention with a variety of activities. Suitable for all ages the cards are categorised as ‘simple’ and ‘complex’ and can be used for exercises based on matching colour patterns and association among others. This 2nd edition is a valuable intervention to support SLTs SENCOs and teachers develop pupils’ adjectives and nouns verbal comprehension reasoning and expressive language. Suitable for use with individuals or in group settings it features modern engaging colour images and has been developed in conjunction with several highly-experienced speech and language therapists. The instruction booklet contains a range of suggested activities for administration and nine languages - English Dutch French German Italian Japanese Portuguese Spanish and Swedish. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815369011

Categorisation in Indian PhilosophyThinking Inside the Box It is by fitting the world into neatly defined boxes that Buddhist Hindu and Jain philosophers were able to gain unparalleled insights into the nature of reality God language and thought itself. Such categories aimed to encompass the universe the mind and the divine within an all-encompassing system from linguistics to epistemology logic and metaphysics theology and the nature of reality. Shedding light on the way in which Indian philosophical traditions crafted an elaborate picture of the world this book brings Indian thinkers into dialogue with modern philosophy and global concerns. For those interested in philosophical traditions in general this book will establish a foundation for further comparative perspectives on philosophy. For those concerned with the understanding of Indic culture it will provide a platform for the continued renaissance of research into India's rich philosophical traditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138545984

Categorization and the Moral Order (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1984 this is a study of categorization practices: how people categorize each other and their actions; how they describe infer and judge. The book presents a sociological analysis and description of practical activities and makes a cogent contribution to the study of how the moral order actually works in practical communicative contexts. Among the issues dealt with are: collectivity categorizations the organization of lists and descriptions moral attribution and inferences and the relationship between standards of morality and standards of rationality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014510

Category NeutralityA Type-Logical Investigation "Feature neutrality" is an issue that has received much attention among linguists. For example consider the sentence "I have never and will never put my name on this document." Here the verb 'put' acts simultaneously as a past participle (as in "have never put") and a base form (as in "will never put") and is therefore said to be neutral between the two forms. Similar examples have been found for many languages. The accepted wisdom is that neutrality is possible only for morphosyntactic features such as verb form gender number declension class-not at the level of gross syntactic category where the semantic differences are more significant. In other words it has been claimed that "category neutrality " where a word or phrase is used simultaneously with more than one syntactic category does not exist. (A famous example is the glaring ungrammaticality of this sentence in which "can" is used simultaneously as a main verb and auxiliary verb: "I can tuna and get a new job.") In this book however Neal Whitman shows that category neutrality does exist in English. This not only challenges the current thinking but also raises foundational questions about the nature of ambiguity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969971

Category Specificity in Brain and Mind Some of the most fascinating deficits in neuropsychology concern the failure to recognise common objects from one semantic category such as living things when there is no such difficulty with objects from another such as non-living things. Over the past twenty years numerous cases of these 'category specific' recognition and naming problems have been documented and several competing theories have been developed to account for the patients' disorders.Category Specificity in Brain and Mind draws together the neuropsychological literature on category-specific impairments with research on how children develop knowledge about different categories functional brain imaging work and computational models of object recognition and semantic memory. The chapters are written by internationally leading psychologists and neuroscientists and the result is a review of the most up-to-date thinking on how knowledge about different categories is acquired and organized in the mind and where it is represented in the human brain. The text will be essential reading for advanced undergraduates and researchers in the field of category specificity and a rich source of information for neuropsychologists experimental and developmental psychologists cognitive scientists and philosophers. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415646420

Caterina Sforza and the Art of AppearancesGender Art and Culture in Early Modern Italy In the first major book in four decades on Caterina Sforza (1463-1509) Joyce de Vries investigates the famous noblewoman's cultural endeavors and explores the ways in which gender culture and consumption practices were central to the invention of the self in early modern Italy. Sforza commissioned elaborate artistic and architectural works participated in splendid civic and religious rituals and collected a dazzling array of clothing jewelry and household goods. By engaging in these realms of cultural production de Vries suggests Sforza manipulated masculine and feminine norms of behavior and effectively promoted her social and political agendas. Drawing on visual evidence inventories letters and contemporary texts de Vries offers a penetrating new interpretation of women's contributions to early modern culture. She explains the correlations between prescriptive literature and women's actions and reveals the mutability of gender roles in the princely courts. De Vries's analysis of Sforza's posthumous legend suggests that what we see as "the Renaissance" was as much a historical invention as a coherent moment in historical time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254121

Catharine BeecherThe Complexity of Gender in 19th Century America This is a brief biography that explores the life of Catharine Beecher. This book is a part of Westview?s `Lives of American Women? series edited by Carol Berkin. Each title in the series features brief biographies of figures whose lives serve as a lens onto a major trend event movement or crisis of their eras and whose stories will be the entry point for a deeper understanding of a particular historical time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780813348315

Catharine Macaulay's Republican Enlightenment The ‘celebrated’ Catharine Macaulay was both lauded and execrated during the eighteenth century for her republican politics and her unconventional second marriage. This comprehensive biography in the 'life and letters' tradition situates her works in their political and social contexts and offers an unprecedented detailed account of the content and influence of her writing the arguments she developed in her eight-volume history of England and her other political ethical and educational works. Her disagreements with conservative opponents David Hume Edmund Burke and Samuel Johnson are developed in detail as is her influence on more progressive admirers such as Thomas Jefferson Jacques-Pierre Brissot Mercy Otis Warren and Mary Wollstonecraft. Macaulay emerges as a coherent and influential political voice whose attitudes and aspirations were characteristic of those enlightenment republicans who grounded their progressive politics in rational religion. She looked back to the seventeenth-century levellers and parliamentarians as important precursors who had advocated the liberty and political rights she aspired to see implemented in Great Britain America and France. Her defence of republican liberty and the equal rights of men offers an important corrective to some contemporary accounts of the character and origins of democratic republicanism during this crucial period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367358976

Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of ChinaVolume I 'Translated and Edited with a Preliminary Essay on the Intercourse between China and the Western Nations previous to the Discovery of the Cape Route'. Containing the travels of Friar Odoric of Pordenone 1316-30 and letters and reports from missionary friars from Cathay and India 1292-1338 in English translation. With a list of 'illustrations from drawings by the author'. This and volume II (First Series 37) have continuous main pagination. The supplementary material includes the 1866 annual report. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1866. Owing to technical constraints it has not been possible to reproduce the 'reduced and condensed translation of the carta catalana of 1375' and the 'Sketch Map to Illustrate Ibn Battuta's Travels in Bengal' which appeared in the first edition of this volume. Media > Books > E-books Hakluyt Society 9781315570983

Cathay and the Way Thither. Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of ChinaNew Edition. Volume II: Odoric of Pordenone Volume I followed (Second Series 38). A revised edition of First Series 36 (1866) and 37 (1866) above whose title page was followed. The appendix contains a Latin and an Italian text of Friar Odoric's travels in the early fourteenth century. Continued in Second Series 37 and 41 below. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1913. Media > Books > E-books Hakluyt Society 9781315570990

Cathedrals of ConsumptionEuropean Department Stores 1850-1939 Originally published in 1999 Cathedrals of Consumption examines the history of the department store. After many decades in which it was almost exclusively historians of retailing and company biographers who were interested in the phenomenon the department store has now come to attract the attention of historians of culture consumption gender urban life and much more. Indeed the department store in its classic era of expansive growth has often seemed better than anything else to embody the cultural and social modernity of its time. The articles in this book range widely in presenting the breadth of these new approaches to department store history. An introductory essay explores the questions that surround the department store from its appearance in the mid-nineteenth century through its golden age in the decades before the First World War to the challenges posed in the more competitive world of inter-war Europe. A dozen contributors - writing about Britain France Germany Belgium and Hungary - then examine themes as varied as the new public space which department stores provided for women the politics of consumption the architecture of the new stores the training of the workforce the cult of shopping advertising strategies shoplifting employer organisations and the geographical spread of the new stores while a comparison with eighteenth-century London raises the question of just how new the department store was. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367134037

Cathedrals of Urban ModernityCreation of the First Museums of Contemporary Art First published in 1998 this volume explores the expanding wave of a new kind of museums of contemporary art in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Lorente examines their ‘coming of age’ and the weight of their museological legacy arguing that the establishment of great national museums of art at London and Paris radiated out carrying their influence with it. This book emerged as part of a series on towns and cities and has a focus on London and Paris as centres of artistic innovation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138320475

Catherine Cookson CountryOn the Borders of Legitimacy Fiction and History Britain's most widely read author of the late twentieth century Catherine Cookson published more than 100 books including The Fifteen Streets The Black Velvet Gown and Katie Mulhollond. Set in England's industrial northeast her novels depict the social economic and emotional hardships of that area. In the first essay collection devoted to Cookson the contributors examine what Cookson's memoirs and historical fiction mean to readers including how her fans contribute to her position in the cultural imaginary; constructions of gender class and English and Irish identity in her work; the importance of place in her novels; Cookson's place in the heritage industry; and television adaptations of Cookson's works. Cookson's work tackled topics that were still taboo in the early post-World War II era such as domestic abuse rape and incest. This collection places Cookson in historical context and shows how skillful she was at pushing generic boundaries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110236

Catherine Crowe: Gender Genre and Radical Politics This is the first full-length study of the popular Victorian writer Catherine Crowe (1790-1872). Crowe is increasingly being recognised as an important and influential figure in the literary and Spiritualist circles of the nineteenth century. This monograph offers a reassessment of her major works arguing that her writing was prescient. Best known today for her collection of "real" ghost tales The Night Side of Nature: Or Ghosts and Ghost Seers Crowe also wrote five popular novels as well as numerous short stories and essays. Innovative and sometimes original in their use of genre her works covered the Newgate genre helped to initiate detective fiction included elements of the social problem novels of the 1840s and pointed the way to the Sensation novels of the 1860s. Politically radical in many ways Crowe was vocal about women’s oppression by men social inequality poverty slavery and animal rights. This volume aims to restore an author who was once famous and lauded to her proper place in the scholarly discussion of Victorian Literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367543327

Catherine de Medici Originally published in 1968 this book is an unforgettable portrait of an impoverished orphaned daughter of the Medici pitchforked at the age of fourteen into her royal destiny and having to bear the rivalry of Diane de Poiters and the description ‘the Florentine shopkeeper’ who nevertheless became one of the most powerful characters in the shaping of sixteenth century Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367272333

Catherine de'Medici Catherine de' Medici (1519-89) was the wife of one king of France and the mother of three more - the last sorry representatives of the Valois who had ruled France since 1328. She herself is of preeminent importance to French history and one of the most controversial of all historical figures. Despised until she was powerful enough to be hated she was in her own lifetime and since the subject of a "Black Legend" that has made her a favourite subject of historical novelists (most notably Alexandre Dumas whose Reine Margot has recently had new currency on film). Yet there is no recent biography of her in English. This new study by a leading scholar of Renaissance France is a major event.Catherine a neglected and insignificant member of the Florentine Medici entered French history in 1533 when she married the son of Francis I for short-lived political reasons: her uncle was pope Clement VII who died the following year. Now of no diplomatic value Catherine was treated with contempt at the French court even after her husband's accession as Henry II in 1547. Even so she gave him ten children before he was killed in a tournament in 1559. She was left with three young boys who succeeded to the throne as Francis II (1559-60) Charles IX (1560-74) and Henry III (1574-89). As regent and queen-mother a woman and with no natural power-base of her own she faced impossible odds. France was accelerating into chaos with political faction at court and religious conflict throughout the land. As the country disintegrated Catherine's overriding concern was for the interests of her children. She was tireless in her efforts to protect her sons' inheritance and to settle her daughters in advantageous marriages. But France needed more. Catherine herself was both peace-loving and in an age of frenzied religious hatred unbigoted. She tried to use the Huguenots to counterbalance the growing power of the ultra-Catholic Guises but extremism on all sides frustrated her. She was drawn into the violence. Her name is ineradicably associated with its culmination the Massacre of St Bartholomew (24 August 1572) when thousands of Huguenots were slaughtered in Paris and elsewhere. To this day no-one knows for certain whether Catherine instigated the massacre or not but here Robert Knecht explores the probabilities in a notably level-headed fashion.His book is a gripping narrative in its own right. It offers both a lucid exposition of immensely complex events (with their profound imact on the future of France) and also a convincing portrait of its enigmatic central character. In going behind the familiar Black Legend Professor Knecht does not make the mistake of whitewashing Catherine; but he shows how intractable was her world and how shifty or intransigent the people with whom she had to deal. For all her flaws she emerges as a more sympathetic - and in her pragmatism more modern - figure than most of her leading contemporaries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138159075

Catherine Greenbury and Mary PercyPrinted Writings 1500–1640: Series 1 Part Four Volume 2 This volume includes two early seventeenth-century translations of Roman Catholic books by English recusant nuns - Catherine Greenbury (a Franciscan) and Mary Percy (a Benedictine). To practise their faith on the continent both these women fled Elizabethan England where Roman Catholic practice had been outlawed under pain of severe penalty (even death). Catherine Greenbury was born at York into a wealthy upper middle-class family but left England after the death of her husband shortly after the birth of her daughter in or around 1616. After establishing herself in Brussels in a convent dedicated to St Elizabeth she became its first elected 'Mother' in 1626. During her early years here she translated the work included in this volume - François van den Broecke's biography in Dutch of the saintly Queen Elizabeth of Portugal. A comparison of Greenbury's version with the Dutch text shows not only that the translation is very competent and faithful but also that she takes the editorial freedom to improve the text. Lady Mary Percy daughter of Thomas Percy the seventh Earl of Northumberland left England for Flanders and in 1598 she founded a Benedictine convent in Brussels especially for Englishwomen. Here Mary Percy translated a 1598 French edition of Breve compendio by the Italian Jesuit Achille Gagliardi with his student Isabella Berinzaga a mystical handbook which guides the reader through a series of elaborately defined stages striving towards 'deiformitie' - a state in which the soul is 'united unto the will of God'. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260808

Catherine the Great Neither a comprehensive 'life and times' nor a conventional biography this is an engaging and accessible exploration of rulership and monarchial authority in eighteenth century Russia. Its purpose is to see how Catherine II of Russia conceived of her power and how it was represented to her subjects.  Simon Dixon asks essential questions about Catherin'es life and reign and offers new and stimulating arguments about the Englightenment the power of the monarch in early modern Europe and the much-debated role of the "great individual" in history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138165687

Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Structures Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete structures is a technique for rescuing corrosion damaged structures and in certain instances preventing them from corroding in the first place and its use is growing. This book is for specialist contractors large consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures and looks at international experience with this technique. It examines why corrosion is occurring the differences in the application of CP with the stark dichotomy in its success and failure and finally ways in which its performance can be improved on future installations. Information is valuable as the success or failure of the CP system has a marked effect on the service life of the structure. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138477278

Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete and Masonry Revised and updated this second edition of Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete and Masonry covers both reinforced concrete and masonry structures describes in detail the overall design factors involved in cathodic protection (CP) and also provides a theoretical basis for why it works. It refers to the new European standard EN 12696 for cathodic protection where relevant. What’s new in the Second Edition: Updates techniques and methods Includes applications to new materials and new examples Considers the virtues and drawbacks of CP Gives guidance on new practices standards and their suitability Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete and Masonry Second Edition describes the CP systems and their history structure the choice of remediation or life enhancement design installation performance measurement and costs. It includes examples of corrosion induced damage diagnostic techniques and preliminary studies to facilitate effective CP system design the effects of CP on the metal surface. It also explores the early use of CP the various impressed current anodes power supply categories practical considerations and design criteria for the use of CP as a means of enhancing durability. It is especially written for practicing civil engineer professionals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076822

Cathodoluminescence and PhotoluminescenceTheories and Practical Applications Written by a senior industry expert with nearly 40 years of hands-on experience Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence: Theories and Practical Applications presents a thorough review of advances challenges and recommendations for improving photoluminescent (PL) and cathodoluminescent (CL) phosphor display devices in terms of energy efficiency image quality color fidelity operational lifetime and production cost.This book traces the development of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) PL and CL phosphor screens and fluorescent lamps (FL) into modern phosphor display devices. The author relates luminescence phenomena and color to chemical composition excitation mechanisms energy conversion efficiencies and bulk properties of phosphor particles. He also addresses image quality issues such as flickering smearing whitening and contrast. Subsequent chapters focus on powder deposition techniques and the production of phosphor powders themselves. The text describes the necessary raw materials flux materials and growth conditions for producing ZnS powders. It provides a quantitative analysis on optimal processes and parameters for ensuring higher quality color and screen resolution. Offering a detailed guide for next-generation scientists and engineers in the field Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence describes current technologies and promising developments for producing higher quality energy-efficient and long-lasting phosphor CR and flat CL screen displays. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389130

Catholic Activism in South-West France 1540–1570 Examining Catholic activism in the south-west of France during the middle decades of the sixteenth century this book argues - contrary to prevailing views - that the phenomenon was both widespread and militant even before the formation of the Catholic League in 1576. Whilst recent research has provided a far greater understanding of the Huguenot struggle for security and legitimacy there has not been a correspondingly thorough investigation into the grass-roots Catholic reaction to this and by dismissing episodes of pre-League Catholic militancy as limited and ephemeral a distorted picture of French confessional conflict and rivalry is painted. Utilizing surviving material from the provincial archives at Bordeaux Toulouse Agen and at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris this book provides ample evidence for placing the birth of Catholic activism in the period preceding the Wars of Religion highlighting the confessional tensions that exploded throughout the 1540s and 1550s. As competing bands of religious enthusiasts and municipal and court officials fought first with words then with weapons for supremacy of the community in the towns of the south-west a steady escalation of confrontation can be traced. Within this atmosphere of rising tension it is shown how Catholic militancy mirrored the organizational and fund-raising capacity of their Protestant rivals and how the local military elite rose to support their co-religionists at the outbreak of formal hostilities in 1562. The ascendancy of Catholic militants in key urban centres by 1570 would deal a fatal blow to Protestant plans for supremacy of the south-west. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571003

Catholic and Protestant Translations of the Imitatio Christi 1425–1650From Late Medieval Classic to Early Modern Bestseller The Imitatio Christi is considered one of the classic texts of Western spirituality. There were 800 manuscript copies and more than 740 different printed editions of the Imitatio between its composition in the fifteenth century and 1650. During the Reformation period the book retained its popularity with both Protestants and Catholics; with the exception of the Bible it was the most frequently printed book of the sixteenth century. In this pioneering study the remarkable longevity of the Imitatio across geographical chronological linguistic and confessional boundaries is explored. Rather than attributing this enduring popularity to any particular quality of universality this study suggests that its key virtue was its appropriation by different interest groups. That such an apparently Catholic and monastic work could be adopted and adapted by both Protestant reformers and Catholic activists (including the Jesuits) poses intriguing questions about our understanding of Reformation and Counter Reformation theology and confessional politics. This study focuses on the editions of the Imitatio printed in English French German and Latin between the 1470s and 1650. It offers an ambitious and comprehensive survey of the process of translation and its impact and contribution to religious culture. In so doing it offers a fresh analysis of spirituality and devotion within their proper late medieval and early modern contexts. It also demonstrates that spirituality was not a peripheral dimension of religion but remains at the very heart of both Catholic and Protestant self-perception and identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754667650

Catholic Belief and Survival in Late Sixteenth-Century ViennaThe Case of Georg Eder (1523–87) Dr Georg Eder was an extraordinary figure who rose from humble origins to hold a number of high positions at Vienna University and the city's Habsburg court between 1552 and 1584. His increasingly uncompromising Catholicism eventually placed him at odds however with many influential figures around him not least the confessionally moderate Habsburg Emperor Maximillian II. Pivoting around a dramatic incident in 1573 when Eder's ferocious anti-Lutheran polemic the Evangelical Inquisition fell under sharp Imperial condemnation this book investigates three key aspects of his career. It examines Eder's position as a Catholic in the predominantly Protestant Vienna of his day; the public expression of Eder's Catholicism and the strong Jesuit influence on the same; and Eder's rescue and subsequent survival as a lay advocate of Catholic reform largely through the alternative protection of the Habsburgs' rivals the Wittelsbach Dukes of Bavaria. Based on a wide variety of printed and manuscript material this study contributes to existing historiography by reconstructing the career of one of late sixteenth-century Vienna's most prominent figures. In a broader sense it also adds significantly to the wider canon of Reformation history by re-examining the nature and extent of Catholicism at the Viennese court in the latter half of the sixteenth century. It concludes by emphasising the importance of influential laity such as Eder in advancing the cause of Catholic reform and challenges the prevalent portrayal of the sixteenth-century Catholic laity as an anonymous and largely passive group who merely responded to the ministries of others. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260792

Catholic Gentry in English SocietyThe Throckmortons of Coughton from Reformation to Emancipation This volume advances scholarly understanding of English Catholicism in the early modern period through a series of interlocking essays on single family: the Throckmortons of Coughton Court Warwickshire whose experience over several centuries encapsulates key themes in the history of the Catholic gentry. Despite their persistent adherence to Catholicism in no sense did the Throckmortons inhabit a 'recusant bubble'. Family members regularly played leading roles on the national political stage from Sir George Throckmorton's resistance to the break with Rome in the 1530s to Sir Robert George Throckmorton's election as the first English Catholic MP in 1831. Taking a long-term approach the volume charts the strategies employed by various members of the family to allow them to remain politically active and socially influential within a solidly Protestant nation. In so doing it contributes to ongoing attempts to integrate the study of Catholicism into the mainstream of English social and political history transcending its traditional status as a 'special interest' category remote from or subordinate to the central narratives of historical change. It will be particularly welcomed by historians of the sixteenth through to the nineteenth century who increasingly recognise the importance of both Catholicism and anti-Catholicism as central themes in English cultural and political life. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260785

Catholic High Schools and Minority Students The number of minority students many of them not Catholic who have enrolled in Catholic secondary schools is substantial. Since it is reasonable to assume that the cost of tuition in such schools is considerable for a minority family the phenomenon suggests that parents in these families believe that their children will obtain a better education in Catholic secondary schools. The problem of measuring the effect of Catholic secondary schools on minority students is difficult because it is a complex and intricate task to separate family background and student motivation as influences on academic performance from the school's contribution. Here Andrew M. Greeley makes the case that the burden of proof rests on those who contend that family and student motivation are more important than the character of the school. Using a complex analytic technique that includes sophisticated mathematical models Greeley demonstrates that the preponderance of evidence tilts in favor of the school. There appears to be an authentic Catholic school effect attributable to religious order ownership of some schools more regular discipline in the schools and especially to a higher quality of teaching in such schools. The effect of Catholic secondary schools on minority students does not occur among students from well-educated families who have been successful in their previous education experiences but rather among students disadvantaged by race the fact that their parents did not attend college and by their own previous educational experiences. As these schools were originally established at the beginning of the twentieth century to socialize the children of the urban poor their present success with today's urban poor may be due to the fact that these schools are simply doing what they have always done. In a preface written for this new paperback edition of Catholic High Schools and Minority Students Greeley confirms the continued success of Catholic schools based on recent studies despite dissenting voices who wish to attack both private and religious educational institutions. This is an important contribution to the debate on the future of the education of young people in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520103

Catholic Mediations in Southern EuropeThe Invisible Politics of Religion Investigating the role played by religious actors in sociopolitical issues as a manifestation of the invisible politics of religion this book concentrates on the social economy support to migrants the fight against social exclusion and pacifist campaigns where religious actors have played discreet but structuring roles.In the European context politico-religious matters have been reduced in two ways: first a reduction of identity with religion being transformed into a heritage in the form of a minimal sense of belonging; and second the media focus on the most fundamentalist currents within all religions. This book responds by proposing an alternative perspective with a focus on Southern European Catholicism and a comparison between Italian Spanish and French subnational territories. In a period of polarized relations between religion and politics there is a Catholic action repertoire which avoids this binary confrontation and which in contrast is characterized by its mediating dimension. The Catholic mediation repertoire receives little publicity and is expressed in a discreet but structuring way to address different public problems.An important contribution to the literature this book will interest scholars and upper-level students working on religion and politics mediation and peace studies local policy making and comparative approaches to Southern European society and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583019

Catholic Missionaries and Their Work with the PoorMitigating Market-Government Failure in Emerging Nations This book explores the vital role of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in compensating for the market’s and government’s inability to provide vital services. Its key theoretical contribution is the notion that poverty is the result of a triadic failure—when markets government and civil society become dysfunctional at the same time. Using data on Catholic missionaries’ development work this study presents the various ways by which FBOs mitigate market and government failures in healthcare education and social services and in the process build and strengthen civil society.This study has two main objectives. First it aims to present an overview of missionaries’ development work evaluating the socioeconomic significance of their faith-based development work. In addition various comparative advantages and disadvantages have been imputed to FBOs in the religion-development literature and we assess to what extent missionaries actually exhibit these posited qualities in practice. Second the groundwork is laid for future religion-development scholars by presenting a theoretical framework and a method for evaluating the role and contributions of FBOs in the larger community. This is an important investigation of contemporary worldwide Christianity and its relationship with development. As such it will interest scholars of religious studies and missiology as well as development economics public service and the political economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663582

Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern AsiaPatterns of Localization Over recent decades historians have become increasingly interested in early modern Catholic missions in Asia as laboratories of cultural contact. This book builds on recent ground-breaking research on early modern Catholic missions which has shown that missionaries in Asia cooperated with and accommodated the needs of local agents rather than being uncompromising promoters of post-Tridentine doctrine and devotion.  Bringing together some of the most renowned and innovative researchers from Anglophone countries and continental Europe this volume investigates how missionaries’ entanglements with local societies across Asia contributed to processes of localization within the early modern Catholic church. The focus of the volume is on missionaries’ adaptation to four ideal-typical social settings that played an eminent role in early modern Asian missions: (1) the symbolically loaded princely court; (2) the city as a space of especially dense communication; (3) the countryside where missionary presence was only rarely permanent; (4) and the household – a central arena of conversion in early modern Asian societies. Shining a fresh light onto the history of early modern Catholic missions and the early modern Eurasian cultural exchange this will be an important book for any scholar of religious history history of cultural contact/global history and early modern history in Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367028817

Catholic Politics in Europe 1918-1945 The history of Catholic political movements has long been a missing dimension of the history of Europe during the twentieth century. Martin Conway explores the fascinating history of Catholic political movements in Europe between 1918 and 1945 demonstrating the crucial role which Catholics played in the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany the events of the Spanish Civil War and of the Second World War. Drawing on the findings of recent research Conway shows how Catholic political movements formed a vital element of the political life of Europe during the inter-war years. In countries as diverse as France Germany Italy Spain and Austria as well as further east in Poland Slovakia Croatia and Lithuania Catholic political parties flourished. Inspired by the values of Catholicism these movements fought for their own political ideals; hostile to both liberal democracy and totalitarian fascism Catholics were a 'third force' in European politics. During the Second World War Catholic political movements continued to pursue their own goals; some chose to fight alongside the German armies other groups joined Resistance movements to fight against German oppression and for a new social and political order based on Catholic principles. Catholic Politics in Europe will provide an original key point of reference for twentieth century history for comparison with fascist and communist movements of the period and will give insight into the present-day character of Catholicism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138181052

Catholic Reformation in Protestant Britain The survival and revival of Roman Catholicism in post-Reformation Britain remains the subject of lively debate. This volume examines key aspects of the evolution and experience of the Catholic communities of these Protestant kingdoms during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Rejecting an earlier preoccupation with recusants and martyrs it highlights the importance of those who exhibited varying degrees of conformity with the ecclesiastical establishment and explores the moral and political dilemmas that confronted the clergy and laity. It reassesses the significance of the Counter Reformation mission as an evangelical enterprise; analyses its communication strategies and its impact on popular piety; and illuminates how Catholic ritual life creatively adapted itself to a climate of repression. Reacting sharply against the insularity of many previous accounts this book investigates developments in the British Isles in relation to wider international initiatives for the renewal of the Catholic faith in Europe and for its plantation overseas. It emphasises the reciprocal interaction between Catholicism and anti-Catholicism throughout the period and casts fresh light on the nature of interconfessional relations in a pluralistic society. It argues that persecution and suffering paradoxically both constrained and facilitated the resurgence of the Church of Rome. They presented challenges and fostered internal frictions but they also catalysed the process of religious identity formation and imbued English Welsh and Scottish Catholicism with peculiar dynamism. Prefaced by an extensive new historiographical overview this collection brings together a selection of Alexandra Walsham's essays written over the last fifteen years fully revised and updated to reflect recent research in this flourishing field. Collectively these make a major contribution to our understanding of minority Catholicism and the Counter Reformation in the era after the Council of Trent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754657231

Catholic Renewal and Protestant Resistance in Marian England Mary Tudor's reign is regarded as a period where within a short space of time an early modern European state attempted to reverse the religious policy of preceding governments. This required the use of persuasion and coercion of propaganda and censorship as well as the controversial decision to revive an old statute against heresy. The efforts to renew Catholic worship and to revive Catholic education and spirituality were fiercely opposed by a small but determined group of Protestants who sought ways of thwarting the return of Catholicism. The battle between those seeking to renew Catholicism and those determined to resist it raged for the full five years of Mary's reign. This volume brings together eleven authors from different disciplines (English Literature History Divinity and the History of the Book) who explore the different policies undertaken to ensure that Catholicism could flourish once more in England. The safety of the clergy and of the public at the Mass was of paramount importance since sporadic unrest took place early on. Steps were taken to ensure that reformist worship was stopped and that the country re-embraced Catholic practices. This involved a number of short- and long-term plans to be enacted by the regime. These included purging the universities of reformist ideas and ensuring the (re)education of both the laity and the clergy. On a wider scale this was undertaken via the pulpit and the printing press. Those who opposed the return to Catholicism did so by various means. Some retreated into exile while others chose the press to voice their objections as this volume details. The regime's responses to the actions of individuals and to the clandestine texts produced by their opposition come under scrutiny throughout this volume. The work presented here also offers new insight into the role of King Philip and his Spanish advisers. These essays therefore present a detailed assessment of the role of the Spanish who came with to England as a result of the marriage of Philip and Mary. They also move away from the ongoing discussions of 'persecution' seeking rather to present a more nuanced understanding of the regime's attempts to renew and revive a nation of worshippers and to eradicate the disease of heresy. They also look at the ways those attempts were opposed by individuals at home and abroad thereby providing a broad-ranging but detailed assessment of both Catholic renewal and Protestant resistance during the years 1553-1558. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754661627

Catholic Resistance in Elizabethan EnglandRobert Persons's Jesuit Polemic 1580–1610 During his lifetime the Jesuit priest Robert Persons (1546-1610) was arguably the leading figure fighting for the re-establishment of Catholicism in England. Whilst his colleague Edmund Campion may now be better known it was Persons's tireless efforts that kept the Jesuit mission alive during the difficult days of Elizabeth's reign. In this new study Person's life and phenomenal literary output are analysed and put into the broader context of recent Catholic scholarship. The book bridges the gap between historical studies on the one hand and literary studies on the other by concentrating on Persons's contribution as a writer to the polemical culture of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. As well as discussing his wider achievements as leader of the English Jesuits - founding three seminaries for English priests corresponding regularly with Catholic activists in England writing over thirty books holding the post of rector of the English College in Rome and being a trusted consultant to the papacy on English affairs - this study looks in detail at what is arguably his greatest legacy The First Booke of the Christian Exercise (more commonly known as the Book of Resolution). That book first published in 1582 was to prove the cornerstone of Persons's missionary effort and a popular work of Catholic devotion running to several editions over the coming years. Although Persons was ultimately unsuccessful in his ambition to return England to the Catholic fold the story of his life and works reveals much about the ecclesiastical struggle that gripped early modern Europe. By providing a thorough and up-to-date reassessment of Persons this study not only makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the polemical context of post-Reformation Catholicism but also of the Jesuit notion of the 'apostolate of writing'. This book is published in conjunction with the Jesuit Historical Institute series 'Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571058

Catholic Shrines in Chennai IndiaThe politics of renewal and apostolic legacy Though proportionally small India's Christians are a populous and significant minority. Focussing on various Roman Catholic churches and shrines located in Chennai a large city in South India where activities concerning saintal revival and shrinal development have taken place in the recent past this book investigates the phenomenon of Catholic renewal in India. The author tracks the changing local significance of St. Thomas the Apostle who according to local legend was martyred and buried in Chennai and details the efforts of the Church hierarchy in Chennai to bring about a revival of devotion to St. Thomas. Insodoing the book considers Indian Catholic identity Indian Christian indigeneity and Hindu nationalism as well as the marketing of St. Thomas and Catholicism within South India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367882112

Catholic Social Teaching and Theologies of Peace in Northern IrelandCardinal Cahal Daly and the Pursuit of the Peaceable Kingdom This book investigates the response of the Catholic Church in Northern Ireland to the conflict in the region during the late Twentieth Century. It does so through the prism of the writings of Cardinal Cahal Daly (1917-2009) the only member of the hierarchy to serve as a bishop throughout the entire conflict.   This book uses the prolific writings of Cardinal Daly to create a vision of the ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ and demonstrate how Catholic social teaching has been used to promote peace justice and nonviolence. It also explores the public role of the Catholic Church in situations of violence and conflict as well as the importance for national churches in developing a voice in the public square.Finally the book offers a reflection on the role of Catholic social teaching in contemporary society and the ways in which the lessons of Northern Ireland can be utilised in a world where structural violence as evidenced by austerity and reactions to Brexit in the United Kingdom is now the norm. This work challenges and changes the nature of the debate surrounding the role of the Catholic Church in the conflict in Northern Ireland. It will therefore be a key resource for scholars of Religious Studies Catholic Theology Religion and Violence Peace Studies and Twentieth Century History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367459161

Catholic Social Thought and Liberal InstitutionsFreedom with Justice Increasingly the religious leaders of the world are addressing problems of political economy expressing concern about the poor. But will their efforts actually help the poor? Or harm them? Much depends Michael Novak asserts upon what kind of institutions are constructed that is upon realism and practicality.His thesis may be simply stated: Although the Catholic Church during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries set itself against liberalism as an ideology it has slowly come to admire liberal institutions such as democracy and free markets. Between the Catholic vision of social justice and liberal institutions Novak argues there is a profound consonance (but not identity). Both celebrate realism respect for institutions and prudence or practical wisdom. The Catholic tradition adds to liberal individualism a strong communitarian sense.This book was first published in 1984 as Freedom with Justice. This new edition adds both a lengthy introduction carrying forward the original argument and a long concluding chapter on Pope John Paul IPs controversial new encyclical of early 1988 Sollicitudo Rei Socialis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520110

Catholicism and NationalismChanging Nature of Party Politics This book addresses the adaptation of nationalism to the sharing of sovereignty with other nations in supranational arrangements beyond the state or with nations and nationalities within the state. It compares two cases Poland and Spain where the outcome of this processes of transformation differed: whereas in Spain a unified right wing partially reconciled Spain with the Catalonian Basque and Galician nationalisms in Poland the right wing was structured around two opposed conceptions of Polish nationalism and their relation to other nations. The book relates the transformation of nationalism in Poland and Spain where the national and religious identity was closely interconnected with the interaction between the Catholic Church and the political regimes in the second part of the 20th century. Catholicism and Nationalism argues that the decision of the Polish hierarchy to mobilize National Catholicism as a political identity in the early years of democracy had a lasting impact on the shape of the right wing and ultimately also on the consolidation of an introverted nationalism skeptical of European integration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415793674

Catholicism in Modern ItalyReligion Society and Politics since 1861 John Pollard's book surveys the relationship between Catholicism and the process of change in Italy from Unification to the present day. Central to the book is the complex set of relationships between traditional religion and the forces of change. In a broad sweep Catholicism in Modern Italy looks at the cultural social political and economic aspects of the Catholic church and its relationship to the different experiences across Italy over this dramatic period of change and 'modernisation'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415758376

Catholicism TodayAn Introduction to the Contemporary Catholic Church Catholics are not Christians. They worship Mary. They do whatever the pope says. They cannot divorce. They eat fish on Fridays. These flawed but common statements reflect a combined ignorance of and fascination with Catholicism and the Catholic Church. Catholicism Today: An Introduction to the Contemporary Catholic Church aims to familiarize its readers with contemporary Catholicism. The book is designed to address common misconceptions and frequently-asked questions regarding the Church its teachings and the lived experience of Catholics in modern societies worldwide. Opening with a concise historical overview of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular the text explores the core beliefs and rituals that define Catholicism in practice the organization of the Church and the Catholic calendar as well as the broad question of what it means to be Catholic in a variety of cultural contexts. The book ends with a discussion of the challenges facing the Church both now and in the coming decades. Also included are two short appendices on Eastern Catholicism and Catholicism in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415719438

Catholicity and Heresy in the Early Church While it has often been recognised that the development of Christian orthodoxy was stimulated by the speculations of those who are now called heretics it is still widely assumed that their contribution was merely catalytic that they called forth the exposition of what the main church already believed but had not yet been required to formulate. This book maintains that scholars have underrated the constructive role of these "heretical" speculations in the evolution of dogma showing that salient elements in the doctrines of the fall the Trinity and the union of God and man in Christ derive from teachings that were initially rejected by the main church. Mark Edwards also reveals how authors who epitomised orthodoxy in their own day sometimes favoured teachings which were later considered heterodox and that their doctrines underwent radical revision before they became a fixed element of orthodoxy. The first half of the volume discusses the role of Gnostic theologians in the formation of catholic thought; the second half will offer an unfashionable view of the controversies which gave rise to the councils of Nicaea Ephesus and Chalcedon . Many of the theories advanced here have not been broached elsewhere and no synthesis on this scale had been attempted by other scholars. While this book proposes a revision in the scholarly perception of early Christendom it also demonstrates the essential unity of the tradition. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260778

Catholics Conflicts and ChoicesAn Exploration of Power Relations in the Catholic Church Many Catholics today are disenchanted with the Church's continuing distrust of women and laity. But despite this widespread dissatisfaction traditional power relations have hardly changed over the last century. "Catholics Conflicts and Choices" presents detailed interviews with lay people priests Sisters and Christian Brothers each discussing their personal struggles with church teachings and practices. The conversations are selected to illustrate different experiences of power relations - particularly different aspects of gender dynamics - within the organisational structures of the Church. The interviews are examined within a framework of feminist sociological and psychological theory. "Catholics Conflicts and Choices" reveals how despite a long history of challenging official notions of authority and obedience and assumptions about intimate relationships there is little potential for change if the established power relations of the Church are not confronted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380134

Catholics and Everyday Life in MacauChanging Meanings of Religiosity Morality and Civility Catholicism has had an important place in Macau since the earliest days of Portuguese colonization in the sixteenth century. This book based on extensive original research including in-depth interviews examines in detail the everyday life of Catholics in Macau at present. It outlines the tremendous societal pressures which Macau is currently undergoing – sovereignty handover and its consequences the growth of casinos and tourism and the transformation of a serene and somewhat obscure colony into a vibrantly developing city. It shows how although the formal structures of Catholicism no longer share in rule by the colonial power and although formal religious observance is declining nevertheless the personal piety and ethical religious outlook of individual Catholics continue to be strong and have a huge and possibly increasing impact on public life through the application of personal religious ethics to issues of human rights and social justice and in the fields of education and social services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367183158

Cathy Berberian: Pioneer of Contemporary Vocality Cathy Berberian (1925-1983) was a vocal performance artist singer and composer who pioneered a way of composing with the voice in the musical worlds of Europe North America and beyond. As a modernist muse for many avant-garde composers Cathy Berberian went on to embody the principles of postmodern thinking in her work through vocality. She re-defined the limits of composition and challenged theories of the authorship of the musical score. This volume celebrates her unorthodox path through musical landscapes including her approach to performance practice gender performativity vocal pedagogy and the culturally-determined borders of art music the concert stage the popular LP and the opera industry of her times. The collection features primary documentation-some published in English for the first time-of Berberian’s engagement with the philosophy of voice new music early music pop jazz vocal experimentation and technology that has come to influence the next generation of singers such as Theo Bleckmann Susan Botti Joan La Barbara Rinde Eckert Meredith Monk Carol Plantamura Candace Smith and Pamela Z. Hence this timely anthology marks an end to the long period of silence about Cathy Berberian’s championing of a radical rethinking of the musical past through a reclaiming of the voice as a multifaceted phenomenon. With a Foreword by Susan McClary. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367669294

CATIA V5 FEA Tutorials Release 21 The objective of this tutorial book is to expose the reader to the basic FEA capabilities in CATIA V5 Release 21. The chapters are designed to be independent of each other allowing the user to pick specific topics without the need to go through the previous chapters. However the best strategy to learn is to sequentially cover the chapters. In this workbook the parts created in CATIA are simple enough they can be modeled with minimal knowledge of this powerful software. The reason behind the simplicity is not to burden the reader with the CAD aspects of the package. However it is assumed that the user is familiar with CATIA V5 Release 21 interface and basic utilities such as pan zoom and rotation. The tutorials are based on release 21; however other releases can also be used with minor changes. Typically the differences are not even noticed by a beginner. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585037643

CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design & Animation Release 20 CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Releases 20 is composed of several tutorial style lessons. This book is intended to be used as a training guide for those who have a basic familiarity with part and assembly modeling in CATIA V5 Release 20 wishing to create and simulate the motion of mechanisms within CATIA Digital Mock Up (DMU). The tutorials are written so as to provide a hands-on look at the process of creating an assembly developing the assembly into a mechanism and simulating the motion of the mechanism in accordance with some time based inputs. The processes of generating movie files and plots of the kinematic results are covered. The majority of the common joint types are covered. Students majoring in engineering/technology designers using CATIA V5 in industry and practicing engineers can easily follow the book and develop a sound yet practical understanding of simulating mechanisms in DMU. The chapters of CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Release 20 are designed to be used independent of each other allowing the user to pick specific topics of interest without having to go through the pervious chapters. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585036523

CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design & Animation Release 21 V5 Release 21 wishing to create and simulate the motion of mechanisms within CATIA Digital Mock Up (DMU). The tutorials are written so as to provide a hands-on look at the process of creating an assembly developing the assembly into a mechanism and simulating the motion of the mechanism in accordance with some time based inputs. The processes of generating movie files and plots of the kinematic results are covered. The majority of the common joint types are covered. Students majoring in engineering/technology designers using CATIA V5 in industry and practicing engineers can easily follow the book and develop a sound yet practical understanding of simulating mechanisms in DMU. The chapters of CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Release 21 are designed to be used independent of each other allowing the user to pick specific topics of interest without having to go through the previous chapters. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585037629

CATIA V5 Workbook Release V5-6 R2013 This workbook is an introduction to the main Workbench functions CATIA V5 has to offer. The book's objective is to instruct anyone who wants to learn CATIA V5 through organized graphically rich step-by-step instructions on the software's basic processes and tools. This book is not intended to be a reference guide. The lessons in this workbook present basic real life design problems along with the workbenches toolbars and tools required to solve these problems. Each lesson is presented with step-by-step instructions. Although most of the steps are detailed for the beginner the steps and processes are numbered and bolded so the more experienced user can go directly to the subject area of interest. Each lesson consists of an introduction objectives an introduction to the workbench and toolbars used in the lesson step-by-step instructions and concludes with a summary. Review questions and additional practice exercises are at the end of each lesson. The workbenches covered in this workbook are Sketcher Part Design Drafting Assembly Design Generative Shape Design DMU Navigator and Rendering/Real Time Rendering Knowledgeware Kinematics and Generative Structural Analysis. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585038367

Cation Binding by MacrocyclesComplexation of Cationic Species by Crown Ethers This reference details the theory and application of cation complexation including the design and synthesis of various cyclic systems these materials' use as transport systems in complexation and selectivity studies by macrocyclic systems and methodologies for understanding these phenomena. In a Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138893

Cationic SurfactantsAnalytical and Biological Evaluation This work focuses on the environmental availability and effects toxicological properties and numerous applications of cationic surfactants detaling the modern analytical processes by which this important class of compounds may be studied. It discusses the types of microorganisms that are susceptible or refractory to the actions of cationic agents. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402082

Cattle and Sheep MedicineSelf-Assessment Color Review The new edition of Cattle and Sheep Medicine incorporates over 250 new clinical cases divided equally between cattle and sheep. The cases appear randomly to reflect real life practice and are presented as a set of integrated questions photographs and detailed explanatory answers—to educate and not just to test. New images have been added for all cases and multiple choice questions are included for revision purposes. This second edition covers important clinical features of a range of common diseases of ruminants encountered in first opinion practice in a problem-based format. The book also contains many diseases not featured in the former edition. While common diseases are also again featured the situations have been changed to mimic general practice as a disease does not always manifest with the same clinical features. The diagnosis and treatment regimens described are those used by the author over the past 38 years in commercial large animal practice. They acknowledge the time and financial restrictions that occur in many situations but require no specialised facilities or equipment. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498747370

Cattle Medicine With the aid of a large number of unique high quality images this book describes the important diseases of cattle encountered by veterinarians in general and farm animal practice. The book covers diagnosis treatment prognosis and control. Wherever possible sequential images are used to take the reader through all stages of the disease process highlighting clinical features important in the diagnosis. The chapters are arranged by body system and where appropriate there is a suggested approach to clinical examination. The authors combine their experience of bovine medicine and surgery from working in general practice and in teaching and research at a university referral hospital. The book is intended as a reference for veterinary educators and practitioners in farm animal medicine and as a textbook for veterinary students in their clinical years. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781840761276

Caught in the CrossfireKids Politics and America's Future Caught in the Crossfire reveals how the United States has been gradually changing from a society that celebrates childhood into one that is hostile to and afraid of its own children. Today kids are often seen as a threat to our social and moral values. In schools some behavior is criminalized and growing numbers of kids find themselves in penal and psychiatric confinement. This breakdown is often too readily attributed to bad parenting the crisis of the family or the greed of capitalism. Grossberg offers a new and original understanding of the changes transforming contemporary America and of the choices Americans face about their future. He documents the relations between economic ideologies and economic realities and explores what is going on in the "culture wars" as well as on the Internet and other new media. Caught in the Crossfire argues that all of these changes and tn struggles including those involving the state of kids only make sense as integral parts of a larger transformation to define America's uniqueness and to develop its own sense of modern culture. Part of the Cultural Politics and the Promise of Democracy Series. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635675

Causal Analysis in Biomedicine and EpidemiologyBased on Minimal Sufficient Causation "Provides current models tools and examples for the formulation and evaluation of scientific hypotheses in causal terms. Introduces a new method of model parametritization. Illustrates structural equations and graphical elements for complex causal systems." Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367396749

Causal Models in Experimental Designs This is a companion volume to Causal Models in the Social Sciences the majority of articles concern panel designs involving repeated measurements while a smaller cluster involve discussions of how experimental designs may be improved by more explicit attention to causal models. All of the papers are concerned with complications that may occur in actual research designs- as compared with idealized ones that often become the basis of textbook discussions of design issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520127

Causal Models in the Social Sciences Causal models are formal theories stating the relationships between precisely defined variables and have become an indispensable tool of the social scientist. This collection of articles is a course book on the causal modeling approach to theory construction and data analysis. H. M. Blalock Jr. summarizes the then-current developments in causal model utilization in sociology political science economics and other disciplines. This book provides a comprehensive multidisciplinary picture of the work on causal models. It seeks to address the problem of measurement in the social sciences and to link theory and research through the development of causal models.Organized into five sections (Simple Recursive Models Path Analysis Simultaneous Equations Techniques The Causal Approach to Measurement Error and Other Complications) this volume contains twenty-seven articles (eight of which were specially commissioned). Each section begins with an introduction explaining the concepts to be covered in the section and links them to the larger subject. It provides a general overview of the theory and application of causal modeling.Blalock argues for the development of theoretical models that can be operationalized and provide verifiable predictions. Many of the discussions of this subject that occur in other literature are too technical for most social scientists and other scholars who lack a strong background in mathematics. This book attempts to integrate a few of the less technical papers written by econometricians such as Koopmans Wold Strotz and Fisher with discussions of causal approaches in the social and biological sciences. This classic text by Blalock is a valuable source of material for those interested in the issue of measurement in the social sciences and the construction of mathematical models. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520134

Causal PhysicsPhotons by Non-Interactions of Waves Causal Physics: Photons by Non Interactions of Waves redefines the mathematical Superposition Principle as an operational Superposition Effect; which is the measurable physical transformation experienced by a detector due to stimulations induced by multiple waves simultaneously acting on the detecting dipoles. This light-matter interaction process driven model emerges naturally by incorporating the observed properties Non-Interaction of Waves (NIW) and quantized photo detectors needing to fill up their "quantum-cups" with the required quantity of energy from all the stimulating waves around it. By not incorporating this NIW-property explicitly quantum mechanics failed to extract various embedded realities in the theory while incorporated unnecessary hypotheses like wave-particle duality. The book utilizes this NIW-property to explain all the major optical phenomena (diffraction spectrometry coherence.) without using any self-contradictory hypotheses that are prevalent now. The book redefines the old ether (constituting the space) as a stationary Complex Tension Field (CTF) holding all the energy of the universe (no need for Dark Energy of Dark Matter). CTF sustains perpetually propagating EM waves as its linear excitations and the particles as self-looped localized resonant non-linear excitations. Tensions are identified by Maxwell then the velocities of emitting and detecting atoms through the CTF contribute to the Doppler shifts separately. This calls for re-visiting physical processes behind Hubble Redshift and hence Expanding Universe. The success of the book derives from a novel thinking strategy of visualizing the invisible interaction processes named as Interaction Process Mapping Epistemology (IPM-E). This is over and above the prevailing strategy of Measurable Data Modeling Epistemology (MDM-E). The approach inspires the next generation of physicists to recognizing that the "foundation of the edifice of physics" has not yet been finalized. IPM-E will stimulate more of us to become technology innovators by learning to emulate the ontologically real physical processes in nature and become more evolution congruent. Critical thinkers without expertise in optical science and engineering will appreciate the value of the content by reading the book backward starting from Ch.12; which explains the critical thinking methodology besides giving a very brief summary of the contents in the previous chapters. Establishes that abandoning the wave-particle-duality actually allows us to extract more realities out of quantum mechanics. Illustrates how the discovery of the NIW-property profoundly impacts several branches of fundamental physics including Doppler effect and hence the cosmological red shift Summarizes that many ad hoc hypotheses from physics can be removed a la Occam’s razor while improving the reality and comprehension of some of the current working theories Demonstrates that our persistent attempts to restore causality in physical theories will be guided by our capability to visualize the invisible light matter interaction processes that are behind the emergence of all measurable data Draws close attention to the invisible but ontological interaction processes behind various optical phenomena so we can emulate them more efficiently and knowledgably in spite of limitations of our theories Designed as a reference book for general physics and philosophy this optical science and engineering book is an ideal resource for optical engineers physicists and those working with modern optical equipment and high precision instrumentation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073326

Causality Probability and Medicine Why is understanding causation so important in philosophy and the sciences? Should causation be defined in terms of probability? Whilst causation plays a major role in theories and concepts of medicine little attempt has been made to connect causation and probability with medicine itself. Causality Probability and Medicine is one of the first books to apply philosophical reasoning about causality to important topics and debates in medicine. Donald Gillies provides a thorough introduction to and assessment of competing theories of causality in philosophy including action-related theories causality and mechanisms and causality and probability. Throughout the book he applies them to important discoveries and theories within medicine such as germ theory; tuberculosis and cholera; smoking and heart disease; the first ever randomized controlled trial designed to test the treatment of tuberculosis; the growing area of philosophy of evidence-based medicine; and philosophy of epidemiology. This book will be of great interest to students and researchers in philosophy of science and philosophy of medicine as well as those working in medicine nursing and related health disciplines where a working knowledge of causality and probability is required. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138829305

Causality and Chance in Modern Physics In this classic David Bohm was the first to offer us his causal interpretation of the quantum theory. Causality and Chance in Modern Physics continues to make possible further insight into the meaning of the quantum theory and to suggest ways of extending the theory into new directions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151550

Causality and Modern Science The causal problem has become topical once again. While we are no longer causalists or believers in the universal truth of the causal principle we continue to think of causes and effects as well as of causal and noncausal relations among them. Instead of becoming indeterminists we have enlarged determinism to include noncausal categories. And we are still in the process of characterizing our basic concepts and principles concerning causes and effects with the help of exact tools. This is because we want to explain not just describe the ways of things. The causal principle is not the only means of understanding the world but it is one of them.The demand for a fourth edition of this distinguished book on the subject of causality is clear evidence that this principle continues to be an important and popular area of philosophic enquiry. Non-technical and clearly written this book focuses on the ontological problem of causality with specific emphasis on the place of the causal principle in modern science. Mario Bunge first defines the terminology employed and describes various formulations of the causal principle. He then examines the two primary critiques of causality the empiricist and the romantic as a prelude to the detailed explanation of the actual assertions of causal determinism.Bunge analyzes the function of the causal principle in science touching on such subjects as scientific law scientific explanation and scientific prediction. In so doing he offers an education to layman and specialist alike on the history of a concept and its opponents. Professor William A. Wallace author of Causality and Scientific Explanation said of an earlier edition of this work: "I regard it as a truly seminal work in this field." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520141

Causation Evidence and Inference In this book Reiss argues in favor of a tight fit between evidence concept and purpose in our causal investigations in the sciences. There is no doubt that the sciences employ a vast array of techniques to address causal questions such as controlled experiments randomized trials statistical and econometric tools causal modeling and thought experiments. But how do these different methods relate to each other and to the causal inquiry at hand? Reiss argues that there is no "gold standard" in settling causal issues against which other methods can be measured. Rather the various methods of inference tend to be good only relative to certain interpretations of the word "cause" and each interpretation in turn helps to address some salient purpose (prediction explanation or policy analysis) but not others. The main objective of this book is to explore the metaphysical and methodological consequences of this view in the context of numerous cases studies from the natural and social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815371984

Causation Freedom and DeterminismAn Attempt to Solve the Causal Problem Through a Study of its Origins in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy This book first published in 1936 divides into roughly two parts: a re-examination of historical material; and a positive theory of causation suggested by the results of this re-examination. The historical study discloses an ambiguity in the meanings of causation and determinism; it discloses also that this ambiguity is transferred to the meaning of freedom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138635081

Causation and Cognition in Early Modern Philosophy This book re-examines the roles of causation and cognition in early modern philosophy. The standard historical narrative suggests that early modern thinkers abandoned Aristotelian models of formal causation in favor of doctrines that appealed to relations of efficient causation between material objects and cognizers. This narrative has been criticized in recent scholarship from at least two directions. Scholars have emphasized that we should not think of the Aristotelian tradition in such monolithic terms and that many early modern thinkers did not unequivocally reduce all causation to efficient causation.In line with this general approach this book features original essays written by leading experts in early modern philosophy. It is organized around five guiding questions: What are the entities involved in causal processes leading to cognition? What type(s) or kind(s) of causality are at stake? Are early modern thinkers confined to efficient causation or do other types of causation play a role? What is God's role in causal processes leading to cognition? How do cognitive causal processes relate to other non-cognitive causal processes? Is the causal process in the case of human cognition in any way special? How does it relate to processes involved in the case of non-human cognition? The essays explore how fifteen early modern thinkers answered these questions: Francisco Suárez René Descartes Louis de la Forge Géraud de Cordemoy Nicolas Malebranche Thomas Hobbes Baruch de Spinoza Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Ralph Cudworth Margaret Cavendish John Locke John Sergeant George Berkeley David Hume and Thomas Reid. The volume is unique in that it explores both well-known and understudied historical figures and in that it emphasizes the intimate relationship between causation and cognition to open up new perspectives on early modern philosophy of mind and metaphysics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138505346

Causation and Explanation What is the nature of causation? How is causation linked with explanation? And can there be an adequate theory of explanation? These questions and many others are addressed in this unified and rigorous examination of the philosophical problems surrounding causation laws and explanation. Part 1 of this book explores Hume's views on causation theories of singular causation and counterfactual and mechanistic approaches. Part 2 considers the regularity view of laws and laws as relations among universals as well as recent alternative approaches to laws. Part 3 examines the issues arising from deductive-nomological explanation statistical explanation the explanation of laws and the metaphysics of explanation. Accessible to readers of all levels this book provides an excellent introduction to one of the most enduring problems of philosophy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315710716

Causation and Functionalism in Sociology First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888699

Causation and Modern Philosophy This volume brings together a collection of new essays by leading scholars on the subject of causation in the early modern period from Descartes to Lady Mary Shepherd. Aimed at researchers graduate students and advanced undergraduates the volume advances the understanding of early modern discussions of causation and situates these discussions in the wider context of early modern philosophy and science. Specifically the volume contains essays on key early modern thinkers such as Descartes Hobbes Spinoza Leibniz Hume Kant. It also contains essays that examine the important contributions to the causation debate of less widely discussed figures including Louis la Forge Thomas Brown and Lady Mary Shepherd. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809741

Causation and Universals The world contains objective causal relations and universals both of which are intimately connected. If these claims are true they must have far-reaching consequences breathing new life into the theory of empirical knowledge and reinforcing epistemological realism. Without causes and universals Professor Fales argues realism is defeated and idealism or scepticism wins. Fales begins with a detailed analysis of David Hume's argument that we have no direct experience of necessary connections between events concluding that Hume was mistaken on this fundamental point. Then adopting the view of Armstrong and others that causation is grounded in a second-order relation between universals he explores a range of topics for which the resulting analysis of causation has systematic implications. In particular causal identity conditions for physical universals are proposed which generate a new argument for Platonism. The nature of space and time is discussed with arguments against backward causation and for the view that space and time can exist independently of matter or causal process. Many of Professor Fales's conclusions seem to run counter to received opinion among contemporary empiricists. Yet his method is classically empiricist in spirit and a chief motive for these metaphysical explorations is epistemological. The final chapters investigate the perennial question of whether an empiricist internalist and foundational epistemology can support scientific realism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138969988

Causation in Educational Research Calls to understand ‘what works’ in education are being made the world over. We need to know not only ‘what works’ but under what conditions how and why. Causation is central to this. Researchers educationists readers and users of research need to know the effects of causes and the causes of effects. This strongly practical book helps researchers and readers of research understand plan and investigate causation in education. It guides readers through statistical matters explaining them clearly and simply in words as well as numbers and shows them how to investigate qualitative causal research in education. After introducing deterministic and probabilistic causation the book shows how these can be researched in different ways. It explains: how to determine causes from effects and how to link theory and practice in causal research how to plan and conduct causal research in education how to analyze present and interpret causal data and the limits of causal understanding. Containing worked examples from both qualitative and quantitative research Causation in Educational Research provides a manual for practice underpinned by a rigorous analysis of key issues from philosophy sociology and psychology. It will appeal to new and established researchers readers of educational research social science students and academics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203518960

Causation in Insurance Contract Law Causation is a crucial and complex issue in ascertaining whether a particular loss or damage is covered in an insurance policy or in a tort claim and is an issue that cannot be escaped. Therefore this unique book will assist practitioners in answering one of the most important questions in the handling of their insurance and tort claims. Through extensive case law analysis this book scrutinises the causation theory in marine insurance and non-marine insurance law and provides a comparative study on the causation test in tort law. In addition the author expertly applies causation questions in concrete scenarios and ultimately this book provides a single volume solution to a very complex but essential question of insurance law and tort law. Causation in Insurance Contract Law also comes with a foreword written by Professor Robert Merkin. This book will be an invaluable guide for insurance industry professionals as well as legal practitioners academics and students in the fields of insurance and tort law.     Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780415704564

Causation in Law and Medicine Causation is an issue that is fundamental in both law and medicine as well as the interface between the two disciplines. It is vital for the resolution of a great many disputes in court concerning personal injuries medical negligence criminal law and coronial issues as well as in the provision of both diagnoses and treatment in medicine. This book offers a vital analysis of issues such as causation in law and medicine issues of causal responsibility agency and harm in criminal law causation in forensic medicine scientific and statistical approaches to causation proof of cause influence and effect and causal responsibility in tort law. Including contributions from a number of distinguished doctors lawyers and scientists it will be of great interest and value to academics and practitioners alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258303

Causatives and CausationA Universal -typological perspective Causatives and Causation is the first comprehensive study of causative constructions found in the world's languages. This important new research based on a data base of more than 600 languages not only investigates fully the richness and variety of causative types but also presents an alternative perspective to the traditional typological approach. The new typology enables a better understanding of how the human mind cognizes causation and how this is reflected in language. Causatives and Causation is also an important attempt to integrate language typology with diachrony by constructing a diachronic model of causative affixes on the basis of this new typology. Drawing on the theoretical insight of Role and Reference Grammar this book provides a case study of the causative constructions in Korean providing additional support for both the proposed new typology and the diachronic model. It also examines the pragmatic foundations of causatives an important but previously unexplored area of study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160866

Cause Effect and Control of Accidental Loss with Accident Investigation Kit Accident: an undesired event that results in loss. Most people give little thought to accidents or their prevention. Health and safety professionals face this challenge and its associated costs and losses both human and financial every day. Cause Effect and Control of Accidental Loss with Accident Investigation Kit provides the tools you need for accident prevention in the workplace and during off-site company activities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455507

Cause Related Marketing Cause Related Marketing's time has come. Consumers are demanding greater accountability and responsibility from corporations. In an environment where price and quality are increasingly equal; where reputation and standing for something beyond the functional benefits of a product or service is all brands are constantly competing for customer loyalty and consumer attention. 'Cause Related Marketing' is one of the most exciting areas in marketing today which benefits both business and society. 'Cause Related Marketing': * positions Cause Related Marketing in the context of marketing corporate social responsibility and corporate community investment.* explores who cares and why providing research analysis into corporate and consumer attitudes both in the UK and internationally.* uses The Business in the Community Cause Related Marketing Guidelines written by Sue Adkins and introduced by HRH The Prince of Wales providing an in depth exploration of the key principles and processes that go towards creating excellence in Cause Related Marketing.* includes vignettes and in depth case studies to provide illustrations of Cause Related Marketing through a spectrum of examples both national and international. Sue Adkins Director of the Business in the Community's Cause Related Marketing Campaign is acknowledged as an international expert. She is recognised as having put Cause Related Marketing on the map in the UK and leading the drive to establish Cause Related Marketing as an increasingly legitimate part of the marketing mix in the UK. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138136427

Causes and Consequences of DemocratizationThe regions of Russia In recent decades the regions of Russia have taken different paths of regime transition. Despite the consolidation of an autocratic regime at national level and the centralization steered by Vladimir Putin’s government the variation across sub-national regimes persists. Using an innovative theoretical framework this book explores both causes and consequences of democratization in the regions of Russia. It is the first study in the field to systematically integrate structural and agency approaches in order to account for economic social historical and international causes of democratization and to trace its consequences. By focusing on the challenging and under-studied topic of sub-national regimes the book provides a unique perspective on regime transition and the new theoretical framework contributes to a better understanding of democratization world-wide. The book will be of key interest to scholars and students of democratization sub-national regimes East European politics comparative politics post-communism and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138504974

Causes And Consequences Of Map Generalization This text describes late-1990s understanding of map generalisation in the context of paper maps and GIS. Its particular value should be in helping to further automate and measure the process of map generalisation.; The research has concentrated on quantifying generalisation effects and on analysing how these effects of generalisation locked into the maps were measured. Elsa Joao's book covers the background to the problems of map generlasation; the methodology developed by the author to investigate the consequences of the map generalisation; a detailed description of results and a conclusion that draws together consequences for the broader applications to GIS. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003062752

Causes and Consequences of Nuclear Proliferation This book offers valuable insights into the causes and consequences of nuclear proliferation. Through the development of new datasets and the application of cutting edge research methods contributors to this volume significantly advance the frontiers of research on nuclear weapons. Essays in this volume address why states acquire nuclear weapons why they engage in nuclear cooperation and also explore the relationship between nuclear weapons possession and a variety of security and diplomatic consequences. In addition to accelerating the development of an empirical research agenda the chapters combine to form a coherent storyline that shows nuclear technology and capabilities have been under appreciated as a cause of proliferation in recent scholarly literature. For scholars and practitioners alike there is a strategic logic to nuclear assistance that is essential to understand. Moreover several of the essays show that the consequences of nuclear proliferation are more complex than is conventionally understood. Nuclear weapons can have both stabilizing and destabilizing effects. Nuclear weapons may simultaneously cause their owners to become more influential more successful in the wars they choose to fight and to have less intense conflicts when these conflicts occur. This book will be of much interest to students of arms control and nuclear proliferation war and conflict studies security studies and IR. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415723978

Causes and Consequences of Word Structure First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415861403

Causes of Delinquency In Causes of Delinquency Hirschi attempts to state and test a theory of delinquency seeing in the delinquent a person relatively free of the intimate attachments the aspirations and the moral beliefs that bind most people to a life within the law. In prominent alternative theories the delinquent appears either as a frustrated striver forced into delinquency by his acceptance of the goals common to us all or as an innocent foreigner attempting to obey the rules of a society that is not in position to make the law or define conduct as good or evil. Hirschi analyzes a large body of data on delinquency collected in Western Contra Costa County California contrasting throughout the assumptions of the strain control and cultural deviance theories. He outlines the assumptions of these theories and discusses the logical and empirical difficulties attributed to each of them. Then draws from sources an outline of social control theory the theory that informs the subsequent analysis and which is advocated here.Often listed as a "Citation Classic " Causes of Delinquency retains its force and cogency with age. It is an important volume and a necessary addition to the libraries of sociologists criminologists scholars and students in the area of delinquency. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520158

Causes of Photooxidative Stress and Amelioration of Defense Systems in Plants In an attempt to improve communication between disciplines in this field we have aimed to cover what we perceive to be all relevant aspects of photooxidative stress: from primary reactions to molecular genetics and the devising of strategies for engineering stress tolerance in plants. We hope to achieve a forum for new ideas concepts and approaches. The intellectual challenge also arose because we wished to produce a work that was accessible to both specialist and nonspecialist. We have encouraged our authors to provide personal perspectives of their topics while discussing them in depth. To this end the nonspecialist will find that some chapters include relatively simple introductions and conclusions e.g. Foyer and Harbinson (Chapter 1); Gressel and Galun (Chapter 10). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891354

Cautionary TalesYoung People Crime and Policing in Edinburgh Juvenile crime makes headlines. It is the stock-in-trade of politicians and pundits. But young people are also the victims of crime. They too have demands to make of the police. Drawing upon survey and interview research with 11 to 15 year-olds in Edinburgh this book examines how crime impacts upon young people’s everyday lives. It reveals that young people experience far more serious problems as victims and witnesses of crime than they cause as offenders. It shows that they report little of their experiences of crime to the police and are left to find their own ways of managing risk such as telling cautionary tales about dangerous people and places. The study concludes by examining young people's relations with the police suggesting they are over-controlled as suspects and under-protected as victims. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138253360

Cavalier Giovanni Battista BuonamenteFranciscan Violinist Giovanni Battista Buonamente was among the most original and inventive Italian composers of the seventeenth century. Peter Allsop reveals his importance as part of a tradition that stands in direct antithesis to that of the Corellian sonata today regarded as the 'norm'. This development is traced in a series of likely teacher-pupil relationships from Salamone Rossi to Marco Uccellini the most prolific Italian composers of instrumental ensemble music in the first half of the seventeenth century. The first half of the book sets out what is known of Buonamente's turbulent career as he moved from the courtly environments of the Gonzaga household and Habsburg court to several less auspicious posts at various religious institutions ending his life as maestro di cappella at the mother house of his order S. Francesco in Assisi. A fascinating picture emerges of the nature of musical patronage against a background of war and plague in this time of great political instability. The later chapters comprise detailed discussions supported with over 100 music examples of the unusually wide range of genres for which Buonamente wrote: sinfonias free sonatas sets of variations canzonas dances; and he was the first Italian to cultivate the ensemble suite to any extent. The book concludes with an examination of his influence on his probable pupil Marco Uccellini and the interest Buonamente instigated in canonic writing which was passed via Uccellini to a succession of Modenese composers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138279865

Cave and Worship in Ancient GreeceNew Approaches to Landscape and Ritual Cave and Worship in Ancient Greece brings together a series of stimulating chapters contributing to the archaeology and our modern understanding of the character and importance of cave sanctuaries in the fi rst millennium BCE Mediterranean. Written by emerging and established archaeologists and researchers the book employs a fascinating and wide range of approaches and methodologies to investigate and interpret material assemblages from cave shrines many of which are introduced here for the fi rst time. An introductory section explores the emergence and growth of caves as centres of cult and religion. The chapters then probe some of the meanings attached to cave spaces and votive materials such as terracotta fi gurines and ceramics and those who created and used them. The authors use sensory and gender approaches discuss the identity of the worshippers and the contribution of statistical analysis to the role of votive materials. At the heart of the volume is the examination of cave materials excavated on the Cycladic islands and Crete in Attika and Aitoloakarnania on the Ionian islands and in southern Italy. This is a welcome volume for students of prehistoric and classical archaeology enthusiasts of the history of caves religion ancient history and anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367859169

Cavendish Margaret Cavendish (1623 - 1673) was a philosopher poet scientist novelist and playwright of the seventeenth century. Her work is important for a number of reasons. It presents an early and compelling version of the naturalism that is found in current-day philosophy; it offers important insights that bear on recent discussions of the nature and characteristics of intelligence and the question of whether or not the bodies that surround us are intelligent or have an intelligent cause; it anticipates some of the central views and arguments that are more commonly associated with figures like Thomas Hobbes and David Hume. This is the first full account of Cavendish’s philosophy and covers the whole span of her work. David Cunning begins with an overview of Cavendish’s life and work before assessing her contribution to a wide range of philosophical subjects including her arguments concerning materialism experimentation the existence of God social and political philosophy and free will and compatibilism. Setting Cavendish in both historical and philosophical context he argues that like Spinoza she builds on central tenets of Descartes’ philosophy and develops them in a direction that Descartes himself would avoid. She defends a plenum metaphysics according to which all individuals are causally interdependent and according to which the physical universe is a larger individual that constitutes all of reality. Cavendish is essential reading for students of seventeenth-century philosophy early modern philosophy and seventeenth-century literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367138516

Cavendish and Shakespeare Interconnections Cavendish and Shakespeare Interconnections explores the relationship between the plays of William Shakespeare and the writings of Margaret Cavendish Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673). Cavendish wrote 25 plays in the 1650s and 60s making her one of the most prolific playwrights”man or woman”of the seventeenth century. The essays contained in this volume fit together as studies of various sorts of influence both literary and historical setting Cavendish's appropriation of Shakespearean characters and plot structures within the context of the English Civil Wars and the Fronde. The essays trace Shakespeare's influence on Cavendish explore the political implications of Cavendish's contribution to Shakespeare's reputation and investigate the politics of influence more generally. The collection covers topics ranging from Cavendish's strategic use of Shakespeare to establish her own reputation to her adaptation of Shakespeare's martial imagery moral philosophy and marriage plots as well as the conventions of cross dressing on stage. Other topics include Shakespeare and Cavendish read aloud; Cavendish's formally hybrid appropriation of Shakespearean comedy and tragedy; her transformation of Shakespearean women on trial; and her re-imagining of Shakespearean models of sexuality and pleasure. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260747

CavitationA Novel Energy-Efficient Technique for the Generation of Nanomaterials As nanomaterials and their end products occupy the pinnacle position of consumer markets it becomes vital to analyze their generation processes. One of the green chemistry principles underlines the need for unusual energy sources to generate them. Utilizing the extreme energy from the collapse of cavitation bubbles generated by either ultrasound or hydrodynamic forces for the generation of nanomaterials is a merit to consider in this "Green Chemical Processing Era." A wide range of nanomaterials have been developed in the past decade using cavitation or coupling cavitation with other techniques such as microwave photochemistry and electrochemistry resulting in nanomaterials with unique morphologies reduced size narrow size distribution and innumerous advantages. While a few currently available books deal with the fundamental aspects of cavitation and sonochemistry this book is devoted specifically to the technologically important nanomaterials obtained by cavitation. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814411547

Cavour Cavour was perhaps the key figure in the process of Italian unification. As prime minister of Piedmont still reeling from military humiliation by Austria he turned his backward and insignificant home state into the nucleus of the new Italy by his astute manipulation of the European great powers becoming the united country's first prime minister in the year of his death 1861. Harry Hearder's incisive study setting Cavour and the Risorgimento in the full context of international European power-politics reveals a ruthless egocentric and far from balanced man - but a politician of genius. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138837386

Caye CaulkerEconomic Success In A Belizean Fishing Village First published in 1986. In the last decade the island of Caye Caulker was transformed from a subsistence fishing village into an affluent enclave within a poor Caribbean country. This ethnographic study of the island recounts the economic success story of Caye Caulker attributing the island's relative prosperity to several key features: the reorganization of the lobster fishing industry into producer cooperatives the limiting and controlling of tourism and the maintenance of sociocultural institutions that historically have created strong family networks and encouraged autonomy and self-sufficiency. Dr. Sutherland's unusual case study of positive development without external assistance makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of Third World development in general and local development in particular. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429041600

CBAP® Certification and BABOK® Study Guide The book covers all knowledge areas from the BABOK® Third Edition and is designed to be a study guide for the CBAP® certification from IIBA™. It includes over 300 sample questions. It is also usable for those seeking the PMI-PBA® certification. This book is a complete business analysis handbook combining the latest standards from the BABOK® case study examples and exercises with solutions. It has usable tools and techniques as well as templates ready to be used to develop solid requirements to be the cornerstone for any successful product development. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498767255

CBAP® ExamPractice Test and Study Guide Second Edition With this essential study guide  readers can prepare to pass the Certified Business Analysis Professional® (CBAP®) certification exam. They get access to study hints and areas of focus as well as 40 multiple-choice questions from each of the six knowledge areas covered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) CBAP® exam. Plus they can self text with two 150-question practice tests that are representative of the CBAP® exam. With this proven structured approach  readers can familiarize themselves with key industry phrases and terminology. Media > Books > Print Books ESI International 9781890367541

CBASP as a Distinctive Treatment for Persistent Depressive DisorderDistinctive features The Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) is the only psychotherapy model  developed specifically for chronic depression. In the latest addition to the successful Distinctive Features series the developer of CBASP James P. McCullough Jr. along with Elisabeth Schramm and J. Kim Penberthy provides an accessible introduction to this approach showing how it differs from other cognitive behavioural approaches and highlighting those features – both theoretical and practical – that make it unique. The unparalleled problems of the chronically depressed patient are some of the most difficult that practitioners face. The disorder has usually continued for a decade or more and patients enter psychotherapy interpersonally withdrawn detached and with little or no motivation to change. CBASP as A Distinctive Treatment for Persistent Depressive Disorder provides a new look into the phenomenological world of the patient and shows the reader why the world-view of the patient is a valid perception of reality. CBASP is designed to address the problems of the patient in a step-by-step manner. This book explores the therapist role and shows how the CBASP model enables therapists to address the patient’s depression in a zone of interpersonal safety. Patients are taught how to behave in an interpersonally facilitative manner and shown how everything they do has consequences for others (including the therapist) and on the social environment in which they live. CBASP as A Distinctive Treatment for Persistent Depressive Disorder will be essential reading for novice and experienced CBT therapists counselors and psychotherapists treating chronic depression. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415870627

CBT ExpressEffective 15-Minute Techniques for Treating Children and Adolescents Offering vital tools for working with 4- to 18-year-olds in a wide range of settings this book presents engaging cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) activities that can be implemented rapidly and flexibly. Concise chapters guide the provider to quickly identify meaningful points of intervention for frequently encountered clinical concerns and to teach and model effective strategies. Each intervention includes a summary of the target age module purpose rationale materials needed and expected time for completion as well as clear instructions and sample dialogues and scripts. In a convenient large-size format the book features helpful graphics and 77 reproducible handouts and worksheets in the form of Handy and Quick (HQ) Cards. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462540303

CBT for Career SuccessA Self-Help Guide CBT for Career Success is a unique self-help book offering a powerful combination of cognitive and behavioural therapy (CBT) approaches alongside career coaching for the first time. Whether you are just starting out in your career aiming at a more senior position or considering a change in direction this book is for you. If you want to succeed in the labour market you need a psychological edge to help you progress in an increasingly competitive and volatile job market. This book provides powerful CBT approaches that will strengthen your resilience and motivation and increase the sheer excitement and enjoyment of achieving success in the workplace. The book provides clear practical strategies and a wealth of materials that will help you to define your personal values and match them with suitable career choices use psychological and motivational techniques to succeed in a competitive environment and deal effectively with work-related stress. The materials included within this book have been used on training courses delivered to hundreds of careers counsellors and coaches in different parts of England in recent years and have helped them to support their clients more effectively.    CBT for Career Success will be of interest to all those wishing to succeed in their chosen careers including new entrants to the labour market. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138838017

CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders This book helps clinicians harness the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Leading treatment developers describe promising approaches for treating common challenges faced by young people with ASD--anxiety and behavior problems social competence issues and adolescent concerns around sexuality and intimacy. Chapters present session-by-session overviews of each intervention program review its evidence base and address practical considerations in treatment. The book also discusses general issues in adapting CBT for this population and provides a helpful framework for assessment and case conceptualization informed by DSM-5. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462527007

CBT for Compulsive Sexual BehaviourA guide for professionals Increasing numbers of therapists are coming into contact with the problem of compulsive sexual behaviour disorders. However it is still a relatively new field and there is little in the current literature available that enables the therapist to work with and treat this problem. CBT for Compulsive Sexual Behaviour: A guide for professionals addresses this by providing a guide to cognitive-behavioural theory and practice which includes the assessment diagnosis and treatment of addictive sexually compulsive disorders.   Beginning with a description of addictive sexuality and an overview of cognitive behavioural therapy in which CBT is presented as the most useful response Thaddeus Birchard provides clear therapeutic information about the implementation of CBT treatment intervention. The chapters included cover the neuroscience that underpins the addictive process; a ‘how to’ chapter on the use of groups; paraphilias; trauma and attachment; comorbid disorders and cross-addictions and analysis on the function of internet pornography all written from a cognitive behavioural stance.  Using case vignettes throughout Thaddeus Birchard draws on his own experience as a psychosexual therapist along with the latest research in the field to enable the therapist to treat a range of compulsive sexual problems in a way that can be applied in individual practice or in a group setting as well as how to prevent relapse. This book will be essential reading for psychosexual therapists cognitive behaviour therapists and other professional working with sexual compulsive disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415723800

CBT for Depression in Children and AdolescentsA Guide to Relapse Prevention Despite the availability of effective treatments for child and adolescent depression relapse rates in this population remain high. This innovative manual presents an evidence-based brief therapy for 8- to 18-year-olds who have responded to acute treatment but still have residual symptoms. Each session of relapse prevention cognitive-behavioral therapy (RP-CBT) is illustrated in step-by-step detail including focused techniques for promoting and sustaining well-being supplemental strategies for tailoring treatment to each individual's needs and ways to involve parents. In a convenient large-size format the book features 50 reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462525256

CBT for Managing Non-cardiac Chest PainAn Evidence-based Guide CBT for Managing Non-cardiac Chest Pain is an evidence-based guide and workbook for clinicians working with people with non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP). NCCP affects around 25–30% of people in the UK USA and Europe and is associated with high levels of health care use and compromised quality of life. This is the first book to describe a treatment programme to fill the gap in care for patients. The authors have developed and researched a novel approach that demonstrates how physiological cognitive behavioural and social factors all contribute to the negative experience of chest pain. With the help of exercises and downloadable handouts for the patient the book aims to provide the necessary information and clinical skills and approaches for clinicians to use in health care settings. CBT for Managing Non-cardiac Chest Pain will appeal to anyone involved in the care of patients with NCCP including nurses; general practitioners; cardiologists; acute medical physicians and psychologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119017

CBT for PsychosisA Symptom-based Approach This book offers a new approach to understanding and treating psychotic symptoms using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT for Psychosis shows how this approach clears the way for a shift away from a biological understanding and towards a psychological understanding of psychosis. Stressing the important connection between mental illness and mental health further topics of discussion include: the assessment and formulation of psychotic symptoms how to treat psychotic symptoms using CBT CBT for specific and co-morbid conditions CBT of bipolar disorders. This book brings together international experts from different aspects of this fast developing field and will be of great interest to all mental health professionals working with people suffering from psychotic symptoms. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203832677

CBT for PsychosisProcess-orientated Therapies and the Third Wave Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for psychosis is constantly changing and evolving. Recently in what is sometimes called the ‘third wave’ therapy has become more concerned with the individual’s relationship to their experience rather than with the content of it. This more process–orientated approach appears to tap into universal psychological processes. The aim is to reduce distress by changing the function of the experience rather than necessarily the experience itself. Written by some of the leading figures from around the world CBT for Psychosis: Process-Orientated Therapies and the Third Wave brings the reader the latest developments in the field. Presented in three parts CBT for Psychosis first explores theoretical perspectives on recent developments in cognitive behavioural therapies. Part two examines specific therapeutic approaches including metacognitive training mindfulness acceptance and commitment therapy compassion focused therapy and the method of levels. Finally part three presents two critical perspectives: the first offering a reflection on the experience of receiving CBT and the second looking ahead to possible future developments. Offering a cutting-edge collection of theoretical therapeutic and critical perspectives CBT for Psychosis: Process-Orientated Therapies and the Third Wave will be of great interest to clinical and counselling psychologists both practising and in training as well as psychiatrists nurse therapists occupational therapists and other healthcare professionals working with people experiencing psychosis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138239876

CBT for Those at Risk of a First Episode PsychosisEvidence-based psychotherapy for people with an 'At Risk Mental State' Can severe mental illness be prevented by early intervention? Mental illness is highly prevalent in the general population and has its onset mostly in adolescence and young adulthood. Early intervention usually leads to improved prognosis. This book describes a newly developed evidence based cognitive behavioural intervention that can be used by clinicians to treat the precursor symptoms of psychosis and other severe mental illness. CBT for those at risk of a First Episode Psychosis offers a detailed new psychotherapy that has been shown to reduce the chance of transition to a first psychotic episode and to improve the chance for recovery. This encompasses: Psycho-education about prepsychotic symptoms A review of literature about psychological processes that are known to play a role in the development of psychosis A comprehensive manual – illustrated by numerous clinical vignettes - that can be used to treat help-seeking subjects with an increased risk of developing psychosis. Links to online resources and exercises to be used in therapy and education. A description of the multicentre randomized clinical trial investigating this new psychotherapy. The vast collective experience and expertise of the authors of this handbook results in an invaluable text for clinicians working in mental health care as well as students lecturers and researchers who have an interest in the prevention of schizophrenia and other severe mental illness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415539685

CBT Strategies for Anxious and Depressed Children and AdolescentsA Clinician's Toolkit In a large-size format for easy photocopying this book provides 167 engaging full-color reproducible tools for use in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with 7- to 18-year-olds. Beautifully designed handouts and worksheets are presented for each phase of treating anxiety and depression organized in a state-of-the-art modular framework that encourages therapeutic flexibility. Introductions to each module offer vital clinical pointers and describe when and how to use the various forms illustrated with vivid case examples. The authors provide tips for sequencing treatment troubleshooting common difficulties and addressing developmental and cultural considerations. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible handouts and worksheets. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462528998

CBT with Justice-Involved ClientsInterventions for Antisocial and Self-Destructive Behaviors Grounded in science and clinical experience this treatment planner provides essential tools for conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with justice-involved clients in a wide range of settings. Guidelines are presented for assessment case formulation and intervention to alter criminogenic thinking and destructive lifestyle patterns. With a focus on reducing recidivism the book demonstrates ways to enhance clients' motivation for change and elicit prosocial values and life priorities. Practitioner-friendly features include case examples recommended assessment instruments over 35 sample scripts and 27 reproducible forms and worksheets; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. Winner--Significant Contribution Award Criminal Justice Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462534906

CBT: A Clinician's Guide to Using the Five Areas Approach This book provides a proven delivery model for wider dissemination of the evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach. It is based on feedback from clinicians voluntary sector colleagues and people who have used the five areas approach in practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138445338

CBT: The Cognitive Behavioural TsunamiManagerialism Politics and the Corruptions of Science Is CBT all it claims to be? The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami: Managerialism Politics and the Corruptions of Science provides a powerful critique of CBT’s understanding of human suffering as well as the apparent scientific basis underlying it. The book argues that CBT psychology has fetishized measurement to such a degree that it has come to believe that only the countable counts. It suggests that the so-called science of CBT is not just "bad science" but "corrupt science". The rise of CBT has been fostered by neoliberalism and the phenomenon of New Public Management. The book not only critiques the science psychology and philosophy of CBT but also challenges the managerialist mentality and its hyper-rational understanding of "efficiency" both of which are commonplace in organizational life today. The book suggests that these are perverse forms of thought which have been institutionalised by NICE and IAPT and used by them to generate narratives of CBT’s prowess. It claims that CBT is an exercise in symptom reduction which vastly exaggerates the degree to which symptoms are reduced the durability of the improvement as well as the numbers of people it helps. Arguing that CBT is neither the cure nor the scientific treatment it claims to be the book also serves as a broader cultural critique of the times we live in; a critique which draws on philosophy and politics on economics and psychology on sociology and history and ultimately on the idea of science itself. It will be of immense interest to psychotherapists policymakers and those concerned about the excesses of managerialism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782206644

CCCS Selected Working PapersVolume 1 This collection of classic essays focuses on the theoretical frameworks that informed the work of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham the methodologies and working practices that the Centre developed for conducting academic research and examples of the 'grounded studies' carried out under the auspices of the Centre. This volume is split into four thematic sections that are introduced by key academics working in the field of cultural studies and includes a preface by eminent scholar Stuart Hall. The thematic sections are: CCCS Founding Moments Theoretical Engagements Theorising Experience Exploring Methods Grounded Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415758710

CCCS Selected Working PapersVolume 2 This collection of classic essays focuses on the theoretical frameworks that informed the work of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham the methodologies and working practices that the Centre developed for conducting academic research and examples of the studies carried out under the auspices of the Centre. This volume is split into seven thematic sections that are introduced by key academics working in the field of cultural studies and includes a preface by eminent scholar Stuart Hall. The thematic sections are: Literature and Society Popular Culture and Youth Subculture Media Women's Studies and Feminism Race History Education and Work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415758727

CCTVA Technology Under the Radar? Central state and non-covert surveillance began in earnest at the start of the twentieth century. By the start of the twenty-first century the UK was one of the most surveilled societies on earth. This groundbreaking volume by Inga Kroener analyses the particular combination of factors that have created this surveillance state. Kroener argues against the inevitability of the rise of CCTV that is so often found in this literature to map out the early history of CCTV tracing its development from a tool for education safety and transport during the 1950s to one of politics in the 1970s and 1980s to eventually become a tool of surveillance during the 1990s. Within this analysis the complex role of the public in 'allowing' the widespread and rapid dissemination of CCTV is discussed and the representation of CCTV in the media is also studied. This volume will be of interest to all scholars working in the fields of surveillance studies; science technology and society departments; and social historians more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600686

CDM 2007 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 repeal the CDM Regulations 1994 and the Construction (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996; containing all the legal duties regarding the design and management of a construction project and the safe operating standards expected on a construction site. CDM 2007: Questions and Answers by Pat Perry is a pragmatic common-sense approach to interpreting the many queries which will inevitably arise from the new Regulations no matter how simplified they purport to be. The author details practical solutions to a wide range of legal compliance issues and explores answers which go beyond the rather limited information contained in the Approved Code of Practice which supports the Regulations. The various duty holders project stages and safety issues are dealt with in different chapters and the book can be used for detailed reference or for a quick refresher on specific subjects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138431058

CDM 2015A Practical Guide for Architects and Designers This is the designer’s essential guide to implementing the new CDM 2015 regulations. It provides both a straightforward overview of the key changes and new duty holders including the Principal Designer as well as full colour diagrams and annotated plans which demonstrate how to apply the principles in the real world. As the regulations come into force it aims to reassure those fearing a change in their obligations by outlining easy to use practical tools which will integrate the philosophy of the new regulations – of proportionate response creative solutions and collaborative working – into day-to-day practice. It’s designed as a concise and handy quick reference guide easy to carry around on site or use at your desk translating what can be dry and often impenetrable legislation into a set of simple intuitive design friendly and safe messages. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466131

Ceasefire Agreements and Peace ProcessesA Comparative Study This book analyses and compares ceasefire agreements as part of peace processes in intrastate armed conflicts.Research repeatedly underscores the importance of ceasefire agreements in peace processes but suggests that they can influence such processes in fundamentally different ways. However despite contradictory expectations remarkably few studies have so far been devoted to systematic and in-depth analysis of ceasefire agreements in contemporary intrastate armed conflicts. This book contributes to filling this gap by using a process-oriented conflict dynamics approach to analyse and explain how ceasefire agreements are being influenced by and in turn influences the broader dynamics of peace processes. Empirically the book focuses on the armed conflicts in Aceh (Indonesia) and Sri Lanka. Based on document studies and 57 interviews with key actors it presents comparative insights and in-depth knowledge about ceasefire agreements in different contextual settings. The book problematizes the common assumption in the literature that ceasefire agreements create momentum in peace processes and pave the way to peace and it provides a more nuanced analysis and understanding based on two empirical cases analysed within a comparative framework. In contrast to conventional wisdom it demonstrates how ceasefires on the contrary also can have negative implications on peace processes.This book will be of much interest to students of conflict resolution peace studies intra-state conflict security studies and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367595883

Ceausescu and the SecuritateCoercion and Dissent in Romania 1965-1989 First Published in 2017. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an Informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315481579

Cecil Rhodes and the Cape AfrikanersThe Imperial Colossus and the Colonial Parish Pump This study of the relationship between Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners fills many gaps in his political biography. Previous biographers have rarely consulted the abundant Cape Afrikaner sources that this book refers to and which contribute to a better understanding of Rhodes' political career. Rhodes who appeared on the political scene of the Cape Colony in the 1880s played an important role in the shaping of the political outlook of the Cape Afrikaners during the last two decades of the century. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315810232

CedacA Tool for Continuous Systematic Improvement When you're trying to improve quality and productivity it's essential to target the right problems get the right people involved in solving them and make sure the solutions work. CEDAC will help you do all three. CEDAC or Cause-and-Effect Diagram with the Addition of Cards is a modification of the "fishbone diagram " a standard QC tool. One of the most powerful yet simple problem solving methods to come out of Japan (Fukuda won a Deming Prize for developing it) CEDAC actually encompasses a whole cluster of tools for continuous systematic improvement.They include: Window analysis for problem identification. The CEDAC diagram for problem analysis and development of standards. Nearly 50 illustrations and sample forms suitable for transparencies. Window development for ensuring adherence to standards.Here in his own words is Fukuda's how-to manual for the in-house support of improvement activities using CEDAC. Previously available only to his own clients it provides step-by-step directions for setting up and using CEDAC. With a text that's concise clear and to the point. The manual is an ideal training aid. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138464278

Cedar HouseA Model Child Abuse Treatment Program This inspiring book describes the treatment approach the clientele and the community networking of Cedar House a pioneering and successful child abuse treatment program in Long Beach California. Cedar House: A Model Child Abuse Treatment Program explains Cedar House’s hands-on treatment of families in which children have been abused. Each facet of the treatment process is explored and explained. The authors offer ideas on how the treatment they used can be adapted to your own treatment setting. Cedar House: A Model Child Abuse Treatment Program gives practitioners hope ideas and support for hands-on work with multiproblem individuals and families along with some pitfalls to avoid. Those treating clients who attempt to intimidate with bullying behavior or outbursts can gain understanding and more confidence to deal with others’anger. In addition therapists and administrators will find ideas for the prevention of burnout. The theme of the book springs from a mind-set of inclusiveness--including clients in every step of the process related to them enlisting their abilities to help each other as well as themselves embracing community members in the search for answers and providing channels for people at all levels to give and to grow. You’ll gain new perspective on treatment efforts as Cedar House: A Model Child Abuse Treatment Program explores: nine premises on which the Cedar House program is based the use of staff volunteers as a team actual client profiles and case studies elements of the treatment approach at Cedar House findings from two student research projects relating to the children of Cedar House Cedar House’s relationship with the community a contemporary evaluation of Cedar House and follow-up comments from former clients regarding their families 15--20 years after treatment findings from a study of the dynamics of rage to better understand the breeding ground of violence and abuseCedar House: A Model Child Abuse Treatment Program dispels stereotypes and stresses the rewards of child abuse treatment and the joy found in sharing the journey as families find their footing and as children grow and develop. In 1979 Cedar House became the model treatment center for Los Angeles County’s Neighborhood Family Centers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809977

Cedric Price: Potteries ThinkbeltSuperCrit #1 The Supercrit series revisits some of the most influential architectural projects of the recent past and examines their impact on the way we think and design today. Based on live studio debates between protagonists and critics the books describe explore and criticise these major projects. This first book in the unprecedented series examines Cedric Price’s groundbreaking Potteries Thinkbelt project from the 1960s an innovative high-tech educational facility in the North Staffordshire Potteries. Highly illustrated and with contemporary criticism this is a book not to be missed!In Cedric Price: Potteries Thinkbelt you can hear the architect’s project definition see the drawings and join in the crit. This innovative and compelling book is an invaluable resource for any architecture student. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060932

Ceilings and DreamsThe Architecture of Levity Where is the space for dreaming in the twenty-first century? Lofty thoughts like dreams are born and live overhead just as they have been represented in Renaissance paintings and modern cartoons. Ceilings are often repositories of stories events and otherwise invisible oneiric narratives. Yet environments that inspire innovative thinking are dwindling as our world confronts enormous challenges and almost all of our thinking debating and decision-making takes place under endless ceiling grids. Quantitative research establishes that spaces with taller ceilings elicit broader more creative thoughts. Today ceilings are usually squat conduits of technology: they have become the blind spot of modern architecture. The twenty essays in this book look across cultures places and ceilings over time to discover their potential to uplift the human spirit. Not just one building element among many the ceiling is a key to unlock the architectural imagination. Ceilings and Dreams aims to correct this blind spot and encourages architects and designers researchers and students to look up through writings organized into three expansive categories: reveries suspensions and inversions. The contributors contemplate the architecture of levity and the potential of the ceiling once again as a place for dreaming. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138479388

Celebrating 40 Years of Ethnic and Racial StudiesClassic Papers in Context This volume celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Ethnic and Racial Studies. It reproduces eleven classic papers published in the journal accompanied by discussions of each paper by invited specialists and responses from the original authors. The various discussions in this volume provide an insight into the evolution of contemporary debates and controversies in the field of ethnic and racial studies. By bringing together these papers in one volume for the first time this book explores a number of on-going debates about race and ethnicity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367530525

Celebrating Children’s LearningAssessment Beyond Levels in the Early Years In response to growing pressure on early years practitioners to adopt a ‘tick-box’ approach to recording children’s progress Celebrating Children’s Learning sets out a bold alternative vision for assessment in the early years. Drawing upon an inspiring collaboration between London nursery schools this book explores and reconsiders the purpose of observation in early years settings. Contributors provide a range of examples to guide early years practitioners as they develop their own methods of observation. Play social interaction and cooperation with parents are shown to be valuable opportunities for keen observation. Chapters discuss: - moving beyond data-focussed assesment - Characteristics of Effective Learning - ensuring inclusive assessment - collaborating with parents from diverse backgrounds - outdoor learning – a Forest School approach. Inspiring and empowering Celebrating Children’s Learning is essential reading for teachers practitioners and students involved in early education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138555273

Celebrating DiversityCoexisting in a Multicultural Society Celebrating Diversity: Coexisting in a Multicultural Society offers pragmatic ways to replace conflictive behaviors between diverse peoples with coexistence alternatives. Coexistence-partnership values and skills help us to outgrow ways of the past--competition suspicion manipulation isolation victimization. These skills enhance our own lives as well as those of future generations.In Celebrating Diversity author Benyamin Chetkow-Yanoov asserts that the increasing religious-ethnic-linguistic pluralisms of the twentieth century requires that we cease lumping people different from ourselves into an “other” category. He identifies classical elements of a coexistence model and suggests various strategies and tactics for implementing coexistence in modern societies. Among the many insights you will find are: the definition of coexistence an analysis of past patterns of majority-minority group relations such as segregation tolerance and integration models of majority-minority relations participation and coexistence appropriate for the twenty-first century illustrations of the coexistence model through examples of places where it is flourishing action steps for leaders and citizens to put the idea of coexistence into practice a range of research findings that help us determine what is effective in promoting coexistenceIn the pages of Celebrating Diversity you can learn social skills for preventing conflict escalation for finding areas of common interest and for working cooperatively. As more of us become informed about alternatives to violence hopefully we can find ways to bring peace to areas of unrest such as Algeria Ireland Israel Nigeria Rwanda Serbia or the former Soviet Union. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809755

Celebrating the Lives of Jewish WomenPatterns in a Feminist Sampler Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds come together in Celebrating the Lives of Jewish Women to explore and rejoice in what they have in common--their heritage. They reveal in striking personal stories how their Jewishness has shaped their identities and informed their experiences in innumerable meaningful ways. Survivors witnesses defenders innovators and healers these women question celebrate and transmit Jewish and feminist values in hopes that they might bridge the differences among Jewish women. They invite both Jewish and non-Jewish readers to share in their discussions and stories that convey and celebrate the multiplicity of Jewish backgrounds attitudes and issues.In Celebrating the Lives of Jewish Women you will read about cultural religious and gender choices conversion to Judaism family patterns Jewish immigrant experiences the complexities of Jewish secular identities antisemitism sexism and domestic violence in the Jewish community. As the pages unfold in this wonderful book of personal odysseys the colorful patterns of Jewish women’s lives are laid before you. You will find much cause for rejoicing as the authors weave together their compelling and unique stories about: midlife Bat mitzvah preparations the transmission of Jewish values by Sephardi and Ashkenazi grandmothers traditional Sephardi customs the sorrow and healing involved in coping with the Holocaust a lesbian’s fascination with Kafka the external and internal obstacles Jewish women encounter in their efforts to study Jewish topics and participate in Jewish ritual becoming a Reconstructionist rabbi the difficulties and benefits of being the teenaged daughter of a rabbiA harmonious chorus of individual voices Celebrating the Lives of Jewish Women will delight and inspire Jewish and non-Jewish readers alike. It reminds each of us how diverse and distinctive Jewish women’s lives are as well as how united they can be under the wonderful fold of Judaism. This book will be of great interest to all women as well as to rabbis Jewish community leaders and professionals mental health workers and those in Jewish studies women’s studies and multicultural studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315810041

Celebrating the NationA critical study of Australia's bicentenary Celebrating the Nation offers the first major critical retrospective on Australia's Bicentenary. The editors have collected a series of essays focusing on the different ways in which 1988 was celebrated. From the soccer Gold Cup to literary commissions from Expo 88 to the Travelling Exhibition and the Stockman's Hall of Fame it examines the cultural and ideological frameworks which shaped the discourses and rhetoric of those celebrations.The contributors also put the Australian Bicentenary of 1988 in historical and international perspective comparing the celebrations of 1988 with earlier Australian anniversary celebrations and with recent national celebrations in France Canada and the United States.Drawing on the findings of a major research project organised by the Institute for Cultural Policy Studies at Griffith University Celebrating the Nation provides a provocative and insightful analysis of the cultural and political processes through which modern nations organise and symbolise their histories and identities. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003134626

Celebrating The OtherA Dialogic Account Of Human Nature This book examines contemporary developments broadly associated with postmodernism and with feminist critiques of psychology and other social science disciplines. It explores gender relations the social construction of gender class race/ethnicity and other categories of difference/hierarchy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158859

Celebrating the Past Present and Future of British and Irish Practical TheologyRoots Shoots and Fruits Practical theology has become a well-established academic discipline in Britain and Ireland over the past half century evidenced in its chairs journals books conferences and contribution to transformed practices. The British and Irish Association for Practical Theology (BIAPT) and its journal Practical Theology has had a significant role to play in the story of the discipline. This volume is a celebration of practical theology in Britain and Ireland in all its inventiveness and variety on the occasion of BIAPT’s twenty-fifth birthday. It offers an account of its roots in its emergence from the Scottish Pastoral Association in the 1960s its trajectories established in the journal Contact/Practical Theology and how human experience has been a constant companion on the journey. The book considers a range of methodologies including engagement with popular culture public theology the arts and the importance of conversation. It explores new shoots in the discipline that consider how sexuality ethnicity and different religious traditions may be addressed within practical theology. It concludes by asking how it may be fruitful in the future by reflecting on the challenges ahead not least the ubiquity of ignorance. This is a landmark text in the unfolding of British and Irish practical theology in all its glorious distinctiveness which promises to be a major contribution to international debate in the discipline. The chapters in this book were first published in Practical Theology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367535360

Celebrating the Special School This book challenges the assumption that special schools are a second-best educational option for their pupils. It celebrates the success and importance of special schools within England and the support of local education authorities (LEAs) in maintaining them. Full of examples highlighting good practice including the views of parents pupils and ex-pupils who have all experienced a positive special school education the book: clearly outlines the principles at the heart of the inclusion debate discusses the tension in schools between raising standards and being inclusive assesses the future role of special schools offers an alternative vision of 'optimal education' for each child. Celebrating the Special School will be of interest to parents of children attending special schools or considering placement LEA officers special school staff staff working in units for pupils with SEN and parents of these children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138434356

Celebrating the Third Decade and BeyondNew Challenges to ASEAN-India Economic Partnership The ASEAN-India economic integration has made substantial progress in recent years. India’s engagements with Southeast and East Asia have received new momentum under the Act East Policy (AEP). In 2017 ASEAN and India will be celebrating 25 years of their dialogue relations. The relationship is set to deepen in coming days as ASEAN and India step up their collaboration across a range of economic and strategic issues including trade and connectivity culture people-to-people links trans-national terrorism and maritime security. However both of them have been facing several challenges which call for concerted efforts by ASEAN and India. With ASEAN and India working towards establishing a Comprehensive Free Trade Area through Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement their cooperation will be key in promoting economic stability competitiveness growth and integration in the region. This book is a timely initiative to review the past and suggest the ways to further strengthen the economic partnership. It primarily deals with the economic integration issues between ASEAN and India and assesses policy priorities effectiveness implementation imperatives and challenges. Each chapter in this book tries to capture essential features of the crosscutting issues and attempts to draw some policy implications. It will be a valuable reference for policymakers academics and practitioners. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138484788

Celebrating the Wounded Healer PsychotherapistPain Post-Traumatic Growth and Self-Disclosure Why would someone decide to become a psychotherapist? It is well-known within the field that psychoanalysts and psychotherapists are often drawn to their future professions as a result of early traumatic experiences and being helped by their own psychoanalytic treatment. While dedicating their lives to relieving emotional suffering without being judgmental they fear compromising their reputations if they publicly acknowledge such suffering in themselves. This phenomenon is nearly universal among those in the helping professions yet there are few books dedicated to the issue.  In this innovative book Farber and a distinguished range of contributors examine how the role of the ‘wounded healer’ was instrumental in the formulation of psychoanalysis and how using their own woundedness can help clinicians work more effectively with their patients and advance theory in a more informed manner. Celebrating the Wounded Healer Psychotherapist will be of interest to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists graduate students in clinical disciplines including psychology social work ministry/chaplaincy and nursing as well as the general public. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138926738

Celebration Capitalism and the Olympic Games The Olympic Games have become the world’s greatest media and marketing event—a global celebration of exceptional athletics gilded with corporate cash. Huge corporations vie for association with the "Olympic Image" in the hope of gaining a worldwide marketing audience of billions. In this provocative critical study of the contemporary Olympics Jules Boykoff argues that the Games have become a massive planned economy designed to shield the rich from risk while providing them with a spectacle to treasure. Placing political economy at the centre of the analysis and drawing on interdisciplinary research in sociology politics geography history and economics Boykoff develops an innovative theory of ‘celebration capitalism’ the manipulation of state actors as partners that drive us towards public-private partnerships in which the public pays and the private profits. He argues that the Athens Games in 2004 marked the full emergence of ‘celebration capitalism’ with London 2012 representing its quintessential expression characterised by a state of exception unfettered commercialism repression of dissent and the complicity of the mainstream media. Controversial challenging and forthright this book opens up a fascinating new avenue for understanding the contemporary Olympics in the context of global capitalist society. It is essential reading for anybody with an interest in the Olympic Games the relationship between sport and society or global politics and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138805262

CelebrationsThe Cult of Anniversaries in Europe and the United States Today In the twentieth century celebrations of historical anniversaries abounded. There was the bicentennial of the French Revolution the 150th anniversary of photography Bach's 300th anniversary and the 200th anniversary of the American Constitution to name just a few. Every year hundreds of anniversaries still attract media attention and government investment in ever greater degrees. Deploying an astonishing array of insights Celebrations explores the causes and consequences of this major phenomenon of our time.As Johnston shows anniversaries fulfill a number of needs. They provide the kind of experience of regularity across a lifetime that the weekly cycle supplies in daily life. The use of anniversaries for political ends emerged during the French Revolution and expanded to promote nationalism during the nineteenth century although there are differences in how they are used. Europeans tend to celebrate cultural heroes while Americans tend to celebrate events. Entire nations exploit anniversaries of founding events in order to promote national identity. Commercially there are whole industries built around commemoration and they provide intellectuals an opportunity to take center stage.Using methods of cultural history sociology and religious studies Johnston shows how the cult of anniversaries reflects postmodern concerns. It fills a void left by the disappearance of ideologies and avant-gardes. In an era when there is little consensus about styles or methods anniversaries allow intellectuals businesses and governments to acknowledge and celebrate every nuance of opinion. By suggesting ways to use anniversaries more creatively this book offers a broad range of insights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842334

Celebrity Celebrity introduces the key terms and concepts dilemmas and issues that are central to the study and critical understanding of celebrity. Drawing on two dynamic models from two different modes of enquiry – the circuit of celebrity culture and the circuit of celebrity affect – this book explores the multi-layered multi-faceted contexts and concepts that sit within and surround the study of celebrity. Through building a critical story about celebrity Sean Redmond discusses key topics such as identity and representation; the celebrity body; the consumption of celebrity and celebrity culture; and the sensory connection between fans and celebrities gender activism gossip and toxicity. Including case studies on Miley Cyrus David Bowie Scarlett Johansson and Kate Winslet Celebrity is a dynamic and topical volume ideal for students and academics in celebrity and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415527446

Celebrity Convergence and Transformation Bringing together the latest thinking on both celebrity brands and celebrity culture from academics specialising in the field of marketing this book explores a range of insightful contexts in order to add vigour and vitality to our understanding of the connections between celebrities markets and culture. It unpacks the identity theoretics which have their origins in the turn to celebrity culture and the spectacle and glamour of mass-media practices. In doing so the contributors hint at new forms of individuation where the line between the virtual and the actual is blurred and where images of celebrities construct and deconstruct themselves. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Marketing Management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367230869

Celebrity Accents and Public Identity ConstructionAnalyzing Geordie Stylizations Geordie Stylizations is a short-focused research work which builds on the renovated interest on the nexus between accent-identity-prestige-prejudice offering an analysis of celebrities' use of the Geordie variety in a series of public performances as a reflection instrument for scholars but also for neophyte readers with an interest in Sociolinguistics Pragmatics Celebrity Studies Cultural Studies Anthropology Sociology and Gender Studies. Of interest are the individual instances of Geordieness performed on specific occasions i.e. the ways in which people construct their unique and constantly evolving language repertoires sometimes appropriating some other times distancing themselves from linguistic traits that would characterize them as members of specific communities in other people's perceptions. The material investigated is provided by the artistic world: engaging with the arts and culture and in particular with music is not just a solitary event but also a participatory one which many people feel is worthwhile sharing through ordinary conversation and interaction via social networks every day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367226800

Celebrity Advocacy and International Development Celebrity advocacy is a curious phenomenon. It occupies a significant proportion of the public domain but does so without engaging particularly well with much of the public. Yet this may not matter very much. Many people at the core of advocacy and in political and business elites simply do not notice any lack of engagement. In these circles celebrity advocacy can be remarkably effective. Celebrity Advocacy and International Development examines the work of celebrity advocacy and lobbying in international development. Its purpose is to understand the alliances resulting their history consequences wider contexts and implications. It argues that celebrity advocacy signals a new aspect of elite rule. For populist celebrity advocacy can mark ironically a disengagement between the public and politics and particularly the public and civil society. Recognising this poses new challenges but also presents new opportunities for the development movement. This book gives students and researchers in development studies and media studies a wealth of original empirical data including interviews across the NGO sector media and celebrity industries newspaper analysis large surveys of public opinion and focus group research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415707213

Celebrity and Glamour in Contemporary RussiaShocking Chic This is the first book to explore the phenomenon of glamour and celebrity in contemporary Russian culture ranging across media forms disciplinary boundaries and modes of inquiry with particular emphasis on the media personality. The book demonstrates how the process of ‘celebrification’ in Russia coincides with the dizzying pace of social change and economic transformation the latter enabling an unprecedented fascination with glamour and its requisite extravagance; how in the 1990s and 2000s celebrities - such as film or television stars - moved away from their home medium to become celebrities straddling various media; and how celebrity is a symbol manipulated by the dominant culture and embraced by the masses. It examines the primacy of the visual in celebrity construction and its dominance over the verbal alongside the interdisciplinary cross-media post-Soviet landscape of today’s fame culture. Taking into account both general tendencies and individual celebrities including pop-diva Alla Pugacheva and ex-President and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the book analyses the internal dynamics of the institutions involved in the production marketing and maintenance of celebrities as well as the larger cultural context and the imperatives that drive Russian society’s romance with glamour and celebrity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415625432

Celebrity Audiences The study of audience relations with star / celebrity culture has often been marginalised in Star/Celebrity Studies. This book brings together new research which explores a range of audience encounters with celebrities moving across social media royal weddings national identity to questions of age gender and class. In doing so the essays illuminate the complex and negotiated nature of audience investments in celebrity culture collectively questioning the often simplistic and dismissive judgements that are made about audience/ celebrity relationships in this regard. The book provides a dedicated space to showcase a range of current work in the field seeking to both consolidate and stimulate what is a vibrant and crucial aspect of studying celebrity culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367002398

Celebrity Culture and the American DreamStardom and Social Mobility Celebrity Culture and the American Dream Second Edition considers how major economic and historical factors shaped the nature of celebrity culture as we know it today retaining the first edition’s examples from the first celebrity fan magazines of 1911 to the present and expanding to include updated examples and additional discussion on the role of the internet and social media in today’s celebrity culture. Equally important the book explains how and why the story of Hollywood celebrities matters sociologically speaking to an understanding of American society to the changing nature of the American Dream and to the relation between class and culture. This book is an ideal addition to courses on inequalities celebrity culture media and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138023956

Celebrity CultureSecond Edition Over the past few decades the public obsession with celebrity has exploded. There has also been a huge growth in the number of college and university courses and degrees on celebrity studies and celebrity journalism. Ellis Cashmore’s Celebrity/Culture was among the first textbooks to address this fascination and remains the most comprehensive work of its kind. It explored the intriguing issue of celebrity culture: its origins its meaning and its global influence. This fully-updated and rewritten second edition investigates issues in celebrity culture from the paparazzi to politics from voyeurism to self-perfection. Cashmore presents engaging case studies to analyse how social media has changed the nature of celebrity culture and explore how we consume celebrity in today’s society. His argument is driven by research rather than invective. This new edition also contains pullout quotes abundant links and chapter summaries for ease of comprehension and teaching. Cashmore considers in detail the evolution development and impact of celebrity culture in the public eye. This book will appeal to a wide undergraduate audience throughout the social sciences and humanities in sociology history psychology and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415631112

Celebrity Diplomacy Time magazine named Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates their "Persons of the Year." The United Nations tapped Angelina Jolie as a goodwill ambassador. Bob Geldof organized the Live8 concert to push the G8 leaders' summit on AIDS and debt relief. What has come to be called "celebrity diplomacy" attracts wide media attention significant money and top official access around the world. But is this phenomenon just the latest fad? Are celebrities dabbling in an arena that is out of their depth or are they bringing justified notice to important problems that might otherwise languish on the crowded international diplomatic scene? This book is the first to examine celebrity diplomacy as a serious global project with important implications both positive and negative. Intended for readers who might not normally read about celebrities it will also attract audiences often turned off by international affairs. Celebrities bring optimism and "buzz" to issues that seem deep and gloomy. Even if their lofty goals remain elusive when celebrities speak other actors in the global system listen. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635668

Celebrity Fans and Their Consumer BehaviourAutoethnographic Insights into the Life of a Fan Ever since the dawn of the Hollywood star system in the early 1920s consumers have been fascinated by film stars and other celebrities and their seemingly glamorous private lives. The public demand for celebrities has become so pervasive that it is arguably an essential element of our everyday culture and market economy and the focus of increasing study.This book explores the widespread phenomenon of celebrity fandom and provides a deeper understanding of why individual consumers develop an emotional attachment to their favourite celebrity and what this parasocial fan relationship means in their life. Based on an in-depth insider study of a consumer’s fan relationship with a film actress the book provides unique insights into the celebrity-fan relationship revealing the meaning it has for the consumer in everyday life and how it evolves and expresses itself over time. While this book is primarily located within the field of consumer research fandom and celebrity are of interest to a variety of academic disciplines. It will appeal to an interdisciplinary audience from marketing and consumer research film studies media studies cultural studies and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667146

Celebrity Humanitarianism and North-South RelationsPolitics place and power Discussion over celebrity engagement is often limited to theoretical critique or normative name-calling without much grounded research into what it is that celebrities are doing the same or differently throughout the world. Crucially little attention has been paid to the Global South either as a place where celebrities intervene into existing politics and social processes or as the generator of Southern celebrities engaged in ‘do-gooding’. This book examines what the diverse roster of celebrity humanitarians are actually doing in and across North and South contexts. Celebrity humanitarianism is an effective lens for viewing the multiple and diverse relationships that constitute the links between North and South. New empirical findings on celebrity humanitarianism on the ground in Thailand Malawi Bangladesh South Africa China Haiti Congo US Denmark and Australia illustrate the impact of celebrity humanitarianism in the Global South and celebritization participation and democratization in the donor North. By investigating one of the most mediatized and distant representations of humanitarianism (the celebrity intervention) from a perspective of contextualization the book underscores the importance of context in international development. This book will be of interest to students and researchers in the fields of development studies celebrity studies anthropology political science geography and related disciplines. It is also of great relevance to development practitioners humanitarian NGOs and professionals in business (CSR fair trade) who work in the increasingly celebritized field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138854284

Celebrity HumanitarianismThe Ideology of Global Charity In the last two decades especially we have witnessed the rise of ‘celebrity’ forms of global humanitarianism and charity work spearheaded by entertainment stars billionaires and activist NGOs (e.g. Bob Geldof Bono Angelina Jolie Madonna Bill Gates George Soros Save Darfur Medeçins Sans Frontières). This book examines this new phenomenon arguing that celebrity humanitarianism legitimates and indeed promotes neoliberal capitalism and global inequality. Drawing on Slavoj Žižek’s work the book argues how celebrity humanitarianism far from being altruistic is significantly contaminated and ideological: it is most often self-serving helping to promote institutional aggrandizement and the celebrity ‘brand’; it advances consumerism and corporate capitalism and rationalizes the very global inequality it seeks to redress; it is fundamentally depoliticizing despite its pretensions to ‘activism’; and it contributes to a ‘postdemocratic’ political landscape which appears outwardly open and consensual but is in fact managed by unaccountable elites. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415783392

Celebrity in ChiefA History of the Presidents and the Culture of Stardom It didn t take long for Barack Obama to make his mark as the biggest political star to ever occupy the White House. Over the course of his two terms in office Obama has injected the American presidency deeper into popular culture than any of his predecessors. He and his wife Michelle have become iconic figures celebrities of the first order.This book by award-winning White House correspondent and presidential historian Kenneth T. Walsh discusses how the Obamas reached this point. More important it takes a detailed and comprehensive look at the history of America s presidents as celebrities in chief since the beginning of the Republic. Walsh makes the point that modern presidents need to be celebrities and build on their fame in order to propel their agendas and rally public support for themselves as national leaders so that they can get things done.Combining incisive historical analysis with a journalist s eye for detail this book looks back to such presidents as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as the forerunners of contemporary celebrity presidents. It examines modern presidents including Barack Obama Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan John F. Kennedy Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt each of whom qualified as a celebrity in his own time and place. The book also looks at presidents who fell short in their star appeal such as George W. Bush George H. W. Bush Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson and explains why their star power was lacking.Among the special features of the book are detailed profiles of the presidents and how they measured up or failed as celebrities; an historical analysis of America s popular culture and how presidents have played a part in it from sports and television to movies and the news media; the role of first ladies; and a portfolio of fascinating photos illustrating the intersection of the presidency with popular culture." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612057064

Celebrity in ChiefA History of the Presidents and the Culture of Stardom With a New Epilogue on Hillary and “The Donald” With the advent of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as presidential nominees the examination of the role of celebrity culture in the White House takes on a fresh appeal. This book by award-winning White House correspondent and presidential historian Kenneth T. Walsh takes a detailed and comprehensive look at the history of America’s presidents as "celebrities in chief" since the beginning of the Republic. Walsh makes the point that modern presidents need to be celebrities and build on their fame in order to propel their agendas and rally public support for themselves as national leaders so that they can get things done. Combining incisive historical analysis with a journalist’s eye for detail this book looks back to such presidents as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as the forerunners of contemporary celebrity presidents. It examines modern presidents including Barack Obama Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan John F. Kennedy Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt each of whom qualified as a celebrity in his own time and place. The book also looks at presidents who fell short in their star appeal such as George W. Bush George H. W. Bush Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson and explains why their star power was lacking. Among the special features of the book are detailed profiles of the presidents and how they measured up or failed as celebrities; an historical analysis of America’s popular culture and how presidents have played a part in it from sports and television to movies and the news media; the role of first ladies; and a portfolio of fascinating photos illustrating the intersection of the presidency with popular culture. An update looking at Hillary and "the Donald" puts contemporary politics in perspective with the evolution of presidential celebrity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138235779

Celebrity MadWhy Otherwise Intelligent People Worship Fame This short book by Professor Brett Kahr provides a psychoanalytic understanding of fame and celebrity in the early twenty-first century building upon the bedrock foundations of the Freudian corpus. The book is divided into six chapters. Chapter One explores the psychology of the celebrity questioning narcissistic and exhibitionist psychopathology while Chapter Two examines the psychological state of those of who revel in the fame of others and in celebrity culture more broadly  and offers a discussion of the "Celebrity Worship Syndrome". Chapter Three provides a very brief history of the concept of celebrity itself arguing that contrary to popular opinion the culture of celebrification cannot be blamed on twenty-first-century media moguls but rather that such a preoccupation with famous personalities can be traced back to ancient times and demonstrates the need to broaden our analysis to include the role of deep unconscious psychological forces. In Chapter Four Kahr reviews some important theoretical concepts advanced by Freud and Winnicott which provide an important foundation for the psychoanalytic study of fame while Chapter Five provides a more comprehensive theory of the unconscious psychological roots of the need to worship fame and to seek it drawing upon a multitude of sources ranging from psychoanalytic theory and developmental psychological research to film archaeology and perhaps surprisingly the history of infanticide. The book concludes in Chapter Six by studying the psychodynamics of celebrity and fame arguing that being recognised by one’s family and friends in the intimate context of home life may well be the very best way to become a celebrity. Celebrity Mad outlines a psychoanalytic theory of the roots of our obsession with fame. It will be of great interest to psychoanalytic practitioners and researchers as well as to readers interested in the psychology of fame. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782206675

Celebrity Morals and the Loss of Religious Authority This book examines American popular culture to demonstrate that celebrities have superseded religious figures as moral authorities. As trust in religious institutions has waned over recent decades the once frivolous entertainment fringe has become the moral center. Young people and voters increasingly take cues from actors and athletes. The book begins by offering a definition of celebrity and showing that the profile of celebrities has changed dramatically particularly since the 1960s. They can now chart their own careers manage their own personal lives and weigh in on pressing moral issues in a manner that hasn’t always been the case. This can be to the good it is argued for some counterintuitive reasons. Very few stars pretend to be moral exemplars unlike the frequently hypocritical elites they have replaced. Others however are seemingly poorly qualified to speak on complex moral issues. In the end it also turns out that who tells us how to feel about any moral issue counts at least as much as what they tell us. This is a fresh look at the impact of celebrity culture on contemporary morality and religious authority. As such it will be of great use to academics working in religious studies and ethics as well as popular culture and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367221386

Celebrity Philanthropy and ActivismMediated Interventions in the Global Public Sphere In recent years celebrity philanthropy and activism has attracted much attention from the media sparking a great deal of public interest. As exponents and endorsers of the marketisation and corporatisation of philanthropy and activism globally renowned super-celebrities habitually lend their name time and energy to a range of causes. They help raise awareness generate funds and endeavour to evoke social and political responses to crucial societal issues. These can range from domestic violence cancer prevention climate change and transgender acceptance to refugee problems and fighting poverty at home and abroad. But in what ways do (mediated communications about) these celebrities have the power to define what is going wrong in the world who or what is to blame how this can be solved and how this is to be evaluated morally and ethically? Does celebrity humanitarianism and activism serve to reinforce postcolonial power relations or does it help solve social problems advancing traditional views on how society is and should be organised? Importantly more than conceptual and empirical exploration of celebrity philanthropy and activism as such this book analyses the mediated communication the mediatised narratives that these endeavours provide.Combining insights from philanthropy and welfare regime studies international politics and diplomacy postcolonial studies but also from marketing from celebrity star and fan studies and from media communication and cultural studies this book critically analyses the mediated discourses and debates that celebrity philanthropy and activism provokes and considers wider ethical and theoretical perspectives. It will be of interest to all scholars and students working in sociology health and social care and social policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367591984

Celebrity SocietyThe Struggle for Attention On television and in films in magazines and books on the Internet and in the realm of politics celebrities of all sorts seem to dominate our attention. Celebrity Society: The Struggle for Attention brings new perspectives to our understanding of how the figure of ‘the celebrity’ is bound up with the structure and dynamics of society economics and politics. It outlines how the ‘celebrification of society’ is not just the twentieth-century product of Hollywood and television but a long-term historical process beginning with Christian saints the printing press theatre and art. Drawing on the ideas of Norbert Elias the book explains how contemporary celebrity society is the heir (or heiress) of ‘court society’ taking on but also transforming many of the functions of the aristocracy. As well as examining celebrity in all the familiar arenas – film television music fashion and sport – Celebrity Society also includes the analysis of celebrity in business and management politics humanitarianism and philanthropy. A key feature of the book is its development of the idea that celebrity is driven by the ‘economy of attention’ since attention has become a form of capital – attention capital – in the Information and Internet age. In this second edition the author has updated and significantly revised this path-breaking book to include a more detailed discussion of attention capital the question of gender and celebrity populism fans fandom and self-formation micro-celebrity and personal or self-branding the ‘worker celebrity’ and the impact of social media such as Twitter Facebook Instagram and YouTube. Celebrity is an exciting and rapidly expanding field of social science making this engaging book a valuable resource for students and scholars in sociology politics history celebrity studies cultural studies the sociology of media and cultural theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138295063

Celebrity Worship Celebrity Worship provides an introduction to the fascinating study of celebrity culture and religion. The book argues for celebrity as a foundational component for any consideration of the relationship between religion media and culture. Celebrity worship is seen as a vibrant and interactive discourse of the sacred self in contemporary society. Topics discussed include: Celebrity culture. Celebrity worship and project of the self as the new sacred. Social media and the democratisation of celebrity. Reactions to celebrity death. Celebrities as theologians of the self. Christian celebrity. Using contemporary case studies such as lifestyle television the religious vision of Oprah Winfrey and the death of David Bowie this book is a gripping read for those with an interest in celebrity culture cultural studies media studies religion in the media and the role of religion in society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138587090

Celestial LancetsA History and Rationale of Acupuncture and Moxa Using modern knowledge to shed light on ancient techniques this text examines two of the earliest therapeutic techniques of Chinese medicine: acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture is the implantation of very thin needles into subcutaneous connective tissue and muscle at a great number of different points on the body's surface; moxibustion is the burning of Artemisia tinder (moxa) either directly on the skin or just above it. For 2500 years the Chinese have used both techniques to relieve pain and to heal a wide variety of illnesses and malfunctions. Providing a full historical account of acupuncture and moxibustion in the theoretical structure of Chinese medicine Doctors Lu and Needham combine it with a rationale of the two techniques in the light of modern scientific knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137165

Celestial Wonders in Reformation Germany Celestial phenomena were often harnessed for use by clerics in early modern Germany. Kurihara examines how and why interest in these events grew in this period how the clergy exploited these beliefs and the role of sectarianism in Germany at this time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663060

Celestial Worlds Discovered CbCelestial Worlds Disco First published in 1968 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415760621

Celibate and Childless Men in PowerRuling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World This book explores a striking common feature of pre-modern ruling systems on a global scale: the participation of childless and celibate men as integral parts of the elites. In bringing court eunuchs and bishops together this collection shows that the integration of men who were normatively or physically excluded from biological fatherhood offered pre-modern dynasties the potential to use different reproduction patterns. The shared focus on ruling eunuchs and bishops also reveals that these men had a specific position at the intersection of four fields: power social dynamics sacredness and gender/masculinities. The thirteen chapters present case studies on clerics in Medieval Europe and court eunuchs in the Middle East Byzantium India and China. They analyze how these men in their different frameworks acted as politicians participated in social networks provided religious authority and discuss their masculinities. Taken together this collection sheds light on the political arena before the modern nation-state excluded these unmarried men from the circles of political power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880569

Celine the Crippled Giant Louis Ferdinand Céline (the pseudonym of Louis Destouches) was a famous novelist and ferocious anti-Semitic pamphleteer who rose to fame before Hitler but perfectly represented the fascist mind-set that swept across Europe between 1932 and 1944. Never a Nazi himself he was author of Journey to the End of the Night Death on the Installment Plan Guignol's Band Homage to Zola and a series of "pamphlets." The latter are a potpourri of racist editorials ballet scenarios and anti-Semitic confessions so violent that an aesthete like Andre Gide thought them parodies of other anti-Semitic literature. Little wonder the Nazis regarded Céline as a fellow-traveler. He retreated with the Nazis across the Rhine and sought refuge with them first in Germany and then in Denmark. In 1951 he benefitted from an amnesty as a wounded veteran of both World Wars. Before his death in 1961 he had regained his popularity with the public and was regarded as a classic writer. Now that the body of his work is in translation Céline's fame in the literary world circles the globe.Céline perhaps more than any other analysis helps shed some light on this enigmatic figure. It establishes his literary importance and at the same time examines his anti-Semitism. After a final meeting Hindus declared that "Celine is a splinter in my mind that I've got either to absorb completely or eject completely." The reader of this fascinating critical memoir of one of the twentieth century's most controversial literary figures is apt to be left with a similar dilemma. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520165

Cell Adhesion in Bioprocessing and Biotechnology Offers a detailed introduction to the fundamental phenomena that govern cell adhesion and describes bioengineering processes that employ cell adhesion focusing on both biochemical and biomedical applications. All industrially relevant issues of cell adhesion - from basic concepts quantitative experiments and mathematical models to applications in bioreactors and other process equipment - are examined. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138954

Cell and Material InterfaceAdvances in Tissue Engineering Biosensor Implant and Imaging Technologies A significant portion of biomedical applications necessitates the establishment of an interface between the cells of the patient and the components of the device. In many cases such as in implants and engineered tissues the interaction of the cells with the biomaterial is one of the main determinants of the success of the system. Cell and Material Interface: Advances in Tissue Engineering Biosensor Implant and Imaging Technologies explores this interaction and its control at length scales ranging from the nano to the macro.Featuring contributions from leading molecular biologists chemists and material scientists this authoritative reference:Presents practical examples of cell and material interface-based applicationsReflects the interdisciplinary nature of bioengineering covering topics such as biosensing immunology and controlled deliveryExplains the role of the cell and material interface in the context of cardiac and skin tissue engineering nanoparticles natural polymers and moreCell and Material Interface: Advances in Tissue Engineering Biosensor Implant and Imaging Technologies addresses concepts essential to biomaterial production methods and cell and material interactions. The book provides a solid starting point for elucidating and exploiting the different aspects of cellular interactions with materials for biomedical engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367656379

Cell and Matrix Mechanics Explores a Range of Multiscale Biomechanics/Mechanobiology Concepts Cell and Matrix Mechanics presents cutting-edge research at the molecular cellular and tissue levels in the field of cell mechanics. This book involves key experts in the field and covers crucial areas of cell and tissue mechanics with an emphasis on the roles of mechanical forces in cell–matrix interactions. Providing material in each chapter that builds on the previous chapters it effectively integrates length scales and contains for each length scale key experimental observations and corresponding quantitative theoretical models. Summarizes the Three Hierarchical Levels of Cell Mechanics The book contains 14 chapters and is organized into three sections. The first section focuses on the molecular level the second section details mechanics at the cellular level and the third section explores cellular mechanics at the tissue level. The authors offer a thorough description of the roles of mechanical forces in cell and tissue biology and include specific examples. They incorporate descriptions of associated theoretical models and provide the data and modeling framework needed for a multi-scale analysis. In addition they highlight the pioneering studies in cell–matrix mechanics by Albert K. Harris. The topics covered include: The passive and active mechanical properties of cytoskeletal polymers and associated motor proteins along with the behavior of polymer networks The mechanical properties of the cell membrane with an emphasis on membrane protein activation caused by membrane forces The hierarchical organization of collagen fibrils revealing that a delicate balance exists between specific and nonspecific interactions to result in a structure with semicrystalline order as well as loose associations The roles of matrix mechanical properties on cell adhesion and function along with different mechanical mechanisms of cell–cell interactions The effects of mechanical loading on cell cytoskeletal remodeling summarizing various modeling approaches that explain possible mechanisms regulating the alignment of actin stress fibers in response to stretching The mechanical testing of cell-populated collagen matrices along with theory relating the passive and active mechanical properties of the engineered tissues Cell migration behavior in 3-D matrices and in collective cell motility The role of mechanics in cartilage development The roles of both cellular and external forces on tissue morphogenesis The roles of mechanical forces on tumor growth and cancer metastasis Cell and Matrix Mechanics succinctly and systematically explains the roles of mechanical forces in cell–matrix biology. Practitioners and researchers in engineering and physics as well as graduate students in biomedical engineering and mechanical engineering related to mechanobiology can benefit from this work. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073333

Cell and Molecular Biology of Colon Cancer Published in 1989: The volume begins with a description of cell types and possible lineage in the normal colon by Colony a subject one would be hard pressed to find reviewed elsewhere especially in as incisive a manner. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367201913

Cell Biology by the Numbers A Top 25 CHOICE 2016 Title and recipient of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title (OAT) Award. How much energy is released in ATP hydrolysis? How many mRNAs are in a cell? How genetically similar are two random people? What is faster transcription or translation? Cell Biology by the Numbers explores these questions—and dozens of others—providing a richly illustrated and handy reference for students and researchers in molecular and cell biology chemistry and biophysics. The book features question-driven vignettes and "back of the envelope" calculations that investigate some of the key numbers in cell biology. Readers will learn about the sizes concentrations rates energies and other numbers that describe and drive the living world. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815345374

Cell Biology of Trauma This unique book presents an approach to viewing trauma. It examines the cellular consequences of trauma at a molecular level and provides new insights into the treatment of traumatic injury based on cellular responses. The current of trauma research is reviewed previously unpublished information on the topic is presented and research directions are included. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003067801

Cell Culture Bioprocess Engineering Second Edition This book is the culmination of three decades of accumulated experience in teaching biotechnology professionals. It distills the fundamental principles and essential knowledge of cell culture processes from across many different disciplines and presents them in a series of easy-to-follow comprehensive chapters. Practicality including technological advances and best practices is emphasized. This second edition consists of major updates to all relevant topics contained within this work. The previous edition has been successfully used in training courses on cell culture bioprocessing over the past seven years. The format of the book is well-suited to fast-paced learning such as is found in the intensive short course since the key take-home messages are prominently highlighted in panels. The book is also well-suited to act as a reference guide for experienced industrial practitioners of mammalian cell cultivation for the production of biologics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498762854

Cell Culture Models of Biological BarriersIn vitro Test Systems for Drug Absorption and Delivery Over the past ten years several sophisticated in vitro test systems based on epithelial cell cultures have been introduced in the field of drug delivery. These models have been found to be very useful in characterizing the permeability of drugs across epithelial tissues and in studying formulations or carrier systems for improved drug delivery and enhanced absorption. Compared to in vivo trials on animals or humans cell culture models are faster more convenient and cost effective ethically advantageous and most importantly they can be more easily standardized and validated.This book provides a practical approach to contemporary cell culture-based in vitro techniques for drug transport studies at biological absorption barriers. It is an invaluable source of information for students attending graduate courses on this subject and pharmaceutical scientists working in industry or in academia. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395957

Cell DiagnosticsImages Biophysical and Biochemical Processes in Allelopathy This book outlines some fields of cell diagnostics applied to allelopathy with several chapters devoted to cellular model systems for allelopathy new methods of microscopy in cellular diagnostics and methods of analytical biochemistry and biophysics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446222

Cell Electrophoresis This book presents a summary of the application and instrumentation of cell electrophoresis. The method of making cell purification and characterization possible according to the cellular negative surface charge density is discussed and ideas for future developments are explained. The negative electrostatic forces at cell surfaces provide information about cell-cell interaction blood vessel sealing cytokine actions cell transformation ion transport phenomena and other biological phenomena. Recalculations of the physical principles of cell electrophoresis reveal possibilities for removing disruptive factors caused by electrical current heat and sedimentation. The introduction of computer technology the performance of simultaneous two-parameter measurements and the application of cell-friendly but current-inert buffer systems render the method more reliable and efficient. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003069188

Cell Intercommunication This important publication addresses intercellular communication in health and disease. It includes recent advances in morphology and chemical organization of gap junctions. It discusses the possible role of intercellular channels in excitable and non-excitable tissues. The book presents modulation of junctional permeability as well as the possible role of cell communication in embryonic development and growth. The text concludes with a synthetic view of the role of gap junctions and potential implications to cardiology oncology and other areas of pathology. This volume is important to professionals in pharmacology physiology biochemistry biomedical science pathobiology pathology molecular genetics toxicology and human development. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891361

Cell MechanicsFrom Single Scale-Based Models to Multiscale Modeling Ubiquitous and fundamental in cell mechanics multiscale problems can arise in the growth of tumors embryogenesis tissue engineering and more. Cell Mechanics: From Single Scale-Based Models to Multiscale Modeling brings together new insight and research on mechanical mathematical physical and biological approaches for simulating the behavior of cells specifically tumor cells.In the first part of the text the book discusses the powerful tool of microrheology for investigating cell mechanical properties multiphysics and multiscale approaches for studying intracellular mechanisms in cell motility and the role of subcellular effects involving certain genes for inducing cell motility in cancer. Focusing on models based on physical mathematical and computational approaches the second section develops tools for describing the complex interplay of cell adhesion molecules and the dynamic evolution of the cell cytoskeleton. The third part explores cell interactions with the environment particularly the role of external mechanical forces and their effects on cell behavior. The final part presents innovative models of multicellular systems for developmental biology cancer and embryogenesis.This book collects novel methods to apply to cells and tissues through a multiscale approach. It presents numerous existing tools while stimulating the discovery of new approaches that can lead to more effective and accurate predictions of pathologies. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367384524

Cell Membrane NanodomainsFrom Biochemistry to Nanoscopy Cell Membrane Nanodomains: From Biochemistry to Nanoscopy describes recent advances in our understanding of membrane organization with a particular focus on the cutting-edge imaging techniques that are making these new discoveries possible. With contributions from pioneers in the field the book explores areas where the application of these novel techniques reveals new concepts in biology. It assembles a collection of works where the integration of membrane biology and microscopy emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of this exciting field. Beginning with a broad description of membrane organization including seminal work on lipid partitioning in model systems and the roles of proteins in membrane organization the book examines how lipids and membrane compartmentalization can regulate protein function and signal transduction. It then focuses on recent advances in imaging techniques and tools that foster further advances in our understanding of signaling nanoplatforms. The coverage includes several diffraction-limited imaging techniques that allow for measurements of protein distribution/clustering and membrane curvature in living cells new fluorescent proteins novel Laurdan analyses and the toolbox of labeling possibilities with organic dyes. Since superresolution optical techniques have been crucial to advancing our understanding of cellular structure and protein behavior the book concludes with a discussion of technologies that are enabling the visualization of lipids proteins and other molecular components at unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution. It also explains the ins and outs of the rapidly developing high- or superresolution microscopy field including new methods and data analysis tools that exclusively pertain to these techniques. This integration of membrane biology and advanced imaging techniques emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of this exciting field. The array of contributions from leading world experts makes this book a valuable tool for the visualization of signaling nanoplatforms by means of cutting-edge optical microscopy tools. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482209891

Cell Membranes Cell Membranes offers a solid foundation for understanding the structure and function of biological membranes. The book explores the composition and dynamics of cell membranes—discussing the molecular and biological diversity of its lipid and protein components and how the combinatorial richness of both components explains the chemical mechanical and self-renewing properties of cell membranes. Cell Membranes is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate students graduate students and professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815341963

Cell Physiology and Genetics of Higher PlantsVolume I First Published in 2018. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an Informa company. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891385

Cell Physiology and Genetics of Higher PlantsVolume II First Published in 2018. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an Informa company. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891378

Cell Signaling Cell Signaling presents the principles and components that underlie all known signaling processes. It provides undergraduate and graduate students the conceptual tools needed to make sense of the dizzying array of pathways used by the cell to communicate.  By emphasizing the common design principles components and logic that drives all signaling the book develops a conceptual framework through which students can understand how thousands of diverse signaling proteins interact with each other in vast interconnected networks. The book first examines the common currencies of cellular information processing and the core components of the signaling machinery.  It then shows how these individual components link together into networks and pathways to perform more sophisticated tasks. Many specific examples are provided throughout to illustrate common principles and provide a comprehensive overview of major eukaryotic signaling pathways. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815342441

Cells Forces and the Microenvironment With the recent development of new experimental approaches and methodologies it is becoming clear that cells and tissues are not regulated by biochemical signals alone. Indeed physical cues arising in the biological microenvironment are directly coupled to the biochemical regulation of living systems. This book provides a broad overview of how mechanical forces and properties govern diverse aspects of physiological and pathological processes. It also covers new emerging techniques developed to study complex biosystems such as microfluidics traction force microscopy and the development of novel biomaterials for tissue engineering. Importantly the chapters in this book are not limited to applications in animal cell biology but also cover important dimensions in other kingdoms such as plants and bacteria. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the roles that physical cues play in governing diverse forms of life with an eye on the development of fundamental new knowledge potential applications in biosensors and novel biomedical technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814613361

Cells in Evolutionary BiologyTranslating Genotypes into Phenotypes - Past Present Future This book is the first in a projected series on Evolutionary Cell Biology the intent of which is to demonstrate the essential role of cellular mechanisms in transforming the genotype into the phenotype by transforming gene activity into evolutionary change in morphology. This book —Cells in Evolutionary Biology — evaluates the evolution of cells themselves and the role cells have been viewed to play as agents of change at other levels of biological organization. Chapters explore Darwin’s use of cells in his theory of evolution and how Weismann’s theory of the separation of germ plasm from body cells brought cells to center stage in understanding how acquired changes to cells within generations are not passed on to future generations. Chapter 7 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498787864

Cellular Analysis by Atomic Force Microscopy Despite substantial evidence showing the feasibility of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to identify cells with altered elastic and adhesive properties the use of this technique as a complementary diagnostic method remains controversial. This book is designed to be a practical textbook that teaches how to assess the mechanical characteristics of living individual cells by AFM. Following a step-by-step approach it introduces the methodology of measurements in the case of both determination of elastic properties and quantification of adhesive properties. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669672

Cellular and Molecular Biology of Metals With chapter contributions from more than 30 metal biology experts Cellular and Molecular Biology of Metals explains the role of key divalent metal ions involved in the molecular and cellular biology of various target cell populations. Although it primarily focuses on homeostatic metals such as nickel zinc and chromium the text also discusses a few environmentally pertinent toxic divalent cations including mercury cadmium and arsenic. This authoritative resource reviews the physiological mechanisms underlying the handling of essential and toxic metal ions including metal ion homeostasis metals and enzyme activity metals and transcriptional regulation and metal ion transport. It also analyzes other functions designed to avoid metal-induced toxicity and mediate the metal enhancement of cellular function. The role of metal ions and their effect on mammalian cells and organs are only beginning to be truly defined. Cellular and Molecular Biology of Metals arms metals toxicologists and cellular and molecular biologists with the necessary knowledge they need to take the research effort to the next level.   Key selling features: Presents the most recent advances in the cell and molecular biology of metal ions Provides a complete exploration of transport mechanisms Addresses homeostatic metals as well as several environmentally relevant toxic divalent cations Features contributions from experts in their respective fields Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138372658

Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Renin-Angiotensin System Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Renin-Angiotensin System provides the first review and update of the state-of-the-art cellular and molecular aspects of the renin-angiotensin system. The book presents detailed analyses from world experts on each component of this system including future directions. Topics range from angiotensin II receptor subtypes to processing of renin to the use of transgenic animal models for studying the role of this system in hypertension. Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Renin-Angiotensin System is essential reading for physiologists of the renin-angiotensin system endocrinologists cardiovascular specialists renal physiologists and neurobiologists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891392

Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Cell Volume Regulation The ability to regulate cell volume in the face of osmotic challenge is one of the most fundamental of cellular homeostatic mechanisms. Cellular and Molecular Physiology of Cell Volume Regulation is an integrated collection of articles describing key aspects of cell volume control. The book has been organized around concepts and cellular/molecular processes rather than around mechanisms of volume regulation in specific cell types in order to make it more accessible to a multidisciplinary audience of students instructors and researchers. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367812140

Cellular Antioxidant Defense Mechanisms First Published in 1988 this three-volume set offers a full insight into the immune systems and its response to antioxidants. Carefully compiled and filled with diagrams references and information this set is recommended for students of immunology and other professionals in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367257118

Cellular Antioxidant Defense Mechanisms First Published in 1988 this three-volume set offers a full insight into the immune systems and its response to antioxidants. Carefully compiled and filled with diagrams references and information this set is recommended for students of immunology and other professionals in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367257156

Cellular Antioxidant Defense Mechanisms First Published in 1988 this three volume set offers a full insight into the immune system and its response to antioxidants. Carefully compiled and filled with diagrams references and information this set is recommended for students of immunology and other professionals in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367257088

Cellular Automata And ComplexityCollected Papers Are mathematical equations the best way to model nature? For many years it had been assumed that they were. But in the early 1980s Stephen Wolfram made the radical proposal that one should instead build models that are based directly on simple computer programs. Wolfram made a detailed study of a class of such models known as cellular automata and discovered a remarkable fact: that even when the underlying rules are very simple the behavior they produce can be highly complex and can mimic many features of what we see in nature. And based on this result Wolfram began a program of research to develop what he called ?A Science of Complexity.?The results of Wolfram's work found many applications from the so-called Wolfram Classification central to fields such as artificial life to new ideas about cryptography and fluid dynamics. This book is a collection of Wolfram's original papers on cellular automata and complexity. Some of these papers are widely known in the scientific community; others have never been published before. Together the papers provide a highly readable account of what has become a major new field of science with important implications for physics biology economics computer science and many other areas. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367091385

Cellular Dialogues in the Holobiont This book examines how the growing knowledge of the huge range of protist- animal- and plant-bacterial interactions whether in shared ecosystems or intimate symbioses is fundamentally altering our understanding of biology. The establishment and maintenance of these interactions and their contributions to the health and survival of all partners relies on continuous cell-to-cell communication between them. This dialogue may be concerned with all aspects of the biology of both partners. The book includes chapters devoted to exploring explaining and exposing these dialogues across a broad spectrum of plant and animal eukaryotes to a broad field of biologists. Key Features Explores the nature of the interactions between eukaryotic hosts and their microbial symbionts Examines the links between prostist animal and plant evolution and microbial communities Reviews specific taxa and the microbial diversity associated with these taxa Illustrates the role microbes play in the physiology and etiology of several model species Includes chapters by an international team of leading scholars Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367228811

Cellular In Vitro TestingMethods and Protocols Growing cells in 2D under static conditions has long been the gold standard of cell culture despite this method not being representative of the complex in vivo environment. Focusing on new 3D in vitro methods now available to researchers this book brings together examples of leading-edge work being conducted internationally for improving in vitro cell culture methods in particular the use of systems for enabling cell culture under laminar flow and the use of 3D scaffolds for providing cells with a structure which replicates the function of the extracellular matrix and encouraging interactions more akin to an in vivo environment. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814364973

Cellular ManufacturingMitigating Risk and Uncertainty In today’s business world competitiveness defines the industrial leading edge. Organizations and businesses of all sizes are adopting Lean manufacturing practices to increase efficiency and address worries about their bottom lines. In a detailed review of this staple of Lean manufacturing Cellular Manufacturing: Mitigating Risk and Uncertainty outlines how cellular manufacturing can do just that. It demonstrates how this approach can help you and your teams build a variety of products with as little waste as possible.The book begins by presenting a survey of the current state of existing methods that can best be used in the handling of the bottleneck machines and parts problem which results from the cellular manufacturing system design. It then explores how decision making under risk is used to help the designer select the best cell arrangement in case of probabilistic production volume and maximize the profit imposed by resource capacity constraints. The author then presents a method for the system design of a manufacturing cell that aims for profit maximization over a certain period of time. He also discusses robust design illustrated with a real application.Put simply cellular manufacturing integrates machinery and a small team of staff directed by a team leader so all the work on a product or part can be accomplished in the same cell eliminating resources that do not add value to the product. A concise yet unique reference this book incorporates decision making under risk into cellular manufacturing. The text makes the link that ties cellular manufacturing to the bottom line. It helps you recognize savings opportunities from elimination of downtime between operations decreased material handling costs decreased work-in-progress inventory and associated costs reduced opportunity for handling errors decreased downtime spent waiting for supplies or materials and reduced losses from defective or obsolete products. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466577558

Cellular ManufacturingOne-Piece Flow for Workteams Cellular Manufacturing: One-Piece Flow for Workteams introduces production teams to basic cellular manufacturing and teamwork concepts and orients them for participating in the design of a new production cell. Use this book to get everyone on board to reduce lead time work-in-process inventory and other profit-draining wastes. Each chapter includes an overview and a summary to reinforce concepts as well as reflection questions which can be used to encourage group discussions. This volume is part of Productivity Press’ Shopfloor Series which offers a simple cost-effective approach for building basic knowledge about key manufacturing improvement topics Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138961

Cellular Neurophysiology and IntegrationAn Interpretive Introduction First published in 1975. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802497

Cellular Patterns The mechanics underlying the form and structure of biological tissues is being increasingly investigated and appreciated with new results appearing at a fast pace. Cellular Patterns covers the salient elements of this thriving field of research in a textbook style including both historic landmark results and recent achievements. By building on concepts such as packing confinement surface tension and elastic instabilities the book explains the structure and the shape of sheet-like and bulk tissues by adapting the mechanics of continuous media to living matter. It reviews experimental results and empirical laws and wherever possible it discusses more than a single theoretical interpretation of a given phenomenon. The in-depth treatment of technical details the many boxes summarizing essential physical and biological ideas and an extensive set of problems make this book suitable as a complementary textbook for a graduate course in biophysics and as a standalone reference for students and researchers in biophysics bioengineering and mathematical biology interested in the mechanics of tissue.Features:Provides an overview of patterns and shapes seen in animal tissues in addition to an interpretation of these structures in terms of physical forces and processesContains detailed analysis and a critical comparison of mechanical models of cells tissues and morphogenetic movementsPresents a visually rich style which is accessible to physicists and biologists alike Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572501

Cellular Potts ModelsMultiscale Extensions and Biological Applications A flexible cell-level and lattice-based technique the cellular Potts model accurately describes the phenomenological mechanisms involved in many biological processes. Cellular Potts Models: Multiscale Extensions and Biological Applications gives an interdisciplinary accessible treatment of these models from the original methodologies to the latest developments. The book first explains the biophysical bases main merits and limitations of the cellular Potts model. It then proposes several innovative extensions focusing on ways to integrate and interface the basic cellular Potts model at the mesoscopic scale with approaches that accurately model microscopic dynamics. These extensions are designed to create a nested and hybrid environment where the evolution of a biological system is realistically driven by the constant interplay and flux of information between the different levels of description. Through several biological examples the authors demonstrate a qualitative and quantitative agreement with the relative experimental data. The cellular Potts model is increasingly being used for the mathematical modeling of a wide range of biological phenomena including wound healing tumor growth and cancer cell migration. This book shows how the cellular Potts model can be used as a framework for model building and how extended models can achieve even better biological practicality accuracy and predictive power. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466514782

Cellular Processes in Segmentation The evolution of segmentation is one of the central questions in evolutionary developmental biology. Indeed it is one of the best case studies for the role of changes in development in the evolution of body plans. Segmented body plans are believed to have appeared several times in animal evolution and to have contributed significantly to the evolutionary success of the taxa in which they are present. Because of the centrality of the subject and the continuing interest in understanding segmentation this book offers an often overlooked focus on the cellular aspects of the process of segmentation providing an invaluable reference for students of evolutionary developmental biology at all levels. Key Features Explores the role that segmentation has played in the diversity of animals Documents the diverse cellular mechanisms by which segmentation develops Reviews the independent evolutionary origins of segmentation Provides insight into the general patterns of serial homology at the cellular level Related Titles Lynne Bianchi. Developmental Neurobiology (ISBN 978-0-8153-4482-7). Jonathan Bard. Principles of Evolution: Systems Species and the History of Life (ISBN 978-0-8153-4539-8). Gerhard Scholtz. Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Crustacea (ISBN 978-9-0580-9637-1). Dr. Ariel D. Chipman is Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology Evolution & Behavior of the Silberman Institute of Life Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author or co-author of dozens of peer reviewed scientific journal articles. His research focuses upon the evolution of animal body plans with a focus on arthropod segmentation integrating comparative embryology the fossil record and genome evolution. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138389915

Cellular Signal ProcessingAn Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction Cellular Signal Processing offers a unifying view of cell signaling based on the concept that protein interactions act as sophisticated data processing networks that govern intracellular and extracellular communication. It is intended for use in signal transduction courses for undergraduate and graduate students working in biology biochemistry bioinformatics and pharmacology as well as medical students. The text is organized by three key topics central to signal transduction: the protein network its energy supply and its evolution. It covers all important aspects of cell signaling ranging from prokaryotic signal transduction to neuronal signaling and also highlights the clinical aspects of cell signaling in health and disease. This new edition includes expanded coverage of prokaryotes as well as content on new developments in systems biology epigenetics redox signaling and small non-coding RNA signaling. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815345343

Cellular Therapy for Neurological Injury Cellular Therapy for Neurological Injury discusses the current status of cellular therapy for neurological disorders. The primary areas of focus include traumatic brain injury stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic) and spinal cord injury. The book explores cell therapy approaches to these and other conditions while discussing current advances and a literature review in the context of a field that is moving rapidly. The book presents a translational focus addressing barriers and opportunities to moving forward. The mechanisms of injury are explored as well as how these mechanisms influence the type of cell therapy used the route of delivery and dosing regimen. Written by leaders in the field this is an invaluable resource for clinicians and researchers alike. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482225914

CellulitePathophysiology and Treatment It is estimated that 80 percent of women have some degree of cellulite. Although there are no permanent solutions for cellulite dermatologists recognize that this is an issue of importance for many women. This guide reviews current research on the pathophysiology and treatment of cellulite as well as the many recent developments in medical therapy liposculpture and pharmacy to combat the appearance of cellulite in the female figure. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367384180

Celluloid Mushroom CloudsHollywood And Atomic Bomb Celluloid Mushroom Clouds is a historical account of how the movie industry responded to specific economic and political forces over the postwar years. Joyce Evans investigates the transformation of the imagery associated with atomic technology found in Hollywood film produced and distributed between 1947 and 1964. Incorporating qualitative and qua Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314873

Cellulose-Based Graft CopolymersStructure and Chemistry Cellulose-Based Graft Copolymers: Structure and Chemistry discusses the synthesis characterization and properties of multifunctional cellulose-based graft copolymers. Presenting the contributions of accomplished experts in the field of natural cellulosic polymers this authoritative text: Offers an overview of cutting-edge technical accomplishments in natural cellulose-based graft polymers Addresses a separate biomaterial in each chapter exploring composition as well as graft copolymerization chemistry Covers fundamentals and applications including toxic ion removal biomedical engineering biofuels micro/nano composites papermaking building materials and defense Cellulose-Based Graft Copolymers: Structure and Chemistry tackles several critical issues and provides suggestions for future work supplying deeper insight into the state of the art of advanced cellulose-based graft copolymers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138827196

Celtic Craftsmanship in Bronze This book is primarily concerned with the craftsmanship of the Bronzesmiths of Britain and Ireland during the period from the beginning of the first century AD until the end of the seventh century. The period covered takes in a number of eras: the pre-Occupation era of the first century; the Romano-British period; and the so-called Dark Ages. What happened during these seven centuries is treated as a continuing story and only external events and political and religious thinking can have any effect on the forms which were fabricated. The Celts are known to have been expert metal workers and from the artistic point of view they are known to have been expert at designing bold eye-catching patterns. Yet the Celt had no art motifs which can be said to have been endemic to his world but took over a number of classical patterns and by the exercise of his imagination produced motifs with a compelling personality which is at once seen to be thoroughly Celtic. The book is divided into four parts each having its own historical introduction. Irish material is included in each period since there were close links between the bronzesmiths of Britain and Ireland and the art of one affected the other. Methods of manufacture are examined as are the range of styles and the origins of forms and motifs including isolating some as from certain localised workshops. Originally published in 1980. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817975

Celtic Dragon Myth First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873377

Celtic Myth: A Treasury of Legends Art and HistoryA Treasury of Legends Art and History Celtic Myth: A Treasury of Legends Art and History Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605681

Celtic ShakespeareThe Bard and the Borderers Drawing together some of the leading academics in the field of Shakespeare studies this volume examines the commonalities and differences in addressing a notionally 'Celtic' Shakespeare. Celtic contexts have been established for many of Shakespeare's plays and there has been interest too in the ways in which Irish Scottish and Welsh critics editors and translators have reimagined Shakespeare claiming connecting with and correcting him. This collection fills a major gap in literary criticism by bringing together the best scholarship on the individual nations of Ireland Scotland and Wales in a way that emphasizes cultural crossovers and crucibles of conflict. The volume is divided into three chronologically ordered sections: Tudor Reflections Stuart Revisions and Celtic Afterlives. This division of essays directs attention to Shakespeare's transformed treatment of national identity in plays written respectively in the reigns of Elizabeth and James but also takes account of later regional receptions and the cultural impact of the playwright's dramatic works. The first two sections contain fresh readings of a number of the individual plays and pay particular attention to the ways in which Shakespeare attends to contemporary understandings of national identity in the light of recent history. Juxtaposing this material with subsequent critical receptions of Shakespeare's works from Milton to Shaw this volume addresses a significant critical lacuna in Shakespearean criticism. Rather than reading these plays from a solitary national perspective the essays in this volume cohere in a wide-ranging treatment of Shakespeare's direct and oblique references to the archipelago and the problematic issue of national identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246782

Celts and the Classical World To observe the Celts through the eyes of the Greeks and Romans is the first aim of this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132504

Cement and Concrete Cement and concrete are of great interest to the construction and civil engineering communities. This study provides an appreciation of the complex nature of these materials and a realization that most of the failures involving concrete constructions are preventable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138414051

Cement and Concrete Mineral Admixtures Supplementary cementing materials and other mineral admixtures are being used in increasing amounts in both cement and concrete. Their main technical benefits are that they enhance the workability of fresh concrete and the durability of hardened concrete. Indeed they affect almost every property of the concrete. Their economic and ecological benefits may be just as significant and their use can be expected to increase as concrete remains the most common construction material. Cement and Concrete Mineral Admixtures concentrates mostly on natural pozzolans fly ashes ground granulated blast furnace slag silica fume and limestone powder namely the most commonly used mineral admixtures. Others such as metakaolin rice husk ash expanded clays and shales are also discussed. Their chemical mineralogical and physical properties are outlined. The influence of mineral admixtures on the hydration of cementitious systems and the properties of fresh and hardened concrete in which they are used are emphasized. International standards are reviewed. The basics of concrete mix proportioning with mineral admixtures are outlined. The possibilities of using mineral admixtures as constituents of special concretes such as self-compacting reactive powder roller-compacted concretes and special non-portland low-cost low-energy and/or low-CO2 cements such as alinite calcium sulfoaluminate and belitic cements and alkali-activated binders are also covered. The book is a comprehensive reference for senior undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in the fields of cement and concrete and for cement and concrete practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367028008

Cement Production TechnologyPrinciples and Practice The book is an outcome of the author’s active professional involvement in research manufacture and consultancy in the field of cement chemistry and process engineering. This multidisciplinary title on cement production technology covers the entire process spectrum of cement production starting from extraction and winning of natural raw materials to the finished products including the environmental impacts and research trends. The book has an overtone of practice supported by the back-up principles. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367571689

Cement-Based CompositesMaterials Mechanical Properties and Performance Second Edition Cement-Based Composites takes a different approach from most other books in the field by viewing concrete as an advanced composite material and by considering the properties and behaviour of cement-based materials from this stance. It deals particularly but not exclusively with newer forms of cement-based materials. This new edition takes a critical approach to the subject as well as presenting up-to-date knowledge. Emphasis is given to non-conventional reinforcement and design methods problems at the materials' interfaces and to the durability of structures. High strength composites and novel forms of cement-based composites are described in detail. After a basic introduction the book explores the various components of these materials and their properties. It then deals with mechanical properties and considers characteristics under various loading and environmental conditions and concludes by examining design optimization and economics with particular emphasis on high-performance concretes. Researchers graduate students and practising engineers will find this book valuable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138115392

Cenozoic SeasThe View From Eastern North America >The rich fossil record of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains of the United States is a gold mine for interested scientists. The last thirty million years of Earth history are superbly chronicled by a succession of fossil assemblages extending from the St. Lawrence River to Florida. Marine scientists paleontologists and systematic biologists alike need a thorough guide to interpret this history.Cenozoic Seas: The View from Eastern North America analyzes the changing geography the arrival and departures of ecosystems and species and the affect of climate on living things. The author classifies all of the region's fossil-bearing formations and their contents within a logical descriptive framework of space and time providing a clear path for those studying evolution and extinction within specific communities of organisms. The book is also an excellent field guide for fossil collectors providing detailed information for all species illustrated. Many organisms have never before been illustrated in a book on fossil shells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367394660

Censored by ConfuciusGhost Stories by Yuan Mei "The one hundred-some stories depict the important role ghosts played in the lives of the Chinese as well as revealing a great deal about sex revenge transvestism corruption and other topics banned by Mei's puritanical mid-Qing society". -- Reference & Research Book News. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315285733

Censoring HistoryPerspectives on Nationalism and War in the Twentieth Century Considering the great influence textbooks have as interpreters of history politics and culture to future generations of citizens it is no surprise that they generate considerable controversy. Focusing largely on textbook treatment of lingering - and sometimes explosive - tensions originating in World War II "Censoring History" addresses issues of textbook nationalism in historical and comparative perspective. Discussions include Japan's Comfort Women and the Nanjing Massacre; Nazi genocide against the Jews Gypsies Catholics and others; Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Indochina wars. The essays address controversies over textbook content around the globe: How and why do specific representations of war evolve? What are the international and national forces affecting how textbook writers publishers and state censors depict the past? How do these forces differ from country to country? Other comparative essays analyze nationalist and war controversies in German US and Chinese textbook debates. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315292298

Censoring Sex ResearchThe Debate over Male Intergenerational Relations This volume sheds light on one of the most explosive episodes of censure of academic scholarship in recent decades. Bruce Rind a former psychology professor at Temple University investigated sexual relations between male adults and adolescents through history and across cultures from highly institutionalized relationships in Ancient Greece and Rome to 33 contemporary cultures including the USA and among various species. His conclusions that these relations when consensual are not always negative was radical but based in his research findings. Even before publication of an invited article on the topic he was subjected to intensive attacks censured and censored. This book presents a substantially extended version of Rind’s original unpublished article plus 12 scholarly responses to his work that argue for or against Rind’s conclusions or offer useful context on his work. For anyone interested in sex research and the academic freedom issues surrounding it whether supportive of or vehemently opposed to Rind’s ideas this book is a must-read. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611323399

Censorship and Civic Order in Reformation Germany 1517–1648'Printed Poison & Evil Talk' The history of the European Reformation is intimately bound-up with the development of printing. With the ability of the printed word to distribute new ideas theologies and philosophies widely and cheaply early-modern society was quick to recognise the importance of being able to control what was published. Whilst much has been written on censorship within Catholic lands much less scholarship is available on how Protestant territories sought to control the flow of information. In this ground-breaking study Allyson F. Creasman reassesses the Reformation's spread by examining how censorship impacted upon public support for reform in the German cities. Drawing upon criminal court records trial manuscripts and contemporary journals - mainly from the city of Augsburg - the study exposes the networks of rumour gossip cheap print and popular songs that spread the Reformation message and shows how ordinary Germans adapted these messages to their own purposes. In analysing how print and oral culture intersected to fuel popular protest and frustrate official control the book highlights the limits of both the reformers's influence and the magistrates's authority. The study concludes that German cities were forced to adapt their censorship policies to the political and social pressures within their communities - in effect meaning that censorship was as much a product of public opinion as it was a force acting upon it. As such this study furthers debates not only on the spread and control of information within early modern society but also with regards to where exactly within that society the impetus for reform was most strong. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138109018

Censorship and Free SpeechSome Philosophical Bearings This title was first published in 2000:  While there are many philosophical studies of free speech treating censorship historically politically or by the medium restricted (films press etc.) little has been written on censorship and free speech dealing with issues philosophically and approaching them from the perspective of restrictions. This book treats censorship and free speech as a problem of ideas examining the issues as an aspect of our wider social and political lives and critically examining mainstream arguments against censorship. This unique approach takes issue with the concept of censorship as something aberrant to examine where the limits of free speech lie in ensuring individual development and collective harmony. Examining the possibility of accepting censorship positively to serve legitimate purposes it will be a thought-provoking challenge to prescriptive arguments for free speech. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138734746

Censorship in Japan This book explores censorship particularly film and video censorship in Japan in modern times. It shows how most censorship has been the film and video industry exercising self-censorship and how this system has been problematic in that it has allowed dominant players in the industry to impose their own standards and exclude independent filmmakers. It outlines notable obscenity cases and discusses how industry self-censorship bodies have been undermined both by industry outsiders setting up their own alternative regimes and by the industry self-censorship bodies themselves being prosecuted for obscenity. The book also examines the conflict between the obscenity law introduced in Meiji times when Japan was importing Western models and the freedom of speech law which was put in place by the US occupation administration after World War II. The book concludes by assessing the current state of censorship in Japan and likely future developments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138222007

Census and Social Structure First Published in 1978. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970007

Census Reports: 1801Abstract of the Answers and Returns Parish Registers Census Reports 1801. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367112059

Censuses and Census TakersA Global History This book analyses the international development of the census by comparing the history of census taking on all continents and in many countries. The timeframe is wide from male censuses in the Bible to current censuses covering the whole population. There is a focus on the efforts and destinies of census takers and the development of methods used to collect information into the census questionnaires. The book highlights international cooperation in census taking as well as how computerized access to census data facilitates genealogical studies and statistical research on both historical and contemporary societies. It deals with such questions as "Why did the French and British gentry block efforts at census taking in the 18th century?"; "What role did German censuses play during Holocaust?"; Why were the Soviet census directors executed as part of the Moscow processes?"; "Why did US states sue the Census Bureau in the 1970s?"; "How do wars and revolutions affect census taking?". The text ends by discussing whether the days of the population census as we know it are numbered since countries exceedingly construct censuses by combining information from population registers rather than with questionnaires. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367348939

Centers and Peripheries in Knowledge Production This book examines the circulation of knowledge within globalization focusing on the differences between centers and peripheries of knowledge production in the social sciences. It explores not only how knowledge is appropriated in peripheral fields but also how foreign ideas shape those fields and the trajectories of scholars and uses actor-network theory to explain circulation of knowledge as an extension of socio-technical networks that transcend borders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138957398

Centers of LearningBritain France Germany United States The universities of Britain France Germany and the United States stem from a common European academic tradition and are today among the most influential and powerful in the world. Each has cultivated a high degree of scientific excellence and intellectual autonomy and has served as a model for world higher education. Yet these four systems are structurally distinct and show considerably different patterns of development. In Centers of Learning Joseph Ben-David explores these differences and provides insight into the role and scope of contemporary higher education.Although the movement toward modem systems grew out of shared convictions and practical needs Ben-David's comparative analysis shows that educational reform had surprisingly different consequences in America England Germany and France. In France higher education became identified with the purposes and authority of the state through specialized training for various professionals. In contrast the German reforms consolidated the scholarly disciplines under a highly centralized university system with no special status accorded to the professional faculties. In England Oxford and Cambridge adopted the German model but smaller specialized institutions established a tradition of academic diversity and community 'service. The modernization of the American system followed the European reforms in updating the scientific curriculum and following the university model but with a special emphasis on extending higher educational status to a broad strata of the population.In assessing the development of these systems Ben-David finds their greatest success in extending the prestige and benefits of higher learning to the professions. General education while strong in America has suffered in the European systems especially through its slackening ties to research. Centers of Learning contains a forceful critique of the politicization of the academy. Ben-David sees the furthering of social justice and equality as a necessary though controlled part of the university's mission. Uncontrolled political criticism will have the potential for disrupting educational functions and undermining the relationship between the university and society. In undertaking a historical survey of national education endeavors this volume clarifies the contexts of current problems and inadequacies. Its broad-ranging analyses and proposed solutions make it essential reading for educators social historians political scientists and sociologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520172

Central America Two Volume SetGeology Resources and Hazards An integrated treatment of the principal fields of classical and applied geosciences of Central America this authoritative two-volume monograph treats the region as a whole exploring geology earth resources and geo-hazards across political boundaries. It reviews the published literature and supplements it with an abundance of information from o Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429074370

Central America Integrat/h This study challenges several widely held assumptions about Central American economic integration arguing that the key to understanding the failure of the integration program lies in neither advanced economic nor regional integration theory but in the domestic politics of the states involved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167813

Central AmericaThe Future of Economic Integration This book addresses selected aspects of reconstructing Central American's industrial and trading system. Special attention is given to the role of the European Community in regional reconstruction and integration and analyzes the economic legacy of the 1980s and the impact of adjustment policy. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367012861

Central and Eastern Europe After TransitionTowards a New Socio-legal Semantics How have national identities changed developed and reacted in the wake of transition from communism to democracy in Central and Eastern Europe? Central and Eastern Europe After Transition defines and examines new autonomous differences adopted at the state and the supranational level in the post-transitional phase of the post-Communist area and considers their impact on constitutions democracy and legal culture. With representative contributions from older and newer EU members the book provides a broad set of cultural points for reference. Its comparative and interdisciplinary approach includes a useful selection of bibliographical resources specifically devoted to the Central Eastern European countries' transitions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138260702

Central and Eastern Europe Handbook First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315062143

Central and Eastern Europe in the EUChallenges and Perspectives Under Crisis Conditions Since the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008 the EU has been in almost permanent crisis mode. It is witnessing new dimensions of internal differentiation among its member states and the migration crisis has shown that the Central and Eastern European countries (CEEs) in particular are slowly but certainly transforming themselves from predominantly passive policy-takers towards becoming more active players in the process of shaping the EU’s governance agenda. This edited volume offers the first comprehensive and critical insight into how the CEEs position themselves in the EU’s changing internal and external environment their stance towards the European integration process under current crisis conditions and what political and economic strategies they prioritize. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367734473

Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative PerspectivePolitics Economy and Culture Appearing more than twenty years after the revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe this book could not have come at a more appropriate time; a time to take stock not only of the changes but also the continuities in media systems of the region since 1989. To what extent are media institutions still controlled by political forces? To what extent are media markets operating in Central and Eastern Europe? Do media systems in Central and Eastern Europe resemble media systems in other parts of Europe? The answers to these questions are not the same for each country in the region. Their experience is not homogeneous. An international line up of distinguished experts and emerging scholars methodically examine the different economic political cultural and transnational factors affecting developments in media systems across Central and Eastern Europe. Whereas earlier works in the media system tradition have in the main adopted the political framework of comparative politics the authors argue that media systems are also cultural and economic institutions and there are other critical variables that might explain certain outcomes better. Topics discussed range from political economy to gender inequality to the study of ethno-cultural diversity. This unmatched volume gives you the unique opportunity to study the growing field of comparative media analysis across Eastern and Western Europe. A valuable resource that goes beyond the field of media and cultural analysis which media scholars as well as to area specialists should not go without! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138256934

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2012 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of Central and South-Eastern Europe incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. includes expert analysis of issues of importance to the region up-to-date statistics extensive directories and biographical information provides impartial coverage of the region's political and economic situation. Latest events in the region are profiled and new analytical content added for 2012 including: two new economic reports assessing the current condition of the Polish and Hungarian economies a brand new analytical essay looking at the influence of the new EU member states on EU foreign policy extensive coverage of the state entity and local elections to all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina details on the conclusion of Croatia's membership negotiations with the EU fully updated directories reflecting all new appointments within the diplomatic service local government judicial system etc. General Survey Comprises thoroughly revised and updated analytical articles covering issues of regional interest including: Central and South-Eastern European Economies; Minorities in Central and South-Eastern Europe; Environmental Governance and EU Enlargement; The Baltic Sea Region; Bosnia and Herzegovina since Dayton; EU Integration and Social Policy Reforms in Central and South-Eastern Europe; and Modern Greece in South-Eastern Europe. Appendices cover the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Detailed individual chapters for each country include information on physical and social geography; a chronology; essays on the political history and economic affairs; and a statistical survey. Each chapter also includes a comprehensive directory of names addresses and other contact details together with information on: the Constitution national and local government the election commission political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications trade and industry (including major companies) transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence and education. There is also a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details on more than 175 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Detailed information on selected regional and international organizations; a list of research institutes; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857436174

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2013 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. New for 2013: coverage and results of elections across the region details of political and economic developments in Greece and other European Union (EU) member nations in the region a new essay on the crisis in the euro area fully updated directories reflecting new appointments within political and other organizations. General Survey Essays by experts in the area cover issues of regional interest including: The Impact of New Member States on the EU’s External Relations; Minorities in Central and South-Eastern Europe; Environmental Governance and the Influence of the EU; Bosnia and Herzegovina since Dayton; and Modern Greece in South-Eastern Europe. Appendices cover the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: essays on geography recent history and economy a statistical survey and an extensive directory of contact details for significant political and commercial institutions in the region a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Regional Information Details of regional and international organizations and research institutes in the region; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857436501

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2014 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. New for 2014: a new essay on the Black Sea region discussion and expert analysis of elections throughout the region including the legislative elections in Albania and Bulgaria in mid-2013 details of developments in relations with the EU for both current and prospective members and in the eurozone. General Survey Essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues including: the crisis in the eurozone; the impact of the new member states on the external relations of the European Union (EU); Central and South-Eastern European economies; minorities; the Baltic Sea region; Bosnia and Herzegovina since Dayton; social policy; and the place of modern Greece in South-Eastern Europe. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: information on physical and social geography a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical essays on each country's political history and economy a statistical survey an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education - and more) and a select bibliography Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857436914

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2015 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. New for 2015: - discussion and expert analysis of elections throughout the region - details of developments in relations with the EU for current and prospective members and within the eurozone - fully revised essay content including new essays on the post-Socialist economies and on Islam in the region. General Survey Essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography - a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical - essays on each country's political history and economy - a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more) - and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857437294

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2016 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. New for 2016:- discussion and expert analysis of elections throughout the region- details of developments in relations with the EU for current and prospective members and within the eurozone- fully revised essay content including a new essay on the politics of energy in the region. General Survey General Survey Essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more)- and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857437737

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2017 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. New for 2017:- discussion and expert analysis of elections throughout the region together with election results and details of new governments- fully revised essay content including new essays on the political impact of migration into the region the euro crisis in the periphery and the threat of radical Islam in the Balkans General Survey    New and revised essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more)- and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857438444

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2018 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and socio-political developments. New for 2018:- discussion and expert analysis of elections throughout the region together with election results and details of new governments- fully revised essay content including a new essay on threats to stability in the Western Balkans General Survey New and revised essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more)- and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857438765

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and political developments. General Survey     Essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more)- and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857439380

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and political developments. General Survey     Essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more)- and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367175078

Central and South-Eastern Europe 2021 A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region incorporating the latest economic and political developments. General Survey     Essays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues. In addition appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. Country Surveys Individual chapters for each country containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey - an extensive directory of contact details for political state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government political organizations diplomatic representation the judicial system religion the media finance telecommunications and broadcasting major companies transport tourism culture social welfare the environment defence education and more)- and a select bibliography. Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern Europe Biographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures. Regional Information Contact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367440190

Central Asia This is an important analysis of a key but little-known region in the wider context of world politics. Central Asia has huge oil and gas resources divided between five independent states - Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - each with their own problems and interests. The region is energy-rich and being situated between Russia and China and close to Afghanistan and other potential trouble-spots it has acquired immense geo-strategic importance. History is seen and felt everywhere. Old legacies whether they go back to Genghis Khan or stem from the recent Soviet past have a profound effect on contemporary issues and political choices. Concentrating on today's problems against a complex historical background the book draws on the author's extensive involvement with the region. Considerable attention is paid to Central Asian Islam human rights issues in the region and Central Asia's place in the 'war against terrorism'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415541022

Central Asia and the New Global EconomyCritical Problems Critical Choices Central Asia's new states have been buffeted by financial ill winds from East Asia and Russia and by Islamic revolutionary movements from the south. In the context of widespread and deepening impoverishment endemic corruption gaping inequalities and external pressures to undertake difficult reforms economic crisis threatens to expand into profoundly destabilizing social and political crises as well.This volume analyzes the geopolitical and macroeconomic situation of Central Asia local policy responses to the current crisis and alternative scenarios for the foreseeable future. It devotes particular attention to Kazakhstan Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Beyond the immediate case the book focuses on policy measures and institutional improvements that could most directly impact the capacity of economies in the region to adapt to the globalization process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705903

Central Asia at the End of the Transition For better or worse the former Soviet republics of Central Asia have largely completed their post-independence transitions. Over more than a decade they have established themselves as independent states whose internal regimes and external relations have characteristic patterns and vulnerabilities both individually and as a group. The purpose of this volume is to assess both what has been accomplished and the trends of development in the region especially its leading states. How sound are the foundations of this "bulwark against the spread of terrorism" in Eurasia? Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315497617

Central Asia In Historical Perspective Since the demise of Soviet power the newly independent republics are redefining their identities and their relations with the world at large. In Central Asia which lies at the crossroads of several cultures the emerging trends are complex and ambiguous.In this volume leading experts explore factors that have driven the region's historical devel Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314880

Central Asia Meets the Middle East The emergence of Muslim republics has been part of a larger transformation experienced by the Middle East in the 1990s. The main purpose of this volume is to examine the impact of the transformation on the Middle East especially Turkey and Iran. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315037493

Central Asia Reader: The Rediscovery of HistoryThe Rediscovery of History An anthology translated from original languages and annotated which documents the rediscovery of history and aims to establish foundations for current political action and cultural revival in the Turkic regions of the former Soviet Union. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315485058

Central AsiaA Gathering Storm? The societies of Central Asia are besieged from within and without. The political elites - virtually unchanged despite the transition to independent statehood - battle radical Islamic movements and other oppositional threats that are continuously fueled by economic instability corruption environmental deterioration and the collapse of social services. This survey of political economic and social development in Central Asia offers geopolitical context unparalleled coverage and analytical depth to our understanding of a region that appears to be rapidly spiraling into crisis. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705897

Central AsiaChallenges of Independence The economic political and international profile of Central Asia has been the subject of much speculation since the region emerged from under the Soviet banner. This book offers systematic informed analysis of developments in the newest of emerging market regions by a team of international experts including leading in-country specialists. After an astute survey of political regimes by Umirserik Kasenov Boris Rumer and Stanislav Zhukov present a comprehensive analysis of economic development and integrated issues. In the final four chapters focused attention is devoted to foreign investment and trade questions and the most critical challenges confronting the two largest states Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315095929

Central AsiaGeopolitics security and stability Throughout history Central Asia has formed an important strategic link between the East and the West and been described as thegreat pivot in the early-twentieth century. This book looks at the relations between the Central Asian states and major external powers. It shows how these nations have kept the fragile geopolitics of the region free of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367177072

Central AsiaViews from Washington Moscow and Beijing The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 rapidly and irrevocably transformed Central Asia's political landscape. This region of five sovereign states with a population of some fifty million people quickly became a major focus of interest and influence for competing poles of power. The eminent contributors to this volume offer a four-part analysis of the region's new importance in world affairs. Rajan Menon examines the place of Central Asia in a global perspective. Eugene Rumer considers the perspective of the post-9/11 United States. Dimitri Trenin looks at the region from the standpoint of traditional hegemon Russia. Huasheng Zhao provides the view from economic superpower-in-the-making China. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315289533

Central Bank AutonomyThe Federal Reserve System in American Politics First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315052984

Central Banking in a DemocracyThe Federal Reserve and its Alternatives The Federal Reserve System which has been Congress’s agent for the control of money since 1913 has a mixed reputation. Its errors have been huge. It was the principal cause of the Great Depression of the 1930s and the inflation of the 1970s and participated in the massive bailouts of financial institutions at taxpayers' expense during the recent Great Recession.This book is a study of the causes of the Fed’s errors with lessons for an improved monetary authority beginning with an examination of the history of central banks in which it is found that their performance depended on their incentives as is to be expected of economic agents. An implication of these findings is that the Fed’s failings must be traced to its institutional independence particularly of the public welfare. Consequently its policies have been dictated by special interests: financial institutions who desire public support without meaningful regulation as well as presidents and those portions of Congress desiring growing government financed by inflation. Monetary stability (which used to be thought the primary purpose of central banks) requires responsibility meaning punishment for failure instead of a remote and irresponsible (to the public) agency such as the Fed. It requires either private money motivated by profit or Congress disciplined by the electoral system as before 1913. Change involving the least disturbance to the system suggests the latter. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367869687

Central Banking in Eastern Europe This book written by a multinational team of experts explores the changing face of central banking in Eastern Europe in the light of modern macroeconomic thinking providing important and novel insights into the design of monetary policy institutions.With its authoritative content this book will interest students and academics involved with money and banking macroeconomics and Eastern European studies. Professionals working for financial institutions will also find plenty that will appeal within these pages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646437

Central Debates in British Politics Central Debates in British Politics focuses on British politics in a changing social economic and institutional context. The book explores issues and debates using a variety of approaches and techniques. It is written and edited by a team of leading experts who analyse key issues in a highly structured and thematic manner.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155909

Central Europe in the Twentieth CenturyAn Economic History Perspective First published in 1997   this book has been produced by the leading scholars of the economic history of the region in the belief that the events of 1989/90 and the subsequent turmoil in every country affected can only be accurately interpreted from an informed historical perspective. The chapters are accessible and authoritative; each is from a first-rank and highly experienced economic historian of the nation under discussion. The necessarily differing treatments of the social economic and national problems correct the widespread misapprehension that the countries of the region are essentially alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138612600

Central Europe Since 1945 Central Europe - here Poland the German Democratic Republic Czechoslovakia and Hungary - is at the centre of international attention since the Soviet collapse. An understanding of its postwar history is critical to an appreciation of the challenges facing its present rulers. This is an engrossing account of the installation development operation and eventual downfall of its (very different) communist regimes and the transition to the freedoms and uncertainties of the post-Soviet world. The book covers political economic social and cultural change emphasising the crucial relationships with the USSR throughout. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138836242

Central European Democracy and its BackgroundEconomic and Political Group Organizations First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415863223

Central European Folk MusicAn Annotated Bibliography of Sources in German First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970014

Central European Industry in the Information Age This title was first published in 2000:  A study of the diffusion and effective use of ICT in industry in Hungary Poland Lithuania and Ukraine. It explores quantitative and qualitative overviews of the current state of affairs with respect to computer-networking in industry and examines prospects and obstacles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138724938

Central European Security ConcernsBridge Buffer or Barrier? This book first published in 1993 examines the security concerns of the Central European countries in the immediate aftermath of the Cold War. The collapse of the Soviet Union brought considerable uncertainty and instability to its satellite states now free from Moscow’s influence. This collection of essays by leading Central European experts analyses the problems and difficulties faced by these countries as well as the opportunities offered in forging new security doctrines and alliances. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367612146

Central Ideas in the Development of American JournalismA Narrative History Originally published in 1991. This fascinating book of journalism history outlines the author’s concepts of the three ‘central ideas’ in journalism which have evolved through time. The first is the Official Story that which state authorities wanted people to know; the second the Corruption Story emphasised the abuse of authority by those in power and focused on a willingness to oppose the official and tell the specific detail; and the third the Oppression Story where journalists present the cause of events as down to external influences and work to change the social environment. The book narrates the history from its European beginnings in the 16th and 17th Centuries up to the early 20th Century expressing how all interpretive journalism has a philosophic world-view component and understanding journalism history entails understanding these insights of the times. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138928336

Central Labor Councils and the Revival of American Unionism:Organizing for Justice in Our Communities Central Labor Councils are the local arm of the labor movement responsible for coordinating collective activities among different unions in a region. Once quite powerful organizations with important political roles at local and regional levels CLCs waned significantly during the 1940s and 50s.This work examines the recent re-emergence of Central Labor Councils and how they are being utilized as effective bodies to help rejuvenate the labor movement. It combines comprehensive history of the CLCs in America since the early 19th century and case studies by CLC leaders in Atlanta Milwaukee San Jose and Seattle -- the regions where CLCs have re-emerged as important players in advancing the labor movement. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705880

Central Organizations Of Defense This book is designed to assist scholars and policymakers in comparative analyses of complex organizations and institutions of defense and to identify similarities and differences among the central administrative structures of the major industrial states. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164720

Central Planning First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415866316

Central Works of Philosophy v1Ancient and Medieval This collection of essays showcases the most important and influential philosophical works of the ancient and medieval period roughly from 600 BC to AD 1600. Each chapter takes a particular work of philosophy and discusses its proponent its content and central arguments. These are: Plato's Republic; Aristotle' Nichomachean Ethics; Lucretius' On the Nature of the Universe; Sextus Emperiicus' Outlines of Pyrrhonism; Plotinus' The Enneads; Augustine's City of God; Anselm's Proslogion; Aquinas' Summa Theologia; Duns Scotus' Ordinatio; William of Ockham's Summa Logicae . Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315712260

Central Works of Philosophy v2Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Central Works of Philosophy is a major multi-volume collection of essays on the core texts of the Western philosophical tradition. From Plato's Republic to Quine's Word and Object the five volumes range over 2 500 years of philosophical writing covering the best most representative and most influential work of some of our greatest philosophers each of them primary texts studied at undergraduate level. Each essay has been specially commissioned and provides an overview of the work clear and authoritative exposition of its central ideas and an assessment of the work's importance then and now. Each essay equips the reader with the resources and confidence to go on to read the works themselves. Together these books provide an unrivaled companion for studying and reading philosophy one that introduces the reader to the masterpleces of the western philosophical canon and some of the greatest minds that have ever lived talking about the profoundest most exciting problems there are. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw a brilliant outpouring of philosophical thought unprecedented in human history. Together philosophy and science pushed medieval and Renaissance scholasticism aside to lay the foundations of the modern world. Beginning with Descartes' Meditations the contributors examine some of the period's most seminal philosophical texts: Spinoza's Ethics which presents a complete picture of reality that has at its heart how we can be good the Monadology in which Leibniz describes what must underpin reality if it is to be fully explained Hobbes' Leviathan which reminds us of the dangers of the unchecked brutality of humanity; Rousseau's Social Contract a vision of how human nature can be changed for the better in a new society Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding which wishes us to grasp that we must make knowledge our own through experience not authority Berkeley's attack on materialism in his Treatise and Hume's search for rational justification for our most basic beliefs about the world in his Treatise of Human Nature. Together these essays offer students a remarkable survey of the key texts and core ideas that make up the age of rationalism and empiricism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315712253

Central Works of Philosophy v3Nineteenth Century Central Works of Philosophy is a major multi-volume collection of essays on the core texts of the Western philosophical tradition. From Plato's Republic to the present day the five volumes range over 2 500 years of philosophical writing covering the best most representative and most influential work of some of our greatest philosophers. Each essay has been specially commissioned and provides an overview of the work clear and authoritative exposition of its central ideas and an assessment of the work's importance. Together these books provide an unrivaled companion for studying and reading philosophy one that introduces the reader to the masterpieces of the western philosophical canon. Much of nineteenth-century philosophy may be viewed as either an affirmation or rejection of Kant. This volume therefore begins with Kant's magnum opus the Critique of Pure Reason. Michelle Grier provides a masterly distillation of this monumental work. Curtis Bowman explores the central text of the first of the great post-Kantian idealists Fichte who extended Kantian philosophy in a new direction. Hegel one of Kant's most formidable critics is given incisive treatment by Michael Inwood in his presentation of the Phenomenology of Spirit. Schopenhauer's World as Will and Representation which hoped to solve many of the problems that Kant's philosophy left unsolved is explored in Dale Jacquette's chapter. The moral philosophy of John Stuart Mill perhaps the only philosopher in this volume to circumvent Kant's influence is examined in Jonathan Riley's essay on his classic work On Liberty. The philosophical ideas of Kierkegaard widely credited as the founder of modern existentialism are explored by Stephen Evans in his essay on Philosophical Fragments. Marx's Capital one of the most influential books of the modern age is given expert treatment by Tom Rockmore. The volume closes with Nietzsche whose appropriation of Kant led to a radical anti-philosophy. Rex Welshon dissects his most philosophical and widely read work On the Genealogy of Morals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315712246

Central Works of Philosophy v4Twentieth Century: Moore to Popper "Central Works of Philosophy" is a major multi-volume collection of essays on the core texts of the Western philosophical tradition. From Plato's "Republic" to the present day the five volumes range over 2 500 years of philosophical writing covering the best most representative and most influential work of some of our greatest philosophers. Each essay has been specially commissioned and provides an overview of the work clear and authoritative exposition of its central ideas and an assessment of the work's importance. Together these books provide an unrivaled companion for studying and reading philosophy one that introduces the reader to the masterpieces of the western philosophical canon. The period 1900-60 which this volume covers witnessed changes in logical and linguistic analysis far beyond anything dreamt of in the previous history of the subject. The volume begins with chapters on the key texts of the Cambridge philosophers Moore Russell and Wittgenstein which together marked the emergence of analytical philosophy. The Vienna Circle of the 1920s and the development of logical positivism in the 1930s and 1940s are represented by chapters on two fundamental works by Carnap and Ayer. William James' "Pragmatism " which formulated pragmatism's epistemology and made it known throughout the world represents in the volume the distinctive ideas of the American pragmatists. Essays on Husserl's "The Idea of Phenomenology " Heidegger's "Being and Time " Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" and Merleau-Ponty's "Phenomenology of Perception" cover the core texts of the hugely significant phenomenological movement. Of the linguistic philosophy that dominated the English-speaking world in the immediate postwar years Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" and Ryle's "The Concept of the Mind" are discussed in turn. The volume concludes with Karl Popper's influential account of the nature of science. Volume 4 covers the key works of philosophy written in the period 1900-60 which witnessed developments in logical and linguistic analysis far beyond anything dreamt of in the previous history of the subject. The volume includes chapters on central works by the Cambridge philosophers Moore Russell and Wittgenstein which together contributed to the emergence of analytic philosophy. The ideas of the Vienna Circle of the 1920s and the logical positivism of the 1930s and 1940s are explored in chapters dealing with the works of Carnap and Ayer and the distinctive ideas of the American pragmatists are discussed in a chapter on William James' Pragmatism which propagated pragmatism by presenting its central tenets in a clear and accessible form. Essays on Husserl's "The Idea of Phenomenology " Heidegger's "Being and Time " Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" and Merleau-Ponty's "Phenomenology of Perception" cover the core texts of the continental European traditions of phenomenology and existentialism. Of the linguistic philosophy that dominated the English-speaking world in the immediate postwar years Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" and Ryle's "The Concept of Mind" are discussed in turn. The volume concludes with a chapter on Karl Popper's influential account of the nature of scientific method in his seminal work "The Logic of Scientific Discovery." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315710389

Central Works of Philosophy v5Twentieth Century: Quine and After Central Works of Philosophy is a major multi-volume collection of essays on the core texts of the Western philosophical tradition. From Plato's Republic to the present day the five volumes range over 2 500 years of philosophical writing covering the best most representative and most influential work of some of our greatest philosophers. Each essay has been specially commissioned and provides an overview of the work clear and authoritative exposition of its central ideas and an assessment of the work's importance. Together these books provide an unrivaled companion for studying and reading philosophy one that introduces the reader to the masterpieces of the western philosophical canon. This volume covers the central texts in the history of analytic philosophy from Quine's Word and Object (1960) to the present day. The texts range over political philosophy ethics metaphysics and the philosophies of language mind and logic and represent some of the most important philosophical work of the last forty years. Students and non-specialists who may find the technicality of some of the texts forbidding will welcome the clarity of exposition and exegesis that the essays provide. Taken together the essays provide both a map and compass for the current philosophical landscape and will prove a valuable resource not only for undergraduate and postgraduate philosophy students but for teachers and researchers in allied disciplines who need an understanding of the preoccupations of contemporary philosophy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315712239

Centralisation Devolution and the Future of Local Government in England English local government is in a state of decline after 40 years of incremental but cumulative centralisation by central government. This book is the first to directly address this trend's impact upon the institution of local government a crucial element in the democratic viability of a unitary state. The process of centralisation and its corrosive effect on the status and responsibilities of local government have been widely recognised and deplored among politicians and senior officers within local government and by academics with an interest in this field. However there has been no study exploring in detail its impact and equally important suggesting ways in which the growing imbalance between the powers of central and local government should be rectified. This book fills this gap. This text will be of key interest to scholars students and practitioners of local government and more generally to those interested in what has been happening to British politics and governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138222380

Centralised Enforcement Legitimacy and Good Governance in the EU Article 226 EC is the central mechanism of enforcement in the EC Treaty and has remained unchanged since the original Treaty of Rome. It provides the European Commission as guardian of the Treaty with a broad power of policing Member States’ conduct. Article 226 has been traditionally characterised as an arena of secretive negotiation focused on the sole function of effective enforcement. This study seeks to move beyond this approach by characterising Article 226 as a multi-functional mechanism within the Treaty. It does this by examining the central mechanism of enforcement through the normative lenses of legitimacy good administration and good governance. Centralised Enforcement Legitimacy and Good Governance in the EU is interdisciplinary in nature examining law in its political context. It focuses on how the institutions interact and react to competing policy pressures and explores the tensions that lie at the heart of legitimacy in the actions of public actors by engaging with concepts such as democracy legitimacy and good administration. Scholars and policy-makers whose work explores Article 226 will find this work especially relevant. It will also appeal to those who are interested in enforcement and regulation in the international/EU arena as well as those whose work considers concepts such as good governance legitimacy and accountability in the EU. It is also relevant to scholars engaged in the study of institutions and processes of interaction and change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415631372

Centrality and Cities Professor Bird presents a synthesis of the many approaches to the study of a central featuer of modern life - the city including its distant past and its future. He sees centrality as a mental projection on to space and discusses the concept in relation to three types of its manifestation in spatial terms: the city as centre of a tributary region; the centres and central areas of cities themselves; and the city considered as a centre or gateway for other distant regions often overseas. This book should do much to unravel the funamental similarities between cities of the world while recognizing the myriad variations upon a common theme. This book was first published in 1977.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415860437

Centrally Planned EconomiesTheory and Practice in Socialist Czechoslovakia Offering a retrospective view of how the system operated in Communist Czechoslovakia this book is an important voice in the discussion about the systems of central planning. The unique features of the book include in-depth research comprising both archival records and analyses of around 75 interviews conducted with period managers across a wide range of management levels. They provided evidence of pervasive inefficiency resulting in appalling economic outcomes.The book begins with a background to the politico-sociological system in Czechoslovakia and proceeds to describe the Marxist-Leninist ideological foundation of the regime which underpinned the formal setting of the Czechoslovak model. These initial chapters set the context for the subsequent analysis of the real functioning of the system. The book explores the economic outcomes that must be understood as a natural consequence of the ways in which this system operated. The author finishes by answering the important question of why centrally planned economies trailed behind the market economies.The book’s unique use of the interview research format brings a vivid close-up view of the everyday economic life in the centrally planned system. This will be a valuable contribution to the discussion surrounding the day-to-day reality of the system which was found to be more colourful than is generally deemed. The book will appeal to both economic historians and students of economic history. A warning against repeating past mistakes this book will also be of interest to those seeking a greater knowledge of the realities and consequences of centrally planned economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367728625

Centre and PeripheryComparative Studies in Archaeology There has recently been much interest among geographers historians and political theorists in concepts of centre and periphery. In this book a wide range of studies consider how such concepts can be used to clarify our understanding of pre-capitalist societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405271

Centred on LearningAcademic Case Studies on Learning Centre Development Thie title was first published in 2003. Computer technology and changing student needs have prompted universities to develop modern learning centres offering both virtual and physical learning space fit for all types of study and research. This book demonstrates with detailed case studies how the learning centre model has been introduced at four UK universities with different constraints and priorities: Sheffield Hallam Leeds Metropolitan Aberdeen and Lincoln. The authors start by outlining the national higher education context and other internal and external drivers for change then explaining how these shaped their particular centre's development as they underwent radical change in role organization range and nature of service provision - particularly the use of IT in learning and teaching support. Highlighting the differences between the institutions authors from the four learning centres analyse the implications of changes for staff - in terms of working practices interdisciplinary skills and internal culture - and how problems were managed. They go on to describe how the needs of all types of students were considered and to what extent from both student and staff perspectives they were satisfied. A whole chapter is dedicated to the process of building new partnerships with academic staff and other university service providers - essential for operational convergence and integrated service provision. The following chapter focuses on the development of the physical environment and how the building itself is adapted to modern teaching and learning models. The book ends by outlining the evaluation process and suggested next steps for further improvement. Appendices include sample job descriptions and person specifications. Demands for greater efficiency and responsiveness to student needs have to be met in the context of institutional strategies and priorities. This book offers an insight into four universities' different experiences which will help those at the forefront of such. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138723405

Centred on LearningAcademic Case Studies on Learning Centre Development Thie title was first published in 2003. Computer technology and changing student needs have prompted universities to develop modern learning centres offering both virtual and physical learning space fit for all types of study and research. This book demonstrates with detailed case studies how the learning centre model has been introduced at four UK universities with different constraints and priorities: Sheffield Hallam Leeds Metropolitan Aberdeen and Lincoln. The authors start by outlining the national higher education context and other internal and external drivers for change then explaining how these shaped their particular centre's development as they underwent radical change in role organization range and nature of service provision - particularly the use of IT in learning and teaching support. Highlighting the differences between the institutions authors from the four learning centres analyse the implications of changes for staff - in terms of working practices interdisciplinary skills and internal culture - and how problems were managed. They go on to describe how the needs of all types of students were considered and to what extent from both student and staff perspectives they were satisfied. A whole chapter is dedicated to the process of building new partnerships with academic staff and other university service providers - essential for operational convergence and integrated service provision. The following chapter focuses on the development of the physical environment and how the building itself is adapted to modern teaching and learning models. The book ends by outlining the evaluation process and suggested next steps for further improvement. Appendices include sample job descriptions and person specifications. Demands for greater efficiency and responsiveness to student needs have to be met in the context of institutional strategies and priorities. This book offers an insight into four universities' different experiences which will help those at the forefront of such. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138723399

Centre-periphery Relations in Russia This title was first published in 2001. This study of centre-periphery relations in Russia looks at general developments in law politics and economy as well as resource management and military presence. The book is the result of several years of co-operation between the Centre for Russian Studies and the Polar Programme. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138635647

Centre-Right Parties in Post-Communist East-Central Europe This is the first book to cover the centre-right in post-communist Eastern Europe. It makes an vital contribution to the broader research agenda on the Central and East European centre-right by focusing on one specific question: why strong and cohesive centre-right formations have developed in some post-communist states but not others. It also delves into the attempts to develop centre-right parties after 1989 in four nations: the Czech Republic Hungary Poland and Slovakia. The authors of these fresh case studies use a common analytical framework to analyse and provide fascinating insights into the varying levels of cohesion in centre-right parties across the region.This volume was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060369

Centres and Peripheries in BankingThe Historical Development of Financial Markets This volume presents a broad investigation into the relationship between the centre and the periphery in banking. Focusing on the historical development of financial markets from their emergence in the early modern period to today's global financial and capital markets the chapters investigate how local national and international relationships have affected and helped shape the banking industry over three-hundred years. This wide-ranging discussion in time and place is provided by a group of international experts encompassing bankers economists economic historians and historians and will be of interest to all those with a scholarly or professional interest in the development of financial institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138252141

Centres and Peripheries of PsychoanalysisAn Introduction to Psychoanalytic Studies This book provides an excellent introduction to the broad field of applied psychoanalysis and deals appropriately with clinical psychoanalytic concepts capable of being transferred from the analyst's consulting-room. It discusses developmental factors entering into forms of religious experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323639

Centres of Medical Excellence?Medical Travel and Education in Europe 1500–1789 Students notoriously vote with their feet seeking out the best and most innovative teachers of their subject. The most ambitious students have been travelling long distances for their education since universities were first founded in the 13th century making their own educational pilgrimage or peregrinatio. This volume deals with the peregrinatio medica from the viewpoint of the travelling students: who went where; how did they travel; what did they find when they arrived; what did they take back with them from their studies. Even a single individual could transform medical studies or practice back home on the periphery by trying to reform teaching and practice the way they had seen it at the best universities. Other contributions look at the universities themselves and how they were actively developed to attract students and at some of the most successful teachers such as Boerhaave at Leiden or the Monros at Edinburgh. The essays show how increasing levels of wealth allowed more and more students to make their pilgrimages travelling for weeks at a time to sit at the feet of a particular master. In medicine this meant that over the period c.1500 to 1789 a succession of universities became the medical school of choice for ambitious students: Padua and Bologna in the 1500s Paris Leiden and Montpellier in the 1600s and Leiden Göttingen and Edinburgh in the 1700s. The arrival of foreign students brought wealth to the university towns and this significant economic benefit meant that the governors of these universities tried to ensure the defence of freedom of religion and freedom of speech thus providing the best conditions for the promotion of new views and innovation in medicine. The collection presents a new take on the history of medical education as well as universities travel and education more widely in ancien régime Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275393

Centrifugal & Rotary PumpsFundamentals With Applications Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps offers both professionals and students a concise reference detailing the design performance and principles of operation of the different pumps types defined by the Hydraulic Institute. From historical background to the latest trends and technological developments the author focuses on information with real-world practicality and techniques you can implement immediately.Beginning with the fundamentals the text then shifts to real field cases that address applications pumpage system interaction reliability failure analysis and practical solutions. By including specification parameters and criteria for the application of various pumps this comprehensive book provides necessary and timely material that plant engineers maintenance staff operators can use and share with colleagues. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399870

Centrifugal Pump Clinic Revised and Expanded Maintaining the excellent coverage of centrifugal pumps begun in the First Edition -- called ``useful'' and ``indispensable'' by reviewers -- the Second Edition continues to serve as the most complete and up-to-date working guide yet written for plant and design engineers involved with centrifugal pumps. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138992

Centrifuge Modelling for Civil Engineers Solve Complex Ground and Foundation Problems Presenting more than 25 years of teaching and working experience in a wide variety of centrifuge testing the author of Centrifuge Modelling for Civil Engineers fills a need for information about this field. This text covers all aspects of centrifuge modelling. Expertly explaining the basic principles the book makes this technique accessible to practicing engineers and researchers. Appeals to Non-Specialists and Specialists Alike Civil engineers that are new to the industry can refer to this material to solve complex geotechnical problems. The book outlines a generalized design process employed for civil engineering projects. It begins with the basics and then moves on to increasingly complex methods and applications including shallow foundations retaining walls pile foundations tunnelling beneath existing pile foundations and assessing the stability of buildings and their foundations following earthquake-induced soil liquefaction. It addresses the use of modern imaging technique data acquisition and modelling techniques. It explains the necessary signal processing tools that are used to decipher centrifuge test data and introduces the reader to the specialist aspects of dynamic centrifuge modelling used to study dynamic problems such as blast wind or wave loading with emphasis on earthquake engineering including soil liquefaction problems. Introduces the equipment and instrumentation used in centrifuge testing Presents in detail signal processing techniques such as smoothing and filtering Provides example centrifuge data that can be used for sample analysis and interpretation Centrifuge Modelling for Civil Engineers effectively describes the equipment instrumentation and signal processing techniques required to make the best use of the centrifuge modelling and test data. This text benefits graduate students researchers and practicing civil engineers involved with geotechnical issues. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415668248

Centrifuges in Soil Mechanics This book contains technical papers presented in a discussion session at the XI International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering held in San Francisco in 1985 on the role of centrifuge in geotechnical testing with descriptions of test facilities. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003079378

Centuries of Child LabourEuropean Experiences from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century Most historical studies of child labour have tended to confirm a narrative which witnesses the gradual disappearance of child labour in Western Europe as politicians and social reformers introduced successive legislation gradually removing children from the workplace. This approach fails to explain the return or continuance of child labour in many affluent European societies. Centuries of Child Labour explains changes in past child labour and attitudes to working children in a way that helps explain the continued survival of the practice from the seventeenth through to the late twentieth centuries. Centuries of Child Labour conveys a richer sense of child labour by comparing the experiences of the Northern European periphery to the paradigmatic cases of Britain and France. The northern cases drawing heavily on empirical evidence from Sweden Finland and Russia test received ideas of child labour through comparisons with Britain France Germany Italy and Spain. Presenting the children themselves as the main protagonists rather than the law makers industrialists and social commentators of the time Marjatta Rahikainen provides fresh information and perspectives offering revelations to readers familiar only with the situation in France and Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138263543

Centuries of GenocideEssays and Eyewitness Accounts The fourth edition of Centuries of Genocide: Essays and Eyewitness Accounts addresses examples of genocides perpetrated in the nineteenth twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Each chapter of the book is written by a recognized expert in the field collectively demonstrating a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. The book is framed by an introductory essay that spells out definitional issues as well as the promises complexities and barriers to the prevention and intervention of genocide. To help the reader learn about the similarities and differences among the various cases each case is structured around specific leading questions. In every chapter authors address: Who committed the genocide? How was the genocide committed? Why was the genocide committed? Who were the victims? What were the outstanding historical forces? What was the long-range impact? What were the responses? How do scholars interpret this genocide? How does learning about this genocide contribute to the field of study? While the material in each chapter is based on sterling scholarship and wide-ranging expertise of the authors eyewitness accounts give voice to the victims. This book is an attempt to provoke the reader into understanding that learning about genocide is important and that we all have a responsibility not to become immune to acts of genocide especially in the interdependent world in which we live today. Revision highlights include: New chapters on genocide of Native Americans in the nineteenth century genocide in Australia and genocide in the Nuba Mountains New chapter authors on Herero genocide and Rwanda genocide Consolidation of the 3 chapters on the Holocaust into one focused case Several chapters from past editions that were omitted are now available on a companion website (Indonesia Burundi indigenous peoples) Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415871921

Century of Bank Rate First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970021

Century Of Excavation This work offers a unique overview of the work done in the field of Egyptology during the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. An excellent starting point and reference for anyone fascinated by ancient Egypt this book includes such topics as Mariette and his work the beginnings of the modern period the pyramids and their explorers the temples buried royalties Tutankhamen ancient life and arts and crafts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646444

Century of InsightThe Twentieth Century Enlightenment of the Mind Century of Insight is the story of the discovery of the unconscious mind based on the author's teaching of psychotherapy throughout his career. Beginning with the ideas of Freud and Jung it is a journey that describes through case histories explanation and humour how successive ideas have created a body of knowledge that the author calls the "Psychodynamic Enlightenment" of the 20th century. Whilst essentially it is a story of the 20th century it includes a backdrop from tribal societies and also ideas from 19th century Europe including existentialism. In Part I the ideas of Freud Jung and Adler are explained their points of difference and then how they disagreed so violently that they had to break with each other. Their individual theories and their personal conflict are understood from the story of their personalities and background. Why could Freud not tolerate the expansive Jung and why did Jung clash so badly with his 'father'? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490755

CEO BrandingTheory and Practice CEO Branding advances our understanding of the importance and impact that CEOs have on companies. In recent years there has been a growing body of interdisciplinary literature on this powerful aspect of branding and Fetscherin has invited a leading panel of international scholars and practitioners to contribute original chapters in their area of expertise. The book introduces the concept of the CEO as a brand and outlines the "4Ps" of this branding mix – the CEO (person) personality prestige (reputation) and performance. It discusses the CEO branding process and demonstrates the many ways in which this ‘human brand’ affects the company in financial terms (such as performance profit and stock returns) as well as non-financial terms (reputation trust and firm strategy). The book also includes ‘lessons learned’ and many examples that illustrate how companies can measure and manage the CEO brand. This comprehensive authoritative volume will give students researchers marketing and communication managers and CEOs themselves a thorough understanding of all aspects of the CEO brand. A must read for any CEO who is serious about developing managing and measuring their own brand. For more information visit Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138013728

Cerambycidae of the WorldBiology and Pest Management Wang has gathered contributions from an impressive cohort of the world’s most respected experts on longhorned beetles. Chapters review both basics of cerambycid taxonomy mor- phology and behavior (feeding reproduction and chemical ecology) as well as more applied concerns such as laboratory rearing pest control and bio- security. Overall this volume is a valuable contribution to the literature as a "one-stop shop" for readers seeking a comprehensive overview of longhorned beetles...  It represents a tremendous effort on the part of Wang and the authors and has resulted in a much-needed update to the literature. This volume is the only work of its kind available at this time and is a valuable addition to the library of any scientist studying wood-boring beetles.- Ann M. Ray Biology Xavier University Cincinnati Ohio in The Quarterly Review of Biology Volume 94 2019 There are more than 36 000 described species in the family Cerambycidae in the world. With the significant increase of international trade in the recent decades many cerambycid species have become major plant pests outside their natural distribution range causing serious environmental problems at great cost. Cerambycid pests of field vine and tree crops and of forest and urban trees cost billions of dollars in production losses damage to landscapes and management expenditures worldwide.Cerambycidae of the World: Biology and Pest Management is the first comprehensive text dealing with all aspects of cerambycid beetles in a global context. It presents our current knowledge on the biology classification ecology plant disease transmission and biological cultural and chemical control tactics including biosecurity measures from across the world.Written by a team of global experts this book provides an entrance to the scientific literature on Cerambycidae for scientists in research institutions primary industries and universities and will serve as an essential reference for agricultural and quarantine professionals in governmental departments throughout the world. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573973

Ceramic Fibers and Their Applications To date several polymer-derived ceramic fibers have been developed all over the world out of which SiC fibers synthesized from polycarbosilane and their derivatives have achieved highest heat resistance and show excellent mechanical properties. Their use in ceramic matrix composite materials has resulted in high-temperature stability and light weight which show great promise in next-generation applications such as aerospace engines. This book presents polymer-derived ceramic fibers from a historical viewpoint; basic information about them such as production process fine structures and physical properties; their applications; and prospects of future inorganic fibers. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814800785

Ceramic Interconnect Technology Handbook Ceramics were among the first materials used as substrates for mass-produced electronics and they remain an important class of packaging and interconnect material today. Most available information about ceramic electronics is either outdated or focused on their materials science characteristics. The Ceramic Interconnect Technology Handbook goes beyond the traditional approach by first surveying the unique properties of ceramics and then discussing design processing fabrication and integration as well as packaging and interconnect technologies.Collecting contributions from an outstanding panel of experts this book offers an up-to-date overview of modern ceramic electronics from design and material selection to manufacturing and implementation. Beginning with an overview of the development properties advantages and applications of ceramics coverage spans electrical design testing simulation thermomechanical design screen printing multilayer ceramics photo-defined and photo-imaged films copper interconnects for ceramic substrates and integrated passive devices in ceramic substrates. It also offers a detailed review of the surface thermal mechanical and electrical properties of various ceramics as well as the processing of high- and low-temperature cofired ceramic (HTCC and LTCC) substrates.Opening new vistas and avenues of advancement the Ceramic Interconnect Technology Handbook is the only source for comprehensive discussion and analysis of nearly every facet of ceramic interconnect technology and applications. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315221281

Ceramic Makers' Marks Erica Gibson’s comprehensive guide provides a much-needed catalogue of ceramic makers' marks of British French German and American origin found in North American archaeological sites. Consisting of nearly 350 marks from 112 different manufacturers from the mid-19th through early 20th century this catalog provides full information on both the history of the mark and its variants as well as details about the manufacturer. A set of indexes allow for searches by manufacturer location mark elements and common words used. This guide will be of interest not only to historical archaeologists but material culture specialists collectors museum professionals students art historians and others interested in ceramics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315432410

Ceramic Materials for Electronics The Third Edition of Ceramic Materials for Electronics studies a wide range of ceramic materials including insulators conductors piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics through detailed discussion of their properties characterization fabrication and applications in electronics. The author summarizes the latest trends and advancements in the field and explores important topics such as ceramic thin film functional device technology and thick film technology. Edited by a leading expert on the subject this new edition includes more than 150 pages of new information; restructured reference materials figures and tables; as well as additional device application-oriented segments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367394134

Ceramic Processing Many of the properties critical to the engineering applications of ceramics are strongly dependent on their microstructure which in turn is dependent on the processing methods used to produce the ceramic material. Ceramic Processing Second Edition provides a comprehensive treatment of the principles and practical methods used in producing ceramics with controlled microstructure. Covering the main steps in the production of ceramics from powders the book also provides succinct coverage of other methods for fabricating ceramics such as sol−gel processing reaction bonding chemical vapor deposition and polymer pyrolysis. While maintaining the objectives of the successful first edition this new edition has been revised and updated to include recent developments and expanded to feature new chapters on additives used in ceramic processing; rheological properties of suspensions slurries and pastes; granulation mixing and packing of particles; and sintering theory and principles. Intended as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in ceramic processing the book also provides an indispensable resource for research and development engineers in industry who are involved in the production of ceramics or who would like to develop a background in the processing of ceramics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498716413

Ceramic Processing and Sintering As the field's premiere source this reference is extensively revised and expanded to collect hard-to-find applications equations derivations and examples illustrating the latest developments in ceramic processing technology. This book is concerned primarily with the processing of polycrystalline ceramics and focuses on the widespread fabrication of ceramics by the firing of consolidated powders forms. A brief treatment of sol-gel processing is also included.Ceramic Processing and Sintering Second Edition provides clear and intensive discussions on colloidal and sol-gel processing sintering of ceramics and kinetic processes in materials. From powder synthesis and consolidation to sintering and densification behavior this latest edition emphasizes the impact of each processing procedure on ceramic properties. The second edition also contains new and extended discussions on colloid stability polymer growth and gelation additives in ceramic forming diffusion and defect strucutre normal and abnormal grain growth microwave sintering Rayleigh instability effects and Ostwald ripening. Illustrating the interconnectedness between the various steps in the overall fabrication route Ceramic Processing and Sintering Second Edition approaches the fundamental issues of each process and show how they are applied to the practical fabrication of ceramics. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315274126

Ceramic ProcessingIndustrial Practices This book gives a comprehensive account on the manufacturing techniques to synchronize the desired properties of both traditional and advanced ceramics. Offers exclusive and up to date information on industrial ceramic processing equipment and approaches and discusses actual industrial practices taking a product-oriented approach It should serve as a text to answer the processing of ceramics and achieve targeted product in industrial environment. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138504080

Ceramic SensorsTechnology and Applications From the Author's PrefaceCeramic sensors have been in use for more than thirty years. Since ceramics exhibit a number of specific characteristics that enable their cost to become lower and their reliability to increase they have occupied a significant position in sensor technology. This is why many companies and universities have directed their efforts towards investigating and developing new ceramic sensors and expanding their areas of application.To the best of our knowledge.. there [has been] no book treating different sensors on the basis of their common physical and chemical properties technological principles and applications. This book [is] a detailed survey of ceramic sensors and a generalization of the results achieved in this field so far. Ceramic sensors for different physical quantities are discussed without going too deep into theory...The concept of ceramic sensors includes all sensors that are produced using ceramic technology. It also covers thick film sensors since from a structural and technological point of view they can be regarded as a variety of ceramic sensors. The subject of scientific research in this book is humidity gas. temperature and pressure sensors on the basis of semiconductor and dielectric ceramic materials and solid electrolytes.Special attention is paid to the physical and chemical as well as the technological bases of ceramic sensors their classification the types of materials used... the methods of controlling their parameters and characteristics the areas of application and the electric circuits for connecting the sensors. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003075837

Ceramics and Modernity in Japan Ceramics and Modernity in Japan offers a set of critical perspectives on the creation patronage circulation and preservation of ceramics during Japan’s most dramatic period of modernization the 1860s to 1960s. As in other parts of the world ceramics in modern Japan developed along the three ontological trajectories of art craft and design. Yet it is widely believed that no other modern nation was engaged with ceramics as much as Japan—a "potter’s paradise"—in terms of creation exhibition and discourse. This book explores how Japanese ceramics came to achieve such a status and why they were such significant forms of cultural production. Its medium-specific focus encourages examination of issues regarding materials and practices unique to ceramics including their distinct role throughout Japanese cultural history. Going beyond descriptive historical treatments of ceramics as the products of individuals or particular styles the closely intertwined chapters also probe the relationship between ceramics and modernity including the ways in which ceramics in Japan were related to their counterparts in Asia and Europe. Featuring contributions by leading international specialists this book will be useful to students and scholars of art history design and Japanese studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367143305

Ceramics Before FarmingThe Dispersal of Pottery Among Prehistoric Eurasian Hunter-Gatherers A long-overdue advancement in ceramic studies this volume sheds new light on the adoption and dispersal of pottery by non-agricultural societies of prehistoric Eurasia. Major contributions from Western Europe Eastern Europe and Asia make this a truly international work that brings together different theories and material for the first time. Researchers and scholars studying the origins and dispersal of pottery the prehistoric peoples or Eurasia and flow of ancient technologies will all benefit from this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611327892

Ceramics of the Merv OasisRecycling the City Our knowledge of many groups or periods has benefited from systematic ceramic analysis however as yet the Sasanian Empire of ancient Persia (224-651 AD) has not be subjected to the same examination. Merv an expansive ancient city located in an oasis in the Central Asian steppes was for millennia a gateway for travelers and traders along the Silk Road between east and west. Puschnigg’s detailed study of Merv’s Sasanian pottery creates a benchmark for other work on this ceramic corpus. She dissects the frequency dates wares and profiles of hundreds of securely excavated pieces and compares them with the finds from earlier Russian studies generally unavailable to western researchers. Puschnigg uses this material to provide insights into the social and economic dimensions of the Sasanian world as well as providing researchers with a catalog of typical shapes and wares. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605759

Cereal GrainsLaboratory Reference and Procedures Manual Emphasizing the essential principles underlying the preparation of cereal-based products and demonstrating the roles of ingredients Cereal Grains: Laboratory Reference and Procedures Manual is a practical laboratory manual complementing the author’s text Cereal Grains: Properties Processing and Nutritional Attributes. Organized so that readers progressively learn and apply the theoretical knowledge described in the parent book the manual covers a range of essential topics including: Main quality control measurements used to determine physical morphological chemical-nutritional and sensory properties of cereal grains and their products Critical factors affecting grain stability throughout storage and analytical techniques related to insects and pests responsible for grain storage losses Physical and chemical tests to determine the quality of refined products Laboratory wet-milling procedures The most common laboratory methods to assess nixtamal masa and tortilla quality and shelf-life Yeast and chemical leavening agents important for bakery and other fermented products Laboratory and pilot plant procedures for the production of different types of yeast- and chemically-leavened bread crackers pasta products breakfast cereals and snack foods Protocols to bioenzymatically transform starch into modified starches syrups and sweeteners Laboratory processes for the production of regular and light beers distilled spirits and fuel ethanol By working through the contents of the book readers acquire hands-on experience in many quality control procedures and experimental product development protocols of cereal-based products. From these foundations they are certain to develop enhanced research skills for product development process design and ingredient functionality. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439855652

Cereal GrainsProperties Processing and Nutritional Attributes While cereals remain the world's largest food yield - with more than 2.3 billion metric tons produced annually - consumer demands are on the rise for healthier cereal products with greater nutrition. Cereal Grains: Properties Processing and Nutritional Attributes provides a complete exploration of the scientific principles related to domesticatio Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429112119

Cereals in BreadmakingA Molecular Colloidal Approach This reference text describes the breadmaking process at the molecular level based on surface and colloidal science and introducing colloidal science with a minimum of theory.;Reviewing the current molecular and colloidal knowledge of the chain from wheat grain to bread the book: discusses the structure of the dough how a foam is formed during fermentation and how starch gelatinization induces the formation of an open-pore network such as the bread crumb; covers new results on the gluten structure in bulk and at interfaces as well as on phase separation in the dough; presents a complete model of all structural transitions from dough mixing to the formation of a bread; details the physicochemical properties of proteins lipids and carbohydrates in wheat and other cereals and considers their modes of interaction; and explores recent progress in the shape of biomolecular assemblies derived from forces and curvature at interfaces.;The text provides nearly 850 citations from the reference literature. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139005

Cerebral LateralityTheory and Research Research on clinical populations and studies of normal individuals support the conclusion that there are functional differences between the cerebral hemispheres. This book captures some of the major developments in the field of cerebral laterality research of the last five years. These include lateralization in non-human primates computational models of hemispheric processing hemispheric transfer and interaction perceptual asymmetries techniques to measure dynamic changes in hemispheric processing of information and new conceptualizations of the relation between handedness and cerebral laterality. The topics discussed exhibit an interconnectedness such that the approaches and techniques used in one area of cerebral laterality research have implications for research in other disciplines. They also reflect changes in the conceptualization of general theoretical issues regarding cerebral laterality research. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138970038

Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders Addressing the gap in the literature between pediatric medicine and geriatric medicine Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders examines the disorders of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathways from birth to old age. Highlights of the book include:Comprehensive content detailing CSF disorders and their effects on the brain and spine at all developmental stages Key updates to recent developments that physicians can utilize in their practice Clear organization with each section divided into background information disease discussion surgical aspects controversies and social issues—giving readers quick access to the most important information needed to properly diagnose and manage patients with CSF disorders Multidisciplinary content written by clinicians representing a host of specialties making the book useful for not only neurologists but also those in related specialties involved in treating CSF disorders including neurosurgery pediatrics general practice ophthalmology radiology and emergency medicine Expert patient communication tips to help practitioners deliver information to patients and their caregivers on highly sensitive issues such as alternative treatments quality-of-life issues and medico-legal aspects More than 400 illustrations to clarify content Exploring the management of the resultant effects of such disorders on both the brain and spine throughout the body’s changes in development the book is written by more than 50 global experts in neurology and related disciplines. Their combined wisdom offers the most effective diagnostic and management guidelines for treating patients with CSF disorders. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367384616

Ceremonial Entries in Early Modern EuropeThe Iconography of Power The fourteen essays that comprise this volume concentrate on festival iconography the visual and written languages including ephemeral and permanent structures costume dramatic performance inscriptions and published festival books that ’voiced’ the social political and cultural messages incorporated in processional entries in the countries of early modern Europe. The volume also includes a transcript of the newly-discovered Register of Lionardo di Zanobi Bartholini a Florentine merchant which sets out in detail the expenses for each worker for the possesso (or Entry) of Pope Leo X to Rome in April 1513. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472432032

Ceremonies for Spiritual Healing and Growth Ceremony as therapyFormal ceremonies seem to be universal in human experience addressing something very deep and basic in the human psyche. They tap into that vast subconscious reservoir of wisdom and strength that every human being possesses. To these qualities ceremonies add their own understandings of life and of God. They emphasize the presence of God in all things. The important transitions in our lives inevitably create anxiety—even happy transitions such as weddings. We move from the familiar to the unknown. Our role in the community may change which means that we will be treated differently. Sometimes it is our own sense of who we are that changes. We seek to live differently. All of these changes have an anxiety of their own.Ceremonies use the “languages” of the heart—metaphor poetry meditation music liturgy and drama—to address those anxieties. Bypassing the sterility of logic and analysis a ceremony evokes the power to affirm and to heal that straightforward rational communication cannot touch. A ceremony has the quality of set-apartness. Something special is happening! Words spoken in a ceremony will have much more impact than those same words would have in a more ordinary context. A ceremony brings new perspective to things with which we struggle. Many ceremonies enlist the support of one’s community. The leader often represents one’s spiritual tradition and other members of the community may be present. Even if the ceremony is done in the privacy of one’s home or of a therapist’s or pastor’s office others are present in the participant’s imagination. Ceremonies also involve God whose presence is acknowledged and whose blessing and support are assured. The ceremonies presented here are down-to-earth and practical. They can easily be adapted to many situations and can stimulate the reader to create his/her own ceremonies to meet the unique needs of the persons to whom he/she ministers.Some of the ceremonies in this book are for use in a public place: weddings funerals a ceremony for grievingOthers are more private for use in a pastor’s/therapist’s office or in one’s home: adoption funeral for an aborted baby support for a rape survivor the commitment to stop smoking addressing children’s phobias leaving home forgiving another person forgiving oneself and moreThis book is a first! Not just a discussion about ceremonies but a collection of ceremonies addressing a wide variety of situations! It will be innovative and insightful reading for pastors therapists and others for whom the “languages” of analysis and logic are not enough. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203725948

Ceremony and Ritual in JapanReligious Practices in an Industrialized Society Japan is one of the most urbanised and industrialised countries in the world. Yet the Japanese continue to practise a variety of religious rituals and ceremonies despite the high-tech highly regimented nature of Japanese society. Ceremony and Ritual in Japan focuses on the traditional and religious aspects of Japanese society from an anthropological perspective presenting new material and making cross-cultural comparisons.The chapters in this collection cover topics as diverse as funerals and mourning sweeping women's roles in ritual the division of ceremonial foods into bitter and sweet the history of a shrine the playing of games the exchange of towels and the relationship between ceremony and the workplace. The book provides an overview of the meaning of tradition and looks at the way in which new ceremonies have sprung up in changing circumstances while old ones have been preserved or have developed new meanings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514941

Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament breaks new ground in the study of legislatures. It combines mainstream historical and social science approaches with cultural theory to consider how parliamentary ritual is constructed through ceremony space and socialisation. The focus is on the marginalised groups especially women and members of ethnic minorities who seek inclusion as representatives in democratic legislatures. This book assesses aspects of the role that ceremony and ritual in legislatures play especially but not exclusively in their gendered and racialised dimensions. Within this broad frame it considers the impact of space identity ritual and/or ceremony on the institutional form of parliament how power is shaped within it how the behaviour of members is facilitated constrained and shaped how power and rituals interact to and how they impinge upon the relationships between representative institutions and citizens. Contributions are theoretical and empirical comparative or single-country studies of national or sub-national legislatures. They have interdisciplinary historical or postcolonial perspectives that contribute to this emerging field in the study of parliaments. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315868400

Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes In Algebra Many basic ideas of algebra and number theory intertwine making it ideal to explore both at the same time. Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes in Algebra focuses on some important aspects of interconnections between number theory and commutative algebra. Using a pedagogical approach the author presents the conceptual foundations of commutative algebra arising from number theory. Self-contained the book examines situations where explicit algebraic analogues of theorems of number theory are available. Coverage is divided into four parts beginning with elements of number theory and algebra such as theorems of Euler Fermat and Lagrange Euclidean domains and finite groups. In the second part the book details ordered fields fields with valuation and other algebraic structures. This is followed by a review of fundamentals of algebraic number theory in the third part. The final part explores links with ring theory finite dimensional algebras and the Goldbach problem. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367390327

Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes In Algebra Second Edition The book attempts to point out the interconnections between number theory and algebra with a view to making a student understand certain basic concepts in the two areas forming the subject-matter of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138495784

Certain VictoryImages of World War II in the Japanese Media This unique window on history employs hundreds of images and written records from Japanese periodicals during World War II to trace the nation's transformation from a colorful cosmopolitan empire in 1937 to a bleak "total war" society facing imminent destruction in 1945. The author draws upon his extensive collection of Japanese wartime publications to reconstruct the government-controlled media's narrative of the war's goals and progress - thus providing a close-up look at how the war was shown to Japanese on the home front. Many of these visual and written sources are rare in Japan and were previously unavailable in the West. Strikingly the narrative remains consistent and convincing from victory to retreat and even as defeat looms large. Earhart's nuanced reading of Japan's wartime media depicts a nation waging war against the world and a government terrorizing its own people. At once informed scholarly and readily accessible this lavishly illustrated volume offers an accurate representation of the official Japanese narrative of the war in contemporary terms. The images are fresh and compelling revealing a forgotten world by turns familiar and alien beautiful and stark poignant and terrifying. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705873

Certified Forensic Consultant Body of Knowledge In a proper court setting experts in various fields are often asked to provide testimony and evidence on numerous professional topics. To be able to effectively testify in a courtroom requires knowledge training experience and expertise. The materials presented in Certified Forensic Consultant Body of Knowledge provide the necessary information to prepare and give effective testimony in a courtroom trial. This book covers all aspects of preparation and conduct during the trial process relevant to forensic expert consultants with focused chapters that review the details of The legal system Marketing consultation services Litigation processes themes and strategies General legal principles Expert witness payment The discovery process The forensic expert’s deposition The trial process and the forensic expert’s role in it Professional practices In using this book readers will learn about the complete court process from the opening arguments to the establishment of proper fees ways to correctly testify in a professional manner the forensic expert’s role in litigation and the conclusion of the trial. The Certified Forensic Consultant Body of Knowledge provides a thorough guide to the process of giving forensic expert testimony in the courtroom. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498752077

Certified Function Point Specialist Examination Guide The Certified Function Point Specialist Examination Guide provides a complete and authoritative review of the rules and guidelines prescribed in the release of version 4.3 of the Function Point Counting Practices Manual (CPM). Providing a fundamental understanding of the IFPUG Functional Size Measurement method this is the ideal study guide for the CFPS examination. The text: Includes time-tested tips on how to best prepare for the exam Provides a series of questions and answers at the end of each chapter with specific references to the latest version of the CPM Contains two CFPS practice exams to measure understanding and identify areas where more study is needed Active members of the Counting Practices Committee and a past president of the IFPUG supply time-tested insight on how to use the CPM manual effectively and efficiently during the exam. The two sample exams and detailed examples throughout the text help to ensure readers develop the comprehension required to attain certification the first time around. Following certification this book is a valuable reference for applying the IFPUG method for sizing proficient software design development and deployment. Praise for the book: While there are a number of solid books on counting function points this new book fills a gap in the function point literature by providing useful information on the specifics of becoming a certified function point counter. The authors are all qualified for the work at hand and indeed have contributed to the function point counting methodology.Capers Jones President Capers Jones and Associates LLC Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138468498

Certified Occupational Therapy AssistantsOpportunities and Challenges This professionally challenging volume--focusing on the performance and status of Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTAs)--serves as a basis for reexamination and redefinition of the relationship between occupational therapists and assistants. Experts offer constructive possibilities for resolving some of the ongoing conflicts about the appropriate functions and education of COTAs and promote examination of the appropriate levels of function and education for the occupational therapist. The selected topics chosen for their value and relevance to all occupational therapists--OTRs COTAs clinicians and academicians--address the administrative issues regarding efficient use of COTAs and opportunities for their career development and job satisfaction; models of COTA practice described by COTAs who developed and implemented them within the framework of their jobs; and issues of concern to COTAs primarily as expressed by COTAs with proposals and strategies for their resolution. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315879673

Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material (2019) The CSWPA is a set of exams designed to demonstrate your advanced abilities in five distinct areas of SOLIDWORKS. By passing the CSWPA exams you prove to potential employers that you have an advanced skill set within SOLIDWORKS and you become more desirable in the job market. Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material is intended for the SOLIDWORKS user who has already passed the CSWP exam and is ready to advance to the next level. This book covers the five CSWPA examinations: Sheet Metal Weldments Surfacing Mold Tools and Drawing Tools. The lessons in this book were created based on the actual CSWPA examinations. Each of these projects has been broken down and developed into easy and comprehendible steps for the reader. Every challenge is explained very clearly in short chapters ranging from 30 to 50 pages. Each step comes with a screen shot to help you understand the main concept of each design more easily. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572273

Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material (SOLIDWORKS 2017) The CSWPA is a set of exams designed to demonstrate your advanced abilities in five distinct areas of SOLIDWORKS. By passing the CSWPA exams you prove to potential employers that you have an advanced skill set within SOLIDWORKS and you become more desirable in the job market. Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material is intended for the SOLIDWORKS user who has already passed the CSWP exam and is ready to advance to the next level. This book covers the five CSWPA examinations; Sheet Metal Weldments Surfacing Mold Tools and Drawing Tools. The lessons in this book were created based on the actual CSWPA Examinations. Each of these projects have been broken down and developed into easy and comprehendible steps for the reader. Every challenge is explained very clearly in short chapters ranging from 30 to 50 pages. Each step comes with a screen shot to help you understand the main concept of each design more easily. Learn the CSWP Advanced Preparation Materials at your own pace as you progress from Parts Assemblies Drawings and then to more complex design challenges. To get the most out of this CSWPA-Certification Preparation book it is strongly recommended that you have studied and completed all the lessons in the Basic Tools Intermediate Skills and Advanced Techniques books. It is also a great resource for the more CAD literate individuals who want to expand their knowledge of the different features that SOLIDWORKS 2017 has to offer. This book is a great resource to prepare for and pass the CSWPA exams which will prove your expertise and further your career. After completing at least four of the five CSWPA exams you will become eligible to try for the highest level SOLIDWORKS certification the Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570620

Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material (SOLIDWORKS 2018) The CSWPA is a set of exams designed to demonstrate your advanced abilities in five distinct areas of SOLIDWORKS. By passing the CSWPA exams you prove to potential employers that you have an advanced skill set within SOLIDWORKS and you become more desirable in the job market. Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material is intended for the SOLIDWORKS user who has already passed the CSWP exam and is ready to advance to the next level. This book covers the five CSWPA examinations: Sheet Metal Weldments Surfacing Mold Tools and Drawing Tools. The lessons in this book were created based on the actual CSWPA examinations. Each of these projects has been broken down and developed into easy and comprehendible steps for the reader. Every challenge is explained very clearly in short chapters ranging from 30 to 50 pages. Each step comes with a screen shot to help you understand the main concept of each design more easily. Learn the CSWP Advanced Preparation Materials at your own pace as you progress from Parts Assemblies Drawings and then to more complex design challenges. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571443

Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material (SOLIDWORKS 2020) The CSWPA is a set of exams designed to demonstrate your advanced abilities in five distinct areas of SOLIDWORKS. By passing the CSWPA exams you prove to potential employers that you have an advanced skill set within SOLIDWORKS and you become more desirable in the job market. Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material is intended for the SOLIDWORKS user who has already passed the CSWP exam and is ready to advance to the next level. This book covers the five CSWPA examinations: Sheet Metal Weldments Surfacing Mold Tools and Drawing Tools. The lessons in this book were created based on the actual CSWPA examinations. Each of these projects has been broken down and developed into easy and comprehensible steps for the reader. Every challenge is explained very clearly in short chapters ranging from 30 to 50 pages. Each step comes with a screen shot to help you understand the main concept of each design more easily. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573034

Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material (SOLIDWORKS 2021)Sheet Metal Weldments Surfacing Mold Tools and Drawing Tools The CSWPA is a set of exams designed to demonstrate your advanced abilities in five distinct areas of SOLIDWORKS. By passing the CSWPA exams you prove to potential employers that you have an advanced skill set within SOLIDWORKS and you become more desirable in the job market. Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Preparation Material is intended for the SOLIDWORKS user who has already passed the CSWP exam and is ready to advance to the next level. This book covers the five CSWPA examinations: Sheet Metal Weldments Surfacing Mold Tools and Drawing Tools. The lessons in this book were created based on the actual CSWPA examinations. Each of these projects has been broken down and developed into easy and comprehensible steps for the reader. Every challenge is explained very clearly in short chapters ranging from 30 to 50 pages. Each step comes with a screen shot to help you understand the main concept of each design more easily. Learn the CSWP Advanced Preparation Materials at your own pace as you progress from Parts Assemblies Drawings and then to more complex design challenges. To get the most out of this CSWPA-Certification Preparation book it is strongly recommended that you have studied and completed all the lessons in the Basic Tools Intermediate Skills and Advanced Techniques books. It is also a great resource for the more CAD literate individuals who want to expand their knowledge of the different features that SOLIDWORKS 2021 has to offer. This book is a great resource to prepare for and pass the CSWPA exams which will prove your expertise and further your career. After completing at least four of the five CSWPA exams you will become eligible to try for the highest level SOLIDWORKS certification the Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573928

Cervantes and His Postmodern Constituencies First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138864412

CervantesEssays in Memory of E.C. Riley on the Quatercentenary of Don Quijote This volume commemorates the quatercentenary of Don Quijote (Part I 1604-05) widely acknowledged to be the 'first modern novel'. Through Don Quijote his Exemplary Novels and other major works Cervantes Spain's master novelist has for centuries shaped and profoundly influenced the different literatures and cultures of numerous countries throughout the world. Containing chapters written in both English and Spanish by leading scholars worldwide this book deals with topics as fundamental and diverse as contested discourses in Don Quijote psychology and comic characters in Golden-Age literature the title of Cervantes' master novel and Cervantes Shakespeare and the birth of metatheatre. A special issue of the journal Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138010390

Cesarean DeliveryA Comprehensive Illustrated Practical Guide The definitive monograph on the world's most commonly performed obstetric surgical procedure this text benefits from plentiful illustrations to show all the details a surgeon needs to know and from expert international contributors to share their knowledge on the many specialist questions raised. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482226331

Cesario Gussago. Sonate a quattro sei et otti First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315056388

CESMM 3 Explained CESSM 3 Explained provides a detailed and highly illustrated guide to the use of the new civil engineering standard methods of measurements. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367865542

Ceylon Published in 1939 this book provides a comprehensive observation of Ceylon and the Ceylonese people. Covering topics including the rest-house; the Lord Buddha; the Lost cities; Sigiriya Buddhist temples and the Jungle the book considers the human geography of the island calibrating it with the diverse archaeology of the island religious practice and the British occupation of Ceylon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138605077

Ceylon Under British Rule 1795-1932 Published in 1964 " Ceylon Under British Rule 1795-1932" is an important contribution to History. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203042618

CFrom Theory to Practice Second Edition This easy-to-use classroom-tested textbook covers the C programming language for computer science and IT students. Designed for a compulsory fundamental course it presents the theory and principles of C. More than 500 exercises and examples of progressive difficulty aid students in understanding all the aspects and peculiarities of the C language. The exercises test students on various levels of programming and the examples enhance their concrete understanding of programming know-how. Instructor's manual and PowerPoint slides are available upon qualifying course adoption Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367566005

C-Glycoside Synthesis This book examines methods particularly well suited for either a- or b-C-glycoside formation. It helps field workers quickly select the best method for synthesizing a particular type of C-glycoside. The use of C-glycosides as synthons in natural product synthesis is also addressed. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367449209

C-H Bond Activation in Organic Synthesis Greener than conventional methods C–H activation methods have flourished during the last decade and become especially attractive to organic chemists. Edited by a practioner in this rapidly developing field C–H Bond Activation in Organic Synthesis provides an overview of this exciting playground of chemistry. The book summarizes the state of the art in C–H activation for functionalization enabling you to carry out reactions in the most environmentally friendly fashion with the least contamination of by-products. The most popular C–H activation reactions are catalyzed by transition metals. This book dedicates a chapter to each of the following catalysts: palladium rhodium nickel iron copper and cobalt. In addition it covers radical-mediated C–H activation fluorination via C–H activation and C–H activation of heterocycles. Using a pedagogically practical approach each chapter is divided by the transition metal catalyst not a specific transformation. This gives you an up-to-date review of the most important topics of C–H activation. The area of C–H activation has experienced a flurry of activity over the past two decades so the time is right for a resource that summarizes these powerful tools with which you can design and construct heteroaromatic molecules. Thus direct C–H functionalization methods are expected to continue to greatly contribute to the mission of green chemistry: low-energy waste-free and atom-economic transformations for the synthesis of organic materials and biologically active molecules in the twenty-first century. Using this book you can carry out environmentally friendly reactions that enable the conversion of cheap and abundant alkanes into valuable functionalized organic compounds. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894112

ChadA Nation In Search Of Its Future Chad the fifth largest country in Africa has experienced great difficulties politically economically and socially. During the 1980s and early 1990s Chad briefly held international attention because of its warring with Libya. This situation underlines Chad's potential for drawing its neighbors-Libya Sudan Cameroon and Nigeria in particular-a Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429041006

Chain Analysis in Dialectical Behavior Therapy Filled with detailed clinical examples this book expertly breaks down the process of behavioral chain analysis/m-/the critical foundation for assessment and problem solving in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Experienced DBT clinician and trainer Shireen L. Rizvi provides knowledge and skills for conducting chains effectively and overcoming obstacles. She presents guiding principles questions to ask strategies for engaging clients and addressing difficult-to-assess problems and ways to avoid common mistakes. The book describes how to incorporate other essential DBT strategies (such as validation) into chain analysis as well as how to conduct chains in the context of individual therapy group skills training phone coaching and the consultation team.  Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462538904

Chain Event Graphs    Written by some major contributors to the development of this class of graphical models Chain Event Graphs introduces a viable and straightforward new tool for statistical inference model selection and learning techniques. The book extends established technologies used in the study of discrete Bayesian Networks so that they apply in a much more general setting    As the first book on Chain Event Graphs this monograph is expected to become a landmark work on the use of event trees and coloured probability trees in statistics and to lead to the increased use of such tree models to describe hypotheses about how events might unfold.Features:introduces a new and exciting discrete graphical model based on an event treefocusses on illustrating inferential techniques making its methodology accessible to a very broad audience and most importantly to practitionersillustrated by a wide range of examples encompassing important present and future applicationsincludes exercises to test comprehension and can easily be used as a course bookintroduces relevant software packages    Rodrigo A. Collazo is a methodological and computational statistician based at the Naval Systems Analysis Centre (CASNAV) in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Christiane Görgen is a mathematical statistician at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Leipzig Germany. Jim Q. Smith is a professor of statistics at the University of Warwick UK. He has published widely in the field of statistics AI and decision analysis and has written two other books most recently Bayesian Decision Analysis: Principles and Practice (Cambridge University Press 2010). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572310

Chairing Multilateral NegotiationsThe Case of the United Nations This book examines the important role of the chairmanship office in multilateral negotiations within the UN setting. Although chairmanship is a generic feature of international politics negotiations and decision-making it has been scarcely researched. The neutrality and impartiality assumptions that have been long associated with the chair have veiled the chair’s potential in moulding negotiation outcomes. The authors seek to develop an analytical framework for the systematic study of the chairmanship office and its potential impact on multilateral negotiations. It elaborates on its origins the parameters and conditions of chair’s effectiveness and the performance of the chair’s functions. Focusing on the UN this work seeks to go beyond existing accounts offering further insights and extending the discussion beyond the Security Council. Without ignoring the pivotal importance of the Security Council the book broadens the scope of analysis to other significant UN bodies and institutions including ad hoc Working Groups and several Conferences set up for specific international issues. Evaluating material from a wide range of sources and providing a deeper understanding of UN political dynamics this work will appeal to scholars of the UN system international organisations and global governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415870795

ChalcogenadiazolesChemistry and Applications A timely and authoritative treatise on the chemistry and diverse applications of chalcogenadiazoles — the five-membered rings containing two carbons two nitrogens and one chalcogen (an member of group 16 the oxygen family). The number of different chalcogenadiazoles and their structural diversity make it difficult to gain a clear understanding of the subject by studying an individual system in isolation. Chalcogenadiazoles: Chemistry and Applications emphasizes general features of this class of heterocyclic compounds. It concentrates on properties of each class of chalcogenadiazoles and their cycle-fused derivatives considering chemical reactions of functional groups only in cases when these reactions permit to characterize the heterocycles as substituents or in respect of its aromaticity. Covering an important and rapidly developing branch of heterocyclic chemistry this book is an essential resource for students young professionals and experienced specialists in adjacent fields who are interested in: Trends in the search for compounds with established bioactivity or use in medicine as agrochemicals or as reagents for environmental and biochemical analysis Differences in classes of chalcogenadiazoles with respect to their degree of aromaticity and similar general concepts helpful to the nonspecialist The effects of the chalcogen nature and the alternation manner of all atomic constituents on properties of these heterocyclic compounds Combining data from organic biological medicinal materials science and supramolecular chemistry Chalcogenadiazoles: Chemistry and Applications is an important source of information not only for chemists in the fields of organic inorganic and organometallic chemistry but also for anyone interested in the research and development of chalcogenadiazoles and related species. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781420066074

Chaldean Magic First published in 2008. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873384

Challenge & Innovation First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468221

Challenge and Change for the Early Years WorkforceWorking with children from birth to 8 The early years sector is going through a period of unprecedented change. This has resulted in significant challenges for the early years workforce and it is crucial that settings teams leaders and individual practitioners respond to these if they wish to continue to provide the best care and education for young children. This timely text identifies and addresses the key challenges for those working with young children from managing personal and professional change adapting to new legislation and considering new ways of thinking about children’s early learning. It considers the core knowledge and understanding of good practice that enables practitioners to respond appropriately and with confidence to issues they face on daily basis. Covering a wide range of diverse topics including professional identity neuroscience outdoor education literacy special educational needs the family and the ‚risk‘ factor the book encourages the reader to reflect upon their own views and attitudes towards change practice and includes: Chapter overviews and summary boxes Case studies to highlight good practice Questions to promote debate Annotated further reading Aimed specifically at those that are studying and working with children from birth to 8 this book will be a core text for Foundation Degrees in early years early childhood studies and those working towards Early Years Teacher Status. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138016675

Challenge of Japan Before World War II First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415869539

Challenge Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138069978

Challenge To ImperialismThe Frontline States In The Liberation Of Zimbabwe This book is the first comprehensive analysis of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence in its international context. It is an analysis of the crucial support given to the Zimbabwean nationalists by the five Frontline States namely Angola Botswana Mozambique Tanzania and Zambia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158583

Challenged BorderlandsTranscending Political and Cultural Boundaries In the early 1990s borders within Europe and between the United States and Mexico began to open. The increasing flow of goods capital ideas and people across boundaries promised to reduce physical and cognitive distances. Simultaneously challenges to identity have arisen within and between the European nation-states driven not only by internal cultural and political dynamics but also by processes of globalization. Concurrently the US-Mexican border emerged in public consciousness as a location of new opportunities largely due to public perception of the benefits of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This book explores some of the contradictory yet simultaneous processes affecting border regions. A team of leading scientists offers a wide range of perspectives on global national regional and local processes and provides a useful matrix for understanding their complex multilayered implications. Key concepts such as globalization borders and identities are illustrated through local and regional case studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258952

Challenges Opportunities and Innovations in Social Work Field Education This book collates and analyses the current research debates opportunities and practices in social work field education into one volume and contextualises this material within the broader context of social work. Current concerns about risk and uncertainty in field education are explored from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Social work field education is an integral component of social work education yet its sustainability is increasingly challenged. Issue such as finding enough quality placements with accredited social workers curriculum development student diversity and placement assessment of learning are being examined by researchers and practitioners alike. This represents a challenge for the social work profession generally. By drawing on traditional and alternative pedagogical perspectives on field education and constructions of risk and uncertainty evident in current discourse the book presents innovative responses to existing challenges. Providing a reference point for future knowledge building in sustainable field education pedagogy and practice this book will interest university field education programs and industry field educators internationally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138320017

Challenges and Change in Middle AmericaPerspectives on Development in Mexico Central America and the Caribbean A comprehensive introduction to the important economic social and political processes and development issues in this extremely popular region. The Central American nations and those of the Caribbean (including Guyana Surinam and French Guiana on the mainland) share many historical processes as well as experiencing similar development problems today. These include European colonialism structural adjustment small size reliance on primary production influence of the United States and moves towards democratisation. While Mexico is obviously a much larger country in area economy and population terms it is included in this volume because of its close ties to the other countries in the region through processes such as trade and migration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138138773

Challenges and Controversies in Management Research Challenges and Controversies in Management Research explores the history and cultural context current issues and controversies and potential development of research in the field of management. The collection of essays is written by scholars of international standing and the chapters address the development of management research in one or another continent the need for global collaboration the current state of management research and the development of the business school setting in which that research takes place. Factors affecting management research are explored in detail giving consideration to the relationship between teaching ethical conduct publication quality audits collegiality and research. Contributions in the book also explore the development and usefulness of theories in management research and consider the relevance of management research and its applicability for management practice policy-makers and the voluntary sector. A final section of contributions explores the future challenges for management research including the realization of reflexivity the enduring gender bias of the management field the future of theory the patterns of development of new areas of management research and the need to manage large databases. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653756

Challenges and Inequalities in Lifelong Learning and Social Justice The connections and interactions of lifelong learning and social justice are complex and contested. Both are seen as a means to unconditional good with little account taken of the inequalities and equalities located in constructions of power. This book develops critical ways to engage with international debates about lifelong learning and social justice through a range of competing and contested definitions setting out some of the complexities and challenges of linking the two concepts. In particular it engages in debates about the equalities and inequalities of learner identities displacement and place. Its chapters consider those marginalised in complex and multiple ways including gender social class ethnicity age and migration. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415837712

Challenges and Innovations in GeotechnicsProceedings of the 8th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference Astana Kazakhstan August 5-7 2016 Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics is a collections of papers presented at the Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference (8AYGEC Astana Kazakhstan 5-7 August 2016) and covers various aspects the areas of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. The book contains special and keynote lectures and contributions on a wide range of topics in geotechnical engineering and construction: (1) Laboratory and Field Testing(2) Foundation and Underground Structure(3) Ground Improvement(4) Earthquake and Environment(5) Numerical and Analytical Modeling(6) Advanced Soil Mechanics(7) Historical Sites Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics was published under the auspices of the ISSMGE TC-305 ‘Geotechnical Infrastructures for Megacities and New Capitals’ and reflects the present and future state of geotechnical engineering. The book will be extremely useful to geoengineers and researchers in the abovementioned areas. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138030077

Challenges and Innovations in U.S. Health Care Increased concern in the 1960s about the quality and availability of health care in the United States prompted a variety of attempts to develop new policies and to modify the existing health care system. The authors of this book review some of those attempts and provide critical commentary on a broad range of new and continuing problems. Their succinct review of many vital aspects of the current health care system clearly demonstrates the successes and failures of health care policy and its impact on the overall system. The authors discuss consumer involvement in the health care system the development of neighborhood health clinics health maintenance organizations and health systems agencies veterans' medical care chiropractic the use of non-physicians in care changing ideologies among physicians and the impact of health education. A variety of analytical perspectives are used to evaluate the many issues raised ranging from a highly critical Marxist commentary on fundamental flaws in the U.S. health system to a pluralist analysis of how the current system might be made to work better. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367019020

Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic ResearchEthnography with a Twist Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research: Ethnography with a Twist seeks to rethink ethnography ‘outside the box’ of its previous tradition and to develop ethnographic methods by critically discussing the process ethics impact and knowledge production in ethnographic research. This interdisciplinary edited volume argues for a ‘twist’ that supports openness courage and creativity to develop and test innovative and unconventional ways of thinking and doing ethnography. ‘Ethnography with a twist’ means both an intentional aim to conduct ethnographic research with novel approaches and methods but also sensitivity to recognize and creativity to utilize different kinds of ‘twist moments’ that ethnographic research may create for the researcher.  This edited volume critically evaluates new and old methodological tools and their ability to engage with questions of power difference. It proposes new collaborative methods that allow for co-production and co-creation of research material as well as shared conceptual work and wider distribution of knowledge. The book will be of use to ethnographers in humanities and social science disciplines including sociology anthropology and communication studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367376857

Challenges and Solutions in Patient-Centered CareA Case Book Series Editors: Moira Stewart Judith Belle Brown and Thomas R Freeman The application of the patient-centered clinical method has received international recognition. This book introduces and fully examines the patient-centered clinical method and illustrates how it can be applied in primary care. It presents case examples of the many problems encountered in patient-doctor interactions and provides ideas for dealing with these more effectively. It covers a wide range of topics and issues including palliative care abuse dying patients ethical challenges and the role of self-awareness. Many narratives originate from patients' and family members' experiences providing perspectives of great power and value. The Patient-Centered Care series is of great value to all health professionals teachers and students in primary care.  Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315375960

Challenges and SolutionsNarratives of Patient-Centered Care The foundation of patient-centered care is the patient-professional relationship. By exploring both the disease and patients' unique experience of illness healthcare professionals take into consideration their individual needs as well as their emotional and physical concerns. Using narratives to describe experiences of patients and professionals this book reveals the four interactive components of the patient-centered clinical method: exploring health disease and illness; understanding the whole person; finding common ground; and enhancing the patient-doctor relationship. The concluding chapters illustrate ways in which all four components interact with and complement each other and can be used in unison to the immeasurable benefit of both patient and professional. The stimulating narratives are all based on recent developments in the theoretical model of patient-centred clinical care. This wide-ranging thought-provoking text is highly relevant to a wide range of healthcare professionals as well as medical educators and healthcare students. For physicians narratives provide insight and illumination of what it truly means to be patient-centered. They also help clinicians to examine in a reflective manner what it means to be a healer. From the Introduction Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781846194962

Challenges for Alpine PartiesStrategies of Political Parties for Identity and Territory in the Alpine Regions Some political scientists argue that cleavages especially the class cleavage no longer represent a significant point of political conflict. This book takes issue with this claim demonstrating that other cleavages structure party competition. This is nowhere more evident than in the European Alpine region. The book focuses on strategies employed by political parties operating in the Alpine region and identifies common themes and patterns of party competition. Moreover the focus is on how Alpine parties operate on multiple levels--regional national and European--and how they have in some cases moved from -protest parties- to parties in power. Media > Books > Print Books Studien Verlag, Austria 9783706551748

Challenges for China's DevelopmentAn Enterprise Perspective The pace of reform for China’s enterprises of all kinds has quickened as they seek to cope with the challenges of self-determination in a rapidly evolving context of difficult social and welfare changes and the realities of increasing global competition. This book explores these challenges from the perspective of the enterprise. It includes discussion of current and likely future overall trends reports on new research findings on the true extent of governance and accounting reforms within enterprises and considers the impact of increasing global competition on strategy business relationships and management culture in a range of different kinds of enterprises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646451

Challenges for Europe in the World 2030 Challenges for Europe in the World 2030 embodies critical thinking about the long-term implications for Europe of the clear shift of power from the West to the East and the South. Designed as a multi-faceted project this book presents an integrated assessment covering a wide range of policy areas and alternative assumptions about trends in global and European governance. In order to reach this ambitious objective in a comprehensive and consistent way several types of quantitative and qualitative approaches have been combined: a model of macro regions of the world economy an institutional perspective and lessons from foresight studies. With a strong focus on policy implications the book is introduced by an executive summary which outlines the project assumptions especially on the future of Europe in the context of the current economic crisis and of the emergence of a new balance of powers in the global economy. Subsequent chapters cover the regulation of finance trade and technology developments environmental sustainability employment conditions and population wellbeing. The book concludes with an assessment of the extent to which these developments are likely to lead to significant political changes in Europe. In sum this book challenges public policy makers to re-assess their thinking in shaping Europe’s future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472419262

Challenges for Language Education and PolicyMaking Space for People Addressing a wide range of issues in applied linguistics sociolinguistics and multilingualism   this volume focuses on language users the ‘people.’ Making creative connections between existing scholarship in language policy and contemporary theory and research in other social sciences authors from around the world offer new critical perspectives for analyzing language phenomena and language theories suggesting new meeting points among language users and language policy makers norms and traditions in diverse cultural geographical and historical contexts.  Identifying and expanding on previously neglected aspects of language studies the book is inspired by the work of Elana Shohamy whose critical view and innovative work on a broad spectrum of key topics in applied linguistics has influenced many scholars in the field to think “out of the box” and to reconsider some basic commonly held understandings specifically with regard to the impact of language and languaging on individual language users rather than on the masses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415711906

Challenges for Public EducationReconceptualising Educational Leadership Policy and Social Justice as Resources for Hope An accelerating pattern in Australia and internationally is the dismantling of public education systems as part of a long-standing trend towards the modernisation marketisation and privatisation of educational provision. Responsibility for direct delivery of education services has been shifted to contracting and monitoring under the clarion call of school and leadership autonomy and parental choice. Part of this pattern is an increasing blurring of boundaries between the state and private sector a move from government to new forms of ‘strategic’ governance and from hierarchy to heterarchy. Challenges for Public Education examines the educational leadership policy and social justice implications of these trends in Australia and internationally. It maps this movement through early shifts to school-based management in Australia New Zealand and Sweden and recent moves such as the academies programme in England and charter schools in the United States. It draws on recent studies of a distinct new phase in Australian school reform – the creation of ‘independent public schools’ (IPS) in Western Australia and Queensland â€“ and global policy moves in public education in order to provide a truly international dialogue and debate on these matters. This book moves beyond critique. It innovatively brings together Australian and international perspectives and a rich range of diverse theoretical lenses: practice philosophy feminism gender relational and postmodernism. As such it provides a crucial forum for illuminating alternate ways to conceptualise educational leadership policy and social justice as resources for hope. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138348226

Challenges for Religious EducationIs There a Disconnect Between Faith and Reason? Major social changes especially as a result the more multicultural nature of society have raised important issues about the teaching of religion and the rational basis of different religious faiths. Challenges for Religious Education addresses and critically examines these changes and asks where religious education and Faith Schools fit within secular society and indeed whether there is still a place for them at all. Analysing what religious education could look like if it were considered from a wider ‘world views’ perspective that doesn’t focus on a particular set of religious beliefs this book considers the ‘reasonableness’ of holding a faith and therefore in teaching it; the ongoing tensions between faith and reason; arguments for and against the study of religious education; whether modern secular thought is itself an ideology; and the philosophical standpoints on the relationship between faith and reason. Linking faith and reason with the issue of whether religious education is truly necessary in a modern world Challenges for Religious Education is a crucial read for anyone interested in the future of religious education teaching in a secular society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367279073

Challenges for Technology Innovation: An Agenda for the FutureProceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing The world is undergoing a profound transformation driven by radical technological changes and an accelerated globalisation process. A new culture of greater resource efficiency and disruptive innovation will require new technologies processes and materials fostering new knowledge innovation education and a digital society bringing forward new business opportunities and novel solutions to major societal challenges. Challenges for Technology Innovation: an Agenda for the Future is the result of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing – S2M held at the Faculty of Architecture in Lisbon Portugal on October 20-22 2016. It contains innovative contributions in the field of Sustainable Smart Manufacturing and related topics making a significant contribution to further development of these fields. This volume covers a wide range of topics including Design and Digital Manufacturing Design Education Eco Design and Innovation Future Cities Medicine 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Sustainable Business Models Sustainable Construction Sustainable Design and Technology and Sustainable Recycling. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138713741

Challenges from Within This title was first published in 2001. The challenges that face the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) have changed considerably. Growing international interdependence has meant that domestic civil servants are playing an increasing role in international negotiations and foreign policy making. The scope and complexity of foreign policy under conditions of interdependence has pushed FCO involvement beyond its normal boundaries and into areas that have traditionally been the preserve of domestic policy-makers. In this book Roger Murphy assesses the success of the FCO in dealing with these challenges providing an examination of the changes that have taken place in the British foreign policy making system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138719224

Challenges in City ManagementA Case Study Approach City management in developing countries is a quickly growing area in current public administration literature. However little research material can be found regarding the management of cities. Demonstrating the issues in this field Challenges in City Management: A Case Study Approach brings the sometimes dry theories and concepts of urban planning and management to life. The author uses case studies to demonstrate "who " "what " "why " and "how " dramatically increasing readers’ ability to comprehend and apply the theories. Incorporating urban management and organizational management theories with actual practice the author presents case studies based on observations made during her extensive experience. She offers multiple examples of common contemporary city topics ranging from personnel policy-making housing homelessness transportation and budgeting. Each study describes and analyzes a scenario identifying the economic and political factors as well as the often conflicting players and interest groups. The book provides enhanced understanding of the complex environment city administrators work in helping readers develop improved decision-making and problem-solving skills through the study of real issues city administrators have experienced. The case study methodology used supplies information that is immediately applicable to real-world situations making it a resource that city administrators can use to improve their public administration and governance skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781439884362

Challenges in Educational ManagementPrinciples into Practice Originally published in 1986. Hitherto most educational managers including head teachers and senior staff in schools have been expected to carry out their management tasks without any formal training. Recent initiatives however are changing this and all educational managers are now being encouraged to undertake some form of training. This book provides a framework for the study of educational management. Management in other professions has been a major concern for a long time and this book selects from this existing literature theory and experience (for example from management studies and business studies) and relates relevant material to the context of education. It looks at the major themes and problems in educational management discusses the appropriate theories and shows how good practices may be applied. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138545342

Challenges in Higher Education LeadershipPractical and Scholarly Solutions In this important resource experienced higher education presidents and senior leaders come together with respected scholars to tackle the most important and timely issues facing leaders in colleges and universities today.  Challenges in Higher Education Leadership advances critical leadership and management skills across a broad array of topics including student learning access and affordability racism fundraising athletics and new technology. Chapters strike a balance between theory and practical advice while promoting the notion that all leaders can learn lessons from one another that can be useful in their own specific contexts. This book poses strategic questions readers should answer along with advice about how to effectively address today's challenges providing leaders with the skills and perspectives necessary to respond to higher education students’ needs.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138884878

Challenges in International Human Rights LawVolume III The main challenges within international human rights law are generally thought to be in the fields of transitional justice non-state actors terrorism development poverty and environmental degradation. This volume of articles not only covers these mainstream challenges but also a wider and more systematic range including justiciability of social and economic rights extraterritoriality health care and investment arbitration. The key literature selected for this collection includes articles that have appeared in mainstream journals and books from leading publishers as well as papers that have appeared in lesser known journals hard to find books and UN documents. Some of these are classic essays whilst others are more recent additions that reflect the current state of the debate. The papers are put into context by a specially commissioned introduction by the volume editor. This volume is an invaluable resource for human rights lawyers in search of the key literature in fields outside their own specialization as well as for students researchers and lecturers seeking an overview of the challenges in human rights law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409444367

Challenges in Nursing Education and ResearchProceeding of the Second Aceh International Nursing Conference 2019 (2nd AINC 2019) August 21-2 This conference main theme is "Overcoming Global Health Challenges through Nursing Education Research and Technology". Topics of interests cover all theoretical and practical aspects of nursing and health sciences in broad spectrum. This will provide an excellent knowledge and information across academicians professionals and government to optimize healthcare quality and safety around the globe. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003043973

Challenges in Primary ScienceMeeting the Needs of Able Young Scientists at Key Stage Two This practical and easy-to-use book enables teachers to challenge able children to develop their potential and to extend their thinking in primary science. It links theory to practice to develop understanding of what it means to be an able scientist; and empowers teachers to build on their existing good practice to build an inclusive science curriculum for able children. Special features include: photocopiable resources that are linked to the National Curriculum and the QCA schemes of work; teacher guidance on the use of these resources and how they can be incorporated into normal primary science lessons; and suggestions for assessment. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138164604

Challenges In The Conservation Of Biological ResourcesA Practitioner's Guide This book provides an understanding of the many biological and sociopolitical considerations involved in the conservation of biological resources. It is intended to provide practical advice on procedures that can be used by professional resource managers who work at local and regional levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166663

Challenges in the Theory and Practice of Play Therapy Challenges in the Theory and Practice of Play Therapy provides an advanced and in-depth exploration of the issues and challenges relating to the training theory and practice of Child-Centred Play Therapy. The ethos of the book is process orientated and it discusses the particular therapeutic challenges that are encountered on a day-to- day basis. Drawing upon clinical material and cutting-edge theory David Le Vay and Elise Cuschieri bring together experienced practitioners from the field to explore key topics such as: The therapeutic use of self within play therapy Gender issues in play therapy The play therapist’s experience of self-doubt Working with acquired brain injury Working with developmental trauma The role of research within play therapy The role of experiential training groups in a play therapy training programme       Original and stimulating Challenges in the Theory and Practice of Play Therapy will be of interest and value to all those working within the area of child mental health both in practice and in training and particularly those in the wider Arts and Play Therapy community who are working therapeutically with troubled children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415736459

Challenges of Aging on U.S. FamiliesPolicy and Practice Implications Examine the changing structure of the family as America’s population ages!As the United States’ economy evolves and manufacturing jobs disappear the prospect of each generation experiencing a standard of living that exceeds that of their parents’ generation also disappears. Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications explores this trend presenting the latest original research on the changing roles of caregivers along with the economic and emotional effects on the family unit. Respected authorities discuss in detail long-term care and the standard of living of families with a focus on the effects of changing family structures on families themselves and society at large. The coming boom in the population of the aging will impact families at several levels. Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families thoroughly examines the economic demands of aging on families then focuses on different roles elderly family members are likely to play over the next several decades. Some of the issues explored include “skipped generation parenting” where children are raised in grandparent homes where neither parent is present the impending economic impact of caregiving on families the stress on families with fewer siblings to share the caregiving tasks and the tendency for family members to live in different parts of the country and subsequently become unable to offer caregiver support. Detailed tables provide clarity of thought while comprehensive bibliographies offer further opportunity for study.Challenges of Aging on U.S. Families discusses: the economics of aging the implications of aging economics and emotional stress on the future of families the coming labor shortage of caregivers family-based intervention in residential long-term care shifting relationships between parents and their children caregivers self-esteem issues involving daughter caregivers paying family caregivers—as public policy a proposed policy of requiring adult children to care for their aging parents inheritance and intergenerational transmission of parental care the inherent psychological stress within skipped generation familiesChallenges of Aging on U.S. Families: Policy and Practice Implications is an eye-opening text for researchers health professionals social workers counselors caregivers educators and students. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051337

Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in PeacebuildingAfghanistan Iraq Sierra Leone and East Timor Peacebuilding is a critical issue in world politics. Surprisingly however there has not been a full examination of concrete policies and implementation strategies to generate legitimacy in "host states" by either international relations (IR) theorists or practitioners. The objective of this book is to develop an understanding of the mechanisms for constructing—or eroding—the legitimacy of newly created governments in post-conflict peacebuilding environments. The book argues that although existing accounts in the literature contend that compliance with key political programs and constructing legitimacy in peacebuilding largely depend on the levels of force (guns) and resource distribution (money) aimed at people who are governed there are other significant factors such as inclusive governments reconciling with old enemies and the substantial role of international organizations (IOs) as credible third parties to establish fairness and impartiality within the political process. Highashi focuses on an in-depth analysis of the challenges involved in creating a legitimate government in Afghanistan focusing on disarmament programs with powerful warlords and the reconciliation efforts with the insurgency especially the Taliban. In the conclusion the book also examines three complimentary cases—Iraq East Timor and Sierra Leone—which consistently support the argument presented earlier This work will be of interest to students and scholars of peacebuilding and conflict resolution as well as international relations more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138239852

Challenges of Democracy in the 21st CenturyConcepts Methods Causality and the Quality of Democracy The effectiveness and capacity of survival of democratic regimes has been recently and widely questioned in the public and political debate. Both democratic institutions and political actors are increasingly confronted with rapid economic and societal transformations that at least according to some observers and commentators they not seem to be ready or equipped to manage effectively. This book evaluates and challenges recent scholarly literature on the quality of democracy. It provides a critical assessment of the current state of the studies on the subject identifying the key questions and discussing open issues alternative approaches problems and future developments. Bringing together some of the most prominent and distinguished scholars who have developed and discussed the topic of the quality of democracy during the last decade it deals with a highly relevant topic in political science and extremely sensitive subject for our democratic societies. This text will be of key interest to scholars of democracy and democratization and more broadly to comparative politics electoral studies political theory power and comparative political institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367462697

Challenges of European External Energy Governance with Emerging Powers In a multipolar world with growing demand for energy not least by Emerging Powers such as Brazil India China or South Africa (BICS) questions of EU external energy governance would at first hand appear to be a high-priority. Yet reality tells a different story: the EU’s geographical focus remains on adjacent countries in the European neighbourhood and on issues related to energy security. Despite being Strategic Partners and engaging in energy dialogues it seems that the EU is lacking strategic vision and is not perceived as a major actor in energy cooperation with the BICS. Thus political momentum for energy cooperation and joint governance of scarce resources is vanishing. Resulting from three years of international interdisciplinary research cooperation among academics and practitioners in Europe and the BICS countries within a project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation this volume addresses one of the greatest global challenges. Specific focus lies on the bilateral energy dialogues and Strategic Partnerships between the EU and Emerging Powers regarding bilateral inter- and transnational energy cooperation. Furthermore the analysis provides policy recommendations in order to tap the full potential of energy cooperation between the EU and Brazil India China and South Africa. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472458292

Challenges of GlobalizationNew Trends in International Politics and Society Globalization has been the "buzzword" in international political and academic discourse since the 1990s. It is used as a general descriptor of a world in which borders are becoming less and less important while transnational flows of capital and goods but also of ideas and people cultural norms and values crime war and viruses are increasing.If globalization's dynamics are to be fully understood a reasonable critique is to be formulated and realistic political proposals to meet the challenges of globalization are to be developed this complex phenomenon must be dissected. Challenges of Globalization brings together prominent authors of different national backgrounds. They look beyond the buzzword to provide a genuinely "global" view of globalization. The editors' introduction provides a "roadmap" through the globalization debate and shows the connections between the different aspects covered in detail in the various contributions.This volume deals with two major issues: first the economic societal ecological and political consequences of globalization including--but also going beyond--the identification of globalization's "winners and losers" worldwide; and second solutions that have emerged from the current political debate to cope with the various challenges. These include the creation of new global governance structures fostering a "global civil society" that might enhance the democratic legitimacy of global governance and strategies to be implemented at national and regional levels allowing states to adapt in ways that make liberalization compatible with development in poor countries and enable the rescue of the welfare state in rich countries.Challenges of Globalization serves as a multi-dimensional and accessible introduction to the globalization debate and will be of particular interest to academics policymakers and international agencies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507951

Challenges of Human Resource Management in Japan Human resource management systems differ across corporations around the world. Japan has unique characteristics that create specific challenges for HRM and there is currently a lack of research focusing on Japanese HR issues available to westerners. This book examines the major challenges and dilemmas in human resource management as Japan's industrial society continues its resurgence in the global arena. The first part of the book deals with Japanese HRM from an international perspective analysing the overall structure of Japanese HRM systems and comparing these with current international systems. The second part of this book looks at Japanese HRM from a domestic perspective and as such covers the micro issues of HRM practice in Japan. Written by a leading team of HRM experts from Japan the UK France Australia and Canada this book will be of interest to anyone interested in HRM in Japan and international HRM more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415691383

Challenges of Mapping the Classical World Challenges of Mapping the Classical World collects together in one volume fourteen varied items written by Richard Talbert over the past thirty years. They cohere around the theme of mapping the classical world since the nineteenth century. All were originally prompted by Talbert’s commission in the late 1980s to produce a definitive classical atlas after more than a century of failed attempts by the Kieperts and others. These he evaluates as well as probing the Smith/Grove atlas a successful twenty-year initiative launched in the mid-1850s with a cartographic approach that departs radically from established practice. Talbert’s initial vision for the international collaborative project that resulted in the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (2000) is presented and the successive twice-yearly reports on its progress from 1991 through to completion are published here for the first time. A further item reflects retrospectively on the project’s cartographic challenges and on how developments in digital map production were decisive in overcoming them. This volume will be invaluable to anyone with an interest in the development and growing impact of mapping the classical world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367496654

Challenges of Multicultural EducationTeaching and Taking Diversity Courses The voices of college students and teachers vividly enlighten readers about the real-world challenges of multicultural education. Courses on diversity abound in American universities today. But open classroom discussion of racial and gender differences can evoke discomfort as much as new understandings. Negotiating these courses takes a toll on both faculty and students as classrooms become filled with emotion. Based on student and teacher experience in a range of American colleges and universities this book shows how to meet these challenges and create a truly open and beneficial environment. The authors demonstrate pedagogical strategies and new approaches. A vital resource for teachers students college administrators and university libraries. Contents: Introduction. Dialogue on Diversity Teaching. From Silence and Resistance to Tongues Untied. The Racial Experiment. Starting with a Story and Sharing the Discussion Leading. Irritating Supporting & Representing. Identity Matters in Class. What Lies Beneath. Conclusion. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635644

Challenges of Policing DemocraciesA World Perspective In this text the editors analyze the diverse situations that police forces operate under and the challenges that they face in different kinds of democracies. This cross-cultural comparison of various systems highlights the universal observation that police are a anomaly in a democracy and explores how various influences-for example large-scale social violence a zeal for crime fighting and vulnerability to temptation-often find police incapable of behaving in a democratic manner. Challenges of Policing Democracies goes beyond just showing the similarities and differences of the policing challenges democratic societies face it also examines the responses and remedies adopted by police in various countries at different levels of democratic achievement and how every society struggles with the challenges of preserving democratic values without sacrificing the effectiveness of policing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970083

Challenges of Primary Education in Developing CountriesInsights from Kenya Paul P.W. Achola and Vijayan K. Pillai address factors associated with wastage in primary school education and the solutions to ameliorate low participation in primary education. The book provides an examination of the factors associated with wastage exploring the interconnectedness of non-enrollment repetition and dropout. The authors demonstrate that reducing poverty through empowerment programs and citizen participation in school decisions are critical to improving primary school participation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260693

Challenges Of VerificationSmaller States And Arms Control This book explores the possibilities for the smaller nations of Europe to make positive contributions to the verification of reductions in conventional forces and arms a chemical weapons convention and a comprehensive nuclear test ban. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367163334

Challenges to Democracies in East Central Europe Democratic development in Central and Eastern Europe is not a finished project nor is its progress immune to internal and external threats. The current social economic ethnic and political situation within the region presents new dangers. This text identifies and analyses challenges to current East-Central European democracies in terms of potential deconsolidation of democracy reflected in the changes in the institutional and procedural framework (polity) and in the choice of instruments and strategies in the policy area. Specifically examining the regimes of the Czech Republic Hungary Poland Slovakia and Slovenia these challenges include political extremism and violence corruption ethnic and religious conflicts. Presenting original Central European data and utilising the concept of consolidation of democracy from von Beyme and Merkel’s concept the book demonstrates that these challenges are as much influenced by imported phenomena such as immigration organized crime and other potential systemic undemocratic volatilities as the domestic situation. This text will be of key interest to scholars and students East European politics post-Soviet politics EU Studies security and strategic studies international relations area studies modern history and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138488243

Challenges to DemocracyEssays in Honour and Memory of Isaiah Berlin This title was first published in 2000:  The essays gathered in this volume cover a wide range of theoretical and practical issues concerning a variety of problems which democracies confront time and again. Their aim is to look at challenges to democracy that evolve from within democracy. The discussion sets out to examine how democracies in different times dealt with attempts to undermine democratic processes and fundamental human rights. The design of the book is both interdisciplinary and comparative offering historical philosophical legal sociological political and media perspectives of renowned scholars from the UK Israel the USA and Canada. They analyze how different societies try to cope with and find answers for attacks against them by political extremists cultural chauvinists terrorists hate groups and other radical movements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138726611

Challenges To Developmental ParadigmsImplications for Theory Assessment and Treatment This book unites an interdisciplinary body of experts in child development whose research and ideas challenge existing theories and conventional clinical practice in a variety of domains of early child development. This unique volume fills a gap in existing developmental research and offers applications for clinical practice to professionals students and researchers in developmental social and educational psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138970090

Challenges to Emerging and Established PowersBrazil the United Kingdom and Global Order This edited volume explores the analytical possibilities of contrasting Brazil and the United Kingdom as examples of emerging and established powers respectively. It is organised around several themes focusing on the roles of Brazil and the United Kingdom in the management of global economic governance international development international security the politics of regional integration global climate change governance and the political leveraging of sports mega-events. Each chapter explores Brazil’s and/or the UK’s particular foreign policies and their resulting impact on these key areas of global governance and politics. The conceptual focus is on these states’ motivations as either status-seekers (Brazil) or status-maintainers (UK) in the context of a fast moving international landscape. The chapters in this book directly or indirectly indicate that these states wish to draw attention to their aspiring or established positions as key global players through either visible foreign policy action and/or symbolic rhetoric. This book was originally published as a special issue of Global Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138391956

Challenges to EqualityPoverty and Race in America Artioles and symposia on major controversial social issues: integration and civil rights; President Clinton's recent race initiative; poverty; education; the environment; democratic participation; disability rights; corporate welfare; and others. The range of contributors is wide and includes Julian Bond Herbert Gans James Loewen Jonathan Kozol Manning Marable Howard Zinn Benjamin DeMott Frances Fox Piven and Marian Wright Edelman. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315291574

Challenges to Political Decision-makingDealing with Information Overload Ignorance and Contested Knowledge This book analyses the ability of individuals to create meaning through communicative interaction and of what seems to constrain and enable actors in taking collectively binding political decisions. The book examines why in some contexts individuals consider something as evident and relevant for their action while others perceive them as nonsense or simply as ‘fake news’. As such the book follows a research perspective based on a concept emphasizing that the core function of knowledge is related to the selection and integration of data and other information which give them substance. Taking an interpretive political science perspective to knowledge the book overcomes particular deficiencies of policy learning concepts where the development of an understanding of ‘reality’ is thematized in a way that supposedly decrypts everyday processes through which individuals understand ‘reality’ and (re)orient their actions to intersubjective processes. To better understand these intersubjective processes communicative mechanisms are worked through where knowledge claims are selected and integrated. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of political science and policy analysis and more broadly to sociology and social theory geography planning philosophy communication studies and governance studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367729110

Challenges to Practice The first title in the Practice of Psychotherapy Series that explores the limits of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Each of the five chapters in this book takes up an aspect of this challenge. In an open and enquiring manner the authors invite readers to share in their thinking as they describe how they use their psychoanalytic skills to understand the nature of particular challenges. The Practice of Psychotherapy Series is intended to address a wide variety of important and challenging issues confronting those working in diverse contexts as psychoanalytic psychotherapists. Written by members of the respected London Centre for Psychotherapy this volume offers an honest and stimulating first contribution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367105259

Challenges to Teacher Education in Difficult Economic TimesInternational perspectives Teacher education in a financial crisis – what are the consequences and how can probity be maintained? Education like most other parts of everyday life is experiencing the challenges brought about by global financial constrictions. This book presents the experiences and views of practising teacher educators from multiple countries and continents on how the melt-down in world economics has affected and will continue to affect teacher education and concomitant experiences in schooling. The ramifications are seen to extend into every aspect of teacher preparation continuing staff development and teacher support and there are significant implications for the quality of teaching and learning and the ethos and standing of the process of education as a whole. Drawing on educational theory and social political and economic discourses the book addresses issues such as policy philosophy organisation funding resources modes of teaching and learning curricular change recruitment and retention amongst others and provides a snap-shot across diverse contexts. It aims to provide an evaluative analytical but reflective picture of teacher education in the light of the world economic crisis whilst exploring good practice and suggesting future strategies to develop the quality of teacher education and professional support teaching and learning. The volume provides an insight into the need for a new paradigm for teacher education: one that involves teacher educators in devising a discourse of positive and radical change. It will be a valuable resource for teacher educators educational leaders policy makers educational commentators and teachers seeking to engage with the scholarship of teaching as a means to engage in continuous professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415661980

Challenges to the Global Trading SystemAdjustment to Globalization in the Asia-Pacific Region International trade continues to expand robustly in East Asia and elsewhere but global trade negotiations have collapsed and globalization is widely criticized. In this book the participants of the thirtieth Pacific Trade and Development Conference—including the then-Director General of the World Trade Organization and leading government officials academics and executives from a dozen major Pacific Rim economies—debate whether global negotiations have ended once and for all or are suffering temporarily from ‘globalization fatigue;’ whether East Asia’s new regional partnerships will advance or undermine the global trading system; and whether the region’s trade tensions with the United States will intensify or subside. They provide new empirical evidence on how trade affects the distribution of income the location of pollution-intensive industries the causes of ‘outsourcing ’ the structure of the intellectual property regime and international security. And they probe the implications of adjustment to globalization: how can countries reap the benefits of trade while controlling the risks faced by the poor and perhaps more importantly the politically strong? Challenges to the Global Trading System is an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Asia-Pacific studies international relations and development studies as well as those with a more general interest in Asian studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415666411

Challenging America's Global PreeminenceRussia's Quest for Multipolarity Examining the shifts in Russian foreign policy and their potential impact on the status and influence of the United States in the international system this outstanding volume examines why the Kremlin initially sought an alliance with the United States and the internal and external reasons why such a policy was unsustainable. In particular it looks for an explanation for the post-Cold War vacillations in Russian foreign policy. Russia made several decisions which were perceived domestically as being unacceptable capitulations to American interests. Consequently a pro-Western foreign policy became incompatible with Russian political culture. The rapprochement following 9/11 was destined to be temporary due to the decision by the Bush administration to invade Iraq. Contributing to the fields of international relations and comparative foreign policy this study provides a fresh approach to the balance/bandwagon issue and takes into account the global repercussions of the recent war in Iraq. It will be of particular value to specialists in Russian foreign policy international relations theory and US foreign policy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260686

Challenging and Controversial PicturebooksCreative and critical responses to visual texts It is often assumed that picturebooks are for very young readers because of their emphasis on the illustrations and their scarcity of text; however there are increasing numbers of picturebooks where the age of the implied reader is questionable. These are picturebooks whose controversial subject matter and unconventional often unsettling style of illustration challenge the reader pushing them to question and probe deeper to understand what the book is about. In addition to the book challenging the reader the reader often challenges the book in an attempt to understand what is being said. These increasingly popular picturebooks work on many different levels; they are truly polysemic and worthy of in-depth analysis. They push the reader to ask questions and in many instances are intrinsically philosophical often dealing with fundamental life issues. Challenging and Controversial Picturebooks examines these unconventional non-conformist picturebooks considering what they are their audience and their purpose. It also considers:  Children’s and adults’ thoughts on these kinds of picturebooks. How challenging and unsettling wordless picturebooks can play with the mind and promote philosophical thought. What creates non-conformity and strangeness … is it the illustrations and their style the subject matter or a combination of both? Why certain countries create promote and accept these picturebooks more than others. Why certain picturebooks are censored and what factors are in play when these decisions are made. The role of publishers in translating and publishing these picturebooks. Children’s creative and critical responses to strange unsettling and often disturbing visual texts. This inspiring and thought-provoking volume explores the work of a number of highly respected international picturebook experts and includes an exclusive interview with the legendary Klaus Flugge Managing Director of Andersen Press one of the few remaining independent children’s book publishers in England. It is an indispensable reference for all interested in or working with picturebooks including researchers students in higher and teacher education English advisors/inspectors literacy consultants and classroom teachers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138797772

Challenging Aphasia TherapiesBroadening the Discourse and Extending the Boundaries Challenging Aphasia Therapies presents an entirely new approach to thinking on the subject of aphasia therapy by liberating it from traditional models. This is achieved through a process of reflection in which many assumptions previously taken for granted are challenged and reassessed. Internationally renowned experts successfully demonstrate the benefits of learning about aphasia therapy through the process of engaging in it.Topics covered include:* the role of context culture and conversation in shaping and directing aphasia therapy * the ethical issues that arise from the current tensions between market driven health care industries and the moral commitment to their client welfare * the value of therapy. Contributors challenge the common notion of successful therapy as solely performance related.* the potential and competent use of humour in aphasia therapy.The identification of the strengths and limitations of clinical models and the focus on relevant directions for therapy will be of interest to practising clinicians as well as anyone involved in study or research in speech and language therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415646468

Challenging AusterityRadical Left and Social Movements in the South of Europe This book analyses social movements and radical political parties’ strategies in Spain Greece Portugal and Italy from 2008 to today. Events in 2011 such as the Arab Spring and the indignados movement in Spain initiated a new cycle of social protest. This book explores how the economic crisis and policies of austerity have transformed and continue to transform social movements trade unions and radical political parties in Southern Europe. The economic crisis has led to a rise in protest movements which confront political institutions and conventional forms of democracy and develop new spatial and organisational strategies. This book examines these cases in addition to those groups who contrastingly have used institutional politics to achieve their aims such as new political parties like Podemos in Spain or Movimento 5 Stelle in Italy. Analysing the extent to which there has been a change in approach when it comes to contesting neo-liberal capitalism this book makes an important contribution to the study of social movements and radical politics. With a comparative perspective and an emphasis on studying the largely unexplored recent social and political dynamics in the European periphery this book is essential reading for students scholars and activists interested in social movements radical politics and European politics more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593810

Challenging Authoritarian Rule - SEA NIP Challenging Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia is one of the first substantial comparative studies of contemporary Indonesia and Malaysia homes to the world's largest Muslim population. Following the collapse of New Order rule in Indonesia in 1998 this book provides an in-depth examination of anti-authoritarian forces in contemporary Indonesia and Malaysia assessing their problems and prospects. The authors discuss the roles played by women public intellectuals arts workers industrial workers as well as environmental and Islamic activists. They explore how different forms of authoritarianism in the two countries affect the prospects of democratization and examine the impact and legacy of the diverse social and political protests in Indonesia and Malaysia in the late 1990s. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203060391

Challenging Authoritarianism in MexicoRevolutionary Struggles and the Dirty War 1964-1982 The Cold War in Latin America spawned numerous authoritarian and military regimes in response to the ostensible threat of communism in the Western Hemisphere and with that a rigid national security doctrine was exported to Latin America by the United States. Between 1964 and 1985 Argentina Chile Mexico Brazil Paraguay and Uraguay experienced a period of state-sponsored terrorism commonly referred to as the "dirty wars." Thousands of leftists students intellectuals workers peasants labor leaders and innocent civilians were harassed arrested tortured raped murdered or 'disappeared.' Many studies have been done about this phenomenon in the other areas of Latin America but strangely Mexico's dirty war has been excluded from this particular scholarship. Here  for the first time is a sustained look at this period and consideration of the many facets that make up the nearly two decades of the Mexican dirty war. Offering the reader a broad perspective of the period the case studies in the book present narratives of particular armed revolutionary movements as well as thematic essays on gender human rights culture student radicalism the Cold War and the international impact of this state-sponsored terrorism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415889049

Challenging Behaviour in DementiaA Person-Centred Approach Understanding socially disruptive behavior in dementia is never easy. Most explanations offer neither solace nor solutions for families and carers and treatment is often characterized by policies of control and containment. The result of Graham Stokes' 15 years of clinical work with people who are challenging this book: disputes the traditional medical model of dementia and asserts that if we reach behind the barrier of cognitive devastation and decipher the cryptic messages it can be shown that much behavior is not meaningless but meaningful. It contrasts the medical interpretation that sees anti-social behavior as mere symptoms of disease with a person-centered interpretation that resonates change and resolution. It offers a radical and innovative interpretation of challenging behavior consistent with the new culture of dementia care focusing on needs to be met rather than problems to be managed. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315168715

Challenging Behaviour in Mainstream SchoolsPractical Strategies for Effective Intervention and Reintegration This book is designed to help; schools and LEAs meet their responsibilities under the new Social Inclusion: Pupil Support guidance; and teachers successfully include and reintegrate pupils with emotional and behavioral difficulties and challenging behaviors by offering a structured program that includes assessment group work and post-intervention strategies. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138151758

Challenging Behaviour in SchoolsTeacher support practical techniques and policy development Difficult pupil behaviour can reflect and exacerbate stresses within a school increasing the potential for conflicts among teachers parents and support staff. The need to acknowledge and overcome this in practice is fully recognised and is a central challenge addressed by this book. Challenging Behaviour in Schools describes effective practical approaches that have been developed by schools and support services. It contains chapters on behaviour support in mainstream primary and secondary schools the organisation of support services and also looks at the ways parents and schools can work together. Other chapters outline whole school approaches to building better behaviour as well as specific techniques. Challenging Behaviour in Schools will be of direct practical value to all teachers senior staff special needs coordinators and governors in schools educational psychologists support teachers and all those involved in policy and planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152342

Challenging BehaviourPrinciples and Practices First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138173675

Challenging Behaviours - What to Know and What to DoThe Professional Development File for All Staff This title is written by Andrew & Beth Chadwick. If you deal with challenging behaviours this book includes strategies covering a range of special needs including autistic spectrum aspergers dyspraxia dyslexia depression tourettes obsessive compulsive disorder oppositional defiant disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific learning difficulties. It addresses problems such as: Truanting; Swearing and verbal abuse; Theft; Bullying; Attention seeking; Drug abuse; Low self-esteem; and Vandalism. It includes case histories to provide some insight into the difficult situations teachers may encounter in the classroom. It is suitable for all ages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906517816

Challenging CitizenshipGroup Membership and Cultural Identity in a Global Age Over the last ten years citizenship has become an area of interdisciplinary research and teaching in its own right. This book highlights that globalization poses new challenges for established understandings and practices of citizenship and that intellectual work is required to fashion models of citizenship better suited to present problems and realities. In particular this volume emphasizes the pluralization of identities and communities within states brought about by such forces as mass immigration global communication substate regionalism and more generally the fragmentation of modern notions of nation. The challenge is to devise forms of democracy and political identity adequate to these 'globalized' conditions. Ideally suited to anyone interested in globalization cultural diversity and citizenship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138378926

Challenging Communism in Eastern Europe1956 and its Legacy Marking the 50th anniversary of events in 1956 that were a major turning point in the history of communist-ruled Eastern Europe this book contains a selection of some of the most recent research on those momentous events and their memory and legacy. The book contains edited contributions from historians and social scientists from Hungary Poland the UK and the USA. Their contributions are the fruit of research which has only been possible since 1989. In the years since the fall of the communist regimes the state archives have been opened to researchers and it has been possible to collect the testimony of eye-witnesses without fear of repression and censorship. The outcome of 1956 led to Poland embarking on its own distinctive version of communist rule. Meanwhile 1956 in Hungary saw the first society-wide attempt to overthrow a ruling communist regime – only to be put down by Soviet military intervention. In both countries the events of 1956 had lasting repercussions for society and its relationship with the communist regime. In retrospect they can be seen as paving the way for the eventual fall of the communist regimes in East Central Europe in 1989. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315878188

Challenging ConsumptionPathways to a more Sustainable Future Sustainable consumption is a central research topic in academic discourses of sustainable development and global environmental change. Informed by a number of disciplinary perspectives this book is structured around four key themes in sustainable consumption research: Living Moving Dwelling and Futures. The collection successfully balances theoretical insights with grounded case studies on mobility heating washing and eating practices and concludes by exploring future sustainable consumption research pathways and policy recommendations. Theoretical frameworks are advanced throughout the volume especially in relation to social practice theory theories of behavioural change and innovative visioning and backcasting methodologies. This groundbreaking book draws on some conceptual approaches which move beyond the responsibility of the individual consumer to take into account wider social economic and political structures and processes in order to highlight both possibilities for and challenges to sustainable consumption. This approach enables students and policy-makers alike to easily recognise the applicability of social science theories. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138646469

Challenging Corporate Social ResponsibilityLessons for public relations from the casino industry The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly widespread as businesses seek to incorporate socially responsible behaviors while still being accountable to shareholders. Indeed some research has suggested that CSR in itself can form the basis of good PR by promoting consumers’ purchase decisions.Arguing that this approach is a dangerous oversimplification this book takes a deeper look at the concept of CSR in a particularly challenging context - casino gaming. Originally the province of seedy backdoor establishments in isolated cities casino gaming has become a multibillion-dollar global industry. Drawing on in-depth research in Las Vegas this unique study examines how and why corporations in the casino industry interpret and engage in CSR through community support environmental issues labor rights and corporate governance.Through in-depth analysis of CSR in this industry this book adds a new dimension to the debate on the role of CSR and public relations in business. Given the burgeoning relationship between CSR and corporate PR the book seeks to illuminate CSR’s complexities contradictions and moral obligations. It will be of interest to all scholars of public relations corporate communications and corporate reputation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868543

Challenging Criminological TheoryThe Legacy of Ruth Rosner Kornhauser This volume is divided into five sections that when taken together offer an informative account of the impact of Ruth Rosner Kornhauser's Social Sources of Delinquency on the development of American criminological thought. This classic book was her major contribution to the field.Section I tells the story of Kornhauser's brief but influential academic career. Section II probes deeply into the specific ways in which she challenged criminological theory and the subsequent responses that were forthcoming. Section III then presents commentary on specific lines of inquiry inspired by Kornhauser's book and orientation to criminological theory. Section IV explores recent efforts to move beyond Kornhauser's insights on communities and crime. Section V concludes with three critical essays contending that Social Sources of Delinquency paid insufficient attention to criminal motivation the role of opportunity in offending and gangs and girls.This volume—authored by prominent scholars—shows that Kornhauser's way of thinking about crime continues to be a starting point for much criminological theory today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412854900

Challenging DemocracyInternational Perspectives on Gender and Citizenship This collection establishes a highly topical new international field of study: that of gender education and citizenship. It brings together for the first time important cutting-edge research on the contribution of the educational system to the formation of male and female citizens. It shows how gender relations operate behind apparently neutral concepts of liberal democratic citizenship and citizenship education.The editors asked leading international educationalists to describe the theoretical frameworks and methodologies they used to research gender and citizenship.Challenging Democracy suggests ways in which the educational system could help develop genuinely inclusive democratic societies in which men and women play an equal role in shaping the meaning of citizenship. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315008714

Challenging Early LearningHelping Young Children Learn How to Learn What are the goals of Early Years education? A lot of people ask this question and receive answers ranging from keeping children safe; introducing them to the values of society; encouraging a love of language; giving them experience of socialising harmonising and behaving appropriately. This book shares the best strategies to help children grow into even more curious resilient happy articulate and thoughtful learners.   Challenging Early Learning takes James Nottingham's tried and tested and acclaimed 'learning to learn' methodology and applies it to teaching three- to seven-year-olds. Each chapter includes: Colourful and stimulating learning activities that will help children learn how to learn. Practical 'Now Try This' sections that encourage readers to think about current practice and explore new ideas. A Review section that focuses on building a broad tool kit of teaching strategies.   Covering a range of key topics such as feedback dialogue growth mindset and the Learning Pit this book is aimed at all pedagogues teachers parents and leaders wanting to challenge the way in which we learn and make learning more challenging. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367027650

Challenging Entrepreneurship Research The growth of entrepreneurship research has been accompanied by an increased convergence and institutionalization of the field. In many ways this is of course positive but it also represents how the field has become "mainstream" with the concomitant risk that individual scholars become embedded in a culture and incentive system that emphasizes and rewards incremental research questions while reducing the incentives for scholars to conduct challenging research. This book challenges this status quo from accepted theories methodologies and paradigmatic assumptions to the relevance (or lack of) for contemporary practice and the impact of key journals on scholars’ directions in entrepreneurship research. An invited selection of the younger generation of scholars within the field of entrepreneurship research adopt a critical and constructive posture on what has been achieved in entrepreneurship research the main assumptions which underly it but also open-up new paths for creative entrepreneurship research in the future. This is a must-read for all scholars educators and advanced students in entrepreneurship research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367873066

Challenging Euro-America's Politics of IdentityThe Return of the Native In this fascinating book Jorge Luis Andrade Fernandes critically examines the impact of colonialism and postcolonial migration on the politics and identity of Euro-American imperial powers. It considers how ‘outsiders’ are part of the construction of the ‘native’ identity of the nation-state and also how they challenge its essential coherence when they ‘return’ to the centre in our increasingly globalized world. Engaging in a theoretically-motivated discussion of a range of sources (film fiction political theory and state policy); the volume traces the nomadic movement of bodies across national frontiers helping us to question any natural link between nation-states and identities and between places and peoples. This is not merely a theoretical problem as Fernandes relates it to the very current crisis of nativistic / multicultural identity in the West. He examines how politics takes shape in transnational social and cultural encounters and how this new politics is not just about containing aliens but also contains fruitful possibilities for different modes of being. Challenging Euro-America's Politics of Identity will be of interest to advanced students and scholars in politics geography postcolonial studies cultural studies African and African-American studies comparative literature American studies and Ethnic studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415746564

Challenging Executive DominanceLegislatures and Foreign Affairs Bringing together scholars from Europe and North America this book examines the engagement of legislatures across the world in foreign and security policy. The articles are specifically chosen to cover the whole range of foreign affairs questions from crisis management and military missions arms trade the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU) international energy agreements to international trade negotiations. Drawing on a principal-agent framework the book challenges the conventional wisdom of ‘executive autonomy’ in foreign affairs with parliaments using multiple ex ante and ex post instruments to monitor oversee and control governments in external relations. Moving beyond the ‘politics stops at the water’s edge’ image the articles highlight the role of party-political contestation instead of consensus in the name of national interest structuring parliamentary debates and decision-making in this increasingly politicized issue area. Considering the lack of research on parliamentary participation in foreign affairs beyond the specific case of the U.S. Congress the book will also contribute to theory building and will deepen our understanding of legislative-executive relations.  The chapters originally published as a special issue in West European Politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892005

Challenging Extremist Views on Social MediaDeveloping a Counter-Messaging Response This book is a timely and significant examination of the role of counter-messaging via social media as a potential means of preventing or countering radicalization to violent extremism. In recent years extremist groups have developed increasingly sophisticated online communication strategies to spread their propaganda and promote their cause enabling messages to be spread more rapidly and effectively. Counter-messaging has been promoted as one of the most important measures to neutralize online radicalizing influences and is intended to undermine the appeal of messages disseminated by violent extremist groups. While many such initiatives have been launched by Western governments civil society actors and private companies there are many questions regarding their efficacy. Focusing predominantly on efforts countering Salafi-Jihadi extremism this book examines how feasible it is to prevent or counter radicalization and violent extremism with counter-messaging efforts. It investigates important principles to consider when devising such a program. The authors provide both a comprehensive theoretical overview and a review of the available literature as well as policy recommendations for governments and the role they can play in counter-narrative efforts. As this is the first book to critically examine the possibilities and pitfalls of using counter-messaging to prevent radicalization or stimulate de-radicalization  it is essential reading for policy makers and professionals dealing with this issue as well as researchers in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367253158

Challenging FronterasStructuring Latina and Latino Lives in the U.S. Challenging Fronteras reflects an important new wave of research that moves beyond sweeping generalizations that treat Latinos as a monolithic cultural group. This anthology focuses on the diversity of Latino experiences by providing historical specificity and cutting-edge research that employs the conceptual and analytical tools of social science. Contributors selected from leading researchers in Latino Studies include Patricia Zavella Suzanne Oboler Alejandro Portes Clara Rodriquez Marta Tienda Nestor Rodriquez and others. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865775

Challenging Glass 4 & COST Action TU0905 Final Conference This proceedings volume of the Challenging Glass 4 & COST Action TU0905 Final Conference held 6-7 February 2014 at the EPFL in Lausanne Switzerland represents the Final Action Publication of the European research network COST Action TU0905 “Structural Glass – Novel design methods and next generation products”. It contains nearly 100 peer-reviewed papers – published by more than 180 authors from 22 different countries – that focus on the architectural and structural applications of glass in structures and facades. As such it provides a profound state-of-the-art of structural glass design and engineering. A must-read for all architects engineers scientists industry partners and other enthusiasts interested in this rapidly evolving and challenging domain. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138001640

Challenging Hegemonic Masculinity In the past twenty years there has been a growing interest in the issues surrounding men and masculinity. Driven primarily by the second-wave feminist critique of the legitimacy or hegemony of masculine practice and culture the hegemony of men in social spheres such as the family law and the workplace can no longer be taken for granted. Beginning with the work of Antonio Gramsci and a focus on developing the full complexity of his theory of hegemony Howson’s fascinating new book then moves on through theory applications and analysis of various topical issues discussing and extending the work of R.W. Connell and drawing out new possibilities for social justice in gender. Over the course of several informative chapters the book considers: * a tripartite model of hegemony * hegemony in the theory of practice* application of hegemony to gender* the study of masculinity and family law* radical pluralism* radical organic protest in gender. Presenting a detailed examination of hegemonic masculinity and its interpretations this significant new book provides an important contribution to contemporary understandings of men and masculinity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653763

Challenging History in the MuseumInternational Perspectives Challenging History in the Museum explores work with difficult contested and sensitive heritages in a range of museum contexts. It is based on the Challenging History project which brings together a wide range of heritage professionals practitioners and academics to explore heritage and museum learning programmes in relation to difficult and controversial subjects. The book is divided into four sections. Part I ’The Emotional Museum’ examines the balance between empathic and emotional engagement and an objective rational understanding of ’history’. Part II ’Challenging Collaborations’ explores the opportunities and pitfalls associated with collective inclusive representations of our heritage. Part III ’Ethics Ownership Identity’ questions who is best-qualified to identify represent and ’own’ these histories. It challenges the concept of ownership and personal identification as a prerequisite to understanding and investigates the ideas and controversies surrounding this premise. Part IV ’Teaching Challenging History’ helps us to explore the ethics and complexities of how challenging histories are taught. The book draws on work countries around the world including Brazil Cambodia Canada England Germany Japan Northern Ireland Norway Scotland South Africa Spain and USA and crosses a number of disciplines: Museum and Heritage Studies Cultural Policy Studies Performance Studies Media Studies and Critical Theory Studies. It will also be of interest to scholars of Cultural History and Art History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815399308

Challenging IdentitiesEuropean Horizons Identity is a keyword in a number of academic fields as well as in public debate and in politics. During the last decades references to identity have proliferated yet there is no simple definition available that corresponds to the use of the notion in all contexts. The significance of the notion depends on the conceptual or ideological constellation in which it takes part. This volume on one hand demonstrates the role of notions of identity in a variety of European contexts and on the other hand highlights how there may be reasons to challenge the use of the term and corresponding social cultural and political practices. Notions of national identity and national politics are challenged by European integration as well as by the increasing demographic heterogeneity due to migration and migrants experience conflicts of identification stemming from clashes between cultural heritage and the cultures of the new habitat. European horizons - frames of mind historical memories and expectations at the level of groups or communities at the national level and at the general European level - are at odds. Analyzing a series of issues in European countries from Turkey to Spain and from Scandinavia to the Balkans the contributions demonstrate uses and abuses of the notion of identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868796

Challenging Inequality in South AfricaTransitional Compasses In Challenging Inequality in South Africa: Transitional Compasses leading scholars of South Africa explore creative possibilities to challenge structures of economic social and political power that produce inequality. Through concrete empirical examples of movements workers’ struggles initiatives and politics in challenging inequality the authors illustrate ‘transitional compasses’ that go beyond protest politics to a ‘generative’ politics a politics of building the alternatives in the interstitial spaces of capitalism. The conceptual framing is oriented around the way in which power is produced and reproduced through intricate relationships between hegemonic projects and everyday life. While power underpins all social relations it is often taken for granted as it is frequently hidden behind other social relations. Resistance to power emerges through engendering counter-hegemonic projects that are intertwined with alternative everyday practices. The authors highlight sources of alternative forms of power found in resistance to dominant forms of power through concrete experiences to create transformative alternatives. To concretize the conceptual framing the authors look at the emancipatory possibilities of a universal basic income the use of law in tackling inequality in health and education creative initiatives to establish a people-centred food system through food sovereignty new forms of organizing led by precarious workers democratic possibilities in local state delivery and attempts at reconceptualizing the good life by looking at issues of happiness and ecosocialism. The chapters in this book were originally published in the journal Globalizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367551612

Challenging Knowledge Sex and PowerGender Work and Engineering Women in the developed world expect to work in the labour force over the course of their lives. On finishing school more girls are entering universities and undertaking professional training for careers than ever before. Males and females enter many high status professions in roughly equal numbers. However engineering stands out as a profession that remains obstinately male dominated. Despite efforts to change little progress has been made in attracting and retaining women in engineering. This book analyses the outcomes of a decade-long investigation into this phenomenon framed by two questions: Why are there so few women in engineering? And why is this so difficult to change? The study includes data from two major surveys accounts from female engineers in a range of locations and engineering fields and case studies of three large engineering corporations. The authors explore the history and politics of several organisations related to women in engineering and conclude with an analysis of a range of campaigns that have been waged to address the issue of women’s minority status in engineering. Challenging Knowledge Sex and Power will be of great interest to students of feminist economics and is also relevant to researchers in women’s studies and engineering education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415676861

Challenging LearningTheory effective practice and lesson ideas to create optimal learning in the classroom Challenging Learning offers advice and techniques for helping children of all ages develop into confident thoughtful and independent learners. Based around the acronym ASK (Attitudes Skills and Knowledge) this essential guide explores attitudes skills and knowledge to learning. It considers the strategies that can help teachers to challenge their pupils to think more skilfully and logically and how to develop these techniques more effectively. Drawing on the latest research from some of the most respected experts in the field Challenging Learning encourages independent thinking and a spirit of inquiry in pupils of all ages. Through the use of rich examples of classroom interactions this book offers strategies that will help pupils to produce their own thoughtful conclusions develop their own concepts examine logic and remain open to alternatives. Highlights include: effective teaching strategies including FACTS the Teaching Target Model and the Learning Pit Models; up-to-date research and theory from leading experts; practical suggestions and principles to help you design and develop your own lessons. For everyone living or working with children – particularly teachers parents carers and youth workers - this book shows some of the best ways to enhance children’s learning including how to question praise give feedback and encourage more effectively. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138923058

Challenging Lesbian NormsIntersex Transgender Intersectional and Queer Perspectives What constitutes lesbian identity?The term homonormativity describes current prevailing idealized assumptions about lesbian identity. This concept however marginalizes subgroups within the greater lesbian population. Challenging Lesbian Norms: Intersex Transgender Intersectional and Queer Perspectives dynamically confronts homonormativity in lesbian communities by presenting expert multidisciplinary discussion about what is a definable lesbian identity. This text sensitively explores difficult issues about gender policing and the viewpoints in lesbian communities that hold that transgender intersectional and queer individuals are considered to have 'false consciousness.' Consequences of lesbian normativity both for lesbian communities and for marginalized groups are examined through literary criticism lesbian feminist and queer theories corporeal philosophy film television cultural criticism personal narratives public health and field research.The issue of the authenticity of lesbian identity causes rifts between some lesbian communities and the groups that strive to be included yet are still marginalized. Challenging Lesbian Norms directly exposes practices and beliefs within lesbian communities that lead to the assumption of the prototypical lesbian. The book courageously reveals the similarities of lesbian normative stances with other views such as Christian conservative rhetoric and reviews the health consequences of being marginalized within the lesbian communities. This text actively challenges the foundational notion within lesbian communities that a stable immutable lesbian sex exists.Topics in Challenging Lesbian Norms include: human physiology the flexibility of sexuality and biologic determinism marginalization within lesbian communities transexualism and Lesbian Theory gender and sexual identity construction partnering practices and issues involving queer-identified youth demystification of the gay vibe from a femme queer woman’s perspective lesbian feminism gender policing and casting butch FTM and transgendered subjectivities as “false conciousness” representations of lesbians in television movies Native-American “two-spirit” women teaching transgender and its transformative effect identity modeling inclusion of transgender and intersex individuals within the lesbian communities transgender characters in film Latina lesbians and mental healthChallenging Lesbian Norms is stimulating eye-opening reading that is perfect for activists educators and students in LGBT and women’s studies and public health professionals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203057452

Challenging Medicine This highly topical and controversial book presents a lively re-appraisal of the current changes to the health service and analyzes their effects on the status and practice of health professionals. Modern medicine is a powerful institution. With the help of highly-developed drugs and surgical techniques it promises to relieve suffering improve the quality of life and extend the life-span. Conversely it is expensive for the governments insurance companies and individuals who pay for it and sometimes appears to be insensitive to the needs of those for whom it provides. And while recent restructuring of healthcare delivery services has provided medical practitioners with new challenges there has been very little consideration of the range of pressures that they now face. Edited and written by experienced medical sociologists this book draws together analysis of a number of diverse challenges to medicine and provides original debate on the challenges posed from within medicine from nurses and managers and alternative practitioners and from outside by self-help groups the women’s movement and the media. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203864319

Challenging Memories and Rebuilding IdentitiesLiterary and Artistic Voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic Taking an original approach Challenging Memories and Rebuilding Identities: Literary and Artistic Voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic explores a selected body of cultural works from Portugal Brazil and Lusophone Africa. Contributors from various fields of expertise examine the ways contemporary writers artists directors and musicians explore canonical forms in visual arts cinema music and literature and introduce innovation in their narratives at the same time they discuss the social and historical context they belong to. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367338442

Challenging Moral Particularism Particularism is a justly popular ‘cutting-edge’ topic in contemporary ethics across the world. Many moral philosophers do not in fact support particularism (instead defending "generalist" theories that rest on particular abstract moral principles) but nearly all would take it to be a position that continues to offer serious lessons and challenges that cannot be safely ignored. Given the high standard of the contributions and that this is a subject where lively debate continues to flourish Challenging Moral Particularism will become required reading for professionals and advanced students working in the area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415887878

Challenging Motherhood(s) 2nd and 3rd year core modules/courses on Family Policy and Comparative Social Policy. Also Women's Studies - 2nd and 3rd year core component of social policy. Challenging Motherhood examines contemporary social and legal constructions of motherhood in the context of a more general discussion of the future of families in Western and British society. The text looks at the ways in which Motherhood has come to be scrutinised and challenged according to a particular set of Western ideals as to what motherhood could and should entail. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468344

Challenging Myths of MasculinityUnderstanding Physical Cultures Many myths surround male bodies and associated bodywork especially when such bodywork is labelled culturally or socially atypical or 'problematic'. Bodybuilding for example has been explained in terms of gender inadequacy and an 'Adonis complex' akin to reverse anorexia while men electing to undergo aesthetic cosmetic surgery are deemed 'too concerned' about their appearance and thus woman-like. Myths also discredit men and boys who do not engage in appropriate bodywork when this is expected. For instance amidst public health concerns surrounding a so-called 'obesity epidemic' men and boys who resist physical activity and/or attempts to promote a 'healthy weight' are deemed ignorant apathetic and in need of correction. Drawing on extensive field research conducted in North America and Britain over a twenty year period this book challenges such masculine myth making. Mindful of a rich sociological tradition that seeks to understand the social world as lived and experienced the authors provide insights that are likely to challenge common perceptions of various groups of men and boys their diverse physical cultures shared ways of being and identities. Presenting empirically grounded understandings of diverse bodily practices and discourses including bodybuilding cosmetic surgery dieting and nightclub security Challenging Myths of Masculinity will appeal to scholars of sociology geography and cultural studies with interests in gender embodiment and masculinities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138252363

Challenging Organized Crime in the Western HemisphereA Game of Moves and Countermoves Challenging Organized Crime in the Western Hemisphere: A Game of Moves and Countermoves takes the unusual approach of exploring and describing how organized crime groups develop their capacities in response to heightened powers of law enforcement; and how law enforcement in turn responds creating an ongoing dynamic interaction. The book shows how a state such as the United States has and can develop new laws and practices in ways that enable them to deal with relatively large violent groups—and yet preserve the rule of law and civil liberties. While most texts describe organized crime groups and the challenges to government they impose from a static perspective the authors dissect the interaction over time of organized crime and democratic governance that has created the present structure and balance of advantages in the United States. Readers learn about the markets for contraband and extortionate protection that form the bulk of organized criminal enterprise the vulnerabilities of the traditional practices and rules of law enforcement the effects of globalization of criminal enterprises on their contest with the state the effectiveness of various practices of law enforcement and the continuing forces of change often technological in the businesses of organized crime and law enforcement that play important roles in the contest between them. This thought- provoking book is ideal for students of organized and transnational crime in university programs and law schools as well as researchers and legal practitioners who seek to look beyond the simple traditional history of organized crime and develop a strategy to confront organized crime in the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138595361

Challenging Orthodoxies: The Social and Cultural Worlds of Early Modern WomenEssays Presented to Hilda L. Smith Offering a broad and eclectic approach to the experience and activities of early modern women Challenging Orthodoxies presents new research from a group of leading voices in their respective fields. Each essay confronts some received wisdom ’truth’ or orthodoxy in social and cultural scientific and intellectual and political and legal traditions to demonstrate how women from a range of social classes could challenge the conventional thinking of their time as well as the ways in which they have been traditionally portrayed by scholars. Subjects include women's relationship to guns and gunpowder the law and legal discourse religion public finances and the new science in early modern Europe as well as women and indentured servitude in the New World. A testament to the pioneering work of Hilda L. Smith this collection makes a valuable contribution to scholarship in women’s studies political science history religion and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409457084

Challenging Perceptions of Africa in SchoolsCritical Approaches to Global Justice Education This book challenges educational discourse in relation to teaching about Africa at all levels of the education system in the Global North with a specific case study focusing on the Republic of Ireland. The book provides an interrogation of the proliferation of negative imagery of and messages about African people and African countries and the impact of this on the attitudes and perceptions of children and young people. It explores how predominantly negative stereotyping can be challenged in classrooms through an educational approach grounded in principles of solidarity interdependence and social justice. The book focuses on the premise that existing educational narratives about the African continent and African people are rooted in a preponderance of racialised perceptions: an ‘impoverished’ continent dependent on the ‘benevolence’ of the North. The cycle of negativity engendered as a result of such portrayals cannot be broken until educators engage with these matters and bring critical and inquiry-based pedagogies into classrooms. Insights into three key pedagogical areas are provided – active unlearning translating critical thinking into meaningful action and developing a race consciousness. This book will appeal to academics researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of education and teacher education. It will be of interest to those involved in youth work as well as intercultural and global citizenship youth trainers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607576

Challenging Perspectives on Organizational Change in Health Care This volume provides theory and research on organizational change and predominantly features the application of these ideas to the health care domain broadly defined. It addresses enduring issues in advancing to an effective health care system. The aim of this book is to offer an accessible and readable text aimed at provoking thought and questioning and aiding creativity. It proffers arguments and ideas which are firmly based in empirical data and evidence so that the reader may make informed personal evaluations. This book is designed to furnish a comprehensive theoretical basis for understanding organizational change in health care as well as selected core issues of contemporary and future importance to the provision of effective care within sustainable systems. A series of coherent themes are addressed throughout the book from differing perspectives. However every chapter has been written to standalone and be read independently. Each offers resources relevant to its’ focal topic in the form of references case studies and critique. Setting out a future research agenda the book will be vital reading for organizational change researchers and practitioners in the healthcare industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367242961

Challenging Post-conflict EnvironmentsSustainable Agriculture Crossing disciplinary boundaries this volume by Özerdem and Roberts conceptualizes the challenges of developing sustainable agriculture in post-conflict environments as well as identifying the policies and practical solutions to achieve sustainable agricultural production which is central to the survival of humanity. Without sustainable agriculture populations remain vulnerable increasing the likelihood of a return to conflict. Therefore sustainable agriculture is central to effective post-conflict recovery that provides human security as well as stability and rule of law. Unique in combining a comprehensive and comparative understanding of sustainable agriculture challenges in post-conflict environments there is originality in the interdisciplinary nature of the book. Interdisciplinary often means bringing together a political scientist and a sociologist but in this case it means bringing together natural and social scientists as well as those with practical experience in development and agricultural contexts. By adopting a holistic multi-disciplinary approach which identifies key themes and case studies this book sets the scene for the debate surrounding sustainable agriculture in post-conflict environments. Seeing 'fixing' agriculture as more than merely a technical matter the volume focuses on this critical post-conflict challenge with social political and cultural characteristics and consequences as well as the obvious economic ones. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138274006

Challenging Professional Learning Teachers and trainers are dual-professionals – they are required to have up-to-date industry skills and also skills in teaching and learning. The issue of professional identity and the promotion of maintaining and building pedagogic expertise in relation to their vocational work is therefore an extremely important one. This book argues that quality teaching and learning is very much dependent upon teachers and trainers undergoing continuing professional development (CPD) engaging actively in professional learning activities generating professional learning communities and building their level of professionalism to meet increasing teaching standards. Unfortunately CPD is battling a context of intensification of work pressure of time and economic restrictions. The completion of CPD under such conditions can often become tokenistic and hitherto there has been very little research or evidence base for determining what approaches to CPD are most effective and efficient. Challenging Professional Learning draws on a wealth of recent research and evidence on what ingredients are necessary for effective and efficient (crucial at a time of such fiscal constraints) professional learning. It also explores the wider implications of these findings and the concept of learning as a collective activity. It argues that real professionalism cannot be achieved in isolation but instead takes place in a context that has political social and cultural influences. The book brings together research from the Institute for Learning and practice around professional learning to link both individual and collective professional learning to organisational learning leadership and the management of change whilst offering practical suggestions for improving these practices. It will be of great interest to teacher educators and their students at undergraduate and post-graduate levels as well as anyone who works in higher education and with professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415816946

Challenging Religion In the last half century new religious movements or cults of one sort and another have mushroomed throughout the US and Europe. Increasingly these groups have been met with attempts to monitor and control them on the part of the state and concerns about the protection of religious 'consumers' have been set against the democratic right to religious freedom. In this collection leading sociologists of religion from the UK US Western and Eastern Europe debate the political practical and ethical issues which arise from these changes in the religious landscape. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138880047

Challenging Southeast Asian DevelopmentThe shadows of success Over the course of the last half century the growth economies of Southeast Asia – Indonesia Malaysia the Philippines Singapore Thailand and Vietnam – have transformed themselves into middle income countries. This book looks at how the very success of these economies has bred new challenges novel problems and fresh tensions including the fact that particular individuals sectors and regions have been marginalised by these processes. Contributing to discussions of policy implications the book melds endogenous and exogenous approaches to thinking about development paths re-frames Asia’s model(s) of growth and draws out the social environmental political and economic side-effects that have arisen from growth. An interesting analysis of the problems that come alongside development’s achievements this book is an important contribution to Southeast Asian Studies Development Studies and Environmental Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415711586

Challenging Territoriality in Human Rights LawBuilding Blocks for a Plural and Diverse Duty-Bearer Regime Human rights have traditionally been framed in a vertical perspective with the duties of States confined to their own citizens or residents. Interpretations of international human rights treaties tend either to ignore or downplay obligations beyond this ‘territorial space’. This edited volume challenges the territorial bias of mainstream human rights law. It argues that with increased globalisation and the impact of international corporations organisations and non-State actors human rights law will become less relevant if it fails to adapt to changing realities in which States are no longer the only leading actor. Bringing together leading scholars in the field the book explores potential applications of international human rights law in a multi-duty bearer setting. The first part of the book examines the current state of the human rights obligations of foreign States corporations and international financial institutions looking in particular at the ways in which they address questions of attribution and distribution of obligations and responsibility. The second part is geared towards the identification of common principles that may underpin a human rights legal regime that incorporates obligations of foreign States as well as of non-State actors. As a marker of important progress in understanding what lies ahead for integrating foreign States and non-State actors in the human rights dutybearer regime this book will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners of international human rights law public international law and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138702714

Challenging the Cult of Self-Esteem in EducationEducation Psychology and the Subaltern Self In this book Bergeron demonstrates the negative emotional and pedagogical repercussions that result from American educators’ embrace of self-esteem and the dogma surrounding its acceptance. Critically interpreting the meaning of self-esteem in education he challenges "common sense" assumptions surrounding this notion and questions the historical political philosophical and pedagogical forces that have shaped this psychological construct in education. Interrogating the pedagogical practices linked to student empowerment self-determination and social agency in the classroom Bergeron discusses the ways in which the promise of self-esteem has backfired particularly for marginalized and impoverished students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367887544

Challenging the Human Trafficking NarrativeVictims Villains and Heroes What is the moral of the human trafficking story and how can the narrative be shaped and evolved? Stories of human trafficking are prolific in the public domain proving immensely powerful in guiding our understandings of trafficking and offering something tangible on which to base policy and action. Yet these stories also misrepresent the problem establishing a dominant narrative that stifles other stories and fails to capture the complexity of human trafficking. This book deconstructs the human trafficking narrative in public discourse examining the victims villains and heroes of trafficking stories. Sex slaves exploited workers mobsters pimps and johns consumers governments and anti-trafficking activists are all characters in the story serving to illustrate who is to blame for the problem of trafficking and how that problem might be solved. Erin O’Brien argues that a constrained narrative of ideal victims foreign villains and western heroes dominates the discourse underpinned by cultural assumptions about gender and ethnicity and wider narratives of border security consumerism and western exceptionalism. Drawing on depictions of trafficking in entertainment and news media awareness campaigns and government reports in Australia the United Kingdom and the United States of America this book will be of interest to criminologists political scientists sociologists and those engaged with human rights activism and the politics of international justice Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367483609

Challenging the Innovation Paradigm Innovation is almost always seen as a "good thing". Challenging the Innovation Paradigm is a critical analysis of the innovation frenzy and contemporary innovation research. The one-sided focus on desirable effects of innovation misses many opportunities to reduce the undesirable consequences. Authors in this book show how systemic effects outside the innovating firms reduce the net benefits of innovation for individual employees customers as well as for society as a whole - also the innovators' own organizations. This book analyzes the dominant discourses that construct and reconstruct the assumptions and one-sidedness of contemporary innovation research (generally known as the pro-innovation bias) by focusing on consequences of innovation distinguishing between intended and unintended as well as desirable and undesirable consequences. Contributors illustrate how both the discourses of innovation and the consequences of innovation permeate all levels of society: in policy discourse in academic discourse in research funding in national innovation systems in the financial sector in organizational and work contexts and in environmental pollution. The volume offers a critical multidisciplinary and multinational perspective on the topic with authors from diverse academic fields examining and making comparisons between a variety of national contexts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138959880

Challenging the Intersection of Policy with Pedagogy Asking key questions about how policies and systems impact on children’s early years and rethinking the ways in which young children’s learning and development becomes integral to policy this insightful text challenges the common misconception that policy development and pedagogical implementation are separate endeavours. Challenging the Intersection of Policy with Pedagogy explores symbiotic dynamics between policy and practice in the early years to consider the implications of policies relating to documentation professional well-being mentoring the role of the family language development and diversity. Written to provoke group discussion and extend thinking opportunities for international comparison points for reflection and editorial provocations will help students educators integrated service providers and policy makers engage critically with a variety of understandings of how policy and practice interact. Considering the role of learning environment the practitioner the wider community and policy chapters are divided into four key sections which reflect major influences on practice and pedagogy: Being alongside children Those who educate Embedding families and communities Working with systems Considering diverse settings and contexts perspectives policies and systems this text will enhance understanding support self-directed learning and provoke and transform thinking at both graduate and postgraduate levels particularly in the field of early childhood education and care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138319264

Challenging the Legacies of Racial ResentmentBlack Health Activism Educational Justice and Legislative Leadership Domestic and international health activism and health policy are focal points in this volume a publication of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. This work demonstrates the continuing importance of the "medical civil rights movement " through examples of activism of women of colour in AIDS service organizations of their health issues and of the struggle for racial equity in health care in Brazil.Spikes in police and vigilante violence as well as fear of a reversion to resegregated schools have brought a new urgency to black political activism. The contributors explore the effect of race on American attitudes toward immigration policy and reform black state legislators and American morality politics the historically disproportionate influence of Southern whites in American politics and the undermining of school desegregation laws with "nullification" strategies. The volume's Trends section features conversations on the #BlackLivesMatter movement in Los Angeles the 2016 presidential election and examines the teaching of the Trayvon Martin story at the University of California Irvine. The volume also includes a diverse selection of book reviews. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412864312

Challenging the Mandate of HeavenSocial Protest and State Power in China Social science theories of contentious politics have been based almost exclusively on evidence drawn from the European and American experience and classic texts in the field make no mention of either the Chinese Communist revolution or the Cultural Revolution -- surely two of the most momentous social movements of the twentieth century. Moreover China's record of popular upheaval stretches back well beyond this century indeed all the way back to the third century B.C. This book by bringing together studies of protest that span the imperial Republican and Communist eras introduces Chinese patterns and provides a forum to consider ways in which contentious politics in China might serve to reinforce refine or reshape theories derived from Western cases. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705866

Challenging the More Able Language User This revised and updated edition takes into account the greater recognition of language users in schools and the working parties which have been set up to enable the more able to enjoy opportunities to display and develop their special talents. This new edition also explores models of language learning and offers some strands of linguistic development on which teachers of English/literacy can build more specific developmental intentions. This book will help teachers recognize challenge and support children who show advanced skills in reading and writing so that they can enable them to achieve their full potential. Through exploring effective ways in which pupils can be assisted to develop linguistically teachers will be better prepared for planning appropriately differentiated activities for these pupils. Areas covered include methods of challenging and improving able readers and writers and learning from alternative text sources. The book will be particularly helpful to language coordinators in primary schools heads of English departments and teachers of English in secondary schools. It will also be of interest to parents of able language users. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164048

Challenging the New AtheismPragmatic Confrontations in the Philosophy of Religion This book presents a pragmatic response to arguments against religion made by the New Atheism movement. The author argues that analytic and empirical philosophies of religion—the mainstream approaches in contemporary philosophy of religion—are methodologically unequipped to address the “Threefold Challenge” made by popular New Atheist thinkers such as Richard Dawkins Sam Harris Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett. The book has three primary motivations. First it provides an interpretation of the New Atheist movement that treats their claims as philosophical arguments and not just rhetorical exercises or demagoguery. Second it assesses and responds to these claims by elaborating four distinct contemporary philosophical perspectives— analytic philosophy empirical philosophy continental philosophy and pragmatism—as well as contextualizing these perspectives in the history of the philosophy of religion. Finally the book offers a metaphilosophical critique returning again and again to the question of method. In the end the author settles upon a modified version of pragmatism that he concludes is best suited for articulating the terms and stakes of the God Debate. Challenging the New Atheism will be of interest to scholars and students of American philosophy and philosophy of religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367353551

Challenging the Prevailing Paradigm of Displacement and ResettlementRisks Impoverishment Legacies Solutions Development-caused forced displacement and resettlement (DFDR) is a critical problem on the international development agenda. The frequency of forced displacements is rapidly increasing the sheer numbers of uprooted and impoverished people reveal fast accelerating trends whilst government reporting remains poor and misleading. Challenging the Prevailing Paradigm of Displacement and Resettlement analyzes widespread impoverishment outcomes ​risks to human rights and other adverse impacts of displacement; it documents under-compensation of expropriated people critiques cost externalization on resettlers and points a laser light on the absence of protective robust and binding legal frameworks in the overwhelming majority of developing countries. In response this book proposes constructive solutions to improve quality and measure the outcomes of forced resettlement prevent the mass-manufacturing of new poverty promote social justice and respect human rights. It also advocates for the reparation of bad legacies left behind by failed resettlement. It brings together​ prominent scholars and practitioners from several countries who argue that states development agencies and private sector corporations which trigger displacements must adopt a "resettlement with development" paradigm. Towards this end the book’s co-authors translate cutting edge research into legal economic financial policy and pragmatic operational recommendations. An inspiring and compelling guide to the field Challenging the Prevailing Paradigm of Displacement and Resettlement will be of interest to university faculty government officials private corporations researchers ​and students in anthropology ​ economics ​ sociology law political science human geography and international development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138060517

Challenging the Safety Quo Safety is broken. The people who are responsible for helping you stay safe should be at the top of your Christmas card list but all too often they are despised ridiculed and ignored. But safety management is beginning to be challenged. Businesses have begun to realise that what they have been doing is no longer providing any additional value. The same issues are repeatedly raised by corporate leadership: How do we get our workforce engaged in safety? How do we improve safety systems to gain commitment from all employees? How do we improve safety understanding to make the case for change? How do we embed safety as an integral part of culture in an environment of ongoing change and cost pressure? Challenging the Safety Quo makes the case for change based on stagnating performance identifies areas where there are problems and proposes alternative ways to progress. Provocative but practical it outlines the business benefits to be gained from putting in place the right approaches to managing safety although not in the way traditionally presented by most safety managers. This book translates theory into practice; putting an accessible practical and usable spin on cutting-edge thinking in safety. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138558762

Challenging the School Readiness Agenda in Early Childhood Education Challenging the normative paradigm that school readiness is a positive and necessary objective for all young children this book asserts that the concept is a deficit-based practice that fosters the continuation of discriminatory classifications. Tager draws on findings of a qualitative study to reveal how the neoliberal agenda of school reform based on high-stakes testing sorts and labels children as non-ready affecting their overall schooling careers. Tager reflects critically on the relationship between race and school readiness showing how the resulting exclusionary measures perpetuate the marginalization of low-income Black children from an early age. Disrupting expected notions of readiness is imperative to ending practices of structural classism and racism in early childhood education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367195823

Challenging the U.S.-Led War on DrugsArgentina in Comparative Perspective Challenging the U.S.-Led War on Drugs explores the cases that have resisted the U.S. pressure to adopt a militarized approach to fight against drug trafficking in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through a sweeping narrative history from the recovery of democracy in 1983 to the present Cutrona applies international relations and comparative politics theories to understand Argentina’s different trajectory vis-à-vis the rest of the region. The author demonstrates that in broad questions of vulnerability to U.S. pressure external factors often play a secondary role in explaining either balancing/resistance or bandwagoning/acceptance of the U.S. security agenda in the Americas. Emphasizing the role of domestic-level politics Cutrona identifies the subordination of the military to civilian oversight the transition outcome the system of check and balances and the role of civil society actors such as social movements epistemic communities and norm entrepreneurs as Argentina’s most relevant sources explaining defection from Washington’s main dictates to combat drug trafficking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138368255

Challenging Theory: Discipline After DeconstructionStudies in European Cultural Transition Volume One First published in 1999 this volume perceives that English literature in under threat as an academic discipline. In Challenging Theory Catherine Burgass warns against the recent trend towards the conflation of literature teaching with cultural studies in British and American universities. Focusing on theory of deconstruction as developed by Jacques Derrida in the 1960s the book redresses some common mistenterpretations of Derrinda’s work relating to the status of metaphysical oppositions. Part One discusses textual differences and the ways in which these may dissolve and reform according to different cultural contexts. The practical issues associated with teaching literature and literary theory in universities are examined in Part Two while Part Three high-lights some of the move invidious claims of literary theorists and questions the value of metaphysical analysis as a tool for political critique. Challenging Theory tackles an important debate that lies at the heart of humanities teaching. It illuminates the impact on academia of the work of critical theorists over the last thirty tears and provides a platform for future reassessment of the relationships between literature philosophy and theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138625846

Challenging Ways Of KnowingIn English Mathematics And Science This work provides an analysis of how knowledge is constructed and defined by teachers and lecturers in schools and universities/colleges. It considers how everyday uses of reading writing numeracy and science are cast aside in favour of academic language and academic discourse arguing that such discourses are alien to learners' daily experiences and are therefore difficult to acquire and adopt.; Chapters examine literacies of English mathematics and science as practised in and outside schools and colleges. The book is interdisciplinary and multicultural adopting perspectives from the UK USA South Africa India Brazil and Kenya. It should be of interest to a wide market of educationalists including those involved in educational policy making teacher education cultural/multicultural studies development studies anthropology and adult and continuing education. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046456

Challenging Women's Orthodoxies in the Context of Faith This title was first published in 2000. Most of the papers in this volume were given at a day conference held at Heythrop College aimed at discussing challenging women's orthodoxies in the context of faith. The book acts as an indication that gender matters in the understanding and living of faith. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138739291

Chamber MusicA Research and Information Guide Chamber Music: A Research and Information Guide is a reference tool for anyone interested in chamber music. It is not a history or an encyclopedia but a guide to where to find answers to questions about chamber music. The third edition adds nearly 600 new entries to cover new research since publication of the previous edition in 2002. Most of the literature is books articles in journals and magazines dissertations and theses and essays or chapters in Festschriften treatises and biographies. In addition to the core literature obscure citations are also included when they are the only studies in a particular field. In addition to being printed this volume is also for the first time available online. The online environment allows for information to be updated as new research is introduced. This database of information is a "live" resource fully searchable and with active links. Users will have unlimited access annual revisions will be made and a limited number of pages can be downloaded for printing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138884021

Chambers on AccountingLogic Law and Ethics This volume is dedicated to the life work of Ray Chambers who was continually seeking ways to stimulate and advance the development of a demonstrably rigorous and serviceable system of accounting. This search for an ideal led Chambers into myriad environments an aspect of his life exhaustively illustrated in his "Aide Memoire " which forms part of this memorial volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991095

ChamomileIndustrial Profiles For over 2000 years preparations of chamomile flowers have counted among the medicinal treasures of many cultural groups. This book provides an interdisciplinary inventory of the scientific level of knowledge about German chamomile as well as Roman chamomile the two types of chamomile most produced. It includes information for pharmacists and the pharmaceutical industry about chamomile preparations and essential chamomile oil. Physicians and toxicologists will find detailed descriptions of the latest experimental studies and the use of chamomile preparations in traditional and therapeutic uses. It also includes the latest information of use to growers and pharmaceutical entrepreneurs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392802

ChamomileMedicinal Biochemical and Agricultural Aspects In use as a medicinal plant since time immemorial in Europe and the Middle East chamomile is gaining popularity in the Americas Australia and Asia. The spectrum of disease conditions in which it is used in traditional medicine systems is quite simply mind boggling. There is without a doubt a growing demand for this plant and therefore a growing need for an updated ready reference for the researchers cultivators and entrepreneurs who wish to work with chamomile. Chamomile: Medicinal Biochemical and Agricultural Aspects is just that.Based on extensive research this book provides the latest information on the medicinal aromatic and cultivation aspects of chamomile. It covers chamomile’s geographical distribution taxonomy chemistry pharmacology genetics biochemistry breeding and cultivation. The book also discusses the profiles of the several medicinally active compounds of the oil and extracts and how their levels could be increased through breeding. The author highlights several potentially useful compounds discovered in the chamomile oil and extracts and discusses the cultivation and postharvest technology aspects of the plant in different agroclimatic zones including that of India. She presents guidelines on the good manufacturing practices laid out in different systems of medicine and provides an overview of the patents and products of chamomile especially important to researchers and entrepreneurs.Although there is a plethora of information available on chamomile the challenge has been finding a central repository that covers all aspects of the plant. Some books provide general coverage others focus on only on pharmacological uses and many are outdated. This book examines all aspects from cultivation and harvesting to essential oil content and profile as well as pharmacology and biotechnology. It is a reference for current information an entry point for further study a resource for using oils and extr Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378554

Champions Of CharityWar And The Rise Of The Red Cross A character in an Evelyn Waugh novel once remarked that ?There's nothing wrong with war?except the fighting.? In Champions of Charity John Hutchinson argues that while they set out with a vision to make war more humane the world's Red Cross organizations soon became enthusiastic promoters of militarism and sacrifice in time of war.The mass armies of the nineteenth century were stalked by disease and slaughtered by ever more destructive weaponry arousing the indignation and humanitarian concern of self-appointed battlefield Samaritans who envisioned a neutral corps of volunteer nurses who would aid and comfort wounded soldiers regardless of nationality. But the champions of charity soon became champions of war.Florence Nightingale was among the few at the time to recognize the dangers lurking in the Red Cross vision. She refused to join and warned its founders that the governments of the world would cooperate with the Red Cross because ?it would render war more easy.? She was right; starting in the late 19th century armies simply used the Red Cross to efficiently recycle wounded men back into the frontlines.In World War I national Red Cross societies became enthusiastic wartime propagandists. This was true in every combatant nation and it is a transformation well portrayed by the fascinating selection of art in this book. Soon Red Cross personnel were even sporting military-style uniforms and in the United States the Red Cross became so identified with the war effort that an American citizen was convicted of treason for criticising the Red Cross in time of war!The Red Cross played an especially important role in encouraging the mass involvement of women in the ?home front? for the first time. It did this through magazines postcards posters bandage-rolling parties and speeches that blended romantic images of humanitarianism and war into a unique brand of maternal militarism. A true pioneer in mass propaganda the Red Cross taught millions that preparation for war was not just a patriotic duty but a normal and desirable social activity.The Red Cross societies had proven their usefulness in mobilizing civilians in wartime and most of their functions were taken over by government agencies by the time of World War II. Gradually the Red Cross became better known for its work in public health disaster relief and lifesaving classes. But the legacy of a darker past still lingers: the red cross on a white background found on army ambulances or the unsubtle subtext of sacrifice and heroism in Red Cross television advertising.It is a legacy the Red Cross itself has preferred not to acknowledge in its own self-congratulatory literature. For not only was the humanitarian impulse that inspired the creation of the Red Cross easily distorted but this urge to militarize came from within its own ranks. This startling and provocative history of the Red Cross reminds us of the hidden dangers that sometimes come cloaked in the best of intentions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314897

Champions of Technological ChangeHow Organizations Successfully Implement New Technology Originally published in 1994 this book concerns successful implementation of radical technological innovations within business organizations. It extends and unifies paradigms for understanding implementation of radical innovations by modeling roles and interactions between key vending and buying firm players. It focuses on how interaction between certain players in buying and vending organizations affects successful implementation of the innovation and investigates the relationships between the user buying change agent and vending change agent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138314702

Chance Character and Change Chance is real. Not only is it a cause of societal change but we as individuals are chance-given characters who discover and build our character in chancy circumstances. Chance is also expressed as coincidence and contingency expressions which have episodically been of undeniable historical importance. Mattausch asserts the conventional picture of societal change is incorrect. Societal change is not a linear succession with each phase of change replacing its predecessor. Instead the process is one of accumulative change in which chance plays various roles. Chance Character and Change develops the idea of chance situating it within the history of thought and social change.By focusing strictly on manifestations of chance and of luck that can be seen and explained Mattausch is able to show how chance acts in the environment of evolution and the social practices that regulate the inheritance of knowledge and technology. This in turn steers societal change and how change itself occurs. Chance's role is often characterized as coincidence or contingency and this automatically is seen as progressive or degenerate. However Mattausch notes that accumulative change is potentially both progressive as well as decadent. Chance also plays a part in the social aspects of our world--customs practices cultures societies and politics. When we act Mattausch argues we do not distinguish between good and bad but rather between determinism and chance; the latter is a test of character not of free will.This theory is general in its assertions and application and can be related to many areas of study from economic theory to human behavior to politics. The rich texture of the writing and vivid use of examples from daily life and the work of other major thinkers draw in the reader. The most striking aspect of this work is the author's writing style and the way he weaves together evidence classic research and contemporary thought. It is skillfully effectively beautifully done. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507968

Chance Literature and Culture in Early Modern France In the Renaissance and early modern periods there were lively controversies over why things happen. Central to these debates was the troubling idea that things could simply happen by chance. In France a major terrain of this intellectual debate the chance hypothesis engaged writers coming from many different horizons: the ancient philosophies of Epicurus the Stoa and Aristotle the renewed reading of the Bible in the wake of the Reformation a fresh emphasis on direct empirical observation of nature and society the revival of dramatic tragedy with its paradoxical theme of the misfortunes that befall relatively good people and growing introspective awareness of the somewhat arbitrary quality of consciousness itself. This volume is the first in English to offer a broad cultural and literary view of the field of chance in this period. The essays by a distinguished team of scholars from the U.S. Britain and France cluster around four problems: Providence in Question Aesthetics and Poetics of Chance Law and Ethics and Chance and its Remedies. Convincing and authoritative this collection articulates a new and rich perspective on the culture of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571218

Chance Love and LogicPhilosophical Essays First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315823126

Chance and ErrorThe Theory of Evolution Originally published in 1923 Chance and Error examines the vagaries of chance and how this is the result of the interference of yes and no. The book basis its examination of chance on the idea of a two-sided coin. The book stipulates that contradictories are head and tail or yes and no. When the coin is flipped in the air yes normally wins half of the trials but this includes half of the half that normally go to no. Thus normally in one quarter of the trials there is an interference of yes and no. From this the chance of any number of heads or tails can be easily calculated and all results that are attained by more difficult mathematics are secured. The book uses this idea to examine interference of yes and no in everyday life and argues that this causes the variations in everything that goes on around us in nature and in our daily life. This book will be of interest to philosophers of logic as well as mathematicians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367266165

Chance and IntentManaging the Risks of Innovation and Entrepreneurship A compact and readable book will help executives entrepreneurs and venture investors learn to search out and plan for those enterprise hazards that reside outside the bell curve the conventional domain of risk: Uncertainty where outcomes can be characterized in advance reliable estimates cannot be made for the likelihood that they will occur; Ambiguity where the events and outcomes cannot be well characterized in some cases because we cannot imagine them and in others because characterization depends upon the institutional interests or cultural values of the observer; and Ignorance where neither likelihood estimates nor well-characterized events enjoy much credibility. This edited volume emphasizes practical strategies for understanding and managing the hazards of the new venture in light of recent research. It will help corporate innovators entrepreneurs and investors employ a wider spectrum of risk management strategies than is now possible. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415877619

Chance or ChoiceUnlocking Innovation Success Twenty-first century advances in technology transportation and business models have enabled companies of all sizes to enter markets once thought to be the exclusive domain of giant enterprises. In this environment innovation has emerged as the competitive differentiator that will propel companies to become global leaders.Supplying practical guidance for integrating innovation throughout the organization Chance or Choice: Unlocking Innovation Success introduces the authors’ proprietary ENOVALE methodology. ENOVALE is a blueprint that provides leaders and managers of any organization with a strategic framework to initiate and maintain innovation and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.What makes this book different is that it originates from decades of experience cutting-edge research and empirical evidence. The results come from the authors’ work on Project Impact an ongoing multiyear global study to measure attitudes opinions and disposition of different cultures towards innovation. Expanding on the current definition of innovation the book: Spells out a detailed "how-to" approach for those responsible for innovation leadership Outlines practical solutions and time-tested strategies Emphasizes the role of the individual as the ultimate innovator Presents concepts that are applicable across a range of industries including the services industry Rather than relegating innovation to the R&D and engineering functions the book extends the ENOVALE framework into all functions of your organization. It also details a project strategy useful for any type of innovation to help you lead your teams in leveraging the innovative capabilities valued by your customers and users. Throughout the book the authors outline the tools and concepts you will need to move your organization from simply surviving to thriving in today’s brutally competitive global environment. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781466581869

Chances AreContingency Queer Theory and American Literature This innovative work makes use of psychoanalytic queer and narrative theories to read nineteenth and twentieth-century American literature and demonstrate how the concept of contingency—whether chance accident luck or mutation—enriches our understanding of how queer sexualities are articulated. Perhaps love always carries an element of contingency (our attraction to a particular person can be arbitrary and inexplicable) and a sense of necessity (we find that we cannot imagine life without them). But contingency and chance mean something different for queer subjects. In a heteronormative culture heterosexuality claims to be necessary (it must be) whereas homosexuality not only could be otherwise but perhaps it should be otherwise and probably it should not be at all. This book outlines why and how issues of chance and contingency should matter to queer theory and queer literary studies. Combining psychoanalytic queer and narrative theories Chances Are considers nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literary texts that formally or thematically involve contingencies of their own including narrative coincidences and accidents the role of luck in notions of race and class and efforts to imagine queer hermeneutic methods that make space for contingency. Literary texts include Edgar Allan Poe’s "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt" (1842) Horatio Alger’s Ragged Dick novels (1868-69) Frank Norris’s The Pit (1903) and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth (1905) Frances E.W. Harper's Iola Leroy (1892) and Nella Larsen's Passing (1929) H.D.'s Tribute to Freud (1956) and Alison Bechdel's Are You My Mother (2012). This dynamic and original text would be suitable for students and researchers in literary studies critical theory and women’s and gender studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138290600

Change Conflict and Community The cost to business of unresolved conflicts is high; tribunals loss of productivity resignations and damaged reputations are serious consequences for all concerned. With increased organizational change in the form of changes in leadership restructuring downsizing matrix management mergers acquisitions and systems changes comes increased political activity and the potential for either increased learning and growth or tension and unproductive conflict.Change agents HR practitioners and managers need to be skilled at empowering others to use or resolve conflict effectively for a more productive working environment and greater employee satisfaction. Change Conflict and Community takes readers through the essential theory and hands-on practice of working with change and conflict by considering:* How we can increase our understanding of the tensions that often exist when change is ever present in the organization* How to work more effectively with the dynamic relationship between change and conflict* How the idea of “community” can help us to work with the energy of change and human interactionBarbara Kenton is a freelance consultant and Director of WHooSH Whole Systems Health. She is an experienced consultant mediator facilitator coach and trainer with over 25 years' experience as a manager and development specialist working with individuals teams and organizations both in the UK and internationally. She has published a number of articles on the role of the internal consultant and challenges facing those in HR. She is a qualified workplace and community mediator.Suzanne Penn is an independent consultant facilitator and coach with 20 years' experience in the HR and Organization Development field. She has worked as an internal and an external practitioner across all sectors and industries in the UK mainland Europe and the US. A previous Assistant Director at Roffey Park Management Institute she brings to this book particular expertise in leadership development group facilitation strategic HR and organizational change and culture. The HR SeriesThe HR Series is edited by Julie Beardwell Principal Lecturer in Human Resource Management at DeMonfort University and Linda Holbeche Director of Research and Policy at CIPD and is designed to plug the gap between theory and implementation. The books draw on live examples of strategic HR in practice and offer practical insights into how to transform individual and functional delivery to improve value-added. Intended for serious HR professionals who aspire to make a real difference within their organization The HR Series provides resources to inform empower and inspire the HR leaders of the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152922

Change Continuity and ComplexityThe Mahāvidyās in East Indian Śākta Traditions The Mahāvidyās are the representative Tantric feminine pantheon consisting of ten goddesses. It is formed by divergent religious strands and elements: the mātṛ and yoginī worship the cult of Kālī and Tripurasundarī Vajrayāna Buddhism Jain Vidyādevīs Śaiva and Vaiṣṇava faith Śrīvidyā the Brahmanical strand of Puranic traditions etc. This volume is the first attempt to explore the historical process through which these traditions culminated in the Mahāvidyā cult and the goddesses with different origins and contradictory attributes were brought into a cluster with special reference to socio-political changes in the lower Gaṅgā and Brahmaputra Valley between the 9th and 15th centuries CE. Based on a close analysis of Purāṇas Tantras and inscriptional evidence and on extensive field research on archaeological remains as well as sacred sites Jae-Eun Shin discusses the two trajectories of the Mahāvidyās in eastern Śākta traditions. Each led to the systematization of Daśamahāvidyās in a specific way: one as ten manifestations of Durgā upholding dharma in the cosmic dimension and the other as ten mandalic goddesses bearing magical powers in the actual sacred site. Their attributes and characteristics have neither been static nor monolithic and the mode of worship prescribed for them has changed in a dialectical religious process between Brahmanical and Tantric traditions of the region.This is the definitive work for anyone seeking to understand goddess cults of South Asia in general and the history of eastern Śākta traditions in particular. To aid study the volume includes images diagrams and maps. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138326903

Change and Archaeology Change and Archaeology explores how archaeologists have historically described interpreted and explained change and argues that change has been under-theorised. The study of change is central to the discipline of archaeology but change is complex and this makes it challenging to write about in nuanced ways that effectively capture the nature of our world. Relational approaches offer archaeologists more scope to explore change in complex and subtle ways. Change and Archaeology presents a posthumanist post-anthropocentric new materialist approach to change. It argues that our world is constantly in the process of becoming and always on the move. By recasting change as the norm rather than the exception and distributing it between both humans and non-humans this book offers a new theoretical framework for exploring change in the past that allows us to move beyond block-time approaches where change is located only in transitional moments and periods are characterised by blocks of stasis. Archaeologists scholars anthropologists and historians interested in the theoretical frameworks we use to interpret the past will find this book a fascinating new insight into the way our world changes and evolves. The approaches presented within will be of use to anyone studying and writing about the way societies and their environs move through time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138292536

Change and Continuity in American Colleges and UniversitiesLessons from Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Innovations Change and Continuity in American Colleges and Universities explores major ideas which have shaped the history and development of higher education in North America and considers how these inform contemporary innovations in the sector.   Chapters address intellectual organizational social and political movements which occurred across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and have impacted the policies scholarship and practices enacted at a variety of public and private institutions throughout the United States. Topics addressed include the politics of racial segregation the place of religion in Higher Education and models of leadership. Through rigorous historical analyses of education reform cases this text puts forward useful lessons on how colleges and universities have navigated change in the past and may do so in the future.   This text will be of interest to scholars researchers and students in the fields of Higher Education administration and leadership as well as the history of education and educational reform. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367358402

Change and Continuity in North Korean Politics In the years since the death of Kim Jong-il and the formal acknowledgement of Kim Jong-un as head of state the North Korean regime has made a series of moves to further augment and consolidate the ideological foundations of Kimism and cement the young leader’s legitimacy. Historical narratives have played a critical if often unnoticed role in this process. This book seeks to chronicle these historical changes and continuities. Continuity and Change in North Korean Politics explores the stable and shifting political cultural and economic landscapes of North Korea in the era of Kim Jong-un. The contributors deploy a variety of methodologies of analysis focused on the content narratives and discourses of politics under Kim Jong-un tracing its historical roots and contemporary practical and conceptual manifestations. Moving beyond most analyses of North Korea’s political and institutional ideologies the book explores uncharted spaces of social and cultural relations including children’s literature fisheries grassland reclamation commemorative culture and gender. By examining critical moments of change and continuity in the country’s past it builds a holistic analysis of national politics as it is currently deployed and experienced. Demonstrating how historical political and cultural narratives continue to be adapted to suit new and challenging circumstances this book will be of interest to students and scholars of Korean Studies Korean Politics and Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138349827

Change and Continuity in the PacificRevisiting the Region Thousands of studies have been conducted by social scientists in the villages and islands and increasingly in the towns of the Pacific. Despite this there are few longitudinal studies of any great depth and sophistication in the region. The contributors to this book have all conducted long-term research in the islands of the Pacific. During their visits and revisits they have witnessed first-hand the many changes that have occurred in their fieldsites as well as observing elements of continuity. They bring to their accounts a sense of their surprise at some of the unexpected elements of stability and of transformation. The authors take a range of disciplinary approaches particularly geography and anthropology and their contributions reflect their deep knowledge of Pacific places some first visited more than 40 years ago. Many of the chapters focus on aspects of socio-economic change and continuity while others focus on specific issues such as the impact of both internal and international migration political and cultural change technological innovation and the experiences of children and youth. By focusing on both change and continuity this collection of 11 case studies shows the complex relationships between Pacific societies and processes of ‘modernity’ and globalisation. By using a long-term lens on particular places the authors are able to draw out the subtleties of change and its impacts while also paying attention to what in the contemporary Pacific has been left remarkably unchanged.Filling a gap in the studies of the Pacific region this book will appeal to an interdisciplinary audience in the fields of anthropology development geography and Asia-Pacific studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592400

Change and Development in the Middle East (Routledge Revivals)Essays in honour of W.B. Fisher The Middle East is a region of great traditional diversity which has been characterized by immense political social and economic changes still developing over thirty years after the title’s original publication. A group of oil-rich countries have achieved great political significance and some of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Much modern development has been spatially polarized accentuating the concentrations of rapidly growing populations and posing severe problems for planners. Cultivation and pastoralism the main traditional activities have often suffered from neglect and insufficient investment and both require re-evaluation. These are the issues addressed by this volume first published in 1981 which contains a series of overviews and case studies written by present or former members of staff and research students of the Department of Geography in the University of Durham in honour of W.B. Fisher. Change and Development in the Middle East provides an interesting and relevant geographical and demographic analysis of this diverse and volatile region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415825481

Change and DevelopmentIssues of Theory Method and Application This book and the symposium on which it was based were designed to cross the boundaries of subdiscipline and theoretical orientation to address four critical issues in understanding development: explanation of change and development; the nature and process of change; forms of variability in performance; and the promotion of change through application. The chapters suggest that change and development in target systems from cells to selves may not be explainable assessable or promotable without careful reference to the context (social and otherwise) of the system and that the process of change and development may involve variability of the system in addition to periods of stability. Together the chapters harken back to the spirit of the grand theory. Instead of proposing a grand theory they provide an excellent foundation for considering the importance of an individual's (or particular group's) context and variability and discussions to facilitate thinking about what still needs to be worked out. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138970113

Change and ExecuteHow to Transform and Design Your Business for Sustained Success The business environment is changing at a faster rate than ever with transformational shifts taking place in every industry and market in the world. These changes create increased risks for companies that remain complacent. However they also generate opportunity for businesses willing to adapt and evolve. The key is transforming your organization to meet the demands of tomorrow. Change and Execute: How to Transform and Design Your Business for Sustained Success has been written to help you do just that. This book provides strategic insights solutions and direction that will empower you to improve your organization by providing definitive actions that will transform potential into productivity to generate sustained success. You are encouraged to use this book to transform your organization and take it to the next level! Features: Shares 10 changes that will have an enormous impact on the future of business over the next 10 years Highlights the importance of maximizing the value companies deliver to customers Shares the increased threats that are now present due to global competition Includes a fascinating case study on how the Golden State Warriors revolutionized the NBA and effectively draws parallels to how business has evolved in the 21st century Explains how changes in the workplace have shifted the perspective of the "traditional" employee Provides new characteristics and traits leaders need to be successful Examines how policies processes procedures and performance have changed in the workplace Discusses actions companies must take to generate sustained results Describes the risks that are present when you are resistant to change Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367477271

Change And InterventionVocational Education And Training First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203058930

Change and Mobility in Contemporary IndiaThinking M. N. Srinivas Today This book studies caste and community dynamics in India and offers a critical view of social mobility from below. Building on the theories of the eminent sociologist M N Srinivas the essays in this volume reformulate the debate on caste as they document the changing inter-caste dynamics and caste-based violence in contemporary India. The volume showcases the new language of change in caste relations articulated mostly from the perspective of the marginalised as experiences differences contestations assertions and as citizenship rights. It focusses on the clash between traditional structures of inequality and the ideals of equality and justice in a liberal democratic India. It also highlights the persistence of caste and endogamy and the interlocking nature of caste gender and disability struggles of ethnic groups and informal workers in the market economy discrimination in the labour market and the dissolution of dissent in the public sphere. With contributions from leading scholars of social change and development in India and abroad this volume will be useful for scholars and researchers of sociology social anthropology minority and subaltern studies and development studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138334304

Change and Reform in Law EnforcementOld and New Efforts from Across the Globe This book provides broad exposure to a variety of policing reforms that have not received adequate attention. It includes information and examples from different countries regarding efforts to change aspects of policing that are problematic or involve changes in the way crimes are committed. Some of the efforts to improve the police are relatively recent (i.e. using social media) and some areas of policing that seem to require frequent attention (i.e. working with the public). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367874612

Change and Stability in Urban EuropeForm Quality and Governance This title was first published in 2001. Significant transformations in the spatial organization of European cities have taken place over the past two decades. Social fragmentation increasingly complex systems of governance the transformation of relations to public space and the shift of work from the industrial to the communications sectors have placed increasing importance on a city’s position in terms of the global network. This book brings together an interdisciplinary team of European experts to discuss how these transformations have forced a radical reconsideration of the traditional definitions of the city. Comparing a wide range of European cities the book highlights the diversity of urban forms and tackles the questions regarding the quality of life in new urban spaces. The result is a comprehensive and incisive examination of the capacity of urban policies to evoke real changes in the city and to regenerate the systems of urban governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138706903

Change and StabilityA Cross-national Analysis of Social Structure and Personality In societies that experience rapid social transformation does an individual's social position have a major influence on their personality? Exploring this and related questions Melvin Kohn presents a detailed overview of how social structure relates to personality in a variety of different countries in vastly different political and social contexts. Case studies include the US communist Poland Japan and Poland and the Ukraine during their transition to capitalism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635637

Change and SustainabilityA special themed issue of Greener Management International (Issue 57) The positive outcomes of managing change for sustainability: what has worked why it worked and what we can learn from the change that was undertaken. Even failed sustainability change efforts can be looked at positively for they are often a vital source of learning - and possibly inspiration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783531196

Change Blindness and Visual MemoryA Special Issue of Visual Cognition A central goal in the study of object and scene perception is to understand how visual information is integrated across views to provide a stable continuous experience of our environment. Research on issues ranging from visual masking to priming across saccades to the representation of spatial layout across views has addressed the issue of what information is preserved from one view to the next. Recently research on visual memory for objects and scenes has led to striking claims about the nature of the information that is and is not preserved from one instant to the next. For example studies of change blindness have shown that striking changes to objects and scenes can go undetected when they coincide with an eye movement a flashed blank screen a blink or an occlusion event. These studies suggest that relatively little visual information about objects and scenes is combined across views. Despite these failures of change detection observers somehow manage to experience a stable continuous visual environment. This special issue seeks to unite recent studies of change blindness with studies of visual integration to better understand the nature of our representations and the richness of our visual memory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138877184

Change CompetenceImplementing Effective Change Organizations are often forced to change and adapt as a result of internal or external circumstances – whether the impetus is vision and ambition a competing organization societal pressure or financial pressure. In this book the authors posit that successful change requires the coherence of five elements: rationale and effect focus and energy and connection. In Change Competence  they present a vision of change management centered around these five elements along with a model and method for diagnosing approaching and developing change management in a purposeful way. The book demonstrates the nuances and applications of the change management model with the use of a single integrated case from identifying elements ripe for change to coping with barriers to varying approaches to change to the different leadership roles that emerge in relation to the five key elements of change management. This book will be of interest to practitioners and students in change management organizational behavior and organizational development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616912

Change ForcesProbing the Depths of Educational Reform Knowledge of the processes of educational change is said to be the missing ingredient in attempts to bring about educational innovation and reform. Whether these efforts involve grass roots innovation or large-scale societal reform failure to understand and act on existing knowledge of the change process has accounted for the widespread lack of success in making educational improvements. This volume analyzes what is known about successful or productive change processes and identifies corresponding action strategies at the individual school local and state levels. Included in this book is a major treatment of the topic of the 'ethics of planned change' a neglected topic in recent literature especially since strategies for intervening in the change process are receiving more attention. This book is intended to be used by teachers in training and in service teacher trainers educational researchers education historians and administrators. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203059005

Change in the Construction IndustryAn Account of the UK Construction Industry Reform Movement 1993-2003 The UK construction industry is the sixth largest industry in the UK in terms of turnover. During the last decade it has undergone an unprecedented period of self-examination including input from most of the leaders of the major suppliers and clients as well as from leading politicians civil servants and political advisers. From 1993 to 2003 government and industry collaborated closely to achieve political and structural change in the industry and to bring about nothing less than a re-organization of the way it undertakes its business. This key text is an objective presentation of the critical issues inherent in the construction industry during this time. Providing invaluable source material for students of government/industry relations industry practitioners and clients and for economic and social commentators this valuable resource draws on revealing personal accounts from politicians civil servants advisers and industry leaders as well as factual reportage archives and official papers of the period. Informative and enlightening this book objectively details and documents exactly what happened at this time and the reasons for it and offers an unbiased interpretation of the successes or failures of the various initiatives that emerged including the Movement for Innovation Rethinking Construction and Constructing Excellence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646475

Change In The International System This book focuses on changes in the international system — what has caused them where they will stop and perhaps most important where they will take us. It is organized to reflect three main dimensions of system transformation: its nature its sources and its limits. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172190

Change Leadership in Developing Countries Selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Magazine in 2014! In Change Leadership for Developing Countries Franca Ovadje offers readers a comprehensive and integrative model for the design implementation and evaluation of organizational change. This unique book embodies an African perspective discussing the specific needs and issues associated with leading change within the institutional economic social and cultural contexts of developing economies. Based on extensive research as well as the first-hand experiences of managers who have led change initiatives in Africa this book envisions a change leadership model based on conscious decision-making rather than taking a prescriptive approach. With examples and case studies drawn from African organizations this book is a vital tool for students and managers who are based in or interact with emerging economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415819237

Change LeadershipDeveloping a Change-Adept Organization It is all too easy to discuss organizational change in abstraction particularly when you are dealing with large corporations with wide product ranges across global markets. But somewhere within these structures there are people and it is often the human aspects of change that are the most difficult to manage. Martin Orridge's guide explores these aspects and explains how we as leaders can help everyone cope with change and in turn ensure our organization's long-term survival. The main parts of Change Leadership are based on the author's research and include models advice and exercises for understanding and enabling personal and organizational change. To further assist you Chapter 3 contains 75 actions and activities to sustain transformation in your organization. Successful organizational change also requires discipline and the application of good management techniques. Good planning checking on progress and capturing the learning are key to introducing successful change and developing an organization's capabilities therefore Chapter 4 will assist the change leader to appreciate the main aspects of managing successful change projects. This concise guide is an engaging but rigorous read for change leaders. Whether this is your primary role or whether you need to reflect on and manage the human factors of a business project for which you are responsible Change Leadership will help you better understand the nature of change and in doing so develop a Change-Adept organization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138460928

Change Management for Risk Professionals Change Management for Risk Professionals addresses a need in the marketplace for risk professionals to learn about change management. Organizations exist within a complex and changing environment. The changes within the organizational context (e.g. societal technological and customer preferences) place pressure upon the organization to remain relevant and competitive. Change is not inherently wrong; our perceptions of the change make it negative or positive. A perceived negative change can become a real opportunity for improvement if desired. Systemic degradation and irrelevancy are the results of an organization that fails to acknowledge the reality of change. The book focuses on the dynamics of change management with an eye toward the risk professional. There is a real need for an uncomplicated resource that helps educate non-change management professionals involved in risk-oriented change initiatives. Examples of risk disciplines are organizational resilience business continuity risk management crisis management and security management but any discipline or function within an organization focuses on risk. Any organizational project is an initiative requiring dynamic change management skills. The author brings his extensive experience to offer risk practitioners advice industry examples and best practices to the change management process. Change Management for Risk Professionals will be a welcome addition to enterprise-wide business continuity crisis management disaster recovery security management and homeland security professionals wanting to learn the secrets to becoming successful in initiating organizational change. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367251598

Change Management in Information Services Information services are currently going through what is probably the most significant period of change in their history. At the same time thinking about organisational change in general management has continued to develop and many of the emerging ideas strategies and processes are increasingly relevant to information services. Since the first edition of this highly regarded book was published in 2000 the pace of change has accelerated because of the influence of digitisation and technological developments in general the emergence of what might be called a business culture changes in skills and knowledge requirements and changes in user and personnel attitudes. Despite these rapid developments the current literature tends to reflect a preoccupation with technological developments at the expense of consideration for the broader managerial base. This second edition fills the gap in the literature and is fully updated with the inclusion of a number of new chapters and new case studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259263

Change Management in Information Services This title was first published in 2000:  An overview of change management and organizational theories. The book explores the strategies normally associated with them and presents real solutions to real problems for services spanning the academic public and commercial sectors. Through a series of case studies the book shows how different organizations and personal issues need equally different approaches to managing them. The author demonstrates how discrete change projects can be modelled implemented and reviewed and explains the advantages and disadvantages of various organizational structures in managing change. He takes a candid look at what really makes teams tick or malfunction and focusing particularly on people issues suggests how adapting management styles and providing training can help to meet the demands of change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138713659

Change Management in Information Services This title was first published in 2000:  An overview of change management and organizational theories. The book explores the strategies normally associated with them and presents real solutions to real problems for services spanning the academic public and commercial sectors. Through a series of case studies the book shows how different organizations and personal issues need equally different approaches to managing them. The author demonstrates how discrete change projects can be modelled implemented and reviewed and explains the advantages and disadvantages of various organizational structures in managing change. He takes a candid look at what really makes teams tick or malfunction and focusing particularly on people issues suggests how adapting management styles and providing training can help to meet the demands of change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138713642

Change Management Revised EditionRevised Edition This book explores change from the perspective of the organisation and from the individual manager. It considers how change affects organisations; how they respond to changes in the business environment influence that environment and use change processes to gain competitive advantage. It explores the role of the change agent and introduces tools and techniques for planning launching and managing change programmes successfully. It describes the impact of change on individuals and emphasises the role of the manager in supporting individuals through the change process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151352

Change ManagementManage the Change or It Will Manage You Change Management: Manage Change or It Will Manage You represents a substantial core guidance effort for Change Management practitioners. Organizations currently contend with increasingly higher levels of knowledge-driven competition. Many attempt to meet the challenge by investing in expensive knowledge-driven change management systems. Such systems are useless and sometimes even harmful for making strategic decisions because they do not distinguish between what is strategically relevant and what is not. This Management-for-Results Handbook focuses on identifying and managing the specific critical knowledge assets that your organization needs to disrupt your competitors including tacit experience of key employees a deep understanding of customers’ needs valuable patents and copyrights shared industry practices and customer- and supplier-generated innovations. The authors present two aspects of Change Management: (1) traditional Change Management as it impacts the project management team’s activities and (2) a suggested new approach to Change Management directed at changing the culture. The focus is to prepare the people impacted by the project and change activities to accept and adapt to the new/changed working conditions. The first half of the book deals with traditional Change Management which covers the topics of remembering understanding and applying. The second half presents the authors’ new approach to changing the culture which deals with analyzing evaluating and creating. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781482214185

Change MattersMaking a difference in education and training While many books address the 'what' of change in education this addresses the 'how'. The pressure for continuous adaptation and innovation in education is relentless yet there is more failure in implementation of change than success. These failures are damaging to staff and students as well as costly. Change Matters offers a practical guide to change management for teachers and administrators across all education sectors and for training managers in workplace settings.Change Matters assists educators to develop their abilities to manage their own change projects and also to help their organisations to manage their overall improvement and innovation activities. Geoff Scott draws on successful experience to create a framework for the educational change process. He shows how to initiate develop implement and evaluate a new learning program and how to manage continuous quality improvement and innovation at the organisational level. The need for leadership is assessed and the particular circumstances of workplace trainers are discussed. The book is illustrated with case studies and reflective exercises which can be used individually or with other educators.'An eminently readable and practical guide for those who want to make sure that the educational changes they attempt really do make a difference for their students. Highly recommended.' - Professor Michael Fullan Dean Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto and author of The New Meaning of Educational Change and of the What's Worth Fighting For trilogy with Andy Hargreaves. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115137

Change or Continuity in Drug PolicyThe Roles of Science Media and Interest Groups While evidence-based policy is an emerging rhetoric of the desire by and for governments to develop policies based on the best available evidence drug policy is an area where particular challenges abound. This book is a detailed and comprehensive examination of the contours of drug policy development through the consideration of the particular roles of science media and interest groups. Using Belgium as the primary case-study supplemented by insights gathered from other countries the author contributes to a richer understanding of the science-policy nexus in the messy real-world complexities of drug policy. Change or Continuity in Drug Policy: The Roles of Science Media and Interest Groups is the first book to bring together policy and media theories knowledge utilisation models and public scholarship literature. As such the book provides unique insights relevant to aspects of change or continuity in drug policies in Europe and beyond. This book will be of great value to undergraduate and graduate students as well as to academics practitioners and policymakers with interest in the science-policy nexus with a particular focus on the drug policy domain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367136444

Change or DieThe Business Process Improvement Manual Leadership success depends on clarifying and simplifying complex problems while maintaining a positive outlook. Change or Die - The Business Process Improvement Manual provides you with the tools to do so. Packed with more than 70 pages of workshop tools agendas and activities that detail each of the six stages of the business process improvement (BPI) method it presents a BPI method that promotes the use of facilitator-led workshops to help you and your team make better decisions. Developed from empirical research and bolstered by the results of client experience from hundreds of hours of facilitated workshops and BPI activity Change or Die employs the authors' ENGAGE methodology. To ensure your team achieves its deliverables the authors walk you through each BPI method. In each chapter you will find: Objectives and deliverables clearly identified Real-world examples from companies the authors have worked with—presented using a global manufacturer as an example Activities questionnaires and examples A self-assessment tool to help you measure progress identify gaps in team performance and determine team readiness for the next stage This resource-rich book includes a CD with supplemental activities challenges facilitated workshops templates tables and questionnaires—tools designed to ease each participant’s path to project success. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781466512511

Change Request Impacts in Software Maintenance This book discusses Change Management Impact Analysis and how this method is used to analysis the risks and benefits of a change management initiative when it pertains to obtaining critical insight into how the change management program budget should be allotted. The process also offers useful indicators for what areas within the system should be monitored during the change management process. This book presents theoretical analysis of practical implications and surveys along with analysis. It covers the functions aimed at identifying various stakeholders associated with the software such as requirement component design component and class component. The book talks about the interrelationship between the change and the effects on the rest of the system and dives deeper to include the critical role that the analysis places on the existing multiple functions such as estimating the development costs the project overhead costs cost for the modification of the system and system strength or detecting errors in the system during the process. Case studies are also included to help researchers and practitioners to absorb the material presented. This book is useful to graduate students researchers academicians institutions and professionals that interested in exploring the areas of Impact Analysis. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367898748

Change Rx for HealthcareYour Prescription for Leading Change Everywhere you look in healthcare disruptive changes are emerging yet the pressure to keep productivity up is ever-present. There are ways to minimize disruption and make adoption stick. Change Rx for Healthcare: Your Prescription for Leading Change showcases a case study of a large transformational change implementing an electronic health record platform as well as a collection of best-practice tools for leading through change or adopting change successfully. The author also includes hints on how to take learning and applying the contents to the next level and provides a detailed review of the science and profession of change adoption. This book will help any executive physician leader consultant project member or change management professional become more familiar with the science of change and tools that make it faster and easier. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781498774468

CHANGE! A Student Guide to Social Action This is the first practical social change text devoted to students working in an academic environment. While there are many books about community organizing and social change there are no college texts focusing on how to provide real-world experience with academic content taking into consideration the flow of the academic term. CHANGE! A Student Guide to Social Action is written specifically for faculty and staff to use with college students with the goal of helping students bring about the change they believe is necessary to make our community a better place to live. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138297296

ChangemakersA Jungian Perspective on Sibling Position and the Family Atmosphere Why do leading political figures arise when they do? Does sibling position determine political destiny? Originally published in 1992 a leading Jungian analyst at the time Louis Stewart wrote an intriguing study of the influence of family and sibling position on the destiny of the individual and on the future of society. He shows how the four basic sibling positions are related to corresponding styles of political leadership and uses examples of US presidents and UK prime ministers to illustrate his point. Stewart argues that world leaders owe their pre-eminence to a matching of political zeitgeist with sibling position within the family and he provides fascinating and persuasive material on major political figures including Hitler Saddam Hussein Gorbachev Stalin and Ghandi. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138795198

Change-Point Analysis in Nonstationary Stochastic Models This book covers the development of methods for detection and estimation of changes in complex systems. These systems are generally described by nonstationary stochastic models which comprise both static and dynamic regimes linear and nonlinear dynamics and constant and time-variant structures of such systems. It covers both retrospective and sequential problems particularly theoretical methods of optimal detection. Such methods are constructed and their characteristics are analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. Suitable for researchers working in change-point analysis and stochastic modelling the book includes theoretical details combined with computer simulations and practical applications. Its rigorous approach will be appreciated by those looking to delve into the details of the methods as well as those looking to apply them. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498755962

Changepower!37 Secrets to Habit Change Success In Changepower! 37 Secrets to Habit Change Success author Meg Selig guides readers through a step-by-step process that will help them achieve any habit change goal. Whether the reader wants to break a hurtful habit like smoking or overeating or build a healthy habit like exercising or speaking up Changepower! provides a springboard for change. Selig helps habit-changers move beyond willpower and succeed with changepower - the synergy that comes from combining willpower with other resources useful outside supports and wise strategies. In Changepower! she shows habit-changers how to beef up both their willpower and their changepower to achieve habit change success. The key is revving up motivation. Selig reveals the most powerful motivators for change - pain motivators the Eight Great Motivators and even not-so-noble motivators. Research has shown that most changes take place in stages rather than overnight. Selig provides a step-by-step plan for each stage leaving plenty of room for flexibility depending on each person‘s needs. First-person stories pithy quotes and how-to exercises provide inspiration humor and encouragement as readers embark on their habit change journeys. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138466784

Changes And Continuities In Chinese CommunismVolume I: Ideology Politics And Foreign Policy This book provides a detailed account of political and economic development performance evaluation methodology Marxism and spiritual ideology politics and foreign affairs in the communist political system of the People's Republic of China. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367163853

Changes in Family Life (Works of William H. Beveridge) This volume is the printed version of a survey carried out in conjunction with a B.B.C. series called "The changing world" which was broadcast in 1932. Four of the talks were monologues by Beveridge (The changing family The family and the population question Nature and nurture and The enduring family: a first impression of the returns). The others were dialogues: Hugh Dalton and Eleanor Barton (of the Women's Co-operative Guild) on The economics of family life; Beveridge and Morris Ginsberg on The family as a social group; and Beveridge and Jennie Laurel Adamson on Some problems for solution. The talks were part of an attempt by the BBC to collect information from listeners which would be useful for social scientists. The BBC would arrange the talks and distribute/collect the forms and the LSE would analyse the forms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138828704

Changes in Flood Risk in Europe This book delivers a wealth of information on changes in flood risk in Europe and considers causes for change. The temporal coverage is mostly focused on post-1900 events reflecting the typical availability of data but some information on earlier flood events is also included. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415621892

Changes in Japanese Employment PracticesBeyond the Japanese Model Japan’s employment practices were long considered a cornerstone to its economic success. However the reversal in economic performance during the 1990s altered the positive perception and inspired major adaptations like the rise in performance-related pay (‘seikashugi’) and non-regular employment. This book presents case-studies of the adaptations in personnel management by major Japanese firms. It highlights the diversity the stability and the considerations behind the adaptations that are implemented by these firms. Drawing on insights from institutional theory it shows how factors such as legitimacy and institutional interlock have guaranteed an important continuity in employment practices. It discusses how the adaptations have not actually replaced the existing practices but have been shaped by them and as a consequence the result may not be as revolutionary as once expected but is likely to last. Furthermore it argues that the employment practices remain specifically Japanese and that expectations of convergence have so far proved misplaced. Overall this book is a valuable contribution to the study of employment issues. It provides an effective framework to analyse the ongoing developments in Japanese employment practices and demonstrates that Japanese developments continue to offer important insights for human resource management and labour market institutionalisation in general.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415673327

Changes in Soviet Policy Towards the West This book is a study on the Soviet foreign policy when the task of renovating the country was placed on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's (CPSU) political agenda. It discusses Gorbachev's new approach to foreign policy and the political change that reshaped Soviet and European history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367012533

Changes in the Therapist Modern therapy has shifted its emphasis to focus on the interpersonal field and on "mutuality of influence." The therapist and the patient are now seen as participating in an ongoing feedback loop with each influencing the other. This interpersonal focus has brought the therapists and their reactions more into the foreground. Experiences with patients can in fact have strong reverberations in practitioners' own lives and can be the cause or source of essential changes in the psyche of the therapist. This book is the first to explore how efforts to work through issues in therapeutic relationships may permanently affect therapists' beliefs feelings and/or actions. The authors all highly regarded senior clinicians describe their own reactions and the types of changes that they went through as a consequence of their treatment of a particular patient. They do not make the therapeutic process seem artificially smooth and seamless. In probing their own struggles and difficulties they illuminate the in-depth workings of the therapeutic relationship. The editors' introduction constructs a systematic framework within which to think about the changes the authors recount. Changes in the Therapist will be of compelling interest to all those involved in therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138002678

Changes in Working Time (Routledge Revivals)An International Review First published in 1985 this book examines the major components of working time from an international perspective considering the individual aspects of working time with particular emphasis on the argument that work should be shared to alleviate unemployment and the case for further increasing the flexibility and choice in working arrangements. Paul Blyton reviews working time since the Industrial Revolution when a strict time-frame was first imposed on workers and the growth in work-sharing flexitime part-time working and changes to the retirement age. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138020467

Changing Aging Changing Family TherapyPracticing With 21st Century Realities As the baby boomers move into retirement and later stages of life gerontology and geriatrics have begun to receive much more attention. Changing Aging Changing Family Therapy explores the ways in which family therapists’ expertise in systems theory makes them uniquely qualified to take a leading role in helping families and individuals cope with the challenges and changed circumstances that aging brings. Clinicians will find detailed coverage and practical guidelines on a wealth of vital topics including coping with the illness of a parent or partner working past retirement age outliving one’s savings preserving physical and mental well-being over time and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415872386

Changing Aims in Religious Education First published in 1966. The author examines the problems which face the teacher of Religious Education at the time of widespread doubt. He reviews studies of the formation of religious beliefs and attitudes in the young and suggest a new strategy for the subject whereby at each stage of education the teacher has a definite but limited aim appropriate to the children with whom they have to teach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367145798

Changing and Unchanging Face of U.S. Civil Society "Ray has written a book that should be read by anyone interested in the current debates about the general health of civil society in the United States."--American Journal of Sociology The formation maintenance and well being of American civil society is a topic of intense debate in the social sciences. Until now this debate has lacked rigor with the term "civil society" commonly used interchangeably and imprecisely with other terms such as civic engagement. Today's discourse also lacks methodological discipline and relies too heavily on narrowly selected evidence in support of a particular argument. In this invaluable contribution to the debate Marcella Ridlen Ray supplies an empirical study based on a theoretical model of democratic civil society one that posits high levels of communication diversity autonomy mediation and voluntary association. In Ray's account the emergent story of U.S. civil society is that of a dynamic institution not necessarily one that is linear in its progression. It is a tale of flux resilience and stability over the long term that is consistent with subtexts on political equilibrium she notes in the work of early political analysts such as Aristotle Machiavelli Locke Burke and later Tocqueville. Ray dispels the widely accepted myth that Americans are increasingly apathetic and withdrawn from common interests. The evidence reveals a persistence of long-standing public spiritedness despite the fact that individuals use wider discretion in deciding if and how to attach to community and despite a historical lack of enthusiasm for performing civic duties in lieu of more pleasurable leisure activity. This public-spiritedness continues to reflect embedded religious-cultural values that disproportionately influence how and when people dedicate time and money to associational life. U. S. civil society has grown more inclusive and democratic as Americans venture at growing rates across differences in perspective ideas beliefs and experience to form diverse networks of interest association and community. No longer confined to an immediate or local area the social space of Americans now incorporates national international and cyber-spatial dimensions. Social connectedness is extensive due to the expansion of social space and the multiplication of weak social ties that transcend geographic and spatial boundaries. Ray's theoretical model gives form and coherence to her massive compilation of quantitative and qualitative data. She uses this to improve the visibility of civil society an institution essential to democracy itself. This volume provides the basis for a systematic evaluation of a major American institution as well as a framework for comparison with other Western democracies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507975

Changing Architectural EducationTowards a New Professionalism Architectural education is under pressure to meet the demands of an evolving construction industry and to cater to the increasingly varied career destinations of graduates. How should architectural education respond to these professional challenges? How can students be better prepared for professional practice? These questions are the focus of this book which brings together contributions from a wide range of authors from both the UK and the USA working in the fields of architectural education architectural practice and educational research. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138153370

Changing Art into ResearchSoliloquy Methodology Changing Art into Research: Soliloquy Methodology presents a research methodology that enables inquiry into one’s personal experiences in an endeavour to reveal essential commonalities of human experience. Arts-informed research methods are becoming increasingly popular with scholars in Arts Education and the Social Sciences but there is often confusion about how to turn arts practice into rigorous inquiry. This book examines the theoretical perspectives needed to inform these research approaches which are often missing in methods teaching and research. Soliloquy is a new methodology that interprets and applies Husserl’s philosophical concept of Transcendental Phenomenology. It marries together the synthesizing powers of the unconscious mind with the analytical capacities of conscious cognition and articulation. It further explores the possibility that both cognitive and intuitive ways of knowing are valid and appropriate for academic inquiry provided these methods are aligned through a philosophically consistent theoretical framework. This book will be of great interest to academics and postgraduate students engaged in arts-based qualitative research and those doing an arts-based practice dissertation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138486782

Changing Attitudes to Punishment Throughout the western world public opinion has played an important role in shaping criminal justice policy. At the same time opinion polls repeatedly demonstrate that the public knows little about crime and justice and holds negative views of the criminal justice system. This book consisting of chapters from leading authorities in the field is concerned to address this problem and draws upon research in a number of different countries to address the issues arising from this state of affairs. Its main aims are: to explore the changing and evolving nature of public attitudes to sentencing to examine the factors that influence public opinion and to bring together recent international research which has demonstrated ways in which public attitudes can be changed to propose specific strategies to respond to the crisis in public confidence in criminal justice. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9781843924272

Changing Australian EducationHow policy is taking us backwards and what can be done about it Australian education policy for the past 40 years has been heading in the wrong direction and is entirely unsuitable for preparing young people for the 21st century. Exaggeration? Sadly not.For a teacher there is nothing more exhilarating than encouraging young people to realise the power of learning. But in our schools today teachers spend so much time preparing their students for high-stakes tests gathering data and filling in forms that many of them feel like the life has been squeezed out of their role. Schooling has been turned into a market and school leaders are forced to spend precious time and resources competing with other schools. Their professional experience is disregarded as policy makers turn to the corporate world and self-appointed commentators to determine curriculum and school funding.The outcome? Our schooling system is becoming more segregated; children from poorer backgrounds are falling behind; public schools are starved of funds; and good teachers are leaving. One of the most highly regarded educational leaders in Australia Alan Reid argues it's time to reconsider the purposes of education the capacities we need for the future and the strategies that will get us there. He outlines a new narrative for Australian schooling that is futures-focused and prizes flexibility adaptability collaboration and agility with students teachers and school communities at centre-stage.'A provocative and persuasive argument for the necessity of a new narrative for Australian schooling so as to meet better the demonstrable demands of the twenty-first century...' - Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard The University of Queensland 'At the heart of the book is a penetrating critique of neoliberalism and the damaging effects it is having on education and society. It should be essential reading for policy makers educators parents and anyone interested in the current state of Australian education.' - Professor Barry Down Murdoch University Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781760875206

Changing Behavior in DBTProblem Solving in Action This book delves into problem solving one of the core components of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). The authors are leading DBT trainers who elucidate the therapy's principles of behavior change and use case examples to illustrate their effective application. Particular attention is given to common pitfalls that therapists encounter in analyzing target behaviors--for example a suicide attempt or an episode of bingeing and purging--and selecting and implementing appropriate solutions. Guidelines are provided for successfully implementing the full range of DBT problem-solving strategies including skills training stimulus control and exposure cognitive restructuring and contingency management. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462522644

Changing BehaviourTeaching Children with Emotional Behavioural Difficulties in Primary and Secondary Classrooms With the current emphasis on including children with emotional and behavioral difficulties into the mainstream school every teacher needs to address the problem of children who behave badly in school. This new edition addresses the skills and strategies needed to support the emotional needs of pupils within the National Curriculum framework and school improvement agenda. Many of the activities in the book have direct application in the curriculum for Personal Social and Health education and Citizenship and will support the whole class not just those children identified as having behaviour difficulties. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149243

Changing Bodies Changing MeaningsStudies on the Human Body in Antiquity First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415692465

Changing Borders in EuropeExploring the Dynamics of Integration Differentiation and Self-Determination in the European Union Changing Borders in Europe focuses on the territorial dimension of the European Union. It examines the transformation of state sovereignty within the EU the emergence of varied self-determination claims and the existence of a tailor-made architecture of functional borders established by multiple agreements. This book helps to understand how self-determination pressures within the EU are creating growing concerns about member states’ identity redefining multi-level government in the European space. It addresses several questions regarding two transformative processes – blurring of EU borders and state sovereignty shifts - and their interrelations from different disciplinary perspectives such as political science law political economy and sociology. In addition it explores how the variable geographies of European borders may affect the issue of national self-determination in Europe opening spaces for potential accommodations that could be compatible with existing states and legal frameworks. This book will be of key interest for scholars students and practitioners of EU politics public administration political theory federalism and more broadly of European studies international law ethnic studies political economy and the wider social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367417147

Changing BureaucraciesAdapting to Uncertainty and How Evaluation Can Help In Changing Bureaucracies international experts provide an unparalleled look at how public sector bureaucracies can better adapt to the reality of unprecedented levels of uncertainty and complexity and how they can better respond to the emerging needs and demands of citizens and beneficiaries. In particular they discuss in detail how evaluation can play an important role in aiding bureaucracies in adapting while noting that the value of evaluation is not at all automatic. Written in a clear and accessible prose the contributors identify stability as a strength of bureaucratic structures although adaptability is required in order to remain relevant. They also emphasize the need for bureaucratic rules and practices to be open to examination such as through evaluation noting that these rules may take on a life of their own increasing distrust and conflicting with a meaningful focus on how outcomes and impacts benefit citizens. The book concludes with guidance for both evaluators and for public sector leaders about steps that they can take to improve the responsiveness and relevance of public sector organizations. Pioneering the provision of reflections on how evaluation can play an important role in aiding bureaucracies in adapting Changing Bureaucracies is an important acquisition for public sector leaders evaluators evaluation managers and commissioners and academics alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367608040

Changing Business from the Inside OutA Treehugger’s Guide to Working in Corporations Corporate responsibility is considered an oxymoron by much of society. Corporations are among the least trusted of our institutions; and the 2008 financial crisis BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the collapse of the house of cards that was Enron have only added to public skepticism.So at a time when trust in corporations has reached an all-time low why is interest in corporate responsibility at an all-time high? A plausible explanation is that increasing numbers of stakeholders are demanding responsibility from corporations. Hyper-transparency of corporate activities fueled by disclosure laws and the Internet has increased awareness to the point where corporate behavior is under constant scrutiny. Smart business leaders are aware of this scrutiny and of the high costs of a public scandal. They know that in the long run it is cheaper to act responsibly now than to dig out from a PR disaster later.Tim Mohin is a veteran corporate responsibility practitioner who has led programs at Apple Intel and AMD. In this book Tim tells us why he believes he is making a difference where it counts and how others can do the same. His book is a manual on how to steer the corporate supertanker toward doing good for people and our planet.Changing Business from the Inside Out provides a fascinating roadmap to the corporate responsibility and sustainability field from beginning a career to forming a program to navigating the complicated politics of a corporation. Mohin likens the corporate treehugger role to "being the designated driver at the corporate cocktail party". Throughout his book he argues strongly that activists can accomplish more for the planet and society by serving as a voice of responsibility within the corporation rather than protesting outside the factory gates. Corporations are clearly the drivers of the world economy and the corporate responsibility practitioner has an essential role in bringing ethical and sustainable values to the C-suite and making sure that they are accomplished.Whether you are a practitioner needing advice a mid-career professional wanting to change course or an MBA wondering how to incorporate responsibility into your career this book has the answers you need. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906093709

Changing by DegreesThe Potential Impacts of Climate Change in the East Midlands It is now accepted that the world’s climate has warmed by about 0.5°C over the past one hundred years and will continue to warm by as much as 6°C by the end of the current century. What however do such fundamental changes actually mean for life and the economy at the local and regional scales for the industrialized nations? This extensive study represents a state-of-the-art regional assessment of the impacts of climate change in an industrialized European nation. Providing a comprehensive set of tools techniques and strategies it explores the potential impacts of climate change upon key landscapes economic and social sectors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138263727

Changing Central-local Relations In ChinaReform And State Capacity This book focuses on describing explaining and evaluating the changing central-local relationship in China. It presents a comprehensive picture of what has happened in China's central-local relations during the decade-long economic reform to understand the state of affairs in China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158774

Changing Change ManagementStrategy Power and Resistance The literature on Change Management works from the premise that management possesses the power to achieve change and this is evident in that resistance is little more than a footnote in most textbooks. This assumption sits uneasily however with the high failure rate of Change Management interventions. This book seeks to explain this paradox by providing a critical ‘relational’ approach towards Change Management. What would a book on Change Management look like that takes resistance seriously? This book attempts precisely this by exploring how resistance is as much a part of change as the strategies of those that seek to enact it. The findings are drawn from a qualitative study of organizational transformation in a Local Government Authority in the UK. Its detailed empirical insights enable readers to explore organizational change from many different perspectives considering issues such as the strategic use of metaphor and counter-metaphors; management and employee resistance; organizational politics and cynicism. It will be of interest to researchers academics and students interested in change management organizational studies human resource management and critical management studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140656

Changing China: Migration Communities and Governance in Cities China’s unprecedented urbanization is underpinned by not only massive rural-urban migration but also a household registration system embedded in a territorial hierarchy that produces lingering urban-rural duality. The mid-1990s onwards witnessed increasing reliance on land revenues by municipal governments causing repeated redrawing of city boundaries to incorporate surrounding countryside. The identification of real estate as a growth anchor further fueled urban expansion. Sprawling commodity housing estates proliferate on urban-rural fringes juxtaposed with historical villages undergoing intense densification. The traditional urban core and work-unit compounds also undergo wholesale redevelopment. Alongside large influx of migrants major reshuffling of population has taken place inside metropolitan areas. Chinese cities today are more differentiated than ever with new communities superimposing and superseding older ones. The rise of the urban middle class in particular has facilitated the formation of homeowners’ associations and poses major challenges to hitherto state dominated local governance. The present volume tries to more deeply unravel and delineate the intertwining forms and processes outlined above from a variety of angles: circulatory mobility and precariousness; urbanization diversity and segregation; and community and local governance. Contributors include scholars of Chinese cities from mainland China Hong Kong Canada Australia and the United States. This volume was previously published as a special issue of Eurasian Geography and Economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138332362

Changing ChinaA Geographic Appraisal Changing China: A Geographic Appraisal provides an up-to-date and detailed account of the giant country that is undergoing an unparalleled and historic transition from a centralized command economy to a market-based economy and from a rural agricultural society to an urban industrial power. Contributions from a distinguished team of geo Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314903

Changing Climates Ecosystems and Environments within Arid Southern Africa and Adjoining RegionsPalaeoecology of Africa 33 This book is volume 33 of the yearbook series ‘Palaeoecology of Africa’ presenting the outcome of a ‘tribute conference’ to the internationally recognized South African researcher and palynologist Professor Louis Scott. He has recently retired but is continuing his active research career. The conference proceedings and articles published here highlight and celebrate Prof. Scott’s contribution to palaeoscience and to the natural sciences in general. The conference was organized in July 2014 by the National Museum Bloemfontein and the University of the Free State South Africa and focused on both past and present environments ecosystems and climates of the arid regions of southern Africa an area that serves as major focus of Prof. Scott's research.Louis Scott’s research interests include stratigraphic palynology long-term continental environmental change during the Cainozoic and interpretation of palaeoenvironmental records associated with archaeological sites. His research has contributed insights into the origin of our current environment by identifying long-term patterns of climate change. Results have been applied in numerical models of vegetation change in Africa and globally. The results of these studies are relevant across the fields of botany geology climatology archaeology anthropology and palaeontology.The chapters revisit and discuss the scientific work of Prof. Scott: among others the reconstructions of vegetation and climatic history in various areas of southern Africa including the Tswaing Crater with a record of 200 000 years that give insights into environmental conditions during the Last Glacial Period and the subsequent development of modern conditions. Some observations also provide key baseline information contributing to understanding past human and environmental contexts and climatic change and the effects of global warming. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367377335

Changing Clinical CareExperiences and Lessons of Systematisation "Changing Clinical Care" adopts a fresh nursing and patient-centred approach to systemisation to aid patients and their carers. The evidence-based methodology outlines real-world experiences in various sectors of healthcare including primary care cardiac services general surgery and care of long term conditions. It sheds light on possible difficulties and examines the key lessons learnt in providing effective systemisation including common problems pit-falls and effective solutions. It includes high profile prologues by Dame Carol Black (Past President Royal College of Physicians of England) Dr David Colin-Thome (National Clinical Director for Primary Care Department of Health England) and Professor Alison Kitson (Executive Director Royal College of Nursing). This book is ideal for all healthcare professionals interested in systemising the delivery of care. It is also of great interest to healthcare policy makers and shapers and academics and researchers. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315383057

Changing Conceptions of PsychoanalysisThe Legacy of Merton M. Gill This outstanding memorial volume records and reassesses the contributions of Merton M. Gill (1914-1994) a principal architect of psychoanalytic theory and a principled exemplar of the modern psychoanalytic sensibility throughout the second half of the 20th century. Critical evaluations of Gill's place in psychoanalysis and a series of personal and professional reminiscences are joined to substantive reengagement of central controversies in which Gill played a key part. These controversies revolve around the "natural science" versus "hermeneutic" orientation in psychoanalysis (Holt Eagle Friedman); the status of psychoanalysis as a one-person and/or two-person psychology (Jacobs Silverman); pyschoanalysis versus psychotherapy (Wallerstein Migone Gedo); and the meaning and use of transference (Kernberg Wolitzky Cooper). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138462328

Changing Conceptions of Psychological Life Changing Conceptions of Psychological Life is an interdisciplinary look at personal constructions of self. This book is a product of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society. The contributing authors constitute the original cast invited to speak on the theme of how individuals come to construe psychological lives--their own and others. Their concerns are how our sense of ourselves emerges developmentally culturally and historically and the implications such constructions have for personal social and political change. Together the authors compose an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars well regarded for their work on topics as diverse as adolescence language aging romance and morality. Creating a level of discourse about selves and mind--and how they have been and should be studied--the volume is broken down into four parts; Part I includes work that is principally concerned with elevating the position of our experience of ourselves in constructing who we are. The next section focuses on the corrections presumed to exist between the conceptions of self and the conceptions of mental life. Each chapter offers additional information on the dynamics of temperament attachment personality and regulation. Part III is concerned with cultural contexts that frame developing conceptions of self and mental life. Finally the last section situates conceptions of mental life directly and dramatically in the social contexts of their making. Readers will find in these pages a programmatic effort variously attuned to selves and minds as dynamic and structured present and represented felt and known non-languaged and storied and embodied and theorized. The volume is suitable for certain upper-level undergraduate and graduate seminars dealing with clinical cognitive cultural and developmental matters and sought out by active researchers and practitioners in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415653770

Changing Constellations of Southeast AsiaFrom Northeast Asia to China Southeast Asia is among emerging economies that have become important drivers of the world economy. ASEAN has furthered the region’s economic integration. Yet growth remains dependent on foreign investment. Inequality has grown or remained high. Democracy instead of consolidating has stalled or regressed. Changing Constellations of Southeast Asia seeks to: Shed light on the gap between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia from a variety of viewpoints across trade and industry services and education and language policies; Examine institutions and elite capture to understand why middle-tier Southeast Asian countries have failed in following the ‘East Asian miracle’; Examine China’s growing influence and how this growing role affects Southeast Asia as a constellation. Contributing to critical political economy and comparative development studies in East Asia this timely volume will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in Southeast Asia studies International Political Economy Development sociology and economics Social Policy and Asian Politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367359904

Changing Contexts in Spatial PlanningNew Directions in Policies and Practices This book considers the major forces that have emerged to reshape planning following 2010 including national infrastructure project delivery the Localism Act (2011) and neighbourhood planning. This period also saw the introduction of the replacement of regional plans by new strategic sub-regional approaches in combined local authorities for functional economic areas. All of this is set within the UN’s New Urban Agenda Brexit the changing programme for the EU post 2021 and the likely effects that these will have on UK planning practice. There is also a discussion on the evolving planning policies in Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland and the ways in which the UK nations are beginning to work together more closely and with Ireland Jersey Guernsey and the Isle of Man through the spatial planning group in the British–Irish Council. Although primarily focused on the UK the text sets some of the policy discussions in a wider international context including agreements on the environment and the emerging alignment of governance and economies in newly recognised sub-regional spaces. It follows Effective Practice in Spatial Planning (2011) which addressed the developments in planning in the UK between 2004 and 2010 and discusses the major changes in all aspects of planning policy in the following period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815365068

Changing Contours of Microfinance in India This book brings together empirical evidences and theoretical perspectives to provide a comprehensive overview of the microfinance sector in India. The essays in the volume: focus on the application of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in microfinance institutions to strengthen the savings movement and widen credit access to Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367177201

Changing ConversationsCultural Analysis and Religious Reflection First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203948392

Changing DestiniesThe Re-Start Infant Family Programme for Early Autistic Behaviours The term 'pre-autism' is becoming more widespread as a result of growing awareness of the importance of a child's first three years of life in diagnosing behaviours which if untreated can develop into autism. In this book we are shown the problems parents can experience when their young child does not respond to them in a 'typical' way how they often voice concerns that something is 'not quite right' with their child and how it is important to address these concerns which may be signs of pre-autism. This book is about a new approach called 'Re:Start' developed by Stella Acquarone to diagnose and treat early autism. In the Re:Start infant/family programme a multidisciplinary team works with the parents and through the family relationships to reconfigure dysfunctional dynamics with the aim to "change destinies". Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782202233

Changing Direction: A Practical Approach to Directing Actors in Film and TheatreForeword by Ang Lee The second edition of this elegant and accessible primer offers a helpful reference and resource for directing actors in film television and theatre useful to directors actors and writers. Combining underlying theory with dozens of exercises designed to reveal the actor's craft Lenore DeKoven discusses constructing the throughline; analyzing the script; character needs; the casting and rehearsal processes; as well as the actor and the camera. Distilling difficult concepts to their simplest form DeKoven explains how to accurately capture and portray human behavior on stage and screen  offering creative solutions to issues she has encountered or anticipated after decades of experience. Excerpts from interviews with acclaimed actors offer insight into their work with directors what inspires them and what they really want from the director. This second edition incorporates the film Moonlight (2016 Barry Jenkins) for analysis of the directing concepts discussed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138490826

Changing Education SystemsA Research-based Approach As countries seek to develop their education systems achieving sustainable improvements amongst students from disadvantaged backgrounds remains a major challenge. This has considerable implications for those in the research community as they seek to influence developments in the field. Drawing on the authors’ extensive experiences as researchers policy advisers and influencers Changing Education Systems offers key insights on how to promote equity within education systems. Exploring three large-scale national reform programmes the book: Presents a series of propositions that are the basis of a research-based approach to system change Explains the creation of relationships in which academic researchers collaborate in the process of development Considers smaller place-based projects that are set within policy contexts dominated by the idea of market forces as a strategy for improvement Explores the steps needed to overcome locally specific barriers Changing Education Systems is a must-read for policy-makers and practitioners involved in educational reforms as well as researchers wishing to contribute to and learn from such developments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367221867

Changing EducationA Sociology of Education Since 1944 For courses in Sociology (Sociology of Education Applied Social Studies Research Methods Family Studies); Education (Educational Studies Educational Management and Teacher training - including B.Ed. and PGCE); Social Policy (Education Policy Research Methods) and History (Contemporary History Social History Research Methods Family Histories). It can also be used as a supplementary text on courses in Education Policy/Management options on Politics (Education Policy Political Sociology Research Methods); Psychology (Knowledge Intelligence Attitudes Research Methods) and Public Administration (Education Administration Education Management). This unusual multidisciplinary approach combines textbook and original research to provide an accessible introduction to the sociology of education and the evolution of education in post-war Britain. The book reviews existing research findings and theories and uses family education histories to illustrate how changes in education have been personally experienced and responded to. The issues systems key theories and research methods are all clearly explained. In providing a fresh and stimulating source of information and new ideas Changing Education enables students and teachers to understand and challenge assumptions about what education has been is and should be like.    Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152663

Changing Educational AssessmentInternational Perspectives and Trends Assessment is a key area of interest and debate in education. Its increased use by governments as a powerful means of influencing educational practice are now features of the educational scene worldwide. This volume was the first major international review of such developments and it explores the impact of assessment on all areas of education from teaching skills to policy-making. The contributors take a global perspective to spotlight the common problems facing teachers and students policy-makers and politicians through the world as they seek to reconcile issues of equity and national development educational imperatives and finite state resources. The contributions discuss the changing role of assessment and public examinations and consider such specific issues as the development of a market economy in educational provision the difficulties of measuring standards in international studies and accreditation of absolute rather than relative competencies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008489

Changing Educational Contexts Issues and Identities40 Years of Comparative Education Documenting major intellectual and paradigmatic changes in the field of comparative education in the light of the history and development of the journal Comparative Education this book compiles a selection of articles from forty years of the journal’s distinguished history. It illustrates how changing times have been reflected in the nature and quality of published comparative research. Contributors explore the impact of key issues such as marketisation accountability and globalisation upon policy and practice world-wide. They explore how new challenges faced by the social sciences have seen shifts in the contexts issues and priorities attended to by comparatives and how different approaches to comparative education have influenced the intellectual and professional identities and positioning of those involved. Bridging theoretically oriented scholarship with empirically grounded research relating to issues of policy and practice and with chapters addressing questions of relevance throughout the world this book is an invaluable resource of ideas and stimuli for further thinking and research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415509428

Changing Emotions The question ‘how far can emotions be changed?’ lies at the heart of innumerable psychological interventions. Although often viewed as static changes in the intensity quality and complexity of emotion can occur from moment to moment and also over longer periods of time often as a result of developmental social or cultural factors. Changing Emotions highlights several recent developments in this intriguing domain and provides a comprehensive guide for understanding how and why emotions change. The chapters are organized into five parts: • Lifespan Perspective• Learning Perspective• Social-Cultural Perspective• Emotional-Dynamics Perspective• Intervention Perspective. In each chapter an internationally renowned scholar presents a concise review of key findings from their own research perspective. The book will be of great interest to researchers in the area of emotion and emotion regulation as well as related fields such as developmental psychology educational psychology social clinical psychology and psychotherapy. It may also be of interest to sociologists philosophers and economists interested in learning more about emotions. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848721364

Changing Energy Behaviour in the Workplace Companies are becoming more aware of the public relations value of the green agenda to their business and are including information on their sustainability performance including their energy consumption in their annual corporate responsibility report. This guide discusses the impact of the end-user on energy consumption in the workplace. It reviews the role of feedback as a change mechanism and the use of interfaces such as eco-visualisation to motivate and maintain change using examples from BRE research. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848063983

Changing English Changing English examines the history of English from its origins in the fifth century to the present day. It focuses on the radical changes that have taken place in the structure of English over a millennium and a half detailing the influences of migration colonialism and many other historical social and cultural phenomena. Expert authors illustrate and analyze dialects accents and the shifting styles of individual speakers as they respond to changing circumstances. The reader is introduced to many key debates relating to the English language illustrated by specific examples of data in context.Including key material retained from the earlier bestselling book English: History Diversity and Change this edition has been thoroughly reorganized and updated with entirely new material. Changing English:explains basic concepts easily located through a comprehensive indexincludes contributions by experts in the field such as David Crystal David Graddol Dick Leith Lynda Mugglestone and Joan Swanncontains a range of source material and commissioned readings to supplement chapters.Changing English makes an essential contribution to the field of English language studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060543

Changing European AcademicsA Comparative Study of Social Stratification Work Patterns and Research Productivity European academics have been at the centre of ongoing higher education reforms as changes in university governance and funding have led to changes in academic work and life. Discussing the academic profession and most importantly its increasing stratification across Europe Changing European Academics explores the drivers of these changes as well as their current and expected results. This comparative study of social stratification work patterns and research productivity: Examines eleven national higher education systems across Europe (Austria Finland Germany Ireland Italy The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Switzerland and the United Kingdom) Provides a panoramic view of the European academic profession Confronts misconceptions of academic work and life with compelling results and detailed analyses Discusses new dilemmas inherent to the changing social and economic environments of higher education A thoughtful and comprehensive study of the changing academic profession in Europe this book will be of interest to higher education practitioners managers and policy makers both in Europe and globally. Changing European Academics will benefit anyone whose work relates to changing academic institutions and changing academic careers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815396482

Changing European Employment and Welfare RegimesThe Influence of the Open Method of Coordination on National Reforms This book examines how and to what extent the European Employment Strategy and the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) on Social Protection and Social Inclusion have influenced national labour market and social welfare policies. Focusing on the implementation of the OMC in different national environments this book examines how the proposals and targets of the OMC are interpreted and implemented within the context of existing national employment and welfare regimes. At a theoretical level and on the basis of national case studies the book considers how OMC objectives guidelines targets and recommendations may reshape the domestic institutional framework how learning and participation of governmental bodies are organized across different hierarchical levels and how non-state actors may be involved in the formulation and implementation of national reform plans. The authors conclude that the OMC has contributed significantly to both substantive and procedural reforms in spite of the many institutional barriers to Europeanization in this policy area. Featuring comparative case studies across a number of European states this book will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology political science public policy and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846370

Changing Face of MoneyWill Electric Money Be Adopted in the United States? Although the cashless society has been predicted for at least twenty years the new forms of card-based and software based electronic money may prove to be a partial alternative to the current forms of payment. This study examines these emerging electronic money systems and their possible adoption primarily in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865549

Changing Families First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467545

Changing Families Changing ResponsibilitiesFamily Obligations Following Divorce and Remarriage This book explores the topic of family obligations following changes in family structure caused by divorce and remarriage. Family obligations are commonly defined as the rights and duties that accompany family roles. They have been described as the "glue" that connects generations as well as the "oughts" and "shoulds" that surround individual family relationships. This book is primarily concerned with normative beliefs about what family members should do for each other. It differs from previous accounts of family obligation norms because it specifically focuses on family responsibilities after divorce and remarriage two events that affect an increasing number of families today. The authors draw extensively upon the findings of 13 studies of normative beliefs regarding post-divorce intergenerational family obligations. This book fills a gap in the present literature concerning family obligation. It addresses the weaknesses of prior research by focusing on family transitions and by presenting data from studies that employ contextual methods. The content will provide guidance to policymakers and helping professionals who work with families and the unique focus and procedures of the studies are likely to set the standard for future assessments of normative beliefs about family obligations. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138002869

Changing FamiliesAn Ethnographic Approach to Divorce and Separation Recent decades have seen spectacular increases in the levels of divorce and separation across the Western world. This important development is having a radical impact on the conduct and nature of family relationships. This book offers an original investigation of these critical transformations through an ethnographic analysis of post-divorce family life in Britain and provides insightful answers to vexing questions such as:- What cultural values and ideologies motivate and shape concerns over relationships when marriage ends?- Which relationships continue and why?- What cultural values underpin the financial transactions that take place or (more commonly) fail to take place after divorce?Drawing on extensive interviews with those most affected by divorce the author argues that the positive sentiments traditionally associated with the notion of kinship are wholly inadequate when it comes to understanding divorce but that kinship can provide an illuminating window through which to consider the breakdown of marital relations.This book represents a significant contribution to current debates over the changing form and expression of relationships in Western society in the late twentieth century. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003136033

Changing Food Habits First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203059685

Changing Frontiers in the Science of Psychotherapy This book is an exploration and mapping of the frontiers of research in psychotherapy. The authors make a systematic effort to discover where the science is going; analyzing conceptual problems trends and issues; record their interviews with the leaders in the field; and recommend new directions for research. The volume is the result of a three-year study on collaborative research in psychotherapy by the National Institute of Mental Health and was first published in 1972.In Changing Frontiers in the Science of Psychotherapy Allen E. Bergin and Hans H. Strupp introduce the reader to therapeutic science as it appeared to them during a three year process of evaluating available literature conducting interviews with scientists and therapists and exchanging and formulating viewpoints. Personal reflections and experiences were gleaned from working papers correspondence and personal material all of which gave life to the ongoing processes of science and provide considerable insight into everyday reality behind the scenes.The prominent therapists interviewed in this book include Arnold A. Lazarus Lester Luborsky Arthur H. Auerbach Lyle D. Schmidt Stanley R. Strong Paul E. Meehl Howard F. Hunt Bernard F. Riess Thomas S. Szasz Arnold P. Goldstein Gerald C. Davison Bernard Weitzman J. B. Chassan Kenneth M. Colby Albert Bandura Robert S. Wallerstein Harold Sampson Louis Breger Howard Levene Ralph R. Greenson Milton Wexler Carl B. Rogers Charles B. Traux Joseph D. Matarazzo Neal E. Miller Henry B. Linford Peter H. Knapp John M. Shlien David Bakan Marvin A. Smith and Peter J. Lang all of whom remain leading figures in the literature on psychotherapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520226

Changing Gay Male Identities As the world changes so sexual identities are changing. In a context of globalisation mass communication and technological advances individuals find themselves able to make lifestyle choices in new and different ways. In this increasingly confusing world sociologists have argued that identities are in flux and that traditional patterns of identity and intimacy are being disrupted and reshaped with all the implications for sexual identities that this suggests. Changing Gay Male Identities draws on the powerful life stories of twenty-one gay men to explore how individuals construct and maintain their sense of self in contemporary society. The book draws upon theoretical debates on topics such as gender performance sex class camp race and ethnicity to explore four aspects of identity: the role of the body in who we are relationships and communities performing in everyday life reconciling different aspects of our selves (such as religion and sexuality). In Changing Gay Male Identities Andrew Cooper assesses the magnitude of these social and sexual changes. He argues that although there are many opportunities for new forms of identity in a changing world the possibilities can be significantly constrained and that this has major implications for the freedoms and choices of individuals in contemporary societies. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology sexuality studies gender studies and GLBTQ studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138069237

Changing God’s LawThe dynamics of Middle Eastern family law This volume identifies and elaborates on the significance and functions of the various actors involved in the development of family law in the Middle East. Besides the importance of family law regulations for each individual family law has become the battleground of political and social contestation. Divided into four parts the collection presents a general overview and analysis of the development of family law in the region and provides insights into the broader context of family law reform before offering examples of legal development realised by codification drawn from a selection of Gulf states Iran and Egypt. It then goes on to present a thorough analysis of the role of the judiciary in the process of lawmaking before discussing ways the parties themselves may have shaped and do shape the law. Including contributions from leading authors of Middle Eastern law this timely volume brings together many isolated aspects of legal development and offers a comprehensive picture on this topical subject. It will be of interest to scholars and academics of family law and religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138605701

Changing Governance and Public Policy in East Asia The search for good governance has become an increasingly important element of public policy and public management and is high on the political agenda of East Asian countries. The need for robust governance structures and institutions was brought into sharp focus by the Asian Financial Crisis which adversely affected most East Asian societies. Since then they have begun to look for ways to restructure their public administration and political systems in order to develop new mechanisms and structures to promote good governance. This book focuses on how selected Asian states have responded to the growing impact of "liberalizing and marketizing trends" in public policy formulation and public management. To what extent is the "state-guided" regime in Asia still relevant to governing public policy / public management? What are the policy implications for a growing number of Asian states which are pursuing more pro-competition policy instruments? The book is a timely and important collection that offers critical analysis of the search for new governance in Asia and compares and contrasts experiences in selected Asian societies such as China Japan Hong Kong Taiwan South Korea Singapore and other parts of South East Asia. Chapters are written by leading scholars in the fields of comparative development policy and governance studies from Hong Kong Macau Taiwan China Singapore Japan and the United Kingdom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415673891

Changing Government Relations in EuropeFrom localism to intergovernmentalism The past quarter of a century has seen extensive change throughout Europe. There have been significant changes in local government and the European Union has come to play an increasing role in relation to municipal government. This book offers a comparative analysis of recent developments in intergovernmental relations in twelve countries across Europe. Using the framework for analysis from Page and Goldsmith’s 1987 Central and Local Government Relations each chapter examines changes in central-local relations in their respective country over the past 20 years. This book extends the coverage to include for the first time both federal systems and Eastern European countries. Offering detailed empirical studies  it assesses how far there have been changes in the functions access and discretion of local government. The book will be of great interest to students and scholars of local government urban politics EU studies and public administration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970120

Changing Habits of MindA Brain-Based Theory of Psychotherapy Changing Habits of Mind presents a theory of personality that integrates homeostatic dynamics of the brain with self-processes emotionality cultural adaptation and personal reality. Informed by the author’s brain-based relational psychotherapeutic practice the book discusses the brain’s evolutionary growth the four information-processing areas of the brain and the cortex in relationship to the limbic system. Integrating the different experiences of sensory and non-sensory processes in the brain the text introduces a theory of personality currently lacking in psychotherapy research that integrates neurobiology and psychology for the first time. Readers will learn how to integrate psychodynamic processes with cognitive behavioral techniques while clinical vignettes exemplify the interaction of neurophysiological process with a range of psychological variables including homeostasis developmental family dynamics and culture. Changing Habits of Mind expands the psychotherapist’s perspective exploring the important links between an integrated theory of personality and effective clinical practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367417369

Changing Ideas about Women in the United States 1776-1825 Written in 1954 and published in 1981 this fascinating study remains authoritative as an account of a body of opinion about women’s nature and role that was in vogue in America during the first half-century after independence. Combining intellectual and social history this work was one of numerous attempts being made at the time to add depth to American social history dealing with women and women’s experiences before feminism. The author explores British sources of American thought as well presenting an early comparative history and offers a focus on religion to show how processes of change to ideas about women occurred. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752565

Changing Images in MathematicsFrom the French Revolution to the New Millennium This book focuses on some of the major developments in the history of contemporary (19th and 20th century) mathematics as seen in the broader context of the development of science and culture. Avoiding technicalities it displays the breadth of contrasting images of mathematics favoured by different countries schools and historical movements showing how the conception and practice of mathematics changed over time depending on the cultural and national context. Thus it provides an original perspective for embracing the richness and variety inherent in the development of mathematics. Attention is paid to the interaction of mathematics with themes whose proper treatment have been neglected by the traditional historiography of the discipline such as the relationship between mathematics statistics and medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868273

Changing Info Environment/h This book shows how the impact of the information revolution stretches far beyond specific developments of computer-based systems and communications technologies. It provides the introduction to a new area of the interrelationship between technology and society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171773

Changing Japanese Suburbia First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991118

Changing Journalism Journalism is in transition. Irrevocable decisions are being made often based on flimsy evidence which could change not only the future of journalism but also the future of democracy. This book based on extensive research provides the opportunity to reflect upon these decisions and considers how journalism could change for the better and for the good of democracy. It covers: the business landscape work and employment the regulatory framework audiences and interaction the impact of technology on practices and content ethics in a converged world The book analyses research in both national and local journalism broadcast newspaper and online journalism broadsheet and tabloid drawing comparisons between the different outlets in the field of news journalism making this essential reading for scholars and students of journalism and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415579551

Changing Labour Policies and Organization of Work in ChinaImpact on Firms and Workers The transformation of China’s economy from a centrally planned to a market-oriented system has had a profound impact on management systems and practices at the firm level particularly changes to the organization of work. One of the consequences of this is increasing social disparity reflected through inequality of employees’ income and employment conditions. This book based on extensive original research including interviews and questionnaire surveys in different regions of China explores the exact nature of these changes and their effects. It examines state-owned enterprises foreign-owned enterprises and domestic private enterprises discusses the extent to which employees are satisfied with their employment conditions and whether they think their employment conditions are fair and outlines how managers and employees in China expect conditions to change in future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138317420

Changing Landscapes of Urban CitizenshipSouthern Europe in Times of Crisis Since the 2008 financial crisis politics of austerity in Europe have engendered far-reaching socioeconomic and political transformations. The recent refugee ‘crisis’ has also deeply affected the sociopolitical terrain. Contrary to past arguments about the reduced significance of the nation state Europe is experiencing a resurgence of nationalisms. Simultaneously often as a counter-response several European cities are experiencing an emergence of social practices that claim urban politics as a dynamic field of action and contestation potentially transcending national boundaries. In the past such practices tended to focus mainly on claims for the 'right to the city'. Currently however we observe a greater range of argumentations that re-signify the arena of urban citizenship. Through the entanglement of different scales and actors emerging practices of solidarity and needs-based claims and alliances between differently entitled subjects involving both natives and foreigners challenge and reshape institutions of governance and reactivate the field of urban politics against austerity and securitisation.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue in Citizenship Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592929

Changing LandscapesThe Development of the International Tropical Timber Organization and Its Influence on Tropical Forest Management This is the history of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO); its aims policies and achievements through drawing on contemporary records and the author's own wide experience. The book uses examination of past successes and failures to formulate a 21st-century agenda for the most practical ways of improving the management of forests and deciding forest policies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770712

Changing LappsA Study in Culture Relations in Northernmost Norway Changing Lapps A Study in Culture Relations in Northernmost Norway is a study of culture contact between the Saami and the Scandinavians chiefly Norwegians in an historical perspective. This study is based primarily on literary sources and official records supplemented by field work. In order to correct the stereotype of the Saami as being a homogeneous people and entirely nomadic reindeer breeders Gjessing describes Saami social structure and the functional aspects of the contact in terms of three Saami sub-cultures those of the sea Saami Reindeer Saami and the permanently settled inland Saami. Gjessing points out that there is an increasing feeling of solidarity following economic lines rather than the local and cultural lines among the Saami. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135319

Changing LawRights Regulation and Reconciliation Originally published in 2005. Law has a complex relationship to the phenomenon of change; it is an instrument a cause and an inhibitor of change. Law has both effected and been affected by extraordinary changes particularly in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This interdisciplinary collection addresses from a range of perspectives the theme of 'changing law'. The essays cover historical and contemporary issues of social political and legal change including human rights security law reform changes in knowledge production in universities and specifically in the legal academy and the legal oppression/protection of racial minorities. The chapters are grouped into three sections around shared focuses on states institutions and justice and collectively address common concerns of rights regulation and reconciliation: key legal problematics of the early twenty-first century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138619036

Changing Lives Changing Lives recounts the experiences of a dozen men on probation in Massachusetts who took classes for three months to read and talk about great works of literature. The men explored the writings of Malcolm X Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov amongst others. In these writings the men discovered many issues relating to their own lives such as substance abuse family breakdown poverty and racism. The lessons create a safe space for reflection and earnest conversation in which the students no longer have to bluff or be cool guarded or evasive. And because the classroom puts them on equal footing with authority figures - teachers probation officers and even judges - a new social awareness begins to emerge. Changing Lives shows how reawakening moral consciousness and a fresh commitment to society is essential if probationers are not to cycle endlessly through the limbo of street life and jail time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594518638

Changing Lives Changing Drug JourneysDrug Taking Decisions from Adolescence to Adulthood This book describes how a group of young people make decisions about drug taking. It charts the decision making process of recreational drug takers and non-drug takers as they mature from adolescence into young adulthood. With a focus upon their perceptions of different drugs it situates their decision making within the context of their everyday lives. Changing lives changing drug journeys presents qualitative longitudinal data collected from interviewees at age 17 22 and 28 and tracks the onset of drug journeys their persistence change and desistance. The drug journeys and the decision making process which underpins them are analysed by drawing upon contemporary discourses of risk and life course criminology. In doing so a new theoretical framework is developed to help us understand drug taking decision making in contemporary society. This framework highlights the pleasures and risks that interviewees perceive when making decisions whether or not to take drugs. The ways in which their drug journeys and life journeys intersect and how social relationships and transitions to adulthood facilitate or constrain the decision making process are also explored. Qualitative longitudinal research of this kind is uncommon yet it provides an invaluable insight into the decision making process of individuals during the life course. The book will therefore be of interest to researchers and students from a variety of disciplines including qualitative research methods as well as sociology criminology cultural and health studies. It will also be an important resource for professionals working in health promotion drugs education harm reduction and treatment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415623513

Changing Marriage Patterns in Southeast AsiaEconomic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions Various forms of partnering – such as officially registered marriages cohabiting relationships and other kinds of relatively stable relationships - are crucial in the formation of families throughout the world. Although today forms of partnering in the region are not restricted to formal marriage the norm remains for couples to marry – to establish a new family and to accept the cultural requirement to have children. This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of partnerships and marriage in the Southeast Asian region using quantitative data alongside qualitative approaches.Through the research of demographers sociologists and anthropologists it examines the way trends in the formation and dissolution of marriages are related to changes in the region’s economy and society; illuminating both the broad forces affecting marriage patterns and the way these forces work out at the individual and family level. Presenting the variety of contemporary marriage patterns in the region with an emphasis on the ways in which marriage issues impinge on the welfare of those concerned this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of Southeast Asia and the sociology of the family. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119284

Changing Media Homes and HouseholdsCultures Technologies and Meanings Media technologies have played a central role in shaping ideas about home life over the last two centuries. Changing Media Homes and Households explores the complex relationship between home householders families and media technologies by charting the evolution of the media-rich home from the early twentieth century to the present. Moving beyond a narrow focus on media texts production and audiences Deborah Chambers investigates the physical presence of media objects in the home and their symbolic importance for home life. The book identifies the role of home-based media in altering relationships between home leisure work and the outside world in the context of entertainment communication and work. It assesses whether domestic media are transforming or reinforcing traditional identities and relations of gender generation class and migrancy. Mediatisation theory is employed to assess the domestication of media and media saturation of home life in the context of wider global changes. The author also develops the concept of media imaginaries to explain the role of public discourses in shaping changing meanings values and uses of domestic media. Framed within these approaches four chapters also provide in-depth case studies of the processes involved in media’s home adoption: early television design family-centred video gaming the domestication of tablet computers and the shift from "smart homes" to today’s "connected" homes. This is an ideal text for students and researchers interested in media and cultural studies communication and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138791602

Changing Men Transforming CultureInside the Men's Movement The men's movement is a fascinating and vexing phenomenon that is part of the important history of gender change in the United States and the world. Men are finally engaging the challenges of feminism and rethinking what it means to be a man in today's society. At stake in this "crisis of masculinity" is the future of the family the economy and the society as a whole. This book examines the cultural imagery and the actions of the men of the mythopoetic men's movement in particular examining their ideas goals and behavior. The book innovates theoretically by synthesizing cultural sociology with an interest in power as well as social psychology. Using ethnography as its primary research method the study explores hegemony and microlevel power on the interactional level. The result is a dynamic look at the social construction of cultural discourse and the action that follows in this curious and unusual social movement. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635613

Changing Minds with Clinical HypnosisNarratives and Discourse for a New Health Care Paradigm This book is a scientifically current integrative and practical guide for understanding clinical hypnosis and its place within a new health care paradigm. Blending four original short stories with a treatise it alternates narrative prose with health science discourse to create a framework for embracing systemic emotional and relational elements that lie beyond diagnosis medication surgery and psychotherapy. Following the stories of four characters the authors establish an empirically-grounded conceptualization of the mind then demonstrate how practical applications of therapeutic hypnosis can help readers use individual and family resources in health and healing. Clinicians will learn to improve their care by embracing emotional relational and narrative elements that powerfully affect health beyond diagnosis medication surgery and psychotherapy. Further health care educators and policy makers will find inspiration that enriches professional training. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367251956

Changing Models of Capitalism in Europe and the U.S. The volume analyzes the long-term trajectories of change in the capitalist models of the UK Germany Sweden France Italy Hungary Slovakia and the United States. The case studies identify critical junctures and key periods of change in order to show how institutions are shaped by different sets of socio-political compromises and public policy. The case studies follow a common methodology comparing change and linkages across six core institutional domains thus facilitating a comparative understanding of the patterns and drivers of institutional change as well as how liberalisation impacts countries in similar and dissimilar ways. The historical perspective of the cases highlights the transformative effects of relatively slow and incremental changes. These case studies also make an innovative contribution to examining the linkages between four levels of institutions that regulate the economy – the international macro (national) meso and micro. The volume reveals both a common trend toward more liberal forms of capitalism but also variations on this overarching trajectory. Markets themselves create their own dynamics which have varied effects on firms and other economic actors in historically diverse institutional contexts.This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739874

Changing Names and Gendering IdentitySocial Organisation in Contemporary Britain This book investigates contemporary naming practices on marriage in Britain drawing on survey data and detailed interview material in which women offer their own accounts of the reasons for which they have changed or retained their names. Exploring the ways in which names are used to create and understand family to cement commitments and make it clear to the self and to others that subject is in ’true love’ Changing Names and Gendering Identity considers the manner in which names are used to make sense of the self and narrate life changes and choices in a coherent fashion. A critique of the gender-blindness of sociological theories of individualisation this volume offers evidence of the continued importance of traditions and the past to the functioning of contemporary society. In dissecting the everyday taken-for-granted ritual of name changing for women on marriage it sheds light on the nature of an enduring set of unequal gender relations which are used to organise society behaviour and interpersonal relations. Engaging with questions of power heteronormativity and gender relations this analysis of a significant ritual of contemporary heterosexual marriage will interest sociologists and scholars of gender studies with interests in the family identity and gender relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367595760

Changing Narratives of Youth CrimeFrom Social Causes to Threats to the Social In recent years western societies have experienced a fundamental transformation in the way crime is understood and dealt with. Against the backdrop of a current great interest in narratives in criminology this book draws on a narrative perspective to explore this transformation. Drawing on data from Germany the book focuses on changing narratives of youth crime in recent decades and the exact narratives that have been used abandoned invented or criticized in order to instil particular understandings of crime and measures to act against it. The author draws upon a wide range of sources including debates on youth crime in six parliaments from 1970 to 2012; articles on youth crime in four police and six social work journals from 1970 to 2009; and case studies with 15 young defendants who were interviewed before and after their trial and whose trial was observed. In doing so the author reconstructs narratives over several decades and overall reveals a fascinating and multifaceted scope of narratives of youth crime. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of youth crime and justice as well as criminology sociology politics and social work more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367074692

Changing News UseUnchanged News Experiences? Changing News Use pulls from empirical research to introduce and describehow changing news user patterns and journalism practices have beenmutually disruptive exploring what journalists and the news media canlearn from these changes. Based on 15 years of audience research the authors provide an in-depthdescription of what people do with news and how this has diversifiedover time from reading watching and listening to a broader spectrumof user practices including checking scrolling tagging and avoiding.By emphasizing people’s own experience of journalism this book alsoinvestigates what two prominent audience measurements – clicking andspending time – mean from a user perspective. The book outlines ways toovercome the dilemma of providing what people apparently want (attentiongrabbingnews features) and delivering what people apparently need (whatjournalists see as important information) suggesting alternative ways toinvestigate and become sensitive to the practices preferences and pleasuresof audiences and discussing what these research findings might mean foreveryday journalism practice. The book is a valuable and timely resource for academics and researchersinterested in the fields of journalism studies sociology digital media andcommunication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367485788

Changing Notions of the FeminineConfronting Psychoanalysts' Prejudices As culture changes so do notions of the feminine. Today women are exploring new gender identities gender dynamics and family configurations. They are questioning and redefining what it is to be feminine and expressing different attitudes toward motherhood. These issues have challenged classic psychoanalytic theory and practice. In this timely collection a range of prominent psychoanalysts confront and explore their prejudices about changing notions of the feminine and how it impacts their work. In a period of transition these issues are present in the clinical material of female patients and in the material of male patients who struggle in their complementary roles as partners and fathers. But how analysts listen and give meaning to clinical material is significantly affected by the analyst’s own prejudices her implicit and explicit theories as well as her subjective view of the world. Discussing topics such as the expression of power the compatibility of assertiveness and ambition with the feminine and the psychoanalytic impact of the spread of new reproductive techniques this important and far-reaching book will be essential reading for any psychoanalyst or psychotherapist who wishes to engage actively with the sociocultural moment in which they work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138360518

Changing Organizational CultureCultural Change Work in Progress How is practical change work carried out in modern organizations? And what kind of challenges tasks and other difficulties are normally encountered as a part of it? In a turbulent and changing world organizational culture is often seen as central for sustained competitiveness. Organizations are faced with increased demands for change but these are often so challenging that they meet heavy resistance and fizzle out. Changing Organizational Culture encourages the development of a reflexive approach to organizational change providing insights as to why it may be difficult to maintain momentum in change processes. Based around an illuminating case study of a cultural change programme the book provides 15 lessons on the entire change journey; from analysis and design to implementation and how organizational members should approach change projects. This enhanced edition considers the most recent studies on organizational change practice with new examples from businesses and the public sector and includes one empirical study which uses the authors’ own framework enriching their practical recommendations. It also draws on the latest theoretical developments including ideas of power and storytelling. Accompanying the text is an online pedagogic and research ideas guide available for course instructors and lecturers at Changing Organizational Culture will be vital reading for students researchers and practitioners working in organizational studies change management and HRM. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138918603

Changing Organizations from WithinRoles Risks and Consultancy Relationships Organizational change is often insider-led and supported by internal consultants and change agents. Most of what is written about change comes from the perspective of external consultants or from academics researching the activities of those with insider change roles. Changing Organizations from Within is unusual in providing a range of authentic insider accounts. The editors define 'insiders' as employees who lead and support change efforts within their own organizations and those psychoanalytically aware external consultants - external 'insiders' - who work closely with organizations and use the dynamics of transference and projection in their relationships with clients to illuminate organizational issues. Each chapter is written by an author with experience of different kinds of insider relationships with their client organizations. Some work 'inside' as employees. Some are external consultants whose work involves developing insightful insider perspectives. The book’s editors and several of the authors are graduates or have been faculty members of London's Tavistock Institute Advanced Organizational Consultation programme with experience of running development programmes for consultants and of coaching insiders. Changing Organizations from Within examines the pulls on role and identity that can easily undermine competence and practice. Understanding the system psycho-dynamics present in organizations helps consultants and change agents to make use of an insider perspective without becoming enmeshed in the client organization's regressive and inertial dynamics. The authors provide practical advice to help insiders navigate organizational space make sense of tricky situations and work more mindfully to help organizations change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409449683

Changing OrganizationsBusiness Networks In The New Political Economy Efforts by American companies to adapt to intense environmental pressures arising from incessant technological innovation and fierce competition across global product markets are dramatically changing how firms and their employees work. Daily headlines blare about corporate downsizings strategic alliances joint ventures acquisitions and merger Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314910

Changing OrganizationsClinicians as Agents of Change This work provides a rich mine of ideas to stimulate thinking about organisational interaction and organisations in relation to various socio/cultural values. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323646

Changing patterns in domestic energy use This BRE Trust report examines changes in English domestic energy use over time and where possible considers what trajectory we can expect for future energy consumption for the topics covered. In doing so it is hoped that changes in energy consumption can be better understood and taken into account in energy modelling and policy. The aspects of energy consumption examined for this report are lighting appliances cooking and space and water heating including bathing and showers. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848064300

Changing Patterns in Israel Agriculture First published in 1957. This study sought to analyse the problems raised by the changing forces and conditions in Israel in the middle of the twentieth-century. It discusses the impact of Israel’s achievement of political sovereignty upon its agricultural economy in the comparatively short space of six years. It examines the agricultural problems that arose as functions of the natural factors of production – land water climate etc. It endeavoured to assess new and better possibilities of farming. This title will be of interest to students of geography and agriculture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367256838

Changing Patterns Of Delinquency And CrimeA Longitudinal Study In Racine This book describes the incidence and prevalence of delinquency and crime within an ecological framework demonstrating how the changing structure of the city produces changing patterns of delinquency and crime. It presents the theoretical and empirical foundations of the early Racine research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166250

Changing Patterns of Social Protection "A thoughtful assessment of socioeconomic needs and influences observing the necessity for benefits as well as the lessons of experience offered by various nations"--Library Bookwatch Over the last two decades aging populations changing family structures market forces of globalization strains of immigration and political and ideological realignments have joined to create powerful pressures that are reshaping the design and philosophy of social welfare policies. Changing Patterns of Social Protection analyzes emerging patterns of social welfare and the implications of these trends for the future of social protection to vulnerable groups in France Germany Italy The Netherlands New Zealand Sweden United Kingdom and the United States. Examining central policy trends in these countries contributors explore current reforms of mainline programs: old age pensions disability and unemployment insurance family assistance health care and social services. The findings highlight how modern dynamics of social protection are manifest through reforms that include diverse social and economic incentives changing benefit structures a wide range of work-oriented measures the resurgence of private activity and current approaches to targeting benefits. Assessments of the socioeconomic influences that have precipitated these reforms reveal a broad range of common factors as well as country-specific influences such as the clientelistic approach to welfare in Italy the complexities of reunification in Germany and the "Dutch disease" of explosive claims for disability benefits. Changing Patterns of Social Protection offers insights into the issues raised by these policy reforms and their possible effects. By clarifying alternative policy designs this work affords a fresh perspective on how to think about the changing structure and function of social welfare arrangements in modern society. Neil Gilbert is Chernin Professor of Social Services and Social Welfare at the University of California Berkeley and director of the Center for Comparative Study of Family Welfare and Poverty Research. His numerous publications include twenty-five books and 100 articles that have appeared in the Wall Street Journal The Public Interest Society Commentary and leading academic journals. Rebecca A. Van Voorhis is assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Services at the California State University Hayward. Her publications include Activating the Unemployed and articles in Sociology and Social Welfare European Journal of Social Work and Children and Youth Services Review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520233

Changing Patterns of Teacher Education (RLE Edu N) The Brighton Conference in 1975 was devoted to an examination of some of the problems arising from the re-organisation of teacher education in a period of economic stringency and widespread cuts in education. The book is divided into four sections. The first considers the structural changes resulting from mergers and changing institutional roles. The second considers the changing curriculum; the third consists of discussion papers by three principals of colleges of higher education and the fourth section summarises discussions and seeks to identify some future trends in teacher education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753180

Changing Pedagogical Spaces in Higher EducationDiversity inequalities and misrecognition Higher education is in a current state of flux and uncertainty with profound changes being shaped largely by the imperatives of global neoliberalism. Changing Pedagogical Spaces in Higher Education forms a unique addition to the literature and includes significant practical pointers in developing pedagogical strategies interventions and practices that seek to address the complexities of identity formations difference inequality and misrecognition. Drawing on research studies based across California England Italy Portugal and Spain this book analyses complex pedagogical re/formations across competing discourses of gender diversity equity global neoliberalism and transformation and aims: to critique and reconceptualise widening participation practices in higher education to consider the complex intersections between difference equity global neoliberalism and transformation to analyse the intersections of identity formations social inequalities and pedagogical practices to contribute to broader widening participation policy agendas to develop an analysis of gendered experiences intersected by race and class of higher education practices and relations. Changing Pedagogical Spaces in Higher Education will speak to those concerned with how theory relates to everyday practices and development of teaching in higher education and those who are interested in theorising about pedagogies identities and inequalities in higher education. Engaging readers in a dialogue of the relationship between theory and practice this thought-provoking and challenging text will be of particular interest to researchers academic developers and policy-makers in the field of higher education studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138917224

Changing Perceptions of the EU at Times of BrexitGlobal Perspectives This volume brings together contributions that conceptualize and measure EU perceptions in the strategic regions around the world in the aftermath of the UK referendum. Contributors assess the evolution of EU perceptions in each location and discuss how their findings may contribute to crafting foreign policy options for the "new EU-27". Brexit is very likely to have a substantial bearing on EU external policy not merely because of the loss of a major member state with a special relationship to the US and the Commonwealth but also because it challenges the integrational success story that the EU strives to embody. This book thus serves a dual purpose: on the one hand it broadens the recent studies on Brexit by focusing on external partners’ reactions and on the other it allows for an innovative evaluation of policy options for EU foreign policy. Based on a solid theoretical foundation and empirically rich data it constitutes an innovative and timely addition to the evolving debate on Brexit and its consequences. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European politics Brexit British politics EU politics comparative politics and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367276669

Changing Perspectives 1Studies in the History Literature and Religion of Biblical Israel The volume brings together forty years of agenda-setting scholarship in Israelite and Judean history. The historical essays gathered here were among the first to raise serious questions about the "patriarchal age" the exodus from Egypt and the conquest of Canaan and the temple of Solomon. The literary essays on the Pentateuch challenged both the classical Documentary Hypothesis and the more recent modifications that support the notion of an extensive Deuteronomistic redaction of the Pentateuch. The final set of essays examines biblical notions of patriarchal religion myths of human origin and the legendary origins of Passover within a broad comparative context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872199

Changing Perspectives on England and the Continent in the Early Middle Ages This volume brings together a set of articles by Professor Anton Scharer dealing with the themes of conversion court culture and royal representation in Anglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Europe. It includes two previously unpublished papers and another four specially translated into English for this publication. Three papers focus on different aspects of conversion: the spread of Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England by means of social relations the role of language in this process and the monastic and social background of the insular mission to the Continent. With conversion came the import of Latin written culture including charters and one study focuses on royal styles in Anglo-Saxon charters. A second paper on early mediaeval royal diplomas and what they at times reveal about very personal reactions and sentiments leads to the theme of court culture. This is further explored in a batch of papers centred on Alfred the Great and covering the subjects of historiography of inauguration rites or ordines and of hitherto neglected personal contacts as a clue to the transmission of experiences ideas and texts. Closely linked are studies on the role of Charlemagne's daughters at their fathe's court and on objects of princely and royal representation. Throughout particular attention is given to the examination of mutual Anglo-Saxon and Carolingian influences and to viewing the matters under discussion from an 'Anglo-Saxon' as well as a 'Continental' perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409465768

Changing PlanesA Strategic Management Perspective on an Industry in Transition Published in 1998. The airline Industry has always been dynamic innovative and challenging. While the dynamism has in the past tended to arise on the production side a torrent of change on the commercial side is being unleashed by regularity liberalization. The magnitude and rate of change are also greater than anything previously encountered in the industry. This work is concerned with two distinct yet related transitions. The first is general potentially affecting the strategic management of all types of company-notably but not exclusively in North America Europe Latin America and parts of Asia. It is a transition to a new paradigm of strategic management in the growing number of airlines which participate in liberalized and increasingly competitive markets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138615854

Changing Political Economy of VietnamThe Case of Ho Chi Minh City This book explores the way in which the state has become commercialised under reform as party and government officials have gone into business and considers the impact that this has had on politics within Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The book charts the way in which power has been decentralised to the lower levels of the party-state but argues that the central state retains significant power. These issues are explored through a variety of case studies including the implementation of different reform policies struggles over political and business activity and the prosecution of two major corruption cases. Particular emphasis is placed on piecing together the myriad of informal practices which dominate business and political life in Vietnam. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138122116

Changing Politics of EducationPrivitization and the Dispossessed Lives Left Behind The authors persuasively argue that the present cascade of reforms to public education is a consequence of a larger intention to shrink government. The startling result is that more of public education's assets and resources are moving to the private sector and to the prison industrial complex. Drawing on various forms of evidence-structural economic narrative and youth-generated participatory research-the authors reveal new structures and circuits of dispossession and privilege that amount to a clear failure of present policy. Policymaking is at war with the interests of the vast majority of citizens and especially with urban youth of color. In the final chapter the authors explore democratic principles and offer examples essential to mobilizing in solidarity with educators youth communities labor and allied social movements the kind of power necessary to contest the present direction of public education reform. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612052717

Changing Power Relations in Northeast AsiaImplications for Relations between Japan and South Korea This book analyses the Japanese-South Korean relationship from various angles including politics security economics culture and immigration. In a sense the two countries are natural partners. Both are democratic societies they are economically strong and are the only two Asian countries that are members of the OECD. Both have security treaties with the USA they share security concerns when it comes to the North Korean nuclear threat as well as the rise of China which at the same time has become the largest trading partner for both. Japan and South Korea also share similar values customs cultures and languages. All this would make it logical for them to have a strong cooperative bilateral relationship. Yet this is still not the case. The contributors to this book examine how the relationship is affected by the changing power relations in Northeast Asia and find a most complex situation.   Understanding how Japan and Korea interact is central for anyone that wants to understand the politics of East Asia. This volume will be of huge interest to students and scholars of Asian politics as well as those interested in political science and peace and conflict resolution more generally. Marie Söderberg is Professor and Director of the European Institute of Japanese Studies Sweden. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415855334

Changing Prospects for Trade Unionism First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203056240

Changing Public Sector Values First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203054635

Changing Relations of WelfareFamily Gender and Migration in Britain and Scandinavia Changing Relations of Welfare is concerned with the complexities of family relations and practices in the recent past and how these have been imagined addressed or elided in present policy making. It uses rich and varied sources to offer an innovative approach to the analysis of meanings afforded to the family in different policy legal and welfare contexts in Sweden Denmark and Britain. This book considers how debates about responsibility obligation and rights have been gendered in social policy and welfare practice whilst also focusing upon the intersections of family gender race and ethnicity and the different ways in which legislation and policy in northern Europe have been used to regulate not only immigration but also the lives of migrant families. Presenting a historically informed comparative analysis of the shifting dynamics in the relationship between family and the state this volume offers new pathways for exploring questions of change and continuity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571270

Changing Relationships Some relationships are within the family -- such as between parents and children grandparents and children and between siblings -- while others are between friends. In some cases these distinctions are blurred (Are short-term partners family members? Are family members seen as such when relations become unfriendly? Does divorce if amicable replace a family with a friendship?). Using quantitative  cutting-edge statistical analysis in conjunction with a multi-disciplinary approach the contributors to this volume address the contemporary state of and dynamics in these various types of relationships linking these to key rites of passage such as leaving home marriage and childbirth to see how these stand after a period of rapid social change. The book will be of interest to scholars in a broad range of disciplines including sociology social policy and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415541046

Changing Representations of Nature and the CityThe 1960s-1970s and their Legacies The turn of the 1960s-70s characterized by the rapid acceleration of globalization prompted a radical transformation in the perception of urban and natural environments. The urban revolution and related prospect of the total urbanisation of the planet in concert with rapid population growth and resource exploitation instigated a surge in environmental awareness and activism. One implication of this moment is a growing recognition of the integration and interconnection of natural and urban entities. The present collection is an interdisciplinary inquiry into the changing modes of representation of nature in the city beginning from the turn of the 1960s/70s. Bringing together a number of different disciplinary approaches including architectural studies and aesthetics heritage studies and economics environmental science and communication the collection reflects upon the changing perception of socio-natures in the context of increasing urban expansion and global interconnectedness as they are/were manifest in specific representations. Using cases studies from around the globe the collection offers a historical and theoretical understanding of a paradigmatic shift whose material and symbolic legacies are still accompanying us in the early 21st century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367588854

Changing Research and PracticeTeachers' Professionalism Identities and Knowledge First Published in 1996. Arising from the 7th International Study Association on Teacher Thinking (ISATT) conference in 1995 this book presents a diverse yet integrated approach to understanding how research and practice in classrooms are changing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043227

Changing Resource Problems of the Fourth World Climbing food fertiliser and mineral prices as well as the Arab oil embargo in the seventies had severe economic consequences in developing countries. Originally published in 1976 this study explores the effects of these developments in the fourth world and how they can adjust to an international economy with a particular focus on resource availability in terms of energy and agriculture. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138955394

Changing Roles and Contexts for Health Library and Information Professionals This timely edited collection examines the evolving role of health professionals and explores the role they play in the context of where they work. It aims to encourage and inspire health information professionals worldwide to take on new opportunities and ensure their continued development and recognition as valuable assets in the changing health care environment. Library and information professionals working in the health sector face many challenges. Rapid developments in information technology and the provision of information coupled with organizational developments and the widespread adoption of evidence-based practice have ensured constant change for a number of years. How have library and information professionals met this challenge and how has this affected the roles they play? Will developments in services render the hospital librarian obsolete? Is there a need for academic health librarians amongst the Google generation of students? The key topics covered in the book are: providing information facilitating access to information and managing knowledge building capacity undertaking research and evaluation supporting research and practice exploiting technology evidence-based practice. Readership: Information workers and other health professionals as well as students on librarianship and information studies courses. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781856047401

Changing Roles for a New Psychotherapy Psychotherapy is not a “one size fits all approach.” As author John Miller describes in Changing Roles for a New Psychotherapy all theoretical orientations have their uses and merits in different situations and with different clients. Through a varied personal life and professional career in which he developed a creative psychotherapeutic approach that allows the adaptation of diverse roles with clients Dr. Miller has gained insights through working in academia the sciences management consulting and a state hospital. He applies these insights along with those he gained working various summer jobs to take readers beyond the standard medical model of diagnosis and treatment by drawing on the roles of other professionals. He examines 11 different occupations and explores how the insights gained in each field can enhance therapeutic possibilities. How does cooking relate to psychotherapy? Can accounting change the way psychotherapy is performed? Read on to find out! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415656573

Changing Roles in Natural Forest ManagementStakeholders' Role in the Eastern Arc Mountains Tanzania This title was first published in 2002. The paramount question facing natural resource management is how to develop sustainable management approaches. Illustrated by an in-depth study of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania this volume examines the role of community in the management of natural resources along with stakeholders' rights responsibilities and relationships to the forest. The author: reviews the significance of natural forest in the Eastern Arc; identifies changing forest management approaches in Tanzania; identifies stakeholders in natural forest management and whether they are primary or secondary stakeholders; examines historical imbalances in stakeholders' roles and relations between stakeholders; and draws conclusions on the effect of imbalances in stakeholders' roles on the development of sustainable forest management practices in the Eastern Arc. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138728509

Changing Rural Systems In Oman First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970144

Changing Schools in an Era of Globalization Much has been written about globalization and the challenge of preparing young people for the new world of work and life in times of complexity and continuous change. However few works have examined how globalization has and will continue to shape education in the East. This volume discusses education within the context of globalization and examines what is occurring in schools and systems of education in the People's Republic of China Hong Kong Chinese Taipei Singapore and Australia. Closer examination of recent developments and current trends reveal the same turbulence and a range of common issues in areas such as assessment curriculum leadership management of change pedagogy policy professional capacity and technology. This volume demonstrates the commonalities and differences and offers tremendous insight into the way things are done in places where student achievement is high but there is also a sense of urgency in continuing an agenda of change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138021556

Changing SchoolsAlternative Ways to Make a World of Difference Changing Schools places educational and social aims at the centre of a discussion of educational change. It draws on forteen case studies to explore school change which is oriented towards social justice and democracy. In an age of global mobility economic polarization and unprecedented environmental and cultural challenges the education of all children and young people to higher levels has become a key issue of international policy. Educational reform in such a context requires a serious rethinking and reworking of school and classroom practices. Social justice is integral to the challenge of raising standards since this requires removing the ongoing influence of poverty on school success. This thoughtful book presents new thinking and practice for bringing about school change drawn from diverse contexts around the world. It distils and compares the experiences and theories-in-action of engaged teachers school principals and academics. It seeks to challenge the dominance that human capital theories of school improvement currently hold on policy making. The authors draw on contemporary innovations in practice and theory and also long-standing traditions of alternative thinking and practice. Linking together and articulating other ways of conceiving of and implementing school change the collection bases its findings on values of equality and global citizenship. It shows how schools can work to make different languages knowledge narratives and truths integral to the mainstream curriculum everyday pedagogy assessment and general culture of the school. Changing Schools is directed at all who are concerned with progressive school change and the promotion of democratic citizenship and social justice. It will prove an invaluable source of inspiration for all involved in schools including teachers head teachers policy makers and those currently studying for school leadership positions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415558600

Changing SchoolsPupil Perspectives on Transfer to a Comprehensive Changing schools at 11 or 12+ is a critical often traumatic event in a pupil’s career. Earlier studies had looked at this transitional stage from the schools’ point of view in the light of institutional aims and objectives. Originally published in 1984 this richly detailed and readable study looks at it from the pupils’ point of view: it illustrates their perceptions of the transfer their anxieties and their experiences. The book is the result of a research project in which children transferring from a typical middle school to a typical comprehensive in a Midlands town were observed over a period of eighteen months. The authors reveal various ways in which children adjust to a large more complex school organisation to new forms of discipline and authority and new demands in school work. They emphasise the significance of teenage culture during this period and identify an important area of interplay between school culture and sub-culture. They pay special attention to gender identities and the ways in which these affect pupils’ responses to different subjects in the curriculum. Finally they consider the theoretical and policy implications of their survey and make positive recommendations for improving school and classroom practice at both primary and secondary level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367422585

Changing Self-Destructive HabitsPathways to Solutions with Couples and Families For the first time in one volume self-harm substance abuse eating-disordered behavior gambling and Internet and cyber sex abuse—five crippling self-destructive behaviors—are given a common conceptual framework to help with therapeutic intervention. Matthew Selekman and Mark Beyebach two internationally-recognized therapists know first-hand that therapists see clients who have problems with several of these habits in varying contexts. They maintain an optimistic positive solution-focused approach while carefully addressing problems and risks. The difficulties of change the risk of slips and relapses and the ups-and-downs of therapeutic processes are widely acknowledged and addressed. Readers will find useful hands-on therapeutic strategies and techniques that they can use in both individual and conjoint sessions during couple family and one-on-one therapy. Detailed case examples provide windows to therapeutic processes and the complexities in these cases. Clinical interventions are put in a wider research context while research is reviewed and used to extract key implications of empirical findings. This allows for a flexible and open therapeutic approach that therapists can use to integrate techniques and procedures from a variety of approaches and intervention programs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415820769

Changing Sentiments and the Magdalen HospitalLuxury Virtue and the Senses in Eighteenth-Century Culture This book charts the complex ideological territory of eighteenth-century sentimental discourse through the uniquely revealing lens of the London Magdalen Hospital for Penitent Prostitutes. The establishment of the London Magdalen House in 1758 is read as the cultural high watermark of sentimental confidence in the compatibility of virtue and commerce. It is the product of a whiggish moral-sense discourse at its most ebullient and culturally authoritative. Equally visible though in this context are the ideological limitations of moral-sense thinking and an anticipation of the ways in which its ideas ultimately failed to underwrite commercial virtue. Sentimental discourse fractures in the course of the mid-century: in part it becomes increasingly divorced from the world; retreating into a primitivist proto-Romantic virtue which claims no purchase on "things as they are." Where sentimental vocabulary persists in a worldly context it becomes divorced from a vocabulary of moral virtue. It is overlaid with a French usage where "sentiment" and "sensibility" describe exquisite emotion rather than refined and cultivated virtue.' Changing Sentiments and the Magdalen Hospital registers the fracturing and shifting ground of sentimental discourse in the changing institutional practise of the Magdalen institution most particularly in its increasingly embrace of evangelical religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367875992

Changing Sexualities and Parental Functions in the Twenty-First CenturyChanging Sexualities Changing Parental Functions Recent societal changes have challenged long-established concepts in psychoanalysis including the Oedipus complex parental functions and male and female psychosexuality. 'Postmodern families' based on sexual and emotional exchanges independent of gender now include homoerotic couples who adopt children or who create them through assisted fertilisation as well as single parent families and blended families. A number of highly-renowned Latin American psychoanalysts have drawn attention to the urgency of revising theoretical and clinical concepts in the light of these new scenarios. In this book they open up ideas which cover familiar territory of current concerns in psychoanalytic work as well as other little-explored areas with the emphasis on evolving sexualities and new experiences of parenthood. The first section revisits psychoanalytic theories particularly parental functions in the area of sexuality and gender. The following section discusses new family configurations and vicissitudes of the desire to have a child in men and women with the authors presenting some psychic consequences for parents in therapy who have turned to assisted fertilisation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782204947

Changing Social Attitudes Toward DisabilityPerspectives from historical cultural and educational studies Whilst legislation may have progressed internationally and nationally for disabled people barriers continue to exist of which one of the most pervasive and ingrained is attitudinal. Social attitudes are often rooted in a lack of knowledge and are perpetuated through erroneous stereotypes and ultimately these legal and policy changes are ineffectual without a corresponding attitudinal change. This unique book provides a much needed multifaceted exploration of changing social attitudes toward disability. Adopting a tripartite approach to examining disability the book looks at historical cultural and education studies broadly conceived in order to provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the documentation and endorsement of changing social attitudes toward disability. Written by a selection of established and emerging scholars in the field the book aims to break down some of the unhelpful boundaries between disciplines so that disability is recognised as an issue for all of us across all aspects of society and to encourage readers to recognise disability in all its forms and within all its contexts. This truly multidimensional approach to changing social attitudes will be important reading for students and researchers of disability from education cultural and disability studies and all those interested in the questions and issues surrounding attitudes toward disability. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138216051

Changing Social Structure in GhanaEssays in the Comparative Sociology of a new State and an old Tradition Originally published in 1975 this book presents the results of research into social change in Ghana. The book looks in detail at the problems of particular sub-groups and sectors in one single nation and they show that the field-worker with a wide comparative background in the range of pre-industrial societies has a positive role to play in contemporary social science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138594128

Changing Spaces of EducationNew Perspectives on the Nature of Learning In today’s modern climate education and learning take place in multiple and diverse spaces. Increasingly these spaces are both physical and virtual in nature. Access to and use of information and communication technologies and the emergence of knowledge-based economies necessitate an understanding of the plurality of spaces (such as homes workplaces international space and cyberspace) in which learning can take place. The spaces of policy making with respect to education are also being transformed away from traditional centres of policy formation towards the incorporation of a wider range of actors and sites. These changes coincide with a more general interest in space and spatial theory across the social sciences where notions of simultaneity and diversity replace more modernist conceptions of linear progress and development through time. This volume proffers a unique perspective on the transformation of education in the 21st century by bringing together leading researchers in education sociology and geography to address directly questions of space in relation to education and learning. This collection of essays: examines the changing and diverse spaces and concepts of education (occurring simultaneously at different scales and in different parts of the world) explores where education and learning take place discusses how spaces of education vary at different stages (compulsory schooling tertiary and higher education adult education and workplace learning) inspects the ways in which the meanings attached to education and learning change in different national and regional contexts.   Changing Spaces of Education is an important and timely contribution to a growing area of concern within the social sciences and amongst practitioners and policy-makers reflecting an urgent need to understand the ways in which both education and learning are being reconfigured not just nationally but also internationally and transnationally. It is essential reading for final-year undergraduates postgraduates and researchers in geography sociology education and policy studies with an aim too of informing policy and practice in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415672221

Changing Sports Journalism Practice in the Age of Digital Media As the funding of journalism moves centre stage as a driver in shaping the new trajectories of journalism in the digital age this book focuses on how those working in sports journalism have had to adapt and re-invent themselves. Running through this international collection are key themes related to sports journalism in the digital environment. These include aspects of disruption to: established norms of journalistic practice; institutional allegiance; the authority and primary definer role of journalism; and the career structure and development for journalists writing about sport. The book draws on empirically-led research that mixes qualitative and quantitative approaches and seeks to better understand and position what is going on across contemporary sports journalism. In so doing this collection identifies change but also areas of continuity as well as new opportunities for journalists. This book was originally published as a special issue of Digital Journalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367362522

Changing StatesTransformations in Modern Irish Writing First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138440135

Changing Structure of MexicoPolitical Social and Economic Prospects Mexico is reinventing itself. It is moving toward a more tolerant global market oriented and democratic society. This new edition of "Changing Structure of Mexico" is a comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of Mexico's political social and economic issues. All chapters have been rewritten by noted Mexican scholars and practitioners to provide a lucid and informative introductory reader on Mexico. The book covers such topics as Mexico's foreign economic policy and NAFTA; maquiladoras; technology policy; and Asian competition; as well as domestic economics such as banking tax reform and oil/energy policy; the environment; population and migration policy; the changing structure of political parties; and values and changes affecting women. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705859

Changing Styles in Shakespeare First published in 1981. Each of Shakespeare's plays is in a continuous state of development in performance. This book examines major changes whilst focusing on six plays in detail: Coriolanus Measure for Measure Troilus and Cressida Henry V Hamlet and Twelfth Night. Changing Styles in Shakespeare looks at representative and key productions to trace the evolution of each play on today's stage illustrating how production changes relate to a changed perception of the play and thus to shifts in social attitudes. It singles out the salient features of many productions paying special attention to reviews and prompt books. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315889177

Changing SubjectsThe Making of Feminist Literary Criticism These twenty autobiographical essays by eminent feminist literary critics explore the process by which women scholars became feminist scholars articulating the connections between the personal and political in their lives and work. They describe the experiences that radicalised women within academia and without as students professors scholars political activists women. From these diverse histories a collective history emerges of the development of feminism as an intellectual and social movement as a heuristic tool as the redefinition of knowledge and power. This book presents a history of the field through the eyes of those who have created it. Offering a spectrum of experiences and critical positions that engage with current debates in feminism it will be valuable to teachers and students of feminist theory women’s studies and the history of the women’s movement. It will interest female writers and scholars in all disciplines and anyone who cares about feminism and its future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752336

Changing SuburbsFoundation Form and Function The editors and contributors to this volume demonstrate how suburbs and the meaning of suburbanism change both with time and geographical location.Here the disciplines of history geography and sociology together with subdisciplines as diverse as gender studies art history and urban morphology are brought together to reveal the nature of suburbia from the nineteenth century to the present day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991125

Changing Taiwanese Identities The peoples of Taiwan have been influenced by many different cultures and migrations throughout the island’s history. In the 20th and early 21st centuries especially it has been a stage for cultural and ethnic conflict not least because of the arrival of mainland Chinese fleeing the Chinese Communist Revolution. The subsequent tensions between those who see Taiwan as a natural territory of China and those who would prefer to see it remain independent have brought to the fore questions of what it is to be ‘Taiwanese’. This book addresses the question of how Taiwanese identities have changed after the Taiwanization process which began in the 1990s. It also examines the impact of this process on cross-strait relations between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China after the return of the Kuomintang to power after 2008 and the Sunflower movement in 2014. The various contributors between them cover a range of topics including the waves of migration to Taiwan changes of political regimes generational differences and social movements. Taken as a whole this book presents a nuanced picture of the patchwork of identities which exist in contemporary Taiwan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367272838

Changing Teaching Changing Teachers21st Century Teaching and Learning Through Lesson and Learning Study A unique feature of this book is its focus on engaging teachers themselves in changing teaching as a way to bring about teacher change through lesson study and learning study. The sequence – changing teaching changing teachers – is significant. This approach to professional development is not about telling teachers what and how they should teach to bring about change in their students’ learning outcomes. It is about empowering teachers to make their own decisions about what needs to change. Empowering teachers in this way has been identified as the ‘soul’ of Japanese lesson study (Cheng 2019). It is the soul which can so easily be compromised when lesson study is adopted and – inevitably it seems – adapted in new contexts around the globe. Without teacher empowerment top-down curriculum development is almost bound to fail. In presenting the cases of collaborative professional development included in this book care has been taken to include the teachers’ voices. They are intended to be the subjects and not the objects of our research into teachers’ professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367427856

Changing the Conditions for Development AidA New Paradigm? In 1998 the World Bank published a report entitled "Assessing Aid: What Works What Doesn't and Why". This report presents the results of an extensive investigation into the effectiveness of development aid. The main message of the text of the report is that development aid helps but only when there is a good policy environment in the recipient countries that is when there is sound macroeconomic management and when robust government institutions exist. It stresses that it is a myth to think that good policies can be bought by giving development aid: giving aid conditional on policy reforms does not lead to improved economic policies. The conclusion of the World Bank report is that aid flows should be directed only to countries with sound policies and that it should be focused more on supporting governments in reforming entire sectors rather than on specific development projects.  The "Assessing Aid" report has led to heated debates both among academics and policy-makers about development aid and aid policies. Many have questioned the methodology used the results and the policy conclusions of the report. This book aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the future of development aid. In particular it re-examines a number of issues that are crucial to the analysis and to the conclusions of the World Bank report.  In this study the authors aim to put the discussion on the future of development aid into perspective and summarise the main findings of the other studies in this collection. They  focus on two issues: the aid effectiveness debate before and after the Assessing Aid report and the discussion on policy conditionality and good governance. Section II provides a brief survey of past research on aid effectiveness that is before publication of the Assessing Aid report and summarises the main findings of the World Bank report on aid effectiveness. In this study the authors aim to put the discussion on the future of development aid into perspective and summarise the main findings of the other studies in this collection. They  focus on two issues: the aid effectiveness debate before and after the Assessing Aid report and the discussion on policy conditionality and good governance. Section II provides a brief survey of past research on aid effectiveness that is before publication of the Assessing Aid report and summarises the main findings of the World Bank report on aid effectiveness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138867277

Changing the Educational LandscapePhilosophy Women and Curriculum Changing the Educational Landscape is a collection of the best-known and best-loved essays by the renowned feminist philosopher of education Jane Roland Martin. Trained as an analytic philosopher at a time before women or feminist ideas were welcome in the field Martin brought a philosopher's detachment to her earliest efforts at revolutionizing the curriculum. Her later essays on women and gender further showcase the tremendous intellectual energy she brought to the field of feminist educational theory. Martin explores the challenges and contradictions posed by the very concept of women's education and also recognizes how the presence of women necessitates the rearticulation of not only the curriculum but also the standard ideologies in education. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315021553

Changing the Food GameMarket Transformation Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture By 2050 the world’s population is estimated to grow to 10 billion. To feed everyone we will have to double our food production to produce more food in the next 40 years than in the whole of the last 6 000. Changing the Food Game shows how our unsustainable food production system cannot support this growth. In this prescient book Lucas Simons argues that the biggest challenge for our generation can only be solved by effective market transformation to achieve sustainable agriculture and food production. Lucas Simons explains clearly how we have created a production and trading system that is inherently unsustainable. But he also demonstrates that we have reason to be hopeful – from a sustainability race in the cocoa industry to examples of market transformation taking place in palm oil timber and sugarcane production. He also poses the question: where next? Provocative and eye-opening Changing the Food Game uncovers the real story of how our food makes it on to our plates and presents a game-changing solution to revolutionize the industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783532308

Changing the GameSustainable Market Transformation Strategies to Understand and Tackle the Big and Complex Sustainability Challenges of Our Generation We are at the beginning of the sustainability era. The biggest challenge of our generation is to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. For this we must be willing to understand and change the root causes that create these challenges in the first place. The system itself needs to change. But how to do that? This ground-breaking book Changing the Game reveals the missing insights and strategies to actually achieve system change. The authors Lucas Simons and André Nijhof bring decades of real life and academic experience and state that most of the sustainability challenges are actually caused by the same system failures every time. Therefore the way to accelerate and manage system change is also similar every time – if you know where to look and how to act. The theory of sustainable market transformation and system change is described in a compelling and easy to understand eight-step approach applied to eight different sectors. The authors together with respected sector experts describe the drivers triggers and dominant thinking in each of these sectors as well as the strategies needed to move towards higher levels of sustainability. This book is highly accessible and engaging and is perfect for use by professionals leaders and students for understanding how to move markets to a more sustainable future.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367145996

Changing the NewsThe Forces Shaping Journalism in Uncertain Times Changing the News examines the difficulties in changing news processes and practices in response to the evolving circumstances and struggles of the journalism industry. The editors have put together this volume to demonstrate why the prescriptions employed to salvage the journalism industry to date haven’t worked and to explain how constraints and pressures have influenced the field’s responses to challenges in an uncertain changing environment. If journalism is to adjust and thrive the following questions need answers: Why do journalists and news organizations respond to uncertainties in the ways they do? What forces and structures constrain these responses? What social and cultural contexts should we take into account when we judge whether or not journalism successfully responds and adapts? The book tackles these questions from varying perspectives and levels of analysis through chapters by scholars of news sociology and media management. Changing the News details the forces that shape and challenge journalism and journalistic culture and explains why journalists and their organizations respond to troubles challenges and uncertainties in the way they do. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415871587

Changing the Paradigm of Homelessness Changing the Paradigm of Homelessness offers a comprehensive look at family housing distress related to the homelessness epidemic in the United States. This book explores the causes and consequences of this epidemic and proposes drastic changes in America’s historically ill-fated approach to family homelessness. By describing this crisis in detail the authors enlighten readers to the scope of this issue describe those impacted by it and outline ways to shift public policies and public perceptions. The authors interweave scholarly concepts with insights of those who are currently or previously homeless and in doing so they show the importance of academic knowledge influencing policy decisions and the ways in which these influences impact the lives of real persons. This book then uses pedagogy policy and pragmatism to critique the United States’ approach to family homelessness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138362987

Changing the PerformanceA Companion Guide to Arts Business and Civic Engagement A result of many years of research and practice Changing the Performance is a book about the arts and about business and the interplay between the two. Julia Rowntree gives a fascinating account of her experiences forging the business sponsorship campaign at the London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT). Raising intriguing questions this book proposes that fundraising for the arts is much more than simply a function for generating income. It fulfils an ancient social role of connection across levels of power expertise culture gender and generation. Rowntree describes why these dynamics are vital to society's ability to adapt. Changing the Performance is an inspiring manual for arts practitioners concerned with the relationship between business the arts and wider society and particularly those engaged in fundraising. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315824413

Changing The SubjectWomen In Higher Education First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9781315095899

Changing the System: The Music of Christian Wolff Christian Wolff is a composer who has followed a distinctive path often at the centre of avant-garde activity working alongside figures such as John Cage Merce Cunningham and Cornelius Cardew. In a career spanning sixty years he has produced a significant and influential body of work that has aimed to address in a searching and provocative manner what it means to be an experimental and socially aware artist. This book provides a wide-ranging introduction to a composer often overlooked despite his influence upon many of the major figures in new music since the 1950s from Cage to John Zorn to the new wave of experimentalists across the globe. As the first detailed analysis of the music of this prolific and highly individual composer Changing the System: The Music of Christian Wolff contains contributions from leading experts in the field of new and experimental music as well as from performers and composers who have worked with Wolff. The reception of Wolff's music is discussed in relation to the European avant-garde and also within the context of Wolff's association with Cage and Feldman. Music from his earliest compositions of the 1950s the highly indeterminate scores the politically-inspired pieces up to the most recent works are discussed in detail both in relation to their compositional techniques general aesthetic development and matters of performance. The particular challenges and aesthetic issues arising from Wolff's idiosyncratic notations and the implications for performers are a central theme. Likewise the ways in which Wolff's political persuasions - which arguably account for some of the notational methods he chooses - have been worked out through his music are examined. With a foreword by his close associate Michael Parsons this is a valuable addition to experimental music literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273535

Changing the Way We Work How many problems at work arise from the way in which jobs are set up? Either people don't have a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities spending time and energy disentangling them from those of their co-workers or they are hemmed in by job specifications that allow no room for movement and initiative.An alternative system is needed where jobs can grow and develop: where communication about the work can flow up as easily as down. Dr Belbin describes a radical approach incorporating colour-coding and information technology derived from experiments now being undertaken in three countries. Workset is a new means of delivering greater efficiency in a dynamic process that equally involves managers and jobholders. Dr R. Meredith Belbin regarded as the father of team-role theory for his widely-read Management Teams: Why they succeed or fail and its successor Team Roles at Work obtained his first and higher degree at Cambridge University. Later in a research lecturing or consulting capacity he has visited and worked in many countries. In 1988 he founded Belbin Associates which produces Interplace a computer-based Human Resource Management System now used world-wide. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080500904

Changing the Wor(l)dDiscourse Politics and the Feminist Movement Changing the Wor(l)d draws on feminist publishing postmodern theory and feminist autobiography to powerfully critique both liberal feminism and scholarship on the women's movement arguing that both ignore feminism's unique contributions to social analysis and politics. These contributions recognize the power of discourse the diversity of women's experiences and the importance of changing the world through changing consciousness. Young critiques social movement theory and five key studies of the women's movement arguing that gender oppression can be understood only in relation to race sexuality class and ethnicity; and that feminist activism has always gone beyond the realm of public policy to emphasize improving women's circumstances through transforming discourse and consciousness. Young examines feminist discursive politics critiques social science methodology and proposes an alternative approach to understanding the women's movement. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315022079

Changing the Workplace Safety Culture Despite the fact that workplaces have implemented and followed new safety innovations and approaches the majority of them have seen little if any significant progress in the reduction of accidental deaths and injuries. Changing the Workplace Safety Culture demonstrates that changing the way an organization views and practices safety will impact the behavior of all employees including executive and line managers. It delineates how safety culture change can be implemented and defines the roles of everyone in the safety culture including management employees and unions and their members. Rather than focus on behavior-based safety measures this book provides step-by-step procedures on how to establish a long-lasting integrated safety management system in any organization. It explores how to change the safety personality of an organization. The author covers the management principles and functions that need to be applied to bring about safety culture change and includes many real-life examples. He goes on to explain the activities needed to implement safety change and the benefits of getting others involved in the safety management system. The only way to ensure that accidents and their consequences are tackled at the source is to identify and eliminate the workplace risks before rather than after the event. To be truly effective safety activities must be integrated into the day-to-day business and become a way of life for management and employees of the organization. This book provides a blueprint for creating an active safety culture that prevents accidents before they occur and becomes the key component in ongoing safety success. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466567689

Changing Theories And Practices Of Discipline Behaviour problems" in our schools occupy a considerable part of the education agenda and media attention. The major thrust of the literature has been on the provision of "new classroom management approaches". Too often these "packages" are inappropriate to the specific context of the school and its pupils. There are no "quick-fix" solutions. In this book Slee proposes a critical re-examination of the school discipline issue. In doing so he provides an overview of policy change; an examination of the major schools of thought on student discipline; a reconsideration of the context in which young people teachers and schools now find themselves; and practical responses for addressing all levels of discipline policy making. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865522

Changing Times for Black Professionals This book is a study of the challenges issues and obstacles facing black professional workers in the United States. Though they have always been a part of the U.S. labor force black professionals have often been overlooked in media research and public opinion. Ironically however their experiences offer a particularly effective way to understand how race shapes social life opportunities and upward mobility. As the 21st century continues to usher in increasing demographic social and economic change to the United States it is critical to consider the impact this will have on an important sector of the labor force. In this book I examine the reasons why sociological study of black professional workers is important and valuable review the literature that examines their experiences in the workplace and consider the issues and challenges they are likely to face in a rapidly shifting social world. The goal of this new unique Series is to offer readable teachable "thinking frames" on today’s social problems and social issues by leading scholars all in short 60 page or shorter formats and available for view on For instructors teaching a wide range of courses in the social sciences the Routledge Social Issues Collection now offers the best of both worlds: originally written short texts that provide "overviews" to important social issues as well as teachable excerpts from larger works previously published by Routledge and other presses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164888

Changing Times In Teacher EducationRestructuring Or Reconceptualising? Pressures for reform in teacher education have begun to take on the same sense of urgency as school reform. Those faculties of education who have been strong advocates for change in the schools now find themselves the subject of similar pressures from governmental policy makers. Attempts at change have taken place in many different countries and jurisdictions around the world.; This book details through a series of international vignettes how teachers are responding to the changing times and social contexts in which they do their work. The authors hold the view that changes are inevitable in teacher education but what is not clear is who will control the changes and whether the end result will actually improve the preparation of teachers. The theme of the book is that the reform of teacher education should be informed by intelligent debate and that any attempt to restructure teacher preparation should result from a careful reconceptualisation of it purposes and processes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046319

Changing TrainsRailway Reform and the Role of Competition: The Experience of Six Countries Published in 1999. The book presents and compares the new relationships between transport authorities and railway companies in a number of countries (Great Britain Sweden Japan Germany Switzerland and France). It also presents a number of case studies focusing on the role of contracts competition and tendering and presenting the achievements of the new regimes so far. This book is aimed at all transport professionals authorities and academics interested in the increasing use of competition in the passenger railway sector. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611986

Changing Tunes: The Use of Pre-existing Music in Film The study of pre-existing film music is now a well-established part of Film Studies covering 'classical' music and popular music. Generally these broad musical types are studied in isolation. This anthology brings them together in twelve focused case studies by a range of scholars including Claudia Gorbman Jeongwon Joe Raymond Knapp and Timothy Warner. The first section explores art music both instrumental and operatic; it revolves around the debate on the relation between the aural and visual tracks and whether pre-existing music has an integrative function or not. The second section is devoted to popular music in film and shows how very similar the functions of popular music in film are to the supposedly more 'elite' classical music and opera. Case studies in part 1: Eyes Wide Shut Raging Bull Brief Encounter Détective The Godfather Part III three versions of the Carmen story (DeMille's Preminger's and Rosi's) Amadeus The Birth of a Nation M: Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder Needful Things Rat Race. Case studies in part 2: various films by Almodóvar Young Frankenstein Pulp Fiction Trainspotting Amélie High Fidelity Ghost World Heavenly Creatures The Virgin Suicides and the video Timber by Coldcut. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273238

Changing U.s. Military Manpower Realities This book presents recent research on major manpower issues including recruitment problems the military family the role of women racial problems economic concerns and the concept of the citizen-soldier. It explores hitherto underresearched issues concerning U.S. military manpower. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171872

Changing University TeachingReflections on Creating Educational Technologies Behind the hype of the "virtual university" lies real change in the way practitioners approach university teaching. This book focuses on the changes to teaching both on and off campus that have either come from or themselves influenced the development of educational technologies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046074

Changing Urban TrendsCultures of Decency and Well-being from the Premodern to the Postmodern The local public sector is deeply steeped in history. Studying the historic patterns of urban settlements helps us to understand the development of local priorities: zoning to separate residential areas by class and race establishing police and fire departments to protect lives and property building roads and canals to make transportation more efficient and setting up school systems to educate students for work and adulthood. In this new book the reader is guided through premodern conditions in order to identify paradigmatic changes that differentiate the premodern age from the modern age. The well-known contours of that transformation are then used to highlight trends that signal movements toward postmodernity. A great variety of books cover politics policies and governance at the local level. This book invites a more comprehensive look in that it structures the analysis around six basic themes: economics politics and government organization of work education human nature plus related practices and criminal justice; the book invites a historical perspective by using the six themes to clarify paradigmatic shifts from premodernity to modernity and now postmodernity. The paradigmatic changes are examined to ask important questions: What can local governments learn from premodernity and modernity to promote desirable developments and avert unfavorable trends in postmodernity? What are progressive and regressive strategies? What social cultural and economic principles and practices are worth promoting and which ones to discourage? The broad nature of the book makes it relevant to students scholars and experts of urban politics and policies as well as city planning economic planning ethics and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138049338

Changing VeilsWomen and Modernisation in North Yemen In Yemen where current poverty is combined with a rich cultural heritage the distinctions between the traditional and the modern are particularly difficult. First published in 1979 this is a study of social change as experienced and perceived by the women of San’a the capital city of North Yemen. It presents a synthesised view of the process of change rather than focusing on the issues of exploitation and emancipation and draws upon observations of women’s daily routine and ritual activities as well as the media and the provocative insights of Yemeni poets. The veil is the focus of the study because it can be seen as a symbol of the contradictions inherent in Yemeni society not just about the female but also about all social relations. It can be interpreted as both an instrument of oppression and the incitement of liberation and is thus illustrative of deep cultural ambiguities. This book will be of interest to those studying women gender Islam the Middle East and anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138696662

Changing Welfare ServicesCase Studies of Local Welfare Reform Programs Contains field-tested techniques to enhance the effectiveness of your local social services! Changing Welfare Services: Case Studies of Local Welfare Reform Programs describes promising programs and practices that have emerged in the United States since the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Using case studies this reference provides important lessons that will help social service directors and staff to develop strategies that will improve local welfare-to-work services. This casebook focuses on the agencies rather than the welfare population emphasizing the guiding values of these agencies and the lessons they learned. Changing Welfare Services explores new approaches to service delivery with emphasis on removing barriers to work force participation and promoting self-sufficiency through support services. The case studies involve programs focused on working with the community by developing partnerships with local organizations to provide better services. This text emphasizes the organizational changes—such as the development of new training programs merging employment and social service agencies and restructuring agency programs to foster collaboration between child welfare services and welfare-to-work programs—that were successful strategies used to implement welfare reform. In Changing Welfare Services you will learn about: the Connections Shuttle and the Guaranteed Ride Home Program—transportation services for welfare-to-work participants the Exempt Provider Training Program— trains Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) participants and others to launch and improve their own high-quality child care businesses co-location of support services—situating mental health and substance abuse services near the social services agency so TANF participants can make a single visit for all necessary services the Family Loan Program—helps low-income families deal with large or unexpected one-time expenses the JobKeeper Hotline—provides round-the-clock counseling crisis intervention and referral services to help participants stay employed and much more! Changing Welfare Services shows how these agencies discovered new ways to serve the needs of low-income residents and offers you a variety of inventive techniques for improving your own agency’s support for welfare recipients. Enhanced with tables figures and appendixes this practitioner-oriented casebook is a much-needed complement to the many quantitative studies of the welfare population. This book is a valuable resource for state and local human service administrators and staff policymakers and university faculty and students of public policy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315044095

Changing Working Life and the Appeal of the Extreme Right This book investigates the interplay of the recent transformation of working life and the growing appeal of political right-wing populism and extremism in Europe. It explores the individual and collective reactions and the strategies people develop in order to come to terms with socio-economic change. It raises the question of whether and to what extent changes in the employment system and in working life contribute to making people receptive to xenophobia nationalism and racism. Based on an eight country study using both quantitative and qualitative research methods this volume makes a significant contribution to the deeper understanding of the subjective reactions to socio-economic change and its political reverberations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571294

Changing Worlds and the Ageing SubjectDimensions in the Study of Ageing and Later Life Research into ageing and later life has tended to describe old age in relation to society's problems concerning health and social care. Today demographic changes current advancements in technology and political and socio-cultural developments also affect the living conditions of both young and old people. This exceptional volume draws together scholars from Europe and the USA to inspire and encourage new research approaches. Taking old people's own ideas experiences and opinions as the starting point for studies of the ageing process the contributors regard old age as an equally important and varied stage of the life cycle. The volume considers the humanistic-historical dimension of ageing and substantiates new perspectives on family roles and intergenerational relationships. It also examines age discrimination the impact of the increase in early retirement the effect of old and new technology on older people's lives different ageing experiences of men and women and how to emphasize old people's own interpretation and understanding of the ageing process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138619043

Changing Youth Values in Southeast EuropeBeyond Ethnicity What shapes the cultural political and ideological values of young people living in Southeastern Europe? Which identities matter to them? How are their values changing and how can they be changed? Who is changing them? Europe’s periphery is the testing ground for the success of European values and identities. The future stability and political coherence of the Union will be determined in large measure by identity issues in this region. This book examines the ways in which ethnic and national values and identities have been surpassed as the overriding focus in the lives of the region’s youth. Employing bottom-up ethnographic and interview-based approaches it explores when and where ethnic and national identification processes become salient. Using intra-national and international comparisons of youth populations of Albania Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Kosovo Macedonia Montenegro Serbia and Vojvodina contributors uncover the mechanisms by which ethnic identities are evoked reproduced and challenged. In addition to exploring political regional cultural generational and class identities the contributors examine wider questions of European unity. This volume offers a corrective to previous thinking about youth ethnic identities and will prove useful to scholars in political science and sociology studying issues of ethnic and national identities and nationalism as well as youth cultures and identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138086364

Channel Advantage The 'The Channel Advantage' deals with one topic and deals with it comprehensively and rigorously: how to construct a sales channel system that will yield world-class sales performance and durable competitive advantage. This book helps readers move decisively away from the notion of channel strategy as a sideline to the core business. Building a channel advantage is the core business today and this is an essential text and reference for all serious marketing and sales professionals and students. Channel innovation is separating market winners from market losers and not just in leading-edge technology industries. In a business world where industry players are selling practically the same products at essentially the same prices at about the same cost the only real source of sustainable competitive advantage is the sales channel: how you sell not what you sell. Selling becomes a question of how to connect products with customers via the best mix of sales channels: the sales force value-added partners distributors retail stores telemarketing and the Internet. In short how companies sell has become as important as what they sell. 'The Channel Advantage' explains how leading companies develop strategies that integrate e-commerce telemarketing sales forces and distributors to achieve superior sales performance and sustainable competitive advantage.Timothy R. Furey is chairman CEO and co-founder of Oxford Associates a privately held consulting firm specializing in sales and market strategy e-commerce channel integration and market research based in Bethesda Maryland. Oxford has achieved an annual growth of more than forty percent since its creation in 1991 and was named one of America's 500 fastest growing private companies by Inc. Magazine in 1997. Furey a pioneer in the use of hybrid sales and marketing strategies for blue chip companies works extensively with senior management leadership teams to develop and implement go-to-market growth strategies. His clients include IBM American Express Marriott Xerox Fidelity Investments Bristol-Myers Squibb and Johnson & Johnson. Under his leadership Oxford Associates has developed leading-edge strategies business processes and systems for deploying and integrating multi-channel sales and marketing systems. They work to align products with the right customers via an appropriate mix of the Internet telesales distributors value-added partners and traditional sales force channels.Mr. Furey is the co-author of THE CHANNEL ADVANTAGE (Butterworth-Heinemann August 31 1999) which is endorsed by the CEOs of America Online Lotus Development Ocean Spray and Xerox. Mr. Furey also serves on the Board of Directors of Alpha Industries (Nasdaq:AHAA) a leading semiconductor manufacturer for wireless telephone applications.Previously Mr. Furey worked with Boston Consulting Group Strategic Planning Associates Kaiser Associates and the Marketing Science Institute. He earned a BA in Economics cum laude from Harvard University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Lawrence G. Friedman is an internationally recognized channel strategy consultant whose clients have included companies such as Lotus AT&T Canon Compaq Digital Equipment Microsoft and Bell Atlantic. He also held executive level positions at Andersen Consulting and Huthwaite Inc. the sales research firm that developed the SPIN Selling Model.In 1996 Friedman with Neil Rackham and Richard Ruff co-authored the best-seller GETTING PARTNERING RIGHT (McGraw-Hill). He is on the review board of the Journal of Selling and Major Account Management which published his article Multiple Channel Sales Strategy in the April 1999 issue.His firm The Sales Strategy Institute works with clients to identify and evaluate new go-to-market opportunities and conducts in-depth channel strategy workshops and seminars. Mr. Friedman is a frequent guest speaker and lecturer on sales and channel strategy throughout the United States Europe and Asia.Mr. Friedman earned an MA from the University of Chicago. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080500911

Channel CrossingsFrench and English Poetry in Dialogue 1550-2000 "Scott's subtle and adventurous analysis breaks new ground in textual understanding while his translations radically challenge established orthodoxies. As he crosses back and forth between French and English poetry he has illuminating encounters with a wide range of poets from Labe and Shakespeare to Auden and Jaccottet. The embodiment of gender in the sonnet; the performance of the dramatic voice; the inflexions of the self in the voice of lyric verse; the 'landscaping' of nature in the line of verse; the interventions of the translator in the peculiar lives of the prose poem and free verse; the tasks of the translator and the comparatist in a new age - these are some of the issues addressed by Clive Scott in a sequence of essays as absorbing as they are original. ""Channel Crossings"" is the recipient of the R. H. Gapper Prize for 2004. The Prize which is judged by the Society for French Studies recognises the best publication of its year by any French studies scholar working in the United Kingdom or Ireland. The citation noted: In his book Clive Scott gives a subtle and adventurous account of how processes of cultural exchange have played an active and enduring role in the development of the language of poetry in French and English over a period of several centuries...Clive Scott's book was one of a number of very impressive works published in 2002. The judges' choice was made in the light of the book's originality and its likely impact on wider critical debate on the language of poetry and on questions of method and approach in comparative literature." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351198110

ChannelingA Bibliographic Exploration Originally published in 1992 Channeling is a comprehensive bibliography on the subject of channeling. The book defines channeling as any message received or conveyed from transcendent entities and covers material on the history of channeling those that have claimed to transcend death contact with UFOs and contemporary channeling groups. The book acts as a research guide and seeks to outline the historical roots of channeling explaining its major teachings and considers its significance as a spiritual movement. It provides sources from books booklets articles and ephemeral material and offers a comprehensive list of both primary and secondary materials related to channeling the bibliography takes the most diverse and useful sources of the time. This volume although published almost 30 years ago still provides a unique and insightful collection for academics of religion in particular those researching spiritualism and the occult. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367342722

ChansonThe French Singer-Songwriter from Aristide Bruant to the Present Day ’En France tout finit par des chansons’ is the well-known phrase which sums up the importance of chanson for the French. A song tradition that goes back to the Middle Ages and troubadours of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries chanson is part of the texture of everyday life in France - a part of the national identity and a barometer of popular taste. In this first study of chanson in English Peter Hawkins examines the background to the genre and the difficulties in defining what is and what is not chanson. The focus then moves to the development of the singer-songwriter of chanson from 1880 to the present day. This period saw the emergence of national icons from Aristide Bruant at the end of the nineteenth century through to internationally recognized musicians such as Jacques Brel and Serge Gainsbourg. Each of these figures used chanson to express the particular moral dilemmas tragic situations and moments of euphoria particular to themselves and their times. The book provides bibliographies discographies and details of video recordings for each of the singer-songwriters that it discusses. It is both an essential reference guide to the genre and a useful case history of the adaptation of an ancient form to the demands of the modern mass media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275799

Chant and its Origins The Latin liturgical music of the medieval church is the earliest body of Western music to survive in a more or less complete form. It is a body of thousands of individual pieces of striking beauty and aesthetic appeal which has the special quality of embodying of giving voice to the words of the liturgy itself. Plainchant is the music that underpins essentially all other music of the middle ages (and far beyond) and is the music that is most abundantly preserved. It is a subject that has engaged a great deal of research and debate in the last fifty years and the nature of the complex issues that have recently arisen in research on chant are explored here in an overview of current issues and problems. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315095868

Chant and Notation in South Italy and Rome before 1300 The fifteen studies assembled here grew out of research on south-Italian ordinary chants and tropes for the multi-volume series Beneventanum Troporum Corpus II edited by John Boe in collaboration with Alejandro Planchart. In the present essays clerical and ordinary chants and tropes of the Mass (especially when derived from paraliturgical hymns and poems) certain aspects of chant notation and particular facets of the old Beneventan and the old Roman chant repertories are examined in relation to the three main cultic centres of the Italian south - Benevento Montecassino and Rome - and as they relate to their European context namely Frankish and Norman chant and the varieties of chant sung in Italy north of Rome. The volume includes one previously unpublished study on the Roman introit Salus Populi. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117358

Chantal MouffeHegemony Radical Democracy and the Political Chantal Mouffe’s writings have been innovatory with respect to democratic theory Marxism and feminism. Her work derives from and has always been engaged with contemporary political events and intellectual debates. This sense of conflict informs both the methodological and substantive propositions she offers. Determinisms scientific or otherwise and ideologies Marxist or feminist have failed to survive her excoriating critiques. In a sense she is the original post-Marxist rejecting economisms and class-centric analyses and also the original post-feminist more concerned with the varieties of ‘identity politics’ than with any singularities of ‘women’s issues’. While Mouffe’s concerns with power and discourse derive from her studies of Gramsci’s theorisations of hegemony and the post-structuralisms of Derrida and Foucault her reversal of the very terms through which political theory proceeds is very much her own. She centres conflict not consensus and disagreement not finality. Whether philosophically perfectionist or liberally reasonable political theorists have been challenged by Mouffe to think again and to engage with a new concept of ‘the political’ and a revived and refreshed notion of ‘radical democracy’. The editor has focused on her work in three key areas: Hegemony: From Gramsci to ‘Post-Marxism’ Radical Democracy: Pluralism Citizenship and Identity The Political: A Politics Beyond Consensus The volume concludes with a new interview with Chantal Mouffe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415825221

Chaos Catastrophe and Human AffairsApplications of Nonlinear Dynamics To Work Organizations and Social Evolution Whether talking about steering a wheelbarrow over rugged terrain or plotting the course of international relations human performance systems involve change. Sometimes changes are subtle or evolutionary sometimes they are catastrophic or revolutionary and sometimes the changes are from periods of relative calm to periods of vibrant oscillations to periods of chaos. As a general rule more complex systems are likely to produce more complex forms of change. Although social scientists have long acknowledged that change occurs and have considered ways to effect desirable change the dynamical processes of change have been poorly understood in the past. This volume combines recent advances in mathematics and experimental design with the best available social science theories to produce a new integrated and compact theory of work organizations and social evolution. The domains of application extend from human decision-making processes to personnel selection and work motivation work performance under conditions of stress accident and health risk analysis the development of social institutions and economic systems creativity and innovation organizational development and group dynamics and political revolutions and war. Relative to other literature on nonlinear dynamical systems theory (NDS) this book is unique in that it integrates new developments in NDS with substantive psychological theory. It builds on many recent developments in organizational theory to show that nonlinear dynamics were often implicit in those works all along. The result is an entirely new way of viewing social events understanding change processes and asking questions about social systems. This book also contains much new empirical work and explains the newly developed methods for testing these new hypotheses. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138970168

Chaos Fractals and Dynamics This book contains eighteen papers all more-or-less linked to the theory of dynamical systems together with related studies of chaos and fractals. It shows many fractal configurations that were generated by computer calculations of underlying two-dimensional maps. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138442122

Chaos Noise and Fractals The study of nonlinear dynamical systems has been gathering momentum since the late 1950s. It now constitutes one of the major research areas of modern theoretical physics. The twin themes of fractals and chaos which are linked by attracting sets in chaotic systems that are fractal in structure are currently generating a great deal of excitement. The degree of structure robustness in the presence of stochastic and quantum noise is thus a topic of interest. Chaos Noise and Fractals discusses the role of fractals in quantum mechanics the influence of phase noise in chaos and driven optical systems and the arithmetic of chaos. The book represents a balanced overview of the field and is a worthy addition to the reading lists of researchers and students interested in any of the varied and sometimes bizarre aspects of this intriguing subject. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367403409

Chaos And ComplexityImplications For Psychological Theory And Practice The nature of this book is to emphasize the inherent complexity and richness of the human experience of change. Now the author believes there to be an acceptable "scientific" explanation for this phenomona. Explored here are 30 years of studies to describe nonlinear dynamics today termed either chaos theory or complexity theory. The connotations of both theories are discussed at length. Offering social scientists validation in their attempts to describe and define phenomona of a previously ineffable nature this book explores chaos' implications for psychology and the social sciences. It describes the benefits psychology can glean from using ideas in chaos theory and applying them to psychology in general individual psycho-therapy couples therapy and community psychology and also considers possible directions for research and application. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315139012

Chaos and ControlA Psychoanalytic Perspective on Unfolding Creative Minds This book explores the role of chaos and control in the creative process as well as the difference between talent and creativity. Part One describes explores some of the common biases and pitfalls in the analysis and therapy of creative people the role of the accidental in creative work the nature of creative blocks passion and its absence as well as the problem of being able to exercise one's freedom. The author describes the special needs of creative patients the common problems arising in therapy its solutions and most importantly the analyst's distinctive role when dealing with such patients. She also probes into the role of narcissism neurosis and psychosis on creative work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782202943

Chaos and Order in the World of the Psyche ‘I don’t know what’s the matter with me – everything’s upside down; the whole world seems chaotic’ Chaos may erupt in our lives in many different ways – through death divorce conflict with family friends or colleagues. It is a frightening and negative experience destabilizing the individual and provoking feelings of insecurity. Originally published in English in 1992 the author through her work as a Jungian analyst frequently acted as a companion support and guide to those whose lives were in chaotic turmoil. She describes how therapy helps people to meet chaos to accept and see it in a different way – as a starting point for a new kind of order in their lives. This ‘organic’ order is better suited to their own personal needs and personality and provides the strong and flexible basis necessary to meet the chaos that belongs to life. Drawing upon the myths tales and rites of ancient cultures upon modern chaos theory and upon her experience as an analyst the author shows the way through the chaos to a fuller happier and more satisfying life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138927193

Chaos in Automatic Control Chaotic behavior arises in a variety of control settings. In some cases it is beneficial to remove this behavior; in others introducing or taking advantage of the existing chaotic components can be useful for example in cryptography. Chaos in Automatic Control surveys the latest methods for inserting taking advantage of or removing chaos in a variety of applications. This book supplies the theoretical and pedagogical basis of chaos in control systems along with new concepts and recent developments in the field.Presented in three parts the book examines open-loop analysis closed-loop control and applications of chaos in control systems. The first section builds a background in the mathematics of ordinary differential and difference equations on which the remainder of the book is based. It includes an introductory chapter by Christian Mira a pioneer in chaos research. The next section explores solutions to problems arising in observation and control of closed-loop chaotic control systems. These include model-independent control methods strategies such as H-infinity and sliding modes polytopic observers normal forms using homogeneous transformations and observability normal forms. The final section explores applications in wireless transmission optics power electronics and cryptography.Chaos in Automatic Control distills the latest thinking in chaos while relating it to the most recent developments and applications in control. It serves as a platform for developing more robust autonomous intelligent and adaptive systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315220925

Chaos in YemenSocietal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism Chaos in Yemen challenges recent interpretations of Yemen’s complex social political and economic transformations since unification in 1990. By offering a new perspective to the violence afflicting the larger region it explains why the ‘Abdullah ‘Ali Salih regime has become the principal beneficiary of these conflicts.Adopting an inter-disciplinary approach the author offers an alternative understanding of what is creating discord in the Red Sea region by integrating the region’s history to an interpretation of current events. In turn by refusing to solely link Yemen to the "global struggle against Islamists " this work sheds new light on the issues policy-makers are facing in the larger Middle East. As such this study offers an alternative perspective to Yemen’s complex domestic affairs that challenge the over-emphasis on the tribe and sectarianism.Offering an alternative set of approaches to studying societies facing new forms of state authoritarianism this timely contribution will be of great relevance to students and scholars of the Middle East and the larger Islamic world Conflict Resolution Comparative Politics and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415625753

Chaos Organization and Disaster Management Chaos Organization and Disaster Management offers a scholarly survey of disaster response behavior and management in the face of natural and manmade catastrophe. The author provides a methodological and empirical platform from which to initiate a critical analysis of disaster management. Sparked by a unique field study of the Israeli experience during the Gulf War this book demonstrates the massive divide between individual responses to disaster and the actual functioning of disaster management organizations. It exposes the fundamental flaws of disaster management agencies analyzing disasters from the perspectives of both agencies and potential victims.Formulating an alternative approach to disaster management that draws upon the advantages of privatization this volume appraises methods of measuring disaster agency effectiveness emphasizing the citizen vantage point and stakeholder evaluations. It outlines the intrinsic bureaucratic constraints that impede the efficacy of government agencies and reveals the disconnect between organizational and victim perceptions of disaster.By highlighting a new empirically based understanding of disaster behavior the book recommends moving the focus of disaster management to a social process model that will save lives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429271052

Chaos theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences This book represents the best of the first three years of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology conferences. While chaos theory has been a topic of considerable interest in the physical and biological sciences its applications in psychology and related fields have been obscured until recently by its complexity. Nevertheless a small but rapidly growing community of psychologists neurobiologists sociologists mathematicians and philosophers have been coming together to discuss its implications and explore its research possibilities. Chaos theory has been termed the first authentic paradigm shift since the advent of quantum physics. Whether this is true or not it unquestionably bears profound implications for many fields of thought. These include the cognitive analysis of the mind the nature of personality the dynamics of psychotherapy and counseling understanding brain events and behavioral records the dynamics of social organization and the psychology of prediction. To each of these topics chaos theory brings the perspective of dynamic self-organizing processes of exquisite complexity. Behavior the nervous system and social processes exhibit many of the classical characteristics of chaotic systems -- they are deterministic and globally predictable and yet do not submit to precise predictability. This volume is the first to explore ideas from chaos theory in a broad psychological perspective. Its introduction by the prominent neuroscientist Walter Freeman sets the tone for diverse discussions of the role of chaos theory in behavioral research the study of personality psychotherapy and counseling mathematical cognitive psychology social organization systems philosophy and the understanding of the brain. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315806280

Chaos Theory Tamed This text aims to bridge the gap between non-mathematical popular treatments and the distinctly mathematical publications that non- mathematicians find so difficult to penetrate. The author provides understandable derivations or explanations of many key concepts such as Kolmogrov-Sinai entropy dimensions Fourier analysis and Lyapunov exponents. Only basic algebra trigonometry geometry and statistics are assumed as background. The author focuses on the most important topics very much with the general scientist in mind. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367400873

Chaotic Cognition PrChaotic Cognition Pr First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138411753

Chaotic Electronics in Telecommunications At the code level discrete-time chaotic systems can be used to generate spreading codes for DS-SS systems. At the signal level continuous-time chaotic systems can be used to generate wideband carriers for digital modulation schemes.The potential of chaos engineering is now recognized worldwide with research groups actively pursuing the exploitation of chaotic phenomena in cryptography spread spectrum communications electromagnetic interference reduction and many other applications. Although some noteworthy results have already been achieved until now the field has lacked both a systematic treatment of these developments and a careful quantitative comparison of chaos-based and conventional techniques.Chaotic Electronics in Telecommunications fills both of those needs. It addresses the use of chaos in digital communications applications from the coding level to circuit design. Each chapter offers a formal exposition of the theoretical and engineering tools needed to apply chaos followed by discussion of the algorithms and circuits needed to apply the theory to real-world communications systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315214757

Chaotic Modelling and SimulationAnalysis of Chaotic Models Attractors and Forms Offers Both Standard and Novel Approaches for the Modeling of SystemsExamines the Interesting Behavior of Particular Classes of ModelsChaotic Modelling and Simulation: Analysis of Chaotic Models Attractors and Forms presents the main models developed by pioneers of chaos theory along with new extensions and variations of these models. Using more than 500 graphs and illustrations the authors show how to design estimate and test an array of models.Requiring little prior knowledge of mathematics the book focuses on classical forms and attractors as well as new simulation methods and techniques. Ideas clearly progress from the most elementary to the most advanced. The authors cover deterministic stochastic logistic Gaussian delay Hénon Holmes Lorenz Rössler and rotation models. They also look at chaotic analysis as a tool to design forms that appear in physical systems; simulate complicated and chaotic orbits and paths in the solar system; explore the Hénon–Heiles Contopoulos and Hamiltonian systems; and provide a compilation of interesting systems and variations of systems including the very intriguing Lotka–Volterra system.Making a complex topic accessible through a visual and geometric style this book should inspire new developments in the field of chaotic models and encourage more readers to become involved in this rapidly advancing area. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367386658

Chaotic Signals in Digital Communications Chaotic Signals in Digital Communications combines fundamental background knowledge with state-of-the-art methods for using chaotic signals and systems in digital communications. The book builds a bridge between theoretical works and practical implementation to help researchers attain consistent performance in realistic environments. It shows the possible shortcomings of the chaos-based communication systems proposed in the literature particularly when they are subjected to non-ideal conditions. It also presents a toolbox of techniques for researchers working to actually implement such systems. A Combination of Tutorials and In-Depth Cutting-Edge Research Featuring contributions by active leading researchers the book begins with an introduction to communication theory dynamical systems and chaotic communications suitable for those new to the field. This lays a solid foundation for the more applied chapters that follow. A Toolbox of Techniques—Including New Ways to Tackle Channel Imperfections The book covers typical chaos communication methods namely chaotic masking chaotic modulation chaotic shift key and symbolic message bearing as well as bidirectional communication and secure communication. It also presents novel methodologies to deal with communication channel imperfections. These tackle band-limited channel chaos communication radio channels with fading and the resistance of a special chaotic signal to multipath propagations. In addition the book addresses topics related to engineering applications such as optical communications chaotic matched filters and circuit implementations and microwave frequency-modulated differential chaos shift keying (FM-DCSK) systems. Insights for Both Theoretical and Experimental Researchers Combining theory and practice this book offers a unique perspective on chaotic communication in the context of non-ideal conditions. Written for theoretical and experimental researchers it tackles the practical issues faced in implementing chaos-based signals and systems in digital communications applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076839

Chaoxianzu Entrepreneurs in KoreaSearching for Citizenship in the Ethnic Homeland This book explores the nature of the state-citizen societal relationship in Korea during the transition to neoliberalism through the lenses of class and nationalism. Examining the process by which a new class Korean Chinese entrepreneurs emerged from Korean Chinese enclaves in South Korea and quickly became a leading group within those communities this book provides a case study of the entrepreneurs running a variety of businesses including restaurants travel agencies and trading companies. Whilst Korean Chinese people faced discrimination and stigmatization in Korea despite their economic contributions to the economy this book demonstrates how entrepreneurs began to form associations and organisations campaigning for their equal status in Korean society. Arguing that the formation of these was closely linked to the framework of legal statuses established by the Korean state as it sought to make use of Korean Chinese labour this book explains how social citizenship was constituted by the interaction between their situational sense of fairness and the contradictory economic and social roles expected of them by the state. Drawing on fifteen years of ethnographical experience Chaoxianzu Entrepreneurs in Korea will be useful to students and scholars of sociology anthropology Migration Studies and Ethnic Studies as well as Korean Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367900762

Chaplains to the ImprisonedSharing Life with the Incarcerated Chaplains to the Imprisoned begins to fill the information gap through its in-depth study of prison chaplains as seen by co-workers inmates and the chaplains themselves. They describe their roles share difficulties which are encountered in their ministry and personal methods for coping with these difficulties especially those which may be internalized as stress. The author a Roman Catholic priest with a doctorate in criminal justice provides a fascinating look into the work of chaplains who serve in correctional institutions. This new book sheds a much-needed light on the often hidden yet significant role played by chaplains within correctional facilities. Little is known of these chaplains and the work that they do. Though they are frequently depicted in television and film many of these images are stereotypes from writers’imaginations. In this unique book chaplains speak for themselves through the results of a survey questionnaire sent by the author to local- and state-level chaplains in New York State and to chaplains throughout the federal prison system. Chaplains to the Imprisoned the first non-denominational book on these clergy explores: the history of chaplaincy in this country including the irony that chaplains have often been treated as unwanted intruders in penitentiaries--which were created originally by religious groups  chaplains as seen by other professionals in the field--sometimes positive often negative opinions of chaplains drawn from literature written by wardens corrections officers and others who deal with chaplains on a routine basis chaplains as seen by inmates--published opinions by inmates who have recorded their impressions of facility chaplains  chaplains as seen by chaplains--their own descriptions of their work frustrations successes and failures along with suggestions for the betterment of the role of chaplainsThis book is an eye-opening look into the world of prison chaplaincy for students of criminal justice and religion policymakers for prisons and jails seminary students and clergy members themselves as well as individuals interested in what often goes on behind prison walls from a chaplain’s perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970175

Chapman's The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron Originally published in 1979 this two-volume modern spelling of George Chapman's The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron is split into two parts: a critical introduction and commentary and the texts of the double-play the Conspiracy (contained in Volume I) and the Tragedy (Volume II). The Critical Introduction comprises five chapters treating the date sources scholarly tradition interpretation and unity of The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Byron. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367136857

Chapters 1-7: The Practice of Generalist Social WorkChapters 1-7 The fourth edition of The Practice of Generalist Social Work continues to teach students to apply micro macro and mezzo social work skills. This new edition strengthens the connection between the three levels of practice and is fully updated to the 2015 EPAS. This edition also contains more illustrations of theory and more context for deciding which type of intervention is a good fit. Most chapters now open with a case study and continually refer back to the case to provide additional connections between theory and real-life practice. Each chapter also incorporates a link to a Grand Challenge of Social Work from the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare which shows the connection between social work and the most significant societal challenges of today. The Quick Guides within the text offer students guidance for their field experience and practice after graduation. The text also comes with a rich companion website that includes support materials and six unique cases that encourage students to learn by doing. Go to to explore the cases and additional resources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056503

Chapters of German History Originally published in 1940 this book covers German history including chapters on Prussi the beginning of the Frankfort Parliament and the civil war for the constitution. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429293139

Character Ethics and EconomicsBritish Debates on Empire 1860-1914 This book is an examination of the concept of ‘character’ as a moral marker in the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Its main purpose is to investigate how the ‘character talk’ that helped to shape elite Britons’ sense of themselves was used at this time to convince audiences both in Britain and in the places they had conquered that empire could be morally as well as materially justified and was a great force for good in the world. A small group of radical thinkers questioned many of the arguments of the imperialists but found it difficult to escape entirely from the sense of moral superiority that marked the latter’s language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585457

Character & CultureEssays on East and West Character and Culture by Irving Babbitt is the latest volume in the Library of Conservative Thought. Babbitt was the leader of the twentieth-century intellectual and cultural movement called American Humanism or the New Humanism. More than half a century after his death his intellectual staying power remains undiminished. The qualities that marked Irving Babbitt as a thinker and cultural critic of the first rank are richly represented in Character and Culture. First published togetherin 1940 (under the misleading title Spanish Character) these essays span his scholarly career and cover a wide range of subjects. The diverse topics discussed here aesthetics ethics religion politics literature are illuminated by the same unifying vision of human existence that informs and structures all of Babbitt's writing.Babbitt never took up a subject out of idle curiosity. All of his books and articles grew out of a desire to address certain fundamental questions of life and letters. The essaysin this volume are as worthy of attention now as when they were originally written. Set in then- philosophical and historical context by Claes G. Ryn's new introduction they are a good place to start for persons who wish to acquaint themselves not only with Babbitt's central ideas but with the scope of his mind and interests. Readers familiar with other books by Babbitt may recognize particular ideas and formulations but will also find much new material to ponder.Ryn's introduction provides a comprehensive look at Irving Babbitt's life career writings and influence. He shows how Babbitt has survived and sustained often harsh criticism from representatives of dominant trends. Ryn describes his writing style as having "a kind of rugged American elegance." The substantial critical introduction also elucidates Babbitt's central ideas in relation to the volume. Character and Culture will be of interest to scholars of literature philosophers historians theologians and political theorists. The extensive index to all of Babbitt's books including this one increases the value of the volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520257

Character and CausationHume’s Philosophy of Action In the first ever book-length treatment of David Hume’s philosophy of action Constantine Sandis brings together seemingly disparate aspects of Hume’s work to present an understanding of human action that is much richer than previously assumed. Sandis showcases Hume’s interconnected views on action and its causes by situating them within a wider vision of our human understanding of personal identity causation freedom historical explanation and morality. In so doing he also relates key aspects of the emerging picture to contemporary concerns within the philosophy of action and moral psychology including debates between Humeans and anti-Humeans about both 'motivating' and 'normative' reasons. Character and Causation takes the form of a series of essays which collectively argue that Hume’s overall project proceeds by way of a soft conceptual revisionism that emerges from his Copy Principle. This involves re-calibrating our philosophical ideas of all that agency involves to fit a scheme that more readily matches the range of impressions that human beings actually have. On such a reading once we rid ourselves of a certain kind of metaphysical ambition we are left with a perfectly adequate account of how it is that people can act in character freely and for good reasons. The resulting picture is one that both unifies Hume's practical and theoretical philosophy and radically transforms contemporary philosophy of action for the better. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367732301

Character and Conflict in Jane Austen's NovelsA Psychological Approach In Character and Conflict in Jane Austen's Novels Bernard J. Paris offers an analysis of the protagonists in four of Jane Austen's most popular novels. His analysis reveals them to be brilliant mimetic creations who often break free of the formal and thematic limitations placed upon them by Austen. Paris traces the powerful tensions between form theme and mimesis in Mansfield Park Emma Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion.Paris uses Northrop Frye's theory of comic forms to analyze and describe the formal structure of the novels and Karen Horney's psychological theories to explore the personalities and inner conflicts of the main characters. The concluding chapter turns from the characters to their creator employing the Horneyan categories of self-effacing detached and expansive personality types to interpret Jane Austen's own personality.Readers of Jane Austen will find much that is new and challenging in this study. It is one of the few books to recognize and pay tribute to Jane Austen's genius in characterization. Anyone who reads this book will come away with a new understanding of Austen's heroines as imagined human beings and also with a deeper feeling for the troubled humanity of the author herself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412849869

Character and DystopiaThe Last Men This is the first extended study to specifically focus on character in dystopia. Through the lens of the "last man" figure Character and Dystopia: The Last Men examines character development in Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Nathanael West’s A Cool Million David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower Lois Lowry’s The Giver Michel Houellebecq’s Submission Chan Koonchung’s The Fat Years and Maggie Shen King’s An Excess Male showing how in the 20th and 21st centuries dystopian nostalgia shades into reactionary humanism a last stand mounted in defense of forms of subjectivity no longer supported by modernity. Unlike most work on dystopia that emphasizes dystopia’s politics this book’s approach grows out of questions of poetics: What are the formal structures by which dystopian character is constructed? How do dystopian characters operate differently than other characters within texts and upon the reader? What is the relation between this character and other forms of literary character such as are found in romantic and modernist texts? By reading character as crucial to the dystopian project the book makes a case for dystopia as a sensitive register of modern anxieties about subjectivity and its portrayal in literary works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367422752

Character and Opinion in the United States George Santayana was one of the most influential twentieth-century philosophers. Because of his broad-ranging interests and lack of any permanent home in one particular country he has often been stereotyped as a meditative philosopher removed from the world living in what he himself called the "realm of spirit" among eternal essences. While there is some truth in this characterization it is also true that Santayana was a penetrating analyst and critic of contemporary societies.'Character and Opinion in the United States' is his comprehensive critique of American thought and civilization and reflects the detached cosmopolitan perspective that lent his criticism its characteristic objectivity and strength. Santayana's subject here is the conflict of materialism and idealism in American life. In his view there exists a dualism in the American mind: One side dealing with religion literature philosophy and morality tended to stay with inherited old doctrines-the genteel tradition-and failed to keep pace with the other practical side and its new developments in industry invention and social organization. Santayana traces the first mentality to Calvinism and its sense of sin an attitude out of keeping with a new civilization and the dominance of practical interests. As a consequence of separating philosophy from everyday life its study merely served religious and moral interests cut off from the free search for truth. At the heart of the book is Santayana's examination of the influential thought of William James and Josiah Royce who typified for him the dilemma of American thought. The subordination of thought to social form and custom underlies Santayana's sharp critique of academic philosophy at Harvard where he early on studied and taught. He was disturbed by the very idea of philosophy as an academic discipline. Philosophy he felt should be an individual original creation "something dark perilous untested and not ripe to be taught" Santayana's analysis of how social imperatives may impede the pursuit of knowledge remains pertinent to contemporary intellectual debate. This volume ill be of interest to philosophers intellectual historians and American studies specialists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520264

Character and the Conduct of Life (Psychology Revivals)Practical Psychology for Everyman First published in 1927  the preface reads: "It is directed to men and women of goodwill who are not completely satisfied with themselves who believe that by taking thought they may add however little to their moral stature and to their efficiency in working towards whatever goals they may have adopted. The book is an essay in practical morals and is not at all concerned with ethical theories." A fascinating glimpse into psychology and morals from the early twentieth century including chapters for young people parents and children husbands and wives! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138906440

Character and the Supernatural in Shakespeare and Achebe Through mainly a New Historicist critical approach this book explores how Shakespeare and Achebe employ supernatural devices such as prophecies dreams gods/goddesses beliefs and divinations to create complex characters. Even though these features indicate the preponderance of the belief in the supernatural by some people of the Elizabethan Jacobean and traditional Igbo societies Shakespeare and Achebe primarily use the supernatural to represent the states of mind of their protagonists. Both writers appropriate supernatural features to mirror tragic flaws such as ambition arrogance impulsiveness and fear that contribute to the downfall of Macbeth Lear Okonkwo and Ezeulu. We relate to some of these characters because they project our inner minds principal drives that may be hidden within us. Therefore Shakespeare and Achebe’s preoccupation with the supernatural adds subtlety to their characterization and enhances their readability by situating their art beyond time place or particularity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367710774

Character and the UnconsciousA Critical Exposition of the Psychology of Freud and Jung First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138875722

Character Animation FundamentalsDeveloping Skills for 2D and 3D Character Animation Expand your animation toolkit and remain competitive in the industry with this leading resource for 2D and 3D character animation techniques. Apply the industry's best practices to your own workflows and develop 2D 3D and hybrid characters with ease. With side by side comparisons of 2D and 3D character design improve your character animation and master traditional principles and processes including weight and balance timing and walks. Develop characters inspired by humans birds fish snakes and four legged animals. Breathe life into your character and develop a characters personality with chapters on acting voice-synching and facial expressions. Expertly integrate core animation techniques with your software of choice featuring step-by-step tutorials highlighting 3ds Max Maya and Blender workflows. Adapt the tips tricks and techniques for unique projects like character design for rotoscoping and motion capture. Advance beyond the fundamentals of 2D and 3D character animation with the companion website which includes short demonstration movies 2D and 3D exercises and fully rigged character models. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240522272

Character Building Booker T. Washington has been regarded as the leading figure in African American life and as the man who brought his people from slavery to unfettered economic political and social involvement in the American mainstream. He has also been strongly criticized for advancing the cause of racial accommodation when the political agenda dictated the development of an independent black standpoint in all areas of the industrial structure. This agenda went far beyond educational reform and agrarian participation.Character Building first appeared in 1902. While enormous changes have occurred in all phases of African American rights and responsibilities Booker T. Washington's broad outlines on building moral character have remained intact. Washington's book can be viewed as a Dale Carnegie volume on How to Win Friends and Influence People—black and white—as noted by the very title of the chapters: "Helping Others " "Influencing by Example " "Education that Educates " "The Gospel of Service " etc.For those in search of the ideological roots of black life in post-slavery times this text will be a reminder of where the American nation has come from and arguably where it is going. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412847322

Character Costume Figure DrawingStep-by-Step Drawing Methods for Theatre Costume Designers Character Costume Figure Drawing is an essential guide that will improve your drawing skills and costume renderings. Step-by-step visuals illustrate the how-tos of drawing body parts costumes accessories faces children and different character archetypes such as maternal elderly sassy sexy and evil. By focusing on the foundations of drawing bodies including body proportion bone structure body masses facial expressions and appendages this guide shows you how to develop sketches from stick figures to full-blown characters. The third edition features a new chapter Digital Mixed Media Costume Rendering. This chapter introduces the basic usages of Photoshop tools to enhance and improve costume designs in order to provide easy delivery design ideas to the director and design team  provide easy changes and alterations during the design process  virtually apply actual fabric swatches over costume sketches and help visualize lighting effects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138211711

Character Design From the Ground Up This book provides a complete overview of character design starting with the basics of materials equipment and software. It explains the processes professional character designers follow to develop characters for publishing games and film. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138428126

Character Education for 21st Century Global CitizensProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional De Character Education for 21st Century Global Citizens contains the papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Teacher Education and Professional Development (InCoTEPD 2017) Yogyakarta Indonesia 20—21 October 2017. The book covers 7 topics:1) Values for 21st century global citizens2) Preparing teachers for integrative values education 3) Teacher professional development for enhanced character education4) Curriculum/syllabus/lesson plan/learning materials development for integrated values education5) Developing learning activities/tasks/strategies for character education6) Assessing student’s character development (values acquisition assessment)7) Creating/managing conducive school culture to character education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367733209

Character Evidence in the Courts of Classical AthensRhetoric Relevance and the Rule of Law There has been much debate in scholarship over the factors determining the outcome of legal hearings in classical Athens. Specifically there is divergence regarding the extent to which judicial panels were influenced by non-legal considerations in addition to or even instead of questions of law. Ancient rhetorical theory and practice devoted much attention to character and it is this aspect of Athenian law which forms the focus of this book. Close analysis of the dispute-resolution passages in ancient Greek literature reveals striking similarities with the rhetoric of litigants in the Athenian courts and thus helps to shed light on the function of the courts and the fundamental nature of Athenian law. The widespread use of character evidence in every aspect of argumentation can be traced to the Greek ideas of ‘character’ and ‘personality’ the inductive method of reasoning and the social political and institutional structures of the ancient Greek polis. According to the author’s proposed method of interpretation character evidence was not a means of diverting the jury’s attention away from the legal issues; instead it was a constructive and relevant way of developing a legal argument. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367881757

Character MentorLearn by Example to Use Expressions Poses and Staging to Bring Your Characters to Life You've researched your character extensively tailored her to your audience  sketched hundreds of versions and now you lean back content as you gaze at your final character model sheet. But now what? Whether you want to use her in an animated film  television show video game web comic or children's book you're going to have to make her perform. How a character looks and is costumed starts to tell her story but her body language reveals even more. Character Mentor shows you how to pose your character create emotion through facial expressions and stage your character to create drama. Author Tom Bancroft addresses each topic with clear concise prose and then shows you what he really means through commenting on and redrawing artwork from a variety of student "apprentices." His assignments allow you to join in and bring your drawing to the next level with concrete techniques as well as more theoretical analysis. Character Mentor is an apprenticeship in a book. Professional artists from a variety of media offer their experience through additional commentary. These include Marcus Hamilton (Dennis the Menace) Terry Dodson (X-Men) Bobby Rubio (Pixar) Sean "Cheeks" Galloway (Spiderman animated) and more. With a foreword by comicbook artist Adam Hughes who has produced work for DC Marvel Comics Lucasfilm Warner Bros. Pictures and other companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240820712

Character Modeling with Maya and ZBrushProfessional polygonal modeling techniques Create believable CG character models with this unique book and DVD package. The stunning color images show just what you can achieve and the detailed step-by-step tutorials show exactly how to achieve them. Every technique and tip is backed up with practical tutorials using the models textures and video on the companion DVD to offer a crash course to this vital skill. Jason Patnode takes you from low to high-resolution modeling - helping you span the gap between game and film industry skills. Based on Maya 2008 and ZBrush 3.0.You'll learn: Pipeline and modeling guidelines . Overview of Maya . Introduction to ZBrush modeling . Concept art . Anatomy . Creating a video game character . Creating a hyper-real character . Creating a photo-real character . UVs and texturing . How to create a demo reel Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080557632

Character SketchA Drawing Course for Costume Designers Character Sketch outlines a theory of costume rendering that explores how a designer conceptualizes and creates a character on the page. Beginning with how to develop a sense of character through active gestural poses this book explores and explains the process of drawing and painting from rough sketch to finished rendering. Helen Q. Huang 黄其智 an award-winning costume designer for more than 25 years breaks down her process from understanding body proportions and active poses to applying research and color concepts to renderings. Her step-by-step watercolor painting techniques cover mixing skin tones blending colors and applying paint in different methods for a variety of fabric textures and patterns. Showcasing how to capture a character on the page Character Sketch is a must-read for any costume designer looking to communicate their artistic vision. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138891951

Characterisation of Soft Magnetic Materials Under Rotational Magnetisation The book presents practical aspects related to the measurement of rotational power loss in soft magnetic materials. The book furthermore focuses on practical aspects of performing such measurements the associated difficulties as well as solutions to the most common problems. Numerous practical aspects hands-on experience and most commonly encountered pitfalls are heavily discussed in the book. The text begins with introduction to magnetism then follows with definitions of measurement methods of rotational power loss from physical viewpoint. Two chapters describe and detail the various sensors which can be employed for such measurements as well as all the aspects of designing making and using a magnetising apparatus. A synthesis of the likely optimal design of a magnetising apparatus is also given preceded with the full reasoning based on all the research carried out to date. Characterisation of Soft Magnetic Materials Under Rotational Magnetisation serves as an excellent starting point for any student having to perform magnetic measurements under rotational magnetisation but also under 1D 2D or 3D excitation. Because the methods sensors and apparatus are extensively discussed it will also be a great reference for more senior researchers and experts in the field. There is a whole chapter devoted to analysis of measurement uncertainty. This subject is rarely published for magnetic measurements which makes it more difficult for all researchers to understand the concepts and methodology used in uncertainty estimation. This chapter not only introduces the whole subject but also provides multiple step-by-step examples which can be easily followed from very simple cases to much more complex ones. All equations are presented with full SI units which greatly helps in practical application of the presented methodology. Each chapter is written in such a way that it can be studied on its own so that the reader can focus only on the specific aspects as Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367891572

Characterising NeighbourhoodsExploring Local Assets of Community Significance It is increasingly important to define what constitutes the unique character of our neighbourhoods in order to identify what we value and should protect to pinpoint areas for improvement and places which could be enhanced through sensitive change. But how do we define ‘character’ or a ‘sense of place’? How do we appraise the setting and site of a development area in order that the essential character is retained and reflected in the design of new development? How can these qualities be communicated to decision makers and involve communities? Characterising Neighbourhoods provides an accessible and richly illustrated guide to the practical methods of appraising neighbourhoods which are precise well informed and engaging. It demonstrates how characterisation is used as an evidence base for the planning and management of neighbourhoods and urban areas. The core focus is on a proven characterisation method developed and used by the authors and used by community groups schools planning and urban design students and professionals. It creates a common language used by these groups in evaluating places. This guide provides a wealth of supporting information including; briefing on the recognition of local architectural styles periods and materials detecting the influence of historic street layouts and property boundaries townscape concepts such as scale and enclosure and topographical characteristics. Characterising Neighbourhoods is a valuable resource for practicing planners urban designers and environmental professionals as well as students in these subjects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138819955

Characteristics of Geologic Materials and FormationsA Field Guide for Geotechnical Engineers Properly understanding and characterizing geologic materials and formations is vital for making critical engineering decisions. Identifying and classifying rock masses and soil formations allows reasonable estimation of their characteristic properties. Comprising chapters from the second edition of the revered Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook Characteristics of Geologic Materials and Formations provides a basis for recognizing identifying and classifying the various rock and soil types. With clear concise and hands-on guidance this book describes these rock and soil types in terms of their origin mode of occurrence and structural features in situ and presents the typical characteristics that are of engineering significance. It also explains the elements that affect surface and subsurface water engineering in terms of controlling floods erosion subsurface flow and seepage as well as for water conservation. Supplying important correlations used to estimate engineering and geologic properties the book presents correlations for intact rock rock masses and soil formations throughout the chapters and condenses this information into a convenient summary table in an appendix.Eliminate the need to search through narrow volumes or large handbooks with Characteristics of Geologic Materials and Formations: A Field Guide for Geotechnical Engineers a convenient and complete guide to the techniques you need. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390044

Characterization Testing Measurement and Metrology This book presents the broad aspects of measurement performanceanalysis and characterization for materials and devices through advanced manufacturing processes. The field of measurement and metrology as a precondition for maintaining high-quality products devices and systems in materials and advanced manufacturing process applications has grown substantially in recent years. The focus of this book is to present smart materials in numerous technological sectors such as automotive bio-manufacturing chemical electronics energy and construction. Advanced materials have novel properties and therefore must be fully characterized and studied in-depth so they can be incorporated into products that will outperform existing products and resolve current problems.The book captures the emerging areas of materials science and advanced manufacturing engineering and presents recent trends in research for researchers field engineers and academic professionals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367275150

Characterization of C(x) among its Subalgebras This book presents a detailed account of some results about subalgebras of C(X) which carry a Banach algebra norm. It is intended for students who have had a standard graduate real-variable course and be acquainted with a few odds and ends of functional analysis and complex-variables. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138441873

Characterization of Cereals and FloursProperties Analysis And Applications Characterization of Cereals and Flours is a state-of-the-art reference that details the latest advances to characterize the effects of manufacturing processes and storage conditions on the thermal mechanical and structural properties of cereal flours and their products - examining the influence of moisture absorption storage temperature baking and extrusion processing on flour and cereal product texture shelf-life and quality. The book discusses the influence of additives on pre- and postprocessed food biopolymers; the development of databases and construction of state diagrams to illustrate the state and function of cereal flours before during and after production; and the current techniques in image analysis light and electron microscopy and NMR spectroscopy used to analyze the microstructure of cereal products. It also discusses the methods used to optimize processing parameters and formulations to produce end-products with desirable sensory and textural properties; the shelf life of cereal products; and the relationships between the sensory and physical characteristics of cereal foods. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454531

Characterization of NanocompositesTechnology and Industrial Applications These days advanced multiscale hybrid materials are being produced in the industry studied by universities and used in several applications. Unlike for macromaterials it is difficult to obtain the physical mechanical electrical and thermal properties of nanomaterials because of the scale. Designers however must have knowledge of these properties to perform any finite element analysis or durability and damage tolerance analysis. This is the book that brings this knowledge within easy reach. What makes the book unique is the fact that its approach that combines multiscale multiphysics and statistical analysis with multiscale progressive failure analysis. The combination gives a very powerful tool for minimizing tests improving accuracy and understanding the effect of the statistical nature of materials in addition to the mechanics of advanced multiscale materials all the way to failure. The book focuses on obtaining valid mechanical properties of nanocomposite materials by accurate prediction and observed physical tests as well as by evaluation of test anomalies of advanced multiscale nanocomposites containing nanoparticles of different shapes such as chopped fiber spherical and platelet in polymeric ceramic and metallic materials. The prediction capability covers delamination fracture toughness impact resistance conductivity and fire resistance of nanocomposites. The methodology employs a high-fidelity procedure backed with comparison of predictions with test data for various types of static fatigue dynamic and crack growth problems. Using the proposed approach a good correlation between the simulation and experimental data is established. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669023

Characterization of Nanostructures The techniques and methods that can be applied to materials characterization on the microscale are numerous and well-established. Divided into two parts Characterization of Nanostructures provides thumbnail sketches of the most widely used techniques and methods that apply to nanostructures and discusses typical applications to single nanoscale objects as well as to ensembles of such objects. Section I: Techniques and Methods overviews the physical principles of the main techniques and describes those operational modes that are most relevant to nanoscale characterization. It provides sufficient technical detail so that readers and prospective users can gain an appreciation of the strengths and limitations of particular techniques. The section covers both mainstream and less commonly used techniques. Section II: Applications of Techniques to Structures of Different Dimensionalities and Functionalities deals with the methods for materials characterization of generic types of systems using carefully chosen illustrations from the literature. Each chapter begins with a brief description of the materials and supplies a context for the methods for characterization. The volume concludes with a series of flow charts and brief descriptions of tactical issues. The authors focus on the needs of the research laboratory but also address those of quality control industrial troubleshooting and online analysis. Characterization of Nanostructures describes those techniques and their operational modes that are most relevant to nanoscale characterization. It is especially relevant to systems of different dimensionalities and functionalities. The book builds a bridge between generalists who play vital roles in the post-disciplinary area of nanotechnology and specialists who view themselves as more in the context of the discipline. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198630

Characterization Techniques and Tabulations for Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials ""Furnishes table of nonlinear optical properties of organic substances as well as experimental procedures for measuring the nonlinearity of the elements tabulated including composite materials-offering support for scientists and engineers involved in characterizing optimizing and producing materials for manufacturing optical devices. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139036

Characterizations of C* Algebrasthe Gelfand Naimark Theorems The first unified in-depth discussion of the now classical Gelfand-Naimark theorems thiscomprehensive text assesses the current status of modern analysis regarding both Banachand C*-algebras.Characterizations of C*-Algebras: The Gelfand-Naimark Theorems focuses on general theoryand basic properties in accordance with readers' needs ... provides complete proofs of theGelfand-Naimark theorems as well as refinements and extensions of the original axioms. . . gives applications of the theorems to topology harmonic analysis. operator representations and other topics ... treats Hermitian and symmetric *-algebras.algebras with and without identity and algebras with arbitrary (possibly discontinuous)involutions . . . includes some 300 end-of-chapter exercises . . . offers appendices on functionalanalysis and Banach algebras ... and contains numerous examples and over 400 referencesthat illustrate important concepts and encourage further research.Characterizations of C*-Algebras: The Gelfand-Naimark Theorems is an ideal text for graduatestudents taking such courses as The Theory of Banach Algebras and C*-Algebras: inaddition it makes an outstanding reference for physicists research mathematicians in analysis and applied scientists using C*-algebras in such areas as statistical mechanics quantumtheory. and physical chemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367451639

Characterizing Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment Processes and TrainsUNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Natural organic matter (NOM) generally significantly influences water treatment processes such as coagulation oxidation adsorption and membrane filtration. In addition to aesthetic problems such as colour taste and odour NOM also contributes to the fouling of filtration membranes serves as a precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) of health concern during disinfection/oxidation processes increases the exhaustion and usage rate of activated carbon and may promote microbial growth in water distribution networks. The efficiency of drinking water treatment is affected by both the amount and composition of NOM. Proper NOM characterization enables the targeting of the problematic NOM fractions for removal and transformation. However the characterization methods used are often laborious time consuming and may involve extensive sample pre-treatment. High performance size exclusion chromatography and fluorescence excitation-emission matrices were used to characterize NOM relatively quickly and with minimal sample preparation. These and other tools were used to improve our understanding of NOM character and behaviour during drinking water treatment. The study demonstrates the potential of multiple NOM characterization tools for the selection operation and monitoring of water treatment processes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138000261

Charge Transfer in Physics Chemistry and BiologyPhysical Mechanisms of Elementary Processes and an Introduction to the Theory This book covers the various processes of charge transfer in physics chemistry and biology and shows the similarities and differences between them. It focuses on the physical mechanisms of the elementary processes to demonstrate their common physical nature. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003077244

Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah!A Life of Cardigan of Balaclava For James Thomas Brudenell 7th Earl of Cardigan leading the Light Brigade at Balaclava was but one incident in a life of sensation and notoriety. Donald Thomas’s biography originally published in 1977 and based on new material when originally published shows this most controversial Victorian against a panorama of regimental intrigue and aristocratic luxury. Dismissed from the army for ‘revolting’ conduct Cardigan bought the command of the 11th Hussars (the ‘Cherry Bums’) for £40 000 a few years later. Regimental rivalries led to the ‘Black Bottle’ scandal of 1840 and to a duel in which he shot a brother officer. Charged with attempted murder Cardigan was the only Victorian peer to be tried by the House of Lords. Nonetheless his seductions of other men’s wives rivalled his regimental misdemeanours in press reports. He was jeered int he streets hissed at the theatre and burnt in effigy. It took the glory and the folly of Balaclava to turn ‘this plague-spot of the British army’ into ‘the most popular soldier in England’. Greeted everywhere by cheering crowds their new hero fought duels and libel actions against those who denied his bravery before the Russian guns. For all his misbehaviour Cardigan remains warm-blooded generous impulsive and courageous as well as obstinate proud and sometimes ridiculous. Hated by numerous men and adored by many women his elopement with the beautiful Adeline Horsey de Horsey was a triumph of his old age. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138927094

Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with MatterChemical Physicochemical and Biological Consequences with Applications Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter offers in-depth perspectives on phenomena of ionization and excitation induced by charged particle and photon interactions with matter in vivo and in vitro. This reference probes concepts not only in radiation and photochemistry but also in radiation physics radiation biochemistry and radiation biology as well as recent applications in medicine and material environmental space and biological science and engineering. It studies reports on the interactions of high-energy photons specifically in the vacuum ultraviolet-soft X-ray region to offer fundamental information on the primary processes of the interactions of charged particles with matter. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367394868

Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with MatterRecent Advances Applications and Interfaces Building on Mozumder’s and Hatano’s Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter: Chemical Physicochemical and Biological Consequences with Applications (CRC Press 2004) Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter: Recent Advances Applications and Interfaces expands upon the scientific contents of the previous volume by covering state-of-the-art advances novel applications and future perspectives. It focuses on relatively direct applications used mainly in radiation research fields as well as the interface between radiation research and other fields.The book first explores the latest studies on primary processes (the physical stage) particularly on the energy deposition spectra and oscillator strength distributions of molecules interacting with charged particles and photons. Other studies discussed include the use of synchrotron radiation in W-value studies and the progress achieved with positrons and muons interacting with matter. It then introduces new theoretical studies on the physicochemical and chemical stages that describe the behavior of electrons in liquid hydrocarbons and the high-LET radiolysis of liquid water. The book also presents new experimental research on the physicochemical and chemical stages with specific characteristics of matter or specific experimental conditions before covering new experimental studies on the biological stage. The last set of chapters focuses on applications in health physics and cancer therapy applications to polymers the applications and interface formation in space science and technology and applications for the research and development of radiation detectors environmental conservation plant breeding and nuclear engineering.Edited by preeminent scientists and with contributions from an esteemed group of international experts this volume advances the field by offering greater insight into how charged particles and photons interact with matter. Bringing together topics across a spectrum of scientific and technological areas it provides clear explanations of the dynamic processes involved in and applications of interface formation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577070

Charged Particle Optics TheoryAn Introduction Charged Particle Optics Theory: An Introduction identifies the most important concepts of charged particle optics theory and derives each mathematically from the first principles of physics. Assuming an advanced undergraduate-level understanding of calculus this book follows a logical progression with each concept building upon the preceding one. Beginning with a non-mathematical survey of the optical nature of a charged particle beam the text:Discusses both geometrical and wave optics as well as the correspondence between themDescribes the two-body scattering problem which is essential to the interaction of a fast charged particle with matterIntroduces electron emission as a practical consequence of quantum mechanicsAddresses the Fourier transform and the linear second-order differential equationIncludes problems to amplify and fill in the theoretical details with solutions presented separatelyCharged Particle Optics Theory: An Introduction makes an ideal textbook as well as a convenient reference on the theoretical origins of the optics of charged particle beams. It is intended to prepare the reader to understand the large body of published research in this mature field with the end result translated immediately to practical application. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367377960

Charging for Government (Routledge Revivals)User Charges and Earmarked Taxes in Principle and Practice Originally published in 1991 user charges and earmarked taxes are methods by which people pay directly for the services they recieve from government. As such they are frequently supported by those who oppose increased taxation who argue that they are more like market transactions than traditional forms of taxation. This book explores the cogency of these arguments in the light of public choice analyses of political processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415609289

Charging Steeds or Maidens Performing Good DeedsIn Search of the Original Qur’an Charging Steeds or Maidens Performing Good Deeds: In Search of the Original Qur'ān brings an important contribution to understanding the development of the Qur'ānic corpus. Through a selection of meaningful case studies the author convincingly argues for a different interpretative approach to the Qur’ānic text. Taking as a starting point the consonantal skeleton of the holy text known as the ‘Uthmānic rasm and offering a critical reading of the Muslim interpretive tradition such an approach produces a clearer understanding of parts of the Qur’ān which have defied Muslim and non-Muslim scholars since the early days of Islam. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367186883

Charisma and Fascism Fascism remains a topic that fascinates both academic and general audiences. This is the first book to look systematically at the leaders of fascism and related movements in the inter-war era. It shows how fascist leaders came to personify their movements and why the Führeprinzip was applied in all fascist organizations. It also explains how fascist leadership was of a very particular kind: It was almost unlimited in political discipline and required complete subordination. The legitimacy was based on a very vague notion of 'the organic unity of the state and the people' giving the leaders competence to rule without accountability to a party organization or state bodies. Thus we can observe in all fascist parties/movements a practical form of leadership where policies of 'split and rule' were common in absence of principles of representation and opposition feedbacks. The fascist führer was the leader the party the ideology - and when in power: the state itself. This book was previously published as a special issue of Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315824321

Charisma and PatronageReasoning with Max Weber A detailed and richly illustrated analysis of charisma and the political and cultural conditions in which charismatic figures arise this work of historical sociology critically engages with Max Weber’s ambiguous concept of charisma to examine the charismatic careers of a number of figures including Joan of Arc Hitler and Nelson Mandela as well as that of Jesus who the author contends - in contradistinction to Max Weber - was not a charismatic leader in spite of his portrayal in Christian theology. Shedding light on the process of charismatic transformation as it occurs within intensely solidaristic groups and the importance of patronage in charismatic careers the book distinguishes between charismatic rule and charismatic leadership. With close attention to the social and political legacy of charisma for modern capitalism it also examines the emergence of a global class of the super-rich a process buttressed by a belief on the part of business leaders in their own charismatic powers. A rigorous examination of the under-researched political process of charisma the understanding of which remains as important in modern society as in history Charisma and Patronage will appeal to students and scholars across a range of disciplines including sociology history politics and social geography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600457

CharismaMicro-sociology of Power and Influence What is charisma? And how does it generate influence and power? World-renowned sociologist Randall Collins explores these and many other questions in a highly readable exploration of the various forms of charisma and how charisma elevated Jesus Cleopatra Lawrence of Arabia Queen Elizabeth Hitler Churchill Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Madame Mao Zedong and others. He explores four types of charisma: frontstage backstage success-magic and reputational charisma. Not everyone has the same kind of charisma and Collin’s identifies important differences and their relations to power. The book exemplifies Collin’s sophisticated micro-sociology in accessible and compelling prose quietly building subtle matrices of analysis that show how sociology unveils hidden discoveries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367373580

Charismatic GlossolaliaAn Empirical-Theological Study What is the nature and function of the Pentecostal/Charismatic gift of speaking in tongues? Charismatic Glossolalia aims to answer this question. Drawing on detailed observations and interviews with people who themselves speak in tongues as well as survey data Cartledge presents explanations on the meaning of this gift for both the participants and their churches. Cartledge argues that an understanding of the gift of speaking in tongues emerges as a symbol of divine-human encounter especially associated with the context of prayer and worship and symbolising a sense of beauty awe power intimacy and faith-building. In theological terms speaking in tongues may be described as trinitarian sacramental and as demonstrating an important feature of the Kingdom of God. An extensive literature review considers material from the New Testament Pentecostal and Charismatic theology and the behavioural and social sciences. This book offers a unique contribution to Pentecostal and Charismatic scholarship as well as the emerging scholarly tradition of Practical Theology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260648

Charismatic LeadershipThe role of charisma in the global financial crisis Why is charisma so crucially important to today’s corporations? And how might its misuse have been responsible for bringing the world’s financial system crashing to its knees? Charismatic Leadership: The role of charisma in the global financial crisis provides a theory-driven and intuitively appealing analysis of the role that charisma played in the global financial crisis of 2008. It looks at how charismatic leadership can contribute to organizational effectiveness but also considers the destructive potential of its darker side. It examines the role of charisma in fuelling investor irrationality and the endogenous instability and boom-and-bust cycles that characterize the markets. This book unites both academic and practitioner-led approaches to produce a text that is at once stimulating and informative. Expert insights written by financial sector leaders in the ‘View from the Markets’ sections alongside mini case studies and end-of-chapter questions enable the reader to consolidate key theoretical points covered in each chapter. It will be of interest to advanced students and scholars in the fields of leadership and organizational studies as well as professionals with a keen interest in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138822788

Charities in the Non-Western WorldThe Development and Regulation of Indigenous and Islamic Charities This book looks at the operation of indigenous charities at a regional localised and global level. Chapters focus on the adaptation accountability and operation of charities across a wide range of jurisdictions from China to Indonesia Thailand Iran South Africa Sri Lanka Lebanon and Turkey. It examines the ownership participation and accountability of charities in a regional localised and international context and draws on the experiences and operation of charities. By presenting a cross-disciplinary exploration of the operation of charities the book offers an interesting insight into the functioning and identification of the influencing factors impacting the operation of charities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138204201

Charity Self-Interest And Welfare In Britain1500 To The Present First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970182

Charity and Lay Piety in Reformation London 1500–1620 The degree to which the English Protestant Reformation was a reflection of genuine popular piety as opposed to a political necessity imposed by the country's rulers has been a source of lively historical debate in recent years. Whilst numerous arguments and documentary sources have been marshalled to explain how this most fundamental restructuring of English society came about most historians have tended to divide the sixteenth century into pre and post-Reformation halves reinforcing the inclination to view the Reformation as a watershed between two intellectually and culturally opposed periods. In contrast this study takes a longer and more integrated approach. Through the prism of charity and lay piety as expressed in the wills and testaments taken from selected London parishes it charts the shifting religious ideas about salvation and the nature and causes of poverty in early modern London and England across a hundred and twenty year period. Studying the evolution of lay piety through the long stretch of the period 1500 to 1620 Claire Schen unites pre-Reformation England with that which followed helping us understand how 'Reformations' or a 'Long Reformation' happened in London. Through the close study of wills and testaments she offers a convincing cultural and social history of sixteenth century Londoners and their responses to religious innovations and changing community policy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260631

Charity and Mutual Aid in Europe and North America since 1800 International in perspective the essays in this volume are primarily concerned with two facets of the mixed economy of welfare--charity and mutual aid. Emphasizing the close relationship between these two elements and the often blurred boundaries between each of them and commercial provision contributors raise crucial questions about the relationship between rights and responsibilities within the mixed economy of welfare and the ties which bind both the donors and recipients of charity and the members of voluntary organisations. The volume critically assesses the relationships between the statutory and voluntary sectors in a variety of national settings including Britain the United States the Netherlands Sweden Norway Canada and Germany during the last two hundred and fifty years  making the book as topical as it is significant. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415541053

Charity in Rabbinic JudaismAtonement Rewards and Righteousness Studying the many ideas about how giving charity atones for sin and other rewards in late antique rabbinic literature this volume contains many varied and even conflicting ideas as the multiplicity must be recognized and allowed expression. Topics include the significance of the rabbis’ use of the biblical word "tzedaqah" as charity the coexistence of the idea that God is the ultimate recipient of tzedaqah along with rabbinic ambivalence about that idea redemptive almsgiving and the reward for charity of retention or increase in wealth. Rabbinic literature’s preference for "teshuvah" (repentance) over tzedeqah to atone for sin is also closely examined. Throughout close attention is paid to chronological differences in these ideas and to differences between the rabbinic compilations of the land of Israel and the Babylonian Talmud. The book extensively analyzes the various ways the Babylonian Talmud especially tends to put limits on the divine element in charity while privileging its human this-worldly dimensions. This tendency also characterizes the Babylonian Talmud’s treatment of other topics. The book briefly surveys some post-Talmudic developments.As the study fills a gap in existing scholarship on charity and the rabbis it is an invaluable resource for scholars and clergy interested in charity within comparative religion history and religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367728649

Charity LawInternational Perspectives This work provides an analytical and comparative analysis of the development of charity law as well as providing a critical commentary on a number of contemporary changes within the charity law field across a range of common law jurisdictions. The book follows earlier studies which cover a similar and traditional jurisdictional spread but which are now dated. It further considers in detail charity law issues within Hong Kong and Singapore about which there has been historically more limited charity law discussion. The area is growing in terms of practical legal and academic interest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367878054

Charity ShopsRetailing Consumption and Society In the late 1990s there was a distinct rise in interest in the non-profit sector and in retailing and consumption.  Drawing together these two concerns this book provides a comprehensive and international account of the retail charity sector. Charity shops are now significant occupiers of the UK high street and are becoming familiar sites of consumption in the USA Australia Canada and Ireland. This volume provides the first overview of the history and development of the charity shop incorporating material from a variety of disciplines including marketing retailing cultural studies and social geography. Presenting recent research from the UK Europe Australia and North America this book fills gap in the literature of the field and will be of great interest to all practitioners researchers and students wishing to study the charity shop phenomenon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863989

Charles Avison in ContextNational and International Musical Links in Eighteenth-Century North-East England Despite recent interest in music-making in the so-called ’provinces’ the idea still lingers that music-making outside London was small in scale second-rate and behind the times. However in Newcastle upon Tyne the presence of a nationally known musician Charles Avison (1709-1770) prompts a reassessment of how far this idea is still tenable. Avison’s life and work illuminates many wider trends. His relationships with his patrons the commercial imperatives which shaped his activities the historical and social milieu in which he lived and worked were influenced by and reflected many contemporary movements: Latitudinarianism Methodism the improvement of church music the aesthetics of the day including new ideas circulating in Europe discussions of issues such as gentility and the new commercialism of leisure. He can be considered as the notional centre of a web of connections both musical and non-musical extending through every part of Britain and into both Europe and America. This book looks at these connections exploring the ways in which the musical culture in the north-east region interacted with and influenced musical culture elsewhere and the non-musical influences with which it was involved including contemporary religious philosophical and commercial developments establishing that regional centres such as Newcastle could be as well-informed influential and vibrant as London. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367594152

Charles Avison's Essay on Musical ExpressionWith Related Writings by William Hayes and Charles Avison Charles Avison's Essay on Musical Expression first published in 1752 is a major contribution to the debate on musical aesthetics which developed in the course of the 18th century. Considered by Charles Burney as the first essay devoted to 'musical criticism' proper it established the primary importance of 'expression' and reconsidered the relative importance of harmony and melody. Immediately after its publication it was followed by William Hayes's Remarks (1753) to which Avison himself retorted in his Reply. Taken together these three texts offer a fascinating insight into the debate that raged in the 18th century between the promoters of the so-called 'ancient music' (such as Hayes) and the more 'modern' musicians. Beyond matters of taste what was at stake in Avison's theoretical contribution was the assertion that the individual's response to music ultimately mattered more than the dry rules established by professional musicians. Avison also wrote several prefaces to the published editions of his own musical compositions. This volume reprints these prefaces and advertisements together with his Essay to provide an interesting view of eighteenth-century conceptions of composition and performance and a complete survey of Avison's theory of music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249233

Charles Bukowski Outsider Literature and the Beat Movement This book uses cultural and psycho-social analysis to examine the beat writer Charles Bukowski and his literature focusing on representations of the anti-hero rebel and outsider. Clements considers the complexities ambiguities and contradictions represented by the author and his work exploring Bukowski’s visceral writing of the cultural ordinary and everyday self-narrative. The study considers Bukowski’s apolitical gendered and working-class stance to understand how the writer represents reality and is represented with regards to counter-cultural literature. In addition Clements provides a broader socio-cultural focus that evaluates counterculture in relation to the American beat movement and mythology highlighting the male cool anti-hero. The cultural practices and discourses utilized to situate Bukowski include the individual and society outsiderdom cult celebrity fan embodiment and disneyfication providing a greater understanding of the beat generation and counterculture literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415807593

Charles CorreaIndia's Greatest Architect This book celebrates the work of India's greatest architect Charles Correa. Born in 1930 Correa is an Indian and international architect who in a lifetime of achievement has created work which is consistently beautiful human and enduring. He played a defining role in the architecture of post-Independence India and has designed some of the most outstanding cultural and civic monuments science institutes schools housing developments and new cities based on a profound understanding of his country s history needs and aspirations. Correa's work has provided inspiration for future generations of architects at a time of vertiginous population and economic growth in the region. For this he has received many awards including Britain's highest architectural accolade the Royal Gold Medal in 1984. Rooted in India but educated as an architect in the United States and steeped in the modernist teachings of Le Corbusier Correa has concentrated on the living patterns in communities where he worked achieving remarkable results with simple but effective means. Tradition and modernity are not opposites for him. Always contemporary he has subtly layered the history of the land and of ideas in his designs. His sources range from the railway models of his childhood to conceptions of the Cosmos and to street-hawkers' use of the Mumbai pavements. Throughout his career he has demonstrated a remarkably consistent approach guided by a respect for the given conditions a desire to effect change without forced interference and a passion to combine fitness for purpose with beauty and spirituality. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465172

Charles DarwinAn Anthology Although his name has become a household word after he published Th e Origin of Species a one-volume edition of his writings that covers the full gamut of his theoretical as well as scientific writings has not been available for many years. Charles Darwin: An Anthology covers the heart of the five books for which the author is best known. This readable volume includes The Autobiography The Voyage of the Beagle The Origin of Species The Descent of Man and The Expression of the Emotions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520288

Charles DarwinThe Fragmentary Man This biography of Charles Darwin first published in 1937 re-lives Darwin’s life year by year allowing the reader to share his experiences. The book displays Darwin’s ideas and how they developed and grew over time. This title will be of great interest to students of the history of science and philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138496552

Charles de Gaulle In this new biography Andrew Knapp concisely dissects each of the major controversies surrounding General Charles de Gaulle leader of the Free French during the Second World War and President of France from 1959 to 1969. From the beginning of de Gaulle’s military career in 1909 to an analysis of legacies and myths after his death in 1970 this study examines the path by which the French came to honour him as the greatest Frenchman of all time and as the twentieth century’s pre-eminent world statesman. In each chapter Knapp analyses de Gaulle’s participation in key events such as the development of France’s resistance against Nazi Germany the decolonisation of Algeria the birth of the French Fifth Republic and the gigantic upheaval of May 1968. Simultaneously this study questions de Gaulle’s actions and motives throughout his life. By exploring the justification of the contemporary ‘de Gaulle myth’ Knapp concludes by shedding new light on the influence of de Gaulle in the political culture of twenty-first-century France. Through careful analysis of primary sources as well as recent scholarship this biography is an invaluable source for scholars and students of modern history the history of France political institutions and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138839199

Charles de Gaulle the International System and the Existential Difference This innovative account of Charles de Gaulle as a thinker and writer on nationalism and international relations offers a view of him far beyond that of a traditional nationalist. Centring on the way de Gaulle regarded nations as individuals the author frames his argument by rationalising de Gaulle’s nationalism within the existential movement that flowed as an intellectual undercurrent throughout early and mid-twentieth-century France. Graham O’Dwyer asserts that this existentialism of the nation and ‘the presence of the past’ allowed de Gaulle to separate the ‘nation’ from the ‘state’ when looking at China Russia Vietnam and East European countries enabling him to understand the idiosyncrasies of specific national characters better than most of his contemporaries. This was especially the case for Russia and China and meant that he read the Cold War world in a way that Washington and London could not allowing him a unique insight into how they would act as individuals and in relation to other nations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472437556

Charles Diana & Me First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991149

Charles Dickens Dickens is second only to Shakespeare in the range and intensity of critical discussion which his work has provoked. His writing is central to literature and culture across the English-speaking world. In this important new anthology Steven Connor gathers together representative examples of the range of new critical approaches to Dickens over the last two decades. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138165489

Charles Dickens (RLE Dickens) The main concern of this volume is Dickens’ role as "entertainer". It examines the results of this role: Dickens’ important contribution to the techniques of comedy and irony in prose. The social commentary and criticism which arise from a primarily comic art is emphasized and exemplified. Other extracts are used to demonstrate more formal points of structure and prose technique. In the introduction the Martin Fido discusses the changing levels of Dickens’ literary and social reputation from the nineteenth century to the present day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846387

Charles Dickens and China 1895-1915Cross-Cultural Encounters From 1895 to 1915 Chinese translations of Dickens's fiction first appeared as part of a growing interest in Western literature and culture among Chinese intellectuals. Klaudia Hiu Yen investigates the multifarious ways in which Dickens’s works were adapted reconfigured and transformed for the Chinese readership against the turbulent political and social conditions in the last stages of the Qing dynasty (1644-1912) and the early Republic (1912-1949). Moving beyond the 'Response to the West’ model which often characterises East-West interactions Lee explores how Chinese intellectuals viewed Dickens’s novels as performing a particular social function; on occasion they were used to advance the country’s social and political causes. Translation and adaptation became a means through which the politics and social values of the original Dickens texts were undermined or even subverted. Situating the early introduction of Dickens to China within the broader field of Victorian studies Lee challenges some of the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of the ’global’ turn both in Dickens scholarship and in Victorian studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140441

Charles Dickens and the Form of the NovelFiction and Narrative in Dickens' Work First published in 1987. While there have been commentaries on his humour his seriousness his social concerns and other specific aspects of his work such accounts have only tended to divide our understanding of the novels to lead us to see them as failures of artistic unity. In this book the author seeks to address this question of unity and find a terminology that can treat language plot and representation of reality as a coherent imaginative effort. This thesis is worked out in detail with reference to several of the novels and represents a challenging re-evaluation Dickens’ achievement as a novelist. This book will be if interest to student of literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138672772

Charles Dickens and the Victorian ChildRomanticizing and Socializing the Imperfect Child This book explores the ideas of children and childhood and the construct of the ‘ideal’ Victorian child that developed rapidly over the Victorian era along with literacy and reading material for the emerging mass reading public. Children’s Literature was one of the developing areas for publishers and readers alike yet this did not stop the reading public from bringing home works not expressly intended for children and reading to their family. Within the idealized middle class family circle authors such as Charles Dickens were read and appreciated by members of all ages. By examining some of Dickens’s works that contain the imperfect child and placing them alongside works by Kingsley MacDonald Stretton Rossetti and Nesbit Malkovich considers the construction romanticization and socialization of the Victorian child within work read by and for children during the Victorian Era and early Edwardian period. These authors use elements of religion death irony fairy worlds gender and class to illustrate the need for the ideal child and yet the impossibility of such a construct. Malkovich contends that the ‘imperfect’ child more readily reflects reality whereas the ‘ideal’ child reflects an unattainable fantasy and while debates rage over how to define children’s literature such children though somewhat changed can still be found in the most popular of literatures read by children contemporarily. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138850781

Charles Dickens's Great ExpectationsA Cultural Life 1860�2012 Great Expectations has had a long active and sometimes surprising life since its first serialized appearance in All the Year Round between 1 December 1860 and 3 August 1861. In this new publishing and reception history Mary Hammond demonstrates that while Dickens’s thirteenth novel can tell us a great deal about the dynamic mid-Victorian moment into which it was born its afterlife beyond the nineteenth-century Anglophone world reveals the full extent of its versatility. Re-assessing generations of Dickens scholarship and using newly discovered archival material Hammond covers the formative history of Great Expectations' early years analyses the extent and significance of its global reach and explores the ways in which it has functioned as literature and stage TV film and radio drama from its first appearance to the latest film version of 2012. Appendices include contemporary reviews and comprehensive bibliographies of adaptations and translations. The book is a rich resource for scholars and students of Dickens; of comparative literature; and of publishing readership and media history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367878993

Charles Dickens's Our Mutual FriendA Publishing History Even within the context of Charles Dickens's history as a publishing innovator Our Mutual Friend is notable for what it reveals about Dickens as an author and about Victorian publishing. Marking Dickens's return to the monthly number format after nearly a decade of writing fiction designed for weekly publication in All the Year Round Our Mutual Friend emerged against the backdrop of his failing health troubled relationship with Ellen Ternan and declining reputation among contemporary critics. In his subtly argued publishing history Sean Grass shows how these difficulties combined to make Our Mutual Friend an extraordinarily odd novel no less in its contents and unusually heavy revisions than in its marketing by Chapman and Hall its transformation from a serial into British and U.S. book editions its contemporary reception by readers and reviewers and its delightfully uneven reputation among critics in the 150 years since Dickens’s death. Enhanced by four appendices that offer contemporary accounts of the Staplehurst railway accident information on archival materials transcripts of all of the contemporary reviews and a select bibliography of editions Grass’s book shows why this last of Dickens’s finished novels continues to intrigue its readers and critics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138376403

Charles DickensThe Critical Heritage The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work enabling students and researchers to read for themselves for example comments on early performances of Shakespeare's plays or reactions to the first publication of Jane Austen's novels.The carefully selected sources range from landmark essays in the history of criticism to journalism and contemporary opinion and little published documentary material such as letters and diaries. Significant pieces of criticism from later periods are also included in order to demonstrate the fluctuations in an author's reputation.Each volume contains an introduction to the writer's published works a selected bibliography and an index of works authors and subjects.The Collected Critical Heritage set will be available as a set of 68 volumes and the series will also be available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes) and as individual volumes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203194751

Charles Francois GounodA Research and Information Guide Charles François Gounod: A Research and Information Guide is an annotated bibliography concerning both the nature of primary sources related to the composer and the scope and significance of the secondary sources which deal with him and his compositions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970199

Charles Haddon SpurgeonA Preachers Progress Originally published in 1982. This biography of Charles Haddon Spurgeon attempts to place the man within the framework of his time. The emphasis is upon Spurgeon as a representative Victorian who succeeded because his values were those of the dominant middle class. This study also seeks to illuminate the motives which drove him time after time to seek the spotlight of controversy. C. H. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations to this day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118812

Charles Hallé: A Musical Life Charles Hallé was one of the leading musicians of the nineteenth century and intimate with almost all of the great composers and performers of his time as well as a friend of the Royal Family and known as much as a pianist and chamber musician as a conductor in London throughout the country and abroad in addition to Manchester. Robert Beale presents a new perspective on Hallé's life and achievement constructed mainly from primary sources which serves to dispel many of the inaccuracies and omissions that have stemmed to a great extent from Hallé's own autobiographical account of 1896. His edited memoirs omit much of the competition and controversy struggles and disappointments of his career in Manchester and indeed hardly convey the scope of his activities elsewhere. Hallé was a key figure in the shift from contemporary to ’classical’ repertory in orchestral concerts and piano performance. Not only did he found the Manchester orchestra in 1862-3 he also gave the first known cycle of Beethoven's piano sonatas. His early annual ’recital’ series in London marked a new era in the musical history of his time. The formation of the modern 'symphony orchestra' took place during the period of Hallé's professional life and he was a pioneer in the process in both artistic and business terms. Having adopted the role of orchestral conductor when it was itself relatively novel he became one of the acknowledged masters of the craft over four and half decades - as well as continuing to appear as solo pianist and chamber musician and in addition he was enormously influential as musical pedagogue and educationist. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265523

Charles I Charles I provides a detailed overview of Charles Stuart placing his reign firmly within the wider context of this turbulent period and examining the nature of one of the most complex monarchs in British history. The book is organised chronologically beginning in 1600 and covering Charles’ early life his first difficulties with his parliaments the Personal Rule the outbreak of Civil War and his trial and eventual execution in 1649. Interwoven with historiography the book emphasises the impact of Charles’ challenging inheritance on his early years as king and explores the transition from his original championing of international Protestantism to his later vision of a strong and centralised monarchy influenced by continental models which eventually provoked rebellion and civil war across his three kingdoms. This study brings to light the mass of contradictions within Charles’ nature and his unusual approach to monarchy resulting in his unrivaled status as the only English king to have been tried and executed by his own subjects. Offering a fresh approach to this significant reign and the fascinating character that held it Charles I is the perfect book for students of early modern Britain and the English Civil War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138712225

Charles I Charles I was a complex man whose career intersected with some of the most dramatic events in English history. He played a central role in provoking the English Civil War and his execution led to the only republican government Britain has ever known. Historians have struggled to get him into perspective veering between outright condemnation and measured sympathy.Richard Cust shows that Charles I was not ‘unfit to be a king’ emphasising his strengths as a party leader and conviction politician but concludes that none the less his prejudices and attitudes and his mishandling of political crises did much to bring about a civil war in Britain. He argues that ultimately after the war Charles pushed his enemies into a position where they had little choice but to execute him. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315834276

Charles I Charles Carlton's biography of the `monarch of the Civil Wars' was praised for its distinctive psychological portrait of Charles I when it was first published in 1983. Challenging conventional interpretations of the king as well as questioning orthodox historical assumptions concerning the origins and development of the Civil Wars the book quickly established itself as the definitive biography. In the eleven years since Charles I: The Personal Monarch was published an immense amount of new material on the king and his reign have emerged and yet no new biography has been written. Professor Carlton's second edition includes a substantial new preface which takes account of the new work. Addressing and analysing the furious historiographical debates which have surrounded the period Carlton offers a fresh and lucid perspective. The text and bibliography have been thoroughly updated. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203352687

Charles I 1625-1640 Draws on recent interpretations of the period to re-evaluate Charles I's reign. This work analyses the reign of Charles I against the background of his father's legacy and the problems he inherited. The study assesses Charles's own methods and style of government suggesting that these were mainly to blame for the difficulties he encounted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166066

Charles I and the Puritan UpheavalA Study of the Causes of the Great Migration Originally published in 1955 and based on research of public records and other contemporary sources this book builds up an excellent picture of England before the Civil War. Through a series of case studies it examines the type of person who emigrated to New England and their motivation for doing so. The wealth of evidence from original documents is clearly arranged and provides a refreshing reassessment of the period showing that although religious conviction was a clear motive for emigration the Puritan were also seeking security from hardships of other kinds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367626051

Charles I of AnjouPower Kingship and State-Making in Thirteenth-Century Europe Charles I of Anjou (1225-85) brother of St Louis was one of the most controversial figures of thirteenth-century Europe. A royal adventurer who carved out a huge Mediterranean power block as ruler of Provence Jerusalem and the kingdom of Naples as well as Anjou he changed for good the political configuration of the Mediterranean world - even though his ambitions were fatally undermined by the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers. Jean Dunbabin's study - the first in English for 40 years - reassesses Charles's extraordinary career his pivotal role in the crusades and in military reform trading diplomacy learning and the arts and finds a more remarkable figure than the ruthless thug of conventional historiography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161627

Charles KingsleyFaith Flesh and Fantasy Novelist poet Anglican priest and controversialist Charles Kingsley (1819–75) epitomizes the bustling Victorian man of faith and letters a prolific polymath as ready to break a lance with John Henry Newman over Christian doctrine as he was to preach to schoolchildren on the virtues of manly physical struggle. Kingsley’s The Water-Babies and Westward Ho! were best-sellers which became classics of children’s literature. Kingsley has come to epitomize the Victorian age. On closer inspection Kingsley is harder to categorize: a socialist who was also an imperialist a Chartist revolutionary who was Queen Victoria’s favourite novelist a natural theologian who popularized Darwin a priest who celebrated sex as sacrament. Kingsley only appears straightforward if you consider him one piece at a time. The debates he shaped remain with us today: faith and sexuality economics and exploitation race and identity. The aim of this book is to present the whole man: to consider the public crusades for public health alongside the most private fantasies of sexual intercourse; to consider the ardent imperialist alongside the Darwinist. It will be of interest to all students of Victorian studies as well as of British/Imperial history church history and especially the history of science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367224912

Charles KnightEducator Publisher Writer Charles Knight: Educator Publisher Writer is the first modern book-length study of this important nineteenth-century educational reformer author and publisher. Though he made significant contributions during his lifetime to the cause of popular education providing inexpensive but quality reading material for the newly literate working classes Knight has been largely ignored by scholars. This neglect the author suggests may be related to Knight's association with the controversial Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge and to the use scholars make of Knight's Penny Magazine and his two volumes on political economy to support their arguments on theories of social control and other issues. The author argues that Knight's reputation has suffered as a result. She reexamines the evidence to offer fresh assessments of Knight's life and work that illuminate his genuine achievements. She concludes with an evaluation of Knight's role as an innovative publisher who used the latest techniques to provide the emerging mass readership with unique combinations of text and image in his many 'pictorial' books and periodicals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138356665

Charles Lamb Elia and the London MagazineMetropolitan Muse The inherent 'metropolitanism' of writing for a Romantic-era periodical is here explored through the Elia articles that Charles Lamb wrote for the London Magazine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665156

Charles Peirce's Empiricism First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315823119

Charles Pelham Villiers: Aristocratic Victorian Radical This book provides the first biographical study of Charles Pelham Villiers (1802-1898) whose long UK parliamentary career spanned numerous government administrations under twenty different prime ministers. An aristocrat from a privileged background Villiers was elected to Parliament as a Radical in 1835 and subsequently served the constituency of Wolverhampton for sixty-three years until his death in 1898. A staunch Liberal free trader throughout his life Villiers played a pre-eminent role in the Anti-Corn Law League as its parliamentary champion introduced an important series of Poor Law reforms and later split with William Gladstone over the issue of Irish Home Rule turning thereafter to Liberal Unionism. Hence Villiers who remains the longest-serving MP in British parliamentary history was intimately involved with many of the great issues of the Victorian Age in Britain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138331891

Charles Robert Cockerell Architect in TimeReflections around Anachronistic Drawings Speed acceleration and rapid change characterize our world and as we design and construct buildings that are to last at least a few decades and sometimes even centuries how can architecture continue to act as an important cultural signifier? Focusing on how an important nineteenth-century architect addressed the already shifting relation between architecture time and history this book offers insights on issues still relevant today-the struggle between imitation and innovation the definition (or rejection) of aesthetic experience the grounds of architectural judgment (who decides and how) or fundamentally how to act (i.e. build) when there is no longer a single grand narrative but a plurality of possible histories. Six drawings provide the foundation of an itinerary through Charles Robert Cockerell’s conception of architecture and into the depths of drawings and buildings. Born in England in 1788 Cockerell sketched as a Grand Tourist he charted architectural history as Royal Academy Professor he drew to build to exhibit to understand the past and to learn from it publishing his last work in 1860 three years before his death. Under our scrutiny his drawings become thresholds into the nineteenth century windows into the architect’s conception of architecture and time complex documents of past and projected constructions great examples that reveal a kinetic approach to ornamentation and the depth of architectural representation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739966

Charles SheelerModernism Precisionism and the Borders of Abstraction Charles Sheeler was the stark poet of the machine age. Photographer of the Ford Motor Company and founder of the painting movement Precisionism he is remembered as a promoter of - and apologist for - the industrialised capitalist ethic. This major new rethink of one of the key figures of American modernism argues that Sheeler's true relationship to progress was in fact highly negative his 'precisionism' both skewed and imprecise. Covering the entire oeuvre from photography to painting and drawing attention to the inconsistencies curiosities and 'puzzles' embedded in Sheeler's work Rawlinson reveals a profound critique of the processes of rationalisation and the conditions of modernity. The book argues finally for a re-evaluation of Sheeler's often dismissed late work which it suggests may only be understood through a radical shift in our understanding of the work of this prominent figure. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003103431

Charles Simic and the Poetics of Uncertainty Charles Simic and the Poetics of Uncertainty provides the first full account of the poetics of the former US Poet Laureate who is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed English-language poets writing today. The book argues for uncertainty as the center of Simic’s poetics and addresses the ways that his poetry grows from and navigates various forms of uncertainty. Donovan McAbee addresses uncertainty regarding the national character of Simic’s poetry and how this is complicated by Simic’s identity as a Yugoslavian refugee to the United States. The book assesses the theological and linguistic uncertainties of Simic’s poetry and explores the ways that Simic articulates the aesthetic space created by poems as a safe place of encounter for the reader. The book argues for the role of humor as a primary mode that holds together the uncertainties of Simic’s poetry and finally it articulates the way that within these uncertainties Simic develops a deeply humane political poetry of survival. Along the way Simic’s work is placed in conversation with key influences and other important American and international poets and writers including James Tate Mark Strand Charles Wright Nicanor Parra Vasko Popa and others. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367414924

Charles Taylor Charles Taylor is one of the most influential and prolific philosophers in the English-speaking world today. The breadth of his writings is unique ranging from reflections on artificial intelligence to analyses of contemporary multicultural societies. This thought-provoking introduction to Taylor's work outlines his ideas in a coherent and accessible way without reducing their richness and depth. His contribution to many of the enduring debates within Western philosophy is examined and the arguments of his critics assessed. Taylor's reflections on the topics of moral theory selfhood political theory and epistemology form the core chapters within the book. Ruth Abbey engages with the secondary literature on Taylor's work and suggests that some criticisms by contemporaries have been based on misinterpretations and suggests ways in which a better understanding of Taylor's work leads to different criticisms of it. The book serves as an ideal companion to Taylor's ideas for students of philosophy and political theory and will be welcomed by the non-specialist looking for an authoritative guide to Taylor's large and challenging body of work. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315710853

Charles The Bald This important and long-awaited study is the first full-scale biography of Charlemagne's grandson King of the West Franks from 843 to 877 and Emperor from 875. Posterity has not been kind to Charles or his age seeing him as a fatally weak ruler in decadent times threatened by Viking invaders and overmighty subjects. Janet Nelson however reveals an able and resourceful ruler who under challenging conditions maintained and enhanced royal authority and held together the kingdom that outlasting the Carolingians themselves in due course became France. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157507

Charles Valentin AlkanHis Life and His Music A 'conservative radical' is William Alexander Eddie's description of the French virtuoso composer-pianist Charles Valentin Alkan (1813-1888). Judaic culture the French baroque and German classicism were the main influences on Alkan's musical style with more radical musical tendencies found in many of the Esquisses op 63. This comprehensive survey takes as its focus a stylistic analysis of Alkan's compositions from the apprentice works to the later 'massed style' etudes; the latter are of considerable length and pianistic difficulty. There is also consideration of Alkan's achievements as pianist and teacher and the sections on performance practice in Alkan will be of interest to pianists today. A full investigation of Alkan's reception history is also included and useful appendices provide a guide to further archival research. A list of works and basic discography complete this new study of an important French composer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275027

Charles Villiers Stanford The first book devoted to the composer Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) since 1935 this survey provides the fullest account of his life and the most detailed appraisal of his music to date. Renowned in his own lifetime for the rapid rate at which he produced new works Stanford was also an important conductor and teacher. Paul Rodmell assesses these different roles and considers what Stanford's legacy to British music has been. Born and brought up in Dublin Stanford studied at Cambridge and was later appointed Professor of Music there. His Irish lineage remained significant to him throughout his life and this little-studied aspect of his character is examined here in detail for the first time. A man about whom no-one who met him could feel indifferent Stanford made friends and enemies in equal numbers. Rodmell charts these relationships with people and institutions such as Richter Parry and the Royal College of Music and discusses how they influenced Stanford's career. Perhaps not the most popular of teachers Stanford nevertheless coached a generation of composers who were to revitalize British music amongst them Coleridge-Taylor Ireland Vaughan-Williams Holst Bridge and Howells. While their musical styles may not be obviously indebted to Stanford's it is clear that without him British music of the first half of the twentieth century might have taken a very different course. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138269033

Charles WhitworthDiplomat in the Age of Peter the Great In 1700 the armies of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great and Charles XII of Sweden met at Narva to fight the first battle of what was to be known as the Great Northern War. Although this first engagement was to result in a humiliating defeat for Peter it marked the start of a struggle that twenty years later would see Russia emerge as a major power and radically alter the balance of power in Europe. This work examines the changes in the balance of power in Europe in the early eighteenth century as a result of the Great Northern War and the War of the Spanish Succession through the writings and career of Charles Whitworth the first British Ambassador to Russia and Minister in The Hague Berlin Ratisbon and Cambrai. Whitworth was an acute witty and indefatigable writer. His long and detailed dispatches and reports comment on Russian Prussian Austrian and Dutch domestic and foreign policy on trading and commercial matters on leading personalities and events and on the diplomacy of the Great Northern War and the War of Spanish Succession. He was in Russia from 1705 to 1712 and witnessed the growing military naval and commercial power of the state and was acutely aware of the potential threat of Russia to British interests. The period of Whitworth's diplomatic career from 1702-1725 witnessed a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the North and the nature and timing of Whitworth's postings made him uniquely qualified to chart and analyse this development. Drawing on a wide variety of manuscript sources Dr Hartley has produced a compelling account both of Whitworth and the momentous events taking place in Europe at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260624

Charles-Louis de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu The French philosophe Charles-Louis de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) was a political and social thinker of enormous depth range originality and influence. The essays by eminent scholars reprinted in this volume explore significant aspects of his contributions to political constitutional and religious thought during the epoch of the French Enlightenment. Topics highlighted include his Persian Letters (1721) his history of Rome (1734) and the views he expressed in The Spirit of Laws (1748) on natural law forms of government English constitutionalism religion commerce international relations and the philosophy of history. Supplemented by a detailed introduction that contextualizes the papers selected for this volume as well as an extensive bibliography this work serves as an authoritative reference to the best scholarship on Montesquieu's political thought. The volume is edited and introduced by David W. Carrithers Adolph Ochs Professor of Government at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and author of numerous publications on Montesquieu. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315095813

Charlie ChaplinA Political Biography from Victorian Britain to Modern America Richard Carr’s Charlie Chaplin places politics at the centre of the filmmaker’s life as it looks beyond Chaplin’s role as a comedic figure to his constant political engagement both on and off the screen. Drawing from a wealth of archival sources from across the globe Carr provides an in-depth examination of Chaplin’s life as he made his way from Lambeth to Los Angeles. From his experiences in the workhouse to his controversial romantic relationships and his connections with some of the leading political figures of his day this book sheds new light on Chaplin’s private life and introduces him as a key social commentator of the time. Whether interested in Hollywood and Hitler or communism and celebrity Charlie Chaplin is essential reading for all students of twentieth-century history.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138923263

Charlotte Brontë Within the narrow confines of Haworth Parsonage the Brontë children constructed a multiform fantasy world and to their gift of intense imagination was added the quality of intense passion. The narrowness of Charlotte’s experience makes autobiography important in her novels while her imagination and passion exalt the subjectivity of her work. Her style is autobiographical also adding credibility to the often heightened narrative while the moralism of her heroines often serves to stabilise this exaggeration. This book first published in 1968 introduces extracts from the novels of Charlotte Brontë emphasising the author’s subjectivity imagination and the resultant heightening of dialogue and experience. There is a central section on her heroines while others discuss and illustrate events other characters the handling of time and place speech and dialogue and the author’s place in novels. This title will be of interest to students of English Literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138929579

Charlotte Brontë from the BeginningsNew Essays from the Juvenilia to the Major Works Composed of serialized works poems short tales and novellas Charlotte Brontë's juvenilia merit serious scholarly attention as revelatory works in and of themselves as well as for what they tell us about the development of Brontë as a writer. This timely collection attends to both critical strands positioning Brontë as an author whose career encompassed the Romantic and Victorian eras and delving into the developing nineteenth century's literary concerns as well as the growth of the writer's mind. As the contributors show Brontë's authorship took shape among the pages of her juvenilia as figures from Brontë's childhood experience of the world such as Wellington and Napoleon transmuted to her fictional pages while her siblings' works and worlds both overlapped with and extended beyond her own. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140465

Charlotte Perkins Gilman Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) is one of the most important women contributors to classical sociology primarily because of the originality and significance of her theoretical work. Although well known to her contemporaries in both the United States and Europe Gilman’s legacy was not fully acknowledged by sociologists until her work was recently rediscovered under the impetus of second wave feminist scholarship. Gilman's overarching accomplishment as a sociologist was to formulate a still unparalleled conception of gender. She was both the first theorist to separate gender as socially constructed behavior from biological sex and to treat it as a significant variable in social analysis and the first to create a general theory of society in which gender stratification serves as the foundational principle. She also offered important ideas for the sociological subfields of economy work culture and family presenting her arguments in a variety of forms: formal theory verse essays public lectures novels and short stories. The essays selected for this volume feature essays of interest to sociologists from across a spectrum of disciplines: economics literature women's studies philosophy and history as well as sociology. The essays are arranged thematically with sections on: gender and society; economy and society; methodology; the public role of the sociologist; towards a sociology of women; and race class and gender. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754678106

Charlotte Riddell's City Novels and Victorian BusinessNarrating Capitalism In spite of the popularity she enjoyed during her lifetime Charlotte Riddell (1832-1906) has received little attention from scholars. Silvana Colella makes a strong case for the relevance of Riddell's novels as narrative experiments that shed new light on the troubled experience of Victorian capitalism. Drawing on her impressive knowledge of commerce and finance Riddell produced several novels that narrate the fate of individuals - manufacturers accountants entrepreneurs City men and their female companions - who pursue the liberal dream of self-determination in the unstable world of London business. Colella situates novels such as Too Much Alone George Geith The Race for Wealth Austin Friars and The Senior Partner in the broader cultural context examining business manuals commercial biographies and essays to highlight Victorian constructions of the business ideal and the changing cultural status of the City of London. Combining historicist and formalist readings Colella charts the progression of Riddell's imaginative commitment to the business world focusing on the author's gendered awareness of the promises and disenchantments associated with the changing dynamics of capitalist modernisation. Her book enriches our understanding of Victorian business culture the literary history of capitalism and the intersections of gender genre and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140472

Charlotte Smith in British Romanticism Charlotte Smith's early sonnets established the genre as a Romantic form; her novels advanced sensibility beyond its reliance on emotional facility; and her blank verse initiated one of the most familiar of Romantic verse forms. This volume draws together the best of current scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663657

Charlotte SmithSelected Poems This book presents an ideal introduction to the full range of the works of Charlotte Smith whose Romantic sensibility is an expression of a specifically female experience from her influential sonnets and poems for children to extracts from her French Revolution poem. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003061854

Charlotte YongeRereading Domestic Religious Fiction Charlotte Yonge a dedicated religious didactic and domestic novelist has become one of the most effectively rediscovered Victorian women writers of the last decades. Her prolific output of fiction does not merely give a fascinatingly different insight into nineteenth-century popular culture; it also yields a startling complexity. This compels a reappraisal of the parameters that have long been limiting discussion of women writers of the time. Situating Yonge amidst developments in science technology imperialism aesthetics and the book market at her time the individual contributions in this book explore her critical and often self-conscious engagement with current fads controversies and possible alternatives. Her marketing of her missionary stories the wider significance of her contribution to Tractarian aesthetics the impact of Darwinian science on her domestic chronicles and her work as a successful editor of a newly established magazine show this self-confidently anti-feminist and domestic writer exert a profound influence on Victorian literature and culture. This book was previously published as a special issue of Women's Writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415690201

Charnolophagy in Health and DiseaseWith Special Reference to Nanotheranostics This book introduces charnolophagy (CP) as energy-driven lysosomal-dependent mitochondrial inclusion-specific pleomorphic Charnoly body (CB) autophagy (ATG) involving free radical-induced Ca2+ dyshomeostasis ΔΨ collapse and ATP depletion in congenital diseases pressure ulcers metabolic diseases hepatic diseases diabetes obesity inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal diseases sarcopenia cachexia respiratory diseases gastrointestinal diseases hyperlipidemia skin and hair diseases pulmonary diseases cardiovascular diseases renal diseases sepsis-induced multi-organ failure reproductive diseases inflammatory diseases ophthalmic diseases neurodegenerative diseases drug addiction aging microbial (including COVID-19) infections and belligerent malignancies implicated in early morbidity and mortality and disease-specific spatiotemporal targeted safe and effective evidence-based personalized theranostic charnolopharmacotherapeutics to cure them. Basic DRESS and GELS principles nanoparticles to cure chronic multidrug-resistant (MDR) diseases antioxidants as free radical scavengers CB antagonists CP regulators and CS stabilizers to curb CB molecular pathogenesis (CBMP) are described for better quality of life and longevity. Specific guidelines for environmental protection and preservation of zoological and botanical species at the verge of extinction Triple "I" Hypothesis for mitochondrial quality control and transcriptional regulation of CSexR and CSendoR to cure chronic diseases are presented. Novel CP index is introduced to evaluate MDR malignancies and other chronic diseases. WHO CDC FDA NIH policy planners cosmetologists trichologists players athletes dancers wrestlers equestrians young women aging population toxicologists environmental protectionists pharmaceutical industry biomedical scientists researchers medical students physicians nurses paramedical professionals and global audience will be interested in this interesting book to prevent pandemics and raise healthcare awareness. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367809096

Charter School Outcomes Sponsored by the National Center on School Choice a research consortium headed by Vanderbilt University this volume examines the growth and outcomes of the charter school movement. Starting in 1992-93 when the nation’s first charter school was opened in Minneapolis the movement has now spread to 40 states and the District of Columbia and by 2005-06 enrolled 1 040 536 students in 3 613 charter schools. The purpose of this volume is to help monitor this fast-growing movement by compiling organizing and making available some of the most rigorous and policy-relevant research on K-12 charter schools. Key features of this important new book include: Expertise – The National Center on School Choice includes internationally known scholars from the following institutions: Harvard University Brown University Stanford University Brookings Institution National Bureau of Economic Research and Northwest Evaluation Association. Cross-Disciplinary – The volume brings together material from related disciplines and methodologies that are associated with the individual and systemic effects of charter schools. Coherent Structure – Each section begins with a lengthy introduction that summarizes the themes and major findings of that section. A summarizing chapter by Mark Schneider the Commissioner of the National Center on Educational Statistics concludes the book. This volume is appropriate for researchers instructors and graduate students in education policy programs and in political science and economics as well as in-service administrators policy makers and providers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315095806

Charter Schools Race and Urban SpaceWhere the Market Meets Grassroots Resistance Charter schools have been promoted as an equitable and innovative solution to the problems plaguing urban schools. Advocates claim that charter schools benefit working-class students of color by offering them access to a "portfolio" of school choices. In Charter Schools Race and Urban Space Kristen Buras presents a very different account. Her case study of New Orleans—where veteran teachers were fired en masse and the nation's first all-charter school district was developed—shows that such reform is less about the needs of racially oppressed communities and more about the production of an urban space economy in which white entrepreneurs capitalize on black children and neighborhoods. In this revealing book Buras draws on critical theories of race political economy and space as well as a decade of research on the ground to expose the criminal dispossession of black teachers and students who have contributed to New Orleans' culture and history. Mapping federal state and local policy networks she shows how the city's landscape has been reshaped by a strategic venture to privatize public education. She likewise chronicles grassroots efforts to defend historic schools and neighborhoods against this assault revealing a commitment to equity and place and articulating a vision of change that is sure to inspire heated debate among communities nationwide.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415814621

Charter SchoolsLessons in School Reform This book takes the reader inside the charter school movement answering such questions as: *What is a charter school? *How are charter schools different from other public schools? *What does it take to create a charter school? *What motivates the people who initiate such schools? *What lessons can be learned from the experiences of those who have founded charter schools? *What does the growth of the charter school movement mean for society at large? Using detailed case studies of seven schools in three states this book explores the challenges faced by the founders of these schools and develops guidelines for creating a successful school. Seymour Sarason's work on the creation of settings is used as a basis for examining the complex human interactions that contributed to formation of a unique culture at each school as well as to establish guidelines for setting up a successful school. Introductory and concluding chapters place the charter school movement within a broader social and historical context. Tensions between the American tradition of local control of schools and the centralized tradition of schooling imported from Europe in the late 19th century are discussed. The gradual bureaucratization of U.S. public schools during the 20th century is described along with problems that have been associated with the increasingly hierarchical and impersonal nature of educational institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138874671

Chartered SchoolsTwo Hundred Years of Independent Academies in the United States 1727-1925 First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970205

CharterpartiesLaw Practice and Emerging Legal Issues This book consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law’s 12th International Colloquium at Swansea Law School in September 2016. Featuring a team of contributors at the top of their profession both in practice and academia these papers have been carefully co-ordinated so as to ensure to give the reader a first class insight into the issues surrounding charterparties. The book is set out in three parts. -Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues of contemporary importance concerning time charters. -Part 2 carries out a similar analysis with regard to voyage charterparties. -Part 3 deliberates issues common to both type of charterparties. Offering critical analysis of contemporary legal issues on charterparty contracts this book considers recent legal and practical developments and is therefore essential reading for both professional and academic readers with an interest in charterparties. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780367735425

Charting A New Course in Gifted EducationParts I and Ii. A Special Double Issue of the peabody Journal of Education Highlighting the work of 17 distinguished national authors this special issue suggests a new course for the field of gifted education -- one that emphasizes the individual and suggests that the focus of gifted education be dynamic and contextual. From legal perspectives to changing concepts of giftedness talent and assessement; from using new technologies to identify differences in brain structures to using new research paradigms to reveal the nature of giftedness; from compelling reasons for early intervention to tailoring opportunities for college-ready gifed persons this two-part issues of PJE exposes new dimensions along which paths between previously held beliefs and practices and new courses for thought and action can be forged. A parental perspective is also included. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138419865

Charting an Asian Trajectory for Literacy EducationConnecting Past Present and Future Literacies Weaving outwards from a centripetal force of biographical stances this book presents the collective perspectives of literacy researchers from Brunei China Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore the Philippines and Taiwan. It represents the first all-Asian initiative to showcase the region’s post-colonial multilingual and multicultural narratives of literacy education. This book provides a much-needed platform that initiates important conversations about literacy as a sociocultural practice in a region that is both challenged and shaped by sociocultural influence unique to Asia’s historical and geopolitical trajectory. Driven by the authors’ lived experiences of becoming literate as well as their empirical research work in later years each chapter brings decades of biographical narratives and collective empirical research findings to bear. Within the book are negotiations about literacy across and within home and school contexts; transactions of literature text and reader; and considerations of the literacy policy-practice nexus. These trajectories while divergent in their issues come together as shared lived experience located in local contexts considered through global perspectives. As Asia looks set to become the 21st century’s new economic and labour force the need to understand the sociocultural milieu of this region cannot be understated. This book on literacy education in Asia contributes to the larger narrative. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003013983

Charting Chicago School ReformDemocratic Localism As A Lever For Change In 1989 Chicago began an experiment with radical decentralization of power and authority. This book tells the story of what happened to Chicago's elementary schools in the first four years of this reform. Implicit in this reform is the theory that expanded local democratic participation would stimulate organizational change within schools which i Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314927

Charting China's FutureDomestic and International Challenges Every day and everywhere China figures prominently in global attention: companies and banks weigh billions in investments; hedge fund managers assess and speculate on downside risks; commodity traders and natural resource producers salivate over China’s energy appetite; intelligence agencies carefully track China’s growing global footprint; militaries monitor China’s growing military capabilities; diplomats grapple with a new assertiveness in China’s diplomatic posture; scholars try to understand the shifting dynamics and sources of China’s behaviour; while journalists track the latest changes in China’s economy polity and society. Charting China’s Future provides informed analysis on the complexities of today’s China and where these complexities may lead from some of the world’s leading Asia experts. The contributors have provided clear intelligible and forward-looking analyses free of social science jargon and extensive footnotes. Probing into many of the key domestic and external issues facing China today from political economic and social perspectives the book proffers a forward-looking analysis that will appeal to anyone with a professional academic or personal interest in the big issues facing today's China and its interaction with the world. Readers will find much to contemplate about China’s future in this volume and will gain a clearer sense of the key variables and possible trajectories of one of the most consequential countries on the planet. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415619554

Charting Literary Urban StudiesTexts as Models of and for the City Guided by the multifaceted relations between city and text Charting Literary Urban Studies: Texts as Models of and for the City attempts to chart the burgeoning field of literary urban studies by outlining how texts in varying degrees function as both representations of the city and as blueprints for its future development. The study addresses questions such as these: How do literary texts represent urban complexities – and how can they capture the uniqueness of a given city? How do literary texts simulate layers of urban memory – and how can they reinforce or help dissolve path dependencies in urban development? What role can literary studies play in interdisciplinary urban research? Are the blueprints or 'recipes' for urban development that most quickly travel around the globe – such as the 'creative city' the 'green city' or the 'smart city' – really always the ones that best solve a given problem? Or is the global spread of such travelling urban models not least a matter of their narrative packaging? In answering these key questions this book also advances a literary studies contribution to the general theory of models tracing a heuristic trajectory from the analysis of literary texts as representations of urban developments to an analysis of literary strategies in planning documents and other pragmatic non-literary texts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367628345

Charting MemoryRecalling Medieval Spain First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879577

Charting the Impacts of University-Child Welfare Collaboration Train—and keep—a child welfare workforce that will make a difference! Charting the Impacts of University-Child Welfare Collaboration addresses the challenges of implementing workforce development initiatives designed to recruit students into the public child welfare field. Edited by Dr. Katharine Briar-Lawson Dean of the School of Social Welfare at the University at Albany in New York and Dr. Joan Levy Zlotnik PhD ACSW Executive Director of the Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research the book reflects the ongoing effort to counteract the “de-professionalization” phase of the 1970s and 80s that has impeded child welfare service delivery. A panel of practitioners educators and researchers focus on training and administrative funding collaborative practices delivery of educational content preparation challenges faced by educators and future challenges. Charting the Impacts of University-Child Welfare Collaboration examines strategies for specialized educational efforts supported by federal Title IV-E and Title IV-B Section 426 funding. The book addresses the process for preparing and maintaining a professional workforce including collaborations between social work educators and their partnering public child welfare agencies that have led to experimental and innovative changes in practice and curricula. Topics include: determining a graduate's emotion capacity for child welfare service delivering educational content in human behavior in the social environment courses determining the return on funding investments using cognitive-affective models of student development using design teams to promote practice innovations systems change and cross-systems change and an examination of the California Collaboration a competency-based child welfare curriculum project for MSW candidates. Charting the Impacts of University-Child Welfare Collaboration is an essential resource for continuing the campaign for workforce development and re-professionalism in child welfare practice. The book is invaluable for educators and professionals working to develop reliable relevant and competent staffing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315044019

Charting the Range of Black Politics The election of 2008 brought onto the national stage complexitiesarising when the member of a minority group assumes power over national political institutions. It also underlined the limits placed on that power by the double accountability such a figure faces. The question posed in this volume of the NPSR is: Might the ascendancy of President Obama lead to a deracialization of American politics or its opposite?The contributions to this volume examine this question in a variety of ways. David Wilson and Khalilah Brown-Dean analyze black attitudes towards the candidates for the Democratic Party nomination in the presidential race of 2008. Lorenzo Morris asks how perceptions of race have defined expectations of the African American ambassadors to the United Nations. Horace Bartilow and Kihong Eom use a game theoretic approach to examine US drug strategies in the Caribbean.A works-in-progress section follows with personal reflections by Michael C. Dawson and Andra Gillespe. They relate how personal concerns and curiosities guide their research. A book review section provides a discussion about works of interest to scholars studying black politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412849395

Charting Transnational FieldsMethodology for a Political Sociology of Knowledge The volume provides a field-analytical methodology for researching knowledge-based sociopolitical processes of transnationalization. Drawing on seminal work by Pierre Bourdieu we apply concepts of practice habitus and field to phenomena such as cross-national social trajectories international procedures of evaluation standardization and certification or supranational political structures. These transnational phenomena form part of general political struggles that legitimate social relationships in and beyond the nation-state.Part 1 on methodological foundations discusses the consequences of Bourdieu’s epistemology and methodology for theorizing and investigating transnational phenomena. The contributions show the importance of field-theoretical concepts for post-national insights. Part 2 on investigating political fields presents exemplary case studies in diverse research areas such as colonial imperialism international academic rankings European policy fields and local school policy. While focusing on their research objects the contributions also give an insight into the mechanisms involved in processes of transnationalization.The volume is an invitation for sociologists political scientists and scholars in adjacent research areas to engage with reflexive and relational research practice and to further develop field-theoretical thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367224189

Chartism This text has established itself as the best short account of the Chartist movement available. It considers its origins and development placing the movement within its broad social and economic context. Dr Royle also provides clear analysis of its strategy and leadership and assesses the conflicting interpretations for the failure of Chartism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138154186

Chartism Chartism is an essential introduction to the movement and examines the controversial debates surrounding the topic. As well as providing a concise period background the author includes discussion of:* the Chartists' economic legislative and political goals* patterns of regional and local support* reasons for the Chartist decline* the success of Chartism in the light of its goals and its influence over the Poor Law Corn Laws trade unions and factory reform* the languages of Chartism - songs gesture and propaganda. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160644

Chartism Commemoration and the Cult of the Radical Hero Chartism the British mass movement for democratic and social rights in the 1830s and 1840s was profoundly shaped by the radical tradition from which it emerged. Yet little attention has been paid to how Chartists saw themselves in relation to this diverse radical tradition or to the ways in which they invented their own tradition. Paine Cobbett and other ‘founding fathers’ dead and alive were used and in some cases abused by Chartists in their own attempts to invent a radical tradition. By drawing on new and exciting work in the fields of visual and material culture; cultures of heroism memory and commemoration; critical heritage studies; and the history of political thought this book explores the complex cultural work that radical heroes were made to perform. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367187583

Chartist FictionVolume 2: Ernest Jones Woman's Wrongs This title was first published in 2001. When the Chartist leader Ernest Jones emerged from prison in 1850 he was determined to capture the public's attention with a controversial and topical novel. The result of his endeavours was the remarkable Woman's Wrongs a series of five tales exploring women's oppression at every level of society from the working class to the aristocracy. Each story presents a graphic often harrowing account of the social economic and emotional victimisation of women and taken together the tales comprise a devastating indictment of Victorian patriarchal attitudes and sexual inequalities. But Jones also shows women's refusal to accept this subjugated role and he creates some of Victorian literature's most subversive and unruly heroines. He draws on sensationalism reportage melodrama and political analysis in order to expose the wrongs done by and to women. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138702370

Chartist FictionVolume One First published in 1999. For the first time since their appearance in Chartist newspapers these two major radical narratives are reprinted in a single volume. The Political Pilgrim’s Progress combines Utopian politics with Bunyanesque satire to tell the story of the journey of Radical and his family from the City of Plunder to the City of Reform. Sunshine and Shadow is the only serialized novel to have been published in the Northern Star. It brings together fictional biography and historical chronicle to form the first truly working-class novel. Both texts offer a unique insight into the literary achievements of the Chartist movement and will be a valuable and entertaining source for scholars of radical politics. The texts are fully annotated and the editor also provides an introduction to each story and a bibliography of recent scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138648784

Chartist FictionVolume Two First published in 2001. When the Chartist leader Ernest Jones emerged from prison in 1850 he was determined to capture the public’s attention with a controversial and topical novel. The result of his endeavours was the remarkable Woman’s Wrongs a series of five tales exploring women’s oppression at every level of society from the working class to the aristocracy. Each story presents a graphic often harrowing account of the social economic and emotional victimization of women and taken together the tales comprise a devastating indictment of Victorian patriarchal attitudes and sexual inequalities. In his substantial Introduction Ian Haywood places the novel in the context of Jones’s career as a Chartist author and editor and in the wider context of the ‘woman question’. Some of the topics covered by the Introduction include: the radical press and popular enlightenment Jones’s rivalry with George W. M. Reynolds and the needlewoman as radical icon. This title will be of interest to students of history.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138644656

Chartist Movementin its Social and Economic Aspects Professor Rosenblatt’s The Chartist Movement was the first serious study of Chartism using the techniques of modern scholarship to appear in English. The book comprises a detailed account of the history of the movement dealing mainly with the period from 1837 until the Chartist riots at Newport South Wales in November 1839. As well as describing the political industrial and social conditions that gave birth to the Chartist movement this work contains extremely useful statistical tables of the 543 persons who were convicted for offences committed in the furtherance of Chartism between January 1839 and June 1840. "This is a particularly satisfactory piece of work as regards sketches of the leaders of the movement and of the spirit in which they preached the gospel of revolt."                                                     - American Historical Review 1916. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865174

Chasing AdonisGay Men and the Pursuit of Perfection What is it about some men that makes them an object of our deepest desires? And how far are we willing to go in pursuit of those desires?Chasing Adonis: Gay Men & the Pursuit of Perfection delves into one of the most central mysteries of gay life: What is it gay men find attractive in other men and why? How much is nature how much is nurture . . . or maybe just clever marketing? This unique book examines steroid use body image disorders gym culture Internet hook-ups obsession stalking porn erotic Web sites strip clubs … and everything else that makes gay men act “a little bit nutty” when they meet someone who drives them “crazy!” Frank sexy and controversial it uses a light touch to examine a serious subject: how gay society objectifies the male body. Tim Bergling author of Sissyphobia: Gay Men and Effeminate Behavior and Reeling in the Years: Gay Men’s Perspectives on Age and Ageism surveys gay men about their individual concepts of beauty and desire and about the almost unattainable “Adonis” standard many of them set for themselves. Teenagers senior citizens and the guys “stuck in the middle” discuss the idea of perfection how much it changes or evolves over time and whether the exterior “package” outweighs what’s inside. From the author:It never ceases to amaze me just how powerful the ’d-word’’(desire) can be how it can take control of our lives and shut everything out sometimes for just a few moments sometimes for days or weeks at a time depending on how badly we’re smitten. Ask just about anybody and they can likely pull up a story from their past—or their present—when they’ve done something incredibly stupid or ill-advised or maybe just something completely out of character in pursuit of their heart’s desire.Chasing Adonis examines: obsession and rejection self-esteem issues the allure of youth preferences in body shapes types and sizes “designer genes” vs. first impressions assessing body parts narcissism or comfort level-why men chase after guys who look like them AIDS and HIV gay porn adult book stores and the Internet the Calvin Klein ad campaign featuring “Marky” Mark Wahlberg the Abercrombie & Fitch ads “Tom of Finland” gay icons weight training and fitness clubs steroids and plastic surgery “circuit parties” body dysmorphia and much more!Chasing Adonis: Gay Men and the Pursuit of Perfection is an entertaining and enlightening read for gay men of all ages. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203057339

Chasing the CityModels for Extra-Urban Investigations Historically many architects planners and urban designers solicit idealistic depictions of a controllable urban environment made from highly regulated geometrical organizations and systematically defined processes. Rather than working as urban "designers" who set out to control and implant external processes we shift our approach to that of urban "detectives " who set out to chase the city. Charged with approaching the city more responsively we investigate what we do not know allowing the city to direct our work. As urban detectives we have the ability to interrogate and respond to the elaborate patterns emerging from self-generated internalized urban interactions. Chasing the City asks what are the current design trends shaping how we first understand the cities of today to then produce informed decisions on the continuously undefined evolving city of tomorrow. Intentionally the work here does not adhere to rudimentary notions of supposed singularities or rely upon past generations of idealistic utopian models. Rather Chasing the City delineates current models of urban investigation that seek to respond to the nature of cities and develop heretofore-urban strategies as concurrently negotiated future urbanism. This edited volume provides a collection of innovative design research projects based on shared notions of Chasing the City through three bodies of strategic frameworks: (1) Mapping (2) Resource and (3) Typology. This structure ultimately allows readers as fellow urban detectives access to exploratory tools and methods of detection that accumulate from our environs both practical and projective in our chase of the city. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815384892

Chaste Wives and Prostitute SistersPatriarchy and Prostitution among the Bedias of India This book is an anthropological study of the unusual coincidence of prostitution and patriarchy among an extremely marginalized group in north India the Bedias who are also a de-notified community. It is the first detailed account of the implications of a systematic practice of familial prostitution on the kinship structures and marriage practices of a community. This starkly manifests among the Bedias in the clear separation between sisters and daughters who engage in prostitution and wives and daughters-in-law who do not. The Bedias exemplify a situation in which prostitution of young unmarried women is the mainstay of the familial economy of an entire social group. Tracing the recent origins of the practice in the community the author goes on to explore the manner in which this familial economy manifests itself in the lives of individual women and the kind of family groupings it produces. She then examines the repercussion this economy has on the lives of Bedia men how the problem of their marriage is resolved and how the Bedia wives become repositories of female purity which otherwise stands jeopardized by Bedia sisters engaged in prostitution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138376786

ChatawayMaking Communication Count from Foundation Stage to Key Stage Three Based on the research of the Bristol Language Development Scales (BLADES) Chataway is a structured programme of work designed to help children develop speaking skills. Chataway is based around conversational skills allowing children to prepare for social challenges as well as academic work the programme is written in a clear and straightforward way with progress easy to monitor can be used with all children � those with average range skills and those with special needs group work focus extra training for staff not required. For all teachers and teaching assistants in settings from Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 and 2 to pupils with special needs at Key Stage 3 and in Special Schools. The book is also relevant for parents carers and all speech and language therapists and assistants working to develop speaking skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138437449

Chatham Dockyard 1815-1865The Industrial Transformation By the end of the Napoleonic Wars the seven home dockyards of the British Royal Navy employed a workforce of nearly 16 000 men and some women. On account of their size dockyards add much to our understanding of developing social processes as they pioneered systems of recruitment training and supervision of large-scale workforces. From 1815-1865 the make-up of those workforces changed with metal working skills replacing wood working skills as dockyards fully harnessed the use of steam and made the conversion from constructing ships of timber to those of iron. The impact on industrial relations and on the environment of the yards was enormous. Concentrating on the yard at Chatham the book examines how the day-to-day running of a major centre of industrial production changed during this period of transition. The Admiralty decision to build at Chatham the Achilles the first iron ship to be constructed in a royal dockyard placed that yard at the forefront of technological change. Had Chatham failed to complete the task satisfactorily the future of the royal dockyards might have been very different. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781911423836

Chaucer Originally published in 1968. A critical interpretation of Chaucer's narrative poetry which concentrates on three major groupings - the early love-visions the ‘tragedye’ of Troilus and Criseyde and the Canterbury Tales. Emphasis is laid on Chaucer as an oral narrator and on the varying skills which this role encourages and sustains. The quotations are liberal and throughout help is given to the reader unfamiliar with Middle English. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357375

Chaucer First Published in 1927 this volume provides a discourse on both the literary works of Chaucer as well as Chaucer as a person considering his mythology and the various roles he fulfilled throughout his life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138602755

Chaucer Gower Hoccleve and the Commercial Practices of Late Fourteenth-Century London As residents of fourteenth-century London Geoffrey Chaucer John Gower and Thomas Hoccleve each day encountered aspects of commerce such as buying selling and worrying about being cheated. Many of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales address how pervasive the market had become in personal relationships. Gower's writings include praises of the concept of trade and worries that widespread fraud has harmed it. Hoccleve's poetry examines the difficulty of living in London on a slender salary while at the same time being subject to all the temptations a rich market can provide. Each writer finds that principal tensions in London focused on commerce - how it worked who controlled it how it was organized and who was excluded from it. Reading literary texts through the lens of archival documents and the sociological theories of Pierre Bourdieu this book demonstrates how the practices of buying and selling in medieval London shaped the writings of Chaucer Gower and Hoccleve. Craig Bertolet constructs a framework that reads specific Canterbury tales and pilgrims associated with trade alongside Gower's Mirour de L'Omme and Confessio Amantis and Hoccleve's Male Regle and Regiment of Princes. Together these texts demonstrate how the inherent instability commerce produces also produces narratives about that commerce. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138267046

Chaucer Langland and Fourteenth-Century Literary History Anne Middleton's essays have been among the most vigorous learned and influential in the field of medieval English literature. Their 'crux-busting' energies have illuminated local obscurities with generous learning lightly wielded. Their historically- and theoretically-informed meditations on the nature of poetic discourse traced how the generation of Chaucer and Langland devised a category of the literary that could embody a ethos of engaged worldly consensus and make that consensus available to imaginative and rational consideration. And their reflections on the enterprise of literary study found a rational way free of cant to understand the work of the literary scholar. This volume reprints eight essays: ’The Idea of Public Poetry in the Reign of Richard II ’ ’Chaucer's 'New Men' and the Good of Literature in the Canterbury Tales ’ ’The Physician's Tale and Love's Martyrs: 'Ensamples Mo than Ten' as a Method in the Canterbury Tales ’ ’The Clerk and His Tale: Some Literary Contexts ’ ’Narration and the Invention of Experience: Episodic Form in Piers Plowman ’ ’Making a Good End: John But as a Reader of Piers Plowman ’ ’William Langland's 'Kynde Name': Authorial Signature and Social Identity in Late Fourteenth-Century England ’ ’Life in the Margins or What's an Annotator to Do?’ It includes one essay previously unpublished ’Playing the Plowman: Legends of Fourteenth-Century Authorship.’ Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409444923

Chaucer And His England First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991156

Chaucer and Middle English StudiesIn Honour of Rossell Hope Robbins Originally published in 1974. The thirty-six essays of this book were written and assembled in hour of an internationally recognised scholar of medieval literature. Written by a diverse range of contributors the chapters cover not only various studies of aspects of Chaucer’s poetry but also some other medieval authors and investigations about the period particularly referencing carols and hymns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357405

Chaucer and the BibleA Critical Review of Research Indexes and Bibliography Originally published in 1988. This book offers a very useful source of information on Chaucer’s relationship to the Bible. It contains a detailed chapter on research into this connection and then presents two indexes. The first is organised by title of Chaucer’s work and then line number detailing the biblical reference. Each entry if relevant also notes works listed in the Bibliography that discuss that link. The second index is reversed and so organised by scriptural reference. Detailed guides to each index also discuss interesting facets to how Chaucer drew on the Bible for his works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357252

Chaucer and the Jews This edited collection explores the importance of the Jews in the English Christian imagination of the 14th and 15th centuries - long after their expulsion from Britain in 1290. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762359

Chaucer and the Making of English Poetry Volume 1Love Vision and Debate Originally published in 1972. This important work of Chaucerian scholarship deals with two aspects of the poet and his work - his individual achievement and his place in history - and demonstrates that in both these senses Chaucer is a maker of English poetry. The author assesses the extent of Chaucer’s debt to the English tradition. She considers the development of his ‘urbane’ manner as a new poetic technique and with reference to such poems as the Parlement of Foules and the House of Fame discusses new themes in the Love Vision. She concludes with a detailed study of Chaucer’s great debate on love Troilus and Criseyde. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357337

Chaucer and the Making of English Poetry Volume 2The Art of Narrative Originally published in 1972. This important work of Chaucerian scholarship deals with two aspects of the poet and his work - his individual achievement and his place in history - and demonstrates that in both these senses Chaucer is a maker of English poetry. The author explores Chaucer’s narrative art. The book includes an examination of the puzzling question of narrative structure in the Canterbury Tales and of the nature of Chaucerian comedy in these works. The author surveys the major themes of the poems: Fortune and free will marriage and the nobleness of man. In the final chapter she treats of the meaning of Chaucer’s art for his successors. Throughout the work Miss Kean deals extensively with the sources which Chaucer used for the writing of his poems in a way which directs light on the more difficult aspects of his art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357344

Chaucer and the Norse and Celtic Worlds Through an examination of Old Norse and Celtic parallels to certain works of Chaucer McTurk here identifies hitherto unrecognized sources for these works in early Irish tradition. He revives the idea that Chaucer visited Ireland between 1361 and 1366 placing new emphasis on the date of the enactment of the Statute of Kilkenny. Examining Chaucer’s House of Fame McTurk uncovers parallels involving eagles perilous entrances and scatological jokes about poetry in the Topographia Hibernie by Gerald of Wales Snorri Sturluson’s Edda and the Old Irish sagas Fled Bricrend and Togail Bruidne Da Derga. He compares The Canterbury Tales with its use of the motif of a journey as a framework for a tale-collection with both Snorri’s Edda and the Middle Irish saga Acallam na Senórach. McTurk presents a compelling argument that these works represent Irish traditions which influenced Chaucer’s writing. In this study McTurk also argues that the thirteenth-century Icelandic Laxdæla Saga and Chaucer’s Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale each descend from an Irish version of the Loathly Lady story. Further he surmises that Chaucer’s five-stress line may derive from the tradition of Irish song known as amhrán which there is reason to suppose existed in Ireland well before Chaucer’s time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138378155

Chaucer and the Social Contest (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1990 Chaucer and the Social Contest takes a fresh view of The Canterby Tales by placing the storytelling contest among the Canterbury pilgrims within the larger social contests in the changing England of the late fourteenth century. The author focuses on three crucial fields of contention: the division of social duties into the three estates the controversies around Wycliffite thought and practice and the roles of women. Drawing on recent literary theory particularly Bakhtin and Foucault Peggy Knapp offers both a reading of nearly all the tales and an argument about how such readings come about both for Chaucer’s earliest audiences and for us. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415618632

Chaucer at WorkThe Making of The Canterbury Tales Chaucer at Work is a new kind of introduction to the Canterbury Tales. It avoids excessive amounts of background information and involves the reader in the discovery of how Chaucer composed his famous work. It presents a series of sources and contexts to be considered in conjunction with key passages from Chaucer's poems. It includes sets of questions to encourage the reader to examine the text in detail and to build on his or her observations. This well-informed and practical guide will prove invaluable reading to those studying medieval literature at undergraduate level and English literature at A level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164895

Chaucer Name DictionaryA Guide to Astrological Biblical Historical Literary and Mythological Names in the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315050812

Chaucer Source and Analogue CriticismA Cross-Referenced Guide Originally published in 1985. This impressive research tool offers four different indexes to cross-reference works on the sources of Chaucer. The user can look up sources by author genre type or title or look up the title of one of Chaucer’s works to find which bibliographic entries they are mentioned within. This is a useful reference work on Chaucer source and analogue scholarship including 1477 entries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357382

Chaucer: An IntroductionSecond Edition Originally published in 1981 this second edition built on the success of the first which had established itself as a standard introduction to the poetry of Geoffrey Chaucer. It shows Chaucer not only in the context of his own age but more important as a writer and a man who is still vivid to us so many years later. As well as examining the early poems Troilus and Criseyde and The Canterbury Tales the author gives a thorough account of Chaucer's background. He examines the traditions in which he wrote his audience and his position among his contemporaries. The second edition was updated throughout and included a number of revisions and additions in particular on the second part of the Roman de la Rose and on The Knight's Tale. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357313

Chaucer: The Basics Chaucer: The Basics is an accessible introduction to the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. It provides a clear critical analysis of the texts while also providing some necessary background to key medieval ideas and the historical period in which he lived. Jacqueline Tasioulas gives a brief account of Chaucer’s life in its historical and cultural context and also introduces the reader to some of the key religious and philosophical ideas of the period. The essentials of the language and pronunciation are introduced through close reading in a section dedicated to demystifying this often alien-seeming aspect of studying Chaucer. Including a whole chapter devoted to poetry the book also discusses key works such as: The Book of the Duchess The House of Fame The Parliament of Fowls Troilus and Criseyde The Legend of Good Women The Canterbury Tales With glosses and translations of texts a glossary of key terms and a timeline this book is essential reading for anyone studying Chaucer and medieval literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138667716

Chaucer’s Dream VisionsCourtliness and Individual Identity Chaucer used the dream device to engage with the work of French and Italian authors and to explore the philosophical content of their poetry. His four dream visions therefore represent an important conduit through which the influence of European writers was received into English enabling a profound transition in the way in which the 'self' was conceptualized in medieval courtly literature. Chaucer's Dream Visions is the first book length study to examine the poet's considered use of Aristotelian psychology to describe the mind of the courtly subject in its social context. The study shows that by drawing upon Aristotelian psychology derived from his reading of Boethius Dante and the poets of the French court Chaucer was able to articulate precisely those aspects of the courtly identity that are determined by language and empirical experience and those which are transcendent of this determinism. A detailed engagement with the literature language and behaviour of the court therefore takes place in the dream visions which are a genuine exploration of individual subjectivity in its social context. The author of this volume demonstrates that the motivation for this exploration is a product of Chaucer's Christian beliefs and philosophical awareness. Chaucer's Dream Visions thus constitutes a major contribution to the debate concerning distinctions between medieval and early modern culture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260594

Chaucer's Church: A Dictionary of Religious Terms in ChaucerA Dictionary of Religious Terms in Chaucer This title was first published in 2002: The purpose of "Chaucer's Church" is to provide clear concise and reliable explanations of every term Chaucer uses that has a religious liturgical or ecclesiastical meaning. It uses a dictionary format arranged according to Chaucer's spellings to make information readily accessible for students teachers critics and the general reader. The shorter entries present brief definitions which are more lively and illuminating than those in standard dictionaries or glossaries; the longer entries are in fact short essays with suggestions for further reading on broader or more complex topics. In all cases the entries concentrate on lucid and accurate presentation of the meanings that the terms had or could have had for Chaucer and a 14th-century audience. The book is a compact but precise reference for readers of all levels of experience on the vocabulary of fourteenth-century religion which is often unfamiliar or only hazily understood. A careful system of cross-references guides the reader to related terms so that individual entries can be further explored in related or larger contexts. The book may also be browsed or read on its own for the entries taken together especially the brief essays provide a coherent introduction to the Christian world of the late fourteenth century. In Chaucer's Church the editors have succeeded in compiling a volume that combines ease of use with readability and rigorous accuracy. This book provides convenient and trustworthy access to Chaucer's religious world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138725119

Chaucer's ChurchA Dictionary of Religious Terms in Chaucer This title was first published in 2002: The purpose of "Chaucer's Church" is to provide clear concise and reliable explanations of every term Chaucer uses that has a religious liturgical or ecclesiastical meaning. It uses a dictionary format arranged according to Chaucer's spellings to make information readily accessible for students teachers critics and the general reader. The shorter entries present brief definitions which are more lively and illuminating than those in standard dictionaries or glossaries; the longer entries are in fact short essays with suggestions for further reading on broader or more complex topics. In all cases the entries concentrate on lucid and accurate presentation of the meanings that the terms had or could have had for Chaucer and a 14th-century audience. The book is a compact but precise reference for readers of all levels of experience on the vocabulary of fourteenth-century religion which is often unfamiliar or only hazily understood. A careful system of cross-references guides the reader to related terms so that individual entries can be further explored in related or larger contexts. The book may also be browsed or read on its own for the entries taken together especially the brief essays provide a coherent introduction to the Christian world of the late fourteenth century. In Chaucer's Church the editors have succeeded in compiling a volume that combines ease of use with readability and rigorous accuracy. This book provides convenient and trustworthy access to Chaucer's religious world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138725065

Chaucer's Clerk's TaleThe Griselda Story Received Rewritten Illustrated Originally published in 1994. This surveys the origin and development of one of Chaucer’s most problematic characters Griselda who through the centuries has challenged the horizon of expectations of many an audience. Starting with Boccaccio’s Decameron and suggesting in turn its precursors in whole or in part Bronfman goes on to summarize the reigning opinions of Chaucer’s heroine and her situation. The advance of feminist perspectives on medieval literature had the result that for many the Clerk’s Tale has political overtones where the Walter-Griselda marriage may serve as a metaphor for among other things the state or right order. This study looks at the story from a long view from its sources to the flood of critical interpretations - the creative reception of Chaucer’s story outlining the many rewritings of Griselda from Chaucer to the twentieth century. A special chapter considers the Griselda story as represented in illustrations as well.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357269

Chaucer's Cultural Geography First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762274

Chaucer's Dream Poetry Dream literature is regarded as one of the most important genres in medieval literature and is widely studied. This text provides a succinct and clear introduction to the five central poems that comprise Chaucer's Dream Poetry and shows his role as a leading adapter of European Literary tradition into English Literature. The poems discussed are The Book of the Duchess The Legend of Good Women The Legend of Dido The Parliament of Fowls and The House of Fame. Each have an introduction setting the poem within the context of Dream Poetry and Chaucer's own work. Appendices of proper names pronunciation and criticism are also given. This volume is unique is presenting the poems together in an editorial and critical framework. The quality of annotation is unrivalled and will make this text a major addition to the literature suitable for those interested in the genre literary or more general history of the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161900

Chaucer's Early Poetry (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1963 this book provides an account of Chaucer’s poetry written before The Canterbury Tales. W. H. Clemen gives full comprehensive and intriguing accounts of three major poems including The Book of the Duchess The House of Fame and The Parliament of Fowls in addition to some other more minor poems from Chaucer’s oeuvre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415858250

Chaucer's HumorCritical Essays Originally published in 1994. Chaucer is considered the first major humorist in English literature and is particularly interesting as he reflects the humor of predecessors and contemporaries as well as defines development for subsequent British humor. This collection presents essays that define the nature of Chaucerian humor examine Chaucer’s works from a variety of theoretical perspectives and consider genres of humor within his writing. This is an excellent work of critical discourse that adds important understanding of Chaucer as well as the field of comedy in literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357320

Chaucer's Poetic AlchemyA Study of Value and its Transformation in The Canterbury Tales Originally published in 1988. The economic changes and the growth of commerce in fourteenth century England precipitated both social changes and a preoccupation with material wealth. This book examines Chaucer's treatment of economic and ethical value in The Canterbury Tales within the context of contemporary economic and social change and in relation to the scholastic economic theory that attempted to formulate ethical standards for commercial conduct. The importance of value and its determination and transformation is evident from the two enterprises that Chaucer defines as the motivating principles for his poem. The pilgrimage to St. Thomas's shrine should effect a transformation of their spiritual value. The story-telling competition that produces the tales themselves is established to judge the value of the pilgrims' literary productions. In the Middle Ages economic value and ethical value were not perceived as unrelated phenomena. Chaucer's concern with the interrelationship of material and moral value is apparent in the number of pilgrims who are interested in material value at the obvious expense of moral value. This book examines this along with a discussion or money's growing importance in the late Middle Ages and the determination of its value. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357306

Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde Originally published in 1990. This study is of one of the world’s great narrative poems and one of the few long poems in English about physical love. Although this work is often overshadowed by the Canterbury Tales the author argues that it has its own profound multiplicity. Its mixture of genres styles characters and other competing elements creates a powerful literary experience for each reader. This book explores the diversity and contradictions produced by the poem without attempting to resolve them. It is accessible to those reading the poem for the first time but equally stimulating to those who know it well stressing the importance of the role of individual readers in response to the openness of the poem. Although previous criticism tends to emphasize one or two aspects while ignoring others Benson argues all critical readings are of interest because they make one aware of the poem’s many contrasting layers and possibilities. Beginning with the principal source Boccaccio’s Filostrato the work examines the many different elements added to this source; which contains internal tensions and thus develops Boccaccio’s story in a variety of often contradictory directions. The author considers Chaucer’s treatment of setting characterization love fortune and religion showing how these affect the character of the poem and make it simultaneously more chivalric and comic more Christian and more pagan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357245

ChaucerThe Canterbury Tales This new addition to the Longman Critical Readers Series provides an overview of the various ways in which modern critical theory has influenced Chaucer Studies over the last fifteen years. There is still a sense in the academic world and in the wider literary community that Medieval Studies are generally impervious to many of the questions that modern theory asks and that it concerns itself only with traditional philological and historical issues. On the contrary this book shows how Chaucer specifically the Canterbury Tales has been radically and excitingly 'opened up' by feminist Lacanian Bakhtinian deconstructive semiotic and anthropological theories to name but a few. The book provides an introduction to these new developments by anthologising some of the most important work in the field including excerpts from book-length works as well as articles from leading and innovative journals. The introduction to the volume examines in some detail the relation between the individual strengths of each of the above approaches and the ways in which a 'postmodernist' Chaucer is seen as reflecting them all.This convenient single volume collection of key critical analyses of Chaucer which includes work from some journals and studies that are not always easily available will be indispensable to students of Medieval Studies Medieval Literature and Chaucer as well as to general readers who seek to widen their understanding of the forces behind Chaucer's writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180246

Chawton House Library: Women's Novels 1-10 Contains the first ten books from the series. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848932784

Chawton House Library: Women's Novels 11-20 This collection contains books 11-20 from the Chawton House Library series which republishes rare books written by women in the long eighteenth-century. Titles include The Rash Resolve and Life’s Progress by Elizabeth Haywood Self-Control by Mary Brunton and Florence McCarthy: An Irish Tale by Sydney Owenson. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367181239

CheaponomicsThe High Cost of Low Prices Do you really think you are getting a good deal when given that free mobile phone for switching service providers if a multinational retailer undercuts its competitors or by the fact that food is relatively cheaper today in many countries than ever before?  Think again! As Michael Carolan clearly shows in this compelling book cheapness is an illusion. The real cost of low prices is alarmingly high. It is shown for example that citizens are frequently subsidising low prices through welfare support to poorly-paid workers in their own country or relying on the exploitation of workers in poor countries for cheap goods. Environmental pollution may not be costed into goods and services but is paid for indirectly by people living away from its source or by future generations. Even with private cars when the total costs of this form of mobility are tallied it proves to be an astronomically expensive model of transportation. All of these costs need to be accounted for.  The author captures these issues by the concept of "cheaponomics". The key point is that costs and risks are socialised: we all pay for cheapness but not at the point of purchase. Drawing on a wide range of examples and issues from over-consumption and waste to over-work unemployment inequality and the depersonalising of communities it is convincingly shown that cheapness can no longer be seen as such a bargain. Instead we need to refocus for a better sense of well-being social justice and a balanced approach to prosperity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415735155

Cheating and Deception Cheating and deception are terms often used but rarely defined. They summon up unpleasant connotations; even those deeply involved with cheating and deception rationalize why they have been driven to it. Particularly for Americans and much of Western civilization official cheating government duplicity cheating as policy and conscious contrived deception are all unacceptable except as a last resort in response to threat of extinction. As a distasteful tool deception is rarely used to achieve national interests unless in relation to the deployment of military force. As an area of study it has by and large been ignored.Intrigued by attitudes toward cheating and deception the authors decided to analyze its roots structure and process. They asked fundamental questions: are there categories of deception general steps in the process of deception and ways to evaluate its results across time and in different modes? The book that results is a typology of kinds of deception beginning with military deception but extending into other categories and stages.In his introduction to this new edition Bell outlines how the book came to be written describes the mixed emotions toward the subject displayed by govenmental and nongovernmental funding sources and speculates about its critical and commercial reception. He discusses widespread new interest in the subject the research that has been undertaken since this book was first published and its limitations.This book provides a general overview of this complex subject creating a framework for analysis of specific instances of cheating or deception. It will be of particular interest to political scientists those interested in military affairs and strategy and psychologists. The general reader will find the book written with a light touch drawing examples of cheating and deception in the pursuit of love and money. The specialist reader will be intrigued by its broad-ranging examples drawn from policy and politics wars and rumors of wars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520301

Cheats at WorkAn Anthropology of Workplace Crime Originally published in 1982 Cheats at Work looks at occupations from an anthropological point of view using a similar format to analysis of cultures in the study of anthropology. The author uses an extensive set of quotations drawn from over a hundred informants at all social levels. The interviews reveal a distinct set of ideologies and attitudes from various occupations. The book looks specifically at cheating lying and deception in various occupations and the interviews reveal how and why people cheat and deceive their customers and clients how they learn the concealed tricks and professions and how they justify this. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367031046

Chechen-English and English-Chechen Dictionary The Chechen language has approximately 1.2 million speakers and is one of the largest indigenous languages of the northern Caucasus. This bilingual dictionary contains 6000 words of essential vocabulary for Chechen: Basic verbs; pronouns numerals particles conjunctions and postpositions; common and everyday vocabulary and many entries of the rapidly disappearing traditional vocabulary. All entries have grammatical information and pronunciation guides and are given in both the current Cyrillic orthography and a user-friendly diacritic-free all-Latin transcription. Similar grammatical and pronunciation information is given in the English-Chechen section. Additionally this dictionary gives background information about the language and descriptions of the sound system and grammar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970212

Chechen-English English-Chechen Dictionary and Phrasebook This guide is a simple means of sharing the Chechen language and culture with speakers of English. It makes no claim to be a linguistic research tool but is provided as a practical aid for the first steps in communication with an intentionally easy-to-use pronunciation system.This is the first time Chechen has been presented in such a way a venture not without its obstacles since the language is still sadly without a truly developed analysis of its structure.An attempt has been made to provide phrases and scenes from everyday life as well as items of practical background information although their relevance clearly will depend on the actual situation in Chechnya and whether the war is in fact over or just postponed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155114

Chechnya at War and Beyond The Russia-Chechen wars have had an extraordinarily destructive impact on the communities and on the trajectories of personal lives in the North Caucasus Republic of Chechnya. This book presents in-depth analysis of the Chechen conflicts and their consequences on Chechen society. It discusses the nature of the violence examines the dramatic changes which have taken place in society in the economy and in religion and surveys current developments including how the conflict is being remembered and how Chechnya is reconstructed and governed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138576865

Checkerboard SquareCulture And Resistance In A Homeless Community This book shows how the poor often become homeless through resistance to the discipline of the workplace authoritarian families and the bureaucratic social welfare system. It also shows how street people develop their own self-consciousness culture and alternative community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367154653

Check-InA Tier 2 Intervention for Students at Risk Check-In Check-Out (CICO) is the most widely implemented Tier 2 intervention for the approximately 10-15% of K-12 students who exhibit chronic mild behavior problems. Now significantly expanded this professional training video illustrates the key components of CICO and shows how school personnel and parents can quickly and effectively support positive behavior throughout the day. CICO is ideal for implementation in multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) or positive behavior interventions and support (PBIS) frameworks. The chapter format of the DVD allows users to quickly navigate to specific segments. Special features include reproducible forms PowerPoint training materials and two graphing spreadsheets for managing daily data. (First edition title: The Behavior Education Program.) New to This Edition *Broader grade range: now includes high school examples. *Summarizes the CICO research base and integrates lessons learned from over 16 years of implementation. *Chapters on modifying CICO for attendance issues internalizing behaviors and individualized intervention. *Spanish-language chapter introducing CICO to parents. *Expanded FAQ chapter. *Several new and updated reproducible tools. See also the related manual by Leanne S. Hawken Deanne A. Crone Kaitlin Bundock and Robert H. Horner for CICO implementation leaders: Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools Third Edition: The Check-In Check-Out Intervention. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462524587

Checklist of Civilizations and Culture Checklist of Civilizations and Culture contains all known principal civilizations and cultures of the world with such definition as is possible of their area and time their subdivisions and periods and a brief indication of their character. The terms civilization and culture are used inclusively as essential synonyms of varying emphasis. There is no special difference between how the two words are used. They denote somewhat distinguishable grades of degree of the same large scale processes.Civilization currently carries an overtone of high development of a society; culture has become a customary term of universal denotation applicable alike to high or low products and heritages of societies. This component or segment of culture or civilization is denoted here as "value culture" by A. L. Kroeber. It includes all purely aesthetic and intellectual activity as well as an element in every religion and includes some part of morals though morality is directed also to personal conduct and action.Every human society has its culture complex or simple. The word culture should denote all possible ideals but for the larger and richer cultures the term civilization may be more appropriate. Kroeber argues that the problem of recognizing the world's cultures is essentially one of natural history and involves dealing with all phenomena and then building up their patterns or classes step by step. This classic volume is now available in paperback. No better teacher of general anthropology can be imagined than A. L. Kroeber. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412818537

Checklist of Painters from 1200-1994 First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315073996

Checklists for Due Diligence If you are buying a company how can you be sure you are buying the business you think you are? Are you sure it is as good as the seller says? How can you be certain unexpected costs and obligations will not suddenly appear once you are the owner and responsible for them? How best can you arm yourself for the negotiations? Designed to help you make your due diligence process as smooth and effective as possible this collection of checklists by acknowledged expert Peter Howson will ensure you manage the risk aspects of any acquisition. The author takes you through the due diligence process itself from legal financial and commercial to employment and IT and guides you through the collection. Each checklist includes a short introduction that enables you to make the best use of the material. Due Diligence is by its nature a process for which checklists are a wonderful source of ideas and reassurance. Peter Howson's checklists (all of which are repeated in PDF form on a CD included with the book) is a must-have reference for anyone contemplating a merger or acquisition a management buyout joint venture or other risky business transactions involving third parties. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138414655

Checks And Balances?How A Parliamentary System Could Change American Politics In the face of a parliamentary alternative to the American presidential system this book illustrates how the constitutional system of checks and balances functions. It explains how the institutional dimension of the political equation is of importance to the understanding of American politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159566

Cheese Factories on the MoonWhy Earmarks are Good for American Democracy It has become part of US political convention to attack 'earmarks' - legislative provisions that direct funds to specific projects - as wasteful and corrupt. In this provocative book Scott A. Frisch and Sean Q. Kelly argue that in fact earmarks are good for American democracy. Using extensive interviews with Washington insiders and detailed examples they illustrate how earmark projects that were pilloried in fact responded to the legitimate needs of local communities needs that would otherwise have gone unmet. They also demonstrate that media coverage of earmarks tends to be superficial and overly-dramatic. Cheese Factories on the Moon is a much-needed challenge to a widespread but deeply flawed 'consensus' about what is wrong with US congressional spending. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594517310

Chef's Compendium of Professional Recipes This is a well-established reference and textbook for professional chefs and students. This edition presents essential recipes based on traditional and classic methods but is simplified and adapted to meet the needs and conditions of the busy professional kitchen. Trends towards healthy and safe eating are taken into account and alternatives are suggested to certain ingredients to meet this demand. Vegetarian recipes are also included. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080500959

Chef's Guide to Charcuterie Charcuterie the art of transforming pork meats into various preparations as an array of dishes has traditionally held a very important place in gastronomy. An art that demands serious attention by the chef its success depends not only on the execution but also on the presentation. Chef's Guide to Charcuterie demonstrates how to transform lesser quality meats and organ meats into enjoyable and beautiful foods including bacon ham sausage terrines galantines pâtés and confit.Chef Jacques Brevery presents a complete collection of recipes and information from his career some of which he learned from his mentors over the years. The book is designed as a reference for beginning chefs providing them with accurate recipes for classic preparations as well as new ideas that will allow them to expand and improve their portfolio of recipes. The book also presents helpful charts and tables as well as useful conversion and substitution guides. As the interest in this ancient skill is being revived today charcuterie requires more than just a daily performance of routine tasks. Chefs must understand why and how these traditional charcuterie processes work. This volume serves as a solid foundation for learning and perfecting the skills of charcuterie. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367380502

Chekhov & His Russia Ils 267 First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868723

Chelates In Nutrition A comprehensive reference text explores the nature of chelating agents and the underlying reasons for their metal-binding properties and discusses the mechanisms of absorption for various metals and the possible role of chelating agents in influencing the utilization of certain minerals. Topics include: the physico-chemical characteristics of chelates and chelation and their measurements; the bioavailability of metals and proteins as ligands; the role of phytic acid and other phosphates as chelating agents; miscellaneous chelates (oxalic acid ionophores clays); the chelation uptake and transport of zinc and the influence of various foods and synthetic chelates on zinc availability; the chelation and bioavailability of iron and the effect of various chelating agents on nonheme iron absorption; chelation of copper by food substances; the chelation of miscellaneous minerals; the role of iron and copper chelation in reproduction; chelate toxicity; the use chelates in metal detoxification and therapy; and the use of chelates for removing metals from dietary ingredients. Technical data and illustrations are presented throughout the text and reference citations are appended to each of the 12 principal text chapters Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891408

Chemi- and Bioluminescence This book focuses on instrumentation of chemi- and bioluminescence and discusses the nature of chemiluminescence as the exothermic oxidation of a substrate organic compound to give an energy-rich product that is luminescent. It describes the applications of chemiluminescence. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065333

Chemical Biological and Functional Aspects of Food Lipids Based on years of academic and industrial research by an international panel of experts Chemical Biological and Functional Properties of Food Lipids Second Edition provides a concise yet well-documented presentation of the current state of knowledge on lipids. Under the editorial guidance of globally recognized food scientists Zdzisław E. Sikorski and Anna Kołakowska this completely revised and updated edition presents eight entirely new chapters. Originally titled Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Lipids this edition adds Biological to the title to reflect a far greater emphasis on the biological aspects of lipids. Among a wealth of ongoing and current topics this essential resource:Familiarizes readers with the standard chemical nomenclature and properties of a large variety of lipidsExamines the contents of lipids in plants fish milk meat and eggs Describes advances in methods of physical chemical and biochemical analysesOffers new information on phospholipids sterols and fat-soluble vitamins in foodsProvides a biochemist’s view of lipid oxidation and antioxidants—crucial for the sensory and nutritive aspects of food qualityDiscusses modified lipids and fat mimetics as well as those of special biological and physico-chemical activity Considers the importance of frying fats lipid-proteins and lipid-saccharides interactions and lipid contaminants in relation to food qualityChemical Biological and Functional Properties of Food Lipids Second Edition is an ideal reference for both professional and aspiring food scientists in both industry and academia. It contains all of the necessary information needed to control the rate of undesirable reactions in foods and select optimum storage and processing parameters for these delicate fats. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367383442

Chemical & Biological Aspects of Drug Dependence First published in 1972 this book guides the reader through the various elements behind drug dependency and addiction. Taking an objective view at the characteristics both chemical and biological the criteria for evaluating dependency as well as the physiological effects drug dependency can have on the human body. Biological and Chemical Aspects of Drug Dependency is a useful reference for students of both medicine and psychology alike as well as for professionals in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367202200

Chemical Admixtures for Concrete Chemical admixtures are used in concrete mixtures to produce particular engineering properties such as rapid hardening water-proofing or resistance to cold. Chemical Admixtures for Concrete surveys recent developments in admixture technology explaining the mechanisms by which admixtures produce their effects the various types of admixtures available their selection and use.Because of the economies they can offer admixtures are being used increasingly in civil engineering projects worldwide. The book pays particular attention to good practice and includes a detailed chapter on the international standards currently in force. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367447540

Chemical Analysis of Firearms Ammunition and Gunshot Residue Chemical Analysis of Firearms Ammunition and Gunshot Residue Second Edition continues in the tradition of the popular first edition filling the void in forensic texts on the subject. While most books on firearms focus solely on the physical aspects of firearms this book addresses forensic issues relating to the chemical aspects of firearms and ammunition. It draws on the latest published literature including books scientific papers technical reports manufacturer’s literature newspaper articles and personal observations and research conducted by the author. This edition is fully updated introducing the history and development of firearms and ammunition including advances in the chemical analysis of them. Several changes in primer compositions and the particle classification system are addressed with new techniques added on evidence collection and testing methods. Coverage details chemical aspects of forensic firearms casework with particular emphasis on the detection of gunshot residues (GSR) firearm discharge residues (FDR) and cartridge discharge residues (CDR) on a suspect’s skin and clothing surfaces. Two new chapters have been added. One deals with unusual firearms case while the other summarizes a controversial high-profile Australian case involving inorganic and organic gunshot residue highlighting the dangers of incorrect forensic evidence and the increased need for careful training of forensic scientists. Fully updated to reflect the latest techniques and tests for particle and chemical classification Provides a complete history of firearms and ammunition development as well as advances in the chemical analysis involved in forensic firearm casework Features a one-of-a-kind chapter on processing suspects a crucial component in many firearms and explosives residue cases The book will serves as a useful to forensic chemists investigators ballistics experts among other professionals serving in a variety of forensic disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498761543

Chemical AnalysisModern Materials Evaluation and Testing Methods This new volume presents leading-edge research in the rapidly changing and evolving field of chemical materials characterization and modification. The topics in the book reflect the diversity of research advances in physical chemistry and electrochemistry focusing on the preparation characterization and applications of polymers and high-density materials. Also covered are various manufacturing techniques. Focusing on the most technologically important materials being utilized and developed by scientists and engineers the book will help to fill the gap between theory and practice in industry. This comprehensive anthology covers many of the major themes of physical chemistry and electrochemistry addressing many of the major issues from concept to technology to implementation. It is an important reference publication that provides new research and updates on a variety of physical chemistry and electrochemistry uses through case studies and supporting technologies and it also explains the conceptual thinking behind current uses and potential uses not yet implemented. International experts with countless years of experience lend this volume credibility. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771882675

Chemical and Applied Engineering MaterialsInterdisciplinary Research and Methodologies This new research book explores and discusses a range of topics on the physical and mechanical properties of chemical engineering materials. Chapters from prominent researchers in the fields of physics chemistry and engineering science present new research on composite materials blends carbon nanotubes and nanocomposites along with their applications in technology. Discussing the processing morphology structure properties performance and applications the book highlights the diverse and multidisciplinary nature of the field. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880749

Chemical and Biochemical EngineeringNew Materials and Developed Components This book facilitates the study of problematic chemicals in such applications as chemical fate modeling chemical process design and experimental design. This volume provides comprehensive coverage of modern biochemical engineering detailing the basic concepts underlying the behavior of bioprocesses as well as advances in bioprocess and biochemical engineering science. It combines contemporary engineering science with relevant biological concepts in a comprehensive introduction to biochemical engineering. This book provides both a rigorous view and a more practical understandable view of chemical compounds and biochemical engineering and their applications. Every section of the book has been expanded where relevant to take account of significant new discoveries and realizations of the importance of key concepts. Furthermore emphases are placed on the underlying fundamentals and on acquisition of a broad and comprehensive grasp of the field as a whole.   Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880305

Chemical and Biochemical PhysicsA Systematic Approach to Experiments Evaluation and Modeling Written by highly regarded experts in the field this book covers many of the major themes of chemical and biochemical physics addressing important issues from concept to technology to implementation. It provides new research and updates on a variety of issues in physical chemistry and biochemical physics. Many chapters include case studies and supporting technologies and explain the conceptual thinking behind current uses and potential uses not yet implemented. By providing an applied and modern approach this volume presents a wide-ranging view of current developments in applied methodologies in chemical and biochemical physics research. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771883023

Chemical and Biochemical TechnologyMaterials Processing and Reliability By providing an applied and modern approach this volume will help readers understand the value and relevance of studying chemical physics and technology to all areas of applied chemical engineering and gives them the depth of coverage they need to develop a solid understanding of the key principles in the field. Presenting a wide-ranging view of current developments in applied methodologies in chemical and biochemical physics research the papers in this collection all written by highly regarded experts in the field examine various aspects of chemical and biochemical physics and experimentation. The book: • Highlights applications of chemical physics to subjects that chemical engineering students will see in graduate courses • Introduces the types of challenges and real problems that are encountered in industry and graduate research • Provides short chapters that introduce students to the subject in more bite-sized pieces • Presents biochemical examples and applications • Focuses on concepts above formal experimental techniques and theoretical methods The book is ideal for upper-level research students in chemistry chemical engineering and polymers. The book assumes a working knowledge of calculus physics and chemistry but no prior knowledge of polymers. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880442

Chemical and Biological Properties of Food Allergens In the U.S. alone severe food-related allergic reactions account for an estimated 30 000 emergency room visits and 150 deaths per year – unsettling statistics for food product developers and manufacturers who are charged with ensuring food safety and quality throughout the entire farm-to-table production chain. Providing the clear-cut information necessary to conduct an effective allergen risk analysis Chemical and Biological Properties of Food Allergens comprehensively examines the chemical analytical technological and medical aspects of food allergies and the growing problem of cross-contact contamination during product processing.With contributions from an international team of research specialists the book explains the basic mechanisms of allergenic reactions in humans the molecular background of these mechanisms and the problems of food tolerance and intolerance. It also discusses the issues related to common treatments of food allergies and the narrow groups into which they are categorized. Covering the most important recognized allergens in the U.S. and the EU this resource also explores cutting-edge technological and biotechnological ways to lower the immuno-reactive and allergenic properties of foods. Chemical and Biological Properties of Food Allergens evaluates the current research literature in a concise format – a must for food product developers and biochemists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367385132

Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism Written by the world’s leading expert on the Tokyo sarin attacks Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism is a comprehensive examination of the use detection and prevention of chemical and biological attacks. Divided in two parts one devoted to chemical and the other biological weapons this book emphasizes defense decontamination detection treatment mechanism of toxic action and pathological effects in the case of each. Covering a diverse range of substances chapters draw on detailed case studies on the US anthrax attacks the Tokyo sarin gas attacks as well as an entire chapter devoted to the Iran-Iraq War co-authored with Dr. Sayid Abbas Foroutan a former Iranian military surgeon who actively participated in the treatment of Iranian soldiers suffering from gas poisoning. Features include: A case study of the Tokyo sarin gas attacks from the leading expert on the subject A detailed case study on the U.S. anthrax attacks A chapter on the Iran-Iraq War and controversial weapons co-authored with an Iranian military surgeon with first-hand knowledge of the subject Details on the various ways chemical and biological weapons can be constructed and deployed Applicable defense strategies including detection of materials and decontamination in the event chemical/biological weapons are deployed Featuring over 100 unique photographs and detailed chemical structures Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism is essential reading for counterterrorism experts first responders and medical professionals security consultants and military personnel seeking to expand their knowledge of preventative strategies. The book also will serve as a great resource for students in homeland security public administration and criminal justice programs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138033382

Chemical and Bioprocess EngineeringTrends and Developments Examining energy environment and sustainability from the chemical engineering point of view this book highlights critical issues faced by chemical engineers and biochemical engineers worldwide. The book covers recent trends in chemical engineering and bioprocess engineering such as CFD simulation statistical optimization process control waste water treatment micro reactors fluid bed drying hydrodynamic studies of gas liquid mixture in pipe and more. Other chapters cover important ultrasound-assisted extraction process intensification polymers and coatings as well as modelling of bioreactor and enzyme systems and biological nitrification. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880770

Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components Water saccharides proteins lipids minerals colorants and additives all contribute to the nutritional value and sensory properties of food. During post harvest storage and processing these components change and the extent and nature of change depends on the chemical properties of the compounds themselves. Knowledge of the chemistry and biochemistry behind food components and their behavior in the face of various stressors aids in making the right decisions for controlling the rate of beneficial and undesirable reactions selecting optimal storage and processing parameters and the best use of food raw materials. Chemical and Functional Properties of Foods Third Edition draws from the personal research and teaching experience of experts from universities and research institutions around the world. Beginning with an examination of food components both natural and added this volume like its predecessors details the role of chemical compounds in the structure of raw materials and the formation of different attributes of food quality. New in the third edition— The rheological behavior and the interactions among different food constituents The interactions of food components in storage and processing and their effects on product quality The safety and biological aspects of foods Discussions of allergenic activity pre- and probiotics children’s nutrition and the effect of food on mood and health The biological effects of food components on human health and chronic disease Complete revisions of nearly every chapter with references to the most current publications Emphasizing the role of the chemical properties of different foods and the reactions that take place during processing and storage Chemical and Functional Properties of Foods Third Edition reviews the current knowledge of the resulting Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390068

Chemical and Structural Approaches to Rational Drug Design This book is the first to provide both a broad overview of the current methodologies being applied to drug design and in-depth analyses of progress in specific fields. It details state-of-the-art approaches to pharmaceutical development currently used by some of the world's foremost laboratories. The book features contributors from a variety of fields new techniques previously unpublished data and extensive reference lists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367449315

Chemical and Structure Modification of Polymers This timely volume provides an overview of polymer characterization test methods and presents experimental research in polymers using modern methods. Each chapter describes the principle of the respective method as well as the detailed procedures of experiments with examples of actual applications and demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of each physical technique. Thus readers will be able to apply the concepts as described in the book to their own experiments. The successful characterization of polymer systems is one of the most important objectives of today’s experimental research of polymers. Considering the tremendous scientific technological and economic importance of polymeric materials especially in industry it is impossible to overestimate the usefulness of experimental techniques in this field. Since the chemical pharmaceutical medical and agricultural industries as well as many others depend on this progress to an enormous degree it is critical to be as efficient precise and cost-effective in our empirical understanding of the performance of polymer systems as possible. This presupposes our proficiency with and understanding of the most widely used experimental methods and techniques. The methods and instrumentation described in this volume represent modern analytical techniques useful to researchers product development specialists and quality control experts in polymer synthesis and manufacturing. Engineers polymer scientists and technicians will find this volume useful in selecting approaches and techniques applicable to characterizing molecular compositional rheological and thermodynamic properties of elastomers and plastics. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771881227

Chemical Applications of Symmetry and Group Theory As the structure and behavior of molecules and crystals depend on their different symmetries group theory becomes an essential tool in many important areas of chemistry. It is a quite powerful theoretical tool to predict many basic as well as some characteristic properties of molecules. Whereas quantum mechanics provide solutions of some chemical problems on the basis of complicated mathematics group theory puts forward these solutions in a very simplified and fascinating manner. Group theory has been successfully applied to many chemical problems. Students and teachers of chemical sciences have an invisible fear from this subject due to the difficulty with the mathematical jugglery. An active sixth dimension is required to understand the concept as well as to apply it to solve the problems of chemistry. This book avoids mathematical complications and presents group theory so that it is accessible to students as well as faculty and researchers. Chemical Applications of Symmetry and Group Theory discusses different applications to chemical problems with suitable examples. The book develops the concept of symmetry and group theory representation of group its applications to I.R. and Raman spectroscopy U.V spectroscopy bonding theories like molecular orbital theory ligand field theory hybridization and more. Figures are included so that reader can visualize the symmetry symmetry elements and operations. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771883986

Chemical Approaches to the Synthesis of Peptides and Proteins Organic chemists working on the synthesis of natural products have long found a special challenge in the preparation of peptides and proteins. However more reliable more efficient synthetic preparation methods have been developed in recent years. This reference evaluates the most important synthesis methods available today and also considers methods that show promise for future applications.This text describes the state of the art in efficient synthetic methods for the synthesis of both natural and artificial large peptide and protein molecules. Subjects include an introduction to basic topics linear solid-phase synthesis of peptides peptide synthesis in solution convergent solid-phase synthesis methods for the synthesis of branched peptides formation of disulfide bridges and more. The book emphasizes strategies and tactics that must be considered for the successful synthesis of peptides. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003069225

Chemical Biology of Natural Products Chemical Biology of Natural Products This unique long-awaited volume is designed to address contemporary aspects of natural product chemistry and its influence on biological systems not solely on human interactions. The subjects covered include discovery isolation and characterization biosynthesis biosynthetic engineering pharmaceutical and other applications of these compounds. Each chapter begins with a brief and simple introduction to the subject matter and then proceeds to guide the reader towards the more contemporary cutting-edge research in the field with the contributing authors presenting current examples from their own work in order to exemplify key themes. Topics covered in the text include genome mining heterologous expression natural product synthesis biosynthesis glycosylation chemical ecology and therapeutic applications of natural products both current and potential. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439841938

Chemical CalculationsMathematics for Chemistry Second Edition Many undergraduate students enter into chemistry courses from a wide range of backgrounds often possessing various levels of experience with the mathematical concepts necessary for carrying out practical calculations in chemistry. Chemical Calculations: Mathematics for Chemistry Second Edition provides a unified student-friendly reference of mathematical concepts and techniques incorporated into the context of familiar chemical topics. Uniquely organized by chemical rather than mathematical topics this book relates each mathematical technique to the chemical concepts where it applies. The new edition features additional revised and updated material in every chapter. It achieves greater clarity with newly improved organization of topics and cross-referencing where mathematical techniques occur more than once. The text also contains numerous worked examples along with end-of-chapter exercises and detailed solution giving students the opportunity to apply previously introduced techniques to chemically related problems. An ideal course companion for chemistry courses throughout the length of a degree the second edition of Chemical Calculations: Mathematics for Chemistry may also extend its utility as a concise and practical reference for professionals in a wide array of scientific disciplines involving chemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138410282

Chemical Carcinogens & DnaVolume 2 First published in 1979 Chemical Carcinogenesis and DNA is an essential guide to the relationship between mutagens carcinogens and our own genetic makeup. Covering a range of associated topics this volume provides information that would prove most beneficial for practitioners of medicine and students alike. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367202897

Chemical Dependency and Antisocial Personality DisorderPsychotherapy and Assessment Strategies Chemical Dependency and Antisocial Personality Disorder gives you the information and clinical skills necessary to assess and evaluate persons suffering from substance abuse and/or antisocial personality disorders and details how you can develop effective psychotherapy and treatment strategies. From its helpful pages that contain diagnostic criteria and clinical interviewing and assessment guidelines you learn to accurately diagnose substance use and antisocial personality disorders. The book also provides you with the historical and clinical perspectives of such disorders and their epidemiology and etiology to give you a thorough background and understanding of the subject. Case studies and therapy vignettes are included to provide you with actual clinical examples to illustrate concepts and ideas. You will appreciate the book’s in-depth discussions of treatment strategies that can greatly enhance your effectiveness. You’ll find this volume is an invaluable research resource for refreshing your approaches for helping persons with substance abuse and antisocial personality disorders.Much of the content of Chemical Dependency and Antisocial Personality Disorder is based on the author’s two decades of experience working with patients suffering from substance use and antisocial personality disorders. Some topics addressed include: accurate differential diagnosis resistance the use of structure in treatment therapist-patient relationship dynamics treatment outcome effectiveness relapse and recovery. Alcohol/drug counselors psychiatrists psychologists and corrections probation and parole officers who want to be more effective in their work with chemically dependent and antisocial clients will find this a practical helpful and informative guide. This enlightening book examines many of the most difficult and clinically problematic issues that are associated with the psychotherapy and rehabilitation of chemically dependent and/or antisocial patients. Much of the content of Chemical Dependency and Antisocial Personality Disorder is based on the author’s two decades of experience working with patients suffering from substance use and antisocial personality disorders. Some topics addressed include accurate differential diagnosis resistance the use of structure in treatment therapist-patient relationship dynamics and treatment outcome effectiveness relapse and recovery. Alcohol/drug counselors psychiatrists psychologists and corrections probation and parole officers who want to be more effective in their work with chemically dependent and antisocial clients will find this a practical helpful and informative guide. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315820392

Chemical Dependency and Compulsive Behaviors There is a tremendous concern and interest in the number of chemical dependents with co-existing compulsive behaviors. However no one has developed a theory that can explain the high prevalence of compulsive behaviors in chemical dependents and more importantly describe the treatment and recovery implications. The literature and professionals are divided with the counselors/clinicians on one side and the researchers on the other. The authors try to bridge this obvious gap by writing a book that can bring recent genetic/biochemical research to the counselor/clinician in a way that will help them diagnose and treat their patients. This book is the result of the authors' long interest in and study of chemical dependency and compulsive behaviors. It begins with the observation that chemical dependents experience a much higher prevalence of compulsive behaviors than the general population. Although many have written about the two subjects--generally the relationship of a single compulsive behavior to chemical dependency--none have developed a theory with supporting research that ties the type of chemical dependency to specific compulsive behaviors. The authors describe recent research that connects chemical dependency and compulsive behaviors to the underlying genetic/biochemical mechanisms and provide detailed examinations of the clinical implications of the model as well as case histories. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991163

Chemical Dependency and Intimacy Dysfunction The failure to deal with social-sexual issues may impair the progress of recovery in a chemically dependent individual and his or her family. The failure to deal with sexual compulsivity in intravenous drug abusers may seriously impair our ability to deal with AIDS. The failure to deal with chemical dependence may render family therapy ineffective in the treatment of sex offenders.Despite the connection between chemical dependency and intimacy dysfunction the intimacy concerns are rarely recognized in the diagnosis treatment and aftercare of the chemically dependent person and his or family. In this pioneering work experts in the fields of chemical dependence and human sexuality provide professionals with information and skills to deal with intimacy dysfunction issues--offering hope for improving treatment and rehabilitation of chemically dependent individuals and their families. Typical intimacy dysfunctions are explored as well as treatment methods and strategies that have proven to be effective. A valuable resource guide this comprehensive volume addresses the key issues in the multidisciplinary approach to the study of chemical dependency and intimacy dysfunction. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315820811

Chemical Dependency TreatmentInnovative Group Approaches The most revolutionary humanistic guide to counteracting chemical dependency on the market Chemical Dependency Treatment: Innovative Group Approaches presents group models of intervention with substance using and chemically dependent clients across the continuum of care. In it you’ll find strategies that will help you engineer your own effective group interventions at different stages of the treatment process. Taking into account the ravaging nature of addiction and the rampant spread of AIDS this book gives you the sensitivity and skills necessary to seek out the earliest possible healing for your beloved family and friends. In Chemical Dependency Treatment you’ll build upon existing literature on the subject of group work within the chemical dependency field. In doing so you’ll glean your own individualized expertise from this excellent collection of essays and qualify yourself to orchestrate compassionate and holistic chemical dependency interventions. You’ll get detailed information about: early community-based intervention for injected drug use (IDU) the transition from inpatient to outpatient status for chemically dependent clients psychoeducational help for chemically dependent gays and lesbians strategies for hospital-based early recovery groups for HIV-infected inner-city clients treatment during the early phases of outpatient therapy outpatient group psychotherapy with cluster-B personality disordered men multiple oppression in group psychotherapyIf you know someone who is chemically dependent or if you’re interested in becoming more informed about what your family or community can do to quell the epidemic of chemical dependency Chemical Dependency Treatment will put you on the sure pathway to a more caring more immediate group intervention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970236

Chemical DependencyTheoretical Approaches and Strategies Working with Individuals and Families This helpful book underscores the importance of working with both the individual and family as part of a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach in assessment intervention and treatment of chemical addiction. With many case studies highlighting the treatment guidelines Chemical Dependency is an ideal guide for professionals and students in addictions studies mental health and other human service related fields intent on working with and providing services to individual and family addiction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970229

Chemical DependencyWomen at Risk Chemical Dependency: Women at Risk shows readers how to design and implement drug and alcohol treatment programs that take into account not only gender but also the cultural differences among women. Whether you’re a counselor researcher or health care provider this book will show you how to abandon ‘one-size-fits-all’treatment approaches that fail to address the individual needs of women undergoing substance abuse treatment. Instead you’ll learn to recognize and respect cultural and individual differences among women. Use this book as a guide to develop your own innovative multicultural treatment approaches to substance abuse. Chemical Dependency offers a three-stage cultural assessment model that serves as a key starting point for transforming your services into culture- gender- and ethnic-sensitive programs. You’ll acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to develop recovery services that identify patterns of belief and customs that can assist or hinder women in achieving and maintaining recovery.Readers of Chemical Dependency discover the obstacles to the development of effective women’s recovery programs as well as key service elements of successful recovery programs. In addition they witness firsthand how to integrate an understanding of women’s lives from a multigenerational and life span perspective with consideration of issues such as sexuality violence and sexual abuse and codependence and parenting. As a result professionals in the field at all levels are equipped with the necessary know-how for providing services to underserved women and offering them the assistance they so desperately need to overcome their substance abuse problems.Chemical Dependency provides readers with the most comprehensive analysis to date of marijuana addiction in women with effective methodss for outreach intervention treatment and research. The techniques it offers for establishing discussion frameworks for sexuality and HIV in the context of recovery can be incorporated immediately into existing treatment programs as can its strategies to assist lesbians and bisexual women in confronting the trauma they suffer as a result of addiction sexism and societal homophobia.The book’s authors are professionals in the fields of treatment research prevention community organizing and policymaking. Readers acquire from their collaborative effort an understanding of alcohol and drug addiction as a complex ‘bio-psycho-social-spiritual’disease. Counselors researchers health care providers and faculty and students of chemical dependency programs will find Chemical Dependency an invaluable guidebook for the development or improvement of their own approaches to successful intervention and treatment of women susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315820590

Chemical Discovery and Invention in the Twentieth Century First published in 1919. Tilden discusses a compilation of chemical discovery and invention to demonstrate the progress of chemistry in the early 20th century. Divided into 5 sections chemical laboratories and the work done in them modern discoveries and theories modern applications of chemistry and modern progress in organic chemistry the author presents an overview of the subject. The final section of the book contains an account of important discoveries which find practical applications and provide new views of the constitution of the world in which we live. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138617384

Chemical Dissolution of Metal Oxides The dissolution behaviour of metal oxides has applications in many scientific fields each with its own jargon and methodological approach. Any scientist interested in this subject should understand the literature from these various areas. This book describe different specialized treatments to surface-controlled metal oxide dissolution reactions and translates them into a unified picture based on surface complexion Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891415

Chemical Dynamics in Freshwater Ecosystems Chemical Dynamics in Freshwater Ecosystems reviews the processes that control the distribution and impacts of chemical substances discharged into freshwater aquatic environments. The book focuses on the relationships between chemical emissions and the resulting ambient concentration in water sediments fish benthos plants and other components of real aquatic ecosystems. Hydrodynamics sediment dynamics chemical fate processes bioaccumulation and food-chain transfer are major topics discussed in the book. Case studies and models are used to illustrate how quantitative predictions of chemical dynamics and behavior in the aquatic environment can be made. Chemical Dynamics in Freshwater Ecosystems is an excellent reference for aquatic toxicologists wildlife toxicologists wildlife biologists environmental chemists governmental regulators environmental modelers consultants and students studying the effects of chemicals on aquatic environments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891422

Chemical Ecology of InsectsApplications and Associations with Plants and Microbes Insects have evolved very unique and interesting tactics using chemical signals to survive. Chemical ecology illustrates the working of the biological network by means of chemical analyses. Recent advances in analytical technology have opened the way to a better understanding of the more complicated and abyssal interactions of insects with other organisms including plants and microbes. This book covers recent research on insects and chemical communications and presents the current status about challenges faced by chemical ecologists for the management of pests in agriculture and human health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498769402

Chemical EcologyThe Ecological Impacts of Marine Natural Products During the past 20 years marine chemical ecology has emerged as a respected field of study providing a better understanding of the role natural products play in organisms and their environments. Ample data in this book advocates the conservation of marine environments for future drug discovery efforts while sustaining their overall health. Marine chemical ecology has expanded to include research in the areas of predator–prey interactions marine microbial chemical ecology and seasonal and geographical distribution of marine natural products. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367733308

Chemical Energy from Natural and Synthetic Gas Commercial development of energy from renewables and nuclear is critical to long-term industry and environmental goals. However it will take time for them to economically compete with existing fossil fuel energy resources and their infrastructures. Gas fuels play an important role during and beyond this transition away from fossil fuel dominance to a balanced approach to fossil nuclear and renewable energies. Chemical Energy from Natural and Synthetic Gas illustrates this point by examining the many roles of natural and synthetic gas in the energy and fuel industry addressing it as both a "transition" and "end game" fuel. The book describes various types of gaseous fuels and how are they are recovered purified and converted to liquid fuels and electricity generation and used for other static and mobile applications. It emphasizes methane syngas and hydrogen as fuels although other volatile hydrocarbons are considered. It also covers storage and transportation infrastructure for natural gas and hydrogen and methods and processes for cleaning and reforming synthetic gas. The book also deals applications such as the use of natural gas in power production in power plants engines turbines and vehicle needs. Presents a unified and collective look at gas in the energy and fuel industry addressing it as both a "transition" and "end game" fuel. Emphasizes methane syngas and hydrogen as fuels.Covers gas storage and transport infrastructure.Discusses thermal gasification gas reforming processing purification and upgrading.Describes biogas and bio-hydrogen production. Deals with the use of natural gas in power production in power plants engines turbines and vehicle needs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367874247

Chemical Engineering Computation with MATLAB® Chemical Engineering Computation with MATLAB® Second Edition continues to present basic to advanced levels of problem-solving techniques using MATLAB as the computation environment. The Second Edition provides even more examples and problems extracted from core chemical engineering subject areas and all code is updated to MATLAB version 2020. It also includes a new chapter on computational intelligence and: Offers exercises and extensive problem-solving instruction and solutions for various problems Features solutions developed using fundamental principles to construct mathematical models and an equation-oriented approach to generate numerical results Delivers a wealth of examples to demonstrate the implementation of various problem-solving approaches and methodologies for problem formulation problem solving analysis and presentation as well as visualization and documentation of results Includes an appendix offering an introduction to MATLAB for readers unfamiliar with the program which will allow them to write their own MATLAB programs and follow the examples in the book Provides aid with advanced problems that are often encountered in graduate research and industrial operations such as nonlinear regression parameter estimation in differential systems two-point boundary value problems and partial differential equations and optimization This essential textbook readies engineering students researchers and professionals to be proficient in the use of MATLAB to solve sophisticated real-world problems within the interdisciplinary field of chemical engineering. The text features a solutions manual lecture slides and MATLAB program files._ Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367547820

Chemical Engineering Design ProjectA Case Study Approach Second Edition This new edition follows the original format which combines a detailed case study - the production of phthalic anhydride - with practical advice and comprehensive background information. Guiding the reader through all major aspects of a chemical engineering design the text includes both the initial technical and economic feasibility study as well as the detailed design stages. Each aspect of the design is illustrated with material from an award-winning student design project. The book embodies the "learning by doing" approach to design. The student is directed to appropriate information sources and is encouraged to make decisions at each stage of the design process rather than simply following a design method. Thoroughly revised updated and expanded the accompanying text includes developments in important areas and many new references. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078234

Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics This book provides readers with the most current accurate and practical fluid mechanics related applications that the practicing BS level engineer needs today in the chemical and related industries in addition to a fundamental understanding of these applications based upon sound fundamental basic scientific principles. The emphasis remains on problem solving and the new edition includes many more examples. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498724425

Chemical Engineering III Chemical Engineering III includes the proceedings of the 3rd SREE Conference on Chemical Engineering (CCE 2013 Hong Kong 28-29 December 2013) and the 2nd SREE Workshop on Energy Environment and Engineering (WEEE 2013 which was a part of CCE 2013). The contributions discuss current practical challenges and solutions in Chemical Engineering and cover a wide range of topics:- Chemical materials- Chemical processes- Chemical equipment- Biochemical engineering- Chemical engineering and environment- Oil and gas engineering- Energy engineering- New energy- Environmental engineeringChemical Engineering III will be invaluable to engineers and academics involved or interested in these areas. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138001299

Chemical Engineering of PolymersProduction of Functional and Flexible Materials In this important volume the structures and functions of these advanced polymer and composite systems are evaluated with respect to improved or novel performance and the potential implications of those developments for the future of polymer-based composites and multifunctional materials are discussed. It focuses exclusively on the latest research related to polymer and composite materials especially new trends in frontal polymerization and copolymerization synthesis functionalization of polymers physical properties and hybrid systems. Several chapters are devoted to composites and nanocomposites. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771884457

Chemical Engineering Primer with Computer Applications Taking a highly pragmatic approach to presenting the principles and applications of chemical engineering this companion text for students and working professionals offers an easily accessible guide to solving problems using computers. The primer covers the core concepts of chemical engineering from conservation laws all the way up to chemical kinetics without heavy stress on theory and is designed to accompany traditional larger core texts. The book presents the basic principles and techniques of chemical engineering processes and helps readers identify typical problems and how to solve them. Focus is on the use of systematic algorithms that employ numerical methods to solve different chemical engineering problems by describing and transforming the information. Problems are assigned for each chapter ranging from simple to difficult allowing readers to gradually build their skills and tackle a broad range of problems. MATLAB and Excel® are used to solve many examples and the more than 70 real examples throughout the book include computer or hand solutions or in many cases both. The book also includes a variety of case studies to illustrate the concepts and a downloadable file containing fully worked solutions to the book’s problems on the publisher’s website.   Introduces the reader to chemical engineering computation without the distractions caused by the contents found in many texts. Provides the principles underlying all of the major processes a chemical engineer may encounter as well as offers insight into their analysis which is essential for design calculations. Shows how to solve chemical engineering problems using computers that require numerical methods using standard algorithms such as MATLAB® and Excel®. Contains selective solved examples of many problems within the chemical process industry to demonstrate how to solve them using the techniques presented in the text. Includes a variety of case studies to illustrate the concepts and a downloadable file containing fully worked solutions to problems on the publisher’s website. Offers non-chemical engineers who are expected to work with chemical engineers on projects scale-ups and process evaluations a solid understanding of basic concepts of chemical engineering analysis design and calculations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498730570

Chemical Engineering ThermodynamicsTheory & Applications The book presents concepts and equations of equilibrium thermodynamics or thermostatics. Key features that distinguish this book from others on chemical engineering thermodynamics are: a mathematical treatment of the developments leading to the discovery of the internal energy and entropy; a clear distinction between the classical thermodynamics of Carnot Clausius and Kelvin and the thermostatics of Gibbs; an intensive/specific variable formalism from which the extensive variable formalism is obtained as a special case; a systematic method of obtaining the central equations of thermostatics with the use of the implicit/inverse function theorems and the chain rule. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367459574

Chemical EquilibriaExact Equations and Spreadsheet Programs to Solve Them Concepts procedures and programs described in this book make it possible for readers to solve both simple and complex equilibria problems quickly and easily and to visualize results in both numerical and graphical forms. They allow the user to calculate concentrations of reactants and products for both simple and complicated situations. The user can spend less time doing calculations and more time thinking about what the results mean in terms of a larger problem in which she or he may be interested. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138367227

Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer ImagingAdvances and Applications This is the first textbook dedicated to CEST imaging and covers the fundamental principles of saturation transfer key features of CEST agents that enable the production of imaging contrast and practical aspects of preparing image-acquisition and post-processing schemes suited for in vivo applications. CEST is a powerful MRI contrast mechanism with unique features and the rapid expansion it has seen over the past 15 years since its original discovery in 2000 has created a need for a graduate-level handbook describing all aspects of pre-clinical translational and clinical CEST imaging. The book provides an illustrated historical perspective by leaders at the five key sites who developed CEST imaging from the initial saturation transfer NMR experiments performed in the 1960s in Stockholm Sweden described by Sture Forsén to the work on integrating the basic principles of CEST into imaging by Robert Balaban Dean Sherry Silvio Aime and Peter van Zijl in the United States and Italy. The editors Drs. Michael T. McMahon Assaf A. Gilad Jeff W. M. Bulte and Peter C. M. van Zijl have been pioneers developing this field at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Kennedy Krieger Institute including contributions to Nature Medicine Nature Biotechnology Nature Materials and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. As recognition for their initial development of the field Drs. van Zijl and Balaban were awarded the Laukien Prize in April 2016 established in 1999 to honor the memory of Professor Gunther Laukien a co-founder of Bruker Biospin GmbH. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814745703

Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses Providing material for practitioners and students alike Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses is a clear and straightforward presentation of industrial toxicology.Exposure to toxic chemicals is of major concern to health professionals. In recent years the scope and importance of hazardous materials toxicology has expanded and now impacts financial institutions government private corporations and many other organizations as well. Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses presents the myriad health implications of hazardous chemicals in a single source. This book is organized so that readers can proceed from a general perspective on the problem of chemical exposure and toxic responses to an understanding of toxicology and a method of inquiry.Written for anyone who needs practical toxicological information the book compactly and efficiently presents the scientific basis of toxicology as it applies to the workplace. It covers the diverse chemical hazards encountered in the work environment and provides a practical understanding of these hazards for those charged with protecting the health and well being of people at work.Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses consists of three parts: Part I establishes the general principles of industrial toxicology; Part II addresses specific effects of toxic agents on specific physiological organs and systems; and Part III is devoted to the evaluation of hazards in the workplace. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448424

Chemical Fixation of Carbon DioxideMethods for Recycling CO2 into Useful Products Chemical Fixation of Carbon Dioxide presents new concepts and results from research into the problems caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide. The book discusses the limitations of natural plant photosynthesis as a sink for carbon dioxide and emphasizes chemical fixation as an important alternative. A number of significant topics are covered including new coupling reactions for producing compounds such as carbamates urethanes and heterocyclic structures; new catalyst systems particularly for methanation and methanol synthesis; the use of homogeneous solution photosensitizers and heterogeneous semiconductor photocatalysts to photoreduce carbon dioxide with visible light and sunlight; and electrochemical reduction. This book will be a useful reference for organic chemists working on environmental problems chemical engineers environmental chemists professionals at research facilities and students. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315139098

Chemical Functionalization of Carbon NanomaterialsChemistry and Applications Carbon-based nanomaterials are rapidly emerging as one of the most fascinating materials in the twenty-first century. Chemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanomaterials: Chemistry and Applications provides a thorough examination of carbon nanomaterials including their variants and how they can be chemically functionalized. It also gives a comprehensive overview of current advanced applications of functionalized carbon nanomaterials including the automotive packaging coating and biomedical industries. The book covers modern techniques to characterize chemically functionalized carbon nanomaterials as well as characterization of surface functional groups. It includes contributions from international leaders in the field who highlight the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary flexibility of functionalized carbon nanomaterials. The book illustrates how natural drawbacks to carbon nanomaterials such as low solubility can be countered by surface modifications and shows how to make modifications. It discusses developments in the use of carbon nanomaterials in several critical areas in scientific research and practice including analytical chemistry drug delivery and water treatment. It explores market opportunities due to the versatility and increasing applicability of carbon nanomaterials. It also gives suggestions on the direction of the field from its current point paving the way for future developments and finding new applications. Chemical Functionalization of Carbon Nanomaterials: Chemistry and Applications is a significant collection of findings in a rapidly developing field. It gives an in-depth look at the current achievements of research and practice while pointing you ahead to new possibilities in functionalizing and using carbon nanomaterials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894570

Chemical Fungal Taxonomy Offers comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in both biochemical and physiological approaches to fungal systematics. Incorporates recent advances in molecular biology into systematics methods that can revolutionize taxonomic schemes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367447823

Chemical Genomics and Proteomics Since the publication of the pioneering first edition of Chemical Genomics and Proteomics more than seven years ago the area of chemical genomics has rapidly expanded and diversified to numerous novel methods and subdisciplines such as chemical glycomics and lipidomics. This second edition has been updated to uniquely reflect this interdisciplinary feature as well as the remarkable developments that have occurred. The new edition also covers innovative applications from cell biology to drug discovery to more recently clinical diagnostics and medical practice which utilize the concepts of chemical genomics.The text provides an overview of the strategies and methodologies of chemical genomics focusing on emerging technologies and recent applications in the areas of combination chemical genetics toxicogenomics drug chemical genomics and proteomics and orthogonal chemical genetics. It describes the development and application of novel analytical methods used in lipodomics such as steroidomics. The book also discusses biomarker discovery applications of microarray technologies using DNA RNA and protein and glycan arrays. Chapters cover further applications of biomolecular biomarkers for disease diagnosis in small molecule drug R&D and during therapeutic use of medicines. These include prognostic disease specific response (surrogate) and toxicity biomarkers.In addition the text explores the principles of contemporary systems biology and genomics in experimental medicine—a new paradigm that demonstrates a network-oriented view and advanced statistical and informatics data management opening the way toward personalized medicine. Finally various in silico chemogenomics approaches are addressed for predicting binding of drug candidates to undesirable targets which would help in designing better clinical candidates with fewer side effects. This new edition benefits a broad range of readers from industrial and academic researchers in drug discovery medicinal chemistry and molecular and cell biology to physicians in clinical diagnostics and students in related fields of study. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198470

Chemical Graph Theory New Edition! Completely Revised and UpdatedChemical Graph Theory 2nd Edition is a completely revised and updated edition of a highly regarded book that has been widely used since its publication in 1983. This unique book offers a basic introduction to the handling of molecular graphs - mathematical diagrams representing molecular structures. Using mathematics well within the vocabulary of most chemists this volume elucidates the structural aspects of chemical graph theory: (1) the relationship between chemical and graph-theoretical terminology elements of graph theory and graph-theoretical matrices; (2) the topological aspects of the Hückel theory resonance theory and theories of aromaticity; and (3) the applications of chemical graph theory to structure-property and structure-activity relationships and to isomer enumeration. An extensive bibliography covering the most relevant advances in theory and applications is one of the book's most valuable features. This volume is intended to introduce the entire chemistry community to the applications of graph theory and will be of particular interest to theoretical organic and inorganic chemists physical scientists computational chemists and those already involved in mathematical chemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367450397

Chemical Graph TheoryIntroduction and Fundamentals This volume presents the fundamentals of graph theory and then goes on to discuss specific chemical applications. Chapter 1 provides a historical setting for the current upsurge of interest in chemical graph theory. Chapter 2 gives a full background of the basic ideas and mathematical formalism of graph theory and includes such chemically relevant notions as connectedness graph matrix representations metric properties symmetry and operations on graphs. This is followed by a discussion on chemical nomenclature and the trends in its rationalization by using graph theory which has important implications for the storage and retrieval of chemical information. This volume also contains a detailed discussion of the relevance of graph-theoretical polynomials; it describes methodologies for the enumeration of isomers incorporating the classical Polya method as well as more recent approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367450700

Chemical Hazards in the Workplace This book introduces you to Industrial Toxicology - and is especially valuable for the engineer scientists or manager with responsibility - but no previous education or experience in the subject. Very "User Friendly." Text at the upper undergraduate and graduate level. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367811570

Chemical Information MiningFacilitating Literature-Based Discovery The First Book to Describe the Technical and Practical Elements of Chemical Text MiningExplores the development of chemical structure extraction capabilities and how to incorporate these technologies in daily research workFor scientific researchers finding too much information on a subject not finding enough information or not being able to access full text documents often costs them time money and quality. Addressing these concerns Chemical Information Mining: Facilitating Literature-Based Discovery presents strategic ideas for properly selecting and successfully using the best text mining tools for scientific research.Links chemical and biological entities at the heart of life science researchThe book focuses on information extraction issues highlights available solutions and underscores the value of these solutions to academic and commercial scientists. After introducing the drivers behind chemical text mining it discusses chemical semantics. The contributors describe the tools that identify and convert chemical names and images to structure-searchable information. They also explain natural language processing name entity recognition concepts and semantic web technologies. Following a section on current trends in the field the book looks at where information mining approaches fit into the research needs within the life sciences.Shaping the future of scientific information and knowledge managementBy building knowledge and competency in the growing area of literature-based discovery this book shows how text mining of the chemical literature can increase drug discovery opportunities and enhance life science research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386207

Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry The only comprehensive guide to CIMS applications in structural elucidation and analytical studiesChemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive up-to-date review of CIMS applications in structural elucidation and quantitative analytical studies. For the benefit of readers without a background in gaseous ion chemistry a thorough review is presented in Chapter 2. Other chapters discuss such topics as reagent ion systems within the context of the thermochemistry and kinetics of the ionization process including reactions and the type of information obtained; isotopic exchange reactions; stereochemical effects in chemical ionization; and reactive ion/molecule collisions in quadrupole cells. Chemical ionization mass spectra of 13 classes of compounds are discussed in detail to illustrate the influence of different functional groups on the spectra observed. Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry 2nd Edition will be a valuable reference for anyone interested in mass spectrometry and gaseous ion chemistry in general. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139128

Chemical Kinetics and Process Dynamics in Aquatic Systems Chemical Kinetics and Process Dynamics in Aquatic Systems is devoted to chemical reactions and biogeochemical processes in aquatic systems. The book provides a thorough analysis of the principles mathematics and analytical tools used in chemical microbial and reactor kinetics. It also presents a comprehensive up-to-date description of the kinetics of important chemical processes in aquatic environments. Aquatic photochemistry and correlation methods (e.g. LFERs and QSARs) to predict process rates are covered. Numerous examples are included and each chapter has a detailed bibliography and problems sets. The book will be an excellent text/reference for professionals and students in such fields as aquatic chemistry limnology aqueous geochemistry microbial ecology marine science environmental and water resources engineering and geochemistry. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139135

Chemical LibrarianshipChallenges and Opportunities As early as the 18th century chemists’emphasis on up-to-date literature presented research librarians with many challenges. But now Chemical Librarianship: Challenges and Opportunities will show you how you can adapt your methods to the rapidly evolving demands of twentieth-century chemical researchers without sacrificing your high standards of service. Altogether this comprehensive overview helps you see the major role librarians still play in information education and gives you a broad assortment of strategies for coping with the accelerated demands of today's shifting electronic research environment.In Chemical Librarianship you'll read about the revolutionary pedagogical experiments of librarians teachers computer specialists and graduate students. You'll see how those experiments have altered the way they approach research--for the better--and how you can make positive adjustments in your own successful formulae. Individual chapters discuss:librarians as teachersthe pros and cons of integrating/separating chemical information coursesfaculty and computing staff--partnership at the University of FloridaYale University's experiment with The Electronic Seminar Systemthe evolution of electronic journalsthe most recent trends in academic serial collectionTake 100 mg of quickly changing research technology a drop of increased enrollment and 250 cc's of faculty requests shake it up in an Erlenmeyer flask heat it at 200 degrees Celsius and what do you get? An explosion? A disaster? If these are your fears put them away. Open up Chemical Librarianship and let some of the most informed experts on research and technology help you and your staff find just the right chemistry. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315863375

Chemical Modification of Biological Polymers Examining the chemical modification of biological polymers and the emerging applications of this technology Chemical Modification of Biological Polymers reflects the change in emphasis in this subsection of biotechnology from the study of protein structure and function toward applications in therapeutics and diagnostics. HighlightsThe basic organic chemistry of the modification proteins nucleic acids oligosaccharides polysaccharides and their applicationsNew analytical technologies used to characterize the chemical modification of biological polymersIdentification of in vivo non-enzymatic chemical modification of biological polymersSpecific chemical modifications to generate biopharmaceutical products This book covers the basics on the organic chemistry underlying the chemical modification of biopolymers including updates on the use of various chemical reagents. It describes the current status of chemical modification of biological polymers and emerging applications of this technology in biotechnology. These technologies are important for the manufacture of conjugate proteins used in drug delivery for the preparation of nucleic acid microarrays and for the preparation of hydrogels and other materials used in tissue engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367382414

Chemical Modification of Lignocellulosic Materials This volume emphasizes the growing need for wood products with advanced engineering properties. It details the fundamental principles of cellulose technology and presents current techniques to modifying the basic chemistry of lignocellulosic materials. The work: discusses the cost-efficient use of cellulose derivatives in a variety of commodities; highlights the chemical modification of wood by methods such as etherification esterification and thermoplasticization; considers recent progress in the lignocellulosic liquefaction of wood; and more. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139142

Chemical Nanoscience and NanotechnologyNew Materials and Modern Techniques This new volume presents a wealth of practical experience and research on new methodologies and important applications in chemical nanotechnology. It also includes small-scale nanotechnology-related projects that have potential applications in several disciplines of chemistry and nanotechnology. In this book contributions range from new methods to novel applications of existing methods to gain understanding of the material and/or structural behavior of new and advanced systems. Topics cover computational methods in chemical engineering and chemoinformatics studies of some of physico-chemical properties of several important nanoalloy clusters the use of 3D reconstruction of nanofibrous membranes nanotechnology research for green engineering and sustainability nanofiltration and carbon nanotubes applications in water treatment and much more. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887748

Chemical Oceanography Over the past ten years a number of new large-scale oceanographic programs have been initiated. These include the Climate Variability Program (CLIVAR) and the recent initiation of the Geochemical Trace Metal Program (GEOTRACES). These studies and future projects will produce a wealth of information on the biogeochemistry of the world’s oceans. Authored by Frank J. Millero an acknowledged international authority in the field the fourth edition of Chemical Oceanography maintains the stellar insight that has made it a favorite of students instructors researchers and other professionals in marine science geochemistry and environmental chemistry. Reflecting the latest updates on issues affecting the health of our environment this text: Supplies an in-depth treatment of ocean acidification a key emerging environmental problem Provides updated coverage on the carbonate system in the ocean Presents expanded information on oceanic organic compounds Contains updates on dissolved organic carbon phosphate nitrogen and metals in the ocean Offers a new definition of salinity and a new equation of the state of seawater based on recent original research Describes the new thermodynamic equation of the state of seawater Includes full-color graphs and photographs to assist readers in visualizing the concepts presented For more than two decades this book has served as the "classic" textbook for students and a valuable reference for researchers in the fields of oceanography environmental chemistry and geochemistry. Designed for both classroom use and self-study this comprehensive survey of essential concepts incorporates a wealth of state-of-the-art reference data discovered on large-scale oceanographic studies sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466512498

Chemical PhysicsElectrons and Excitations A full understanding of modern chemistry is impossible without quantum theory. Since the advent of quantum mechanics in 1925 a number of chemical phenomena have been explained such as electron transfer excitation energy transfer and other phenomena in photochemistry and photo-physics. Chemical bonds can now be accurately calculated with the help of a personal computer. Addressing students of theoretical and quantum chemistry and their counterparts in physics Chemical Physics: Electrons and Excitations introduces chemical physics as a gateway to fields such as photo physics solid-state physics and electrochemistry. Offering relevant background in theory and applications it covers the foundations of quantum mechanics and molecular structure as well as more specialized topics such as transfer reactions and photochemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367381691

Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation 'Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation' provides must-have knowledge for conservators who do not always have a scientific background. This vital book brings together from many sources the material science necessary to understand the properties deterioration and investigation of textile artefacts. It also aids understanding of the chemical processes during various treatments such as: cleaning; humidification; drying; disinfestation; disinfection; and the use of adhesives and consolidants in conservation of historical textiles. Textile conservators will now have ready access to the necessary knowledge to understand the chemistry of the objects they are asked to treat and to make informed decisions about how to preserve textiles. The combination of a chemist and a conservator provides the perfect authorial team. It ensures a unique dual function of the text which provides textile conservators with vital chemical knowledge and gives scientists an understanding of textile conservation necessary to direct their research. The many practical examples and case studies illustrate the utility of the relatively large chemical introduction and the essential chemical information which is included. The case studies many illustrated in colour range from the treatment of the Ghandis' clothes high-altitude flying suits and a Mary Quant raincoat to the Hungarian Coronation Mantle. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606381

Chemical Process in Liquid and Solid PhaseProperties Performance and Applications This new book offers research and updates on the chemical process in liquid and solid phases. The collection of topics in this book reflect the diversity of recent advances in chemical processes with a broad perspective that will be useful to scientists as well as graduate students and engineers. The book will help to fill the gap between theory and practice in industry. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895512

Chemical Processes for Pollution Prevention and Control This book examines how chemistry chemical processes and transformations are used for pollution prevention and control. Pollution prevention reduces or eliminates pollution at the source whereas pollution control involves destroying reducing or managing pollutants that cannot be eliminated at the source. Applications of environmental chemistry are further illustrated by nearly 150 figures numerous example calculations and several case studies designed to develop analytical and problem solving skills. The book presents a variety of practical applications and is unique in its integration of pollution prevention and control as well as air water and solid waste management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138106321

Chemical Processing of Ceramics Many believe that the silicon/information age is heading to the Age of Biology and that the next frontier in ceramics will most likely require molecular level or nanoscale control. What then is the role of ceramics in the age of biology? As we change from an energy-rich society to an energy-declining society how can ceramic materials appease the problem? This new edition of Chemical Processing of Ceramics offers a scientific and technological framework for achieving creative solutions to these questions. Edited by experts and containing chapters by leading researchers in the field the book uses an interdisciplinary approach to cover topics ranging from starting materials to device applications. The book begins with a discussion of starting material highlighting how to prepare and modify them in the nanoscale range. The chapter authors discuss the synthesis characterization and behavior of ceramic powders the processing of ceramic films via sol-gel technique and the fabrication of nonoxide ceramics. They also present coverage of several specific thin films membranes ferroelectrics bioceramics dieletrics batteries and superconductors. Although the book is edited it is organized to reflect the chemical sequence of ceramic processing and the coherent theme of chemical processing for advanced ceramic materials. The coverage of molecular/nanoprocessing techniques that result in new materials will enable researchers and engineers to meet the challenge of producing inorganic materials for use in the applications of the future. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392499

Chemical Properties of Material Surfaces A discussion of the adsorption of inorganics from aqueous solution on inorganic adsorbents. It emphasizes the relationship between adsorption and surface charging highlighting simple and complex adsorption systems sorted by the adsorbent as well as the adsorbate. The author includes a comprehensive collection of pristine PZC of different materials - covering crystallographic structure methods of preparation impurities in the solid temperature and ionic composition of the solution experimental methods to determine PZC and the correlation between zero points and other physical quantities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367397111

Chemical Property EstimationTheory and Application Our world is widely contaminated with damaging chemicals and companies create thousands of new potentially dangerous chemicals each year. Due to the difficulty and expense of obtaining accurate measurements and the unreliability of reported values we know surprisingly little about the properties of these contaminants. Determining the properties of chemicals is critical to judging their impact on environmental quality and in making decisions about emission rates clean-up and other important public health issues.Chemical Property Estimation describes modern methods of estimating chemical properties methods which cost much less than traditional laboratory techniques and are sufficiently accurate for most environmental applications. Estimation methods are used to screen chemicals for testing design monitoring and analysis methods design clean-up procedures and verify experimental measurements. The book discusses key methods for estimating chemical properties and considers their relative strengths and weaknesses. Several chapters are devoted to the partitioning of chemicals between air water soil and biota; and properties such as solubility vapor pressure and chemical transport.Each chapter begins with a review of relevant theory and background information explaining the applications and limitations of each method. Sample calculations and practical advice on how and when to use each method are included as well. Each method is evaluated for accuracy and reliability. Computer software databases and internet resources are evaluated as well as other supplementary material such as fundamental constants units of measure and more. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315139159

Chemical Protective ClothingPermeation and Degradation Compendium First Published in 1995. The three most important things to evaluate when selecting Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) are: evidence of degradation of the garment exposed to a chemical; breakthrough time; and permeation rate. Because proper CPC selection must be based on permeation and degradation tests performed upon specific manufacturer products an information source that enables you to access test results quickly and easily is needed. "Chemical Protective Clothing Permeation and Degradation Compendium" aims to be that source. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367204891

Chemical Reaction and Reactor Engineering This book presents an authoritative progress report that will remain germane to the topic and prove to be a substantial inspiration to further progress. It is valuable to academic and industrial practitioners of the art and science of chemical reaction and reactor engineering. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065562

Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology Second Edition The role of the chemical reactor is crucial for the industrial conversion of raw materials into products and numerous factors must be considered when selecting an appropriate and efficient chemical reactor. Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology defines the qualitative aspects that affect the selection of an industrial chemical reactor and couples various reactor models to case-specific kinetic expressions for chemical processes. Thoroughly revised and updated this much-anticipated Second Edition addresses the rapid academic and industrial development of chemical reaction engineering. Offering a systematic development of the chemical reaction engineering concept this volume explores: essential stoichiometric kinetic and thermodynamic terms needed in the analysis of chemical reactors homogeneous and heterogeneous reactors reactor optimization aspects residence time distributions and non-ideal flow conditions in industrial reactors solutions of algebraic and ordinary differential equation systems gas- and liquid-phase diffusion coefficients and gas-film coefficients correlations for gas-liquid systems solubilities of gases in liquids guidelines for laboratory reactors and the estimation of kinetic parameters The authors pay special attention to the exact formulations and derivations of mass energy balances and their numerical solutions. Richly illustrated and containing exercises and solutions covering a number of processes from oil refining to the development of specialty and fine chemicals the text provides a clear understanding of chemical reactor analysis and design. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138712508

Chemical Reaction EngineeringBeyond the Fundamentals Filling a longstanding gap for graduate courses in the field Chemical Reaction Engineering: Beyond the Fundamentals covers basic concepts as well as complexities of chemical reaction engineering including novel techniques for process intensification. The book is divided into three parts: Fundamentals Revisited Building on Fundamentals and Beyond the Fundamentals. Part I: Fundamentals Revisited reviews the salient features of an undergraduate course introducing concepts essential to reactor design such as mixing unsteady-state operations multiple steady states and complex reactions.Part II: Building on Fundamentals is devoted to "skill building " particularly in the area of catalysis and catalytic reactions. It covers chemical thermodynamics emphasizing the thermodynamics of adsorption and complex reactions; the fundamentals of chemical kinetics with special emphasis on microkinetic analysis; and heat and mass transfer effects in catalysis including transport between phases transfer across interfaces and effects of external heat and mass transfer. It also contains a chapter that provides readers with tools for making accurate kinetic measurements and analyzing the data obtained.Part III: Beyond the Fundamentals presents material not commonly covered in textbooks addressing aspects of reactors involving more than one phase. It discusses solid catalyzed fluid-phase reactions in fixed-bed and fluidized-bed reactors gas–solid noncatalytic reactions reactions involving at least one liquid phase (gas–liquid and liquid–liquid) and multiphase reactions. This section also describes membrane-assisted reactor engineering combo reactors homogeneous catalysis and phase-transfer catalysis. The final chapter provides a perspective on future trends in reaction engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439831229

Chemical Reaction EngineeringEssentials Exercises and Examples Chemical Reaction Engineering: Essentials Exercises and Examples presents the essentials of kinetics reactor design and chemical reaction engineering for undergraduate students. Concise and didactic in its approach it features over 70 resolved examples and many exercises. The work is organized in two parts: in the first part kinetics is presented focusing on the reaction rates the influence of different variables and the determination of specific rate parameters for different reactions both homogeneous and heterogeneous. This section is complemented with the classical kinetic theory and in particular with many examples and exercises. The second part introduces students to the distinction between ideal and non-ideal reactors and presents the basic equations of batch and continuous ideal reactors as well as specific isothermal and non-isothermal systems. The main emphasis however is on both qualitative and quantitative interpretation by comparing and combining reactors with and without diffusion and mass transfer effects complemented with several examples and exercises. Finally non-ideal and multiphase systems are presented as well as specific topics of biomass thermal processes and heterogeneous reactor analyses. The work closes with a unique section on the application of theory in laboratory practice with kinetic and reactorexperiments. This textbook will be of great value to undergraduate and graduate students in chemical engineering as well as to graduate students in and researchers of kinetics and catalysis. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415695381

Chemical Reaction NetworksA Graph-Theoretical Approach Over the last decade increased attention to reaction dynamics combined with the intensive application of computers in chemical studies mathematical modeling of chemical processes and mechanistic studies has brought graph theory to the forefront of research. It offers an advanced and powerful formalism for the description of chemical reactions and their intrinsic reaction mechanisms. Chemical Reaction Networks: A Graph-Theoretical Approach elegantly reviews and expands upon graph theory as applied to mechanistic theory chemical kinetics and catalysis. The authors explore various graph-theoretical approaches to canonical representation numbering and coding of elementary steps and chemical reaction mechanisms the analysis of their topological structure the complexity estimation and classification of reaction mechanisms. They discuss topologically distinctive features of multiroute catalytic and noncatalytic and chain reactions involving metal complexes.With it's careful balance of clear language and mathematical rigor the presentation of the authors' significant original work and emphasis on practical applications and examples Chemical Reaction Networks: A Graph Theoretical Approach is both an outstanding reference and valuable tool for chemical research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448479

Chemical Reactivity TheoryA Density Functional View In the 1970s Density Functional Theory (DFT) was borrowed from physics and adapted to chemistry by a handful of visionaries. Now chemical DFT is a diverse and rapidly growing field its progress fueled by numerous developing practical descriptors that make DFT as useful as it is vast. With 34 chapters written by 65 eminent scientists from 13 different countries Chemical Reactivity Theory: A Density Functional View represents the true collaborative spirit and excitement of purpose engendered by the study and use of DFT. This work instructs readers on how concepts from DFT can be used to describe understand and predict chemical reactivity. Prior knowledge is not required as early chapters written by the field’s original pioneers cover basic ground-state DFT and its extensions to time-dependent systems excited states and spin-polarized molecules. While the text is accessible to senior undergraduate or beginning graduate students experienced researchers are certain to find interesting new insights in the perspectives presented by these seasoned experts. This remarkable one-of-a-kind resource—Provides authoritative accounts on aspects of the theory of chemical reactivityDescribes various global reactivity descriptors such as electronegativity hardness and electrophilicityIntroduces and analyzes the usefulness of local reactivity descriptors such as Fukui shape and electron localization functionsOffers an in-depth analysis of how chemical reactivity changes during different physicochemical processes or in the presence of external perturbationsThe book covers a gamut of related topics such as methods for determining atoms-in-molecules population analysis electrostatic potential molecular quantum similarity aromaticity and biological activity. It also discusses the role of reactivity concepts in industrial and other practical applications. Whether you are searching for new products or new research projects this is the ultimate guide for understanding chemical reactivity. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577360

Chemical Reactor Design Featuring case studies and worked examples that illustrate key concepts in the text this book contains guidelines for scaleup of laboratory and pilot plant results methods to derive the correct reaction order activation energy or kinetic model from laboratory tests and theories correlations and practical examples for 2- and 3-phase reaction systems including bubble columns slurry reactions trickle-led reactors and fluidized beds. A comprehensive reference the book offers strategies to analyze and interpret kinetic data for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions practical design procedures rate equations and analytical models for improved reactor performance. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446956

Chemical Reagents for Protein Modification The use of the chemical modification of proteins has evolved over the past 80 years benefiting from advances in analytical physical and organic chemistry. Over the past 30 years the use of chemical reagents to modify proteins has been crucial in determining the function and structure of purified proteins. This groundbreaking work is part of the foundation of emerging disciplines of proteomics chemical biology structure biology and chemical proteomics.Chemical Reagents for Protein Modification Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive review of reagents used for the chemical modification of proteins representing a major revision of the work presented in previous editions. The completely updated Fourth Edition is substantially larger and includes five new chapters: Alkylating Agents Acylating Agents Nitration and Nitrosylation Oxidation Modification of Proteins with Reducing Agents There is greatly increased coverage of the chemical modification of cysteine which is critical for bioconjugate synthesis. The chapter on reduction also provides information necessary for bioconjugate synthesis as well as for the processing of inclusion bodies. The book places emphasis on conditions that affect the specificity of the chemical modification of proteins such as solvent and temperature. The format has been markedly revised presenting information based on the chemical nature of the modifying material and on the amino acid residue modified. This new version has increased significance to biopharmaceuticals. Much of the information is in tabular form which enables the rapid location of cited material. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466571907

Chemical Reagents for Protein Modification2nd Edition First published in 1991 Chemical Reagents for Protein Modification 2nd Edition provides a unique combination of theoretical and practical considerations for the use of chemical reagents for site-specific modification of proteins. The book is divided into three sections with the first section describing general techniques including information on the organic chemistry of the various modification reactions; the separation and characterization of site-specific modified proteins including applications to proteins separated by electrophoresis followed by blotting; the specific chemical cleavage of peptide bonds in proteins; the separation of peptides by high-performance liquid chromatography and electrophoresis; and the use of chemical reagents to assess conformational change in proteins. The second section provides an encyclopedic description of reagents and reactions for the site-specific modification of individual amino acid residues in proteins. The final section presents descriptions of the use of chemical reagents to label biologically significant sites in proteins including enzyme active sites and the use of covalent cross-linking to measure protein-protein interactions. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of photoaffinity reagents. The book will be an extremely useful research tool for all investigators interested in the solution chemistry of proteins. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367263553

Chemical Reagents for Protein ModificationVolume I The contents of this book are focused on the use of chemical modification to study the properties of proteins in solution. Particular emphasis has been placed on the practical laboratory aspects of this approach to the study of the relationship between structure and function in the complex class of biological heteropolymers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891439

Chemical Reagents for Protein ModificationVolume II The contents of this book are focused on the use of chemical modification to study the properties of proteins in solution. Particular emphasis has been placed on the practical laboratory aspects of this approach to the study of the relationship between structure and function in the complex class of biological heteropolymers. As a result little emphasis is given to the individual consideration of the functional consequence of chemical modification. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891446

Chemical Safety in the Laboratory Nothing is more important to an organization than the health and safety of its workers. The managerial effectiveness of any health and safety program is judged on the basis of how well it prevents injuries and ill health. Chemical Safety in the Laboratory provides a proven approach to implementing and maintaining an effective chemical safety program for laboratories in hospital industrial and educational settings. Based on 20 years of experience managing and auditing chemical safety programs the author discusses the OSHA Laboratory Standard and the Chemical Hygiene Plan provides guidelines for the effective use of personal protective equipment and details chemical emergency planning and response procedures. He also outlines a 19-step decontamination procedure for emergency responders. Employee chemical exposure monitoring and victim handling procedures are among the other major topics covered in this essential guide. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315139173

Chemical Science and Engineering TechnologyPerspectives on Interdisciplinary Research One of the major areas of emphasis in the field of in chemical science and engineering technology in recent years has been interdisciplinary research a trend that promises new insights and innovations rooted in cross-disciplinary collaboration. This volume is designed for stepping beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries and applying knowledge and insights from multiple fields. This book Chemical Science and Engineering Technology: Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research provides a selection of chapters on interdisciplinary research in chemical science and engineering technology taking a conceptual and practical approach. The book includes case studies and supporting technologies and also explains the conceptual thinking behind current uses and potential uses not yet implemented. International experts with countless years of experience lend this volume credibility.   Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887052

Chemical Sensitivity Volume I Chemical Sensitivity is the first major scientific book series on chemical sensitivity an increasingly important worldwide health problem. This four-volume series features results from the study of more than 20 000 environmentally sensitive patients at the Environmental Health Center (EHC) in Dallas. Results from the study at EHC are supplemented by information accumulated from the treatment and study of an estimated 100 000 patients by other environmentally oriented physicians and scientists around the world. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367450229

Chemical Sensitivity and Sick-Building Syndrome Written by multidisciplinary experts in medicine chemistry and architecture this book examines chemical sensitivity (CS). In 15 chapters fitted to 15 lectures it discusses not only the medical explanation but also the environmental factors of this hypersensitive reaction such as chemistry and architectural aspects. The book overviews pollution-induced diseases such as Minamata Disease. It also points out the similarity of modern hypersensitivity syndromes to historical pollution diseases from the viewpoints of not only natural scientific aspects but also social understanding of the disease. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466556348

Chemical SensitivityClinical Manifestation Volume III The volumes that comprise Chemical Sensitivity are the first major scientific books to be published on chemical sensitivity a growing world-wide health problem. These volumes present clinical experiences in diagnosing and treating chemical sensitivity in over 20 000 patients under controlled conditions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448806

Chemical Structure Spatial ArrangementThe Early History of Stereochemistry 1874–1914 Offering a comprehensive narrative of the early history of stereochemistry Dr Ramberg explores the reasons for and the consequences of the fundamental change in the meaning of chemical formulas with the emergence of stereochemistry during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. As yet relatively unexplored by historians the development of stereochemistry - the study of the three-dimensional properties of molecules - provides a superb case study for exploring the meaning and purpose of chemical formulas as it entailed a significant change in the meaning of chemical formulas from the purely chemical conception of 'structure' to the physico-chemical conception of molecules provided by the tetrahedral carbon atom. This study is the first to treat the emergence of the unique visual language of organic chemistry between 1830 and 1874 to place in context the near simultaneous proposal of the tetrahedral carbon atom by J.H. van 't Hoff and J.A. Le Bel in 1874. Dr Ramberg then examines the research programs in stereochemistry by Johannes Wislicenus Arthur Hantzsch Victor Meyer Carl Bischoff Emil Fischer and Alfred Werner showing how the emergence of stereochemistry was a logical continuation of established research traditions in chemistry. In so doing he also illustrates the novel and controversial characteristics of stereochemical ideas especially the unprecedented use of mechanistic and dynamic principles in chemical explanation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248519

Chemical Technology and Informatics in Chemistry with Applications This volume reflects the huge breadth and diversity in research and the application of industrial and engineering chemistry and cheminformatics. The book presents cutting-edge research developments and new insights that emphasize the vibrancy of industrial and engineering chemistry and cheminformatics today. The first section of the book focuses on new insights in engineering chemistry while the second part looks at the promising future and novel approaches in chemical informatics which has vast implications for industrial and pharmaceutical applications. Several chapters examine various industrial processes for emerging materials and determine practical use under a wide range of conditions helping to establish what is needed to produce a new generation of materials. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886666

Chemical TechnologyKey Developments in Applied Chemistry Biochemistry and Materials Science This collection presents a broad spectrum of chapters in the various branches of industrial chemistry biochemistry and materials science which demonstrate key developments in these rapidly changing fields. This book offers a valuable overview and myriad details on current chemical processes products and practices. The book serves a spectrum of individuals from those who are directly involved in the chemical industry to others in related industries and activities. It provides not only the underlying science and technology for important industry sectors but also provides broad coverage of critical supporting topics. This new book: • Serves as a collection of chapters that highlights some important areas of current interest in industrial chemistry biochemistry and materials science • Focuses on topics with more advanced methods • Emphasizes precise mathematical development and actual experimental details • Analyzes theories to formulate and prove the physicochemical principles • Provides an up-to-date and thorough exposition of the present state of the art of complex materials • Familiarizes the reader with new aspects of the techniques used in the examination of polymers including chemical physicochemical and purely physical methods of examination • Describes the types of techniques now available to the chemist and technician and discusses their capabilities limitations and applications Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880510

Chemical Thermodynamics and Information Theory with Applications Thermodynamics and information touch theory every facet of chemistry. However the physical chemistry curriculum digested by students worldwide is still heavily skewed toward heat/work principles established more than a century ago. Rectifying this situation Chemical Thermodynamics and Information Theory with Applications explores applications drawn from the intersection of thermodynamics and information theory—two mature and far-reaching fields. In an approach that intertwines information science and chemistry this book covers: The informational aspects of thermodynamic state equations The algorithmic aspects of transformations—compression expansion cyclic and more The principles of best-practice programming How molecules transmit and modify information via collisions and chemical reactions Using examples from physical and organic chemistry this book demonstrates how the disciplines of thermodynamics and information theory are intertwined. Accessible to curiosity-driven chemists with knowledge of basic calculus probability and statistics the book provides a fresh perspective on time-honored subjects such as state transformations heat and work exchanges and chemical reactions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138374270

Chemical ThermodynamicsTheory and Applications This book develops the theory of chemical thermodynamics from first principles demonstrates its relevance across scientific and engineering disciplines and shows how thermodynamics can be used as a practical tool for understanding natural phenomena and developing and improving technologies and products. Concepts such as internal energy enthalpy entropy and Gibbs energy are explained using ideas and experiences familiar to students and realistic examples are given so the usefulness and pervasiveness of thermodynamics becomes apparent. The worked examples illustrate key ideas and demonstrate important types of calculations and the problems at the end of chapters are designed to reinforce important concepts and show the broad range of applications. Most can be solved using digitized data from open access databases and a spreadsheet. Answers are provided for the numerical problems. A particular theme of the book is the calculation of the equilibrium composition of systems both reactive and non-reactive and this includes the principles of Gibbs energy minimization. The overall approach leads to the intelligent use of thermodynamic software packages but while these are discussed and their use demonstrated they are not the focus of the book the aim being to provide the necessary foundations. Another unique aspect is the inclusion of three applications chapters: heat and energy aspects of processing; the thermodynamics of metal production and recycling; and applications of electrochemistry. This book is aimed primarily at students of chemistry chemical engineering applied science materials science and metallurgy though it will be also useful for students undertaking courses in geology and environmental science. A solutions manual is available for instructors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367222475

Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)Advances Technology and Applications This book offers a timely and complete overview on chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and its variants for the processing of nanoparticles nanowires nanotubes nanocomposite coatings thin and thick films and composites. Chapters discuss key aspects from processing material structure and properties to practical use cost considerations versatility and sustainability. The author presents a comprehensive overview of CVD and its potential in producing high performance cost-effective nanomaterials and thin and thick films. Features Provides an up-to-date introduction to CVD technology for the fabrication of nanomaterials nanostructured films and composite coatings Discusses processing structure functionalization properties and use in clean energy engineering and biomedical grand challenges Covers thin and thick films and composites Compares CVD with other processing techniques in terms of structure/properties cost versatility and sustainability Kwang-Leong Choy is the Director of the UCL Centre for Materials Discovery and Professor of Materials Discovery in the Institute for Materials Discovery at the University College London. She earned her D.Phil. from the University of Oxford and is the recipient of numerous honors including the Hetherington Prize Oxford Metallurgical Society Award and Grunfeld Medal and Prize from the Institute of Materials (UK). She is an elected fellow of the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466597761

Chemical Warfare AgentsBiomedical and Psychological Effects Medical Countermeasures and Emergency Response The first edition of this book Chemical Warfare Agents: Toxicity at Low Levels was published just prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001. The second edition titled Chemical Warfare Agents: Pharmacology Toxicology and Therapeutics included new epidemiological and clinical studies of exposed or potentially exposed populations; new treatment concepts and products; improved organization of the national response apparatus addressing the potential for CWA terrorism; and improved diagnostic tests that enable rapid diagnosis and treatment. Since the second edition the chemical warfare agent community has worked hard to advance research for protection and treatment and develop/improve response approaches for individuals and definitive care. Consequently in addition to updating previous chapters Chemical Warfare Agents: Biomedical and Psychological Effects Medical Countermeasures and Emergency Response Third Edition features several new chapters that address the Syrian War chemical destruction the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons biomarkers for chemical warfare agent exposure field sensors aircraft decontamination lung/human on a chip chemical warfare response decision making and other research advancements. Features: Describes the newest medical interventions and the latest technologies deployed in the field as well as developments in the international response to CW usage highlighting recent events in the Middle East Discusses the latest in organizational/interagency partitioning in terms of responsibilities for emergency response not just in the United States but at the international level—whether prevention mitigation medical care reclamation or medico-legal aspects of such response Contains the most current research from bench-level experts The third edition contains the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the question of chemical warfare agent employment on the battlefield or in terrorism. Edited by workers that have been in the field for 35+ years it remains faithful to the scientific "constants " while evaluating and crediting the advances by the industry that have made us safer. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498769211

Chemical Warfare and Chemical TerrorismPsychological and Performance Outcomes:a Special Issue of military Psychology This special issue of Military Psychology reports behavioral pharmacological and toxicological science research on military performance as it is affected by chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and their pharmacological countermeasures. The papers in this issue are a diverse assembly; some very pharmacological in orientation others driven by behavioral neuroscience. The unifying theme is the psychological consequences or organic syndromes that may be confused with consequences resulting from exposure to CWAs or use of their medical countermeasures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138475625

Chemical Warfare Arms ControlA Framework for Considering Policy Alternatives This book first published in 1985 examines thinking around chemical weapons from the standpoint of national policy-making in a manner that integrates both defence and arms-control aspects. The process of multilateral negotiations on chemical warfare arms control is not simple nor are the issues involved and their associated technical questions. Constraints standards and verification are needed. This book analyses these issues and the interplay of domestic issues and specific security requirements. This book offers an analytical framework within which a wide spread of different considerations may be located and assessed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367627492

Chemical Warfare during the Vietnam WarRiot Control Agents in Combat Chemical Warfare during the Vietnam War documents the use of antipersonnel chemical weapons throughout the Vietnam War and explores their effectiveness under the wide variety of circumstances in which they were employed. The short readable account follows the US program as it progressed from a focus on the humanitarian aspects of non-lethal weapons to their use as a means of augmenting and enhancing the lethality of traditional munitions. It also presents the efforts of the North Vietnamese to both counter US chemical operations and to develop a chemical capability of their own. Chemical Warfare during the Vietnam War is a comprehensive and thoroughly fascinating examination of riot-control agents during the Vietnam War. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203831137

Chemical WarfareA Study in Restraints In the aftermath of 9/11 the potential terror of weapons of mass destruction--from nuclear biological and chemical to dirty bombs--preoccupies national security experts. In Chemical Warfare Frederic J. Brown presents a cogent innovative framework for understanding the historical forces that have restrained the use of WMD and how they continue to have relevance today. Analyzing both world wars he argues that the restraints on use were complex and often unpredictable and ranged from the political to the technological. The author offers a detailed examination of American chemical warfare policy as it was shaped by industry and public sentiment as well as national and military leaders. The organization of the book into three parts reflects the importance of battlefield experiences during the First World War and of international political restraints as they evolved during the interwar years and culminated in "no first use" policies by major powers in World War II. Part I examines the use of chemical weapons in World War I as it influenced subsequent national policy decisions. Part II focuses on the evolution of political military economic and psychological restraints from 1919 to 1939. Part III discusses World War II during two critical periods: 1939 to early 1942 when the environment of the war was being established largely without American influence; and during 1945 when the United States faced no credible threat of retaliation to deter its strategic and battlefield use of chemical weapons. Written at the height of controversy about the U.S. use of chemicals in Vietnam Chemical Warfare offers a valuable historical perspective as relevant now in its analysis of chemical and also nuclear policy as it was when first published. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520325

Chemical WeaponsDestruction and Conversion This book first published in 1980 presents the findings of the SIPRI-organized 1979 international symposium on the destruction and conversion of chemical weapons. Thirty experts from 14 countries discussed the destruction and conversion of present stockpiles of chemical warfare agents and munitions; the destruction and conversion of CW research and development facilities; verification of compliance and confidence-building measures facilitating verification; and the environmental and occupational health hazards involved in maintaining and in disposing of stockpiles of CW agents and munitions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367626983

Chemically DependentPhases Of Treatment And Recovery First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009592

Chemically Induced Birth Defects Containing over 10 000 citations from the literature Chemically Induced Birth Defects Third Edition deserves a place on the bookshelves of all toxicologists teratologists pediatricians obstetricians gynecologists environmentalists biochemists oncologists pharmacologists endocrinologists and upper-level undergraduate graduate and medical school students in these disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398767

Chemically SpeakingA Dictionary of Quotations In these days of ever-increasing specialization it is important to gain a broad appreciation of scientific disciplines such as chemistry. With this in mind Chemically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations contains the words and wisdom of several hundred scientists writers philosophers poets and academics. Some quotations are illustrated by amu Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429187025

Chemicals Environment HealthA Global Management Perspective The past 40 years have seen a phenomenal growth in globally oriented public and private initiatives related to chemical and environmental issues. The groundbreaking 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm was the event responsible for initiating framework for global environmental policies including those addressing chemical safety. It gave rise to the first World Environment Day and the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme leading the way to the acknowledgement that sustainable development is the most logical and viable pathway to preserve and enhance our environment for future generations. Chemicals Environment Health: A Global Management Perspective presents an overview of the noteworthy conferences organizations and international treaties that focus on chemicals management and policy. It takes into account special challenges faced by developing countries regarding chemicals safety. From the Stockholm Conference to follow-ups in Rio and Johannesburg it provides concise coverage of a vast swath of information. It highlights pivotal agreements such as the Basel Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions the more expansive Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management as well as key regional agreements such as the European Union’s REACH legislation. The book includes invited essays in areas such as emergencies and financing instruments and offers a clear look at future challenges and opportunities. Written by a team of authors from all continents with backgrounds in international organizations national governments academia industry and NGOs the book reflects a wide experience from a multitude of perspectives. A valuable guidebook to global chemicals management cooperation this book reviews and analyzes multi-lateral efforts established to address the potential risks of chemicals on the world stage. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367382520

Chemicals from BiomassIntegrating Bioprocesses into Chemical Production Complexes for Sustainable Development Chemicals from Biomass: Integrating Bioprocesses into Chemical Production Complexes for Sustainable Development helps engineers optimize the development of new chemical and polymer plants that use renewable resources to replace the output of goods and services from existing plants. It also discusses the conversion of those existing plants into facilities that are based on renewable resources that may require nonrenewable resource supplements. Relying on extensive reviews of biomass as feedstock and the production of chemicals from biomass this book identifies and illustrates the design of new chemical processes (bioprocesses) that use renewable feedstock (biomass) as raw materials. The authors show how these new bioprocesses can be integrated into the existing plant in a chemical production complex to obtain the best combination of energy-efficient and environmentally acceptable facilities. This presented methodology is an essential component of sustainable development and these steps are essential to achieving a sustainable chemical industry. The authors evaluate potential bioprocesses based on a conceptual design of biomass-based chemical production and they use Aspen HYSYS® and Aspen ICARUS® to perform simulations and economic evaluations of these processes. The book outlines detailed process designs created for seven bioprocesses that use biomass and carbon dioxide as feedstock to produce a range of chemicals and monomers. These include fermentation transesterification anaerobic digestion gasification and algae oil production. These process designs and associated simulation codes can be downloaded for modification as needed. The methodology presented in this book can be used to evaluate energy efficiency cost sustainability and environmental acceptability of plants and new products. Based on the results of that analysis the methodology can be applied to other chemical complexes for new bioprocesses reduced emissions and energy savings. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073340

Chemicals from Microalgae The production of chemicals from microalgae is becoming a significant area of biological research. Chemicals from Microalgae seeks to cover the various aspects that relate to the use of microalgae as a source of chemicals. The chapters discuss the occurrence and physiological role of these chemicals and concentrates on the methods aimed at enhancing their content as well as large-scale algal biomass production and down-stream processing. This work written by one of the true pioneers in the field describes the major algal chemicals of interest namely pigments and lipids. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399719

Chemiluminescence in Analytical Chemistry This volume details the theories mechanisms technologies and trends for solving qualitative and quantitative problems in diverse areas of analytical research - emphasizing physicochemical principles. It focuses on deriving simpler and more extensive chemiluminescence (CL) detectors reflecting miniaturization trends including narrow-bone and capillary liquid chromatography versus high-performance liquid chromatography and miniaturized high-performance thin-layer chromatography. It also covers the sensitivity selectivity wide detection range and versatility of CL-based methodologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367397487

Chemistry Biological and Pharmacological Properties of Medicinal Plants from the Americas This volume is a compilation of plenary lectures presented at the IOCD/CYTED Symposium held in Panama City Panama in 1997 and covers different aspects of research into plants from North South and Central America. The topics treated all revolve around the chemistry pharmacology and biology of these plants. The importance of pharmaceuticals derived from plant sources is described together with the potential of ethnomedicine for providing new leads in the search for bioactive constituents. The biodiversity of the Americas is underlined and an idea is given of the urgency with which the flora must be studied. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139272

Chemistry Pharmacy and Revolution in France 1777-1809 This book explores the history of pharmacy in France and its relationship to the discipline of chemistry as it emerged at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It argues that an appreciation of the history of pharmacy is essential to a full understanding of the constitution of modern science in particular the discipline of chemistry. As such it provides a novel interpretation of the chemical revolution (c.1770-1789) that will no doubt generate much debate on the place of the chemical arts in this story a question that has hitherto lacked sufficient scholarly reflection. Furthermore the book situates this analysis within the broader context of the French Revolution arguing that an intimate and direct link can be drawn between the political upheavals and our vision of the chemical revolution. The story of the chemical revolution has usually been told by focusing on the small group of French chemists who championed Lavoisier's oxygen theory or else his opponents. Such a perspective emphasises competing theories and interpretations of critical experiments but neglects the challenging issue of who could be understood as practising chemistry in the eighteenth century. In contrast this study traces the tradition of pharmacy as a professional pursuit that relied on chemical techniques to prepare medicines and shows how one of the central elements of the chemical revolution was the more or less conscious disassociation of the new chemistry from this ancient chemical art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262775

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 16 This book provides insights into the mechanisms of primary carbonization discusses changes in the thermal-mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites due to stress effects. It describes factors that result in the acceleration of the graphitization process. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367452025

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 20 This book provides a fundamental understanding of the basis of the theoretical treatment of electronic properties in graphite. It illustrates the wide range of topics of interest to researchers on carbon materials and stimulates further understanding of some of the phenomena involved. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367451523

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 24 This 24th volume continues in the tradition of its predecessors presenting authoritative interdisciplinary coverage of contemporary topics in the field of carbon chemistry and physics. With contributions by leading international experts this volume: describes pitch polymerization kinetics during mesophase formation and the constitution of coexisting phases in mesophase pitch during heat treatment; elucidates the mechanism of mesophase formation and pitch polymerization kinetics after mesophase formation; examines the importance of physical solid-state electro- and analytical chemistry in the study of carbon surfaces; discusses the theoretical background for the thermal conductivity of diamonds single crystal diamonds and chemically-vapour-deposited diamond films; and explains the chemistry involved in the commercial fabrication and use of needle coke. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402204

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 27 "Provides an overview of scientific and technological issues in environmental applications of carbon materials. Emphasizes the versatility of carbon materials in both gas- and liquid-phase environmental applications including a discussion of emerging technologies. Highlights the power and potential opportunities afforded by NMR spectroscopy for understanding the interaction of carbon materials with adsorbed molecules." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367397944

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 28 The Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series presents advances in carbon research and development and comprehensive reviews on the state of the science in all these areas. Building on the tradition of its highly acclaimed predecessors Volume 28 of this series presents authoritative interdisciplinary coverage of contemporary topics. With contributions by leading international experts and more than 1300 references this indispensable volume discusses the structure of glassy carbon carbon fibers carbon black (soot) chars spherulitic graphite in cast iron and naturally occurring forms of carbon; and structural similarities with fullerenes carbon nanotubes and carbon nanoparticles. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395278

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 30 Written by distinguished researchers in carbon the long-running Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series provides a comprehensive and critical overview of carbon in terms of molecular structure intermolecular relationships bulk and surface properties and their behavior in an amazing variety of current and emerging applications ranging from nanotechnology to environmental remediation. Volume 30 not only retains the high-quality content and reputation of previous volumes but also complements them with reliable and timely coverage of the latest advances in the field. The first chapters analyze progressive approaches to controlling more precisely the structure morphology and surface properties of novel activated carbons. They cover methods using activating agents such as alkaline hydroxides as well as endo- and exotemplates made from zeolites silica and colloidal crystals. The third chapter examines techniques for characterizing carbon surface chemistry including electrochemical spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. The fourth and final chapter compares the virtues of exfoliated graphite carbonized fir fibers carbon fiber felt and charcoals in solving oil spill problems a matter of increasing environmental concern. Emphasizing key experimental results practical aspects and cutting-edge applications in every chapter Volume 30 is a vital resource for those developing new technologies such as drug delivery adsorbents for oil/chemical spills materials processing high-performance nanocarbons and energy storage and conversion devices including lithium ion batteries supercapacitors and fuel cells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577568

Chemistry & Physics of CarbonVolume 31 Written by distinguished researchers the long-running Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series provides a comprehensive and critical overview of carbon materials in terms of molecular structure intermolecular relationships bulk and surface properties and their behavior in current and emerging applications. Volume 31 not only retains the high-quality content and reputation of previous volumes but also complements them with reliable and timely coverage of the latest advances in the field. Maintaining the high level established by its predecessors this book contains a prestigious and authoritative series of review chapters covering both chemistry and physics of carbon. The book examines properties and behavior of carbon materials ranging from coal to graphite from activated carbons chars cokes and carbon blacks to carbon fibers fullerenes nanotubes and graphene. It complements previous volumes in the series by presenting updated information on ‘disordered’ carbons a complex field that impacts nearly all aspects of carbon materials research. It includes a chapter on novel methods of characterization of carbon materials using ever more powerful techniques as well as a chapter on the use of carbon materials in photocatalysis a fast-moving and potentially exciting application. Emphasizing key experimental results and practical aspects as well as important theoretical issues in every chapter Volume 31 is a vital resource for those engaged in developing new technologies in a wide range of applicability of traditional and novel carbon materials from drug delivery to energy storage and conversion. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439820940

Chemistry and Biochemistry of FlavoenzymesVolume I Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes summarizes the present knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of free flavin modified flavins occurring in nature and deazaflavin. This information forms the fundamental basis for understanding the catalytic properties of flavoenzymes. Flavoproteins involved in transport electron transfer oxidation dehydrogenation and hydroxylation reactions are discussed with respect to their biochemical and biophysical properties. The book presents the catalytic mechanisms of the flavoproteins in detail and where available three-dimensional structures and molecular biology data are included. The medical aspects of free and protein-bound flavin are also briefly discussed. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes is an essential reference source for chemists biochemists toxicologists biologists pharmacologists and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891477

Chemistry and Biochemistry of FlavoenzymesVolume II Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes summarizes the present knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of free flavin modified flavins occurring in nature and deazaflavin. This information forms the fundamental basis for understanding the catalytic properties of flavoenzymes. Flavoproteins involved in transport electron transfer oxidation dehydrogenation and hydroxylation reactions are discussed with respect to their biochemical and biophysical properties. The book presents the catalytic mechanisms of the flavoproteins in detail and where available three-dimensional structures and molecular biology data are included. The medical aspects of free and protein-bound flavin are also briefly discussed. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes is an essential reference source for chemists biochemists toxicologists biologists pharmacologists and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891484

Chemistry and Biochemistry of FlavoenzymesVolume III Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes summarizes the present knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of free flavin modified flavins occurring in nature and deazaflavin. This information forms the fundamental basis for understanding the catalytic properties of flavoenzymes. Flavoproteins involved in transport electron transfer oxidation dehydrogenation and hydroxylation reactions are discussed with respect to their biochemical and biophysical properties. The book presents the catalytic mechanisms of the flavoproteins in detail and where available three-dimensional structures and molecular biology data are included. The medical aspects of free and protein-bound flavin are also briefly discussed. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Flavoenzymes is an essential reference source for chemists biochemists toxicologists biologists pharmacologists and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891460

Chemistry and Biology of Synthetic Retinoids The purpose of this book is to present an overview of advances in both retinal and retinoic acid synthetic chemistry and biology. Chapters are written by research workers who are active in these fields. Emphasis is placed on structure-activity relationships. It includes topics of cell differentiation maintenance of cell morphology and vision. This reference contains a special section on assays which were developed to measure retinoid activity. This book is ideal for those interested in the fields of photobiology organic chemistry biological chemistry and nutrition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891538

Chemistry and Chemical BiologyMethodologies and Applications This important volume highlights the latest developments and trends in chemistry biochemistry and biology. It presents the developments of advanced materials and respective tools to characterize and predict the material properties and behavior. The book provides original theoretical and important experimental results that use non-routine methodologies often unfamiliar to the usual readers. The papers on novel applications of more familiar experimental techniques and analyses of chemical biochemistry and biological programs indicate the need for new experimental approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880183

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for Sustainable DevelopmentBest Practices and Research Directions The world faces significant challenges as population and consumption continue to grow while nonrenewable fossil fuels and other raw materials are depleted at ever-increasing rates. This volume takes a technical approach that addresses these issues using green design and analysis. It brings together innovative research new concepts and novel developments in the application of new tools for chemical and materials engineers. It is an immensely research-oriented comprehensive and practical work that focuses on the use of applied concepts to enhance productivity and sustainability in chemical engineering. It contains significant research that reports on new methodologies and important applications in the fields of chemical engineering as well as the latest coverage of chemical databases. Highlighting theoretical foundations real-world cases and future directions the volume covers a diverse collection of the newest innovations in the field including new research on atomic/nuclear physics the barometric formula amino acids in aqueous solutions bioremediation and biotechnology and more. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888707

Chemistry and Industrial Techniques for Chemical Engineers This book Chemistry and Industrial Techniques for Chemical Engineers brings together innovative research new concepts and novel developments in the application of new tools for chemical and materials engineers. It contains significant research reporting new methodologies and important applications in the fields of chemical engineering as well as the latest coverage of chemical databases and the development of new methods and efficient approaches for chemists. With clear explanations real-world examples this volume emphasizes the concepts essential to the practice of chemical science engineering and technology while introducing the newest innovations in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888233

Chemistry and Molecular Aspects of Drug Design and Action An ever-increasing demand for better drugs elevated safety standards and economic considerations have all led to a dramatic paradigm shift in the way that drugs are being discovered and developed. Known as rational drug design this contemporary process is defined by three main steps: the discovery of lead compounds surgical manipulation to develop pharmacophores and further optimization to produce the best compounds. Chemistry and Molecular Aspects of Drug Design and Action brings together an impressive collection of world-renowned pharmacochemistry scientists who are currently defining the emergence of rational drug design. Offering insight from their own specialized research these pioneers highlight the variety of approaches being employed in this field including those that start by considering either molecular mechanisms of drug action or the metabolizing enzyme action occurring in the structure of a drug molecule. Another approach they explore is one that starts from the pathobiochemistry and pathophysiology of target diseases. Furthermore the book also considers drug development that makes use of already developed compounds stored in data banks. Divided into five parts each dedicated to various aspects of the classical medicinal chemistry approach the text makes it easy for readers to focus on a field of specific interest. Chemical Biochemical and Biological Aspects of Pathophysiological Conditions Classical Medicinal Chemistry Drug Design Chemical and Molecular Aspects of Drug Action Drug Xenobiotic Metabolism Physical Organic and Theoretical Medicinal Chemistry While each section can be studied independently the combined material in this volume provides the most comprehensive overview available on rational drug design. This work is an invaluable resource both for those entering the field as well as those researchers looking to b Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387365

Chemistry and Pharmacology of Naturally Occurring Bioactive Compounds Natural products play crucial roles in modern drug development and constitute a prolific source of novel lead compounds or pharmacophores for ongoing drug discovery programs. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Naturally Occurring Bioactive Compounds presents cutting-edge research in the chemistry of bioactive natural products and demonstrates how natural product research continues to make significant contributions in the discovery and development of new medicinal entities. In 21 chapters this book highlights chemistry and pharmaceutical potential of natural products in modern drug discovery processes and covers the synthesis and semi-synthesis of potentially bioactive natural products. Written for phytochemists synthetic chemists combinatorial chemists as well as other practitioners and students in related fields the book features chemical advances in naturally occurring organic compounds and describes their chemical transformations and structure–activity relationships. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439891674

Chemistry and Physics of Complex MaterialsConcepts and Applications This book offers a comprehensive presentation of the concepts properties and applications of complex materials. Authors of each chapter use a fundamental approach to define the structure and properties of a wide range of solids on the basis of the local chemical bonding and atomic order present in the material. Emphasizing the physical and chemical origins of different material properties this important volume focuses on the most technologically important materials being utilized and developed by scientists and engineers. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895604

Chemistry and Physics of Modern MaterialsProcessing Production and Applications With contributions from top nanoscientists this book offers a global perspective on the latest developments in nanotechnology. It covers the major themes of nanoscience and nanotechnology addressing many of the major issues from concept to technology to implementation. It is an important reference publication that provides new research and updates on a variety of nanoscience uses through case studies and supporting technologies and it also explains the conceptual thinking behind current uses and potential uses not yet implemented. International experts with countless years of experience lend this volume credibility. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895451

Chemistry and Technology of Plant SubstancesChemical and Biochemical Aspects Chemistry and Technology of Plant Substances: Chemical and Biochemical Aspects demonstrates the progress and promise of developing new chemical substances from renewable sources of chemical raw materials. The volume brings together new achievements in the field of research and processing of plant raw materials and the synthesis of natural compounds for the production of biologically active substances and drugs. The volume looks closely at the rational use of renewable raw materials which is the source of new compounds and intermediates for the chemical industry. It covers a wide range of problems associated with the use of the components of plants to produce new substances with a wide variety of purposes. According to the latest estimates plants form about a million chemical substances. In some cases plant products have pharmacological or biological activity that can be of therapeutic benefit in treating diseases. In addition due to the structural diversity of plant material chemical synthesis is easily reachable. Synthetic analogs of natural products with improved potency and safety can be prepared by chemical synthesis. Such synthetic analogs are safer for humans. Plant materials are often used as starting points for drug discovery. Chemistry and Technology of Plant Substances: Chemical and Biochemical Aspects presents the theoretical trends and recent practical achievements on complex processing of plant-based raw materials. Low molecular weight components isolated from plant material are widely used in fine organic synthesis. High molecular weight polysaccharides of conifers and other greens such as pectin and hemicellulose are the basis for the creation of anticoagulants and other drugs. The range of research papers presented in the book is quite wide: from fundamental and applied problems of wood chemistry and organic synthesis to biological activity of natural compounds. The book provides valuable information for those skilled in organic chemistry chemical engineers researchers and scientists as well as for faculty and upper-level students. This volume Chemistry and Technology of Plant Substances: Chemical and Biochemical Aspects was created on the initiative of Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and the Institute of Chemistry of Komi Scientific Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar). Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771885607

Chemistry and the Chemical IndustryA Practical Guide for Non-Chemists As chemical companies strive to be more competitive in the world economy it is essential that their employees including sales and marketing personnel as well as administrative support groups understand the basic concepts of the science upon which the industry is based. The authors who have over 100 years of combined experience in the chemical industry developed this easy-to-read book to provide a fundamental understanding of the chemical industry for non-chemists and those poised to enter the chemical profession. Designed specifically for self-study Chemistry and the Chemical Industry: A Practical Guide for Non-Chemists reviews the important aspects of industrial chemistry in a way that can be easily understood even if you have not taken any formal chemistry courses. The authors provide a clear concise presentation of the foremost issues behind the chemical discipline along with key definitions and concepts so you can readily obtain an appreciation of the nature of the industry and its contribution to society. Even though you are not at the lab bench you can still understand recognize and partake in discussions about the work being done at your company. Compiled in a straightforward and accessible manner this book is unique in that it bridges the gap between nonscientific employees and the scientific world in which they operate.The first chapter begins with a description of the chemical industry. It defines the most common terms used in chemistry drawing on nonscientific analogies whenever possible. In the following chapters the authors review the concepts and terminology of organic and inorganic chemistry polymer chemistry high volume chemicals and environmental concerns about chemical production with each subject presented as a graphic representation accompanied by a description. Finally there is a short compilation of general information sources for further study. Chemistry and the Chemical Industry: A Practical Guide for No Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138434585

Chemistry for Environmental and Earth Sciences Tackling environmental issues such as global warming ozone depletion acid rain water pollution and soil contamination requires an understanding of the underlying science and chemistry of these processes in real-world systems and situations. Chemistry for Environmental and Earth Sciences provides a student-friendly introduction to the basic chemistry used for the mitigation remediation and elimination of pollutants. Written and organized in a style that is accessible to science as well as non-science majors this textbook divides its content into four intuitive chapters: Fire Earth Water and Air. The first chapter explains classical concepts in chemistry that occur in nature such as atomic and molecular structures chemical bonding and reactions states of matter phase transitions and radioactivity. Subsequent chapters focus on the chemistry relating to the geosphere hydrosphere and atmosphere including the chemical aspects of soil water and air pollution respectively. Chemistry for Environmental and Earth Sciences uses worked examples and case studies drawn from current applications along with clear diagrams and concise explanations to illustrate the relevance of chemistry to geosciences. In-text and end-of-chapter questions with complete solutions also help students gain confidence in applying concepts from this book towards solving current real-world problems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138424357

Chemistry for the Life Sciences Presents short topics tied to numerical or conceptual ideas reinforced with worked examples and questions Retaining the user-friendly style of the first edition this text is designed to eliminate the knowledge gap for those life sciences students who have not studied chemistry at an advanced level. It contains new chapters on � � Water covering the mole concept and colloids � Gases discussing pressure gas laws partial pressure solubility of gases and diffusion � Metals in biology including properties oxygen carriers biocatalysis charge carriers and toxicity The authors divide their analysis of carbon compounds into two chapters. One focuses exclusively on aliphatic carbon compounds while the other provides a greatly expanded exploration of aromatic carbon compounds isomerism amines and amino acids including benzene aromaticity types of isomerism and absolute configuration. With a current examination of organic and biological reactions this instructional volume also features end-of-chapter questions and provides a solutions manual for qualified instructors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138406896

Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils The Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils offers a practical approach to understanding the chemical functional groups and pharmacological actions of essential oils.Incorporating up to date research findings The Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils takes you step by step through the fundamental chemistry of aromatherapy and explains the powerful effects of essential oils on the body at a molecular level.Including:* Useful chemical diagrams and easy to follow explanations* Essential oil extraction methods and techniques for quality control* Reference charts of the effects of essential oils on pharmacological targets and the major compounds of 89 essential oilsThis book helps to make sense of the chemistry of aromatherapy for those who need to understand the science and efficacy of this healing art. Ideal for students and practitioners of holistic therapies this book will also appeal to nurses doctors pharmacists and other allied health practitioners. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115151

Chemistry of Biomolecules Second Edition Biomolecules are molecules that are involved in the maintenance and metabolic processes of all living organisms. This fully revised second edition offers extensive coverage of important biomolecules from an organic chemistry point of view. The author discusses carbohydrates amino acids peptides proteins enzymes pyrimidines purines nucleic acids terpenoids and lipids. The various topics are described in simple lucid language and explain the mechanisms of the reactions wherever required. Ideal for upper level undergraduates graduates and researchers. Features: The author discusses the basic organic chemistry of the main families of biomolecules Gives comprehensive information on biogenic substances Covers a vast range of topics including nucleic acids enzymes and lipids Includes alkaloids and terpenoids This second edition will now appeal to upper level undergraduates as well as graduates Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367208554

Chemistry of Diesel Fuels This edited work covers diesel fuel chemistry in a systematic fashion from initial fuel production to the tail pipe exhaust. The chapters are written by leading experts in the research areas of analytical characterization of diesel fuel fuel production and refining catalysis in fuel processing pollution minimization and control and diesel fuel additives. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003075455

Chemistry of Discotic Liquid CrystalsFrom Monomers to Polymers The self-contained properties of discotic liquid crystals (DLCs) render them powerful functional materials for many semiconducting device applications and models for energy and charge migration in self-organized dynamic functional soft materials. The past three decades have seen tremendous interest in this area fueled primarily by the possibility Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429092312

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds This book discusses the structure synthesis and reactivity of heterocyclic compounds. It covers nomenclature conformational aspects aromatic stabilization and biological activity of heterocyclic compounds. The book also includes discussions of biochemical processes involving destruction of heterocyclic rings. It includes problem sets that help readers to understand and apply the principles of heterocyclic reactivity and synthesis. The inclusion of more advanced material and references make the book a valuable reference text for postgraduate taught courses postgraduate researchers and chemists at all levels working with heterocyclic compounds in industry particularly in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466517134

Chemistry of LignocellulosicsCurrent Trends This book presents the chemical properties of lignocellulosic fibers knowledge of which is essential for innovation and sustainable development of their transformation. Thermochemical transformation of wood and other lignocellulosics is presented to highlight its volatile liquid and solid products and their novel applications. Forest biorefinery is described to emphasize the new products from lignocellulosic constituents both structural (cellulose hemicelluloses and lignins) and those extraneous to cell walls-extractives. New developments in cellulose technology related to nanocellulose are discussed in relation to new applications. Industrial lignins are presented in detail both in terms of extraction procedures from spent liquors and structural characterization of the isolated lignins. Application of lignocellulosic biopolymers in new composite materials or in biomaterials for medicinal purposes and in solid wood preservation are described. The example of an industrial biorefinery installed in southwestern France more than 40 years ago is presented. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498775694

Chemistry of Modern Papermaking Chemistry of Modern Papermaking presents a chemist's perspective on the papermaking process. With roughly 3% of the mass of a paper product invested in water-soluble chemicals paper makers can adjust the speed and efficiency of the process minimize and reuse surplus materials and differentiate a paper product as required by specific customers. With research and development scattered across academic journals or the proprietary information of a variety of companies the modern paper maker requires a one-stop resource for the general picture of the paper chemicals organic chemistry. The remarkable effectiveness of chemicals at very low concentrations is a fascinating topic in paper chemistry. Chemistry of Modern Papermaking is an extensive collection of data combining the organic chemistry of paper with its potential applications. Within each chapter paper chemicals are organized based on their chemical structure. After an introduction and brief history the book explores the papermaking process retention aids temporary wet strength resins wet strength resins dry strength resins internal sizing agents creping adhesives and softeners and chemicals for paper surface treatment. Uniquely patents and scientific articles are included in almost equal number among the 3400 references. Chemistry of Modern Papermaking focuses on the chemistry behind each application on what has been done and on what can be done. Never before has a book analytically arranged and lucidly explained such an expansive collection of details from both the patent and scientific literature. This synthesis is achieved not only through diligent work but also through years of industrial experience. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439856444

Chemistry of Peptide Synthesis Chemistry of Peptide Synthesis is a complete overview of how peptides are synthesized and what techniques are likely to generate the most desirable reactions. Incorporating elements from the author's role of Career Investigator of the Medical Research Council of Canada and his extensive teaching career the book emphasizes learning rather th Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429119583

Chemistry of Plant Hormones The chemistry of the five principal plant hormone groups is discussed in detail in this volume. Contributing authors review history and occurrence of each hormone group methods of isolation and detection biosynthesis and metabolism and structural determination. Through these analyses the authors clarify the role of endogenous plant growth regulators in the life cycle of higher plants. The text is supplemented with over 350 figures and structures of various plant hormones. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139241

Chemistry of Protein and Nucleic Acid Cross-Linking and Conjugation Since the publication of the first edition of Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Cross-Linking in 1991 new cross-linking reagents notably multifunctional cross-linkers have been developed and synthesized. The completion of the human genome project has opened a new area for studying nucleic acid and protein interactions using nucleic acid cross-linking reagents and advances have also been made in the area of biosensors and microarray biochips for the detection and analysis of genes proteins and carbohydrates. In addition developments in physical techniques with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution have facilitated the analysis of cross-linked products. Updated to reflect the advances of the 21st century this book offers: An overview of the chemical principles underlying the processes of cross-linking and conjugation A thorough list of cross-linking reagents published in the literature since the first edition covering monofunctional homobifunctional heterobifunctional multifunctional and zero-length cross-linkers Reviews of the use of these reagents in studying protein tertiary structures geometric arrangements of subunits within complex proteins and nucleic acids near-neighbor analysis protein-to-protein or ligand–receptor interactions and conformational changes of biomolecules Discusses the application of immunoconjugation for immunoassays immunotoxins for targeted therapy microarray technology for analysis of various biomolecules and solid state chemistry for immobilizations Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780849374913

Chemistry of PyrotechnicsBasic Principles and Theory Third Edition This book provides chemists with technical insight on pyrotechnics and explosives. It emphasizes basic chemical principles and practical hands-on knowledge in the preparation of energetic materials. It examines the interactions between and adaptations of pyrotechnics to changing technology in areas such as obscuration science and low-signature flame emission. The updated third edition discusses chemical and pyrotechnic principles components of high-energy materials elements of ignition propagation and sensitivity. It offers heat compositions including ignition mixes delays thermites and propellants and investigates the production of smoke and sound as well as light and color. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138079922

Chemistry of Pyrroles During the last 30 years knowledge of the essential role that pyrrole structures play in the chemistry of living organisms drug design and the development of advanced materials has increased. Correspondingly research on the diverse issues of synthetic theoretical and applied chemistry has snowballed. Devoted to the latest achievements of this field Chemistry of Pyrroles covers the discovery and development of a novel facile and highly effective method for the construction of the pyrrole ring from ketones (ketoximes) and acetylene in superbase catalytic systems (Trofimov reaction). It provides cutting-edge details on the preparation of valuable but previously inaccessible pyrrole compounds. It includes approximately 1 000 structures of novel pyrrole compounds their yields and physical-chemical characteristics. The authors analyze conditions of typical syntheses limitations of their applicability and possibility of vinyl chloride or dichloroethane application instead of acetylene. They examine chemical engineering aspects of the first synthesis of tetrahydroindole and indole from commercially available oxime of cyclohexanone and acetylene. In addition the book discusses new facets of pyrroles and N-vinyl pyrroles reactivity in the reactions with the participation of both the pyrrole ring and N-vinyl groups. The book provides condensed clear-cut information on novel syntheses of substituted pyrroles as key structural units of living matter (chlorophyll and hemoglobin) pharmaceuticals and monomers for optoelectronic materials. It includes tables that provide references to original works forming a guide to a variety of the reactions and synthesized compounds discussed. With coverage of the broad range of pyrrole chemistry and methods for their synthesis it provides both a theoretical and an experimental basis for drug design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138034020

Chemistry of Sustainable Energy Understanding the chemistry underlying sustainable energy is central to any long-term solution to meeting our future energy needs. Chemistry of Sustainable Energy presents chemistry through the lens of several sustainable energy options demonstrating the breadth and depth of research being carried out to address issues of sustainability and the global energy demand. The author an organic chemist reinforces fundamental principles of chemistry as they relate to renewable or sustainable energy generation throughout the book.Written with a qualitative structural bias this survey text illustrates the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of chemistry research with examples from the literature to provide relevant snapshots of how solutions are developed providing a broad foundation for further exploration. It examines those areas of energy conversion that show the most promise of achieving sustainability at this point namely wind power fuel cells solar photovoltaics and biomass conversion processes. Next-generation nuclear power is addressed as well.This book also covers topics related to energy and energy generation that are closely tied to understanding the chemistry of sustainable energy including fossil fuels thermodynamics polymers hydrogen generation and storage and carbon capture. It offers readers a broad understanding of relevant fundamental chemical principles and in-depth exposure to creative and promising approaches to sustainable energy development. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466575325

Chemistry of the f-Block Elements Visual Spatial Enquiry explores visual and textual ways of working within spatial research. Architects and spatial thinkers from the arts social sciences and humanities present rich case studies from remote and regional settings in Australia to the suburbs of Los Angeles and from gallery and university settings to community collaborations in Mongolia. Through these case studies the authors reappraise and reconsider research approaches methods and processes within and across their fields. In spatial research diagramming can be used as a method to synthesise complex concepts into a succinct picture whereas metaphors can add the richness of lived experiences. Drawing on the editors' own architectural backgrounds this volume is organised into three key themes: seeing doing and making space. In seeing space chapters consider observational research enquiries where developing empathy for the context and topic is as important as gathering concrete data. Doing space explores generative opportunities that inform new and innovative propositions and making space looks at ways to rethink and reshape spatial and relational settings. Through this volume Creagh and McGann invite readers to find their own understandings of the value and practices of neighbouring fields including planning geography ethnography architecture and art. This exploration will be of value to researchers looking to develop their cross-disciplinary literacy and to design practitioners looking to enhance and articulate their research skills. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139258

Chemistry of Water Treatment This second edition demonstrates how chemistry influences the design of water treatment plants and how it should influence the design.Historically water treatment plants have been designed from hydraulic considerations with little regard to chemical aspects. The many chemical reactions used for removal of pollutants from water simply cannot be forced to occur within current designs. This book re-examines this traditional approach in light of today's water quality and treatment.Will current water treatment processes be sufficient to meet future demands or will new processes have to be devised? Chemistry of Water Treatment assesses the chemical and physical efficacies of current processes to meet the demands of the Safe Drinking water Act providing expert information to persons responsible for the production of potable water into the next century. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315139265

ChemistryOur Past Present and Future This book discusses the vital role of chemistry in everyday life. It encourages readers to understand how the knowledge of chemistry is important for the development of society and a better future. The text is organized into three parts. Part 1 covers the historical aspects of chemistry and discusses how countless discoveries since the beginning of life on earth have benefited human beings. Part 2 focuses on modern life and describes chemistry’s contribution to the developments in the fields of food and agriculture energy transportation medicine and communications. Part 3 emphasizes the role of chemists and educators in making the layperson aware of the benefits of chemistry without having them to go through its complexities. Written in an easy-to-understand manner and supplemented by ample number of figures and tables the book will cater to a broad readership ranging from general readers to experts. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814774086

Chemoattractant Ligands and Their Receptors Chemoattractant Ligands and Their Receptors succinctly summarizes cutting-edge research in the important area of chemoattraction in immunology. It explains how chemoattractant molecules mobilize immune cells to ward off attack by invading pathogens both at a molecular and at a cellular level. Written by acknowledged experts in the field it contains detailed molecular and structural information on each of the major chemoattractants and their receptors. Its unique multidisciplinary approach encompasses biology immunology protein chemistry and molecular biology. A time-saving reference for both researchers and students. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367812539

Chemo-Biological Systems for CO2 Utilization Chemo-Biological Systems for CO2 Utilization describes the most recent advanced tools and techniques for carbon dioxide capture and its utilization. It discusses and compares the advantages of different systems and aids researchers and industrialists in understanding energy generation in the form of biofuels bioelectricity or biogas using chemicals; nanomaterials; and microbial enzymatic and chemo-enzymatic-integrated systems.  It describes the importance and utilization of CO2 in living systems and provides an overview of the various fundamental methods policies and techniques involved in CO2 conversion. Emphasis is placed on the production of value-added products using CO2 including biomethanol industrial carbonates and liquid or gaseous fuels. Features: Explains the correlations between microbial biological and chemical products and their roles in the conversion of CO2 into usable energy and related products. Being suitable for a broad audience it addresses fundamental treatment methods for reusing environmental waste materials. Aids in decision-making and policy planning for environmental professionals. The information provided throughout this book will help researchers and professionals working in various industries to better understand the conversion of CO2 into energy-based products. Chemo-Biological Systems for CO2 Utilization also serves as a useful guide to seek alternative methods for clean energy and mitigating global climate change. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367321932

ChemoinformaticsAdvanced Control and Computational Techniques Chemoinformatics: Advanced Control and Computational Techniques provides an important understanding of the main computational techniques used for processing chemical and biological structural data. The theoretical background to a number of techniques is introduced. General data analysis techniques and examination of the application techniques in the industy are presented along with current practices and current research. The book also provides practical experience of commercially available systems and includes small-scale chemoinformatics-related projects. The book offers scope for academics researchers and engineering professionals. Chapters range from new methods to novel applications of existing methods and help provide an understanding of the material and/or structural behavior of new and advanced systems. It includes innovative chapters on the growth of educational scientific and industrial research activities among chemical engineers. It provides the latest coverage of chemical databases and the development of new computational methods and efficient algorithms for chemical software and chemical engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895239

Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Clays: From Nano-scale to Engineering ApplicationsProceedings of the Workshop Maratea 38-30 June 2001 Clay behaviour is affected by coupled mechanical and chemical processes occurring in them at various scales. The peculiar chemical and electro-chemical properties of clays are the source of many undesired effects. These papers provide insight into the variables controlling clay behaviour. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315139289

Chemometric MonitoringProduct Quality Assessment Process Fault Detection and Applications Data collection compression storage and interpretation have become mature technologies over the years. Extraction of meaningful information from the process historical database seems to be a natural and logical choice. In view of this the proposed book aims to apply the data driven knowledge base in ensuring safe process operation through timely detection of process abnormal and normal operating conditions assuring product quality and analyzing biomedical signal leading to diagnostic tools. The book poses an open invitation for an interface which is required henceforth in practical implementation of the propositions and possibilities referred in the book. It poses a challenge to the researchers in academia towards the development of more sophisticated algorithms. The proposed book also incites applications in diversified areas. Key Features: Presents discussion of several modern and popular chemometric techniques Introduces specific illustrative industrial applications using the chemometric techniques Demonstrates several applications to beverage quality monitoring Provides all the algorithms developed for the automated device design data files sources for biomedical signals and their pre-processing steps and all the process models requited to simulate process normal/faulty data Includes casestudy-based approach to the topics with MATLAB and SIMULINK source codes Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138746213

Chemometrics Applications and ResearchQSAR in Medicinal Chemistry This important new book provides innovative material including peer-reviewed chapters and survey articles on new applied research and development in the scientifically important field of QSAR in medicinal chemistry. QSAR is a growing field because available computing power is continuously increasing QSAR’s potential is enormous limited only by the quantity and quality of the available experimental input which are also continuously improving. The number of possible structures for the design of new organic compounds is difficult to imagine and QSAR helps to predict their activities even before synthesis. The book provides a wealth of valuable information and: • Presents an overview of recent developments in QSAR methodologies along with a brief history of QSAR • Covers the available web resource tools and in silico techniques used in virtual screening and drug discovery processes compiling an extensive review of web resources in the following categories: databases related to chemical compounds drug targets and ADME/toxicity prediction; molecular modeling and drug designing; virtual screening; pharmacophore generation; molecular descriptor calculation software; software for quantum mechanics; ligand binding affinities (docking); and software related to ADME/toxicity prediction • Reviews the rm2 as a more stringent measure for the assessment of model predictivity compared to traditional validation metrics being specifically important since validation is a crucial step in any QSAR study • Presents linear model improvement techniques that take into account the conformation flexibility of the modeled molecules • Summarizes the building processes of four different pharmacophore models: common-feature 3D-QSAR protein- and protein-ligand complexes • Shows the role of different conceptual density functional theory based chemical reactivity descriptors such as hardness electrophilicity net electrophilicity and philicity in the design of different QSAR/QSPR/QSTR models • Reviews the use of chemometrics in PPAR research highlighting its substantial contribution in identifying essential structural characteristics and understanding the mechanism of action • Presents the structures and QSARs of antimicrobial and immunosuppressive cyclopeptides discussing the balance of antimicrobial and haemolytic activities for designing new antimicrobial cyclic peptides • Shows the relationship between DFT global descriptors and experimental toxicity of a selected group of polychlorinated biphenyls exploring the efficacy of three DFT descriptors • Reviews the applications of Quantitative Structure-Relative Sweetness Relationships (QSRSR) showing that the last decade was marked by an increase in the number of studies regarding QSAR applications for both understanding the sweetness mechanism and synthesizing novel sweetener compounds for the food additive industry The wide coverage makes this book an excellent reference for those in chemistry pharmacology and medicine as well as for research centers governmental organizations pharmaceutical companies and health and environmental control organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771881135

Chemometrics in Chromatography Chemometrics uses advanced mathematical and statistical algorithms to provide maximum chemical information by analyzing chemical data and obtain knowledge of chemical systems. Chemometrics significantly extends the possibilities of chromatography and with the technological advances of the personal computer and continuous development of open-source software many laboratories are interested in incorporating chemometrics into their chromatographic methods. This book is an up-to-date reference that presents the most important information about each area of chemometrics used in chromatography demonstrating its effective use when applied to a chromatographic separation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572235

ChemometricsChemical and Sensory Data Ranging from elegantly simple to extremely complex a wide variety of flavors and fragrances stimulate our senses. It is difficult to understand the myriad sensory interactions involved because of the sheer complexity of their chemical composition. The aim of this text is to describe the use of chemometric techniques for understanding these complex systems and to serve as a practical guide to the acquisition organization and reduction of chemical and sensory data. It explains chemical sensory and multivariate analysis tools and their application. Pertinent concepts are discussed in-depth and are sufficiently illustrated with enough original data in complementary tables and figures to provide the basis for the execution of complex studies. The book emphasizes techniques that have been proven to work rather than those that "should" work from a theoretical standpoint. The book focuses on the acquisition of quality data and the subsequent interpretation of data rather than numerical computations used in data analysis. Chemometrics: Chemical and Sensory Data is an excellent resource for students and newcomers to flavor and fragrance research as well as for experienced workers and product development managers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891507

Chemoprophylaxis and Virus Infections of the Respiratory TractVolume 1 Originally it was our intention to produce a single-volume book covering all aspects and approaches to the problem of specific inhibitors of respiratory viruses. However as the work progressed it became obvious that certain chapters because of the research interests of the authors concentrated particularly on influenza viruses. It seemed logical therefore to divide the book into two volumes the first emphasizing influenza and the second concentrating on other viruses as well as discussing important general aspects of drug screening and clinical testing although the second volume does have some chapters which deal mainly with influenza. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891514

Chemoprophylaxis and Virus Infections of the Respiratory TractVolume 2 Originally it was our intention to produce a single-volume book covering all aspects and approaches to the problem of specific inhibitors of respiratory viruses. However as the work progressed it became obvious that certain chapters because of the research interests of the authors concentrated particularly on influenza viruses. It seemed logical therefore to divide the book into two volumes the first emphasizing influenza and the second concentrating on other viruses as well as discussing important general aspects of drug screening and clinical testing although the second volume does have some chapters which deal mainly with influenza. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891521

Chemotherapeutic EngineeringCollected Papers of Si-Shen Feng—A Tribute to Shu Chien on His 82nd Birthday This book is a collection of the major publications of the authors in the emerging area of chemotherapeutic engineering. It describes and demonstrates the concept feasibility safety and prospect of chemotherapeutic engineering through a full spectrum of proof-of-concept experiments from design characterization in vitro cellular uptake cytotoxicity to in vivo pharmacokinetics biodistribution and xenograft tumor model of  the various nanocarriers such as prodrugs micelles liposomes and nanoparticles of biodegradable polymers. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814463140

Chemotherapy and Aquatic Therapeutics This book deals with different kinds of chemotherapeutants that can be used in the treatment of diseases affecting fish. The mechanism of action behind every therapeutic agent is explained clearly for a better understanding of the basics of the drugs. Effective treatment would be achieved by proper delivery of the compounds at the right time. Different drug delivery methods to be practiced on farm are also deliberated in detail. This book will be immensely helpful to the fisheries students at the undergraduate and post graduate level and scholars pursuing research in the area of aquatic animal health management.Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367622824

Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain There have been tremendous recent advances in the pharmacotherapy dose regimens and combinations used to treat cancer and for the treatment or prevention of the spread of disease. As a direct result of these advances there are an increasing number of cancer survivors although research dealing with chemotherapy-induced pain is still in its early years. Written for pain management specialists oncologists pharmacologists students and primary care practitioners Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain provides insight into the important area of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain. It reviews the basic and clinical research into the normal physiology of pain transmission pathways neuropathic pain pathology the chemotherapeutic drug mechanisms of action and adverse effects chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and drug discovery efforts for treatment. The contributors comprise an impressive list of clinical and basic science experts in the fields of pain mechanisms and pain management. Included are clinical directors of pain clinics and clinical research facilities directors of large academic pain research laboratories analgesic drug developers and presidents of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Association of Chronic Pain Patients (ACPP) and the British Pain Society (BPS). Through them the book provides the reader with an exceptional opportunity to acquire a fundamental understanding of the basic concepts related to this topic. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367381028

Chen Duxiu's Last Articles and Letters 1937-1942 This book first pubished in 1998 collects the final letters and articles of Chen Duxiu (1879-1942). He founded the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 after a revolutionary career in the movement that overthrew the Manchus and brought in the Republic. Between 1915 and 1919 he had led the New Culture Movement that electrified student youth and laid the intellectual foundations for modern China and he also helped found the Chinese Trotskyist Opposition which he then led. Between his release from prison in 1937 and his death in 1942 he wrote the pieces collected here. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138343191

Chen Yun's Strategy for China's Development Originally published in 1983. Since Mao Zedongfs death the Chinese have been debating the future character of the country’s political and economic system. The present collection of Chen Yun’s writings must be read against the backdrop of the ongoing policy discussion in the 1980s. Chen has been and remains an advocate of economic policies that are central to this debate and since 1978 many of his views have become state policy. In this context the publication in China of this volume of Chen’s writings and speeches from 1956 to 1962 undoubtedly is designed in part to bolster Chen’s point of view in policy discussions. The author cites that the implicit message of this volume translated here in full is that had Chen's views been heeded earlier China would have developed rapidly and successfully Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315496214

Chern on Dispute BoardsPractice and Procedure Chern on Dispute Boards examines the law of dispute boards and their development internationally while also covering procedural topics that are of particular concern to those utilising dispute boards. It deals with advanced practitioner issues in the emerging law of dispute boards on an international scale laying out their methods and methodology not only under the common law but also under other legal systems such as Civil law and Shari’ah law. Excelling in describing the "how and why" this book also gives samples and/or forms of actual working dispute boards that any practitioner could use and adapt to their own needs. This updated fourth edition explains the various international formats and types of dispute boards in use today and brings readers up-to-date on the ever-evolving law within the field. The text guides the reader through the complexities of actual commercial and construction disputes and their successful resolution and also presents a way forward for the dispute board members themselves to administer actual dispute boards all over the world. This book is essential reading for construction lawyers engineers and dispute board stakeholders worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780367085957

Chernenko the Last BolshevikSoviet Union on the Eve of Perestroika Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko. a fig­ure wtm appeared to the outside worid as a commonplace Russian bureaucrat cut from the mold of a Gogol short story was elevated in 1984 to the post of general sec­retary of the Communist party of the So­viet Union. Thus a post held by such awesome fearsome figures as Lenin and Stalin passed into the hands of someone perceived as a nondescript bureaucrat de­void of ideas or initiative and crippled by old age and infirmity.A singular merit of this work is that it shows how far from the mark were these perceptions. This is the only full-length treatment of Chernenko. in contrast to the vast tomes written on his five predecessors as well as on the present incumbent Mkrhail Gorbachev. The work delves into archival materials never before reported in either the East or West. The picture that emerges is not of some run-of-the-mill ap­paratchik but of a figure who in the con­text of the Brezhnev era came forth with ideas that were revolutionary at least in the sense of a realization of the deep mal­aise into which Soviet economy and so­ciety had fallen.Zemtsov's volume explains the paradox of a servile conservative member of th Politburo becoming an innovative even courageous leader during the thirteen fateful months he held Soviet power ft is a tribute to this effort at reconstruction that what emerges is a rounded human being and not simply a political actor. This ana­lytical study of the transformation of a peasant into a politician fills out a missing link without which the current impulse to reform in the U.S.S.R. is hard to under­stand or appreciate Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138508019

Chernobyl (Routledge Revivals)The Long Shadow First published in 1989 Chernobyl: The Long Shadow offers a balanced review of what happened there why and how it happened and what the main lessons and implications of the accident are. It looks back on events during and after the disaster in particular reviewing how it and the radiation fallout were dealt with in different countries and looks forward to how the incident might affect the nuclear power industry around the world. The book explores the significance of the accident within the Soviet Union considers its impact on public confidence in nuclear power and reviews what improvements are necessary in emergency planning throughout the rest of the world. It is written from an inter-disciplinary perspective; based on detailedscienctific research which is described in non-specialist terms it considers themes like attitudes to nuclear power and political reaction to the accident itself. It sets the Chernobyl accident into a proper context. Chernobyl: The Long Shadow will appeal to students and teachers of geography environmental science international politics nuclear physics and to anyone interested in current affairs and environmental problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415677448

ChernobylCrime without Punishment Long before the tragedy of the 2011 nuclear disasters in Japan the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl experienced an explosion meltdown fire and massive release of radioactivity. Twenty-five years later we still know very little about the event and its aftermath. Few of the professional papers describing the aftereffects of the disaster have been translated from Russian into English or distributed in the West. This is now remedied with the publication of this definitive volume based on original sources and originally published in Russian.Alla A. Yaroshinskaya describes the human side of the disaster with firsthand accounts by those who lived through the world's worst public health crisis. Chernobyl: Crime without Punishment is a unique account of events by a reporter who defied the Soviet bureaucracy. The author presents an accurate historical record with quotations from all the major players in the Chernobyl drama. It also provides unique insight into the final stages of Soviet communism.Yaroshinskaya describes actions after the disaster: how authorities built a new city for Chernobyl residents but placed it in a highly polluted area. She also details the actions of the nuclear lobby inside and outside the former Soviet Union.Bringing the book into the twenty-first century the author reviews the latest medical data on Chernobyl people's health from the affected countries and from independent investigations; and states why there has been no trial of top officials who covered up Chernobyl and its disastrous consequences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138508026

Chewing GumThe Fortunes of Taste In Chewing Gum Michael Redclift deftly chronicles the growing popularity of gum in the U.S. alongside a fascinating history of peasant revolution led by charismatic Indians in the jungles of southern Mexico. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970243

Chiang Kai-shek's Secret PastThe Memoir Of His Second Wife Ch'en Chieh-ju This engrossing memoir tells the fascinating story of one of China's great leaders during the Nationalist revolution of the 1920s and of the woman who paid a staggering price so that he could attain his ambition. The tale begins in 1919 when the thirty-two-year-old Chiang Kai-shek met the naïve thirteen-year-old whom he would call Ch'en Chieh-ju. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157654

Chiastic Designs in English Literature from Sidney to Shakespeare Paying special attention to Sidney's Arcadia Spenser's Faerie Queene and Shakespeare's romances this study engages in sustained examination of chiasmus in early modern English literature. The author's approach leads to the recovery of hidden designs which are shown to animate important works of literature; along the way Engel offers fresh and more comprehensive interpretations of seemingly shopworn conventions such as memento mori conceits echo poems and the staging of deus ex machina. The study grounded in the philosophy of symbolic forms (following Ernst Cassirer) will be a valuable resource for readers interested in intellectual history and symbol theory classical mythology and Renaissance iconography. Chiastic Designs affords a glimpse into the transformative power of allegory during the English Renaissance by addressing patterns that were part and parcel of early modern "mnemonic culture." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262034

Chicago Catholics and the Struggles within Their Church What might one expect to learn from a probability sample study of the Archdiocese of Chicago? Can one form a national portrait of Catholics in the United States from data about Chicago? Certainly Chicago is unique in its judgments about its clergy. As the eminent Catholic sociologist Andrew M. Greeley argues it is this very difference that makes rigorous comparisons between Chicago Catholics and other Catholic subpopulations possible. He suggests that history and geography provide a basis for understanding the development of the Catholic Church not just in this specific area but also in the entire United States.The Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago it composed of two counties Lake and Cook. At the same time the Catholic population has been pushed up against the boundary of DuPage County by racial change in the city so that much of the west and south side Catholic population of the city has moved into the southern and western suburbs. In this research area half of the Catholics have attended college and half of those have attended graduate school. Thus the conventional image of Chicago as a mix of ethnic immigrant neighborhoods has to be modified although there are still many new immigrants attending special immigrant parishes.Greeley argues that the official church in Chicago and by inference elsewhere has not recognized the community structures that permeate the neighborhoods that it does not grasp the religious stories that shape its peoples' identity and it does not understand the intense if selective loyalty of the archdiocese to its leadership. As part of this argument Greeley includes transcriptions of in-depth interviews with former Catholics. This study provides a fascinating window into the world of Catholicism in twenty-first century urban America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138508033

Chicago of the BalkansBudapest in Hungarian Literature 1900-1939 This is the first English-language study of competing metropolitan narratives in Hungarian literature that spans both the liberal late Habsburg and post-liberal Christian-national eras. Works by writers from a wide variety of backgrounds are discussed from Jewish satirists to icons of the radical Right representatives of conservative national schools and modernist avant-garde and peasantist authors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600037

ChicagoAn economic history Chicago went from nothing in 1830 to become the second-largest city in the nation in 1900 while the Midwest developed to become one of the world’s foremost urban areas. This book is an economic history of the Chicago metropolitan area from the 1820s to the present. It examines the city in its Midwestern region and compares it to the other major cities of the North. This book uses theories of the economics of location and other economic models to explain much of Chicago’s history. Chicago maintained its status as the second-largest city through the first decades of the 20th century but rapid growth shifted to the Sunbelt following World War II. Since the 1950s the city’s history can be divided into four distinct periods; growth with suburbanization (1950-1970) absence of growth continued suburbanization and central city crisis (1970-1990) rebound in the 1990s and financial crisis and deep recession after 2000. Through it all Chicago has maintained its position as the economic capital of the Midwest. The book is a synthesis of available literature and public data and stands as an example of using economics to understand much of the history of Chicago.This book is intended for the college classroom urban scholars and for those interested in the history of one of world’s foremost urban areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367873660

Chicana Feminist ThoughtThe Basic Historical Writings Chicana Feminist Thought brings together the voices of Chicana poets writers and activists who reflect upon the Chicana Feminist Movement that began in the late 1960s. With energy and passion this anthology of writings documents the personal and collective political struggles of Chicana feminists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203760642

Chicana Without ApologyThe New Chicana Cultural Studies By approaching Chicana/o issues from the frames of feminism social activism and cultural studies and by considering both lived experience and the latest research Torres offers a more comprehensive understanding of current Chicana life. Through compelling prose Torres masterfully weaves her own story as a first-generation Mexican American with interviews with activists and other Mexican-American women to document the present fight for social justice and the struggles of living between two worlds. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315881034

Chicana/Latina Testimonios as Pedagogical Methodological and Activist Approaches to Social Justice While the genre of testimonio has deep roots in oral cultures and in Latin American human rights struggles the publication and subsequent adoption of This Bridge Called My Back (Moraga & Anzaldúa 1983) and more recently Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios (Latina Feminist Group 2001) have demonstrated the power of testimonio as a genre that exposes brutality disrupts silencing and builds solidarity among women of colour. Within the field of education scholars are increasingly taking up testimonio as a pedagogical methodological and activist approach to social justice which transgresses traditional paradigms in academia. Unlike the more usual approach of researchers producing unbiased knowledge the testimonio challenges objectivity by situating the individual in communion with a collective experience marked by marginalization oppression or resistance. This approach has resulted in new understandings about how marginalized communities build solidarity and respond to and resist dominant culture laws and policies that perpetuate inequity. This book contributes to our understanding of testimonio as it relates to methodology pedagogy research and reflection in pursuit of social justice. A common thread among the chapters is a sense of political urgency to address inequities within Chicana/o and Latina/o communities. This book was originally published as a special issue of Equity & Excellence in Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138302389

ChicaNerds in Chicana Young Adult LiteratureBrown and Nerdy ChicaNerds in Chicana Young Adult Literature analyzes novels by the acclaimed Chicana YA writers Jo Ann Yolanda Hernández Isabel Quintero Ashley Hope Pérez Erika Sánchez Guadalupe García McCall and Patricia Santana. Combining the term "Chicana" with "nerd " Dr. Herrera coins the term "ChicaNerd" to argue how the young women protagonists in these novels voice astute observations of their identities as nonwhite teenagers specifically through a lens of nerdiness—a reclamation of brown girl self-love for being a nerd. In analyzing these ChicaNerds the volume examines the reclamation and powerful acceptance of one’s nerdy Chicana self. While popular culture and mainstream media have shaped the well-known figure of the nerd as synonymous with white maleness Chicana YA literature subverts the nerd stereotype through its negation of this identity as always white and male. These ChicaNerds unite their burgeoning sociopolitical consciousness as young nonwhite girls with their "nerdy" traits of bookishness math and literary intelligence poetic talents and love of learning. Combining the sociopolitical consciousness of Chicanisma with one aligned to the well-known image of the "nerd " ChicaNerds learn to navigate the many complicated layers of coming to an empowered declaration of themselves as smart Chicanas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367860219

Chicano Educational AchievementComparing Escuela Tlatelolco A Chicanocentric School and a Public High School First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991170

Chicano Empowerment and Bilingual EducationMovimiento Politics in Crystal City Texas First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970250

Chicano Experience/hs This book aims to add to the knowledge of Chicano communities and the knowledge and understanding of how Mexican Americans have adapted in urban areas. It presents descriptions and analyses of communities in the Midwest where the presence of Mexican Americans has been more typically neglected. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171209

Chicano ImagesRefiguring Ethnicity in Mainstream Film Providing textual analysis of 12 feature films written and directed by filmmakers who explore aspects of the Chicano cultural movement this book discusses films including Cheech and Chong's Still Smokin' (1983) El Norte (1985) and Break of Dawn (1988). The text analyzes the portrayal of Chicano or Mexican American identity in films by chicanos. Part historiography part film analysis part ethnography this book offers a compelling story of how Chicanos challenge subvert and create their own popular portrayals of Chicanismo. Historical stereotypical images in Hollywood films are discussed alongside contemporary images portrayed by Hollywood studios and independent Chicano filmmakers. The author examines the way in which newer films "construct new representations of Chicano culture" and present a greater variety of images of Chicanos for mainstream audiences. Originally published in 1996 this authoritative volume provides a full history of the Chicano cultural movement beginning in the 1960s as well as information on the development of Mexican American film production. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970267

Chicano ProfessionalsCulture Conflict and Identity First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991187

Chicano/Latino Homoerotic Identities First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970274

Chicano-Anglo ConversationsTruth Honesty and Politeness This groundbreaking book--about differences in communication practices between Mexican-American underclass residents in an East Los Angeles housing project and white middle-class literacy tutors who worked with them--makes an important contribution to research on the sociolinguistics of the Chicano gang culture. More specifically this work adds substantially to research on understanding linguistic politeness theories the use of epistemic modals for negative politeness and evidentiality. It refines and in a number of cases defines function categories for epistemic modals through a rigorous grammatical analysis. This book is also distinctive in that the author subjects the language of middle-class Anglos to the same type of scrutiny that is often reserved for non-mainstream groups.  Youmans contends that the differences between the Chicano and Anglo speakers are the result of the two groups’ different sociocultural circumstances including historical and current living and working patterns and the relative value placed on familialism and communalism versus individualism and independence. (The terms Chicano and Anglo are used as a kind of shorthand in this book--not to raise larger sociocultural issues implied by these terms.) Although the number of participants in the study limits the applicability of the findings as they might be extrapolated to all Chicanos/as or all Anglos when reporting sociolinguistic observations the main argument advanced is that language use may provide insights into beliefs attitudes and practices in the larger society. This volume is directed to researchers and graduate students in the areas of sociolinguistics applied linguistics discourse analysis and cross-cultural communication and will also interest language and linguistics educators and grammarians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653787

Chick LitThe New Woman's Fiction From the bestselling Bridget Jones's Diary that started the trend to the television sensation Sex and the City that captured it on screen "chick lit" has become a major pop culture phenomenon. Banking on female audiences' identification with single urban characters who struggle with the same life challenges publishers have earned millions and even created separate imprints dedicated to the genre. Not surprisingly some highbrow critics have dismissed chick lit as trashy fiction but fans have argued that it is as empowering as it is entertaining.This is the first volume of its kind to examine the chick lit phenomenon from a variety of angles accounting for both its popularity and the intense reactions-positive and negative-it has provoked. The contributors explore the characteristics that cause readers to attach the moniker "chick" to a particular book and what if anything distinguishes the category of chick lit from the works of Jane Austen on one end and Harlequin romance novels on the other. They critique the genre from a range of critical perspectives considering its conflicted relationship with feminism and postfeminism heterosexual romance body image and consumerism. The fourteen original essays gathered here also explore such trends and subgenres as "Sistah Lit " "Mommy Lit " and "Chick Lit Jr. " as well as regional variations. As the first book to consider the genre seriously Chick Lit offers real insight into a new generation of women's fiction. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203036211

Chief Data Officer's Playbook <div>The issues and profession of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) are of significant interest and relevance to organisations and data professionals internationally. Written by two practicing CDOs this book offers a practical direct and engaging discussion of the role its place and importance within organisations.&#160;</div><div><br></div><div>Chief Data Officer is a new and rapidly expanding role and many organisations are finding that it is an uncomfortable fit into the existing C-suite. Bringing together views opinions and practitioners experience for the first time <i>The Chief Data Officer's Playbook</i> offers a compelling guide to anyone looking to understand the current (and possible future) CDO landscape.</div><div><br></div><div>Content covered includes:</div><div><ul><li>why does any organisation need a CDO?</li><li>the secret ingredients of the successful CDO</li><li>avoiding the hype cycle</li><li>the CDO place in the C-suite</li><li>building the CDO team</li><li>the CDO and technology</li><li>enablement not red tape</li><li>advice to give the business owners.</li></ul></div><div>This book will offer key insight for CDOs looking to understand their position better for aspiring CDOs and data officers looking at career progression for those recruiting CDOs and anyone else looking to understand the CDO landscape.</div> Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783302581

Chief Joseph Yellow Wolf and the Creation of Nez Perce History in the Pacific Northwest This work focuses on how whites used Nez Perce history images activities and personalities in the production of history developing a regional identity into a national framework. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646505

Chief Of Seers First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138861220

Chief Talent OfficerThe Evolving Role of the Chief Learning Officer In the face of rapid changes and challenges to the business environment learning and talent are key to the success of businesses. This is an area in which the Chief Learning Officer (the CLO) is vital and has evolved into a Chief Talent Officer role in organizations. The Chief Talent Officer is now responsible for working to drive value focusing on issues such as talent organization design and development culture  business alignment managing resources innovation technology utilization customer service and ROI. Chief Talent Officer  discusses the critical value-adding role of the next generation CLO and the strategies that can be used to fulfill this role. With a wealth of perspectives from some of the world’s best talent executives this book illuminates the role from the CLO’s perspective. This revised and refreshed edition of the text includes the latest illustrative examples explanations and data. The reader is shown the role of the CLO from diverse multinational points of view and taken through the varying aspects of business strategy in a range of international environments. This book is a vital tool for managers and students providing techniques and methods for the training talent  and HR communities alike. It will help its readers to demonstrate and understand the potential value that can be added to any organization when it is managed and organized well and equipped with appropriate leadership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415749602

Child Abuse and Family LawUnderstanding the issues facing human service and legal professionals I have no doubt that this book will become an invaluable tool for family and children's court judges and magistrates psychiatrists psychologists social workers police and the many other professionals who work in this field.'The Honourable Alastair Nicholson former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia A ground-breaking comprehensive honest well researched and courageous book that should be essential reading for all politicians and professionals involved in both the Family Court of Australia and state child protection systems.'Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AOChild abuse in the context of parental separation and divorce is not a malicious allegation nor a misunderstanding. It is a real and growing problem with very young children as the primary victims. Child Abuse and Family Law draws on pioneering research to identify the causes features and impact of child abuse in parental separation and divorce. The authors argue that professionals working with these families need to better understand the specific and often severe nature of this abuse to improve outcomes for both the children and their families.The authors develop a much-needed practice framework for all socio-legal professionals involved in the family law system. Using case studies they take a multi-disciplinary approach to outline strategies for family lawyers child legal representatives social workers child protection workers psychologists psychiatrists health workers and teachers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115168

Child Abuse and its Mimics in Skin and Bone Of all children reported to child protective services for suspected maltreatment in any form the percentage of substantiated cases of actual physical abuse is quite small. There are a number of dermatological or radiologically demonstrable musculoskeletal lesions that have been or could be mistaken for intentional physical abuse by the inexperienced or untrained observer. Child Abuse and Its Mimics in Skin and Bone illustrates the classic manifestations of physical abuse by dermatological and radiological examination as a standard against which the mimickers of physical abuse can be compared. Beginning with a historical perspective on child abuse the book explores manifestations of superficial and musculoskeletal trauma in children. It examines conditions often mistaken for child abuse ranging from rubella to leukemia and bowing deformities to vitamin A intoxication as well as a plethora of dermatological conditions that can mimic signs of physical abuse. Designed for a broad spectrum of individuals who may first encounter a possibly abused child the book presents hundreds of photos—many in color—and examples collected by the authors over their years of experience in their respective fields. Where appropriate the authors provide pertinent historical physical and laboratory information in support of the diagnosis. With the combined insight of top experts in forensic radiology and dermatology this volume enables clinicians and others confronted with cases involving these conditions to avoid a rush to judgment that could wreak havoc in a family and quite possibly delay needed treatment for an actual medical condition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439855355

Child Abuse and NeglectBiosocial Dimensions - Foundations of Human Behavior Child Abuse and Neglect is the third volume sponsored by the Social Science Research Council. The goals of these volumes include the development of a biosocial perspective and its application to the interface between biological and social phenomena in order to advance the understanding of human behavior.Child Abuse and Neglect applies the biosocial perspective to child maltreatment and maladaptation in parent-child relations. The biosocial perspective is particularly appropriate for investigating parent behavior since the family is the universal social institution in which children are born and reared in which cultural traditions and values are transmitted and in which individuals fulfill their biological potential for reproduction growth and development. The volume examines biological substrates and social and environmental contexts as determinants of parent behavior. By identifying areas in which contemporary human parent behaviors conform with and depart from evolutionary and historical patterns and assessing the overall costs and benefits it permits their objective assessment in terms of modern circumstances. In analyzing evolutionary and historical variations in parent behavior and assessing their costs and benefits the book makes possible an objective assessment of contemporary variations. Its analysis of the occurrence of child abuse in past history and in other cultures and species advances our ability to predict the probability of child abuse and neglect in various social and ecological contexts. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315081441

Child Abuse and NeglectSecond Edition This book examines child abuse and neglect - the latest research and laws what it entails and how to recognize and report it. It considers up-to-date studies and methodology encourages discussions and debate and explains judicial rulings. Different forms of maltreatment - physical abuse neglect psychological maltreatment sexual abuse fetal abuse and Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome - are explored as are resilience and prevention. Discussion questions a glossary and profiles of people actively working in the field are included. This is an invaluable resource to workers who are mandated reporters of child maltreatment and/or anyone interested in the problem. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848725294

Child Abuse and ProtectionContemporary issues in research policy and practice Literature in the child abuse and child protection arena has tended to adopt either a practice or legal perspective. Drawing on their expertise as researchers and leaders in their field Julia Davison and Antonia Bifulco offer a comprehensive and cohesive book on child abuse and child protection drawing on both criminological and psychological perspectives on all forms of child maltreatment and child protection practice together with impacts on the victims. This book considers a range of areas from definitions of child abuse and discussions of its prevalence to an examination of the experiences of children in care to international perspectives on children within the criminal justice system to the emergence of online child abuse and the increasing awareness of historical abuse. Each chapter draws together key elements in the field including prevalence and definition different disciplinary approaches; different practice challenges; international impacts; and technological issues. Brief case studies throughout the book reflect the voice or experience of the child ensuring that the focus remains on the child at the centre of the abuse. Balancing coverage of theory and research and considering implications for practice and policy this book will appeal to a range of disciplines including criminology psychology psychiatry social work and law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138209992

Child Abuse and the Social Environment This book examines the need to emphasize the influence of the environment in responding clinically to the needs of abusive families. It documents the utility of the ecological method a technique appropriate to large-scale environmental study in the analysis of child maltreatment issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367010188

Child Abuse Tort Claims Against Public BodiesA Comparative Law View Increasing international cooperation in tackling the worldwide problem of child abuse and neglect has helped to raise the profile of this important issue. Scholarly literature on the problem is growing yet there is still a pressing need for a legal comparative commentary on the issue of child abuse claims in tort. Addressing this omission this valuable work investigates how the factual circumstances as laid out in the landmark English cases of X v. Bedfordshire County Council and Barrett v. Enfield London Borough Council have been dealt with by the European Court of Human Rights and in a number of key jurisdictions including the US Canada Australia South Africa France Germany and Italy. Examining the substantive tort law in these jurisdictions the book highlights differences in procedure and compares alternative non-judicial sources of compensation for claimants. It also offers suggestions for reform providing a work that will greatly benefit all those working within this specific area of law or having an interest in the subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387992

Child AbuseToday's Issues The purpose of this book is to attempt to explore child abuse from a contemporary perspective in terms of its multiple elements victims and criminal justice responses. This text will: (1) begin to address the needs of those studying child abuse from a cultural perspective; (2) provide a general profile of today’s perpetrators of child abuse as well as conditions that may facilitate the abuse; (3) provide information on current modes of child abuse; (4) provide discussions on long-term consequences for adult victims of child abuse; and (5) provide details in terms of criminal justice responses to child abuse in the United States and internationally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781498780414

Child Agency and Voice in TherapyNew Ways of Working in the Arts Therapies Child Agency and Voice in Therapy offers innovatory ways of thinking about and working with children in therapy. The book: considers different practices such as respecting the rights of the child in therapy and recognising and listening to children as ‘active agents’ and ‘experts’; features approaches that: access children’s views of their therapy; engage with them as researchers or co-researchers; and that use play and arts-based methods; draws on arts therapies research in ways that enable insight and learning for all those engaged with children’s therapy and wellbeing; considers how the contexts of the therapy such as a school or counselling centre relate to the ways children experience themselves and their therapy in relation to rights agency and voice. Child Agency and Voice in Therapy will be beneficial for all child therapists and is a good resource for courses concerning childhood welfare therapy education wellbeing and mental health. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367861629

Child Analysis Today Although there have been many other important contributions to the field of child and adolescent analysis the major differences in theory and approach still bear the hallmarks of three of the most significant figures in the field: Anna Freud Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott. As well as providing an insight into these differences this volume Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323653

Child and Adolescent Development for Educators This accessible text--now revised and updated--has given thousands of future educators a solid grounding in developmental science to inform their work in schools. The book reviews major theories of development and their impact on educational practice. Chapters examine how teaching and learning intersect with specific domains of child and adolescent development--language intelligence and intellectual diversity motivation family and peer relationships gender roles and mental health. Pedagogical features include chapter summaries definitions of key terms and boxes addressing topics of special interest to educators. Instructors requesting a desk copy receive a supplemental test bank with objective test items and essay questions for each chapter. (First edition authors: Michael Pressley and Christine B. McCormick.) New to This Edition*Extensively revised to reflect a decade's worth of advances in developmental research neuroscience and genetics.*Greatly expanded coverage of family and peer relationships with new content on social–emotional learning social media child care and early intervention.*Discussions of executive function theory of mind and teacher–student relationships.*Increased attention to ethnic–racial gender and LGBT identity development.*Many new and revised practical examples and topic boxes. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462534685

Child and Adolescent DisordersDevelopmental and Health Psychology Perspectives This book offers empirically based approaches to assessment treatment and prevention of certain childhood disorders encountered by psychologists and other practitioners in child clinical and pediatric psychology settings. In so doing it views disorders from a developmental and health psychology perspective that emphasizes prevention of problems as well as positive coping strategies. Traditional topics such as autism and childhood depression are addressed as are topics that have only recently emerged in the psychological literature. These include childhood diabetes headaches psychological aspects of teenage pregnancy and early development of substance abuse. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138970281

Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance AbuseA Comprehensive Reference Guide By offering unique analysis and synthesis of theory empirical research and clinical guidance in an up-to-date and unbiased context this book assists health and social care professionals in understanding the use of drugs and substances of abuse by children and adolescents. A comprehensive reference for health and social care professionals the book identifies and corrects related false narratives and with the use of the authors’ combined experience of over 70 years of clinical and academic experience in drug and substance abuse provides current pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of alcohol or other dependence or use disorders among children and adolescents. The book also provides a useful reference for identifying brand/trade and street names of the drugs and substances of abuse commonly used by children and adolescents. Also included is a comprehensive cross-referenced subject index. Clear comprehensive accessible and fully referenced this book will be an invaluable resource for professionals and students who aim to treat children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse is the 19th clinical pharmacology and therapeutic text that the Pagliaros have written over the past 40 years and is the sixth that deals exclusively with drug and substance abuse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138542150

Child and Adolescent Mental HealthTheory and Practice Second Edition The book covers all the core aspects of child and adolescent mental health starting with the background to emotional and behavioural problems and looking at models and tools for assessment and treatment before examining specific problems encountered in children young people and their families from different cultural backgrounds.Key features clear theoretical framework for each topic integrated disciplinary approach case studies information about other resources available to professionals and families including new government initiatives New for the second edition updated and revised with the latest references and theories sections on the influence of genetics on behaviour working with children with learning difficulties evidence-based paediatric and psychological developments multiple choice questions for revision and testing new quick-reference format This is an essential text for all professionals working with children young people and their families including student and practitioner psychiatrists clinical psychologists mental health nurses and social care specialists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444145991

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the Specialty Board Review This new thoroughly revised edition of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the Specialty Board Review offers updated information along with the most recent references and knowledge reflected in those changes. The authors especially incorporate new information and changes from DSM-5. Both general and child/adolescent psychiatrists will find this new edition invaluable not only as a guide for preparing for their first successful Board examination but also as a review in preparing for important re-certification exams. The book includes hundreds of multiple-choice questions modeled after the types of questions on the actual boards. This challenging update with new references and more relevant questions will help readers to learn new information and be better prepared for their board examinations. Because the authors rewrote the majority of questions to cover a broader knowledge base readers may find it useful to use the 4th edition as a companion book of the 3rd edition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415818100

Child and Adolescent PsychologyTypical and Atypical Development Child and Adolescent Psychology provides an accessible and thorough introduction to human development by integrating insights from typical and atypical development. This integration cements understanding since the same processes are involved. Knowledge about atypical development informs the understanding of typical development and knowledge about typical development is a necessary basis for understanding atypical development and working with children with disorders. Based on international research and informed by biological social and cultural perspectives the book provides explanations of developmental phenomena with a focus on how children and adolescents at different age levels actually think feel and act. Following a structure by topic with chronological developments within each chapter von Tetzchner presents and contrasts the major theoretical ideas in developmental psychology and discusses their implications for different aspects of development. He also integrates information about sensory physical and cognitive disabilities and the main emotional and behavioral disorders of childhood and adolescence and the developmental consequences of these disabilities and disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychology is accompanied by online resources for lecturers and students to enhance the book including essay questions for each chapter Powerpoint slides and multiple-choice questions. The book and companion website will prove invaluable to developmental psychology students.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138823396

Child and Adolescent PsychopathologyTheoretical and Clinical Implications How do biological and environmental factors influence the development of childhood and adolescent disorders? There has been a substantial increase of interest in research into child and adolescent psychopathology. In this book Cecilia Essau brings together contributions from the UK the US and Canada to provide a comprehensive summary of the information available on the subject. Beginning with an introduction to general issues related to child and adolescent psychopathology including theoretical models of normal and abnormal development each chapter goes on to address the issues associated with specific disorders such as: oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder eating disorders substance use disorders somatoform disorders. The contributors present a thorough overview of each disorder including discussion of definition and classification epidemiology risk factors comorbidity course outcome and prevention. Child & Adolescent Psychopathology will be welcomed by all mental health professionals seeking a reliable source of scientifically and clinically relevant information on the nature and treatment of child and adolescent disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138871908

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy In this book Peter Blake articulates his clinical practice of child and adolescent psychotherapy. A clear conceptual framework and historical context is provided for the work. The book is then structured to follow the therapeutic process from assessment (referral and initial interview individual assessment developmental considerations assessment for therapy working with parents) to therapy (physical and mental settings interpretation the role and challenges of play transference and countertransference termination). Drawing on the Winnicottian tradition in which fun and humour have a place in child and adolescent work Blake demonstrates how a therapist can be playful and less directly interpretative. How psychodynamic thinking can be applied in an effective yet time-limited manner is also demonstrated. The text is enlivened by many case studies and clinical anecdotes. For therapists who are new to child and adolescent psychotherapy and who wish to take a psychodynamic approach the book will provide a valuable introduction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781855758988

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and PsychoanalysisOne Hundred Years After 'Little Hans' Since Freud’s publication of 'Little Hans' advances in psychoanalytic technique and theory have transformed our clinical work with children. Individuals including Anna Freud Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott have influenced psychoanalytic play therapy and broadened the scope of practice with them. Contemporary psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic social work clinicians often find themselves responding to misapprehensions and distortions about psychoanalytic theory and treatment created or promoted in popular culture. Furthermore clinical practices are subject to the disruptive influence of managed mental health care and with the ascendancy of biological psychiatry an increasing reliance on psychoactive drugs in the treatment of children often in the absence of sound research support. In this book expert international contributors explore developmental theoretical and clinical themes in work with children. Focusing on diverse populations and varied treatment settings they present compelling clinical cases and research that collectively demonstrate the efficacy and relevance of psychoanalytic ideas in the context of play therapy. This book was originally published as a special issue of Psychoanalytic Social Work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138946095

Child and Adolescent TherapyCognitive-Behavioral Procedures Widely regarded as the definitive clinical reference and text in the field this authoritative volume presents effective cognitive-behavioral approaches for treating frequently encountered child and adolescent disorders. The editor and contributors are leading experts who provide hands-on how-to-do-it descriptions illustrated with clinical examples. Relevant theories and research findings are explained and exemplary treatment manuals and client workbooks reviewed. Coverage encompasses evidence-based treatments for aggression attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder anxiety disorders depression and suicidality obsessive–compulsive disorder eating disorders and trauma. Ways to involve parents in treatment are addressed throughout. New to This Edition*Presents advances in conceptualizing and treating specific clinical problems.*Up-to-date information on treatment manuals and outcome research.*Chapters on additional therapies: modular treatments dialectical behavior therapy and mindfulness-based interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781606235614

Child and Adolescent Wellbeing and Violence Prevention in Schools This invaluable book offers a comprehensive guide for educators in understanding and promoting wellbeing and violence prevention initiatives in schools and communities. Ittranslates research and theory into practice with a strong evidence-based application. The book is presented in five thematic sections namely: culture and wellbeing; young females and wellbeing; bullying; cyberbullying and student violence; interventions to promote wellbeing; and interventions to promote violence prevention. An introductory chapter provides an overview of the field and a commentary chapter draws the five themes together. Written by experienced researchers and educators each of the 21 chapters provides practical information and research on school classroom or community applications trends and issues in the field and practical ideas for wellbeing and violence prevention measures. Issues of culture gender and youth voice are specifically addressed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138104785

Child and Youth Well-being in China The true measure of any society is how it treats its children who are in turn that society’s future. Making use of data from the longitudinal Chinese Family Panel Studies survey the authors of this timely study provide a multi-faceted description and analysis of China’s younger generations. They assess the economic physical and social-emotional well-being as well as the cognitive performance and educational attainment of China's children and youth. They pay special attention to the significance of family and community contexts including the impact of parental absence on millions of left-behind children. Throughout the volume the authors delineate various forms of disparities especially the structural inequalities maintained by the Chinese Party-state and the vulnerabilities of children and youth in fragile families and communities. They also analyze the social attitudes and values of Chinese youth. Having grown up in a period of sustained prosperity and greater individual choice the younger Chinese cohorts are more independent in spirit more open-minded socially and significantly less deferential to authority than older cohorts. There is growing recognition in China of the importance of investing in children’s future and of helping the less advantaged. Substantial improvements in child and youth well-being have been achieved in a time of growing economic prosperity. Strong political commitment is needed to sustain existing efforts and to overcome the many obstacles that remain. This book will be of considerable interest to researchers of Chinese society and development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670368

Child Anxiety DisordersA Guide to Research and Treatment 2nd Edition Childhood anxiety disorders represent one of the most common psychological disorders found among the general population. They can be serious distressful and functionally impairing so much so that there has been an explosion of interest in their treatment primarily from pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral perspectives.Addressing these perspectives is the Second Edition of Child Anxiety Disorders. Beidel and Alfano pay close attention to new pharmacological and psychological interventions as well as multi-center trials that compare single and combined treatment modalities. Additionally they include new case studies  sections on stability of childhood fears and the longitudinal course of anxiety disorders and a new chapter on sleep and anxiety disorders. Written on the cusp of newly published information and studies Child Anxiety Disorders is relevant informative and indispensible. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377974

Child Anxiety Theory and TreatmentA Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion Despite the negative impact of anxiety in children theories and research have lagged behind their adult counterparts. This special issue arose from an Economic and Social Research Council funded seminar series (Child Anxiety Theory and Treatment CATTS). It highlights four themes in theories and research into child anxiety: the appropriateness of applying adult models to children the need to isolate causal variables the need to take a developmental perspective and the importance of parents. This issue aims to stimulate debate about theoretical issues that will inform future child anxiety research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883222

Child Autonomy and Child Governance in Children's LiteratureWhere Children Rule This book explores representations of child autonomy and self-governance in children’s literature.The idea of child rule and child realms is central to children’s literature and childhood is frequently represented as a state of being with children seen as aliens in need of passports to Adultland (and vice versa). In a sense all children’s literature depends on the idea that children are different separate and in command of their own imaginative spaces and places. Although the idea of child rule is a persistent theme in discussions of children’s literature (or about children and childhood) the metaphor itself has never been properly unpacked with critical reference to examples from those many texts that are contingent on the authority and/or power of children. Child governance and autonomy can be seen as natural or perverse; it can be displayed as a threat or as a promise. Accordingly the "child rule"-motif can be seen in Robinsonades and horror films in philosophical treatises and in series fiction. The representations of self-ruling children are manifold and ambivalent and range from the idyllic to the nightmarish. Contributors to this volume visit a range of texts in which children are in various ways empowered discussing whether childhood itself may be thought of as a nationality and what that may imply. This collection shows how representations of child governance have been used for different ideological aesthetic and pedagogical reasons and will appeal to scholars of children’s literature childhood studies and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367346232

Child Care in ContextCross-cultural Perspectives Child care is an integral part of the web of influences and experiences that shape children's development. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that covers both historic and economic contexts this unique book characterizes child care in 18 countries on five continents. Specific historical roots and the current social contexts of child care are delineated in industrialized as well as in developing countries. To increase the depth of crosscultural analysis and integration commentators from countries and disciplines other than the authors comment on the issues raised in each chapter. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138165434

Child Care in the 1990sTrends and Consequences Bringing together professionals from sociology economics psychology and family studies this volume presents papers from a symposium on child care that sought answers to each of the four questions listed in the table of contents. A lead speaker provided an answer and discussants had a chance to critique the main presentation and set forth their own views. Each session also included a policy person to deal with issues from an applied perspective. The lead papers review papers and rejoinders constitute the contents of this volume. Interdisciplinary in scope it deals with the central issue in a systematic way and attempts to present divergent points of view on each question. As such it provides the reader with current information and a review of issues intended to provoke new ways of thinking about child care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991194

Child Care in the 1990sTrends and Consequences Bringing together professionals from sociology economics psychology and family studies this volume presents papers from a symposium on child care that sought answers to each of the four questions listed in the table of contents. A lead speaker provided an answer and discussants had a chance to critique the main presentation and set forth their own views. Each session also included a policy person to deal with issues from an applied perspective. The lead papers review papers and rejoinders constitute the contents of this volume. Interdisciplinary in scope it deals with the central issue in a systematic way and attempts to present divergent points of view on each question. As such it provides the reader with current information and a review of issues intended to provoke new ways of thinking about child care. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315799575

Child Care Law for Health Professionals 'Across Canada efforts have been made to introduce information technology solutions into the health care sector for the past two decades. As with any journey the maps and journals are only produced at the end of the adventure. With this book Dr Shaw has provided a road map that will help guide those physicians who are now thinking about starting down this road or those who may have taken a wrong turn and are trying to make mid-course corrections. Dr Shaw is a health informatician with a wealth of experience in analyzing the impact of using IT in a health care environment. Since coming to Canada she has spent considerable time talking to physicians as well as government and vendors about the status of IT in the Canadian healthcare system. Computerization and Going Paperless in Canadian Primary Care is a dispassionate and scientific analysis of the issues and problems facing those who are trying to create a paperless practice. Here you will be provided with advice on how to chose a clinical system how to manage the transition into a paperless office and offers an abundance of resource materials to help you through the process.' William Pascal Chief Technology Officer Canadian Medical Association Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315376127

Child Care Policy at the CrossroadsGender and Welfare State Restructuring Whether childcare is seen as part of society's educational policy welfare policy or employment policy affects not only its form and content but also its public image. The contributors in this volume use current polices for the care of infants and preschool children to analyze debates and track the emergence of new state welfare practices across a variety of social and political configurations-and offer some conclusions about which methods work the best. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315023144

Child Centered Play TherapyA Clinical Session Bring Garry Landreth into your classroom and let him demonstrate CCPT in action!  This DVD is a perfect complement to Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship giving students instructors supervisors and practitioners visual reinforcement of the material presented in the text. It shows a complete and unrehearsed play therapy session featuring Garry Landreth as he works with a young girl in a fully eqipped play therapy room. The video illustrates the Child Centered Play Therapy approach by demonstrating The process of building a relationship with the child Following the child’s lead Facilitating the development of the child’s strengths Responding to accidents in the playroom Building a child’s self-esteem Returning responsibility to the child Participating in a child’s play without structuring Empowering the child Dealing with a child reluctant to leave the playroom Landreth provides audio commentary throughout to highlight key moments in the session and emphasize the basic principles of the child centered approach. Viewers will find watching this master therapist and pioneer of play therapy to be a unique and valuable teaching and learning opportunity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415623896

Child Cultures Schooling and LiteracyGlobal Perspectives on Composing Unique Lives Through analysis of case studies of young children (ages 3 to 8 years) situated in different geographic cultural linguistic political and socioeconomic sites on six continents this book examines the interplay of childhoods schooling and literacies. Written language is situated within particular childhoods as they unfold in school. A key focus is on children’s agency in the construction of their own childhoods. The book generates diverse perspectives on what written language may mean for childhoods. Looking at variations in the complex relationships between official (curricular) visions and unofficial (child-initiated) visions of relevant composing practices and appropriate cultural resources it offers first insight into how those relationships may change over time and space as children move through early schooling and second understanding of the dynamics of schools and the experience of childhoods through which the local meaning of school literacy is formulated. Each case—each child in a particular sociocultural site—does not represent an essentialized nation or a people but rather a rich processual depiction of childhood being constructed in particular local contexts and the role if any for composing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138831544

Child Custody MediationAn Introduction to the Emotional Dynamics of Divorce the Process of Mediation and Developmentally Sensitive Parenting Plans In this workshop Dr. Emery reviews the research on the impact of divorce on children and presents child custody mediation as a way to ameliorate some of the risks associated with divorce. He describes research findings on the risk of divorce and divorce rates from various countries. In addition he describes the impact of divorce on children’s relationships with both parents. Dr. Emery also summarizes the research comparing two approaches to adversary settlement: mediation and litigation. Lastly he provides guidelines on conducting custody mediation and gives examples of developmentally sensitive parenting plans. Runtime: 281 minutes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415841610

Child CustodyLegal Decisions and Family Outcomes For too long divorce and remarriage literature has focused only on the outcome in the personal lives of the divorcees during and after divorce. But now in Child Custody: Legal Decisions and Family Outcomes you’ll see that divorce is a chain reaction that begins in the courtrooms and branches out into the families of the world changing the lives of children parents and grandparents alike.Child Custody is an incisive up-to-date collection of studies that addresses both child custody decisions and the varied and often surprising outcomes for those children and their families. Divided into two main sections one focusing on legislative guidelines and the other on family issues this unique compilation of recent divorce and remarriage research gives you a rare view of the attitudes some judges have toward divorce. In addition those people in both law and family research fields will have at their disposal the many aspects of the legal decision-making process and the legislative guidelines that currently hold sway over custody and post-divorce cases. Here are some of the topics you’ll read about: the evolution of three types of residential custody arrangements--father mother and joint--followed over a two-year period legal reforms aimed at guaranteeing parental access to children how social research has shaped New Hampshire’s child support policy divorced fathers and mothers in Greece the stigmas on lesbian mothers in custody cases how grandparent involvement shapes post-divorce familiesMeant as a catalyst for further research and study this book begins to touch upon the intrinsic flaws in both legal and family systems that continue to exist. Too often we think of divorce and child custody as merely legal decisions. In Child Custody however you’ll find that what matters in court is also a family matter. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138012264

Child Development This book provides a good foundation for understanding influences on children’s health and development. The volume brings together in a single reference source the world’s leading thinkers on children’s health and development. It sets out the basic concepts that underpin the study of child development and response to impairments to development including attachment changes in brain structure and resilience. The book explores the idea of life-course development explaining how experiences at each stage in a person’s life shapes his or her future. It goes on to example the relative contribution of societal neighbourhood school family and individual influences to child well-being. This includes a look at the way these forces interact such as when genes shape environments and vice versa. The book summarises the evidence on the incidence and consequences of impairments to children’s health and development covering both the majority of typical children and the minority who experience significant problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602659

Child Development and Behavioral Pediatrics Being sick is a normal part of childhood and being seriously ill is the unfortunate lot of many children. Every child in the United States has some contact with the healthcare system at some time and it is estimated that one of every two children or adolescents is hospitalized as a result of illness or injury. Being injured undergoing routine medical procedures getting sick or being hospitalized confront children with challenges on many levels--physical mental emotional and social. The premise of this volume is that developmental and psychological factors are central elements in many current problems in child health such as persistent crying in infants sources of children's injury and respiratory illness children's coping with medical procedures childhood trauma and physical and mental well-being in adolescence. Understanding promoting and maintaining children's health therefore depend to a great extent--and are likely to depend even more in the future--on elucidating the determinants and consequences of children's and parents' health-related behaviors and attitudes. Chapter contributors include physicians and psychologists who apply principles of developmental and social psychology to their research on specific problems in children's health. Their offerings delineate current areas of collaboration between developmental psychology and behavioral pediatrics. These perspectives should prompt researchers and practitioners to explore additional ways in which more extensive endeavors at the interface of these two disciplines will facilitate efforts to understand children's health behaviors and foster children's well-being. Attention to this work should lead to more direct clinical applicability and translation for preventive policy strategies as well as therapeutic interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138970298

Child Development and Teaching Pupils with Special Educational Needs A thought-provoking book which provides a framework for understanding the physical sensory emotional social linguistic and cognitive development of children with special educational needs. It gives practitioners and students a sound grasp of the theoretical ground needed to fully understand cognitive development and will help them track children's developmental progress in order to optimise learning opportunities. The authors handle complex topics in a highly accessible manner explaining how to put theory into practice. In three lucidly argued sections they present: an overview of the work of key theorists and thinkers including Vygotsky Piaget Freud Erikson Bruner and the Korning theorists an evaluation of the educational implications of the work of each theorist using illustrative case studies a consideration of areas of development in learning and teaching children with special educational needs. This book will be a beacon for teachers head teachers educational psychologists and all practitioners involved in special needs education who seek the opportunity to help empower their pupils and enhance their own understanding. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203464595

Child Development in a Life-Span Perspective Comprised of papers written by members of the Social Science Research Council Subcommittee on Child Development in Life-Span Perspective this book provides a representation of the current status of the relation between child development and the life- span. It suggests the possible synthesis of these two fields from both conceptual and empirical evidence. Theories and methods concerning the social psychological and anatomical influences on children's cognitive development through adolescence are highlighted. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203761632

Child Development Mediated by TraumaThe Dark Side of International Adoption Drawing on clinical data obtained through the study of children adopted from overseas orphanages the author of this cutting-edge text applies the Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) conceptual framework to the analysis of psychological educational and mental health impact of the early childhood trauma on development. A massive scale of international adoption of children victims of profound neglect and deprivation combined with the fundamental change in a child's social situation of development after adoption offers a valuable opportunity to explore the concept of Developmental Trauma Disorder in particular developmental delays emotional vulnerability "mixed maturity" cumulative cognitive deficit and post-orphanage behavior patterns being presented by many adoptees long after the adoption. By focusing on the neurological and psychological nature of childhood trauma Dr. Gindis offers a unique approach to understanding the ongoing impacts of DTD and the ways in which any subsequent neuropsychological educational and mental health issues might be assessed.Offering an evidence-based exploration of DTD and a critique of "conventional" approaches to rehabilitation and remediation of international adoptees this book will be of great interest to researchers in the fields of psychology mental health education and child development; as well as clinicians involved in trauma treatment and international adoption. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367728335

Child Development Through Sports A guidebook for adults involved in children’s sports! Child Development Through Sports is a commonsense guide for anyone involved in children’s sports presenting thoughtful analysis with an emphasis on maximizing the development of a child’s social emotional physical and intellectual capabilities through sports. Written by Dr. James H. Humphrey who has been involved in children’s sports at every level for nearly 60 years the book stresses the potential contribution sports participation can make to a child’s development and the negative impact it can have if programs are not conducted in an appropriate manner. Child Development Through Sports focuses primarily on the risks and benefits of sports participation for children ages 5-12. This valuable book addresses health and stress as developmental factors how to identify and develop motor skills the positive and negative effects of competition and an overview of the more pressing issues of children’s sports including supervision injuries benefits and interest. The book is largely based on extensive surveys and interviews with proponents and critics of children’s sports including parents professional athletes coaches school personnel and children themselves. Among the topics Child Development Through Sports addresses are: the age at which children should begin playing organized sports which sports are best for children how many sports a child should play—and how often how to judge a good sports program and much more! Child Development Through Sports is an essential resource for parents teachers counselors coaches and makes a valuable supplemental text for courses in child development and sports management. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203049358

Child DevelopmentA Practitioner's Guide Now in a revised and updated fourth edition this trusted text and professional resource provides a developmental framework for clinical practice. The authors examine how children's trajectories are shaped by transactions among family relationships brain development and the social environment. Risk and resilience factors in each of these domains are highlighted. Covering infancy toddlerhood the preschool years and middle childhood the text explores how children of different ages typically behave think and relate to others. Developmentally informed approaches to assessment and intervention are illustrated by vivid case examples. Observation exercises and quick-reference summaries of each developmental stage facilitate learning. New to This Edition*Incorporates a decade's worth of advances in knowledge about attachment neurodevelopment developmental psychopathology intervention science and more.*Toddler preschool and school-age development are each covered in two succinct chapters rather than one making the book more student friendly.*Updated throughout by new coauthor Michael F. Troy while retaining Douglas Davies's conceptual lens and engaging style.  Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462542994

Child DevelopmentAnalysis And Synthesis First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161290

Child DevelopmentTheories and Critical Perspectives Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives provides an engaging and perceptive overview of both well-established and recent theories in child and adolescent psychology. This unique summary of traditional scientific perspectives alongside critical post-modern thinking will provide readers with a sense of the historical development of different schools of thought. The authors also place theories of child development in philosophical and cultural contexts explore links between them and consider the implications of theory for practice in the light of the latest thinking and developments in implementation and translational science. Early chapters cover mainstream theories such as those of Piaget Skinner Freud Maccoby and Vygotsky whilst later chapters present interesting lesser-known theorists such as Sergei Rubinstein and more recent influential theorists such as Esther Thelen. The book also addresses lifespan perspectives and systems theory and describes the latest thinking in areas ranging from evolutionary theory and epigenetics to feminism the voice of the child and Indigenous theories. The new edition of Child Development has been extensively revised to include considerable recent advances in the field. As with the previous edition the book has been written with the student in mind and includes a number of useful pedagogical features including further reading discussion questions activities and websites of interest. Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives will be essential reading for students on advanced courses in developmental psychology education social work and social policy and the lucid style will also make it accessible to readers with little or no background in psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848724525

Child Effects on Adults It is usual to consider the effects parents have on children; this title originally published in 1977 reverses the focus and reveals a subject every bit as important and interesting. The authors both professional psychologists present their findings under three major headings – "History" "Theories and Research Approaches" and "Concepts and Findings" – that discuss the social psychological and biological influences children exert on parents. Bell and Harper oppose the "intellectual apartheid" that prevents behavioural scientists from investigating "the continuity of interaction processes from other animals to man" and include substantial research findings in mammalian biology to show more precisely the reciprocal relations between parents and their offspring. Their "bidirectional approach" to the study of child-rearing is meant to offset empirical prejudices that had so far dominated child-care sciences at the time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367483388

Child Guidance Centres in JapanAlternative Care Social Work and the Family In contemporary Japan 85% of children in alternative care remain housed in large welfare institutions as opposed to family-based foster care. This publication examines how Japan has been isolated from global discourse on alternative care urging a shift in social work and alternative care policies. As the first ethnographic account from inside child guidance centres it makes a key contribution towards understanding the closed world of Japan’s social services; including the decision-making processes by which a child is removed from the family and placed into care. In addition regional variation in policy implementation for alternative care is outlined with reference to detailed case studies and a discussion around organisational cultures of the child guidance centres. Where foster care is constructed as anything other than professional it is often seen as a threat to the child’s family-bond with their natal parent and therefore not used. Child Guidance Centres in Japan destabilises this construction of the family-bond as singular and discrete highlighting new practices in alternative care. Child Guidance Centres in Japan: Alternative Care and the Family will be a vital resource for students scholars of social work and Japanese studies as well as practitioners and lobbyists involved in alternative care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138365940

Child Guidance in Britain 1918–1955The Dangerous Age of Childhood Stewart presents a history of child guidance in Britain from its origins in the years after the First World War until the consolidation of the welfare state. This is the first study of child guidance in this period and makes a significant contribution to the historiography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138662315

Child Health Psychology This unique text offers an interdisciplinary collection of the most current articles concerning the scientific study of Child Health Psychology. The subjects of many articles are applicable to pediatrics family medicine child nursing developmental clinical child and pediatric psychology. Emphasizing the scientific basis of the field this empirical research is invaluable to the specialist teacher or student seeking the most contemporary research methods used to study psychological aspects of children's health care. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138417366

Child Hunger and Human RightsInternational Governance Child Hunger and Human Rights: International Governance applies the human rights theory of legal obligation to the problem of child malnutrition and investigates whether duty-bearers have fulfilled their obligations to protect respect and provide. This book includes moral economic political and legal components to the research on the child’s right to be free from hunger. Using two methods of investigation; the first a historical comparative method based on the systematic analysis of the content of historical materials government documents policy statements state budgets newspaper reports and other public records and the second is statistical analysis. Apodaca investigates beyond the suffering deformities and deaths of children to child malnutrition resulting in reduced physical and mental development threatening the child’s life opportunities the prospects of further generations and the growth of the economy. Examining the connection between governmental agricultural economic and financial policies international donor policies and transnational corporate voluntary codes of conduct affecting child malnutrition rates this book will be of interest to policy-makers activists students and scholars of human rights social justice international ethics development international relations and law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138874183

Child LaborAn American History Despite its decline throughout the advanced industrial nations child labor remains one of the major social political and economic concerns of modern history as witnessed by the many high-profile stories on child labor and sweatshops in the media today. This work considers the issue in three parts. The first section discusses child labor as a social and economic problem in America from an historical and theoretical perspective. The second part presents child labor as National Child Labor Committee investigators found it in major American industries and occupations including coal mines cotton textile mills and sweatshops in the early 1900s. Finally the concluding section integrates these findings and attempts to apply them to child labor problems in America and the rest of the world today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315290850

Child Labour in a Globalized WorldA Legal Analysis of ILO Action This volume examines the legal dimension of the ILO's action in the field of Child Labour. The authors investigate the implementation of the relevant legal instruments and assess the effectiveness of the ILO supervisory system. All relevant instruments are considered while particular attention is given to Convention 182 on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour. Child Labour in a Globalized World describes the ILO's activities concerning the eradication of child labour whilst assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of the relevant legal framework and functioning of the supervisory system. This book contextualizes the issue of the eradication of the worst forms of child labour in the recent doctrinal debate on the nature of labour standards and the transformation of the ILO. This important work will be a valuable resource for academics researchers and policy-makers with an interest in labour law international law and children's rights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262409

Child Labour in South Asia Child labour is a serious and contentious issue throughout the developing world and it continues to be a problem whose form and very meaning shifts with social geographical economic and cultural context. While the debate about child labour practice in developing countries appears to be motivated by growing competition in labour intensive products brought about by globalization studies on this issue are both sparse and lopsided. This important book aims to shed light on this debate by documenting the experience of South Asian developing countries which have experienced rapid income and export growth. Based on evidence from Bangladesh India Nepal Pakistan and Sri Lanka this volume aims to improve our understanding about the link between trade growth and child labour practices as well as management of child labour in developing countries. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571454

Child Language Building on the established strengths of the first edition Child Language has now been fully updated and includes some basic theory content more exercises and summaries at the end of each unit. Child Language:* introduces students to key areas involved in the study of children's language: vocabulary development word and sentence structure conversational skills and pronunciation* contains a corpus of children's language* includes suggestions for project work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137578

Child Maltreatment and Psychological Distress Among Urban Homeless Youth First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991200

Child Maltreatment Risk AssessmentsAn Evaluation Guide Conduct targeted and focused evaluations of child abuse and neglect! Child Maltreatment Risk Assessments: An Evaluation Guide is a professional practice manual designed to assist clinicians in conducting forensic risk assessment in child maltreatment cases. The authors—each with an extensive background in forensic child abuse evaluation—present up-to-date research findings and provide practical fact-based information on key issues. The book is an essential reference source on procedural issues treatment options and risk management strategies necessary to make high-quality ethical evaluations. Child maltreatment risk assessments are complex specialized evaluations with the potential for permanent legal termination of all parent-child contact on one hand and the possibility of injury and even death on the other. Because of the weighty nature of these issues the legal standards imposed on individual states to justify intervention is great and evaluators must be well versed in the most current material available. Child Maltreatment Risk Assessments provides up-to-date information on the effects of maltreatment empirically based risk factors for child abuse and neglect specialized assessment techniques and interventions and professional practice issues. The book emphasizes the importance of individual and cultural differences. Child Maltreatment Risk Assessments also includes a step-by-step guide to conducting and writing quality evaluations including: components of an evaluation report forensic versus clinical evaluations methods of assessment assessment domains and much more! Child Maltreatment Risk Assessments: An Evaluation Guide is an invaluable tool for clinicians lawyers and judges human service agency personnel and others involved in child maltreatment cases as well as students who represent the next generation of clinicians working in child abuse prevention and treatment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203048269

Child MaltreatmentExpanding Our Concept of Helping Recognizing child maltreatment as a complex phenomenon requiring multifaceted responses this volume provides a current and comprehensive assessment of the problem and argues for an expanded conception of helping on the part of those who work with maltreated children their families and their communities. Contributions follow a general outline that addresses current theory and models of practice and empirical knowledge regarding the problem intervention and outcomes. Presenting and up-to- date and encompassing view of how to combat child abuse and neglect this book discusses the concerns of service providers as well as academics. All the prevalent ways of responding to child maltreatment are addressed and each is discussed in terms of theory implementation and evidence for its effectiveness. For use as an undergraduate or graduate level text for courses in child welfare sociology family studies and community psychology. This text would also be insightful for professionals academics and policymakers concerned with child welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970304

Child ManThe Selfless Narcissist There is a part of us which neither listens to the voice of reason nor submit easily to social/moral conventions. Like a child it relentlessly pursues whatever catches its fancy and keeps playing with fire. It can either help us actualize our heroic potential or put us on the road to self-destruction. Perhaps the key to this difference lies in what we do with our emotional/psychic wounds which are a necessary part of the growth process. The book explores the inner landscape of this part of our psyche through the mythological figures of Balarama Duryodhana and Bhima. It also examines the present day context of human existence which has ironically enhanced both our prowess and helplessness and thereby pushed this part of ourselves into our psychic/social underbelly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138662735

Child Mental Health in Primary Care This book helps general practitioners health visitors and other professionals working in primary care to assess manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers social workers and educational psychologists many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people will also find it particularly useful. Each problem is covered in a uniform way with definitions assessment outlines detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. The book supports service provision in the new primary care environment and forms a comprehensive practical guide to the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378428

Child Mental HealthExploring Systems of Care in the New Millennium Use these system-of-care concepts to better serve children with serious emotional problems and their families!Providing services to children with emotional problems and their families continues to be a major challenge for social workers family therapists child mental health advocates and psychologists in the new century. This valuable book addresses that challenge detailing theory principles and application issues from the vantage points of both consumers and service providers. System-of-care values and practices were developed to address these concerns and meet the needs of these children and families who tend to receive either no services at all or services that are far too restrictive at a large cost to the organization providing the services.Child Mental Health: Exploring Systems of Care in the New Millennium identifies salient issues and offers suggestions for addressing the complexities of providing services for these troubled families. It also provides hope and encouragement for family members and professionals by identifying roles and practices that are effective in building collaborative community-based services.This book takes an incisive look at: the benefits and difficulties of partnering between practitioners and families the need for and benefits of partnering between practitioners of various disciplines within the system of care a working model of a wraparound process (the hallmark of the system of care) barriers that prevent effective wraparound services and what causes them the need to help social workers learn parent partnering skills the roles that families can play in the system of care the need for specialized training so that practitioners can learn to assess understand and integrate a family's spiritual beliefs into the system of care the development of an interdisciplinary collaborative practice course at East Carolina University experiential training and shared-classroom experiences for studentsChild Mental Health: Exploring Systems of Care in the New Millennium is a tool that will aid practitioners and consumers alike as they shift their point of view from the provider-as-expert paradigm to one of building partnerships. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315786155

Child Migration and BiopoliticsOld and New Experiences in Europe This book provides a fresh interdisciplinary analysis into the lives of migrant children and youth over the course of the twentieth century and up to the present day. Adopting biopolitics as a theoretical framework the authors examine the complex interplay of structures contexts and relations of power which influence the evolution of child migration across national borders. The volume also investigates children’s experiences views priorities and expectations and their roles as active agents in their own migration. Using a great variety of methodologies (archival research ethnographic observation interviews) and sources (drawings documents produced by governments and experts films and press) the authors provide richly documented case studies which cover a wide geographical area within Europe both West (Belgium France Germany) and East (Romania Russia Ukraine) South (Italy Portugal Turkey) and North (Sweden) enabling a deep understanding of the diversity of migrant childhoods in the European context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138354258

Child Observation for Learning and Research Child Observation for Learning and Research is an exciting new text providing a thorough grounding in the methodology practice and interpretation of observing children.The authors draw on their experience and expertise in childcare education social work and research to introduce the fundamental principles and process of observation preparing you for your first observation and building knowledge and confidence through a wide range of scenarios and activities.The book takes the unique approach of demonstrating how acquiring observational skills can serve as a key learning tool not only helping you to understand children but also to recognise analyse and question theory helping you make sense of your own learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781405824675

Child Pain Migraine and Invisible Disability In the twenty-first century there is increasing global recognition of pain relief as a basic human right. However as Susan Honeyman argues in this new take on child pain and invisible disability such a belief has historically been driven by adult ideological needs whereas the needs of children in pain have traditionally been marginalised or overlooked in comparison. Examining migraines in children and the socially disabling effects that chronic pain can have this book uses medical political and cultural discourse to convey a sense of invisible disability in children with migraine and its subsequent oppression within educational and medical policy. The book is supported by authentic migraineurs’ experiences and first-hand interviews as well as testimonials from a range of historical literary and medical sources never combined in a child-centred context before. Representations of child pain and lifespan migraine within literature art and popular culture are also pulled together in order to provide an interdisciplinary guide to those wanting to understand migraine in children and the identity politics of disability more fully. Child Pain Migraine and Invisible Disability will appeal to scholars in childhood studies children’s rights literary and visual culture disability studies and medical humanities. It will also be of interest to anyone who has suffered from migraines or has cared for children affected by chronic pain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367208196

Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Parent Notebook Spanish VersionParent Handouts Notes Homework and Other Resources The Spanish version of the CPRT Parent Notebook is a companion to the Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual (Bratton Landreth Kellam & Blackard 2006) and was developed for CPRT-trained mental health professionals to facilitate CPRT with Spanish speaking parents. The CD contains all necessary materials for conducting CPRT with Latino families: a Spanish translated version of the CPRT Parent Notebook considerations for working with Latino parents and additional resources specific to Spanish speaking parents including sample marketing materials in Spanish. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415829304

Child PornographyCrime Computers and Society This book explores the enduring appeal of child pornography and its ramifications for criminal justice systems around the world. It is based on an extensive review of academic literature and newspaper coverage a trawl of websites frequented by those with a sexual interest in children a survey of how police investigate these offences examination of prosecutors' decisions and interviews with judges. It provides a framework for understanding the contemporary nature of this problem especially the harms it causes its intimate relationship with new technologies and the challenges it poses to law enforcement authorities. The internet plays a pivotal role. Its sheer size the anarchic way it grows the lack of any boundaries to its expansion and its disregard for national borders make it a legal environment without parallel. An unwavering focus on the threat of sexual abuse has contributed to the emergence of a context where routine dealings with children are viewed through a 'paedophilic' lens. This can have the unfortunate consequence of distracting attention from more urgent concerns (such as poverty and neglect) which make children vulnerable to sexual exploitation. In this way an emphasis on the sexualisation of children could be said to aggravate the problem that it sets out to address. The book: provides a comprehensive analysis of child pornography issues in all of their complexity including legal psychological criminal justice and social perspectives. presents significant volume of original empirical data gathered from police prosecutors and judges. includes new qualitative and quantitative information set against a background of shifting international developments. The analysis is explicitly comparative. draws on a variety of sources including support groups for paedophiles newspaper coverage of court cases involving child pornography victim testimony and police operations. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9780203722374

Child PornographyLaw and Policy Child Pornography: Law and Policy draws on interdisciplinary work in order to critically address the law relating to child pornography. Child pornography is recognized as a specific form of child abuse and there are now many national and international efforts to tackle it. Yet despite these efforts the volume of child pornography particularly on the internet  is increasing. The law has reacted to this situation by adapting its definitions increasing sentences and providing new powers to law enforcement. It is however unclear how far the law should extend. What should the relationship be between criminalization and free-speech? Is there a link between the "use" of child pornography and contact offending? The issue of child pornography has been the subject of considerable literature in the areas of psychology sociology and psychiatry. These studies provide the basis for a greater understanding of the nature of child pornography as well as the profiles and behaviour of those who access or produce such material. Child Pornography: Law and Policy brings this wider literature to bear on the legal and policy frameworks relating to child pornography questioning both the appropriateness and the effectiveness of the law in this context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9780415667418

Child Prostitution in ThailandListening to Rahab What can we learn from the tragedy of these exploited young people?In Thailand a thriving sex industry makes its money exploiting the young. Some children are coerced into prostitution and some have been sold into sexual slavery by their own families but just as tragically there is no shortage of young girls (and boys) willing to work as prostitutes. Child Prostitution in Thailand: Listening to Rahab searches for the reasons why. This uniquely insightful book looks into the lives--and even more importantly listens to the words--of ten Thai prostitutes. Child Prostitution in Thailand is about what we can learn from them--who they are what they go through and why.In their own words the young prostitutes you'll meet in this book Thailand discuss what brought them into this life. Some have come from a tragic home situation but not all are impoverished orphaned or abused. Nevertheless they have entered into a dangerous and degrading lifestyle that often leads to violence sickness and early death. Of these ten prostitutes one has already passed away and four more are dying with AIDS.This remarkable volume will help you to understand: how Thailand's child prostitution industry developed the impact upon girls and young women of Thailand's evolution from an agriculturally based economy to an industrial one changing forms of child prostitution who the customers are the role of tourism and its impact on child prostitution in Thailand how poverty poor education a sexually focused mass media lack of religious emphasis disability and the lack of a clear policy on child prostitution help the sex industry to thriveThis book also explores the details of child prostitution in Thailand--for instance in open-air “restaurants” and “pubs” in Chiang Mai your young waitress may double as a sex worker--and her provocative “uniform” represents a dress code enforced by the establishment’s owner. A “café” is another kind of sex service disguised as (and functioning as) a bar/restaurant. Here young girls working ten- and eleven-hour shifts in short skirts must wear price tags pinned to their shirts and may have to service five to ten clients per night.The head of the U.S. State Department's office for international women’s issues estimates that traffickers bring 50 000 women and children into the United States illegally each year. The lessons Listening to Rahab teaches can help us to better understand the situation here at home as well as overseas. A helpful appendix assessing incidents of child prostitution around the globe bring the information even more clearly into focus. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865027

Child Protection Ensuring the safeguarding of children is a highly important and challenging task for all professionals working in a healthcare environment. This pocket-sized guide will help you develop your understanding of the issues and enable you to identify and respond to difficult child protection concerns with confidence.   The Nursing & Health Survival Guides have evolved - take a look at our our app for iPhone and iPad. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780273750710

Child Protection and Safeguarding TechnologiesAppropriate or Excessive ‘Solutions’ to Social Problems? This book explores through a children’s rights-based perspective the emergence of a safeguarding dystopia in child online protection that has emerged from a tension between an over-reliance in technical solutions and a lack of understanding around code and algorithm capabilities. The text argues that a safeguarding dystopia results in docile children rather than safe ones and that we should stop seeing technology as the sole solution to online safeguarding. The reader will through reading this book gain a deeper understanding of the current policy arena in online safeguarding what causes children to beocme upset online and the doomed nature of safeguarding solutions. The book also features a detailed analysis of issues surrounding content filtering access monitoring surveillance image recognition and tracking. This book is aimed at legal practitioners law students and those interested in child safeguarding and technology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138555402

Child Protection and the Care ContinuumTheoretical Empirical and Practice Insights This important new book critically examines the complex policy and practice issues surrounding child protection including the impact of theoretical orientations contemporary debates policy initiatives and research findings and maintains an emphasis on the ethics and values underpinning child welfare interventions. The book introduces policies that are central to understanding the position and needs of children and young people and how policy and practice have been influenced by developments including the children’s rights agenda. It also explores the most significant issues in child welfare. These include: the experience of maltreatment by children the systems of child protection to safeguard them the methods and challenges of risk assessment and the wide range of policy and therapeutic interventions to respond to children’s needs. The book also examines family support to promote children’s wellbeing before considering provision for children and young people who are looked after in out-of-home care. There is also a final section that focuses on best practice in communicating and working with children and young people drawing on participatory rights-oriented and resilience-based approaches and supporting foster and adoptive carers and biological parents. Contributing in a substantive and clear manner to a growing international conversation about the present function and future directions for child welfare in contemporary societies this textbook will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate social work students and those from allied disciplines and professionals who are engaged in child welfare services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781760529680

Child Protection in Development Every day millions of children in developing countries face adversities of many kinds yet there is a shortage of sound evidence concerning their plight and an urgent need to identify the most appropriate and effective policy responses from among the multiple approaches that exist. This collection of journal papers aims to engage with researchers and debates in the field so as to understand better some of the numerous risks confronted by children in developing countries. It highlights the complexity of protecting children in various forms of adversity challenges conventional wisdom about what protects children demonstrates why it is essential to consult with children to protect them successfully and suggests that successful protection must be based on strong empirical understanding of the situation and the perspectives of children and communities involved. The contributors are all experienced researchers and practitioners who have worked for many years with children in developing countries. The book offers suggestions for reform of current child protection policies based on empirical findings around a range of child protection concerns including children’s work independent migration family separation early marriage and military occupation. Together the contributions provide a body of knowledge important to humanitarian and development policy and practice. This book was published as a special issue of Development in Practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415815093

Child ProtectionA guide for teachers and child care professionals '.a valuable resource book for teachers child care workers and school administrators on preventing identifying and handling cases of child abuse and neglect. [It includes] a unique international perspective on child protection.' Associate Professor Sandy K Wurtele University of Colorado'Many books stop at the what should be done but this book goes beyond that to tell us the how. It is sound practical and most welcomed.'Wilma Bartlett The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children UKTeachers and early childhood workers are the only professionals in contact with abused children for long periods of time. Although they are seldom aware of their importance they can provide the child's best defence against abuse.Abused children exhibit identifiable behaviours and perform less well in school than their peers. Educators and caregivers can learn to observe children's development and respond to their special needs.Schools have always taken responsibility for teaching children to stay safe from traffic fire water and electricity. They are also in the best position for teaching children to stay safe with people.Child Protection is a comprehensive guide to the common forms of child abuse and neglect. It offers practical help for the identification of child abuse and neglect and the support of the child victims and in particular the provision of curriculum for child protection.Freda Briggs formerly a teacher and social worker is Professor Child Development at the University of South Australia. She is also the author of From Victim To Offender Why My Child? Developing Personal Safety Skills In Children With Disabilities Keep Children Safe and Child Sexual Abuse: Confronting The Problem. Russell Hawkins is a psychologist in private practice and a senior lecturer in Psychology at the University of South Australia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003134701

Child ProtectionFamilies and the Conference Process First published in 1999 this book is based on an extensive research study of the experiences of eighty-three families and the range of professionals involved in initial child protection conferences this book explores the opportunities and difficulties of working in partnership in child protection within the context of rights justice and empowerment. The research identifies what families find helpful and unhelpful in the intervention as well as analysing the difficulties faced by practitioners. In exploring the families experience the author provides a concrete base for a much-needed clarification of the nature of and limitations on partnership practice within child protection. Equally the analysis of professional perspectives on current procedures and the agency structures in place to support them provides insight into key intra and inter agency issues including training. The Identification of the conflicts and ambiguities which are inherent in the particular system and with which the professional struggle is of particular interest to social work practioners and their managers as well as to academics and other researchers in the field. The book therefore contributes to the debate about what constitutes good practice in this complex field and while affirming some of the strengths of the existing system suggests some ways in which both the families and professionals who work with them can be better supported. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138314023

Child Psychiatric TreatmentA Practical Guide Whilst there was a large number of primary-care staff wanting to treat psychiatrically ill children they lacked adequate training. There was in the past an insufficient number of prescribable measurable techniques to aid any training in this field of work. This resulted in confusion and apathy amongst staff together with long periods of treatment which often weakened family relationships. Originally published in 1985 this book was designed to equip all professionals dealing with emotionally or behaviourally disturbed children and their families with practical methods and techniques. It demonstrates how staff can work more effectively when each child and family being treated has a detailed treatment programme each component of which can be readily understood and measured. The 61 techniques included in this handbook were developed over many years during the authors’ experience in Canada Hong Kong and New Zealand. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367001360

Child Psychology in ActionLinking Research and Practice Originally published in 1986 there was a divorce between the immense amount of research taking place in child psychology and the real world of professional carers or teachers working with children at the time. The aim of this book was therefore to examine the relationship between research and practice in order to promote links between the two. The discussions are wide-ranging and the book will be of interest to many groups of readers. These include: (1) developmental psychologists and others involved in applied research with children and their families; (2) those involved in training professionals such as teachers social workers and speech therapists who will work with children; (3) educational and clinical psychologists whose work involves psychological intervention with children and their caretakers; and (4) students of educational or child psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138740761

Child Psychology in Retrospect and Prospectin Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the institute of Child Development This 32nd volume of the Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology celebrates the 75th anniversary of the University of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development. All eight essays are devoted to developmental science its history and current status. Taken together the chapters in this book show how the history of science connects past and future how it gives the individual investigator an identity and sense of purpose how contemporary studies occur within larger traditions and how institutions like the Institute of Child Development constitute cultural traditions of their own. Collectively these essays show that the past explains a great deal--whether we want to know about the processes through which the child acquires symbolic thought or whether we want to know how and why during the last century a few enduring centers were established for the scientific study of children and adolescents. Reading these essays one obtains a sense of how the past becomes evidence how it forms models for the way we think and how intellectual challenges arise. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415648776

Child PsychologyA Handbook of Contemporary Issues This third edition of Child Psychology continues the tradition of showcasing cutting-edge research in the field of developmental science including individual differences dynamic systems and processes and contexts of development. While retaining a similar structure to the last edition this revision consists of completely new content with updated programmatic research and contemporary research trends and interests. The first three sections highlight research that is organized chronologically by age: Infancy Childhood and Adolescence. Within each section individual chapters address contemporary research on a specific area of development such as learning cognition social and emotional development at that period in childhood. The fourth section Ecological Influences emphasizes contextual influences relevant to children of all ages including risk and protective processes family and neighborhood context race and ethnicity peer relations the effects of poverty and the impact of the digital world. Child Psychology also features a unique focus on four progressive themes. First emphasis is placed on theory and explanation—the "why and how" of the developmental process. Second explanations of a transactional and multidimensional nature of development are at the forefront of all chapters. Third the multi-faceted approach to development highlights contextual influences and cultural diversity among children from different communities and backgrounds. Finally methodological innovation is a key concern and research tools presented across chapters span the full array available to developmental scientists who focus on different systems and levels of analysis. The thoroughness and depth of this book in addition to its methodological rigor make it an ideal handbook for researchers practitioners policy makers and advanced students across a range of disciplines including psychology education economics and public policy. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848724839

Child Psychopathology Third Edition This highly respected reference and text on developmental psychopathology brings together leading authorities on the psychological biological and social-contextual determinants of child and adolescent problems. The comprehensive introductory chapter provides a state-of-the-art developmental--systems framework for understanding behavioral and emotional disturbances. Subsequent chapters synthesize the developmental bases of specific disorders. The characteristics epidemiology developmental course and outcomes and etiological pathways of each disorder are described as are risk and protective factors and issues in conceptualization and diagnosis. Important unanswered questions are identified and implications for treatment and prevention considered. New to This Edition *Includes DSM-5 criteria and discussion of changes. *Incorporates over a decade's worth of research advances in genetics neurobiology and other areas. *Chapters on bipolar disorder suicide/self-injury obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and personality disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462516681

Child PsychopathologyDiagnostic Criteria and Clinical Assessment These two companion volumes provide a comprehensive review and critical evaluation of the major DSM-III and DSM-III-R child disorders. Their major goal is to provide diagnostic and assessment guidelines that are based on scientific literature in specific clinical domains. Each chapter contains a discussion of the historical background of a particular diagnosis definitional issues a critical but selective review of the literature addressing the diagnosis in question proposed changes in the diagnostic criteria based on the available literature and proposed assessment models and methods based on the designated criteria. Given the scientific bases for many of these discussions of diagnostic criteria these two volumes will serve professionals and graduate students in a wide variety of fields: clinical child psychology child psychiatry pediatrics pediatric and school psychology special education social work and other child mental health specialties. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203763414

Child Psychotherapist and Problems of Young People Many parents at some time dread that a child of theirs may be mentally ill or disturbed. But even after a generation of child psychology psychiatry and psychotherapy they still frequently fear to admit their fears and fear the mystery of the remedy as much as the mystery of the problem. It is therefore important that parents should come to easy terms with the work of the psychotherapist and be reassured that it is based on sympathetic understanding not mysteries. It was to explain themselves to parents and others who work with other young people that sixteen psychotherapists and analysts (mostly following the principles of Anna Freud or Melanie Klein and largely drawn from the Hampstead Child Therapy and the Tavistock clinics in London) decided to collaborate in the preparation of this book. In it they set out to describe their work in schools hospitals clinics day centres etc and to discuss their fundamental approach to the treatment of the disturbed child. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367099558

Child Rights and International Discrimination LawImplementing Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Societies and states are at a crossroad in how children are treated and how their rights are respected and protected. Children´s new position and their strong rights create tensions and challenge the traditional relationships between family and the state. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1989 and came into force in 1990. Article 2 places states under an obligation to accord primacy to the best interests of the child in all actions concerning children and to ensure and regulate child protection. This book offers a comparative and critical analysis of the implementation of Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In order to examine how Article 2 is being implemented it is essential to have a sound understanding of the obligations it emposes. The opening chapters will explore the precise content of these obligations in terms of the legislative history of the text its underlying philosophy its amplification by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and subsequent authoritative interpretations of it by courts around the world. The book will then drill down into the conceptual and theoretical challenges posed by the very nature of the obligations and will offer in-depth exploration of the long-running ‘rights v welfare’ debate that has always presented something of a challenge in giving effect to children’s rights. Contributors are leading academics in the children’s rights field drawn from a wide range of countries and jurisdictions worldwide including those with common law civilian and mixed traditions. Disciplines represented in the book include law psychology political science childhood studies social work and anthropology. By drawing together the various facets of Article 2 and analysing it from a range of perspectives the volume provides a coherent and comprehensive inter-disciplinary analysis on discrimination and the rights of the child. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367074630

Child Security in AsiaThe Impact of Armed Conflict in Cambodia and Myanmar Millions of children around the world are affected by conflict and the enduring aftermath of war in post-conflict societies. This book reflects on the implications of children’s insecurity for governments and the international humanitarian community by drawing on original field research in post-conflict Cambodia and in Burma’s eastern conflict zones. The book examines the way that politics and discourses of security and child protection have further marginalised rather than enhanced the protection of children. In Cambodia threats from trafficking exploitative labour and high levels of domestic and social violence challenge the government and the international humanitarian community to respond to the new human security terrain that is the legacy of three decades of political violence. Burma has endured over 60 years of insurgency and civil conflict in ethnic minority states significantly affecting children who are recruited into armies killed maimed or tortured and displaced. Analysing the theoretical and practical challenges faced in addressing children’s security in global politics the book offers a novel framework for responding to the politics of protection that is at the heart of this crucial issue. It is a useful contribution to studies on Asian Politics and International Relations and Security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415820899

Child Sexual Abuse and Adult OffendersNew Theory and Research Published in 1999 this book is based on major research projects in Britain Canada and Australia on the meaning nature and impact of child sexual abuse. Theoretical perspectives include a consideration of the contextualisation of knowledge about child abuse; how sexual abuse may be embedded within other types of family pathology; and a feminist perspective on patriarchy and adolescent prostitution. The book also contains an important chapter with new data on male sexual offenders and on men and women who kill children. A chapter on men who kill themselves when faced with accusations of child sexual abuse offers a humanistic perspective on the problem. Further chapters on social work processing of child sexual abuse cases and of group treatment for victims point to further directions in research policy and practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138615731

Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England is the first detailed investigation of the way that child abuse was discovered debated diagnosed and dealt with in the Victorian and Edwardian periods.The focus is placed on the child and his or her experience of court procedure and welfare practice thereby providing a unique and important evaluation of the treatment of children in the courtroom. Through a series of case studies including analyses of the criminal courts the author examines the impact of legislation at grass roots level and demonstrates why this was a formative period in the legal definition of sexual abuse. Providing a much-needed insight into Victorian attitudes including that of Christian morality this book makes a distinctive contribution to the history of crime social welfare and the family. It also offers a valuable critique of current work on the history of children's homes and institutions arguing that the inter-personal relationships of children and carers is a crucial area of study. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203007433

Child Sexual AbuseA Handbook For Health Care And Legal Professions First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009493

Child Sexual AbuseInforming Practice from Research Child sexual abuse is widespread and often an element of many other social difficulties. This book outlines a number of different ways professionals can help particularly focusing on the role of social workers and mental health professionals. It describes how professional intervention can improve the outcome for sexually abused children and their families. It is based on extensive evidence-based research and includes summaries of the implications for practice. Funded by a grant from the Department of Health and reviewed by an expert advisory group this book covers the child protection process and psychological treatments in a clear and accessible format. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315384269

Child Sexual AbuseMoral Panic or State of Denial? Child sexual abuse is a major public policy challenge. Many child protection measures were beginning to reduce its occurrence. However that progress was impeded by online grooming the downloading of indecent images of children and even their abuse online in real time. This now places major demands on national and international policing. The book brings together groundbreaking case studies from a wide range of settings. As well as family members and those near the home offenders can also be found in religious sporting and childcare settings. This extensive picture is drawn deliberately in order to highlight a split in the academic analysis of child sexual abuse. The mainstream or orthodox view defended by the author is that child sexual abuse is an under-reported crime. However a minority view presented but criticised is that it is a moral panic created by public hysteria child protection experts and campaigning politicians. By the end of the book this division of academic opinion and its implications for public policy are explored in detail. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in preventing child sexual abuse and the dilemmas of responding to both victims and perpetrators. It will be of particular use to practitioners in social work the police and in the mental health professions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138578371

Child Slaves In Portugal 12-year-olds manufacture clothes destined for British chain-stores. In Brazil children work more than nine hours a day glueing shoes for sale in the West. This book based on research done with the co-operation of the Anti-Slavery Society for a recent major BBC television documentary exposes the scandalous exploitation of children's labour and services throughout the world - a system from which the national economies of Europe and the USA profit. What is eaten worn and used every day in Western homes is all too often produced at the expense of poor children's welfare. Sugar and shoes from Brazil tea and textiles from Bangladesh carpets and brassware from India vegetables from Mexico furniture from the Philippines - such goods and commodities may well depend upon the labour of children who are the victims of an inequitable economic order. The other side of the coin is that as travel to the Third World increases - in Bangkok Manila Rio -.juveniles are forced to sell their bodies to Western tourists who can provide easy income to those in the lower reaches of poverty. Peter Lee-Wright graphically shows in words and photographs that the shameful exploitation of children is not confined to any one culture or industry. It is a problem that involves us all. Originally published in 1990 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846424

Child Social Well-Being in the U.S.Unequal Opportunities and the Role of the State First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970328

Child Survivors of the Holocaust At the end of the Second World War approximately 1.5 million Jewish children had been killed by the Nazis. In this book ten child survivors tell their stories. Paul Valent himself a child survivor and psychiatrist explores with profound analytical insight the deepest memories of those survivors he interviewed. Their experiences range from living in hiding to physical and sexual abuse. Child Survivors of the Holocaust preserves and integrates the personal narratives and the therapist's perspective in an amazing chronicle. The stories in this book contribute to questions concerning the roots of morality memory resilience and specifc scientific queries of the origins of psychosomatic symptoms psychiatric illness and trans-generational transmission of trauma. Child Survivors of the Holocaust speaks to the trauma facing contemporary child victims of abuse worldwide through past narratives of the Holocaust. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139923

Child Survivors of the Holocaust in GreeceMemory Testimony and Subjectivity A historical investigation of children’s memory of the Holocaust in Greece illustrates that age generation and geographical background shaped postwar Jewish identities. The examination of children’s narratives deposited in the era of digital archives enables an understanding of the age-specific construction of the memory of genocide which shakes established assumptions about the memory of the Holocaust. In the context of a global Holocaust memory established through testimony archives the present research constructs a genealogy of the testimonial culture in Greece by framing the rich source of written and oral testimonies in the political discourses and public memory of the aftermath of the Second World War. The testimonies of former hidden children and child survivors of concentration camps illuminate the questions that haunted postwar attempts to reconstruct communities related to the specific evolution of genocide in Greece and to the rising anti-Semitism of postwar Greece. As an oral history of child survivors of the Holocaust the book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of the history of childhood Jewish studies memory studies and Holocaust and genocide studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138579491

Child Therapy in the Great OutdoorsA Relational View Building on relational conceptualizations of enactment and on developmental research that attests to the role of embodied nonverbal language in the meanings children impute to their experiences Sebastiano Santostefano offers this compelling demonstration of effective child therapy conducted in the “great outdoors.”  Specifically he argues that for the child traumatic life-metaphors should be resolved at an embodied rather than an exclusively verbal level; they should be resolved that is as they are enacted between child and therapist.  To this end child and therapist must take advantage of all the indoor and outdoor environments available to them.  As they take therapy to nontraditional places relying on the nonverbal vocabulary they have constructed together they move toward enacted solutions to relational crises solutions that revise the child’s sense of self and ability to form new and productive relationships. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157996

Child Therapy: Concepts Strategies And Decision MakingConcepts Strategies & Decision Making Published in 1997 Child Therapy: Concepts Strategies And Decision Making is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychotherapy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203766125

Child Trafficking in the EUPolicing and Protecting Europe’s Most Vulnerable Drawing on empirical research conducted with police in the UK and Romania Child Trafficking in the EU explores the way in which the ‘who’ and ‘how’ we police and protect as trafficker and trafficked is related to Western notions of innocence guilt childhood and of the status of ‘deserving’ victim. This book progresses a new theoretical space by linking its analysis to sociologies of mobility marginalisation and the pluralised rendering of criminalised and victimised ‘others’. This book explores core contextual themes surrounding the commission response to and origins of child trafficking and presents empirical research into the investigation of child trafficking within the EU situating the authors’ findings against broader social cultural political policy and judicial contexts. The authors conclude with a synthetisation of the key themes and arguments to situate pan-EU child trafficking within political criminal justice organisational cultural and social contexts and consider the degree to which such criminality can be can adequately addressed by current and emerging approaches given such enduring and persistent structural issues. This book will be of interest to scholars and students within the fields of criminology sociology political science and law as well as a key resource for practitioners and activists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367226589

Child Trauma And HIV Risk Behaviour In WomenA Multivariate Mediational Model Utilizing longitudinal research the authors have identified the mediational nature of the process of how traumatic events in childhood lead to increased HIV risk as adults. The book approaches the outcomes of childhood maltreatment systematically; demonstrates for the first time the need to examine the mediators of abuse the indirect paths from childhood experiences to adult behaviors; offers useful measures of HIV risk based on risky behaviors; presents a feminist analysis of cultural norms that support HIV risk in women. The research presented clarifies present conceptualizations of interpersonal power and gender's impact on the process and negotiation of and desire to engage in safer sexual practices. Knowing the importance of mediators will enable counselors and therapists to intervene on these variables at an early stage thereby helping to reduce the incidence of subsequent risky behavior. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315803531

Child Trauma HandbookA Guide for Helping Trauma-Exposed Children and Adolescents Originally published in 2005 the Child Trauma Handbook is a user-friendly manual that teaches a comprehensive research-based phase-model approach to trauma-informed treatment for children and adolescents. Both new and experienced clinicians will find clear explanations and tips for making the connection between child/adolescent behaviors and traumatic histories; they’ll also learn practical skills for successful interventions. Each chapter and skillset is theory based and includes transcripts case studies exercises and specific strategies for addressing problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138933927

Child vs. StateChildren and the Law First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415512800

Child Welfare in the Legal SettingA Critical and Interpretive Perspective Explore legal issues that often hinder the work of child welfare practitioners! Child Welfare in the Legal Setting: A Critical and Interpretive Perspective is a revolutionary study of the child welfare system that is essential for practitioners educators and students interested in public child welfare work. It examines the legal system surrounding child welfare workers and highlights their need for agency-specific training. This insightful book challenges the traditional rules of child welfare and paves the way for alternate methods of conceptualizing and organizing child protection. It explores why many family interventions fail and others never even occur. By identifying incongruities between the philosophy of child welfare and its function this book advocates a more individualistic and efficient technique for assisting clients. Addressing issues and challenges from the initial identification of problems to navigating the legal system this book is also thorough enough for public child welfare workers who want to take their skills to the next level. The large-system perspective in this book uses the concentric circle model the rational legal model of legal and court action and the ritualized process model to examine child welfare practice. Learn why terms such as “child abuse” and “neglect” have become social constructions that vary depending on the values of social workers judges attorneys agencies and communities. Child Welfare in the Legal Setting: A Critical and Interpretive Perspective examines the standardization of the organizational activities of child welfare systems and how this limits professionals’ ability to accurately recognize unique problems and intervene in the most beneficial manner. Child Welfare in the Legal Setting also provides controversial opinions on emerging issues including: family investigations sanction for Child Protective Services intervention the legal setting as a host environment the function of the child welfare system rationalization of child welfare intervention “trained incapacity” of social workers Title IVE programs the court system Child Welfare in the Legal Setting: A Critical and Interpretive Perspective identifies vital issues by analyzing the ethical and moral foundations of the child welfare system. This insightful book also takes a close look at how practitioners inadvertently devalue their clients by using language that creates stigmatized social categories such as “victim” and “convicted felon.” Supervisors managers social workers and child welfare practitioners will benefit from this information. The vignettes that supplement the narrative also make the book an important resource in any child welfare course. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203047088

Child Welfare Practice with Immigrant Children and Families Children in immigrant families represent nearly one-fourth of all children living in the United States. As this population of children has increased so has their representation among children involved in child welfare and related systems. Once immigrant families come to the attention of these systems they often have multiple and complex needs that must be addressed to ensure children’s safety and well-being. Culturally competent practice with Latino Asian and African immigrants requires that professionals understand the impact of immigration and acculturation on immigrant families to conduct adequate assessments and provide interventions that respond appropriately to their needs. Professionals also need to be familiar with federal and state policies that affect immigrant families and how those policies may affect service delivery. At the system level child welfare agencies need to educate and train a culturally competent workforce that responds appropriately to children and families from diverse cultures. This book addresses these critical issues and provides recommendations for the development of culturally competent assessment intervention and prevention activities in child welfare agencies. This information can be used as a resource by child welfare administrators practitioners and students to improve the child welfare system’s response to immigrant children and families and promote culturally competent practice. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Public Child Welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138798311

Child Welfare Professionals and Incest FamiliesA Difficult Encounter This title was first published in 2001. Little research has been done on the nature of decision-making by child welfare professionals in child abuse cases or on the impact of the different approaches on victims and their families. This text compares a system which relies heavily on criminal prosecution to handle child abuse cases (England) with a system that is more treatment orientated and depends primarily on child welfare and clinical services (Canada). The study examines the extent and nature of the incestuous abuse how it was disclosed and the initial reponse from the professionals. It then looks at how the cases are processed through child welfare and criminal justice systems with attention paid to the decisions made throughout. The nature of the social service contacts with the family are also examined as are the type and length of treatment. It attempts to determine what factors influence the legal and clinical decisions that are made by various professionals throughout the whole process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138736450

Child WelfareEngland 1872-1989 Child Welfare 1872-1989 is the first comprehensive book on the history of social policy and child welfare from the 1870s to the present. It offers a full narrative of the development of social services for children covering a range of topics including infant life protection and welfare sexuality child guidance medical treatment war time evacuation and child poverty. Equally importantly the book studies the attitudes to policy-makers towards children. It reveals the way in which children have been viewed both as victims of and threats to the society in which they lived. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513135

Child WelfarePreparing Social Workers for Practice in the Field Child Welfare: Preparing Social Workers for Practice in the Field is a comprehensive text for child welfare courses taught from a social work perspective. This textbook provides a single source for all material necessary for a contextual child welfare course. As well as combining history theory and practice the authors integrate different practice perspectives to teach social workers how to engage children and families at the micro mezzo and macro levels. Covering both broad issues such as child welfare child maltreatment and responses to child maltreatment and current issues in social care including mandated reporting and evidence-based policy prevention and preservation the material is designed to meet the needs of social work students entering the child welfare workforce. Child Welfare provides students in social work courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels with a single source for all material necessary to successfully navigate their studies and careers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138218833

Child Work and EducationFive Case Studies from Latin America Published in 1998. In recent years research as well as the results of practical programmes has led to a clearer understanding of the relationship between child work and education. It is increasingly evident that child work is not entirely the result of economic need or exploitation. Frequently is the failure of educational system to offer adequate stimulating and affordable schooling that encourages children to drop out in favour of work that appears to offer advantages more relevant to their everyday lives. Parents too may undervalue the role and purpose of a school that provides inadequate preparation for the future and often see a job including home-based work as a positive alternative to crime delinquency or begging. Consequently while a distinction needs to be made between ‘formative child work’ and ‘harmful child work’ in certain situations and cultures the phenomenon is not always seen as negative. Yet although gratifying in the short term and sometimes even providing the means for a younger child to attend school as well as a way of learning discipline and responsibility often these jobs provide no useful experience and do not lead to an improvement in the personal development of life chances of a child. The situation is therefore complex and requires a more realistic evolution of the relationship between archaic pedagogy dropout rates and child work. These five case studies from Latin America all reveal the effects of inappropriate school curricular. Desertion of the educational system for the labour market leads to inadequate training and perpetuates the poverty trap. As part of the commitment to combating work which is detrimental to the child major educational reform is needed. Improvements in coverage quality and affordability should lead to greater acceptance pf schooling at all levels of society and provide a greater incentive for parents and children alike to participate more fully in the system. Moreover in cases of severe economic hardship and forced or harmful labour practical assistance with subsides and scholarships should be considered to remove children from such work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138615762

Child Workers in England 1780–1820Parish Apprentices and the Making of the Early Industrial Labour Force The use of child workers was widespread in textile manufacturing by the late eighteenth century. A particularly vital supply of child workers was via the parish apprenticeship trade whereby pauper children could move from the 'care' of poor law officialdom to the 'care' of early industrial textile entrepreneurs. This study is the first to examine in detail both the process and experience of parish factory apprenticeship and to illuminate the role played by children in early industrial expansion. It challenges prevailing notions of exploitation which permeate historical discussion of the early labour force and questions both the readiness with which parishes 'offloaded' large numbers of their poor children to distant factories and the harsh discipline assumed to have been universal among early factory masters. Finally the author explores the way in which parish apprentices were used to construct a gendered labour force. Dr Honeyman's book is a major contribution to studies in child labour and to the broader social economic and business history of the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273344

Childbed FeverA Scientific Biography of Ignaz Semmelweis The life and work of Ignaz Semmelweis is among the most engaging and moving stories in the history of science. Childbed Fever makes the Semmelweis story available to a general audience while placing his life and his discovery in the context of his times. In 1846 Vienna as what would now be called a head resident of obstetrics Semmelweis confronted the terrible reality of childbed fever which killed prodigious numbers of women throughout Europe and America. In May 1847 Semmelweis was struck by the realization that in his clinic these women had probably been infected by the decaying remains of human tissue. He believed that infection occurred because medical personnel did not wash their hands thoroughly after conducting autopsies in the morgue. He immediately began requiring everyone working in his clinic to wash their hands in a chlorine solution. The mortality rate fell to about one percent. While everyone at the time rejected his account of the cause of the disease because his theory was fundamentally inconsistent with existing medical beliefs about how diseases were transmitted in time Semmelweis was proven to be correct. His work led to the adoption of a new way of thinking about disease thus helping to create an entirely new theory - the etiological standpoint - that still dominates medicine today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520349

Childbirth Vulnerability and LawExploring Issues of Violence and Control This book is inspired by a statement released by the World Health Organization directed at preventing and eliminating disrespectful and abusive treatment during facility-based childbirth. Exploring the nature of vulnerability during childbirth and the factors which make childbirth a site for violence and control the book looks at the role of law in the regulation of professional intervention in childbirth. The WHO statement and other published work on ‘mistreatment’ ‘obstetric violence’ ‘birth trauma’ ‘birth rape’ and ‘dehumanised care’ all point to the presence of vulnerability violence and control in childbirth. This collected edition explores these issues in the experience of those giving birth and for those providing obstetric services. It further offers insights regarding legal avenues of redress in the context of this emerging area of concern. Using violence vulnerability and control as a lens through which to consider multiple facets of the law the book brings together innovative research from an interdisciplinary selection of authors. The book will appeal to scholars of law and legal academics specifically in relation to tort criminal law medical law and human rights. It will also be of interest to postgraduate scholars of medical ethics and those concerned with gender studies more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138335493

Childbirth and the Display of Authority in Early Modern France Throughout the early modern period in France surgeon men-midwives were predominantly associated with sexual impropriety and physical danger; yet over time they managed to change their image and by the eighteenth century were summoned to attend even the uncomplicated deliveries of wealthy urban clients. In this study Lianne McTavish explores how surgeons strove to transform the perception of their midwifery practices claiming to be experts who embodied obstetrical authority instead of intruders in a traditionally feminine domain. McTavish argues that early modern French obstetrical treatises were sites of display participating in both the production and contestation of authoritative knowledge of childbirth. Though primarily written by surgeon men-midwives the texts were also produced by female midwives and male physicians. McTavish's careful examination of these and other sources reveals representations of male and female midwives as unstable and divergent undermining characterizations of the practice of childbirth in early modern Europe as a gender war which men ultimately won. She discovers that male practitioners did not always disdain maternal values. In fact the men regularly identified themselves with qualities traditionally respected in female midwives including a bodily experience of childbirth. Her findings suggest that men's entry into the lying-in chamber was a complex negotiation involving their adaptation to the demands of women. One of the great strengths of this study is its investigation of the visual culture of childbirth. McTavish emphasizes how authority in the birthing room was made visible to others in facial expressions gestures and bodily display. For the first time here the vivid images in the treatises are analysed including author portraits and engravings of unborn figures. McTavish reveals how these images contributed to arguments about obstetrical authority instead of merely illustrating the written content of the books. At the same time her arguments move far beyond the lying-in chamber shedding light on the exchange of visual information in early modern France a period when identity was largely determined by the precarious act of putting oneself on display. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260556

Childbirth in the Global VillageImplications for Midwifery Education and Practice Is the experience of childbirth becoming 'globalised'?Is the encroachment of the western medical model dehumanising a profoundly human experience?If so what can midwives and midwife educators do about it?These are the questions at the heart of Childbirth in the Global Village which highlights the role that globalisation plays in changing childbirth practices and its implications for midwifery practice and education.Built around the vivid personal stories of women and midwives experiencing childbirth in four very different cultures Childbirth in the Global Village will resonate with the experience of midwives everywhere and makes a strong case for redesigning the midwifery curriculum to reflect the interconnectedness of childbirth midwifery education and practice around the globe. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203865774

Child-Care and the Psychology of Development Are child-care centres good for children? How can we provide good day-care? Feminists have long argued for the provision of day-care facilities so that mothers may be free to work outside the home. The call had enjoyed little support from politicians and experts however. Feminists had been seen to stand for women’s interests and psychologists and pedagogues for children’s – as if the two were opposed. Only in the early 1990s had the opinions of politicians and experts begun to change. Yet even so a positive policy on day-care was still lacking. Originally published in 1992 Elly Singer’s exciting book shed a fresh and critical light on its subject. She exposes the preoccupations and contradictions of mainstream developmental psychology and its experts shows how their theories blind them to many important questions and reveals the almost total denial by mainstream psychology of the daily realities of parents and their children at the time. Elly Singer then proposes fresh ways of thinking to meet the new and different circumstances in which children and parents find themselves in contemporary society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138055667

Childcare Workers Global Migration and Digital Media This book explores the transnational mobility everyday life and digital media use of childcare workers living and working abroad. Focusing specifically on Filipina Indonesian and Sri Lankan nannies in Europe it offers insights as to the causes and implications of women’s mobility using data drawn from ethnographic research examining transnational migration work experiences family and relationships. While drawing attention to the hidden largely invisible and marginalized lives of these women this research reveals the ways in which digital media especially the use of mobile phones and the Internet empower them but also continue to reinforce existing power relations and inequalities. Drawing on a wide range of perspectives from media and communications sociology cultural studies and anthropology the book combines theoretical perspectives with grounded case studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890636

Child-Centred Attachment TherapyThe CcAT Programme This book describes the development of the Child-Centred Attachment Therapy (CcAT) model of working with children with attachment difficulties. The authors describe in a vivid and accessible manner the complexities involved in supporting parents in their struggles to respond positively to the needs of children who have been traumatised b Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323677

Child-Centred Education This volume is a critical study of one of today’s most controversial topics in educational theory setting the many arguments in perspective and clarifying the issues that arise when attention is focused on the learner. The author examines the problems of individual education the distinctive demands childhood makes on the school and the claims of social education. The related questions of freedom authority and discipline are then discussed together with the ways in which curriculum development must take account of the learner’s interests needs and dispositions in preparing him/her for life. The concept of educating the whole person is critically examined together with the claim that education for life and the development of personal integrity require an integrated curriculum. Since child-centred educational theory is often dismissed as irrelevant to practice the book concludes with an assessment of the various limitations which concern with practical activity imposes on educational theorists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753456

Child-Focused PracticeA Collaborative Systemic Approach The author with over twenty years of experience of working with children writes refreshingly about the practical aspects of his work. He takes traditional and contemporary theories and explains them in the context of how he works with children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367105037

Childhood Class and Kin in the Roman World It can be difficult to hear the voices of Roman children women and slaves given that most surviving texts of the period are by elite adult men. This volume redresses the balance. An international collection of expert contributors go beyond the usual canon of literary texts and assess a vast range of evidence - inscriptions burial data domestic architecture sculpture and the law as well as Christian and dream-interpretation literature. Topics covered include: child exposure and abandonment children in imperial propaganda reconstructing lower-class families gender burial and status epitaphs and funerary monuments adoption and late parenthood. The result is an up-to-date survey of some of the most exciting avenues currently being explored in Roman social history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415692533

Childhood Education and PhilosophyNew ideas for an old relationship This book explores the idea of a childlike education and offers critical tools to question traditional forms of education and alternative ways to understand and practice the relationship between education and childhood. Engaging with the work of Michel Foucault Jacques Rancière Giorgio Agamben and Simón Rodríguez it contributes to the development of a philosophical framework for the pedagogical idea at the core of the book that of a childlike education. Divided into two parts the book introduces innovative ideas through philosophical argument and discussion challenging existing understandings of what it means to teach or to form a child and putting into question the idea of education as a process of formation. The first part of the book consists of a dialogue with a number of interlocutors in order to develop an original conception of education. The second part presents the idea of a childlike education beginning with a discussion of the relationships between childhood and philosophy and followed by a critique of the place of philosophical experience in a childhood of education. Instead of asking how philosophy might educate childhood this book raises the question of how childhood might educate philosophy. It will be of key value to researchers educators and postgraduate students in the fields of education and the human sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138712980

Childhood Family Alcohol Drawing together international research from the fields of geography alcohol studies sociology psychology and childhood studies Jayne and Valentine explore children‘s understandings and experiences of alcohol consumption and the role of alcohol in family life. Chapters address both extra-familialnorms about parenting and drinking cultures which are generated in wider society (through law/regulation media/advertising and social networks etc.) and intra-familialnorms including the modelling behaviour of family members attitudes to alcohol drinking habits and practices rules and guidance and initiating children to drinking. Based on empirical research undertaken in the UK and drawing on studies from around the world Childhood Family Alcohol advances theoretical debates and offers insights relevant to policy and practice by: · adopting a cross-generational perspective on drinking cultures · exploring pre-teen children‘s understandings of alcohol · focusing on the significance of the spaces of everyday family life · considering adult alcohol consumption drinking practices and drunken performativities · reflecting on social/individualized consumption social reproduction adult-children interaction and materialities · showing the importance of non-(and more-than) representational understanding of the complexities of childhood family life and alcohol consumption. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367219055

Childhood Literature and ScienceFragile Subjects How do we understand imagine and remember childhood? In what ways do cultural representations and scientific discourses meet in their ways of portraying children?Childhood Literature and Science aims to answer these questions by tracing how images of childhood(s) and children in Western modernity are entangled with notions of innocence and fragility but also with sin and evilness. Indeed this interdisciplinary collection investigates how different child figures emerge or disappear in imaginative and social representations in the memories of adult selves and in expert knowledge. Questions about childhood in Western modernity culture and science are also addressed through insightful analysis of a variety of materials from the Enlightenment age to the present day – such as fiction life narratives visual images scientific texts and public writings.Analysing childhood as a discursive construction Childhood Literature and Science will appeal to scholars as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in fields such as: Childhood Studies History Gender Studies Cultural Studies Literature and Sociology of the Family. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367886080

Childhood Well-Being and a Therapeutic Ethos A key theme of this book is that we urgently need a therapeutic ethos in order to bring both educational and therapeutic sensibilities to bear on the issue of children's wellbeing if truly effective and appropriate policy responses to the current malaise are to be fashioned. Not least we must pay particular attention to childhood experience show Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323707

Childhood Abuse Body Shame and Addictive Plastic SurgeryThe Face of Trauma Childhood Abuse Body Shame and Addictive Plastic Surgery explores the psychopathology that plastic surgeons can encounter when seemingly excellent surgical candidates develop body dysmorphic disorder postoperatively. By examining how developmental abuse and neglect influence body image personality addictions resilience  and adult health this highly readable book uncovers the childhood sources of body dysmorphic disorder. Written from the unique perspective of a leading plastic surgeon with extensive experience in this area and featuring many poignant clinical vignettes and groundbreaking trauma research this heavily referenced text offers a new explanation for body dysmorphic disorder that provides help for therapists and surgeons and hope for patients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100312

Childhood AbusedProtecting Children Against Torture Cruel Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment First published in 1998 this book seeks to consider the application of international human rights standards to situations where children are at risk of torture and other forms of ill-treatment. Each of the contributors authoritatively examines torture cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment from the perspective of their own discipline and experience. In exploring the issues Childhood Abused also helps to raise their profile as invisibility ignorance and secrecy contribute to the continuation of such practices. The subject is harrowing and complex Childhood Abused needs to be read so that we are better able to prevent and protect children against such abhorrent and prohibited forms of ill-treatment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138613782

Childhood Adversity and Developmental EffectsAn International Cross-Disciplinary Approach Child trauma and violence is not an issue that is constrained to one nationality or one ethnicity. A staggering number of children around the world are subjected to violence and abuse both domestic and political. The current volume examines the issue of developmental trauma from a variety of viewpoints including sociological epidemiological genetic and psychiatric. The chapters contained within are broken into the following sections: Child neglect and violence from an international perspective The effects of war and armed conflict on children’s health and development The impact of childhood trauma on mental and physical health into adulthood Case studies of interventions that provide possibilities for treatment in a variety of different contexts Written by a researcher from Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital (Boston) this book provides an important resource for understanding violence as an almost ubiquitous presence in children’s lives around the world as well as offering directions for treatment and interventions. This book is an important resource for researchers counselors psychologists child advocates and anyone who seeks to understand how adversity in childhood affects a person’s entire life. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771881104

Childhood and AfterSome Essays and Clinical Studies This volume… consists partly of a selection of technical psycho-analytical studies partly of papers which either touch upon the bearing of psycho-analysis on the upbringing and education of young children or link their social and emotional life with their intellectual and practical needs. Most of these essays deal with children; in any case they rest upon the relationship between childhood and adult life as for example "The Modifications of the Ego" where it can be clearly seen that it is not possible to understand the adult without going back to the feelings phantasies and experiences of the infant. In "The Criteria of Interpretation" there is very little reference to children the paper being concerned with psycho-analytic work with adults but the same implications will be seen there also. In the nature of the case some of the essays are more popular than others but I hope that none of them will be found so technical as to be devoid of interest to those concerned with the psychological problems of little children. Those previously published have not been changed save for a few minor verbal alterations. They are arranged simply in order of publication (or delivery if previously unpublished).This edition first Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138875647

Childhood and Celebrity The twenty-first century has seen an explosion in the ways and means in which children can become part of celebrity culture. With the rise in popularity of reality TV child beauty pageants talent shows and social media platforms as well as more established routes to fame through TV cinema theatre and music the number of children establishing a presence in public life continues to proliferate. Childhood and Celebrity brings together international scholarly writing and research about famous children and representations of childhood from a range of disciplines including Childhood Studies Celebrity Studies Cultural Studies and Film Studies in order to open up a theoretical space in which to explore and understand the complex relationship between contemporary childhood and celebrity culture. This unique collection includes detailed case studies of specific child performers such as McCaulay Culkin and Miley Cyrus histories of child stars in the ‘Golden Age’ of Hollywood analyses of representations of children in film and discussions of children as media creators and producers. Key themes of transgression gender ‘coming of age’ childhood innocence and children’s rights recur in the chapters and present a compelling argument for the emergence of the field of Childhood and Celebrity as an area of study in its own right. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138855298

Childhood and Chemical AbusePrevention and Intervention Childhood and Chemical Abuse highlights the most recent prevention and intervention strategies for fighting substance abuse among children and adolescents. The contributors--all experienced researchers and service providers in the chemical abuse field--clarify the negative impact that substance abusers can have on the health welfare and productivity of others document the increased risk of becoming substance abusers that children of substance abusers face and examine the major causes and correlates of chemical dependency in youth. The issues research and strategies within this exciting book provide a grounded and practical direction for the implementation of prevention and intervention techniques in the addiction process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315826172

Childhood and Child Labour in Industrial EnglandDiversity and Agency 1750–1914 The purpose of this collection is to bring together representative examples of the most recent work that is taking an understanding of children and childhood in new directions. The two key overarching themes are diversity: social economic geographical and cultural; and agency: the need to see children in industrial England as participants - even protagonists - in the process of historical change not simply as passive recipients or victims. Contributors address such crucial subjects as the varied experience of work; poverty and apprenticeship; institutional care; the political voice of children; child sexual abuse; and children and education. This volume therefore includes some of the best innovative work on the history of children and childhood currently being written by both younger and established scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409411147

Childhood and Children's Books in Early Modern Europe 1550-1800 First Published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203958582

Childhood and DisabilityKey papers from Disability & Society Drawn from Disability & Society over the period 1997-2012 the twelve chapters in this book address a range of personal cultural and institutional arenas in which challenges experienced by disabled children are played out. The book includes a mix of theoretical and applied material offering both powerful conceptual tools and practical insights enabling readers to connect the work of recent decades to their own research and questions about disability and childhood. Readers will find this book an invaluable resource for understanding what we have learned about disability and childhood through the pages of the world leading international journal in the field. The collection makes available a well-informed understanding of conditions policies and practices that create disability in children's lives so that we can further the struggle for a more inclusive future in which inequalities structured around impairment are removed. The importance of children’s own voices for resisting disablement in childhood is clearly foregrounded in this invaluable collection. This book was originally published as a special issue of Disability & Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138949164

Childhood and EmotionAcross Cultures 1450-1800 How did children feel in the Middle Ages and early modern times? How did adults feel about the children around them? This collection addresses these fundamental but rarely asked questions about social and family relations by bringing together two emerging fields within cultural history – childhood and emotion – and provides avenues through which to approach their shared histories. Bringing together a wide range of material and sources such as court records self-narratives and educational manuals this collection sheds a new light on the subject. The coverage ranges from medieval to eighteenth-century Europe and North America and examines Catholic Protestant Puritan and Jewish communities. Childhood emerges as a function not of gender or age but rather of social relations. Emotions too appear differently in source-driven studies in that they derive not from modern assumptions but from real lived experience. Featuring contributions from across the globe Childhood and Emotion comes a step closer to portraying emotions as they were thought to be experienced by the historical subjects. This book will establish new benchmarks not only for the history of these linked subjects but also for the whole history of social relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415831963

Childhood and Human NatureThe Development of Personality How do we make sense of people? Human behaviour is complex so that understanding ourselves and others calls for both objective and subjective viewpoints as well as a flexible appreciation of human development over time. Dr Sula Wolff believes that knowledge about personality development is essential in three important domains: in the appraisal of deviant behaviour at all ages; in the development of social policy for children; and in therapeutic interventions for children and their families. In this book originally published in 1989 Dr Wolff gives a comprehensive account of the major aspects of personality development in childhood. She reports research findings and presents developmental theories in their historical context stressing the interplay between biological and cultural influences on development. Her account includes a wealth of illustrative case histories with children and parents speaking for themselves; these provide fascinating reading and give substance to statistical results and theoretical propositions. Clearly and simply written the book will be of interest to many people and will still be of value to medical students psychiatrists in training students in social work and psychology and teachers in special education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138067738

Childhood and Migration in EuropePortraits of Mobility Identity and Belonging in Contemporary Ireland Childhood and Migration in Europe explores the under-researched and often misunderstood worlds of migrant children and young people drawing on extensive empirical research with children and young people from diverse migrant backgrounds living in a rapidly changing European society.  Through in-depth exploration and analysis of the experiences of children who moved to Ireland in the first decade of the 21st century it addresses the tendency of migration research and policy to overlook the presence of children in migratory flows.    Challenging dominant adult-centric perspectives on contemporary global migration flows and presenting understandings of the lives of migrant children and young people from their own experiences this book presents a detailed exploration of children's lives in four different migrant populations in Ireland.  With a unique comparative perspective Childhood and Migration in Europe advances upon current conceptualisations of migration and integration by interrogating accepted views of migrant children and focusing on children's own voices and experiences. It challenges the prevailing assimilationist discourses underlying much existing research and policy which often construct migrant children as deficient in different ways and in need of 'being integrated'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254442

Childhood and Pethood in Literature and CultureNew Perspectives in Childhood Studies and Animal Studies Bringing together new perspectives in childhood studies and animal studies this book is the first collection to critically address the manifold alignments and frequent co-constitutions of children and pets in our families our cultures and our societies. The cultural politics of power shaping relationships between children pets and adults inform the wide range of essays included in this collection as they explore issues such as protection discipline mastery wildness play and domestication. The volume use the frequent social and cultural intersections between children and pets as an opportunity to analyze institutions that create pet and child subjectivity from education and training to putting children and pets on display for entertainment purposes. Essays analyze legal discourses visual culture literature for children and adults migration narratives magazines for children music and language socialization to discuss how notions of nationalism race gender heteronormativity and speciesism shape cultural constructions of children and pets. Examining childhood and pethood in America Europe Asia and the Pacific this collection shows how discourses linking children and pets are pervasive and work across cultures. By presenting innovative approaches to the child and the pet the book brings to light alternative paths toward understanding these figures leading to new openings and questions about kinship agency and the power of care that so often shapes our relationships with children and animals. This will be an important volume for scholars of animal studies childhood studies children’s literature cultural studies political theory education art history and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367346324

Childhood and the Production of Security Responding to security scholars’ puzzling dearth of attention to children and childhoods the contributors to this volume reveal the ways in which they not only are already present in security discourses but are actually indispensable to them and to the political projects they make possible. From zones of conflict to everyday life contexts in the (post)industrial Global North dominant ideas about childhood work to regulate the constitution of political subjects whilst variously enabling and foreclosing a wide range of political possibilities. Whether on the battlefields of Syria in the halls of the UN or the conceptual musings of disciplinary Security Studies claims about or ostensibly on behalf of children are ubiquitous. Recognizing children as engaged political subjects however challenges us to bring a sustained critical gaze to the discursive and semiotic deployments of children and childhood in projects not of their making as well as to the ways in which power circulates through and around them. This book was originally published as a special issue of Critical Studies on Security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367026264

Childhood and TraumaSeparation Abuse War First published 1999 this book attempts to answer these questions and takes a broad approach to the subject of "Childhood and Trauma". It examines in detail separation sexual abuse and war all of which are particularly traumatizing to children and how they are dealt with in different cultures. In addition to describing the causes and impacts of trauma the book also gives special attention to healing and helping traumatized children. One chapter deals solely with how to support professional caregivers who live and work with affected children. Another aim of the book is to use the practical experience of SOS Children’s Villages to illustrate the possibilities and limits of professional care and therapy for traumatized children. The Book comprises a total of 17 articles provided by authors from eight different countries and pursues both a practical and theoretical approach to the problems mentioned above. "Children and Trauma" is intended for psychologists psychotherapists educators social workers as well as a broader audience of professional caregivers and anyone interested in the subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138617544

Childhood as Memory Myth and MetaphorProust Beckett and Bourgeois This book explores what Louise Bourgeois Samuel Beckett and Marcel Proust show us through representations of childhood about the separate worlds that art and literature create. It discusses the key terms—myth metaphor and memory—as concepts that the works question and reinvent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781907975394

Childhood Asthma This reference collects the latest studies on the development diagnosis and treatment of childhood asthma and offers current perspectives on new technologies that will shape the management of pediatric asthma in the forthcoming decade-illustrating how advances in pulmonary function measurement inflammatory markers imaging and pharmacogenetics will enhance the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma in years to come. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392062

Childhood AutismA Clinician's Guide to Early Diagnosis and Integrated Treatment Childhood Autism provides clinicians with a comprehensive guide for working with autistic children and their families. It offers practical assistance with early diagnosis cutting edge treatment options and goals interdisciplinary insights and available resources. Empirical research findings are presented in a clear accessible manner. Perhaps most importantly vivid case examples bring both the therapist’s and patient’s experience to the fore as they work towards recovery. This clear and informative book should be required reading for professionals and students in the fields of medicine social work psychology education and any other clinicians who work with children on the autism spectrum. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203098721

Childhood BilingualismAspects of Linguistic Cognitive and Social Development First published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802008

Childhood Citizenship Governance and PolicyThe politics of becoming adult Debates about children’s rights not only concern those things that children have a right to have and to do but also our broader social and political community and the moral and political status of the child within it. This book examines children’s rights and citizenship in the USA UK and Australia and analyses the policy law and sociology that govern the transition from childhood to adulthood. By examining existing debates on childhood citizenship the author pursues the claim that childhood is the most heavily governed period of a liberal individual’s life and argues that childhood is an intensely monitored period that involves a ‘politics of becoming adult’. Drawing upon case studies from the USA the UK and Australia this concept is used to critically analyse debates and policy concerning children’s citizenship criminality and sexuality. In doing so the book seeks to uncover what informs and limits how we think about talk about and govern children’s rights in liberal societies. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of political science governance social policy ethics politics of childhood and public policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138504912

Childhood DepressionA Place for Psychotherapy This title is based on the results of a project based at the Tavistock Clinic in London which set out to explore whether children and young people aged nine years to fifteen years suffering from depression could be helped using brief focused psychodynamic psychotherapy together with parent work and family therapy. There were also centres in Athens Greece and Helsinki Finland and in this way the clinicians had sufficient subjects from which to compare the interventions and check for any possible cultural differences in the results. Most of the children and young people studied showed a noticeable improvement. The book contains chapters by the clinicians involved describing their work as well as a section containing the scientific papers that emerged from the project. It is hoped that this may encourage the use of similar approaches to working in the field especially in these days when there is such a demand for psychological therapies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490045

Childhood Disability and Family Systems First published in 1987 this book focuses on childhood disability within the family. It examines the very nature of disability itself as well as many of the fundamental elements of families. The book was written at a time when the meaning level of disability and its effect on family and society were rapidly changing and people with disabilities were starting to benefit from opportunities to compensate for whatever disabilities they may have had. Modern technology and an affluent society afforded advantages to support many of its disabled members. Contributors examine the contemporary context of disability the cost of disability to families ethical philosophical and social issues underlying the treatment and rehabilitation of children with severe disabilities and the role of professionals amongst other topics. This book will be of interest to those involved in teaching research and direct care with families who have children with disabilities. Although written in the late 80s the work discusses subjects that are still vital today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138122826

Childhood Disability in a Multicultural Society People from different cultural backgrounds prefer adhering to their own religious beliefs which could restrict treatment options leading to the detriment of health especially if it involves the health of a disabled child. This comprehensive but concise work highlights the problems faced in managing the care of disabled children from different cultural backgrounds. It examines the problems inherent in the medical social and educational management of children with developmental disability in populations whose value systems differ from other cultures. In particular it considers how care may be varied according to cultural background without compromising its quality. The book is of immense value to all healthcare and social care professionals policy makers and shapers patient organisations and those with an interest in medical ethics. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315376455

Childhood Emotional AbuseMediating and Moderating Processes Affecting Long-Term Impact Get the latest research on the processes underlying the long term effects of psychological and emotional abuse The effects of the emotional abuse of children are not necessarily seen immediately. Evidence shows that this type of maltreatment to be perhaps as damaging as other more obvious forms of abuse. Childhood Emotional Abuse: Mediating and Moderating Processes Affecting Long-Term Impact provides the latest new data on processes underlying the long term effects of psychological and emotional abuse. This comprehensive book presents cutting edge research that focuses on the who why and how of emotional abuse and its negative impact across the life span. This valuable resource combines theory and research in exploring important mediators and moderators of the long term impact of child emotional abuse. Childhood Emotional Abuse: Mediating and Moderating Processes Affecting Long-Term Impact offers insight into exciting new research that highlights emotional abuse impact across biological intrapersonal and interpersonal domains. Mediators examined include alterations in the stress response system cognitive distortions and negative thoughts maladaptive interpersonal schemes and disturbances in psychological health which impact spousal relationships. Gender and race are discussed in detail as important moderators. This important book may be an essential first step in finding possible explanations for the persistence of these negative effects. The topics in Childhood Emotional Abuse: Mediating and Moderating Processes Affecting Long-Term Impact include: a comprehensive review of possible neurodevelopmental consequences of childhood emotional abuse biological consequences of abuse and mistreatment the link between childhood emotional abuse and later vulnerability to depression effects of emotional abuse on subsequent interpersonal relationships—including ways of handling conflict and risk for dating abuse the impact of emotional abuse on later marital satisfaction Childhood Emotional Abuse: Mediating and Moderating Processes Affecting Long-Term Impact is a crucial one-of-a-kind reference for researchers studying long term effects of child abuse and is also useful for psychologists social workers and counselors working with child abuse survivors. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877471

Childhood Feeding Problems and Adolescent Eating Disorders How should feeding problems arising in childhood and later eating disorders be assessed and treated? Disturbances in eating arising in infancy early childhood and adolescence are increasingly being recognized as a major source of distress and disturbance to young people and their families. Childhood Feeding Problems and Adolescent Eating Disorders covers a wide spectrum of phenomena of variable clinical significance ranging from variations of normal behaviour to serious clinical conditions such as failure to thrive and anorexia nervosa. In three sections the following subjects are covered: feeding and weight problems of early childhood nature of anorexia nervosa and of bulimia nervosa treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The contributors discuss important issues such as the influence of maternal eating problems the consequences of early feeding problems and the management of early onset anorexia nervosa. This book will be an important resource for all the paediatricians psychologists psychiatrists nurses nutritionists and other health professionals concerned with the assessment and treatment of these major clinical problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138871793

Childhood Friendships and Peer RelationsFriends and Enemies In the second edition of his unique study of peer relationships in childhood Dr Barry Schneider re-examines this fundamental aspect of childhood. Taking the work of Jacob Moreno as its starting point the book provides an up-to-date and accessible understanding of how children develop social competence in different environments from school to cyberspace. It is informed by a cross-cultural perspective that examines how peer relationships vary in different cultures as well as among children who have migrated to a new culture and provides increased coverage of how bullying is perceived and managed within peer groups. The book is informed too by new research techniques both qualitative and quantitative which mean we know far more about how children relate to each other than ever before. Childhood Friendships and Peer Relations is a fascinating and very timely overview of what we know about making friends and enemies in childhood showing how these relationships can have lasting effects. It will be essential reading to all students of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology as well as anyone training towards a career working with children and young people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848723252

Childhood Gender Nonconformity and the Development of Adult Homosexuality This book presents leading experts on the scientific study of gender providing their views on what we know today about the relationship between gender nonconformity in childhood and future adult sexual identities or behaviors. This book explores the topic from a wide range of perspectives including historical sociological psychological (social and developmental) and psychiatric viewpoints. Parents parent educators therapists and counselors who work with gay lesbian and bisexual adolescents or adults and/or gender atypical children will find this resource insightful and very useful.It presents highly respected authorities offering their own expertise and perspectives on a subject of much cultural controversy. Chapters explore: historical and cultural examples which suggest that homoerotic relationships during adolescence or early adulthood do not necessarily lead to homosexuality; the difficulty in identifying an example of a pattern of childhood behaviors that is predictive of outcome; a review of empirical retrospective and prospective literature; whether there is a causal link between childhood gender nonconformity and sexual orientation; and the diagnostic category of Gender Identity Disorder in the most recent DSM.This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063896

Childhood Head InjuryDevelopmental and Recovery Variables: A Special Double Issue of Developmental Neuropsychology Childhood head injuries differ from adult head injuries in some significant respects. They occur against a background of ongoing physical and cognitive development. Cognitive capacities often change with time post-injury. But for children changes are affected by two processes of functional plasticity one concerned with recovery one with development. The impact of the injury is moderated by age/developmental stage.In recent years there has been a new focus on the longitudinal comparison of children post-injury with appropriate control groups. Advances in neuropsychological assessment have permitted evaluation with reference to more developmentally suitable norms; expanded definitions of outcome have broadened our understanding of consequences; and neuroimaging techniques have enabled the more precise delineation of injury severity the study of structure-function outcome relations and the investigation of reorganization of function.This special issue offers an overview of cutting-edge approaches to the analysis of childhood head injury. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203764527

Childhood in Ancient AthensIconography and Social History Childhood in Ancient Athens offers an in-depth study of children during the heyday of the Athenian city state thereby illuminating a significant social group largely ignored by most ancient and modern authors alike. It concentrates not only on the child's own experience but also examines the perceptions of children and childhood by Athenian society: these perceptions variously exhibit both similarities and stark contrasts with those of our own 21st century Western society. The study covers the juvenile life course from birth and infancy through early and later childhood and treats these life stages according to the topics of nurture play education work cult and ritual and death.  In view of the scant ancient Greek literary evidence pertaining to childhood Beaumont focuses on the more copious ancient visual representations of children in Athenian pot painting sculpture and terracotta modelling. Notably this is the first full-length monograph in English to address the iconography of childhood in ancient Athens and it breaks important new ground by rigorously analysing and evaluating classical art to reconstruct childhood’s social history. With over 120 illustrations the book provides a rich visual as well as narrative resource for the history of childhood in classical antiquity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138926707

Childhood in HistoryPerceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds Inquiring into childhood is one of the most appropriate ways to address the perennial and essential question of what it is that makes human beings – each of us – human. In Childhood in History: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds Aasgaard Horn and Cojocaru bring together the groundbreaking work of nineteen leading scholars in order to advance interdisciplinary historical research into ideas about children and childhood in the premodern history of European civilization. The volume gathers rich insights from fields as varied as pedagogy and medicine and literature and history. Drawing on a range of sources in genres that extend from philosophical theological and educational treatises to law art and poetry from hagiography and autobiography to school lessons and sagas these studies aim to bring together these diverse fields and source materials and to allow the development of new conversations. This book will have fulfilled its unifying and explicit goal if it provides an impetus to further research in social and intellectual history and if it prompts both researchers and the interested wider public to ask new questions about the experiences of children and to listen to their voices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880828

Childhood in the Contemporary English Novel Since the 1980s novels about childhood for adults have been a booming genre within the contemporary British literary market. Childhood in the Contemporary English Novel offers the first comprehensive study of this literary trend. Assembling analyses of key works by Ian McEwan Doris Lessing P. D. James Nick Hornby Sarah Moss and Stephen Kelman and situating them in their cultural and political contexts Sandra Dinter uncovers both the reasons for the current popularity of such fiction and the theoretical shift that distinguishes it from earlier literary epochs. The book’s central argument is that the contemporary English novel draws on the constructivist paradigm shift that revolutionised the academic study of childhood several decades ago. Contemporary works of fiction Dinter argues depart from the notion of childhood as a naturally given phase of life and examine the agents interests and conflicts involved in its cultural production. Dinter also considers the limits of this new theoretical impetus observing that authors and scholars alike even when they claim to conceive of childhood as a construct do not always give up on the idea of its ‘natural’ core. Accordingly this book reconstructs how the English novel between the 1980s and the 2010s oscillates between an acknowledgment of constructivism and an endorsement of childhood as the last irrevocable quintessence of humanity. In doing so it successfully extends the literary and cultural history of childhood to the immediate present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367361938

Childhood in World History Taking a global look at what the category of childhood has meant from agricultural societies to the present day Childhood in World History offers a vital overview of this topical field. Through comparative analysis Peter Stearns facilitates a cross-cultural and transnational understanding of attitudes towards the role of children in society and how "models" of childhood have developed throughout history. Engaging with issues around children’s role in the family and the involvement of communal national educational and global infrastructures Stearns unpacks the experience of childhood in the West Asia Latin America and Africa. This expanded and updated third edition includes: updated bibliographies and suggested readings expanded discussions of religion and children’s rights a new chapter on families in developing economies in the early twentieth century broadened discussions of childhood in Japan and in communist countries. With expanded further reading lists Stearns’s accessible text not only provides an overview of its field but also offers a research guide for more specialized study. Concisely presented but broad in scope Stearns’s accessible text guides readers through the transformations of the concept of childhood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138674325

Childhood into AdolescenceGrowing up in the 1970s This book is about the lives of 11-year-old children growing up in a Midlands city in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. Based on interviews with their parents it describes family life at the time as well as the experiences hopes and concerns of the children as they themselves become adolescents. The book reflects upon the changes that occur for children in the transitional period between childhood and adolescence. It looks at the friendship patterns of eleven-year-olds their special interests and activities and how they spend their leisure time as well as describing the children’s worries and concerns as perceived by their parents. It also considers family life and parental issues in the context of children’s growing independence and their developing sexual maturity. Originally written in the 1980’s but recently discovered and published now for the first time this is the fifth book in the series of long-term investigations of child up-bringing by John and Elizabeth Newson distinguished child psychologists at the University of Nottingham. Their research began in the late 1950s when the cohort of children was a year old; their mothers were subsequently interviewed at intervals as the children grew up. This fifth volume draws links between the material from interviews with parents when their sons and daughters were seven eleven sixteen and nineteen years and also invites comparison with the lives of children growing up now. The final chapter reviews the book series and the Newsons’ research programme. This exceptional book will be of interest to psychologists and other academics interested in child development as well as professionals involved in work with children and adolescents such as teachers doctors nurses and social workers. It also has great historical significance with its potential for comparisons between the lives of children and adolescents now with those growing up some 50 years ago. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138565968

Childhood Nutrition An invaluable resource Childhood Nutrition provides accurate facts on current concepts in pediatric nutrition including theories of nutrition in the pathophysiology of disease and in developing nutritional healthcare plans. Written by an outstanding group of specialists each chapter is thoroughly researched and referenced. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003067856

Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment Second Edition summarizes the latest scientific knowledge on obesity in children. This edition focuses on the developmental aspects of obesity especially on the influences and factors predisposing individuals to obesity from early periods of life. This new body of knowledge stems from both basic research and recent epidemiological and clinical studies. All chapters are updated and special attention is given to the prevention of obesity in the context of developmental physiology lifestyle modification and dietary and physical activity approaches. Highlighting the most recent research this timely book covers a broad range of aspects related to the prevention and management of childhood obesity. It emphasizes early intervention and an integrated behavioral approach to overcome the ongoing challenge of this global epidemic. Features ·         Updates all chapters and includes new research on growing populations of obesity in the Third World ·         Provides information on promoting health as a means to reduce obesity ·         Focuses on the developmental aspects of obesity Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393311

Childhood ObesityCauses Consequences and Intervention Approaches Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and continues to increase in prevalence in almost all countries in which it has been studied including developed and developing countries around the globe. The causes of obesity are complex and multi-factorial. Childhood obesity becomes a life-long problem in most cases and is associated with long term chronic disease risk for a variety of diseases including type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as well as psychosocial as issues and obesity seems to affect almost every organ system in the body. In recent years there has been tremendous progress in the understanding of this problem and in strategies for prevention and treatment in the pediatric years. Childhood Obesity: Causes Consequences and Intervention Approaches presents current reviews on the complex problem of obesity from the multi-level causes throughout early life before adulthood and the implications for this for long-term disease risk. It reviews numerous types of strategies that have been used to address this issue from conventional clinical management to global policy strategies attempting to modify the global landscape of food nutrition and physical activity. Each chapter is written by a global authority in his or her respective field with a focus on reviewing the current status and recent developments. The book features information on contributing factors to obesity including developmental origins social/family birth cohort studies influence of ethnicity and global perspectives. It takes a life-course approach to the subject matter and includes exhaustive treatment of contributing factors to childhood obesity such as assessment environmental factors nutrition and dietary factors host factors interventions and treatment consequences and further action for future prevention. This broad range of topics relevant to the rapidly changing field of childhood obesity is suitable for students health care professionals physicians and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498720656

Childhood ObesityContemporary Issues The consequences of childhood obesity are serious and far reaching with both physical and psychological components that add to its complexity. Childhood Obesity: Contemporary Issues provides an up-to-date account of the increase of obesity in children its causes and its prevention. The expert editorial panel has chosen contributors with considerable practical and research experience. They explore why childhood obesity is so difficult to prevent and treat. Focusing less on clinical issues and more on environmental factors the book brings together social psychological biological and socio-biological approaches to the experience and problem of obesity. Delineating the scope and impact of childhood obesity the book provides a unique view of the obese child. It examines the link between food intake and physical activity which are the immediate determinants of energy balance and discusses how to measure and assess them. The World Health Organization describes obesity as one of today's most blatantly visible - yet most neglected - public health problems. This book highlights obesity in children and discusses the need to develop multifactorial and multi-agency strategic plans to contain this epidemic. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454098

Childhood ObesityPrevalence Pathophysiology and Management This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has increased worldwide in recent decades. Obesity in childhood is associated with a wide range of serious health complications and an increased risk of premature illness and death later in life. This book presents childhood obesity trends across multiple demographics and discusses the contributing genetic and environmental factors. It demonstrates the adverse health consequences of childhood obesity both as they relate to childhood and as they last into adulthood and presents multiple methods for obesity treatment included community and family-based intervention pharmacotherapy and surgical procedures. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895918

Childhood PsychosisA Lacanian Perspective This book focusing on the work of Jacques Lacan examines psychosis in children without ignoring the study of neurosis in childhood and concentrates on autism as produced by psychic disorders by the symbolic failure that brings about the inclusion of the subject into the psychotic structure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323691

Childhood Sexual ExperiencesNarratives of Resilience The issue of Childhood Sexual Experiences (CSEs) is highly controversial and has generated considerable disagreement and conflict. Such experiences are often framed as child sexual abuse (CSA) within a discourse of child maltreatment. Sexual activity between adults and young children is indeed abuse and fully merits the moral stance taken by therapists health professionals and society. However Childhood Sexual Experiences presents evidence that viewing all CSEs through the same prism of abuse victimhood and commonly-held perceptions of gender socialisation may not always allow those affected to tell the whole story. Not all those who experienced sexual activity as children view themselves as victims believe that their experiences had a profoundly or irrevocably negative impact on their lives or view their experiences as 'abusive'. Others do not want their identities to be linked to specific events in childhood. Applying a positive psychology approach Childhood Sexual Experiences recounts and explores the stories of those who have shown an ability to come to terms with or overcome the difficulties that they have faced exploring the insights these narratives of resilience present to therapists and health and social care professionals. 'I would encourage you to read this book with an open mind and to look for the strength and determination to be found in these narratives remembering that those who are resilient may teach us how better to help those who are less fortunate.' - Sally V Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315379562

Childhood Sexuality and AIDS EducationThe Price of Innocence Primary schoolchildren are frequently shielded from education on sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases in an effort to protect their innocence. In countries like South Africa where AIDS is particularly widespread it is especially important to address prevention with younger boys and girls as active social agents with the capacity to engage with AIDS as gendered and sexual beings. This volume addresses the question of children’s understanding of AIDS not simply in terms of their dependence but as active participants in the interpretation of their social worlds. The volume draws on an interview and ethnographic based study of young children in two socially diverse South African primary schools as well as interviews conducted with teachers and mothers of young children. It shows how adults sustain the production of childhood sexual innocence and the importance of scaling up programs in AIDS intervention gender and sexuality. It makes significant contributions to the global debate around childhood sexualities gender and AIDS education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138085886

Childhood SexualityNormal Sexual Behavior and Development What is “normal sexual behavior” in a child?Childhood sexuality is an often neglected field in sex research. There is very little literature about what one might call “normal child sexual behavior.” The existing literature on child sexuality gives the impression that the only way in which children figure in sexological research is as objects of sexual abuse. The child as a subject learning about sexuality and capable of experiencing sexual pleasures doesn't seem to exist in scholarly papers.Childhood Sexuality: Normal Behavior and Development does not focus on sexual abuse but instead deals with what can be described as “normal” sexual behavior and development in children under age 12. This valuable book offers information about the relationship between age and sexual development both mental and physical in both males and females. Childhood Sexuality: Normal Behavior and Development explores several issues including: what children ages two to six think or know about sexuality the ways that children learn about sexuality and procreation the process of body discovery among children what normal sexual behaviors to expect in children of various ages the importance of growing up in a positive environment the differences in sexual development between children of the same age and gender ways to get honest answers from children and parents about sexualityComprehensive and enlightening Childhood Sexuality examines the difficulties of gathering this information from children and gives insight into questions that need to be answered in the future. This guide delivers a diverse look at the complex and intriguing topic of normal child sexuality and the progress that is being made in this area of research. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203725221

Childhood Socialization This book presents a selection of studies that together convey how the agents of socialization operate to induct the human child into society. It is most fully devoted to socialization in the United States. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003058779

Childhood Socialization This collection of authoritative studies portrays how the A basic agencies of socialization transform the newborn human organism into a social person capable of interacting with others. Socialization differs from one society to another and within any society from one segment to another. Childhood Socialization samples some of that variation giving the reader a glimpse of socialization in contexts other than those with which he or she is likely to be familiar.In the years since publication of the first edition of this book in 1988 childhood has become a territory open to broader sociological investigation. In this revised edition Gerald Handel has selected and gathered new contributions that analyze the agents of socialization including family school and peer group and explore the influences of television and gender. The balance of classical studies and more recent work reflecting changes in the family structure renews the centrality of this anthology for courses in the social psychology of children up to adolescence.The book is divided into nine parts: "Socialization Indi-viduation and the Self; "Historical Changes in Attitudes Toward Children"; "Families as Socialization Agents"; "Daycare and Nursery School as Socialization Agents"; "Schools as Socialization Agents"; "Peer Groups as Socialization Agents"; "Television and its Influence"; "Gender Socialization"; and "Social Stratification and Inequality in Socialization." While socialization continues on into the adolescent and adult years childhood socialization is primary essential in creating the human person and in shaping the identity outlook skills and resources of the evolving person. Childhood Socialization is a dynamic volume that will be of continuing interest to students and scholars of family studies sociology psychology and modern culture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315081427

Childhood SocializationRevised Second Edition Norman Denzin presents a social psychological account of how the lives of children are shaped by social interaction particularly interaction with parents and other caretakers. He examines the special language of children their socialization experiences and the emergence of their selfconceptions- all as they occur in natural surroundings: daycare centers homes playgrounds schools and many other places. Denzin is concerned not with sequential developmental changes during childhood but with how children themselves enter into the processes that lead to self-awareness socialized abilities and attribute-such as pride perceptiveness dignity and poise.Through his symbolic interactionist approach Denzin shows how language-the key link between children and others-is required in everyday interpersonal relationships and how the sense of self develops as linguistic skills grow. He stresses the importance of play and games as processes by which children teach themselves about social behavior; he also shows that for children play takes on the seriousness of adults' work.Denzin maintains that the definitions of childhood by the 1970s had become detrimentally entrenched in educational and political policies regarding children. He recommends a new definition that recognizes children as individuals seeking meaning for their own actions. This book will be valuable to all social scientists concerned with symbolic and linguistic foundations of the socialization process. A new introduction reviews developments since publication of the original edition. This book raises the interactions between adults and children to a new level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520356

Childhood Studies This landmark publication from Routledge reflects the widespread recognition of Childhood Studies as a significant and mature area of cross-disciplinary study and research. And as serious scholarly work in and around Childhood Studies blossoms as never before this new four-volume collection from Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature. With contributions from a broad range of disciplines (including Sociology Social Policy Social Work Education Anthropology Cultural Studies History Geography and Law) Childhood Studies assembles the key theoretical and empirical major works in a ‘one-stop’ resource. It covers themes such as: generational relations; everyday lives; practice and participation; and children’s rights and their place in the world. The collection shows how Childhood Studies has widened its focus from developmental issues to the broader concerns of children in society as actors and agents and as subjects of policy intervention. Edited by a leading scholar Childhood Studies is an indispensable resource for all those concerned with the study of children and childhood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014992

Childhood TraumasNarratives and Representations This volume contributes to understanding childhoods in the twentieth and twenty-firstcentury by offering an in-depth overview of children and their engagement with the violent world around them. The chapters deal with different historical spatial and cultural contexts yet converge on the question of how children relate to physiological and psychological violence. The twentieth century has been hailed as the "century of the child" but it has also witnessed an unprecedented escalation of cultural trauma experienced by children during the two World Wars Holocaust Partition of the Indian subcontinent and Vietnam War. The essays in this volume focus on victimized childhood during instances of war ethnic violence migration under compulsion rape and provide insights into how a child negotiates with abstract notions of nation ethnicity belonging identity and religion. They use an array of literary and cinematic representations—fiction paintings films and popular culture—to explore the long-term effect of violence and neglect on children. As such they lend voice to children whose experiences of abuse have been multifaceted ranging from genocide conflict and xenophobia to sexual abuse and also consider ways of healing. With contributions from across the world this comprehensive book will be useful to scholars and researchers of cultural studies literature education education policy gender studies child psychology sociology political studies childhood studies and those studying trauma conflict and resilience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138611924

Childhood Well-being and ResilienceInfluences on Educational Outcomes This book examines the ways in which well-being affects educational outcomes. Using an ecological approach the book defines what we mean by well-being and resilience in education and how this relates to policy and children and young people’s rights. The book considers strategies utilised by the education health voluntary and private sectors which promote well-being and resilience for children and young people from the early years to adulthood. This book also explores societal factors such as poverty and family well-being. Childhood Well-being and Resilience goes on to provide examples of practice interventions inside and outside the classroom. It represents a sea change in professional approaches to well-being and resilience as protective factors against poor mental health. It includes chapters on key topics such as: The concept of child well-being resilience and the rights of the child Peer interaction and well-being Social media and mental health Well-being and outdoor learning Mindfulness for young children International policy and child well-being This book supports professionals to increase their knowledge establish a skill set and build their confidence which can enable children and young people to develop good levels of well-being and to improve their resilience. Including reflective questions and case studies Childhood Well-being and Resilience is essential reading for undergraduate students studying Early Childhood Studies Education Studies Teaching Awards and Family and Community Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367342432

Childhood's DomainPlay and Place in Child Development Where do children go and what do they do outdoors? How do they evaluate their own environment? What are their likes and dislikes? What would they like to see added or changed? How can the outdoor environment support healthy child development? How is the impact of the environment affected by its social and physical characteristics? How can its developmental impact be strengthened through public policy? These are some of the questions addressed by Childhood’s Domain originally published in 1986 in which children as ‘expert’ research collaborators describe their largely unseen life outdoors. On field trips to secret play places around their homes in streets in parks and in places laid waste and abandoned by adult society they reveal both the pleasure and difficulties of play in the city. A central concept of the book is a new term terra ludens which represents the accumulated developmental support that each child receives from her or his personal play spaces. Terra ludens reflects the degree to which each child acquires an intuitive sense of how the world is by playing with it. Field research for the book was conducted in London Stevenage New Town and Stoke-on-Trent. Neighbourhood sites were deliberately chosen to contrast and compare children’s reactions to the characteristics of ‘big city’ ‘new town’ and ‘old industrial city’ environments. The most interesting experiences were encountered with children in Stoke-on-Trent. Here in former mineral workings functioning as ‘playgrounds’ equipped with relics from the heyday of the industrial revolution in new open spaces reclaimed from industrial ‘wastelands’ and in older parks dating from Victorian times children demonstrated the creative possibilities of a landscape of opportunities lacking in the other two sites. Even so children in all three sites revealed great ingenuity in making do with whatever resources they could find to create viable play environments for themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138563711

Childhoods in IndiaTraditions Trends and Transformations This book highlights the significance of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding children and childhoods in the Indian context. While it is recognised that multiple kinds of childhoods exist in India policy and practice approaches to working with children are still based on a singular model of the ideal child rooted in certain Western traditions. The book challenges readers to go beyond the acknowledgement of differences to evolving alternate models to this conception of children and childhoods. Bringing together well-known scholars from history politics sociology child development paediatrics and education the volume represents four major themes: the history and politics of childhoods; deconstructing childhoods by analysing their representations in art mythology and culture in India; selected facets of childhoods as constructed through education and schooling; and understanding issues related to law policy and practice as they pertain to children and childhoods. This important book will be useful to scholars and researchers of education especially those working in the domains of child development sociology of education educational psychology public policy and South Asian studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367345143

Childhoods Real and ImaginedVolume 1: An introduction to critical realism and childhood studies "This book is unusually rewarding in that its author has pulled off the rare trick of providing deep philosophical and theoretical underpinnings to a comprehensive reconsideration of childhood. Priscilla Alderson deploys Bhaskar's 'dialectical critical realism' to excellent effect illuminating not only our understanding of the presence and absence  of children in our lives and discourses but also the field of childhood studies. It is rare that such an integrated text is accomplished and I look forward to the planned second volume. This is a work that should facilitate a rethinking of childhood for the new century." Graham Scrambler Professor of Medical Sociology at University College London. Childhoods Real and Imagined explores and charts the relation of dialectical critical realist concepts to many aspects of childhood. By demonstrating their relevance and value to each other Alderson presents an introductory guide to applied critical realism for researchers lecturers and students. Each chapter summarises key themes from several academic disciplines and policy areas combining adults’ and children’s reported views and experiences and filtering these through a critical realist analysis. The four main chapters deal with the more personal aspects of childhood in relation to the body interpersonal relations social structures and the person soul or self. The second volume will widen the scope to include the impact on children and young people of present policies relating to ecology economics ideas of social evolution or progress and ethics. Each chapter demonstrates how children are an integral part of the whole of society and are often especially affected by policies and events. Through developing the dialectical critical realist analysis of childhood and youth Childhoods Real and Imagined will be of great interest to critical realists and childhood researchers and policy advisers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415680981

ChildhoodSecond edition In this book Chris Jenks looks at what the ways in which we construct our image of childhood can tell us about ourselves. After a general discussion of the social construction of childhood the book is structured around three examples of the way the image of the child is played out in society: the history of childhood from medieval times through the enlightenment 'discovery' of childhood to the present the mythology and reality of child abuse and society's response to it the 'death' of childhood in cases such as the James Bulger murder in which the child itself becomes the perpetrator of evil. Part of the highly successful Key Ideas series this book gives students a concise provocative insight into some of the controlling concepts of our culture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203023488

ChildhoodSecond edition In this book Chris Jenks looks at what the ways in which we construct our image of childhood can tell us about ourselves. After a general discussion of the social construction of childhood the book is structured around three examples of the way the image of the child is played out in society: the history of childhood from medieval times through the enlightenment 'discovery' of childhood to the present the mythology and reality of child abuse and society's response to it the 'death' of childhood in cases such as the James Bulger murder in which the child itself becomes the perpetrator of evil. Part of the highly successful Key Ideas series this book gives students a concise provocative insight into some of the controlling concepts of our culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138858480

ChildhoodServices and Provision for Children Childhood: Services and Provision for Children provides an important and timely contribution to the field of Childhood and Youth Studies. This cutting-edge text brings together within a critical framework an understanding and discussion of a broad range of services ideas and themes and debates the impact of them on children’s lives.The text takes a truly multi-disciplinary perspective reflecting the wide-ranging experience and backgrounds of the authors and contributors. The wealth of real case study material and reflective activities within each chapter helps develop the evaluative tools and critical skills essential for an understanding of the complex social political and environmental issues surrounding childhood today and thus makes this an essential text for those studying in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142268

Child-Initiated Play and LearningPlanning for possibilities in the early years Child-Initiated Play and Learning shows how a creative approach to learning that allows for spontaneous adventures in play through child-led projects can lead to rich learning experiences that build on children’s own interests. This second edition has been fully updated in light of policy and curriculum changes and features new material to help practitioners make informed decisions around digital technology and how children engage with it. Including scenarios and provocative questions for reflective practice this book looks at planning and considers the possibilities that should be encouraged when playing alongside young children. Drawing on practice from Reggio Emilia New Zealand Scandinavia and in settings in the UK the book covers all aspects of planning including: how to enable and empower children to lead projects; organisation of indoor and outdoor materials and space; inclusive practice and contemporary research; learning through managing risks and adventurous play; working with parents and carers; challenging teams to explore what they actually believe about possibilities of play. In a busy setting it can be difficult to adopt a flexible creative approach to planning that embraces the unexpected rather than relying on templates or existing schemes of work. This book will give readers the confidence to adopt a flexible approach to planning that will better meet the needs of the children in their care. The authors are experienced lecturers practitioners advisors and managers. Working with students visiting placements training teachers and early years professionals they provide a sense of real purpose in their optimistic writing and enjoyment in the themes made explicit throughout this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138688193

Childless: No ChoiceThe Experience of Involuntary Childlessness First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970335

Childlessness in the Age of CommunicationDeconstructing Silence Cristina Archetti started researching childlessness after being diagnosed with "unexplained infertility". She soon discovered that although involuntary childlessness affects an increasing number of women and men across the world this topic is shrouded taboo and shame. This book is both a first-person reflection about the existential questions posed by involuntary childlessness and a readable account of the way the silence surrounding this topic is socially and politically constructed. Revealing the invisible mechanisms that from the microscopic details of everyday life to policy make up the structure of silence around childlessness Archetti demonstrates what it means not to have children in a society that is organized around families. Through a prose that mixes analysis excerpts of interviews media fragments and evocative writing she develops a new language of feeling-in-the-body fit for the twenty-first century and exposes the devastating effects infertility has on relationships identity health and well-being in societies that fetishize parenthood. Childlessness in the Age of Communication draws upon a range of disciplines and fields including sociology health gender and sexuality studies communication politics and anthropology. It is a book for all those interested in childlessness and innovative qualitative research methodologies.     Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367409944

Childly LanguageChildren language and the social world Childly Language explores how attitudes and cultural assumptions about children and childhood are revealed in contemporary English. It addresses such questions as: How is concern for children's safety and welfare reflected in the vocabulary and grammar of contemporary English? and When we say that an adult is being 'childish' what are we saying about the characteristics of children? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138437647

Childminder (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1979 this book looks at the subject of childminding in Britain at the time it was written. It is based on a national survey that was commissioned by the Social Science Research Council and on action to help childminders funded by the Wates Foundation at Manchester University UK. Previous to this study it was calculated that more than one million children under the age of five had a working mother but little research had been done into childminders themselves. This book evaluates the number and nature of the childminders in Britain that were looking after the nation’s children in the 70s. It argues that parents have a right to choose to work if society can guarantee loving and skilled care for their children. However the authors suggest that this was not the case at the time and state that childminders were in need of better governmental support. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415839174

Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment ManualAn Evidence-Based 10-Session Filial Therapy Model This newly expanded and revised edition of the Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual is the essential companion to the second edition of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT). The second edition is updated to include four new CPRT treatment protocols and parent notebooks adapted for specific populations: parents of toddlers parents of preadolescents adoptive families and the teacher/student relationship along with the revised original CPRT protocol and parent notebook for ages 3−10. This manual provides the CPRT/filial therapist a comprehensive framework for conducting CPRT. Included are detailed outlines teaching aides activities and resources for each of the 10 sessions. The manual is divided into two major sections Therapist Protocol and Parent Notebook and contains a comprehensive CPRT Training Resources section along with an index to the accompanying Companion Website.  The accompanying Companion Website contains all necessary and supplemental training materials in a format that allows for ease of reproduction and enhanced usability including the following: CPRT Protocol—Ages 3 to 10 and Parent Notebook Toddler Adapted CPRT Protocol and Parent Notebook Preadolescent Adapted CPRT Protocol and Parent Notebook Adoptive Families Adapted CPRT Protocol and Parent Notebook Teacher/Student Adapted Protocol and Teacher Notebook Therapist Study Guide Training Resources Teaching Aides and Supplemental Materials Marketing Materials Assessments Drawing on their extensive experience as professional play therapists and filial therapists Bratton and Landreth apply the principles of CCPT and CPRT in this easy-to-follow protocol for practitioners to successfully implement the evidence-based CPRT model. By using this manual and the accompanying Companion Website in conjunction with the CPRT text filial therapists will have a complete package for training parents in CCPT skills to act as therapeutic agents with their own children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138688940

Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT)An Evidence-Based 10-Session Filial Therapy Model Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) grounded in the attitudes and principles of Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) is based on the belief that a parent acting as an agent for change in place of a play therapist has potential for significant and lasting therapeutic gains. This newly expanded and revised edition of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) describes training objectives essential skills and concepts taught in each session as well as the format for supervising parents’ play sessions. Transcripts of actual sessions demonstrate process and content in the 10 CPRT training sessions. Research demonstrating the effectiveness of CPRT on child and parent outcomes is presented in support of CPRT’s designation as an evidence-based treatment model. This second edition is updated to include six new chapters exploring the topics of cultural considerations for working with ethnically and racially diverse families neuroscience support for CPRT and adaptions for specific populations including parents of toddlers parents of preadolescents adoptive families and the teacher/student relationship. The authors’ expertise and experience results in a book that is essential reading for both students and professionals. By using this text and the accompanying treatment manual filial therapists will have a complete package for training parents in the CPRT model. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138689039

Children Adolescents and DeathQuestions and Answers The topic of death and related issues (such as grief) often begin with questions. When the questions come from or are about children or adolescents they bring an additional component…the fear some adults have of giving a “wrong” answer. In this context a wrong answer is one that can cause more harm than good for the child or adolescent who asked the question. This book provides information that can be used to address the death-related questions from children and adolescents. It also looks at questions from caring adults about the way children or adolescents view death and the grief that follows a death or any major loss. Children Adolescents and Death covers topics that start with early studies of childhood grief and progress to expression of grief in cyberspace. There is no one answer to most of the questions in this book. There are contributors from a number of continents countries cultures and academic disciplines each of whom brings a unique view of the topic issues they discuss. There are presentations of practical interventions that others may copy upon which they can build. There are a number of chapters that look at death education in both family and school settings. This work contains ideas and techniques that can be of value to parents educators counselors therapists spiritual advisors caring adults and of course will be of the most benefit to those who ask the most questions…the children and adolescents themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780895039231

Children Adolescents and MediaThe future of research and action Bringing together the leading researchers on children adolescents and the media this books offers their cutting-edge ‘big picture’ ideas for the future of research and scholarship in the field. Individual chapters focus on topics such as the role of big data in media research digital literacy parenting in the era of mobile media media diversity in the digital age the impact of media on child development children’s digital rights the implications of ‘intelligent’ characters and parasocial relationships and the effectiveness of transmedia for informal education. Several chapters also explore the theoretical and methodological challenges facing children’s media researchers. Offering new directions for research the contributors consider the implications of the changing media landscape for parents educators advocates and producers. Leading scholars from North America Europe and Asia grounded in different theoretical and methodological traditions join forces to discuss the impact of growing up in a media- saturated world and to stimulate thinking about the field of children and media in unexpected ways. This book was originally published as two special issues of the Journal of Children and Media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367077839

Children Childhood and Musical Theater Bringing together scholars from musicology literature childhood studies and theater  this volume examines the ways in which children's musicals tap into adult nostalgia for childhood while appealing to the needs and consumer potential of the child. The contributors take up a wide range of musicals including works inspired by the books of children's authors such as Roald Dahl P.L. Travers and Francis Hodgson Burnett; created by Rodgers and Hammerstein Lionel Bart and other leading lights of musical theater; or conceived for a cast made up entirely of children. The collection examines musicals that propagate or complicate normative attitudes regarding what childhood is or should be. It also considers the child performer in movie musicals as well as in professional and amateur stage musicals. This far-ranging collection highlights the special place that musical theater occupies in the imaginations and lives of children as well as adults. The collection comes at a time of increased importance of musical theater in the lives of children and young adults. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472475336

Children Childhood and Cultural Heritage Children Childhood and Cultural Heritage explores how the everyday experiences of children and their imaginative and creative worlds are collected interpreted and displayed in museums and on monuments and represented through objects and cultural lore. Young people constitute up to half the population of any given society but their lives are inescapably influenced by the expectations and decisions of adults. As a result children’s distinct experiences are frequently subsumed within the broader histories and heritage of their families and communities. And while adults inevitably play a prominent role in children’s lives children are also active creators of their own cultures. As this volume so vividly demonstrate the cultural heritage of children is rich and varied and highly revealing of past and present attitudes to children and their work play creativity and human rights. The essays in this book span the experiences of children from classical Rome to the present moment and examine the diverse social and historical contexts underlying the public representations of childhood in Britain Europe North America Australia North Africa and Japan. Case studies examine the heritage of schools and domestic spaces; the objects and games of play; the commemoration of child Holocaust survivors; memorials to Indigenous child-removal under colonial regimes; children as collectors of objects and as authors of juvenilia; curatorial practices at museums of childhood; and the role of children as visitors to historical sites. Until now the cultural heritage of children and the representations of childhood have been largely absent from scholarly discussions of museology heritage places and material culture. This volume rectifies that gap bringing together international experts in children’s histories and heritage. Aimed at a wide readership of students academics and museum and heritage professionals Children Childhood and Cultural Heritage authoritatively defines the key issues in this exciting new field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415529952

Children Citizenship and Environment#SchoolStrike Edition In this significantly revised second edition of Bronwyn Hayward’s acclaimed book Children Citizenship and Environment she examines how students with teachers parents and other activists can learn to take effective action to confront the complex drivers of the current climate crisis  including: economic and social injustice colonialism and racism. The global school strikes demand adults governments and businesses take far-reaching action in response to our climate crisis. The school strikes also remind us why this important youthful activism urgently needs the support of all generations. The #SchoolStrike edition of Children Citizenship and Environment includes all new contributions by youth indigenous and disability activists researchers and educators: Raven Cretney Mehedi Hasan Sylvia Nissen Jocelyn Papprill Kate Prendergast Kera Sherwood O’ Regan Mia Sutherland Amanda Thomas Sara Tolbert Sarah Thomson Josiah Tualamali'i and Amelia Woods. As controversial yet ultimately hopeful as it was when first published Bronwyn Hayward develops her ‘SEEDS’ model of ‘strong ecological citizenship’ for a school strike generation. The SEEDS of citizenship education encourage students to develop skills for; Social agency Environmental education Embedded justice Decentred deliberation and Self-transcendence. This approach to citizenship supports young citizens’ democratic imagination and develops their ‘handprint’ for social justice. This ground-breaking book will be of interest to a wide audience in particular teachers and professionals who work in Environmental Citizenship Education as well as students and community activists with an interest in environmental change democracy and intergenerational justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367429638

Children Education and Empire in Early Sierra LeoneLeft in Our Hands Nineteenth-century Sierra Leone presented a unique situation historically as the focal point of early abolitionist efforts settlement within West Africa by westernized Africans and a rapid demographic increase through the judicial emancipation of Liberated Africans. Within this complex and often volatile environment the voices and experiences of children have been difficult to trace and to follow. Enslaved children historically are a challenging narrative to highlight due to their comparative vulnerability. This book offers newly transcribed data and fills in a lacuna in the scholarship of early Sierra Leone and the Atlantic world. It presents a narrative of children as they experienced a set of circumstances which were unique and important to abolitionist historiography and demonstrates how each element of that situation arose by analyzing the rich documentary evidence. By presenting the data as well as the individuals whose lives were affected by the mission schools (both as teacher or pupil) this study has sought to be as complete as possible. Underlying the more academic tone is a recognition of the individual humanity of both teachers and students whose lives together shaped this early phase in the history of Sierra Leone. The missionaries who created the documents from which this study arises all died in Sierra Leone after having profound impacts on the lives of many hundreds of pupils. Their students went on to become important historical figures both locally and throughout West Africa. Not all rose to prominence and the book reconstructs the lives of pupils who became local tradespeople in addition to those who had a greater social stature. This book attempts to offer analysis without forgetting the fundamental human trajectories which this material encompasses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367589202

Children Families and Leisure This book aims to further academic debate within the leisure and tourism studies community about the role of ‘families’ in contemporary life and the experiences of families and their children in the leisure environment. It is based on the recognition of the diverse nature of the family in the contemporary era and the position of children in families and society in general as active and knowing social agents rather than as passive objects. The family is on the one hand our first community with its own special kind of human attachment and on the other a little world on which the larger society is modelled. Families form the closest and most important emotional bond in humans. This relationship is what drives humanity and society and positions families at the centre of leisure activities. This international and multi-disciplinary compilation of recent research into children and families examines progress made and challenges ahead for leisure studies. It extends the academic discourse to a wider understanding of what families children and their leisure behaviour mean in today’s societies. This book was originally published as a special issue of Annals of Leisure Research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138309227

Children Families and SchoolsDeveloping Partnerships for Inclusive Education Effective communication between the home and school is crucial for any child's education but where special needs are concerned creating good partnerships is essential. This book is concerned with home-school relations from an 'inclusive' perspective. Throughout it highlights issues that are common across all children and families those that reflect individual diversity and those that are of particular significance when children have special educational needs. Sally Beveridge provides debates on issues such as:* the conceptual and policy frameworks that form the background to this subject;* the fundamental nature of the learning environment that families represent for children;* the potential role of home-school relations in supporting the educational achievements of children from diverse backgrounds and with differing needs;* strategies for the development of positive communication with parents.This book offers a manageable overview of a complex topic ensuring its appeal to students and practitioners alike. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203464700

Children Family and the State This title was first published in 2003. This book critically examines the moral and political status of the child by a consideration of three interrelated questions: What rights if any does the child have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child do parents have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child does the state have? David Archard adopts three areas for particular discussion on the practical implications of the general theoretical issues: education child protection policy and the medical treatment of children. Providing a clear legal context and a sharper contemporary discussion of the question of rights this book presents a clear introduction to the key issues in the moral and political status of children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138719279

Children Media and American HistoryPrinted Poison Pernicious Stuff and Other Terrible Temptations Printed poison. Pernicious stuff. Since the nineteenth century these are some of the many concerned comments critics have made about media for children. From dime novels to comic books to digital media  Cassidy illustrates the ways children have used "old media" when they were first introduced as "new media." Further she interrogates the extent to which different conceptions of childhood have influenced adults’ reactions to children’s use of media. Exploring the history of American children and media this text presents a portrait of the way in which children and adults adapt to a constantly changing media environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138849921

Children Nature Cities Why does the way we think about urban children and urban nature matter? This volume explores how dichotomies between nature/culture rural/urban and child/adult have structured our understandings about the place of children and nature in the city. By placing children and youth at the center of re-theorising the city as a socio-natural space the book illustrates how children and youth's relations to and with nature can change adultist perspectives and help create more ecologically and socially just cities. As a key contribution to children's studies the book engages and enlivens debates in urban political ecology and urban theory which have not yet treated age as an important axis of difference. With examples from ten localities the chapters in this volume ask how we can subvert both romanticized and modernist conceptualizations of nature and childhood that conflate innocence and purity with children and nature; the volume asks what happens when we re-invent urban natures with children's needs and perspectives in mind. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138546882

Children Nature and CitiesRethinking the Connections That children need nature for health and well-being is widely accepted but what type of nature? Specifically what type of nature is not only necessary but realistically available in the complex and rapidly changing worlds that children currently live in?This book examines child-nature definitions through two related concepts: the need for connecting to nature and the processes by which opportunities for such contact can be enhanced. It analyses the available nature from a scientific perspective of habitats species and environments together with the role of planning to identify how children in cities can and do connect with nature. This book challenges the notion of a universal child and childhood by recognizing children’s diverse life worlds and experiences which guide them into different and complex ways of interacting with the natural world. Unfortunately not all children have the freedom to access the nature that is present in the cities where they live. This book addresses the challenge of designing biodiverse cities in which nature is readily accessible to children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367589431

Children Parents and Teachers Enjoying NumeracyNumeracy Hour Success Through Collaboration First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138420373

Children Race and PowerKenneth and Mamie Clark's Northside Center A portrait of two important black social scientists and a broader history of race relations this important work captures the vitality and chaos of post-war politics in New York recasting the story of the civil rights movement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138402430

Children Research And Policy First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315041285

Children Schools And Inequality Educational sociologists have paid relatively little attention to children in middle childhood (ages 6 to 12) whereas developmental psychologists have emphasized factors internal to the child much more than the social contexts in explaining children's development. Children Schools and Inequality redresses that imbalance. It examines elementary s Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314934

Children Sexuality and Child Sexual Abuse In the past 20 years the progressive uncovering of child sexual abuse in institutional settings has reverberated across the globe with simultaneous investigations across Europe and the English-speaking world. However most books on child sexual abuse are narrowly focused and do not situate this most distressing of human behaviours within a social or historical context. Children Sexuality and Child Sexual Abuse examines child sexual abuse from a broader perspective in order to understand how and why child sexual abuse is perpetrated by whom under what circumstances and with what societal consequences for victims and perpetrators. This book will be an essential reference for all those working in the field of child sexual abuse. Beginning with histories of childhood and sex and their intersections the book goes on to analyze sexual development sexuality and sexualized behaviour in children and adolescents. This is followed by an examination of the extent of child sexual abuse in the English-speaking world including its prevalence in the Indigenous communities of Australia New Zealand and Canada and in once-trusted societal institutions including the Church orphanages and schools. The book focuses on issues of concern to all those who encounter the problem of child sexual abuse and addresses questions such as: How and when do children disclose child sexual abuse? What are the characteristics of memory that affect reporting? How are disclosure claims assessed? What are the effects of having experienced child sexual abuse? Finally there is an examination of young people who offend sexually. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138089259

Children Spirituality Loss and Recovery The book demonstrates the hopeful stance the young take in response to ordinary suffering and significant trauma when adults talk with them about their losses. Its underlying themes convey the truth that loss and recovery are normal in the process of growing to maturity. It examines the strength of the child’s capacity for resilience through partnerships with adults who allow children to focus on the loss and tell the story of its meaning to someone who really hears it. The authors agree that adults need to perceive their own losses so that their attentiveness to the young is informed by wisdom that comes through self-understanding but also agree that many adults do not offer that help to children because they believe it will make matters worse. The book reveals this fear as a false notion by dealing with childhood traumas such as acquired disability warfare HIV/AIDS death of one’s parents and cultural dislocation. The authors are experienced practitioners who provide practical and theoretical insight into the dynamics of loss and recovery. The book offers hope for those who live and work with children and youth through its studied approach to addressing loss by describing young people’s potential to work towards wholeness even in the face of fundamental losses to their security. This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Children's Spirituality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846431

Children Spirituality Religion and Social Work Attention to children’s spiritual and religious well-being is required by legislation Government guidelines and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. Margaret Crompton has worked with and on behalf of children as a social worker lecturer and writer. Her recent publications include Children and Counselling and a training pack Children Spirituality and Religion. This jargon-free book develops and adds to those ideas and materials focusing on everyday practice in social work education and health care. Reference is made to several religions and to ideas about spirituality which is not necessarily associated with religious belief and observance. Practitioners’ experience is also cited. Topics include spiritual and religious rights spiritual development needs and well-being implications of religious beliefs and observances for daily life and care abuse and neglect death including suicide and abortion and communication including stories and play. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260525

Children Structure and AgencyRealities Across the Developing World The child labour debate the Child Rights Convention and the target of universal primary education in the Millennium Development Goals have drawn increasing attention to children in developing countries. Alongside a debate has waged on the need for child participation and the appropriateness of spreading allegedly western norms of childhood. This book aims to uncover the daily life of children in selected areas in Vietnam India Burkina Faso Tanzania Nicaragua and Bolivia against the background of those debates. Children Structure and Agency takes a close look at the activities the aspirations and the deliberations of hundreds of poor children in the age category from 9 to 14 on the basis of a dawn-to-sunset observation over a couple of days. By empowering children to make people listen to them children can play a more an active role in their community. The book addresses the issue of such child agency and the structural constraints to that agency. This text would be of interest to child-centred development aid organisations and scholars dealing with issues of child participation child rights child labour and education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415536653

Children Technology and CultureThe Impacts of Technologies in Children's Everyday Lives Childhood is increasingly saturated by technology: from television to the Internet video games to 'video nasties' camcorders to personal computers. Children Technology and Culture looks at the interplay of children and technology which poses critical questions for how we understand the nature of childhood in late modern society. This collection brings together researchers from a range of disciplines to address the following four aspects of this relationship between children and technology:*children's access to technologies and the implications for social relationships*the structural contexts of children's engagement with technologies with a focus on gender and the family*the situatedness of children's interactions with technological objects*the constitution of children and childhood through the mediations of technology _ This book represents a substantial contribution to contemporary social scientific thinking both about the nature of children and childhood the social impacts of technologies and the various relationships between the two. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315011387

Children Young People and Care The very notions of childhood and youth are intimately connected to contemporary norms practices and spaces of care caring and care-giving. The provision of care is widely figured as both the primary responsibility of parents carers and practitioners who work with children and young people and the primary factor in shaping children and young people’s development education socialisation wellbeing and contentment. However children and young people themselves are rarely figured as key actors in the provision of care. An overwhelming presumption that children and young people are to be cared for has effectively marginalised their agency and responsibilities as carers or in relation to practices and spaces of care. Bringing together a significant array of multidisciplinary work on children young people and families this collection draws together new research on the diverse lives and experiences of children and young people as carers as cared for and in relation to spaces and institutions of care. It is the first collection specifically devoted to the subject of care in relation to childhood and youth. As such the book will be a key resource for academics practitioners and students seeking leading-edge empirical and conceptual material on this topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367218843

Children Young People and Critical Geopolitics Young people and in particular children have typically been marginalised in geopolitical research positioned as too young to understand or relate to the adult-dominated world of international relations. Integrating current debates in critical geopolitics and political geography with research in children’s geographies childhood studies and youth research this book sets out an agenda for the field of children’s and young people’s critical geopolitics. It considers diverse practices such as play activism media consumption and diplomacy to show how children’s and young people’s lives relate to wider regional and global geopolitical processes. Engaging with contemporary concepts in human geography including ludic geopolitics affect emotional geographies intergenerationality creative diplomacy popular geopolitics and citizenship the authors draw on geopolitical research with children and young people from Europe Asia Australasia Africa and the Americas. The chapters highlight the ways in which young people can be enrolled ignored dismissed empowered and represented by the state for geopolitical ends. Notwithstanding this state power the research presented also shows how young people have agency and make decisions about their lives which are influenced by wider geopolitical processes. The focus on the lives of children and young people problematises and extends what it is we think of when considering ’the geopolitical’ which enriches as well as advances critical geopolitical enquiry and deserves to be taken seriously by political geographies more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308480

Children Youth and American Television This volume explores how television has been a significant conduit for the changing ideas about children and childhood in the United States. Each chapter connects relevant events attitudes or anxieties in American culture to an analysis of children or childhood in select American television programs. The essays in this collection explore historical intersections of the family with expectations of childhood particularly innocence economic and material conditions and emerging political and social realities that at times present unique challenges to America’s children and the collective expectation of what childhood should be. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367589035

Children Youth and Development The new updated edition of Children Youth and Development explores the varied ways in which global processes in the form of development policies economic and cultural globalisation and international agreements interact with more locally specific practices to shape the lives of young people living in the poorer regions of the world. It examines these processes and the effects they have on young people’s lives in relation to developing theoretical approaches to the study of children and youth.  This landmark title brings together the stock of knowledge and approaches to understanding young people’s lives in the context of development and globalization in the majority world for the first time. It introduces different theoretical approaches to the study of young people and explores the ways in which these along with predominantly Western conceptions of childhood and youth have influenced how majority world children have been viewed and treated by international agencies. Contexts of globalisation and growing international inequality are explored alongside more immediate contexts such as family and peer relationships. Chapters are devoted to groups of children deemed to be in need of protection and to debates concerning children’s rights and their participation in development projects. Young people’s health and education are considered as is their involvement in work of various kinds and the impacts of environmental change and hazards (including climate change). The book introduces material and concepts to readers in a very accessible way and within each chapter employs features such as boxed case studies summaries of key ideas discussion questions and guides to further resources. This edition has been updated to take account of significant changes in the contexts in which poor children grow up notably the financial crisis and changing development policy environment as well as recent theoretical developments. It is aimed at students on higher level undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as researchers who are unfamiliar with this area of research and practitioners in organisations working to ameliorate the lives of children in majority world countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415617208

Children Youth and the City More than half of the global and around eighty per cent of the western population grow up in cities. This text provides a vivid picture of children and youth in the city how they make sense of it and how they appropriate it through their social actions. Considering the causes and forms of social inequalities in relation to class gender ethnicity sexuality ability and geographical location this book discusses specific issues such as poverty homelessness and work. Each chapter draws on examples from both the developed and developing world and throughout the chapters the book: contrasts experiences of growing up in the city discusses how social inequalities together with societal perceptions of childhood and youth shape experiences of growing up in cities for different young people examines how young people appropriate the city through social and cultural practices considers contemporary movements towards the role of children and youths in planning processes. Children Youth and the City argues that young people must be recognized as urban social agents in their own right. This informative book deals with complex theoretical arguments and relates key ideas to this topical subject in a clear and coherent manner.  The text is enlivened throughout with global case studies photographs discussion questions suggested reading and websites. It is an excellent resource for students of Human Geography Urban Studies and Childhood Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415376921

Children and AdolescentsA Biocultural Approach to Psychological Development An individual's understanding of himself must begin with an appreciation of his origin. Thus the concern of modern man to understand his behavior has led to an investigation of the forces that influence human development. Investigation encompasses many academic subjects: genetics biology medicine physiology anatomy biochemistry sociology anthropology history and psychology. However each of these subjects falls into one or both of two broad categories-the biological and the cultural. In short all human behavior is determined by both the biological characteristics and the environmental characteristics of the culture.Underlying the solution to any of today's social problems is of course the need for a clearer understanding of human psychological development. Children and Adolescents is a unique book in its approach to developmental psychology. Successfully integrating both the biological and the cultural influences which determine the behavior of a child the book begins with a discussion of behavioral development in infancy and a description of the physiological foundation of such early behavior.Alexander traces the process of growth through middle childhood and adolescence. Concerned with the normal difficulties and problems that arise in childhood he demonstrates --by means of actual case studies the importance of early motivation and cognitive processes particularly the need for self-direction in all developing children the process of individual change through varying kinds of experiences and the relationship of the child to authority.Children and Adolescents provides vital and well-organized material for all courses in child behavior--whether taught in departments of psychology education or home economics. Professionals concerned with social problems and child development will discover a stimulating new approach to the process of psychological growth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520363

Children and AIDSSub-Saharan Africa The disproportional loss of individuals to HIV/AIDS in their most productive years raises concerns over the welfare of surviving members of affected families and communities. One consequence of the rapid increase in adult mortality is the rise in the proportion of children who are orphaned. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for about 90 percent of these. Mainly due to the staggering toll of HIV/AIDS research effort has focused on treatment and prevention. Children have received attention primarily in relation to 'mother to child transmission' and paediatric AIDS. These issues are important and compelling but fail to capture the whole story - the unprecedented surge in the number of children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. In this book we reflect on the plight of children classified as vulnerable review interventions implemented to improve their welfare and grapple with the concept of vulnerability as it relates to human rights and the African child. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754677819

Children and Asceticism in Late AntiquityContinuity Family Dynamics and the Rise of Christianity In Late Antiquity the emergence of Christian asceticism challenged the traditional Greco-Roman views and practices of family life. The resulting discussions on the right way to live a good Christian life provide us with a variety of information on both ideological statements and living experiences of late Roman childhood. This is the first book to scrutinise the interplay between family children and asceticism in the rise of Christianity. Drawing on texts of Christian authors of the late fourth and early fifth centuries the volume approaches the study of family dynamics and childhood from both ideological and social historical perspectives. It examines the place of children in the family in Christian ideology and explores how families in the late Roman world adapted these ideals in practice. Offering fresh viewpoints to current scholarship Ville Vuolanto demonstrates that there were many continuities in Roman ways of thinking about children and despite the rise of Christianity the old traditions remained deeply embedded in the culture. Moreover the discussions about family and children are shown to have been intimately linked to worries about the continuity of family lineage and of the self and to the changing understanding of what constituted a meaningful life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367879242

Children And Books In The Modern WorldContemporary Perspectives On Literacy This text is concerned with contemporary attitudes and approaches to the teaching of literacy children's literature and other non-book texts and media. Based on research from the UK the USA and Europe it makes a contribution to theory and practice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046487

Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500 Updated to incorporate recent scholarship on the subject this new edition of Hugh Cunningham’s classic text investigates the relationship between ideas about childhood and the actual experience of being a child and assesses how it has changed over the span of 500 years. Through his engaging narrative Hugh Cunningham tells the story of the development of ideas from the Renaissance to the present revealing considerable differences in the way Western societies have understood and valued childhood over time. His survey of parent/child relationships uncovers evidence of parental love care and in the frequent cases of child death grief throughout the period concluding that there was as much continuity as change in the actual relations of children and adults across these five centuries. Since the book’s first publication in 1995 the volume of historical research on children and childhood has escalated hugely and is testimony to the level of concern provoked by the dominance of the negative narrative that originated in the 1970s and 1980s. A new epilogue revisits the volume from today’s perspective analysing why this negative narrative established dominance in Western society and considering how it has affected historical writing about children and childhood enabling the reader to put both this volume and recent debates into context. Supported by an updated historiographical discussion and expanded bibliography Children and Childhood in Western Society since 1500 remains an essential resource for students of the history of childhood the history of the family social history and gender history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367470623

Children and Computers in School This volume integrates research findings from three multinational studies conducted to examine the impact of children's use of computers in school. Conclusions are drawn from in-depth analyses of trends in more than 20 nations. Its seven authors from four nations were key researchers on these projects. Both a study and a product of the information age this work is of prime importance to teachers teacher educators and school administrators. This work is unique in three important ways: * it presents data gathered in many regions of the world; * many of the authors are well-known and respected for their previous work in educational studies; and * the chapters are designed in such a way that the majority of the book is easily accessible to professionals such as classroom teachers who are interested primarily in findings results and outcomes rather than the methodology of the research. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315044996

Children and Cultural Memory in Texts of Childhood The essays in this collection address the relationship between children and cultural memory in texts both for and about young people. The collection overall is concerned with how cultural memory is shaped contested forgotten recovered and (re)circulated sometimes in opposition to dominant national narratives and often for the benefit of young readers who are assumed not to possess any prior cultural memory. From the innovative development of school libraries in the 1920s to the role of utopianism in fixing cultural memory for teen readers it provides a critical look into children and ideologies of childhood as they are represented in a broad spectrum of texts including film poetry literature and architecture from Canada the United States Japan Germany Britain India and Spain. These cultural forms collaborate to shape ideas and values in turn contributing to dominant discourses about national and global citizenship. The essays included in the collection imply that childhood is an oft-imagined idealist construction based in large part on participation identity and perception; childhood is invisible and tangible exciting and intriguing and at times elusive even as cultural and literary artifacts recreate it. Children and Cultural Memory in Texts of Childhood is a valuable resource for scholars of children’s literature and culture readers interested in childhood and ideology and those working in the fields of diaspora and postcolonial studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415704731

Children and Death First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138970342

Children and Disasters When disaster strikes survivors suddenly find themselves in a world that has become confusing and unfamiliar. Such traumatic events impose severe psychological strain on every member of a community but children are a particularly vulnerable group requiring special attention. Children and Disasters addresses the needs of this specific population by examining the impact of major disasters on the mental health and emotional functioning of children.The programs described in this book are designed to provide early intervention to children and families undergoing stress reactions to a catastrophic event. The authors offer interventions aimed at enhancing the skills of mental health professionals educators and peer counselors in responding to the intensified demands of disasters. These intervention approaches provide information regarding the event itself reinforce the legitimacy of the anxieties and fears that children and their families are experiencing and encourage the expression of feelings in group and individual settings (for the younger child through drawing and play). Furthermore they build on the coping capacity of individuals and theirs families and provide concrete coping skills and techniques to alleviate stress reactions.The intervention model can be applied to programs for individual children and their families multi-family groups and groups for children in mental health educational and community settings. The practical "hands-on" approach to program design makes this book an attractive resource for mental health professionals social workers rehabilitation specialists professional and volunteer counselors and suicide intervention workers. It will also be useful for school personnel including teachers school counselors and administrators as well as federal and state emergency planners and coordinators. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138005105

Children and Empire Co-published by Routledge and Edition Synapse The History of Feminism series makes key archival source material readily available to scholars researchers and students of women’s and gender studies women’s history and women’s writing as well as those working in allied and related fields. Selected and introduced by expert editors the gathered materials are reproduced in facsimile giving users a strong sense of immediacy to the texts and permitting citation to the original pagination. Building on the success of Women and Empire (2009) this new title in the series brings together in four volumes a unique range of nineteenth-century texts on children and empire. Making readily available materials which are currently very difficult for scholars researchers and students across the globe to locate and use Children and Empire is a veritable treasure-trove. The gathered works are reproduced in facsimile giving users a strong sense of immediacy to the texts and permitting citation to the original pagination. Each volume is also supplemented by substantial introductions newly written by the editors which contextualize the material. And with a detailed appendix providing data on the books newspapers and periodicals in which the gathered materials were originally published the collection is destined to be welcomed as a vital reference and research resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415578370

Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World explores what it meant to be a child in the Roman world - what were children’s concerns interests and beliefs - and whether we can find traces of children’s own cultures. By combining different theoretical approaches and source materials the contributors explore the environments in which children lived their experience of everyday life and what the limits were for their agency. The volume brings together scholars of archaeology and material culture classicists ancient historians theologians and scholars of early Christianity and Judaism all of whom have long been involved in the study of the social and cultural history of children. The topics discussed include children's living environments; clothing; childhood care; social relations; leisure and play; health and disability; upbringing and schooling; and children's experiences of death. While the main focus of the volume is on Late Antiquity its coverage begins with the early Roman Empire and extends to the early ninth century CE. The result is the first book-length scrutiny of the agency and experience of pre-modern children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880811

Children and Exercise XIXPromoting health and well-being The XIXth International Symposium of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology was held in Moretonhampstead UK in September 1997 drawing together academic and medical experts from 26 countries under the theme of promoting health and well-being. This book contains the full text of the 11 keynote contributions 4 papers from a mini-symposium on cardiac risk factors in children and 59 of the free communications. These have been arranged under 6 headings: Lifestyle Health and Well-Being; Physical Activity Patterns; Aerobic Performance; Anaerobic Performance and Muscular strength; Cardiovascular Function in Health and disease; and Sport and Physical Education. Offering comprehensive reviews of key topics and reports of current research in paediatric health and exercise science this volume will prove a valuable text for health professionals researchers and students with an interest in aspects of paediatric exercise sports medicine and physical education. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138880528

Children and Exercise XXIVThe Proceedings of the 24th Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting Children and Exercise XXIV presents the latest scientific research into paediatric exercise physiology endocrinology kinanthropometry growth and maturation and youth sport. Including contributions from a wide-range of leading international experts the book is arranged into six thematic sections addressing: Children’s health and well-being Physical activity patterns Exercise endocrinology Elite young athletes Aerobic and anaerobic fitness Muscle physiology. Offering critical reviews of current topics and reports of current and on-going research in paediatric health and exercise science this is a key text for all researchers teachers health professionals and students with an interest in paediatric sport and exercise science sports medicine and physical education. The papers contained within this volume were first presented at the 24th Pediatric Work Physiology meeting held in Tallinn Estonia in September 2007       Toivo Jürimäe is Professor and Chair of Sport Pedagogy at the Institute of Sport Pedagogy University of Tartu Estonia. Neil Armstrong is Professor of Paediatric Exercise Physiology and Director of the Children’s Health and Exercise Research Centre at Exeter University. He is also Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Exeter University. Jaak Jürimäe is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences at the University of Tartu Estonia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415666923

Children and Exercise XXVIIIThe Proceedings of the 28th Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting Children and Exercise XXVIII presents the latest scientific research into paediatric exercise physiology endocrinology kinanthropometry growth and maturation and youth sport. Including contributions from a wide-range of leading international experts the book is arranged into seven thematic sections addressing: Cardiovascular responses to exercise Genetics metabolism and physical activity Limiting factors of muscle exercise Respiratory responses to exercise Epidemiology in physical activity and obesity Physical activity and nutrition Metabolic disorders and exercise Offering critical reviews of current topics and reports of current and on-going research in paediatric health and exercise science this is a key text for all researchers teachers health professionals and students with an interest in paediatric sport and exercise science sports medicine and physical education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138916944

Children and Exercise XXVIIThe Proceedings of the XXVIIth International Symposium of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology September 2011 Children and Exercise XXVII presents the latest scientific research into paediatric sport and exercise science and medicine including contributions from a wide range of leading international experts and early career researchers. The book begins with chapters devoted to the five invited keynote lectures followed by forty-two of the peer-reviewed presentations which are arranged into five thematic sections addressing: exercise physiology physical activity and health exercise and medicine testing and performance young athlete and sports participation. The forty-seven chapters offer a review of current topics and ongoing research in paediatric sport and exercise science and medicine. The book is therefore a key text for all researchers lecturers paediatricians health professionals and students with an interest in the exercising child in health and disease. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415858090

Children and Exercise XXVThe proceedings of the 25th Pediatric Work Physiology Meeting Children and Exercise XXV presents the latest research in the field of paediatric exercise sciences focusing on the interaction between physical activity exercise or sport on the one hand and nutrition metabolism regulation cardio-respiratory function or muscle function on the other. Including contributions from leading international experts the book is arranged into six thematic sections addressing: • metabolic syndrome and nutrition • hormonal and inflammatory regulations • cardio-respiratory function • children’s performance • fitness assessment • physical activity. Offering a critical review of current topics and reports of contemporary research this is a key text for all researchers teachers health professionals and students with an interest in paediatric sport and exercise science sports medicine and physical education. The papers contained within this volume were first presented at the twenty-fifth Paediatric Work Physiology meeting held in Le Touquet France in September 2009. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415688581

Children and Families in the Digital AgeLearning Together in a Media Saturated Culture Children and Families in the Digital Age offers a fresh nuanced and empirically-based perspective on how families are using digital media to enhance learning routines and relationships. This powerful edited collection contributes to a growing body of work suggesting the importance of understanding how the consequences of digital media use are shaped by family culture values practices and the larger social and economic contexts of families’ lives. Chapters offer case studies real-life examples and analyses of large-scale national survey data and provide insights into previously unexplored topics such as the role of siblings in shaping the home media ecology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138238619

Children and Families in the Social EnvironmentModern Applications of Social Work The first edition of this volume successfully applied Bronfenbrenner's "micro-systems" taxonomy to childrearing and family life. Emphasizing how forces in the environment influence children's behavior Garbarino has staked out an intermediate position between the psychoanalytic and the systems approach to human development. Taking cognizance of new research and of changes in American society Garbarino has once again carefully analyzed the importance of children's social relationships. For this wholly revised second edition he has incorporated a greater emphasis on ethnic cultural and racial issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520370

Children and GlobalizationMultidisciplinary Perspectives Globalization has carried vast consequences for the lives of children. It has spurred unprecedented waves of immigration contributed to far-reaching transformations in the organization structure and dynamics of family life and profoundly altered trajectories of growing up. Equally important globalization has contributed to the world-wide dissemination of a set of international norms about children’s welfare and heightened public awareness of disparities in the lives of children around the world. This book's contributors – leading historians literary scholars psychologists social geographers and others – provide fresh perspectives on the transformations that globalization has produced in children's lives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367204617

Children and HIV/AIDS In December 1982 the Centers for Disease Control received the first reports of cases of children with HIV/AIDS. Since that time the child welfare system as well as other human service organizations have been coping with and responding to the crises of children and families living with HIV/AIDS including the considerable number of children affected by AIDS through the illness of their parents siblings or other family members. This volume is intended as a resource for personnel within the child welfare field serving children and families whose lives are touched by HIV and AIDS. The contributors add insight to and fuel the discussion of the fight against AIDS. They provide tools to help better serve the children and adolescents that the current epidemic so tragically affects. Chapters and contributors include: "Factors Associated with Parents' Decision to Disclose Their HIV Diagnosis to Their Children" by Lori S. Wiener Haven B. Battles and Nancy E. Heilman; "Custody Planning with HIV-Affected Families" by Sally Mason; "Correlates and Distribution of HIV Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Youths in New York City" by Michael C. Clatts W. Rees Davis J. L. Sotheran and Aylin Attillasoy; and "HIV Prevention for Youths in Independent Living Programs" by Wendy F. Auslander Vered Slonim-Nevo Diane Elze and Michael Sherraden. Originally published as a special issue of 'Child Welfare' this volume examines lessons learned from a variety of perspectives and settings and identifies a number of continuing challenges facing the field. 'Children and HIV/AIDS' is an invaluable compendium that should be read by social workers and health specialists and all those affected by the epidemic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520387

Children and International Human Rights LawThe Right of the Child to be Heard The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 is one of the most highly ratified human rights treaties in the world with 192 states currently signed up to it. Article Twelve is fundamental to the Convention and states that all children capable of forming views have the right to express those views and recognises that all children have the right to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting them. This book explores the historical and theoretical background to Article Twelve and examines the various models of participation which have been created to facilitate a better understanding of this provision. Aisling Parkes analyzes the extent to which Article Twelve has been implemented under international law and in domestic law as well as setting-out recommendations for the most effective ways of implementing Article Twelve in all areas of children’s lives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138921146

Children and Interparental ViolenceThe Impact of Exposure The past decade has seen a burgeoning of research and conceptualization on the implications of parental violence exposure on children's development and well-being. Meanwhile seemingly daily accounts of violent tragedies committed by our youth brings to our attention the urgency of conveying this information. With these ideas in mind Children and Interparental Violence focuses on childrens exposure to violence between their caretakers and the subsequent effects on child development.To this end the authors review current theories research and treatment strategies of the 1990s paying specific attention to families' ethnic backgrounds parents' sexual orientation and forensic and legal issues all factors affecting the nature and severity of impact.Prevention and intervention models (including great detail on risk and protective factors) techniques and programs are discussed as well as research evaluating their usefulness. Keeping in mind the goal of integrating practice and policy with current violence and developmental research and theory numerous case examples take the reader from the lab and classroom into the session room and courtroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138005136

Children and KnowledgeContemporary and Historical Perspectives from India Children and Knowledge sheds light on what it is to be a child in India in the contemporary moment and in history. While acknowledging the ways Indian children are situated within structures of power this volume foregrounds innovative methodologies for conducting research into childhood and children’s lives that meaningfully engage with young people’s understandings stories and agency. The chapters probe conceptualisations of Indian childhoods and interrogate both singularising models of childhood and the idea of ‘multiple childhoods’. The contributors use the theme 'children and knowledge' to analyse young people’s interactions with institutions of modernity and social structures – including gender family class community and caste as well as media markets and development – that often marginalise and frame children in multiple cumulative ways. The chapters juxtapose and triangulate three approaches to knowledge: knowledge about children; knowledge for children; and children’s own knowledge. Taken together the chapters demonstrate how this juxtaposition is a useful framework for the analysis of historical and contemporary Indian social processes. Demonstrating that understanding Indian children’s experiences and knowledgeable perspectives is fundamental to any proper understanding of social complexity and change Children and Knowledge will be of great interest to scholars of childhoods studies gender education and South Asian studies. The book was originally published as a special issue of South Asian History and Culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367374334

Children and Learning to Read (RLE Edu I) This is a study of the nature of the process whereby children go about the business of learning to read. The author relates her own practical teaching experience closely to studies in developmental psychology and also considers the special needs of individual children. In all the book provides an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the processes involved in learning to read and it should be of interest not only to teachers but also to parents of young children.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751032

Children and Media in IndiaNarratives of Class Agency and Social Change Is the bicycle like the loudspeaker a medium of communication in India? Do Indian children need trade unions as much as they need schools? What would you do with a mobile phone if all your friends were playing tag in the rain or watching Indian Idol? Children and Media in India illuminates the experiences practices and contexts in which children and young people in diverse locations across India encounter make or make meaning from media in the course of their everyday lives. From textbooks television film and comics to mobile phones and digital games this book examines the media available to different socioeconomic groups of children in India and their articulation with everyday cultures and routines. An authoritative overview of theories and discussions about childhood agency social class caste and gender in India is followed by an analysis of films and television representations of childhood informed by qualitative interview data collected between 2005 and 2015 in urban small-town and rural contexts with children aged nine to 17. The analysis uncovers and challenges widely held assumptions about the relationships among factors including sociocultural location media content and technologies and children’s labour and agency. The analysis casts doubt on undifferentiated claims about how new technologies ‘affect’ ‘endanger’ and/or ‘empower’ pointing instead to the importance of social class – and caste – in mediating relationships among children young people and the poor. The analysis of children’s narratives of daily work education caring and leisure supports the conclusion that although unrecognised and underrepresented subaltern children’s agency and resourceful conservation makes a significant contribution to economic interpretive and social reproduction in India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138344570

Children and Schooling The book provides a synthesis of a broadly-based social-psychology of education and bridges the gap between theory and practice in education by emphasising the relationship between research and actuality. The author discusses the major issues in childhood socialisation relating to schooling achievement and the curriculum and in so doing makes a sensitive and well-argued case for the social-psychological perspective.He presents a social-psychologist’s view of the interaction between child school and curriculum and summarises mainstream psychological contributions to current thinking on achievement self-esteem and education. He covers areas of social learning and attribution theory not commonly dealt with in education texts showing that there are major fields of research which have until now been neglected. Children and Schooling is constructed so that its chapters can be used as independent study-guides to specific subjects or read in sequence each subject inter-related. The text can be treated as an introduction particularly in view of the notes and comprehensive and apposite scholarly apparatus: and as a spring-board for serious study at advanced level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753227

Children and SeparationSocio-Genealogical Connectedness Perspective Childhood separation and loss have become virtually a way of life for a large number of children throughout the world. Children separated from their genetic parent(s) and consequently their genealogical social and cultural roots due to processes such as adoption parental divorce/separation donor insemination single parenthood by choice and child trafficking can face social emotional and psychological difficulties. This book explores the premise that a proper understanding of the complex inner world of modern day separated children and their psycho-social development requires a shift in focus or emphasis. It presents the notion of socio-genealogical connectedness as a new theoretical framework for studying and promoting these children's growth and development. This new theory simultaneously challenges and complements existing notions of psycho-social development including attachment theory and Erikson's psycho-social theory of personality development. Owusu-Bempah proposes that this sense of socio-genealogical connectedness is an essential factor in children's adjustment to separation and their emotional and mental health; much like those adopted separated children suffer a loss of genealogical continuity and hence loss of 'self'. This hypothesis is discussed and ultimately supported through both the author's own research and a broad selection of theoretical and empirical material from other areas. The book further considers the implications of this notion of socio-genealogical connectedness for childcare policy and practice as well as directions for future research in this and related fields. Children and Separation is an invaluable resource for academics students and childcare professionals. The accessible style of the book ensures that it will also be useful to parents and anybody affected by childhood separation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646529

Children and Social Security This title was first published in 2003. There is growing anxiety about the consequences of social and economic change for children in industrial countries. It is in this context that the Federation for International Studies in Social Security chose Children and Social Security as the theme of its conference held in June 2001. Leading academics came together to discuss issues such as international comparative studies of child poverty financial benefit packages for children aspects of social security provision for families with children. This volume is international in focus bringing together research from the US Europe South Africa New Zealand it should be useful to researchers of social policy economics sociology and politics as well as policy-makers and representatives of charities and international bodies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138722286

Children and Society Provides a comprehensive overview of the issues research and debates relating to children and the experience of childhood in late twentieth century Britain. This volume will address key issues such as juvenile crime poverty child protection and children's rights and their implications for the development of policy and services for children. Presents first hand accounts from children and parents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138462571

Children and Television Does violence on TV lead to violent behaviour? How does screen time impact child development? What is the effect of advertising on a child’s behaviour? Twenty years after the publication of the first edition of Children and Television these issues remain as pertinent as ever. In the new Classic Edition of this core textbook Gunter and Gunter present research evidence into the effects of television on children and their responses to it. This comprehensive work examines a wide range of issues including children’s knowledge of television and how it impacts social roles aggressive behaviour advertising health orientation and both good and bad behaviour and concludes that children are sophisticated viewers and control television far more than it controls them. The Classic Edition includes a new preface to the current context of the book exploring the emergence of new TV channels enhanced home recording capacity archiving and streaming services replacing traditional forms of viewing with non-linear viewing and their impact on children. This book is essential reading for postgraduate and undergraduate students taking courses on child development and family studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367249809

Children and Television Consumption in the Digital EraUse Impact and Regulation Children and Television Consumption in the Digital Era provides a comprehensive analysis of contemporary research on the developmental impact of children’s screen engagement in modern society. Barrie Gunter explores how the world of television has evolved to become almost unrecognisable from the broadcast landscapes present over the last years of the 20th century. This key text considers how screen-based entertainment has become increasingly interactive and how children have become accustomed to creating their own television schedules through streamed services. It explores key topics including screen experiences and the manifestation of prosocial and antisocial behaviour advertising and the development of consumerism and the evidence of screen time on a child’s health and school performance. Gunter insightfully assesses television content that children are exposed to and its impact on cognitive and behavioural development. Featuring commentary on the challenges regulators face to keep up with rapidly developing screen technologies and suggestions on how parents can mediate their children’s screen behaviour this text is an essential read for researchers and students taking courses in child development family studies broadcasting and communication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367473495

Children and the Criminal Law in Connecticut 1635-1855Changing Perceptions of Childhood This book presents an intelligent overview into the driving forces that shaped American history in the Northeast. It draws on primary documents such as farmer's diaries small rural papers of the 19th century and the publications of state agricultural societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873780

Children and the Environment in an Australian Indigenous CommunityA psychological approach Aboriginal children represent one of the fastest growing population segments in Australia yet the lives of Aboriginal children in their environment has rarely been subjected to systematic and in-depth study. In this book Angela Kreutz considers the relationship between the environment attachment and development in indigenous children examining theoretical constructs and conceptual models by empirically road testing these ideas within a distinct cultural community.  The book presents the first empirical study on Australian Aboriginal children’s lives from within the field of child-environment studies employing an environmental psychology perspective combined with architectural and anthropological understandings. Chapters offer valuable insights into participatory planning and design solutions concerning Aboriginal children in their distinct community environment and the cross-cultural character of the case study illuminates the commonalities of child development as well as recognising the uniqueness that stems from specific histories in specific places. Children and the Environment in an Australian Indigenous Community makes significant theoretical methodological and practical contributions to the international cross disciplinary field of child-environment studies. It will be of key interest to researchers from the fields of environmental ecological developmental and social psychology as well as anthropologists  sociologists and those studying the environment and planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815356059

Children and the Geography of ViolenceWhy Space and Place Matter Violence sabotages development both children’s development and the development of the communities and neighbourhoods they rely on. There is abundant evidence of the deep and lasting harm that can be done. Violence breaks bodies and minds and exerts an insidious influence at every level. The effects are immediate but can also linger damaging health trust and capability traveling through generations. This book argues that it is impossible to understand the violence in young children’s lives or to respond to it adequately without considering how embedded it is within their physical surroundings. The relations of power that are the context for violence within households within communities and beyond are often expressed through control over space and the material conditions of life. This book links the abstract concept of structural violence to the stark reality of personal harm drawing on evidence from a range of disciplines and from countries throughout the global South. It explores the dynamics of cramped insecure housing poor water and sanitation neglected neighbourhoods forced evictions cities that segregate the rich and the poor landscapes of conflict and disaster and discusses their implications for young children. An alternative approach to child protection is proposed anchored in the actions of organized communities negotiating to challenge inequities mend their environments and achieve security. There is a fundamental synergy between building community and protecting children. These are not separate agendas. A place that works for children works better for everyone else as well. This book will be essential reading for all those interested in young children in a global context whether as child protection professionals or those with a more general interest in children’s rights issues or in cross cultural approaches to child development. It will also be of great interest to students and researchers of development studies conflict studies family studies child development public health and urban planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138040878

Children and the Media Throughout history the media has primarily been produced by adults for adults about adults. Increasingly children have become a matter of high priority in the modern media society and as they have they have also become the subject of much concern. From debates in Congress about the detrimental effects of movies comic books and video games over the last century to efforts to court children as media consumers there is a clear recognition that the media are not now and probably never were purely adult fare. Their impact on children is at issue. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520394

Children and Their Changing Media EnvironmentA European Comparative Study Focusing on the meanings uses and impacts of new media in childhood family life peer culture and the relation between home and school this volume sets out to address many of the questions fears and hopes regarding the changing place of media in the lives of today's children and young people. The scholars contributing to this work argue that such questions--intellectual empirical and policy-related--can be productively addressed through cross-national research. Hence this volume brings together researchers from 12 countries--Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany the United Kingdom Israel Italy the Netherlands Spain Sweden and Switzerland--to present original and comprehensive findings regarding the diffusion and significance of new media and information technologies among children. Inspired by parallels and difference between the arrival of television in the family home during the 1950s and the present day arrival of new media the research is based on in-depth interviews and a detailed comparative survey of 6- to 16-year-olds across Europe and in Israel. The result is a comprehensive detailed and fascinating account of how these technologies are rapidly becoming central to the daily lives of young people. As a resource for researchers and students in media and communication studies leisure and cultural studies social psychology and related areas this volume provides crucial insights into the role of media in the lives of children. The findings included herein will also be of interest to policymakers in broadcasting technology and education throughout the world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410605184

Children And Their CurriculumThe Perspectives Of Primary And Elementary School Children First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180352

Children and Their Education in Secure AccommodationInterdisciplinary Perspectives of Education Health and Youth Justice This highly topical book integrates theory and practice about children and their education provision in secure accommodation. Bridging the fields of education health and youth justice it provides a unique interdisciplinary perspective outlining the importance of taking a holistic approach to the education and rehabilitation of children who are ‘locked up’. The book has brought together contributors from across the UK and beyond to share their academic research practical knowledge and experiences working with children and young people. Shedding light on the intricacies and realities of working in the context of secure settings the book is divided into the following five parts: Contextualising the field Practice insights Case examples and models of practice Inclusion and voice Recommendations from research Children and Their Education in Secure Accommodation unravels the complexity of the topic and offers ‘whole-system’ perspectives as well as a child-centred view on the issue of educating and rehabilitating children and the needs and rights of children in such settings. With unique and valuable insights from those involved in policy or provision this book will be an essential text for researchers practitioners and students in this interdisciplinary field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138694408

Children and their Urban EnvironmentChanging Worlds In our fast-changing urban world the impacts of social and environmental change on children are often overlooked. Children and their Urban Environment examines these impacts in detail looking at the key activities spaces and experiences children have and how these can be managed to ensure that children benefit from change. The authors highlight the importance of planners architects and housing professionals in creating positive environments for children and involving them in the planning process. They argue that children's lives are becoming simultaneously both richer and more deprived and that despite apparently increasing wealth disparities between children are increasing further. Each chapter includes international examples of good practice and policy innovations for redressing the balance in favour of child supportive environments. The book seeks to embrace childhood as a time of freedom social engagement and environmental adventure and to encourage creation of environments that better meet the needs of children. The authors argue that in doing so we will build more sustainable neighbourhoods cities and societies for the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844078530

Children and WorkStudy of Socialization What do children know about work careers and related topics? What is the pattern of growth in values attitudes beliefs and knowledge? Using quantitative and anecdotal evidence gathered from interviewing over 900 grade-school students in five New Jersey communities the authors analyze childhood socialization to the concept of work.Existing literature on this topic focuses on the critical years of oc-cupational choice. But Goldstein and Oldham strongly suggest that much of the child's work-related development has already occurred prior to entry into secondary school and that "career educa-tion" must receive increased em-phasis during the elementary years. Their evidence corroborates the pattern of rapid progress to-ward childhood awareness of im-portant social phenomena such as war politics race gender roles and economics. By the seventh grade children have an awareness in these areas that approximates that of adults. Traditional stereo-types concerning appropriate work roles for women continue to exist at the elementary school level.This work is a comprehensive empirical treatment of childhood socialization to work fitting neat-ly into the growing body of litera-ture on the socialization of the child into various political eco-nomic and social roles. Children and Work is in the sociological tradition but the findings are pre-sented in the context of a growing body of social science research on early socialization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138508064

Children and Yiddish LiteratureFrom Early Modernity to Post-Modernity Children have occupied a prominent place in Yiddish literature since early modern times but children’s literature as a genre has its beginnings in the early 20th century. Its emergence reflected the desire of Jewish intellectuals to introduce modern forms of education and promote ideological agendas both in Eastern Europe and in immigrant communities elsewhere. Before the Second World War a number of publishing houses and periodicals in Europe and the Americas specialized in stories novels and poems for various age groups. Prominent authors such as Yankev Glatshteyn Der Nister Joseph Opatoshu Leyb Kvitko made original contributions to the genre while artists such as Marc Chagall El Lissitzky and Yisakhar Ber Rybak also took an active part. In the Soviet Union meanwhile children’s literature provided an opportunity to escape strong ideological pressure. Yiddish children’s literature is still being produced today both for secular and strongly Orthodox communities. This volume is a pioneering collective study not only of children’s literature but of the role played by children in literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367598389

Children and Young People as Knowledge Producers Despite the widespread promotion of children’s voices by activists and policy makers over the last decade the potential for young people’s knowledge to impact on adult agendas and policy arenas is by no means a certainty. This book presents critiques of participation in settings where young people are the centre of attention. The complexities and power-dynamics of youth- adult relationships are observed and analysed in a wide diversity of study environments from Hull to Sao Paulo rural Lesotho to Ghana using varied methods and over different time frames but with a strong focus throughout on context practice impacts and associated ethical considerations. The central concern of the book is not whether young people can produce better knowledge than adults but rather how to better understand the different knowledges which emerge from diverse actors within different generations in order to ensure that the maximum benefits accrue to children and young people with and for whom the research is conducted. This book was originally published as a special issue of Children's Geographies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138383197

Children and Young People’s RelationshipsLearning across Majority and Minority Worlds This book challenges the current state of childhood studies by exploring children and young people’s agency and relationships. It considers how recent theorisations of relationships and relational processes can move childhood studies forward particularly in relation to re-thinking claims of children and young people’s agency and uncritical assertions around children and young people’s participation and voice. It does this by bringing together case studies of children’s inter-generational and intra-generational relationships from both the Majority and Minority Worlds. The main themes include negotiated power agency across contexts and negotiations of identity. The chapters show both the heritage of childhood studies particularly within the UK and where it may be going. One of the key aims of the book is to add to the limited but growing cross-world dialogue that encourages cross-cultural learning from research and practice in both Majority and Minority World contexts leading towards a more integrated global approach to childhood studies. This book was published as a special issue of Children's Geographies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415828611

Children and Young People’s Response to Parental IllnessA Handbook of Assessment and Practice Assessment of the impact of parental illness has gathered significant momentum over recent years. This book provides an up-to-date guide for a variety of professionals on how a range of conditions might impact upon children and young people. Each chapter provides an overview of current literature an evaluation of relevant interventions an ‘in practice’ section that provides guidance for readers in terms of best practice and future research directions. Although the primary focus of the book is directed at children’s and young people’s response to their parent’s condition the challenges of parenting are also frequently highlighted. Additionally the text provides an overview of measurement issues when investigating children’s and young people’s response to parental illness. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781785230073

Children and Young People's Mental HealthEssentials for Nurses and Other Professionals Children and Young People’s Mental Health equips nurses and healthcare professionals with the essential skills and competencies needed to deliver effective assessment treatment and support to children and young people with mental health problems and disorders and their families. Drawing on McDougall’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nursing and taking the Cavendish Report and Willis Commission into account this new textbook has been designed to ensure those working in CAMHS can continue to provide a high quality evidence-based service.  The book explores best practice in a variety of settings and addresses issues such as eating disorders self–harm ADHD forensic mental health issues and misuse of drugs and alcohol in children and young people as well as child protection clinical governance safeguarding and legal requirements. Furthermore with young people contributing directly to several chapters the book reflects the importance of involving them in planning delivering and evaluating CAMHS services. It is essential reading for all health and social care professionals and students working with children and young people particularly those working in specialist child and adolescent mental health settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138915459

Children and Young People's NursingPrinciples for Practice Children and Young People's Nursing provides a comprehensive overview of the issues facing children's nurses today. It focuses on developing best practice and implementing high quality care. This book covers the wide range of general and specialist care settings in which children and young people's nurses work including schools the community and mental health. Written by a team of experts from across the UK it emphasizes throughout the fundamental principles of contemporary children's nursing such as family-centred care safeguarding and the need for a culturally sensitive and rights-based approach to care. This is an essential text for all children's nursing students as well as a useful reference for qualified nurses looking to update their practice.Key features All chapters are underpinned by current policies and the latest research Key points reflection points principles for practice boxes and cas studies to aid learning Concludes with a section on building your portfolio and advancing your practice and career Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781444107845

Children and Young People's NursingPrinciples for Practice Second Edition Underpinned by a rights-based approach this essential text critically analyses the theory and practice of children and young people’s nursing from several perspectives - public health acute and community based care education and research. Chapters address the clinical legal ethical political and professional issues and controversies which impact on the care delivered to children young people and their families both nationally and internationally. This new edition continues to promote reflection and critical thinking about the practice of children’s nursing and professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781498734325

Children as Agents in Their WorldsA Psychological–Relational Perspective Are children the passive recipients of influence from their parents and from society? Is their development determined by their genes and their neurons or do they have the capacity to think about and influence their own lives and the world around them? How does their interaction with their social and material worlds support or hinder agency? Are children agents and what do we mean by agency? Children as Agents in Their Worlds aims to answer these questions through a critical psychological and relational approach while referencing and critiquing a wide range of perspectives from other disciplines including sociology anthropology and education. Greene and Nixon review the pioneering work of scholars of childhood studies and current post-human theories of agency and offer a developmental perspective on the emergence of the sense of agency and the exercise of agency in children. They discuss key themes including agency in families agency within the school context and with peers and children as agents in the wider public sphere. They explore agency and diversity examining sex age genetic inheritance and contextual sources of difference such as social class and geographical location. Offering a stronger theoretical base for research and policy through a synthesis of both psychological and relational theories  Children as Agents in Their Worlds will be essential reading for students and professionals in developmental psychology sociology and anthropology as well as education childhood studies children’s rights and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138649231

Children as CitizensEngaging with the child's voice in educational settings This book discusses how consultations with young children could signal a change of thinking about how children might influence policy and shape the development of a child-friendly state. While the consultations in this study were germane to political decisions they took place as multi-modal dialogue with children in their educational settings. Framed by Australia’s national early years learning framework which focuses on children’s belonging and identity the consultations saw unique partnerships formed among children educators families and policy officers providing ways in which children’s voices may be engaged in educational spaces throughout the world. Using a qualitative case study approach these consultations were documented through observations interviews artefact collection and document analyses allowing the authors to construct a framework for engaging children as citizens that is transferable to a variety of settings. Chapters provide: • an insight into the various aspects involved in children’s consultations from conceptualizing and planning consultations with young children to implementation and documentation through to the uptake and consequence of children’s messages; • factors that contribute to the effectiveness of consultations challenges that arise and areas for improvement when engaging with children’s voices; • implications for children’s participation as valued citizens and a framework for considering young children’s voices in decision-making processes. This book offers fresh ideas for working with young children in the decision making process and will appeal to early childhood researchers educators policymakers and practitioners across various sectors agencies and disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138669833

Children as Place-Makersthe innate architect in all of us Each of these Analysing Architecture Notebooks is devoted to a particular theme in understanding the rich and varied workings of architecture. They can be thought of as addenda to the foundation volume Analysing Architecture which first appeared in 1997 and has subsequently been enlarged in three further editions. Examining these extra themes as a series of Notebooks rather than as additional chapters in future editions allows greater space for more detailed exploration of a wider variety of examples whilst avoiding the risk of the original book becoming unwieldy. As children we make places spontaneously: on the beach in woodland around our homes… Those places are evidence of a natural language of architecture we all share. Beginning with the child as seed and agent of the places it makes initial sections of Children as Place-makers illustrate the key ‘verbs’ that drive that natural language of architecture. Later sections look at the core importance of the circle of place how as children we are drawn to inhabit boxes and the narrative possibilities that arise when place is linked with imagination. The principal messages of this Notebook are that it is by place-making we make sense of the space of the world in which we live and that the first step in becoming a professional architect is to re-awaken the innate architect inside each of us. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138046016

Children as Readers in Children's LiteratureThe power of texts and the importance of reading We are fascinated by text and we are fascinated by reading. Is this because we are in a time of textual change? Given that young people always seem to be in the vanguard of technological change questions about what and how they read are the subject of intense debate. Children as Readers in Children’s Literature explores these questions by looking at the literature that is written for children and young people to see what it tells us about them as readers. The contributors to this book are a group of distinguished children’s literature scholars literacy and media specialists who contemplate the multiple images of children as readers and how they reflect the power and purpose of texts and literacy. Contributors to this wide-ranging text consider: How books shape the readers we become Cognitive and affective responses to representation of books and reading    The relationship between love-stories and reading as a cultural activity  Reading as ‘Protection and Enlightenment’ Picturebooks as stage sets for acts of reading Readers’ perceptions of a writer This portrayal of books and reading also reveals adults’ beliefs about childhood and literacy and how they are changing. It is a theme of crucial significance in the shaping of future generations of readers given these beliefs influence not only ideas about the teaching of literature but also about the role of digital technologies. This text is a must-read for any individual interested in the importance of keeping literature alive through reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138806702

Children as Researchers in Primary SchoolsChoice Voice and Participation How often do your primary school pupils have the opportunity to engage in open-ended sustained pieces of work that offer them choice and control? Do you find that the curriculum restricts openings to provide your pupils with real challenge? Is your school grappling with finding effective ways in which to elicit authentic pupil voice? Children as Researchers in Primary Schools is an innovative and unique resource for practitioners supporting children to become ‘real world’ researchers in the primary classroom. It will supply you with the skills and ideas you need to implement a ‘children as researchers’ framework in your school that can be adapted for different ages and abilities. Children in primary schools are accustomed to being set short-term goals and are often unaware of long-term aims or of the connections between the concepts and skills they are learning. In contrast this book demonstrates that children engaging in the research process have authentic opportunities to apply invaluable personal learning and thinking skills while managing their own projects making their ‘voices’ heard and experiencing increased levels of engagement and self-esteem. Based on the author’s 4-year research study exploring the experiences of young researchers and teachers in primary schools and on her considerable experience of training young researchers this book also contains: the history and theory behind ‘children as researchers’ initiatives; a model for good practice based on successful real life case studies; questions for reflective practice; practical examples of research in the classroom; photocopiable resources; opportunities for self-evaluation. This comprehensive resource will be appeal to primary teachers educational practitioners and students on CPD and ITT courses. It will also be of interest to teacher trainers to academics involved in teaching and research and to all those interested in promoting children’s voices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415619707

Children at RiskThe Precarious State of Children's Well-being in America The desire for our children to be free from want and danger and to be able to enjoy their youth in innocence would seem to be universal. Conventional wisdom says that parents in every socio-economic level of society share the dream of preserving their children's innocence. All want to provide a childhood and adolescence that shelters and protects children from the harshness of life and nurtures them until they are able to withstand the onslaught of reality.One need only look at troubled areas of the world such as Northern Ireland parts of the Middle East or any number of other points on the globe to see how weak is any communion forged out of these universal desires for the welfare of children. Even in the United States the competition of ideas and values about what represents the "good" society in which to raise our children is fierce-as are differing views about the value of innocence and even life itself. These differing ideas and values affect people's actions even when they have never reflected on them or have never cared enough to formulate those values into a coherent worldview.Crouse contends that without morals children are at risk. Moral boundaries not moral relativism provide a safe haven for children by preserving their innocence and protecting them from predators and pedophiles. When authentic religious faith has been quashed children are no longer safe. When the underlying values are wrong when there are no common values unifying a people even the best programs and most honorable of intentions are doomed to failure. Well-intentioned programs and policies inevitably fail miserably without an undergirding moral foundation as is documented by an abundance of data and the social trends in America today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138508071

Children Away from HomeA Sourcebook of Residential Treatment The editors of this volume are committed to the philosophy of treating emotionally disturbed children in the life milieu. Both have been intensely involved in training "online" therapists--child care workers. They are convinced that there is no one "right way" in milieu treatment and propose a electric model for treatment.Like many of the other writers included in this book Whittaker and Trieschman conceive of treatment as a total life experience. Th ey do not see the individual versus the group but the individual within the group situation. They also do not see permissiveness versus limitations professional staff versus nonprofessional staff or the institution versus an outside of the community.The book is divided into two sections: the fi rst is a dialogue between the editors on current issues in residential treatment and problems in treating children. The second is a collection of readings. This is one of the first sourcebooks covering the therapeutic milieu for children in residential treatment centers specifi cally emotionally disturbed children. It is also an excellent text for courses on the emotionally disturbed child milieu treatment and child welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520400

Children Beyond LabelsUnderstanding Standardised Assessment and Managing Additional Learning Needs in Primary School Children Beyond Labels is an accessible guide to understanding standardised assessment and managing high incidence additional learning needs in the primary school. It offers jargon-free insight into the results of formal assessments which are often used within professional reports and cuts to the core of how primary education professionals and parents can identify understand and best meet children’s needs. Offering a range of practical and manageable strategies the book provides clear explanations of commonly used labels which reflect three of the four areas described within the SEND Code of Practice (2015): Cognition and Learning; Communication and Interaction; and Social Emotional and Mental Health. These categories are illustrated by 18 detailed case studies of children from the author’s own case work each with their unique profiles of strengths weaknesses and traits that can sometimes transcend category boundaries. Examples of these traits include: Dyslexia Autism Spectrum Disorder Specific Language Impairment Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Developmental Co-ordination Difficulties Anxiety. This is an invaluable guide to the range of different types of additional learning or special needs of children who are likely to be found in mainstream primary schools. It will be of interest to primary teachers trainee teachers teaching assistants SENCOs parents and anyone working to support the needs of young children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138580770

Children CommunicatingThe First 5 Years Offering a unique focus on the development of human communication this book integrates and synthesizes a more comprehensive array of research than most investigations of communicative development. As such it incorporates materials dealing with the development of nonverbal communication language and cognition and examines how they are integrated in the growing child's everyday interaction. This information is distilled into a set of key principles and practices--culled from a variety of fields including developmental and social psychology sociolinguistics psycholinguistics and communication--for parents or adults interested in child development. While this book does not offer an in-depth view in any one area it provides a comprehensive overview of the various components of human communicative development and its significance for the child's cognitive and emotional growth. It is quite clear that developmental processes are constrained by multiple influences whose interactions have just begun to be uncovered. Examining the diverse facets of communicative development will enable professionals to garner further insights into the mystery of human communication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415515504

Children Draw And TellAn Introduction To The Projective Uses Of Children's Human Figure Drawing First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138154063

Children Exposed to Domestic ViolenceCurrent Issues in Research Intervention Prevention and Policy Development Discover research from across the United States and around the world on children exposed to domestic violence!If you are a member of a helping medical or legal profession Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Current Issues in Research Intervention Prevention and Policy Development will help you explore research assessments interventions and policy and prevention for children victims of battering batterers and their families. This important book focuses on various aspects of spousal/partner abuse and child maltreatment. Comprehensive and thorough Children Exposed to Domestic Violence focuses on three major sections: theoretical and research issues intervention and prevention strategies and policy development from an international perspective. Some of the important issues you will examine include: exploring the importance of partnerships between the domestic violence front-line workers and researchers at universities addressing the thorny issues of parenting in abused women assessing all areas of children's adjustment as well as their various relationships that may be problematic investigating the results of a quarter century research on men who batter by focusing on the crucial link between exposure to violence in childhood and adult marital behavior understanding the role of physiological and environmental factors as central to the role in domestic violence exploring the challenges faced by shelter staff in providing services to children who accompany their mother to find refuge examining new ideas for primary prevention programs in schools understanding policy and legislative implications of the growing body of literature on the impact of exposure to violence on children Children Exposed to Domestic Violence exemplifies the serious challenges faced by social workers educators policymakers psychologists and others in helping professions working with children who have been exposed to domestic violence. You will gain insight into the vast amount of research that has taken place in the last ten years on this problem that will assist you with creating research ideas interventions prevention programs and policies concerning children exposed to domestic violence. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809427

Children Exposed To ViolenceCurrent Issues Interventions and Research Children’s exposure to violence (CEV) in their home their community and our society has finally been recognized as a serious mental health social and public health problem. This book highlights a summary of relevant current research practice and policy issues. It is the third in a series to help provide current state-of-the-science information to stimulate awareness research and best practices in the field. This book provides chapters concerning the physiological effects of violence on children its effects on behavioral and emotional functioning and differences between boys and girls. Current interventions for children and families such as innovative programs that are both home based as well as community based are described. Promising and evidence-based practices are presented to provide the most recent approaches to helping children recover from the trauma of the abuse. The chapters in this book provide greater awareness of the issues involved with CEV stimulate additional research improve practice techniques lead to more evidence-based programs for both intervention as well as prevention and help initiate a national priority to eliminate violence in the home and community. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Emotional Abuse. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877280

Children Going HomeThe Re-unification of Families First published in 1998 this Darlington child care study looks at the return experiences of children looked after by local authorities. It shows that although the great majority of children go back to their families and home communities little is known about the process. How can professionals and carers make the transition as easy as possible? The book takes forward ideas first reported in the Dartmouth publication going home: The return of children separated from their families and tested in subsequent research. It charts patterns of separation and return considers the experiences of those involved and highlights factors associated with the likelihood of return and its success. Because the factors described in the earlier research have since been confirmed in a blind prospective study they are among the most robust indicators available. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138613690

Children in AntiquityPerspectives and Experiences of Childhood in the Ancient Mediterranean This collection employs a multi-disciplinary approach treating ancient childhood in a holistic manner according to diachronic regional and thematic perspectives. This multi-disciplinary approach encompasses classical studies Egyptology ancient history and the broad spectrum of archaeology including iconography and bioarchaeology. With a chronological range of the Bronze Age to Byzantium and regional coverage of Egypt Greece and Italy this is the largest survey of childhood yet undertaken for the ancient world. Within this chronological and regional framework both the social construction of childhood and the child’s life experience are explored through the key topics of the definition of childhood daily life religion and ritual death and the information provided by bioarchaeology. No other volume to date provides such a comprehensive systematic and cross-cultural study of childhood in the ancient Mediterranean world. In particular its focus on the identification of society-specific definitions of childhood and the incorporation of the bioarchaeological perspective makes this work a unique and innovative study. Children in Antiquity provides an invaluable and unrivalled resource for anyone working on all aspects of the lives and deaths of children in the ancient Mediterranean world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138780866

Children in CareThe Development of the Service for the Deprived Child First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415863506

Children in CrisisEthnographic Studies in International Contexts This volume brings together ethnographers conducting research on children living in crisis situations in both developing and developed regions taking a cross-cultural approach that spans different cities in the global North and South to provide insight and analyses into the lifeworlds of their young at-risk inhabitants. Looking at the lived experiences of poverty drastic inequality displacement ecological degradation and war in countries including Haiti Argentina and Palestine the book shows how children both respond to and are shaped by their circumstances. Going beyond conventional images of children subjected to starvation hunger and disease to build an integrated analysis of what it means to be a child in crisis in the 21st century the book makes a significant contribution to the nascent field of study concerned with development and childhood. With children now at the forefront of debates on human rights and poverty reduction there is no better time for scholars policymakers and the general public to understand the complex social economic and political dynamics that characterize their present predicaments and future life chances. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138952751

Children in DifficultyA guide to understanding and helping Written by two leading experts in the field this welcome third edition of Children in Difficulty: A guide to understanding and helping discusses some of the most common yet incapacitating difficulties that are frequently encountered by young children and adolescents. This includes such topics as: ADHD disruptiveness and challenging behaviour in schools and classrooms dyslexia and reading disability eating disorders oppositional defiance conduct and attachment disorders childhood depression school refusal developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia) less common mental health problems such as bipolar disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. traumatic and stressful situations drug and solvent abuse. The third edition of this book includes brand new insights from the fields of genetics and neuroscience and ensures claims for the effectiveness of specific interventions are supported by rigorous scientific evidence. By drawing upon high level scientific and clinical knowledge and distilling it in a way that is accessible to professionals from a range of child care disciplines this book will be of significant value to those working in education health or social care and anyone who needs to be able to recognise and help children in difficulty. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415672634

Children in Family TherapyTreatment and Training Here is one of the few books that focuses explicitly on including children in family therapy sessions. The contributors to this enlightening volume are seasoned family therapists of various theoretical perspectives who work in a variety of settings and include children of all ages in their therapy practices. Recognizing that many practicing therapists are not comfortable including children they address the treatment and training issues and provide extensive case studies and fascinating background material on their own early involvement in the practice. Children in Family Therapy will be extremely valuable to family therapists of all levels of experience. For the veterans the cases that are different in approach from their own will be particularly informative. Less experienced therapists will find here a basic introduction and a clear description of the range of clinical practice in family therapy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315791647

Children in Foster Care Researchers practitioners journalists and politicians increasingly recognise that foster care throughout the world is in a state of crisis. There are more and more children needing care and as residential alternatives dry up more of these children are being assigned to foster families. This book reports the major findings of a two-year longitudinal study of 235 such children who entered the foster care system in Southern Australia between 1998 and 1999. As well as examining the changing policy context of children's services the book documents the psychosocial outcomes for these children their feedback on their experiences of care and the views of their social workers and carers. In the process the book examines some cherished beliefs about foster care policy and sheds new light on them.The research reveals that while most children do quite well in foster care up to the two-year point there is a worrying amount of placement instability at a time when the concentration of emotionally troubled children in care is increasing throughout the western world. Although surprisingly placement instability does not appear to produce psychosocial impairment for a period of up to eight months in care it has an extreme effect on children who are moved from placement to placement because no carer will tolerate their behaviour. These children are consigned to a life of distribution and emotional upheaval because of the lack of alternative forms of care. Another unexpected finding of the research is that increasing the rate of parental contact achieves little or nothing in relation to the likelihood of family reunification.As child welfare increasingly enters a world of research-based practice Children in Foster Care provides some much needed hard evidence of how foster care policy and practice can be improved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970359

Children in GenocideExtreme Traumatization and Affect Regulation This book deals with affects and memories from extreme traumatization of Jewish survivors who were children themselves during the Holocaust and teenagers who survived the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 presenting an illustration of how complex affect regulating is for traumatized individuals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323714

Children in Social MovementsRethinking Agency Mobilization and Rights Children’s participation in social movements is presented through a theoretical typology consisting of strategic participants participants by default and active participants. This range of participation accounts for the social location of children historically and internationally calling for their inclusion into social movement research. Children are unresearched and untheorized participants within social movement literature. Providing rich detail of children’s participation through illustrative case studies this book presents the ideal types of participation as grounded in their social movement activity. These cross cultural historical and contemporary case studies include whenever possible children’s perspective in their own words. Utilizing insights from childhood studies on agency and rights of children enhances the understanding of social movement strategies and mobilization. Following the chapters on each type of participation suggestions are provided for rethinking existing social movement theories to acknowledge child participants. Scholars and students of social movements and childhood studies as well as within the field of sociology will find interest in the wide range of case studies presented of children in social movements. The discussion of how social movement theory might be applied to the types of participation is meant to inspire future research and expand analysis of children’s participation in social movements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367856779

Children in State Care This volume brings together a selection of the most influential and informative English language refereed journal articles on children in out-of-home care their birth relatives and carers. The articles which include empirical research and critiques of policy and practice are mainly from the UK and USA but include some coverage of child placement policy and practice in Australia and mainland Europe. The volume starts with a joint introductory chapter by the two distinguished authors (one American one British) reviewing the state of knowledge on children in care and drawing attention to other important sources not included as chapters. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260532

Children in the Bible and the Ancient WorldComparative and Historical Methods in Reading Ancient Children The topic of children in the Bible has long been under-represented but this has recently changed with the development of childhood studies in broader fields and the work of several dedicated scholars. While many reading methods are employed in this emerging field comparative work with children in the ancient world has been an important tool to understand the function of children in biblical texts. Children in the Bible and the Ancient World broadly introduces children in the ancient world and specifically children in the Bible. It brings together an international group of experts who help readers understand how children are constructed in biblical literature across three broad areas: children in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East children in Christian writings and the Greco-Roman world and children and materiality. The diverse essays cover topics such as: vows in Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible obstetric knowledge infant abandonment the role of marriage Greek abandonment texts ritual entry for children into Christian communities education sexual abuse and the role of archeological figurines in children’s lives. The volume also includes expertise in biological anthropology to study the skeletal remains of ancient children as well as how ancient texts illuminate Mary’s female maturity. The volume is written in an accessible style suitable for non-specialists and it is equipped with a helpful resource bibliography that organizes select secondary sources from these essays into meaningful categories for further study. Children in the Bible and the Ancient World is a helpful introduction to any who study children and childhood in the ancient world. In addition the volume will be of interest to experts who are engaged in historical approaches to biblical studies while appreciating how the ancient world continues to illuminate select topics in biblical texts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138543768

Children in the Online WorldRisk Regulation Rights What is online risk? How can we best protect children from it? Who should be responsible for this protection? Is all protection good? Can Internet users trust the industry? These and other fundamental questions are discussed in this book. Beginning with the premise that the political and democratic processes in a society are affected by the way in which that society defines and perceives risks Children in the Online World offers insights into the contemporary regulation of online risk for children (including teens) examining the questions of whether such regulation is legitimate and whether it does in fact result in the sacrifice of certain fundamental human rights. The book draws on representative studies with European children concerning their actual online risk experiences as well as an extensive review of regulatory rationales in the European Union to contend that the institutions of the western European welfare states charged with protecting children have changed fundamentally at the cost of the level of security that they provide. In consequence children at once have more rights with regard to their personal decision making as digital consumers yet fewer democratic rights to participation and protection as ’digital citizens’. A theoretically informed yet empirically grounded study of the relationship between core democratic values and the duty to protect young people in the media-sphere Children in the Online World will appeal to scholars and students across the social sciences with interests in new technologies risk and the sociology of childhood and youth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138250628

Children In The Wind First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970366

Children In TreatmentA Primer For Beginning Psychotherapists First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138415409

Children into Pupils (RLE Edu I)A Study of Language in Early Schooling This book makes work in the field of sociolinguistics easily accessible to working teachers and to teachers in training. It focuses on the crucial first weeks that children spend in school and deals with talk as a joint production in which teachers and pupils are engaged from the earliest stages of the educational process. Using a variety of research methods and observations Mary Willes captures the reality of what goes on in the classroom and describes how young children develop both linguistic and cognitive skills in this social context. In addition she examines classrooms where teachers have to find ways of interacting with young speakers of a mother tongue other than English. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751025

Children Learning FrenchAn Attempt at First Principles Is the learning of a second language best begun in the junior school? Originally published in 1974 the authors draw upon studies of language learning and upon developmental characteristics of children relating them to second language learning in order to assess the appropriateness of French to the curriculum. The possibilities and limitations of the task confronting the child are explored. The book is a practical one with many references to classroom organisation and teaching techniques. The restrictions of imitative learning are relegated to their limited place and a higher aim is suggested that of meaningful and productive language use. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138594449

Children Learning To Read: International ConcernsVolume 2 This is the second of a two-volume publication which provides an international perspective on how children learn to read. Research studies and classroom experiences from around the world are reported highlighting implications for the design implementation and evaluation of classroom reading programmes. Contributions are included from the UK USA Canada Australia Jamaica and Israel with evidence drawn from over 18 countries. Despite the contexted differences there are many common concerns and controversies. From these three areas are identified: the first is developing an improved understanding of the nature of children's early reading development; the second is the consideration of the ways in which children's reading can be encouraged. This volume addresses the issues of curriculum and assessment in the context of accountability. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203724934

Children Living in Sustainable Built EnvironmentsNew Urbanisms New Citizens Urban living has dramatically changed over the past generation refashioning children’s relationships with the towns and cities in which they live and the modes of living within them. Focusing on the global shift in urban planning towards sustainable urbanism - from master planned ‘sustainable communities’ to the green retrofitting of existing urban environments - Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments offers a critical analysis of the challenges tensions and opportunities for children and young people living in these environments. Drawing upon original data Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments demonstrates how the needs interests and participation of children and young people often remain inferior to the design planning and local politics of new urban communities. Considering children from their crucial role as residents engaging and contributing to the vitalities of their community to their role as consumers using and understanding sustainable design features the book critically discusses the prospects of future inclusion of children and young people as a social group in sustainable urbanism. Truly interdisciplinary Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments forms an original theoretical and empirical contribution to the understanding of the everyday lives of children and young people and will appeal to academics and students in the fields of education childhood studies sociology anthropology human geography and urban studies as well as policy-makers architects urban planners and other professionals working on sustainable urban designs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809406

Children Living in Temporary SheltersHow Homelessness Effects Their Perception of Home First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991231

Children Mourning Mourning Children First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138141469

Children of ColonialismAnglo-Indians in a Postcolonial World Among the legacies of the colonial encounter are any number of contemporary ‘mixed-race' populations descendants of the offspring of sexual unions involving European men (colonial officials traders etc.) and local women. These groups invite serious scholarly attention because they not only challenge notions of a rigid divide between colonizer and colonized but beg a host of questions about continuities and transformations in the postcolonial world. This book concerns one such group the Eurasians of India or Anglo-Indians as they came to be designated. Caplan presents an historicized ethnography of their contemporary lives as these relate both to the colonial past and to conditions in the present. In particular he forcefully shows that features which theorists associate with the postcolonial present — blurred boundaries multiple identities creolized cultures — have been part of the colonial past as well. Presenting a powerful argument against theoretically essentialized notions of culture hybridity and postcoloniality this book is a much-needed contribution to recent debates in cultural studies literary theory anthropology sociology as well as historical studies of colonialism ‘mixed-race' populations and cosmopolitan identities. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084907

Children of ColorResearch Health and Policy Issues First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970373

Children of DivorceDevelopmental and Clinical Issues Gain new understanding of the role that the children of divorce play within their own family systems. Unlike most other literature on the subject Children of Divorce studies--both empirically and clinically--the role of the children within the dysfunctional pattern of the dissolving family system. The unique and insightful perspectives in this volume equip practitioners and clinicians with the skills to help children cope with the pain and the adjustments they experience during and after a divorce. Experts in the marriage and family field explore the developmental structural and interactional issues for the benefit of all professionals seeking to more effectively understand and treat the children who are so adversely affected by divorce. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315804057

Children of GlobalizationDiasporic Coming-of-Age Novels in Germany England and the United States Children of Globalization is the first book-length exploration of contemporary Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels in the context of globalized and de facto multicultural societies. Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels subvert the horizon of expectations of the originating and archetypal form of the genre the traditional Bildungsroman which encompasses the works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Charles Dickens and Jane Austen and illustrates middle-class European "enlightened " and overwhelmingly male protagonists who become accommodated citizens workers and spouses whom the readers should imitate. Conversely Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels have manifold ways of defining youth and adulthood. The culturally-hybrid protagonists often experiencing intersectional oppression due to their identities of race gender class or sexuality must negotiate what it means to become adults in their own families and social contexts at times being undocumented or otherwise unable to access full citizenship thus enabling complex and variegated formative processes that beg the questions of nationhood and belonging in increasingly globalized societies worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367528348

Children of GodThe Child as Source of Theological Anthropology Children of God uncovers the significant but largely unnoticed place of the child as a prototype of human flourishing in the work of four authors spanning the modern period. Shedding new light on the role of the child figure in modernity and in theological responses to it the book makes an important contribution to the disciplines of historical theology theology and literature and ecumenical theology. Through a careful exploration of the continuities and differences in the work of Thomas Traherne Jean-Jacques Rousseau Friedrich Schleiermacher and Charles Péguy it traces the ways in which their distinctive responses to human childhood structured the broader pattern of their theology showing how they reached beyond the confines of academic theology and exercised a lasting influence on their literary and cultural context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118614

Children of Ham"Freed Slaves and Fugitive Slaves on the Kenya Coast 1873 to 1907" Children of Ham: Freed Slaves and Fugitives Slaves on the Kenya Coast I 873 to 1907 is a chronological account of the repeated bids for freedom made by slaves and ex-slaves on the Kenya coast and of the obstacles placed in their way by the British the Busaidi Arabs and the peoples of the coast. Efforts to escape slavery are as old as slavery itself on the Kenya coast but the principal story begins in 1873 when Britain pressured the sultan of Zanzibar to abolish the ocean-going slave trade. Thereafter political and military conflict intensified on the coast while opportunities for slaves to escape increased accordingly. This period ending roughly with the abolition of the legal status of slavery in 1907 corresponds to the imperial scramble from its earliest stages to the effective establishment of European rule. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367015701

Children of Incarcerated ParentsChallenges and Promise This book highlights the myriad factors that can impact the children of incarcerated parents. It is no secret that the United States continues to be the leading nation for the incarceration of men and women and this this large prison population includes approximately 120 000 incarcerated mothers and 1.1 million incarcerated fathers. Incarceration of a parent is recognized as an ‘adverse childhood experience’ an acute or chronic situation that for most people is stressful and potentially traumatic. Children of incarcerated parents may experience other adverse childhood experiences such as poverty homelessness parental substance abuse and other mental health problems and family violence. The chapters in this book document some of the challenges as well as some promising ways that can help parents and families begin to meet these challenges. It is our hope that the compendium of chapters presented in this book will be a resource for practitioners policy makers educators researchers and advocates in their work to ensure that the children of incarcerated parents their caregivers and their mothers and fathers are provided the support they need to address the challenges they face during and after parental incarceration. This book was originally published as a special issue of Smith College Studies in Social Work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892524

Children of Migrants in China Children are precious in China especially as its population ages rapidly. The unprecedented fast urbanization and massive internal migration have profoundly changed almost every aspect of society. They have impacted the livelihood of children of migrants most. Because of the hukou system and related policies China’s internal migrants face major obstacles to assimilate into cities. But more than that as this book shows these policies have also torn families apart on a scale unseen heretofore. More than 100 million children grow up in unstable families and the great majority have suffered from prolonged separation from their parents in the migratory upheaval. This book provides an updated analysis of this mega and painful process unfolding at various geographical scales. The chapters revolve around the central notion of family togetherness or the lack thereof. The book measures dissects and analyses the impacts of migration on children and recommends policies to address major problems from a variety of disciplinary perspectives employing different methodologies. The problems faced by the children of migrants remain enormous and it is a looming huge crisis in the making. If unaddressed those problems can damage a whole generation with serious consequences. The chapters in this book were first published in Eurasian Geography and Economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367462277

Children of RefugeesTorture Human Rights and Psychological Consequences There is a wide gap between the psychological needs of the children of refugees and the services provided. Refugees' home countries cultures and social make-up are widely diversified and their needs cannot be readily consolidated. This diversity of interest and need goes unacknowledged by the service-providers who may treat them as a single homogenous group. Some refugees' needs are exaggerated while others are ignored. This approach often ignores the justifiable and legitimate interest of refugees' psychological wellbeing. Many children of refugees may struggle with questions of race ethnicity language barriers and other socio-political and economic issues that can influence their mental health and psychological wellbeing. Preoccupations of the child's emotions with those issues therefore have effects on child personality formations. Apart from having an overview of the relevant processes involved in therapeutic work and possible challenges therein it is also important for the therapist to have an overview of the child's situation in the past and any current issues which this book provides. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782202981

Children of the BloodSociety Reproduction and Cosmology in New Guinea This fascinating book translated from the French explores the Yafar society a forest people living by shifting cultivation hunting and gathering. Based on fifteen years of research it offers a detailed examination of all aspects of a society whose material and nutritional relations with their rainforest environment are mediated by a sociocultural system based on a carefully negotiated relationship with natural forces and harmony between the sexes. The author shows how these basic ideas can be found in the ritualized and institutional aspects of the Yafar's social life as well as their mythology. Rich in detail and insight this book fully documents the Yafar's complex ritual involving a symbolic exchange with the spirit world a secret cult and curing rites presided over by hereditary religious officials. The author's analysis of Yafar ideologies reveals that sexual reproduction is the key to their society and the model for continuity and regeneration prescribed by nature. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135777

Children Of The Great Depression25th Anniversary Edition In this highly acclaimed work first published in 1974 Glen H. Elder Jr. presents the first longitudinal study of a Depression cohort. He follows 167 individuals born in 1920?1921 from their elementary school days in Oakland California through the 1960s. Using a combined historical social and psychological approach Elder assesses the influence of the economic crisis on the life course of his subjects over two generations. The twenty-fifth anniversary edition of this classic study includes a new chapter on the war years entitled ?Beyond Children of the Great Depression.? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096137

Children of the MillSchooling and Society in Gary Indiana 1906-1960 First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138420731

Children of the Paper Crane: The Story of Sadako Sasaki and Her Struggle with the A-Bomb DiseaseThe Story of Sadako Sasaki and Her Struggle The proper role of government in the US economy has long been the subject of ideological dispute. This study of industrial policy as practised by administration after administration explores the variations from a "hands-off" approach to protectionist policies and aggressive support for businesses. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315489896

Children Of The Urban PoorThe Sociocultural Environment Of Growth Development And Malnutrition In Guatemala City This book presents the results of a comprehensive longitudinal and cross-sectional seven-year study of the social ecology of growth and development of over 500 children living in a disadvantaged community on the edge of Guatemala City. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367160890

Children of Wrath: Possession Prophecy and the Young in Early Modern England The spiritual status of the early modern child was often confused and uncertain and yet in the wake of the English Reformation became an issue of urgent interest. This book explores questions surrounding early modern childhood focusing especially on some of the extreme religious experiences in which children are documented: those of demonic possession and godly prophecy. Dr French argues that despite the fact that these occurrences were not typical childhood experiences they provide us with a window through which to glimpse the world of early modern children. The work introduces its readers to the dualistic nature of early modern perceptions of their young - they were seen to be both close to devilish temptations and to God’s divine finger as illustrated by published accounts of possession and prophecy. These cases reveal to us moments in which children could be granted authority or in which writers and publishers framed children in positions of spiritual agency. This can tell us much about how early modern society perceived imagined and depicted their young and helps us to revise the notion that early modern children’s lives which were often fleeting may have gone unregarded. Both contributing to and informed by some of the most recent historiographical directions taken by early modern history this book engages with three key areas: the history of extreme spiritual experience such as demonic possession the ’lived experience’ of early modern religion and the history of childhood. In this way it offers the first scholarly exploration of the dialogue between these three areas of current and widespread historical interest which have perhaps surprisingly not yet been considered together. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472443670

Children on Medication Volume IHyperactivity Learning Disabilities and Mental Retardation First published in 1986. The primary purpose of this book is to provide information about the use of medication for several childhood disorders that require long-term treatment. It is the author’s expectation that this information will allow caregivers to make better decisions about the use of medication. This title also examines the importance of evaluating various aspects when medicating a child including their characteristics their family situation and school setting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138593749

Children on Medication Volume IIEpilepsy Emotional Disturbance and Adolescent Disorders First published in 1986. The primary purpose of this book is to provide information about the use of medication for several childhood disorders that require long-term treatment. It is the author’s expectation that this information will allow caregivers to make better decisions about the use of medication. This title also examines the importance of evaluating various aspects when medicating a child including their characteristics their family situation and school setting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138593831

Children Reading PicturebooksInterpreting visual texts Children Reading Pictures has made a huge impact on teachers scholars and students all over the world. The original edition of this book described the fascinating range of children's responses to contemporary picturebooks which proved that they are sophisticated readers of visual texts and are able to make sense of complex images on literal visual and metaphorical levels. Through this research the authors found that children are able to understand different viewpoints analyse moods messages and emotions and articulate personal responses to picture books - even when they struggle with the written word.The study of picturebooks and children’s responses to them has increased dramatically in the 12 years since the first edition was published. Fully revised with a review of the most recent theories and critical work related to picturebooks and meaning-making this new edition demonstrates how vital visual literacy is to children's understanding and development. The second edition: Includes three new case studies that address social issues special needs and metafiction Summarises key finding from research with culturally diverse children Draws upon new research on response to digital picturebooks Provides guidelines for those contemplating research on response to picturebooks This book is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of children’s literature as well as providing important reading for Primary and Early Years teachers literacy co-ordinators and all those interested in picturebooks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014084

Children Reading Print and Television NarrativeIt Always Ends At The Exciting Bit Contrary to the popular assumption that television viewing is a very different process from book reading and inhibits reading in a variety of ways the author argues that in fact the two activities can be mutually supportive and involve many of the same strategies. It may have implications for teachers as the book offers a research-based view and calls for a new emphasis in school practice which will include television as text and which supports children's developing abilities to make meaning from a range of texts. The author highlights the need for teachers to consider television in the same way as print media. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043265

Children Speak For ThemselvesUsing The Kempe Interactional Assessment To Evaluate Allegations Of Parent- child sexual abuse First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869332

Children Starting SchoolA Guide to Successful Transitions and Transfers for Teachers and Assistants Drawing on research theory and practice this book presents ways in which practitioners working in partnership with parents can give children a successful start to school. Written in an accessible style the book helps early years practitioners planning transition programs for new children and offers ideas for developing their professional practice when working with families. Starting school at the age of four or five is recognized as a major adjustment in a child's life that can determine his or her future success in education. This book highlights the factors that influence children's early adjustment including their social and emotional wellbeing so that schools can learn the best way to offer support. Practitioners managers and those studying on early childhood courses will gain an understanding of the complexity and diversity of transition and will learn how they can make this a stress-free time for the children families and professionals involved. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138178878

Children With CancerThe Quality of Life Cancer is a very rare disease in children. There have been impressive gains in survival in recent years and these have been achieved through the use of chemotherapy and national and international clinical trials. The diagnosis of cancer in a child imposes considerable stress on the whole family. In the immediate time after diagnosis parents must learn about the disease and its treatment explain what is happening to the child and make arrangements for the care of other children in the family. For the child treatment is associated with many side effects depending on the specific drugs used. In addition the child is prone to infection and therefore is likely to miss a lot of school and other activities. For all these reasons physicians and families have become aware that cancer has huge implications for the quality of the child's life. This book is an attempt to describe how quality of life is affected at different stages of the disease process. Comprehensive reviews are provided of the impact on the child's physical activity social life and school and educational achievements. Special consideration is given to children with leukemia (one of the more common cancers) and brain tumors. Cancer does not just affect the child but every member of the family. Consequently there is coverage of the effects on parents and also healthy brothers and sisters. To the extent that improvements in survival have been achieved by national and international collaboration between clinicians it is concluded that efforts to improve the quality of these children's lives is dependent on collaboration between clinicians nurses and behavioral scientists at national and international levels. This book should provide an impetus for such collaboration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138003484

Children with Developmental Coordination DisorderStrategies for Success Take a cognitive approach to treating children with DCD!Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is frustrating for the children who must deal with it every day for their parents and for the professionals who work with these children. Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder offers new hope to children who are exeriencing this distinctive movement skill syndrome. It suggests ways they can overcome the challenges they encounter wherever motor skills are needed: in the classroom on the playground and at home doing self-care.This groundbreaking volume challenges pediatric therapists to examine the assessment and intervention approaches that are currently being used with children who have DCD. Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder offers new model that draws on research in the fields of motor learning educational psychology cognitive strategies and occupational therapy. In addition to theoretical background this book provides a detailed protocol for CO-OP (Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance) an intervention that has been shown to facilitate problem-solving and enhance motor skill acquisition for children with DCD. Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder offers a comprehensive discussion of the disorder including: identification and assessment of children with DCD analysis of the Bruininks Osortesky Test of Motor Proficiency and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children the theoretical and empirical basis for current treatment approaches new motor learning theories and their implications for treatment the systematic development and evaluation of the CO-OP approach from early case studies through videotape analysis and retrospective chart review Based on six years of systematic cooperative research Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder demonstrates the success of a unique cognitive approach to intervention with these frustrated children. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203048481

Children with Down's SyndromeA guide for teachers and support assistants in mainstream primary and secondary schools This practical handbook offers advice on strategies for meeting the special educational needs of children with Down's syndrome in mainstream schools. The aim is to increase the confidence of support assistants teachers SENCOs and senior managers in both primary and secondary schools in providing a quality education for these pupils while using scarce resources to best effect. The author offers an introduction to the particular characteristics of children with Down's syndrome and their impact on learning and behaviour. She considers the benefits of inclusive education and the most effective ways in which the National Curriculum can be made accessible. She also examines working with the whole-school parents and outside agencies as well as providing practical resources such as photocopiable proformas and checklists materials for INSET in schools and support services and a list of reading materials. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138143098

Children with Gender Identity DisorderA Clinical Ethical and Legal Analysis How should we understand transgenderism especially as it affects children and adolescents? Psychiatric manuals include transgenderism among mental illnesses (Gender Identity Disorder). Such inclusion is relatively recent and even the words transsexual and transgender were coined only a few decades ago. Yet stories of children with an in-between gender have always been albeit symbolically a part of popular culture. Drawing on fairy tales as well as from personal narratives and clinical studies this book explains how "Gender Identity Disorder" manifests in children critically evaluating various clinical approaches and examining the ethical and legal issues surrounding the care and treatment of these youths. The book argues that Gender Identity Disorder is not pathology and that medicine and society should assist children in expressing themselves without attempting to force them to adapt to a gender that does not match with their perceived identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809550

Children With HandicapsA Review of Behavioral Research Psychological research on children with mental and physical handicaps began two hundred years ago. Its major development awaited the maturation of psychology as an empirical science and of social movements for child welfare and education. This book is a record of the research accomplished in the 1980s. While at the end of the 19th century behavioral research on handicapped children could at best be characterized as pioneering; by the beginning of the 1990s it had become a vigorous activity with scientists producing hundreds of articles a year. The result has been a level of detail in theory and factual support that was not previously available. This volume is written for those who know something about psychology and education but who are unfamiliar with research on children with handicaps. This might include parents of children with handicaps upper-level undergraduate and graduate students looking for research topics and professionals in developmental psychology and the education of normal children who wish to familiarize themselves with the recent developments in the study of deviations in behavioral development. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203782200

Children with Parents in PrisonChild Welfare Policy Program and Practice Issues Adults are being incarcerated in the United States at an ever-escalating rate and child welfare professionals are encountering growing numbers of children who have parents in prison. Current estimates indicate that as many as 1.5 million children have an incarcerated parent; many thousands of others have experienced the incarceration of a parent at some point in their lives. These vulnerable children face unique difficulties and their growing numbers and special needs demand attention.Existing literature indicates that children whose parents are incarcerated experience a variety of negative consequences particularly in terms of their emotional health and well being. They also may have difficult interactions or limited contact with their parents. There are also issues connected with their physical care and child custody. The many challenges facing the child welfare system as it attempts to work with this population are explored in Children with Parents in Prison. Topics covered include: "Supporting Families and Children of Mothers in Jail"; "Meeting the Challenge of Permanency Planning for Children with Incarcerated Mothers"; "The Impact of Changing Public Policy on Relatives Caring for Children with Incarcerated Parents"; "Legal Issues and Recommendations"; "Facilitating Parent-Child Contact in Correctional Settings"; "Earning Trust from Youths with None to Spare"; "Developing Quality Services for Offenders and Families"; and in closing "Understanding the Forces that Influence Incarcerated Fathers' Relationships with Their Children."Children and families have long struggled with the difficulties created when a parent goes to prison. What is new is the magnitude of the problem. This volume calls for increased public awareness of the impact of parental incarceration on children. Its goal is to stimulate discussion about how to best meet the special needs of these children and families and how to provide a resource for the child welfare community as it responds to the growing numbers of children made vulnerable by their parents' incarceration.Cynthia Seymour is general counsel at the Child Welfare League of America in Washington DC. Creasie Finney Hairston is dean and professor at Jane Addams College of Social Work the University of Illinois at Chicago. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138520417

Children With Prenatal Drug Exposure Children With Prenatal Drug Exposure examines new medical approaches for predicting the developmental progress of children who have been exposed to drugs in utero. This book outlines effective methods for intervention and assessment and indicates future directions for investigation. It provides practical and up-to-date information on treatments and research development while it encourages practitioners to come to their own conclusions through careful documentation and analysis of each case.Children With Prenatal Drug Exposure cuts across many disciplines to provide the reader with a vivid analysis of the complexities and challenges surrounding health care of children who have been prenatally exposed to drugs. This guidebook explores the controversies over treatment and therapy options and the ethics of care. It advocates positive outcome intervention methods that promote the health interests of both mother and unborn child whenever possible with an emphasis on clinical efforts geared to change maternal behavior.Practical and comprehensive Children With Prenatal Drug Exposure explores a full range of provoking topics including: neurological effects and sensory motor delays caused by cocaine exposure foster care and its impact on motor development adolescent pregnancy and the complications of prenatal substance abuse ethical dilemmas multidimensional measurement systems and longitudinal researchThe book’s authors believe that in order to meet the needs of children who have been prenatally exposed to drugs care providers must know the limitations associated with the process and methodology of assessment and learn to address the shortcomings of evaluation. With this in mind this book aims to equip psychologists physical and occupational therapists researchers and physicians with the “know-how” they require for optimizing their health care services and contributing valuable research that the field so urgently needs. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315821771

Children with Visual Impairment in Mainstream Settings First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138153288

Children Writing PoemsPoetic Voices in and out of School This volume demonstrates how the social and instructional worlds that children inhabit influence their poetry writing and performances. Drawing on rich vignettes of students from different racial ethnic and linguistic backgrounds it describes and analyzes the work of eight to ten-year-old U.S. students involved in a month-long poetry unit. Children Writing Poems outlines the value of a ‘poetic-functional’ approach to help children convey a poem’s meaning and mood and expresses the need for educators to scaffold children’s oral readings and performances over time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367341220

Children: Noble Causes or Worthy Citizens? Since the International Year of the Child in 1979 advocacy for children has intensified. The Convention on the Rights of the Child has propelled this advocacy decisively into the midst of the political debate over human rights. Attempts to construct and support the theoretical and empirical underpinnings for a fresh approach to children and childhood are also intensifying. Nonetheless policies targeted at children continue to suffer from pervasive theoretical weaknesses. This is persistently constraining appropriate action. This book argues that for both theoretical and practical reasons children need to be understood in their own right. It asks fundamental questions about the perceptions we have of children and childhood and about the ways these perceptions emerge to influence and shape our assumptions preferences and choices concerning children. It tries to deepen understanding and interest by clarifying the theoretical ethical and pragmatic reasons for transforming the political neglect of children into recognition and action. The book is divided into two parts. The first part examines cultural and social variations in perceptions concerning children and the second part draws conclusions from the analysis. It concludes by proposing practical lessons which may be learned from the debate about children. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315260518

Children’s Drawing and WritingThe Remarkable in the Unremarkable Children’s everyday drawing and writing are paradoxical: charmingly engaging yet seemingly unremarkable in their ordinariness. This book takes a very close look at what passes by largely unnoticed at home and in school: copying texts fleetingly present then gone a picture drawn after the valued work of writing has been completed. Examining features of children’s text making that are commonly disregarded because of their very ordinariness or dismissed as mistakes because they are flawed or lacking the book examines features such as shading arrangement and forms of shorthand and uncovers an intensity of effort in the making of meaning. In decisively shifting the focus away from insufficiency to what children can do and to the ‘work’ they invest in the texts they make the lens taken here reveals resourcefulness and purposiveness. The unremarkable turns out to be remarkable. This has the most profound implications for what takes place at school and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846448

Children’s English in SingaporeAcquisition Properties and Use Combining the World Englishes framework with First Language Acquisition methodology this book investigates children’s acquisition of L1 English in the context of multilingual Singapore one of the traditional Kachruvian Outer Circle or ESL countries. The book investigates language choice use and dominance in Singaporean families identifies common linguistic characteristics of L1 Singapore English as well as the acquisitional route that Singaporean children take. It discusses characteristics at the different levels of language organization i.e. phonological morphosyntactic lexical and pragmatic features drawing on a variety of systematically elicited data and Praat-based acoustic analyses. Comparing the results to similar data obtained from children living in England (both mono- and bi-/multilingual) the book also sheds light on how the acquisitional steps taken by Singaporean children differ from or are similar to traditional native speakers of English and children from immigrant families in England. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138708877

Children’s Food Practices in Families and Institutions This book brings together recent UK studies into children’s experiences and practices around food in a range of contexts linking these to current policy and practice perspectives. It reveals that food works not only on a material level as sustenance but also on a symbolic level as something that can stand for thoughts feelings and relationships. The three broad contexts of schools families and care (residential homes and foster care) are explored to show the ways in which both children and adults use food. Food is used as a means by which adults care for children and is also something through which adults manage their own feelings and relationships to each other which in turn impact on children’s experiences. The book examines the power of food in our daily lives and the way in which it can be used as a medium by individuals to exert power and resistance establish collective identities and notions of the self and to express moralities about notions of 'proper' family routines and 'good' and 'healthy' lifestyle choices. It identifies inter-generational and intra-generational differences and commonalities in regard to the uses of and experiences around food across a range of studies conducted with children and young people. This book was published as a special issue of Children's Geographies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415632263

Children’s Guided Participation in Jazz ImprovisationA Study of the ‘Improbasen’ Learning Centre Improbasen is a Norwegian private learning centre that offers beginner's instrumental tuition within jazz improvisation for children between the ages of 7 and 15. This book springs out of a two-year ethnographic study of the teaching and learning activity at Improbasen highlighting features from the micro-interactions within the lessons the organisation of Improbasen and its international activity. Music teachers students and scholars within music education as well as jazz research will benefit from the perspectives presented in the book which shows how children systematically acquire tools for improvisation and shared codes for interplay. Through a process of guided participation in jazz culture even very young children are empowered to take part in a global creative musical practice with improvisation as an educational core. This book critically engages in current discussions about jazz pedagogy inclusion and gender equity beginning instrumental tuition creativity and authenticity in childhood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138322974

Children’s Literature and the PosthumanAnimal Environment Cyborg An investigation of identity formation in children's literature this book brings together children’s literature and recent critical concerns with posthuman identity to argue that children’s fiction offers sophisticated interventions into debates about what it means to be human and in particular about humanity’s relationship to animals and the natural world. In complicating questions of human identity ecology gender and technology Jaques engages with a multifaceted posthumanism to understand how philosophy can emerge from children's fantasy disclosing how such fantasy can build upon earlier traditions to represent complex issues of humanness to younger audiences. Interrogating the place of the human through the non-human (whether animal or mechanical) leads this book to have interpretations that radically depart from the critical tradition which in its concerns with the socialization and representation of the child has ignored larger epistemologies of humanness. The book considers canonical texts of children's literature alongside recent bestsellers and films locating texts such as Gulliver’s Travels (1726) Pinocchio (1883) and the Alice books (1865 1871) as important works in the evolution of posthuman ideas. This study provides radical new readings of children’s literature and demonstrates that the genre offers sophisticated interventions into the nature boundaries and dominion of humanity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138547827

Children’s Literature in the Long 19th Century In this collection the multidimensional story of children’s literature in the formative period of the long nineteenth century is illuminated questioned and in some respects rewritten. Children’s literature might be characterised as the love-child of the Enlightenment and the Romantic movements and much of its history over the long nineteenth century shows it being defined shaped and co-opted by a variety of agents each of whom has their own ambitions for it and for its child readership. Is children’s literature primarily a way of educating children in the principles of reason and morality? A celebration of the Rousseauesque child? A source of pleasure and entertainment? Women both as writers and as nurturers involved at an intimate and daily level with the raising of children recognised early and often very explicitly the multiple capacities of literature to provide entertainment useful information moral education and social training and the occasionally conflicting nature of these functions. This book was originally published as a special issue of Women’s Writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367356736

Children’s Lives in an Era of Children’s RightsThe Progress of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Africa The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 marked a turning point in the perception of children in international law and policy. Although it was hoped that the Convention would have a significant and positive impact on the lives of all children this has not happened in many parts of the world. This edited volume based on empirical research and Non-Governmental Organisation project data explores the progress of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to a lesser extent the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in nine African countries in the 25 years since it was adopted by the UN General Assembly.        The book considers the implementation of the Convention both in terms of policy and practice and its impact on the lived experiences of children in societies across the continent focusing on specific themes such as HIV/AIDS education and disability child labour witchcraft stigmatisation street children parent-child relationships and child participation. The book breaks new ground in blending legal and social perspectives of the experiences of children and identifies concrete ways forward for the better implementation of the CRC treaty in the various political contexts that exist in Africa. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138937604

Children’s Participation in Global ContextsGoing Beyond Voice Children's and young people’s right to participate has been increasingly acknowledged and taken up internationally as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Yet much of this has focused on collecting children’s voices rather than achieving change and has met its limits. This book provides an analysis of children’s participation in formal collective and action research processes in six different international settings. It offers a deeper understanding of what helps and facilitates children's and young people’s participation through research evaluation and decision-making to go beyond voice and effect change. This analysis is set in the context of historical and current discourses of participation the sociology of childhood contemporary anthropology children’s geography and international development. Themes addressed include time and processes in children’s participation shifting and multiple identities of children political and cultural contexts places and spaces children inhabit skills and capacities of adults accountability and power. The analysis promotes an approach to children’s participation as relational and collaborative and will contribute to answering some of the questions facing practitioners and researchers embarking on participatory enquiry with children and young people. This is an invaluable book for practitioners and for scholars postgraduates in anthropology sociology human geography childhood studies development studies social policy social work community work education youth work and those with an interest in citizenship children’s rights and human rights. Researchers and practitioners in UN government and non-government services will also find it applicable to engaging with children and young people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367433062

Children’s Play and Games.Studies in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis The first of its kind this book offers ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies of the social organization and situated local production of children's play and games. Departing from the approach common to educational practice which asks what play might be for rather than what it is Children’s Play and Games focuses on how play is produced by its participants advancing the view that since children themselves have the methods and resources to build and produce their play and games analysts ought to concentrate on describing this methodology with reference to naturalistic data. With each chapter employing a framework and methodology from ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to explore in detail a range of different instances of children's play and games authors explore children's play and games not in order to evaluate the games or theorise about their importance but to understand them as organized accomplishments in themselves and to describe the methods which children use to achieve them. Including previously unpublished work of Harold Garfinkel alongside leading research from scholars in the UK Europe Canada Australia and New Zealand this book will appeal to sociologists with interests in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis adult-child interaction and children’s play as well as those working in the fields of early years’ development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472444578

Children’s Play in LiteratureInvestigating the Strengths and the Subversions of the Playing Child While we owe much to twentieth and twenty-first century researchers’ careful studies of children’s linguistic and dramatic play authors of literature especially children’s literature have matched and even anticipated these researchers in revealing play’s power—authors well aware of the way children use play to experiment with their position in the world. This volume explores the work of authors of literature as well as film both those who write for children and those who use children as their central characters who explore the empowering and subversive potentials of children at play. Play gives children imaginative agency over limited lives and allows for experimentation with established social roles; play’s disruptive potential also may prove dangerous not only for children but for the society that restricts them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666156

Children’s Rights and the Minimum Age of Criminal ResponsibilityA Global Perspective Children of almost any age can break the law but at what age should children first face the possibility of criminal responsibility for their alleged crimes? This work is the first global analysis of national minimum ages of criminal responsibility (MACRs) the international legal obligations that surround them and the principal considerations for establishing and implementing respective age limits. Taking an international children's rights approach with a rich theoretical framework and the vitality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child this work maintains a critical perspective such as in challenging the assumptions of many children's rights scholars and advocates. Compiling the age limits and statutory sources for all countries this book explains the broad historical origins behind most of them identifying the recurring practical challenges that affect every country and providing the first comprehensive evidence that a general principle of international law requires all nations regardless of their treaty ratifications to establish respective minimum age limits. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254404

ChildrenEthnographic Encounters Conducting ethnographic fieldwork with children presents anthropologists with particular challenges and limitations as well as rewards and insights. Children: Ethnographic Encounters presents ten vivid accounts of researchers’ experiences of working with children across a variety of cultural contexts. Part of the Ethnographic Encounters series the book offers honest reflections on successes as well as failures and shows that in all cases – even those that ‘failed’ – anthropologists can learn something about children’s position in their social world. Going beyond the usual focus on North America and Europe the text offers comparative insights into the nature of childhood in different societies. The chapters provide first-hand accounts of fieldwork with children in diverse geographical places such as Mexico the Ecuadorian Amazon Rwanda central India Thailand Malaysia and China. The book provides hope encouragement and inspiration to anyone planning to undertake ethnographic fieldwork with children and provides important insights to students and researchers working in the growing field of anthropology of children and childhood in childhood studies and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781474258173

ChildrenFellow Citizens However smart they are from a social perspective children do not really count until maturity. Then all of a sudden society expects responsibility independence and in particular commitment. This viewpoint shared by so many children and young people today is the basis of much disaffection among youth. This miscalculation and how to combat it is the major theme of this book. The social qualities expected of young people do not come to them automatically. Children need to be guided through social experiences to develop responsibility and commitment. The most effective way to inculcate these qualities is to involve children through their active participation in their education and welfare. The book reviews the theoretical framework for participation by children and young people and discusses fields of practice where participation is of great importance - including local youth policy education and professional youth care. Micha de Winter is a professor of child care and in this book he draws on his many years of experience to produce a work which is authoritative inspiring and convincing. Children as Fellow Citizens is essential reading for those involved in youth and social policy educators and social scientists as well as social service and health care professionals. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315381008

ChildrenRights and Childhood Children: Rights and Childhood is widely regarded as the first book to offer a detailed philosophical examination of children’s rights. David Archard provides a clear and accessible introduction to a topic that has assumed increasing relevance since the book’s first publication. Divided clearly into three parts it covers key topics such as: John Locke’s writings on children Philippe Ariès’s Centuries of Childhood children’s moral and legal rights a child’s right to vote and to sexual choice parental rights to privacy and autonomy defining and understanding child abuse. The third edition has been fully revised and updated throughout with a new chapter providing an in-depth analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Part 2 has been restructured to move the reader from general theoretical considerations of children’s rights through to practical issues. This volume is ideal reading for advanced studies across Philosophy Social Work Law Childhood Studies Politics and Social Policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415724869

Children's and Families' Holiday Experience Children’s and Families’ Holiday Experiences is based on the recognition of the active social role of children in shaping the nature of their holiday experiences and those of their parents and other adults. The volume provides significant insights into the holiday desires expectations and experiences of children and their families that offer the potential for the tourism industry to plan develop and market products that provide a higher quality of service to these populations. This book traces the modern history of the demand for and provision of holidays for children and families. As part of this it examines the nature of the holiday desires of parents and children and the roles society and the tourism industry play in influencing these. It provides an analysis of the changing nature of the holiday desires and experiences of children as they evolve through different life stages and the influence this has on the shape of family holidays. Given increasing concerns about child safety and education this book examines both issues within the tourism experience. Finally the book analyzes how the tourism industry caters to the needs of children and families and offers insights into how this could be improved in the future. This thorough investigation will be of interest to students researchers and academics in the areas of Tourism Geography and Child and Family Studies as well as the tourism Industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138081208

Children's Book PrizesAn Evaluation and History of Major Awards for Children's Books in the English-Speaking world. First published in 1998 this book is the first comprehensive survey of the awards made to children’s books in the English-speaking world. The Volume covers nearly forty different prizes including well-known and established ones such as the Newbury Award prizes instigated by the commercial sector such as the Smarties Prize as well as nationally sponsored awards and prizes for illustrators. Detailed lists are provided of the winning titles and where appropriate the runners-up in each year that the award has been given. Ruth Allen also presents some fascinating and often entertaining insights into the motivations behind awards and how they are views by authors illustrators publishers librarians booksellers and potential purchasers. The various criteria applied by judges of these awards are also examined with an assessment of whether they have always achieved the ‘right’ result. This Volume is both a useful guide for adults wishing to buy good books for children and an important tool for those researching the history of the children’s book industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138614000

Children's books brain development and language acquisition This book correlates English-speaking children’s brain development and acquisition of language with the linguistic input that comes from children’s books. Drawing from the most current research on the developing brain the author demonstrates how language acquisition is exclusively interactive and highlights the benefit that accrues when that interaction includes the exploratory language play found in early childhood literature. Through discussions of specific domains of grammar the relation of these domains to children’s literature through scaffolding and the resultant linguistic and cognitive advantages for the child this volume offers an innovative approach to early brain maturation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583323

Children's Books for Grown-Up TeachersReading and Writing Curriculum Theory Teachers and prospective teachers read children's books but that reading is often done as a "teacher" – that is as planning for instruction – rather than as a "reader" engaged with the text. Children’s Books for Grown-Up Teachers models the kind of thinking about teaching and learning – the sort of curriculum theorizing – accomplished through teachers’ interactions with the everyday materials of teaching. It starts with children’s books branches out into other youth culture texts and subsequently to thinking about everyday life itself. Texts of curriculum theory describe infrastructures that support the crafts of inquiry and learning and introduce a new vocabulary of poaching weirding dark matter and jazz. At the heart of this book is a method of reading; Each reader pulls idiosyncratic concepts from children’s books and from everyday life. Weaving these concepts into a discourse of curriculum theory is what makes the difference between "going through the motions of teaching" and "designing educational experiences. This book was awarded the 2009 AERA Division B (Curriculum Studies) Outstanding Book Award. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315095776

Children's Communication SkillsFrom Birth to Five Years Based on a huge body of research in child language and communication development Children's Communication Skills uses a clear format to set out the key stages of communication development in babies and young children. Its aim is to increase awareness in professionals working with children of what constitutes human communication and what communication skills to expect at any given stage. Illustrated throughout with real-life examples this informative text addresses: normal development of verbal and non-verbal communication skills the importance of play in developing these skills developmental communication problems bilingualism cognition and early literacy development working with parents of children with communication difficulties. Features designed to make the book an easy source of reference include chapter summaries age-specific skills tables sections on warning signs that further help may be needed and a glossary of key terms. It will be of great use to a wide range of professionals in training or working in health education and social care. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203865750

Children's Creative Music-Making with Reflexive Interactive TechnologyAdventures in improvising and composing Children's Creative Music-Making with Reflexive Interactive Technology discusses pioneering experiments conducted with young children using a new generation of music software for improvising and composing. Using artificial intelligence techniques this software captures the children’s musical style and interactively reflects it in its responses. The book describes the potential of these applications to enhance children’s agency and musical identity by reflecting players’ musical inputs storing and creating variations on them. Set in the broader context of current music education research it addresses the benefits and challenges of incorporating music technologies in primary and pre-school education. It is comprised of six main chapters which cover the creation of children's own music and their musical selves critical thinking skills and learner agency musical language development and emotional intent during creative music-making. The authors provide a range of straight-forward techniques and strategies which challenge conceptions of ‘difficult-to-use music technologies’ in formal music education. These are supported by an informative collection of practitioner vignettes written by teachers who have used the software in their classrooms. Not only are the teachers’ voices heard here but also those of children as they discover some of the creative possibilities of music making. The book also provides free access to a companion website with teacher forums and a large bank of activities to explore. A toolkit serves as a database of the teaching activities in which MIROR applications have been used and provides a set of useful ideas regarding its future use in a variety of settings. This book demonstrates that music applications based on artificial intelligence techniques can make an important contribution to music education within primary and pre-school education. It will be of key interest to academics researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of music education music technology early years and primary education teaching and learning and teacher educators. It will also serve as an important point of reference for Early Years and Primary practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138579620

Children's Creative Spelling In this study originally published in 1986 Professor Charles Read examines the ways in which pre-school and primary children create spellings – or misspellings as they appear to be. He focuses on the hidden phonetic bases for some frequent patterns in young children’s spelling both in and out of school. Professor Read examines children’s spelling in other languages (Dutch French Spanish) as well as in various dialects of English in order to see the influence of other sets of speech sounds and other standard spelling systems. Overall the evidence suggests that children are very much affected by phonetic characteristics as they tend to spell alike certain classes of speech sound which are indeed phonetically similar. In devising spellings children can be remarkably independent and inventive in an activity which for adults is anything but creative and Professor Read suggests ways in which educators can build upon this creativity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138594371

Children's Culture and the Avant-GardePainting in Paris 1890-1915 This volume explores the mutual influences between children’s literature and the avant-garde. Olson places particular focus on fin-de-siècle Paris where the Avant-garde was not unified in thought and there was room for modernism to overlap with children’s literature and culture in the Golden Age. The ideas explored by artists such as Florence Upton Henri Rousseau Sir William Nicholson Paula Modersohn-Becker and Marc Chagall had been disseminated widely in cultural productions for children; their work in turn influenced children’s culture. These artists turned to children’s culture as a "new way of seeing " allied to a contemporary interest in international artistic styles. Children’s culture also has strong ties to decadence and to the grotesque the latter of which became a distinctively Modernist vision. This book visits the qualities of the era that were defined as uniquely childlike the relation of childhood to high and low art and the relation of children’s literature to fin-de-siècle artistic trends. Topics of interest include the use of non-European figures (the Golliwogg) approaches to religion and pedagogy to oppression and motherhood to Nature in a post-Darwinian world and to vision in art and life. Olson’s unique focus covers new ground by concentrating not simply on children's literature but on how childhood experiences and culture figure in art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548015

Children's Development Within Social ContextVolume I: Metatheory and Theory:volume Ii: Research and Methodology These companion volumes bring together research and theoretical work that addresses the relations between social context and the development of children. They allow for the in-depth discussion of a number of vital metatheoretical theoretical and methodological issues that have emerged as a result of increased investigation in these areas. For example: Which methodological and statistical procedures are appropriate and applicable to studies of social context and processes of development? Should the nature of social context be reconceptualized as something more than different levels of some social independent variable? Are theories of development that do not consider social context incomplete? Will the increasingly finer definitions of social context lead to extreme situationism and contextualism? As developmental theory and investigation continues to address relationships between social and cognitive development it becomes increasingly important that issues concerning social context be elaborated and discussed. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203772485

Children's Difficulties In Reading Spelling and WritingChallenges And Responses First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315067360

Children's Drawings As Diagnostic Aids First published in 1973. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138150386

Children's Drawings of the Human Figure The human figure is one of the earliest topics drawn by the young child and remains popular throughout childhood and into adolescence. When it first emerges however the human figure in the child's drawing is very bizarre: it appears to have no torso and its arms if indeed it has any are attached to its head. Even when the figure begins to look more conventional the child must still contend with a variety of problems: for instance how to draw the head and body in the right proportions and how to draw the figure in action. In this book Maureen Cox traces the development of the human form in children's drawings; she reviews the literature in the field criticises a number of major theories which purport to explain the developing child's drawing skills and also presents new data. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138876972

Children's Dreams Originally published in 1920 Children's Dreams offers a rough classification of the type of dream peculiar to children of different ages showing the variation from year to year and the influence of the environment. Considering children's dreams according to different age brackets ranging from five to eighteen years of age and also considering the dreams of deaf and blind children this book understands the important part played by the unconscious in the child's normal behaviour and recognises its educational value. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429024054

Children's DreamsFrom Freud's Observations to Modern Dream Research This book aims to present a study on the actuality and empirical value of Freuds dream theory even if through the analysis of a specific part of it - the hypotheses about childrens dreams. It provides a systematic description of Freuds observations on child dreaming and presents the results obtained from four empirical studies on childrens dreams Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323721

Children's Early Text Construction For decades research on children's literacy has been dominated by questions of how children learn to read. Especially among Anglophone scholars cognitive and psycholinguistic research on reading has been the only approach to studying written language education. Echoing this debates on methods of teaching children to read have long dominated the educational scene. This book presents an alternative view. In recent years writing has emerged as a central aspect of becoming literate. Research in cognitive psychology has shown that writing is a highly complex activity involving a degree of planning unknown in everyday conversational uses of language. At the same time developmental studies have revealed that when young children are asked to "write " they show a surprisingly sophisticated understanding of the representational constraints of alphabetic writing systems. They show this understanding long before they can read conventional writing on their own. The rich structure of meanings involved in the word text provided the glue that brought together a group of scholars from several disciplines in an international workshop held in Rome. Reflecting the state of the field at the time the majority of the workshop participants were scholars working in languages other than English especially the romance languages. Their work mirrors a linguistic and psychological research tradition that Anglophone scholars knew little of until recently. This volume provides English-language readers with updated versions of the papers presented at the meeting. The topics discussed at the workshop are represented in the chapters as follows: * the relationship between acquisition of language and familiarity with written texts; * the reciprocal "permeability" between spoken and written language; * the initial phases of text construction by children; and * the educational conditions that facilitate written language acquisition and writing practice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315044828

Children's Early Understanding of MindOrigins and Development A major feature of human intelligence is that it allows us to contemplate mental life. Such an understanding is vital in enabling us to function effectively in social groups. This book examines the origins of this aspect of human intelligence. The five sections attempt firstly to place human development within an evolutionary context focusing on the possibility of innate components of understanding. The second aim of the book is to examine the roles of early perception pretence and communication as precursor skills in the development of a grasp of mental states. Thirdly attention is given to the possibility that children know a good deal more about the mind than is apparent from many studies designed to probe their abilities. Taken together the chapters in this book mark a new focus within a 'theory of mind' movement examining a group of skills in infancy and early childhood which culminate towards the end of the preschool period in a more mature understanding of one's and others' mental states. Drawing together researchers from diverse theoretical positions the aim is to work towards a coherent and unified account of this fundamental human abiity. This book will be of central relevance to psychologists and those in related disciplines particularly education and philosophy. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315804668

Children's Empowerment in PlayParticipation Voice and Ownership Children's Empowerment in Play is an accessible insight into the vital place of play in children’s development. The book focuses on three main themes of participation voice and ownership and explores ways to positively and naturally develop play in early years settings. Drawing on primary research and presenting in-depth case studies of children in a range of play scenarios Canning offers a framework for understanding play and its relationship with children’s empowerment and highlights play patterns and the ways in which practitioners can identify these. Chapters also cover: The research context for empowerment in play The significance of play and empowerment in the lives of children The power play can have and indicators of empowering behaviour Observing empowerment in play and the challenges of celebrating it Written for all those working with young children and students on early childhood courses this book will transform how you understand and engage with children’s experiences and learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138322295

Children's Fiction 1900–1950 First published in 1998 this volume explores how the genre of school stories had become firmly established by the turn of the twentieth century having been built on the foundations laid by writers such as Thomas Hughes and F.W. Farrar. Stories for girls were also taking on a more exciting complexion inspired by the ‘Katy’ books of Susan Coolidge. The first five decades of the twentieth century saw further developments in children’s fiction. In this comprehensive volume John and Jonathan Cooper examine each decade in turn with alphabetically arranged entries on popular children’s writers that published works in English during that period. 206 different authors are covered many from the United States and Canada. Each entry provides information on the author’s pseudonyms date of birth nationality titles of works place and date of publication and the publisher’s name. The artist responsible for a book’s illustrations is also identified where possible. With over 200 illustrations of cover designs and dustwrappers many of which are now rare and have never before been published this book will delight collectors dealers scholars librarians parents and all those who simply enjoy reading children’s fiction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138338104

Children's Fiction about 9/11Ethnic National and Heroic Identities In this pioneering and timely book Lampert examines the ways in which cultural identities are constructed within young adult and children’s literature about the attacks of September 11 2001. Looking at examples including picture books young adult novels and a selection of DC Comics Lampert finds the co-mingling of xenophobia and tolerance the binaried competition between good and evil and global harmony and national insularity and the glorification of both the commonplace hero and the super-human. Specifically Lampert identifies three significant identity categories encoded in 9/11 books for children--ethnic identities national identities and heroic identities--arguing that their formation is contingent upon post-9/11 politics. These shifting identities offer implicit and explicit accounts of what constitute good citizenship loyalty to nation and community and desirable attributes in a Western post-9/11 context. Lampert makes an original contribution to the field of children’s literature by providing a focused and sustained analysis of how texts for children about 9/11 contribute to formations of identity in these complex times of cultural unease and global unrest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415809061

Children's Fiction SourcebookA Survey of Children's Books for 6-13 Year Olds First published in 1992 this Sourcebook is a basic working tool for all those concerned with children’s reading. It will help librarians and teachers to select a comprehensive stock of children’s’ fiction for their institutions.The authors in the sourcebook have been selected on the grounds of importance popularity and current availability. Author entries are arranged in alphabetical order and indexes provided by title series age-range and genre. Each entry consists of some background information and evaluative comment on style of the book a list of the authors books with publisher date and price and literary agent where applicable. There is a suggestion of similar authors sequels related series and reader age range.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138613850

Children's FolkloreA SourceBook First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970380

Children's Friendship Training First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138130708

Children's Games in the New Media AgeChildlore Media and the Playground The result of a unique research project exploring the relationship between children's vernacular play cultures and their media-based play this collection challenges two popular misconceptions about children's play: that it is depleted or even dying out and that it is threatened by contemporary media such as television and computer games. A key element in the research was the digitization and analysis of Iona and Peter Opie's sound recordings of children's playground and street games from the 1970s and 1980s. This framed and enabled the research team's studies both of the Opies' documents of mid-twentieth-century play culture and through a two-year ethnographic study of play and games in two primary school playgrounds contemporary children's play cultures. In addition the research included the use of a prototype computer game to capture playground games and the making of a documentary film. Drawing on this extraordinary data set the volume poses three questions: What do these hitherto unseen sources reveal about the games songs and rhymes the Opies and others collected in the mid-twentieth century? What has happened to these vernacular forms? How are the forms of vernacular play that are transmitted in playgrounds homes and streets transfigured in the new media age? In addressing these questions the contributors reflect on the changing face of childhood in the twenty-first century - in relation to questions of gender and power and with attention to the children's own participation in producing the ethnographic record of their lives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409450252

Children's Health and Wellbeing in Urban Environments How children experience negotiate and connect with or resist their surroundings impacts on their health and wellbeing. In cities various aspects of the physical and social environment can affect children’s wellbeing. This edited collection brings together different accounts and experiences of children’s health and wellbeing in urban environments from majority and minority world perspectives. Privileging children’s expertise this timely volume explicitly explores the relationships between health wellbeing and place. To demonstrate the importance of a place-based understanding of urban children’s health and wellbeing the authors unpack the meanings of the physical social and symbolic environments that constrain or enable children’s flourishing in urban environments. Drawing on the expertise of geographers educationists anthropologists psychologists planners and public health researchers as well as nurses and social workers this book above all sees children as the experts on their experiences of the issues that affect their wellbeing. Children’s Health and Wellbeing in Urban Environments will be fascinating reading for anyone with an interest in cultural geography urban geography environmental geography children’s health youth studies or urban planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472446015

Children's Influence on Family DynamicsThe Neglected Side of Family Relationships Any parent who has raised more than one child is likely to be keenly aware of subtle or even striking differences among their offspring. The central premise of this volume is that children bring personal qualities to their relationships with other family members that help shape family interaction relationships and even processes that family researchers have called "parenting." The chapters address how children's personal qualities make their mark on families in ways that may in turn influence children's subsequent development. The volume is based on the presentations and discussions from a national symposium on "Children's influence on family dynamics: The neglected side of family relationships" held at the Pennsylvania State University as the ninth in a series of annual interdisciplinary symposia focused on family issues. It is divided into four parts each dealing with a different aspect of the topic. Part I sets the stage by focusing on the features of children that make a difference as well as the kinds of research designs that are likely to shed light on the role of child influences. Part II focuses on early childhood particularly the role of infant temperament and other individual differences in very young children in shaping their parents' behaviors reactions in turn that feedback and influence the developing child. Part III focuses on adolescence a time when young people are able to exert more choice in how they spend their time and who they spend it with. Part IV pulls the themes of the volume together and points the way for future research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646536

Children's Informal Ideas in Science The ideas that children have about science concepts have for the past decade been the subject of a wealth of international research. But while the area has been strong in terms of data it has suffered from a lack of theory. Children's Informal Ideas in Science addresses the question of whether children's ideas about science can be explained in a single theoretical framework. Twelve different approaches combine to tackle this central issue each taking a deliberately critical standpoint. The contributors address such themes as values in research the social construction of knowledge and the work of Piaget in a rich contribution to the debate without claiming finally to resolve it. The authors conclude with a discussion of how a theory can be built up along with suggestions for ways ahead in the research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991248

Children's Knowledge Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and National Groups This book provides a state-of-the-art account of how people's subjective sense of national identity and attitudes towards countries and national groups develop through the course of childhood and adolescence. It offers a comprehensive review of the research which has been conducted into: . children's understanding of nations as geographical territories and as political historical and cultural communities . children's knowledge beliefs and feelings about the people who belong to different national groups . children's attitudes towards and emotional attachment to their own country and national group. The authors elaborate on the developmental patterns that have been found to emerge contextualized by a consideration and evaluation of the theoretical frameworks which can be used to explain these patterns. Written by the leading international authority in this field and reporting (in collaboration with his colleagues) the findings from two major transnational research projects this book will be invaluable to postgraduate students and researchers working in this field. The book will also be of great benefit to undergraduate students taking courses in Developmental Psychology the Sociology of Childhood and Education. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415646512

Children's LanguageVolume 10: Developing Narrative and Discourse Competence These volumes present coherent sets of papers developed along two of the thematic lines that underscored the program of the meeting of the International Association for the Study of Child Language in Istanbul in the summer of 1996. Thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect the state of child language research and theory--particularly in the domains of discourse and interaction--they convey not only the flavor of that meeting but some of the most exciting trends in the field today. Each contribution in Volume 10 Developing Narrative and Discourse Competence focuses on the differential effects of discourse genres elicitation techniques communicative contexts literacy and schooling and the oft-cited variables of age language and culture. Issues concerning the interrelations between social cognitive and affective capacities and processes in discourse are addressed. Each chapter raises theoretical questions regarding how and when representations are constructed to support new complexities. Presenting data from a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspective this volume highlights both the particulars and the universals of the processes involved. The chapters in Volume 11 Interactional Contributions to Language Development address issues including scaffolding of processing and learning in particular interactional sequences; linkages among interpersonal functions or relations cognitive development and semantic syntactic and pragmatic devices or forms; and models of how interactions proceed input is selected and learning advances across multiple rounds of interaction. Each of these volumes will be a valuable addition to the libraries of all who study the development of language. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415648783

Children's LanguageVolume 11: Interactional Contributions To Language Development These volumes present coherent sets of papers developed along two of the thematic lines that underscored the program of the meeting of the International Association for the Study of Child Language in Istanbul in the summer of 1996. Thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect the state of child language research and theory--particularly in the domains of discourse and interaction--they convey not only the flavor of that meeting but some of the most exciting trends in the field today. Each contribution in Volume 10 Developing Narrative and Discourse Competence focuses on the differential effects of discourse genres elicitation techniques communicative contexts literacy and schooling and the oft-cited variables of age language and culture. Issues concerning the interrelations between social cognitive and affective capacities and processes in discourse are addressed. Each chapter raises theoretical questions regarding how and when representations are constructed to support new complexities. Presenting data from a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspective this volume highlights both the particulars and the universals of the processes involved. The chapters in Volume 11 Interactional Contributions to Language Development address issues including scaffolding of processing and learning in particular interactional sequences; linkages among interpersonal functions or relations cognitive development and semantic syntactic and pragmatic devices or forms; and models of how interactions proceed input is selected and learning advances across multiple rounds of interaction. Each of these volumes will be a valuable addition to the libraries of all who study the development of language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646543

Children's LanguageVolume 4 First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802664

Children's LanguageVolume 5 First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802572

Children's LanguageVolume 7 This volume presents current research findings on vital issues in language development compiled by an international group of leading researchers. The data are drawn from studies of the acquisition of Swedish Polish Serbo-Croatian Hungarian Portuguese Italian and English. Themes emphasized in all the chapters include the importance of the social context of acquisition the existence of interconnections among various domains of language development and the impossibility of understanding acquisition using a simple theory or a single methodological approach. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315807676

Children's LanguageVolume 8 Each child is spoken to by genetic heritage and by the rich current set of interactional environments -- familial local community and broader cultural voices. Using past structures and paradigms of scholarship scholars seek to understand what the child achieves in language and how. The tools available for this research are not static but evolve jointly through the sharing of information and with each "brief moment in time" in efforts to look at children's languages "just as they are." Containing a wide range of contributions from developmental approaches to phonological ability the lexicon the grammar as well as conversation and sign language this text details the interrelated research and theorizing discussed at a recent Budapest conference. The meeting of the International Association for the Study of Child Languages was particularly rich in the diversity of scholars present which is highly appropriate because such diversity is integral to an informed study of children's language. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138876422

Children's LanguageVolume 9 This volume brings together the work of 32 scholars from 13 countries -- investigations of children learning 15 different languages in some instances more than one at a time. The scope of this work -- as broad as it is -- only partially represents the research interests and approaches of the more than 350 scholars from 34 countries who contributed papers or posters to the Sixth International Congress for the Study of Child Language. This investigative power and diversity are for the most part focused on topics and issues of modern day child language research that have been under discussion for the last 30 years or so. Some even go beyond that in early diary studies and philosophers' speculations. While the issues are mainly familiar ones the 17 chapters contribute to the advancement of child language study in several specific ways. They: * represent current theoretical frameworks both bringing the insights of the theories to the interpretation of language development and testing tenets or implications of the theories with child language data; * contribute substantively to the crosslinguistic study of child language reflecting both the linguistic diversity of the authors themselves and a recent major shift in the approach to child language study; * build on the now considerable body of knowledge about children's language both adding to information about the basic systems of phonology syntax and semantics and extending beyond to explore aspects of narrative and literacy development language acquisition by bilingual and atypical children and language processing; and * contain hints of new directions in child language study such as increased attention to the impact of phonology on other language systems. Taken as a whole this volume reflects the current strength of crosslinguistic research the application and testing of new theoretical developments a new legitimacy of language disorder data and a new appeal to the descriptive possibilities of language processing models. In addition there is a theme that runs through many of the chapters and points the way for important research in the future: the role of prosody in the acquisition of various language structures and systems. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138882843

Children's Learning From Educational TelevisionSesame Street and Beyond At its best educational television can provide children with enormous opportunities and can serve as a window to new experiences enrich academic knowledge enhance attitudes and motivation and nurture social skills. This volume documents the impact of educational television in a variety of subject areas and proposes mechanisms to explain its effects. Drawing from a wide variety of research spanning several disciplines author Shalom M. Fisch analyzes the literature on the impact of educational resources. He focuses on television programs designed for children rather than for adults although adult literature is included when it is particularly relevant. In addition much of the discussion concerns the effects of unaided viewing by children rather than viewing in the context of adult-led follow-up activities. The role of parent-child co-viewing and issues relevant to the use of television in school or child care also receives consideration. This volume is intended to make the disparate literature on educational television's impact more accessible by bringing it together into a centralized resource. To that end the volume draws together empirical data on the impact of educational television programs--both academic and prosocial--on children's knowledge skills attitudes and behavior. In addition to its emphasis on positive effects this volume addresses a gap in the existing research literature regarding children's learning from exposure to educational television. Acknowledging that little theoretical work has been done to explain why or how these effects occur Fisch takes a step toward correcting this situation by proposing theoretical models to explore aspects of the mental processing that underlies children's learning from educational television. With its unique perspective on children's educational television and comprehensive approach to studying the topic this volume is required reading for scholars researchers and students working in the area of children and television. It offers crucial insights to scholars in developmental psychology family studies educational psychology and related areas. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410610553

Children's Learning in Laboratory and Classroom ContextsEssays in Honor of Ann Brown During the second half of the twentieth century Ann Brown was one of the world’s premier researchers into the cognitive development of young children. Sponsored by the Spencer Foundation this edited festschrift honors her work and memory by bringing together a collection of original studies that extend many of the theories and themes of Brown’s earlier work. Most of the contributors are researchers who once worked with Brown. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138011328

Children's Learning in Primary SchoolsA guide for Teaching Assistants What does learning look like? What are different subjects really about? Why are transferable skills so important? How can we overcome the difficulties that children encounter in their learning? And what questions and prompts are likely to prove useful in helping children to get the most out of their lessons? The over-arching role of Teaching Assistants is to support teaching and learning in schools. To do this effectively they need to understand the curriculum content of all the subjects in which they provide support and know what learning outcomes are sought. This accessible book provides an overview of the knowledge skills understanding and attitudes that children learn in each subject in their primary years. Written with the non-subject specialist in mind and drawing on research and best practice in the classroom this extremely practical book aims to provide the reader with the information they need to: deliver focused lessons to individual pupils groups or the whole class; concentrate on the most important elements when making classroom resources; make valuable assessments of the children’s learning and keep useful records of their achievements progress and difficulties; take a full part in discussions with colleagues – selecting objectives devising interesting activities and delivering exciting lessons in each of the subjects. Including a wide range of examples and activities this book will prove an invaluable companion for all students working on STLS and Foundation Degree courses and Teaching Assistants currently working in primary schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415536011

Children's Literacy DevelopmentA Cross-Cultural Perspective on Learning to Read and Write In the thoroughly updated second edition of this unique book Catherine McBride examines how the languages we know help structure the process of becoming literate. Taking an ecological and distinctively cross-cultural perspective the book looks at reading and writing development and impairment across a range of languages scripts and contexts. The book covers issues including: The importance of phonological sensitivity for learning to read and to write The first units or building blocks of literacy learning in different scripts such as Chinese English Korean Hangul Hebrew Hindi and Arabic The role of visual processing in reading and writing skills How the latest research can inform the teaching of reading An overview of our understanding of dyslexia including recent neuroscientific research The developmental challenges in becoming biliterate What is special about writing for beginners and later for comprehensive writing Basics of reading comprehension Children’s Literacy Development Second Edition is a timely and important contribution to our understanding of literacy around the world. Written by an eminent scholar in the field it is the only book available that provides an overview of how children learn to read and write in different languages and will be essential reading for all students of Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Psycholinguistics and Speech Therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848722873

Children's Literacy Practices and PreferencesHarry Potter and Beyond Over the past few decades there have been intense debates in education surrounding children’s literacy achievement and ways to promote reading particularly that of boys. The Harry Potter book series has been received enthusiastically by very many children boys and girls alike but has also been constructed in popular and media discourses as a children’s particularly a boys’ literacy saviour. Children’s Literacy Practices and Preferences: Harry Potter and Beyond provides empirical evidence of young people’s reported literacy practices and views on reading and of how they see how the Harry Potter series as having impacted their own literacy. The volume explores and debunks some of the myths surrounding Harry Potter and literacy and contextualizes these within children’s wider reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367195991

Children's Literature Children’s Literature is an accessible introduction to this engaging field. Carrie Hintz offers a defining conceptual overview of children’s literature that presents its competing histories its cultural contexts and the theoretical debates it has instigated. Positioned within the wider field of adult literary film and television culture this book also covers: Ideological and political movements Children’s literature in the age of globalization Postcolonial literature ecocriticism and animal studies Each chapter includes a case study featuring well-known authors and titles including Charlotte’s Web Edward Lear and Laura Ingalls Wilder. With a comprehensive glossary and further reading this book is invaluable reading for anyone studying Children’s Literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138667952

Children's Literature Domestication and Social FoundationNarratives of Civilization and Wilderness This study of children's literature as knowledge culture and social foundation bridges the gap between science and literature and examines the interconnectedness of fiction and reality as a two-way road. The book investigates how the civilized narrative orders experience by means of segregation domestication breeding and extermination arguing instead that the stories and narratives of wilderness project chaos and infinite possibilities for experiencing the world through a diverse community of life. AbdelRahim engages these narratives in a dialogue with each other and traces their expression in the various disciplines and books written for both children and adults analyzing the manifestation of fictional narratives in real life. This is both an inter- and multi-disciplinary endeavor that is reflected in the combination of research methods drawn from anthropology and literary studies as well as in the tracing of the narratives of order and chaos or civilization and wilderness in children's literature and our world. Chapters compare and contrast fictional children's books that offer different real-world socio-economic paradigms such as A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh projecting a civilized monarcho-capitalist world Nikolai Nosov's trilogy on The Adventures of Dunno and Friends presenting the challenges and feats of an anarcho-socialist society in evolution from primitivism towards technology and Tove Jansson's Moominbooks depicting the harmony of anarchy chaos and wildness. AbdelRahim examines the construction transmission and acquisition of knowledge in children’s literature by visiting the very nature of literature culture and language and the civilized structures that domesticate the world. She brings radically new perspectives to the knowledge culture and construction of human beings making an invaluable contribution to a wide range of disciplines and for those engaged in revolutionizing contemporary debates on the nature of knowledge human identity and the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138547810

Children's Literature and Culture of the First World War Because all wars in the twenty-first century are potentially global wars the centenary of the first global war is the occasion for reflection. This volume offers an unprecedented account of the lives stories letters games schools institutions (such as the Boy Scouts and YMCA) and toys of children in Europe North America and the Global South during the First World War and surrounding years. By engaging with developments in Children’s Literature War Studies and Education and mining newly available archival resources (including letters written by children) the contributors to this volume demonstrate how perceptions of childhood changed in the period. Children who had been constructed as Romantic innocents playing safely in secure gardens were transformed into socially responsible children actively committing themselves to the war effort. In order to foreground cross-cultural connections across what had been perceived as ‘enemy’ lines perspectives on German American British Australian and Canadian children’s literature and culture are situated so that they work in conversation with each other. The multidisciplinary multinational range of contributors to this volume make it distinctive and a particularly valuable contribution to emerging studies on the impact of war on the lives of children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367346201

Children's Literature and New York City This collection explores the significance of New York City in children’s literature stressing literary political and societal influences on writing for young people from the twentieth century to the present day. Contextualized in light of contemporary critical and cultural theory the chapters examine the varying ways in which children’s literature has engaged with New York City as a city space both in terms of (urban) realism and as an ‘idea’ such as the fantasy of the city as a place of opportunity or other associations. The collection visits not only dominant themes motifs and tropes but also the different narrative methods employed to tell readers about the history function physical structure and conceptualization of New York City acknowledging the shared or symbiotic relationship between literature and the city: just as literature can give imaginative ‘reality’ to the city the city has the potential to shape the literary text. This book critically engages with most of the major forms and genres for children/young adults that dialogue with New York City and considers such authors as Margaret Wise Brown Felice Holman E. L. Konigsburg Maurice Sendak J. D. Salinger John Donovan Shaun Tan Elizabeth Enright and Patti Smith.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415823029

Childrens Literature and the Politics of Equality First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138166240

Children's Literature Comes of AgeToward a New Aesthetic Originally published in 1996. A detailed analysis of the art of children's literature covering world literature for children children's literature as a canonical art form the history of children's literature from a semiotic perspective and epic polyphony chronotope intertextuality and metafiction in children's literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138953130

Children's Literature in China: From Lu Xun to Mao ZedongFrom Lu Xun to Mao Zedong This book introduces the major works and debates in Chinese children's literature within the framework of China's revolution and modernization. It demonstrates that the guiding rationale in children's literature was the political importance of children as the nation's future. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705842

Children's Literature in the Reading ProgramEngaging Young Readers in the 21st Century This indispensable teacher resource and course text now revised and updated addresses the "whats " "whys " and "how-tos" of incorporating outstanding children's literature into the K–8 reading program. A strong emphasis on diverse literature is woven throughout the fifth edition with chapters emphasizing the need for books that reflect their readers and presenting dozens of carefully reviewed books that teachers will be eager to use in the classroom. Leading authorities provide advice on selecting texts building core literacy and literary skills supporting struggling readers and maximizing engagement. The volume offers proven strategies for teaching specific genres and formats such as fiction nonfiction picturebooks graphic novels biographies and poetry. This title is a copublication with the International Literacy Association.  Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462535767

Children's Literature in TranslationChallenges and Strategies Children's classics from Alice in Wonderland to the works of Astrid Lindgren Roald Dahl J.K. Rowling and Philip Pullman are now generally recognized as literary achievements that from a translator's point of view are no less demanding than 'serious' (adult) literature. This volume attempts to explore the various challenges posed by the translation of children's literature and at the same time highlight some of the strategies that translators can and do follow when facing these challenges. A variety of translation theories and concepts are put to critical use including Even-Zohar's polysystem theory Toury's concept of norms Venuti's views on foreignizing and domesticating translations and on the translator's (in)visibility and Chesterman's prototypical approach. Topics include the ethics of translating for children the importance of child(hood) images the 'revelation' of the translator in prefaces the role of translated children's books in the establishment of literary canons the status of translations in the former East Germany; questions of taboo and censorship in the translation of adolescent novels the collision of norms in different translations of a Swedish children's classic the handling of 'cultural intertextuality' in the Spanish translations of contemporary British fantasy books strategies for translating cultural markers such as juvenile expressions functional shifts caused by different translation strategies dealing with character names and complex translation strategies used in dealing with the dual audience in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales and in Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138138988

Children's LiteratureDeveloping Good Readers This chronological guide to the developmental stages and corresponding literary needs and preferences of early childhood is hte unique result of combinging the expertise of educational professionals with that of a children's librarian. Each chapter describes a developmental stage of childhood and presents appropriate books for that reading level providing expert guidance in today's crowded children's book market. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970397

Children's Numbers This book illuminates the progress of children's ideas about numbers in a way that would make clear both how it is that young children know as much as they do and how it is that they often have so much trouble with mathematics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159009

Children's ParticipationThe Theory and Practice of Involving Young Citizens in Community Development and Environmental Care People's relationship to nature is the greatest issue facing the world at the turn of the millennium and all over the world young people have shown enormous enthusiasm for environmental action. Many countries are radically reassessing both the role of citizens in managing their environment and the rights and responsibilities of children to be involved in shaping their own and their communities' futures. This book by one of the world's leading authorities on environmental education is written in the conviction that children can play a valuable and lasting role in sustainable development if their participation is taken seriously and planned with thought for their developing capabilities and unique strengths. Through direct participation children can develop a genuine appreciation of democracy and a sense of their own competence and responsibility. The planning design monitoring and management of the physical environment is an ideal domain for their participation in part because their commitment to it is so strong. The book is for planners educationalists and environmentalists introducing the theory and the practice of children's participation and its importance for developing democracy and sustainable communities. It emphasises genuine participation where children are themselves involved in defining problems and acting as reflective critical participants in issues affecting their communities. The 'environment' is interpreted broadly to include for example the planning of housing areas and the management of playgrounds. Detailed case studies are provided from urban and rural poor and middle class communities from both the North and South. For teachers group facilitators and community leaders it presents organising principles successful models practical techniques and resources for involving young people in environmental projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138136403

Children's PhantasiesThe Shaping of Relationships Otto Weininger illustrates the manifestations of unconscious phantasy in children - normal neurotic or psychotic - in various settings such as playgroups ordinary schools or special schools for disturbed children the family milieu or play therapy. He uses Melanie Klein's developmental theory and shows the evolutions of phantasies in their content in the way they are symbolizes and their functioning in terms of the child's evolution from the paranoid-schizoid position to the depressive position and Oedipus complex. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367099596

Children's PlacesCross-Cultural Perspectives Children's Places examines the ways in which children and adults from their different vantage-points in society negotiate the 'proper place' of children in both social and spatial terms. It looks at some of the recognised constructions of children including perspectives from cultures that do not distinguish children as a distinct category of people as well as examining contexts for them from schools and kindergartens to inner cities and war-zones. The result is a much-needed insight into the notions of inclusion and exclusion the placement and displacement of children within generational ranks and orders and the kinds of places that children construct for themselves. Based on in-depth ethnographic research from Europe Asia Africa North America Australia and New Zealand. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203605134

Children's Play Pretense and StoryStudies in Culture Context and Autism Spectrum Disorder At the heart of this volume is the recognition that children’s engagement with play and story are intrinsically and intricately linked. The contributing authors share a passionate interest in the development and well-being of children in particular through their use of imagination and adaptation of the everyday into play and stories. Following these principles the volume explores the connections between play story and pretense with regard to many cultural and contextual factors that influence the way these elements vary in children’s lives. In a departure from earlier collections on play and story the authors take a particular focus on normative as compared with atypical development. This collection begins with an approach to understanding the developmental relationship between play and story which recognizes their similarities while acknowledging their differences. Much of the collection addresses pretend play and story in children with autism spectrum disorder an understudied but important group for consideration as these dimensions of their lives and development have often been considered problematic. The volume also includes sections on play and story in classroom settings and play and story across cultures including non-English-speaking environments such as Israel Romania China and Mexico. It concludes with a discussion of how play differs across sociocultural and economic contexts making a unifying claim for the importance of play in children’s lives but also calling for an understanding of what play means to very different groups of children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848725447

Children's Play and Its Place in EducationWith an Appendix on the Montessori Method Published long before the importance of early childhood education was formally recognised in the educational landscape this book explores the significance of play for young children. The volume includes an appendix on Montessori education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008465

Children's PlayResearch Developments and Practical Applications Originally published in 1986 in this compendium of recent research on children’s play acknowledged experts review the latest methodologies and ideas examine salient problems and reveal the application of current knowledge in several areas of professional practice at the time. Exciting new results embracing a wide area of investigation – the development and measurement of play in young children the training of symbolic play play and learning with computers language play play and handicapped children play therapy and outdoor play – will still be of considerable interest to teachers nursery and day care personnel social workers and students of psychology and education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138895119

Children's Reading Choices Children's Reading Choices discusses the reading habits of children aged between 10 and 14. The book reports the findings of the Children's Reading Choices project - conducted by the authors from the University of Nottingham and the largest national survey of children's reading choices since the 1970s. The book includes reports and discussion on: * girls' and boys' reading preferences and the differences between their reading habits * the place of series books teenage magazines and comics in children's reading * the most popular authors and titles at different ages * purchasing habits and library use. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138176270

Children's Reasoning and the Mind This fresh and dynamic book offers a thorough investigation into the development of the cognitive processes that underpin judgements about mental states (often termed 'theory of mind') and addresses specific issues that have not been adequately dealt with in the past and which are now being raised by some of the most prominent researchers in the field. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315784670

Children's Reflections On Family Life How important is the family for children? How do children cope when parents have to juggle child care employment and other responsibilities? In this volume these questions and others are raised and reflected upon by children themselves providing insights for parents and professionals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203046555

Children's Right to Freedom Care and Enlightenment First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138970403

Children's Rights The articles in this volume shed light on some of the major tensions in the field of children’s rights (such as the ways in which children’s best interests and respect for their autonomy can be reconciled) challenges (such as how the CRC can be made a reality in the lives of children in the face of ignorance apathy or outright opposition) and critiques (whether children’s rights are a Western imposition or a successful global consensus). Along the way the writing covers a myriad of issues encompassing the opposition to the CRC in the US; gay parenting: Dr Seuss’s take on children’s autonomy; the voice of neonates on their health care; the role of NGO in supporting child labourers in India and young people in detention and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472463012

Children's Rights 0-8Promoting participation in education and care Children's Rights explores the relevance of children's participatory rights in education particularly at a time when there are competing demands in meeting the rigid curriculum frameworks whilst taking into account children's entitlement to participate in matters affecting their lives. It engages with theoretical and practical models of participation with an aim to support reflective practice. The chapters are informed by wider academic debates and examples from research and everyday practice in early year settings making it an accessible read for students practitioners as well as researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408285961

Children's Rights and Refugee LawConceptualising Children within the Refugee Convention Children make up half of the world’s refugees and over 40 per cent of the world’s asylum seekers. However children are largely invisible in historical and contemporary refugee law. Furthermore there has been very limited interaction between the burgeoning children’s rights framework in particular the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention). This book explores the possibility of a children’s rights approach to the interpretation of the Refugee Convention and within that what such an approach might look like. In order to construct a children’s rights approach the conceptualisations of children outside the legal discipline within international children’s rights law and then within refugee law and refugee discourse are analysed. The approach taken is socio-legal and comparative in nature and the suitability of the Refugee Convention as a framework for the interpretation of child claims is examined. The book analyses to what extent the Refugee Convention is capable of dealing with claims from children based on the modern conceptualisation of children which is underscored by two competing ideologies: the child as a vulnerable object in law to be protected and the child as subject with rights and the capacity to exercise their agency. The influence each regime has had on the other is also analysed. The work discusses how a children’s rights approach might improve outcomes for child applicants. The book makes an original contribution to child refugee discourse and as such will be an invaluable resource for academics researchers and policymakers working in the areas of migration and asylum law children’s rights and international human rights law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367280819

Children's Rights and Traditional Values This book of essays by legal scholars from the United Kingdom Eire Israel and Palestine explores the extent to which the recognition of the concept of children’s rights is affected by adherence to religious cultural and ethnic traditions. The aim is twofold: first to illuminate the interface between internationally-agreed norms of conduct regarding children and national and cultural determination to preserve traditional approaches; and secondly to reflect upon the conflicts within societies between different cultural and religious groups in their attempts to determine whether 'liberal/secular' or 'conservative/religious' norms predominate in attitudes to children’s upbringing. This is the first collection of papers covering and comparing the UK and Israeli/Palestinian jurisdictions. The particular blends of social religious and cultural diversity in both regions mingled with the political factors operating as well render these jurisdictions of special interest as case-studies in the reception of 'western/liberal' norms and values. Moreover Israel and Palestine despite their manifestly different cultures as compared with Britain have been influenced by the colonial legacy of the common law rendering this particular east-west comparison of special interest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255166

Children's Rights in AfricaA Legal Perspective This collection is anchored in an African conception of children's rights and the law and reflects contemporary discourses taking place in the region of the children's rights sphere. The majority of contributors are African and adopt an individual approach to their topic which reflects their first-hand experience. The book focuses on child rights issues which have particular resonance on the continent and the chapters span themes which are both broad and narrow containing subject matter which is both theoretical and illuminated by practice. The book profiles recent developments and experiences in furthering children's legal rights in the African context and distils from these future trends the specific role that the law can play in the African children's rights environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138264625

Children's Rights Law in the Global Human Rights LandscapeIsolation inspiration integration? Children’s rights law is often studied and perceived in isolation from the broader field of human rights law. This volume explores the inter-relationship between children’s rights law and more general human rights law in order to see whether elements from each could successfully inform the other. Children’s rights law has a number of distinctive characteristics such as the emphasis on the ‘best interests of the child’ the use of general principles and the inclusion of ‘third parties’ (e.g. parents and other care-takers) in treaty provisions. The first part of this book questions whether these features could be a source of inspiration for general human rights law. In part two the reverse question is asked: could children’s rights law draw inspiration from developments in other branches of human rights law that focus on other specific categories of rights holders such as women persons with disabilities indigenous peoples or older persons? Finally the interaction between children’s rights law and human rights law – and the potential for their isolation inspiration or integration – may be coloured or determined by the thematic issue under consideration. Therefore the third part of the book studies the interplay between children’s rights law and human rights law in the context of specific topics: intra-family relations LGBTQI marginalization migration media the environment and transnational human rights obligations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367196585

Children's RightsA Philosophical Study Originally published in 1981 this book provides a detailed account of the emergence of the children’s rights movement and analyses the concept of a right. It considers the justifications which may be sought when rights are claimed. Particular attention is given to the problem which arises when different rights are seen to be in conflict with each other or with other kinds of moral consideration. These arguments are then examined with regard to such special features of children as their incomplete but developing rationality and their material dependence on adults. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367514174

Children's RightsPolicy and Practice Second Edition Get up-to-date information on children’s and parent’s rightsChildren have a basic human right to be free of abuse and maltreatment. The late Dr. John Pardeck’s Children’s Rights: Policy and Practice Second Edition comprehensively explores the latest legal psychological sociological policy and child advocacy issues dealing with children’s rights. Essential issues are clearly discussed involving children at home in school in foster care and in residential facilities. This new edition of The Haworth Social Work Practice Press classic examines the practical and ethical issues inherent in balancing a child’s right to self-determination against the same child’s need to be protected.Children’s Rights: Policy and Practice Second Edition delves deep into the causes of abuse and neglect and offers help for families at risk. Techniques are presented for case and cause advocacy as well as venues for family and individual therapy. Other discussions address the role and function of child protective services and the juvenile justice system a review of effective social policy to protect and care for children family health and children’s rights issues and children’s rights in schools and day care facilities. This essential exploration includes extensive references and notes a list of Web sites and a comprehensive glossary of influential legal rulings focusing on children’s rights.Children’s Rights: Policy and Practice Second Edition includes over 100 pages of new and updated material on: new rulings of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that have implications for children’s rights legal case studies an overview and analysis of the Leave No Child Behind Act children’s rights and school violence an expanded discussion on practice interventions focusing on various approaches for helping children adjust to substitute care an expanded examination on advocacy and children’s rights with emphasis on legal case studies as a tool for enhancing the rights of childrenBalancing theoretical considerations solid information and practical advice Children’s Rights: Policy and Practice Second Edition is an essential resource for child welfare workers attorneys educators students parents and social workers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051245

Children's SavingA Study in the Development of Economic Behaviour Originally published in 1993 this book presents an alternative approach to the study of the emergence of economic awareness during childhood: a new developmental economic psychology! In the past attempts to study the emergence of children’s economic consciousness have failed to take account of the practical nature of the "economic" in the history of western cultures. Economic socialisation has been seen as the acquisition of abstract knowledge about the institutions of adult economic culture. The child has been seen as a spectator acquiring knowledge of that culture but never really a part of it. However economic actions in essence are directed not towards the attainment of knowledge but rather towards the practical solution of problems of resource allocation imposed by constraint. Children just like adults are faced with practical problems of resource allocation. Their response to these problems may be different from those of adults but no less "economic" for that. This realisation forms the heart of this book. In it children are seen as both inhabitants of their own "playground" economic subculture and actors in the wider economic world of adults solving or attempting to solve practical economic problems. In order to highlight this "child-centred" approach the authors studied the way children tackle the particular problems posed by limitations of income. How do children learn (a) the relationship between choices available in the present and the future (b) to spread their limited financial resources over time into the future and (c) about the strategies such as banking that allow them to protect those resources from threats and temptations? In short how do children learn to save? This volume goes some way to answering these and related questions and in so doing sets up an alternative framework for the study of the emergence of economic awareness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138088559

Children's SearchingThe Development of Search Skill and Spatial Representation Published in 1985 Childrens Searching is a valubale contribution to the field of Developmental Psychology. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203781746

Children's Services in the Developing World Children’s services in The Developing World brings together evidence relating to the health and development of children in the global South. It is essential reading for students scientists policy makers and practitioners in economically developing countries. The book deals with the effects of catastrophe disease war and poverty on children's development. There is strong coverage of the ways in which children cope with even the most inauspicious of circumstances. Evidence is provided on the incidence of impairment to health and development. As well as establishing the risks to child well-being in the economic South the book shows how to intervene to address those risks. Examples of good practice rigorously evaluated will be of interest to everyone seeking to improve the lives of children whether that be in economically developed or developing nations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138383562

Children's ServicesWorking Together Children’s Services: Working Together brings together contributions from a number of authors in the field. The book covers policy theory research and practice relevant to students and professionals working with children in a wide range of roles. The emphasis on working collaboratively with other professionals where appropriate and the holistic approach to children make this a valuable resource to anyone working with children today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408237250

Children's Sibling RelationshipsDevelopmental and Clinical Issues In the last decade the significance of siblings in children's development and adjustment has been widely recognized and research on brothers and sisters has increased dramatically. Bringing together exciting research on siblings by leading developmental psychologists and clinicians this volume's contributions were originally presented at the First International Symposium on Siblings held in Leiden. This book focuses on both the significance of siblings as influences on individual development and on the importance of the relationship in families with sick disabled or troubled children. It covers the recent developmental research with chapters on the development of sibling relationships in early and middle childhood the links between sibling relationships and those with parents peers and friends and the influence of siblings on children's adjustment. It then focuses on clinical issues such as siblings as sources of support for unhappy or sick children or for children in disharmonious homes and the vulnerability of siblings of disabled children. These clinical issues are discussed in practical terms by leading practitioners. Clear in presentation comprehensive in its coverage of the exciting recent research and full of practical insights this volume brings to light important developmental principles and raises questions regarding the assumptions about family processes and how different relationships within the family affect one another. For family researchers those interested in the individual development of children and for clinicians concerned about the impact of troubled or disabled children on their siblings or the potential of siblings as therapists this book will be the key. No other book covers the recent research in this important topic and discusses the clinical issues in depth and in practical terms. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138876286

Children's Source Monitoring There are many aspects of life which require us to distinguish between memories of different events such as deciding whether you locked the door or only intended to lock the door. Source monitoring or identifying the source of a particular memory (was the event experienced? related by someone else? or simply imagined?) is a cognitive skill that develops across the life span. In this book the first to integrate research on children's source monitoring readers will find an accessible overview of source-monitoring theory and findings from the research programs of leading investigators in this area. The programs of research cut across different methodologies (e.g. nomothetic individual differences clinical) and are applied to a wide range of issues in children's lives. Particular emphasis is placed on the effects of source monitoring on eyewitness memory and identification learning and knowledge and the development of a theory of mind. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138012622

Children's Spaces This collection of essays is concerned with the experiences children have within the supervised worlds they inhabit as well as with architecture and landscape architecture.International examples of innovative childcare practice are illustrated together with the design processes which informed their development. The emphasis here is on new and experimental childcare projects which set-out to reassert the rights of children to participate in a complex multi-faceted world which is no longer available to them unless under adult supervision. Research supports in depth recommendations regarding the ideal children's environment across a range of contexts and dimensions. Until recent times the needs of children within the urban environment were largely ignored. There is little tradition and no broadly agreed contemporary architectural or landscape theory as to how children should be provided for beyond a limited functional agenda. There is a sense that architecture for childhood is not taken seriously; it is either whimsical and ephemeral or largely designed for adults an adjunct to the more important business of adult needs and aspirations. Yet children access much of their education and development through play and social interaction with their childhood counterparts. The spaces in and around children"s daycare centres schools supervised parks and other dedicated children"s environments are the subject of this collection. As more and more purpose designed buildings and gardens for children are opened the need to listen to children and their carers is becoming more aparant. Mark Dudek gathers together a number of internationally recognized experts in the field of childcare environments to write about different aspects of the landscape. They have been chosen in particular because of their background in enquiring research orientated work both theoretical and practical. They listen to and watch children.Contributors have considered the child"s environment as one which is secure and controlled yet offers additional environmental dimensions which extend developmental possibilities. Children often spend a great deal of time in daycare facilties and schools as parents are absorbed in their own work and leisure activities. This places an emphasis on architects and planners to consider the needs of children in great detail. As such the children"s environment must be conceived of as a rich complex place; a "world within a world".We use the word LANDSCAPE in recognition that children do not differentiate between the inside and the outside private and public; every part of their perception is open to stimulation by a stimulating environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138143999

Children's Stories and 'Child-Time' in the Works of Joseph Cornell and the Transatlantic Avant-Garde Focusing on his evocative and profound references to children and their stories Children's Stories and 'Child-Time' in the Works of Joseph Cornell and the Transatlantic Avant-Garde studies the relationship between the artist's work on childhood and his search for a transfigured concept of time. This study also situates Cornell and his art in the broader context of the transatlantic avant-garde of the 1930s and 40s. Analisa Leppanen-Guerra explores the children's stories that Cornell perceived as fundamental in order to unpack the dense network of associations in his under-studied multimedia works. Moving away from the usual focus on his box constructions the author directs her attention to Cornell's film and theater scenarios 'explorations' 'dossiers' and book-objects. One highlight of this study is a work that may well be the first artist's book of its kind and has only been exhibited twice: Untitled (Journal d'Agriculture Pratique) presented as Cornell's enigmatic tribute to Lewis Carroll's Alice books. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270107

Children's StrategiesContemporary Views of Cognitive Development One of the issues central to both classic and contemporary theories of cognitive development is children's goal-directed behavior which is typically investigated in terms of strategies. This book brings together in one volume the latest research and theory regarding the development of children's strategies for a variety of cognitive tasks. Opening with a history of strategy development research and concluding with a chapter that integrates the diversity of ideas expressed by the contributors Children's Strategies offers intervening chapters that examine strategy development for attention analogical reasoning mathematics memory reading and problem solving in infancy. Although there is much common ground shared by the various contributors to this volume there is no consensus concerning what exactly a strategy is. This mixture of consensus and disagreement reflects both the explosion of research in this area since the late 1960's and the complexity of the issues involved. It also reflects the fact that this is a topic that is very much alive in cognitive circles one that will continue to stimulate research for years to come. The papers in this volume describe current research and theory concerning the development of children's strategies for handling a variety of cognitive tasks. After providing a historical view of the concept of strategies in cognitive development the book highlights many of the issues of concern to contemporary developmental psychologists interested in strategies. The issues discussed include problem solving in infancy memory selective attention mathematics analogical reasoning and reading. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138875975

Children's Theories of MindMental States and Social Understanding This book is a result of a study group that met to discuss the child's theory of mind. A topic whose effects span cognitive language and social development it may bring a unifying influence to developmental psychology. New studies in this area acknowledge children's conceptions of intention and belief as well as intention and belief themselves and consider the explanations they provide for children's developing abilities. The contributors to this important volume examine several aspects of the child's theory of mind and present significant research findings on the theory itself and how it changes and develops for each child. Discussions of the utility of a theory of mind to the child and to developmental psychologists trying to understand children are provided. Finally new explanations are offered for how children acquire a theory of mind in the first place. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315807829

Children's ThinkingWhat Develops? First published in 1978. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138411807

Children's Thoughts and Feelings Understanding how children think and feel is the key to buiding good relationships in the classroom. This book looks at: underlying causes of emotional conflicts the nature of maladaptive coping mechanisms why boys tend to "act out" and girls ten to "act in" interventions to promote the use of adaptive coping styles. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9781315065502

Children's Understanding of Disability Children's Understanding of Disability is a valuable addition to the debate surrounding the integration of children with special needs into ordinary schools. Taking the viewpoint of the children themselves it explores how pupils with severe learning difficulties and their non-disabled classmates interact. Ann Lewis examines what happens when non-disabled children and pupils with severe learning difficulties work together regularly over the course of a year. She also includes the views of children working in segregated special education. From her findings she draws implications for developing an inclusive ethos in schools and other communities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138422001

Children's UnderstandingThe Development of Mental Models This work argues that cognitive development is experience driven and processes entailed in acquiring information about the world are analyzed based on recent models of learning and induction. The way information is represented and accessed when performing cognitive tasks is considered paying particular attention to the implications of Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) models for cognitive development. The first half of the book contains analyses of human reasoning processes (drawing on PDP models of analogy) development of strategies and task complexity -- all based on aspects of PDP representations. It is proposed that PDP representations become more differentiated with age so more vectors can be processed in parallel with the result that structures of greater complexity can be processed. This model gives an account of previously unexplained difficulties in children's reasoning including some which were influential in stage theories. The second half of the book examines processes entailed in some representative cognitive developmental tasks including transitive inference deductive inference (categorical syllogisms) hypothesis testing learning set acquisition acquisition and transfer of relational structures humor hierarchical classification and inclusion understanding of quantity arithmetic word problems algebra conservation mechanics and the concept of mind. Process accounts of tasks are emphasized based on applications of recent developments in cognitive science. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315801803

Children's Voices: Studies of interethnic conflict and violence in European schools How are the processes of increasing ethnic and racial diversity reflected in European schools? How do children and educators experience and perceive interethnic relations in schools? This book examines the issues of interethnic coexistence the management of ethnic diversity xenophobic and racial attitudes and in particular the under-researched topic of interethnic violence among children in the school environment. Drawing together qualitative and quantitative data across five European countries it offers an insight into the views personal experiences and responses of children from different ethnic backgrounds to interethnic violence in European schools. International contributors from England Slovenia Cyprus Italy and Austria come together to provide a comparative study of experiences of interethnic conflict and violence in primary and secondary school classrooms. Each chapter focuses on positive measures that can combat discrimination providing examples of good practice as well as considering the position of the school in promoting citizenship in an increasingly global world. By examining the experiences and perspectives of children educators and experts the book provides up-to-date research findings in the field and suggests key mechanisms for addressing interethnic violence in schools. With support schools can play a key role in alleviating interethnic tensions and combatting ethnocentrism through the implementation of strong policies acting as ‘protected spaces’. Children’s Voices: Studies of interethnic conflict and violence in European schools is of international relevance both within Europe and beyond and will appeal to researchers teachers and policy makers concerned with race equality in the classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138285033

Children's Ways with Science and LiteracyIntegrated Multimodal Enactments in Urban Elementary Classrooms Science is often a forgotten subject in early elementary grades as various mandates require teachers to focus on teaching young students to achieve specific reading and mathematical competencies. This book offers specific examples and empirical evidence of how integrated science-literacy curriculum and teaching in urban primary-grade classrooms give students opportunities to learn science and to develop positive images of themselves as scientists. The Integrated Science-Literacy Enactments (ISLE) approach builds on multimodal multidimensional and dialogically oriented teaching and learning principles. Readers see how as children engage with texts material objects dialogue ideas and symbols in their classroom community they are helped to bridge their own understandings and ways with words and images with those of science. In doing so they become learners of both science and literacy. The book features both researcher and teacher perspectives. It explores science learning and its intersection with literacy development in schools that educate predominately children of color many of whom struggle with poverty and have been traditionally underestimated underserved and underrated in science classrooms. In all these ways this volume is a significant contribution to a critically under-researched area of science education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415897853

Children's Work Schooling And Welfare In Latin America From the 1980s through the 1990s children in many areas of the world benefited from new opportunities to attend school but they also faced new demands to support their families because of continuing and for many worsening poverty. Children's Work Schooling And Welfare In Latin America is a comparative study of children ages 12-17 in three different Latin American societies. Using nationally-representative household surveys from Chile Peru and Mexico and repeatedly over different survey years David Post documents tendencies for children to become economically active to remain in school or to do both. The survey data analyzed illustrates the roles of family and regional poverty and parental resources in determining what children did with their time in each country. However rather than to treat children's activities merely as demographic phenomena or in isolation of the policy environment Post also scrutinizes the international differences in education policies labor law welfare spending and mobilization for children's rights. Children's Work shows that child labor will not vanish of its own accord nor follow a uniform path even within a common geographic region. Accordingly there is a role for welfare policy and for popular mobilization. Post indicates that even when children attend school as in Peru or Mexico many students will continue to work to support the family. If the consequence of their work is to impede their educational success then schools will need to attend to a new dimension of inequality: that between part-time and full-time students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096694

Child's Conception Of Geometry First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846417

Child's Conception of Movement and Speed This book was first published in 1970. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203715635

Child's Conception of NumberSelected Works vol 2 First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846455

Child's Conception of SpaceSelected Works vol 4 First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846462

Child's Conception of the WorldSelected Works vol 1 First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513616

Child's Construction of QuantitiesSelected Works vol 8 First published in 1974. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415863155

Child's PlayDevelopmental and Applied Originally published in 1984 a major purpose of this book was to bring together in a single volume work that reflects the wide range of interests that social and behavioural scientists have in play development and the environment. The intent of the book was to refine and extend concepts and methodologies within and beyond one’s usual area of study. The idea was that this formula and direction would yield novel information and fresh insights. The volume encompasses a wealth of topics concerning structural functional and pragmatic aspects of play during early childhood and childhood and includes strong emphasis on methodological as well as substantive concerns. It was hoped that the chapters here would inspire a new generation of research extending knowledge both in theoretical and applied areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138297722

Child's PlayMyth Mimesis and Make-Believe This innovative book finally takes seriously the need for anthropologists to produce in-depth ethnographies of children's play. In examining the subject from a cross-cultural perspective the author argues that our understanding of the way children transform their environment to create make-believe is enhanced by viewing their creations as oral poetry. The result is a richly detailed ‘thick description' of how pretence is socially mediated and linguistically constructed how children make sense of their own play how play relates to other imaginative genres in Huli life and the relationship between play and cosmology. Informed by theoretical approaches in the anthropology of play developmental and child psychology philosophy and phenomenology and drawing on ethnographic data from Melanesia the book analyzes the sources for imitation the kinds of identities and roles emulated and the structure of collaborative make-believe talk to reveal the complex way in which children invoke their experiences of the world and re-invent them as types of virtual reality. Particular importance is placed on how the figures of the ogre and trickster are articulated. The author demonstrates that while the concept of ‘imagination' has been the cornerstone of Western intellectual traditions from Plato to Postmodernism models of child fantasy play have always intruded into such theorizing because of children's unique capacity to throw into relief our understanding of the relationship between representation and reality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084914

Chilean Novel in Exile NO_DESCRIPTION_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_PRODUCT Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815338284

Chimpanzee RightsThe Philosophers’ Brief Since 2013 an organization called the Nonhuman Rights Project has brought before the New York State courts an unusual request—asking for habeas corpus hearings to determine whether Kiko and Tommy two captive chimpanzees should be considered legal persons with the fundamental right to bodily liberty. While the courts have agreed that chimpanzees share emotional behavioural and cognitive similarities with humans they have denied that chimpanzees are persons on superficial and sometimes conflicting grounds. Consequently Kiko and Tommy remain confined as legal "things" with no rights. The major moral and legal question remains unanswered: are chimpanzees mere "things" as the law currently sees them or can they be "persons" possessing fundamental rights? In Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers’ Brief a group of renowned philosophers considers these questions. Carefully and clearly they examine the four lines of reasoning the courts have used to deny chimpanzee personhood: species contract community and capacities. None of these they argue merits disqualifying chimpanzees from personhood. The authors conclude that when judges face the choice between seeing Kiko and Tommy as things and seeing them as persons—the only options under current law—they should conclude that Kiko and Tommy are persons who should therefore be protected from unlawful confinement "in keeping with the best philosophical standards of rational judgment and ethical standards of justice." Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers’ Brief—an extended version of the amicus brief submitted to the New York Court of Appeals in Kiko’s and Tommy’s cases—goes to the heart of fundamental issues concerning animal rights personhood and the question of human and nonhuman nature. It is essential reading for anyone interested in these issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138618664

China First published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138991255

China 1895-1912 State-Sponsored Reforms and China's Late-Qing RevolutionSelected Essays from Zhongguo Jindai Shi - Modern Chinese History 1840-1919 Offering recent scholarship in Chinese historiography this text focuses on radical even revolutionary changes of the period 1895-1912. The book investigates intellectual and institutional changes associated with the government's Xinzheng or New Systems reforms. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315480893

China Africa and Responsible International Engagement China’s increasing involvement in Africa is a controversial and hotly debated issue. On the one hand China has brought significant economic and political opportunities to the continent with large amounts of investment and infrastructure. On the other hand however China’s interests in Africa - including international strategy for multipolarity a boom in China-Africa trade and a strategic focus on energy – have been challenged as a form of neo-colonialism with claims that support for authoritarian governments has come at the expense of human rights the environment and good governance. This book analyses China’s responsibility in Africa through the lens of good governance China’s African policy policy implementation feedback from host countries and feedback from international society. Arguing for a new framework for evaluating China-Africa engagement it looks at four countries – Sudan (South Sudan) Nigeria South Africa and Ethiopia all of which represent typical features of China-Africa relations – to test China’s impact on the country and to analyse the factors in Africa that affect China’s ability to shoulder responsibility. It proves that China’s responsibility in Africa is affected by both the Chinese and African environments and that China’s positive or negative impacts on the host African countries are largely constrained by the political and economic situation within the host state. Containing information from first-hand interviews with African officials officials from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees from Chinese State-owned enterprises who have been assigned to Africa and Chinese self-employers in Africa and using fieldwork from three African countries this book will be of significant interest to students and scholars of African and Chinese Politics International Relations and Development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367594336

China Arms Control and Non-Proliferation China Arms Control and Non-Proliferation is an empirically and conceptually path-breaking book that documents China's participation in international arms control and non-proliferation regimes from 1985 to 2001. The book focuses on the distinction between US expectations of Chinese compliance which China has not always met and international standards against which Chinese performance is acceptable. This will be the standard staple work dealing with China and international arms control and will be invaluable to those dealing with Chinese security studies foreign policy international relations and arms control and disarmament. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415648790

China Cultural Heritage and International Law China is a country that is rich in antiquities but it is also a victim of looting that occurred during the period from the First Opium War to the end of the Japanese Occupation (1840–1945) when innumerable cultural objects were lost overseas. The Chinese Government insists on asserting its interest over its wrongfully removed cultural heritage and has sought for the return of lost cultural heritage by all means in accordance with relevant international conventions and Chinese laws. However securing the return has been and continues to be problematic. Little research has been done regarding the question as to whether China has a legal basis for recovery which is the first legal hurdle that China needs to get over. In addition China does not have a legal basis for all cultural heritage taken during the period of 1840–1945. Claims for return without a legal basis are usually silenced or at best discussed only but very rarely facilitated.This book provides an answer for the return of Chinese cultural heritage. It examines the law contemporaneous to the removal of Chinese cultural heritage and its application. For this lack of a legal basis this book argues that a new customary international law is emerging according to which the interests of the states of origin in their wrongfully removed heritage should be prioritised. This proposed customary rule supports the return of wrongfully removed heritage. Once this proposed customary rule is accepted it will provide a stronger argument not only for China but also for other states of origin with a similar dilemma including South Korea Egypt Greece Cambodia Turkey Peru and Italy to recover their wrongfully removed heritage. While dealing with a large pool of return cases this book is valuable to museums and art collectors in the event of buying and accepting art objects and settling recovery disputes with states of origin. It will also be of interest Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890452

China East Asia and the Global EconomyRegional and Historical Perspectives Takeshi Hamashita arguably Asia's premier historian of the longue durée has been instrumental in opening a new field of inquiry in Chinese East Asian and world historical research. Engaging modernization Marxist and world system approaches his wide-ranging redefinition of the evolving relationships between the East Asia regional system and the world economy from the sixteenth century to the present has sent ripples throughout Asian and international scholarship. His research has led him to reconceptualize the position of China first in the context of an East Asian regional order and subsequently within the framework of a wider Euro-American-Asian trade and financial order that was long gestating within and indeed contributing to the shape of the world market. This book presents a selection of essays from Takeshi Hamashita's oeuvre on Asian trade to introduce this important historian's work to the English speaking reader. It examines the many critical issues surrounding China and East Asia's incorporation to the world economy including: Maritime perspectives on China Asia and the world economy Intra-Asian trade Chinese state finance and the tributary trade system Banking and finance Maritime customs. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203895566

China Europe and International SecurityInterests Roles and Prospects This book examines the roles played by China and Europe in the domain of international security in the 21st century. Bringing together Chinese and European expertise on the Sino-European Security relationship this book positions Europe - both the EU and the major national actors - and China in a global security context. It offers not merely an elaboration of the theme of bilateral security relations but also introduces a wider view on Europe and China as global security actors. The chapters cover four main themes: the perceptions of and actual relations between Europe and China as security actors; relations of China and Europe with third parties such as the US Russia and Iran; Europe and China as actors in multilateral security approaches; Europe and China as (potential) security actors in each other’s technological domain or region. Given the increasingly prominent roles that both China and Europe play in international security as permanent members of the UN Security Council (in the European case through the informal and partial representation of the UK and France) through their extensive global economic interests and  their important relations with the USA this book provides a timely examination of the current state and future developments in the Sino-European relationship. This book will be of much interest to students of international security Chinese politics EU studies and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415532532

China India and Alternative Asian Modernities The conception of modernity as a radical rupture from the past runs parallel to the conception of Europe as the primary locus of global history. The essays in this volume contest the temporal and spatial divisions—between past and present modernity and tradition and Europe’s progress and Asia’s stasis—which the conventional narrative of modernity creates. Drawing on early modern Chinese and Indian history and culture instead the authors of the book explore the provenance of modernity beyond the west to see it in a transcultural and pluralistic light.The central argument of this volume is that modernity does not have a singular core or essence—a causal centre. Its key features need to be disaggregated and new configurations and combinations imagined. By studying the Bhakti movement Confucian democracy and the maritime and agrarian economies of China and India this book enlarges the terms of debate and revisits devalued terms and concepts like tradition religion authority and rural as resources for modernity. This book will be of great interest to researchers and academicians working in the areas of history Sociology Cultural Studies literature geopolitics South Asian and East Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367730987

China India and Southeast AsiaPaths to development and state-society relations This volume studies the outcomes of the two-way flow of investments and people between China and India and Southeast Asia. These cross-border flows have led to new settlements in Southeast Asia from which new outlooks have emerged among locally born generations that have given rise to new forms of solidarity and identification.The advent of new generations of ethnic Chinese and Indians in Southeast Asia with no ties to China or India has spawned important debates about identity shifts which have not been registered by government leaders in Southeast Asia China and India as reflected in policy statements and investment patterns. Identity changes are assessed in forms where they best manifest themselves: in social life and in business ventures forged or unsuccessfully nurtured through tie-ups involving foreign and domestic capital. A state-society distinction is employed to determine how the governments of these rapidly developing countries envision development through state intervention as well as with the employment of highly entrepreneurial ethnic groups and the outcomes of this on their societies and on their economies. The chapters were originally published as a special issue in The Round Table. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892883

China Japan and Senkaku IslandsConflict in the East China Sea Amid an American Shadow Tracing the genesis of the Senkaku Islands in the memoirs of history and its potential future in the backdrop of the East China Sea’s brewing dispute this book chronicles the journey of Sino-Japanese relations in the explicit context of the Senkaku Islands. The evolving power transition dynamics in East Asia render Washington the lynchpin of Tokyo’s diplomatic and security strategy and vice versa. Conversely China is abrasively displaying an almost predictable geo-strategic pattern and strategy of enforcing territorial claims across Asia keeping it just below the threshold of provoking conflict whilst testing the tenacity of existential status quoist norms. Consequentially the need to steer Asia towards a regional order that maintains stability in the power equilibrium thereby challenging a visibly coercive Sino-centric vision of the future Asia especially within the Indo-Pacific has become far more manifest than ever before. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138541290

China Korea & Japan at War 1592–1598Eyewitness Accounts The East Asian War of 1592 to 1598 was the only extended war before modern times to involve Japan Korea and China. It devastated huge swathes of Korea and led to large population movements across borders. This book draws on surviving letters and diaries to recount the personal experiences of five individuals from different backgrounds who lived through the war and experienced its devastating effects: a Chinese doctor who became a spy; a Japanese samurai on his first foreign expedition; a Korean gentleman turned refugee; a Korean scholar-diplomat; and a Japanese Buddhist monk involved in the atrocities of the invasion. The book outlines the context of the war so that readers can understand the background against which the writers’ lives were lived allows the individual voices of the five men and their reflections on events to come through and casts much light on prevailing attitudes and conditions including cultural interaction identity cross-border information networks class conflict the role of religion in society and many others aspects of each writer’s world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138603165

China Oil and Global Politics China’s rapid economic growth has led to a huge increase in its domestic energy needs. This book provides a critical overview of how China’s growing need for oil imports is shaping its international economic and diplomatic strategy and how this affects global political relations and behaviour. Part One is focused on the domestic drivers of energy policy: it provides a systematic account of recent trends in China’s energy sector and assesses the context and processes of energy policy making and concludes by showing how and why China’s oil industry has spread across the world in the last fifteen years. Part Two analyses the political and foreign policy implications of this energy-driven expansion and the challenges this potentially poses for China’s integration into the international system. It examines a number of factors linked to this integration in the energy field including the unpredictabilities of internal policymaking; China’s determination to promote its own critical national interests and the general ambition of the Chinese leadership to integrate with the international system on its own terms and at its own speed. The highly topical book draws together the various dimensions of China’s international energy strategy and provides insights into the impact of this on China’s growing international presence in various parts of the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415838313

China Sex and Prostitution China Sex and Prostitution is a topical and important critique of recent scholarship in China studies concerning sexuality prostitution and policing. Jeffrey's arguments are constructed in the form of detailed analysis of a wide range of primary texts including documents press reports police report and policy and legal pronouncements and secondary literature in both English and Chinese. The work engages with some key debates in the fields of cultural and gender studies and will be welcomed by scholars in these areas as well as by China specialists sociologists and anthropologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646567

China Taiwan and the Offshore IslandsTogether with an Implication for Outer Mongolia and Sino-Soviet Relations First published in 1985 this book is about an important episode and two of its sequels in Beijing’s long struggle to achieve two goals by force if necessary. First to prevent the US from detaching Taiwan from China and establishing Taiwan as a universally recognized separate and independent country as Russia and the Soviet Union were able to detach and establish Outer Mongolia; and second to end the Chinese Civil War by bringing Taiwan under the rule of Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138895225

China the EU and International Investment LawReforming Investor-State Dispute Settlement This book provides an original and critical analysis of the most contentious subjects being negotiated in the China–EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). It focuses on the pathway of reforming investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) from both Chinese and European perspectives in the context of the China–EU CAI and beyond. The book is divided into three parts. Part I examines key and controversial issues of the China–EU CAI negotiations including market access sustainable development and human rights as well as comparing distinct features between the China–EU CAI and the China–US BIT. Part II concentrates on the institutional reform of investor-state arbitration with an extensive analysis of the EU’s approach to replacing the private nature of investment arbitration with the public nature of an investment court. Part III addresses the core substantive and procedural issues concerning ISDS such as the role of domestic courts in investment dispute settlement the status of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) as investors transparency and the protection of victims in investment dispute resolution. This book will be of interest to scholars and practitioners in the field of international investment and trade law particularly investment dispute settlement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367338466

China the UN and Human RightsImplications for World Politics Addressing the problem of reconciling China’s voting record in the UN on human rights and repressive policy at home this book argues that domestic factors determine the way the Chinese government acts on wider human rights issues. China has a very active voting record in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on human rights resolutions and is active internationally on such rights something at odds with its increasing repression of human rights at home. Using rational choice’s emphasis on actors acting to advance their preferences the author argues that it is the perceived domestic threat to the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that determines the way the Chinese government acts on the human rights issues explored in this book. The author documents the pattern of this relationship through an in-depth examination of China’s voting in the UNGA on human rights issues and statements made by Chinese delegates in the UN on human rights issues. This book will appeal to students of China human rights international relations and international organizations and for both state and non-state actors seeking to advance policy changes regarding China and human rights. In addition the findings have policy implications for INGOs and states seeking to influence China’s policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367134136

China the United States and the Soviet UnionTripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War This text considers the importance of various factors which influenced the policies of each country during the Cold War including strategic considerations domestic politics and ideology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315287652

China the West and DemocratizationThe Struggle for the Local and the Global in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan Drawing upon insights from international socialization theory and social psychology this book examines China’s efforts to multipolarize – and hence potentially de-liberalize – the international system from the local perspective of a non-democratic (yet democratizing) nation and then applies these insights to Beijing’s current global agency in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. Specifically the book scrutinizes Beijing’s normative engagement in Kazakhstan a nation that evolved from an enthusiastic supporter of the West’s normative domination of international affairs into an overt critic – after having institutionalized relations with Beijing through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Tracing and juxtaposing the respective patterns of Kazakhstan’s political identity development before the SCO entered the region and after this book not only yields unexpected conclusions about the quality of post-Soviet democratization outcomes but also about Beijing’s local and global influence potentiality for the time to come – and its limits. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of China’s normative power democratization studies post-Soviet studies and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367030643

China the West and the Myth of New Public ManagementNeoliberalism and its Discontents In the West innovations in new public management (NPM) have been regarded as part of the neoliberal project whilst in China these reforms have emerged from a very different economic and social landscape. Despite these differences however similar measures to those introduced in the West have been adopted by the Chinese state which has largely abandoned the planned economy and adopted market mechanisms in the pursuit of improved economic efficiency and growth. Evaluating the results of these reforms in both China and the West between 1978 and 2011 this book shows that despite substantial improvements in economic efficiency in both cases under consideration there have been considerable negative impacts on the distribution of wealth access to public services levels of poverty public health and the incidence of crime. Further this book explores the different results of NPM in China and the West and the conclusions Paolo Urio draws have timely significance as he suggests that China has been able to change its policies more rapidly and thus more effectively respond to the challenges posed by the current economic crisis. Drawing on both Western and Chinese sources this innovative book compares the consequences of their public management reforms taking into account the impact on both the economy and society. As such this book will be of great interest to students and scholars working in the fields of Chinese studies Asian studies business economics strategic public management and comparative studies in capitalism and socialism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138790520

China Xinjiang and Central AsiaHistory Transition and Crossborder Interaction into the 21st Century Central Asia and Xinjiang – the far north-western province of China – are of increasing international importance. The United States having established military bases in Central Asia after September 2001 has now become a force in what was previously predominantly a Russian sphere of influence; whilst China Russia and Iran all continue to exert strong influence. These external international influences have had a significant impact on local politics with the overthrow of a long-standing regime in Kyrgyzstan continued unrest and opposition to the current regime in Uzbekistan and the intensification of Chinese control in Xinjiang. This book explores the effect of global and local dynamics across the region: global influences include the ‘War on Terror’ and international competition for energy resources; local dynamics include Islamic revival Central Asian nationalism drugs trafficking; economic development and integration. The authors argue that these multiple challenges in fact unite Xinjiang and Central Asia in a common struggle for identities and economic development. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the region’s historical significance the contemporary international forces which affect the region and of current political economic and cultural developments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415673334

China After Socialism: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia?In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia? Nine specialists from four continents address the following questions: is China moving toward the type of developmental state and sophisticated economic powerhouse associated with the East Asian miracle? does China's Leninist political system and the heritage of a state-run-heavy-industrial sector present too great a burden for successful transformation? and what is the likelihood that China's party-state will ultimately collapse in a fashion similar to the Leninist governments of Europe? The findings and analyses should prove interesting to followers of China East Asia as a whole and the European postcommunist transition. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315285856

China Among The Nations Of The Pacific On May 14 1960 the East-West Center was officially created by the Congress of the United States. As a part of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of this event a symposium was held on May 19 1980 at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C. The subject "China and the Nations of the Pacific" was selected because the theme for the anniversary year of the East-West Center had been established as "Building a Pacific Community." It has been suggested that international mechanisms for coming to grips with such interdependencies in the Pacific region as trade investment food energy and mineral commodities are inadequate. In response to such suggestions hearings have been held in both houses of the Congress of the United States on the idea of a Pacific community. This symposium was organized as part of that general discussion. The contributors’ hope that the papers presented here will further stimulate thought and debate on the problems of the Pacific region. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429048807

China and Africa Development Relations China is among a number of large developing country or new powers on the ascendance in the international system all of which are deepening their economic relations with Africa However China is the largest and most powerful of this group. it has sought closer economic relationships with other developing country regions and continents such as Latin America and Central Asia but it is with Africa – the continent that hosts more developing countries than any other – that China has fostered the closest links. This book provides an overview of how the China – Africa relationship has evolved over the last few decades and examines whether it presents a new paradigm of ‘development relations’ in the international system. The contributors investigate what is particularly special about the emerging development partnership between Africa and China and how it may evolve in the future. The contributors focus on various development capacity issues – infrastructural industrial technocratic institutional human capital sustainable economic practices – and consider various debates on ‘development’ and development ideologies including whether China’s practices in Africa pose a challenge to Western conventions on development assistance. China-Africa Development Relations will be of interest to those students and scholars of African studies Chinese studies international development and development studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415690072

China and AsiaEconomic and Financial Interactions It is difficult to overstate the growing importance of China and Asia in the global economy. Despite the sharp downturn experienced in the 1997 financial crisis China and Asia have bounced back strongly in the new millennium and delivered solid economic growth. In this book Ying-Wong Cheung and Kar-Yiu Wong have gathered together 35 renowned researchers from four continents to examine contemporary issues on the economic and financial interactions with a focus on China and Asia. Four broad areas are discussed. The first part deals with China and her interactions with other economies the second with economic interactions within the region the third with foreign exchange rate issues facing Asian economies and the fourth with financial market development in the region. Within these chapters some interesting results are explained many of which differ from what is commonly believed. For example it is explained how exports from China and other Asian economies follow the "flying geese’ pattern and that these economies can grow in harmony; that appreciating the Asian exchange rates would not have much impact on their current account surpluses; that financial liberalization in Thailand did not create the short-term debt problem which is believed to a major cause of the 1997 financial crisis. It is also described how developments in the US have very strong influences on Asian economies and that Mainland China was a less important source of external shocks than is commonly held. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415748360

China and ChristianityBurdened Past Hopeful Future This collection offers fresh perspectives on Sino-Western cultural relations with particular regard to the experience of Christianity in China. The contributors include authorities from China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) Europe (including Russia and Eastern Europe) and North America. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315705828

China and DemocracyReconsidering the Prospects for a Democratic China This timely collection brings together many well-known scholars to systematically explore China's current government and assess that transition toward democracy. The contributors seek to bridge the gap between normative theories of democracy and empirical studies of China's political development by providing a comprehensive overview of China's domestic history economy and public political ideologies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315786810

China and East Asian RegionalismEconomic and Security Cooperation and Institution-Building To convey the image of a responsible power willing to contribute to regional stability and cooperation China has shifted from a single-minded preference for bilateralism to an active participation in East Asian regionalism in the recent decades. This development has inspired discussions over whether a rising China could play a leadership role in building an institutionalized architecture for regional cooperation in East Asia. Nevertheless this has not happened as East Asian regional cooperation and relevant activities remain mostly ad hoc and informal especially when compared to regions such as Europe. To what extent has China contributed or constrained the development of regionalism in East Asia? What are China’s desired roles and objectives in East Asian regional cooperation? What is the level of trust that other regional players have for China in regional cooperation? This book seeks answers to these questions by exploring China’s motivations and strategic calculations as well as its policy practices in East Asian economic and security cooperation. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138852440

China and EnglandThe Preindustrial Struggle for Justice in Word and Image This book examines egalitarian social ideals and institutions that arose in preindustrial China and England and in the process uncovers China’s forgotten role in the history of social justice debate and legislation during the eighteenth century. Drawing on a wide range of visual and documentary evidence the author shows that many prominent individuals in both England and China adopted comparable strategies as a logical response to excesses of privilege and arbitrary power with educated but non-noble persons taking advantage of print culture a more literate population an expanded art market public spaces and other familiar ‘early modern’ developments to interrogate the system of inherited privilege and promote a more meritocratic society. This shared experience created common ground for transformative exchange between the two great traditions during the eighteenth century. By providing a more global account of what we call Western values the book shows that early modern China and England had far more in common than is normally supposed and thus challenges claims on the right and the left that the people of China lacked a concept of social justice and that China’s cultural legacy should be treated as exceptional in regard to human rights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367545284

China and EUReform and Governance Reform and governance are of vital interest to both the People’s Republic of China and the European Union (EU). China is facing demographic and environmental challenges and has been experiencing a rapid economic transition. The social tensions arising from these challenges call for a governance system that will allow the Chinese leadership to alleviate social tensions without putting at risk their leadership. A society which is becoming more diverse and facing problems of a global scale that also cause turmoil at the grass roots may be difficult to govern top-down. Notwithstanding the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) grip on Chinese society there may be ways to integrate public opinion and civil society organisations in governmental decision-making through reforms that do not challenge the current leadership. The EU on the other hand faces the same global challenges with a very different and complex governance system. EU foreign and security policy thus including EU policy towards China are governed by the EU’s foreign policy principles which contain among others the promotion of democracy the rule of law and the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms. How successful can the EU be in advancing these principles when engaging with China while respecting the Chinese political system? How can the EU and China find common grounds in their governance systems so as to enhance their strategic partnership in order to tackle global issues that need a coordinated approach? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367141899

China and Europe Originally published between 1920-70 The History of Civilization was a landmark in early twentieth century publishing. It was published at a formative time within the social sciences and during a period of decisive historical discovery. The aim of the general editor C.K. Ogden was to summarize the most up to date findings and theories of historians anthropologists archaeologists and sociologists. This reprinted material is available as a set or in the following groupings: * Prehistory and Historical Ethnography Set of 12: 0-415-15611-4: £800.00 * Greek Civilization Set of 7: 0-415-15612-2: £450.00 * Roman Civilization Set of 6: 0-415-15613-0: £400.00 * Eastern Civilizations Set of 10: 0-415-15614-9: £650.00 * Judaeo-Christian Civilization Set of 4: 0-415-15615-7: £250.00 * European Civilization Set of 11: 0-415-15616-5: £700.00 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846479

China and EuropeThe Implications of the Rise of China for European Space What are the likely long-term implications of this shift to Asia for the cities and regions of Europe? To just ‘wait and see’ cannot be the response nor the hope that the attractiveness of Asia will diminish over time and that the economic growth will slow down. Will Europe be able to retain its economic power? There is a need to think about possible futures for the cities and regions of Europe when industrial production is reduced when high-tech and bio-tech industries do not compensate for the loss of industrial jobs when Europe’s supremacy in financial services is eroding or even when Chinese capital is investing in Europe to exploit the territorial capital of the ‘old’ continent. China and Europe address the challenges for the cities and regions of Europe that may be the consequences of such development trends. Contributions by policy-makers and academic observers will prepare the ground for debating the dimensions ‘economy’ ‘knowledge and culture’ ‘environment and mobility’ ‘quality of life’ and ‘governance’ of this challenge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516853

China and Global Trade GovernanceChina's First Decade in the World Trade Organization China's historic accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in November 2001 not only represents an important milestone in the country’s transition to a market economy and integration into the global economy but is also among the most important events in the history of the WTO and the multilateral trading system. China and Global Trade Governance: China's First Decade in the World Trade Organization provides us with some fresh empirical data to assess the country’s behaviour in the liberal international economic regime. Such an assessment is both timely and necessary as it can help us better understand China’s role in the evolving structure of global economic governance in addition to shedding light on the broader debate about the implications of the rise of China for the international system. Through a thorough examination of China’s WTO compliance record and its experience in multilateral trade negotiations this book seeks to better understand the sources of constraints on China’s behaviour in the multilateral trade institution as well as the country’s influence on the efficacy of the World Trade Organization. In doing so this project speaks directly to the following questions raised by China’s unprecedented ascent in the international system: Is China a rule maker rule follower or rule breaker in international regimes? Is Beijing a responsible stakeholder capable of making positive contributions to global trade governance in the long-term? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815371205

China and Global Value ChainsGlobalization and the Information and Communications Technology Sector President Trump has raised the intriguing question of bringing the manufacturing of companies like Apple back from China to the U.S. This book however argues that in this age of the knowledge-based economy and increased globalization that value creation and distribution based on knowledge and innovation activities are at the core of economic development. The double-edged sword of globalization has transformed China’s economic development in the past few decades. Although China has benefitted from globalization and is now the second largest economy in the world having become a global manufacturing power and the biggest exporter of high-tech products it continues to be highly dependent on foreign sources of capital and technology. This book will explore the core of the Chinese economy from the perspective of the Global Value Chain (GVC) combining analysis of inward investment international trade Science and Technology and Innovation (S&TI) and economic development. Specifically it investigates China’s evolving role in GVCs with some innovative Chinese companies emerging in the global market and China’s ongoing efforts to become an innovation-driven economy. China’s impressive economic record and experience provides an impressive role model for other developing countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367374747

China and Globalization How China continues its integration with the global economy is one of today’s crucial questions both for China’s own growth prospects and for the rest of the world contending with the still numerous developmental challenges of the world’s second-largest economy. In the first thirty years after it emerged from central planning gradual opening to the world economy formed an integral part of China’s market-orientated reforms. Understanding the effect of trade and investment integration on China’s growth is essential for assessing the sustained development of China. This subject is of growing interest because understanding the international impact of globalization on China and the effect of China in turn on the world economy is crucial for any analysis of the changing global system of the twenty-first century. There are already signs that the analysis of China is as important for assessing the health of the global economy as the analysis of the United States. This timely collection examines China’s global integration encompassing trade investment exchange rates capital-account liberalization global impact and the linkages to growth and transition in China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415697866

China and GlobalizationThe Social Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Society Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2009! In its quarter-century-long shift from communism to capitalism China has transformed itself from a desperately poor nation into a country with one of the fastest-growing and largest economies in the world. Doug Guthrie examines the reforms driving the economic genesis in this compact and highly readable introduction to contemporary China. He highlights the social cultural and political factors fostering this revolutionary change and interweaves a broad structural analysis with a consideration of social changes at the micro and macro levels. In this new revised edition author Guthrie updates his story on modern China and provides the latest authoritative data and examples from current events to chart where this dynamically changing society is headed and what the likely consequences for the rest of the world will be. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415504010

China and Great Power Responsibility for Climate Change As American leadership over climate change declines China has begun to identify itself as a great power by formulating ambitious climate policies. Based on the premise that great powers have unique responsibilities this book explores how China’s rise to great power status transforms notions of great power responsibility in general and international climate politics in particular. The author looks empirically at the Chinese party-state’s conceptions of state responsibility discusses the influence of those notions on China’s role in international climate politics and considers both how China will act out its climate responsibility in the future and the broader implications of these actions. Alongside the argument that the international norm of climate responsibility is an emerging attribute of great power responsibility Kopra develops a normative framework of great power responsibility to shed new light on the transformations China’s rise will yield and the kind of great power China will prove to be. The book will be of interest to students and scholars of international relations China studies foreign policy studies international organizations international ethics and environmental politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138557604

China and IndiaThe Quest for Energy Resources in the 21st Century The book sheds understanding on the relations between development and global energy security by looking at China and India. It addresses the following issues: what is the new definition of energy security? How does it affect global politics and international relations? What are the energy security concerns of China and India and what policies and approaches have they taken to deal with energy security issues? Since China and India are searching for oil and gas in the Middle East Africa and Southeast Asia would their acquisition efforts conflict with the interests of other energy giants such as the U.S. Japan and would their growing overseas activities challenge U.S. policy in those energy-rich regions? The book provides insight into what the new global energy order may be and how the growth models and energy structures may shape the economic growth and energy. It analyzes both the state-centered approach and market-oriented approach in the global quest for energy resources. It also examines how China and India can adopt a cooperative approach for beneficial relations. The book will be of interest to anyone who is keen to learn how the World especially U.S.A. can accomodate and adapt to the new global energy dynamics and on China and India as new players in global energy markets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415820387

China and International Nuclear Weapons ProliferationStrategic Assistance This book explores China’s approach to the nuclear programs in Pakistan Iran and North Korea. A major power with access to nuclear technology China has a significant impact on international nuclear weapons proliferation but its attitude towards the spread of the bomb has been inconsistent. China’s mixed record raises a broader question: why when and how do states support potential nuclear proliferators? This book develops a framework for analyzing such questions by putting forth three factors that are likely to determine a state’s policy: (1) the risk of changes in the nuclear status or military doctrines of competitors; (2) the recipient’s status and strategic value; and (3) the extent of pressure from third parties to halt nuclear assistance. It then demonstrates how these factors help explain China’s policies towards Pakistan Iran and North Korea. Overall the book finds that China has been a selective and strategic supporter of nuclear proliferators. While nuclear proliferation is a security challenge to China in some settings in others it wants to help its friends build the bomb. This book will be of much interest to students of international security nuclear proliferation Chinese foreign policy and International Relations in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367480523

China and International RelationsThe Chinese View and the Contribution of Wang Gungwu Despite Beijing’s repeated assurance that China’s rise will be "peaceful" the United States Japan and the European Union as well as many of China's Asian neighbours feel uneasy about the rise of China. Although China’s rise could be seen as inevitable it remains uncertain as to how a politically and economically powerful China will behave and how it will conduct its relations with the outside world. One major problem with understanding China’s international relations is that western concepts of international relations only partially explain China’s approach. China’s own flourishing indigeneous community of international relations scholars have borrowed many concepts from the west but their application has not been entirely successful so the work of conceptualizing and theorizing China’s approach to international relations remains incomplete. Written by some of the foremost scholars in the field of China studies this book focuses on the work of Wang Gungwu - one of the most influential scholars writing on international relations - including topics such as empire nation-state nationalism state ideology and the Chinese view of world order. Besides honouring Wang Gungwu as a great scholar the book explores how China can be integrated more fully into international relations studies and theories; discusses the extent to which existing IR theory succeeds or fails to explain Chinese IR behaviour and demonstrates how the study of Chinese experiences can enrich the IR field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415625463

China and International TheoryThe Balance of Relationships Major IR theories which stress that actors will inevitably only seek to enhance their own interests tend to contrive binaries of self and other and ‘inside’ and ‘outside’. By contrast this book recognizes the general need of all to relate which they do through various imagined resemblances between them. The authors of this book therefore propose the ‘balance of relationships’ (BoR) as a new international relations theory to transcend binary ways of thinking. BoR theory differs from mainstream IR theories owing to two key differences in its epistemological position. Firstly the theory explains why and how states as socially-interrelated actors inescapably pursue a strategy of self-restraint in order to join a network of stable and long-term relationships. Secondly owing to its focus on explaining bilateral relations BoR theory bypasses rule-based governance. By positing ‘relationality’ as a key concept of Chinese international relations this book shows that BoR can also serve as an important concept in the theorization of international relations more broadly. The rising interest in developing a Chinese school of IR means the BoR theory will draw attention from students of IR theory comparative foreign policy Chinese foreign policy East Asia cultural studies post-Western IR post-colonial studies and civilizational politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367730789

China and Its National MinoritiesAutonomy or Assimilation This title was first published in 1990: This book is a study of past and present policies of the People's Republic of China towards its numerous and varied minority groups a subject about which there is scant information in the West. It examines the impact of Chinese culture on these diverse groups and China's attempt to bring them into the mainstream of Han life. The impact of the Cultural Revolution on the minority peoples the future of Tibet and the implications of Chinese minorities policies for Sino-Soviet relations are among the topics discussed in this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138045682

China and Japan in the Global Economy This book discusses the necessity for cooperation between China and Japan to provide international public goods to Asia. It provides insight into how China and Japan can redesign the process of economic integration and security architecture to ensure peace and prosperity in Asia and how China and Japan can cooperate to correct the capital misallocation and channel savings more effectively to investments in Asia. It also suggests how China and Japan can promote free trade to help Asian economies upgrade their industries in the global supply chain. The book is an invaluable contribution to the existing discussion on China–Japan relations and how their cooperation is beneficial not only for them but also for Asia and even the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367504250

China and Japan in the Russian Imagination 1685-1922To the Ends of the Orient Throughout the centuries as Russia strove to build itself into an imperial power equal to those in the West China and Japan came to occupy a special place in Russians’ view of the orient. Never colonised by Russia or the West China and Japan were linked not only to the greatest of Russian imperial fantasies but also conversely to a deep sense of insecurity regarding Russia’s place in the world a sense of insecurity which deepened as China and Japan began to modernise in the later nineteenth century. Drawing on a wide range of works by Russian writers and thinkers Lim sets out how Russian perceptions of China and Japan were formed from Muscovy’s first contacts with China in the late seventeenth century through to the aftermath of Russia’s defeat by Japan in the early twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950450

China and Macau In 1513 the Portuguese became the first Europeans to establish a maritime route to China. Their motives were a combination of a quest for trade and territory and a desire to promote Christianity in the region. This anthology of translated extracts of first-hand accounts by contemporary travellers merchants missionaries and officials includes writings by Joaõ de Barros one of the most prominent chroniclers of the Portuguese overseas endeavours. The importance of the Macau peninsula as a point of exchange in trade between China and Japan is charted in extracts from amongst others the journals of the Italian Jesuit Father Matteo Ricci. As this collection of writings shows the formation of the Dutch East India Company in 1602 heralded the gradual erosion of Portuguese influence in China. Their imprint on Macau was more long-lasting with their disengagement from the peninsula finally taking place in 1999. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255197

China and Middle East ConflictsResponding to War and Rivalry from the Cold War to the Present How do aspiring and established rising global powers respond to conflict? Using China the book studies its response to wars and rivalries in the Middle East from the Cold War to the present. Since the People’s Republic was established in 1949 China has long been involved in the Middle East and its conflicts from exploiting or avoiding them to their management containment or resolution. Using a conflict and peace studies angle Burton adopts a broad perspective on Chinese engagement by looking at its involvement in the region’s conflicts including Israel/Palestine Iraq before and after 2003 Sudan and the Darfur crisis the Iranian nuclear deal the Gulf crisis and the wars in Syria Libya and Yemen. The book reveals how a rising global and non-Western power handles the challenges associated with both violent and nonviolent conflict and the differences between limiting and reducing violence alongside other ways to eliminate the causes of conflict and grievance. Contributing to the wider discipline of International Relations and peace and conflict studies this book will be of interest to students and scholars of peace and conflict studies Chinese foreign policy and the politics and international relations of the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367438241

China and MultilateralismFrom Estrangement to Competition This book thoroughly analyzes China’s political ideas regarding the international order and their reflection in China’s engagement in multilateralism. It introduces the debates and discussions that take place among Chinese intellectuals in the study of international relations as an important part of non-western international relation theories generating reflections on the convergences and divergences between China’s political ideas and Europe-centric perspectives. With a focus specifically on China’s main bilateral and multilateral relations in its principal regions of interest â€“ East Asia and Central Asia – the book also examines China’s relationship with the United States Russia and the European Union and the One Belt One Road initiative drawing on a mixture of primary and secondary Chinese language sources extensive interviews with Chinese officials academics and think tanks. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of Chinese politics/studies foreign policy analysis Asian studies and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367143824

China and Nordic Diplomacy This book seeks to explore Nordic approaches to China and the idea of sub-regional diplomacy. China’s multi-tiered approach to Europe can be seen vividly in the Nordic sub-region which has been engaging Beijing through a variety of different means corresponding to the political and economic structures found in the Nordic states. In some areas a specific Nordic approach can be observed including areas related to economic cooperation Arctic diplomacy and institution-building. However the Nordic states also have widely differing historical experiences with China leading up to the present day. Each of the Nordic states has also had to balance their China relations with those of the EU and other major players such as the United States. With case studies on the EU Denmark Finland Iceland Norway and Sweden this volume addresses the question of a specifically Nordic approach to Chinese relations. It explores not only the contributions of the Nordics to China relations but also adds to the greater study of sub-regional approaches to Chinese diplomacy at a time when Sino-European relations are arguably at their most complex. This book will be of much interest to students of Chinese politics Nordic politics diplomacy and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138501034

China and OrientalismWestern Knowledge Production and the PRC This book argues that there is a new Sinological form of orientalism at work in the world. It has shifted from a logic of ‘essential difference’ to one of ‘sameness’ or general equivalence. "China" is now in a halting but inevitable process of becoming-the-same as the USA and the West. Orientalism is now closer to the cultural logic of capitalism even as it shows the afterlives of colonial discourse. This shift reflects our era of increasing globalization; the migration of orientalism to area studies and the pax Americana; the liberal triumph at the "end" of history and the demonization of Maoism; an ever closer Sino-West relationship; and the overlapping of anti-communist and colonial discourses. To make the case for this re-constitution of orientalism this work offers an inter-disciplinary analysis of the China field broadly defined. Vukovich takes on specialist work on the politics governance and history of the Mao and reform eras from the Great Leap Forward to Tiananmen 1989; the Western study of Chinese film; recent work in critical theory which turns on ‘the China-reference"; and other global texts about or from China. Through extensive analysis the production of Sinological knowledge is shown to be of a piece with Western global intellectual political culture. This work will be of great interest to scholars of Asian postcolonial and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415835381

China and Southeast AsiaHistorical Interactions Spanning over a millennium of history this book seeks to describe and define the evolution of the China–Southeast Asia nexus and the interactions which have shaped their shared pasts. Examining the relationships which have proven integral to connecting Northeast and Southeast Asia with other parts of the world the contributors of the volume provide a wide-ranging historical context to changing relations in the region today â€“ perhaps one of the most intense re-orderings occurring anywhere in the world. From maritime trading relations and political interactions to overland Chinese expansion and commerce in Southeast Asia this book reveals rarely explored connections across the China–Southeast Asia interface. In so doing it transcends existing area studies boundaries to present an invaluable new perspective to the field.A major contribution to the study of Asian economic and cultural interactions this book will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese history as well as those engaged with Southeast Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663254

China and the Asian EconomiesInteractive Dynamics Synergy and Symbiotic Growth The global economy is currently going through a period of transformation that has seen Asia emerge as the most rapidly growing industrializing and modernizing region in the world economy. Whilst the rest of the world struggled during the financial crisis of 2007-9 Asia played the role of a linchpin for global economic recovery. This book analyzes the growth of key Asian economies in the latter half of the twentieth century followed a little later by China. Notwithstanding the diversity in the region rapid growth was instrumental in integrating the Asian economies initially in a market-led manner. Dilip K. Das focuses on the interactive dynamics and the process of integration in the region exploring the synergy created as well as the resulting symbiotic growth among the Asian economies and China. Written in a clear comprehensive and critical manner by a world class expert in the field this book brings together the contemporary academic and policy debates on the issues under examination. As such it is an essential read for students and scholars of economics international political economy and Asian Studies as well as MBA students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415723534

China and the Challenge of Economic GlobalizationThe Impact of WTO Membership First Published in 2006. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367669737

China And The Challenge Of The FutureChanging Political Patterns This book highlights information obtained from formal interviews and informal conversations with knowledgeable Chinese in 1985-1987. It reveals the growing participation in politics of social groups and related changes underway in the patterns of contemporary Chinese political thought and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153595

China And The Crisis Of Marxism-leninism This book explores whether the Marxism-Leninism system could actually be salvaged by a new approach to the economic and political problems of a communist country. It examines the policy of production by contract that would deal not only with economies but also with changes in the political order. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164485

China and the Developing WorldBeijing's Strategy for the Twenty-first Century China's relationship with the developing world is a fundamental part of its larger foreign policy strategy. Sweeping changes both within and outside of China and the transformation of geopolitics since the end of the cold war have prompted Beijing to reevaluate its strategies and objectives in regard to emerging nations.Featuring contributions by recognized experts this is the first full-length treatment of China's relationship with the developing world in nearly two decades. Section one provides a general overview and framework of analysis for this important aspect of Chinese policy. The chapters in the second part of the book systematically examine China's relationships with Africa the Middle East Central Asia Latin America South Asia and Southeast Asia. The book concludes with a look into the future of Chinese foreign policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765617132

China and the European Union The European Union is China’s largest trading partner and Chinese views of the EU are of crucial importance in shaping how the relationship will develop in the future especially as the new Chinese leadership takes power. This book presents the findings of an extensive research project into the views of both elite groups in government business academia media and social activists and the Chinese public towards Europe and the European Union. It considers attitudes on a wide range of subjects and reaches a number of interesting encouraging conclusions. These include the fact that as Chinese people’s knowledge of and travel to Europe becomes more extensive Chinese attitudes towards Europe become more positive; that Chinese people have a high regard for European culture and a high degree of trust in Europeans; though there are significant differences between different Chinese groups concerning controversial issues in the China-EU relationship. Overall the book concludes that the Chinese public opinion supports a strong bilateral relation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950566

China and the European Union in AfricaPartners or Competitors? China's rise on the international scene over the past few years has correlated with its exponential economic growth. The European Union (EU) the world's largest development aid provider has been feeling the heat of Beijing's closer ties with Africa. As a result the EU's overall policy-making towards Africa has suffered from a loss of credibility and this has been further exposed both by the success of China's investments in Africa and by the favourable response that China's investment proposals have received from African leaders. Dividing the book into five parts the editors and an outstanding line up of Chinese and European contributors guide the reader through the complexities of China's rising influence in Africa but they also analyse if and how the EU should adapt to this. " Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271104

China and the First Vietnam War 1947-54 This book charts the development of the First Vietnam War – the war between the Vietnamese Communists (the Viet Minh) and the French colonial power – considering especially how relations between the Viet Minh and the Chinese Communists had a profound impact on the course of the war. It shows how the Chinese provided finance training and weapons to the Viet Minh but how differences about strategy emerged particularly when China became involved in the Korean War and the subsequent peace negotiations when the need to placate the United States and to prevent US military involvement in Southeast Asia became a key concern for the Chinese. The book shows how the Viet Minh strategy of all-out war in the north and limited guerrilla warfare in the south developed from this situation and how the war then unfolded. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950634

China and the Global Economy in the 21st Century As China continues to ride out the global economic crisis while still retaining year on year GDP growth it is increasingly important to understand how this 'new' economic giant with its communist-capitalist model operates its economic and business environments. This book is designed to scientifically examine the contextual variables that foster sustainably dynamic economic growth in China. In particular the contributors provide an incisive analysis of the contextual bases underlying such a dramatic rising economic power and the immense implications for enterprises and countries involved in dealing with China. Drawing on the latest studies and cutting edge research findings this book analyses FDI project management internationalisation the continued role of state-owned enterprises and doing business in China. As such it will be essential reading for all students of Chinese business and economics as well as businesses seeking to develop a critical understanding of the driving global economic force which is China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138017030

China and the Global Financial CrisisA Comparison with Europe This book examines China’s response to the 2007-2008 global financial crisis and the resulting new status acquired by China within the international economy. It considers the things China did to weather the crisis discussing the stimulus package put in place by China and how China’s banks coped but above all examines the measures which countries outside China look to China to put in place in order to better encourage and secure world-wide economic recovery measures such as currency revaluation tax reform and greater stimulation of domestic demand. The book contrasts China’s response to the crisis and China’s increasingly central role in the world economy with the responses of the European Union. The book also assesses China’s increasingly important regional role in particular its dialogue with the new Japanese government and China’s positioning towards Southeast Asia and also discusses the growth of Chinese foreign direct investment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138815568

China and the Global Politics of Regionalization This volume examines the prominent role of China in global politics and the relevance of the 'new regionalism' paradigm to China's international outreach. It provides a comprehensive and critical assessment of China's impact on the global politics of regionalization offers a novel application of analytical models investigates the aspects of the Chinese practice of regionalization that set it apart and demonstrates China's transformative potential in international life. Addressing the need to 're-Orient' the research and policy agenda of international relations this comprehensive study demonstrates both the lack of language to engage with existing norms and standards and the difficulty of applying them to an evaluation of the global politics of China's 'non-Western' international agency. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315571638

China and the International SystemBecoming a World Power This book considers the evolving relationship between China and the international system and the interaction between a China of profound change in its identity capability and influence and an international system that is itself experiencing a process of far-reaching transformation. It develops an analytical framework that allows us to capture understand and explain a more dynamic pattern of agent-structure interaction in China’s relationship with the international system. By demonstrating a more dynamic and mutually constitutive relationship between China and the international system the book explores the extent to which both transform themselves in the process and provides a fuller and more effective assessment of the evolving nature of the relationship. In doing so it addresses key issues in the current literature on the relationship of China and the international system and helps close the gap in our knowledge of the conditions and consequences of change and stability in the international system as a result of the change in distributions of power capability and influence among nation-states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950573

China and the Middle EastFrom Silk Road to Arab Spring China and the Middle East uniquely explores China’s growing presence in the Middle East and both the benefits and anxiety that this presence has caused in the region as well as in the West. There are currently very few sources of reference from a Middle Eastern standpoint on the role that the China is currently playing out in the Middle East. Muhamad Olimat addresses this gap in the literature presenting an in-depth analysis of Chinese-Middle Eastern relations highlighting some of the most important events that characterize the ties between China and the Middle East and examining their relationship in key areas such as energy trade arms sales culture and politics. The title consists of 8 chapters focusing on the following topics: An Overview of Sino-Middle Eastern Relations A Theoretical Perspective A Tridimensional Approach to Sino-Middle Eastern Relations Energy Security and the Growing Demand for Oil in China Cultural Exchange: the Growing Stature of China in the Middle East Great Power Rivalry in the Middle East Challenges to Sino-Middle Eastern Relations Future Trends This title assists the understanding of the uniqueness of the Chinese model of engagement in the Middle East and develops a theoretical framework to understand analyse and predict future trends in Chinese-Middle Eastern relations. It is therefore of major interest and use to scholars post graduates and final year undergraduates of Middle East Politics Chinese Foreign Policy Sino-Middle Eastern relations China’s international relations international relations of the Middle East Middle East political economy Saudi Studies Iranian Studies American-Chinese relations and Great Powers policies toward the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857437966

China and the MongolsHistory and Legend Under the Yüan and Ming Published in 1999. A common theme linking these papers is that of the interaction of élite and popular traditions as found in the writings and folktales of Yuan and Ming China. The first studies focus on historical writings not just as topics of intellectual and cultural history but as foundations for understanding the sources of that time and seeing how earlier periods were viewed - for example in the composition of the Liao Chin and Sung histories at the Mongol-Yuan court in the 1340s. A second cluster examines a number of popular legends in which Mongol and Chinese elements can be seen to mix: the use of a bowshot in choosing a site as in the story of the founding of Peking; the legends of the foundation of the Ming dynasty; or the image and fictionalisation of the great Ming statesman Liu Chi. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138615601

China and the People's Democratic Republic of YemenA Report This report first published in 1985 was compiled by members of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) and is an interesting historical document. Because of the PDRY’s own political orientation the leadership when it came to power sought help advice and assistance from other Communist governments. Among these was China. By historical coincidence that country at the time of the PDRY’s delegation visit was engulfed in what we know as the Cultural Revolution. Very few official foreign delegations were received by the Chinese at the time and so this report becomes doubly interesting as it sheds a fascinating light on the political situation in both countries at that time. More importantly it represents one of the rare pieces of published material on China and the Arab World Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138929296

China and the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands DisputeEscalation and De-escalation This book examines the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute from a foreign policy perspective focusing on three key stakeholders: China Japan and the United States.The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute is a prominent territorial dispute between China and Japan. This book critically assesses that dispute in a pragmatic policy-oriented manner. The central question of the work focuses on the various military (direct invasion coercion) and non-military (bilateral negotiations binding and non-binding third-party options and delaying) foreign policy avenues available to China to pursue its key interests over the disputed islands. To compare and contrast these different options the book employs a qualitative rational-choice framework. This allows for a critical analysis on the merits and demerits of various options and to anticipate China’s potential course of action based on the principle that China is expected to act in a rational manner. This research offers two main contributions. First  it adopts a security-focused approach to complement the economic-focused works on the subject. Second  it critically examines the various foreign policy options as opposed to offering an avenue based on purely theoretical assumptions. While the work concludes that a delaying/status quo approach is rational for all parties involved it highlights alternative policy avenues that can build on the conclusion of the rational-choice analysis. Through this it seeks to address the possibility of escalation and de-escalation on the East China Sea and highlights the critical role pro-active foreign policy making plays in averting a negative outcome of the dispute.This book will be of much interest to students of Chinese Foreign Policy Asian Politics Security Studies and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890797

China and the Three Worlds: A Foreign Policy ReaderA Foreign Policy Reader This title was first published in 1979 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138897595

China and the Three Worlds: A Foreign Policy ReaderA Foreign Policy Reader This title was first published in 1979 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605940

China and the WestCrossroads of Civilisation Capitalist globalisation since the 1980s has produced immense benefits in terms of technical progress poverty reduction and welfare improvement. However it has been accompanied by profound contradictions including ecological destruction global warming inequality concentration of business power and financial instability. Regulation of global political economy in the interests of the majority of the world’s population is essential if the human species is to avoid a Darwinian catastrophe. This book explores China’s rich history of regulating the market in the interests of the mass of the population. For over two thousand years the Chinese bureaucracy has sought pragmatically to find a Way in which to integrate the ‘invisible hand’ of market forces with the ‘visible hand’ of ethically guided government regulation. Instead of seeking confrontation with China citizens and politicians in the West need to deepen their understanding of the contribution that China can make to globally sustainable development in the decades and centuries ahead. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138331884

China and the WestSociety and Culture 1815-1937 This penetrating study of China’s social and cultural contacts with the West first published in 1979 analyses the early images that China and the West had of one another and the illusions and misconceptions that arose from these images. The book centres on the question why did China fail to become modernised through contact with the West before the 1930s? The author examines the roles played by the agents of change – emigrants missionaries traders scholars and diplomats – and the political economic social and cultural developments which the transmission of their ideas set in motion. The book also looks at the ways in which change was frustrated by the rulers of the country the leaders of the imperial government and later the warlords politicians and followers of Chiang Kai-shek. Through the author's analysis of the complex factors involved based on extensive original research into private archive material from all over the world and his study of the influence of centuries of Chinese cultural tradition China’s slow path to modernisation is explained and illuminated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138614451

China and the World EconomyTransition and Challenges This book brings together leading international scholars and leading scholars from China’s highly prestigious Development Research Centre of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China who all put forward their insights into the current challenges for the Chinese and the world economy. The book focuses on six topics: economic growth trade industry and services innovation finance and environment and ecology all of which are central to the sustainable economic growth of China and the world. Overall the book provides balanced perspectives as well as rich empirical evidence from China and other parts of the world on the development and regulation of the Chinese and the world economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367886134

China and the World since 1945An International History The emergence of China as a dominant regional power with global influence is a significant phenomenon in the twenty-first century. Its origin could be traced back to 1949 when the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong came to power and vowed to transform China and the world. After the ‘century of humiliation’ China was in constant search of a new identity on the world stage. From alliance with the Soviet Union in the 1950s China normalized relations with America in the 1970s and embraced the global economy and the international community since the 1980s. This book examines China’s changing relations with the two superpowers Asian neighbours Third World countries and European powers. China and the World since 1945 offers an overview of China’s involvement in the Korean War the Sino-Soviet split Sino-American rapprochement the end of the Cold War and globalization. It assess the roles of security ideology and domestic politics in Chinese foreign policy and provides a synthesis of the latest archival-based research on China’s diplomatic history and Cold War international history This engaging new study examines the rise of China from a long-term historical perspective and will be essential to students of Chinese history and contemporary international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415606516

China And The WorldChinese Foreign Policy Faces The New Millennium As the postwar international system continues its dramatic transformation the fundamental question of what role China will play is becoming increasingly central. Contributors to the volume focus on the developments of the post-Tiananmen years addressing the issues raised by China's expanding and increasingly complex relationships with a rapidly c Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314941

China and Transboundary Water Politics in Asia Water-related conflicts have a long history and will continue to be a global and regional problem. Asia with 1.5 billion of its people living in shared river basins and with very few transboundary rivers governed by treaties is especially prone to such conflicts. The key to mitigating transboundary water conflicts and advancing cooperation in Asia is largely in the hands of China the upstream country for most of Asia’s major transboundary rivers. To avert the looming water crisis apart from spending billions of dollars on domestic water transfer projects such as the South–North Water Diversion Megaproject as well as on water conservancy and pollution abatement China has sought to utilize the water resources of the major rivers that run across borders with neighbouring countries. On these transboundary rivers China has built or plans to build large dams for hydroelectricity and major water diversion facilities which has triggered anxiety and complaints from downstream countries and criticism from the international society. This book aims to systematically examine the complex reality of water contestations between China and its neighbouring countries. It provides a discussion on transboundary hydropolitics beyond the state-centric geopolitical perspective to dig into various political institutional legal historical geographical and demographic factors that affect China’s policies and practices towards transboundary water issues. This book also provides a collection of comparative case studies on China’s water resources management on the Mekong River with other five riparian states in the Lower Mekong region: the Salween River with Myanmar the Brahmaputra River with India the Amur River with Russia and Mongolia the Illy and Irtysh Rivers with Kazakhstann and the Yalu and Tumen Rivers with North Korea. Furthermore this book sheds light on China’s future role in global water governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375591

China as a Maritime Power This is the first comprehensive study of the maritime aspects of China's national power. Drawing from extensive Chinese source materials and a large volume of recently declassified US. intelligence reports Commander Muller looks at China's rise to strategic and economic power at sea since 1945. For each of three major periods in modern Chinese history (1945 to the Sino-Soviet break 1960 to the Lin Biao incident and 1971 to the present) Commander Muller examines the evolution of Chinese maritime power from five perspectives: He recounts naval history in detail; analyzes naval strategy; reveals the key role of maritime economics; dissects internal navy politics; and addresses China's maritime foreign relations. A final chapter considers the implications of China's new status as a maritime power with regard to a possible Sino-Soviet war the Taiwan issue economic growth and regional territorial conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367015060

China as the Workshop of the WorldAn Analysis at the National and Industrial Level of China in the International Division of Labor Is China becoming the "workshop of the world" in the same way as Britain and the United States once were; or is China – as some multinational companies believe – simply a processing segment in global production networks? This book examines China’s role in the international division of labor: it analyzes the scale and scope of China’s manufacture; the type and relative sophistication of its exports in the world market; and its position in the global value chain. It shows that China monopolizes industrial production by being the processing center of world. Based on extensive original research this book examines the structure of production in global manufacturing industries applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. It analyzes each segment of the value chain exploring in depth several specific industrial sectors. It concludes that China has become deeply integrated into global manufacturing industry; that China’s position in the value chain is still quite low with relatively low research and development (R&D) and other similar high-value activities; but that in some sectors China is catching up rapidly especially in newly emerging sectors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138816855

China as the World Factory Few countries have integrated into the world economy as fast – or as dramatically – as China has since 1978. The world’s most populous country is emerging as a world workshop and export machine: a visit to a department store in any country will unearth a plethora of goods manufactured in the People’s Republic. China is now the world’s fourth largest exporting nation.  In this important book Kevin Zhang brings together an international team of contributors to analyze this development process. Taking a thematic approach the book covers: * manufacturing exports and the world workshop* foreign capital and china’s industrial development* challenges from the WTO and openness. This topical analysis will be an excellent resource for postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of Asian and Chinese studies export studies and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514620

China at a ThresholdExploring Social Change in Techno-Social Systems Once the world’s most technologically advanced civilisation China is poised to yet again take this mantle having made incredible technological strides over recent decades; but what does this in fact mean? What will this mean for Chinese society and what ramifications might it have for the future? This book offers an account of social change under the growing influence of communications technology in media-saturated urban China. The challenges presented by the rise of technology and its pervasive nature in the mediation of all facets of everyday life pose questions not just for Chinese society but for all contemporary media societies. Drawing on theories from the philosophy of technology and conceptual tools from political anthropology this title moves beyond debates surrounding mediative technology as a liberating or malevolent force. China at a Threshold addresses academic concerns surrounding communications technology and state control looking for an interpretative approach to understand the role media might play in social change so that we might ascertain its impact on social relations. Urging a reconsideration in our understanding of technology as neither liberative nor oppressive the author advances a proposal that brings social forces into play in their own right. Taking inspiration from thinkers in philosophy and anthropology this title investigates storytelling and liminal characters as real agents in social change so that we might identify alternative forces for change not reducible to technological impact or human proclivity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138740785

China At The Crossroadsnationalists And Communists 1927-1949 Concentrating on a transitional epoch 1927–1949 when China was at the crossroads of revolution this book analyzes the Kuomintang's inherent weaknesses as a revolutionary force and the Communists' success in the quest for new formulas to guide the modernization movement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171063

China at War 1901-1949 Few phases of history were as heavy with implications for the world at large than the turbulent years through which China moved from the overthrow of the last imperial dynasty in 1911 through anarchy civil war and invasion to the final triumph of the Communists in 1949 - yet few periods are as little known by the wider world and so little understood. Professor Dreyer's impressive account of China at war is both an important contribution to this new series of studies of modern wars in their full political social and ideological contexts and also a valuable introduction to the birth- confused bloody and painful as it was - of the future superpower. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138836310

China Briefing 1981 This book is an offshoot of the media activities of the China Council of The Asia Society in 1981. It provides a quick multifaceted portrait that covers not only politics economics and foreign policy but also society culture and personalities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168803

China Briefing 1982 This book provides a brief overview of events in the People's Republic of China (PRC) since mid-1981. It includes essays that focus on underlying trends and key issues in the PRC and the island of Taiwan. The book is useful for business executives tourists and students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367019648

China Briefing 1984 China Briefing 1984 aims to increase American understanding of Chinese life culture and society; to counter stereotypical thinking about China; and to provide a non-partisan source of information for those seeking to understand or explain China to the American public. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367156169

China Briefing 1985 China Briefing 1985 approaches the events of the previous year providing a long-term perspective on the dramatic developments of spring and summer 1984. Senior China specialists examine the student demonstrations and their aftermath in the larger context of the 40-year history of the People's Republic of China and also reflect on future directions Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367156381

China Briefing 1987 China Briefing 1987 reviews the events and trends of the year 1987 in foreign relations domestic politics the economy foreign investment and technology transfer defense and culture. It is essential reading for travelers bound for China business executives and journalists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367156732

China Briefing 1988 China Briefing 1988 approaches the events of the previous year differently from past volumes in the series providing a long-term perspective on the dramatic developments of spring and summer 1987. Senior China specialists examine the student demonstrations and their aftermath in the larger context of the 40-year history of the People's Republic o Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153076

China Briefing 1989 China Briefing 1989 approaches the events of the previous year differently from past volumes in the series providing a long-term perspective on the dramatic developments of spring and summer 1988. Senior China specialists examine the student demonstrations and their aftermath in the larger context of the 40-year history of the People's Republic o Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153304